Unbelievable! Exploring Strange Temple in Minecraft Modpack

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Hey everybody how you doing today I’m back with more of this Minecraft Nightmare that I’ve thrown myself into how are yall doing today and I’ve done some work in the background and I managed to find nether fortress finally turns out that I was basically walking in circles and I didn’t find it until

You know something or other also the map in the nether doesn’t actually work it’s just this excuse me so it’s literally worthless it’s awesome hey Jordan how are you doing what kind of pickles are we talking sweet pickles dill pickles dill pickles slices are we talking those gas

Station pickles that for some reason are absolutely amazing but are also dill pickles so I don’t know if they’re in the same category as the other dill pickles you gota I got to have explanation here I also found this hey budy get out of my way there’s a there’s a blaze Spawner in

There and an angry Blaze they react so quickly to my existence it it bothers me to no end they’re just like preparing Firefly get off me dude back oh I’m beating you down with food that’s probably why it’s taking so long huh oh that’s a pit to

Death I’ve been playing for like two seconds and I’ve already nearly walked into five deaths I don’t want that that’s garbage that’s lava these are plants or something I don’t know oh hey big guy can you not I walked into fire why does everything have to be on

Fire I I I don’t have you had the gas station pickles the ones that come in the bags like the individually packaged ones that are like like in a they’re in a bag like this and they’re huge I don’t know like I used to have those every once in

A while they were always really freaking good and the ones I get from the jars at the store and stuff like that are never as good to me I don’t know maybe maybe I have trash taste we’ll never know why is my thing muted no stop oh I hit

Him you don’t eat pickles then why are you talking about pickles and before I do anything stupid with the time I have for the stream tonight I’m going to meet medely go into this weird Temple that I found I don’t know what it is I don’t know

What’s going on with it I built Pathways off the top of its roof and I haven’t explored any of it really I kind of tempted to just take it over but it’s huge like absolutely massive and I’m super tempted to just like find a way inside here

To hopefully get some cool stuff out of it oh my God please don’t fall fall don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall oh my God and that is I’m I’m just going to I’m I’m going inside so it looks like inside on the top layer is just a wall just

Sealed I fair enough I guess I I’ve never been the biggest fan of most pickles I’ll be honest but I do like like the gas station ones and I like sweet pickles sweet pickles have always been good to me I could live in here and then I could repurpose the

Materials that I’m stealing right now to to just have a better situation in general in the nether where I am currently at in this completely unsafe Place hey uh Freddy’s just open near me and the family decided to try it and a really good and amazing black bean

Burger and beet burgers are really good too how dare you eat a non meat burger no I’m kidding um that sounds interesting if nothing else I think I’ve heard of that chain before that is a hole in a ceiling I’m going to keep the good materials that I’m collecting I don’t like

This I don’t appreciate the critters doing Critter things like this down here I’m I’m going take the damage hopefully nothing bad happens there’s a whole lot of nothing going on here however you know as I was saying before I I I guess I guess it’s mine

Now oh I hear a gas out there somewhere doing gas things I I hate Ghasts did I mention that I don’t like Ghasts Gs are awful especially here I’ve only seen a handful of them and every time I’ve seen them they’ve caused me harm one time destroying a large portion

Of one of my structures and it made me sad I like how these doors are just like this yellowish color oh I can go down in here there’s a staircase dropper a dropper a dropper that’s an Observer trap dispenser dropper dispenser dropper bed that I should definitely not

Touch because it will explode good veggie burger is better than regular burger for you sometimes that’s fair no I was just being obnoxious I was not serious at all with that I don’t don’t care you you eat whatever you want to eat that’s on you

Um I’m personally just not a fan of them but there are some that I’d probably eat and the ones that are made out of like uh black beans and stuff like that are probably something that I would definitely eat I really like like beans in general are something I like but the

Ones that are made out of like beets and stuff like that probably wouldn’t be my thing I don’t trust that Observer I’m going to be straight with you I don’t trust that Observer that Observer is there anything value with this oh I can use both of those

Nice so you can have the Observer I just don’t want it to do some weird Observer things and cause me harm oh no oh no oh that’s on you love to try a vegan food truck but I haven’t I’d have to go that Zach or else it would never happen

But why will he not he not even willing to give it a shot I’m not playing this game you you are not getting me with one of these oh is there like a pathway it’s a Maddie it’s a wild Maddie Maddie help what it’s an arrow nothing why does this area sound so

Terrifying Maddie help MD you need to carry me here oh man it’s a good thing they have no ammo I don’t this isn’t this isn’t even a pathway is it it it looks hold on be it well I wasted all the ammo that it had and I’ll never have a want for traps

Again better attention would be my my guesstimation is this just a huge trapped structure of Doom and suffering cuz I don’t like it I took so many arrows in that barrage that I managed to pull four poison arrows and nine regular arrows out of getting shot

Okay oh one thing I didn’t show you guys that I found there’s apparently ghost peppers in the nether now and I love it I don’t like Mayo either Mayo’s gross wait why do I only have three pressure plates what the heck did I not collect any of those

Other ones somehow what happened with that what did they not exist I don’t know what those those are are good for so I’m going to I’m disintegrate them into void goop something I don’t I don’t know also I I feel like this is very oh never mind there’s the rest of

Them this is very well trapped if the that that makes any sense to anybody which makes me terrified that horrible things are going to happen to me in the near future I don’t like it you know I kind of want the poison Aras you can have the regular ones I

Just destroyed your your oh also another good thing about this is I don’t ever have to make dispensers and stuff again I can just steal them from here should I I’m so scared oh I see how it works yeah I’m not playing your game I’m not stop playing your game I

Have too much to lose I’m not doing that oh my an observer huh yeah just keep me across give me across a dropper I guess that a DEC um I’m I don’t like it I don’t know what’s happening here but I definitely don’t like it I don’t trust The Observers I I I

Know they’re just up there in what seems like a weird spot because they only the line of sight but they could do all sorts of scary things if I’m not paying attention this place is a lot bigger than I gave it credit for cholesterol levels will be fun H wait what

Mayo stick of butter with to uh compound wait wait some butter stick taco seasoning I mean they deep fry butter humanity is already fallen we deep fry butter there’s not we can’t go much lower that’s a skull what is in here iron iron and a Nether wart I don’t

Need what is this place everything’s so bright too oh so that’s a block of emerald but I’m scared okay no it’s fine never mind I’m just being paranoid now because there are literally traps everywhere Al so this is actually a really really good room to to do exactly

What they were they had set up down here so I’m going to go ahead and do that give me a give me a campfire heck yeah put it right here I’ll put it right there by that Barrel that they put down here never mind I’ll move the barrel

Over here because I I feel like the barrel needs to go where I want it to be now because I live here now somehow maybe a little bit Land of the Free of high blood Pressure sometimes you just need a whole stick of butter and you need it to be deep fried and really really bad oil it’s the only way to know for sure that it’s good stick of butter anyone tell tells you otherwise they’re lying they don’t know anything about butter don’t listen to

Them butter needs to be buttered and then you butter that butter and then that butter becomes even more buttery and then you know that’s perfect that’s no that’s that’s a that’s a what are these you can’t tell me no this is suspicious all heck I’m not I’m not giving it the

Opportunity it’s got good stuff in it they’re scaring me guys they’re genuinely scaring me I don’t oh my God why why why why is it got to be a stone sword why could this be at least Diamond at least with diamond I could fuse it that would have been so good I’ve been

Needing Ming so bad and the one time I find Ming it’s on a freaking garbage stone sword I feel so betrayed I I literally don’t even need that sticky pistols door oh you know that makes sense that makes a lot of sense they all have a lava bucket in

Them go away harri I’m I’m busy being paranoid leave me alone okay thank you I could go hard and just start wrecking all these they tried to play me got it oh man and I would have opened this with my inventory being as trashed as it

Is that would have been awful you have your paintings back I don’t want your painting you have these mushrooms you I have these pressure plates I will never use even though I have another 64 stack of them you have this one block of crimson plank that I

For some reason keep keeping in my inventory and I’ll take all your valuables what did I just tell never mind I wonder if there’s more stuff like this just hidden around here like maybe over there it Spooks me though I don’t like this what I’m sorry guys my paranoia is getting to

Me I’m lost in my own little world there has to be something over here Note Block for I don’t I don’t I I’m I I guess I just destroyed the mechanism for this yeah okay that makes sense never mind I’m over here just being confused well that’s not what I wanted I

Was I was trying to move those out of the way hold on and that is so freaking bright I can’t see anything love it love it I’m blind lava blinding lava too bright and what garbage can I throw out of my inventory to save me some space bone block is unnecessary you know

What I don’t need those Redstone repeaters I am too lazy to get involved with redstone 90% of the time that’s fine and I don’t need these I gu we found everything of value down here maybe by which I mean I have no idea there’s probably a million a

Bajillion million things down here and I don’t know where any of them are but I want to raid the um the nether fortress I found so I’m going to move overid of that this Spooks me I hate this maybe I should fall into the lava at some point just give myself fire resistance

And then fall in the lava cuz if I do that if I fall in the lava with fire resistance maybe there’s something hidden down there too because that would make sense like from a Minecraft perspective obviously people know they can get immunity to Lava so hiding stuff

Down there would make a heck of a lot of sense right oh that’s how that works oh there’s another layer to it as well and see the second layer that’s kind of nuts the amount of free stuff I can steal from here though is absolutely insane I could repurpose this whole

Thing look how there’s a bed here it’s just like a taunt it’s there so that you’re you’re guaranteed to die Jordan you got to eat skeleton what the heck kind of bar was that was that a butter bar I’m going to go ahead and deconstruct this and now I need

To somehow build back up to here I guess Cho Herer wake up Dogg wake up puppy I can’t reach it it All Is Lost we’re stuck down here forever now oh I was like dead on with this one ow my leg that’ll that’ll do get rid of that it’s not pretty it’s

Not fancy but it’ll work that’s all that matters it just needs to work so we can get back up to the I I messed it up still not pretty but you know it works that’s all that matters ah the safety of the outside staircase totally perfect so if I

Remember right the nether fortress was over here so I’m I’m very interested to see what I’ll find over there and those CR there’s some really loud weird looking like demon stylized Critters I hate and they breathe fire and stuff and I and I hate them did I mention I hate them

They’re awful they’re very difficult to deal with they have like 60 Health a decent bit of armor and they’re they’re they have like this invulnerability phase while they’re breathing fire and I hate it what the heck is going on over there oh is that another like uh Outpost that’s another piglin

Outpost connected to no wait actually that might be part of the Fortress I don’t know all I know is I’m in a fortress there’s a bunch of stuff going on that bridge is clearly part of the Fortress over there and I made this so now we actually

Have a stop off point in case anything terrible happens I can put all my valuables in here and not die a horrible death oh put the flesh plunderer away I’m not sure why I’m carrying this around I haven’t used it in Forever um I wonder I wonder if that applies for any

Of the Spore additions or items if that makes any sense because I’ve been having a lot of trouble collecting like the materials for upgrades I’m keeping that in there because I don’t know if I can rip the enchants off of it to actually do anything with that if I can rip the

Enchants off that thing oh oh man are we in business we are in business big time if I can rip those enchants off of that because that means any valuable enchants that I find on items can just be yed and then put on something that’s actually

Valuable because 90% of the time when I find heavy heavily Enchanted equipment it’s something like that where it’s a freaking stone sword or something and it just like well that’s garbage oh this is cool you spooked me bro you need to not do that is that the regular stalactites oh no that’s Redstone

Interesting I love this blue biome that’s in the nether now though it just hanging ear light fruit what the heck is hanging Earl light fruit like I see those things and they glow but I don’t know if they do anything past that don’t leave me alone ow

Trying to protect myself and there’s a blaze shooting me from 60 mil off oh my God that’s huge yeah give me that bread oh I’ll eat that bread that’s fine that’s good bread hey buddy can you not get to me cuz you’re three blocks tall must suck being a Wither all

Right hey how are you you’re not you’re not you’re not that tall get off me leave me alone all right um you know what you all want to play play freaking obnoxious we’ll play obnoxious I’ll be immune to fire it’s fine there’s a lot of you down there but

I need to go this way hi buddy stop touching me leave me alone I mean the crap beat out of me from all sides what’s going on here stop following me at least the wither skeletons are super easy to deal with I think that’s one of the biggest issues that I thought

I was going to have was Wither Skeleton just absolutely destroying me at every interval there’s a whole another mess going on up here and the blaz is apparently are tracking me through walls or something I’m sorry buddy you scared me you popped around a corner I did not

Mean I did not mean to do that I feel bad now am I going to have to build like a fortress every time I want to loot one thing back off what’s going on here oh no that’s the zombie pigman I didn’t do it they they tricked me I was

Tricked leave me alone why oh my god get get out of here get scadal leave me alone why are there so many of you how am I supposed to build a fortress if you all keep jumping up here stop leave me alone leave me alone

Leave me alone I need to heal I need to heal healing heal kit back back fiends all right well looks like it was fine never mind I’m I’m withered again why did I slap them cuz they looked at me funny there’s nothing I could do they looked at me funny the law

Of the land is that once I look at once they look at me funny I have to slap them there is no mercy this is like the worst spawn possible I can’t I can use that bread that bread is delicious looking bread hey I got a skull that’s a positive that’s a net

