Dream – Minecraft Speedrunner VS PRO

Video Information

Illumina is minecraft’s most prestigious and well-known speedrunner he’s even been flown out by mojang themselves to compete in a minecraft competition in person and he won he currently holds the speedrun world record for minecraft 1.7 and he has also held the 1.14 speedrun world record over five times although

The current world record holder is me this video he has to try and speedrun and beat minecraft before i can hunt him down and stop him if i kill him one time i win if he beats the enemy dragon he wins then we switch and he hunts me this is

Minecraft manhunt match up three two one go oh one minute one minute starting now oh no i run away i see you i see you running no no dream please no then 35 seconds i wish i wish i could reset to get away from you just delete the world

Just leave the server all right your time is up i’m i’m on the move i’m on your tail no you’re not yes i am i’m right behind you nope what i made a hoe i’m throwing i’m throwing i’m on the road again Ready to catch me some alumina um how about you don’t come over here this is like i feel like people could do this challenge and like go insane like actually fire hardware you have iron now um that’s good for you like it’s that could mean that yeah

Ooh you missed the shipwreck or did you get it you might have gotten it who knows very treasure map should i go for a buried treasure get some diamonds it’s it’s it’s an investment yeah it could pay off oh is there no iron actually you look harder i’m talking about a shipwrecked chest

Oh wow really no iron in a shipwreck no usually there’s tons of iron emerald yeah that’s that’s pretty insane i’ve probably gotten like 15 iron from one shipwreck before eight more yeah which is what i thought of and i think that’s why 1.14 could be very good oh illumina oh god

Dream get away come here get away i’m right on your tail no why would you do this to me i was so scared if i could if i could have stayed on that tree i probably could have got you guys snuck up oh so hard i i didn’t even like um connected

Or the possibility you could be i don’t know why i’m so stupid i didn’t think you’d be there i was just lying about the shipwreck all right i will get my revenge i will come back i will kill you there’s no doubt about it

I will use this stone hoe to make a farm oh yeah yeah you’re right i dropped the stonehoe to you do not end me skeleton yes yes yes it’s all right i was right by spawn it’s all right i was low i had nothing this is this is acceptable i don’t think

I could have asked for a better start that is very true i think this stone hoe is really gonna help me out that was my biggest mistake if i didn’t make the stone hoe i would have beaten you there it’s really thank you so much you’re really good at lying you never

Know and i don’t know if that’s a good trade or not but it is a trade of yours so take that you know take that how you will hot stuff he’s making the portal it’s official he’s going to the nether right now clearly um give it another minute maybe

Maybe i am maybe i’m not we need to go deeper he’s in the nether okay ladies and gentlemen we got him is there a fortress you’re kidding me no way um well that doesn’t say i got the advancement so like that’s true now you got it you’re kidding me there’s

A fortress right there yep i got a wither skull really what you’re kidding me you got a wither skull what all right if i kill the wither do i get extra points okay okay i am on my way i i’ve not seen you get the achievement for getting a blaze which is

A good sign that’s really good yeah i’m having a hard time here the nether is really being mean i’m i’m walking i have no hunger but you could be lying i’m not lying this is this is the worst start i could have possibly imagined there are no animals i thought it was

Going to be daytime but i guess not i’m in the bad part of the fortress that’s the problem yes olympus gonna beat the game before we even see him again all right you are out of the nether wait you did get a blaze rod i didn’t see it you are a filthy liar

How did i miss that how did i miss that oh you filthy liar you have bamboozled me yeah says dream oh yes that is not good yeah just turn myself in now while i can yeah i i could do that turn yourself into the authorities waiting to

Swiftly arrest you i’m going to build a house first ever house built in manhattan oh did i see your name tag did you not mine i could be i could be hallucinating oops i’m trying to build a house well you’re not supposed to build a house in manhunt that’s not how this goes

Um i did all right well i think i will avoid you for now because you have um yeah do you think you can take me do you want to try i mean i probably not i don’t really want to try honestly but what if i took on you then

You would have nothing like that’s true i think i know what i want to do now what do you want to do get away from the lava why i don’t like that come up here are you scared i’m not scared i’m a tad scared okay maybe maybe a little bit i only

Have a chestnut maybe i’m a little scared i see your tricks you think i want to come up there and then you’re going to hit me off i may not be like george you know i’m not i’m not okay you know i know i i know how to play this game it’s fine

Just come here okay this is the situation you’re you have the high ground and to the right there’s lava which you could hit me in i’m not gonna hit you in the lava that’s that’s just a that’s that’s an unfair play and why would that stop i am

Mismatched i have only a chest plate you are fully fueled up i am basically naked oh this is this looks scary to me i don’t know if i should you can try it go for it i mean oh god i just immediately i mean i’m i i don’t

