Uncovering the Truth: No Zombie Plague in Minecraft Modpack

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Hey everybody how are you doing today I’m back with more of this mod pack more shanans more nightmares more zombies more regretting all of my decisions yet I keep playing on this so they keep updating it honestly and they keep doing a very good job of

Updating it and I’m quite excited to see where this goes in the future uh version 10’s out for it but sadly they don’t have server files yet so we’re still running on Version 9 for this one but with Spore involved and everything like that my continued capability to learn

And not be a complete idiot I have started to gain a lot of traction i’ I’ve got more equipment I’ve got diamonds I’ve got all kinds of stuff hey Bobby yeah there’s been a few updates so I think the last time that you were able to play was like six

Right was V6 was it V5 or V6 we’re all the way up to nine and then version version 10 will be released as soon as I get the I’ll put version 10 on the server as soon as I get the uh the server pack for it but the server pack Sly isn’t out

Yet um other than that yeah I’ve gotten a lot done I’ve got I’ve got an enchant table over here and everything and I’m just I’m waiting for mending once I get mending out and all that kind of stuff be in excellent shape hey Jordan don’t mind me I’m just coughing up

Along chocolate you calm down back there calm down back here you’re being aggressive laying there like a lord you’re just happy to exist I feel like but yeah um goal today Enderman like my goal today is Enderman there’s one problem that I’ve noticed when it comes to progression with this

Particular thing once you get to chapter 2 the only way to progress properly is to either defeat the netherite monstrosity which is some form of Boss don’t know what that’s about don’t know how hard that’s going to be uh or to create a flesh plunder like sickle thing

Here which arguably I could easily do as long as I could get the ender pearls I have everything else the problem is Endermen seem to be disgustingly rare and nothing else drops ender pearls and due to the spawn rates and how they work in uh Enderman being finding Enderman is very very difficult

Nice ah Hi how are you don’t touch me I don’t know you hey Herobrine how you doing buddy stop leave me alone I’m in a web I’m in a web I’m in a web leave me alone back back fiend oh there’s a soul I’m not going to

Keep that yeah a lot of these mobs also don’t burn in the daylight so if you’re like like me and you just have a massive defense that you use to farm them for supplies you’ll have to fight the occasional Critter every once in a while I need I I need to check around

And see if there’s anything that I can get for the household um off the Amazon deals and stuff like that but man I I I I did not I did not go to the store today I refuse I wait for the I wait for the internet ones

When I can just because I I don’t want to deal with that yeah Cyber Monday just feels better to me I don’t I don’t want to just like oh Bobby I don’t know if you saw when I did it but I stole your your apple trees people go nuts over those deals

And stuff like that and I’d rather not get like trampled or accidentally trample somebody the Dark Soul hor clot let’s see okay those are Midnight Madness there is one thing that’s changing the mobs that you just saw there I believe one of them was from Midnight Madness and the other one was

From the tenebras land tenebras land is staying Midnight Madness is getting removed because apparently it causes a lot of problems so some of the junk that I have will probably disappear I’m not sure what will I don’t remember where the siege armor from okay that’s tber land so these are

Fine but I I’m just going to be wandering around for a bit trying to find Enderman to murder to steal their pearls cuz for some reason they’re insanely rare but yeah I’m excited for the cyber monday deals and stuff like that and there’s already uh like Amazon Amazon Prime like Black

Friday deals and stuff like that going on and I’m hoping that I can find something that I can use because if I want to avoid buying a anything like pointless or frivolous or or just for my own Amusement I want to actually get something that I’m going to

Utilize for once you know what I mean also there’s this weird shul Moss here and I don’t know how I feel about it I don’t know if it’s going to spread and cause me problems or if it’s just going to chill there and exist in its own little hbe

Um I guess I’ll leave it be and see what happens there might be honestly it really just Depends I honestly can’t really think exactly what I would even need at the moment even though I guess that’s a good thing though if I don’t know if I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that I actually need at the moment I guess

That’s good that means I I won’t have to throw any money out right now is that sand oh that’s sand I’m sorry for some reason that pile of sand there looked like some kind of Critter just like laying there in on the ground and I I

Don’t I don’t know why I thought that I have no idea why I thought that that that spooked me though I I thought I was about to get into a big fight with some something that was going to eat my face and I’d rather not have my face eaten

That that’s that’s a bad sign that’s bad luck my Elgato I have an Elgato it’s up here it’s it’s like right back here underneath the the screens I just it the the expense on a lot of the games I can’t justify right now because a lot of

The games that I want to play on the switch are like you know 6070 and I I I cannot justify that for my life at the moment it’s a Golem hey budy how you doing you having a good day I I I I I don’t know I don’t want anything from

You I don’t know why I was just looking at your face hey look free apples I don’t I don’t know where the Enderman are guys I’m sorry I wish I did I wish I could spawn Enderman just out of the Void or something like that hey

Ivy how you doing but yeah I do have an Elgato I got the hd60s plus just as I can look at the logo right here on it or the well yeah the logo um I just haven’t used it very often I don’t really have games that I want to

Play on it and and I wanted to get like scarlet and violet and stuff like that but I I could not justify spending like 120 bucks for those at the moment so I should probably check on the switch or at least on the site and see

If the pricing for stuff has fallen if they’re doing any like uh Black Friday sales or Cyber Monday sales or anything like that we need that one you doing Ivy you staying out of trouble you staying away from Ashley grapes you you doing yourself a favor and you avoiding Ashley grapes Scarlet

I want to get well I mean that’s good yeah the addiction continues just going to just going to call it before Ashley Graves gets a Minecraft mod pack and all the mobs are Ashley Graves and as long as you do what they say they don’t murder you please Enderman please these poor

Sea turtles they’re they’re they’re just in a desert why did the sea turtles spawn in a desert what I don’t think sea turtles live in lakes I’m just saying I’m not certain that’s how that works I really enjoy a lot of the Pokemon games I I do I do I just don’t

Know if my personality will mesh with them too well when it comes to creating content but even if not I probably play the crap out of it in my own time it’s just it’s one of those things where I’m just like uh So I wasn’t sure 100% what I should do Al I’m not lagging today which is mildly impressive for my IP before they start making me lag because I mentioned it Androids from Detroit Detroit become human to become real so I can order one and just be no no let’s not let’s not do

That that’s awful but you would accelerate that Android just like going berserk that’s a chicken oh excellent news in version 10 in version 10 of this they just the exploding pigs so everything’s good we’re we’re in a beautiful scenario where there are less exploding pigs also

I I cannot for the life of me find an Enderman I am so sorry I know have I been here Ender bro uh the scary part is if I find to find a stronghold I need eyes I need ender pearls anyway so I need four to start

The stupid thing that I need to do and then I need more to find the stronghold or at least make it easy to find Theon hold and go about my business it’s a moooo but no we don’t need Androids you guys having fun over there huh oh I’m not allowed in the

Conversation I see how it is rude immediately just immediately all I try to do is just talk you jump in on the conversation say hi they get mad and they leave bro stop stop gargling on something you shouldn’t be gargling on it’s a piggle you suck if I needed more pickle Meats I

Would collect them but I don’t need more piggle Meats I I don’t need any piggle Meats whatsoever I I honestly should collect those but I’m leaving that too I don’t it’s it’s not even noon yet but I feel like I’m already out of time I just need Enderman to spawn I just

Need end also I found a village that had a disgusting amount of doggos and I could not for my life figure out how to like tame them because they all had like callers but they didn’t have owners if that makes any sense it was really weird and um what I

Did is um there was a couple of them they were getting rained on and everything like that so I built shelters in that in that little thing for the doggos there’s a disgusting amount of doggos I’m telling you you got to understand wait what should should I be concerned about

This this doesn’t seem like it’s a good thing this seems terrible oh all right I’m going down here I guess I don’t know what’s going on up there but I don’t like it oh yeah spawners they create evil spirits that’s right I forgot about that what’s in

Here gold oh heck yeah that’s a lot too give me that shiny shiny gold imagine that that’s like what you get also I mean it is it’s a lot of doggos there’s a disgusting amount of doggos in there but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a bad thing there’s a lot of

Doggos there is a metric ton of doggo and these buildings are weird and I don’t like them also I still have not seen an Enderman day 75 no Enderman oh it’s a stable do I want to raid it like I can raid this it’s not it’s not that hard it’s just should

I lag no oh yeah lag there we go Don’t Touch Me Filthy specters is that all of them did I get all five of them or maybe it doesn’t always summon five I’m making assumptions fire woo why was is that necessary oh yeah that’s right they made spawners cheese okay got

Him I hate how spawners delete my torches I I feel like that should be illegal that is rude I don’t delete their torches not that they have any but if they did have them I wouldn’t delete them who was that who was walking up behind me I don’t appreciate it’s

Probably freaking uh what’s his face uh Herobrine they ported it over to the iPhone 8 I’m G be honest with you the iPhone probably stronger than the than the switch at this point like not to be not to be mean about it or anything like that but the

The hardware and the in the switch is it’s while it’s better than what we’ve had in the past I don’t know they keep lagging behind when it comes to having a powerful machine berries I don’t need those berries I’ll take a free iron sword and a new

Bow yeah that’s fine you know what why didn’t I just take all that anyway what was I looking at what was going through my brain sitting here in my own little world wondering why the heck I’m doing stuff and then it’s obviously in front of me oh another iron bar give give give

Give give give give give give give give why must you whisper at me bu I don’t whisper at you I don’t disrupt your already insane existence Mossy Cobble slap that’s pretty I like how it has flowers on it yet there’s no light down here whatsoever besides the Torches that I recently put

Up I don’t want that get that away from me Tre that’s a lot of good food delicious delicious stew and a whole chicken to that a baked Tater where’ I get the butter it’s got butter in it it’s hard to see but there’s butter in it that’s

Not suspicious at all I don’t want those those are cursed oh yeah it’s dark in here I forgot about that I wonder if night vision stops me from losing sanity do I want that paper is that paper worth I don’t really need any of that oh hey an emerald

And a book I do need books books good all right I’ll leave the rest of this here for whoever the heck finds this once it or exists somewhere cuz I’m never going to see an Enderman I guess I could go to the nether maybe there’s some spawn changes

Maybe the Endermen Are Better are more in the nether or maybe there’s a mob that spawns in the nether that drops oh you’re infected that’s not good spider ah spider you dick you think launching webs at me while I’m trying to fight an infected mob is

Good yeah if I die while I have this who oh you did it again okay I see how it is I got to sneak up on him if I don’t sneak up on him properly he’ll keep webbing me there it is back back fiend spider H for your

Crimes okay that’s better and another couple thing a skeleton you know what I don’t want to be here anymore that giant tree is on fire now uh yeah that’s going to take a while I’m going to be honest with you that’s that’s going to take a good while to to burn

Down still no in what is that I’m going eat this whole chicken I mean that’s fair yeah the uh okay that was nothing I guess it was a hallucination the switch Hardware I really think that they need to update it like they need to put a lot more effort

