Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Build + Terralith Madness! Watch Now!

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Oh hey Guys hello everyone I’m B Cal corn and this is episode 37 of hardcorn perilous Series 2 uh we are here in the trading Hall again uh we’re kind of all armored up here we’re working on other gear but the big thing that we’re doing right now

Is working on the Boneyard Ranch we have some uh some nice skeleton horses and we need to give them a better home up in Upper Clifton so let’s get on to it let’s see here so our Mighty steeds are right over here as you can see

Uh one of which has a saddle which really didn’t uh come in handy at all with getting them up here you really just got to pull them with the leads and they’ll just fly through the water so that’s basically what we’re going to do uh to get them up there

Um basically have to take them around over to where spawn is there should be a a way to get them up the onto the shore over there and then bring them into town uh right now it’s like uh it’s into the afternoon so so might want to wait a

Little bit now we got all these guys over here that’s what uh six 7 8 n and like 11 of these guys in here now I figured out they were jumping over here so I changed that spot from the chains like we had uh to walls so

Hopefully that will do it so yeah I do have to get these guys on to shore but uh right now the priority is making home for uh our special steeds and then we’ll work on these guys cuz these guys just jumped over of their own valtion so you know they can they can

You know sit in the water for a bit hopefully nothing will come and knock him out oh looks like we had a little visit from an Enderman and uh also dropped a mushroom that’s odd what drops mushrooms what drops mushrooms huh okay uh do I have a spot for ender pearls not

Really I it over there I guess okay so um definitely going to be needing some fences and stuff I got an extra lead here so that should help out so we’re going to go up the old stairs here and figure out where we’re going to put this Corral got an idea or

Two or I got one idea which we might go with this guy I swear heard a kid all right so round over this way we have basically this little cave under here and yeah it is three blocks tall so if we can kind of maybe put uh some rails along

Here and maybe open this out a little bit maybe put a little some fencing along here we can sck a sign up top of here I think that could work out well so I think what I’m going to do I’m going to go ahead and start opening this up

Some we’re going to take out all this little overhanging terra cotta here and and actually I’m going to fill in a bit right here with it um basically don’t want them to be able to come up uh let’s see oh now I can’t go up okay well

Um it’s going to be there and there and we’ll close that in as well okay and I might just close this in all together or maybe I’ll put some glass in I don’t know or fence maybe I’ll close it up with some fencing which means I need to be able to

Connect it to up above so there is going to need a bit I’m going to need some more let me see if I have some more um might be prudent actually to knock some of this down I’m going to be riding in there see uh there there as

Well I’m thinking in terms of bumping my head okay uh okay that sounds like I have a visitor somewhere or is this no I had a llama over here anyway uh got all these extra lanterns I think what I’m going to do put him by the gates have I dealt with your kind

Yet don’t know that I have oops no I don’t that was not what I meant to do yeah you can work on the right on the back of science now okay which means you can accidentally do it all right so we’ll put some fencing

Along there do I have any on me I have a little bit on me here so let me just put that in just just as a as a little test uh do there and there that’s pretty much how we’re going to do it I think as far as sealing that in oh hello

Sir I’ll take that I will take that indeed uh did I have any other Gates along here don’t think I did no I don’t think I put any other gates in all right so uh need to make some more fencing not certain exactly how much well I’m definitely going to need some more

Sticks I made Gates I made stinking Gates oh my God I can’t believe I made so many gates I’m going I’ll probably need some or probably just two uh can’t believe I did that can’t believe I did that all right we’re going to stick this over in here for now uh

The Terra I might need a bit of that let’s go over you know what let’s go ahead and sleep so that this is what I’m hearing okay just so that we’re not all right fine just so that we’re not dealing with like spiders crawling over the walls or whatever they will do

That they will totally do that oh hey guys I’ll take those levels I don’t really need that all right actually did anything else out here burst in the flames and maybe leave something useful probably not uh oh yeah my bow that’s the other thing I need to work on

But I got plenty of arrows uh I’m going to take those basically want to try to you know reduce these overhangs a bit My worry is coming up on here on Horseback and bling my old head okay that out this one here this as well expand this okay and I’m going to

