Video Information

Hello can you hear me oh my God I’m so nervous I’ve never played Minecraft before ah I’m so nervous nervous nervous what the heck hello everybody I’m a little tired so you’re gonna get a little bit cozy Vibes today I had a really really long day so you’re gonna have very cozy Vibes

Hello good morning good afternoon good evening hello Foos Leonardo cancel diabolic Night Owl ever Vitaly Vitale Emma Leo ducky Victor Yvonne alcohol thank you so much by the way for the gifted members alcohol and body suta I really appreciate that excited to see me play for the first time ever me too Jason

I’ve heard really good things about this game I’ve heard it’s just like Terraria but 3D and uh yeah I’m I’m just excited to play this game I’ve never played it before is there anything that I should know before diving into the game how did you do this I’ve never fell in

Asleep on the floor I’ve fallen asleep in a bath but not on a floor actually wait I’m lying I’ve definitely fallen asleep and like a floor and like a gym you know when you’re in school and you just take a nap during gym class yup korak hello and gaspag and lore hello hello

I am too I too am so excited Council I I just cannot believe I finally I finally am playing this game for the first time ever I’ve heard really good things about it both Uki and pomu keep telling me about this game dead spirit and amalo thank you so much

For the 14 months all right let’s begin shall we oh wait I don’t remember if I’m allowed to like show any of this so just in case let me I honestly don’t remember if I’m allowed to like be showing some of this stuff all right I feel like the music is fairly loud

Enough hmm mother maybe I’ll turn it up a tiny bit welcome to Minecraft thank you Miss I appreciate that oh I haven’t seen this before I mean I saw it the other day when I downloaded the game but this is nice Um so I’m guessing this is Mr tazumi himself I’ve heard I’ve heard some things about him I’ve heard that he’s a CEO entrepreneur Nina I had a thought at work he called Chad honey bunnies and foxes eat honey bunnies is Chad secretly a food source yes you are my source of food kidneys

Oxygen uh you are all my extra lives right if I were to die I am hoping you would all give up your life for me your life for the mom Messiah sailor thank you so much for the one month is that deal thank you for the 17. hi everyone

Oh my God I already spilled ice water on myself And I’ve already spilled water on myself this was supposed to be a cozy night stream Mother Will I ever find her mother oh my God my chair is so cold honestly Night Owl I really need a sippy cup I really need to start drinking from sippy cups oh my goodness Enchanted I’ll probably just be vibing I haven’t played this game in a really long time Oh I do this to myself is anyone joining me tonight no idea but maybe in about 30 or so minutes I might open up the Discord and if anybody joins that’s cool if they don’t that’s fine too everybody’s busy everyone’s doing their stuff All right let’s just pretend nothing happened okay Let’s just pretend nothing happened okay I can’t believe I already spilled my water Zeal thank you so so much for the super DM a bit loud I can turn it down and Leonardo thank you for the 10 gifted what the heck Hello everybody thank you for spoiling me foreign

Is it better for the bgm now thank you so much Leonardo nice capital letter name can I oh I can’t use these this is so cool so an Ian Senpai built this by the way I don’t know if he talked about it but Ibrahim built all of this

Uh probably in Creative I mean listen I’m not expecting everybody to build this not in Creative but what a cool everything how awesome is all of this right gosh and then look at the little floating lamps oh it’s so awesome it’s so so so cool did I see Starfield I

Actually I have a confession I did not watch any of the gaming shows I did not watch the game oh can I jump I did not watch the gaming show where they revealed the new Warhammer game I did not watch the gaming show where they revealed Final Fantasy 16. thank you Lex

Lava I appreciate it darling I like your hat it looks so cozy why is the fov so weird oh yeah is Quake oh this also wait I wonder if the fov is weird because we’re in this oh this is not good I think it’s because I’m in this world

Is that possible what it is maybe because I’m inside this kind of world oh look at how pretty the KR gate is oh that’s so pretty move somewhere oh I will be thank you so much Leonardo thank you thank you again for that oh what uh Oh I’m in the Korean server no no no no no no Okay well none of them are here so maybe cheeky sneaky exploration uh let me out let me out we’re going to Busan we’re gonna have some seafood we’re going to Jeju Island we’re gonna have some pork we’re gonna we’re going to Jeju Island we’re gonna have some pork okay everybody

I forgot how to play this game all right everybody I am going to get some Jeju black pork please take me to Jeju let me eat pork Nina mama from Ian Nina Mama Ian please take me to Busan let me eat seafood let me eat shrimp let me eat fish Nina Mama Ian

My skin what you don’t like my skin it’s been so long since you’ve heard my voice hi I think I’m just a little tired today since I usually stream during the day when I’m more energetic but when I stream at night I haven’t streamed at night in a really really long time but

When I stream at night I’m like I’m a little bit extra cozy verkaicho was here and it’s definitely better than hex boys don’t fight smile I sell silky smooth as usual even better okay I gotta I gotta get out of the server before I get in trouble I gotta get out

I gotta get out you like my skin what is it F3 F3 nope F2 nope F4 F5 you like it you like my skin G thanks just wearing it this way this way where oh I don’t want to break anything I don’t want to break anything

I don’t want to break anything all right whose house is this Guest House pog sorry that was an accident beautiful city I want to live in so neat I love KR server I am in shambles thank you for this lovely experience so beautiful I almost cried um sorry someone broke your window [Laughter]

Wasn’t me oh this is so pretty oh my goodness look at them everybody’s sleeping together like a rainbow I love it happy Pride KR happy Pride niji Sanji this is this is so cute I want to sleep with everybody that would be nice oh one Emerald oh

Nice all right let’s get out of here let’s go home I want to play the game every single moment that I’m in the KR server I want to break a window and I feel like breaking windows in other people’s homes is rude breaking windows in your own home is less rude right

If I the longer I Stay please no break if the longer I stay the more I’m gonna I’m gonna vandalize and hey I have to stop vandalizing I have to go I have to not vandalize hold on I have to go I cannot vandalize I have to stop

I have to stop vandalizing it’s not good all right where were we what did I miss okay perfect let’s go back home hmm I’m sorry everybody please no stop don’t tell anybody please we will tell them for sure please don’t I didn’t do it on purpose

In the box and what is this is that a beard oh my God can you even hear the music by the way I can barely hear it wait what what wait what What oh I’m streaming why why do I look like you what did you do Am I crazy did you hack me Ah I’m wearing her head how do I take it off oh oh never mind never mind never mind forget it forget it sorry I’m new to the game just started today [Laughter] But she hacked Nina your age is showing what I can’t read too good you have to cap you have to type big laughs oh my God I’m so sorry okay am I wrong for assuming pomu would do something to sabotage me I just I just feel that it is a very pomu-like thing to want to sabotage me right I’m not being full of myself when I say that like everybody can kind of see that right I’m not being crazy when I say I think pomu is very very likely to do this to me

Oh my God poor baby girl why do I have all this Cobblestone it’s my first time in the game why do I have all these items what’s going on oh why do I have all this stuff I guess I was cooking stone for something

Oh is it cooking Snow for oh my God that scared me will I marry you as a friend sure horse baby I will marry you as a friend I will marry you as a friend baby you got this okay so I didn’t give chickened

All my stuff is still oh this is so nice all my stuff is still here y’all I haven’t been back in this game in Forever oh I mean it’s my first time playing this game ever oh I feel really bad I left so many unfinished projects look look unfinished unfinished fox is right

There that was me I did that can I marry you for tax evasion um can we both evading taxes or is that like a one person in the relationship type of thing because we could but I’d have to be the one because I’m already halfway there I don’t know oh hello little guy

Hello hi I’m so sorry everybody I speak to animals like this Is oh my goodness that’s you you hi Hello darling hello hi hello hi hi hello my God you jumped so high would I murder it it’s one of you come on come on we’re gonna murder it all right do you think pomu remembers oh where is it I had I had her frog

Bible oh no I actually remember what happened I had her frog Bible and then I died in the lava ah oh I forgot about that so I did have the Frog by oh no the honey bunnies are drowning live no you must live Don’t Drown please

No this was ages ago I don’t think I can get sued for that because that happened too too long ago um yeah I remember ages ago I had the Frog Bible and then when I was running in the nether I think I got like rammed

By a pig and I fell into the lava so uh no I didn’t put it in my nether chest because I just checked my nether chest look look I don’t have it in my nether chest oh man but it’s fine she’ll never know I’m sure she forgot about it she’ll never know

She’ll never know I died to a rosebud I know oh look at that big tower there’s so much new construction there’s so much new stuff I want to see that I missed I’m never going in uki’s house again I died going into ukis before beware of dog uh that’s a horse

It’s not a dog what are you talking about baby time for TFT how is the new TFT I saw that there’s a really big tournaments with like a thousand people right entering and a thousand streamers entering all right I forgot when Uki opened a cafe right in front of my Cafe

But at uki’s defense I never finished building my Cafe so this is lazulite Cafe Pogo also opened the cafe obsidia Cafe oh okay never mind I take it back yeah wait I gotta be honest for you for a second I forgot that excellent came after you Luna so I was waiting for like

It to say question mark like who’s coming and I was gonna be like oh my God confirmed there’s a new wave happening that’s why they’re they’re teasing us with the cafe but no there isn’t they’re just I’m from sorry absolate I forgot I was gonna use I was gonna say this joke

I was gonna be like oh my god oh they’re about to have more people oops I’m sorry excellent I love you all you are very memorable and precious to me yeah I missed so oh is this how you open the door aha Aya built this is so pretty

Thank you Ultra I’m glad you’re enjoying it here into oh this is so pretty Aya is such a good girl even though she’s a little dorky she’s still such a good girl heck all right let’s go see a city I mean etherea Cafe the best one right

She’s not done yet I mean she’s never gonna be done niji Sanji is always going to be launching waves now we’re in the best part of town yes okay I have a bench a table a table okay who’s pink mother wait a second am I in the right place

This is n all right then who’s thinking who’s Orange mother Is this Millie orange and rainbow is Pink I knew that I knew that I knew that I knew that I think Aya put an unfair amount of details in Millie and Anna’s Cafe um I know that she’s the one building the cafe and she’s allowed to do

Whatever she wants but I am sensing some very clear million and a favoritism um I mean look at the table look at like just all the work all the little banners hanging the amethyst the the lights under the tables look at Millie’s having library and books Millie doesn’t even

Know how to read and she’s got books she’s got a little lava she’s got different colored mushrooms what do I have I have a flower and a lantern I have nothing I have nothing else that makes my Cafe stand out or pretty so and I say this but rainbow has got even

Less than me I at least have the little banners hanging rainbow doesn’t even have that so I am sensing some very very clear favoritism towards Millie and Anna I’m hoping that it’s just because she didn’t have the time to finish I am hoping that it’s just she didn’t

Have the time to finish she didn’t know how to finish it but I’m I don’t like this I don’t like this at all right let’s see the boys if the boys Cafe is nicer oh in the cafe first of all this is not sanitary second

Of all why don’t I have a fox and this is not even a real fox he’s a man he’s a boy I am a fox woman where’s my fox in the cafe they have music CDs on the walls they have an armor stand they have Diamond lanterns the fox is eating something

Okay Aya I am sensing some very clear favoritism I am sensing some very clear favoritism kill the fox but you gotta relax I saw you earlier say you gotta kill the rabbit Now kill the [ __ ] I want my money back thank you virulent it’s my first time streaming this game

I want my money back wow what money the money that I paid to enter this Cafe Aya I’m gonna have a bone to pick with her I’m gonna have to fight if I join if I join voice call later and she comes in come on this is so cute okay I have to

Be honest this is a little I love that there’s just a little eye ahead I I do admit this is a little barren um but it’s got a lot of personality I think it’s got a lot a lot of personality like the books the hanging candles the ceilings oh my goodness

They have art excellent gets art unbelievable when is it my turn to get art all right I I am disappointed um my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined let’s see the lazulite cafe Yeah wait that’s me why am I in the lazulite cafe why wait a second what’s going on I’m lazulite what what is going on also I’m sorry but look how dorky I was gonna say look how dorky fidana looks but I look the same I’m gonna say look how dorky finana

Looks but I look the exact same I got the same little dorky faces I am the new Elyria Pandora as well as a surprise seat I got a memory test All right give me the surprise pests uh na mama or is that neat no that’s me na mama why did I say top Nina mama uh that’s yo right and not I think okay no that’s whole I know that’s Kaaba with this the the little letters on it it’s different so I

Don’t know exactly what it’s supposed to be and then I know the other one is either whole but I don’t know what it’s supposed to be with the extra bar on it okay carrot I am gonna give you a timeout look buddy I know you’re really excited to see me kill things but

I I just think I just think I just think this is not the vibe for you my love I’m just out here living my best life and every time I look over you’re asking me to kill different things yeah thank you for the test though Darren thank you for the zupa

Aya said she’s not done with your section so hold on tight all right Professor Keem uh I will forgive you also wait no no no no no no I gotta fight what do you mean she’s not done with my section why is why is uh luxium section done um

Good luck CM debut before me hmm why is xla section done hmm why is he Luna section done I see what you mean that she’s not done but it is unfair I am being this free product that I received from my kohai being so nice is not the

Exact way I want it and I am unhappy the cat thank you so much for the super thank you thank you nobody here would ever snitch and tell Ayah that I am unhappy with her product Nina they let you in lazulite be happy nobody let

Wear but I do look very cute I just wish I wasn’t standing next to Pomo I wish I was standing next to finana you know also what a cute [ __ ] I have to say the lazulite cafe looks amazing I think this is my favorite one and then I really like the luxium one

And the um the obsidian was really pretty through this look at this K and then compare it to my empty little room put the head around when home isn’t looking like this I didn’t realize I had her head I thought Bobo hacked me late night stream yeah invitation I just

I didn’t have time to stream earlier today so I thought why not do a little late night stream tomorrow I am going to be playing a little quirky game called Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar which is just a little city building game from what it seems on Friday I’m

Going to be playing Diablo IV which I’m excited about I was watching iron Mouse play it all day and then Saturday we’re doing a little member stream and then we’re doing cruelty Squad and Sunday we are doing hardship breaker Helene thank you for the one month baby

All right you know what I am this Cafe pleased me greatly this was a nice experience thank you this this was a this was a great experience I do feel that the etherea cafe was not up to my standards and I think this place would get its five star

If the etherea cafe was better big feet the giraffe and zookeeper who built him who built Big Feet no worries Lexi thank you for hanging out hi I’m dish the fish have a lovely fine day that’s cute I like that welcome to Alvin’s arcade mother dorkio oh cute yeah

Is that supposed to be Alvin wait why does it look like a hamster is this supposed to be Alvin or Garfield this is Alvin right because I don’t think we’re allowed IP so yeah I think it’s out I think it’s Albin I think it’s Alvin because uh uh it’s definitely album definitely

It cannot be anybody other than Albin legally speaking it may not be another it has to be Albin completely can I just take this can I you all think yeah it’s illegally distinct album done thank you so much for the super cruelty Squad is gonna be a trip I was

Actually just talking to scarlet and asked her a little before the trip and uh before the trip before the stream and I was like Aster I’ve heard of Cruelty Squad you should play it at Oscar Gould that he’s like um I don’t know Nina game looks a little crazy to me game

Looks a little crazy to me sarbo me thank you for the four months thank you thank you all right where were we yeah this is definitely you know now that I’m looking at this again I don’t see Garfield at all um I only see Alvin oh my God block this is

What I need to make netherite tools right like this is what I need to make the purple tools right mother it definitely looks like Alvin I was wrong I was wrong it definitely looks like Alvin thank you well next week I am doing for anybody that is not aware

Next week I am doing a whole week of metal gear um a whole whole week of metal gear starting Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday maybe Saturday Sunday and my plan is to try and play as much metal gear as possible try to get as far

As I can I’ve got to see what I can do oh wait oh oh no I’m stuck oh no I’ll never get out I actually don’t even know if it’s working again I forgot how to play this game hello if it’s not working I will have to wait do I have to

Ask for help because that would be embarrassing no oh how do I do this I have to like jump up and put the trap door under me no yeah I think I have to put down the block but then I’m afraid that the water is gonna like

Right is the water not gonna Escape if I do that sorry Alvin sorry baby sorry darling you’ll never even know I was here oh what the heck is that how to play steel spyderio cereal for 10 points however if you get caught lie if you can’t lie you lose

