EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Adventure – ChicaDeAwesome Goes Tough!

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Yeah go in there you go give the reindeer a pee pee not going to lie I don’t think I’m have enough time for the Hypno Paint the only Make C Make Make hold of the Until I broke the rules life destroy Destroy I supero superer You are the all I Need superer can I be super Am CL I In Exer over It Ofont I Each N testing testing one two three can y’all hear me I hope so I hope things are working cuz good gravy it feels like as soon as I was like you know what today I’m going to get everything going life decided no we have other plans we have

Other things we’re going to end up doing so hello all you awesome people I hope you all had a wonderful weekend this is actually going to be my last uh YouTube stream until after the holidays that’s right this will be my last one until after uh

New Year’s I think I’ll have to look at the schedules cuz I’m not going to be streaming uh next Thursday uh for YouTube at least um just so that way I can spend extra time with families and things so yeah um I hope youall are doing awesome I think I saw some

Familiar faces thank you again midnight for your sweet message earlier it made it really made me very happy to see it it really really did um midnight Bloom welcome in uh Minnie welcome welcome in everybody what’s up Lee good to see you how’s it everyone doing good how dealing with trolls

Right welcome on in oh Willie welcome in no long time no see how you been uh hope it’s been great for yall H Chica Chica hi what’s up caddy Daddy hey hey hello chica I’m new definitely yes definitely new hi new I’m chica nice to meet you

Are we almost at 10 likes friends if so thank you guys so freaking much thank you thank you everybody for being here um I know the holiday season I feel like I genely feel like um we get Gast lit to thinking that oh the holidays is the

Happiest time of the year isn’t that it’s the most wonderful time of the year and it’s like bro no it isn’t it’s quite the opposite for a lot of friends and um you know what I mean I think it’s because like there’s the pressure of success to have like a a happy holiday

You know what I mean instead of like you know maybe we just have a holiday and that’s that’s okay that’s a that’s good too um I’m going to do something real quick cuz I am not feeling like being on camera today for multiple reasons I have

Not been sleeping well and I just don’t want people being like you like I just nah I’m not I’m not in the mood for it today let me do this here we go I really hate the fact that I have to like do this before stream or else it

Doesn’t end up happening I also hate the fact that Chico moved everything around like it looks terrible oh I hate what he did oh my gosh Chico so he like moved everything around and I can’t find my camera at all like the scenes I can’t find the scenes anymore one second where is

It here it is okay bam okay perfect we’re at 11 likes let’s go you always deserve it a thank you Mite you’re the best you really really are truly thank you thank you everybody for being here as well you guys are the the real ones Legends it means a lot it it genuinely

Does okay here we are and then I think I have one more she is gone I’m still here I am still here I just hold on let’s see here we go bam see I got my little picture today sh bam I’m wearing like full-on cozy gear anyways so it’s like it’s it was

Supposed to be for the holidays type of thing but it’s like I don’t know I was just kidding yeah it’s like oh my gosh I am now a ghost woo fear me I Tred tried my best to get as many things done uh with Chico this last week

But um unfortunately we’ve had most of our free time literally I’m not kidding like just filled up with kids and working like I wish it was more fun and exciting but that’s just how it’s been lately it’s just kids work sleep kids work sleep kids work sleep it’s just

That’s that’s been my life that’s been how it’s been for the last two weeks and it’s getting very frustrating cuz it’s just like I wanted to hang out in streams again I really miss my friends like I really really wish I could do other things and I really wish

I could like I don’t know like stream more often or even like um play Minecraft without feeling like nervous about like oh gosh is Toasty going to start barking is things going to be happening is crazy stuff going to be happening while when I’m turning my back

Or whatever and it’s just like I may have to revamp my whole stream schedule um if things keep going the way how they’re going with just so much chaos happening um we’ll have to see though I’ll let you you guys know um the other thing is I may have to reduce my streams

Um like how many streams I do it may be like once or twice a week depending of how things go next year I’m just letting you all know I’ve been trying to make the announcement but I can’t have um I I don’t like I I can’t have like an

Official announcement cuz I know it’s going to change so much that it’s like I just don’t feel like putting it out there and then changing it and putting it out there and then changing it so it’s just like I just literally might have to throw out my schedule all

Together and just kind of stream whenever I feel like it or whenever I can whenever the coast is clear and everything’s not on fire so to speak um I don’t know like I’m sorry guys but it’s just how it is I just need you to mod when you can

Obviously but I appreciate it flee um uh average parent cycle yeah exactly exactly which is crazy cuz you think when they’re little that they would need more but lately it feels like it’s quite the opposite um I don’t like I don’t want to ask them specifically cuz you

Know kids deserve their own privacy but let’s just say that my kids need a lot more time attention than the average kid but I don’t have the time money or resources to give them everything that they need and it’s very frustrating as a parent to feel like you

Can’t support the kids the way you want them to be supported if that makes sense and it’s just this endless cycle of feeling like I’m not doing enough um so I’m sorry um it’s just been really rough lately with family things happening and all the holiday stuff

Happening and it’s just like I don’t have a solution um longterm but I know I need to keep streaming and I know I need to keep trying to support my family as best as I can going forward I just want you guys to know that I I’m so sorry if like

Things aren’t how they need to be right now because because it’s like I’m doing the best I can with the time that I have and um with the resources and I have at the moment um but yeah I just don’t know I guess the announcement is that nothing

Is going to be set in stone if that makes sense this might be the last week where I will be streaming as per normal and everything’s going to be a new schedule a new like setup of how I’m going to have to go with things so just to let you guys know

Yo what’s up Jason good good to see you gonna make me emotional sorry flee um I love you guys all I really do love streaming I really do love content creating but it’s just it’s really hard when the two the two uh things that are important to me don’t align

Perfectly um so that’s why that’s why I’m trying to figure out what the answer is and what the best solution is going forward so just so you guys know it’s just it’s a a lot and I don’t have any answers I don’t I don’t know I don’t

Have any answers yet I just know that right now things are a little hectic and I’m just going to have to do things very sporadic going forward um just kind of at a at a as I feel like basis if that makes sense uh thank care of Life first thank

You I’m here if you need a person to talk to thank you flee thank you Jason you guys are the most amazing mon team I could ever ask for you guys are such good friends yeah welcome in Serge uh how are you doing um I hope you guys are having a

Much better holiday than myself but from what I seen with other friends it hasn’t been the best of holidays so far so that being said I want to keep streaming for this reason and that’s the fact that um I’m I’m not naive to think that life is

Perfect or even good in some cases it’s really the opposite and that’s why I started streaming cuz life wasn’t good and life wasn’t perfect and I was struggling even back then and streaming was a way for me to like find my voice again find my confidence and to to be a

Positive impact I felt like even to the small niche of friends that I first made and that’s how I want my focus to be going forward um I just am frustrated because I I know if I don’t have a schedule I’m going to be all over the