Into the the hardware if they can I know that’s probably going to increase the cost to get the thing but it’s just fallen behind in a lot of areas or well it’s been behind in a lot of areas if they it I mean their Hardware could is

Like I said it’s a lot better than it used to be but it still lags behind a lot of things so hopefully in the future what is that I really shouldn’t do this but I’m doing it anyway hopefully in the future they have really amazing that’s a I’m I’m

Dying this is an absolutely awful idea R run run buddy run oh man I made so many mistakes at this situation I need to make a boat I should probably also head back for when I need it some baked potato some baked potato that I’ll be

Able to eat here in a minute oh it’s a village I don’t think I want to hold up here so I lost my Atlas there’s a bug with a certain mob where it deletes your corpse so it deletes your items awful awful situation that’s been that’s been

Disabled in uh version 10 which we don’t quite have the mob itself isn’t hard to avoid it just it delete stuff and delete stuff be bad bad bad thing delete delete bad bad my stuff gone poof into the void eaten by cthulu I guess I don’t know we’re by

The ocean so cthulu did it I should head back I should head back I should leave I should Le this area I don’t know why I haven’t Le this area yet but but I haven’t Le the area give my sanity back you get tiny bits of Sanity

Back you know what I’m leaving the area I I don’t I don’t want to be here any longer I don’t know what the heck that is I don’t like it oh it’s a coral reap here oh it’s one of those weird deeping things I hate those they’re awful they’re

Annoying they like always have Trident and they always throw them at you and they have an infinite number because mobs and Trident infinite number high damage it’s a good thing I have Siege armor I haven’t seen any of the worst infections from Spore either but I’m very curious to see

Exactly how those play out like I want to see Spore like start taking over an area but from what I gather it doesn’t attack mobs anymore and I’m wondering if they could change it to where it attacks like mobs that are passive or if they could make it attack

Only vanilla mobs to infect them cuz that way what the heck is this oh it’s a pig it was just standing perfectly still hiding in the brush I might not make it back in time I also don’t quite remember which direction I took so that’s a bad sign no there will be no

Boar arguably your boar would do nothing to me at this point unless it was the possessed boar in which case it would drain all of my sanity I’d start seeing shadow people again and um it would be awful now if you spawn anything for me Spawn Enderman you know

Maybe maybe help me out a little bit here just just a handful ju just enough to get three pearls four pearls thousand pearls you know one or one or one or two at a time give me a pearl here there help help help me get the thing

Inab Bobble Doodles that I need maybe I should try and trade piglins they drop pearls don’t they like you give them random bits the gold and they’re like oh maybe yeah you know what here you go here’s something actually valuable you know what we’re going to the

Nether if I can’t make progress one way I’m making progress another way I say this with confidence as I am lost in the woods and have no idea which direction I need to take wow that’s the first time I found one of those I swear I’ve seen those all

Over the place I raided an entire massive graveyard that was last stream I was legitimately just like stealing things from a graveyard how would I not how would I not have that I may have made a terrible mistake also I feel like I’m probably going to

End up cycling myself into a circle I don’t have an atlas I guess I could try and head myself to 0000 to get me close to where I need to be or actually this might be a village that was nearby yeah yeah okay if there’s mountains over here or

Cliff y’all are gross why why the village do this yeah if I remember right I lived this way I need to adopt a cat to protect from creepers cuz screw creepers oh maybe not maybe this is a different village is it a different village oh yeah I’m starving to death that’s not a

Good thing is that a me that’s a corpse of me apples fantastic why did it put my sword over there stop and cooked mutton actually you know what let’s get R let’s get rid of this this right here yeah cuz I don’t want that bolt I really don’t want that bolt yeah

I remember this area what is that what is that three tall block thing is that an Enderman oh no it’s one of those shaded like brick pillars or whatever yeah here we are I know because Herobrine is making a mess of the place again with his fake glowstone which frustrates me

To know in you can’t claim it can’t Harvest it it’s it’s literally worthless it just exists it’s there to distract you to make you think that you know what’s going on to make you think that maybe probably there is something there that you can collect but no initially it spawned a bunch of

Weird like demon silverfish and they were awful like awful to the point of just teleporting you to random spots dang it man string woo I don’t know if I explained this I don’t know how if how I had this set up there’s a reason that I have these here

And the main reason for them is that um the way that the mobs work in this from Spore and a couple other things they can bash through doors or they can run through doors or they can open doors and only ordinary doors obviously like steel doors and stuff like that still are

Beyond their capacity but with the ones that can mine as well this makes a nice stop Gap protection system against mobs that can get through a doorway cuz I’ve had a lot of I’ve had a lot of Spore mobs and they became very common as soon

As that thing was added in and what they do typically is they’ll open the door check on check on you look Run in real quick and then run out and they’ll keep like messing with the door to kind of like go you into coming nearby so they

Can hit you they actually have pretty solid AI I hate it I hate every bit of it they actually try and outsmart you to some degree they’re awful they need deleted and I’m the one who will delete them I lost the tiny bit of frames there I’m

Scared is that going to this going to start up again don’t do it I need my internet to behave I have eight gold bars where did I put my um my thing on the dooodle I’ll clean up my inventory first before I worry about that I can always

Just make a new one right that’s right right right right right there’s some more coal put those away I found another bow I put Unbreaking I got an Unbreaking bow I got a bunch of things take those with me some extra food I need to put that up I need to put

These up I need to I I I really don’t need that spruce shrub I I don’t know why I keep those things they’re they’re literally worthless to me they do nothing happy late Thanksgiving Kelly I don’t need this uh uh no no everything’s good I

Have a book on me that I forgot to put upstairs and I think that’s everything oh iron sword I don’t need that the sword I have is not going to break anytime soon there’s no reason for me to carry around another sword and I have a backup version of it here too

That I had to use to get me get get my other gear back I ran into an infected Vindicator that just murdered me 40 times by which I mean like two or three but you know sometimes 40 times sounds right fishing rod think I can go nether

Fishing you think that’ll be a thing actually wasn’t it in here here aha there it is I like overlooked it it’s too dark to go I don’t know how the nether works I don’t know if the nether now has a day night cycle or anything like that so I’m not going to

Risk going to the nether in this situation no is it because it’s crying obsidian have I made a mistake on my portal I thought crying obsidian would work maybe it can’t be the bottom pieces I didn’t think about that so I was telling you guys about

That uh that mob it’s like the man and the fog or something like that and um I had a pick with freaking what is it what was it no maybe I need to do something else with this oh no fire I’m just going burn ah yeah I figured that would happen okay

So the strategy that I like to do with the setup that I have now is basically just to chill here because most of the mobs will Rush at me from this way and when they Rush at me from this way they end up getting like funneled into the

Spikes and dying and the only thing I have to worry about is this one particular skeleton and what the skeleton has is a bunch of dynamite strapped to its chest and it just goes no matter what it’s like a um what is it Freaking Creeper it’s like a

It’s like a weird version of a creeper that almost always explodes I I’ve killed a few of them without him exploding but I don’t know what the limiter is I don’t know what causes them to explode and what causes them not to explode I don’t I don’t have any proper

Indication of what that that requirement is I guess I should say also screw the spiders they’re just making everything gross what sup bro hoglin I don’t know if those are are friends or enemies or neutral or what they they always seem to like move towards me but I haven’t really had them

Like outright attack me and it seems that tonight is a lot of nether mobs or what I can assume or set of nether mobs a dark Vortex got it that’s what those are they’re from the born in chaos mod so I wonder what they drop let’s see what is that evil carved

Pumpkin got it infernal evil carb pumpkin yeah oh I guess I do need this stuff to make things empty fell Lantern yeah I don’t know if my fell Ste died or not smoldering scorched wood so I haven’t seen a sir pumpkin head in Forever is saying I like you

I don’t like you I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know where you be I don’t appreciate I I really don’t appreciate that that’s awful that’s that’s terrible I I I completely don’t appreciate this it’s just demonized oh hey Creeper A why is it attacking yeah these are like nether mobs why are the zombie Hogs attacking the the rest of them they don’t seem outwardly hostile to me I don’t know what the whole thing with them is it actually confuses me to know it I I don’t know I don’t know what

They’re going to like attack me like if I go to the nether I imagine they’re going to be relatively common right so I don’t want I don’t know if they’re going to attack me or what or if maybe they’re just chill I’m overthinking it I know the

Zombie pigmen are still chill like they don’t outright attack me oh hey it’s one of those zombies that has like the bucket helmet and the the screen door in the in the Pitchfork I like those ones hey buddy how you doing who problem solv I like these guys

I feel like they’re just a nod to the to the plants versus zombies zombies yeah see it’s just chilling out there doing nothing that I don’t understand I don’t know if that’s like an Ender Creeper or what like well I know it’s an Ender Creeper but I don’t know if Ender creepers

Are I don’t know how dangerous they are if that makes any sense like I don’t know what happens if that thing goes off I have zero idea what happens if that thing goes off for all I know it could destroy half my base I haven’t seen one

Explode since uh I haven’t seen one explode at all actually so I don’t know if they just have their stronger blast radius or they do more damage or what all I know is I don’t trust them like I don’t trust anything else out here with a sheer number of nightmares just

Crawling or he’s got double fishing rods someone had an ender pearl don’t look at me like that bro don’t don’t look at me like that hey there some dark metal I wish I could get a hold of that is that a spider yeah this is why I didn’t go to

The nether yet because I wouldn’t have had a safe Exito I love when I catch these guys cuz they almost always drop something good they almost always drop like grave metal or something like that and it’s it’s fantastic and sometimes they drop actual pieces of the armor which is huge like having actual free pieces of the armor means a

Lot I don’t trust y’all I don’t trust anything y’all do you’re spooking me hold on I’m going into the collection department maybe there’ll be a bunch of experience down here or something like that too and bl yeah see I keep getting pitchforks I think I have like three of

Them now I’ve gotten like three pitchforks from those uh those screen door kns no it doesn’t look like we got lucky on that end we did get a grave metal and get out of it though I think I actually skipped the progression a little bit in this one not

Knowing what the heck I was doing and uh I have access to a lot of gear that I probably wouldn’t have access to yeah cuz it looks like grave metal was like the the the second tier and then I was supposed to move to like what I’m using

Now so I was like Lea actually third tier leather into iron into like gravee metal or one of the other alternates and then I would know what to do dark War Blade so I can actually make this but I don’t know how to I don’t know if I can use

It so I’m not sure if I should make it cuz that’s 18 ingots dark metal and then one bone handle and I don’t care if it’s slow cuz it does freaking 20 damage of Swing whereas the sharpened one does seven damage a swing but swings almost

Twice as fast so we get like 14 damage per second or something yeah about no a little less than 14 damage per second actually well how much damage was that one so it loses about 30% so it does do about 14 by itself it would also benefit a lot more from the the

Sharpness I think is it is sharpness flat damage I can’t remember what the heck is this axe Supreme oh only available in Creative okay it’s just a it’s just a a death instant death summons two skeleton minions by right clicking on a block okay that’s cool jumping attack stun the enemy Spirit