Stealing serves by Dario’s eel Hello Mr spider hello Mr spider bring me oh this is dopio so it’s gonna make no sense right that’s okay so since this is dopios this is never gonna make sense oh whoa wait are these tiles moving or am I just Mike did the tiles move Whoa whoa what do you mean the tiles the collars are changing are the colors not changing that green was not there I’m done I’m done I’m not looking anymore I’m not looking anymore I know the tiles were changing you cannot prove me wrong cannot prove me wrong I know the tiles weren’t changing I mean were changing Mick Mack thank you so much for the super you could play chronologically

After you beat Metal Gear Solid 3 since you wanted to play the others um Bobo told me that after four is a good time to replay the previous metal gears what do you all think do you confirm or do not accidentally stole carpet whoops what do y’all think about that Cute is big I should have built a little bunny hole I should have built a little home in the shape of a bunny and called it my little bunny home she’d have built a little bunny head and lived inside my honey bunnies I regret not doing that I really do

All right hold on I don’t understand where everything is where am I this guy little pink hoop bed still build it’s true I still can Sink I thought it said stink wash your hands I thought it said sink it’s mellow’s toilet I love it it’s me I wish wait I was gonna say something but I didn’t think about it so I was like I wish I was and then I was gonna in us without pausing say

The next sentence and I oh uh I don’t want people to get the wrong impression of me mother why do I stream specifically despite you I don’t know I just woke up today and I’m like what is the worst thing I can do what is the most spiteful thing I can do

To my audience and then I thought screaming streaming that is the worst most spiteful thing I can do today and here I am streaming I could have harmed a honey bunny but I didn’t let me put these in my chest in my safe keeping chest he’s safe so I can upgrade my diamond

Sword with with this stuff right hold on how does this stuff work I’ve never seen netherride before I’m a little silly noob wow wow wow oh my God now my inventory is full now okay well calm down there game how do I make I have to probably do this right for the block

Can you not please is it this yes I remember you thought I would forget but I remember all right perfect smithing table mom letter craft letter craft I’m crafting baby I’m crafting doing my best doing my best crafting Okay so how do I upgrade again I have to do it at the

Little Forge right like the little Smithy Forge hmm like I have to do it at the little anvil like um you know the Road Runner where the Anvil the Acme Anvil falls on their head right cool cool do I need to be level 30 can somebody remind me like if I have my

Upgrades oh my God I forgot I have to like get upgrade do you have any Enchanted stuff ah no I’m gonna ask her what level she is do you have any spare levels oh did I not wait did I oh I think I closed my chat by accident how do I

Reopen my chat oh test oh no I how do I reopen my chat everybody help help I said emergency I don’t know what I did oh I can’t give you levels though Nina do you think you could in chat something for me Ah that’s how you get them that’s how you get them

Okay I need everything uh two pickaxes one with uh mending sword feather falling boots water breathing child kidding I’m kidding uh what are you willing to pay me I pay why would I have to pay my lovely senpai who keeps Minecraft so active for us oh I said everybody she’s gone

She’s gone she’s gonna hack me she’s gonna hack me she’s gonna she’s gonna bad things will happen bad things happen when Pomo rain puff is involved that’s all I gotta say she’s on to us everybody she’s on to us she already hacked that I look like her

Yeah see I started building this and then I stop building this so now poor Uki just has this to look at all the time I’m sorry Uki that I I ruined your vision of this I’m sorry Yuki I should maybe replace this with something transparent so Uki could actually see stuff afar

I did see the photo it’s very cute hello mikas fries how are you darling how are you thank you I am lowering his property value I mean look I already made a hole in the ground where he oh my God is that a bar oo moved on from the castle oh

I stayed there or however that lyric goes boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom uh where were we all right so it’s just everybody here right no oh how do I transform these guys you know what doesn’t matter I think I needed another tool that I don’t have right now unfortunately

Unfortunately oh I have to mine them oh my God I’m forgetting everything about this game I am completely and entirely forgetting this game I I don’t remember anything to make two by two oh the brick is two by two thank you everybody you’re so helpful

I forget you’re here to help me why am I doing things by myself and I have you to help me my loves I have you to guide me to help me to nourish me okay so four by four nice nice thank you everybody nice thank you I appreciate you

Among all the universe of YouTubers you’re my Saturn you’re my Uranus baby thank you thank you for the two months darling Good Times happen all the time where did Pablo go why did she leave when I asked her for help why did you leave when I asked her for for items

She went to sleep no no it’s 10 P.M why did she leave when I asked her for help let this be a memory and a lesson to all of you when you ask for more rainbow for help she leaves I needed her in the moment I needed her the most she vanished

She is my avatar I just can’t believe it I needed her mother I needed her to help me I came to her as a woman begging for her help I love you Mom I love you too saki baby hello horse I just I just want everybody to be witnesses to what happened today

I asked for help and I got turned away violently disgustingly it’s not fair it’s not nice but it happened to me okay all right uki’s Castle is incredible there’s so many people in this game that build such amazing things and uh I exist I sometimes exist hello Jesse McCartney

He doesn’t look like Jesse McCartney how are you and you’re beautiful soul I don’t want just anyone to hold I don’t want my love to go to waste how are you in your beautiful soul am I crazy for wanting you did you all know and I’m asking because

I didn’t know up until the other day he actually wrote Bleeding Love it was supposed to be his song but instead it was given to Leona Lewis ended up being amazing Pomo built here homo you suck you left when I needed you have I been to the library I haven’t I

Want to go to the planetarium in the library can you all guide me where it is I want to explore them oh whoa what is this oh wait I’ve seen this I think I saw this last time wow oh what the heck is this sorry the library is gonna have to wait

Creating a slimy Farm oh my God is this Humane conditions for him by the way do you think he’s happy does he know that he’s strapped in there do you think he knows do you think she robbed him of a life of happiness he seems to be jumping from Joy or

Jumping from pain do Iron Golems dream of EDM I was trying to think of a Tiesto song but I can’t um stop breaking record I don’t know how it goes Oh I have a gr ah okay I gotta I gotta close it up before Pomo realizes I did this I gotta I gotta close this up before she realizes I was here why were you taking your my stuff I’m like you never gave me levels so I was digging for levels

That’s not how she sounds but that’s the voice I’m gonna give her I was never here oh my God iron I love iron it’s perfect all right how does the guardian farm work do they automatically die and I just slurp the XP like because if so I’m gonna go there and

Then I’m gonna get my Ned the right stuff and then we’re gonna go mine the nether or something you have to kill them oh that’s copper yeah I know this is so nice this is so awesome Guardian Farms give you in exchange for pain how much pain and how much pleasure

Because if it’s a little bit of pain and a little bit of pleasure that’s fine welcome back homo welcome back I am getting levels oh you’re still on yes I am live she’s gonna be like oh by the way she and Uki have been asking me to download the game

And now she’s all like eh you’re still uh unbelievable unbelievable I’m just gonna mind my business mind my iron this is so pretty this is so pretty all right uh what would be a good place for me to level up everybody so I could actually make some netherite stuff I’m a

Little new baby beginner nice what do y’all think oh my God there’s pirate over there I mean stuff Guardian Farm could you guide me to the guardian Farm just helping illuminate this place wait where’s the hold on a minute chateau amate Ur wait what was there no you all remember seeing

Nina there were stairs oh I knew that oh it’s on the other side whoops whoops I knew that I was just testing you all to see if you’re paying attention is that a hole oh who did this I’m gonna clog up this wait should I be clogging up that hole right that’s dangerous

Somebody could have fell I could have fell wait what it was over there you Liars oh it’s over here no no don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I know what I’m doing trust me I know what I’m doing I’m gaining experience not enough

Who needs the stairs when you have experience you know what the stairs don’t give you muscles in your legs you know what gives you muscles in your legs not the stairs thank you it’s just it’s a shame that I have such a good point all right can somebody explain to me how

The guardian Farm works so they attacked me back so should I need good good um armor or nah nope it is stairs are never the answer is this raw fish I don’t Define Raw what you call Raw I call uncooked I personally love uncooked fish so thus I consume uncooked fish

Find raw fish baby Define that you say raw fish what do you mean by that what do you mean by raw fish talk to me it’s just a little fishy I love beef tartar okay I forgot to cook my fish it’s fine it happens to the best of us

Everybody be quiet rosami texted me everybody quiet sorry everybody I just heard things are a priority gossip do you think that is what I do do you think I gossip with people honey name one time I have done one gossip when have I ever know thank you for tuning in darling

Thank you thank you thank you listen darling I am doing a late night stream just like before Late Night Minecraft I know it never happens and here we are thank you so much for the super baby thank you for supporting me are you enjoying the Cozy Vibes it’s

Been a while I like it I just need something to do I think I’m gonna mind I think I’m gonna give myself a mission I think this is why I’ve been really struggling with Minecraft before is that I feel like I never have so are you gonna give me stuff

She just think I forgot that I begged her for things I won’t forget what do you want pickaxe sword shovel ax helmet uh boots armor Um gloves diamond or better and can’t Enchanted to their best I have an Alicia that Sony gave me if nobody stole it God is this an upside down home could I do it later girl I was kidding who don’t own me I’ll get it myself

Oh my God she’s busy what is she doing what is she doing what is she busy with sorry oh it’s fine I don’t need your help you should prioritize your projects and well-being over my silly little things Oh my goodness ryoka thank you so much Every day you should wake up and live your best life and go to sleep feeling proud of yourself are you proud of yourself For me personally helping out my fellow woman women makes me proud of myself I am happiest what is not helping that I’m laughing so hard I love you dark boy I’m sorry you’re having a rough day and I’m not laughing at you I’m laughing foreign Oh my God I’m in such a silly goofy mood I am in such a silly goofy it’s a b or not to be just gonna mute me she’s gonna kick me from the server that is what I ask myself to be in service to my fellow man or to not be in service

We in it only for myself my goals my dreams disregarding other okay I’m done She’s gonna kick me she’s gonna kick me from the service oh I am happiest those days where I find joy in small things like helping others laughs Yoga I will look in just a minute I promise I just need a second I just eat a minute she’s like muted chat for sure God for listening to me today When I am unsure my prayers can be heard I know you see them and hear them no I know you hear them within you I know Minecraft well no how do I say this I should have written frog god because people will think I’m like ribbon okay that was great all right

We’re worried okay uh I like the library as a concept I ordered my Warhammer 40K books oh it’s a little guy oh wait oh was I not is he trapped or no am I supposed to look at it I’m not supposed to look at him am I he’s not actually like trapped dizzy

Oh no I accidentally was looking at him because I thought he was a librarian whoops my bad Julie I have not broken a single window ever I don’t know what you’re talking about no Cobalt pomu said she’s gonna order the metal gear book for me good evening mother the Minecraft

Addiction recovery center claims that they had an escape patient that looks an awful lot like you would have happened to know anything about that would you first of all yoka thank you so much for your extremely generous thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate you also no that’s crazy

I don’t know who that might be but it’s definitely not me I don’t know who that could be yeah oh my God that scared me it’s definitely not me so konini Yeah I have no idea who it could be oh my God has Mr building a whole oh oh my God was I supposed to press that is that bad did I break I hope it’s okay oh it is an elevator so I was supposed to stand in it whoops how is it gonna

Come down I have a question is it gonna come down or am I just uh oh okay operation save the elevator what the heck Mr built all this when did he do all this this is amazing I didn’t know Mr could build oh [ __ ] that’s bad that’s bad that’s real bad

There’s water outside perfect perfect because Ah that’s bad this is not good thank you so much ryoka for the Aqua Spa thank you thank you thank you for spoiling me I really appreciate you darling again I have no idea who that could have been sebi thank you for the vombership Murphy thank you

For the membership the wins thank you for the super what did I just tune into uh nothing I was saying a nice prayer to the Frog man to the Frog man God the one the only Mr Frog himself the man the legend the god nothing nothing too too serious nothing too stupid

Misses smarter than I thought which is a lot yeah Mr built that I know please don’t act so surprised okay please don’t you know please don’t don’t be so shocked and appalled uh he used Creative Mode come on I gotta do that mother Thank you Lily I’ll have to check it another time I’m uh maybe after I come back down where is the surprise in the library thank you so much Lily and Dover and think oh Sovereign thank you for the super telephone with that Solid Snake ask her

To give you another ride tools and armor oh yo you know what I really miss my jam oh God I should have been like homo Mr Snake he willed for you to give me those items it was Mr snake’s will hello little foxy oh my God they’re so cute

Perfect just going back down wait what oh is this possible I didn’t know you could do this let’s face me there’s my little hole holes my little hole I am right here oh the new voice backs are out oh my God everybody hold on mother’s gotta advertise

My dear honey bunnies as you may be aware I have not had a voice pack come out in a very very long time but now I may be you’re right there is a new voice pack out where you can get with me scarlet box or Mr red in the en side

Yes it is true we are the brides to be I have to say I feel like I look so young on this art don’t I I feel like I just looked so young so beautiful in this art will you still love me when I am no longer young and beautiful baby oh beautiful

Beautiful beautiful and the stabs are so pretty oh my goodness pretty pretty stabs I’m wearing an extremely short dress all right hold on I have my photos but I uh hold on hold on hold on I have my photos let me download them and then I can show you on stream really quickly

Are you ready oh my God this is a little hashtag ad hashtag sponsored as you may be aware I have not been in a voice pack in a really really long time because I missed a lot of the deadline I have been not great with deadlines but now all of this is Forgiven

Here baby let me show you everything hold on beautiful acrylic stands look at us I’m going to show you just Ian look how young I look look how young and pretty and Spunky I look with my short little dress with my tie highs look how nice and young and Spunky I

Have to say scarla looks very feminine and gorgeous and beautiful red looks very very nice Vox looks just like box always does Mr Millard himself what else do we got oh look at her look at her look she looked so young she looked so pretty she looked so spunky

Larry King thank you for the super ideal engagement ring headed to the jewelry store one that dispenses wine ah such a cute little baby of course there’s gonna snapshots if you want to get some snapshots look how pretty our snapshots are so cool so cute so pretty

Um what else what else there’s gonna be little badges so Group B all the girls together you can get some of our badges look how cute we are I have to say Scarlet with a little shush me doing the little Kong so cute there’s gonna be a little charm charm ring

You want to have the key to my heart baby uh race let’s set oh I didn’t even know I did know because I made a message but um it’s nice it’s pretty it’s nice and pretty oh a secret message listen I know that I am currently telling you you know advertising a product

Please be mindful of your own money and your own spending do not feel like you need to spend crazy money on anything I think if you only have a little bit of money to spend I definitely think voice back and maybe the acrylic stand or you know the

Snapshots are really cute you don’t need to spend a crazy amount of money baby I will love you regardless of if um you I will love you regardless of if you are buying figurines or not all right look at the cute stand I have to say

This stat actually is so nice you get the little NK in the background it’s nice I like it that makes me happy but yes the big thing new voice pack actually wait let me retweet the tweet oh your Fox mom is a bride I almost rode Bridge yes honey let’s get married

I can’t wait there is a sample hold on yes honey let’s oh okay thank you so much for the raid baby thank you thank Uki don’t look at the new niji Sanji merch I already know you’re gonna be simping for Vox and Wren don’t even look

I actually have an ookie figurine at my house it’s one of Uki eating cake thank you for the raid ookie ookie do you know where the guardian Farm is I want to go I want to see the guardian Farm I don’t want to see your planetarium soon too

Thank you so much welcome welcome Stargazer stargazers don’t look there’s new merch and voice packs uh let me see if Uki participated in this one for sure niji Sanji Oh hold on group e n Uki Violetta English version and ukivialetta Japanese version Oh my God ookie you’re spoiling us roseme Lovelock Nina kosaka lukakanishiro baksakuma Maria marionette oh my goodness Uki with the Japanese and the English wow I like that I like it I like it I like it meloko also bilingual

Koto also bilingual oh my goodness all right sample from scarla oh my I think they’re going to start the first dance we should go out there too oh so cute oh don’t worry I’ll show you how oh my gosh Scarlett taking over show me how guide me

If I get to feel close to you even for just a little moment that’s all anyway let’s continue oh anyway where were we let’s continue um where were we I let’s continue um uh uh uh but we could listen to scarlers again that was nice oh my

I think they’re going to start the first dance after the bride and groom finish we should go out there too oh don’t worry I’ll show you how we can listen to it again oh my I think they’re going to start the first dance after the bride and groom finish we

Should go out there too oh don’t worry I’ll show you how let’s listen to the guys one I’m kind of curious all right the language of flowers huh it’s pretty cool that each flower represents something different oh white roses can also mean I’m worthy of you sounds like

