Unbelievable Finds in Mysterious Mountains

Video Information

Stream has begun oh oh oh oh wait I got to do the start stream thing there we go oh oh oh oh oh oh welcome welcome come on in the over come one come all to Ian stream yesterday very successful EMV stream very good very awesome p alicious if I say so

Myself the [ __ ] buddy all right yes you have been summoned welcome um no don’t that wasn’t me that was someone else I was reading it why I’m not there never mind I BL clap I have watch Invaders In looks ugly I’m getting what oh that Jack I’m getting rid of your dirt

House jack yeah Jack that house is that dirt is ugly are you find my dirt house again yes I so ugly all live here in I was making why why is it that all you do like that’s so dis was adding wood around it and then you just decided to

Start placing dirt everywhere I didn’t have anything else why it all you do Bully me in these words Place dirt everywhere like no one wants dirt everywhere that looks hi bu dirt houses what I remember last time green burn my dirt green burnt my dirt house house down how you he burnt it

Down and everything it well it was probably it was probably hideous I wish you like crying I was so close to kicking off I got on the phone with my friend I’m like I’m not kicking off love that I I went I went I’m not having this

They burnt down my house they burnt down my wooden dirt house and my toilet they keep putting Farms everywhere I I tweaking man I tweaking and then today or yesterday um Ida K not I was it Ida yeah someone kills me steals all of my hair steals all of my hair making fun

Of the yeees that I’m wearing why are you going to make of my Yeezys but it’s not your Yeezys are ugly my yees need dying I’ve told you this before I need to Die My yeees it’s not need to die if I do say something myself what say something your is a trash

Hey and then I give you all SE pickles as a total of friendship and ignore it where did it turn night time I have no idea what you just said but yeah I’ll give you guys sea pickles as a token of my friendship and you just ignore me you

Didn’t give me no sea pickles I swear I dropped you one unless your inventory were full cuz I gave one to you and I gave one to Ida ghost I was chasing ghost for an entire jungle and he just wer having any of it so I decided [ __ ]

It I already gave him I already gave him some leather boots so I want some sea pickles and you would never give me none I’ll give you some sea pickles but if I join the world I’m not having someone kill me again but sir stop being

So killable then it’s stream 83 by the way it is I’m yes why does this keep happening oh I also realized I have to get back I have to get back anywhere I don’t think I’ve got any SE pickles cuz I died and I went back to

Spawn this is why you need to like start not breaking beds everywhere cuz I did the right thing by putting the bed back in his rightful spot cuz that was my spawn point that’s probably someone else’s spawn point so I don’t know why you move the bed we have a good system

Going on here yeah I I I made beds but I separated them because I’m not gay I want to make bunk beds though cuz that be so buddy what is happening buddy count your days this conversation shifted but sir what I want I want to make though cuz that’ be so

Funny no not just what was the point nope I’m thirsty then maybe go get a drink I sto my toe yesterday what are you doing why is why is all you screen sharing the we party music cuz those most cuz I’m streaming right now leave me the [ __ ] alone well

Yeah I know you’re streaming right now I I I saw it that’s how I joined thec cuz i’ got I’ve got post notifications on yes make sure to turn on post notifications hit that big Bell and um like And subscribe like And subscribe especially subscribe to my YouTube

Channel you know oh do you even post just say no I don’t post on my YouTube channel you post you had Corona on your you coughed Corona on your screen all spaced out I kind of missed that buddy think that was like the best Ar e yeah I don’t I don’t know what to post I might start posting kco kitten Roblox commentary buddy why would you do that though who put hay bells all in my chest Roblox keeps getting worse and worse I’m taking these hay bells in my chest roblox’s new update is absolutely awful

Anyway I haven’t groomed Mak a new R50 no oh don’t remember when Cann K and groomed kids no no no no oh I know next I shouldn’t be talking about this on stream um I think I’m going to go I think I think I’m going to go and finish

My 24 plus Hour quiet time pillers you okay ghost pillagers you all right pillagers pillagers do you pillagers time to solo pillagers right over here you okay Villers you all right hope you can swim I’m lagging oh shoot don’t do that oh Villagers come go I’m going to die ghost you got to fight for me back home no I’m at half a heart I’m back hom hom I’m back go this doesn’t look too good I need a solo I got I’m at three hearts I’m logging off the second I

Yeah why am I lagging so bad what’s going on I don’t see a single Pillager they’re at like the go to the the ocean I’m on I see them that could be a new audio I don’t see a single pill oh no I see them n the delivery isn’t strong enough dude but

Sir but sir Jack why are you back hey that’s me welcome back buddy no I’m actually not having home with pill I’m not in the game dude dude log back on I’m like the only one in the server I’m going to die I’m going to

Lose all my stuff you see I I’m Ling off too dude join I don’t want to join just to sail there or swim there and then die straight away from pillagers I’d actually scream then maybe set your spawn before you die silly goose well yeah but I

Can’t if there’s pillages right next to it cuz you can’t rest right now there’s monsters nearby also my mic quality is getting is is is some I don’t know if it’s good I I went on the stream and I was listening to myself and I thought

First of all I thought first of all my voice is so annoying second of all my mic quality is better than it has been yeah I know it’s it’s been been all right all right been all right all right it it’s not bad for right now it

It’s going to get a lot worse at some point I’m dying though where did you go I see where’s my stuff I can’t find my anyway no one’s even seeing the game play no there is no game the game will be me dying and losing all my levels and

All my stuff dude just come back there like kill the pillagers no I can’t kill the all my stuff I’m not going through that face okay fine the the the stre just going to be us talking nothing okay well okay dude all my stuff is gone cuz I’m not

Going towards those Villages how’s it gone they’re just going to have to stay there I died well like oh can I can I make a suggestion actually for the music can we like do Animal Crossing new Leaf music please shut I I got scared I thought you were going to say this the

Tommy inert the one oh my go no no the animal Crossing new Leaf on I were watching like Albert stuff archives and stuff um and he were using some of the music from Animal Crossing new Leaf and I just thought this is so don’t use don’t use anything from the Able Sisters though

Cuz that’s a tmy in it but sir I walk into the Able Sisters and I feel like I’m aging about 20 years just from being there yeah it’s it’s awful let’s turn on some intense yeah think are getting crazy the [ __ ] I’m not I’m not very happyart oh my

Iron is gone I’m not very happy with animal custume right now anyway cuz I keep buying turnips and I keep having like decreasing patterns so I keep just like selling them for about more less than half I’m going to reopen Minecraft it’s lagging really bad right now Matter don’t worry go I’m going to save the day in a second good you hate Tommy in it what I don’t like that you said that so but sir what the [ __ ] dud no did not is there even like more places that I can find with iron cuz I think oh my stuff

Okay time to lock the freak in um okay going down yes oh are they dead nope where’ I go oh I see you yeah ready for round two I see them yep I definitely see them I got to ask you a question eat that you can go through my shield never mind

Dead yeah easy I ain’t scared of y’all there so much of this I don’t know but I love it I kelp is my main food source right now I fear oh let me take all that watermelons are mine if anyone want there mug I guess you have food food as your real source

As your source of food let me let me let me get a slice H got it girl break me off a piece of that mutton just one piece got get out one piece one bite sa the crunch pillagers asks first questions later huh what oh I get it ah Ah right kill Don’t Mind If I Do Tred K is so good I can r k right now lightly saled delicate taste taste still save for a lifetime sir why is the music so intense cuz I was fighting the I don’t know that was even happening I was fighting the the

Guys and we’re just like going to the first you DED C what Jack are you fighting the pillagers yeah they all oh I I lit just remember something about you want some iron you want some iron yes I want some okay I got 24 iron I’m going to quickly spare this before I

SP don’t spend all of it but yeah Ryan want Ryan there’s an iron right here where’s my oh wait no I have my iron never mind sorry you drama and arguments yeah I would I want my hair back by the way I have like oh that’s all gone I I

Think K took all they were in my chest so I took them I said stay out of my chest if it goes in my chest it’s going in my inventory now it’s in my inventory I kind of I kind of did that inten so I could get rid of it stop putting your

Stuff in my chest this is my birthday person no one ever gave me anything for my birthday I said it’s my birthday I got one how many I’m not anyway I gave ghost a birthday gift and I think I I think I drew out had a picture maybe that was last year

Yeah but yeah I remember earlier today like my friend killed a bunch of pillagers and then she went over to like my Villages station I just made a pit and called it to pit which is just where the villagers were um and then she started a raid and

Then she died with 30 levels and I felt so bad that was me I got jumped they jumped me but then the other day I like she had like 30 levels again she was fishing she had no armor I made a massive dirt Tower got my fishing rod

Hit her with it and then flung her straight into the ass she got so mad she locked me in my house and everything and I couldn’t do anything and she killed me and made my stuff despawn I’m on her side you shouldn’t honestly it it it was so funny

I didn’t expect it to fly that far but it was so funny anyway I’m going to go again because I’m dying see you guys soon bye minutes yeah I’m joining in about 20 minutes J at no going in 10 minutes hold on I’m a I’m

At J get the on oh I didn’t mean to type it out let me there you go got to censor it no no I what the [ __ ] what’s going on this is my Kar anyone huh I just want some I know who sugar how take of

That I don’t please stop I have the power oh come on you no I wouldn’t when you that you do it for a freelance job when you see that check flying towards your face other there was this one show I watched called freelances but I didn’t watch the second

Season it was on YouTube and it was free so I was watching it cuz I had these people I used to watch when I was younger and they all like made this they’re on little studio and that’s cool and then they made shows they made a

Show and it’s cool it was it was it was nice little little show but I never finished it they’re like it’s called the Freelancers and they’re freelancing they’re just they’re just trying to work they’re trying to make the way up in the big world trying to get money and

They’re trying to like work some jobs and stuff they’re just and put in my chest and and and they and it’s and UMES can’t stop thinking about that we’re laugh you and go keep doing what laugh this one I duh I the Cur no C are people still not

Do I have to say like 10 bad words yes per sentence [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] stupid ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] you [ __ ] everyone [ __ ] the world I don’t [ __ ] care [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] only allow three per [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off okay [ __ ] [ __ ] you

You can’t [ __ ] everything okay see now now you cannot say you’re nice bro I’m so confused I just swear he just swore I did you just say all of that in one sentence what’s wrong with you you you I have a job buddy you nobody got time for that

Come on come on no more no more no more no more no more stop stop stop no more no more come on come on no more no more please stop don’t do that anymore you dropped yourself hey no more no more no more I’m on half a heart half a heart half a

Heart half a heart stop stop stop not stop stop stop no no more no more no more no more no more no more no half a heart half a heart half a heart no seriously no seriously I’m half a heart no seriously I’m half a heart a I have

No food heart I have no food stop I was just joking no you weren’t oh wait I didn’t mean to type like that I didn’t mean type like That no dude I’m sorry okay it was an accident I love V viy pop rolling Ah that’s who is DIY Pop I saw a video like on Tik Tok I I’ve never heard about that’s to know they made Hova boss Oh iconic show Hova boss is taking the nation yeah I saw I saw a video like uh it was either yesterday or earlier today and it was like me swearing 10 me having 10 swear words and a word a sentence five words in it or something like that

And all the comments talking about Vivy Pop I had no idea who that was was I was toad confused but now I do know so thanks you guys they just known for putting like a lot of bad words in their show I guess they they need to stop I really do not

Watch any of her shows but you know I guess they need to stop how are you going to go offline after saying that okay Jay said okay I watched it’s just us three it’s just us three it’s just us against the world when the Mo

Clear that could be an edit we we got to like fight something something dangerous they should have more bosses to this we can have like more dangerous Journeys Minecraft this we need like a adventure update part two where they have like a whole other part of the game

That you got to do after the dragon or something I want it yeah I need it what the [ __ ] I’m going half a heart I’m have a heart stop stop stop stop stop half a heart I stop half heart half heart what half heart half heart half heart half

Heart since when did we get to the topic of s I was doing was Jing around we’re just joking around too no worries I wasn’t joking I’m serious don’t [ __ ] yourself hey hey I’m still not used goodness you used to be S like a sweet kid and now you just swearing all

All the time on God I used to say freaking now I’m saying [ __ ] like what the hell going on bro like what only boms per stream please stop we’re going to get taken down uh freaking oh you’re such a flipping loser this about to get freaking epic in here thank you

So just give me one have a heart sorry I didn’t mean to HTE you half a heart IA stop you’re not half a heart half a heart stop lying half a heart your head like your help what wrong with you I had to stop about wait I to get

Your kelp in the in your F in the furnace my furnace but it’s your kelp wait what oh I even I kind of forgot I made that but okay so what now do we do in the Stream guys I don’t want to keep them waiting H well I thinking maybe we could let’s

Reveal what we’ve been work we should we should um find a place to live shouldn’t we like cuz I do not want to live here oh you know what low key we could live over the water oh we need a village though we need villagers I’m afraid do need

Villagers and I have to get all my back ooh we have some figer stuff in this group chat somewhere we had a little figer ARA but got believe to the public eight people watching people hi people hey mush mush like that don’t ever use that nickname on me again just K to

Me what hey I said stop doing that okay whoever just hit me I’m so confused who did that why who did that did that I’m not I’m not playing I’m not play who did that he’s on half a heart stuck in the same please that CU everyone well yeah we’re kind of

Just making teapot with of references left and right no yeah for real want more we love everyone here in this group chat I love that for you says Viva from trolls 3 I love that color purple is a good color in my opinion green is better

But what okay it’s my opinion I don’t actually mean it’s take Mountain so sorry wait no I’m going to this Stone area I’ll be right back you guys want to explore stuff I wish I could stream my perspective right now screen share and I put a little I put up

A little box in the corner that’s actually genius do that I just POV y Bo yeah I’m going to do that too you can watch multiple actually way that’s actually way smarter welcome to YY City you should probably like specify which is which by the way I can’t have two on the same

Time cuz it’s I can have one like big box on the screen I fear how do I crop can I crop it can you like pop it out you can like pop out streams o that’s that’s facts yeah you could yeah make sure that’s facts how do you do that yeah oh shoot

Wait pop out yeah pop out the stream with the button make it pop out the screen like a spider verse film like spider Uh I’ll take a slice of that oh my God creepers let me make let me make myself safe real quick creeper people haven’t been I haven’t been seeing no mobs nowhere I’m not complaining but why yeah all right where that butt where where is it at I’m actually really

Hungry I need something to eat but there nothing eat food come on come on just SW but don’t make a cheeseburger for Wendy’s hey all right there it is pop out and spicy spicy nuggets only nothing ever been this crazy before see you get it for real it’s cheap

Affordable effective what else do you want nothing that’s what ooh I really don’t know what I’m doing okay I’m going to get this what is I kind of don’t remember what these were called oh bamboo yeah there there it is okay okay time to explore I’ll move the tree in the

Background a little bit there we go okay I did that okay oh my God so much I get so much bamboo what can you do a bamboo again wait can you make wait scaffolding bamboo blocks oh yeah okay put your hand in mine I get something your hand in

Mine all right I want some key lime pie yes hey sorry whoever’s boat this is by the way I just snagged it hey that’s my boat oh hey my oh my boat oh I’m already gone hey my boat hey that boat walk walk walk walk walk I’m already gone well got to go

What did I do I should become like a sound sound engineer no no you’re you know you’re right oh my God I found like four sheep byebye adios sucker man so dude why is the Sheep on the stupid boat get no no no stupid sheep stupid sheep real stupid sheep no no no

No no no so the night crash landed on this new island that I’ve never seen what is this place what is this location I’m in now here are flowers and trees for hours oh my goodness oh shoot oh oh no I made it too small hold on oh no where oh oh no

Skeleton by no adios no no I’m not even playing byebye oh no no okay I have so much food now I I think I’m good now basically Invincible oh my God sugar cane I’m coming for you buddy I’m sorry what’s happening I want to explore too yeah ghost come on let’s

Go we’re going to ro going to find a place going to find somewhere to need explore and get everything we need we’re going to go far from this place probably we’re going to explore and dobly come on ghost get the stuff that you need come on one big game of hide and

Seek come on let’s go let’s go and explore we are going to maybe not things we’re going to find maybe some saplings and maybe a desert temple or something great we’re going to go real far probably we’re going to find some stuff indubitably let’s do it let’s explore we

Are not going to regret our journey maybe we will let’s go far somewhere we’re going to explore the gray Outdoors come on let’s row roll this boat I don’t know which direction we should go think south or maybe North cuz we’ve gone East and West before Stop Standing Up come on

Let’s go explore the ocean on wait I mess up through the ocean we will go go go go go on this boat we will R the amazing digital circus okay I’m not reading that let’s explore the world this journey the world is beautiful Budd how do you keep

Falling whenever I whenever I like change my point of view I have Shift L ho uh oh oh never mind hold on I got maybe I got to get my shaders on cuz I might get a thumbnail on this journey nope I’m not going okay let’s go R I want to see song about Ian that’s true I hope it comes out soon

But he working on it y’all but then Ian would die oh No stop I don’t like that I’m not sad I’m not Sad but does it not show if I’m not like do I have to have the popup like open on my screen I can’t do that buddy that’s not fair I fear I cannot have the other POV open at at the same time as my

Game what cuz when I Tab out of it it just goes to a black screen or a dark gray screen oh shoot zombie oh shoot the cow go oh never WR hag please stop saying Sal I mistyped I miss I made a mistake all

Right I’m just a kid I’m just a kid when is next entv we not sure never yeah that was the only we have you stff forv please leave that’s a joke okay don’t say that do not say that that’s not true that’s a joke oh my goodness look

But yeah it’ll probably the next one will be very soon hold on let’s get a thumbnail real quick where’d you go ghost ghost ghost no they mind fatigue oh shoot oh shoot ghost we need a thumbnail though we need a thumbnail no no we need a thumbnail Happ we need a

