We Survived 100 Days as the ULTIMATE INVENTORS in MODDED Minecraft!

Video Information

In today’s video Noah Xavier and I modernize Minecraft with marvelous machinery for a mechanical sauce chopping down trees to factories producing anything you want whenever you want this mod pack does it all watch as we craft Contraptions that Boggle the mind join us as we spend 100 days industrializing Minecraft in the mod

Pack create above and beyond If we were gonna go from caveman to capitalist we needed supplies Noah feared the consequences of our industrial Ambitions but I was able to change his mind after that we got some wood made some tools got some Stone and while our tasks seem simple now little

Did we know that things were about to get very complicated their requests there were professions there was even a marketplace where we could take some of our items and sell them for coins but we didn’t want to get ahead of ourselves the sun had set we had no food so we had

To sustain ourselves off of the diet of kelp and while things seemed Grim we spotted some birds and we took that as a sign that we would soon be soaring to success so we thank the birds for their inspiration by keeping them warm in our mouth after that we found the side of

What would soon be our home now this next house it wasn’t gonna be fancy like the last one to be honest this site was going to be more of a factory than a home all we really needed was a roof over our head and seeing how it was

Already day two I felt that we were already falling behind once the house was finally complete it was time to get to work and that meant sleepless nights our first real task was to make algal Blends a combination of kelp and Clay this was the base for another material

Known as andesite alloy these Alloys were going to be crucial if you wanted to make any of the machines and there are a lot of machines to make for the first time ever I actually found myself Mining andesite and with it I crafted our first machine we also needed to dip

Our toes in tinker’s construct I made a little smeltery and then I went down into the cave to mine some ores after a day’s worth of mining we finally had all the supplies and all the tools we needed to make our first machine we love technology We made a mechanical press a machine that flattens ingots into sheet metal all that innovating worked of an appetite and with no food we needed to start a farm after that it was crucial that we made the other machines and then upgraded them with one of the first

Upgrades being the addition of a conveyor belt we were one step closer to automation because now we could have the items move from point A to point B all by themselves little by little piece by piece we added more machines to our Factory including this mechanical saw God are the days of

Primitive axes after that we decided to take a little stroll through the woods and that’s when we came across a suspicious site now at this point our main problem was getting ingots you see every time we put ore in a furnace we wouldn’t get ingots we got

Nuggets and it takes nine nuggets to make an Ingot so we needed to find a way to get the most out of our ore which brings us to the millstone it’s a grinder that turns your ore into powder we then took the powder and washed it with water using our mechanical fan we

Got more nuggets than we would have if we just put it in a furnace but we needed to take it a step further if we combined the millstone with the mechanical fan we could have our auras grinded and washed and then put in a chest all without having us interfere

Well I was working on that no one was deep underground working on a project of his own remember we needed andeside and a lot of it so what better way to get that than by making an andeside generator blocks come out they get broken and then they go into the chest

Up on the surface Xavier tinkered away at his own machine he made an assembly line and this assembly line allowed us to produce machine parts that would be essential for making every other thing in this mod pack I then remembered you could buy things through the marketplace

But I didn’t have any coins luckily for me one of the tasks was pretty simple all I had to do was write a reason why I needed money and it was just given to me with my coins I was able to buy a professional being a carpenter looked

Pretty easy so I went with that I could now sell wood for cash my next goal was to build a kelp Farm you see I was getting pretty sick of having to swim out into the ocean for Kelvin so why not just grow it in the lake and to add on

To that why not build a machine that automatically harvests the kelp and takes it to where it needs to go but one of the materials I needed was slime and well there wasn’t a single slime to be seen luckily slime was craftable the only thing I needed was some lime dye so

I left the island I said sail with the hopes that I would find the materials to make lime dye then I discovered some ruins I explored a little and found out that some of the pots actually had some loot in them nothing spectacular but it was fun anyway

And sunset I made my way through what looked like the aftermath of a forest fire the ground the trees the plants everything was charred other than that there wasn’t much to see so I made my way back home but I did find some ferns along the way and with ferns I could

Actually grind them in to die now that I had my slime I could finally complete my machine after that I decided to clean up the area I wanted to make the platform a little wider just make it more pleasing to the guy as for Xavier he was working

