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We uh up that’s that’s that’s the wrong thing ladies gentleman we are laughs we owe the new bed boys updates bed wash has a brand new update and holy smokes is insane guys give me one second we hold the screen or gets the oils beautiful comments okay guys so if you’re watching

This is live then hello if you’re watching this after its posted as an actual video then also hello this is still gonna be an amazing video what we’re gonna be doing today is we’re gonna be checking out all the brand new bed Wars stuff federer’s has achievements they have like 10 new maps

They have a whole new Lobby which is what you’re looking at right now they have loot crate so they have a bunch of crazy crazy stuff so first let’s check out there so there’s this shop keeper thing in the new Lobby you can shop you can do cosmetics loot crate’s so in the

Shop you can actually oh no hang on it’s um no it’s the cosmetic are you okay in this thing you can do different things like you have projectile trails you have victory dances final kill effects you have sprays island troopers which are like these weird little companions that

You can put on your island um I don’t think I have any of these unlocked they don’t have enough coins either so that’s probably gonna have to be for another video I have 200 coins we have kill messages shopkeepers skins which is interesting I think I have one of these

Unlocked do you I know I do blaze shopkeeper okay cool uh and you have death cry so a bunch of crazy stuff has been added it’s absolutely insane there’s like it 50 different new maps um I’m not kidding there’s not 50 but um there’s a ton of different new maps so

Let’s start off with one of the 1v ones and then like so there’s new maps on every single so there’s new solo maps uh and then there’s new double maps there’s new three view through 3v3 maps and there’s new four view formats and they’re all different they’re not the

Same there’s just all different Maps and every single little you know how you know minecraft okay uh but yeah so let’s start off with one of the solo ones one of my favorite ones so far I have checked out some of these one of my favorite ones is the air show one

There’s one of my favorite ones so far and if you guys haven’t seen these maps of course you know come check them out I’ll probably be doing more videos on them on this channel and proper dummies as well I know proper dummies will be doing a

Ton of these videos if you don’t want to go check out proper dummies guys in the description proper dummies if you got do you guys not know what property I mean if you guys don’t know what proper dummies is while we’re sitting here in an empty Lobby I’ll elaborate on you as

We wait for people to come in the property dummies improper idiots is a group channel that I’m part of with like nine of the youtubers I’m in all the videos it’s basically my second minecraft channel I’ll leave a link in the description guys if you guys scroll

Down kind of towards the bottom of the description it’s called proper dummies Channel and proper idiots channel if you guys want to check those out proper dummies is the minecraft related channel where we post basically just Minecraft videos and a group of a ton of youtubers and then proper idiots is more older

Teenage stuff like GTA Call of Duty stuff like that sure you guys will enjoy I just wanna let you guys know just in case you know a lot of people don’t know and I have a second youtube channel well I that in my in speakable plays channel as well which has been doing

Extremely well guys thank you so much for the incredible support on that channel umm the channel hit a hundred thousand subscribers in one day the first day of release that my second minecraft channel which is basically just for Pocket Edition type videos a hundred thousand subscribers and literally one day that is absolutely

Absurd like that is insane like I can’t even like it took me like two years to get a hundred thousand subscribers when I first started my channel and to get that just in a couple days like that’s just like not even a couple days in one day nearly like I just think that’s

Truly absurd guys and I would have thank you so much for the support on that channel if you have been subscribed to it if you haven’t subscribed to it and you do like Pocket Edition type videos then feel free to check it out there is Lag lag lag rate [Applause] great great dream status dad you are we good are we good I think we’re good are we good holy good no no no ice cream laggy we get or we’re not good or we bad or we good I don’t know what’s going on you you

Good now are we good I think we’re good holy flippin lag gee why does it happen I feel like that happens every single time I live stream every single time I don’t know why it’s literally every single time I live stream and it’s so frustrating I don’t know what I don’t

Know what it is is that internet that hypixel is that minecraft game well can one get a V out of the way usually based on this play good okay I think it’s good now all the mac and cheese guys I’m so sorry I know I don’t know why my computer does like

It really rage I’m building a new computer I’m done with this computer this computer has had so many problems if anyone wants free computer you guys can have unspeakable gaming computer maybe no not really but um no I really I’m gonna build a new computer I feel like it’s literally the computer because

I also have a lot of problems I have a lot of problems like computer problems like every day so it’s just ridiculous but I mean I did not I’m sorry I didn’t know that the the streaming was that laggy was really that bad ok I think we’re good I think we are officially

Good back to bed wars no more lag hopefully I think we’re good I think you’re good okay I think we’re good okay all right guys look out for me so if the lag comes again I don’t know what to do I’ll give up why is this

Villager up why you up on me like that why you supposed to be back in and whatever do you float your boat but um this map right here is the air show map is literally my favorite map of all within time guys it is insane I love

This map so much it’s like one of my new favorite bad words maths of all time it’s so cool the way they design and everything but the quality of the stream looks pretty good now so I think we’re pretty set but I’m gonna grab these diamonds put them back um and I’m going

To run to MIT because I want as many diamonds as possible could you please like get out of my my face probably what are you doing I don’t understand why you so close up and personal with me you like you like you know the villager you

Like you want some of this talk you want some of this oh my gosh beds already being destroyed just like that just like that snap crackle pop snap crackle pop you like your bed being destroyed buddy you like your bed being destroyed me to

Meet me me three me me for see you later okay thank you very much I actually don’t have enough blocks so that’s awkward I just killed that guy but I any more blocks I think sometimes things don’t go as plumb the boys okay I’m gonna use these two diamonds I

Am gonna get I should do minor nah I should do reinforced armor there we go all right so there’s got a little bit more blocks hopefully this guy doesn’t get triggered and go for my bed what I’m scared of I don’t know what he’s doing I

Gotta watch him the is what if he gets super trigger he’s like oh you know it’s like that’s usually what happens you know I’m gonna put all my bridges on here so everyone uses my bridges and they all look at yellow team and they’re like oh my gosh yellow team is a god

Because whenever you see like a certain wool bridge at-at thus at the mid you’re like okay this guy was the first guy here he is like oh gee you know what I mean um but no oh my all the yellow bridges are here no one will destroy him

No one will use their own color yellow team rules let’s go let’s go boys but guys I’m so sorry about the stream quality oh not the stream quality but I mean well I hope the shim quality is good but I’m so sorry about the the lagging I

That was very unexpected but it’s all fixed now so I’m terribly sorry I don’t know what the flick that was obviously not anything good but let’s also grab some golden apples as well three will do there we go okay so we’re trying to just play this game a little bit I wouldn’t

