Cheating with X-RAY Vision in Titan Build Challenge!

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Today I’m doing a skibby build challenge with my girlfriend but secretly I’ll be using x-ray vision okay Zoe well over there we have a dispenser inside the dispenser we have a bunch of different skibby builds we can doing so whenever you’re ready you can go ahead and press

The button to see what we’re going to build oh you are so going down I love skib builds okay well go ahead and hit the button and let’s see what we’re going to get wo take a look it’s the GM water park wo we’re going to be doing a

Gman water park okay Zoe you have 10 minutes to make your build and let’s see what side do you want to go on the purple side or the green side ja that’s kind of a dumb question I’m obviously going to choose the purple side because the purple side is the best color ever

Okay well you can go over the purple side like I said you have 10 minutes best of luck Zoe good luck Dad okay guys now that over to my side and Zoe can’t hear us I have this one secret thing that lets me X-ray through the walls all

I have to do in order to activate my x-ray is press this one button right here and oh my gosh guys look at that it says x-ray active in the top and look there’s a bunch of invisible blocks here but Zoe can’t see us okay let’s go ahead

And and see what Zoe’s going to be doing it looks like she’s just staring at the ground right now first let me grab a few blocks so I can start building my Gman oh guys this is perfect we can her everything she’s doing and we can see

Everything this is going to be the easiest Build Challenge ever okay it looks like she’s starting to build at the base of her skiy toilet Gman but she has to like incorporate some type of water park at some point so I don’t really know what she’s planning to do

With that first I’m just starting with the bottom of this Gman and I don’t really know how I’m going to incorporate a water park but as soon as I figure that out I’ll start talking about it oh my gosh guys Zoe does not sound confident at all I think I definitely

Got this one in the back but I guess I can start building my Gman to start so first one I need to do is build out a base of the toilet so I think I’m going to put some white concrete around like this and then I can start building up

Okay now that I have this little platform I can start building out the base of the toilet and we’re basically going to do a few different layers of this white concrete to make it super big okay I’m adding on the second layer right now and I think I’m going to go up

To like five different layers I think that’s a good amount for us to use okay and perfect I think that turned out looking pretty good now we need to add in the back seat and like the main back part so all I have to do for this is

Just click on a few different blocks and run a few different commands to make it super tall and of course we have to give it a little bit of shape something like this let’s go ahead and check out Zoe’s build and oh my gosh guys that looks so

Bad right now what in the world is she even doing man my build is going to be so much better than dax’s there’s no way that he can beat me okay guys it does look pretty bad but I’m pretty sure I’m going to completely destroy her let’s

Just go ahead and finish up my build okay and of course since I have this done now I can start adding itself a that water so let’s go ahead and add in some light blue wool now that I have the water in I can start adding in a nice

Gman head so let’s go ahead and stack this up and I want to say let’s go like five blocks up and that looks pretty good but of course we’re going to have to make the head a lot bigger so let me go ahead and start building it out in

This direction and then I’ll go ahead and make this super tall like the front of it and wo that actually looked really really good and the Gman also has like some ear things so I’m going to go ahead and throw on some headphones like this and the Gman also has some yellowish

Glasses so I guess I could start throwing those in and honestly I feel like my gat looks super good there’s really probably not a lot that Zoe could do to be anywhere near as good as mine speaking of Zoe let’s go ahead and check on her build and wait what the heck is

That perfect my Gman looks amazing now I just have to incorporate more water oh my goodness guys her Gat is so huge and wait I think she’s about to start building out the water park section oh no this isn’t good okay quick guys we have to think some really cool water

Park stuff in order to beat Zoe so what’s the first thing I should do okay how about we make the entrance to our water park right inside of this and we’ll go out through the back like that and maybe it can go up right here and I

Think for the start of our water park we’re going to build like a little water elevator so let’s start getting a bunch of glass and we’re going to make it go super super high in the sky okay let’s start building out the glass in the

Front and oh my gosh I made this way way too high this is going to take forever and I also just realized this is not centered at all oh my gosh so is going to take out so much points for how bad my build is looking right now the next

Thing we have to do is added some Soul Sand to the bottom like this and then we have to fill up the whole thing with water okay now that all the water’s filled in in as soon as I walk into this I should just go straight in the air and

Oh my gosh guys look we have a water elevator now but in order to beat the way I’m going to need a really cool slide so let’s go ahead and make like a super loopy dupy slide that goes all the way around our build and of course since

Green is like the best color ever we’re going to use lime green for our entire slide and I think we’re going to start off our Slide by having this super cool dropper here and then once I get to this point I’m going to start turning it in

This direction and then we’re going to start going around our little water elevator over there and wow look at this guys we are right next to our water elevator this looks like one of the coolest slides ever and we’re definitely going to need this slide to be as cool

As possible if we’re going to even compete with Zoe because honestly it looks really really cool right now okay I’ll go ahead and turn our slide one more time in this direction so we can go around the GED just to look at it all and this is going to be the coolest

Water slide ever there’s probably no way that Zoe’s build can beat by okay and here goes the final drop and perfect we are already at the bottom of the ground but of course now what we need is a bunch of water and we also have to put some railings around everything so you

Don’t just go flying off so let’s just start smacking a bun bunch of white concrete around our build okay now that I have all the white concrete placed in I can go ahead and added all the water and most of it should just flow all the way down naturally since it pretty much

Goes in like a big circle and yeah it’s looking pretty good right now I’ll just make sure to add in a few different pieces of water so no one gets stuck and this is a really cool water slide and then we’ll just call the end of the

Water slide right about here ja I’m done with my side okay let’s see and oh my gosh zo your build looks really good what the heck you built all of this wait Dex how can you see my build the wall is up oh uh I was just on top of it oh gosh

Guys let me turn off my x-ray real quick okay Zoe well I’m going to come over and check out your build first is that okay okay come check it out okay Zoe and oh my gosh your build looks so good how in the world did you build all of this I

Don’t know I’m just getting super super talented what can I say what the heck wait what do you mean you don’t know you literally built it how do you not know how you built it well I just got really creative and then I sort of just blacked

Out and this came up oh my gosh okay it does look really good but Zoe I cannot judge it until I go through the water park where in the world do I start can I like fly up to the top or something if you get closer you can see that there’s

A start here sign wait there’s a start here sign and Zoe there’s nothing on the sign what are you talking about you have to face it the right way oh okay I see it says start Herer here Herer here here it says start here you silly goose now

Start there oh my gosh okay you know how much I hate parkour but I’m pretty sure I can still do this this does look pretty easy yeah it’s not too hard you got this okay let me go ahead and jump up the ladders and oh my gosh I can’t

Believe I made that jump that was super difficult yeah you were kind of close to missing it okay here is the next jop and let’s go I’m getting super high up but oh my gosh there is so much parkour like why did you put in so much parkour just

To Tire you out before you go down the slide okay fair enough let me go ahead and do these ladder jumps like this and oh gosh zo wait I fell off can I please go back to where I just was yeah I guess you can just cuz I don’t want to be here

All day oh perfect okay I’m going to fly back up to this little ladder here and then I can continue my parkour and oh gosh I fell right off again Zoe ja get it together okay I’m trying my best I am so sorry okay I’m back on the ladder and

Perfect I made the jump this time don’t worry you didn’t see those other two fails yeah I’m pretty sure I did but it’s okay you’re almost there there’s a couple more and here’s a lad in perfect I made it to the soft does this mean I’m

A winner Now Zoe nope not yet you have to go down the slide wait I have to go down the slide and wait it says D smells B wait zo did you put that there wao how weird who put that there oh my goodness you know what it’s time to judge out

Your slide let’s see how it looks and ew you made it out of purple are you serious Zoe yeah because purple’s the best color whatever okay let me go ahead and go to the slide it oh my gosh this is a huge drop yeah it’s pretty cool

Okay this is actually pretty fun so far Zoe I can’t lie yeah just wait until you get to the big rock uh Zoe why is there lava up here parkour oh my gosh you put in more parkour for me to do of course I

Did well let me go ahead and see if I can complete this and oh gosh these jumps are so much harder than the last one because there’s lava below me you’re fine let me go ahead and do this and one more jump and perfect here we go and

This is the final drop and yay I made it to the bottom that was so so much fun woohoo you did it Dax you did it okay you know what Zoe your build was pretty sick I think I’m going to give you like

A 9 out of 10 for this round a 9 out of 10 I for sure deserve a 10 out of 10 uh how about you get a 9 and a half how does that sound uh 9 and 3/4 sure you get 9 and 3/4 so you did pretty good Zoe

Okay well let me see yours all right well come over and check my side out okay Zoe welcome over to my Gman wao he looks super cool I love his goggles and his headset I know I added on the little headset and the goggles and obviously I

Made the skiy toilet out it looks pretty good I think I overdid myself I think it looks pretty good but I still like mine better I don’t know about that I think you’re going to change your mind once you see the water park okay do I start

Here yes you can just walk into my super cool water elevator ooh I love water elevators yep and look you can see everything while you’re going up pretty cool all right and here you go here is my ultra awesome water slide Zoe here I go oh my gosh look how much speed you’re

Getting are you having so much fun I’m having so much fun I’m going so fast this is like the greatest water slide ever and I even made made out of these super cool green blocks yeah that’s probably like my least favorite thing about it what no way you know Green is a

Good color it’s an okay color but it’s not the best color if you had used I would say this is probably a 20 out of 10 okay and here is your final drop Zoe and perfect you made it to the bottom of my water slide wow that was so fun well

What are you rate it Zoe what do you rate it I think I’m going to give you a 9 and 1 half wait a 9 and a half are you serious yep aren’t you excited oh my gosh I mean I am excited that is a really good score but that means you

Technically beat me by like 0.25 well I don’t know what to tell you sometimes people are just winners some people are just losers okay well you know what I’m not going to take it easy on you next R Zoe you’re definitely going to lose you

Enjoy this one win I am going to enjoy the win let’s get to the next one okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can go ahead and hit the dispenser to see what we’re going to get for the next round wao it says we got the TV woman but it’s

Zoo theme oh my gosh okay we’re going to make the TV woman and have a little Zoo it well you have 10 minutes once again Zoe and I’m definitely going to destroy you this round yeah I don’t think so but good luck D okay guys Zoe might have

Beat us last round but her build was pretty cool I can’t even lie but I’m totally going to destroy her this round so let’s go ahead and hit that one button again so we can have X-ray vision and oh my gosh look at that now guys we

Have X-ray vision I can see right through it and see what Zoe’s doing okay so in order to build the TV woman I’m going to need a lot of black and gray blocks okay she said she’s getting black and gray blocks in order to make the TV

One but I think my build’s going to be way better than hers this time and look she’s already building it out there is no way she can beat me this round but before I make my actual TV woman I think the first thing I want to do is make out

The little Zoo area well the first thing I want to get for my zoo is a bit of gravel so I can have like a big gravel path so let’s add that in by clicking on both of these sides and then we’re going to extend it like 30 blocks so we can

Have a pretty big Zoo but of course for this rounde it’s not going to be a normal Zoo it’s going to be a skibby zoo so let me just go ahead and build out a few different exhibits and I think in this first one we’re going to have the

Normal skibby toilets let’s just go ahead and smack a bunch of them inside and then we’re going to have to do exhibit and you know what why don’t we make this side the SK skib side and we’ll make the side over there the alliance so let’s go ahead and build out

A bunch of different skibby pens and they’re all going to be the exact same size okay in our next table I think I’m going to add in the buzz and oh my gosh this Buzz toil looks so bad let me go ahead and take this guy out and see if I

Can find a better one and wao look how cool this new one looks okay this is definitely a way better buzz toilet now let’s go ahead and add in one of the Hydra toilets and ew that is so disgusting we’ll also add in a parasite though and let’s see what’s the last one

I want to add in let’s just go ahead and add in a little G it a this guy actually looks kind of cute but now that we have the whole skib side of course I need to go ahead and build the Alliance side so let’s go ahead and copy all of these PS

To the other side okay now let’s go ahead and start adding in our people I think in this case I’m going to go ahead and throw in the tank and then I’ll throw this super cool combo one which is basically a combination of the camera

Titan man and the TV Titan man now we can also throw in our Titan speaker man and oh my gosh that guy is so huge it’s a perfect thing that he’s in the middle of everyone now for the back we can add in our little TV man and we can also add

In the TV woman but our Zoo does look a little bit boring so let’s go ahead and spice it up a bit the first thing I should probably do is plant a few different trees so we can actually have some Greenery around and now that we have all this Greenery let’s go ahead

And add in some grass to the flooring and then we need like a big Zoo slide at the front so what I’m going to do is get some Oak planks and we’re going to build up like a huge tower that has zoo on the very front of it and of course we’re

Actually going to spell Zoo out of lime green since that is my favorite color ever I also want to add in some like waterfalls to the entrance so let’s go ahead and build this out and we’ll basically just Place water down and then we’ll break into the floor so there’s

These really cool water things and I do know this is also a tvw build challenge so don’t worry I came prepared I actually have this one magic stick that allows me to build anything I want so if I just walk over to the end of our Zoo

Right here and then click on the ground I should get a really big TV woman and wait a second oh my gosh look how big our TV woman got this is so cool okay next the only thing I have to do is past her and perfect and I think that is

Basically the end of our Zoo it looks really good but of course now we need to go ahead and use our super cool x-ray vision to cheat and see what Zoe zoo is looking like and wow guys look at this Zoe zoo is actually looking really good

Look she has a whole zoo sign and wait is that her TV woman in the background this is so awesome how in the world did she even build this yay I’m so happy that my Zoo turned out so good now I just need to spawn in some zoo animals

Wait she’s spawning in zoo animals and wait these are skiy toilets and they’re not even in their cages what in the world is zo we thinking I just got to add in a few more because I think we only have like 30 seconds left oh my

Gosh guys okay wait she said only have 30 seconds left but I think my zoo is basically done so all I have to do is wait for Zoe to say she’s completely done okay Dax I’m done oh okay perfect Zoe I’m going to come over to the middle

And check out your side okay okay come check it out okay Zoe I am super excited to see your zoo and Zoe why are there so many Skippy toilets running around those are my zoo animals uh if they’re your zoo animals why aren’t they in a cage

Look that guy’s going to my side yeah he’s a secret spy uh okay well I see this is your Zoo entrance and this honestly looks really good how in the world did you even build this just been practicing I think I’m getting a lot better at building and I just thought it

Looks really Whimsical okay I mean I really like it wait I just saw one of your zoo animals on fire is everything okay over here Zoe yeah that’s just a fire skibby toilet okay well let me go ahead and check this out and oh gosh

Wait this guy is on fire let me go ahead and just take him out of his misery no he was doing a trick uh well it looks like his trick is now gone forever but this looks like the little Zoo entrance and honestly looks really really cool

And wait is this your TV woman yep doesn’t she look amazing uh honestly she’s a a little bit short and lacking a lot of detail so I don’t really like it that much are you serious why do you have to be so mean about it well I mean

It looks like you just spent more time making the actual Zoo part of the TV woman build yeah well what do you want from me at least the zoo is pretty good okay yeah the zoo is pretty good so I think I’m going to have to give you a

Solid score of s out of 10 how does that sound Zoe hey I’ll take it all right well let’s go ahead and check out my side so we can decide who’s the better zoo is okay let’s go and let me just warn you before we go over Zoe I have a

Lot of zoo animals that you have to be careful for okay thanks for the warning I guess and here you go welcome to my super awesome Zoo wao but Dax you spelled Zoo wrong wait what do you mean I spelled Zoo wrong that’s a z and

That’s a zero and then that’s an O right there um I thought zoo was spelled x o o uh no Zoe it’s with a z and a zero everyone knows that no I don’t think so uh okay Zoe whatever well go ahead and walk into the inside of my zoo and here

Are all my zoo animals waa why’ you put them in cages now they’re trapped uh yeah cuz they’re zoo animals they don’t deserve to be out of their cages it’s not nice at all maybe I should let them free you probably shouldn’t I mean look at this guy right here doesn’t he look

Really really scary a it’s what a little cutie pie what in the world you like all these ski toys and Zoe you can’t break him out of his cage what are you doing be free no Zoe you cannot break everything on my Zoo stop doing all that

Take it easy Dax wait a second your TV woman looks so good oh yeah I completely forgot about my build but yeah doesn’t she look pretty good does look good but she looks a little lopsided little lops side wait what are you talking about her head isn’t even uh her head is perfectly

Even this is exactly how a TV screen look Zoe M I don’t think so I think I’ll give you um 8 out of 10 wait did you say you gave me an 8 out of 10 Zoe and wait you know what that means since you gave

Me an eight out of 10 right yeah I know what it means but I’m an honest player okay zo whatever you say but that means I won this round so we have to move on to the final rounde which is going to be our tiebreaker tie Breer so let’s go

Ahead and head back to the dispenser and oh my gosh all your zoo animals are getting out I’m going to take them all out no be free okay Zoe I think I took out all of your zoo animals let’s go ahead and go to this and so we can see

What we’re going to build for our final round ooh I hope it’s something good okay go ah hit hit the button and see what we’re going to do Zoe wo you’ll never guess what it is wait what do we get it’s the Titan speaker man oh my

Gosh wait we’re doing the Titan speaker man but wait is there any type of theme to it Zoe no Dax just the Titan speaker man all right well you only have 10 minutes once I again and you’re going down for this final round Zoe yeah I

Don’t think so good luck with that dck okay guys now I’m back over to my side and I need to go ahead and use my super x-ray vision but I think I’m going to keep my Zoo here since it looks pretty cool I’ll just build a tight speaker B

Over there but let’s go ahead and hit our one button so we can have super awesome x-ray vision and perfect guys look we can see everything and look there’s Zoe she’s definitely not going to win this round there’s no way I’m going to lose this round Dax hasn’t even

Noticed that I’ve been cheating this whole time wait what in the world is Zoe just say she’s been cheating this whole time I have this super secret command that’s SL SL paste and it lets me paste in anything I want wait what she has a command called SL SL paste unless her

Pasted anything she wants and of course I’m going to do it to spawn in my Titan speaker man wait what let me go ahead and see what this does wait a second what it actually worked I can’t believe that wao look at my giant Titan speaker man oh my goodness guys this is

Absolutely crazy it’s zo’s been cheating this whole time that’s so messed up this is going to be the easiest win ever okay guys you know what I’m tired of Zoe cheating since I know she’s been cheating the whole time I don’t even feel bad of I I’m going to do is go over

To Zoe’s side and completely copy her build but in order to get over to her side I have to make myself invisible so let’s go ahead and grab an invisibility posted like this and then I’ll just splash it on myself and since I’m invisible I can just go over to Zoe’s

Side without her even noticing and oh my goodness guys look we’re over on Zoe side and wait look she’s standing on her build right now this is going to be the best round ever there’s no way that Dax can beat me okay guys yeah we couldn’t beat her normally unless I completely

Copied her build so what I’m going to do is stand right in this position here and type in position one and then I’m going to fly all the way to the other side and do position two and basically what this allows me to do is just copy her build

And perfect now I can just head back to my side let me just walk right over here and I can do that same command she did SL slash paste and perfect the build should be in and oh my goodness look at our Titan speaker man okay it is a

Little bit weird that it’s completely facing the wrong way but I don’t think that’s that big of a deal but just so Zoe doesn’t get too suspicious I’m going to go ahead and do a few different things to change up our build and for one I really don’t like these blocks

These are super super ugly so we’re going to go ahead and turn it into red concrete and the way we’re going to do that is by typing in this Command right here and oh my goodness look it’s all red concrete now and how about we do the

Same thing for these little cannons over here because I don’t like this black stone I just want to use black concrete and oh my goodness guys look at that now we have the black stone and the red concrete oh gosh I got to get rid some

Of this evidence it just fell to the floor let me go ahead and clean this up and oh gosh it looks like the Rockets fell apart too how about I just get rid of these entire things so zo doesn’t question I want my build to look a

Little bit different after all and now that I got all those Rockets away let me go ahead and set the floor back to grass and honestly I think everything about the build is perfect let me go ahead and see if Zoe is ready to check out each

Other’s builds okay Zoe well my side is completely done can we go ahead and check each other’s builds out for this final round yep let’s do this all right well I’m going to go ahead and head over let’s go ahead and see what your build looks like uh Zoe wait this looks like

The same Zoo you just had I can’t even see your build where in the world is it it’s right behind it D wait right behind it and oh my gosh wait I see the Titan speaker man this is actually a really big build but wait where are it legs at

Um I don’t really know I I guess I just didn’t have enough time for it you didn’t have enough time to build in legs but you made it floating in the sky Zoe that doesn’t really make any sense it’s like an optical illusion an optical illusion well there’s nothing I’m being

Alluded to you just don’t have legs not that you see but maybe I’m forcing you to use your imagination uh that doesn’t really make sense but I mean I guess this build is pretty cool I can see all the speakers and I can see the rockets

On the side and the rocket launcher on the back this is honestly a pretty decent build but I think I’m going to give you like a 4 out of 10 4 out of 10 what the heck well Zoe you’re missing half of the build so of course I’m going

To give it a 4 out of 10 maybe if you just have this like staying on the ground then you wouldn’t need legs but since is floating it doesn’t really make any sense well if I’m missing half of it shouldn’t I get a five out of 10 uh I

Mean sure if you want a 5 out of 10 sure take the 5 out of 10 yay a 5 out of 10 well let’s go ahead and go over to my side so you can check out my build okay okay let’s go okay Zoe we’ll go ahead

And head over to my side and check out my Titan speaker man um Dax why is it backwards uh I just wanted to build it backwards so you’d have to fly all the way around to see how cool it is yeah um it’s not really that cool it looks

Exactly like mine wait Zoe what are you talking about I literally have red concrete and black concrete and you have like some weird glaz terracotta and some other weirdly weird blocks this is completely different yeah I don’t think so Dex did you do anything funny to get

This build uh no but also mine doesn’t need legs because it’s sitting on the ground unlike your stupid build yeah but it’s not as cool as mine because mine was floating well yeah your was floating because you completely cheated how do you know I cheated uh I heard you

Talking you were talking super loud and you said you slash last p in order to make your build oh yeah well how did you get this mob uh I got this because I copied your build and put it over here yeah so did you also use SL SL Pace uh I

Use SL SL copy oh okay so that’s cheating so I give you a five out of 10 wait no you cheated first nope it doesn’t matter because you cheated too so we both cheated and I did better because mine was floating and so much cooler what the heck no way mine was

Better Zoe you know what let’s go ahead and see what the comments think guys tell me whose build was better vote team Zoe you know what Zoe since we can’t figure out who won since you’re a dirty cheater we’re going to have to wait to see what everyone said whatever Dax wait

What did you say Dax oh Zoe I said you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your first build and our first build is going to be the TV man so good luck fine good luck Dax and perfect guys now that Zoe can’t hear us I’m going to go ahead