Take this down And a couple up there like so I should get plenty enough uh light here all right and let’s see we’re going to put fence going across here get that out as well yeah basically I don’t don’t want anything that’s going to be you know knocking these guys’s

Heads in or mine as I ride in and out got to have a three blocks high I believe okay that is where things are going to be all right so we’re going to let’s see we’ll have our two gates uh here and here come in and out lovely how we got these Gates

Just hovering in midair there um and we’re going to go really go just all the way to the ceiling and then have uh and then I guess maybe have a couple signs up here two or three signs up there is that for H yeah yeah I think we can do that

Uh yeah we have the makings for that I might need some leather because I think I’m going to need a couple um couple item frames as well to uh to do what I’ve got in mind uh let’s see so might need oh yeah I might need to

Get those uh Golems out the way so they don’t get hurt okay uh what else do I need to put away here H I got a lot of extra Cobble don’t I all right just walking through town that’s right uh fencing actual fencing um all right okay some more

Wood make some more of these make a few of these see how far that gets us and I may need to add another gate on there all right like that okay so like four more really we’ll totally seal this in we can do that do we have enough for it I don’t

Know all right going to need the crafting table for the actual fencing you ah well got to do six that’s fine oh yeah CU I got more on the other side to do actually and I think we might have to lay down a little path going in here too

Although we have this kind of paved there all righty so actually could put couple there and then we’ll have our signs going across there okay so how many do I need over here let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 let’s call it 12 we can do

That yeah I had a feeling that might be a good spot for for something somewhere along the way okay not quite enough 12 I think it was right right it was 12 wasn’t it okay let’s see there we are closes that up pretty good I mean glass panes might be a little more

Secure as far as you know anything shooting through there but I think we’re kind of probably out of range of anything that we need to worry about and this can just stay open I think although we could uh instead put that there but uh I’m thinking having it

Low like that that will help keep out like uh you know baby zombies if anything gets in here for that uh let’s see let’s go ahead and also hang a couple lanterns outside like so me we can take this one out I think okay and I might put another one over here maybe

There few spots here that be good for lanterns yeah oh yeah we also wanted to hang them on the uh underside of the wall out there so save some for that okay that’s a tree all right it’s looking good so far but I need some signs just regular old signs um I

Mean could do I mean you know could do the hanging signs from there uh I actually kind of thought of doing hanging signs below the fence like that but uh with the spacing here I’m thinking put them up top up there I think that would be the way to

Go so that’s the way we’re going to go all right signs do I have any signs downstairs you know I might as well look at my stuff over here let’s see did I make any signs uh no I have a couple of fences I did have a couple of fences um

But you got to make him in three so I think it would have end it up with two uh remaining anyway so yeah that that didn’t really do me any good okay um you thank you I mean that was originally my bit anyway oh okay I thought you guys were early to

Rise guess not okay uh I don’t well I was looking for signs I don’t have any signs in here um you I’m going to need at least two so I might as well make them and I also need um here we go three there uh I’ll put the make sure they right

Off this isn’t going to be entirely symmetrical but we’ll see what we can do let’s see Boneyard ranch or maybe I should do them on the front of this let’s see how it looks let’s see uh five I think that kind of gets the spacing that kind of gets to spacing oh

You know what else we could do instead of that do like so like that actually that’s a little off though how does that look that look about right that’s kind of okay I think I may have to play with it but I think it looks all

Right I think it looks all right yeah that’s pretty decent all right and we’ll see what jeez for a second there I thought it was a skeleton um well see what we can do I think maybe if we put the item frames on front of that that’ll it’ll be kind of like it’s

Hanging from the edge of this too so yeah it kind of looks like it’s hanging from the uh you know from the um terracotta there what you looking at all right I think that works I think that works the hanging signs might have worked too but uh I’m not sure if I

Could fit all the letters in to be honest that’s kind of a variable all right uh I guess we’ll toss had some in there okay now uh um going to need some of these guys all right I got uh I got a lead here so you know what um yeah C’s fine

