The Demon of Bell Witch Cave

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It’s time we’re going to the cave okay we can’t smoke here no I’m just kidding literally interact your own risk it’s like right down here is like an harmonic recession like really tiny writing you need a magnifying button you see it dude and just like The Conjuring we’re

Walking into the woods at the back of the house it’s all connected this already we are oh my God oh [Applause] it looks like the goddamn Conjuring has I don’t know if you guys can tell by our demeanor already this place is terrifying wait till you hear the story this is known online as America’s greatest ghost story and this location is home to the only death confirmed by

Supernatural causes in history up until this video I didn’t think the supernatural had ever taken a life before I’ve never heard of that before this witch demon Spirit whatever you call it tormented a family starting in 1817 after four years ending up taking one of their lives and tonight we try to

Figure out why and what is the Bell Witch but the property here and especially the cave has become increasingly more haunted and guys we’re the first YouTubers ever to have access to film this so that’s also why we’re a little bit scared only Ghost Adventures back in 2015 have filmed here before

Stick around because we actually hired a witch to come out here and help us perform a ritual in the bell witch cave this is gonna be I’m already shaking so let’s talk about America’s greatest ghost story the Bell Witch this haunting has the first person who died from

Supernatural causes it’s even on his death certificate and what people refer to a witch in the 1800s they meant any Spirit or entity as some people even believe the Bell Witch was a demon we’re not talking about some Hocus Pocus personal broomstick this is real and this goes further than anything we’ve

Ever dealt with before worse than The Conjuring level the Bell Witch would scratch people and slap them so hard that would leave red marks across their face it was able to levitate the children and yes eventually would take the life of the Father John Bell no joke

The Bell Witch is the most dangerous entity we’ve ever dealt with but in order to tell you the whole story let’s take it back to 1804 when it all started John Bell took his wife and his nine kids out to Adams Tennessee in a really small religious town full of farmers and

Pioneers then in 1817 the Bell family started noticing some very strange things happening around the proper the first of which was what John Bell saw when he was out hunting with his rifle he’s out on the outskirts of his property and he saw this dog-like creature it had all the characteristics

Of a dog or wolf figure four legs tail but then when you got to the Head it was shaped like a rabbit he was so taken aback he went to go shoot the animal but it immediately disappeared from that moment on more and more paranormal things started to occur and it kept

Getting worse and worse it all started with the family hearing faint knocks around the house but when they would go try to investigate where that noise was coming from nothing was there then one of John’s kids saw a giant bird that was pushed up on the fence and when he went

To go and shoot at it it dematerialized in front of his eyes but the noises and the knocks of the family heard got so bad that it sounded like hundreds of rats were in the walls gnawing at the wood after a few weeks of these paranormal occurrences happening the

Kids decided they wanted to try to communicate back to it by using its knocks that was their first sign that it was an extremely intelligent spirit I felt this while we were in like The Conjuring house I always get this like nervous pit in my stomach and almost kind of like a nauseous feeling right right feeling that like right now oh dude I was feeling a little like Wheezy the whole time as well so I don’t I

Don’t know this just looks terrifying oh my god dude this is this is The Conjuring house okay so you guys know our story of like the Queen Mary and the knocks back that’s like the first paranormal experience we’ve ever had this is what made us believe we’re talking out had zero equipment and

Something would answer us by knocking back once for yes multiple times for no and the Bell Witch when it first started to communicate with the family use Taps and knocks no in the same fashion that’s actually all right we thought in Queen Mary that we were talking to something a

Little bit more demonic we usually use equipment every single investigation but let’s try just seeing if maybe we can hear any noises like some quiet game [ __ ] yeah yeah we called quiet game I mean we can shut these doors as well let’s isolate ourselves oh wait no this is a different vibe now

I’m [ __ ] free I feel like trapped in something yeah literally dude look at my hand I know you’re actually like shaking I’m shaking basically it started out with knocks because that’s all it could do so if we’re going to get communication starting with Knox is the

Best way to get it because it requires the least amount of energy and you know what really worked in the Queen Mary was just actually taking a moment to breathe and like Center yourself and really just believe in whatever entity is here we gotta scarce the sounds to be open to it

Dude I’m not kidding like my heart rate is increasing every second and you can kind of like feel like there’s someone something around for the first paranormal investigators in a long long time to come here if there’s an entity any Spirit the Bell Witch could you just let us know by

Giving us a sign we don’t have any equipment but if you want to just knock on anything like you’ve done before in the past well no you’re here yeah besides the bugs of course it’s like deathly quiet and the Queen Mary what was weird about the noxus they were

Almost like little Taps around yeah just like little wait wait was there a knock right before you tapped like that I was right behind us no that was behind you bro dude it just needed the example if that was you could you make the same noise for us just like this

Oh my god dude that was above us above us something is up there that was a knock back dude this is like the [ __ ] Queen Mary it’s actually working if that was the Bell Witch could you do that same knock we just heard did you hear that that was this way now

Like somebody’s stepping all in different directions all right just for confirmation again this was the Bell Witch you give one distinct knock for us we haven’t had this happen for what five years there’s no other place that had this type of communication dude bro we know it’s only

One spirit and there’s only been one other ghost in that film this so it’s really hard to hear other people’s stories because there’s no stories that’s the main story yeah we’re gonna be one of the first to put a story out about it this is gonna make history let’s see if we can

