Discover Xatrix’s Secret Link! (Shocking Theory)

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The universe of Minecraft is vast with secrets and subtle intricacies even with all we’ve brought to the table on this channel there is much more to discuss about the very nature of these worlds and with the recent introduction of breezes and the trial Chambers even at their current unfinalized state they

Still bring quite a bit of new law to Minecraft whilst we’re not focusing on the trial Chambers today as that’ll be part of the next big Theory video for my 5K sub special thank you all so much by the way we’ve grabbed five topics from suggestions from the whole time I’ve

Been doing Theory videos diving into the lore of the breeze what the witches and their presence in Minecraft Legends brings to the table the unusual properties of fungi the shrouded past of the mushroom monstrosity and the secrets of the endermites if you enjoy the video consider subscribing and to start we

Must once again Journey back to a time of Legends in Minecraft Legends blaze rods are a commonly used tool and weapon of the pigin forces not only do their Blaze runs throw them as Spears but their more Advanced Technologies such as Blaze Rod towers and armored Towers utilize these

Rods as well yet with all of these blaze rods there are no Blazers with this we are presented with two interesting possibilities as we know the piglins especially the horde of the Bastion were fueled by greed and Conquest in their height of power to fuel their Endeavors they needed resources resources such as

Netherite in both Legends and dungeons we see structures that they had built made of this material in their Machinery giant drills as well as physical labor were used to mine more netherite until it was all gone the official page from the Minecraft nether update States pure netherite the strongest most durable

Material in Minecraft is no more piglins mind it all out now the only way to obtain It Is by salvaging netherite scrap from ancient debris we know that the piglins mined out all the netherite ore by assumption we could deduce that perhaps Blaze as a material could have been another thing ripped completely

From the nether why do we say blaze as a material well blazes themselves show us why blazes are seemingly impossible in their structure their spinning rods and ability to hover are fascinating but their blaze rods which we’ve mentioned hold the first key to understanding them

After all they are rods and rods are not something you would typically associate with any kind of natural creature according to the Oxford dictionary rods are described as a long straight piece of wood metal or glass metal let’s take a listen to the sounds of the blazes now

Do you hear that metallic clanking Blazers are not just some natural creature of the nether they are golems the fact that they only ever appear guarding structures such as Nether fortresses is incredibly supportive of this idea but even here there’s more to discuss another possibility of Blaze as

A material is that it may not have been mined at all perhaps more likely it was created the piglins are very Adept with fire their structures are fortified with Towers which rain blaze rods and sometimes explosives upon their enemies they’ve even constructed lava coils which use heat itself to create a shield

Around their portals the leader of the most technologically advanced group The hord of the Bastion known simply as the unbreakable also utilized magma cubes creatures made of living molten rock as a weapon for its own usage as another example the lava launcher is a mob attached with a cannon that stretches

Out a Magma Cube and fires it as just another projectile of normal molten rock the piglins clearly know how to use fire very well to the point where they can change fiery substances themselves a type of alchemical process almost very successful a kind of rubido even they

Might have forged a brand new material at some point one that would act as a highly versatile weapon one so fascinating that others couldn’t help but try their hand with it eventually a new type of creature would be made the blaze but why stop there why not make

More the breeze was born too a counterpart for a different type of environment still made of a more solid and perhaps metallic material of the Winds themselves as we hear in their hurt sounds but the question remains who created them really for that we will have to

Wait for that answer in a future Video witches are one of the more mysterious aspects of Minecraft however for a long time it hasn’t been because of them really ever being complex or overly intricate in their law more so it’s because there simply wasn’t enough to talk about overall however things have changed lately with witch culture

Being expanded in Minecraft dungeons earlier and more so with their law being iterated on in Minecraft Legends latest update there is now so much more substance to actually dive into beginning with Legends of course witches are found in an interesting spot upon entering the scene witches are already

There in the world not only that but they are villagers themselves wiches can be found up in their Huts keeping themselves mainly at first like the other villagers they refuse to join you in your fight at most they’ll attempt to use their bruise in an attempt to defend

Their own villagers but what exactly is their role in all of this witches are typically more known for their offensive bruise well to get a clue as to their role in the village we can take a look at the song book the Minecraft Legend song book States these powerful

Alchemists have had enough of the piglins and they’re ready to throw their potions into the fight most importantly they are referred to as Alchemists this makes sense due to their magic and usage of potions but there’s more one of the goals of alchemy according to the Mariam

