CupCodeGamers – Mage Quest – Episode 8 – Starting Blood Magic

Video Information

Hello cup coders and welcome back to magequest as always i’m your host magest96 now if you as you noticed already well i’ve been a little busy this week i went ahead and well i went sand diving i guess what you would call it right out here i i know i had found

That place over there that i thought would be a good place for a sand quarry but i went and investigated it and unfortunately it was all underwater so i figured what the heck you know i had a bunch of sand right here i just go ahead and dig it up

From here and actually had more than enough right here as you see there’s still a whole bunch of sand left and we have all our windows in place so we are we’re we have moved in i tore down the old shack i moved everything in so let

Me show you some of what i’ve done like okay this is an empty box well no it’s not empty there’s cooked chicken in here but this is intended to be my food box so when i make food i’m going to store it in there this box is empty this box is empty uh

Future future use you know this is my toolbox as always i’ve got to have a toolbox something to keep all my tools in as you see i’ve got an extra stone this extra sword in here i’ve got a whole bunch of picks and some axes and some shovels and all of those

Books that i’ve found you know earth shield and ray zombie i don’t have a clue what to do with them yet but i have them in there i’ve also got my extra quest book in there since i have two of them now i’ve decided to keep it in there and i’ve

Decided to put my enrollment application in there as well i i didn’t see any reason to be carrying the application around with me i mean let’s get real you go to college you don’t carry your application with you i’ve also done some changes structural changes to the way this place is designed actually

As you see i’ve opened this up so it’s a little bit bigger and open uh this is also a storage room here so you see i’ve got a miscellaneous box there that’s empty that’s empty that’s empty uh all of these should be empty i believe except for this one

This is where i’m going to be putting my junk drawer uh pretty much and i’m gonna be using another one as a junk drawer it’s got all my sand and cobble and gravel all up in here see we’ll organize it there we go over here i decided to move things

Around this is now my crafting room as you can tell there’s two crafting tables in the floor i’ve also put the quest delivery system over here and i know last episode i was like it’s blank there’s nothing on it well yeah it was explained to me i don’t remember who

It was that explained it but nothing’s going to actually show up on this until it’s needed so that’s that’s pretty cool we’ll just leave it right there and i guess as we’re working the quest we’ll find that find out what it is back here this is my ultimate storage room here

Okay i went ahead and crafted a whole bunch of these compact birch drawers the ones that have the four four drawers each to each of them and i figured this is where i’m going to keep all of stuff and it’s not necessarily junk stuff but pretty much everything else like here

I’ve started putting some tree stuff there i’ve got let’s see seeds over there i’ve got some plants and flowers over here let’s see over here it’s kind of the valuable stuff as you can see diamonds i’ve got emeralds quicksilver gold and then i’ve got some lapis redstone all that stuff

Over here i’ve got this these shards over here i think we’re actually going to pull those out i believe we have a quest for those and over here i’ve been putting the mystical petals like when i find the mystical flowers i’m breaking them down into their petals because i don’t believe we

Actually use the flowers themselves i think it’s just the petals that we use so i’m going to be breaking them down in here let’s see that’s 4 8 so those two there will make it 16 even um as you see i put the lights under the floor here because well

Makes it easier all right well that’s it that i’ve done in the house i haven’t done a whole lot extra like i’ve got this whole room over here for my bedroom so that’s pretty much there and i did not open this one up i might do that

Later because you know i like i kind of like how open that is i can’t open this one up any further but i if i do open that one up i’m gonna have to remove some of the the the drawers from right around here

Which i guess i could do that huh let me remove those and just have those two there those two there that’ll work yeah all right but we’ll leave them as they are for now oh let me go show you the mine shaft i’ve i actually kind of

Showed you the mine shafts last episode i think but just to show for shoots and giggles let’s go back down there and look again i’ve done i’ve been doing some digging down here that’s how i got a lot of the stuff that’s upstairs so come downstairs and i’ll show you how

I’ve been doing the digging and we’ve actually got some stuff down here to explore i start out like i’ll dig this center line way back and i’ll dig it as far back as it’ll go so that’s one two three four and then i’ll place the

