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Now Yeah La Holy [ __ ] I forgot Ricardo’s here he scared the [ __ ] out of Me okay Ricardo you you go home that’ be still in the jar too hello everybody how are you guys all doing I’m home had a very long day of work sorry sorry I I I was late I was I was doing stuff with Ricardo he’s in your room he’s in your

Room he’s in your room he’s in your room can I view my own comments on my iPad I have my iPad set up I’ve been toying around with it it’s so much fun to have a tablet again um can I use the tablet to view my own

Chat so I don’t have to use my computer for it there we go hell yeah I can Cool May making that cat art POG you know what she keeps calling me a fboy bottom boy wife so I’m going to call her a cat clip me saying this Kai you you call me a boy wife you’re cat now sorry I stayed up pretty late last night

Drawing cuz I couldn’t sleep ended up drawing her I wanted to test out the tablet and it’s really nice also Photoshop makes it really easy to download your own brushes so I have all my brushes for my computer super happy about it but I’m home I worked today very long

Shift a lot of garbage I got home Unwound for a little bit and here we are let’s go Warframe in a show hell I saw you’ve actually been playing Warframe is that crossplay I might redownload it cuz I remember I was trying to get you to play it years ago

Ago if I’ve Got Friends playing it I have a reason to actually load in I’m guessing my nus isn’t maxed out anymore I’m sure there’s new things but I had a genuinely completely 100% maxed out nidus I need to get nidus Prime I guess there is something for me to grind Huh I’ve got leftover pizza from Yesterday can’t post links you can’t why not can I change That think the setting okay you made sure to cut this s out Okay details No no ah I’m not seeing anything yeah I have YouTube open I’m looking in YouTube settings there’s nothing in details double check it yeah there’s nothing in details um in customization there’s stuff about chat live chat live chat replay participant modes anyone can send messages live reactions are if

I I learned how to get rid of the heart the heart’s gone yeah let’s [ __ ] go heart would be cute if it didn’t block me it literally blocks a it blocks a whole comment and you can’t click the three dots to moderate someone’s message because it is blocking it so when people

Show up and start doing such [ __ ] I have to wait for two more messages to pop in order to to delete their post or mute them or block them it’s really [ __ ] stupid that’s what I hate about it if I could move it I’d be happy sadly I don’t think I

Can oh my God I can I I I thought you had to click the three dots cuz cuz they’re there all right you guys know what time it is know well I mean if I can do that then there’s no reason I not have the heart so I’m bringing the heart Back I still don’t see a way to allow links but that’s all right I have a link a clip chat now so the heart should have been done completely differently it’s an all right idea should have been done completely differently that’s just my opinion anyways how are you guys doing I’m home

From work I’m the Peru alien um yeah other than that I had a MC rib for lunch and I have uh Pizza Hut wings and bread stick leftovers for dinner I’m apparently munching on cuz I’m Starving finally have some days off now shut your vinyl frame how yeah man that’s the that’s not General bore or whatever his name is Right heart do you click it and then it goes Boop and then if you watch my screen I just pressed it after delay a really long

Delay a really long delay what if I click a whole bunch of Hearts huh my hand calibration need to work I’m actually scratching my ear right now it looks like I’m scratching under my eye oh now it looks like can I angle this to make it look like I’m picking my

Nose no I can’t the calibration off but not enough come on this like an I can’t stret stretch my ear like an inch farther I give up I tried it makes little hearts or party streamers or hundreds or blushy faces or smiley faces pop up

That’s all it does it’s just a button to press I’m glad to hear you guys are doing good hope we’ll have a fun stream I will be streaming again tomorrow obviously and then the day after is our drinking stream it’s going to be a twofer I’m going to uh go get the

Drinks and we’re going to mix we’re going to make some mixed drinks we’re going to make some bar food and after drinking a little bit I’m going to eat said bar food we’ll collabing with Kaiju over on her Channel we’re going to be playing more Monster Hunter so it should be very fun

I’m going to directly transition from my stream into hers so she might even stop in and say hi during the cooking and drinking part so they emojis yeah it’s just emojis that’s all it Is But what boss drops the parts for Rhino frame odd I don’t remember or also well the game or no we’re good we’re good Jackal assassination Ah that’s right fighting the The Jackal is that boss still bugged where if you angle yourself in the wrong part of the room during the intro cinematic

You’ll like die instantly and clip to the floor that was awesome it was such a cool boss before I got a crit flamethrower and just melt Him oh oh fent she reacted to me calling her cat I got to see it I got to see it I got to see it hold on I swear to [ __ ] okay hold on mom me I don’t know if you guys can hear it

But I’m going to try to hear it turn up the volume what the [ __ ] did he say I don’t like your title Skye I don’t like the title CLI me saying this you call me a boy wife you’re cat now CLI me saying this you call me a boy you’re cat

Now [ __ ] that little [ __ ] what what did you hear that did you hear that that little gck sucking [ __ ] boy wiping [ __ ] Daddy yeah what’s she going to do about it huh Dy call me a cat I will [ __ ] end him I destroy him I’m sure

For him y I want to [ __ ] I’m sure she will oh yeah I’m sure she will I’m so scared oh no please don’t come and destroy me remember what I said fellas I love a girl that will actually just kill me I got to push a little bit to get

What I want I’m going to all right Minecraft Time sun just s is sunvy in a jar or standing on a jar in every [ __ ] screen I have hold on let’s find out remove this remove this I don’t even know if Sun’s here yet okay no sunv jar in classic all [Laughter] right let open up some Minecraft

Okay so you know we’re going to be doing first oh my God first we’re going to make two more Enchanted pickaxes like this one two more why because I like them and I want to have multiple of them for mining through the nether because they get eaten up really fast so

That’s that’s what we’re going to do let’s load everything with the frame drops Commence wonder why it took until that skeleton to remember that my audio was jacked up Yeah Oh I don’t have my armor I actually a lot lost a lot of Health there all right we want two more Diamond Pickaxes just like this one the longer we spend in one go down the nether the Better Yeah Kaiju Kaiju is just being all all Co and and soon she likes me that’s why she likes me I need more diamonds I think I have plenty right what three one two three sticks sticks sticks sticks real cat-like Behavior yeah I will say though I’ve gotten to

See her model update that she’s doing the new outfit oh is it hot it is really good it is really good is really [ __ ] good all righty I need to enchant these which means I need more emeralds getting those behind the scenes you have no idea hi I’m also potentially going to be

Doing something for her that I do not want to spoil she knows but I do not want to spoil it because it could be pretty cool those swaging sussy busy goed with the exop [Applause] plasma hey I got two things to say all right one I ain’t scared of no ghosts

And two busting makes me feel good I’m so exhausted it has been a long long week I have had to get up for something every day since Thanksgiving and I am exhausted I can’t keep getting Peru aliened like this I’m actually going to die that’s why it’s

Great I repeat I I’ll repeat repeat this phrase over and over like it’s a manra all right God I love a girl that will actually just kill me also speaking of model updates Sky you’ve been going [ __ ] nuts with your tattoos man and then varden’s got oh varden’s got

[ __ ] an official like blizzard artist designing his outfit like holy [ __ ] you guys are all going crazy with it I need to hurry up and do something [Applause] get in motivated mindset and just do thing everybody is but me I got to fix that I’m going to fix that

Tomorrow I don’t have anything going on early in the day tomorrow and tomorrow’s my off off day plus kaija is going to be at work for like the whole day so I’m I’m literally going to have nothing going on so I’m probably just going to chill out and most likely get some stuff

Done gen autoplay the story and working out since you finished dream hell yeah hell yeah kaj you didn’t fix him she’s breaking me and for like the 19th time so far God need me a girl that’ll actually just kill me I have any more emeralds

Anywhere I how much does it take to make a piston just a piston not a sticky piston like one Redstone one iron and then wood and stone right what kind just a normal piston generally I spend like 30 minutes to an hour every night working out but

Today it’s been like a casual 6 hours as long as you’re not pushing yourself too hard the occasional long-term physical exercise can be really really good for you actually I don’t remember the term for it but I remember my lifetime fitness instructor teaching me about but

Like as good as having a set schedule is it’s actually in a lot of cases almost better if not directly better to occasionally just blast yourself exactly Zin exactly the Peru alien literally me literally me this is it right how you do it is it the other way

Around or is that that’s switched around isn’t it yep I did have it right I just it yeah you really need to change workout routines up like weekly but it’s hard to find new things to do yeah true there are some apps that are really good

For that the problem is most of those websites they’re ass for it some reason back when you tried to get me into this I just could not now I’m 100% on this Warframe ship this is an amazing game it’s such a good grind it’s such a good

Grind first and just wait the story gets nuts you’re not even going to be paying attention to the story and then you’re going to hit a point in the grind and you’re going to get sucked into it I love Warframe unironically it’s a really good game I’ll definitely have to get it

Redownloaded and you Som mod because genuinely love the game I just it’s hard to play by yourself when you’ve beat everything I literally had everything beaten that’s not a joke I had beaten all of the story there was no more story my nidus was completely maxed out and I

Was doing solo endless uh runs for hours at like the highest difficulty literally all I could do was grind Cosmetics or build new frames and I didn’t want new frames I built Naros didn’t really care for him built nekron or necros whatever his name is didn’t really care for him

Built a Loki Prime didn’t care for him Raj Prime didn’t care for him they added is a great story and it’s super fun as well yep it’s tons of fun 10 hours of Warframe got that white SL black one and called it good there’s a lot of white SL black

Ones okay there’s two ways I can do this I think I’m going to do honey I changed my mind I need honey or slime come back for this wood after daytime I want to set this Farm up to be automatic and I’m going to show you how I do

That this is going to be a long-term project it’s going to take a lot of resour to do but I’m going to have blocks set all the way down these rows to be pushed one over when it pushes over it’s going to break every single bit of this it’s all going to

Break off and fall down and I’m going to have railroad cars go around s like a one piece it it good gets good after a episode the thing is Warframe doesn’t drag you into the story right away it leaves everything really vague and it’s just like okay you grind you

Grind you grind you grind and as you start um um as you start unlocking things new things start to happen and that’s how it gets interesting it is good at the start and there’s so much in it that it’s smart that it goes slow but while the beginning is good the middle

And end is [ __ ] amazing I don’t want to spoil it there is going to be one point in the story that I reached 500 hours into playing the game where I genuinely realized oh [ __ ] this isn’t a farming simulator this is a video game even though it’s a really good farming

Simulator I knew you’d like it because you were getting super into Borderlands 3 and I was like you know the the the damage system and [ __ ] is pretty Borderland Z and you like games that are all around builds and you can do entire builds differently like every Warframe can be

Played in a ton of different ways so I I I kind of knew you’d like it but I I didn’t want to force it down your throat cuz it is a long grind which is why it’s good me when I found out risk of rain has story it’s

Very similar to that yeah it’s very similar to that there there’s one point where everything changes and I can’t spoil it I cannot bring myself to spoil it for odd or anyone else who’s starting to play Let’s just say without spoiling the stalker is a lot cooler of an enemy than

Just some guy that shows up to kill you if you pissed off an Entity Excalibur um’s quest line was so [ __ ] good it was so good that’s one of the moments where I’m like holy [ __ ] this is this is a video Game I also uh played Hollow a little bit I tried a lot of warframes I also tried chroma Ember uh I I had Nova for a while I was playing like I’ve tried most of the uh warframes that existed then there’s been a lot of new on

S and I loved old mesa before they reworked her I don’t really like her after the rework but she was cool she was a press and forget press one button everything dies it was really cool I need food so I got to make sure I keep farming them basically you see how

This Farm works right here it grows and then when it reaches the top that sensor is going to go oh there [ __ ] and it’s going to send a redstone signal and all the Pistons are going to pop and break everything and then a cart’s going to pick it up that’s

Literally what I’m going to be doing with this that is going to be this hey fandy hey sting Maru how’s it [Laughter] going it’s going to be lines of Pistons down all of it and all the Pistons are going to go and then a cart’s going to pick all

Of it up it’s just going to be a massive version of that farm and I’m not going to have to touch it anytime I want emeralds just walk over here there’s going to be a chest like right here open it up bam stacks of this [ __ ] Stacks it’s GNA be really

Good also the child has ripened now do I have enough for some of this [ __ ] get two mendings falling I need efficiency five which one was my efficiency five was down below wasn’t it I’m one Emerald short one Emerald Short here I need to make sure yeah I have to have my chest in live Chat you have business how have you been doing man hope you’ve been doing pretty good I’ve been doing pretty good you could say definitely say that but I’m jealous all my new vtuber friends are doing updates to their model I got to copy them I got to do updates to

Mine to my Emerald business Fair bam there two efficiencies two mendings I’ll be able to do more give yourself a face tattoo I’m I don’t think I’m going to have a face tattoo I can’t believe I just used a stack of iron to make pistons I don’t even need that much got a special interaction with Bast and scalibur yeah that would be nice that would have been nice you didn’t you just get an update on October yeah but I want