On a new machine that I had never seen before this looked like a pretty powerful device and I was waiting for something amazing to happen but yeah anyways the next morning I logged in to find out that Xavier made a new addition to our base after that it was time to generate more

Materials including sand as well as wood thanks to Noah’s automatic tree farm that was going to be easy it was now time to connect all the machines to make one super machine everyone got to work Xavier started making new generators knewa was trying to figure out a way to

Get his blocks up to the surface and I’d laid the foundation for our new assembly line halfway through we got a surprise visit from our friend Robert this was him after he found out how much we pay by the hour ourandesite alloy machine was finally coming together

I’m not gonna lie it looked pretty ugly our next job was to cover it up you know make it look pretty so we built a frame around it and from there we decided to construct our first official Factory we went with an old Lumber Millwork and I

Gotta say I think it came out great we also made the machine more easily accessible by adding walkways and railings because before well we were just falling off into the water after that we needed to address our iron issue even though we had set up an ore

Refinery it just wasn’t enough so it was time to make an iron farm and what better way to do that than by kidnapping a couple of villagers scaring them with a zombie and having an iron golem spawn although kidnapping villagers it’s not as easy as it sounds those guys put up a

Fight it’s time to go to heaven my child before we took our new friends to the base I discovered an underwater mindset and thought to myself hey why not take a little break and I am so happy that I did because I hit the jackpot shortly

After Noah and I set up the villagers there at the dock after that it was time to build the iron farm now I’m gonna be frank the iron farm design wasn’t mine I got it off of a YouTube video so there’s that the trickiest part of putting this

All together was actually getting the villagers into the farm we had to set up a little rail system so that we could push him into carts and then cart them all the way to the top I’m sorry did I say that was the hardest part no the

Real hardest part was actually getting a zombie to go into the tiny little one by one hole that we had made for it and just when I had finally done it this happens we got it done eventually and after that we had more iron than we knew what to do

With with everything we had accomplished it was time to move on to the next chapter Noah and I hopped on a boat and we said sail because now we have to find a material known as Sky stone that could only be found in meteors it didn’t take

Long until we found some and after we mined the whole thing we then came to the realization that we only needed one block but why did we need it this skystone was an ingredient for a recipe to make destabilized redstone a type of red liquid that we would be using for

Our next assembly line we also needed to familiarize ourselves with new technology such as pipes and pumps and spouts and all things having to do with transporting molten Metals thankfully Xavier had already set that up for us his little machine was everything we needed to get started good thing too

Because it was time to grow some crystals more specifically service quartz and the only way to grow it was by spraying a tiny seed with a little bit of water but before we can move forward we had to lay an old friend to rest Robert’s corpse had been

Decomposing in the factory for a while and at this point it was something of a safety hazard With that tour out of the way we can finally move forward if we were gonna grow more crystals we needed a little bit of room so it was time to make another building but this one was gonna be different at this point wood was just simply too primitive

If we were gonna build something it needed to be made out of a material that reflected our current technological standing it was time to upgrade to Brick at least the floor was going to be made out of brick the rest of the building was going to be made out of granites and

For some reason people hate this block but I think it’s kind of nice so yeah after a couple days the building was finally taking shape I spent a lot of time putting the windows together but I think it was absolutely worth it because just look at how the sunlight passes

Through them with the walls up all we had to do now was just build the ceiling and after that we would be set to move forward and even though I had built most of the thing by myself Noah eventually decided to join me but he didn’t get

Very far we laid out the conveyor belts set up the pipe system and we even did a little Landscaping on the outside it was simply a matter of figuring out what was gonna go where now we were working with limited space granted we could have made

The building bigger but I didn’t so the task at hand was to figure out a way to condense all the machines in a way where they would still work for example it’s instead of making a conveyor belt go from one end of the room to the other we

Were just gonna have the conveyor belt go in a circle it’s safe space we can grow crystals and thanks to the mechanical arm we can have those crystals move from one belt to another the next day we made another new addition to the factory do you remember that skystone we collected from the

Meteor well this area was dedicated just to that grinding the sky Stone mixing it with water and making Sky Stone solution the black liquid in the tank in order to get this liquid from point A to point B we were gonna need a lot of pipes which

