UNBELIEVABLE! Conquering a HARDCORE Minecraft Fortress – Ep9

Video Information

Hey guys and welcome back this is joe’s marketing today well we might be striding our way into a fortress so i hope you guys are ready so today we’re going to take the plunge into the nether yes we are going to be traveling to our fortress i managed to find the fortress

During a live stream however i have not been in that that beautiful fortress so what i want to do today is i want to complete some advancements get some looting done while we’re there and uh i mean just just have some fun that’s what it’s all about right is and try not

To die that’s another big thing um almost all my gear pretty much is mending except for my diamond sword because i use it for the mob farm as of right now i don’t really want to put mending on it because it’s gonna just suck up all the levels if i do that

Um i did go ahead and decorate this a little bit it’s not perfect and we have a beat up iron golem over here ow i’m just chilling out for some odd reason okay i just want to double check before we head in there that we got everything i have

My bow i have our sword everything i have all of my golden carrots that we bought from our villagers i don’t have any gold pieces on i almost made a giant mistake gold piece i need at least one nice gold piece of armor on well i mean

As a as a role for enchanting a golden helmet i mean um i’ll take this i’ll take this this will be pretty good oh man that’s gonna be actually kind of nice for the nether we have now fire protection fire protection blast protection i think we’re uh

We’re pretty good for the nether like this is like a nice nether kit right here so during the live stream we ended up managing to find where this thing’s at where the fortress is at you’re about to see how horrible it was to find this thing because believe me

Bridging this way was not fun do you see what byum i mean it’s it was not fun okay we’ll just put it that way and i still have yet to make this bridge safe this is not a safe bridge yet it will be

But it is not just yet so once i make my way over here hoping that a skeleton does not shoot me off the bridge which is why it’s super dangerous we are going to make our way into this tunnel and now this tunnel is pretty much safe

For the most part even though we did have a slight scare where i did fall through like 15 blocks and i nearly died uh that was that was pretty scary i think i mined like right here and i fell all the way down to the

To the bottom of this you can see where i pulled it up but like i fell all the way down there that was not good that was that was bad of me i i made a mistake all right and i i almost took an l for it i did i almost

Oh man i almost died yeah that scares me too all of this was scary do you see this i had to build through this there were slimes falling from the ceiling it was not it was not okay this journey was not okay let’s just say i was i was clinched the

Entire time the entire time building this i was i was stressed out i was you know what i needed a a nice long nap you can see we just basically continued journey that’s what usually what i do if i can’t find the fortress right away i just sort

Of mine in a straight line until we managed to just come across one and luckily when we left this whole tunnel down here i know it’s quite a ways um eventually we’ll probably set up a faster mode of transport hopefully we can find another like fortress closer that would be great but

All the way out here i was like oh yes we finally made it out now what like are we gonna have to bridge more because there’s this and like are we gonna have to do that nope right over here is the fortress so i just kind of wandered around just kind of checking

The area out making sure i was safe and honestly i was checking for a warped forest because i really like them but right over there you can barely see it right now but it is there we have a fortress and a gas to deal with apparently can i get it first first try

Nope nope nope oh man this would be so difficult maybe oh that would have been so close whoo good thing we got fire protection oh oh okay no no did you see that hole no stop it yikes okay we’ve gotta we’ve gotta move away from here

I was not expecting the gas to be so deadly oh man yeah these areas are no good that it brought a hole oh no no no no right here is the fortress we are about to complete an advancement look at that a terrible fortress just now completed and we have

Access to this fortress right here now all we got to do is find herself the blaze area now we do have these bad guys to worry about i have i have looting three on here so the chance of us getting a skull is a bit higher than uh than normal now

I don’t have any torches to light the area up so i am sort of at the mercy of just luck i guess i probably should have brought some torches i should be able to find my way out i’m not completely worried about that i just don’t want to get like tag team

Which i have been before by a wither skeleton and some blazes speaking of oh it’s right here okay um interesting well i’m gonna go for them from right here i should be able to kill most of them from right here i don’t have looting on this

