Biscuit Boys SMP #2 – Chaos Noobs (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)

Video Information

So share this precious life with me Hello I’m a bit quiet sorry oops if you’re new here i just want you to know oh and you are new here okay boomer well i just want you to know that this nothing ever goes right everything always goes some general rule around here is that everything always goes

Wrong and i’m a terrible streamer but it’s okay because we’re having fun and you don’t have necessarily have to be good at something to enjoy it hello hi everybody oh my gosh so many people popping in right now okay forgot to address this in the last

Stream but you may notice i i have a new um drawers i have a new drawers um because i i i upgraded from my ikea ones now they’re kind of brown which is normally i wouldn’t go for but i like them you know i feel like it’s a step up from the ikea

Hello can you guys hear me okay yeah the biscuit boys is back biscuit boy server is back i’ve never clicked so fast wow i you know thank you so much for for using your fastest click ever on me who’s that who dare um what’s up girl

Thank you so much for the three month resub what’s up girl welcome back thank you thank you for coming um and the cliff the club thank you for subscribing also um once again i have not done the squad command properly uh instead if you want to check

Out some of the biscuit boys not all the biscuit boys but some of them are listed on exclamation mark biscuits i can’t remember it’s got an s on the end or not libby thank you so much for subscribing i can’t remember if it’s biscuit sir or just biscuit

Oh i’m not very good at this um shining bloom thank you for subscribing is it biscuit or biscuits oh what a nice name shining bloom as well that’s a nice one that is it biscuits can only i do it no everyone’s doing it it seems to work fabulous very good so definitely check

Out everyone else um sienna thank you so much for subscribing and a ghostly also thank you for subscribing um yeah make sure you check out everyone else’s channel some of the people on the server are very very new to streaming and it’s been really fun to like raid

Them and pop into their streams and see what they’re doing and it’s like they’re almost more chaotic than me honestly which is you know a challenge uh anna singleton thank you for subscribing can i just say you sound like a sim like your name you’d be right at home in the sims

Um bear bun blue thank you for subscribing as well guys am i wrong anna singleton like does that not sound like a sims npc um sophie grob thank you for subscribing also honestly you could be in the sims too um i would give you all little character descriptions

Oh thank you for the raid that’s very kind of you um i feel like anna singleton is like anna singleton is a young entrepreneur new in the town looking for love and business opportunities um caitlin steve thank you for subscribing and what was the other one laura grubb

Or something like that it’s like lara grubb loves gardening and uh cottage core i don’t know the new update has cottage stuff in it um kayla was taken thank you for subscribing and rachel thank you for the two month resub as well i’m playing genshin in

Genshin right now oh i have played a bit of that good game uh pov you’re playing minecraft i mean my pov every day basically um hz thank you for subscribing or as thank you for subscribing i want to get the cottage car expansion so bad me too erin me too i really want

The cottage car expansion um but i just haven’t played sims in forever so i don’t know maybe we should stream it maybe i should stream it uh loud popcorn thank you for subscribing my daughter is obsessed with you and also named elizabeth she’s and i watch

You together a lot oh that is really adorable first of all i love a fellow elizabeth we love that uh it’s so cool to know that there are other elizabeths out there and i love that you watch my videos and stuff with your daughter that’s adorable i love that um thank you

So much for the bits as well and bunnypixel thank you for the sub and lizzy’s fave just subscribed you must be my fave unless you’re talking about another lizzie maybe queen elizabeth the second maybe you’re her favorite instead i don’t know your pc what are your pc specs they are

Down in the description if you look in the about section i have listed all of the parts of my pc so if you want the same setup as me you can go buy it oh my gosh i totally missed that who what was that somebody subscribed and i missed it

Uh and full if you found the gift of the sub thank you so much that’s very kind of you uh luna stars thank you for the sub as well i totally missed one of the subs because i had something else in my brain oh my gosh a level five hype train thank you

Guys thank you so much soggy kermit literally what i mean i like it i kind of like it in a way is it still hot it is still very hot i look okay now but i think i’m going to be very sweaty by the end of this uh

Soapy thank you for subscribing as well um i’m making minecraft a minecraft bee out of beads that’s very cute um corriered corrie ordain korea corrie ordain thank you for subscribing sorry i can’t say your name soggy drawers no i don’t have soggy drawers i have new drawers is that what you were

Saying maybe you were saying new draws sparing goose thank you for gifting a subscription to a verily very look i very kind of you very much like that you’re my comfort millennial i’m a millennial though and that makes me sad or does it i don’t know i’m old

I’m getting old um low dog thank you for subscribing i hate the word millennial it feels like a word that’s used to describe old people now i don’t feel old um broken angel 91 thank you for the 13 month resub a year of subscribing where’s the time i

Don’t know where the time went i genuinely don’t know where did it go i who can we get it back please um red’s gaming gifted subscription thank you so much uh that is very kind of you shall we get into minecraft now i feel like we should and the ice

Leviathan thank you for the sub as well honestly i love you guys usernames i like just reading out the subs and things because people have cool usernames what do you mean you’re not so young who said that no get out of here um lars met thank you for subscribing

Also you guys think i’m i’m young right young and sprightly i’m a spring chicken if i ever did see one um k kennedy thank you for subscribing minecraft please minecraft please okay your wish is my command into minecraft um crinatic cryptic maybe thank you for subscribing um guys

If i miss a sub i’m so sorry i think that means winnie or winnie winnie thank you for subscribing can i just say i absolutely love the name winnie my um grandma on my mum’s side was called winifred you have made my day by streaming i’m sunburned as i’m in the

Uk i am excited for the rest of the stream love you all right thank you ethan thank you for the bit and also i’m also sunburned i i did a bad i did a silly red gaming thank you for the three month reserve i look at me i’m so pale

Okay i got everywhere with sun cream i was so careful because sun damage is no joke guys sun damage is really really serious and you should always wear sun cream if you need it when you know when you need it um froggy thank you for subscribing but look at

This i don’t know if i can show you i don’t know if you can see it i’m gonna try um clara thank you for subscribing if you look on my back can you see that look at look at that did you see it you’re gonna have to tell me if you saw

It because i don’t know um shea thank you for subscribing uh ender jess thank you for subscribing as well did you guys see it everyone’s saying wow so i think you saw it so basically what happened um it looks like a sting racing it’s really bad uh eat danny thank you for

Subscribing what happened is i was putting my own sun cream on and obviously it’s my back i can’t reach everything you can see where my reach goes to i was like there’s like a finger mark where i wasn’t burned ethan thank you for the sub um you can literally see exactly

Where my hands reach to because that what wasn’t that that’s what wasn’t burnt and then it that’s why it’s such a weird shape because i tried i tried guys um aesthetic user thank you for subscribing also yeah it’s really bad it’s really bad i’m really sad it’s been

A really long time since i had a sunburn i was so careful and now it’s all gone all that hard work it looks like somebody slapped your back too hard i mean it felt like it felt like it too um sparing goose thank you for another gift

Sub um i think i think that’s more than one now thank you um shafe grace thank you for the gifts up as well shafe shave grace am i saying that right it doesn’t feel right but thank you thank you very much um my sister had literal blisters oh

That’s that’s not nice that’s gonna hurt shining bloom thank you for gifting a sub as well okay let’s go into the game because i haven’t actually logged into this where is it which one is it this one it is empty right now banana milk thank you for the four month resub

Okay wait wait shaders ooh can’t look at ugly minecraft without shaders gross get it out of here wow get rid of it mayo pot thank you for subscribing the uk is just hot right now i’m a natural ginger i was not made for this i

Mean yeah me too i’m not even ginger but i was clearly not made for this i’m very very pale and also um sapaki sabaraki thank you for subscribing this burn that i have you know when some people get burned afterwards it turns into a nice tan

That’s not going to happen to me i am telling you right now it’s just going to go straight back to being white because i don’t tan even if i burn i don’t turn it no matter what i don’t burn anna thank you for subscribing and braise arrow thank you for subscribing

Um the netherlands is so hot everywhere is really hot right now a lot of places are really really hot right now and i hope you’re staying cool hope you’re keeping your animals cool if you have animals make sure you do your best to keep them cool too uh jace thank you for subscribing

Um right got my shaders back uh i’m gonna give you a little tour because we’ve done a little i’ve done a little work okay this isn’t mine this is ollie’s work zee hearts mcyt thank you for gifting a sub this is ollie’s little dock that he’s built for for no reason i don’t

Really know why this is a this is an ocean over there where nobody lives so i don’t know why he built this but he did california where they’re so hot right now wow it’s all over the globe very well wow thank you um shave grace thank you for

Gifting another sub that is multiple oh theo’s online guys check out out theo’s channel can we get a shout out command for theo i’m gonna do it myself i’m sorry um i’ll do it myself shout out p pooh i think that’s right check out his channel he’s going live in

A second make sure we go give him a follow i’m frozen i wish i was frozen i’m melting i’m the opposite of frozen ocean empire what do you mean okay so ollie was over here building his dock and he was streaming it and i was like

That’s a little bit lonely so i wanted to build nearby so i built this over here and i’ll show you what i built i built a path oh this is a rock i built first of all i built a little rock uh huge mistake thank you for

Subscribing this is my path and this is my farm i built pog valley wheat farm for no apparent reason but now we have loads of wheat i guess which is good i’m not frozen okay good i wish i was would you ever do a setup tour for fun

Also nice outfit yeah thank you um honestly my setups are a little bit boring it’s just a computer but maybe one day not on youtube but maybe i’m here one day if i can find out a way to do that um yeah do you like my poggers you like it

You like my pog valley wheat farm it’s got a little bit up here as well a little bit of wheat up here oh i forgot to show you the secret um ollie would love this and don’t do not loser grace thank you for subscribing nobody tell olly about this but i’m hoping that

He will discover it by accident because he loves these he loves uh secrets behind waterfalls so i have actually put my area behind it this is not a loot chest this is my stuffed chest but i think he will appreciate that there is a secret waterfall stash um what does that say

Kalino kalino kelly i can’t read that thank you for the eight month resub my axolotl oh yeah where is my axolotl wait where is it berry beauty also for subscribing oh here it is i got my ex little don’t worry guys he’s safe it’s real safe can you sing a song no

I don’t want to do that sorry thank you but no um if he finds it it’s gone it better not be because it’s still my stuff just because he found it doesn’t make it his this is ollie this is to test ollie to see how good of a person he is on a

Minecraft server i guess like where is his moral compass i’m i am a fellow elizabeth well welcome welcome to the chat fellow elizabeth um your energy is always so positive and happy oh thank you i try i try fill my life with positive energy i also did this path

And this is pretty much it i spent like a good few hours on this oh my nose is really itchy wow becky mania thank you for gifting a sub uh tavina mae thank you so much um yeah this is another little path that i did and it loops up

With ollie’s path at the end here cereal i ate cereal woo thank you for subscribing so this is like ollie’s little oh oh no that doesn’t work i can’t walk up there well well well oh wait oh well um so here’s his little tunnel i don’t really know what what he’s doing here

I’m not gonna question it i don’t really know what this is it’s certainly not very fast to get up and down i’ll tell you that but this is his area i guess oops just put an extra torch down he can have that for free he’s got a lot of stuff there

I’ve never seen ollie so invested in an smp before but here we are that’s so cute oh thank uh why don’t you post on youtube i do post on youtube i’m i’m i’m working on my next empire’s episode right now well not right not right this second but

I was just before i turned this on that’s pretty much it though that’s all i’ve done guys um i don’t have a house or anything even though i lied to ollie i told him i had a mansion i didn’t i don’t have a mansion guys i i’ve never i’ve not even built

Anything all i built is a path and a field i totally lied is this kind of quiet i’m gonna turn that up i’m gonna turn it up so that if something happens you guys can you guys can tell me first things first lie to ollie yeah pretty much pretty much vinamey um

Where was i oh yeah if something is like sneaking up on me or you know if you hear if you hear like an axolotl in the distance or something please tell please tell me theo is looking for me okay let’s have a look hang on how do i unmute my mic

I forgot what the button is just in case we find him you know okay that’s it right where is he oh there he is [Laughter] hello hello how are you doing all right i’m good thank you i was just showing off my little area that i built are you live

I am okay fabulous um you know i’m doing what i i was just coming back from my mansion i’ve heard about the mention i haven’t yet to see the mansion yeah i actually just sold it so yeah yeah i just sold it you sure it existed in the first place

Yeah obviously otherwise i wouldn’t have been able to sell it it’s sold i’m afraid it’s off limits to us now we should go this way away didn’t ever come to fruition i mean that would be me lying and i wouldn’t do that um mckenna thank you for uh subscribing

Well where have you what are you building today a giant cliff uh yeah so i i think i’m gonna i’m gonna be king of the mountain that’s my plan okay and i’m gonna be i was gonna say i’m gonna be queen of the mountain but i’m

Not i’m gonna be queen of the planes the planes where oh do you think they’re building in the biscuit village once more yeah i want to build near everybody but i’m not sure exactly where so joel’s this can you make him louder hang on like the hillman i gotta make you louder

Oh wonderful how do i do that theo can you talk please theo hi it’s me is that better guys it’s me so yeah i think joel’s going to be king king of this river king of rivers lizzie’s the wit the river king okay and the wick the why

She witch she’s gonna brew potions is that a witch shack or is that weird oh yeah it’s kind of witchy she is a she’s got witchy vibes it’s a bit spooky isn’t it yeah and what’s ollie king is a floating island i don’t know he hasn’t become anything yet where is

His floating island it’s it’s up over my mountain yeah i think i want to live in the plains maybe and you can all look down on me i mean no that’s not good i don’t want you to look down on me i want you to look up to me what why

Can’t i be queen of the ocean i mean mountain not ocean in the mountain yep oh that’s always this is this is me here okay is that copper whoa look at it some of it’s gone away some of it’s gone greeny okay okay yeah i’m gonna carve out the whole mountain

One big like gateway okay and you’re gonna replace it all with stone brick um thank you ej for the resub it’s gonna have a deep slate accent oh cool because it looks really good if you like what’s the word um like intersperse different kinds of blocks instead of having all one kind

I’ve seen people do that you can also did you know you can make cracked stone bricks cracked stone bricks oh i have to cook them again don’t i i don’t know how you crack them you can also get mossy stone bricks there’s so much people are telling me

That you need to spread out the copper to oxidize it faster spread out the copper yeah apparently people know all this stuff i swear copper came out like three days ago they’re just they just know they’re so good okay do you have extra beds because

It’s getting a bit dark and yeah i don’t want to die out here i do i’m afraid there’s not much room so far it’s it’s very bootleg this is the wait where’s the guest bedroom um do you have any beds though hang on there’s your guest bedroom oh oh oh

That’s a nice bed actually i was gonna make myself a white one but i’m gonna have this this yellow one can i can i steal the bed is it complimentary it’s complimentary go for it ah somebody’s just somebody’s just given me such a good idea for a house in my chat

I’m not going to tell you but it’s a good idea it’s a secret it is a secret i want to sleep is it sleepy hey jojo i like that bed yep wait a little bit yeah we like the coloured beds how much mining have you done are you rich in diamonds and gems

I have built a farm i’m rich in wheat that’s what i’m rich in yeah right i’m wheat rich uh i haven’t actually been mining maybe i’ll do that today but i don’t know what i need to build my house out of maybe i don’t need to i’m a farming tycoon yeah that’s me

Yeah actually i’ve been watching jeremy’s jeremy clarkson’s documentary about building a farm and now i want to play farming simulator farming does look quite fun i asked joel if he would play it with me so that we could do that like i could combine harvest and he can like pull alongside

It and then down for it i don’t know he didn’t he doesn’t think it’s possible but it’s a long time it’s just what i want to do now okay what color is your oh right yeah there’s a bit of a problem with the guest box there’s a bit of a problem with the

Guest bedroom you should see my yeah bit of an issue here yeah you’re not getting out today no no i’m crawling out but i would i would like a refund on my nightstand because that was awful it’s like one of those japanese hotels yeah but i didn’t sign up for that you

Didn’t tell me it was going to be there i thought it was going to be nice it was it was cozy i didn’t like it okay i think that’s what they call it i’m gonna i’m gonna go get some supplies so that i can prove that i’m the best

Minecraft player goodbye nice one gabby thank you for subscribing i love clarkson’s farm i’ve been watching it um i just finished season one i think it’s really interesting um is he the best farmer no am i better yes but it sure is interesting i’m gonna take this bridge across um mckenna thank

You for gifting a sub very kind of you very very very pog of you biscuit boys what is this this is just me and my friends just just being biscuit boys just chilling out on minecraft nobody’s really very good at minecraft here but that’s okay um w w i spur whisper whisper

That’s probably what it means thank you for the subscribing all the content recently purple heart can’t wait for episode seven if empires purple heart thank you crafting granger thank you i’m working on episode seven i’ve got it like half done lots of interesting things coming what’s your house idea

Guys somebody suggested i make an axolotl house genius i love it we’re doing it uh fire pretty thank you for subscribing i just don’t know what to build out of should we make a pink one is it is it a little too cliche to have a pink house i

Don’t have a saddle why have i done this right this is my horse nobody steal it i’ll be back one day for you my love i’ll be back um cali cat thank you so much for subscribing do a mud kip fairy house oh no i can’t decide i do like a fairy house

I would like a path that has like flowers around it maybe we should do something a bit more like cottage car what is that some legal jargon why not everything why not everything honestly um there’s a good reason for why not everything because i have the um what’s the word concentration

I have like the concentration of a fish what’s the word i’m really slow i’m really slow basically and i can’t concentrate on things i want to find a macer i think there was one this way um cal boo thank you for subscribing i should just like to find a mine shaft

Can we find a mine shaft please panda house oh that’s another good idea what am i going to do where’s spawn spawn is it like 100 minus 1 000. okay i’ll remember that that’s locked in the old nog in there i’m never forgetting that you guys know i’ve been practicing the memory

Techniques of the memory palace so you know i’m not forgetting how i never forget i literally grew up watching you i’m 18 tomorrow i can’t wait i’ve been watching since your dino park in shadowcraft and have never missed a video since purple heart purple heart purple heart well thank you

Crafting granger that’s very kind of you i’m so glad that you stuck with me um through my months of not uploading and you know all the weird phases thank you so much for the support and wolfgang thank you for subscribing and margo the bear also thank you for

Subscribing yeah i think there’s a mesa or something over this way i saw it when i was looking for my actual an axolotl fountain you’re on it you know it yes that’s the one that’s the one we’re gonna do that we’re doing that it’s our it’s already in motion

Technically because i already have the axolotl oh wait maybe i should leave the axolotl behind where it’ll be safe let’s number one we’ll pick a spot to build okay um sebas or sabas thank you so much for subscribing welcome welcome number one we’ll pick a spot to build

Number two we’ll go mining for supplies number three we will do the build because um we actually need some supplies before we can build i’m not building out of wood like the other peasants okay i’m fine a moon fish tank okay cute i love all these i love all of

These i’m just gonna do the chaotic okay i have a pinterest page where i’ve just pinned all the cute minecraft ideas that i see around i’m just gonna do every single one of them mashed into one and it’s gonna be great okay what if i build on this hill um who is that

Concatenation ah do you know what that is concatenating it’s combining two things like two no i’m not even no we’re not getting into it okay um i’m gonna build here my reasoning axolotl gods with an axolotl shrine you right yes absolutely let’s do it add it to the list guys

Maybe we should make a list start the list okay start a list we’ll add to it so we number one find a place to build number two mining get strong number three build a fairy house number four an axolotl fountain where the ax that axolotls fly out of it and they have

They have axle guards and um acts little house in a lush cave i mean there are no lush caves technically in this version yet uh moo bloom palace i don’t think we have new blooms fairy exolottle house i’m stuck i’m starting the list make an axe a little shortcake oh yeah

And then number number five um everything else on my pinterest list okay i’m thinking about building hair because i can see maddie’s house i can see i can see kev’s bridges uh which are one day gonna be a house i can see theo’s house i can’t see ollie’s house

But let’s face it that’s probably for the best so i think this is the spot guys i know it looks a bit ugly right now but i think we can work on it what do you guys think spooky orca thank you for subscribing do you like that everyone can see me

And i can see them how we feeling about that i like the anthony padilla vid with you i’m so glad i’m glad you enjoyed it that was a real honor to be asked to be on his show i like it yes i like it okay fabulous

Then we shall set the plan into motion first of all we start by making a crafting table can you guys hear music is my music on i don’t know if you can hear it though what if i turn it up now you’re saying yes but i’m not sure

If you’re saying yes to the area or the music now you’re seeing a lot of no’s you can’t hear the music do you want to hear the music because i can hear it it’s just quiet you know i can’t hear music okay well maybe that’s for the best

I can hear the music okay well let me know if it’s too much i’m happy to change it okay crafting what are these called chests chests yes chest they’re gonna safeguard my stuff don’t worry maybe i should put all my stuff here what do i need to take mining why

Do i have a hopper oh yeah for my i was making a little compost machine okay this is all i have how i know it’s not a lot i know it’s i know it’s sad do you think this is a good i need food you need trip

