Do I Know What I’m Doing? Minecraft Madness!

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W He He He W He W He He W W Yeah He He W well well well well well here we go how is everybody today my coffee is a bit hot let’s do some Vault hunting Okay well let’s get into this I really hope I can I kept expecting it to tell me that I had to restart my launcher please don’t please don’t oh points a why is streamlabs cutting that off and adding it in its different that’s rude streamlabs a vault Hunters it takes so long to

Load there we go now oh I still got to do that one and that one I might get rid of that one I don’t think I’m ever going to pass that one we’ll abandon it what’s this one oh chromatic Steel’s always useful m n black oh it’s going to

Take a bit but I’ll get there oh yes I’m definitely going to do another Herobrine Stream So I think the weekend one I’m just going to do whatever the weekend stream I’m going to do it could be anything be Vault Hunters it could be my hardcore world could

Be um nations of nobles or whatever and then yeah during the week I’m going to do my solo worlds so we’ll get rid of that one and what are we going to do next so we need to go do some more vaults all righty oh man I love the fast things

Move so fast whoa all right now we need to what is that your it’s really cool what is that Bia ter ter boo guess Ari put that there it’s like a little ghost so AR’s got the banana mod uhoh redeem a beo compliment um all

Right it’s a ghost for you nice I like it it’s really cool does it have to be floating above a sunflower does it really make the Rain Go Away you’re kidding that’s cool why I got a pig here you have to come and collect this black pigi I don’t know what it’s doing

Here just walked around my house uh um um um um um um be compliment so um let me think um let me think I’ll be back hold on I need to just share this forgot to do that I forgot to do it no no no no no no okay that’ll do okay you

Know like I didn’t think I would like Bon Hunters as much as I did much as I do like I did I really didn’t think that I was going to be into this yeah I really didn’t think that I was going to like this as much as I I

Do I just thought it would be too way too modded for me so yeah it’s quite quite surprising good day silver how are you you like my armor thanks I don’t quite like my uh how do I look I love my my wither wolf it’s really cool all right so where’s the

Portal not here he m a h whoa whoa you found the cake nice so what happened to those spiders what what happened to those spiders AR’s here in the chat sure I what happened to those spider Champions what happened silver ate a cake did he Okay all right let’s get some coins I guess might as well just do that so did everybody die so who who made this thing what’s going what is going on did somebody get those Champions they disappeared I mean I need gold so what just even

What okay nice oh he got him with his thingies did he cuz I was like why is nobody down here fighting them with me all right so we St found another cake okay good should eat something okay hold on let me just deal with this cake three

Okay probably Sean there’s all sorts of weird stuff in this game I guess we get out of here now there’s a dead ducky save him some money eh where did AI die where’s can’t see an AI body there I don’t have my shield on they won’t kill themselves without

That all right how do I see up there all right so that’s a dead end that’s a dead end too what where’s silver finding cake hey van what’s going on vanan all the doors are blocked oh no that one’s not no let’s just get out of

Here I don’t know what’s going on let’s get out restart we’ll save somebody some gold and get out think I got enough oh what did I get I got some stuff from someone in there ooh all right let’s go all right R would you ever join beo in the Herobrine

World maybe we could do a Herobrine multiplayer that could be cool okay okay hold on explain to me what’s going on hello you Muppet what what’s what what what’s going on it was try I was going to tell you all about it and then tell you where my body

Was they’re not going to get my nobody cares about no they’re not going to get my body who’s in there still silver elixa MAV was beside you oh yeah but hold on I got to turn your stream down I don’t need to hear myself but yeah I don’t know he um he

Said he was going to do a cake a cake Vault and I was like yeah let’s do it I’ve never seen it but then everybody started Spa everything and then I felt bad cuz you were low on health so I jumped down and finished off the spider

And then because then a whole bunch of other guys came for me oh but I’m in the corner somewhere oh okay but it’s okay now just ah the annoying part is I can’t do anything now cuz all my stuff’s on my dead body yeah so it’s just

Waiting oh ducky probably has no idea what to do yeah he’s never lost his he’s never got dead before I didn’t know what it was but yeah no Silver’s just like um I think I found a cake so he ate it and it opened up another door so as you eat eggs it

Opens up doors oh gotcha that part’s cool at least you still got your giant hat on what is that what is what over your head over my head what you have a little guy flying around oh yeah that’s my um my God is that a thing is that a trinket

Um hold on I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on in this game it’s a charm a charm yeah it’s a noble Val valara charm gives me 7% valara Affinity I don’t even know what that means no neither do I I’m just wearing it oh I see charms okay

Yeah that sounds fun wait what is this now I can wear my shield here what hold on I need to tell those bloody Muppets who talked us into joining this thing to get back in here cuz we’ve got questions who are they we’ve got Lawless ducky we’ve got @ caffeinated hour we’ve

Got at Mr chaos mhm up I asked ow question earlier and she ignored me oh she’s messaging tonight never mind maybe she didn’t annoy me we got so just silver and Maverick left all right he’s good questions and talk to join bug it off to somewhere else sweet that’ll

Do that’s sounds perfect there we go it’s in the vault Hunters chat anyway get my body Out Mr chaos get back in our sky vaol world we got questions oh I need to edit that and yeah you talked us all into joining this and then bug it off to somewhere else

Yep abandon us yes I had no idea that little dude was flighting above my head weird that’s funny all right all right all right all right oh I don’t even have any Soul charts dead body no did who answer m uh no is it in the bottom it’s in the

Bottom down near the where where all the yeah okay yeah now we EX for his bodies there too where’s hers I have no idea somewhere else all right all right H get out black Bel sorry there’s been stuff going on sorry um what’s going on black Bel how are you chaos

What hold on I’m pulling up your stream I it was too much switch to swap back and forth my phone was charging what’s up black belt you said guess what guess what what what what Dang 12 likes already everybody make sure you like beo stream oh yeah or or

I’ll I don’t know something not talk to them ever again I’ll not talk to you ever again that might make them not like the stream though they might be like what that’s all it took and then they like it how you going here you can have you can have his ghost huh who’s

Ghost well oh I have I have a m i have a magnet and a sword here Elixir well I’ve got everything cuz I just ran out weo no so when what I don’t this a spooky place what M’s little Hall uhhuh uh can we get this pig there’s a black pig on my

Island oh okay I don’t know what it’s doing there do you think he’s got he’s got a potato no I don’t think he’s got anything no I just stole a potato from Maverick ah he’ll be fine it’s one potato all right I need to why am I walking around in third

Person I don’t know cuz you’re cuz I was watching that them are fasc yep that’s you are fascinated by a little guy that’s exactly what I was watching it like trail behind as I was running down the road and stuff it was yeah cool but all right what am I doing

Um need to make another i crystal where did he come from I no idea we’re in an ocean come along Pig maybe somebody was on an island and accidentally did a Pig egg or something I don’t know oh yeah that’s fair somebody was probably stealing stuff

From me probably it’s not me I steal stuff from chaos I don’t steal stuff yeah I steal stuff from chaos to you said he had a bad memory yeah he does might as well it’s not like he’s ever coming back anyway so probably not I don’t know what happened where he’s

Gone come on Pig oh no my pig can’t go through the gate so I can literally just leave the gates open because the pig can’t go through them how ridiculous is that well problem solved we just leave the pigs open I mean the gates open yeah cuz they can’t get out that’s

What I do yeah I did not know that oh my gosh that’s so funny oh what’s this to buy Vault leggings why not oh actually I got some stuff I don’t know how I got some stuff maybe I killed a spider and didn’t realize it I don’t know ooh cuz I got some

Things read chat someone has to bring it what you mean youles unbelievable hity hity wasn’t on top of the Dragon was it oh they found it okay I’m pretty sure I looked over and yeah you were like in a in the corner up on some blocks yep yeah y I

Was trying to pill her up um so I could heal yeah and my uh Spider the spider crawled up y nice yay I’m sorry for all the mean and terrible things I said about you silver about you not helping and never eating kiwis and bringing B back do anything

Wrong telling the truth isn’t doing something isn’t something you should be sorry [Laughter] for pretty sure he’s probably clicked out of my stream so he does he’s not hearing this which is good all right how noisy is it over in that other chat it’s not too bad oh I have I have her

Body uhoh how do I get rid of her body who’s what oh you picked up the wrong one yeah yeah you got to put it down just throw it okay um um um um what’s I doing I need to make another crystal that’s what I need to

Do oh yeah it’s right I was looking at stuff that I got I got stuff got stuff I got got stuff an unidentified maget and I got unidentified Focus oh lots of people have body retrievers now so there is also one at spawn yeah I thought Elixir might be

Going to use that one so I was coming to use yours oh yeah chaos doesn’t have any more money so is he running out of money uh apparently no idea why that is get get lless Fern how you doing you what I don’t you got your own

Money but I don’t not at my not at your house no go get your own money a but I can’t fly over there because I don’t have my body no no I’m not opposite I’m just I just got question a cake Vault we got thrown into a cake Vault no idea what to

Do people were dying left right in center and everybody died in the dragon room I don’t know if they’re always the dragon room first but this one was the dragon room first and we all got perished uh I found an awesome cave on your elet I have not nice that’s awesome

I didn’t expect you to perish what am I looking for monies now I’m walking I just want you to come back mythical lexicon leggings what is that are they leggings oh no that’s a lagging mythical lexicon Focus mystical mystical it says my bad oh okay all right all right so late

Now we’re already dead yeah but still we still want to know she can jump in I I’ll no no just okay all right if you want or just just change it to three there’s no limit on this one is it’s not letting me do five gold it says there’s no

Limit oh it’s five gold yeah there’s no limit on this one there’s no limit on this one th is there not it’s the one above streaming has the limit of two oops Yeah thing you can come and grab some whenever you need it I’ve got a little stock in my drawers

Anyway if you need if I need it for a crystal or something okay I didn’t see there was no Li okay I don’t beat it’s all good I I when I when I jumped in I actually looked at it as well I’m like oh yeah I need to change that from two

I’ll just change it and then I’m like wait up no no there’s no limit on this one what so then I went out I’m like oh it’s it’s a different channel it’s just right below the other one yeah I looked and went oh two out of two okay then