Of torch on the fifth one i keep doing that and then i’ll dig the other lines and i’ll connect them where the torches are that way i don’t have to use a whole bunch of torches see all this is lit up there’s no monsters going to spawn in it

It works perfectly and it allows me to see if there’s any anything in these walls here and i just keep going back as far as i can i had this as far as i’ve gotten so if i was going to dig here let’s go ahead and show you for an

Example oh wrong there we go we’ll just dig back right here that’s one two three four and then that stops at the fifth one back there and then i’ll place down the torch right there see now i also dig two side two to each side

And the purpose for this is when i go to dig the other sides i know hey okay this is where i’m gonna stop so i’m going to stop here boom that opens it right on up and this is nice and welded ooh yeah buddy we got some iron there so

We’ll go ahead and pick up this iron while we’re here we’ll definitely take any iron we find as long as we don’t fall in lava trying to take it that is there we go oh it looks more some more right there i’m telling you that would be a lucky

One right there i gotta pop that one out next thing you know lava is shooting out at me ah that that’s my luck all right so we got that now i could do it the other way around this time we’ll just come back over here and dig straight back

And that’s how i do my strip mining essentially because you see there’s only two blocks here this way if there’s anything in between it i can see it you know it’s not going to hide from me or anything like that so that’s how i found the diamonds and everything else that

I’ve already found is by doing strip mining similar to this um i’ve done it on let’s see i’ve done this line i went out that line there i have not well i started to do this line as you can see we’ve got some redstone there i need to pick up

And let’s see i came back i believe i’ve dug this path i did not dig this path over here so this is what i still have to do i don’t think i brought any extra pickaxes so we’ll dig as much as i can for now and then we’re gonna go do something

Else because i’ve actually i haven’t i a plan of something i want to do what i would like to do is i want to go uh the outside of my house i really i mentioned this before i want the outside of my house to be made

Of nether brick now that in order for that to happen in order from the outside of my house to be made another brick that means we have to go to the nether so going to the nether means obviously i’m going to need another portal do i really need the new redstone let’s

Go ahead and get it let’s get the redstone what the heck we can use it we can use it and i’m gonna just fill back in the floor because i kind of like having a certain level all right this actually is perfect right here so what we’re gonna do is we’re

Gonna go back upstairs now that i’ve dug that out i didn’t dig it all hold on go back let’s go back i’m gonna keep finish digging what we’re gonna do after i’m done digging here is we’re gonna go back upstairs we’re gonna make a diamond pickaxe and we’re gonna

Get a bucket of water we’re gonna come back down here we’re gonna make our obsidian and dig it up and that way we can make ourselves a portal to the nether and start gathering up our netherrack essentially it’s easier for me to get i believe it’s easier to

Gather a whole bunch of netherrack and make another bricks out of that oh look perfect we finished that line so all i have to do now is i can just keep expanding that that line on out so let’s go ahead and get to get started on my plans for the day

And we may or may not actually be able to get all this done today i may actually have to finish this on the next episode but hey poof we’re in the house all right so let’s throw this stuff away we don’t need it see redstone

We’ve got a place in here for redstone i believe yep right there so i’ll just plop it down in there uh what else have i got i’ve got some iron ore and cinnabar and i believe i have to bake both of those so let’s go over here to our crafting room

And get those bacon throw some iron in there throw the cinnabar in there and while that’s working let’s go get our three diamonds one two three see i’ve got plenty of diamonds i got seven more diamonds in that chest so that’s that’s fairly good

I mean i need a lot more than that we need a enough to make diamond armor but this will serve as a start uh what else do i need i also need three iron which we actually have in there already so that’s great so we’re gonna make this diamond pickaxe and

Hey there’s the three three iron for that and we’ve got our bucket oh and while we’re at it let’s check our quests i’m pretty sure i probably have some quests that i can turn in see eight quests available for completion so let’s go to that check initiation open that

Any question here to complete no no question here check in here nope not that one not that one all right choose your own path nope can’t complain that one anymore oh wait they’re flashing i bet you that means that we can complete those mob killer