Thank you so much for the 10 month reserve hi lizzy how are you doing i’m doing good a little bit hot a little bit melty and sweaty but i’m pretty good i think we’re hearing the music for the headphones you could be right do you know what you could be very right

You can kind of hear it well we’ll see we’ll find out windmill honestly but i mean yeah it seems like everyone builds windmills these days it seems like it’s an important part of your minecraft story let’s do it fairy tree house it’s just quiet that’s

How i want it i want it quiet i think it’s too loud okay well then it is not it’s not doing its job is it it’s too loud um hot springs with axolotls okay vanilla has no hot springs but that’s fine is this is this all i need to go my i need

A sword no i can do with the eggs okay we’re good i’m just gonna go i’m just gonna go mining we’re going this way i’m gonna try and go somewhere that nobody’s been so that i can get all the fresh hot supplies for myself is that cave maybe

I need food that’s what i need i’ve been in that ravine i’ve been in there let’s get some food what kind of food what kind of food my axolotl is safe in the chest right now i also found out through some research yes i’ve done research that

If i put an axolotl in a bucket that means it won’t despawn so actually when i was panicked last time about my axolotl and maddie’s axolotl and maddie’s salmon i needn’t have been panicked because they were fine the whole time but you know you can never be too

Careful you know what we went through to get those axolotls okay i’m just gonna murder everything i see and then hopefully i’ll have enough food before it gets dark i have a bed too actually now well i have the ingredients for a bed sorry cows i mean sheep

Why is it laggy is it laggy is it is it just is it it is kind of laggy huh yeah that is really it’s different on my screen why is it laggy it is a little bit laggy guys they ain’t lying one person said it torches

No i don’t have torches i wait i used all my torches um what can i change maybe i can just turn this just we can have like a 10 inch oh hang on actually also frame rate unlimited your streams are always such a ray of sunshine definitely super glad you’re

Back streaming again smile thank you eat doggies thank you so much for the bits and uh the lovely message as well i always love the lovely messages i’m um my pink hair’s back i’m back should i be sleeping right now i don’t know is it okay now is it a little bit better

Guys i play with so much lag usually that i just i’m just kind of used to it so i don’t notice when things lag lava fall i know how cool is that it’s literally one one block of sauce lava is doing that too let’s make a come can we sleep

I should get the plug-in where only one person has to sleep that might be or whatever done that that might be good he said no bed okay oh no i turned it down from hard mode guys please log out and never come back oh he’s done it thank you very much

Hey juicy i see you in the chat but not in the server what’s that all about get in the server i’ll race you to the nether you don’t have to know i’ve already been there um and i already have the portal set up race me

Uh guys juicy is one of the biscuit boys too i don’t think have you been on the server yet juicy imagine not being whitelisted oh i really did that i really did do that what’s your username juicy i’ll whitelist you right now just in case for the future

You’ve actually put a message in our group chat as well that’s on me whitelist that’s on me being a being a bad coordinator it really is um guys everything i do is just so you know everything i do is this chaotic um in my in my entire life everything

How is the garden irl i oh the garden’s doing really well um i grew some broccoli but guys bad news about the broccoli is it’s infested it’s infested with caterpillars from the butterflies which landed on it and made babies on it apollo 88 thank you so much for subscribing so

No broccoli because i i picked some broccoli i washed all of the caterpillars off the broccoli and i gave it to joel i presented it to joel and i said look just so you know there has been a bit of a caterpillar incident and i would be okay if you

Didn’t want to eat this broccoli and as i was saying that another caterpillar crawled out so i think maybe i wasn’t very thorough with my caterpillar removing and now we don’t trust it we don’t we don’t trust the broccoli even though it looks clean we don’t trust it um

Where what is oh i see his username now it’s literally just captain juicy whitey of course it is you should be whitelisted now juicy i’m so sorry about that um so yeah no broccoli mary can have the broccoli because she’s been trying to eat it this whole time anyway so she can

Have it um but yeah oh hello i don’t have anything for you but i will oh wait i was gonna put this chest plate on but i already have full iron when did that happen i have already have full another thank you so much for subscribing i missed who

That was i’m gonna try and see if i can look back uh xmas eve xmas ebb thank you so much for subscribing um were there any others that i miss i don’t think so i think we good eat and mute your mic in minecraft what that was that was an old message but

What did it mean i ripped that broccoli yeah um sad about the broccoli honestly now that that’s happened i don’t even trust normal broccoli from the shops don’t trust it and i urge you to not trust it either definitely wash that give it a good wash

Sorry i got okay well thank you for coming addie thank you for turning up thank you for turning up and turning up you know what i mean maybe i am a millennial i mean i know i am like statistically but am i i think i’m a boomer actually Like uh-huh no wait no i’m not no i’m not okay this should be enough food we can now go underground i’m gonna go in this little cave here cursed broccoli cabbage they were cursed they were kind of cute though um it was it was kind of weird like if i i’m in danger

If i had bought oh charlotte thank you so much for subscribing if i bought my broccoli from the shop and a cat pillar crawled out i would be horrified i really would i would have i would have i would yeah no but because i’d grown it

In my own garden and i obviously i know that there are insects in the garden duh i wasn’t as grossed out i was just like well you know that’s just nature maybe that’s maybe that’s my character development in my cottage core story that i just

I’m not as freaked out by i was even willing to eat the broccoli when i thought i’d wash the car the caterpillars out i hate broccoli with my heart oh no why i like broccoli i want to try broccoli on a pizza i know that’s kind of crazy

But i want to try it um pretty bagels thank you for subscribing for subscribing are you in this mcc i’m not in this mcc no um i i like to take a little break from mcc sometimes i was in the pride one because it wasn’t a super serious one um but as

You know i get very stressed out under pressure and mcc is a lot of pressure okay let’s get a little bit of this coal and let’s make some food i missed this i missed something i missed something i missed something i did i know i did donny boo daddy boobs

Thank you for the twitch prime sub oh you got oh geez oh geez oh geez you guys i’ve got something special a little so i would say almost like a collaboration with donny boobs coming up soon it’s not a real collaboration but sort of like oh my gosh i’m gonna die um

You know you’ll see very soon very soon um if you guys if you guys know donnie burbs too yeah you don’t you don’t know what uh the real one coming soon yeah um actually uh i don’t know if i want to be trolled by you um i take being trolled very

Very personally i’m um it’s very upsetting for me i don’t know if i can do it donnie i don’t know i can do it okay let’s make a furnace let’s make a furnace and we we cook at the food and there we go uh is this the new smp you’re joining

This is the new smp i started it’s just for friends and and people that just want to be bad at minecraft and and it’s okay that we be bad at minecraft because everyone here is bad at minecraft it’s sort of a um a requirement to enter this is the root

This is the minecraft server of requirement and i required a server that i could be a bad at minecraft in and this is fine when donnie says no trolling there’s always trolling yeah right like if he’s oh i promise i’m not going to troll you

This time come on come on i wasn’t born yesterday okay i was born in 99 too i’m a millennial here um lizzie put subtitles on so that you won’t die as easily maybe oh that’s what people meant by doing the subtitles oh i thought you guys were trying

This one i thought you guys were telling me to put subtitles on the stream and i looked into doing that but i couldn’t figure it out how people are doing it stream only yeah stream only this is just for streams i mean if something really crazy happens maybe i’d upload a

Video i don’t know okay let’s get some more coal but i have food now we do are you posting when are you posting episode seven of empires i’m gonna try and post it this weekend um i don’t have too much going on this weekend we do however have a house viewing to do

I have to open up for my house to a stranger so i have to clean it first come get me oh no love me some relaxed minecraft does this feel relaxed to you i don’t feel relaxed i don’t feel relaxed at all i feel fine your cam is covering the subtitle oh no

Okay okay i’ll fix that okay we got bones i could go back and tame that dog and maybe he could help me in the mines no he’ll probably just die in the mines never mind we’ll save the dog for later um did you make your pc like build it i

Did i i was very scared but i was going to do something wrong and it was going to explode but um i did build it myself turns out i’m more capable than i thought but still not very capable i chill stream we will try we’ll try for that um can’t promise anything

Especially when uh everyone else starts logging in we’ve got juicy and theo right now make sure you go check them out drop them a follow meet your mic wait what are you telling me at my mark did someone redeem it put your face cam in the bottom

Wait why do i have to mute my mic what are you talking about explain to me did anyone request anything with the channel points no okay there’s no reason to mute my mic then you’ve you’ve well confused me now you’ve actually proper confused me this is a good cave i can

Feel it oh i need some i need more coal for torches on minecraft now i like to live life on the day on the wild side i’m hoping that somebody might like run past and they just hear me talking to myself in this cave i think that’d be kind of

Kind of sad but very much like real life when people right now like i have my window open people can hear me talking myself right now i can hear a spider what’s your favorite tv show guys if you’ve never seen the tv show firefly i don’t know what to tell you you’re

Doing life wrong it is the most wholesome show you will ever watch uh thank you knight z for subscribing firefly is so oh i love it there’s only one season i think there’s about 15 episodes and a movie it’s so worth it so good i i make

Everyone if they if people have never seen it before i i will force them to watch it because i love it sometimes i cry when i watch it just because maybe it’s just for me maybe it’s just maybe it’s just my happy place maybe other people don’t like it

As much as i do but it firefly the ship in firefly even though it’s not real it is my happy place i love firefly i’m so glad we can be friends you and me we can be good for it okay it’s a giant circle you know when i said this was a good

Cave and i felt it turns out that was just oh wait no yeah i was wrong um it may have just been a slight tickle not not a feeling what is cat jam cat jam any music i don’t understand what you’re saying uh is this smp going on youtube no it’s

Just for streams so there might be things that you miss because i kind of go live at just random times i don’t have a schedule sorry um but hopefully you can pick it back up wait berries pop who’s up there is there a person up there i i s did you get

What is that oh my god oh my oh my god what is that can you guys hear this what why did the berries pop what ate the berries was it the pig no is it a fox i don’t see a fox oh look they’re berries they did pop but nothing ate them

That’s so weird i’m scared getting back in my cave how subtitles said what was that that was definitely a fox wasn’t it did you hear it scream i heard a scream oh geez i don’t want to hear you scream why is this wolf following me i heard a fox

And the subtitle said there was a fox here oh there it is okay i know i can’t tame it but i just wanna i wanna feed it you know please don’t go always scared of me scared of me oh no oh geez oh my gosh what’s he doing oh he’s doing

A murder he’s a flying fox okay i’m getting out of here it’s a little dangerous bit dangerous on the surface i want to be back in my my safe hole where is my safe home tame it i think you have to only tame you can only tame the babies it’s death for me

This is death this is how we die just kidding oh no i took it back i might not be kidding i am kidding i was kidding the whole time i’m so good at minecraft all right let’s get this i need to find some iron to replace this pick i’ve done goofed

By not finding iron yet do you ever miss your long hair yes every time i cut my hair i regret it and i want my long hair back every time without fail and yet i still cut my hair every time oh yes sorry it’s a bit loud got a bit excited

About the it’s just saying lizzy calm down is joel in mcc joel is in mcc yes this saturday check him out on his youtube channel he’s going live doing some champion championshiping of the minecraft variety very good oh oh no hello lizzy please say hello to me thank

You also where is our cat hello to me thank you just kidding uh hello sheila thank you for the bits okay we’re resetting up down here where it’s a little bit safer i’m gonna cook the iron for another pick lizzie i had my sports day today and i weed myself right jolly good

Or bad it’s really bad hi lizzy i don’t have any money but please say hi to me hi hi orion sound wait hang on a second aren’t you the guy that banned me from his stream earlier um unhi goodbye more like goodbye i killed a fox and it dropped an egg

Oh because they can hold them in their mouth yeah i know that’ll happen yeah but you killed a fox hang on a second let’s go rewind a little bit why wow why’d you do that why uh hi murdo thank you for the six month three sub hello okay iron pick yes gamer

Moves but this cave sucks wow we must go to a different cave uh anonymous thank you for cheering 300 anonymous bits very spooky i’m spooked uh i’m a massive fan of your stream thanks so much for the great content isla g well thank you isla g for the lovely message

Uh sometimes all i think about is you oh good job that got deleted before i read anymore what was that saying uh can do you know i’ve been watching you for years and it’s making me super happy that you’re streaming thank you mckenna i’m glad you’re enjoying it i really i really enjoy

Streaming um sometimes i think it’s it’s just such a nice way to sort of oh geez oh geez i’ve made a mistake oh yeah okay okay that was very rude of you wow that’s close uh james thank you for subscribing at tier one i didn’t even notice that pop

Up because i was so busy almost dying um that was horrific look at it look at this guy’s aim it’s worse than me jeez how did it miss because i’m just you know i’m just that elite olly dodging dodging even in my sleep you can’t hit me can’t contain me

I’m gonna i’m going out of this cave i’ve had too many bad bad encounters in this cave we’re going out uh jane oh wait that’s where it popped up james thank you for subscribing uh why are we hyping what’s the hype for what happened is it because i lived

Someone sent bots to spam the chat oh that’s fun isn’t it that’s so fun that’s so fun i don’t i don’t understand what what do you mean what has happened how do we stop it in certain mode here um ellie ellied weir thank you for subscribing i

Don’t know if that popped up yet um it’s kind of hard to focus when there’s so many emotes you know i don’t know what’s happening so you’re telling me that these people are just random people no they’re not random people are they i’m so confused oh it’s in emote only chat

Oh my gosh i can’t get out of this now how do i stop this oh geez okay how do i get it out of the note only chat why has it done that oh okay it’s inspiring that’s that’s better much better i don’t know what just happened oh wait were there messages before

That were weird and that was that was what you were trying to get rid of because is that what genius genius idea honestly people can’t spam weird messages if they can’t say words um oh yeah i see you have really long weird strange messages i’ll just ignore the

Long ones if they’re weird okay um have you ever worn mcc i have never won but i did come close once and for that i love you so much been a fan since i was 9 and 16 now my first lizzie stream oh well welcome welcome to the first

Stream thank you for supporting the channel um yeah i did thank you so much by the way um i did win almost win mcc once i got all the way to dodgeball and then victory was snatched from me by my very own husband joel it was horrible and a rabbit just died well

It was almost as horrible as that which is obviously very horrible i’m looking for a new cave just in case you’re wondering what i’m doing i’m going to kill everything i see on the way how because i need the food um oh my gosh why can’t i not read that

Oh elite weird thank you so much for resubscribing i stacked the call why have i done this how did this happen what’s wrong with me why did i do that i mean it doesn’t make much difference there’s not that much in my inventory but i just don’t know why i did that i’m

So sorry oh these are the flowers i’m gonna come and get i’m gonna come and get these right let’s take a little screenshot yeah i’m gonna go okay i’m gonna come get these when i do my um fairy house because i think they really match the vibe that i’m going for

I can one hit a cow look at me go wow is that a cave no oh hello rasp raspberry thank you so much for the 200 bits have you started working on the next empire’s episode i have i’m halfway through it i have most of it recorded and thank you

For gifting us up also raspberry um i have most of my empire’s episode recorded i’m just working on finishing up some bits and bobs i’m doing a little bit of grindy stuff so i’ve got to finish that before i can um before i can do anything should i go

Strip mining and get diamonds actually i think theo already has diamonds so that wouldn’t be that much of a flex i might do it anyway just to flex on him maybe if i i would guys some spies need some spies in the chat right now can we go to theo’s stream and

See don’t alert him to to this i don’t want him to know but i want to know if he has full diamond armor also i’m lost which way was i coming from this way um i want to know if he has full diamond armor yet because if not that’s what i’m going for

I’m not racing him i just want to know but don’t let him know don’t don’t alert him to my plan that’ll be bad um ja jalay78 thank you so much for gifting subs oh my what is this what is that what in the what did you see that there were like seven

Creepers in there gonna cry so much nine year old me would be so proud of myself for spending my money on you oh well thank you so much for the bits uh zania zana um i think i’ve read that wrong i can’t read i can’t read thank you so much for the

Bits and um yeah you don’t have to spend money but i appreciate that you uh sent some bits that’s very kind of you and there was also a message that you’ve watched me since somebody has watched me since it’s called raspberry watched me since gary’s my bad is a long time ago

That is a long you’ve been here for a long time you’re an og you you’ve been through so much um not yet not yet he doesn’t okay and he doesn’t know that i’m trying to get it right you guys you guys were pretty he has enough diamonds for full diamond

Though um squead thank you so much for the bits and the um the intel i appreciate that um it is too hot to work it really is uh my brain is oh no my brain is just so so slow it’s like i’ve been affected by the heat my brain has been affected i

Really want to get rid of these blooming can i make a boat no not yet i want to be down there you know where’s my shield i used to have a shield remember when i had a shield guys does a shield protect me from a creeper

Is it worth making one i think it might be like this oops that’s not it so embarrassed oh i was almost right you know it’s close almost had it let’s try the shield uh yes it will protect me okay thank you i feel much safer now going in protected so if i just

Ah no ah okay it worked you ow okay it works yay thank you so much um candy snowy thank you so much for subscribing oh thank the praise the genies of the heavens and the earth i have lived on this day theo knows some of us suck at being

Secretive oh no well it’s not a race you know i’m not racing him i just didn’t want to get it if he’d already got it i thought it wouldn’t be wouldn’t be much of a flex that was probably really stupid why would i do that why didn’t i just hit the guy

Hit the creeper well he could make diamond armor like literally right now if he wanted to so he can do that go on then pop off do it king go on and i’m just gonna keep getting my eye in like maybe i don’t want to strip mine actually it’s kind of boring huh

Iron’s good though we should get villages i could get villagers no people will probably kill my villagers i bet they would do that out of spite because they’d be like jealous that i have villagers living with me and they might kill them i don’t know for sure but you know it might happen

How many streams have you done on this snp this is literally just the second one uh lucas thank you for subscribing thank you so much for subscribing i don’t know why i said it like that but i did and i can’t take it back let’s get this cool as well and i’ve got

A good stack she was hiding there the iron giggled um episode two of the biscuit boys and snp yeah i’m i’m so glad i don’t make these into episodes because they’re way too chaotic and that pains me the way i record my actual episodes for like the youtube smps i do is very

Chaotic okay i see what he’s done there let’s see what he’s done jeezy very good um the way i record episodes for a normal snp on youtube is also very chaotic it’s awful i don’t know why i do it that way but i just do everything’s chaos

Um what’s your pronouns if you don’t mind me asking they they are uh she her that’s my pronouns uh we love chaos i’m so glad because you’ve come to the right place like literally look at me mining upwards who even does that uh make an axolotl human angel statue yes

Yes please i would like to do that that is such a good idea i’m gonna do that i’m gonna call it the angel of the north the angel of the am i the furthest not actually i think i might be i might be the south i might be south of everyone

Oh i hope nobody takes my spot i’m gonna have i’ve kind of laid claim to it by putting the chest there i hope nobody thinks oh what a nice little spot and it already has a chest that’s good i don’t think i’ll move in here i hope nobody

Does that because i mean you’d have to be pretty pretty dumb pretty dumb dumb to do that right adding it to the list yes add it to the list please get it in there get it on the list okay nothing good in this cave i really

Really want a mine shaft i don’t know where one is maybe we should go maybe we should go to a mesa yes oh my gosh we should go to a mesa find a mineshaft we could get like music discs we could get i don’t know what else is there like enchantments maybe

How good would that be we should do that we should do that um but at the moment i’m gonna i’m gonna go i have a lot of stuff yeah i have do i i might just take this back to my house first and my house is this way or is it

It was like 100. minus 1 000 so that it is that way no it’s that no i’m struggling okay it’s that way and that way yeah it’s me now it’s very dark but i think i can do this the dark doesn’t scare me unlike in real life where it does scare

Me not a lot but just enough you know a hell i think i have a healthy fear of the dark i don’t think that’s weird right guys anyone else who’s with me scaredy cats rise up oh my gosh there might be this might be a bad idea

It’s fine it’s fine oh it’s a sheep oh my gosh he came out of the woodland like a like a monster uh love ld shuttle lady thank you for gifting a sub what what a username too honestly i respect that me oh my gosh so many people saying me

Thank thank goodness it’s not just me i don’t feel so alone in the dark anymore which is good we’re looking for the giant sort of lava flow that we was we were by earlier that would be a good sign that we’re almost at home oh my g

G willy i mean literally a willy thanks for that that was great um yeah i’m kitten thank you so much for subscribing what a lovely distraction um [Laughter] have you met melody yet no i haven’t met melody um she lives in the u.s and right now there’s not a lot of

Travel going on so i haven’t but she is so precious she’s so she’s so sweet she’s so so cute um my hair is bleached right now and i want to die what color should i die i mean i might be a little biased here but i

Gotta say pink you gotta dye it pink because that is the optimal color genuinely pink looks good on everyone there is no person that pink does not look good on you just need to find the right shade of pink uh love healthy shadow thank you thank you for gifting

Another third that’s very kind of you um we went to rit adam i think yeah um yeah pink you can either like hot pink like this maybe this would suit you or maybe like a like a blush pink uh like like this is sort of like blush

