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Sunday we’ll have our last conversation and drink our last cup of coffee someday we might be eating and the different things we used to say all the memories It’ll be the last day One day it could be over the moon again It’ll be the last day Oh my God we’re late um all right well guys I’m not gonna lie I’m barely awake but um hold on let me unmute how do you know I don’t know he’s like oh it’s okay I’ll look it up for you oh mid around 14.5 pounds all right guys come on come

On I’m streaming by the way I’m streaming welcome oops oops here’s bubbles by the way I put it on our group chat um thanks gotcha yes I’m barely alive have you ever watched I used to waking up this early what’d you call me um have you ever watched Friends Jay no

You should watch him he’s so funny you are the only one second who’s the squad it’s gonna be yeah it’s gonna pay me a John five up uh sleepy and Timmy oh sleep eye is The Only Name crossed on the [ __ ] server oh uh Sleepy’s not here yet apparently guys

I’m barely awake I don’t know how this is gonna go um it’s really funny and he made it so that when you cue nuke like all the fun boys Q nuke the demographic of the math entirely it used to be like a giga racist map and like everyone just says

The n-word but now they go sleepy so I’ll come boys nuke now um a few short match nukes but we have to be low ELO I think yeah I’m like I’m like silver Elite oh yeah okay I don’t know um you know everyone just woke up guys it’s morning

I think Sleepy’s still a little sleepy I definitely am I don’t even have a [ __ ] cool anyway uh we’re playing Block Wars I don’t know exactly what this is five up told me it’s kind of like MCC but a little different so get up um get up we’ll see how it goes I

Think our team is called the fuchsia frogs Yeah five up We’re using the V2 model today because it’s really early in the morning and I just barely woke up what are you gonna do to me huh I don’t know how we’re gonna play guys sometimes I feel like I sleep better I sleep better oh my God okay still waking up um

I feel like I play better in the morning sometimes I feel like and um yo guys I’m gonna call It Maybe not maybe I don’t is that cool um you guys want ASAP Rocky yeah let me just uh I don’t know what the games are I didn’t

Prepare for this at all guys I I have no idea what to expect oh wait here are the games he’s like go to Apex battle game oh yeah oh yeah these game I think five-up said he linked the bubbles I mean right now where the [ __ ]

Sleepy let me set those up really cool yeah um we’re done oh my we’re so they’re docking points from us the docking points from us participation points no no okay got that Yasmine Minecraft is in full screen it’s gonna pause when I’m out dad but let’s look at the game modes who’s done

Who’s played this before we got party mode how’s it going like what um no I think no no I haven’t played this at all oh hardcore weren’t good for a good time yeah yeah have any questions leave before is that thing where you get a light run you

Just float around for a while not at all what I think the last time I played was like in 2015. wait I thought you get the electron you just fly around for a while that’s a rocket sleeve that’s a different game but it has the word Spleef in it

This really shows how unprepared what is Sky Zone there’s frisbee golf wait what you zip lines to go to floating islands with loots like when you break the ground PVP until you’re the last team standing here race okay we can do race I haven’t practiced guys I’m

Not gonna lie I I haven’t practiced it’s early in the morning we’re gonna do what we can we’re Team fuchsia frogs out here and we’re gonna do uh we’re gonna do everything we can and then we’re gonna play some Zelda after maybe some other games you know about Joel yeah Joel oh

Look a little fish things these things break dancing all right John come here what do you how do you move in Minecraft let’s see who we’re up against guys so my team is fuchsia frogs we got five up Timmy me John and sleepy pretty good team I mean we’re not really Minecraft

Minecrafters other than five up but John and Timmy did pretty good sleepy has apparently been in this before and I just got invited because I’m friends with them uh anyway the Scarlet the sharks now this someone’s going to get offended by this I don’t really recognize most of

Them so but then again I don’t keep up with Minecraft too much I don’t know if these are pro Minecraft players I I don’t know them too well okay I want you to zoom in and then use yourself I don’t know most of them either here either I

Like dark eyebrows that’s funny sounding boost okay wait Boomer ant Frost snig and puns okay well we’re not getting first place I’m just gonna we ain’t getting first place here guys we got Anne Frost Boomer sneak and puns here uh so we’re not getting first place but we’ll go for

And we got purple tubbo okay we’re not getting second place either um we’ll go for a solid third maybe except that wait Captain Sparkles Pete and car and red velvet okay so we’re not getting third plays either we’ll go for fourth place maybe go for a fourth Illumina

We’ll go for a fifth place here we’ll go for a fifth place guys uh I believe this guy is if I remember right on the MCC training server Illumina was faster than everybody they were faster than dream or even George uh which is which is crazy I

Mean it was only on one course so overall you know that maybe they’re not as crazy but still um ready check wow and Captain Sparkles I used to listen to his Minecraft music videos all right guys so we’re gonna go for a solid fourth fifth place Open uh at least our team has high energy that’s good Captain Sparkles is my childhood me too actually I didn’t know he’d be in this thing uh that’s kind of cool I used to listen to his so I didn’t watch him too much uh just for his game playing

But I would see a lot of his uh Minecraft yeah music videos he did like parody covers of a lot of songs and like no joke I wouldn’t even hear the original song Sometimes and I’ll just hear the Captain Sparkles version um why is everyone spamming question marks in the chat everything

This proximity to Discord uh this is Discord this is pretty much it’s very similar to MCC from what I’ve been told randomly but here’s a getting ready with me I will say the biggest difference is there’s five people per team I don’t think we’re going to win

I mean I’m looking at the teams here guys it’s uh it ain’t looking good like purple and tubble are extremely good I don’t know the rest of his team too well but those two are absolute Maniacs red is really good right now Tara I think we played with once it’s pretty good

Um and then Captain Sparkles just known for Minecraft I haven’t seen it myself but he’s got to be good at Frost this team is cracked I think this team’s got the best chance to win throwing your teammates up they’re too quiet okay um I suppose I should make tea well

Five of drinks tea all right I suppose I should have a Red Bull what John what are you sponsored or something tonight give you wings wait Timmy’s actually sponsored isn’t he yeah okay yeah I’m gonna drink a Red Bull and jump off a bridge and have wings and fly away

And I’m gonna live right oh my God I’m flying okay literally flying so we should be starting soon I don’t know who’s not here yet um um oh as a professional okay no guys this is gonna go bad professional my movement sucks now I didn’t practice

At all okay I thought this was a really casual thing I’m Gonna Be Honest Kids not to pin this on anybody but when five up asked me to play block wars we’re gonna be here okay I thought it was really casual I thought we were gonna go

On high pixels I thought we were going on high pixel and just uh you can fly what’s it called I thought we were going on Hypixel and just like playing some Bed Wars for like an hour I thought it was like like I he definitely he didn’t tell me what it was

He was like hey you want to play block wars and I was like yeah sure that sounds fun I thought we were just gonna get on like a Minecraft custom server do some Bed Wars a little bit of trolling around you know I I thought that’s all we’d be doing yeah

Really casual there um everyone is ready to play they just locked you in psych I miss seeing you on camera in 26 times I was on cam yesterday it’s only been a day man but the biggest thing is it’s really early and I wouldn’t even be streaming yeah

Oh like there’s no way I was gonna be ready this early guys Oh the music’s kind of going and I turn it louder music it sounds uh everyone ready Block Wars game music I was quiet turn it up boys turn it up let me I’ll put you up like I got a mic check I’m ready I’m ready I I for sure

Have morning voice right now too so oh I got a beeping noise um oh wait mine’s kind of kind of bored sometimes for only for Discord it’s weird they also have you got 200 Is the game started oh my God 10. 200 sleepy there’s a dude just straight up named Greninja who’s that oh it’s time guys block war Five Guys I can’t wait to play block war five yeah I was gonna say that it looks like a five you guys have been very rated in some

[ __ ] right now okay we’re going in boys hey the music is kind of a pika Jammer oh yeah they do like little team uh what’s it called little spotlights you guys can do whatever you want you’ll be the center of attention okay Wow they’re showing us all the games finale if you make it the final game is like Bridges so you both sides have like faces I guess if you jump in the whole Square point for your team so it’s like kind of Defending and you’re also trying to get to the other side

If we get there yeah all the newcomers that’s us yeah who’s that yo what up wait sneak is a newcomer no way no way puns is a newcomer no way man no way how is puns a newcomer yeah Timmy oh that’s me that’s me where’s John where’s John

This is this is kind of funny okay wait that’s all the newcomers half of the newcomers were on our team yeah worry about it don’t worry about it oh oh okay okay I can’t help but notice that like wait a minute wait a minute that’s all

The new players and half of them were literally just on our theme well this is gonna feel great because we are tested we are warriors we are an exclusive third place team blue bears third place that’s that’s ambitious yeah This is kind of cool I like this construction order up order up oh do we stand where we want to vote yeah okay guys safe race and stuff for last that’s the only one I’ll be semi-decent at oh so we’re trying to choose the ones we’re bad at right now

Right wait wait wait wait is it based off points like last time like yeah I’m gonna suck it down no no I’m saying I’m saying like the the point values right now oh they go higher yeah they go higher the later on they are all right

We should do this one because Okay order up order up how do I throw my cat there you go wait they got TNT they killed the cat is that legal yeah oh does this push people Mal sorry Pete it’s another personal okay I voted for the I voted for order up

You have to stand in it what was the point of the cat I thought you put your cat there no it’s an extra boat oh we got we got order up anyway we got I thought the cat was the vote so John did you watch the video right oh okay so

You’re gonna help me cook you’re gonna be in the kitchen with me it’s time to cook John it’s time to cook you ever watch Breaking Bad never mind yes why not do exactly wait we just cooked this food here this is easy no we need to go down and gather it All right Timmy I want you to kill all the animals and bring their flesh to us uh okay sleepy get um get like Farm stuff no fish okay uh so can you get like fish and apples I get the fish and apples and then uh John you’re gonna you’re

Gonna help me cook I think it’s trying to teach us how to play The Abe oh my gosh look there’s Abe wait Abe’s here I don’t know it says deliver it to baboabe wait there he is look look at Dave’s oh my God they killed him they killed him

What I’m trying to do for years yo mod Grace he’s a boss yeah after that you’re gonna you don’t take damage so you just want to kill that it like helps us upgrade our furnaces this sounds complicated it’s a this is the most complicated game that’s why

We’re doing it first because it’s worth the least okay I think I’ll do decent on like race yeah it’s gonna be me and John Gathering the crops okay is there like audio going on like how are we supposed to know what’s what they’re like explaining

I’m just reading the text chat but um oh we have to read I lost I’m barely oh no Timmy oh no that wasn’t in the instructions you need to mine your own coal okay yeah you’re gonna mine coal for us and then also like get fish right right

Okay first thing like there’s the golden build which is wait has the game started that the timer’s oh the 30 seconds okay plan it out okay okay so um five fish I’ll do the fish get five fish get five fish five minutes potato okay mushrooms carrot golden carrot

Potato cake uh you know I’ll do the fish I can do the fish yeah fish apples we have time should I get gold they sleep you know what skin do you have in mind look at that frog are you Asuna from Sword Art Online when you guys oh right your favorite

Character right right hold on yeah a question all right so when you like come over here this is where we jump down seven seconds jump down wait won’t we just die you don’t jump down I think go everyone go where am I where how do you use oh you clicking

I’m in boys I’m whipping up like weeds and stuff uh fish yeah we need to get mushroom or I’m sorry a fish for us looking for fish oh by the water I see it oh I need the brown mushrooms you want me to do anything else let me know

Because I remember last time the music’s kind of a pika Jammer mushrooms in your inventory okay I’m gathering I’m gathering coal guys I got dozens do you have uh fish yet dozens of cult no I have coal though okay yeah we need the fish can you do the orders uh out of order

[ __ ] you uh yeah you can do it out of orders the golden builds are worth more oh wait shouldn’t we be doing the golden then yeah it’s like how many cards do you have uh five I have five of each yeah I think I’m pretty sure we’re just like

Yeah here take the coal too take the cool tunes and arrows you grab all that junk I’m gonna go gather more stuff all right shouldn’t I go back cooking yeah I was gonna say should I go back and give you this right now yeah yeah start

Helping me cook um and then I gather Goods uh just put it in the chest when you’re ready for the like the delivery chest what um what else do we need 20 16 carrots mushrooms in the chest okay uh I’ll start making cake I’m gonna gather everything just impulsively I I don’t

Even know if I need it yeah just just click everything yeah just gather everything you can’t go wrong there’s a spider there’s a spider yeah we have an overflow of items and then people starve and that’s okay okay I got potatoes carrots getting carrots keep Gathering more stuff like more uh food

Worst case scenario we donated it to the food got carrots again Brown mushroom anybody need anybody have any wheat or a sugar okay sugar anything already I got a lot of weeds get the boss battle get the boss I can always smoke the boss okay how how well are we doing like

You just jump in this hole is this the boss yeah we got to start delivering Critical with that critical I you’re gonna kill me yeah ow why is it so tanky we got it we got it nice quick use the upgrades how do we get back to the thing oh does it have

Potatoes I know we got potatoes yeah I’m bringing it back and bring it back to the Cook here guys take this is there anything the delivery I threw everything down I threw everything down yeah oh I’ll do cooking hold on I I was on my way to I’m gonna

Make um the uh do we do we need more stuff I’m gonna get more meat if we gather enough do we like should we come help cooking [ __ ] too wait don’t we need uh we need buckets for cake don’t we no uh milk at the base because like

Can someone can someone bring can someone bring more uh lamb okay I’m bringing it I’m bringing it yeah how much do we need I got like I mean we need one more I’m gonna make a cake right now I’ve ever played in my life what wait hold up I’m gonna make I’m

Gonna make this mushrooms potatoes sugar I got stuff I’m gonna oh you just put it in the chest okay I put it on the chest okay I have sugar I’m gonna gather more junk lay on we need the money all right [ __ ] get these apples dropping your cake or

Uh dropping you sugar in the chest yeah how do you make a bowl what I’m Focus how do you make a bowl all right number one delivering to uh can you even see I I hate I hate this guy thank God we’re doing this one first

Oh thank God we’re doing this one first guys Um those oh this is wait this is time based and it’s how many points you get yeah yeah I thought we just finished it we’re done I shouldn’t have been slacking so much no yeah oh God oh God okay I’m gathering everything I’m gathering everything yeah I can put it in uh

Yeah I’m doing seven I’m saying yeah do we have the bread I have the cookies yeah I’m doing the but I’m doing the bow right now okay we need as soon as it’s done what do we need diet chicken uh we need a fish we need potatoes then um Cajun potatoes yeah okay

Everything okay okay I’m getting some more fish you had like a sound of destruction oh wait wait oh someone upgrade the furnaces we need more animals we need more animals I haven’t I haven’t been going to kill the animals I’m cooking mutton wait that’s my inventory is full

I didn’t even realize your inventory could be full you get more animals I put in a smoker okay I’m coming with the animals potatoes and mushies okay let’s go get some animals guys animal time uh we’re gonna start needing more coal here soon I can get cold and chest I’ll put four

I’m yawning for the mine do we have a chicken yeah yeah I’m doing chicken right now I’m bringing tons of animal Meats as soon as uh all right we’re Gathering animal meat I have a yearned your urine do we have any sugar or not yeah I’m making kicker now okay let’s

Get the rabbits that you got that stick we need a mutton still Jesus Gathering Gathering I’ll be back with like how many do you need like a lot or a little bit Yeah Yeah the furnace the furnace oh okay you got it you got it okay

Shop all this stuff and I’ll cook all this stuff he’s cooking all right let’s go deeper oh this is the delivery I gotta go back to the farm you can smoke yeah I’m getting hey how’s that boss going guys we need fish we need fish okay I’m

Coming back with fish we got two more options yeah someone got upgrade after the button I’m gonna deliver my now get the sugar get the sugar yeah oh fish do we have a steak done or no oh wait I have two upgrades fish salmon do we have any fish Gathering Gathering fish

Gathering fish yeah we need we need two fish we need two fish okay we need three fish also uh for the other one one fish all right we need more fish how do I upgrade we need more fish quick um you can go over here um

Okay uh fish you’re coming Fisher in the pot Fisher in the pot two more yeah I’ll get more of that too or not okay is there any point in single targeting yeah no I feel like the total spawn rate will go down if we I’m nice and don’t kill everything okay matone

Died they kill the pigs kill the Sheep kill the sheeps the grass blocked it okay this this game mode is stardew Valley from you dude right honestly pretty accurate you do you have the little boss to fight everyone yeah yeah you have the dungeon you go to the mines okay

I got that a rabbit okay coming up bring the food back I’m bringing back a good chunk of stuff I need one more oh my goodness okay um oh my God we’re out of uh there you go okay going to go kill the entire population uh I put a bunch of chicken

Yeah yeah yeah okay maybe anyways because it’s helpful sleepy can focus on the the like uh what’s it called it vegetables the vegetables and I’ll get the meat and then Shirley will have enough of everything we need we need fish I’m pretty sure Gathering fish Gathering do

You need a card we need a card the exactly we’ve caught in the uh caught in the chest what this fish is flying um okay yeah we need more we need more we need yeah they’re on the way they’re on the way just uh pork chops in the chest

Getting as many as I can before I return I’m gonna make bread I’m making better now okay here we go here we go we eat chicken we need 21 orders sorry 41 orders of chicken many chicken we need chicken I mean apples apples okay we got a ton of

Fish ton of fish coming here now delivery Okay uh I can get apples apples are easy you just break these what do we need still I need another pork chop pork chops yeah it’s not pork apples tons of apples this is cooked where’s the pork chops you say I got 14 apples and one bread one steak

One pork chop not until I cooked to who uh to 15 seconds apples in the Box guys apples in the I don’t know never mind apples not in the Box there’s no space did we take the apples they’re they’re there they’re there oh wait this thing’s over in like three seconds episodes

Oh did we lose that was insane wow guys we did amazing look at the leaderboard I think that if we were a real wait working oiled machine of a uh we probably would have gone under we got we got six we got six guys that wasn’t bad yeah the game

It was our first time doing it it was our first time doing it okay that was our warm-up we got it okay hey we did our best guys but that was our first time trying it I don’t really know people all legends start slow I think we

Needed two people going out actually no three people going two people grabbing resources two people making and then one person just goes back and forth and delivers yeah that’s the exact roster we had I think yeah but then like um I think I think people in the kitchen

Needed to calm like what we needed more yeah people in the kitchen [ __ ] you yeah because I think we were just grabbing random stuff and bringing it back yeah that’s pretty much what I was doing I was putting stuff and I was going back listen we didn’t get last place guys not bad

My my inventory was just full of [ __ ] that I didn’t think I was like what the [ __ ] is this that was a good game mode it was a little confusing but I mean anything will be our first time doing it I did enjoy it yeah I liked it more than

Build Mart not that that’s the point no not that the competition’s stiff that we name changed the fuchsia fem boys okay I’m downtown the golden gorillas what’s this this time who’s this for us we didn’t request them damn we’re losers scarletta sharks wait is this ball

Generally just makes is this all fan art from uh from people [ __ ] dweebs all right guys look this is the purple Pelicans where’s fan art guys you know we got stuff yeah five up take us to the yeah no we got fan art you guys should come back to the fan art

Section oh never mind oh oh it was there we just didn’t see it because they teleported us yeah wait we do have fan art it’s just because it was posted an hour ago here I can show you guys how’s it doing skull emojis oh wait what is happening to me

What is happening to me oh you don’t think it’s minimizing what are we voting for five up lead us lead us there we go wait what’s happening oh [ __ ] I’m stuck what are we voting for we vote for Spleef because you guys don’t feel comfortable with it yeah I don’t like I’m comfy

I’m in E3 mode I’m stuck I’m glitched uh what what is happening Sam are you getting what I’m getting I think I grabbed somebody oh wait I grabbed purple I grabbed purple these on me well how did how did that aim how do I fix this what happened okay um

So this is standard sleep and then the third one so is this your coffee ASMR still so this is gonna be tough guys so is this the regular people you run around or I think you’re trying mainly yeah you’re trying to knock people off the platform this is like you have

Snowballs and you have shelves what the [ __ ] you can’t like Melee people this is gonna go bad this is gonna go really bad I’m broken that’s me oh nice you got him sleepy wait Noob wait I’m stuck in E3 mode I don’t know wait it’s me against sneaking

F5 no I’m stuck like I have a developer like E3 cinematic aim I don’t know everything’s like Smooth oh press F1 okay okay I’m like zoomed in I’m like slow TNT Spleef wait um hold on what is it open yeah guys I’m gonna say we’re probably gonna lose on

This I’m expecting to do half decent on the race map okay this is like people are going to be rude too they’re going to run up to you and like constantly run around that area you’ll get a feel for it as soon as you get mined under one level but if you

Like break every block nearby you and they can they break yourself yeah you can Island yourself uh but people can’t throw snowballs and the Snowballs will knock you back and also like yeah so people can break their app people can people underneath you like a floor below you can throw snowballs up

And break the floor blade all right and then uh there’s a border eventually that comes in and like Auto deletes blocks look at how nice this looks okay I’m gonna grief John right off the wrist wait I thought it would teleport me to you guys though what do we do now

Help I got a shovel I got a shovel yeah this ain’t good these dudes are going wacko this ain’t good this thing here this thing here this thing oh god there you go this ain’t good I’ve made a barrier I’ve made a barrier I’m safe I’m safe I made a barrier

I got on my puns guys I can’t die I can’t die I’ve made a like John’s going crazy up there Pokemon [ __ ] man no oh no I’m like I’m like 25 floors below oh God oh God guys guys this dude’s aggressive who is this guy who is

This guy he hates me I’m getting poned hey get back here I took that personally I took that personally get back here who is this if you get kills two kills are pretty open points oh I’m Not Dead there’s a ton of layers yeah there’s like 5500 layers you’re chilling

My teammates were like there’s like 55 layers so I’m like I looked down I’m like guys I think it’s the final one this this is the last layer this guy kills me as I’m looking down shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have done that but to be fair I’ve never played this

Mode before so I I was curious I was curious they said there’s 55 layers our team can still win now we’re in last place um I mean how are the points calculated even is it by killing people or surviving or there’s a recoil oh God

Our team’s gonna do it I think if they all survive it’s probably like Fall Guys where the longer you last the more points yes guys yeah yeah they’re lasting long I will say I’m the only one who’s died so far oh wait no Timmy also died my team feel a little less fast

These teal guys are at the very top yeah these guys are cracked I mean purple is there purple’s really good we saw him in MCC before um they all have strategies oh man look at how long they’ve lasted up here look but it doesn’t matter guys it doesn’t

Matter because they can fall down all those layers like look if you land right here you’ll fall straight to the bottom yeah I went from like on on top straight to the bottom I tell you we’re still in dead last place but we need to focus up here because uh

It’s only three months yeah there’s like a round two right I mean there’s We were the first ones to get eliminated guys I underperformed my bad honestly I just immediately died hell no this is the team that’s like the strongest team the purple one is it worth going it does have illuminum AFK um oh yeah what if we pretend to be AFK and

Then they won’t uh defenseless um I think I see you I’m yeah I’m over here okay this is our area you’ll have fun did I get a shovel again oh build a wall I mean uh moat fill the wall oh God that’s me that’s me oh God oh God

This round I wanna get like 54. I want to get a nuke I’m here to help you oh yeah yeah I’m getting this guy I’m getting this guy he’s just jumping over my traps oh my God guys I’m building a section I’m building a moat wait leave that over

There yeah not again man it’s like an Escape Route I’m building a mode no It’s okay you stay up you stay up okay okay offhand snowballs offense no ball so you can die die oh my God it’s purple he wants to be friendly he wants to be friendly you got a problem are you like good old purple guys good old purple uh we’ll stick

Together we’ll stick together here let’s um I don’t think he’s trying to kill me he did the Crouch maneuver that’s that’s a friendly gesture known in all of gaming I’m cozy no stay back stay back bad stay back I’m crazy I’m crazy man I’m crazy get this guy blast him with the balls

Blast them with the Snowballs he’s blasting back he’s blasted nice nice we got him build the fort five up build the fort this is yeah no one comes near us nobody stay back double oh wait it’s double he’s friendly he’s friends under me no I’m digging don’t let don’t let the

Yellow team near they’re aggressive they’re aggressive they are they are they yellow team’s aggressive they’re they’re upset with us um okay five up we might need to go closer to the center but things are looking good no it breaks under me I think we’ve got a temporary truce with a teal team like

Purple then tubbo they’re friendly balls at him throw balls at that guy throw balls at him wait they’re throwing balls at us oh God oh God I tried a third of them fall fall demon oh God he didn’t fall he didn’t fall am I allowed to ghost on this

Yeah turn it on turn it on guys I survived pretty long this time I’m on the final layer damn oh God oh God okay I think at this point we split up I think at this point we split up go to different Corners oh my God he wouldn’t fall I might have

Been dead I’m dead got Timmy Timmy that’s me Timmy Timmy I want you to go to the right side on the stats page and tell me how many kills you have yeah do you get points for killing your teammates zero kills but he killed three of them did Timmy

This guy only pvps he only pvps he doesn’t know how to stop it this one’s a little bit different oh God oh God What about when I was yelling out Timmy that’s me it’s not working I just fell down a lot oh no with a rocket launcher oh with the rocket launcher okay go back up a layer yeah oh instructions unclear instructions unclear uh was not explaining to me I

Kept shooting at the floor and I kept falling down as the instructions were unclear I’m gonna say it instructions themselves I think oh god oh that was the fastest death guys we’re getting last play wait we’re not last place look we’re somehow not last place

Actually oh my God so I was using the wrong apparently you had to use the number three weapon I was using number one which is why I was just falling and then by the time I used the number three I was already at the bottom and it’s

Just over but at least we know for next time unfortunately that was the final round in this event so um I’m just gonna say I’m shocked that we’re not in last place considering Timmy literally wiped his whole team that’s us his team and then I just killed myself on the last round

Um and we’re somehow not in last place so I mean honestly we’re doing well like this is too funny get him sneak oh wow he fell highlighted w ow um doing well oh wait you can shoot each other directly with the bow nice sand Frost nice

Oh this is bad he might be dead I can’t believe how many people on our team are still alive guess what we’re catching up guys if you guys stay alive I think we could we could easily catch up maybe and they’re only like 100 points

Behind oh aim for the Green Team oh it fell [ __ ] oh let’s see how are our teammates doing I got you sleepy oh here we go here’s five up oh no five bucks up at the top still actually he’s doing well oh he was doing well um

Sorry oh God everyone’s slowly dying I mean there’s not much space to stand on anymore so my brain was like overloaded dude it’s like 16 gigs of RAM trying to run [ __ ] OverWatch can’t man I’m dead it’s up to oh we got eliminate these are [ __ ] awesome okay

Honestly we didn’t get last it’s not bad I killed three that one honestly good good round yeah it’s good we really pulled it back together that round like oh okay we get all the bad games out and then we rake in the dough later on boys because

The points later are like yeah the points later like triple points this is one time this one all three this one is so much yeah I like this one a lot more so much fun I died immediately but I liked it more because I would have done better Hey guys we’re not last place that’s that’s good that’s good okay these are like the rest of the games are easy peasy for us yeah we’re like good at the like the race mode let us let us loose on the race mode we’re gonna wait we’re almost last we’re like 20

Points we’re second to last yo Ray s will kind of go crazy though we’re good at race mode aren’t we yeah people are good at racing this people are really good at wait what are you allowed to practice well they’ve played the map before well it’s it’s altered but like people are

Just too bro 32 what wait guys I’m probably dead last like I straight up have just insta died motion sorry PVP is huh well let me go check my uh personal stuff how do they balance teams are there no balance system there’s no balance they’re let’s see I mean

Minecrafters so to say where’s the score is that oh there we go those are games okay check out the fan art the most unfamiliar movie scores how do I check my score it’s on the bench by the fan art angle cut corner the bench I don’t know where to check your scores

I thought it’d be on record crazy let’s see so I’m gonna say since our team is near last place oh my God I am currently in I think it’s following me 37. you like move well it’s like it’s like a ghost what we’re not last guys the point

Multiplier went up so these will be worse 1.5 yeah 1.5 we were in um um we should do what is extraction that’s our game that is that okay yeah we’re good at that one that one’s killing right um yeah that one that one’s like wait

Can we save the Quake one for last I feel like that one will just pop what is dance John what is dance stop and turn around not battle not battle we could do well we’ll probably suck at construction right like that seems different we want that game to get skipped overall so like

Oh okay yeah everyone’s it’s either race or construction here yeah we want racism I got killed guys I think someone straight up murdered me oh it might be construction I think it’s construction it’s construction oh God we we didn’t want this one this game mode well

Oh it was by three eyeballs don’t work in this game okay oh this is gonna be bad guys how good is your memorization everybody like of building things it’s something you build right yeah this is the one where you build so it’s gonna go great this is fine it’s speed building speed building

There’s a practice indeed building a single practice Road what the oh wait why would you do the white just do the blue green and then fill in white yep try and think about like caboodle what are you doing um you can help your boys well this seems

Easy I can definitely build a square but can you build a square fast it’s like yeah it’s a quick game well I can build the square oh you build okay I don’t know about the Fast Parts yeah so sleepy like the right side I’m gonna

Be here oh my God all right I got this plot guys I’m ready um okay uh oh my God I’m so slow yeah you can punch it once if you mess up does it have to be in the exact people are already done Jesus

Oh my God I’m missing I see I see okay okay oh my God they are fast they are fast Jesus yeah that was practice okay oh wait that was the practice Yeah I was going slow on purpose yeah same same yeah that’s why I was so slow

Like I wasn’t taking it seriousness it was a practice Yeah so we can help each other so you have time to memorize and then you place okay so I would place like the black it’s a Diglett a Diglett okay okay started [ __ ] up oh hey thanks wait Timmy that was quick I got you oh sure all right all right good job I’m winning over my head okay Center plus and then around okay oh God oh God it’s hard because I’m how are on Earth are people done already

On what planet are they done how are you guys so fast we’re just messed up I’m pressing myself oh you didn’t think who don’t give it to me oh my God I didn’t see that oh wait it started already no no not yet oh okay okay I was

Panicking because it switched my stuff uh um uh one two uh pink pink pink uh one two pink uh nine seconds not bad what am I missing no you oh this one’s complicated this one’s tricky uh one two um pink pink [ __ ] my shoes uh um three four five six um Oh Oh wrong one wrong what okay oh thank God oh gosh oh gosh oh uh wait you’re good right yeah we’re all good aren’t we a TNT a TNT this is easy this is easy this is easy okay um and then uh nine seconds flat Okay XX sand love X uh sand oh God oh God orange not lava oh thank God thank God Wait I messed up oh God I messed up so bad help me help him help him what happened oh oh the light of the sand uh sand sand

Oh [ __ ] oh God oh God oh my God we’re cooked we’re cooked oh yeah this is easy this is easy it’s just it in line in line in line okay how did you mess up it’s a line I got it okay okay this one’s weird champ this one’s a little weird champ

Um zigzag concrete okay okay uh there there and then this what I do wrong oh [ __ ] oh oh thank you what on Earth uh it’s it’s two lines of concrete and then who who Jesus is in the center too oh my God I did it backwards I did it backwards

It’s in the center twos in the center too yeah yeah oh thanks thanks okay okay rose rose it’s a y it’s a y a fork a forked tongue of a snake oh good good okay uh and then and then this this and then okay we’re good uh let’s see

Square it’s a little dude little dude little man okay this uh and then uh um I did something wrong I did something wrong I don’t know what uh oh okay oh it’s the gay flag yellow okay yellow yellow this is not yellow this is not yellow uh

I just woke up I just woke up it’s because my brain is not ready for this I did boom oh god oh this is actually hard this is actually hard um okay okay this Corners corners and then three one two three one two three okay and then uh Pink yellow green

Red nice nice Timmy is insanely fast like nah I’m I’m [ __ ] dick um okay and then this red uh little thing and then uh Diamond uh obsidian obsidian [ __ ] did I do wrong oh my God I was too I was too high up one last two

Okay I was up one hole I was up one hole this is uh manka monka okay that’s griefington oh that’s that’s unfortunate that’s unfortunate yeah I went up one um they’ve all done that too two top right okay okay uh and then lines here lines here okay six seconds