The perfect flower for a wedding I love Vox Vox is great but I just I I cannot when I hear Vlogs do Rosie hello Baby Rosie would you be my bride do you promise me did we get married with everybody I’m sorry I just whatever I hear boxes like deep voice

I get scared because I don’t know what I’m gonna hear next I just I can’t okay let me try you don’t look any less beautiful about your breasts isn’t it you say it’s thought about your eyes if it’s not about the eyes what is it about Vox how could he say that

All right fine fine we’re gonna listen to my vocal sound full ah if I get to feel close to you even for just a little moment that’s all I really need it makes me feel happy cozy warm I feel safe with you ah anyway um please take me and Scarlett to be your

Brides okay we’re lonely please and Rosie me too she did her voice back as well I think I saw her somewhere in here didn’t I oh Yeah she did but I don’t think there’s a sample for roseme give us Nina sample can we hear it uh so they’re only due samples for a few people each time this time it’s my turn to have a sample um last time I had a sample was um like a year ago

So now it’s my turn to have a sample sorry let me live my Limelight love love Light Lime love lime light light love yeah I can’t believe Uki rated me in the middle of an ad sorry but yeah anyway everybody what have we been up to huh let’s just pretend the last

10 minutes didn’t happen everybody looks really really great on the art I really liked uh rosamis art not long ago where she was with a little box of chocolates she looked very like uh ojosama right and he hear it again you can hear it on

The website if you just go to the I retweeted it but also hold on let me maybe new voice uh do you want do you take me honey bunny as your bride new voice talk are out and Mama’s got a sample you can hear smile

My God why did it have to happen tonight I’m so embarrassed I’m so shy very loud bgm I’ll turn it down I don’t know why it’s awful loud for me but it’s very loud for you guys Thank you for letting me know oh it comes out June 15th oh well that’s today no in Japan or is it coming out June 15th EST as well because that’s in about two hours it comes out tomorrow you can still hear the sample still hear the sample um It’s already June 15 here right nidisanji is lying to me they say June 15 it is June 15 where is my voices where is my voices what have you done so far in my Minecraft comeback begged pomu for items Uki uh advertised our voice pack begged Pomo for items explored I went to

Mista’s Big Thing phones cave I mind a little bit I explored a little bit and I’m about to try and level up and actually get netherride items but yeah I asked pomu for items and she just logged out and then she logged back in as if nothing was happening and yeah

Oh yeah also pomu told me you know that she’s busy so I was like hey I understand live your life but remember Good Deeds take you to heaven I forgot my whole monologue but yeah I’m gonna go see your planetarium soon I want to see it I feel like I’ve seen it

Before because I remember seeing you build it right oh my God oh my God what hi pomu oh my God are you okay oh my God he scared me the little lamb scared me what about you you’re tearing me apart Tearing Up My Heart when you’re apart with me yeah When we are apart I feel it too It’s okay I I can manage by myself [Laughter] [Laughter] hi Irene thank you for the super thank you thank you thank you I just you know I can I can I can um I can manage oh oh Sigh No One Ever no one ever helps me around Minecraft [Laughter] uh hypothetically yeah today

Today no one and my last and my last [Laughter] [Laughter] oh I’m so sorry by the way if anybody is getting like a lot of of bad memories from their parents um I obviously don’t mean it I it’s obviously not serious it’s not like that um at all obviously uh wow

It’s not like that don’t worry about it don’t you know it’s not that deep it’s not like that hey even he’s like what have you done since you came back nothing I terrorize spooky if you’re still lurking you know what I’ve done since I’ve been back to Minecraft I’ve terrorized pomu

That’s it I genuinely don’t think I’ve done anything other than terrorizing pomu I don’t think there’s any better activity just like all time what did you do in Minecraft uh I was annoying thank you yeah does she feel about helping your fellow woman was like a plus I’m pretty proud of myself

I’m pretty proud of myself for that one how is your piano stream I’m gonna watch the VOD tomorrow when I cook I’m excited I’m gonna watch it tomorrow while I cook myself some nice breakfast um I know Uki you know maybe Yuki was a little nervous

I don’t know was stinky nervous I guess we’ll never know I cry in the middle of it oh I was gonna say oh I want to give you a hug but I can already hear ookie in my head going no no hug no oh going like Nina no no hug

Sorry you had a I’m hoping it was good tears right we cried sometimes having emotional streams like that is nice and just getting it out of the way it’s therapeutic gets you out gets it out of the way you know I get that I’m sorry that you all cried but I also

Know that it must have been it must have been a nice healing yeah together I feel like having a cry with other people just feels amazing oh what oh that is so nice the road oh my goodness oh wow to the end portal to the guardian Farm wow this is so cool

You should visit my moonshine and give an offering I will I need um I need some good luck for this week ookie I need a lot of good luck I am I’m having a good week but I’m gonna need some extra good luck can you give me the chords to your

Moonshine or tell me where I can go where it’s going to give me like where it’s gonna give me like a following where I can this road is such a nice idea I can’t wait oh my God I hope I cry tomorrow too when I listen to ify’s VOD

I’ll let you know if I do I’ll let you know if I experience the magic of crying oh yeah healing tears are the best wait what hello ban me wait a minute did she ban me to do it I think she did too I don’t think it’s lag so I wasn’t able to

I wasn’t able to do anything because instead of helping me like a good senpai and a good person you didn’t help me and made and and bullied me no not bullied I need a bat what’s a synonym of bullied and humiliated me [Applause] That’s good my fry we put on my bridge you’re my bridge oh I I was emotionally tormented no I want your help and not your oh my God she did that a while ago but I was you know why it’s because I was advertising the voice back lighting her I would never

I would never I would never I would never Gaslight her also Uki in my defense she gaslights me it’s like Equivalent Exchange it’s kind of like how we love each other you know we love each other by her gaslighting me and then on occasion I gotta slide her

Back today is not that occasion we’re just having a conversation but yeah Envy thank you darling yeah that’s why I didn’t do anything because I was advertising my voice back yeah it’s like we give each other the gift the gift of gaslighting you know The Gift of Gab the gift of a

Wait what oh okay was that broken I feel like I stopped it’s called a toxic relationship oh oh I’m about to die oh um it’s broken just swim I have to panic first it’s exciting to like Panic a little bit oh my God I only have two diamonds oh I

Have the netherite okay crouched to enter and exit aim above fence kill the guardian oh my God why are they making that now um uh uh I Yeah that’s a little weird sounds like macaroni okay where were we proud to enter is it C how do I crouch again is it shift okay okay and then aim above the fence so like here right doing it right let’s not bringing back memories for you yes of making macaroni in a pot

Gonna make you eat Cheetos macaroni I don’t think I’m aim a bit higher oh sorry I didn’t expect that I was gonna happen that scared me Oh my God this is gonna be so annoying I need to open the trap door spooky you’re like watching a baby learn how to ride the bike except I am the baby oh learning to ride the bike Okay that’s nice Can I still be crouching oh then I can’t hit them hello my God can I just blame pomu when things happen almost fall again just feel like she’s always right close it behind me oh am I supposed to oh like this right no that’s nice oh that’s nice oh that’s nice oh wait

That’s nice oh that’s nice oh that’s Pleasant wait Oh Okay that’s my experience by the way oh there it is Okay that was nice I’m level 32. hog oh that’s nice okay let’s upgrade something shall we let us hmm you know what I need I need lapis lazuli wow if only only the person who built this Farm thought ahead of placing blocks of lapis lazuli For The Travelers that would have been really nice that would have been great that would have been so thoughtful which one are you a fox I’m just gonna deny I’m just gonna pretend I’m just gonna pretend I’m gonna pretend I’ll be like I don’t understand which one who’s a fox

Oh my God don’t talk to my honey bunnies like that oh here they’ll hear you they’ll hear you talking about them in such a way stop please talk this way and we’ll be back we’re hurt what about my hurt I’m hurt oh never mind found it um

How do I take off the enchantment again is it here yep never mind I found it yup I found it never mind it it’s so nice isn’t that isn’t that nice somebody thought ahead somebody thought ahead for me wow yeah isn’t that nice I don’t know who did it but somebody sure did

Poor poke I’m Gonna Make Her regret ever getting me to install Minecraft again and then she’s gonna be like okay why were we asking her to download Minecraft I hate this for us oh so spicy and I’ll just be like laughs I’ll just fix this I’m sure she already regrets it do you

Do you already regret having me here God not talking to you I’m talking to God I’m talking to God okay oh my God this leveling up I have a lot of regrets I would too if I were you I would oh wait silk touch is good but I

Definitely need another one that isn’t suck touch right do I need anything else on the diamond ax than that wait oh oh nice my shovels are ready fog can I chant my pomu head no no enchantments on the Pomo head sad and I know what she’s gonna say the Pomo

Hits already the best that he can be no no it’s not it can definitely be better be a Nina head yay on breaking and mending is good I already have on breaking so I just need mending on everything right I’m surprised she hasn’t smited you yet why would she she’s

If she smites me that’s just rude you know we’re not root here we’re nice okay how does the upgrading work do I just upgrade my oh have I made a mistake should I have not upgraded my team hold on how do I do this I have never upgraded

My tools yet so I’m kind of excited oh okay so sword into sword no can anybody help me mother I hope you’re having an eventful time I am crazy person I’m having a Time you need a smithing table which is not here we had a smithing table here huh if only

There was a smithing table around here all right what do I need oh oopsies I need to not be annoying clearly smithing oh luckily I stole enough things before this nine how come we got so much netherride by the way I just realized like oh that doesn’t seem very organic

Do we really have this much netherite is that normal is that normal I yoked it no no no no no I borrowed but how did that other person get that it was fulger how did he get how did he make it about it Contraband he’s inheritance oh okay tell me I don’t want

To ask them tell me tell me they’re gonna lie to me you’re gonna tell me the truth you’re gonna snitch to me aren’t you remember it’s not snitching if you tell your mother I understand oh Oh no you’re telling me this is blood netherite I cannot believe

That I have been using blood netherride oh my God I cannot believe that I have been using blood netherite I cannot believe this what do I make with the prismarine crystals oh do I turn the crystals into the does anybody know how I can the crystals do they turn into anything

Or is it like a four by four you like if it was a 4×4 it would let me know oh I make them into lights thank you everybody ah I see I see I see that I’m icy thank you everybody thank you what do you think are the odds that

Somebody just conveniently left a bunch of diamond here you think there’s any odds of that that would be nice immediately oh I have silk touch on this fudge I might be making a mistake but I need what is the can I what’s the equivalent of looting on pickaxe can somebody remind me

Oh it’s Fortune yeah yeah yeah ah bird thank you so much for the raid how was your collab my darling how was York speaking of Fortune he is a very fortunate son of a Fortunate Son living Lodge on the wrong side of town too many friends and the fun never ends

And somebody remind me it has to say looting three at the start right otherwise I’m not gonna get the Looting three it has to be like the first thing welcome for Millions hello my little worms I know your little tigers but I just oh

Never mind I just want you all to know I would still love you if you were worms and so would ver all right if you ever wondered if you’re Oshie would love you if you were a worm the answer is yes yes my little worms my little tiger worms who said Tigers

Can’t be worms huh nobody tigers can be worms too baby thank you so much Burr I hope you had an amazing collab with sunny how did they do in the game did they win it’s billions no no no no it’s a little more Millions it’s a little four Millions

Oh okay no I did not mean to save four Millions I’m sorry Stout should have named them four Millions Sonny’s gotta do a bad suit I love it oh my God vert I’m really happy to have you back I’ve been seeing you on the schedule and I’m like doing things he’s back

I was gonna name them for minions oh oh that’s good okay but verminians is good I know Alvin Hello darling I am playing the block game I’m back it’s my first time back also Albin I found netherite and took it from you I confiscated your netherrite and now I

Found out that it’s actually blood netherite that netherride was not farmed ethically so I confiscated some of it okay baby I confiscated some of your netherite that allegedly I didn’t confiscate all of it just I took like one whole block uh but I don’t need that much I’ll

Probably give a bunch back I didn’t realize how little I need again I I was just doing a little bit of the quality check a little bit welcome back oh my God everybody’s coming back late night Minecraft just like the good old time everybody will play Minecraft again Okay I’ll make sure of it I’ll make sure of it all right nice all these fish is there anything that we can do with all these fish other than feed them to Alvin set the trend I mean I I think the trend is already said by Ian fomu they are the Minecraft enthusiasm

Like you know it’s nice to see everybody coming back to Minecraft though it’s exciting it’s nice to see he’s happy it feels like the good old days where we all played Minecraft and had a good time and did a little bit of crime oh good times I’m sorry but the wrong

When the new server opens wave new server are you guys doing a new Minecraft server how come what’s wrong with this one why didn’t you Minecraft server when we have a Minecraft server right here all modded Minecraft ah I see I see I didn’t know I I did think you think me

But I didn’t know what that meant so I’m just along for the ride I’m just along for the ride I’m excited oh my God look at all this stuff I got all the prismarine stuff is so beautiful oh my God sorry my voice is cracking like oh it’s so beautiful

All the prismarine stuff what was to make the lantern again oh I need the prismarine crystals as well yeah um how does that server work by the way does anybody know so is it just like realistic Minecraft or we can do raids in Minecraft oh that actually does sound really cool that

Sounds awesome that’s gonna be so much fun that sounds awesome I can’t wait I think it would be really fun to get everybody together on on something nice like that I think it would be really really fun to get everybody in oh I’m so excited can’t wait

If it’s realistic it’s very very laggy that’s not good the mines have never lacked when I worked in the coal mines back in the 1800s it never last oh that’s so exciting oh my God we’re all gonna have to gather together it’s gonna be like the World of Warcraft

Right where everybody’s just together and then I forget to heal or I forget I miss my tank rotation and everybody yells and everyone’s yelling at me and crying and I’m like I’m sorry I didn’t I miss click the button I’m sorry I don’t see very good everyone thinks mom you’re not supposed

To DLT heal right now hey what the can I not go down anymore okay wait a second what am I supposed to do here okay um uh all right this is a really fun Minecraft stream thank you everybody Thanks everyone for watching my Minecraft oh My Level oh my god oh wait I slept in the bed I slept in the bed I’m fine laughs uh I slept in the bed I’m fine I’m fine nice all right so all my stuff floated to the top or how does it work

No it definitely is not at the top that’s okay I can just loot it what oh my God this is amazing yes I’m alive I have returned oh wait okay I have to say the fact that it’s all in the same spot is also I love it I love it

I love it so much I’m so happy so happy I’m excited It was worth it everybody all the pain that I went through today down on me and said shame and brought me back to life Hallelujah that was great that was uh for a second I really did think like oh my God I lost all my levels but I had already Enchanted all

My items this is so much faster than the skeleton Farm oh my goodness how did people make this this is awesome how long did it take for doing this does anybody know you can blame Pomo for that oh I should honest she did it off stream he doesn’t play the Minecraft oh thank

You for the super oh wait I think I missed your previous Supa I’m so sorry darling listen I am new to Minecraft I am new to streaming I am a baby streamer um just learning how to do my best I’m just out here learning how to scream

That chest of fox bomb is my new new metal band dead chest Um mother’s dead chest no uh mother hello dreaming you know but just in case I always tell myself when people log in or when I log in to always tell people I’m streaming even though like bookie was in this industry raided me but but I don’t want there to be an incident

Where I didn’t say but uh welcome Violetta I want to go see the moon Shrine all right everybody can you tell me where I go for the Moonshine in order to um in order to um get the little dolphin in order to um pass this Castle perfect I’ll rigato

The Sword in uki’s new area perfect perfect I’m so excited let’s go see ookies let’s go give them an offering um I’ll give raw fishes and offering for unsubscribing and leaving good we all should unsubscribe and leave honestly more of you should unsubscribe and leave life is short

Touch the grass outside my grass will always be here for you baby my grass will always be here for you to touch but you must touch the grass that is outside of this YouTube channel I encourage you to do so all right good for you unsubscribing leaving returning subscribing

I’m leaving but you know right away eventually you know I can wait a little bit yes Minecraft grasped us but wait no Minecraft grass thus count sorry I’m really I never stream late at night because I get so tired and today I went for okay I

Okay I’m so sorry for anybody that will be watching my stream tomorrow because I will be repeating the same stories tomorrow but um so I talked about this but I met a girl in the elevator and you know we started talking and I was like hey you know how are you and

She’s like hey how are you and then what happened was we asked she’s like oh what apartment are you in I’m like I’m in what apartment are you in she’s in and you know it wasn’t a big conversation but it was just kind of like oh cool did you just move in and