Pink peach pink i mean there are so many different kinds of pink there’s just you know plenty plenty to choose from what was the message i missed it oops oh just some 500 bits thank you so much for the bits uh will you be in the next mcp no i’m

Not in the next one i decided not to take part because i wanted some stress-free time guys i get really stressed out by mcc you know you know what doesn’t stress me out though running through the planes at night pork chop pink sure yeah pork chops why not my grandma has pink

Shutters on her windows i thought you were gonna say hair and then you said shutters on her windows didn’t that’s not where i thought it was going i’m not gonna lie um goodnight artemis thank you for gifting a sub thank you very much salmon pink is so pretty i do love a

Good salmon pink you know like i said just so many different shades of pink there’s one for everyone that’s why it’s the best color it really is don’t fight don’t don’t question me on this just believe me is this my house i mean by house i mean is this my collection of blocks

I don’t like salmon pink but i like salmon i mean that’s fair enough to be honest as long as you like the fish that’s all right oh audrey’s actually i’ll have you i’ll have you for my dinner not really dinner um i actually want you for this string so

I’ll have you for my bow that’s what i probably should have said okay this is dangerous this is a little bit dangerous right here maybe we should consider lighting it up lighten up the old house area uh shining bloom thank you so much for gifting us up to sarah

Well done well done sarah for receiving a gift oh was that my horse no i don’t care then sorry oh he’s just going to hell go and just get nailed yes we’re good you don’t know okay i dyed my hair pink for my nine-year-olds i i always wanted pink hair i always

Thought i was gonna be an old lady and i was gonna do a pink rinse but instead i i did it when i was young because you know you never know if you might never make it to be an old lady you never know coral pink what color is

Coral pink is that like a bright pink um lizzy you should be more careful with what you post because i have asthma and i was blown away by your beauty i took your breath away is that what you’re saying um this is a little dangerous um butterfly harlot thank you so much for

The five month reserve how’s mary and buddy they are good mary is so um what’s the word she’s hot right now she’s having a hot girl summer a hot dog summer um so she’s kind of just chilling and buddy buddy loves it he is loving the heat he likes sunbathing and

I don’t even know what he does all day but certainly not staying at home he’s out and about you know he’s a man of the man on the town unlike me i never leave the house but he is weird he really is but he is such a

Weird cat i love that though i love that about him that’s what i love about cats is that they’re all really weird and i just love that i think that’s the best thing um mary is in her girl boss era she really is she is she’s she’s eating all the

Broccoli from the garden if that makes her a girl boss then i guess she’s in a girl boss phase how old is buddy now gosh he must be he was born in 2013 so he is eight eight years old eight human ears i don’t know about cat yes

Probably like a middle-aged man in cat years i’m gonna have my yellow bed instead because it’s so much cuter and then i’m gonna carry this one around in case i need it for emergencies okay so i put this stuff in the chest i try not to get too distracted i’m just

Gonna put yeah all this that i don’t i guess i don’t need some of this i’ll take some of the coal but not all of the coal i guess i don’t need that i want to save as much of it as i can to no i don’t need that no

Where’s my where’s my furnace what happened to my furnace i lost it i lost my fairness that’s okay i’ll just make a new one um shiny blue thank you for gifting another sub wow um lots of gift subs today thank you so much please don’t

Feel like you have to do that at all but i appreciate that you did but he is like 52 honestly it checks out he does have 52 year old man energy right now um you know yeah i don’t know if you guys ever heard this before i think i’ve told you

Guys before but basically around our local area buddy is famous and it’s nothing to do with me i it’s not because of me it’s not because of my youtube or anything he’s just famous in his right because he breaks into people’s houses i mean he doesn’t break and he wanders in

But he wanders into people’s houses and then they all take pictures of him like whose cat is this there’s a cat in my house who is he and then they put it on the facebook group and because everyone knows it’s bloody because he’s been in everyone’s house they’re all oh that’s buddy

I think he lives over there and so that’s happened a lot and one time somebody even said oh yeah that’s that’s buddy um here’s a picture i took of him the other day in the pub he went to the pub my cat went to the pub

And he got caught he got caught there he was like sat in the entrance of the pub under a table uh only buddy oh i mean maybe other cats have done it too but it’s that’s a very bloody moment right there to literally go to a pub like

Why is that why is there a thing why is he doing that okay i’m gonna take some of this some of my sticks okay i’ve got enough stuff to go and find a mine shaft oh ollie’s got obsidian wow what’s he doing what’s his plan there huh

Where is he where is he going with that i don’t know i need some wood yup gotta get the wood oh i like that horse i might get that one for myself hopefully nobody kills these horses they’re protected okay if they if something happens to them i’m gonna be really upset

Okay better not pub buddy i know right i’ve got i still wanna read chat but i also sort of wanna be careful that i don’t fall off a cliff here wait hang on i’m going to do a thing i’m going to move this like oh that’s perfect yeah like that oh

No that’s not perfect no i’m just trying to sorry sorry guys just trying to figure out my setup a little bit probably should have done this before okay no it says we’ll just oh the chat’s frozen have i broken it i don’t even know if i’m still alive

I don’t know what i’ve done i could very well still be live but i can’t see that oh i am live i can see it on my page but my software’s frozen so that’s cool we love that oh no okay there we go it’s back it’s back okay

I’m never gonna touch it again i’m so sorry i’m sorry software please don’t be mad please don’t be angry i’ll never touch you again please just don’t break again now i was going this way was i yeah i was going this way has joel ever been mean to buddy yes all the time

Joel has kind of a short temper when it comes to buddy um what he doesn’t understand he just all just doesn’t understand cats unfortunately cats are cats hate people and if you want cats to love you you just have to understand that it’s gonna hate you at times

And some cats just don’t like cuddles buddy is one of those cats that does not like cuddles joel however wants cat cuddles and he cannot he’s not okay with not getting those cat cuddles so some i mean sometimes to be fair sometimes i try sometimes like he’s just

Laid there and he’s like belly’s all exposed and oh it’s just so soft so fluffy like how how do you expect me to refuse so i go in just a little gentle stroke just to look just to get a feel you know i pay for the guy’s food you know i

Pay for his food pay for his medical care i can at least have a little touch of the soft soft fur um and he lets me know very quickly that that’s not okay so you have to back away uh lotuslord thank you for the uh resub thank you so much

Um i certainly hope your cats the cats in your life are a bigger fan of you than mine are of me has joey visited you yes joey visited us um a couple of weeks ago or was it a week ago now i don’t even know we just had a

Little barbecue it was nice we played escape the night the escape the night board game which i think you can still buy if you guys are interested um it was really fun i played a lot of sort of games like that but i really liked joey’s game

Um my cats just sleep all day oh bless them we love that we love we love how come cats are allowed to sleep all day but if i do it it’s weird what’s that all about well to be honest that makes sense um you should make a tick tock with the

Sound now look at me oh in this opportunity oh with the cat yeah that’s a good idea you should make tick tocks you great with the ideas i i can’t come up with ideas for tick tocks you should be on escape tonight i would

Love to be i told joey if i was ever on escape the night i would like to play an ugly hag like a like a crazy like like a what what are they called where they like predict the future and they just like predict predict that everything’s

Going to be bad like a like a nay say it no it’s like it’s like a soothsayer where is there a bed here this is my bed from the axle search wow nice to see you again weird so we must be close to the mesa then a psychic a seer

It’s a something sayer an oracle it could be an oracle i think it’s an oracle a doomsayer that’s it it’s a doomsayer um this is not empires this is like this is just a biscuit boys just such a chill little server where people people come and we are all bad at minecraft

Um a doomsayer oracle that’s what i want to be um i just want to like freak people out you know i don’t want to be like cute like jet setter or like i don’t even know what the other classes were um but they were all so cute and pretty there was like a

A groovy dancer whatever colleen was in escape the night i want to be a hag your boat has a hole in it yeah it does yeah it does this is not the mesa that i was looking for i think i’ve gone too far to be honest wait what biome is this

Normal normal biome how long will you last in escape tonight probably not very long they’ll probably want to vote me out cause i’ll be really annoying that’s fine you know been there got the t-shirts all i care about got the t-shirt somebody’s gotta get voted out first it’s okay if it’s me

Um betty is a hag yes i would call myself betty maybe betsy sounds better oh there’s a jungle do we want something from the jungle maybe a parrot no we all know what happens when i get hold of a parrot and it’s not good let’s go back to the icy bit because

There is a mesa around here somewhere what what would joel’s class be um like a like a pickpocket he doesn’t pickpocket just so you know i don’t know but that’s what his class would be in this like a like a ratty sort of like sort of like a miscreant

You know i think that’s what he would be a pandering put the panda in a boat i don’t see any pandas i think you need a bamboo jungle for a panda i could be wrong and i have been many times but i do believe this is not a panda jungle

When is the next episode of empires um i’m gonna try and finish it for this weekend but i’ve done a lot of stuff so who knows okay this is clearly not the mesa that i was oh oh Pretty good but but not what we need today i think after this episode of empires i’ve seen enough of the coral forest coral reef i’m not going back i don’t want any coral in this in this server too too much coral do you have any other jobs besides

Youtube and twitch uh no not currently although i did work at toys r us for a while back when i was like 19. love that honestly it was great loved it um my cat walked in and loafed on my floor i love it when they do that

I just love it it’s so cute where where how have i got lost oh dear i don’t think anybody’s gonna sleep was i here was that me okay we’re just gonna keep boating into the night and one of these days we’re gonna come across i think i think the what is it called

I think the mesa was near the mushroom biome you passed a temple like a jungle temple oops i kind of would have liked to have gone in there dang it how old are you you look 19 i’m actually 28. i turned 29 this year my youth is slipping away don’t worry i

Have a oh i can sleep if people are sleeping i have a i have a youth potion i’m just saving it for uh you know when i get a little bit older and i don’t want to reverse age you are very youthful i don’t know if

That’s a good thing or a bad thing you know maybe that says more about my uh status as an adult than it should uh thank you quirty for the raid thank you so much welcome raiders qwerty oh juicy is blowing blown up by a creeper rest in peace

Um what does qwerty stream yeah with a name like that could be anything what was qwerty playing is there a way for me to know what are your big three wait big three what my big three what sims oh sims 4 oh my gosh you make me want to play the sims

Now i hope you had a good time were you playing the new um cottage cottage not cottage car what is it cottage living expansion because i really want to try that oh boy do i want to try that oh yeah it broke whoops not a great advert for the sims

4. um julie thank you for gifting a sub that’s very kind of you well if you guys want to check out some sims 4 definitely i think i think i think we know the channel to where the channel to be at check out qwerty’s channel

You were meant to protect me like oh no they were together i mean that was his first mistake was trusting trusting olly to help him i literally played sims for 10 hours straight i mean sims is one of those games where you can literally get so lost in the world i

Actually made minecraft mobs of sims because of you oh oh my gosh i remember doing that that was so fun um i’d be interested to see what yours look like did you make them on video or on stream because i would love to see other people’s interpretation of that

However i thought i was going in a circle but somehow i just keep finding new biomes oh yes wow that’s what this do you ever plan on doing any earl content um is that irl content mckenna yes um no sorry no the answer is no um

I i don’t know i don’t really i’m a little bit um I don’t i like to be very private about my real life i’m happy to share like my gaming adventures with you guys but um i don’t know i don’t want you guys to see how boring my life really is cottage living expansion looks fun i

Might have to go i know it looks so good so good um yeah i don’t i i guys in order to make minecraft videos on a weekly basis i spend most of my time playing minecraft so my life’s not that exciting it’s it’s not um

I’m not i’m not very good with uh what’s the word time management so yeah i i’m not very good with um getting the videos the videos out unless i spend all week playing minecraft which is what i want to do but i’ve done a little bit of irl content i do like the

Occasional like odd video um a little challenge here and there this is the biscuit boys smp and i don’t even know yeah maybe i could maybe i should be doing oh my gosh is that the ice biome this was the first biome that we passed and i went in a huge circle

Only to we should have just we should have just turned right instead of left there’s a mine shaft this is what we’re looking for hey lizzy do you like the drawing i made of you on your minecraft skin with cat is i don’t know if i’ve seen that is it

On twitter i will have a look later thank you yeah rip that is a big grip the last five years i’ve watched your google myself videos having wish me happy birthday oh my gosh that’s hilarious oh yeah i forgot i did that i wish people happy birthday

That is funny i should make more of those um although i guess people only have one birthday so what is this this is not a mine shaft ew um let’s make some torches i kind of want the torches in my offhand so i can place them oh well

There’s loads of gold here should i get the gold maybe we can build out of it that would be kind of flexy huh wait ld shadow yeah it’s me you are in my stream you’ve come to my stream and you’re shocked to see me here i don’t

Know what to tell you other than you should have expected this let’s get the gold do you have tick tock i don’t i i like watching tick tock but i’ve never made one you’re going too far i’ve lost the mountain what is going on are they are they streaming literally

What are they doing look who’s here not kev has logged into the server everybody it’s time for more content we’ve got more streamers live we’ve got theo live we’ve got kev live i don’t know if juicy’s live who here is live plug yourselves um would you ever give us a garden talk

Um only on my instagram really because um i couldn’t give you a tar on here it just wouldn’t work but i have showed people on my instagram wow look at all this gold i mean i don’t even know what to do with it i could make golden apples

We could cure some villagers i could have some like really good villages and then everyone would be like how do you keep getting mending books and efficiency books but they won’t know they’ll never know because they uh don’t play minecraft so they’ll never know how

I get such cheap things and i can have the monopoly i can charge them diamonds i can charge them diamonds for efficiency books unless they’re watching this stream in which case they’ll know but do they really know do they know how to cure villagers to get the optimal trades i doubt it

I doubt it right you’re gonna be rich i hope so that was the idea behind that maniacal rant hey lizzy thank you for raising me you’re welcome you were so easy to raise you know i mean i barely even i barely even had to do anything you know you never um

Didn’t even have to send you to school you just did that on your own well done um boba bree thank you so much for subscribing i don’t even know why i’m getting this gold guys i’ve just never seen this much gold in my okay it’s lots of skeletons around never

Seen this much gold in my life and i just can’t stop thoughts on chef’s kids i mean yeah chef’s kids although yeah seems like a good thing right it’s just a misspelling of chef’s kiss how can it be bad why are there okay this is not a minecraft this is not

What i wanted to be honest because i did i’m remembering now that i did want like music discs and stuff like that and i’m just not going to find that here in this cave i’m just going to find a bunch of gold so let’s go find an actual mine shaft

Because how sick would it be to play the first music disc even though kev sort of the resident dj of the server um i would like to instead i would like to be the dj i want to steal the crown please okay is that a mine shaft it could be

Very sick it would be sick it would be sick uh do you watch anime i’ve only watched a couple of animes um i’m not really that big on anime just i don’t really watch that much i wish i love youtube i don’t really watch much tv

Although i do watch i do watch what’s popular so like bridgeton seen that obviously riverdale watched that for a while what a mistake terrible mistake okay is that a mine shot could be could be let’s try this side what youtubers do you watch i watch so many different youtubers i like to watch

Um documentaries on like real real stuff like history geography science um humanities stuff uh the environment i also like to watch um documentaries on like youtube stuff so a person that does that really well she used to have a different username her username used to be psyc irl but she

Literally just changed it to like internet or something does anyone know i can’t remember i can’t remember but um she used to make really good videos or she still does uh on like youtube phenomenon and i think that’s really interesting obviously because it’s my job so i’m very involved in it

No sorry literally nobody knows who it is i can’t believe it i can’t believe you guys are sleeping internet impact that’s her name now you guys are sleeping on internet impact seriously after the stream or even now hell you know do it now i would respect

That go check out some of her videos you’ll be hooked hooked i tell you like a fish on a on a hook because um honestly the topics super interesting okay where are the mine shafts um are they not supposed to be easy to find kitty girl who thank you for subscribing

Do you watch true crime documentaries not very much we met four-ish years ago as well did we actually oh my god oh my goodness oh this could be a mine shaft but this is dangerous we must that could crush me or somebody else that’s very dangerous oh geez danger okay

Do you ever want kids in the future i don’t know yeah maybe i just don’t i just don’t know because um they seem like a lot of work and i can’t even keep a parrot alive in minecraft so you know maybe i have no business having kids right now who knows

You skipped the chest i did one there ow let’s get the chat out i skipped a chest did i really oh yeah thanks you know what i might put that in my hotbar just in case of emergencies and i’m gonna save no i don’t want the activator rails that’s rubbish

I’m gonna get rid of that too in case somebody comes across it and they get really excited i don’t want them to be sad poopy poopy cave what the heck that’s rubbish the chest yeah i found the chest i found the chest guys i got it there was a

Chest there was a chest yes i got it got it guys oh my why is that allowed oh no it’s just like him oh whoa that was that was fun lizzy sims 3 is superior please play it i do i do love the sims 3 oh i picked it

Up didn’t want to do that i do love the sims 3 i do um i don’t know about superior it might be it might very well be i don’t really have a horse in this fight i’m not going to lie i haven’t played either of them in a really long time

Another chest for me glow berries oh my gosh just what i wanted just don’t lose them okay i’ll take the rails i’ll take the rails because i want to make i want a melon stick no i don’t want no i want to make um actually i think ollie

Wants to make an underground railroad so i’m going to give him the rails oh i should take these too maybe yeah i’m going to take them and give them to ollie he actually makes it now that i’ve gone out of my way to collect oh to collect all these

What camera do you use it super good i use the sony i think it’s a7 camera it’s hooked up to my computer with a cam link very very uh elite setup i will say best i’ve ever had obviously because why would i downgrade that would be kind of

Weird um freaking meds thank you for gifting a sub that’s very kind of you so professional yeah yeah so i’ve been doing this for like 10 years now so i know what i’m doing do i no i do know every day is me just winging it i’m not gonna lie

I think also joel’s gonna bring me some food and i have to eat food on stream and you know how much i hate to do that but guess why that’s happened because i’m unprepared and i went live without realizing that i hadn’t eaten yet so that’s my fault that’s on me

I just want the gold it just looks so good right um i could just because i’m getting hungry do you remember the cereal golden nuggets they kind of look like that i don’t know if you had them in america but they were all the rage in the uk for a while

Ah another chest no music discs but we have smite that’s rubbish i don’t want that no i don’t want the activator rail take that back you heathen should i take it no i’ll leave it with someone else somebody might find it and be really excited and they think

I’ve got the best loot ever what is this how’s that happened but they didn’t get the best loot ever because i already took it all um mcyt fan 24 thank you so much for subscribing want to catch you use an am i might say actually it was kind of can i catch it

But it rolled off the tongue oh rolled off my tongue anyway um will you be going to vidcon this year um uh i don’t know is it on i i don’t know because i thought that it wasn’t on so maybe not i don’t have a sword to break the spawner no stay away

Oh it’s got me it got me i’m hit oh geez there’s a thing in there okay this could be dangerous i think we should go in from the side take it and sell it wait take it what self smile i don’t even know i’ll buy that

Ah what the heck is right there i wasn’t expecting that it’s all gone horribly wrong just as just as i predicted it has all gone horribly wrong do i really need like a sword to break this oh my gosh it’s so slow what shade is this is bsl shaders oh my gosh no

Don’t you come out here you stay in there you silly spider okay i can hear them crawling everywhere it’s a little bit unnerving right i know i’m sorry i destroyed the spanish why did i do that i don’t even know why i did that maybe i shouldn’t have done that but i did

Too late now you’ve done it burn in the sun oh see though thank you for subscribing that’s a different theo but a theo nonetheless okay didn’t even see me didn’t even see me let’s just get out of here wish real spiders will like that oh geez a good job idea

You’ll never get me i’ve got a shield now i’ve advanced i’m under advanced civilization uh someone tell lizzy theo had already played a museum did he actually i thought there was an achievement for that wait there’s no achievement oh wait there is okay maybe maybe he did b thank you so

Much for subscribing b hi how are you doing wow how are you doing mcyt fan thank you for another gift sub very kind of you very uh very pog as they say i’m not i don’t say that though i don’t know why i’ve said it just now because it’s not something i say

So i shouldn’t say it i found an ocelot axolotl nice we love axolotls robbie doesn’t kill it i’ve been feeling he’s gonna kill it because he’s just like that you know uh ladies and gentlemen we have witnessed the crushing of a soul is it my soul did my soul get crushed

I thought it would make more noise than that but i guess not oh yes here no not here that’s bad not good i want to get through there no i just want more chests might not be the first music disc player ever i’m going to make shares like you

Said like it’s a smart idea it’s very smart yeah you’re so smart look at you girl i should have listened to you all along write a bit of a dead end that’s a bit annoying isn’t it oh well we’ve got cobwebs nobody else got cobwebs first

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i can handle him i’ve got a shield i just forgot that had a shield oh not today b i haven’t watched minecraft gameplay in a while how do you minecraft again

