Daz Man Reveals Mind-Blowing Texture Pack in Minecraft! Must Watch!

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Ever since the beginning I’ve always said that there are two different types of people who use texture packs in Minecraft there are the people that want to change everything and there are people who just want to improve Minecraft and make it vanilla plus is I fall into the first category but I’ve

Always tried to make content for the second category as well with that being said the texture pack that we’re reviewing in today’s throwback Thursday texture pack review video is clear lcraft by goe Craft it’s currently rated 4.2 stars out of five from 8,259 reviews it currently cost 660 M

Tokens which is equivalent to £3 and 29 in my local currency and it says enjoy all that is good in Minecraft and make it better 64x 64 high quality textures for everything keeps true to vanilla colors and style just better sharp shiny bright and beautiful extra Shades and

Details on every block item mob improved mobs including zombie dragon creeper and more perfect for roleplay with friends 12 HD skins included this getness texture pack Reviewed so as we always start the these texture pack reviews we’re in the menus we’re loading up the resource pack now and there’s nothing changed in the menu so far obviously we do have add-ons in the store now if you haven’t seen I’ve been releasing some videos over the last

Couple days about the new Minecraft Bedrock add-ons so go check those out a little bit of a plug there but in terms of the menu in terms of the texture pack itself there’s no change here whatsoever and I don’t know you know I feel like this is going to be heavily just

Improved improving base Minecraft textures not really adding any flare not really adding any difference we load into the world now and when I was doing the intro I can’t say I noticed too much immediately though the sky is different there is a definite Sky Box going on

Here the clouds have changed we got planetary systems out over there and we’ve got the Sun in the sky looking around the world honestly if you told me I’d loaded into a world with no Tech extra pack I would completely believe you right now this I don’t know on one

Hand and because I like changes I feel like this hasn’t done anything whereas somebody who looks at these types of texture packs that just improve Basse Minecraft probably looks at this and thinks it’s done a great job because it’s captured what makes Minecraft Minecraft we’re going to see throughout

This review which side is correct I’m going to try and be as fair and honest as I can remember I do buy these texture packs so I can give you my honest reviews and opinions so make sure you leave a like let’s get down there let’s

See what the blocks look like closer and let’s see what the passive mobs look like so we’re obviously going to need to look for a little bit of a grassy area get some mobs spawning in we can have a look at the Lea textures and stuff like

That so okay so there are definite changes to leaves oh wow there’s a lot going on here I don’t really like that not like I like the texture change I just don’t like what it’s changed to if that makes sense it looks almost a little bit wormy I like this one though

This one feels nice and I like the transparency as well the transparency is very very good you can definitely see straight through here so there are changes the grass has changed okay so there are there are subtle changes it’s not changing the world drastically but there are subtle changes let’s have a

Little look oh These are nice this is what is Vines right yeah that is nice Vines vage that vinage I can get behind that vinage that vinage is very very nice then we’ve got the mangrove Roots here as well streaky now to be honest with you I don’t know what Mangrove

Roots are actually supposed to look like so I’m not really sure what to do on that and I don’t mean in Minecraft I mean in real life um this pig looks very shocked like he’s seen something he shouldn’t have seen it’s a very grainy texture though to give some form of

Detail to give a form of texture but the eyes what’s wrong bro what happened to you got a little bit of 3D ISM there as well with the nose popping out no tail sticking out there though the tail is 2D we got the Sheep as well oh wow these

Guys have definitely seen something they shouldn’t have seen it’s almost like they’ve been shocked into existence right here I do like the shading I do like the kind of blotchiness just adding detail and a little bit of noise to the Mob very very nice carry on looking

Around the dirt texture looks nice I do like the dirt the grass I mean we’re not in the best bu to be looking at grass in all honesty do we have any cows or chickens so we’ve got two chick two cows over here sorry not two chickens we got

Two cows I’m liking the markings it’s not a massive change from base vanilla Minecraft which is what is to be expected now remember 660 mine coins or mine tokens so it’s kind of up to you on whether or not it’s worth it but yeah okay I mean the I I’ve been