Yes we can claim that one it only gives us his points anyway so great and then we’ve got monster hunter looks like we can complain that one which gives us that some reputation points that’s all it gives us wait what is this repeatable quest okay so those are repeatable uh unlocks two

Quests elsewhere so let’s go check this out what do we got we got two airship we need air shards and fire shards we need one airstrike one fire started so we could probably complete that quest while we’re here air shard yup air shard i do not have a fire shard

Darn it so we cannot complete that quest put that back in there all right what else back oh no no no no no no see which in wit and witchery i don’t have all of those so i know that um iron gold and glass you know what we have a piece of iron

Gold make sure we got glass yeah i think i have some glass left over in here uh oh we need five glass okay so there’s another piece of sand we can bake at least i think we need a five glass didn’t we we need five glass okay

Let’s pull that out of here throw that in there so we need one more piece of glass we need another piece of sand oh it’s nighttime it is night time we’re gonna sleep sleep it sleep it off man sleep it off that’s funny i was actually playing this uh

On my screen tv downstairs my daughter was watching and so i went to sleep and my daughter’s like i’ll make the sound for you and she started it was fun it was hilarious actually i wish it had been there it was it was awesome okay so we’re down here let’s go dig up

A little bit of sand i only needed one piece i believe but we’re gonna dig up a couple just to be sure one more piece and i found this out you actually swim up faster if you move forward while you do it i i at least i believe so it appears to me

That way anyways because when i was my when i was digging the sand up out there i was um just trying to swim straight up and it seemed to take forever so i gave up on that and i decided oh heck what the heck let me try going forward and it

Seemed like to me like i went up faster okay so we this should give us all we need there we go so now we can complete that quest right manual submit 100 and what we’re going to get we’re going to get house we’re going to okay those are

Reputations we’re also going to get house eloria acceptance so we have we are now now accepted it’s too bad we can’t like open these and read it that’d be awesome like hey i got an acceptance letter all right so i’m going to put our acceptance letter in here there we go

And oh my god what the wow oh wait oh that locked us in okay so it looks like we’re gonna be doing this for now okay no problem oh boy well we’re we’re locked in here and but that’s okay that’s okay house of lawyer primary oh wow what we got these are repeatable

Dude there’s a lot of repeatable quests over here so what’s this glory of reputation hand in items of fluid so we’re going to manual submit this sucker can we select task now we can’t we’re not gonna what is that select task i don’t know explain that what does that mean when when i

Select my task ah no i see nothing no changes here i got a house of laureate initiate here yes that beeping means that it was the time is up letting the blood flow what oh i bet you that’s where blood the the whatchamacallit um householder oh wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait hold up we just got that house away acceptance do that so we come here we got manual submit first lesson so we need to make a blood alter that’s what it wants us to make how much you want to bet the golden and the five pieces of glass had something

To do with that how much would i bet okay might as well turn in your acceptance letter michelle looks at you angrily let me give you your first lesson the blood mage is nothing without his altar ooh so we’re doing blood magic okay it is only known device to collect

Life essence he then instructs you in the ancient way of blood alter construction really like it would be nice if it showed the recipe here that would be awesome right but it doesn’t so okay so i guess that means i have to look it up right blood altar so this sucker here

So two gold four stone a diamond and a furnace we can make this let’s go make that let’s go make that two gold a diamond some stone and a furnace now while we’re here let’s put this stuff up so we need one two gold one diamond some stone

Now we i have to cook the stone so that’s fine so one two three four five six seven eight for that one two for that oh wait what was it four four yeah four we gotta cook four of them okay get those suckers going there let’s make

Our furnace i’m not gonna use an existing furnace i’m just gonna go ahead and create a new furnace for it all right and while that’s cooking let’s pull this out here and let’s go put this up we don’t need the iron right now so let’s put it where it belongs

Everything where it belongs see i get distracted so easy i’m like let’s go do this let’s do that no i don’t remember what it was i was planning on doing it’s like hey let’s do this all right come on come on come on okay so we got four of those

So uh let’s see the diamond in the center we got the gold on the side we got the furnace here and i believe these go here oh there it is i wish it was a book for this i don’t know where to put this should i put this