More you don’t understand I want more join me on the sound cloud fine we’re going to do a Duo cover of Nords in Paris you be J I’ll be Kanye all Right this Mumble the [Laughter] slurs all right let’s go dump stuff but I want more no Warframe is really cool I’m glad you’re kind kind of getting into it uh I knew you’d like it but I never wanted to force it down your throat then you wouldn’t like

It it’s kind of right up that alley of the stuff you usually tend to enjoy all right now I have a buttload of pickaxes I need food let’s go get some precooked beef nipple and update I don’t think that’s an update I’m going to do gig but I appreciate the Ideas everyone in this corner dies I want at least 20 Meat Beach outfit I got to do a Christmas outfit first I don’t know how much I should copy kaj’s idea because I kind of want to and she kind of wants me to and it’d be cool the only thing is I don’t know how well I can make that in 3D we’ll

See all right let’s go mining I now have three efficiency 5 pickaxes I need Unbreaking is what I need uh you matching not yet we aren’t but we might be we will be to or on Friday for a stream that’s for sure dude you have no idea how much her new

Outfit checks off every box you’ll see you’ll see why you’ll see why I’m literally going feral over it I’m glad she gave me sneak peek I get to draw her first fan art and by sneak peek I mean I get to see the entire creation everything and give input on it all

Right how excited she was for earlier yeah it’s coming along really well really really well checks on your tomboy list you have no idea Zen you have no idea you guys are all going your jaws are going to hit the floor and your tongues are going to

Roll out like like red carpet it’s so good and I’m going to help rig it because that’s what I’m good at I can do art I can do 3D stuff I can do texture work I had to learn to rigging is what I’m good at am I going to be her daddy technically

I’m not doing anything crazy I’m not [ __ ] going to throw myself into her Channel and try and do everything like that it’s her Channel and she is the a fantastic job with everything she’s done but if she’s not planning on doing more work on the rigging and she doesn’t mind me

Having a crack at it I learned how to use live 2D and I don’t get to use it ever and I’ve been kind of itching to but I don’t want to redraw myself in 2D you know I just finished doing the 3D update if that makes sense like I just [ __ ] finished

It infested are awesome I love the infested so much that’s why when the nidus that’s why when nidus came out I was hooked I was absolutely hooked and my nidus looks badass too when I first played the game it was like long before nidus came out it was a

Long time ago like what was it 2012 I remember playing it when I was still single which means it was before I met my current ex which was over 10 years ago so it’s been it’s been around for a long time I felt bad again yesterday I keep

Doing it and I hate it I keep being conscious about it but everyone keeps telling me to I keep talking about my past and my medical [ __ ] and and everything on other people’s streams and like I get it people ask me because they don’t know me but it’s a really long

Story and it’s not my stream I don’t want to take it up we can really work it out yep can it really work out we’ll find out huh it’s it he was a skater boy meme I started as live 2D it was really low effort lowquality live 2D that I

Made over the course of like two days because I didn’t understand enough Japanese to properly use live 2D but I did it all right seriously I’m not going to say that she’s flat that would be a lie there’s one there’s a few I said I just need to mine it with a

Diamond pick right nice there’s the first couple cool the plan is working we just got to keep mining Nest blueprint was me for me yeah getting the night of blueprint was me I like not every Quest is crazy I was just happy because I thought the infectant was were so [ __ ] cool and

An unlimited sustained self- resing powerful ass [ __ ] how about you going to go with the classic Santi hat and outfit I don’t know if I will I’m still haven’t fully decided I’ll just say this Kaiju outfit is wintry but not christmy so if I do follow in her

Footprints it will not be Christmas day my pick is going covered her in white uh yeah Minecraft creeper a man I love I love Enchanted armor I love not giving a [ __ ] about about lava I can just walk in it it’s like a it’s like a

Nice bath for me truly befitting of a former Demon King was that hell is done trying to harm me pathetic that beautiful ASMR that efficiency 5 netherite or Netherrack with a diamond pickaxe ASMR the cling bubble wrap like nighting Gale outfit you could that’s a good connection to make you’ll

See you’ll see why I say that’s a good connection to make all right heal up we need not care it is really good though how you not die protection four baby full protection four it lowers the damage plenty as long as I stay fully eat as long as I stay

Fully nummi up with my yummies as long as my hunger bar stays full I heal as fast as I take damage I essentially am Invincible if I get fire protection it will literally not hurt me how milia looks and strip a little closer yeah a little closer I’m not

Going to spoil it she put a lot of work into it and I’m not going to take that from her she’s done a very good job but it is really exciting and hot and she has handlebars oh more nice she did post the silhouette in her

Discord if anyone wants to go try and take a guess I know it’s about to break and wait for that rad to disappear I switch to my third pick that’s why you bring three picks silouette test I mean I I I know what it looks like is a thing I already know

It Russia theme or similar not too far off it’s not exactly Russian but it is fairly Slavic in Inspiration it is a full outfit like full outfit new hair new face well new face quote unquote different colors the hair though oh the hair oh my God I’m I’m literally going to go feral

Bring me a pod from Venus cough cough babusa outfit yeah it’s a babusa outfit and I’m desperately trying to hide the fact that I let it go go tell her you’re excited for the babusa outfit do not give her context she she’s she already is

F for those of you who don’t know the dark model that she has that renw that’s her newest model she used to be fully light she also used to be a lot more furry but she changed to be a monster girl instead of a furry for various reasons that are are

Not my place to get into I’m not even going to so don’t ask Let me eat and now I can go seal this I respect her way too much talk about her past and personal [ __ ] anything involving that so do not expect me to fact that she has trusted to tell me as much much as she has and that I’ve

Trusted to tell her as much as I have not something I am willing to betray I’m a villain not a monster I’m a monster [ __ ] to get to this point for real for real she she’s done a lot of work she’s done a lot of work she’s done a very good job at

It but I’m thirsty and I want tea okay um Bone’s a pedophile he’s not here to defend himself clip it clip it dude don’t talk about the no I’m I’m not saying it like I’m not going to do it I’m not going to I’m not expecting

You guys to tell me to do it I’m just setting president just setting precedent I’m just a man puffing his chest don’t worry about it bonus what lies I knew that’d summon you you son of a [ __ ] try to tell me Tatu [ __ ] pork is and pork

Bone you’re getting a mixed up my white friend you’re not even that white I’m pretty sure you’re like mostly Samoan aren’t you my Samoan my Pacific Asian friend just cuz they start with Tonk does not mean it’s all the same souit buddy I’ve had nword and Paris stuck in my head for so

Long why my ex have poop color any lore behind it you’re poop Squad so I uh I for the memberships I added a whole bunch of Milestone colors uh bronze looked like poop so uh bronze X is poop Squad once you get past it you’ll get to different colors and

Know I’m not boring I didn’t just do silver or bronze silver and gold there’s a whole shitload of Tears it’s just for now your poop squat don’t worry about it also there’s a new emote everybody you should be able to use it now we hit 50 members and a new emote

Became unlocked so enjoy sley it’s finally here the one emote that we weren’t able to get in from the original emote drawing stream which means next time we reach a milestone I’m going to have to draw more emotes which means I have an excuse to use my tablet for another drawing

Stream I explicitly am avoiding A League of Legends rank system Z now I couldn’t help but find it funny though when when Kaiju was showing her me her old models she had so much in common with Priscilla from dark one which was like my biggest

Crush all right not going to be able to go any further without breaking the pi let’s go recharge the pics I actually got four [ __ ] ancient debris that’s good can’t be Grandmaster in my channel I do not have Grandmaster as a current TI [Laughter] No what did you try to clip huh

Eh never mind all right I’m being racist oh okay you at the tall dud noises the Enderman I got to kill more of them I need more uh ender pearls to make make some ender eyes so that I can get to the end like the Ender Dragon we just like me huh that’s

Crazy let’s go repair stuff just black I I mean I’m not black so technically you’re not wrong I also can’t teleport but that’s that’s that’s a different conversation the lore what’s the lore the lore also um for those of you who have watched Arcane I we me and Kaiju finished

Watching it last night God I love that show so [ __ ] much and um I realized that varden’s update varden’s update looks like silko’s coat from the end of Arcane and it makes me love it even more because I love Sila I’m going to let these guys build

Up for a moment they’re going to build up pretty quick because I’ve actually optimized this Farm really well it spawns these Monsters Pretty damn quick if I just stand here for a moment it’s going to get loud I know what that character looks like Silko is so [ __ ] cool I love

Silko he’s actually my favorite character I know know what that character looks like yeah yeah Sil is so [ __ ] badass ass I love Silko character-wise story-wise his voice actor great he’s super [ __ ] menacing he’s such a well-written character every character in Arcane is like perfectly well- written the only people that you hate

Are the People you’re meant to hate and it’s not like egregious meant to hate super good show if you haven’t watched highly recommend it I’ve watched it way too many times I need to set this up as a chest Ekko is the go for you Ekko is

Really really really well done too and fire lights as a whole were super badass I’m just glad that they made Arcane Cannon kind of black when you have Shadow on your face in early stream yeah when I do this you mean is this if if I do this like does this

Count the bridge scene was so cool the Jinx and uh Echo fight it’s one of my favorite fights it’s so well done also I noticed the eye is broken on this because I changed the way it works I going to have to fix that let me write that

Down I’m going to redo this face because originally the eye was set to a bone I replaced the bones with vism so that my pupils track better and uh I guess I forgot to make vises for the mask oh well I to dump this [ __ ] off bone was Cannon yep bone was Cannon I really like my iPad though like I haven’t had a tablet since 2016 when I had one from school excuse me ouch and holy [ __ ] isn’t nice your Cannon now dude you made it good job you’re truly blessed

Congrats I got iPad 10th gen the newest one uh I could have gotten an iPad Pro or or something like that but it’s not going to be used for anything heavy duty and uh since I have an iPhone 15 Pro since I just got that phone iPhone

15 Pro and like the entire iPhone 15 branch uses USBC cable instead of lightning adapter so if I were to get an older iPad it might have costed me it it wouldn’t have costed me less I paid $16 a month for this thing it’s literally I pay nothing to have this brand new

Machine and um uh what was I going to say yeah since the new phone I have uses USBC I got USBC cables for everything now USB C cable adapter for my headphones USBC cable adapter for my car so if I were to get an older iPad I would have a

Problem I would the iPhone 15 Pro break pretty easily no not the pro the pro not not the pro the what’s the thing that’s bigger the bigger version is really fragile like slight twist and you will shatter the back the pro is fine the whatever is bigger than the

Pro is is is really bad yeah the pro Max exactly the the pro Max is the one that’s super Fragile the pro does have a overheating thing but it doesn’t like fry or destroy itself it just can get hot and then your charger is weird just turn down the brightness and you’re fine

I use it as a camera so I really don’t care I only got it cuz I want the newest best brand new [ __ ] Um best brand new [ __ ] camera face tracking for it it literally the iPad and the iPhone the only reason I have them is for the channel it’s Investments for the channel I wouldn’t have have them if perfect sink wasn’t a thing but it

Is I did not mean to do that I was going to fill it with the ship first but it is an investment into the channel 100% I named it night toy I don’t remember naming it Night I remember lovecraft’s cat and and Dick pck don’t remember night toy but that’s why I got I got a 15 Pro because I wanted the newest best cameras I can get and then I got a uh Apple iPad 10th gen because 10th gen uses USBC so it connects to everything that connects

To my new phone um my new iPad case and screen protector come in the mail tomorrow along with a stylus that I got for practically free is a $90 apple pencil that I got for $9 during the Cyber Monday sale really good I also have I’m not sponsored or anything but I

Do have a Rhino Shield uh case on my phone it’s a really good case and it’s got a kiru Coco design on it that I made so I [ __ ] love it it’s all Investments for the channel though I I’ve used money that I’ve gotten from the channel channel to get

It so it I I’m I’ve been putting the money from my channel back into the Channel first payout I got was the new profile picture you can mostly thank odd for that he donated a lot of money um then we uh have the phone and stuff

Which is also partially paid for by the payout that I the second payout that I got I’ve only gotten two payouts so far getting that much money already when I say payouts it’s not a lot the way that the way that YouTube works is at a certain day of the month

If you’ve made over $100 they’ll send you it that’s it and you you got to remember just how many memberships odd has given us he’s given us 10 and 15 memberships at a time a bunch of times I wish I was rich I wish I was

Rich enough to do this as a job I love streaming I love making content go soon I believe no no no no no come back you piece of [ __ ] oh my God okay having two chests at the same time is not a good idea shut up and heal my

Pickaxe it does a little trolling there we go I really should set this up with like a a a slime block and a piston to just shoot the chest upstairs I need to set up a storage facility is what I need to do like godd damn that can go back all right let’s

Put all this junk in chest upstairs but now to to test out the tablet I downloaded all my stuff I was able to get um I was able to get uh Photoshop connected to it and everything since I actually do have a Photoshop uh subscription which is really nice because you can just

Download all your brushes like they make it super easy to do that like really [ __ ] easy to do that which is really nice because I had a lot of pre-made like custom brushes that I liked using so that was really really nice to see the ease of access there other than that