What a weird way to go to oh we can go down here oh nice okay and then i can work my way around be a little bit safer this way ah there you are oh nice okay in the fire another achievement done i of course can use this i guess to

Sort of protect myself that does help a little bit okay i think 35 blaze rods is plenty for right now i think that is that is going to be good enough all right let’s see if we can’t find the central hub and find where all the dungeon passages are in this fortress hopefully

It exists because that would be sad if it didn’t it looked like maybe over here oh right here it is perfect oh that means right down here wait what what excuse me excuse me wait where’s it at did did this just like no it didn’t you’re

You’re kidding is this a dead end too what does this seriously just cut off all of the dungeon part i mean that’s this is the dungeon entrance area and then it’s gone yeah this this fortress like this seed is officially absolutely the worst like i mean the fortre i mean the nether part

Of the seed anyways like wow so yeah the big unfortunate part about this is we can’t make potions now uh because this fortress done this we have to find another fortress and oh boy so over here is the crimson forest now you can see that this actually spawns in the crimson forest

Uh but it’s this crimson forest is pretty dangerous i probably shouldn’t be here for too long now these are wart blocks but they don’t do exactly what you would hope they would do now i do see some striders down here um they’re not exactly where i want them to be

I don’t think i heard a gas oh that’s right there i tell you what when you need gas you can never get them to spawn whenever you don’t want gas they are absolutely everywhere they literally they are everywhere dude what are you doing no oh goodness so yeah these guys are not

Really where i want them i don’t know if i can get them off of lava maybe there’ll be some more over here we’re actually pretty close oh there’s some right here we can try this out like i don’t know i’ve never done this so i don’t know exactly what to

Expect and i don’t know how long this fungus on a stick lasts but apparently we’re supposed to be able to like get their attention with the fungus on a stick okay so it’s yeah it’s definitely working so we got to get this guy up onto the land oh oh okay and then

Oh wow that’s so cool we are straight up riding a strider did i get the advancement for this and apparently we can get like you don’t like tame them so you don’t worry about like it being tamed or anything you just hold it in the direction you

Want to go and you just go okay so right there’s my bridge right above us so that means the portal is right above us right here so because i’ve only been i mean i went that way and we know there’s a fortress there maybe if i go like in this direction

Where i couldn’t originally travel maybe there might be something out this way okay so after so much exploring and so much time in the nether i went back to where our original fortress was at because i was like maybe i can get maybe i can just continue going this direction since it

Seems a bit safer as you can see right over there is our fortress i came up here to see if i can get a better view um there’s another fortress right here i really hope this is a complete one a fully intact one please all i need is a tiny bit of netherwart

And i could be i could be on my way i could be happy i’ll leave the fortress alone oh wow this is this is large oh i need to be careful whoo that hole oh yeah we should be able to hopefully find our way down here okay hopefully this will get us there

I see the blaze i just need to be careful and make sure the blaze cannot attack me or really anything see me i don’t want anything to see me okay so now that we are on here okay i’m not so worried i’m not so i don’t need to calm down

Okay so where do we need to go um this will take us down we probably need to be down here wow there’s like it’s so blue so blue hopefully we can still get a skull i would love a skull but i need to find the the big fortress part

The part that the other one was just cut off like that’s what we need i think it might be right here oh it’s right here it’s gotta be right down here oh and thank goodness netherwarts that’s that’s all i need now we can go back home hey goodness

Well we’re gonna loot some chests of course now i’m super scared to open these chests because i don’t think it’s these guys that are they affected by it let’s have gold pulled out just in case i will take that diamond horse armor and the gold horse armor

Very nice yet another chest and just a little bit of golden iron nothing that i really need thank goodness i safely made it out of there even though that was super stressful oh it’s a that’s a mess this this is a mess but this is gonna be a great place

I think to farm wither skeleton skulls from just what i’ve seen so far there’s a lot of wither skeletons spawning there so i just decided to trade with these fellas and look what they ended up dropping for me i’ll take that a splash post into fire resistance this would be perfect because