Webster dictionary is the discovery of a universal cure for diseases and the discovery of a means to indefinitely prolonging life essentially finding cures for ailments and creating healing Elixir this actually matches up with what we know witches to do witches often brew potions of healing for themselves

But can also throw them at illes during raids in the original game in Legends after you help them defend a village from a piglin Invasion and gain their trust they gift you the secret to their bruise The Cauldron which strengthens your allies in battle they may have emerged in villages as early herbalists

And Medics using natural materials and ingredients for healing bruise in fact this is similar to The Witch Doctors of real life which act as healers using more traditional and spiritual means of medicine they would separate from the villagers just as the Warriors would have being replaced by what we now see

As the Villager clerics perhaps their own eagerness to experiment with the bruise is what caused their division as piglins invade Legends they seem very eager to use their potions on these foes they don’t actively hate villagers again they seem to mostly keep to themselves suggesting their split might have been

More so due to gradual changes in customs and culture although they do assist the illers in raids they never directly attack villagers ever witches seem to represent a more neutral third party in the Overworld they don’t have any real resentment towards villagers but they’ll do what they have to if it

Benefits them doing it on your own can be hard though so in more current days witches sometimes band together to form communities known as covens where they practice their bruise and Magic as we see in Minecraft dungeons within the Soggy swamp level however the swamps may not be the only location The Witches

Reside in Minecraft dungeons witches have found in more places other than just the swamps of the Mainland within the dingy jungle and Panda Plateau levels they can be found abundantly throughout this Jungle Island in fact not only can they be found roaming around but some interesting structures

Can be found here as well for example the DJI jungle has a chance to generate structures known as jungle hats which are cabins made out of various jungle woods with a couple of artifacts kept within such as old statues oddly enough witches often make their settlements

Near ruins like what we see here in the Soggy swamp and more to come the presence of books here which aren’t seen anywhere else in the Island’s ruins and lit torches also lets us know that these sorts of places are still inhabited likely by The Witches we see throughout

The level this isn’t the only structure we see like this however within the panda Plateau we can spot another structure that is extremely similar although less overgrown in a more intact State we find ourselves the bamboo cabins like the jungle hats they’re made of the same materials and even have

Roughly the same exterior however hence their name their walls and floors are aligned with bamboo the same regarding the jungle hat can be said here interestingly though though bamboo cabins can generate in multiple different areas in the level one can appear at the beginning and one can appear near the end signifying the

Several settlements that these witches have built for themselves all over even here this is not where the witch’s reach ends Minecraft dungeons also reveals to us that witches may also dwell within snowy biomes as well this is made evident primarily with the level lust settlement which takes place in a

Glacial region dotted with old buildings and structures from a now abandoned mining settlement within this environment witches can be found at a couple of specific locations in the level first to note small stilted Huts can be found throughout the level almost identical in style to those found in the

Soggy swamp these huts and ones found on ground level can more importantly appear in the forest section of this level one of the only two places where witches spawn quite frequently here right before entering this section you have the chance to happen across a side area known simply as the shelter a glacial

Cavern that witches can appear within which also contains a cabin you can enter potentially marking even this extra icy area as theirs but what is the significance of all this well aside from generally noteworthy information there is another structure from the original game itself that could belong to the

Witches the igloo igloos are one of the more interesting aspect of the various snowy biomes lone structures which contain a bed carpet and some basic utilities such as a crafting table and furnace sometimes however Igloo will hide a secret beneath their rugs which when under unveiled reveals a secret

Room within we can find a clue as to how we can cure villagers from underneath with signs and materials left nearby as we now know witches also reside in snowy biomes and their presence is felt here as well from the brewing stand to the coldron the practices of a witch can be

Seen not to mention the fact that witches can also appear in mountainous areas in dungeons where igloos can be found in vanilla within the snowy slopes biome witches are Travelers being found throughout the Overworld World in nearly any location presumably in search of ingredients for their bruise it would be

Expected that they would bring many things along with them and within the igloo we can find signs of this traveler’s Behavior with the Potted Cactus set on the spruce table of the secret room something that wouldn’t normally be found anywhere near a snowy environment where an igloo is set

Witches have been using their bruise for a variety of reasons from Sinister to more well-meaning the igloo is an example of the ladder even if the ethics are a bit questionable although they are strange individuals they are still intelligent in their processes and understand the powers that can be

Utilized in nature watch out when they come for you because they’re prepared for anything ever since the mushroom islands of Minecraft vanilla the fungi of the Minecraft Universe have always been perhaps a source of Niche Intrigue after all mushrooms being able to attach themselves to cows of all things and