Want this fight i don’t appreciate this fight this fight is very scary okay okay you know what i’ll i’ll leave i’ll i’ll go i’ll leave you alone i don’t have many blocks i kind of want blocks before i engage in a fight like this i agree well

I’m happy i built my house if you destroy it i’m going to be very upset so going back just to destroy it right now just because no my house must stay for the memes i may or may not be on your tail stop stop stop i wonder if that’s the fastest fastest

Nether on manhunt i wonder it might be actually i got insanely lucky right there like it probably is yeah you’re if you like spawned in the fortress it probably is it was really closed i’m so committed into just keeping this keeping my stone hoe you’ve stolen my stone stone hose it’s a

Good luck charm that’s all right now i have full diamond and i’m coming to kill you um not possible i if i see you with diamond armor i might like i might disconnect just from being scary i did say in one of my live streams that in my opinion you’re the best minecraft

Player in the world so we’ll see i do i do remember that very well you added exclamation point simp to your twitch chat and have that i didn’t add that okay my mods do all that yeah yeah yeah blame it on your mods i see how it is

Well i know i’m not like going fully straight i’m just saying like i have been going north this entire time right so oh no you’re going south right now okay i can’t i can’t listen to you i can’t listen to this man anymore i have been going north this entire time

Is going south i’m trying to get into your head what would dream do i would dream if i was dreaming if i was dream and i was the hunter right now what would i be doing i hear you trading what a deal i’m not trading i hear you doing the shift click thing

Is that me trading oh come here illumina come here ideal ideally your plan would be stay near this village you know what you probably have a bed somewhere close do i i think it’s possible unless you just what do you do no stop it stop why i want them to die

Stop it i want them to die these are my villagers get away come on come on come fight come fight come out to play ah Come on illumina Oh come here oh illumina bro Why stop get away oh no come on it’s time to fight illumina it’s time to fight get away please I hate you ah no come here no get away I feel like i have slowness when i’m chasing you Come here come on you gotta be low come on turn around illumina give me give me a battle No Oh god okay that kind of that worked slightly What you have a pearl i have more pearls than you apparently yes gg nice job dude that was great that was great i i you gotta be close you gotta be close i was on four hearts you got me close the lava if you had turned around

And you placed that lava back then i probably i probably would have been dead oh my gosh i probably would have been dead i started my time where i’m going i have a timer no do i just just wait yep just yeah i was very nervous i was like

Because it’s just like you can come from anywhere and it’s like you know yeah exactly i don’t know what’s gonna happen you have 10 seconds i thought you went Go okay i can hear illumina try harding he’s spamming his space bar which clearly means that he is racing to come kill me he does not want me to get a shield you have a shield i do have a shield why i bet you got all the pearls already i

Am actually i’m actually in the stronghold believe it or not um you’re only up against me haven’t you done enough battles with george to get practice for me all right funny guy all right you haven’t made suit up but you did get an iron pickaxe so it’s very confusing but it’s okay because

I’ll assume that you know exactly what you’re doing thank you thank you hot stuff i think i know what you’re doing do you have food though i have tons of food really i haven’t gone nether yet you just have a lava bucket i don’t know what to make of that

The odds aren’t zero for that all right i’ll say this is it’s not going swimmingly i will say that much Do you have to uh right click it every time for an update yeah you have to right everything makes sense makes sense oh i have made it to the nether I may or may not have broken my pickaxe in the nether and i had no cobblestone so i had to make an iron one i didn’t want to but i had to not a great start to my nether adventures but i guess it could be worse it’d definitely be worse i could have

Fallen in lava by now it is true as you can see i have found the fortress Now it’s just a matter of lumina is in the nether fortress that is nope nope nope not the fortress i thought i thought i said it wrong with strong sometimes they stronghold instead of fortress oh my bejesus okay yeah let’s not let’s never go down there ever again where’d you go dream

I don’t know where’s the fortune i go that is actually launched top 10 that’s where science can’t answer uh dream winning i would assume that you know because is it that obvious you know where i went is it that obvious all right oh that got your blaze rod terrible fortress oh

Dream i don’t know where you went i’m sure that you probably know exactly where i went right now you’re pulling my leg i have no idea where are you come on these plays are really annoying promise you’re in the nether i promise this is a bit silly i don’t know how i

Can’t find you police drop rates are abysmal you’re not getting blaze rods you saw me where’s my portal why would you lie to me i i told you illumina i would never lie to you you were my friend okay friends you lied to each other you lied to me so much