Thumbnail what just happened we need a thumbnail but what just happened we have minor fatigue it’s okay get down here jum drown a little bit drown a little bit face towards the ocean Monument we’re going to get a thumbnail I can’t even look at the okay screenshot

Ah half a heart half a heart okay I got to go I got to go half a heart hope that’s good let me save this m or SC it’s a sure good thing we don’t have to mine right Now day uh oh go away please go away please no one likes you oh there’s another one G GTG got to go got to go go oh I got to go this creeper is about to kill me oh I’ve got to go got to go creeper if you understand

That reference please make sure to leave a like on the stream and hit post notification Bell thank you okay I don’t even these sounds are scaring me me oh my gosh I I got hold on oh why am I stuck in your where where my mouse

Go probably Jack no oh wait who’s that that J or something I actually don’t know that’s okay well a two two for one two for one dude you can’t sh oh one for one adios good night America good enough oh my God what happened it was

Like evil laugh is this even a good thumbnail it’s not even a good thumbnail you can really see the monument whatever useless oh just put it back in the shop yeah so far I found literally a nothing bro sorry this reminds me of when Ian streamed yeah back in the day Nostalgia

Yeah like last year back in the summer like year after that South South South ghost why do you conrete what oh no that’s a reference huh actually that wasn’t even on a stream that was just so no’s going to get that reference my bad y’all okay what the [ __ ] you need to be

Stopped now oh get on get Moving what the [ __ ] is wrong with Fame I’m going to live forever why in the hashtags of this video is Rob one of them Bob the Robber probably it no oh Roblox Roblox and then robock I guess what goes It goes like rblo rib J by the way hi J that’s

You hi J got two for one deal again one and goodbye oh my God they drowned team Ida blasting off again ooh s could I perhaps no s you’re not getting a slice but sir no all right you’re not land hole finally my oh it’s Birch I don’t want to go to an

Underwater C Birch okay we can’t mine no no I’m going back that’s way too risky so we don’t like I mean you can take it but like we literally can’t mine it right now oh my God just just get out of my face oh my gosh real food wait I have

How you survive real food my goodness I don’t I really don’t know what I’ll take wait k where’d you go holy crap I’m out of here over here dude I found nothing so stupid time for a song what version uh 1.2.4 the latest one I don’t want that one latest one got let’s

Go okay the latest one it’s the latest one hi ooh do y’all recognize this song nope oh the [ __ ] if you watch entv you recognize this song is it the we play theme yeah that’s not the that’s not the entv theme though but it was on the coming up

Next stre it’s more like the it’s just the up next ones yeah so if you watch entv you you know what it is oh shoot oh if you don’t know what it is please click off of the stream right now thank you right like tell those flops if

You didn’t watch entv we don’t want you here anymore okay right move on to the sful alternative on dude I forgot about that what what is what is that the sful Alternatives they should have glow sticks to this game thr underwater you can see underwater it’s kind of dark down here

Sick but you robberg glitter bomb is the sful alternative dude I don’t even know what that is well that that’s what it was is that’s what the Sleep alternative I’m dying no are you actually no oh I’m sorry oh my heart stopped huh dude goost what the it’s like a whole new

World to be continued in teapot elep whoa whoa whoa what’s with the head on my oh happy birthday zombie Turtle 17 oh what don’t say that wait he’s he’s in the chat he’s in the chat who is that um I’m TI guys hey hey hey hey hey just just don’t say that hi this is one big inside joke I’m missing out on no no no yes okay all I see you subverting expectations be different y y plac okay let’s go over here place is deserted nothing over here just filled with water And there he goes again classic bye pal okay ghost huh where’d you go I’m on the other Island that’s right in front of over here oh where’s the IP uh it’s on oh Sho wait never mind I think I know how to find it put on the stream bro whoops s

Me the winter break smpp y here we go it’s any ending in 3 days two 4 days for oh wait never mind I don’t have you got to send it to me okay let me put up a BRB screen real quick then cuz I can’t find it in the

Chat for some reason bar oh I love it I love it good I’m thank you where’s my laptop charger over over there oh I know where it is over where hey hey y oh oh no it’s okay we can move past it it’s fine Turtle I see a turtle don’t make those sound

Like they they don’t they don’t say that there are three toils over here wow is that the tur that’s a [Applause] Run oh my gosh my game’s glitching again No hold on I’m reopening Minecraft again I fear okay why I Do close game Move dude it won’t let me reopen It ah nothing ever goes my way I put up I screen share then or stream I just yeah I’m just mining I’m just mining what we good turn Back That’s what I’m saying Okay unmut it again what was that I I guess we just glitched or something like a certain character that starts with a b um I don’t get Ity from W the Poo oh oh I think you said I thought you said B no I said P oh okay so pom it’s actually piglet not p pig piglet Miss Piggy from oh yeah The Muppets oh thank you up top no no thank you oh

Woo wait I have Java 8 I don’t have Java 17 it’s 1.2.4 no I know I’m saying a version of java oh you me oh hold please that’s what I’m saying please just save me a slice please just save me a slice please just save me a slice where’s the runtime environment slice

Runtime environment what is that it’s gone it’s gone no we’ve lost right says ladybug I lost I love that clip where is what okay I got to box up the development kit okay I’m I’m coming back I found 14 pieces of iron while you were gone I’m

Going to try to find you again okay I guess it’s gone I don’t think you’re that far away I’m up with the turtles I do you still care about iron uh I mean i’ like I’d like some but I’m doing pretty okay right now

I have 39 on me oh okay then I don’t have that much you can keep the on you just found I can find my own for now dude huh there’s a ginormous cave dude H I feel like people don’t use the word massive enough like massive cave

Like such like an underrated word no it’s not I like never hear it like using real conversation shut the [ __ ] up have have a heart have a heart I’m good take that take that whoa take that take that yeah half a heart half a heart I know what

Happened what what music is playing right now we play motion oh no I’m talking about I just randomly started playing menu music okay okay it’s starting okay never mind no it’s not oh could be wait up I’m scared I’m scared said the go I’m not sck lais

Lapis go away go away what is this where’ you go what did they do I’m over here oh my goodness they changed the logo okay okay okay of what Minecraft yeah the logo is like the high quality one now I missed the crafting table I want to go back oh well

I missed Sue dirt block I’m talking about I’m talking about on the main menu oh I want to go back I W to go back I W to go back I’m so used to playing like like older versions of Minecraft cuz that’s what I’ve been doing but it’s just

Weird let me go ahead and uh change this song can we help can we help on can we help I’m coming I couldn’t change the song to the one I wanted to change it to my bad but I’ll be there in a second the skeleton is like shooting really quickly for some

Reason are you about to get solo by a skeleton oh there’s two of them okay that’s this one ow sk5 I miss your old username dude no you don’t Indigo foxy I I was looking up your um like your skin for um the the the ward thing and oh I searched

Up Indigo foxy dude and it didn’t it’s said available I was so I was so hurt I was so sad dude who made an upside down TS spawn I want to meet them of course it was Jack literally of course ghost diamond all my keybinds are gone over

Here you do Ito you do the honors it yeah what is this music okay I’m turning off but sir but sir no no there’s no nightmares no not not that music I’m talking about the in-game music no little nightmares is Peak I need little nightmares uh three to come

Out I want to I want to I need this whoa I need to finish screen sharing little nightmares 2o actually yeah you do dude I was watching somebody live stream and they started playing little nightmares and the second they they got to the the moment with the sausage I I

Had to I had to say it we had to say what the thing about the Vienna sausage it goes crazy oh Vienna oh my gosh wait what I might need some coal uh Indigo our cords are something like 625 60 something 4 two 425 that’s like we’re hanging out thank you

Thank you thank you that might not be completely accurate but you’ll probably see Land by the time you get around the oh God I’m so far kind of that’s accurate right ghost I think I’m pretty sure that’s accurate yeah there’s wait yeah that’s right maybe like 480 or

Something I was going the wrong way oh sh that’s where that’s where Jack went and then he got his mind straight and came to us or came to me yeah I’m not doing what I was doing last in SMP what did you do last SMP I was I was

Trying to be like a solo I wasn’t trying to be part of Edenville for some reason now we’re all together in harmony hey yeah we should come together let’s be here Ro in the night I wouldn’t go that far but well like spotlights beaming in the

Black Sky we can lift the darkness with our light Everybody’s In Harmony all together now Harmony all together now Harmony watch out Professor Chaos dud oh my God okay okay that’s enough my shield is not working help no no ghost oh my gosh you’re good you’re good you’re good

You’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good why is my shield not working oh Sandy something’s gone horribly wrong there’s no water in here what thank you oh the bats look different though for about that they got big ears take that oh I missed okay let’s

Go where you could that be a Tik Tok sound um over here you see my Al oh okay I’m alive and I’m happy one second that could be a Tik Tok sound am I getting shot at no in what world would anybody use a sound like that what Sound hey Co come on I found I found diamond van over here I’m not a Coti I’m not a cotic I’m the B seal object shows are for babies object shells are for babies object shells are for babies if that giant ever comes near me I’m

Finished for the next anv we should have a segment where it’s like um we have to tap a lot the more Taps we get determin the ending you get it’s okay it’s just one piece of iron bro I’m not mad I’m not mad I’m not mad

I can’t see I’m running out of tool tree roen toen toen toen when you make out when you run out of torches make some more so his name would I already did it’s not working what do you mean then type it again I did it worked for me and I Jo

Around the same time that you did copy and paste it then there’s more there’s more diamonds ah don’t jump me don’t jump Meo buddy uhoh no have no half a heart yeah I am I’m serious oh my gosh oh my God I found a shipwreck let’s

Go food that might mean you’re close to our place there’s a ship right outside of where we’re staying okay I think we go I think I’m there or like near there there’s diamonds over here though but I’m going to die why why this world sucks lock yourself I know right it’s

Just one big ocean look out there a creep got the ocean type I know I hate it super flat with ocean right get the diamonds no trees anywhere I’ll protect you done there any chests here oh there is suspicious too okay I see how it is I

Was going to get I was going to eat them but I forgot so hward I thought you were about to sneeze I thought you were going to go ah Sho ah Sho that’s something I would do so so I can see why you thought that

Yeah I see a melon Farm yeah that’s mine you’re here destroy the tree what tree buddy destroy a tree to get the achievement there is no achievement just to get the stupid tip out of my face have to 16 diamonds Pro tip you got for the a okay

Uh this I give you the diamonds and I go home I don’t want I don’t care about the diamonds I want to go home hey if you die I’ll pick him up be her creeper who’s Axel mine I found it in a lush cave you seem

Like the kind of person to like make fun of the Axel honestly I can make fun of the people that are like oh it’s such small Bean you’re right s didn’t do anything so I J really come on bro just look out creepers oh let’s go Ah I am the quirky kill all mobster man I like server is not working what do you mean server isn’t working I don’t know what does it say specifically you go up there I’mma I’m going grab this iron the is imping me dude you got blown up by a creeper

You took three more hits after that how okay buddy buddy what what I blew a skeleton up with a creeper and it still needed to take like I’m going to copy paste I’m uh can I steal the stone sword yeah okay don’t do it don’t do it don’t

Do you just started a war buddy it’s not working the moment you said don’t do it I I took it like at the exact same time what does it say specifically what does it what do you mean it’s not working um now it says nothing dude what do you

Mean there’s nothing it’s just it’s just the name so dramatic there’s there’s nothing Okay click on it and then hit and then like when it says okay now it’s it says Pinky Okay click on it why don’t you just do Direct Connect that could fix it cuz it just means you type

The now it works when I did the direct join those are our cords where we’re chilling at our map is literally just an oh now it works ever since I did that you’re welcome woo thank you the server loads no I like Jungles ew the horse hey what horse oh what horse you

In the thumbnail what I mean in the in the in the picture in the thing what why does Ida go Live While We’re streaming right pay attention as I am about to do what hi I got I’m die I W to live live can you stop playing that in the middle

Wait are these diamonds GNA what no I don’t care whoa I see how it is cover me in diamonds right now not good please cover me in diamonds oh please oh oh oh oh you just started a war buddy don’t know my music disc dude

Oho too give me the disc it’s go but but wait but wait what did I do I don’t I don’t understand the hate right now actually cuz that was good all right kiwi knows tell that flop please and fighting us H nothing exactly you just started a war buddy you

Just started the war buddy give me those discs back you may have won the battle but you lost the war oh well you’re going to lose the war it’s just us against the world win the smoke um I’m stranded on I just I sent the keep leaving and rejoining goodness

Oh e place is like around oh buddy my Minecraft skin you just he protect oh please finish please finish that uh which skin should I use just play the game okay I’ll use this one use the one with like the dumb face the one that got like a glitch or

Something I was using that ladybug I’m getting out of here so where yeah where are what are the coordinates me and G been exploring real quick yeah yeah this guy knows how to fle the drip what keep forgetting to do something Flex the drip the what but I

Don’t want to leave so Flex the drip the what Flex the drip what stop my ears my ears my ears my ears please don’t be poison please don’t be please don’t be poison please don’t be po ah it was blindness this night vision oh [ __ ] oh dear God hey who did that Jay

Hey Indigo I got the J that was you what that was you who said oh dear God that was you oh dear God huh dude I don’t know what you’re talking about buddy where are watermelons do y the land of watermelons maybe stop that’s my main

Food oh I guess yeah that’s kind of what your melon farms probably for please stop it Jay can we change the music I’m getting a little bored okay oh my God a bird my bird pcket poet oh oh pumpkin it’s pum my crispy bread how do we do that at the same time

I love it maybe we can be heres in the night like spotlights beaming in the black Sky we can lift the darkness with a light Everybody’s In Harmony all together now Harmony all together now Harmony do that that where you go stop it I’m still at

The Cow do we have any plugins installed no any suggestions um the the emote one that we had oh okay where you can have like particles above your face Slappy right and then it would just show like a particle smiley face SL happy slap happy I have what that means four

People to sleep through the night that’s crazy survive I still need to make that I’m going have to finish it in winter break but that was sign that was a little unrealistic you fear I fear you fear yes I fear Jay why are you still doing this oh oh oh hey back

Up skeleton here should have their ability Oh Adventure over Adventure you you just sitting there looking at the zombie watching it get me you said look out the second I thought you were going to do something I I’m going to explore I didn’t see it let’s let’s get these sheep I don’t have any face inventory left so

Let’s you got it you got to do it I’m D I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying that is that was a sheep noise oh I’m sorry I want to go home you want to go home I don’t want to be here oh I thought that’s what we were planning on

Doing over dark and scary hey oh oh oh oh I’m dead I’m dead did you take your spawn point uh yeah wait I could are there lives no okay I was going to say I’m about to lose mine iy like Puss and Boots P boots iron

Stuff I want to kill some more animals eat that eat that oh I’m I’m missing I’m I’m lagging eat it stupid spider eat it catch face eat it dude huh hi hey I got an AEL welcome to the show it’s called the Skylander Shorts Skylander Shorts you’re watching the

Skylander kind of short not those kind of so so attack you so short I think they have new model so short I’m think I thinking of something else so short so so what when are the en ytps going to start being made I haven’t seen no en

Ytps in anywhere that’s up to you buddy we don’t SA so so I need to see are there not Ian YouTube poops no wow that I know of depressing oh oh oh shoot oh no oh I can’t move I can’t get oh oh oh dude I cannot move cuz I’m stupid I’m

So oh oh you can stop dude these fish are killing oh my goodness thanks for the take me with you huh you were a little too close no I was not the stream is a y to no it’s not it’s not a YouTube poop what Bo said

This hey Jack I mean Jay stop it stop it tell him apart don’t you speak of you and Jack you and Jack are the exact same okay don’t don’t even don’t act better than him no we are not are literally the same person there’s one major difference y’all are

British I mean he’s British that’s it slightly different yeah Jay is kind of British I’m not British you’re British are you sure is that through yeah hello I’m dead there’s no way this Ser no way oh oh oh oh oh oh that was Jay J why SpongBob oh 63 cents 63 cents ASMR or what hey what the [ __ ] or what is this another ocean Monument no hey wait wait wait wait wait there’s two of them hey wait wait wait hey hey wait

A second wait a second hey I’m not on the boat anymore anymore I’m not on the boat anymore Dam oh hey ghost Oh hi I may or may not join this SMP because I won’t be home till next week and now it might be finished with the game by then well I hope what what what are you talking about who said that I was reading space’s comment

Oh that was space okay I was going to say who what random viewers Trying To Join This Server is open to everyone oh everyone join now join now you have to follow a set of rules okay no griefing who left ghost me toost should I’m good good oh that was good

See January 2nd we are on our way back home okay home we are going back home hello I thought you were just zombie going to live forever scared me so I didn’t die on trip to [Applause] the we are rowing through the water and we’re going home to home somewhere out

There why player death 9943 cuz I died early I’m afraid a terbly please stop doing that in the let’s go home huh please stop please watch out watch out I forgot that SW on Weapon we’re home J and go we’re home oh yes yes yes stop stop st my water we’re home we we are home we are home we are home we’re home buddy why you fighting me all right this is up for grabs please iron leggings iron chest uhoh fight fight fight

Fight all right no you’re not one diam you are not doing Millie’s work you doing dude that’s enough dude what is your problem please stop what you’re doing okay y’all might find a deep dark if you dig down right there can I use some of this iron

Sure bang the drama’s getting heated up in here did you hear how he said sure he sounded kind of unsure I see how this goes the drama is picking up who’s going to win the argument a war is coming soon soon soon soon soon soon S oh a all right no no what what what even happened ghost why are you doing that H all Right All right that’s that’s all I need that’s all I need hey Jay hey I’m going to you just started a war budny you started a war budny that’s it no this is for Millie stop this is for Millie there are so many um say Jay’s me he my name Shouted oh [ __ ] guys please any so many Js js’s that’s not Jack no yes what’s what’s going on we’re playing Minecraft We’re streaming you should I think I I don’t even know if I have Minecraft in I do who the [ __ ] is doing that space that’s enough stoper sterer we’re live