I like downloaded Ark Knights downloaded my bank stuff got it hooked up it has number sure so it actually has Cellular Connection I I will say it’s expensive and I understand why people are against it like going through a larger provider like Verizon Wireless because like I

I’ll be honest $80 a month for unlimited is a lot of [ __ ] money that is but it it it becomes worth it if you do it long enough to get the benefits I I pay $16 a month that includes service charge to have a brand

New just came out tablet I paid like $20 a month incl or not including service charge but for the phone along with the unlimited number and all this other [ __ ] like you get the right deals it’s smart you just got to be careful with it cuz

They do try to trick you in the signing [ __ ] when I was going in to get the tablet in the first place they almost got me to accidentally sign up for a $90 line for it I get it’s their job but Jesus I just wanted a tablet all I wanted

[ __ ] can’t wait for you to reach million subs and do what Minecraft usually do and they get a million Subs I’m going to minec con a 13-year-old fan is going to see me and y’ll good gra is naked it’s it’s in the contract that’s only if I join a

Minecraft SMP only if I if I join an SMP so as long as you guys keep me from doing that we’re safe dream or right not for the laws of this land I’d beat the snot out of you like Gumball Did that’s crazy right ankle you need uppies here’s your uppies Sun come on oh never mind okay but it’s only it’s only worth it if you uh if you use all the benefits bundling [ __ ] can be really smart plus also I do kind of cheat I now

Have a Verizon credit card because I was with them for long enough they offered me a really good deal on it and like I don’t have to pay money and I get money off of my phone bill for having it and it benefits my credit I’m I’m a big nerd when it

Comes to this kind of stuff if you’re if you’re not into this sort of thing just ignore me like blank me out I’m a big nerd when it comes to this kind of thing because just like every single other person within three age brackets of me uh we weren’t taught this

[ __ ] school didn’t teach us our parents didn’t teach us how to do taxes what the [ __ ] a credit score is how to take out loans how a mortgage Works no one teaches you that [ __ ] nobody does you got learned that [ __ ] on your own took

Years for me to figure all of it out now I’m a massive nerd about it become such a [ __ ] minmaxer my credit score is immaculate Banks throw money at me but that took years that took like eight years for me to get fixed now sunvy having a loan is scary having aan is

Scary that’s why you got to do it right you got to be very careful about it ideally every loan you ever take out unless it’s for a car or a house you should already have the money for ideally because what it is is it’s only costing you if you do it right

Almost no additional money it will massively boost your credit I do that with gas gasoline I have an Amazon uh platinum credit card I buy my gas with it and I pay it off at the end of every month interest saving amount only I always make sure I have at least

$400 worth of debt on that card massive just in 2 years boosted my credit score triple dig super easy there are so many little tricks you can do like that that they don’t tell you in order to boost your credit score for example if you take out

You want to know another thing I’ve been doing I’ve had a $25,000 loan on my car for like five years why do I have it for like five years because I keep extending it cost me about $64 a month if paid over 36 months uh I have that much money

Sitting in my bank account so I’m not in debt it’s just the money is cycling in circles and it’s taking little bits you got to make sure you do low APR which you only really get once your credit score is good and they’re they’re taking tiny tiny little cuts of your money but

My credit score is so high I’m offered [ __ ] constantly it is the adult dream get your credit score high you don’t understand you walk within like three parking lots of a car dealership with credit as good as mine is they will get on their knees and beg you to buy a car

From them they will hand you free [ __ ] as you walk through the door just to keep you from leaving before they send you your pitch it really is the key to being comfortable as an adult figure out how to get your credit good and don’t use credit cards you

Should never have more than two credit cards I don’t care if they offered $300 if you got the credit card at a certain point it’s not worth it multiple credit cards are not worth it and there’s so much hidden text it’s hard enough to pay attention to just one [ __ ] credit

Card a doing taxes stream with Phantom if it wouldn’t [ __ ] me I’d like over and docks me really bad I’d [ __ ] do it you want to be comfortable in the United States of America get your credit up every every like six months I add like

$500 as a loan extension on my car loan why I use it for whatever I feel like one time I used it to cuz they don’t really care what what they care about is that the car is collateral they don’t care what you do with the money you can

Tell them oh I’m going to repair the car they really don’t care I the first time I did it I built this office soundproof walls new microphone desk and everything super nice uh second time I did it new graphics card for my computer third time

I did it got a new phone fourth time I did it uh fourth time I did it I got a new starter in my car uh and new tires like just it’s just to have that money there is the interest okay what if he can’t

Pay back Bank person is kind of how to scam people who don’t know thing so the way interest works is every time you make a payment they’re going to take a tiny percent of it that’s what your APR is it’s the expense basically it’s just the expected amount of money that

They’re going to take from you factor that in always pay attention to that because that money is what boosts your credit score paying that is what they care about that is what will update your credit if you take a $500 loan okay set to pay it off in 12 months you’re paying about

$42 a month they’re going to raise that if you have like 25% APR which isn’t awful but it’s still pretty bad uh they’re going to let’s say they just raise it really high you’re paying $50 you lose $8 a month but your credit score goes up what’s going to happen oh you’re

Losing $8 a month $8 a month 12 months of the year that’s uh 896 you lose $96 a year oh but the credit card that you have with your really good credit score offered you $250 off this purchase on Amazon suddenly the numbers start mathing oh this credit card that you got with Verizon knocks $15 off your monthly phone bill suddenly the interest is paying for

Itself that’s the way you have to do it never take out a loan that you need that’s where it gets dangerous take out loans that you want and don’t stack them you only need one active loan and one active credit card going and your your credit is going to

Start boosting I did not think it would boost up as fast as it did my credit wasn’t bad beforehand but my credit is really [ __ ] good now really [ __ ] good am I already out of beef I swear I just had some did I put it in the Box basically what your credit score

Means is it’s how much a bank SL a credit union using credit score to pay credit pretty much yeah pretty much you can cycle the loop you can and the what they do is when you go to get a car or to take take out a loan to get a phone

From a dealership like I did with my my iPad and my iPhone when you go anywhere where they’re like we’re giving you something that you pay off they’re going to want to look at your credit score when they look at your credit score it’s not showing them details necessarily

It’s a number that says you can trust this guy they pay back and as long as they can trust that you’ll pay it back they’re willing to give you tons of [ __ ] because they want want you to pay it back that’s how they make money they want people with good credit score to

Owe them money so they get a little bit of money so that they get paid they’re willing to give you [ __ ] for it you just got to go to the right people don’t take credit cards that require you to have a savings account don’t take credit cards that require you

To have a certain amount of money paid at any given time and don’t take credit cards that charge you per month none of that you want a credit card that has low APR preferably some sort of cash back no monthly fees and you don’t have to have

A a a checking account open I know if I opened a checking account with Chase Bank because I have the uh I have the Platinum Amazon credit card I’d get like $500 just for having it but I would have to have a certain amount of money in

That bank account or they’d find me see that’s the trick that’s where they try to get you and every year owing $ Z on my credit card and I use it to buy little things like the occasional meal or gas and I pay it off at the proper amount that way

Everything’s good interest saving amount is preferred because it saves your interest uh and your interest the lower is the better it is for you a low interest will boost your credit score just as much as a high interest if you think paying like 70% interest is going to mass massively

Boost you it won’t how did you learn all this literally trial and error literally trial and error I saw a YouTube short telling me how your credit score actually goes up and from there I was like okay next the next credit card I got in the mail it was it was uh an

Offer cuz my credit score wasn’t awful I took out loans before and I paid them off I actually did pay off loans before so my credit SC score was okay I think it was like middle 600s I’m top in 700s right now which is like that’s really good that’s top percent literally top

Percent I get I get every time I go out and get the mail there’s at least two credit card slbank uh things I get emails all the time from places trying to get me to do stuff every time I go in to to any place that in that knows I have good credit

Like the Verizon Wireless they try to get me to get stuff because they want me to get stuff because I’ll pay for it I don’t grab more than I can afford a lot of people with just car loans yeah yeah just getting a small loan like and

Here’s the thing you just need something to have collateral on the reason car loans are a great first loan isn’t necessarily because you need the car it’s because you can have a car loan you can have a car appraised for like $1,000 $1,500 and you can take out a

$1,500 loan with the cars collateral now you have that money what do you do with that money [ __ ] keep it don’t spend it put it in your pocket slowly pay it back your credit score just goes up cost you almost [ __ ] nothing smack that [ __ ] smack that

[ __ ] into like like get in into a good savings account it’ll practically pay for itself it’s little things like that that you don’t get told because it’s meant literally meant to be deceiving it’s meant to make you think oh you have this card spend the money you spend the money

Spend the money no spend a little bit of the money pay back little bits at a time never miss a payment and you’re golden you want know how you make sure you never miss a payment keep the money they don’t care if you actually spend it they they literally don’t care if you

Actually spend the [ __ ] money or not all they care about is that you pay it back the only time they start getting stingy is large scale loans which is why car loans are really good first loans to get go go if you need a car uh go find

Someone who’s selling a car for like $2,000 or something like that you don’t need an amazing car all right go to your bank say I want to buy this I want to take out a loan for it as long as it’s not more than like $4,000 they’re going

To accept you they will your bank will accept you I have never been turned down for for something like this my in my defense my credit score is good now but even back then when I didn’t even have a [ __ ] job yet they gave me like a

$2,000 loan for jeep that my family was selling me even if you already Lo own the car go take out a loan and use the car as collateral don’t take anything over $2,000 and just pay like the $50 a month at $50 I know that seems like a lot but

You have like $2,000 in your bank account now just don’t spend it keep it use it smart and safely don’t spend money you don’t need to spend Finance everything that costs more than a couple hundred and preferably never buy something if you don’t already have the money set

Aside besides like a phone or a car or a house cuz those are technically Investments and the reason why I say they’re Investments you can always resell a car you can resell it even for a mark down price resell it when you’re done with it when you’re

Getting a new one B credit score glitch I found the way you’re supposed to beat credit scores cell phone oh but but once you finish selling the cell phone or doing the cell phone you’re done we did it through a dealership they’ll take your old cell phone and give you a new one

For free I I owe like nothing on this new phone because I handed in an a fully paid off iPhone 11 Pro because I took out alone to get the iPhone 11 Pro like 3 years ago paid it off over 36 months that’s the trick the truth is your credit score is

Going to boost just as much for spending $20 a month on a credit card as it would spending $200 a month on a car as long as you’re paying it off that’s what they care about that’s what will boost your credit score in multiple little things at once is the best way to

Do it fast but you want them to be different things don’t have five different loans that you’re paying at the same time have one loan that you’re paying One credit card that you’re paying and then like a phone that you’re paying there you go as long as you have

A little bit of money coming in your credit score will go and then if you really pay attention to what credit card you get you can get benefits lots of benefits if there’s one way to sit happy middle class America I I’m not even middle class I’m lowend the neighborhood

I grew up in the neighborhood I live in dirt [ __ ] poor I’m not going to pretend I have money I don’t I am dirt [ __ ] poor I can’t even afford a house but my credit’s good I can’t afford a house because of my job if I was still working as many

Hours as I was before I’d have such a [ __ ] nice house right now oh my God I’d have such a nice house that’s depressing the thing think about actually I don’t want to think about that anymore I don’t really need to have that torch in here do I because it’s half

Slabs the Monsters can’t even spawn in it right how’s it going Matthew you want me to get you to nut nut immediately no eding lose no not November coward houses are awful don’t buy a house right now if at least it at least in the United States the housing market

Is in is in turmoil don’t do it it is a bad idea you will you will regret it for the rest of your life houses cost way too [ __ ] much the inflation is massively through the roof everything costs way too much nothing selling it’s really stagnant and really

Bad and really inflated you will regret it because if the housing market crashes you’re [ __ ] it’s almost impossible right now yes the good news is economics are like waves they flow forward and back same with World ideas same with everything um it comes in waves it’ll get bad and

Then it’ll get good because it got bad and then it’ll get bad because it got good and it’ll go back and forth just jump at the opportunity when it’s good and chill the [ __ ] out when it’s not that’s the best advice I can give anybody over the age of

16 as someone who is dirt [ __ ] poor take that advice I I literally lived in the poorest county in the entire State and my state is not a rich State I I am a poor boy I grew up in poor boy land most of my friends unironically lived in trailer parks in

RVs in like 40° ask ask odd he grew up with me odd you want to tell everyone here about the what kind of area we grew up in h why to tell them about how the neighboring town of the school we both went to uh had was was had like [ __ ]

The kids were all on [ __ ] drugs and brought a stripper pole to their prom they had to host their own prom School couldn’t afford it rundown ass place [ __ ] movie theater burned down that year as well because there were no safety regulations that that town had all the juggies My Town didn’t have

Juggies I smoke weed I’m not a drugie i geeked out there a lot I apologize guys I really care about this kind of thing though like I I put so much effort into it I got majorly [ __ ] as a kid I took out a loone to build a mobile house a tiny