And hire this speaker woman to help me with this whole build hi Dax are you so excited to defeat Zoe this round oh yeah we’re going to completely Crush Zoe speaker woman what are we supposed to build this time well we’re supposed to be doing like a TV man but I think we

Can do one thing better what do you want to do we should make a multi-head TV man that would be super awesome that would be super cool and I know exactly what to do and uh wait what are you going to do speaker woman Follow Me This Way Dax uh

Okay why are we going over here cuz we need lots of space and I’m just going to type in my super secret hacker commands and wait a second speaker did you actually just build this huge multi-head TV man yep doesn’t it look amazing what the heck this thing is literally so

Ginormous this is an awesome build how in the world did you even do this I just have a lot of experience building wo this is absolutely so cool but you know what would be even better than the speaker woman what is the deck if we added a challenge that Zoe would have to

Complete in order to get past our build that would be awesome what type of challenge are you thinking of well I think the first challenge we should probably do is to add a bit of Parkour ooh Zoe’s awful at parkour let’s do it yeah she is super bad at parkour so

Let’s go ahead and grab some of these live wall blocks and we can start building out the course right about here and I want this course to go really really high in the air basically all the way to the top of this building and then

She’s going to have to jump off of it into a pool of water o Ann’s always afraid of hide she’s not going to like that one bit yeah she is super super afraid of height so let me go ahead and keep building this parkour up as high as

Possible just so Zoe gets super terrified when she’s up there and now I want to throw in a little ladder parkour piece where she has to jump around the entire ladder in order to get up higher okay speaker woman this is where the coolest part of the entire thing is

Going to come into play what is it Dex so what I’m going to do is get some black concrete or some black wool just like this and we’re going to build out a little ramp a ramp what is the ramp going to have well I’m going to put a

Plane on the end of the ramp and she’s going to have to fly the plane to the top of the build in order to get past it what the heck that’s going to be so funny okay and now that we have this huge ramp built out let me go ahead and

Get something like a plan and then we can put the pl in the middle of this where she’s going to have to fly off from and perfect now we have our super cool PL that she’s going to have to fly and I think we should make that platform

That she has to lay on all the way towards the top of the entire build that is such a good idea okay let me fly all the way up here and I think I should make it out of green since that’s obviously my favorite color right

Speaker woman yeah that is a pretty good color okay let me go ahead and fill this out with a few more blocks and perfect this looks like a Landing Pad but just to make it a little bit more obvious I’m going to add some glowstone around it

Okay and once she lands up here this is where her final challenge is going to be speaker woman this is where she’s going to have to jump into the pool of water yeah she’s going to have to jump from all the way up here down into a few

Blocks of water so let me go ahead and grab some water and I’ll jump all the way down here and then I’ll make a little pool that she’s going to have to jump into and why don’t you go ahead and try to jump in here for yourself okay

Let me go back up to the top okay speaker woman whenever you’re ready to jump you can go ahead and jump off and try to land into this water okay here I come let’s see if you can make it w you’re coming in so fast and wow you

Completely missed I’m not very good at aiming yeah I can kind of tell by that but if you can’t do it I really doubt that Zoe could do it yeah probably not she’s even worse at aiming than I am yeah and actually speaking of Zoe I

Still think we have a bit of time before we’re so got each other’s build so I’m going to go over to her side and check hers out okay have fun with that okay guys and of course we can’t go over to Zoe’s side just looking like this

Because obviously she can see me so let me go ahead and grab myself an inv visibility potion like this and perfect now I’m completely invisible okay let’s just go over here and check on Zoe’s build and wa what in the world is all this perfect my build is coming along

Quite nicely if I do say so myself what the heck this thing literally looks so bad it’s supposed to be a TV but there’s a bunch of weird stone blocks and a bunch of glass this is not a TV you know what since we still do have a bit of

Time left I should probably go ahead and prank Zoe but let’s see what do I want to use oh what if we use these really cool TNTs I think there’s this one called like the Zeus TNT let’s see where is that at whoa wait this one says the

Lightning storm but this one says the wrath of Zeus this sounds way cooler okay let me go ahead to the top of her build so she can’t see me and I’ll place the wrath of Zeus down and then I’ll go ahead and light it up and oh gosh I have

No idea that this is going to do but I guess we’re going to see it any second what the heck what the heck there was an explosion at the top of my build oh my gosh that was so much lighting that was really insane but it looked like the

Explosion didn’t do any damage so I think I’m okay okay yeah I guess it really didn’t do any damage huh is there a better TNT that I can use oh wait this one says the water flood that sounds really really annoying let’s go back to

The top of the TV bed head and then we can light up this water and please make like a huge water pool around zo build that would be hilarious and wao look at that what the heck I’m underneath water now what’s happening oh my goodness there is so much water and it literally

Destroyed Zoe’s build this is too funny my build is completely submerged in water how did this happen okay guys and what we’re going to do next is get rid of all this water so Zoe think she’s going crazy let me just hop inside of here and then I can type this out and

Everything should start going away what the heck I was just swimming in the water and now it disappeared oh my goodness guys that was so funny and man the top of her TV man head is really destroy she’s probably a little bit angry about that oh no the top of my

Build is gone this is not good and you know what guys I thought about something really funny too that we could do to Zoe I have this one spotted called the speaker woman I’m sure if I spot it in she’s going to get completely destroyed

Okay let me just go ahead and spotted a couple behind her and oh my gosh look at that what the heck where did these ladies come from she is getting completely jumped by all this speaker women she looks so confused right now why are there speaker women attacking me

But man it looks like Zoe’s actually doing pretty good she just took out all the speaker woman that was super weird I don’t even know where they came from okay Zoe took them out pretty easily but what if I go ahead and spotted a whole bunch more around around her she

Definitely can’t take out all of these oh no they’re going to attack me and there’s so many more this time wait she’s actually doing pretty good how in the world she taking out so many of these tight speaker woman die speaker woman die what the heck Zoe is beating

The out of all of them this is absolutely ridiculous man they went down super easy I guess I’m just getting super duper strong what the heck this is so stupid I think we only have a few minutes left so I better fix my build before we have to show each other our

Builds wait did we just say we have a few minutes left okay guys I should probably go ahead and back to my side and put the last few touches on let me just go ahead and drink my milk bucket and perfect now I’m completely back to normal okay Zoe well my build is

Basically done for this first round are you ready for me to come over and check out your build no Dax I’m not ready yet wait you’re not ready Zoe the time is up no way can I have like 10 more minutes oh no you can have like 10 more seconds

What how am I supposed to finish in time well that’s not my problem okay Zoe time is up it’s time for me to check out your build okay come on over let’s see it wo Zoe why is there a bunch of lava here because that’s a parkour area what the

Heck wait is this supposed to be a TV Zoe why is there so much Stone in the TV I don’t know it looks kind of off because somebody came over and destroyed it but this is the best I could do at the time I had uh okay Zoe I mean I

Guess it looks decent for a TV I don’t know mine is way better but you said you have some parkour for me right yes go ahead and try and complete this parkour round okay I am super good at parkour so this is probably going to be extremely

Easy if I being Hest yeah I seriously doubt that wao you’re going super fast uh yeah like I just told you I’m like a parkour King zo this is way too easy well Dax I didn’t have a lot of time to make it super hard okay fair enough but

It looks like there’s only a couple jumps left and now I on the ladder and perfect is this the end Zoe yep it’s the end you did it Dax congrats uh okay like I said that was pretty easy and I don’t really like your build so I’m only going

To give you a 4 out of 10 I mean I guess I kind of deserve a 4 out of 10 considering my build is in complete all right zoy well now that I sa your build it’s time for you to check out my build

Let’s do it what the heck how is it so big you had enough time to make a build this specific uh yeah Zoe I’m like the best builder ever duh and he has multiple heads that’s insane yeah and I also have a bit of stone I guess someone

Might have messed up my TV too what the heck somebody’s out to get a stack yeah totally a little bit weird but hey I have some parkour for you to do as well seriously I’m not very good at parkour well I mean you can start right here and

How about this if you can beat my parkour I’ll give you the round win seriously then I’m going to try super duper hard okay Zoe well like I said the parkour starts right about there so you can start whatever you want okay this first part looks super easy just a few

Jumps I can handle that well like I said you have to beat the entire thing if you want to get this round win so I really doubt you’re going to be able to do it well if it’s just easy jumps like this I think I’m going to be fine Zoe just wait

Till you get up to the next level there is something super difficult waiting for you are you talking about these ladders cuz dax’s ladders aren’t that difficult uh no way I’m not talking about the ladders I’m talking about the thing next to the ladders thing next to the ladders

What the heck is that an airplane Dax yes it is and you’re going to have to use the airplane to fly to the very top and find the landing platform are you serious Dex how am I supposed to know where the landing platform is well you’re going to have to use the plane

And find it Zoe it should be super easy if you’re good oh no I’ve never flown a plane before and what the heck and wao Zoe it looks like you already found it is it that green thing right there yeah it’s that green thing but that’s not the

End of the challenges you’re going to have to jump out of the plane in order to make it on the platform seriously I have to practically Skydive onto the part that I need to land on yeah basically Zoe and wo it looks like you

Jumped out wao I made it I made it was that it for the parkour does that mean I win this round uh no Zoe like I said there is one more part for you to do what is it you’re going to have to jump all the way from this Edge all the way

Down into One Singular block of water oh my gosh Dex you know I’m afraid of height well let’s see if you want to beat this build you’re going to have to do it okay I guess here goes nothing and oh it looks like you’re about to make it

Zoe and good job thank you does that mean I win this round yeah that means you win the first round Zoe good job heck yeah boy okay Zoe and since you won that round what do you want to build on the next one definitely the TV woman oh

The TV would be so cool okay how about this time you only have 5 minutes Zoe let’s do it oh my gosh guys I can’t believe Zoe actually beat that parkour on the first try and wait a second where is the speaker world I need to help to

Build the next thing I’m right over here Dax oh and look there she is okay speaker Rob I lost the first round but I kind of gave Zoe that Victory what the heck how did you lose well she kind of beat all the parkour the first try I

Didn’t think she was going to be able to do it yeah I didn’t think she could do it but I guess if she did it she deserves the win yeah but for the next round we’re going to have to build a t do you think we can do that I can

Definitely do that she’s going to look awesome and oh my gosh wait did you just instantly build a TV woman yep isn’t it look phenomenal this thing is absolutely insane but we’re going to need to add some stuff if we wanted to beat Zoe for

This round are we going to add some more challenges yeah we should add some challenges but what type of challenges should we even do let’s build a question room oh a question room would be so much fun okay let’s go ahead and get some wood blocks that we can build it out

With and I’m going to start building the walls for this question room and perfect now we have the first room in our Quest room I think a good question to start off would be to ask Zoe what color she think is better oh and you should definitely make the colors purple and

Green exactly I’m going to go ahead and throw purple on one side over here and green on this other side but obviously green is going to be the right color who in the world would even want purple um Zoe would like purple yeah she would like purple but that’s completely wrong

So let me just go ahead and place some paintings down in the front so now if Zoe wants to walk through she can just walk straight through the painting wow that is such a good trick but now if Zoe actually ends up picking the purple side

I’m going to dig down and make her fall straight into the void wao that’s messed up DX she’s going to have to respawn yeah and then she’s going to have to come all the way back over here and pick the right side which is going to be

Green that’s going to be so funny and then for the next question we’re going to ask her who is better and on what side we’re going to be putting in the TV woman and on the other side we’re going to be putting in the speaker woman and

Which one are you going to say is right uh obviously the speaker woman’s way better yeah I knew that was the right answer I was just testing you all right let me go ahead and put our save little sides down right here and then I can

Throw in some paintings on both of the sides let’s just go ahead and cover it up with some Oak planks and once again if she goes ahead and picks the TV woman side she’s going to fall straight down except this time she’s going to fall into lava lava that’s going to be so

Funny but of course as she picks a speaker woman she can just walk straight through to our final question and what’s the final question going to be we’re going to be asking her a super super difficult math problem oh yeah what’s the math problem we’re going to ask her what is

44 * 0 wao that’s a little tricky I’m not even sure if I know the answer yeah it is super tricky but actually the answer is zero so on this side over here we’re going to put it zero but on this other side we’re going to put 414 okay

Let’s go ahead and break out the walls again and I’ll put some sides down just like this and then I’ll throw the painting on so on the 414 side of course I’m going to break down some blocks so she falls straight into the void but if

She picks the right side which is zero she can walk straight through to her next challenge what’s the next challenge going to be the next challenge is going to be a trick with fake water and real water oh my gosh what does the fake water even mean well let me just go

Ahead and build the walls and then I’ll give you a little demonstration okay speaker what we’re going to do is added something called fake water on one side we’re going to put in this fake water and if you didn’t know as soon as you try to jump in the fake water you

Actually take a bunch of damage seriously that is so cool yeah it’s super super tricky but on this other side over here we’re just going to throw in some normal water and we have to see which one Zoe’s going to pick okay but for the next one we’re going to trigger

By adding in some real lava on one side but on the other side we’re going to use some fake lava which actually gives you a bunch of Health if you step into it wo that’s super tricky okay and for this next one I’m thinking huh what should we

Do what if we add in both fake lava and we added fake water that would be super super confusing that is kind of confusing so let me go ahead and added that fake lava on this side over here and then on the other side I’m going to

Add in this fake water and finally for our last challenge I’m going to add in some fake lava but I’m also going to added some normal water so that way either way she picks is the right answer and once she gets through these little doors over here she would have

Officially beat our challenge ZX do you think she can actually do it honestly I have no idea but I guess we’re going to find out okay we’re almost at of time speaker woman I’m going to need you to hide so Zoe doesn’t see you okay I’ll

Hide okay Zoe well my whole tvwood build is completely done are you ready to check out each other’s builds yet yep D come on over oh I am so excited to see how your build turns out Zoe it looks super good probably one of my best

Builds yet okay well I’ll be the judge of that and wo Zoe is this your build right here yep it sure is doesn’t it look amazing honestly it does look super good and wo wo who wait what in the world are these things those are multi-head TV women what the heck this

Is the multi-head TV wait why are there a bunch of them here Zoe because you’re going to have to fight them wait I’m going to have to fight all the mobs zo I have no armor or gear or anything what the what am I supposed to do well Dax

You’re just in luck I put armor and gear over there in that trunk oh gosh okay let’s see what’s inside of all this it looks like you gave me some diamond armor and wait all the tvw are fighting what is going on what the heck they’re not supposed to fight yet maybe cuz

You’re getting close to the fence yeah maybe so okay let me go ahead and grab these golden apples and oh gosh I guess I can go inside let’s see what happens good luck Dax wao there are so many them wait they’re shooting me with bow and arrows isn’t fair it is fair they’re

Allowed to do what they want come on come on I can definitely win this I have to keep taking a bunch of them out wait they’re fighting each other this is actually super helpful yeah so they should be going down by themselves too but Dax there’s still a lot of TV women

Left what are you doing I know I am trying my best but they’re completely jumping me yeah and you have a lot of arrows in you are you okay uh no I’ve been hit by a bunch of arrows and oh gosh one of them is stuck inside my head

That is not good can’t feel too comfortable okay I think there’s only two more of them out here and I should be good to go come on let me take you up and you’re the last one and perfect it looks like I beat all of your mutant TV

Woman Zoe good job Dax well Zoe you’re bu was pretty cool and your challenge was super fun so I think I’m going to give you a solid 8 out of 10 for this round yes an 8 out of 10 that’s an excellent score but don’t worry cuz I’m

Pretty sure my build’s going to get like a 10 out of 10 a 10 out of 10 I seriously doubt it well let’s go see and so if you walk this way you can see my awesome TV woman build what the heck this looks so realistic I really tried

My to add as much detail as I could you did you really added a bunch of detail and what’s over here oh this is a little challenge area I built out for you looks like a question question room yep Zoe this is a question room and you can go

Ahead and answer your first question right there what color is better green or purple Dex you know I’m going to choose purple cuz purple is the best color ever wait you actually picked purple Zoe what the heck I’m falling into the void well yeah obviously I’m

Not going to let you pick purple fine so what color is better you really want me to answer which color do you think is better and that’s obviously green uh that way everyone thinks that green is better not just me that is just not the truth deck okay next question who is

Better the TV woman or the speaker woman Yep this is a super difficult question Zoe who do you think is better I think the speaker woman’s better oh wow that was actually the perfect choice in the right answer woohoo I’m so smart Okay Zoe this is your last question so you

Better make this count what is 414 * 0 think that it’s 414 wait Zoe no it’s not 414 what are you doing what the heck I fell into the void again Zoe that is like first grade math you should totally know the answer you’re right it’s zero I just made made

A mistake uh yeah sure you did Zoe but now you’re on to your next challenge which is a fun guessing game guessing game it looks like my two options are both the water yeah Zoe they’re both water but let me just tell you some of these are different so why don’t you go

Ahead and pick whatever side you want I think I’m going to choose the right side first cuz right should be right right uh yeah sure Zoe what the heck the water’s hurting me yeah Zoe that’s because that is fake water it actually acts like lava fake water Dex are you serious y so

You’re going to have to go on the left side which is the actual water and then you can go through this door to move on to the next part that is super sneaky okay so I’ve taken one of these as fake lava yes one of these sizes fake lava

But which one is it I’m going to go with the right side oh my go so you actually guessed right and that is the fake lava as you can see seriously it looks just like real lava yeah it is super super confusing but I guess you’re doing

Pretty good so far H and then this one is water in lava is this real water and lava or fake water and lava I don’t know Zoe you’re going to have to jump in guess I’m going to hope that it’s real water and let’s see it up Zoe you

Obviously picked wrong what the heck it killed me that means it was fake water all along well if that’s fake water what do you think the Lava is I’m hoping fake lava why don’t you go ahead and jump in and see and yes it is fake lava perfect

Okay Zoe this is your final guess which side do you think is correct okay so the last one was fake water and this one is water and lava again I think it’s going to be real water and good job Zoe you made it through yay I did it I did it

But let me just tell you the side of lava was actually fake too you could have went on either side in pass are you serious Dex yeah it’s super super tricky but what do you want to go ahead and rate my build honestly your build is

Probably like a 10 out of 10 but your challenge deducts at one point so you got a 9 out of 10 wait what was wrong with my challenge I just thought it was pretty lame and I fell into the void like six times oh my gosh whatever I

Mean I still won the round so it doesn’t make a difference no it doesn’t you still won okay and we’re going to have to go to our final round to see who the real winner of this Build Challenge is Zoe who do you want to build I want to

Build the Titan speaker man wao the Titan speaker man will be so cool okay zo this is going to be like a speed round let’s see who can build the best in like 2 minutes how does that sound 2 minutes I better get going okay guys and

Before I get the speaker world to help me in this last build we should go ahead and check on Zoe to see what she’s going to try and do let me just go ahead and grab an invisibility potion like this and splash it on myself and now I can

Just walk over to her side without her even noticing okay let’s just see and wait who is this and whoa what the heck is this thing thank you so much for helping me with my build Titan speaker man of course zo it was really no trouble at all a I really appreciate it

I hope you have a good day what the heck did Zoe get the tide speaker B to help her with this final build this is ridiculous and since this is a quick round and I’m already done I’m just going to relax before it’s time to go

What in the world guys I can’t believe she actually got helped to build this this is so messed up you know what I’m actually to get this thing called the TNT 200 I’m going to place it on her side whenever I go to check out her

Build she is going to be so angry when it all blows up hey Dax are you ready for this final round oh there you are speak R and yeah I’m ready but I need a little bit different of help this round what do you need help with well Zoe

Actually got helped by the tide speaker to make her build and I want you to copy that same exact build over here what the heck I hate that guy yes I can definitely copy his build and oh my gosh wait it looks like you actually built it

And wait you did a better job because you got rid of a lot of that stone that was there thanks ZX I needed to one up that guy cuz I really don’t like him well this is a really really quick round speaker woman so I think we’re to check

Out each other’s builds already if you just want to go hide somewhere that would be perfect okay I’ll get going good luck Dax okay Zoe well my build is done and I think the time is off since we only have a couple minutes are you ready to check out each other’s builds

Yep come on over and how about this Zoe you should check out my side first seriously okay if you want to switch it up that’s fine okay zo just go ahead and head on over and look at my super awesome build what the heck this build

Looks like mine wait it looks like yours no way yeah Dax must have hired the Titan sperman as well wait what did you say Zoe I said that you did a really good job this is a really awesome build a thank you Zoe I tried my best and I

Think it’s super super awesome but what do you want to rate my entire build after seeing it um I probably rate it like a 7 out of 10 it’s missing some Stone wait a s out of 10 and stone Zoe there shouldn’t be Stone on the tight

Speaker band I just gave my opinion you don’t have to argue Dax oh whatever it doesn’t even matter let’s just go look at your side so I can give you the final score okay come on over and see the even better builds let’s see about that it W

Zo there is a lot of stone on this doesn’t it add just like a little Personal Touch uh I mean yeah I guess so it’s a little lame lame what are you talking about I don’t know it just doesn’t look that good and wo zo wait do

You see that huge fire over there wao wait there’s a fire okay guys quick while her back turn let me go ahead and light up this TNT and oh Zoe I think the fire must have cleared out or something yeah I didn’t see anything wa what the

Heck Dax my build just blew up what in the world just happened your bill got completely destroyed did you have like a self-destruct button or something the Titan speaker man must have put some TNT in this build what the heck is he thinking wait why would the Titan

Speaker man put TNT inside of their Zoe nothing Dax I said that I accidentally put some TNT in there oh okay well I mean I guess since your build is now completely destroyed I’m only going to give you like a 2 out of 10 for this

Round is there really easy to a build a judge a 2 out of 10 are you serious you can’t give me a score that was based off of what it looked like earlier uh no Zoe I actually don’t remember what it looked like earlier so this is the only thing I

Can base it off of fine I guess I’ll take my loss oh I’m so excited what are we going to be building well Zoe if you come to this dispenser right here inside of it are a bunch of different builds that we can actually make and whenever

You’re ready you can hit that button to see we’re going to have to build oh my gosh it’s an underground base wo an underground base sounds like so much fun yes but how much time do we have we’re going to have 10 minutes but Zoe we actually have a little special guest

That’s going to help rate every one of our builds really who is it we have KNX right inside of this house right here and he’s going to be judging each one of our builds to see who has a better build yeah if your build sucks I’m going to

Tell you it sucks well you heard it first away but we’re going to have 10 minutes to make this first build so best of luck good luck Dax okay imp perfect I should be hiring the speaker man but uh wait a second uh speaker baby what are

You doing here where’s your dad at oh my dad went off to the war wait he went off to the war what are you even talking about I don’t know he just kind of went off to go fight a bunch of scity toilets and I haven’t seen him for a while what

In the world well I mean I guess since you’re here do you want to help me in this Build Challenge yeah I’d love to okay well the first thing we’re actually going to be building is an underground base so I think we can started by adding in like a secret pressure plate that

Opens up a door oo that sounds like fun and in order to build that we’re going to need like a pretty big space let me see I think we have to go like 10 blocks deep in every single Direction and then we should be able to build it okay