Fine what’s the questions what are you stu what have you broken or what is already Bren so we’ve got nothing there was a cake po broken a cake hunt or something like that I had no idea what were we doing what was to right okay so when you go in

A your time limit still applies um but you have to hunt the rooms for cakes when you find the cake you click it and it will open the next room to complete that Vault you will find a cake pedestal with a glass box on top with a cake crate inside it you know

Like your completion crates oh yeah it’s one of those inside of a glass box and it’s got like pink beans coming from okay but to for if you’re doing it with people everyone has to find their own cake pedestal one cannot be used twice it’s like a load Stone okay Tic

Tac Yep they’re separate you have to find more than one now every cake that you click will add um a few different modifiers so there’s item Rarity there’s item quantity um there’s anger which makes the mobs hurt you a little bit more but it’s like a fraction more you don’t

Really notice it until you get quite high up there oh yep um and they can also add sweet which is 5 Seconds extra oh every cake vault is shaped like a spidal so you will go your first room and then your next one and it will like turn on itself

It’ll be a big oh yeah yeah oh that’s cool so um yeah you cannot unlock the next room until you found the cake in the first the room that you’re in now when you’re running around that room if you’re close to the cake your screen

Will start to get like a hint of pink around it oh and that’s how you know like what area it’s in if you if it’s upstairs or downstairs if it’s in the left hand side or the right you know you’ll see it visually on your screen oh that’s cool

You have to click that cake and try and get through as many rooms as fast as you can so if you’re going to do a cake ball I would advise that you go in you do not loot the first like few rooms you go in

And find as many cakes as you can before you start looting to get that item R in the it quantity now you can run through say you go right or we’re going to do a cake B for the first 15 minutes we will simply just click cakes and then we will

Loot on the way back or run back to the start and then loot a few rooms in because you carry the item R and quanti back with you as long as you haven’t opened any chests they will then take on the item R A and item does that make sense y That’s

Cool they’re very fun but they’re very deadly so be careful why are they deadly fun but deadly what sorry so the cake VA the reason yes the reason I’m saying they’re fun but deadly is because if you get really far into it and you do not find that cake pedestal

You have to allow yourself enough time to get back oh to get all the way back oh I got you not only that but for every cake you click for every cake you click I think it’s. 5% damage you give each B oh I could be wrong in the percentage

But what I would suggest you do is when you go in there’s a cake on the floor in front of you in the portal room yes click that open your chat and hover over what it gives you so you understand the modifiers better or even if one of you

Finds the cake the other person quickly check in chat hover over the things and say right okay it adds this it adds that just to learn it or to see if it’s worth Contin to learn it no no no no it’s always worth continuing in a c do

Will always add item R and you will always add item quantity what you want to do is you want to learn what these mod fires are so say you’re ready to run to the next room and be goes I’ve got the cake and clicks it you can go you’ve

Just added item quantity you know you’ll know what it is and you’ll know if the mobs are about to get harder so you can prepare yourself for that right okay cool got it sense y yep also um Dragon rooms or yes Dragon rooms used to be

Teable they are not anymore um there are five spawners in the dragon uhhuh there’s one in every Corner they are fizzle Spawners the mobs will die down there is a spawner in every corner it spawns four waves of mobs each and the center spawner is always a champion

Spawner so you are going to have at least four champions in there the other spawners can spawn Champions as well but the middle one when that goes off guaranteed to be a champion okay makes sense so there’s five spawners in total four normal one champion and they are

Breakable spawners even if you find them you’re not going to break them the glass surrounding the one in the middle is B glass kind of like B Bedrock yeah unbreakable oh also fun very rewarding but deadly yep that answered all your questions good when are you coming back no there’s

Lots more have you left us forever no okay I was on like 3:00 this morning okay but nobody was on I’m sorry I don’t know what time that was for me how dare you take a night off I know unacceptable I know I know completely unacceptable it’s not like You’ sat up

All week playing with us until stupid o’clock in the morning look who’s talking I know I’ve gotten over level 40 now and things have Chang changing oh what’s that mean well uh it’s I don’t know it wants me to do weird stuff that I can’t do you

Can always say no beiro like Catalyst infusion tables yes no means no Catalyst infusion tables I can’t can’t use it for some reason like I don’t know it didn’t tell me what else to put in there I can put the little thingy in there but the thing on the

Left of like doesn’t say anything in the I spoke doesn’t tell you anything it’s like so yeah no that’s defin I’ll bring that up with John and I’m sure he can yeah say something same with like the um the inscriptions it doesn’t actually explain what to do inscription pieces

Like it it gives a little like this is what it is so you have a quest line right and in the quest line um you will come across the inscription table uh that will tell you what to do not yet yet you will come up to that so I’ve just done I’ve

Done I’ve done architect Vault seals and architect Vault inscriptions yeah the Crystal and add an inscription to a a thing yeah yes that’s it and then I’ve like and now I’ve got the gods and I’m like okay great now I got a little floaty thing above my head

But fantastic got no idea what you do so to start from where we just started um the catalysts you take the Catalyst fragments and put them in your 9×9 to turn them the big Catalyst right you take that and you want to craft mystical Essence and that is the

Other thing that goes on the table with it when you put them in the table together they will Infuse together and they will give you either um a just straight good Catalyst or they will give you a catalyst that has a random negative on nine times out of 10 they

Are there is a one in 10 chance to get a super Catalyst or an Uber catalyst is what we’re called and that’s the ones that do not have Rand negatives okay when you get that it’ll be like say ornate and draining no well I don’t think dra

Is one that can go on it it can be like ornate and something right yeah which would add 25% more ornate tests to any ornate POI mhm oh you then go to a Anvil and you put your Crystal with the inscription and you merge them together

Now you can do inscriptions like that H not inscript uh catalysts you can add as as many as you want until the crystal becomes unmodifiable mhm on the crystal when you add that you’ll have an instability level the higher your instability get the more chance you have for adding a random

Curse which you can remove with your mes or locking out the crystal so you can’t add anything mhm so say you wanted to do a massive run for mod boxes you would want to get as many wooden um catalysts on a crystal as you could y that makes sense because it I

Will add 25% more every single time so it it’ll go to 25% for one 50% for 2 7500 it’ll keep going yeah so when you start to do inscriptions inscriptions are what the little pieces are that you find in the living chest you said you

Don’t know what they are so you you can make when you make an inscription table in when you click on the table the GUI interface will show you a ton of different Omega rooms like the mushroom room um you know the the room with all

The living chests in it with no mobs y um the libraries the ornate castles all that stuff you can craft it and add them to a crystal y that’s what the architect crystal is it’s for those so the architect Crystal goes with the room that you make okay right now the

Thing is with those they have 0% completion when you make them well no they have a little bit of completion but you need to use the other inscriptions that have no rooms on them that have time on them and have completion on them and you need to get that Crystal up to

100% completion otherwise it will be full of Vault Bedrock oh okay does that make sense I don’t know if I’m explain this Mak sense then once you’ve done that you can then add I suggest if you’re going to make one of them make sure that it’s at 100% completion and you’ve got decent

Time on there before you add the room to it because if you add the room to it first and it locks out at 50% you’re losing 50% of that room okay CU it’ll just be Vault bedro CU you’ll get locked out and it’ll be unmodifiable so you want to get the

Completion to 100% first then add the rooms if you’ve still not locked yourself out of the crystal you can add catalist to those two so if you make an ornate castle with 100% completion and say 12 minutes on it right you’ve got 12 minutes to do this oric Castle y but you

Can add the um Catalyst to it and put even more orate chests in okay oh that’s cool it does yes cool so this is what needs to be written in those books yes yeah maybe I’ll just record myself one day anyone that ask just send

Them a video do a video Yeah pop it on YouTube or whatever have become like no you should you need to be in the game like a little hologram pops up let pH my best friend iscal who creates this game and ask exactly there MH think I’ve spoked to the on like DET

TI hey that’s that’s a lot uh for somebody as busy as him I guess um but yeah no um the guy that runs our server John he’s got a sping in all the pi over there so I’ll have a word in his ear about how confusing it can be for

New players yeah because what you can do yeah the quest book The Quest L is just like there’s so much missing like first of of all Why didn’t it say that like just using that one and it’s been all the way along just said Why didn’t it just say

Or even just as simple as the other ingredient that is needed in that Catalyst table Why didn’t it just say you also need to craft Mystic bloody whatever it was to infuse your Catalyst that would have been like oh okay cool at least now I can go and find

Out what this item is in the um G yeah yeah and go Oh okay that’s cool I can just craft it by doing that blah blah blah or right grab some or throw it in there but no it’s got no mention of it not at all yeah and I’m like okay well I

Can I can mention that and see see if it makes difference cuz they’re still working on the quest book The Quest book’s very new it was only implemented like two months ago oh yeah it is a really good idea though like I do yeah i’ be even more lost without it yes to

Be fair I I see your point CU if I never never played Vault Hunters before as well I’d be confused just as much so yeah it does make sense I will see if there’s anything I can say but I don’t know um okay sorry I’m on the other server

And so popped up in chat oh yeah um but yeah no I can have a word and see see what what can be done about that cuz yeah that is really confusing yeah imagine if you didn’t have me like what would you do exactly and that’s it’s yeah that’s why everybody who

Talked us all into getting joining this thing needs to come back I know it’s because our server launched last night service Mur who no excuse it launched last night we needy Fern you know me you you got me on the server you should should know that I require certain [Laughter]

Attention yeah actually you think I’d learned that after what six years of knowing you exactly God no it’s actually before you almost F it’s long enough for you to disappoint it just a week is long enough to know you need detention that’s true that is very true I’m pretty sure one one what

It doesn’t even take that long one voice chat and you’re like d she is needy my phone just fell yep yeah no um is it an El she were confused about or what I just everything really but yeah okay so no that’s that’s the main main stuff

At the moment yeah yeah if you do need anything and you are confused um pick me on Discord got on my phone even if I’m not setting up a computer I’ll see it yeah yeah you pick me on now I’ll uh message you back and say go away be girl yeah [Laughter]