Divider but that one’s fast I’ve been thinking about making this one so uh the DPS base on this is 12 because it attacks twice per second and it does I think it actually does a little bit more damage than this or a little bit less like overall

Damage but applies a uh poison effect to everything which is interesting to say at least dark metal legs oh that’s right I can’t make dark metal legs I have to make netherite and then once I make netherite then I apply this dark metal plating onto the onto

That netherite it’s like a tier on a it’s a tier on a tier if that makes any sense you get diamond then once you get diamond you get netherite and then once you get netherite you get dark metal there you go there’s a bunch of other pieces of armor and stuff like

That that are like all over the place in between and things like that that I want to try uh one of them is like the symbiotic like armor stuff I really want to try those out the ones from the Spore mod pack just seem like they’re very very interesting and honestly quite powerful

Gear here probably better than what I’m using right now even though what I’m using right now is actually pretty good what the heck are you doing over there buddy something just disintegrated itself man I hate creepers I hate those two disgusting little maggots they keep coming after me

And I don’t appreciate them I don’t like them I don’t want them near me I want them to leave me alone they’re gross they’re not really that dangerous but they’re gross and I don’t like that I don’t appreciate that keep them W from me I don’t like worms either worms are

Gross in the right sh yes That’s like free Iron right there hold on is a bucket helmet an actual thing that I can get no a that’s such a missed opportunity skyroot water bucket I can go to the ather I didn’t think about that but I don’t know how to get the portal oh that’s right

Wait it’s a glowstone portal frame I think oh yeah you’re stuck there buddy I’m sorry oh oh no oh come on now I hate you wait what did he drop is that an enchanted katana abidon spawning tenebrous oh he dropped this bone sword bro I actually want

That I need to try and get that cuz that takes a netherite Ingot to make that means I got it I got a netherite class weapon for free and it’s only point one slower than the sword I’m using while hitting like four higher so I can I can

Work with that huge it’s got good durability and everything it should almost be daylight so I shouldn’t miss the opportunity to pick it up but if I have to run out there and play risk reward with it I’m going to do it I want that I need that that’s a powerful shiny

Shiv also abidon is getting removed for some reason too in the next update I’m not sure why I don’t know why abdon in particular is getting removed like Abdon I I don’t really see them as a threat they’re slow but they hit really really hard and they’re very very um vocal I should say about their presence so it’s not like you can’t predict them coming and if you have good armor on anyway they don’t hit hard enough to

Where it’s that big of a problem a all right totally worth it o it’s actually in decent shape too maybe I can like can I repair it with bone or will it only repair with like netherite I have to see this one here uh show recipes oh my God that’s a lot of Repairs I have no idea where it’ be in this list I wonder if this is based on like equipment or anything like that I do I want to go through all 500 of these to try and find this sword what the heck is that broom Thruster

Brush I forgot that there’s that uh that magic mod back with the the things in it what are these oh holy Stone that one oh the valkyrie Lance yeah I can’t craft that one lightning sword what is that oh the vampire blade oh that’s cool looking I like that one Pig

Slayer candy cane sword Hammer of King B dogs golden Dart shooter poison dart shooter Enchanted Dart shooter the Phoenix bow that’s right there’s a bunch of bosses in the Aether that would be fun to fight I didn’t even think about that and I could get some really interesting gear that we could

Utilize to Keep Us Alive too as if I could just go through there and find the um the the bosses and stuff like that although I feel like the equipment from there is going to be out class pretty heavily buy the other stuff maybe not I mean the Phoenix stuff looks like it’s

A little bit weaker what is that obsidian I don’t want that Sentry yeah I could get the um I could get the enchanted like Trinkets and stuff like that to to add to myself Shield of repulsion wonder what that does the cloud staff a fallen sword I might be able to

Make that one I think it needs a an inot though what is this gilded netherite leggings I’m sure those only have the same strength as netherite is that bundled bone a gilded netherite Shield which I’m assuming is also so just netherite that’s in Amplified in some minor way or

Something like that so there are like side grades that I can do I wanted to make the nightmare Scythe actually but it seems like this bone sword’s just better than the nightmare Scythe set you on a rampage when you kill an enemy I don’t know what Rampage

Does though that’s the that’s the big part and I had a Souls saber at one point that’s actually pretty good cuz it’s decently quick the dark War Blade is another one that has my attention but like I said I don’t know if I can even wield it that could be pretty

Useful the dark ritual dagger 14 DPS like flat out 14 DPS and the ability to sacrifice animals or summon creatures to do something I don’t know what it does but I can do it what’s this one that’s just the soul divider sharp and dark metal which is what I’m using the intoxicating

Dagger here’s all the dark metal here I was thinking about making the nightmare equipment too but I can’t seem to make the nightmare equipment I haven’t been able to get the the right stuff what the heck is this I’ve never seen that before Coral Bary a Fame dude that thing’s insanely

Fast why does that have a negative one Health Gauntlet of guard when in your main hand right click to pull entities that looks neat that hits hard too what is that what’s this one Gauntlet of bullwark hold right click for 1 second to push nearby entities inflict blazing

Brand release the charge to charge forward damage entities in front Okay hold right click for 3 seconds charge when release summons a flame summons a flame strike in the direction you are facing this item may be lost when the flame strike explodes okay what was that that one void Forge

Oh this is the pickaxe this counts as a pickaxe but also a mainhand weapon summon void runes in a fan shape dude the cataclysm mod sounds cool like the cataclysm mod has some neat stuff in it I want to try these I wonder how I get them is this good

Armor ignitium helmet lava Vision what the heck is lava vision and that straight upgrades for armor can be combined with an elra El latro chest piece that’s just with the wings on it leggings what is this wait were there two types of boots no never mind never mind never

Mind I’m an idiot what is this monstrous help while warn if you fall below half Health knock back nearby entities increases defense knockback resistance and regeneration that actually is super helpful I might I might downgrade my actual armor and take something like this so I have a backpack on that’s basically a creeper

Bomb and if I use this that means I get one indicator at half Health Plus regeneration I gain knockback resistance and regeneration and then increase defense so I I’m basically significantly harder to kill I regenerate and then I could flip over is is it like just a helmet

Too oh it is you can hide in the ground while sneaking when you stop sneaking you fire amethyst clusters around you that damage entities dude what are all these cool things and then just a Cleaver uh bio injector I don’t know how I feel about that biomancy scares

Me it has some really cool stuff too nutrients and blood charge so what I’m thinking happens with these is that the more I feed them the stronger they get so if I’m using well these claws or something like that I feed it more parts more blood and more nutrients from like parts and

Things like that that I’ve collected from mobs and it makes that particular weapon stronger or that particular tool stronger Sons sin I’ve completely gotten sidetracked and I haven’t even been looking for what I was trying to look for for the bone I’m assuming it repairs with netherite that’s my assumption abidon shut

Up it’s frustrating man get pickles oh are you guys actually hostile oh they’re hostile they’re hostile all right okay that explains that then soing yeah they’re pretty durable honestly ow how’d you eat me is it cuz I have pork chops are you mad about the pork chops I’m

Sorry but you all can suffer I don’t care if you’re mad that I have pork chops the pork chop shs are mine y all pay for your crimes the frustrating effects of a creeper at least it didn’t destroy like the actual construction under here that I have going on that would have

Been very frustrating like that would have been super frustrating I’m going to be honest I hate every single time every single time they destroy some of this stuff down here it pisses me off more and more it’s like I worked on this and you keep blowing it up

Stop I don’t know what the seeds of chaos do uh I’ll take that’s in your Ingot cuz that’s what I use to make my armor too so having a bunch of those ready to go is good I have a project that I want to do also I know this is weird looking right

Here but I put put these here because they’re supposed to be very very resistant to explosions from what I can gather I’m not 100% sure how they work but they work relatively good and at worst they’re the same strength as Stone so whatever works you know whatever protects me from demonic

Creatures in the void and I guess I’m going to go mine more obsidian because if that that’s how it works that’s a lot of salmon what happened like I can understand mob bits but salmon oh it must have been the zins what is glowing down there I’m not the only one seeing that

Right is that not weird that anybody else oh there’s a giant hole there I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that no wonder I keep hearing like underwater cave noises from that area there’s literally a giant hole in the all right I’m an idiot got it or I’m blind one of

The two I mean these probably indicate how blind that am but you know there it is there’s that glorious obsidian I wish I had vein mining so bad right now the one thing about obsidian that sucks the most is is the fact that this happens no that’s see I don’t have vein

Mining that was I hit the tit key and it does nothing it it’s nothing but Shattered Dreams but I guess I can’t use crying obsidian for the portal I hope that they didn’t change how the portal Works same thing for the um the other portal the Aether Portal cuz if they

Changed how the ather portal works that’s going to weird me out I’m surprised I haven’t seen the man in the I’m kind of glad though guy’s a dick like guy’s extremely dickish like a whole bag of dicks a super dick hate him absolutely hate the dude if you he works kind of

Like an Enderman does but he charges you if you look at him and he hits like a freight train and uh yeah you don’t want him to hit you that that’s that’s it you don’t want him to hit you don’t get hit if you get hit you’re dead it’s Bas

That’s basically what it amounts to there we go I guess it just doesn’t like crying obsidian I thought crying obsidian could be used for it though all right here we go mot toxic mushrooms abidon you’re annoying there’s just enough of them brimwood are we clear no there’s another thing over

There herobrine stop there’s a lot going on man I’m not sure how I feel about it where is he at that is frustratingly annoying at this point all I hear is this man constantly get him out of here mot toxic mushroom what does mot toxic mean like they look cool are they poisonous

That’s like my big question here am I going to die should I be worried about these mushrooms you know honestly this doesn’t seem too bad it’s actually a little chill in here I mean comparatively speaking that is I figured I would be getting mauled like every Point 2 seconds it’s very echoey sup Bro am I going to get mugged by something like should I be concerned here Herobrine get out of the way dude I’m constructing things trying to work here my God he’s such a Dick uh let’s going in the floor cuz it it wouldn’t fit otherwise I’m going to take down one of these trees don’t don’t where are you are you are you coming for me okay I thought you were picking a fight for a second now I was about to tell you that

You weren’t going to win yellow bios shroom St there you Are who where oh it’s another one out there got it can I make a house out of these I’m going to be honest they’re super cool looking like Kudos it’s really really well done by regions unexplored stop where is abidon get away from me who are you

Dior like the worst thing in here is that man constantly laughing I hate it I actually really like these hey Billy oh that’s perfect I don’t wait wait wait wait wait wait wait BR lavad doors heck yeah oh that’s beautiful I love it love it I need a sapling well I hope we quite well there and one there there look at that a’t that beautiful is’t that

Beautiful that there this there put this there there there there and there Perfect all is right with the world and then I’m scared to mine because there are freaking zombie piglins and stuff literally everywhere constantly around me waiting for an opportunity to rip out

My soul if I so much has touch mot toxic screams poisonous to me oh so these are just regular piglins never mind I was scared for nothing a golden I swear he’s up there in an area I can’t get to and it frustrates me yeah this is my Java