Positive that’s progress I just like how the moment that I jumped into this place it went absolutely bonkers I’m I’m out of I’m out of blocks man it’s a good thing all this stuff I got is fireproof right can can you not can you leave me alone can you stop oh

Man where am where where are these Al so I heard something doing weird gross noises and I don’t appreciate it I I step outside this little like wall I built for 2 seconds and my life is apparently forfeit all right I I live here now we we will no longer progress our way

Through real this reality we will just simply live in this one hole until we inevitably starve to death that’s that’s the extent of what I feel like I can survive with here this is now this is now my storage chest that’s a regular stone sword I don’t need that uh

And I need to pull this off give it a good old open inflict weakness experience gain base health and hunger reduction now that’s fantastic we’re even more powerful than we were before also our helmet’s about to break in 20 hits so I’m going to go ahead and make a new one I

Guess we go make the chicken nuggets why not you gotta you got to eat the food stuff what is this okay 10 minutes I finally cleared up one of those inventory slots that I was wasting on things like that let’s see I need a hat that is not what I needed to do

There we go that’s how you make a hat you just put things in an upside down U shape and then all your problems are resolved that’s perfect I got 70 hits left on that I’m just going to have a chunk piece of armor in here I guess I’ve been bleeding sanity as well

Which is fantastic for my survival hey stop I leave one hole in my roof and they go straight through it dicks I guess I’ll fix it with that there we go now now we have the thing Bobble that we need and I’m going to set a campfire

In here too is one of them trying to like dig in here did they have that capability is there something in the nether that has that capability cuz from what I’ve seen so far I haven’t had to deal with that and I’ve been grateful that I haven’t

Had to deal with that but if something’s capable of digging in here they need to tell me now I need to know I need to be aware of that that’s that that that’s spooking me they need to stop screwing around in the corner or something like that and at

Least let me know that they’re trying to cheese their way into my my home my Abode put this back the sword I might actually use that stone sword just because it has mending on it you got to make the chicken nuggets though chicken nuggies save me a spot

There I’ve had so much trouble in this mod managing my inventory and the only reason I mean it’s not like I couldn’t cheese it like I could run around with like 50 backpacks and be fine but I don’t want to do that and it’s not like oh man I

Don’t like running around with multiple backpacks just I I don’t I don’t want to have like 40 different inventories to go through these blazes are kind of cheesy I’m going to be honest they see me through walls and they light literally everything on fire all right well I guess I brought

These potions for a reason right and I’m withered again did I get a another stone sword on that I did it has one durability that’s how you know it’s a good one the the the crappiest part like the actual crappiest part of this particular Fortress is the fact that it

Spawn the way it did so that everything’s like ground level like everything’s at like ground level which means that the mobs don’t have any trouble traversing anything they can easily get wherever they want to go without my say so does everything have to be on fire back back

Fiend oh nice nearby allies are granted regeneration three wait does that apply to me I know I know you’re trying to beat me up stop backpack speak of the inventory slots and you shall receive oh it does I have permanent regeneration three now how busted is that I’m literally a

Paladin I’m an aura I’m an aura fiend uh you know this one will work this position will work there we go that’ll stop wither skeletons but I I don’t really care about anything else this is the wither skeletons that are problematic can I have like light of some kind please please please please

Please game game let me put torches down please so I’m not going completely insane up here is this sealed is this this this is not sealed there there are many many holes in this oh my God why you do this I can lay here you know what you know what let’s go

Down where’d you come from big guy leave me alone I’m going to take care of that we’ll put a campfire right here and I guess Man Fire immunity right now is really helping me out take that my contact is drying out for some reason Rose Stop bad contact hey buddy you’re stuck over

There H and now we open this up and we put that tarot card inside so that it doesn’t eat more inventory space and we’re practically unkillable with half decent armor that is a busted like upgrade that’s understandable he’s screaming at you I’m screaming the baby’s screaming Jordan’s screaming there’s mayonnaise on the wall

You know it’s it’s a normal day what the heck do you want dog you know you just wag your tail huh I saw that b chocolate chocolate choc sorry I have to harass the dog as I sit here and I wait impatiently for my stamina to Regan well not my stamina my

Sanity same thing basically honestly I can’t believe I only took 19 hits though and let’s go ahead and start throwing away garbage I don’t know why I’m getting feathers in the nether forch traveler backpack control oh it has no of anything it have no anything the of does and let’s put those in

There the that can go in there and that can go in there you know what maybe I’ll carry around like three of these I don’t know what that’s good for but I have it and it’s mine now correct nether brick I think I’m going to keep the

Extra backpack like in the back corner here and let’s do I don’t know why I’m carrying that around I don’t need that unless I’m going to run around on a on a Strider this is my extra sword for stuff and things rotten flesh bone meal uh extra campfire that this stone sword is

Probably going to be thrown into Oblivion here yeah have fun time bye and this can go here and there we have it look at that clean inventory cleaner inventory I should say I’m being beeped it’s time okay shoots me as soon as it gets like line of sight love

It that’s absolutely awful man like straight up that’s terrible it’s so so annoying like out of everything in the game to give the this like detection thing that they have on it it’s those they give it to those they give it to the blazes I I get I get beamed by

Everything and they’re the worst of it because they fire a barrage of mini Fireballs at me I have enough problems with that all right that’s taken care of sorry about that the only other thing I could think to do actually I won’t need to eat nearly

As much food now I just got two really synergistic um upgrades one food consumption is down 25% so that means I need 25% less food to heal per half heart and then we got the rean 3 buff which apparently applies to me meaning that I don’t really need to eat food that often

Anymore and all I really need now is mending on a really good set of armor and I should be practically Immortal I think that might have solved like all of our problems that re 3 one’s kind of busted I’m going to be honest like out of everything that’s probably

The most powerful one that I have ever seen in this at least so far I don’t know like I could use any kind of equipment that I want and as long as it’s decently Enchanted I don’t think most things would be able to kill me I don’t think

Hardly anything would be able to kill me oh there’s fire over there no wonder I was burning I should probably stop that being on fire not good yeah even if I don’t have any like food even if I’m not even if I haven’t eaten what the heck is

This whistle cane so it’s basically the uh stop leave me Alone I’m going to climb up here with no regard for my own safety D I’m going to steal these things that’s a garbage bow I can work with that though you know we can we can actually work with this cuz I can now start storing these properly and since

Every one of these counts as a crafting table as well I mean I don’t have to worry about not having inventory space as much I don’t know why I haven’t been running around with multiple of these hey it’s the blaze spawner I’m immune to like 90% of what you guys

Do I hope you enjoy being stabed what am I doing I’m using the wrong sword I only got one Blaze Rod because of that you guys don’t want to spawn there you go oh no come back and now we have eight blaze rods because the sword’s actually kind

Of busted the only problem is it doesn’t I don’t know how to repair it if I could repair it I’d be in good shape I don’t know what it’s from oh it’s from the tenebrous lands how do I repair it then spawn spawn for me Spawn so I may

Smite thee hey don’t spawn on top of me jerk I will take those I needed exactly 10 to unlock this so I’ve got that I discovered the Bastion remnants I need to go to the soul blacksmith and then I need to destroy the netherite monstrosity but other than that there’s

Just defeating the Wither the burning Arena and defeat ignis and then after that I don’t know that might be the end of no never mind there’s a chapter three oh yeah for I don’t really need to farm a disgusting amount of these let’s see I’ve got 17 should I go for a

Stack maybe I should go for a stack that stack might be good stack might be excellent what is that going on over there I can’t tell what anything is anymore it’s all nightmares will that stay is that far enough away so there’s been one major problem when it comes to spawners for me

And that’s that they um hold on got to get rid of that fire the fact that they um destroy torches and I haven’t been able to figure a good way around that I don’t know if maybe other light blocks work or not but um you know what 20 is enough for

Now but yeah as you can imagine it creates some problems yeah come here guys come come come here come here to this unfinished platform bye now put a light that’s a skeleton that’s a good old hey buddy oh this is a way up I can work with

That yeah yeah yeah I know you’re a scary zombie pig man just eating my stamina not my stamina my sanity my Stam should I should just loot like this what is that other side we’re going to make a jukebox someone create a note for me or

Something someone let me know I need to make a jukebox I need that another ancient manuscript that I don’t know what to do with this just does it thing I guess I don’t know we got a huge amount of like progress and stuff that we can do now though like I’m actually getting

Somewhere unlike all the rest of the garbage where I was just stuck for like two streams not knowing what the heck was happening I don’t know how I expected to figure out what was happening tell you the truth cuz it was all just like Shenanigans okay this just leads deeper

In how’s my fire Shield two minutes this is why I always extend them because that two minutes that that extra that extra few minutes that you get just from extending things like that lasts a heck of a long time and it’s very very helpful for like just making progress look at that look

How many of them are over there dude this place is huge like it’s absolutely disgustingly massive why is it so big I’m not mad about it not at all just like it’s absolutely insane okay bye you fall now leave me alone oh hi jump oh whoa holy crap and there’s so many of

Y’all can y’ all stop can you like stop spawning or something or you know I’d appreciate that I’m immune to fire I’m immune in F woo you all stop stop actually you know why am I doing that this is my this is my my like my money sword I don’t know why I haven’t been taking more advantage of it disappointment though that I if if it keeps going this way and I can’t find

Mending I’ll never be able to use this sword again okay I I saw something there was a big platform somewhere I’m going to have to down another potion here in a minute I better be careful with what I’m doing yeah I can be caught on fire now dise disas red

Stone not disease Simply Red Stone I’m climbing up up up up and away where where is the loot though give me the things give me the objects of power give me some really disgustingly over Enchanted gear I’ve been here a i Looper dude oh okay I can work with that I’m

Way back here but I need to do I need to go up there should I go up there I guess this means we can just take a rest here that’s good regain regain my brain juice you know absorb absorb some sanity from the campfire constantly regenerate disgusting amounts of

HP it’s so much so much garbage man so much gar can I do three no I can’t it’s only one at a time I don’t I just I don’t want that to waste inventory slots so far 27 blaze rods 239 I’m breaking one I’m going to

Have to like upgrade my uh my enchanting table or something like that when we get back that’s like the only thing I can think of to make this last a little bit longer and we don’t have enough like anything at the moment I came in here really well prepared like I

Legitimately came in here super well prepared earlier it’s just not you know and and this this is one other thing that I totally didn’t think about when I was when I got this regeneration effect this negatively affects my ability to maintain my sanity it actually makes it harder to

Keep my sanity and the reason for that is that a lot of the a lot of the stuff that gives you your sanity back is eating power like eating good food I was going to say powerful food but eating good food so I need to eat food to

Maintain my sanity for like long duration travel where I don’t have a bunch of campfires and because of that that means that I’m going to have to take more fre breaks due to the Regeneration because the Regeneration makes it to where I don’t need to eat as

Often and from what I’ve seen of this particular nutrient bar thing that I can make it regenerates probably like I don’t know if you count the entire brain thing for my sanity down there in the bottom bottom left as um as 100 like 100 it probably restores

Like 10% of that brain something around there whenever I whenever I eat one of these nutrient bars so the fact that I can’t eat these nutrient bars means that I have to sit here by this fire more often now and and just hope that I regenerate I wish I regenerated small

Amounts of stamina while H by having um a full stomach and full health that way I could I could gain very small amounts of stamina back slowly over time as long as I wasn’t dealing with spooky things but that regeneration three is kind of busted I don’t really think I’ve

Taken hardly any damage since I got that come on come on sanity there we go that’s enough we I need any more I do kind of want to go up here though see what’s going on maybe there are shiny things upstairs maybe there’s more money there’s more in the

Blazes that’s not what I wanted I’m gonna go ahead and drink this uh need what’s going on here is this is a gate wait whoa whoa whoa what is this what is that is that a main gate get out of the way zombie pig bro what hey now this is

Cool and totally new to me hey stop leave me alone I didn’t do nothing I’m just here to steal everything leave me alone oh my I think we made Bank is there Nether wart just like down there what do you got in here I’ll take

It you know what I’ll take these you can keep the rest except for that I’ll take that too I don’t know what I’m going to do with it cuz I never back back fiend your things are mine now is there like a spawner up there or something there actually might

Be like a spawner somewhere maybe it’s a staircase here stop leave me alone they keep following me around and I don’t appreciate it this is awesome a whole freaking like crazy adjusted Fortress is that like a kitchen oh no it’s a forge leave me alone stop who told them they could come by

And stab me oh my god dude that’s nuts stop it oh they’re everywhere though Unbreaking two gloves sharpness one wait that say short sword oh stone sword thought that was something weird yeah have bane of Arthur pods projectile protection Unbreaking two okay now we’re finding some good stuff

Oh all right hear me out so we lose a bit of armor that’s fine but it comes with protection three Unbreaking three and mending so that means that armor is never going to break on so I’ll always have protection and I don’t have to worry about like this

Chest plate or anything like that like disappearing on me what what are you you have Unbreaking two maybe I can get a bunch of these leather gloves and just enchant them all dude those stupid blazes are just waiting for the next opportunity to shoot Fireballs at me fire protection 3 would be really