Oh yeah I’m almost done almost done like how much does that [ __ ] blood over there oh Jesus that he has him get a hand crap is it a butthole what’s wrong okay one four corners and then three okay and then this this goes in the center and then the the steel around it

Okay that Timmy is so hey I tried it I gotcha three one okay okay nice nice okay A Little Flower a little flower a little flower Little Flower yeah a little flower okay and then uh um uh was it these these yeah nice nice middle this this one’s easy this one’s

Easy like I would build this in the actual game [ __ ] oh oh look game over we did it we did it we did it first so I can then uh wait we got last yeah how do we get last I feel like we were pretty quick I no not at all

I felt like we did it pretty quick uh I I don’t know I mean we definitely made a couple mistakes and then by the end we’re like um yeah yeah yeah we do bad on purpose yeah yeah that was just uh that was just uh it wasn’t even that many it was only

1.5 times multiplier so yeah we’re waiting for the big old 3x multiplayer wait what happened I thought we did like pretty decent I I felt like we genuinely did like not that bad that’s only one of them was that like super fast it wasn’t super fast but didn’t party those two

Games once quick ones what the [ __ ] is quake uh like One in the Chamber but infinite ammo it’s looking bad guys it’s looking bad um my game crashed oh time was 5.4 seconds yeah how do you do that in five years it’s ridiculous um I see is there a game that just

Doesn’t get played at all well one good skip now um I think we want race to get skipped out of everything wait really please wait but race is the most fun one and one for them because they’re gonna win yeah you say that until the game

Finishes and you see 40th on your screen surely they can’t be that good at the race people get laughs I could have oh God again because there are people in here that don’t have thumbs so they can’t run away very well what does that mean

But we could be looking at like a 30th average well the PVP ones we’ll save those for last I think we have the best shot in those probably right I think so our team probably has John and Timmy are really good at PVP I have not lost one game mode specifically

Which is the extraction button so yeah that one what are you looking at sorry practice our movement here look at that movement look at that movement guys we’ll be decent at the race I I don’t know how bad can you be how bad can it be don’t look at him

For a living oh I know they do I’m not sure how I got in here we’re kind of a Casual Gamer but it’s like golf we’re at the top we’re trying to vote one that we don’t want right we know okay so we we go on Race now I think we do skies on our back cat I think we do a I think we do like a shitty one like party party party party like party well we’re voting for the one we don’t win it’s gonna be battle or race it’s dark it’s dark I’ll go I’ll go battle then

We want to save battle for last because we’ll we have the highest chance we don’t want to play race because one of our good games gets skipped if it does oh there’s a a warden there’s a warden where am I oh I don’t know because of the cat

Yeah oh we didn’t lose that one vote it’s fine it was like we have four cats in there race is the sweatiest game how come there’s no bubbles I forgot to turn it on there’s capture points and then there’s PVP you don’t want to commit to a fight early because if you die

Um you just like okay it’s like a battle royale yeah yeah pretty much don’t die early okay that’s the goal do you respond no um word I say we play the edge of the storm by the edge of the storm guys I’ve been playing is this

Like the thing that we did before in the past with the ice thing no it does not look like it so apparently there’s equipment you can get this is a battle royale map PvP with kits um yeah we should do well on this one right I mean OverWatch but there’s like a

Billion capture points it’s a battle royale we win yeah it’s a battle royale Timmy’s like literal gaming God at these I feel like and all we have to do like a poking Battle Royale that’s the thing you don’t want it is storming no we have to do is just play together and just

Have people watching our back because really kills reward more points oh if you if you get the sandwich then you typically just lose so you don’t want to put yourself in a bad spot my slime kit selection I will take this um wait what how do I know what has one

Whatever class you think I should take hey does the Trident come with a uh does it have loyalty or yeah what class should I pick um um pick us one okay how do I know which one what is Frozone okay what is Frozone uh Timmy you should be a guardian

Uh Timmy you be you be a skeleton you can be uh uh I only have a wooden sword I feel like we do need a medic though because you know how do I hold up quick it does absorption do my potions heal opponents if I hit them yes okay so

I gotta be careful all right I have molotovs how does my weakness bow work like I mean like arrows they do less damage yeah they do less damage yeah but how do I select it um it’s whatever arrows in front like the closest one yeah to the left side

You have the capture point near us okay where is it where is it this is purple team we don’t we don’t fight this one we just leave this one that’s not even oh okay what if they go for us I have multiple of them they’re not they’re gonna take a seat back yeah

We can throw this over here this music’s kind of a Jammer a film coming they come today is this dmcaable yeah guys there’s a red team oh I’m probably dead up wow they’re okay who are these guys I’m dead wait we got to play cake oh God [ __ ] hey

Come back that was just we just got rushed guys we got absolutely surrounded um okay we have three we only have three oh yeah I may have deceased guys Jesus we just got rushed what were we supposed to do we were supposed to be the healer too but we died immediately um

You get points for surviving can we climb one of these I mean hey we tried guys we just died in the past like two seconds good luck to our team looks like they found the safe corner but we already lost half the squad here yeah it has TV5 every team

That guy’s isolated as hell his team’s fighting another yeah split that guy’s yeah there’s one guy there wait the Trident does have loyalty purple uh purple things man I didn’t know they would spawn that close to you guys like look at how small the map was like

It’s almost impossible to not run into people I thought it’d be like because decent sized map but are you really small man don’t you blow on the top two of the Blues drops okay one blue trying to flank you guys but he’s out of the Zone yeah there’s a guy below you

Okay okay let’s go this guy this is green guy drop them I’m assuming there’s probably oh there’s more rounds there’s three rounds okay I was gonna save that was one round Battle Royale and like it’s like that that would be like they spawned like two inches away from

Me guys only one blue solo here we just are here our teammates are surviving though it seems like the stratus just survived right five up never any crossy cards we’re getting good there’s both one each meeting this boost one HP right here okay first dead yeah I got attacked by like

Three people at once it’s hard to survive nice if you if you go to Timmy spot he’s just he’s just farming he’s farming yeah I think we’re kind of just chilling up here I don’t know if the healing seems useful guys so the thing about the healing potions Timmy’s engaging that’s

Three that’s three what’s it called that’s cyan if I use it when my enemies are close to me I can’t even uh I heal them too so it’s kind of like 4 HP are they just useless because I feel like response so quickly it’s really hard to uh

Is there only one round of this it says three there’s three yeah because that was that was kind of tough we didn’t get last but I mean it was that was tough I didn’t think we’d spawned that close to them all that team won yeah they got like a business look at

The swords uh I guess I’ll be honest I don’t think medic fits me because uh I just died the kits are you have piglet which is a sword that’s like PVP that’s a roadrunner speed potion doesn’t seem right here armor Frozone has um TNT egg throw it that makes you run quick and

You’re interested jump boost potion and a bow yeah um medic is fairly tanky to go in fire resistance I think what we should do is just literally Garden play like someone’s already places oh yeah you can play it I’m gonna go slime Maybe slime has arrows that’s fine yeah I like

Having we should play like towards like mid sign like a little bit not where we get like thirded but we should just like sit in the middle maybe we go back to medic and get like oh someone’s already met yeah okay we’ll go slime it just seems like um the backline

Okay all right we’re pretty we’re split off we’re slow we’re splitter split yeah I’m just gonna try and uh okay come back come back come back we’re low we should reset I can heal us I can heal us come over here come up here get The High

Ground get the high grounded can my abilities I I canceled it you might have to understand I’m heavy poking them they’re low they’re getting low yeah I’m gonna shoot through like a little bit I think I hit somebody come crouching the point I’m crushing the point yeah oh okay okay

Out get this guy hit this guy he’s trying to like stop us it seems coming yeah we might get thirted uh do we leave I think we leave it’s uh purple team is starting yeah I think we leave probably we’re setting resetting hey shoot this [ __ ] oh I have

To reset every time one-on-one okay for you oh my God there’s a storm Oh wait we’re in like a decent amount of trouble here oh my God what happened what happened guys oh that was a good attempt I think we got stuck in the zone or something like that was the biggest Yeah that was uh did we all just die to the zone or what happened That’s on zone two oh wait that was like that was tick damage from the zone that was a lot of damage like full it only takes if they stand in it yeah I mean that was like insane damage I thought they like threw a Grenade on

Us or something but I think we all just died to the Zone instantly 24 kills man we are absolutely struggling I thought we’d be decent at the PVP mode but um I ain’t doing so well I mean to be fair we haven’t really had a chance to do much but okay puns

Nothing five damage I tried wasn’t doing that much damage yellow teams here yeah right no I I feel like dead last by a lot is there like headshot on this no there’s no Hedgehog um oh yeah the Green Team I had a feeling the green team is pretty bad they got

Puns ant Frost Boomer and snake I was rinsing all really really good at Minecraft so uh I was just throwing my training and like like that chicken was like in our face and we should just like kill them okay man they got like a bazillion guys I’m

Gonna be honest if we don’t get last place today I’d be shocked like we don’t stand a chance um yeah that takes so fast wait who won wait all five of them lived wow okay this is ours yeah this is looking bad guys this is our rounds surely

The guardian war or the Archer Martini um honestly I don’t even know I feel like I’ll just do the I feel like I did bad on all of them pigland Kit we should have a Frontline gold then sword um I don’t think I’ll be able to use that well what’s the tanky Frontline

Um and then we do some yeah all right there we go just like hard I’m gonna use Molotov as like isolating like if a guy puts his name I’m just gonna multiply items okay we gotta jump boost in the beginning I’m not sure I’ll use too often um

Let’s just fight after it so okay here we go use the jump boost I don’t even jump that much higher yeah Molly oh oh God okay booster one booster one he’s done oh I’m probably dead yes I’m kind of isolated I’m probably dead probably dead okay oh [ __ ] I got two on

Me well I had two on me but my team ganged up on their team so they killed some of them and then they killed me I feel like we just keep dying first but I don’t know how you survived okay you’re fine I mean he’s running he’s right oh that’s

So unfortunate yeah I’m not sure what you do guys it seems like you just get rushed and you just die parts of damage uh probably good luck Timmy from what I’ve seen it’s really hard to run away from people diamonds run don’t fight that’s what I was doing

But I don’t think you can run I think it’s easier for the Chaser to catch like I mean you could see that no one else can get away it feels like slow fights just guarantee you get third parties and you click fights is like

Uh we got a lot of kills there like did we have three kills guys I don’t think I did anything even remotely useful there uh maybe we just died the early kills are high points I just don’t know like oh how high that means this kills are

Worth 20 points right it’s like 60 per something like that either way I think we had to do that because if we get that plus the win that’s on our way back in yeah and I was down for that Gamba yeah we needed we needed it yeah that was tough that was

Tough it could probably be our last game maybe we want to Aces I don’t know what we could win at I think we’re getting dead last in these whole things um it only has four health so like each other that’s the one that’s the quick one yeah well yeah

Yeah I guess it’s kind of quick like we should get one of these beginners is what I’m hoping for Scouts and knives yeah this is looking too great for us guys this ain’t looking too great you have a crossbow with like a couple arrows you have to reload it you everyone only

Has crossbows so that’s like the Scout and then you just run around and there’s a lot of like little Alleyways and like playing some stuff you can do and then uh you have to like it’s one of four times yeah like the guys that the teal

Or green lime green team is like insane I kind of figured that though but uh yeah like they’re extremely good okay the purpose is down below everyone’s just looking at them oh look at that heel though oh my those are insane what the heck and those chickens are crazy oh my God okay

Dude guys we got dead last I don’t know what mode we’re gonna be decent at this point I hate this game mode I think in every single blockers we’ve played football we’ve never done good in this game mode oh yeah no this game was last I don’t know oh my God

I mean I do feel like we just get rushed like every we just get rushed in this game mode I don’t know yeah okay I don’t even know why we’re bad at it It’s gotta be honestly neither actually like maybe we’re not aggressive enough or something I no we were aggressive my

First time playing NASA the second time and then yeah like none of it worked what do we do man it was a lot of I feel like it was isolated a lot or like I kept getting um I kept splitting me and Timmy are kind of forced to like

Okay poke in that one so like I can be middle rage but seven minutes did I hear they call fight I’m fighting but then I uh I think we’re falling off but I don’t know we’re falling off so I’m just like are they voting to ban the next game

Like the skip they’re voting for The skip like you know the viewers the viewers get to choose so we can like we can kind of slay it on Twitter but yeah right surely I’ll just come back from deadline if you look at the score on the right

Love y’all I think we’re just like shooting them just about a thousand points behind even the second last attention we’re getting absolutely like I’m gonna be honest I don’t know I don’t know what we can do to come back I don’t think it matters I I don’t think

It matters what we choose there’s just no way we’re gonna win we’re a thousand points behind the second to last uh the first place team has whoever pretty much double our points just about a hard time we’d have to double our points to tie first place yeah I made distance and I

Don’t know if that’s possible for five hearts what’s our individual rank guys if I’m not dead last I haven’t been able to do anything most games like that last round I’m not even sure if I landed a few hits before it was over we can check though

Um I’m expecting pretty much dead last though just because yeah I mean most games I’m not even able to do anything often where where are we shut up um 39 okay cool cool I don’t know how I got 39 because I got zero kills um I’m monitor skipping I don’t know how it

Makes any sense we’re not last technically but I don’t know how we got zero kills I barely did anything I think overall we’re probably last though yeah we’re dead last overall guys absolute dead last but to be to be fair usually the way um it works is if your

Team is losing you get less team points so our team’s in last place yes cases so even if we technically have done more than someone um yeah you’ll just get less points in general because of the team points so it’s it’s just you can’t really Place

Very high if uh if you’re in last place because it’s it’s there’s uh if I get to us don’t even gonna get one yeah this is tough guys this is a tough one I mean we don’t know the game modes but I thought we’d do a little better on

The TVP mode 1.5 million dollars we just didn’t have much a chance there I don’t know what we were gonna do you guys just got rushed down um one two okay um hope listen listen here’s why I think I’m gonna do better in race mode they’re saying everyone’s good at race mode oh

Here’s the thing oh yeah I’ll open them we’re gonna do better on race mode because at worst we do the same because we’ve been getting dead last every single time if we get dead last on race mode um and we’re doing the same as before if

We do any better than last then we’re technically doing better on race mode so I feel like we’re gonna do better on race mode just because the bar is so low that well there ain’t more any more going down this it only goes up from

Here or stays the same I’m stuck in the Purgatory of corrupted Gauntlet yeah this has been tough it’s been tough guys silly silly silly silly who I sent you a trade offer who’s on your team it’s me five up Timmy John sleepy uh five up plays Minecraft quite often

But the rest of us don’t play too much um new trade offers yeah so absolutely we’ll see how it goes there we go map was too cluttered I don’t think it was cluttered I think it was just very small but maybe that’s intentional because it

Go it does make it very intense but when it’s that small it’s like very uh prone to just getting rushed which is pretty much exactly what happens like like passive died played aggressive also died let me know when you send it um I think we have a couple minutes oh

Two minutes on the break okay I’m hoping to not get last but it’s gonna be tough if we keep getting last place because some events you get a group score so it’s like all right or at least that’s how it used to it who’s the best here purple the second fainberg

Never heard of him command core it tubbo’s up here I definitely recognize a lot of these people here who is Greninja I mean I know what a Greninja is I just gotta go see my desk I must really like Greninja you know guys I feel like Pokemon really influenced a lot of people

There’s there’s like Lily Pichu there’s this dude called Greninja and there’s Blastoise even apparently pokemane was somewhat inspired by Pokemon I feel like so many people chose their screen names based on Pokemon um okay it’s going to be Sky Zone next how do you know is that what people are voting for

What a Sky Zone what a Sky Zone guys wait wait I know what to do I’m gonna practice by reading the instructions let’s take a look oh what’d you do okay PVP type three rounds you use zip lines to go to floating islands with blue chess before they decay

Okay there we go we’re good it’s just the same thing I it’s literally the same thing I think we can climb to the tops I think you’re [ __ ] bad he’s on copium guys he’s on copium if we double our points we’ll be tied for first basically we’d have to double our score

Hold on Mad cases guys this is why we don’t have fan art we don’t deserve it guys we’re dead last this is why the who is this who is this guys I don’t know whatever team that is Scarlet sharks wait a minute they’re second to last number one baby we’re not

Losing that bad to them purple Pelicans oh they’re in third place that makes sense they’re pretty crazy I was wondering is like how accurate is that like thing like could I just put a random address there because that’s like your billing address um yeah wait for for what what are you

Talking about are your steam stuff oh yeah yeah I just have a fake address not gonna lie yeah I don’t think it has to be your billing address yeah it doesn’t happen like because mine like mine’s just my old address and it’s kind of awkward are you insane you guys don’t

Use fake addresses no I thought it was billing Well mine’s old you guys are crazy mental too but yeah it just depends because like um Sometimes some things actually require you to put your address in like uh right yeah like certain beneficial things yeah like your credit card and stuff yeah yeah

For like everything else I just use a fake address I feel like it’s just smarter you should get a random address off the world oh no it’s not like it’s not like fully fake like I’m paying for it it’s just the fake address like a

Decoy address you know what I mean I say yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t even cost that much for a fake address I think it’s like uh or it’s not a fake ad it’s like a thing you can get where you can use the address but it’s not like a real house or anything

Um or like well it looks like I don’t know if that makes sense I shouldn’t say too many details not gonna lie but it’s it’s not that expensive surprisingly um It’s like the round’s starting guys here we go I see the fan I see the fan right now like it’s a loud game oh no it’s definitely allowed I mean we do have things I just mean like it wasn’t posted I don’t know if it’s a good idea to you

Know yeah I saw it okay this is sick what is what are you guys seeing fan art oh oh cool back to normal all right we’re ready hey did you guys check what game mode it is do you know what it is uh we’re playing Sky Zone I think Sky Zone that’s

Also a PVP one apparently yes I keep doing this stuff because I keep [ __ ] great another PVP one don’t worry this one’s a little bit easier the one we’re great at PVP screenshot screenshot the one the one the one I’m not getting that one I can’t screen sure because it’ll show my answer

For opening cases every time I buy a key it shows well but like they’re different for each that’s crazy buy it all in advance then you know I I hate about open cases is uh you spend like because you know you have the 2K limit you spend most of it like

Buying the cases pay them oh I guess you could yeah how many more rounds are there oh I think there’s eight total rounds how many have you played okay I think we’re halfway through those are close to halfway all right we’re putting money in which ones are we playing technically yeah

Uh Spleef construction and battle so we’re halfway through I think you play eight total good good I’ve actually never unboxed the knife in like that my sister lives at a fake address I think the only thing I’ve ever done I feel like if you live there then that’s just your real address

I’d never even unboxing but maybe I’m misunderstanding or anything you’re gonna play shivalry after uh maybe if the squad wants to this is the winning knife that’s gonna bring her there you go the Red’s gone that’s making way for the [ __ ] gold baby not this case so the next one the next

One of course okay I did want to try the Zelda God here let’s see how it goes down there’s the pink unless unless right now okay purple okay so that’s the one it’s got a snake on the icon look what I’m looking for a chromatic aberration look at that right there

Oh my God they’re trash talking they only got 4K 0.4k anyway just play the game wait but what about us guys you got 3.6 how far are you from being done the competition’s halfway over and here’s the thing though if we get we technically still can win if we win

Every single competition because they have points multipliers the first games are with one times points uh right now it’s worth 1.5 it goes all the way up to three times points in the final game which means that is if we get first place in the final few games they’re

Worth way more than ever since my life so the scores could greatly change like I know they have double our score now but the final games are worth triple points ready meaning if we win the final games we get Triple points so even yeah it’s two times now so even though they

Have two times our score we get two times points now so if we get first place they get last place we could win we could catch our Zone but even if they don’t get last place we’ll be super close because it’s two times a chance to come back it won’t be easy though

Um but these chests right here I just opened them oh wait yeah so this one we don’t spawn with a set right we have to it’s like actual Battle Royale Battle Royale yeah you gotta find items yeah and it’s a much bigger much bigger map like 30 bucks five bucks if

You’re happy okay it’s a much bigger map and you don’t start with items so you’re less likely to get rushed on this one yeah I think this should go a little bit better probably a lot easier to do but all we have to do is just okay

Ambush one person and just have the other people kind of just like get the other guys off that makes sense we gotta go [ __ ] nuclear crazy yeah we call it like like the skin or like this person you know and then we should all kind of like focus our eyes

On it don’t tunnel because like if you just get like [ __ ] triple hit I think about Minecraft is like if you all had the same person at the same time only one hit goes through yeah yeah there’s uh yeah I’m just saying that we all try

To go for him not like we try to yeah yeah to like isolate them yeah yeah in this game if you get an enchantment book you can just uh open your inventory drag it and right click or like left click on the piece all right that’s sick let’s just try and

Get the loop first probably right so like if you have an enchantment you can just drag that over there’s only two rounds of this one but the map is much bigger um this is going to be less rushing each other like last one I guess and hopefully a little more what’s up

You said something all right I’m gonna get the chest for you I’m getting chest I’m going in the right umbilical tube I’m going for the chest uh this one oh okay I’m going for this one oh I’m going for this one okay I’m going for this one okay I don’t have any arrows

Is gold armor Better Than Leather it’s exactly the same wait is it it looks the same it is it is okay you do need arrows you do need arrows how do you like put things on uh shipped and then uh splashed potion of swiftness we got some arrows there’s

A stone sword in that chest yeah the music is intense in this game hold on let me adjust the audio a little loud okay because I’m grabbing loot here grabbing golden helmets iron sword there’s a there’s a team in front of us let’s try and uh I’m not quite ready to

Go fight to the death yet um I have an extra Sun sword this is blocking my screen I don’t really like it yeah me and sleepy are looting we go back to you guys I’m gonna drop gold pans for two of y’all I’m peeping for an iron sword yeah

I drop a stand store and go projectile protection okay we got projectile protection one of them just with Taylor Island not bad they’re only four here we could actually run at them one of them once the other Island they’re very split oh he’s coming back

Now yeah they’re back to the back I have a potion of swiftness too wait someone take these pants because it’s gold pants is projectile oh god um we can we can take the zip line I don’t know if we want to fight these guys right yeah let’s go zipline

Can we get points for kills or for playing yeah both I feel like playing safe I like that we need it we need to push this island actually we need to go there for the zip line right yeah oh right wait so we have no

Choice oh yeah we got this we got I’m laying on the law right now I’m thinking them I think 140. you actually get headshot damage here no no oh 140 of them barely see I can barely see there’s a guy there’s I’m just gonna rush in like

A psychopath I got nothing left at hey kill this guy tell me three this one nice nice this one’s around the corner out oh it’s crazy yeah you can loot their dead bodies eat their corpse take the right one okay I’m separated there’s another Island bruh what do we do

It poker it’s okay I’m so separated from you guys I got an iron oh this is bad I think does it change chest plate for somebody if anybody doesn’t have hey we’re chilling come here okay we can go to the right as well let’s go right let’s go

Right follow me follow this oh okay okay you guys take the island with blue yeah we’re taking a minute we’re buying airdrop right now if I was just go mid you’ll make them okay over here okay okay I’m coming we’re sleeping I’m out of arrows I’m gonna oh nice nice twice

Okay Timmy’s looting he’s looting oh they’re they’re not fighting us anymore I’m gonna take this stuff buddy you got ammo right I got all the stuff here wait this guy had stuff um yeah I got one I got it go ahead both sucks take these iron boots iron boots iron chest right here

Anybody have extra arrows you guys we’re in seconds we’re in second place dudes dudes dudes no [ __ ] uh there’s only it’s three three three three wait hit him into the oh they’re hitting me into the Zone I wanted to hit them into the Zone but I

Can’t believe they just snuck up on us okay we got flanked guys we got flanked we were in second place though wait sleepy just run around I think you get points for just surviving okay yeah just just run hey guys honestly we made it far like we

Did better that round than any other round oh he blocked it’s good oh you can climb up the he’s getting shot at uh just trying maybe yeah maybe they won’t go for you oh they’re definitely going for you they’re definitely honestly you made it far I think we’re

Gonna get a solid like upper half there oh yeah fourth that’s an upper half team right there yeah upper half teams we just need to be uh together yeah it was that one flank that one flank guys um okay we did well though fourth place is not bad attendee takes forever

Okay if I you’ve gotta be on something now this is only a two-rounder kind of game so we’ll see what happens but oh so it looks like the zone does psychotic damage so if you ever get the chance hitting him in the zone does more damage than anything else I think um

One before okay close as a close one before he got one actually I almost rinse cow man what we got fifth ah poop I thought we did better than that all right last round that’s fine there’s a paper for someone we should actually like I think it’s

Very advantage to Quick loot this start and just run to the next Island yeah yeah get in a good spot in the circle yeah we want to be able to get into like we want to get past this the first sip first sip is like what stops US yep um oh see this

Like I I would not even put stuff on right now just to get in your inventory because you’re gonna drop it anyways oh yeah that’s a good idea yeah I’m not putting anything on yeah just loot everything and then we just kind of move yeah I want to run it people I’m loaded

Another Um okay I think Timmy’s right we just okay there’s a team nearby-ish sword yeah I’m dropping I’m dropping sensors Blue’s on this island in front of us um do I have regular arrows up here we should take the zipline to the left maybe wait the crossbow uses really quick wait uh also I think we don’t need the regular bow we’ll only use the crossbow we should move up and get more

Yeah yeah while they’re uh well they’re distracted like the first ones here yeah okay stick together guys stick together I got an iron sword for someone arrows iron a lot of iron sword on the floor okay thank you this this we’re looting well who needs I need a

Crossbow punch for the bow okay golden shoes oh I got chainmail legs does anyone need that or chain chest for someone let’s go to a minute I have a spare bow who needs oh sorry I don’t have a bow yeah punch doesn’t increase damage could be good iron helmet is someone fighting

Oh thanks thanks okay I have an absorption potion everyone stand on me does it last forever I got blues here guys surely they wouldn’t be crazy enough to try and I don’t have a bow wait he doesn’t have a bow I don’t have a bow I can give you one oh you’re far

Away can we actually take him in here wait okay let me I’m gonna give us uh this island gets an airdrop though is the thing John that has a bunch of good stuff yeah we should probably save it I think positioning might matter more though who’s coming who’s coming yeah

But we could play mid and then third party from men Hey guys does anyone need a crossbow crossbow yeah I do uh let me drop it it’s there I don’t know if you could pick it up yeah it’s like somewhere it’s somewhere there somebody picked up a crossbow

They’re about to get there everybody behind us on the Middle Island okay everyone I feel like we’re in a good spot I think we could just kind of chill for a bit wait everyone everyone hide inside this purple block maybe they just won’t see us and we rushed out at the

Last second yeah they’re fighting over here they’re fighting over this care package we should we should get ready to do this all right we’ll shoot him off the bridge here too but wait there’s another team middle guys there’s another team middle like I kind of feel like we should start

Fighting we go for them they are I feel like if we tried the third party we’ll get stuck back out your boots are in your main slide all right I think we go now what do you mean your boots are in your main slots nobody okay

Let’s just go with the team I’m trying to watch the flank here because if we get flanked it’s over this guy who’s stuck in the garage the circle’s coming run back John run back run back guys run back to the center run back to the center oh no but they’re all gonna die

To the Zone guys guys I think we just uh yo green on me yeah come back to our Corner come back to our Corner probably dead I’m probably dead well it was a good try it’s a good try [ __ ] I think I got confused are these

Guys on our team the colors are too similar I’m gonna say it the colors are too similar because I did not know I was that far away from my team because I glanced around and I was like yeah there’s some there’s some like purple guys around me but those guys are not on

Our team apparently because I was over here it looked like they were on my team and then I was like wait a minute my team is really far away I think the colors are a little too similar but I mean maybe I should have just looked

Harder I guess I might die here but I feel like that’s a common easy mistake it’s ogre I mean overall we did well could have done a little better I just I just got confused not gonna lie so okay Sleepy’s hopping Sleepy’s hopping for placement yeah

We saw that coming they got puns like Boomer and uh I’m sure Cub is great too I’ve never met them myself though that was okay um that was actually not bad I got six yeah we did well we did well guys we got so many points from that like third

Yeah that was really good we got two thousand seven points we’re not going back up to first place but I mean overall like I think we’re for sure gonna be we’re gonna be not last after this hopefully secondaries oh my God sleepy Jesus All right I got zero kills guys I barely did anything every other game we didn’t have to eat I couldn’t read in so much time wait you need to eat in this game well that’s the overall hey we’re not last we did it guys we did it not last

PVP pulling us out guys we barely did anything we’re gonna come back on the race mode surely surely the race mode is it um wait I saw a third what do you think I can see it I’m just saying that’s where we belong check the bronze medalist up here okay

Hey we got the one third place in that one game I don’t know if we’ll do much better than that first place um everyone else is trash do you think our rank went up because I didn’t do very much am I 24th hey we’re

39 now we did it boys we’re 39 now whole individual oh God I miss you well Timmy’s 11th oh last year oh last game yeah last game I checked the overall we can check last game I don’t know 24. um oh yeah I’m 24. let me check last game

And we survived a while we were 20 26 last game not bad you’re trying to get up uh four more placements and then I won’t be the top half of the pop house we actually pop off on these next few games yeah thank God we have all these

Games left these are the ones we’re good at that’s the plan I don’t know if these are the ones you do really good in these games you can get in the town yeah if you if you definitely can do well because it’s worth so many more points you can come back because the

Points just scale so hard it is worth a lot more points already played next and then the distraction last okay goat extraction first party okay yeah extraction last will be good right because you guys are good at that I’m the [ __ ] uh boom is in here a move is

An option what is moving what is move that’s the what you don’t have any practice before we started oh God I didn’t practice that I can’t skip that right wait games have been hidden yeah I got this one go this one which one

Where I am oh yeah I see you I see you um remember their colors it’s the colors over here cat vote bring the cats over bring the cats over yeah I got hit away I got hit away um okay oh God the cats are like brain dead get over here

I don’t know what’s gonna win I think we might get it wait we wanted party oh my God it might have been a cat party so party is random mini games I don’t know what this is but I guess we’ll see all right this is one of the Quake games

This is um the Splatoon game which I don’t know if I told you I saw the trailer for this what okay what you’re saying here what you’re seeing here is okay that’s Splatoon that’s a map you have to like okay there’s two new games oh this is bad

Um I don’t know what’s happening guys I’m lost um Splat Photon Splat beep crossy Road what’s this this is a new one this is just like the mobile game you ever played the mobile game with obstacles and that’s like get to the other side oh it’s like frog this is easy Frogger

Wait is this a solo event or what it’s a cake all of us are in it but this like it’s not PVP aware are people able to hit no there’s no PVP we can see each other can we see I don’t see anybody no

No no no no I don’t think so oh no well at least no one will see me die guys I I mean this is cool this is basically frog after the first car like this you just played safe now I do assume the faster you do it the better you do

Oh I’m greeting for this I’m going same same first are bust okay the trick should be to go with the cars here barely made that I gotta go faster but I don’t want to die I have to move with the logs oh my God you have to move with

The log yeah the what whoa what oh we did it we did it okay oh wow Jesus that one was quick come on out a train okay no uh oh you don’t do you lose points for dying or what you just teleport back how do you do the Minefield what the [ __ ] do

You do that’s tough not the train oh God guys we’re going slow okay okay just gotta refocus refocus oh my God this is hard speeding going [ __ ] 60 in a 20 what is wrong with you okay okay the trick should be to keep your momentum what the heck is it

There’s just random explosions there’s just random explosions that kill you some of them don’t have pressure plates there oh oh you avoid the pressure plates you have to jump Jesus oh my goodness this is crazy you’ve got to be kidding me 14 not bad bro we insane

I feel like I’m not touching them okay I died I died wait wait no there are random explosions I’m not even okay I’m not touching them guys it’s random explosions I wasn’t even moving oh oh um I went through the middle okay this is bad I’m not touching them it’s just the

Random explosions um okay I see a path here the random explosion should just kill me what am I supposed to do looking for you oh wow okay so they’re basically if I touch one of the panels I died but there’s also random explosions I’ll just randomly explode and kill me

Oh that’s unfortunate oh sorry I was struggling with that one man if we finished we would have gotten it um guys some of them I wasn’t even moving and I died some of them I touched for sure but like I had to jump back and forth yeah suicides in school but you

Have to do parkour it’s like an actual like like beep test is the thing you do there’s no random explosions but sometimes I died even when I wasn’t moving yeah no no no they’ll be part four um like some of them I straight up was not moving and I just exploded anyway

You skippity bop all the way to the other side just run the other side oh okay okay I could do that uh uh oh my God I died what nah no way do I run back across I thought you died because like sometimes you Gotta Throw what’s happening oh now we go back

Oh I actually fell there ain’t no way there ain’t no way she fell to me um the horse is up here buddy uh my fault whatever happened guys it was weird it’s over with now everyone can see who falls okay one two buckle my shoe there we go there we go through okay

This is gonna be hard everyone’s gonna be really good at this game I mean I’m not doing bad at all usually decentish at parkour but I mean everyone’s gonna be good at this game so okay um 5.6 seconds Jesus this guy’s just world record it gets harder and harder though

Oh this is a tough one it through so that’s good some people are falling they’re they’re getting hard what the heckin huh Jesus Jesus we made it that was hard that was hard guys that was a tough one look at how many people fell guys it’s getting hard okay 360.