Okay let’s get this guy out of here there we are now you stay out of there must have spawned there had to have um I don’t know how I can spawn proof that rather than maybe putting some carpet inside on these two okay uh we’ll use the

Looting and that gets us the two that we need Perfect all right do I have I don’t have shears on me CU some more bedding might be good um but first off I’m going to need sticks uh going need more sticks cuz apparently you need like a whole bunch

Of logs worth of sticks in order to make that picture frame okay this and it will become obvious what I’m trying to do in just a moment let’s put these up there we are Boneyard Ranch in all its Glory should I put up a couple more

Uh lanterns up there just to light it up a bit more yeah looks nice there it is I may have to do maybe some dye on that I’m going to have to experiment with that with what I want to do or maybe I’ll get some darker wood and put it in

White that might be the thing to do okay let’s get uh this stuff put away and we’re we’re going to go try to get our guys up here oh I need to I do need to grab one of those Gates and uh widen the the gate to the

Village here gra two I forget what I used over there looks like a excuse me looks like I used Oak okay and I’ll put it Here swap things around a little bit here we go and again set up our path um just so I get that all right just so I don’t have to redo the sign you know that looks good that looks really nice but yeah those definitely should be

Uh in white uh I don’t have the inventory space to do the DI right now and I don’t have a darker wood just yet but I will mark my words I will all right check that one in there as well just to have it on hand as a spare

Okay uh think I’m going to pass that in there as well CU I don’t think I really need it at the moment okay I should probably do a little bit of logging just to uh make sure that I can do have some saplings on hand just need the

Four see if I can replace those yeah I’m not going to cry over it I got one and some sticks is that my llama here yeah didn’t hear the Traer so still whenever I hear a llama nearby I think traiter okay uh stars are coming out all righty I got

Three see if I can get a full replacement here my stop oh didn’t look like it oh well it happens sometimes I do have enough for another planting though and we’ll see what we get out of the next one that’s actually a little bit uh extra up there but that’s fine all

Right but point is uh I replenish my uh logs a bit a bit all right let’s uh let’s go downstairs we’re going to get some sleep go I’ll go to sleep all right the castle seems to be accumulating a population all right take a little nap here and then see uh about getting

Those hell is up To where Ranch now the other advantage of having those little fences on the inside there is uh oops that is not what I meant to do okay so um I’m going to guys back on there and take one at a time because I’m not certain how well this is all going to

Work and you know if some of them start to get uh snagged on stuff I’m not going to swim fast more just Treading Water I’m watching for uh magma as well I don’t want to get too close to the waterfalls too mhm fish are curious okay there’s our Landing over

There and there’s the Stairs so I’ll make for this bring them over this way here up the stairs come on up guy yeah there we go now we’re talking let’s get you to the ranch this is exactly where I was for spawn saw that in the distance I was

Like oh yeah we got a good start here but just a start all right where was that gate ahuh that going to despawn before we get there nope any other goodies around bring this way a bit line you up all right come on through pal I should think of some names for

Them all right come on in all right uh I’m going to put you over on that side there another one there and another one in the middle there that uh ought to keep y’all in place the gate probably will maybe but uh I know they can jump but so uh we’ll

See all right that was one I think we’re looking good I think we are looking good and it’s midday so we got one done let’s go get another hey guys by guys hello excuse me a moment just getting these uh horrible beasts out of your way all right you back on

There and you come with me here we are this way please oh yeah thought that forgot that was there for a moment this is going swimmingly I suppose I could bring him up this way but that seems a little treacherous especially when uh you got to skirt a

Big Ravine to oh there you go kind of snagged a little bit didn’t you yeah there’s a big Ravine to skirt going that way to uh to get to the to get to the gate look at that I probably never noticed that before all right uh we want to come this way

First oh we got rain that’s right come on up come on up there perfect thank you and it is getting a little bit late so I’m going to keep this on hand I don’t think this this will I don’t think this guy will fight on my