What was that was you or no I don’t no from over I thought it was like right here I literally thought it was underneath the first now came behind you you know what I was going to say too it’s like maybe we try what we did at the Queen Mary

Next and see if we can knock multiple times all right thank you so much for answering our first few questions could you knock once for yes or multiple times for no for this next question are you the only entity that haunts these grounds is that you is that breathing or is that

A car I think that’s a car so again once for yes anything more than that for now are you the only one here yes or no is that one that was over there that was only one though that means it’s the only only is it possible for you to be in more

Than one place at once that’s for yes twice for now I think it was saying yes to what I said yeah I think it was I was like oh my God that was a yes boom yep that was solid so it’s so loud that I think it has more power than we think what if we break out

Of the Spirit Box and actually get some real answers dude this is gonna sound [ __ ] nuts but it almost real oh my God oh the wax just melted off that just scared the hell out of it holy [ __ ] 2021 when we did Queen Mary it almost feels

Like time didn’t even go by at all and like we’re in like the ship for some reason does that sound crazy no not at all time flies by in general because like that’s like where you guys starting what the [ __ ] I feel like something almost went ran by you I heard

Something right there and then something behind me yeah it became clear that the Bell Witch was a trickster entity because every single time they would ask who it was it would lie to them or tell them a different story at first the Bell Witch said that

It was a spirit from a person’s grave who had been Disturbed which would make sense because there’s Native American burial grounds all around the area and then it would even say it was their neighbor stating I am old Kate bats witch and even to this day the witch

Responds to the name Kate it wasn’t until probably about a week after we moved here the stuff started happening in the house only a week after wow the phone cord was swinging back and forth and nobody else was in the house and Poltergeist yeah well that’s what I’m

Saying if the beds were all lifting up and shaking that makes sense paranormal occurrences started getting worse and worse where even one of the kids levitated from their beds that eventually they told the town and the people of the town did not believe this at all so every single night new people

Would show up to the Bell family house just to witness it unlike most paranormal stories where it’s just the accounts of the one family of hundreds and then thousands of people came through that house witness the same paranormal activity in the most credible account of this entire story was

President Andrew Jackson actually went to this house to witness it for himself he had hold on to us to spend a weekend at the Bell property and only lasted one night as they pulled up to the property their wagons stopped working no sign of anything broken it just would not move

As soon as we came in the main wow no way and when they finally got to the property one of the men who was a skeptic was thrown to the ground and beaten badly Andrew Jackson left saying I would rather take on the British army again and stay another night at the

So if there’s any ghost story out there that you should believe it’s the Bell Witch because of the amount of credible accounts that literally witnessed the Paranormal occurrences happening here including the President Andrew Jackson my name is Ray I was a tour guide the cave is where it’s always for me where

I’ve always had most of my experiences um heard that yeah yeah so the case the more you talk about it or think about it kind of the more it usually maybe like a manifestation yeah something like that that’s what I heard about the story is the more people that came here it got

Like stronger right yeah the knocks became Whispers The Whispers became full-on disembodied voices the bed covers would start to get ripped off the children at night the noises would keep the whole family awake and one night the Bell Witch even stated that it came specifically to kill John Bell Or he told me to start asking questions damn no way no yeah it said it again it said Sam again whatever we were talking to downstairs are you up here with us secure whoa I heard it whispered my ear oh no [ __ ] away from right here behind

You yeah but it was a girl but it was I heard it the little girl she was like the one that getting tormented Betsy the little girl you just said yes who just whispered in my ear thank you why did you kill John Bell

I I goes to I chose to does that mean the Bell Witch has returned I’m here do you have a message you want to tell everybody is there something you want to say A lot of people say that you’re Kate bats is that true is your name really Kate Have you been here since the early 1800s have you not left at all thank you I’m hearing knocking somebody from over there bro dude what if like instead of sitting down or walking around like you probably get better signal camera help and I heard a scream are we gonna

Get hurt going inside the cave no unless something’s trying to entice us to go in there do you want us to go on the cave wow why did you not like John Bell out of everybody what does he do wrong do you want us to leave

Go down there can you give us a sign Where You Are into something in the woods that’s what it was the closer we get to the cave the stronger it gets right if that’s where like the most evil energy resides my mom’s been attacked in the house

Twice she scratches on face on her face and then the other ones were behind her ear those bled a lot of the story has to do with scratches and slaps and shaking beds deeply of all that definitely happened back then yes yes very rarely does people talk about being touched in

The cave but since we reopened in June there has been a lot more people that have been touched pushed I had a boy come out with a mark on the back of his leg he said something through a rock at him what a girl had to scratches stop

Attacking kids yeah yeah that’s crazy one night I felt something at my bedroom door I could feel it and it was like pure evil I was too scared to move I was too scared to breathe and yo the camera just stopped automatically wait you just turned off recording we

Just turned yeah recording off dude I swear to God I did not click cameras turn off but not recording stuff right never it’s like no don’t report that one oh type recorders used to do that okay all the time it’s not the so it’s usually not what like physically feel it’s what you

Emotionally feel when you go on a cave especially like for me there was a certain point where I wouldn’t go alone in the cave anymore really yeah because when I first started working there I didn’t believe in any of the stuff I grew up here in this town and it’s a big

Deal I go into a small school so everybody talks about it yeah right and then you get down there and it’s fine you can tell your buddies yeah it’s no big deal blah blah blah and something happens it’s like okay that’s not so much fun anymore