Taken out of it completely complely by the eyes right the eyes are just making me think what the hell is going on here do you know what I mean you’re seeing it and it’s just he knows he’s about to die it’s like he’s seen me I’ve seen him he

Knows what’s coming and I know that I’m getting my next meal that’s the feeling that I’m getting here to be honest with you where are some chickens we got a little I want to say a horse could be a donkey that’s a grass block uh it’s a

Horse okay nice markings on the horse though I like that and his eyes look a bit his eyes are better yeah okay that the horse’s eyes are better I can live with the horse’s eyes do we have any chickens oh we got a llama no look look

At this guy again it’s almost like a cartoon trying to show you that he’s been brainwashed he’s under brain control there I don’t know mind control not brain control mind control we’ve got a chicken here hiding in the gr look even his eyes are massive it’s very um armman very Wallace

Grommet style if you know that reference then welcome to the channel um other than that though it is just very standard not much to see here which is crazy because of his eyes um yeah okay it’s weird that out of all of the things that you could change that’s the change

That you would do to the eyes but okay fair enough not a ton to see here in all honesty but it has definitely captured the Minecraft Essence here any changes do not stick out at all they do not feel jarring at all this feels yeah you’re definitely getting what you pay for so

Far let’s head over to the Village behind me and let’s see what Villages look like okay so before we get to the Village we do have an outpost here Pillager Outpost I’m seeing absolutely no changes really maybe a little bit of a tweak to the armor set but no real

Changes the chest looks kind of polished which is nice the blocks the wooden blocks look cool this seed by the way it should be down in the description has absolutely everything you’ve got a witch’s fire witch’s Hut over there you’ve got an outpost here you got a village there

Everything is so close together um in terms of the blockage though the wood planks they kind of polished kind of smooth bark has a little bit of a change added texture there bit of detail I see it I can see what’s going on here I don’t hate it which is definitely a good

Thing it’s definitely not a texture pack that I would be using over and over again though but anyway we’re here to see the village so let’s just pop over to here and have a look at how the buildings are built and how The Villages look so you know what this is probably

Going after what I’ve just said Cobblestone looks really nice it looks like bits of Cobble it looks like pellet rock it looks like Cobblestone I yeah okay that is actually an improvement over for vanilla in my opinion right there this has just earned its vanilla

Plus tag in my opinion the blocks like I said that the planks sorry like I said um they feel kind of polished I like the shades I like the blotchiness to add detail as well that is nice very nice hay bales here as well do we have a

Golem while we look around for him we can also have a look at The Villages now okay so you need your eyebrows done mate these are looking very very evil in terms of villagers but other than that they just look like Minecraft villagers can we have a little look can I get in

The water there like there look at that he looks mad like he’s cooking up a very very evil plan I don’t know if that’s just me um but other than that the shape the shades it all feels very vanilla it’s a shame that doesn’t look like there’s any diverse Villages which is a

Shame like I said then you got the Iron Golem I like this little vinage going on over him almost like he’s got um glow bberry Vines going over him I know that’s not what they’re called but I can’t think of what the word is um other than that though yeah just standard what

Is going on with his arm why can’t we see down your arm okay weird detail there okay very nice doors and trap doors yeah I can see that see it’s weird right cuz some of these blocks feel like they have tons of texture tons of detail

Like look at that door it feels like it has a ton of texture and detail but then I suppose a lot of it does really when you look down at the nitty-gritty block it does but then when you pull away you lose a lot of that detail and

You kind of resort back to the Minecraft world but you can still see the detail in the door and the trapo that’s a really weird effect they’ve done well to do that to be honest with you in my opinion but yet no craziness going on here I am a big fan

Of that Cobblestone though and I know I know I repeat myself a lot when I’m doing these texture pack reviews these reviews they’re not scripted I I say what comes to mind I don’t check out the packs before the videos so if you’re going to tell me off in the comments

You’re more than welcome to just do it politely yeah people do like to tell me off in the comments for constantly repeating myself I’m sorry it’s just how I talk but yeah let’s get it to night time and let’s see what the Hostile Mobs look like

So the Skybox really comes to life at night I really do it looks a lot stronger at night than it did during the day you see a lot more detail here that is very very nice as a Sky Block it’s a shame we’re in an acacia biome but we’re