Server brimwood lock hold hold on wait ow I stepped on something leave me alone bad pig pig bad pigs are bad you heard it here pigs have admitted to being bad brimwood I personally don’t need it because I have a backpack and I don’t think anybody else will need it when

They come in here but you know I’ll make bu Outpost make a fantastic little Outpost here look at that and inject this into the floor and everybody can craft to their heart’s content and now I can put garbage in here that I don’t actually want to keep on me like that and all

That my celium stuff wow cool saying toxic doesn’t make me want to keep it around I’m going to be honest it Spooks Me I’m Scared bunch of golden weapons and stuff like that that I don’t need well maybe one you know it is what it is brim wood

Door I’m getting zenor ingots like mad though and I love it like that’s just remaking my armor any chance anytime I absolutely need it I could just remake my armor other than this see I need I need coal or a um a charcoal now these ones are zombies what’s up bro

I don’t want to travel too far cuz I’ll be honest with you I don’t understand the area that I’m in like I have no idea what the heck is actually going on here any any number of things could technically go wrong also the zombie piglins and stuff like that while

Friendly they apparently drain my sanity still so that’s not really helpful either bread what is that brim Sprout no wait that one oh that’s a brim Sprout dors cell is it sharp brim spout shrub I’m assuming that’s what stabbed me in the foot right oh so that’s the use for shrubs okay I

Can work with that that’s good I’m happy about the Brit the Brit’s helpful I don’t know why I have six raw oh yeah I do never mind I know why I have six raw salmon I didn’t I didn’t do anything with them I just what are magic spiders is that what I’m seeing

I wonder if they fire lasers oink oink oink oink oink well as long as you’re not trying to kill me I ain’t going to kill you kiddo kiddo piglin baby piggle I don’t like you is there a dog in here I don’t like that keep that away from me what is

That oh it’s awful did it just like phas through reality Stay away from me I haven’t seen you yet you’re awful Wizard or R exactly it summons Vex one of the things I hate the most absolutely detest Vex awful awful creatures so you do phase through reality don’t touch me stay away from me you’re absolutely gross I hate every bit of your

Design ha oh you I got played I feel betrayed and cheated that was awful but they I don’t want to but I don’t want to I want them to not be violent towards me instead I want them to give me freaking ender pearls I really desperately need ender pearls for

Progression I also need glow stone which I should probably try and collect the glow stone that’s up here huh uh yes the glow stone that is above death pits of lava why are you in here stop I don’t like that you wave at me as you walk towards me it’s

Awful you should not do that ever you should never do that don’t don’t wave in my direction a windigo you know what you know what friends stop you just stop I don’t know what if these things are supposed to be like a major threat or what I don’t know

What the heck a door cell is either what is this glowing Soul Spore Gardens of the Dead does it does it do something do I want it can I not take it I don’t want that brim Sprout keep that away from me it keeps making me

Pick it up I have two saplings that’s all I need I can start growing them in the Overworld and make all of my houses cool cuz they have lava lava houses ow plant sharp plant oh there’s abdon how you doing Friendo yeah yeah yeah lava lightning squirrels my the end of my existence that’s a thick hoglin whoa fever demon fever demon berserk fever demon okay bye get me out of here woo yeah I’m not I’m not really a fan of that that that area is kind of gross I

Got some hoglin carcass that’s good what server version so the version of this particular mod pack that I’m running is v9 so we’re on version nine of this I wonder what hogins giv I’m also wondering if I can just plant these oh what Minecraft version uh

Easiest way I can tell you is to download this on um C Forge is 1.9.2 I believe let me double check that really quick so v9 yeah the Minecraft version is 1.1 19.2 and the fear Nightfall mod pack is on Forge 43.3 point5 there isn’t a server pack for V10

I don’t know if you’re doing it manually or anything like that but there isn’t a server pack for V10 so you won’t be able to jump on the server if you do get uh version 10 Version 9 is the only one with an actual server pack which I’m sure the server pack for

V10 will probably come out in a couple days that’s what happened last time that I needed to update to version 8 the server pack came out like two days afterwards I actually almost updated the server last night to version 10 all I thought I was thinking about it so I I

Went in there and I instead of double-checking to make sure I ended up deleting like half the server files so that I could get the clean install without you know causing the issues that I caused before and uh yeah I regretted that decision as you can possibly guess

I ended up having to spend like an hour and a half trying to reinstall everything into the server because I had deleted all of it and there was no need to delete all of it because there were no server packs in the first place to

Install vers 10 so I ran I I I just created a bunch of work for myself for no reason where are the Enderman man I’m going to be honest with you I’m about to like cheat in four ender pearls just so I can progress cuz the only other progression pathway I have is Um is the is the freaking netherite monstrosity Soul found in Soul blacksmith which rarely spawn in the nether so it’s it’s literally based on luck meanwhile this one I can’t get ender pearls to even freaking start it um a butcher’s Delight I’m sure just

Treats a hoglin as a pig like I guess I could do forbidden magic but if I remember right forbidden magic which set what I don’t know what I can do with forbidden magic I guess I could go for sinister engineering and start getting steel and stuff like that but it’s not

Even Sinister it’s just freaking immersive engineering which I detest I hate immersive engineering which is the reason I haven’t started it also I don’t want to have to build giant freaking facilities because if if I do immerse of engineering even though it’s more efficient in the long run you have to

Build giant facilities to house the garbage that you have to build they’re giant multi-block structures and wow that’s super cool it’s just not fun for me to build them constantly and they take so much time and effort to get them going and all this other kind of junk and it’s just like

Blle just like give me simple machines Um what was it what what is the other one there’s there’s another one thermal Foundation maybe server IP hold On see actually wait I’ve got the freaking console up here I can just go back to it and no I don’t want to do that here you go Billy did you get your PC fixed or something wait where’s my base oh this is going to be

Rough oh keep in mind it also has proximity voice chat I think the maximum range is like 50 or the maximum range to just like here efficiently is like 50 I just remember you had the issue of constantly dealing with um them not fixing your PC and then breaking it

Basically and telling you sorry buddy and still charging you which was messed up to say the least smash smash getting rid of the trash cuz it’s just making landscape look Garbage oh that’s good then all I remember is I thought they were charging you for like the repairs and stuff they supposedly did but I’m glad you got a refund that’s actually fantastic that that’s amazing but going down there would be death sentence does that not look cool I love the terrain

Generation oh man and there’s a bunch of crystals down there that I could collect and make the house look pretty oh there’s a redstone there’s a redstone cave down there too oh can I grow these on grass or do they have to be set on uh Netherrack they might need to be set

On Netherrack and if they do I can do that but I would hope that I can set them wherever I want just so that I can start a plague of magical fire trees yes I can start a plague of magical fire trees watch them just light the environment on fire beautiful I can’t

Complain I love this that didn’t help but I have to hack them down like normal trees that’s awful oh you’re going to do this to me huh you’re going to do that to me huh they’re huge trees too that’s the problem this is a decently heavy mod

Pack so uh if you’re running it off a crappy PC though I’m sorry if it gives you any trouble harvesting harvesting harvesting all the brim brim wood brim wood brim brimwood oh so you’re just going to the leaves are just going to hang around huh sapling sapling okay no sapling got it

Sorry I don’t know if those logs will um no logs those freaking thieves will Decay on their own or not if they don’t well I’m going to have to get to work on that maybe I can make a sapling out of it uh PL down the line

But yeah having saplings are going to be great having those having those particular trees I do wish that the they had the fast Leaf Decay though I guess they don’t fit in with it so there’s that that’s going to be a problem Oh heads up it’s about to be night too so I

Don’t know when you’re gonna jump on but that bad things happen when it becomes night pain and suffering happens when it becomes night what was that I swear I saw something over here ah it’s that stupid signpost that upsets me every time I see that and I think it’s like an Enderman

In the distance just over there looking like a twig with a big head and it’s it’s never it’s never the case it’s just never the case I imagine this this wood is fireproof so I might actually replace everything with this particular style of wood not only because it looks better but because it’s

Fireproof I’m going to be honest I want the corners to be accented by the lava wood I want the brimwood log magma I want that to be my accents for like the corners and stuff like that for the building and things but I don’t think I’ll be able to do

That I don’t think that I will be able to do that brimwood wood what’s the point in that what’s the point in the brimwood would why is that why don’t you care about the set anymore hold on here going to have to get that ready but why not

Both did anything else get caught in the blender no nothing of value got caught in the blender that’s a shame yeah that’d be really neat to see or if you really wanted to just go out of the way out out of your way to to be

Legoy you could totally make a um a Lego Christmas tree maybe not a fullsize one though but a Lego Christmas tree would be pretty cool put those away I might go fishing for a little bit to avoid dying I got my sanity back so that’s good

I don’t know maybe a Lego Christmas tree is too generic why not Lego stockings everything’s becoming Legos now the entire world is Legos heck we’ve even got buildings that are like pieced together like Legos I don’t know how I don’t know how common they are I don’t know how

Commonly they’re used but they exist I know that for a fact sup buddy no no no come a little closer you’re fine totally fine I promise you’re not in danger there’s not sharp objects near me just just you know just come over here yeah there you go there you go see

Those wooden things they’re totally comfortable to just like rub up against oh he touched them he listened okay bye bye Herobrine byebye now have a wonderful time can you stop man you turned into a lot of maggots and I hate that oh hi he came back just to leave

Again the one thing that sucks about Herobrine I wish he would at least like drop me off materials or something he’s going to do that see I I’ve been playing this it’s what like five streams in I have one ender pearl I don’t know why

The ender pearls are so hard for me to get I haven’t seen any Enderman for my life and anytime I do see them they end up like teleporting and then I can’t find them anymore they’re super rare and I hate it like I just wish they weren’t so rare

And I think that would be a huge change to the whole situation or if they had increased drop rates of Ender Pearls or some of these mobs dropped ender pearls or something like that I don’t know why I have such bad luck finding ender pearls or maybe I forgotten

Something let me check the quest book I would love to have that book too that’s part of the reason I want this because it gives good stuff and this one gives BL string melons primordial offer adequate tributes to the cradle and summon forth primordial messengers of Exquisite flesh

After offering flesh and other items finish the offering with a regeneration SL Health two potion okay all right obtain living flesh regular food can be used as your first biofuel instead of nutrient paste or bars make tongue extract up to three items of the same type every 24 ticks

From containers attached to and drops them on the ground you a m Hopper fleshy sister the hopper transfers up 16 items at a time flesh kin chest living flesh the organic composition of the chest grants it remarkable resilience ensuring the safety of its precious contents even from explosions only its true Master can

Unlock its contents without invoking the wrath of its razor sharp fangs oh so it’s like a protection chest for like important things cheap shulker like storage sack that also acts like a bundle oh I want that hey MD NE Bastion discover the soul blacksmith create a Nether Portal but I did that gold

Helmet ah oh so I was wrong I can’t do this one the netherite monstrosity one is locked I didn’t see this pathway so I have to go here here here here here here here here so I actually skipped this entire line and went to the nether