Then little stories and right before I went on vacation she had um put a note on my door and it was like hey this is from the elevator if you want to grab a drink or like go for a coffee sometime or even just like have a drink on my patio

Let me know I was like huh so I had message her and I was like hey sorry I got a lot of work right now which you know I was going on vacation but I don’t know I don’t want people to know it’s another business I was like

I’ll you know I’ll text you when I’m back if if you want to hang out and then I did something when I was on vacation I saw a restaurant named sheesh and I took a photo and I sent it to ilira but I didn’t realize that I had sent it

To this neighbor right so think about it like I just have this neighbor’s number I text her just you know like oh yeah sure I’d love to hang out so I just text her a picture of a restaurant named sheesh when she texted me back

I knew oh if you go to the red building thank you thank you thank you oh thank you when she texted me back she used the crying laughing emoji and I instantly knew it wasn’t a lero I was like oh wait to the end portal you mean this building takes me to ookies

I instantly realized that I didn’t send the text message to alira but instead I send it to my neighbors I was like hey oh my God I’m so sorry like your number was the last one that you know I messaged so this was actually meant for my co-worker

And she’s like ah don’t get I don’t worry about it like this is my sense of humor too no no no no no no please so yeah the other day I was like hey girlie you wanna rock and roll and by the way when I was telling this story just in

Stream to Uki and pomu they were both saying that they fear this but like I’m just a friendly person I don’t know is it really that scary to go for drinks with a neighbor of yours no like I don’t know it’s not a big deal anyway we went for drinks

It was really really great she’s really really sweet and she’s kind of a girl boss I gotta be honest with you she’s kind of a girl boss which I like I like really really cool powerful women thank you for joining the bomba ship and uh

Yeah we just had like a really good time and I think I’m gonna tell her again like hey we should go for like drinks again or that’s the thing she’s actually really 40. so she’s like we can go to the gym together I’m like ah this is the

Problem she’s an activities person AKA she wants to do stuff and she wants to like do activities I’m uh drink wine person so my activities are let’s go together to a cafe and eat food and drink wine her activities are like let’s go rock climbing and

But I did tell her I’m like look I could maybe become an activities person slowly but surely but I am not and I yeah we’ve noticed December thank you for the membership thank you thank you also don’t start thank you for the super welcome back Mom

Did you remember to come back with the milk I have no milk I need to buy some yeah cancel I just like to whine and dine I just like to spend my money on food the most is I like a little bit of walking did I tell her straight up wow

Of course I did why why you know why would I pretend that I’m an activities person when I’m clearly a get drunk and eat dim sum person you know why pretend okay first of all Uki I love what you did with the place hello I love the hanging nether lanterns oh my

Goodness oh God can I add oh no I’m not gonna unless no I won’t she’s gay sleeping happy Pride Oh I love it oh wait no wait oh [ __ ] it looked really nice at night can you set it tonight again or nah ah you’re a nag it was just really pretty at night don’t get me wrong okay it’s really pretty in the morning but it just looked so magical at night

Damn it Palmer ruined everything with her gay sleeping couldn’t she stay awake welcome to the Moonshine oh here you may have my gold oh [Applause] okay if I haven’t donated I can’t believe you were gonna sacrifice me wait wait can somebody explain to me so if you don’t take like if you don’t

Donate an item is that how you get like burned or did I just oh so I just I was supposed to get burned and I just you freaking freaks freak okay you won’t die oh okay well I’m okay I’ve had enough shenanigans why would they do that go in you go in

Let me go in this is so pretty how did you do that how did you do that it like it’s so nice I’ve been in many times then go in foreign you’re closer not if I log out stop everybody I’m feeling so bullied let’s just go in no I saw the lava open

The Laval opened the lava open oh my God Palm will find you going I’ll watch you didn’t go in though I’ll let her do it I’ll let her do it oh what if she has like feather falling oh my God my hero hello beautiful can I have your helmet

Please I don’t have a helmet please can I have your pants please look I’m wearing actually wait I have nice pants can I have your shirt can I please fumble Pomo please please can I have some stuff can I have some stuff peace have a place give me some items please

I’m poor please come back I’m poor please please I’m baking please some items Some netherite Enchanted armor I need more I need more these were all donated by charity please please take pity on my soul please actually I had an Allegra that Sonny gave me but I don’t know where it is now

I don’t know where where it is yeah thanks bomo anyway let’s go back to exploring hooky I swear to God that was such a well-built trap what the heck that was a really well built trap follow me Nina are you gonna bring me to Lava are you gonna sacrifice me

Am I about to pay for all my sins and all my crimes it’s gonna lock me up she’s gonna put me in adventure mode after locking me up oh wait what is that guy attacking you why’d you get attacked by the Llama oh my God what did she do oh you Criminal

The Llama could smell that you never helped me huh interesting shape I don’t know what it looks like nataria Planet Planetarium wow welcome wait whoa yo I forgot what that one is the coal and what’s the last one oh isn’t it supposed to be like Yoda no

It’s not yoroshiko it’s Yokoso Ah that’s what it is so the last one thank you so this is so pretty sign in the book when I leave oh my God I remember Yuki struggling to make this the noctix nebula discovered also in the end we’ll find a home

And while we were destined for oh The Confidant cluster cute Aster’s baby photo oh my God that’s so cute Invicta major hmm amare’s belt if her belt is here what’s holding up her pants the star that fell in my eye oh okay your debut song hi sorry are you getting impatient

Poor poem where she’s like Nina oh wow all right where’d she go I got scared for a second disappeared expansion yeah look look look look here see cookie this word is plans for expansion soon in English [Laughter] sorry I’m annoying you with my love all right this is so nice what the heck

Can I press these ah Foreign this is so nice hello sir curator it seems the stars have aligned it does it does indeed Mr curator it does indeed oh look at your look at her seating with your little feet ah look at her she’s looking up I hate to say it but you look adorable

I hate I hate to admit it but look at her she looks so cute looking up with the Stars ah how do I said is it Zed is it tab is it C oh my God this is just like Ragnarok online buying wife oh it’s our date uh it’s not a date

We’re just co-workers we’re just co-workers you’re taking me on a tour okay wait you’re just leaving me is she full hey did you just leave me you were my ride oh my God okay uh see you see you tomorrow see you tomorrow at work the funny thing was just hearing her

Like walk away and then the when she flew away that felt a little comedy gold I broke her heart I mean I just don’t want her to get ahead of herself you know I I I just if we were to have a workplace romance I’d want it to be completely Secret um I

I would never want people to know out loud that I’m dating my co-worker pomu so yeah um mm-hmm you’re giving the fanfic so much material I mean enjoy you made her cry I’m sorry but true love is also true pain you cannot feel true love unless you also feel true pain you know

I feel like you would have to please in order to feel love more deeply you have to experience pain if you feel deep think about it it’s gonna feel so much more sweet if the enemies to lovers takes forever right if it just happens instantly it’s less it’s less fun That’s just how it is that is life Wait a second wait one minute sorry I just gotta check something okay I’m back oh I know the music was perfect and I all tapped I’m sorry this is nice I like this I like late night Minecraft it’s been a while but I like it I like late night Minecraft

I think next time I play I’m definitely gonna need a little bit of a goal and an aim but this has been comfy and fun what else should I visit somebody said there’s a bee sanctuary do we have anybody that’s a beekeeping age initi Sanji Ian I’m a beekeeping age

I do want to see the Bath House spooky I don’t know if you’re still listening darling but this is gorgeous this is so beautiful I don’t know how you did this I I don’t know how you did this I don’t know it’s so nice it’s so nice what’s beekeeping age it’s

When you’re at the age to keep bees you know pick up your the torch you left I didn’t I pick up the torch with my Blood Sweat and Tears oh thank you yeah I remember you struggling through it thank you for everything you build for us you scared me

Did you hear me get scared or did it cut out oh my God you [ __ ] scared me sorry I was being annoying today I didn’t know you were in the thingy yeah cool thing I didn’t tell anybody I just came in oh my god wow I didn’t even tell

You I was here and you found me wow um so it was so annoying you are always annoying but I was like extra annoying today I know I thought you were gonna bad me from the server I don’t have that kind of power no oh I’m like in Discord Hall where you do

Have that kind of power well everybody has that power Nina God oh I’ll remember that not that I would ever do that to you look I don’t do it to you we have a mutual done it to me hold on let me turn you down a little bit oh okay sorry no

No it’s not your fault out uh we have a mutual what I thought we had a treaty you kicked me out of Discord and then laughed about it with ookie I don’t need to kick you out yeah yeah yeah do we believe your lies everybody do we believe your lies don’t believe

Our lies do we believe she did it not on purpose I didn’t do it I would tell you if I did it on purpose I would take credit for that that is true I do give you that point there but it doesn’t mean you didn’t know maybe I mean how was your building

Tonight by the way almost died am I gonna be able to see it tonight or yeah oh you want to see my thingy too yeah let me just go into uh ver verse uh house first and then I want to go into the B place the what the B place people said there’s

Like a place for beekeepers like me because no I’ll I can show you around some of the stuff if you want yeah yeah oh my god do you wanna come here come here what also thank you for the soup but don’t listen to anything she says trust

Me I’m I’m not I’m listening but I’m not letting it in none of her words affect me deeply they should affect you deeply they don’t they should I got you something but I can’t tell you what it is you got me something I can’t tell you what it is

I told my stream about it yeah yeah stream what is it hey Chad they’re not gonna tell you I don’t even know if they remember I told them yesterday the chat remembers a lot no yeah yeah they won’t tell you they will actually I told them two of the things

Wait there’s more than you [ __ ] I can count hold on hold on let me count how many things wait you can count oh you can count I didn’t know that she’s gone yeah okay wait do you promise to mute me yeah uh uh like not listen to you like not

Listen yeah okay I’ll I’ll definitely okay deafen for like 30 seconds okay okay they’re small items but I got her like 18 things [Laughter] they’re not expensive like I think the most expensive thing was only like 20 bucks I just kept yeah am I good yeah yeah

Don’t look at chat for a second oh okay yeah yeah okay okay I’m scared should I be scared okay what’s up let’s go show me hold on let me finish my farm okay oh wait this is right but wait did you put more than one pomodachi up in the sky

No okay so this is like next door base yeah but you have to you don’t want to the bee hive is away from the pomodati oh that’s fine I will go away oh I think I see the maybe that’s the Beehive yeah that yellow it’s because I saw the pomodachi

Up on the sky he who yeah protects us and then I was like oh I guess I didn’t realize I was this close to the main base yeah it’s everything’s still pretty close we haven’t filled out that much did you hear Alvin said that he they’re

Gonna be doing like a server with um it’s like a I don’t know realistic Minecraft or something yeah I misunderstood I don’t know can anybody tell me what it was I forgot what I was a little RL craft L craft yeah I try to get away from RL

To be on the craft she had to not be in the in the real tell me I gotta touch real grass no no our L is for like rocket league so it’s like we’re racing little cars I love rocket League have you actually played it yeah a little bit are you any

Good no I want to play it I have yet to play but I love to watch it I feel like in the I don’t know if they do any like rocket League Esports anymore but every time I’d be at a convention they would have that on the screen I’d always watch

I feel like they probably do right it’s rocket league so popular is rocket League still cool yeah is it still cool come on yeah are the children Still rocking oh Dynamite do you have TNT yeah in my in your what where Dynamite I feel so bad streaming late at night when I get scared because then I’m like oh no it’s dangerous what do you mean when you get scared like when you show up in Discord and then it’s late at night and then my neighbors oh yeah I always feel bad

About that I’m just a jumpy person I know oh I was actually telling oh there’s a little baby zombie hello I was actually telling Chad I went for drinks with my neighbor and she was really cool yeah you’re weird no it was awesome she’s a girl boss

I heard the story I just don’t understand how you do that well I mean all I have to say was yes she invited me okay so the last time I hang out I brought like okay yeah the last time I hung out with someone new

My friend and I she we were at a convention and we um she and I were talking to some there was a guy in La we were waiting for a panel and we were talking about something and like kind of like a niche thing and the guy turned

Around and was just like oh you’re into that thing I am too and we were like oh my God and so we all started talking about it and my friend was just like hey like let’s hang out sometime oh okay yeah she was like nice and then the guy came over and like

He was trying not to leave her house oh yeah he was just like he was like I really like don’t have a ride back home and we were like we can’t give you a ride home like okay well your first last time I spoke to a stranger your first mistake was you know

It being a man yeah I know oh that wasn’t me I didn’t invite him yeah my friend just that that was a mistake number one because I told my my neighbor uh at Christmas I gave gift to like my neighbors on my floor like I just like gave them like little chocolates and

Stuff like that and then pretty much every one of them my chocolates you’re not my neighbor um I could possibly be you don’t know honestly I’d move in to your basement and live under your Cupboards in your floors okay okay the middle of the night when you hear scratches and Bottles rattling

It’s me I’m gonna be like why who buys white like why is there empty wine bottles in my garbage I don’t drink wine you’re gonna be so confused do you have TNT or not no of course not what do you mean mom can I get five dollars or not

Why would I have TNT oh yeah you’re always up to no good you want to explode things no oh but for for the so for Christmas I gave all my neighbors like chocolates and stuff like that and then they all put a sticky note under or on my door

Being like oh thank you so much neighbor also like do you want to grab a drink sometime or like and I basically like did not reply to any of them yeah reject them all yeah and then I told this girl she’s like why not I’m like because they’re all duh

I don’t want to give them reject them reject them okay I get it and I was saying that I’m a little tired because she gave me a massage yeah with her tongue [Laughter] no oh she gave me because she works out a lot she gave me pre-workout so today I took

A pre-workout and then I went for a run and I thought my eyes were gonna come out of my eyeballs oh your eyes were gonna come out of here like I thought my eyeballs were gonna come out of their sockets I’m not old enough for this conversation hi Alvin

What is a pre-workout a pre-workout is like honestly she was explaining it to me and I’m like so are my kidneys gonna fail from this and she was explaining like BCAA and like creatine I’m like is that the thing that’s like in the bowl testicles oh I got like workout people take that

Or I think it’s tolerene that’s like in the bull sperm but yeah so I one of them Chad you know what I’m talking about there’s like a bull sperm thing that athletes take am I crazy have I been lied to I think somebody lied to me and I

Believed them I think someone was just like hey pretty lady you want some [ __ ] you fell for it but yeah basically it’s premium pump and energy formula one serving dietary supplement and it’s just like oh it’s manufactured in Canada cool wow yeah if I get kidney failure in 10 years it’s her fault

Yeah probably and she also gave me yeah she gave me free workout you asked her if this would cause kidney failure really what you asked her no I lit she was like she was recommending me like supplements and stuff like that I’m like oh so if I get

Kidney failure in 10 years it’s your fault like nah you wouldn’t get kidney failure from this but like maybe some other complications I was like oh oh my God I hope you’re joking I can’t fell can I see okay it’s in the main area

No no no no wait did you see the bees yeah I did I did they were very nice okay wait but like give a [ __ ] I mean I don’t give a [ __ ] I love these [Laughter] important are you listening right now why poor Uki because he built it okay and I also

Admired like a million other things that Uki build do I have to give like a crazy reaction to I do I have to be like a re yeah we’re YouTubers we have to have a crazy reaction why it’s a Tetris piece oh my God it looks like a what

What oh my God unbelievable can you shrink my head on your screen please it’s so big I can yeah yeah I need a bone meal I’m gonna become a react streamer and react to your metal gear content hahaha oh oops I lost you it would just be like how did you miss

That’ll be the whole thing and I’ll be like writing in the comments and being like I can’t believe this happened how did you you weren’t listening you forgot to codec still get comments like that sometimes I can’t believe you missed I really look I know

You said you might not replay it but I think if you replayed it on stream you’ll be able to like really take your time with all the Easter eggs and all that stuff I don’t know if you want to do that but you know maybe in a year or two

To replay the game yeah that’s exactly what I’m telling you what do you think I’m telling you what I said wait when I told you specifically I think you should replay the game what did you not understand about that your tone Oh yeah sorry I do sound very sorry you know not that

You know me better I feel like you can tell when I’m being sarcastic right yeah yeah I’d always tell when you were being sarcastic I I asked my chat the other day I was just like something that I brought up and I was being sarcastic about it but people took

Me seriously I was like you guys I was being sarcastic I’m I’m and I was just like isn’t it really obvious when I’m sarcastic and they were like no it’s actually like really hard to tell am I not good at sarcasm I think you’re good pretty good I think you’re pretty good