We’re live you should you should get you should get Minecraft installed so in turn you can get edits think about it I I think I oh never mind here’s my here is Minecraft launcher be be the villain of the server and then you could get edits yes more of that more of

That Jay’s trying to be the villain but it’s not working out very well never mind I have to update my launcher I don’t think my internet can handle that no who’s bed it’s right here actually that’s my bed Jay cancel the update and it’s and it’s it’s

It’s put it back oh any um J I’m going keep on saying that every time you say that okay so guys this chat is ridiculous what’s the chat the Minecraft chat oh how you talking about our chat I never got an ed guys maybe the maybe the

Real Ian was the friends we made along the way yes everyone guy kumay dude space there are many people who never got a solo edit I never solo edited space qua I I have edited Jack actually like before you haven’t even edit me I did I did the one was like um

No you did not you made it was like the mimic we added up the mimic yeah I keep forgetting I I don’t I don’t count that one why not I keep forgetting about my Roblox Avatar like I I meant to change it I’ve been meaning to change it back but I just

Keep forgetting shy you can’t vote for yourself as the best Roblox ad did I did I did I voted for myself many times that vote will not those votes will not be counted I think I voted for myself on like one category every vote it was music taste

It was music taste oh yeah I think I did too actually got to be self self so selfs guys come on that that’s the only thing I voted myself hey I I’m excited to see the results though oh what was that Oh that’s not me shut up no more of that okay oh how did you Jay she finally got Jay oh thank goodness thank the Stars Jay wh are you uhoh getting Wood oh you did get edit that’s my favorite song this black oh how did it go I forgot how it went for it hold on I’m blinking what’s going on oh if I told you you know how to go and break my heart into I would

Anyways end up like always you know me you better show me that you can say it to my face CU you know it’s the same worst things I can take my my music is better than anything the playlist has you know what I’m sick at these em bits I’m

Done goodbye oh yeah oh yeah then what’s the mascot of Twitter huh what exactly exactly talking about sick of these Ian bits I love the Ian bits what are you talking about I will never stop doing my bits they’re so funny not call X I think I’m going to stream once I get

Home today cuz I got a capture card what’s you going to stream what you going to stream I don’t know I’m thinking about doing Indigo what were you talking about earlier I I have we play by the way so o I’m going to slly that hello could you stop Jay just

Kidding just stop with the biit I’m done stop what stop talking about it they’re always talking about some weird bird I don’t we don’t I don’t care about dude you can’t you can’t say you’re sick of these eits and then like start on the most annoying one that you I’m going

Solo this is the stupidest EIT out of them all the stupidest I’m kidding okay you can stop just kidding I love we bit what bit well I mean yeah I don’t know what you were talking about some blue bird but I don’t understand but we can move

On if you want to dude yeah I’ll move on once you acknowledge that the Twitter bird is real yeah what the the the Twitter bird is real okay tell me about tell me about Twitter uh the bird tell tell me about a time before Elon Musk is the

Uh does the server have guer support own oh I know what x is can can I reset the server real quick so I can add G for space I think G preinstalled on aernos is it you’re you’re freeall this is my um what do you call it Farm facts about the Ian

Channel I just I just need a break from anime I I’ve been doing it like all day and it’s just like I thought I killed you I heard the little ding sound effect I thought I killed you oops guys can we not not what can we not bring that me

Back can we not bring that back no I was talking about a ding sound effect because no don’t bring it back don’t evening don’t even talk about wait ding is funny though I meant like the the little things on the your name get didn’t you put didn’t didn’t you put

Stream number three as the worst stream I did I agree on that ending was ridiculous there’s no reason you should have won that game okay but like stream you didn’t win that game wait did I win you no oh shoot I’m almost dead I mean stream three was right there though so

Technically CH the I mean stream seven stop I can’t it’s just illegal I agree it is illegal so don’t do it stop it Indigo what that’s you I’m sick of that word I think you and me Topia part six is the best in stream because of the BRB

Screen being there for half the stream what about the oh my gosh we’re dead I’m dead stupid Ian Geto by the stupid hand stupid stupid sorry oh my God we dead half a heart half a heart half a heart half a heart half a heart half a heart go good guys I

Think give me my wood half heart is very proud of you go Oh my he had no items up top okay uh wait oh what what I wasn’t to you up top oh man oh we got we got to remake the Troll’s gift ready yeah

Great wait Jay how come when I hit you you turn you you turn rainbow for a second about I hope no one saw that Jay go away what’s up you you got burnt by the fire and turned into a rainbow the problem what’s going on I’m on one heart stop let me just

Kill you real quick so you can get your health back thank you let me just kill you I can get my heal back I was trying to see how much like if you keep to ghost ghost I’m trying to help you not be I’m stuck oh shoot sleep sleep sleep sleep

Sleep sleep my God sleep sleep who is J Jay ow ow Jay J sleep SLE oh please oh my God go to sleep now please please I want I’m disconnected no more no more no more okay collect those membranes we’ll need him in 5 weeks they kept attacking me even while

I was sleeping what is that’s your Phantom ow ow pH wait J you still yeah J I’m just really confused this is really this is really like stop stop is there something you’re not telling us stop turn green then purple then blue for a second what is that

What’s going on well we always support you no matter what green and then teal we’ll always support you then like marle red okay okay I support you no matter what that death message is in Rainbow too well promise no matter no matter what can someone give me back my wood no matter

What we’ll always support you no matter what we’ll always support I don’t have your wood no matter what we’ll always support you I think no matter what we’ll always Jay you’re low Jay you’re low Jay you’re going to die you’re low you’re low you’re low you’re low you’re low can

I can I have my wood what wood I want to know where my wood I had 60 blocks of oak wood I don’t have your wood I want I think Indigo has it uh uh oh oh shoot oh shoot you just started Bud here comes the drama

[ __ ] oh wait I got I got to I got to restart the server for Geer real quick oh for real wait what if my wood is somewhere and it spawns then just get more wood controller look everywhere I can’t that took forever I don’t due to college I’m like demot you aren’t going

To college yeah you’re not going to college you’re not getting any more knowledge buddy be right you’re going to be with J Alpha SC oh shoot hold on blue spap oh doing that to me Tooie little bit oh is that I hear something creaking is that wood on the floor Oh

Weird is it fix now blue sorry red orange yellow green blue purple imagine your characters being named after colors and logos C I’m just confused on why you doing that like you shouldn’t let Millie find you like that okay unnecessary stop that’s so weird Millie Bobby

Brown oh ghost okay okay I get it I about to stop you got to go you got to go too you’re too low you’re too okay go ahead get your stuff and I’ll we the server quick pleasee to too low too waiting no more no more no more wait but

Wait okay good is that all no too low too low buddy where’s my wood you’re too low you’re too low oh okay no one car about your wood like it was right there my my D Dr help whoops hey turn on that BRB screen

Yep dude I I need to buy the dab emote in fortnite I mean Minecraft this so the funniest so many um facts about anv I love that buddy the server is not working I’m it’s not on I’m I’m kidding it’s not working I’m messing with you it’s not

Working hey dude turn the server on I’m I’m kidding towards the sun you’re low you’re low the Shadows Fall behind you all right all right all right all right uhuh oh what just happened dude I want to get on Galaxy Knight on Minecraft it sounds Peak Galaxy Knight what my it’s a

Server on the uh one of the list of servers on Minecraft Bedrock for some Reason Galaxy night it’s like fortnite but in Minecraft with Galaxy con I should sue them for having Galaxy in their name like Galaxy cone bro just coping don’t bro Me I’m the real SMP let should just call it space is the server back on is the server back on is the server back on not yet wait like 8 seconds or like what what what is is it on yet oh oh oh what is Twitter I’m so day of

Christmas wait is it the third day of Christmas dude it’s literally like the negative fifth day of Christmas it’s like the negative third day of Christmas like come on I know than me see that address and that server for me when I’m animating and the scene just

Keeps on going on and on me when I’m animating and the scene just keeps going on and on and on hey that’s what space said like think like or something huh what hey you guys hear something hey scared do you guys hear something this video is sponsored by Blue FL

The why did you do that oh my god do there are so in here John how did you open the door what whats about dude why are there so many facts about TV I technical difficulties what the there’s so many facts about want to open it okay where’s the port thank

You is the server on yet is it on yet hello is it on yet is it on yet oh my God hello pleas stop is on yet is the server on yet is the Ser is the server on [Laughter] You Hi what is the p is isn’t like every Minecraft Port the same dude leave kiwi alone stop harassing I’m just a kid right I’m just a kid he was born today by some weird flower a rainbow one kind of random Jud what a rainbow flower yes why do you say that

Buddy I can’t Jo does that mean something thank you can you just turn on The Flipping server already oh my God I can’t stop dude is the server on it is I’m in the server turn on the server dude turn the server on two wins out of 53 make DED T blocks I

Flip oh excuse me disgusting Fu the Ser on turn on turn it on what do you mean I can’t find the server help me but is near spawn where’s Ida Ida’s dead oh um hi ghost are you happy to not be the one that keeps dying can someone come pick

Me it’s okay get someone it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’ve got nothing got nothing got nothing dude infinite cobblestone generator at Spawn I’m here Are you is Ser on yet on oh oh it’s it’s still here it’s still here yes okay no no no J you’re low on Hell there’s a Dr coming to get you there’s a Dr coming to get you I need to kill you so you can

Get all your he back stop and your hunger you’re low on Hunger you need no I’m not I lost my cooco beans let’s just kill you oh yeah I there’s a there’s a drown on you dr’s doing it for you let’s just let’s just finish the job he let’s

Finish the job he’s he can’t help you he ordered us to kill you he what yeah yes a lot I did that with a trackpad okay you’re done you’re done he said a lot a lot is one time no it’s not noot a lot is like a 100

Times uh Ki did the stream end what happened to Kiwi oh it is wait did you did you is it like did you take fall damage you’re low you’re low you need your help back back off oh wait I have to go how I have to go

Negative can I my you’re low you’re low you’re low you’re low okay never mind it’s good we’re good we’re good oh wait I have to go it I need my cocoa beans there’s like no in spawn and that’s not nice I can’t see you oh get next

Song hi J get off my boat no I’m just now okay I was having the same problem on my iPad okay we’re going far away and I was having a too I can kill you right now by the way Computer Stop drown please don’t attack me I

Didn’t do anything to you drown please leave me alone drowned I didn’t do anything to the Wich don’t you need your be yes talk to the GL [ __ ] get your cocoa beans I’ll park your boat there were no trees that spawn I couldn’t make a boat is is this the same place

No yeah you have to join talk to the glyph witch I’m I’m swimming don’t hry talk to the glyph witch oh thought he fell guys there’s McDonald’s waiting for after this I’m going to be right back I’m spectate some um I I need my I lost my wood

Again you just spectate me I think I have like the most entertaining game play I think where’s J Jay where are you did J off to the I see you he’s in the water oh no that’s that’s that’s GH he’s in the water Mars can still get you in the water Jay it’s

Okay yeah take the wood take the wood take the wood I took it I dude stop my wood you started a war buddy I just make sure my okay look we have orders just like sh did last time just like I’m not how am I drowning guys I think I might have found

I found I found everyone what you what are you blabber Gapping oh wait I can I can use this random wood I just randomly Acquired and that’s and that’s that’s awesome I like that hey hey this is Turf get off wait but I got the this is our turf get off bro did you really just do

That I didn’t know he was that low dude well now you just set his health back so you should be good dude I have to go all the way back from negative he’s not low anymore I didn’t even get to set my St bro there’s a witch on the beach I’m

Done can you just teleport that’s not funny that’s not Funny stop stop stop breaking all the V stop breaking all the bed stop stop e the best dude why is there no trees anywhere get off dud die are there are there he’s dead what we destroy the spawn point he doesn’t I hate destroy a spawn

Point wait he has to come all the way back now we do now SP now space and J can Venture together I ain’t doing all that never mind nobody can dude I I think K we got what he wanted yeah it’s okay I could just take

Jay placee but I’m not the being k no not that part that would be dumb I could die my own way are you calling kiwi a Creeper sure for some reason there’s just like this random jingle when you die on Bedrock like bum B bum weird why are you swimming in the

Air it’s called crawling why are you swimming bro stop hey you’re going the wrong way check this out I got you a gift thank you here have this Christmas gift thank you open it Jay watch out is that not how you open p what hey why would you do that you I

Can’t open it wait I’m not a open it in your in your crafting no yeah oh yeah I just get killed by a skeleton I I okay I see what you’re Doing nope you deserve that I don’t even I don’t even want to hear it I’m getting so sick of this music go get me some wood no you stupid stupid stupid blabber yapping J you’re actually kind of smart zombie thank you uh it was being I was [Applause] Being hold on I have I have a idea hey you should in the you should at the Enderman in the huh it’s like a little little campsite we got going on here yep I’m out out of here and then like put like wood blocks like after this One bro yeah I’m bored I got it I wonder why wait so now who who is kiwi spectating I don’t think he’s spectating anyone he said he was spectating Jay because of interesting game play yeah I think kiwi’s just gone kiwi had oh cuz apparent apparently eating is more important than Ean dude I love the dog thank you don’t even need a crafting table don’t even need a crafting table yeah but what if we do like what if we do need a CRA thisen I’m tired of you always bullying me you know done is that a ruin portal next to next

To a shipwreck that’s Crazy actually not ruined it’s normal dude it’s a ruin portal it’s normal thank you look I look I okay I can’t get that I can’t get that s goes I’m come to this R portal over here go who who soy do you see a ruin portal that is a zombie thing there a zombie with golden armor that is a drown spawner I not I out of here it’s

Okay I’ll help You oh I’m on my way be you know what they say I’m on my way feel bad for the dog I’m on my way yeah whose dog is it’s mine why is he crying cuz I don’t know it’s not even it’s my dad’s Stu just like he’s

Goofy he can’t come in our rooms cuz he’s like really big and he likes to chew up everything W of course of course your family seems like the kind of family to not let the dog be anywhere like even on the couch am I right about about I fell out of

Bed okay but what what if I’m with my other side of the family do you see this no I do not cuz I’m not even there ghost you’re not falling out of bed just what I’m oh for me I fell out of bed guess you could say you’re well

Arrested I’m going to kill this ax um you’re going to what it reminds me a lot of Jay that’s why true I mean he’s not wrong I’m tired of swimming okay buddy oh look who came crawling back dude I’ve been swimming in the negative Direction I wonder what the stream looks like right now it’s you me too it’s not me I I I’m carrying the stream I’m my back right now no you’re not I can’t suffocate anymore you suffocate anymore what oh yeah you sleep at night nah that’s crazy oh my God why am

I drowning nah that’s crazy BR I’m glad someone gets it n that’s s hey I need to eat this k please just slip oh my God doing this to me those been goofy our voices stop Indigo killed Jay a lot that’s actually that’s funny this today’s Thursday oh is it thought

It was like Wednesday or something I still have a week left what me too me too next week week cuz uh we I started like Monday what we started Monday I’m sorry dude I go back in me too on the ninth me to Cofe Cat why’ you inhale the person boy I’m getting so tired of that stupid music never mind I’m so glad kiwi is gone why what if you was SP on your kiwi’s order still in place right onsite it’s it’s self-explaining onsite is kind of crazy but I agree with

It how is it crazy it’s not DJ on site I did but I’m gone now well that’s like for Ian Ville people I’m in a new home I’m on my I’m taking place I’m taking shelter in your shiper dude I do not want to eat these poison

Potatoes okay that jail thing going on you got that Crab Trap going on I’m oh it’s right it’s it’s right there I’m a Potato ooh free carrots carrot I need to set my do not hit me I’m actually I thought you were J I will die get him which one’s Jay’s bed I’m

Stealing it um Jay doesn’t have a bed we all we already like broke and replac the bed yeah I I don’t know which wayed they sleeping purple one okay aha fun fact space is not purple I know it’s black p black I’m Grimace dude dude I heard that no no he won the

Internet oh I’m sorry I said it wrong too that’s the best part chica what’s up you guys I’m I’m here I made it hi Aon wants to join yeah Aon wants to join yep join let him join let’s go to Y what what here we go Ian Ian only Channel

Let’s go let’s go okay let’s go what is that it’s a c t chilling TBH all right is this just Spawn let me send [Laughter] you what was well that just happened what are custom activities I have no idea oh I’m putting I’m putting ghost icon what that that’s that wait do you know my username no I don’t have to light list you I can just send you the IP oh

Okay I’m sorry I thought it was an IP what white was all right hold on let me open up you forgot the pickle right here pickle R pickle I’m Pickle remember that you know you know what my response to that is what’s up what is it what what is It there are so many um facts about there are so many you can stop shut up there are so many uh voice changer or soundboard facts about she go from Nashville to Norway for to zimb Chicago to thech Republic I’m screenshot you got to change music I I am oh you all right

Oh here we go wait what version are you guys playing on I’m playing on no no like update 20.4 the new one okay I’ll have to download that so no you won’t I’m sorry I I did not me to what the [ __ ] hey started a war buddy

Dude give me my discs back let’s let’s get the Able Sisters on real quick is that a cow oh we have we have animals you already got the Nintendo going on we got the animals I’m going to kill it I’m going to kill it I need to kill it kill

It kill it kill it buddy I’m going to kill you I I don’t have any I don’t have any food sorry wait wait wait wait wait wait wait space get over here I not kill any animals I did not I didn’t kill it we got to get C for edits do you have

Your spawn Indigo yes I do you’re not going to win bro respond have a dramatic response uh oh hey uh what what do I say to I no nothing you say nothing thank you that dude that’s the last time I did it I just want revenge for that one time

You combat L A War I can’t win okay we’ll see about that nice we’ll see about that one we’ll see about that okay what is this epilepsy like every time I open a chest my screen starts flashing rainbows cuz it’s a j CH no it’s flashing white and black for