Behalf I don’t think any horses do do they cuz these guys are just majorly resilient keeping an eye out because we do have some caves around clean up nearby here all righty let’s get you inside dude where’s the lead okay somehow I dropped the lead don’t know how I did

That but I had it on me that was weird all right come on in guy going to tie you up right there and you’re going to bring your pal in as well uh but that might have to wait till the morning that’s fine that is fine and dandy do I have shears

Here I do have shears I’m going to get me some wool while I’m at it hey sheep three seriously guys come on be better let me get at least one more I want to have enough on hand to you know make another bed if I if I need to

I mean I suppose I could make a loom and train a uh Shepherd villager okay seven so I got another for two beds that’ll help for now thank you thank you for your C or your your contribution to the cause okay I’ll take this with

Me and we’ll that over there okay did I close that gate I know I closed the gate but I’m going to check it anyway I close the gate and I Clos these Gates too right I closed the gates okay and the ones over there was I never opened okay Sundown let’s get down

There Sundown and raining and place that it rains of course on a savannah Plateau where well of course now we getting over towards uh ocean out there so that’s where it does rain all righty take a little nap adjust our inventory attack actually there you go I never did anything for you all

Righty one more that’s the big fella that I saddled up all right come on pal going for a swim that’s how you came into this world you’re going to do it one more time off we go I’ll be back for you guys many do we have

Now uh one two three three four five 6 7 8 n looks like 10 still 11 looks like okay I think that’s what we started with so good to know that we still have them come on pal stick with me why you trying to go the other way come on this

Way this is is new your new this is your new life or your new afterlife I guess let’s go around this mound last one kind of SN snagged on it so it’s kind of gross you have to fully explore that uh volcano there far as like going up onto

Its Peaks and peering over the edge and all that stuff supposed to be uh increased diamonds and stuff there so yeah I’m curious actually let’s bring this guy over here line them up with the stairs there you are come on up guy there you go and let’s go see your

Brothers C little path here not that we can’t see where the town is just on principal still with me good welcome to Fort Clifton and the Boneyard Ranch all righty come on in big fella there you go and there they are nice pretty there you

Go not sure where I can get the best angle on them but uh there it is the Boneyard Ranch love it all right that’s it for now although I do want to update that side but I wonder if I could I get three from it just to try it out let’s see

Uh can’t you do that all right how do you how do you I’m doing shift oh how do I do it no no how do you how do you color sign the signs now oh man can’t you do the colored text on the signs now oh I’m going to have to research

That going to have to research that oh boy that’s a pain that is pain in the butt those are starting to grow back small ones there you go all right let’s head on down yeah the castle is just so crowded it sounds like I no it’s not these guys I was hearing

Lo that in there always use a bit of that uh I got a lot of bone meal here somehow not sure how I got all that I forget okay uh I’ll check that up there wow okay got our nice uh fishing rod and a little dinky one there oh

I did have a couple of Oak signs didn’t I I got to figure out all right I’m going to do a little bit of research real quick find out how you’re supposed to be able to color the text on the signs I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be able

To all right uh sign wax honeycomb player can change the text color by using a dye on it oh you know what I was using bone meal know what wonder I didn’t make the dyee out of the bone meal GE many crickets I skipped the step there we go

Now it’s actual Dy oh my goodness I can’t believe I did that cannot believe I did that all right let’s get this done right what was I thinking okay well that sucks um maybe maybe with a Glo ink sack or maybe with some darker wood let’s try the glow

Ink see if that makes it look any better not I may have to reset the darn things pretty sure I got some glowing sex downstairs we’ll get this we’ll get the look we want I’m sure there’s probably a website that I could have gone to and you know got all this stuff

Ironed out but this is what we’re doing this is our life my life anyway you’re just watching it yes I’m running I got a fishing rod now I can I can get more food fact I have more food all righty I yeah I got a I do have

A b raw steak there all right that’s a bit more like it that’s a bit more like it although I like I would like a darker wood yeah I mean it’ll be a bit bright at night but it’s got the lanterns right next to it so it’s going to be lit up anyway

