1.20 Adds EMERALD ARMOUR!? Exploration Update!!

Video Information

All week we’ve been expecting to see a brand new 1.20 snapshot featuring The sniffer but what we got instead was a change to the way you upgrade to never right to make it harder as well as for the first time ever emerald armor that’s right we now officially have this lovely

Emerald navarite armor combination as well as 2 000 other types of Armor All added in the same update it is truly incredible but they also changed the way that enchantments look on gear as well as adding new loot to 10 separate structures in Minecraft this is truly the customization and exploration update

And let me guide you through exactly what changes you should expect in 1.20 because this is the snapshot perhaps you’ve been waiting for with a brand new set of features in fact over 2 000 features which I’ll be walking you through in today’s video Welcome to snapshot 23 w04a it’s called that

Because it’s the fourth week of 2023 and it is the first snapshot in that week and so you can see that I was trying to make it out of the blacksmithing table was here but I definitely ran out of the will to do that so it’s just snapshot

23w for now anyway with that said uh you can see that this is a really interesting update because it’s changed the smithing table which used to just be how you upgraded to never right you’re through your simple diamond sword in there plus you never write Inger and

Then you could make yourself a brand new never right sword but that doesn’t work anymore as you can see it literally will not let me do that because there is now a brand new item required for that um and it kind of ties into the way that

You trim armor so let’s explain that today because if I had to summarize trimming armor in a word it’s although it could look really cool and Theory the way it’s actually going to look most of the time is now there is a great new way to add terrible looking armor into

Minecraft I mean look at this right here this is one of the possibilities you can now make isn’t it delightful uh this is one of the new options that you have as far as new armor goes and honestly I I really don’t recommend just taking whatever you

Find in the world and adding it to your armor but that is one of the cool things about customization you are now free to make as many terrible choices as possible because out in the world you’re going to find one of 11 armor trims depending on which of the chests around

The world you go to so there are 10 new chests out of stuff worth added and 11 new armor trims plus a 12 one of these weird things so uh we’ll explain the discrepancy there later but for now just know that while looking around the world

You might find uh one of these uh brand new smithing templates which is the coast armor trim for a shipwreck for example or if you go to a jungle temple you’ll get the wild armor trim so you can see that each of these trims kind of

Corresponds to where you find it in the world for example the one for a Bastion remnants it’s called the snout uh the one for the uh stronghold is called the eye armor trim it all kind of ties into the theming of the structure out there

And basically this gives you a this is a fundraiser reason to go out into the world to find these because if you then apply one of these to your armor so let’s just say we really like that Coastal trim and we want to apply it to

Something we can now throw that in there and the game will know we just need to put a piece of armor and a Inger or Crystal because Minecraft has 10 separate ways for you to customize your armor so this this is where things get really crazy right Minecraft’s just

Added a brand new set of 11 trims as you just heard but there’s also 10 separate ways you can customize those trims there’s iron copper never right then there’s Crystal Redstone quartz uh lapis lazuli emerald diamond and uh gold so obviously two of those are a lot more

Expensive than the others I mean if you really really want to you can throw your Coast armor trim onto your uh you know your diamond chest plate with a never right anger I mean again I don’t think it even looks good let alone is worth spending one of these on uh but

Realistically most people will say what if we put some gold on there oh isn’t that nice or what if we put some copper on there okay that kind of goes right that’s kind of thematically fitting and now you can have a coast armor trim on your diamond chest plate this can

Therefore apply to anything and the goal that most people will probably have is to apply the same trim to all of their armor uh but yeah all you need to know for right now is that there’s a bunch of new options available here are some of

My editors favorites as you can see this is a this is a never right chest plate but it’s trimmed using uh the coast armor trim and Amethyst so instead of looking like this kind of mess it looks like this isn’t this so much nicer oh this kind of works together doesn’t it

You can really make some great combinations here as well as the ugly ones which I think is a lot of fun so that is a big change a one of the questions I first had was so how do you make never right now because like I said

You can’t throw your diamond sword in here without first having a smithing template so as well as finding all of these 11 templates in the wild so Pillager Outpost oh gotta gotta take those guys down the desert pyramid oh you gotta do that the Shipwreck the jungle temple the ocean Monument the

Ancient City the Woodland Mansion the never Fortress the Bastion remnants man there’s a lot of these you got to go through uh the stronghold and the end City by the way only 10 of those are found in chests you really do get the ocean Monument one just by killing Elder

