Daredevil Gaming with Matt and Friends!

Video Information

Friends friends we are live my name is Matt from Friends ofm mat.com thank you for thank you so much for watching my video I just uploaded uh today about my point of view from um streaming and right now I’m going to warm up this live stream by playing some

Pod racing because I’m really into pod racing right now but we got Smokey oh my gosh it’s always so loud we got Smokey animations in the building and we got Spaceman and mufford in the building this is going to be the greatest live stream ever I can’t breathe I’m just kidding

Guys I can kind of breathe sort of sort of a little bit whoit whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I need to just turn the volume down a little bit a little bit cuz it it is a little bit loud d i so so wish we could play the St Star

Wars songs yo bacon flake bacon flake is in the building bacon flake what country are you from again you’re like from another country are you from another planet a planet made out of bacon um bacon flake are you going to play lethal company with us mufford are

You going to be playing who’s going to be playing lethal company tonight oh this is so loud dude it’s so loud my goodness is it loud on the stream let’s go oh boom B wait what so dumb I swear this game that I did I should not have blown

Up wow I’m already so much ahead of second and third place it’s because I got that speed upgrade that the last save file I had I bought this speed upgrade and I swear I know they took it away it was a glitch some kind of glitch took my speed

Away so I’m not used to being this fast and I won all those races without my speed boost turbo thrusters engaged turbo thrusters Eng hating hating hating break so do you guys want me to do some dares is that even fun to watch is it

Really fun to watch me doing dares or do you guys just pretend that that’s fun cuz I will do some dares I’m in the mood I’m feeling um I’m feeling dangerous I’m feeling good dropped a song today I already made that song like 6 months ago so it’s not like

I just made that song recently I made that I I dropped that song like six months ago on this channel and um people couldn’t handle it they didn’t like it so I figured I’ll just wait and drop it again when I have a bigger audience who can handle it and will respect my

Musical prowess let’s go uh I think most of y’all haven’t even heard the song dropped today because I told YouTube to not share it with my subscribers because I don’t want all of my subscribers to see it only the ones that come to my live stream so I tell you guys about it

Now that’s that oh I’m sorry I haven’t read the chat okay I’ll read the chat now I’m I’mma pause we’re going to take a short break whoa no no no no no no no now it probably froze no no oh good it didn’t freeze oh my gosh

Like most of the time it freezes let me read the chat I feel bad all right yo bacon flake oh my God it’s gonna start it’s Matt it’s if Matt dies the stream ends no that’s not a kind of dare I want to do um I can play lethal company I guess

But I’ll watch you first okay don’t worry I’m only I just want to do one race I just like to warm up with a little um I’m playing uh like to warm up with a race okay bacon flake how much time do you have anyway Smokey animations I have a bad PC lower

Membership prices says bird once again I bet you 10 bucks 10 bucks bird I bet you if I lowered it you would keep saying that yes I have a dare you if you die the stream ends Smokey bro come on bro bird did you get your $2 yes I did bird

Thank you thank you so much I really do appreci appreciate it I know I mean I know I make fun of you and you make fun of me but I I really am grateful bird and I’m stoked that you’re my friend I have but I didn’t watch the

Whole thing and then bacon flake I don’t know if you know this but I’m actually in class right now what so then how are we supposed to then how were we supposed to play lethal company does that mean I have time to do a few more races cuz I’m

Really into pod racing I would not mind doing that for a little bit before I go play other games so and I got a brand new game that I want to play that’s right ladies and gentlemen I got a brand new game it’s a five-star game it has amazing ratings it’s an

Adorable game with tons of personality and it’s actually about if I told you what it was about you probably would think GH I don’t want to see that game the main character’s parents get divorced and the main character is having a really hard hard time dealing with their parents getting divorced and

So the main character decides to do some magic which kind of screws the parents over and then the video game is a is a huge mess I know that doesn’t sound fun or interesting at all but it’s an action-packed game people and it will blow your mind it

Really will I mean it it’s you’re thinking that’s such a weird premise for a game what look at the premise of this game I’m flying a machine going super duper fast at high speeds on different planets racing against aliens actually that sounds awesome Wo oh no okay here we go it’s just online class oh so we can play while you’re in class I like it dude um we’re GNA call lethal company for now on lethal class for bacon flake Smoky animations I got a good dare if you die the stream doesn’t

End well okay you’re getting a little bit better at these dares but you need to work on it okay you need to you need to fine-tune these dares okay you’re getting better though Smokey Spaceman says if I know which games you’re playing I already finished the game if I

Know which game you’re talking about I will see wait a minute oh Spaceman is there any way you could borrow your sister’s computer the new game I got is two-player but only one person needs to own the game and then you can actually play with me and we’re on a

Team you don’t even have to own the game so see if you could borrow your sister’s computer which I’m assuming you can’t because you probably already would have by now so there’s That oh no okay after this race I’ll show you all the game I’m going to play next I’m not going to play the game yet waiting for goex in fact let me see if goex has responded to my text um he didn’t so are you saying you’re not going to download it question

Mark he is upset that it’s 44 gigabytes can you see our Tex text I’m not sure if you can the game is 44 gigabytes he’s not too excited about that my mom sent me a heart um Spaceman I really want to say the name I really want to say the name

So you know what I’m talking about I have it on PlayStation 4 but I can play with it online and co- panda is in the building um the name of the game is called it takes two two so yeah that’s the name of the game it takes two let’s go

PEX okay I just saw on my computer that goek said the game will take too long to download so maybe that’s what muffer was saying I’m going to play with muffer also but he was is saying his internet’s tooo slow so he won’t be able to do it

Tonight I wonder if that’s what he was referring to is the download speed or if he was just worried that he’d be lagging so much he wouldn’t make a good teammate cuz the game is all about Teamwork let’s go Opex it’s a new lap record let’s go all right all right all right I just got a new lap record you know what that means people I need to get a new lap record this next lap the final lap of the race and if I don’t get a lap record this

Next lap that I’m starting right now I will do the first dare that I see in the chat so put your dares in I have to get a new lap record or else I’m doing my first dare of the stream do you understand have I made this clear okay gopex is in the

Building gopex give me a dare if I don’t get a new lap record I am doing a dare you understand I don’t know if you understand because I don’t see any dares in the building I want to see some dares in the building uh space kitty I saw that you

Asked a question I’ll read it after I finish this lap and get my new lap record and then I’ll read your question maybe gopex can answer your question Ah I love how the audience is so close to the pods like don’t you realize this thing could crash and like kill a huge chunk of the audience like even in the movie it was funny seeing one of the pods I think blows up crashes into one of the towers that’s

People are watching the race from oh wow that was a tight tight turn tight turn here we go we’re about to find out if I get a new lap record and I probably did I did I got a new lap record let’s go it’s a new lap record

Looks like I don’t have to do a dare and I got a new pod who do you think it is put your bets in put your bets in it’s that guy I don’t know his name either so you and I both lost the bet that is a that is a decent

Pod hey okay cool cool well kopanda I dare you to play a race with your toes dare you have to speak British for 10 five minutes for 10 for 10 five minutes that’s 50 minutes I’m gonna have to leave the stream at 7 okay but you’ll be Back um I kind of want to do another one so I’m going to do another one we’ll see if I can afford again well yeah you’re the only guy selling stuff so see should I get this one no I’m going to save up and get this one I need a lot more

Acceleration and I wouldn’t mind some whoa that is so cheap why is the Turning stuff they come here how do they find me oh you know what dude I’m upgrading my turning that’s so cheap up my bro cuz Okay like some of these races if you have really good turning

You can keep your turbo boosters on while turning but if you don’t have good turning then you’ll if you keep your turbo boosters on you’ll actually crash into the wall and blow Up oh so now my turning is so good I’m having to get used to it well it’s not so good it’s just way better oh oh oh oh oh yes yes it’s this level friends friends I don’t know if you’ve been watching my stream there is

A part in this level where I C I have not been able to pull it off yet in the Stream where I need to turbo boost over the jump I land on ice and then I have to slide through the hole if you’ve been watching my stream you know exactly what

I’m talking about I have not been able to accomplish that so give me a dare give me a dare no offense cop panda the Dare where I play a race with my toes it’s funny but like not possible I mean I guess I could try doing

That I guess I guess I could try doing that um then there’s a dare where I have to speak in British for listen put in some more dares and if you don’t and whatever I’ll I’ll do all of those but oh boy yeah oh you know what you know