This guy wand away a heck over here yeah I guess he did okay oh can’t quite see it oh there it is right there right from this distance yep yeah I think I got some kind of uh mod set up that uh does something to the rendering of that at different

Distances think if I yeah see like the the glow around it is gone now but I get a little closer and it comes back anyway um yeah getting into nighttime now and it uh it looks fine I think it looks fine I think it looks wonderful

And it’s lit up inside just enough I think yeah this is good uh I am going to double check around outside cuz it did alter a bit of the lighting here I think we’re okay I think we’re okay just want to make sure we’re not leaving any you

Know UNS spawn proofed uh spots but yeah so we can no longer walk through this like we used to which is fine close that up oh we got some skeletons and other nasty beasts over there this guy’s got a magic shovel sounds like something out of uh some kind of you know mythological

Story I’m sure there was some myth or a tall tail or something with somebody with a with a magic shovel all right I’m curious how the heck many people do we have in there just wandering around inside the castle not sleeping Crown heavy on their brows oh my goodness guys guys go really

Seriously this is this is kind of ridiculous fellas holy cow I’ve heard something about them uh tending to go oh man I heard something about them tending to go upstairs but this is you know TR to path pathfind upwards oh yeah this is just absolutely ridiculous I’m going to have to set up

Some kind of water slide or something for them to go down but yeah that is just amazingly stupid all right okay wow wow and that’s that is that just going to keep accumulating and accumulating until this thing is just so bogged down I mean fortunately I have a deal

Set up so they’re not getting rendered when they’re behind blocks and all I got a mod for that that that helps a lot with performance I can just imagine how things would be without that all right let’s sleep now we got to figure out what we’re going to do Ranch is

Done uh we need to put some things away I think oh I want to work on the uh the lanterns so I need like some dirt or something something that’s going to not be a big of an issue to stack I’ll go with gravel CU basically we want to kind of

Stack up and uh get Within Reach of these Stills and hang lanterns underneath oh but gravel is going to fall I can’t go horizontal with that so that’s that’s a nogo so never mind I mean I can do here and get these corners but yeah so yeah forget

That put gravel back and uh get me some dirt any in here no I don’t because I put all my dirt down here why is that open Okay just grab a stack that should be plenty that 23 stack should be would have probably been plenty as

Well but this is what we’re going with okay I’m going to start over on this end here oh my goodness guys all right what am I going to do with y’all uh could just climb up that but nah seems to put us within range so let’s see oh not quite actually there

There put one under there as well uh should I put one there too you know what why not and I’m hang on there too that’s a bit low I really should take that this guy out but I think that’ll be fine hey guy uh you want to come

Over well no I don’t think you do uh you know what I’m going to to bust all this have a lot of it fall down and then go down and get it uh yeah all right okay and I got get that stuff so I guess I might as

Well bring one of those guys in that was that a dance yep I like to boat so I put a boat in my boat so I can boat while I boat hey guys mostly come here to collect the dirt I can collect one of y’all as well hop on in come on come

On somebody come on one of you okay come on well that’s right get on in okay got one of yall anyway some reason they’re reluctant getting to get in the boat not like I name it free candy keep you inside all righty come on on the shore dude okay up that

Away and let’s see where my next one’s going to be like right there really okay so let’s guess I’ll go up here oh okay that’s fine okay and then it’s going to go over to that guy there and then around a corner to the next one I got to be careful Here boom right there I’m no longer over water okay Um finger firmly on the shift key I think that’ll look nice once it’s all done okay not that one we are doing that one okay get into there yep all right that was going to be the next one might be able to reach it we should have brought two stacks

Okay got that I got 10 more all right uh keep this is that he’s up on the thing there yeah see that’s that’s the thing uh one problem with some of these uh paral structures that you find say in the you know the Fortified Village like

This um some of the buildings uh on the roofs there are spots where uh things are spawnable which is why I placed the Torches up there we’ll get this dirt back I’m sure although some of going on the roofs so yeah I’m not going to get all of it

Back but there’s more where this came from over there over there actually but yeah you could sell from here that there’s more I think it was there right here the stuff there yeah I think it was near the that Landing was there it’s over there can’t really see where I was actually digging