Enough now is not the time no I’m kidding I’m always awake and also um Sparkles she’s been playan for ages she should know some of this stuff as well she’s not here either oh okay yeah nobody’s been here for a few days pretty sure MAV is the the most experienced person

Lately we’re all screwed something I mean it could be worse you could be left listening to Silver oh he’s only good with he’s only an expert on create doesn’t count yeah wait Sean did you I thought you had 90 sorry yeah okay capture I better go and finish help and

Do this thing Roger fine just kidding you’re good listen listen Linda Linda honey I will be back I will be back on Sky I haven’t left you it’s just you know the early game grind what were you like when you started or I was up until 7 2 hours I

Know I know I know understand the early game and where’s chaos he’s not over there is he no I don’t know where so he’s somewhere different unbelievable I have no idea I do not know chaos is no he’s playing fortnite at least it’s Apex Legends that’s normally what he’s

Playing fun good A C how you going that’s weird oh what fortnite yeah it’s like the tryhard Apex yeah fortnite sucks Apex is so much better it’s rubbish I don’t like fornite it’s not certain I’ve ever been able to play I don’t like shitty shitty games I like having a

Sword sword and a shield no problem so wait what happens when you um do do your actual tools break like I know your armor doesn’t break or it breaks but it doesn’t actually break bre so tools won’t break either tools will do the same they’ll break but they won’t

Actually break you’ll just have to M them they used to literally just disappear yeah but now um unless they’re vanilla tools like vanilla pickaxes and stuff they okay like chromatic iron and above w The Vault tools won’t no but if you go in with like diamond pickaxes in yeah yeah they will okay

Okay I will be on soon if you are still there do you know what it is do you know why I’ve been like cuz I’m in the middle of certain storage and there is nothing more yes I thought you were done though have you seen my Island yeah I’m here colorful looks pretty

Organized I mean there’s a few chests let’s see give me a random item like a sea pickle see if I can find oh look it looks pretty organized to me yeah yeah open the chests that are Hopper into that drawer controller there’s a drawer controller where’s that oh over

Here why aren’t they working why aren’t they doing their thing because I’ve removed the hopper oh you have why it won’t work without that I’m not online though I remove it when I’m going offline so I don’t lag the server with the draw controller trying to take stuff in but the draw is

Being full oh I’m thinking you guys all right I don’t want or falling in the vo again and having to dash to save herself what oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a whole thing on stream too wait what you fell and you couldn’t Dash

Up she it just took me like two hours to dash up what yeah cuz she wasn’t flying straight between dashes falling back down again yeah so she was like angling down it was fun I was like I’m never wearing these Wings again yeah fine oh such a good mcraft yeah she doesn’t even

Know how toly there’s your beo compliment yes I was about to ask although excuse me I have still now you said this four years ago I have still never done an ocean Monument really what never well I can’t help you here but oh God never done an ocean Monument

Or used to do the Ocean Monuments B yeah they my favorite thing yeah maybe not so much be Lego is it by Dolphins yeah well that’s different it’s different now don’t feel as safe in the water anymore no I don’t dolphin okay I’ll leave you guys to your

Stream and to you later if you need anything just me y see you boy thanks problem see you later one round of Vault yes uh did you capture this big spinning thing this is silver’s something I don’t know it’s a windmill or something see you later sh it’s Silver’s windmill I don’t know

That it actually does anything it does it’s doing something underneath could hear it doing stuff oh oh yeah I think it’s like it’s power it’s a motor for his it’s like he has a thing where he is getting Cobblestone and grinding it up into gravel because apparently that’s something that needs to be

Done I got nothing I don’t know yes it is insanely complicated van you’re correct exactly he oh hey what do me a favor and go into your Quest Lane we weren’t just talking about you by the way my quest line click on Catalyst Catalyst and go down to the

Third bit where it says Catalyst infusion table add mystical Ence that’s all bye a does say it there maybe I should maybe I should read them maybe I mean to be fair it’s in a weird color that’s hard to see with the background like if it was in Black it

Would have been yeah a much more easier to notice so yeah or in red you know like an eye capturing color like you know that uhuh like this too same cursed I’m I don’t even see that uhhuh I just know that it’s there you have any more of these excuses for me or

No that’s pretty much it he he’ll he’ll from coming but I yeah I could keep him coming yeah I could make up lots of excuses it’s my thing I just went over and said John can um maybe speak to devs because um I just have to go and help them with this

Because blah blah blah my forget everything I just said never mind sorry dealing with Muppets it’s fine okay to be fair you know what it should actually do it should actually say this out loud for us oh I want a hologram no because no but seriously because some of us

Don’t read very well oh no we read well but we don’t actually take in information when reading a reading comprehension is lacking okay it’s not that you set up listen listen listen if you set up a table and chairs I will read it to you okay set up I’ve got a

Table and chair here at my base next to my campire read it to you the camp on iton it’s still there I will come and read it to you okay I will read it to you okay we’ll do reading yeah because like same thing when I was in year 12

Biology I said the same thing to my teacher he’s like how do how are you getting 100% in your tests when you don’t do any of your assignments and read any of your books I’m like because I listen to you drawing on for hours each

Day and he’s like oh so you are actually listening not just fiddling with your pens and making little array of men and stuff I said no I’m listening might not look like it but I’m actually listening and that’s how I take him information and he’s like huh fair enough okay we’ll

Do just a um it’s yeah just an inside into the autistic mind or at least his autistic mind similar yeah my daughter’s autistic she’s the exact same she doesn’t learn by watching yeah like reading or anything either so I it’s why like I love reading fiction my entire life but I follow the

Story so much better now that I’ve discovered audible yeah because listening to them is just so much more it just ingrains it into my brain so much better than reading it I’m an absolute book I love a book so yeah well I was too it was the only way that like

I could read fiction stories other than movies and I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on sci-fi books and fantasy books but now that I’ve got audible my mom’s the same she’s got a massive collection of like Stephen King books and stuff yeah so like I mean it’s

Confusing for me when I hear people say like when they try and be like the words just like jumble up and jump off the cage but I get it with having Charlie the way she is so yeah it’s definitely difficult but anyway I’ll leave your have fun and um uh read stuff

Yep see you byee a you’s got to go too sorry guys is it cuz I’m not talking to you oh my bad Van van van what’s van saying van saying stuff that looks like a lot of reading more than I’m willing to sit through I love audio story much more convenient way easy

Exactly exactly I don’t know what it is when it comes to reading I think I focus on the words too much and and and like the meaning do more it’s really hard to explain like my reading comprehension is amazing understand it all read it comprehend it but it’s like

When in the process of reading I don’t take in the full story or it’s too hard to fully picture things as well well because I’m so like cuz I’m looking at words not pictures it’s really weird but it’s just the way the brain works it’s different for everyone hello

Euki pain I hope I didn’t break that too much you broke it I think I broke it totally broke it I’ll broke it I’m ready when you are overthinking the words oh that’s right yeah yeah yeah we’re going on the whole time I forgot about

That I we don’t got to I can do it myself we do we do hold on let me just put something away I need to my tools are getting super broken and I need to hurry up the level up look at my screen I can make better tools look at my two

Tools I be back tomorrow I sry just early oh you’re good you’re good you’re good yeah no that’s you’re too too wow yeah I do have back up the new ones that I’ve just made but fig I might as well break them first yeah no that’s what my my thing I

Mine everything with is it’s not good my pickaxe looks like your shovel Spade think a Bobbers no it’s the guy that person is a code word like something and I’ll just delete oh I need a roof I forgot I don’t have a roof all right uh so it’s at your portal

Yeah at my portal swe it’s probably not anything fancy have you gone in yet no what happened to your iron golem oh your copper Golem I don’t I don’t know I just logged on one day and it was that and I was I didn’t want to hurt him so I

Just I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it cuz chaos hasn’t been back on since I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with him so now I just have this weird copper statue thing no worries F it’s just yeah it’s more like I’m allowed to go to other servers and leave people but other people aren’t allowed to go to other servers and leave me does that make sense so like you Al and Chaos all of a sudden disappearing for the last couple

Of days been like what you’re not allowed to you’re not allowed to do that oh this is crabs Fern says make a new one make a do what server no go oh a Golem I don’t know how time correct that was fine um there’s not a golum oh wa recipe

This one could be pretty easy oh no I’ve got or eight what do you got so I got coins living chests the Gilded and the settle bad that’s the annoying one isn’t it no they’re not so bad they’re epic they’re not as bad as like the earrings or the eye

No these are all yellow and white I think this is going to be okay your ones jeez mine are blue and which are common they’re fine just one white not happy but it’s okay oh then yeah going to teach us how to make copper Golems good jeez about time all right uh

What do you got you haven’t taught me anything since lighting up invisible ible lights or whatever all right ready let’s go all right all right right I need oh there you go Fern that’s something you could tell them they need to do they need to add in the tab menu they need to

Add what um where those items for the others are found yeah then I’ll know what I need to go try to get I’m going to go down if I can find you going to go down and destroy him all right I I’ll get oh my God what is that

What is it sorry he has giant sword arms whoa I like it he died though oh there’s chaos by chaos yeah I know I always think that’s chaos is this straight I’m going to go straight I’ll go to the next room you do this one oh okay all right

So yes I do need these wi chest for books I forgot to ask how’s the sound in the Stream is the music there and blah blah blah I thought good oh look Villages get him oh gross ah go away okay not you oh this is a there’s a trident oh kill

It well it’s attached to a person isn’t it or a mob well for yeah for a second why until them exactly ah do you need anything out of regular chest negative oh where’s my get one more book then I’m done with the regular chests so that’s cool that’s cool that is pretty

Cool I want that oh good this fish guy go away fish drown there’s like a ship under the water something oh if you found a ship there is so many coins in there where is it where is it ship I don’t know if this

Is a ship like you think it is where is it because you you seem to be describing something really cool and this is not that’s just what it reminds me of do you need anything out is a whole room is it a whole room no yes I need a drowned

Hide out of living jce sweet sweet get him okay living chest here if I don’t oh my God could you not throw trident me uh do you need anything from ores very rude I need ores yes what from what do you need uh zombie arm no those aren’t ores I don’t need ores

