Unbelievable: Mumbo Jumbo’s Shocking Secret Life

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Secret Life episode 3 let’s go I can see B’s Earth is coming along rather beautifully and my house is in a chunk era even the game has decided to rebel against my disgusting build right so as I promised in the previous episode I now need to make myself a little cactus farm

Actually I should have everything that I need to create this thing I have just about enough iron to make up a hopper Knock knock hello is this this is the front door correct yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what’s happening b dubs what’s happening I I wanted to explain the the vision

It’s all still there yep but guess what BDubs got a calculator out and started doing some math and I found out bad idea this is impossible we’re shrinking the scale slightly it’s going to be a little smaller it’s still going to be a world it’s still going to be wonderful but

Smaller talking about the fact you pull down your wool Circle what’s going it’s going be it’s we’re Shing it a bit we’re all here yep hello H this is the MERS are we the MERS are we the moles like deci which one it is well that’s

Where we have to start let’s figure that out right now yeah I like mounders cuz moles make that rounds with Joel and I don’t like that moles Joels sound perfect honestly no I don’t like thater rounds A pounder like we’re going to pounder everyone into the ground guys that’s

Right okay I’m walking away Secret yeah goodbye everybody runs a come on you got to car your ability my secret has arrived and I am nervous why do I get nervous every single time firstly am I muted yes okay impossible literally impossible literally impossible he’s probably already lost three hearts I’ve lost

Already oh that’s a full-time job ah I actually need to be a bit wary of you I’ve just remembered I need to be wary of you goodness gracious me it’s getting dark this is bad where on Earth could he be oh is that him is that him I think it

Is him there goes a Mumbo Sor I’ve got a very urgent thing that I really need to do uh I I’ll see you in a bit see you let’s uh took another chunk of Hearts oh Mumbo I can’t keep a heart for the life of me Mumbo are you

Joking I fell off the jigsaw puzzle over here all right uh how many hearts do you lose scar out of Interest I I think a heart and a half okay you know I have feather fallowing and enough for diamond boots now but I’m still not properly protecting myself oh

Neither am I oh oh this base is the worst this Bas is a death trap maybe we maybe we don’t work on this today scar maybe yeah I won’t work on this Base today I was just cleaning things up a little bit around here so it wasn’t so

Messy but you know we’ll we’ll do our best how are you Mumbo what what are you up to the Torches the Torches seem like they’re probably not mescar the Torches seem you’re making this harder than it needs to be why why are you working on this base and why are you more

Importantly falling off you know fun times all right guys this way this way please okay I’m just going to I’ll be with you okay that is two or five two or five no I can still hear you I can hear you you heard anything my you need to be

Careful about what you’re saying scar MBO I’m going to give you 16 redstones and not speak of what you’ve seen here today you see my camel by the way has somebody made off with my camel again SC made with your camel I’m not going to allow you to ride the camel

Today it’s it’s it might be banned why oh because it it took six hearts of mine uh no nothing to do with that I just I just well I mean yeah I just don’t want to see you getting hurt buddy you I don’t want to you

Know you anti camel I’m not anti- camel I’m I’m Pro Scar and I want scar to be along with us for a long time unfortunately scar is not a pro and that is the problem no and that is the problem it’s a skill you know lizia I’m smelling something right now it’s the

Smell of somebody’s task is somebody’s task not to allow me to ride my beautiful companion camel uh uh-oh no no have you stolen my camel I have not stolen your C look we can I will burn you to the ground M please don’t do that oh God you actually I don’t have

Hearts to spare this is terrible for this bye Lizzie man we scared her off we’re crazy you scared up you’re the crazy one I would never burnt you to death Mumbo I love Mumbo what’s up one sec green I was just coming over to say to you scar that

You really shouldn’t go on your camel today you really need to uh pay it safe why is everybody so concerned about the camel and where is the camel is the real question I don’t know where the camel is but I just want you to play it safe I

Feel like you should stay off the camel today mum I mean SC me this is so strange Andel both telling me to be careful my camel well this is I don’t know weird isn’t it is weird like seeing two black cats yeah I don’t depends how many black cats you own I