House oh I got a Trent hey nice that was easy I took out a loan when I was young 18 fresh out of [ __ ] High School uh I was going to build a mobile house I bought an enclosed metal horse trailer and a a metal grinder and I cut that [ __ ] up shaped

It I welded U metal rods onto it to make a framework cut the back out cut the top off built a frame on top of the goose neck hitch for a bedroom it was great great great and then the person who was supposed to help me build it bailed on

Me I wasn’t able to do it by myself I had already taken all the money out I had already bought all the wood the windows the spraying insulation all of it wasn’t able to do [ __ ] any of it every window broke that winter the door frame snapped that

Winter all the plywood went bad because of moisture everything was completely wasted and I found myself $35,000 in debt homeless so fixing my credit score so that I could live more comfortably was very high on my priority list I got massively [ __ ] over keep preparing these

Pics on the verge of having the biggest meltdown breakdown I don’t know what the word of the year don’t apologize um the fitness Grand Pacer test is a multistage aerobic test dickpick is now upgraded I I need to go here’s what I’m going to do I remember what I need to do

Now pretend is not over let’s grab I need one block I need more than one block I got to Coral this guy in I need Unbreaking Unbreaking three at least we have a really bad winter season I spent the first no no I’m still am living with family because of that

That’s how much it [ __ ] up I was so close to finally getting a place of my own I got a job at a corporate entity worked my ass off worked too hard went blind because of it now can’t work anymore I literally can’t work enough medically I’m not allowed to

So all that work was kind of for nothing I went blind for nothing and I wasn’t able to get a house finally started building myself up to a position where I’m making good enough money even though I have reduced hours you know and I’m looking into housing things because for people with

Disabilities like me there are programs to help you get a house when you can’t afford it because obviously having a house is a little important you know a little bit um so I was finally set and then the person who was supposed to go pay for that house cheated on me and

Left you can see the problem now I’m I’m quite literally trapped at my grandparents I can’t I can’t leave so I’ve been I’ve been majorly screwed over but my credit score is good now I am in a better place I have people that care very much about me I’m happy it

Feels weird being happy uh cuz the truth is I never really was you could go back and watch my old content I’d get very emotional very often but I would show it as much as I do now 10 year Loveless relationships so do that to [Applause] you what’s the highest Unbreaking uh

Uh highest Unbreaking Unbreaking three all right thank you second very cool skip that Arc yeah don’t don’t feel pressured to go see it got vtuber friends kaij has been treating me real nice I talk about her so [ __ ] much you was yeah it was a a long journey to get to

Where I am now I’m still depressed though still smoking my ass off struggling to sleep but I’m better better than I was before better than I’ve ever been and from here things are going to get better like I said before I’m going to be making a pretty drastic life

Change in the very near future very drastic like Fresh Start levels of drastic the channel isn’t going anywhere or changing I’m not rebranding I’m not changing I’m not going on Hiatus I’m not doing anything like that this channel is going to be unchanged but lifestyle wise shit’s going to get pretty crazy

Efficiency five I already [ __ ] have that right yeah where am I from uh your mom say nah I’m from U MidWest America I’m not going to say anything more than that for obvious reasons but how’s it going Man 100% we lived in a town that hunting is one of the most important things to do so people can literally eat yep that was dirt po most everyone was somehow related to each other as well yep exactly exactly it was rough we came from we came from a place where hunting

Was literally required if you wanted to eat during the winter in the 2000s I got lucky I didn’t really have to deal with bullies because I didn’t give a [ __ ] I want to be back hey the the one nice thing about being dirt poor and living in a place that’s dir dirt poor things don’t cost as much at least they didn’t they do

Now going have highest [ __ ] gasoline prices I’ve ever seen food is so goddamn expensive do you know how much money it costs just to get a [ __ ] carton of eggs I’m half tempted to get my own like chickens just to have eggs that are costing as much as like two or three

Three gallons of gasoline didn’t mean to talk so much about economics this stream but mean it kind of makes sense I’m here with the Villagers they’re being loud as [ __ ] I’m doing trade I used to have chickens when I was younger just like odd said dirt Bo I was

Lucky and my dad had a fairly good job he worked really hard and it destroyed his marriage but I spent most of my younger childhood fairly comfortable the house jumped a lot and I I was able to have a PlayStation when you buy food for the chickens that’s the trick if you live

Someplace rural like me you can form a friendship with a neighboring farmer and get your chicken feed for super cheap if they’re if you’re nice enough to them and and good enough friends with them or if your girlfriendwife becomes good enough friends with their girlfriendwife SL husband uh you could practically have it

Brought to you for free sense of community is something that I’ve always had very heavily which is why it’s weird living in a college town because we literally [ __ ] needed it we literally [ __ ] needed it everyone knew everybody I keep going until I get Unbreaking we were pretty well off I’d say things could have been a lot worse this is crazy the yeah well the the thing is we weren’t quote unquote poor we lived somewhere that was poor compared to the average cost of things we were pretty okay but that’s just cuz

The average cost of things was Dirt Cheap because the area was really [ __ ] Bor ni okay nailed it let’s go get this Unbreaking three here I need to lock in his prices what is he trading emeralds for a bookshelf I’ll lock it in I don’t [Applause]

Care I got really lucky I got a good healthy mix of [ __ ] when I was younger like my family was okay we weren’t Rich we weren’t swimming in money struggling and jumping between houses but I had food and I had a Nintendo 64 and a PlayStation so how bad could it

Be but at the same time I didn’t realize things were as hard as they were until my parents split my parents splitting made me realize just how bad off they actually were my mom had had to sell like five six of her land including her dream

House cuz she couldn’t afford it and had to build a really tiny house just to stay alive my dad remarried in but an old rundown church that had been remodeled into a house by having an RV camper stapled to it out in the countryside I went the first two and a half years

That I lived with my dad without internet with a black and white TV big old box TV that didn’t have enough plug to even run a a PlayStation 3 on [Applause] it my mom’s internet she actually had it but it would go down every week because the payments would be

Late I do want to build the machines but I need to lock this guy in we helped exactly like you’re you’re my neighbor we might as well get along that’s exactly the way to put it although having friendships and stuff with stuff like farming is really useful

I won’t argue with that not even a little [Applause] bit lock him in lock him in he’s locked in good okay we can continue I really don’t want to dox myself but we lived in a very poor area lucky that we had the things that we did

Have all right let’s go grab some books so we can get our Unbreaking do yourself I I’ve told I’ve said I live in Minnesota that’s not doxing that’s an entire [ __ ] State an entire State I have said my real life name and had other people say my real life name

On stream before if you looked in the right place you’d find it I don’t need to be doxed but if people start trying to dox me I’ll dox myself because I get get those view [ __ ] you like to drink exactly like a small soda POG bartholomy chovi is not my

Name see sunv CE immediately I will kill you we end you I’ll make a new jar a jar you won’t so easily forget books there they are bone did say your name one time bone said my name I know uh my friend will has said my name in the chat like seven

Times there’s old YouTube videos on this channel of me playing with odd and Bone and other friends and and my ex whom all use my real name I take one more Unbreaking preferably Mars time you’re going to Mars hell yeah dude time for Mars time for

Mars I need more sugar cane how much how much sugar cane has come out of this tiny proof of concept Farm I’m pretty far away I hope it’s still loaded in while I’m doing all this [ __ ] that’s something better than nothing are you going to break me free from your

Corporeal prison what’s the bad part about it the bad part about the jar you don’t get to know why would I tell you you think I am stupid I ain’t going to be part of your system all right got to give our Farms a moment to swell

Up J Jag almost crying telling him how bad I felt since then jag jag is a bone fan you guys are going to probably see my face and hear my real or my real name and where I live in the future because if I become a big enough content creator

That someone decides to do go through that effort I’m going to under find them and do it myself so I get the views and they don’t other than that don’t worry about it I don’t care we’re not breaking immersion I’m not going to [ __ ] oh I

Can trade all this rotten flesh to this guy he’s white yep I am and I’m going to be super nonchalant about it too and be like oh what’s that you want the views H look this is me this is my name [ __ ] you all right back to it oh thank you sir see

Yeah so happy with the storage system just add average there’s nothing average about me Baby believe it Unbreaking disappointed sorry I’m a lot of things ethnicity wise hard to explain let’s just say every branch of my family tree goes done a very different path very different lot of paths that hate each other makes it kind of funny dick Pick only have two big things a credit score and a d and you six feet yeah I did got a big D you’re right you’re right damn I wish that was me you wish you had a big D and TI to you Sunway but no papa pop other than that average that’s not

Very nice I have a a crippling physical disability we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that I have some pizza bread sticks here a little stale 6 feet and big d one day son you can dream I have a big brain big brain true ask character development it’s called an

Ark it’s an important part of Storytelling um actually I need to set up Hoppers to pick these items up I am going to do a slight revamping of this area I’m dipping my bread sticks in the sweet barbecue uh wing sauce exactly uh either that or this is

A pre and we’re finding out why I become the monster I’m glad we passed the berserk AR let’s hope you sell those I can I trade to you for money nothing okay wheat and potatoes poers yeah odd you’re my main character I’m so happy that this Farm is

Working really well now like it’s working really Nicely H too this as awful as things have been like how they don’t escape even though doors are open yep railroad tracks the pathing doesn’t allow them to go across it I didn’t you didn’t say no homo you guys don’t understand I’ve seen odds penis IRL I don’t get to say no homo

Anymore for real for real for real yeah I’m not kidding he’ll attach to it I’ve seen his penis yep when uh when we were kids at one of my friend’s birthday parties uh he brought his PlayStation 3 and was playing Call of Duty Black Op Black Ops Black Ops uh zombies in the Um playing Call of Duty Black Ops in the like entry room he had it set up on a little TV he was playing everyone else was really bored we were all sitting in the uh living room we were watching mancers do you guys remember the show mancers it’s basically a bunch of dumb

Things that would interest a a dude guy like a a a dude bro and uh it was the episode where they were talking about whether it’s actually scientifically possible to bounce a nickel off of a stripper’s ass I believe was it it was the same episode that had

The whole can of Penny kill someone if it falls off the Eiffel Tower thing um and we were all really bored so I walked into the other room up to odd I was like Hey odd do you want to like hang out with us and he he has a very angsty kid

Teen goes oh fine he gets up puts his controller down pauses the COD zombies he was far in it too puts the controller down walks into the other room says I can clap without my hands and then he clapped without his hands and then he went back to playing Call of Duty Zombies listen Mor of the story weird [ __ ] happens when you are a young like pre-teen SL yeah like pre-teen in the early or late 2000s early 2010s at a birthday party in a poor neighborhood yeah and it wasn’t his ass clapping Good Times very good times very good times and then he moved

Away I didn’t hear from him for like nine years I just ran into him on the internet ran into again on the internet through another friend like oh hey what’s up been hanging out with him again ever since so I actually do know odd from my childhood I actually do know

Him did the thing uh he did the thing he did the thing he he did the thing I want music I’m listening to Pig step can I trade with you wait did they have a kid you guys had a kid I didn’t feed you they’re evolving they must be stopped I’m He was waiting strategically that was a different birthday party birthday parties is where all the weird [ __ ] Happens y pretty pretty small chance it happened cool then we started playing Rainbow Six together the rest is history Letting everything spawn for a Moment Yeah true technically if you believe in fate the chances of running in my chances of running into my childhood friend was 100% because it happened there’s a very a 0% chance it didn’t happen happened because it did but that’s relativity and that’s a whole different discussion that will

Hurt your head and Sun’s apparently going through a mental breakdown so I’m not going to do that to her okay the music’s overlapping that’s weird going to eat more Brit stick just y I’m out of coke though I’m Sad All looking at what I’ve got going on right now objectively dude I’m doing pretty good still got some past trauma the truth is apparently I’m housed I have food I have money new phone new tablet I’m able to do my streams I’ve got some good friends I’ve got no rush to do do

Anything I don’t have plans but I don’t need plans not yet I’ve got someone I really like it’s been a very good time upgrade that bow baby and now I’ve got you guys I had you guys for a while though not giving that up we streaming

Baby I remember Austin yeah I want Doc his actual name but yeah Austin was insane that kid was actually insane he sent me a Snapchat of a fist full of weed he had a fist full of weed in the Snapchat and he was like LOL I’m driving

Down the road so fast and he showed me another Snapchat of him uh going like 90 on the on the highway and then like 10 minutes later I get another Snapchat and it’s the front of his car obliterated because he hit a tear like you [ __ ] dumbass I loved

Him I loved him he was a great great kid I I wish I still hung out with him he was actually one of the few friends when I was younger who pushed me to be a YouTuber and wanted to join me he wanted to do stuff with me which is really cool

Never got to cuz he he he was a bit of a problem child did drugs grew his own drugs got into fights and ended up graduating early cuz he went for that uh whole thing where they’re like man you’re really not good at school take this test and

Leave so he left and I was sad haven’t really talked to him since but me and him are good friends really good friends we were in and band together both in percussion look at how many of these guys are spawning it’s [ __ ] wonderful was that a you figure it