Okay like just kidding all right living chest drown hide I don’t think I got a drown hide that time that’s not helpful but I got one oh nice so that’s some oh there’s another one hold on nice I did not get another one I need things from living

Chest that’s right never mind I’m going to be doing plenty of living trest so that’s fine I was trying to eliminate chests but that’s okay oh there’s a lot of guys over there just hanging out in the corner it’s really creepy chest there yes are the Gilded ones the gold ones oh found a dungeon oh that hurts nice these guys really are just help creepy oh it’s an

Extreme oh gross ow I will probably not do that yeah that sounds like a fantastic idea I mean I really want to oh hello oo I got a m nice and some lettuce oh my my fing bur yes finally I can use my good one

Woohoo oh I should be using my SC p yeah my good tool how do you not use your scab pouch my just automatically goes in there it doesn’t even matter where it is it does but it goes into my other one first if my other one’s in my backpack spot yeah

Oh see all my backpacks are maybe PR you programmed them uh yeah I yet so I forget that that’s a thing that is way too fancy for me I was just tired of running out of room oh I am too trust me but uh it’s just fancy too fancy see

These guys aren’t moving and they’re in this water and I kind of feel like I should just leave them here and not mess with them worried if I hit them once they’re going to all attack me yeah now I need something that will just pick

Thing we’ll just do one pick oh I don’t even have one like come on sword guys we’ll just pickaxe one block oh yeah like a pickaxe yeah yeah I have a pickaxe come back here Crab got it yeah I have a I have a pickaxe to pickaxe one block a yeah nice it does mean my hot bar is usually full of crap I have that does like I have the hammer hybrid and then I’ve got my coin thing

And then I’ve got an Axe and a sword and a regular pickaxe do need to vertification guys I think what I think I might do is make something that is not like multi block I’ll make a special tool that just that axes pcks and shovels and that’s all it does so it’s

Still a multi- tool yeah but all it does is one block at a time just for those situations where you yeah want to break just one block yeah that makes sense I like that idea so I’m done with you just before I check you don’t need anything from regular chests

No okay then I’m not going to botle with you CU there a lot of regular chests but yeah I’m walking past you wi you turned correct no I went straight oh okay I need one of those I think it’s an enigma oh it’s probably an enigma chest

I need a red I’m good for living if you’ve got one drown hard I’m good for living oh crap that’s not what I found the a library that’s full of gilded I need gilded I need red Scrolls okay where is it I just I went this direction Cy like instead of I hold

On I went West from that first room yes all right you need red Scrolls mhm I’m looking wait what wait what are gilded black and yellow I no I have the red and the these are the red I need those too saddle bags okay I thought they were bued there yeah

Oh I need these too this is not a li this is a like a Black Tower it’s Castle but it has books in it oh yeah oh yeah I need that’s what I need a sack from oh as well oh awesome these black and red ones yeah

Okay so this isn’t what I thought it was but it’s definitely not what you thought it was still still cool okay think oh it’s just a tower yeah it really is just a tower oh I can bre you just running around or you Looting I don’t see a looting what

There’s been CH I’ve just run past 20 chests no oh I didn’t go in this room I’ve done them all in here oh I got distracted but the glow it’s another one done all right what way did I go in that one is there anything on top oh yeah there

Some how did you get up what I ran up the stairs what stairs this why are you not say oh I didn’t go in this room did you go down I went up okay I’ll go down yep oh made noise oh never mind it’s just a trap Chest I got poisoned and I was very confused okay okay I was like who threw that oh right was just chest oh that’s a bad guy that’s aad guy so I’m good for saddle bags I’ve got you sa let’s leave we don’t need to be here anymore I’m about to fight what unless

You’re going to come fight with me what are you fighting it’s a trap chest I hear footsteps I don’t know where they are oh that’s all it’s just normal guys okay I’m going up yeah found him oh no the chaos WABE okay we’re good uh I’m going

Straight so those oh that’s cool so you got the sack yep got the sack got my setle bag so I just need gilded now all right I need living and purple mob Essence what you need from living oh the um zombie AR zombie arm oh what’s this this is a

Library oh goodness I can’t take you seriously with that it’s not a giant bag on your back so that’s good but oh look there’s another one up there what yeah this is 100% what I thought that other one was yeah I really need to upgrade my mag so much

Stuff where’s the down up have you gone up or down uh up um you need red Scrolls yes how many four I have two all right I’ve got three so that’s plenty Perfect all right living we looking for living now y living in do you have any purple mob Essence uh we

One okay I need six of those and I have two all right so that’s mobs we’ got to kill mobs which way do we comeing the East so I guess I’m going to run around and keep going west 11 minutes I haven’t seen a yet no well

We haven’t really been in any normal rooms I’ll go down in the middle here oh okay I will not go down found ORS which we don’t need this is an or room let’s get out next one does that mean the top is an or room too yep okay on a couple

Mobs one extra put an extra purple thing sweet coins do we need anything from coins not anymore oh man um no not anymore all right is there anything in here besides Point regular chests did you Mo this need oh there’s a thing over there though I ran right by

It a green thing table a table all you might as well oh should we throw in what we’ve got yeah just to keep so I don’t get confused oh I have a sack now nice throw it in and I’m not doing anything because I’m a dumb dumb

You just throw my stuff in there too and I’ll pick them up once I pop back out I’ll do the same I don’t need to put that in there so that’ll pop out oh but I got them back again so oh i s back you can do it again

Now what do you need red Scrolls did I give you that uh yep yes saddle BS my other thing red uh vs there they are all right I just need the drown hide I did give you that oh yes you did too okay I was like

Uhoh all right so I’m finished done yeah I can’t put it in there until we’re done so let’s go see if we can find some living chests all right I’ll go up okay my phone keeps falling sorry that ow uhoh what I maybe bit off more than I can chew for a second

Oh we’re okay oh I didn’t get anything from those guys just normal chest it’s annoying all that’s annoying to oh those oh I fell I may I maybe got a lot of people mad there’s nothing down here uh there’s the table up there yep all right so we still got to look

For living chests which way we come in over there so we’re going this way go yep I’ll go up get down a look five minutes yep those are did you mark this room when we came in I’m still at the entrance so I marking now regular ch Nothing here hate when does that that’s annoying like puts a little sneaky thingy in there oh you found something special yeah that’s nothing right there’s no living chest up here nothing down here all right Next Room except some angry people what are they how many zombie arms do you

Need three oh no I don’t no unless we find him in this one I’m this is an all this is an all room this whole room okay there won’t be any chests in here at all if you’re not going to worry about it might as well stay in yeah go ahead

And do it okay yeah now let’s do that still need time to run back just remember but yep still be able to collect some before we go back I definitely need some so that work of course I’ve gotten like five skeleton thingies from this yeah I know why can’t

I could possibly need just not what I want yeah uh Co how you going hey gu sorry I’ve been pretty focused I’ve probably missed what is it been saying sorry orange there we go okay another one over here oh what aort that was a champion oh

And I’m in a I’m stuck in a hole ow he hit me sweet yay i s it so good I don’t I’m not going to be able to pick up some of this stuff I don’t think all right I I’ll pick up whatever you [Applause] can’t just got some black opal uhoh

Um I got to go yep problem is how do what do I do if I leave the game does that count as leaving know why cuz I don’t know if I’m going to make it back in a minute 30 unless you’ve got I can do my I’ve got my thing

Right here so I can just throw this in I think and it will finish I think do we not mark this freaking room oh you’re kidding we went I’m pretty sure we came from the West yes I do have some stuff so I can yep I’m good I’m good this is the right

Way yep I’m running oh you haven’t heard already in a while hey what who CH G’s back Kai you capture oh hi Kai all right running I’m running I haven’t gotten to the the cool rooms yet so okay I just got to the weird structure in the middle room yep extra 30

Seconds and then the next one I think is the Tower Y which that one’s easier that’s a straight across and I think this is the first room then need to turn do you have any more yep just do another 30 question that should be good you got anything if you need it yep

I’m good I’m in I’m here though I’m running through can I get rid of this hold on oh my God place I’m gone all right there we go f you wait oh Kai met a new friend that you might know oh cool or that we might not who is

It Jurassic world evolution solution I’m not of that yay that a purple wand that’s fantastic to go empty yep the beats per minute of the song is just under 60 is it really beat persic oh nice Lily who’s Lily don’t know if I know a lily don’t know what’s happening what’s he

Doing he’s just standing here staring at me a that sounds like m he’s such a weird eye I don’t know what he want I wish he was in my stream to hear that oh what do you do yes Black Stone that’s a that’s not a common Stone no uh one

Block yeah way to do it oh someone on fad stream oh okay needs what do we got we got some burger meat Burger I’ve got AIA Globe oh don’t know what that is me neither so I’ve got 37 sweet kiwis I’ve got a sour orange and I’ve

Got see how do you get five lemons I never get kiwis do you open living chests I rarely see living chests I mean if I see them I open them how many rooms do you do per Vault okay not always a lot that’s probably why

Really slow I don’t know how to do them faster um like do you run and jump and dash everywhere no no literally never ah that probably speed things up and then obviously just using your your pick just grabbing everything just like mining the chests and then yeah well I have done I have

Started doing that like where I I think I think mainly I think the thing that slows me down is I need to get better gear where I can stay on the ground and yeah fight things y instead of having to pillar up every time

Yep I think that will help me up a lot but that’s easier set than done oh look I got a cracked Pearl I never get cool stuff when I need the learn some stuff about dinosaurs today like apparently Giganotosaurus is an elosa sorid yes

Nice uh this is a server yes this is a um I right s SMP still survival multiplayer yeah reing so so it’s a weird server it’s a weird server it’s full of weirdos it it is a bit I need so do you throw all your stuff in your soul

Diffuser when I get back I just literally what I was just doing oh yeah you do it all manually or you set it up so that well not like they have it but I’ve almost got at least I just need that at least have a hopper on top yeah

Cuz I at least have a hopper on top now you just had a great idea for something for the Nobles going to follow the dinosaurs ooh what’s that oh that’ll be fun why did I need red wool I now have I’ve got a particular order that I