Place and I might cancel more than I want to so like I may just literally just announce like hey I’m streaming today it could be at 5:00 p.m. it could be at 10:00 a.m. I don’t don’t know going forward it’s just going to be be

In the Discord if you guys want to know when I’m live basically or when I post things cuz that’s just how it’s going to have to be for a couple weeks um after this week so that way I can announce it to as many people as possible um so they know that what’s

Going on and what’s happening sort of thing yes if you guys haven’t joined the Discord we have an awesome Discord too we would love to have you it really is the best place uh to keep in touch and nothing else even when I went on my

Hiatus I still try to check there like at least once a month if not more than that um I try my best like even if I’m like super drained and super like H I’m so done like I still try to at least check in and still make sure that

Everyone’s happy and going well in there H anyways so just so you know friends like there there’s a lot happening it’s a lot of drama llamas um but that being said I really do have a passion for this creation thing as much as life will let me I’m going to keep

Creating I’m going to keep streaming it’s just going to be all over the place so to speak uh come next year so for those who unfortunately schedules are a little crazy and this is what you’re used to this is the week if you guys want to hang out um I will be streaming

On YouTube today obviously Thursday but I will not be streaming next week for Thursday on YouTube because I need to catch up with some editing with Chico we need to figure out some strategies with the kiddos and with content creating and streaming and then hopefully by next year we’ll have

Something relatively normal um for for posting content as concerned but we’ll see what happens so to speak uh realistically we can always strategize to make more money can never make more time true true Jason then some facts and them the facts Shan welcome in I love you and I appreciate everybody I

Really do I just oh gosh it’s just it’s tough it’s tough when you care it’s tough when you care so much about others um you know like it’s tough like I got to make sure to like I don’t know think of myself first more often like it’s really really tough

It really is but um I appreciate those of you who support me um taking care of myself first and foremost and making sure I’m happy because if I’m not happy then who else is going to be happy you know what I mean um but I’m happiest

When I can take care of things take care of my family and then obviously um make other people happy and that’s what I want to achieve I’m hoping next year in any capacity that I find what makes me happiest going forward with that whole situation um yeah we’ll just have to go forward

And see what happens yeah anyways so just so you all know lots of lots of things um are changing but that’s the biggest one is that my schedule might be more sporadic and it might be all over the place which the good news is for those in like the Germany UK okay

Whatever I might stream earlier in the daytime for you so hooray or if it’s super late at night congratulations nighttime owls we can we can rain Supreme we’ll just have to see what ends up happening um as well as um to go out with a bang for this uh for this year I

Was thinking about trying to see if I can get Chico to help me with the kiddos this weekend so I can do a longer U mini streamon nothing crazy but I was thinking capping it at like 8 hours or something for Saturday go out with a

Bang um since this will probably be one of my last streams until the New Year’s holiday so that’s what I was thinking so Thursday YouTube no stream for YouTube next week or Saturday I don’t really feel like doing multi- streams um because they’re kind of hectic that it’s

A lot of chaos happening on both sides um so just for now I think Thursdays will be my YouTube streams going forward um but they just might be random times um I just don’t know how to make that happen with the scheduling if that makes sense and then for twitch streams it’s

Going to be as a um normal twitch streams you know 3 p.m. PST I’m thinking I might start earlier for some of the streams and then um starting next year it’s going to be all over the place no schedules just just Vibes no schedules just Vibes I’ll be having to help on Discord

Side as well I’ll be checking in sometimes to see how you are thank you flee you’re you’re a dear I appreciate you yes and any donos you guys do um I need to update this by the way so um we’re going to do one last big push uh for before the holidays happen

Welcome in Angela welcome welcome friend uh duly noted I can be around this card if needed yes thank you Jason thank you everybody um realistically we can always strategize to make more money yes we can never make more time true that is very true um I need to update this goal so

This goal is actually um I think it was $375 is like like that’s with tax I I just looked it up um to get the new Xbox series X which is the goal I’m going for um all donos all bits this right here is going to go towards that

Um oh my gosh I’m meaning to shrink it back sorry I was just trying to make it bigger so you guys can read it um why does it have two of them I think it’s cuz I thought one of them was a sub it’s never needed um but always appreciated

For those who do help uh in that Capac capacity but yall just being here with the Good Vibes I mean it sincerely um it it really makes me happy to see so many familiar faces um yeah it’s just a Vibe you know what I mean um there you go so

That’s that’s what’s happening that’s what’s going uh schedule is going to be very sporadic um I’m still going to try to keep the days the same but we’ll see I may go like Monday Tuesday or Wednesday I might do Wednesday Thursdays I’m going to play around with different days and see which

One um work out best for everybody so to speak but yeah so that’s just kind of what’s Happening um I just got to really like I’ve got to be super chica mom right now um and I got to also figure out how to be like the most awesome

Creator I can be in this time that I have in the remaining time after that so no pressure but we got this I don’t want to jinx uh next year but I’m hoping very minimal I can get some sort of game plan together cuz right now I’m kind of going

Off the seat of my pants seat of the pants schedule there you go that’s what we’ll call it we’ll call it seat of the pants schedule if everyone’s like what’s what’s your schedule like it’s like seat of our pants we just we’ll just say that mhm anyways hi digress Um so yeah so any any donut bits and gifted Subs over on Twitch um as well as direct donos here on YouTube they will go towards uh the Xbox for the rest of the month I was think speaking of which um to go like one more huzzah I was

Planning on doing one more uh singing stream again for y’all I was thinking about doing like either um copyright for you songs or even like um there’s a word I can’t think of it right now uh uh Christmas carols there we go Christmas carols um hopefully hopefully this weekend if not this

Weekend next weekend we’ll have to see um how the timings roll out and everything because I genuinely Miss singing I really really do I miss those uh once a month singing streams I I know they weren’t necessarily like the best like MoneyWise I don’t think I got a lot

Of subs or donos on those nights but they were some of the happiest I ever had um just being able to um pursue different talents and do something different you know what I mean like as much as I love Minecraft um sometimes like I do get stale with it

Like it’s just like oh I have to do hardcore what if I die like I get so nervous now um cuz like I’m so out of it it’s like I don’t want to like lose this world because I just my brain’s not functioning properly I so I just like I

Don’t want to be boring either cuz right now I just want to go play hardcore and mine but it’s like that’s so boring so what’s your schedule yes exactly exactly see the we pants so TPS exactly that’s going to be I love Minecraft same

Um but yeah so I just need to figure out like how to make that work um schedule wise hey Chickity can I get a charger please for my phone I’m late am I late no you are never late uh a wizard shows up exactly when they need to be so to

Speak oh gracious all right hey J love you okay um can I please get um a charger for my phone that would help me a lot thank you so much sweetie all right friends okay so so without further Ado life is crazy things are hectic streams are going to be coming next next

