Killer Minecraft Moments with Rickson!

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What is up guys we are doing another one of these I mean I’ve had so much fun the last couple of days uh I thought you know what let’s go let’s do it again on this uh quite Sunny Saturday here in the UK oh my God it’s Among

Us right so we are going in a different direction we are back at spawn as you can see and uh yeah we’re just going to do what we’ve been doing is just hanging out looking at some ruins just looking around spawn basically I’ve had a lot of

Fun doing that the last couple of days you know just looking at bits and pieces and any crazy thing that we can find and talking to the chat and saying hello and it’s been a lot of fun so let’s see if we can do it once again um what’s up

Lego man what’s up music free your soul what’s up Hank The Legend um we are doing it we are back on 2B 2T the oldest anak server in Minecraft there’s Yoshi killer there is Yoshi killer uh hopefully he’s not going to come and try and kill us uh hopefully he’s not going

To come and try and kill us he’s friendly he’s a friendly guy um everyone’s friendly on This Server we’re all nice people nothing bad ever happens to anyone on here you know that’s that’s all it is that’s all it is um but yeah hello guys God all oh my God Withers wardens

Crazy uh I’m on my laptop and phone because it won’t let me talk on my laptop it’s a bit annoying that’s annoying what’s up DRS what’s up TRS we’re doing it again we are back it’s an old armor Smith logo right there yeah we’re going to do a little Saturday

Afternoon stream I mean depending on where you are D I think you said you’re in Australia right so this must be right in the middle of the night for you right in the middle of the night so appreciate you joining uh we’ve got old voo signs yeah it’s just spawn man

Spawn crazy place all right we’re officially start to go in the wrong already going in the wrong direction very very very very difficult very very difficult right yeah there we go uh yeah I finally set a sub goal I have um so you know we’ve got to try and

Reach it we do and uh it’s it’s very basic I can’t even update it in real time just going to have to update it periodically myself I’m very very bad with all of this stuff can’t get any alerts to work but you know what it doesn’t matter it doesn’t

Matter um 12:00 a.m. is it okay yeah not so bad yeah it’s literally about 12 hours isn’t it so not too bad not too bad anyway hello to anyone else anyone joining we are back at spawn we are doing what we enjoy to do which is which

Is just chill you know hang out and uh have a look around see what we can find spawn is always a good time well let’s get off from the obsidian roof because we’ve all seen obsidian we know what it looks like we want to get down there we

Want to get down to the ground we want to see what it’s actually like yeah here we go here we go actually see some ruins so I’ve done some uh keybind so I can actually turn some stuff off and on uh which is great I wish I could turn the withers off

There is a way to do that I do know but I forget how to do it right now it’s fine it’s fine I think it might be under no render let’s just very quickly check uh movement chat miscellaneous combat um let’s get this guy out of the

Way I think it’s under no render let me just see if I can very quickly do that uh what’s up cry and Ral SP good to see you again uh let me just I’m going to have to go a little wider just for a sec let me bring this stuff in under

Render and uh let me adjust the screen once again again I’ve got this set so you guys can see what I’m seeing so okay so we want what do we want no render UI is it scoreboard particles World entities projectiles player I don’t know if

Anyone knows how to turn off the uh the Wither message let me know otherwise it’s not so bad uh your stream is a couple of seconds faster on my phone oh that’s going to be annoying that’s going to be annoying uh cheers C and R what appreciate that what’s up

Googly Bossa is that uh is that just a vanilla setting is it it might just be a vanilla set in that no render Boss Bar meteor okay no render uh no not blink I said no what did I just turn on uh Auto walk right I just turned on

Auto walk didn’t mean to do that uh let’s try that one more time no render uh no Render no not no interact not no interact oh it doesn’t matter it does not matter me to your better Boss Bar me to your better boss all right let’s try one more time time I think there’s a vanilla way to do in it isn’t it but better

Uh no I cannot see it it’s fine once we get a little bit further out there won’t be any Withers anyway it’s fine uh but yeah how’s everyone doing hope you’re having a good Saturday um we’ve had a we’ve had a really good week we’ve

Enjoyed it um it’s been a lot ofun but and again I’ve gone right the wrong direction it’s very hard when I don’t have coordinates on the on the screen it’s very hard I’ve got them off screen so I’ve got like Journey map open in another screen that shows coordinates um

But yeah it’s very very difficult it’s my sister’s birthday wish her a happy birthday wish her happy birthday if she wants uh uh a good thing to do on her birthday tell her to come and subscribe to the stream I’m only joking I’m only

Joking uh what do we got we got a cute little farm here cute little farm we’ve got uh the road roadside Library manic Road manic Road uh has he left us any books or anything no it looks all destroyed as well oh well that was cute though that was cute

Um but yeah I hope everyone’s doing really good hope everyone’s had a a very good Saturday so far and uh hope everyone’s got a really good weekend lined up um yeah I’m doing a bit earlier than usual today cuz we got a part A tonight so going to be partying partying tonight

Can’t wait for that um no drinking I’m off the booze for a little while longer but still be able to go out see some friends just hang out it be fun it’s going to be good times but I had to get a stream in before because well honestly

Streams have been super fun I’m really enjoying doing it like this doing the vertical streams are just crazy fun so um yeah let’s uh let’s carry on uh uh yeah viewers are going up I wasn’t sure because we’re doing it a lot earlier today so I thought you know a lot of

People might be asleep but uh it seems to be okay so yeah welcome anyone we are on 2b2 the oldest anak server in Minecraft and uh yeah we are at spawn we at the famous spawn and uh I’m I’m going to try one more time try one more time no Render not liquid interact see this is what’s difficult when you’ve got right no render there we go uh Boss Bar there we go there we go who cares about we don’t care about Withers I don’t want to see that they can’t hurt me nothing can hurt me I am completely Invincible you see

Whatever whatever my guy I don’t care about you we don’t want you taking up our screen we don’t care what you’re called invinci nothing and no one can kill us you know people have tried they can come they can come and try it’s fine it’s fine we’re open to the challenge if

You want to come and try and kill me I’m right here it’s fine send the withers send the wardens Invincible Invincible uh do have oil in your possession [Laughter] oh great question um I don’t I’m oiless I’m afraid I’m oiless I’m not going to

Show my I mean you know I can’t make it too easy by just showing my quads going to make it a little bit difficult come on come on um but yeah so yeah we are at spawn and we’re just going to hang out around spawn and explore and look at

Some ruins God look at this crazy grief for me I mean you wonder what this once was I wish you could just roll back time and just check out these areas I mean some of these things are sometimes on the archive but it’ be great to just be

Able to go back um and that’s going to kind of be the theme of my next video like going back in time and playing 2b2 T back in the day um and uh yeah I’m looking forward to that so yeah stay tuned for that I should have that ready

In the next week or so um so I hope everyone goes to watch that um I think that’s the southern Canal as well it looks like the southern Canal but it might not be uh right we got oh big obsidian thing going on above us I

Don’t know what that is all the logos that spawn keep changing um but yeah welcome everyone welcome look at this pyramid uh look at this pyramid beautiful beautiful stuff as we go down this this highway I’m not going to say which Highway it is but I’m pretty sure you can figure out I’m

Pretty sure you can figure out it’s not difficult um yeah so yeah welcome everyone hope you’re having a great Saturday obviously you can see that we’ve got the sub sub goal now so if you haven’t subscribed if you can help me reach that goal man it would be greatly

Appreciated it’s been so much fun doing these the last few days we going to continue to do them tomorrow though we’re going to do a real stream like proper base hunting lots more uh mods on screen so you’ll be able to see everything going on and going to be

Further out than we are now so make sure you join that one real stream but this is a real stream as well but this is more of a fun stream showing people that might not play 2b2 t what the server is all about um hey UD dream what’s going on uh thank

You for joining so yeah we are just we’re at spawn you know the coolest place in Minecraft the most unique place in Minecraft and we’re just checking it out it’s still mad to see like animals right here I mean you used to have to go very very far to find animals so that

Aspect of escaping spawn you know food is now not an issue it used to be the biggest issue was starving but I mean look we are we are not very far out at all and you know plent plenty of animals around plenty so food is no longer an

Issue it’s now the creepy crues the monsters the withers the wardens that’s the thing that’s really dangerous now but really if you just stick onto the side like this you should be okay um he ask you recognize the spot see me soon that’s fine mate come come and hang

Out the more the meria the more than meria this this area is open to everyone the stream’s open to everyone anyone can come and join us it’s fine it’s fine um yeah welcome guys welcome welome um hope you’ve got a really good Saturday planned you know

Weekends uh are meant to be super fun so yeah make sure that you go and have some fun do something interesting do something new don’t waste the weekend uh don’t waste the weekend have have a lot of fun right see we got trees already and uh oh we’re actually quite far I I

Get surprised how quickly you can get out so uh I’m not going to let’s go off the beating power for a little bit I mean let’s get away God that’s a lot of mobs that is a lot of mobs so look at this we got the Swiss cheese ice the

Famous 2b2 T weird stuff going on I mean look at that that’s and the Swiss cheese snow as well and again this just occurs where um an old version uh gets put into a new version and uh the game thinks well there should be snow there that’s

Supposed to be a snow biome whereas actually it was generated as a different biome so you get these crazy uh swiss cheese effects going on very very bizarre um hey car Awards uh 69 42069 is where I am so if you want to come and see me that’s exactly where I am and

I’ll be there and I’ll sign you a book and we’ll have a good time uh right let’s go up here obviously just so many mobs there’s a lot of signs over let’s go and check that out shall we just go and see what’s going on over there um yeah what what’s everyone got

Going on this weekend hey what are you doing this weekend it’s Saturday it’s Saturday morning for me so tell me what what fun things do you have going on this weekend like I said I’ve got a party tonight um uh and then tomorrow uh we’re just going to relax tomorrow we’re

Going to do a bit of bacon we’re going to do have a little bit of a movie marathon uh and then of course the proper stream in the evening as well so pretty solid weekend lined up I’m looking forward to that a look at that big beautiful lava cast you know’s

Something Beautiful about them I know that they’re like uh part of grief and part of Destruction but you know in destruction comes Beauty and I really do like them we got some Ninja warus banners up there respect the Rus respect the warus warus client on top top um

Let’s uh oh we got like a little hidey hole over here look at that we got the melon farm let’s go and have a look look at look at this wholesome little base he’s got a door and everything uh you can’t come in though you’re not allowed in uh yeah he thought

He could come in he could not now let’s see if there’s anything for us let’s see if let’s free camera oh God there’s another another creepy cwy where was he where was he let’s let’s have a look further down there oh we got something down there I’m

Not going to bother let’s carry on look at that 2017 look at that this is a 2017 little base I mean how cool is that 7y old little hidey-hole you know seven years ago I bet this looked completely different I bet this looked completely different uh I have to fly back out to

Work no worry no worries Hank good to see you as always buddy let’s put a banner up there we just Spam our Banner around a little bit cuz we have the best Banner we have the best Banner what movie we watching we’re going to watch we’re going to watch some Christian Bell

Movies I think we’re going to watch The Machinist uh we’re going to watch equilibrium we might watch Napoleon as well cuz that’s just come out hasn’t it so uh we’re going to watch that so yeah lots of movies but yeah tonight some party partying can’t wait going to get

You know get a nice shirt on and uh just go and chill see my friends haven’t seen them for a while every every’s so busy when you get a bit older everyone gets busy so it gets a lot harder to see people so yeah make sure that when

You’re young and have a lot of opportunities spend a lot of time with people because at some point it becomes a lot harder and it’s a it’s a shame anyway enough getting philosophical let’s look at these old ruins uh chrisy B’s Welsh he is yeah he uh is he Welsh I

Thought he was a cotney but yeah he’s definitely from the UK whatever um uh clients are using rushia hack and using meteor combined um XP edits welcome uh oh he is Welsh it’s bizarre like when you hear him in this real accent you’re so used to hearing him um

Like as an American in all of his American films that it’s completely strange it’s like what that doesn’t make sense uh hate blocks rage how’s it going um so let’s get rid of some of these blocks let’s contribute to 2b2 T spawn we’ve just made that a lot better it

Looks so much better now you wouldn’t even understand that it was griefed after we did that full repair job um boss stack just Stacks boss bars to make the HUD less cluttered please turn it on uh why why we we don’t need to know we’ve turned it off we don’t

Need to know if there’s Withers around we are invincible nothing can hurt us no bosses no players warden’s with us it doesn’t matter completely invincible so we don’t need any warning we’re absolutely fine um all right let’s let’s go forward a little bit oh what we got

Going down here you see this is what I was saying about if you don’t have a Hacked Client you would you might see that and go oh there’s something to investigate down there and look at that you would just be going down forever and ever ever and ever following the Torches

And you you just get lost down here so that’s why having stuff like free cam and x-ray is really really helpful what we doing so we’re on 2b2 T we’re just exploring we’re just looking around um looking at the old ruins just taking in the environment I mean again