Me the J is crazy I mean every every time I hit him he goes rainbow bro so I’m just saying the there might be some correlation I’m not we’ll support you we’ll support you yeah it’s only Jay we’ll support you please please just say it just say it just say it well

Not every just say itdd will’ll support you buddy just say it just say it just one more time dude why why time dude there’s an end up here what are you doing you let me die to oh my God I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead

No the en it died it died oh in front of me and it just died of fall damage that’s hilarious what the heck it dropped a dirt block grass block oh yeah can I have it a Minecraft dirt block I’ll p there we

Go How does it go go see him you got it then go see him go see him then go see him get up here you kind of look like that picture I don’t know there are so many um dude how did that takea in yeah pretty much there many no stop

Thank you I’m going to dude it’s figure how to fix this glitch why is Aaron not here son of a glit he has to uh install it’s updating so it logged me out so I had to log back in O pictures please why would you just drop your stuff on the floor ghost

You’re not J I don’t want it I don’t want it you’re not Jay J that’s on that’s on camera that’s on stream you can’t say that no my watermelon what I didn’t I said you did that to yourself I said gag oh my God I don’t care did it I said

Gag why is there a thought and a f at the start oh you did that to that was just I was just spamming my keyboard M count your days bub oh this say goodbye to colge you just started a war buddy you just wage a war you will

Not be able to win all right there are so digital foot is crazy digital oh oh so many oh my God I’m dead why do we sleep like this what happened to us what just oh can I get can I get a Bite hello I want to slice can I get a bite can I get a bite can can yall sleep No that’s not nice why would you why would you do that oh oh do you think do you think wood growes on trees yo go to sleep I think can leave the game oh the problem is there’s leave the game the problem on just leave I’m on my way I’m not even

That far not I’m not even that far the problem with entv is that there’s too much content to enjoy for the whole family there’s too many facts [Laughter] dude here they go sorry there are way too many wait did Jay even make a video for it this time

Oh yeah he he had that he had that one ass I think oh yeah did I go in this one I wasn’t I didn’t watch yeah what are you talking about okay yeah then sleep I am that’s what that’s that’s what Kiwi did D TV why am I lagging so bad what’s going

On okay I’m okay at least I’m not I I was wondering cuz I I’m not even I can’t even move hey hey is it yes okay hey give my disc give my D hey give me my lime give my D oh give me my discs more volun here on entv

Give my disc oh [ __ ] please stop doing that stop what is wrong with you I’m dying where is I made it so far how don’t we even have a bed what are you even doing where are you hello I made it to this other Island

I’m like a th000 cors away why are you trying to leave us because they um is kind of like it’s an onsite kind of thing they broke the bed and sent me back to spawn back wait come back not again I’m hurt come back why did you say that why

Did you say like that I was negative affected they broke the bed and sent me back to Spa no j i I hate you I didn’t do that I was negatively affected by that that phrase was that Inigo or you I can’t tell I didn’t do it I was AFK

Remember wait no like who said it me said what back bound please that has been a thing since like before that was that was that was me come back that was like that’s like when um I would get killed that’s when think was here everyone just me everyone

Yeah they just burn they burnt my house to the ground to the everybody wants to rule the world are these are these melons or pumpkins wait is that I’m going to live forever I’m going to live forever learn how to fly if the top where you want to stay yeah oh my

Bad dude I’ve never heard what was that I think the only time I’ve ever heard ghost scream like that was in that one animation he made a long time ago oh you okay J oh what is careful be careful where you step uh oh okay we got to we got we got to

Get some content so let’s let’s let’s do something hey ghost please don’t I have four pieces of wool that’s like four blocks no not not four blocks pie of w there are so many facts and about entv oh my goodness thank you Jay you’re welcome why’ they kick me did you get

Kicked for spam no oh okay let’s do something okay what is wrong with you guys I got first I saw this poor little glow squid drowning on the ground so I decided to kill it creeper do your thing kill kill the ghost squid please are you

Okay I can’t tell if you’re being satire or not dude huh then don’t worry I don’t think I’m allowed to say that actually you being satire dude shut up J over in this C no you’re going to kill me I’m not going to kill you Okay everyone let’s let’s have you still um gave them the orders let’s have a truth with Jay for a little bit okay for a little bit that’s well until until it’s warranted that we begin again cuz he could do something awful and then start com oh like

Like as of right now as of right as of right now the orders have been called off but hiding what’s inside is warranted dud what do you mean hiding inside hiding what’s inside you know what mean okay I I don’t know where you’re talking you can’t hide what’s inside Aon baby remember my hello baby remember where do I go those po right there in the middle of the CH hold on I need to change my settings my settings are Jesus I want to show you my new world my new world you want to eat something delicious ghost guys where do I go these coordinates here these coordinates oh ti ti I going to run you it’s it’s a long swim over here so long swim well

Not that swim it’s just a lot of swimming yeah and there there are no trees to BU a to boat with so why do you go that far need a look look at where we spawn there desert only desert no trees it’s just nothing we

Could do there so we had to go and found a tree this is how far we got I have four pieces of wool waa what is real problem can you stop making those little sounds in the background what little sounds stop oh my God what is your problem I’m sick of it no more why not you have I have bored and nothing’s happening started a war little

Bud you started a war little bud is happening start War little buddy you started a war little buddy I’m bored and nothing is happening I’m bored and nothing Happ have four pieces of wool you started a war little buddy okay I’m bored and there is nothing

Going on what I’m talking when I say that I’m not seeing four blocks I don’t get the joke how did not get that you made it I have 14 pieces of uh Stone I don’t no I don’t get it ghost ghost ghost ghost back this is going to take forever

I know it was it was an annoying Journey why didn’t you guys just reset the seed and do something else oh I tried to do we we always do that but I got an oldp we’re like near Thousand blocks away luckily on this one but it’s not it’s

Not that it’s not that it’s not that long you’ll be here before you know just sing a little seash Shanty and you’ll be and you’ll be here I am not singing for you guys somebody should have came over and gave me a boat we should have put be I want to go

Back reforestation project I was going to say did anyone hear that look in chat CH we chill you left the game oh yeah I have to be right back that’s what he said in the video oh I think so I have four pces I oh four I played it on stream by accident

My bad ghost I don’t think anyone knows what it is though Wait what new I have four pieces I have pie I don’t pieces of w what CH the Ian I have group I did not say that what what are you saying in this video I said my mic was really loud my mic is that is that is what I

Said that is my mic is really loud buddy no I said no I said my mic is super loud not really stop the cap that is not cap I I did not say why would I say look at the lip look at the lipstick yeah I’m

Sorry I wasn’t good at lipstick no no no like it’s it matches if it’s if I have nine Cobblestone blocks and I place four I’m a you have four pieces of w age with you if I have four if I have nine pieces of cobblestone and the place five down

How many do I have you know I’m I have not say that I am really far away from Spawn that’s why I know say that for an animation that’s why no one understood your joke that’s why I didn’t understand J someone go to bed I Ain doing all that I’m in the

Middle same I’m going to live forever okay yeah I’m I’m I’m going to um oh no J leave and Aaron oh quick me I I can’t oh shoot if I leave while I fall into the water For it’ss been space stream 84 thank you for watching you sleep okay what is that server for oh my God it’s me it’s my M loud I can’t do it as good as you cuz I’m not a horse oh my headphones fell off okay um I’m near the oh now I see land

Okay land hey can you guys see me I’m sorry I think no not quite not yet I don’t see anyone over there wait I saw I can’t read the name ghost ghost look behind you it’s Aaron stands up and screams with joy woo hey hey hey hey hey hey hey water what

Stop I have four pie I want to show you my new world I’m going to live forever I’m not calling you I want a bird wait Aaron set your spawn point oh [ __ ] yeah over here boom boom y there’s a Wandering traitor Jaden said his spawn point and

Then he got killed and then he got sent back to spawn no they broke my bed no he didn’t set his guys there there’s a watering there’s a Wandering Traer by the ocean Indigo broke my bed keep on hoping cake by the ocean that’s s that was my that was my

Jam back in the day back in the day playing in the gym like like I know the song but I don’t know what to heard about I heard it I heard it in gym class they play it it was like I bet you ate it up absolutely there’s a penguin there a p

It’s a my mic is that’s not a that’s a parrot that’s a parrot not a penguin I found a penguin I mean a par I want a parrot that is not what I am saying in the video my mic is super loud I have hey why’ you do

That loud okay where’s the parot where is I’m out I’m out I’m out goodbye oh I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared Ki where is it where’s what can’t wait for him to try to par um come here you still hold on I got to make sure I type this right B Bina right here oh oh my gosh Hy Wy SE stey blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue

Blue don’t did you just say own ghost what what guys look at me repeat that no way what I own your you’re like a pirate this could be a pirate server where’ they go okay this could be a pirate server I want to show you my new one like like

Like uh like like Luffy oh my gosh you have two choices yes or yes no J oh shoot wrong thing wrong thing stop telling me that I’m a that word what I’m not saying that what do you mean I’m a that word okay just you can’t hide what’s inside what it’s it has

Um stop there are so many um you uh you can’t hide what’s inside there are uh it has three it has six words there are um six words I mean six letters why is the song so like letter attach them to the the post

Oh you can’t you don’t have a I’m gon to edit and post why they do that come back I want to be par s squ I’m back well I want to be Tracer oh I’m sorry hey hey why are they doing that can we all get like pirate skins and just make this

A pirate server make a big pirate ship over here I wait kiwi I literally have a pirate skin already I don’t well you got you got the parrot hello yeah I got it Hey sir be nice be nice wait don’t actually don’t don’t kill the par poly I was trying to

Put I was trying to put it on my I guess can only go on my shoulder I think I baby CH to me baby Indigo there was another cow we could have got a cow Farm Indigo have you noticed that it’s uh uh looks like suly yeah I was going to say

That but I didn’t know if it would be insensitive no not at all chly bird didn’t you name my after silly from Monsters Inc or am I am I Tri no I named him after a uh musician that died when I got him to me baby czy keep on hoping cake by the

Ocean war green can I make a tree house yes you can guys I kind of you just started a war buddy you started a war buddy I’m pissed off why are you Sapphire I’m why are you Sapphire join EBC why are you Sapphire this Purgatory dude he’s fighting back uhoh uhoh wait I

I I got I got to change the song um shoot shoot Shoot No talk to me baby dude oh someone’s bed guy broke put the bed back hey don’t play around oh wait I’ll I’ll put the bed back I’ll put the bed back don’t worry it was only a temporary loss Indigo oh did I yes oh bub bubs bro if somebody doesn’t patch up

These holes I’m going to do it myself I’m doing it myself yeah just I I wanted to but I don’t have anything right now I’m going to go back just wait what are what are the spawn cords uh die oh I was going to like try

To get some wood back at spawn so people can like get stuff when they’re at spawn so they’re not like having swim over here every single time um it’s it’s like a few hundred blocks away yeah there’s no right now and must sharpen my blade know right that’s what I’m saying

Ghost give me give me one Diamond so I can make a diamond blade I I I can make a chain I’m sorry jay yeah there’s too much with all due respect these are not the kind of changes we were asking about dude keep it up oh oh oh oh

All right all right you got it you got it shut the [ __ ] up a neighbor shut shut the [ __ ] up oh okay um shut the [ __ ] up okay with all do were sussy sussy all do sussy oh stop calling that of end where’s where’s this bed where’ this bed go stop calling me

That oh wait I have it not call was anyone else SC of Enderman uh I hate the sounds they make I got me and my sister sister were playing Minecraft I hate that there were so and then many we have like a house and we looked out the window and there

Was an Enderman just standing there we waited for it to leave we did not leave our house we were terrified take it take this take that to baby why like that have a heart have a heart go have a heart stop stop stop gohost have a heart why why why you

Doing why oh no the stuff is disappearing it’s not supposed to be doing that where’s ID supposed to be staying tell him to stop tell him to stop I don’t think it’s going to does anybody have shears uh I don’t have IR um could I could I have one yeah

Is probably to break J what J next to your wait so someone does have one hold on I’ll be over there yeah I have right there to me baby that’s what I’m saying ghost like hello oh not that far oh my God bro I I who has who invited this

Kid um my monitor is not working oh thank you I can’t see it’s fight Sans in 2023 I’m going to kill him Sans in 2023 never mind why do he not every time he arrives here I’m going to kill him bro for real bro like bro for real on site and I’ll

Help go to sleep I’m still mad about smp1 I’m still mad what happened in that unfair might get back guys we should let byon be byon okay who isn’t sleeping okay I will I will me because my screen is black don’t give him a chance but he

Tries to kill me my screen is your screen isn’t rainbow he does any if green does anything bad I’m going to kill him he was the one that uh said 40 centimet block twice incorrectly so okay dude what the hell close Minecraft I can’t my screen is black

There are so many um I’m going to kick wait like it’s Frozen as well kick yeah there’s nothing I kicked you there’s nothing I change anything okay who’s the fifth person uh green I be back wait can green even hear situated talk To there are so B backbody in PV P peek peek peek peek yeah PKD Peak hey Aon what thank you dude I’m going right like let’s keep watching sh oh my God hit this green will be killed on site oh my HDMI Court isn’t fitting anymore oh Well wait is that why your screen was black I don’t know dude the HDMI dude wait I’m going to unplug it bro is a Genus who’s hitting me stop it’s still black Aon there’s a gold armor please please I’m coming I’m coming run what are you doing run no so it’s fault

And there you go you’re good going to kill green I’m also I guess that means it’s time for me to get off grab my grab my St grab grab where’s your where’s your St don’t oh my God who my [ __ ] your no I’ll try I see it I see it I see it do you have it uh uh I see it hold on I see like a a watermelon some shears shears wood wood wood wood one one wood log no I had multiple I had more than

That creeper go stop creeper behind you no go stop why why I have a heart do you have all my stuff um I got the stuff you mentioned I’m pretty sure it’s all of it okay I have I found some more of it wait where are you um I’m you’re not triing

Me making a chest I’m making a chest full of the stuff that I got okay but where are you I’m at the center of town the the village that we live that why do you have a [ __ ] dream skin on you look Dream It’s buddy no way you just said that no way

You just said that to me but he has a No you know what I’m killing you just for that don’t wait better run better run don’t don’t don’t I know where you live don’t let’s think about this yeah who’s a smaller person who’s the what smaller person okay then that’s an unfair fight so You’ be in the wrong exactly so don’t don’t

Even start no you’re the one wait don’t even start nowhere you’re wait until Shaq gets here green oh my God where did I put my oh there Is why do you get why you always get so angry when you play Minecraft I don’t know there’s just something about Minecraft that makes me angry why do you still play it then I don’t know I just like every time you you like anything bad happens in Minecraft you

Get so unbelievably pissed like it’s scary oh I’m sorry I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like as mad as you get when you play [Laughter] Minecraft yeah like sorry it’s like a 100% guarantee that every time you play Minecraft like something’s bound to go wrong I think I

Brought it up in therapy before and we to Peaceful something will happen literally yeah I I hate setting it to Peaceful for some I thought something bad would happen if you put it in Creative you’d still get mad at something I feel bad I don’t know why I get so angry yeah

It’s sometimes it’s even when I’m like streaming Minecraft you get mad at me I’m sorry I don’t know it’s just something about this game something a deep deep rooted rage yep you got Trauma from the dream SMP from the [ __ ] oh pretty much honestly from the disc you know yeah I

Was in the dream merch Discord and that oh don’t you have don’t you have friends Buddy Buddy Buddy buny buny oh is Dr happen right now yeah oh shoot Lots Oho I’m actually about to start an entire War you just W the war buddy that you cannot win a dolphin just jumped over

Me I love dolphins in this game they don’t do enough but it’s okay in the Big World little guys got to work hard oh he’s following me I’mma name you I’mma name you T we still waiting for grain to pop up Let Him Live he’s Sapphire deserve it Sapphire does not

Deserve to live I know he’s he’s he’s going to do something I know it he’s going to do something I won’t even expect from doing who’s he’s going to like he’s going to suffocate you under four blocks of sand buddy oh my God blue said he thought your skin was dream to

By the way why it’s dude it’s the prince I realized that it was the prince but I I always see your skin from behind you know what you know what I’m taking off my uh I don’t know some some leg wear that it’s it’s obvious that I’m

Not just wear the dream skin at this point no oh my God I’ll change it to something else I’m sorry I love the you know what you know what I’m I’m leaving so I can change it wait are you changing to dream no you know I I might make my own

Katamari skin cuz there’s not really that many but make a what’s the one that you like I like the cousin the sky oh there’s Ichigo oh there’s a lot on Planet Minecraft yo calm down signo yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh okay oh and miso okay I got

Options and jungle dude who who is making these These are amazing do jungle yeah I think I’ll do jungle wait we could be matching like with uh wait is there not a dangle one I love dangle there might be dangle I me look I mean I don’t I don’t know how they would

Do dangle cuz he just kind of has the regular I mean yeah they could just do his design on a skin I don’t really like PNG skins like that they’re kind of weird who no I’m saying like that’s not what I mean who stole from

Me I don’t even know how to steal from you so it wasn’t me someone said notice a certain circular object missing with the winky face dude who did that this ghost ghost what I do give give my disc give my disc back get back what what’ I say do the D give my

Disc what dis oh my God got to hide get my D back I’m give my this back ghost get my this back I didn’t I see you get my back stop give him my this let’s do This give my t St take that none of them downloaded you’re kidding me take that okay okay I’m I’m L I’m I’m L I’m sorry I’m sorry give it back give it back hey just give him the give it back I don’t have the disc give it

Back I don’t have the disc say goodbye to your last life stop your last life give me my D stop I’m low I’m low I’m low my disc count is low give me the disc dude disc okay I’ll give you a disc if you let me kill green

Disc give me the disc okay okay come wait I have to make I have to make the disc first come it I have to make the disc I have to make the disc you have to make it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on okay here you go