Before I was supposed to be able to go to the nether I I can’t I can’t get enough ender pearls there’s is there a way hold on I wonder if I’m ignoring forbidden magic at the wrong time like maybe forbidden magic has a way to duplicate items like witchery

Did or bewitchment I should say Okay lag I’m sorry the book lags like the book just lags apparently it’s fixed in the next update Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu You mushroom Wich alter I have the altar just for reading the book mixing C is one of the main tools mixing all potions I’ve already done that I have that downstairs going to be thrown to the Pod automatically cauldron descriptions two buckets worth of potions other uses when C wait okay hold

On does this mean that I maybe can use it to I think I have Nether wart you know what I need to start growing this stuff I don’t know I haven’t I I have no idea why I haven’t started growing the Nether wart already I just like put it over here something

Like that I I don’t know where’s the where’s the middle of this freaking room this chamber this chamber that I am within five six seven eight so it’s right here huh dud ah you know what no that’s unnecessary the edges are bad they’re bad the server tin the server pack tin’s

Out okay yeah I can update it later tonight and I’m ling up a storm in here it’s lag lagging up a storm my dear it’s lag all right I’m going to I’m going to test something I want to see how this works to see if they’re lying to me see if

They’re doing lying things they’re being lying Liars you know what I need to move this upstairs I’m sure it needs fire underneath it would that work I put it right here I don’t want to I don’t want to make this like look garbage I guess will a camp fire work though does that

Work my oh no I didn’t mean to do that either can does a campfire work dude if I remember right campfire should work right I’m not I’m not I’m not wrong right am I wrong and put one away cuz that’s all I need take this log log log hopefully this works it

May not actually I don’t know we’ll see maybe probably stick stick stick coal it work it it do our work that’s fantastic the mod pack isn’t loading it may take a while honestly that there that there this here take that and then I need my buckets of

Aaura is it not like is it genuinely just not working for you hold on like what what’s it telling you is there like an actual like problem going on with it or how did you install it first tell me how you installed it like I need to know your steps no

Water if you installed it through the curse Forge application then all you need to do to launch the mod pack is launch it through the application from your mods from your mod pack setup so like you’ll have if if you go to curse Forge and you’re looking at it you

Go to my mod packs then you should have it in there and it should be whatever version you have at the top of it and then it’ll have like the Anvil over there for Forge all you have to do is go and click play on that and that should

Activate it and launch it with uh with the mod pack a manual setup I would just I would just get curse forg dude honestly I I don’t ever do any of these manually but I’m sure that you have to wait did you unzip the file I mean I’m sure you did but bro

That could have been a bad sign on oh you need to unzip it it might work once you unzip it all right mobs I need to there there you go good wind to go you get right in there in those Spikes all right that’s helping

Yeah no no all the mod packs you have to be if you’re going to do them manually if you’re going to insist on doing them manually then you’re going to have to unzip them and then put them in there properly and that should work you may

Have to do I don’t think you should have to do anything in particular with it but I honestly don’t know off hand like I said I don’t do them manually all right spider no we have a problem here here I hate the spiders that spit web I think he dropped an armor plate

That’s super helpful oh actually bu if you’re chilling in the background I could use your help with getting the um the setup to join the Bedrock server there so that that would be really helpful like uh Nike toad was asking me about it but I I haven’t

Messed with it in so long I don’t remember exactly how to do it so knowing how to get bedrock connect working and everything like that would be really help awful are they done Yet I hate abidon you know what I Now understand why they’re disabling him so does this just allow cheesing of potions wait actual question if this thing does what it advertises to do Then Redstone like I have these in here I’m I’m actually going to look it up because well one I’m I might end up wasting a bunch of supplies if I don’t know how to do this right um oh no this isn’t what I Need yeah but I can’t read the book right now cuz it lags so I need information on how to use it do I need to use the proper amount to make two make make two buckets worth is that how it works okay so yeah that’s just water

Right now I have one Nether wart one glistering melon and one Redstone Dust and Nether wart thankfully grows absolutely disgustingly quickly I’ll have to figure this out and that’s two Nether wart would I have to make an awkward potion first two of these and I’ll go get and I’ll get another another another

Glistering melon and if I remember correctly this should hold on I have to take care of something really quick here I don’t understand I don’t know if I’m just not using enough of the resource or what I honestly I hope that it takes less resources to make it this way so

It’s a little more efficient but at the same time I I didn’t expect it to work like that because well let’s just say if it if it um if it uh let me actually do that that would be that would be absolutely insane if I could just put one of each ingredient in

There and then make two buckets worth of the potion two buckets worth of potion time when heated to do this fill water then add two of the ingredient needed to make the potion exle making Aqua potion requires two Nether wart oh okay so maybe maybe I have to do it individually

Ah okay all right that works so it is more efficient and that makes potion of healing all right now that we have potions of healing uh no I would need glowstone dusts I thought I was making potions of regeneration that’s right potions of regeneration require the uh what’s it

What’s it called uh freaking gas TI this however should amplify the efficacy of the potions for instant healing yeah instant healing too yeah okay and I can put them in I can pull them in and out too oh that is awesome now let’s go ahead and add a little bit of uh Splash

To it we deal with a lot of Undead and honestly drinking potions would suck let’s be honest here just constantly drinking potions would absolutely suck and be slow so I’m going to go ahead and move a whole St all all of it all all the Goon

Powder going up there so I can make splash potions it’s not what I wanted how dare you game how dare you put that back in there so this means that I can actually Rec I can correct things all right yeah splash potion of healing ha okay that’s cool I like

That I wonder if a lingering heal potion would allow me to walk into it multiple times to heal hey big guy how you doing why don’t you walk into the sharp objects over here and pay for your crimes you get out of here I don’t like spiders you know what that works

Too it doesn’t seem like anything vital exploded so I’m just going to be happy why can’t y’all be Enderman she Shields up oh that guy back there gotcha So oh yeah I forgot you’ll you’ll catch on fire so you don’t want to get out of the water either he’s so thick give me all these supplies give me all these good supplies thank you thank you thank you thank you that’s beautiful all right all right you see him over

There you see that bination just like standing there staring at me I hate him so yeah now he’s gone that’s how you get rid of him he’s getting removed for V10 so hopefully that won’t be an issue but my God man I hate him absolutely hate them awful awful

Creature if it grabs you which is what it does it rushes you and grabs you and when it rushes you and it grabs you it uh it does disgusting amounts of damage it hold on give me a second here I’ll be right back okay I’m back

Sorry this isn’t what I went out of there for no I was getting called but but yeah now where was I why at least I know how the potion thing works that’s fantastic so I can make I can actually make a disgusting amount of potions for super cheap and I

Have so many little like Outpost things set up now that it’s it’s very honestly it’s reasonably safe to be wandering around how the heck though do I find Enderman like out everything how do I find Enderman I don’t know what to do for that like I just I just want to progress

But I can’t progress if I can’t find any equipment whoa you glitched don’t give me that noise lag glitch lag don’t want that don’t want that hey we got lucky and we got a grave metal helmet that’s good don’t want that don’t care about that I don’t know why I

Didn’t care about that I already have a pile of it that I’m collecting care about that a guys I’m injured got it you know what I like those I might carry a second backpack load said backpack full of them and then just use it as like you know uh healing grenade

Storage that’d be perfect do I want what’s this log for put you there and you there and and actually put you there and you there that’s better I have a bunch of fish and stuff like that that I really shouldn’t have carried out here with me but I

Guess if I’m just looking for Enderman at least I’m not going to get stuck somewhere a terrible situation and die a horrible death I guess yeah but I don’t know why they’re so rare especially considering they’re used for the chapter 2 progression which is like I’m I’m assuming very early in the progression

Thing here I don’t know why chapter 2 would be this far would be that far into it I don’t know if I’m just super unlucky or what I mean I’ve seen more than four Enderman it’s just usually when I see them they’re gone like after a short while they’re gone and I can’t

Do anything with that you know what am I going to do how am I how am I going to do anything to to catch the Enderman or to kill the Enderman for its pearls if it just blinks into the void I don’t like that that tree has a

Branch like that and it looks like a hand I thought that was one of those weird Critters uh that I just killed just hanging around behind the thing waiting for an opportunity to Ambush me but it’s just the tree branch I’m slowly becoming more and more paranoid about it I

Guess but yeah where my Enderman at I’m afraid of trees I’m afraid of everything in this I’m surprised there isn’t some kind of tree enemy that just like mimics a freaking uh tree mimics a generic oak tree and then it just it attacks me that’d be terrifying I don’t think it’d be that

Hard to make either like the animation would be pretty simple and uh I I don’t think the coding would be too hard but you just program it to wait until an wait until a player gets like within x amount of blocks probably something like five if it’s melee based and oh that’s a

Pit and then it shows itself and starts chasing them down and that would be spooky I would like that I like Ambush enemies and it just smacks the crap out of you yeah I don’t know where the heck where the fcker doodle are these these Endermen these ender pearls like

If you’re going to make them so rare at least give me a um a better source of them until I make it to the end like if I can’t even get the ender pearls to get there the first first place what’s the point I haven’t pulled any luck out of

Chests or anything honestly I don’t know what the heck that’s about just a wall that’s interesting Little Fishies in there I kind of like that it’s a shame I would probably build here if I wouldn’t end up getting that blown up like five billion times it’s a

Fog guys a f did that frog just fall out of a tree yep yep that’s a f there’s a lot of fog here and I don’t understand it I wonder if Wes can be possessed by uh Herobrine maybe if I ask Herobrine will summon a bunch of Enderman to try and kill

Me and then I can just do the classic like stand on something that’s two blocks high stand under something that’s two blocks high so they can’t touch me kill them all off and collect my prize of piles of Ender Pearls I swear at one point I had two not real kitty illusion

Kitty I don’t know how I feel about that is this like a witch hut do you have ender pearls have slime balls that’s cool oo invisibility swiftness red stone dust carrots I was really hoping you had like ender pearls or anything like that you know good things

Things that help me out I don’t know what to deal with that cat is that that’s that that that mean that’s helpful can’t complain too much expected to get poison though I guess it’s always poison like this is good stuff I just don’t want to carry it all you calm

Down oh golden carrots take it wait what I’m still poisoned by the way no I’m lag I’m lagging I’m not poisoned I’m lagging lagging dealing with the lag am I okay there it goes well that’s helpful at least oh it’s a barrel that’s not what I wanted that was far from what I

Wanted potion weakness I guess I destroyed that which makes what is this petrified Oaks lab water called well I was really hoping that she had something of value to me night vision actually super helpful swiftness super helpful I’ll use all three of these like 100% I wish you

Had like four bajillion vials and I’m assuming the cat’s gone oh maybe she was the cat oh never mind there’s a cat hey Kitty see me hold on I have a salmon for you you go kitty yeah me me you’re going to follow me around and bad things are probably going to happen

But you know it’s not my fault I blame the Internet it’s everybody else’s fault should I should I be concerned about this mushrooms you know what Kitty we’re going home I have an idea I remembered something I remembered something that could help us something that I can handle fairly easily by myself now