This is a 13-year-old man map million people have rolled through gone through every single version up until 1.19 and uh it’s crazy is absolutely crazy and you know it’s so unique so I just love like messing around and looking around and what we got going on down here we’ve got some chests and

Stuff I don’t think I’m going to go down there it’s a bit too far down we’re just going to just going to walk around now we’re just hanging out we’re just chilling just Tak it in the atmosphere it’s like it’s you know it has a certain atmosphere tob2 it’s crazy I found a

Giant G beard Giza logo on the southern Canal that’s us that’s us I take no credit for that but we’ve got some very very uh skillful Builders and hackers in the group so yeah that’s the gry beard ge’s thing those guys are legends do you have an actual base or you’re a nomad

Just traveling around yeah I have a few bases uh I have a base actually on every uh coordinate so I have one north south east and west um I might do some diagonal bases as well so yeah some peral peral permanent solo bases um uh and then obviously I go to some

Group bases as well there’s always somewhere for me to go to get more Rockets into M my gear as well um but yeah look at this so this this terrain is old um because if we look into the ground you can see there’s no andesite there’s no diorite uh there’s no Granite

There’s nothing like that it’s just dirt stone and gravel so uh and and some basic ores as well so you know this terrain is from like 2013 2014 or something like that it’s so cool that uh it’s still here but we’re playing on 1.19 so

1.19 uh in you know maybe beta chunks or like early version chunks uh I absolutely love it how is the map only 5% found well that’s how big a two you know a Minecraft world is I mean uh it’s insane but the further you get out it’s

All new chunks so uh you will just be finding lots and lots of stuff but um yeah you know you go far out and it is just like a normal world it’s it’s absolutely insane but um tell us a story story about my strangest 2B incident uh

I mean I was out uh 600k once and I went through a portal uh into the Overworld cuz I was playing with some new hacks and I went there and there was another player I mean the Chan of finding a player 600k out in the Overworld is

Pretty rare uh and he had a cool IGN as well cool username I can’t actually remember what it was but I really wanted a book from him and I said I messed him said can I get a book and he was like yeah sure and he came over and started

To try and Crystal me so that was an unexpected encounter a 600k out absolutely insane and the problem was is that I was using a new hacks at the time so I I couldn’t really get away um but he didn’t get me because again I’m invincible so it’s fine uh we need some

Food we’re starving here uh we only gapples though we only gapples all we uh we’ve got another elytra so we’re good let’s go and have a look over there shall we I sound like fitmc I’ll take that as a compliment I mean you know he’s got the golden voice he’s got the

Golden American voice but uh I sound like Brit MC that’s what I sound like that’s what people have started calling me Brit MC and I’ll take that that’s fine uh interesting story I mean it was the best one I could think of at the time uh what’s another good story I’ll

Tell you another good story um I was over a million out and I was using uh baritone so it was walking for me I was going to a specific base I was in the nether so I was about I don’t know 250k blocks in the nether uh and about 40K

Blocks off the highway so in the middle of nowhere and uh my pickaxe broke so I went to go to my e chest to get another one and I realized I had no e chests on me now if you’re a spawn like this it’s not a problem because look all those

Purple uh squares at eest so you’re fine but I was 250k out in the Nether and no e chest so it was like what do I do there’s no resources here um so I was in a real bad spot and I was like God I’m

Going to have to kill myself and go back to spawn but I’d spent so long traveling to a specific area area um and I went to a nether fortress and I found a dead body uh and I found a dead body that had one e chest on it it also had a veteran

Shield as well so that would have been a 2016 dead body that had been there for like 5 Years cuz I think this was 2021 and uh 5 years no one had been there so the body hadn’t despawned and it had a single eest so I was able to

Get all my stuff out I always like that story I always like that story as well right um look at this lovely old terrain again I just love the color of the AL beta terrain it’s so interesting uh what do we got here oh we got like a

Little base we’ve got a little base uh we’ve got a piglin with a little bit of gold drip on that’s fine he won’t bother us unless we bother him we’re friends so we’re not going to we’re not going to mess with him let’s see if there’s anything here let’s see if there’s

Anything here you know little Cobblestone kind of shrine area I mean it’s a little bit of work being put into this someone might have been here recently actually this could be a very recent little hidey-hole base quite cute you know quite cute obviously yeah someone’s been here recently because you

Can see all the mobs loaded in so that normally means that someone’s been here because uh the mobs don’t uh despawn anymore uh what’s the oldest base you found I found a 2011 base before uh it was griefed and lots of people had been there but I mean I’d never been there so

Yeah found a 2011 base I mean that’s uh that’s pretty crazy right uh and again I think that was in 2021 so at the time it was 10 years old uh recently I found a 2013 base so 11 years old it was heavily griefed but there was a 2013 sign there

So uh that was that was super cool I love finding stuff like that uh if you want to see some old stuff if you come and check out the stream that I’m doing tomorrow uh we are going to be about 100K blocks away from Spawn and we

Always find some old stuff that will be like a a proper PC stream so you know it would be a widescreen stream uh definitely come and check that out if you want to see some like really interesting ruins that’s always a good time so yeah that will be I think it’s

It’s 5:00 UK time tomorrow but it’s announced it’s on the channel so go check the channel out um right let’s uh let’s go down and have a look uh what’s the furthest out I’ve been I think only about 3 million which which sounds like a long way like if you

Don’t play 2B but it it really isn’t um I get a little bit bored that far out because then it takes a lot of time and effort to find anything you constantly grind you know it takes hours and hours and hours to find anything obviously if

You do find something it tends to be a lot better it doesn’t always have to be the case but usually it’s a little bit better but it’s Bor I don’t have the time these days I don’t have the time um you know you see the guys you find these

Like 500 dub stashes out in the millions but it must have taken them sometimes takes them like 10 20 even more hours following a single Trail to get there and I just don’t have the time I’d rather be doing this hanging out around spawn it’s a lot more fun for me to be

Honest I’ve got enough gear I’ve got enough gear um what would happen if I leak quads probably nothing I don’t think anyone cares to come and get me you know um so yeah I’m I’m not too worried but yeah I don’t think anything would happen I don’t think anything would happen but

Let us let’s go oh oh oh oh let’s go slightly closer back to spawn look at this old Hut look at this old castle it’s just beautiful beautiful being around spawn I really enjoy it you know it is nice being far out don’t get me wrong but I just like coming to find

Stuff like this like this little hidey-hole I mean look at this you know this is this is so fun hope this saves you please replant well well there’s nothing here but again it’s not that necessary now because you know you can find bunch of fish and

Stuff around so yeah once once upon a time those things I mean there’s chickens and stuff so once upon a time that stuff would have been useful but yeah not Anymore uh cheers googly uh why don’t use efly I like to use Rockets I like to use Rockets you know you can get a little bit bogged down with all the automation sometimes and it become a little boring you know I like to get down on the ground and actually see

Everything and I like to play the game and do some stuff manually so um yeah you know you see people just flying through the air using like dub counter counting anything below them but they’re not going to see anything unless they come across a massive stash and to me

It’s just a little boring I like to get down there right let’s go and grab this Banner let’s see if it’s anything good let’s see if this Banner is anything good add it to our collection maybe no just a ninous banner we don’t need one

Of those it is still crazy to see those though I mean when I got the first one of those on 2B obviously 2B 2T had be 1.12.2 for like seven years and uh it had been for like the first 3 years pretty much that I played it so when I

First started to see like the modern minecraft stuff it was like man this this is uh messing with my head like just to see raids and ominous banners and all of that it’s like jeez let’s just land over here we’ll carry on on foot you know I like to walk

I like to walk what’s up daylight sensor what’s up daylight sensor um yeah let’s just uh let’s just carry on for a bit let’s just chill let’s just relax you know we don’t there’s no rush there’s no rush nothing’s happening uh none of this is going anywhere so yeah we can just do

Our thing oh look we got a little farm down there we didn’t even didn’t even see that didn’t even see that cute little farm beautiful we’ve got a husk didn’t know husk uh spawned in in Savannah Biome I don’t know if this is a Savannah Biome this is old whatever it is is

Old let’s carry on tomorrow yeah tomorrow I think it’s 5:00 p.m it’s whatever it is it’s it’s announced on the channel so if you go and uh look at the channel uh check you’re subscribed and then you can like put notifications on to be reminded um

But yeah that will be a proper stream I’ll have all the hacks on so uh it will be a lot different to this I’ve only just got like minimal hacks on just so that we can see a few things but I’ll have all the tracers on I’ll have uh

Everything on so that would be a lot a lot more different right let’s uh there’s something over there let’s go and check that out let’s go check that out but yeah I hope everyone’s doing really good happy happy Saturday it’s uh always good to be a Saturday isn’t it

It’s always fun I enjoy it right let’s go over here I want to go and check check out whatever the is over there looks like just a little underground base again a little underground base let’s let’s run because yeah there’s a lot of things spawning there’s a lot of things

Spawning let’s get over here let’s get over here what have we got oh we just got an Old Farm beautiful you love to see it you love to see it right let’s get over here let’s do a little bit of ice skating oh fantastic that was amazing 10

Out of 10 10 out of 10 but this guy running at me he’s like I I want to kill you yeah no chance I’m Invincible I am actually Invincible right let’s just uh let’s get over here shall we try finding a bat bats are bats are common now funny fact about the bat

Thing so if you watch fits bat video um he puts a Reddit post up where it says our bats extinct and uh that was my post so that my post on the 2b2 Reddit inspired that whole video but for whatever reason it didn’t have my

Username on it it got deleted I was like what I didn’t delete it so I think fit just didn’t want to show my um Reddit username I think he just he just knew that in the future that I would overtake him as the best 2b2 YouTuber and he

Didn’t want to give me any Head Start so you know I had to take it as a compliment but yeah it would have been nice but uh yeah it’s crazy because I I’d asked the question and I’d been given coordinates to like one of the last remaining bats on the server so I’d

Gone to see it and it was wild like I’d never seen one on the server so seen one that had been name tagged like 5 years ago and then I was at a base and then two BN below me and I was like what see

Look you can see you can see Bats look there’s one there there’s one there yeah so they’re not rare anymore but I was playing on the day they turned bats back on and two spawn below me I was like what is going on have I just become the

Luckiest person on the server and then I was looking in chat and everyone was going I’ve seen a bat I found a bat so yeah Fitz video prompted house Master to turn bats on I don’t know why they were turned off might have just been a mistake he might have just accidentally

Turned bats off six seven years and because no one has said anything and I mean really what do you need bats for but oh God we found the we found the the the housem place um so yeah uh yeah fit owes me money for the bat video put it

That way he owes me some money but it’s fine it’s fine uh you can take my ideas um right oh God we found a graveyard found a graveyard this is this is this is spooky man this is spooky this is super spooky oh look at

This who should we uh should we leave a cross for someone do I have enough materials no I don’t uh you oh that is freaky okay let’s uh let’s who should we who should we say rip2 who should we say R2 praise housem uh who should we say rip to who’s going

To go up on the on the cross this is our cross so who should we say Rip2 should we do something like profound we could do fit I’m sure there’s one for fit here let’s say let’s let’s let’s do something like profound so let’s put negativity yeah rip to negativity Positive Vibes only I’m so inspirational I’m so inspirational you should all feel inspired right now go and do something

Inspiring today uh actually I’m going to I’m going to put a banner up there as well put a banner up there negativity there we go there we go uh I’ve changed lives you know someone will be walking through that area and they’ll see negativity on the

Cross and they’ll go you know what yeah let’s kill negativity let’s have a positive day so we’ve changed lives with that I mean I feel good to 2T is changing lives for the better and it feels really good oh we have got a certified Nomad Hut look at this we’ve

Got an actual Nomad Hut uh let’s get rid of some of this junk we don’t need any of this uh yeah Nomad Hut in fact it’s not quite a nomad Hut I love your stop lovely but uh what have we got you’re going to go and pick oh don’t

Do that don’t do that you can’t now you you witnessed me put negativity on the cross so you’re not allowed you’ve been affected everyone watching been affected in a positive way you should feel a stream of positivity coming over you now it’s washing over you like a warm

Blanket yeah it’s going to be a good day for everyone you’re all going to go and do something fantastic right God I can talk some rubbish on these I don’t know what it is about these vertical streams I can really taught some crap it’s great uh right

Let’s uh oh I need a drink I need a drink hey pickle man Ross what is up um let’s uh let’s just go over here for a little bit these people won’t bother me these mobs won’t bother me I’m cool I’m chill we’re friends it’s fine but but but we’re

Friends just go over here he wants to give me a hug but uh I’m not I’m not like that but it’s fine it’s fine right let’s go up here let’s go up here what’s going on down here oh we’ve got a little I didn’t see that all the

Way down there we got a little farm a very little farm is that it and some strip mining as well very cute uh so I use russer hack and meteor combat combination of the two combination of the two right let’s just carry on our little stroll we don’t need