I’m good though um yeah honestly uh i’m not the person to ask i won’t lie to you um we should we should get you on the server sometime get you back into it i know you’ve been wanting to do an smp we just added a few new players though so give me

A hot minute to get them all installed and still in settled i guess is the word and then we’ll get you on um right a second what was i gonna do chili sauce thank you for the two months uh resub welcome back hi i was gonna do something

I remember not what it was oh yeah i was gonna make a new axe oh got no iron left bummy okay let’s do it let’s do it right this time make an axe yes you are me you on the same uh official official gem wait gemini official gems we’re on the same

Wavelength here you could be inside my brain for all i know oh geez oh geez oh something coming oh oh no sir quick get under here oh quick oh we gotta save you oh i can’t save you actually i can’t save you don’t bring me down with you

No i was going to try and save him because i had a golden apple but then i realized i would need a whole other thing like a potion of harming and sorry sorry i thought i could save him for a second there alas i’m not prepared enough he might have

Had bad trades anyway um that weirdo gabby thank you for subscribing with twitch prime no less thank you so much for using your prime on me very primo my new axe as you as you said yep you reminded me new x very good i’ve already got a spare pickaxe we’re good

Do you know what the dsmp is of course i know what the dream smp is i haven’t been living under a rock have you ever thought about picking 50-ish people in your discord and then making an smp with them joey did that once a thing i’ve never thought of that

And kato knight thank you for subscribing um i’ve never thought of that i haven’t uh the problem well it’s not really a problem but sometimes you do run into a little bit of an issue with um having certain people invited to things and others aren’t like it gets a

Little bit um some people are sad get sad because they aren’t invited and i don’t want to make anyone sad but because they weren’t invited made a new mine shaft the ocean by my house is axolotl central if anyone wants one i have one thank you ollie

Oh did anyone say who was live earlier because i totally asked and then i ignored all their replies i don’t know i don’t know who’s live you guys probably know you guys have probably all been around i know i refreshed the page and i got an ad

I hate the ads they’re so annoying hello i’ve got food what is it oh it looks delicious chicken skewers some weird potato things that are a bit too thin what are they potato potatoes they’re almost crisps have they got salt on them yeah yeah you know i like myself yeah joel brought me

Some food so now i don’t really know what to do because i don’t really like eating on camera oh no oh oh no the plate is on the mouse it’s free the mouse is free okay what i’m going to do yeah i don’t really want you guys to just hear me chewing

I’m gonna turn this down a little bit can you still hear me and then i put myself i hide down here okay and now i’ll still play i can play and eat i’ve been doing it for years i’m an extreme gamer maybe i should go back to my spawn

Because i haven’t this was kind of like the poopiest minecraft i’ve ever found in my life how do i find more money is the food you’re making the food hang on let me just taste test the rest of it yes it is yummy i checked them all i’ve checked every single mine shaft

Alive thank you for subscribing with twitch prime very very appreciate very i very appreciate that that’s not words you know i’ve seen quite a few people say that they learn english from watching my videos and honestly i apologize for the terrible english that you have learnt from doing that

You probably have made a mistake joel the chef joel is the chef in this house wow unexpected you wouldn’t think that he would be the cooker that was close i was just really into that piece of potato that i was eating and i almost jumped off a cliff

I have an a in english thanks to you do you actually that is really nice how did i help with that though i think that was more you i think you did that so you should you should thank yourself good good on you yeah sorry about the weird camera angle

Guys i am going to fix it once i’m finished eating and i’ve got bad news for you also i’m a slow eater yeah one of those that’s me hello this is dangerous but look at this my cam i know my camera’s off i know because i’m down i’m down

Here i’m eating you so i’ve got food and i look it looks cool but i don’t want you to see me eating it okay i’m eating right now but you never know you just have to bear with it for like i’d say whoa this is dangerous

I’d say five minutes but i’m kind of a slow eater cool though i can sleep i can sleep i’m down for sleep can you speak polish no i don’t speak any polish i don’t even know a single word i’m sad to say that a lot of languages i know one word

Oh thank you b for trying to distract me um it is good you’re missing out i’m sleeping one of these days john might cook you a meal and you’ll see you’ll see just how good of a chef he is much better than in minecraft where all

He eats is golden carrots i don’t think he’s ever eaten a single other meal for the past like five years in minecraft guys i hate it here i do not like this mesa and i want to go home if i knew which way was home i would go

I think it’s i think it’s actually that way home is 100 minus 1 000. so it’s that way somewhere right am i correct guys i think i want to go put my stuff in the chest i did loot the chest um maybe meet up with the other people see what they’re

Doing juicy’s first day on the server i love that new people coming in are like why is the camera guy like lizzy your camera it looks it looks crazy i’m really sorry this is my new routine when i have to eat on stream i’m testing it out oh hang on

No we don’t care about the mineshafts they’ve been they’ve been bad to us they’ve been nothing but bad to us this whole time this is great the sound of the boat is covering up the sound of my eating i love it you might be covering up the sound of my

Talking too i don’t know shining bloom thank you for subscribing i i you gifted so many subs before subscribing yourself i don’t know how this happened but thank you oh yeah joel wasn’t kidding when he said some of them are very crispy is anyone else really self-conscious about eating

Especially because i eat so slow it feels so weird to eat in front of somebody oh they extended the slug oh okay that makes sense well thank you so much shining shining bloom shining i forgot what the username was it was shiny something oh my gosh yes everyone’s weird about

Eating too i’m so glad i’m so glad it’s not just me i mean it sucks for all of us i guess but i thought the wrong way or have i no wait how is it how is it none of these directions i need somebody to get like a map of this place

I need a navigator bear in my boat he can be my navigator i’m super insecure when it comes to eating in front of people i’m not normally like i could eat at a restaurant in front of people obviously um otherwise i would never go to restaurants oh this is cute that’s really cute

I think i won their own way i should not be finding this i think spawn’s actually that way no it’s not it’s definitely this way yeah but it’s that way oh my gosh guys um yeah i can eat a restaurant but just like eating on stream feels really weird to me

Okay let’s figure this out okay so if we go north north is correct west is wrong we need to go north east that way is this yeah this feels right this feels right yeah yeah i made bsl shaders look like rudolph plays because that’s my favorite shaders probably because at a restaurant

Nobody’s really looking at you but on stream everyone is yes that’s true thanks thank you for reminding me that’s definitely made me feel better i can’t play minecraft sorry i can’t play minecraft without shaders these days like why does the base game not just look like this it’s beautiful it’s

Majestic can we get an update okay are we still going the right way i think so we want to know more this way no way no this way yeah this is it yeah this is it oh my gosh the dog i’m gonna i’m gonna duck in the dark that’s a really crispy bit

Before i come in i’m gonna eat from my skewer somebody call it a sheesh kebab is that what this is i don’t know what it is guys sorry about the face cam i’ll i’ll fix it i will you know soon i’m docking oh i’ve only all you was had to see this how

Somebody actually used the doc shining bloom thank you for gifting another sub that’s a very very kind of you why why is it not running i don’t know that’s weird is it a shish kebab what is what is a shish kebab what is the definition

It’s a kebab that makes you go shoes no just kidding that was a bad one i wish i’d never said that you turn the music down a bit yeah go on them since you asked so nicely i don’t know how much to turn it down it

Is covering up the sound of me eating though wait now you can’t even hear it oh now it’s too loud i don’t know i’m gonna turn my own mic up when i’m done eating i promise i just um you know i need i need the sounds to

Cover up the eating sounds the chewing nobody wants to hear that i’m never doing an eating stream i bet you just move the mic away from my mouth maybe that would work pieces of marinated meat and vegetables cooked and served on skewers oh my gosh it is a sheesh kebab

That’s exactly what it is marinated meat vegetables i mean it’s only one vegetable it’s a pepper what other vegetables can you put on a shish kebab because it is a bit sad with just the pepper on it it would be nice to sort of be populated with more vegetables peppa’s onion

Is it not a bit weird just straight up eating onion though i guess that’s part of it i find it really difficult to eat onion it’s quite slimy hopefully nobody’s around here well i’m talking about slimy zucchini oh my gosh i love zucchini but joel hates it

I’m so sad and by the way we call it a courgette in england what you guys call uh zucchinis we call it courgette and joel hates them but i love them aubergines too those are eggplants i love those joel hates them so we never eat them and mushrooms he won’t eat mushrooms

You can put pineapple on it that’s such a good idea why is the camera off it’s because i’m eating a sheesh kebab and what if i poke myself in the eye with the kebab is it the kebab oh this is just a skewer then you’ll all go sheesh

Joel has good taste because i hate eggplant zucchinis i’m very hateful of you what boat noises are there goat noises where where are the goats oh wow look at that that’s cool that’s very cool wow no other trick who’s that he has no idea he didn’t

He saw me he saw me he saw me oh my gosh she saw me get away i could outrun him i’m gonna outrun him and hide i’m just gonna hide oh there’s a child laughing outside that’s giving away my location okay we should sleep i don’t think you guys can hear that

I’ll turn my mic up again now hello hello you all right hi are you being a bit spooky i i i have a request yeah go ahead do you have any white wool uh no i do not but i have shears if you want i also have shears and i’m

Struggling to get white wall because someone seems to have slaughtered all the sheep uh who would do that i don’t know who would do that even oh man it’s not good do you know where ollie is um do you want to sleep by the way

Um thank you i i will tell i’ll tell you what i’ll go get you some white wool if you give me some diamonds hmm how many diamonds one diamond per white wall yeah how about that exchange rate’s gone up the last time i checked how about 12 white wool for one dime how

Much do you need i need some leather do not kill my horses no these are my horses wow you just going to kill my horse right there well until you say it was yours look at that do you like that in the distance yeah it does look cool i was just

Admiring it yeah yeah it’s good very cool very cool that’s why i need the wool because i need to texture the outside with orange wool why don’t you dye the sheep orange and then then get the iron get the orange wall thank you that helps

Did you did you not know that you could do that oh okay well yeah maybe try that bye so maybe try and tame some wait hang on tame the sheet yeah here’s one single piece of wheat so i have so you can leave them back and then if

You dye them take them to your house and then dye them you’re putting a lot of like faith in my level of um dedication do you know how to make orange dye yeah you do yeah yeah you’ve been doing it okay i’ve been dyeing the wall but i didn’t know i

Could dye the sheep yeah well that helps well um actually no that doesn’t help yeah it will help will it yeah because if you use shears you can get like two or three pieces of white wool for one die oh sorry you can get two or three pieces

Of orange so you’ll need way less dye okay thank you very much oh my god what a name what a noob i’ve never done anything about newbie in my life have i don’t don’t bring up the times that i have guys we don’t need to talk about it

All right what do i want to do you have one in your hand no i don’t did i but he needed orange well anyway and he was being a noob build a house okay you’re right i should build a hang on i think i’ve got a cat hair in my nose

It’s stuck in there somewhere we should terraform are you right i did have some oil oops yeah okay let’s um let’s smelt this coal yeah i mean uh iron yep and then i’m just gonna flatten out this planet i find it really hard to like actually get things done on stream it’s

So hard to like focus on something people keep bringing stuff up and i get excited i want to go do something else um what’s going on youtube stream we’re just playing on a little minecraft server right how much should i flatten this out do you think guys

I want it to be still sort of high up so that people can see oh is that really loud oh no that was an accident oh no i’ve been like recording this whole thing with replay mod i don’t want to do that i think i’ve unticked it now come on

So i have a huge file now i think that’s not recording now okay that’s better no that’s loud that was that was the thing that we were gonna try and fix was the loudness wow okay well don’t pillage it i guess they’re at my wheat farm absolute madness they think that is madness

They’ve never seen a wheat farm before it’s not even one of my best wheat farms it’s kind of one of my poorer wheat farms to be honest okay these blocks are really loud aren’t they are they not i don’t know i see minecraft i follow well welcome welcome to minecraft

How am i gonna make this rock face look cute i think that might be priority number two because we actually just need a house what should i build my house out of something easily obtainable but not something like flex like i can flex a little bit like

Maybe concrete what do you guys think about concrete how do you make concrete again sand gravel sand and gravel we could we could have done terracotta and dyed it but we but we were just at the mesa we just left the mesa i think somebody else is at the mesa now

Founder mesa i like your path somebody’s at the mesa they were asking about terra cotta distorted gemini thank you so much for subscribing uh what a noob she doesn’t even know how to make concrete you’re right i really don’t is there was i really wrong it is sand and gravel

It is sounding i don’t have a lot of sun and gravel but i can guess something i wanted to i say we flatten this out get like this can be this this is a good foundation for a house if you want a strong house you need strong foundations

Now you can come out because i actually i don’t know why i trapped you in there to be honest i don’t want you get out of there move your butt i’ll hit you if i have to copper which is um oh what about copper and pink although i have seen people complain

That i always build pink houses sort of my my one weakness is the color pink should i fill this in oh geez what the heck is this i don’t want a giant death hole under my house what the heck is going on here who’s been there i don’t know mysterious

Okay well let’s maybe cover that up pink is cute can i get hi hi i like pink okay let’s do pink then if we all like it why are we why are we not doing it just because somebody else doesn’t like it it’s not a good reason

Um that’s a good point i’ll look at my pinterest for my inspiring ideas oh my gosh there’s some really cute how oh oh my gosh you guys how do i share my screen how do i show this to you how do i do this okay you can’t really see me anymore everything’s broken

But look at okay this one look at that that’s really cute that’s so cute how do we do that let’s save it save save that to my save up to my minecraft cute minecraft ideas where is it yeah save that and this one this one’s cool

I reckon the first one’s a big flex though maybe we can change the blocks up what even is that happysheep242 they built this it’s amazing i think they have a texture pack on though oh check them out it’s an abandoned mansion but it’s not abandoned anymore i really like the idea

For the windows i think that might be something i need to try i don’t have a public pinterest account sorry um let’s see what else i got in here hmm not much this is good though this is this is good i’m going to keep that open on my other screen

While we go back to minecraft guys this is my knee it’s gonna be here okay because i don’t have good posture and it feel comfortable to put me up here so it’s gonna be here say hello get used to it what about indie style i don’t know what indie style is oh actually

I really like i really like that house as it is jasmine thank you for subscribing i really like that house as it is and i think you know maybe we could just copy it should we i guess i could change the roof to pink i like how it’s built out of stone it

Looks like stone stone bricks gravel oh my gosh it’s amazing guys how pink one people won the vote smile there was a vote and pink one well i guess it’s gonna be pink then what are the pink blocks purple blocks right but what about the leaves i also want to use the glowberries

Somehow um hmm maybe the blueberries can go on the inside maybe we’ve got orange and pink somebody saying yes i mean how am i gonna get the purple blocks i don’t know but you know that’s a problem for me to deal with later not now how much room do

You think oh my gosh i’m so excited now let’s get some smelt in some hope i’m gonna be so much more kabul that is that is an issue what’s happening what’s happening like what have you done what do you mean what have i done do you not see that there’s

No nothing around manny’s house right now what do you mean nothing around maddie’s house this is maddie’s house no you know what about money’s houses opposite then what’s this this is my house why is it hang on are you world editing are you cheating what are you talking about ah why are you

Screaming because you’re accusing me of cheating i can’t believe you’ve built opposite my house you’ve ruined my view he’s always been your house last time i was gonna do that and you said yeah you can’t say that this is normal with everything floating in the air this

Isn’t normal no it’s not because i’ve just been i’m terraforming oh okay i thought you were world editing it felt like it had been copied and wrong it looks like that from a different right now if i was terraforming it would be evidence for the whole world to see i’m not i’m not

First if you did honestly i haven’t okay i’m just trying to turn you down because i hate it come on i’m sorry i know i’m really loud no it’s okay it’s okay don’t worry about it don’t go worry about it don’t worry about it so i can run it by like the

Council what are you planning to build um it’s actually a uh a mansion this time you’re actually building the mansion i’m actually building the mansion i’ve got i’ve got some architects in my chat yeah and we’ve got a design yeah we’ve settled on a design and you know at the

Minute we’re just sort of deciding between roof colors um it could be a rare material we’re using not going to say just yet is it copper no uh i’m hoping it also fits with the vibe and they’re saying flowering azalea now which i mean yes interesting perfect idea lizzie you

Can see my new house from here oh really that’s fabulous where look over there do you see in the disc how long’s your rest under distance have you looked that way can you see the mountain it’s the big mountain in the distance the big one the

Massive one with the lava flow the giant lava flow mountain i can’t see that well it’s over there you know of it well that’s good though yeah so i’ll show you what it’s done it’s just currently the mountain with my name on it but all right kind of like mine’s how this

Mountain this mountain with a bed yeah yeah yeah you feel it you feel it i’m gonna sleep at yours yeah i think i’ll sleep in your bed i’ll take the lame white one yeah right people are just naming different blocks that this sounds like yeah they’re all good ideas with the

Book every idea is a good idea all of those 5 000 people in your chat they all got good ideas well you’re gonna see they do have good ideas i believe it i believe it unlike somebody i don’t kick my viewers for having good ideas you should

Oh oops sorry all right i didn’t mean to do that hit that hole it was an accident a construction mistake oh wait also i have a bone to pick with you hold on before i go oh just a quick though not not actually that an angry bone i saw that you

Finished more of the farm it looks really nice and you’ve kind of made my path through them out and kind of look bad because you put the nice path next to it right connected to it so you don’t like it no i actually love it a lot and

I just it makes me feel like i need to improve mine but i’m working through no but i’m working online Oh he’s upset he’s upset because i built something that looks nice also he thought i will edit it because i removed some dirt who is this guy yeah i really like your ideas by the way guys amethyst absolutely let’s get some amethyst in here what was the other block

Purple blocks sure we’ll do it why not um oh we could do maybe we should just do an amethyst roof i don’t know let’s just build the base i guess lizzy i just woke up well good morning the accusations i know ollie is very aggressive um and nothing’s ever his fault like

It’s not his fault he built a an embarrassing area it’s my fault because i built it looking nice like what is that i really want to fill this in but also i don’t maybe i could i think we could do like this and then one day we’ll have a waterfall

Coming down heck write it guy in the list put it in the list guys the list mark it in the list this is where a waterfall is going to go sort of down down there down that way and into like a little pool there what

Do you think what do you think you guys like it you guys like the idea waterfall yeah put it down write it down put it in the list somebody’s making a physical list right because this is i know i was bragging about the memory palace earlier but

When it comes to minecraft i’m very forget forgetful how how did that happen it’s all gone so wrong i made waffles no no you should be making a list not waffles but that’s that’s pretty good i i would like some waffles waterfall and pool oh yes i mean we can

Put some axolotls in the pool nearly fell it’s on my paper hello raiders who are the raiders i i don’t remember seeing a thing pop up welcome if you’re here for a raid where are you from where are you from where’d you come from who is juna parade well thank you who’s

Joining up for the raid i’m sorry i didn’t see the notification for that i’ma draw you now oh okay that’s i would love that i love it when people draw me it’s it’s very cool one of the best things about being a youtuber is that people draw you i absolutely love artwork too

Oh i love art i just love looking at it i don’t know what to do with it but i just like looking at it and i’m very lucky that people actually draw out of me and that’s very cute especially because the art they draw is very cute because they know they know me

They know to make it cute okay i know i’m not double dirt in this but you know we’re kind of low on resources right now we just don’t have the facilities to double dirt that’s probably going to come back to haunt me one day maybe i’ll put a little

Bit of torches down there because i don’t want to unearth it one day and find a load of creepers in there a bit disgusting disgusting little creepers little blighters build a wishing well another good idea add it to the list people in the list it’s going um make a basement there

That oh and then it can like go out through the waterfall maybe mossy cobbles cobblestone for the waffle yes absolutely good idea um first of all i just need to build the rest of the place first actually maybe i am double doing it because i’ve just accidentally done that

On some parts when i didn’t want to i might have done it uh we have a severe dirt shortage and i’m mind i can’t believe i thought i was world editing literally all i’ve done is put some dirt down what the heck is wrong with him

Okay you know what we also need loads more cobble i’m gonna have to get more cobble so i’m gonna have to get efficiency on a pickaxe to get loads of cobble it’s gonna take me a while guys make a fountain maybe i should build the shape of it out of cobblestone

We’re gonna be here forever i’m really slow especially because the goals i set for myself are very slow to achieve okay where can i pick the dirt from maybe down here yeah i’ll just fix this little pond hey he actually killed something for once instead of dying to it

Maybe make a cobblestone generator wait wait does that work i don’t really need to though because like underground is just like a natural cobblestone generator and maybe we’d also find diamonds oh okay well hopefully this is enough dirt and then we can start building the foundations of the house

Good evening everyone evening rachael bug what do you think you should make you should make fake cocktails with a sea pickle and green glass panes that’s such a good idea i’m on it i’m doing it i’d love to do it good idea thank you very much

Um who’s that teddy hot thank you for the resub welcome back i guess after two months welcome back for two months i don’t know i don’t know what i’m saying now i don’t know if i’m gonna get the layout the exact same as this house that the sheep happy sheep 242 built um

