Unbelievable! Exploring Mines in Minecraft with Sealestia ♡

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Starting screen cuz I don’t do that when it comes to this I just ignore everyone terrible well I don’t ignore everyone I just uh I just let it cook on his own You’ get me no terrible here what the [ __ ] I can’t see my cursor oh here it is what the [ __ ]

Hey girl couldn’t see [ __ ] oh gosh yeah my Crusher like disappeared let me see your YouTube nice give a like sexy wow sexy sexy I look you forgot the the controls in minec I I also forgot the controls in Minecraft this has been so long since we

Play Minecraft even though we spent like what SP 60 bucks on the server right yeah we did oh [ __ ] it say it uh it’s mainly that big because that much because um one it gives us more space but two we could invite up to like like 12 or 20 people into our

Server oh it begins yes see it begins now you don’t have to throw pickles at me now you guys should throw pickles at her no no no I that’s only reserved to when I don’t stream when I say I would like yesterday I I was going to stream

Yesterday and never did I push it to today I like oh you know no one’s going to notice if I did like start stream when I said I was going to stream no going to notice surprised you’d be surprised I don’t know man no one has told me

Otherwise like oh I caught you slipping [ __ ] it’s always the people you don’t know oh man I mean I wouldn’t know anyone who will do that works I don’t know who who cash me on on on my [ __ ] I don’t never know yeah never know you never know yeah never know

[ __ ] I save the pickles and save them for later yeah you can save them for tomorrow tomorrow we’re we’ll play with uh girls what are you streaming tomorrow I was supposed to stream Nik the goddess of Victory so we’ll stay there for tomorrow instead we’ll play with girls tomorrow

Yeah yeah that doesn’t sound right yeah it really doesn’t that does not sound at all you’re going to play with girls okay ray okay okay what oh did I tell you what they fired two guys at my job yeah yeah over the weekend yeah you did tell me oh I forgot

But you know what it sucks now cuz I have to go to the there’s a party a party I’m the only one in my group now that’s that’s around my age oh that’s awkward maybe don’t go yeah yeah I I think that’ll be so awkward if you’re the only one your age

TI they had me be a a snitch and count how many days they were absent and they were taking like 20 days off in the span of three months they take off every week s off you know I totally forgot about the changing color thing maybe I should do

That I forgot that existed but um that’s why it got fired they got fired they taking off these and I’m like okay so now I’m like the only like young person in my team on top of being the only girl in the team we’re in the dark but I we are in

The dark we’re in the dark let me actually switch to the game yeah it’s very a it’s an awkward situation to be in but it’s like yeah yeah it’s very awkward man oh like I kind of don’t want any involvement in this like like okay how do I play this game again

W okay cool oh you’re already in the game [ __ ] yeah I’m already in the game I just muted the bgm I’m in my outside library that I was constructing but I never finished hi oh my gosh oh my gosh my thing is lagging oh God actually I don’t

Have the game a like bigger pile next time guess you guys are going to be saving your pickles for a little bit longer oh there you are you’re down there I see I like my outside library my B may make three members of the team from the group chat after they

Were like oh my God yeah this is very scummy yeah actually you know what it it’s it’s pretty cowardly actually cuz it’s like it’s something that you could do you don’t have to involve your employees to get into that type of um stuff when it’s technically your responsibility to do those things

[ __ ] man you know it up sup cover there we go up Su sup then like people haven’t seen the server in ages yeah they haven’t seen that that’s new I haven’t seen what I was doing when we were playing Minecraft by ourselves crazy building like a gay Library over

There my library isn’t that gay but you’re right it has a rainbow thing cuz I really wanted to use the rainbow glass so pretty it looks like Mario Kart does gosh I did not know why my Minecraft is lagging I have to change the I need to name my outside library in

The back cuz I didn’t Nam it I didn’t name the house pav dice of sluggin slug sluggin that’s fine that’s fine uh I started breaking down the castle and turning it into like a gigantic Treehouse currently unsure of how we’re going to get into different parts of the

Treehouse but you know we’ll we’ll we’ll cross that road when we get there yeah we kind of have not been actually mining we we just been decorating uh I also added new animals there’s usually a well around here I don’t know where they went I don’t know where they went either not

Here hell did the well go oh they’re right there there it’s right over there over there over here over here oh there it goes there it goes here he is we have a whale isn’t it cute he got a bunch of scars on his face Battle Scars yeah he

Does just kill a squid oh there’s another squid oh [ __ ] there’s another will over there so uh there was a time where we were testing out the different animals and I was like oh what does like a giant Kraken does so I released a giant C Ken

And the giant Kraken and the whale started drawing hands there’s three whales here yeah there is y these [ __ ] don’t know when to [ __ ] leave all the SIDS who won I think it was a tie no I don’t think they didn’t actually kill each other I think they ended up separating

Going their own way yeah yeah yeah they started separating and running away from each other cuz but man that fight was crazy we were like oh [ __ ] oh my God we could do a recreation I mean that Kraken is going to get jumped there’s three whales no no

No we do it we do it far away we have orcas too yeah we have orcas they like to jump around sometimes but I don’t see them here right now I’m going to go to like the village and set the Kraken thing D this area is dark as

[ __ ] yeah I’ll I’ll fix that that’s that’s my fault there’s another one here there’s another one here well okay cool buddy oh water there’s another one over there [ __ ] there’s actually another one over there oh it’s gone it despawned the [ __ ] where oh no it’s still here is this vibing

Vibing oh there is a lot of animals I hope it doesn’t oh it’s going near the other one spawn the crack maybe I should be smart and like also have my think position so I can look at your chat let me be intelligent there you go I can see three chats giant

Squid what’s the difference is that the Kraken yeah this is the Kraken are you guys ready hell yeah chat are you ready Unleash the Beast [ __ ] three I forgot about the Le oh yeah me too what is that I like what the [ __ ] is that oh yeah this thing three two

One oh wait yeah got do it near the ground oh oh they’re both stuck oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] he started eating him oh my God oh my God it’s going to the lava it’s going near the Lava oh my gosh it’s no there’s another one there’s another way over there no he’s getting chopped oh my God he’s jumped oh my gosh it is getting jumped oh no I think one of the whales died no no it’s still alive oh [ __ ] there oh [ __ ] it’s strong oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] it’s running for its life holy [ __ ] oh god oh oh it died holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] well uh there there you go guys oh [ __ ] um damn you know this remind what happened they reminded me that we were going to make like Whow

Sees yeah yeah I bet right my f is on the wheel hey man it it’s cuz he got jumped he got jumped by two whales jump there was like a second whale like right here yeah that we didn’t know and bit the [ __ ] out of it yeah

It but it was here yeah it was around here it w cuz it got jumped man I got jumped that that did not happen last time that’s for sure [ __ ] man that’s crazy that’s cra terrible man oh man great time right guys yeah man [ __ ] now this feels like practically

Stuck here yeah I mean he was stuck where he was before yeah that too they got a bunch of bees oh we also have a uh this new looking zombie I think this is a doctor zombie a doctor where are you near a treehouse showing them the zombie like the new

Zombie oh it’s the villager zombie yeah I expected the cracket to be much larger yeah it’s a little small we have a villager uh zombie over here yeah living his life don’t know how to cure him yet but you know we’ll cross those roads when we get there oh

Cute so this is one of our optional houses I might fill this treehouse of like villagers why happen they leave and fall well that’s why there will be uh Gates CU villagers are kind of dumb we have we have our own rooms here too oh yeah I guess this is our home

Technically oh I about to say how come Neil’s name doesn’t have the L but it is there heaven was blocking him we have some otps here room this is my room this is Ray’s room we have Heaven they have Neil then ELO and Alice yeah of course heaven has to be in the

Taller position yeah Ray has her own little room here yo Alice is like spinning she’s spin cuz Heaven’s right next to her she feels threatened and a lose she’s being threaten oh no and Ne ain’t doing [ __ ] he isn’t aware yet you know he could be a little

Dumb but but man a good boy where are my slugs oh yeah they’re up here they’re on the ceiling I don’t know my banana slugs like the ceiling they’re ceiling slugs I love the picture frames cute paintings my room yeah what do you you named this sluggy and slug yeah very

Fitting then even though have in a loose and Alice and Neil are here did we put kro and Lou down I don’t remember I think they’re in your library or maybe they don’t exist I don’t think they exist yet yeah I don’t think they exist I think cuz if I put them outside

They’re going to fall and the house inside is already occupied with uh madis and areas yeah so let’s this is what I was cooking this is a little small cottage home for us see we share beds our Minecraft beds together this is her reading Corner this is Celestia’s