To go quickly we’re in no rush we’re just looking at spawn we’re looking around spawn in fact I might there’s a boat here should we boat I don’t think I’ve actually used a boat in since the update so I remember boats used to be so laggy

They would kick you out all the time they even disconnected you from the server it was so risky to use boats back in the day this is mad look at that just chilling in a boat on 2b2 T you love to see it beautiful beautiful let’s see if I can still use

These this used to be the only way I could get around before I was too poor to have an elytra you know you used to have to use a boat you have to do what you have to do um is Russia a pay client yes it is y 20

Bucks 20 bucks um but it is good I I I do like it um but yeah if you need any advice on clients or anything like that go to my channel and look at the complete guide I tell you everything about what clients to use uh I tell you about

Uh uh yeah what clients to use what mods to use how to escape spawn everything you need to know to get started so go check that out I promise it’s a very good video very informative right uh let’s oh God look at that look at that I mean I don’t know

What the hell’s going on there but it’s still very nice still still very nice right let’s just jump over here uh let’s go up here shall we let’s go up here let’s go up let’s go up let’s go up and uh right B where abouts are we whereabouts are

We so we are we are actually right here or obviously but say I’ve got coordinates in the map on on another screen so I can actually see oh look at that easy peasy so we’re actually on a highway an official 2b2 T Highway um good times good fun let’s just go

Forward a little bit we got some uh things there that want to blow us up I suppose item frame maybe there was something in there once maybe there was something in there once I try to use meteor some of the features yeah I mean you know meteor is

Not made for 2b2 it was uh popular before tub um so yeah a lot of it’s not going to work but the basic stuff works you know it’s it’s good enough for for what we need it for it’s good enough for what we need it for um what is that what is

That b b b b uh yeah let’s just let’s just carry on beautiful north of Spawn but still very close to spawn we’re still very close to spawn not far at all what’s going on over there let’s go and have a look let’s go and have a look

Uh what’s going on up here then let’s go and have a look let’s see if we can get up there without getting blown up let’s see if we can get up there without being blown up lot of signs a lot of signs it’s quite a cool little Monument over

There let’s go over this way a little bit let’s go over this way a little bit Hey Thomas what’s the goal of this stream hey raw dogger is this pre-recorded nope this is me oh look at that we found the flower Trail we have found the flower Trail what’s the goal

Of the stream you know we’re just on 2b2 T we’re just at spawn we’re just looking around basically just sort of taking it all in showing people 2b2 T that might not be familiar with it and we’re just enjoying going around spawn basically there’s uh lots of cool stuff around here so

Um yeah it’s just a beautiful place very very interesting let’s have a little walk up and down here I don’t know if this is the original flower Trail it’s quite a famous Trail on 2b2 um but uh yeah we are we are 100% live on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft and uh yeah welcome to everyone else joining we got a few people coming along now and uh as you can see we got a sub goal going so uh if you can help me get to the 2,000 Subs it would mean a lot it would definitely

Mean a lot right oh we got a ninja warus banner down there should we go and have a look at that down there how do we get is there an easy way to get down I wonder if there’s an easy way to get oh no oh no we’ve just griefed part of this

Oh I’m sorry I did not mean to do that oh we only got one piece of dirt as well oh no okay let’s carry on see that’s the problem now now with all the creepers um yeah we’ve got nothing we can repair that with um do I vote Tori no I don’t

Vote anything I hate all those guys how does one join 2b2 T just go to you can join it in 1.9.4 or higher that is it uh I’ve only been on 2B three times this is my fourth I’m in Q great man well good luck enjoy it uh and again

Go watch the complete guide to 2b2 T on my channel and give you all the advice you need about about uh surviving but yeah good luck um yes googly yeah it goes up and down it goes up and down so yeah welcome to everyone wow it’s jumping up it’s popping off uh yeah

We’re on 2b2 t uh we’re just wandering around taking it all in uh using some hacks if you’ve never seen hacking before uh we can show you all of these things so yeah we’ve got x-ray we’ve got free cam and uh you know it’s just an

Easy way if you need diamonds it’s like I need some diamonds where’s the Diamonds oh there’s some diamond oh there’s some diamonds there’s the diamonds whatever you need uh you can find if you need it if you need it uh can you play on Bedrock hey Panza unfortunately not it’s a Java edition

Only I think there is a pocket edition 2b2 clone as well that you might be able to use um use or play on yeah I think there are pocket edition clones but the OG the original 2b2 t which is what we’re on now uh is unfortunately only on

Java Edition um I just want to do view model you uh I know I think I think we’re good I think we’re good um yeah so welcome everyone you see I’ve got a sub goal I’m trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you haven’t subbed uh just click the

Button honestly we do some amazing streams on this channel lots of cool videos and uh you know it just means a lot whenever I see people subscribing it does mean a lot so yeah if you can help us get to 2K that would be amazing right

What do we got going on down here look at all the mobs down there what the hell what is going on down here ah it’s cuz we’ve got an old school mob grinder I say old school it’s not is it because this is down uh under zero so um someone

Has tried to build an old school mob grinder in new chunks it looks like it’s kind of working um oh it’s built around oh I’m smart it is built around uh a Skelly spawner so I’m super smart so this is actually a new base this is a

1.19 base in like really really old chunks how do we get down there though is the question I’d like to go and take a look but it looks pretty well hidden down there uh yeah how do we get down there I mean there’s a whole is it portal and everything but there’s no

Direct way down there so I’m not going to dig all the way down there so we’ll leave it we’ll leave it um crunchy or smooth peanut butter always uh smooth always smooth um I’m going to start making my own peanut butter actually cuz

Uh you know I I I do like uh Jiffy is it Jiffy jippy Jiffy I mean I do love like that sort peanut butter but yeah lots of sugar and preservatives not good for you try to keep it natural um which client uh using Russia hack and using meteor

Um and uh yeah I should get the the meteor um uh water mark up there as well I forgot to do that actually so I will do that at some point I’ll do that if we get a low in viewers again I might should do that but whoa we’re jumping up

Again so yeah welcome everyone we’re on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy ser server in Minecraft and uh we’re just chilling you know we’re just hanging around and looking at this old terrain I mean this terrain is like beta 1.5 1.6 terrain generated 12 years ago this would have

Been and it just stays on the map and that’s what’s so cool about 2B even though we’re in version 1.9.4 now I mean you can check out you can see the netherite drip um you still get all of this old terrain once it’s generated it stays there and I absolutely love it it

Just makes it the most unique place in Minecraft in my opinion um so yeah I mean you have a very Posh voice well I appreciate that I think some people might disagree from the UK but no I appreciate that I I try and talk well this is not quite my outdoor voice but

For the streams I try and talk well so you can understand me um right let’s go over here that server is mid I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means I think that’s uh is that good or is that bad what time is it for me uh it

Is 10 to 2 10 to 2 in the afternoon for me so lunchtime chilling chilling mediocre I mean you know it’s not for everyone I love it so for me it’s uh what would I call it I don’t know but I really like it for me it’s like again

The most unique place in Minecraft I couldn’t play anywhere else you know really um so yeah super interesting for me but yeah I understand it’s not for everyone it’s not for everyone right what we got going on over here this is bizarre looking this is bizarre looking um

Just look at this I mean where else would you find something like this I don’t even know what’s going on here I don’t even know what’s going on here like this is massive something at one point but just completely n now just completely n now

Um what’s my occupation uh I am a 2b2 t streamer that’s my occupation no not really no just normal job I’m a normal person in real life normal job you know and just like to do this occas occasionally look at this I wonder what this was see that’s the thing it always

Makes me wonder you come across these old ruins and destruction and think what was this at some point you know who built this how old is it you know were people just playing Minecraft enjoying themselves do they everything get blown up like this very interesting is that a

Banner up there let’s oh there is a banner here let’s go and see what the ooh I don’t know what that Banner is I don’t recognize that Banner uh do we have any blocks that we can get up and steal it so this is the thing that I love

About 2B is like finding like these artifacts like banners uh sign books are also very valuable as well but what is this Banner magenta Banner Benedict 84 was here okay okay so it a name Banner so that’s going to go into my collection I don’t think I’ve

Got one of those um oh over 300 people now as well hello hello everyone um relatively surprised the server’s in a good I mean yeah it’s it’s you know it’s still pretty good we’re still doing okay um hello everyone hello everyone joining so we’re trying to get to 2,000 Subs so

I mean if you can help just click the sub button and it would be massively appreciated right let’s get a few more Rockets out uh um but yeah welcome everyone I really appreciate everyone joining we’re on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft

I mean I I hate to say it but I mean it’s true right how else can I describe it it is what it is so um this is this is what it is um uh is the server still hella toxic it’s not that bad it depends

Who you play with you know it depends who you play with I’m not that toxic again I might kill you at spawn but it’s just it’s just a friendly way of saying hello on a server you know it’s almost like a handshake it’s like a high five a

2b2 high five is getting killed at spawn it’s just the way it is it’s tradition right but not everyone is that toxic not everyone’s too toxic right let’s go over here again really old chunks here really really old chunks beautiful beautiful old ruins I mean look at that I mean

It’s just you know again it’s like what was it what was it it’s like real archaeology digital Archaeology is what this is absolutely crazy uh I left my Ender Chest don’t worry don’t worry we’ve got plenty we’ve got plenty I’ve got about 400 ender chests in my Ender Chest so it’s fine it’s

Fine uh fit MC n Brit MC this is Brit MC yeah unfortunately uh fit no longer plays on 2b2 T but it’s fine it’s fine you know he’s he’s made his impact and uh look at this we’ll just free cam free cam around um that’s a hack so we can

Just leave our body wow look at this what was going on here here look at these old ruins this is crazy and this isn’t a a pin wheel this is a symbol from an old group called The votex Coalition they were active from about 2015 to 2019 I believe um but look at

This I mean this must have been epic at one point look at it um but now it’s just you know falls into Decay part of 2b2 history and uh just rots away and it’s again there’s just something beautiful about that and you can go away I’m trying to give a speech here stop

Shooting me I’m trying to be philosophical and poignant here and you’re just shooting me right let’s move down let’s get away from that guy he’s ruining my speech he’s making me sound stupid right let’s go over here look at this wow what was this one

Day does it make you wonder you know it was like a fantastic old castle probably hours and hours and hours put into it lots of love and care and someone just came around and blew it up and such as life on 2b2 T that’s just how it is that

Is how it is right um anyway so welcome to everyone sorry I’m getting a bit carried away there uh hello Peter uh hello happy hello Ryan uh ziko I Tristan I Tristan hello hello hello half asleep Sam hello uh Eric yeah I mean he he hasn’t played for

A while he hasn’t played for a while uh he made his video but you know it’s it’s uh it’s not so good so um but it’s fine there’s enough of us still playing there’s enough going on so it’s fine uh he’s doing his qsm thing really isn’t it

Um what makes 2b2 special hey game Legend uh for me it’s the fact that it’s on the same map for the last 13 years um you get all these old ruins uh I mean we’re going through terrain now that was generated like 12 years ago uh you get

All these crazy chunk borders like this it’s had a nearly a million people roll through it you just don’t get that on other servers you know so to me it just makes it totally unique and of course there an anarchy server as well so pretty much anything goes uh it’s just

One of the craziest social experiments in the history of the internet I think and I absolutely love it very interesting um hey guys hey Ricky uh hey Tristan uh thank you appreciate that um did Q get any better I mean priority Q’s gotten better so you almost get in any

Time on priority queue but regular queue is still 3 4 hours um so you know you can get in with nonpr but again it depends on how much you want to play it depends on how much we want to play um but yeah if you do have any questions on

The server there’s a video on my channel called the complete guide 2b2 T answer all the questions that you might have goes through priority queue what hacks to use how to escape spawn absolutely everything so yeah go check it out um it’s pretty good if I do say so myself

Uh can you use modded items um uh I don’t really know what that means I mean you know there’s lots of history of people using loads of crazy stuff that they’ve done 32k items um negative durability items uh oh we’ve just found someone’s little base oh there’s a

Piston down here what what have they been doing with that that’s a little bit random yeah someone’s little hidey hole we’ve just ruined it by building something through the roof although someone’s already done that but let’s close the hole up let’s leave a banner why not we’ll bless him with one of our

Banners this guy is the luckiest guy on the server cuz he’s now got one of our banners in his base right let’s close that up uh that was excellently placed that’s what I meant to do leave no Trace leave no Trace let’s take off let’s take come on

Come on come on come on there we go there we go are there any bases left yeah plenty of bases lots of bases I mean I’ve been invited to like five bases recently and I need to get out and build at them all but it’s having a bit

Too much fun doing this at the moment but we will do it some point I do a stream I might do a stream where I’m building but I don’t know yet because I’m not the best builder so you know people might not want to watch that this

Is what I enjoy doing just wanding around spawn like I mean how crazy does that look you know just the big chunk border there it just means that this version this part of the map was generated in like an old version that version was generated in a newer