What I’ll do the toes dare and the British accent dare cuz those are the dares so there you go whoa no whoa whoa whoa what hey don’t cuss at me don’t be cussing at me let’s go PEX all right here comes the part I’ve

Not been able to um to do here it comes oh no it’s not yet not just Yet but it is coming Soon Wait it’s not in this one oh no I don’t think it’s in this race I think I’m about to hit the Finish Line a it’s a new La record all right well the thing I told you guys bird change membership prices Starburst thanks for the shout out in

Your video you got it Starburst Starburst is in the building all right all right pull it together all right so I need to get a new lap record twice in a row I need a new lap record this lap and then I need to get an even newer lap record the next lap

Two lap records in a row if I can’t do that I’m doing some dares two lap records I’ve already done one lap record on this stream now I’m going to hit two lap records Okay I’m going to have to focus now oh Shoot oh my goodness why is it so hard to see okay here we go come on come on come on work it’s working it’s Working wo all right new lap record come on new lap record come on come on come on it’s a new lap record oh that’s the first one I got a new lap record that’s one I needed one more lap record I have to beat that lap record now and if I do I

Don’t have to do your dares woo all right so I need another lap record it’s pretty tough cuz I think I’m I think I’m about to blow up I got two engines that are damaged not really anywhere I could repair them oh I’m can okay let’s go let’s go repair repair

Reparo Harry Potter repo there we go oh we’re back online let’s go I will get the next slap record I will get a lap record oh oh I need another lap record oh no that could have ruined it no I’m so close no I think I just ruined

It I’m so close I can blow up any [Laughter] minute I’m not going to get a la record no cuz I didn’t blow up a single time the last one yeah I won I won I didn’t get another La record oh no all right so now I have to race with my toes

Apparently we did get a new pod though yeah that’s kind of a cool part I guess so you don’t have to play with your toes that was kind of random fine then I’ll speak oh boy y’all British people don’t say y’all I don’t know how to not me not in

Miny but you Harry all right there we go got my British accent ready for 5 minutes it’s 8:19 time for some tea you’ll come back huh uh I need cooling oh I’m so dumb this is turning Outlanders they come here how do they find me they come here all right now I

Got now I’ve got now I’ve got better turning um I lost a dare now you need to put things in the chat in notations and I’ll try to say it in a British accent put things in the chat I don’t know what to say in a British accent put things on the

Chat Google search what British people say and I’ll say it in The whoa you are a Harry Potter nerd that’s cringe oh yeah it’s spell patron I defense against the dark Gods um give it here Mount poy or I’ll knock you off your broom Woo let’s go put in the chat in quotations what you want me to try my best to say with a crappy British accent um what do what do British people say anyway uh rubbish you’re a wanker you you filthy wanker bloody hell that’s a wanker you’re all rubbish it’s a new left let’s

Go um I’m going to speak British for the rest of this stream time for tea and crumpets um Froggy’s in the building no excuse me froggy is in the Tea Party froggy welcome to the Tea Party we’ve got biscuits and crumpets in ding do and droplets and how do you

Say uh a fetish board and a Hogle slots that’s that’s British for AER teasers green gots it’s a new lab oh I didn’t get a lab record um I’ve got one more minute of speaking like a British person because I lost a dare so give me more D but don’t make me

Talk like a British person again I’ll be furious and I might end this live stream early all right I want to check I mean I want to check on my download downloading it takes two and it’s it’s going to take two of you yeah put another shrimp on my barie

Oh wait I’m not from Australia I’m from Britain England is my city who knows what that’s from England is my city um wait what am I doing oh wow it takes two really is taking a long time to download that’s what goex was talking about have you guys seen Bluey who has watched

Bluey put your hands together blue um I want to play do you want to play What’s the game do they play Bluey Bluey I forgot all the other characters names and blue tell me if you’ve watched Bluey what’s your joke what’s your joke hogwash scumbag rubbish you filthy wanker bloody hell you

Wanker okay I don’t know what to say say bottle of water oh knock you off your broom sounds like a bunch of wimpy kids playing make b games well it’s actually a billion dooll franchise who is the best show in the world appointment hey Matt it’s your favorite froggy

Friend that’s right it’s my favorite froggy friend oh froggy oh dang it I wanted to tell you hey you know what we could do play froggy Detective 2 just for you froggy all right this game the whole I’ve never played this never played the second one I beat the first one the

First game took me like 30 minutes minutes to Beat so I’m Guessing I’m guessing this will take me about few minutes to be 30 minutes play this is a funny game it’s made by Australians shout out to fire cow all right let’s see what’s going on here got a magnifying glass uhoh uhoh phone’s ringing frog detective crime solving agency frog detective speaking it’s

Froggy hi detective hi supervisor why did you hang up on me huh we were talking just a moment ago about a new case the one at warlock Woods right E I hung up because I got too excited about solving another mystery that’s understandable what can you tell me

About all this case now it’s a doozy detective hold on to your heart supervisor you know I can’t wear hats sorry anyway warlock Woods is a fat fairly small town up north they don’t get many visitors couple days ago a new Resident moved in a shy doesn’t doesn’t

Like doesn’t take too kindly to be the center of attention anyway she settles into the house and doesn’t go outside to greet anyone the residents of the Town feel like they need to welcome her properly proper properly so they or so they organize I thought organize was spilled with a z Oh but

This is an Australian game they spell things differently over there organize a welcoming parade great idea absolutely but someone in the town last night the prayer decorations were destroyed I know right so rude there’s any leads on this they don’t know what who done it that’s where you come in

Detective oh um it’s time to talk like an Australian Australian mate it’s me I’m the detective mate I am aware warlock Woods is a magic town so it’s not the easiest place to get to you’ll need to take an enchanted cart to the end of the line then travel the rest of

The way on foot too easy you’ll need to question everybody to get to the bottom of things do you think you can solve the mystery hm yep great hop on it haha oh I forgot to mention there’s new resident of the words so special she’s invisible what that was loud and a

Wizard an invisible wizard cool uh wait what’s the relevance of her being invisible nobody knows what she looks like so they’re really excited to find out it’s the parade the decorations and the cele ations they want her to be unin visible de invisible uh visible exactly do you have

Any questions uh I have my shoes my jumper my pants I think I’m missing something your magnifying glass of course it’s on the table next to you thank you supervisor yes detective okay time to grab the magnifying glass friends I don’t know if you remember um

We did not use the magnifying glass even once in the first game like the magn in the first game the magnifying glass was literally worthless they just had it there so that you would think it’s a detective game all right now we got Australians making

Us a game this is a this is a comedy game yes gopex is right there’s a lot of Reading Lobster cop oh yeah Lobster cup Lobster Cup this is not a baby game it’s an Australian game baby dude I think this game is dope and it’s featuring one of our friends froggy herself time to talk lot in Australian famous I’m not famous perhaps

Not I’m sure you will be soon wow I hope so what brings you to my office detective um well I was just leaving my office actually I work next door right here Oh I thought that was a cupboard nope that’s my office I’ve been putting all my cleaning supplies in there yeah I’ve

Noticed I’m in there working every time you do it I even say this is my office and then you say sure little little cleaning frog and then I say I am a Crim solving frog not a cleaning frog but usually you’re gone already excuse my ignorance detective I

Wasn’t trying to offend I’m a very busy headful of mysteries sometimes I forget to be polite if I was polite all the time I would never have time to solve my crimes I understand maybe that’s why I’m not as talented as you Lobster cop perhaps but detective you must keep

Trying never give up I can give you some tips if you like wow yes please tip number one pay attention you should make sure you are looking at things and paying attention to the world yes quite right tip number two everyone is a suspect even you I will suspect myself

Much more from now on tip number three carry a notebook oh I’m not really big on books they are without exception fact inaccurate detective don’t be foolish you write yourself a book you write yourself can’t be factually inactivate if you are writing facts suppose you’re right Lobster cop I

Don’t have a notebook though will it’s your lucky day I have my spare notebook you can you can decorate it and use it as you like wow really yeah there are stickers you can’t even add to it too I bought them with all my crime solving

Money cool I’ll let you do get to it detective uh head into my office when you’re ready to decorate okay thanks slop cop I have never seen this game before so this is my first time froggy sorry I was late Matt I was with my girlfriend

You guys hang out every day now you little goof good for you that’s what I would be doing oh good I can add stickers to my notebook he was actually being serious um and I’m finishing homework so I’m not going to chat much for you that’s all right froggy just now playing