As the years went by John Bell Grew Older and weaker and one day as the Demonic hauntings got worse and worse he told his son I don’t know if I can survive much longer imagine having to tell your own son at the end is near because of a demonic haunting that’s

Completely out of your control it’s really sad by the end of 1820 John was confined to his bed but when doctors tried to help him Kate the Bell Witch would say that’s no use I’m going to kill him he then slipped into a coma and on December 19th 1820 John passed away

But the strange thing is the next morning when the family came in all of his medicines seemed to have disappeared leaving one bottle of this brown murky liquid by his bedside they were really confused so they tested the dark liquid on the family cat that cat immediately

Died John had been poisoned out of frustration the family called out why why did you do this and the witch responded that she had kept her promise she said he will never get up I did it I fixed him I fixed him thus making John Bell the first ever person in history to

Die of Supernatural causes Before going to the woods and or the cave we’re gonna try one more investigation with the rim pod and possibly the dr-60 right next to the reenactment of John Bell so guys the dr60 is an EVP recorder which is also like a sound recorder so it can pick up

Anything the reason why this one is so special is it was built in 1980 for one year and is shut down their whole production on this specific one because they were picking up other voices and other sounds that wasn’t theirs and to give you guys a perspective on how rare

It is it’s like three thousand dollars online right yeah dude they’re so rare why did you kill John Bell can you be in multiple places at once how did you kill John Bell can you tell us your name I can’t I can’t I can’t understand that was multiple syllables oh

My God no that’s what the [ __ ] happening it is pointing towards the door did you just come in just holy [ __ ] wait dude we gotta listen to this because it’s saying something [Applause] it’s just a [ __ ] Kate that says Kate bro can you be in two

Places at once I can and it said Kate and it said it’s best communication is in the woods as well but we’ve been talking to it in three different rooms in the same time and then how did the rimpod go off that is crazy literally only one time so we are confirmed 100

This can shape-shift this condition this is not human guys this isn’t any regular spirit this is beyond anything we’ve ever experienced before it really makes me believe it’s some sort of like This entity had powers that we’ve never even heard of before you could read minds it could be in multiple places at once it would recite back Bible verses perfectly even to preachers and it was even known to have four different voices communicating all at once whatever it was this was truly an all-powerful

Entity I think whatever terrorized about family was something very very powerful something that could be in two places at once read people’s minds quote scriptures from the Bible possess an immense physical Force it’s all sounding like honestly a demon it does oh yeah something more powerful than never

Anything else yeah I’ve never heard of any stories like this it promoted Christianity that’s where it turns me off of the demon opinion if people miss church you’re following around quote the sermon over and over like you’re not gonna miss church again right you know I

Don’t know if it’s a demon but it’s definitely not nice you guys do this for a living when was the last time you heard of a spirit taking credit for killing somebody never we were just saying that right I think that’s the person history right and like we’ve been

Talking about it wants people to feed into it and wants people to know about it and wants that attention and those things by being the only one it gains so much popularity AKA power like a topo it’s like a story that gains traction from more and more people believing in

It right right and then it manifests itself you guys do tours so it keeps the manifestation going everyone wants to be here so it’s still here haunting the same land because of that reason which is why it’s gotten more gnarly lately because yeah okay two-year Hiatus all these people are going in there

After two years of Silence could just be a really pissed off entity you know foreign is there certain ways that you can make Spirits like appear or be protected away from them we can do rituals to do that I mean ancient Egypt is honestly one of

The best examples of that they were able to like summon you know spirits and they were working on trying to manifest them physically is that how they built the pyramids their mind Powers they lifted the cinderbox so you said rituals meaning like a protection ritual or something like that

And it’s the rituals that are the opposite that summon yes or you don’t do any of those I can oh we should probably stay away from that tonight probably I mean I was I was kind of down many people believe that this massive cave was where the hauntings originated

Due to the rumors that it could have been a portal this is where the entity was thought to reside when it was not bothering the Bell family so if it’s a portal you believe anything can come here at any time yeah it’s like a train station you know like this is like stop

45. it just happens to be saying like The Conjuring house as well it’s oddly similar to some of the hauntings that happened here in The Conjuring house like with the levitating kids yeah like that like there’s like a lot of similarities and today out of every single area on the property the bell

Witch cave is the most paranormally active spot the owners say that the caves gotten worse and worse especially recently they even told us that visitors we even took a little rock were instantly cursed with bad luck as soon as they left You’ll return it eventually I found an arrowhead and so I brought it up to her dad came back a couple days later I’d been in the hospital because that day I got a blister on the back of my heel it became infected and I got septicemia why

I swallow Pat was in the emergency room they’re about to like start cutting you think that was because of the absolutely man that’s I think I think I’m gonna take a rock and slip it in Samsung have had people take a rock out they left here they went to the gas station

Up here in Adams and a woman fell and broke her leg S and she came back after she left the hospital and was like I know you told me not to can you say that again like feeling like people are watching you you’re feeling that right now yeah does anyone else though trying not to think about it now I’m just thinking about stuff getting

Attacked attacked in there now yeah that just changed the vibe I was thinking about that but now I’m like wait is there somebody do you have a feeling of wear possibly well definitely like down there in here nice also stay to the left is what she said