Grow massive given the right conditions isn’t exactly the same as our reality however that would only be the start with the nether update and more so now with Minecraft Legends we’ve seen new relationships and attributes of fungi revealed in some rather interesting ways in Minecraft Legends piglins used the

Spores of nether fungi to terraform the environment to make it sustainable for them which we can see remnants of with Netherrack surrounding the ruined portals in vanilla long ago these ancient piglins utilized various types of technology to do this Technologies such as nether spreaders Spore Towers Terror horns and the air Chopper the

Nether spreader Works via a rising piston which smashes down on clusters of netherwart in order to push the spores outwards converting the land to Netherrack Spore towers work in the same way but with more Force exerting more knockback with their heavy capped front frames what Tera horns spread nether but

Even faster with the spores spreading farther air Choppers can then be utilized to blow the spores much further away with a powerful gust of wind as mushrooms are loaded into the device but how does this process even work how do the spores of nether fungi cause these blocks to become Netherrack to answer

That we can take a look at real life fungi bio remediation is the practice of introducing organisms whether native or non-native to heal an environment usually via the consumption of pollutants micro Remediation in turn is the use of fungi in this endeavor fungi have the power to completely change the

Soil helping environments recover from wildfires oil spills and more by breaking down and consuming contaminants according to Leila dawish as mentioned in the article micr mediation brings the fungi to waste disposal and EOS system restoration it is always better and ecologically safer to use native mushroom species when doing any kind of

Restoration work out in the land now imagine the type of damage that could be done if not following through with such advice especially with the use of fungi which have evolved separately in another dimension for so long this is the process which piglins used long ago in their attempt to take the Overworld

Although to a more Fantastical degree with mro remediation as a weapon that could change the very grounds of the Overworld to better fit their needs leaving behind the red block we know as Netherrack and we know this is true because even in vanilla Netherrack is already deeply connected with fungi in

Ways you may not have expected for example let’s take note of the sounds of Netherrack Netherrack sounds very odd it’s obviously a stone type block but it also sounds almost organic at times but if we compare the creaking of Netherrack to that of placing fungi their connection becomes more

Evident not only that but Netherrack and shroom lights share the exact same sounds when you walk across them showing that Netherrack really is fungal treated Rock and soil what’s interesting is however is that most of the nether is completely engulfed in nether implying that first something had

To have caused fungi to become the most dominant organism in the nether fungi most often feed on decomposing matter such as cadavers and rotting plant life this would imply that the nether had a massive Extinction event on its hands at one point which caused fungi to thrive intensely and true to this massive

Fossils can be found of ancient long dead creatures with fungal Roots sticking out of the soils where they are found there were so many bones in fact that entire piglin structures weapons armor and decoration were constructed just by The Horde of the hunt and in The ssen Valleys alone most likely not just

In the Solen valleys either as we can spot multiple fossils within the standard Wilds of the nether within Legends cutcenes this is yet again proof that a massive Extinction event had overtaken the nether at one point the nether is a naturally volcanic environment due to being a cavernous Dimension an especially volcanic region

Makes it home here however the basal Deltas what the narrator of Minecraft dungeons calls a volatile Wilderness of flowing lava and rough terrain Basel Deltas are also described as remnants of volcanic eruptions in the patch notes of the 20 w5a nether update snapshot which implies something greater of them and

This is clear as the eruptions were so bad that Giga counter type noises can be heard as common Ambience signaling considerable radioactivity present within the biome this volcanic activity of the past must be what caused the nether to nearly become devoid of Life leaving countless species dead similar

To the aftermath of the meteor strike which sparked the end of the dinosaurs this this wave of death would have provided excellent nutrition for fungi to feed and spread leaving behind vast traces of Netherrack in their path the article a world ruled by fungi from Science Daily even says something

Similar stating during a very short period from between a few months to a couple of years the fungi and other saites which live on dead organisms must have been the dominating life form on Earth the fungi during this time could have developed radiosynthesis the process of essentially feeding off the

Energy emitted via radiation which is something real fungi species can do very well lava contains many elements including naturally radioactive ones which can be spewed out of the lava itself or even as toxic fumes during an eruption which may explain the radiation present in the Bell delts as well as

What more than nether fungi of today can feed on perhaps the energy from the lava itself according to the article radiation junkies by David oconnell a study recently reported in P one now shows that exposure of melanized fungal cells to ionizing radiation Alters the electronic properties of melanin and

Actually enhances fungal growth which means that the radiation might have helped them to become as complex and Powerful as they are in Minecraft after all many types of fungi such as lyans which are a symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi became far more complicated after the extinction of the