This game for you there you are in the TV now do you see yourself right there let see no uh there you are right there in the TV froggy we’re playing a game about you not me not iny but to froggy um Spaceman I’ve never seen this

Game before so this is my first time well it’s it is it is aimed towards 12y olds but I love playing it I’ve got the immaturity of a 13-year-old and sometimes even a 12y old um duh I want the alien that was like the first thing I saw but there’s no

Frog obviously I want the sunshine up here in the corner got to have myself a magnifying glass um all right uh right there well Valentine’s Day got to have a heart got to have a heart there crocodile cuz it’s Australia cowboy boots cuz I’m from cuz I’m from

Texas some lips because I’ve got an imaginary girlfriend she kissed my notebook with her lips and this flower because because well I don’t know why but I just know it goes on my notebook that’s all I know I don’t know anything else I get to decorate a notebook that’s

About as coolest game could get I’m sorry gopex did you get to decorate a notebook with stickers in your favorite video game yeah didn’t think so okay so don’t give me crap about playing detective frog cool magnify notebook visible wizard that’s pretty much all the notes

We got now that’s all the notes we need for now look there’s Lobster cop look at look at that over there is it that way is no it’ be wait I don’t know which way it is but look at Lobster cop with the other detective frogs what a

Nuisance that’s not fair wait is that my office no that’s my office got to go out here now detective time to solve another mystery I’m I with my Bluey and bingo plushies Bluey if you haven’t seen Bluey you need to go watch it right now blury is not for little kids it’s

For parents blur is not a TV show for children it’s a TV show for parents and how to be a good Parent Super hot present super hot that’s kind of a funny name for this warlock Woods starring the detective Susan Ralph Mandy Mary and several more [Laughter] characters It’s So Random the case of the invis invisible wizard all right haven’t seen intro credits in a long time that’s

Kind of new I watched it and I watched the whole thing on accident it was too good you watched Bluey wait Bluey I’m going to leave but I guess what I’m going to come back good space kitty space kitty let’s see what she has to

Say oh my stars it’s you it’s me the famous Lobster cop oh I really thought you’d be a lobster uh no I’m I’m a Frog yeah why is your name Lobster cop then I have to tell you something what I am not Lobster cop why not why not who are you then I’m

The detective frog detective I see was Lobster cop not available unfortunately not well I think you’ll do just fine thanks I’m Susan hi Susan hi I’m the one that contacted the agency which I think you’ll find excl me from being a suspect oh I didn’t know that that was

How it worked you should know these things detective I’m sorry it’s okay I think you should still question me though to remove all doubt okay question me all you like about the wizard do you know the wizard personally nobody knows her personally well not

Here at least not me not you not in myy but too her but I had a lot to do with the with the organization of the parade and I was the one to startop the organization you mentioned that it’s worth bringing up again so you were fine

With her moving to the town absolutely that old house has been empty for years and it’s really nice someone wants to live there now needs a lot of fixing up but it’ll look nice soon I think plus it’s always exciting to have a new neighbor sure

Is I put a sign up for the wizard but it got knocked down last night I’m feeling pretty sad about it to be honest I know you’re here to solve the mystery but I just need to tell you tell someone how I feel I’m not a professional sign maker

Yet but I worked really hard on this sign really I struggle something something it feels heartless and now everyone would okay so she needs a hook I saw the word hook in there highlighted she needs a hook now about last night were you on the were you where

Were you on the night in question I was at home knitting a jumper with for the wizard really yeah I picked all the colors myself and everything they all in me it’s a bit hard to focus on knitting why is that I get so distracted by the

By the by the wool it’s so fun to play with I oh cuz she’s a cat get it she’s a cat I play with it so much that I unravel the whole thing and it goes everywhere it’s a bit it’s a big nuisance I understand but I was

Concentrating on the nitt so much that I didn’t notice the destruction of the parade I’m sorry oh melan King Jr made me a Spiderman I’m going to show everybody right now melan K Jr Lindsay Buffington drummer in the building I lost a bit so I got to talk

Like a British person for the next one hour I lost a big time better there got to talk like an Australian or a British person whichever one this sounds like most of you where’s where’s melan K Junior drawing a Spiderman Community oh yo uh melan King Jr can I post this on my

Community melan King Jr Co Panda says let’s go Matt yeah that is definitely a nine-year-old game they can’t spell a simple word like color property properly no actually go pig you’re incorrect in Australia they spell it like the British the British uh Australia Britain all over the Europe where they have

English-speaking countries they spell lots of things differently so no it’s not a spelling it’s not a spelling error yes all right all right melan King Junior I will be stealing this hair and posting it on my YouTube Channel take that melon King Jr take that melon King Jr let’s see how

Do I want to steal this there’s a couple ways I could take this from your channel I could save the picture like that or I could do screenshot yeah a little Skippy screenshot how to do the trick melan King Jr did you watch my oh yeah you did uh

Froggy there’s Uncle oh yeah yeah yeah Froggy’s doing all the bluey characters let’s go Uncle rad frisky rust Rusty Dusty Digger Chile’s mom the trades Leela Kim Jim Coco oh Coco winon the tus Calypso Snickers slendy Miss retriever McKenzie Jack Honey Jack and luy who has feeling lucky tonight I’m

Feeling good I’m going to upload melon King Juniors but that means I need to upload Froggies as well well I’ll do melan king Juniors right now froggy and then maybe tomorrow I’ll do the ones that you’ve been sending me because I don’t want to post them too close to each other you

Know what I mean at the same time because then people are going to like you know what I mean that’s too many at once I got to spread these out you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying so anyway um screenshot there we are wait wait wait no no no no

I’m going to show you how to make a I’m going to show you guys how to make a post okay if you want to make a post good you need to First Take it into some kind of editing software I use this here the Instagram Square upload from

Devoice go here find that now make this as big as possible so because I want it as big as possible and I want there to be the melon King junr profile picture in there got to have melan King Jr’s profile picture and then ice little little writings he did there as you can

See here that’s all to do that green gots biscuits tea crumpets and marshmallows how’s that melan King Jr that’s looking good download here I like how it’s got the FM right there right there on the chest says friends with Matt # friends withm download that name it something funny like sub to MK

Junor sub to MK junr who’s texting me so much someone’s texting me oh it’s my nephew Liam my nephew Liam is texting me yo I got to text him real fast I’m going to send my VI Liam a nice little selfie here let him know I’m live

Streaming he’s sending me a lot of random text messages right now I’m live streaming can’t talk and he is um yeah anyway okay so what was I going to do oh I downloaded it now that it’s a square now I’m ready to upload it if it’s not a square Square

You’ll have to click on the whole picture to see the whole picture wait let me why it better not turn out that small that’s too small okay um let me see here do at melon King Jr now let me put look at this masterpiece by melon King Jr he’s a

YouTuber and made this for this Spiderman for me that’s why his chest says hasht FM let’s go everybody give mland King Jr a subscribe there we go that’s perfect all right back to froggy detective now let me um wait Matt do you hear that sound that it sounds like the fan art

Alarm you actually got me for a second I was like wait is there a sound on my stream draw froggy detective boom there it is see Frogg detective okay I want to see the froggy detective I want to see that guy there did you notice anything at all now that

I think of it I saw your van out near the entrance to the Warlock Woods it didn’t drive in or I would have heard it I didn’t worry about it of course that’s all I remember no worries question me all you like nothing right now okay oh oops there going to go here

Okay let me read the chat there’s more likes yeah this definitely a nine-year-old game let’s go Liam with Liam my nephew so funny they spell they spell a lot of stuff wrong in Australia yeah I’m not going to write her off as a suspect she’s too obvious to be a suspect what is

This I’m Ralph why are you yelling I’m just making sure you can hear me I can hear you you don’t have to yell you’re very small might be difficult for you to hear I’m small but I’m also very close to you being small isn’t the same as being far away are you

Sure you can hear me at this volume yes weird I’m the detective I’m here to solve the mystery really yes but you’re so small I’m of average frog height H can I ask you some question questions about the case questioning me H um about the wizard how do you feel about a wizard

Moving in h it’s nothing against the wizard I’ve been living with my friend Carlos for a while now and our space is big but I would really like my own home oh I’ve been eyeing off that old house for ages I thought maybe I’ll move in one day but the wizard got there

First I see it’s my fault I guess should have can’t hold it against her the wizard this house is twice as big maybe you could renovate it and it could turn into two houses you could split down the middle or have house upstairs and house downstairs like an apartment it’s a