Up I’ll let the drama unfold you guys wanted your tea there’s your tea all right what do I name my second pick oh that thing so the way the reason weed isn’t illegal here is a lot of states in the United States of America I found a loophole it’s called Delta 9

Excuse me Delta 9 it’s weed and they’re like yeah you can sell this fine it’s not weed you can sell it it is weed you can but you can sell it and it pops up on tests all the same so doesn’t matter how much weed you smoke

Long as you don’t CAU physically having more than you’re supposed to have uh if someone’s like here take this test I want to see if you’re on weed like yeah Delta 9 buddy I take Delta 9 they can’t do [ __ ] it pops up on the test the exact same completely

Legal and a lot of states are also passing it being completely it doesn’t taste very good to be honest you don’t you don’t take weed for the taste I don’t do anything crazy I’m not a JY but during my insomnia phase I was willing to try anything to

Sleep and now the person that I hang out with a lot is also a smoker so that’s kind of hot cigarette ain’t fake yeah I have to do Vapes though I will occasionally smoke actual um I will actually smoke every once in a while with like a pre-roll or a

Pipe but I have to be careful I’m immune suppressed smoking anything will immune suppressed is dangerous vaping is still dangerous but Vapor isn’t going to give you [ __ ] tobacco lung cancer all right craziest thing I’ve done is morphine I Didn’t Do It For Fun it was

Actually in a hospital they gave it to me for real but yeah I’ve been on morphine morphine’s a [ __ ] I don’t know how you you see videos of people it’s like oh this guy’s he’s high on morphine and he’s like sitting in the street going nuts and I’m like how’s he

Walking how how are you [ __ ] walking I don’t understand that I was on it you can’t walk while on it that was the longest 5 minutes of my life what do you mean how weak I’d love you can’t even walk with or without the morphine sunvy sorry that was mean I can’t

Either what if we held canes ha take it on this [Laughter] bam ah me and Soni talked about this yesterday we’re part of the bad legs can’t be in the sun gang yeah what if we hold canes in the jar you’ve seen more than five ads

That’s kind kind of nuts why is it doing it that much I have it set to moderate can I lower the amount of times that it does it conservative less interrupted viewer experience sure there we go thank you that was good you’re welcome yeah me and me and sunby I I on

Stream yesterday I was talking about it or not yesterday the day before CU I didn’t stream yesterday did I no I didn’t that was my date night uh I was talking about I I’ve actually been seeing her posting are you using X more often Sun using

Twitter I don’t follow a lot of people well I do but it’s almost all artists so seeing things that aren’t smut usually quite a rare occurrence for me on Twitter I follow a lot of porn ers in my defense poror notice are really good excite johy fan art I will that’s

The only reason I follow Sun I follow everyone that draws me fan art especially if they do it regularly and only if they don’t post stuff about politics okay how good your art is I see you posting stuff on Pol uh some stuff that’s political as if you’re going to

Make a [ __ ] change I’m not seeing that anymore careful when we call it exite you read what you did it have to be good nah you can make it goofy as [ __ ] I’ll make it into a meme I’m kind of an ass to myself when it comes

To social media and stuff like that I have done no work to network at all never reached out to another content creator never done anything like that the only reason I now have YouTuber friends is because Kaiju bound me because of my drinking stream found me because of the drinking stream and then

It became like 5 days straight of just hey I live in this area no [ __ ] me too I’ve been doing vtuber stuff for this long no [ __ ] me too I I’m about this age no [ __ ] me too I went through a relationship like this no [ __ ] me too it just

Constant don’t worry about it don’t worry about it sting Mar I don’t recommend it I only use Twitter because there’s a lot of artists I like on it if it wasn’t for the artist I wouldn’t use it I follow some good good SM artists baby hey you

Me for real though guys what should I name my pick what should I name it I need a name what was the names we were going to do before we we did a poll before but I don’t remember what the names were expect me to draw a lot Bone

Breaker now that I have my my tablet I can actually draw and I want to practice cuz I used to love drawing I come from a lot I have a lot of family members that are uh artists a lot of artist family my dad was a cat artist my mom is

A painter my grandma’s a painter and a sketch artist and a watercolor like professional level watercolor stuff uh my grandpa is a painter my uncle is a painter my other uncle is a painter um lots of painters I’d show you their work if it wouldn’t get me

Doxed the Gen one weeb uncle that is the whole reason I am I have the personality and likes that I do he’s a [ __ ] fantastic artist I wish I could show it off it is kind of kind of a shame he’s a fantastic artist he recently painted himself and his

Wife it’s like an anniversary thing because they had a really nice picture taken when he proposed to her and he drew both of them in like really pretty fantasy outfits there’s the problem my family are painters not pain painters do painters post a [ __ ] every painting my uncle has made

Exists on the internet under his real name and guess what out of all my uh uncles I don’t have aunts on my mom’s side uh my mom is the only one to have kids be very easy to narrow down which person is my mother quite literally my mother we’re

Gamertag this is PlayStation or Playstation this is this is PC you guys would actually be able to find out who I am when I dox myself I can show you I can show you his art makes really pretty paintings but they’re all like really professional they went to school for art and stuff

So why wait because I want it to be worth it like here’s the problem if I’m going to dox myself it’s going to be an event it’s going to be an event that is going to get me views nobody gives a [ __ ] about what a 1.13 th000 subscriber YouTuber is IRL

Nobody cares once I’m big enough that people care I’ll dox myself until then no H there’s no point I care you know me like I said anyone wants to know the real me you’re not going to have a hard time you need drama exactly the thing is

I’m as a content creator I’m going to have drama it’s going to happen someone’s going to cancel me someone’s going to get pissy and whiny especially with how I like The Stance I have on like the whole kir you Coco situation and everything like that and all the

People I got banned off of Twitter for being disgusting subhuman garbage like I’m going to have drama quote unquote I’m going to make it something that gets me views 100% like no way I’m not give me those fre views you [ __ ] dumb asses thanks oops I literally couldn’t care less

About what someone on the internet cares about I’m a dirt poor technically single so a bachelor a 25-year-old gripple you really think what some nerd on the internet says is going to bother me and even the slightest I care more about which pair of socks I put on in the morning I think

About it longer too I will live rentree in these morons heads so just don’t waste your time hey that is cool that is cool man that actually is Cool if you if you guys want to watch it I actually recommend watching it I’ve I’ve been a follower of PewDiePie for over a decade for a really long time he’s one of my favorite content creators he’s a massive inspiration to me even his cringier phases I

Loved um and I [ __ ] grew up with him and I have been loving how much he’s winning like he’s been winning for years yeah his video on drawing I love that video it was one of the things that really pushed me to decide I was going

To draw more I had already bought the tablet but I was like oh that was almost bad that skeleton saved his ass um I was already getting going to get the tablet I wasn’t planning on doing drawing stuff I was going to use it for the

Stream and then I was like no [ __ ] it I’m going to draw again why not I’m falling behind on [ __ ] I’ll draw fan art and stuff who who should I draw first I’ll draw Kaiju that’s what I did last night to break it in Kaiju cuz I love her model design

It’s fun seeing PewDiePie with the whole drawing video because I’ve been through every phase of exactly what he’s talking about I had my I’m going to be a pro artist phase a couple years ago you guys want to see some of the [ __ ] that I drew while I wait for Monsters to

Spawn I’ll show off some of the stuff I’ve drawn I’ll show off some of it all right I’m going to sit like this I’m going to open up the folder think I’ll learn how to drop yeah you don’t the thing is you don’t have to take it

Too seriously find an artist you like recreate their stuff don’t trace it create it learn how they do their curves watch them do time lapses or live streams if they do it and you’ll just learn you’ll figure it out it just happens you really can’t explain it better than that it just

Happens do I have I got to be down here in order for the monsters to spawn and drop so uh I have pictures somewhere here I might have to save them off of my Discord it’s nothing crazy like I’m not going to pretend I’m a crazy good artist but I’ve been enjoying messing

Around with new brush types and stuff lately that’s been a lot of fun all right I’m opening up my Discord to find it out I love having the iPad cuz now I can still see you guys in the chat even as I have Discord open and I’m messing with stuff so has Image This is some of the oldest stuff here this is like my first attempts show you guys how rough of a of an artist I used to be pretty rough I draw my D and D Characters Man these are a little rough old stuff my since gotten better that that that and and this is where I got an actual tablet kind of started drying just give me a moment I’ll finish saving all this guys I got a lot better once I had an actual tablet Okay I got to you guys all shut up there everything’s not fixed I’m going someplace quiet good Lord all right I really like Minecraft streams CU Phantom likes to show us things when playing yeah it’s fun it’s fun to just talk it’s a good game for catching up

All right so I saved those three images this more stuff for DND d more stuff for DN stuff for no that one wasn’t DND that was fan Art all right and then I’ll also save what I just drew like yesterday Today all right here we go I got it all together I start showing stuff off so the earliest stuff that I drew I’m going to minimize the game for a second open Folder image let’s go here desktop open the game back up you guys at least have that in the background okay so some of my earliest [ __ ] I used to draw my D and D characters all the time like this is a character I still play today I have much better art for

Him now I [ __ ] love this guy was a paladin uh I drew this guy it was a forget what the class is it’s a D and D class that Matthew Mercer made for critical role it’s like blood something Blood Hunter something like that like this was all very basic flat lines nothing crazy

Early learning how to draw stuff uh I made this monster as a bad guy for a campaign that I was running I did a lot of art for uh my D and D stuff this was back when I was like 18 it was quite a while

Ago uh let’s see what else what else was from back then you want to see us do it how yeah that’d be cool uh and then one day I started trying to draw a little bit better another D and character I had and then I started following an art course a

YouTube art course by an artist that I still follow very closely uh and I got a tablet and from that moment I started drawing a little bit more detailed to gridman CU I was a massive fan of uh ssss gridman at the time so it

Was like end of 201 19 kind of time zone um see what else did I draw the the Spider-Man movie came out I drew the prowler this one was a little bit more flat it’s still fun um I did some character study off of gridman getting better with the

Brushes I drew gko from mushishi one of my favorites that I’ve done they it’s nothing crazy but you can see the Improvement that happens just from drawing regularly just do it watch someone who knows what they’re doing they’ll show you a good time uh I drew this monster for DND

D I do this D and D character very Iron Giant theme swear to God I’m moving away from that [ __ ] if I keep hearing him going I’m going to murder him and my prices are going to go down and everything else um through this at the end of

Gridman I spent a lot of time trying to learn how to do uh line art cuz I was always bad with line art you can actually see my old signature for my old YouTube channel up there on the top right like it was never anything all

That crazy I did uh do this D andd character for somebody that wanted it I was pretty happy with how this turned out uh but then I started trying to learn how to draw lineless I wanted to draw my my Paladin that I still play all the [ __ ]

Time uh I wanted to draw once with lines once without so this was with lines with his revamp that he had going on and then I wanted to try drawing without and learning how to draw with different brush styles of stuff which just real nice you learn you learn spacing a lot and

Then just got my tablet yesterday and I’m drawing [ __ ] like this do that yesterday literally Dre it in one night stretch that’s been my art Journey hasn’t been anything crazy it doesn’t have to be just draw stuff I do recommend it all right how do I kill thisy guy a great

Idea I know how to kill him huh will killing him lower my prices with the other guys or increase my prices with the other guys I don’t think it actually Will I’m going to kill your pacas yes walk away from the base walk away hold on I know what to do nice here’s what I’m going to be doing from now on on I’ve been killing too many villagers H every time one brings me something that I don’t want I kill

Them seems like such a waste don’t you think so all right you stay hope he enjoys his new home we can go back to mining though what oh that zomie it’s a beautiful Lakeside home you wouldn’t understand Sun you wouldn’t understand you wouldn’t understand it’s fine don’t worry about

It it’s fine it’s all good it’s good it’s fine it’s fine why doesn’t drown I am a delinquent all right pickaxe Pi let’s go mine some more get some more ancient debris we should be able to get our netherite gear he’s fine I gave him a

Home a home where the drowned that have Trident definitely don’t spawn that would be inhumane hold on I need food before I going to hell just saying there are worse Fates than the Jar give me flesh thanks The J is the best place yeah I know you love it there she’s institutionalized don’t tell Her see it’s all good it’s all it all works out don’t tell her how to spell it either stockum syndrome happened to that J I mean you’re the one who’s fine being there you tell me classic sunvy go if it makes you guys feel any more

Pressure towards it now that I have the tablet I just need to figure out uh how to get it to share my iPad screen to my computer guess what we’re doing drawing streams baby the drawing streams are coming back Al some of the stuff I’m drawing I can’t show on stream don’t

Ask you won’t like the answers some people might actually I’m thinking about it [Applause] not Mountain PP now that’s you s me so if you guys want an excuse to draw every once in a while you good man yeah don’t do that you’re going to get hurt similar to browsing dragon’s