Year are going to be a little more sporadic which I know is like the death of a creative but you know what you know what it makes it like a limited time only um limited time only get um while while supplies last streams there you go there you go come here tyy

Come on come here come on he doesn’t want to come up to me cuz then he knows that I’m going to put him away it’s like no hi I love you so much yeah he’s like hi M he were downstairs you little stinker he went downstairs and it’s like

No I hope we didn’t make a mess We just cleaned it up we just well like we cleaned it up two weeks ago um we it’s really which is really hard to pinpoint like when the messes are when you have darker carpet which is great cuz then you don’t see the messes

But then it’s like but if you don’t see the messes how do you clean the messes you know um so it it’s fine it’s great we love our Dogo but my gosh why do you have to go there’s the out great outdoors waiting for you it’s so funny too whenever he goes

Uh whenever he goes um goes outside or whatever to do his business bu he just wants to play and then when he does do his business like he he does like a handstand so he doesn’t get dirty on himself It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen I’ve never seen a

Dog like do a handstand to do his business it’s like what are you doing I’ve never had a dog with so much character in all my life here I’ll I’ll show you guys um what did your dog doing I know right here I’ll show you guys toasty for like two seconds here behold

This is Toasty everyone say hi to toasty what the dog doing yeah this is Toasty these are little chaotic ball of chaos you are the reason you are the reason you are the reason why life is so chaotic and yeah but yeah just so you know gestures vaguely to my my babies um

Is why things are going to be a little more crazy come next year but the good news is is that that means when I am here hopefully I can give you guys my full attention cuz right now I feel like I’m like running all over the place and

I can’t be 100% one way or the other and I want to be when I’m here I want to be here with you guys and when you know I’m being super Mama over there I want to be there 100% for my kidos if that makes

Sense so it’s just like it’s going to be little weird it’s going to be a little weird but it’s required it’s needed um it’s needed it’s necessary love you toasty be good okay oh my gravy oh goodness all right anyways um the plan for to to this

Today’s stream there you go words I can words I can English things and things um tonight’s goal is to get to day I think we’re at day 50 or trying to go for day 50 is if I’m not mistaken I think we need to get to day 50 yeah is what I’m planning

I’ll have to look how far we are in with hardcore mode the good old days the good old times we toasty we miss you days with that accident 50 I think almost that accident 50 for real also if you all haven’t Jason do we have a exclamation mark socials on this on this

Uh stream stuff um I hope we do if not we need to add that I don’t know if flee is still here oh there it is okay um if y’all didn’t know Twitter literally imploded for like 2 hours yesterday so if yall haven’t followed my socials the Instagram the

YouTubes which hey I’m on YouTube look at that and Tik Tok what you doing friends because who knows how much longer Twitter X will be around should make sure you follow all the things um for that reason let me also hold on let me switch the the headphones and stuff two

Seconds hold up hold up y’all hold up we’re doing the things let me do this and let me do that there we go all righty perfect beautiful it was funny oh my gosh was it I literally went to respond to my friend last night it just kept loading I’m like

Oh no is this it what was my last tweet I don’t even know what my last tweet was hug your tweets closely chat before they go belong to to the great sky [Laughter] above they join the memes of yesterday’s tweets okay so here’s a dealio I think

We are on day 43 so we’re on day 43 um I don’t know if we’re going to get to day 50 but we’ll see how things are going this evening hug your tweaks closely you know thank you durch you I know it seems kind of cringey to

Laugh at my own things but like I I can’t help it cuz whenever I think of stuff I think of it like someone else talking in my brain than myself ad quote I know we need to get an ad quote thing so here’s what I’m thinking I think today

Um is X closing down not yet but the writing is on the wall it’s only a matter of when at this point either somebody saves X from itself from getting executed or um or we or or it’s it’s going to go with sways with the fishes you know at least that’s my

Speculation yeah we never found out how to do ad quotes for real for real oh speaking of which um we don’t have it here but chica worked really hard um this week to set up all the remaining holiday stuff for y’all so we do have new redeems uh for twitch they are we

Try to do as many free ones as we can but I think we can only do 10 free redeems but I might add some more redeems as well that are like bits and stuff like that for y’all but um courtesy keral the lovely ceral um she showed me a website that

Does a really really cool ah do it not yet that does a really cool hype train thing uh so whenever we get do get a hype train it’s really cute that she what she has on her stream and I’m going to figure out how to add it with mine so

Here’s the dealo we need arrows and we need to save I think that’s what I’m going to do today I’m going to at least try to I can give you the code to let the chat erir a 3 minute add oh my gosh oh gracious well you all hear at first a

Redeem that lets us do an ad that’ be so hilarious but then if we did that then we wouldn’t have to have another ad for like the whole the whole hour yeah so you know what I consider this an absolute win I’m sorry I’m sorry I know

I had to out the chicken but listen I don’t know how to make a opening gate fence how do you make an opening gate fence hold up um but yeah it’s not closing down yet but I wouldn’t hold your breath like I I feel like it’s has maybe three years Max

But then again I thought kick was going to go under pretty fast but no it’s survived it’s kicking H kick is still kicking around so who knows I don’t know anymore um okay is this the gate maybe uh I think this is the gate yeah got [Laughter] him for

Real I think this is it uh hi salty welcome on in how are you feeling today I hope you’re doing okay if not you went you came to the right place okay hold on okay good all right you chickens are going with the fishes goodbye I’m sorry

They they chose it themselves so I have an invo Cod uh for Blue Sky if chica would like one yes please chica anley can we get a big shout out for anley please broken shout out and regular shout out pra and thank you hi salty welcome how you doing friendy

Oh no Farm oh goodness oh gracious ah okay well I need to listen I need to okay look listen if you’re all are like what are you doing it’s because I need them I need them for their feathers to make uh to make bow and arrows and food

So yes if you guys wanted please go click on that link We love anley how have you been I missed your face hope the holidays are being uh at least relatively less crazy for you than it’s been for me uh let’s see I waited so long for an

Invite to Blue Sky I got it 3 months after launch oh nice chica why you murder I didn’t murder I just retired them permanently to to the big farm in the sky to to soon be joined by our Twitter bird friend forever and it’s where all good Birds Go All Birds

Go to heaven or something tell us some interesting stories um if you ask nicely Claude I’ll consider it I’ll consider it that might be a good redeem actually like a chica Story Time type of thing but I don’t know it’s really hard for me I’ve noticed like I’m really good

With like occasional things but I’m not very good at being put on the spot for stuff like I had to be in the moment but being put on the spot is a different mindset isn’t it in it in it you know like if you’re being sporadic and um oh

There’s a word for it um impromptu is different than like being put on the spot I feel like oh there’s a chicken why is he like chilling in the wall stop it ah should Dem you Discord thank you anley you’re such a dear I yes please