Reading Corner this is my corner to eat food yeah I read next to the pets yeah which is a Madison and Aras yeah they’re living their most comfortable life compared to the other two couples it was a struggle getting them in here a chaos came out cuz of me

I accidentally broke something you broke the bottom wood that could have easily sent Aras down to the ocean that was a panic those panic attack mode maybe I will build another little fenced area in the outside library for louay and the key because Lou likes to read he’s a book nerd he

Does though upstairs in the roof is our we also have another Reading area up here in swings surrounded by Nature yeah this is really pretty thank you I put so much time into it so tiny and cozy so as you can see we added a lot of mods

Yeah and I named this thing pass pitel Sunny R sunry Garden I don’t know I try my best I try my best to include a pun and everything I should I should look for a mod to see if we could like add custom art that’ be so cute yeah I gota look for

That cuz then [ __ ] I’ll just make a room for every OTP and cover them with art themselves honestly valid and then outside here is work in progress of the actual outside library cute yeah very cute going to extend this is going to be much larger than it

Is um I told you still got to turn this into like an elevator yeah I know I know if anything I might get rid of it uh or or figure something out yeah cuz I think cuz spiral staircases also look cute too you know a spiral staircase from

Spiral care staircase would be cute yeah it would be cute right it will be so cute so I added all this I based each side on color on their picture frame so this one is orange so anything that’s orange and yellow on the picture frames here anything that’s red over

Here um I don’t know other fruits or things I can go with cuz I know this side here is like gems colored gems inside here are blue and red flowers I’ll go back to looking for more mods that’ll be cute yeah red blue flowers inside the cottage home for me and Celestia’s

Colors and then the outside are just different color flowers I try to go with a theme on all the frames the only one that doesn’t have frames I think it’s the up upstairs Garden this will be my true Masterpiece and I’m going leave behind in the server even though I’m not

Leaving you leave the server I’m like damn I’m the only one left in the server then that be so sad if I just left that would it would I just need to figure out what to do here cuz I wanted this walkway to be like foresty that leads to like this big pond

Here I think all the fish in here are gone so I would not be Sur surprised they are yeah this big p like floating Pond surrounded by rainbow glass which is connected to the pond over here oh oh I found the fishes they’re they’re going up and down over here um

Dead oh they’re not that they’re swimming they’re just going up and down oh they’re swimming back to the path where the pond is at unless they sort to turn around but I don’t know yeah so it’s connected to the train station here I don’t know man I’m just I’m just

So weak for floating trees they’re just so good I love floating trees even though if we both fell from this high we’ll die um yeah we would we will die hey on the bright side you know if we ever uh fall from my tree thing we will fall on

Water I guess for part of mine the same thing can be said too yeah no that part of my thing’s in water but I should probably put oh I should put floating lanterns underneath it to light up the area underneath the ocean floating lanterns will be

Cute I did wanted to build I was building this thing this like cornered area Cave thing that looks so cute okay yeah you want to share H you want to share I me no it’s fine oh my God these bees are cing up together they’re like kissing it’s like three of them kissing

So are they in a poly relationship oh one of them left oh they all left oh never mind they’re they’re going for their private time they did not like you spine yeah they’re they’re going on their private time there’s also like a hidden room that Celestia did here it’s really cute and

Tiny yeah I got to figure out how people get into these rooms oh the orca’s back Karu y he’s living his best life Go baby go and eventually eventually we’ll get off from creative mode and actually die yeah but it’s been so fun this building stuff and now worrying about

Death an Enderman being able to see me and demolish me that clip will always be my favorite it’s so sad that that clip isn’t the most viewed but the one with the burps is crazy man it is huh what’s this this bamboo okay this bamboo I thought it was

Like a flag I’m like a flag over here that’s suspicious banana like slime huh didn’t know my I could collect slime oh I found another cave over here I hear a spider too oh there’s actually light inside that’s so weird I don’t think we’ve been here though

Maybe I’ll put a wood block here to know that I’ve been here before cuz that’s wild oh my God I found is this a wolf the dog yeah it’s like a brown dog yeah I forgot to remove my blushing okay I’m I’m good now I also found a spotted pig but where

Is it I got so distracted I’ll add dirt around the wolf is cute oh it’s another one oh is there like a wolf pack here that I’m not we of what the hell I oh I found another cave [ __ ] this is yeah yep crazy oo that’s an obviously big cave here

Oh o oo oh [ __ ] you know those things you’re trying to find yeah what were the sand cones thing oh that’s in the nether I I found I found some cones here oh those cones yeah I found a bunch of them here yeah this is a completely normal

Thing to have people people have like a gigantic pillar in the sky right yeah I remember you want I remember you buying this and then we found some in a different cave you’re like BR yeah I was like bruh at least I found more of them yeah yeah we found

More what is y’all opinion does this does this look tree enough so far it’s a bunch of lava down here maybe it’s a some treasure too and there’s water up here well I marked it for us case we want exp not organic enough yeah I got to I got to give him more

Roots man trees are hard yeah the idea is to give it like a bunch of roots and then like have it have like homes hidden within it found these white flowers cute ew girl you have a bot I know yeah I bom both mods are playing Minecraft those Wi-Fi towers that

Yeah okay we’re getting there we’re we’re slowly getting there this is probably going to take me like an eternity is this yeah okay I want to say did I get lost bro but no I’m not lost okay okay you can always teleport to me that’s true but I’m near the I’m near the

Village at least all this well we have our picnic area we have a pond and a beautiful water fountain I want to make another I want to make a water fountain too I don’t know where though I still need to decorate the rooms in this thing stag aite that’s what it’s

Called ARA ARA is giving a flower to both of us you oh thank you Arya thank you thank you that Branch looks terrible so far but you know what it’s a work in progress I need to actually like destroy a lot of the stuff I have down here my problem is

That these have things in it what what things I have chests up up in the castle well I mean we could always move them together bro yeah I’ll do it later all righty this Castle’s going to take any turn Castle no longt cast this is essentially The Treehouse I want to

Build cute at least I’m building a cottage home on the other side you build big tree I plant many little trees to make it look like a forest you got a teror deck for a bunch of crows and so cute you know we have crows here yeah we have crows here we’re

Just missing like we’re missing so many crows I don’t know where to put them I like how I say where were the crows when I I literally built the house that the crows are in yeah at least two of them two that don’t have a good relationship anymore okay they’re fine

Crow the other one crow I see who’s hiding and then we also have oh [ __ ] where did they go you’re trying to find your on the they’re on the window now can I find your slugs yeah they’re on they’re near my bed oh my gosh the slugs are near my

Bed I don’t know to tell you man you you kind of let them go on your own oh that’s so cute they want to sleep with me in bed you’re covering the bed in slime oh my God said 2024 was the year to learn terot nice that’s so valid I know in the

Later half of last year I was very much into astrology I always talk to Celestia about astrology and what the signs what the stars mean in regards to her and people and she was like bro that’s crazy [ __ ] the [ __ ] I’m like yeah that was like the guy

Like that one meme of the detective with the bulletin board oh my gosh that was me explaining astrology and how this [ __ ] to her this cool is very interesting it could tell you a lot about person um you know but I know some things in astrology doesn’t quite fit

With someone’s personality who they are as a character um but if it made you react either internally emotionally mentally in any shape or form then in some regards it it it has some truth to you if you’re able to react to it even in the smallest of ways

At least that’s how I see it so like I don’t I don’t play with this [ __ ] I don’t play with this [ __ ] I still have yet to get my New Year card reading but I just know it has happened this month so for it to

Count if it doesn’t I don’t know what to do okay the month isn’t over yet yeah the month isn’t over yet I was supposed to do it today but knowing that I’m SI I don’t think it it’s the right time for me to do my card

Reading solid cuz my vibes AR in aren’t right man you’re not right who are your New Year resolutions I actually have a whole tweet thread talking about my goals for the next year yeah she does it every year I do it every year I like to keep track of it to

See if I actually accomplished my goals or got close to it cuz man how time I be forgetting my own accomplishments which is pretty bad I remember everyone else’s but I don’t remember what I did in the year I don’t remember any of the goals I set myself last year oh

Man even if I did it only once actually no I made a visual novel game was that your goal for the year it was my goal for many years you know what that counts dude [ __ ] yeah that counts I published the game yeah that got a lot of

Support yeah good for you man proud of you can’t wait for our share goal to happen or dream hell yeah hell yeah man though we do have something cooking but we’ll see for the new year we’ll see for the new year it was cute though we could always