Pretty cool idea I like Carlos and everything he’s I’m a private boy I understand I don’t have any renovating at all I suppose okay about your eye may I ask why you have an eye patch on that’s Ralph’s business oh it’d be really good for me to know why

You have an eye patch though sometimes a boy just wants to wear an eye patch you put it on for fashion kind of detective I don’t want to get into this too much I watched a movie last night about Pirates and I loved it and there’s another three

Left three whole movies can you believe it sequels I’ve never never heard of a movie having a sequel before I know right usually sequels are reserve for video games it is extremely normal to have a video game sequel especially for games with with large audiences like Toad the toad investigation Series yeah

Anyway um for that reason I decided to wear an i PCH all right nothing right now uh Carl slug are you female that that froggy my girlfriend kissed me today a that’s adorable froggy are you female Carl if you’re talking to me yes but why it’s not a boyfriend because I have a

Girlfriend I’m not dating a guy I’m confused I’m 9 years old well there’s uh not much other than just this is a mess here all right I’m going to think I’m going to save and quit we could play that game some other time Carl you are too precious I agree hash carlis

Precious # Carl is Carl is precious Carl the nine-year-old do you play Roblox Carl Carl you play Roblox H you want to get on you want to play some games cuz I’m switching games what else am I in the mood to play right now let’s see I kind of want to do

More of the Star Wars so I think I’m GNA go back to Star Wars yes Star Wars Episode One racer let’s go friends I really wanted to play a new game Carl slug isn’t precious he’s a slug yes he is precious oh wait wait wait uh bacon

Flake is is back okay um I guess it’s lethal company Time yes I am Carl slug 23 oh so you do play uh Roblox so do you want to get on or if do you want to uh maybe not right this second maybe sometime maybe not right this second bacon flake is it lethal coming he hasn’t replied yet so I am going to

Go do One race I just want to do one race guys I’m just obsessed with this game okay let me just do one race while we find out I’m going to do I’m going to do a race while we find out what game is next I have to eat

Lunch first if that’s okay I will play with you though perfect good because I want good cuz I want to do one more race cool Carl the slug that’s a good YouTube name I sense a future YouTuber I have to leave oh space kitty bye space kitty please don’t tell me they took

Away my dude they took away my turning are you kidding you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to they that’s what’s happening that’s why I couldn’t beat the last levels because they take away the stuff I bought and they don’t give me my money back that really actually bothers

Me that like actually really bothers me cuz I did all this work and now they’ve taken away my turning I upgraded my turning and they took it away ah wellcome to shop huh thank a look around I got everything you need huh let me think all right I want to actually look vehicle

Upgrades whoa the parts break wait do the parts break best parts you find here in a sh H wait a minute I don’t remember that being a part of the game have you seen a my chance Cube Outlanders they come here how do they find me they come here mess up my

Store wait a minute that’s BS back again huh my cooling cost negative India oh you huh Matt can I make my Youtube name friends with froggy uh yes yes froggy I take that as a big compliment and I love the name idea friends with froggy that sounds great

That’s got a ring to it because it’s two FS bye Smokey also smokey smokey wait you still here uh I just got to say one thing I’m sorry I didn’t mention you in my newest video okay race time Oh Uh Hey Ah Uh-oh it’s working it’s working oh my goodness oh my goodness show me a cool trick in this on this game Matt a cool trick um well the coolest the only like cool trick I know is called the suicide finish it’s where when you know you’re going to finish you use the turbo

Booster to kill yourself so that you can finish with a broken pod um I’ll try my best to do that trick Oh my gosh I’ve died way too many times oh second place right behind me oh no he’s going to pass no okay I’m still going to go for the suicide finish though the suicide finish that means you blow up right after you pass the Finish Line it’s actually it’s kind of hard to

Do because because you have to get first too or it doesn’t really count oh no I don’t think I’m going to be able to do it see wait wait wait I might do it I might do it go no no no I didn’t make it

Far enough no no no no no no no no no no oh oh I still got first okay so the suicide finish as you can see when you blow up half of your pod the other half goes spinning but keeps going forward so to do is suicide

Finish fire cow in the building let’s go a suicide finish involves blowing up half of yourselves right before the finish line so that the other half goes through um dead now why is that impressive it just is uh because you have to get in first place too or it’s not a real suicide

Finish so friends friends friends there’s the next Dare Challenge I have to get buy more pit droids to make faster repairs to your damaged Parts okay wait so go to the junkard I got lots of a Jun you guys I am so dumb I did not know

I’ve played this game for years and I didn’t even know your parts can blow up I’m so dumb I’ve already lost I’ve already lost top speed oh my gosh I’m so dumb there’s no way to get the money back that’s what’s so frustrating you can’t get the money back maybe if I

Could I’m so so dumb I’m so dumb that guy’s got a decent Pod that guy’s horrible speed he’s got good at everything else but there’s no point if you if your speed sucks this guy’s breakes are terrible that’s a that’s a signing up for a disaster this looks like the best guy other than Anakin but the problem is you’re I’m not going to get more

Money we’re going to try racing as someone else Matt gave you gave me a cool intensity of you being almost not getting first place yeah that was intense what’s going on y’all far Cal I’m doing dares far cow did you see my new video you get a little shout out in

It you got a small one uh you got a small shout out in my new video okay okay this is actually one of the easiest levels to do a suicide dare on I mean a suicide finish so here’s the Dare here’s the thing if I don’t accomplish a suicide finish and get

First place then I’m doing your dare well well that’ll be one of them we’ll see I might do the lap record okay but the only time when you excuse me when you do your first lap you can’t get a lap record because it’s your very first time doing

The lap so then on the second one we’ll go for a lap record if I don’t get a lap record I do a dare this is a cool pot it’s big doesn’t have as good as turning as Anakin though cuz I dude I I’m actually really frustrated about this whole

Repairing thing but it makes me wonder if I oh my goodness yaboo I wonder what that means he’s like oh well oh shoot I didn’t realize how sharp of a turn that was all right so froggy says Matt I need to finish the Frog detective picture done tomorrow because I’m out of lead

And need to get more lead tomorrow let’s go um then froggy retracted a message that froggy person theion did you give me a shout out Matt death stairs Matt pulls Death Stare out of pocket Matt she texts me I’m in love I think you babe oh she that’s what she

Texted you I’m so in love with her a and yes you got a shout out froggy It’s a new black record oh there was a lap record okay all right friends I okay I just got a new lap record let’s go but now I need to get an even newer even faster lap record so put in your dares because if I don’t get a

Lap record on this lap than I am doing your dares let’s go oh my gosh okay now there’s no way I’ll get a lap record now there’s no way so put in your dares cuz there’s no way I’m going to get a lap record so I want to see some Dares oh last time I went the other way I don’t know which way is faster Oh here’s the sharp turn okay I didn’t crash this time ohoo let’s go oh no what new lap record new lap record let’s go it’s a new La record boom all right I don’t have to do the dares but but kopanda you’ll get a shout out it’s not

Like I left you out on purpose or anything it’s uh the shout outs I gave were clips from my live stream where I’m talking to specific people um um friends friends friends friends friends I’m doing a super dare yeah I got a shout out in his last

Video that’s right you did Starburst you got kind of a big one actually probably the biggest maybe not the biggest I think Liberty’s Daddy got the biggest cuz he got multiple shoutouts like in multiple different places and then second place would be Spaceman got also quite a few shoutouts anyway friends I’m

Doing a huge one okay this is big this is really tough not only do I need to get a new lap record which I just got a lap record then I got another lap record meaning I went even faster now I have to get even another lap record Plus I have

To get a suicide finish in first place that means I have to finish the race with my pod in the middle of blowing up if I don’t finish so if I if I get the lap record we’re good we’re not totally good no no no I have to do both

I have to get a lap record and destroy my pod right before finishing perfect timing okay Munch I’m back shout outs o yeah fire cow you got a small shout out just a small one but that doesn’t mean you’re not special you are awesome fire cow fire cow I’m doing a special right

Now especially for you not only do I have to get another lap record I have to finish this race suiciding as in finish it while spinning out of control and blowing up you’ll see so this is going to be a very dramatic last lap this will be a very dramatic last

Lab everything is on the Line all right I got to focus y’all I got to focus I’m not so worried about the um getting a new lap record but I what I’m most worried about is timing the suicide finish getting first place while suiciding oh what I’m most all right I need to when I

Get to the end I need to start damaging my ship I’m not at the end yet when I get to the end though I’m going to have to start damaging my ship are we coming to the end I kind of forgot oh no this is the one where