Nice nice maybe I can find some Ming gold boots make them super useful I could keep the evil Critters off of me or the the the piglins evil Critter sounds about right I have to crawl around here like a slug just to avoid getting fireballed in the face because of

That is this does this go underground okay here’s the base level is there like a basement floor no no no no no it doesn’t look like it maybe hold on okay no they didn’t take crawling into into consideration we need more dungeons that legitimately require you to crawl I

Think that would be absolutely amazing am I just on the that’s a big chair that’s a big chair big chair for a big boy eating big meals like whole hoglins there you go I set that out there like a minute ago didn’t even didn’t even drink any of it that just a lava

Pit this supposed to be oh is that like a a appraise the Wither thing is that what that’s supposed to be hey nuggies you got to make those nuggies telling you geordan you got to make them nuggies whoa calm down buddy I’m just stealing stuff we already established this it’s all mine

Now I’m a big old Thief that is actually kind of cool it’s just a a Wither ity kind I I wish this worked I’m going to be honest I wish this worked as a gate like if that actually functioned as a gate that would be amazing is this the side I was was

Already on doesn’t look like it still don’t know what ancient manuscripts are good for I’ll take it why not another wart another there maybe I was over here yeah this is organized yeah I’ll put the diamond in there Iron there I may actually just start storing yeah let’s go ahead H it it

It’ll make more sense if I do it that way there’s not any there’s there’s really not any sense in me leaving a bunch of stuff in my inventory open I missed this one I mean I’m happy to take that but I didn’t realize I missed

That I need a blink more or something my contact’s like super dry I’m just like mesmerized by the shenanigans happening here or something I wonder if this just keeps going or if the nether fortress itself has like a main chamber setup like I can obviously go into main

Areas is this the one I already raided yes okay this is the one I already raided so I need to go down here that that means I came from that direction and I need to go this way and check these uh these areas for for supplies whoa guys you got to calm down

Oho you know that’s not bad Unbreaking Notch’s blessing and garbage the rest of it was garbage I should have brought a bow should have actually brought a bow I need a bow protection for gold chest plate let’s go nothing there nothing there that’s a chest looting and smite four with the curse of

Banishing that’s always nice to have Unbreaking protection four that’s kind of busted and nothing there buddy how you doing stab goodbye ah fire fire bad fire fire real bad why so much fire what are these enchants oh dude I actually need this sword so to spoil it has a chance to

Drop the mobs have a chance to drop additional special Loot and what the additional special loot is is this the stuff from the uh biomancy mod so it will help me collect materials that I can utilize in biomancy I’m vulnerable to fiery Doom now so I’m not sure about this

Does does taking fire fire taking fire damage and stuff like that doesn’t damage my armor does it I need to put like a a setup up here like I need another campfire now hey yeah I know and Hyper regeneration yeah that worked out great the only problem now is that I was

Trying to rest and I can’t I can’t see I can’t I can’t I can’t freaking see anything at all hold on I’m just going to have to put this wherever I hate these things they have so much health I can see literally nothing right now

Can I get at least enough sanity to see more than a quarter of an inch that’d be great like I’m not so much worried about death more that I I I can’t I can’t see I could probably make it back here pretty easily I would just need a fire resistance potion or two

Whoops and like I said I can’t like I have plenty of food but said food means nothing like that food literally means nothing I can’t if I can’t eat it oh I got another head oh the Wither effect I’m over here freaking out like something’s still hitting me when it’s

Just the Wither effect going off but yeah I regenerate so quickly and I need so little food that I can’t I can’t actually like eat a nutrient bar right now unless I start running around like a madman trying to burn through all my stamina zombie pig bro if you’re wondering why they’re

Still hostile to me hey I can eat food now it’s because of my sanity so if I’m insane for like a really really low level of insanity like a low level insane of brain insane insane brain brain sane right now like I have there’s nothing I can do about it I’m just

Stuck I’m stuck waiting for my sanity to come back up D maybe I can drain my hunger by just like jumping around and stuff like that maybe this will help and then I can start eating this food to regenerate my stamina you know it might be beneficial to take extremely high nutrient volume foods like these are extremely good but I’m wondering if

There’s better stuff oh so there’s Shadow creatures that have been trying to get me for a while now what is that over there oh it’s a Magma Cube It’s just jumping around over there I thought I saw something giant with like two glowing red eyes like a Magma

Cube and I was very concerned for a second I thought that was just one massive creature that was following me that was added into the sanity mod or something like that and I was like oh no I’m not happy with that that’s not a good sign for my survival projectile protection blle

Blle bunch of gold a bunch of uh Stone swords why am I keeping this like I get why it’s in my inventory now but why am I hanging on to it come on stamina drain drain come on impatiently waiting oh and of course there’s just like 40 blazes just waiting for an opportunity

To beam me this is such a terrible spot for that campfire too what I’m going to do is all right now nothing should be able to come at me from the bottom area and I can stand up here and regenerate my stamina as well all right that’s perfect actually now I just need

My freaking food bar to go down so I’m not standing around doing nothing puy I should have made an outpost inside this particular part of the building much earlier than I did had I’ve done that I’d probably be in better shape yeah they can’t get to me from there and they can’t get to me from the top either and I’m regenerating stamina from the position I’m in

Or Insanity I keep saying stamina but it’s sanity at the same time it is effectively a stamina bar once the stamina runs out I need to recover stamina so if I’m not maintaining it then I end up in the same situation and they keep dropping these garbage Stone

Swords you see this is why I don’t want to Brin like more bags because I know I’m going to do stuff like this this bag is full of random garbage which is fine that’s not necessarily a problem it’s just that it’s already full it’s already basically full so what

Am I going to do make another bag and then when that one gets full make another bag and then when you when when you finally see it like half my inventory’s bags it’s awful all right we’re at about 50% I’m going to wait for a full uh full

Sanity thing though let’s check what we got here I’m curious with this so I I have that though I have a biof forge I need an ender pearl blaze powder I need exotic dust I need flesh bits and I need uh elastic fibers along with that ender pearl I

Have that and then I need to make a fleshy eye fleshy eye using the biof forge what what is it what does it do though teraphobia Minecraft but is that what do I need that fork is that just like a super version of the Ender of the I Eye of Ender

Fleshy Eye of Ender eye of monstrosity Ender Watcher eye of Abyss end crystals I can make into crystals wait what I can make an Ender Chest with it in traveler backpacks I can make the terrible sword using the echo of a ship graveyard and the Anglers

Thing you will take one damage if the hit doesn’t kill the enemy oh that actually sounds oh 50% critical hit uh 400% critical damage that’s fine that actually sounds really busted that means if I critical hit with this thing it does at minimum 24 damage I’m assuming unless that’s just 400% of

The of the Bas added onto the critical hit which means that it would do a minimum of 30 damage what is this eye of Mech but what is that good for eye of Abyss Glutton fishee completely restores oxygen when eating I don’t like that spider eye ony Furniture oxide Daisy is the

Only normal thing eye of flame what is any of this it is well this is a new horror newish horror mod pack but it it yeah it has a lot of similarities to um what the heck is it called uh Don’t Starve with some of the

Mechanics like you have a sanity bar you have to maintain your sanity and everything like that and all that kind of stuff and actually you know that’s kind of about it but it incorporates pretty much all of that it’s very interesting and kind of awful at the same time but it’s meant

To be hard I quite enjoy it trying to figure out what the heck to do in the situation I’m in though okay I guess I’ll go ahead and take those ender pearls I don’t need to just leave them in there three gold another Fire Resistance potion uh the soul Lantern I don’t know

If the soul Lantern has any other effect in this though I have an entire building made of Flesh oh there’s a lot of terrifying mods in here nighttime is is awful like just straight up night time is is absolutely awful you don’t want to be outside

Ever I don’t know if I have a way back actually I’m gonna have to find my pathway back I’m trying to regenerate my stamina though right now because well yeah yeah yeah I know I’m on fire I already raided these right I did not I 100% did not Diamond horse armor okay

Bye man there’s nothing to good on this one oh I forgot about that I forgot about the friends I made when I went insane the friends we make along the way and the disgusting number of it of these freaking blazes that keep sniping me oh that’s cool nope don’t touch

Me where do you all come from I was just poofing out of nowhere there just a nugget I don’t need that nugget hello I’ll take those nuggets though because there’s more than one when there’s just one nugget it sucks I need to get out of here is the main

Thing it has that well it has Spore and I don’t know if it has hardcore Darkness but um get out of here I think my one complaint with this is that they kind of nerfed Spore wait wait wait wait wait why is this going so far down why is

This why is this going so deep what concern is there anything should I be concerned I thought that was just the way down oh okay sure no no no no no the fortresses have been reworked so the mod there’s like an adjustment to the fortresses that’s

That’s in here and uh yeah I I have no idea what’s going on where I am I’m probably horribly horribly lost as you can see from the mini map over there it doesn’t work properly so that that in that in and of itself is um um is there a mine underneath this Fortress

No no no right no no no why why oh that sucks for you get out of here you you bad spook bad ghosty hey little buddy hey zombie pig I’m not insane anymore you have no reason to be violent to w there’s straight up a a nether mine glued underneath

This that’s kind of nuts I love it yeah but we have Spore in this one the only problem I have with Spore in in this particular mod pack is it got it it it got it got hit pretty hard hard with the Nerf stick I guess is is how it

Feels and I I feel like that’s I feel like it was entirely unnecessary to Nerf it at all they should have actually like I feel like it should have been the I feel like Spore should have been more of a focus in the mod pack once it got added just because of what

Spore is and the benefits that it provides I don’t know why I haven’t been using a shield my boots are shattered to Tiny bits I’m wearing random garbage because two of those pieces of armor have uh they they they they self repair they have mending and really that’s what I need

Does it does it’s really really good they’re up to version 11.5 and they seem to been working very very hard on it so I’m hoping that it keeps going at the pace it’s going and I’m going to update my server with it on uh when when it

Hits version 12 just cuz I want to see I want to see how far this goes and I thought like I thought after it also has a quest line set up this system too which is actually pretty nice with a base tutorial and all that kind of stuff

And then bonus chapters for stuff you might want to get into and I’m hoping that I I thought I thought chapter two might been the end of it to tell you the truth o get out of here but it’s not the beginning of it’s probably the hardest part though what NE

Oh that’s just Netherrack torch fire so this is odd to say the least this is this is odd I guess I should probably be looking around in here to see if I can find any ancient debris too cuz I do need neite I do still need netherite I’m also probably completely

Lost worry about is already surviving a first night some just make it sometimes overall impossible for you surv by the first day even some uh month ago so basically trying to get food from the animals yeah so the thing here the animals will retaliate from what I have

What I gather the animals will retaliate but the only major threat they pose is if they uh is if they actually like get you good you can still you can still take them out pretty easily can I can I find some loots some monies some high value

Objects like maybe maybe a diamond maybe a diamond sword with some really busted mods on it game so that I can fuse that into netherite and then fuse the netherite one into other cool stuff hey guys bye guys this place is kind of nuts I have no idea where I’m at it just

Keeps going nope leave me alone okay all right let’s see how it is the weapons are actually pretty solid I have to say I I I think they got a pretty good balance of it there are some extremely powerful ones but you’re not getting them super early into the game

Like it’s not stuff that you can easily uh get a hold of um early game in this the big the biggest tip that I can give you is defenses are more important than anything especially with the Spore mobs being added in because even if they don’t break through the walls and stuff

Like that or do anything weird like that they have the ability to just cause you problem s with the spores and stuff like that so if you don’t have like a huge protected area then you might end up with them just breaking in killing you over and

Over and over again but starting up is definitely very very difficult so for what I have set up here for the for this server and everything like that is I have I have some like base starting stuff that is relatively safe oh my God stop I don’t think I have fire Immunity on

Right now do I I do actually maintaining your sanity is one of the biggest issues though early on you don’t really have access to really strong food or anything of that that I do like this that’s a huge chunk of my sanity just immediately recovered no so that’s the one thing I

Was talking about with them nerfing Spore they what is what is this room hello I’m sorry I keep shutting up it’s just like getting I’m I’m mesmerized by the madness I’m dealing with right now Um this place it’s all over the place here and I just keep running deeper in like I get so far I’m like it couldn’t possibly keep going right no no this is absolutely Bonkers I need wood the the blazes also seem to have like not a set number of shots they

Fire like they they seem to have like oh this also has Um yeah yeah you’re you’ll have issues with with Mobs like you will 100% have issues with like not animals in particular so there’s possessed animals and stuff like that in this one but they seem to have all been at least temporarily removed or shut off again I think that’s going a little

Overboard the spawn rates were just exceptionally high at one point it was interesting to see them but I don’t know why the developer of the mod pack removed them basically entirely so those are practically no longer an issue I think the only one that needed maybe maybe completely removed the only

One that I could think of that needed completely removed was probably pigs that might sound weird but the pigs if you if you hit them with like any attack they would explode in lightning bolt and the lightning bolt would zap like your entire sanity bar so you were just in this infinite

Cycle of anytime you came across a possessed you either ran away from it or you fought it and by by the aspect of fighting it alone you’re basically punished even if you win it was it was awful they were they were just absolutely awful can you stop friend friendo friend friend friend to