Version and because it was on the same seed but the uh what was in the seed changed you just get this crazy terrain like you just don’t see this anywhere else like it’s just so bizarre and just to wonder through it it’s just amazing

To me you know I could just do this all day so super super fun uh are there any crazy things going on Tob right now there’s always crazy things going on there’s always crazy things going on um uh how’s it going yeah it’s going good it’s going good how’s it going for you

J2d Archaeology is exactly what we’re doing digital archaeology as fit used to call it what happens if you find an active base uh it depends it depends like sometimes I might build there try and contact the owners if there’s lots of good stuff I might raid it a little

You know it’s fine it’s an anarchy server we can do that um but I generally leave it alone you know I I don’t like to mess with people’s stuff if if I can help it um oh God we got a nice little grief here let’s have a look let’s check

It out let’s check it out yeah this was one something but obviously now it’s in pieces uh green concrete let’s go and check out the chests just to see if there’s anything there I very much highly doubt it but we can have a little look we can have a

Little look uh oh how do we get up there so it looks like they were unstacking something here let’s uh have a look over here oh it’s uh Auto smelter isn’t it that’s what that is that’s what that is I’m smart uh you know a few items the

Remnants of whatever this once was um but it’s no more it’s no more uh is fitmc watching fitmc is always watching he is always watching what 2b2 groups are you on part of the gry beard geers very very good group of people um fit was in the chat no he

Wasn’t in the chat was he you joking fit MC I am the real Florida man that wasn’t the real fit MC was it that wasn’t the real fit MC was it no it wasn’t that’s just someone copying his name that’s just someone copying his name yeah not

Real that wasn’t the real one I I didn’t think it was I didn’t think it was um how do you get netherite on 22t well 1.9 19.4 now so um uh we’ve got netherite we’ve got the full drip as you can see it’s all good it’s all

Good yeah for whatever reason uh on Russia hack when it also replaces your elytra you fall out the sky and it didn’t happen on um future so it’s like a bit of a bug so I’m going to have to report that back to the Russia hat guys

Cuz yeah it’s a bit annoying what we got here this is a vaa banner I’ve got one of those already so uh hello to pens uh let’s carry on uh I’m fitmc on my all oh really oh hi fitmc what happened with fitmc did he deleted some videos where I triping he

Probably did yeah probably did um what’s this oh someone’s how could you leave your dog out here how could you leave your dog out here I mean what sort of monster does that oh shees you hate to see that I mean that is awful right what we got

Going on up here oh we got like a mob farm going on up here look at this got a newly built this looks like probably pretty new probably pretty new should get some XP uh let’s get some XP shall we that was good uh right we’ got some XP let’s get

Rid of this junk we don’t need this stuff uh all right let’s carry on down what’s going on down here is there a base below it uh lovely lava cast lovely lava cast where abouts are we whereabouts are we we kind of want to

Go want to go this way this is the way we want to go this is the way this is the way um uh let’s go over here oh what we got over here what have we got over here look like we had a proper big base going at some point

Uh when was 2B updated it was uh updated um last August is when it was updated what’s going on here looks like it was a big base at one point but again boom boom it’s all gone it’s always going to happen somewhere like this close to spawn oh look at those droppers

So this probably then would have been at some point um an older dup stash cuz people used to use droppers uh to hide stuff because um in the old hack clients they didn’t show Hoppers uh droppers I mean what I keep saying Hoppers droppers

So you used to oh oh so we go got some shulkers anything maybe we have found something maybe we have found something yeah so it’s all gone so yeah at some point uh at some point this probably was is there another one back there no so at one point this would have

Been uh a dup stash so this you know this would have all been filled uh filled with stuff um Nether goldor um yeah that’s how people used to hide stuff because the old hack clients uh didn’t used to uh didn’t used to show um droppers like that so that’s how

People used to hide stuff but yeah they do now so they’re all found but I found a couple of stashes like that and it’s pretty cool when you do uh uh has the real fit watched my streams before no no s was here once I’ve had sa here Vincent’s dropped in a

Couple times quite a few famous players have but fits probably fits the only one that hasn’t and I can’t blame him I mean you know he’s busy it would be nice for him to say hello at some point but um I can’t blame him and uh graby ge’s invite expired oh really I

Do apologize I’ll put another one up at some point I’ll put another one up at some point um I mean um if Hank or anyone’s still around if you could actually put uh gry be geer’s invite in the chat we can get a few people coming in it’s fine that’s fine um

So yeah chilling out a bit sad to see so many viewers come and go it’s like that it’s like a roller coaster like I looked at the analytics of the last two of these we’ve done and it it it goes up it goes down it goes up

It goes down but I think that’s just YouTube shorts I think that’s just YouTube shorts right it recommends you to a bunch of people then it stops then it starts again then it stops it’s fine it’s fine gives me a break to be honest goes a bit hectic when there’s loads of

People here so I don’t mind it right what have we got here look at this wow look at this you know I could just I do not get bored of coming across stuff like this I know it’s wrecked I know it’s old but I I I do not get bored of

It this is very interesting to me so let’s go down obviously there’s going to be nothing here but some people will leave stuff here so obviously the original stuff that was here is going to be gone if there was anything valuable bra Cod oh why am I going down there you

Know sometimes other players might leave some here to find stuff um came from YouTube shorts hey John oh that’s awesome that’s awesome yeah the shorts thing is it’s definitely working you know it really is um but yeah welcome welcome welcome uh anyone new obviously trying to get to

2,000 subscribers so if you haven’t subscribed you can definitely help out by just hitting the Subscribe button I would have definitely appreciate and liking the stream as well I think liking uh can really help as well so yeah just like that’s all you need to do and

Subscribe easy easy easy easy um hey Aran actor came from shorts as well it’s really working that’s awesome that is really awesome um but yeah welcome welcome welcome did you come after no I think googly you were here like almost from the start actually I think you were here

Almost from the start let’s go up here what do we got up here what do we have up here uh there’s something down here whoop let’s go and uh what have we got over here just a little Monument o diamonds ooh someone’s left a glow Ski Apple I’ll

Leave that for someone else I’ll leave that for someone else we don’t need it we don’t need it uh got to agree with the other guy love the vibe you have I appreciate that I do appreciate that yeah we’re just chilled here you know we know what the place is it’s

To be it’s just somewhere cool to relax on a Saturday afternoon have some fun hang out with the guys and the girls I enjoy it I I really enjoy it um what have we got here oh no 2023 oh gosh oh no we got to leave something for this

Guy we got to leave something for this guy you can do it bro yeah yeah you know it’s never good to feel sad obviously if you ever feel sad make sure you talk to someone make sure you talk to someone you know there’s people out there that will

Listen always good to talk uh you know I’m always here as well always a listening here so yeah always good to talk if you’re feeling sad anyway enough of that look at this old I just again you’re going to hear me say it over and over again with the old Terrain is

Amazing allterrain is amazing I could just wander across here all day it’s great um shall we make our way back to the highway though uh Hey Eternal how’s it going uh um how many years have you been playing 2B and Minecraft in general the answer is the same to both so I started

2b2 started Minecraft on 2b2 T So September of 2023 no September of 2020 so so I played a single player world for about a week to learn the controls and then I just jumped straight into 2b2 T you know 2b2 T is what’s interesting to me um diamond

Pickaxe give it to me I want your riches a it’s just a just a vanilla diamond pickaxe how cute um do you ever play 2b2 t with shaders uh I I do and we turned them on in the last stream but again I’m just a bit

Worried that it’s going to destroy my my PC it starts the fans start to uh go crazy I feel like my machine’s going to take off like a helicopter so I I don’t want to do it I don’t want to disrupt the stream so um but yeah if you go and

Watch my uh Guy 2 video you can see lots of nice shots of 2b2 t with shaders on um yeah we got to keep an eye on the the my computer’s Health Cu uh sometimes it gets a little bit noisy and I don’t want it to blow up on me it’s the only

Computer I got so uh right let’s go uh I’m going the wrong way I I love it when I do that like it’s so cool when I do that all right we want to go this way um what are my PC specs I honestly

Don’t know I I I uh I got them the other day oh God that scared the crap out of me right this this is a lot of chests this is a lot of chests but again I doubt anything’s here um they’re probably Cody smile chests are they um

Damn I thought I’d found very big pot Bob stash yeah you’d be you’d be so lucky let’s give them a diamond pickaxe though at least they found something I think this is just someone spamming a load of chests there’s actually stuff in that one there’s a gapple in that oh

Ninja warus of course he always leaves gapples around he’s a nice guy Ninja’s a nice guy that’s a ninja warus Banner as well um yeah we’re not going to check all these I mean look there’s hundreds of them we’re not going to bother 2b2 team Museum um the closest thing

That we’ve got to a museum is the the archive the archive. world is a server where they upload lots of world downloads of famous 2b2 bases it’s super cool definitely go and check it out um what are the latest controversies on TB in the past few months uh I’m not too

Sure to be honest uh what are the latest controversies you know there’s there’s word of a possible C exploit going on but people are always saying that but who knows there might be uh that’s GRE and level chest chaos yeah it is it is not the biggest I’ve

See musk what is up bro what is up um right I’m going to head back over to the highway going to head back over to the highway oh look at this just a cute little wrecked Little Island you love to see it cheers bro yeah we’ve had a couple of

Crazy Peaks so far we had like 320 people watching a little while um but yeah these these streams are crazy they go up and down up and down up and down but it’s good because it gives me a breather uh let’s check out this humble little Abode humble

Abode portal in there I mean it’s never good to have portals in your base but I think and you’ve got one outside this guy was lazy he had one inside outside never a good idea but this close to spawn it doesn’t really matter it doesn’t really

Matter uh have you been involved in any call historical events since your time on the server um I mean I guess I was playing during the pandemic explosion which was uh a crazy time I mean I know that’s very generalized um but I was here when that was happening and you

Know I was building um uh during stuff like when they used to do no server November where they would just lag the server um like mad you know crashing the server and um so I was playing when those things were going on but I wasn’t really involved I’ve always kind of I’ve

Always tried to be like an outsider like just on the outside looking in I feel like that’s Sometimes the best way of doing it I think if you get too involved it can get a little overwhelming uh and uh I don’t know really so yeah I just

Like to like stay on the outside looking in keep it General keep it chilled uh we got like a little base down here I guess there we go oh look at that oh a big melon farm should we going have a look let’s go and have a

Look uh how far out am I I’m not that far I am not that far I would say let’s have a look I’m around 20K blocks out now so yeah not that far far enough uh how do I get down there then I don’t I don’t want to grief it but we

Got to get in oh I’ve got I’ve got mining fatigue oh no I’ve got mining fatigue still oh no is there a is there a way in is there a more di direct direct where in there we go oh no I can’t get in I’ve got mineing fatigue no oh

No I need to go and get some milk I need to go and get some milk uh what highway am I on I’m I’m kind of on the Northern Highway although I’m a bit far away from it now okay there’s some stairs there let’s use the

Stairs okay let’s use the actual way in let’s use the actual way in let’s knock on the door there we go there we go let me in I just want to see what you got while we’re in we’re in is there a bucket so I can go and get some milk from

Somewhere oh there’s a bucket find a cow go and milk it just sounds weird when you say that but that’s what we need to do right anything around no but still nice let’s leave them a banner let’s leave them a banner we found a couple of banners we found a couple of banners

There we go we’re not going to leave a sign we’ll leave a banner be mysterious and stuff go get milk dad well I have to because I got Min and fatigue you know I’ve got mine in fatigue so let’s go find let’s go find a cow shall we let’s go find a

Cow I’m like the watch yeah I’m kind of like that I’ve always been like that I sometimes feel like if you get too involved uh it can get a little overwhelming you see people come they get super super involved and then they leave there we go there we go thank

You look at that Peak Minecraft skills right there Peak Minecraft skills right there uh yeah let’s just go back to the highway right oh look at this it’s like I love these trunk borders I absolutely love these trunk borders they’re so insane just unique unique terrain what we

Got what have we got we’ve got like a little Valley of wheat type thing going on this is nice this is obviously pretty new oh there’s a house up there is it like a chicken farm maybe this is cute this is super cute I love this sometimes like people will just come to

Highways and like build stuff and you know they do it knowing that it’s not going to last but I mean you know it’s still nice just to contribute oh this is extremely cute this is extremely cute very very nice very very nice yeah let’s leave them the bucket we

Don’t need that anymore no not all my B I need those I’m going to leave one in a second eat a gapple yeah why not look at that super cute super cute let’s uh let’s leave our Banner shall we where should we put it got to find like the perfect place to leave

It there awesome lovely look at that it’s like a ship but it’s on fire oh no oh no someone’s lit it on fire wow this is cool this is cool we got another ninja warus Banner this is nice down here got some new stuff we got some old stuff very interesting love finding

Stuff like this oh let’s go down let’s see anything for us what’s that down there anything for us I don’t think so let’s go and check that out I doubt is anything but we can check it out obviously lots of new blocks arms going them put the lights