Say slow but not fast either I take out this guy’s base I feel like I should but I feel like I shouldn’t is he there I can’t tell if he’s there or not uh pickaxe and I’ll go to show it you only see the the reason I like this map so

Much is because you don’t have to build out of your way to get to the diamond out in most most maps they’ll have like the diamond island like right here and right here so you have to build over to the diamond island and then you have to

Build to mid this map you build to mid and diamond like diamonds right there emeralds are right there so they’re all kind of next week that’s why I like this map so much I like all maps where the diamonds are close to the main image just makes

Things so much easier but like you get more done but yeah this this map is also all the maps are awesome I haven’t found a single map that I hates like they’re all absolutely amazing so good job hi pixel you did a very very good job like

An amazing job I like it I like it a lot um so what what am i doing right now what am i doing right now he’s a bit of okasada yeah focus on let’s go oh yeah pickaxe that’s what I was gonna do I was

Gonna get a pickaxe and I was gonna see if I can destroy that guy’s bed uh so let’s describe a basic bro picket let’s throw the other stuff in here um yeah this guy’s definitely not at his base oh there is a cm up his bed his rib I’m

Sorry bro I’m sorry I’m so sorry it’s just yeah life is hard sometimes up he’s triggered I can I can see it in his eyes I’m gonna get your damage before you I’m gonna get these yeah no sorry did you have anything good on you please oh seven emeralds thank you

You’re like a little like shopkeeper really you want to go get me my stuff thanks dog I didn’t have to go anywhere it’s so savage all right let’s go to get sharpness I would upgrade my forage but I literally already have like everything you could like why don’t you do why do I

Need an emerald forage like why do I need Nimr before I already have all this stuff actually I mean I can do it the only reason I need to upgrade my forage is cuz I need to get the golden forage so I can increase the iron and gold I

Don’t need the emerald forage but I do need at least the golden forage so I can increase that what’s up bro sod didn’t buy minecraft that’s cool that’s cool that that’s cool okay that that’s cool what are you gonna do with that yeah oh you want you want another one is

That what you want you better not have TNT birth this guy’s into I swear if this guy is TNT this guy is TNT how much you want to bet this guy’s got t/od or just got deity he’s got some TNT I know he’s got some TNT nope he doesn’t have seen the–just a

Knock-back stick holy moly breath no no no get behind closed doors to get mine closed doors oh you tried dog gets tried it was a nice try it was a nice try was it a successful try really I mean it’s it’s okay you like you tried you tried it’s it’s okay Okay all right so let’s see what can we do here I mean we’re ready got one into Pearl we really don’t need another one let’s do this diamond sword that’s gonna be helpful um we could also use hang on let me go all these back we could also definitely use ah could

You please excuse me sir oh you’re just gonna okay you’re just gonna I’m just gonna have to remove all of these thank you very much for planting your color in my Island um definitely gonna go off the green team though he’s about to get a whoopin like

A like a you know um it’s okay Green Team it’s okay uh let’s get protection to a green team and your master unspeakable is coming after you so if you’re watching the stream don’t I mean some people you know they might be watching the stream I don’t know if he

Is watching this stream then prepare that’s the wrong thing I didn’t want to buy that I need more block not that many blocks not that me once I’ll put these back he’s back he’s back visibility maybe not be good I’ll be good I’ll be good okay so let’s go over to Green Team

I’ll see what he’s got cooking over at his base I’m hopefully nothing too good I don’t I don’t think he has amazing stuff but I just actually went invisible yep he’s invisible yep he’s invisible I can see that I can see that I can see you I can see you now

Like I could see you now dog yeah they’re not visible you’re not invisible anymore I mean you tried for a little bit but wait wait where you going this guy just loves building all right you do you dog I’m good I’m probably about to go to your base so uh we can like

Exchange we can both kill each other’s bed if that’s cool with you got this flippin guy this flippin guy you never saw he’s probably got TNT now I know he’s got TNT now I know he’s got C&C why else would he come back here I already have mining fatigue yep there

Goes the TNC got golden forage there she blows again there she blows again all right so we’re gonna try to go after Green Team obviously let’s see what we can do here I’m gonna try to build out as far as I can I don’t know if he sees me

Take the Pearl right here what was that a broken pearl oh my gosh I thought that was a broken pearl first again good game on him apparently blocks have knocked back 50 of Minecraft now block all right let’s try out some of the four view for

Maps I have never tried out the four view for maps yet so let’s try one of the four before in map so fully we can get a pretty solid team honest let’s three stone keep to watch poke of the Sun new this one new aquarium that sounds interesting

Invasion sounds it let’s try invasion invasion that sounds really cool does it look cool yeah looks okay I don’t know let’s try the aquarium one I want like a really cool map I’m gonna try I’m gonna try different mat let’s see what else we got

Over here I want a map that I that I load into it I’m larger all mmm pretty normal pretty normal map diamonds over there let’s try let’s try different I’m just trying to I’m trying to look around guys I’m trying to see what we got besides these maps or these maps no I

Think these maps are the saint what are their 1v1 maps do we have Speedway you lost race Speedway what is this bruh so brace schrick i like ours this would be pretty nice this is pretty sick guys before this game starts I want everyone’s watching the livestream right

Now just give a big ol like on this video everyone that’s watching live streaming out leave a like on this video let’s see if we can get to 6000 likes for this video everyone that’s watching right now leave a like before this round starts I don’t know how many seconds you

Have but let’s everyone leave a like here let me let me put up a text right here nope nope that’s not the right thing without that will do hold on I’m not be are being right now um like the video ok this text is definitely way too big can we can we not

Oh yeah you guys okay let me let me let me let me squeeze this down Oh nope that’s the wrong thing I grabbed the right I grabbed the right give me the text give me the ticket give me the text like the video like the

Oh my gosh it’s so hard to shrink it it’s so hard to shrink it why can i shrink it it’s so difficult like oh no fingers are going gay otic i cannot grab it i cannot grab it like the video like everyone special like on this video if

You guys are hype for this new bed words update apparently we have a lot of fans in here hello everyone do you guys all play minecraft that I can clearly say okay cool alright so this is like a racetrack yo our bed is like on an f1

Car that is so sick so you can’t break these blocks I’m assuming you know that gives it so that’s so different to protect it you know what be cool if they switched up one bed wars map and they put the bed like above you instead of

Like right in front of you that’d be so like what I’d be crazy umm but okay so let’s go ahead and build straight to the diamond island wherever that is I have no idea oh right in front of us okay cool um red wool it matches our red racecar

Everything everything boom let’s go alright each my had to each my chin what is that a loop what the heck this map is crazy oh look there’s even like a red light green light kind of thing yo this is so sick oh and then I see