This I said I took a yellow disc that’s what I took okay where’s my disc at though I don’t know took my disc who took it dude why not look happy to that joker took it I didn’t even have a clock this is not what you stole from

Me a PL joking give me my disc give me the disc give me the disc I don’t have the disc give me the disc are this five right now let me [Laughter] stop yeah I think they they’ll they’ll leave my disc guys this isn’t this isn’t you were showing that to five entire

People this isn’t me watching this this is you isn’t me this is definitely you let me know when you guys sleep I’m going to disconnect SEC get some shut out you guys hold on I got to I got to go to sleep sleep baby bird it is daytime

Tomorrow time to who stole those music CD you go did you take my disc to go did you guys sleep I saw you you’re not slick you’re not sck yeah it’s daytime okay Indigo tried to frame you real quick G dude I wanted to make it very

Obvious not that obvious but I wanted to make it obvious ghost why did you have my disc in your chest oh my God if one more [ __ ] zombie comes here explode AAR it’s Minecraft calm down I don’t care remove zombies from the game bro you want to do this you won’t win H

Oh wait I I I got to change the song real quick dude okay don’t kill me while oh my God how are you not dead okay thank you Aaron you got to see my skin ghost just just press tab what you stole my disc no I didn’t there we haven’t found

Any disc we have wait hold on and I found it in your chest so much good oh oh wait I can’t let see the legs the chest with your name on it why why let me see CU look I took it out oh I took

Which right mine I can’t let look at it let me look at it oh crazy I said I took a yellow disc does anybody have food for me by the way then where is it uh ghost has where is the about the clock I was talking about the clock was talking about the

Clock then what I have a yellow disc and it’s gone does where is it have uh extra uh torches where is it I don’t have a get back you want to do this cuz I’m going to need to like mob proof the area around my tree house

You’re going to make tree house I already did let’s do this let so cool I can’t come back for several days I thought you were angry at me youan get back here I love tree houses dude you can’t escape what you’ve done you can’t hide from what’s in hey

That’s Ki stuff I was looking at it I want to steal a torch you want the name tags name your bird get over here I don’t know what to name it um you should name it sussy sussy Baka okay is this a mine yeah stop check out the flower is it really

Worth it so is it worth it you answer that question um give me that stuff to go I I don’t know what to tell you I didn’t take the disc I bet you forgot that these were I didn’t take the disc I don’t know what to they don’t they

Belong in the game I don’t know I don’t know where it’s in the go it’s all in the goat stop where is it it’s Indigo Indigo took your D it’s all Indigo where is it isn’t it it’s all in go right yes it is that what you want me to

Leave I don’t believe you you’re a liar why what do you want you’re a liar I don’t have a what do you want from me then I want the Des you seconds before I left click twice and your Co your items drop all over the ocean ground okay you wait

Okay I I’ll give you the disc but you have to follow me okay where even are you guys we’re in the middle of the ocean the ocean are you on a boat we were let me show you what do you mean you were I I I broke them dude all right show

Me what do you have to show me that’s so important that’ll save your life see No no it’s not no it’s not it ain’t it’s not important go away go away it’s not important are you saying that to it’s not important go away is that my a no it’s not okay different one there go away taking everything from me this is what this is why I brought you

Here come on is that bro need to realize I should have a lock on my door at home gozy it goes crazy here need to realize why you show me all this where is my disc let’s go let’s go down here actually let’s Okay you a you a okay

You saw that creeper it’s going to be you in about 2 minutes if it don’t show me this disc just just okay you wait hold on shut up okay you ate you at you at just let me let me show you let me show you come on show me some

Iron ghost time is ticking he’s St fall in ghost no I’m not I’m this is this all means something this a dead end staring staring staring where is my Des I won’t give you back your disc if you keep acting I won’t give you back your life I

Don’t even have you don’t you don’t you’re still doing this ghost hello okay Aon you ate I don’t know about this fence though but you ate would like I I know this fence sucks ass I’m fixing it right now let’s go let’s go down there’s barely anything up there

By the way let’s keep exploring this cave okay hey hey hey where is it oh you are kidding no let’s just let’s just explore this cave where is it let me oh my you’re not getting back to the disc we explored the entire cave this cave sucks

He stop where is it I’m not telling you if you keep doing this you have to threaten him I am I am the Killer Hey let okay let’s go back let’s go back go back up here if you ever want to see your diamond chest plate and leggings again you will show

Me where my disc is hey Aaron huh you want to stay hug cave uh in a little bit yes it’s right actually it’s right behind your house know I have I’m not letting you trick me it doesn’t even load in all the way I used to trust you we used to be friends

Until you did all this I didn’t do all this you’re getting mad over something I didn’t do oh does this are you do you your stuff or do you are you okay you can decide that flowing down really cost a friendship you can decide that if you give me back what’s

Rightfully mine I don’t have your disc this is so stupid I’m done the bits over okay good get away from me I don’t have your disc I don’t have your disc that was great I have it I have your disc I know exactly I know no I’m trying to be dramatic you

You should be like you should be like I sold your disc to Indigo dude okay yeah Twisted turns two one action dude action sold your disc what you what sk5 dude you did what go SK where is she so if you ever want your disc back you need to talk to her I’ll

Go to the highest place that I know Aaron’s Treehouse shout for Miles Indigo foxy where is my desk hion I’m not I’m not giving it to you if you don’t if you if you call me that hello Aaron hello I’m up here hello where are you up oh

Where you just were oh hi hi up there where are you give me my disc Back are you you know what everybody going to start dying oh my God everybody going to start dying till I get my di back where is it here it is K you’re getting mad over pointless things that don’t matter why do you want think this is pointless I need my

Tunes dude I can’t ride the bus for about an hour without anything to listen to okay you’re going to use a disc on the bus yes well don’t you already have a green disc that’s it I’m going to listen to Cat That’s favorite disc cuz

Qu play it all the time and wait wait wait wait wait wait he you have the green disc yeah that’s that’s the disc I stole I don’t know where your yellow disc is this wait I don’t even think I had a yellow disc I you never even had a

Yellow disc in the first dude delusions I had the choice to take it but then I didn’t so dude has diluted himself into thinking he lost a disc where is it where’s my green I want to I want to kill green yeah you should kill green until he gives you your disc tell

Green tell green to just go die oh really oh were yall in the M shaft when you when you were cave exploring that one time Huh oh don’t mind if I do breaks the mob spawner hey um it’s a little late for that oh thanks is my are you just going to say that until you get one I should is there even a yellow disc in the game I don’t yes oh it’s 13 it’s

13 why wait wait why do you want 13 on wait what what does 13 sound like put on put on 13 so I can understand it’s really bad it’s not even like ghost music ghost let let me listen to 13 hand it over 13 let me listen to put on the I’m two

Hearts ah put on 13 put on 13 put you can do that you can put on 13 I can’t do that if I don’t have the disc no like on YouTube you think he has YouTube on the bus oh my God my dinner’s ready this always happens in the middle

Of the most intense lore dinner is ready last time this happened when we were doing a Skiby man role play handy it was miraculous dinner is ready candy like candy join like candy I thought you called him yay yay join VC I should do that

Nickname come on tap tap tap if you want this to be his nickname tap come on tap tap tap come on more Taps there are no Taps uh come on oh someone’s tapping someone’s tapping nice nice nice dude it’s spider central down here I got to

Run that’s what I’m dude I screamed so loud yesterday cuz a spider jumped me I saw a cave spider and two spiders behind it it was scary why is it spider central down here cuz there like a spider spawners oh hi J oh hi Jay chilling to be honest no get back get

Back swipe status what does this mean what is it what is this stupid status thing supposed to be what status like in the like in the call what’s what is it what does it say gaming but I don’t get the point dude who said it to that gaming

Yeah save me a slice of that the what feel like a gamer yeah a gamer an epic gamer oh yeah yeah oh yeah yes Mhm all right yay join why is Jay being like this I don’t know why is being like this not very nice not very [Applause] nice what no nothing I’m that’s a favorite blue Splat is going to play Pop Tropica I love Pop Tropa or I I used to before my friend

Dude never mind friend us to never mind do I see a sheep and a cow no I’m sorry okay never mind it was a creeper it was a creeper okay leave the cow alone that could be a short oh my goodness write that down dude hi

J down that down dude if you go to the cave you will get infinite free fish it is crazy I was thinking you get infinite free damage I found like a stack and a half of diamonds in this cave I did this cave is good dude but if

You save by the water you get infinite fish like they keep spawning and then they keep falling oh my gosh oh my God so do you apparently I almost I almost di I know that’s where I died last time too the little spot in between the two

Waterfalls I thought I would just keep on going down and then I fell out but luckily I finished typing before I oh plummeted fish is yeah yeah dude oh blow thought he was Ben Oh la la or something all right Okay yeah you missed it I was it was a war I go to the discs and the ghost had to go to dinner huh yeah Yeah I’m mining iron okay I don’t want it anymore just Tak as long as impatient Um dude why does Jay always do this I know wait what did Jay do he always joins and then leaves I I don’t think it’s his family either I think he just does it to do right actually I think it is Le said one time that um he leaves like brother

Join wait why is it night time why what do you mean why is it night time why is it night time what do you mean why is it night time oh is it night time ghost isn’t here he’s having dinner smart smart man dude there’s no way he was watching

The stream during that he probably just like was watching like Steven Universe oh dude why is there always zombies with full golden armor over here never a dull moment inmp for real things are getting crazy up SMP guys we need someone to start like oh dude did you just say baba boo

Please please no more no more no more no more oh oh oh oh oh I still what what were you doing that dead I’m dead why were you doing that to I still don’t understand B buy who who I don’t know if it was just

Cuz late but when I saw that last night I was dying I don’t know why wait saw what I was like scrolling back on our old messages and for some reason Jay just started like oh oh oh spaming lady Jack is going through everybody’s stuff stop it yes yay pirate Oh Jack is killing me I combat log so the drama meting boil peanuts dude but the choke is this dude died by a 40th CM block this dude you died by a for mm Block green I think uh green stole them I I just I just hitd he’s trying to he’s trying to start a war dude you lost the beds how do you lose beds no way no way it’s a sabotage dude ghost was right ghost was was right oh

My God what what did you say ghost was right about Shaq like inevitably starting something look what he’s already doing he he does that why you don’t have to be the quirky kill all every time oh I be the quirky kill all no that’d be cool got spice it up Aaron

Look at me where are you are you are you I mean just started playing I can see you from far do you see what I have am got to take out sha somebody take him out on your what you see what I have on my shoulder do you have another bird yeah

A I don’t know what to name I’m going to name you Connecticut oh [ __ ] Connecticut y somebody’s got to take this dude out I’m I’m going to die he said he said he I have nothing to kill him he said he wants you and those to apologize dude I’m not apologizing it’s literally

Revenge for something he did I’m not apologizing for something he did he’s got to learn that there are consequences to his quirky actions guys we don’t have to fight we don’t have to fight fight dude I can’t even get down from my Treehouse because there’s so many mobs night cuz

You yep you can make BR walking in here acting like he owns the play yay yay yay yay why am I getting jumped by a skeleton I’m just trying to place a bed in Aaron’s place so I don’t have to worry about go green go green go green right

Wait yeah please come up here and place one I’m going to put a bed in your house I have four pieces of wool hi ghost you stop sorry wait you’re back ghost Shaq is here and he’s causing a riot he’s like breaking our beds and trying to kill me it’s it’s so good

Being chill I like this is the chill house what do you mean kill oh my [ __ ] god conut Connecticut uhoh uhoh guys kill him kill him kill him kill uh I only have six here take it I’ll be right back got my God I got to go I’m I’m actually pissed

Off why are you leaving Connecticut up here or uh actually yeah chill chill for a second up here that’s okay AR aren’t you in California tell green to join the VC why is he not that guy be like a a crazy like killer with no no words I didn’t want

Have to do this but now I got to kill green he took over the island he’s trying to act like him thank you he tried taking over the island I’m taking that pickaxe half a heart dude oh my God and it was with a stupid stone pickaxe

Somebody make a fire so I can burn this where where B they’re gone he he took them if you want to say I put I put up a bed in Aaron’s place so you guys thanks Aaron here follow me I know where it is yeah I I have some ideas for my place

I just have barely any material so I’m just you got it I want I want to put a over the water goes yeah that was not me oh what okay I can’t I can’t set my spawn I can’t set my spawn I are you dying yeah I’m dying I can’t set my

Spawn why am I wait let me let me all right K hear me out on this one what I originally I was supposed to surprise join you and not join the VC because I was trying to to show you that I’ve been wearing the sapphire skin yeah

I saw that I was like why you wearing the sapphire skin yeah that was supposed to be the joke but instead in the go and ghost out of nowhere decided to be a prick and killed me because of the season because of the all of the killing

Stuff I did originally I was going to Backle down like like completely back down but now we have a problem hey we’re going to get some edits we’re going to get some edits you know be be be the villain again oh no oh no this

Time I want to like I want to negotiate with Indigo and ghost though like if it’s just going to keep going then I might as well just completely go crazy and uh hijack the entire base of everyone including mines well I can’t let you do that you guys can yeah I think you

Should find some way to clear the air that’s that’s yeah that’s why I W do that instead I don’t know why indig go is trying to like remove my bed and all what was that what did the hell I just join literally 5 minutes and I just immediately get ambushed by some random

People I was not supportive oh and he has one objective see okay now at this point indigo is stereotyping me as being some fake ass dream or techno play that’s what it is now since I’ve killed so many people and griefed all the things they kind of stereotype me for

Being some SMP green guy now at this point maybe I kind of want some anyways anyways hello oh my God get out Idol why can we can we do can we do it’s really serious ID oh okay bye-bye okay anyways this time I remember the freaking the SNP that we did the

Randomest SMP right I just kind of like completely back down yeah I want to do all of that again especially when I’m actually trying to animate post 50% more trouble and all well tell them that cuz I’m pretty sure that down pressure going to try to like turn

Impression dude I am not I’m not doing any of that anymore I mean not for thisp at least dude my first impression was supposed to be a sapphire skin because I always watched Steven Universe and now it kind of turned to this for some [ __ ] reason yeah I think that’s why

That’s why I’m really pissed right now and decided to like lose the bed on purpose as well I don’t know why look at this look at this look at this I’m back at the base ghost is yeah ghost is camping on me now look at this look at

This look at this look look look at this look at this on my way look at this you I a I ain’t doing [ __ ] go I ain’t taking your [ __ ] anyways uh yeah join FEC B Be muted Okay okay green green green green Green we got to we got to settle something things green green is he by our house oh no that is kind of hilarious okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he probably won’t do anything as long as we don’t

What why is it I didn’t kill you because you had a sapphire what is going on dude we’re back at season one it’s just like season one again you tried me you tried this is hilarious different [ __ ] can we go back to the lives I thought we

Already settled it from like the live thingy no I got mad at it please please please please pleas are you going to make ghost or slave again are we going back that’s what I’m saying I don’t want to go back that’s why I kept killing you hilarious originally actually going back

To season one okay I’m trying not to be involved with any of the fighting [ __ ] because I’m trying to like you shouldn’t have to be very easy no like I’m no no like since um I’m starting up an animation from like since I already did 50% more trouble finale I’m trying to

Like animate post what you talking about okay I’m trying to oh my he’s trying to be chill well you’re not doing a very good job you guys are the one that killed him out of nowhere he just got okay yeah that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair I

Don’t really I just I don’t want him I don’t want him to do anything else like he’s been doing every single season weart I you getting jumped over there yes dude actually okay honestly I wouldn’t be losing that if I lose ibly you lost me you lost me oh no you might

Not want to die cuz there’s the beds the beds have been moved are you serious yeah see might block yourself in what is wrong with you I didn’t do iten I’m going to okay whoever did I I hate you so much sh well actually it got mov it

Got moved someone else all right never mind Shaq I’m no longer on your side no it wasn’t it wasn’t green that that got moved in the first place so you would have been someone no we don’t I tried stoping the problem and now you’re random I’m not why are there

So many mobs hide go into a wall go into a wall this so stupid I know I don’t know why you’re mad Ida what going to a wall I’m eating boil peanuts hide into a wall oh peanuts hide in a wall yeah wait what what was a

Penis again wait I was like they’re they’re boiled oh yeah you have one yeah yeah no are you saying you want a slice item dude I need I need torches so bad I said I want a peanut all right I up I’m trying to cause drama I’m

Boring no too much drama going on the OC and need to start more in the exact same place shut up mushroom go away wait what shut up mushroom room yeah shut up mushroom hi mushroom shut up me hi mushroom dude turn this off why is this still Indigo what are you talking about

Dude he’s just trying to chill let him Chill I’ll make my leave wait come back no hello hello hello hello hello hi I got you on the wrong foot hey okay I’m me more just tried kill I got like 20 billion Heth oo been dried up i’ been I have steak and pork chops some carrots and some bread and some

Chicken what I thought just being chill now well I’m going to be chaotic I’m going to take Sha’s roll give me a little bit we need a new villain someone got to take the roll so I can make oh I’ll take it maybe I’ll probably take

It later is Aaron even in the server I actually know look yeah I am wait well I’m coming to kill you you my new punching back will you join me will you what do you mean will you join me me asking Aon you who are you asking I will now kill you every

Stream who are you asking ghost will you join me you are now my slave will you join me what is this chit what is what does that mean I don’t know what’s happening the second I look back a billion with what do you mean a billion Withers the

Second I join H what does that mean know what’s happening I don’t know who’s in the right or who’s in the wrong but I’m neutral I’m living here I think we should all just I think we should all just chill cuz I I see both I

See why you guys killed oh are we all living separately or is it like the same place I don’t really know what’s going on well I have a treehouse but it’s not exactly like it’s vage 2 think it’s not like I can only be the person who lives