Suppose oh my gosh look at this guys a great time to let everybody know about the life merchandise we got jumpers we got caps we got t-shirts we got what else we got what else we got GRE help we got we got websites we got shipping scars all over the world seriously look

At this life series match this stuff is gorgeous it is it is so high quality so welld designed and as you said there’s jumpers there’s t-shirts there’s caps there’s pins there’s stickers shipping worldwide and the last chance to order so that it arrives before Christmas is November the 5th well welcome to the

Mound welcome to the mound group this is these are the Mounds I’ve got my house over there the sideways one yeah I you know Mambo it may have tried to kill me but it a delightful little house it reminds me of Minecraft Earth long long forgotten version of Minecraft you know

I can say this safely Mumbo I was the very first person to be injured while playing Minecraft Earth really that’s incredible yep I was I was really into it I was playing I was swooping I was moping and I went up a little incline and whoopsy Daisy I fell out of my

Wheelchair and hurt my shoulder for 4 months oh grian might be the last person that was injured while playing Minecraft Earth because he fell out of the seat of my VW bus as we went around a corner as he was playing and and fell on the

Floor oh xar you have something to say Mound group I don’t think you should ride this bad I don’t think you should ride this this is such bad news for you I’m I’m going to have to get on it with you all right all right Mumbo Y what we need to

Do how am I going to complete my task with you on the back of my cam SC there’s a wait I bought I bought you my silence wait a second you’re not allowed to say a peep back back there I haven’t said a peep you’re having a conversation with

Yourself I literally have been silent that whole time oh this is excellent I can understand why you this you you you can’t even you can’t question me based on the Redstone pack okay yep yep that’s fine and I we’re make we’re going to make quick work here we’re going to make

Quick work of things this camel is Leal don’t let it kill you it’s dangerous this is terrible I’ve never ridden a camel before in Minecraft this is the first time and it feels it feels wrong I I wonder if I can ride this camel outside of the map right now that I’ve

Ridden it far enough away I’m going to put the camel on the side of the map and hope that it walks out go that way can it not go through it’s the only way I can keep him safe I think we’re out luck there there you are did you

Make it out of the map uh no no unfortunately not I thought I could but it it it didn’t work and I don’t think the camel can go out the map either which is strange interesting all right mumo my work is done here let’s go to

Lizzy’s look at my look at my expert navigating skills I feel like I should should ride I should drive the camel this whole episode I feel you know what I think you should and I didn’t take any damage with you there so I do appreciate that that is extra specially good

Lizzy’s not here do you want to ride somewhere else no I i’ I’ve got work to do I’ll be I’ll be with you in a minute I see what’s going on here oh my gosh are you drowning the camel goodness gracious me I wasn’t did no is Mumbo

You’ve got some explaining to do I I was just testing to see if the camel swims look oh SC right there no I know I know he’s I’m I’m his driver I’m just making sure that I can keep him safe and I’m testing out all the possible things that

Can happen wa why is he why is he going around my house Lizzy this place is amazing I love the pumpkin just just admiring this beautiful establishment look at that pumpkin and that detail you even have like texturing in there that’s crazy thank you so much I think I should

Let you know I think I caught Mumbo trying to drown your camel no I was testing I was testing whether or not we would get in danger if we were to hit water oh be careful up there scar who what what happened I can’t take any more

Hearts it would be so bad would be really bad what are you doing I’m trying to I’m trying to apparently I don’t know how to use l get on the do you want to get on the C get on the oh you’re right he does need

Protecting off we go la it’s been a pleasure love the base goodbye have a great time okay all right so that’s you behind me as a getaway driver am I yes you my getaway driver driver I think I’m far enough away I wonder if this camel can suffocate what has happened to this

Camel how is it impervious oh I can I can hear some keyboard action hello hello you didn’t hear anything big b you didn’t hear anything you suffocated a camel I didn’t I did not I actually didn’t I was trying to but I didn’t you enjoying did you have fun

Mambo you laughing at my camer riding abilities there so much Glee I can just see you look so happy I am quite happy if I if I fall off something on a camel do I take full damage or does the camel that’s I think it’s I think there’s a if

It’s like hes I think it’s both of you but it’s like haved or something okay that’s good to know then that’s excellent but I’ve never made like a famous like Redstone video before so I don’t know I really don’t know I feel like you you would know better than me