What it is okay so this is like this is basically a garage right here and then this is kind of like you know the car is sitting out of the garage and then the racetrack is out there that is so sick that is so flippin sick all right

Growing up greater forage at least once I’m gonna take this game slow guys gonna take it a little bit slow I’m just gonna do what we got to do no rush here this is so weird because this means like you can dig in from the side now like it’s

So weird I like it but it’s it’s weird but I like it like you know like it’s cool see now you had to add protection like this like with this one it’s just unless you want to put like wool under it or something you know okay so let’s

Cover up these kind of corners right here we also need to do more protection on the top and what else should we do you probably the front I guess the front of our car our car is gonna look like our car is like an f1 car that’s being squashed with like a

Hundred pounds worth of stuff I don’t even know I play Minecraft have no live stream hello everyone hallo do you play Minecraft we play minecraft we all play minecraft clearly we’re playing Minecraft umm but yeah like all these f1 cars are getting squashed by these things it’d be cool someone could like

Design a really cool f1 car or something like that but um they like the sign they like design a bed defense out of the f1 car like how crazy would that be you know like it looks like it looks like a more beefed up f1 car but it’s like it’s

Actually bed defense and it’s like full obsidian and like the tires are like wood or something like that I’m just waiting for this one diamond because any one more diamond to get the iron and golden forge upgrades so one more and we would have our sales a beautiful Forge

Upgrade okay so let’s go back here sorry how can I taste it weird that really didn’t tasted tasted weird can I have a shout out please shout out to xx gold plays xx not um okay so mmm let’s get a sword also get more blocks a little bit more blocks and we’ll put

Where’s my in there chef is it invisible it’s literally invisible that minecraft okay like how there’s a lot is up here you can literally climb up here Oh what it’s like a checkered flag up here this is so sick I love this map so far alright let’s go check out the

Emeralds for just look good let’s go check out more of this maps to where there’s one right there is there another one over there huh I feel like no one has been to mid yet except for like that green guy I think he’s been to mid all yo you run

Down here look at that what yo okay this is this is sick this is sick if you don’t think this is sick then I don’t I don’t know what you think is sick like what is wait you can just run you only have to jump up these blocks oh that’s so weird

Oh and I can I can touch everyone else’s diamond our island I like that I like that I can touch everyone else’s diamond island unlocker I like it I like it a lot I like it a lot I can just run around here and run to this other guys

Look I don’t even have to I’m not even jumping I just run up those blocks it’s so weird it’s just like some type of carpet or something that guy’s gonna go destroy my bed sushi monkey are you are you a fan he’s I don’t think he’s a fan I think he’s

Just a set okay maybe maybe it’ll be nice maybe he’ll be nice hopefully it’ll be nice be nice to me dog be nice you know I’m just by owners play minecraft over here with my homies umm alright let’s go oh hey hey hey what’s up uh play Minecraft well holy moly nope

Nope we gotta go gotta go gotta go that guy did a lot of damage and one hit nope gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go that destroyed what captain leave are you a fan captain leave he’s a fan he was one of the people in chat that was saying

Hands big wall oh my bedstead I hate my life oh no get some reinforced armor or something oh oh you are your fan Wow thank you very much I’m just gonna I’m just gonna take this yeah okay cool um wow thank you oh you you are I thought

You were gonna get oh no what is this what is going on I’m scared I’m not gonna kill anyone I’m not anyone’s team I’m just not gonna kill anyone I don’t know what no no what’s going on I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know if there’s fans all right let’s get

Strapped inside our armor blue team’s going down down a flip in town dawg blue team is going down no no no no no no no no no no Oh blue team you were asking for it you were asking for my guy what almost died there not it not it not it [Applause] whoa whoa but is that your band is that German is this okay um that’s enough nonsense for now there’s still someone showing at my base rent hi hi I don’t trust you I don’t know who you are nope don’t trust you nope apparently there’s a ton of fans in this lobbying I

Don’t get I’m not gonna kill you I’m not gonna kill you okay cool cool cool oh uh I don’t know I what is going on what is going on I don’t I have a nickname on it’s a big old pickle boy how do these people know hey big old pickle boy do I

Look like yeah watch this is gonna be funny watch this gonna be funny oh you can place blocks here I’m like trap us in we’re not teaming up boys that is that is a Banda Belov ence that is a banner no get back in here get back in if I can

Get in get it get in get in get in get in get forces your dad why do that oh no never get any things up you go come back for you guys do you guys he’s gonna eat you guys his face no he’s definitely gonna eat your face dawg

He’s definitely about to eat your face did you just knock my iron go home ah here watch this alright it’s gonna be even more funny you ready guys where you gotta go where my friends go oh hey what’s up um look I’m over here I’m over

Here you guys are such good sports I’m so sorry I’m so cruel but it’s so funny oh my gosh oh oh yellow theme you tried I’m literally looking at Twitter right now literally looking at Twitter and uh yeah you tried to kill me but you tried who is yellow

Team cutie star how to thank everyone in the lobby just trying to slaughter my face off um did I put anything my oh yes sweet okay so now guys I’m going full savage mode no more teaming with people all right well that teaming I was never teaming I

Was never team eat okay so there’s a difference between teaming and being friends with someone teaming is getting two people together on different teams and killing one person being friends with someone is just avoiding them like you know that’s that’s not seeming um yeah just one of the guys down but uh

Let’s do – but why did I just buy that I don’t have a bed why did I just buy that that was the dumbest decision I’ve ever made all day why did I just I just I really just thought that okay anyways back to minecraft what could I do

A pearl horse yes yes yes yes thank you very much have a good day I know these people are watching the stream so they’re probably just laughing their booties off I’d be like I’d be dying but guys I mean if you want it oh thank you

If you want to give it okay thank you i actually beat it’s easy if you guys want to give me donations i mean feel free to do so but i’m just gonna end up killing you you know um so I mean you do you I didn’t what are you doing what are you

Doing I don’t know what you do alright yeah this one’s actually got a pretty sick base hey what’s ah dude totally not destroying your base right now oh here comes a green team he’s gonna kill a bed oh then we got the bed oh I don’t know

Did I get that far okay oh I think it that fun girl I’m sorry you got to go I’m sorry monkey you got to go got to go I’m sorry no more playing nice I’m playing nice okay I got to dive I thought I more than that two dimes huh

More oh not what I meant them ah 27 what did I get that mini when did I get that mini it someone please explain this logic then when I killed that guy I guess for like Jesus alright so whose bed is still alive pretty much everyone that’s a fan which

I feel bad for but the same time I don’t have a bed so I mean you know you know you know you know you know all right let’s see who can i wreck who can I wreck Green Team could watch a green team there’s a