Give me the invites to Blue Sky I’m thinking I’m really debating on mat is it madon Matt madon what is it called whatever the copycat twitch Is so yeah here’s the goal for today today we are going to save uh what’s her name friend I I know that Francis no Frankie and francisa I think is her name I think it’s francisa but I could be wrong someone look up the lore of what her name is cuz I don’t

Remember uh well we got to save uh Frankie’s girlfriend today is the goal hopefully so thank you your sacrifices will not be in vain chickens salute the chickens San Francisco exactly nailed it excuse me San Francisco III okay so there you go see we got to save that chicken from that iller person

That’s the goal for tonight today’s stream and then Frankie and um francisa maybe I don’t remember her name can get the married finally and have all the all the chickies all the chickies they need for their own little farm family that’s the goal that’s the plan that’s that’s the dream friends that’s

The dream so that’s what we’re doing today I miss you too A right for real okay oh yeah Angley just so you know this goes especially for you because I know um our time zones are literally the worst um I’m going to be we’ll see what happens but life is going super crazy

Lately so I may still stream on the same days of of the week maybe we’ll see what makes the most sense but my schedule is going to be basically uh what do we call it again off the seat of our pants is essentially what’s happening so it’s going to be

Whenever I I I I’m able to basically got something something being a mother something something no the baby chickens um yeah how can I say this without breaking teen rating rules a bit poed oh no um is it related to like um is it what is it related to I guess is it

Related to gaming socials or real life stuff definitely understandable yeah but we’ll see it still might be the same days I might start off doing the same days just whatever times like if kiddos are are cool and everything’s going gravy and you know toasty’s not being

Too crazy it’s like I’ll still try to stream around my same times but it might be later it might be earlier we’ll just have to see um basically I used to be able to stream like I used to at the times that I did cuz Chico would get off

Of work usually about an hour after I started stream but right now he lives really far away um and so like I’m kind of like left on my own for like the first hour and a half of my stream which doesn’t seem like that big of a

Difference but to the kids apparently it is so it’s like ah so I I may have to like push things back or I may have to make things earlier uh depending of the day weekends whatever it happens um just to make sure that I can be there

Whenever the kids need me but then also like I can also be here 100% instead of like having to constantly be like oh sorry guys dog oh sorry guys this oh sorry guys that like oh every like 15 20 minutes sometimes 30 minutes if I’m lucky oh I got to stop everything I’m

Doing and you know whatever so it’s like kind of ruins the flow you know what I mean of everything I just remember to take care of like of course yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely so just so youall know it’s for the GG’s the GG’s the greater good I wanted to get that I

Wanted to get that as a redeem uh monks problem or monks thing but unfortunately I haven’t been able to find it yet all right come here come here chickies come on come on come on in you go come on do you know what I should do oh I

Don’t have any sheep yet that’s right this world is missing sheep farm that baby chicken and S one coming right fine oh yeah yeah yeah um go ahead and send me a friend request anley and then I will I’ll you’ll be able to DM me that way yeah yeah so

Sorry I’ll I’ll re I’ll accept it either during uh brbs or no later than the end of stream I appreciate the invite though I really really do I have to shut it down cuz oh my gosh can you imagine I I had my I had my Whispers on for

One one week after two days I had to shut it down shut it down Lads I literally got the weirdest message and to this day I’m just like what you what you what mate it was just like hey can I basically flash you and if I’m cuter

Than your boyfriend which is just like okay way to assume um then I get more money or whatever than you pay me but then if but then if I’m less hot than your boyfriend then you have to pay me I don’t know how it was it was weird it was very

Inappropriate I was just like okay we had a good run we had a good run this is the Wendy’s uh twitch I’m pissed oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my gosh I don’t know did they do something else like yes or no we don’t have to get into

It cuz I know it’s kind of triggering for some folks but is there another thing that happened I know there was two I know there was two things that happened with twitch but it was this the same things salty or is it different this is a one got started oh

Gracious yeah I have my Whispers uh I have my Whispers only for if we both follow each other ah smart yeah yeah yeah that’s smart MH mhm that’s the way you got to do it man you never know those wees on the internet those weedies especially if you’re the uh female

Persuasion okay before I forget let us let us craft what do we need okay it’s a feather Flint right for an arrow and then I think you need string for an arrow I think it is I get so nervous about crafting out in the open to be honest I really really do

Okay some people decide to do questionable things with the black bars I don’t know why when you phrase it that way I’m like not the black bar he was so innocent leave the black bar out of this and your Heathen Behavior like I really don’t care I just

Feel like there’s a time and a place for that nonsense and I really strongly feel like um twitch as a platform should not be it you know what I [Laughter] mean because twitch refuses to take stand on wear tosses exactly they’re just like you know I feel like wherever it’s convenient

I that’s how I feel like that’s that’s how twitch is man they’re just like you know they’re anime get them but if it’s like a real person oh you know bygones be bygones the body is art or something [Laughter] yeah it’s just ridiculous that’s why I’ve been wanting to expand Beyond just

Twitch for that reason cuz it’s just like oh my gosh so I appreciate all those who’ve been very welcoming on the YouTube side just in case all right oh we’re getting him very slowly I think by distance it does more damage right the arrow we got him is chicken still oh no oh

No oh no why did the arrow shoot the chicken no all that work ah oh no he’s looking freaky no listen don’t I can explain I’m innocent oh no he won’t look at me anymore I actually feel so bad oh no I’m so sorry Frankie T the accident zero oh no

Listen we can find you a new girlfriend yes we’ll find you a new girlfriend I’m so no it’s fiance F in chat oh my gosh Jason are you able do you know how to do a clip if you can um that would be appreciated otherwise I will make a note of

This I will absolutely make a note of this oh my gracious oh my gosh I think we’re at 51 minutes is when the incident happened oh this will make a hilarious Cliff I have no idea what just happened I went to save you murder you murderer you killed Frankie’s girlfriend I’m so sorry

Frankie listen I’ll make it up to you friend he just keeps looking at the empty boat he’s like he knows he knows uh until it hurts their ads they’ll lose when twitch will change anything oh yeah Mission failed spectacular yeah Mission failed successfully oh my gosh I’m so sorry

I’m oh my good gravy well well listen that makes no sense okay look look I’m the true victim here because I last I checked if I shot the arrow at his head it should have killed him not the chicken that’s not how it works all right Minecraft listen your game physics makes no

Sense none of the sense Oh gracious okay well ominous Banner indeed we’ll make a little we’ll make a second place for our friend right here say will be I actually do feel so bad though like No Cap I do feel bad oh no Franky I’m so sorry hello everybody hello Austin how are you