On it’s 2:00 in the UK so obviously it’s almost dark we live in this crazy country where it’s just awful weather so to put the lights on at 2:00 so I can’t see anything nice very cute down here right let’s get out of here there’s a cool little chest room

Nice design nice design I like it a lot I like it a lot right let’s let’s head out shall we oh we we we’ve seen enough I think we’ve seen enough down here let’s uh let’s head back up nice though nice ruins I like it someone spent some time here they’ve made it

Nice and cute it’s being griefed obviously but it still has its charm right still has its charm I guess that’s the yeah it’s chicken farm should see if we can hatch one nope nice very nice right let’s carry on we’re back on the highway now obviously

So I wonder what that said once let’s carry on um actually we’re going the wrong way we want to go this way this is the way we want to go uh ever watch Adventure Time no no I have very little time to watch other YouTubers especially other streamers and

I do feel bad because like other people who stream come and watch me and I’d love to go and watch their streams but it’s just once I’ve done streaming I’m like don’t have much free time it’s the just the issues of getting a bit older there the issues are getting a bit older

You know there we go docked so we’ll go off the go off the beating path a bit go off the beating path a little bit and uh yeah look at some old ruins uh it’s an old car Network show oh okay um I don’t remember it I do not

Remember it how long have we been streaming for how long hour and 15 minutes I’m going to do about two hours today so we got another 45 minutes we got another 45 minutes where are you going I just joined Hey Demo least cringe Minecraft youtubers so far I appreciate that that

Is very much appreciated yeah I try not to be too cringe you know we’re just chilling just enjoying 22t uh just taking it in for what it is but no I appreciate that uh where am I going nowhere in particular we’re just on 2b2 T we’re just hanging out we’re

Just you know looking around spawn just looking to see what we can find there’s so much crazy unique stuff going on around here that it’s uh um it’s just nice to wander around you know I just like to be on foot and to walk around and take it all in whatever you find

Like you just find these crazy things as you go along and it’s just super interesting to me um I felt like it would be cool yeah that’s a great idea actually I don’t think anyone’s already done stuff like that um I don’t think anyone’s ever done

The problem is is that when you try and do stuff like that there’s always someone that’s going to spoil it so there’s always someone that’s going to come along and grief it that’s the only thing like community events and things like that that they’ll get griefed like

People take a lot of pleasure in grief and stuff which again I’m not against griefing uh I I get it for like certain reasons but if you’re just doing it to spoil something I just I don’t know it’s that’s a bit cringe to me but hey you

Know each to their own each to their own right let’s go on over here a little bit so do you AFK or do you just uh buy your way to the front of the line uh I mean yeah I pay priority Q I mean I couldn’t

You know it takes about 3 four hours to get in on non PR Q so I couldn’t do that I don’t mind paying for pry I play play enough if you play enough it’s worth it definitely uh what client I use Russia hack and meteor combination of the two sesta hello

Um how do you interact with your group gra GE if you say you aren’t a good Builder I mean we just hang out we just chill I mean I say I’m not a good I’m not a terrible Builder um so I still do go and build stuff but again I’m just

Not an epic Builder we have some epic builders in the group so I’m an average Builder I would say so uh I can still contribute to a base a little bit but I’m just not one of those guys that can freestyle a massive build you know uh

The numbers going back up I know it happens it’s like down and up down and up and uh uh oh God we’re do it on this beautiful old terrain I love it I’m going to stop saying it at some point cuz it’s going to get annoying keep

Saying it but it’s true uh we’ve got over here looks like we got some sort of underground thing going on over here let’s have a look let’s land oh fantastic Landing no full damage at all yeah look at that look at that just a beautiful underground base

Uh exit yeah this is an old this is an old base you can just tell that this is an old base uh let’s go down and take a look shall we how do we get in how do we get get in uh how do we get in anyway we got a

Few people coming so uh yeah welcome to everyone joining we’re on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft uh we’re around spawn we’re just looking around just hanging out we’re just playing with some hacks if you’ve never seen them before and uh we’re just

Having a good time we are having a good time uh trying to get to 2,000 subscribers so if you haven’t uh you know it would massively help out and I would really appreciate if you would subscribe so yeah um so let’s have a look around shall we um look at this

Beautiful beautiful old base I think I think this must be pretty old this must be pretty old if you ask me um they could be hidden secrets down here some of these chests could have stuff in and people like to hide stuff in like naturally generated chest cuz it is a

Good way to hide things uh look at that someone was here and they uh put the Torches in and uh yeah just someone down here here playing Minecraft you know you love to see it sometimes sometimes that gets lost on you when you’re doing all the hacking um just to come and play

Some real Minecraft and you can do that on tub um you know it’s nice back in the day not everyone hacked and it was just a place that people came to play and I you know you love to see it just to see old remnants of the old days of people

Just coming to play a bit of regular Minecraft loading just subed appreciate that appreciate that yeah we’re trying to get to 2,000 Subs so um yeah if you can help me get there I would really appreciate it right let’s go back up to the service service surface um cheers googly well yeah

Tomorrow we’ll be subscri uh streaming again and uh we’ll be doing a proper stream tomorrow uh on proper like laptop computer wides screen stream tomorrow um so make sure you come and check that out but um yeah welcome everyone coming from the shorts feed um I I think everyone’s

Getting recommended it right now because we got the most viewers we’ve ever had so welcome welcome welcome welcome oh my God it’s going up to uh crazy things um yeah what’s up lips yeah this has been doing really really well musk are you still around um are you still around

Musk um and and will you be sticking around for a while cuz if you are I’m going to make you a mod because I just need a bit of help with the chat uh how do you do the love counter uh is it built in feature uh I I don’t have you

Know the the uh the counter is not live unfortunately so uh let me just make Mr musk wizard uh a moderator because I trust him a lot so uh you are a fullon managed moderator there you go so uh just make sure no one says anything bad

Because you know you know we’re trying to keep it family friendly and all that right let’s car oh we’re going the wrong way North if anyone sees me flying south or anywhere uh make sure you don’t let me uh do that okay how often does the counter update it doesn’t I’m I’m really

Technologically bad with all this stuff so I’ve got no what you call it alerts TTS whatever uh I just kind of put that in so maybe we’ll do a little sub count now so before I do it if you’ve not subbed go and sub right now because I’m

Going to update the counter manually so it needs to be the maximum it can possibly be so I’m going to give you 10 seconds to go and subscribe so that when I check it I can update it let me go and check it out another five seconds so you better go and

Subscribe one two fantastic okay so there we go so we are at there we go manually done manually done uh what’s up SpongeBob why you at spawn uh you know I like to be at spawn there’s a lot of cool stuff going on it’s interesting it’s fun

You know just fly around and just see crazy old stuff like you know and it just makes you wonder like what was the person thinking of when they built this you know um what’s your purpose my purpose is to have fun have fun that’s all my purposes

And maybe inspire people I don’t think I’m going to inspire anyone though but yeah mainly to have fun um what’s my PVP style Runa away is my PVP style I don’t need a PVP style cuz no one’s brave enough to PVP me I’m Immortal actually I’m actually Immortal on This Server so

Uh don’t need a PVP style doesn’t affect me at all um yeah the sub count just jumped up so yeah I do appreciate that guys really appreciate it it helps a lot it really does you could also like the stream I’ve had like 8,000 different people watch it

We’ve got 16 likes it’s that that ratio is not not on so if everyone can also go and like the stream as well that could I want to see how many people YouTube pushes this to and I think like make a big difference as well so if you can

Actually like it like the actual like button the thumbs up button or whatever it is that would be massively appreciated let’s just see how many people we can push this out to let’s see if we can get to over 400 viewers for the first time ever we got close a

Minute ago um where do you keep spamming fireworks do you not have extended firework yeah I do uh I just enjoy it uh mortis uh really appreciate that thank you so much finding a 2b2 YouTuber that plays on the server exactly bro exactly um most of them do not play anymore so

Yeah I’m a real player just doing regular 2b2 stuff and I’m taking you all along with me this is kind of like a firstperson POV view of what the server actually is um uh let’s celebrate their 10th super on a live streams this is the 10th time

Donated someone so you’re a very very generous guy and uh me and the 10 other people appreciate it thank you how old am I I’m old enough I am am old enough I would love to play 2b2 t but I don’t have a good enough computer yeah it does

Require a little bit of power I used to play it on a knacked old laptop though so it depends on what you want to do to be honest it can be done it can be done uh I’m not from the you I say I’m from

The UK I’m a UK gezer uh what hack client we using Russia hack and meteor together combination of the two um uh PS4 Minecraft good old single player I mean yeah I I I do like single player occasionally but um just to try stuff out I just get

Lonely just get lonely I’m like yeah I want to play on a server where how many have we got online 278 you never know who’s going to rock up on you you you never know whoever’s going to uh uh get here as well uh googly it doesn’t matter just being here

Is appreciated as long as you’re subscribed and as long as you’ve liked that’s all that matters to me but I appreciate that uh why Russ a hack I heard it’s a hack Russia hack probably is but Russia hack is is okay it’s okay what is my PVE style um just Total

Domination like all of this now I own it like this environment I own it is mine now you know that see they’re trying to kill me but they can’t so PVP style don’t need one because I’m Invincible PVE it’s domination it’s just the way that it is uh stop hacking no nope uh

I’m not hacking I’m actually not hacking um it’s just a rumor like it’s fake fake hacks so um yeah don’t don’t report me to the 2b2 admin because I am not hacking okay there are no hacks going on here okay uh what client uh I’m using Russia hack and meteor

Together if you are forced to PVP what are you going to do uh I don’t know I’m going to throw some Crystals at people going to eat some gapples and just see what happens turn on autoc crystal start spamming see what happens basically hope hope for the

Best uh dirt and Oak planks well that’s not very friendly could leave some better stuff for me what’s your opinion on Andrew T um I don’t like the guy let’s put it that way he’s a good fighter though he’s a legit kickboxer that I only just recently found out he is actually a

Legit kickboxer so you know that’s pretty cool but um yeah there a guy uh seriously sus right uh that’s not what I wanted to press so we’ve got a very rubbish creeper I mean that’s just poor but you know still interesting to see oh we got some banners in there let’s check

Out the banners we want the ban Banners are good that’s what we want to that’s what we want to collect Banners are the good stuff um what does Russia hat do I mean it does the same stuff oh ninja warus sub on YouTube yeah go sub to ninja he’s

A great guy let’s leave a let’s leave a a gaple someone took the gap or they didn’t take the banner but you’re supposed to take the banner these are the things you should be collecting on 2b2 T especially if they’re named especially if they’re named right let’s

Go along look at this I wonder what this once was uh that’s pretty cool I quite like that I know it’s only Cobblestone but I mean if it’s really old that’s all they had to work with right not many blocks so let’s continue going uh what’s my

Favorite thing about 22t it’s the map it’s the old map it’s the old ruins it’s never knowing what you’re going to find like over here we could find 100 dub stash uh over here we could find 20 players PVP in over here we could find an untouched 2011 base you just never

Know you never know and you’re never going to find out on any other server it’s just the most unique place in all of Minecraft in my opinion and one of the most unique places in all of gaming in my opinion as well uh yo what’s up how’s England

Greetings from Sweden hey man hey uh England’s cold it is it’s definitely cold uh I mean it’s the 1 of March it’s supposed to be getting warmer but it seems to be getting colder which is very annoying uh did uh 2B update yeah updated to 1. 19.4 um so you know we’re fully

Netherite drip now full netherite drip we’ve got all of it um which is beautiful you love to see it um but still in this gorgeous old terrain so we’re flying through like beta chunk chunks now uh in full netherite which is very strange uh very very strange again

I don’t know where else you’d get that experience but uh you get that here uh just flying in the wrong direction but that’s cool right let’s go and find some land see if we can find anything um greetings from Sanka hello greetings from Morocco all right we

Seeing as some people have been putting in where they’re from let’s do the the fit MC thing everyone tell me which country you’re from okay everyone right now put in chat what country you’re uh viewing from because that is pretty cool just find out right let’s go and check out what this

Is anything here us Serbia USA Cyprus Poland Marshal Islands Poland uh Italy Sweden UK Pakistan wow all over the place Australia turkey this is awesome um Portugal east coast of the US I’d love to be there right now Poland Canada Tacko Land South Africa Scotland America Brazil Morocco Sweden this is great Philippines

Uh welcome everyone we’ve got literally people from all over the world this is this is beyond amazing like these these streams have just been beyond amazing so I’m super happy welcome guys welcome guys um New Zealand Curry land great um awesome awesome awesome awesome is there a big queue yeah there’s always a

Pretty big queue if you’re not uh uh using priority queue it’s always going to take sort of three four hours to get in at least unfortunately it’s just the way it is um uh right let’s carry on a little bit let’s see if we can find anything