I mean i didn’t yeah portal wonder dream i wonder did you trap it you put it under lava or something i would never do that you might have it’s right there go in it i dare you why are you gonna boot me in the lava or something okay you have a bow okay

This is looking mighty where are you going i’m going away from you i just don’t trust this man like is there a single person who trusts us trust this man come on come on you know you want to i blocked off the lava source it’s safe for you now

I thought you’re going to shoot me there the instinct my instinct my ultra spider-man instincts told me you’re right you could say i wasn’t going to no illumina come on come on well why do i make five boats you say you better have a boat oh you do

All right well i know i can’t blow you so frick all right we’re on the road again this is going swimmingly i may have wasted a pearl but it was it was worth it i’ve left it all right illumina is right on my trail this is

This is a shipwreck i kind of want that might have emeralds i have some useful things guess what i’m not allowing you to get you can’t really stop me i wish you would try you’re just getting closer that’s all i have that’s all i’ve noticed oh god oh come on I can’t hit you oh god i was smart that’s a good play come here jim come on illumina oh no come on oh come on you got to be low you got to be low you had to have been low there dive dive yeah come on

Shoot me in the water shoot me in the water I will give you that what was this battle All right Oh god this is the combo from illumina come on illumina the water battle it commences this water fight has gone on for too long Boosted me back all right he’s boosting me back i don’t like this You’re destroying me and i’m drowning Oh there’s a lot of mobs here Oh I’ll i’ll let you go i will say 1.9 are in water battles and 1.9 plus is way more interesting it is so interesting 1.9 you’re like you’re like kind of flying through the air you may or may not have gotten me to one heart in that encounter well that

Is unfortunate because i should have just killed you then and then that would have been amazing but you’re still following me am i you are it’s interesting you would choose to retreat and it seems like you may be killing animals or something i’m gonna i’m gonna assume using my massive brain

You don’t really have food and that i have much more food than you therefore i can probably take you in a fight because 1.14 you know mostly you just need food Why are you doing this to me just turn around and fight me with no food oh you little muffin head i hate you do you think i’m that stupid to fight you on land with no food i will run away for as long as i can

This is supposed to be the other way around illumina but chase you can chase me for all you want go ahead i’m not gonna surrender this is water so you’ll never catch up to me if i keep going fine keep going then lead me farther away and then when

I eventually kill you i’ll be even further from I wonder if you can catch up to me in jungles i wonder if your parkour is good enough try me and try me under here i do realize i’m sticking here illumina this video this video is gonna be an hour long it’s just gonna be illumina and friend boating okay that’s what

That’s what this video is going to be I see the comments right now what what what okay if everyone watching is thinking that i have two options one i run forever or two i die those are my options which one would you rather do I remember when we had a waterfall right here it was crazy that was that was insane actually all right right here i’m playing the club how long are you oh that’s from episode 24 now we’re on episode 104 it’s trapped All right lumina i am with you okay no matter what i am here there’s nothing you can do about it oh what no i don’t have a boat all right i’m back on it’s okay I really think you can catch up with me oh you mother [Laughter] after all of this you’re just you’re just gone okay are you come here oh come on don’t steal my boat come here turn around illumina come on turn around and fight me oh he’s gonna swim like this forever you’re ridiculous Oh god this is not ideal this looks like you’re walking in the water for me this is not what i would have wanted out of a fight oh my god is that treasure are you getting treasure or what are you doing i don’t know what am i doing

I never know how george felt when you did that one fight that like lasted like three nights after like four nights yeah that one fight this is this is similar to that except for like half the time we’re not even fighting that time we were just fighting the whole time

Have you found the stronghold yet are you in the end i am actually surprisingly i would expect nothing less from the best minecraft player according to some random youtube video a guy i would expect nothing less from the second best minecraft player and i am one better because of my high iq

I can’t believe you would lie about the blaze spawner well i was at the blaze point i was at a different one i went to there i when i saw the fortress i knew you were gonna i knew you were gonna come to me i saw another fortress like a little bit

Further away and i went to the further one away because i was like i don’t want him to kill me in the fortress that was that was a hike that proves my 10 iq score okay i will have you know that my iron sword and my axe both broke during that fight

And i was killing you with the pickaxe i’m not even sure if you realized that but i was fighting you with the pick out all the projects oh what how did you get over here hey what’s up you’re on the other side i was like even looking at my coordinates i thought i

Was going the right way i was like i’m gonna go further from spawn all right well you have come back apparently with i don’t know gear i wonder if you got more iron armor in case your iron number would break or something i hope this manhunt goes to like five hours at least

At least i hope you reach the final most epic video ever get some it gets 20 million views you hit you hit a million subs tomorrow oh by the way everybody subscribe to illumina his channel’s in the description all right aluminum [Laughter] you’re just like blackmail me like