Lovely gem welcome on in I’m so glad you weren’t here to see a series of unfortunate events happen I’m so glad don’t worry about it it’s fine you know what it’s fine don’t worry about it don’t worry about it no pcks never happen no no clips never happen you guys can’t prove It no Jason no betrayal I have the I hate the clips of on YouTube it’s the worst how have you been though Austin how’s uh the holiday treating you friend I hope um things are less chaotic for you than it’s been for me the good news is

Um I’ve been able to get a lot of things done the bad news is that I just haven’t had any time for like anything that I I used to know and love it’s so frustrating but the the solution for next year is um my schedule’s going to be a little more different

It’s going to be a little more sporadic um um so I’ll be posting like whenever I post content um obviously over on the discords and I’ll be poting um when I’ll be live streaming as well um on my Discord like I’m not going to hold myself to a super strict schedule the

Days will still hopefully be the same but I might play around with days of the week that makes most sense no let [Laughter] no it’s listen it’s fine I can explain listen look you can watch the footage look I was clearly shooting the the the illager okay I was shooting him I was

Shooting him don’t stare at look they were staring at me I was I’m a victim of game physics okay I’m doing great just got off from work today and it was easy not too busy let’s go that’s always a great day ninja welcome in hey Chicago hello friend um happy holidays uh to

You hope life is treating you well you going to have a Merry Christmas is that why you have an axe to the boat pill it’s why you get an axe to the boat pillagers oh so you have to attack them with the with an axe interesting okay well we learned something

Well to be fair I didn’t want to die so it was either me or the chickens all right it was either me or the chicken Don’t Judge Me Chickens why chica I’m literally the worst I am quite literally the worst I am the worst uh chicken caretaker of all time she get killing the hostage to get the bad guy listen it sounds bad when you say it in the in that context I’m a victim of

Circumstances I’m doing great just got off from work oh that’s great um what’s your schedule like for the holidays by the way I was I was just saying earlier I’m not going to be streaming on YouTube at least on Thursday if I do stream it’ll probably be on Twitch and I’ll let you

Guys know um the reason being is cuz I was thinking I think twitch is going to be doing a special like uh subathon or not subathon uh sub bonus thingy so I was thinking about doing a you know like a very chill like subathon thing and one of the goals was going to

Be um unlocking fortnite so we’ll play um what is it called the new Lego fortnite is one of the goals I was going to set for y’all for everybody 25% off subs yes including gifted Subs I think on the 27th I think I’ll have to look at the details but

Yeah so I’m thinking I’m going to stream on Twitch next week Thursday Friday Saturday if again it’s going to be I don’t know the time dates they’re not set in stone but it’s going to be sometime uh next week for sure uh to prevent accidental deaths due to missing Target

Or the sweeping of the sword if you use a weapon oh I see um let’s see Ninja says how are you are you and yours all set for Christmas yes we are super excited for Christmas um I actually okay this is what’s so frustrating friends I have

Recorded So Much footage and things like that and I have so much content that I want to make uh whether on Tik Tok or otherwise but just like I said MoneyWise and and time it’s just make so frustrating um to to to actually like throw it up together edit it all

Together Etc my stupid shoulder um it just it sucks that like I I can edit somewhat and I have done a lot of my own editing and some of the stuff you guys do see all my YouTube stuff I’ve done it myself with some of it but like

The more advanced stuff Chico does it um like I’m the one so I’m the one that crafts a lot of the ideas um and then Chico is usually the one that makes it happen if that makes sense so I’ll have like the idea that like and then sometimes the clip itself

Is just amazing as is but my concern is that the videos I have that I want to do are more like real life stuff um and I don’t know if I want to have chica to awesome be strictly just gaming and streaming stuff and then have like

My real life um project stuff like you know um those those real life uh moments if I want that to be one sec if I want that to be its own thing or if I want that to be connected to my videos I don’t know yet I mean I’ve seen

Markiplier and he’s kind of been all over the place and he relatively succeeded so maybe maybe um I can make it work BB need to get the dog all right sounds good mini life of Chicago exactly Chicago life hey Chicago life I love it to prent exellent do the missing Target

Or the sweeping of the sword um but yeah I’m doing okay I’m doing okay um been really really busy life has been chaotic um so my schedule starting next year might be a little more crazy um so just make sure if you guys do want to keep in

Touch with me Discord is the way to be uh going forward um that being said I’m not is not does not mean I’m going to be available on Discord no no no it’s quite the opposite it’s going to be um my life is going to be so crazy the only place

Where I’ll be posting updates other than maybe the occasional Instagram and twit uh Twitter thing uh will be mostly discard does that make sense like if you want to know what’s going on with my life and things there you go and then I’ll occasionally try to catch up to

People’s posts and stuff I just don’t want people to think that like oh if I post something Chic will react to it or Chic will see it it’s like I might see stuff but I don’t really have a reaction to say to it so I might be like thumbs

Up or like cool but I don’t want people to think like that I have to respond on to everything cuz then I don’t know I just feel weird I don’t know how to explain it it feels like a transaction and less like of a conversation and I don’t want to feel

Like that I hate feeling like that I get the ick you know I get the ick like I need attention react to my things like I don’t want that feeling I’ve had people do that to me both live on stream and off stream so I just always always like okay

I just feel weird I I want to react to stuff because I think it’s genuinely cool not because you expect me to does that make sense I hope that makes sense to everybody and that goes for everybody um I don’t know it’s so weird it’s so

Weird but I want to react to everybody’s stuff but it’s like I don’t want people to be entitled to me and my time or me uh you know what I’m saying that kind of feeling um 25% off subs yes let’s go I’m off Saturday Monday and Tuesday let’s go

Austin that is a great time to celebrate that sub thing started on the 13th um oh yeah with them being 25% off true true BRB need some juice yes enjoy your foods thank you for lurking as well Angley I really appreciate all of you um the the

Partner push is still kind of going I’m just trying to be more chill about it more lowkey about it so I don’t jinx it so to speak YouTube can be punishing in terms of promoting your stuff if one of your video bombs and Views Markiplier is

Super famous as well so you could upload anything and probably okay right right I I mean like um how do I say this um like he did like skip videos didn’t he like he did meow or whatever or moo didn’t he can’t STI around I got to do some

Shopping for Christmas just food presents and they’re all done it need to be done Merry Christmas sounds good ninja Merry Christmas to you you’re welcome to lur as always but otherwise have a wonderful rest of your day um Okay so Mission failed spectacularly see this is my point this is why I get

So nervous about this hardcore world I think that was long before the algorithm true that’s true that is very true I don’t know I’ve seen a lot of my friends though do really really well as far as like views and things like that um I just need to figure out what my

Niches and what I want to do going forward like I have a couple ideas but I just I don’t know I just need to uh be able to implement those ideas and on a consistent basis juice is a goose uh juice is a gaming energy drink uh think of getting nachos