We Made It Go throwing 360s for style this one wasn’t super bad um some of these are getting tough though what guys I don’t think I could do this one this is ridiculous look at how many people fell over here that is difficult maybe we should have gone how did this

Guy finish that in seven seconds somebody explained to me how someone did that in seven seconds that’s ridiculous what are you guys at a certain point you’re just like actually skilled out again I’m in I got it yeah got it there I I did it I did it slow but I did it

This is ridiculous um no Oh this is ridiculous guys it’s getting hard it’s getting really hard how are they finishing in like seven seconds like this oh my God I’m dead oh my God this is this is tough and it’s our first try you don’t get to practice this guys it just pops up this is insane

This is hard guys this is hard five-ups the first out yeah I did not do well I I didn’t do well either I did yeah I always [ __ ] it up in the race okay I mean guys even look at the first place team the first place team already has

Two people dead it’s like it’s that easy to mess these up I mean it’s your first time looking at the course oh I don’t know how to do that this is absurdly basic okay guys guys most people can make one mistake their first time doing something and I think you

Could see a lot of good players are out I mean a lot of them are in too but like it only takes one mistake um I think what I should have done was take it slower bring us home and try and uh not mess up but I feel like I’m not

Protected to do that I always try and scream you [ __ ] suck like really yeah wait John’s the last one oh man sorry I hit it really far right like I I think it’s weird because people are expecting this to be super like they expect me to do better but look it’s

Kimmy message guys you guys look made it really far what’s it called a lot of good players are out like even puns is out hey like you think the finals can’t do basic parkour there’s no way you think that um well maybe there is but you’re just

Wrong puns is insane at the game and he’s the one um a few rounds after me but like it’s hard guys it’s hard Though if Illumina goes out that’s how you know it’s impossible let’s watch purple then like it’s not easy guys it’s not easy there’s a it’s like four ways oh it guys look you’ve been aluminum it’s not easy like that dude’s insane so I’m gonna say If you think this is

Easy absolutely wrong okay There’s only one person left who is this guy no pressure came in but you are the only one alive yeah wait you just did a Neo onto a ladder Jesus these guys are insane oh I mean this is a triple meal that’s almost impossible oh wait no it’s

Not a Neo exact but still it’s almost impossible I mean holy okay it’s really tough guys it’s really tough um but I want that nice that’s the that’s like infinite ammo one shot one kill and you respawn gun game yeah gun game oh no I’m locking it okay

Yeah this is your guys’s game Shirley I think we might have a chance on this I just hide like if I crouch I want some of the eye right now are we just trying to get as many kills as we can or are we playing safely what

Yes just kill as many as you can okay I guess I didn’t kill as many as you can um check you know guys this is a shooting game we should have the best chance this is our best chance to do well it’s not because I’m good at this but because

This is the the most like experience we have you should just shoot it’s basically Valerian like um foreign guys Friendly Fires off you don’t have to reload I’m reading some of the instructions here okay wait no reload is it like a cooldown I don’t know I don’t know just blast blast

I’m gonna go [ __ ] crazy yeah guys this is where we gain we got an OverWatch Pro we got Timmy we got John we got well I’m just here just Timmy and John I got OverWatch bro yeah yeah well I mean oh my god well I mean you know

John wasn’t a pro player but he pretty much could have been enemies he’s not shooting why was I not shooting was it s d it’s not left click wait what button to shoot so quick it’s not left click because reload like so [ __ ] quick I don’t play enough Minecraft um okay

No he pre-fired I’m ass cheeks oh my God Boomer’s good guys uh you know this is bad this is bad how do they get me like that I’m here to support oh yeah treated I just spawned it oh my gosh look around look around if I spawned on somebody just killed me

How wow how are they so good oh this is tough okay this is nothing like uh absolutely nothing like the game I thought I I thought I’d be good at double oh there’s no reload you just okay okay I gotta figure out the gun oh my God okay you can shoot that fast

So you should just Spam the shots spread out this map is huge someone else kill him I don’t know what happened but we’re trying to no you have a little bit of an invincibility did I kill him or did someone else kill him I think someone else killed him um

It definitely did not look like I hit them pre-aiming angles that was wicked as well I think I traded find people yeah it’s hard to find what they just randomly spawned behind me how are they not getting hit by that okay what okay I gotta aim a little higher

I’m so used to aiming like this level we gotta aim higher okay shoot where they’re going to be I don’t think I hit that guy because I’m getting like no kills dude okay that’s fair that’s real Fair love this game okay I think I got one kill by cheese there aim

Okay did I get that guy [ __ ] up this game I don’t know my DPI is wait what I got one okay myself we’re doing stuff we’re getting used to it took a little practice but okay okay we’re getting better guys I think we just have to get used to the gun

Oh he was invulnerable still okay okay I think we just had to get used to the gun there spawned by spawn no reason to stop shooting I gotta keep spraying I’m so used to being like you get one shot and that’s it hey got one we had a little turn around I

Always get flanked oh there was a guy hey we got a lot of kills you got like nine oh maybe we didn’t wait we got like six man I think I didn’t get it until too late it took it took some time to practice the gun like I wasn’t used to the gun

Are they the thing so what is this you didn’t do bad guys Nine’s not bad right click you have to hold shift on your own paint color to reload um you can also get a lot of speakers so this is pretty much guys we were picking it up if we had

Practice we would have been destroying I’m just saying because we went from like no kills and in the last like 30 seconds we got like five plus dozens of kills right click spam right click it’s like so much faster um holding it oh I see it I see it

Oh wait it’s even called Inc oh you can’t paint the uh um that one section you can’t paint the the hard you only can paint the cotton wait I’m dead wait what is this cotton oh this isn’t cotton the heck what you can kill other people yeah yeah

Jesus why is I’m dead you can kill people oh all right then I I’m so bad at this game I I think a lot of it is just just experience I mean we’re the we’re new to the games guys you have to leave your shots get all this get all this

Oh if you’re in your Zone you can uh move a little faster too it seems okay my strategy is probably not going to beat them by actually killing them so what we’re going to do is try and get these cringe spots that people will hopefully just

Not check the Spam the spam so people are probably going to want to get The High Ground Crouch and that guy’s like but if we clean all these spots under here oh [ __ ] they probably won’t be like hard working enough to check under and hopefully we can just get them I

Don’t think we’re going to be able to outplay them I know the fact is we’re new to the game we haven’t played as much as other people I don’t even know what’s happening here at this point spam I think I just died instantly and you actually have like insane movement

It’s impossible to hit you okay oh wait this is a strategy oh you can just speed run while doing okay this is a strategy look at how much ground I’m covering guys look at how much ground I’m covering so by doing this I can instantly Speed Run and claim property

At the same time wait we’re in first place right now okay well for a second we went hey wait a second okay yeah we’re doing well guys this is actually a strategy um you hear me fight to the end what he said whatever that means look at this guy if we can

Oh he’s doing the same thing as me no no keep getting like gay no one’s even going back here um it’s free spots never mind there’s one you just went back here got him oh wait we went down to Fourth that quick too bad not too shabby yeah fourth

Ain’t bad fourth ain’t bad wait okay like was it amazing not really but not bad at all like that’s decent hey we’re climbing we’re climbing unfortunately we probably have to win like first game by like 10 miles oh my yeah hey we’re not we’re not last though like we’re picking

It up guys I definitely think it was an experience uh thing because like uh every game we’re like I hate that game the first round we get smoked and then we slowly do a little better every time so I mean wait now that you’re thinking of that we’re not doing bad

So you just shoot the floor in front of you at all times yeah yeah no I I was literally like dashing past people back and forth and this guy this guy threw out his first game don’t forget uh okay EU friendly stream yeah it’s because the tournament’s uh just at this time

Well it’s already one o’clock actually so we would be starting soonish how many kills did he get to me I hope we get rain kills guys you think I have time to go to the bathroom guys I’m gonna go to the bathroom really quick all right I’ll be right back guys

He’s gonna go to the bathroom oops oops wrong thing oops uh but most girls were back on and that game was 19. dude I want to do the photon one again yeah it was fun man I want to rematch I mean I I see I achieved a new spot

A Splat kill streak with the record of eight kills oh nice like a new record yeah he got the most kills in a row without dying you killed eight I’m telling you I always like speed hacking I was using it to just like cap and while people were trying to chase

John come here but I happen to run it on purple any new to lead where I was going all I do in that game John is I just Dash behind people and then the shoes in the back oh never mind the day oh all right so we want um

Extraction we want we want extraction and then the last game is going to be asked or we can hope for the best extraction please everyone vote extraction on the enemy teams please I don’t want to go race I go race or expression it’s gonna be [ __ ] race man wait am I dead yeah

Throw the cats here put all the cats here wait he’s just [ __ ] mainly being done I died I’m dead [ __ ] there’s TNT in a way they’re killing us a distraction we have to do raise the extraction um I definitely don’t I think everyone just died I think everyone died Here Comes

Are we gonna oh it’s close oh no it’s the race one so everyone said the race is the hardest one I didn’t realize everyone’s really good at the game and this guy yeah Graham just walked up through mailing me and I died and I’ve never done the course before so I have

No experience oh my God I don’t know what’s gonna um okay it’s showing us the course it looks like there’s a bit of an elytra section for sure I’m pretty sure you don’t Sprint down this by the way is this a brand new course guys or is this something people have seen before

Because if nobody’s seen it then I’ve got a chance but if people have seen it before then you’re like you know racing of course knowledge matters a lot um Okay pink jump pads give you speed green jump pads I think they changed it the other one you sprint and that’s when you sprint

Jump this is just like the last okay us the last thing it’s just you just for aluminum look for Illumina you just follow Illumina as best as we can so you here’s the Strat guys We’re not gonna be able to keep up probably but I’m going to follow

The best players as fast as we can for as long as we can and eventually they’re gonna lose us but first right yeah so this window will actually open so you don’t want to it’s just running there look if you can make the jumps they’re impatient they’re just running around

Um and if it’s harder but like faster yeah Ray played this and won the race last time pink speed pad in MCC use that I don’t think Rey’s ever played block boards I don’t uh when you see like you want to be mean I don’t think she won

The race in MCC that would be yeah guys if Ray won the race in MCC that would be like insane if she beat all the cracked out Minecraft players um putting a brick wall oh what’s the Strat guys what’s the Strat uh okay run faster than you’ve ever ran oh God

Illuminous series two everyone’s up in the DJ you can barely see this is bad I can’t see uh oh what is this I missed the first job okay I didn’t go up what the heck oh you gotta do the thing wait why is everyone what on Earth is happening there’s framing space Oh God this is yeah because if you buff your head you’re a little faster uh never done this course

Before guys so it’s gonna be a minute um what okay we made that wow this is uh this is tough this is tough sorry okay okay we’re not going for first we’re going for not last okay there’s a path you can just walk up we just gotta stick to that path okay

No way where am I going now do I go in the circle I feel like everyone else probably didn’t somehow feel like people didn’t go in that Circle [Applause] oh I missed the big jump so did other people though trying to go this way here we go what ah

My elytra is not equipped oh my God oh my God oh that that’s well there goes everything uh we were doing perfect up until that happened oh man that that cost us like all of it I Um that’s unfortunate that’s really unfortunate I I okay well uh there goes that guys man we were doing great up until uh up until that okay I mean we’ll do our best but that’s gonna cost us a lot there we added like I don’t know what happened it wasn’t

Opening until like the third time guys I know it’s double spaced I know it’s double space I know how to play Minecraft I was telling you it was not doing it I don’t know why it wasn’t until like the third time that it did something I made it

Um I don’t know if I was spamming it too much or something but let me tell you I’ve used elytra before um wait it like tped me back okay here we go dog okay catching up to someone which is absolutely shocking considering oh wait I oh wait oh [ __ ]

We gotta take these shortcuts if we want to catch up I’m already depressed I’m just gonna play so badly now all right Badly yeah oh man what the heck you’ve got to be kidding me I missed clicked again John oh no all right we’ll do better on the next laps we’ll do better just gotta well I was still running I was like 36. and these feet are absolutely

Distracting me okay that was bad from my disgraceful first lap same um okay you’re running through safer wanting to safer listen if there’s one thing I learned guys don’t go for the crazy plays right now if we go for crazy plays and mess up it’s over it’s got to play it safe and

That was just unfortunate timing on the blocker Just gotta play it safe what we can do we’ll do and that’s it okay should be able to catch this guy okay hit it and I die bomb going up going up no okay no I am I there we go I missed I missed that’s unfortunate that’s fine

Hold on this might be Aquaman too please open please open please open thank you okay You gotta go low go low go low and it might have into the water and then we swim we’re beating this guy guys we’re catching up oh we hit the thing dang it okay and I’m so bad I never practice water stuff I’m really good at land stuff but

I’m really good at Landing elytra I’m not used to this swimming thing I’m gonna make the shortcuts Time come on we’re so slow No outfit I didn’t see that glass not gonna lie try again do I have to crouch okay okay Another banana there’s a boost here Oh my day jump jump one more perfect we got to take those skips on the left I think it’s our only shot we have to do it perfectly though but Perfect okay I mean it’s perfectly perfectly okay yeah I’m doing this one but there’s another lab oh I fell okay this is tough this part’s tough It’s not a clear path to me but we’re not doing bad we’re not doing bad okay it doesn’t happen okay where am I

You guys what place are we in here 35 we moved up a place man if we didn’t have that really bad elytra thing we would have been there I am doing a lot better um okay I’m not a I’m gonna Bop my head here it’s just so much easier to mess up

Because I’m better I’m just playing it smooth okay there we go here we go what is I’ve never seen this part before what’s happening that was different than last time I don’t know what changed um wrong one going up here going up here just jump inside perfect I’m siding of the sea jump

Jumping jumping jump here everyone is actually so hard not if you’re me oh yeah my dad jump we’re getting better guys we’re getting a lot better now don’t because we’re in a race oh I tried to hit the corner there that’s fine we didn’t slow down much

Please fly please fly thank you oh you swoop down on the elytra you go a lot faster this is a life lesson okay a little higher a little higher perfect smoothly and sharp up sharp up okay one punches cheeks right now oh you’ve got to be kidding me this part

Always gets me oh if you space bar on these squishy blocks you save time yeah since when could you use spacebar while swimming well I didn’t know that it was high that is uh did not know about that just learned about that that’s a new control that I didn’t know

Existed right I got so [ __ ] up okay apparently you can hit space bar while swimming that is just new mechanics that I’ve never seen um right behind sneak so we’re actually not doing bad he’s pretty good uh I finished it hey they’re doing well you’re doing well if they finish that

Quick to be fair we had that absolute garbage uh elytra experience but I actually like the music the music was kind of making me Jam yeah you look so good I messed up my first time messing it up but it’s because everyone’s finishing but me okay oh my God I

Guys I’m doing worse because everyone’s done but me wait there’s another lap yeah keep going wait there’s another lap after this one oh my God guys I’m I’m choking because everyone’s done but me and the stress is not good no one likes being the last person to finish

I think I’m doing worse now but it’s just because everyone’s done but me okay okay we’re gonna finish 37th not great I I think if that Elijah really got us guys that yeah oh man that sucks that that elytra got us so badly um I mean we messed up on that last part

But that only cost us like one or two places the biggest thing was just at elytra at the beginning it cost us so many points like you’re falling into it I mean it is just how it goes and we didn’t get last we definitely could have done so much better if we

Didn’t have that elytra thing we would have gotten probably 30 35th I think or something like that wait so what is it um but yeah the Elijah I don’t know what happened it wasn’t opening and you um you have crossbows each one does one damage you have four Health in total so

They should add to the quick game mode to make it higher skill cap and make it even we didn’t do bad considering like the fact that we didn’t get last with uh with a thing like that was uh imagine I have like 500 acceleration and I’m just

Following a little screen in one frame and we made a good comeback there exactly yeah it was just like capture I mean yeah I don’t know what happened it wasn’t opening um you have splitude mechanics made of crossbow well hard stuff we got last overall no yeah we were saying I don’t think

There’s a way to get the same close I’m sure it’s close I’m telling you I I can think of person next we get fourth okay all right let’s just get first let’s just do it then I want to go [ __ ] sicko Deco mode on this next one

What is the next one you mean the Sumo ring John are you well I’m hoping we just we’re just fighting for not last at this point guys we’re only up by a little bit let’s go let’s go uh this was last game What’s the total come to the score we’re up by

A little bit oh the scores I don’t think we’re getting I mean these guys would have to get last and we’d have to get first I don’t think there’s a potential for that we can potentially not get last I think we should have done better on

That last mode but we just had the Elijah problem really really sucks but that’s how it goes um you have to train are these Maps available guys or was that everyone’s first time seeing it because it was my first time seeing it so obviously I’m gonna do a lot worse uh

But the biggest thing was we just fell like five times and the elytra didn’t open so kind of how it goes um oh wow I’m ready for the final game though final game ominous okay I’m not gonna hurt you I swear oh but there’s little changes yeah I would definitely make a big big difference uh if you knew the map but yeah I mean it just I think we definitely could have

Gotten like at least a few places higher without that stuff uh without the problems we had oh this is how Charlie Brown okay final round it’s worth the most points um we want to go to extraction that we want to do tax shooter it shouldn’t be like

Not like stand on it because like what if they kill all of us um they can only kill like the sun stand in the TNT explosion yeah spread out guys spread out oh I have cat vote I’m waiting with the Boop stick over to extraction but my idea is despair I was

Gonna Boop everyone into my I’m booping them into extraction last second keep going second I’m Shoveling them in I’m Shoveling them into extraction they have no choice but to vote keep shoveling them in no no oh God I’m still there man I was still there foreign you learned yep

I don’t know what’s happening Enchanted crossbow oh no okay it’s definitely PVP you get arrows and you can’t these arrows down by holding uh oh yeah you have to hold shift after we kill them all in the center okay that’s the extraction wait so what’s the goal are we trying to kill them

And then you extract in the middle by holding shift kills are what points are in this game extracting is like very little okay so kills yes okay yeah okay look around right now and see the map explore the map is this like a team-based thing

Or like a 1v1 I’m guessing don’t go into the black void uh yeah I think if you get knocked off you die probably oh what the heck so it’s like 2v5 we extract so we don’t give them points like what’s the no you kill them still you you finish them off I’m down

Or no like if we have two left and then oh no you’ll probably die like that you’re not gonna extract most likely okay um yeah I mean we should go hide we should go hide okay yeah High Ground High grounded one shot one kill guys we’re against the purple Pelicans wait

Isn’t this like the first place demon no four shots four shots it takes four shots to kill after three less than five okay left or right did we just shoot them yeah you have to load this I have to load this thing this is an enemy oh my God their colors

And arrows they like recharge I wanna hit one reloading I’m stuck I’m gonna try and sneak him on the low ground it might catch him on the garden are there Footsteps in this game oh I’m Giga griefed they’re they’re uh ganking me right now um Hit one I want to hit him one two h two H didn’t hit I’m so fragrating again buddy buddy get hit please none of these are hitting it they’re collapsing I’m gonna get okay I’m dead I’m dead double the tab they’re all those are all those shots I

Never adjust for the thing because I’m used to shooting guns oh nice nice one here oh I traded a shot I think you can extract if anything hey we landed three shots not bad 15 seconds you’re good um let me go see HP for you oh nice oh

Nice Timmy nice wait we’re actually we’re actually winning this mode that was like the best team in the game I’m testing um okay okay here we go four seconds to reload yes Sam I was holding for way longer than I had to like I’ll go right side

With you can you hear footsteps I’m just kidding what does spectral arrows do I don’t even know oh okay I’m going for a big flank off the bat wait I got one top You Got What I hit one for two I did not know they were all I did not

Know they were all in this tree okay that was just a positioning disadvantage I didn’t know they were all in that tree apparently they were all just sitting there waiting um so that was a sneak attack good little sneak they got below we should have played safer but I think they

Expected the flank come on they’re pushing you probably dead good luck Timmy I mean he’s our best shooter but oh oh to me oh my God Timmy’s insane it doesn’t matter what game he’s too good Jesus Jesus Timmy oh my God guys actually insane at shooting doesn’t matter what

Game it is he’s too good Jesus guys he’s like one of the best FPS players probably in the world and I know it’s Minecraft but I guess he’s still just good that just doesn’t really matter what it is okay spectral arrows so it is spectral it just like highlights them oh okay so

Uh social arrows wall hack if you hit him or yeah you have to hit him okay you have to hit him one’s on the right building over there he’s above me he’s right next to you uh he’s right next to you sleepy you got him vote for blue oh you can mailo melee

No I’m going for a flank one’s in our building I lost him though I died I died where are they where are they playing guys shot too low I never adjust for the fall of the arrow this guy’s really really good above above I’m sleepy on sleepy on The

Middle on top of the roof I’m wondering okay hits me oh my God nice Jesus okay okay that’s good that’s good we’re Landing hits I don’t know how we’re doing but we haven’t lost okay we beat one of the best teams so we can actually win every round here

Definitely can [ __ ] put him on a [ __ ] door let’s go sorry okay put him on a poster what’s going left here on my shirt all right ow he hit me he hit me they’re on me two dudes yeah oh there’s a guy flanking I hit two I do not know how to use

Arrows I’m gonna say it I guys I never can adjust for it but I don’t practice with crossbows so I don’t even think I hit anyone there I feel like I should have been able to but I just never adjust for the fall or the lag time of shooting it um

One’s under in the basement okay uh one in our building when our building yeah there’s two of them right outside the building there’s two there’s one nice there’s one flanking here I think everyone should be one nice they got our teams cracked down hit them how much multiplier this is the highest

Multiplier in the game this is Max where is he where is he I can’t see oh he’s right outside he’s not sleepy he’s not sleepy flank him no he’s done nice nice oh wait that’s not sleepy it looked like sleepy because the first letter looked like an S again that’s what I’m

Talking about yeah my team is carrying guys I’m not doing so much I got some kills though I got two kills I’m doing something definitely not as well oh my God 14 kills Timmy is just known for every single FPS game in the game in the world traded I can’t believe he traded

Attacked him twice I got two hits on him but I mean there’s two of them there isn’t any hit uh stuns so if I get hit I can get hit again um we traded you got it sleepy you got it here oh we just got rushed by two of them so

It’s tough but we traded every time yeah they just rushed in go with us instead of separating in the beginning um yeah I think it’s hard when you get rushed and more separated we all Ambush one guy there’s like nothing he can do yeah there’s no um you know how normally

You can’t hit someone twice in a row I think you can just all hit him yeah it feels like I know I’ve gotten one shot yeah yeah you definitely can just keep it they were load so fast holy [ __ ] hey yeah my reloads are bad guys I always over reload guys

Only one person should hide and then the other guys should like like if you there we go uh like kind of oh yeah four of us deserved together and one person plays back yeah right you go right you buy yourself just fine yeah okay don’t go

Too where we go left we go left okay go left go left I go outside I’ll go outside I flash you I gotta smoke flashing flashing flashing take a sharp angle sharp angle I don’t see anybody on air yeah they’re running outside they’re gonna be hit one they’re gonna be in the middle

Pushing down they’re gonna play like a little safer hit one again um one pushing me and what I mean what I mean tagged I died landing hits Landing they blend into the ground he’s good he’s good where’s it he’s crazy man he’s crazy oh thank God we did it we did it

As we even beat the the lime team they’re crazy out of here all right extract extract not bad not bad guys we’re actually making somewhat of a comeback here oh we beat the Green Team and they’re insane like yeah this is definitely our game but we do have all the FPS players

I’m gonna go outside the boys are about to own the Blue Book we’re gonna be long be long did they go left I hit one one hit one right potential flank on me oh I’m in a lot of trouble uh I had one I have one three times hey one three times

Sparkles one got one is that John I’m getting so much better at the reloads here one here I’m flagging him I’m dead based on our low basement yeah last last oh extract what’s happening well we smoked guys my reloads are getting so much better that I think that’s making all the difference guys

Those reloads are making all the difference we can shoot so much faster I feel like we’ve been winning but every single game we’re getting better and better it’s crazy hey guys we got 17 damage four kills like this is crazy we were actually popping off and once I

Got those reloads in we were set man I just want to play more of this game like I feel like this was the game I’m glad we saved it for last time this was definitely our game that is by far like this game mode yeah

Yeah I like that one a lot and we were good at it too it’s all question marks We got so many points we had to have we got like Juiced points on them gotta be fourth gotta be first first first first first surely surely first yeah yeah first yeah first off that game yeah yeah there’s no way but I think we definitely didn’t get last there’s no way I think

We popped off in that last round that gave us so many points I think we’d probably maybe even I don’t want to be too confident I think we did better than seventh I think we did better than seventh Pizza okay Pete he’s cracked out tubbo oh Joe Jones is this individual

Placements yeah yeah these are all people I mean these are all people we know guys I don’t know Coral Way actually but yeah and we know Pete we know JoJo uh Illumina of course tubbo um I don’t know a POC either so many purples and blues

And frost of course one of the best best Minecrafters on the planet and that was on our warm-up fiend got some kind of record I don’t know purple number one of course guys it’s crazy because in my first MCC I think ant Frost and purple were the ones

Trying to help me practice on how to how to learn how to play they must have done a terrible job because I suck all right I’m just kidding I’m getting shots but it is cool to see that like the best players like tried to help us learn

Boys baby this could be us guys but I hope not it’s not us we’re above seven we might be six okay we got six not bad not bad we really update guys they beat us by eight points eight points they beat us by eight points guys that’s

Crazy from uh eight points okay let’s see purple’s points here honestly we did good though like we did good they got fourth oh wait what yeah yeah teal Turtles and probably lime I would hope um 20K Jesus lime lions all right good luck good luck I hope the

Lime Leons win but I’m biased it’s not a game music yeah game music this is a spectating game okay yeah the bridges game is like all right guys let’s see it’s um puns Boomer I mean I’m hoping for the lime Lions team because we’re not and that’s where all my

Friends are like puns and uh newest players um the other team is I mean they’re cool too who was it wait was it teal against lime I hope you guys had fun in this event even though it was quite hard oh yeah it was great that I’m

Just glad the last game was the last one because that was a good like high notes yeah that one is so fun um it was a good high note to end wait it’s teal against lime oh man okay guys it’s tubbo and purple against ant puns Boomer and sneaking

Yeah I don’t know who I want to win guys I mean I just realized I I like both teams um not that there’s any teams I don’t like oh um I don’t know guys it’s tough It’s it’s they’re both good um let’s see I don’t know who’s gonna win here I think

Um if purple is super good but your aunt Frost and uh I feel like you’re turning up the song I just don’t know I don’t know it’s on bangs I’m telling you all right here we go oh right whoever this Kings what is this he’s building oops music oh punch is going

Straight to the base Turn Up the Music man’s going straight what are they doing it wait what do you just running left side penetrable oh you just jumped in and you win yeah only one person interesting interesting okay that’s crazy wow this happens quick

I think wait do you res this takes a lot more skills than just uh but there’s a timer the usual thing all right oh someone’s trying to build up a little defense here yeah um I mean they’re just running right through oh we have two Defenders there’s yeah there’s two Defenders here

They’re trying to stop you gotta knock them off they definitely did not knock them off they just went away you should tell teal how the game works because I don’t think they understand they have to defend their [ __ ] hole guys lime is winning really hard maybe we should go

Over the like intro of the game again it’s looking bad guys lime is absolutely smoking um I watched the Boomer just to walk in like he’s got stealth yeah I mean they’re they tried to stop him boys tubbo is building a literal wall list could go either way now

Oh people don’t die forever Aunt Frost just trying to rush in here extremely crazy movement crazy movement not quite enough though I thought he fell off pretty good yeah he’s managed to survive yeah he’s kind of crazy I was oh my God that was sick all right I think the teal team picked

It up guys it could go to anybody now Oh God okay tubbo so the interesting thing is all the blocks stay which means tubbo is building a literal Fortress here like guys salvo’s got a fortress and they’re just not making it through here yeah they are not making it through the portraitures of tub over here like

There’s just no way oh my God wait it’s working it’s working guys God they’re coming back they’re coming back who has built up Fortress they’ve scaled now yeah yeah it looks like since the blocks they just keep building guys they just keep building teal with zero two at the beginning but now it’s

Tied up I think they they’re taking advantage of the building tubbo is committing to The Fortress here guys he’s still building that I got two bows wait they’re rushing triple Rush Boomers making it he’s in it wait they scored first green Boomer was about to make it but I

Wasn’t even looking three times guys it could be over it was zero two and now it’s three to two they just scored three times in a row I mean it’s looking really bad I mean wait Teal’s going for an all-out they’re going crazy oh [ __ ] triple right

Side that’s a gamble this guy just fell on accident that’s unfortunate that’s gonna cost him quite a bit yeah it’s over it’s over these guys are so strong if they don’t stop this guy like right now it’s over one in the barbecue sauce four times that’s surprising the green team had two

Points on him at the beginning wow good game guys that was fun I believe I’m gonna suck you for you guys if we got to this last game I’d be so bad at it like I can’t build and run around I feel around the whole base yeah

I do so bad at this final oh the walls on each one yeah that was a pretty good event first round I saw my stuff stayed a big dude guys we need a we need a pig a scuffed player he’s made like one hole so you can leave

And everything else is just a fortress yeah make a bait door cam scale to The Fortress Yeah tubbo built his literal Fortress could you block yourself in Oh yeah that makes sense I feel like we might have not gotten last just for the last thing it was a good event that was pretty fun yeah we gotta get uh can we ask him to get a papega’s garbage gamer version for me like the Nerf version yeah yeah can

We get like you know how like uh MCC does Underdog papigas can we get one for this also like I’m sure that could be your range guys we need more Underdog papega versions let’s see how we did guys um last game we don’t need to look at

Timmy got second of course all right guys final score for us team got fifth down by eight points or something or sixth or fifth seven seconds um let’s go let’s see what we got 38. I thought we did better than that well you know we were against good players

Guys I wonder how like individual we were against good players because some of them was like we were only a little behind Red Velvet we didn’t get last guys do you mean let’s pretend I got like three people to three hey guys I’m part of this team too hey there’s

Nothing hey how’s it going everyone um I see so like what about like blending in with your picture because it’s divided equally hey guys oh oh they’re looking at me oh that um oh hey I think I think I mean my color individual team uh oh your color looked

Like mine could be wrong I thought we were taking it jumped by the purple team no guys I thought they were the pink team we look so similar right yeah no we look so similar guys uh you know um oh that was fun what are you guys up to now

Um I got Premiere later oh the premiere for Valor wait who’s on your team Timmy is it cracked out uh we have Tarik drowned oh wow okay yeah that’s a great deal yeah so definitely a cracked out team um wait is it Premiere not to like like for a while like

So like 7 P.M last time yeah eight o’clock that’s a while yeah I saw them do the bike job okay that was pretty fun guys I want to get a papega version right because I do feel like to some extent Everyone likes to win the thing isn’t everything but

Um you know Everyone likes to win if we can get a bad Player version I that would be great all right we need a bad Player version actually I do have to get off so I can’t do anything all right yes I’ll see you guys around

Um guys next time next yeah next time next next one we’ll do better next time it was our first time block party I mean Roblox yeah or EDC EDC this weekend maybe some people are going that’s this weekend isn’t it this weekend that sounds about right or not like right now