In here Jay why why are you like this J why dude no one even guessed that why you like this what why you like this no one knows what that means you’re not slick at all if y’all want more insight jokes subscribe to the channel are you even here

Go what is the point you will be getting killed next time you I eyes on you yes killed yeah let’s team up kill everyone in the server starting now you made one mistake you made a government let’s do what yes does that mean let’s do this you made one mistake you made a

Government you I hate where are the lightning bolts hello I’m going to the lightning bolt after I say something evil on summon I don’t have admin Ian I don’t have don’t actually I’m going I’m going to do it never mind my cons okay proba for the best

J you know you’re not funny at all right right this is not okay move no this is not okay I’m going to have to break your sign and to go sorry okay you’re right I don’t like I don’t like when you guys do this why cross

What is that why I don’t like I have no idea what the hell to build I just know I want to build something up here well I like it thank you you know what I don’t like that not even dude you don’t like sh you can’t just doing

Anything the joke has lost his meaning stop it all living by the waters going up and again This oh my goodness a p yes [ __ ] I hate how this do not do not come to my house that is oh I’m coming I’m coming and you’ll be done within a second I’m coming with TNT fire Ste done dude no one is sleeping I know I didn’t do that I was like

What one out of seven yeah we were getting six I people to sleep who took my disc who took my disc stop stop talking about this monster hunter I’m going to go find the oh I meant I’m going to find the nearest disc and I’m going to shine it

In the sunlight you guys will all feel my wrath feel it wait you died are you okay can I’m good I get oh my God what are you doing me stop talking I I don’t know what you’re talking about if you don’t believe me this is not this

Is not funny dude I’m out I’m out I’m out cool I’m out know that it’s cool what are you doing Conneticut can’t get up here I fear she’s struggling be care oh my God I found I found a wild melon oh my God wild melons Connecticut

Yay what time is it it’s time I’ll bring uh my bird up here in a bit it’s actually it’s muffin time it’s muffin time I’m going to find the nearest Mountain somebody grubbing rubbering wandering IRL watching stuff I’m in the zone every server you make on hard mode

Because yeah why do you do that it makes it not fun that’s that’s why it was so so crappy earlier oh no no stop stop I don’t like Jay seriously die Jay seriously die the difficulty the normal but but can you put put put turn on keep inventory just draw a inventory I’m

Banning all of you make a peace the difficulty you’re you’re going to suffer from this too get out of here get out peaceful mode keep inventory on no more mobs out no but s PVP off man but wait that sounds I don’t want to get used to hard

I don’t want to be building something in 10 four parts away what happened to the I’m going to kill green if you no what what does green have to do with me punching you in the face hard mode I can’t on you can’t kill green either he had y

Logging off over and over again don’t don’t that’s actually true get back leave me alone leave me alone get back never never wait Shaq where are you I see I’m trying to build my house and you’re where where are you I just got out I thought we were going to where

Where is what happen to that oh no no more peace who’s with me wait me me me you’re against too yes what [ __ ] P I’m going to kill everyone thisp Ida a few days Ida I’m sorry what did he say something wrong yes yeah man I just want just want to be a

Villain why is my dad there are so many Js Js Js Jay I don’t you do know what you’re saying the [ __ ] How was that hello correlation I stop calling me the f word hello no one did that was that me was that me I yes what Budd I gra the T why am I the only real man left boys that it’s cool dude you guys don’t me off of my own

House I’m send a scre what you said to me what thank you um kiwi what what did he even say I didn’t say anything hold on wait just said J I didn’t say anything J uh this one is it’s just your name no half a heart stop Fong you half

A heart I’m still in the process of finishing what you mean you’re running from a bird you’re running I’m running from you tried to kill me R heart a heart stop it have a heart stop it have a heart I sack ready to join me in chaos stop stop stop I’m King

Every half a heart half a heart I’m half a heart wait we on half a heart half a heart I’m the main I told you I’m becoming evil now I don’t care anymore all right you’re going to make me on half a heart you’re

Going to make me a half a heart I’m a I’m a four Hearts I’m a half a heart I D I haven’t set my spawn point I had to stop I had to stop I I haven’t set my spawn point I have it s what I sent the

Proof to you what’s wrong with you Z you took a long time to send that proof oh look you you you you wrote that out where are the beds that’s what you were saying where the beds that’s what you were basically saying bed no beds I fear

Why here I’m going send it in the follow me follow me uh Ian only stop stop I’m going have a heart stop stop shut up just go don’t yell at me have a heart oh you’re computer died where go uh Ida where did you go half a heart come

On how are you still have iron didn’t you have like 64 diamonds yeah but I like to be cious dude what does that mean no ID don’t where where’d you go IID don’t come back what is happening keep going up the stairs keep going have a heart

Help I I I IID don’t I don’t know no I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know Ida why this way this way oh my God why are you guys going up here I’m trying to get I set trying to kill the hey you’re next set your freaking spawn

Bro set it I’m having a heart okay okay okay okay okay we can oh I’m going to kill you get down stop get down get down get down what’s going on I’ll become the Cory kill all get get Down get down I haven’t been hit you yet get down I don’t have shears anymore get down if you want to fight get down there I’m having have a heart I to stop I’m have a heart I to stop I what please cut it out go f hello hey what’s up here

Uh I’m building stuff Ida please have like an elaborate thing Ida please stop good job buddy what you’re going to I’m going to die Bo oh I’m going to die what I’m not even there anymore I’m going to die please stop stop what I’m going to take a break

For a bit my computer is overheating oh my goodness you said that or dude what happened why is God Jay come live with us why are you doing go gone indig I oh J get I’m I’m teleporting you you can’t use that I will you can’t use that

You can’t you can’t do that that’s not fair Che hey no cheats ex you say that ironic I’m serious you can’t stuff is here and I’m far away I’m teleporting over here J it’s ridic you can’t do that no yes no don’t do it my stuff is here I

That’s not fair you can’t do that I’m have a heart guys which stream was the one where Ida said sugar honey iced tea I’m laughing so hard about it what oh that might have been like two streams ago like stream I don’t know no that was

Last stream stream 16 sugar honey I what the o a bun Sal loot don’t mind if I did do who took my di someone took my it wasn’t me don’t hit me don’t hit me I hit you one time I mimic J get I’m teleporting you say goodbye to your to your home

Right now stop stop stop don’t do it do hi sh I’m about to kill you no get back here buddy stop I have a heart I have a heart freaking stop dude why are you hitting me half a heart I to stop okay canang you stop I’m actually so low

I’m half a heart though I haven’t hit you hit you like one time all right I I’m I was scared I was low no you weren’t Jay get over here I said you can teleport me that’s cheating can’t do that get over here Jay Jay I’m going to teleport you I will

I’m going to die if I do who took my disc I don’t know I what is your problem what are you doing can can you stop I will kill you if you do this anymore why where’s my disc I don’t know where is it fine I’ll be the kill

I’ll be the person who kills everybody ASMR that’s it guys where I what Che up to two up to man Ste universe skin just realized now he a step Universe character I’m goodness dude this is not Tommy SMP or turo SMP it’s dream save the day right and if you think

We always save the day stop that’s why the people this world tell him to stop fighting me I’m and he keeps trying to kill me no I’m not I have a heart can you please leave me alone stop it I haven’t done I haven’t done anything

Outside no I’m going to take it in just do anything okay okay to stop let me please stop killing me please what is your problem let me let stop why’ you dude I’m going to die I’m running for my life can you stop saying my screen is black again leave me

Alone goodbye Jay bye bye Ian stream what is this I’m just kidding I’m going to start my laptop touch my parrot okay this parent is in the [ __ ] we yeah I don’t I don’t think endo’s coming back guys I said it for J hey I goes hey let

Me dude name I don’t want to fall asleep in the morning let me in oh my bad leave me alone wrong weapon stop it Ida leave me alone ID stop leave me alone I to stop it stop chasing me why you’re trying to kill me I’m half a

Heart please don’t hit me no more no more shut up no more no more no more I thought a PPP bro bro can you oh I’m goodness hey let’s do something I’m I don’t even have my iron pickaxe anymore you know let’s all build a little bit let’s get a building party

Started yeah that’s what all right you know what ghost I was just say we should all do what ghost is doing you want to be a jerk about it shut up I’m not being a jerk yeah yeah that’s what I’m doing finally some that’s what that’s what I’m

Doing yeah like well I’m not fighting you’re you’re the only one fighting dude you keep on hitting me in the face and it hurts oh you can make sticks with bamboo okay that makes sense or just leave me alone you’re going to damage my armor I didn’t do anything yes you D

What you hit me the past five years but why did you say just leave me alone I didn’t hit you cuz that’s all you done I just want to be left alone it’s satire no it’s not yes leave me alone I know why I just want to stay Still oh my what the hell are you guys doing I keep trying to kill me what what dude I left for five dude let me out how you let me out let out I it will survive definitely I’m going to die why definitely going to survive why why so

Low he would have I haven’t done anything he would have died if I didn’t save him uh-oh oh my my goodness that would have hurt wouldn’t have leave me alone I just want to play I didn’t do anything you know I think I I think I

Should be the most bad guy this this this server yeah you should he me oh my God you okay oh no I thought you I thought K was going to do something no I I’m wait k k Ki KI guess what I thought you were going to do look at me look at

Me look at me I know what you’re going to do I know what you think I’m going to do no it’s okay I know oh Dan Connecticut stop getting in the way sorry hi oh wait actually yeah hello hello hello hello hello I’ve only been the villain once and now it’s with

D let’s do one more time okay Jay that’s enough bro b okay well what’s your problem J why you like this you please stop J may maybe don’t maybe don’t come over here yeah I’m I’m not even in the server I don’t care don’t even join anymore it’s just me

Just do not come over here lever again just go ahead and leave okay goodbye bye leave the call right now and the group chat and the group chat chat oh I don’t know about that no yes please do no oh the fu I no what oh I need food I’m going to

Die in a second I I’m out I’m blocking it I’m no you’re out ghost W me on January second get over here what Jay thinks he’s so funny but he’s not I’m sick of it um buddy huh I need an iron shovel why did you say my

Name I didn’t say your name you said Buddy L box hi what cuz you you see K I didn’t say your name I said your YouTube channel name that’s my name your YouTube channel name name I that’s my full name box is my last name bargan is my first

Name that is how it goes the table turn turn turn I go to a school of boxes cuz boxes are not last name wow I don’t want to make my house okay I’ve seen you you building some random magnificent houses and now you don’t want to build a house I never

Like building houses they take forever well that’s why in Minecraft you have to mine dude craft dude build dude fight survive yeah it’s a Sandbox game so you you have an opportunity to BU I’m go out camping camping aren’t we technically camping yes out in the forest I mean already experienced with

Camping before like you know object dude oh shoot look out anyways I just save your life turn this stupid episode I just Sav I know thank you thank you and you’re still making me have a heart oh dude you’re still on hooping hot yes he won’t let me heal ghost why is there

A creeper in your house don’t know I got it I got you take that bro it’s their vent not yours yours dude why is everyone gone I go hi parrot Connecticut let’s go okay I’m going to get a SN real quick when I get back I’m eat I’m I’mma build something oh

Man I’m you know I’m really quick I just run down grab something and run back up okay I’ll be back in 5 seconds you can time me ready three okay two one one two this pet probably won’t die green wants to want peace wait pet bye ready no I’mma mess around now Bye-bye wait wait is this the first day of this SMP no second it’s the second day and things have already gone downhill ow yeah for an obvious reason I was one day after like oh go to sleep I don’t think any going a coming back anytime

Soon yeah IND the Go thinks I’m going to do some mischievous plan like set the entire Forest on fire dude I kind of see why four five let’s go perfect I have a pet now dude just die right on time right no find out after these messages la la

La I killed it those things are friendly oh okay no it’s not how do you get that’s a come oh oh this an LA it’s the same thing it’s the same goddamn thing hey same goddamn thing stop I’m low please stop D please just please

Stop why is there a bird it’s my bird no my my H oh my God okay my bird’s fine that was scary my pet dies I’m leaving forever what the hell why why please don’t hit me anymore I’m having come on this place isn’t safe it really is

It I’m concerned for my bird hey you actually should be we’re doing season again the lives are back here we go actually hold on uh ghost let me help you real quick that is a different wood yeah don’t worry I’m just helping G feel like got it get rid of that AR

Killing you get rid of that AR killing you get rid of that hold on hold on hold sorry ooh my fun wayway all right this is Art if you see this a masterpiece it’s like a Rubik’s Cube a pule i oh my gosh oh my gosh scar me

Please look at this look at this look at this you see this house I’m killing you this house a masterp stop it’s imperfect that’s the entire point of the art I stop stop oh my gosh why dude I am way too high for this I am I haven’t done it you’re scaring

Me what how you keep on charging at me I’m I’m I have a hit didn’t hit you please stop oh my gosh Can’t you stop I almost left the game oh stop it got to come along please stop please stop Jane Jane get away from me

I hit you are you done wait no get away from my bird get away why is this guy running away from AA considering he has a diamond armor but wait he he’s killing me I’m on half a heart get get run G run

Run run I got you I got you I got you I got you run run run run run run I can’t leave my bird B okay sorry sorry Jam go go go I to stop I had to stop stop no more no more out I can’t get up I can’t get

Up I’m watching this hey you just destroyed some sugar cane hey please stop ID please stop ID please stop you’re going to kill me oh God kiwi I just got hit this is horrible dude you hit this like this is the worst day of my life come

On dude call 911 I just got Hing the pace come on what does that mean you are ruining the piece you know what we need a immediately K we need a cord immediate what sir what is h I’m I’m running away wait IA is running away from his

Crimes yes that is unaccept I’m going to make prison make a prison with me I unacceptable yep make horrible horrifying I I’m disappointed other words that sounds bad no you’re not I thought you were a good kid one of the good kids now you’re just acting all crazy come on leave me

Alone come on slime why would you do this what wait what the hell doesn’t matter I’m I’m getting out of here wait a Second okay I’m back uh welcome back to Phillips there’s a prison waiting for you I’m out I’m not coming back I don’t wait we forgive you we were just joking I don’t care we were just Jing around we may forgive you but the Lord doesn’t wait why is there why is there

Just random torches I to come back I forgive you I don’t even know I’m I’m about to teleport you what I’m going to teleport you no yes no you can’t do that I will it’s against the law kiwi buddy oh wait it’s against the against the Minecraft guidelines it’s against the it’s against

The laws of physics teleportation does doesn’t happen in real life I mean in Minecraft I mean what AA come back no then I’m teleporting you back no you can’t do that we aren’t going to put you in jail yes you are I I I I promise it’s Cobblestone you can break out of

Itak no Ida please okay I I’ll be back in a second you’re off the hook but if you keep on yeah he’s not coming back here he lied this guy lied I’m Sapphire I can read your thoughtsin for it f I’ll come back in a seconde no he’s still lying he’s lying

Guy still lying what I you got to come back I know I am ghost is lonely ghost is like 1% lonely I’m fine hi ghost fine I’m coming over I’m scared I’m scared from terrified hey how are you scared I haven’t done anything no I’m scared of my bird Dying by anyone

Stop hitting me I’m more scared of you having diamond armor while being threatened by Ki then your pet ouch don’t hit me stop stop hey hey hey hit me again see what happened hit me again hit me again hit me again yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah that’s what I thought I’m not doing okay I’m not oh my goodness that’s what I thought bro kiwi hasn’t come back yet I knew it I knew it I should make an underwater house I was thinking how can I make this place piratey but also

Like but also like oh K that’s a way so I’m going to make an underwater house there’s a big spot down here that’s a way that’s a way kiwi buddy that’s cheating I would never cheat I mean kiwi you know what they say everything in Minecraft is fair yeah you

Know what I say yep tell Them Um oh my God they the bed actually despawn yes damn yes you broke them like like an hour ago it feels like I thought I was just going to take them back or something but the D is already done or something I’m going to Farm Over four years of Minecraft and kii is still screaming over something I’m not screaming over anything I’m just I’m singing that song emerald like we were exced for like things in like Diamonds bye they all staying Along why what are you screaming about by die by die bye shoot I had have build into a wall it’s too late I say that every wall That’s is that fornite reference no that’s that’s not surprisingly H oh wait I said that before never mind you’re

Good that’s a quote for me actually that was surprisingly wholesome Ida how was your stream we saw you leave us to stream earlier how’d it go oh good I’m not mad I’m not mad I’m not mad I’m not mad I hate up please stop doing that no really you okay welcome to Dream

Island hey are you okay I’m not M okay if you think of it from a perspective yeah chat is kitty mad Let’s find oh he just said that it Was oh my God we need food immediately originally we’re going to be stacked off with food I have a ton of watermelons in versions 1.20 something I was trying to make a cow Farm but Indigo killed the cow after I said I was going to make a cow farm

So blame Indigo for our miss our oh that’s fatal then right wrap it up wrap it up oh whoa whoa whoa ah What noises are they making I love Parrots okay do parrots make that noise hear them what is that five it’s a baby drowned oh that makes sense hearing that I was so conf feel some thought there was a thing about here today someone put TV on the TV and show their little cousins that’s that’s that’s funny wait

What it’ll save generation Alpha for me yes someone put it wait put entv look on what someone show the look in the entv chat that’s Funny dude is that Cen yeah oh that is mad that’s someone showing cen’s video big dog wa that’s s that’s s showing oh my God that’s that’s dude sien is getting clout then I I like that big dubs this is exactly what I want I’m going to punch time real

Quick ask ask them if they enjoyed the writing because hey hey dude that is more than one time hey yes wait it this ow hey don’t hit me you hit me I’m just a kid all right well I’m 72 you got to respect the elders so you’re a 72y old punching

You’re not 72 a three-year-old a three-year-old punching a 70-year-old man yes how could you kii how could you P me back you should respect the elders come on kiwi J come on I’m bed like um about the um I’m bed the you guys heard about gen Alpha not reading on the proper grve