Do friend friend bro friend bro friend that’s trapped you can’t trick me I know things I know how traps work that’s TNT I’m not letting you deny me loot that’s really not that good of loot oh well is this coal that is that is good old coal I need

Coal um you know what we’ll use this as a trash can right now trash that we can trash that and this I don’t need this I don’t need these I don’t need these corpse maggots delicious delicious corpse maggots I don’t need the stone sword that I spent so much time

Repairing for absolutely no reason uh that nether quartz is useless to me I can get that stuff everywhere this is an exp explosive I should definitely throw it into fire you know normal normal things to do with explosives perfect now to loot everything but the chest that I didn’t loot yet

Oh this more nether core what is this this is just a box full of nuggies take this this this and then I don’t need the nether workart cuz I already have nether workart I didn’t mean to do that oh it also has wish in this one if you lose your sanity completely

Life becomes a living hell everything loses its color it becomes very very dark and hard to see and you start spotting Shadows that have ridiculous amounts of health and will follow you to the ends of the Earth to kill you so Don’t Starve Together basically only they’re probably stronger than the don’t star

Together uh Spectre demon squirrel something whatever you want to call now you know the best part about this particular scenario hi bu oh yeah it’s awful I I don’t really have trouble I need you all to drop slime I don’t really have issues going down to zero sanity too often though the

Nether the nether here what I’m dealing with right now is its own Beast though and I haven’t actually been exploring the nether very long I was stuck in the Overworld for an extended period of time also I noticed they have they have a little they’re hiding stuff from me

Now they’re trying to hide things from me I really need to get out of here though I don’t have much supplies oh my God not not another wave yeah I’m losing sanity very rapidly due to the small armies that keep coming after me I’ll take those and let’s get out of

Here we’re we’re under 50% now being under 50% is the biggest penalty like as you can see things have started to get darker even though there’s lights around me and stuff like that and there’s just not much I can really do to counteract it without having the right materials and because I

Don’t have the right materials on me wait oh I didn’t know this was here the problem is I’m missing wood don’t touch me where you going buddy ha Get Wrecked scrub now to find my pathway out of here there’s there’s got to be something that I did because the

Map doesn’t work I’m just desperately trying to find whichever direction I came from so that I can you know not be down here in this pit this pit of death and since I can’t eat food food as frequently as I used to I can’t maintain my sanity as easily so you know

What let’s take those what do they do are they good oh they’re they’re generic never mind that was a waste of inventory slots I guess o get back don’t touch me obviously stuff like being on fire and things like that messes with my sanity too so we have this infinite scenario

Here where I’m kind of like stuck I don’t know which way to go even if I go completely insane I don’t think I’ll die too easily it’s just I don’t know what to do to get out of this particular problem I can’t find my pathway back the the mapping doesn’t work either So that there that there I need wood like like I legitimately just need wood if I had like three pieces of actual like logs I’d be fine I know that might sound weird but if I could make a campfire right now I’d be in I’d be in good shape is it this

Way no right no I I I came down here through a staircase didn’t I it’s got to be something if I go that way is that that not the right path oh this is like an Armory of some kind stop it back always gon to be an issue for

Sometime either you have a really big wheat farm for bread or you breed animals ah I actually don’t do either if I make it back alive I’ll show you what I do this is like new I think I’m going the wrong way again was it this

Pathway no May maybe I just missed that chest sprinting around is not helping me either which is the biggest problem like that’s actually a huge problem because I’m not draining my uh INF fuo on fire now but I need a campfire can I make my way back up from

Here my inventory keeps being eaten by uh random garbage okay this is just you know lava this is just a couple blocks of lava so I use these they’re they’re from like biomancy though they’re not actual food items now to sit here and be on fire for 20

Minutes the problem is I also have an item that gives me regeneration and said regeneration item uh basically negates my need for food for the most part which means no need for food equals no eating equals no sanity regeneration from eating food o wait no this is where I was

Zombie pig bra do you know the way is this it oh my God yes thank you go go go go go go go go go go I have a campfire up here somewhere exactly where I don’t know but if I can reach what what is uh an equivalent y of the

Surface I’m immune to fire I can’t be burned to death I’m immune to fire where the heck am I my friend stop leave me alone brain turning to Mush slowly being blended into juice perfectly reasonable I can’t see anything this there’s no light doesn’t exist I found it

Outpost no they like I said they were working very very hard on this and I have a lot of respect for what they’ve done I think they did a pretty good job on it it’s definitely difficult which makes it not for everyone but it’s a lot of fun to me at the very

Least yeah I know zombie piggles you’re mad at me I’m sorry I to put this Lantern like there or something I don’t know that’s fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine fine fine fine fine fine fine put some arrows in there I might start like just like putting a bunch of supplies

Everywhere at this point there’s not really much else I can do oh bamboo spikes those are your best friend in this mod pack at the start you literally need those just to live you use them for like a proper defense set up in your base making like

Mob Grinders and stuff like that as well and they will make life so much easier on you I have a very simple like doorway entry mob grinder thing and I’ll just sit by the door and lure mobs in because they try to path to you and then they’ll

Get pushed by water into the spike wall and the spike walls have Hoppers beneath them and then the loot obviously just trickles down in the chest and stuff like that it’s it’s a really basic setup but it works very very well for helping me collect supplies to

Survive well I think I just answered that question talk about timing huh what do these ones have fire protection three Unbreaking and protection 4 those are exclusive if I remember right protection four looting two just spoil three sharpness four man I’m I actually made out like abandon on this one I wasn’t expecting

To get 52 blaze rods out of this yeah and there’s a ton of iron involved in it and some I got I mean the zenor ingots don’t matter there’s a disgusting amount of gold I’ll probably start bringing like a full backpack a full backpack of um of stuff

Also there’s ghost peppers in the nether if anybody wants those they’re not really all that great but they’re there I don’t know I just I found it amusing that ghost peppers of all things were only spawned in the nether if that makes any sense I’ve probably mentioned that like four bajillion times

Hey no wait no is that just four bone blocks can I not make them oh it’s bone meal that’s right I always forget that I don’t know why that doesn’t like register in my brain I always think that it’s um bones like directly bones for some reason I guess because bone

Block I’ll head back here to the uh the Overworld to show you that here in a little bit I’m just trying to get my sanity back up which takes absolutely forever hey rise I need more nutrient bars to survive all these scars let me out of this hellscape I can

Probably make it back with what I got run not going to die actually this is I I probably made this pretty easy this way is it this way was it this way do I live over here did I build one of my outposts in this area oh

Whoa please tell me I ran the right hey buddy hi how are you I was not paying attention I didn’t even look in that direction yeah I’ve done work over here there’s some work over here but I don’t know if this is exactly the right direction this is not back back back

Fiend back Demons back piggle wigglies you cannot contain me even insane I’m more powerful than all of you Pikachu why must you Pikachu at me like that that’s disgusting that’s that’s horri that’s horri bling triple-headed Wither Skeleton they’re awful they they all 100% are awful okay so if that’s hey hey

Now there’s no need for violence need for violence wither skeletons yeah they’re baby Withers they’re straight up baby Withers and I hate them they’re ugly Abominations fishing rod oh don’t be doing that I don’t want none of that I have enough problems that being being kidnapped by freaking zombie

Pigman this is just a dead end I’m I missed stop so it’s not quite over here was it the other way where’s the pathway I’m going to try I’m I’m I’m 100% I’m going to try but but I don’t know where the heck I really am at this point so I don’t

Know which pathway leads back home and if I can’t find which pathway leads back home well obviously we’re trapped here in Nightmare land for for a good while I think it no this is just back to that Outpost I came around full can you stop don’t knock on my door

I just want freedom I want freedom from this nightmare I want freedom from the the demons that lurk in the darkness of this place and less garbage in my inventory come and knock on my door BL okay I remember this do you all mind not why are you all still even mad at

Me that that make any sense I’m not insane anymore oh uh one thing I forgot to mention about being insane in this if you’re insane then the mobs that uh actually it might have been this way the mobs that are hostile towards you wait did I go

Up the mobs that aren’t hostile towards you will become hostile towards you like legitimately you’ll be mugged you will you will get straight mugged where am I I found a torch that’s progress that’s pross a torch means I’ve been here look at this it goes on

Forever why I jumped that that was a nightmare leave me alone they keep following me there’s so many of you you know what’s horrifying the the Wither the Wither the wither skeletons having three heads it it it kind of It kind of implies that um left to their own devices for an ex

For long enough they they become a Wither so like just imagine the Wither this is like the opposite direction I was supposed to go yeah I remember this this was like I was supposed to go the back this way can you stop sir I’m just slowly going insane again all right now

Guys you can’t keep doing this to me I I can’t remember how to get back I don’t know how to get home I need to get home I need to find safety away from the nightmares I don’t know if he was hostile or not but he bothered me okay another

Outpost so yeah I’ve been over here too and if I remember correctly the direction that I have to go back to is this way but I can’t I can’t find my entry way I can’t find the entry point that I started they do they’re so freaking rare

Though I one another thing another thing that’ll that may or may not be a problem for you in this particular mod pack if you give it a go um you need ender pearls to continue the main thing like in chapter one no it’s chapter two once you get past chapter one you get

Into the chapter two and it wants you to craft um this the flesh plunder but you need a primordial core to craft it which takes four ender pearls so in totality you need four ender pearls just to start it and then once you start it you need to craft the primordial cradle which

Also takes one of these primordial cords which takes another four ender pearls so you end up needing eight ender pearls 11 we are currently on 11 the mod pack version is 11 I’m waiting till they update to version 12 before I update the mod pack for the server sanity sanity sanity sanity

Sanity sanity sanity I need my sanity sanity where am I what’s going on hey a maggot oh that’s not what I wanted bye little buddy have fun in the lava all right I gained about 50% of it I have 50% % of my stand use guys I realized something absolutely

Terrible I’m running out of uh teas well I have three big ones back there but they’re not going to live there forever I to drink them eventually yes yes yes more bones that I don’t actually need stop it stop trying to make me go insane by faking creepers oh another thing about sanity

That I continue to forget to mention things about sanity because there’s a bajillion things about sanity happening at any given time it it it constantly fishes to mess with you by making like creeper sounds and stuff like that mob sounds um like I said your vision blur starts to darken not blur

Uh you start to hear like noises the further into Insanity that you get I mean you’ve seen most of the effects I don’t know if you heard all of them but they’re kind of nuts there’s also a bunch of gross mobs that do gross mob things around here and

I don’t appreciate them and I don’t want to deal with them and I picked up the wrong empty can I’m going to put that down here so I don’t never do that again I have 46 levels that need to make it home I need to make it home my my gear

Needs to survive I need to survive I need to get all the good stuff that I’ve collected back I need one more skull to summon a Wither and then regret all of my decisions I need to make a I need to make a thing you guys didn’t remind me I

Need to make a I need to make a music thing a music thing of a bobble you know what this is enough this is enough brain power is this right am I insane like legitimately that’s what little functionality my brain has just turned into swiss cheese

Why you burn me like this why why why you do this stop get some help all right stop off here for a brief moment regenerate a little bit more like insanity juice and and thinking about it okay bye-bye now bye-bye Majestic blob I’m going to go this way again maybe there it

Is there’s the exit but how did I get over there what magic did I pull to get over there hey Bei back I must es scape if I can make it back to the path we’ll be fine I just need to make it back to the path get back back

Demons oh I’m Burning Alive Burning Alive Burning Alive on the bright side I have like nine of these Magma Cream balls and that might not seem super valuable I have eight actually that but that’s that’s a lot of fire resistance potions sing magic magic saw back get away from me

Oh I’m just an idiot didn’t notice the little like pathway thing I created I ran this way though I swear back all of you you know if I wasn’t running for my life this pathway actually would be pretty nice hey buddy how you doing goodbye now I’ll take that and that’s a note

Block there pressure plates I don’t need any of this oh yeah I forgot look at this this was this was very upsetting to find I found like a god level like Enchanted stone sword of all things and I have I I I I don’t know if I can rip the enchants off of

It all right I hope you like like one block thick paths I’m G to be honest with you I hope you enjoy those because that’s going to be a lot of this journey that and torches that and lines of torches oh man why did I slide I’m frazzled the frazzling is is getting

Into is getting to me okay all right we got this we can get home now we can get out of here we can leave this nightmare realm go home to our nightmare realm that we actually enjoy and you know things happen advantages evolution of something or other I don’t

Know just running through the forest away from all the demons that are going to spawn within 5 Seconds yeah there’s there’s another one hey buddy get out my face I don’t like you I here there’s another one what is that what help go this way yeah I should probably stay up

Here look at him path at me look at him using his his windigo pathing skills leave me alone trying to get out of here not deal with a bunch of windigo they’re everywhere man they’re an absolute plague I almost fell it it drives me to complete

Insanity no no no no no no no no get outplayed H fall in the lava you can swim there for eternity they’re immune to fall damage and Fire by the way it really sucks I cannot kill them for my life life well I can but you know not with

Fire and not with with violence but not with falling violence not with like you fall into the pit of lava and you die violence which is kind of sad I guess I can make pits of spikes we do that that would work that’d be great that is fair that that is that is

100% true if they’re just stuck in the lava at least I don’t have to deal with them but all right problem solved I need to clean up my inventory a little bit more here diamonds there put those extra emeralds there extra arrows that I never use cuz