Don’t go in okay don’t go in are the Bastion why not yeah yeah why not Don’t Do It Go in she said she wants to shut the [ __ ] up to read it and loot it because of the new wait you said you have to go until the new update and take

It off yeah shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] by the way she’s being sarcastic when she tells me to shut the [ __ ] up she doesn’t mean it that’s the only thing that’s everything yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my God the bath house

Okay so why could he not go in to the thingy because there’s new stuff in the update that you need bastions for like oh you won’t be able to upgrade your netherright until you go into a bachelor oh so there’s gonna be don’t forget your personal items what do you mean forget

Your personal whoa wow this is amazing the bath house oh Oh God are you looking oh my God he’s shy he’s shot he was moving hold on does he eat raw fish but what do turtles eat well done I’m testing my farm what do raw turtles eat no hold on my farm is not good no no your farm is more than good thing Didn’t duplicate it the farm is a failure oh no I feel bad I’m like bullying this little turtle I was gonna say long live the king long live but also like he’s gonna take millions of years to get back up here I’m gonna name him pomu are you crying because of your farmer

Because your name okay there’s another one okay I’m gonna name this one long live the king no Turtle yeah yeah long lives annoying Annoying I’ll talk about it you’re you’re cheating no okay what are you duplicating then the TNT is supposed to duplicate well duplicating is cheating Farms it’s fine ah okay okay okay so not a single place in the farm was used with fraudulent materials no I went and formed everything massive

Okay do you have proof no because I’m doing it offstream it’s the only way I could concentrate okay that I don’t blame you I feel like it’s that’s why on streams I never do anything except like um like build like roads because I I cannot concentrate on a build I know

I know I’m gonna try again oh my God I’m gonna steam myself oh steamed mothers ah you you would you said you would go to a bath house right I’ve been to a bath house yeah yeah yeah I think we talked about it like with the girls a while back and

Yeah I think Rosie was saying that like she’d be shy to go yeah yeah yeah I go yeah um imagine we’re all naked in the water steaming and I’m asking my really like uncomfortable personal questions and I’m like so what’s the last time you cried oh we’re all just naked and steaming

Hold on I’m asking your chat how do I say if I have paper plug-in you guys how can she see if she has paper plug-in thank you for your help thank you oh my God then we can be Stevie and I could be like has anybody here ever kissed a girl that’s three

Huh sit on that for three this girl yeah would you like to try oh I got quick let’s compare um I’m gonna get some water okay can you give me a second can I okay can I leave you in charge with them yeah I’m just gonna it is

Paper server oh what does it mean is that bad yeah it means my farm that I worked on for like the past three hours is [ __ ] you can’t change it I don’t think so no also uh when I was going up your guardian Farm I died because the going down was broken

Oh yeah someone broke it I broke it too a little bit more but someone broke it before me I died for yourself good for you all right you want a medal for dying yeah I want a participation battle okay bareback I have to have to use the restroom one second okay

Guys what do I do what do I do What do I do I thought my farm was so good kind of fire was it I free I made a new tree farm I thought it was perfect so long because I wanted to make it nice and so I went to the Nether and I farmed those stupid purple trees

I wanted it to look nice because before was just ugly another rack and I hated it oh oh what’s wrong with the farm it doesn’t duplicate drops one and then that’s I would have to go back up and down every time it’s useless I’m depressed right now I don’t even

Want to play Minecraft anymore Time to just have tons of TNT no because the way they had me build it there’s like no way to dispense the TNT I’ll watch this video why am I here entertaining chat this is my day off God it’s on my day off well I don’t even I’m not I’m not

Obligated to talk to you guys on my day off Would I miss you okay no I’m fine oh thank you for the blue supas I really appreciate it my darlings although what did I miss raymac thank you so much and chicken kaito thank you oh also blue chameleon sorry I missed it you two need to check out a compilation

Of Metal Gear Solid one twin Snakes or homo can play it should I ever get perms oh [Laughter] you will I believe it okay so people are saying you can ask staff to set something up for you oh Yeah you should do that I should do that yeah why do you sound so what’s up I’m just agreeing okay you sound mischievous I I worry I’ll figure out I’ll ask later how I how I tell them to go but uh is there yeah I’m sorry that the

Thing you were working on didn’t work out in the end if staff can change the thing it’ll work I think that’s probably why those Tree Farm was broke before I took down the whole ass Tree Farm I’m sorry fine okay you’ll remember in the future right to check your stuff my fault it

Oh you’re right it’s God’s fault yeah okay so where do you want to go so what do you want to see everything what have I not seen so uh I am currently in like the turtle Zone yeah I’m just gonna teleport to you oh my God you can’t that’s cheating uh I

Did it earlier I know and I wasn’t gonna call you out but I’ll get your fortune okay KK press what what am I pressing hold on stop stop oh right here that button this button oh I knew that oh oh my God oh my God oh

Okay it says I will find love and an amazing Happy Friendship put it back it says half blessing what did you get a full blessing um well let me see it moving out of the way yeah let’s see um I gotta really I got the best blessing

Yeah yeah that’s why the great blessing is still in there huh I got no I got beyond great blessing can I see can you give it to me I don’t think you can read it no I I can definitely read some I can read enough to read

A little bit of it I think it means I’m going to oh wait hold on I grabbed it again I think it means I’m going to die [Laughter] I think it means I don’t have a future oh my God your future is still on the rest is still Unwritten

Isn’t that okay and when I sang that for karaoke one time people were like oh wow nice uh shampoo song shampoo apparently it was used for a commercial oh I’m your Venus how the hell do we get over here I don’t know yep why are you over there how did you

Get over there you can find your way back you were tormenting these poor Turtles they’re already starving don’t say that I think probably people from my chat [Laughter] sorry I didn’t pee myself she peed herself say that either where are you where’d you go I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m

Just pushing Como okay no stop it doesn’t have a name tag it’s Pomo in my heart they’re all fomu because they’re slow and thick and delicious wait how do I okay there we go thanks for showing me around you’re welcome so what plans do you have for Minecraft uh um I have plans

I mean honestly I don’t think there’s anything for me to do which is bad I need to figure out something to do oh this is what Wiki was building oh yeah this is what he was complaining about in Discord not complaining but he was like he was definitely complaining about it

It’s the most I’ve ever heard ukisai just so funny I told Chad uh we were talking about coffee and like oh I think I might get a decaf and you’re like and then Uki just like a minute later is like decaf decal but in the most like decaf ew

Oh my God this is so pretty I’m trying oh wait that’s not the Moonshine we gave like the I want to go there that’s where I want to go wait the world is round oh what the world is round today Mina stopped being a flat Earth

I thought the world was carried by Atlas on his shoulder and then three Turtles carrying Atlas wait okay how the hell do we get down from here oh okay Nina we’re gonna have to jump okay yeah oh you jump okay you mean like oh wait he got the elite rocks okay

That’s actually bad and Lira yeah and the elytra um okay I gotta make sure I don’t jump in the uh how do I make sure I jump in the right place idiot [ __ ] okay this is scary leap of faith uh no I just can’t believe like in Minecraft they make the world

Look round that’s such a cool detail I love that for Minecraft okay I’m leaving I’m coming how did you get up you [ __ ] [ __ ] where are you [Laughter] could you do it again to like bump me off the side because I can’t get up here

Yeah go on the stairs go on the stairs oh that’s how I had to do it okay yeah yeah could you like bump me off when you’re flying okay Winnie the Pooh what was that [Laughter] oh um I was just really happy after all the honey wait I could have written you

Oh you’re so right I forgot that was a feature you just didn’t want me to ride you no it’s just that nobody [ __ ] plays Minecraft so I don’t remember that it’s a multiplayer game you can come here come here come here let me ride you okay

Okay I just imagined the image of like tiny little Pomo and me bubbles like really struggling you’re like Athena come on come on don’t forget to free your hands try your hands and then right click on there we go what’s the what’s the flying song I can show you the world

Shining shimmering split that’s still Aladdin’s part I don’t know the lyrics hold on let me look oh what the hell I only know I can show you I’m gonna drown you the world okay I swear to God you are just like a child like I leave you alone for three seconds

You’re gonna pay attention to me why’d you make attention to me I’m gonna drowned you hold on I can show you the world I can show you the world lyrics A Whole New World A Whole New World Tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide stop [Laughter]

Up up there I want to see from the top there’s nothing in the sea you see perfectly fine from here you can see literally everything it’s the same thing here I’ll go up here I’ll go up here please fly why I’m almost out of Rockets oh wait I thought you fly

With the wings yeah but you need the rocket to propel you oh oh wait hold on maybe we can see them yeah yeah yeah puppies oh wait you’re on Did you make this impossible I can’t [ __ ] see it right I can’t see anything where am I is there a block here I can’t see anything I’m going blind you’re doing amazing sweetie this is great I love it don’t get motion sick now me or you

Oh I don’t I I think I’ve only got motion sick twice once when I played a game called um no man’s Sky when you’re like flying in the spaceship sorry I didn’t realize I was still flying on you because I didn’t realize we were still

Flying oh wow okay here we go are you happy now yeah This is so nice sorry you really scared me good you deserve it and the other time was not long ago does anybody remember when I got motion sick how do I get motion sick but it was like one of those games one of the random things was like a different

Was it Metal Gear no no way how could you have metal gear it was definitely some game or like something oh was it outer wild no no no no no no I don’t know what it is but I do you when do you get motion sick

When I I get car sick oh me too I can never be on my phone in a car because I’ll get Carson yeah me too me too me too did you ever used to take like the medication like the no her sickness it’s like I think it’s called like um

Something like that gram dram dram there’s like chewable ones drama me no I took something called gravel I think it’s called revolt revolt you’re revolting I’m Molten I’m molding I’m molding what okay do you have a what’s it called in here a you know a gun

So I can when will Minecraft add guns truly they have a oh I think it’s at the top would you go to the tippy top whoa this is pretty unlucky for a chest where you can open up a get to your style my chest is right here under chest

Ender Chest I don’t want that I’ll see oh really wrinkly okay first of all I am using some of the best magic known to humanity okay on myself do you remember Howl’s Moving Castle when like the little old lady lost all her powers and she was just like hey

That’s me without the magic [Laughter] Cena little granny hey don’t say that oh yes I do just kidding not in June wait two weeks wait two wait what’s don’t worry about it it’s birthday [Laughter] [Laughter] okay what else do you want to see um uh I want to see the thing you were

Building the little Cathedral and the farm that you don’t have working I don’t want to show that I’m embarrassed please please I won’t judge I’ve never built a single thing other than my box in the floor I can open your eyes yeah you have the lyrics up now

Thank you wonder why I wonder hey this Line’s a little raunchy over sideways and under oh the Magic Carpet Ride guess what I want to go in this building the left one oh okay my Shrine is that your shrine mm-hmm wow it’s pretty how do I get off you uh uh

Oh I was gonna sing a song but I don’t know if like what I’ll write you the lyrics uh what is this what is this song it’s by a bad named hail storm it’s kind of like Paramore but like she’s a little angrier and a little bit more sexual oh I can tell

Yeah the real thing go through here this is the gate and then the shrine is underneath the ground oh wait wait the real ones will know just look up hailstorm and look at the songs and you can figure it out [Laughter] oh it’s asleep on the wheel okay cool oh

Go go so you you didn’t you didn’t build this like you basically just took over a cave right I built it yeah I built it no you just took over a cave right is that I thought there was a violin I’m tired what happens at the shovel’s point now sippy

Put it in the water the shovel yeah yeah okay okay grab it grab it okay okay go in the water oh it’s a big spoon yeah it doesn’t look like you’re sipping it though am I doing it wrong no you’re doing it right oh okay okay thank you

It does it feel like you’re teaching a grandparent Minecraft a little bit okay now the shrine is here You make oh someone put it out uh a sacrifice okay here for you oh you got the whole gift from Albert I’m guessing TNT yeah I went and made some okay well there’s oh wow there’s a lot here yo thank you for the super yeah this is a

Late night stream I’m excited you won’t be getting a lot of them you will get late night streams and when we might get excited next week so I’m doing I’m doing Metal Gear all week and at night I might be like doing Minecraft or satisfactory I want to try

Astroneer have you seen that game I’ve never heard of that no oh it’s like Minecraft but on planets um can I ask you a question why is your sh why is your Shrine underground shouldn’t your Shrine be like in the sky what do you mean in the sky like aren’t you good

Being underground is bad that means you’re a gnome not an elf a gnome nobody say it no I’m a good note is it gnome like a gnome yeah you’re a gnome how do you say it oh my God I forgot you mispronounced like one thing the other day and I was

So happy it was my one thing I don’t remember Pookie do you remember are you on my head I can show you the world I’m just dying shining shimmering you know last Castle Tell me princess ignoring me like it I where are you going oh my girl do you know how to swim

Barely come on come on let’s go okay pick me up have you been to the castle no he took cookies Castle you have it right no oh yeah I have I have app oh okay okay I’ll show you my Sanctum wow Are you meaning to cut out wait could you take me to the uh balloon uh uh somebody’s saying I think Nina was losing her breath okay I didn’t think I was going in for the oh whoopsie okay no foreign Oh what’s that over there with the like um on the right this no your other right no I’m kidding I’m sorry this is this is fuchan’s contraband oh this is all netherrite it’s stuff that he it’s his Contraband how did he like make this or did you just magic it in yeah it’s

Creative mode [ __ ] folder I know he is ruining Our Lives the Integrity of the server oh happy Halloween I loved your Halloween Goods figurine oh it’s amazing you’re stabbed where you were like on the chair with your little foot up oh yeah yeah I really like that so much okay

So it’s not done yet yay still has a lot able to get on each other’s heads before this or is that just with the elytra no it’s a it’s a it’s a plug-in it’s a mod I love this this is the best mod it’s actually so good for like tours and

Stuff yeah it’s amazing whoa is this vox’s Castle no this is your thing you were building yeah this is mine yep what do you mean yup puppies where oh I see [Laughter] oh my God I can see your little feet [ __ ] flailing [Laughter] it was so funny it was just like your

Feet play like let me out let me out let me out how do I get out okay okay there you go wait how do I zoom in F3 no F5 zoom in I want to see it go you’re just going up and away this is like Hunchback of Notre Dame Vibes you know

Yeah a little bit Kinda Yeah back I I am right now yeah thanks for the posture check me too me too it’s been really bad okay everybody are you hunching yeah Foster check everybody you should not be a little shrimps like a Notre Dame everything

Um I will get through this and then see if I ever want to build anything else what made you build this I wanted to build a really big thing why this one is like what inspires you about it is it the coloring is it the shapes it’s the size okay

Size she’s yeah she’s telling listen everybody tells you don’t matter but she she tells you what matter no I just really wanted something very detailed and this kind of fit the boat and now are you still happy that you have something so detailed um yeah I’m having fun with it oh that’s

So pretty down there where the little like stop letting me down oh sorry I’m sneaking sorry oh the the little like pattern yeah you should get shaders Nina yeah all right you told me that last time I I might you should makes Minecraft so much prettier I think Minecraft is pretty no

Yeah I can like enjoy all the beauty of your build here let me let me send you a screenshot of what it looks like on my screen okay okay I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna uh I think you’ve already indoctrinated me this is what it looks like on my screen

Okay it looks the same go to where I am standing okay I’m not stuck I thought where’d you go girl girl yeah I’m drowning oh there you are come here come here come here okay come here okay I think it looks very similar you should put it on your

Screen and then you then um compare I’m telling you people won’t even be able to tell the difference I’m just warning you they they will be able to tell the difference only if their eyes are like really really good music I’m getting every time I stream late at night I’m always so like

You’re already so like cozy thanks babes I was gonna say illiterate what does my illiteracy have to do with my coziness look you have the Shadows you have like the sun rays you’ll have the glows of the glow it looks the same okay who can tell where is which by the way

Okay maybe I don’t have the best eye size oh I mean I should I vision I’m tired I had a long day eyes my eyesight but my heart size is very big your age is showing your your Visions going out again you know you said uh dopio put like a list of how

Of how to do it or was it Luca Luca I can I can show you it’s only if you want it I mean Some people prefer without shaders I just like yeah have you thought about that maybe I preferred without shaders oh wait sorry sorry we’re on YouTube oh my God

Oh my God I feel so bullied and betrayed I trusted my Senpai and she killed me what do you have in your chest anyway stop don’t look at my chest dead chest of Nani Kusa well here I’ll treat teleport can you come pick me up I’m stuck

Yay oh my God you’re naked you’re in a bikini you didn’t oh my God oh my God you should get the picture off of the screen which one oh yeah thank you yeah you didn’t know yeah I have a I have a little bikini skin I have a little beach skin