If i let you if you let me win then i will tell everyone subscribe to you i’m keeping my distance by the way i’m not people it looks okay it’s a good replacement maybe i don’t know better there’s a food here that i kind of want to

Kind of get maybe i kill you and then i get the food that might be the best yeah you can kill me that’s fine is that lava no no um i don’t think yeah okay that’s not long all right that’s close looks like you just got lava out oh what No come on illumina come on what fight me oh god that was a good shot oh that was good nice try nice try it was it oh no oh no this again i’m right on your little feet you do this when you’re low you’re healing up though you’re healing oh

That was a good that was smart you timed it not smart what how did that not hit you i don’t understand come on you got to be really low you can’t be full health there’s no way you’re full oh god all right i’m gonna pull an aluminum strap real quick

It’s got to be the end illumina you have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide again oh you little you little oh come on dolphin strats let’s go Ah yes yes your helmet broke oh my god my arm my helmet’s like about to break too oh my god oh my god but now you’re just gonna literally just go get iron and you’re gonna be back in 10 minutes that was the long probably i think that

Breaks the record for the longest fight in manhattan history probably oh man you just don’t die that’s what i’m known for just literal plot armor and it is 1.15 trading so it will take longer unless there’s a lot of villagers that’ll be fine what’s the longest like manhunt recorded

Like recording four and a half hours it was the last manhunt the three hunters that took cause i like when you’re fighting it’s more than one person like your strat is just run like just get as far as you can because then they can’t get to you do you mind telling me any

Knowledge of your whereabouts like your surroundings or are you just gonna not tell me at all um i’m not gonna tell you okay i will tell you that i’m not gonna tell you so that definitely helps you see i see what if my compass loki is lying that is impossible

Or you see me and you’re saying that because you see me i just feel like it’s broken i have a feeling you’re lying that’s all i’ll say do you see me i don’t even know which direction you’re coming from honestly i think it should be this way but you’re acting you’re acting suss

I’m just getting stuff you’re clicking up the center you’re like so far yeah you’re a terrible actor illumina i will tell you that well i don’t see you okay you’re being you’re being quite weird illumina weird how am i being weird no give me your information or anything

And here i can hear the tremor in your voice you’re somewhere around here you’re you’re Keep looking if you really think i’m here look for me but i’m not there so i don’t know why you would look i would do the trains asap what are you talking about i see you get out of the tree illumina i did see you i i was looking over there

Too before and i didn’t see you this time i saw you i knew you’re here i will say this what you have a shield i know i know i don’t i’ve gotten a shield i should have listen i’m just going to run away then don’t kill my villagers please illumina no bad bad

No no no no no no villagers are getting killed here don’t worry about me all right well for now let me run over here because you’re gonna be killing my villagers and i do not want you to kill my villagers illumina go away i may or may not have killed one little dude

Wow that was almost scary You have you’ve killed my villagers i’ve killed one yeah you’ve killed one and there’s there’s one other villager in the whole village oh come on you’re you really think this is the best thing for you to do i do think it’s the best thing for me to do

I think it’s in a very effective strategy actually you missed up your time you messed up your timing there And keep pulling me keep following me see what happens to waste my arrows oh you little what’s up stop it why oh no did i not make more votes i thought i had more oh no come on that was a boost that was a boost and a half Oh god that was not good all right back off for now i will say drowning is pretty op in this version so i’m assuming you’re probably not pretty low oh god Oh my lord oh come on get him get him oh he missed you every time that is just ridiculous Oh god that does a lot of damage It does Oh god oh no It’s so annoying oh you little i knew you’re gonna do this no i tried i tried my best to not i tried my best to not boost you away that is aggravating that is so aggravating come on this is gonna be like the most epic 1.14 pvp video ever

Oh my god that’s impossible to hit you like that i can’t just turn around and hit you it just doesn’t work no matter how hard ride yeah i’m pretty good at timing the shield oh god i open the crafting bench People just boosted me really far Wow oh come on come on this is like the battle of the fate [Laughter] the most legendary standoff oh it’s impossible [Laughter] i know it’s impossible to kill each other it’s just not gonna happen oh god you must have been so low i was really low i was really low

There’s no way you weren’t oh my god this boat glitched me oh god oh god so if you’re timing oh god i didn’t see you oh god what broke my boots broke it is kind of crazy the mind games going on oh my god you just you are such a noob

You are a noob you are new you just you just run you run little noob run away run forever because i know how to win yeah you know how to win then come come beat me come beat me god why why did i have to run out food when your