Anything over there too I don’t know just people yeah does anyone else feel that way do you know when The Haunting started too 1817 17. can you show everyone of your tattoo if they don’t know what we’re talking about yeah so I mean yeah Mr 17 the number shows up a

Lot in my life but it shows up a lot more when I’m with you guys doing all the time everywhere place we go to somehow that number is in there there’s only one entrance and exit right Oh that’s gonna be nothing dude you turn off that light really quick this is scary dude I’m shaking too I’m not even doing it you know my heart is a racing for you oh that makes me feel so much better good luck man rest in peace

In the comments please oh God are you guys gonna run no no we’re not gonna do that okay wow I can’t see a goddamn thing that looks like a guy thing horror movie guys no lie like look at this can you see anything because I can’t and there’s rocks everywhere oh my goodness

Oh I don’t like this at all What the [ __ ] was that this looks like poop bro oh my God I hate my life bro okay I don’t know if I can do this oh I don’t know if I can do this man down there it’s getting skinnier don’t remind me oh it got so freaking

Cold dude if I gotta run out of here I’m so [ __ ] I’m gonna bust my face bro congrats to Seth man that’s a nice thing you’ve like agreed so quickly but we lost that nose usually he never wants to do anything alone ever and after hearing

All those stories wait so that’s like a bizarre thing oh yeah every yeah I think so because he never done anything alone and he literally said there’s something maybe off to the left yeah and this is before we do any sort of protection or anything we haven’t even seen the cave

He’s going in you’re learning young they grow up so fast I do I don’t know where to go it just opened up like I I wish I could even show you but you guys can’t see if there’s any Spirits down here and you can see me can you give me a sign

Can you make a noise somewhere in the cave yeah I didn’t think about the whole portal Theory maybe all those hauntings that happened at the cabin originally maybe just came from here I can’t see a damn thing I’m coming back oh the dude there is definitely [ __ ] somebody

Over here I’m so freaked out right now I feel like someone’s walking behind me oh I swear to God all right explained what’d you feel good bro it’s fine right here and then the walls get skinnier and all of a sudden it just opens up oh it’s

Just this room of Darkness I I literally couldn’t see where I was going I didn’t know if I should have went left or right it was freaking there man like at one point like halfway through I swear I thought I heard somebody like above me

Like that or no or a creeper it can feel like definitely two male female both would that be a good spot to do the protection that you wanted it’d be fun let’s do it guys I hope you’re enjoying this video so far it’s definitely one of

The scary spots we’ve ever been to in our entire lives so if you like content like this subscribe it’s free and we will know that you want us to go to more evil places just like this we are on the road to 10 million subscribers because please it just takes five seconds go

Down subscribe thank you so much Oh God watch your step your heart oh God I didn’t know caves had electrical equipment what is that a sack of spiders oh it actually kind of feels nice in here whoa this is crazy looking yeah over here can you see him or just feel him

What happened I was trying to hold the season and it just came out like that it sounds like you farted out of your mouth is that weight does this continue even more yeah oh so I’m just gonna give the soul to you does this have a specific like name to this

Ritual banishing ritual a banishing ritual thank you also you can see that it’s black it’s really cool does the cameraman not get something you didn’t want to be protected I don’t know okay so just put it over your shoulder it doesn’t matter that’s it yeah like actually throw it back Josh

Oh okay let me see you throw it back all of it huh all of it yeah okay okay so just imagine like white life imagine it surrounding you The moisture is really like getting into it um yeah that’s not good at all somebody’s trying to stop it all right so now we’re gonna do the chant what we’re gonna say is Spirit to Spirit ashes to ashes banish this evil characters ashes to ashes Spanish is evil

Banish this evil spirit to Spirit ashes to ashes vanish this evil spirits Spirit the spirit ashes to ashes banish this evil that’s it Are we straight can you hear anything I still hear the water droplets do you feel anything anymore it matched with the sage and the smell in the air right now it’s so nice it’s peaceful thank you very much I think that’s that’s like exactly what we

Needed now we can start getting to the investigation here we go that’s good are you guys feeling now after that protection ritual sure we were laughing like during the thing because we’ve never gotten anything well we also couldn’t say it right I realized we didn’t even do it right

We were thinking on the way back up here what if we just didn’t finish it dude we didn’t do it at all together say it together at all I don’t think any ritual is going to help us to be honest we also didn’t even get to the worst part what

The [ __ ] yo I just looked in the camera saw a random School Bus appear we are on our way to go investigate a spot that has never been investigated at this point anything we get is the only evidence ever Betsy Bell was known as the queen of the

Hauntedale where the spirit would mess with the slaves and things like that Betsy and her brother saw a woman swinging from a tree that disappeared oh I remember hearing about that this gives me Pine Barons Vibes boys there’s the devil come on where are you 17

The only person to die again this has never been investigated before so right now we have the SLS camera basically detects any human figures he has a little stick stick in it yeah oh there we go wow that’s like a nice stick Betsy Bell Queen of the Haunted

Dell that’s so scary the Bell Witch is out here if any other Spirit wants to make themselves known you can’t throw devices right here come up close to any of them and we’ll be able to see you or know that you’re with us we know you’re

With us before so can you show yourself can you go stand in front of this camera right here oh my god dude I almost ran into that thing all right who wants to do another nose goes game out no protection spells helping you against that bro Sammy seen anything over there

No not really you guys getting any reading nothing I’ve been staring what in the Kansas is this [ __ ] we walk to the other side of this dough it kind of feels a little bit warmer over here now yeah same thing you told us that you could be anywhere at once why don’t you