Just going to roll with it I do like ACAA biomes though what’s down there interesting okay uh so we’ve got zombies zombies looking kind of plain I always do like the detail of like torn shirts and stuff like that though there’s no way they’d be clean and Polished and

Just you know well kept I like that his top is partly tucked in and partly not as well then you’ve got the skeleton over here oh okay not sure I’m a fan of the face he looks like he’s been crying other than that though nothing too crazy

Okay we’ve got creepers over here this is like mob Central right here so the color scheme of the creeper is is very very nice it’s almost a little bit dirtier and a little bit grittier than uh base creeper textures the face the markings on the face feel like they’re a little bit too

Big and they make the square feel weird I don’t know if that’s just me but I mean I’m nitpicking it’s not bad at all not bad at all it has changed a bit more than I thought it would has it made it better I’m not sure

That’s probably for you guys to say down in the comments do we have any spiders I know we’re flying through this texture pack review I really struggle to find things to say about vanilla plus texture packs though but they deserve to be featured and they deserve to have a

Chance to win me over like I like this spider I like the markings it’s an interesting texture it’s not boring it’s not just there this Gea come running out with a dagger how you doing mate you’re all right um yeah I like the markings it’s a pleasure to look at I

Guess is the best way to put that which is interesting I guess so not really too many changes for the Hostile Mobs let’s go over to the Armory and let’s see if the weapons and the armors are looking any different we’re at the Armory and the world generation no real changes to be

Kind of drawing any attention to in all honesty even the ores look kind of syy so I suppose it kind of depends on whether you think you’re getting value for money I mean we’re starting over here now at the leather armor this is one of those texture packs that gives

Kneecaps for some reason I’m not 100% sure but the lever armor just looks very smooth to be honest with you very little detail there you’ve got the color sets looking very very bright I do like the colored water I do like the color sets don’t know why the water is going crazy

In The Cauldron though to be honest with you but okay then you’ve got the armor stands and the wooden tools now I’m not a fan of this to be honest with you it feels almost like they’ve tried to go photo realistic and this probably has something to do with the 64x 64 textures

I’m not a fan of this in my opinion like it’s not not something that I’m really a fan of we’re here at the chain mail I’m a fan of the transparency I like the chain mail though almost gives it a hint of silver and gray as you get lower down

There as well kind of sacrificing a little bit of transparency to add a little bit of Shimmer I can live with that that’s not too bad but then same again that kind of weird effect that comes over I noticed it in the doors and the trap doors in the village it’s

Almost like a photo realism I don’t know man it just doesn’t feel like it works here in my opinion it feels a little bit out of place and now bear in mind this has got a 4.2 rating it’s been available for years many many years like how how

Many like nearly 5 years it looks like in fact 4 and a half they say 4 and 1/2 years so it’s keeping a strong rating for that long so if I think it’s bad that doesn’t mean it’s bad right like there are people are going to love this

Pack it’s just not my C in all honesty iron again very smooth and Polished but really is there any real difference between leather and iron I noticed the leather chest plate looked more like a jacket with the button up section where whereas the iron chest plate looks more

Like a figure hugging still plate but other than that really very little detail here and then again with the photo realistic weapons there doesn’t look like there’s much of a change going across the different sets either so yeah again it’s not really ticking all the bits for me gold looks very simplified

And I I actually do prefer this I haven’t liked the noisier golds that I’ve seen recently as simplified gold this is actually really strong for me I like this armor set not going to keep repeating myself over the weapons nothing change there Diamond very nice vibrant color very basic good shading on

The legs there as well and on the back I can live with this I can live with diamond again though really not much of a change between iron and Diamond but the colors doing it for me there um I just would have been wrong if I had ignored it not much of

Change still the same for the weapons and then never right now neite feels a little bit noisier than the rest I don’t know why maybe they’ tried to bulk it maybe they’ve tried to make it seem beefier you can definitely tell and well I get the impression at least that this

Texture was designed after all of those because it’s a complete change which would make sense because neite came later but yeah it’s not been made in the same style the weapons have though the color set kind of helps it but it feels a bit blurry in all honesty apologies