Like today is this weekend but next like the upcoming weekend like oh God you got you got you yeah because obviously it’s not today any plans after we might do some uh I see yeah I do some Zelda see you guys later no I’m not leaving last you hang up first oh

That was fun though I would do it again I would for sure do that again um I do want to get like some uh we for sure need like a low let me scratch my eye we for sure need like a papega version for bad players um all right um

All right we could try the uh Zelda game is that game good guys or does it suck I’ve heard really mixed things about it some people told me it’s super good some people told me it kind of sucks I I really don’t know um I mean it’s good it’s not good yeah see

This is exactly what I was talking about some people said it’s great a lot of people said it’s not great so I’m not sure what uh who told you it sucks well a lot of people told me it’s the same thing and not that different um you know I’m not sure um

Uh so I think we can try for a bit see how we like it um other than that we don’t have any crazy plans today so uh valorance honestly guys we gotta play something we’re decent at right um same concept all right let me let me

Turn it on we’ll just give it a shot see how it goes um okay I’m gonna turn on my switch let me plug in my controller we’ll just play the chill while we uh see if anyone wants to do something else GTA with the boys guys you think anybody

Is on GTA I doubt it hold on okay um how do I even play this game oh okay uh here we go 4K cap Buddha is playing GTA surely Buddha’s playing GTA guys surely chevalry I would if we had a squad I don’t know if I necessarily want to solo

It that much though is the thing um okay my thing is not turning on uh No signal my capture card is plugged in right hold on okay okay um yeah this but guys what if my capture card no we played Mario Kart didn’t we or Mario Party yeah we played Mario Party it might be bugged um why isn’t it working okay hold on hold on um

Okay my capture card seems to not be working right now it’s just showing a black screen hmm maybe I gotta push some buttons um hmm to be fair I didn’t test it yesterday but we did play Mario party that one time uh let me go try and unplug and plug it

Back in and see if that fixes it um I’m gonna leave on some music and I’ll be right back hold on it’s definitely all plugged in it’s just a black screen for some reason though um let me see if the game’s on okay uh uh okay game’s on

It’s getting signal but it’s a black screen what does this mean guys does anyone know what this means um here look so here’s my my thing it’s just a black screen if I unplug the switch it says no signal so it’s definitely getting a signal but it’s not getting like the actual

Uh if you know what I mean Point Crow had a problem with this too I wonder what happened um because we played Mario Party like a week ago so there’s definitely a problem I’m just not sure what it is so it’s definitely getting uh the thing

Bad cable so here’s the thing right if it were a bad cable it’d be getting no signal at all so since it’s see how if I unplug it it says no signal and when I plug it in it it does have a signal which means it’s definitely um getting something but it’s only

Getting a black screen so for some reason it’s not picking up uh I don’t know what changed is there audio Yeah there’s no audio either uh uh no clue what happened try a different game so it’s not even the uh it’s not even the game it’s just

The switch itself I’m on the main main menu I already tried restarting the switch that didn’t do it um hmm um let’s see when I restart the switch one more time if that doesn’t work then we might be in some kind of trouble here um okay I just restart the switch let’s see

If that fixes anything if not then uh yeah it’s the same problem so it’s basically just a black screen but it’s getting an input um no notes wrong I think we’ll have to fix it another time though probably uh kind of unfortunate kind of unfortunate but uh yeah we’ll see I guess um

It sounds like people are saying other people had trouble too perform a reset I already did that I know how to reset it guys it’s definitely some kind of issue though um huh yeah definitely some kind of issue guys not a hundred percent sure um um let’s see is there anything you can

Put the capture card into what does that mean oh I actually I mean I only have it for my switch so I mean I think that’s it guys that’s it hmm well kind of unfortunate um all right what do we do now guys I was really hoping to play the Zelda

Game that was the plan everyone said it was fun and the biggest thing is um what’s it called I never played the first Zelda game so I feel like this one would have been uh would have been really cool to try because a lot of people their biggest complaint as to why

They said the Zelda game wasn’t good uh they said it was pretty much the same game as before and that’s why they didn’t like it um but since I never played the first game it’d feel fresh to me um okay okay play GTA guys I doubt anyone’s on

It people did say Buddha was on but I highly doubt it also we don’t have a a claimable bank right so we can’t even do the bank thing as much as I’d like to we can check though I doubt it um okay there we go uh um

I will try it we’ll try and see how it goes okay um at a minimum we can check if the claim system works because I said it was every three days but we’ll see we’ll see Valerie with chat I don’t think you can do chivalry with chat I guess we can say

Join a random server but since I can’t host it um there’s not really too much of a way to do that um try using either the capture card or OBS but not both at the same time well the problem with that guys first of all no clue if that even makes sense to

Work but the real problem is well that would mean you just can’t stream it because if you can’t use OBS while using a capture card well then you just can’t stream it and that’s what’s the point of a capture card at that point if you can’t stream it

Maybe because if I want to just plug it into my screen I would just plug it into my screen so I’d be like the capture card is pointless if you can’t use it with OBS um so I don’t know okay let’s just get on see how it works um all right

There we go you know I mean we’re gonna see what’s up uh I do want to see if the the uh what’s it called it if the claiming system works so we’ll try and check that if we can and everyone met a game and said Buddha is awake so surely we’ll find Buddha

After all these years Bramble what the heck is Bramble um okay wait is today Friday oh no it’s Saturday guys it’s Saturday isn’t it Wednesday Friday or Saturday it’s Saturday we missed Jaeger’s Island I think we missed Yeager’s Island I would have gone if we could though uh

I do believe we missed it would have been cool to see check the island that only spawns on Friday would love to um the thermite’s doing great still we’ll definitely be able to use that let’s see if the claiming system works oh we don’t have it uh we can do like

Claim the jewelry store claim the jewelry store how does that work can we get this like how um I don’t know maybe this one how do we unclaim because this one’s like three hours a half poop nuggets oh well um should have gone for the the bank that was soon

Um so we definitely can’t claim uh let’s see if Mr Lang’s on oops I typed in Buddha guys who is toe land I you know I never thought I I hadn’t planned on playing this this long which is why I always typed in hello but Mr Lang you’re awake

Hey what’s up baby what what’s up but you’re actually awake what are you up to uh uh I’m out in the ocean right now with uh even Speedy uh working on some [ __ ] oh oh you’re busy uh not really we’re heading back to uh the Island right now the the what

Yeah the island oh Los Santos is an island yeah you know that no I thought it was like part of them I thought it was based on a fictional place called Los Angeles which isn’t an island yeah but Los Santos is you know surrounded by a body of water therefore

By definition is found but isn’t everything wait where Where Are You Gonna land I’ll meet you there I haven’t seen you in forever pulling up to the uh where you pull out the boats all right I’ll be there oh that’s where uh remember the Rainbow Road yeah exactly there he doesn’t sound

Happy I’ll see you there I’ll see you there all right I’ll see you there to the boats you’re actually alive yeah I mean I’ve been alone I mean I’m alive you’re the one that I I I I’ve been waking up every day for the past week I haven’t seen you once you have

Not that’s not true well I I have I’ve been awake I’ve been awake I’m telling you you’re probably waking up late as [ __ ] then early for you right now yeah yeah I woke up just to hang out with you right right and to play Minecraft anyway I’ll

Be there the boats the boats I haven’t seen Speedy in a while either um yeah yeah what’s speeding with Eve so we’ll see you soon okay be there in a minute all right yep where are the boats at here we go man I wonder what he’s up to

He’s actually awake I thought he wasn’t awake I I I thought I was honestly it was just a meme uh uh where are the boats at was it here but I actually forgot was it here I feel like it was down here somewhere no it might have been here

I think it was here no it’s here it is here okay he’s actually awake I can’t believe it I wonder what they’re up to what does he do these days in the city well we’ll ask him we’ll ask him so many questions you know I mean I know he’s the mayor now

Guys what if the boys are actually back what if they’re actually back this car is driving good today I just took a wrong turn this car’s driving like like a lot better today somehow Mr Lang ah Mr Lang are you here I thought you made it he said he just pulled in uh my car didn’t he say he just pulled in um I thought he said he just pulled in do I still have a lock pick let’s let’s fix up these cars while we’re waiting

I can’t fix it uh uh doesn’t seem to be working doesn’t seem to be working oh my God he’s wait which one’s him ah is that him without the shirt on oh my God it’s them but it’s not Christmas not a salute yeah Mr Lang you’re alive

Hey you know good to see you oh my God it’s been ages Speedy how’s it going hey do I still owe you money for the casino I think I might yes I take it oh I no you’re on money yeah I’m really broke man I got like less than 100K I can

Barely afford food these days you’ll think 75. 75 Hey listen you mentioned it you know what I’m saying how can I forget it then if I you know forgot it oh yeah it’s uh it’s on the tab it’s on the what are you guys up to these days what do you do in

The city I just came back uh well we are Leslie’s stuck on an island as a prisoner of war why don’t we just go pick him up uh well my son owns that Island oh even easier to just pick him up no I hate my son I want to kill him well Jaeger

Yeah you hate him yes what happened uh well long story short right I killed uh Keynes right hand man because he tried to kill me pulled a gun out and shot Kane in the head so then Kane’s guards got Harry down uh gunned me down gunned Leslie down uh

Returned me to Los Santos and kept uh Harry and Leslie made them fight each other and the winner could escape the island Harry won so now Leslie is a prisoner of war how do we get him out how recent was this this sounds very recent it’s Friday

This happened on Friday right was that yesterday uh uh yes wait did this happen yeah it happened yesterday holy [ __ ] oh my God how do we get uh how do we get Mr Leslie back uh we don’t know that’s why we went to go see if we can uh see the island but

You need a passport uh to be able to cross the borders I heard it only opens up on Fridays is what someone told me yeah so it’s over everybody on Fridays but if you have a passport you can go there whenever you want passport how do

We get one of those why don’t I just call him right now uh he might kill you I think I don’t have his phone number or I did that thing where I wrote down a random name for him and uh uh you know that thing where I write

Down a random name for someone and then I forget who they are and they’re in my phone somewhere but I’m gonna give you his number oh yeah yeah text me his number maybe I’ll just wait why would he kill me he’s friendly usually isn’t he no he hates me and everybody around me

We haven’t hung out in a long time he probably thinks we’re unrelated right exactly you know nice to meet you I’m you know um oh cool like Adam and Eve you guys never met have we met well we definitely haven’t because I would remember if we did

Um and since I don’t remember his number you know all right let me give him a call for a passport or at least maybe I can figure out how you uh get them I said we nuked the islands baby you have nukes now well uh we well we have his name is his

Name is yag in my phone no wonder I didn’t find give me one second let me ask him about that his name is yogg I never would have guessed that that all happened yesterday so they’re trying to get people back from the island it’s nukes now maybe he’s not awake

So there’s no way to get to the island without wait wait he’s the mayor can’t he just give out passports hey I don’t think he’s awake I think he’s awake yog is not awake hey I don’t think I don’t think yag is awake um Speedy you helped me finish this

Mission and you get your [ __ ] rods back say I don’t think speaking Speedy would want to blow up the island because he likes going there look at the [ __ ] are we gonna say we’ve actually never even seen the island I’d also like to go there uh

Well I’m trying to get bass give me a couple passports uh but other than that we’d have to wait till Friday but if we wait till Friday Leslie will definitely be dead by then hey there’s a boat coming in maybe it’s someone from the island hey over here are you from the island

Are you guys coming from the island is all right um let’s get out here let’s go oh we’re leaving huh what I may have driven my uh car into the water and excitement um oh um Rob the Flicka yesterday ew what do you mean who

I it’s all I got going for me I mean honestly I thought you wouldn’t want to hang out with me now that we don’t rob banks anymore [ __ ] with that why would that be the case well I mean I thought that’s the only thing that kept the boys together

Well I mean it’s the only thing that gave the boys purpose yeah we’ll always be together I mean I’ve been waking up for the past week I haven’t seen anybody so damn really thanks I just left Tony’s on vacation Raymond is a degenerate uh Mickey disappeared on the island

Disappear I’m a boomer now changing the city every day yeah I mean you can’t do crime anymore so what do you need someone like me for anymore you don’t cry every day brother you just don’t get caught oh right right well no yeah I mean without without the banks and stuff

Without the banks and stuff I mean what’s keeping us together anymore you know what are you doing you know huh huh you trying to farm Sanchez right now well what do you mean we are together okay bro family you know I’ve been waking up at the Manor every day and nobody’s there anymore

Everybody in the family is on vacation besides me oh vacation yeah yeah I love those things life depressing fine anyway um we’re still together oh yeah yeah definitely definitely um well hey so past wait you’re the mayor can’t you just get a passport I mean I

As a Supreme Overlord my son hates me and I hate that so you will not give me a password but I’m getting bass to give me passports and telling Kane that is for uh his officers this is under the house we got a bad cave wait since when was this under the house

Well with everybody on vacation I’m bored you know it’s been a long oh my God he’s got he’s this is the this is from the their old where’s the sword the old sword you had oh it’s in the stand oh I know Bjorn has it [ __ ] oh my God this is crazy

Wow what the heck when was this in that I got one rod of uranium wait you actually have nukes man the city has changed Jesus well you cannot betray me on this adventure oh my God look at this stuff you can see Bats you can what wait there’s there’s things Open storage or I’ll put it back I want one now and one after the job the juice yes why is there a GSF Kitty you gotta stick to the [ __ ] job uranium a rod I’ve never betrayed and I’ve won as long as tranquilizer guns well I didn’t expect it to get it today

What the heck how’d you go in there hey she’s taking the elevator elevator what’s the elevator let’s put it safe oh this is we’re expanding down there it’s the city’s first working elevator ever wow Standard Time watch hold on I got it gotta lean City’s first working elevator

Wait I think it’s the expansions aren’t done yet oh excuse me um oh you win yeah I I don’t think the expansions are done yet um I don’t know it looked like a goddamn toilet flush uh oh there is wow yeah this place has changed so much

You don’t rob banks anymore hey what happens if you fall down here oh you can’t thank God these are some good safety rails I was totally not gonna push here what oh wait so you like um I mean you must be a good friend of theirs if you’re hanging out here

Yeah what do you what do you do do you own like something is is does he still run the vagos no he doesn’t I’m uh I’m Deputy Maya I’ve run most of banks businesses oh right right like the uh the rooster I run the dispensary I had a have a

Strain named after you you have a what name oh right the yeah that’s a good we should get in here I think they’re leaving um you know we’re also going to space by the way what psychedelics yeah wow this city has changed quite a bit um yeah no more robbing banks huh

I haven’t I haven’t gone to jail in months neither have I but I’ve been robbing things wait there’s another part to this yeah yeah this is the best why did they make this what the oh God what the heck I wow um that’s crazy when are you going to space uh

Uh soon you want to see this the facility we’re building okay is it like that last one oh I mean it’s not a it’s not about wow this is so different than um Hey listen I woke back up in the city I was working shifts at ubu selling lean

And doing random junk Jesus Christ listen lean sells for like 2K it’s it’s pretty good money really yeah yeah well the price might have changed now I stopped selling it but I was able to sell a 2K cup pretty good stuff how much was your settlement uh like not

That much like a couple cups it’s hard to get the you gotta convince the doctors to give you cough drops a whole bunch of weird stuff um listen up bro now well I mean actually lean’s legal I I sold it to Cops actually um they told me it’s legal just stupid

But it’s still two cases I think the two lead yeah they love they’re one of the biggest customers actually I thought I thought you were the one who started it lean boys right lean selling lean boy you didn’t do it ah that was not us no we don’t trademark

That oh right of course of course I just thought you know lean boys yeah lean boys right right oh God it’s cooked oh it’s changed you know a lot has changed yeah definitely seems really different and I bet more is going to change now that you’re the Supreme Overlord mayor

You know what that means aren’t you the mayor I just threw in Supreme Overlord to try and make it sound cooler you know because he probably will never give up yeah yeah you know changed a lot to become a dictator I can’t wait until my turn is over we’re talking about I’m

Tired of being the mayor I can’t wait until it’s not three more weeks three more weeks three more weeks who else is running do we know who we’re going for uh actually oh uh Cassie wants to run the person I hit with a sledgehammer yeah oh you should probably forgot about

That I think she forgot about that if she didn’t forget I didn’t hit her hard enough I guess do it again no that was a joke that was like a joke no one laughed though so it just sounds like I was threatening her that was like a haha like kind of like

Uh like they almost kill her I think she disappeared yeah you know like if it didn’t hit her hard enough just her memory would be gone if I did anyway oh I see what you mean is this the space station oh nice obviously well how much does this cost like this is crazy

Cost uh you know a couple uh like 50 million dollars to build 50 mil is that a space shuttle yes what’s its name what did you name it uh we’re calling it The Seven Raven seven I don’t know if you know that lore uh yeah yeah from uh uh sorry bad habit

That’s okay can we get inside can I look inside it uh not yet still being built next week or two uh it’ll be finished uh you can actually get inside and we’re gonna launch wow and we’re gonna go to space how many how what training do I

Need to be a Spaceman I heard it takes years years of training we actually we actually built an entire course of trying to train to get certified actually oh my God how do I get certified I’m gonna do the first robbery in space you gotta speak to uh Nancy and she’ll

Run you through the course Nancy right right do I have her phone number you probably know Nancy I think I think you meant that I’ve definitely met them before but I got this Pro Like Jaeger was in my phone already but his name was yag uh there’s her number yeah yeah that’s

Probably around today but wait she’s around today she’s not not sure if she’s around it I’m not sure yeah hi oh I actually I actually don’t have the number I want to be give Nancy a call tell her we want to uh run through the training

Program and then you get to become an astronaut and when we go to space you get to come with us oh my God I’m Gonna Be Ready wow look at this thing what do we do in space we gonna find aliens are we gonna well uh the original question was to go

To the to the uh to the Moon haven’t we already done that that’s been done already like in the world that was fake they staged the whole thing we’re actually going the more you know what I mean oh right right okay maybe we’ll find some rare moon rocks there

Uh yeah well upon uh you know the researching of how to get to the moon the scientists have discovered that we can actually go to many other planets as well right right can I go to the planet with a cat I have bunny ears on now but like real ones though

Like real cat people yeah yeah like imagine having cat ears does this work you want cat ears or do you want to meet cat people oops oops those bunny ears yeah these well these These are uh these are bunny ears yeah I clicked the wrong button I froze

Something I froze something yeah you know what I mean I’m glitched I’m glitched um I’m glitched I glitched something for sure um how do I fix this oh there we go oh I don’t know what you’re saying you know they got claws on it what yeah exotic

So they’re going to space what the [ __ ] are you talking about Leslie’s been kidnapped he said you know cats exactly exactly what yeah pause you don’t pause you know then you can call yourself you know so what do you guys do for adventure in the city like what gets your what gets

Your blood pumping kind of thing uh well I mean we are at war with the silent uh that’s been uh oh right right now right right storming how we’re going to get there and save Leslie um that’s for that since you were at war with terrorists and uh Russians oh yeah

Oh wow I missed a lot yeah um well I mean there’s so much that’s happened I don’t even know how to put it all into words honestly you know it’ll it’ll pop up eventually I just been robbing people selling random Goods uh trying to rob more things to make meager amounts of cash

Found out you can’t convert cars anymore so all those Vin scratches I saved can’t be converted uh because H and H M got shut down um HML yeah yeah and then yeah so I’m just trying to make money I’m extremely poor I don’t know how it happened oh my

God I gotta show you something though wait what all right I don’t know how it happens I’m always poor it’s kind of weird you think um during the election um with TV buildings during the election yeah and you still won the election wow Seaside and Hayes okay we’re targeting and attacking me in

My right I’m doing smear campaigns threatening people trying to kill people on this crazy [ __ ] so in order uh we wanted to plot our revenge and by doing that is uh I wanted to blow up Hayes so I go into the basement and I build uh the biggest fertilizer bomb possible and

Then we put it in the basement fertilizer bump uh okay blow up the bomb and I will show the results right now yeah sure wait is that that giant explosion by the mandum there’s like a crippled building by the mandum yeah well funny enough uh somehow I put

It in the wrong basement and Ace is just fine uh but the building is back Oh yay cool so you blew that up um wow wait they rebuilt this it was two days ago I was still with rubble so uh maybe it’s just made of paper maybe

It’s made of paper we can just knock it down no that’s a real building that’s a real building uh you got any more fertilizer bombs nice believe it anyway I mean I don’t want to make them feel awkward I mean definitely really weird we drove all the

Way here I think you won the lottery and then we’re like yeah yeah yeah let’s see what happens oh okay yeah um what is this what that was awkward he was that was the whole story I blew it up we drive by it’s not blown up like I could do so

Interesting well apparently interesting that that happens repair the building I wonder what happens if I push the button I’m really curious I always push the button even though let’s try it let’s try it see what happens um and if not we’ll make another fertilizer bomb how do you make those

Well I mean a lot of fertilizer in the couch um yeah but the cow’s all on vacation oh right it’s true I mean they’re probably not being I don’t know how it works exactly and the old house wow I’m stronger than I thought let’s use a first aid kid here okay um

Yeah that was uh that was crazy we’ve been hitting I just did one yesterday with some random dudes I meant it was the most cooked thing I’d ever seen um I think there’s no way this detonators won’t work I mean maybe maybe I’d like to see it um

It’s been [ __ ] nice you know saying maybe the bomb have moved a little bit and you know it takes down actually oh man is this like the best car in the city what’s uh is this a fancy one I had today today um I’m stuck with the old Sultan Mark

III all the cars um the best card in the city I’m Italian you can borrow it right wait really what is it you know that we got we got to show them that car we have to show you the coolest car ever you know okay

I mean I’ll take a look I think the the LFA that oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what do we do do we call the cops

Oh my God oh my God you just blew up that whole building there were people in there oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I guess they’re

Gonna have to rebuild that again huh oh my God he seems more shocked than I am um it’s okay it’s okay we won’t have a lot of stuff oh my God oh my God so is that like was that a good thing or a bad thing I’m not sure if uh

I don’t know I don’t know what just happened I mean I feel like it’s a good thing because now your story checks out pretty well like I saw it happen live uh yeah but I mean is it a bad thing because you just blew up a building but uh well that was unexpected

I’m not expecting that to work genuinely not expecting that to work yeah um okay that was it’s crazed I so I guess I think like a lot of people are there oh no definitely yeah there were people in there I think oh um well I only one person twattered out the exact

Same time hello question one question my question I don’t feel like somebody being blown up with [ __ ] out oh I got I got a stretch um yo anyone here that explosion here I’ll just uh I’ll just tweet out and see if anyone huh yeah maybe no one noticed I think

That part of town is mostly empty I see the explosion I cannot believe that word no I saw the explosion that was uh that was crazy I mean I wasn’t even like looking that hard because I didn’t think it would do anything but okay I was gonna do anything either

Okay well it is fertilizer bombs you know what I’m saying that you know if you don’t clean the mess you know maybe I’m thinking fertilizer again it the fertilizer it’s still fertilized um I’ll act surprised don’t worry look at it oh yeah they’re in their win um

I don’t think they can I mean [ __ ] man that thing was just there huh um guys wow things really have changed I can’t believe that war uh I cannot believe that one me neither actually I don’t I was expecting it to not work I I cannot believe that just happened

Oh lots of start to a day oh listen I’m thinking wait what happens in the mayor if you get caught you know I guess uh something bad if I was working on hey that would be any confused and paranoid right now they just build up the building and blow it

Up again I feel like God damn it right in my goddamn life uh-huh holy [ __ ] apparently yeah I’ll buy it oh [ __ ] no I’m throwing that out I’m going to [ __ ] I buy it can we get the Detonator can we keep it right now keep it and threaten someone like like

The next time you need to threaten Jaeger like bring him over there when the building’s rebuilt and be like if you don’t uh free if you don’t free Leslie this is gonna be your Island and then you bang Baba blow up the building tell them that’s his Island

On the island saying they bombed the building wait what again again but why would I bomb specifically that building Declare War I don’t [ __ ] know wait what what is happening here oh my God you should bomb the mayor’s office I thought you were the mayor that’s what I mean then you declare war

Get it oh right wait that’s genius I think you know what I’m saying you know the island attacking the mayor yeah like you hurt yourself and then you it’s kind of deranged but I mean guys oh that was crazy oh my God yes boxer what do you say

Who’s he talking guess what yes boxer who’s he talking to what rock star I needed that oh okay I don’t know what’s happening so what can I get a buy huh I’m gonna stretch my legs there who’s in the air who’s in the Yellow Pages today pigeon Italian erudite eats

I see that in the Yellow Pages every day they’re dedicated uh selling g e I love that support roosters rifa uh uh fertile what doctor on duty bbmc um who’s around these days guys sad boy hours selling Sanchez Sanchez is probably one of the best things to buy

Um it’s just so good for getting away how much does a Sanchez cost though I would definitely want one it’s one of the best getaway vehicles ever to just own and you didn’t rent them anymore either so it’s actually really really good to have a Sanchez um

How much do you think that would cost because we can get away from anybody in a Sanchez I think like it’s not the fastest but you can do a lot of tricks you can go places other people can’t go so oh Speedy I heard you’re not uh you don’t run the vagos anymore

Who’s the new leader now it’s called the Juan one of my boys I don’t know if you met him I don’t think so yeah they’re doing good you know I still help them and I can’t though right but you know no longer leaders I don’t need to like yeah take care of children

Anymore but I am a school teacher now right around my own School my friend you who do you teach at school I teach people from the street you know random people you know I grab them I teach them how to become gangster and then later you teach people how to be gangster

Yeah oh yeah yeah it’s hilarious I know a guy who did that uh once uh a long time ago yes remember one of Ryan’s oldest videos back in the day come through you know yeah sure when are the sessions Monday till Friday Monday to Friday wait do I have your phone number speedy

Uh here here’s uh here’s mine here’s mine what else can we show you now I’d be interested in checking that out so no more crime City’s so different now I’m at the hospital will still do crime I I just personally but oh it’s it’s really rare to do crime listen I was

Trying to rob that bank the other day I just tweeted out any Bank Busters in the city meet me and nobody showed up there’s none left there’s none left Mr Tony yeah you know something interesting anyways you know what I mean this is what it is unfortunately criminals are gone

I think there’s a lot of crime but it’s just not like your regular prime or something like that yeah it’s like different kind of crime yeah I’m different but you know you plan you know you plan it do it like pulling up buildings and people

Yeah I mean uh I mean this guy is this right here uh you know I might be on going on vacation pool I don’t know oh hey if you go on vacation we can play chivalry oh I’m a couch do what yeah your what’s what uh what’s up Stan

Hold on I’m getting a call have you seen it yet hello I’ll show you in a business meeting right now what’s up pretty [ __ ] crazy you like that huh big business you know yep what else we’ve been saying you know how to have a millionaire the other day you know

I am dead you gotta keep it in the house we’ll get more we’ll get more let me finish up this meeting first I feel like it’s bad to do calls in the car with four people because it’s kind of you know what I mean I just don’t want to be like like rude

Because I feel like doing a call with four people in the car it’s kind of you know rude to all the other people in the car unless it’s very important sometimes it’s very important you do it but usually it’s not great to do um yeah remember the Mickey Ray incident

Guys let’s not forget the Mickey Ray incident I think one of them was in the car and then they killed him and then the ocean dumped and then the what else you know what’s happening here no he’s gonna show you the craziest car ever oh okay um what happened over here

Sleep on me rip never forgotten oh yeah you say it was an impounded yeah okay all right sting perfect thank you bye-bye it sounds like something happened but I don’t know I don’t know what huh uh oh wait the impound is like different now right yes

Thank God my car hasn’t been taken away because I don’t know where it is um what happened between Marty and Lane oh right Marty and Lang don’t like each other hey you ever finished that oil rig thing Mr Langan [ __ ] no oh I’m not trying to be rude yeah

Yeah it was uh it was something that boat ride was screwing my head in yeah the 30-minute boat ride up to the rig every time oh man oh man now you remember when we did bobcat for the first time that was crazy isn’t it right around here oh my God

Yeah bobcat bobcat was [ __ ] one of my greatest one of the greatest places to [ __ ] rob honestly the good old days oh this is the new impound oh this is way different yeah yeah cat ears bunny ears oh hello we’re here to pick up the car

Hey let me pull it out you know look at this card I got I’ve been saving it here check out this card Mr Ling what do you think me and Mr X signed it before everyone uh left the city yeah it’s the only one of its kind I think

Okay so stop snack yeah yeah that car is the only place you’ll ever see it guys I don’t even know why they impounded it to be honest isn’t this the bike with a boost man remember when uh the good old days guys the good old days those were good days when everything was

Exciting city was full of people there’d be people all over the place you could be going anywhere and you just see people doing things that weren’t all doing crime but uh you know it was just full of people doing things oh is this the car wow looks like one of those uh those

Fighter jets like from back in the yay wait is this um no no it looks different looks cool though what kind of cars you know you know the Philadelphia yeah what’s um I mean it looks cool I don’t know if uh I don’t know what’s special about it for

The specialty brother you know I mean it looks like a pretty cool car not my type of styling but other than let’s get it yeah tow Car it’s a cool car um I don’t know yeah it’s been a long time I’ve been uh well I’ve been kind of out of the city I

Just came back recently oh yeah yeah been kind of an adventure trying to make money but other than that I just uh I feel like most of the faces we’re used to they’re not here anymore but I it is you know it’s good and bad thing does that make sense

Because you can always meet new faces you know what I’m saying yeah you know what I’m gonna call someone in the in the Yellow Pages now there’s a goon For Hire hold on let’s check how much the Sanchez costs uh hello hey how much for the Sanchez um

The last offer I had was 140. so a hundred forty thousand well they’re 375 in Michigan they’re 375. then that’s a pretty good deal then isn’t it why haven’t you sold it for 140 then because I was waiting for him to call me back oh so I’d have to beat that offer in

Order for you to sell to me then probably that would be uh preferably how I’d like it to go right right okay I’ll call you back if I can get the funds together thanks okay um so that doesn’t I don’t know if that includes taxes that would be a bit more

Than half of all our money um it’d be a great thing to have it’d probably be the one bike we needed wait where’s this car going coolest car ever and it’s straight up broken anyway um Sanchez is great you can lose anything in it but

That’s a lot of money and I don’t have a lot of money these days oh I think the car was broken he had to get his car towed maybe we just follow them um gas station yeah there’s enough gas so we’d probably go to the nearest gas station interesting

It’s worth it it’d be worth it if I did more stuff if I wanted a getaway bike that’d be the one to buy well the South Side you just run that guy over for no reason uh uh where are you at it’d be worth it if

I needed a getaway bike the problem is we just don’t Rob things enough where it feels worth it at this point I mean it’s just uh it’s just not quite um you know it just sounds like crime ain’t in it honestly it’s definitely different now but uh you know I’m not gonna

Know what uh what’s on the horizon you know what I mean right right I think it’s not a bad deal if the price is really 375 but for our current situation we ain’t that rich man I don’t know guys it’s worth all the trouble we’re going

Through all right I mean it looks pretty cool I guess I oh you way right right Avon is that you Avon huh hold up there oh God I can’t believe I can’t believe Mr Lang help ah Mr Lang help help I can’t believe I’m doing this holy [ __ ]

He’s running don’t let him get away get back here get back here no one gets away with that help I got him I got him get over here what die citizen don’t make me do this don’t make me do this man huh you really just throw a punch and leave

Coward I tell you coward I’m leaving huh what a maniac all right what happened in that car you don’t want to follow you okay wait speed that car is only a two-seater right theater yeah wait really that’s crazy Eve have you seen this guy wait what’s is it just it’s really fast

Or yeah at all uh it seems like it’s a high maintenance high performance car huh um really fast it’s really fast I see hmm is that a is that the Burger King guy what is that I can’t really tell I’m gonna check if anyone’s in the shop over here hello anybody home

Empty just like the rest of the city guys um it’s time sir sir excuse me sir don’t make me do it I don’t want to do this sir I I don’t want to do this don’t stop sir stop it I did that for Jolene did that for Jolene Paul

Um uh that was for Jolene sorry um oh look at that car it’s got some custom things um hey that looks cool who you guys don’t remember Jolene or Jubilee or whatever hey I’ll get in get in hey this thing’s moving let’s go nothing this part is uh you’ve seen them

What they call it but I’m Knight Rider I didn’t want to remind me oh like it drives itself is what you’re saying yeah but you know it’s a cool style you know what I’m saying look at it I’ll be chilling in the car yeah I mean it’s pretty cool