A little bit Inland kind of scraping off the hilltop H not quite view we’re only inching our way towards it oh yeah somebody up top I may I might be able to Tower up there and get it this guy I don’t know what he’s doing working on his dance moves or

Something okay so this is the one that going down all right and down like up as much of this as we can okay okay all right of course of course it would do that uh there’s one footing in the water okay all right so many okay uh go on this side I think

Y that’s it for now okay uh should I build up from here I’ll go from there should probably sleep um wow okay we seem to have a population issue all right get your butt out of my face TR to sleep thank you all right so I got 61 I lost three somehow uh

Uh all right we’re going to go up here okay right about there nice okay uh and then right around the corner there be the next one be careful not to fall into the uh fireplace there we’re already blocking the smoke looks like we do have a little bit of a safety margin already

Okay I don’t see anybody looking up at me so I’m making too much of a spectacle of myself dude dude seriously should be looking up at you man is that where everybody’s going see that’s that’s that’s a bit of a problem that is a bit of a problem it’s a beautiful

Design these uh these buildings but as far as practicality goes apparently having things too vertical can be a liability in a village as far as you know being villager friendly three more okay two more they’re basically going to be going on the corners here so there

Okay and I am not even going to try to count how many more we need all right now I got to make my way back along here I don’t have a shovel on me do I no I do not nor do I really have the means to make one okay oh

My ways to go yep just matter of time before I fall but I do have the feather falling so I’ve definitely falling a uh a larger you know from a from from a greater height before uh get that yeah some of these are going to be lost all right okay all

Right yeah all the way back think we didn’t go the other the roof do we but no come on guys I’m going go in there and get him hello excuse me guys just picking up this uh dirt that I Dro from up above you okay so I got that much and oh we

Got one 2 three four five 6 7 8 10 nice oh shoot I lost count now thanks guys all right so uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that corner 11 uh oh I’ll just do the one there 12 uh 13 14 15

20 like 24 or 25 24 might do it so yeah couple dozen more couple dozen more did I pick up your taters dude sorry I mean yall have done the same to me so I think it’s fair okay a lot of villagers yeah setting up with setting them up with the potato

Farm that really gets him going apparently all right I got a lot of junk oh I still have that boat still have the boat should I rescue one more guy so I had him down to 10 just see that’s four five 6 7 8 n 10

Okay all right yep let’s get uh one more get that number down to nine before Night Comes hey guys I need one of yall to be a little bit isolated which I will do by separating you out separating you out from the uh the herd

Here except I need you to okay no I’m trying to one I just just need one okay good man I was going to have to bust the boat for a moment there uh come on now dude seriously all right you’re there forever I guess I just can’t use that boat anymore oh my

Goodness well I guess at some point I’ll take all this stuff out Spruce planks yeah that would have been nice uh you know for the sign uh although can’t really make much with the one Spruce plank okay uh all right these guys have to wait toss that in there I guess um what

Else do I need to toss in there nothing right now all right let’s put some things away figure out what else we can do in the last five minutes or so of this session we fulfilled our our primary goal putting the dirt down here we lost like 10 which is

Fine we can deal with that oh man this is growing so much these guys are probably just not giving me deals anymore I’m going to freshen the that up a bit I think just this one you know what two rows just to keep the deals coming get that in the

Morning old red shirt here H he had been giving me good deals why am I putting in here there we go that’s more like it nice okay and we move on to you who is not giv the good deals anymore how about now huh now okay okay how about

Now and now you do it on my last one there okay so yeah I saved one melon great okay well let got those guys freshened up anyway not that it was really that urgent to do that but you know get stuff mended up all right so I got the blue wool here

Uh do I have a spot for it lapis go ahead and put it there with the string oh and of course I had some more no those are Jack lanterns never mind never mind those are leftover Halloween decorations okay uh where have I been putting my extra

Cash really have a spot uh I’m going start putting it there I should probably make myself a little Vault to uh keep that stuff up my dream is to have enough to be worth like a million emeralds but uh that takes a while it’s like 30 something large