Fly like we did like we did with Halloween you know yeah that’s true it’s G gas like people thinking that it’s not actually there’s another way we could do it but we’ll discuss that off stream okay which I think will still work and be just as cute

But I don’t know why I’m extending this this way as if I’m going to have something here cuz I kind of want my library to be linear I don’t want it to go off course unless I make a floating Forest with a path maybe that’s Could That Could lead

To the staircase it’s probably the only way I’ll do it but I wanted to be further further off maybe add a cute a table like like tea party table that would be cute that would be cute the years are meshing for me they’re meshing for you they’re all just one year for you

You know be like that man I never saw it as that all the years meshing into one all I know is that the the crisis when you realize that time is moving forward without you it’s crazy time flies yeah sure dust man maybe I should drain this water cuz

I’m probably not going to use this anymore why is the water now floating out and like I kind of forgot that sub Punk’s already one years old uh and I think and I think I think happened months ago maybe a few years ago oh but I don’t think that’s

You having the merges like the years merg together that’s just your concept of time being [ __ ] but that’s so valid cuz sometimes I also feel like whatever happened a few months ago happened a few years ago and like the my memory is terrible sometimes I forget things

Happen creeper um man you see a creeper where like the best example will probably be me and Celestia’s friendship how long have we been friends again huh six years is it six this year or is it seven oh no maybe the seven actually uh five oh seven seven seven seven seven

Years uh see there you go that’s a great example we known each other for so long we forgot how how long we actually been together seven years see cuz it might be seven years but it feels like 20 feel like that sometimes it does it feels like two whole two whole

Decades even though I haven’t even reached the decade yet bro yeah no soon you’re right soon soon we’ll reach that Mark and he’ll be over forever now over like over it sounds like we’re about to have like a a collapse of friendship that would be crazy cuz there’s like no

Reason sorry Ray I can’t be friend with you anymore damn dude yeah I know oh man F don’t ever message me damn fact get out of my Minecraft server oh my God this is Kristen Minecraft server and you’re here with a peaceful sin no sins are peaceful you’ll be surprised how many

Are he is the truth I sound like my tail but like the opposite you’re mat tail Alexis this is so sad play despasito yeah t play this pacito so we back in the mines we are back in the mines we’re back into the mins of craft we’re back into the mind of

Craft we’re crafting our minds yeah man we’re out here trying to do interior design like my brain is being used up you’re doing interior design I’m trying to do exterior design oh man at the end of the day they always get us design you can never truly be free no

You really can’t never can does that look good for a rout let me see think it looks cute coming along just come okay someone someone tell me I’m not going I just filled this in didn’t I maybe it was the other end you going crazy it won’t be something

New you’re right I’m always [ __ ] crazy you are I kind of made like a permanent standing water pillar don’t know what to do with myself oh I know how to fix it it thanks I’ll you I’ll you leave this thing here this is not what I wanted get the [ __ ] out of

Here not gting you agree that’s true hey hey man we didn’t say we’re gaslighting in this regard we’re gaslighting for something else you choose when to Gaslight you don’t gasl light all the time sometimes I got by mistake you do I think this is a long enough your

Water pillar is no longer a concern thank you thank you bro I oh you know what that’s actually actually smart seed that that is good advice I think this is long enough for the rest of my library I can make it like a circle th the tree how the [ __ ] did I build

This it’s been so many months I don’t remember I I think it’ll be cute if I could put rugs here but I don’t think I can I could put the planks down why do I keep doing that separ so terrible okay so we start thickening it thickening it around that end right

I think this should be fine it might go a little over though okay see our our only concern with thickening it are the whales the whales are going to chew the wood oh yeah they were destroying the because we’re thickening it because we’re th in

It that means we have to expand the land on the bottom anyway so that might not be too much of an issue [ __ ] wood cheers man yeah they were [ __ ] up your [ __ ] dude yo I had to rebuild this bridge 20 times 20 goddamn times yeah they did not like you

That’s well we’ll break out hydrate um oh you did a middle Mouse I did not know but now I know thank you maybe I have this to be different you guys been how has your day been my they been pretty normal same here maybe shouldn’t do

Here I did nothing at work you know what it’s fine I did nothing at work either I I like barely do anything at work I actually had a I actually talked to my boss about the thing oh you did yeah and they were like Oh no you’re going to have more

Responsibil ities than just taking pictures like you’ll you’ll do you’ll have more than what you’re doing now and I’m like okay good cuz that was my main concern okay that’s good if I’m just sitting here taking pictures all day oh that’s not going to make a good resume

Yeah in the closet that’s about it hey it’s still something I know I’m about to do nothing at work tomorrow cuz like those two guys are gone now so it’s just me and like three other guys now the office tomorrow h h I sorry the question is this even the

Same what this is just all right does that look better like [ __ ] wise hey one by one increase that’s fake you’re right you know we could do one by one by now right and then we’ll go back and we’ll like uneven it out a bit oh hello how are you how’s your day

Let me give you a shout out oh how are you you guys to for that reminds me we’re playing Minecraft with Ray building in our server damn I’m a faker dude for the follow Sal Welcome to the I never followed B before on Twitch I’m so fake sorry Queen I didn’t either I’m

Terrible oh we’re fake we’re terrible we’re so sorry we’re so sorry all the love everyone go check out B they’re amazing well how you guys been uh Ray is currently building a library and I’m trying to build a gigantic ass tree yeah I’m trying to figure out how I want my

Library to continue being yeah this is what we got cooked in over here it’s uh it’s something and then Ray got that colorful thing over there our server is something we were it’s it’s something it’s something you’re right it’s something we’ve been playing around

With a lot of mods so we got like new stuff in the server it made us so excited the only things we have we refuse to use are the Sakura [ __ ] yeah we have to go on a cherry blossom adventure to find carry blossoms yeah we we refuse to use

Them from the mod yeah we got to we got to do it like off creative mode yeah in case we so we can die it’s not that bad I’m not just saying that thank you looks cool I’m glad you guys like it yeah the Cherry bosses struggle like we

Could get the Cherry bosses in Creative right but then there’s like there’s no satisfaction from that yeah it won’t be fun yeah you know we got to we got to go into the mines we got to die we got to struggle if I want this to

Be this this also might need to change but uh um I’ll figure that out later that’s a featureing problem maybe I can make this a seat or something there we off more randomly it might look a little bit more Oran we’re also going to have to light this tree up you death wood

Yeah or we get jumped whenever we’re off creative I’m not excited for that to happen well it’ll be fine yeah yeah we would be I mean we haven’t fought in like a year yeah we’ll be fine okay I I believe you yeah believe in me what whatever goes wrong from trusting in me

Nothing you fine okay okay yeah now the tree start to look a little better my God the rain is pummeling it’s raining hard [ __ ] yeah it’s raining hard as hell holy hell to hear it apparently it was like state of emergency my God definitely did not know

That I’ve been in the Comforts of my home the whole day I was still on work the whole time yeah uh how I want this to look like now maybe I could do yeah this this actually does look a lot better thank you for the suggestion C mess up the front a Bit oh how are you but are you up to enough tree houses and you know that’s true that is true my only idea was like big tree gigantic branches a bunch of houses and this ocean is about to become like P Black by the end of

It but this house is like a little bit more accessible a little not super fun but I’m here now I’m chilling oh I hope the next day is better for you then hopefully things are better hopefully they are we’re having a chill time we’re we’re on creative mode so no screaming

Tonight unless like something happens I don’t think anything’s going to happen for us to screen yeah I don’t know I don’t think so either I’m definitely going to have to fix like everything up later but it’s fine I guess like we could have a bunch of lights inside the

Tree that would be cute Entry Way kind of yeah yeah maybe instead of hitting the sky limit of Minecraft you know I think we could no I I think we could hit the limit you want to make it that t yeah okay it’s going to take a

While I think the sky is the limit right is that what people say the sky is the limit yeah that’s what they say you’re right originally we were going to draw but I was like I kind of want to play Minecraft and Ray was like yeah I kind

Of want to play Minecraft too and I was like okay [ __ ] art I I didn’t do my daily love live drawing it’s okay I’ll do it tomorrow cuz the prompt today was like cosam me and I was like oh I really like kimy felt that honestly yeah some days

You just you have to drive to draw but then your brain is like man I of don’t want to draw hold up here the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you resed R man I got an ad no I could have sworn you already subbed

It was going to end in two days oh in today to two days so it said you res subed five days four days ago cuz I never showed I never used a message oh oh my gosh bro you got me so confused I’m like