I’m gonna put my seatbelt on just in case look I think he’s like 300 miles per hour walk okay I played enough I mean it’s going like a hundred seen that fast you seen this car before he ah yes it’s so this uh we’re about to activate the mouse get ready okay yep Right here oh I think of that I think it’s going slower the car is broken Were you trying to drive off we were driving into the water oh wait what it transforms wow this is crazy this is submarine wow this would have been crazy for getaways back in the day oh yeah we would have gone on many vacations well this way is

Wait why can’t we just take this to the island well that’s the plan actually the thing is we have to like uh determine how close it’s cool to launch it to the island because it guzzles gas like five times faster underwater that makes sense hence that’s why I was out of gas

I mean I’m surprised even if you can get it to the island if I bring even a tow truck just to the edge and then start going to have to get out of the water and then you’ll run out again hmm oh wow so how do you uh

How do you get this back on land do you have to go to the shore or like that one dock yeah that’s a potential weak point in the plan because there’s only one place you can go somewhere right you can follow the radar on the car don’t you

Hit it the beep oh right right I mean this is pretty cool this is a cool car I don’t [ __ ] know you go to the driveway watch today though does this does this have like missiles or something or it’s already got the wings yeah yeah the wings the engine everything I just need

To get a stronger engine for it yeah you just need like a turbo mode strap like a little jet pack on it this is a cool car um oh boy I see land to the right what what I don’t think that’s a boat oh I think it’s so hard to control the water

What is that I I mean it’s cool I just I’m not sure exactly I mean for one thing it’s really slow guys look at the map look at how fast you’re moving we’re moving slightly faster than someone running I think it’s like a [ __ ] shark I can’t see it is smell the blood

This is cooked here oh yeah right here right here and then oh oh okay um uh what even is it straight ahead uh yeah I think so I think so yeah um this is uh I I mean it’s oh oh God oh um oh God this is fine oh yeah thank God we’re

Underwater we’ll just slip right out maybe this isn’t that good for getaways um more left I don’t think we go left here oh my God where are we going wait we have to go there go up and more left wait no you gotta go right um I don’t know if uh uh

I don’t think this is working too well um luckily this party is uh you know I want left yeah oh wait yeah yeah you’re right this is um kind of cooked um huh luckily without special forces boys you know what I’m saying yeah thank God because we would not make it very far

Um yeah we would not have made it too far there let me tell you um all right we’re almost there guys okay almost there almost back yep um man that was uh that was something all right wait a second what I mean yeah it was really cool for a bit and

Then I was like um and then we just got lost to go crash I mean it seems useful definitely a bit of uh fun I’m fine a thing there um I don’t know if my pocket was killing 50 000 literally we’re free we made it out um my pocket was feeling Richard I

Probably would say okay that’s uh that’s a pretty cool car yeah that’s um yeah you like the card my brother yeah I mean I don’t know if I’d use it too much but that was a good that was a good car how’d you get this thing you just found it

Oh wow that’s rare like I think it’s the only one I think I don’t know I think I feel like it should be uh not too fast on land actually but but yeah right right it’s uh can’t help but notice it’s almost out of gas already [ __ ] Island but anyways guys happy Saturday

Everybody everybody have a great weekend I go to bed oh all right well you know hey it was great seeing you too we’ll do a thing someday maybe sometime let’s do it let’s do it or something well hey what are you guys do in the city usually

I help a lot of people listen what’s up you know let me tell you something I okay what is it hey yeah you know yes he didn’t pick up the phone when I called him that’s what I mean he just texted me you know what I’m saying

So if you want you know maybe give him a call maybe he could show you around you know the island you know what I’m saying maybe if he wants to Wine what if he thinks I’m too associated with Mr Ling he I guess I can try and call him I can try

And call him what I’m saying though do it I got a deep brother all right I’ll try I’ll try but we’ll see I let me give you the keys I got a deep dive oh Keys cool free keys I will try I feel like he might not pick

Up I gotta go guys but have a great day oh hey thanks I don’t think he’s picking up guys oh oh my God the [ __ ] Mr Yeager you’re alive what the hell are you doing around what the [ __ ] I just started coming back in the city like a couple days ago um

Holy [ __ ] yeah it’s crazy but everything’s so different I haven’t I feel like everyone’s gone yeah you know a lot A lot has changed since you’ve lasted yeah the old Squad I used to hang out with the uh they’re all gone I haven’t seen any of them

Except for some people like uh you know the old Heist crew they’re uh I think there’s no Heist anymore so there’s nothing left well there there are highest really like what uh like the vault is completely different wait really uh when’s the last time you’ve done it

Well I don’t know like I’ve been out of the city for like uh a year right yeah like a year yeah um that shit’s completely different have you been to the Vault lately um I mean I passed by to get my check it looks different um that that shit’s all completely like

You know people do it like you know you’re not gonna be the Forerunner this time but oh yeah of course I think like almost everyone’s doing it these days it’s like not even a thing anymore I heard you had new island though someone told me it only opens on Fridays

Though I think I missed it yeah it’s uh okay it’s the whole thing you know it was like an amusement park is what they made it sound like to me you could call it that yeah you know in fact okay but yeah what sorry I’m just I’m remembering some

[ __ ] you used to do on your days off right like uh like what say about the island is pretty much uh yuno’s day off wow 24 7. okay oh you’re really selling it to me um so it only opens on Fridays though right so I have to wait till next Friday

Yeah it’s very dangerous here though you know like dangerous like there’s wild animals or there’s wild people what does that mean I’m pretty peaceful I don’t know if you remember like I don’t really I don’t usually have weapons or any I’m kind of you know uh yeah I know that that’s what I’m

Saying it’s hmm I mean I definitely want to see it’s different let’s just there’s there’s a different legislation you know we’re basically our own country over here oh wow that’s yeah you have stores and stuff you got like uh you got your own your stores and everything

You could say that yeah we do business here sounds sounds interesting so it’ll be opened up uh next next Friday yeah I mean I don’t know you know I’m gonna be completely honest to be okay yeah uh I don’t think that there’s a lot of people very close to

You like playing this individual is charging uh making some money for horoscopes you’re playing it I don’t know I’m an aquarium apparently I don’t think they’ll be very happy being around me oh he’s on the phone what do you what do you mean happy Rabbi what um

Yeah I had a falling out with everyone who’s everyone playing and oh no he he’ll forgive you I mean you’re your son right first son and everything you remember the good old days you got the thing that right yeah Harry Harry uh what was it was the Derry Brown

Lang and Harry came to the island so yesterday and shot me oh why’d they do that I thought oh God Ling shot my second in command because he didn’t like the way he talked I told him I do that that does sound like and I said Lane I’m not gonna hurt you

But I’m Gonna Hurt Harry or Leslie so you need to choose and okay he said he wouldn’t do that and then Harry shot me in the hug oh so um not on the best terms right now you know I would love for you to come by you

Know oh in fact uh now that I’m remembering right I think you’ve pretty much always like kept the piece like you never really gave a [ __ ] about uh other people’s issues you know yeah don’t really keep up with that too much I did notice something you don’t call

Him Emperor anymore remember you used to only call him emperor back in the day he keeps calling me by my government name now he doesn’t call me Jaeger so oh you’re right I yeah he calls me [ __ ] Kane yeah he called him Kane earlier that’s interesting I was you guys don’t I mean

This is a temporary thing you guys can can patch that on right up in like a week right I mean time goes by quick you only live so long bygones be Qui-Gon Jinn oh I mean I I left the guild you know like like a lot has happened

Wait wait who do you run with now then um myself just me and the the guards on the island you in the island huh well I gotta check out this island sometime uh interesting interesting quick question yeah I know you don’t like to you know participate in you know violation right

Right of course of course but do you uh is that extended to like is it just you don’t personally let me explain this in the best way I can right let’s say there’s a campfire I don’t want to be in the fire I’ll be burning and dying but being around the fire is

Kind of cozy if you know what I mean I don’t know if that makes sense I feel like it’s a pretty good analogy there like no one wants to be in the fire that’s how you die but campfires keep you warm and cozy so I mean I 100 get up so

Next Friday right you have a disguise yeah I corset I got dozens dozen you’re talking to one of the best bank I’ll get a new one I’ll get a new one I like the Gamble well I mean I don’t like it but I’ll do

It and lose all my money uh why I don’t have a problem if that’s what you’re asking Cleveland next Friday why don’t you come by the island okay and we like to play a little game here and it’s called uh kidnap some of the people on the

Island and make them fight to the death and I’ll give you some betting money and see if you can double it up okay double it and give it to the next guy I’ve done that before next Friday get the money for all I give a [ __ ] why really you’re just rich now

All right so if I double it I keep it but if I don’t double it then it’s gone yeah all right that sounds like a good deal let’s say it like this uh I’ll give you money to spend on the island and if you lose

It you lose it and if you ever want stuff like drinks or anything you’re gonna have to find a way to thumb it up someone oh yeah that’ll be that’ll be easy I’m a professional robber exactly um so you know just make sure you’re wearing something this is like

You know yeah I can even change my voice I’ve been practicing anyone hey hey do I sound different okay I didn’t sound that different I tried I tried really hard it’s not like a mechanical changer I it’s uh yeah yeah well well mechanical voice changer we’re playing Pokemon oh love that game

So I’ll take you out here uh on Friday there’s a lot of people out here wait put on your disguise and I’ll let you pick out your Gladiator oh okay so we’re gonna have a Pokemon battle is what you’re saying but with real people exactly oh perfect all right all right

I’ll be ready next Friday I’ll see you there all right see you soon wait wait EDC is next Friday we’ll be there hey what’s up who’s this um who’s this you hit me right now really oh hey hey how’s it going um Hey listen do you know how to fight people

Can you beat people up like you know like you get a fist fight and win before um yeah right right who’s this friend of yours yes he’s in the best paper party but they put a gun on him hold on what on who on him oh what they did did they rob you

No she saved my life oh cool cool that’s a good thing to do hey there’s someone down there giving horoscopes you like that stuff what’s that let’s go check hey you’re the the person selling horoscopes right yeah what am I uh what are you yeah if you guess what the rabbit

You’re the rabbit I don’t know anything about years what about my uh my shape like my shape do you know what that is you’re shave you’re definitely a triangle no like my uh like the crab oh wait rabbit no no hi what Mr bog a little bitty oh

God oh my God Mr bog I didn’t know you were back in the city I miss you everyone’s been gone for ages you’re the first friendly face I’ve seen other than all these other friendly faces that I’ve seen um everyone else is also uh well what are you doing in the city

Just biking around you know making sales I’m making a little right how many sales you made today oh okay I’m selling the bikes at around a hundred and thirty thousand each people just got money like that that’s my whole bank accounting them like crazy though we got three people right here

I’m a 2 million you’re at two million dollars selling bikes yeah I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been scamming people for like two dollars Robin uh Sam Jesus well how do you do it let me see let me see the art of the sale here watch okay hey ma’am you like bikes

I’ve never ridden one never read the one have you had job you probably never had have you had a job I’m a doctor actually I helped you earlier oh that’s a lot of money I understand what I’m trying to say that you can fix that boredom with a bike boredom I’m not bored

Oh wife saves lives when you could save rides what I mean wow that’s a good one for the you’re backing up the wrong tree I’m I’m homeless I have no money you’re what save gas I’m homeless I have no money they don’t even think you said you’re a doctor I am

You’re a homeless doctor with no money they’ve never paid me Jesus maybe it’s because you’re not working at the hospital right now I don’t know I well I was just there I helped him oh you helped him how much did you get for helping him

Oh oh you were my doctor yeah oh my God wait doctors are broke in this city scrubs closed they’re different yeah yes thank you for saving my life no problem anytime I do it for the you know love of people obviously not money because I’ve never been paid oh man that is rough

Um that happens well that’s why I was hustling over there for the uh you know the horoscopes trying to earn some money oh that makes sense customers that have that kind of money man yeah no it’s what you can think around here poor people around here sorry man

That makes sense that makes sense honestly I was just gonna try and break into the apartments and um hey you want to rob a house you could do it you could always do that I mean you could Rob though like I don’t I don’t think I could rob a house I’m a

You know no we can teach you we can teach you don’t worry I robbed the house the other day and I told them I worked for Geek Squad and they let me out why really they helped me move the TV out of the house too it’s that easy see it’s that easy yeah

You just gotta talk your way out of it but you just talk her way out of it but I mean I I don’t think I would actually rob a house that’s depriving someone of their goods well well that’d be kind of rude you saved their lives in return yeah yeah

Even materialistic I mean in some ways you’re depriving the Grim Reaper of their lives that they could get if you believe in that if a doctor has no money doctor can’t save lives and they’ll die anyways without your help you need this it’s true you should see

All this food I have in my pockets they have gone bad food you need to rub them because yeah because I’m just deranged yeah I went look see all this right here oh my God free food see that can I still eat this I’m gonna try

I mean you can try it I can’t I can’t it’s expired I would have eaten it anyway I wanted to oh yeah I got I got it out of the trash because I have no money oh nice you can have one of those ramens too uh doctor what’s what’s your name

Uh Roseville Brian Dr Roosevelt right right so um yeah like the president to uh I got my own bike here you know wait you don’t have a bug bite no I just found this on the floor this isn’t even mine where’s your bug bite

Do I have one I I don’t think I have one oh what’s the difference between a bog back and a no no we can show you the difference watch if you’re riding a regular bike like me watch me do this I can’t run oh it’s actually kind of cool get on the back

Wait you can get on the back of the bog bike yeah you know ride me wait what wait really hey follow us oh follow us in that other bike watch this man oh my God he’s doing moves he’s oh my God man he’s still got it after all these years I made it

You made it right hey did you see that yeah that was crazy can you go all the way up so these fog bikes they’re two seaters yep yep well that’s new something like Spiderman with no web the fall I died you saw me earlier Jesus you found

Ah he’s got he’s got an exoskeleton though like he’s like Wolverine but a little less you know I have no idea something like that all right so we’re robbing house yeah sure I can try that I left Speedy’s car uh at roosters okay oh my God oh God oh my gosh yeah

I would lose my doctor you don’t have like a cousin who robs houses say a cousin I mean we all have cousins that do things yeah hey let’s ride our bikes I’m the only one in my family you know let me get your bike wait you got like a

Better bike I’ll sell you a bug bite for five thousand five thousand well that’s a bargain I could take that and sell it for a hundred thousand let’s go to the bank I think it’s just right down here on the left hey thanks a bunch uh Roosevelt ah

Eh hey how much do these bikes cost you to make that cost me a little bit don’t tell anyone like a lot or a little it’s like uh I mean I don’t want like two thousand completely scam you all right all right 5 000 sounds great though I could definitely afford that

I’ve done for me did I do things all right here I got I’ll give you six as a bonus like extra um okay give cash 45 all right okay I say we take our bog bikes we rob a house and then we try and sell the cops the bike okay it’s genius

It’s you know where the the bike vendor is in the Bay City venue Avenue Bay City Avenue right right uh oh yeah I see it I see it I’ll meet you there I’ll meet you there all right all right I know a trick I’m pretty good with bikes these days

This is cooked this is cooked guys so we’re gonna try rob a house with bikes and sell it to the I have no idea wait he’s kind of good with these bikes he’s fast he’s kind of fast wait he’s really good with those bikes jeez what the Jesus

You guys think we’ll ever be able to do that I don’t think so I I think it’s too complicated for us look at those moves he’s doing yeah yeah we’re almost there we’re almost there I don’t think the bike’s gonna make the difference for me guys I don’t think

It’ll make the difference for me but oh oh I don’t think we’re getting away uh there is a trick you can do with certain bikes um what happened in the car what car oh Speedy’s car I forgot I don’t know where did Eve go anyway now whatever it’s fine

Why’d I buy this bike why’d I buy this bike it doesn’t oh God come on come on bike I need some more Band-Aids after this not gonna lie we are definitely not um quite as quick all right we’re almost there though we’re almost there you just gotta kind of hop while keeping

Your wheel down and then you’ll you’ll convert the vertical momentum into horizontal um yeah right here ah I made it um whoa is that the new bike Jesus that thing is fancy looking and this can fit two people two people lower seat uh crazy things hey would you like to buy a bike

Oh no I’m oh rude you guys just buying bikes is that all oh no no we sell the most Rarity he sells the best bikes in the city bog Dan’s Bike she’d never heard of him uh I mean I’ve heard of uh Fox bikes yeah bugs bikes the best bikes in the city

[ __ ] damn your car is sick I like the lights thank you thank you you see this bike it has a custom wheels fat tires it’s different than any bikes it’s collectible and they’re worth on the street value of the 100 000 right now yeah limited edition see how it says

Bugs BMX bikes on it that’s a sticker you ever play CS go stickers in that game can be worth like a hundred thousand this is yeah yeah yeah one of the rarest things you’ll ever see I found that out yesterday when we played CS go once um

I’m not joking when I say this did any second and you can never get one that’s true they’re limited edition and he only comes in the city once in a blue moon I don’t know you but I wouldn’t want you to just die like that you know

So I hope not that would suck yeah that would sometimes [ __ ] but if you bought one and I did die it would be better for you oh the value would go up even more I bet yep and this guy jumps off buildings all the time he

Could die at any second I heard bug might even fake his death what to sell the bikes worth more so everybody who buys the bike is like it’s like a Bitcoin in fact I just bought one right now and let me tell you the value has

Tripled since I bought it he’s the guy who’s gonna kill me he’s killing me wait what I might even do it right now look at this knife I’m crazy I’m crazy I might do it record this put this on YouTube I don’t know if you can monetize killing

Someone on YouTube record it quick you guys want to buy this you got to buy this now before it goes away okay here’s me here’s my question here’s my question dang it I thought you’d say here’s my mom why would I buy if I have a car well because it’s limited edition

Rare yeah but I don’t have to you check check this out check this out can you do this in the car drive away can you do that in the car oh uh he’ll come right out he’s just showing you the power of the bike right

Right yeah yeah can’t do that in the car I bet oh the bike well yeah but I mean you’re interested get good exercise is good for you kind of thing next to your house you’ll park it next to your store just like let it know it’s yours what the gym is for

The gym the what exercise you exercise at the gym and do yoga why would I ride a bike you put the bike there while you’re doing your yeah yeah you can just look at it it’s like modern art this is modern art people buy these and put them

In their 10 million dollar Mansions up in Vinewood Hills they put it in the center of their living room that’s how rare these Bogdan bikes are as somebody wait you see that lady you know I think she has a bug yet hey give me that bike give me the bike lady give

Me the give me the bite no she didn’t have the bike sorry I’ll be honest with you ma’am all right that was an accident ignore that I don’t have to sell this hard for you if you don’t want to buy this I’m just trying to act crazy

I don’t know if it’s working it has neon lights because it was a local I like how little they even yeah about that like oh man um yeah they were unfazed by that absolutely unfazed I had to change I [ __ ] my pants um okay I’m not convinced I don’t know if

She wants the bike oh you know I don’t think she was feeling the bike um there’s a heart oh on the back wow that is kind of cool oh man I thought we had that sale for sure I can’t believe it I’m gonna have to take out my anger on

This random civilian this is for no sale oh oh bug help me man this guy’s tough oh God whoa Jesus you just took that guy out nice job nice job oh my God just smack that guy all right let’s get out of here uh you can go to the changing of it and

Make it look cool and then uh listen if you want to Rob house or do something you call me yeah okay yeah of course how do I change the color and stuff on this you take it to the shop which which one like this shop or another shop oh wait hold on

Get off it oh okay give me your state ID oh uh six four two two I think don’t accept yet get on and then accepting oh okay uh and then we set congratulations on your bog bike nice I’m gonna tell everyone how great this is

All right so I did get a witch shop the tuner shop I yeah I don’t know Auto but they’re so mean to me wait why would they do to you I went there to give them repairs and they said no wow that’s unbelievable I’ll take it to Autos thanks a bunch bug

I’ll see you soon interesting I kind of want to change the purple not really my favorite color um what is with these bikes here hey we got a free oh did you see that thank God guys I don’t think we’re gonna make it to the shop

I don’t think we’re gonna make it we’re gonna try I want to change the color a little bit though um okay we’ll go out we’ll go change the colors I kind of want to make it like uh I don’t know we’ll see what the options are

I think you can go tuner shop right let’s just make some calls I don’t want to ride all the way there and then um see um Harmony Genie Pixel Perfect still in business Ron oil I think you said Autos Auto’s right oh wait there’s no one from autosanos um not sure I

I thought they’d be able to there’s nobody we can just ask someone dodo manager hey there he is again um Harmony Diner let’s see can Harmony do how’s it going hey I’m trying to customize like a bike do you know where can they do that at Harmony

Uh no it’s customize the bike you need to go down to it I need to go where down to the tuna shop the tuner shop ah right thanks I’ll be at the tuner shop thanks no worries man you suck I’m practicing I was on the phone I was on the phone okay

Well that was uh bit of a struggle there um okay to the tuna shop I should probably park it somewhere but hey oh excuse me could you give me a ride excuse me hey hey could I get a ride somewhere real quick I just I just really quick I I

Just bought this bike and I crashed a few times I might no no I’m really trustworthy listen ask me any question ask me some questions 20 Questions any questions yeah yeah you know me you know me last summer on July 31st at 6 p.m July 31st 6 p.m I was uh I

Was uh in your car I think yeah get in the [ __ ] car you know oh wait you know me the Twilight wait you’re Violet yes you gotta stop changing your hair color I’m used to it being violent never was violent we went over this why do I still think it’s Violet then really

Why is you why are you named violet wait could you take me to the apartments and then uh I can park this and then we got to go to the tuner shop I’m in the middle of it plus boots I can bring you to the apartments oh okay hey

That’ll help that’ll help I’ll just kind of hitch a ride after I feel like every time I run into it you’re doing an S Plus boost no I’m a booster also I’m really sick you didn’t let me if you’re familiar to my question which question all right you

Got more questions go for it hold on are you guys good or no when are you gonna take me on the S Plus boost I got nothing to do in this ah when do you want a boost right now can I go on this bike I mean I try it once

Up and I can drop you off to them and maybe they’ll pick you up like a little Stripes you’re thinking you dropped me off I don’t know anybody in your squad and then you say hey um this is my friend but like no one else is that I

That’s like if you invite me to a group hangout and say yo let’s all hang out you don’t show up to the group hangout and then I’m like oh like I got invited I definitely I got invited here but I um uh how am I supposed to go without you

No it’s like taking my little brother to a club and be like my mom forced me to like bring him to the club but like he’s cool he’s chill right have you been to a club before yeah I’ve been through a few clubs been

To a club twice and I just sit in the corner sip a drink and then feel awkward I what kind of drink though I don’t know usually one of my one of my more sociable friends hands me something and I just blindly trust them I’m the sociable friend I’ll be double

Interesting drinks and just hand it to my friends right right hey anyway I’ll go next time if you can go like it’s kind of I don’t want to go by myself are you with the angels yes I told you you know Claire Claire’s boosting I know uh Xavier too

Xavier I met him oh zav oh God what do you mean oh God Alex uh the dude who ditched Tony Squad okay he didn’t he just went down a different path right that’s a lot of words to say ditched anyway yeah I know him I met him uh with Tony before he left

He’s a really good kid really good kid yeah he was really cool Tony really wanted to join his Squad up until he uh you know yeah yeah he’s a really good driver a really really good driver no that’s why Tony wanted him so badly but well you

Saw how that turned out maybe he can teach you a few things yeah I’m kind of like a brick wall in terms of learning I learned absolutely nothing but maybe you need to open your minds yeah I’m working on that I’ve been taking uh I’ve been selling lean is that

It’s opening your mind I think acid opens your mind more doesn’t it make you like hallucinations you want to drop acid what well that’s not what I was asking what it was trying to get [ __ ] up no I’m seeing if I can sell it for money I just want to sell it

For money I’m broke you don’t want to do drugs with me really am I being peer pressured I’ll try it next next time peer pressure did you say you were going to bed soon I’ll try next time now I’ll do it next time you had to go to bed

Right next time so you’re you’re no next time I was going to my I just got my bog Dan official signed bike I was gonna go across my car I’m taking you to the dinner shop oh wow thanks okay hold on let me get my uh bog Dan bimx bike

Wait did this thing just change colors from putting it in my parking okay an S Plus One an S plus plus booze listen I’m not very useful in boost I I don’t really have a gun so I can’t do the hacks that well because I have dyslexia it’s hard

You know it’s not easy out there so much I can like definitely shank some of the dudes that roll up like I’ve done that before guys wanna I found somebody this is cooked this is cooked I’m going to bed I found somebody for this plus plus I mean I I can just

Help clear out some of the guys at the beginning I can you know you know I give them a little a little stab I’m pretty good at that some call me a radiant knifer if you know what that means a radiant yeah yeah you know like uh bronze brain

Radiant knife aim is what they say well maybe only yeah these huge trucks and uh they shoot you with machine guns you think you can knife them do they ever get out of the truck yeah oh yeah perfect yeah I got that I just need to get up enough body armor

Okay you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna yeah take take me long I don’t I don’t want anything I just I’m here for the EXP I’m like uh what do they call unpaid intern okay and then you’re gonna do drugs with me yeah yeah yeah we’ll we’ll do that next

Time we can do that next time um like what like a at a club do they have those here in the city no we’re gonna do acid and then go to the ocean and we’re gonna look at the clouds and see what they are yeah hey that sounds uh that sounds

Great I’ll um yeah that people do that often you really don’t get out much do you you know what do you mean I have a BMX bike I get out all the time all the time I’m sociable and you ever go to EDC I’m going to that I bet you’re not going to

That I’m I’m super going so now you’re just saying oh listen to I’m going to this thing you’re not going to and you’re yeah I’m kind of I’m kind of cool like that I can get you and if you want if you really if you really want to both of my friends or

What was that are you gonna boost with my friends are you just gonna pay yeah of course wait wait are we doing it now now well this store looks empty anyway okay I’ll take me to the spot wait I need some body armor and Band-Aids I don’t

Know how to say this when I was riding that bike from the bike shop I got it from bog I crashed about seven times and I’m horribly injured I need body armor a Band-Aid everything I like everything maybe a trip Le are you good I just ran into a doctor

And they said they get paid nothing I just uh Band-Aids will be fine Band-Aids and some armor it almost Need a lot of those things um I’m bringing you you know to the house currently okay um are you worried about like your uh car looking like that Purple Gang what are they called again the ball is yeah what about they don’t get mad that you got a purple car

Oh right right dead gang knew that I mean I haven’t seen him either so I’m gonna ask him yeah he has some very interesting thoughts on the hack so maybe ask him in person they want me to try and hack it there ain’t no way no You’re sitting about two inches away from me what do you want me to do side eyes you know you ever like glance like you’re hanging out with someone they check their phone you glance over on accident then you just see what they said you got to pretend you didn’t but

You see and if the juices yeah and they’ll say something like man I’m hanging out with this loser right now I gotta get out and then you gotta pretend you didn’t see that and then you’re like oh usually it’s not about me oh no people talk [ __ ] about you when they

Hang out with you no no no that that was hypothetical it’s hypothetical it doesn’t there’s a tears drinking down your cheek right now you know are you okay oh no that was uh that’s just it’s raining um we’re in a car yeah yeah that’s weird I think you got some holes you might

Want to get that fixed this car is uh this must have been the last boost got banged up a little side eyes you know oh hey I got a message from someone hold on all right really guys I brought you the best s plus plus hacker I’ve never I suck at these

Claire how’s it going you know uh you’re an S Plus hacker well not no I actually I was really bad at these kind of boosting things I was gonna try and stab some of the dudes that defend their car you know they I was gonna just stab them

Are you sure you don’t want to try it I I can give it one go nothing from doing it yeah yeah I can give it one go you got some body armor so I can stab those guys though oh hold on get in the car

Let’s go to this I’ve got I’ve got a whole stabbing thing that I do like I don’t know bronze aim radiant knifing aim brain wait I said it backwards okay okay the knife thing uh couldn’t be me I’m Diamond gosh wait you’re actually diamond in valorante and valerante yeah

Right wow that’s insane at least I could easily get dimed if I wanted to just saying um easily great I could get it easily like not by myself but I could probably ask my friend Timmy he’d help me out he’d boost me uh he said he said he would help me out

I don’t want to because getting boosted is kind of lame but I could easily hit Diamond I just I just gotta call in some favors from from like Timmy and tarek and stuff we could do it no no I’m not going to but I’m saying I

Could options there wait was I on me was I speaking out loud when I said that can we oh wait I think I met the guys that owned the store is this that that fancy British store um oh my God I think this might be that fancy British store hey they do have

Armor I’m so smart it’s so hard being honestly listen I got uh I I don’t have enough money do they have an ATM here and really listen times are tough four times are tough that I used to rob banks and stuff and I’m not gonna lie that didn’t

Even make me money I’m still in debt to Speedy point is um I make no money I’ve never made money I still don’t make money and uh yeah hey how much do you think one of these knives is worth or they’re rare whoa whoa chill man chill don’t stop me

Well I’m not trying to I’m trying to Pawn off some goods and I went to the pawn shop and nobody nobody uh I got some bike arm oh wait hey I got you a gift um here some some glasses sometime you know I get I have ADHD too

One thought at a time one thought I actually don’t I haven’t been diagnosed I grew up in an Asian household they don’t believe in mental health anyway uh you got money for this armor or okay so poor broken won’t do drugs with me no no we’ll do it next time next time

We’ll do it we’ll do it next time I need this armor now though Shake on it shake my head oh yeah yeah um yeah they’re gonna drop ass with me cool yeah yeah next time next time how much does that cost usually I have to kill

You uh what is this like joining a gang Blood In Blood Out I no it’s called a thousand dollars I can buy tons of armor with this okay got that got this of course wait I already had armor I just forgot I had oh hey with us Claire acid yeah oh yeah

Next time next time yeah he shook on it you know what that means yeah like next after the Boost um after the I’ll I’ll take one um I’ll take one acid is that a lot how much is one how much is one is that a lot um like you’ll go crazy you’re gonna

Hallucinate so much what yeah uh yeah I’m definitely gonna hey let’s get on that boost huh this is a more than two-seater car wow that’s crazy um one one weed please I’m you have you know I got my Bogdan BMX bike it’s probably my most expensive vehicle

Um what do you mean that’s it that thing’s worth 130k like yeah but you’re wait what what yeah yeah and and he might die soon which means the price of the Bogdan BMX bikes they’re they’re gonna be skyrocketing I bought one for like 14 Grand yeah it’s probably worth like 100k now they’ve

Gone up in price like crazy especially since fog is possibly going to die any second time soon why is he gonna die well he keeps jumping off buildings kind of a bad habit of his been doing that is he like good at that it’s like

Like yeah kind of but if he did the price would go up I can’t tell him he’s gonna fake it anyway how do we do this uh how do we do this do I I don’t need to join any squads or anything right yeah let me let me know

A racing dongle oh I have one in my apartment but not on me oh well get in the car yes I’m glad you understood I was gonna I was gonna awkwardly ask and try and make it less awkward I I mean you could give me hey

Why don’t you let me drive here I’ll drive you you can you can go in the passenger seat let me drive you you’ve been working too hard you never just get off your ass and work these days so let’s go yeah yeah let me drive you I’ll take this back to the apartments

Four people Apartments where do you live do you have a radio I think I have a radio I couldn’t even afford armor I have to buy him a I just gave him a thousand dollars for armor he had Army and now how about how about you just

Listen you’re about to go to bed right let me borrow your radio I’ll give it back to you next time it’s Moody man manic May and you’re just demonic and Moody Uncle what uh what does that mean like manka s the little you know little

Dude I see him I see him on the internet all the time oh hello dude little monkey ass little monk ass you never heard of it I never oh that’s crazy Oh I thought you were worried about your car uh uh yeah the next will recover it’ll heal

When I get a neck break damn yeah we can get you that we can get let me go get my little uh my dongle um okay well at least the car’s okay guys this is gonna go so bad I’m just trying to do it for the memes though I’m

Gonna go Rush up and try and stab him so usually the guys have literal machine guns um oh let’s give her one of these bags as a meme the guys have literal machine guns and we’re gonna be rushing them with a knife so this isn’t gonna go well but you know