Meant we’re also gonna need a lot of copper now copper well I just didn’t feel like mining it took too long and if we were going to mine it we were just gonna get nuggets back and we needed ingots so instead I decided to put my

Tray to use I was gonna sell some wood and make some coins and see if we could just buy some it wasn’t even worth it a stack of wood for one silver coin that’s a scam I quit my job as a carpenter and instead it became a blacksmith I could

Sell armor for four pieces of silver and it wasn’t a problem because we had unlimited iron thanks to our iron farm now things were going great but we ran into a problem see before we were able to power all of our machines with water using the water wheel but ever since we

Transitioned to the furnace generator all of our power has been coming from burning wood so it was time for Noah to switch on the old wood Farm the only problem was that the saplings had overgrown the actual machine and when we switched it on the trees were actually

Moving with the saws we then decided to explore new technologies such as the mechanical crafter basically an automatic crafting table just the thing we needed if we were going to produce more service Court seeds one Crystal goes in two seeds come out speaking of crystals Noah was working on a rig that

Would allow us to recharge service quartz and once he finished his Loop we finally had a source of destabilized redstone with all the machines finally working together in beautiful Harmony we could finally craft our next item polished rose quartz and with the polished rose quartz we were gonna make

Electron Loops but the only way we could make that was if we had a steady flow of iron going into the factory and the iron it had to be melted now at this point the only way we could melt iron was with our smell tree but we could only melt

Three ingots at a time so you can imagine that was gonna take way too long so Noah got to work and he built us a new smell tree which was directly under the iron farm and thanks to the power of droppers the iron would instantly fall

Into the smell tree melts and thanks to a series of pipes it would then be transported into the factory where it would then be deposited onto the polished rose quartz thus creating electron tubes now before we could finish the assembly line we needed a steady flow of brass this meant we would

Have to construct a new area next to our brick building an area dedicated to Melting oars and mixing them and the only way to make brass was by mixing copper and zinc then all of a sudden out of nowhere Xavier joined the game for some reason Noah was very aggressive

Towards him then Xavier decided to kill him after accusing him of committing treason it was time to make three large Vats two of the Vats would connect to mixers and once the mixers mixed all the stuff together to create brass then the brass would be pumped into the third vat

Where it would be stored until we needed it now here I am minding my own business then all of a sudden we’re getting raided Noah must have killed an illager or something because these guys just came out of nowhere and one of the ravagers almost killed me luckily we

Beat the raid but it came at the cost of Noah’s life then after that a creeper found its way into our house poor guy you look pretty comfy now we could have taken it a step further but I was getting a little tired of being in

The factory I wanted to build so I decided to build something that would be useful now in this mod pack it was possible to harness the power of wind so I decided to make a windmill now when I was building the windmill I just built

It with the intent that it was going to be cosmetic and this ended up being one big decoration I knew this thing was going to be huge and over the course of multiple Minecraft days I ended up creating something that would Tower over everything else we had already built now

Once I had built the Tower it was time to install the blades and this part proved to be trickier than I thought it would be in order for this to actually work we ended up having to craft glue to be honest I didn’t even know there was a

Thing until we needed it but when all is said and done we finally had a beautiful working windmill but the blades were kind of small so yeah that needed to be fixed but once they were bigger everything just came together after that I’d built the roof and the windmill was finally complete

Now by the time the windmill was up we were nearing the end of our 100 days and I’m not gonna lie but we weren’t even halfway stunned there was still so much that we had yet to invent but even though we had so much to cover in the

Future it was nice for the three of us to just stop and admire what we had already accomplished our journey with this mod pack was far from over it looks like we’re gonna need another 100 days hopefully we’ll see you there thanks for watching we’ll see you next time foreign

This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days as the ULTIMATE INVENTORS in MODDED Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2022-10-15 00:26:41. It has garnered 964469 views and 24460 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:28 or 928 seconds.

We Survived 100 Days in Minecrafts Create: Above and Beyond! And by survive, I mean we made it through with our sanity intact…

—————————————————————————————- Want to play this modpack with friends?

Promocode: “Doublesal” for 25% off your server! https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal


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Modpack: Create Above and Beyond

Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-above-and-beyond


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    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

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