Perfect this is looking pretty good and then I think we have to go about three blocks deep so let me go ahead and select both of these quarters over here like this and then I can stack it to be zero and perfect that looks really good

Now we get to actually do all the fancy part which is adding in these sticky pistons and I’m pretty sure they go in an order something like this on both of the sides okay now let’s go ahead and fill both of these sides with a few different blocks okay and perfect now

Once we f like this lever basically all the Pistons will come up to open up a little tiny hole which we’re going to build an underground base right inside of here and let’s see I think the first thing we should build is like a little living room area for our underground

Base what do you think that sounds like a great idea okay so let me go ahead and break out a few of these different sides like this and I guess this is going to be like the main living area it doesn’t need to be too big I’ll stack in that

Direction and I’ll stack like five blocks in that direction and then maybe we can extend it out in both of these sides a little bit okay in perfect this looks pretty good but now we need to start actually building out the living room and I think we make all the floor

Out of ples while you finish out the living room I’m going to go build a bedroom oh you’re going to build a bedroom that’s going to be so cool okay and since I’m building a living room and like my favorite color ever is green why don’t I grab a bunch of different green

Blocks that I can use and I’m sure I’m going to need like a TV and probably like some nightstand stuff I don’t really know it goes in a living room first let me go ahead and set all these walls over here to be Oak plakes just

Like this now let me go ahead and build a nice little living room couch and probably put it back a little bit since our TV is going to be ginormous I should be able to put it right there in the middle perfect now I’ll get some Oak log

To put on the floor like this and all right the living room are is looking pretty good but I think I need a few more things inside the living room maybe I could grab a few different bookshelves just to kind of style out the room and

Then I’ll also get some carpet to throw all the way on the floor but this isn’t going to be the main part of our base obviously so I need to start building a few more rooms and oh why do I make like a chest trip with a bunch of gear inside

And of course this is going to be a chest trip I need to make like a super super secure door so why don’t get like a huge hanger door all I have to do is grab this wood right here and place it down right about here and perfect now

Once I click on it it’ll just open up like that and wo that looks way stronger than any normal wooden door but next I can start building out that little chest I was talking about and I kind of want to style the floor a little bit differently than I’ve been doing so

Let’s go ahead and cut all this out now for the floor I’m going to set this entire thing out of lava and then I’m going to fill it with a nice layer of glass that way you can actually walk over with no problems at all and perfect

That is looking super super good now let me go ahead and grab some of those chests I was talking about I think I’ll basically just fill up every single wall with a bunch of chest and then I can go back and add a bunch of different stuff

Into them later okay now that I have all the chest in let me start styling out this room a little a little bit and I think I want to added in a bunch of these oak logs everywhere okay this is coming together pretty nicely and then

After this I can go ahead and add a bunch of stuff to the chest but honestly I don’t really know what I want to add in yet so for now I’m just going to leave it pretty empty like that and I’m going to start building out the next

Room and oh what if it made like an underground pool here that’d be super cool okay let me go ahead and make some stairs where we’re actually going to lead down to the pull app of course I’m going to have to change this to add actual nice stairs because obviously it

Can’t be dirt the whole time but for now it’s pretty much okay and perfect this area is actually already looking pretty good and I think for this is is going to be a pool Maybe I should add like the whole floor to be quartz and for the

Walls I think I want to keep the same theme that I actually have for the kitchen we’re going to add like a bunch of glass and behind all the glass we’re going to set a bunch of lava that way there’s a bunch of light here it looks

Really really nice all I have to do is carve out these walls and then I should be able to add in the glass and no trouble now that all the walls are carved out let’s go ahead and add in all those layers of glass and then next I

Can just fill it all in with lava and the last thing I need to add in is a bunch of kitchen equipment and of course it’s live is my favorite color let’s go ahead and get some lime countertops okay let’s start building out the back piece

Of the kitchen and of course I have to add a like an oven and I probably also need a fridge we can also change some of these out to be drawers like that and we can also throw some storage cabinets and let’s go ahead and build another wall

Out of these countertops just to make it look nice and perfect I think the kitchen came together pretty nicely now all I have to do is add in the stairs right here now let me just go ahead and add in the stairs and I think our underground base is pretty much complete

And wo it looks like you actually built out a little room over here and wo this is really nice it looks you added in a bunch of lime green stuff which you obviously know is my favorite color so it definitely matches pretty well absolutely I knew how much you like

Green I figured you’d love this yeah I know this is so nice okay actually I want to add in a bit of carpet here just to give it a bit more touch and then I think pretty much everything else inside of here is all done it looks great but

Before we actually look at each other’s build I think I’m going to go ahead and prank Zoe real quick so I’ll be right back sounds great I’ll just make a couple adjustments okay but in order to get over to Zoe’s side of course I’m need to go invisible that way she won’t

Actually see me so let me go ahead and grab a nice little invisibility potion that I can just splash on myself and perfect now I can sneak over there let’s see where did Zoe make her build at and I see a little hole right here here and

Wo this looks like her underground base and wow there is a lot of stone down here wait she even has a plane and what in the world is she building in here it’s like a bunch of armor and stuff perfect my Armory room is almost complete I just need to fill these

Chests with weapons wo this is looking so cool okay let me go ahead and see what else she has she has a nice little kitchen over here with a nice dining table and a couch and wo she even has two TVs and over on this side it looks

Like a plane is this supposed to be like an Escape Route for a plane that’s actually pretty cool but of course I came over here to mess with Zoe let’s see what can I do oh and I have a great idea what if I spawn in some fake

Creepers they might actually look like creepers but trust me they have do anything so let’s go ahead and place a bunch of these fake creepers around here so whenever Zoe comes back she’s going to be so surprised why there’s a bunch of creepers inside her base perfect I

Think I’m all done with the Armory room so let me go check out the living room one more time oh wait a second guys I think Zoe’s coming out of the Armory room to look at this ah what the heck why are there creepers in here oh my God

Zoe is so confused why there a bunch of creepers but they aren’t doing anything why are they just standing still oh my gosh this is so funny Zoe’s never seen a fake creeper before so I bet she’s so confused maybe they want to be a part of

My secret team wait part of her secret team what is she even talking about they can be like the bodyguards for my base so that no one comes in here wait what in the world that is like totally dumb they’re creepers that don’t even move

But uh okay I guess is zo wants to have them as bodyguards that’s fine I’m have to do something a little bit better if I actually want a pranker good but let’s see what do I have in here oh wait a second I have a great idea I think I put

Down these mines at the and so once the plane tries to fly over them they’re all going to explode that’s going to be so funny okay but I think I’ve done enough stuff for this side let me get back over to my base and then I can see if the

Speaker baby’s done with this and wao wait why is there a ladder here let me just go inside of the base and see what all this is about and uh speaker baby why is there a ladder outside our base well I tried to leave but I couldn’t

Jump high enough so I needed to build a way out oh yeah I guess I really didn’t think of a way out okay how about we go ahead and cover this with like a trap door or something that way no one can actually see it and maybe we should

Actually use like a scanner door ooh that sounds so much fun so if I put this down right here no one that’s not me is going to be able to enter from over here so look at that it says hello Dax and then I can just go down here whatever I

Try to exit as well it let me in okay but I think the time is pretty much up so a speaker baby you’re going to have to hide somewhere inside this build but honestly I don’t know you’re going to hide so you’re going to have to figure

It out all right I’ll figure something out okay zo well I’m basically done with my underground build are you ready to check out each other’s sides yep I’m ready to go okay let’s go ahead and me in the middle and uh wait a second zo why are you wearing a chest plate right

Now what I’m wearing a chest plate uh yeah isn’t she wearing a chest plate for me she is yeah maybe just because it looks cool uh okay well we have to figure out whose side we’re going to look at first so whose side should we even check out first I’m thinking we

Check out Zoe’s first okay I think checking out Zoe’s side will be fun okay Zoe go ahead and give us the whole tour of your base okay come right this way as you can see my base is secret because there’s nothing above ground but there’s this little hole wait what there’s just

A little hole Zoe anyone could just like hop down here well Dax I wasn’t completely done yet I was going to hide the hole somehow but I just didn’t figure out how yet oh okay I guess that makes sense and you can see here is my living Liv room/ kitchen wo there’s a

Bunch of cool stuff you have a nice little couch and well you even have two TVs yep that’s because if two people want to watch different things they can do it at the same time that is so awesome but that’s definitely really smart I didn’t think about anything like

That thanks sex Zoe is that couch also a car yep it’s a couch car if you need to make a quick Escape that’s super cool that is so cool and then if you come this way you can come into my armor room and hey you can meet my team wa wait a

Second zo why do you have creepers inside of here I don’t know they just came into my base but they were kind of nice so I let them stay uh Zoe you probably shouldn’t have creepers in your build why do they just blow up I don’t

Think they will uh okay well I don’t really want to be in this Armory room anymore those things are totally freaking me out okay then let’s head out okay well what’s the next place you got and then if you come this way you can look at my garage wait look at your

Garage and wao Zoe this is so big thanks Stacks is that a plane yep it’s a plane in case I need to make a quick Escape if the enemy comes wo that is so cool well you should show us how it works okay let me just hop into my plane real quick

Okay let’s go ahead and see and wao Zoe you just blew up what the heck my plane exploded uh Zoe I don’t think your plane was safe at all look what it did to the ground yikes but at least my base is okay uh yeah I guess your base is fine

But I feel that’s going to take off some points what the heck where did this plane come from I have no idea uh this is a little bit weird Zoe I think your whole base is broken you think it’s broken I don’t think so well we’re going

To have to check out dax’s side before I can give out my final score all right let’s head over to my side then if you guys come right over here I have a super super secret entrance but not anyone can just get through really how do you get

In then well you’re going to have to step on these pressure plates right here and as soon as you step on them the floor will open up that you can just hop inside them wo that was cool yeah it is pretty cool but now once you get down

Here you’re into my living room area and I have a nice little TV and I even have like a PlayStation and I even have like a little Kirby thing it’s a lot more colorful than mine uh yeah obviously I wanted to use green I don’t know why you

Didn’t use purple at all I just wasn’t feeling it today okay well then if you walk over here is where my little bedroom is and you can see I have a nice little bed and I also have a nice little gaming desk stop wao this is awesome and

A look at this little frog yeah I added a bunch of plushies I thought they were cute the frog is super cute okay let’s head on to my next room and inside of here is where I have my little storage area and since it’s a bunch of super

Secure stuff I have it behind this huge door cool and the floor is lava y the floor is lava I thought it was just a little nice touch to add in that is a nice touch D what’s in all these chests oh at the moment there’s uh nothing in

The chest but trust me whenever I get like super rich there’s going to be a ton of diamonds in them wow diamonds your loot room is empty uh yeah right now is empty but I told you once I get like stupid Rich there’s going to be a

Bunch of diamonds in there okay okay guys in this next room is actually a kitchen and a pool all in one wo this is like a dream come true yep I wanted to have like a little nice place to eat and I also wanted to have a nice place to

Swim so I decided to put them both together that’s awesome yeah your build’s pretty awesome Dax well youve basically seen my entire build so what do you want to give me as a score Zoe’s build is pretty cool I think I’ll give her like a seven out of 10 woohoo but

Dax your build’s pretty awesome I think I’ll give you a 9 out of 10 wao a n out of 10 that means I win the first round good job Dex you definitely deserve it okay let’s get back to dispenser so we can figure out what we’re going to do

For round two okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can hit the button again to see what we’re going to have to build oh my gosh we got a lighthouse wo a lighthouse is going to be so much fun and how about we have a little fast R

Zoe let’s do this one in uh 5 minutes works for me good luck okay speaker baby now we have to build a lighthouse and I think that should be pretty easy right oh yeah that should be super easy okay well the first thing I want to do is

Start building out the ground so let’s go ahead and add in some blocks all the way around we’ll throw all of these in like that and perfect this is looking pretty good and then I to make it a little bit bigger now we’ll add in a bit of definition something like this and

Perfect this is looking really really good but I feel like we’re missing something with a lighthouse well of course a lighthouse has to be on top of water oh yeah I guess we did forget to add the water so why don’t we make the whole floor around here all out of water

Okay perfect I’m going to start building in the lighthouse on top and maybe you should added like some stuff to the ground so it actually connects over here absolutely that sounds good let’s see I have to build a lighthouse I think lighthouses are mostly like red and

White yeah like a candy cane yeah but since my favorite color is green I think I Want to Build by that a green since it would look a lot cooler all right it look all right okay let me go ahead and grab some stone bricks that I can place

On the outside and then I going to start building up in the middle let me go ahead and select both sides over here and I think I’m going to stack it up like uh let’s do like four blocks like that and perfect okay this is going to

Be the base of the lighthouse and once I’m done with this I can start building up the actual green and white part and I think I’m going to do three layers of white then three layers of green and so on and so forth I think that’s a good

Amount oh yeah that sounds great okay now that that is basically built out I think I’m going go ahead and make the top a little bit thinner and that’s where I can add like the actual light piece now I can grab some fences and just put them around like this and

Perfect I think that top of the lighthouse is looking pretty good but now we need to add in a bit of detail and let’s see what can I throw in and maybe I should add in like a bunch of glass all the way around so I take a

Section from this instead of the glass that looks a lot better okay in order to get up between the floors we’re also going to have to add in some ladders so let me go ahead and throw these in and actually we should probably only have like one lay of ladders like this and

Perfect okay that’s looking a lot better now once we get on to the second floor is where things change since it is getting a little bit thinner at the top so let’s see I guess we’re going to have to make the ladder like one more block inside and perfect we connect the ladder

There and then we’re going to have to get really really thin right here so let’s go ahead and make like one big thing of ladders and perfect that’s actually looking pretty good I did want to add in a light so what if I grab a nice little Beacon there we go and then

I can just cover all of the beacon up and this could be like our little light Dax what do you think this first room should be what if we just make this like a little living room area I think that’d be kind of nice oh yeah that way the

Keeper of the lighthouse has somewhere to live exactly okay let’s go ahead and make that a living room and I guess I can make this second floor like a nice little bedroom and I guess since this is my lighthouse I’m probably going to make it like my room okay sounds great so let

Me go ahead and grab a bed and actually I want this whole wall to be made out of beds I want to have like a super big bed I also want to add in a little desk in the corner like that and look at this I

Can even throw in a super nice gabing chair perfect it looks super cool and I guess I could also throw a nice little laptop on top of this in case I ever want to use it let’s also add a bit of carpet into the floor I think this need

A little bit of glass cuz it is a bit played right now so let me go ahead set part of this W to be glass last up I want to add a few paintings and perfect I think the room looks pretty good let me move on to this next area and let’s

See what can I even add in here there’s not a ton of space maybe I can just throw in like a few chests here just in case anyone needs to resupply well on the final FL is going to be the viewing deck obviously since it’s at the very

Top and you can just see everything all the way around you and wow this is looking pretty good I think we did a great job with this Lighthouse absolutely I like all the rooms we have okay Dax I’m done with my side oh okay perfect okay speaker baby you’re going

To have to hide somewhere and I’m going to go check out Zoe’s side I bet we totally beat her in this round oh yeah we got this in the bag okay Zoe well now it’s time for the second round and we have to figure out whose build is better

In a zo if I actually win this round you’re going to lose the whole Build Challenge except I won’t lose this round Dax okay we’ll see about that get out here Doc and I guess you can go ahead and judge the first build and uh I guess

We’re already on your side Zoe so let’s just take a look at yours okay come on over and wow this is a a pretty small Lighthouse Zoe I can’t even lie yeah but it’s super cool oh wo it looks like a lighthouse it’s got all the rad on it

Yep and I don’t not Fox’s favorite color is red so he’ll really like this it is I love red what in the world aren’t lighthouses supposed to be like green or something no they’re always red and white dcks uh okay whatever and why do you have a bunch of fishes in here

Because the lighthouse is surrounded by water uh okay I guess that makes sense but why don’t you give us a tour of your lious Zoe okay first I’ll give you the tour of the outside so if you follow me up these ladders then we can go up on

The deck wait up on the deck and wo do you have like parkour to get to the deck that’s kind of dangerous kind of it’s like ladder parkour but it’s not too hard okay I guess that isn’t too hard but uh yeah this is a pretty cool view

From up here I guess yep it’s pretty cool and then if we go back downstairs we can go into the Captain’s Quarters oh you built a Captain’s Quarters yep and it’s pretty cool I’m not going to lie okay let’s go ahead and check it out and wo the Captain’s Quarters is uh pretty

Red Tada it’s so red it’s awesome thanks Kno what the floor is literally made out of dirt how can this be awesome it’s awesome it’s got red in it what in the world this could literally not be cool it has dirt on the floor this is ugly

Dax you can’t judge people just by their floor whatever I bet my build’s going to be a million trillion times better than yours yeah we’ll just have to see about that well if you guys come over here you can see my super awesome Lighthouse why is it green yeah it doesn’t really look

Like a lighthouse uh what do you mean why is it green that’s like the best color in the world lighthouses are red and white everyone knows lighthouses are red and white well not my lighthouse this is mine cuz it’s special and I made it out of green cuz I thought it was way

Better I like those lily pads yeah it’s like a little bridge to get across I thought it was a nice touch that is a nice touch well if you come inside this is our first room and this is like where guests can hang out and stuff it’s not

Very red well yeah why would it be red on the inside and look I have a little red book right here that’s really not a lot of red well whatever you’re going to be more impressed by the next floor which is the actual bedroom okay here we

Go and look at this I have a nice desk I have a super big bed and uh yeah I even have like a laptop and stuff it’s very green well yeah obviously it’s going to be green that’s my favorite color Knox what do you think I think it could use a

Little bit more red I agree what in the world why would I add in red that’s not even my favorite color why would I add in red I don’t know if you wanted to get some some more points from the judge all I’m saying whatever I still think I’m

Going to win but yeah this next place is just a storage area It Isn’t that cool but what you get up here is where the viewing deck is it look I even have a super big beam since this is a lighthouse that’s cool yeah I thought it

Was a nice touch to add in oh the beam’s a nice touch I like that but that’s pretty much the end of my lighthouse but since you seen it what do you want to give me as a score I really liked all the red on Zoe’s build I think I’ll give

Her a 10 out of 10 woohoo wait what you gave that build a 10 out of 10 yeah it had a ton of red and Dax yours doesn’t have too much Reds so maybe like a three out of 10 a three out of 10 are you serious this build is way bigger yeah

But it doesn’t have that much red in it oh my gosh whatever okay we still have one round left since the score is 1 to one I’m totally going to destroy you Zoe okay Dax we’ll just have to see about that okay Zoe this is the final round so

Whenever you hit the button we’re going to see what we’re going to have to build wo it’s the speaker man wo we’re going to have to build a speaker B okay that sounds pretty cool and why don’t we think get the tide speaker man that’ be even better that sounds awesome let’s do

Do it okay Zoe you’re going to have 5 minutes and this is the final round see you better build something good okay good luck Dex okay speaker baby when we actually lost the last round somehow I thought our build was super super good it was super awesome how did we lose

Honestly I have no idea but for this last round we have to build it in the Titan speaker bed and honestly I have no idea how to build that oh don’t worry I can build that watch wait what you can build that yeah I’m a great Builder

Watch this and who wait a second did you just past it in the Titan speaker man yeah I told you I’m a pretty good Builder oh my gosh this guy is ginormous and he’s super red yeah this is perfect okay there’s absolutely no way we could lose this route but since we already

Have this guy built out maybe I should go check up on Zoe’s side yeah we got tons of time left that sounds like a great plan and of course in order to get over to Zoe side I’m going to do my post of invisibility just like that and

Perfect let’s go check out what she’s built okay and what in the world is this thing wait that looks exactly like my build how in the world did Zoe make that wait is that the speaker man perfect speaker man thank you so much for helping me with this build I’m for sure

Going to win this round of course it was no problem I just had to copy dax’s build and it took me like 5 Seconds that was awesome I’m going to be eternally grateful but since my build is already done I’m going to go take a nap wait did

Zoe say he’s going to take a nap and wait did the speaker say he copied my build what in the world is wrong with them oh my gosh guys I can’t believe they actually copied my bill but you know what I have to get revenge somehow

Wait I have a great idea what if I just plac out a random pleasure pain over here and once someone steps on it they’re going to explode a huge TNT and let’s see what TNT do I have in wao wait a second this one says TNT Time 200 that

Sounds awesome so let me go ahead and place it down then I can place a pressure plate on top and perfect now what someone steps on that is going to blow up okay now that that’s set up and I think we’re pretty much done I’m going

To go back to my side and see zo he’s ready to check out each other’s builds okay zo I think my build’s already done for this round I built it like super super fast are you ready to check out each other’s sides yeah I’m ready to check out the builds all right well

Let’s go ahead and be in the bidle and get this Build Challenge done with okay guys this is the final round in the Build Challenge and whoever has has the best build in this round will be the build battle champion this is going to be awesome and how about this I think we

Should check out my side first really we’ve been checking out my side first this whole time yeah but you know what I’m just feeling that we look at my side so is that okay nox yeah I’m totally cool with that it’s only fair all right guys well let’s just walk over and look

At my giant TI speaker man wao this is really cool he’s so tall yeah he’s super tall and super detailed I thought I did a pretty good job with this one yeah he’s even got lots of red on him I know right Red’s like your favorite color so

I try to add in as much as I could yeah but I still think mine’s going to be better what how could yours even be better Zoe this thing is like ginormous it just will be Dax well I kind of want to check it out if you actually think is

Better so let’s just go look at it okay here we go TDA it wait Zoe uh this looks exactly like my build how in the world you even get this it looks like your build but it’s better wait how is it better on Knox doesn’t this look exactly

Like my build I don’t really know what you’re talking about they look pretty different wait what how in the world they look different it’s the same exact build I told you they were different decks I think I’ve seen everything we need to see let’s go ahead and rate the

Builds okay oh wait zo you’ve got a pressure plate you have like redstone on the build or something oh wait I didn’t add that in I wonder what this does oh my gosh wait everything just blew up zo why did you put this in your build my

Build blew up oh wait zo your build is completely destroyed now how are you supposed to raid it but everybody saw what it looked like before it exploded uh I don’t really remember that well are you serious Knox oh I’m sorry I don’t really remember well I guess if he

Doesn’t remember you still have to write the build so what are you going to give Zoe uh for what’s left of it like 4 out of 10 what the heck a 4 out of 10 yeah I like builds that don’t blow me up okay

And I guess if you gave her a four out of 10 because it blew you up what do you want to give my side o i remember your side looking real cool yeah it does look pretty cool I guess it does have a few holes from the explosion but it’s pretty

Much all together H for how much of your build is left I’m thinking 7 out of 10 oh imp perfect if I get a seven out of 10 that means I win whatever Dax this is so not fair because my build blew up well that was kind of your fault since