Level huh I’m so tired of getting play oh my God I completely forgot J Al exists I’m so tired of hearing about G these Alphas are ruining everything Oh I thought you being serious at first dude Indi end is just a freaking meme but wait not a feels like

A don’t don’t say that don’t say that dude dude it’s going to be a boomerang from the Next Generation where everyone’s just going to complain about some newest meme but wait going I have to wait we have to wait for like 20 years what’s Up oh I I I get why it comes back next song I need more songs on here that don’t get on my nerves I hate that my brother got a CU ooh you ought to know that I think we’re one in the same I don’t think we can help it no I don’t

Think we can help it we don’t talk much right huh I didn’t do anything I was just copy I was just copying my parents so yeah I know I know I said I said it’s fine I know that I said it’s fine this is some Nostalgia right here this

Little song right here this is Nostalgia what song you Paying is that fortnite game no I don’t think so would you be mad if I like made you fall into the water yes long live the king but it’d be funny I didn’t even how did you fall into ghost I’m sorry it was no you guys said you guys

Said you wanted peace for some reason and you guys aren’t doing that and it’s kind of strange to me I don’t care about it’s kind of it’s kind of strange I don’t care about be that was green I was just saying green wanted to not have about getting killed and you want to

Kill you guys turn h i a understand I don’t know if dude this is a masterpiece I don’t care about the fting kiwi look at this kiwi look at this look at this look at this house yes what do you think this is I love the undertones it’s very nice it’s

Improper imperfect it’s great that’s why it’s a masterpiece it’s an art miraculous the puzzle is wrong it signifies something it signifies something hey you know what I’m taking a picture of this dude K we make this a new F actually think this the new thumbnail hey why you

Take hey I didn’t do that cuz you took my desk I didn’t take your disc stop doing this what disc he took my disc my favorite disc I I Ki we’re not making a second lambug I’m done sir I heard there was a speci a special place where man could

Go whoa hey y’all oh my parent thought it Ki I want to see White Flags White flags are no Independence or death hey I would rather die than giv you to teritory un what’s the quote said wait why do you have memorized wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait that’s kind of scary that scar there’s two cows oh my gosh yes please please two cows two cows two cows two cows two cows oh let me just kill them real quick here Budd buddy buddy look what you did you were over here talking about we need

To get some food so I’m getting oh yeah I’m making oh yeah I’m happen to get some food as well it’s good for a long term I know look at this this is a infinite res source of food I actually agree cows is also a good why is there a baby zombie here

Dude I just oh my God God I’m getting so lad no oh my goodness please stop please get back K watch out for that creeper I it was getting so close I’m good I’m good I to remove the jungle but I it was so close start some D oh crap you idiot

You got my parrot killed wait that got your parot killed yes I was waiting for that I was waiting for you to go oh my God oh my goodness green kiwi I expected you to come go near and then I just explode myself on

Purpose why would I go near if I have a pet that’s following me all the time why are you why you letting the power of tring around you when a creeper’s there what do you mean even think I’m going to sit it down and like I’m trying

I was that’s why I was going away from it so it wouldn’t blow uping ID you’re not making me the stupid idiot for this the stupid idiot is the one that’s walking into the creeper and getting yourself getting yourself blown up that’s the stupid idiot right there

Don’t you’re not turning me into the the the dummy I’m not like come on now I hear I want I don’t want to he I don’t want to hear want I am very sorry for what I have I want to hear an apology I don’t want to hear your dumb excuses I

Want to hear wi as well he was right next to the creeper were you like directly next to that creeper the parot was I want to hear an apology okay kii I sincerely apologize for your parot uh wait one wait one apologizing for wait buddy kiwi I apologize for a Minecraft mathematics

Error that made your go on that creeper I want to hear an apology for getting my parent killed okay I apologize for getting your uh Power kill because of a Minecraft mathematic incident that occurred in his S&P buddy count your days you should be glad I apologize

Buddy all right oh oh nevering side ever again ever again I I apolog I did say I apologize for getting your power kill because play Minecraft mathematic eror you should say it was not maatic that is that is a u error I said I said I apologize for getting your par killed

That’s what I said okay and I added because of a mathematic Minecraft error that I don’t need to hear no error mathematic that that’s you blaming the system blame yourself for being Reckless yeah that’s you that okay that’s yours and that’s mine that’s your side and

That’s my side you but as long as I apologize right as long as I apologize because of that right you don’t seem very sorry yeah yeah I would apologize for getting your power kill because of a Minecraft magmatic error that’s what I exactly said I’m being genuine because I

Accidentally got your power kill because of a Minecraft mathematic error okay this next this new par is called toue stay away from Green par come on you need to be really careful with that green power I mean you need to be careful with that power because one day

Another mob may just almost get your power killed by some random stupid reason done with you I’m done with you find another Ally find another buddy find another friend this is over we’re done our friendship is over over our friendship is over goodbye forever there’s no fixing this Anymore two oh no okay you’re cool K’s on a kiwi’s going through five stage of grief Arc this is horrifying see and you have no’s not the one grieving I think have a sympathy I apologize for getting your power killed I said my bed here I knew I was going to get

Killed just go into the water for me just go into the water why dude that is a lot of star I drop down and now I have to do a musical number what this a side one Connecticut this one goes out to You oh con you were blown up behind me I found you this is why we hate creepers losing my other parrot to where that grave where’s the grave K you’re going to make the way for that parrot went through a lot together we saw the fights and the

Troubl Kiwi will you forgive me if I give you five irons 64 n no no No hey 10 irons 10 irons T if I already have like at least like a stack and a half of iron stack and a half iron get back get away how about if I how about if I help you build a house I don’t want your

Help and you stole my boow I I was going to give you the boat now you’re accusing me of doing more bad things because I happen so much why do you hit pets she be a sham because he thought I was going to do something else bad How

Could You kiwi you punched you just punched me you all right punch me back K you just killed me mhm and you killed my parrot so you calling yourself an animal kiwi you killed an ey for all humans are r Wait kiwi wait if we saying it to a degree

Are humans animals as well hello like Homo sapiens animals I’m pretty sure we are animals which is like in that case so does that mean if F if me killing you is the same as killing your pet are you a pet no pets are someone who is domesticated I’m not

Domesticated what domes can like when you train a pet to like live normally and whatnot normally like when and like they have to be owned and whatnot to like not be aggressive either yeah it’s like oh no one I don’t really do pets I just killed them on site but that’s not very

Nice I mean I kill my own pets inside that’s still not very nice I don’t get why you don’t want like a companion that will always be there kind of oh my God I still need food let’s go to not this way other way let’s go this way oh not that way the

Other way way this way T don’t get burnt get back kii um don’t be K my curiosity comes to I’m just going to follow you around dude I’m going to screenshot my entire inventory you will die die then I’ll will keep following you I’m going to add lives to the server

No matter what it takes I will still follow you I’m going to add Liv until you trust me again G do you mind to add lives to the server yeah and lives lives don’t make they make let’s dude you are so annoying I didn’t do that that was that was

Green he’s just going to come back anyway what did I do wait did Green put me into the hole yeah no oh okay it’s more of a CO it’s more of a cooperation me and kiwi did by putting you in a hole I didn’t do that aeration

Why would I work with you did we did a coroporation kwi why would I work yeah see it’s one it’s 1% we Tred you’re tting me in a 1% addition why would I want to work with you goodbye go you’re in this yeah I’m building my house while

You guys are just why are you building in this time I’m building the backyard where where I’ll have my P you have to build it in the wor time impossible my her of no you guys are here in the worst time worst fate ever you guys are in you guys

Are in here in the worst time possible don’t blame me I didn’t do anything oh yeah we had a sudden urge of just visiting on your base we just checking up always do this just to like there is no wi there is no wi J you just went to

Ghost base a minute ago there is no Wii there is no we I decided to go to ghost place oh me too I decided as well there’s no two yeah but kiwi you wanted to go to ghost base I want to go to ghost base so

No how many people want to go to ghost base one and one other person that’s not associated with the other here we K are you trying to add in algebra class in this yes what you always talking about mathematical errors talk about mathematical errors talking about mathematical errors talking about

Mathematical errors what now oh this time I’m try to add an addition one plus one mm one and one one and one so not two let’s do separate one and one one not one plus one you can put one and zero in binary No actually

That’s that is not binary 1 + 2 = 11 in binary this is binary what yeah clarify this is 100% binary there a witch shoot where’s Home E I hate witches how do I get 200 blocks away that’s good oh no ki’s currently on a five

Stage of grief so he decided to run away just like to R did dude send him back to spawn send him back ghost what oh my God I thought you a creeper for a second send him back why what are you doing to spawn what is this someone’s

House that’s supposed to be a prison that ow I know was supposed to come oh my God go look look what Kiwi is doing oh my gosh uhuh this is not this is looking not so good what is he doing I don’t know I forgot well I trust kiwi not to do

Anything Zar so I trust him because oh what about me sure yeah I trust not okay okay nice okay go to sleep dude I love how this Witch is trying to full potion at us considering that this wi is just far away oh uh ghost we l with real [Applause] quick my

House we are telling you this so the daytime would occur faster yeah I know but my house wait why am I even staying in your house good any of you guys know if School Lune is edible um I don’t think so slight chance slight chance slight chance slight chance slight

Chance uh be about back bye just going to jle Wood I don’t care dude we have like a whole party here going time flies it does they all’ sang along do you have any bones I only have three four I have like couple two fine it’s in my chest okay

Okay and I’ll get it in a second I want to do something I don’t know what to do I don’t want to do the ne yet cuz everyone’s gone so We do that next time uh I want to build a house but that’s like that’s like annoying uh okay um know what could do what uh so I want a uh sheep to live my back actually never mind I okay but I I need a piece of so do you have any

B uh yeah that too what was the first thing you said meat oh one to now I got to go go all the way to my chest to get a piece of bone meal got to go die a sheep which is probably going to die any we do more regular like saplings

Like not not regular oh saplings we no more normal saplings BLS so there’s nowhere to place them there’s so much jungle yeah this is so annoying who’s back here that I don’t know I don’t know anything there’s a red parrot that’s cute why have they no sheeps people be killing them I thought

One sheep earlier but I’m probably dead by now a I found you I don’t even know where I am home’s that way says the parent okay even if there was a sheep here it be a long way and there a and it’s just I’m looking for Place something cool something place with Dr

Going around not making a Sound JK I’m making sounds walking all around horses everywhere that’s cool look over there nothing once again kind of getting tired of walking don’t have have a saddle saddl and I just want to find something nice something Cool why is it so hard to find what you need in this game by finding flowers trees but not the trees I want everything you could have said desire is a awesome except for me seems like everything wants to be well I don’t need e trees everywhere I don’t

Care I need to make a lir in water using Tiger Wood don’t know what I’m doing um um probably going to die anyways the don’t want to fall down this hill don’t want to fall down this Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff I see a

Cow why is there not a sheep I found a sheep it’s like actually 7 755 blocks from Spa from home so I I can send you a first get desperate I’m still walking I found what ghost is looking for I’m getting tired of all of this walking could have

Got a horse but I didn’t bring my saddle so now I got to go I have to Waddle through the trees through the leaves tired so tired so tired tired nothing is what it should be I need this tuby Spruce I need something OB I don’t know

Sorry Oh I thought that was a flower it’s a parrot oh yeah I have a parrot to pay you’re the only pet I have because Conneticut got blown up kind of sad I know I know but it’s okay moving on okay I found a wolf in I found one I don’t

Have keep on finding things iar I can’t get things that I don’t need things I can’t get yet um found dark oak that’s nice that’s Cool almost died I’m really annoying King saplings in the dark fight off the monsters I don’t think here goost the Sheep see hores here hores hores hores things are looking oh wait the song stopped okay next song Bo boom boom boom what is this I see cows I see what is we

Fluidity did we search that up I remember searching that up I don’t remember what it was YouTube I see cows I see pigs I see creepers I don’t need them wait I found a sheep that I could keep okay oh it’s this thing ID come home

Just got to make it come home and there’s cows following me that’s kind of sucks I don’t want cows to follow get away from me cows I just want this sheep it’s going to take a while to get this sheep over to my house and I might die anyway so oh my

God this is so stupid I just want to find something that I could use for me sing a song about it maybe I could keep come on sheep guy I have a place for you walking for for hours 1,000 blocks going everywhere no Forest Insight I mean not this Forest

I found mushrooms give me the mushrooms I’ll take mushrooms getting kind of upset zombies over here I’m trying to vent leave me alone I don’t want to fight leave me alone not to night let’s go explore the Woods don’t know if I find what I should

I don’t care I’m keep on going because there’s Adventure in the air give me that and give me this I don’t care fill my inventory up now I need to go some okay I’m leav until day time because I’m tired of this oh I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared

The one good thing I found so far is a dark oak forest and some horses but I have a saddle so if you heard my last song you I’d be able to know that cuz I was really mad right now I just wanted the Sheep couldn’t get I sent the course to

To those CHS earlier pretty far from home hey sorry an apple I forgot you could get apples from trees finally okay okay little sapling that’s enough for Me this way is that a desert or a beach that’s a beach iar I don’t even know my is for the the house like I think I want it to be like a glass dome for the house but first of all that’s a lot of glass second of all that’s kind of

Ugly I what I put inside of it well I guess it be like Sandy have like a little nice civilization inside of the Dome I guess that not quite I would sleep but I can’t find no sheep toue stay behind me goodness going to lose two parrots in one day I’m

Afraid getting shot by mobs and chased by things I don’t want to know what I am going to die to two place getting killed indub I don’t want to die I will sing going to keep on going checking forth found a ruin portal that’s dope I wonder if I’ll die just join

Might as well shoot oh the song is not accurate how I feel right now Leaving again because I’m getting killed what the let me turn on what’s This okay I guess where’s where’s T okay how do you spell T is it t o u p or t o u p e t don’t know think it’s t u p a i guess that was WR no oh no it’s t u t a ta

A are you sure wait how did you say it t p like the wig T I’m pretty sure no way where’s the a coming at this side two some I’m pretty sure like vowels Are found to it’s daytime now two oh my God it’s daytime to pay okay no it’s it’s t o u p e e t say that again t o u t o u p e e oh see okay I was almost right I replaced the last e with a t

Right I’m just going toight I’m going to fight I found pumpkins oh my god there are so many monsters oh my goodness wait are you on the overw world on the C yeah how you getting killed by mobs a baby zombie villager oh my goodness there was a skeleton there’s a

Creeper I’m I don’t think I can get back home just turn on keep inventory and peaceful mode and creative All That Jazz I’m definitely not going to survive that Spruce hey Alexa stop so sick of that I’m so sick of that remember to take out the trash don’t forget okay boom boom

Boom give me them saplings yeah okay I need one more one more time what up brown scarf we been playing Minecraft all day it’s crazy I got up I got up at like 4 pm and I saw oh I got to where look on the account is it the video you

Posted no it’s the video I have posted that’s what it said oh oh me5 for the this is great this is great Jay’s in the right I love when they make like likeable characters and oh not a gigantic phant of seals please get them away

From agreed it’s not true no hey no no no sir why are you doing this I know you’re not being serious what do you mean I know you’re not being serious stop what do you mean I love I love it’s not even a bit it’s not I know you’re not being serious it’s

Not a bit how no I’m serious why would I why would I do that like outside I do this I post seals I’m making my Pro I would do that for a bit why that’s hilarious I wouldn’t do that for a bit I’m not you okay well I don’t I don’t

Know that for sure okay I have everything I need everything I wanted I’m going home this is all I ever wanted I’m not even getting my stuff back wait wait wait wait I’m I’m sick I’m sick I’m sick any idea of like your cords like where nope that that’s long gone do you

Know what direction you I I can help you find it probably I was like in that field of sheep it was like in a bamboo place do you know what direction you were going in like yeah the I was going to the cores of the sheep okay then yeah we can

Okay we can find it that that’s so annoying oh my god there was nothing I could have Done okay I’m going home let’s go Tay got what I need I am 2,000 blocks from home why does this always happen you5 for the rest right I would give him the5 yeah I don’t know why you’re saying I don’t know why you’re doing I love it I don’t know

Why doing what I love It goodness for a pirate I really don’t like sailing throughout the waters do pirates like actually like actual Pirates actually exist like they pirate ships not weren’t Pirates just British people and that’s people always have very exaggerated accent when they do pirates I’m pretty sure Pirates just had a British ax all British

People I see him I’m bored I’m trying to find my stuff I don’t even know what direction I was going and I was just freaking out so I was just going in whatever Direction I could the downfall ghost stuff just I’m I’m sad I had a lot of

Stuff we’re going to find it power of Tor from friendship that jum never works there are pandas I see a jungle where’s Ida I don’t know and I’m a lot of food I’m going to have to found an ocelot ad Hypixel we’re playing on a server dude I hate having to walk so

Far I’m down 1 th000 blocks so that’s good I found a pack of sheep that I that I sent the C for were you near them or like you on your way to them yeah I’m close to them just all that iron all all those it’s not done

Yet we I’m trying and it’s becoming night time again wasn’t it didn’t it just um shoot I have a bed now Dude okay whatever get up so you said place look like had Bamboo a swamp like no there was like you know that brown grass stuff AA biome yeah oh wait I think I found I just found an biome I think I found it is my stuff here well it doesn’t matter either way because I’m about die wait send your quartz if you can

Uh it might have despawned I don’t think so you have to be in the chunk for like 5 minutes before it despawns shoot shoot it’s not over yet I don’t think I can get that back I’m I don’t want to go back I’m back from square

One so yeah there were tons and tons of skeleton I’ve seen three so far it’s an biome there’s like a whole Army too many hey chill out I’m about to die to some skeletons okay I see actually there are a lot of skeletons that’s probably where it is

Though if there’s bamboo right there no I don’t see no bamb was it in an AIA biome or in a jungle biome I don’t know what the okay shab bi Miss be it said brown grass like brownish grass or just brown grass BR grass never mind that’s why I said swamp I thought