Ooh is that like an energy drink from like I’ve never heard of it before in Australia all right baby chicky come on in you go I got to find one more chicken there we go there we go all right come here oh I’m out of I’m out of seeds

Whatever go there we are all right yeah it’s unfortunate too that they like that YouTube kind of I don’t know it’s weird it’s like YouTube um well I say YouTube as in like viewers um they kind of discourage um what’s the word um kind of going outside your Niche or whatever

Like I’ve seen so many of my friends that they um started off of one form of content and then they pivoted to something else and ironically Their audience is what gave them a big backlash um but then ironically they end up finding more success by doing it so it’s

Just which I think that’s what happened not that I condone him or anything like that but you got you got to acknowledge that he is as big as he is um PewDiePie I think he first started with Call of Duty stuff in fact I think his first

Thing was Minecraft yeah um and then he pivoted from Call of Duty to like scary games and then a lot he got a lot of backlash for changing from scary games to other stuff I think um but ironically he ended up becoming at one point in

Time the king of YouTube so it’s just like maybe people don’t know what they want maybe people don’t know what’s what will cause you to succeed um and I feel like you just got to figure out that Niche can I please everybody exactly salty so for those who

Support me no matter what I’m doing I I see you and I appreciate you I really really do whether I’m doing Minecraft or meming on an anime Persona 5 uh or Persona 4 uh gameplay or just like struggling in in stardew Valley like I I love it so much

Um the thing is your audience will adjust to what you start uploading uh whatever it may be and if you can’t do that you’ll get less viewers because of that yes exactly if you change that uh YouTube will take note of that I noticed yes so it gives me hope for the

Future um I just got to make sure I can put the time and effort into it cuz I’ve seen a pattern with a lot of my friends who do eventually find success and that would require me to possibly stream less um but again with things being that the way they are

Especially with my kids it’s like I don’t like even if I stream less I don’t know if it would lead to more videos it would just lead to more stress um so to speak um but that being said like I I want to find a solution I’m

Sure there’s I’m sure there’s a niche for me I’m sure there’s some type of content that I can figure out what I can do easily for myself family and requires less uh effort from Chico so to speak all right chickens you guys got to come over here I’m going to get the axe

Out also the good news is I think I’m not certain but just a quick update on the allergy situation I think from what I can tell it seems like it was Chico’s influence at least I’m hoping and praying it is because otherwise oh gosh um I might be allergic to toasting which

Is so sad um as in like small dogs in general which is just weird I don’t know why that is a thing but it is a real thing that my family has dealt with um cuz i’ I’ve been like speaking of busy um I’ve been spending a lot of my time

Like literally cleaning everything like everything in my house that I can to to get to the source of the sauce of the allergies cuz I know if I go to a doctor you’re going to be like oh well it could be anything who knows well well it’s on

Your own you look healthy you’re fine you’re not actively dying on my watch so I want to go uh in with some research on my end and see what’s helped what hasn’t and so far the only place that’s still giving me issues is literally my office where Chico works on occasion so fingers

Cross that it’s because Chico again you know it’s no fault of his own uh probably pet a cat or something got it on his jacket and then his jacket you know and he almost always wears his jacket 24/7 so like he probably brought the jacket in here which has kind of

Left the residue for me cuz I’ve been fine for a while but then coming in here in the office again I’m noticing like the same things um are happening which is so frustrating I hate it and I even um all the allergy medicines I’ve been taking don’t seem to really help um like

At all really until like I I remove myself from the allergy Place Story Time come on grab your friends let’s go see what Angley said uh I’ve been leaning towards variety but I also want to do Pokemon but the latest gen has not been fun performance issues

Puts me off yes oh my gosh yeah I think they just had a DLC though for Pokemon didn’t they there’s one streamer speaking about uh variety and succeeding in your own Niche um she she only streams Pokemon like literally that’s all she does um which again I’m not I’m not knocking it

I’m quite the opposite actually um so she only does Pokemon with her streams and she collects shinies and other special things or whatever um so with her for example hi I need to get to my bed please thanks they’re all like trying to leave um and apparently there’s like special

Shinies you can get from that uh Pokemon Legends Rus I love but been hard to go back to a I feel that that’s what sucks too is when you have like such a Love or passion for something but you feel like none of your friends or your audience like cares about it

I guess okay one of the series I want to do is stardew Valley related and I’m I’m pretty sure someone’s already done this but I was going to do it with like my own little twist to it I think it’d be really fun I think it’d be really

Fun um but like I said until I unlock monetization I kind of I’m like ah I want to do so many things ah so many chickens there are so many chickens showned in look at all them chickens okay I was going to get the the the stone yeah that’s right okay all

Right chickens you guys got to go you guys got to go out of if you guys get out you going to get to eat they’re like run Billy goodbye goodbye I’m sorry it’s got to be that way I got to get some I got to get some uh

Seeds as well while I’m thinking about it I’m going to let that baby chicken live he can live he’s cool H someone I mod for is primarily Pokemon as well he’s three away from finishing the shiny living decks dang really that’s insane would I know them by chance or

Are they from the like um from Australia and stuff I still feel so bad okay it’s okay you know what you know what we’re going to do a a uh an episode of the what is it called The Bachelor there you go yes that’s right Frankie you’re about to be in luck

You lucky stud muffin you’re about to pick uh a new love yes a new a new chicken fiance of your own your own choosing so to speak your own girlfriend uh we’ll find you one don’t you worry friend don’t you worry and you might be wondering why does it have to be a

Girlfriend well you see when a girl chicken and a boy chicken love each other very much hi Q good to see you how you been give me two seconds Friends um how have you been can we get a shout out for Q please thank you everybody for being here by the way I’m sorry things have been so chaotic but we vibing you know uh he he’s Australian the name is pokey Jacks I know he does content on

Both twitch and YouTube really okay I will have to get to know them then any friend oh Angley I made this time let’s go you excited for the holiday season Pokey Jacks you know I’m always looking to make new friends in fact that’s what I’m going to do next year is I’m going

To like try to um going to try to make connections uh with other content creators in my same sphere or related spheres that I want to be I know a lot of people don’t really care for Tik Tok too much but like they on point when it comes to sending me

Stuff that I really like like for example I I was watching like this one speedrunner of Mario 64 which is one of my favorite games of all time is my birthday on the 23rd oh happy birthday c um do you want me to sing Happy Birthday

For you uh tonight or do you want to wait so it’s just like I just got to do it I got to do it you don’t know what do you mean you don’t know it’s up to you I don’t have to sing for you if you don’t want me to

I just want to say happy birthday one of my friends has been doing Mario 64 on Tik Tok oh really that’s so funny small world maybe all right ladies line up who wants to be okay listen the baby chickens got to stay though baby chickens you got to stay come on all