Huh hello hey man you can buy a bunch of subs and have them stack up you know what you’re right I did right I did that with you once you did yeah I did I think I spent like was it 5 5 months worth of Subs in go like

Straight I think that’s what I did Worf the only way the only reason why I knew this cuz I saw your thing pop up in the corner I’m like this wait a minute this is why am I getting ad why am I getting an ad this doesn’t make any

Sense yeah that’s me when I’m sub to you I’m like why am I getting an ad nonsense don’t love to see that here no no no oh yeah fun fact for new Subs but I added some new emotes I posted them on the Discord new emotes that were on the

Discord were added here I think I added all them you did I don’t know why why are you giving me a shout out why not I’s the problem here yeah those are the new emotes you know what you know what needs to be done oh what needs to be done you

Know what needs to be done no I don’t oh [ __ ] I see that’s what needed to be done we canot we can always play this game we could I’ll win though you’ll win yeah damn that’s that’s very cocky this me becoming a league of a League of Legends player again it’s showing the

Toxic toxicity yeah it’s showing it’s becoming real it’s real it’s real I can go back to like I am pry beautiful I like your avatar thingies how did they come into existence hello de Vivian how are you my name is I’m playing Minecraft with my bestie Celestia are you asking about our pixel

Models oh yeah I’m pretty sure it’s the pixel models we commission someone who does who specializes in pixel models uh to get us a model bubbler yeah bubbler they should be in the description somewhere I know my credit list is very long though I need to make a concise Google dogs cuz I

Like to credit everyone um even for the smallest thingsit people here yeah yeah we credit artists here yeah artists gets credit yeah they do but mine is so long even for things I don’t necessarily use anymore or don’t use as often yeah so I have to reorganize my thing but I’m

Going do in a Google Docs I think that make you look prettier it will shorten my thing where uh in the description on YouTube uh there should be a section for all the credits uh let me double check um I’m pretty sure bubblers is there because I copied it from twitch at least

That’s what I did but who knows let me see yeah yeah pixel Ray model bubbler muffins yeah they’re underneath the Sonic Ray bgms and some of the ass three of the assets I use for tits yeah you could you could get the one from them um there’s a

Few other ones like art pixars that I like that do models too or at least pixel PNG tubers they’re pretty cute too this is like the first one that I know from the top of my head that do models so hope that was to help you out get yourself a pixel model they’re

Super cute yeah they’re super cute bouncy very bouncy very fluffy too back to do an interior designs okie dokie oh my gosh it’s already 10 what the [ __ ] man time goes by so fast when you’re having Fun you having fun before stream my dad was sending me pictures of old drawings I sent him and apparently one of my old nicknames from my dad was a big fish head yeah I had to ask her that was true like is this real this really is yeah I

Send it to Ray she’s like she’s like there’s there’s no way this is real there’s no way this is real no way that’s his actual nickname I’m like no that’s that’s I guess that’s the nickname I gave him when I was a kid this cute man and it was like a

Drawing of like water and a bunch of fishes they look like the Lisa Frank fishes did and I sent there a bunch of other uh stuff I did for him you’re a very cute man oh my go SPID okay buddy where you going ooh there’s snow blossom Le you want to join

It you want to join the tree you could join the tree for now until I decide to choose violence so valid man I never knew they had a snow blossom leaves here oh that’s from the mod so cute yeah the mod adds like a bunch of

New biomes so when we go looking for those cherry blossoms uh we’re going to find a lot of other things like like what like new like the different trees different grass plants flowers that you going to say like Monsters oh there are new Monsters uh I

Think we will get killed uh oh I see by new terrors oh we will we will experience the horrors you know oh man there’s there’s no avoiding that and you know I don’t know what the new Horrors are cuz you know I I just kind of added these mods in it’s been a

While so you know if we die from like a gigantic scary monster then damn that be life I hope it’s as sexy as Ender I think they’re sexy oh no No no you’ll be fine you’re you’re strong right that’s what you like to believe yeah yeah you’re strong you’re you’re you’re you’re hecking R the Hedgehog oh man oh man oh I forgot there’s like actual like other stuff oh [ __ ] what version is this I think we’re on like

19 yeah I think we’re on 19 honestly I haven’t been here in so long it’s not this oh no no we’re at 1.20 apparently oh my bad we’re at 120 oh it changed but I I just like loaded this with like so much mods uh I don’t think we could update to

The current version because I haven’t checked if the mods are updated to the current version and that would like require checking all the mods H should I change the flowers I’m use for this one maybe I should I did tighten the security on our server oh thank you for the sub

Arel oh you got a sub now congrats Congrats yeah we we we tighten the security on the server because we kept having like Rand joining was a nightmare yeah yeah I I think I think the funniest one was like someone came in and they were like can I join please I could build I I got in

Here by putting a random IP address I I could build for you guys and we were like oh oh we don’t know you uh bye and I like I I I kicked them out and then they came back in and they were like please please I could build and I’m like like no

Can I join please I can build I got in her you know me never see Arya we know you though we know you you know what would be sexy Arya if you like gave seed a sub I think that’d be sexy oh my God but on Celestia’s Channel see already has a

Sub clearly he doesn’t he said don’t clearly he doesn’t I just saw Ste use the emotes did I am I going crazy yeah seed has access I’m not going crazy you can’t Gaslight me maybe to to break I don’t I think this break I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what anyone

Has anymore you should just give another one see doesn’t have a sub your money ARA you’re fine don’t fall into the Temptations of of the Hedgehog you should like do it no oh wait that reminds me I didn’t do the Twitter post I was supposed to do a

Twitter post but you guys on the Discord know how I have like a template for you guys to make like slugs I was thinking of doing a cute thing where maybe I make like a vrb screen but it’s like slug of the day and it’ll feature your like slug Sona with

Um a little quote submitted by you guys if you guys are interested in that and also hello black rocket hello hello humans I am a SL well yeah I don’t know what you guys think about that with having like slug of a day think it’ll be very cute yeah I

Thought it was like a cute idea it’s like at the day you guys can have a little feature page thing thought that’ll be cute do I not have enough space for this no I don’t and then I was thinking of maybe doing a P crew version of it so that if like

People don’t have like a art skills to do it uh they could um use a pck crew version I’m H likey the name doesn’t make sense oh my gosh half slug are you half slug half wolf because it’s the wolf be nice yeah some to to the fan art

Orb yeah but that there’ll be like the the community uh like a community shout out thing I think that’s like what it’ll be maybe I need lights maybe I need lights yeah I got to do like a Twitter post so that like people on Twitter have access to it

Cuz right now only the people on the Discord has access to half SL half dragon so cool nice username was when I have a wolf that’s so valid that is so valid I I had multiple selas name wise I I changed my name multiple times the only thing that was consistent with

My name changes was that it was always a witch and then I kind of went cuckoo crazy for C Lu cuckoo crazy yeah I want cuckoo crazy for I still have one but it’s just literally me with with ears and tail like a Fang that’s so valid I also have

Another persona but she’s also a witch but she cosplays as like a demon basically because I wanted like a demon persona but I wanted a witch persona but I didn’t want like a demon witch yeah I be a little much yeah it be a little much so I went with a witch

Cosplaying as a demon it’s like look key like the people who are both Angels and Demons yeah it would have been like thatan they’re still cool though yeah they’re still cool you know we love like creativity with like personas and OC’s and stuff like that me to though I

Discovered them through a research project during high school and of clicked oh cool here is what I wanted I don’t know what I did I always liked snails and then I found SE slugs and and I was like oh my gosh they’re they’re so pretty and they’re poisonous that’s so

Cool wow and it was just a downhill spiral but you know sometimes sometimes it just be like that kind of hard to see the tree at night but it’s it’s coming along from the front end I still want to get pet snails but there’s so much prep that needs to

Be done for that one you’re so you’re so right yeah I need to like fin like figure out the space situation before I make the commitment of being a snail snail holder slug are super underrated and love to see vtubers that yeah there is like quite a couple of SE

Slug vtubers Arya is one of them yeah Arya B I know you’re one of them but this I saw trips being on before streaming yeah I saw her too yeah she’s also a SE slug I see so many sea slugs but where are the hedgehogs yeah this slug’s Growing Power and the hedgehogs

Hide I know there there is Hedgehog YouTubers you got to find them out I guess I do maybe like do like a community post calling for hedgehogs yeah once you find one you slowly find others I think that’s how it was with the sea slugs you find one sea slug you