It’ll work out okay healing all right I’m ready back to the thing hey could you uh mark it because I don’t know how to get there need to get we need to get your radio first of all right right hey I got you another gift for all this stuff you’re

Helping me here look check the bag you like designer bags that looks like what people had body parts in what no this is the rarest designer bag in the city I guarantee it is it Versace uh it’s even better it’s uh something I don’t know what the brand is but it’s

Rare this thing’s limited edition there’s a limited number of these in the city okay and they’ll never be this is like this is like the Hermes of the city except better it’s like a Birkin a Birkin bag but even better They’re Gonna Wanna want this actually actually where are we going

Okay as you’re gonna learn today go to ooh Cafe oh I know where that is I work there okay oh perfect yeah let me tell you that bag you wanna know the history behind that bag say no you’re still gonna tell me so go that was the rarest bag in the city and

Still ugh and still is actually the only way to get those uh bags is by robbing the gazino and let me tell you the gazino is not a thing anymore so those are limited edition you can’t even get them it’s probably the rarest bag in the city and there’s only a few

Of them left wow yep and it’s in fact such a fancy bag you can only put fifty thousand dollars in it at a time if you know what I mean something I’ve ever seen in my entire life okay but I mean I’ve seen a lot of

Ugly bags that are expensive it’s it’s a real thing like you know this person um guys it is a rare bag poor people poor people what yeah I’m not that poor I’m not that poor you know I did you know hey how’s it going oh nice nice to meet you

Um hey here I got some rare shoes for you check that out they’re the same as the shoes you’re wearing but they light up you should try them on something gifts to anyone what what it was your your friend you said I was trying to um it’s kind of

Like the shoes you got but they light up good luck I gotta get stab some people um wait where’d the car go oh is that Denzel oh no it’s not okay hello oh hey sorry I was checking out your car this is a sultan Mark II

Right it is yeah yeah always wanted one of these but they’re out of stock now I’m gonna go check on Violet I think she’s buying a thing oh hey you’re in here I know I know it oh you did well thanks all right buddy all right I’m ready to the car

This is uh multiple colors and I guess how much color you’d want blue my favorite color what check Google Fox wait it’s actually blue my favorite color I’m shocked it’s on our website we have one mark two ready you do how much how much uh it’s actually pretty cheap right now

I am a mother thank you how much 650 I am a virgin 650. yeah I got that I’ll check it on your website ggvl’s GG uh all right I’ll check it I’ll check it I wanted to get a sultan Mark too but it’s too expensive

Are the things of the past you know you know wait what do you mean they’re great they’re great all about r34s nowadays okay those cost like millions of dollars yeah and I have one oh my ah oh that was almost clean that was almost clean wasn’t it almost that

Was you say R32 or 34. R34 I think this is a 35. this I have another one you have two not these things like millions of dollars a piece yeah Jesus also I don’t know where we’re going I’m just driving aimlessly but go take a left left

That was late that was late listen listen if you were a GPS I’d be I’d change the voice setting I’m just gonna say please proceed forward you [ __ ] damn that was a joke that was a joke I thought you’d laugh all right all right how am I doing how

Am I doing on the driving I’ve been increasingly we’re driving what are you talking about we haven’t even blown up yet well they passed it I already passed it well I mean okay okay we can we can I mean well what do you follow the laws in

This city with a car like this there’s no way yeah you wouldn’t know you’re too poor to afford one oh my God I’m gonna get that Mark II one day who’s that who’s that an associate of yours um who is that are you guys ready for the S

Plus plus no this isn’t our friend what’s going on wait I know this guy hey you guys are part of the guild right um hey how you guys doing I heard uh all right I heard Jaeger left kidnapped by a ghost yeah we’ll talk about it

Later we got ghosts hey let me know if you need anything turn around turn around turn around it’s not this way it’s not this way this is the golf course we’re stuck in the golf okay let’s go through this fence I thought you could go through the fence

Oh thank God my friends didn’t see that that would have been humiliating uh that was that was just a prank that was a prank who looks like the clown now you know who looks he’s on the ground I’m gonna pick him up wait what’s the radio channel I never got the radio channel

He can’t get on the radio because I can’t I can I my radio has voice commands uh Alexa Alexa change the radio channel too yes I’m bringing him to the house you know are you okay what happened I was driving she pushed me she I can’t believe it mentally mentally I like

Like the GPS thing it threw me off the guilt the guilt of saying I would change the GPS pushed my brain as far as it could go I it’s I I’m so sorry for that nothing what do you mean you make it you need to make it up to me another way

Oh man you really want to do those drugs huh no oh she’s crazy she’s crazy you know yeah I got it hold on I’m getting up I’m getting up you’re not on the ground I’m fine thank God um how do we check our inventory okay here we go

Uh right wait what was the radio channel 363 okay yep one three my twin Liam twin twins uh where’s the where’s the DOT the the period it’s period this is for you one three six three yeah like that you know something to drink um oh cool yeah this will go great um

All right does anyone need hey thanks so much for the help violet help is clear take care of that bag in debt and guys she paid me 6K to hang out with her at what ever again that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke

Oh that was a joke Hey Hey listen I’ll do this job it’ll be great it’ll be great surely if I wake up I’m going to be because of him oh hey you actually got a picture wait is that from Pixel Perfect all right wow nice love that place April

Shop no I actually work at pixel part uh she gave me a job there think I may uh I’m a janitor the only one actually when I heard you as a gender and you didn’t show up surprise oh wow the good old days what 10K wait wait wait she

Only gave me 6K she just jacked up the price for no reason Oh I thought she owes you 10K because of oh it was six but guys in the area anyway um you actually do janitor work or you just did it for other people not for me

I’m gonna be honest she only hired me because I’m a friend and uh I’ve never even I’m gonna be honest I don’t even know how to open the doors to that place I don’t even know how to get in I know how to get in wait really

Yeah well it’s not going to be useful because I ain’t working but I do like that I have a job there yeah cause you get to like you know you should get the camera use it yeah I’m gonna ask her next time she’s in town she’s uh

I think she flew to another city for a bit but anyway how do we get on this job here oh right um I got my dongle I don’t have a laptop those are expensive can someone slide him a laptop you get more just asking for more and I’m not I

I just I’m broke I’m broke do you have no pity for the broke people in the city or Bank Buster extraordinaire uh well Banks aren’t so hot these days you almost feel it like you you do um I need this back also I went in debt trying to rob the casino oh

Got that I don’t want that one uh yeah let me borrow this laptop I’ll give it right back as soon as I wait how do I use the laptop no one taught me I don’t have you open it you open it no I mean like when I open it now what do I

Do after I open it so join open your laptop and then join the group this guy’s such a boomer can even use technology do I click my contracts contract oh my god oh joint join Q right right okay and now oh my God I’m actually I’m actually a

Boomer oh God okay I’ve joined the queue now on your phone okay here’s your laptop back am I am I done with that Who You Are on my phone and then job center job center job center jobless and leave your group okay and then request to join Deborah Huff all right I joined I joined this is a cursed picture I’m gonna try and sell it okay you know what is rare though look at this

The only signed X and you know card from back in the day holographical I don’t know where my card thing is it’s kind of a one of a kind it’s a one of a kind this oh you don’t got this wait what is that it’s a burned Angels card

Oh why is it burned Oh I thought you guys had like a falling out or something no she’s irresponsible hey Alex how’s it going you still have you still good friends with Tony or yeah oh yeah yeah he really liked you what’s up we’ll have these oh my God am I part of

The Angels now it’s nice yeah let’s go I finally have a gang like you’re just like okay let’s put this down here nothing I just all right so how do we get going on this oh wait Claire come here I have a thing for you 100 no I don’t do here’s some sunglasses

They’re rare oh my God I have a friend named Oakley okay yeah I figured you’d like them I gave you the other I gave her Ray-Bans you got Oakleys they’re different I I kind of oh so ugly I want those more which one’s worth more I don’t know I like the ugly ones

In the group should I start it right now yes wait am I in the group yeah you are okay I’m starting it hey thanks again for taking me along guys I’m kind of new to this whole criminal thing um like eight times I have been out of the

City for a year you think I know what I’m doing that day that’s a lie you were in the city of here but that was like a regular old Bank these they’re different okay well I believe in you personality or something okay but like if I start

Messing up and the pressure gets to me you’ll take over right yeah of course okay I got this all right yeah let’s get to the car hey Violet can I borrow your car for the rest of the day or how I mean you’re going to bed right let’s just give them keys

Yeah yeah I’ll take good care of it tell me why I should give you why I should give you the car for the rest of the day after you won have Cyber Bullied me two Cyber Bullied yeah this is the cyberspace oh live in a simulation right

Right keep going keep going second of all you won’t even do acid with me third next time I said next time is acid uh yeah no next time wait wait do you hear that listen wait your car it’s saying it wants to go on the mission

I can hear the spirit of the car says it wants to go it likes that though I’m going to hunt you down it won’t it won’t I there’s no way this gets impounded do you know how many times I’ve gone to prison and since coming back to the city

Twice zero I’ve never been caught a single time remember that job was Xavier yeah that’s right we didn’t get caught I don’t know if he told you about that yeah that’s a detail the point is we didn’t get caught I haven’t been caught a single time I’ve been robbing things

Scamming people all sorts of things yup yup yup I’ve robbed several houses that’s where I got your sunglasses um fine use my car wow thanks you know you’re a good friend oh so we’re friends now I would call you an acquaintance you need to work

She’s a tasunda ray is what the kids say what did you just call them yes exactly you know yes no no what a tosunda ray is no what it means when like you act like um Claire knows yeah [ __ ] you but you actually that’s like one of your best friends and you’re just

Playing hard to get kind of thing yeah you clap wow violet oh good night hey thanks for the car and thanks for getting me on the job you guys won’t regret it I thought that meant you like punched someone or something well that also could mean that but clocking means like

You just like read her like oh just exposed her honestly I was just randomly gambling hoping you know well hey thanks a bunch for the car all right guys we got a free car we got a bunch of free stuff all the time that was crazy

All right let’s drop you guys off let’s go okay is there actually acid in this game yeah I don’t think so right is there actually acid in this game I mean I mean in this city dang you mean yeah in this game we got some acid sometimes wait really

Uh yeah I’ve played DDR before um in the in the arcade no LSD LSD oh right now I’ve never heard I’m I’m kind of a homebody I just Oh no no that was the bag I gave her as a gift it’s limited edition oh yeah we should just leave it there it’ll be there when she wakes up unless this thing gets impounded in which case it’s gone forever Oh wait is it not here Yeah we go right right bye we go right that was actually kind of clean oh there’s a fence here though um we’re close though aren’t we Hey listen when I said I’d take care of her car of course I would of course I would right um that was actually insane that was so

Lucky um okay over here um oh is this where it is um oh the bottom of the hill so I yeah okay um okay you’re actually a professional driver you know there was a time when I drove on rare occasion down down here yeah it’s still right it’s right to our

Right you have to go down there wait like down the hill why did I spend all that time launching myself up the hill then I oh my God where’s the car is it here right all right that thing this is an S plus plus

Car no no not it’s the thing oh I was about to roast your friend’s car okay uh yeah this this Tesla isn’t it oh my God April has a Tesla I didn’t know it was that expensive Jesus you should have it you have a the green tool right did I give you yep

Still got it um all right that’s what you’re gonna be using all right what do we do now that’s an S plus plus car that thing looks like a Honda Civic um oh can I have keys for this you know okay the guys come in late and they come

Starting will you trust me right exactly I’ll take care of her car exactly we’ve been day ones you know you should trust me by now right right by the way oops these guys come with like big trucks right be careful okay I got a plan I’m gonna hide behind that

Bush and lunge out eh all right let me know when they’re here I’ll wait I’m gonna hide behind a bush and lunge out and shank them you know yeah I’ll be waiting let me know let me know when it’s time just just give me the give me the signal okay

If you hear Claire do a hawk okay all right I’ll be ready for it here we go uh let’s see okay ah what did the bird noise mean again what does the bird mean again I get in I get in I wasn’t paying attention go go Alyssa before we start this what’s your

Name wait oh wait I know you oh no that was a joke of course I remember you Alex yeah AP right AP wait different Alex wait wait then do I know you then yeah yeah you remember you said he’s coming out with Tony collected oh right right I do know yeah

Great I’m gonna do this hack sorry I was distracted wait do I know this guy I don’t remember if I know this guy I thought I did I swear I’ve heard his name before what the heck a pirate symbol with a scissors oh okay we did it I I got lucky on one

This is weird I saw the king of the Pirates plus the one piece plus the um how many of these hacks do we have to do that was hard does it still go back like seven when you fail once no it only goes back like

Oh okay cool cool but you can only fail a total of five if you fail five times the car breaks wait wait isn’t there something huge at risk here what if I just fail then like I would have I suck at these once you just go back too

Much oh but if I fail five times it’s all GG clapping yeah so um rip Peroni engine I thought there was like no no penalties well I okay I’ll just keep trying fail uh yeah I cannot fail um okay double telephone pointing uh uh wait there we go okay okay wow this

Is totally different than before they didn’t have these I’m seeing like a pirates Jolly Roger double telephone pointing up and down like you’re speaking gibberish I don’t know this I’m not a hacker you haven’t done this before not this level though this is weird before it was like letters and Greek

Letters and stuff like that but now it’s like weird pictures and um well they still they still have those for the other cars just not these S Plus cars right yeah these are kind of weird but um yeah I’ll keep going it’s not too bad so far

So like there are the cops gonna attack us or how’s this work uh they should chase us yeah they get very good they don’t like just don’t fail just don’t fail I’ve never seen these before they’re weird Music Flower what music flowers blue lock uh um um music uh Music Flower blue lock

Okay I found it right there I was waiting for it okay that was awkward I found it right there and I was waiting for it to move uh because sometimes it moves right when you click but I I waited and I should have waited okay this is uh not

The nothing I like to do this thing where I wait for it to move before locking it in and it kind of goes oh yeah you can’t do that with these you yeah it’s really fast because sometimes I’ll click it and it moves just as I click and it uh oh God

Yo yeah I got it I got it forward what way are they even looking for us I’m going for us actually yeah huh but if they did you would lose them surely yeah you totally would have been bamboozled this is bad so you have to do it instantly you can’t do the waiting

Trade so sometimes I’ll find it and it’ll scuff out okay sit closer to the screen nailed down nailed down Okay um there’s so many I literally do not see it does anybody see this thing wait this is kind of hard battle what do we do what

Do we do that’s insane another one well yeah this is It’s hard I’m blind I’m blind I swear it’s okay to try him what do we do I I don’t want to mess up wait no one’s coming what do you mean they haven’t completed these well we haven’t it’s because other people have

Calling a random dude and hope I can do it Like this kind of I’ve been out of the city for a year okay what are you gonna do I didn’t make the call I got a plan I’m gonna sit closer to the screen and see if that makes a difference oh yeah um oh yeah on the laptop right yeah

Close to the laptop screen okay okay oh Jesus Jesus I got I got one I’m slowly coming back we’re starting at zero again this is hard guys this is hard you know there’s like a lot I only can fail three more I I only got three more tries left or

Fails left I guess that’s fine just do 14 in a row no biggies all right yeah that sounds easy 14 in a row yeah we could do that this was always my worst attack um at least we’re not getting killed yet um trying to kill us maybe I don’t know that’s debate Okay uh I don’t see it I don’t see it uh I don’t see it guys it’s hard what do we do I don’t think I can do it this is hard is looking not good this is looking not good what do you mean it’s not looking

Good how bad have I fail this I genuinely cannot see it we’ve done worse yeah don’t worry about that you’ve done worse um yeah we um it was bottom left guys I’m gonna be honest I don’t I think I’m too slow where there’s not enough time

For him even to check the whole thing failed three yeah kind of a lot like guys I can’t even check the entire uh thing in time like I think my eyes are too slow because I’m not used to this um it’s for sure over like I can tell my

Eyes aren’t even good enough to check the entire thing as I do it uh I don’t think we could do this because I I just can’t check it all um if we do it it’s just gonna be pure luck because I my eyes are not quick enough um okay

Okay I got that one barely um don’t get I mean I’m not giving up but I I can tell guys my eyes aren’t quick enough I’m not trained enough on this because I’m not used to seeing it I’m barely holding on man again you’ve got it right yeah surely easy surely

Guys it’s not a panic thing it’s genuinely my eyes don’t have the training it’s kind of like when I first started playing uh Apex or something I don’t play that much but I couldn’t even see the enemies because my eyes weren’t trained to see it um I definitely don’t have practice on

This it’s completely different than before too yeah yeah I’ll just do it I’ll just do it it makes sense if I don’t practice I won’t be good at it uh this is interesting though it’s different Primo gem s um I’ll see it I don’t see it pop these

Cars oh that was not it is it like that thing where if you choose the wrong one on purpose what happens Bro what do you mean uh nothing I think it’s probably over guys uh like before if you don’t answer you get it wrong and if you uh you lose more for not answering I don’t know it’s just it’s just like you get around get it wrong you passed it guys I

Probably did but I’m telling you my eyes don’t see it I can’t do it I don’t think uh it’s just going to take practice okay and we’ll try but we can’t get another one wrong or it’s over you know thanks to them for letting me

Try but I didn’t think I’d be able to do it either I mean all right oh you’re fine you’re fine honestly I don’t know if we’ll be able to do this um okay we’re doing what we can guys but it’s just coming down not being familiar with it um okay we got that

All right nice yeah yeah surely I’ll just get 14 more in a row there’s no way we get 14 more in a row but we’re gonna try I don’t think it’s possible I mean the fact is I can tell when I’m not able to do something um

And I’m not able to do it it’s looking really bad guys we’ll try I believe in you but but I’m gonna do what I can on the list of god tier hackers is the name you know psych you’re a monster at least needs some updating it’s it’s been

A it’s a year old it’s a year old I tell you no matter no matter what happens you’re still amongst the gods you got this good luck right right no we definitely don’t have it guys but we’re gonna do what we can I don’t think it’s possible it just

Takes practice I mean even if you think about it guys when we did all those crazy hacks back in the day black dongle or anything hold on um wait it’s not clicking um it wasn’t that um I don’t see it guys okay I didn’t see it

Well there goes that I think that was it sorry smoking hey it was a try guys it was a try um we just never done it before I mean yeah I mean we tried but we’ve just never done it before I’m not good at that the fact is guys it’s not

Like we were just born special or something like even when we did the black dongle all the things that were hard we failed a lot it just takes practice oh God get me out of here man sorry about that um you know it just takes practice it’s not

Like we were born special or smart or something we just practiced a lot that was it um you know you know I’m glad they gave me the chance to try but there’s no way we’re gonna do that first try 15 in a row also all saying Jesus guys who does these things these

Days pretty odd Jesus yeah that was quite difficult I think I mean technically it was my first time doing amazing well hard the first time to do it but that was hard it was really hard I think we failed 50 or more actually

Um and you have to do it 15 times in a row without messing and messing up a single time Jesus um hey how rare are these jobs like how much did uh you can buy the contracts how much did I cost you guys is that pretty bad or

You get it assembly while doing other jobs do you know the normal boost like ABC and all that man that was tough um I’m gonna kill him okay hey we tried it guys but that’s too hard I could tell I couldn’t do it where are they going um what’s happening

Get who what’s happening mess with me huh you were bullying what who what no way I don’t um where else would he be yeah that was really tough guys it was really tough um I mean I’ll just say I could tell by the first time I saw it I wasn’t gonna be

Able to do it um yeah I mean it sucks to say and I know people want to hear something else but yeah guys the fact is I’m not special I mean I just practiced just like anybody else so uh yeah it was tough um I don’t think we’re able to do that one

At least not right now um yeah that was tough so confused um I wonder I hope I didn’t cost them a lot of money hmm well we should give them back their things probably but uh yeah that was tough guys I don’t know what we do there so I think the

Problem for me was the speed of scanning I wasn’t even able to scan the entire thing uh in the time I had which means if I scan the right section I would have it but if I didn’t scan the right section because I couldn’t do a 100 thorough search it just wouldn’t happen

I think the only way to do that is just do it more and eventually your eyes will get used to seeing the patterns better but right now I have to match it one for one because I just don’t know the patterns so I think it just came down to that pretty much um

Okay I don’t know if there will be a next time guys I like I don’t think I am qualified for this kind of thing you’re kind of what’s tough what do you get for boosting do you get a lot of money I do now guys we failed the mission we we sucked now

We’re washed up you know they we used to be good at this stuff guys we used to be good at this stuff I should probably get your stuff back huh oh my God her car literally caught on fire what yeah that’s not her car I replaced it

With a replica she’ll never know the difference really well I have a way of checking I put the bag there too dang it that’s what I was gonna use to check I got a replica bag too man that was tough guys that was tough right well hey let me get you your stuff

Back maybe and then um is this pink car yours is that black car yours yeah the black car all right I’m gonna put it in there cool that was hard but I thought I picked it up oh yeah I put it on the floor all right

Hey I put your tracking thing back on yeah thank you come on guys oh yeah no problem I uh did a pretty good good job of failing that but no but you got a couple it was your first time doing plus plus right yeah yeah

Um hey maybe uh um I can you know maybe I should start off with some easier we’ll work my way uh should we have had someone take that over do you have oh wow your gang is Rowdy huh um yeah hey thanks for taking me sorry about the

Uh problem the struggles hey you know what that car was ugly anyway um I thought the car looked really good really wasn’t that like a Honda Civic or something it I think it was a sultan didn’t you used to have a sultan I still have one

Because I’m too broke to buy a better one it’s not broke that’s a good car oh remember when you raced it yeah and got destroyed went to prison seven cops beat me up they got me with the old cops remember cornwood he got me with a corn

Wood roll or whatever I ramped me off a bridge it was kind of funny actually but yeah yeah well hey thanks for taking me um uh well anytime how much money did you lose I feel kind of bad like how do I use anything that’s why I said that it’s

Okay she only lost 400 000 but she has 17 million so she’s 17 million dollars I’m actually broke um no Claire you showed me all the money you have oh my God this is this multi-million dollar house yeah look at this house I should have known it right

Right and you got it painted pink let me go inside oh wait you actually can go inside oh wow look there’s a little teddy bear on the floor and there’s uh there’s a snowman right there’s a there’s a there’s a bed here um our first Christmas tree wow stripper pole

A lot of Christmas stuff here huh Wow this place is kind of fancy that is a really thick um yeah never mind anyway I’m gonna go check upstairs uh uh I don’t think that’s normal let’s see oh okay whose room is this one this one’s mine asleep wow you’ve just got a bed here no uh no stream setup

Oh this is really weird why is there like a there’s like a circular stain here do you see that uh don’t ask about those stains you don’t want to know where those come from where do they come from actually we do oh my God right here yeah I love it

Yeah it’s already got a bed here too one sleeps here oh oh oh sorry I was I was getting that room looks nice I like that one yeah it’s empty um uh yeah this is great you could put like a big gaming setup here because you know

You liked a game yeah you can put a bed a bed here maybe and I’ll put the gargoyle here gargoyle yeah yeah the gargoyle and then the this thing gargoyle for the gargle the gargle oh God the gargoyle you got it the gargoyle is I don’t know

I just I was just thinking of random statues to fit with your uh can I make this into a swamp for you like a swamp themed room like Shrek swamp yeah like Shrek swamp wait whose room is this Violet made this one this is like her little room there’s just a little

Meeting room but you can sleep on the couch oh right hey it’s green one of my one of my favorite colors yeah I could hide from the cops inside this where did you go on the couch I’m under the cushions I’m under the cushions yeah you can hide from the cops like

This can’t you yeah this is kind of Genius this is actually a funny story about these bikinis Valentine’s Day job we got away from the police so we immobile Immortal immoralized and more so for Valentine Day you guys robbed the bank yeah wow man and I thought my uh dating life was

Dead anyway okay that was a joke no that was well actually that second part was real but we prioritize ourselves and we made a lot of money but you know what sure you could say that we’re all single and you know that’s fine no no you’re you’re

You’re you’re uh what do they call it slaying or something or slay yeah yeah isn’t that what they say I was hyping you up you say that no true like you you could pick this up but look at all these guys look at all these guys look at them

What’s up what do we do uh look at them yeah Liam’s got 27 kids in Guatemala that he pays child you got 27 kids Victor is a single because his ex-girlfriend’s getting married to another girl you’re not telling the whole um Alex is single because his uh the

Girl that he got a crush on went for the person that left his gang well this guy home wrecked into a relationship wow and is now engaged you guys happy and I got broken up with oh wait who broke up with you uh Flippy oh yeah wow um

What Victor why are you telling my business and stuff just single forever hey same as me anyway that was a joke sorry about that if that I’d uh brick you you know don’t you have so many girls going after you yeah hold on let me

Check my phone I got uh let’s see uh Obama bring one of them up oh someone’s trying to sell me a Sanchez for money um April hangs out with me sometimes when I’m not broke which is well not that often anymore uh well hey sorry about those hacks uh if

You ever get another like thing don’t ever worry about it yeah or if you need someone to be stabbed I got a little stabber here you’re the stop guy can you stopped this one yeah Danny Cox likes you who the gun Danny Danny Cox hey well I’m gonna go um I’m gonna go

Take good I’ll go get the the violets car repaired um all right all right hey it was great seeing you again Claire Grace great scene what you hacked The Vault I feel like I should start small a small one small we can rob mrpd small what’s Rob oh small smaller smaller

Store if you want to wipe a CG spray smaller smaller once you point at me when you said it that time we can I just keep pointing in random directions what’s up I have an idea oh my God you know oh there’s a there’s a Little Rock there it’s slippery I’m telling you

Okay oh we can grow plants here we could grow fertilizer here you got any fertilizer I heard you can do some stuff with that now you can steal this plant this is the smallest crime you could do um go ahead seal it all right we’re stealing it Claire

I’ve taken a picture and I’m going to take this to the police do I defend what no I’ve already got the evidence Liam don’t worry it’s just a random it’s a random plant what do you mean it’s actually my tomato seed on my property you want a civil court right right now

When we go to court and I’ll show them this oh yeah yeah show them with a gun show them with the gun trying to kill me for a tomato seed we can crop that out honestly wait did you not actually want me to it’s all good no it’s okay oh what’s

Your state ideally you know what six four wait why are you asking give me money because I’m gonna let you plant a seed in this Farm oh six four two two oh boy all right now here you go now replant that Tomato Seed all right hold on let

Me heal I slipped on a rock earlier um horribly injured a vft oh a tomato seed thanks um I’ll just you know I’m gonna plant it in a can I plant it anywhere on the property or just here I’m gonna plant it over there dang it this hill looked good

Okay you only can plant it here I’m gonna put it in a corner there we go huh uh do these seeds come with instructions what yeah just um use it in your pocket and then flex your e muscle on the thing oh right right there we go wow hey work Tay thanks

Um hey it was great seeing you again I’m gonna go uh thing I’m gonna go do some stuff thanks for taking me sorry about uh anytime you want to come on a job with us just call me up I’ll be down right you want to take me after that Daniel donatachi says

Hi what and she got clapped by a choo choo well let me call you back I don’t know oh hey thanks for taking me um no problem yeah yeah let me know if you want to play golf sometime really you still do that um that variety night

Thing sometimes yeah for the Angels you want to come yeah yeah I’ll bring a game I’ll bring a game it’s fun okay and let me know the next one I will I will okay cool cool all right see you later I’m gonna go take care of Violet’s car I’m

Gonna repair it and everything all right we’re bringing golf it you guys remember golfit listen we brought it to the clean boys we’ll bring it here really uh really nice of them to bring me along even though I mean I’m gonna be honest guys I feel like everyone has no

There’s no way I was gonna if I did that it would have been a miracle but there’s no way I was gonna do that first try it is nice for them to bring uh bring me along though I’m gonna go get this car fixed up and then um

Where do you fix cars at oh Hayes Hayes will fix it right okay how much money do we have wait wait wait wait why fix it at the nice place we have a repair kit all right I got this i got this okay and then uh repair kit huh um okay okay

Um maybe you just gotta open the repair kit okay um I think it’s bugged I think it’s bugged guys isn’t it used no it had six quality left it had six it had six quality left guys like that’s pretty oh okay no way no one’s here

Sometimes you gotta knock on the door a little yeah oh no we have the bug again hello anybody in here what whatever oh my God I can see you guys hello hey how much uh would it be to fix this whole thing Cars actually fine wait what like it’s perfectly fine no it’s not perfect you know I could top it off but it is oh like you know it’s fine like how much would it be to top it off then uh let me see oh I’m surprised but hmm okay

Ah okay let’s see let’s see 1600s before tax 16 1600 yeah yeah I’ll take it put it the maximum maximum quality um my state ID is six four two two all right that’s not that much um I mean it’s it’s an expensive car right I think I don’t know there you go

Yeah thank you sir thank you take good care of it this was a gift from uh uh my second Sultan’s uncle’s grandmother gave it to me um I said Sultan because it’s the name my car Hey where’s that that wait isn’t this the building that isn’t this the one he blew up

Oh no here it is um wow that blew up this morning um let’s go beat up some locals for fun guys I feel like we uh what’s it called we um we’ve become more unhinged oops you know what I mean Um but you know that’s more just because like we aren’t focused anymore we’re unfocused now before it was like oh you do your Heist you know what you’re doing but now you gotta kinda you just parkour over the rubble wow um he hit a woman guys I’m all about equal

Rights you know all about equal rights also it’s it’s local in GTA guys I um oh my new bike I forgot to change it all right right forgot about that is this hey is this your car over here this thing’s fancy um all right

You like it yeah yeah this is uh this is a sultan wait is this the fancy RS version or like uh yeah oh my God this seems like a like two million dollars isn’t it yeah but the price have been dropped down no yeah hey I’m still broke so I mean

You know how things go yeah you’re the person from last time how’s it going yes hello yeah what do you think of my uh what do you think of my new car kind of just completely pretended oh thanks thanks I’m trying to bring back the Ballas balla gang you know

Oh but are they disappeared uh they’re gone I was told they were a dead gang so I oh well go for it are they wait they’re not dead I have no clue normally don’t mess up with the south side oh yeah no same neither do I but

Hey we’re we’re gonna take over the neighborhood we’re gonna be clean and industrious people and the price of the houses will Skyrocket and then we’ll be rich we’ll be rich after the house is skyrocketed I’m Gonna Be a Real Estate Mogul Skyrocket hell yeah I mean if you need any help

Um I’m there to help oh wow okay cool oh wow this thing’s looking shiny looks great yeah this spoilers um yeah that was a gift from my great grandmother’s uh second removed Sultan cousin this is actually custom made from The Prince of Persia oh that’s that’s very funny I don’t even

Know what that means I think that’s a video game wow wow hey thanks a bunch guys have a great day I’m gonna go get some gas um I think there’s a gas station right up here all right here fill it up with some gas all right uh

Uh gas pump regular you really would think this would use the expensive gas all right oh great six what if I just type in a random no no we can’t okay wait what’s happening oh you have to pay like this no oh I didn’t know it worked that way okay

He has a GTR uh yeah yeah now I just got this one I just got it brand new just got it um this is my my car actually that I got that’s mine just got it um okay so we’re gonna take good care of the car guys it’s fully repaired uh

Refilled the gas everything’s great I don’t think there’s too much to do on GTA but it was a pretty fun day I’m glad we gotta hang out with uh Claire and violin a little more um all right let’s put this back um hopefully they didn’t think we were

Too crazy I think they didn’t laugh at some of the stuff I said I think they actually just thought I was crazy a little not gonna lie guys Um I don’t know I made some deranged jokes out there just to see just to kind of see if they would laugh I don’t know if it worked I know if it worked guys do you think it worked sometimes it works listen listen we’re not doing crime anymore

So like you gotta you gotta make the things happen yourself anyway long story short they might think we’re crazy now uh but either way let’s just go take care of this car um there’s only one place no one will steal it really so we’re gonna take this to the safest

Spot it’s fully repaired filled up with gas they might think we’re crazy but we’re not all right now it’s safe no one will get the car no one let me get out of here am I drowning anyway I’m kind of worried they’ll think I’m crazy but we’re not guys we’re not

Violet’s gonna be super happy when she sees that the car’s fully repaired full on gas we took great care of it and now if we left it out on the street Guys somebody might steal it somebody might do something weird right but now that it’s in the ocean nobody