I don’t have a bow well I have a bow but I don’t have a good bow and therefore I refuse to use the bad bow aoo aoo to you too that’s supposed to be a skin walker I don’t know where they got the idea that that’s a skinwalker but

That’s that’s apparently the idea of a skin walker from whatever mod that is and those skinwalkers when they die they spawn a Vex they’re awful of course everything from that particular mod pack is awful don’t worry we’ve only had five more miles of this it’s fine I’m not I’m not partial to building

One block Pathways I swear it’s just this was the easiest way to Traverse the nether sadly there wasn’t really much that I could do past um what I’m what I’m doing here yeah I don’t know why they spawn a Vex it makes no sense to me they’re awful

It’s super annoying like even if you can one hit them if they just happen to be very very lucky and Dodge the hit you got to deal with it for another freaking 30 minutes cuz they’re just going to float around there and torment you get out my

Face don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t be doing this don’t be doing this to me just because you spawn up there you stay off my pathway as you can see I had to get a little creative on some of my defenses and this mushroom just happened to work really

Really well like straight up I don’t know what it is about this mushroom but the way it’s placed being just one block away just works so none of them can get over here I just chill CH here for a little bit yep what you run from me for we’ve

Traded before I remember you don’t you act surprised about me our business relationship is ending because of you complaining little pig demon bro Pig I don’t like you I want you to stay far away from me I hate those oh one thing about those mobs that you’ve been seeing that are

Like four bajillion blocks tall they only count as two blocks tall so again if you play this there’s a tip to keep you alive don’t don’t expect those mobs to be uh um don’t expect don’t expect a three block High structure to you you know you know you

Put you put two blocks you know what I mean you can’t like pull an Enderman or a wither skeleton strategy on them because they just walk through it for some reason why do the piglins even live here well I mean obviously they’d just turn into zombie piglins if they went to the

Surface but you get what I mean like why haven’t they bothered to like set up stuff in a better way get away from me pig if I get knocked into Oblivion I’m going to be so sad that that that I will I will cry I

Will cry if I fall into a pit of lava with all the stuff I have on me right now I don’t know how long it would take but I would spend a century trying to get it back at this point the amount of the amount of things that I had to work

Super hard for right here I want it I want it and I need it also I don’t have any more like gold gear with mending on it oh get out of my way they’re everywhere and they’re awful my face oh Herobrine’s in here too by the

Way he does Herobrine things he does all the Herobrine things well hey thank you for the sub back back fiend leave me alone I don’t want anything to do with this Firefly ow as you can probably tell I’ve made this whole thing this whole magical pathway that I’ve designed here a big

Mess very problematic in every way possible and uh it also is just basically a giant Circle so I I made it take like 10 times longer for me to get back to where I’m at here to get back to the portal out when I really could have just been like all

Right well now that I’m on the other side of this I could have just made the pathway straight those little blighters bother me too this is why I won’t attack these things you can’t see it stop oh it’s not you ow hold on let me let me turn off my

Camera real quick so I can show you guys so if you look up there in the top right top left that’s their health bar they have 120 health and six armor plates so the also like I was talking about early they’re also from the tenebris land mod so they’re only

Considered two blocks high so this this right here that might look like it protects you from them keep them at Bay no it doesn’t keep them at Bay they they just they just casually walk through it and continue to beat the crap out it you have you have no way of properly

Defending against them they have a disgusting amount of health so unless you have a god level weapon you’re just in this infinite cycle of nightmares it’s awful they don’t do very much stalking though they they usually just rush at you and try and murder you like everything

Else no well yes yes and no if that makes any sense which it doesn’t I know it doesn’t make any sense but if that doesn’t make any sense I don’t know what else to tell you they drop What’s called the zenor Ingot and zenor ingots aren’t

Bad in the fact that they can be used to make some pretty pretty solid armor some pretty good armor there’s a lot of piggles here and the the the the armor is fantastic like I absolutely love the armor it’s the biggest problem that I have though is that um I haven’t been

Able to get a hold of Ming enchants so even if I make like absolutely amazing armor it will inevitably break on me and I can’t afford that except for zenor ingots because like I said they they don’t Drop Like Crazy good stuff but they do drop zenor ingots

Which are used to make pretty decent armor it also makes a really powerful sword but the sword specifically States oh hey buddy the sword specifically states that it Buffs the enemy that you are fighting against you oh no it’s dark it’s dark and wet get me out of

Here I’ll have to show you the trap in the morning depending on how long this night’s going to yeah I’m I’m already being mugged they they immediately started spawning all right since I can’t show you the Trap effectively and I’m not really too worried about the trap at the moment

Anyway I’m going to show you how the um I’m G show you how I make food so this is how I make food this is what I eat I take whatever food material that I have here I put it in this machine this machine chews it up and mashes it into a

Paste for me and that somehow makes better food in the end so I create I I get I get these little nutrient pastes I combine the nutrient paste and the nutrient bars and the nutrient bars are utilized as a food source for me and a food source for my

Biological component things here as well so this is how I survive I also break down matter into different like biological components to create um other objects And I get away I with some stuff I can get away with some really really gross stuff but it’s great it’s absolutely fantastic I don’t like that I don’t appreciate that you make I can make a flesh ladder what are these living core inerts altered spleen avioli dense muscle the problem that

I’ve run into is I want to create okay all right okay don’t know what that was about but okay I want to create the the equipment from this particular mod pack or Spore I guess I should say it’s it’s like it’s like a com it’s like a combination

Between this and Spore and I want to create that armor but I can’t create that armor because I haven’t seen any advanced forms of the Spore entities and you know it that that kind of creates problems and you can’t see any here let me let me give you something

Horrifying let me show you how you get normal food if I even can where’s my where’s my thing where’s my Sharp object where’s my Cleaver at I need my Cleaver I don’t I don’t have a I don’t have a Cleaver right now I don’t have any wood

Either hold on I got to go find wood in one of my 8 billion storage things is there any wood in here stick that’s all I needed see there there and there for Cleaver all right let’s carve up some flesh you got that you got that you got

This one you got that and then you got that there you go problem solved flesh I like the Sheep the most look at this this is going to be awful absolutely disgusting I don’t know what the deal with this is but apparently I can butcher it too and it turns into

String and a piece of bassil why yeah yeah really really weird really weird stuff but I I appreciate it it that actually makes the the whole thing a little bit more involved if you ask me I’m sure some people are like no that’s just gross for being gross but I

Mean add to a degree just let you know where your food comes from I guess put that away gold nuggets are in my inventory to stay do I have any I have a ton of zenor ingots on me so let me go ahead and show

You that so the way zenor ingots work is you use them to make Siege armor and Siege armor gives you extremely high defenses to be fair and knockback resistance it’s also rather durable for what it is so it lasts a good while so getting the initial set of Siege armor

Is usually a little difficult I’d say but it lasts for a good while and I think it’s a very very strong set it’s saved my life a million and a half times but sadly I can’t keep using it without remaking it because like I said enchants

Are becoming a have become an issue and and when I go into The Nether I take lots of hits like everything under the sun is beating the absolute crap out of me in the nether it’s ridiculous it’s it’s really good there’s other there’s other things though that are also just as

Good so The Siege armor sets very very strong and then you have things like the spiny set here which is a two-piece set that can be connected with a chest plate in the head and that deals innate and retaliatory damage and then when you have the whole thing on there it gives

You double retaliatory damage so it’s like a reflection based set it doesn’t give as much defense overall but it does give uh reflective defense and half the B the knockback bonus and then you have the dark metal set which is um slightly better in some areas and slightly worse than others I

Think I think the only thing it’s actually worse on though is the knockback resistance but it gives you an effect called Rampage which I don’t know what that is and wither protection for wearing the full set so it’s at least on par if not better than the siege armor

The Siege armor is probably just the easiest one to get which is why I gravitated toward it you have a nightmare set which makes you move faster in the darkness which is insanely helpful why increases the effectivess of dark magic items and weapons which I don’t know exactly what that is but I’m

Assuming that anything from the born in chaos mod that is used as a weapon and and everything is probably is probably associated with that giving you that as a benefit but there’s a lot of armors that are like more or less side grades depending on what you’re

Trying to do rather than it just being one set of armor that’s the de facto winner I guess uh you got the terrible set which has a pretty strong effect class bonus is 20% weapon power which I don’t know exactly what that means it’s probably just 20% damage taking damage in water

Increases your swim speed by 120% for 6 seconds and then with the full set on enemies that attack you are poisoned for 4 seconds so while it’s not inherently like the best armor ever defensively speaking it’s probably weaker than the other ones it’s very very strong with the set bonuses that it

Gives so weapon cool down which means you can attack 30% faster depending on the weapon weapon power Stacks up you get another 30% and then you have the uh of The Binding Abyss set here too which is again another very very strong set with less base armor overall but once you get

The full set on you you have a lot more bonuses than you would have otherwise and these aren’t even the only ones like there’s a lot of other armor sets and stuff like that available that are not showing up in the list the three bolt suit is another good one the aqua

Maray the marai stuff seem to add in three really good sets I’d have to say but even with extremely good armor I have still died quite a bit let me see if chest will pull up some other stuff yeah see look there’s a bunch of different

Sets this is the one that I want to make this is the chest plate that I want to make the living chest plate Mark I probably has the highest base armor values of anything in there and it also gives the wall climbing ability and I was thinking oh man that’s cool and it

Also fits thematically with the insanity that I have going on in here where everything’s made out of Flesh you know normal everyday stuff why isn’t your house made out of Flesh it’s not my fault that you didn’t upgrade it’s so freaking gross and the noises all the like devices make and stuff like

That just the gross chewy noises that you can barely here at the moment because of the thunderstorm all right so this is how this works you can buy nine of these and then you get a nutrient bar in said nutrient bar is absolutely fantastic they work really really well

Like I I can’t complain about any of it and you can convert you can convert practically any anything that can be eaten even mod stuff because it’s based upon um the way that these work is it’s based upon the amount of food value that an object gives rather than what that

Object’s ID is or anything like that so if it gives three food then it turns into six paste because that’s the equivalency of three food and then you combine this that three food you combine that three food in with another one and a half food and you get theut bars stuff

Like that it it’s basically condensing materials is it Daylight oh heck yeah if you’re wondering why I have these here with the trap doors that’s because of the Spore mobs so the Spore mobs will not open trap doors I don’t know why they won’t open trap doors

Specifically but they will not open trap doors they will um however open regular doors and walk right into your base and murder you so problems arise from that the entire outside area of my uh water platform Base by the way is covered in spikes like the entire thing is covered

In spikes there there’s not a single area that isn’t protected by spikes for the reasoning that if you’re not protected by spikes the mobs will find a way in they 100% will find a way in if you’re not very careful about it this is the this is the Trap I was talking about

Just simple water over here it reaches all the way to the end point here you put a large Spike wall on this side and then you just blend them up and it has the underneath area right here and what’s under here is another area with another trap door blocking the way and

It feeds into this as a supply I didn’t get like hardly any supplies tonight because we just we literally weren’t up here to pull them into it it requires me to be there that’s the only that’s the only weak point of this particular spawner is it basically requires me to

Be there because they’ll spawn here and then they’ll come they’ll come through the front door and try and get me and instead of them being able to get me they just get pulled into the into the death spikes hold on here and I know I’m just spouting a lot

Of exposition at you I’m sorry about that are you g to try and get on again Billy that should be the IP oh if you do play this and you do decide to make a spawn and you do decide to make a grinder like this make it better than I

Did like maybe reinforce it on the back wall with like obsidian or something like that or a mob or mod block that is more durable than stone bricks because it will get blown up and it will get blown up a lot if you’re not careful so

Yeah you can you can run into a lot of really bad Shenanigans because mobs decided that they were going to mess with you um that’s partially why I have an extra hopper in a here just in case I need to run some repairs oh and if you see these and you

Think oh man that’s cool that seems like a good weapon it sucks for some reason this just does not work right it’ll only fire like one out of like four times you try and use it so it just doesn’t do the job ever I don’t know if it’s bugged or

What but that thing does not work properly all right oh and to get leather you don’t do leather normally you don’t just get leather when you um cut up a cow you get leather by putting it on a tanning rack like this and you take

Shears to it and when you take shears to it it turns into leather but the good part about that is you get significantly more leather per cow so the processing time is offset by the fact that you get more supplies out of it I don’t really need that I’m

Just here’s a bunch of the random garbage that I’ve found over time there’s a distinct lack of magical stuff which is kind of crazy water raining above the backpack clear side the backpack will fill empty water tanks with water over time if you want some more water dip yourself backpack

Can fill water of being a block too okay cool I’m going to start taking extra backpacks with me I guess I can remove that remove these I have a disgusting amount of blaze rods now I need to put like a lot of this stuff away but a lot of this

Stuff actually does need put away I’m going to have to make another chest for enchanted gear as well uh actually this this will work Enchanted gear can go in here yeah that’s perfect that saves a lot of space it’s just like put random garbage away time right

Now hold on I need to check something really quick here so eyes of horror I completed that and that just gives me more flesh bits which is fine I guess I completed that it gives me another blaze powder complete that it gives me another ender pearl and I