It might have to just be sort of inspired by rather than a direct copy because it’s actually really hard to copy somebody’s build exactly which i’m sure people have found out if they’ve ever tried to like recreate one of my builds in their own world they’ve probably found out that it’s really hard

To get it exactly right from a picture or a video i don’t know if any of you guys have ever done that but you know let me know let me know if you haven’t you could do a pasio i could um pipe clown cody except i don’t have a

House yet so we might need to sort of do that first where should i actually do it like here hmm yeah i reckon so you don’t think if you don’t think kev’s gonna get self-conscious do you if i build across from here um annie lovers thank you for subscribing

Thank you so much with twitch prime as well thank you so much oh my gosh so many people are saying they have tried to recreate one of my builds that’s really funny it is hard right it’s hard to recreate a build i’ve tried to recreate your oasis house

Before oh my gosh even i tried to recreate it um even i tried to recreate it once and it was blooming hard for my um five million subscriber celebration video my actual is getting trapped oh no um okay right where should we build this thing should i build the

I’m gonna build the sort of outline out of this so there okay hang on hang on how do i oh my gosh my nose is so itchy libby gg thank you for subscribing um right let’s get oh gosh my nose i’m getting so annoyed i’m getting annoyed at my own nose now

Okay i’ve zoomed in on it and then we can look at it i’m sorry my webcam is going to go because that’s just what seems to happen does this work no that’s it’s all broken okay how many blocks wide is this so two for the door four either side five six seven eight

Could be about wait uh i’ve done it wrong four two four six eight ten twelve twelve blocks wide i think it’s about twelve blocks wide oh wait look at the top okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. i think it could be like

12 blocks wide i think it could be even wider actually should we go for 14 blocks they have a youtube tutorial for the hat oh no should i watch the youtube tutorial i feel like that’s going to confuse me even more i could click it let’s let’s click it

And see where it takes us oh my isn’t it magnificent right literally why is my webcam so broken what kind of tutorial is it okay it’s getting a lot of panning shots what is what is this okay here we go what are they doing oh my gosh it’s going to look so bad

Before it looks good you just world at it i don’t have well did it okay that’s not super helpful really but oh well um i think okay so that’s the shape of it though that’s actually that’s good to know it’s kind of a long house yeah it’s so long

Right that lots more angles here though behind the waterfall you should build a secret room i mean yeah duh of course what a good idea of course i’m going to do that please purpo and orange copper lizzy your face cam it’s back now it’s back um okay

I reckon it’s 14 blocks wide i do i think it is uh so and it’s long it’s a long house maybe we should do the front like i kind of want the other bits to be going off that way okay so let’s start here and we’ll go

We’ll do it like one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. okay is that kind of wide the door would be like here which is not good because that’s above the waterfall it’s not good it’s no good it’s no good

Maybe i should do it facing out this way so like the front door is going down here what about that you can’t see kev’s reaction to your mansion can’t wait to see kev’s reaction i can’t wait it’s going to take me so long to build it i think it might take

Me multiple streams to build it um what shaders do you usually use uh i usually use this one bsl shaders but it’s based on rudolph plays i’ve tried to get the settings to look like rudolph plays because that’s my favorite okay while they sleep i’m just gonna eat my kebab

And hope that nothing comes to kill me because i have not lit this place up with torches okay we’ve got three out of five four out of five in bed are we sleeping who is not in bed ban them who is it oh my god hi i also watch your youtube

Will hide here in it not found hello okay fabulous fabulous okay all right let’s do it instead nightmare eden thank you so much for subscribing for eight months hello welcome thank you um right let’s do it this way instead so we’ll start like here and we’ll go like one two three

Four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen okay is that like a good width yeah i think it is and then it goes back this way oh geez right i don’t need you to blow up because i’ve actually done some terraforming here it’s been some work okay very good

And that’s how you kill a creeper can you stream five nights at freddy’s one day uh absolutely not shadow park absolutely no i’m not no i’m not playing that game nope no thank you yeah no thank you oh my gosh i’m gonna need so much stone

And it’s gonna look so ugly for a while it’s funny how ugly it’s gonna look because these guys actually that oh look at them working away you can see them working away they’re brothers too the worker brothers if i if i do this you can see them both

Isn’t that cute look at him go both doing such different things and look at his little house he was complaining that i was gonna ruin his view but i think secretly i mean you wouldn’t build a window that big unless you wanted to see this come on now okay

So i’ve almost run out of stone already so that’s sort of a problem because i do need to go up like a million blocks should i okay hear me out here what do you think about this plan i make it sort of short to start out with

Right so it’s only this long but eventually when i get the blocks then we then we go back we go back that way and we extend it what do you guys think about that use scaffolding um i don’t have the bamboo yet but i that’s a good idea i should do that

Uh that would be smart what do you guys think about me just doing it sort of basic at first hi knee yeah my knees it’s just gonna be here just sorry you’re making the view a lot better that’s what i think that’s it in my opinion that is the truth

I think yeah i think i should just build it this far and then extend it so like it might look silly from this angle but it looks good for these guys and that’s all that matters right for now anyway um so i also want to make

Some stone bricks and to do that i think i just do this yeah okay fabulous fabulous and then i want to sort of put in like just like just like nestle in sections of the stone brick and then surround it with normal stone maybe a bit of undecide who knows okay

We’re so totally out i need to go mining for stone normally i would do all that off camera because it pains me to think that i have to sit here and and do that as content like i normally do it off camera but obviously there’s a stream so what’s the point in

Doing it off camera i might as well stream it but i’m gonna do it anyway i’m gonna do it i’m gonna do i’m gonna go mining should i build a mine guys how do you build a mine question do i want a ladder down staircase down

Bubble bubble column down like how do i want to go down get silk touch oh that would be smart that would be so smart should we do that should we go get villagers to make this easier what do you think bubble bubble bubble but okay mine or villagers what do you guys think

Is important right now i’m thinking we should go get villages before people kill all the villagers because people people are gonna kill how do i get the villagers back a boat but i live on a hill villagers i see a lot of people saying villages and some people are still saying mine

I think i’m gonna try for the villages so i need it like a what’s the best way to get them back do you think oh no i was thinking about making like a mine cart that could work but no villages before they’ll perish you’re so right you’re so right you’re right they are

Gonna perish they’re gonna perish so i need a boat what else do i need i need like i don’t need to trade with them do i should just bring them back in we can breed them here yes we can breed them here we’re going to be the first one to

Get villagers that’s what we’re going to do where are the villages i think there’s one is there one over that way i think there’s one over that way but it needs to be somewhere i can get back to there’s definitely nothing over that way uh shane thank you so much for

Subscribing hello and welcome thank you so much uh the villager black market is there a black market of villages because i am interested if so i need to get two of them back though how does anyone know you can’t use a lead on villagers guys they’re humans you can’t be doing that

Or they’re not humans they’re villages they’re illegit but you know what a slide but what about when i need to get them up how do i be doing that look at all these blocks i have to go up and down that’s really close i’m nearly dead i nearly just died right now

Make it under oh that’s kind of smart i still have to get them back though oh my gosh it’s so far where are the nearest villages come on maybe if i can find one that doesn’t have a job i can like lead him out with the promise

Of a job well that’s a bit that’s a bit messed up isn’t it sort of like people countries do that it’s not good it’s a trick it’s a trick no i am going to give him a job i am going to give him a job when he gets here

This is just a vanilla server so there’s no um this is too far there’s no um there’s no lead what was the lead that we had on x-life where you could just like trap villagers in it i don’t remember turn it up again oh yeah the lasso the golden lasso that

Was so handy oh what what a marvelous invention oh i’m good could try cure a zombie villager instead that’s true i would need to make a potion so i need to go to the nether go to another fortress get the another walk get the blaze powder to make a potion

I just don’t see that happening either unless i can trade can you trade with a certain type of villager to get potions or no lizzie has said that she’s a slytherin yes guys i am a slytherin i always thought i was a hufflepuff um thank you kitty9 for subscribing or

Kitty neen i don’t really know how to say that um i always thought i was a humble puff i was a proud hufflepuff and then you know i didn’t really take the test though i took the test and i was like i’m only gonna do this once whatever

Result comes out is that what i’m slytherin yeah so now i’m slipping i’m a slither puff i’ll take it um tiffy doll thank you for subscribing it’s that village that looks like a that’s the abandoned village that is the abandoned village that i didn’t want to be at how

Shining bloom thank you for gifting yet another sub that is very kind of you thank you so much um same slytherin sisters for life honestly yes there are a lot of good things about slytherins as well as bad right there’s no villagers here obviously because it’s abandoned so why

Am i even looking i don’t know but i think there is another village just over this hill because i’ve been here before so sad how they’re all abandoned that is really sad guys please don’t ask the gift because you’re basically just asking for somebody to spend money on you

And i don’t know about you but that’s that’s a little bit that’s a little bit weird i don’t know maybe that’s just maybe that’s just me and my culture but i find that really bad so i would i don’t want people to do it in my chat

Oh dear i’ve not found what i was looking for is your pinterest public no it’s not i don’t i i just use it for house stuff really because i’m moving house soon i have i’ve walked so far away and i’ve not found a villager like even though i

Found a villager now there’s no way i’m getting it all the way back home alive let’s be real um yeah i pretty much just just pin house stuff because i love i love home improvement stuff it’s my favorite my favorite oh my god i’m a libra too yes i’m a

Libra slytherin i don’t know what that means like does that mean anything to you guys um peppa517 thank you for subscribing what’s your heart sign what was i even gonna say what’s the word it’s not a horse sign what is it star sign star sign yes that’s the one what’s your star

Lots of aries lots of aries in the chat oh scorpio scorpio’s a good one that’s like right after libra right so i respect that i haven’t got a bed oh i’ve got a bed an ice village maybe can we get an ice village wow so many people so many star signs

And what’s your harry potter house this is important i need to know if you’re all slytherins like me joel is a hufflepuff if you’re wondering he has been tested no blowing up the igloo what was that noise oh it’s probably hitting the shield yes yes get me down here what is what is

Down here is there anything good in the egg lube Uh yes there’s something good in the igloo comfy cheer thank you for subscribing guys there was a villager in the igloo this is just what i needed how am i going to get them out how do i get him out there’s no way how do you think about building a little

Staircase you’ll want to go out like is he gonna naturally try and get up and out because he’s smart or is he a goofy a goofy goober that isn’t gonna try and get out maybe if i just build like yeah i’m just gonna staircase is this a good idea guys save the zombie

Villager there might be potions in the chest no Not an apple though so that’s helpful and i’ll take the other apples i guess Wait guys is that the right potion is it Hahaha now they’ll think i’m really advanced but really i’m not okay question should i try like there’s no point in me using it on this guy right because he’s still really far away so what if i could get two zombie villagers up on the surface

Like i go back to my house and i get the zombie villagers there instead if you like that idea say bueno in the chat so i know that you’re not just saying yes because you’re excited i got a potion and i could have a cauldron too i could have so much

Bueno bueno bueno bueno bueno everybody’s saying okay okay let’s do it then let’s do it we’ve got a master plan wow this is this is this is gonna be easier than i thought oh my gosh speed running queen i got to the nether fest i’m gonna get villagers first

Where was my house again i need to make a compass i really do uh i cannot right now but i really do need to that way and that way a little bit yeah we’re not too far away actually we’re really quite close it’s just over there actually that’s not too far

Still a little bit of an annoying distance to try and cover with a villager but i’m gonna have to ask everyone not to sleep then actually this is oh if i could get them on the ice river if i could get the villager out and on

The ice river we can basically take the ice river home okay i know you guys all said bueno i made you all say bueno but can we just try no bueno for a second i think it’s worth i think it’s worth an attempt if we can get them on the ice river

I think i’ll take the normal villager first can you burn me or kel oh i don’t know i don’t know can you not wait for it to regrow you can you can everyone’s saying no bueno i don’t know if that means they don’t want me to do

It or they do want me to do it she’s going to cure it it won’t burn oh yeah you’re right okay do you know okay okay i thought he turned off for a second there by off i mean turned into a zombie i think it’s gonna be we might be able to get

One or two zombie villager i just don’t want to get all the way back and just like wait around for a zombie villager because that could take forever that could literally take ages right they’re kind of rare spawn but if we already had one villager at

Least i wouldn’t be as sad and lonely oh my gosh buddies just climbed in the window oh my gosh he’s he’s a menace he’s a menace to society he’s knocking everything over he’s coming for my chicken no you get away he climbed in the window at him he’s so comfortable

He hates it here you can’t have my chicken buddy no no get away okay i know he’s so cute he’s so cute but he’s a menace like my door’s shut so now he’s trapped no no please no we stand buddy okay i’m gonna eat the chicken before he can you can’t have it

Whoa whoa my chicken no get away oh my gosh he’s aggressive i have to defend it okay you think he’s cute until he comes after your chicken why are the rocks so quiet that’s not too loud is it i hope we can make it to the surface hmm

I hope this villager can come out too buddy no you can’t you can’t have the chicken i’m gonna move over here no chicken for you i’m having so much fun with this i’m loving this all right that you guys are here with me my cat stole my hard-boiled egg the

Other day lds cry lit why a hard-boiled egg why are cats like that i’m sure he didn’t even enjoy the hard-boiled egg why do they be like that though that’s so cute though okay i think i’m not 100 sure but i think the villager can get out of here so we release him

From his little cage okay and i’m taking the cauldron because this is a work tool he’s off oh my gosh he loves his freedom he knows exactly what to do okay he doesn’t know exactly what to do when i put the cauldron here you like this oh no no no

He’s gone back down he’s gone back down it’s because of the bed oh joel’s died i mean not kev he’s not called joel either i promise he’s died that’s bad he’s become a bloody alchemist well i wasn’t looking this guy all right every time he goes up

I’m gonna block off his path back down you can’t go back down now it’s up for nothing my friend okay we use the cauldron to to lure him out okay it’s not it’s not working he was not very tempted by the cauldron now i’m a little bit worried that the

Snow is gonna make it very difficult for me to transport him right hang on which way do we want to go i think we want to go east that way so we’ll put the boat in his path okay we’re going i think this is the way we just need to find the ice

The ice river what do you know but he’s on the attack and by attack i mean he’s trying to get the food um is this my hall no where was that i’m a little bit lost now you stay there don’t die um what’s that say uh that jill haley

Jalapeno pepper thank you so much for the sub and jupiter thank you for the raid with a 54 view buddy no wow he’s a sneaky little cat he almost got it thank you for the raid thank you so much hello what were you playing was it minecraft i hope it was minecraft it’s

The only good game in the world i think my house is this way jukebraid hello my cat stole hot dogs but they were too salty so i woke up and there were bite marks in it oh no oh my gosh he’s so he’s like a little ninja

Oh yeah yeah what a statement what a statement indeed i know i’ve made a bold statement there okay i think i’m just going to scope out where we actually need to go i think that’s it it could not be that’s not it that’s not where we want

To be we do want to get on this ice river though i believe let me just check yep this was the ravine i almost fell in okay yeah we just want to get on the ice river okay have i lost my villager now come say hi lizzy use the slabs you can

Vote up them i don’t think you can unless they’ve changed it have they changed it in 1.17 because i you didn’t used to be able to boat up a slab okay i’m gonna need people to sleep because i need to protect my villager tonight this is very important his life is sacred

This is the only villager around for miles he’s still fine he’s still okay sleep i’ve got a bed i can sleep protect the villager he’s so important to me make some torches i don’t care if it melts the slow snow i don’t care but global warming’s all over the place

We need to protect this man uh arson is the best well it’s not really though is it but thank you for subscribing uh i’ve got to disagree with you on your point that arson is the best though i do disagree with that unfortunately okay ice river where was it oh my gosh

We just need to get oh my gosh there’s so many hairs floating around because buddy’s been all over the place i’m just gonna give him my chicken because he’s not gonna go away otherwise i was done eating it anyway here you go i’m not chaotic i’m not chaotic

I’m not chaotic i’m trying my best right now to be as cool calm and collected as possible i think if i get up onto here then i can get to the ice river so i will use the the brewing i’m gonna use the brewing stand to entice him because that’s what

He seems to like he seems to sort of be like you know that sort of seems to be what his heart desires as a dream job sort of thing and it is daytime so he should looking for a profession he’s going he’s going look at him go

Oh no no no no no stay stay with me okay oh shoot come get a new job yeah you fool just kidding come over here oh my gosh look at him go look at him go you slapped but why you slapped when i could do this baiting him nope

Okay i think if we can get him up to here i think this will be fine so if i just put the boat here he should fall right into my trap what an idiot i don’t actually want him to have that job though so i have to make sure

Actually it doesn’t matter if we’re just going to breed him and then we’ll we’ll we will save the potion all right we’ll save the potion for some ones that i catch some wild ones some of the wildlings now i see you there polar bear and i don’t want any

Drama i don’t want any pain from you please i just want a peaceful journey through your sovereign territory thank you how much longer do you think you’ll be streaming i don’t know until i get too hot and tired genius thanks for basically raising me oh you’re welcome it was so easy you are

Just such a delight a delightful child whoa i’ve never been so speedy okay we have to be careful here perhaps it’s a little too fast things could go horribly wrong here if i allow them to just kidding life is great everything’s perfect oh just kidding i have speed look at me go maddie’s

House oh my gosh we’re almost there all right oh no can you get out sir sir no sir in the boat in the boat in the boat oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh please come to me the boat’s coming to you go get in it no yeah

Oh okay wait let me get my broom stand hi okay now careful time break the ice that’s a lot of ice to break though okay we got this we’re almost there pretty much i reckon you want me to try use the slabs i’ll try and use the slabs uh joey 365. thank

You for subscribing thank you very much i don’t have a crafting table i can’t i can’t do slaps Do you promise that this is gonna work how much do you promise that this is gonna work i’m making a floating tree but i’m never gonna do it before again i mean you said you’ve done it before have you done it on java minecraft or some other version of minecraft which it

Probably works on but not this version because i i swear i’ve tried this before and it didn’t used to work but he is dangerously close to my power button okay it’s fine he was really he was this close to my pc’s power button um scarlett thank you for subscribing

Why is everyone saying they won’t work 100 won’t work that is no bueno sir i was told i thought this might happen i suspected as much but i was prepared for this so don’t worry i’ll wait get it more get that up here a bit yeah

How am i gonna bake his boat without hitting him yes go on go on my son i mean you’re not really my son psych every time without fail well this is a new much better method than anything i’ve ever used before why is this so big brained i’m not gonna lie

I didn’t come up with this um i think i sort of like got the idea from somebody else it was a slightly different idea but it still works lizzie 300 iq arc i mean i think it’s just that i’ve lately been playing a lot more minecraft and i’ve been watching a

Lot more minecraft too so i’ve been absorbing all the tips like a sponge like a spongebob where’s kev he’s not in his house do you think he lost everything and died and now he does he can’t face his his wife and children at his house again anymore

Do you think that’s what it is i mean probably not right that’d be kind of bizarre come on up can he climb we’ll find out in a moment right when we get in here we need to trap him and remember villagers can use doors nope no you don’t you’re coming with me sir

Come into the house my new house come on house party little house party come on in okay as soon as he’s in i’m just gonna sort of trap him oh geez i’m at blocks okay why are you why are you just staring at it no it’s getting dark okay

Go on go on go on my son now son my nose is so itchy and you’re running away from me and it’s not burnt no i said no i love his cape that’s so cool oh a fellow cape wearer come on then i figured out that if you like talk to

Them they walk up to you so you can like move them around that way now he should be safe if i put a torch in there he would die we have a villager guys i’m so happy this is a shadow cadet cape yes i wear the shadow cadet cape and you can

Too i don’t know how you can copy somebody’s cape but i’m sure there’s a way you can if you have optifine can you build a floating island for the villagers shadow pog mate i don’t even have a house yet look at this this is my house

This is the horse this is me house and this is my horse that i said i was gonna get earlier because it was pretty and it hates me but it really fits the color sort of scheme of what what’s going on and he might despair no do villagers do spawn willy d spawn

No willy why did we want a villager again did we want a librarian for some reason that i’ve forgotten for soap touch oh my gosh you’re so right you’re right there um yeah silk touch we want to touch i remember now of course of course right um Yes looking for some sugar cane but i don’t see any put bed yeah i need a second villager you’re right i’m this is silly i need a second villager should i go and cure the other guy or should i wait for more you know what i should just go cure the other guy

Right should i go kill the other guy villagers don’t despawn if you keep them in quarantine okay i’ve done that go kill him yeah i should go kill him and then bring him back like i did with this villager because that worked really well so sorry you have to watch that all over

Again wait doesn’t it take like five minutes for them to get cured as well don’t know about that chief i guess i guess we got no choice wait i left the brewing stand but will a cauldron work a cauldron kill him what do you mean kill him of

Course i’m not gonna kill him what the heck um will a cauldron work that is a profession right the leather worker uses the cauldron why are you saying no why is everyone saying no everyone’s saying no that doesn’t give me a lot of hope for my predicament i actually enjoyed watching you bring

The villager back i’m so glad a lot of yeses and nose do you have food for breeding them uh no but i can go get some because of my wheat farm i showed you guys at the start of the stream i actually built a wheat farm sleeping cold pog valley wheat farm