Put stuff in my diffuser chest too so oh yeah I put in all the normal things that I get that you get get from normal chests all the things that are just worth one and then I put all those special things that we get in scav faults that are often worth lots

More wait what do you put in there that we don’t get from scap wait what what are you putting in there oh so like all the um like the Gilded ingots and the ornade ingots and the mossy bones and you don’t save those no why I thought

You needed them for stuff I don’t think so I mean even MAV the other day was saying that he put He he just has his backpack set up as a void backpack so that all those things when they once they fill up one slot they just go straight into the void get

Disappeared yeah at least I’ll bring mine back and turn into Soul shards I mean yeah I guess they literally are just Decor yeah I mean they do make some cool stuff that bumi Guild gilded block is pretty cool and gilded bricks are cool but still they’re just yeah from the living

Chest that I did in that Vault just then I got four four sweet kiwi well what’s on your armor and stuff so do you have like item item Rarity and stuff like that in your armors no I mean I just don’t get living chests I have 133% hold on I where’s how

I do it here I have 133% item R oh surprise I like surprise to capture I’m happy with that yeah you a member of the uh nations of nobles Discord Kai jump in there and you can hang out with all of us all of us Nobles in

There yeah then you get like you’ll get to hear about our streams because lots of times like we’ll be on each other streams and stuff like that oh you can’t get Discord ah oh okay um right so I need to take a might have to start doing that then just recycling

The stuffs if I do that I’m going to have to make make a much more efficient cycler Soul Grinder thing not it’s not fun so that’s something that’s something that goes in there so is that and that that can be popped straight away that goes in those oh I got a mystery egg

Nice is that that them as well all right sweet I’m done want to go again in a minute in a minute let me finish no like I could have a slightly better efficient sorting system but I I quite like doing this this is I like like

Coming out of a vault and like going through my inventory and sorting everything into where it’s supposed to go it’s just something yeah well that’s what I like all the normal stuff I just I throw it in the what is this thing called the frame door controller and so

That’s all like the normal stuff you get in vaults and everything like that and then I like looking and seeing what’s left over like after everything sorted I’m like that’s why I was just like o I got a Myst egg like that’s new like I

Don’t I don’t get a lot of those sort of things cuz they go somewhere different but um rotten meat is also something else that I throw straight in the soul diffuser so my problem is do you throw um what is this meat Vault meat in there no okay cuz

I’ve had to make meat blocks for a lot of stuff yes same Vault meat I don’t even use it to make Vault steak to eat anymore ah okay yeah like I’ve got like 42 Vault meat blocks saved up all right let’s hit this and see I just got kiwis out of my

Crate as well only one but oh and I got a sour orange as well oh that’s cool my second sour orange I’m not cool I don’t get cool stuff like that ah get there one day what’s a horde Vault who’s that oh quantity quantity uh MV he’s doing a hord VA a

Hord bolt so I don’t know I I was playing today and I was making the different kinds of vaults like I went in a like I made an Elixir Rush Vault and I made a gab Vault just to see what happened ah yep oh you can make a Aria wait

How a vault diamond block a cake and Vault so can the frames draws be four and the framed drawers or they only are they stuck at three items like the framed compacting drawers that is sorry compact you can have frame oh the compacting drawers yeah I think

It might be just three damn cuz that’s not cool like it’s like I got to have V of platinum somewhere else you could or you could just break it down and put it in there right yeah that’s annoying yeah oh get to roll a pile of stuff oh I

Got a it’s at a repair core I haven’t used any of those yet oh I have oh that’s the those are expensive I’m not doing do you want to do a special kind you want to do an Elixir Vault that went so well for us last time that was sarcasm

Didn’t it did it did didn’t it it went great for you oh did it I I have not finished the vault in so long it was a while for me too like I finished that one and your and uh dad Elixir Vault and stuff but I haven’t finished one of my own vaults

For a while oh it’s really rough yeah what do I got here Focus an axe an axe a wand I don’t want any of this stuff it’s all no good this in here at that later all right I’ll be right back okay Diamond soul make it an Elixir

Vault doesn’t work in a crafting table right he oh he’s streaming in five what is he streaming I didn’t know he was streaming tonight Saturday’s usually beardo night what are you looking at a I can hear myself turn that down right here he’s on in and in okay Goose Feathers what is

That oh I know that we not oh I have to hold to abandon where’s the black market here do got a black market around here somewhere there it is and it’s nothing going in ow he’s on in and in well I guess I need to go oh cuz it’s van okay hey

Kai this is I I like this Vault we’re going to go in oh it’s a horde vault that’s Cool I’m back let’s go yes of course you capture just St leave me of course but yes definitely if you just can and have the ability go see Obie as well as well is the key [Laughter] phrase all righty so we’re going to do another

Vault oh wait I’m not into yet yeah I jumped in there um it’s a hord vault I haven’t done anything yet o right I’ll be there in just a sec coup more things to throw out it’s the one with all the purple Stu all the purple stuff it’s like the

Amethyst it’s amethyst looking Vault orange cap you B hey or welome back I should get this dirt dirt’s great it is um so I need to throw that in there quickly in there we go there made it very fancy nice not not where you make very fancy not a thing

Oh oh I made a path dirt weapons dirt armor are you here yet are you here yet are you here yet I’m very impatient oh see I can’t even I don’t even have anything to break just like my a single Shuler without breaking the blocks underneath it why don’t you just make a

Pickaxe cuz I want to do it promply or you could make a pickaxe just for now until you do it properly it’s all I just broke it with an axe instead okay let me tally punch a Shuler so yeah yeah throw this in there And technically I feel like I don’t even need an axe but just in case yeah and I just quickly throw away okay there and put my gems away in that Sher and we’re good sweet sweet sweet all right there’s those that’s that put that in there that in there

That let’s finish using that one first better take that just in case I’m okay on my way your Vault I’m assuming yes please your Vault your portal I oops was back I wonder why it wasn’t working what was back what wasn’t working Happ to popping there no dramas jaapa Chap’s back wo hey

Gapture oh you haven’t gone in yet oh that’s somebody stealing your stuff silver was thieving your gear what yep I thought it was you I was like that’s what I said you haven’t gone in yet cuz there was somebody looking through all your chests and [Laughter]

Stuff oh my stream oh my stream was it’s not good your stream oh oh I mine does that all the I don’t like that Kai cuz I’m like then I don’t know do I just skip ahead so I can so I can know what he’s saying now

Or do I just like slowly watch like like if you click off of it and it like scoots you back minutes or something it’s frustrating all right let’s go are you ready I am in two seconds okay now I’m ready I had to turn off ob’s stream or else I was going to

Be getting jump scared by his noises okay ready you ready you ready ready ready ready let’s go oh sorry went too fast ah you have to give me like a 5sec head start so then you can beat me you know beat you slowly I got it B it’s fine all right uh

So you went down then I’ll go yep everything here should give you Elixir cuz it’s all purple a yeah that’s not how it works but I like the premise oh good that was poison but the good have you done a void VA yet no chests seem to

Be pretty all right for me oh nice it’s about time I got something decent yeah cuz lately it’s been like only the rarest of rare chests will give you Elixir I’m like all excited you’re probably almost done purple on the line I’ve done like maybe 5% oh the design in these vaults you

Capture is amazing they’ve done such a good job I mean I could do better but I mean it’s okay for it’s okay what’s it called uh it’s kind of or esque default leather yeah default level building default level build like villager houses Yep they’re okay when you compare them to yeah oh the

They’re okay when you compare them to my stuff don’t hit me oh where’s Sean there’s some some something R in a chicken for him no it’s it’s always Sean fa if something’s riding a chicken it does look so are you going to perish no the stuff was like sliding into the lava

Oh jeez that’s less an ideal hope this has not tell me about it oh no chaos go away killing things is really working for me oh that’s good that’s good I think I think that’s what it is yeah murder murdering things in um wooden chests the two most common things

Seems doing it for me I’m okay with that yep I’m very okay I think I’ve got this way it looks so magical yeah no it is by the way I was just joking you know they have done a fantastic job it looks awesome I definitely would probably quit after designing

One all right I’m I’m going to go forward stra that way South did you mark the entrance go down again all right I might go a different way I might go left okay I will allow that oh something oh no they’re away I mean yeah that very very true Kai I

I’ve got to say I’m much more likely to stay in a stream if the streamer is interacting with me too um I’m not one for watching people big streamers with lots of viewers who you know they can only answer one in every bloody 20 messages exactly like yeah and that’s just unfortunately a

Side effect of getting large you know it’s not their fault they just can’t keep up and I understand that beo could have 2,000 people and he keep up with all of them but not everybody can do that oh I hit this guy with my oh I’m like half full breaker

Nice so I guess coin is absolutely amazing oh Awesome oh no it’s a guy with a sword child St left know where he’s going yep oh yeah those the the red chests helped oh nice I can’t reach it there we go okay oh this filthy burper oh they’re the worst I’m not not not a fan of those guys just so

Crude and annoying because they heal let’s be real that’s heal yeah that’s why they burp oh they don’t last long enough for them me to see them he yeah yeah yeah I mainly had a problem oh gosh it’s a purple skeleton I had a problem one time because I got

Two of them oh really I while I was getting one down yeah uh they were healing each other oh what did not know that was a thing that was not the funnest time ever I will be [Applause] honest forgot to have my magnet on that’s why things were not that’s efficient for

Me all right uh oh SP don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall oh purple I love the sound it makes when your trap disarm works I don’t know what that is I know it’s a thing I don’t have it oh you don’t have any trap Des arm on any oh

Really I don’t think so I have at one point ah I don’t have it now yeah makes it sound like I have good stuff like a spider scription or something like oh yeah that’s cool that is I just did it then on my stream favorite Christmas song what

I oh no it’s a ghost and he mooing it’s a mooing ghost favorite Christmas song probably Aussie Jingle Bells Aussie Jingle of course it is I like the slay ride one oh six white Boomers no that one what what what no Chas Christmas songs don’t come from Australia they don’t care six white

Boomers Snow White it’s such a good song sure so much better than dirty reindeer what is a boomer a boomer he’s a large male kangaro from the song it’s so oh call him boo Boomers because when they when they’re bouncing along the ground you can hear them booming boom