Show us how you can appear here right now okay guys we figured if we’re gonna get some sort of answers in this whole wait that thing just went off but did you tap it by accident that thing went off on the picture yeah one yellow for just like one second there he is

Again as soon as you looked away right at her face I didn’t even see it this is called the envoy which works with Taps and knocks it can tap yes or no to start things off is there anything here that would like to talk to us go up to this

Device just tap it knock on it just like you did in the cabin I know you’re here I’m turning on temperature as well so the temperature changes up here yes oh cause we felt that hot pocket of air going off a ton if you like that we’re here can you say yes

Are you gonna be upset if we explore the cave you go up and tap these red lights you can communicate with us yes what was the question no no yes and then again contradicting itself immediately it doesn’t go off for so long the Bell Witch was telling the Bell family like a

Bunch of different stories of who it was you ever give the same thing yes yes wait no no we did the same thing has happened we’ve never seen this happen with Envoy every time it’s yes and no it is messing with us it’s not giving us a direct answer because that’s

What we want whenever we ask it to do something does the opposite so do you want us to leave yes yes immediately and no this is crazy people say anything except both the same time maybe like we can try the emotion however you’re feeling you could tap one of these and

It’ll show us your emotion so if you’re angry you want to leave tap on Angry if you’d like us to stay well oh my god dude what it went to yellow what is it it’s puzzled puzzled confused and scared who are we talking to puzzled and scared because I doubt that the

Spirit of the Bell which would be any of those things scared again whoever it is please don’t be afraid of us we’re not here to cause any harm or disrespect you or your family we just want to know your story we want to talk to you if you want

To talk to us and share your story with the world let us know whoa oh my God it’s going off right like oh my God it tapped it it’s sad double yes or no yes no again what is going on I’ve never seen the envoy do

This yes and no again yes then no then yes then no then yes oh my god dude seriously to me and then no it just seems demonic have you ever seen this no I’ve never seen that I didn’t know yeah it definitely does not want to answer

Us what was that what was that what do you mean did you not hear the dude shouting bro your camera totally caught that oh for sure now you hear it bro that could be a shapeshifter for real that didn’t sound like a dog at all no that’s not a dog

And this thing shut up oh my God that could just be like an animal like an owl or something but it is getting closer and what the witch girl said that she said unusual animal sounds and shapeshifters do it too I’ve never heard of that I have no idea what this is

Doing but it’s obviously not wanting to give us answers I don’t know if that’s the Bell Witch I don’t have to spell family it’s not giving us anything we’re hearing noises trickster Spirit if it doesn’t want to talk to us here why don’t we go exactly where it resides

Unsafe now like as if the protection wore off because now we’re not going back in with her so there’s no protector now what that’s a coyote that’s what that is yeah but why is it just one and we’re actually getting dropped off uh okay off camera she said if we run

This way by accident there’s like a bluff there and we will die what does that mean I don’t have a giant Cliff it’s like oh we’re just gonna fall to our death so we run this is your chance sure a lot of people

Don’t do this oh my God oh my God oh my my God wait but how did that fall out that doesn’t even make any sense hang on I saw that with my own I thought something was pushing me to the side like this and you act your best how the

[ __ ] did that fall out it hasn’t fallen out this entire time I’ve had this the entire investigation it looked like someone seriously felt like I felt like I got pushed right after I said this is your chance the only time that that fell out this entire day is when you like

Jumped out of a car could you tighten it because this is what it was like let’s just see if it could like fall out again if you just to tight oh my God it’s on the ground Dude when I first started running my water bottle didn’t fall out and I hadn’t had tightened it yet yeah exactly it didn’t fall out then so why did why did it fall back so how the hell foreign so after the murder of John Bell the Bell Witch left but she vowed to return

After seven years she did in fact return after seven years and started talking to the Bell family again not every book has it but she left for seven years and then she came back she stayed for two weeks and she had long discussions with John Bell Jr about the past the president and

The future she made predictions at the Civil War the world wars she talked about the End of Time how the Earth was going to be destroyed America yes so this is like an omniscipient omnisocent power whatever he said yes very very powerful she gives the impression that she was under instruction from something

To be here she came back to discuss many things including the meaning of life as well as a number of prophecies including predicting the Civil War she even talked about the apocalypse after telling them all this she disappeared but once again she vowed to return

All right and we made it back you guys ready oh my god dude the reason why I’m gonna use a red light right now is because one of the previous owners set up a color experiment down here and only use different colored lights I heard something that might be that water

Whenever you put colored lights in there they get turned off or they like short circuit or anything like that oh my God this is the first room of a two-part cave this is where it starts to keep really dark this is pretty damn dark over here man wait what the hell yo look

At it what it’s like a full-on grave for like a kid that’s could probably fit in that wait what happened someone just walked up here that’s what would trigger it gusa updates you were setting up more equipment now doing flashlights and the rim pods Now set up where that grave was

While we’re doing this this thing goes off we have so much equipment around here you set this off earlier if you want to set off anything else please please give us an obvious sign that’s something oh my God right as you say whoa thank you so much that was perfect

Is there any entity in here oh my God as soon as you said that is there any entity boom that man right right down here are you the man yes oh my God it got way more active once we started talking about the male energy