Lot of seems like you go after blue team I do anymore TNT that’s the only problem oh I should’ve spent that gold on TNT I was really thinking there okay let’s see what we got here yellow tee is yellow t matter bit I don’t think yell T into the

Base to be able teams got I think they are they’re not noticing that could you please stop holy moly are these guys teaming on each other what is going on excuse me your bets got the goal I’m sorry gotta go dog beds gotta go gotta go gotta go real quick I

Think these people are friends I think they are always come up with you and T I don’t know I think these people are friends this person leave is this person left ah 29 piece of gold again what is live literally what his life someone explain what is the meaning of life

Minecraft right that’s what I thought it was that guy just blew up his whole bridge right okay he blew up his whole bridge smart idea right but I haven’t you pearl guys probably flip I didn’t do good enough oh you can’t what this is the build

Height limit he said in chat kill me I’m gonna drop every piece of the ncio and on this guy’s bed just bill again thanks for really good sport though you guys are so awesome oh it’s so funny alright lets us do another eat pearl I guess yeah another eat pearl

We definitely need one of those don’t really need more blocks thank you very much good I think we’re pretty much good it’s just uh actually we get it would be nice if I could get one more emerald okay I really don’t want to build all the way

Back to me at all wife’s Oh hard and thankfully I’m all the way back to mid yeah see sometimes it is a very hard life being a frog you know it’s uh it’s a different life your tongue is hanging over everything all the time trying to

Eat dinner nope your tongues in the way trying to have trying to go go-carting nope tongues in the way slaps you in the face like 50 times um you know want to go out with friends now I’m tongues in the way yeah you gotta take care of the

Tongue before you can go out but yeah so but it’s good life frog is good life because I I can be super lazy I don’t have to go out and get food I can just sit there my tongue can go get it for me um you know has its perks you know but

Ya know hello Green Team I need a lot of tea for you so I’ll be back we try to get as much tea as I can I do have a neat pearl which is good I’ll use the e pearl for sure um let me see if there

You ready you ready for this let me turn up chat a little bit you guys can see it on the stream a little bit better if this person’s ready yep big boy alright that’s how you know they’re ready alright let’s get it done at sea and t5

Shall be good probably five I think five will do diamond sword as well invisibility pod maybe nah nah but they just said but first first the what I’m waiting I’m waiting for them to say something I want to get extra teensy for them oh yeah oh yeah you know it you

Know it boy you know it a piece of tea and tea I’m gonna walk around I’m gonna walk around I don’t want to build another bridge like I gotta walk around eight pieces of TNT this is clutch this is weight we’re eight iron golem and silverfish and silverfish cannot forget

Jesus toughest can i have a shout out yep sau shout out to sushi monkey I hopefully isn’t that right there you go um you get a shout out but I want you to fight your heart so I want you to fight your heart is you know don’t don’t give

Me a give me a bad fight give me a give me a good fight my mum is screaming she’s so happy hello mum that’s good that’s funny I love I love playing with fans is so much fun alright so so now see this is not no

This is not no no no no I have a knock-back stick to learning your movements on point one hurts there you go there you go there you go there you go all right let’s see one of these bad boys you don’t have a sword above your Island what did the

Other person have a sword above their Island that’s weird hi all right that’s a smart idea I like it she’ll probably build up so I don’t blow up all my wool Oh build I limit reached okay I’m gonna use every single piece of CNC I own on your base so I am very

Sorry but at the same time it’s gonna be a good day so just calm down and relax and the way will be over soon that’s a lot of CNC I don’t know that was really pointless they can’t build up You guys are such crazy boy Gigi such a good game such a good and incredible game alright let’s go back to the hub let’s go back to the hub let’s do that was a 1v1 so I let’s let’s go to the forum before maps now let’s do the

Aquarium why don’t think we checked that one oh we know we did check this one out yeah this one was pretty playing ok one of the let’s let’s find another map that’s not on solo that’s new archway what does stone let’s try stone keep what is this one oh this one looks

Pretty sick oh wait I know this one oh no this is the map wait no it’s not this looks just like that one map what is that one map that’s a 3v3 map i think it’s a four before I know this is not bad though it’s not bad ik I like it I

Don’t like it before I’m down for a for before down for a for before wood I got my team I got link Matthew anonymous onion nice and I got me big ol pickle boy hey go pick a boy does anyone want to protect the bed not on and about ain’t about

That life my gosh the islands are so far apart cheese um are you building that way link I’m gonna build this way if you’re gonna build that way yes I see that’s the one thing I hate about doing 4 V fours I feel like the islands are so far apart all the time

Ok we got three people building three different ways this is smart I like it okay so should i bill okay I should keep billing this way if I was going in the right direction I’ve done that before where I just kept building and then I ended up right here

And the island was like over there and I was just like are you serious are you serious right now no but the red team is coming in clutch right now we got one person protecting the bed and three people building out all directions like this is dnews later dog

Later Gator you’ve been get some tea and tea or maybe some shears and destroy their bridge we really don’t want anyone touching our stuff I’m gonna throw this in the chest if anyone wants it feel free to take it got some tea and tea for blue team over here up there two members

Come in I don’t know if I want to fight two people oh we got two people okay we’re good yeah that looks good let’s get it oh this guy’s going in guys going in holy mackerel I fine have fun have a good time um yeah I really don’t want this is our

Diamond island bro no one touches the one touches our diamond island this is not how it’s gonna be buddy like for me for its cuz for you fors turn out so random like you could be the last person on the team who knows you know for me

Force turn out very very random I like him but at the same time I don’t like him when I’m not playing with youtubers because it’s really hard to coordinate with your team because if you play a four before and you have all the same people in your call you know like easy

Win like you can all communicate it’s a pretty pretty easy win if you ask me um but when it comes to you know having all these people but you can’t actually talk to them other than chat which can be slow and you know laggy and stuff like

That then it’s hard it’s slow people don’t respond and stuff so I don’t know but when you play with friends when you play for view for is for friends oh my gosh it’s a funny thing in the world it’s like the greatest it’s the greatest

Thing in the world like it’s so much fun get some friends together guys play forward for all getting like a Skype call or something oh my gosh almost well yeah I’ll get this guy call it is like so much fun your blue chips going crazy over there I know what they’re doing

Alright let’s see what we got here see if we can do a team upgrade for my team protection one yeah one I guess I’m gonna that guy’s got some golden apples on him anonymous onion all right I’m gonna follow you dog uh I’m assuming you got some emeralds from here maybe did you