Boom like when their tails hit the ground no when they hit the ground feet okay yeah when like their feet like when they’re bouncing you can actually hear thumping that’s why they’re called Boomers interesting six white Boomers Snow White Boomers I guess you don’t have snows racing Santa Claus through the blazing

Sun six white oh there’s a guy on a chicken thanks Sean oh no Sean’s fault what what happened did you get dead oh go away chicken and I didn’t mark so I don’t know which way I’m going uhoh well you’re not going pretty sure I the direction that I’m going you’re not going

South I can tell you that much so if I went West I got e all I got there’s ores here 6 the blazing sun on his Australian run okay so I guess I didn’t go that way go north just got chocolate and a Red Bull I just got chocolate and a Pepsi

Oh I want chocolate wait none of the rooms have I gone more than one room I don’t know oh that’s not ideal have you gone more than one room actually it doesn’t matter I don’t need to know which way is back cuz there’s a Tic Tac here what

An well I mean now you just have to make sure you finished you have 30 minutes it’s I’m nearly done ah now I just need to make sure I Mark the way back to this room yep six y Boomers oh and I just found the room

Just found the main room oh what a donkey well you said it all right so this is Tic Tac room let’s go this way I have not spotted a Tic Tac yet that’s not so ideal no but I guess the good news is if I can finish then

All I’ve got to do is run around until I find one yes where is that oh I thought this was ores just a random chest hole of Vault Stone that’s really annoying that is pretty annoying I was like oh it’s okay I’m going to get finished in a second because I found

This but negative that was story an incorrect State um why is my stuff not going oh it’s B it is K sleepy time te go Sleeps where’s my lar going I don’t know where’s your lar going I’m just making sure it’s actually dang this pacifist VI is crap what takes way too long to heal uh like it’s it’s still not full and I haven’t used it since the beginning oh really yeah I use the um Slaughter as

Well yep see I was thinking about swapping and now I’m just like should should have done that should have done that thing where I swapped it but I didn’t oh well now I don’t know how to get up oh here we go get it there’s a big giant wood

Box still not a fan of the Arches oh yeah which is hilarious that skeleton archers throw us off I know like like that should not be the case yep out of all the things that bother us yeah should not be archers skeleton archers agreed oh jeez what poison oh is that it okay

That’s just annoying cuz I was in that you know those giant like wooden box things yeah I was in that like in it one day in it poison um can’t reach it I well I live in Australia so no AR is in America but um or

I found a Tic Tac one day K wants to meet you in real life oh you capture AI is super cool oh what about me you’re forgetting about me guys that beardo guy he is all [Laughter] right he’s a pretty swell guy he’s really good at murdering things and people and

Teammates what nothing oh jeez two trap chests all right all right right one was poison and one was not poison dwellers but I’ve almost finished a bounty I’ve been having to get like I had a bounty to get uh gilded Vault Scrolls for like a week and I finally

Just gave up and now I’ve almost completed oh you’re kidding but it’s it’s all good I get black opal thingies from this and I need those so nice it’s all good so full of crap so oh so now they’re saying you too so now they’re saying me too oh nice

Thanks now that I’ve said you’re def after thought beo don’t [Laughter] worry oh yeah beardo is also okay that’s just okay yep I like that I mean I should not be okay with that because I’m supposed to be okay I’m the okay person you’re kind of oh my God

What is that sorry there’s the thing and it’s blue and it is has a frilly hat why is this is like chaos on steroids Gladiator chaos it’s a he’s also the sloth eater yes I’ll eat all the Vander ANS I mean SL [Laughter] Come on it just said fighter it didn’t say anything like it didn’t say tier three or anything like that it just said fighter that was annoying it’s all right I to stand where I stand you CCH you upside down that’s where you stand mhm cuz you’re Australian I’m not so

Cool you’re the coolest to me beardo there is something dead around me and I don’t know where it is what is it like growling yes I don’t know where it is it’s very frustrating buo we’re about to finish oh my God if I don’t die

I found a campsite full of coins oh nice and I’m assisting you so sweet you can go ahead and make your way to your Tic Tac yeah it’s not happening yet cuz we’re about to get done got to I got to mate things first hold on all

Right oh coins don’t do anything for me ah okay so but but it’s it’s okay there’s other chests and stuff here there I just got some red chest and there’s regular chests just I was like yes coin coins are doing nothing not kiding me not was a false

Alarm now we’re done yeah yeah standing up can definitely hurt the old head especially if you stand up under a table that yes I imagine that would hurt your head yes why are we standing up under table car I just said the head hurts when you have a really bad

Headache oh okay yeah yeah jaap you weren’t here for the question what is your favorite Christmas movie is uh music song I think that’s what they’re called songs what’s a forge lab oh I dang it we good to go on yeah I I was trying to get something

What oh I can’t pick these up they’re like these what is this oh no orange that’s no good I’m looking for my Tic Tac now you found one it was in this room I just don’t know where it was I don’t know where I put it oh I found

It you good are you ready yeah yeah yeping the woohoo now we just wait yep yay B no XP for me what oh because you’re such a low level I mean high level yeah it’s more because you’re such a low level I’m working on it I’m trying to not be not the

Goal all right let’s stass I said I said mine was Aussie Jingle Bells or six white Boomers just aie rud off what I don’t well you said you sing about kangaroos instead of reindeer so I said it was Aussie Rudolph uh six white Boomers Snow White Boomers Santa clausing some

Now just the accessory pack all right so let’s go clean this stuff up I got some oh wait I got a good Vault helmet did you see what it is I mean I got nearly doed that Vault what Shadow King ooh it doesn’t look yeah 5% that’s what I’ve got I

Don’t even I don’t even know what that means resistance or the Shadow King resistance is like the thing you get when you have a turtle potion Turtle Master potion you know resistance what is that like full resistance what is that huh but my gives me health and increased attack

Damage what does your Shadow King give me resistance and 8 18% Soul chance and so what are the implicits that’s it oh the implicits eight armor uh durability whatever 10% ability power yep prefixes 5% resistance yep and suffixes that’s it 18% Soul chance and that’s it oh so you

Can add one yes I can add one to both of those yeah we do that the one I’m wearing right now now has 13% increased attack damage plus four Health Plus item quantity so what you do like what so what does it have at the moment the new

One the new one it has Soul chance resistance and soul chance resistance is good Soul chance is good if you’re after lots of Soul shards yeah but what you could probably do is go to your Artisan table do a wild Focus which will roll everything uhhuh and then you can add

Using the amplifying focus add new ones and see what end up with now you’re speaking different Lang no can be used to modify VA so have you got your artison table I will go see that might have been one I just picked up from chaos that’s what I did to Artisan

Station I well I tried I’ve tried to go back and craft yeah I’ve gone back and crafted everything now so I put this in here so have you got all your focuses in there what do I what do I put all of my focuses in here or do I just add the

Ones I want no no you put them all in come come over to my place I’ll show you okay so not not the focus is the ones that you carry in your hand right the the ones the Wild amplifying and nullifying yeah that you get his loot yeah yeah

Yeah hold a sec guys I’ll read through what you’ve written in a sec just show you already how this thing works cuz I’m a muppet yes well is it no so coming up look in there oh so you just store them in here yep what so I just fundamental I just

Put them all straight in there fundamental one changes the implicits oh okay which is the armor those things yes yeah the armor and ability okay so if you shift over the the item in inventory so like my my helmet look next to the armor so you could roll your implicits for something

Really high if it’s something really low like I’ve got nine armor and it’s going to roll eight out of 8 to 10 so I’m Midway but yet durability Will Roll 400 to 1200 and I’ve only got 450 so it’s really low in the range of durability that it could have and same

With crit hit resistance 8% it could have been between 5% and 15% so again pretty low so stands the reason that if I rolled the implicits on that one I might end up with each of them quite higher yeah and same thing with when you look at your um all your all your

Prefixes and stuff as well it’ll show you what it could roll between wait what it could show you what it could roll between yeah so put your thing in your inventory right oh yeah the stuff in Brackets next to the thing and you shift over it shift yeah yep you see what I

Mean do you see what I mean I I thought I did hello I’m looking I don’t see what all right so hold hover over the item yes yep and then shift oh it took it away all right I’m hovering over the item and I’m hitting ship yeah it’s it’s

Just what just telling me the stuff maybe do I not need my other hat equipped is that going to help me it shouldn’t matter where just telling me the prefixes and stuff well it tells you that anyway right yeah right what else next to the to the rooll doesn’t it say in

Brackets 5 to four 14% or yes yeah so that’s what it could be if you roll it it could roll between that yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay I do get this now okay get a the legends of Godzilla monsterverse that’s a long name it’s a

Um hold on let me just go through chat definitely has been play sorry I’ll let you catch upen the Christmas song by Nat King Cole is pretty cool either that or holy Jolly christmasby Williams resistance resistance more like Riz distance I like that wi question but AI how are your

Kids toture great but yeah those two songs are named are probably the ones I choose but fair enough you make sure to tell Ari my song an yes I will and I just have yes yes yes yes he did he did he did um you’ve left some boots in there I’m I’m looking

Tri alert do you need it no so like for example uhhuh those boots right yes the item Rarity is as high as it can go the soul chance is pretty close to the top end of that bracket healing efficiency is mid-range well probably not quite mid-range it’s probably the low end of

Yeah but that’s okay increase attack damage could be higher and you’ve got an empty prefix armor is as high as it can be durability is quite low crit hit resistance is quite high so all around that’s a pretty cool piece of gear with pretty good rolls so

I probably wouldn’t mess with any of them I would just add one and see what you get okay by adding using an amplifying Focus to add a new free so you got three Health sweet it’s an extra heart and a half I am happy with that yep okay so I do

This wait I don’t so item quantity is high health is yes my only can only be one better increase attack damage is high ability power is low durability is low armor is as high as it can be so again the only thing I’d change there would be adding that empty

Suffix and you got soul chance which again it’s a highish rooll but it’s not not the greatest yeah option to have been given but you know still better than nothing yeah cool so that’s how they work so throw all your focuses in your thingy with your pling and I always throw in a