Boots broke that’s so plot armor i hate it that was plot hour because i like that that was your chance It would be good if i had something to do not gonna lie okay well you’re here all right well i didn’t need him anyway no it wasn’t like i needed him or anything i mean he’s just a villager but do i care oh bro gamer Pro gamer illumina go get your boat come on hop out of my boat here i’ll drive right by it go ahead oh you did all right well you’re far behind now that’s a pretty good move [Applause] fat i don’t know how many ocean fights we’ve ever had in this series and this

Has had like all of them Yeah keep eating better hope you have tons of food you know i don’t never have you’ve come ill prepared too many times oh god Do this swimming thing when you eat I don’t understand how it doesn’t hit i don’t understand the combat like fully this really sucks oh i shouldn’t have hit me come on come on oh this is such i’m so sweaty right now same not bad not bad oh you little i hate you Come here All right let’s avoid it Is it i though it Is so aggravating Are just going to run away now i am going to temporarily run away yes i think there’s a reason for that there is actually but it’s not the one that you’re thinking most likely so you’re really going to do this i am going to do this temporarily don’t worry

I just kind of need time to craft something what are you crafting oh that was not good that was definitely not good Alright what got rid of it Oh come on So Oh no All right well what was health where you got i was low i was low i’ll give you that How low pretty low oh god hello are you a heart a heart you’re kidding me Hello are you i told you i was on half a heart you’re close i just give up you can if you want i might i might give up if you give up that’s fine it wouldn’t be the best move but Now you’re on me what happened to giving up never give up except for the time they’ve given up oh god that didn’t really work that was that was not iq it was not the 10 iq i thought i was gonna get all right oh but jesus Yeah it’s a lot of damage it does do a lot of damage Oh no you’re kidding me you are kidding me no oh my god that’s stupid that stupid trident guy was sniping me oh my god i can’t believe i just saw that with my own eyes no no oh my god i got i got i had no food i had no food

I ran out i had food if i had food i could i could have i could have gone longer

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrunner VS PRO’, was uploaded by Dream on 2020-06-23 10:50:31. It has garnered 43368524 views and 1244216 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:53 or 3833 seconds.

Minecraft Speedrunner VS PRO. This was absolutely insane. Illumina (SUBSCRIBE): @IlluminaHD

Follow my socials: ➽ Twitter – @dreamwastaken ➽ Instagram – @dreamwastaken ➽ Snapchat – @dreampublic

I decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt Matchup. This series is slightly different than Minecraft Manhunt, as I’m going up against a Minecraft Pro in a DOUBLE Minecraft Manhunt.

I tried to edit this short, but it was just action packed to the brim. There was so much stuff that I plan on releasing a lot of bonus scenes on my second channel.

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.15 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend Illumina tries to prevent me from doing it. Then we switch, and he tries to beat the game, while I try to stop him. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.

There’s not 3 hunters this time, but there’s one hunter that is one of the best in the entire game. Thank you so much to Illumina for coming out and playing!

If this video gets 500,000 likes I’ll try and get Technoblade on Minecraft Manhunt Matchup!

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin

#MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftManhuntMatchup

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    15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning - Part 2 The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey Through 15 Years From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon In the vast world of Minecraft, players have been crafting, building, and exploring for 15 years. What started as a simple indie game has transformed into a global phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of Mojang Studios and the vibrant Minecraft community. Minecon: One of the pivotal moments in Minecraft’s history was the introduction of Minecon, where developers and players came together to celebrate their love for the game. These events provided a platform for fans to connect, share their creations, and get a glimpse… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft Shorts

    Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% 😍 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-18 06:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% | Wait For End #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and … Read More

  • Exposed: PrestonPlayz’s SHOCKING Minecraft Betrayal

    Exposed: PrestonPlayz's SHOCKING Minecraft BetrayalVideo Information today we are busting 100 Minecraft Miss starting with armadillos are afraid of spiders in daytime come on dude these guys are straight out of Texas no way they’re afraid of a spider although if I saw a spider as big as the ones in Minecraft I might be a little scared so he should go inside of his shell come here buddy dude I don’t think this guy’s afraid this is a true Texan right here dog it looks like to me the spiders are afraid of the armadillo but I just want to let me let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining lagi mencari diamond😁 | Minecraft BE survival duo | Part 11’, was uploaded by OnlyDess on 2024-03-22 02:48:34. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. ⚠️Mcpe Patched⚠️ follow me on instagram Me : @its_dess16 My friend : @m_dky4 Shader : Newb x Legacy More Improvement Addon : – NekoUI – Graves – Ptiger’s Armor Rarity – Visualize Enchanted Book – Parallax Sounds v2 – All Trades Visible – Weapon Combiner + DLC – More Structure – Disenchanter – Raiyon More Vanilla Enchanment -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!

    Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 4’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-14 02:25:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More

  • 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀’ 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 – 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1

    𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀' 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 - 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1Video Information ladies and gentlemen welcome back to something brand new I’ve never streamed on this account before but this is the account where most of the streams are going to be happening now today we are starting a brand new Minecraft adventure the OG game one of the greatest games of all time Bar None it’s too easy it’s kind of like that but yes we are going to be creating a whole Minecraft city it is going to be on Creative but I want to have a Minecraft city to rival the gods this is what our city… Read More

  • EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞

    EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Sand Art Minecraft N4{Boat on Sun}#minecraft #shorts #satisfyingvideo #sandart’, was uploaded by MummyBear on 2024-01-05 11:34:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for see my videos and I glad you back ,and I very grateful for my new subscribers ,welcome to my Chanel. Please … Read More

  • "Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!! #shorts #viral"

    <p>"<strong>Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!!</strong> #shorts #viral"</p>Video Information there’s a way for me now this one sits here Whispers things to me now I got the devil inside this one made a think of me this wall is dry wall my grinding Joy The Heading F the Neti on my bedroom Thor my burning my eyes are too cuddled up with a heart condemn I should love you and I swear I do This video, titled ‘LOST EVERYTHING PART – 1 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe | Techno gamerfleet|gta 5 |’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-19 02:30:31. It has garnered 43 views and… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART IN MINECRAFT#shorts’, was uploaded by Aerglo Gaming on 2024-04-22 16:37:05. It has garnered 5769 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Side: Xxxtentacion, Empire, Rap, Bad Vibes Forever / Empire, Hip Hop & Rap, Xxx, Look At Me, Lil Pump, Music, Bad Vibes Forever, Sad, Sad!, Juice Wrld, Members Only, Hope, Music Video , 2017, hip-hop, the, ski mask the slump god, revenge, ?, llj, jmp, hip hop, jocelyn flores, wishing well, ик pages, xxxtentacion tribute, pop, Lil Wayne, Live, Wifisfuneral, Official, Rip, Jahseh… Read More

  • ImperialCraft Kingdoms

    ImperialCraft KingdomsWelcome to ImperialCraft Kingdoms, a non-stop, action-packed Minecraft server fueled by the powerful KingdomsX plugin. Whether you’re a conqueror seeking intense battles or a peaceful builder longing to create magnificent structures, our server caters to all play styles. Engage in raids, conflicts, and strategic battles to assert dominance or focus on building, socializing, and fostering a vibrant community. With McMMO, you can level up various skills and gain special abilities. Explore our virtual marketplace, open custom crates for exciting rewards, and personalize your in-game name with custom prefixes. Our dedicated staff ensures a welcoming atmosphere, and thrilling duels allow you… Read More

  • War Of Black Powder💂‍♀️ – PVP – Java 1.20.2

    Server Information: Server IP: warofblackpowder.com No mods, optifine required only need to accept the resourcepack. Simple Information: Main gameplay: Team-PVP (20v20/faction vs faction) 5 Factions from Asia, Europe, Africa, America 9 Maps, 13 Game Modes Each faction has 14-15 classes Shop system available Information when playing: Change username if “Invalid Session” Play PVE if no players Run “/playerstartmatch” if multiple players Game Modes: King Of The Hill Battle Domination Siege Control Points Payload Capture The Flag Classes: Musketeer Officer Color Bearer Sapper Medic Hussar Cataphract Dragoon Cannoneer Rocketeer Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jPC55Kq5HJ Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSatXJGcog&t=94s https://youtu.be/QemkDkboYNA More Information: This Minecraft server is… Read More

  • RemtownMC

    RemtownMCWelcome to RemtownMC its a nice cracked server for peopel who cant afford Minecraft we got Minigames,SMP and a loving comunity.We also got good moderation and a caring owner so if you looking for a nice small comunity join Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jack Black can’t save Minecraft realism fail!

    Jack Black is a talented actor, but even he can’t mine diamonds with just his rock n’ roll skills. Read More

  • “Shulker with a Duracell in Minecraft” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "Shulker with a Duracell in Minecraft" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “Why does this shulker have a different battery? Did it forget to charge overnight or is it just trying to stay energized for all the chaos it causes in Minecraft?” 😂 #shulkerproblems #lowbatterywoes Read More