Complete that and it gives me elastic fibers I already have this so I just need to pick up one of my exotic dusts and then that gives me two nutrient bars for some reason and then I can make a fleshy eye and it’ll give me another fleshy eye vender after

Exploring the new better stronghold make your way to the portal and slot in the fleshy Eyes of Ender I I I guess so they want me to beat the Ender Dragon eight diamonds and netherite Ingot okay you know all right that there because I can always come grab these

Later yeah this will just be alchemical supplies and stuff like that oh I forgot I had an emerald block I forgot about that completely all right oh no it’s trying to overtake everything again I’m going I have to trim that down freaking gross flesh everywhere what was I going to use blaze

Rods for I can’t remember what I needed for that you can also have like a broom or something it’s a fly and I don’t know how or when that how is that still in my inventory with zero durability what that’s not normal more elastic fibers I guess I should probably at

Least gear up to make that fleshy eye vender goes away wish that into more rotten flesh like actually farming rotten flesh is probably a Big Boon I’d say too I’m going to break this and pick it up real quick so I can put it back down

So it’ll give me credit that I made it yeah I have what lock dependencies oh it’s because of the Exotic dust that’s right hold on I just have that stuff lying around somewhere it’s not that exotic to me I actually have a lot of it you can get it occasionally from

Is that not counting there we go and now I need to pick it up come on goop it goop it now that we have this did it give me credit it gave me credit for that that’s two more nutrient bars so now we just need to make the

Fleshy eye Ender which takes exotic material flesh goop blaze powder elastic fibers and an ender pearl got it I’m I’m going to make two let’s let’s make a couple of them so I just need to go get two ender pearls real quick ah get out of the way h

That’s right it’s upstairs I if you can’t tell nothing I have is organized it’s all awful it’s all completely terrible completely uncontained mess everywhere and I have I I’ve created this for myself and I regret it every day I should have reorganized stuff I should make more flesh chests to

Reorganize things so the way these work is they’re just an ordinary chest for the most part but the benefit that they apply Li is that if someone tries to take stuff from this that isn’t you instead of them being able to get into the chest it tries to bite off their

Hand so it’s really nice good uh good old item protection you know so that we have four of those and then I think it was what 16 elastic fibers yeah cuz it was like eight or something like that these are also super helpful but I haven’t built a lot of

Them because well they were kind of expensive when I initially started but you build these they’re basically a mini shulker chest kind of thing and you can store whatever you want into them so I need to make more of them and then store each individual material that I need

Into a single one of these and then just put more storage sacks in here excuse me yeah because I could reorganize this whole thing so much easier yay I have two fleshy eyes I absolutely hate that it’s looking at me like that so now hello after exploring the new better

Stronghold make your way to the portal and slot in the fleshy Eyes of Ender and then I have to wait what’s that give me potion of slow falling that could be useful so I’m wondering how these work if I throw one of these does it delete it does it like

Break like a regular ender pearl I’m assuming it doesn’t assuming it lasts forever like I’m assuming that it’s like a superior version of all the other ones because all this flesh stuff has basically been that it’s like slightly better versions of the normal stuff and I I continuously upgrade and then upgrade some

More and it does good stuff where’s that Arrow no not really does that not do anything for it oh it gives it one because the sword’s considered at zero put that there Notch’s blessing Unbreaking I might just take a different stack of backpacks honestly especially if they’re all like

Different colors and stuff like that they could be super useful mahogany chest plate ankor shell armor chest plate what the heck is that where do I get that ankor endless biomes oh whoa hello 800% saturation it did it had cheese and chips like it straight up had a lot of cheese and chips

Honestly endless biomes I don’t think I’ve seen anything about endless biomes spring pad Vines are these like underground radon lamps shared pain whooping what void touched blade void touched boots what does any of that mean Paris shiftlings spawn egg raon sentinel oh one thing uh one thing that is in here that’s absolutely

Amazing I don’t I don’t want to do this but I’m going to do this anyway I need to repair this I need to repair this sword um is there’s a xenomorph in here but I haven’t been able to find it like I have not for my life been able

To find the xenomorph but it’s in here somewhere it’s hiding it’s doing xen more things and I I really don’t oh that well there goes one of my other anvils or think that’s my last Anvil all right let’s see two three four five six I can make six of

These this will work I swear I’m a going to add these in here I’m going to start pumping out a few enchants and hopefully I’ll be able to get mending books I might just be short I might just be a little short I need Oak I think I don’t think it works

With any of the mod ones that’s a regular tree all right actually I don’t think the bookcases were the issue if I remember right I was short lapis I don’t think I have enough lapis to even create any enchants in the first place I can’t find it for my life maybe

Now maybe now I’d be able to easily find it now I’m thinking about it because the lapis that I have is minor bouts of insanity just seeping into my brain again Um I think I have like none left I think I like literally have oh okay I have 13 so I really don’t have enough left for anything at all let’s go ahead and move that books here I’ll just I’ll take 12 of it that’ll be the max amount of En

Chants I’ll really get out of this anyway and let’s set this up progress knock back two punch one sweeping Edge sweeping Edge I don’t really need but I’ll do that one fire aspect too yeah why not I could actually use that one Unbreaking three that’s nice and helpful sharpness one sharpness

Three so those are the good ones those three are good ones and I I could take or leave the other two I’ll put these right here what is that that’s another sharpness three book that’s awesome I didn’t know I already had another one that was power three and

I’ll put these over here as the other ones I need to I need to get a really amazing weapon and just glue a bunch of powerful stuff onto it I had some minor enchantments on these as you can tell but they’re not they’re not I don’t want

To risk them breaking like they’re at the point where I’m risking them breaking and I need to be careful about it but I’d like to at least get mending on this sword and use it as a looting sword because it already has a disgusting amount of enchantments on it

Anyways I’m goingon to take a very very short break here I will be right back I think I actually made some good progress for once previously I couldn’t get anything done I was just flailing around I think next stream we’ll probably be going after the ender dragon or something like that but

To do that I’m gonna have to take uh a little bit of time to enchant myself I guess I we need a bow then yeah we absolutely need a bow with like infinity or something on it anyways I’ll be right Back all righty what are you doing put your your cover stop stop it choco it’s your feeding time there one we put this one right here we got to get up pupp what reach re oh this is the last one you got to take it I believe in you you got this

There you go good puppet now you got all four yeah there’s no more I got nothing all right I don’t know at this point I think I just grind for the moment I could try and find that nether boss while I’m going about things so yeah for the netherite

Monstrosity I need to find the soul the soul blacksmith and then I’ll be able to take out the netherite monstrosity and then get whatever comes from that and then I have to find the burning AR Arena to fight ignis and then I need to summon the wither bottles of

Milk I Manan that’s good C’s wither so I have to use Soul Stone and set a soul St Soul Sand to do that one of the biggest things that wait what oh yeah Billy spawn protection 100% will prevent you from being able to mess with stuff I haven’t quite resolved that

Because I’ve been I’ve been in my own journey I don’t believe that I don’t believe that for a second I’m coming Billy I come help I think maybe I’ll probably make it worse but I’m trying yeah none of that stuff will work I need to turn off spawn

Protection what’s funny is when I when we started this server there was no spawn protection this didn’t happen until like a few days after the server had started so I don’t know I don’t know why the spawn protection even started or even was a thing to begin

With because I didn’t I didn’t put it up cuz I had a couple people um playing initially who were who were legitimately just running around doing things spites there you go you’re able to leave now and there’s like there’s like nothing in these chests anyway except for some basic

Stuff I’ll take those ink sacks I need those I need those to create maps and I need those maps to glue to my Atlas gluing map to my Atlas so that it does some stuff and it scribbles down on things that I found it works fine in the Overworld but yeah spawn

Protection spawn protection needs erased Haro O’Brien’s clearly just hanging around pathway is open and uh you have roughly 15 minutes before nightfall Thunder at the Thunder here’s some nutrient bars there’s some gross mush that I smash together why foly why do this why Thunder why are you why are you thundering here

That’s fair that’s entirely Understandable how hey actually how’s your GPU holding up I know you’ve been playing a lot of uh a lot of like fortnite and stuff like that but how is the GPU holding up if you tried a lot of more like stressful things on the PC how’s that been going how do I whisper

I ran off without Billy telling me anything I gave them nutrient bars I opened the gates and I just set them free not bad things are going to happen Probably I’m be honest with you Billy you might as well just like hold hold up at my base or something like that for the night cuz if you stay there with the gates open and stuff they’re going to kill you the mobs 100% are going to kill

You they’re not they’re not going to give you a second chance you’re you you’ll get deleted very very quickly especially considering you’re unarmed and unarmored so I can equip you at the base since uh you’re still watching the stream and can hear me that’s awesome I’m glad it’s

Working I know you constantly crashing was getting super annoying super quickly but but now that you’ve got it working and everything like that you should be in in better shape to play some Minecraft oh also you should check the stream schedule for Sunday I’m along the river

Billy did you go out that gate I opened did you just run deep into the fields if you go back to spawn or go back towards spawn and you follow the river and you follow the river down all the way then um all right all right if

You’re in the base you exit out the gate that I opened on the right side and then you fall the river all the way down you will will see my base like my Base is almost impossible to miss I’m I’m really not that far off spawn but yeah Daylight’s Daylight’s

It’s eing away pretty quick here so be very careful I’ve created some basic structures and stuff like the fields and things like that too but I don’t think most of them would survive a Siege very long like like for a little bit maybe but but overall I don’t think they

Would survive a Siege yeah you’re on the wrong side of the river that’s all but that that way over there into the distan is me oh right that’s just a little Shack that other one over there made out of stone is just for the nether fish yeah if you’re in here and you

Avoid creepers everything should be fine except for if Spore mobs get in if Spore mobs get in your your life is forfeit where’d you get a backpack did I give you a backpack spawn to the backpack I don’t remember oh nice that’s lucky hold on where are my where are my uh zenite

Bars let’s see I mean there’s good armor in here but I think we should just make you a full set of Siege like maybe find a weapon from that or something but the full armor set is gonna be Siege because I’ve got I’ll be honest with you

I have way too many zenor ingots so I’m just going to make you a full set of Siege armor I I’ve been here for so long that the the The Siege Ingot the zenor ingots are just all over the place make that this here you

Go but it works pretty good and it’s a nice starter set well that’s not good it’s expanding again maybe I should make a storage sack yeah that’s perfect it’s gross is what it is it basically mushes up food into biomass it basically just squishes up food into biomass that particular one I should

Say all right I got to get to work Merry Christmas Billy I got to get rid of this goop it’s It’s the stuff is something else I guess it’s free building blocks I can’t complain too much you can have these if you want them they’re actually pretty good building blocks I get like hundreds of these they just continuously spawn it’s it’s awful I mean I did this to myself and this was purposeful

But the sheer number of them is is kind of crazy times and they have no like I can’t like restrict them effectively I guess like I could create a specific chamber for the for the flesh to just grow but there’s so much of it and I guess I’m just too lazy

To to take care of it or something I don’t know what I’m getting at I have my meat locker and stuff like that too goop goop Goop honestly I’m surprised we can’t eat these or squish them into like other materials that’s what I thought would happen with them I thought they were going to be like an infinite resource kind of thing but just give really really small amounts of it like some other stuff does in other

Mods but that’s not how it works they just they’re just that they’re just blocks oh they’re blocking my staircase to the roof I need to get some a silk touch hoe if I can get a silk touch hoe I can collect these things and I can collect the veins that

Are all over the place as well cuz those are actually used for some like small level of crafting but I also need the veins so that I can like place them in spots randomly around the world and just cause flesh blocks to grow everywhere cuz the the malignant

Um the malignant flesh itself doesn’t grow like it doesn’t just like grow on its own it takes other materials it takes the it it takes the veins to expand basically which I think makes sense God this place is disgusting I hate it I one my one complaint I wish these Biol

Lantern things could just like be put on side on the sides of walls and stuff like that as well so I could just put them everywhere like I could just have them put in random gross spots all over the place it’ be disgusting ow why that thing explode what was the reason for

That careful Billy they can shoot you from here I’m laying down right here because the mobs will like head to this area and as they head to this area they’ll slowly move into the the blender and get wrecked let’s see you know what here you go you have a full stack of

These you you’ll you’ll probably find some use to them at some point right so those zenor ingots can be used to make more Siege armor and stuff like that did it not did it not give them to you I don’t have them anymore they’re gone if you didn’t get them

Not that that’s that big of a deal but still okay oh foly if you’re still chilling there I don’t know if you saw this I don’t I don’t think you saw this but um I got another tarot card that’s absolutely busted and it grants everyone near it grants everyone nearby me uh regeneration

Three absolutely dis disgusting it’s it’s ridiculous those mending iron gloves it’s freaking it’s disgusting it’s ridiculous so I don’t really need armor anymore well I still need armor so I don’t get one shot but I I I just I do it it does so much better it it really cut down my food

Requirements and stuff like that though which means that maintaining my sanity is a little bit harder hey spider friend the night’s so peaceful right now there’s like hardly anything spawning this is weird this isn’t Normal see you know I can hear that right I need more I need more cards like that there’s also a card that gives armor and I need that one too yeah there’s like nothing going on tonight what’s happening why is it so chill oh there’s something I’d be real careful Billy yeah see