Know there’s one about the spawn and that like you that I I hate how slow everything spawns and forth before is because like oh you want a one emerald okay now you got to wait 50 seconds for another one everything just seems really slow but again you do have a lot of

People you know but everything just seems slow dude oh my gosh I didn’t realize there was looking gap in that alright so we’ll do the four before they will probably go back to solos and doubles um but the it thank you very much do you like this whole time I literally

This is all I’ve gone this is all of God like yeah cuz just like everyone just soaks up all the stuff before before is are fun they’re fun they’re fun something-something started come on what are you doing what what are you what do you buy could you do what just happened

There I don’t know what just happened I’m very confused very confused on what just happened all right let’s try to clean up this for you boy let’s get her done five more protection seeing them protection to costs two diamonds in a solo match it cost four diamonds like only geez everything’s so expensive

Minor fatigue girl definitely spend some money on that see what we’re literally like five seven minutes into the game just now got an iron sword this guy’s already got diamond armor buddy that’s because he’s been going to MIT a lot oh here comes blue team coming in Savage

Cheese blue team is just a building nightmare over there all right let’s see what I can do with these diamonds six seconds and there’s none here there is none here and anything like for example if I was to go if I was to go and I get

A fight I lose my sword take me like another five minutes ago I’m back just crazy we need to upgrade our forge the stock forges are just terrible all my face can’t aim is glitching I see it bleaching let me know if it keeps glitching I hope it doesn’t that’s bad

That means the cables a little ok need a more solid kick yeah blue guy just come down I didn’t even notice him uh dude some pretty good decent stuff so far um let’s grab more blocks oh wait I’m putting all this stuff in the chest yeah why’s my face cam could

You stop face cam did you chill oh okay okay you’re just gonna turn off like that you’re just gonna gonna I paid a lot of money for you and you’re just gonna oh I didn’t even notice this wow this is bad oh boy huh get rekt oh I feel like a

Savage I really feel like a sad I feel except I need three more diamonds and I can get some diamond armor let me see if I can give you some diamond armor lease or something like it a pearl like something something something come on I do like this map though map is sick I wish they’d turn this map into a and a 1v1 maybe maybe maybe I don’t know I don’t know I’m just addicted the solos I’m just not really into like the four of you force but again like I said it’s

Fun if you have a bunch of friends but when you’re playing alone and you’re playing for before you gotta like communicate with everyone you’re like what’s going on and I thought I almost died right there but um hello yellow team do you play Minecraft yo yellow

Seems to get a sick base over there I was like going yellow team haven’t spoken to you in a while holy moly geez it’d be a shame if someone just ran through there with T and T just blew it all up man I think I’m gonna do that I

Think that sounds like a great idea boys I think that’s exactly I’ll be serious Emma yeah buzzer grab a ton of TNT I’m gonna destroy the bridge that blue made all right sweet dude oh but I only have seven old thing it’s not four G been upgraded it was upgraded once but it’s

So hard to upgrade again cuz it’s so hard to get any resources all right let me get like two pieces I’m gonna get like two pieces ago I just want to sit here and soak it all up let me soak all the good up up don’t get it all up but

Okay oh so good oh don’t get all up let me soak you know a tweet all right let’s try to get two pieces of TNT wish we can get more um we’ll see we can do but yo this this game is pretty solid game though guys I will admit it it’s slow

This game is very very slow but it’s solid because no teams have died yet that’s how you know it’s a pretty solid game mogs one of the odd there’s a blue guy that’s where I been I bet that I bet okay and just saved her life

And look I go back I don’t have anything for before is so so slow but so much fun alright let’s see if there’s any any luck it made maybe at least one emerald so I can get a diamond sword or something I don’t know but after this I’m definitely going back

To 1v1 definitely going back up there’s no emeralds here there’s nothing here there’s nothing here there’s nothing here this game is so so slow I don’t like it it’s very long and it’s fun but it’s no pick up an iron ingot from the ground I’m just

Gonna sit here with you dog I’m just gonna soak all this stuff up just just wake me up when I get a 50-piece I’m kidding it was joke this is Jeff it was a joke I’m just let me let me let me catch up with my life yeah I want to check

Y’all’s comments and stuff trap triggered up yelling dear oh we’re dead we’re dead I feel death upon us there’s a lot teams coming after us he’s kind of crazy our bed defense is not very strong I think that’s what I’m gonna do how about how about I’ll do this I’m gonna

Use all this stuff I do our base defense that’s a good idea whatever in stone base defense that’s what I’m gonna do wanna do I’ll work on base defense I’m gonna be the base defense boy won’t be the base defense boy fixing up all the base defense on the base defense bar

Boom face duh pin oh there’s red see member up there hello you play my god do you play my god okay um let’s do this let’s remove this okay so let’s do kinda like this you know you know kind of like yeah kinda like that

And I like kind of like this okay okay I’m just kind of like setting an outline for what I’m about to do which I really don’t know what I’m about to do but now I’ll figure it out boys I’ll figure it out okay this is nice this is nice

Trying to fix up the patches and stuff you know okay okay okay okay okay okay going in full savage mode I like it people don’t really know where I bet is because we have so many blocks on it I think we’ll use the rest of these for

The top maybe it’s good to do a base defense like this because like people don’t know where your bed is okay so like this that kind of gives it away that kind of gives it away cuz it’s like Oh their beds probably right here just digging right there you know because

Those are like different blocks but you want all the blocks to be the same so no one knows where the bed defense is oh my gosh there’s three people coming nope nope nope no nope you can destroy my bed but you can’t destroy my ego trigger me holy moly I

Worked so hard on that base I feel like that game that we just played I’m not trying to be negative or anything guys you know I’m not I’m not a very not a very negative person I’m very very positive always energetic and stuff like that not trying to be negative

But that was probably the most pointless game I’ve ever played in bed wars yeah I achieved nothing yeah I’m just saying but this is another new map it’s called Amazon this is honestly another one of my favorite solo Maps this is a solo map so much fun

Is there lag is it lagging is a lagging guys I feel bad is it lagging Lag lag everyone staying lag is it is there really lagging is it that bad mostly too much flag on my hand if it is if there is a lot guys I’m so sorry I’m

Gonna try I know exactly how do I know how to fix this next time I’m gonna livestream and it’s not gonna it’s not gonna be like this anymore I’m not gonna not gonna livestream like this anymore like the way the way I’m kind of configuring things I’m gonna turn it my

Bitrate I’m gonna crank up that Internet bill and it’s gonna be the best live streams you’ve ever be the highest quality need to move this microphone closer to my face alright so it’s probably gonna be our last game you guys but oh is it gonna be a good one I want