You added in that pressure plate I didn’t even add it the speaker man did wait what did you say Dax oh I said we’re doing a Minecraft build challenge today Zoe and if you come over to the dispenser I have a bunch of different builds inside of here that you can pick

Ooh I’m going to push the button all right let’s see him what you get oh my gosh we have to build a tree housee oh a treehouse okay that’s going to be so much fun Zoe you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your build best of luck

Good luck Dax okay TV man are you ready to help me win this build challenge today oh I think so I’m ready to win okay well this first rounde we’re building a huge Treehouse is there anything that you can help me build oh yeah I actually have some special

Techniques we can use to build this wait you have some special techniques what in the world are you even talking about you know hacks hacks wait hacks what in the world are you want to do here watch this watch this what the heck wait TV B you actually built this huge treeh house

Yeah definitely did all by my hands what in the world no you did not build that with your hands you just said you’re using hacks how in the world you make this and why is it so far above ground it’s like 20 blocks high what the heck

Is this hey it’s just how it works I think it looks nice you know you just have to have a nice foundation on your build sometimes I mean it is a nice foundation and it does look nice but look the wall barely even covers it so

We might be able to see our house if we’re not careful I think it looks nice let her be intimidated from what she can see no she cannot see the build before we do it okay I’m going to actually extend the wall a little bit that way she can’t see

Our whole build so let me just click on this corner here and then I’ll fly down to the bottom here and then all I have to do is type in like stack and let’s do like 150 and boom now the wall is a whole lot longer I mean yeah that’s a

Good idea but what do you want to do now that the build’s done h let’s see I mean our build is done we probably should explore it I mean since you build this do you know your way around it or anything not really but we can explore together wait what the heck you

Literally built this and you don’t know your way around this I get lost sometimes oh my gosh okay well the entrance is right here so I guess we could just start right about here okay so this is the entrance Let’s see we have a nice little Garden area we have

Some grasses with trees and wo there’s like a little pool area here oh yeah I like to go swimming time to time you know just take a dip in how in the world is Zoe even going to believe that we actually made this look how big this building this is absolutely ridiculous

I’m pretty good at what I do what can I say okay let’s go ahead and head up these stairs and whoa look at this there’s Green carpet on the flo you green is my favorite color ever let’s see what else okay there’s more stairs we can walk up here please be something

Cool and oh my gosh we added so many stairs and wao there’s even more Green carpet okay this is definitely the best build ever you’re so talented thank you thank you I try I knew you like Green okay let’s go ahead and walk up these

Next set of stairs and oh my gosh okay I’m getting a little bit tired but there is a bunch of green every this looks pretty good but you know what I think it would be even cooler than all of this green what do you think would be cooler

Than all these green if we added some parkour and uh TV bed why is there TNT right here that no reason what the heck is this wait there’s all these random Gren blocks here wait there’s a person over here but wait he’s not moving I think he’s like an MPC or something okay

That is a little bit freaky but like I said I want to added some Parkour that Zoe has to do and maybe we should build it from the top right up here and let’s see what block should we use to actually make the parkour I think we get some

Lime wool that would be a pretty good color oh yeah we don’t have a lot of that in the build we can use some more yeah we have like this ugly dark green I kind of like light green better and oh gosh you already missed that first jump

TV man what are you doing hey I’m a builder not a parkour fair enough let me go ahead and add in some of these blocks going this direction and we have to make the parkour pretty simple I don’t want it to be extremely difficult for Zoe and

Actually we should probably go ahead and grab a bit of glow stone just to light up a few of our blocks cuz it is a bit dark out here and oh my gosh TV you are so bad at parkour let me go ahead and add on a few more pieces and then we’ll

Call this jump over here like the ending of it I’ll even putter out a little plat for that way she knows she actually was well TV man we still have like 5 minutes left before we supposed to check out each other’s builds and since you literally instantly built this giant

Treehouse why did we go over to Zoe side and pranker real quick oh yeah that’s a great idea and wait a second before we go over there we probably shouldn’t be looking like this we should probably grab like an invisibility potion that way Zoe can actually see as we head over

There so let me grab this bottle and I Splash one on you and then I’ll Splash one on myself and uh TV man I can still see that ax you might want to hide it and perfect now we’re both completely invisible and we can walk over to Zoe

Side and wa look how cool this build actually looks she did a pretty good job wow my Treehouse looks so good there’s no way that Dax could do any better than this wait TV man did you just hear her she said there’s no way we could do any

Better but you know what her build is a little bit too good so why don’t we mess with her real quick let’s go ahead and change a few of these blocks to something else oh yeah what are you thinking well she has like some Spruce logs and I think a really ugly block

Would be like Birch so why don’t we change a bunch of these to be like birch logs that would be super super funny let’s go ahead and changes to be purple blocks let me just go ahead and type this in and then I’ll that and perfect

Look at that a bunch of the outside of her build is all purple now wo the bottom of my build turned purple this is awesome what a dream come true okay wait a second I kind of forgot that Zoe’s favorite color is purple maybe I should have done something else you have any

Ideas TV B throw a bunch of water on top of her build that would really dampen her mood oh a bunch of water on the top of her build that would be so funny okay let me go ahead and grab myself a water bucket and then let’s see where should

We start throwing let’s just drop a bunch of it on the top of it just like this oh my gosh she is going to be so bad what the heck where did this water bucket come from it’s just floating in midair wait TV he could literally

See you oh my gosh he’s getting super suspicious now oh let’s just head back I want to get caught yeah we probably should head back quick hurry back to our build oh my gosh TV that was literally so close she almost caught us yeah good thing she didn’t catch us she might get

Mad if we were cheating yeah that wouldn’t be good at all well hopefully we can add a few more things before the round actually starts Dax time’s up we have to check each other’s builds now zo did you say that time’s already up it’s already been 10 minutes yep it’s been 10

Minutes so you better come over oh my gosh okay T man you’re going to have to hide somewhere do not let Zoe catch you sounds good I’ll just hide in the floor okay Zoe I am super excited to check out each other’s builds and whose build should we even check out first my

Awesome build or probably your junky build definitely mine because mine’s better okay well let’s go ahead and check it out I’m going to turn my back I don’t want to see it yet let me know when I can turn around Zoe turn around Tada okay let’s see and wo Zoe this is

Actually pretty cool I know I’m getting a lot better at building well do you want to give me like a house tour or something yep let’s go so you can see that the tree is super duper tall and there’s a little house down here with a

Door yeah this house is pretty cool and the tree is pretty tall and wo you even added in Green carpet and a green bed yep because I know how much you like Green I’m hoping it gives me some extra points oh my gosh this is so perfect

Okay what’s next Zoe okay and you can see that there’s lots of chest with a bunch of hidden treasure and we’re going to come back outside and you can take a look around okay let’s go ahead take a look around I see you have a nice little

Chimney and you have a second floor but Zoe how in the word are you supposed to get to the second floor Dex there’s a ladder right there can you not see oh wait there’s a ladder right here but it’s only on the roof it oh wait a

Second it goes to the first floor I didn’t even see this when I walked inside the house you really need to be more observant Dex okay let’s go ahead and go up this ladder here and wao this second story is so cool let’s go inside the house and there’s even more green

Inside yep and there’s purple outside which was totally intentional what the heck this is literally such a cool build so I love this whole thing thanks so what do you rate it m i think I’m going to give you a solid 9 out of 10 this is

Probably one of your best builds yet woohoo 9 out of 10 that’s almost a perfect score it is almost a perfect score but you know what is going to get a perfect score what my super awesome build I seriously doubt that but let’s go check it out okay Zoe we’ll come over

To my awesome site and check out my Treehouse wa this thing is huge how did you build this in 10 minutes yeah it is kind of big but I honestly want to add in a lot more and I wasn’t able to but you know what next time baby I could do

That and why is it so far off the ground uh I don’t know it was just a little mistake in the building process and who the heck is that right there wait a second oh my gosh the TV man’s head sticking out oh my gosh let me just

Break up in there and see no one’s even there Zoe what are you talking about Dax I’m not dumb I saw someone down there no I promise you there was no one there Zoe but let me give you the grand tour of our tree house okay show me the way okay

So right here you can just walk inside and I have a bunch of nice little Gardens and I even have a pool in the middle of everything a pool oh my gosh I love swimming yeah I love swimming too that’s why I added it in and then I have

A bunch of different stairs and which direction do you want to go in do you want to go right or do you want to go left let’s go right okay and you can head up a bunch of stairs and then boom I have a bunch of Green carpet on the

Floor wow this is super cool I bet you like this room a lot because you love green yeah I do love green and I made sure to add a bunch of green on the whole entire Treehouse just to make sure everyone knows that I actually built it

Wow I can definitely tell that you added a lot of green okay and this is the next story and I actually have one more story up there if you want to keep looking but I actually have a little challenge for you before you go up there a challenge

What is it I have some parkour for you to do you know what Zoe if you can beat my parkour I’ll just give you the round win even though my build’s like 20 million times better than your build oh no Dex I’m not very good at parkour well

I made these jobs really easy so I mean you should be able to do it right okay let’s see if I can do it oh and you’re actually doing really good Zoe good job oh no I’m starting to get really nervous Zoe you only have like five jumps left

You can totally do this okay let’s see and oh my gosh you’re actually doing really good so no way you’re actually going to beat my parkour and oh my gosh you actually completed it that means I win this round round oh my goodness this was literally like the hardest Parkour I

Could have come up with and somehow you still ended up beating it this is the hardest Parkour I’m not even going to question it okay Dax looks like I’m the winner yeah you are the winner but before we move on to the next round what would you have rided my build if you

Just had to rate it honestly I was going to give it a 10 out of 10 but that score doesn’t even matter now what the heck I was going to get a 10 out of 10 oh my gosh okay whatever Zoe let’s just move on to the next round let’s go okay zo

You might have won the first round but you’re definitely not going to win the second round go ahead and hit the button and see what we’re going to have to build for the second round oh my gosh it’s a huge volcano oh I love making volcanoes okay zo you are totally going

Down in this round yeah I seriously doubt that I’m definitely going to win again okay T ready for the second round did we win the first one no we didn’t win the first round Zoe actually beat that super hard parkour at one she W that imp that parkour is impossible how

Did she complete it I honestly have no idea but we need to focus up for the second round we literally cannot lose it again otherwise we’re going to lose the whole thing okay okay I’m ready so for this round we have to build a huge volcano can use those super cool haer

Powers that build us something again I can cook something up give me one second and wa wait a second uh TV man this is supposed to be a volcano it is there’s lava what the heck this thing is literally so small okay we’re going to

Have to add in some stuff and this is actually going to look like a volcano what else do you want it’s got lava it’s got everything a volcano needs okay I mean it does have lava but we probably should have the lava like going down the

Sides of the mountain so let’s go ahead and break a few of these blocks so it can run down and then we can have a bunch of leaking lava everywhere that’ll look pretty cool dang it that does look better and honestly after this I don’t

Even know what else we could add it I’m not very good with volcanoes but uh yeah I guess we already have one well since our volcano’s practically already done I’m going to go ahead and spy on Zoe but since you got caught last time you

Cannot go over again I do not want you to get caught a second time fine whatever I guess I can just stay over here okay and while you stay over here I’m going to get myself an invisibility potion and then I’m going to go over to

Zoe’s side okay let’s just head over to Zoe’s side and what the heck is this huge volcano and wait a second who is she talking to let me get closer real quick thank you so much tvom for helping me with this volcano no build it looks awesome wait she actually got that tble

To help our build what the heck you’re welcome Zoe you’re definitely going to be Dax oh my goodness guys this is literally not good zo’s build is so huge okay quick I have to get back to the TV man and we to finish building stuff TV

Man TV Man TV man what’s up oh my gosh I literally went over to Zoe side and her build was so huge and she got help from the TV woman she got help from the TV woman no way yeah I know it’s absolutely ridiculous but our build is way too

Small there’s no way we can actually beat her now our build is perfect what are you talking about it’s got lava oh my gosh TV man this is literally such a junky build we’re totally going to lose this round okay Dax time’s up wait a second did she just say the time’s up

Zoe it’s literally been like 2 minutes how is the time already up time flies when you’re having fun oh my gosh okay T you go ahead and hide in this lava down here we cannot have Zoe catch you and I guess I have to go on her side and look

At her build okay Zoe I’m ready to check out each other’s builds for this next round by whose build you want to check out first my AA build or uh yeah your build let’s see your build first uh okay well you can come over and just check it

Out this is my super ultra awesome volcano uh Dax where’s the rest of it what do you mean the rest of it this thing is literally huge oh my gosh the TV man’s head sticking out again get inside the lava wait Dax what’s sticking out oh nothing I just had a few

Different blocks that were sticking out that I thought looked ugly so I uh broke them you’re not supposed to change the build after time is up Dax oh well uh sorry but hey I mean my build looks pretty cool this is a volcano and all I

Have a bunch of grass and I have a bunch of really cool lava going down I think this is like one of the best builds I’ve ever made de this is like a out of 10 this is not a very good build wait what

You gave me a 5 out of 10 are you serious Zoe yep I’m dead serious oh my gosh well I bet your build’s going to be like a 4 out of 10 or something nope my build is phenomenal let’s go check it out okay Zoe let’s go ahead and check

Out your build let’s go the heck Zoe how did you build a volcano this big this is absolutely ridiculous yeah my build is pretty phenomenal and it’s like four times the size of yours what the heck but wait I’m going have to take off some points because some of the lava isn’t

Going all the way down which looks a little bit dumb D you can’t take off points for that it’s still a volcano why can’t I take off points for that I can take off points for whatever I want to take off this is my score not yours okay

So what do you rate it h let’s see honestly this is a lot bigger than b and a lot better so I think I’m going to have to give you like a 9 out of 10 a 9 out of 10 woohoo I’m going to win again

But wait I have an idea uh okay well then what’s your idea Zoe how about we race to the top and whoever wins wins the round wait are you serious all I have to do is beat you to the top that’s easy yep on your mark get set go and I’m

Just going to fly up to the top there’s no way you can beat me up there and boom I made up to the top zo I’m the winner dang it I was right on your back yeah but you lost which means I actually clutched up that rounde which I’m kind

Of happy cuz you know you would have just won the whole bill challenge if you just let me lose that right I know I can’t believe I even suggested that idea yeah that was a pretty bad suggestion but okay Zoe let’s go ahead and go back

To dispenser so we can do our final round let’s do it okay Zoe this is the final round like I just said whoever ends up winning this is actually the ultimate Champion okay come on give us something good let’s see what do we get Zoe it’s a water park wait no way we

Actually have to build a water park yep it’s going to be so much fun and you’re so going down no way you’re totally going to lose but you’re going to have 10 minutes once again so best of luck good luck Dex T you won’t believe it we

Actually won the last round oh good good but how did we win hers was so good yeah her build was pretty good but we actually had a little chel to do and I completely wiped the floor with her oh cool perfect that means we have one more

Round left right yeah we have one more round but this time we’re going to have to build a water park do you have any type of hacker ability that let you build it yeah I got it give me one second and wait a second what in the

World is this ginormous thing TV man it’s a water park just like you asked for what the heck how in the world you even build this this thing is literally ginormous I’m good what I do what can I say wait a second there’s like a bunch of missing blocks we should probably

Fill in a bunch of this because we don’t want to look ugly whenever Zoe comes over oh I didn’t oo I missed a couple okay yeah I can definitely see you missed a couple but don’t worry we can fix these all it’s it’s really not that

Difficult to fill up that I think we pretty much fixed everything but now we probably need to go around and like explore cuz I have no idea what the world is in here oh yeah there’s a ton of cool stuff in here if you come around

This way we’ve got a surf machine wait we got a surf machine what the heck this literally is a surf machine but wait there’s still a bunch of different blocks missing what in the world happened TV man I get distracted sometimes what can I say oh my gosh you

Know it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal cuz there’s no way that always build can even be close to this especially not the time she has yeah I mean she only had 10 minutes so there’s absolutely no wait but I’m going to check out this first slide right here it

Looks pretty cool okay I’m going to go down the green slide you can go down the orange slide and’s see who gets to the bottom first and oh my gosh wait a sec you can’t fly that’s cheating you didn’t say that oh my gosh this is ridiculous

It’s such a cheater TV man yeah that’s the whole point okay whatever let’s go on to these next slides and wao these ones look super super steep I’m kind of afraid of height so I don’t know if I want to do these or not ooh they are

High up there okay I’m going to go ahead and go on this red one which one do you want to do I like teal okay you go on the teal I’m going to go on the red and I’m going to drop down and oh my gosh I

Fell straight down and wo I made it to the bottom oh yours just faster than mine yeah look at you I actually beat you this time TV man you suck yeah that’s why I cheat well I think this looks pretty good TV man but before the route actually starts I’m going to go

Spy on Zoe real quick so I’ll be right back sounds good I’ll be here kicking it by the wave pool and before I go over to Zoe side let me just grab this invisibility potion and now I can just walk over like normal this is going to

Be so cool and I doubt she could have made anything nearly as good as what the TV man built okay let’s go ahead and check it out and wait a second this thing literally looks like my build what the heck how did Zoe even do this perfect I copied dax’s build exactly but

I mean a purple so he’ll have no clue wait she literally made it purple wait there’s no way let me go ahead and go inside and hopefully she doesn’t see us opening the door and oh my goodness look she did copy it and look all the blocks

Are still missing what the heck is this that’s so messed up since I have this whole thing built out I guess I could just relax in the pool until this thing starts oh my gosh guys this is absolutely ridiculous but wait a second it’s actually a good thing since Zoe has

All these missing blocks and it looks like she’s not going to fill them in I still have a pretty good chance to win this let’s go ahead and back to the TV B so we can wait for the round to start TV you will not believe what I just saw

When I went over there what did you see Zoe literally copied our entire build except she made it all purple that’s so messed up how could she I know why the heck would she cheat in a build battle that’s so cheap oh my God that’s awful

Okay well I think the time’s almost up so I guess I just have to wait until Zoe’s done but the good thing about her actually copying our whole build is that she didn’t fill in a bunch of the blocks that were missing so I can totally call

Her out on it oh that’s perfect you’ll definitely win now okay well I’m going to go ahead and ask Zoe if she’s ready to start but make sure you hide TV B she can literally not catch you okay Zoe well I think the time is basically up

Are you ready to check out each other’s builds yep I am beyond ready you’re going to be super surprised am I going to be surprised Zoe I doubt you could have done anything cool let’s see what you got for us Zoe all right Dex come on over and wow this build looks super

Original how in the world did you make this Zoe I’m just super talented yeah I mean it looks really cool wow I can’t believe you actually built this with your own hands that’s super impressive yep I put a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears into this and I worked super hard yeah

I’m sure you did work super hard but hey do you want to give me a little tour yep let’s do it all right and I’m guessing these are the entrance doors right here right yep go ahead and walk through let’s see it uh Zoe a bunch of the

Ground is missing what in the world happened um Dex that’s intentional uh okay I don’t know why you would have that in a water park that’s a little bit weird let me go ahead and check on this side over here and uh Zoe you have a bunch of leaking water too what leaking

Water I copied your build exactly it should be perfect wait what did you say you copied my build exactly no no no I didn’t say that I just said that I uh did my build myself and it should be perfect cuz I’m super smart uh yeah sure

Thing Zoe let me go ahead and check more around this build okay this side looks pretty good zo you have more leaking water over here no way Dax you stink at building wait what do you mean I stink at building this is your build I said

Zoe you stink at building uh okay Zoe this is a little bit strange and you have a bunch of mouth function in your water park so I don’t think I can give you that good of a score what are you going to give me uh I’ll just give you

Like a six out of 10 how does that sound if I got a six out of 10 at least that means you’re going to get a 6 out of 10 too wait why would I get a 6 out of 10 too oh nothing go ahead and just show me

Your build okay Zoe we’ll go ahead and head over to my super awesome side boring why is it made out of white uh because White’s a super cool color do you have problems with white no I have no problem with white but wow this looks super familiar almost like you copied me

What why in the world want I copy you zo you’re build was a piece of junk oh I’m saying it looks pretty familiar well obviously not look I don’t have a bunch of missing holes on the floor wow you don’t have those intentional holes that

I put yeah I guess okay whatever if you call them intestinal holes they can be intestinal holes but look I also don’t have a bunch of leaky water everywhere Dex you have leaky water right there wait Zoe what in the world are you talking about I literally have no such

Thing right here everything’s all dry what what the heck where did it go uh I don’t know it was never there I don’t know what you’re talking about zo you’re kind of a little crazy crazy that’s never good to call your girlfriend crazy okay look I’m sorry but go ahead and

Check out the rest look there’s no more leaky water everywhere all my slides are perfect I think my side is way better than yours honestly yours has less mess ups for sure so I think I’m going to give you like an8 out of 10 wait Zoe if

You give me an8 out of 10 that means I win the whole Bild challenge yeah yeah yeah Dex don’t let it get to your head and Zoe I actually heard that you did copy my build that wasn’t smart at all what Dax you heard that yeah I guess I

Did copy your build but how did you fix yours and mine wasn’t fixed uh because I saw the bunch of the blocks are messed up so I literally just fixed them myself and I knew you’re going to be too lazy to do that what the heck I’m not lazy

I’m just tired oh whatever well maybe you can do better with the next Build Challenge I definitely will well anyway Zoe are you excited for today’s skibby Build Challenge I am so excited but what are we building Dax well Zoe if you look inside this dispenser there’s actually a

Bunch of different options that you can choose from and whenever you’re ready you can just hit the button on top to see what we’re going to build first awesome let’s see what I get come on please be something good what did we get Zoe we got the Gman oh my gosh I love

The Gman okay you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your build zo and I think I want to build on the purple side today what you want to build on the purple side that means I have to build on the gross green side no of course way

I don’t want to build on the purple side that color sucks but just go over to your side you have 10 minutes to make your build best of luck good luck Dax okay guys perfect and now that we’re on the our side I actually set up something

A little bit that I can cheat with if you look in this direction I have a big TV woman head and inside of it I can buy a professional skiy builder let’s go inside and see who is’s willing to trade with us I really want a good

Professional builder hey skib do I told you I was coming and now I’m finally here oh hello Dax did you come to buy a professional builder yes I did and I really want a really good Builder and let’s see who do you have it looks like

You have the speaker woman you have a normal skiy toilet you have the upgraded tight speaker and you have the TV woman is that all you have today yeah these are all the people I have but trust me they all super super good Builders so whichever one you want is going to be

Excellent H well let’s see who do I think I want you know what what if I just get the tight speaker man he’s really good well he’s going to cost you three stacks of diamonds did you just say three stacks of diamonds what the heck I don’t have that many diamonds who

Else can I get that’s like less than a stack of diamonds well you could either get the normal toilet or you can get the T they’re both worth about 32 diamonds okay either one of them is 32 diamonds well I don’t really want the toilet he’s

Really creepy I mean just look at his face how about I just take the TV for what did you say 32 diamonds yes 32 diamonds and you can have her you better not be lying or anything as long as she’s a professional ble I should be