Outside or inside oh i don’t know um hey well let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s see there’s no center point right there so let’s put it right here i don’t know what to do with that i bet you i have to dig it up with the

Stone axe don’t i yes okay it breaks up with the snow necks okay fine so we’re going to place it actually right there room to walk around it and we’ll figure that out later i betcha oh wait wait wait wait no no no no no oh wait wait

I can’t claim that we were hold up duh pick that sucker up and claim my reward first your first lesson i have it i have it oh i gotta pick a reward back let’s pick a reward bag and claim the reward bloodletting for beginners took you long enough he snorts all right

Well we’re gonna stop here and we’ll come back to this on the next episode as always just like a comment and a share lets me know that you care thank you guys so much for watching and we’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘Mage Quest – Episode 8 – Starting Blood Magic’, was uploaded by CupCodeGamers on 2015-06-16 12:00:00. It has garnered 257 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:19 or 1159 seconds.

——– Starring ——– Jason as Magius96

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——————————– Intro & Credits Background Music ——————————– “Light Sting” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

———————————————————— Contact Us ———————————————————— Twitter: @CupCodeGamers

Game footage recorded with permission from Mojang via EULA

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    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

    Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizoVideo Information oh I did cat in college you did cats in college up why what’s ours is yours call it meat meat spam drown the cat drown the cat drown the cat they love to be drowned did you guys make out yet I think I missed I think I missed the session you’ve gooned yourself into Oblivion and we can’t get you back out of your goon hole what’s his is yours I think a nub is bad nub nub is probably useless right a nub like a button at least 50 ,000 so where did he get… Read More

  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

    Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive HubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 3’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix - Viral Trending ShortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] down This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART #music #remix #viral #trending #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unique Adhiraj on 2024-01-07 12:10:29. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Yeenon Network

    Yeenon NetworkYeenon Network, otherwise known as the new Redesky, is a server for Skywars, and will soon have bedwars and murder mystery, me and my7 brother Matan create this masterpiece of a server to help the community and make the world a better place. Read More

  • TheCelestialRealm – modded | geopol

    Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Discover a nation with constant innovation, a thriving economy, a robust justice system, and epic adventures. Customize your avatar, join factions, or go factionless in a vast world full of possibilities. Join us in CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24. Join at Read More

  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • 2s1m

    2s1m2s1m: A new minecraft server that i made! It is inspired by 2b2t, and this server originated in ClassiCube. MC Server opened on June 4th, 2024, Server Opened on CC (Now Closed) somewhere in mid-2023. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gets a pixelated makeover

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gets a pixelated makeoverAnimator plays Minecraft: “I’m just here for the block party!” Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie!

    Trying to Distract Sigma? Good luck with that, sweetie! When you try to distract Sigma in bedwars but end up distracting yourself instead by thinking about Herobrine and his creepy eyes staring at you from the shadows. #fail #minecraftprobs 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS’s!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS's!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh hello hi well speak to myself let’s go we got speaker to myself don’t we all right hello subie hello Ray hello Gog hello Josh how are we aler let’s go I’ll be backck I agree oh my God bro why is my mic so loud all of a [Music] sudden oh my God bro okay there we go way better let’s go all right this I’m just going to turn to 5% how are we doing I’m doing good let’s go if I’m too loud uh tell me please… Read More

  • Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!

    Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zgadnij moją najwyższą rangę! #minecraft #polska #mc #fortnite’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-06-04 16:39:27. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim roblox studio how to send robux free robux for free robux January February March April May June July August September October November December roblox roblox pl in Polish roblox verification scam how to ignore roblox players roblox verification protection roblox scam account roblox murdery mystery 2 spend robux cheap robux allegro free robux bloxburg best… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start – Insane Roots UHC s3e1

    Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start - Insane Roots UHC s3e1Video Information hello everyone and welcome to Roots UHC season 3 this season we are going back in time to make a couple of you feel old we’re playing a version that came out in January 2013 which is over 11 years ago 1.4.7 to give you an idea of what is in 1.4.7 you’ve got anvils you got enchanted books but uh Sprint key is not a thing you can’t drag click in your inventory I actually don’t even know if water bucket landed is a thing so just be aware of that and the other thing to let… Read More