Because of my armor maybe don’t quote me on that I could die horrible horrible times deaths many many many many horrible deaths there’s a dungeon and said dungeon has stuff in it said dungeon may have ender pearls ender pearls May equal progress progress May equal amazing things step five question marks equals success

And then we’re good also we got a cat so we really don’t have any reason to complain anymore right And and it’s like the it’s like the most witch like cat ever because it’s a black cat aren’t they lucky aren’t black hats supposed to be lucky it doesn’t depend on the culture cuz I’ve heard that black cats are lucky and then I’ve heard that black cats are

Unlucky and I don’t know which one is which or if it’s just like a cultural thing where one one culture finds them lucky one culture finds them unlucky okay you’re not attacking me out don’t care someone placed a block I’m not insane either so something actually got placed or maybe it was a

Frogue why are you meowing at me like this what hit me did he smack the crap out of me what A it’s a good kitty go kitty go follow me kitty onward to future endeavors you keep teleporting burn through all your points to spam cat noises we have cats and BBs I feel like my cat forgot how to walk and instead it just decided that teleporting is its existence now cat became

Enderman am I going the right way I need to make a new Atlas oh that kitty’s walking again okay there’s the stable that I converted into a mini base is it working Bobby all right we’re good we’re we’re well we’re well good it’s not even noon yet that’s

Perfect just because I don’t want the kitty to die a horrible horrible death that’s that that I I I don’t know how I feel about that that Spooks me a little bit Um I don’t know what the remains mean I don’t know if that’s going to like turn into into something later down the line and I should probably kill it now before it becomes a problem or if I should just leave it and not worry about it because it does

Nothing so I’m not sure what the situation is going to be with that I’m just gonna leave it and see what happens I’ve never played with sport mod sport mod before so I actually have no I no idea what that does I get zero idea what that does no kitty I’m just sad

Now it’s freaking probably the one good thing to happen the one good thing and then the cat dies I realized too late though that that that was going to happen like I actually realized just slightly too late that that was going to happen and I’m mad about

It yeah I could just put all this away that’s fine I know where all this stuff goes my organization’s garbage but it’s it’s working for now that’s all I can say like I don’t really have many many options the storage kind of sucks I’m really mad now I’m mad at myself I’m

Sad that that happened and it’s just such a pain a dirt I have dirt there’s dirt that dirt can go there that can be dirty I’ll put this obsidian up here too book put the book in here spikes I can put the fish away what do I have

In this it’s mostly just wood that’s fine 15 I’m GNA make an atlas okay I need a slime ball an activated map and one good old book no we can’t do that anymore I’m sad now Well that works I’m gonna cook some more of this Cod up just to have it ready to go anytime I need it I probably should cook it all not thing about it if I remember correctly the dungeon’s over here I’m just going to toss bils as much

As I would like to keep them I think I have enough glass to where I can just make a bunch of vials if I absolutely need to yeah this is a dungeon which begs the question in my uh how I haven’t come across anything involving yeah this is so

Easy I say having not even really been in the door oh it goes super deep that potion of Swift is is nice put that there this is interesting I didn’t bring any good blocks though hold on hold On let’s make some doors exactly three will work set this up well I guess that’s fine I didn’t want that area to not be exploded anyway screw me right like genuinely damn I’m sorry Jesus oh there was a bunch of Cobble I thought it destroyed all of it I thought I got

Really unlucky and it destroyed every bit of Cobble that was down there definitely going to be good stuff in here I’m calling it but I’m going to light this up get us a good old setup going maybe I should have just been more aggressive with like my exploration and stuff like

That maybe that’s what I needed to do I don’t know it all seems to just go down okay that’s fine we’ll go this way they’re spawning from here so I’m assuming this isn’t a bad spot I got a soul never mind I had a soul I walked just a step too close

Whb what what am I slowing down on oh the vines I grabbed the vines clear that clear that oh I see kill that before it becomes a major problem I hate how I get hit with wither as soon as I touch it advancement of bad Necromancer what is that let at least 13

Souls Escape you yeah I don’t think the soul collection matters anymore and the reason I say that is because um if I remember correctly the mod that has the souls is midnight madness and Midnight Madness is um being removed skeleton spawner that one doesn’t seem to be spawning anything there’s a

Witch where’s the witch there’s a lot of web I’m sick of the webs get them out of here Sparkles oh here we go here’s something there’s a bunch of chain mail down here I’ve noticed that Vines were connected to that prism area a cell iron ingot I don’t need the

Skeleton skull right now I’m going to plant this I’m actually going to just plant this mushroom right here in this in this thing because it’ll it’ll spread and then if we ever need mushrooms we have mushrooms we have many of the mushrooms going eat these carrots tapes I forgot to make a juke

Box dude the amount of webs in here is absolutely frustrating the the spawners don’t seem to be doing much here o Brian get out of here this is my loot I claim this area bunch of rotten stuff and Chain maill man honestly yeah I I should have just came down

Here I’m so dumb there’s so much stuff in here that I could use that actually wasn’t that hard to get to I don’t need that right now anything like mutated fibers and stuff I need a lot of though I got that one why did not get the other Brewing standand

Whoops that in there perfect 150 hero Fant protection brown mushrooms I can plant I don’t need that there’s a bunch of Bones yeah webs I feel like all I’d really need to make it through this area effectively is probably just a good weapon like I have

Now I mean the Army not the arm the armor is making it fairly easy on me but I’m not what is does this permanent how do these work I just keep that on me and I gain bonus experience screw your parkour oh I have seen this poison I hate I hate the

Poison absolutely absolutely just the most annoying thing on the planet good give me more more likes I have five real likes and the I wish I had 55,000 likes I don’t know why it does that I really don’t I kind of wish it would stop

Though I I’m not like mad about it or anything like that but it does I am kind of kind of worried that some people will just come by and be like ah man he’s botting or something like that when uh when it makes that when that particular

Bug shows up but obviously I I don’t have any control over that that’s a YouTube issue and I can’t really just like magically fix it free Iron heck yeah I’ll take free Iron I’ll take me some free irons that leads out to the surface too

Oh I see where this is that would been an alternate entry into this point into this cave or this dungeon so this area is actually deeply connected with everything else if I light it up then that means somebody could actually use this as a base as well it wouldn’t be ideal but

Work it’s just got too much like tunnels and not enough actual construction I feel like oh there’s nothing here either I just wasted all those supplies building for nothing ah that figures I cleared over here maybe this area isn’t going to give me what I need

As much as I thought it would like there’s a lot of stuff in here don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of good stuff in here it’s just not the things that I need though like I can’t get a hold of I need I need it I need those pearls

I absolutely desperately need those pearls I’m going to have to be more sparing with these uh torches I say as I use 90% of them as quickly as possible dude this is going deep I wonder if there’s a boss never mind that’s just a dead end okay cool awesome awesome mck

Pome is the other one a dead end too if so this was literally a waste of my time like if all of it’s just empty ah stop with the webs everywhere frustrating that there that there that there get rid of the skeleton spawner a bunch of zombies somewhere around nearby

I wonder if there’s like hollow wall areas too I didn’t think about that there could be a bunch of like hollow wall areas that I’m supposed to go through to Diamond hands I have Diamond hands how do I use these I want 25% bonus Health like is it just active now that

I’m holding it do I sacrifice inventory slots for it do I need a tarot card deck box oh just holding it it’s literally just holding it oh heck yeah that’s just a bunch of free health which means this one gives me 150% experience gain just by having it um what’s that from

Though keep your precious cards safe yeah okay that’s easy to make too I need four gold nuggies four paper and a chest bro I should have came down here is that a free diamond pick I have Diamond hands now guys it’s it’s it’s too I have Diamond hands

Literally I’m glad I came down here you know what it may not have given me what I wanted but it gave me what I needed that’s what really matters but I do want that bread oh hey nugie why not we’ll take another one you know they mining through the walls do

They have a minor zombie actually mildly terrifying I’m not going to lie I I hated that absolutely hated that witch that was not a pleasant experience not a fan 100% just not a fan of the uh infected witch holy crap yeah they were building a staircase so what wh

Why I’m not the only one confused by that pumpkin right that leads out to the surface let’s not flood this entire area thank you it’s a boot so this leads into a Cave System but it’s still I mean a cave system’s cool and all they can get some cool

Stuff down here but again it doesn’t help me deal with the issue at hand which is I need ender pearls I need end Plurals plurals PLS if only there was an ender pearl slime that would have been good where did ender pearls come from anyway actual question what makes ender pearls oh that’s a pink we have friends coming we have many friends coming I’m not a fan of said friends I

Don’t know what said friends are that bat just flew into lava I wish it better luck in the next life I guess are you infected you’re not infected are you you stay away from me I just don’t want to deal with you you’re gross well that looks like a couch right

Now and I love it I want one of these I want one of these that looks like a straight catch it’s great well I did like I said I didn’t get what I wanted but I did get a couple tarot cards which turns out that they’re

Freaking awesome so I’m going to get out of this one hopefully it’s day and not middle of the night where I’m about to be mauled it is about to be the middle of the night where I’m going to be mauled oh no oh no can we not do this can can you

Stay up a little bit longer please give me five minutes give me five minutes oh why did I fall in a hole no No go away go away go away go away go away go away go wle wle let me in close the door okay safety y’all suck couldn’t even catch me I was in I was in complete utter danger and they still couldn’t catch me that’s what they get stupid stupid mobs doing stupid mob

Things that there I need much better storage I’m going to be honest that might be that might be the goal that may that may be that may be the next goal like if I can’t figure out how to get the material that I need the next goal may

Be to get myself a hold of freaking if I if I can’t get the end pearls next goal might be to get myself the other materials I just start amping up my power so that if I have to I can just skip some stuff and then go in there and

Uh get them the good old end way but that by that point does it really matter I don’t know but we have a Tarot deck now that sounded far enough off to not be my base so I’m not going to complain oh yeah we got a free diamond

Pick out of that too and we have a bunch of Nether wart growing now as gross as that stuff is that’s perfect everything’s perfect I swear there’s no danger here I’m not at risk of being eaten alive at any given time didn’t I have four paper oh oh I left it in the

Thing and I was going to put the pickaxe away here pickaxe extra axe that I probably will need in the near future but I’m putting it in there anyway because I’m going to forget about it or I would probably die a horrible death if I didn’t forget about it there’s also

That that that’s also a big part of my luck I either forget about something and I die or I don’t forget about something and I die or one of them saves an item if I put it in the chest you know what I mean and I keep the bonuses as

Well so if I I switch to this that’s my head slot charm charm body necklace head necklace gloves there wasn’t there another thing there was wasn’t there oh no Bobby this is like the worst possible time to join the server oh that’s my curio slot gloves perfect I have my gloves the curio

Slot you’re you may regret your decision on that one dude I actually have 30 levels oh heck yeah hold on I need to go up here and start enchanting well you’re able to join that’s good I hope it didn’t crash on you or anything if you’re running on a if