Good for this oh yeah well don’t worry DX she is an excellent Builder she can help you build whatever you want okay well here you go 32 diamonds now can I have the T to help me build oh yeah of course you can just break the glass and

You can get her out thank you so much skimy doop I really appreciate it and oh I think he’s leaving okay well he said I could just break the glass and get the TV woman out okay all I have to do is open this door and perfect hey TV woman

Hi Dex what did you need uh well I needed a professional builder because I am doing a building challenge with my girlfriend Zoe so I heard you were pretty good can you help me out yeah I’m a pretty great Builder what do you need help with h well let’s see I think for

The first round we actually actually got the Gman is that something you can build yes I have plenty experience building the Gman oh perfect okay well how about you just go build up like somewhere in that direction over there and while you’re doing that I’m going to mess with

Zoe okay sounds good okay guys now that the t’s over there and making our Gman build I can actually go prank Zoe and of course in order to go over there I need to become invisible so why don’t I grab myself a nice invisibility potion and

Then I can just splash it on myself so I can walk over there let’s go see what Zoe’s up to and perfect guys now we’re on to Zoe’s side and oh my gosh look there’s Zoe right there it looks like she started to make her Gman build man I

Love building I am such a good Builder this is so much fun honestly Zoe is looking like a pretty good Builder I can’t build worth anything but you know what I have to prank a little bit so what’s something fun we could do while he’s building what if I just go ahead

And spotted a few different TV men that she’s going to have to fight and oh my gosh look they’re trying to fight her what the heck where did these TV men come from good thing I have my sword with me okay she does have a sword but

What if I spotted a bunch of TV man she’s going to be so confused this is not good where did these people come from I died wait what they just took out Zoe oh my gosh and wait I think she’s coming back for Revenge get back here oh

My gosh she is going to work on them let me spot in a bunch more TV but there’s no way that Zoe can actually win this man it’s like they’re multiplying this is crazy what in the world Zoe is literally so strong and oh my gosh

There’s only like a couple TV men left how in the world is she so strong perfect now there’s only a few up here and then I should be safe okay I mean she did do a pretty good job she took all of them out which is cool I guess

But she did lose once which is pretty funny perfect now that I defeated all them I can go back to building my Gman okay she’s going back to building her GED so I think I can do a different prank but what should I try and do this

Time oh I have a really good idea what if I go into my inventory and grab this one Dynamite called the lightning dynamite and basically if I throw this down to her a bunch of lightning will appear just like that what the heck where did that lightning come from

There’s not even that many clouds in the sky oh my gosh guys this is so funny someone’s just getting zapped with lightning she is so confused where all this stuff is coming from what the heck my mob caught on fire what is going on Dex uh Hey Zoe what’s up why in the

World are you screaming at me because it’s lightning on my side is it lightning on your side too oh yeah it’s um I’m getting a big lightning storm on my side I don’t know what’s going on like the skies are really clear but the lightning is just coming out of like

Thin air basically I know it’s super crazy I wonder what’s going on yeah I don’t really know but uh you might want to figure that out and get your build done yeah we only have 5 minutes left I need to figure out something fast wait a

Second did Zoe just say we have 5 minutes left oh gosh we should probably go check out the TV W and see how our build’s coming along okay look it looks like the TV W’s right there let’s go ahead and get ourself a bucket of milk so I’m no longer invisible and perfect

Here we are and what the heck she built this whole thing hey TV woman did you build this entire thing yep I sure did doesn’t it look amazing what in the world you really are a professional builder oh my gosh skimy doop was not lying at all this looks like the Gman

And it’s so perfect is there anything else you want me to do well hm I kind of want to have a few different challenges for Zoe but we only have 4 minutes could you maybe make like a parkour challenge and then like a big water dropper at the

End yes I can certainly do that okay perfect while you’re doing that I’m going to go M with Zoe a bit more thanks again TV woman no problem guys she is such an insane Builder I mean look at this whole thing this is just crazy but

We still do have a few minutes so let’s go ahead and splash herself with visibility again and I can go over to Zoe’s side and what the heck she built this whole thing why is everyone such a good Builder except me this makes no sents yay my build’s practically done

And I even have a little challenge for Dad wait she has a little challenge for what in the world is she talking about I spawned in a bunch of gmen and he’s going to have to defeat them in order to defeat my build oh my gosh he spotted a

Bunch of G and guys look at this build this is honestly super super impressive I can’t believe she actually built this well we only have like a minute left so I think I’m just going to relax until Dax is ready wait guys she said we only

Have a minute left quick we have to get back and check on the TV woman let me just make sure to drink this milk bucket and now I can head over and let’s see what she ended up doing and oh my gosh guys look at this parkour she added in

And wait is that a diving board up there wo that must mean that she has a water jump to do at the end T you did such a good job thank you so much I hope that it meets to your standards I think it actually blew away my standards but

Quick you’re going to have to go hide somewhere because otherwise Zoe’s going to get really really mad that you help me build this okay I’ll go back into the head wow guys she did such a good job look at all this parkour this is so cool

And let me see what this diving board jump looks like at the end I guess zo’s going to have to come up here and jump from here all the way down into this water wo this is going to be super difficult for her well any anyway since

My build is already done we should probably see if Zoe’s ready Hey Zoe how’s your build coming along my build’s coming along great I’m all done oh perfect okay how about we check each other’s build out and I think I want to check out your side first is that okay

Yep come on over okay Zoe I’m super excited to see your build and wow this is your G man yep doesn’t it look amazing honestly it does look pretty good Zoe you did a really good job thanks Dax that’s nice of you to say let me just go ahead and inspect the whole

Thing yeah you have the Gman head and you have the water and you have the whole toilet this is really good I think I’m I’m going to go ahead and give you a pretty good rating wait before you give me a rating I have a challenge for you

Wait you have a challenge for me well what do you have go through those doors and find out uh okay let’s go ahead and see and uh wait a second zo why did those this put me into survival mode because you’re going to have to fight

All of those gmen wait I have to fight all the git Zoe there’s literally no armor anywhere and wait oh there’s a little chest here am I supposed to look inside this chest well duh all right let’s see what did you end up giving me and wait you literally gave me leather

Armor but I mean I guess you gave me golden apples so I should be okay to take out all these gmen see you’ll be fine let me just go ahead and put this shield on and then I’ll also get these golden apples and I guess whenever I’m ready

I’m just supposed to like jump in there yep go ahead all right let me break this glass like this and then I’m going to let them out of here so I can fight them all come on Dax you got this oh my gosh wait Zoe they are all jumping me what

The heck is this I mean what did you expect ax I don’t know but there are so many wait why is there a baby villager inside of here um he’s part of their army no Witnesses he’s going out too oh my gosh that’s so mean wait I need to

Eat more golden apples oh gosh I don’t have that much health come on come on come on let me take them all out there is way too many Dax come on you got this come on keep hitting them all they’re all in a big group I should be able to

Do this come on come on you’re doing really good Dax wait these guys over here aren’t even trying to fight me what the heck are they doing so I think some of your guys are bugged well some of them just aren’t violent well I’m going to be violent and take them all out

There’s only two of them left and perfect and oh wait that little villager is still there should I take them out to no leave him be all right I’ll take him out too don’t worry come on get out of here Dak stop doing that and perfect took everyone out which means I’m the

Ultimate Champion Zoe that was not cool Dax but I guess you did pass the challenge well I think I’m going to give your build a solid 9 out of 10 you did really good Zoe I’m proud of you thanks Dax that’s so nice of you to say well

Now let’s go ahead and check out my side okay Zoe go ahead and come over and check out my side wo this looks super cool you built this all on your own uh yeah I built this completely myself Zoe doesn’t it look so good it looks crazy

Good I don’t know how you could have done this by yourself oh thank you Zoe I’m just a really talented Builder but I actually do have one little challenge for you really where is it you’re going to have to do a little bit of parkour

And as you can see there’s a couple Oak planks over there where you can start at okay I think I can do this I’m getting better at parkour uh I doubt that Zoe I don’t think you’re that good at parkour but I mean I guess we’ll see that’s not

Very nice dexs look I’m doing good so far honestly you are having a pretty good start okay you definitely have been practicing what the heck is this Zoe I’ve been practicing because you always make me do parkour okay fair enough but this next one is a little bit of ladder

Parkour so it’s probably going to be a bit difficult for you lad slatter I got this okay and now you’re going to have a little fan to go up on and whoa look at that and oh looks like you missed Zoe haha dang it I was so close it’s okay

You can just try again maybe this time you can land on the Block and wow good job Zoe yes that was a little tricky but I did it okay just a few more jumps and then you’re going to have another one of those fans that you’re going to have to

Fly up on again man why do you keep making me do these fans I mean you said you were better at parkour and wa look how high you went I went super high that was actually kind of fun okay Zoe you’re almost to the end of this challenge all

You’re going to have have to do is go to the edge on this diving board and then jump into a pit of lava ja you know I’m afraid of heights why would you make me jump into that uh I don’t know because it’s part of the challenge and wait I

Might have said lava but don’t worry Zoe it’s just harmless water so as long as you land in it you’ll be perfectly okay okay well if it’s water I think I should be okay all right let’s see what you can do Zoe I believe that you can do thise

Here I go and oh my gosh look at that you landed straight in the water good job Zoe thanks sex that was a lot of fun okay Zoe you know what since you actually beat my parkour I’m going to go ahead and give you the first round win

How does that sound that sounds amazing I’m so happy all right Zoe but it’s best out of three so let’s go ahead and head back to our dispenser to see what we’re going to build next okay let’s go okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can just

Hit the little button to see what we’re going to have to build next wao it’s the TV woman this is awesome wait we got the T oh my gosh this is going to be such an easy round okay Zoe you have 10 minutes once again best of luck good luck Dax

Okay guys let’s go ahead and head back to the teoman and I can ask her to make another super good build since I mean this build was pretty awesome I can’t even lie okay TV woman I’m back I need your help with another build can you

Help me out real quick I’m sure I can what do you need me to build well I actually need you to build a TV woman if you could do that wow that should be super easy I’m the best at building the TV woman okay well I would hope you’re

The best since you are the TV woman but I’m going to go ahead and check out Zoe’s build a little bit while you build that okay okay have fun okay guys and of course before we head over to Zoe’s side let’s go ahead and splash ourself with a

Bit more invisibility that way she doesn’t get suspicious let’s go see what she’s going to start building for her TV woman and hey look it looks like she’s starting build something already this is going to be so easy I know the TV woman like the back of my hand well if this is

Going to be really easy for her guys we probably shouldn’t let her have an easy time what could I do to mess with her it oh wait a second what if I just got some cobwebs and like got her stuck in it so she’s super super slow let’s just go

Ahead and smack this on the ground and perfect now zo stuck in cobwebs what the heck where did these cobwebs come from oh my gosh guys she is getting so bad I’m moving so slow it’s going to take me forever to build my TV woman and oh gosh

Guys okay wait she got out of the Comas a little bit too fast let me just go ahead and break these and let’s see what’s something else I could do to mess with her what if I just got a really funny spawn EG to mess with her I

Actually have this one called the Titan speaker woman and if I spawn her it’ll be really funny let me just go ahead and put a whole bunch of them around zo’s build that way she gets attacked wao where did this Titan speaker woman come from this is insane but it looks like

They died oh there’s still some more wait how is Zoe even taking them out so fast guys come on we have to spot in a bunch more there’s no way that Zoe can take all these people out this is not looking good and at this rate I’ll never

Be able to do my build okay it looks like she’s getting jumped I think Zoe is actually going to lose and weit all these tight speaker when are dropping so fast how in the world is this even possible it seems like they’re multiplying again what the heck why does

This always happen to me okay wait there’s only a few left there’s no way that Zoe can take out these last few without taking too much damage perfect I took them all out now it’s time to get back to my build oh my gosh guys this is completely ridiculous I can’t believe

She took them out that easily you know what I should probably go check up on the TV again and see how our build’s coming along let’s go ahead and see and what the heck this is the TV woman this thing is absolutely crazy you built this

Yes STX how does it look this looks so good how in the world did we even do this you’re so talented well thank you so much that’s very kind of you to say well I think we still do have a couple minutes left in this build battle so

Could you add one thing in for me sure what is it can you add in like a fake entrance and a real entrance and inside of the real entrance I want there to be like a bunch of TV wom that Zoe has to fight okay I can do that you so much

Okay I’m going to go back and see how Zoe’s build’s coming along let’s go ahead and see how her build is looking and wow this is Zoe’s TV woman this is kind of pathetic I’m not going to lie and is she running around on a couch car

Man my build looks so good and I’m so happy I brought my couch car today so I could pass the time uh I mean her build is kind of mid so I don’t really know what to say but I probably could mess with her a little bit let’s get

Something really funny oh what if I use this one TNT called the physics Dynamite basically if I throw this at her everything’s just going to explode so let’s see what she thinks whatever I see says everything flying around what the heck what just happened it almost hit my

Couch car oh my gosh guys look at all the destruction that cause let’s go ahead and throw another one right in front of Zoe what the heck that almost hit my build oh wait it almost did hit our build what if I just go ahead and

Throw one at the face over build and oh gosh wait I missed and oh look at the head oh no the top of my build just got destroyed this is not cool Hey Zoe uh the time’s almost up how’s your build looking it’s looking awful there’s explosions happening on my side and my

Build just got ruined wait there’s explosions happening on your side and your build got ruined yes this is so not fair oh man that is a little bit unfortunate Zoe well you only have like 2 minutes left so you better figure it out what can I have more time uh you

Have 2 minutes and 30 seconds that’s a little bit more time oh gosh I got to hurry okay guys Zoe is definitely not going to have that build done in time let’s go ah head back and see what the TV woman ended up making okay TV woman I

Went ahead and checked up on Zoe did you go ahead and make that fake entrance in the real entrance like I asked yep I sure did okay well where are are these entrances at and I see a bit of purple over here is that where one of the

Entrances is yep it sure is uh you know that I don’t like the color purple right why would you use purple well you see that’s the fake entrance and I made it out of purple because that’s Zoe’s favorite color and it’s going to trick her oh that’s actually a really good

Idea but wait where in the world is like the fakest in this go ahead and walk forward and you’ll see uh okay let’s see it wao wait Did you add in ghost blocks there yep Super Creative right oh that is the perfect fake entrance but if this

Is the fake entrance where’s the real entrance follow me to the top uh okay well let’s see I see a bunch of line blocks up there does that happen to be the real entrance it might be considering that’s your favorite color oh you are such a genius TV woman okay

Let’s go ahead and check this out well what in the world is this real entrance supposed to be all I see is a bunch of buttons but there’s no way out one of these buttons when they’re pushed releases a hidden door oh really they’ll activate a hidden door let’s see where

Could it be it oh wait I think I found it and when Zoe goes through the trapo all of the TV women are going to be down there that she has to oh my gosh okay TV that is perfect perfect I’m going to go ahead and check up on Zoe and I think

I’m going to need you for one final round okay okay sounds good okay Zoe well my build is done and I think the time is up can I come over and check out your side yeah you can come over but just know that this isn’t really my work

Because it got exploded uh okay well let’s just go over there and see wow Zoe this build is all destroyed and it sucks what were you even thinking Dex keep walking uh keep walking well what do you mean there’s a build behind it wait there’s a build behind it and what the

Heck how did you even build this thing because I’ve been PR practicing my building skills I’m getting a lot better what I thought I destroyed enough of your build where you wouldn’t be able to make another one how is that even possible what do you mean you destroyed

My build uh no I didn’t say I destroyed your build that you said someone destroyed your build and then I got confused and then I said I destroyed it yeah it was a big confusion mess but uh this looks good Zoe thanks Dex yeah you seem real confused well I think I’m

Going to have to go ahead and give your score like a seven out of 10 since all the ground in front of it is like destroyed and this weird build in front of it is really destroyed too it looks kind of ugly and takes away from the

Awesomeness of this build if you were just grading this build what would you give it m like a 9 out of 10 but I can’t just grade that build so you get a 7 out of 10 woohoo I got a 9 out of 10 okay whatever Zoe you can just take the N9

Out of 10 it doesn’t even matter let’s just go check out the better build which is going to be my side but Dax remember if I win this whole round that means I win the entire Build Challenge yeah Zoe but just trust me you won’t okay Zoe

Welcome over to my tvom build wao this is so crazy how did you build this oh because I’m like super talented Zoe you should already know that I’m like the best builder ever she’s huge and it looks like there’s a door over here should I go in there oh yeah it’s made

Out of purple so I figured you would like it yay I love purple that’s so nice that you added that in yeah of course Zoe well good luck what the heck I’m falling into the void Zoe you found the fake entrance what the fake entrance Stacks that is not cool so does that

Mean there’s a real entrance yeah there is a real entrance and you’re going to have to figure out where it is well knowing you you probably made it out of green I don’t know maybe Zoe you should go ahead and check out the TV build and

Maybe you can find it wait a sec I see some green up here I don’t know maybe that is the real entrance you’re going to have to go inside and see wo and there’s a room full of buttons in here yep and actually one of these buttons

Will open up a hidden trap door that lead you onto your next challenge really there’s multiple challenges that is so not fair you are getting super close so come on you got this and perfect you found it wao and then there’s a door yep good luck down there what the heck

There’s a bunch of TV women in here well Zoe you’re going to have to take them all out if you want to win wa they’re jumping me this is totally not fair yeah I don’t think you’re going to win you are getting absolutely destroyed right

Now no way I’m defeating them I see a lot of them dying yeah I don’t know Zoe I definitely think you’re going to lose there is just way too many of them for you to take out and oh it looks like you finally lost Zoe dang it I died well Zoe

That makes the score 1 to one so I guess we have to move on to our final round okay let’s do this I’m ready to win okay go and hit the button and see what we’re going to be building wao it’s the Titan speaker man oh this is going to be so

Much fun and let’s have a fast round Zoe you only have 5 minutes to make your build okay 5 minutes are you serious we got to go okay guys let’s go ahead and ask the TV woman if she can make us one more build hey tvom I’m back and I need

One more build okay what do you need I would like you to make the tide speaker B can you make that happen yep I can definitely do that oh perfect this is going to be so much fun okay guys and while she’s going to make the tight

Speaker B I should probably go ahead and just see what Zoe’s build looking like let me just go ahead and grab myself an ability potion and then we can see what Zoe’s up to on her side and oh wait a second what the heck is this this is

Like a super cool build and wait who in the world is Zoe talking to right now thank you so much for helping me with this build I’m so glad that I hired you of course I am a professional builder after all and I think I did a pretty

Solid job you can definitely beat Dax now yes you did an amazing job this is awesome wait what the heck Zoe hired a professional builder to help her make this final build that is so cheating and since my build is done and I still have

Time left I’m just going to go ahead and relax guys what the heck I can’t believe Zoe actually hired someone to make this this is so crazy you know what and I do want to add something to her build that will actually mess everything up let’s

Go ahead and grab oursel a panic button and I’m also going to grab a piece of TNT and I think I’m going to grab something called the death ray let’s go ahead and put oursel a piece of TNT down here in the ground like that and then

We’ll cover it up and put this panic button on top and Zoe’s going to be super confused where this panic button came from and she’s probably going to end up pressing it quickly get back to our site and see how the TV woman’s doing and what the heck wait it looks

Like the TV made a really cool build but I don’t think she’s finished it l she still has the legs hey uh Miss tvwan what’s going on over here what’s wrong I still have 5 minutes left no tvwan this round is only 5 minutes long and you

Don’t even have the legs done yet well I hate to say it Dex but you didn’t tell me oh man okay you know what I don’t think it’s that big of a deal this does look pretty cool already so I’m pretty sure I’ll still end up winning good I’m

Glad you like the build okay zoee well I think the 5 minutes is already up can we check out each other’s builds already ready yep this time can I come over to your side first oh yeah I guess you can come over to my side just meet me in the

Middle okay and perfect now you can just go ahead and check out my super awesome tight speaker B build wow he looks super cool but he’s missing a few things oh yeah he’s missing legs you know we only had 5 minutes so I just decided to make

The upper half of the body it still looks pretty realistic though doesn’t it yeah it looks super cool but I definitely can’t give you a 10 out of 10 if he doesn’t have legs wait what you can’t give me a 10 out of 10 well what

Are you going to give me then Zoe probably like a 7 out of 10 you know what I’ll still take a 7 out head that is pretty good and I doubt your build’s even going to be close to mine I guess we’ll just have to wait and see come

Over and check it out let’s see what you end up having built and wo Zoe this is honestly super cool thanks Dex I told you I’ve been practicing my building skills yeah I can tell you did a really good job I can’t believe you built Us in

Only 5 minutes yep it’s super cool I’m like the best and uh wait a second zo why is there a button over here oh I don’t know I don’t remember putting that let’s go ahead and push it and see what happens and uh wait a second Zoe what is

That noise I don’t know this can’t be good uh this sounds a little bit weird I think I’m just going to back up a bit Zoe why are you running Dex uh because I think something’s about to come from the sky and oh my gosh look at that Zoe what

The heck my build is being destroyed Zoe you just completely destroyed your whole build what is wrong with you that was insane what did the Titan speaker man do uh well Zoe now it looks like you don’t even have a build so I’m going to have

To get you a zero out of 10 for this round no Dax you saw it before it exploded you saw that it was really good uh well I mean I don’t see it now so I can’t really give you a score sorry Zoe it looks like I win the bill challenge

The heck this is so not fair and now let’s go check and see how Zoe’s doing okay Zoe are you excited for today’s skibbidy Build Challenge I’m so excited I love the skibby characters okay Zoe well I actually have a little dispenser in here if you go inside of it you will

See a bunch of different skib characters that we can build that’s sounds so awesome so I just push the buttons to see what we first have to build yep go ahead Zoe press the button and let me know what we got wa Dax look what we got

Okay and it looks like we got the lava speaker man okay Zoe well you’re going to have 5 minutes to make your build best of luck the luck Dax okay guys now that I’m on mute and I went over to my other side I actually have a little

Secret that Zoe isn’t prepared for I have this little painting frame over here and basically it is magic so whatever I paint on it will instantly get built into our world world and first up we got the lava speaker man so let’s go ahead and draw on a lava version of

The speaker man well first thing we’re going to want to do is build the actual frame of our speaker man and that is made out of the color red so let’s go ahead and build out a body and we’ll also throw in a few different legs next

We’ll go ahead and draw on an arm and we all know the arm has that cannon on it so let’s go ahead and add the cannon next I’ll go ahead and color in all the pieces and lastly for this side we’re going to go ahead and draw on the head

And since this is going to be half speaker man and half lava we have to make this side look really good good but now that the main side’s done let’s go ahead and draw on the lava side and of course we’re going to make this out of

Orange we’ll start adding in the arm on this side and of course we’re going to add a bunch of random red dots just so it knows that it’s lava and perfect I think this turned out looking pretty good and now once I turn around this should already be built into the game