Dinosaurs this is also supported by the article when the dinosaurs died like and thrived which quoted the words of Jen Pang hang the first author of a study in scientific reports detailing the response of lyans to this mass extinction who said we thought that lyans would be affected negatively but

In the three groups we looked at They seized the chance and diversified rapidly as well as some lyans grow sophisticated 3D structures like plant leaves and these ones to fill the niches of plants that died out fungi exists in both the Nether and the Overworld however both being much more complex

Than standard mushrooms so how is this possible well fungi had to emerge from one of these Dimensions first and from what we already know we can figure out which fungi may have actually originated in the nether besides their possible development into complexity which we’ve mentioned before there are other reasons

We can draw to this conclusion the Overworld is sparse in fungi compared to the nether which is heavily abundant in it with seemingly more variety which could indicate that the nether maybe where fungi originates from it is logically also far more likely for fungi to originate in a world we know to have

Vast quantities of complex fungal organisms than otherwise we can also take a look at some of the mushrooms of Minecraft Legends huge brown mushrooms grow differently than in vanilla with drooping features to the Caps similar to huge nether fungi which may imply that at this point the evolutionary process

Hasn’t yet let them diverge as nearly as they have now these mushrooms also still retain their shroom lights which appear similarly to those we also see in Legends these shroom lights seem to be a vest idual structure due to their comparative dimness with nether shroom lights likely from their common

Ancestors with the nether fungi which have since faded due to lack of necessity in the brighter Overworld faded fungal structures that highly resemble nether fungi in the time of Legends that have since faded further indicate that the fungi of our world evolved from the nether after all gaining new evolutionary traits is more

Difficult and rare than losing and reducing existing ones as it requires is some kind of particularly heavy pressure which further amplifies this idea that nether fungi had to have come first now this leads us into our next topic piglins and their relationship to fungi fungi in the Minecraft Universe can

Often engage in symbiotic relationships with complex life as shown with mushrooms clu shrooms and of course piglins more Overworld mobs have a more outright display of symbiosis that changes them greatly which represents the more split evolutionary pathway of Nether and Overworld fungi these relationships primarily form so that the

Fungi May spread to new locations with sheddings of matter and spores for mushrooms and classrooms this relationship is an example of commensalism with the fungus benefits but the hosts gain nothing in a way that is neither harmful nor beneficial nether fungi have more mutualistic relationships with piglins however these

Spores helped the piglins breathe in the Overworld without zombifying a concept not just of Legend as we see with the piglin merchant and dungeons this works similar to how certain fungi work to destroy bacteria which has been utilized to make antibiotics like penicillin to prevent and treat major infections

According to the article Weird Science penicillin in the cell wall penicillin kills most of the bacterial cells but it does not kill them all bacteria resistant to the effects of the antibiotic remain but in small numbers so they can be eliminated from the body by the immune system the fungus seems to

Have entirely replaced the pig immune system as they cannot fight the zombie infection present within them at all without spores and succumb to it fairly quickly this is also shown in regards to the healing factors fungi present to piglins Healing is done primarily by the

Immune system but it is also done by the fungi of the nether itself as seen in Legends with the use of piglin Spore Medics and air Choppers which heal piglins caught in their Spore filled gusts pointing to this immune system like replacement interesting to note is that piglins zombify not just in the

Overworld but also in the end a place with no sign of any zombies zombified piglins are also found in the nether rarely in Crimson forests but most often in places with less nether fungi and by proxy spores such as the nether wastes indicating that their zombie infection originates in the nether itself

According to a now deleted post from Mojang made during development of the nether update when zombie pigman were changed into zombified piglins there is in applied to be a difference between zombies and zombification to quote the article why change zombie to zombified this is a very good question that we’re

Not going to answer just yet there are reasons very interesting reasons and we hope you’ll trust us to take the right time as we make plans for the future of Minecraft this may provide our answer zombies and the most Undead are a product of magic and necromancy much of

Which is fueled by either the night of the Overworld or from the necromancers of a forgotten nameless Kingdom as seen in Minecraft dungeons zombified piglins and zins by association on the other hand are a product of biological compromise of their own bodies it seems more so than magic this could be the

Difference mentioned between standard zombies and zombification which explains why zombified piglins act so differently from zombies of the Overworld who knows what other odd Secrets the natural history of Minecraft may have to offer if it can be as wild is that imagine what it must be like living it

With fungi’s most unusual and diverse variety of abilities it’s no wonder piglins of the past and even present utilized its properties however focusing on that would deny us to some degree on how fungi have played a role in the Overworld the mushroom monstrosity is a fascinating example of this at first