Good pile of coins when I have them as well yeah not okay thanks boss what the heck I don’t even know what that means what this one just got plus one to level of frost Nova but I don’t have Frost NOA some of some of them are a bit annoying when they add

A a skill that you don’t have yeah Oh okay that’s cool did you give me a plating block what did you what nothing oh thinking it was already damn it why you in the middle of the day ow that owl I’m going to try to sleep with my

Headache I hope your headache gets better Kai I hope it does too Kai that’s the worst no good okay so that’s what I need to do with these thing boobers oh nice all right so I am short um what this do oh doesn’t tell me okay whatever oh Vault plating stuff away our

Bronze I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m adding stuff thanks car you have a good one hopefully your headache feels better yes Papo said bye Kai so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so I have these random things here where are they what are you talking

About you talking about the little Rainbow focuses yeah faceted focuses yes yes you can use those too yep oh so the way the focuses work is they’re not like they’re not all ideal so the wild focuses will reforge all of them so that changes everything except for the

Implicits amplifying just adds one with you if you’ve got a spare space and nullifying will remove a random one so it could remove one you want to keep or it could remove one that you’re happy to lose right which is a pain yeah so if you’ve got a free space and

That you’ve got a faceted focus that and you go ah yes this pair this all all the modifiers I’ve got are pretty cool but it would be so much better if it had uh I don’t know what let’s say trap disarming or Mana regeneration or attack

Damage then yes you can throw that in there and use that and it will fill it will reforge all of them but add that one so it’s a pain as well yeah like so mine this one that I have ADD it where it says it oh it reforges all

Suff guaranteeing durability yeah not not in all of them but it will guarantee one of them will be durability or one of them will be attack damage or whatever the facet of focus is it guarantees that in one of the slots and it reforges all the other ones at the same

Time yeah okay so I mean if you’ve got a piece of gear that has like a coup couple of empty slots and all of its modifiers are rubbish you know like Soul chance and nether damage yeah use a fet and focus on it to guarantee something you want and see

What other ones you get lucky with yep okay and when you and when it says that it’s going to re reforge it it’s like if you have soul chance and the nether Dam and stuff like that it’s it’s not going to roll the percentage of those you

Might not have those is what it means right say that again what like if it has like the nether damage or whatever on it you might not have that after you roll it oh yeah that’s right you you’ll Pro could be Health it could be okay okay anything else yeah cuz I

Was thinking it just it completely rolls it percentage no it won’t no okay that percentage just shows you what you could have had in that bracket for that particular item on that piece of gear so the piece so it changes so like depending on the level of the gear those brackets

Change yeah so like a level 40 uh I don’t know pick up a level 40 Scrappy volt helmet just a basic one will have a bigger percentage chance it’ll have have like 11 to 13 armor whereas uh let me find another one here uh level 31 has an 8 to 10

Chance for for its armor yeah so the level does matter right when it comes to what or how high each of the rolls could be that’s why there’s no point wearing a level 10 helmet at level 40 right because it’s only going to get it’s only going to be

Yeah yeah that’s right it’s only going to be a Max of like I don’t know if I can’t even find a really old one oh here’s a level three pair of boots so the max it can be is five armor on this level three Boots the same

Boots wizard boots at level 40 will be a Max of 13 armor huh right yeah and a minimum of like 10 so there no point wearing those wizard boots yeah ever again yeah so they might as well be scrapped down see that was going to be one of my next

Questions how when do you scrap stuff I I always feel bad about scrapping stuff cuz I’m like oh then I’m never going to have it again might need this no you’ll never need it again I’m thinking about no one uses axes what if I just scrap all the axes yeah same

That’s what I’ve done I’ve scrapped all the axes I’ve scrapped every single axe as soon as I get it it gets scrapped to capture just had some bad Dipping Dots I don’t know what that is oh no not feel not super just kind ofce oh that’s what it is little Frozen balls of

Ice cream like these wands are awesome but I don’t think I’m ever going to use them nice say all my wands go straight in the thing no one use no one’s running with wands so not exactly I mean I’ve kept a few of the really fancy

Ones yeah just because I look cool but yeah that’s like the the the the focuses remind me of grimoire sign I’ve kept a few of them too one of M was actually called a grimoire see that’s awesome yeah I’m sure wonder where that’s gone definitely kept

It oh me me too actually I have a Arcane codex and a grimoire okay I’m going to grab all of the soul the axes nobody lik no matter what they say they don’t like ax no ax is are silly okay I haven’t rolled yet I should probably roll

Those God I see what they mean recycler needing as many coins as possible because they run out really quickly once you start doing stuff like this same oh I just got a chilling cloud and a oh healing efficiency facet so is this where you get the rainbow facets from recycling things yes

Yep oh I did not know that did not know that block chance that seems like a good good thing to have yes oh no reset why not going are they full why is it oh yep this that was full apparently all right I’ve grinded up all the

AES so now I can just store these guys in here nope that’s not working no the not the faceted ones oh they always go in that one spot yeah Oh mining speed yep what that’s cool lock chance seems important healing efficiency is good chilling Cloud oh I got two else can go in there anything else what do I do with Vault scraps ah you’ll need those too what are those for for making volite excuse me as in Bolt IR right

Ingots bite Ingot yep oh my god oh that’s how you make a repair core what um two vaite ingots make a vault alloy mhm and check this oh see this that’s a potato no oh the thing in your hand yeah I got one of oh

Oh is this what level 35 you can do yeah so look at your tool table oh yep yep no cuz I knew I it’s it’s in here cuz I was trying to be organized yeah no cuz I see it’s blocked for me right now cuz I have chromatic

Iron and then chromatic steel steel the next one’s blocked off until you’re level 35 Y which is volite and the next one is blocked off for me until Level 50 I really want that level 50 which looks to me like I reckon that’s WTIC yep btic silver probably is my guess

So yes my tools are vter right now that’s going be aain F so I didn’t um I didn’t bother upgrading to the chromatic steel ones I just yeah held off until I got to my steel SLE I made it right when I could yeah because I did

I needed something um for all the chests and everything like that so that’s the only thing chromatic steel everything else is still iron yeah guess I should throw some wands in here oh that’s a sword you don’t I do have a lot of swords that are probably

Useless definitely have a lot of WS that are useless and you know you can make do the transmogrification yes y so you get it I most definitely have been using that oh have you my one or someone else’s oh I chaos oh chaos yeah yeah yeah it’s a

Pretty cool table to use too problem I guess I’m going to oh no the I’ll keep the shield somebody might find one from it what’s this look like that yeah right yeah see all these swords just so many swords and helmets and things but I might need them they’re not in the

Same bracket as you don’t bother about them just get rid of them yeah gu let me do do the wands first what do you get from cycling wand okay crap wasn’t sure it it changes it’s just it’s random chance you might get a faceted thing or netherite

Scrap yeah well it’s I’ve gotten one netherite scrap from these my the the axes were giving me some more but there were some higher levels got a Undead damage that like a complete waste of time yeah I don’t that’s what I was saying the other night I don’t like the individual damage is

Yeah like if there was a way you could know like ah there’s only going to be this in my Vault then I mean I’d probably be cool to have like a whole set up but we we do that do we have any of those don’t think so roll something all right um

How much we got five minutes mhm yay hippopotamus chest plate oh I kind of like that one not as much as my fairy one though all right I’m going to stop hoing because I can get rid of all this anyway and just trans mogic yeah if I like

Something oh you have to see some lights are you you capture nice ooh wait are you have you always been in Florida did I not know that come on why did I think you were not Florida 10 are you on vacation in Florida oh that’s I want a hippopotamus for

Christmas do y’all have that there or is it I want to what drop bear for Christmas or something I don’t know what you’re talking about come on song I want hippopotamus for Christmas that you don’t know that one that’s not an Australian one do you have I want a drop bear for Christmas

Not or I want a red kangaroo for Christmas I want a I want a hairy spider for Christmas woolly woolly spider oh I don’t know what it is then no we don’t have any know your equivalent is we just want cool things for Christmas like toys and stuff Dragon leggings

Okay Dragon leggings yeah you just got Dragon Bone Dragon oh it’s an Omega too they they look okay what does omega mean oh Rarity is Omega yeah oh they have three prefixes and suffixes is that what that means yep so as the Rarity goes up they’ve got more they’re not good

Oh I mean there’s hold on there’s some okay things knockback resistance is good I guess the attack damage is good the health is low oh okay they’re not terrible they’re actually not terrible their armor is on the lowest though but they’re also only level 19 so

Yeah so see I would oh why are they level 19 I don’t know I just found them in a chest ah yeah I I was thinking cuz it all looked low then I was like oh that’s actually like the high range of things so yeah for the level they might actually be okay

But they’re not good yeah it’s why I’m not fast like I haven’t been getting any Omega stuff this entire time I think I’ve got one yeah and I’m like I’m not fast until I get to a higher level what’s the point I’m not going to need them for

Long enough to make them worthwhile having really yeah I don’t even know what you said oh be honest though one minute oh well oh see I’ve got an epic too that’s five oh nice actually I just took this one off funnily enough looking at it now oh no no it’s good it’s good

Good it did have better heum oh cool it’s okay just going to go grind some more stuff now I’m finally grinding everything up finally goodbye beautiful oh I got a copious thingy nice I what a jewel yeah no uh from a focus what the heck is velocity oh

That’s probably something to do with y’all magnets oh oh is that what that yeah that is that is that is okay cool pH battery low and it’s going walking D okay see youa see y grinding up all the stuff it’s just not really grinding it’s burning oh good

Arod sounds amazing what I said that sounds amazing do you want it what is it what arthropod damage no arthropod damage oh that one’s attack that faceted focus is attack Dam oh CH I’m going to have to empty this chest now it’s becoming all faceted focuses have don’t have room for anything else

Sorry gumdrops move it it was a dump chest that I just happened to put the other stuff in ah but now important stuff’s going in there yeah oh no not okay which vial did you say that you used slaughterers says kill Vault mobs to restore charges

Okay consum a charge to heal four hit points yeah it’s not too bad uh oh that’s 32 I’ll keep those oh those are 31 I’ll keep those that’s 30 those are 29 all right I’ll keep those say bye to my stream I’ll be back yep yep yep all righty everybody we’re about to

Get kicked out of the game which is really untimely but it’s going to happen it’ll probably be about 10 minutes 10 15 minutes before we get to come back anyway because it takes so long to load and do its thing so probably just end stream now but thank you

Every thank you very much everybody for hanging out with me today it’s been wonderful and I hope you all come back next time um we will be back to streaming my Herobrine World hardcore World in a couple of days and yeah I hope you all join me for that

Cuz I really want to see what else Herobrine’s going to get up to so all righty everybody thanks again and um yeah if you uh feel like helping me out I’m chasing getting um YouTube partner so if anybody feels like running any of my streams while I’m while I’m not live

Or CU they’re all recorded they’re all all up in my video list or anything like that that would be amazing um I do have everything in playlist so uh yes if you would like to help contribute I’m aiming for watch hours at the moment

So the more people I can get to watch my stuff the better um thanks everybody and I will catch us all next time all right see You W He He He He W He He He He Yeah W W He

This video, titled ‘Do I KNOW what I’m Doing YET? – VaultHunters? (Java) #minecraft’, was uploaded by BeardoMax on 2023-12-03 18:17:52. It has garnered 57 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:59 or 11759 seconds.