Right baby chickens come on I’m trying to purposely not get them there we go okay so this half on this right will be his his future girlfriends hopefully if they will join me I wonder if there’s a way for me to like make this happen hold up there we go

No okay here we go okay here we go uh cting a game right now oh let’s go okay so we got the three uh maybe what I can do the bachelor needs a rose oh yeah he does need a rose okay I’ll get him a rose too let me get one all right

Everybody come in here everyone come in here everyone come on thank you caddy there’s they’re too slick I actually had the opportunity to meet them in July oh that’s so fun I I really want to meet you guys like I was thinking about going

To either Pax West or P well I do I I do want to revisit Pax West again and then I was thinking packs East um for shies it’s on my bucket list hey Chico made it welcome I’m surprised toasty isn’t like freaking out huh oh that’s why so he was freaking out just

Outside you helping with uh the kiddos then okay give me like 2 seconds s okay Angley I uh accepted your friend request by the way um no I was just talking to Angley you’re good you’re good thanks Chico okay we’re good nobody panic we’re good everything’s good everything’s fine how many

Um um she partnered on Twitch I got to witness it YouTube content and Tik Tok and her name is t t TSA maybe U I’m cing game right now hold on yeah whenever you get a chance you can send me the stuff oh guys we’re at 16 likes let’s go

Thank you guys so much I was supposed to do something I knew I knew there was something I needed to produce I knew there was something I needed to do um let me see let me see if I can do that real quick actually while I’m thinking about it

Chico Chico come here it’s te like tan but yeah tea okay I think that’s what I said but maybe I was wrong um I actually had the opportunity to meet them fun they’re too slick for real for real B these are rose for real mhm mhm okay we’re good Christ is averted let’s

Do the things um that is so awesome # gos also send through thank you yes it’s so annoying that blue sky invite only but I’m glad I’m glad I get to be invited thank you so much okay I’m trying to get these chickens to come over

Here the way I need them to but those that are on the door are literally stuck so I’m going to put them here all right ladies come on in you go okay there we go I don’t know if I’d want this oh look that there’s a little baby family here

You are all right come in here come on come on in we go come on why are they coming in come on love how the mom is like no I don’t trust it it’s fine it’s fine fine you guys are going to make me

Do this the hard way then so be it come on let’s go go go go go go in I really don’t want have to open this door one more cuz it’s so annoying okay is that everything yes that’s everything oh no there’s one more chicken but it’s okay okay well actually

No I need the baby chickens in here or we’re going to have to eat the chickens I may have to cuz they are getting on my last nerve come on either you can come here or you can get the eat with the axe I’ve noticed that the baby chickens

Have a lesser attension span that’s fascinating okay come on in we go in in we go someone turn chica graphic settings down yeah so welcome in yeah like I said before um if I if I could redo it all over again I probably would have been a

Vtuber from the GetGo but you know here we are doing our thing have you been flutter can we get a shout out for flutter please although I guess it would have to be flutter baby on Twitch if we do have any mods uh like a YouTuber though thank you thank you thankles okay

Oh goodness Me all right come here the baby chickens are not joining me I don’t know why I don’t know why come here come here they are they just is their AI broken or something they’re just not going they’re more a than I you know what I mean yeah they’re broken they’re just

Broken there we go okay now that you’re a bigger chicken are you going to follow me they know it’s a trick they do they’re too good they’re too clever for their own good oh I I I’m going to be posting an announcement later but apparently a lot of people don’t really

Read my Discord um because they’ll be like hey how’s you in the fam and I’m just like for [Laughter] real so um but long story short for those who don’t um know um the best way to keep in touch of myone and um the things is being in the

Discord they see the real as full block and can’t cross it rails break there ey oh is it really interesting okay well I wouldn’t normally care but I’m trying to do this whole girlfriend thing so you know I’m sorry it’s got to be this way sorry Pap chicken I’m sorry I

Just I can’t have the nonsense he’s like no wait come on come here then let’s go come on no but I’m not talking about you flutter I’m just saying if you if you don’t have um Discord alerts on make sure to do so cuz that’ll be the only

Way to keep in touch uh with what’s happening cuz my schedule’s basically going to be going out the door um coming next year at least until Chico gets a better schedule and work Shenanigans um cuz yeah I I really got to I got to be there I remove the rail no

Murder no not the babies I know I’m the worst it’s cuz Okay listen long story short we lost we lost a member I um because of AI and things um and so now and now we’re trying to um now we’re trying to work things out so to speak um

Yeah it’s great it’s fine okay so who I think we have all grown-ups now right except we have that one baby chicken in the front which which is going to be annoying okay all right ladies line up here whoever wants to be the meet your soon to be hubby no go

In I want to get at least uh three of them if we can at least three okay we got one right there I got two babies I don’t want the babies you go also got to make sure to close this door right here that works I

Guess wait did it it did it just glitch my door I think it just glitched my door it did didn’t it well then did they just delete my door I found a glitch we found the glitch chat we found the glitch we did it oh my gracious that was so funny it glitched

The door out of existence y’all saw it they just glitched my door out of existence all right come here come here all right come on come on all right in we go in we go there we go okay this is good good chunk all right we got one two

Three four five beautiful all right then we’re going to put this over here I guess it’s not really where I want it to be with the door but it’ll have to do it’ll have to do okay now we’re going to sleep the chickens are watching me I show up and things start breaking

Wondering now if bot saw something in me maybe oh you know what it’s like that one movie uh wreck at Ralph where you are princess Penelope yeah and this whole time you think you’re the glitch but then turns out the system is the one that’s broken

Oh that’s what I was going to tell Chico Chico when you get us chance I need you here please for like two seconds one two 3 4 five all right beautiful oh six okay that works all right ladies everyone line up here where should I put them um to

Wait they fate oh we got two hold on they’re just they get so oh it’s cuz of the AI thing okay that’s right that’s right that’s right so frustrating all right but we learned something today apparently Minecraft has not prepared for the AI of chickens and railings okay come here in we go

Um so yeah long story short uh I tried to save Frankie’s uh fiance but unfortunately um as you can see we we are I love how Frankie is like literally despondent he will not look at me he will not look at me he knows what I

Did listen I’m inoc it it’s not my fault that Minecraft decided to like put this um in in a weird situation okay all right I am not to blame here at all so now we’re trying to find him a new girlfriend is the goal is the

Plan all right come here come on ladies ladies please one at a time okay we’ got the four one two three four 5 six okay beautiful all right Perfect come here come on here we go I think we can do like this if I’m not mistaken and that way I can

Also what happened to the dirt that I had oh seriously had a stack of dirt oh I like this song this is a really good song okay let’s put this over here put it over there sh bam sh bam isn’t the music so good I love your dancing let’s go in we

Go there we go haha got them that’s right I think that’s six of them right or is there seven hold on one two three 4 five six seven who we got a new friend we got a new contestant okay not expected but it’s okay maybe that’ll be