You don’t think a cauldron will work i thought it would make a leather worker though does the cauldron have to be full or something is that what it is needs water okay well i have a water bucket so we could do that it’s a little bit inconvenient

But i don’t really want to go back and break into his little tomb and get his brewing stand so i’m just gonna do this right try not to fall in there again silly me the igloo’s somewhere around here oh i should get some water you can make a composter that’s a good

Idea actually that’s a better idea than what i was gonna do so let’s do that genius um oops so i need i think six is fine i think oh no i need more than six boom composter genius thank you collective genius hair being displayed from everybody i’m loving it it’s it’s fabulous

I’ve got just enough food i think to complete this mission and get me home and then we can breed villagers and trade with the villages i hope nobody goes in and like breaks out my villager guy and frees him that would be sad after the amount of time i spent getting him home

Okay so we have to cure i hope i do this right what if it kills him what if the weakness potion kills him am i going to get the advancement hang on a second hang on a ding dang diggity second what if i don’t get the advancement i think i have to

Do i have to do this do i have to do this first before i can get the advancement or can i just can i just get it because i kind of want the achievement because i well i’ve done it once before not a clue should we just see should we just fight

Should we just find out what do you think about that okay so i gotta throw this in there i’m a little scared wait he has a profession he already has a profession he’s not going to be enticed by my composter because he is a like wait what

Is he a cleric he’s a cleric i need to go get the brewing stand it will simply not work without you know he won’t keep it really he will lose the profession oh okay well let’s do it anyway and if he if he still is a cleric then we can always

Yeah we can always change him sorry going back down now okay potion him i hope this doesn’t like sort of splash in your face and hurt you it hit me but that’s fine i’m okay with that oh the gap or the gap yes okay okay okay

Now i may have sort of wasted that just one guy curing one guy but it’s worth it it’s worth it for the for the society i did it now i just got sort of wait collect the stone brick that’s a genius idea i think don’t mind if i do

It’s gonna destroy this whole ah oh my gosh no they’re destroying it no oh my gosh you guys did you do this on purpose hey bestie thank you for subscribing i’m gonna die there this is bad i have a potion of weakness on me what do i do

Please could you say hi to my sister lola she’s 10 and loves you um hi lola hello um help me lola oh no yes stop breaking my stone it’s mine i want it are they is this dangerous should i where can i still hear one should i not be doing this

They’re not gonna hurt my villager are they guys so they’re gonna hurt the villager remember when i said this was a good idea it might have been a bad idea it may have been a very bad idea but at least my village is getting cured he’s just undergoing treatment right now

He’ll be very well soon ready to do whatever it is he does what is he an alchemist right ready to cleric once again very soon i’m sure okay do not remove the stuff around him because i don’t want him attacking me there oh yes so many stone bricks for my new construction project

Perfect this is gonna save me a ton of money that was almost a whole stack what’s the villager’s name he doesn’t have one i’m not gonna lie to you he doesn’t have one um maybe he should have one maybe it’s cruel to not give him a name

And we’re not naming him jeremy okay i’ve had enough of that name it is i’ve just had enough of it okay i’m sorry if your name is jeremy but my husband has a particular pawn champ for that name and uh i just can’t i can’t be hearing that name anymore

As i’m sure some of you are aware if you watch his videos jeremy no he’s not he’s gonna be called jeremy isn’t he i’m just gonna tell him jeremy for now like as a placeholder but to be to be decided later we can always change it later

Alberto oh i like that name that is very like villager trapped in a dungeon oh wait what’s the guy from the vampire diaries that was like trapped for years um enzo oh i’ve made a mistake oh i’ve made a terrible mistake i’ve made a mistake okay it’s fine don’t hurt yourself i’m sorry

I was trying to be so careful and then i just wasn’t yay You’re right he did lose his profession come on up come on up we go we’ve got a job for you up here on the surface look at it come on excuse me Yes i’m kind of a pro oh that’s what i meant to say anyway pro not poor damn come on home name him klaus oh i like that name he’s coming klaus is coming your name is yeah your name is klaus i’ve decided class with a cl class with a k

Wilson oh i don’t know about wilson oh it’s a bit too far away no he’s coming he spotted that he can sniff out a job from miles away this guy you should name one jam and jelly because oh my gosh you’re right everything should be biscuit themed sorry all the other name suggestions

Which were amazing also but i mean it has to be biscuit themed every animal name has to be biscuit themed from now on it has been decided oh every animal every human whatever it has to be it has to be biscuit themed it just can’t not what’s it looks like a biscuit

Name that sort of sounds like a guy’s name rich t because like he could be called richard popeyes what’s popeye’s how’s that bobbin dodger hmm dodger’s a good name richie ritchie the rich t let’s get you down to the ice river oh actually way to go oh my gosh he was

Blending in that was scary scary moment there where i thought he’d gone forever to the polar bear let’s get you in the boat okay rich let’s go rich crumpet bobbin l l gray yeah what’s that got to do the biscuit biscoff rudolph baked potato i don’t know if you’re quite wait guys

In england biscuits are like cookies we’ve had it we’ve had a serious sort of issue here a misc you know a mistranslation got an issue with translation here in the uk wait hang on this is important guys in the uk this is a biscuit okay these are biscuits

I don’t know what you call them not that get these out of here they’re not biscuits these things these are all biscuits this especially that’s biscuit heaven right there yeah maybe i should have clarified that a little bit earlier on but i didn’t realize there’d be such a miscommunication

This is a biscuit so that’s what we’re working with guys they need to biscuit themed names so like along those along those lines and all of us all the biscuit boys we’re all gonna choose what our favorite or rather that we’re all gonna choose a biscuit to identify with

Okay and i’ve chosen a custard cream i’ll show you a custard cream everybody likes custard creams nobody i mean it might be do any of you guys not like coaster creams okay these are custard creams there i don’t know how to describe it other than um sort of like a biscuit sandwich

With like a like a custardy inside sort of thing on the inside these are homemade ones that’s a bit extreme um yeah if you’ve never had a custard cream before um i seriously recommend it i don’t know if you oh it’s really dark i don’t know if you guys have like an

International supermarket no oh oh no the worst thing has happened oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that was nearly a disaster oh help oh my god oh my god it’s an emergency it’s an emergency i think i’ve just lost five years off my life

What if the zombie gets him sleep help please for what’s his name for richie richie needs a sleep it’s important it’s an emergency oh my gosh i’m allergic there’s a zombie i know there’s i know there’s a zombie Who’s not in bed who is not sleeping you’re gonna kill richie okay they they didn’t kill richie okay there’s a lot a lot of buttons here sorry you’d think after like 10 years of making minecraft videos i’d sort of like know what i was doing but like i don’t how does that happen

That was really close that was almost a disaster oh my goodness the ice it was the ice i slid on the ice okay go to the composter you know what to do richie yes very good richie very good now i promise i’ll be a little bit more careful now geez

Okay we’re just gonna that was where we fell before we’re not gonna do that again now the thing about richie is he might be a little bit weak after that after that so we have to be careful careful oh my gosh you guys look at that i’m gonna have villages drive safe

I’m trying my best i don’t want to anger him either by like hitting him oh my gosh look at me go we’re gonna have villagers come and see the compost bin very advanced so advanced look at this i’ve got a whole system and i’m not gonna help anyone else with

The same thing because i’m never doing this ever again where’d he go richie oh there he is yep he got the scent he could smell the compost bin we’ll name the other one jamie dodger i like that this one’s richie like a rich tea biscuit which is my favorite biscuit by the way

And the other one can be jeremy dodger although maybe we should call this one jeremy dodger because he sort of dodged death where is he he lost his sense of smell richie mate oh he was coming he was coming i did i doubted him and i shouldn’t have

Mary for maryland oh my gosh yes we need a lady villager guys question are there any lady villagers like in the canon is this supposed to be either gender or are all villages male how do they breed i mean clearly it’s not the same as humans i don’t know about you but like

Three pieces of bread does not make a baby make you think you thought you were gonna do some composting no you’re here to work for me up here up here richie up here i love it i love how he’s so smart he’s so smart he knows exactly where to go guys question

You know how there was some silverfish there and that was scary um if i were to get the silverfish eggs the bark with silk touch could i then put it in somebody’s house can i still touch the silverfish block is that something i can do you know

No reason i’m asking just for research purposes come on up come on you can do it richie i know you can you can get to that compost bin i believed in you for a second there but you’re really letting me there you go there you go okay and now no you’re stinging

Right no that’s not that’s not that’s not why we wanted you richie no you silly boy there we go get in go on get in there right okay let’s put a touch we have two villagers we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done it lizzy one name one paul baggett paul baguette

What’s that got to do with biscuits any sweet biscuits you see biscuit related also i need a name tag i don’t have a name tag yet one of them is shammy dodger and one of them is i forgotten his other name but they have names um

Yeah i wanted the silk touch that was what i wanted so we need a librarian villager so we need a library book i didn’t see any sugarcane while i was down there but maybe i left some in my chest guys i’m gonna go to my farm

I’m gonna go farm it okay you guys stay safe do not die i will cry if you die and literally tears will come from my eyes if you die and i won’t be able to stop them because i’ll be heartbroken i’m going to get my stuff from my wheat farm that i

Showed you guys earlier jeremy dodger is 100 non-binary i’m richie’s and richie is bi how do you know these things did they tell you they didn’t tell me i can’t believe they wouldn’t tell me and i’m like so close with them lizzy go get bread yes yes go get the

Bread i’m getting the bread yes this is the this is a bit earlier that ollie was talking about that he was really upset that i’d built it because it looked better than his bit and i just think you know honestly i’d be upset too but

I was just trying to do a good thing i’m trying to do a nice thing but at least he likes the path oh here’s my path here it is here’s my path he likes my path this is my little path oh my gosh it’s so cute this is cute no wonder he was

Feeling insecure this is adorable ginger nuts is a good name ginger ginger’s a good name for a biscuit themed person don’t know about nuts also ollie didn’t check the secret waterfall then wow i thought i knew him i guess i was wrong okay we have lots of leather so i’ll

Need that oh we have sugar cane too perfect oh and i have a saddle guys i can get a horse wow um there was a lot more stuff in here than i remember this is great great things came from this chest i don’t even need to farm the wheat

Field really because i have tons of stuff oh he’s not over there is he in his dock no he’s probably building his mansion actually let’s see if we can swing by on our way back which horse shall i get or maybe i should tame all the horses

And then pick which one’s my favorite slash the fastest how do you how do you measure if it’s fast do you literally just have to run with it and see how fast it is because i’m not a very good measure of speed okay ollie said he lived somewhere over here

But he could he could be wrong he’s been known to be wrong before oh no he was living in the mountain i remember now yeah he’s not wrong he’s not wrong lava cake what’s lava cake oh it sounds good like a hot cake i really want a warm chocolate fudge

Cake with some cold ice cream wouldn’t that be perfect right now in this heat probably not because of the okay it’s fine it’s fine okay i think this is the mountain where he lives this is kind of far away oh that looks like civilization is he up here somewhere no

Juicy saying ollie i’m also saying olly oh should i climb all the way up to the top do you think he lives on the top does he live on the top that kind of seems like something olly would do isn’t it live on the top of a mountain like

Miss dr evil or something he has got very dr evil energy about him just like jeff bezos i hope this isn’t his official entrance it’s horribly annoying is this the best way just burn all his house down problem solved i don’t know i don’t think you want ollie as an enemy he really

Wouldn’t hold back trust me trust me the man has no what’s the word what’s the thing that holds you back i don’t even know he’s not here oh wait this is oh metropolis it’s a wall he’s got loads of stuff though so good on him i say but i wouldn’t exactly call

It a metropolis restraint oh my gosh thank you that is the word thank you for the word i’ve actually moved on but i appreciate that you uh still let me know anyway ramos also ramos also doesn’t have any mars okay i think this is safe if i just heat down like this

If not i know at least where i died and i’ll sue him for like unsafe conditions so many synonyms there really are you spelt metropolis wrong i mean at this point is what i was expecting do another lawsuit oh yeah i could represent myself in court we don’t

Really have we don’t really have a courthouse here yet on the server because most importantly we don’t really have a law um there is no um civilization sort of just starting out i would say wait where’s my house again i wonder what everyone’s doing i think i’m gonna stay live for like

Another half hour or another hour i don’t know how much i’m going to get done in that time i do want to breed my villagers i’m back now oh hello no what are they doing creep up what are you doing behind the rock get behind the scenes oh yeah i was

Just at your house you’re so well sorry oh yeah i was just just at your asmr lovely should i say your metropolis my trolley piss turns out you secretly you’re excited about the view of my house from your house i’m yeah that’s the only reason it’s entirely glass

I’m so excited we’re making a little village i actually don’t have a spare bed i don’t have a bed i’ve got beds up there i’m off up i’m gonna are they taken by the villagers no the villagers don’t have beds yet okay okay all right what what i’m in who’s not in um

In you’re right oh my gosh oh what’s going on who’s that get in the bed get in bed you crazy guy crazy guy oh he’s left he’s locked out oh what a crazy guy okay so what’s happening at yours then lizzy oh yeah so i’ve been sort of

Experimenting with villagers as you oh hello as you can see i’ve um you know i’ve done some great things for humanity i’ve cured zombieism i saw her in chat you’re very impressive the zombie doctor they called you yeah i’ve cured it oh oh yeah but now you’ve trapped the

Non-zombies in a hole which is uh yeah just for their safety at the moment while i um secure the area oh you’re keeping a quarantine i respect that yeah wait you’re making that noise i see you in the villager i also have a saddle so i can have a

Horse now are you going to tame that horse right there pick one i was thinking about this great one yeah yeah he’s fun he’s a bit of a dapple let’s see how fast he is oh do you not remember in x-life when we did the horse race and yeah i just

Thought it was kind of a slow horse oh it was jimmy jimmy had a really slow horse and he like didn’t finish the race until like they had a different experience i mean i do recall but i thought people just fell in the hole can you tell before taming or is it no

This one seems fat pretty fast does anyone else have a saddle because i’d like to race horses i would like a saddle anyway if you have a spare no i don’t you have to can you craft them do you have to find it no you have to find

Them i think i fished it up by the river oh that’s a good idea we can share the stables exactly this is our little village now that’s such a good idea and the mountain watch is over from affair for now i’ll just keep it trapped next to my villages

How easy is it to kill enderman there’s a good way to kill them if you put it in a boat then you can kill it quite easily right that doesn’t seem that easy because you got to put it in a boat no it’s easy it’s easy wait wait there wait oh geez

Please oh geez all right i’ve got in the boat okay it’s fine whoa this mouse stole my eye vendor me oh i did it’s ending in the pearl god it’s still screaming yeah are you um are you planning to go to the end theo oh that’s not my hospital if you do i’ll

Come with i want elytra it’s very important to my mountain plans oh yeah we all need to go to the end and kill the ender dragon soon yeah episode three girl killing the enemy driver sunday night sunday night planned there we go sunday night andrade and get all our elite and then ollie

Immediately dies after getting the elytra because he flies into a wall or something i literally was the one that helped in kingdom craft with the elixir and the illiterate god dude didn’t you like fly into a wall a lot though didn’t i like get into california oh no yeah

You’re right you did but then also you died in the villain space like three times i don’t remember right excuse me now i must go play with my villagers all right i need to go to the nether oh meryl you’re going to the nether house oh my goodness okay i have a i

Have a giant disgusting house at the minute it’s a little bit embarrassing what time will you stream on sunday i’m gonna say streaming at um starting at 7 p.m bst probably and i will probably go for like two or three hours depends how long it takes to

Kind of um kill the old ender dragoon right i have stuff have stopped i have stuff i can plant i can plant my sugarcane uh hopefully nobody steals it because i’ll be really sad uh we need to grow a little bit more let’s just plant enough

I just want to make oh that’s silly that’s not gonna work let’s plant some but then i want to leave enough to make a couple of books do we just want librarians or do we need something else yeah let’s just make oh no this should be fine i think you can

Make a lectern oh do you need a bookshelf for a lectern or a book oh i can look it up what am i talking about no i need a table i need a table to look it up i can’t believe i don’t have a house yet wait where’s that

Why is it not coming up what do you mean you can’t craft one what you need slabs yeah but why is the recipe not coming up press on the compass am i spelling it wrong no it’s not any of these i’m really confused i’m really digging dangly confused maybe

I need maybe i need to like discover it try and make a bookshelf first oh maybe you have to unlock the recipe that’s why it says recipe unlocked i made a bookshelf okay now can you tell me how to what have i done will you tell me to

Make a lectern now i didn’t know i didn’t know that it was gatekeeping recipes like that excuse me okay we have a couple of okay we’ve got enough ah yes very good very good now i i really don’t need this brewery guy i don’t know how to do this

Okay uh let’s get rid of your brewing stand you don’t need it trust me he can get out if he were to climb on his lectern um is there a way that i can get in but they can’t how would i go about doing that i don’t know let’s just get in there

Okay so he is now a librarian good let’s let’s open it up so they both can access each other there you go you can access each other now um i need okay i’ve got an idea this is a little bit funky but i have an idea for how i can get in

And out and they can’t and now this is this is this is one of my you know one of those ideas i don’t know i already know it’s a silly idea but i’m doing it anyway Okay so we go such a such a good system why would you not do it that way why would you do it any other way when that works so well it’s a cat flap it is kind of like a cat flap it’s a lizzy flap

For me to enter an exit but not them okay let’s make some beds we need some beds okay beds bits oh somebody left a bed here silly silly of them this is my bed though i need to save this one as mine then we have a little bit of wool to make a

Couple more beds and we’re gonna have some villager rooney’s okay let’s just make the beds four beds and we’ve got yeah these they’re gonna make babies they’re gonna do it oh look they’re already like sort of halfway there let’s just i’m just gonna put them in like random places

There’s no rhyme or reason to it uh and then if i if i make some bread wait kind of sounded like they already made one but it was just a high-pitched humph callum oh is callum here what is sheepycat saying hello hello callum you should see what i have

Achieved on this server already well you’ve not been here um i don’t have a house but i’ve got villages a cured one of zombieism i’ve done great things for humanity are you gonna climb out you wouldn’t dare you wouldn’t i think he would dare you know

Okay can we can we spread out can we can we divide the bread amongst ourselves please evenly okay it’s very rude that you would grab it all for yourself mr cleric i don’t know who got the bread there they’re not making babies i think the cleric might be an olive bread

You stay back this is for you and you only okay he got some bread he definitely got some bread he might not breed right now maybe he needs the sun down wait i should keep those maybe he needs the sun to go down i don’t know but hopefully he’ll make some babies

Very soon close up the roof yep you’re right you are right i also want to give him a profession i want to make them and get a good book oh wait the one i already cured will he have good trades anyway because i cured him there’s not enough room oh

I didn’t realize that tall roofs were a necessity for villager breeding but you know if they wish i will command it or rather i’ve not really done that right but you know what i mean their wish is my command is that safe i think this is safe they can come out here

They’re sleeping do they really need it to be three high i thought you needed dolls i think you used to need dolls but not anymore um yolo froyo thank you for the seven month three slub okay everyone’s sleeping i will also sleep in my creepy villager dan

Are they all sleeping yet should i go now or is it not time yet there’s a horse in here now the picky villagers yeah they’re so picky they have a picky bicky aren’t you okay so my question is this this guy will he have better trades let’s see

That looks like it’s already discounted and i think that is because i cured him huh so maybe we should yes okay maybe we should actually yeah actually yeah maybe we should make him the farmer villager and then we can get like loads of emeralds from him if we get loads of wheat

Make it wheat yeah you’re right we should make it wheat and like pumpkins and melons and things but the other guy i don’t care how much it costs to do like a silk touch or a mending okay i mean that’s a pretty significant discount it’s not perfect but it’s

Pretty good should we do that if you guys think yes say yes or should i try and let’s see if we can get it any lower 16 no i’m haggling i’m haggling with him okay i’ll give you a job but only if you give me a good price nope that’s worse

If we cure him again then he’ll get even cheaper okay i think 14 is the best we’re gonna do so shall we do it should we lock it in i’m gonna do it i’ve done it i’ve done it i’ve only gone and done it um now what now yeah wait

What’s your trade sir It’s like covered in cobble oh yeah i see it be careful though i will be careful can i sleep in this bed to set it as my respawn point so i’ll get back to you yeah go for it oh thanks all right i’ll see you in a

Bit do you want to go for another uh yes please some soul sand yeah i’ll bring you a bit back all right see you in a bit thank you uh yeah he’s gonna die so many times right i just need silk touch i don’t have enough

I don’t have enough emeralds to buy it if you get a fletcher and cure him he’ll trade a couple stew yes what do i need gold for nether gold for nether you need gold yeah i’ve got double take this oh what what do i wear another red carpet

They attack me no apparently there are some piglet brutes that will attack you anyway oh here’s a chest plate it’s almost dead but okay i just had it in my chair um you know i’ve tried to distract them with gold before and sometimes it works