Streaming from a New SkyVault SMP come and hang and help decide what we are going to do with it! Support the stream:

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Intro Music Artist: Dan Henig Track: Arpy Link:

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  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Drone AI Art!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Drone AI Art!Video Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской я показываю лицо я реально его покажу Если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь о’кей и прежде чем вы что-то сделаете это случилось быстрее чем я думал ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется Итак добываем дерево и что зачем вы опять поставили лайк и подписались пожалуйста прошу хватит это делать и Вау кажется я нашёл деревню И что Зачем вы так быстро ставили лайки и Подписывайтесь Ладно бежим скорее в деревню Ой здесь есть кузница в ней у нас стоп… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft TikTok Hacks Exposed!

    Top Secret Minecraft TikTok Hacks Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK 🥺 🧐HACKS # 32!!!’, was uploaded by drpthunder on 2024-06-13 14:31:16. It has garnered 10454 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks shorts bhoot mami free… Read More


    YTCRAFT_PLAYZ - CRAZY PANI PANI CHALLENGE FT. SENPAISPIDER 🥵 #minecraftVideo Information तुम्हें सनपा स्पाइडर बनना पड़ेगा मतलब बहुत लोग बोले थे हमको कि हमारी आवाज उनकी तरह है इसलिए हम सोच कि उनकी खोपड़ ही हमारी स्किन में फिट कर लेते हैं कूल लगेंगे हम भी लेकिन माहा कसम काफी डेंजर आदमी है वो देखे थे उनका एक आधा वीडियो हम भी अरे पानी भाई आप भी ठ उसमें क्या बोलते वो आपके पास आके है पानी पानी पानी [संगीत] This video, titled ‘PANI PANI🥵 FT.@SENPAISPIDER #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by YTCRAFT_PLAYZ on 2024-04-20 05:31:29. It has garnered 4282 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Emperor Pikachu’s Epic Journey Begins! Watch Now!

    Emperor Pikachu's Epic Journey Begins! Watch Now!Video Information take that Bowser this finale will make the entire universe my captive audience aha whoa what’s it doing uh that was a weird dream uh where are where am I uh let’s see how’s the village doing today everybody there’s people on the roof hello Village hello villagers nice to meet you hello Iron Golem how are you doing time to climb up the old Hill again to go and sleep ah through the wheat field this thing has produced me so much bread ooh this moon is rising and the Sun is setting such a beautiful sight… Read More

  • Shark PRANKS Friend with Real Pain Mod in Minecraft!

    Shark PRANKS Friend with Real Pain Mod in Minecraft!Video Information my friend Kevin is live streaming on Twitch wearing this homemade haptic suit meaning he feels pain in real life bro what are you doing dude look at this I made my own freaking haptic suit dude look at this oh Jesus okay bro okay sorry sorry sorry creeper blew up that really really hurt what is going on so technically I guess that counts as uh kissing a creeper so we can mark that one green as done okay yeah that did not feel good so at least we know now that we got out of the… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Unlocking MAGICAL POWERS in Modded Minecraft! 🌀

    UNBELIEVABLE! Unlocking MAGICAL POWERS in Modded Minecraft! 🌀Video Information all right hello everyone welcome back to another stream welcome back to another live welcome back to another video as you can tell by the title of today’s stream we are doing a low accurate SMP video l here stream this is going to be one of the most important streams uh recently by far because if the ones before leaked a lot about the story this one is going to leak a lot about the world and stuff so make sure you pay close attention to it and everything will make sense as we go on anyways… Read More

  • Sahil’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft 24/7 Live Server – Join Now!

    Sahil's Mind-Blowing Minecraft 24/7 Live Server - Join Now!Video Information double Tak [Applause] down first Doom double Tak down thanks [Music] I need equipment resources here thanks good job [Applause] first Doom sh resources [Music] help me first Doom a need [Music] equipment resources here I need equipment I need equipment thanks thanks than I need equipment good job first kill spe double Tak [Music] down [Music] free fire India is set in [Music] a oh [Music] [Music] a oh [Music] yeah a oh [Music] [Applause] that oh [Music] a [Music] h [Music] oh [Music] [Music] e [Music] free fire [Music] IND [Music] a oh w free fire… Read More

  • GUMMIGOO Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft!

    GUMMIGOO Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft!Video Information gummig goo is one of the coolest new characters to come from the latest episode of The Amazing digital circus which is why I decided to add him and the rest of the candy Canyon Kingdom into Minecraft now for the next 100 days I’ll be surviving as gummy goo pulling off explosive heists and making Great Escapes as I encounter all the members of the digital circus and transform into even bigger and more powerful forms will I be able to overcome the odds and defeat the fudge or will I get deleted from the circus you’ll… Read More

  • INSANE MINERS GO TO THE MOON?! 🚀 Minecraft Animation Song

    INSANE MINERS GO TO THE MOON?! 🚀 Minecraft Animation SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘♪ MINERS ON THE MOON – Minecraft Animation Song Parody INSTRUMENTAL’, was uploaded by Bubba4827 on 2024-05-21 20:24:26. It has garnered 163 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. This is a VERY GOOD instrumental Read More

  • Rabisu TR Minecraft Server

    Rabisu TR Minecraft ServerRabisu 2016 yılında kurulmuş, yenilikçi ve modern Minecraft server sağlayıcısıdır. Minecraft, Markus Notch Persson tarafından beceri gelişimi üzerine çeşitli küpler ile tasarımlarınızı yapabilmenizi sağlayan bir oyun olarak geliştirilmiştir. Minecraft oyununun Notch’un kurduğu Mojang şirketi çatısı altında 16 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde herkese açık şekilde yayımlanmıştır. Oyun yayımlandığı günden itibaren çok sıkı bir oyuncu kitlesine sahip olmuştur oyunun yaratıcı modunda ve hayatta kalma modunda oyun becerilerinizi geliştirerek dünyaları keşfedin, inşa becelerinizi kullanarak yeni binalar ve şehirler inşa etmenin inceliklerini farkedin ve arkadaşlarınızla minecraft’ı hayal gücünüzün dibine kadar birlikte oynayın. Minecraft 2019 yılının dünya genelinde en çok oynanan oyunları arasında 5. sıradadır…. Read More

  • Cozy Corner Semi-Vanilla 1.20 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Cozy Corner Community Welcome to Cozy Corner, a 21+ Minecraft Java server community that is looking to expand! About Us: No server resets planned Relaxed environment Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect Join Our Discord: Our Discord community focuses on building friendships through gaming and shared interests. We have a quick application process and welcome everyone to check us out! Community Guidelines: We are game-centered, but enjoy various genres. Our Minecraft server may be quiet, but Discord is active with daily conversations and gaming. We are seeking active members to chat and game with,… Read More

  • LumeoMC

    LumeoMCWelcome to LumeoMC, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft adventures! Our network offers an immersive experience in both Survival and Skyblock modes. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or a sky-high architect, LumeoMC provides the perfect playground for your creativity and strategic skills.In Survival mode, embark on a journey through diverse biomes, gather resources, build magnificent structures, and defend against the perils of the night. Collaborate with friends or challenge yourself to thrive in a world where every decision counts.In Skyblock, start with limited resources on a small floating island and expand your domain into a sprawling empire in the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: “emmmmm”

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: "emmmmm"Well, I guess we better watch out for this meme, it’s clearly a high scorer in the meme world! Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up

    From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up Noob’s shape changes at different ages in Minecraft…just like how my shape changes after eating too much cake in real life. #relatable #gamerproblems Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT 1K SUB CELEBRATION 🎉Video Information so something dude you’re accent hold on what do you say d e r r o wait what wait a okay yeah f i in one in one okay r m a okay craft got it c r a f t this this will get it trust okay no you have to do it in one word yeah yeah and then switch mod packs to mods and then first yeah yeah you just press install and then create a new profile file and just name it anything um anything you want bro okay and then go to Advanced… Read More

  • Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘kite🪁🪁in Minecraft pocket edition #minecraft #like #gaming #trend #viral #minecraftshorts #comment’, was uploaded by Horror gamer on 2024-02-15 04:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. kite in Minecraft horror gamer command /effect @e levitation 99991 #minecraft #like #gaming #subscribe #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shorts

    Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shortsVideo Information यहां पर है 100 से भी ज्यादा हॉग ंग्स और हॉगिंग जिसको कहा जाता है जिनके हाथ में एक्स होती है और यह मेन वर्ल्ड में होने की वजह से ऐसे हो चुके हैं वरना जो वो मोटे से कपड़े पहने रहते हैं वही होते हैं और चलते हैं फटाफट से वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं यहां पर देख सकते हो 100 से भी जाता है जो काफी ज्यादा तेजी से यहां पर घूम रहे हैं और यहां पर देख सकते हो हमने इनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया है और ये देख सकते हो काफी ज्यादा गंदा डैमेज… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: Discord: Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More