There had my dogs going crazy in the background let’s head over to the uh gold armor trims and let’s see if they look any different so immediately I’m seeing the benefit of the smoother and quieter gold armor I actually really like these trims from first initial Impressions they don’t feel super noisy

You can actually see the trims this is better than a lot of the more recent texture packs that I’ve done silence still looking loud going to say it every time I’m sure but normally the gold armor is designed without thinking about the trims so everything just feels

Completely noisy when you look at it all this looks really good and easy to see I like this let me know what you guys think down in the comments and let’s head over to the Red Zone and see what redstone’s all about so I’ve still got a dog barking in the

Background if you can hear her I do apologize but we’re going to carry on we’re at the red zone now and we’ve got red stone the block looking the shading looks nice but other than that not real much to speak about I do like this messy kind of blood stain Redstone wiring this

Is very very nice the repeaters there’s an element of photo realism there as well which I didn’t like in the weapons not sure I like them in the repeaters or the comparators just a hint of it though so it’s not too bad with the Pistons they look nice okay not too

Crazy not a lot to shout about there the rails the rails look very polished actually that’s not too bad at all and you’ve got the Observer again a weird effect going on with the eyes there I’m not sure I like that and then you’ve got the dropper and a dispenser whichever’s

Which I always forget okay a little Improvement there and then the daylight sensors and the target blocks yeah it’s again this isn’t really a section for me so let me know if you guys can use these and now let’s head back to the main world and see what the ne looks

Like but we’re heading into The Nether now and that wow okay if that’s what never looks like in the background there it’s going to be not too bad in my opinion the obsidian is very vibrant very nice the portal is just the portal nothing too crazy going on there and

Then immediately look around so yeah we do have this kind of it’s almost a potatoey type block really for lack of a better term I don’t hate it though it’s not crazy at all it’s it’s actually all right to be honest with you the red vibrancy is looking nice but again

Nothing’s really jumping out as being even adjusted as much the ne I suppose is the closest to it we’re going to have a little look at these uh piglins over here they are piglins I always get wrong yes they are piglins good good good and then like I say the blue vibrancy is

Very very nice do we have any Ghasts around I’m not expecting too crazy going on here it should definitely be said though I haven’t seen anything that I don’t like entirely maybe the eyes of the passive mobs being a little bit out there but other than that it’s not been

Too crazy now this G going to turn around okay subtle very subtle there I was expecting a weird face I was expecting crazy eyes no I kind of like that what’s going on on his head there I’m not really sure what that marking is supposed to be for

Maybe like his ears or something I don’t know but yeah okay that’s not too bad that isn’t too bad at all it’s very small subtle changes but it’s definitely what makes Minecraft Minecraft so you’re definitely getting what you would expect that was weird I I genuinely didn’t know

That there was a fortress here so that is very very weird let’s pop into here then and have a look but yeah you’re definitely getting your money’s worth you just have to kind of decide whether or not you want to spend that money that’s a very polished zombified piglin

Right there okay I like the color set he looked very clean do we have any blazes or wither skeletons around oh yeah we’ve got wither skeletons now that works the face works a lot better here in this color uh set than it does in the standard skeleton

The red eyes as well okay that works and you know what I don’t know I was going to say the swords don’t take away too much maybe they don’t take away too much maybe it’s because we’re in a darker setting I’m not sure I I I kind of tolerated them there

Which is worth saying do we have any blazes yes we do we’ve got a blaze over here now and okay so they’ve gone back to the weird eyes this guy’s seen some stories here as well other than that though the detailing the shading very very nice I like the color sets the

Color sets have been very good in this entire pack in all honestly that chest is facing the wrong way but okay and then we’ve got not much else going on over here again nothing too offensive nothing too crazy all in all I kind of do like it to be honest with you it’s

Not too bad let’s head over to the end and let’s see what the Ender Dragon is saying so we’re loading in to the end now and okay endstone has a little bit of detail going on here and you know what it’s not harsh at all void looks

Good we’ve had some really bad voids recently what’s going on with the Enderman here not too much it’s a darker black there with a little bit of detailing going on that’s nice though it’s nice very subtle very very nice yeah it’s not difficult to look at the