Everyone watching the video Oh everyone watching the video is leave a like right now let’s see one gets a 9000 like even more than that maybe 10,000 likes guys let’s see what you guys can do hello and speakable so looks like we got a couple fans I don’t know how do these people

Know that I I guess they just know from me live streaming I don’t know but it’s so wid that they know it’s me cuz like I have a nickname on but I guess they just know from the livestream or something they’re just doing the same lobby or something like that

But um yeah so there’s gonna be a lost game very very less the game of the stream but it’s gonna be a good one gonna be a long one gonna be a good one make it good we can allow make it good make it stationary make it good and make

It Bentley grab those two diamonds just to start but I love links a little better words I legit guys I play solo bad words even cuz a lot of youtubers a lot of youtubers will just like what they record is what they record and then they never really touch it again you

Know but me like i still play minecraft even when I’m not recording or not working on it like I just play minecraft fun umm I place a little bit of horse all the flippin time because it’s literally so much fun I mean one more okay there we go

I play it all the time like I would say not daily but maybe every other day working up with these others do right there let’s go to MIT as fast as we can but I need a oh sorry so sorry I didn’t mean to burp I’m so sorry I can’t stop

Everything I don’t know I’ve been drinking a lot of water okay my breath um let’s try to build over here as quick as we can yeah cuz mid on this map is amazing I love the min how the maid is set up once you guys see this you guys are gonna be

Like oh so so so so so good it’s so amazing ah but I need our live streaming okay I want everyone a hit like one right now if you guys think I should live stream more cuz right now I really I kind of only live stream on Sundays

But should I live stream or like maybe Fridays Saturdays I see that blue team member by the way um should I have live stream other days just let me know let me know if you guys want to see more streams cuz I I never know if streams

Are things that you guys are is this guy about to screw my bed he’s about to destroy my bed okay I’m not gonna make it everything I’m just gonna yeah my bed’s dad wait for it wait for it wait for boys wait for it we hold on give it

A couple more seconds ha ha wait for it oh he’s still digging wait for it bed almost then it’s my bed not dead is he not gonna destroy what is this guy doing what about now is my bed dead what’s this guy doing is he not gonna destroy

My bed this guy literally went right over to my bed he’s not anything gonna take it out what are you doing Burr was literally destroying all the plots oh this guy’s gonna tempt me I bet you he’s a fan I bet bet you betcha betcha betcha he’s

A fan when I come back he’s gonna tempt me you know he knows he’s probably watching the live stream oh I’m scared I’m scared for my life um pink team I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to use your forage real quick I don’t trust this guy I’m not

Destroying your bed I am not destroying your bed I don’t care about your bed I just want diamond armor and I’m sorry no no no I about another song about up she’s using your Forge gosh people get so triggered over the smallest thing try me try me

Again try me get oh my gosh oh my gosh please please please please stop stop sup oh Jesus Jesus Jesus no no please please please please oh no no no I don’t do no no I don’t know to do I don’t know to do oh my gosh oh my gosh this person

So close to me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh did I could just clutch that tell me I just clutch that tell me I just watched that tell me I just clutch that oh I just clutch that tell you boy and speakable to get a parkour

Is this good he’s giving me base protection literally making my bed he’s making my bed get it because he’s making yeah it’s funny it’s funny I’m just gonna walk past it look I’m just gonna walk to my base I’m just gonna straight up walk past them not even gonna try to

Fight him or anything Judi does not even gonna try to fight him what is life Doug I’m just gonna go oh he’s taking the diamond this guy literally oh my gosh this is one of the guys that said he was a fan let me see in chat

Okay so pink team said they were fan gray team said they were fan green team said okay yeah well he was a fan I’ve been in mooses stream with you okay this guy literally walks over to my bed destroys all my defense and then replaces it with better love you guys

Guys are hilarious guys are absolutely hilarious the weirdest bad words game I’ve ever played but I love it it’s so so much fun um drive grab a speed pod put most of these other things back let’s also grab more blocks as well be pod okay we need some diamonds like hardcore

We really need some diamonds pink team almost killed me I am a fan you almost killed me are you really a fan are you really a fan are you a ceiling fan apparently white team’s ban and green team’s fan and great teams van is a crazy all right let’s uh wait yeah

Reinforced armor you’re some reinforced armor let’s make our armor shiny final that’s what I like to see all right so let’s go we really need in stones still there oh he says the in stones still there that’s nice of him leave even leaves the in stone there for me um but

Let me see if we can go up you could this face can stop flashing you stop with your with your flippin jeet friggin all the beds are still alive in this game which i think it’s crazy like everyone’s bed is still alive which means i need to get a pickaxe and

I need to start going around there and uh doing some crazy stuff yes I’m a fan I feel like you’re watching this room you’re watching the stream that’s weird come give me the diamonds okay I’m gonna need a ton more of this stuff whatever I can really jeez as no I don’t think

Anyone’s been to mid I mean red team’s obviously been here once but like maybe only once and that’s it but diamonds are about to respawn again I hear another four right now another four I can’t I’m not teaming with this guy um but I’m just letting

Him I’m just letting him do his thing I’m just thanks dog the Buster ro1 shoutout to the Buster oh one for the real MVP over here making making my bed over here alright let’s do uh let’s do two into pearls let’s do some TNT and we

Did a really good pickaxe so we probably need to wait for more gold to come in Hadid I’m gonna walk over here excuse me I’m just gonna I’m just gonna sit in this diamond Forge and literally just bathe in it for the next like ten minutes so

Uh oh and yellow team’s fans so I think the only team that isn’t a fan is red team I’m being dead serious I’d be the only team that isn’t a fan is red team shout red team are you a fan that’s the only guy that hasn’t said

That he’s a fan is it crazy alright four diamonds it should be good I just want to get sharpness oh thanks I like everyone’s here the whole gangs please don’t let me off please don’t hand me off okay cool um the whole gangs here dog five diamonds now let’s do sharpness

One I do want to get hmm T&T yeah any more TNT oh wait no the pickaxe that’s what I needed gosh dang it I’m gonna run over to greens Forge I know he’s got a good forage what did you just he’s no one knocked me off I don’t know

Where that I don’t know where I don’t know who blew that up I don’t know who did that but I don’t like it I’m not gonna destroy bad I’m not gonna stir a bad I’m just gonna I’m just gonna get I mean eventually I’m gonna destroy it but

I’m just gonna get I just want your gold you even gold bro Jesus yeah so much cool it’s like a miracle oh my god I didn’t I forgot I had all this stuff I need a little bit more blocks just a little more blocks there we go all right

Let’s go to let’s just run in people’s base who was every bases open we’re going to it first of all we see besides greens I’m not gonna be nice to green I mean he literally made my bed Braille like I can’t I can’t be mean to brain