Um what time is it yeah we got a banner probably a ninja warus Banner yeah of course yeah he’s uh he’s been very prevalent with his banners in the area um how do I keep stocked on stocked on fireworks well mob Farms are really good

Now so uh it’s very easy to create a creeper creeper farm and uh sugarcane farm so yeah every now and again pop back to my base just grind it for a day and just get a few stacks of uh fireworks or three shuls of fireworks um

So yeah it’s uh very easy to stay stacked up on fireworks used to be very rare they used to be very rare but yeah not anymore what do we got going on down here looks like we got a little hidey-hole base let’s let’s go in let’s fly all the way

In yeah that was a perfect Landing look at that Perfect Landing 10 out of 10 uh Ninja warus again has been here uh how far out am I um I am uh how far out am I around 25k out so we’re not that far far enough that we

Can start to find some kind I mean it’s UNG griefed right I mean it is UNG griefed it’s not like it’s epic but it is ungr we’ll leave one of our banners as well why not we’re going to bless these people you’ve been blessed You’ have been blessed I’m a sub to this

British guy seems CH well thanks Elaine thanks how do you get back to base quickly using a p stasis chamber so I’ve got an out account at my base at all the time um and he just clicks the Pearl and I’ll just teleport back um so yeah super cool to have

Those am I allowed to show my base on stream uh I mean if it’s one of my own bases I I could um um but I probably won’t because you know I don’t think there are any terrain exploits anymore I think that’s impossible to do on the new

2B but just in case and again it’s not because I’d be upset if it got griefed like one of my bases it’s just that I I’m too lazy to then build like mob farms at one of my other bases so um I’m just going to keep those off stream but

Maybe we’ll build a base on stream one day maybe we’ll do that if people really want to see it you know people want to see it I’ll do it uh I can show a Giza town or there we go yeah maybe we’ll show a Giza Town Giza Town eight once is

Up and running I need to make my way there actually I might try and do that tomorrow but um I think that’s the place where pop for kingar Ross it’s not but uh I I have been there a couple times it’s it’s cool to go to those places maybe maybe I’ll

Do a stream for that where we actually go to historical places that might be a really nice stream idea actually thought that’s a great idea that could be like a few streams and you could turn that into a video maybe hm thank you for the ideas thank you for

The ideas what do I think about fitmc fitmc is cool he does this thing fitmc is cool he does his thing right we are back on the highway let’s just walk along the highway for a moment why not uh uh I don’t think that was where they

Fought no I don’t think that was I think that’s the like 100k odd out so what is that what’s that block highlighted oh there’s a furnace down there that’s why uh shiby thank you appreciate that Rox what’s up um yeah fit took my bat theory he did

Yeah probably didn’t but uh he might have been thinking about it but you know he just maybe he did maybe just looked at the sub one day um mortis coming through once again thank you so much where do you draw the line with cheats I could imagine it could take the

Challenge out of the game if you have too many not knocking the cheats though I understand you need need them to play Super 2T it’s a fantastic question um so the way I see it is this is that uh if you’re playing regular Minecraft like there there’s no point in

Cheating because part of the fun of regular Minecraft is like you know mining for diamonds and stuff like that so I get that um but for 2b2 T I mean look I can see that there’s a base down there so uh now I can just free cam down

And check it out and there’s so much stuff going on Underground on 2b2 T that if you weren’t to hack you would just miss out on it um so tb2t is unique where I think that hacking is like really beneficial uh and again there’s so many players around uh who are

Hacking that you need to have the tracers to see if they’re coming to get you um but yeah so it depends I think tb2t it is useful to hack 100% um but on regular worlds probably not it takes the fun out of it it depends on what you’re doing

Right um but yeah thank you so much for the donation really appreciate it it uh is the old account how you keep your base and farm chunk excuse me chunkloaded um uh yes yeah uh how do you find food there’s plenty of food around now uh you

Know fish all over the place you’ll find animals fish spawn now so finding food is not a difficult thing to do anymore um now it’s staying away from all the mobs the mobs are really difficult um bless me again thank you yeah thank you um oh look at

This I love this shade of green so this means that this must be like uh or the map thinks this is a mushroom Island I think when it’s this shade of green um yeah a nice little glitch there in The Matrix um I never forget the day yeah I mean I

I found sound to be through fit I mean you know I just was like it was during the pandemic I was like I need a game to play I need to sink my teeth into a game I’m going to go crazy I was like I want a survival game I was like searching

Like best survival games Minecraft came up started to watch a few videos and then a fit video got recommended and then I watched him base hunting I was like wow there’s this map where you can just like go out and find stuff that other people have done like we’re

Sharing the same game this is crazy and that’s what got me into it basically so you know I can’t ever be too mad at fit cuz he showed me the server um what’s the rarest item um probably some books by some good players and some OG usernames really those are the only

Things that are rare um everything else can be like replicated and you know even banners and like uh named items can be replicated so you can never know if they’re Originals uh really but yeah books are kind of the only thing that are rare to be honest

Um uh is this 1.19 yep we’re on 1.9.4 now so we’re fully dripped up with the full netherite uh do you think pot Bob is a 12-year-old who just knew how to hack well I mean probably not because pop Bob was playing like six seven years ago

Right so I don’t think he was playing when he was five but um I mean you back then you used to get like 12 year olds playing on the server which to me is very concerning like people that used to actually grow up you know go from being

Kids to adults on This Server uh that is very concerning um I I actually think my personal opinion I think you have to be over 18 to play This Server that’s just my personal opinion obviously that would never happen because like that would take away 90 to 95% of the players but

Um yeah that’s just my opinion um but anyway uh look at this beautiful old ruins uh or actually I don’t know if this is ruins just looks like it’s unbuilt so um yeah just someone being lazy come and finish your base come and finish your base just put a roof on it

Put a roof what happens to if it rains you’re going to get wet and you know the security is terrible as well anyone can jump through there anyway did we encounter a player yet no no one’s brave enough no one is brave enough because they know what’s going to

Happen um it’s rare to encounter players to be honest it is once you get a certain distance it is very rare to encounter players uh what have we got here we’ve got like a little uh furnace for Fortress okay yeah it’s not working it is not working

Uh where were you when the lck forj exploit was happening I was in Birmingham at the time actually so yeah it was fine uh maybe popbob is a well spoken respectful family man you just spent his free time on 2B it could be it could be you you’d be surprised like

When I’ve seen uh I not 2B players but like YouTubers in general when you see them like what they look like IRL it’s sometimes quite surprising um will you get bandle kit for in activity yeah you can do oh ender chest times 23 we’ll take those we’ll take those thank

You thank you we’ll we’ll get our stack back up that’s the beauty beautiful thing you can just find you know nice items on the ground like there what else have you got for me dirt dandelion that’s not what we want Oak saplings no we want to find some op

Stuff where’s the good stuff Cobblestone again that’s another good reason to hack because you know people just drop random crap on the ground and one man’s rubbish is another man’s riches as they say is that the saying it’s something like that anyway it is something like that

Uh uh Wy appreciate that appreciate that thank you so much um I was scrolling and see your stream I’m new and became a sub immediately I appreciate that uh lnd D B appreciate that um what month was log 4J or week I I can’t I can’t remember now it was it was

Already like well over a year ago I think already well over a year ago I think um yeah it’s been a while now it’s been a while I I wasn’t affected um but yeah it was uh it was a crazy time right all of these crazy things we’ve seen it all on

2b2 uh and I’m sure there’s there’s definitely uh a quad exploit going on right now there definitely is all of these uh uh Bots at spawn there’s a reason that they’re at spawn right there is some sort of reason look at this amazing terrain right this is beta

Generation at its very best I do love the new generation but there’s just something about this old beta generation like these old Extreme Hills from the beta times that it’s just something so cool absolutely love it uh you know the desert biome you’re heading over come over come over you’re

Welcome you’re more than welcome um thank you for the welcome you’re very welcome you’re very very welcome everyone’s very welcome we’re just here to chill nothing serious just to look around there’s so much to see uh what is this I mean I just again I just love stuff like this like it’s it’s

Random um but it’s beautiful in its own way like I don’t understand but maybe it’s not something you have to understand right it’s just something that someone’s put together and uh we can just enjoy it uh do you think fitmc just carried around a Sher full of campfires that’s a

Good question uh probably yeah probably he he he loved a campfire intro didn’t he that’s a great great question punch you Crystal oh no I can’t do it it would have blown them all up wouldn’t it it would have blown them all up um where we

1 hour 42 1 hour 42 uh going to do another 20 minutes or so I think another 20 minutes or so um but yeah so yeah so trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you aren’t a sub you know massively help out if you subscribed really appreciate it

You’ll all become friends we’re all friends here uh I mean yeah it’s very easy to get griefed right you’ve got to be very careful about um hiding your base you’ve got to be super careful about hiding your base um yeah if you’ve never played

2B and you want some advice on how to do it if you go to the channel I did a video called the complete guide to 2b2 tells you absolutely everything what hacks to use how to find bases how to find dup stashes how to escape spawn um absolutely everything it will help you

Get completely established lished let’s go and check out this little hidey hole down here oh we knock on the door hello can I come in thank you anything for us anything for us no well let’s leave something for someone else shall we let’s leave them a gapple leave them a gapple and we’ll

Leave them an amazing Banner there we go close the door behind us cuz we’re polite and let’s Carry On Let’s carry on favorite biome um that’s a good question actually what is my favorite biome um I like a planes biome that kind of meets a dark oak forest you know

Where’s that where there’s that contrast and then a bit of water near it that’s where I like to build a base I like trees behind me water in front of me and a nice bit of flat land to to build on very specific um very distinguished gentleman

Well thank you I appreciate that uh when you first started Tob how long it take you to leave spawn it took me a couple of attempts actually because at the time there was something going on called the what was it called the it was where they were like trying to ban you with

Furnaces so um what were they called the breaker I think something like that something like that um oh dear oh no oh look there’s the XB orb we have found a dead body guys we found our first dead body uh F in the chat please for this

Guy he sacrificed himself he was trying to escape spawn he was trying to survive and he’s gone he’s completely look at his all of his diamond armor oh dear this poor guy this poor guy salute the guy let’s pay our respects to our fallen comrade oh dear look at look at all of

His stuff it’s all con oh no he had a wooden hoe and everything lava bucket oh oh he was doing so well as well he was almost established six buckets raw Cod it’s all gone it’s all gone yeah Fallen Hero right let’s carry on enough of that he’s got enough of our attention

Uh yeah unfortunately this is a risky place to be it is a risky place to be and uh let’s just disrespectfully throw out his junk on the ground cuz we actually don’t need it iron pickaxe there we go uh recognize the random grass texture layout see you soon I’ll see you soon

You’re more than welcome to join me more than welcome to join me leave it in a chest I could have left it in a chest but we don’t have time we we we’ve got other things to go and see we’ve got other things to go and see

Uh can I join you can join it’s open to everyone did I just throw out 64 Rockets maybe I did oh well someone else can get them I’ve got plenty of rockets don’t worry do not worry we are rocket Rich we are rocket Rich dubs and dubs of rockets so we’re

Okay what’s the IP uh what do I have for a graphics card GeForce GTX is what it says the machine I don’t actually know which one I look I just bought the most expensive machine I could buy that’s the way I did it I was like this is the amount of

Money I’ve got give me the best thing you can give me I I’m really bad with hardware and I’ll put my hands up you know I’ll put my hands up do I have prior yes I have prior I couldn’t play without it couldn’t play without

It uh the Fate 2b2 t this is the real deal bro look you know this is the real deal we are here we are on the server um it is what it is is what’s the IP of 2b2 it’s it’s all you need 1.9.4 or later um this is tight I’m literally

Hallucinating well uh uh I hope uh you’re having a good time oh we are lagging we are lagging whoa what happened there we got some official 22t lag there we go don’t get that much these days you do not get that much these days there we go some

Authentic 2b2 homegrown lag you saw it there there we go I try to find diamonds okay let’s find diamonds let’s find diamonds there we go I found diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds there we go that was quick that was super quick super quick easy easy to find diamonds uh are there any client side

Mods you recommend for optimization yeah if you go and watch the guy 2 video I put a couple in there it’s sodium and lithium uh fast Vincent did a really good video on loads of different mods as well um so yeah go and check those out where is he where where he

Disappeared well this guy’s magic I’m getting out of here what the hell is going on uh God we’re over 300 people uh welcome everyone we are on 2b2 T the oldest anak server we’re just exploring we’re just looking at around looking at Old ruins looking to see what we can

Find uh and we’re trying to get to 2,000 Subs so if you aren’t subbed uh you know it means a lot every single subscriber becomes a friend I really do appreciate it so yeah if you can it would be appreciated right let’s carry on um uh invisible potion at night he uses

Ah very good fake 2b2 T this is fake I’m afraid of course it’s not fake look two builders two tools man uh from Bedrock what’s up show op items uh I mean you know I mean I’ve got the the ricken stack 32ks uh we’ve got the maxed out pickaxe