And oh my goodness guys look at our lava speaker man this thing is so huge all the detailing of this build is so awesome you can definitely tell which side is a lava half and which half is the normal half there is no way that Zoe

Can get even close to beating our build but just in case she happens to make something kind of cool I want to add a few different challenges into this and the first challenge for this is going to be finding the real entrance and in order to do that we’re going to need two

Different blocks so I’m going to grab some lime wool and I’m also going to grab some purple wool now for the fake entrance we’re going to make it out of purple since that’s obviously Zoe’s favorite color and she’s probably going to fall for it and just run straight

Into it so let’s go ahead and construct the outside of this and then we’re going to fill in the inside of this with ghost blocks and if you don’t know what ghost blocks do let me show you real quick wherever you place it it’ll just act

Like the normal block but as soon as you try to go into it you can just pass through like nothing’s there now inside of this room we’re going to make the whole entire thing out of purple so let me build up a little wall at the end of

This little haul I’m going to put down a purple block with a cake on top of it of course just to low her in even more we’re going to add a sign that says free cake but obviously guys we’re not going to allow her to eat this cake what we’re

Going to do is break out the floor right below the cake and use those ghost blocks that we talked about earlier so now if Zoe steps right up to the cake she’ll fall straight through but we need her to land into something let me just

Go ahead and fill in the bottom of this floor with some Ultra hot lava that will instantly burn Zoe when she falls in perfect I think the fake entrance is done but now we have to go ahead and build out the real entrance and I think for this real entrance we’re going to

Build it at the top of the lava pyramid over here let’s go ahead and add in some green since I’m going to force Zoe to pick the green side even though it’s obviously the best color I know she’s not going to pick it off the start now

Instead of here we’re going to test her one more time we’re going to be adding in a sign that says pick the side and basically we’re going to let Zoe pick between two different options to jump down and like normal one side we’re going to be making out of purple wool

Since I’m pretty sure that’s what she’s going to pick first and for the other side we’re going to be using green wool since that’s obviously going to be the right side next we’ll go ahead and build these all the way down to the floor here

And on each one of our sides we’re going to put in ghost blocks just so Zoe can’t see what’s at the bottom I went ahead and put one on the green side now I’ll do the purple side but at the bottom of the purple Pur side she’s not going to

Be falling into the water she’s going to be falling straight into lava which is obviously going to mean she lost this round but if she’s smart and decides to pick the green side at the very bottom of this is going to be some safe water

That she can just land on and once she makes it through that I’m going to leave her a little chest down here that’s going to have a bunch of her favorite colored blocks inside and that’s going to be the end of my basic challenge for this first round I honestly think it’s

Pretty good now I think the time is up so let’s go ahead and check on Zoe Hey Zoe I think the time’s up are you done with your build yet yep come check it out okay I’m heading over uh wait a second Zoe what’s that noise and what

Are you even riding it’s my new couch car uh I guess that’s pretty cool but I’m not here to judge your couch car I want to see your build okay well come take a look let’s see and oh Zoe is this your lava speaker man yep doesn’t it

Look amazing I mean it does look pretty cool I can kind of see what you meant by adding in the lava you added in some orange wool in some red wool this is honestly not too bad of a build but it’s lacking a lot of detail on man I thought

I did really good oh no zo you did do pretty good but it’s just lacking a little bit of detail I think mine might be a Teensy bit better than yours though okay we’ll show me yours well first before we go over there I think I have

To rate your build what do you rate it I’m going to give you a 6 out of 10 just because it’s lacking some detail I’m okay with a 6 out of 10 that works for me all right Zoe well come over to my side and you can check out my build wa

Your build is crazy hey did you make a painting of your build oh uh yeah Zoe I did make a little painting of my build I had a bit of extra time so I decided to make it what do you think this looks amazing pretty spoton yeah you can

Really tell the lava detail and you can also see the normal side detail I wanted to make it like a half and half to be super cool it is super cool can we go up there yeah we can and actually Zoe speaking of going up there I have a few

Different challenges on the inside for you ooh I love challenges where do I start well the first thing you’re going to have to do is find the entrance so why don’t you just go ahead and look around the build and try and find it but look there’s purple up here I bet you

This is the entrance oh maybe it is the entrance Zoe why don’t you just go inside waa Dax did you get me a cake that’s so nice of you H yeah I guess I did get you a cake Zoe it says free cake I’m so hungry I would not have some

Right wao Dex ha Zoe you fell for the fake entrance there’s no way you actually thought I was going to let you have free cake did you yes I thought you would have given me free cake cuz I thought you were being nice to me uh no

Zoe well you’re going to have to go find the real entrance I would never use a disgusting purple color to be my actual entrance that’s not fair at all but let’s take a look around I think I saw some green over here earlier there is some green but this isn’t the entrance

Zoe you can’t go this way what yeah that might be the exit and no you can’t go in there Zoe I just told you that well since I found the exit technically didn’t I beat the challenge uh no Zoe like I told you there’s a real entrance

Somewhere so why don’t you go ahead and try to find it okay well can I have a hint M maybe go towards the top of the building you can find it ja is this green entrance the real one I don’t know Zoe maybe you should go inside and see

For yourself look aside what does that mean Dax well Zoe you’re going to have to pick either the purple side or the green side and I’m figuring since you already tried the purple it earlier you’re not going to try it again right well obviously I’m going to pick purple

Again because purple’s the best color uh Zoe I don’t know that’s a great idea and there you go dang it I died Zoe I’m never going to let you pick the purple side I already told you there was a fake entrance earlier and that was made out

Of purple so you’re going to have to pick the green side if you want to win hey then I’ll pick the green side even though it’s like the worst color ever we go ahead and jump down the hole and you should see something pretty cool wow

This is where I was earlier yes it is Zoe and that’s the end of my little build and I even got you some purple blocks as a reward ooh so purple really is the best color since it’s my reward uh sure whatever Zoe even though I did

Beat your challenge and I got my purple wool I still think your build was really really good so I think that I’m going to give you an 11 out of 10 oh an 11 out of 10 that’s such a crazy high score which means I also win the first round Zoe

Good job Dax well let’s go ahead and go back to dispenser so we can move on to the second round let’s do it okay Zoe well now you can go ahead and press the button again and see what we’re going to get for the second round of our Build

Challenge ooh I love pushing the button okay and what did we end up getting Zoe it’s the emerald combo man but I don’t want to make something out of emeralds cuz it’s made out of green and Green’s like the worst color what are you serious zo that’s what the dispenser

Gave us please Dax can we build something else okay how about you go ahead and build like a purple Buzz toilet that’ be super fun for you right that will be fun okay Zoe well like normal you only have 5 minutes to make your build best of luck good luck okay

Guys and like the paper says we got an emerald combo man and if you don’t know what that means it’s basically a mix of the Titan camera man and the Titan TV man but we have to make this kind of out of emerald so let’s start shaping that

Out of course the first real thing we need to do is get rid of this build since we already won this round next we can start adding in our Emerald legs and emerald is made out of green so all we have to do is color it in green but I’m

Not going to make the entire Titan out of emerald we’re going to make part of it normal Titan character textured and also Emerald so it looks super cool but for the main body it’s mostly going to be made out of emerald since we want to keep it super strong okay next we’re

Going to go ahead and draw on our arms and we’re going to keep most of the main features made out of emerald but we’re going to keep their little details their normal coloring now that the coloring is done the first thing we’re going to do

Is add in the TV head and like I said this is going to be a mix so we’re only going to do half of the head now for the other side we’re going to draw my camera and for this we’re going to make a black outline with a little blue coloring on

The inside so it knows that as a camera we also add both of the TV man’s claws to both sides we can draw on the Hammer of the cameraman and then we’ll also add in a few random speakers just so it knows that it’s a combination and

Perfect I I think this looks pretty good let’s see how it turns out in game and wo guys look at this we actually have an emerald combo man inside of our game this thing looks so realistic we have the huge camera and TV head and this ginormous hammer and wao we even have

The middle section of the cameraman this guy looks so powerful I’m pretty sure that there’s no way that Zoe’s actually going to be able to beat us this round but I do want to give her a little opportunity if she can beat my challenge I’ll go ahead and let her win this round

Well the first thing I want to do is set all the foral lava cuz we’re going to make Zoe do a couple different parkour jumps this isn’t going to be too difficult of Parkour it’s more or less going to be a warm-up for her actual challenge we’ll go ahead and add in some

Ladder jumps just to get a bit higher I’m thinking we can call this the end point of our parkour this is where the real challenge is going to happen but firstly we need to get some Oak planks and build her out a little waiting room inside of this waiting room we’re going

To give her a chest and inside of this chest is going to be a bunch of different armor pieces that she’s going to use for her main challenge we’ll go Ahad head and throw on some diamond armor and also give her a netherite sword and of course since I’m super nice

I’ll also give her some enchanted golden apples with a shield now I already know you’re wondering what does she need all this OP armor for well whenever she’s ready I’m going to allow her to walk through the doors down the place here and she’s going to actually have to

Fight some Emerald combo men so let’s go ahead and spawn in a bunch of those Emerald combo men that I was talking about and wao look how cool these guys look they’re like extremely powerful so I have no idea if Zoe’s even able to take these guys out but just so she do

Does notice let’s go ahead and close up these doors and perfect our whole entire build should be done now and since our awesome Emerald combo man is done let’s go ahead and check on Zoe and see how her build’s coming along okay Zoe I think the time is up and my build is

Just completed how’s your build coming along mine’s completely D and it looks amazing I bet mine’s going to be better than yours but can I come over and check out your build yep come check it out okay Zoe I am super excited to check out your build and you actually sounded

Pretty confident is it actually kind of cool this time yep it looks amaz amazing come take a look okay let’s go ahead and check it out and wao Zoe is this your purple Buzz toilet yep doesn’t it look amazing honestly this is way more detailed than I thought I didn’t even

Think we can make something like this yep I tried extra hard on this one and it’s definitely better than my last build I can tell You’ gotten so much better so quickly I don’t even know what these blocks are magenta glaze terracotta I didn’t even know that was a

Thing yeah I kept it as a secret stash but what’s my score let me think well there is a lot of detail and used a bunch of different coloring Zoe I honestly think I’m going to give you a 9 out of 10 for this round a 9 out of 10

That’s like the highest score I’ve ever gotten yeah congratulations and you definitely deserve it and I don’t know if I can compete with this but I guess you’re going to be the judge of it okay show me your build wao this looks super cool and hey look you had time to draw

It again oh yeah I did have time to do my little drawing again but yeah my build is pretty big but yours is pretty detailed too I don’t know who is better right now yeah I don’t know either Dax how are we supposed to settle this well

I actually do have a little challenge for you and how about this if you can beat my challenge you can win this round ooh I’m really good at challenges I’m going to win well the first stage of this challenge is just a bit of Parkour

So you can get up to the main part so go ahead whenever you’re ready and complete the parkour let’s see how fast you can complete this Zoe wo I really don’t like parkour well it looks like you’re doing pretty good to start off with so you

Might be able to beat this pretty easily oh no this is where it starts to get tricky and I really don’t like ladders why would you do this to me well I mean it looks like you’re doing good Zoe have you been practicing or something I have been practicing because you always make

Me do parkour when I really don’t want to well you only have a few more jumps and then you’re on to your main challenge so I think you’ll be okay o one more jump YY I made it good job Zoe you completed the parkour yeah I completed the parkour but you said

There’s another challenge yes there is another challenge Zoe and you can go ahead and go into this chest and get all the stuff you need for that next challenge wo it looks like there’s diamond armor in here yeah we all know that diamond armor is probably one of

The strong armors in the game but that means you’re going to have to fight something extremely strong that’s okay I’m super strong are you Zoe I actually think you might lose this fight these people that you have to fight are extremely strong and big and perfect Zoe

You look super cool in that diamond armor but are you ready for this huge fight yep I’m super excited well go inside and fight all of the emerald combo men wao there’s already a lot of them they’re like busting out of the door and wait you just took out a bunch

Of them really quick you are strong well yeah I’m super strong if that’s obvious that well there’s still a lot of them I don’t know if you can take out all of these guys Zoe wait a second you’re actually taking them out super easily what in the world how did you get so

Strong yeah just watch me Dax I’m super strong uh I guess that was the last Emerald combo man congratulations Zoe I guess you won this round woohoo I did it I’m amazing you are amazing but that means we have to move on to the final round which is our tiebreaker ooh I love

A good tiebreaker well let’s go ahead and head back to dispencer so we can settle this once and for all okay Zoe like I just said this is the tiebreaker round so whenever you’re ready you can go ahead and hit this button and see what we’re going to have to build okay

Here I go ooh it says it’s the gold multi head but I don’t really want to do gold I want to do diamonds cuz I’m fancy wait you want to do diamonds instead of gold well I guess that’s okay it’s not that big of a change I can go ahead and

Do the gold and you can stick to doing diamonds woohoo and then everybody’s happy yep but you only have 5 minutes and this is the final round Zoe so make sure not to lose I won’t good luck Dex good luck Zoe okay guys and now we’re on

To the final round and like Zoe said I’m going to be doing the gold multi-head toilet of course you know we have to come over to our little painting over here and draw one out and for this we’re going to start off by making the legs

Out of gold but I also want to keep some of the normal body there just so we know that it’s made out of gold and also made out of the normal material we’re going to give it three different legs now we can start constructing out our body but

Like I said I’m going to leave part of it white just so it knows it’s a mixture next we can go ahead and start throwing in the heads and I’m going to throw in five different heads we’ll plop on some heads like this and then we have to go

Ahead and color it in a little bit but we’re also going to leave some white spots and now if I go ahead and turn around it should be pasted in and oh my goodness this thing is absolutely ginormous it looks so cool that we added in some of the gold features and also

Kept a little bit of the white look at the heads these things are absolutely huge they’re probably going to be bigger than Zoe’s build as a whole but since I’m so far ahead on my build why don’t I go ahead and prank Zoe real quick and I actually have this one secret mod

Installed that lets me transform than any mob I want to and I think for this I’m going to go ahead and transfer into a multi-head toilet to scare Zoe and wo guys look at that now we’re the multi-head toilet this is so cool and since I look like this I can walk over

To Zoe side and completely scare her let’s just go ahead and walk over and wait look there’s Zoe over there making her build wow my diamond toilet’s already looking so good I just need to add a few diamonds here I mean yeah I guess it is looking pretty good but it’s

Lacking a lot of detail like mine probably go ahead and walk right up to her and just scare her but I have to make sure to change my voice hey you purple girl ah who are you I am the spider toilet I’m here to judge your

Build where is it um it’s right here well it doesn’t look too good what that’s not nice to say yeah I think you’re going to want to actually practice and make it a lot better well do you have any tips H let me see if you

Go talk to the toilet wizard I’m sure he can help you out where’s the toilet wizard here let me just give you this Smartphone and I’m sure you can just call it aut them and talk to him a smartphone this is so cool yeah that’s definitely going to help you out but if

Your build looks bad I’m going to come back and destroy it all okay well thank you I’m going to make the best build ever yeah I really doubt it guys that was so funny I gave Zoe a fake phone and told her to call some wizard that’s not

Even going to do anything she’s going to have such a bad build when I come over well now that’s done let me go ahead and morph back into myself and man I still have a bunch of time left so why don’t I just go ahead and go to asleep to wait

For Zoe okay Dax I’m done with my build oh are you actually done with your build Zoe I’ve been waiting forever I can’t wait to come over and check it out well come take a look it looks awesome okay Zoe I’m super excited to check it out

And also I’m excited to finally win this Build Challenge against you yeah I don’t know if you’ll win this round come take a look at how awesome my build is uh you said your build’s awesome well let me go ahead and check it out Zoe what in the

World how did you even build this well I’m not going to lie I had a little bit of help someone came over and gave me a smartphone and then the toilet wizard came and he helped me build this wait someone gave you a smartphone Zoe no that smartphone didn’t even work at all

Um it definitely did work but how would you even know uh I just heard the phone ringing through the wall but this is insane Zoe this looks exactly like my build except it’s made out of diamonds and diamonds are way better than gold so I think maybe I’m winning this round

Well Zoe if you got help from someone else during our build competition isn’t that technically cheating no we never established that that was a rule okay Zoe well I mean you’re still going to have to check out my side and since your build is an exact copy I think I’m only

Going to give you an 8 out of 10 for this round what an 8 out of 10 but mine’s made out of diamonds oh also that reminds me is since you cheated and got help I’m going to give you a s out of 10 this is not fair but fine go ahead and

Show me your build well go ahead and come on over Zoe and check out mine wao this does look exactly like mine but it’s made out of gold and you have another painting oh yeah I do have another painting I really like drawing all my builds this is pretty weird that

Every time you have a painting your build ends up looking just like it oh well I mean it’s really nothing Zoe there’s nothing to worry about I guess it is a little weird but yeah our builds do look exactly alike I can’t believe that you actually got the toilet wizard

To help you out and make your diamond build over there yep we’re pretty much best friends now well Zoe since our builds are the same what do you want to do for the winner for this what if we have a huge skibby fight wa a huge skibby fight would be awesome and how

About whoever survive is the winner of this build challenge that sounds awesome okay I’m going to go ahead and make us a really big arena all I have to do is stack up some wood like this and I’m going to click on the top and go all the

Way over here and set another piece and now we should have a wall okay Zoe and now on the inside of this wall I’m just going to spawn in a bunch of skiy toilets and these are going to be the guys we have to run from in order to win

Ooh this is going to be so interesting okay let me put down a few more just like this and then I’ll also give us a bit of armor just to make sure we can survive a little bit ooh I want leather armor uh Zoe why do you want leather

Armor that armor isn’t strong at all um because it’s like the strongest in the game Dax just trust me uh okay Zoe whatever I guess if you want to lose you want to lose I’m going to give you the leather armor yay my favorite okay guys and while Zoe’s distracted with her

Armor over there I’m going to come back to my painting real quick and change something I’m going to go ahead and erase all of this painting because we don’t need it anymore and now over here what we’re going to do is type in God

And what this is going to do is give us God mode let’s just make sure to underline it with red so the system knows and wait a second now I’m in survival mode what in the world and wao wait look at that guys I could even fly

Let me see if I’m really in god mode if I take no damage and wao I took no damage which means I’m now Invincible X what’s taking so long can we start this oh don’t worry Zoe I’m on the way let’s just go ahead and sit down in this

Corner over here and then I’ll get us some blocks to break out okay Zoe now that we’re both in survival we can just jump down and whoever survives the longest wins okay let’s do this all right I’m punching you in and I’m jumping in as well and wait Zoe none of

Them are even attacking me wait they’re attacking me oh that’s really weird Zoe I don’t know why they’re not coming after me but they’re completely destroying you it looks like this seems rigged uh no Zoe nothing is rigged about this at all I think they’re just scared

Of me since I’m so much cooler with my diamond armor this is not fair Dex why are they only attacking me uh I don’t know Zoe why are you flying oh uh I don’t know I must have just uh misstepped or something yeah I can jump

Really high this is totally not fair you were just flying something’s going on well I don’t know what you’re talking about Zoe and it looks like your armor is taking a lot of damage I think I’m going to win this no I still have a chance I don’t think you have a chance

Zoe and actually let me just help that out a little bit by punching you back into the corner are you serious DX I just died uh yeah cuz I took you out which means I win the bill challenge no way I can’t believe you won well maybe

You can win the next one Zoe Dax why are we stuck in the middle of the ocean I have no idea but all I know is that in 5 minutes the skiy ARB is going to come attack us what this is not good how are we going to fight against them quick

Zoee get to your little build a survive platform and I’ll use this obvious GRE sign over here and then we can build our own bases to defend ourselves okay but we have to hurry you know what Zoe I think I’m actually going to make a super super cool diamond base what are you

Going to try and do I think I’m going to make a pirate ship wait a pirate ship wo that’s so cool especially cuz we’re in the ocean yep it’s going to look super awesome okay let me go ahead and build a few different pillars that I could use

As walls and maybe I should use a couple different blocks besides diamonds just to make it extra extra fancy what are you thinking Dex H maybe I should grab something super cool like gold blocks gold blocks that sounds awesome yep and my house is going to be super super rich

And filled with all these awesome blocks and you know what I should probably also grab some glass just to put everywhere so I can see outside probably that’s a good idea let me go ahead and add in a bit of glass like that and then I’ll do

Another layer of diamond blocks and this is going to be so ultra awesome Epic no one can build a better base than me Zoe yeah we’ll see my pirate ship is going to be super cool well we’ll see whose base gets overtaken first you know I should probably spice up the inside of

My house what if I go ahead and break all these Oak planks and put like an awesome green floor that’s a super good idea let me go ahead and break this and then oh man I don’t even have a door in front of my house let me go ahead and

Put this and then I can grab our a door and I’ll use one of these warp doors that’s a good idea since it’s like the closest the green and then on the inside let me go ahead and get myself a little bed and I’ll get myself a crafting table

And a furnace and then I should put up some paintings just to make it look like home let me just go ahead and cover up the roof just like this and then I can go ahead and added some painting let me put one there and oh gosh it’s not even

Even okay this is really really bad that’s kind of annoying well you know what I guess I can added this nether painting here in this super nice sky painting and then maybe I could do something on the other side just like this that looks like it connects and man

My little house is looking so good Zoe how’s your pirate ship coming along come outside and look let me see I bet it’s not even that cool and wo Zoe this is actually pretty awesome thanks Dax I had a lot of fun building it you did a

Really good job except I don’t really like that purple on top it’s a little ugly you should probably replace it with green um definitely not green is like the most disgusting color ever but nice try wait a second zo it just put us ins survival oh gosh there’s a bunch of

Zombie toilet to run our bases this is not good Dax it looks like you’re getting jumped none of them are coming over to my side what the heck wait did you give yourself a weapon Zoe no did you oh gosh no I didn’t get myself a weapon either oh no they’re on my

Platform this is not good how in the war are we supposed to take these guys out there’s way too many of them I don’t know DS how are we supposed to survive this I don’t know wait I have a couple different blocks let me build up oh gosh

Wait this one’s super aggressive and perfect I’m on top of my house now me too I’m on top of my ship he wait zo they’re coming behind you there’s one on my ship quick I’m fighting them off fight them off I’m trying oh no they

Just pushed me into a pile of them come on zo we have to fight them off somehow this is not good they’re attacking me oh gosh and wait I am beating the mess out of them right now what the heck I’m so strong yeah these guys are kind of weak

Yeah they are kind of weak but man my health is really low and wait they’re inside of my house I got to get them oh no this is not good get out of my house you stupid idiot oh no I’m super low on Hell Zoe this is really really scary be

Careful Dax it looks like they’re more on my side now okay I just took out all the ones and I’m coming over Zoe come on let’s take them all out I’ve got this and perfect I think that was the last one wait no there’s two over here one

For you one for me and uh I took him out for us are you serious what the heck Zoe you just took me out oh my gosh I thought you were a monster what in the world I can’t believe you actually took me out Dex look on the bright side we