Here oh my God and it hit again do you want us to be here if yes can you go to this left side where I’m pointing over here if you don’t want us to be here can you tap this blue flashlight oh no maybe we did piss it off with that ritual okay

We understand you don’t want us here we get that nobody’s investigated here for a long time so it’s probably weird to have people randomly show up but we just want to know is the Bell Witch still here do you know the Bell Witch can you

Just give us a sign use any of our equipment we just want to know if she’s around If you just want us to leave oh my God if you just want us to leave boom maybe the Bell Witch never left oh my God wait that’s insane it was said that it resigned in the cave after the John Bell murder but we haven’t seen all

Of the cave yet that’s the thing yeah she could be waiting at the at the weight end can you guys bring the witch in here okay dude what are you doing that’s too late he put it out there now can he bring it in here yeah through the

[ __ ] portal through the entrance it’s still going off no no right as you said can you bring the Bell which in here yes that means he’s or the witch is here though oh my god dude dude this is gonna get like super dark that just went red that

Flashlight oh I saw it though oh my gosh something is right there but that means it’s still there and still there yes dude multiple places at once multiple places at once and or just the internet you are really there can you step away from the music box

Oh my God and come over here both of them are on right if you’re just an all-powerful energy and you’re everywhere turn both of these flashlights off right now right oh one you turn off that flashlight What was that you heard that I just heard a voice like a female voicemail whatever is here and they’re here but they’re just don’t want us they’re blocking us from leaving so that means only one way deeper let’s go foreign You’re not gonna believe me but I’ve I’ve thought to my right I heard a breath what is that oh that’s just water oh my God I can’t see anything what what what you’ve turned two rocks fine bye bye no less than five feet away you gotta hear that I thought that was

You if I don’t follow me no no is there anything in here looks like a rose oh [ __ ] was that what was that how far away are we from them 200 feet that can’t be that so something’s falling what the [ __ ] happening there’s multiple rocks right there it’s 50p from

Us that’s all that is it no I think it still goes on man dude they said the deeper in the cave you go is probably where she would reside oh my God I know I keep saying that but dude it just keeps opening up to more and more

Things and we’re going to be able to stand here in a second this might be it let’s go up to the top yeah this is the second Cavern he was talking about for sure what is that what yeah is that just the wind or something there’s no wind down here there’s 300

Feet inside oh my God that blinded my ass okay here you go let’s switch spots oh dude this is perfect there’s so much behind you wait I don’t know what it fell no it just didn’t take what is there any film in there there’s eight [Applause]

And now it takes away now it takes one it didn’t take one of you that’s weird wait holy [ __ ] something just flew above your [ __ ] head dude something’s in here oh [ __ ] I think I’m fats in here something big just flew in front of your [ __ ] head all right and this Bell

Which Kate I don’t know what you want us to call you but if you’re here come stand behind me we’re about to take a picture we’d love to see you cheese no it didn’t it didn’t it jammed again no [ __ ] what second time look at this I can’t see it but there’s two

Now yeah I had to pull out both of them are we doing it wrong what’s happening no I invite the Bell wish to stand behind me for this photo you okay yeah I just love to chill I’ll take the picture holy [ __ ] oh my God I get a bad feeling

What’s happening I don’t know I just want to get out of here so my pictures didn’t take I’ll do one more here oh [ __ ] dude okay oh [ __ ] what what what what what something just touched the back of my God damn that for real yes dude I don’t think that bat’s here

Anymore so what if that wasn’t a bad let’s just do this okay that one works don’t wish if you’re in here we’re gonna have a couple more of our friends come down here as well we would love for you to show yourself to them I don’t know if you showed yourself

To us we’re gonna check the pictures we saw some things flying around here in the dark let us know if that was you we’re gonna go back now I don’t know what’s going on but like I told very cool thing and then like two seconds later something about the back of the head

Every time I face Colby I took a picture of him wouldn’t work wait what isn’t that insane what the [ __ ] is that what is that I’ve never seen a Polaroid that looks like that guys comment down below if you know what that is second one

What are those four dots what is that I don’t think these have developed fully yet but like what is that that’s my that’s my shirt right here yeah yeah there’s something it’s going really parallel like it does not change and another one see it’s like it completely didn’t work at all oh and

Then here’s one for Colby something’s weird on his forehead too but dude what the [ __ ] is happening with these photos yeah but bro that other one is like unexplainable for sure what is that dude when that develops we’re not good with polarized you messed up though it does

Not explain that no no way what the hell I can’t say [ __ ] my feet are so fell are you you really went into the dark I can’t even see bro this is scary this is can you imagine [ __ ] doing this by yourself I’m not doing this by myself though it’s

Not fun I hate this place what is this there’s a split where the [ __ ] are we supposed to go guys this is no joke this is the yo this is the worst idea I’ve probably ever done before we go any further guys we got the hell week exclusive March only available during

How we get right now right now it’s even better we got our explore club for only one dollar during Halloween we never will do this so use this code right here to sign up for behind the scenes extra videos extra investigations and personalized videos from us maybe even

When a trip to come to one of these types of videos sign up right here cheapest it will ever be what’s that what that’s water no what the [ __ ] is that there’s voices yo [ __ ] that hang on you’re here right yeah oh [ __ ] that bro turn the turn the light on Don’t Panic