That was a swamp I just I just make you some stuff I just need like probably just iron okay I got a lot of that so is that 2 where’s T at shoot I lost my bird again whatever I’ll find her later I had enough armor or enough iron to make a chest

Plate I have enough to gold makes no sense in this game I yeah I don’t get it it’s really I don’t know why they’re bad I think they’re even they’re even wor iron how is hi here why can’t that okay And I’m a great person so take some of this oh Than Jay said let me know when VR is available is VR available I’m not I’m not AOS tonight yeah I don’t have would have to wait like an hour you guys Start breath I don’t know why yeah I’m not opposed to it fact I think it’d be fun but depends on what game you thinking Definitely I was about I was about to do something uh shoot oh looking now okay let me brother has this charge run hold up every not technical difficulties oh my God what my brother’s room is disgusting oh my god dude this like crumbs all over his

Bed might want to get the back out the bed bugs are going to Bite probably r on that whole ecosystem is growing so okay this time I’m not going to the out just going to look for a sheep why is there a creeper that’s the course that the sheeps that I found yeah I’m not going back there this creeper is going into water just he’s

Hungry him creep why can’t Creepers die to the sunlight I’m not sure probably to the the photosynthetic um reaction to the that D of the Creations the problem with this place is that bar like live on like deserted island I know right like why is this place just one big island I want to walk forever I want to learn how to walk I feel having a pet is not that point just I can’t find

It there’s nowhere to plant anything oh my gosh it’s so annoying this whole this this map is annoying this this like scene right so it’s the worst place to live we’re thinking about moving but we got too far ahead now we’re in I fear I I honestly think this is kind of

Just like a or no maybe depends much different I want it to be actual SMP but the map is holding it back yeah we didn’t spawn in a village we spawned in like a there’s barely any anywhere to build there’s nothing yeah I don’t like this I don’t

Like this at all we’re going to have to move someday have to say goodbye to our own will be very hard there’s no way I can turn your face watch the sun I love the shadow I have a feeling like we’re we’re going to like try to

Get on far and is not going to be there like anyone all right like I feel like you always talk about let me know if be I get available goodart like I’m not like he disappears not like mad at him but I’m just like need to be consistent with your Words that’s probably good I need to place my SP this could be good give it to me I hear drowns it’s not a good place to live I wish we could St see sucks we Aon was right we should have just restarted right too late now I

Fear thought this was just going to be a mini on some so far it’s gone for two days which is more than the other ones we might have got newp in our hands if we play our cards correctly uh if we put some money into the advertising and then the rest and to

Like the server I think we should be good with the with the full fled movie server I think I’m done just got this sugar can right quick Sugar can I didn’t like a proper like just chilling uh thing cuz I when I’m not like showing anything on the screen I usually put VB even though we’re still here I got to find sub so I’m fix that out so I’m going to replace that I’m too lazy that’s a lot of

Work got to animate a whole thing okay I’m going to hide in your house and then shut the doors Okay D D D D I like hurts ouch he’s on mute goodness this is Awkward what do you mean you can’t play um okay I think I’m gonna end the stream I think Okay hello Hi dude I’m so mad got to push him back got to fight stand the freak up brown scarf was here he’s here sometimes and ice anden and someone who sent a DOT I don’t know how to say I Dot what’s the plan now end stream or like play Roblox or something probably end stream heard it here folks um I have anything to say uh this is Ian running away running to the stop stream button going to press it in five 4 3 2 one bye

This video, titled ‘Mountains Containing Marvelous Minerals | IAN LIVE STREAM #83’, was uploaded by Ian on 2023-12-29 02:44:03. It has garnered 167 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:39 or 18339 seconds.

Bargain Shaq Ida Indigo Ghost and last but not least maybe Jay!

we will be playing MINECRAFT! Donate to our patreon to support small youtubers 🙂 #roblox #horror #horrorgames #robloxgames #barnstars #stream #hilarious #funniest #great #jack #rblx #rb #rob #Horror #scary #wow #shaquielair #bargainbox #idamensional #aghostman #jay_c #emmachamberlain #charlidamelio #lethalcompany #minecraft #smp #survivalminecraft

  • Crafting Chic: Minecraft’s Tiny House Trick

    Crafting Chic: Minecraft's Tiny House Trick In Minecraft, building a house is an art, With blocks and designs, let’s make a fresh start. A small and stylish abode, cozy and neat, With windows and doors, a perfect retreat. Gather materials, wood and stone, Crafting tables and tools, make it your own. Place each block with care, in perfect symmetry, A house that’s unique, for all to see. Roofing and flooring, add the final touch, A home in Minecraft, you love so much. Easy and stylish, a small house so grand, In this virtual world, where creativity expands. Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua’s Hide and Seek

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More

  • Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx’s Minecraft World!

    Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx's Minecraft World! Minecraft: Mixing Things Up! Embark on a unique Minecraft journey with Crownlex as they mix and match everything in the game to create special items and attempt to finish the game. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with creativity and innovation! Exploring Minecraft’s Boundless Possibilities In this video, Crownlex showcases their ability to blend various elements in Minecraft, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game. By combining different resources and tools, they craft special items that add a new dimension to their gameplay. Unleashing Creativity With a keen eye for experimentation, Crownlex demonstrates how mixing… Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore

    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More

  • Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright!

    Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright! Why did Spider-Man start playing Minecraft? Because he heard there were some great webs to swing from! #spiderman #minecraft #webbedwonder Read More

  • Crafting a King: Act 3

    Crafting a King: Act 3 Act 3: “Birth of a King” Prepare to witness the epic tale of the birth of a king in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we delve into the exciting events and features of this thrilling adventure. The Rise of a Monarch As the story unfolds, players will witness the transformation of a humble character into a powerful ruler. The journey to kingship is fraught with challenges and triumphs, making for a captivating narrative. Embrace the Power Experience the thrill of commanding your kingdom and making crucial decisions that will shape the fate of your realm. With great… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • 49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk

    49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk The Epic Journey of Minecraft: Story Mode Introduction Embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of Minecraft with “Minecraft: Story Mode.” Join Jesse and his friends as they set out on a quest to save their world from destruction. Episodes Overview Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Witness the beginning of Jesse’s journey as they team up with a group of legendary heroes known as The Order of the Stone to defeat the Wither Storm. Episode 2: Assembly Required Face new challenges as Jesse and the gang must gather resources to build a new weapon to defeat… Read More

  • Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)

    Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)Video Information This video, titled ’13 Awesome New/Updated Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)’, was uploaded by Leonxkingx on 2024-06-02 23:56:23. It has garnered 1824 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:28 or 568 seconds. #minecraft #mods 13 New/updated Minecraft Mods for 1.20.1, mainly for Forge. I’m trying to show the latest/updated best Minecraft Forge (sometimes the mods also have a fabric version) Mods for 1.20 of the week, if you want me to showcase a mod or maybe even your mod, let me know. Mods in this video: 0:00 Illusion Onslaught https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illusion-onslaught 1:48 Flower Pots Plus https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flower-pots-plus 2:17… Read More

  • ShrooMoo’s Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!

    ShrooMoo's Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vtuber Solos GTNH – The Stargate Run Stream 7 – (LV-MV) – Unedited VOD #GTNH #Vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by ShrooMoo on 2024-03-30 21:32:08. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 08:34:08 or 30848 seconds. This stream is best experienced on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/shroomoooo We hit MV :3 Read More

  • Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideo

    Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft trending song is cbse upse #shortfeed #viral #minecraft #viralvideo #subscribe’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-02 05:22:05. It has garnered 763 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft… Read More

  • Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key Sounds

    Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Still trying to transport #39 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2023-12-18 19:30:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:42 or 1062 seconds. Welcome to my Channel 🌍✨, where you’ll find a unique blend of uncut Minecraft gameplay and soothing keyboard sounds. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Minecraft 🏰🌳 while experiencing the tranquil ambiance of keyboard taps ⌨️🎵, creating a captivating atmosphere for relaxation and gaming. In this channel, we offer an unfiltered look at our Minecraft adventures…. Read More

  • Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 – Join Now!

    Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Server Hosting for Minecraft High specifications 2024 [24/7 online]’, was uploaded by Crafting Fever on 2024-01-04 12:39:53. It has garnered 1447 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Free hosting provided by Equaticnodes: https://discord.gg/jRm68BVdDp Join in to create a server for free Better than all current hosts and have cheap plans Great community support If Equaticnodes is down try these alternatives: Artixcloud: https://discord.gg/artixcloud slicehosting: https://discord.gg/slicehosting stozu.net: https://discord.gg/stozu-net-free-paid-24-7-hosting-1030919416680038460 Join our server to play with us: My discord server: https://discord.com/invite/HyyxaDEQeb server address: in1.dribble.fun server port: 8002 Server will be… Read More

  • “1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!” #clickbait

    "1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I Have Only Half Heart #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-04-04 12:41:07. It has garnered 506 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecrafthousetutorial #minecraftbuilds minecraft,minecraft mods,best minecraft mods,minecraft mod,top 10 minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,2024 minecraft mods,minecraft shorts,minecraft update,mods,minecraft manhunt,best minecraft mods for survival,minecraft facts,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.19,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mods 1.20.1,1.20.4 minecraft mods,1.20.1 minecraft mods,best new minecraft modsminecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,minecraft,how to build,how to build a suburban house tutorial,how to build a… Read More

  • Gaming madness in Wintergea – EPIC Minecraft adventure!

    Gaming madness in Wintergea - EPIC Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Wintergea Ch. ゲア 【Yorukaze】 on 2024-05-10 02:12:26. It has garnered 272 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:27 or 5487 seconds. #Wintergea #GaBuT #GeaButuhTemen #GoodGEAming #VtuberIndonesia #vtuber #GEArlfriend ❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️ Yorukaze Production Affiliated Vtuber Gen 1 : Yorukusa https://yorukaze.xyz/ Discord Community ❄️️ Gea’s Garden in the Sky https://discord.gg/rhWnSn46kq ❄️️Yorukaze Production https://discord.gg/GhmGhXwg6j What is STUPID COUNTER? Sometimes I mute myself by accident and forget to unmute. So please tell me if I did stupid things like that cuz I sometimes just never realize it ;;w;;) ❄️️❄️️❄️️ RULES ❄️️❄️️❄️️ 1…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to Kodex

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to KodexVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Brand New Dimension of the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Minecraft Custom Hardcore Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-03 05:43:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:48 or 10548 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros Exposed

    Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘cyberbullying kids (in minecraft)【Hive/Zeqa】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-05-11 21:20:09. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:52 or 10672 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : https://bailyovo.booth.pm/items/5288339 sound effects : https://blerp.com/x/benki-argyros come bully me : https://discord.gg/PvTXXjD2HQ music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1ZkP03V18LmOj8zbyP-Dw ———— Friends youtube.com/@Jolluino youtube.com/@NightFolds youtube.com/@RiminYT ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Anarchy MC Project

    Anarchy MC ProjectHello. We recommend that you try this project. It is, in fact, considered new. The server was created on August 12, 2022. We have a very exciting game: an unusual world and game mechanics, complete destruction and anarchy! Come in and scare everyone! I hope you like us. The server supports entry through Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can safely log in from your phone or tablet and play with us! The server also supports pirated clients, you can play with us without a license. And yes, I almost forgot, most Russian people play here! As of June 24, 2023, the… Read More

  • Life in the Village 3: Modded

    Welcome to our Community! If you’re looking for a town-building pack with a focus on NPC interactions and a friendly community, or if you just want a safe space to escape reality and hyperfocus, we would love to have you join us! Server Info Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and more Lag-free experience with 20 TPS when server is full (12 slots) Claims (Minecolonies and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics Forceload enabled for all colony chunks IP: omrs.servegame.com (Not a pre-added server!) Pack Features 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions) 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Omg chad, this is real spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Omg chad, this is real spicyWow, Chad must be a meme master with that kind of score! He’s living in the meme world and we’re just visiting. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues!

    Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues! Minecraft Escape Room Adventure with @batscove Introduction In a recent Minecraft escapade, our protagonist was tasked with running an escape room challenge by the enigmatic @batscove. What followed was a series of mind-bending puzzles, parkour challenges, and a race against time to unravel the mysteries of the Matrix. The Lingering Potion Puzzle The adventure kicks off with a potion-making conundrum – the elusive Thick Lingering Potion. As our hero navigates the intricacies of brewing, they find themselves entangled in a web of ingredients and enchantments, all while bantering with @batscove about the Matrix. The Enchanting Table Dilemma Next up,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5

    Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5Video Information This video, titled ‘ПвП монтаж| ProstoTrainer | Saturn-X| PvP 1.16.5’, was uploaded by Кебешкa on 2024-03-07 12:38:15. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Tweaks, ios, isaac, Island, iSprint, Items, ItsJerryAndHarry, Jepsnyz, joypad, jukebox, K, Kapamelka, Kill All Day Minecraft Music Video, Launcher, LB PHOTO REALISM 1.6.2, LED, Lego, leif, let’s build, Let’s Play, Lets Build Run speed run, letsplay, light, Light bridges and doors, Lights, Link, Links Awakening, Lord, LOTR, LP, Machinima, Mageasy, Magic, Magical, Majestic Sprint Map, Making, Manhattan, Map, Maps, Mash, mashinima, mass effect,… Read More

  • DanMC’s Epic Minecraft Speedrun Rematch

    DanMC's Epic Minecraft Speedrun RematchVideo Information oh you’re down here in this video I have to try and speed on and beat Minecraft while three Hunters try and kill me I have to kill the Ender Dragon to win this is Minecraft Manhunt also if you end up liking this video please subscribe it would really help me out also I have a link to my Discord server in the description definitely go check that out anyways on to the video I was open the ball I where is he oh God he’s over here D oh oh I fell [Music] no you were… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non Copyright

    Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non CopyrightVideo Information [Music] J [Music] spe foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] sh the [Music] [Applause] [Music] number [Music] fore [Music] foree speeech [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft free to use cinematic clips 4k | non copyright | #minecraft #viral #youtubevideo’, was uploaded by Unlogical Gamer on 2024-04-19 02:34:40. It has garnered 148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:35 or 395 seconds. I really hope you guys like this video …. these are non copyright cinematic clips which you can… Read More


    INSANE MILITARY VEHICLES in Minecraft Mod!Video Information [संगीत] यो हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल तो फिर से हम लोग आ चुके हैं कुछ नए मोड प के साथ तो आज मेरे पास है कुछ मिलिट्री टैंक्स की मोड पैक तो यहां पर देख सकते हो मेरे पास है कुछ एयर प्लेनस और भी बहुत सारी चीज तो हम इसको आज फुल ट्राई करने वाले आपको इसका लिंक आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में मिल जाएगा जहां से आप इसको डाउनलोड कर सकते हो तो बढ़ते हैं वीडियो की तरफ गया तो यह है पहले हमारा मतलब की एंबुलेंस जसा ट्रक ने बता किया कुछ काम करता… Read More

  • OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft Moments

    OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me Pasé de la Raya 😔 #minecraft’, was uploaded by OmarSPD on 2024-02-23 08:00:27. It has garnered 10056 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee’s Minecraft Channel!

    Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee's Minecraft Channel!Video Information all right seems that we are back in today’s stream with little more Minecraft because I really enjoyed yesterday’s session where I play Minecraft for a bit was very relaxing while I was busy editing so I still have a couple of videos left to edit so I decided what I’m going to be doing today is yes I will just keep on with this trend of me just playing Minecraft uh hold up do I actually have custom structures enabled I don’t know actually uh let me just quickly check I’m pretty sure I did though uh… Read More

  • INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!

    INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Game Play’, was uploaded by Energetic Hamster on 2024-05-22 02:36:34. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:14 or 2294 seconds. ABOUT MY CHANNEL Subscribe my channel for amazing Live game streaming, game reviews, suggestion and updates. Play your favorite games with me. My gaming categories are Adventure Games, Sports Games, Action Games, Racing Games, Car Games, Puzzle Games, Arcade Games, Exciting Games, Online Games, Video Games, PS5 Games, Xbox Games, Nintendo Games and Oculus VR Games. Famous games: Minecraft, Among Us, Fortnite, League of Legends,… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Johnny’s Nightmare in Minecraft

    Insane Twist: Johnny's Nightmare in MinecraftVideo Information wee this trampoline so awesome daddy look how high up we are guys be careful I still don’t think putting the trampoline on the roof is a really good idea no it’s so much fun I’m bouncing so high this is awesome yeah I’m having so much fun right now daddy why don’t you join us I am not joining you okay I got I got bad legs oo I’m pretty sure I’m going so high that I can see the edge of the o wait what how would you see the end of the Earth from up… Read More

  • Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!

    Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!Video Information [Musik] Hei Arnold jadi kamu suka festival cosplay oh aku tahu tagai Berta ada di sini Sayangnya dia hanya tertarik pada Minecraft Ar kamu harus menguasai seluruh Minecraft dan meletakkannya di kaki tagai tapi ini akan memakan waktu ada sekitar 920 kuadriliun blok di seluruh dunia Minecraft di semua dimensi satu streamer berhasil menambang 32 juta blok hanya dalam 2500 jam Arni Kamu pasti bisa tapi kamu harus melakukan hafta mengorbankan waktu dan kesehatanmu setiap jam duduk yang lama mengurangi hidupmu sebanyak 22 menit dan bagi mereka yang duduk selama 11 jam hidupmu berkurang hingga 40% ditambah lagi… Read More

  • bloomcadia

    bloomcadiaJoin our Discord to be the first to experience the excitement! Bloomcadia is a brand-new and unique multiplayer survival server that offers a multitude of amazing features for you to discover and enjoy. We are committed to providing regular updates based on community suggestions, ensuring that your voice is heard! IP: play.bloomcadia.org Discord: discord.gg/bloomcadia play.bloomcadia.org Read More