Survived yeah I mean I guess we did survive but Zoe we have to build more stuff because they’re going to come back for us in 5 more minutes okay we better hurry let’s see what else should I add in for this round next I think I need to

Add some lasers and then a front door wait you’re going to add in some lasers zo what are you talking about I’m going to surround my pirate ship with lasers wait what the heck and wa that looks so cool thanks Dex wait that actually a

Really good idea so way can I copy your idea no Dex think of your own thing fine whatever well I mean lasers are kind of like fire so what if I get some Netherrack and then I like them all on fire that would be super cool let me

Just go ahead and break out all the wood like you’re doing and then I can go ahead and put these in and once I have like a whole ring I can just like this all on fire which is going to make it super difficult for all those Sky toils

To get inside that’s a good idea Dax we’re definitely going to be well defended this time yeah we are going to be like super super protected let me go ahead and add in a few more you know what I still kind of want the front of

My house to be safe so I’m not going to add in fire here that would probably be really really bad but let’s see what else should I even add in oh wait a second zo you know what I just thought about what is it well last time we

Didn’t have any gear to defend ourself whenever the time ran out so maybe we should get like some armor STS and put stuff on them yeah we could definitely use some weapons too yeah let me go ahead and get myself some diamond armor because it’s super shiny what type of

Armor are you going to use Zoe probably like leather armor wait Zoe why are you going to use leather armor there’s a million different options rather than lever probably because it’s like the most strong armor Zoe it’s literally the weakest armor but whatever you can do

Whatever you want and I will okay let me get this diamond sword here and I’m also thinking I want to get like a little Shield that probably be really smart so now I have full diamond armor a diamond sword and wow I’m going to be super

Super stacked but I feel like my base is missing a little bit of something maybe I should add like a second story what do you think Zoe yeah mine has a second story you could probably do that too well I would hope yours has a second story it’s like a pirate ship it’s

Supposed to be really big and awesome and it is really big and awesome I bet it looks super super cool with all those lasers and wow zo this does look really cool thanks stack I’m trying super hard now I just need to put some stairs and

Then a door and I will be ready to go this is honestly such a cool pirate ship I’ve never seen a pirate ship at lasers but you know what that has its own unique touch right exactly what the heck zo wait put his back in survival mode

And wait are these speaker woman this is not good that means they’re going to attack us soon quick I got to grab all of your gear Zoe grab your old gear so we can defend ourselves I don’t have any gear yet what the heck Zoe what were you

Doing that whole time I was setting up my lasers oh my gosh well don’t worry I can defect the both of us I have a diamond sword and Diamond Armor after all hurry Dax defeat them all oh my gosh there is literally so many of them how

In the world am I supposed to win this I don’t know but I believe in you Zoe are you just standing at the top of your pirate trip and doing nothing are you serious yes I’m safe up here oh my gosh this is absolutely ridiculous come on

There are so many what the heck is this I’m actually drawing the speaker woman to my lasers you’re drawing the speaker woman to your lasers so I don’t see any of them getting Zapped yet you better hurry up I’m trying hey come up here crazy ladies oh my goodness there’s

Still like aund of them left what the heck am I supposed to do versus this you’ve got this Dex these ladies are dying cuz of my lasers oh gosh and I fell in the water come on on there’s only a few more on my side and then I

Can help out on your side hey crazy people come into the lasers Zoe I can’t believe you’re not helping me at all this is ridiculous I am oh wait I just saw one Get Zapped by the laser you know what you are helping a little bit but

Not that much I’m helping a lot okay let me go ahead and run over there in the water and then I can take out the rest of the speaker woman over here man there are still so many come on this is really really scary only a few left now and wow

That one just got zapped by the laser and Zoe you’re getting Zapped by the laser I know that did not feel good okay there’s a you there and now I think there’s only four of them left we can definitely win this round you got this

Dex come on let me take off these last three and I’m jumping in the water to take them out good thing you can swim come on come on this is the last one and perfect Zoe I think we won good job Dax and wo Zoe look at that we’re back in

Creative now heck yeah let’s go okay Zoe but for the next round you need to add in some armor otherwise I’m going to get completely destroyed okay I’ll add the armor right now okay well let me go ahead and take off my armor so I can put

It back on the armor St she cuz we have to stay super organized and Zoe you better make sure to add an armor this round otherwise I’m going to be super super mad at you ja stop your yelling I’m trying the best I can okay let me

Grab a few different item frames like this and then I can go ahead and put my shield there and wait a second where in the world did my shield even go okay well let me just grab another one real quick it’s not that big of a deal and wa

Zoe I just thought of something that could be really really cool what is it what if I built like an underground part of my base what you can’t do that that goes outside of the lines wait no Zoe it’s not going to go outside the lines because it’s going to go straight down

Which isn’t outside it’s just underneath I guess you kind of beat the system with that one but still I worry about that cheating no Zoe it’s not cheating look let me grab one of these secret trap doors here and then I can get a bunch of glass and I can start building

Underground okay let me just make sure probably to put it where all of the Netherrack is because that’s like the edge of the Border here and this is going to be so awesome let me just stack a few more like that and then I should probably get myself one of these really

Really cool wands because this makes it really easy to build with all I have to do is type this end right here and let’s go like eight and wao look at that there’s so much glass everywhere now okay let me just go ahead and finish up

The floor and this is going to be like the most overpowered base ever Zoe can I come stay on your side deck uh no Zoe you’re not allowed to stay on my side since you didn’t let me stay on your side last time are you serious y Zoe I’m

Sorry the rules are the rules after all whatever okay let me just add in some sponges to get rid of all this water and perfect I think my underground base is pretty much complete but we’re going to need like some ladders and stuff to get

Down let me just go ahead and add in a bit of wood like this and then I can grab myself a few different ladders to just stack up really high and man what should I even put down here wait what if I build like a super awesome gaming room

Dax a gaming room we’re supposed to try and survive not play games well I want it to be super cool because this is going to be my home I’m building a gaming room let me just go ahead and build myself out a desk right here and

Then I’m going to go ahead and throw my super awesome PC and wow my gaming area already looks super cool Zoe good job Dax but you really should focus on trying to survive no I am surviving Zoe I’m doing absolutely great I could even add in a little gaming error for you is

That what you want yeah that sounds pretty good to me okay so let me go ahead and build you out one side and you’re probably going to want like a purple chair I would imagine well duh I want a purple chair do you even know me

Uh yeah Zoe that’s why I said you’re probably going to want purple and man our little gaming area looks really good Zoe you should probably come check it out okay Dax I’ll be there in a second okay Zoe I’m going to give you a whole tour of my awesome base okay show me

Show me okay so you can walk inside just like this and this is my little room wow this room is really cool Dax yeah it is pretty cool I also have this ladder for an upstairs but I really haven’t built anything upstairs yet yeah you should definitely add some stuff Zoe don’t

Worry the coolest part is all the way down here but how do we get down there I have a secret room let me just go ahead and flick this trapo and perfect now you come inside to our awesome gaming area wow this is so cool and look at this I

Have one little purple desk for you and I have one little green desk for me wow I think we should just sit down here when the monsters come so then they can’t hurt us yeah you know what probably speaking of the monsters we should also probably add an armor stand

Down here just in case we’re g ging while the monsters come that sounds like a super good idea and Zoe I’m going to give you better armor Than Leather since leather sucks okay sounds good and perfect let me just add in the swords and Zoe look now we both have awesome

Armor over here wow this is so cool I kind of hope that they come over down here just so I can wear that armor yeah true but you know what else we need every good house has to what is it we should get ourselves a couple of dogs

Dogs that’s awesome can I name m Mr doggy uh yeah you can name yours Mr doggy here look let me give you a few different bones and then I’ll put down two different dogs and we can each tame one of them Mr doggy come here and since

My favorite color is green obviously I’m going to go ahead and dye his collar green a how do I make mine purple you have to get some purple D and then you can just click on them and it’ll change the color and wo Zoe look at that now he

Has a purple collar this is awesome okay look here’s a little name tag and you could go ahead and name your dog whatever you want but I don’t know what I want to name mine Mr doggy if you’re naming yours Mr doggy I want to name mine Senor doggy Senor doggy why not

Senor poo uh because he’s a grown dog not a little puppy and perfect Zoe now we both have super awesome dogs and they’re best friends just like us and wait a second Zoe why are we in survival now um Dax look there’s Titans everywhere wait what the heck is that

The Titan speaker man and wait that looks like the Titan cameraman this is not good we have to keep Mr doggy and Senior poo safe okay quick Zoe grab all of your armor so we can go up there and fight them okay let’s go let me just

Grab my diamond armor and I’ll also grab my diamond sword and we are going to be so powerful whenever we get up there okay come on so we have to defend our house and our dogs okay let’s go outside and wo there really are a bunch of

Titans over here this is not good do you think we can defeat them I mean we do have really really good armor so we should be able to defeat them get over here Titan it’s time for you to die oh my goodness but there is so many of them

Though how the heck are we even supposed to see anything yeah but they’re super slow they are pretty slow which actually gives us a huge Advantage come on come on we have to fight them all off even though there’s so many of them honestly they’re pretty hard to fight in the

Water wait Zoe why are you in the water because they’re not coming to me fast enough I just want to defeat them okay you know what fair enough I’m going to St my little raft though cuz I’m scared of the water Dex you’re a great swimmer

Ah they’re attacking me come on zo you can take them out don’t worry I just took out a big Legion of them I’m coming over to help you hurry Dax let me go ahead and jump in the water to take out those guys and man there’s still a bunch

Of cameraman left this is insane okay you know what I’m jumping back in the water cuz I’m going to take these guys out hurry Dex come on there’s only a few of them left on this side and oh man they are way too strong you know what I

Don’t want to fight them in the water they can come to me let me just wait for them to swim over and then I can smack them with my super awesome shiny diamond sword let’s go ahead and take this group out Zoe how’s it going over there H it’s

Going pretty good are you taking all of them out no what the heck then what are you doing I’m trying but they’re not falling as easily as I thought oh my go so come on we have to defend our dogs I am okay let me take out this one last

Camer I’m coming over to your side to help out Zoe let me just go ahead and smack these guys and I’ll go ahead and take this guy out with you and come on there’s only a few of them left Zoe we got this Dax okay while you take out

Thaty I’ll take out these last two cameram and then we should be good to go yay I defeated all my guys and perfect I just took out the last cameraman this is awesome we did it and perfect Zoe look we’re back at creative mode which means

We have another round to do yes we did it we survived another round okay what in the world should we probably even do for this round H maybe I should go ahead and add another layer to my house since I have this upstairs and I haven’t done

Anything with it yet let me just go ahead and build this out and Zoe what do you think you’re going to do I think I’m going to make a bridge connecting our two bases wait Zoe you literally can’t do that that’s outside of our build what

In the world are you even trying to do how is it outside of our build you know what Zoe whatever you can build a bridge as long as you only come over to my side when I ask you to okay but what does that have to do with anything because I

Don’t want your ugly side on my side that’s not nice Dax well my base is better obviously so I don’t want your base to mess my side up okay and you know what would actually probably be a good idea Zoe what is it if I built us

Out like two different Archer Towers on this side since you’re already going to be over here yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea so let me go ahead and select both of these sides and we can go up let’s say like five and oh go way I

Completely messed up what’ you mess up uh don’t worry about it I might have just accidentally hit your pirate ship but everything’s okay now are you serious Dex well like I said zo everything’s okay now so there’s nothing to worry about okay nothing better be wrong with my for okay and now we’re

Going to have a super awesome elevator to get up there and the way we do that is by putting Soul Sand on the bottom like this and grabbing oursel a couple signs so water doesn’t leak out I’ll just Place some signs down on the side here and then fill this all up with

Water like this and now the next time I go into this I should instantly get shot up and boom that is so cool and of course I’m going to have to do your side over here too so let me go ahead and add in some Soul Sand and then I’ll put the

Signs in and I’ll also add in some water and then like I said this is going to be an archery Tower so let me go ahead and build out some different archery areas where we can actually run around and shoot at all right now I need to go

Ahead and add in some fences just so we don’t accidentally fall off and I should probably have a way for us to get down but I’m not really sure what I should do why didn’t you just add in some ladders you know what ladders probably would be

A pretty good idea and a pretty easy way to get down so let me add an area where we can add in some ladders like right about here and then I can just build that all the way up and man zo that was actually a pretty good idea thanks Dex

I’m like super smart Okay only a few left and perfect but like I said this is an archery Tower so I’m going to have to get us some bows let me just smack down two different chests and I’ll grab us some bows and zoy what type of arrows do

You think you want to use how about explosive arrows explosive arrows that would actually be pretty cool let me see if I actually have any explosive arrows anywhere here zo I don’t think I have any explosive arrows but what if I give you some Physics Dynamite that would be

Pretty cool ooh that sounds perfect actually since I gave you Dynamite what if I get myself some Dynamite as well and use some lightning Dynamite these mobs don’t know what hit them exactly our BAS is going to be so defended but I feel like I need to add in one more

Thing huh what should I add in over here oh wait I know what I should add in Zoe what is it that okay so I’m going to break apart all this fire because I don’t really want to use it anymore but in replace of it we’re going to go ahead

And put some lava here lava that sounds super crazy yeah and it’s super super protective so let me go ahead and bring out these last few blocks here and then I I can get myself a bucket of lava and then I can just place it all around the

Build wow that’s going to look insane let’s just smack it on this side over here and then I’ll do the backside and of course it all has to be evened out and man that looks pretty good and is this your Bridge Zoe yep doesn’t it look

So pretty it does look pretty cool you know what we can even do to make it look even better Zoe what is it what if we just get ourselves some leaves like this and we place it on the outside yeah that does look super cool oh wait a second

Zoe we’re back in survival mode this is not good we have to get to our base and wait what the heck are these these look like scientist toilets and wait there’s also Buzz toilets Jax get inside your fort no Zoe we have to fight them off

And wait a second Zoe we should probably go up to our little Archer area and throw that stuff we had that sounds like a good idea we need to hurry come on quick come up the ladder and then just go on your side of the water elevator

And you’ll instantly put up here okay Zoe and your chest is over there you have all the F Dynamite I have the lightning dynamite and then we can just throw it down to zap them all okay we’ve got this oh wait mine isn’t working cuz there’s so much water everywhere what in

The world am I going to do maybe try using some of my Dynamite okay okay let me go ahead and get it in wo wait it actually worked that’s awesome just be super careful with the physics Side by cuz we do not want it to blow up our

Base let me just go ahead and smack a few of them down on the ground like this and wait they haven’t blown up yet uh maybe they’re not reaching the floor this is not good uh Zoe we might just have to end up fighting them or I can

Throw the lightning Dynamite right here and ow it’s at me too Dex it took some of my health away okay that probably wasn’t a great idea zo I think we’re just going to have to fight them oh man I didn’t want to fight them well come on

Let’s just go down here and wait so wait they’re already at our base this is not good do you think that they got to Mr doggy no way come on we can take them all out and wa wait not coming up this is not good come on take these two out

Wait I want have the water elevator oh no okay let’s go back down come on we have to defend our dog Zoe okay I’m going I’m going let’s go ahead and take those out and there’s still a bunch of Buzz twins but we can totally win this

I’ll take out the ones on your side of the base and how about you take out the ones on my side of the base that works perfect okay and actually let me go ahead and throw a few more of these lightning dite Downes to take all them

Out really quick wow there’s a lot of these guys there are a lot of the what the heck is this come on but we can still win this Zoe let me take out these Buzz toilets here and I think your side’s pretty much cleared how’s my side

Looking H it’s not looking too good I need some help okay let me go ahead and help you out by taking out the bus toilet over here and also take out the scientist toilet and wait is that all of them no there’s still one guy right here

But I’m about to kill him I got him zo he don’t worry and boom I just took him out we did it Dax we did it oh let’s go that was super super scary and wait a second Zoe we’re back in creative mode that means we have one more round left

Oh gosh but what should we even an ad wait H I don’t know do you have any good ideas Zoe I don’t know DXs I think that we’ve built everything that we can oh gosh what in the world are we going to do wait a second so wait it looks like

The round already started what the heck we’re already in survival this is not fair oh my gosh so wait quick take one of these golden apples where is it oh my gosh thank you Dex go ahead and take that and then we should be able to fight

The ball off but man there’s tight speaker BS and it looks like the g man’s here are you serious how are we supposed to survive this because we’re super strong so wa come on we can do this oh man I just fell into the lava oh no but

At least you have the golden apples so you have lava resistance you’ll be okay wait these G are actually super weak or are we just super strong come let’s go ahead and take these guy out and you know what I think I’m actually going to use some of this physics Dynamite

Seriously it didn’t work well for us last time well look at this way if I just throw it over there on the platform it should blow up a bunch and look at that oh my gosh my pirate ship well it looks like your pirate ship’s getting

Taken out but you know what it’s all for a good cause Zoe no I’m going to blow up yours wait no don’t blow up my side fine I won’t only because Mr doggy’s in there oh yeah true Mr doggy is in there and S your doggies in there so you can’t hurt

Them exactly okay come on we just have to jump in the water and take out these last few speaker I think we’re going to win Zoe what the heck where did that chicken come from I have no idea but take him out too no well Zoe he’s part

Of the army that’s attacking us we have to take everyone out maybe they’re holding him captive no they are not Zoe take out these last two so we can finally win and come on only one guy left and perfect Zoe that was the last guy we did it we did it we’re amazing

And man it looks like we won but man your base is completely just destroyed I know my poor pirate ship I was so proud of it what the heck I’ll just blow it up a bit more but don’t worry Zoe we can always build another one Dax that is so

Not nice well Zoe are you excited for today’s Titan TV man Bill challenge yeah but Dax you are so going down today what no way Zoe you’re definitely going to lose but you’re going to have 10 minutes to make your build and do whatever you

Want with it so best of luck good luck Dax okay guys now the round has officially started like I said earlier I’m going to be using commands to cheat and the command I’m going to use for this is called SL SLP so let’s just type

That in and see what it makes and oh my goodness guys look at this giant upgraded Titan TV man bill this thing looks so cool there’s a bunch of really weird floating spots so maybe I should get rid of these just so Zoe doesn’t get suspicious or anything but this is

Definitely like one of the coolest builds I’ve ever seen and so he’s going to be so surprised whatever she sees and she’s going to be so jealous but let’s see now that we have this huge thing what’s the first piece that I should add into our Build Challenge and wait I

Actually have a really good idea what if we make like a fake fake entrance somewhere here that’d be really funny and of course for Zoe to be attracted to the fake entrance obviously I’m going to have to build the whole thing out of purple so let me just go ahead and grab

Some purple wool and then I can start building out the little entrance part but like I said this is going to be a fake entrance so there’s definitely going to be something inside that Zoe isn’t going to like too much okay perfect this is looking like a pretty

Good carved out area now let’s go ahead and make this whole R purple just to entice her a little bit more okay and perfect this room is looking really good and I think at the end over here I’m going to grab a nice piece of cake that

I’m going to throw at a nice pedestal the hope for this is that Zoe is going to see the cake and be super interested actually I might as well also add a sign that says a free cake and perfect that looks super good but now I have to build

The actual trap for this room and I think the first thing I’m actually going to add it is going to be some invisible barrier blocks that way whenever Zoe tries to walk to the cake she’s not going to be able to get to them and of course that’s going to be super super

Annoying but that isn’t going to be the main trap as soon as Zoe actually walks through these two doors right here I’m going to place down some pressure plates and of course right under where the pressure plates are going to be are going to be some TNT blocks that are

Going to completely blow blow her up she is going to be so bad what she doesn’t get cake in the whole room blow up it’s going to be completely hilarious but now that I have the fake entrance built out I probably need to go ahead and build

The real entrance and wao wait a second this actually looks kind of cool up here this is like the main TV head so it only makes sense to have the main entrance in here and of course just to annoy Zoe I’m going to make the main entrance out of

Green since she’ll obviously never pick that and at the front of our real entrance I’m also going to put down this huge hanger door that way you can actually enter and it’s like super secure and perfect now that we’re inside of here we’re on to the very first room

And what should I add inside of here oh I know what I should do I should do a lever room basically what I’m going to do is place down a bunch of random levers inside of here and one of these is going to open a door and let’s see

Where can I put our iron door at what if I just throw it like right up here that looks like a pretty cool spot okay and I think for one of these levers I’m going to put a purple block behind it that way Zoe thinks it’s the right one and she’s

Obviously going to press it but what she doesn’t know is as soon as she press this a command Block’s going to activate that instantly kills her and there we go that works perfectly let me just go ahead and test it out to make sure it works real quick and perfect did it work

What the heck why did I just die oh my gosh guys did it look like it actually took Zoe out okay that was super funny and this is going to be a great trap but now I need to figure out which one of these levers is actually going to work

Secretly what I think I’m going to do is put a lever right up here at the top of our entrance Zoe’s not even going to notice it when she goes inside okay let’s go ahead and run the Redstone all the way to the iron door and of course

I’m going to cover this up just to make sure she doesn’t see it now that all the Redstone is placed in let’s go ahead and test it by flicking the lever right outside and now the door should just open up perfect and actually guys since I’ve already built up the entrances

Maybe I should go check up on Zoe’s build real quick and in order to get over to Zoe’s side I’m going to have to use this staff of invisibility all I have to do is just click and perfect look at that guys now I’m completely invisible okay let’s just go ahead and

Check on Zoe’s side and wa wait this TV man actually looks kind of cool perfect my build is almost complete I’m going to do so well this time honestly she is a pretty good Builder and I like the way this looks but I did come over here to

Pranker so let’s see what can I do I think the first thing I want to do is grab this super cool laser gun and since I’m invisible she can’t even see me now what I’m going to do is just shoot this laser gun at why she’s building and

She’s going to be so confused what the heck where are these Laser’s coming from oh my gosh guys this is so funny and look at Zoe she’s so confused right now what the heck I’m all alone over here how come there’s laser shooting at me okay this is definitely super funny but

I want to do something that’s going to make her a little bit more mad what if I change these blocks at the top of the TV bed to be like green blocks okay so all I have to do is Click one corner here click this corner up here and then I can

Just change the blocks and perfect there we go all the blocks are now lime wool uh Dax what are you doing over here wait what are you talking about I’m invisible and what the heck where did my invisibility go what are you doing on my

Side Dax and what the heck you put some of my build to be green uh no Zoe that wasn’t me and I just came over here to make sure you’re doing okay seriously you’re going to lie to me now of course I know it’s you making my mob green

Green’s your favorite color come on Zoe I promise it wasn’t me I don’t even like green Dex stop messing around we only have like 8 minutes left wait what we have 8 minutes oh gosh I have to get back okay guys Zoe only said we had 8

Minutes left so I really need to stop messing around and just focus up on my build so let’s hop back into the real entrance and then I can continue on from here once I get through this door right here I think I’m going to make her out

Of Parkour course but in order to get to that I’m going to have to dig down a little bit okay and this looks like a pretty good spot I’ll just fill it in with water so she doesn’t die and perfect let’s go ahead and clear out