Uh that’s pretty much what we’ve got that’s pretty much what we’ve got oh we got the maxed out armor as well we’re doing okay right let’s go to this let’s go let’s go over here shall we let’s go over here shall we let’s see if you got

Anything for us have you got anything for us I don’t think this portal is going to work by the way uh how are we doing for I think we need a new elytra don’t we let’s get some elytra let’s get some new elytra out let’s put that broken one away and

We’ll get a couple of new ones out look at that beautifully arranged sh box we got a kit here as well you know if we I always keep a kit on me if we do find a new player so we can give them a kit I always put a broken alter in there

As well because you know I don’t just like to give people like loads of stuff just enough to get started so give them a broken elytra with mending on it so that they can they can use it but they’ve got to mend it first that’s the challenge it’s like I’m fair but firm

You know nice but not too nice you don’t want to ruin people’s experience you know finding your own stuff getting established for me is part of the fun so if you just get given a bunch of stuff it’s not that much fun anyway let us carry on

Um uh can you show your books uh I don’t really have anything that interested on here uh what’s up Rambo um uh the server Java Edition what clients using Russia hack and meteor um wow we’re 325 wow wow wow um um uh are those my coordinates no those

Aren’t my coordinates those aren’t my coordinates do I have any illegal items I don’t know I’ve never really got any illegal items to isn’t worth playing at all it’s like wearing a shirt just because it says Nike interesting analogy I’m not sure I agree but fair enough uh you’re in welcome

Welcome um yeah if you need any advice for joining or playing go to my Channel watch the complete guide um I give you all the advice you need it is useful put a lot of time into it uh rickon why don’t you use Grim fireworks yeah

Because uh you know I’m landing a lot if I’m far out I’ll use it um but here because I’m landing a lot uh I don’t need it uh YouTube is trying so hard to be Tik Tok I know I’m not complaining I’m not complaining um uh what happened to

Spawn uh 13 years and nearly a million players joining is what happened to spawn and no rules um right what time is it we are back sorry about that guys sorry about that guys we are back got good people here with me so right anyway anyway gu oh what have

We got here what have we got here we’ve got a whole little base look at this look at this I mean this is this is what it’s all about for me look at this um this is what it’s all about for me what’s that down there is it a crystal

Yeah it’s a crystal wow look at this I mean this is what it’s all about for me like what was this place what was it what was going on um hi ASA hi guys hi everyone thank you so much for joining this is uh this has

Been an awesome stream we’ve had uh so many people come through so far uh it is massively appreciated please don’t shoot me while I’m trying to be philosophical I’m trying to give a spee it always happens I try and give a speech and someone starts shooting me it’s so rude

And disrespectful these mobs have no respect do they um hi ASA how you doing uh uh it’s the glass pyramid from Paris very good hi do a face reveal there we go there we go see see I’m a good streamer I do what anyone ever says there we go uh 50,000

People used to live here now it’s a ghost town I know right come on please defeat the Ender Dragon I don’t know if there’s any dragons around are there I’m not sure uh I’m not sure right let’s uh let’s go back this way a little

Bit uh let’s go back this way a little bit um let’s find some land whoops yeah Rush has got to fix that it’s got to swap it while you’re still in the air what’s going on take off okay I’m sinking I’m sinking hey T I’m doing good thanks how

You doing play other games I don’t play any other games I don’t play any other games I barely play this game any good so I think it would be terrible to watch them play other games um maybe a rip TI TR I actually do have one but um

Yeah why am I not taking off so yeah I’m glitching a little bit we need to get up we need to get up uh you’re Bedrock client yeah it’s javarone unfortunately it is javaon unfortunately um go to the portal no no we’re not going to the nether today we’re staying strictly in the

Overworld strictly in the Overworld we’re staying there’s another portal there there we go back in the air we’re going to go back this way we’ll head over back over to the highway see what we can find see what we can find uh yeah I’m trying not to show too many

Signs because within 156k blocks from Spawn uh there there was a big world download so uh you can actually go and search for specific signs so I try not to do that cuz people might want to go and grief the base and I don’t like to

See that happening um yeah so try not to show the signs occasionally I might if there’re a newer sign I will cuz the well download was done in 2020 so if I can see it’s like a a a new sign a non Oak sign I’ll check it out

Um uh nice quad thank you yeah if you know where I am you come and say hello when was the last dupe there’s always a dupe yeah the last public one was a while ago but there’s always a dupe people are duping right now um there

Always is always a dupe here we go back to the highway ready to get doxed Again by um ready to get doxed Again by some sign some Landmark I don’t mind if anyone wants to come and say hello they can come and say hello um yeah welcome everyone welcome I hope

Everyone’s having a good weekend so far I hope you got some cool stuff sorted out you know it’s the weekend it’s time to go and have some fun play some game see some people just have a good time have a good time um when did I start 2020 end of 2020 I

Started uh by premium to join or not uh I think you should if you want to play a lot I did a guy so if you go to my channel I did a video called the guy to um and it talks about all of this stuff

Um good old ninja warus good guy leaving stuff around um yeah so we talk about all stuff on there like priority Q what hacks to use how to escape spawn it’s like the literal full guide two2 and it’s like 15 minutes long so go check it out I would definitely recommend it well

Of course I would but anyway Let’s uh let’s check this out let’s have a look down here what have we got over here look at this what’s going on here whoa there’s something massive over there we’re going to check that out in a sec but let’s check out this humble Little House very

Cute and it’s grief proof as well you can’t grief this but let’s go and check what’s that going on over there whoa what’s going on here this looks like it’s a little bit more recent this looks like it’s a little bit more recent lots of stuff going on in there

Any banners lots of e chests let’s go up the stairs let’s see what’s going on up here let’s see what’s going on up here just fishing stuff very cute very cute little base uh what’s the one that shows the name of the items it’s called name tags in rushia heck

Um poor guy is about to get griefed he shouldn’t he shouldn’t I haven’t shown any signs I’m not showing my cords so it will be fine it will be fine when did I start playing uh I started playing in September of 2020 um will I stream tomorrow yes I am

Streaming tomorrow we’re doing a proper well I say a proper stream doing like a a widescreen stream tomorrow we’re going to be base hunting you know around 100K out so um do join us it’s already announced on the channel so uh make sure you go and subscribe and then make sure

You turn the notification on for the screen and stream and it will let you know when it starts yeah tomorrow we definitely will uh hopefully find some cool stuff as well uh you really want me to go into The Nether okay let’s just go into The

Nether just for a second we’ll go and check out the nether just for the second let’s go and have a quick look people never seen a nether it is quite interesting I suppose let’s have a quick look there we go where are we we’re like right underground let’s go

Up let’s go up fly around the nether for a little bit what do I do for a living I just have a regular job I’m a regular dude with a regular job office job nothing nothing too exciting nothing too exciting uh how much priority C $20 for the month

$24 I think I don’t know yeah I seem to not be able to take off at the moment in liquid um I think I’ve got something turned on I’m not sure what it is I’m not sure what I’ve got turned on yeah oh there we go there we go oh God

Withers gusts yeah it’s not the most uh friendly place to be it’s not the most friendly place to be it’s not the friendliest of places how old am I old enough old enough uh where should we go we’re going to find another portal to go through go and check some stuff

Out let’s go let’s go this way let’s go this way go a bit further out let me go a bit further out tell you what we could do no let’s just go a little further out we’ll do that another day oh dear we got see this is a chunk

Border in the nether so these are two versions of the nether uh joining each other I want to go this way though is there a way through no is there a way through here no oh dear it’s like a fully blocked off area oh let’s go let’s go through here let’s go through

Here he’s got the drip he’s got the fullon drip right let’s have a look around you’re welcome guys very welcome you know I appreciate everyone being here this is awesome um before yesterday or before Thursday I used to have about 10 or 20 people watching so to have so many people come

And watch is uh it means a lot it really does so um I do really appreciate everyone being here uh and yeah if you can help me get to 2,000 subscribers by subscribing it again just means an absolute load to me so yeah I appreciate everyone here and especially those that

Have sub subscribed it it really has made my weekend so thank you right let’s carry on a little bit to stop getting all soppy and stuff um let’s see what we can find let’s see see what we can find go on the strip land uh yeah it could be yeah I just

Again I haven’t got any of my modules on I can’t see what I’ve got on um so I’ve got to do a real cleanup um I turned a bunch of stuff off by mistake it’s fine to before tomorrow stream I’ll have to tidy everything up uh it’s because we don’t have any much

Real estate on the screen you see so I I turned off what I’ve got turned on you know because a lot of people going to be watching on their phone um I want to give them the most amount of fov possible it just means I can’t have like

My module list on and stuff so yeah there’s a lot of stuff missing it’s fine it’s fine how hard is it to get gear yeah it depends some people it’s easy for some people it’s a little bit harder um uh hi X flash how you doing all

Right let us carry on Let Us carry on see what we can find what time is it sheesh done just over two hours see how much longer we can do getting a bit tired it’s it’s these streams are quite in I must admit but we’ll carry on right you know this area

Oh am I going to see you oh no it’s all right you can come and say hello you can come and say hello Dr that sounds very nice I’m getting quite hungry now actually going to make burgers this afternoon I’m going to make burgers this afternoon I make a

Mean Burger homemade burgers are the best homemade burgers are the best do I have a base yes I do have a base yeah uh if you make a village of farm people would detect it well I mean obviously you know if people someone flies over it

And they got their hacks on they’ll be able to see it so um again if you hide it it’s okay we have to go very far out uh homemade burgers oh yeah absolutely absolutely put a little Paprika in there little garlic powder little onion powder some bacon oh I’m getting really hungry

Now I’m getting really hungry we’ll carry on for a little bit longer because we’ve got a few people here and I think you’re all enjoying it I think everyone’s enjoying it aren’t they aren’t they think you’re enjoying watching a bit of the oldest anchy server in Minecraft right let’s see what we can

Find Mark ban stream moment nah I don’t think anyone wants to watch me uh eating GT near sorry to say hear that I hope you feel better soon uh what’s m Awards mord is 69 42069 I’m exactly there you can come and say hello I’ll sign you a

Book um white bed oh no someone’s bed got taken out oh dear look at this beautiful terrain look at this beautiful I mean this terrain this is old old terrain right um let’s close the door and now we’re completely safe um look at this old beta generation look at it look at these

Mountains it’s just amazing love it you love to see it let’s search around cuz you know people were playing here in 2012 right this is like 2012 2011 terrain I just wonder like who they were do they still play do they even still know that 2b2 t is around I

Just get all philosophical and think about stuff like that you know they like see a fit video with 10 million views and go wow 2b2 T still around I used to play there and it’s amazing I love thinking about stuff like that right let’s search this whole

Area and see if we can find any glitch portals the glitch portal would be cool to show off what have we got down there I think that’s what we just found isn’t it oh no there’s a little thing in the let’s go and have a

Look oh no someone dug all the way in that’s not very nice that’s not very nice oh let’s not show the sign let’s make our way down any stuff for us no I’m give you the chain mail drip chain mail chain mail someone’s down in full chain mail

Uh God we’re three 328 people wow welcome guys we’re on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and we’re just exploring spawn looking for old ruins hanging out on this gorgeous like 12y old terrain this is beta terrain this really is old um and uh am I hacking nope I am not

Hacking hacking is forbidden okay I do not support hacking I do not like hackers they are not my friends we we do not hack around here okay so if you see any hackers let me know okay let me know if you see anyone hacking let me know um

What client am I using I don’t I don’t hack so there’s no clients okay um uh do I need to sub you absolutely need to sub I’m trying to get to 2,000 subscribers so um you know the only way I can do that is with your guys support so yeah

Please do subscribe if you can um dirt poppy oh look at this we got an old Village lovely yeah really good night vision exactly exactly that’s what it is it’s just night vision you know um 1.9.4 on yeah you know where the tree is see me

Soon that’s fine come and say hello come and say hello you’re welcome everyone’s welcome everyone is welcome I’m very welcoming I’m a nice guy we’re getting some regular terrain now actually getting some really regular Terrain um leather boots oh this is like a little fishing spot a little fishing spot let’s

Uh let’s go this way I think uh you’re welcome everyone’s welcome ahed uh what client am I using I’m just using a vanilla client I just use the vanilla client that’s all I use any bases or stashes today oh we found lots of little little things we’re very close to spawn

The big base hunting will be tomorrow so yeah if you want to join us tomorrow uh it’s announced on the the channel so go and check it out Russia and meteor y uh do I know off Toby I don’t unfortunately but um it would be interesting guy to talk

To uh the only thing I enjoy doing a c Crystal PVP yeah fair enough you know each to their own I I like watching videos people still pvping but I’m like my I’m like yeah I don’t think I could do it myself um so yeah that’s what’s unique here

Really isn’t it there’s lots of different things that you can do right day one Minecraft welcome to Minecraft beautiful you love to see it um go fight go fight someone no there’s there’s no one in hard enough to fight they’re too easy on This Server so I