Can steal it so yeah there you go um I think it’s did you hear that what was that yeah yeah it’s doing great down there anyway um it’s fully repaired and uh gas is full everything’s great let’s get out of here okay um all right let’s get on out of here

You guys hear something I hear someone yelling will the duffel bag get washed away I sure hope not it is a very rare duffel bag I will say it’s kind of useless now unless you have a lot of dirty bags which you just don’t get anymore these

Days but it is really really rare in the sense that you can’t get them anymore um but listen guys nobody steals from the Kraken I think probably um wasn’t it a VIN scratch oh no I don’t think so um anyway let’s get on out of here the tsunami will watch the car back

Surely and we repaired it to full and we filled up the gas we spent 3K repairing to full and filling up with gas um okay doesn’t water damage a vehicle no it’s probably like Speedy’s car from earlier remember Speedy’s car from earlier um probably like that um

Anyway that was honestly a more fun day than I expected I had no plans I just heard Buddha was on and I want to say hi um then we ended up randomly running into violet she was super nice uh and then Claire also I feel kind of

Bad that I couldn’t do the hacks but you know guys at the end of the day I mean we did what we could what the oops I’m so sorry sir that was It was a misclick I’m glad you understand let’s go um and Bogdan we got our official Bogdan bike that was cool

Um the big Puffer all right well guys I think that was a pretty solid day GTA I think we try and get the boys back together to actually do something but oh wait we got to go to Jaeger’s Island but I think EDC is next um next weekend so that’s kind of awkward

But his idea is so funny we can train Pokemon but it’s actually people and we’ll make them fight each other and see how it goes that sounds funny um we’ll see though we left the bike it’ll it’ll go back with the tsunami I parked it at the apartments so it should be good

Okay there we go Minecraft competition was super fun unfortunately we uh we didn’t do so well but we were against really good mine Crafters um why don’t you dual Jaeger um I think that’d be funny I’m just worried because that is the weekend of EDC so it’s potentially the worst

Possible weekend to do it on all right guys you know what time it is I’m gonna do one with chivalry 1v1s against anybody all right um the pros beat them yeah I mean the pros beat us that’s how it goes of course they’re gonna beat us um

Okay I wanted to play Zelda but it’s uh the capture card’s not working guys really wish I could but I don’t know what to do I guess we can try it again maybe I try it again real quick actually okay let’s let’s do a little

Bit of this and we’ll try Zelda one more time well we’ll just go until we lose how confident am I feeling I don’t know um see how about some Fortnight I would but no one wants to play fortnite I haven’t been able to find anyone I would definitely play fortnite though if uh

If I could if we could find a squad but it looks like everyone’s just kind of not feeling it too hard um okay um Tarik wants to play fortnite I mean maybe uh he did play once I don’t know if he wants to today though is the thing um

Oh wait what was that game that Ray played Bramble didn’t she play a scary game and people said it was good I don’t know if it was actually good I thought Ray played that game Bramble should we try that bramble’s great I saw her tweet about it I think

Like it’s got to be really really good if she tweeted about it unsponsored just randomly because she thought it was yes maybe we’ll try that then uh let me let me is it on it’s thirty dollars wow okay um I’ll buy it I’ll buy it oh hold on let me uh

Purchase uh should we play today or three three two buddy don’t rush me please don’t rush me I’m buying Bramble the Mountain King is he dishonorable oh he’s actually not dishonorable okay I’m installing wait wait he’s being honorable ow okay okay buddy I watch this pretend to be AFK again and

Then and then that’s what you get for kicking me well um okay I’m gonna say that was not fair I got a heavy attack for a kick but hey there’s there’s multiple rounds aren’t there wait there isn’t oh it’s just a one round well now I feel bad I thought it was the

Best of three or so I well now I feel bad I I just uh uh oh um well I didn’t know it was one round usually it’s the best of something I was like yeah I’ll get him this one round and then it’ll be it’ll be balanced after that but um

Let’s just go till we lose and we’ll try Bramble the Mountain King maybe because wraith I think Rey said it was a really really good game does anyone know how long the game is guys is it really long or or is it more of a like uh

Um it’s four hours okay we definitely won’t be able to beat it then um man if only Zelda worked we could play that for like a couple maybe we’ll try and fix we’ll try and fix the capture card after this and then um if that doesn’t work uh then maybe we’ll

Try Bramble or we can um because I’d rather beat it in one sitting or or something like I don’t want to play it for like an hour or two and then be you know Grandma’s dmca Music um yeah maybe we’ll we’ll try and check that but for now I’m just gonna play

This because I’ve been really liking this game it’s so good I’m not saying it’s not good I’m saying I want to finish it um hopefully in one sitting if we can um does nobody play this game I kind of need to go to the bathroom

Do you think I’ll get in trouble if I go to the bathroom right now like did that thing just glitch I think it’s glitched okay I’m gonna go to the bathroom really quick unplug replug my capture card see if it fixes all right be right back questions Oh guys this game is most definitely broken um okay let me let me unplug and replug my capture card see if that makes a difference all right be right back I need to go to the back of the computer um okay let’s see if uh see if it fixes anything oops

Uh wow this game is most definitely broken just keeps zooming in and out all right guys let’s see if the capture card works really really hoping that does um but if it doesn’t then well we’ll have to figure it out another day okay um is this Zelda A chivalry uh that was

Chivalry I’m trying to get Zelda to work but don’t know if it’s going to um let me see okay um okay oh wait maybe like this and then okay and then do something like this Maybe um maybe like that well that is not working in the least um hmm

It’s just a black screen I think my capture card is not working that’s for sure okay hmm um there’s no audio either as a thing so I’m not sure what’s wrong with it um okay let me let me Google really quick and maybe there’s a random thing that’ll fix it but um

Let’s see it was working something something says it’s connected um well uh yeah not too sure guys the weird thing is when I use the OBS source for it it doesn’t pop up at all wait what is this oh that’s definitely not it um wait a minute wait wait a minute guys

Um hold on it worked for like a Split Second yeah wait wait what was that why is that working um wait how come it’s not showing up on OBS though so that’s really weird I can see it on the OBS preview wait I can see it on the OBS preview but

Not on the huh this is really weird I don’t um know what’s happening here but it’s not showing on obs um I don’t know how this is making any sense so it’s not working on the game capture and it’s not showing on obs but it is showing on the OBS preview

Man this is buggy um uh deactivate and then activate wait how does that make sense how’s does this actually makes no sense um hmm hmm okay I’ve got I’ve got a backup plan how do you maybe I just update the software guys what if I just update the software what

If that does it um device game capture 60 something something microphone this thing automatically check for updates check for updates install update maybe that’ll fix it install okay I think installing the update could potentially maybe hopefully fix it the weird thing is it’s working for my OBS um

My thing but not not anything else um okay now that brambles good I heard it takes about four hours so I’d rather try and beat it in one sitting if we can um time to turn on some background music while we wait wait oh okay okay guys um

I think there’s some kind of cooked thing with OBS give me one sec we’ll be right back hopefully works all right this will potentially work now maybe possibly is it working okay um I mean the stream’s back on I just don’t know if the game captures back on okay

Let’s see if this works okay it’s somehow broken even more than before I think wait a minute wait that doesn’t make sense I I updated it I’d um okay um let’s see okay uh so now it’s getting no signal at all wait a minute wait I I have we got it

Can you guys see that no you can’t see it though activate num okay okay um well something’s definitely wrong here how come that’s not showing anything um hmm um wait hold on wait you guys can hear that right why the audio is working um well the audio is working how come we

Can’t see the thing though um well something’s definitely still wrong but it’s weird I feel like we’ve never had problems like this before with it um hmm okie dokie the weird thing is I I can see it on my screen now but I can’t uh hmm um Hmm let’s see what do we do did you update your switch I don’t think it’s that I think definitely something with the capture well no the capture card’s definitely working so what’s the pro okay okay let me let me just add a new um video capture device maybe this does this work uh

Uh nope that doesn’t work is it is it OBS that’s having the issue then maybe um wait wait where is it where is it um what do I use for this thing okay let’s do this wait oh my God my OBS is definitely cooked okay guys guys it’s something’s wrong wait

Now it’s working since when huh I don’t know what to do um yeah some definitely wrong here I wish I could tell you what um so it’s not picking up my my thing for some reason just not picking it up okay reset reset let’s go like this go like that

Is this like the whole screen oh oh okay we go like this okay and then that this and then go like that okay um and then you know this kinda works I guess uh kinda Works ish I guess um I’m gonna be honest it’s like semi-cooked but I mean

Kinda works I guess not really um why is mouse here hey Mouse you’re alive I have no idea what happened with this game I was trying to play it but it’s like really uh really buggy okay I’m gonna play this for at least 10 minutes and see how it goes okay

Is the volume okay I heard the game’s actually good but yeah I never played the first one so I guess we’ll uh strange Bloom keeps getting thicker oh need to turn it up a little bit okay maybe like that we’ve been descending for a while now oh my God it’s Zelda okay

Oh we already playing oh God this feels uh how do you jump okay why is Jump um oh okay man I feel like so the controls are a little a little funky but people have been falling ill after coming into contact with the Gloom drifting through these Caverns

Though here it seems almost Misty and not concentrated enough to harm us we’ll keep going coming up from beneath Hyrule is there a lore here we do not know what rates below so we need to be ready for anything but I know I’ll be okay with you link let’s go solve this mystery

Okay change the controls and settings wait am I supposed to change the controls what’s wrong with them um all right oh the swords glowing that means uh I don’t know what that means wait that’s the end of the voice acting already huh starting off uh strong okay man that’s crazy guys that was like the lowest amount I don’t want to complain but man that is a low amount of I I think she said like

Three lines and they went straight to this um okay these are ruins from an ancient civilization okay I’m assuming that means something don’t know what it means though okay there’s eggs on the wall Maybe let’s just pull out a pit camera they had cameras in Hyrule okay um swing the sword

If I hold it will it how many times can you charge it oh that’s it that took up a lot of stamina is this what the zonai looked like hmm and she’s just she’s just walking around with her cell phone snapping pictures this just reminds me when I go places

With like uh like my sister or my mom or something oh an alligator wow we took that guy out okay you’re not hurt oh we seem pretty strong oh am I hurt I don’t think I’m hurt the thing didn’t even hit me mean there’s little goblins at the bottom family conclude stories of It was a conflict between Allied tribes and someone only ever referred The Demon King I wonder who that is I thought they called Ganon The Demon King I thought he was like very stupid thought he was like quite well known unless he wasn’t um it’s not Gannon Oh my God that’s us I think that’s us right and certainly suggests that the zonai descended from the heavens guys is there a lore for this in the first game because I’m lost right now Said that these murals tell a similar story and if they are accurate then the gods mentioned were the zonai they must have forged a relationship with the hylians of that time working together to establish oh the kingdom of Hyrule guys I just started this and the boys said they want to play chivalry

Stealing something of incredible power from the young I I I I just I just started this because they didn’t respond let me finish this cutscene because if we stop now we’re gonna have to re-watch the whole cut scene um we gotta at least get the lore drop

Guys so you came here just to get spoiled for the intro and then that was it kind of unfortunate but but I don’t want to re-watch the whole cut scene guys I mean it really does represent the deal this is so boring that’s exactly why I don’t want to

Rewatch that I want to play the game I know a lot of people they judge me for it and honestly it’s fair it’s fair guys but I play games I’m not here for the story if I was here for the story okay maybe maybe the story will be really good I

Shouldn’t judge it before I see it maybe it’ll be good but if I want to see story guys I’d go watch Breaking Bad one of the best story lines ever um uh I’ll let I’ll let Zelda finish though she found a huge discovery I’m glad I didn’t leave it behind you to record

So negative it’s not negative I just uh I’ve just never been a Story Reader you guys have seen me oh maybe I guess you haven’t but you know I’m a cutscene skipper um I like playing the game there’s nothing wrong with that you know if anything you’re negative for telling me

The way I play games is bad uh there’s nothing wrong with playing games the way you want to play it link let’s keep moving deeper okay there we go do the thing I I just want to finish the cut when do we when do we get to the save point guys um

Well this place looks cool I mean the game looks cool I like the art style I think my favorite art style of any Zelda game is uh Wind Waker but that’s also the only game I ever beat and it was 90 just because the music and the art was good

Sprint to the end okay This is it wait just hit pause and you can pause forever oh that’s true this is a big Choice guys do we click OK or do we click I don’t know if we’re ready yet I’m over ready I think we’re I mean there’s nothing else we can do right um wait not yet

I don’t know I think we’re pretty ready wait look it’s um is that Gannon but like uh he’s got the same colored hair because Ganon has red hair doesn’t he I think like that looks like Ganon but like uh like someone like sucked the life out of it

Because he does have red hair I don’t know I didn’t play the first game but my God he’s back alive oh oh he’s not back alive oh no no no he is blocked him we got the master sword we can take him oh wait a minute all my hearts were down to three

They stole this from Zorro’s sword and stole this from zoro’s sword that he got from Odin I’m just kidding I’m kidding wait to the master sword break is that a thing I think I mean I heard the weapons break in this game but I did not think that was a thing um

I mean I heard the weapons are breakable in this game but I didn’t know that the master sword could break he knows this guys that was all you could do no names oh What’s Happening Here okay oh look at how cool that I like when um they animate things like see how the

Dust clouds are like 2D drawings I think that looks a lot cooler than like uh 3D things sometimes it could just be me I like when the animal like I like the art style because it’s like it’s different than what like people just regularly do it was really loud

Maybe it’s supposed to be though did you just die just did all that to fall down and die oh my God she’s a Time Event QuickTime event um What’s Happening Here did she teleport out um okay is she dead she’s not dead she teleported or something I don’t know well um all right guys that’s the end of the game we uh we failed she died I think or something guys I should have watched the lore

Video for the first game was that why I didn’t understand anything because I didn’t watch I don’t know I didn’t play the first game I think I didn’t know the lore so for me this is all very very confusing like what is this arm is this like Nero’s devil arm from Devil

May Cry 4 or something or like I think I missed all the lore because I I have no clue what’s Happening Here um okay we got a special arm here um the arm is new I guess okay link where did his clothing go wake who’s talking to me oh it’s the arm

My hand is talking to me guys or maybe it’s not the hand I am your wounds were severe oh it’s not the hand oh my God guys the hand was lighting up when I was talking I don’t know I thought it was the hand however it was Beyonce wait it

Is the hand I had to replace it no it is the hand look injury in danger you further um we got a new arm okay it’s the sword it’s broken man this sword let us down it was supposed to be the the legendary sword but now it fell off

Just like you no one is hacking today okay the decayed Master Sword okay wait we’re keeping it you know this reminds me of like uh a lot of people hate the anime but um there’s that one anime with meliotis and um keyword what’s it called he would uh

Have the Broken Sword until he got full powered or something I don’t remember actually all right guys I think we hit the pause button and um and we go play with the squad we’ll come back to this we’ll come back to this guys um seven deadly sins it was actually a

Really good game up until well you know got pretty bad later I think I need therapy what oh I joined and you said you think you need therapy I’m not saying you’re wrong I’m just I just confused that I don’t know why I don’t know I don’t

Need that what would I need therapy for I don’t know you were the one saying it man either what do you need it for well you think I need therapy because a bunch of my friends bully me and make fun of me all the time that secretly they uh

You know sneak in some like actual truths in their bullying and that it slowly Cuts away me like a thousand paper cuts but I can’t do anything about it because they’re larger creators than me so there’s actually like a power Dynamic it’s like if your manager was

Bullying you at a job but it’s not really a job because it also a mix of my friends and so it’s complicated because they’re a mixture of my co-workers and my friends but they constantly just bully me all the time and then all the YouTube okay there’s there’s one thing

There’s one thing that’s confusing me yo chivalry three left do you think they do it because they’re a larger creator oh no there’s something I can’t do anything about it wow you’ve been growing this whole time and let me tell you it’s not gonna change no matter how much

That it’s true listen listen you’re doing better than ever you’ve been growing this whole time and it hasn’t changed it’s not a Creator thing it’s because they’re really your friends they care about you true yeah you know they care about you yeah you’re saying that Lily really cares about me

She came to your podcast this morning right that’s true by the way the the like the podcast was a banger we made it to 100 of our episodes 100 success rate by the way um I’m on yeah I mean I’m just gonna say I’ve known Lily for over a decade and

You know how many of my podcasts he’s shown up to Pro oh zero how many pockets that means a lot it means a lot that she showed up to yours I never had a podcast let’s not bring that up anyway um it would be good wait what is beginner campaign

You’re savagery it cuts the deepest you know because yours is like unexpected you know it’s like oh wait no that was not savagery I was saying they’re your friends it doesn’t matter what Creator you are they’ll treat you the same because they care about you yeah I know you’re like you’re

Like sour patch kids though it’s like first you’re sour then you’re sweet but you’re mostly sweet but then like every time that you’re a little bit sour it’s like oh spicy yeah but people like those don’t they yeah dude sour are you kidding me dude those are literally the goated candy

Yeah they’re great the watermelon ones those watermelon ones are my favorite oh sometimes I eat them and just say [ __ ] I’ve actually had a Momo where I said [ __ ] it to my diabetes when I was at a movie and I just [ __ ] went to Ham on the sour watermelons and then

Oh yeah they sell them at the movie theater and then I almost had to go to a hospital yeah but it was it tasted great I farmed them up when we went to that uh did you go to the thing when OTV got this got us the movie theater

No I farmed them because they gave us snacks oh [ __ ] um hey you guys on I so Kuno oh come on would you guys play fortnite also by the way or you’ve called the banners and I have rallies I got you right is it a big installation

Uh just start downloading now while we play this it’s on Epic Games they have a brand new Attack on Titan update I’ve been trying to find people to play with but no one really uh you know it’s like you know I’m gonna be honest with you if you

Rally that I’ve part of the role play is that if you rally the banners in Chivalry I’ll come but uh if you go to fortnite I will play Legend of Zelda I tried playing that just now it was uh who who man what do you think of the game

Um I think it is really good DLC for breath of the Wild so I I didn’t play breath of the wild so I feel like I’m gonna enjoy it more because it’s brand new and fresh to me oh you’re gonna love it I think that’s like my most critical view of it is

That’s like a really good DLC the thing is it’s a DLC for one of the best games of all time wow well I never played the first one so I think if you’ve never played breath of the wild it’s actually probably incredible to play oh I did play against an impact

It’s like the same thing right the world the world feels way more alive in Zelda yeah I know I was a joke they’re one of the uh I just wanted to see what you could say um it’s actually what kind of ruined Pokemon for me because it was another

Nintendo game that just didn’t feel alive relatively right anyways Okay I’ll fight the guy in the middle I’ll fight the guy in the middle they have no honor they have no honor man wait I killed one already there goes his weapon I have honor I’ll watch okay you’re running from me he’s just afraid I I died Oh wow he almost hit me guys I learned a new strategy that takes zero skill what is it well do you really want me to just give it to you like yes yes yes yes okay so basically heavy attacks drain a lot of stamina if they block it

If you get a long range weapon and you just get your spacing right you just Spam heavy attacks and they have to block it and then they lose all their stamina and they can’t even fight back like this guy straight up couldn’t even fight me um it’s one of the reasons why watch

This wait he’s got no water he’s getting up already [ __ ] yeah it’s so broken it’s sober so I found out this strategy when I was just randomly playing last night and a guy did it to me and I was just like uh what’s it called I was like wow this is

Broken I can’t even fight back if you block it you lose all your health and if you don’t block it you lose all your health so it’s like you just like oh is this honorable but he lost something yeah nice nice wow get him black get him

Oh my God you cut them in half oh my God so there is a weakness to the strategy but you have to be really good to do it you have to get this you have to mess up my spacing because the only thing that gets me is bad spacing all right

Come here buddy come here ow see he just drops his weapon now oh well there goes that guy so the only way to beat it is to mess up my spacing but if I stay on top of that you can’t it’s pretty much you can’t win because you

Can’t walk anymore you can’t really Dodge the overhead of this thing it’s really hard so it’s just really hard to win against this track we did it wait guys we’re kind of too good oh no these guys are bad right yeah oh what you almost held

Back for a second I’m proud of you yeah you almost didn’t flame them for a second but you get them Ray I’m for it I’m for it you get them and um what’s this guy doing I think he’s giving up yeah I I could see I don’t

Blame him teammates like that yeah oh I [ __ ] up wow oh I [ __ ] up all right you want to take this guy or you want to let me do it there yeah no you got that you want me to just easily uh okay I mean yeah yeah he’s got

Full health so you got this okay hey hey he’s gonna drop the weapon on the next one Yeah yeah he dropped this I’ll let him pick it I’ll let him pick it up I’ll let him pick it up They dropped his weapon hey pick it up pick it up pick up your weapon don’t worry I’ll let you I’ll let you pick it up man out kill him oh I’ll let you go go ahead and pick up your weapon oh you don’t have one you don’t have one I oh my God

My new tech is broken it’s actually broken if you spam the heavy attacks it makes them lose all their stamina and they can’t hold their weapons anymore it’s it’s actually busted it’s I feel like I shouldn’t use it too much come on I mean listen I’ve practiced guys listen it

Might be kind of mean but I practiced a lot to develop these strategies like it’s not like I just picked it up found out it was broken and did it it’s from playing a lot and thinking about my strategies helps me come up with this so like it seems broken but

I had to come up with it oh what’s up I’m dead oh no guys what happened what happened oh no that guy spams he’s spam he’s spamming he’s spamming like my only weakness is spamming how do I beat him oh oh spam oh he baited the block okay okay not bad not bad

Um listen I took out two of them I’m gonna say I took out two guys we might lose no more horsing around right get him guys get him okay well um I got I got my guy you guys uh nice you got him right you got him

Wait wow you really don’t have to know on it’s already four to one I it was already four to one man you really didn’t know I’m sorry guys you’re a sicko no no guys I just practiced a lot now let’s switch classes it is a little too strong

Switch it up we’ll switch it up um easy collab I’m gonna role play as link yep yep I I say we go go this till we lose and then um maybe one more yeah okay let’s just do this till we lose we gotta get humbled

I mean I would do it if you wanted to um I feel like we have bad schedules though um because like he streams in the morning which is actually why I watch him so often um uh but like I stream in the evening usually okay war is where the pros are really

Hmm maybe I don’t know I mean here’s the reason I started playing he has his uh don’t switch it up you really should I just feel like yeah that’s a good song I kind of want to level up my knight though um I want to level up the Knight because

I can unlock Greatsword on it Greatsword is insane I think it’s one of the best weapons what’s up Tales of your prowess with the blade have been spreading I think the glaive’s bad I’ll show you to this um I’m just spamming one cheese op strap man and it works great

You know what weapon seems really good though the repair um it’s a footman weapon right yeah yeah I’m trying to level up for it because I I’ve I’ve never seen a person with the repair that was not really good and either it’s just a weapon for pros or

It’s uh something else I got I got a Messier class now ounce oh wow you’re just cutting this guy in the back I um behind you behind you man I I just cutting the guy’s head off oh my God oh hey you can go pick your sword up if you want

Oh he doesn’t want to yeah I’ll give you your sword back don’t worry oh God you’ve wondered oh you can you can have it back you can have yeah take your sword back go ahead yeah you can have it okay wow wait I’m throwing guys with this oh you guys just killed them

You guys are dishonorable um guys we were already winning we were already winning um guys the one I’m fighting guys why do you guys keep doing this all right so the heavy attack Strat doesn’t work as well with left-handed weapons all right you guys uh you guys got it right

Oh it’s good for me now yeah I’ll back you up I’ll uh um oh my God we’re guys we’re winning a little too hard I had um I uh um yeah get them blow get them you got him man you got them get them dude this guy is okay

Oh I missed ow oh he’s still alive okay wow we’re doing great guys oh Mason guys it’s 4-0 I think we’re we’re two good guys they’ve got any Downs you guys are actually trash talking them I I mean we are winning but I had um oh what I think he gave up

Oh my God guys they [ __ ] guys the dude actually Rage Quit because you beat him too badly um guys they uh guys they didn’t kill a single person just wait they got zero they got zero kids oh my God yes baby we’re just too good now we’ve been advertising the game Guys

These are all the new players they all suck yeah yeah yeah uh yeah yeah no yeah yeah yeah nice of the clean table nice oh guys I saw Buddha today actually it’s crazy no no in um in the uh um in game oh in the city yeah yeah and then I joined the

Angels they’re my main Squad now what yeah well listen the boys man they’re not bro my character has been locked on an island for like two weeks okay what do you want from me wait you’re also locked on that island yes Jaeger’s just got a bunch of

Captives that’s gonna be me in a week anyway well I’m also it’s kind of like the only time IRP is on the island so I only know yeah only on Fridays yeah I’ve heard about that’s a good idea actually um and then I skipped this Friday because

Of Tears of the kingdom and then skipping next Friday because I’m going to Vegas I’m just taking a little break let’s put it that way yeah wait wait you’re cutting your subathon to go to Vegas I mean oh no no I’m gonna stay or I’m in

An IRL stream EDC one of them what oh cool hey I’ll be there um hog wait are you allowed to stream at the event or wait guys why don’t we just go we need to go shopping or something I mean I don’t know if you’re allowed to stream

That would be happy like during it yeah I don’t know um maybe you can I I don’t know the rules I feel like they wouldn’t like that but I mean you could stream something I mean I’ll be there I don’t think they’d let you though I just for some reason um

Get them guys get them it’s a 3v2 so let’s do the honorable oh just cut his arm off get him Ray get him we really don’t have to dishonorably beat up this it’s already 3v1 man it’s already 3D we really didn’t have to now they’re going to think we’re scumbags

Now we look like the bad guys now we look like it’s actually pretty decent that was fun though uh they’re gonna hate us now after you just threw a knife in his back all right we better win then we better win wait I knocked about what I’m saying

You what wait all of us just won he he knocked me downside and I knocked him out and I was on the ground nice nice to the winner of the spoils oh a knife for a heavy attack Oh there that guy actually had a good combo there oh they got me that guy’s decent hey get him quick oh you have a weapon right please tell me uh I’ve got this well he’s yeah get him man get him oh he’s doing the spam trick oh uh I got this 1v3 they’re ganging up get him guys get him getting this one ready turn around turn around I’m going gang up on him I’m coming flip out oh help yeah okay

That mist I can’t believe that missed I can’t believe that missed wait that has more reach than I thought I thought I was out of range I thought I was out of range of that so I didn’t block but uh it has more range podcast ass Rainbow Six Siege yeah this is

Rainbow Six Siege dude [ __ ] you well yeah man he’s upset he’s upset guys I okay um AI was decent what do you mean these aren’t Bots these are real players right you have to win no pressure but it’s all on you oh get him man get a oh oh wait Ray’s got

This yeah you got oh you dropped your sword uh thank God you have another one oh all right it’s time um really how can you tell one of them The Shield is that the final boss ow that guy just threw his thing at me get him guys

Wait uh oh yeah I need to fight that guy he’s uh he’s coming after me dude oh he does guys I died hey there ow oh my God wait this dude’s insane what the heck yeah get him blow get him nice nice gun um interesting all right okay

I get the dude throwing the daggers he’s ganging up he’s getting up there there wait my shield didn’t block oh no ow what oh god um sir blow you got that guy yeah try it tried you got another sword yes wow wait how did that hit I have my shield up

Oh this has way more reach get him man get him it’s all up to you he’s horribly wounded One Tap One Tap oh thank God thank God these guys are tough these guys are tough actually much points okay charge them this guy’s playing weird God I got him Jesus that’s close oh we

Did it we won we never lose oh we never lose ah as I feel like we’re just too we’re just too good they’re in the back for Honor no no he yelled out no honor wait you think I would yell out poor honor um someone in my chat thought yeah

Listen I listen you want to know who I model my fighting after [ __ ] sir Braun okay who’s Sir Braun uh famous scene in uh Game of Thrones oh I’ve never seen Game of Thrones oh it’s good actually you fight with no honor he’s like oh wait I probably say is it

You have no honor and he’s like no but he did that’s the guy who died yeah yeah that’s a good line I like that one yeah [ __ ] honor bro I’m trying to live what if we get both though excuse me yeah you know hmm we’re doing a little too well kinda sorta thing

Can’t wait to go to the war mode get sliced in the back repeatedly and just die actually true what’s really funny is after playing a lot of the threes I really craved War mode and then after playing War mode I really crave threes it’s like the perfect balance yeah same same it’s

Because like the war Mode’s fun and then when you feel like you’re getting stabbed in the back and you’re not really showing off any skills then uh let’s see what happened to Zelda um I just decided to play this instead but also the capture card was kind of scuffy

I was playing with like a one second delay which is annoying oh here we go boys get em guys get em I died I wasn’t my right two on you oh God I blocked it barely that was sick oh God I’m dead thank you oh God got one down I gotta kill him

With this you didn’t you didn’t die to that man you’ve done to that either die demon Jesus this Connor you guys killing get him Ray get him I’m gonna go for the stab big staba big stabba oh let’s do it Nice this guy tried to hit me in the back he’s crazy he’s crazy I tell you all right all right okay okay low on stamina I gotta manage the oh my God that was crazy the thing does damage oh they’re gonna come to water he said

Could I buy anybody oh my God oh my God so we’re just so bad there were so many men that’s right always got this get him right this guy’s this guy’s weak he over relies on his shield just use your kicks he severely relies on a shield see yeah he does yeah yeah

Oh no he’s the wrong attack I’ll do it again oh God get him get him are you throwing your weapon you’re only oh thank God thank God oh nice he’s defenseless oh my God right close nice and close you guys got that guy really low that was easier

Jump Guys these guys are actually not bad now that they have no honor they’re doing everything they can to win laughs yeah I might not kill him No water get up gang up on this last dude everyone get him I mean listen they did to us first yeah I agree they did it to us first this is only fair get em boys I like the way the red shields look really dope yeah same same

Oh no that was me helping you oh that was you okay ow wait this guy’s doing he’s playing the thorfin class that guy do you see it okay let’s go DC it okay oh oh he’s back over here’s back wait what though guys careful they’re ganging up they’re ganging up man

The Battle Cry is just enough I asked that guy but he deceived him I don’t know what to do yeah one shot oh God he got me he got me wait they were around guys we’re we’re losing we’re losing three they’re coming back okay okay no more no more horse

It’s time to finish this time to hit him with the classic I missed uh uh oh I got in the back oh my God I thought you got that he’s low you got one oh he’s trying to get up he’s trying to get up off the ground

I got him blouse low gotta go who actually just 1v2 that’s kind of crazy okay Shields actually wait wait I’ll throw I’ll throw nice okay let’s go bro [ __ ] ass [ __ ] oh my God Jesus I mean they were dishonorable Jesus man all right goodbye I’ll I’ll play with honor for the last round

Um you guys can just win I mean nice blow nice there’s only one oh he’s dead you did it we did it guys we did it oh guys is it me do the rest nights look a lot cooler than the Blue Knights I mean yeah they’re winning so that looks cool to me

Wow guys we’re just uh we just haven’t lost I mean I said we were gonna do the war mode after we lost one but I mean we’re gonna we’re gonna lose the next one the way it’s looking um because I have to partake with me oh partaking hell

And find wine to celebrate our Victory I would take a drink right now but to the Glorious gold of a new sun in a new day he’s actually drinking man easily what is he actually drinking what uh um uh drink with me man I mean I got I got

Like some coffee left maybe uh yeah let me go get a drink good sound effects he’s got it he’s got it down that wasn’t a sound effect I actually just drank some coffee yeah You know what that doesn’t sound good right now okay let’s get em boys from the mouth it messes up the tracking for the boys how do you change your look in the game with armor I actually don’t have much armor yeah the game already costs a lot it was 40 40 macaroons Kind of an expensive game I would wait for it to go on sale honestly and when I went to I think the game’s overpriced So I punched them in the oh skunk got it with the game so here’s what I think guys I’ve been playing this game a lot I think it’s fun I do think it’s just overpriced this is surely I think this one they weren’t expensive than it should be good uh it’s not worth

40 bucks for like 10 20 bucks absolutely worth it uh not 40 though damn ow oh God oh God oh guys guys the counter was fast what the heck how’s that sword so strong all right that sword is really fast for like uh bad guys yeah guys I know this guy he’s

A known sniper and he’s pretty decent we have to no honor we got a no honor gang up on him guys yeah yeah there okay golf with formation formation gamma formation gamma Yeah get him get him man we did it we did it our teamwork is on match our teamwork is unmatched that was actually so sick if you wanted a 1v1 you should have queued up for 1v1 this is this is team based this is a team mode it’s it’s how