This area and like I said this next area is going to be parkour start building out a few jumps and just because I’m feeling nice I’m also going to make all the jumps out of purple so let’s go ahead and start with a few simple jumps

That she can do okay this is looking pretty good maybe I should have a few different ladder parkour sections and basically these are just big towers with a bunch of ladders around them we have to do parkour on go ahead and add in a few more jumps and this is where I

Wanted to get a little bit difficult what I’m going to do is added some iron bar parkour basically she’s going to have to try and balance herself on all these iron boes in order to get across okay that’s looking pretty good how about we stop it right about here and of

Course we’re going to give her a bit more parkour to do just to lead up to another section now that she’s made it up here what I’m going have is a little track for her to complete basically it’s going to have a bunch of purple blocks

Like this that she’s going to have to balance on but of course she isn’t just going to be walking across these what I’m going to do is give her a nice little vehicle and of course the super awesome V we’re going to use is going to be a awesome shopping cart and perfect

That looks really good she’s going to have to take that shopping cart and go all the way through this to lead off to her next challenge okay now that we called this the exit let’s go ahead build the next part of the course thinking for this next section we build

A really cool dropper let’s go ahead and get some oak logs that way we can actually build up the course now we’ll also get some fences to make sure no one falls off and then we can start building up the actual dropper and I’m thinking for the dropper we’re going to give her

Four different options to choose from so let’s go ahead and build up four different cubes on each of the sides now that we have this we’re going to select both of these sides so we can make the course go down super deep now let’s see

What should we put in each one of these sides I’m thinking for one side we throw in some fake water basically this might look like water but it actually damages you okay for the next route let’s throw some enrich lava basically she might actually think this might be safe after

She jumps in the water but it’s totally going to destroy her next up what we’re going to do is throw on some glass like this and then we’re going to put down a bunch of water below it that way she actually thinks it’s water but she’s

Going to jump straight into glass and I think for our final side what we’re going to add it is something called fake lava this is meant to look like lava but as soon as you actually go into survival it gives you a bunch of health so you’ll

Never die and perfect as soon as she gets down here what I’m going to do is throw in two different doors that she can walk through these will take her to a pressure plate that will teleport her to the next section and her next section is going to be this little platform with

A chest next to it what we’re going to be doing for this challenge is having her get a bow and arrow out of this chest to hit a bunch of different Target so let’s go ahead and start placing the targets around the only way she can

Escape this is by hitting every one of the targets so she can’t miss one and perfect this is actually looking pretty good we have six targets for her to hit now once she hits the right target this iron door right behind her is going to

Open up and let’s see which one of these do we want to be the actual Target let’s make it this one all the way at the bottom there’s going to be no way she guesses that and of course all I have to do is just connect some Redstone to the

Back of it all the way over to that door okay and perfect once zo beats this Archer challenge I have to build up the next room and I’m thinking for this we have a ginormous quiz room since she’s probably not going to be that good at quizzes let’s go ahead and start

Building up some walls and then I can stack this to be super super far I think this looks pretty good and for each question what we’re going to do is placed on a big wall right here with a question right in the middle let’s go ahead and ask her the first question

We’re going to ask her who is the red Titan now on one side we’re going to put the Titan speaker band which is the right answer for the other side we’re going to put Titan red man which literally isn’t even anything now what we’ll do is added some paintings to the

Front of each sign and perfect these look pretty good now as soon as zo walk in red side what we’re going to have is a huge drop right here makes her fall onto the floor but if she ends up picking the titin speaker man she can

Just move on to her next question next up we’re going to ask who is the skibby leader on one side we’re going to put the Gman and for the other side we’re going to put scientist toilet and of course the right answer for this is

Going to be the Gman so as Zoe ends up picking the scientist toilet she’s going to fall straight down through the floor now let’s go ahead and ask her one more question before for our final one we’re going to ask you are you subscribed to D

And guys this is the most obvious answer ever everyone should be subscribed so let’s go ahead and put a yes on this side and for this other side we’re just going to leave blank because literally that’s not even an option go ahead and put a door right here and inside of this

Door if she does end up picking it I’m going to leave her a nice little side that says you’re mean and if you don’t want to be mean you obviously have to say yes let’s go ahead and add a door to this side that just moves on to our

Final question final question is going to be who is the best Titan on one side we’re going to put the Titan TV man and on the other side we’re going to put the Titan cameraman and who do you think is cooler you can either comment the Titan

TV man or you can comment the Titan cameraman since we’re doing a TV man build that’s obviously going to be the correct answer so if she does end up picking the tight cameraman side she’s going to fall straight into the void okay now that I build out this challenge

I want to check on Zoe one more time before I add some of my final challenges in and actually guys this time in order to get rid of Zoe side I think I’m a Morphin into something funny I’m going to change myself to be a skib toilet and

Wao look at this guys I look so cool okay guys let’s just see what Zoe’s doing and wao wait her build is actually coming together pretty nicely I wonder what she’s doing right now perfect my scavenger hunt course is almost complete Dex will have to have a minute in order

To collect all of the Slime balls wao wait there’s a scavenger hunt and I’m only going to have a minute to collect all the Slime balls that actually sounds kind of cool but I did come over here to mess with Zoe so let’s just see if I can

Walk up behind her while she’s distracted and totally freak her out let me just take a couple steps and perfect I’m going wait for her to come out that chest and she’s going to be so scared ah what the heck oh my gosh guys Zoe is totally freaking out quick let me change

My voice hey you there purple girl what are you doing what do you want and why is your face so creepy wait what I’m literally just a Skippy toilet and what are you building over here this looks horrible it’s a scavenger hunt and it’s the TV man well this looks really bad

Honestly you should build something else seriously this is like one of my best builds I’ve ever done in my entire life yeah I don’t think so this is one of the worst builds i’ ever seen in my entire life that green guy over there is going

To completely destroy you wait a sec you know Dax oh uh yeah I know Dax we went to the same middle school together seriously middle school that’s awesome yeah I’ve known him for like ever and his build is like a million trillion times better than yours yeah I seriously

Doubt that are you sure we’re talking about the same guy actually I think he is a lot better than you but you know what go ahead take all of these rocket toilets what the heck rocket toilets are you serious what is the matter with you you’re totally going to get destroyed

Now and Dax is going to win no I’m not I’m going to defeat these rocket toilets yeah I seriously doubt that and oh my goodness guys that was actually so funny so I completely freaked out but we only have like 3 minutes until the round’s

Supposed to start so let me go ahead and make a few more challenges let’s see what’s the next challenge I want to add in oh wait and I have a cool idea what if I make like a little racetrack in order to build this I’m going to need

Some black concrete and some yellow concrete and now we can just start building out our racetrack right about here go ahead and add in a curve right about here and then from here we’re going to add the section that actually drops down and now from here we’ll turn

It one more time and then we’ll have another super big drop after this one let’s go ahead and added that drop I was just talking about and perfect we’ll call this the ending right about here but now I need to go ahead and add in a

Vehicle and actually why don’t I add in something called a couch car that sounds pretty fun and we’re going to have Zoe do this race in 30 seconds if she can’t beat it in 30 seconds she’s going to lose and have to restart okay I have two

More challenges left to build so let’s go ah start start adding those in from here Zoe’s going to have to walk over to our next challenge and for this we’re going to have to build a ginormous room so let’s go and start carving that out

Now let’s make sure to add in some walls and perfect this looks super good but inside of here is where a big boss challenge is going to be so let’s go ahead and stack up this wall that way Zoe won’t be able to see over now of

Course it’s sight of here I’m going to get a chest and give her some really good armor let’s see since her favorite color is purple after all what if I give her this purple obsidian armor that looks kind of nice we’ll also get this dragon breath diamond sword we’ll grab

Her a shield and give her a couple gold Apple now whenever she’s ready for this challenge to actually start she’s going to have to open a big door right here and behind this super awesome door we’re going to spawn in a bunch of skib toilet these guys are like super super scary

And Zoe is going to have to fight off all of them if she wants to be able to move on but once she does end up taking them out I’m going to go ahead and have a door over here that I’ll open for her and this will lead her to her final

Challenge in the build this challenge is going to be a big jump into a singular block of water so she’s going to have to be super super talented let’s go ahead and throw in some fences to the side of the build and then we can finally throw

In the water and all we have to do is basically jump down break break out a single block of grass and just refill this with water and once she finishes that I’m going to have a sign down here for her that says a winner and perfect

That’s going to be the end of my course this is going to be so much fun STX time’s up it’s time to meet in the middle oh okay Zoe I’ll meet you right there okay Zoe since the time is up we need to figure out whose build to look

At first so do you want to look at mine first or do you want to look at yours first we have to look at mine first because mine’s like the best build I’ve ever done in my entire life well I mean if it’s the best build you done your

Entire life I’m super excited to see it so why don’t you go ahead and give me a tour Zoe and wao this guy looks so so cool yep that’s because it is super cool and you have to find the entrance all on your own wait I have to find the

Entrance in this ginormous build all on my own Zoe yep so get looking let’s see well I’m already kind of seeing what I think is the entrance Zoe there’s just a green box here with some doors in the FR that’s obviously the entrance okay then walk through it okay let’s go ahead and

See it oh Zoe I think you made a little mistake is it uh it looks like you didn’t add any Pathway to go inside of here maybe you forgot to add in some doors or something can you like throw that in real quick huh that’s cuz it’s a

Fake entrance I so fooled you wait what this is a fake entrance I thought this was the real entrance for sure why’ you add in green if it was fake because it’s a prank Dax duh oh that’s so messed up okay so I guess I have to find the real

Entrance then yep so keep looking okay let’s see is that this TV at the bottom no I don’t see it maybe it’s somewhere inside of this water down here no I’m not seeing anything oh wait a second maybe it’s on the back where this cannon

Is and no I’m not seeing anything Zoe I cannot find this thing at all can you please give me a Dax I’ll tell you where it is if everyone right now subscribes wait what guys she’s going to give me a hint everyone subscrib so come on

Subscribe in three 2 1 perfect okay Zoe now that everyone subscribed you have to tell me where the real entrance is it’s at the very top you didn’t even look wait what is at the very top are you serious Zoe yes I’m dead serious let me

See it oh wait Zoe I don’t see anything all I see are these ugly purple blocks here and purple’s my favorite color so you should know that that indicates it’s the entrance what this is really the the entrance and wao wait it looks like there’s a challenge down there yep so

Hop in and wo zo where am I inside of now this place looks really cool this room is a hidden button challenge you have to figure out which button’s the right one to open that door wait that actually sounds kind of cool oh wait a second wait there’s literally a green

Button right here this has to be the obvious choice okay then why don’t you push it go ahead and see it out wait Zoe it teleported me in lava are you serious right now haha I got you well I guess if the green button wasn’t the right one

Maybe it has to be one of these random buttons around here yeah maybe come on let’s see and oh Zoe none of these are working this challenge sucks I wonder which button it is zoee are you really going to make me press this ugly purple button right here I really don’t want to

Do it no I’m going to make you push the beautiful purple button oh whatever I guess I could try your purple button let’s see if this works and of course the door opened right up T Dex I don’t know why you have something against purple oh whatever okay let me just go

Ahead and flick this and then I can fall down to the next challenge uh and wait a second uh Zoe where in the world did you even go and what is this room hi Dax I’m here to answer your questions wait whoa Zoe why do you look like the TV woman

I’m not Zoe I’m the TV woman uh okay you kind of sound like Zoe but wait why are there a bunch of questions on the wall right now because obviously you have to answer the questions correctly in order to move on wait what I have to answer

The questions correctly in order to move on is this going to be really difficult no it shouldn’t be too difficult just don’t overthink it okay well let’s go ahead and see uh what’s the first question what color is better purple or green wait what color is better purple

Or green well I think obviously the color I’m wearing is better so I’m going to go with green wrong wait what that’s actually the wrong answer I really thought that one was right well you were wrong h fine whatever let’s just move on to the next question who is shorter Dax

Or Zoe wait what I’m like 20 ft taller than Zoe so I’m definitely going to say that Zoe is the shorter one I think you need to stop lying to yourself so your answer is wrong wait what no way I’m actually taller than Zoe TV woman this

Is totally not right I’m just reading the questions don’t get mad at me ah fine whatever well let’s go ahead and see what is the next question to the TV woman what is 1541 18725 * 1590 wait what in the world I can’t answer that that number is

Ginormous well you have to answer it in order to move on oh my gosh well let me just take a random guess is it like 583 21 no that was an awful guess what what was the answer then the answer was obviously one wait what the answer was

One that doesn’t even make any sense anyways moving on this next question is just a game of Simon says uh okay let’s see what do I have to say Simon Says Zoe is the best wait that’s all I have to say Okay Simon Says Zoe is the best a

DEX you really think I’m the best wait what Zoe you’re back yep that’s so sweet of you to say uh yeah Zoe you’re the best but since I said that does that mean I win yep that means that you won this Challenge and you get to move on oh

Let’s go okay Zoe what’s my next challenge going to be it’s an ice boat race wo wait an ice boat race this looks super hard yep that’s because it is hard okay let me go ahead and open the chest and yeah perfect there’s a bunch of

Boats in here and I guess I have to ride this boat all the way across the ice yep and you can’t fall otherwise you’ll fail wao this is super challenging I’m already kind of losing my speed you better be careful Dax okay come on I can

Totally do this let me just go around this corner and wo I’m losing control wo that was super cool but no you fell oh fine okay can I have like a checkpoint where I was please fine okay let me just try to go a little bit slower this time

I’m sure I can do it the second time around good luck Dax come on let me see and this is the next turn and I think this is my final turn up here I can definitely do this you got this Dax come on go super fast and perfect I hit the

Wall that means I beat this challenge good job well do I win Now Zoe no you still have one more challenge wait what one more challenge well what is it then meet me at the front uh okay and wao Zoe what is this supposed to be it’s boat

Parkour but it’s a scavenger hunt wa wait boat parkour but there’s a scavenger huh what does that even mean so I hit chests all throughout this water and you have to go from boat to boat in order to find the chest because inside there’s green slime balls wo

Green slime balls and wait do I have to collect like a certain amount or do I have to get them like all you have to get 10 of them okay 10 of them and wait a second so why don’t I literally just swim in this water and ow wait it hurts

Me that’s cuz it’s fake water what in the world so you actually added in fake water that’s so scary okay come on let me go ahead and do the parkour cross and wo this is super scary and what there’s a bunch of coal inside of this chest

That means you don’t use that one uh okay wait so wa can I literally just ride the boat all the way across I guess I didn’t say that in the instructions so you can if you want oh perfect this makes everything so much easier okay and

Oh my gosh there’s more coal in this one this totally sucks time’s ticking DXs did you find any yet uh yeah I found one so far oh it perfect it looks like I found another one come on I’m on a streak right now you got this DXs but

You’re coming down to a minute left oh gosh I’m going as fast as I can okay there’s number four come on I have to keep going only need like six more yep I just found another one there’s five come on this is going to be six let’s go I

Thought I HD these really well well I guess I’m just super good at finding these I already found number seven seriously you’re up to seven yep I am so good at this and make that number eight wow you’re doing so good okay come on I

Only have to find two more I can do this and wait I think I found one at the back over here and yes look there’s another one I only need one more now okay Dax I’ll give you a hint you’re going to have to come over where you started wait

Where I started that’s like all the way in the front so you’re making me go all the way over there yep and you have to hurry cuz you only have like 20 seconds left oh gosh Come on all the way where I started wait I see a chest right here

How did I miss this maybe cuz you weren’t looking for chest when you started and perfect now I have 10 slime balls Zoe that means I win good job Dax you passed my course wow that was so much fun but okay now I think it’s time

For you to go on my course okay where do I go well all you have to do is run over to the other side okay Zoe welcome to my super awesome upgraded TV man build wao how did you build this so quickly it’s so cool a thanks so much Zoe I’m like a

Professional builder so this is really no trouble at all wow Dax you are so talented okay but I do have challenges on the inside for you so the first thing you have to do is figure out where the real entrance is well it’s probably this

Purple door duh oh okay Zoe so why don’t you go inside well there’s cake in here this is definitely the right way yep there is cake in there and Zoe why can’t you go to the cake I don’t know there’s like glass in front of me or something a

Man that totally sucks well maybe you want to come back outside okay okay and uh wait Zoe do you hear that noise yeah what is that what the heck Zoe you went to the fake entrance and look at this you made everything blow up now all the

Purple is everywhere yeah but Dax your build blew up so that’s not good well yeah but it was just a purple parts and obviously don’t like the purple so it’s okay wow you are so destructive so I take it there’s another entrance yes there is another entrance but you’re

Going to have to find it and it’s super super hidden I’m going to take it it’s the screen door oh yes BBE it is is the Green Door why don’t you just go inside and see okay here I go and perfect now you’re on to the actual first challenge

Of this build and you’re going to have to find the right button okay so it looks like I have to pull a bunch of levers yep you’re going to have to find the right lever in order to open that iron door up there so best of luck let’s

Try this one H what the heck Zoe you found the fake lever are you serious Dex you would put in a fake lever haha you fell for it Zoe I’ll never let you press the purple lever fine let me try some of these other ones yeah there’s still a

Bunch of levers in here so I mean surely one of these has to work right no none of them are working H well maybe you want to go back where you started maybe you missed something outside the door what maybe I missed something outside the door Dax are you serious yep I put

Another lever out here and that’s the actual correct one that you can hit that is so dumb I can’t believe you would do something like that well it was super creative zo wasn’t it yeah I guess it was kind of creative okay you can go ahead and move on to your next challenge

So just walk down there what the heck I landed in water yep and your next challenge is going to be some super difficult parkour but hey look I made it out of purple since it is your favorite color that’s super nice of you and Zoe you already fell off come on what the

Heck I’m going to try super hard this time okay we’ll see about that I know you’re not very good at parkour so this might take you like a year and a half to do a year and a half are you serious DX you need to have more faith in me okay I

Guess we’ll see about that wao zo you’re doing super good you’re almost to the top thanks Z I’m trying super hard okay zo you can continue on to the next part which just is a few of these jumps this is pretty easy okay Zoe for this next

Part it’s a big like wire and you’re going to have to go super super slow otherwise you might accidentally fall off I don’t know D I’m kind of killing this one you are actually doing pretty good you’re doing better than I expected if I’m being honest aw I’m glad to hear

You think so little of me uh yeah you’re just not very good at parkour but hey this next part is going to be like the most fun of everything why is that because you’re going to have to get in this shopping cart and ride across all

These blocks in order to make it to the end DX you know I’m not very good at driving well I mean I think you can do this Zoe it’s really not that far um yeah I don’t know if I can actually do this Dex this seems really scary well

Just go super slow I’m sure you could actually crush this are you serious you really believe in me like that yeah I mean look you’re doing pretty good you’re like halfway there right now and oh you were so close Zoe but don’t worry I’ll give you a checkpoint come on

You’re almost there Zoe come on come on look I made it and perfect now you can hop off to move on to your next challenge get me out of there okay Zoe will this next challenge is a big dropper and you’re going to have to find

The right one of these four things in order to make it through well it looks like this one’s lava and this one’s water so I’m going to hop in the water oh Zoe that wasn’t a great idea what the heck is this fake water yes it is you

Fell for my trap okay Zoe you’re going to have to try it again since you obviously fell for the fake water maybe since that one was fake water then this one’s fake lava oh zo you made the wrong choice again what the heck I just died

Again this is not fun come on Zoe you have to do this okay so let me look around this one’s lava so I definitely can’t go in there but this one’s glass and I definitely can’t jump into glass so maybe this one’s fake lava oh in

Perfect so you found the right one this is fake lava sweet that means I made it out yep you can go ahead and walk through to get to your next challenge area wao that was so cool yep and this next challenge is going to be an archery

Challenge you’re going to have to find the right target to hit in order to move through well little do you know I’m like the best at archery okay we’ll see about that Zoe and wow you’re actually doing pretty good but you haven’t hit the correct one yet are you serious yep

You’re super close and perfect now you can walk through the aod door to get through okay in this next room is going to be a big question room so you’re going to have to answer these questions and then figure out what the right one

Is who is the red Titan Titan Red Man or Titan speaker man well obviously the Titan red man isn’t even real so I’m going to go into the Titan speaker man oh wow good job Zoe I didn’t know if you’re going to get that one right or

Not I’m super duper smart Dex who is the skiy leader the Gman or the scientist toilet I think it’s the Gman oh my God Zoe you’re actually doing super good you’re two for two right now thanks Dax okay on to the next question are you sub to Dax obviously awesome Zoe you got

Three for three can you get the last one correct who is the best Titan the Titan TV man or the Titan cameraman the Titan cameraman oh no Zoe we’re built the Titan TV man you have to do him as the best oh my gosh I can’t believe I got

The last question wrong okay that was super close but I guess you can just walk through the tight TV B to finish this side off woohoo does that mean I’m done with your challenges not just yet you’re going to have to race House’s car

All the way to the end and be super fast cuz there is a time limit seriously I’m not good at driving Dex yeah you have to go super fast come on Zoe you can do this I’m going as fast as I can honestly you’re doing pretty good right now

Better than expected thanks I’m trying super hard wo that turn was super close come on you’re almost to the end woohoo almost there and perfect this is the ending of it so you can just hop out your couch car and move on to your final challenge awesome get me out of that

Thing okay Zoe make sure to grab everything out of that chest because you’re definitely going to need it all an obsidian helmet and the rest of the armor with a sword and a golden apple it seems like I’m about to fight someone yeah Zoe you’re going to have to do a

Boss fight so make sure to throw on all of that armor because this is going to be really difficult okay Zoe whenever you’re ready you can open this big door here and fight all the scary monsters okay wish me luck good luck Zoe I’m sure

You can do this okay here I go wo what the heck yep there’s a bunch of skiy toys and wao wait you’re super strong I know I’m super strong but there’s still a lot of skiy toilets what in the world what you’re beating them all up so fast

There’s only a few of them left just these little ones come on come on and perfect Zoe you beat all the skiy toilet woohoo I’m the winner but I kind of did Li Zoe there is one Teensy tiny more challenge for you to complete are you

Serious Dax what is it well come through this door right here and you’ll see your final challenge where you basically have to land on that one block of water wo I’m afraid of heights this is not good for me well Zoe I’m sure you can do this

Just go ahead and jump off what the heck Dex and wait so I what did you actually make it inside of course I did oh my gosh you’re so talented which means you beat my build thanks DXs and yay I’m so happy I beat it well zo now that we’re

Done with the Bill challenge who do you think ended up winning I don’t know but maybe we should let the comments decide and that was a crazy adventure if you want to watch another one click the video on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘I Cheated with X-RAY VISION in a TITAN SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-15 15:00:14. It has garnered 581 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds.

I Cheated with X-RAY VISION in a TITAN SPEAKERMAN Build Challenge! (Minecraft Movie)

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I Hired UPGRADED TV MAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx

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    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – Watch NOW!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 3 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-24 11:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More