Start finding all the sea slugs I shall Ponder and see how I reach out to my fellow hedgehogs I believe where’s the jars again oh here it is I love the rabbit hole Yeah SE buns I still have to give like thanks to Ray for giving me my YouTuber name because I

Was so close to be calling myself Nim again and Celestia definitely fits a lot better than them I got you man I can name all of these children I remember when we were discussing I was like I to name my vtu I’m thinking of going with Nim and she’s like you cannot

Do that no you can’t you already have one it like your other persona’s Nim you can’t name this Persona Nim it’ll be confusing it would have been confusing especially with what I’m doing now exactly and like oh sorry guys you have to Rebrand I’m changing my name I’m changing my name whoops whoopsy

Daisy no yeah I like I be the stand Emoji little old me decided to have both of my Persona accounts to be active not a bad thing but different name please maybe I should remove yeah remove this PT he’ll need to be there I think the tree is starting to

Look a lot more organic now the FR probably do oh no I this fine maybe extend branches the roots oh you know what you know like when a tree goes in and then it goes out orca orca babies they’re trying to chew the wood but they can’t access

It I’m trying to figure out how to put more leaves in my thing I think I’m better off just building more trees set up decorating it with leaves solid actually no I think I figured it out that’s true ARA you do you do collab with a lot of the the other seuns you’re

Powerful you really are powerful are you the world’s strong as SE bun I love SE buns SE buns are good how can we be a strong as you teach us teach us the ways teach us ARA I mean I’m not a sea slug but you can teach

Yourself I’m I’m a shy little slug teach us teach us maybe you should look up flowers know maybe I should try being active in the SE slug server never Hur to be yeah especially when there’s so much downtime at work yeah sounds like it’ll be

Fun I don’t know if I could put this for put a lantern in here and covered up the L it’s fine you might not no actually I do cuz um there work uh those other things my work does other other things so yeah when I’m in the office by myself it’s

Like nothing really happens like I I I basically keep track of things but but they had a recent meeting and they were like hey it’s not fair that she keeps track of the system like 90% of the time so you know you guys got to start putting in your own stuff into

The system instead of going to her and telling her to put in stuff I’m like you know what that’s that’s fair at least they know yeah cuz there’s there’s one supervisor that like comes to me and like he’ll tell me to put something in but like he already has all the

Information he just needs to go to his computer and put it in yeah that’s was like my previous job yeah and my boss is like yeah you know he got the supervisor position he needs to start you know putting in his own tickets damn it yeah yes that’s valid because eventually there’s going

To be changes and we’re going to start disting oursel from that section that section needs to start learning how to do the protocol oh man I’m like okay you got it yep you got it maybe I should put a lantern here okay there’s no picture frames here

Maybe I should put it on the seats I don’t think that was going to look right oh I didn’t know I could do that [ __ ] know this this is free real estate no it looks ugly there maybe cover this up like this oh actually that’s

Fine I know the whals are going to chew it but you know what it’s it’s fine they could they could have a little chewing yeah if y’all see me talking on Discord tomorrow I I have like crazy downtime see I think putting the planks here would be cute 25 slugs that’s the whole

Classroom my God Arya is a teacher my gosh yeah Professor Arya Professor Arya will you accept this transfer student a hedgehog disguise as a slug I’m I’m a rodent is this the same one I’ve been using CU it’s not no it’s not it’s just darker okay kids today I’ll teach you

How to drink a lot drinking oh boy I drink I drink SL potion I drink soda that count a SL potion uh it’s a ray Cola slug potion collaboration Edition does it turn people into slugs uh 25% chance will be a slug 25% % chance there’ll be a hedgehog

Got yeah gotcha what’s wrong with that nothing nothing there’s nothing wrong with gotas I know I don’t I don’t have a problem with with GES and gambling in this house we could push it to 75% for both how does that work just not have it be 100 just not have it be 100

D trust you trust me I’m a professional no you’re right you’re better at at math than I am yeah I’m a I’m a professional I got this this professional professional it’s crazy idea to draw a slug YouTuber version of the School of Athens 25 is enough I I need to not take

On that task that’s solid it’s okay you know what I had a crackhead idea of making like a vtuber version of the slug mask off for stream then I was like maybe that’s too crackhead that’ll be something all right have it be like customizable like I don’t know my head

Kind of goes crazy with ideas it’s a blessing it’s a blessing and a curse I at least he always has something to do true you know something that you can claim for yourself you know that’s that’s not anyone else but you yeah yeah so isn’t a bad thing there two doors now

[ __ ] it’s open oh wait no it’s not why I thought that was open I’m losing it I’m losing it right I’m I’m losing it I mean there almost time for your bedtime it is almost time for my bedtime I didn’t really take much of a nap either I figured

Yeah I was like this fish probably didn’t nap at all okay so like as soon as I started napping my mom was like hey uh the dinner came cuz we ordered some food and I was like oh okay guess I’ll Parish yeah I was like well I’ll guess I’ll you

Get ready for stream oh man he at least it’s raining so you should be you should be able to fall asleep faster oh the rain does nothing for me oh I love sleeping in the rain I’m like d I’m about to sleep good tonight I was like so exhausted yesterday though that

When my sinuses started acting up and I was struggling to breathe I was just so tired I knocked out oh God I’m like this is great you know I’m so congested right now but I’m so tired did I just knock out beautiful beautiful guys then I woke

Up this morning I woke up early to like try and eat breakfast but I was like so tired I was like I’m going back to sleep I’ll just guess something downtown honestly so valid man I don’t like I said earlier uh I only had half a pot of

Soup and I didn’t eat anything for 7 hours and I had a small medium bowl of cereal and that’s all I ate today you are sick so your appetite’s kind of like dead right yeah yeah I want specific Foods I I don’t want to eat

Rice or if I’m going to eat something I want something that’s like like fing finger food I want finger food like I don’t have to do anything and just pick it up with my hands that’s what I want yeah I wanted french fries for lunch but then I was like I don’t

Know which line to get on in the pizzeria to get french fries so I just got pizza that sounds so sad oh man cuz hear me out hear me out there’s just a pizza line and a soup line so I was like do you go through the soup line or you his pizza

Line that’s a good question and I’m like it feels so awkward asking so I just decided I’ll choose to perish if I was there I would have F so you don’t perish it’s okay I got pizza and it was actually good at least it was good can’t get mad about that then maybe

I should put I already have orange and yellow i s so scary maybe I should go with pink or should I go with brown is a strange thing I could take you to towering Heights or harrowing deaths you know what yeah it’s like when I made my game I was

Like this is fun and then I was like man I am dying I don’t have that many strong Ambitions it’s okay right I’m just here vibing that’s good you could always VI and have a fun time that’s true not everything in life has to be like a big goal or a big

Project you could just chill and live and have fun that’s true it’s not it’s not it’s not anything serious oh man a sound huh what’s oh my gosh the orc is dying no the orc is dying oh my gosh who’s how you are you killing it accidentally I’m not killing it I don’t

Know what was going on what’s going on I need to go over there I [ __ ] stretched when I’m [ __ ] oh oh my gosh I think it couldn’t grab her air no it got it didn’t it didn’t back out to go for air it got stuck underneath no my

God stretching while you’re congested is just you accidentally choking yourself what I did a stretch right but I’m kind of congested and because I was Raising like my head up to like stretch I like lowkey like choked myself I was like oh air isn’t coming anywhere right now um let me stop stretching

I I’ll name a sham just for you SE I’m so cold which is very rare for me I just realiz these are completely different patterns let me change this [ __ ] oh these are lighter I want the dark ones okay I need space there you go okay is there anything Brown that I

Could slap on this you that would be so bad that’ be [ __ ] up dude we honor the fall in here for the most part we still need to make something for a frog we haven’t made a grave for frog yet yeah and that and that thing died like about to be a year

Ago Coco be will cute uh if any more or die this is going to be a very long trip you boor oh man honestly when you go to bed I’m go to bed I was about to say like I’m about to head off yo it’s about

To yeah it’s about to be a I’m dying you’re yeah you should you should get some rest let’s see you know we could figure out brown stuff to put here later I did two more bookcases I’m almost done okay I should probably decorate the floor and put

Some some fencing maybe I should put a table to too so people can drink tea that’ll be fun yeah hello B in I this is all I did today I built this down here from both sides thank you gracias I’m trying to uh theme it by color so

This is going to on the picture frame it’s going to be green stuff and then here’s going to be brown stuff cuz there’s snap something that’s blue that I could put down here cuz it looks too close to Green that is so solid yeah so I’m be putting