Here comes the end okay here we go here we go no no no no suicide finish suicide finish suicide finish wait was it a new lap record I there is a way for me to tell there’s a okay there is a way for me to tell if it’s a new lap

Record um um let me see go to this one best lap is 2 minutes I’m going to I’m going to rewind on the stream I’m gonna play fair you can do this Matt thank you fire cow I’m GNA play fair I want to find out if I really got elapor

I did the suicide finish though let’s go but that is to be fair though that is the easiest level to do a suicide finish on so that kind of worked in my favor I’ve rewinded the stream I want to see if I actually got the new lap record

On the last lap give me one second one second I just got there yeah I got the I got I got the lap record I got I don’t have to do any of the dares I don’t have to do any of the dares so so that means though I am just

G to have to give myself a harder challenge cuz it has to keep getting more and more difficult does it not does it not it does yes it does wait so hang on now friends I I want to see something I want to see something um no not that one this one

Okay I want to see something um vehicle upgrade I forgot kind of what I wanted to see do I have two pit droids okay where’s Anakin well that guy is actually good I want to see if it’ll give me my turning back like can I repair let me see

Right all right so he’s got two pit droids but like here’s what Matt I’m going to go to bed I have early class okay okay bye froggy um suicide finish that relatable yay Matt thank you fire cow also fire cow I’m looking forward to your shorts in hell Um like I want to see I want to see this get fixed you will not find the is that what he’s working on I I can’t tell I think it is but I I don’t know though what the heck ah so I bought three pit droids it doesn’t look like they’re

Really fixing anything or like guys I got to Google this cuz I’m dying to know like what cuz I can’t afford to lose I can’t afford to have my stuff breaking you don’t get it back and there’s a limited amount of money you get and I really don’t want to have to

Do all this over again so because I’m trying to unlock sabba so um um um yeah I’m G to do it over here let’s read about pod racing pod racing episode wait no no it’s uh Star Wars epode One racer I think is the name Star Wars Episode One racer how

Does how do how it should be how do pit droids help I need to see this a pilot can only have four pit droids at once which will always leave one part exposed however if a pod suffers no damage in a race pit joid Will Repair other damage Parts

Another thing to note is that the least expensive part of a pod will never get damaged what do Pit Droids do in episode one racer in The Hectic um how do Parts work in Star Wars racer you the player can only have four pit droids maximum and each Droid can only maintain

One part on the racer this means that each Droid you own will prevent one part from being damaged droids will also repair damaged Parts after race if they have no damage to prevent so I want to see Star Wars Episode One racer can you can Parts be just permanently Destroyed Permanently destroyed the parts of the Pod racer will get damaged when you race but if you only buy parts in four different categories of choice and have four pit droids the parts will be repaired to perfect condition to perfect condition after each race but then why don’t I have

That dang so the first thing I should have bought was the pit droids oh man I kind of I kind of uh shot myself in the foot with that one let’s see what people are saying froggy night I’m okay okay okay okay oh man I hope the Star Wars music didn’t

Just ruin my stream’s monetization all right all right all Right copyright Matt be careful I know I think everyone knows how to use in Cognito music I guess oh copyright music yo yeah Star Wars music super copyrighted so I hope that didn’t play long if you only play a short snippet it doesn’t matter but I just played it for quite a

Little bit there without realizing it vehicle upgrades all right so now how many Droids do I have I should have H I do have Four shoot but none of them are fixing the acceleration or is that what this guy’s doing but why isn’t it getting fixed better not break anything pit Droid or I’ll hit your nose a little sassy oh copyright mode yo um yo groggy has left the building Gro no groggy don’t

Go okay good night everyone good night co- Panda good night groggy with friends let’s see I’m very concerned I’m very concerned let me see another I want I want to see another thing I want to while this thing plays for y’all I’m going to Google search is there a limited amount of

Money you can make in Star Wars Episode One racer making money postgame there is no way to earn money on completed tracks one way to end up with loads of money is to exploit the drunkyard find a very expensive part in terrible condition and buy it racing

With it will repair it to full then sell it for profit in order to find a good part is to go back into the character selection and reselect then head back into the junkyard for a reset on available Parts it’s the little human boy born on

Taty a Anakin Skywalker well I have a lot to learn he can just finish the race yes Spaceman is back but he’s sick let’s go let’s go okay okay come on come on come on come on come on come On Sucker This makes me want to watch Star Wars does anyone else feel the Same oh my goodness oh my goodness go go go go go go go go go Matt if Matt fails to Adare in Lethal company eats a chili are you ready to play lethal company I just made the video in Lethal company and VR chat it was so laggy it got me really dizzy I think it was a bad idea oh no I bet the video turned out good

Though A Oh no just a few more minutes Okay It’s a new black record all right friends I don’t know who’s watching I know we got bacon flakes in the building give me another dare because I need to get a new lap record and in the race on a suicide finish I’ve got to get a new lap record

And end the race with a killing blow you ready you ready here we go okay new lap record and ending the race on a bang here we Go oh shoot that is not a good start that is not a good start W I’m trying to read bacon flake’s comment about me swaying and as I’m doing that I actually swayed into the wall bacon flake I was literally reading your comment and that’s why I swayed

Into the wall and blew up so thanks bacon flake I’m going to call you shake and bake bacon Flake Oh snap here we go woo you need turning for this Course here here it comes get ready for the suicide finish and a lap record suicide finish and a lap record ready oh no I didn’t get the come on come on I couldn’t won I won I have to do a dare now also my also name a boy’s name you

Have to do a dance on camera as my dare also name a boy’s name okay I don’t understand the name of boy’s name part but um here we go I’m going to do a dance and I I’ll just improvise name a boy’s name let’s see um instead of doing the oh my goodness

This stupid thing oh my gosh this thing is so tangled oh it’s like actually in a knot okay I’m gonna have to fix that later wait no it’s not it’s not in a knot the reason I have to untangle this is so I can get farther from the camera well

Here’s here we go I have an idea I know what I know what I’m going to do oh I know what I’m gonna do just wait just wait you just wait friends okay here we go um Mar Kena Alejandro Ben Ben what’s a boy name wait one Macarena so be Ben Han one

Benih Hana two Ben three Ben h four Ben H five b six Ben H seven Ben H eight Ben h n b h Benny H Benny boy oh oh fire cow okay there that’s uh there you go thank you thank you thank you so much you’re welcome you’re welcome All For Your

Entertainment there we go okay dare you to use your least favorite character oh I like that I actually like that idea unlike fire cows dare which I actually enjoyed I love dancing I love dancing and I love having an excuse to dance and to have somebody dare me to

Dance jokes on you fire cow I enjoyed every second of that except for the part where I had to say a boy’s name it’s a little weird but whatever okay least favorite character just find the most ugly one it’s uh where is he the Frog it’s the Frog Guy where is

He whoa look at that guy’s top Speed I really want to play as that guy which means I can’t it’s this guy this is my least favorite he’s so ugly he’s just he’s such he’s just so stupid looking all right wait wait wait wait Anakin Skywalker friends with Matt has the best lap okay gotta I really enjoyed

Watching that oh Starburst is still here let’s go to think that this guy is a grown man L Carl slug Carl slug you hilarious bro you’re hilarious you’re a cool nine-year-old did you know that what whoa I did that again all right chba whoa whoa

What oh I wasn’t I whoa I was looking at the side of the screen I was trying to repair I was and as I was repairing my ship so that I wouldn’t blow up I went off a jump and blew up whoa this guy’s fast this guy’s

Actually a good pod he’s just so weird looking this turning sucks oh my gosh so easy to break his pod is it seriously going to take that long to repair or that’s all the repair I can do Oh my God Wow that’s a sharp one hey fire Matt is wild My gosh I can’t see why does he not repair all the way I don’t understand for some reason I have a hard time driving this guy What he sucks at turning oh my goodness I’m not even going to repair I’m going to Suicide I’m just going to suicide I can’t even turn he’s so slow now see in this game there’s literally no point at being fast if you can’t turn look he’s already damaged again this guy

Sucks he has good ratings but he sucks [Applause] He had pretty good stats he should have a good pod he doesn’t next race I want to use the guy that has unlimited top speed he has literally full top speed but I bet turning turning with him is going to be really hard if not possible Oopsie yo Yahoo wait did you did I already tell you my new jokes no he didn’t say your new jokes I want to hear the new jokes straight up slammed into the wall what’s the point of going up here there’s like no Co how am I still in [Applause] first Yaboo are you serious dude I might not even get first they’re going to catch up to me this guy sucks at first I thought like hey he might actually be kind of good he sucks you see I can’t turn I can’t even turn with him I’m you can’t even turn with this