Can’t be bothered uh have you run into some trouble yet no not really not really um um no trouble how long have we been playing been playing for since uh September of 2020 so nearly three and a half years now what we got down here a little chunk border base a little chunk

Border base let’s fly straight in and let’s fly straight out let’s go in and out very easy uh how good am I at PVP without crystals I’m brilliant I’m a 1.8 PVP Legend do I have anything to do no we’re just chilling it’s all we do is

Chill all we do is Chill just relaxing how many people are online right now 272 online yep probably no new caves oh there’s plenty of new caves plenty of new caves so less than 5% of the map’s been explored so there’s plenty of new stuff

To be found build a snow golem uh not right now maybe later do I have a base yeah I have a few bases I have a few bases around I have a few bases around I thought 2b2 T was dead no we’re alive alive and well say we’ve got 276

Players online at the moment we’re doing okay look at these crazy chunk borders crazy chunk borders it’s just this little strip of land look at it look at it these are just the cool things that you find right on that side on that side just one person generating this strip of land for

The first time ever right so interesting Little Portal at the end a little chest super cool super cool what’s my emails on the channel the email is on the channel you can go and uh check it out um would you rather have unlimited games or no bacon uh unlimited games I

Suppose do you mean unlimited Games Unlimited bacon because that’s a tougher question that would be a tougher question IGN is rickon with a one R1 C KO n oh what we got here oh we got a big grief we got Withers the Wither can leave me alone wither can leave us

Alone do I know jic no I don’t sure he’s a nice guy uh got to go see you later St called killer don’t remember you from last stream yeah I do I remember everyone well just about just about what’s going on here what is this some sort of mob

Farm some sort of mob farm what is this very strange see these are just the strange things that you see if anyone knows what this is uh let me know cuz this is weird right this is weird what is that um what is my security code card number and expired date uh security

Codes 420 card number 6969 100 times and the expiry date is 420 420 there you go giant AFK yeah it could be someone attempting to do AFK that’s a good point that’s a good point are you monetized uh I am but you know only a small amount

Yeah 2b2 t is never going to make you rich unless your names fit got there first uh this is pretty cool what’s going on here we got like a massive grief here look at this we’ve got a massive grief here you know it’s one of those things where you’re like I wonder

What this was I wonder what this was just history destroyed and just blending into the scenery now just decaying going back into the ground beautiful 22t kind of reminds me of the Tower books yeah I I totally agree with that um right way I’m going the wrong way I want to go this

Way want to go this way do you think 2B will ever fall off uh there’s a few reasons that it could like cease to exist obviously Microsoft could get a lot stricter it could just break the map could get too big um so yeah there are a few kind of

Possibilities oh look at this cute little house who that’s a lot of watermelon you’re not going to starve if you make it here pretty good fishing rod oh it’s a smoker so yeah someone’s been living here recently then someone’s been living here recently it’s a recent let’s leave them uh let’s

Leave them a banner shall we we’ll bless this base with a banner they’re they’re one of the lucky ones one of the really lucky ones um do I know how to make a dup stash I know I know how to make a dup stash can you dupe yeah there’s always a dupe I

Don’t know one but there is always a dupe always a dupe the thing is like if if you know how to dupe you wouldn’t tell people because um um you don’t want it to get found out and patched so yeah I’m sure a few people know the dupes and

They’re just keeping it to themselves that’s what I would do anyway uh okay right what time is it let me have a look at the time right going to do another 10 minutes because I’m getting pretty tired these streams are quite intense we will we be back tomorrow doing a proper big

Stream proper big stream tomorrow make sure you come and check it out it’ll be a proper like wides screen stream so yeah do come and check us out tomorrow there’s a dupe right now of course there’s always a dupe there really is always a dupe you know lava dupe yeah possibly the lava

Dupe I mean this is one of the weird sites that you see right this is one of the weird sites that you see right it’s just an ocean Monument just chilling randomly generated should we leave them a banner here should we leave them a banner here let’s leave them a

Banner yeah that’s right isn’t it people that know they’re not going to talk about it they don’t want to leak it because then it might get found out by the Admin and patched let’s have a look what do we got down here what have we got what have we

Got just going to have a little look any good finds what’s up k no nothing really well just you know just some like cool ruins again we we’re we’re not that far from Spawn not that far from the highway so we’re just chilling as always just chilling

Uh you’re nearly out of banners I am I’ve got a few more in my e chest I have to go back to my base later on uh next week and make some more got a huge uh wool farm for making banners I’ve got a huge wool farm right let’s see let us see

Yeah there’s so much to see around here there’s so much to see around spawn it’s really really fun it is really really fun see what we can find on this little strip of land let’s see what we can find oh got a big lava cast going right through this beautiful Old Village

What’s that there just a bunch of furnaces I think yeah just a bunch of furnaces yeah there’s not going to be anything down there we won’t bother yes I don’t know why someone lava casted this Old Village but you know can do what you want to do right there are many spawners it’s

Because it’s an old one so it’s like a mass I think it’s because it’s an old one so it’s just a a massive old M shaft whoa hang on a minute what have we just found holy crap okay whoa whoa whoa whoa we have found what looks like a really intact

Base oh my God that was lucky look at this wow what a beautiful base that is uh that is spectacular that is spectacular look at that that is super nice look at this place what a unique design as well what a unique design I know well this the good bases are

Supposed to be for the other stream right but I mean oh well it’s full of op gear or op fishing rods at least oh wow imagine if you a new player and found this oh we need to go and check out all the chests here there could be some

Other really nice stuff as well drop the cords oh I can’t do that I can’t do that I tell you what I mean I can give the quarts to the members so channel members can get the quarts maybe I’ll decide Oh I thought that was a glitch portal then look at

This right let’s go and check out over here could be some stuff here you know oh we got one Shuler how do I get in what have we got anything good sand doesn’t look like sand what have we got down here oh we better go and check that out right

Oh we found a legitimate really nice base okay well let’s go down and check that out how do we get down there where is it over here somewhere am I blind am I blind am I being stupid there we go there we go yeah just pretend you didn’t find it

And find it on the next stream yeah that would be useful right that would be useful um well that’s it I mean I found dirt Huts out in the millions right and I’m like really close to spawn surprisingly close um this is an unstacking station

So I was going to say there could have been like nice loot in this but I guess not but whoa is there anything good in these oh wow we found a bunch of gear found a legit base shulkers and everything name tags lot of diamond uh gold

Drip yeah I’m not going to give a cords away to this one so stashes I will uh stashes I’ll give the cords away to but this isn’t a stash this is just a nice wholesome base so yeah this one this one will be staying private um this one will be staying

Private just join we just found a really really nice base like a super nice base uh like a really nice base yeah it does seem vanillish doesn’t it but uh so let’s go back over here I mean look at this place this place is super

Nice um but I don’t see any signs at all I do not see any I haven’t seen a single sign or anything so I mean who knows who made this and who made it when right okay so I guess we need to leave a actually I’ve got no signs there we go

We got some Oak signs and I got one well there we go so let’s leave a sign so ricken found on stream 2nd of March 24 and let’s leave a banner there we go well I hope you enjoyed finding that because I mean quite rare to find something as cool as

This so close close to spawn I mean we’re under like 60k so to find something like this that someone’s obviously put a ton of time in um yeah this is pretty rare to find something like this very nice very very nice I think we’ve found everything we went down

There super cool and uh uh just as the uh viewers are starting to spike again yeah so we’ll stay for a second give everyone else a chance to see the place yeah look at this on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft it’s like a proper base you could do a fit intro in

Right um it’s crazy cheers reso appreciate that appreciate that well we’re just going to hang out here for a sec uh yeah we could we could do a well download yeah I I’ll save the coordinates um I’ve written them down already I’ve got them on my other screen

So yeah welcome guys welcome to everyone joining um we are on 2b2 T we’ve just found a really epic base um very hard to do this close to spawn so um we’re super lucky that we found this I mean look at this very very nice there’s some op gear here

Um yeah this is super lucky thing to find um christna come to my base uh I can’t do right now bro um but I will do at some point uh see if I can make it okay so guys if if you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet help me

Get to 2,000 I would massively appreciate it so yeah everyone stop what they’re doing right now go subscribe all become my friends when you subscribe I promise awesome reminds me of the value of the wheat it does yeah it’s that it has that sort of vibe right

Um uh cheers re actor appreciate that uh phrase It’s good view model uh it’s just one of the hacks on the clients um I was given CPR um crazy crazy stuff let’s just carry on just a little bit more look at that this base is not quite

As good as the other one it’s not quite as good as the other one um what have we got here we got a lot we got a bunch of stuff around here this piece of land is very popular this piece of land is very popular for some

Reason let’s see what we’ve got anything good it’s just crazy it’s like a vanilla player playing here oh I didn’t mean to do that and little does he know that just up there it’s like a super Epic Base with loads of good gear that’s the thing on tub you never know what’s

Around the corner you never know what’s next door uh what is this thing what is this thing can anyone tell me what this is the signs that is weird I never seen anything like that what is that um what’s my favorite base in the history of 2B great question

Um the Temple of the talion I think the Temple of the talion I’ve just it’s like I don’t know there’s just something about it uh say Vincent did a really good video on it so yeah the Temple of the talion is probably my favorite base

On 2B just the man hours that went into that and it was just one guy all vanilla I it blows my mind that base um uh guys I’m having too much fun but I’ve got to go soon I’ve got you know I’ve got a party to go to is it acceptable to

Miss the party to stay on 2B I don’t think so I don’t think so um yeah unfortunately got to go soon but yeah if you aren’t subscribed help me get to 2K subscribers by subscribing God I would appreciate it so much if I could do that

In the next couple of weeks it would like make my year I’d be so happy so yeah if you can it would be amazing it would be amazing right I’m going to land and I think it’s time I got to go and make some food and then go to the party guys

Thank you so much for joining you are all legends in my book all of you are legends and again if you haven’t subscribed do so but yeah this is it for tonight and we will be back tomorrow proper stream tomorrow so make sure you subscribe so you can see when I’m online

Again we’re going to do a proper widecreen stream tomorrow it’s going to be a lot of fun um guys again all legends Please Subscribe and see you all tomorrow all of you tomorrow all right have a good day

This video, titled ‘2b2t: Shorts Minecraft Vertical Stream!’, was uploaded by Rickson on 2024-03-02 15:51:41. It has garnered 18256 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:15 or 9255 seconds.

WATCH VIDEO Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t

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  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in 2D World – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in 2D World - Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in a 2D World Orhan, a dedicated Minecraft player, embarked on a challenging journey in Minecraft Hardcore mode. In this unique gameplay, he attempted to survive for 100 days in a flat, 2D world. Let’s delve into the exciting details of his adventure! Exploring the 2D World Unlike the traditional 3D Minecraft worlds, Orhan found himself in a flat, 2D environment. Navigating through this unusual terrain presented him with new challenges and opportunities. The lack of depth added a layer of complexity to his survival strategy. Surviving Hardcore Mode Hardcore mode in Minecraft is… Read More

  • Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19

    Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fallen Kings Episode 19, a mesmerizing dream. The sequel to Ghost of The Past, a tale so grand, Witness the war from the past, in the present land. Crafted with care, each animation scene, With music that sets the perfect scene. Featuring ONLAP and Vindsvept’s fantasy tunes, Setting the mood, under the Minecraft moons. Aliaksei Yukhnevich, Colin Root, and more, Their music adds depth, to the Minecraft lore. Victor Cooper and Vitalii Suzdin’s sounds, Bring life to the battles, where victory resounds. Timur Haisyn’s Brutal Fervour, a fierce track, Perfect… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. Read More

  • MCSnips2 Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    MCSnips Season 2 – No Bonemeal! Join us for the final week of Beta testing with custom loot tables, a unique storyline, and revamped fishing tables. We are in the process of configuring a few more mods before we reset the world and launch the official version. Experience tons of animals, dynamic trees, creative machines, biomancy, a revamped nether, deeper oceans, enchantable pets, artifacts, and NO BONEMEAL! Say goodbye to instantly obtaining infinite resources with bonemeal. In our world, crops will have real value in an economy system. Contact us for a Discord invite to learn more details and get… Read More

  • HellHoleSMP

    WELCOME TO HellHole NetworkWhat we offerAre you looking for a unique Minecraft SMP experience that supports both Bedrock and Java editions? Look no further! HellHole Network offers a cross play environment, allowing players from both editions to come together and enjoy the game.What Makes HellHole Network Special?- Plugins: Enjoy special features like tpa and teams to enhance your gameplay experience.- Active Owner: Unlike most SMPs, our owner is highly active, ensuring a vibrant and engaging server environment.- Voice Chat: Engage with other players through voice chat, fostering a strong sense of community.Bored of survival we got a solution!Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’re not racist, we just like skins”

    It seems Mojang values everyone, except for this poor meme. Read More

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More