I want to go back down and test a new thing on the striders for some reason we did write it but i think you have to right click on this probably like a carrot on a stick with uh with a good old pig and like they go faster but it consumes some durability

I wonder if that’s needing to be done on this in order for it to work because i bet that’s the case so right over here i see the perfect victim i mean uh buddy not victim at all i don’t know why this guy is just he’s just standing there on the llama

Just being perfect how cute i’m going to call you my buddy thank you i love how i’m not scared but i’m going to use it oh there we go this boat has legs i did have to right click and it works it works oh this guy is going to be so happy

Once we oh he looks so sad but i want my saddle back oh god this is so bad i hate have to do that oh i wish there was a maybe there is a way i don’t know to get your saddle back without destroying it uh poor strider

I literally have the perfect idea here oh this is going to work so well this will work so well at least i hope so i’ve got to clear this out make this look a little bit nicer but brewing stands right here potion stuff here we have a potion cabinet i found a use

For this well down here will be water there’s gonna be water down here but this is still gonna work oh this is gonna be great this is literally gonna be great i’ve just gotta clear this make it look like it’s something like like it’s not a part of uh

The front yard basically i guess maybe the front yard i have no idea um and by the way we’re back we’re back at our base we’re nice and we’re safe we are so safe which is so nice i’ve gotten a lot of comments that just say uh chosen

Just don’t die in the world i i honest honestly i’m trying i’m you know i no promises i mean maybe some kind of promise maybe like i’m trying i i said something how am i supposed to promise that i can’t uh i don’t think i can promise such a thing

All right so i have a bit of bottles we just need to get this put together grab our rods oh we’re almost we’re almost there almost there guys i’ll make two of them because what we’re gonna want one for the uh like base potion and for the making just the awkward

And then one for making the potion that we’re striving to make and there we go we’re pretty much ready to go right all i gotta do is fill some bottles with water and then i can use uh like one of these to place all of that in like these are

Just me the plain water bottles i kind of use this as a um a dye area because i have a loom right here but this this actually gives use to this closet which is hilarious and well useful very useful actually oh by the way and let’s not forget that potions are incredibly

Op let’s just let’s think about that for a moment they are so powerful these potions are um by the way i am going to need to stash away a little bit of these just so i have an extra storage of them in case i use them all uh i yeah i don’t

Want to do that so i want to make sure i can start growing some more but right here everything we need to get going um this will get us three bottles we can go ahead and start off right away let’s break our blaze rods down into some blaze powder

Of course we only need a little bit of blaze powder i might split half and half right here get those filled up and of course we can use this to get ourselves some strength because blaze is also another component to making our potions so oh yeah we’re

Gonna get this going first of all awkward potions and then we can make my favorite potion which is going to involve magnet cream and that’s gonna be fire resistance even though we have fire protection by resistance just gives me that extra just that extra happiness when i’m in the nether

Um i don’t know i mean we still have a lot more advancements to complete in the nether but still it’s just going to give me that that extra nicety right um and we want to make sure we make these an eight minute long potion so i believe glowstone is what

Makes it the eight-minute long potion so we’re gonna want some of our beautiful glowstone and by the way i can buy this from our villagers so we can actually buy glowstone from our villagers over there and uh that’s gonna lead me into this and then i can take this

And i believe i believe glowstone is the one that gives us the uh the the boost or is it redstone that’s gonna give us the duration ah it’s redstone okay so that means the uh the glowstone detail it’s been a little bit the glowstone is going to be what gives us the boost

Effect so if we have strength it’ll give us strength too so this should bump us up to eight minutes worth of fire resistance that’s the that’s the stuff right here that’s the good stuff uh not to mention i did farm some phantoms during our past live stream look at that eight minutes

Um and now we have our local blue brewery done so that’s another advancement complete um so yeah i ended up farming some phantoms this is going to be needed for fighting the dragon 100 we need this to get ourselves slow fall potions just just trust me it’s it’s a necessary step