So there’s no correlation whatsoever but fair that’s bad that’s bad Jimmy’s just died he did oh no now both the big dogs are yellow goodness gracious me it is dark and Scar is out and about scar where are you buddy oh I feel like he’s

In serious danger he has to be right oh goodness oh oh I’m being chased by a skeleton run run what on Earth is this witchcraft what are you doing oh my camel oh oh my gosh I’m I’m not doing this why are you doing this I going to drown it earlier

Grien trying to kill that Camel trying to kill the camel I was not trying to kill the look there was a fire there you really think if I was trying to kill the camel I wouldn’t go straight through the fire actually I actually think I’ve created something that can’t be burned

Down now goodness gracious me you almost killed the camel that would have been very B that is entirely on you save the C jump into the water oh gosh oh my gosh I want to save the he’s trying to kill the Tove the I saw to

Okay um do you know where scar went by the way I have bone to pick with him yeah no I I also do you do you want to hop on the camel we can let’s go find scar let’s go find scar I’m not trying to kill this camel I can’t you are

Trying to kill the camel so bad at driving the camel you know it’s a difficult the first time I would call it a coincidence the second getting a bit suspicious and by the third attempt yeah but Gren lit a fire next to where like he he lit that fire

Grian’s trying to kill the camel does the camel have a death he must do where is Scott he should not be out at night he shouldn’t be he really shouldn’t I’ve gone in a direction that I haven’t been in a very long time I mean this is Etho

Place and I feel like ever since last episode I think eth thinks I’m strange oh well everyone thinks I’m strange but not strange enough to question my behavior apparently okay there’s nothing ugly house wow what it’s all gravel it’s a scar yeah we’re looking for scar have you

Seen we got to question him wait is that my camel Technic I mean what it’s not Scar’s camel is that my camel hang wait wait you had a camel as well I mean there was one in this little box here it was Scar’s camel and it appears to be

Gone all of a sudden that the we should probably move on our yeah we’ve Comm it sorry we’re detectives we’re looking for scar why how is that Camel still alive detective sh detective Mumbo we’re investigating a crime the cam is the death of the camel no the camel’s still

Very much alive thank you very much are we not riding it we haven’t got time to spare we we must find what’s going on that one was accidental I refuse to believe you’re this bad I fear I may have put scar in more danger by stealing

His camel but I I don’t think you should have been allowed to ride the camel just two Riders hanging out by the river oh isn’t it beautiful mhm oh this is magical magical yeah are you Gathering stuff to make concrete for your Earth yes I

Am of course I am what else would I be doing this is the biggest it’s such a big mistake you never go into these things with a plan you just float and here I am I’m I’m mining as fast as I can hopefully nobody interrupt me please

I got to get my sand yeah yeah no I’m sorry I’ll leave you to it I’m so sorry I’m so sorry that your your good nature to go along with an idea suggested to you wouldn’t want to go no I won’t do that I suggest you the idea and you go

Yes that’s excellent I would never say no to you never and I will give and for that I’m going to give you the world oh are you oh okay thought I thought you meant you were going to give me a heart and then I was I was all prepped I was all prepped

Up do you want a heart hey you know what yeah yeah because because I accidentally made you think that no this is tot this is totally on me but wow what a moment you know what huh one day I will reciprocate that but it might not be

Today what okay I’ve put a message into the chat hopefully this gets him back oh there he is he’s there I think he just passed his task let’s go let’s go let’s go all right so have you completed your task SC no no my played your task of

Riding my cam yet oh Mumbo wait was that me was that me taking damage J’s yellow he seems to be following Joel around a lot no we’re not that close see you’re not that close are you no get me out of here I think oh GE that camel’s moving

Fast it is a speedy camel why do you take it over the campfire I don’t know it just feels the right like the right thing to do you know it’s like we don’t have explosions behind us but if we can still ride through an explosion as we

Leave it’s pretty epic have you got a diamond uh no I use a diamond I just opened my my inventory I’ve never opened my inventory on a camel before and I was briefly really really horrified like oh gosh what skin have I put on maybe we can stop off at Lizzy