Oh my God this is homo in a bikini oh oh my God this is raunchy Pomona bikini stop I don’t want people to think about that why are you so obsessed oh look at me eating salad oh sorry it’s odd eating Cod yeah Look at her she’s got a little tail why do I have a tail because you’re bored with the freaking tail my my spine is just a little too long protrudes protrudes from my back yeah this is why she has long gray hair seriously that thumbnail of yours for dead stranding I

Thought it was me for a second I was like wait a second stop being so obsessed with me it looks like me it looks like me just because of the gray hair yeah and the face and the mannerisms have you ever heard that like people adopt a mannerisms of the people they’re close

To oh yeah that’s why I became annoying [Laughter] who are you hanging out with me stop being so obsessed with me where do you want to go I don’t think there’s really anything else just fly and I’ll see okay this is nice yeah because you don’t have to do any work

No I just like spending time with you geez can we oh can I go see the claw in the Halloween land the claw yeah it looks like the Kim Petras album cover this the white one right there the bony one yeah oh my God this is so nice

Who built this do you know okay oh my God they’re like laughing they’re so cute wait what’s that in there there’s like a different table it’s a different color oh it’s a I think it’s a Reese every spawn anchor oh so who responds there them um no one likes explodes

What did those guys do don’t touch it I mean I’m not in those guys attack you yeah see they’re throwing ah wait what where are you they’re throwing poison at us at us yeah keep keep jumping here if I do this they might notice me notice me

Come on oh I see I see they might like aggro on to you right yeah It’s gonna be us in in 20 years they’re fine they’re drinking health potions they’re fine oh have you seen my maze uh take me oh I think I used to mine in there what yeah I used to mine like copper and and Cole I was helping you out

What yeah I was I was mining coal and copper is that not helping I don’t wait a second what is that it’s like a big spider I want to go there after where spider to the right oh the stage yeah with little crying skeleton ugh I was gonna go to the stage first okay okay let’s go through the maze let’s go through the mess let’s go through the mess let’s go through the mail all right I’ll follow you ah welcome to Pomo spooky maze there are four different areas to go through there

Are several secrets to the areas good luck and have fun wow okay my heart is telling me to go back and leave all right let’s go to the right okay imagine [Laughter] okay okay spooky spooky right and pretty spooky oh my God something scary is about to happen

It’s really scary can you see anything a little bit this is Pitch Black on your screen oh no I’m so scared oh my true love’s kiss can can you see anything yeah a little bit you don’t I thought I can’t see anything on your screen yeah oh well

I heard true love’s kiss and brighten up even the darkest of days Nope nope still a frog um um why is there a skilly man in here oh oh scary monkey man protect me formal protect me why is there a Skelly man attacked me I’m here come from oh no where did he go I have been married a long time ago

Where did he come from though oh no did someone mess with my enemies who did it who maybe he spawned here who done it are you lost Lily Pad dear Lily Pad show me the way no I’m not lost I have one more rain puff with me I don’t see you

Where’d you go I’m not lost I know exactly where I’m going I can’t some say that we are lost but I have to say you are only lost until you find the way who said who said that we are lost wait was that a song we’re not perfect

I’m exploring the maze I’m getting lost I’m getting spooked listen is it pretty spooky so far yeah I’m so spooked the spookiest was the skeleton I was scared for my life yeah it’s gonna be me homo you should play Diablo for I think you’d like them all

Yeah okay you know what actually I think you’d hated you should never play it I I watched my dad play Diablo when I was a kid so maybe I would play it where are you did you see Lumpy nope sorry did you see did you see Shrek no

All I see is lily pads water and darkness I’m not lost yet I’m only lost when I give up when I give up and die oh listen well only two things are certain one of two things will happen either I will die or I will get out of this maze okay okay

What oh I saw your name for a second oh I think I know where you are do you do you really know where I am I don’t even know where I am you know who I am oh I told you I told you I called you come

Here come here I’m gonna try and show you Shrek if I can remember how to get there wait wait let me get on your head okay yeah yeah that’s even better oh wait there was light over there nope I don’t even like that maze yeah she paid for us everybody she saved me

Over here bubble rainbow I guess like I am a pomodachi now oh my God that scared me stay out of my swamp also this is illegally distinct green man are you dying what’d you do no that’s Shrek legally distinct green blob man it’s fine nobody can see him on my

Screen really you can’t see him no no they can they can but he’s legally distinct he’s you know very different is this lumpy yeah this is Lumpy hi oh hi oh hi is he a little baby zombie no he’s a little baby normal he’s normal sized you just well they are

On my head okay let’s get out of here so that you’ll be able to see again okay let’s try and find the back room oh wait everyone says they’re normal sized I’m normal like you no you’re nine centimeters that is not normal size I’m 150 6 of normal also not normal

For a child What Child Is that tall uh me at like eight no way Yahweh no way you’re lying to me okay actually we have this thing okay I have proof we have this thing in Canada old vaccination books that they gave you in like elementary school when you were

Getting vaccinated it was literally a booklet I was 171 at 12 years old centimeters my fox magic Never Dies baby stop talking to me I can’t I’m on your head I’m your conscience no would you try like a chicken foot Maybe would you suckle on a chicken toe

I don’t know if I’d go that far it’s like God it’s it’s got like the claws you just suck on them okay you have to pick one would you suck on a chicken foot or a woman’s foot a woman’s foot oh wait actually I don’t know well

Do I have news for you bye Yuki I mean it depends on how clean it is it should just get out of the shower or like interesting write that down everybody write that down are you lost baby girl by the way yes okay I think you have to go back because

I don’t think where you were you were gonna go anywhere no no no we were I’m trying to get to the back rooms you’re trying to no clip yeah I think you have to go back to the light source no no no no no no no wait actually I’m sorry John V

But hey you can you can still grow I thought you cheated I thought you turned on the light but it was the flower bone meal oh does that make them grow yeah it makes the berries grow I’m gonna add some light because I didn’t realize it was so dark I have torches

Yeah but you can’t put them in here [Applause] you’re ruining like stop I’m ruining my atmosphere I can hear you I’m going to make it so we never get out of here I picked it up picked it up put a torch I put a torture put a torch

Let’s see like five years old this is so funny to you wait is this where we went before I thought that wasn’t me putting a torch that was me stop stop you can hear that I know sorry I didn’t I’m so sorry I know where we are I’m gonna put you in here

What happens when you go in there hold on go in there no don’t put torches stop oh yeah I hope nobody has like the whole phobia trypophobia hypophobia homophobia oh it’s a little scooter oh that’s how your skeletons spawn by the way promo no yeah

Oh hey stop it so sorry I’m so sorry I’m sorry I didn’t know I didn’t know I’m sorry how do I think I’m so sorry for real I don’t think there’s a way to fix it wait uh hold on I can do I’m so sorry oh [ __ ]

I’m sorry I’m sorry that really wasn’t purpose oh my God wait hold on what was that I put another torch and I ruined the two weeks I’m sorry I’m done get out I’m so sorry I’m getting out I’m getting out I’m so sorry oh my God I

Have a door in my inventory yeah it’s mine I just threw it out okay stop stop okay I’m done I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that I’m so sorry okay kill that spider for me okay and that the other one are just one of

Them yeah both of them okay you sure you don’t win me to kill just one no I can’t bone meal it oh man that’s okay that’s okay I’ll fix it later oh sorry do you want me to put like a torch on it so you don’t forget no okay

I’m never gonna come back in here come on come on oh I’m so sorry I know how to get out from here do you really okay good good good oh God nice stop burying me and stuff okay wait oh maybe stop get off my head stop being a

Freeloader okay actually we could say in the dark if you want yeah yeah oh wait did I put this on do you want to get rid of some of the berries no I like those if we go down here I don’t know oh yes there’s a torch right here where

I picked it up oh you of course you can’t see here let’s go back this is like the thread of ariadne but it’s like me leaving torches you’re my Minotaur let’s just go back take me to Paradox city where the grass is green okay oh won’t you please okay

You have to get off my head though okay that was awesome what the hell that was legitness oh I’m sorry oh this is a dead end here follow me follow me wait for real for real that was a dead end darn it that’s okay I have to say maze is 10 on

10. thanks this is a really great news I can’t okay get off my head again okay all right here we go like you know I don’t like to compliment you know like this is a great maze um thanks wow I spent a lot of time on this no I never

Had our [ __ ] Halloween event hey hey you know what’s coming up Halloween Serious night I have seen will you ever do the spooky scary skeletons dance um we I’ll think about it be for me oh my God it’s leaking perfect yeah it’s the teat of the underground Oh wait we’re back okay last time I went right so now I go straight

No you can go straight yeah goddamn Enderman where is he leave the blocks maybe he like spawned the skeleton in your other maze or he doesn’t do that Enderman don’t do that I don’t know maybe respond close to the spiders on the mud this is nice

Mushroom oh two mushrooms oh my God I’m back to the titty oh we’re back at the start then oh wait this is another titty oh oh this is a misleading titty oh oh no I am back at the start oh that was fun I don’t know if the other two mazes just

Aren’t as like crazy as the previous one but that that like water one was insane they’re all about that size really then I just got really lucky with these two then yeah well you didn’t get out this is the star there’s the there’s an X oh I thought I won the game

No why would you have to get to the start that’s the easiest way to you don’t have to keep going though no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no shut up okay I get lonely oh could you read that for me please

Don’t go art thou zombie oh zombie oh why is he so big because I don’t know why are you making fun of his size huh I’m not I’m just like how did he fit there yeah I I’ve had to make him fit there things we do for love

I love him I love him zombies love in a hopeless place Space Okay I don’t think I’ve been here with these two mushrooms okay okay different mushrooms oh different different mushroom dead end oh I think somebody said ghouli yet oh yeah if you had like the ghost from the Netherlands another another word wait what other lips from the Netherworld you’re going back

To the start this way me yeah okay yeah [ __ ] am I the right place here follow me let’s see wait wait come back oh my God [Laughter] I Follow You Follow Me follow me oh here we go home yet Capulet pomulet oh wait oh wow wow

This is not this is really well done pomu oh [Laughter] it’s nice look through that window through which window for this window yeah oh that looks like Alvin It’s Herobrine Oh I thought he was a myth no he’s in my main he’s real yeah and he’s in your maze yeah wait does this

Mean I’m gonna get haunted he’s like Alvin it looks like Alvin no oh my God it definitely did no look he’s still lurking go to bed no hang out with us don’t go to bed bed is bad but it’s boring we’re not we’re great we’re great and this maze is gray

It is gray this is really really well done Pullman what the heck Like my ego for some reason actually you are my inspiration thank you I get that a lot your size your ego my narcissism narcissism as a narcissism without any war or maybe you can they both start with n yeah and they sound Gnar meanar oh I found the I found the the

Exit programs the bathrooms or the back rooms the back room okay wait wait I’m gonna go to you bathroom I mean hey you gotta pee no you never have to pee on streams when I when I stream I have to pee like all the time because I drink so much water I never

Like I drink a lot of tea okay but do you do a lot of pee okay actually I know where the exit is oh Lead Me take me what kind of tea do you drink yay yeah yeah I wasn’t here I remember hold on you remember what I was mining here

Oh this is where you were mining or maybe another place well there was iron it’s okay I’m not gonna get I run wait is that not how you say it I thought I had talked about this on stream the other day I was like you say iron or do

You say iron yeah I’m trying to remember what the hell you mispronounced and I was like oh my God she finally okay do you remember what she mispronounced the other day and I made fun of her and she was like shut up you just pronounce everything because I’m perfect well

Perfect I don’t know um It wasn’t no it wasn’t a squirrel I’m never gonna wait did you put a did you put a torch in there no that’s gonna spawn things how do you know because they live in darkness but like there’s not enough space hey do they just spawn when there’s one space yeah oh

I definitely every other time put a torch in the hole every single other time I’ve done this I’ve put a torch in the hole oh hey no that’s mine no it’s not it’s mine it’s mine no it’s mine it’s mine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine bye

Are you covering it up goodbye wait I can’t carry all this that’s too bad rot in hell suffer and I got so many arrows oh my God there’s more iron here and you can’t not iron there’s more um hole here and you can get it And get these hands coming here what the hell where’d that sheep come from kill him okay hold on let me replace you weren’t you weren’t you like the one who was just like stop telling me to kill everything dude yeah I actually timed somebody out today really yeah but it’s

Because they were just like every time I’d went anywhere they just spammed in capital letters like kill him or kill this and maybe batting them was like a little too harsh but I don’t know you should say go to therapy yeah that’s definitely less harsh you’re right that’s what I should have done

You’re right next time somebody tells me anything in chat I’ll just be like um you should go to therapy did you really get the check out yeah you’re right why do you have so many spider eyes because I was I was killing the spiders for you like oh that’s right [ __ ]

Oh boy when I see the tree happy consider an insane asylum imagine you just straight up say that there’s another Herobrine or where where where where oh Albin it looks like Alvin just with glasses and a beard Alvin can grow a beard eventually when he hits puberty I don’t

Think he can hit puberty both does often have an age in his lore and how much is he cat and how much is he like robot because he he feels like cybernetically enhanced you know I thought only food chain was cyber and noticing but like Albin has the the like

Butt plug tail and the ears you know you’re telling me that’s all like cybernetic enhancements he has special eyes and special ears oh my God he’s just like me I have blind eyes and special ears oh yeah that’s right he does have the eyes in here yeah

Oh oops I don’t know what I’m touching so pretty what is this to the stage you go You go it’s great uh do you think it’s finished or do you think this thing is like not meant to be here this what oh the scaffold yeah right it’s probably not mentioned I think I think if we take it down it’s gonna look better but at the same time maybe it’s okay

That it like remains well I think if we do a what’s it called if we fix up the place I won’t touch it just in case but even though like this is a scaffold and typically it is something that like people um you know take off okay where are you

Those are your eyes I’m so tired me too me too oh my God can we go see Millie and then it said I’m also tired oh my God I thought you’re gonna crash into Millie did Millie built this no look about this oh when is he gonna build bomo for MLP and

Then Luca I don’t know a little [ __ ] okay I mean don’t say that I can say that it’s nice that Millie’s getting something yeah I think he did it I well I feel like it should have been in the oh in the Halloween Town I agree yeah she’s a clown

No everybody she’s not a clown she’s my baby girl but that is really cool the little Millie head yeah on an adventure you’re welcome like fun was it was it really oh yeah I really enjoyed that that was awesome like the flying around is so cool and it’s even better because like I

Don’t have to do any work so it’s like it feels even more relaxing oh is that up there oh that was where the balloons were yay okay this is Disney oh I didn’t realize you needed like tools to fly I thought you just flew with your wings [Laughter] oh

Yeah we visited your build we just didn’t visit your tree farm okay Nina time to get off dude oh if we eat before she kills me I had half a heart left by the way oh my God wow is there another right pants I think it’s bubble yeah can you please give me

Like Goodbye thanks for bye see you all later hi bye bye chat bye hi everybody say goodbye to Granny Bobo oh yeah oh it sucks it’s my bedtime for an appointment tomorrow oh yeah what are you doing boom hi I’m with my little practitioner oh he’s gonna put your dentures in that’s exciting

Gonna be able to chew chicken wings now and toes so I haven’t felt the warmth of them toe in my mouth [Laughter] Oh that was so sweet I’m so happy she took me around stuff that was so awesome oh this is so nice I hate to admit it but she is so sweet and so cute I’m gonna have to think of something to build in Minecraft maybe I

Could finish my build but I really like um dopio’s little chicken house maybe I’ll build a little bunny like a little honey bunny house oh wait do you think she helped me because I’m wearing a poem head hard that was so much fun oh it was really really fun a casino

There’s already a casino and you know the crazy part I didn’t even see that I’ve already been streaming for four hours almost I know lucky bunny a little honey bunny housing would be so nice my darling all right let’s let’s look around for a little bit more before I disappear whoa

Why is this and where’s Pomo when you need the up I never thought I’d say this but I missed bam maybe watch this I miss her I miss her first bubble when you need to fly spread your wings and fly how do we get up there oh there’s a water thing right for

The negen logo don’t you have an elytra I think somebody took it for me I had an elytra but it’s nowhere else to be found so either I lost it or somebody took it from me I prefer the idea that somebody stole it we already missed Pomo not me nope I’m good

I’m kidding I do I wish she could take me to fly look at that little pomodachi smirky I’m not gonna lie in the middle of the night that pomodachi looks look at him look at that face telling me that is not the face of evil that is the face of evil