Glance it could appear to some to simp be a redstone monstrosity overgrown with red mushrooms some have presented the idea that the mushroom monstrosity could be the same machine seen in the fiery Forge although now left to rot however this is unlikely when the Redstone monstrosity is defeated its head is

Mounted to the wall of the house at the camp it would also make no sense for the remains of the Redstone monstrosity to somehow make its way to the Mushroom Island all the way from the fiery Forge for no particular reason this construct perh perhaps may not even be the arch IG

Is doing although Archie believes he was the first to construct a monstrosity just as with the Redstone Golems at his side this may not be the case its creation would also bring into question as to why it was simply left there as well as why it was never utilized during

The main story this may be yet another remnant of the orbs past just as high block cap itself had always existed before Arie came to rebuild it this can be implied through the placement of the runes themselves which are needed to unlock what is referred to as the mo

Room which are placed far from each other in very inconvenient places it’s also left open as a possibility in the Minecraft dungeons novel itself as it states in chapter 20 when Archie is considering the idea of the monstrosity he wondered if the idea had come from

Him or had been planted in his mind by the orb he didn’t let it bother him for more than an instant however it is clear that Archie did eventually come to know about this place as made clear from the statues and podium placed straight from high block Castle as well as piston

Launchpads placed on the island itself similar to what is seen in the obsidian Pinnacle indicating a small Expedition here no other signs of major iller occupation exist here though however much relating to these connected locations seems to be older than his rise to power for example places like

The desert temple run rooms show signs of exposure taken over time although the room is hidden away and sealed it’s become Sandy in a way that may not have happened recently given this information this applies to the room part of the high block Halls level as well although

One might believe that this massive Castle to be a new construct from the arch iller Archie realizes this may not be the case at all according to the novel in chapter 12 although they had just built the place in Archie’s mind the cape didn’t seem fresh and new

Instead it felt like it had been there forever waiting to be rediscovered Archie and the orb hadn’t built it but revealed it this is what has happened with the Rune room in high block Cape it had been locked away as well it was one of the few things that remained from

High block Castle originally similar to The Ruins Archie walks past and into within the opening cinematic if you’ve seen one of our previous theories the broken God you’d know that we’ve come to the conclusion that beings of the end had constructed this place long ago for a variety of interesting reasons worth

Checking out in that video and we can see their presence made very clear within the Rune rooms themselves The Run rooms are the secret Areas scattered across the entire mainland in a variety of locations which already have their own histories as entirely separate civilizations from the crypts of the

Creeper Woods to the old forgotten walls of the pumpkin pastures to even the desert temple itself these rooms and their runes are all over their paths are made up of Bedrock supported over a foggy purple sea of stars below these Rune rooms were created by ancient endent in modern days when the endent

Take the Eyes of Ender from the end portal they Retreat to their own secluded areas where they place not only Bedrock but purple Starry void blocks almost exactly the same as we see with the Rune rooms although to a smaller scale when picking up the runes we can

Also hear different Enderman sounds in the ambience briefly when asked about it a lead gameplay developer known as Laura deloren replied stating we cannot say but there might be some Clues later aside from the potential of a new character this also shows to us yet another connection these Rune rooms have

With the end and the beings from it in short these rooms were placed by beings before the Archer lier time even possessing the vengeful heart of Ender’s Vis molded into the golden button of the mro’s locked door something that has never been shown as a symbol of the eler

Empire but rather one of the ends region upon the Overworld as seen in the Gale sanctums Strange Land lters but there is perhaps even more to these rooms and the mushroom monstrosity itself once again the endlings did not work alone as they usually didn’t during this era as we’ve

Explained in the broken God Theory and the ancient iller Theory long ago they spread their influence working with several civilizations from villages to illes and perhaps now witches witches as we’ve discussed hold fascinating secrets yet the runes themselves of these Rune rooms May offer the biggest starting

Clue as to how they fit into all this as we can see the runes themselves display various letters of the iller alt font which is used by both villagers and illers alike despite the name this tells us that alongside endling presence that of a villager type civilization took

Part in the construction of the Rune rooms and likely the happenings of the Mushroom Island itself these rooms are particularly magical hovering and glowing with some kind of power surprisingly witches already have have their own connections with Rune magic already the description of the heart stealer sword States this Rune blade is

Infused with dark wi witchcraft which sets a precedent for witches using magical runes yet there exists a deeper connection between witches and the Machines of enderling Design Within the heart of the Soggy swamp Sinister dealings where we defeat the corrupted cauldron we can find the broken cracked