Team I can’t be mean to you I don’t know you I don’t know who you are I think you’re trying to give me oh I have emerald for you big boy here I have Emma for you big boy thank you very much hang on was like I’m coming to answer

The front door hello I’m answering the front door hello I okay you can drop it you can just drop it in to drop it in the box or something I don’t know I don’t know here to go after everyone is literally a fan I’m just gonna go let’s do

So many animals it does anyone even play this game this game is like alright let’s go I know that beds are destroyed look for white team the white team waiting looks pretty solid I got a they got a bridge there too don’t want to use my e pearl okay he’s

Looking right at my face okay they’re both looking at me okay okay okay pink team I have emerald for you big boy apparently everyone has a rose for me pink team said that great team said that is that white team right there is he running at me Oh white teams

White she’s not paying attention oh he’s paying attention nope nope you he says no and jet he says no I fan the new but most the hill everyone’s a fan everyone is literally a fan I gotta kill someone okay pink team I guess I’m not gonna

Kill you either I guess I’ll kill great team great team you give you gave me some stuff you’re cool okay no hard feel let just go full savage mode let’s go for stabs right um I love all you guys are in the lobby I really appreciate you guys helping me

Out um I really do I really really do but it’s it’s oh your beds are destroyed okay um but it’s time you know I got it I got a pit put my big-boy pants on I gotta I gotta use some TNT I gotta use some force bear I get it done I don’t

Think this guy’s a fan this guy’s definitely not a fan no definitely not a fan hey bro hey hey hey bro okay okay how do you how do you hit me like that how do you hit me without meeting you okay this is okay I’m gonna want to rage quit

By the time this stream is over all right come on come on come on there’s another come on come on you can’t you can’t be playing like this all day you can’t be playing like this all day this is really smart I like the street I really like this tree I really really

Like this 3 the NC fall all the way down sweet oh my gosh bro barely your sword as shortness 50 on what I killed him all right sweet uh so nervous I don’t know what the flip was about to happen I’m gonna go mining fatigue on my face

As well um all right I legit didn’t think I was gonna win that I really didn’t think I was gonna win that but I had to use my e pearl for that that guy was like guarding his base like crazy I feel like every everyone is is anyone

Fighting everyone is just staying at the base okay wait why team’s going over there okay cool cool this is good though this is good come on white team go over there come on macho pink team your love your love come on go go go go go over there oh he fell

Did you just fall you just fell you just fell okay you just fell all right that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay you know everything I’m sorry white team I’m so sorry this game has to end sometime I’m so incredibly sorry I’m so sorry guys like I said no hard feelings no hard

Feelings it’s just that we’re playing bed Wars we got to kill each other we can’t just all sit you know I’m a big fan of speakable yeah me too me too I’m a big fan as well um you have a boat are they both see this pink team

Guys crazy bro pretty crazy dog let’s say please land somewhere it’s gonna be good come on come on come on don’t want them to know I’m up here holy unspeakable slowly slowly slowly you where’s the blue there’s no idea I mean you now but what you’ll they have

Like slime effects coming out of there they’re flipping buh sorry big team I Just got literally like making a mansion over here bro all right um green team thank you so much I really do appreciate it but I’ll save you for last but I mean I can’t I gotta destroy your bed sometime so when I do no hard feelings but this is amazing Brown

He’s probably got obsidian in there and everything like all right let’s go after oh wait no not blue team yellow team I meant sorry my bad yellow team I’m gonna go to yellow team I mean it’s seen yellow team like a ghost like it goes from the sky um oh

There’s yellow team right there does they haven’t built over to anything other than diamonds that’s it oh I see yellow team right there it doesn’t have it he has iron armor okay cool that’s good we’ll just grab a hold my gosh almost fell right there we’ll grab

Emerald we’ll grab a couple things and then we’re ghost a lot of this guy over here not slaughter that’s it really it’s a really aggressive term we’ll go softly give him a nice little pat on the back you know kinda you pronounce it all right oh I jumped right over those I

Need those okay so I’m gonna put all these in rolls back I’m going to get a InterPro I’m gonna see how many diamonds not diamonds gold I can get hopefully I can get a pretty good amount I can’t believe this guy literally just made like the most Opie holy crap this good

Abed defense my gosh bro you even bet defense bruh like do you like bad defense on the daily brah like holy moly alright so I need an e pearl for sure because I have to like I have to I he hasn’t built a bridge I gotta go in

There all right so let’s go I only got two pieces D and T but I’ll be okay actually golden apples golden apples when Apple’s totally forget about that totally forgot about the golden of the apples um that might be a little bit important I don’t have any gold I guess we’re

Doing one couple Apple it is one Golden Apple it is hey one golden apples better the no–don’t apples okay um it’s a green team coming back over here funny thing is like this guy could just easily just see I like these because a lot of people um now I’m not saying this

To like nag on these people like I don’t mind it I mean I understand if I saw a big youtuber in the lobby I would I would freak out too I would want to go kill but a lot of people like when they tried it when they see a big

Youtuber the lobby and they instantly target them and they’re like oh I’m gonna be on the video you’re not gonna be in the video I mean if you’re live-streaming then of course they’re gonna be a live stream but you’re not gonna be on the video because we’re just

Gonna cut it out you know like now I’m not saying those people I don’t I don’t hate those people like if I saw a big youtuber in the lobby I would honestly probably do the same thing but the people that come and help you like like

This guy like look at him he’s just like we’re not teaming because teaming is me and him teaming up together and destroying yell and killing yellow team that would be teaming we’re just kind of avoiding each other doing our own thing but helping each other out and just

Being nice people now I think that’s cool I think that’s awesome sorry dog you gotta go um I’m just gonna do the same thing I did with you have you gotta admit guys this is like the easiest way yeah that’s gonna hurt this is gonna hurt as well so

Sorry dude sorry I love you I think it’s the funniest thing ever yeah literally just walks off the bridge all right I’m gonna have to go F dot that I want to really don’t want to gonna have to go after Green Team now ciao Green Team thanks for the help but

I’m gonna kill you what you must wait another 56 seconds you shout again you I don’t know I don’t know I’m really I’m really dumb right now I just use shout but we’re in a solo game so there’s no absolutely no point in using shout that

Was really dumb but okay so let’s do what can we do with nine Lippman what do we even do with this I mean a sword I guess I mean can I thank you um a sword like what well-stirred you oh wait I need it fun of gold nice guy huh

Very much thank you very much thank you very much you are the real MVP MVP you’re the real MVP of the day yeah but like I said Green Team I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me I really do but I mean the game has to end