[ __ ] cars dragon’s [ __ ] cars is a gem do not don’t you dare slander the name of dragon’s [ __ ] cars I remember first finding dragon’s [ __ ] cars so [ __ ] long ago and it being the funniest thing I’d ever seen in my entire [ __ ] life I was actually thinking of doing our first drawing stream

Tomorrow what do you guys think hey ancient debris if I can get it to work with the screen share of my iPad to my computer I’ll do it gartic phone or something like that that’d be cool that defin defitely something we could shoot for hell yeah I know there’s tons of ways that

Artist interact with their chat like That I might not be as soft spoken or as calm as as a lot of the people who are more famous for their drawing streams like Ena those are Funnies and cools maybe tomorrow we’ll finally finish my ref sheet that I promised Sunday like a month and a half

Ago or two months ago now oh no it’s more like a month and a half I was it’s been more than a month that was back before the cat model say exchange things again ah sorry my bad my my brain it just gets so fuzzy ever since the war

You know who an artist that I really enjoy watching I don’t watch a lot of artist streams um m is always fun to watch because I love the way that she draws I love her drawing she has a very unique um drawing method like there’s usually every artist has a

Pipeline our pipeline’s really cool no that’s not an a sex joke either we working pipeline working pipeline Enderman still just chilling he doesn’t know what to do he didn’t expect me to save his ass you know what sunv just for you I need to kill the Enderman just kidding is the same guy

Right no that’s the real one okay there is our buddy that we saved this guy can die that’s not our buddy that we say it he’s an impostor these last so long with Unbreaking like holy [ __ ] I dug out a lot let’s dig out some more why don’t you n the nether because

It costs a lot of beds it’s a lot of setup like don’t get me wrong it took a while to get all the enchantments going but now I can have [ __ ] anything I want like you’re trying would you are you trying to tell me that this is

Actually slower than the beds the beds are faster than this it’s a lie this is the fastest way to mine in the another obliterate everything how do that lava L lava no just like close can you blow up ancient debris it has to be mined with a diamond

Pick the your beloved did you get her I don’t remember if you said that you got her or not e holy smoly that’s a lot e wow more neing got to get that neing hey more NE stuff speaking of uh W and Ark knite stuff I haven’t seen the showcase for the new

Event yet I saw the pictures that eggy and you sent suly so I know Dej breaker is there but I want to watch that with you guys I’ve been saying I want Dean breaker since I started streaming Ark Knights on this channel lava hot yes we watch

It yeah if you like drawing and you want to get into drawing we’ll be doing drawing streams blue poison blue poison is actually a really good operator she get she is used in so much her damage over time and everything is insanely good in so many events and levels unironically she’s an amazing

Operator St this is a very big fan base there’s a lot of people on the internet that want that frog gy 11 is almost on training hell yeah sunvy has completed a major life goal good job Sunday he’s finally here it’s Happ I remember back when you first started getting into

Ark Knights you got into it because of me and I was like focus on just a few Ops that you want like you can roll for anything that comes along but just make sure you’re you’re really focused on a few Ops and you were like I want Lumin

And nois and I was like I got good news and bad for you uh good good news and bad news for you Lumen is a free operator so you don’t have to roll for him but you have to wait for him now finally after all this time she has arrived the fish

Chocolate but you fellas want them you fellas oh my neck let’s listen to non nut November Why Mine off so we have to stop and good no MBA no hope I leave a good first impression cops I try to play it off play it off like this is completely normal oh yeah this is what I do in my streams all the time is uh Matt Watson of super

Mega probally of of of syo marketers like a exactly again it’s a c with my in a I kind of looking for ancient debris right now I found five I started digging down here again I’ve got a bunch I think I’ve got double digits want it I can get UST we it

Off but it’s no got leave a good first impression right guys of a good bus that’s an absolute class popped up in my recommended not I’m listening to this Banger the certified Hood classic once again on this blessed Tuesday afternoon when Wednesday afternoon it’s Wednesday now Tuesday was yesterday I should remember

That it I would do well to remember such information this TNT is not not going to be nearly as well contained or quick as this I put a lot of time and effort into making a proper exp mine or exp Farm getting all the villagers lined up

To be able to mass produce the best [ __ ] pickaxes in the game I just need to turn them into nether right now and to give a good impression and Phantom is listening to the No No not November Anthem graa calm down no I ain’t spanking no monkey hoe I ain’t joking no chicky

Ho I’m not going to kick I Ain going to R over missions how much more is left on the center column a little bit I still have so much pickaxe durability left like it’s insane how much durability I actually have available right so we’re doing a drawing stream tomorrow for

Sure I just mined this whole [ __ ] area out in no time no effort one pickaxe how can you not love this look at all this space one 2 3 4 five that’s good enough that worked we into the game nope I mean I have just not on this

World lava moment I guess there’s lava right there to cut out tracks I haven’t yet I’m doing it one step at a time one step at a time I played Minecraft for a really long time hi Mr Enderman give me a moment I can fix this there you go you’re free to

Walk once again blessed creature lava just treated like water it doesn’t hurt me DI my [ __ ] Armor is too strong you haven’t it’s a fun experience oh that’s why I’ve reached my strip mine from before oh there’s more I got to block oh yeah that’s all he I’m taking

Damage I haven’t finished the game it is a pretty long and arduous experience you kind to got to play the [ __ ] out of the game to get to it kind of not necessarily if you speed running you can do it pretty quick but it’s a video game I like to enjoy the

Process that’s why my base is so geared up I I was always the guy that would finish the base first my friends would abuse it enchantment book should be less RNG based your well truth is it really isn’t anymore it used to be R enchantment was entirely RNG cuz books didn’t

Exist you would get an enchantment table and you click on the enchantment and it would give you a random enchantment at whatever level you selected based on how many levels you have and Is Random so sometimes youd get a really good sword sometimes you wouldn’t this is before anvils even

Existed you couldn’t give enchantments playing the game a very long time I remember some weird situations I remember back before the hunger meter even existed I remember back before half slabs and staircases that’s how far back I remember I remember seeing the yogs cast messing with staircases going that’s the coolest

Thing that I’m thinking about I think half slab did exist I think it was staircases that were the New Edition for not had any luck finding any netherite here a big lava area here is all right Dad let me play Minecraft before the nether existed I remember the closest thing to the Nether

Reactor son Herobrine good times remember back when the internet actually believed Herobrine was real bro trial the 4 I can’t imagine that possibly going wrong that’s a good idea close this rhal Frame I can already taste it lick switch hell yeah dude you just got to get the

Frame Rino is just in general a really good frame um oh I tried doesn’t seem like there’s anything here oh well need to craft the system uh yeah yeah that’s what I Meant well there wasn’t a lot in that strip sadly oh well that’s go back to the base I have a whole bunch then I need to figure out how the hell you actually uh craft it I have a bunch of the debris I have some netherite I have the what’s it called

Blueprints I got a whole [ __ ] bunch of them from the uh Nether fortresses that we invaded you know so sorry if I on I am really tired I got Peru aliened after work today and it was a long day of work after a long week of working finally get

Days off that’s why I’m excited to see there there’s a few ways I can connect my iPad to the stream I have a few ideas we’ll see also my weed comes in mail tomorrow I can’t can’t wait I get I get my weed through website was cheap cover cover cover still working on

It I worked on it yesterday oh weed say yeah pretty much good one sunby that was a good one good job all right well let’s go dump all this [ __ ] away and then figure out how the hell this even works oh this trans are named after anime no wouldn’t quite go that

Far a bit of a stretch all right let’s put our random [ __ ] in these boxes all right excuse me ah I might need to grab something to drink ancient debris nice I got to grab something to drink real fast enjoy the uh music be right back here you go Sun you get

You get your love Monster Energy time B weed every day fact you know what we’re going to listen to while I figure out how this works this is going to be obnoxious it’s as good as I remember it being enjoy guys all right so how does this Work where are we don’t worry about it Herobrine all right let’s See is known as being an MF G how Does how does a smithing template Work what does it even Do patterns to armor okay so I don’t care about that just start smithing that got gold har herob Brian oh God not herob Brian herob BR is too powerful oh the silence is deafening let’s make our first ingot now is it really just this easy no it’s not I I figured that was

Old what’s what arob Brien the Family Guy don’t worry about it hey Kaiu how’s it going hope your stream went well I’m playing video game We’re clearing stuff we made progress um from monster school that’s cool uh ah Smith another right gear yep so how do you use use it do you need a a specific thing you don’t just [ __ ] slap it in I’ve never done this I haven’t played Minecraft need a different crafting

Table I think it is much I don’t know what crafting table I hope your stream went well though Je stretch I’m still feeling so drained was long but hiashi getting creepy it it’s finally actually getting creepy a cafting cable how could I have been so dense of course is it smithing

Table that I need seems like it would be about Right drained huh yeah I wonder why I could be feeling That here it is yeah baby the first of many let’s go next up is dickpic let’s [ __ ] go yeah now we’re geared we never know why it’s the joking yep it’s joking that’s why I’m drained Definitely ah it’s been fun we’ve been talking about a whole bunch of stuff I’ve been making progress on a lot of [ __ ] showed them the stuff I made of you as well as some old art a fair amount of people here in the chat want to do drawing stuff and I mentioned that I’m going to be doing drawing streams so might try to do the first drawing stream tomorrow if my tablet

Will allow that’s what we’re going to try for yep odds been farming Warframe the entire [ __ ] time it’s been a fun sh drawing stream yep I want to get better at draing although some of the stuff I’m drawing I’m not going to be allowed to draw on

Stream let’s just let’s keep it simple and just stop it but that uh my boots are a little in pain play Warframe that’s what I was saying too I used to play it a lot like two times I used to play it forever ago and I played it a couple years ago and

Now that odd’s playing I might fire it up I know a lot has changed I know nidus now has a prime and I [ __ ] was I loved nidus I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I know I was trying to get odd into it forever [Applause]

Ago you’re playing it because it is a fun game it’s just there’s only so much you can do by yourself based indeed so things are finally getting creepy and hiar you huh it’s only taking what Nine episodes the pr aren’t they just made by the Orchid Kaiju you need to get better at

Drawing pretty girls H Kaiju is fun to draw just wait wait until Friday ka’s got a new model coming and it looks really [ __ ] good guess what I’m going to be drawing tonight I want to draw now that sky is not here I can say I want to draw

Sky I want to draw sky Hey y yeah real talk sun it’s really [ __ ] hot her her new outfit I’m going feral you have no [ __ ] idea you’ll understand you will understand when you see it t with all the tattoos that’s what’ll make it fun bit barel yep from Full feral you’ll

Understand so tomorrow we’ll be doing a drawing stream Friday again doing a drinking stream uh there’s my torch okay we do we’re doing the drinking stream we’re going to probably start around 4:30 5 my time we’re going to make some bar food we’re going to make some cocktails and then we

Will end the stream jumping over onto Kaiju Channel where we’re going to play more Monster hun world so look forward to that that’s going to be a lot of fun a lot of fun it’s going to be great I’m really excited I had a really good time yesterday I’m so

Exhausted work was so [ __ ] long it was nice though finishing arcan though you’re telling me a [ __ ] made this tail I need to finish making this Farm automatically I’m glad to hear your stream went well though kiju I’m not going to be streaming for too much longer I’ve been streaming for

A couple hours now and there’s a couple things I’m going to be doing with kiju tonight she has to work tomorrow so I can’t make her wait too long can find bar food from the jungle I come from we really don’t don’t have something specific we ate a lot of

Snacks and that’s it apparently you smell something what do you smell wink wink wink yeah I’m trying to be sub about [ __ ] you’re just winking subtlety’s going right off the [ __ ] window imagine being subtle couldn’t be me all right let’s get a bunch of emeralds emeraldo up up

Up leave it to their imaginations there’s a lot to imagine we also spent a pretty decent chunk of time talking about credit scores of everything talking about credit scores I nerded up a little bit everyone got to hear a little bit more about my past he’s a credit nerd yeah well guess

What women love a man with good credit and yeah I am I am a credit there a fat 50 now what else I just need like fire protection right making meat pies in your freezer that’s your bar food that sounds [ __ ] good don’t even know what that means that’s all

Right you don’t have to know Now I should be able to upgrade another piece of armor exactly enough to upgrade another piece of armor purple I got the purple shoes 50 cents a piece you’re damn right I’m going to keep getting them I wish I could get [ __ ] meat pies for 50 cents a piece

Goddamn Liv in the [ __ ] dream those are just super good can’t stop in fact you’re going to go make a chicken one not fair take a break from the the Warframe grind and eat some [ __ ] food my guy I’ve been slowly eating these bread sticks slowly but surely eating these

Bread sticks go to Dollar Tree I haven’t been to a Dollar Tree in so long I used to go all the [ __ ] time Dollar Tree and Dollar General were my go-to cuz I was a little poor boy the Dollar General isn’t that cheap Let’s go Catalyst can I upgrade there’s Trident what are all the Trident upgrades I know I have a villager with Riptide oh my God it’s notch the notch Mr Mr notch Minecraft places have gotten a lot better with what they have they’re healthier too I remember back when like