Head of a redstone Golem this head appears to be quite old sustaining damage with the Redstone dimmed to nothing this head could have been given to them by Archie but it makes no sense as it’s heavily damaged and they have no use for it rather this Redstone Golem

Head may have been an artifact of the witches themselves when the endlings had influence over the Overworld they reached out to several civilizations and if the witches were one of them it would explain the runes and run rooms that led to the mushroom monstrosity since they

Hold a redstone Golem as an artifact it lends further credibility to to the fact that they may have been partially responsible for the creation of the mushroom monstrosity if they’ve encountered similar Technologies it is also important to note that the mushroom monstrosity is not just overgrown by Red

Mushrooms but it is actively designed with this fungus in mind it is able to shoot out explosive mushrooms at high efficiency as well as being able to call upon the mushrooms themselves back up whiches love fungi it is a key ingredient in many Brews in fact the Minecraft dungeons guide book

Specifically saying there are plenty of potion ingredients lying around while pointing specifically at a cluster of red mushrooms if they Lov their potion ingredients a mushroom Island would have been the perfect place to be and they very likely did Venture there upon searching the Mushroom Island the architecture scene consists of many rope

Bridges similar to what we see most often and almost exclusively in the Soggy swamp level where witches reside but in one section which always appears we can find a lone Hut shaped and built with materials almost exactly the same as a witch hut from vanilla Minecraft this Hut also shares similarities with

That of Minecraft Legends both Huts are teaming with fungal life as part of the architecture itself also sharing mushrooms growing up top on the roof the witch Huts of Legends are also covered in various layers of mycelium which implies that witches in their history have Journey to the mushroom islands

Which further aligns with what we’ve presented with the truth possibly unring the presence of endlings and witches becoming clear one last question remains what has caused these typically friendly mushrooms to become so aggressive let’s look at the mushroom monstrosity take note of how it is referred to as the

Mushroom monstrosity and not the mushroom monstrosity which purposely points out the possible relationship it has with mushrooms perhaps this monstrosity has been used to corrupt the mushrooms themselves leaving them angry and subject to its will allowing the machine to summon them when it’s in need as stated in the Minecraft dungeons

Novel rise of the archar by Mike forbeck the Redstone golems and monstrosities are given form then Life by the orbit itself chapter 20 States He zoomed down into it and saw the gollem mold was filled with cooling Redstone the creature was ready to be imbued with

Life all it needed was some help from the orb although the orb has the power to give the Golems life it can do so much more it can imbue the Golems themselves not just with life but with new power even in chapter 15 as Archie Journeys into the molten mountain in

Which he builds the fiery Forge the orb uses its power to keep the Redstone Golem with him safe from the heat itself a bit of the orb’s glow seemed to separate from it and drift out to the creature there it settled upon it coating it from one end to the other and

Then seemed to be absorbed into its Rocky skin immediately thereafter the Redstone Golems strowed forward right past Archie the massive creature walked straight down to to the nearest lava flow and stood by its Edge as if it was contemplating walking straight in then it did just that Archie gasped afraid

That the Redstone Golem would be destroyed rather than melting in the lava though it stood there kneed deep in the glowing rock as if it had just waited into a delightful hot spring if the orb of dominance can provide Power such as that our best possible explanation really does reside within

The mushroom monstrosity itself once a keeper of the witch’s Bine path now left abandoned emites are perhaps one of the oddest aspects of the end their development history leaves something to be desired even with Mojang themselves however they present very interesting World building for the Minecraft Universe in some unexpected ways

Enderman hate them and Ender will attack an Ender upon a glance in the original game don’t mistake this as simply some type of cruel behavior on their part however these cycloptic creatures will attack first if given the chance at least on Bedrock Edition in fact endites

Do not behave at all how you’d expect from an organism such as themselves compared to their silverfish counterparts in Minecraft dungeons their lack of self-preservation is especially unusual in an environment where they could fall at any moment often they will charge straight towards their target with with no regard for their own lives

It is especially made even more puzzling as endermites don’t actually bite the target unlike silverfish rather they stomp at them with apparently magical power they don’t thrust themselves to certain death because of hunger they do it just for the sake of it it seems it is actually unknown if they even need to

Eat and if this is the case it begs the question as to whether anything in the end at all eats for necessity especially given their apparent composition it all makes their role in the end even more unusual their relationship with Ender and likely endlings overall especially so endermites aren’t just found