Chests full of uh Emerald blocks so yeah bit of a tall order all right so oh I had leather right there dang it those cows died in vain uh do I have a spot for beef don’t appear here to you’ll have to go there all right okay we’ll figure that out another time

Uh name tags where was I stashing them uh I’ll go ahead and put them there unless I have another spot for them which I don’t think that I do so that’s fine ink sacks which I’m accumulating and selling all righty so uh uh let’s see we’re still working on getting the bow all

Done this one the flame power four punch two actually got power five to put on there so uh let’s see oh yeah we were going to do the diamond hoe I think that was the next thing we were going to enchant really cuz that’s got the fortune three that we really need it

But might as well okay so uh we got that we got to work on really the bow next and uh and our other pickaxe we want that the other pickaxe we want that to be we want to get uh the fortune updated on that one and get a silk touch pickaxe

This is fortune 3 which is not what we need which is why I don’t have it lined up for enchanting okay and then we also want uh some good uh you know gold helmet enchantments do I have a gold helmet I don’t think I have a gold helmet let’s make a gold helmet

Actually I don’t really need to get that if I’m going to be busting these out okay gold helmet toss that there see what a gold helmet gets cuz they do get better enchantments protection four not bad but I want flame protection on a gold helmet let’s take that out of there

And I don’t know where I’m going to put that check it in here I guess okay all right so that’s pretty much it uh we’re going overtime actually so that is it for tonight we’ve got uh the old Boneyard Ranch set up we’ve got it populated with our three lovely skeleton

Horses beautiful animals aren’t they um And We rescued a couple of those floating villagers outside uh we’re going to do the rest and also work on getting all these enchantments uh set up next time around so see you then we’ll start on all that bye

This video, titled ‘Building Boneyard Ranch in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2-Ep37’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2023-11-13 19:53:05. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:51 or 5451 seconds.

HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 37 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack.

It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world.

I’ll be streaming every session in this world, so stay tuned!

Here’s the seed if you want to play along or explore the surroundings for potential spoilers: 3388628236345552341. Make sure to add those datapacks or the world will be very different!

What did I work on this time? I built the Boneyard Ranch in Upper Cliffton, deciding to locate it in the small cave under the western observatory. I mined out the interior to make it all a clean three blocks tall for safe riding, and built up the terracotta on the smaller passage to close it to a one-block-tall opening which I closed over with fences. Then I completely fenced in the larger opening except for a two by three opening with gates, and put up a couple signs above the opening with the name of the ranch, flanked by bones on item frames. I think it looks nice. Then I brought over the skeleton horses and put them inside, tying each by its lead to a different part of the small fence. After that I went down to Lower Cliffton and worked on hanging lanterns on the bottoms of the wall segments overhanging the boardwalk. I think it will have a nice effect once finished. Then I used the remaining time in the session to rescue a couple of the floater villagers, and looked over my remaining enchantment tasks. Along the way, I did some logging and wool-gathering.

For the future… I want to continue enchanting my gear, and may train another librarian as needed. Continuing to expand the melon and pumpkin farm would help, but I am running out of space below ground for planting, as I am limited by being between ocean and caves. I may want to keep getting more blue wool so I can make more beds for villagers, both for expansion of the lower village population, and for the trading hall. I could also use more coal or charcoal, so more forestry is definitely in order. I’d like to make a spider eye and string grinder out of that dungeon I found diamond mining. And of course I want to set up a wall to chart our biome explorations, perhaps along the boardwalk?

Long term… I hope to visit as many Terralith biomes as possible. And who knows what future updates of both Terralith and Minecraft itself may bring?

* Playing Minecraft 1.20.1 (world started in 1.19) with Sodium, Iris and Sildurs Shaders Enhanced Default, plus Terralith 2.4.5 (started in 2.3.7) and Structory 1.3.2 (started in 1.3.1) for enhanced world generation with many new biomes and structures. Plus a few other performance-enhancing mods.

* Livestreams: https://www.twitch.tv/bcowcorn * Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BCowcorn-108006921457373

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