Check if she’s got a diamond we could but why do you want diamonds from everyone I just need one Diamond first can we please go on Joel’s ride keep trying to run away oh okay this this is this is painful get off the camel no because I really want to ride his ride

On the camel but I might have to go up I don’t think that’s smart is going up the hell to Skeleton on the camel oh that’s bad she’s yellow oh gosh oh we could we can both ride it if you want to I mean I’ve got I’ve got to come up you got

Dangerously close to this SL I’ve already lost so much today wow oh Gran oh don’t don’t Mount the camel I’ve seen you do nothing but get hurt on this thing yeah but is it not worth it look at this thing go is your task just

The camel all day oh okay it it can it can take what wait why did I get punished for that I think I backed up through a wall I’m sorry Korean I think I think I put the backside through a wall and and yeah

It’s you on it oh man at least get me someone with a lemon diamond someone needs some must have a diamond I think I might have a diamond I do feel bad that I’ve just done this how is this camel back at full health oh gosh they don’t jump aren’t you into

Cars can’t you drive really well why do people make keep making false equivalencies this doesn’t make any sense I’m sure if you can ride a car you can ride a camel very different there’s only a few letters difference right show me the G Noob on that Camel can I take a

Diamond yes you can you can you can oh gosh I have to find scar look you have you do have beautiful eyes but they are slightly soulless when they’re tilted like that there’s like there’s like a real spookiness to you tilting your head down my chimney you’re like the worst version of

Santa this doesn’t look good what’s he doing not know but I really don’t want him to do whatever he’s going to do it is totally he’s got this he can do it he’s going to build he’s going to build this going to take a while take a

While going to have a yellow friend soon oh he knows what he oh my gosh it’s happened again for the fifth time get off the camel that Camel poor camel he’s doing so well it’s surving really well he said he said everyone so we all need to witness his

Jump like I don’t know I bet this is his task he couldn’t task hear me but I’d love to call as he’s about to hit the ground like this is your ask let’s go up yellow let’s get up there let’s ask him you going to water bucket your way

Over dangerous this is so much more dangerous the one person just peel a button what are you doing ask him oh ask him the dreaded question oh no this is worse we’re about to we’re to get a red name potentially why is Martin doing no no we’ get a red

Name of Jimmy was one going up there is everyone here who’s missing who’s missing hurry is everyone here guys is everyone here I think they are is here Tango Tango’s here oh here he go oh my gosh he’s coming oh my God why did he do that the

Water wait you missed the water miss the water wait how are you there how are you there so quickly I didn’t get to ask him this is where I spawn we were all here I was red for me as well I didn’t get up there quick enough to ask him I

Could actually thinking about it out of the two options that was the best so I’m Joel please explain for every heart of damage small beans takes you must take the same oh no you can let I’m not going up the pillar if either of you die in this

Episode you fail where where does scar go when everyone else is around he’s never there yeah he builds the most wonderful things but is never at them maybe it’s in the basement oh gosh he’s a hole here he’s got the secret basement this is a bit suspicious I

Don’t know why this is so suspicious this is a bit weird isn’t it oh oh no I hear lava what’s he got going on he’s got just a bunch he’s just got the heck this is like the most dangerous thing in the world I I don’t like this one bit

I’m going back up scar can die for all I care oh my goodness he’s got he’s got a monster spawner and he’s got a few what on Earth is this place what is this what is this this hey hey hey this is big what are you building in I don’t even know

Actually this is like stumbling upon a like a murderer’s basement this is absolutely terrifying this this I’m like preparing myself to be red already that’s all that is clearly and like a sadistic way what on Earth you have like a dining table in here this is this is this is scary stuff

So it’s like back rooms but then it’s like a prison yeah it’s it gets kind of creepy I feel awful that I’ve accidentally walked in here how I mean are you connected to Scar’s base at all I got here through Scar’s base wait wait wait where’s Scar’s base I don’t know I

Don’t even know where I’ve come from to be honest with you I think it’s this way yeah I’m kind of connected to it but he doesn’t know and I don’t really know so have you seen him has anyone seen scar this is crazy I like he’s probably

Out there getting in injured all over the place and that would be terrible that was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen I just accidentally walked into a dungeon you know Etho titled his previous video server full of weirdos which is a it’s a little bit insulting