There’s voices over there I don’t know if this device can hear it this is the cave bro Who the [ __ ] [Applause] I don’t know what that is guys it’s like a girl talking one two three dude what if we do one where the sound’s coming from all right nice all right this is [ __ ] creepy man I think the camera’s getting a little fogged up how I don’t know I know I don’t think we ended up at the same spot I almost died you guys good got it but did you guys hear any voices when you were down there we have full-blown people talking conversations what bro we got so scared I turned my light on

Because we were gonna turn back legit like I don’t I almost turned around dude watch you’re gonna do you can eat conversation or like one person it was one person well that’s crazy before and over and it literally what the Bell which is known to do like started the

[ __ ] bad bro right in front of my face that was a piece of water what we did was we took one of each other and then we just took one of where we were hearing the voices yeah that’s what we did so I don’t know if that means

Anything still don’t know what the brown stuff is yeah it’s like it’s gonna hear that sounds like a whistle behind me oh this is evil as hell looking if there’s a bat that comes out I’m gonna actually cry oh my [ __ ] god oh dude the spider on your head look at that

[ __ ] dude with all the [ __ ] eggs I was touching your head I might cry bro is there somebody here with us oh my God there’s some someone here with us can you make that like go off for three seconds or more you go up and touch that one more time

And make it green [Applause] Is known to repeat back Bible verses bro as you’re talking about confirming yes Mark right yeah mark five nine oh mark five nine this thing goes off yo whoa dude that was the most that went off so far do you know the verse Mark 5 9

. this is the Bell Witch we further you’ve read Bible verses before in the past and recited sermons even if you want me to read you some of the Bible right now this is a really intelligent thing yeah I know what answer is what I’ve been getting is intelligent dude this is this

Is [ __ ] terrifying oh can you see it with him yes yes yes yes yes and he asked him what is thy name and he answered saying my name is Legion for we are many saying that the devil is more than one does that mean too that’s what I’m

Saying wait the voices I’m gonna turn on the obvious too should I keep reading yep Joy enjoy enjoy the reading us reading what’s this green Lightning by the way that was green yeah this just went green like a lot that’s that’s EMF oh so if it’s here something’s [ __ ]

Here mark five nine again Planet certainly okay I just felt like something touched me in my head or a mess we got that in Yorktown move just said move channeling do you not like us being here right now what if we don’t move decompose single all right is this the

Bell which we’re talking to you haven’t been clear with us all night it seems we just want to know you’re with scene scene you’ve seen him available yes you preached the Bible and you spoke sermons why don’t you do that again 666 how is the temperature rising and dropping like that yeah

Funeral John Bell that’s probably the last time she was here around around the surface around the surface during John Bell’s funeral kill three good I can’t look very good non-funeral kill does that mean you killed multiple people can you give us some sort of sign if you didn’t just

Kill John Bell maybe she followed the other Bell family members like Betsy and killed her in older age and just nobody knows I don’t know hidden hidden again oh my God oh my God it’s literally hiding down in here what’s that say rule again reservation I don’t even know what

To say we’re getting so much [ __ ] this is perfect let’s hope it all makes sense 20 18 20 18 20 that’s when he died that’s when he died when John died that’s too perfect why did you poison John Bell what was the reasoning did he do you wrong president President

Andrew Jackson came here that aligns with the story remember the guy Ray was saying that he thinks the reason why bro wait can we switch places again what were you gonna say I was just gonna say so remember Ray was saying a reason why he thinks he thinks a bell witch killed

John Bell is for fame just like she got all those people to come including the president of the United States it needs the energy it needs the energy feed off something if that’s true can you give us a sign could you do this for the fame people haven’t been here in so long

That sounds demonic why did you kill John Bell was it the fame can you confirm that what that just like right there thank you and it’s going down in temperature cold cold as this is going down in temperature if you plan to do what you did to John Bell to more people

In the future give us a sign it’s clear and obvious after trip through the afternoon trip is terrifying yeah because we’re on a filming trip right now yeah the guy for your trip I’ll show you if you wanted Fame so bad this is your chance to show the world that you’re here

What is your plan are you gonna kill again do you plan to come back let us know right now the spirit of the Bell which is here messenger okay I don’t know if we’ve been talking to Bell Witch but what if we’ve been talking to a messenger of the

Bell Witch something that knows all about do you know the plan of the Bell Witch if you’re a messenger nine there’s nine kids it’s talking about a plan they told John Jr that your father oh yeah correct your father died for a reason it has a master plan that’s

[ __ ] chilling it’s telling people about like the apocalypse and it predicted the Civil War do you want us to leave is that your sign to tell us to get out he’s [ __ ] yes tell me you heard that I heard that it’s all part of the plan

Like you said yeah all right if you want us to get out of here right now let what okay I’m not crazy what the [ __ ] was that that was that give us one more obvious sign set off this rimpod presidents again it’s giving us so many signs if your

Plan is to be malevolent again and hurt more people tap that Rim pod soon soon yes holy [ __ ] soon it’s coming okay that’s the plan we’re gonna leave now to something you want to say because this is your last chance if you’re coming back soon if we’re not good intentions slaves

Sacrifice sacrifice maybe John Bell was a sacrifice was he that’s why maybe because he was the patriarch of the family the father they had to sacrifice him in order to get the fame in order to get the power because that’s what made him famous it wants people to feed into

It and wants people to know about it gains traction for more and more people believing in it right and then it manifests itself so if he’s doing that again like it’s an after trip like to us don’t put you’re gonna have to use the protection let’s go foreign this real quick