I hate how spiders just like crawl the walls and stuff there we go now there’s more showing up I don’t know I don’t know why it was so quiet for a bit there yeah I got to fix that wall now because of those creepers so there’s a rare

Alteration for creepers and what they’ll do is they’ll launch themselves like a rocket I don’t want that I’m I’m going to throw that out here dude those are that’s just a waste of an inventory slot Creeper Creep got rid of that hey spider wow it’s actually super chill tonight this weirds me out normally I’m being mauled by a large number of like Spore mobs and stuff like that they’re just they’re just not there’s hardly anything going on it’s just been some spiders creepers and

Skeletons I haven’t seen any of the Weird Mobs interesting Oh yeah that one’s functional of that stuff and let’s put that in There these in here this in there oh yeah no one reminded me uh got to make a jukebox I think I Pig step somewhere I’m not sure where but Pig step’s probably somewhere you know what this seems like a good spot for a Jukebox No why why that go so Fast hold On scoot Billy you’re in the way great now I need a I need a fire starting tool does that sound good down here too I wonder oh Yeah do I not have a flint and steel aha the heck is that oh necrotic D it’s all nice and pretty now I kind of like this one H I guess I’ll put another one back over Here Does what not affect the enchantment levels the calabra no not as far as I Know I swear I had more discs somewhere along the Lines aha I have 13 I had Pig Step at some point I don’t know where it Went Pig step where are You maybe it’s down here in the Grinder no this is a good one honestly Really wow we can hear it all the way back here that’s awesome oh Billy don’t touch the flesh chests unless you want to lose a limb I told you oh hey Cat I think this is um your storage though foly yeah that’s fly storage do you have any

More music discs no oh you found some sinu if there’s one thing I need to learn to make from redstone it’s um o wait get on my farm come on now they’re just making a mess of things if there’s one thing that I need to learn to make it’s uh automatic Jew box

Player Good old classic cat what is 13 I haven’t I can’t remember 13 you finding Souls oh here’s some more flesh I’m not I’m not a fan of that one I I I kind of just rather listen to other side again to tell you the truth we got cat well we have two cat discs because Bobby has one over there too some creepers it’s about

Normal a very well armored zom zom still on the minor Moon oh they’re trying to get you what the heck is out there what was that it was like watching Me where did Why are there so many creepers Billy what did you Do now we’re gonna starve oh well I’m going to be honest with you you’re actually in trouble on that hole you better get a move on you better get back Out run Billy run the door’s open if you can make It oh let me see if I got materials to fix That I need stone fence Billy I hope you set your spawn point if you didn’t set your spawn point then you’re gone you’re going to be at the Spawn Dang your armor is already taking a good beating holy crap that is a lot of damage on the bright side you got plenty of food and stuff and once you get back here it’ll just all be on your corpse and you’ll be you’ll be fine it looks like most of the mobs are

Dead they oh we got a big guy hey friendo I’d run I’m like I’m like lagging for some reason okay you’re is in there dude go for it it’s just in the it’s in the thing get it it’s on your corpse all right I’m G have to start making everything out of freaking

Obsidian to keep it from exploding to be honest you know what no everything’s slowly getting replaced with replaced by flesh that’s what I’m doing everything’s going to get slowly replaced by flesh that’s how I’m going to live this life everything’s flesh how much will I be able to get

Away with though I don’t think that’ll be very much I don’t think I can make very much flesh with that very many flesh shaped flesh things some fleshy fleshiness I need no those are regular flesh blocks those aren’t necessary those aren’t good those are the bad ones those aren’t

Quality flesh blocks I need quality flesh blocks that there and then the tough fibers and what do I need to make the Fencing that’ll be enough Haack flesh flesh FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL hey you stay out of Bobby Stash you leave Bobby’s stuff alone there will be no theft here today where do I put those things don’t need that don’t need that those are fine fine fine fine the pl I’ll keep on me put this away seeds some string bones bone block there we Go E There we go that’s better one thing I severely Miss is not Having slots un sortable and un transferable render crafting overlay render Brown slots overlay oh that’s cool one thing that makes me sad about these backpacks is that they aren’t like the fancy ones that we could make in that one mod that allowed um it it it allowed us to put like a

Juke box in them that’s what I want that’s what I needed that’s the kind of that’s the kind of back that’s kind of backpack that I needed just more gross noises more delicious delicious gross noises yep problem solved all right repairs are done everything’s gross that’s perfect all right we’re

Good totally good it’s bright daylight I was going to do something and I forgot what I was going to do oh yeah I was going to test out the the things I going test out the flesh eyes onward to Victory what happened oh there it is talk about a close call that almost

Fell right into that lava I hate Herobrine Herobrine’s a dick all right where where’s the hoe got to fix that now that solves that problem at least oh we lost Billy so I can go on a journey to find a stronghold M that’s fantastic well you gotta stop Billy you

Can’t crash like that it’s going to be Nightfall when you get back by which I mean I have no idea honestly you’ll probably be fine I’m going to go find me a stronghold woo what happened to it did did it actually just like break they wouldn’t do that to me right no

Right oh if that broke that is so stupid oh that is dumb what the heck is this Redstone what where did this come from it’s just laying on the floor I guess a mob spawned with it and then died and just dropped it I’m kind of mad about that I just lost a

Fleshy in an an eye of Flesh I guess they shatter after a while I hate that that’s there but I’m going to leave it because there’s one thing that bothers me about the Spore mod in this is that the Spore mod hasn’t done anything it’s just kind of existed it’s

Literally just kind of existed so there’s not really much sense in me worrying about anything that happens with it I I guess the chance for them to break is just really really low or something I don’t I don’t know I wish there was like a surface connection to

Strongholds I’m going to go across the water before I do this I don’t want it to fall into the into the the pure totally uncontaminated Waters in this area there definitely isn’t a bunch of uh evil stuff in here or something like that from Spore oh yeah I haven’t been out this

Area so once I get out of these chunks it’ll all be new stuff is that a thing oh no that’s just dirt blocks stacked up on top of each other to look like a thing More water I don’t appreciate that what is this Enchanted birch leaf pile Enchanted birch leaf piles from what posted why what Enchanted Dart mimics I don’t want anything to do with mimics also Billy I wandered off in a random Direction by which I mean well you don’t have an atlas so

Whoa never mind that’s just another portal I guess that’s a dungeon then yeah this is a this is a portal this is just a portal or is a the the plal over here something coming after me what a sheep you know if they want to challenge

Me those sheep can I just will not show them any Mercy oh cool yeah this is a dungeon all right well I’ve got eight torches to my name I’m going to put these in the Box I got some I got some glowstone blocks why not why not waste my glowstone blocks like this this is fine someone trying to get to me win in

Rome oh my I found a catacomb there’s a good number of zom zoms in there I don’t know Billy you want to help me raid it I mean I could show you how to get to Rome so fast if uh I was going to tell you to head to like the Northwest but

You need an atlas to get a map so so that’s that’s really just not helpful information to tell you um I’m coming I’m coming back I know where it’s at we’re gonna raid it we’re going to raid it we’re going to steal all their good stuff and once we steal

All their good stuff everything will be amazing Amazing by which I mean if you survive you will probably have some upgrades also before you do anything else you should probably try and sleep in one of those beds that’s in the base because once you sleep in one of

Those beds or I guess try to sleep because you can’t sleep in this uh mod um it will Mark that as your respawn point so by marking that as your respawn Point obviously you’ll little bit of a better situation you know not in a terrible one where are you Billy Billy where are

You I’m going to start planting these glowberries literally everywhere in this Forest to make sure that the the horrible creatures that like to spawn have to suffer by not being able to spawn time is it yeah we probably got enough time to read that Billy where’d you go where you at

Billy I’m to the left of the Well from exiting I’m to the left of the base Billy over here turn don’t touch that that’s bad that’ll kill you I don’t know where I found that but that’s the only one I found and I need more of this on wood did you set your

Respawn fantastic all is right with the world where did I get this backpack I now have a sheep backpack oh yeah don’t touch that if you die to that then you become infect then you your body becomes an infected and the crappy part about that is if you become infected like that then

You have to kill your former self to yeah yeah I I took care of it I took care of it but my Celio infections no joke oh whoops I was trying to get rid of the the grass I didn’t know if you could get into your corpse or not there we

Go and throw that away I don’t need that here you go some extra food to make up for the the damage also as you can tell there’s infinite apples in this area that stuff is 10 times better than Apples also if you’re talk yeah it’s gone you got everything it it just the

The model for your corpse stays the same you want to go to that catacomb it’s like straight across here we got like 20 minutes 20 minutes before the night falls and everything becomes a hellscape again I mean if you want more of those nutrient bars too all you really need to

Do is feed the the put them in the machine that I was those weird little like things that were chewing on stuff and if you put a bunch of apples in those it’ll turn them into nutrient paste and then you can just put nine of those together in a crafting table or a

Backpack and turn those into to more of the the actual nutrient bars so it works for pretty much everything anything that has a food value can be can be converted round why’d you take a wooden sword you do like no damage do I even have any I mean I could make a

Zenor we could make you a Siege sword but let’s see oh never mind that takes anotherr Ingot can’t make that maybe we’ll maybe we’ll find you an enchanted one down there careful yeah that’s a that’s a bunch of fire it’s over here I took its corpse here it

Is you can have its corpse I’ll give you its corpse there you go I mean you can break it down for food careful I’m trying to make a way down all right Z z stab stab stab in the zombies man there’s a lot of them down there man oh my how do we stop them from spawning they’re trying desperately to get you there’s a lot of them is that it are they not going to keep spawning now come

On got him okay he can no longer cause problems by digging stuff up I have way too many backpacks how many them are there I’m I’m going to light the place up at least a little bit hey buddy hey Z zom friendo how are you doing all right it looks like most of

It’s clear there’s a bunch of Pathways the main area is clearish at least man if I had more there we go I need more light I didn’t bring enough torches W I’m dead oh my God I fell in a giant hole oh no oh this is so cool looking though

But yeah it’s just a giant death hole I refuse I’m not dying here I will take a million of you with me if I have to I am 100% not surrendering to this if I can just oh my God there’s a pit there everything’s got pits and there’s water

All over the place I can’t see awful just want to light the plates up Billy stay out of here if you’re trying to gear up to get in here don’t do it I I’m I’m going I’m probably going to die out of this okay okay I have a second to

Breathe and there’s more water okay okay that’s hold out for now um I have no lights I’m making it out of this if I can I I know I know roughly where I’m at if I can dig over to that cave that has all the glow the the glow

Uh not glow Moss the glow um the glowberries in it I can start lighting this area up and create a good area that I can work in and an outpost down here okay okay I need that get those out of my inventory too no my lifeline is Fallen okay okay

Okay so we’ll do it this way then I can work with that that’s a that’s a a different zom zom you’re well kitted too that’s a strong zom are you kidding me I just summoned lightning here uh all right I I caused myself problems where’s that lightning bolt I’m scared that

Lightning Bolt’s taking its sweet time I don’t like what I’m seeing down there that’s that’s what I expected okay I can work with this I can I can 100% work with this this will be fine toss that I don’t need that there’s this dead failed experiment that’s in my inventory again

Uh I thought I could like right click things shift right click no no but I can just open it I I’ll put that in there um can’t stack the other backpacks I don’t need that right now I don’t need that right now I put that right there for the moment okay [Applause]

Whoa why did I do that why was that noise necessary dang man H can I breathe though a free grave metal sword that’s an upgrade o um um where’s that pit I made right here Billy if you’re trying to get down here you are not going to be able to easily get down

Here did you like lose your stuff or something chat message validation failure what why I’m starting to go crazy that’s not good crap I I’m going be honest with you man I don’t know what to tell you at this point I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this one

I’m definitely screwed down here like I really don’t have an effective way out of here I could I could try digging straight up but I I can’t I I don’t know what you want me to do I have no idea where you died I don’t even know how I’m going to

Get out of here like if I had some would maybe I could create a uh a campfire or something like that but I’m just like stuck down here and they keep taking pot shots at me from freaking 60 miles off a piece of my equipment just broke my am yeah my helmet just

Broke that’s not that bad I guess I can easily replace that is this going to work well that bone meal I can work with that at least this might be the end to me I don’t know where the heck that creeper came from I suddenly can’t see like at all

I I can see nothing no way oh my God I made it out somehow and I’m completely insane I guess I just swam up or something what did you lose Billy like what all did you lose I’m going to head all the way back I’m going to prepare some stuff prepare some

Light sources some uh other stuff I guess yeah but what did you lose like material wise was it just the siege armor cuz if it was just like The Siege armor and stuff that’s easy enough to replace like The Siege armor the zenor ingots I know you had a magic sword but

If it didn’t have really strong enchants we’re probably going to have a hard time getting it back oh those are infinite they literally just grow themselves consistently over time like sure you might not have the big pile that you had before but you got you got some leave me Al load stop touching

Me oh that’s bad okay now I’m back I can regain my sanity not having logs is actually kind of problematic I was expecting this to be an issue yeah I have a bunch of garbage in my inventory now because of that whole mess that debacle getting knocked into the

Void we’ll get stuff back though man it take it probably take a while I like I don’t have time tonight to do it to tell you the truth um do we have any wool we do so I read on the thing that walking on wool helps your sand oh not wool walking on

Um carpet helps your sanity it was like dirt dirt Pathways and um this looks like gauze it looks like I’ve just got gauze on the floor why would I just have gauze on the floor I need a campfire see dude my gold pants have taken too much damage okay no biological matter Here Sage I I guess I could put it over I’m I’m just trying not to be completely Bonkers oh that’s right I got a campfire over here now I forgot about this so I don’t have to make one at the moment this is fine it’s totally fine everything’s not you

Know diseased and gross and everything is wrecked H well like I said sadly this is going to be um all the time I have for the night I don’t that that that went South real quick hopefully by the next time I stream I have all of the stuff recollected and everything like that

Reorganized and can raid that stupid thing if it wasn’t just a giant pit into the void it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but man that is awful anyways thank you all very much for watching take care St at trouble don’t catch anything on fire if you

Enjoy your time don’t forget to like comment and subscribe have a good night and B out

This video, titled ‘Strange Temple? | Minecraft Modpack – Fear Nightfall’, was uploaded by Bannith on 2023-12-16 06:38:34. It has garnered 54 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds.