Going to the Dollar Store meant you’re about to get the nastiest pack of hot dogs you ever have in your entire life I was poor poor you want an idea of how poor I was uh providing for two by myself I used to struggle to afford to

Get $4 of gas just to get to work for a Day good [ __ ] times when you go to your pantry to see what you have to eat and you’ve got like a can of cream of chicken and like three spices and what is hopefully rice Bunch of additives that are not needed [Applause] yeah I am tired how long have we been streaming for about 3 hours and 20 minutes it’s a pretty decent amount of time I want to draw some more tonight and I don’t plan on staying up super late what the hell that’s

Great are you are are you still here sting Maru that’s [ __ ] [Laughter] great look at the Discord I watch sting Maru true back what did you miss uh I got got laid like 10 seconds ago was pretty cool I’m lying ah yes I listening saw what you post in the Discord it’s [Laughter]

Great I’m actually so happy I get to relax finally get to relax a little bit after working so damn much I’ve got a little vacation to look forward to coming in like less than two weeks tomorrow I get more weed the day after that I get my pen and my uh tablet

Case got two days off to relax going to work work on some stuff update the model a little bit draw some stuff oh it’s going to be great some Diamond hairs thanks finally unclench my jaw and bring my shoulders down how [ __ ] yeah K you hell [ __ ] yeah I relax a little bit

I’ve got plenty to be happy about right now plenty let the monsters Stack Up For a Moment uh what was the one more thing we were going to do tonight that’s right we were going to look at the ark Knights thing we’ll top off all this [ __ ] look at

That hello fellow human being how it goes this how do you get the Sig Emoji it’s just an emote it’s just an emote that’s like Default indeed uh indeed now I’ve had a really good day I worked my ass off it was a very long day but I have to spend it hanging out with someone very special got home relaxed a little bit hey pastel how’s it going now I get to enjoy the rest of my

Night chill chill out Jesus they’re dropping as fast as I can kill him mess around with my tablet some more can’t [ __ ] wait to do that you guys better join me in the drawing streams I want you guys to draw too I know a few of you are artists and you

Guys are really good I want you to enjoy doing it well welcome pastel how’s it going I’m killing monsters as they drop to replenish my gear Uh yeah that’s good send It this game want in 2015 I have no idea what you’re talking about yep don’t worry about it ding Mountain kiss but it’s Kaiju instead or that’s what I would have said if Hollow what’s trauma didn’t exist as that so I’ll win you over hey Ren how’s it going hey lots of

People showing up now oh no He was a brave brave Soldier I going to kill his alpaca come here Alpaca I was wondering if some was going to say [Laughter] aced hope you’re doing good Ren I hope you know you inspired me to draw also we’re going to be doing drawing streams should join in then first one’s going to be tomorrow going to give you guys an

Excuse to draw and give myself an excuse to draw I still don’t even know what I’m going to draw head hurts Big Stretch I love that I can check Discord try to make F hope you like the art sty H yeah don’t know how to draw I’m cute

Don’t worry about it h hell [ __ ] yeah I do be smking a little bit got all those jars pretty good for a lot of the streams cuz the time zone sadly thank God your neighbor is a dog groomer I Mean I’m glad you’re able to make it to stream I’ve been pretty busy I’ve been actually doing a lot of stuff and working quite a bit as well so the stream’s been a little bit shorter and if I’m being 100% honest I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with

Kaiu like a lot of stuff with Kaiju these last couple weeks so I’ve been ending a lot of streams early we’ve done collabs worked on stuff it’s been fun wink wink yeah your neighbor seems fun pastel gay kind of bread sticks [ __ ] pet bread sticks are

Fire so uh what did you think me calling you a cat by what do you think I mean I saw your [ __ ] [Laughter] clip yeah that was so [ __ ] funny sky was proper proper feeling it I’ll [ __ ] destroy you yeah promise bring it that was so [ __ ] funny watching in

You react to me saying it ah you are right I am the cat I the cat boy wife wish I could deny it I’m really not in any position too I’m really not in any position to get to pet the dogs after my grooming she likes my cooking win-win that is a massive

Win-win I want a cook I really got to eat especially now it’s just not the price of food it’s not just the price of food like if I wanted to pay I should to not get the [ __ ] I wanted on my food I’d save the money and do it myself at home

That was embarrassing for me it was I would prefer you not show the hot sexy Dragon girl um me saying that please I have no control over you I’m a dancing monkey but allow me some dignity please please real bottom en energy telling people you want to be destroyed it’s called The

Challenge it’s not bottom energy bottom energy would be going please please I need you to destroy me please destroy me oooo n [ __ ] bumping foreheads and staring each other down that is not bottom energy period for heading back yeah I won’t take much longer fight fight fight fight Kaiju our fight

Would not be able to be live streamed not on YouTube you don’t know about being a bottom you’re right I don’t cuz I’m not stop it go go on a different St I got a couple ideas up I want to top off these pcks and then I’ll end the

Stream cuz we we did what we came here to do we have nether right now which means we can fight some big [ __ ] which means now it’s going to be exploration time first I want to upgrade this [ __ ] Trent me and my good bre first oh man ah I’m excited to draw

More I really am I’m so genuinely happy today guys now that I get to relax a little bit this [ __ ] Great you get your hands on Rhino yet there OD or do you are are you stuck doing like the 36-hour part building thing cuz that was the worst thing it’s like all right I ground out everything I need to make my Warframe I’ll be back in half a

Week also in case you were wondering uh and this is for every one of you that plays Warframe if you play Warframe you know how uh there is a rotation of missions that give you Cosmetics there is a Twitter account that is called like Warframe alerts and

If you set to get notifications from their posts you’ll get notifications every time a new cosmetic thing or important item becomes available my best friend we love jerking off but it’s no so we have had to stop me and my good FS love a good

Bust hell no I don’t yeah I do I have to wasit some time I take a break as well got to grind to get the last few thing true there’s always other stuff you can grind Kaiju my lovely Kaiju I have a humble request for you my lady uh-oh potentially very [Laughter]

Scary Jesus Christ can you search this specific stream go to the comments there’s a time stamp building gum oh that was old model me too S I wasn’t talking she came around with a fluffy sausage dog got to go make some first that’s perfectly fine you doare you take care of yourself

Pastel appreciate you hanging out you want to know something kind of cringe about that sunby and I hope this won’t sour the meow meow for you guys I got into a lot of trouble for that meow meow like like you wouldn’t believe the amount of trouble I got in relationship

Wise for that meow meow it was pretty sad that was pretty sad actually anant you ruined it I did did I stare shut up don’t make fun of me I’m a cool guy W put up a fight my hang my balls i p my D what a cat yeah I can’t even deny

It anymore I’ve been a catboy so often lately kidu’s entire chat actually refers to me as her catboy wife I just come in like hey guys how’s it going oh look it’s K do his boy wife like guess guess all right you know what no there are worse Fates there are worse

Fates I’ve done some self-reflection and you know maybe being a service bottom isn’t the worst thing in the world sometimes because I’m a switch and my a good bu so we cannot not it’s one pick it’s like an arcade game do something else talk about something else oh guy dropped popop oh a

GU a guy dropped bop bop bop I’m give this just a couple more minutes and then I’m going to end the stream it’s been good I am really tired though I genuinely Peru alien like I know I’ve been saying that a lot I keep going oh yeah Peru alien I got Peru

Alien Peru alien to me you don’t understand how hard being Peru aliened can actually be you know what is quiet and boring I’m playing no not November again like at Kaiju and I see a top or M she I am going to not say am I comment I was

Going in the words of Kevin from uh SP 10 no I feel I’ve made a mistake of Some no masturbating no fornicating ejaculating no prate playing no see spraying for 30 days no November can’t bust till December can’t spank my turkey can’t do no jking no bursting or spting can’t use no J can’t go Fred bringing the chorus what up you’re going to be too right or too

Wrong I don’t want to know true just enjoy pretty lady enjoy pretty lady I on but I can’t get CH to the silly God make me come when it comes when the time is right won put up a fight let my nut hang my balls my girl too hot wish I could

[ __ ] but I can’t it’s a curse put my C in a yes she is pretty drop herkey tiow the With Dece sting Mar has been drying to feel it in myut all of my some turned to dust take me back to September cuz it’s no November off the jar picture is a little bling you with drawing good but time you deserve some actual fan art there’s anything wrong with

Porn I’ll eventually get some por no I keep I keep losing all my viewers to everyone okay just kidding But nov so we cannot God damn it I’m losing everything what’s another song we can listen to while we wait let’s listen to DTF [ __ ] but you know I got fish to catch and she banging my line she wasting my time saying she want some sex n girl I’m reing it I’m my ride with a big the leg with the on weekending the I can’t be your boyfriend she say she DTF but you

Know I got F to catch I got on my hat you had a one with a hook and I’m packing my tackle box down by the Brook there’s plenty of fish in the sea y so don’t you go fishing for me N I ain’t with the

Kisss but myone got a new my line the go down W just right we living the life if we ain’t going fishing then don’t waste my time P up with chilling in the B BR shop about to hit the lake in a brand new drop top oh [ __ ] I did it again I

Fishing for B she texting a friends been here for days I’m making plays backing fish catching Rays unrestrained Phantom she get me that’s I’ll let you have this win I’m proud I’ve been saying that a lot lately Haven ioat I’m getting sadistic catching some feast all Paleolithic out on the season

My cast ballistic got the corpses they’re stacked up in Rose no time for remorse and that’s how that [ __ ] goes up on my boat we Bish bottle NOS it smells [ __ ] beos my said he sees warning signs but who gives a [ __ ] when I’m casting my lines he your man up and mine

Is on M let me keep dising and [ __ ] off my grind hey yo Justin that girl from last night hit you up yet yeah yeah I got a text she say she’s DTF I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that means holy [ __ ] man she’s down to fish like nine

Creepers you seen R anyway I just got three more buddy boys nice hold on my Sony Eric is ringing oh it’s that girl from last week hello oh you’re having another man episode sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my fishing [ __ ]

Say she DTF but you know we got fish to catch don’t want to see any breasts just want to see fish in my neck don’t want to do any sex CH my catch those fish boy I I I’m catching fast I’m reeling another one in right

Now is that is that is that a Marlin that’s a Marlin been through the line I’m kind of embarrassed I’ll get I’ll get another [Applause] one soing [Applause] stupid oh my God Microsoft what is wrong with you I swear to God if that [ __ ] Windows game bar pops up in World of

Warcraft after they do the changes with Microsoft I’m actually going to not play the game it’s just the computer saying hi everyone say hi to the computer go on get it all out of your systems hi Microsoft thanks for the jump scare exactly I just thinking of you

Guys guys I heard the the song ended they’re a quick jump scare got BR the bathroom shelf and stay the night just W match in the morning you know why got P catch at the Marines sucking on penises and then when I’m done I get in the Sloop and I suck on more

Penises oh Kaiu uh it’s pretty much confirmed me and sky are doing NS and Paris du cover he’s going to be Jay-Z I’m going to be Kanye I get to be ye Jesus talking about it at the start of the stream I said it come on let’s [ __ ]

Do it let’s just do it let’s just do it why not it’ll be great great it shall be I so what do you mean you what it was in the song we just listened to listen at the Marines H licking on penises but then when I’m done I get on my Sloop and

I suck on more penises fing out in the pacifics see it’s a good line wifeu and boy wife singing the racially insensitive song together even though it’s not racially insensitive it made by people that it’s not racially insensitive towards face fishing out in the Pacific sting fish thrs I’m getting [Applause]

Sadistic it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry about it what’s the worst that’s going to happen I’m going to get canceled on twitter.com oh no not Twitter oh no any of these guys have infinite crosswalker could be nice you could also suck Bing out in the Pacific getting

Sistic please tell me one of these guys just one of these guys ah they don’t that’s all Right you ever say oh no did I say in a funny way make you regret everything I already do believe you me if the questionable [ __ ] I’ve said on my streams was enough to drive her away she wouldn’t be here right now said at the Leon way oh no game over f

Do I have a guy with sweeping Edge no but I have blast protection which I kind of want game over why restart restart you like to restart also this guy’s enchantments are ass I’m going to kill him it’s good good to see you guys yep see You good life thanks for everything that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back somebody was never heard from again she got lost deep in the woods in in like 74 years someone’s going to find her crawling around on all fours like [Applause] Gollum Come on it’s your new home you’ll love it just give it a try he’s institutionalized he knows what’s going to happen if he gets in this boat yeah you got a fire aspect to a punch one and that’s it yeah there you go I got a nice new home for you

Buddy if they can survive the lake they earn their freedom I will let them into the wild you just have to survive the lake buddy yeah are you excited you excited like I am I’m excited well buddy hold on let me get me boat here we go good luck I expect great

Things oh no a drowned zombie let’s hope they don’t get a little ADV adventurous instead attacking things above the water none of you guys saw a damn thing if you did you’re going in the lake next reset the bed I need a raft his V wasn’t good enough I’m