It is hey keep them busy keep them busy go go help help get one free stabbing one free stab yo boys right behind you I’m good I’m good I’m not good I’m not good boys you’re good you’re good right you’re guys I’m not looking very good anymore I got this guy distracted

Oh my gosh um man oh God man oh God okay okay I got distance I got distance um that goes behind you now his thing swings behind him how does that make any sense okay guys guys we got no choice we got no choice I’m doing I’m doing the third

One I’m doing the thing I’m doing it I’m going to ambusher oh no boys what happened what happened I got hit I gotta hit back I’m good I got him I got him oh no I’m getting man get him I missed I missed I’m gonna go hell Bray I’m gonna go I’ll pray

Oh nice nice that was actually good that was actually amazing the teamwork gets paid out man the teamwork’s paying out okay okay we’re Landing big hits big hits I’m with you Psych oh no they’re getting up on wow well I’m gonna throw something out of the deck oh He fall he fell into the track so this thing spins around and it knocks you down if you’re standing by it that guy was the weapon okay please his life I died right behind you uh guys oh hi you uh the other guy is really low he’s really he’s scared

Though dead he actually doesn’t have a weapon he’s going for my weapon oh one more thing I think behind you side behind you oh god oh I’m dead oh big you got this side 1v2 go for the guy on the left oh he threw a weapon at

Me I can’t see the swords in my eyes man the swords in my eyes what the sword that he threw on me was blocking my entire screen how was I supposed to okay never thought I’d say that but that was actually what happened get him okay okay

I just comboed him oh my God all right Mason that was a good round actually yeah yeah get him guys get him he just threw his weapon at me oh no guys I’m not doing well oh oh he’s getting ganged up on uh I’m dead how are you alive

Oh yeah I got it oh my God oh nice Dodge nice oh God it’s like I got him it’s a 1v1 buddy it’s time this one’s for Blau and Ray hog s get him oh he predicted my kick oh that’s cool okay we got him uh actually 1v3 that that was uh

Guys is it time for war mode I feel like we’re just not gonna lose then I mean one more LG LD okay I’m in more mode I mean I guess we just won’t lose I mean I I don’t know we’re I mean I’m too good okay all right

They’re just insane I mean we did pretty well actually now we haven’t lost yet I just actually won V3 that okay I I sometimes I feel like we’re just we’re too good now guys I mean you guys ever get that feeling oh no the game is so new I feel that

[ __ ] off yeah I kind of missed when we were the amateurs getting remember when we first played it was Yumi and my young and we couldn’t win a single match against anything the good old days lady my young of house catamina I’m just kidding guys we’re saying that

To set it up but we’re not that good there’s definitely players that are way better than us um but I like building up the little storyline you know because nothing feels better than beating someone who’s overconfident well something feels better but that’s one of the things people like I like

Building up a little little storyline there um okay here we go against brand new people uh all right I think I’m just gonna stick to man at Arms I guess until I unlock the repair I feel like the repairs I’ve been doing that one too yeah every repair user has been insane I

Haven’t seen one that wasn’t like really this isn’t what I wanted okay this is the same guys no different guys they might be better no honor Wait this guy’s using the lyric logo hey guys look this guy’s got the lyric logo equipped the cat on his back that I just stabbed wait really yeah yeah I’m using it too oh I hit this guy nice on your back yeah yeah look at the cat it’s the lyric logo oh hahaha

You guys are bullies man you guys are bullies okay I’m just gonna play it legit um nothing funny going on if I want me to stab this guy stab him in the back you want me okay buddy it’s time what are you doing there what are you doing man come here

I died I died huh you think I’m going to fall for this trap you know you I can just do that you think I’m a Noob man you think I’ll fall for it that’s for underestimating me that’s for underestimating me let me know if you need help Ray just do it

This guy thought I was a noob he thought I didn’t know how to deal with traps okay um okay guys I think we’re actually kind of I don’t know okay I hit that guy in the head yes I think we just go to the war mode I

Don’t think we’re gonna lose kind of too crazy oh no he hit me with something I don’t know what though oh he threw his main weapon at me he can block him block it wow you want me to you want to hit him with that they’re no honoring Rey

They’re no honoring Ray no honored oh we’re coming Ray we’re coming I jumped over his slice ow wow oh my God Ray get up wait Ray you’re dead he’s really low you can kill him oh yeah I’ll just uh wow you got it you got it man just uh

Yeah this guy’s lit he has no weapon he has no weapon he’s super low he’s super low he has nothing absolutely nothing one slice nice nice we did it let’s go guys I think we’re just never gonna lose we’re never gonna lose you guys it’s not possible

I get the guy in the back die demon oh there he goes guys it’s 3-0 no point in dishonoring them right um oh don’t blow get him if you need help just just say something and I will you just throw all your weapons away it’s a little late you shouldn’t have

Thrown all your weapons away all right buddy it’s time get him I’m in lead with a kick you won’t expect it he won’t expect it just as I thought actually sick I’m gonna do the same thing but this time I actually sliced predicted predicted that was sick he wouldn’t expect the

Kick and then the second time he thought it was a kick so I just sliced it was uh in his brain in his it just feels like a fancy version of rock paper scissors um they’re no honoring boys slice them slice some blouse wait no way we got him wow

We gotta help Ray man he’s dying oh he’s already dead um it’s 4-0 man I almost feel bad for this one but get himself you got him he’s horribly wounded already wounded and his life oh yeah get him get him oh he’s wait wait let him get a weapon let him oh me

Listen guys since we’re kind of cracked out I feel like we can go a little easier you know I mean and I have to full no honor sweat every round we’re winning too hard do you guys want to just go War mode or actually go till we lose

Oh yeah yeah I have to go back to the lobby and I’ll reinvite okay holy [ __ ] I’m gonna pee that was an interesting way to declare that okay um all right I’m actually so sorry let me man I must relieve myself I’ll join you for

You we can do the smaller War mode too because there’s a bigger smaller one yeah there’s a 32 verse 32 which is really crazy and chaotic it’s really hard to be useful um there’s a 20 versus 20 Mode still a lot of people but you have a bigger

Impact so we’ll probably do that I like that I like the smaller one yeah I wish there was like a 10v 10 mode that would be great and check the store what’s what’s fresh here I just wish the game weren’t so expensive I like I like the game I do

Think it’s overpriced how much is the game wait you didn’t buy the game I did buy it I just don’t you just don’t look at the price he’s got it like that now huh okay yeah uh the game’s like 40 bucks which I think is overpriced crazy yeah yeah it’s

A fun game and I like it I can write it off because streaming games yeah but I wouldn’t pay 40 bucks for this if I was a regular like you know I I like if it was 20 bucks pretty dang good deal 10 bucks for sure I’d get it

But I do feel like 40 bucks is a little overpriced for this the cheaters I don’t know if there is cheaters in this game I wonder if they do because like counter cheating I haven’t seen too many um except for like all the times I lose

A duel I think they were cheating but other than that I haven’t seen any now now’s the joke if chivalry too were to sponsor us oh with a discount code that would be pretty cool um let’s see I’ll be pretty good say it regular person I mean someone who can’t

Write it off right because if I write it off I can use before tax money on it um yeah I do feel like 40 is it’s kind of pricey 40 is fine because they release new free content uh if they do that’s great obviously I’ve only been playing a

Week so I I don’t know about that I’m only going off purely if you buy the game and you’re enjoying it I think it’s really fun um I just feel like yeah 40 is pretty pricey um and the biggest thing is you’ll increase the player base a lot by making

It cheaper or even free with cosmetics Now kicked from party are you guys in this queue the Battle of Dark Forest yeah dark force yeah oh okay fog burn keep okay I like going across Bowman I love the there we go the arrows coming that’s so cool charge them guys I’m going combat Archer get them

I’m coming boys I’m coming oh that’s in it yeah that guy just got absolutely I think I’m gonna stick to this one probably [Applause] 32 we should on the right side we’re getting flanked uh guys hey uh guys Ray Ray help me man oh God okay why do I have this stick

This is the worst melee weapon oh yeah yeah thanks for the cover guys I’m just the Archer don’t mind me of course they would help me of course um I’m coming Ray I’m coming oh God there’s so many oh wait I remember why I like crossbowmen because their passive is better

Stuck on boy I need heals um I don’t think they’re I’m not the Healer class I think I’m uh the Archer oh there’s resupplies right here yeah one okay I got more heels on the right side there’s uh there’s a dude he’s killed me I’m with you what is happening here I did

Guys we should stick together I’m Archer class so I’m really squishy oh it’s like come here yeah yeah I’ll just uh I’ll snipe from a distance um oh we’re getting flanked oh god oh Jesus okay I feel like I shouldn’t push up that much as an Archer

Is this PVP uh yeah as far as I know there’s no Bots it’s all players okay uh guys guys you I’m gonna oh my God I’m reloading uh I missed so many yeah get them guys I’ll uh I’m just gonna support from a distance there’s a guy on the right help help oh

God no I can take this guy I’m a 1v1 Legend come here buddy come here oh okay okay archers are really bad at melee comes not a surprise to anyone honestly I feel like that’s pretty obvious but I’m gonna lose to most people once we get in one

In melee combat uh if I play absolutely perfect we have a small small chance but yeah I mean we’re not built for uh close range hit him all right I’m going I missed hey guys cover me cover me oh I got killed from a high man okay I’m with uh Ray

Oh I missed um I’m going I’m going how did you Chuck oops uh oops hold on I’m I’m reloading um I’m going for him oh he’s dead what is the oil pot I’m about to learn uh it’s like a Molly it’s pretty good for choke holds but it’s not so great

Throwing a molly I don’t know if I threw that how do I throw it oh God nice blow nice as we’re moving up pretty well I threw them all in uh I think our teammates nice anybody nearby I really need assistance uh yeah I’m on my own okay

There Jesus buddy how are you alive well luckily I have a bow so I can just I have to reload oh that was close I thought it was loading have you like my Minecraft crossbowing has improved but how do you use the ladders okay uh that was an accident accidents happen

Archer on the thing Archer on the thing there’s a maniac Oh God storm The Fortress I didn’t hit now I’m gonna do a cheese Strat cheese strap where what was that even from wait I killed Blau I think the regular bow might be better not gonna lie we’ll use regular bow oh wait no no we gotta put down there

Like a special class I gotta put down the so the banner gives you a bazillion XP like it’s it’s kind of not the coolest thing to do but the banner gives a lot more XP uh compared to anything else back to the javelins javelins aren’t bad

Either but the thing is for leveling up so there’s a special bow it’s the best bow in the game the war bow it’s basically like an off in this game close thing to an OP because there’s obviously no real on um but like it’s basically the off of this

Game and uh I really want to get it you just have to hit Level 18 and the uh War Banner gives the most XP but buddy buddy don’t go behind me Jesus are you trying to kill me man what are you doing okay okay

I did not know he could just jump up the I thought I was safe I thought I was safe up there wait I didn’t change still alone you gotta change to this and set up the banner um crossbow is only good if you hit this well yeah anything’s good if you hit the

Shots um got that it’s also better XP wise to tag everyone see how I get 50 XP um for getting an assist you only get 100 for a kill so you’re much better off just tagging people uh and then moving to the next Target there’s one tag on that guy

Got hit tag that guy out okay um but yeah I need the uh I need the war bow it’s just so high level it’s really hard to get guys get him I’m coming with my crossbow this guy’s like 1v5 does oh I’m right behind you blow right behind you

I missed uh distract them distract them I got him okay moving up guys protect my banner when I put up the banner it’ll Auto regen you when you’re nearby but I don’t know where to put it wait there’s a guy on the uh Ballista Ballista uh oh

Oh God I’m uh I’m wide open out here okay who’s behind me oh let’s hit my teammate oh my God I got that [ __ ] on I can’t get a clear shot I feel like I’m the dude with the trembly hands trying to oh nice that was a good one

Um you guys know those trembly hands dudes in like zombie movies who like can’t use the gun and like that’s me okay stop moving boys one second hear me AFK this dude is getting ganged up on oh God I’ll save you buddy I’ll uh maybe no I’m not gonna save you sorry

Guys help Let’s help out hey we tried we tried it we’re on Central servers what does that mean I don’t think he can even choose your I only have 36 pings that’s not so bad is it unless it is I gotta wait for a good spot to put the banner down got him

People are mad at me oh maybe you uh just should not AFK Maybe oh the band it’s all the way up there already well these guys are not holding very well we’re just pushing right through like um oh Nations burn the bear again dodged it barely

You’ve got to be kidding I’m just gonna cut him guys we’re pushing too fast I can’t even set up my banner okay wow that guy got comboed charge them fire oh that almost got me I burned to death yeah the fire does insane damage actually it’s crazy goodbye Pinocchio charge them

All right guys we’re moving up I’m gonna set up my banner once we get to the gate all right we’re at the gate house I’m setting up the banner there we go that looks natural ish not really so guys look the banner will AOE heal and then you’ll see the points go up

Watch they’re gonna try and hold us at this Gatehouse look at look at the XP rack up I already got 18 XP 27. let’s get tons of XP for the banner are they gonna charge me oh okay that is look at how much xp is racking up from this we’re getting tons

Of healing XP okay got that guy oh my God Alice is 1v3 those guys I went crazy to heal I love this moments hold the gate hold the Gatehouse guys That missed unbelievable um you guys pushed up that quick are we getting any healing XP because they keep pushing so fast um okay I’m pushing up the left side guys left side hey where is everyone I’m sneaking up on this Archer gotta go okay I’m surprised that didn’t it

Oh yeah sneaking up on archers love when that happens get him am I just way behind you guys you got to push the Caravan I’m turning around I’m turning around I see Ray guys there’s up here at the the camp I’m coming buddy I’m coming oh okay let’s get some ammo

They’re a Healer class I think so yeah surely Zelda tomorrow um I’m gonna try and fix the capture card tonight because I had to do a really scuffed way of capturing when we tried it today uh it’s not working through the original capture so there’s like massive delay it

Was like two minutes it wasn’t so bad for the cut scene but it was like two-ish seconds of delay it doesn’t sound like a lot but two seconds of delay is pretty bad oops oh God okay uh hey guys um anybody ow E I just got there

I’m an Archer I’m extremely weak to uh I mean you guys we’re in Archer there’s not much we can uh it’s really hard to survive like that okay here we go they’re killing the catapults wait can I do this I guess not um they broke it you just smacked it with his hammer

Oh nice help oh please that was not good yeah he’s gonna kill archers all day buddy who I can’t believe I won that charge um to the gates to the gates I’m gonna put my banner down there oh dude dude the big dude here right here okay

Big heels by the gate get wait no way that explosion just destroyed mine I think it did I think that explosion just destroyed my banner well bro I’m playing like so much [ __ ] better it’s also 13 versus 19 but let’s not uh let’s not ruin the parade here get em guys get him

Oops uh come on come on you guys ever get hit by the ballistics oh yeah yeah that’s like insta death you can’t block it either okay charge them oh hit I picked up boys yeah I think you can just throw it but I wouldn’t recommend that we’re hit wait these guys are just

Obliterated me charge um please don’t rush me please don’t rush me Oh God okay okay uh no bandage right right kill the Duke I’m pushing healing these dudes running oh he bled out interesting get em guys Kill the Duke Kill the Duke wow no honor this guy how’s that happening okay no honor this guy it’s the war mode that’s normal get him guys um all right she’s gonna camp this corner I’m gonna be honest oh just gonna I’m gonna chill you guys got him hey hey stay back this is a window

You just jump in there it’s an assassin he’s got a Grenade wait I think my arrow caught on fire this is a thing you can do your arrow catches on fire does bonus damage I think um oh no they killed me what that quick we won all right I can

Do one more because I think we won a little too hard maybe yeah so fast what guys we’re just too good I we’re just too good we beat every stage in like a minute hey wait guys they know us look um oh as it was an honor to fight beside

You I couldn’t write it oh there we go all right guys we’re winning a little too much I don’t know what to say who hey crocodile skin helmet we haven’t gotten the one uh the one good level yet though I don’t know if it shows up in 20V 20 but

Because if we lost have we lost a single anything yet no no we have a lot of loss today wow we just never lose and I saw Buddha this morning the boys are actually winning all day or we’re getting the W CB is back but we’re winning

Oh yeah definitely better not to the CB S I know the Knights of the clean table um I think we’re gonna try and play Zelda tomorrow guys I think uh is the plan actually if I can fix it I’m gonna try my best to fix the thing tonight and

If we can we’ll play Zelda but I mean I do have to fix up the capture card yes let’s go um I got a new weapon instead of the jablins I got these hammered wait is this the same thing but we’re on defense yes I think so so we lose now

Then it’s just offensive get em guys get em got throwing axes well I was just screaming the screams in this game are ridiculous push C push C actually gives you a small buff get em Ray get him I’m going there hit him hit him hit him oh I am yeah Javelin she’s literally

Just like 1v5 holy [ __ ] guys we’re crazy now we’re crazy get em Ray get him slice them in the back slice them in the back I’m gonna go we gotta stop the Convoy don’t forget the Convoy die demon okay but we are absolutely wait we are kind of short like absolutely shredding them

Out okay that was a lot that was a lot of enemies Javelin does more damage yeah it’s a little harder to use but it’s just a lot I like the Japanese nice it looks cool did you unlock it yet oh okay yeah that one’s not bad either I

Think the great sword is probably my favorite weapon so far in terms of like actually just op feeling oh my what was that weapon oh they’re moving that Convoy really fast boys guys I got oh my God there’s 10 of them in the middle that’s not good I’m coming guys I’m coming

I got my javelins um the javelins are coming watch out there’s a lot of enemies I’ll save you buddy oh my God that jump throw wait it’s banana hey blouse modest banana oh no banana he’s the black guys get on the Convoy boys okay

I’m out of good uh uh my back wow I’m gonna do I’m with you blow oh God I’m kick him we’re against Pros now guys we might lose here yeah you can tell by the music the Convoy is gonna make it we gotta stop it I think this might have just been

Offensive sided Maybe can I jump down here uh uh fell on his butt too okay right behind you Ray oh no okay all right I’m so low I healed ow yeah what oh my God I got counter javelined javelins are so good the damage is insane and if I’m I’m top fragging I’m

Top fragging I killed three of The Archers defend the Gatehouse guys defend the Gatehouse oh this guy’s probably done so um hey you really don’t have to do this man I tried to warn you ow there’s too many there’s too many men there’s just too many honestly we did really well uh

We’re holding them off for a bit but we are first of all we’re an Archer class and second of all there’s a lot of them right here I see a lot of people with that and they just do really really well I think they’re appears super strong

I don’t have it unlocked yet though it’s pretty high level charge them and the enemies up here oh they’re about to hate the uh Gatehouse I think a bunch are already up here my team is attacking me yeah did he die from that maybe ow yeah

Get em Ray get him nice I’m going the trumpet rally deals allies okay listen it doesn’t so the problem is it doesn’t go exactly on your Crosshair it goes slightly down to the left of your Crosshair it’s it’s weird I’m used to playing Valerian you aim at the head it

Hits the head this one you have to aim slightly down to the left of it which is strange but it’s how it works get him guys I’m coming oh now okay locked it with a shielded yeah okay okay what okay that was unexpected oh man we’re actually top fragging guys

We’re doing great but uh we are losing pretty badly though is this guy have the war bow I had the war bows just busted it unlocks at level 18 though which is really really hot guys the heels we’re coming guys we’re coming watch out for those archers on the wall out

Oh oh god um oh you didn’t charge it ow there’s so many uh uh oh they’re rushing The Archers this is bad here Oh my God the right side what about the left side oh we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead I’m leaving I’m leaving they’re probably right behind me they’re gonna kill me um I really hope that’s my teammate well that’s definitely not my teammate um ow I thought that was

I thought that was my teammate well um okay I mean it was far back enough where I I thought it was my thing um oh okay I was in the background oh yeah face cam again I don’t know it’s been less than 24 hours man I it’s

You can just Google a picture it’ll last longer or something um okay hey guys anyone uh yeah yeah get him blood get them distract them I’ll spear them I missed you dodged yeah got him he’s weak he’s weak he set his own teammate on fire Jesus he’s crazy

Oh my God I’m getting ganged up on I’m an Archer I’m an Archer please guys I’m an Archer it’s they’re rushing me it happens we’re still doing great though considering the world it is really tough though I just want to level it up um sorry I’m right behind you I’m right

Behind you ready perfect let’s go back up uh blouse doors oh Blau we’re coming blow okay I think we stick to one side so we can actually work together people we’re coming get them guys I feel like we spun so far away this time I got two guys chased

After me no over here on the left wow that was a clean shot got him he’s low he’s low he hit him for 85. we’re actually doing a good job of solving the Convoy ah what oh I’m dead there’s too many okay honestly we did really really well

Considering like we got rushed like that okay charge them I think we gotta watch our positioning but we’re doing well overall I think I should switch to crossbowmen this is a good holding point on this uh ladder here there’s a Ballista nobody using it okay well I’m just gonna hey

Right here we all stop the Convoy get him guys get him the ballista’s here oops uh anyone covering me anyone anybody okay uh yeah oh you fell for the Trap so did you you one shot me that’s crazy I can’t believe you once shot me well honestly

It’s 2V1 we got one of them not bad not bad okay here we go man let me tell you if I had the war bow that would be all the difference probably not actually probably not okay headshots 105 I think it doesn’t do headshots do double damage I actually

Don’t know how it works in this game headshots are hard to get though because people move around so much try and go here this is shite you broke your own Shield nice nice what are you doing What was he doing there I don’t know oh God I’m dead ow yeah there goes that they did walk into my trap I think yeah that guy walked in my trap nice unfortunately I can’t hold against like three dudes but um okay let’s go uh let’s go across Bowman

Because now we can uh what’s it called um now you can use the banner which gives a lot of Health have you tried moored how um I like this game more than mortal because uh mordhao is way way harder to learn for beginners what is this like uh

There’s too many different angle attacks and they matter a lot a lot more so uh basically Mort how is like you can’t really pick it up and have people play it and enjoy it you have to be dedicated to learning it because there’s a there’s a sharp learning curve before

You even have any fun which means it’s really hard to get your friends to play it because the angle attachment like in this one the angle attack starts with them but it doesn’t actually matter that much how you have to block by angle unless they changed it up this Ladder Up the

Ladder yeah I’m going up the ladder so they unless they changed it you have to block by the angle so if someone shoots on the left side or swings on the left you have to block left or it doesn’t Block kill them all oh yeah yeah I got him um

Are you just throwing daggers from up here I am actually so yeah mortal is much much harder like a lot harder this is amazing most people who start and play will just not have fun okay that means it’s hard to get people to play with you

But I did play both I tried that one actually get em boys I missed um look at that healing EXP erience because why is this guy just following me go fight go fight man now you’re just gonna die when you fall like that I got this guy doing okay um

Get him guys get him I missed I’m dead ow oh okay reloading looking bad guys looking bad nice headshot objective failed guys there’s a dude oh you got him Ray you got him nice nice okay what is this uh take forward spawn since they took this area

We can’t Camp here I think I’m fighting for the 15 seconds uh okay good good luck yeah I probably should think of it charge them man this is tough for defense what was that how are they pushing this thing we’re all over it got it yeah out there oh ow my back

Why am I fighting on the front lines I’m an Archer I’m here with you huh help help rally to me all right yeah I’ll just do that let me um I’m just gonna reload and oh my gosh that didn’t work at the same time that was the craziest oh headshot

Oh that guy’s a tank though okay missed probably dead yeah saw that coming I think we should switch classes but I need to put the banner down first okay here we go why are you blocking me what what are you doing man I okay I guess you I’ll go fight them then

Um we have to defend the things I’m pretty sure why there’s so many people AFK buddy the fights out there what are you doing got him guys got em it blocked my arrow with them okay get him guys get him Tavis there you go okay this will heal people

What happened man what happened nice is there a guy on my left oh yep there was hey now of course I’m switching um let’s go back to Javelin I feel like it works just a lot better I don’t know exactly why but the javelin works like way better

Cross closure seems a little slow get him guys get him I don’t know what happened there but one yes excuse me sir excuse me I’m trying to assist you nice guys look look at that Javelin it’s crazy get him guys we’re defending the gate that was a trade good yeah guys the uh

What’s it called the javelin just seems so much better doesn’t it I don’t know what it is but uh it seems to work better to me get them guys it went through his legs what the damn that guy’s good die okay I’m coming teammate [ __ ] I got him

You just take a headshot javelin yeah give me that sword wait where’d it go oh there it is all right banana get him across the [ __ ] Battlefield what the heck I just got hit in the back yeah oh I was I was getting 2V1 okay you know I’m pretty decent at the 1v1s

But in this mode like you get hit in the back all the time different game charge them I feel like I’ll do better with just a melee class but I really need to level up Archer so I can get the war bow kind of unfortunate but it’s how it goes

Oh this is such a bad spot okay get him guys get them where is everyone oh bye reload your load you just threw that at me because you beat me in close range you’re crazy oh there there oh that didn’t hit I thought it would honestly I had no Health left but

Uh we almost had him too I thought that would hit him I feel like the spear the range should have been longer this is a like a spear thing can I just lose half my health for that get him guys we’re holding it all right they’re actually not making much progress anymore

They’re about to destroy it I think we might still be able to hold I’m on the right side right side uh really need help well there goes everything I don’t know even what hit me actually um what even hit me I didn’t oh the ballista I

I think she shot me from behind the fire I’m not sure okay they’re definitely going to make it through I think um here we go oh they made three up old ow that didn’t hit oh I got catapulters Spears shall be shaken Shields and the sun rises what ride the ruin ruin the world’s ending Jesus man [Applause] TV just killed me Jesus is going crazy uh let’s see let’s get the crossbow there we go who’s the king um let’s drop this so I like the setup right here because

It makes it like like a little weird see you can’t really get through that easily my teammate buddy buddy hello what are you doing man okay uh uh what are you doing hey threw that Adam cut him cut him okay reload reload reload what is this guy okay

A spot for it right ears probably it’s risky but I think it’s it’s a good spot because it’ll heal everybody um Nice Shot nice shot oh behind it oh missed missed okay okay hey hey there’s a maniac there’s a maniac with a shield he’s trying to be Captain America

Oh that didn’t hit that was not a wood get him guys get him nice oh it’s a guy dude okay guys where’s the cover where’s the cover I’m an Archer oh my God this is so crazy um I don’t know what I was supposed to I’m right behind Blau now

Oh buddy I’m turning into that cheesy spot that’s good okay yeah gang up on this dude nice nice oh God Jesus I hate being an Archer they always rush me they always rush me okay I need a switch I need to switch off probably I feel like I’m playing

OverWatch and I haven’t Switched Off all right of course of course my gun’s gone reload reload I’m dead I’m dead oh hey this guy tried to block from oh he died instantly I’m getting team killed what are you doing okay how’s the king doing uh well um

He leaned backwards and dodged it guys playing limbo in medieval times Blocked my arrow with a sword I don’t know that was possible nice oh it’s right in front of me [Applause] okay reloading I need it okay I kind of wanted to die so I could become the arrow I need to be the the Archer with the quicker movement it’s better for this range

All right guys I’m uh I’m gonna be way more useful now I what I changed didn’t change huh got a sworn could have sworn I changed all right this is it guys the Duke is dying I’m being blocked oh no way I just die here I can’t see okay I’m alive somehow

Fire fire fire there’s fire there’s fire everywhere um I can’t see you can’t see excuse me excuse me Kevin said oh they’re all guys guys they’re just rushing him they’re rushing him body block body block get the archers okay it wasn’t the headshots oh I’m dead there’s more archers than me there’s too

Many oh God oh God oh we died oh man that was tough um I think we should have just switched to a full melee class probably because that was really difficult with the Archer that was actually crazy we all got top five it’s really tough with the Archer I

Think we should have switched to something else probably all right I’m cooked that’s it for me boys I I can only play this for like a little bit before I lose my [ __ ] well sounds good all right good games guys good games all right goodbye that went pretty well

All right guys I think we’ve been streaming a long time play Zelda I can’t the capture card scuffed guys it has a lot of delay so it’s hard to play I’m gonna try and fix the capture card for maybe tomorrow or another day um not too sure it’s just yeah it’s just

Hard to play with the delays um well that was a pretty long stream because we woke up so early to uh what’s it called to play that Minecraft tournament that we honestly did better than I thought we would do in like that last round we did amazing

Okay but anyways guys that’s gonna be it for today thanks a bunch for coming to the stream really appreciate you guys and I hope I see you guys next stream also which will probably be uh oh hold on how do I do the thing oh that’s not it this

Anyway that’s probably gonna be it for today guys next month for coming really appreciate you all and I hope I see you guys next stream also which will probably be tomorrow or something like that um I think we’re gonna try and do zeld if we can we’ll see not 100 sure

Um but anyway that’s it for today thanks a bunch for coming everyone and thanks Steven more for uh making my stream a fun place to be um yep that’s it for today bye everyone thanks for coming see you guys next stream thanks for coming bye

This video, titled ‘BARELY ALIVE BLOCKWARS MINECRAFT TOURNAMENT AND THEN GTA YUNO RETURNS THEN CHIVALRY’, was uploaded by Sykkuno on 2023-05-14 02:27:21. It has garnered 157351 views and 4168 likes. The duration of the video is 07:40:25 or 27625 seconds.

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SPONSORS: CYBERPOWERPC (code sykkuno): Mavix Chairs (code sykkuno):

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    Chill Showcase: Dragon Mounts 1.20.1 Forge In the world of Minecraft, where dragons roam free, Dragon Mounts Legacy is the mod to see. Fire, water, aether, and more to behold, Breeding and taming, a story untold. Hatch the eggs, in conditions just right, To bring forth a dragon, a majestic sight. Ride them high, through the skies they’ll soar, With a saddle on their back, you’ll want more. Fire dragons, immune to the flames, Water dragons, swimming in games. Aether dragons, soaring up high, Forest dragons, hidden in leaves they lie. Nether dragons, with a cool blue glow, Ghost dragons, in darkness they show. Ice… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

    SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown The Epic Showdown: SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, where adventures and challenges await at every turn, a new rivalry has emerged that has captured the attention of players worldwide. The clash between SenpaiSpider and Herobrine has become the talk of the gaming community, with fans eagerly anticipating the outcome of this epic showdown. The Players: SenpaiSpider, known for their agility and cunning tactics, has garnered a loyal following for their daring escapades in the Minecraft universe. On the other hand, Herobrine, a formidable and mysterious figure, strikes fear into the hearts of even… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Part 1

    Surviving Minecraft: Part 1 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a game that offers players a unique experience in a world made up of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities. Whether you enjoy reshaping the world around you or embarking on epic adventures, Minecraft has something for everyone. The Basics of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can use blocks to build structures, mine resources, and interact with a variety of creatures. From battling monsters to befriending animals, the game offers a wide range of activities to suit different playstyles. Exploring the World As players navigate through the vast world of Minecraft, they… Read More

  • The Most Shocking Mob in Minecraft

    The Most Shocking Mob in Minecraft The Most Terrifying Mobs in Minecraft Do you know the dark truths behind this ghoul? This ghoul is a vengeful one, my friend. So before delving into the facts, please like and subscribe to my videos first because if you look at this avenger, his face resembles a villager or a villager. Yes, according to me and yes, maybe some other Minecraft players, this villager intentionally conducted experiments on this monster who used the villager’s body or crops and bang, why did the villager want to create a ghoul like a ranger, according to me, because this villager has… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03

    Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 03’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-29 07:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji’s Creation #plankton

    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji's Creation #planktonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | plankton |#plankton #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-04 00:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. plankton #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to … Read More

  • Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!

    Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to farming Crossing 4 so I used to play farming Crossing 3 and I absolutely loved it and if you don’t know what farming Crossing is it’s a um it’s a mod pack for Minecraft that is heavily inspired by Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing is probably one of my most favorite games ever so I really was super excited to find out that this one came out and it was released not too terribly long ago and I’m really looking forward to hopping right in so let’s go ahead and do it uh… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: BUILDING EPIC MINECRAFT HOUSE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE IN MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share’, was uploaded by GHOST.GAMING on 2024-03-09 07:54:17. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share Read More


    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: Discord: MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More