The Modpack being used in this stream! This one feels like a lot of love and care went into making it so please consider giving it a go! – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Current Modpack Version for the server is v11.

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    UNBELIEVABLE! NEW DEMON SLAYER ADDON IN PG MINECRAFT PE 1.20.62Video Information Fala aí pessoal E aí tudo bem com vocês aqui é o PG trazendo mais um vídeo PR vocês hoje Estou trazendo uma nova atualização dessa do Incrível de Demons le sim galera ela atualizou novamente recentemente aqui pra gente nessa nova atualização fo adicionar novos kutos B lançamento novas respirações e tudo mais pra gente eu espero realmente vocês curtem se você gosta de Adam de demes le e de outros animes Não esqueça de deixar o like que é o que mais ajuda o canal é o seu like Então deixa o seu like compartilha esse… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tutorial – Epic Dream Town Apartment Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Tutorial - Epic Dream Town Apartment Build!Video Information [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [박수] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] a [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] m k [음악] [음악] k [음악] k [음악] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] [음악] [음악] [박수] [음악] k [음악] [음악] C [음악] [음악] [음악] k h [음악] [음악] h [음악] [음악] k [음악] [음악] This video, titled ‘Build Multi story apartment building in Dream Town | Minecraft Build’, was uploaded by Minecraft Tut Pitan on 2024-04-19 12:00:15. It has garnered 181 views and 12 likes. The… Read More

  • Exposed: DylanMC, The Minecraft Thief!

    Exposed: DylanMC, The Minecraft Thief!Video Information this is Dylan MC and he’s been accused of stealing millions of views from other popular content creators he’s a Spanish Minecraft Youtuber and has pled innocent to the plethora of allegations against him today I’ll be investigating the situation and I’ll let you decide if Dylan MC is innocent or has just been lying and profiting off of the backs of other creators to start off the video I’ll be reading an introduction written by Dylan MC himself I’m going to explain a little bit how I started on YouTube first of all my English is really… Read More

  • TerminaMC SMP Raiding PvP Towny Wartime Crossplay

    🏰 Play the best Towny Wartime on TerminaMC.com!💣 IP: TerminaMC.com 🌎 Discor: discord.gg/Termina 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 mcMMO – Towny – Raiding & WARTIME! – Voice Chat – Discord Live Chat – so much more! 🛡️ Play Your Way We support all survival play styles! Whether you’re all about PvP action, where battles are intense and oh-so-satisfying. Or if you enjoy a passive SMP – join or create a town that suits you! 💣 Event War Own a town? You can declare war on your enemies! Raid their loot with at least two of your town’s players online…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who’s Better Out of These Two?

    In the world of Minecraft, the age-old question of who is superior will forever remain unanswered…until someone invents a diamond sword with a “Superior” enchantment! Read More

  • Foxy’s IQ Test: Can You Outsmart a Minecraft Fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Foxy's IQ Test: Can You Outsmart a Minecraft Fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Why did the fox fail the IQ test? Because he kept getting distracted by all the shiny diamonds in Minecraft! #easilydistractedfox #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Ultimate 2024 Minecraft Server: PlayFuse

    Ultimate 2024 Minecraft Server: PlayFuse Welcome to the Best Minecraft Server in 2024 (1.20) Embark on a thrilling adventure within the expansive world of Minecraft on one of the finest Minecraft servers available. Our server stands as a beacon among the best Minecraft servers, offering an immersive experience that caters to players of all preferences and playstyles. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the game, our server promises an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and camaraderie. Immersive Gameplay on Minecraft 1.20 and Beyond Join our community and explore the vast possibilities of Minecraft 1.20, 1.21, and the latest update, 1.20.5, available on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Build Exploring the World of Minecraft Mansions with Swimming Pools When it comes to creating the ultimate dream home in Minecraft, nothing quite beats the allure of a mansion with a luxurious swimming pool. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of building your very own mansion in Minecraft, complete with a stunning swimming pool that will make your virtual neighbors green with envy. Designing Your Dream Mansion Building a mansion in Minecraft is a creative endeavor that allows you to let your imagination run wild. From grand entrances to sprawling living spaces, the possibilities are endless. Consider incorporating… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Makeover: Kipper Upgrades Every Creature

    Epic Minecraft Mob Makeover: Kipper Upgrades Every CreatureVideo Information I remade every mob Better In Minecraft I’ll start by making one of Minecraft’s most useless mobs better the bat let’s remove those bat ears we can do a lot better and this will be the start of the face with some bright green eyes and a purple snout let’s go ahead and give it a mouthful of fangs too and now for the ears look at these tiny little ones time to turn them long and awesome to make this bat truly better though we’re going to need to give it a big and strong body with… Read More

  • End Remastered: Unveiling All 12 EYES

    End Remastered: Unveiling All 12 EYESVideo Information there we go and it worked now today is going to seem a bit crazy we because we are still going after all of the eyes needed to go to the end and this means a lot more Adventure and I am perfectly fine doing all of this now I do need to find a rabbit’s foot as soon as we have a rabbit’s foot then we’ll be able to purchase the evil eye from our villager because this does come from a uh cleric villager thankfully we ended up getting that on our first cleric uh which… Read More

  • SHOCKING Jungle Horror Found! Agita & Plum Play Minecraft

    SHOCKING Jungle Horror Found! Agita & Plum Play MinecraftVideo Information so I’ll level with you guys I was just about to head down into the cave systems underneath us mine up some osmium for the botony pots and then start off the episode by looking into some more refined storage components which I would still like to do today don’t get me wrong however I have just made a bit of a horrifying discovery which has certainly stopped me from doing any of that let’s go explore this together a few episodes ago we got up the message endure which at the time I had no idea what… Read More

  • ADNAN IVGAMER RETURNS! 🔥| Minecraft Madness

    ADNAN IVGAMER RETURNS! 🔥| Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘رجعنا 🔥😎| Minecraft’, was uploaded by ADNAN IVGAMER on 2024-01-14 10:06:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Peace be upon you =═▣ Where are you from? . Read More

  • Minecraft hack tricks that will blow your mind! 🤯 #trending

    Minecraft hack tricks that will blow your mind! 🤯 #trendingVideo Information ‏master This video, titled ‘Minecraft hack🤯6#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu’, was uploaded by Yanu Ji on 2024-04-07 17:25:51. It has garnered 438 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft hack🤯2#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu I G N O R E T H I S T H I N G #minecraft #junkeyy #trending #mrgamerjay #gameshorts #gaming #video #games #yanu minecraft minecraft 1.20 minecraft pocket edition curseforge minecraft 1.19 optifine lego minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft legends minecraft games minecraft dungeons minecraft free pixelmon https aka ms remoteconnect minecraft survival minecraft server minecraft classic minecraft story mode aternos server… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Ultimate Battle: Strongest Sorcerer vs Curse!

    Gingershadow's Ultimate Battle: Strongest Sorcerer vs Curse!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some K me b b it took his time but finally happened the things spawned it it took so much longer than necessarily should have but here we are I yeah I not did something destroy the other I basically I went AFK I I went off to the bathroom between recordings I’m like yeah okay see if things are here by the time I get back and things were awesome uh I mean that still seems to be fill of stuff so I’m just going to leave that… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Mind-Blowing Foxes in Minecraft! #17

    SHOCKING! Mind-Blowing Foxes in Minecraft! #17Video Information [Music] for [Music] pong by hi I did it that time and of course I’m not one time Hi D you say hi no how’s everyone doing today hopefully comy yeah comy going good start of the week of course yeah yeah yeah yeah must be must be Al I will not be fluffy no h why is it so rainy lately why is it so rainy it’s been raining so much last few days I can’t I can sit in a garden but it’s the garden definitely gets too much rain yeah definitely oh oh I hope… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Adventures – Build Brilliance

    Ultimate Crafting Adventures - Build BrillianceVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 2’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Map – Sak Create 2.0

    Unbeatable Minecraft Map - Sak Create 2.0Video Information सामने पानी है और पानी में कुर्दा ये पक्का लावा में कन्वर्ट होगा भाई इतना तो भरोसा हो गया इस ओ भाई अनफेयर मा ये एक ऐसा मैप है जिससे मा के बहुत सारे बड़े-बड़े यूट्यूब ने खेला जैसे मिथ पैड यस माटी और ऐसे बहुत सारे और इसीलिए आज हम लोग खेलने वाले इसे अपने मोबाइल पे एंड ऑलराइट गाइस तो हम लोग का मैप स्टार्ट हो चुका है और मैप में यहां सब चेस्ट में देखते हैं क्या चेस्ट में पांच एमरेड है ऑलराइट यहां से आगे बढ़ सकते हैं ओ भाई बढ़िया मैप बना रखा… Read More

  • Vivid SMP! Modded SMP

    Welcome to BounceSMP – Public Modpack! Join our community today! Hello, I’m Naoki, the owner of a SMP with some of my close friends. We are looking to expand and welcome more players to our server. The server is hosted on BisectHosting’s Premium Plan with 6 GB of RAM and runs the BounceSMP – Public modpack. Our modpack is socially themed and includes custom features like jobs, mobs, bosses, mounts, and more! Features: Built-in voice chat and emotes Diverse range of jobs Create mod, cars, planes, musical instruments, and more To apply, please fill out the Google form here. Upon… Read More

  • PeaMc

    PeaMc🟢PEA🟢Ip: Pea.play-mc.com port: 50003The grass pea is greener on the other side.This is a small, semi-vanilla survival server with Java and Bedrock compatibility, running on the latest version of Minecraft. We do not have claims or anti-griefing measures whatsoever. We’re striving to grow, and every player counts, so we’d appreciate it if you joined and stayed a while!Rules:✔️What’s allowed -Griefing/stealingPVP❌️What’s not allowed -Exploiting/Hacking: (X-ray, Speed, Jesus, Flight, Kill-area, ect.)Utter disrespect: (Death-threats, Spamming, and over all being not likable)Features:↔️Multiple versions support (1.7x – 1.20.4.)🛏Multiplayer sleep (allowing half of the server to sleep to skip night.)🛸Teleportation (just /TPA. No /TPR, No /home,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cease brawling, you foolish players!

    Minecraft Memes - Cease brawling, you foolish players!Looks like even the Illagers are tired of all the player vs player drama in Minecraft! Read More

  • Magic Machines: Crafting Automation Wonders

    Magic Machines: Crafting Automation Wonders In the world of Minecraft, news is shared, Crafting updates with rhymes that are paired. Icing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing joy to the crowd, let the rhymes begin. With machines and magic, automation in play, Creating a world where creativity holds sway. From processors to mods, the journey unfolds, In the realm of Minecraft, where stories are told. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the rhymes flow, straight from the heart. In every line, let truth take wing, As we journey through Minecraft, let the story sing. Read More

  • “Hotter than Nether: Ore Survival Challenge!” #lol

    "Hotter than Nether: Ore Survival Challenge!" #lol When in doubt, always choose diamond ore – because who needs food and shelter when you can have shiny rocks instead? #priorities Read More

  • Unseen Diamond Sword in Minecraft Blows Zombies’ Minds!

    Unseen Diamond Sword in Minecraft Blows Zombies' Minds! Discover the Hidden Gem in Minecraft: Dual-Wielding Diamond Swords! Unleash Your Creativity with Dual-Wielding In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such hidden gem is the ability to dual-wield diamond swords, a feature that 99% of players may not have encountered yet. Imagine the awe on a zombie’s face when confronted with this unique combat style! How to Craft Your Dual-Wielding Setup To achieve the coveted dual-wielding setup, players need to gather two different swords, such as a golden sword and a diamond sword. This combination creates a… Read More

  • Simplify Your Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Simplify Your Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience with some awesome mods? Look no further! While watching a hilarious YouTube video about simplifying your game with mods, you may have realized that there’s a whole new world of possibilities waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine exploring a vast, player-driven world where you can unleash your creativity and conquer challenges with like-minded gamers. With mods like Industrial Craft, Inventory Tweaks, and Mo’ Creatures, you can take your gameplay to the next level and experience Minecraft in a whole new way. Join us on Minewind Minecraft… Read More