You’re running on a bad PC like you said you were you might you might need to lower a lot of this stuff to be fair power four heck yeah Thorns unwavering nature power one Knights will probably be laggy and a lot of the lag is fixed in V10 from what

I gathered they they’re optimizing it now so we had some issues with um I say we as if I’m part of the dev team or some stupid crap uh they had issues with uh lag and stuff like that and particularly um this book that I’m not

Staring at that’s on the table over here that thing lags up a storm out of nowhere but it’s integral to one of the particular um mods so it lagging really sucks like it lagging is probably one of the most obnoxious things ever but there’s really not much that

Can be done around done about it on our end oh you’re kidding right you’re going to do that to me I can’t use these other log I can’t use these other logs if only I could convert these logs into regular logs yeah I don’t have any

Logs so no more um bookshelves for the moment I think I have enough I think I have enough I’m going to be honest I do actually think that I probably have enough I just need to get lucky and get the right enchant which is going to be um piercing to

Work L prot Pierce through mobs Thorns protection lure two would have been really nice Bane of Arthropods power paling for power I guess fire protection could be helpful but I think projectile protection to would probably be more helpful piercing Thorns looting would be really nice can’t get that one yet

Though Undertaker sharpness Thorns I don’t know what Undertaker does Undead Unleashed piercing protection efficiency take piercing Quick Charge Power sharpness three all right I’ll save for that one we’ll save for sharpness three cuz sharpness three will be really helpful I don’t know why that [ __ ] started lagging

All of a sudden but it it do the it do the lag that’s an odd enchantment from the base ones that I have that’s power two power one power four or sharpness three that is tough that’s a tough book right there Thorns do I have any other Thorns

Thorns I don’t know what Undertaker does so I’m putting it over there piercing fire protection is not bad but I don’t have a slot for that projectile protection also good I’m going to take I guess I can start enchanting this armor because if I start enchanting this armor even if it’s weaker enchantments

One I’m getting those books out of the freaking way and two this armor hopefully will last me a good while vill you’re dropping yourself into a nightmare here yeah it’s going to be rough the knights are definitely not good for for beginning Um hold on Billy let me get on the roof I can check what time of day it is or what time of night it is oh there’s a bunch of phantoms the night’s a little over half over which means probably like 8 minutes I don’t think I’d be able to get to you

In the middle of the night effectively and there’s a lot of y’all out here what do it take so little damage compared to everything else this only does four to them but they have two armor hold on I have to check down there I think it did damage

Ah please tell me it didn’t do any damage oh heck yeah we got lucky it didn’t do any damage oh I got the door does that actually work as a shield oh no it doesn’t I can’t use it as a shield that’s disappointing the TF2 wasn’t need surprise I

Never I never really got to play it properly I think that’s the one thing that I’m I’m kind of mad about with that one cuz I was lagging like super bad out of nowhere and it just kept going and going and going and there was no like way for it to

Stop like I couldn’t I couldn’t figure out anything to get to stop or anything of that hey they’re trying to murder me I that’s not my fault they’re walking into the spikes I can’t control them you know you know freaking we’ve got chocolate here she knows to just lay there and be

Aard whenever she pleases I’m hoping that like eventually I probably will go back to it to some degree like I wouldn’t mind playing it every once in a while if we could get something going for it um I know I say that about like every game

Though but yeah it would be nice it would be nice to play stuff like that again every once in a while another thing that I really want to do that never really seems to to go well for me is um prop hunt and I know that one’s probably falling

Out of favor for the most part but it’d be really fun to play prop hunt again but I’d need a group for it I have fear oh it’s gone well it didn’t last very long what’s up my pu yeah if we had like if we had people

For it I would love to play G’s mod I’d love to play I I would really absolutely love to play Prop Hunt and stuff like that we had like 10 people and it was Prop Hunt it’d be Shenanigans it’d be glorious we could set it up with like

One or two uh one or two hunters and it’d be great all the other alternatives to stuff like that just aren’t nearly as good I feel like and the ones that try to be their own kind of game and stuff I I feel like they don’t realize that prop

Hunt well a lot of fun is something that people play every once in a while in the free time and stuff for the most part it’s not saying oh man anything wrong with it it’s just it’s it’s more fun to just play in in small doses every

Once in a while or to binge for a week or two you know what I mean I have so much like biohazard things in here it’s absolutely insane to me that these don’t like fuse back together and kill me in my sleep or something you

Know what I mean and I say that with the utmost Terror in my soul that there’s a bunch of biological parts that are still alive just hanging around in my in my freaking storage no they did I actually qu enjoyed the game although my God man that that story the story is like

Beyond what it should be hold on oh wait through the night here as much as I hate to say it because I know I cause problems when I do stuff like this I need to start yeah there we go yeah it did great honestly first

Day it’s a good one it it keeps picking stuff up and when the and when the third when the third chapter comes out it’ll probably start picking up again it’s just one of those games which is nice heck you guys remember I really do appreciate it especially

With I I I like playing the games you guys like bring up to me and stuff like that and I know it probably seems like I don’t a lot of the time but that’s that’s not the actual case I’m just I am just a weird person in general and I don’t necessarily

Um go away what are you am I about to be mugged hold on I think who made this mod pack was sadistic oh that’s the lantern I thought that was the man in the fog oh that’s on my life flash wi that’s actually true like you could upload it to YouTube

It’s a very difficult one Billy like it’s not it’s not easy it’s it’s it’s all center around doing that it it wants you to feel uncomfortable it’s that’s like the that’s a large point of the mod pack in itself it it’ll stress you out and then you’ll get used to it and

You’ll steamroll it like all Minecraft no oh sign popped up here where are you at Billy it’s an Ender no it’s gone I’m sad my soul is crushed every bit of my dreams died just now there was an Enderman he teleported to me in the rain and then he left that was a

Billy did you read the signs how am I lagging you turn down your graphics unless they’re already down in that case disregard that’s fair like I said this’s a very heavy mod pack it might also be this area because this area is huge are you going to do your own

Thing you can also follow me to the base and I can get you basic gear if you want that’s up to you how am I lagging you is it the enchant hold on let me take my armor off how does that work is that better no

Maybe I I think about it Ivy I’d probably do I’d probably do a video for that though I don’t know how long that would take I don’t think it’ take very long though oh yeah you have sanity by the way and I don’t know if you ever played Don’t Starve but it sucks

No it’s going to be gross and we all know what that ending is we’re all aware Ivy we all know what degeneracy you’re trying to throw into this mess I don’t even have I don’t even know how to get the other endings don’t yawn at me like that all right

Maybe I’m I’m going to be honest it doesn’t sound like it’d be a very long stream though I’m just letting my sanity just like leak Away by standing out here in the rain I don’t like the corpses hanging around it’s nice to know that this area is kind of holding up though it isn’t nice to know that even though this area is holding up it still likes to spawn people on roofs and stuff they are everybody’s passed out right now that’s why my internet’s

Working there aren’t enough people jeez hopefully version 10 works better version 10 said that there was optimizations for that client side stuff and things I remember let me let me look at the patch notes again uh added like five things there was a big update for born in chaos world genin and client

Performance improvements so hopefully that’ll help out a little bit there was a memory leak and placement issues with a something called Carry On which is getting fixed the alter lag for that book was getting fixed um edium is getting fixed disabled true Darkness for the nether in the end

That’s getting disabled possessed pigs are disabled abdon is getting disabled good cuz that guy is annoying and the Man in the fog is getting uh temporarily removed Midnight Madness is getting removed cuz it’s just causing issues and then Tan’s huge trees is also getting removed because it causes wh

Genin lag and stuff like that and yes Echo it actually has really good voice chat in this I’m I was impressed I was quite impressed honestly Autumn I need more turkey like I need more turkey I need large amounts of turkey I need like 60 lbs of turkey all with different seasoning

Styles in 5B increments that’s what we need to do hey Herobrine’s out there oh there’s dogos in the back or something there’s not really much supplies here when I first made this it was kind of there was a there’s a good few of us here so I was kind of in the

Hopes that we could set up like a little Community Center and stuff like that but people weren’t um as invested in this as I was to be fair and uh yeah it’s just kind of here as a spawn point protection thing so that people don’t die instantaneously all right you do you I

Guess I’m going to I’m going to head back to my house oh if you ever need to find me just follow the River on the uh from the right side of the exit on the right side of the entrance to the to the temple or the

Church or whatever the heck that is it’s a it’s a it’s a remodled church if you follow the river down that way you’ll reach my base I had boats but the boats are gone boats don’t exist anymore so this things of the Del turkey Toppers which are like a slab of turkey

With a scoop of stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and optional cranberry sauce ew cranberry sauce I like all the rest of that though I’ve never liked cranberry sauce for some reason always weird about certain things things and then I’ll throw ketchup on literally anything incidentally I need to cut a

Little bit of the turkey off the other thing and I uh I’m debating like boiling it in some seasonings and stuff like that for a little while and then uh coating it in like barbecue sauce or something like that for little like slider sandwiches oh this is another thing about the ender

Pearls that really sucks I can’t get them because it’s raining so even if I do come across intermittent like I did when I went to go visibility at the spawn point it doesn’t matter cuz the Enderman teleports away immediately because it’s raining I mean that sounds good though

That actually sounds really good though what is that oh that’s a plant I’m going insane I don’t know what I’m doing anymore I’ve been like standing in the rain talking about turkey and the Channel’s progress and all kinds of other weird stuff I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know what I’m doing

And I don’t know why I’m doing it all I know is I have two tarot cards and all the tarot cards give disgusting boosts to my status apparently these are actually broken the these are legitimately busted every one of these is disgusting uh Uh nearby animals just breed and babies grow faster my mere presence my mere presence makes them horny and that’s gross face hell fall damage negation so I can just jump off of anything I want three luck meat whispering in your raw meat is useful yeah raw meat is useful raw meat’s

Delicious you got to drink it you got to blend it up and drink it that’s how that’s how you survive Billy Autumn now you’re just making me hungry and I ran out of gravy I overused the gravy yesterday and I don’t have any more gravy and I’m sad

About it and I want that gravy I want more gravy for the turkey my leg I got stabed if I were a dungeon in the middle of nowhere where would I be actually I think I know where one’s at hold on oh you found a

Grave Billy I wish you the best of luck on your Journeys your journey through this nightmare of a mod pack I’m so tempted to just turn off rain for a few days of play supposed to about wait what no don’t fall into the clutches of forchan that’s a terrible decision

Yeah you need an AA meeting at this point there you go grave Metal’s not bad gear did you just go in the water and start beating the crap out of stuff anonymous anonymous so you anonymize yourself by going and nobody really like judging you for anything and then you anonymize yourself further by

Everybody wearing bed sheets like spooky ghosts can it stop raining for one freaking day in this mod pack can it just stop raining I would appreciate that I would appreciate a lack of rain I never thought I’d say that because I love rain but the fact that every two seconds is

Rain absolutely sucks I hate it get let let let hunt stuff down let me hunt my Enderman yeah it’s right up there with Kim Possible Herobrine no come back it’s not my fault I’ve been abandoned out here there are no Endermen there are no pearls there are no ender