Throughout the end’s ancient expanse it’s possible for them to be summoned anywhere with the use of an ender pearl something found through slaying Enderman primarily though this may not be the only method we can infer from their presence in structures Enderman took part in creating as we’ve mentioned in

The broken God Theory but what are ender pearls these gemstones are sought after in every speedrun or for anyone seeking to utilize the teleporter abilities they retain most simply chalk it up to some kind of organ however pearls are a phenomenon that exists in real life that

We can compare to pearls are structures which are formed by mollusks such as clams and oysters around an irritant such as a grain of sand or a parasite as a natural defense mechanism some may claim that ender pearls may form from shulkers since they most resemble a mesk with their shell appearance however

Shulkers never actually drop the ender pearls endermen do however their hostile relationship with endermites makes more sense if they were parasitic towards them the question is though how does an endermite infiltrate an Ender’s body oddly enough it seems as if endermites don’t emerge only from ender pearls in

The end portal cutscene for Minecraft dungeons sex and Ascent climb out of the end portal with the gold to deactivated in their mission to keep any more Invaders from entering their world but why did the enderson and the Enderman in this cutscene use the end portal judging from their portal particles and the

Ender already appearing in every Dimension this almost seems redundant let’s analyze the end portals mechanics to figure this one out in Canon as Minecraft dungeons reveals End Portals don’t take us straight to the center of the end similar to the nether portal they teleport us into the end in a

Location relative to our entry point in the Overworld hence why the illes appear with the end portals particles in roughly the same area however unlike the nether portal the end portal isn’t as precise and outputs us in a broad space instead of a specific point as we can

See with the illes and our own starting area in the end Wilds End Portals also don’t create their own entry way to get back from the other side from this information we could deduce that perhaps they had created a link to the portal we see in the stronghold which could

Explain how the end Ascent climbed directly out of the end portal itself their own teleportation between Dimensions might even be as imprecise as an unlined end portal which could explain why they use the end portal at all in this moment and the existence of a link from the other side of a portal

Being built for this purpose isn’t just pure speculation it was once part of the end Wild’s level as can be seen in this image released by the Minecraft dungeons Twitter account before the echoing void DLC released a broken end portal was once conceived as a set piece for the

Dimension if not an End Portal perhaps it would have been something else but nonetheless a link to enter the Overworld directly from the strongholds end portal was set up for this reason of imprecision and this brings us back to the endermites the reason the endent emerged to deactivate the end portal at

All is to stop any more illagers which have been invading the end from entering in the cut scene that portrays this event we see endites emerge from the portal as well crawling away shortly after however only a few endermites are shown to have escaped through this portal but when we arrive at the

Stronghold the Portal’s Still inactive endites can be found not just by the portal room but all over in numbers much higher than what we saw before the only possible explanation being that they had been coming through the end portal for a long time before this moment this should

Be impossible as there should have been no set link in the end to make for an entry way for these endermites to enter the Overworld from so where did these endites come from could they simply have popped into existence from the M portal itself well there may be more to them

Than we first thought the void is the answer the KE to understanding how these creatures emerg from all sorts of different seemingly unrelated places the end portal is formed by void magic listening to its sound effects it becomes more clear with its liquid s consistency on display gurgling and dripping with Etherealness similar to various void substances such as void liquid and making sounds similar to the void effects of course one of its greatest connections with the void is its Starry appearance but even this isn’t all the end gateways are powerful Technologies which allow users to travel

Even vaster distances in the end than is possible with any other type of natural teleportation of course it is obvious that the end portal and the end gateways portal are of the same consistency y appearing identically with even the same idle Ambience so it should come as no

Surprise that any details found in one can tell us a lot about the other the end Gateway as we find in Minecraft dungeons is deactivated but once turned on with a simple interaction summons a shadowy Vortex that reveals the portal within ending the level as we step

Inside this Vortex is the same one as that of the portal pop cosmetic race spawn flare which depicts a dark portal these dark portals can be found within the end hovering above pools of void liquid with endites being able to spawn Within These pools as well as being

Formed by the vengal heart of Ender as part of its void pull ability where endites also spawn directly from this further cement End Portals is that of void magic but what does this all mean well endites miraculously appear from the end portal itself a void based construct they also tend to appear in

Void pools as well as dark portals formed from void power itself not only that but endites are found very abundant ly in places where void is concentrated such as the obsidian Cavern or the obsidian gate Tower which overflows with void liquid and void blocks in its state

Of ruin the heart of Ender can scatter endermites in a manner which seems uncomfortable for it as if they’re an irritant shaking like a wet dog as the endites fly about and it does use voic powers to teleport all around the end as we see in one of the cuts scenes endites