Guardians which is fun uh but once you’ve found uh one of those armor trims uh that that makes sense right but there’s also a 12 type of trim you could call it it’s the same type of item called the smithing template which is only found in the Bastion so you’ve got

To go to the never kind of uh like you would before but you’ve got to specifically find one of these smiffing templates if you want to make navri armor getting never right armor is now a lot harder because you need one of the highest end items in the game but then

You also need to get one of these smithing templates which are going to be quite rare and it’s going to require a lot of never exploring I do imagine to make yourself a never right sword and so that is pretty fun in my opinion you can’t then trim these swords sadly

Because again the the smithing trims are specifically for armor they will not work on the sword but still yeah you could trim you could make make yourself a smithing template upgrade to neverite and then trim something from there so yeah that is how you upgrade never right

Now the other change they’ve been this update you might notice this is by never I pickaxe it looks much less Enchanted than perhaps it previously did I I think to show you this by itself you might not notice it but if I give myself a uh you

Know a never right pickaxe to go of that so this is a never right pickaxe uh you’ll see that like honestly the difference isn’t very big and this is deliberate they have changed enchanting in the snapshot because again my first question was okay once you trim something can you still enchant it the

Answer is yeah you can put fire protection on your never right chess play you don’t want to put fire protection on your never right chess play but you can put it on there if you really want to uh even after you’ve trimmed it which is pretty fun if you

Ask me but then as well as this just because it’s important in my opinion to know uh you can also enchant everything else and when you enchant it you’ll get a much lower degree of glow this is designed so that you don’t just look like a ridiculous slowing figure it

Clear which pickaxe is Enchanted and which one isn’t without making it over the top this was a smaller lines on the changelog but when we’re talking about late game features which this whole update is all about it’s something important to mention by the way can I

Just can I mention before we go any further in this video as soon as they announced armor trimming I was like yeah this is a RuneScape feature right like look at this chest plate right here and tell me you’re not picturing a you know Sarah demon chest plate with a with a

Trim on it it’s uh it’s kind of ridiculous when you think about it that way but also I think Minecraft does it much better than RuneScape the only other game that armor trimming comes to my brain in is RuneScape but uh the way it works in RuneScape is you’ve got to

Find the items you’ve got to actually pay to be a member to get it first whereas the way it works in Minecraft is so much better it encourages you to go to one of these 11 separate structures and again some of these easy like anyone

Can go to a shipwreck I’d say that’s the easiest of the batch um most people can go to a jungle temple or a desert pyramid those aren’t that massively hard but in the draft posts are in the same kind of category but then actually having to slay the mini

Boss off the Elder Guardian actually having to go to an ancient city you know we’re never always talking about making the loop better they have officially done that with this update or giving a new use to the Woodland mansion I really like these as ideas the uh the

The end City and the ocean monument in particular are two really great ideas because now exploring your end has an extra piece of purpose because you want to find some of these maybe now exploring the Usher monuments has an extra piece of purpose because maybe you

Want to find one of these pieces and I think that is a really fun idea because uh if you want to fight you know now if you think about it right so they’ve added uh not only have we got 11 armor trims we’ve got 10 different ways to

Customize them and then we’ve got every single type of chainmail armor every single type of gold armor every single time of diamond every single type of navarite armor as well as every single type of iron armor of course so that is 20 pieces of iron plus apparently I only

This this seems a little ridiculous to me I don’t know if this is intentional or not but also here’s a fun one you might not have guessed you can take your turtle helmet and you can add a trim to that as well I don’t know if it’s

Necessarily worth doing but you can also upgrade your turtle helmet so 21 pieces of armor 10 armor trims and 11 ways to customize that that is 2 310 separate ways to customize your armor before talking about enchantments and then if we’re talking about different combinations there’s any four

Combinations of that so you could have um what is there like six options for your head slot plus five for this five for that five for that that’s 100 that’s 750 times 2310 combinations that you can have you know do you see how this is getting ridiculous already there are literally

Millions of possibilities of armor now no two people if you’re customizing in a terrible way and a random way can have the same two sets of armor I am the first person in Minecraft despite the fact that tens of thousands of people are playing their snapshot right now to