Given that I spent most of the episode being his best friend uh but now I’m starting to agree with him are you at risk of failing right now by being in my presence I mean yes definitely you are okay fire around what’s my task go your task

Is have you have you actually completed it or not no no I haven’t I just wanted to see if you in quickfire what comes to mind you said you said right at the start to me and Martin you said oh I might have already failed you came over

To us we were in a group what was it what is it go on go on what is it you can figure out don’t you your task is to always be with people and never alone no that’s wrong but it’s a good that’s that’s quite a good task that’s a

Good task write that down write that down being round Etho just now has he done anything strange or not he did just Chuck a load of water on us repeated that’s not strange whoa whoa whoa that’s not strange hopefully this vague statement lows him in remember hello where is your

Armor oh my goodness you why are youi are you trying to die today sir it’s cuz B wanted to check out my backside it’s a long story goodness gracious me I never put my clothes back on we need the context for that you didn’t have to say it like

That oh be can you oh oh why did I just call you your full name this is’s in the oh but this is oh this is good this is this is who I need yes okay I’m here I’m here to serve no no you sorry SC oh all

Right I’ll get back to I’ll get back to building your planet sir what’s up what’s going on over here I’ve been summoned to the globe oh yeah yeah yeah uh I uh I have got your heart berries of course yeah oh wa those aren’t mine so

What are these berries for you sumed me for oh well so I just I just wanted I wanted you back so oh you want me back the world do you is is BDubs here giving you grief do you need me to punish him no no there’s nothing nothing really

Nothing how just out of curiosity how are you doing Hearts wise you went back up to 30 I did go up to 30 I went down to get diamonds for an enchanter and I lost two hearts by a sneaky skeleton in a hole he just looked up at me pop pop

Pop right in the back end and I was like I’m out of here then I ran in a jeel randomly and it was wild we escaped together it was treacherous so SC just out of pure curiosity so like for this episode you know cuz I bumped into you

And you were you just lost I guess one and a half hearts if I was to do some quick maths it’s three and a half around about three and a half this episode yeah um me yeah these days Mom it’s hard to to remember things it is hard to count when

You lose as many hearts as you do yeah just getting getting old and decrepit my mind is routing BBS knows this yeah yeah well okay well I that’s good uh I guess I guess you can you can do whatever you want now for the rest of this this

Session you’re free to be who and do whatever you want that’s wonderful yeah I’m free m did you complete a task complete would not be the correct word for for what has happened here um okay Mambo subtly just kind of whisper in my ear what can I do to make your task

Successful be better at the game scar preferably would have been great but it might be a bit late now I’ll be honest with you SC well what are you saying mumo get good get good Scott get good are you saying are you saying are you saying that you were to protect protect

Me so I didn’t take damage yes yes so you can imagine so bad at that we can help you with the hard task we can help you Let’s do let’s go no way I will help you MBO I’m looking to help somebody no no it’s not going to happen

Please MBO I need to find someone to help this man right here is in need of of helping another man no chance no chance I’m I’m please MBO for me I can’t I lit because I will I’m so close I’m I’m going to lose so many hearts I’ve been riding your camel the

Whole time so that you wouldn’t ride it cuz I thought that would keep you safe I’ve lost 11 hearts in the process of kicking that Camel from you I can’t lose any M this episode you would have my assistance Mumble the whole way through that’s I would devote myself to you it

Sounds like a dream team to be honest yeah with me at the helm this will be a legendary if you complete it but in point out if you don’t do this you will let down the entire country of Canada that’s fine that’s fine but in a in a

Real in a real in a real uh in a real moment here did we not get rid of the idea that if you fail your task you can’t roll for a hard one after what happened with scar I feel like if we talk to Green we take it to the

Courthouse it’ll be we’ll smooth us whole oh yeah the courthouse I was trying my best to protect you but you are never where I left you like I would go and do something for two seconds and then You’ just be somewhere else like completely different I’m sorry mumo I’m

Sorry I was trying to you know Delight everybody’s bases at the same time I was trying to be sneaky and was a whole thing you can imagine my concern when I found you falling off of things and then removing the one safety that you had at someone’s base I was like this is