Guy I don’t know how I’m in first he’s awful I’m ready to play lethal company with bacon flake oh Lord there’s no way I’ll ever make that turn repair repairo F that was my Bad I was trying to read Starburst is comment Spaceman what is the best smelling thing I want to see if I can answer this the best smelling a nose is it a pun is it a nose it’s a dog’s nose I’m guessing a dog’s Nose I literally almost brought my pod to a complete stop and and he still ran into the wall this guy is Terrible first place let’s go perfume because I’d prefer it get it I feel like your answer is better let’s go that’s that’s a pretty good one though of perfume because I prefer it goex in real life stream sort of racer in the Galaxy no look how ugly he is no it’s Anakin

Skywalker they don’t let you exit out of this we have to watch the entire thing I like how there’s someone booing in the [Applause] background all right all right all right let’s see I need to go go to the junkyard I want to go back to well

Actually I kind of do want to try this guy oh no because well his turning isn’t that bad oh he just must go so fast how does he have so much top speed all of a sudden where’s Anakin okay okay oh my Parts must have finally got repaired I

Don’t I guess let me go to this did they finally they did repair my parts oh let’s go so I’m not as bad let’s go oh this game is making way more sense okay okay I’ve literally played this since I was 10 I never knew about this so now

Apparently I go to the junkyard I got a lots of a junk have you seen my chance Cube okay apparently this is how you can like kind of wow no all right change vehicle you you huh is that the same ones no you B you not find a better deal anywhere I

Think huh uh so I think you’re going to lose unless I’m trying to hack the system y’all muffer my it takes 26% oh my goodness yeah um yo um I’m actually opening my PC right now though muffer wna do lethal company with me and bacon flake let’s go

Please play with us we would love to have you as part of the team muff do you come compute computer overload system downgrading I’m so lonely they programmed me to understand loneliness I wish they didn’t program that into my Computing system okay okay okay okay change vehicle go to

Anakin pick muffer by the way okay uh muffer and maybe bang on neighbors’s door as a dare oh that’s uh bring your camera outside and walk around with it okay so I guess it’s lethal company time let’s get to lethal company okay muff’s here bacon flake is bacon bacon something up

Good and baking up something good and hot for us he’s baking it up bacon flake if you can hear me I don’t know if you can if you’re not ready which I think you are ready because you said you’re opening your thing we’ll just play lethal company when you want to join us

Just hop on in whoa we got Raina Thorne whoa Raina Thorne let’s go we got a new person Raina Thorn this I’m doing a dance just for Raina Thor go Raina go Raina go Raina Raina Thorn rain of thorn rain of thorn I am a robot that experiences

Loneliness okay Raina welcome to the friends with Matt Channel you will not get greeted that way every time you come here but today is your special day cuz you’re new now you’re about to witness me mufford and bacon flake playing lethal company it’s a horror game that isn’t

Very scary but it will scare the out of you Raina let’s see did I scare Raina off you think or is she still here Raina Thorne that reminds me of Bella Thorne from Twilight who I had a crush on until I found out what Kristen Stewart the actress who plays bellthorn

Wait is Bella no Bella Thorn’s the name of an actress Bella Swan I believe is the what’s what’s the girl from Twilight’s name is Bella Swan one and then Bella Thorne is actually the actress actress that’s like her best friend in the in the thing I

Think I dare you to put cheese on chili and eat it dude I would do that if I had cheese on Chili I still got a shout out in Matt’s last video yeah oh wait a minute aot Brazil Brazil uh oh do I have to do a whole

Another Dance Let Me invite my friends in here muff wait why is bacon flake muff’s one of my favorite friends that’s adorable bacon flake are we did you get surprised that lethal company outside of outside of Call of Duty wait uh so muff’s here can you hear

Me muffer yeah yeah yeah oh muff’s here let’s go um why is bacon flake not on my friend list I don’t understand how do I search bacon flake um M I might need to quit so I can go to steam or do I have to you don’t

You don’t have to quit you can just pull it up in a different tab um I could have sworn bacon and I were friends noxy oh because his name is knoxify and I think he’s not online knoxify get online get online knoxify a Brazilian man okay I’m GNA do a dance for our

Brazilian friend while we’re waiting on noxi okay this is how they get down in Brazil I’m from Brazil so I like to eat tacos this sounds amazing I’m just waiting for the delay to kick in so I can watch it ready okay okay okay friends that’s enough

Goofing around now we’ve got to play lethal company so we can entertain you okay okay now where’s bacon flake bacon flake get on come on um resume I go invite friends uh I go to knoxify I don’t think he’s on yet does he have a way to request joining

Us that’s muffer that’s muffer language for sorry I I was like I was like mid ice cream scoop bite like I was like stuffing my face full of ice cream don’t don’t tell us what flavor don’t tell us what flavor okay is it one of the common flavors that I

Could actually guess yeah it’s it’s yeah oh no oh okay by the by the tone of your voice it’s vanilla it’s vanilla yeah it’s it’s just go it’s just what we have I have it’s vanilla ice cream with like Dr PE Dr Pepper Cherry like Geo sugar just

Poured into it so it’s like a little blend it’s nice oh oh bro I just had a uh at my job because we were working on the Super Bowl day I was working during Super Bowl I don’t care about sports um they made everyone root beer

Floats oh and I just about I just about devoured it in two seconds uh whoops I just realized my camera’s has my camera been off this like not off but like not angled right this whole time okay uh what am I doing I’m picking a moon so let’s go to um what’s

Experimentation that’s like the very first one that’s just um like a it’s this one of the sand ones you to come the ladders then get to the doors I chose March because March had no no events or whatever it’s called oh okay um our Brazilian friend does not know

What we’re saying I’m going to translate to Brazilian what do they speak there I have no no idea English to Brazil Brazilian Portuguese that’s what they speech okay okay okay uh English to Portuguese um hello friend let’s see hola amigo oh that’s just Spanish Whata it’s Portuguese Ola Amigo is how

You say friend um I’m a streamer so um streamer um let’s see I’m gonna say something inappropriate no I’m just kidding V is sexy are we uh sorry are we are we going or what oh I have to press the thing oh never mind sorry I I always forget how

To play this game um more stuff let’s see um how did you find my video okay I have a question for the Brazilian let’s see what he says don’t pick vow LOL it has the highest spawn chance of bracken out of all moons okay mu you have to guess what I asked

Him you could probably guess dud I wait say again I’ll say it I’ll say it again and the last word is video so that ought to give you a clue uh like did you watch my videos or something or have you close I said how did you find my video

Oh I was too far yeah that’s okay I got the video part right shoot yeah to so we got Starburst in the building we got fire cow in the building muffer is out of the building we’re about muffer and I are about to get into the building heck yeah

And we’ve got Raina thorn in the building Raina there right here okay Raina you got to answer my question what is Bella’s name from Twilight is it Bella Swan cuz I think it’s Bella Swan if I had to guess and is the actress who plays her best friend that’s really hot Bella

Thorne right that’s the actress’s name I don’t know maybe you guys already did answer that and Starburst what is your favorite flavor of Starburst sweet I got a stop sign whoa what I can actually attack people with this that’s so cool strawberry that’s my favorite flavor I’m not even kidding but

That’s like kind of obvious though because that’s like the best flavor so kind of makes sense that you would say that is that why you named yourself Starburst is because you like to eat Starburst or do you just know that you’re a superstar but you felt like

Bursting one day so you just were like eh Starburst what’s up buffer did you know you could did you know you could smack people with this yes yeah I I I didn’t know all right calm down now calm down okay okay okay I won’t I won’t I

Won’t I promise I will’t I’m just kidding I’m not going to do I’m playing with my Xbox controller this time oh you seriously sprinting by me I trust you he freaky really just going to try to like drive by HTE me have you ever played with the Xbox

Controller uh not the Xbox controller but PS5 controll there’s nothing in here or did muffer already find everything in here so just in case you don’t know what’s going on um oh Starburst says yeah both rain Raina Thorn also says strawberries in the building Starburst eating a starburst more like yum ow

What what happened I got that beehive nox do it hit him not like me can flake nothing what I dude I don’t even have whoa the beehive trusty man freaky no I’m not going to hit you dude I don’t want to lose your trust I don’t want to be that guy I’m