Make this particular set of armor and it does make me look a little little like I don’t put my own clothing on in the mornings but you know it’s still it’s it’s one of those things uh that is very interesting to look at right and the other thing that’s very interesting

About this is the fact uh again like I said Minecraft is adding new reasons to explore and they’ve done this in a really nice way they could have just made it so you find the armor pre-trimmed but by making it so that you collect the templates you can add you

Can kind of collect these new abilities you can kind of add new possibilities and I really like that but the one downside I’d say is that some of these armor trims look the same so my favorite actual combination as much as my I don’t look like I dress myself in the morning

Armor is great I love when you keep to a theme for the entire set and you might think that I’ve got one theme of my whole gear here however if you actually pay closer attention this is the rip armor the snout armor the snout and then the snout my boots actually have ribbon

And my helmet has a snout on however if you trade the two things out so uh let’s let’s take it all off again if you look at the uh the head armor but with the uh instead of having the snout on there we’ll have the the rib armor

Can you spot the difference there so I need emeralds for this right um Can you spot the difference between this and this I mean in Theory actually I think on the on the main armor you actually can uh it’s it’s a little bit different but honestly in your inventory it can

Look a little bit uh semi honestly it’s a it’s a hard thing to spot the difference between is what I’m saying and uh is that the go it actually might be okay so actually it is a good example we’ve got two types of boots right so

We’ll put these on and we’ll see what it looks like with Emerald trim and we’ll see it with the gold trim next okay you can’t switch armors out on urge on Java like that you can see that okay you know the the armor the armor look is always

The same in the icon is that what you want in terms of the way because I I can’t tell what each type of gear is going to look like until I put it on myself you can tell using this brand new interface which is really nice uh but

I’d like to see some better indication of what it would look like because once you’ve upgraded the gear how do I know what these look like without having to place them on myself maybe maybe that’s me being very picky personally but yeah given that there’s now going to be

Thousands of types of armor laying around it might be something worth considering my only other consideration besides the salmon Witcher sitting there going nowhere come on salmon you can do better than this you know you’re better than this medium salmon but uh yeah the other thing I would say is uh my first

Instinct is this is so complicated think about how Banner patterns work I still get like I still don’t think it’s like an easy system maybe I’m just like oh man Minecraft adding 11 of these to the game is adding more inventory clutter that most people won’t understand the

First time you go to a shipwreck and you get one of these what are you gonna think it’s called a smithing template and you know you do most people know about this block at first there’s just more clutter that requires explanation and I think there’s no easier way to

Simplify that personally I don’t know what you would do necessarily but but I think that is a problem that Minecraft is growing and adding to this is a feature that is wonderful but it’s also growing the problem of oh god there are so many features in the game how do we

Possibly make these all make sense also turtle shells with a little bit of uh red on them honestly that’s a good look right I like that I don’t know what I don’t know what it is but I like what’s going on here a lot I think I could sit

Here all day going through all the different trims but for now I just want to say over 2 000 armor types over a million different ways actually wait that’s not a million is it 750 times 200 000 that’s only um I know that’s 1.5 million there’s there’s like 1.5 million different

Combinations of farmer we can now have everyone can look unique but if everyone looks unique aren’t we all actually looking not unique and the answer is actually no because you know you can look good unique and you can look bad unique and you better believe I’m going

For that second type so thank you very much for watching this video I uh hope it is a informative look at 1.20 my overall glance at this is to say this is a good update we need to work on inventory management even more now though and also

Um the you know that this is a really great feature that fits the theme but it’s also making you question is this just the customization update and uh if so is this what everyone’s been working on the whole time there’s some questions about this because also here’s the other

Interesting thing the idea of adding trims to neverite armor as indeed we have done just with my boots here uh adding trims to never right armor has been a suggestion for a while so them adding it now is that the uh you know after it was projected for some time is

That a sign the more rejected ideas can come I don’t know for sure all I know is that I hope you all enjoyed this particular Snapshot video and if you have any questions about it leave them down below and I’ll get around to them for this week’s cunis yesterday thank

You for watching and I’ll see you next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘1.20 Adds EMERALD ARMOUR!? Exploration Update!!’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-01-24 20:25:51. It has garnered 292489 views and 14754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds.

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, and iOS/Android (Pocket Edition).

This Video Was Edited By: Harrison Gray

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    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

1.20 Adds EMERALD ARMOUR!? Exploration Update!!