Brown yeah this is cute I love the pink uh lanterns yeah I was trying to color code it or make it Opposite it cuz these are blue but this thing is red themed but this is pink this is orange I rename later bra dead yeah my brain was dead I

Don’t know how to name this Library yet okay my my brain’s also dead yeah we’re dead and I need to make a pen somewhere oh [ __ ] I didn’t think I was I didn’t think I was that close oh [ __ ] uh I wasn’t that close to it that’s what a surprised

Where’s I don’t know what I was using Ser the J here it is I’ll put a thing later at least the good thing about us building this crazy stuff is that whenever we do this Cherry bossom Adventure there’s no way we’re not going to be able to find our way

Home you’re right and there’s certain locations that has um like pillars or random offes I put in uh so I marked some places I us don’t know where they’re at now maybe I’ll look into M map making yeah that would be that would be helpful yeah that’ll be really helpful

I’m pretty sure I put the mod so that when we die yeah yeah I have the cemetery mods so we don’t lose our stuff thank God yeah oh man f that would be non seexy that’ll be non seexy but all I know is that where you’re standing I’m going to make a like

A tea time table Wonderland and have like a super long table true I could go somewhere else though oh compasses point to World spawn you see this isn’t our spawn though yeah it’s not we spawned in the [ __ ] Arctic our spawn was like uh in the snow

All the way down there this way past that Village that we took over uh towards that way with the snow this direction and we were in distress and we moved all the way down here Yeah yeah I’m pretty sure there’s a way that you could like change the spawn location but I don’t know how to do that yeah all I know is that after I make my table I need to figure out a way to make little pen for kro and Lou somewhere yeah they might as

Well be in the same house as IUS and Madison I mean they’re the only ones that’ll get along with IAS at least well except for Lou but oh that’s how oh [ __ ] hold on thank you thank you I’m going to set it in the barn house cuz that’s where we have like most

Of our items stored yeah valid like that’s been our temporary home for a while oh I also have teleport uh points that’s another mod yeah I remember those I think we have three right yeah we have three we need to find that other that br big mining shot that was super sexy we

Need to find that [ __ ] again so we could put a Teleport point there that’ll be very helpful I just know is next to a well not next to but I know there’s a a portal there yeah great in a dirt house next to it that’s all I remember

Uh yeah this is great and it’s a good thing that we B out Rand now cuz now random people won’t spawn into our home you’re right cuz that random spawned at the [ __ ] uh they spawned in the middle of nowhere they were probably like damn where are these

People not here [ __ ] not here not here ah I got you oh it’s raining well at least we got a spawn point now this is just our temporary home you know eventually this is just going to be a farmhouse like it was meant to be yeah will The Treehouse be our

House I guess so we have a lot of houses yeah we also have the small one over there that I did and then the train station yeah we got a lot we got a lot we got a lot going on we have options yeah we got a lot of things cooking cooking

Cooking nice Okie doie oh yeah I forgot I did this yeah you put our beds here yeah I made like a little like separate room for our beds it’s cute got nice view of tree in the library and we have a kitchen now what a llama yeah a llama we killed the

Guy we did I know no actually I think he left his llama here maybe I’m not sure think I was crazy enough to like kill him maybe I say this but maybe I was I I don’t know who I was a couple months ago like a year

Ago yeah like a whole year year ago then we have like a lava pit this brings back memories yeah I remember we almost at the house on fire yeah I was I did something wrong it was on fire and Ray was like hey why is it on fire then I started

Screaming Ray responded by screaming yeah and it was just so funny because it was like the most Delayed Reaction I’ve ever seen she was so calm she was like oh why why is there fire I was like like how I tell you man yes that’s how you know if we play

One of those like jumping games will be it be late reaction company will probably be a mess we would you’ll be like hey what’s up like huh played Lethal company I think I’ll scream in any of in I might scream if we ever play the what’s the one

Game it’s your your turn I I don’t think that’s the title the one with the yarn people the yarn people yeah you have to play with another person oh the oh the one I played with Maui no no no no the one you play with the other

Celestia oh it takes two yeah it takes two I think I’ll scream if I play that one like if we play that one I’ll scream if we played better than me but I I don’t know see you’re short and cute thank you but in reality Ray shorter yeah I’m the

Short one yeah ra the short and cute one you can be tall tall and cute yeah I’m tall and cute tall and cute I’m the short one I’m made of legs I’m made of chub leg and chub tub tub oh God oh tub tub you’re just a tub oh my God you know we could go back to this moment in time and make like soap merch for the tub oh my gosh yeah we can make bath bombs oh my God have you actually ever made soap I made soap no I never

Made soap oh dam is fun well it was like liquid soap it was like oil type soap oh no I never made soap in general flow and oils oh my God I made like a vanilla once was good that’s when I was a kid oh [ __ ] no I never did soap oh [ __ ] oh my God trip hello we’re going to be king of the Pirates oh got we got raided by pirate slugs hello pirate slugs from the cosmos oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ly season hello there trips hello there everyone I’m Ray I’m a hedgehog we’re playing Minecraft with

Celestia we were just building our own stuff but how you guys were doing hope you guys had a good stream and everything well well for you I’ll get you both everything on the top six to oh my gosh you’re tall the hi of my dad [ __ ] soap YouTu channels yeah we’re

Going to become like soap YouTube like asmrs we’re going to like make the soap and then we’re going to get like the box cutter Out start cutting it up that’d be great well I hope you have a lovely stream I got to hop off fast so valid

You were talking about one piece oh no wonder you guys just said King of the Pirates so valid hope you guys have a great day I’m kind of sick though so apologies in my uh what’s it called again uh what energy yeah that’s the word and my energy is

Slow this has been fun though hope everyone had a good night so far trip should have a pirate Al that’ be great pirate of the cosmos sea shape soap one I would have to figure that one out we would have to make like a mold like plaster maybe we could we

Could do it based on the things you were sketching out or drawing oh yeah we would have to do it with Clay then we would have to like bake the clay and then we would have to let it dry and then we can make a plaster mold and then we can use

That let me show everyone what I didone know what I got a year wow my God you’re almost you’re almost like to the you’re in six and a half you’re almost up to 1.5 powerful very powerful uh we could use paper clay I don’t know how strong paper clay is

Um I do have regular clay and I have like clay softener and I also have like clay gloss but the clay I have needs to be baked and like I know the thing about baking Clay is that like it releases fumes and stuff and then you have to

Like def fume the oven and I feel like my mom is going to absolutely kill me I think she would yeah she’s GNA kill me guys you guys are not going to back from me she will end your whole career it’s over over so J

J so I may be paper clay would feel good yeah I mean the cooking oven yeah that’s all we have is the cooking oven I was thinking maybe I feel like we would have to get like a separate oven oh like go to the school from like our old college and be

Like may maybe may we use the the materials here o please o please it’s for a very special project I bet they would let us don’t see the problem they would 3D print that’s true we could you know what yeah but then we need to do like a 3D model

And my 3D modeling skills are baby baby here baby baby baby big baby I do want to teach myself how to use block bench which is pretty good yeah I do want to learn 3D modeling that’s definitely one of my goals this year fun time I say it like it’s easy yeah that’s

A big learning curve you’re so it’s so true so valid and I’m already here like learning like 20 million things all the time so true everything I learn has a learning curve cuz I’m all over the place I wake up in the morning and I’m like man I should totally pick up this

New skill and it’s it’s just out of nowhere just honestly so valid man that’s just what makes you you bro yeah the crackhead energy yeah it’s just you being a crack kid respect respect thanks respect praying hands Emoji I hav been teaching myself uh something new but I can’t say what it is

Yet guys gota wait for that one it’s a surprise more surprises surprise more surprises surprises yeah who surprise surprise price price price price price price pron taming that’ll be crazy oh man I don’t think I’m that powerful I don’t think it’ll suit you yeah maybe maybe I could be like a slug

Tamer yeah I was going to say the same thing maybe slugs like I I teach my slugs to like spy on people and like gather Intel oh my God a special force of like of spy trained snails slowly infiltrating the enemy’s home bases would seal letia do that

Then SE letia has seals you know she has the steal Mafia maybe they’re enemies enemies across the Multiverse about save your enemies with yourself yeah never trust yourself wait never trust anyone not even yourself oh God seea is so baby though he is with her seal Mafia and her

Cleaner essentially named cereal the the seal Mafia is just full of baby seals yeah hey man never trust children never trust children dude you know you’re right never trust children never trust children so during my downtime at work I was reading the magical girl racing project visual visual light novel I

Remember this [ __ ] it was like a killing game and like one of them was like the traitor and I was like okay I think this one person like is the traitor and like uh yes and no like yes they were a traitor in the past game but no they’re