Pearls I just need ender Pearls to help me survive by attacking Mobs with pure violent intense hey look some stabled pigs that’s awful all right Ivy you have a wonderful rest of your day night night I’m pretty sure night is I’m pretty sure you’re at a similar time frame to me I think I don’t know

Anymore don’t mind me I’m just climbing up things so I don’t know what’s happening that that looks suspicious that’s just like embedded into the cliff side why do I I don’t like that I don’t appreciate that I don’t appreciate any of this place is gross me out of here let me

Go there’s nothing here there’s like nothing here what is the point in this yeah yeah best of luck with that to anyone who has to deal with it I remember the nightmares that I I worked at a Hobby Lobby and the Christmas music spam was awful

I don’t have any fish on me and I don’t feel like I deserve another cat after what I did so you’re you you live your best life Kitty far away from me in the stupidity which got by my previous uh my previous cat killed I guess he ended up being

Unlucky what is that is that another Village I don’t know what the heck that is what the heck are they making over there I mean I wouldn’t be surprised the markups the markups alone are should be criminal lag like legitimately the markups that charge in general should should be criminal it’s absolutely insane

It’s something worth like maybe maybe a couple bucks and sell it for like 30 it’s absolutely ridiculous rotten Oak Midnight Madness madn night midis is this just like a broken house okay cool that’s fine that’s fine fine fine is that dark oak one of my favorite

Trees I think that’s dark oak but first I’m going to check over here anything Midnight Madness is going to delete so sadness about the madness hey Sarah but no I’m not going to risk that I was thinking about sliding myself over to the other side also this actually

Looks super cool I might I might collect these uh the aroly stuff to make cool stuff oh hey graveyard this is fine oh it’s gone I’m sad now now remember kids don’t grave Rob don’t follow what I’m doing this is bad don’t do it they’re shinies here and they’re

They’re mine but don’t do this bad decisions leave the graves for me leave the Minecraft Graves for me that way I can raid them you don’t need any of the stuff out of them it’s only I do you’ll be fine you have plenty of things you have all kinds of good

Stuff man they have a lot of Enchanted leather in these grapes I guess you’re supposed to Rob them to survive is that is that what they wanted me to do oh man it’s different playlist depending on the manager and there’s oh that’s much better Spruce is superior tree although

It does go well with dark oak and a house where where where where are you oh you’re standing right there oh cool oh awesome there was stuff in that oh can I like open those drawers let me go can’t do that to me I don’t understand understand the

Pottery I’m going to be honest with you it bothers me to no end there’s mushrooms dark oak is good dark oak is is awesome and that’s that’s a heck of a lot better than what I had to deal with like there was a there was like this corporate playlist and that’s all it

Would ever be corporate playlist over and over and over and over and over again and it was the same garbage this must be a signed and it was go it was was awful awful it was gole SP zombie a spa me I don’t like you I don’t like you I don’t like what

You stand for I don’t like that you’re a literal plague upon this world that will inevitably like curse everything that you touch stop die pay for your crimes that’s skeleton oh gold shiny shiny gold I I don’t want that yellow Glazer as cool as that yellow glaz earn is I

Mean look at it it’s beautiful but I don’t want it I I just don’t I don’t want the cobwebs either I’m not using them I always look at cobwebs and I’m like oh man that’s awesome I could totally abuse those and then I never do it’s like it just doesn’t inventory isn’t what

Bro oh oh D don’t mind me I’m just stealing very very dangerous things what all right I like amethyst oh Unbreaking three leather gloves I give those to Billy I don’t want that don’t want that don’t want that uh don’t need those n that those are fine what that’s a wrong

Button that’s the right button uh there there uh um the iron gold and and that this here put this here this actually works as storage too I didn’t realize that but I can use that as storage and crafting D get my first job I’ll definitely do everything to avoid retail

That’s fair like I don’t blame you but there’s also a lot of things about retail that that aren’t that bad and it’s nice to I think it’s I think it’s a nice uh situation to experience it at least Unbreaking three those are perfect like as much as it sucks at

Least for a short while it’s uh it’s pretty good to experience it a little bit I feel like a monster G be honest oh oh I’ll take that cult I don’t want those wither roses but I do kind of want those wither roses do I need wither Roses what am I doing actually you know what what what for real what am I doing sticks that’s all I needed that’s all I needed to do sticks make sticks more sticks and that solved like solved like half my problem that that gave me so

Many spaces by which I mean it gave me like two spaces that’s all that matters emeralds I’ll take the amethyst that’s raw iron oh heck yeah guys I’m sorry I’m a hoarder and I’m grave robbing I have a problem it’s not my fault it’s the internet’s fault I blame everyone

Else don’t whisper to me like that you’re not in this gra how can you whisper me actual question like that’s a genuine question honestly if you could get over here if you knew where I was you’d be making bank too you’d probably be able to use

All the stuff that I’m not collecting I just don’t have the space for it yeah whisper whisper bypasses it which I find hilarious that doesn’t make any sense I guess you’re the demon in my head right now 80% of people suck and it takes a lot of patience everyone can benefit

From having to do customer service it’s just it it builds perspective it as much as as it sucks it does build perspective and that build perspective helps out a lot I can’t kill anything Billy I’m sorry there’s nothing to kill I can rob Graves though I can be an awful person just

Robbing Graves does that count is that good is that good enough seeds iron boots amethyst shards grave robbing this one hey a hat I don’t know where I am anymore I wandered off in a random Direction and I went into the mountains and um that’s probably an extremely poor decision but

I made that decision myself and at least I know that when I inevitably die here and I can’t find my stuff I know that it’s my fault that I lost my stuff also if you were here there are so many Enchanted things that has meing there are so many Enchanted things that

You could have that I just don’t want and you’re stuck with it you’re stuck with the you’re stuck with the understanding that I have all these magical things that I don’t I’m not even going to take and you can’t you can’t have them simply because you’re not here night

Ivy that’s good so what you can do with that backpack Billy is you open open it up and there’s a button on the bottom right actually it’s like the top area underneath the bucket and uh not the switch thing but the one below that you

Can attach it to your back and open it up with B whenever you want Enderman Enderman Enderman there you are pay for your crimes he didn’t drop one he didn’t drop one he didn’t drop a pearl that pris MOS is beautiful though but he didn’t drop a pearl that’s what I

Needed screw this bow it’s just an inventory space now I my soul is crushed like my soul is genuinely crushed at this point I don’t need that get that out of my inventory bye have a wonderful time oo good ones ah I got ripped off the luck of the sea that’s helpful hey

More bread just randomly hoarding garbage randomly hoarding the garbage randomly holding the garage welcome to Spore I hope you enjoyed your time and um now your corpse is going to be there waiting to eat you when you come back I’m holding the garbage just holding more garbage maybe

I don’t know they may have move that that was honestly pretty obnoxious to deal with arguably you could track me down I mean I have coordinates and you’re watching the stream I think if you’re still watching the stream then you know my coordinates Ah webs webs are the ban of my existence I want everyone to know that I hate webs the passion what are you I mean had it not try to rip out my soul and kind of adorable little guy no no no no no no garbage all

Garbage all all this gar I don’t need that anymore garbage everything’s garbage I can get to the nether I don’t need Soul Sand now how am I going to like find anything oh daylight Daylight’s starting to fade that’s not good that’s bad Billy stop dying you’re supposed to live the goal is to

Live to live a long fruitful life in fear of the demons that lurk in the shadows in the middle of the night I’ll take that book and I offered you supplies but you didn’t follow me and now here we are candles oh those are cool they’re like Christmas candles red and green I

Don’t want them they don’t fit with the Halloweeny theme going on here I want that the Spooks the Spooks that never left the fact that I’m stuck here for eternity just infused with the darkness that is a part of this world I want that golden carrot and I need the carrots

From the other one too give me that bread I’m not going to make my own bread I want I want it from the graves I want the undead to make the bread that way I can just steal it you know that just that just feels like the right decision to

Make if as long as I make them make the bread then they don’t get upset or something I don’t know excuses I got mum oh that’s a neat way to do this he’s on my way you can’t stop me I’ll Rob literally anything I can’t be contained it’s just it’s literally not possible

That that was mildly disappointing although the Wither Skull could probably useful oh never mind I can loot all these oh than Golden Apple thank you wither Rose I can’t raid any of these other ones oh there’s a monster spawner for skeletons I feel like that does nothing

I’m just going to leave it there it’s fine skeletons can have their way with that what is this the tent Flint wheat Camp fish another tent chicken food wow that that actually has a lot in it hold on I’m put these up here no no no no no no that one doesn’t

Belong in there I feel like I’ve lost like a small portion of my my sanity here out of nowhere it’s just like bled out of me I have become in it become something of a Madman I have no idea what’s happening though raw meats feathers wool and some some Wheats so

They were like like living life here oh man Banner pattern a book I’ll take those give me that handles it’s like like like people like doing demon stuff over here was is that what’s going on I don’t know what that is but I need to go and raid it but

At the same time I don’t remember which direction I came from like at all uh hold on actually never mind no no no here we go here we go here we go yeah yeah cuz I raided this I can make it back I have freedom I have flag

I don’t like the situation that’s happening right now am I bugged something’s pulling me hold on I don’t know that I don’t know what’s going on with that I don’t know if that’s a bug or if that’s intended I’m like anchored to a spot here reset server it a server bug for

Hold on let me go to the console see if anything’s popping up with us interesting hold on is that is that an actual like problem resetting that I need to reset the server for oh I can move now it looks like wait what I move fine this

Way I I don’t know if you’re having trouble setting wheat seeds maybe something’s wrong with the server oh free Iron is that what you’re trying to say for F thought you were just telling me to reset it I I didn’t know why you were saying to reset

It I thought maybe I had robbed so many graves that I was being bound to the actual graveyard a Dark Wolf I don’t think I’ve seen a Dark Wolf it’s like that specific spot does not like me at all it keeps like forcing me out of it

Are you in that spawn point area if you’re in the spawn point area that that’s why you can’t plant all right though all freaking I I’ll I’ll figure this out like later I guess I don’t know what the heck’s happening with that it’s very odd and it’s like when I try and leave

It pulls me in so I don’t know if it’s like an actual like server issue where I bound to the spot due to something or if this is like an intended function from the graveyard mod um but yeah I I’m going to I’m going to

Call the stream here this has been a lot of fun I started losing frames again a little bit there but it seems like it was very very short lived uh Billy I’ll help you figure out the stuff don’t worry about that just I’m going to I’m

Going to pop off here anyways thank you all very much for watching take care stay out of trouble don’t catch anything on fire if you enjoyed your time here don’t forget to like comment and subscribe have a good night and ban out

This video, titled ‘There Is No Zombie Plague | Minecraft Modpack – Fear Nightfall’, was uploaded by Bannith on 2023-11-25 06:00:12. It has garnered 40 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:28 or 13348 seconds.

The Modpack being used in this stream! This one feels like a lot of love and care went into making it so please consider giving it a go! – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More