Have a very clear connection to the void similar to endings they are made of the substance being immune to its effects and the harmful touch it has to all just like the endlings however they’re so in tune it seems that they just manifest from it directly perhaps even with the

Enderman themselves as made clear by the formation of pearls inside of them so not only are they parasites but they’re also pests which can emerge from some of their very Technologies making their hatred very understandable odly similar to the Redstone bug from one of the April Fool’s updates as well a developer

Panel for Minecon Earth 201 17 actually provides us with perhaps even more information at one point in development dinon wanted to explore the idea of Ender teleportation and stated so what if whenever they’re teleporting they’re kind of going through this extra Dimension that has this bad stuff in it

Such as endites and whenever they do teleport they leave some of this bad stuff behind this idea never fully developed which is important to note as dinnerbone says right after that was the initial idea it didn’t really come to fruition like that they’re still kind of

There but I don’t think that grand plan is going to be implemented anytime soon the idea that they were from an in between type of place still stuck with them as another developer says that’s interesting though so they are really from an in between place you can say

Although this grand plan was never realized it just may as well have been at least partially reworked into something very interesting this in between World idea may have become the void itself endites last a limited time in Minecraft despawning no matter the distance or tension paid by the nearby

Player endermites also display portal particles just like Ender but lack the ability to teleport which begs the question as to what that detail might be for their despawning behavior may be them being pulled back to the place where they emerged the void hence their particles being pulled inwards towards

Themselves this detail is even found in Minecraft dungeons with their particles displaying the same behavior while Ender particles simply hover and swirl around them suggesting different Behavior after all if the respawn Anchor’s particle movement was important this is certainly worth noting who would have known how interesting endites could have been

However this still leaves a couple of questions why do creatures such as endermites and endings sound like beings from other dimensions who is the mysterious voice speaking to us as we pick up the runes and perhaps somehow more intriguingly how does the endite pet help us understand Minecraft’s first

Enemies while some things can’t quite be answered yet other answers May perhaps be revealed soon with all these secrets being revealed and questions left somewhat answered what do you want to see covered in a future Theory video the next Theory video is a big one branching from the broken God and dark past

Villagers theories so if you haven’t caught up with them give them a watch or try to figure out what type of material Blaze is seeming metallic but also having a powdered form I’d love to see your comments on what it could be or just in general if your theory craving

Has been fulfilled then check out some of my other content thank you all so much for the support so so far I’ve Loved bringing you all videos so far and I want to continue to do so you all make this so worth it thank you for watching

Hope to see you in another video but until then have a good day all Night

This video, titled ‘The Breeze’s Secret Link (Lore Theory)’, was uploaded by Xatrix on 2024-01-14 11:30:05. It has garnered 3272 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:52 or 2752 seconds.

Minecraft’s world still holds many secrets for us to discover, the history of Breezes and Blazes, Witches and their many settlements, the strange abilities of Fungi, the mysterious origin of the Mooshroom Monstrosity and the deep secrets of Endermites that might just grant us another step into understanding the End and the Void.

The Breeze and Blaze have interesting ties to one another, more than what you may think, with the truth of one revealing the other.

What the appearance of Witches in Minecraft Legends means to the overall story of Minecraft, looking at their past and present.

The origin of the Overworld’s Fungi can be found through a mixture of Vanilla and Spinoff Minecraft games alongside science of real life of Fungal Evolution, Radioactive interactions and more.

The Mooshroom Monstrosity and Mooshrooms alongside their connections to Runes and further.

And lastly the true nature of the Endermites and how they impact our view of the Void.

5 Topics for 5k subs.

0:00 – Intro 0:58 – Feel the Breeze 4:39 – Beyond the Swamps 11:46 – The Fungus Effect 24:00 – Monstrous Mooshrooms 34:33 – Endermite 45:04 – Outro


– Scripting and Research by “WitherKing001” – Confused Xatrix drawn by “LuckyCollector7” – Soyjak Pointing meme drawn by “Aalahn”


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– Delbert, C. (2020). You Should Know About This Chernobyl Fungus That Eats Radiation:

– Andrews, R.G. (2019). Volcanoes! Lightning! And Radioactive Gas, Too. The New York Times:

– Capaccioni, B., Cinelli, G., Mostacci, D. and Tositti, L. (2012). Long-term risk in a recently active volcanic system: Evaluation of doses and indoor radiological risk in the quaternary Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 247-248, pp.26–36. doi:

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More