Not the traiter in this game I was like well damn who’s the traiter I was like I don’t I don’t know who it is and then like it turned out to be the kid and I’m like you know what I shouldn’t be surprised because the first

Game had a kid as like the crazy person messing everyone up and then the second game has a kid being the traitor never trust kids kids never trust kids look at that sink we know the truth behind children nowadays I I I like the kid in the second novel more I

Felt really bad for her she was really nice she didn’t deserve it oh man he was forced into the R I was like does that mean that se Lea is technically more violent than cuz she has kid seals maybe maybe she’s like a mama seal who protects the baby seals that’s

Cute yeah while the slugs are there like the whole torture dungeon thing so well that’s the ghost one ghost one like has like your souls tra isn’t that the same dungeon well different d i you know I’ll make a war book all I know does that mean that cial

Is technically a parent cuz her and celes you’re the only ones are not like oh my gosh are we parents oh my God in Full Circle it’s like that one doodle you did we were supposed to be plant parents yeah we were supposed to be plant parents I still have that image

Somewhere reminds it when I did the the child making stream with pony oh my God I remember that stream well too yeah only only old people remember that one only old people can’t believe we’re parents to see to baby seals yeah we are does that mean you’re the mom or am I the

Mom that’s a good question who’s wearing the pants I’m the only one wearing pants I guess you’re the dad okay I’m a dad how did you get out what happened maybe it spawned here maybe yeah cereal worse uh pants remember who got custody afterwards you know I like to say I have

Custody cuz you know I remember how many kids we got she doesn’t she doesn’t remember how many children I don’t think so oh my God damn can’t believe I’m a d That’s crazy yeah you’re dad I’m mom at least one version of me is a d crazy crazy [ __ ] crazy crazy get it

Crazy yeah I could be kind of crazy that was crazy once well you were crazy once yeah I was crazy once too your Word I guess this tell we need sleep we’re talking so much [ __ ] we are talking so much [ __ ] oh my God know not my problem yeah oh my gosh alax aot still down there H prob probably I know the Dolphins are dead um they’re not there

Anymore they’re still here oh let me go check them coming 11 yeah I need to go to sleep coming get distracted easily yeah we both do yeah oh the turtles too yeah we’re like those kids where like you could just jingle like keychains in front of their faces and

Like they’ll get so distracted yeah um it happened during the the slug potion tourament went a bit at five I think five or six oh yeah I was like we should go to sleep and then like we never did I never shut up I never shut up and then I was like I’m

I’m so sorry I keep saying we should go to sleep and then I keep initiating conversation and I I know it’s me cuz I did the same with my cousin in PA I was like we should go to sleep and then like I just never shut

Up at the end of the day I was still fine you the one who struggled the most at me yeah I suck like a baby even though she was talking Mega [ __ ] about the blanket um it’s okay though what was I saying about the blanket cuz you had like three

Blankets on you and it was hot as [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah it was summer I didn’t have a air conditioner and you had three thick ass blankets on you yeah and then I was sweating like a [ __ ] but luckily my body temperature cooled down cuz I was the one closest to the [ __ ]

Fan you were I was right next to plushies yeah I was next to the I was closer to the fan so at some point in the middle of the night cuz I was also my PJs weren’t that long but they also weren’t that short but they were thin

Materials I got cold and then like got bit of the blanket and she talking start talking Mega [ __ ] oh yeah I just started talking [ __ ] I was like oh now you want my blankets now you want my blankets I’m like sure did take K to sure did

Ma’am yeah my room gets like really hot in the middle of the night yeah yeah if the fan is on you’re fine the Fan’s not on I think we would have died I I was already Mega hot I was already swe that we were like dying when we were doing the tournament

Because my PC was like running we had four monitors was barely working yeah we had like four monitors the fan was on but it wasn’t doing anything we were dying what was saving us what saved us back then it was a Starbucks drinks that I got yeah other than that I no

Oh it was hot and you told me the largest cup wasn’t going to help I knew what I was doing you know what you were doing and I knew what I was doing in bed doesn’t sound right how are going to start the stream when I’m saying [ __ ] and now you’re saying

This you’re right yeah that’s how that’s how you know we’re tired I’m sorry I need to go I need to go things I’m saying should not be heard we’re too gay yeah oh boy I’m sleep deprived this is the rambles of a sleep deprived woman who has to wake up at 6 for

Work I’m just a sick woman I am a sick sick sick lady Okie doie go to just chatting there oh bye-bye no you are not bye-bye yeah not bye-bye yet but bye-bye I just connect I’m off I’m off who shall we raid they’re about to get a nice fat raid from us

Are who’s going to be smooched by our support the only one I know of is whims yeah you want to keep the slug train sure I’ve I already GRE accustomed to the SL trade cuz I always just raid slugs I’m being converted you are being converted you’re you’re You’re The

Unofficial SE SL YouTuber oh my God yeah we’re going to r r oh my gosh I can’t speak know what happened there we’re going to raid whims yeah they’re playing lethal company they are they’re doing a suon yeah you know what’s funny um earlier I

Was trying to give you a shout out but I almost put R oh [ __ ] you’re you were here too are you you you you were part of the kings of the Pirates I see what you were doing here you are here too hello there AR you

So did you took part of my deal are you going to fall into temptation there’s something wrong with doing that Temptation there’s something wrong with that just so you know I started to raid so I’m out that’s so M we’re going to R another SLE suck

For you totally am [ __ ] you hear that he’s tempted he’s tempted he’s working H it’s working Temptation I have a new end screen you guys get to see the new end screen oh she does so cute don’t yeah we’re going to raid to whims well she’s raiding first win yes

Yeah I’m going raid in a bit yes finally Temptation I won the other version of me would be so pleased terrible yeah you’re totally not already there Arya you’re right now you’re going to raid whims more sea slugs woo bark bark whims bark bark at her bark

Bark bark bark bark can’t wait to see my Temptation come in flourish next time I’m excited to see that Arya can’t wait going to make me more powerful by making her money terrible do not fall into Temptations they don’t know yet anyways byebye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

Bye bye bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft ♡ We Are In The Mines @Sealestia ♡’, was uploaded by aPeacefulSin on 2024-01-10 19:02:09. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:37 or 8077 seconds.

Our brains sync up to return to the hive mine deep within the mines

Don’t forget to also check out my bestie Sealestia!: https://twitter.com/SeaSlugWitch

»»————- ♡ ————-«« »»————- ♡ ————-«« »»————- ♡ ————-««

Follow me on ↴ Twitch ♡ https://www.twitch.tv/apeacefulsin Twitter ♡ https://twitter.com/aPeacefulSin Tiktok ♡ https://www.tiktok.com/@apeacefulsin

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RULES! ♡ No Politics! ♡ No Racist or Offense Comments! ♡ Please respect one another in the chat! ♡ Streams are 18+ due to Profanity rlly, Please no minors! ♡ Please don’t ask me for requests If im drawing! ( I’ll only take requests when I personally state i’ll be taking them! Not FCFS!! )

♡ PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T MAKE SEXUAL COMMENTS !! Especially towards me or the ppl I collab with!

♡ Do NOT put me down or my friends/collab partners to try and paint the other individual as more superior or cuter or whatever. Doing so after getting warned would get your banned idc. i am TIRED.

♡ PLEASE do not joke or often make comments about my skill lvl in games, I do not find them funny and it will infact make me cry :’ ). Doing so despite getting warned will get you banned!