Horrendous for what what I’m trying to do here oh you were you were putting the Torches back and I’m like I got to keep these torches out of here what’s up oh we have a special request yep okay are these for me they can be they can what’s going on here is

Anyone going to explain what’s going on you just said you needed my help yep Mumbo you go first okay are we going to do that I can represent you if you want when we’re doing like presentations and we each do a sentence should we try that

Should we try that out okay so we’re gathered here I feel attacked already in hu matrimony no no we’re not getting married wrong book sorry wrong book wrong book wrong book so I failed my task miserably now I can’t remember what we decided on rrolling for hard tasks

After you failed a task can’t I’m sorry can I have my apples back please gr if you’ve already clicked fail it’s over I hav’t clicked it I haven’t clicked it I haven’t clicked it there’s a difference between failed and haven’t done yet no no but I have firmly failed it as in

Then you cannot roll no goodness gracious me serious that is really serious so dramatic okay hmer down go lay down The rules in this game my goodness this path is a mustache everything reminds me of him I’m sorry Mumbo I’m sorry we tried fault we I want to know I know me

Technicality it’s not even it’s not it could it’s not technicality scar goodness gracious me what’s what’s happened wish you could have got him a hard fail fail fail it’s just me this is why I don’t have friends I had like a little weird vision of his eyes turning

Red for a second it like it feels like it so I I had to prevent Scar from losing more than three hearts this session imp this task it’s an impossible task I would have I would have turned around beine for the roll I know why I didn’t yeah they could have been a

Harder task BBS this looking wonderful is it yeah it’s looking so good what happened did you get your um no gr gr lay down the LW unfortunately and it’s not allowed is there any chance so you see my vertical Pond over there that I’ve got next to my base is there any

Chance if I could borrow some Moss blocks maybe for a small payment oh this is good a this is making all the difference ah there we go look at that this feels unhinged to run around this but I do think it’s a good idea yeah are

You be careful by me don’t there we go you’re really living on the edge oh my goodness oh wow yeah we’re almost there we’re so close huh beat ups watch this okay what what what Oh that was pretty good that was pretty good that was pretty slick I like that that’s that’s really uh highrisk was really stupid I realized as I I I said BDubs watch this and I realized at that point I knew I couldn’t back out of doing that because you had to commit I

Had to do it it came to my head and then before I’d even thought it through I just said BDubs watch this and I realized at that moment the deed was done bad idea this is such a cool build this is this is genuinely I know it’s been difficult

For you this is genuinely one of the coolest builds I’ve seen on the on the live series it is so good oh thank you so much it all spawned from your your brain well yeah I don’t want to take take too much credit yeah this is yours

And then when it’s done it can be like our headquarters if we all need to meet yeah if we if we ever get to be like red names imagine if we’re all red names together this isin like an evil HQ as well oh 100% although I feel like we

Should be careful talking about this on top of a globe without Cleo around to make sure that we’re all you know that’s true that everything’s okay yeah yeah well I don’t really know what I’m going to do now my Mo the Moss that you gave me has has already finished off the pond

Those cherry trees are blocking the front a little bit yeah they’re not the best I might actually tear those down um yeah just just maybe one or two yeah yeah in fact I think I’m going to tear them down and I’m going to get some

Other types of trees and do do a little bit of terraforming I think ooh okay if we don’t win anything we’ll win best looking yeah that’s true right yeah oh no MBO no you did the drop again now you are not on water it didn’t go well either oh

Oh why did I do that manys you weren’t even looking it wasn’t even impressive even look I didn’t even care no it’s already been done that’s bad no yeah it was for nothing for nothing nobody was how many hearts did you lose I don’t know but I’m

Down to like I’m down to nine eight and a half hearts oh goodness that camel’s really taken me today this is not good oh my goodness Lizzy is on yellow there’s so many yellow names today what is happening everyone’s unhinged all right task force coming in task force

Coming in questions and answers need to be given that’s right we’ got you on your toes got you scared I am scared what’s going on get back down come on right there’s not much time left I’m just going to come out with it it’s your task to kill somebody else’s pets but