At least for me uh someone who’s not that great with uh with dropping a bucket i have done some practicing though like i i was practicing a little bit unlike saving myself with a bucket it’s it’s not the easiest thing to do in the world like it’s doable i can do it

But like it’s it’s still pretty like difficult and like you still never know like if you’re actually going to land that or not so i mean i can do it pretty consistently i’ve not done it from like a super super high altitude but um yeah i don’t want to

Risk it at least in this world so of course today on sponsor tree which i mean is not um it is slowly filling up and i think we have another sponsor tree here and maybe one here i don’t know by the time that i get to start actually building some really cool stuff

Yeah the we’re gonna we’re gonna have another sponsor treat i promise but anyways i wanted to say thanks to the sponsor of today’s video and that’s gonna go to killum illuminati i think that’s how i don’t know i tried i really tried uh but thank you so much i really do

Appreciate you guys and uh if you are interested becoming a patreon yourself of course you can find that linked down in the description below along with that all that down in the description below there’s there’s just so much stuff down there be sure to check it out if you would i

Would really appreciate it also while you’re down there be sure to just head on up just slightly and click that subscribe button if you haven’t already and give this video a huge thumbs up guys i really appreciate it and of course i’ll see you in the next episode

And as always thanks for watching So

This video, titled ‘Striding Into a Fortress | HARDCORE Minecraft 100% Advancements Challenge Ep9’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2021-01-25 20:00:11. It has garnered 25972 views and 1231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:22 or 1222 seconds.

HARDCORE Minecraft 100% Advancements Challenge

I am going after all of the Minecraft advancements in Hardcore. If I die I lose everything. All my hard work would be gone. Journey with me through this crazy world as I try not to die along the way! I will be building some crazy things and having some crazy fun as well! Let’s see how long I will last this time!

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Advancement List: https://bit.ly/3bT6cXb Resource Pack: https://vanillatweaks.net/share#3S7YVe Seed: -7849389163756481486 Minecraft Version: 1.16 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORTERS! YOU MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!

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  • Gaming madness in Wintergea – EPIC Minecraft adventure!

    Gaming madness in Wintergea - EPIC Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Wintergea Ch. ゲア 【Yorukaze】 on 2024-05-10 02:12:26. It has garnered 272 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:27 or 5487 seconds. #Wintergea #GaBuT #GeaButuhTemen #GoodGEAming #VtuberIndonesia #vtuber #GEArlfriend ❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️ Yorukaze Production Affiliated Vtuber Gen 1 : Yorukusa https://yorukaze.xyz/ Discord Community ❄️️ Gea’s Garden in the Sky https://discord.gg/rhWnSn46kq ❄️️Yorukaze Production https://discord.gg/GhmGhXwg6j What is STUPID COUNTER? Sometimes I mute myself by accident and forget to unmute. So please tell me if I did stupid things like that cuz I sometimes just never realize it ;;w;;) ❄️️❄️️❄️️ RULES ❄️️❄️️❄️️ 1…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to Kodex

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to KodexVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Brand New Dimension of the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Minecraft Custom Hardcore Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-03 05:43:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:48 or 10548 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros Exposed

    Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘cyberbullying kids (in minecraft)【Hive/Zeqa】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-05-11 21:20:09. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:52 or 10672 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : https://bailyovo.booth.pm/items/5288339 sound effects : https://blerp.com/x/benki-argyros come bully me : https://discord.gg/PvTXXjD2HQ music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1ZkP03V18LmOj8zbyP-Dw ———— Friends youtube.com/@Jolluino youtube.com/@NightFolds youtube.com/@RiminYT ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Anarchy MC Project

    Anarchy MC ProjectHello. We recommend that you try this project. It is, in fact, considered new. The server was created on August 12, 2022. We have a very exciting game: an unusual world and game mechanics, complete destruction and anarchy! Come in and scare everyone! I hope you like us. The server supports entry through Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can safely log in from your phone or tablet and play with us! The server also supports pirated clients, you can play with us without a license. And yes, I almost forgot, most Russian people play here! As of June 24, 2023, the… Read More