Not I’m I’m not going to hit you okay the vent open now if you don’t want me to hit you now I would what what what is it a monster what is it just turn around yeah why oh it’s there oh it’s that guy watch

This y’all you see guys can you see his I can go right up to him right uh yeah you see this he’s only allowed to move if you look away okay [Laughter] okay I okay close the door close the door how do you close the door oh I close the door behind

You wait so what do I do now you have to go around to the side all no I’m still looking at it Oher whoa did you are you trapping me out here are you trapping me out here what are you doing 2 at 360 am I am I crouching yeah how do you

Uncrouch oh control but I’m playing on an Xbox controller oh um I don’t know there’s got to be a way oh there there we go I found it oh so creepy I don’t know how to get out of here oh yeah you oh this is so scary whoa whoa whoa I

Found the door out oh thank goodness all right come on we got to go all right you actually I’m not going to hit you bro I wouldn’t do that I would do hey I would if if you gave listen if you gave me permission to hit you I would just to

See what happens why cuz what happens if I hit you with it I it it just deal damage to me unless I’m like the low oh it actually does damage to you yeah oh gosh I’m not going to hit they’re mad they’re mad careful oh crap oh Buffer No oh come on dang it oh no okay let’s get in let’s get in how much how much space does lethal company take do you know how much I love your videos Raina Thorn you love Raina have you SE um wait which uh Rena Rena how long have you watched my

Videos I don’t know how I do that okay I’m just going to take off I don’t know how I’d go down and get yours we still got just alone is that’s good um I love your videos wait so I think knoxify should be oh he can’t even

Hear me muffer can’t even hear me right now mu effort should just go beehive has a lot of value yo knoxify knows how to play this game we’ll see if I can invite him now yeah oh I can’t yet apparently oh yeah we’ll have to restart the game since we already

Started oh so I have we have to like exit out and everything uh just at the lobby we just restart the lobby all right let’s go it’s like 360 megabytes thank you oh Raina you found my videos two days ago well I’m so happy you’re here we have a nice little Community

This is a community of nice people um wait how do I invite friends I want to invite friends what is this what’s happening I’m clicking exit it doesn’t exit there it is that’s what I’m looking for muffer and then invite friends noxy I think it invited them there’s one

Of them mhm that’s muffer let’s see if knoxify said yes hey so I’m kind of Confused nox by let’s go wait now it won’t let me hit the button invite friends oh there we go now it did where is he bacon flake you’re taking too long actually we’ll wait for you though we’re patient oh you know what that means muffer guess what time it

Is oh do do the muffer do the muffer do the muffer I’m going to do the sprinkler I’m going to do the sprinkler it’s a sprinkler it’s the wild hose it’s the wild hose it’s the wild hoose oh oh do the Jammy Let’s Jam Let’s Jam get it in

Go muff go mu it’s your birthday it’s your birthday it’s YouTube Every Day birthday muffer in the building yeah yeah yeah do the hip thrust do the hip thrust do the shake do the shake what else can you do with one hand like this what else can you do let’s

See I can do the point do the let’s go mother is your birthday pink and purple are your favorite colors I don’t know what else to uh Hey Oh Raina Raina Thor I have a question for you you’re a kid with a wiggly tooth my goodness you’re that young so you must be

Like well not according to her profile picture she’s got 16 subscribers now now you have 17 oh and you actually upload videos but not for eight years that’s cool um Google Translation is weird so I’m just going to say something and leak it your mother must be very beautiful

Man thank you oh uh I so I’m gonna invite bacon flake one more time and see if he can respond now and I’m going to reply to I’m gonna ask Brazil something Are you a girl am I saying that righto um meno noxi is playing lethal company but is he accepting my friend

Request I he just whoa whoa what oh that scared me where’s knoxify it just popped up on my thing saying he’s playing lethal company and I want to see if uh baby tooth your mother must be very beautiful that’s so nice how do I say my mother is a gy me Uma

Hoya um now noif is messaging me he said something is wrong with his lethal company or something I don’t get it let me see what he says in the chat B I’m G to ask baby uh bacon flake what’s going on while muff does the dances and I’m G to keep talking to

Brazil I use my mom’s account oh cool uh my lethal company just keeps crashing oh bacon flake you mind if we keep going question mark um I think we should just keep going okay we can catch we’ll catch him on the next round I guess so that’s

Fine what should we take is that a pro flashlight okay we got to pick a moon yeah I’ll let you do that hold on mat hey that’s how you say legal lethal company in Spanish comp what is he here oh look at that hey it’s like my uh room now where I

Stream he yeah oh it makes me feel at home did you buy those yeah take off whenever you’re ready okay uh do we just hit e uh Yep amig uh you could take that flashlight there or in the flashlight there in the middle of the room I got to order of some more I don’t know where they land oh yeah up here Starburst in the comment section I will watch your videos every day wow that’s the greatest that’s what

Every YouTuber wants to hear um so thank you I appreciate that Um all right Let’s I like your Spanish me me mean wait me mean say I only know how to say I need to practice Spanish that’s the only thing I know how to say I I only know the I’m curious Raina Thorn what country are you from yeah I only know the uh the what is

The numbers of Spanish like the first like 10 numbers hey that’s the start this game is random and spooky in case you didn’t Know nothing up here who just oh noxy Matt you’re forgetting to scan around what do you mean scan around what do you mean bacon flake you kind of set it right oh sweet I like your Spanish you kind of set it right cool all right there’s a whole there’s a whole big area

Up here hey bacon flake said I’m I’m supposed to be scanning around did you already go downstairs uh yeah okay yeah I it it is it is nice to keep scanning what does that mean just watching the walls just just right clicking you scan and you’ll

Whenever you in your oh how do I do that in Xbox controller no I just dropped my flashlight no how do you scan around again I think it’s Y no it’s not X why why is it not scanning oh there it is okay found the scan button thank you bacon

Flake you can use it to scan monsters and items nearby sweet what is this hey what is this what is this foggy light uh-oh is there a monster uh possible oh we can’t do it because of the door locking it that’s f normally you’d be able to turn it off

Using like a valve but it’s kind of being blocked it just a steam leak okay thank you knify you have to turn and find the valve I got knify sending me DMS so it seems like you’ve kind of covered this area yeah wait what about this door did did you guys think

Rus want to grab that okay wait grab what oh that yeah all right come on I think it was this way Google Translate in espol in elat oh you got to run fast Matt go wait why cuz I’m holding this why is it tell me to you don’t have

To monsters will spawn Once you pull it out dude well I mean mon Monsters are going to spawn anyways but I mean it’s not a big a problem 62 and we have uh 29 I’ll take stop sign all right let’s go hey is the is the thing I’m holding

Uh worth a lot of money uh 80 80 80 is that’s pretty good yeah how much how much is the Beehive uh The Beehive that we got it was like 138 which is the entire quarter here be careful the mighty dogs be careful though crouching stop talking Starburst Starburst living la Loco

Peros per searching for us you know how to say dog in Spanish is perro pero you know what is hat yes surprised that actually that’s cool all right uh that’s 329 that’s pretty good let’s go okay bacon bacon flake you ready my sister just texted me you’re a

Good YouTuber Matthew I hope you get everything you dream of that’s so nice oh whoops oh no she literally just said oh sorry oh okay maer in the building um mu can we do some more dancing well go muff go muff go mu it’s your birthday it’s your birthday it’s

Your birthday oh fire hose fire hose fire hose the hose are going crazy the hose are going crazy hose are going crazy spraying all over the place I can’t control the hose I can’t control the hose okay now I would like to do my my blury impressions blury

That’s not fair have you seen bluee I forgot we talked about this didn’t we I haven’t seen it but honestly like I really want to watch it even though that I’d get like flamed for it no you will not Bluey is not for kids it’s for

Parents hey it says it says noif is in our crew but he’s he’s asking me to invite me it says crew noxy yeah he’s says he’s in is he just bugged that’s strange9 not bad wait it’s only 819 oh it’s oh you’re in oh you’re in California or something or you don’t you

Don’t have to say where you’re from but I now I know what time zone you’re in uh wait so now I’m stuck outside of the game I thought I was playing I click on lethal company and it takes me to this oh there we go I’m back

So I guess can do we just restart uh yeah we can or or wait and then when I click on kick knoxify out of the group it asks you want to kick muffer out of the group okay let’s quit let’s quit and try to get him in here uh host friends only