Not through direct like you know a sword or a bow just like passive damage to kill somebody’s it’s a very good guess it was a very good guess no I’ve actually already failed my task it was to stop was to stop scar taking more than three yards of damage so oh that’s

Interesting okay so I was trying to like slightly kill his camel but that thing just kept recovering well that’s the thing so that’s the Intel that I got from Lizzy was that you were trying really strange ways of killing the camel yeah no I mean I just thought maybe the

World would be a better place if scar couldn’t ride a camel but then like the guy is just so determined to injure himself at every possible opportunity that it didn’t even matter yeah was that a hard task or a normal that was a normal one I mean I Tri to think I

Miscalculated I thought I had I thought I had all the materials I needed I’m like a stack short oh man that’s quite big what do you need I’m more than happy to to help you out on this one I’ve got I’ve got 20 sand and 20 gravel that no

You poor thing no so what What’s happen what’s what’s my no I’m saying poor thing to you because I got I got over a stack of sand in gravel oh oh I see I thought I was really helping I was like so excited to tell you about my

Resources you can have them anyway you can have them anyway that’s sweet okay in any surplus we can use for TNT yeah of course of course we can yeah please don’t become a red name before me no no never never you reckon it there’s not enough time to gather the lapis I’ll

Never get it done in time no well the good thing is like look you can go down at the bottom here when you’re taking the thumbnail for your video and you can just like speaking Zoom the field of view in done kill the perspective I miss the

Earth don’t tell him it’s not done though we could also build houses in other directions of the globe oh that’s so funny yeah I could move my I could move my side yeah you can side you know there you go so good he did it twice are

You a member of Joel’s round Mound cult yet because you should be no I didn’t know that was a thing have I been left out of the mound situation youve been left out of the round I mean do you want to join it what’s this over here guys oh oh aha oh

Oh yeah it’s like my m is this my moved Pearl no yeah just just walk over there onto that pressure plate congratulations pressure plate yeah no goad it’s a dropper it can’t do anything to you other than commit you for life oh okay I mean if I never read these out loud does

It count you know yeah it does it’s binding as soon as you touch the but by reading these letters you have joined the cult of perfectly round Mound and this appreciate all Mounds that are round welcome you enjoy a round Mound for the rules you have found found the

Round Ms the round M of STS you may never leave the cult no this is fantastic I love the put it back in the some else stumbles across I have to put it back oh speaking of people stumbling across b o fancy seeing you here I wonder if oh what a wonderful thing

Strange thing that you hey M go there we go that gave me the courage okay and at the moment of b o joining the round Mound Kelts the session was over we are all called to go over to the secret keeper so that we could chance fail other people that

Didn’t manage to do their tasks thanks for watching everyone hope you enjoyed this episode of secret life and I’ll catch you all next week

This video, titled ‘SECRET LIFE: Episode 3 – Impossible Task’, was uploaded by Mumbo Jumbo on 2023-11-03 21:30:15. It has garnered 760056 views and 48406 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:40 or 2200 seconds.

In this episode on the Minecraft Secret Life SMP server created by Hermitcraft member Grian, we get an impossible task from the Secret Keeper. We also help BdoubleO with his Minecraft earth mega build, GoodtimeswithScar survive, Grian with his friends, and Ethoslab with his challenge!

LIFE SERIES MERCH: https://lifeseries.shop/

FULL MEMBER LIST! Grian: https://www.youtube.com/@grian Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans Smajor1995: https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname bigbst4tz2: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbst4tz22 Etho: https://www.youtube.com/@EthosLab BdoubleO100: https://www.youtube.com/@bdoubleo PearlescentMoon: https://youtube.com/@PearlescentMoon InTheLittleWood: https://www.youtube.com/@martyn GoodTimeWithScar: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodTimesWithScar impulseSV: https://www.youtube.com/@impulseSV Tango: https://www.youtube.com/@TangoTekLP ZombieCleo: https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo SolidarityGaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@MCSkizzleman Geminitay: https://www.youtube.com/@GeminiTayMC Mumbo Jumbo: https://www.youtube.com/@thatMumboJumbo LDShadowLady: https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

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  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

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  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

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  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

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  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

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  • Shadow SMP

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  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

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  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

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  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

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  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More