Like we can’t just I mean we can’t sit here but it’s like the games got in the game the games got it and some time so um I mean you can just roam I bet you you build it up you can destroy it now I’m not like saying you can’t destroy my

Bed if you wanted to throw my bed by all means flip and go for a dog Oh mole oh no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry this is like it looks bad I know I so sorry what was going after my bed now like I said I

Appreciate all the stuff you’ve done but the game can’t last forever uh let’s do another we do another angle oh snap yeah boys talking about alright we should give you another emerald and I could get a bow like I said dude oh sorry was gonna take this win though

Who’s gonna take this win who’s gonna take this W who’s gonna w I wanna try to build closer to my base um so I can use a sleeper I’ll just want to miss it I’m gonna build a little bit closer also I have mining fatigue as well Oh No

Hopefully that’s a good throw oh my gosh brah brah brah uh-oh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh Oh bruh bruh of the bros of the bros of the brows of the brows and res of the brisket res yes alright so I want to thank you guys so much so much love GG

For that extra karma there thank you guys so much for such an incredible string and thank you everyone to Vic came out into the party and helped me out in this like live stream it was so much fun I’ve actually never had people like help me out that much and I’m like

A livestream in a better words game so that is absolutely insane little shout out to hypixel for pulling off this amazing bed wars Lobby if you guys do want to teleport to this Lobby and play all these new Maps because I don’t think you can actually teleport I

Think if you click on bed Wars oh no it does take you here now okay nevermind sorry my bad I was just gonna say if you want to teleport to this Lobby you can do slash Lobby bed bed Wars um but like yesterday literally yesterday this Lobby was open

But when you click the bed it took you back to the old prototype lobby so it was kind of weird like no one really knew how to get to it but I knew how to get to it cuz like moose told me he was like hey dude just do Lobby bed walls

And it took me to it and like he was like basically like a secret lobby like no one really knew how to get to I guess they didn’t like program it in yet but anyways guys such an amazing livestream ah I want everyone this is watching

Right now to hit the like button for the livestream ends here but I will be leaving here this is the end of the livestream absolutely I won’t thank you guys so much for coming out be sure to follow my personal Twitter Instagram and snapchat have you guys want to catch up

On some of my personal life also I do I have a second minecraft channel called unspeakable plays I literally have a second minecraft channel for Pocket Edition type videos you guys can check that out all the links are in the description go check it out have some

Fun entertain yourself for a little bit and I will catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video

This video, titled ‘THIS NEW MINECRAFT BEDWARS UPDATE IS INSANE!’, was uploaded by UnspeakableReacts on 2017-07-03 00:11:23. It has garnered 2143667 views and 34998 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:29 or 4589 seconds.

THIS NEW MINECRAFT BEDWARS UPDATE IS INSANE! w/ UnspeakableGaming 🚩 New to the channel? SUBSCRIBE:


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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure Minecraft Zelda Adventure: Exploring a Unique Map Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft with the Zelda Adventure map, a unique experience that takes players on a journey through a different kind of world. This map, exclusively available through the AdventureCraft Launcher, offers a fresh perspective on the classic Minecraft gameplay. Discovering the AdventureCraft Launcher For those eager to dive into this exciting adventure, the AdventureCraft Launcher is the gateway to a whole new Minecraft experience. By downloading the launcher from, players can access the Zelda Adventure map and explore its mysteries. Join the Community Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • Villager No.64 Says Farewell

    Villager No.64 Says Farewell The Epic Finale of Chronological SMP Excavating Ancient Ruins and Unraveling Mysteries In the final episode of Chronological SMP, the content creators embark on a journey to excavate ancient ruins, shedding light on the connection between villagers and mysterious towers. Through careful exploration and analysis, they uncover clues that point to a rich history of civilizations long past. A Cinematic Tour of the Server Amidst the farewell festivities, the creators take viewers on a visually stunning tour of the server, showcasing the intricate builds and landscapes that have been crafted throughout the series. From towering structures to quaint villages,… Read More

  • Bobby’s New House Tour on Minecraft Server!

    Bobby's New House Tour on Minecraft Server! Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasıl Yapılır Part 11: Bobby’nin Yeni Evinin Bitirilmesi Minecraft oyununun popüler oyuncularından biri olan Bobby, hayranlarına yeni evinin bitirildiğini duyurdu. Bu heyecan verici gelişme, Bobby’nin oyun dünyasındaki ilerleyişini ve yaratıcılığını gözler önüne seriyor. Minecraft severler, Bobby’nin yeni evini merakla bekliyor ve onun maceralarını takip etmeye devam ediyor. Bobby’nin Yeni Evi Bobby’nin yeni evi, oyun içindeki detaylı çalışmaları ve özgün tasarımıyla dikkat çekiyor. Minecraft evrenindeki kaynakları kullanarak inşa ettiği ev, Bobby’nin oyun becerilerini ve estetik anlayışını yansıtıyor. Yaratıcılığıyla öne çıkan Bobby, hayranlarını yeni evinin içindeki detaylarla büyülüyor. Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasıl Yapılır? Minecraft oyuncuları, Bobby’nin serverinde oynamak… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up

    From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up Noob’s shape changes at different ages in Minecraft…just like how my shape changes after eating too much cake in real life. #relatable #gamerproblems Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT 1K SUB CELEBRATION 🎉Video Information so something dude you’re accent hold on what do you say d e r r o wait what wait a okay yeah f i in one in one okay r m a okay craft got it c r a f t this this will get it trust okay no you have to do it in one word yeah yeah and then switch mod packs to mods and then first yeah yeah you just press install and then create a new profile file and just name it anything um anything you want bro okay and then go to Advanced… Read More

  • Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘kite🪁🪁in Minecraft pocket edition #minecraft #like #gaming #trend #viral #minecraftshorts #comment’, was uploaded by Horror gamer on 2024-02-15 04:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. kite in Minecraft horror gamer command /effect @e levitation 99991 #minecraft #like #gaming #subscribe #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shorts

    Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shortsVideo Information यहां पर है 100 से भी ज्यादा हॉग ंग्स और हॉगिंग जिसको कहा जाता है जिनके हाथ में एक्स होती है और यह मेन वर्ल्ड में होने की वजह से ऐसे हो चुके हैं वरना जो वो मोटे से कपड़े पहने रहते हैं वही होते हैं और चलते हैं फटाफट से वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं यहां पर देख सकते हो 100 से भी जाता है जो काफी ज्यादा तेजी से यहां पर घूम रहे हैं और यहां पर देख सकते हो हमने इनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया है और ये देख सकते हो काफी ज्यादा गंदा डैमेज… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: Discord: Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More