But i don’t know if it works on the brutes oh my god i’ll they put it away i’m just putting on my gold chestplate sorry i just fell out sorry it all comes out when i take off the shirt anyways i’ll be on okay beds bounce yeah that’s what i found out earlier

It’s cool how are you just finding this out that’s one of those things did you figure out your orange wall conundrum um yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna make the middle of the pickaxe out of glow shrooms oh that’s a cute idea so then you look over and it will be like glowing

That is cool i like that view i’ve got a view now i’m sorry that your view is so hideous right now i’m waiting to see what you’re doing i’m sure it’ll be fantastic um because you have a hell of a lot of hours in this game

So if it’s not i’ll be i’ll be shocked yeah should better be good um i just gotta warn you apparently people are saying that piglet brutes do not get distracted by gold so okay um that’s fine i’ll use ollie’s bait okay yeah you do that yeah good good luck see ya

How sorry i meant sticks if you cure a fletcher they’ll give you emeralds for a couple sticks oh oops maybe i should have done a fletcher instead villagers won’t breed when they have jobs no that’s not true is it i don’t think that’s true i refuse to believe it

Because i’m in trouble if that is true wait they’re already bred though i think you are mistaken okay library man come here eat those take them yes cool no not you yeah maybe they’ll breed wait they didn’t breed before they haven’t made any babies is it because there aren’t enough beds

No there are enough beds go on guys where are they breeding my horse ran away my horse ran away knew right my horse ran away he did indeed where is he wait no no i reckon somebody took my house i don’t think my horse ran away

Oh no he did he did run away i thought i thought that was a theft a horse theft what’s the word for i was not flying okay i thought it died for a second then oh my gosh you scared me don’t get out like that you’re really scaring me I’m out of wheat now already have i used it all and have they not done any breeding guys love mode please do they need doors i think they eat carrots they definitely eat breads bread need more beds more beds more beds okay more beds come on horse

Hopefully we don’t get kicked from the server while i find my beds i thought it was going to kick me again i think theo might have killed all of you oh no they might have been sharing the sheep would he kill the sheep that would be psycho

Has he been killing the sheep after he’s been anyone that was watching theo’s stream earlier when he was looking for sheep was he killing the sheep or sharing the sheep because there’s a suspicious shortage of sheep around here wow i know i killed i love the changes

You made to your hair by the way i got a lurk now but have a great rest of stream less than three thanks bee thank you so much um enjoy lurking happy lurking get some get some tips for how to uh play when you get on here yourself

Obviously you’re not gonna be as good as me but drive by sharing yeah okay we’re gonna make so many beds they’re not gonna know what hit them you killed all the sheep i know i killed a lot of the sheep i am aware of that but what was theo doing i think they

Need a door they used to need a dog i swear they don’t need a door anymore because on my empire’s smp videos i was breeding the villagers and there were no doors he was sharing them okay that’s good hmm but why then now they’re not breeding are they not happy in their environment

Oh the sheep have regrown i can make loads more beds i just thought that i thought they needed a bed each maybe the space is too small use other foods i swear i swear that bread should work and by the way guys do you think this is

A fast horse or a slow horse what are we feeling i’m thinking about calling him what’s up i have bread many villagers and you just need to block them completely in for 20 minutes you only need three beds 20 minutes that’s a long time are you telling me they don’t

Immediately breed when given the opportunity because i would i mean i wouldn’t what am i talking about slow fast medium okay wait you’re saying slow oh man i’ve got a dud i can just swap him out i don’t care about him that much but it seems kind of sad to get rid of

Him i’m not gonna name him yet then just in case it’s pretty fast oh now people are saying he’s fast well i don’t know what to believe anymore can he jump high though that’s the question just about just about he couldn’t really jump very high at all to be honest okay baby

Yes i will make more beds though because i do want more villages i love you guys you’re gonna be the secret to my success um so you know stay alive while i go Getting there i’m gonna go oh my gosh she scared me i’m gonna harvest some wheat from my field i should really start a new wheat field that’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna harvest the wheat and then replant it but then i’m going to bring the extra seeds back here and i’m just

Going to do a huge wheat field here i think or maybe over there what do you guys what do you guys think i should do the wheat field to the west or to the east put your boots in now i don’t have a bed i’m going to have to log out

Oh no wait i’ll make a bed just in case they want to sleep i’m all for it i’m prepared i’m available there west i see a lot of people saying west okay i did i did that’s mine i want it back i think he’s destroyed my sugarcane thank you

That was literally all my sugar came too oh dear oh yeah thank you guys whoever whoever that was that informed him that he was stealing from me i’m glad i’m so glad that you did that should i have been sleeping then no organically grown by me he tried to eat it

I’m a bit worried about this man no no you can’t never been able to he tries to eat sugarcane i am i don’t even know what to say about that to be honest that’s one of the most shocking things i’ve ever heard it’s in my chest well yeah obviously because you couldn’t

Eat it i don’t think he knows what to do with it if he tried to eat it i’m really concerned what is this man doing that’s concerning kev it really is there is a pole there’s a pole oh oh oh okay i’m gonna vote west just to go

Along with the majority because that’s clearly what everyone else wants so i’m going back too i’m so glad i planted this Farm what is this the exist reality thank you so much for subscribing what a freaky name like in a good way i like things that are freaky they make you think you know like what does that mean what is that name what is the meaning behind it you may never know

Unless you tell us tell us the meaning if you want you know you don’t have to is your official account at ldl85 on tick tock yeah i’ve made like one tick tock but guys really seriously i do not do tick tock and i i’m not going to do tick-tock i

Have no interest i don’t know what to do i like watching tiktok i don’t like making the tiktok i have nothing funny to add to the tiktok scene it’s my first time seeing you live well welcome thank you for stopping by the caribbean thing to do is eat

Sugarcane oh yeah you can eat sugar cane i mean you can but it’s very very sweet oh i keep ruining my own farm it’s very sweet from remember [Applause] and you can get like liquid sugar cane too right [Applause] my guinea pig oh my guinea pig just

Passed away in my arms i’m so sorry to hear that on a singleton oh i’m really sorry [Applause] at least it was with you for its last moment [Applause] oh oh geez oh it’s not here who’s birthday is it somebody’s birthday i had no idea on twitch yeah i’ve been

Streaming on twitch like i don’t stream often but i just have a stream and i feel like it and right now i feel like it because it’s just too hot to do anything else i can’t even move it’s so hot this is so much weak guys i’m gonna be rolling it

Look at me go i’m thinking maybe i should have done the fletcher instead but it’s too late now we got the wheat boy it is hot even though it’s like half past 10 at night here it is really hot in england still or in my room at least i don’t know what

The temperature is like outside get a new oh got a new doggo i now just try to get her to tag along with our cats i’ve seen i’ve seen dogs that are raised with cats that think they’re cats so they sit on the furniture and they’ll like climb up on on top of

Things because they think they’re cats i think that’s so cute oh this is the worst job in the world hey this is horrible i don’t i don’t like this nobody likes this okay it is done it is done i like this why i only have four emeralds i need

About 18 20 depending on how good of a trade i get from this guy and i’m gonna need to retrieve my sugarcane from kev because i need to i need to build my oops what was that what is that i need to build

Oh i need to i need to i need a book to make the trade with the villager and he has stolen all my sugar cane and not kept it planted so it’s not growing right now which is mildly inconvenient however given the fact that he tried to eat the

Sugarcane that’s amusing enough to let me let it slide to be honest where i am right now is really hot it feels like it’s just hot everywhere everyone is just complaining about the heat right now how’s mary doing mary’s good mary’s not enjoying the heat but she’s she’s fine she’s good with it

Um lizzie can you say hi grace well hi grace the villager might have reset trades it definitely will have unfortunately it’s what i’m realizing now and you have reminded me of that fact okay i have an idea and then i’ll leave it in the chest it’s all sand you can have

Lots of soul sand hey yeah i just left you a sign lizzie it’s ollie your friend i brought you soul sand thank you so much you were you survived that well yeah i did i was it looked like you two were like plotting something when i left you up there back

No i was just letting him know that piglet brutes attack you even if you have gold connor on uh yeah you know he did warn me that oh he did okay surprised he told me of that actually that’s kind of surprised too that’s not

What he told me he was gonna do cpk is here and he’s he’s angry oh he is online i don’t even know what’s that where is he oh no he spawned here and that he was he he was here and now he’s gone how’s he going where’s he gone where have you gone

Do you go into the nether is he gonna be speed running he’s speed running the nether he’s speed running to the end hey it’s kev hello hello kev hello hello i’m glad my house has become a meeting place because it’s just such a glamorous location i kind of figured liz uh

Maddie’s would be the little like hurt on the hill starter yeah he’s hiding in the grass i can see him where i heard a fox screech earlier you guys heard that before uh i heard it on your screen it’s horrible it is get him big man it’s time to die after

What you did to me no don’t kill him oh okay i’ll hook him back i’ll hook him back wait i’m going to try and tame him i got him i’m going to try trade with him hold on can’t tame him it’s not working why is he not getting hooked

On him he’s on him look he’s on it how did he get a piece of gold from the tree what just happened what oh my god trade with him oh he’s not piglin olly i think you have hooked him i don’t know what to do with that you cocked his head

Is that right do you think it’s all right can you hear us do you have sound yeah press v i don’t have x i think he’s an animal what’s his skin it’s cute i think for a yellow yellow yeah oh it is a yak on the back yeah it’s a loser’s team

Why do you not communicate oh caps look it’s capslock hi hi i think it’s captain by default right i thought you have to set up his mic and thing first it might not be his default sorry i think i’m thingy i’m not going to let him do it because he’ll take my things

And they’re my things do you want to see my chest i’m going to give him where’d he go i’m going to give him some bread and then i’m going to go back to my house go back to the chest plate back no it’s okay thanks

He’s done me for half my health i’m off ollie’s being bullied i don’t really know what’s going on um cpk is the silent stalker of the server he’s just here but just silent guys my house is so ugly but soon what’s exclamation mark claim what is that what are you guys doing

What is that what do you what do you think you guys are doing there’s no there’s no commands there’s no claim what do you think you’re claiming what do you think it is what do you think it is i guarantee you that’s nothing okay what

Was i doing okay i was making a farm i’m making a farm i need a hoe i need a hot should i make an iron high or is that kind of wasteful no i’m gonna make the iron home because i’m doing a lot of hoeing and i also my idea before i got

Distracted earlier my idea was to do a little path running through the middle of the farm so that people could like run through it so i’m not completely just like blocking off the area so let’s see kev’s path ends there maybe i could do a path like up here

And then it could go through the middle of the farm what do you guys think okay stop saying claim it literally doesn’t do anything guys i don’t know what you want from me i don’t know what you think is going to happen but i guarantee you it’s nothing

Wait i’m gonna do yeah i’m gonna do this three shovels should be enough for this path i’m just gonna what are they doing over there causing a causing a ruckus poorly’s been attacked attacked today yeah i’m gonna actually i have some i i i swear if you keep typing claim

There’s gonna be problems i actually don’t know what to do with you i’m gonna start it here see it’s yours i think we should sleep sleep time to sleep i’m gonna wait till some other people are in bed and i’m gonna sleep so this is gonna be like the path

I’m not fully doing it in even though i’ve made all these shovels for no reason but i want it to be like three ish wide yeah you should go this way like this so many endermen oh my gosh get them away lizzy that was a really spooky noise

There’s a weird sound lizzie i think it’s an enderman no it wasn’t it sounded like something was being hit like a drum being here alec yeah what he’s like go on let’s have a look what are you talking about no it’s gone it’s gone i think it ended

I think something died on the ground oh it’s probably just like a glow squid or something is this hard earth or what what is this this is a path path block it’s like an actual craft uh no you just you just you just use a spade here you

Go use a spade on the ground and it makes a path block but don’t go crazy with it because i’m making a path here i want to find a place it should go there there you go and also this is how you kill an enderman like this okay next to boat like this

Oh oh he’s not got in the boat i think your chat likes you again oh no oh that’s mad i’ll pile in boys oh oh um if you jump it’s gonna crit yeah that’s how you do it you’re not killing theo endyman theo you have to right click it please

Stop oh my god i have ending can we sleep can we sleep uh i mean i’m gonna go off and see what callum’s doing okay i’ll see you guys in a bit i mean i’m logging out okay okay see ya plea please sleep oh yeah i’ll

Head home actually have you got bed up there yeah okay i’ll go to that am i gonna be attacked right now you’ll be all right struggling in this hill okay i am in the bed okay good good good good good very good now where was i oh yeah i

Was doing my wheat field i gotta do that i where’s kev i want my blooming oh my oh my sugar came back you it’s in here i can’t believe you’ve pilfered it all 28 pieces just as i left them thank you very much no problem what do i need for for

Wheat and bread what do i plant i have a hope there you go have some seeds oh thank you you can get more by breaking the grass okay the yeah and you need a water block within four blocks of the seed horizontally okay like your sugar cane which was around

The little no different from the sugar cane so if i go like this i hurry this then i go there you go you’re in a seedy place now oh my god the farm begins i can’t believe i’ve had to just describe farming to him honestly i think

That’s the first time in a while that i’ve played with anyone that knew um would you extreme stardew valley or wow sometimes maybe okay let’s do one space and then one two three four and then we’ll do water here and then here we shall hold the ground with my iron hoe perfect

Now let’s get this growing this is going to look insane there’s going to be so much wheat here and that might be i might just do this and then when i’m done i might end stream because it is getting a bit late um and i did tell everyone i would play

That new game with them today and i sort of i thought i just got really into this instead which i feel really bad about i’m gonna take off the shield i really don’t need it right now but this is gonna look so cool with the path going through it and everything i

Think it’s gonna look beautiful ah sorry sorry sorry sorry i don’t really know what color to do the path though i might just do a basic path get some touch first please um i think i want to do that next stream just because i want to try and get the

Best price for it and that might take a while and also i have to get silk touch again and i lost it probably the villager probably changed his trades because it was like 30 minutes ago that i got the silk touch trade so i’m gonna do that next time the

History i’m gonna do i just wanted to say i’ve been watching you since first or second grade and i’m so happy that i finally had the ability to give back to you after all the amazing times you’ve given to me keep doing what you’re doing

Less than 33. oh thank you so much ben whalen for the bits and yeah thank you so much for just watching the videos honestly that means a lot as well it’s not just about it’s not just about the bits it’s about the watching okay i need some more water

I’ve been doing youtube for a long time and i did not think people would ever want to watch my videos when i first start i’ve done all kinds of youtube videos i started off with like vlogging sort of videos when i was really young or like challenge you know

How everyone did challenge videos like what’s not actually it wasn’t the what’s in my bag challenge i never did that because i didn’t carry a bag but like little challenges like that i used to do that that’s i thought this could be it i’m so glad that i started gaming and i

Did my gaming channel and people people love it people watch it i’m so happy you guys actually enjoy my content it means a lot it means a lot to me and thank you for sticking with it for so long as well i am well sweaty though right now so i

Understand if that you know if you want to leave forever because of this how is there a grass one of you has salt touch what the heck is it theo and never mind enderman of course it was sentiment it was an enderman i’m an idiot okay yeah that makes a lot of sense

Actually now that you’ve said that that’s a really good way to get a grass block if you’re like really desperate for one wow genius i can’t believe i didn’t think of this genius okay this is a little this needs to come out a little further i think actually and then yes

How does that look now oh i love it oh sorry that is bright i like that that is glowy very strange what it looks like at night as well what’s behind it is that but not basalt deepsea yeah did you know if you get like silk touch you can like

Silk touch some deep slate or blocks and then you could like decorate it with with like a little bit of like i don’t know like diamond or or like red i didn’t realize you could like hey when you get a horse you should name it snickerdoodle you can call it snicker

For short also if you get an axolotl you should name it strawberry drop love the contents less than three it looks good now yeah it does look good that’s very good well done thank you very much i needed an opinion the thing is your path did you build the

Path over towards the dock uh yeah you have a knack for paths thank you i’ve been working on my pack i like how it went through the uh the forest that was a good shout out thanks wow so many somebody recognized my path in greatness that feels good man uh yeah

His this pickaxe looks really cool um thank you for the bits by the way i totally like uh he was talking so i i forgot um julia thank you so much for the bits when you get a horse you should name it snickerdoodle oh that’s a good

Idea because the snickerdoodle is a sort of like biscuity thing isn’t it also you get an actual usual name it’s strawberry drop i like that too what’s the strawberry drop though i’ve never heard of that i just like the sound of it i don’t know what it is

But you had me at strawberry you pretty much sold me on it there i kind of like doing stuff off camera sometimes to be honest like stuff like this it’s kind of therapeutic to just get it done it feels weird to have to do it on stream um oops

If you see this say hello nick hello nick name a slime called green apple hang on are we getting into sweeties here because a sweetie is not a biscuit oh well we might be sort of running low on seeds here my cd supply is running low and also did you know

That you can cover up i’m gonna do the thing on both sides i think by the way but for now i might just do the right hand side you can cover up these holes as long as you leave it waterlogged this should be fine so now i’m not gonna fall isn’t that great

Is strawberry drop a biscuit i don’t know isn’t it i don’t know four hours huh oh yeah we’re at the four hour mark wow i’m very dedicated to this this here farm as you can see put torches on the slabs i think what i’m gonna do is put lanterns on the slabs

Maybe i could even put like a little no i’m gonna put a lantern on the slab yeah but um i don’t have lanterns right now so i can’t do that claire bear thank you for subscribing but that is a good idea strawberry drops are soft gummy candy or hard candy

I just wanted to once again thank you for everything you’ve done for me i’ve had a really hard past few months and the only thing keeping me going each day is watching editing and chatting to my friends i’ve met through you thank you so much less than three ah erin that’s really sweet

Um i’m so glad i’m so glad that i can sort of make a positive impact on your day uh or your months even and that means a lot and also i’m so glad that you made friends through the community i absolutely love to hear that people are

Uh and i think i remember when i met you at um vidcon i think you were there with like someone that you’d met through the shadow cadet community so that’s that’s really cool that’s really cute to see i love that that’s very wholesome i’m so glad

Um but guys just just just because i have to because i you know just to be careful be careful who you talk to online i know it can be really good thing to make friends online but make sure that you trust them even if they are in this community or they say

They’re in this community people yeah people good people people online are scary some people are bad people and you sometimes it’s not immediately obvious you don’t find out until it’s too late so just be careful i obviously i want you guys to make friends in this community and such but just be careful

Just because they uh are a fan it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good person okay just had to put that out there i know i’m sound like i’m lecturing you but you know wouldn’t be doing my i wouldn’t be doing my job if i didn’t let you know

That the world is a i’m a very cynical person the world is a horrible place it doesn’t do that nothing is good about the world how’s my pack yeah it’s looking pretty awful it’s looking pretty good i might just finish this up and then log out but not yet because

It’s quite far away from being finished put this away oh um what was i looking for oh another hoe i need to make another hoe that’s quite a lot of hoeing that i was doing there so much hoeing like a stone one let’s just make two stone ones yeah this could be enough

Uh oh no what was that uh mr kitty thank you for subscribing um a lot of hoeing i am doing a lot of herring can we sleep can we sleep what about jaffa cake that’s a cute name jeff cake’s a cute name jaffa cakes are technically a cake but i’m willing to

Accept them as a biscuit um i just want to say you’re the og minecraft youtuber and everyone loves you oh that’s very sweet of you to say there are different definitely i heard it coming i heard it coming no you shall not kill me he could get in

And kill my villagers okay no he couldn’t because wait i can’t hear my villagers why can’t i hear them are they in there oh they’re in there sleeping peacefully with their eyes open of course what else would they be doing what is going to kill me why are there things everywhere is

Everyone else in bed and i’m just like not oh geez that was that’s i’m pretty close to death honestly one more close call and i’m dead don’t do a filzer is that because of phil’s uh hardcore minecraft world because i want to yeah obviously i want to avoid death at all costs

But you know it’s not that easy sometimes sometimes deaths just right around the corner trying to get me all the time right now mmm yummy yummy don’t do that it’s rude don’t do a phil yes oh that is what happened yikes that’s so sad i know flip lost his

Hardcore world from a creeper devastating that squid girl thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the list of people that are subscribed now such a catchy name i know maybe we should come up with something a bit better but i don’t know what okay oops i don’t want that but this is

All good very good okay i think we’ll stop here on this side i think this is gonna look good when i perfect the path um i’m not really sure what to do with the path i might just um i might just do path blocks for now and then maybe some like

I’m gonna have to look it up i’ve seen people do like okay i’m looking at my pinterest give me a second looking at my pinterest all my cute minecraft ideas hmm people do parts where they have like a border on the side or they call it a road

Yeah they call it a road oh cute cute idea check this one out this the dark forest can you see that wait this one can you see that i think that’s really cute what blocks are they dirt pod sol okay i don’t quite have all those blocks yet

But i think we can aim for that are there more more i do no more ideas okay okay just sounding a little bit scary that’ll look so cute with the wheat alongside i think so what blocks was that again hmm some leaves oh yes leaves