I don’t care what anybody tells me that is the face of true evil evil evil the evilest evil that has been upon this Earth I will accept no questions and I will take no prisoners there’s no way you could look at that face over there and tell me that that is the face

Of good look at that Elyria no I was gonna leave oh my God alira now I can’t leave I have to keep screaming hey Lira no I can’t leave now I have to stream I’m never gonna end Lira I would like to know your thoughts about kieh please tell me about Chie

And then eventually tell me about Fortune oh my God that scared me thanks siwiwa how are you today darling thank you so much for the raid welcome to family thank you for stopping by I just had a tour from Pomo rain puff we were doing the upbeats and I was flying soaring it

Was amazing he’s cute and genky but are you in love with her would you call her your wife is what I need to know who is your persona favorite boy or girl so far Hello Michael thank you for the super yo skit not surprise I’m not surprised the Weaver I feel like you always go for the same character you always go for like the protagonist’s best friend I I like him I really like him and I really like ryuji a lot I’m still in

Love with that welcome me too baby me too me too it’s because I have a type yeah the protag the protagonist’s friend I love it thank you so much alira by the way for the raid welcome everybody I’m sorry I’m a little bit low energy today

I never stream late at night and here I am streaming late at night um and I went for a run this morning and yesterday I went for drinks with one of my neighbors she put a note on my door and we went for drinks and here I am

Still alive not murdered which is exciting yeah that’s true I guess alira just wants to be friends right I I I get that Lear just wants to be friends I still cannot wait for you to meet the fortune Arcana but I think just yeah is

It’s rare that I like a main party like main Trio girl but is that th on is that for me 100 I just love her so much she’s amazing she’s the best she’s cute she’s so genky she’s so sweet I don’t know I just I love her so much I can’t explain it

You know just love her so much everybody it’s okay if alira lies about liking a catchy um I do I think a catchy deserves love Maybe sure not from me but if other people want to love a catchy you know if people want to eat dirt who am I to prevent them right

It’s their life their dirt you know yeah Elia is a dirt eater and that’s okay she’s our little dirt gear up so excited for the movie I saw I saw the things that you wrote everybody it’s happening eclipsy we’re gonna be watching eclipsy I’m so excited am I calling a catchy dirt yes

Let me let me think about it uh yeah exactly that’s what I’m doing That’s exactly what I’m doing darling and it’s okay like I said everybody is allowed to like the people that they love okay I guess it’s time to get some diamonds huh oh can I trade my stuff for dime can I what’s a fast way to get diamond that

Isn’t like cheating in the game can I trade something to the villagers for diamonds or no I forgot I can do that right healing oh yeah oh my God you’re right you can just steal oh my God thanks everybody oh yeah I can just use my emeralds for tools you’re right

But thank you I almost forgot that like I could just steal things from other people okay in order to return to a life of crime you have had to have left the life of crime I have never left my life okay villagers have Emerald only but I’ll be

Able to buy like pants and stuff right yeah I’ll be able to buy pads and stuff which is good enough good enough I think I’m gonna make a little mind somewhere and start mining maybe that’s gonna be my mission for next time I stream this is just to try

To mine as many diamonds as I can yeah that’ll be nice and it’s helpful for everybody especially me it’s helpful for me steal from from a lero you can’t steal from alira she just raided me I’ll steal from alira after she’s gone to bed which is gonna be like seven in the

Morning knowing her oh oh oh steal from fomo I’m scared of her Wrath yeah I’m gonna stealira after she goes to bed I’m gonna be waiting forever forever forever forever I’m never gonna not be waiting ever ever hmm you want to get dinner so you might be okay oh I might be okay

Do it steal from homo I’m here [ __ ] ah all right well then I guess we’re gonna steal from fomo because Elia is right here the problem is Pomo has so many homes which home do I steal from you know I’m also here damn it I can’t steal from rosemary I mean

Unless no I’m kidding oh wait I have to show you something ilira and pomu while you’re still here hold on hold on I’ll be I’ll be super quick I’m like I’m running hold on hold on I’m showing them is Cafe oh elira you have been replaced you have been replaced you’ve been

Relieved of your duties Oh wait that’s not the hold on wait wait wait wait please it’s at the right place by the right place yes I didn’t I didn’t do it by the way this was before I was here and you know the worst part is I was going to say that finana looks really Derpy and then I noticed that it’s a little sassy oh no how does it go I forgot how it goes but yes

Identity theft is not a joke Nina kosaka I didn’t do it I didn’t do this this was done onto me do you think I’m happy to be next to fomu I’m not but this is an alternate timeline alira this is scary this is spooky I didn’t expect that I’m sorry I didn’t

Do this I had did this to you and to me who stole alira’s head I don’t know I don’t know who did that but it wasn’t me but it wasn’t me I don’t think I know alira’s name in Minecraft Oh okay back to the Adventure Time what I’m so tired and sleepy that I thought I misread this I seriously looked at this and I thought I was misreading this but it says Phoenix land luckily um I I’m sorry this took me a second hahaha anyway that that took me off guard

I think that is my cue to go to sleep I thought that’s at venuslab hold on let me turn on my AC maybe I’m getting a little too hot too warm let me grab the rest of my couscous and veggies hmm mother meet of Deceit you and this statue boat Phoenix land

And you together are the meat of Deceit thank you so much for the membership darling you’re getting Prime cozy mom tonight um what time is it where I am 9 30 in the morning haven’t slept all night I’m kidding that’s not true but you can ask me such personal questions baby

It’s too it’s too personal I’m kidding it’s not it’s one in the morning if at all possible I would adore seeing more late night streams with you thank you David thank you for the super um late night Fox mama just another level of comfort and coziness I would

Love to have more of thank you um I’m gonna have a lot of late night streams next week because I’m doing a whole week of of um Metal Gear but uh and at night I’ll be doing I want to play astroneer I want to play satisfactory again I’m gonna play a

Little bit of Minecraft uh I wanted to play Terraria solo actually just to kind of explore it and take my time with it um but I usually I like streaming during the day first of all because then you know if I’m louder I get scared my neighbors don’t get mad at me

But also because um I don’t know I just I like to think of streaming as my quote-unquote work and quote unquote job and it makes me feel good to do my job at the same time that other people do their job um and I know it’s like a weird it’s a

Weird mental thing but I just feel if I stream at I don’t know let’s say 10 p.m then it almost feels like okay I’m done work and then I come home and do my second job instead of but I like the idea of no this is my

Main job so I’m gonna do it at the time of a main job uh that being said I’ve had this belief for many many years before because I used to watch some people on Twitch television but maybe I don’t know maybe [ __ ] maybe times have changed and maybe it’s okay if you know

If I want to wake up and have the whole day ahead of me and then stream at night yeah I don’t know we’ll see I don’t know I don’t know but I really do like daytime it’s more than that too I feel like daytime too um

The audience tends to be a little older and I just I don’t know I think the kids they just don’t get me you know the kids just don’t get me I’m very funny and I’m very cool and the kids just don’t get it you know they just they just don’t get it

It’s it’s I am not to blame it’s them they are to blame funny Boomers uh where is the where is her skeleton Farm I don’t know if I’m going the right way you’re a teen and you like my humor oh thank you I’m excited that’s I’m a little worried about you then honey

Actually I don’t think I have very doomed humor oh yeah I um oh my God which way am I running I don’t know it’s near uki’s Castle really okay I am not in the right place I don’t think I am not in the right place right here

Okay let’s not talk about our ages please my darling everybody on the internet is very bad especially me please do me a favor everybody only ever tell people you’re 25 years old if you’re under 18. promise me promise me please you will not tell people that you are under

18. you will tell people that you’re 25 if you’re under 18. promise me all the 25 year olds are like wait a second which way am I going sorry I’m so confused now with everything okay we’re going this way for this where’s the skeleton Farm and the villagers didn’t like trap a

Bunch of men against their will where are those men she trapped where are all the men trapped against their will working for Pomo where are the people working her land oh my God that looks like Millie or a briskadette you just passed the bro tell are we not

Having a skeleton Farm anymore or I guess that’s like over what a pretty castle is the skeleton Farm like over over oh this is not humane this is not okay oh uh this is also wait I think this is legal right to show hippo okay well I hope it’s legal to show

People because I just showed people oh what a nice tree oh look at the little heads I want to put my Pomo head but I only have one I don’t want to lose my head but I want to like make one of these heads into fomu head this is so cool

What the heck that is awesome Oh my God is that Aya you caught me off guard I have a bone to pick with you baby girl you know what it’s about no no oh my God I’m excited all right is she loud enough by the way can you hear her hi baby hi Mom are you streaming Minecraft Minecraft

Uh-huh it’s nice it’s like a cozy stream I was telling everybody like I get so sleepy at night so I’m like extra cozy and stuff yeah I’m not wearing pants under my dress oh me neither I don’t wear pants under my dress either how was your day how are you

Very good let’s finish the membership stream how how’s your screen kind of wild are you eating what do you mean I’m eating couscous and vegetables okay yeah me too I think you know are probably my favorite That’s a nicer mouth feel to me I love a nice mouth oh wait am I did I put her too loud hold on I’m sorry sorry I keep myself down thank you I’ll make you less loud it’s my fault no don’t be hold on let me grab a

Blanket and then I got a bone to pick with you oh yeah I like how she’s so polite like um how you doing I have a bundabe with you though I scold you [ __ ] I’m I’m ready I’m ready that’s right you jealous chess it’s like being on this side that’s right that’s

Right I gotta be scolded unfortunately it’s gonna be like a really like easy scolding because I am so tired oh little kitty uh but first wait I gotta finish going where I want it to go and then I’ll then I’ll scold you what trips are you are you working to

Build or anything no I actually don’t know what to build I’m going to I need to find the brothel ah the brothel is more towards the Hub so like you hear that that passed away with all the the I’m going back I I used to do you remember when we had like the

Skeleton Farm that’s where I thought the brothel was but you guys rebuilt it yeah I got moved mm-hmm I’m going I’m going what are you working on uh on Minecraft uh I’m working on a like a little like Park area next actually right right next to your Cafe yeah

You’re also working on a cafe yeah yeah I actually like um yeah that too yeah yeah allegedly some of the rooms aren’t finished in your Cafe what’s up with that I ran I ran out of ideas mid-streaming a lot of students I love you I just think it’s strange

That you happen to run out of ideas for rainbow and me yeah yeah my brain is very smooth and unwrinkled yeah I just feel in the Ethereal room first of all Anna and Millie’s rooms look like they are given extra priority okay they definitely I started there first I started there

First and then I ran out of steam oh oh so when it’s my turn it’s suddenly not not enough okay number one number two etheria’s room is like not finished but then all the other rooms are somehow finished uh not really I think noctix is a little bit unfinished this room looks

Real nice real finish they got different accessories different lights different flowers what about my room what about my needs and wants foreign at least I have these little covers look at raymu what is this of my own heart okay I have to have offs

You need to work on it some more this is a free thing that you have built out of the goodness of your heart and free time is not good enough for me I need it to be better look at this we have the same little like black chairs

Black tables look at the girls look how much oh look at that Anna has the stuff growing from the ceiling oh look at this Senpai I’m waiting for the the cherry blossom updates I can use the cherry blossom wood on her side because it’s pink I’ll have you know Millie doesn’t

Even know how to read and you gave her book you gave her like mushrooms different colored mushrooms and potted plants come on also last question this one was a little shocking to me do you um you notice anything different with lazulite name them for me from the

Uh we have uh from left to right we have and Pomo Ring Pop and banana ryugu uh-huh could you say the first one again And can you tell me a little bit about her and her stream oh yeah I really like her she’s like and then sometimes she also so sometimes she goes off and then and then uh oh she’s from the and then like sometimes she Yeah yeah okay that’s fair I mean I’m sold it works for me cool yeah cool okay you know what maybe maybe I just have bad old eyes I love it even though you have cataracts mom you do yeah I love you in your cataracts I know I’m old I can’t see

Okay where’s the brothel take me to the men uh uh the brothel uh it’s like ookie’s Castle no across the street from here okay it’s the big Buddha is yeah I need something to build or like something to do because otherwise I you know everything’s already kind of built

Out so I feel kind of useless in Minecraft I was actually planning on uh fixing the nether the nether because it’s still a bit unsafe really nice yeah and so like if you want what we’re gonna do a little project together I’d be happy to uh fix up another and you the

Only problem is like next week I’m doing a whole week of um Metal Gear so I’m gonna be playing Minecraft like at night sometimes but I don’t want to like set oh I don’t want to put like a set schedule because I don’t wanna you know what if

I’m too tired or like you know yeah that would be food yeah just let me know just ping me when I do something me pick me up I want you to pick me up hey I know I love that you know it I know I think like uh to be fair to be

Fair like I think we’re both kind of K-pop Bloomers aren’t we yeah we are hmm I think sometimes like you no that’s not true I think you like listen to a lot of boy bands in second gen and I was listening to a lot of girl bands like

Tiara and Kara and stuff like that oh yeah like Crayon Pop all that good yeah nine Muses oh then uh there’s four minutes yeah I do like um turn back to the iron farm okay you know that little like cross that crossroads yeah it’s that tall wooden building

That one is that where the men live next to the left the first one yeah that one I don’t know what a sprucy is it’s like a it’s a little dark it’s like a dark brown with the Birch it’s like it’s like the one to the right to the right one

That one yeah okay nice nice nice nice no yeah sorry there’s a lag between the screen oh sorry sorry yeah hop on the bush the bush experienced debauchery of a higher Calibre at the brothel nice I love debauchery oh I love debauching whoa welcome to the new brothel I love the brotheli I love the brothelite I love I scoop up the the minions with my show Valley oh I’m gonna steal that I am actually going to steal that from you I scoop the maidens with my chauvelle add the brotheli I love that okay don’t look at the

Stream now I’m like making mistakes I like picked up things the wrong way and now it’s just it’s true I saw that I just let it slash you know I just let her do it thank you thank you it’s funny because I actually said the word chauvelle with dopion

Dopey’s like the king of not making sense sometimes and he yeah he didn’t understand she’ll Valley and like of all the words you don’t understand shoveli I think sometimes dopio is a little like he’s so open-minded that sometimes his brains just like fall out you know yeah a little bit it’s

Very endearing we love him he is he is so cute we love him he’s very fast it’s like he does he has this like this verbal habit If instead of saying going to do this he he always says I’m gonna do that like you know like really I

Haven’t noticed that he says Eliza he’s like um like he’ll be like Oh I’m going like it’s a I’m going to stream he’s like yeah I’m gonna like he does on the stream oh yeah oh that is so cute yeah it’s really adorable it’s like a verbal

Habit of his the d stands for endearing yes it does I like that that’s so cute that is so cute what the heck and like I think he did I have a I have the slightest of accents uh-huh and so like uh I I call um Iron I see Iron yeah

Yeah he’s so confused oh yeah like iron and he was like what now I I mispronounce a lot of things because I speak French so it’s just it just gets jumbled up for me the men I don’t know why we use gray text it’s kind of hard to read in the wood a

Little bit yeah right I I wonder why the person who built this did that that’s a really bad idea of hers and she should not have done it I’m just checking to see if she’s still awake because if she is she’s gonna be like Nina just checking to see if she’s awake

What do y’all think is she awake I think she’s sleeping mom yes love you that’s all what are you playing this week what’s your I don’t really play any games I think it’s kind of like a creative stream slash talking stream this week oh I like

That what kind of creative stuff are you doing I saw you were drawing us as like the little scrunklies I’m so excited yeah I wanna have my scruggly I couldn’t draw for that long history because I think I had like a heat exhaustion I can talk and stuff so I

I couldn’t have stopped it halfway do you have air conditioning I know is that prior I was stuck outside for like 30 minutes like 100 degree weather and then I had to drive home I felt kind of like uneasy on the way home and then oh I tried to rest and like

Throw myself into bags of ice but it didn’t help a whole lot no I feel like once you’re already like in the sun like that it just it messes with you it doesn’t there’s not really a way to like make it better yeah I called my brother and

Asked about because he’s smart and he was like oh yeah no you’re oh you’re good yeah yeah like you’re done this is it oh finally pink Cherry lips wait are they all named this oh voluptuous Violette Saucy Jack gym hot pink Cherry lips with the Cherry lips and golden curls

Uh sassy Suzanne flirty Felicia affectionate Elise Lusty Lauren oh it should have been Leslie Argonian made these would all be like drag names honestly Charming Chelsea I don’t know if a drag queen named Charming Chelsea would really pop off no there’s there’s a queen there’s a queen in Australia named Karen from