  • Life in the Village 3: Modded

    Welcome to our Community! If you’re looking for a town-building pack with a focus on NPC interactions and a friendly community, or if you just want a safe space to escape reality and hyperfocus, we would love to have you join us! Server Info Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and more Lag-free experience with 20 TPS when server is full (12 slots) Claims (Minecolonies and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics Forceload enabled for all colony chunks IP: omrs.servegame.com (Not a pre-added server!) Pack Features 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions) 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Omg chad, this is real spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Omg chad, this is real spicyWow, Chad must be a meme master with that kind of score! He’s living in the meme world and we’re just visiting. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues!

    Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues! Minecraft Escape Room Adventure with @batscove Introduction In a recent Minecraft escapade, our protagonist was tasked with running an escape room challenge by the enigmatic @batscove. What followed was a series of mind-bending puzzles, parkour challenges, and a race against time to unravel the mysteries of the Matrix. The Lingering Potion Puzzle The adventure kicks off with a potion-making conundrum – the elusive Thick Lingering Potion. As our hero navigates the intricacies of brewing, they find themselves entangled in a web of ingredients and enchantments, all while bantering with @batscove about the Matrix. The Enchanting Table Dilemma Next up,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5

    Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5Video Information This video, titled ‘ПвП монтаж| ProstoTrainer | Saturn-X| PvP 1.16.5’, was uploaded by Кебешкa on 2024-03-07 12:38:15. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Tweaks, ios, isaac, Island, iSprint, Items, ItsJerryAndHarry, Jepsnyz, joypad, jukebox, K, Kapamelka, Kill All Day Minecraft Music Video, Launcher, LB PHOTO REALISM 1.6.2, LED, Lego, leif, let’s build, Let’s Play, Lets Build Run speed run, letsplay, light, Light bridges and doors, Lights, Link, Links Awakening, Lord, LOTR, LP, Machinima, Mageasy, Magic, Magical, Majestic Sprint Map, Making, Manhattan, Map, Maps, Mash, mashinima, mass effect,… Read More

  • DanMC’s Epic Minecraft Speedrun Rematch

    DanMC's Epic Minecraft Speedrun RematchVideo Information oh you’re down here in this video I have to try and speed on and beat Minecraft while three Hunters try and kill me I have to kill the Ender Dragon to win this is Minecraft Manhunt also if you end up liking this video please subscribe it would really help me out also I have a link to my Discord server in the description definitely go check that out anyways on to the video I was open the ball I where is he oh God he’s over here D oh oh I fell [Music] no you were… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non Copyright

    Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non CopyrightVideo Information [Music] J [Music] spe foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] sh the [Music] [Applause] [Music] number [Music] fore [Music] foree speeech [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft free to use cinematic clips 4k | non copyright | #minecraft #viral #youtubevideo’, was uploaded by Unlogical Gamer on 2024-04-19 02:34:40. It has garnered 148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:35 or 395 seconds. I really hope you guys like this video …. these are non copyright cinematic clips which you can… Read More


    INSANE MILITARY VEHICLES in Minecraft Mod!Video Information [संगीत] यो हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल तो फिर से हम लोग आ चुके हैं कुछ नए मोड प के साथ तो आज मेरे पास है कुछ मिलिट्री टैंक्स की मोड पैक तो यहां पर देख सकते हो मेरे पास है कुछ एयर प्लेनस और भी बहुत सारी चीज तो हम इसको आज फुल ट्राई करने वाले आपको इसका लिंक आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में मिल जाएगा जहां से आप इसको डाउनलोड कर सकते हो तो बढ़ते हैं वीडियो की तरफ गया तो यह है पहले हमारा मतलब की एंबुलेंस जसा ट्रक ने बता किया कुछ काम करता… Read More

  • OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft Moments

    OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me Pasé de la Raya 😔 #minecraft’, was uploaded by OmarSPD on 2024-02-23 08:00:27. It has garnered 10056 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee’s Minecraft Channel!

    Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee's Minecraft Channel!Video Information all right seems that we are back in today’s stream with little more Minecraft because I really enjoyed yesterday’s session where I play Minecraft for a bit was very relaxing while I was busy editing so I still have a couple of videos left to edit so I decided what I’m going to be doing today is yes I will just keep on with this trend of me just playing Minecraft uh hold up do I actually have custom structures enabled I don’t know actually uh let me just quickly check I’m pretty sure I did though uh… Read More

  • INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!

    INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Game Play’, was uploaded by Energetic Hamster on 2024-05-22 02:36:34. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:14 or 2294 seconds. ABOUT MY CHANNEL Subscribe my channel for amazing Live game streaming, game reviews, suggestion and updates. Play your favorite games with me. My gaming categories are Adventure Games, Sports Games, Action Games, Racing Games, Car Games, Puzzle Games, Arcade Games, Exciting Games, Online Games, Video Games, PS5 Games, Xbox Games, Nintendo Games and Oculus VR Games. Famous games: Minecraft, Among Us, Fortnite, League of Legends,… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Johnny’s Nightmare in Minecraft

    Insane Twist: Johnny's Nightmare in MinecraftVideo Information wee this trampoline so awesome daddy look how high up we are guys be careful I still don’t think putting the trampoline on the roof is a really good idea no it’s so much fun I’m bouncing so high this is awesome yeah I’m having so much fun right now daddy why don’t you join us I am not joining you okay I got I got bad legs oo I’m pretty sure I’m going so high that I can see the edge of the o wait what how would you see the end of the Earth from up… Read More

  • Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!

    Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!Video Information [Musik] Hei Arnold jadi kamu suka festival cosplay oh aku tahu tagai Berta ada di sini Sayangnya dia hanya tertarik pada Minecraft Ar kamu harus menguasai seluruh Minecraft dan meletakkannya di kaki tagai tapi ini akan memakan waktu ada sekitar 920 kuadriliun blok di seluruh dunia Minecraft di semua dimensi satu streamer berhasil menambang 32 juta blok hanya dalam 2500 jam Arni Kamu pasti bisa tapi kamu harus melakukan hafta mengorbankan waktu dan kesehatanmu setiap jam duduk yang lama mengurangi hidupmu sebanyak 22 menit dan bagi mereka yang duduk selama 11 jam hidupmu berkurang hingga 40% ditambah lagi… Read More

  • bloomcadia

    bloomcadiaJoin our Discord to be the first to experience the excitement! Bloomcadia is a brand-new and unique multiplayer survival server that offers a multitude of amazing features for you to discover and enjoy. We are committed to providing regular updates based on community suggestions, ensuring that your voice is heard! IP: play.bloomcadia.org Discord: discord.gg/bloomcadia play.bloomcadia.org Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.4

    Server Information IP: s.froobworld.com Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our Website Dynmap: View Dynmap About FroobWorld FroobWorld is a small survival server established in 2011. If you appreciate old-school SMP gameplay, you’ll feel right at home on our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, no cheating. We maintain a PG-13 chat environment. Features Land claiming with no size limit Lockette-style chest locking Convenient commands: /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back Long-term maps with 32 view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • ProjectServer

    ProjectServer**Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft Anarchy Server!**Are you looking for a Minecraft server that offers you the greatest possible freedom while still allowing you to enjoy a fair and exciting gaming environment? Then you’ve come to the right place!**Server IP: ****What’s waiting for you:**- **Pure freedom**: Experience the ultimate anarchy experience. Build, destroy, fight and explore as you please.- **No restrictions**: Apart from hacks and cheats, which are strictly prohibited, there are hardly any rules. Enjoy a gaming experience without annoying restrictions.- **Team play**: Form teams of up to 5 players to expand your power and dominate your opponents…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft mess-ups: just went down

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft mess-ups: just went downWell, looks like this meme got a critical hit with a score of 31! Looks like it’s super effective at making people laugh. Read More