♡ No Trauma Dumping or Making uncomfortable complaints! ♡ Pls Follow Twitch/Youtube TOS

»»————- ♡ ————-«« »»————- ♡ ————-«« »»————- ♡ ————-««

♡ Main Model Art + Rigg + Plushy Model + Normal Intro/Outro Screen + Angy / Hope Ray Emote, + Raycola + VampyRay Model Art / Design / Rig + Vampy Ray Icon + Kindle 3D Asset: Sealestia ( https://twitter.com/SeaSlugWitch )

♡ BGM Music Mix (Used Sometimes!): NYCZombie ( https://soundcloud.com/user-515452037 )

♡ Normal Intro / Outro / BRB / Gaming / Chatting BGM Music : Yuu Adams

♡ Stream Layout Graphics/ Schedule + Panel Art + Emotes + Cereal Box + VampyRay Stream Overlays + VampyRay Ending Screen + Reactive Discord Gif + Sonic Themed Overlays + SonicRay Ending / Starting Screens + Sonic Model Art / Rig +Ray n Friends Gif + Channel Sub Badges + SonicRay Alerts : Done By ME

♡ Hedgehog Form Design / Art + VampyRay Static PNGtuber : Omi ( https://twitter.com/ciirome )

♡ ChatBox Code: Chroneco https://twitter.com/chrone_co?s=11&t=iXZgTUb3-XZr9h0cNm0Bqg

♡ Snow Asset: Freya Amari ( https://ko-fi.com/freyaamari ) ♡ Christmas BGMs: Opening/EndingBGM – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play17779.html ) Gaming/JustChattingBGM – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play15749.html )

♡ Ray Hungy Edit: Bunny ( https://www.twitch.tv/platinum_rabbit )

♡ Vampy Ray BGMs: Ending Screen BGM – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play12290.html ) Starting Screen BGM – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play11575.html ) Gaming / Just Chatting Screens BGM – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play14563.html )

♡ Static Ray PNG Reactive: Box – ( https://www.twitch.tv/juusubokkusu )

♡ It’s Nothing Gif: Seed – ( https://twitter.com/seedenco )

♡ SonicRay BGMS: Opening / Ending Screen – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play9344.html ) Gaming / Just Chatting Screen – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play16734.html ) Ray & Friends Ending Screen – ( https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play4594.html )

♡ Pixel Ray Model: BlubbrMuffins – ( https://twitter.com/BlubbrMuffins )

♡ Hearts, Chancla, and Sonic Ice Cream 3D Assets: DariRuuPom – ( https://twitter.com/DariRuuPom )

♡ Vampy Ray Pixel Alert/Icon: Fivey – ( https://twitter.com/TheUnhanded )

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I SWEAR I’ll do a proper google docs for all my credits lmao… later tho :’ )

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♡ Donations / Tips! – https://streamlabs.com/apeacefulsin1/tip

♡ Donations aren’t necessary, but if you do decide to donate, a big thank you to you!! Anything would be greatly appreciated!

♡ By donating you agree that you will not file a charge back. All donations are final and non-refundable.

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  • RELAXING Minecraft: Building EPIC Mage Tower!

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  • ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    ULTIMATE Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information s ding welcome back to another s lad stream I’m getting the music s lad what are we doing today today we’re playing Minecraft and that’s it what nice guys actually you forgot there’s a gimmick we’re on Hardcore so if we die it’s just like real life oh no dang it but don’t worry guys I’m the strongest server on this SMP so no you’re the strongest server on this SMP you’re not the oh strongest player on this smv so don’t worry yeah yeah what’s up we got wait guys I’m going try to do a… Read More

  • Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥

    Gyld is BACK! Insane PVP on GriefTool! 🔥🔥Video Information так ну в общем Ребятки всем Здорово С вами я наверно первый видосик За столь большой промежуток времени я решил записать всего именно на гриф наверное хочу поиграть сейчас на гриф немножко поснимать тут как бы попробовать тут но много людей которые играют нормальных ну всё короче ребят погнали получается сейчас получается тут р в чат Пит какой там РП Это скорее всего сейчас будет закрытый Мне кажется я уверен Ну как бы да как бы вот тут у нас тропа челика убьём я лук не взял да О гень я взял Стрелы но я не взял лук… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Skyblock with ZOONOMALY MONSTERS! 🤯Video Information hi it’s TV and today we’re doing a very ordinary Sky Block oh but what about that guy what guy what is that honeycom I have no idea what that is uh how do we get out of here uh well I I mean we just have to play Sky Block and uh he’ll stay over there yeah yeah I mean it’s not like it can come closer or anything like that so I think we’ll be safe wait what’s he doing wait what no no he’s building towards us he’s evolving he’s EV he’s building towards us… Read More

  • Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2

    Ultimate Crop Farming Trick in Minecraft PT5 | TRS2Video Information [Applause] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] uh h [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h ER rs2 says here [Music] [Music] h huh h This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT5 | Building crop farm | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-05 12:37:55. It has garnered 8 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:39 or 219 seconds. Next EP gonna get the Ender Dragon! =================================== 📦Resource Packs: 🏞Complementary Shader Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders 🥊Armor gloves Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/armor-gloves Enjoy…!! =================================== ➕Follow Me: 📱TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@trs2yt 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trs2yt 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRS2YT Enjoy…!! =================================== #trs2 #minecraft #survival #villager #farm #smp Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Joaquin – You won’t believe it!

    Minecraft Madness with Joaquin - You won't believe it!Video Information oh my goodness oh my God oh my goodness oh my god oh where did I put that torch right here how did I do that okay I suppose y’all okay so I suppose anyone who’s in this stream right now has read the title and we’re just going to uh play some Minecraft yeah so I have a couple little goals in mind for today’s stream in this Minecraft world um first thing I need to do is I need to gain the Cobblestone just like the amount of cobblestone to build a mob farm one of… Read More

  • SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!

    SWAG LEGEND dominates Minecraft world!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MY MY WORLD 😍 IN MINECRAFT 😎 #1’, was uploaded by SWAG LEGEND on 2023-12-26 12:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #viral #minecraft #games MY MY WORLD IN MINECRAFT The “About Me” Gaming Channel “I’m just your … Read More

  • Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraft

    Saving My Dog with Epic Revenge 🐶🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving My Dog and Take Revenge 😔 #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts #memes #music’, was uploaded by Smaze King on 2024-05-04 16:30:02. It has garnered 49158 views and 1580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. For More Amazing Videos. Also Thanks for Watching. Inspired from! @SB737 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GameBeatYT @GamerFleet @dream Tagss. #PUBG gaming #gaming #fast gaming#best gaming #pubg mobile #mobile gaming#eyeshot master #revenge#pubg king#top kills # minecraft #gta 5 #ipad gaming #ipad 9gen#ipad 8gen #android gaming#clutch gaming#1v4 game #pubg pro player#pc pubg #shooting games #fighting games#killing games#fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft IQ – Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft IQ - Trapping Experts Exposed!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cytech Gamerz on 2024-01-14 07:30:00. It has garnered 5664 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft: Traps at Different -69999 iq (Worlds Smallest Violin) 🤔 RELATED QUERIES:- world’s smallest violin minecraft the smallest violin in the world world’s smallest violin minecraft sounds world’s smallest violin 1 hour minecraft are you a fast talker test world’s smallest violin twi shorts singing world’s smallest violin world’s smallest violin on violin minecraft most dangerous trap i blow… Read More

  • OneCraft Semi-Vanilla Survival Java 1.2.5 Nostalgic Economy Old Version

    Welcome to AlphaCraft! Join our nostalgic survival server running on Java 1.2.5. Use the /register command and start playing today! Server Details: IP: oc.alphacraft.fun:25575 Discord: Join us on Discord Website: alphacraft.fun Version: 1.2.5 Read More

  • ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING

    ContinentalMC | Earth, Movecraft, Towny, Wars, Custom Content & More! | RESETTING-=ContinentalMC=-With a 1:500 Scale map of the Earth, in Minecraft!We are a small, but growing server! We’d love to have you with us!Some of our features include:Custom items: Grappling hooks, Grenades, Custom Recipes, Custom materials, Custom Textures & More!Movecraft: Create your own moving ships and aircraft!Economy! Create shops to sell items, and play the server to gain in-game money!Vehicles: Craft small, but quick planes!Towns & Nations! With the ability to make them completely neutral!Wars (Economy only! No losing your builds!)Capture-Zones with hourly materials!Machines & Factories! Automate material production, Crafting & More!Partial Keep-Inventory, Keep your Tools & Armor, but lose resources!Limited… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Swamp Wood Heist!

    Looks like this meme is branching out into new territories with that high score! Read More

  • Hot Wi-Fi Door Physics in Minecraft 😂

    Hot Wi-Fi Door Physics in Minecraft 😂 “Why does the physics door have better Wi-Fi than my actual house? I guess even Minecraft knows the struggle of bad internet connection!” 😂 #firstworldproblems #minecraftwifi Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • 10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas!

    10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas! Les 10 Commandes Puissantes de Minecraft 2024 Dans cette vidéo, tu vas découvrir 10 commandes très peu connues mais vraiment puissantes. Il est fort probable que tu ne connaisses pas ces 10 commandes, alors n’hésite pas à partager ton score sur 10 dans les commentaires à la fin de la vidéo. Commençons sans plus tarder avec le numéro 10. Numéro 10 – Commande de Décoration Cette commande ajoute des décorations lorsque tu tires avec un arc. En activant la commande, il te suffira de prendre un arc et de tirer une flèche. Tu verras une trainée stylée derrière la… Read More