Finance oh I like that actually I said driving Chelsea wouldn’t pop off but I think it’s like it’s so tongue-in-cheek that I think it would yeah I think I think like these really meta names really fun yeah yeah actually it would it would it would there’s a there’s a drag queen named um

Oh I was I was getting ready to be like Oh I’m on stream by the way but you’re here okay do you mind you mind what if I just if I just yeah how can you log into Minecraft at the same time as me it’s [ __ ] up

I know it’s just it’s not how dare you I’m being very unplugged right now I’m so sorry Mom I’m stealing that I beat so I [ __ ] right now mother I’m being so hot right now sorry I’ve been on fog tonight look at the line yesterday I’ve been through a little unmarked Champion tonight but also for anybody that like yes it’s completely fine that people log into the game what are you gonna be working on oh this is my build for a little bit because I have a little parking I’ve been kind of passively working on my

Watch drag me howdy y’all you hope y’all having a good day not just got back from d d and it was fun in flick wounds is dumb anyway stay awesome Mom and Chad no one I thank you so much for your contribution to the Stream I hope you’re having a diddly doodly day

Amen brother hell yeah oh that’s a hell yeah brother meow meow Margaret that’s amazing everyone please welcome to the stage meow meow Margaret also armpit Ally should have been armpit Ayah I don’t make the rules yeah it should have been Hold on dude none of them except metal these guys oh the guys upstairs do oh those are Librarians ah I knew that I was just testing you of course I’m always ready to pass the test yeah yeah oh wait what were we talking about oh yeah the stuff you’re working on while you’re

Just building a little Park thingy thingy they’re gonna back into the ethereus section the cafe yeah yeah yeah especially like that Nina section oh she needs some work that Nina woman needs some work Nina tell Aya she’s still alive oh my God imagine just in case double check is

Oh my God hey Matt thank God you joined me and you didn’t like do anything crazy thank you for letting us know Ryan thank you so much oh my God that would have been really funny the first part is I’m sure like if you just stuck around it would have been

Like it would have been like I don’t know you watching a video on like something like not even you know I don’t know like how do fish defecate like it just would have been like the most random video right wait did the fish have colicas like do they have like

A singular use hole or like no they have like they have they fertilize eggs they don’t mother they don’t like do penetration oh yeah they do like the the the the water swirling yeah wait maybe they do penetration I don’t I don’t know if they do though

Because I think they just have like those fertilized yeah like they have like the eggs and then another fish like basically like oh Metal Gear Rex pomu he’s not why did she sexualize Metal Gear rags what is wrong with her Rex is a good boy anyway sorry go on darling are we saying

Uh I forgore I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you um oh my God imagine did you do anything after stream or did you just jump on uh no I just I no I think I I stopped streaming from OBS but I forgot to actually end the stream like oh so it’s

Still fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah didn’t hear me like you know like eating crying yeah my my traditional post streams crying session hey those can be so therapeutic no we’re not a good cry everybody crying Aya a dork for you if you don’t mind I heard her

I mind I can’t do that I’m sorry oh oh my God it’s solidus and Big Boss Aya hello Aya please please Ayah your your voice I need to hear it Aya I’m sorry for the crimes of my chat room oh my God is this you are you invisible she’s hurting me invisibly

She’s hurting me in my heart and my soul she’s grieving me live on stream yeah oh no she’s causing me pain live on my stream I’m being harassed help whether you must not tell lies help me I’m being a rat because mother please I’ll do anything I’ll be a good mom

You’re always a good mom even when you’re telling lies I’ll never be a bad mom again oh my God I heard your elytra yeah thanks for coming in and hurting me I really I really enjoyed that I’m glad I’m glad you did good good for you Mom violets against mothers

Not very nice isn’t Mother’s Day coming up soon I think because when I was in England like ages ago Mother’s Day happened and then I think Mother’s Day yeah like England has a different Mother’s Day I know I didn’t know either and um what else I think they’re Father’s Day I’m not sure

When is Mother’s Day when is Father’s day does anybody know oh Mother’s Day is in May apparently oh I forgot her yeah I remember being like Oh that’s interesting oh I accidentally took something in my right hand I’m so glad you’re here because I was getting so sleepy I am like

Because I never streamed this late and uh it was odd as I saw you in BC like she’s streaming it’s Minecraft I consume during the day because my apartment building it’s been doing renovations and some days it’s so loud and even sometimes people be like oh we can’t

Hear but then when we can here you know everyone’s like oh we can hear and I’m just like um yeah so I just uh hold on for The Mending book I don’t need I need to give him an empty book right yeah I do yeah I remember stealing someone she know for Gore

I’m just our war looting three Unbreaking three last protect IV all feather falling one could be nice Contagious do you have a do you have an early date tomorrow yeah I gotta but I have to wake up at five oh why are you still here wait where’s mending huh you should be there huh well let me go down here IBM that is absolutely ludicrous that is ludacy and ludicracy Luda okay let’s start from the beginning um oh this one has feather falling IV damn it but I get feather falling eye oh it’s crosswalker I thought it said fast walk oh yeah bending I found it

Found it you have enough levels to uh to apply the enchantments uh-huh we have a guardian Farm oh yeah yeah I just thought it was crazy and thank you for offering you know what pomu said I asked her for free items and she just logged out

I know it’s really nothing in life is free though so in Russian there’s a saying free cheese is only in a mousetrap oh that’s a good one well how do you say it what is it so free cheese is only in The Mousetrap yeah that is true love usually people also

Like people usually say it let’s say like you’ll be like oh like somebody invited me for like a free lunch at work or like this person’s treating me for coffee and then you go like there’s no such thing as a free lunch you know your sanity will be impacted

Oh you thought I said bathtub I’m sorry I’m getting sleepy I’m all snoozy sleepy ain’t no shame How are you gonna wake up at five caffeine girl you know back in college uh to stay away from my lectures you know what I do I would uh I’d bring a thumbtack and I poke myself I was getting sleepy that’s I want to say like that’s punk

Rock hardcore but I also don’t want people to think like yeah I don’t condone this I don’t care yeah yeah yeah like what that is Hardcore just saying like damn it’s a little it was pretty hardcore with me but it’s also very stupid yeah yeah yeah don’t do what

She’s doing but also that’s a little hardcore little punk that’s a little Punky pop rock oh yeah a little little Aya and like Accounting 101 with nothing but a calculator a piece of paper her bag her laptop and a single thumbtack sleeping oh I tried to I try to but it’s like I

Think I have this issue I have this like this fallacy where I I feel like I worked hard all day and I try to squeeze in like 30 minutes of me time but then it ended it ends up just eating into myself yeah I try really hard to make

Accommodations to like like sleep not that means you just you know like you know like Read Manga or something like that and I just end up eating like sleepy time I uh but I do get rest though I did I took a nap today and it was nice okay okay one nap

Doesn’t erase years of bad sleep well it was a good nap oh I love a good nap you wake up you don’t know what year it is yeah this is actually I think oh I don’t like to like wake up and stream immediately but if it’s a nap it’s so

Different like if if it’s not like my first wake up of the day and it’s just a nap waking up from a nap to stream is amazing it’s like yeah for me after my nap I need like a solid like 45 minutes of wake up like like silly waking back

Up because like I get groggy same but that’s okay sorry it’s because usually when I take a nap it’s before I collab so I also don’t feel like I have to do as well when you’re solo on stream it’s like it’s only you and your audience

You’re like okay I gotta make sure you guys are having a good time but in a collab it’s like having a good time okay you can split the attention because you’re not the only one carrying you know oh oh also I was gonna tell you but now that you’re in call I’m gonna

Tell you now have you started reading Warhammer books by the way I haven’t gotten time till I’m really behind them you can do audiobook is Nadia look yeah yeah so there’s three okay so I was talking to my stream and basically like there’s a lot of books right there’s a really long series

It’s like I think Horus heresy or something like that it’s called and there’s a lot of books that I ask for there are kind of one-offs right so like books that like you’ll just read one and it kind of tells you about the lore so there’s three that I picked up uh I’ll

Send you the screenshot of them but doodle kuning is like just Orcs being lad uh ciafas came here of the Imperium is like everybody was just so vibing for that one and then infinite and the Divine I think is about the necrons and it’s apparently really

Really funny but these are all like one book books that will teach you about the lore and the faction and stuff oh wait that has my name I don’t need you to know my middle name between Nina and kosaka you don’t need to know those

Yeah so if you recommend it in I don’t know I just picked them up and they’re gonna be arriving for me soon so I’ll probably start with the orc one or the CFS one probably can you tell me which one you start off with now I’ll start

The same time so you can talk about it okay and then another one that they recommended so there’s a it’s a I don’t know how to call them it’s a trilogy but when it’s four books how do you call that a quad um quadrants a prodigy but um it’s

It’s a Chronicles really I’ve never heard that before but there’s a quadrache are people also recommended me ah hold on hold on hold on it’s called eisenhorn yeah I mean one of them look look don’t you want to read this let me show you this

Isn’t this book make you want to read it it’s called hereticus and it’s got a little old man on the cover it’s very like these covers remind me of system stock for some reason yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah very they should listen to I like to read I wish like I

Was more into audiobooks because then I feel like I could get away with more reading but I just like to read because otherwise I do too much stuff when I audio a book um whenever I met Aluna doing whatever work I have to do I tend to just throw

On like an audiobook but I haven’t listened to anything good lately I think like I recently listened to the animal farm and uh the Life of Pi but that’s about it I heard the life I just remember it was like in movie theaters The Life of Pi oh yeah it was required

Reading for me back in the day um but actually despite that I quite liked it um and so uh yeah I think I was required to read The Hot Zone which is about like um like a disease outbreak and then Life of Pi was also another required one I

Like them both I just listened to the audiobooks on occasion also I just got hit with a wave of tired I think I’m gonna I’m gonna Boop you off and I’m gonna do just a little bit of zatsu before I end thank you for joining I felt really guilty because Elia raided

Me and I was like oh I was like I can’t just leave alira raided me I feel that too I feel that too I was like oh my God yes thank you you really helped keep me awake I appreciate it I love you I’ll talk to you later bye have a good night

My darlings I’m not leaving just yet we’re gonna do a little zatsu what I am not reading about Metal Gear and talking about Metal Gear careful Pope’s gonna wake up hear me Hi Aya please everybody say good night to Aya I’m gonna hang out for a little bit longer with everybody that was really fun playing Minecraft again I think if I play Minecraft more seriously I’m gonna need to like find something to build I love you too baby

I’m gonna need to find something to build uh but I also I want to play a game called astroneer I want to play Terraria solo and I was thinking of playing satisfactory again also I think the game that I’m playing on Sunday is called um hardship shipbreaker heart Style shipbreaker

It’s something about hard and breaking ships hard space shipbreaker which a lot of folks on Shreve have told me that it’s like a very cozy also don’t look at my butt wait why can you see my butt like that I didn’t realize you could see so much of my butt

Don’t look at my butt hey don’t look at my butt stop Don’t look him up bye mother look at my butt stop look at the legs look at me the legs are a part of me I am important not the legs don’t look at me don’t look at me mother all right where were you thank you Sledge for hanging out yeah tomorrow I’m

Gonna play a little city building game called Nebuchadnezzar honestly it’s because I used to play a game called Zeus and Poseidon and this Nebuchadnezzar game it just kind of looked like Zeus and Poseidon um it actually reminded me more of like the Cleopatra games if anybody remembers pharaoh and Cleopatra

I have never played this game it just looks like a little city building game um it’s probably gonna be just like a one or two stream game for me nothing too crazy we’re just gonna have fun with it I watched Millie play SimCity and I thought to myself if you could watch

Millie play SimCity you can watch me play other stuff uh yeah it’s Nebuchadnezzar sarante thank you so much fine you can get a little tiny bit of leg here here here’s a little tiny bit of like okay stop no more like thank you uh yeah we’re gonna be playing that

Tomorrow Friday I’m gonna be playing Diablo IV I’ve yet to play it Saturday really early we’re gonna be doing a member stream and then cruelty Squad and Sunday heart space shipbreaker I know you’re gonna say Nina where is Metal Gear Nina when is Metal Gear if you like metal gear I have really

Good news for you if you don’t like metal gear I have really bad news for you um I am playing Metal Gear all week next week so I will be doing night streams a lot of those night streams will be stuff like satisfactory or Terraria or heart space shipbreaker if I enjoy it

Um I might play crypto the necro dancer I might boot up like forager or Hades or anything um I’m gonna be playing Metal Gear three and four I’m gonna be playing Metal Gear three and four oh sorry Metal Gear Solid three a four Cleopatra is fun so Zoo the reason I’m

Not playing pharaoh and Cleopatra is because when I remember from that game is if I remember correctly the god system was a little imbalance where like the gods would get upset at you all the time you basically had to play the whole game and constantly be clicking to make

Sure that a god wasn’t mad at you because if a God was mad at you it’s game over like it was really really strict yeah this nebuchadnezzer game looks again it looks like a very casual like city building game from the early 2000s it’s you know but it looks nice and I’m

Excited I’m excited to play it it’s gonna be fun and if you like those kinds of games you know Mickey I did find a game I wanted to talk to everybody about has anybody here played Sans of Salazar I read some of the comments and people

Were saying that it kind of felt like it’s got very positive reviews but then recently got a few like mixed reviews but people were saying that it kind of felt like kenshi and Mountain blade but like 3D not 3D like 2D I guess I don’t know what to call the character style

Nobody can hear that is it SimCity I think it’s more like SimCity honestly High Gian you heard of that game I don’t know it looks interesting I just saw somebody in the comments talk about Mountain blades so it like got me interested but I don’t know it’s also not Mountain blade which is

Another game I want to play again soon not late you know I think next time I play Mountain blade I will probably try and go for as long as I can and just go from like the start of the game I really want people to help me with like capturing castles and

Kind of learning how to like do Castle Warfare properly I’ve seen people play War Tales um maybe I should check it out fourtails seemed more like a tactics game though and I played so many tactics game when I was younger that I’m a little tacticed out thank you Sarah for hanging out I

Appreciate it what’s everyone up to tonight is it the end of your night is it the beginning of your night talk to me are you just going to bed or Waking it up Nina please it’s the afternoon and you’re making me sleepy I’m sorry John V if I’m sleepy you’re sleepy too

You’re finishing your Fall Guys dailies nice are you saving for anything you’re playing can she oh where are you going what are you doing yeah correct I just streamed some games so much that I just I don’t know if I would enjoy them the same you’re working right now I’m so sorry

I’m so happy you can watch YouTubers while you work darling you code for a living and time has no meaning oh no oh no I apologize I apologize my dear mother hi Mom I hope Minecraft went well got a hard monitor put on Monday oh good luck

Low Tad I don’t know exactly how that stuff works but I hope I hope you don’t rip it off I’m guessing like when you sleep and stuff right you got this it’s gonna be it’s gonna be okay and it’s gonna be good good luck I’ll be I’ll be sending you good thoughts darling

No savings just doing the season pass okay that’s cute I like that when you rope a gay a game into a friend a friend into a game and you actually spend time with them you’re dying on drawing hot guys gotta go as well Mom buy anchors thank

You for tuning in I appreciate it you might start your Hannibal inspired niji Yen fanfic I have to ask who’s eating who can you give me a spoiler who’s eating who oh No it’s not pascaru I have old old lady yawns old lady yawns not taskaroo all right everybody I will be going because I stream tomorrow and I want to go for a run in the morning thank you so much for tuning in I am gonna be giving

A raid to Astor so please go enjoy after absolutely destroying people in the league of the legend thank you so much everybody for hanging out I love you all so much I hope you have a great night uh and I’m gonna try to set the waiting room tonight

I’m probably gonna make some tea and then set the waiting room tonight and I will see you all tomorrow okay bye bye thank you for hanging out please send some love to Astor and I’ll see you tomorrow and if not tomorrow oh oh where’s the door I’ll see you tomorrow

And if I don’t see you tomorrow I’ll see you soon and if I don’t see you soon then I’ll see you next time bye bye I love you so much thanks for hanging out with me I love you so so so so so so so so much bye bye bye bye

Bye bye I love you all so so so so so so so so so much this is Jesus

This video, titled ‘【LATE NIGHT MINECRAFT】1st time playing Minecraft!【NINA KOSAKA – NIJISANJI EN】’, was uploaded by Nina Kosaka【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-06-15 06:31:38. It has garnered 30270 views and 2723 likes. The duration of the video is 04:45:13 or 17113 seconds.

I can’t wait to discover this bloc game!!!

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  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

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  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

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  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More