Is it i don’t know i don’t think i should do dark oak though should i i don’t know sudsy ducky thank you for subscribing i love that you need silk touch from mushroom box i do um i could just not do the mushrooms now and i could leave the mushrooms a little

Bit i think i should do like a hedge at least let’s do a little hedge for now we’ll just do something simple jazzy crosby thank you for gifting a sub very kind of you well done kyra or karen forget forgetting the serb you didn’t really do much but good for you

Could you please say happy birthday to kayla in chat kayla underscore kaiwei who has been trying very hard to be noticed okay first of all that’s so wholesome that you would request that thank you for the bits and happy birthday kayla i’m sorry i missed you i missed your

Messages so many times but have a have a lovely birthday you just made an extra shares poopy i did not mean to do that i hate it when i do that uh thank you mystery star 14 for subscribing also welcome welcome here we go now i might leave some of them but

That’s fine this is we have plenty more than enough i don’t need to go crazy with it right i might leave like like tiny little bits of trees shining bloom thank you for gifting a sub also very thank you very much okay yes i’m ready this might look okay

It’s not gonna look as good as the picture i showed you because sadly we’re just we just don’t have the resources for something like that yet but we’ll get there one day so if i just do like a sort of maybe like maybe i do little little trees here and there

Just bear with me a second while i work on it it’s looking a bit weird isn’t it but i think it sort of separates the path from there and i’m gonna dig this out we want it three wide i want oh no yeah i want the side of a log

Trust the process yes trust the process please let me get that seat okay it looks a little weird maybe a little buried look that’s kind of cute put a lantern on there for now i’ll put a torch because i don’t have a lantern i could probably make some lanterns

Yes let’s make lanterns i’m gonna do it i don’t care who needs iron for actual real things when i can use them to make lanterns like a responsible adult i think i actually also have some iron nuggets left over i could literally only make one why are they so dang expensive what the

Heck but this is to test the vibe i’ve also jumped off a cliff in my sheer excitement for i wanted to get some food we’re testing that out a bit flat you think it’s a bit funny it is a bit flat i don’t really

Know how to oh i should get i should get whipped texture pack on that will make it sort of bushier i also really need the bone meal to grow to sort of add to the effect because right now it’s a bit of a sad effect um thank you for subscribing

Uh will you be doing something off stream i don’t know it depends if i just like feel like getting on line i will i’m not gonna not do stuff off stream just because i if i if i if i really want to do it i sort of want to do it

Okay how’s that it is a bit flat i know what you mean i i read you loud and clear hello hello can i help you no i saw your farm is putting whatever the hell i’m doing next to the riverbed to shame oh well thank you yes it’s a work in progress

Thankfully i had a lot of seeds from earlier so i got a bit of a head start to be honest very cool are you going to like cover it build around it i’m building a path through the middle oh he’s gone i’m building a path through

The middle of it so that you can get through to the other there’s there’s like a dock over there and my other farm is over there cool i saw your other farm actually it’s like through like the uh the cliffs or the mini hills very nice

Oh he’s gone uh vivian thank you for the raid thank you so much for the raid uh welcome raiders hello can i interest you in a biscuit because i don’t actually have any biscuits just wondering what’s your favorite biscuit try bring some foliage onto the path oh like hanging over oh also

Maybe we could use what else do i have that could be foliage maybe a berry bush would that be crazy to like put a berry bush in the path would that be a bit dangerous it could be a bit dangerous blueberries only hang don’t they they don’t really like

What are the foliage options are there guys flowers flowers why didn’t i think of flowers no coloured flowers i think or maybe some of this grass this could be a good idea did you think of this yes yes grass maybe not flowers maybe just grass i really like fruits texture back i

Might have to see if i can get it on and put it on here because i really like it it’s so good for building uh let’s see is that better or worse like would you like would you like this sort of sort to go up a bit oh oh no no damn it

I’m losing my patience with you like how’s no i don’t like that i hate i in fact i would guess if i say i hate that yep i hate it the blocks are kind of see-through have you ever tried to do a strip waffle i have i like stroopwafels

They’re very good very delicious why does it look bad is it because of the logs but i like the logs i think i just need a bit of variety honestly i think it’ll look fine you know if we zoom out and like see it zoomed out i think we’re just seeing it

We’re just looking a lot too closely at it right now and we need to not do that i want a lantern here i think um what do you think about that is that weird i don’t know what i’m doing what do you think maybe add some fences oh my gosh ben

Says you’re so right yes fences fences fences of course genius genius genius genius that is yeah is everyone can we we sleep why i have two llamas wondering trader what’s he trading i wonder why he’s trading wait he has a okay cool can we sleep i’m going to see the wandering trader

What’s he trading he won’t leave he keeps grunting at me he won’t just leave he will despawn after a while you can’t trap it he’s gone invisible okay He doesn’t have any good trades so you guys can have him goodbye okay can i have his llamas yeah if you like kill him um you can get the leads from from where is he is he’s invisible i don’t want to sleep though i think they’ve killed him

That’s what you get for coming here with bad trades yeah i don’t want to steal because it’s spawned for him so i don’t want to steal his leads but i do want a lead sleep please i think it’ll look cool if you make arches out of leaves on the path yeah

Maybe at the entrance and exit maybe you should add a small mushroom i oh like a little baby mushroom i don’t really have um any mushrooms yet maybe i should go to the mushroom forest and grab some mushrooms i think that would look cute that would really go with like the fairy theme

You can burn me all the grass what are those leaves with the flowers on oh the azalea leaves mushrooms and moss yes i went to moss okay so he was going to bed by any chance were you a kpop fan i do like a little bit of kpop but i don’t

Really know a lot oh my gosh please oh my village is okay oh my gosh and i ain’t gollum spawned i think he’s protecting my villages oh it’s bad okay i’m just gonna get bed and pretend that it’s not happening but he’s just climbed in my window again i hope my

Are they being protected oh my gosh are my villagers okay oh thank goodness that was close that was a close one i’m sorry guys oh that was really close right fences i think that’s a really good idea whoever said that thank you very much that is a good shout out

I also take these slaps go for some oak fences because why not i have a nine column now too that’s so cool this that’s a good number of fences oh no not the globals i want to keep those what i have more oh they’re in there there’s also mobs

And i don’t have my shield anymore if i run away will they respawn make an archway i don’t even have anything on the other side yet okay hopefully that sort of made them despawn i don’t know i don’t really want this guy to explode he’s blown up anyway i don’t know why

He’s done that but he has it’s almost like he hates me well this was at the end of my path okay nothing has despawned everything is still here wanting to kill me so that’s good jolly good i wish it wasn’t uh nemo in it thank you for subscribing

All right let’s pop some of these fences down see what this looks like i think this is a really good idea i think this is genius sounds like it’s like it used to be like a nice well-kept farm but now it’s just a little bit destroyed i kind of like that

That’s a good vibe he’s coming for my vibe no time blow up please please don’t blow up please don’t kill my vibe okay he’s dead it’s fine i like it i think it’s coming together guys and then here we’ll do like this will be heard but we need to build up the land

A little bit like that might i’m out of dirt though that’s the problem okay kept giving my shovels away as well oh dear oh i want to get rid of some of this so i’ll get some of this i love it lizzy you should add lanterns

On the fences oh my gosh you’re so right i should when i you know when i have ransoms i will do that you have dirt i do have to i’ve lied to you when i said i didn’t have dirt i do have dirt this is cute it’s looking good i like it

I like it a lot okay let’s just do a little building along here i’m not gonna like finish it for good but this is the idea this is the vibe just trying to get the vibe across oh i sorry please don’t please don’t be like that oh actually come out one more

Oh not that far um um no thanks thank you for subscribing um yes thank you should we say hmm berry bush little cheeky berry bush in there why not probably because it’s really dangerous that’s why not that’s why we should not i don’t care i’m gonna do it anyway

Oh actually it might be maybe like that and more fences i love it it’s great need more leaves i think and dark lyric 666 thank you for subscribing what a spooky name okay i know it looks kind of wacky i don’t like this this is what i don’t like

Hello my daughter absolutely loves your minecraft videos her name is kylie could you please give her a shout out yes hello kylie thank you for watching my minecraft videos i very much appreciate it i will i will um i’ll never what am i saying i don’t even know my brain just i’m

Sorry i’m sorry i was in the middle of giving you a shout out there and i just my brain just malfunctioned it’s the heat okay i’m sorry but thank you for the bits also stephen thank you so much what a lovely um thing to do for your daughter that’s very kind of you

Okay oh that’s not gonna look right is it unless i do this no that looks wrong i don’t like that how about this even my phone is telling me to go to bed i think this looks good you feel free to disagree one two three four and i like it

I think it’s gonna look cute when the wheat’s all grown because it’s all gonna be one color what about hay bales oh that’s a good idea i don’t wanna add too much different stuff in i’m gonna get rid of this actually it’s a little too high for my liking

I think it looks i think it looks fine i think it looks good he doesn’t like it but i think it looks good i want more gate there not gates fences that’s what i want yes like this perfect ah yes um what if i just put them like this

Oh no that doesn’t connect i want it to connect it might look weird but i don’t care i’m just trying to be sort of random with it you know as much as i can be because i you know i’m not a random number generator it’s quite difficult to be actually random

Wait hang on the path’s gone skinny here oh it hasn’t okay just here start to go skinny for a second so we need to rectify that oh no you need to be gone i’m sorry but you cannot be that way oh hello hello kev um i’m on half a

Heart and i have been for a very long time yeah my wheat is not growing and i can’t find i don’t know why i did the whole speech i should have just yeah i appreciate i appreciate that he uh he came to me for food and not theo don’t know why

Maybe he thought i was the only person that would actually help him i mean it might be it might have been true to be honest oh okay it’s fine yeah this is the path this is the way that the path goes actually we were going to turn it a little bit here

So let’s get rid of that the path to nowhere just what you want you should add some barrels i do i did want to add barrels but then i got a little concerned that my villagers would start trying to get down here for for the barrel profession for the fishering fisherman because i

Added barrels to my island on x-life not x-life um the other one yeah the other one that isn’t it that is an ex-life what is it empires and yeah they um all they want to do is is try and be a be a fisherman it’s really annoying ugh i missed a couple

Okay the good thing also about this field in this place is that uh kev being in his house is probably gonna mean that these wheat this wheat will grow oh my gosh it’s perfect it’s getting so cute now i love it guys also i’m thinking maybe i

Should do a path up this way to my house so i might sort of just leave this bit open for now put some water there yeah i might leave this bit open so we’ll just sort of we’ll wean off the farming because i haven’t decided what to do

With this this whole bit yet so we’ll leave that going to do this like up to here we’re going to have so much wheat guys we’re not going to know what to even do with it it’s going to be so crazy so much wheat um

Now i’ve still got hope i can still ho what do you guys think how long have you been live i’ve been live for four and a half hours i don’t know how this happened but it did i am a very i’m a stamina minecraft player okay

Because when i record my videos i play for like i don’t even know how many hours sometimes sometimes all day i literally play all day just to get the stuff done for the video just for one 10 minute video sometimes it takes me all day sometimes

It takes me all day just to get one thing done for the video i don’t even do everything in one day um so yeah i’m very used to this i hope that you guys have the stamina to keep up lizzy can you say hi hi

Lizzy go to bed like in real life but but the farm the farm wheat is park wheat is so poglete it’s the best resource we need it we need it in our lives right now it’s going to help us get animals and villages wheat is truly the pogiest yeah it’s fully dark

It is fully dark right now i’m a little scared for my safety my life my well-being i’m scared for it should i ask can we sleep these guys are so bad at like sleeping on time though oh he’s already in bed oh what if i’m the last i don’t want to

Be the last thing we got the iron golem that’s what that was scared me there i’ve been here for like the whole time well good for you castaway angel you clearly have almost as much stamina as me in fact probably more because i’m running out of stamina

I’m running out of gaming juice gaming steam i’m running out of i’m getting a little bit sleepy now i haven’t been growing my sugarcane i’m going diamond mining if anyone would like to join another time i would do that another time but not this time i think i’m gonna have to end stream

Soon i’m literally um i’m out of okay i’ll plan this last little bits of wheat and then i’m gonna end the stream because i have so much to do but we can get it all done on another day and it is getting late now hi lizzy i’ve been watching you for

Seven to eight years now and you never fail to make me happy also when a new cave bushes look good in the farm the new cave bushes look good on the phone thank you for the bits and thank you for watching me for so long what do you mean what do you mean

The new cave bushes look good in the farm wow the new cave bushes look good in the phone like the azalea bushes maybe they’re talking around your natural blushes but i don’t know what is that oh it’s a horse it’s my horse when i log in next time also there’s

Going to be so much wheat here i’m very excited oh yeah you think they were talking about the azaleas i think you might be right maybe the moss as well yeah maybe the moss oh the bushes oh i know what you mean yeah that wasn’t perfect instead of these things

It could be a bush you’re so right i just need to get a wandering trader that trades moss first i think that’s the only place you can get moss unless there’s is there anywhere else where else you can get moss because there’s no lush caves in the game right now

So i think i’ve got to wait for it for a trader and that guy didn’t have it a shipwreck okay we might have to do that next time then oh wait i need that was pointless because i don’t have any water okay how long are you both staying live for

I think i think i might just call it here you know i’m gonna make sure my villagers are protected i’m gonna put my horse away in a safe place i swear that he was in contained like how has he got out i don’t understand how did he get out

A little while longer finishing my greenhouse what’s the greenhouse where’s the greenhouse wait where’s the greenhouse oh i see i think my horse can get out of here because of the compost bin hi lizzy you have been and still are my fave minecraft youtuber love you just getting out my cat flap um

Thank you so much for the bits and the lovely message choco milk i’m so glad that you’ve chosen me as your favorite um until i get full diamond armor it’s the flex i need since i lost another race okay um guys i think can somebody do a poll i

Don’t know how to do a pull-up could somebody do a poll which one should we read uh theo or kev i don’t know uh last time i think we raided theo so maybe we should read kev this time but he’s not going to stay on for very long

Although he wants to finish his greenhouse and i don’t know what the greenhouse is maybe i want to see what the greenhouse is i don’t know where’s the greenhouse i see a lot of people saying kev so i think we’re just gonna raid kev since we haven’t done it before

Um and i don’t know when i’m gonna be live next but um i’m sure you’ll get a notification i’m sure i’m sure you’ll be surprised when it happens and we’ll be back on the server and it shouldn’t look too much different from this okay i’m not gonna do anything off

Camera i’m not gonna do anything crazy off camera so it shouldn’t be looking crazy okay thank you so much oh my gosh everybody when you get to the raid make sure you are very nice to kev drop him a follow um let him know that he’s um an

Official biscuit boy i don’t know what his biscuit is you’ll have to ask him and i will see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘Biscuit Boys SMP #2 – Chaos Noobs (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)’, was uploaded by LDShadowLady Twitch Streams on 2021-08-16 06:19:47. It has garnered 52368 views and 698 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:26 or 16406 seconds.

Re-uploaded because It didn’t upload the full stream. A recent stream of Lizzie’s. Go follow her on Twitch!

Disclaimer – she said anyone can upload her stream VOD’s ❤

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: What’s New? Wind Burst Enchantment Changes The Wind Burst enchantment in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 now provides a significant upward push, propelling players up to 21 blocks at level 3. However, be cautious as it does not prevent fall damage, potentially causing lethal damage without proper precautions. Gameplay Fixes Entities now load into the world with the correct rotation, and boats once again align in the direction the player is facing. Additionally, entering the end now consistently faces players towards the center of the island, ensuring a smoother transition. Visual Enhancements Mip-mapping now functions correctly… Read More


    BECOME an ELEMENTAL SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft!Video Information ah another beautiful day as an earth Elemental shape shifter and look at this guys I just shape shifted into a little tiny creeper aren’t I so cute tax come on we have to go wake up noox and Trixie oh yeah Zoe we do have to wake up noox and Trixie I’m really hungry I want some breakfast wao your creeper legs move really weird oh yeah it’s because I’m not like a full Shape Shifter yet I’m just a little tiny Shape Shifter that’s all yeah me too hey uh no it’s breakfast time dude come… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft Shorts

    Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% 😍 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-18 06:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% | Wait For End #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and … Read More

  • Exposed: PrestonPlayz’s SHOCKING Minecraft Betrayal

    Exposed: PrestonPlayz's SHOCKING Minecraft BetrayalVideo Information today we are busting 100 Minecraft Miss starting with armadillos are afraid of spiders in daytime come on dude these guys are straight out of Texas no way they’re afraid of a spider although if I saw a spider as big as the ones in Minecraft I might be a little scared so he should go inside of his shell come here buddy dude I don’t think this guy’s afraid this is a true Texan right here dog it looks like to me the spiders are afraid of the armadillo but I just want to let me let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining lagi mencari diamond😁 | Minecraft BE survival duo | Part 11’, was uploaded by OnlyDess on 2024-03-22 02:48:34. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. ⚠️Mcpe Patched⚠️ follow me on instagram Me : @its_dess16 My friend : @m_dky4 Shader : Newb x Legacy More Improvement Addon : – NekoUI – Graves – Ptiger’s Armor Rarity – Visualize Enchanted Book – Parallax Sounds v2 – All Trades Visible – Weapon Combiner + DLC – More Structure – Disenchanter – Raiyon More Vanilla Enchanment -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!

    Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 4’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-14 02:25:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More

  • 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀’ 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 – 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1

    𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀' 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 - 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1Video Information ladies and gentlemen welcome back to something brand new I’ve never streamed on this account before but this is the account where most of the streams are going to be happening now today we are starting a brand new Minecraft adventure the OG game one of the greatest games of all time Bar None it’s too easy it’s kind of like that but yes we are going to be creating a whole Minecraft city it is going to be on Creative but I want to have a Minecraft city to rival the gods this is what our city… Read More

  • EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞

    EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Sand Art Minecraft N4{Boat on Sun}#minecraft #shorts #satisfyingvideo #sandart’, was uploaded by MummyBear on 2024-01-05 11:34:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for see my videos and I glad you back ,and I very grateful for my new subscribers ,welcome to my Chanel. Please … Read More

  • "Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!! #shorts #viral"

    <p>"<strong>Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!!</strong> #shorts #viral"</p>Video Information there’s a way for me now this one sits here Whispers things to me now I got the devil inside this one made a think of me this wall is dry wall my grinding Joy The Heading F the Neti on my bedroom Thor my burning my eyes are too cuddled up with a heart condemn I should love you and I swear I do This video, titled ‘LOST EVERYTHING PART – 1 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe | Techno gamerfleet|gta 5 |’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-19 02:30:31. It has garnered 43 views and… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART IN MINECRAFT#shorts’, was uploaded by Aerglo Gaming on 2024-04-22 16:37:05. It has garnered 5769 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Side: Xxxtentacion, Empire, Rap, Bad Vibes Forever / Empire, Hip Hop & Rap, Xxx, Look At Me, Lil Pump, Music, Bad Vibes Forever, Sad, Sad!, Juice Wrld, Members Only, Hope, Music Video , 2017, hip-hop, the, ski mask the slump god, revenge, ?, llj, jmp, hip hop, jocelyn flores, wishing well, ик pages, xxxtentacion tribute, pop, Lil Wayne, Live, Wifisfuneral, Official, Rip, Jahseh… Read More

  • ImperialCraft Kingdoms

    ImperialCraft KingdomsWelcome to ImperialCraft Kingdoms, a non-stop, action-packed Minecraft server fueled by the powerful KingdomsX plugin. Whether you’re a conqueror seeking intense battles or a peaceful builder longing to create magnificent structures, our server caters to all play styles. Engage in raids, conflicts, and strategic battles to assert dominance or focus on building, socializing, and fostering a vibrant community. With McMMO, you can level up various skills and gain special abilities. Explore our virtual marketplace, open custom crates for exciting rewards, and personalize your in-game name with custom prefixes. Our dedicated staff ensures a welcoming atmosphere, and thrilling duels allow you… Read More

  • War Of Black Powder💂‍♀️ – PVP – Java 1.20.2

    Server Information: Server IP: No mods, optifine required only need to accept the resourcepack. Simple Information: Main gameplay: Team-PVP (20v20/faction vs faction) 5 Factions from Asia, Europe, Africa, America 9 Maps, 13 Game Modes Each faction has 14-15 classes Shop system available Information when playing: Change username if “Invalid Session” Play PVE if no players Run “/playerstartmatch” if multiple players Game Modes: King Of The Hill Battle Domination Siege Control Points Payload Capture The Flag Classes: Musketeer Officer Color Bearer Sapper Medic Hussar Cataphract Dragoon Cannoneer Rocketeer Discord Server: Videos: More Information: This Minecraft server is… Read More

  • RemtownMC

    RemtownMCWelcome to RemtownMC its a nice cracked server for peopel who cant afford Minecraft we got Minigames,SMP and a loving comunity.We also got good moderation and a caring owner so if you looking for a nice small comunity join Us. Read More

Biscuit Boys SMP #2 – Chaos Noobs (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)