Sorry if he survives a night in the lake he’ll be fine what what would you rather me put them in the holes would you rather me just put put them in the holes I could just make holes and shove them in the holes this your this is your chance let’s hope he’s

Not dead yet would you rather him be in the holes or die mercifully in the lake H come on Big Boy there you Go come on buddy you wait right here see that guy out there that’s just going to happen if you give me bad enchantments you’re a librarian now the mob spawner is working wonderfully I have a brave Sal a isn’t he Brave isn’t he just so

Brave let’s hurry up and get this guy in his cubicle so I can go to bed wink bed ha I’m definitely going to go to sleep ha all right go to your bed come on you got a bed right here look this bed get in the

Boat or you’re going in the lake and I’ll create another child get in the boat there you go I’ll mess with this guy later efficiency five that easy huh [ __ ] you too game oh fire protection fire protection fire protection that is a thing right I’m not misremembering am

I is it just blast protection am I misremembering no it is it is an ACH okay I’m messing with it later I’m messing with it later I going to go lay down with the Ohio and end the stream we got important business to take care of tonight yet and tomorrow I get

To start really relaxing okay I have a lot of tools bedtime Ohio hell is broke got a lucky rabbit’s foot okay that’s all F on music for the outro I expect some more fun streams this week instead of the usual games we’re going to be doing the drawing stream tomorrow

And then the drinking stream followed by the collab with Kaiju the day after uh and then Saturday I don’t know what I’m going to do we’ll figure it out good to see you thank you for being the my life Ohio does that to people doesn’t he she I don’t know

Give a second I Gotta cool drinking stream one Friday it’s not tomorrow the day after I’m going to make a couple cocktails I’m going to cook on camera and then yeah should be fun first time I cook on stream you guys will get to see me cook shitty bar food nothing crazy nothing

Special there some snacks to Chow Down on while I play some monster hunter with Kaiju hand cam yep you guys are going to see my my fingerless gloved hand hands once again it’s been a while since you guys have seen my Thingies But that’s all I got I got nothing else to add I’m tired I’m honestly kind of blanking out a little bit I I I worked a really long day it was cold I got like no sleep last night cuz I stayed up until like 9 to 10: in the morning drawing

Kaiju I’m glad I did I’m really happy with how it turned out and I’m excited to draw even more that’s all I got I got to go doodle in bed probably watch some YouTube videos and relax a little bit while eating my leftovers I hope you guys have a good rest of your

Day slash night it is 2:30 in the morning for me so it’s pretty late uh we’ll be back again tomorrow make sure anyone who wants to draw be ready cuz that’s what we’re going to be doing other than that uh covers and blah blah blah that’s all I got I really don’t

Have anything else I feel like I should have more to say but I think it’s stuff that I can’t say cuz I can’t really talk about kyu’s updated model even though I want to because it’s really hot um I can’t talk about that project can’t talk about that project already talked about that

One and then I’m doing stuff on the tth yeah that’s everything that’s all my stuff so night night King good night everybody you guys have a great night take care of yourselves eat and drink uh blahy blah blah blah um I got to go back to the the bed the the mistress is

Calling for me because I’m such a good boy wife but I do as I’m told because I’m such a good boy wife right guys that’s what you think of me right that’s what that’s what you think of me that’s all I Am that’s good bottom Behavior that’s what I think get a mean I’m not a bottom I’m not a bottom I’ll prove it we’re going to have a stream one of these days it’s going to be the nasty [ __ ] you’re going to be in shock seeing what I’m capable of you better be ready

For it peace golden King oops wrong Button And He

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Just a LITTLE MORE Netherite’, was uploaded by Phantom Ch. on 2023-11-30 08:55:36. It has garnered 85 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:37 or 14677 seconds.

Getting geared baybee

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    127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOLVideo Information this is every way to make your friends laugh in Minecraft and hey YouTube bet me that you can’t subscribe to the channel before I empty my inventory into this chest so to prove them wrong dump your finger in that white subscribe button down below it’s free and it helps out of time if your friends always wanted to live at Sea then here’s a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it since folks boats are entities which means that if we want to we could place down a whole bunch… Read More

  • Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shorts

    Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft That Was Close… 😎 (There is a super magic pickaxe ✨) (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-02-25 00:33:05. It has garnered 25541 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform… Read More

  • Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!

    Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s This video, titled ‘Тихо проигрываем в SkyWars #minecraft #майнкрафт #SkyWars #скайварс’, was uploaded by Player81 on 2024-01-08 05:47:56. It has garnered 636 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!

    Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer’, was uploaded by Dream _X_ YT on 2024-04-08 02:11:16. It has garnered 6093 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer minecraft relaxing music, minecraft relaxing, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft relaxing video, minecraft relaxing longplay, minecraft relaxing song, minecraft relaxing music with soft rain, minecraft relaxing pixel art, minecraft relaxing build, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing parkour map download, minecraft relaxing parkour map download… Read More

  • Minecraft Civilization

    Minecraft CivilizationThis is a Minecraft Civilization Server with: Factions, Unlimited Players, Economy System and much more! vicenity.net Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon Join our vibrant community and set sail on your survival journey today. Stormy Lagoon offers a refreshing twist on survival gameplay, running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Established over four years ago, our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022. Immerse yourself in our welcoming environment and enjoy an array of unique features, including custom items inspired by our players. Delve into our player-driven economy, explore bustling marketplaces, and unearth hidden treasures scattered across the map. Gain an edge with our incorporation of mcMMO, offering a captivating long-term gameplay experience, complemented by our… Read More

  • HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protection

    HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protectionWelcome to RedotMC a brand new server with custom terrain.Hosted on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L and 94 gig ram.So what are you waiting for? Are you up to the survival challange in a custom generated world? Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Won’t Have C418 Soundtrack

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Won't Have C418 SoundtrackWell, I guess his tunes didn’t quite hit the right note for the movie soundtrack! Read More

  • Crafty Jenny’s Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox

    Crafty Jenny's Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build and explore, with blocks in our veins. Jenny, the mod, crafted with care, In Build a Boat, a treasure to share. Join the empire, full of fun and delight, With Discord and Roblox, our community takes flight. Instagram and Twitter, where we connect, In the realm of gaming, we show our respect. The video unfolds, with humor and charm, As we build Jenny, with curves and with charm. The narrator speaks, with a playful tone, Describing the process, in a style all their own. From the head to the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol

    Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, Nether portals are like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, they just become a convenient way to avoid walking long distances. Ah, the joys of aging in Minecraft.” Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: What’s New? Wind Burst Enchantment Changes The Wind Burst enchantment in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 now provides a significant upward push, propelling players up to 21 blocks at level 3. However, be cautious as it does not prevent fall damage, potentially causing lethal damage without proper precautions. Gameplay Fixes Entities now load into the world with the correct rotation, and boats once again align in the direction the player is facing. Additionally, entering the end now consistently faces players towards the center of the island, ensuring a smoother transition. Visual Enhancements Mip-mapping now functions correctly… Read More


    BECOME an ELEMENTAL SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft!Video Information ah another beautiful day as an earth Elemental shape shifter and look at this guys I just shape shifted into a little tiny creeper aren’t I so cute tax come on we have to go wake up noox and Trixie oh yeah Zoe we do have to wake up noox and Trixie I’m really hungry I want some breakfast wao your creeper legs move really weird oh yeah it’s because I’m not like a full Shape Shifter yet I’m just a little tiny Shape Shifter that’s all yeah me too hey uh no it’s breakfast time dude come… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft Shorts

    Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% 😍 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-18 06:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% | Wait For End #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and … Read More

  • Exposed: PrestonPlayz’s SHOCKING Minecraft Betrayal

    Exposed: PrestonPlayz's SHOCKING Minecraft BetrayalVideo Information today we are busting 100 Minecraft Miss starting with armadillos are afraid of spiders in daytime come on dude these guys are straight out of Texas no way they’re afraid of a spider although if I saw a spider as big as the ones in Minecraft I might be a little scared so he should go inside of his shell come here buddy dude I don’t think this guy’s afraid this is a true Texan right here dog it looks like to me the spiders are afraid of the armadillo but I just want to let me let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining lagi mencari diamond😁 | Minecraft BE survival duo | Part 11’, was uploaded by OnlyDess on 2024-03-22 02:48:34. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. ⚠️Mcpe Patched⚠️ follow me on instagram Me : @its_dess16 My friend : @m_dky4 Shader : Newb x Legacy More Improvement Addon : – NekoUI – Graves – Ptiger’s Armor Rarity – Visualize Enchanted Book – Parallax Sounds v2 – All Trades Visible – Weapon Combiner + DLC – More Structure – Disenchanter – Raiyon More Vanilla Enchanment -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!

    Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 4’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-14 02:25:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More

  • 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀’ 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 – 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1

    𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀' 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 - 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1Video Information ladies and gentlemen welcome back to something brand new I’ve never streamed on this account before but this is the account where most of the streams are going to be happening now today we are starting a brand new Minecraft adventure the OG game one of the greatest games of all time Bar None it’s too easy it’s kind of like that but yes we are going to be creating a whole Minecraft city it is going to be on Creative but I want to have a Minecraft city to rival the gods this is what our city… Read More

  • EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞

    EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Sand Art Minecraft N4{Boat on Sun}#minecraft #shorts #satisfyingvideo #sandart’, was uploaded by MummyBear on 2024-01-05 11:34:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for see my videos and I glad you back ,and I very grateful for my new subscribers ,welcome to my Chanel. Please … Read More

  • "Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!! #shorts #viral"

    <p>"<strong>Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!!</strong> #shorts #viral"</p>Video Information there’s a way for me now this one sits here Whispers things to me now I got the devil inside this one made a think of me this wall is dry wall my grinding Joy The Heading F the Neti on my bedroom Thor my burning my eyes are too cuddled up with a heart condemn I should love you and I swear I do This video, titled ‘LOST EVERYTHING PART – 1 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe | Techno gamerfleet|gta 5 |’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-19 02:30:31. It has garnered 43 views and… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART IN MINECRAFT#shorts’, was uploaded by Aerglo Gaming on 2024-04-22 16:37:05. It has garnered 5769 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Side: Xxxtentacion, Empire, Rap, Bad Vibes Forever / Empire, Hip Hop & Rap, Xxx, Look At Me, Lil Pump, Music, Bad Vibes Forever, Sad, Sad!, Juice Wrld, Members Only, Hope, Music Video , 2017, hip-hop, the, ski mask the slump god, revenge, ?, llj, jmp, hip hop, jocelyn flores, wishing well, ик pages, xxxtentacion tribute, pop, Lil Wayne, Live, Wifisfuneral, Official, Rip, Jahseh… Read More

  • ImperialCraft Kingdoms

    ImperialCraft KingdomsWelcome to ImperialCraft Kingdoms, a non-stop, action-packed Minecraft server fueled by the powerful KingdomsX plugin. Whether you’re a conqueror seeking intense battles or a peaceful builder longing to create magnificent structures, our server caters to all play styles. Engage in raids, conflicts, and strategic battles to assert dominance or focus on building, socializing, and fostering a vibrant community. With McMMO, you can level up various skills and gain special abilities. Explore our virtual marketplace, open custom crates for exciting rewards, and personalize your in-game name with custom prefixes. Our dedicated staff ensures a welcoming atmosphere, and thrilling duels allow you… Read More

  • War Of Black Powder💂‍♀️ – PVP – Java 1.20.2

    Server Information: Server IP: warofblackpowder.com No mods, optifine required only need to accept the resourcepack. Simple Information: Main gameplay: Team-PVP (20v20/faction vs faction) 5 Factions from Asia, Europe, Africa, America 9 Maps, 13 Game Modes Each faction has 14-15 classes Shop system available Information when playing: Change username if “Invalid Session” Play PVE if no players Run “/playerstartmatch” if multiple players Game Modes: King Of The Hill Battle Domination Siege Control Points Payload Capture The Flag Classes: Musketeer Officer Color Bearer Sapper Medic Hussar Cataphract Dragoon Cannoneer Rocketeer Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jPC55Kq5HJ Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSatXJGcog&t=94s https://youtu.be/QemkDkboYNA More Information: This Minecraft server is… Read More

  • RemtownMC

    RemtownMCWelcome to RemtownMC its a nice cracked server for peopel who cant afford Minecraft we got Minigames,SMP and a loving comunity.We also got good moderation and a caring owner so if you looking for a nice small comunity join Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jack Black can’t save Minecraft realism fail!

    Jack Black is a talented actor, but even he can’t mine diamonds with just his rock n’ roll skills. Read More

  • 606: Minecraft Lands Mix, Tricks, and Pix

    606: Minecraft Lands Mix, Tricks, and Pix In the world of Minecraft, we roam and explore, Crafting our stories, with rhymes to adore. From building to battling, our journey’s a delight, In the land of blocks, we shine so bright. So join me in this adventure, episode 606, As we build and create, with blocks and tricks. Feeding cows and chickens, crafting armor so fine, In this world of wonders, where our imaginations intertwine. Thank you for watching, for all your support, As we continue to play, in this Minecraft resort. Stay tuned for more episodes, filled with fun and glee, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More