Void it’s not difficult to look at the endstone which like I said in previous texture packs that we we’ve done recently has been very very tough to look at and then with the Ender Dragon herself so I’m thinking my Minecraft or Minecraft in general is broken because I

Don’t remember the tail always being like that in terms of the skin and scale so the color set is just standard there’s no real change here which is to be expected makes Minecraft Minecraft right the Ender Dragon looks like the Ender Dragon which is very very cool

It’s not often that I get to see a uh vanilla realism Ender Dragon and then there’s a bit of detail there it’s almost like she’s made of Louis Vuitton I don’t know if anybody else was getting that kind of a fabcy skin let’s see if

We can get her to come back down again and just have another look she’s going to tease us here isn’t she right so she’s perching up again so we can have a little look just really quickly you you get some form of fabcy nature on the skin okay it’s a little

Detail you’re not going to really notice it that much when you’re playing around in the world so it’s not too bad at all let’s head over to the ancient city and let’s see if the warden can end this on a strong note so let’s get the lights turned on

Down here and immediately we’re in a skull heavy ancient city and you know what I like it I like it I suppose maybe it’s because I don’t get to see the normal skulp colors as often anymore with all of the texture packs that I’m using I use about three texture packs a

Week these days to be honest with you so I don’t actually see the base uh textures as often as I would like so sometimes just the standard color set really hits well and I think this really does hit well the blocks looking polished and clean helps as well yeah

This looks nice to be honest with you really does this get the warden in here right so so I think the warden’s going to just start to appear here we go climbing up here we’ve just got standard color sets standard design looks a little bit clean a little bit

Polished but there isn’t too much here to really say anything about which has kind of been the overall feeling of the pack it’s yeah it’s Minecraft it’s Minecraft um what is there to say about the pack so in all honesty you can probably tell obviously we’ve had a few

Issues with my dogss in the background and stuff which has kind of ruined the flow of the texture pack recording but I found it difficult to be inspired by this texture pack I found it difficult to kind of find things that are amazing about it and that’s not because the

Texture pack is bad it’s because it’s not a type of texture pack that I would like to use right I like the ones that change a lot of things I’ve said it so many times now I could probably get it on a T-shirt and nobody would buy it but

With that being said I mean I’m going to give it a seven out of 10 which is just slightly above average it’s probably slightly below what everybody else gives it you know I think it had a 4.2 rating that it’s about 8 and a half really if

You double it into a 10 rating um but the main reason for that is again it’s not a pack I would use if I wanted vanilla plus I would just use vanilla that’s kind of my opinion on it but there are people out there that want vanilla plus and I can completely

Understand it it’s your choice it’s your money it’s your texture pack do what makes you happy right you’re correct I’m wrong 100% things that I didn’t like about it though um the eyes on the passive mobs didn’t really like it didn’t really like the photo realism of the weapons that

Wasn’t the greatest in all honesty that kind of yeah it took me out of it a little bit going through the Armory things that I did like to end on a positive note it’s very polished it’s very vibrant colored I really like the sky box as well that looked very nice

Especially at night that looked very very nice and yeah you get what you were expecting because it does keep that Minecraft Factor you know it does capture the magic of Minecraft it doesn’t change too much and take you out of it so if that’s what you’re looking

For it’s a good pack let me know what you guys think of the pack down in the comments check out the other videos I’ve been putting out recently as well a little bit a little bit different texture pack reviews but we’ve been focusing on the Minecraft bedro add-ons

If you’re new to the Channel please do hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to drop a comment com down below and leave a like if I didn’t say it I comment what I said I’m a little bit all over the place thanks for watching everybody Peace

This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Clear Craft Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-02-22 18:00:03. It has garnered 452 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:39 or 1659 seconds.

Another Throwback Thursday comes around, so its time to check out another Minecraft Bedrock Texture Pack from years ago, such as the Clear Craft Texture Pack, available in the Minecraft Markplace, created by GoE-Craft!

⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join

Streamlabs Daz Man Merch Store: https://streamlabs.com/dazman2/merch

The Clear Craft Texture Pack takes everything thats great about Minecraft Bedrock and looks to make it better. Keeping the vibe of Minecraft Bedrock, while also adding 64×64 textures and extra shades on every block, the Clear Craft Texture Pack is available for 490 minecoins.

Is the Clear Craft Texture Pack succeeding at improving Minecraft Bedrock?

The Link to the Clear Craft Texture Pack: https://www.bedrockexplorer.com/@goe-craft/clear-craft

The Link to more from GoE-Craft: https://www.bedrockexplorer.com/@goe-craft

Minecraft World Seed: 2600504823866770717

The Link to all my Minecraft Texture Pack Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO8lIscapi6agg5-KZNOFr0GF4_4mLiZB

#Minecraft #Minecraftbedrock #ClearCraft #Texturepack #minecrafttexturepack #MinecraftTexturePacks #ModdedMinecraft


00:00 Start 00:22 Texture Pack Info 01:28 Review Begins 03:10 Passive Mobs 07:12 Villagers and Villages 10:56 Hostile Mobs 13:12 The Armoury 17:56 The Redzone 19:10 Nether 22:23 The End 24:13 The Warden

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• Lord Vader • Mr Fhd • Pilly Baul _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Enquiries: [email protected]

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    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More

  • Raju’s Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider’s Storm SMP Showdown

    Raju's Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider's Storm SMP Showdown Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where the players roam, In the land of Storm SMP, where legends are known. Raju sacrificed for SenpaiSpider, a tale to be told, In the realm of gaming, where the brave are bold. Killer’s Lands channel, a teaser so grand, With Minecraft challenges, a mod in hand. MS Gaming Zone, where heroes unite, In the world of gaming, where battles ignite. Join the adventure, with Killer’s Lands in sight, Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might. For in this world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every player’s journey, a tale to be… Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Kerem’s Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft!

    Kerem's Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft! In the city, the Evil Mafia reigns, Kerem Commissioner sneaks in, no chains. Will he defeat them, save the day? Or will the Mafia make him pay? The guards check IDs, no room for error, Kerem must be sly, a secret bearer. But in the end, he’s caught in the act, Will he escape, or face the fact? Under the train, a risky move, Kerem’s disguise, will it prove? The guards are fooled, but not for long, Kerem’s mission, right or wrong? Into the city, Kerem goes, To face the Mafia, his foes. Will he succeed, or meet his… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] you [Music] n [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] Gamers hello why is it not pulling up Minecraft oh I know why cuz I didn’t do that oopsie hello Gamers how are we doing hello [Music] Gamers uh chat that’s uh not chat but now there we go how are we Gamers um I will be hopping in Discord in just a second here let I get everything ready whoa there I am hi Gamers hi gamers hi Gamers Gamers Gamers hi humans and vtubers hello fish being let me just uh shink… Read More

  • Going Insane in Minecraft

    Going Insane in MinecraftVideo Information it’s kind of [Music] awesome is that real are you today I played the insanity mod in Minecraft actually it was yesterday but we don’t talk about that this is one of the scariest mods I’ve ever played in Minecraft it adds a little icon in the corner of your screen that controls your sanity it’s kind of like the game don’t starve where if you go into darkness you lose sanity but I didn’t know that by the way YouTube says that two people are subscribed so please subscribe anyways enjoy the video I don’t know how… Read More

  • Unveiling Dronio’s Face in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Unveiling Dronio's Face in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской я показываю лицо я реально его покажу Если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь о’кей и прежде чем вы что-то сделаете это случилось быстрее чем я думал ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется Итак добываем дерево и что зачем вы опять поставили лайк и подписались пожалуйста прошу хватит это делать и Вау кажется я нашёл деревню И что Зачем вы так быстро ставите лайки и Подписывайтесь Ладно бежим скорее в деревню Ой здесь есть кузница в ней у нас стоп… Read More

  • ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!

    ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!Video Information hey everybody and welcome back to lead ditions and the we there was no audio and mouse now I’ve made a little bit of expanding for the trios space as you can tell it’s is still in [Music] progress but it is being worked on off screen um reason I’m doing it off screen is because so I do not and of course I am using a gr skin yes why not bring girls in game School anyways So today we’re going to be what put where to go didn’t oh the go on from Wich I forget… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #Shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #ShortsVideo Information oh my Lord and all my days the Iron Golem has a face they’ve done it guys they’ve merged iron golems and villagers this is the iron villager oh my days look at that he looks like he’s like holding in a fart it’s okay bro when nobody’s looking you let that out okay look at that amazing costume though we’re going to take a risk and go behind him here don’t let it out now mate um yeah that is nice that’s a nice costume nice outfit very very futuristic pack here this looks like This video,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVE

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVEVideo Information हेलो गोल्डी हेलो गैलेक्सी हेलो डेविल थैंक यू सो मच फॉर जॉनिंग माय स्ट्रीम गा प्लीज लाइक कर देना फर्स्ट एंड माइक ऑन करो जी हमने कर लिया माइक ऑन दो सेकंड बस दो सेकंड में आ गया ए आहा सर्वर ऑन करो फटाक से लाइक करो या स बंद खेल लेते कम से कम लाइक तो बनता है ना गल ओ हो लेट नाइट के ऊपर आ जाओगे आज आप सही है गिवन ब्रदर मैंने आपका आमर ट कर दिया तभी मेरी लाइट गोल हो गई बदर जैसे आपका कर मैंने तो मेरी लाइट गल हो गई… Read More

  • XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizo

    XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disociado… #twitch #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by xBrandonUwU on 2024-05-03 03:12:00. It has garnered 425 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥

    INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-15 22:38:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in… Read More

  • OasisSMP

    OasisSMPLifesteal/Survival Active staff, Events, Giveaways and more! Unleash your inner warrior and conquer the wildest survival challenges on our high-stakes server. Raid, pillage, and unleash chaos upon your foes as you battle for supremacy in a cutthroat world. Embrace the rush of adrenaline as you thrive in an environment where raiding and griefing are part of the game. Show off your cunning strategies and formidable skills, and let your legend be written in blood on OasisSMP. We’re always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed,… Read More

  • MeinKraft Nostalgic: Anarchy

    MeinKraft Nostalgic [Anarchy] Gonna keep it short and sweet! MeinKraft is an anarchy survival server themed like an older Minecraft server. No giant hubs, no pay-to-win. Minimal rules enforced and efficient plugins installed. MeinKraft Anarchy is for those who miss an authentic anarchy experience! Hosted 24/7 with lockable chests. Join us at IP: Read More

  • ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills

    ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills Read More

  • Pocket Realm

    Pocket RealmWe’re a new pixelmon server thats looking for members, and we’re slowly adding things and working on other stuff to try make this a nice little community to get away from all the tryhards (this is a non-p2w server)discord.gg/hK8eUHN8R9 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Hard Mode Upgrade

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Hard Mode UpgradeLooks like we have a crit-ically acclaimed meme on our hands! Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let’s Play

    Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let's Play Vanderzone MC Lets Play Episode 9: Trades, Melons & Treasure Expanding the Villager Trading Hall In this episode, Vanderzone embarks on expanding the villager trading hall to accommodate more villagers and trades. The addition of new villagers brings a variety of trade options, from armor to tools, enriching the gameplay experience. Vanderzone’s meticulous approach to design is evident as they incorporate different materials like andersite and wood to create a visually appealing trading area. Automating Composting with Style One of the highlights of this episode is Vanderzone’s creation of an automatic composter for excess seeds. The attention to detail… Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯

    EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯Video Information [Musik] ja halli hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zur finalen Folge hier dieser Staffel bei Minecraft in genau gesagt in der 205 mittlerweile aber ohne experimentelle Futures ne für die die jetzt er eingeschalten haben genau wir wollen in dieser Folge gegen den Witter kämpfen und darauf haben wir uns auf jeden Fall vorbereitet ne ich habe mir ja noch mal eine neue Rüstung gemacht nachdem ich meinen guten stuff wo ich lang dafür gegrindet hab verloren hab habe ich mir noch meine neue Rüstung gemacht und in der letzten Folge haben wir uns den Helm hier noch… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat:https://discord.gg/UUMhWxPc … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: play.infaru.gay Website: infaru.gay Read More