Oh my god dude I thought I saw some red on your neck what do you mean guys holy [ __ ] are we on the camera it’s way more bright holy [ __ ] look look it’s a long scratch I saw this wait wait could you put the Flasher off

I saw this little dot right there it looks like a scratch right but like it’s almost done dude it’s like a burn is it like my whole neck or what it looks like it’s just one like almost like a finger like someone like this way it’s almost

Like wants to Bubble Up right oh my god dude yeah actually serious burn and did it just say it wanted to like do this to somebody else spirits of spirits ashes to ashes Spanish as evil spirits of spirit ashes to ashes banish the secret spirits of spirit ashes to ashes

This video, titled ‘The Demon of Bell Witch Cave’, was uploaded by Sam and Colby on 2022-10-27 20:16:22. It has garnered 7619022 views and 259659 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:10 or 3550 seconds.

Sam and Colby investigate the demon in Bell Witch Cave aka America’s Scariest Ghost Story. The only death by the supernatural in history. This is worse than the terrifying Conjuring House and Queen Mary. Join XPLR CLUB:

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Editor: Connor Stallings & Sam and Colby Producer: Zach Bell Illustraions:

Thank you to Lindsay the Witch for helping with the ritual!

This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):

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Friends in Video: Seth: @SethBorden Josh: @ExploringWithJosh

Check out the Bell Witch Cave Yourself:

Our other social media! COLBY: SAM: Instagram: @SamandColby Twitter: @SamandColby Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock

#SamandColby #HellWeek #haunted

About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!

The Bell Witch: America’s Scariest Demon | Sam and Colby

Sam and Colby

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    Sly 3D Pixel Art - Son Goku Anime EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixal art 3D😈 son goku #anime #animeedit’, was uploaded by the ghost on 2024-06-02 01:08:47. It has garnered 5473 views and 320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.

    DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t even have the uh the thing up okay cool anyways hi guys so uh today we’re going to be playing some good old Minecraft yeah yeah so we’re going to be playing some good old uh we’re going to get some Minecraft going it’s going to be fun um dawncraft is the mod pack that we’ll be doing today hold on let me just go turn on uh Dynamic lights okay perfect let me just uh get everything… Read More

  • Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17

    Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17Video Information hi everyone today I want to build a cathedral after completing my last project here which is this London Bridge inspired build which spans across my River I’ve decided I want to turn my attentions Inland to this section on the left of my city and I thought what better way than by placing in a massive Monument such as a cathedral so that we can start building things around it whil I’m flying up here you can also see that I’ve begun planning out a couple of the major foundations for things like City walls and Towers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!

    UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!Video Information hello I should be live if I set everything up correct how is everyone doing this fine morning I think fire gamer is here but I am unsure who else is here we got two people hello everyone hope you’re having a fine wonderful morning at least I know I am so we are playing uh rlcraft so basically hey kiwi oh oh oh no no already so basically we’re playing um the super tough rlcraft um mod pack where basically um 30 minutes later I decided to start a bit early cuz I actually woke up on… Read More

  • 127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOL

    127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOLVideo Information this is every way to make your friends laugh in Minecraft and hey YouTube bet me that you can’t subscribe to the channel before I empty my inventory into this chest so to prove them wrong dump your finger in that white subscribe button down below it’s free and it helps out of time if your friends always wanted to live at Sea then here’s a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it since folks boats are entities which means that if we want to we could place down a whole bunch… Read More

  • Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shorts

    Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft That Was Close… 😎 (There is a super magic pickaxe ✨) (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-02-25 00:33:05. It has garnered 25541 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform… Read More

  • Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!

    Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s This video, titled ‘Тихо проигрываем в SkyWars #minecraft #майнкрафт #SkyWars #скайварс’, was uploaded by Player81 on 2024-01-08 05:47:56. It has garnered 636 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!

    Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer’, was uploaded by Dream _X_ YT on 2024-04-08 02:11:16. It has garnered 6093 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer minecraft relaxing music, minecraft relaxing, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft relaxing video, minecraft relaxing longplay, minecraft relaxing song, minecraft relaxing music with soft rain, minecraft relaxing pixel art, minecraft relaxing build, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing parkour map download, minecraft relaxing parkour map download… Read More

  • Minecraft Civilization

    Minecraft CivilizationThis is a Minecraft Civilization Server with: Factions, Unlimited Players, Economy System and much more! Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon Join our vibrant community and set sail on your survival journey today. Stormy Lagoon offers a refreshing twist on survival gameplay, running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Established over four years ago, our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022. Immerse yourself in our welcoming environment and enjoy an array of unique features, including custom items inspired by our players. Delve into our player-driven economy, explore bustling marketplaces, and unearth hidden treasures scattered across the map. Gain an edge with our incorporation of mcMMO, offering a captivating long-term gameplay experience, complemented by our… Read More

  • HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protection

    HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protectionWelcome to RedotMC a brand new server with custom terrain.Hosted on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L and 94 gig ram.So what are you waiting for? Are you up to the survival challange in a custom generated world? Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Won’t Have C418 Soundtrack

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Won't Have C418 SoundtrackWell, I guess his tunes didn’t quite hit the right note for the movie soundtrack! Read More

  • Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol

    Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, Nether portals are like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, they just become a convenient way to avoid walking long distances. Ah, the joys of aging in Minecraft.” Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

The Demon of Bell Witch Cave