  • Bakwan Battle: Minecraft Roleplay

    Bakwan Battle: Minecraft Roleplay Welcome to Bakwan: Fight Back Redone! Are you a fan of Beacon Cream and the Minecraft Series Roleplay, Bakwan: Fight Back? If so, you’re in for a treat! Bakwan: Fight Back Redone is now open for all Minecraft enthusiasts to join in on the fun. For those unfamiliar with the series, Bakwan: Fight Back is a Minecraft Roleplay set in Indonesia that mirrors the ups and downs of school life. What is Bakwan: Fight Back Redone? In this revamped version of Bakwan: Fight Back, players can immerse themselves in the world of OC’S (Original Characters) and bring their delulu… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey’s MUTANT ZOMBIE Transformation! | JJ World – Maizen

    JJ & Mikey's MUTANT ZOMBIE Transformation! | JJ World - MaizenVideo Information JJ get up get up immediately what happened Mikey there is a crowd of zombies around our house what am I not dreaming I’m shocked AJ I don’t know what to do this is complete horror how long ago did they appear in our village I don’t know I just woke up myself you need to take out your weapon and put on your armor what should we do JJ the main thing is not to panic Mikey we’ll definitely come up with something JJ there are zombies in our house Mikey we urgently need to run to… Read More

  • MC Nightmare: Terrifying Integration Pack!

    MC Nightmare: Terrifying Integration Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 千万不要玩这恐怖整合包!!!13年前的梦!!!还原细思极恐的MC童年噩梦,我的精神能顶得住吗?’, was uploaded by 阿赐 on 2024-03-23 09:00:09. It has garnered 33467 views and 1317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:29 or 689 seconds. Register Zenless Zone Zero at ✅: https://hoyo.link/5LbhFhAL to experience the captivating world of Zenless Zone Zero, an Urban Fantasy ARPG available on PC, Consoles, and Mobile. Find more on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZZZ_EN 🔥Aci limited edition peripherals🔥 Purchase link👇👇 https://shopee.com.my/%E3%80%90%E9%98%BF%E8%B5%90%E3%80%91%E7%BB%8F%E5%85%B8%E5%92%8C%E5%83%B5%E5%B0%B8%E7%89%88%E9%92%A5%E5%8C%99%E6%89%A3-%E9%97%AA%E8%80%80%E8%B4%B4%E7%BA%B84%E4%B8%AA-i.308108377.25958321725?sp_atk=3f330e95-e581-4e5b-99df-e72457b33522&xptdk=3f330e95-e581-4e5b-99df-e72457b33522 Download the dream integration package 13 years ago (Author: Lao Benyuan) https://www.mcmod.cn/modpack/725.html 🔥Video Playlist🔥 Minecraft【24 Hours Series】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYlcKYAd1YU&list=PLJs80IBtnvH0ZNhuzYBUi3AkD9YsvNVd- MInecraft【100 Days Survival Series】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weYAizYBjPg&list=PLJs80IBtnvH3xbNi01R8A7w91y436xXxT Minecraft【Multiplayer Series】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJs80IBtnvH3pvgk6Sm0YpltUw-Zqg0D0 Welcome to join my… Read More

  • Saminkus DESTROYS School’s Anarchy Server!! 😱 #minecraft #smp

    Saminkus DESTROYS School's Anarchy Server!! 😱 #minecraft #smpVideo Information I punched two on this Bo all right I’m never getting on This Server again quitting no I just lost a heart I just lost another heart This video, titled ‘Waging War on My School’s Anarchy Server #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Saminkus on 2024-06-05 02:27:37. It has garnered 1729 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Shockingly Real: Yellow Pikmin invade Minecraft World!!

    Shockingly Real: Yellow Pikmin invade Minecraft World!!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to a Minecraft stream today we are going to be exploring one of the worlds I made and we showed off in in the like most recent video or whatever with all you guys able to join oh my gosh it’s amazing wow we are not in this world right now right now we are in a test World hosted by wolfy 7 that people have just been building stuff in so here we have a bunch of people to build it’s it’s already gone crazy everything’s already gone crazy… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox’s TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 – Boost Your Low End PC Now!

    UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox's TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 - Boost Your Low End PC Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft’, was uploaded by BattleFox on 2024-03-14 04:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecrafttexturepack #minecraft #minecraftshaders TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors – Balancer April Fools Stream!

    Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors - Balancer April Fools Stream!Video Information any moment now it’ll be working I hope maybe let me go there we go now it’s going do that hi I’m reos and a little thing I love about the Chick-fil-A chicken strips is dipping them the chicken strip [Music] is there we go now we got music music is indeed working I think yeah at least I hear it okay here we go boys today we check out the totally official totally real and not fake Minecraft update don’t worry about the fact that it is technically like I’m going in you know what I think… Read More

  • CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viral

    CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viralVideo Information व टू थ लेट्स गो अबे एक मिनट भाई अबे एक मिनट भाई वो पानी की बकेट वो पानी की बकेट आ में अब देखो दोस्तों रेडी फिर से फेंकू मैं फिर से फूंगा कैसे नहीं कैच होगी भाई फिर ओ आ अबे यार भाई आई लेकिन वो मैंने अपनी इन्वेंटरी क्लियर नहीं रख रखी थी ना तो खाली स्लॉट की जगह वन में आ गई यारक अप टू रिटी थैंक यू जकला थैंक यू बेबी थैंक यू This video, titled ‘HE IS CLUTCH GOD!😎@GamerFleet @AnshuBisht | CREEPYMINE #gamerfleet #minecraft #shortsfeed #viral’, was uploaded by CreepyMine on 2024-04-12… Read More


    EPIC SOLO BASE BUILDING IN MINECRAFT FACTIONS!Video Information yo yo yo what is going on guys it is your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on Minecraft Factions and today what we are doing is that I am back on the cosmic PVP and I’m playing some faction or not Cosmic but I’m on a cosmic test server because my Cosmic test is opening up soon guys as you know on April 20th come and check it out if you guys want to and yeah um I have so much trash I’m not allowed to drop stuff at spawn will then I only have… Read More

  • EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!

    EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!Video Information [音楽] あOG [音楽] 3 [音楽] Tお [音楽] This video, titled ‘Photograph Noteblock Cover (Nickelback)’, was uploaded by Meta Dragon on 2024-05-27 15:46:52. It has garnered 100 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. I made Photograph by Nickelback in Minecraft, just… ignore the chorus, ok? I can’t do electric guitar strumming. Credit to Nickelback for the song, watch the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0DU4DoPP4&ab_channel=Nickelback Read More

  • Brabantia Factions Roleplay Addons Bedrock Economy “

    Welcome to a New Kind of Factions Immerse yourself in a worldwide RP experience with over 60 participants. Explore 8 unique kingdoms, each with a special ring tied to their destiny. Your ambitions and actions will shape the world and its story. Sample Story and Lore: Discover the intertwined fates of races and their mystical rings: Three rings for the kings of man, showcasing their might in war. Two rings for the elves, embodying harmony and loyalty. One ring for the dwarfs, shining bright in the moonlight. One ring for the half-elves, promising prosperity and growth. The last mortal ring,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MONKEY?! REALMERS, SPILL THE TEA!

    Minecraft Memes - MONKEY?! REALMERS, SPILL THE TEA!I guess that monkey face is just monkeying around in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Super Chests: Minecraft’s OP Quest

    Super Chests: Minecraft's OP Quest Yo, thanks for watching, hope you had fun, In the world of Minecraft, we always run. The chests were super OP, giving us a thrill, But in the end, we defeated the dragon with skill. The Gamerz09, bringing you the best, In Hindi, he puts all his gaming to the test. From villages to cities, we explored it all, And in the end, we saw the dragon fall. So hit that like button, leave a comment too, And don’t forget to subscribe, we’ll bring more for you. Until next time, stay tuned for more play, Goodbye for now, have… Read More

  • The dog is OP in Minecraft 🐶🔥

    The dog is OP in Minecraft 🐶🔥 Well, of course the dog is the best in Minecraft – they’re always there to help you dig up bones and chase away creepers! Who needs a pickaxe when you have a loyal pup by your side? 🐶💎 #MinecraftDogGoals #WoofWoofMiningCo Read More

  • Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun

    Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun Minecraft Vom Nebel: A Dive into Horror Exploring the Mysterious Modpack Elias, a small YouTuber known as @dzeliqs, has created a chilling Minecraft modpack called “Vom Nebel.” In this horror-themed adventure, players will encounter a variety of terrifying monsters lurking in the shadows. A Portal to the Unknown As Elias and a friend venture into the game, they stumble upon a mysterious portal that resembles the End portal but with a sinister twist. Uncertainty looms as they debate whether to enter and discover the fate of their base. A Leap of Faith After some hesitation, Elias takes the plunge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners Explorando los Desafíos de Minecraft para Principiantes ¡Hola, aventureros de Minecraft! En este video, vamos a explorar lo desafiante que puede ser Minecraft cuando eres un principiante. Desde sobrevivir la primera noche hasta encontrar recursos esenciales, descubrirás los obstáculos y las estrategias necesarias para superar los retos iniciales del juego. Hablaremos de cómo manejar el hambre, evitar mobs peligrosos y construir tu primer refugio seguro. Si eres nuevo en Minecraft o simplemente quieres recordar esos primeros pasos difíciles, este video es para ti. ¡No te lo pierdas y suscríbete para más contenido épico sobre Minecraft! 🚀🎮🗺️ Superando los Retos… Read More

Dream – Minecraft Speedrunner VS PRO