Confirm lethal company Raina Thor um um oh I gotta I gotta invite them yeah trying to S text oh you’re already here uhhuh wait how do that I didn’t I was I was able to just join off you on your steam profile oh because I hadn’t even

Sent an invite yet wow so it’s still glitching it’s I don’t think oh wait hey let’s go we got bacon flake in the building in the St Starship let’s go um uh muffer you want to get us going uh your house you to pull the

Lever I I will get a s moon real quick hold on okay my my house my rules my lever off Starburst in the building Spa oh you know what I need to learn how to say that in Spanish um uh spaceman in the building oh also um

There’s stuff in here like anything in here if you want you can use it it’s up to you flights and okay stuff um I’ve got I’ve got something to announce yeah that means spaceman in the building I have no idea what you okay also there’s your flashlight down on the floor grab

That bacon did bacon flake grab a flashlight out of the thing yeah they’re they’re already running wait what where are you guys guys where’ my friends go oh there they are there they are okay just so everybody knows who’s watching this bacon flakes microphone does not work well it works but it just

Makes terrible noises we asked him to mute when he plays with us because because his microphone is just awful it’s really bad he needs to get a new one but he’s 13 so he needs his parents to get him a new one but we want him to play with us

Cuz he’s super good at this game and he is a friend and this after all is called friends with Matt oh oh oh and I want to announce to um everybody watching wink wink wink I want to announce to every everybody watching especially if they live near me I downloaded I’m

Downloading uh it takes two heck no I’m download it hasn’t finished yet um but I am downloading it takes two the real full game it’s about a girl whose parents get divorced and she’s so depressed about her parents getting divorced that she cast a magical spell on them to make

Them spend time together which ends up shrinking them and now there’s both the parents are stuck in the regular world but they’re shrunk so it’s really fun that sounds like the most miserable game but it’s really cool I really want to play a trailer for it oh uhoh what is it a

Monster oh oh oh fell look at him him go what do what do I do what do I do they’re friendly they’re friendly they’re friendly they’re friendly I want to go there’s a land mine where can you take the land mine uh I would not do that

Okay you just want to go out the bank um I might take what I have back to the ship cuz I want to play the It Takes Two trailer while you guys do your thing this isn’t creepy or weird at all just carrying a bunch of bottles to a

Dead end and questioning my existence uh heo I live in America I want to meet you in real life says Raina Thorne Raina thorn I live in Texas and my address is and my social security number is and my phone number is just in case anyone wants to text

Me and that’s about all my personal information so you can use that information how you please and uh I really want to play the trailer for it takes two because there’s a friend I have who lives not too far away that loves the game it takes two and I

Don’t know if my friend who lives close by knows what it takes two game I’m talking about or if it’s the same It Takes Two game or what is going on you know so I’m G to go play the trailer for that just doing a little space grocery shopping 470 we need

484 what about this how about that yeah that works uh1 yeah buffer I want you to take control I want to show the stream the the commercial for it takes two so I don’t know if you want to keep going or if you want to watch it with us do you

Want to watch the trailer with us yeah I’ll watch it with you I’ll just BL stream yes let’s go okay I go to library I got Parker gopex calling me gopex what’s up I’m I’m streaming what my text all right I’ll check my text um I got to watch this commercial

Though for it takes two this is Joseph Faris game director at Haz life and I’m here to show you gameplay of it takes two the game is a co-op action adventure platform forer with a focus on Marrying the story and gameplay okay okay so here okay so listen to this this is really

Cool um I want to turn the volume all the way up here it is here’s the trailer Faris game director at hazelight okay wait I just want to say everyone this is a game I’m GNA play with muffer and it is 100% based on teamwork it’s a it’s a

Two-player game you have to play with two people you can’t play single player and it is like it’s so cool every challenge every puzzle puzzle requires you working with your teammate and so that’s why I’m so excited to play it here’s the trailer I’m here to show you

Gameplay of it takes two the game is a co-op action adventure platformer with a focus on Marrying the story and gameplay you play as Cody and may two parents that have decided to divorce of course this upsets their daughter Rose who creates two dolls that the parents magically turn

Into and with the guidance of a cheesy love book called Drake they have to stay together I will help you fix your relationship you now control Cody and may on this crazy ride reach them we’re tiny the amount of variation is insane there are no similar scenarios every

Scene is unique whatever happens in the story will be reflected in the game play let me show you some examples when Cody and may meet a gang of squirrels in their tree May finds out that Cody let a nest of wasps move in the Wasps now

There are for into a war between the wasps and the squirrels using the squirrel’s Weaponry combine the sap the squirrel’s Weaponry use them to weigh down objects and open New Paths that is so funny this looks so cool this here’s another example this level is about finding Cody and May’s lost attraction

They’re given pieces of a magnet as a metaphor for their attraction that’s so adorable use the magnets to push and pull your way through danger another level is their relationship to time you have no sense of time she is never at home I can’t be

In two places at the same time can I oh unless you want me to clone myself cloning and no sense of time Cody can now control time and reverse objects and may can make a clone of herself to swap places actually most of the levels in

This game will have May and Cody using a new mechanic so depending on what character you’re playing as you’ll have a different experience loing and instead of having Collectibles and other shiny we made the world interactive and fun he just CED we also have a huge amount of mini games spread out throughout the levels for coding made to find and to compete with each other and lastly with the friends pass you only need to buy one cop of the game to play with your friend now have a

Great trip and I hope you enjoy the game I know you will boom all right well that this is muffer do I still need to be quiet H I died wait from what how did we die dogs that got on the ship oh dude I’m sorry you’re

Good is it cuz I was laughing at the squirrel the squirrel is so funny he’s like and you’re going to have to fight the W wasps using the squirrel’s weaponry and then you see a squirrel with this huge gun go boom I don’t know why that’s so funny

Hey we’ll be able to we’ll be able to do that soon oh I love it blow up some was with some goo and a literal mini gun um so is yours downloaded I want to check I’ll be right back I want to check if mine’s downloaded let me look my

Library um where it it was paused because I was playing this game it’s like a quarter of the way through wait oh is that what happened to me oh so when we’re playing a game mine’s like almost halfway dang so this is a really big game yeah I have five

Hours left like exactly five hours so what’s what’s next what do we do next uh well we’re going to be fired but we could just keep playing this if you want okay um um yeah uh so sorry what I’m sorry I was on my phone texting goex um so so

What do we do now just go to the moon go to the company they’re going to kill us on the way or yeah we’ll have to go to one of the moons and just take off unless you want to do a fun run a fun run oh I play well what we

Just go to a planet and we could just go run around and see who dies first or last whatever my bad I did company but yeah let’s do a fun run that sounds let’s do merch do March um Lea D it goes up all right so we just running in uh yeah let’s see hey do you want to do a competition who can die first oh come on uh let’s see who can get eaten by a monster first or I don’t know I’m trying to make it first

Okay I’m a teenager who does manual labor hey I want to I’m going to follow you I want to read this message out loud though from our Brazilian friend I’m a teenager who does manual labor and you know I called your mother beautiful with a double meaning right you know what

This is right I called your mother physically attractive no I oh bye um no I don’t necessarily know do you understand that why is this person calling my mother attractive um what do I say okay I need to say something in Portuguese one second dude I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m typing something I’m

Almost done I’m typing something in the translator so I can send it to the Ilan okay there we go sorry I’m copying it going to the live chat going to the live chat and pasting it boom now I can do what we need to do when I’m about to do this wait is

This oh that must be noxi right in front of me Oh I thought that was muffer where’s uh muffer uh you gonna kill me oh do it do it do it no knify no I just got killed by a 13-year-old sorry man in too I don’t know why whoa what what was

That oh I just did you did you kill noif so I killed myself oh oh knoxify killed me with a shovel he’s just going to run into my body just next to a ladder going to know exactly what happened please okay please paste your text in English

Because it won’t let me copy the text from the live chat there all right this is my favorite part let’s go let’s go Oh here’s how you say thank you in Portuguese oada nobody got muff uh to our disciplinary process what’s happening what’s it’s your fault it’s your fault a you are fired fired well friends I’m going to end the live stream because Starburst is Leaving um well I need to go to bed all right so thanks for playing yeah and welcome to your first day on the job this is your very own autopilot ship where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contract all right all right thank you guys thank you thank you

So much M MW it’s been a great show people love you so much and uh thanks for checking out my video and um yes I uploaded a video today so if you have not seen that go watch it please all right see you

This video, titled ‘playing video games and doing dares’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-16 19:26:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More