The secret one it’s the only way I know how to dance here I love it uh wowe what’s up Tammy welcome in welcome to the stream you’re about to see um an interesting moment [Laughter] of what do you call it the I don’t know

I got to think of a better I got to think of a a better term for it but like Bachelorette but with chickens is ENT what we’re going to do playing Minecraft right now nice uh Bedrock or Java welcome welcome yes welcome thank you Austin for the warm welcomes oh

Goodness hello hello hello welcome In I am currently playing through um my second go around of hardcore in this world I guess technically third with live streams if you count that um and I decided to get um a special chicken friend my only friend Frankie and a series of unfortunate events

Happened and so now I need to find him a new girlfriend or a new fiance if you will right here yes this is pretty he literally won’t look at me anymore even with the seed he knows he knows my sins he knows what I’ve done listen I’m trying to fix my I’m trying

To fix the errors of my way okay so we got to find a rose or in this case I’m just going to try to find um a flower any red flower I guess for Frankie to give his future fianceg girlfriend yes Fair yes uh bro I just was playing no there

No The Crafty mob a flower I’m so confused yeah a flower okay um do you think we’ll have a flower here you help him make a family then you rip him away in front of his eyes oh about the is if you’re talking about the Series of Unfortunate Events with Frankie yes

Yes okay yeah we’re trying it’s okay we’re going to make it better though it’s fine it’s fine Redemption Arc or something yeah runs uhoh rip okay we need to find oh the boat where did I put my boat where did we put the boat where did we put the

Boat oh no the mics hold on um let’s try this one maybe oh okay this music is bopping though I like this this is good music right here I forgot to pop up the chat I just realized rest in peace Frankie’s lady an a peace no D you’re terrible

You’re saved oh good good good hey you nailed it GG’s Tammy look at you winning okay I was going to put something here though um I don’t know if I can find it anymore though give me so that’s not the thing Chico I need him to add something for

Me I guess I could try to add it myself hold on um likes Co okay hold on Friends I’m going to make this smaller obviously there we go the house screen yeah exactly exactly what you asking for um I was going to have you help me set this up properly there we

Go why does it always make it so big come on there we go there we are shabam the Hello Kitty people what do you mean Hello Kitty people there you go I don’t know if you guys can read that at all can you guys read this at all maybe I’ll put it here

Maybe maybe can you guys read this I hope maybe you’re behind Tammy I don’t know you can read that okay cool perfect perfect all right so we got to go find a boat back chica welcome back Minnie Chico hello no how are you doing welcome in piggy welcome welcome

All right we’re trying to do this thing and hopefully we can go from here find a new girlfriend for Frankie not yet but we are going to start looking for a rose so Frankie can give it to his one true love I think there was flowers over here but I could be

Wrong if not we’re going to have to backtrack a little oh thank you for the hearts just got out of the hole nice very nice got done Christmas shopping let’s go that’s such a good feeling it’s such a good feeling when you get all your Christmas shopping

Done if you guys see any flowers let me know you need wood in the Minecrafts yes I hate when that happens like if you don’t plan ahead you can literally run out of that and it’s like the most annoying thing ever yes fa yes for real for real okay you see a flower

Chico oh we have a port we have a broken portal hey there Ron welcome in friends welcome welcome we are looking for a flower to give to my favorite chicken uh Frankie so he can have a girlfriend but so far no luck no luck so

Far I was hoping I could be fancy but I couldn’t be fancy I forget you like me thank you I appreciate that I appreciate you if you’re new welcome to the stream everybody yes uh we are trying to hit 20 likes for tonight that is our usual uh

Goal I think we’re at 16 last I checked we got flowers let’s go go okay should we just do multiple rounds of of giving out the flowers or should we specifically just have one round um oh before I forget so um I usually stream once a week or I’ve been

Streaming twice a week with YouTube but um I think I’m only going to be streaming once a week with YouTube um next week I’ll be off because you know holidays and things but I might be doing a stream on Twitch we will have to

See do I like you I just met you but I appreciate you being here if you’re asking me like as if I like you more than that don’t make it weird please thank [Laughter] you you’re fine you’re fine oh there was some flowers right over here thank you for all the

Hearts what is your favorite Hello Kitty character ooh that’s a good question that could be our question for the day my favorite Hello Kitty character I guess it would be called srio character is probably oh I just realized something important we don’t have a bed friends we

Don’t have any a bed so that’s going to be great we’re going to have to speedrun over here okay um my favorite San Rio character I would probably say is a toss up between cinnamon roll and oh what’s her name oh what’s her name I have to look

At it I don’t know I’m terrible with names it takes me like a few months to get it sleep on the cow I wish you could just like be like hey sheep can I borrow you for like two seconds My Melody I think it’s my melody

Yeah I think it might be a tie between either cinnamon roll and my melody do I have the boat with me I think I do yes good okay good all right I’m hearing zombie we’re fine we’re fine we’re doing great just go just run my melody yeah but yeah I’m doing

Okay Ron it’s been a very stressful couple weeks but you know staying happy well you know it’s okay to not be happy constantly I know that but I’m saying like I feel like happiness is a state of mind a state of Peace so to speak pattle

For your life yeah I know I’m running I don’t even I try not to react to stuff because otherwise I’m going to die and I’ll be like no I panic if I panic Then I then I that’s when mistakes happen so I try to be like really calm I

Try I should have kept the bed with me but I don’t know I get so nervous like if I sleep outside in The Great Outdoors I feel like I’m gonna die you know I feel like that’s when I’ve I’ve had issues in the past is like if I sleep like

That um but yeah I would say My Melody either my melody or a cinnamon roll okay just got the wood I need for crafting table and wood let’s go honestly crafting table is the goat uh uh they are just field puppies after all true I’ve never heard them said like

That flutter but now I’m going to refer them as that I hope it’s okay field puppies that is too much okay all right friends so here’s what we’re GNA do here’s what we’re gonna do all Right here’s what we’re going to do y’all cuz we got to get business done yeah we’re going to get down to business let’s get down to business to get the chickens uh especially the little mini cows om they’re so adorable oh my gosh yes yes very

Yes okay so we got a fishing rod we got dirt um we got a Ladder um mine is cinnamon roll I guess you already know though cinnamon roll is really fun so cute apparently cinnamon rolls is a is a dog which I was like a know how okay hold on I have to show you guys this for like two seconds look at this look at

This look at This look at this and tell me this is a dog this is clearly not a dog this is clearly this is a rabbit apparently it’s a dog I guess I can kind of see it in this pose more but that this is a rabbit I just I can’t my brain is like that

Ain’t no how ain’t no way Hello Kitty get this out of here this is a bunny all right put a bunny next to this thing this is a bunny okay I love cinnamon roll no no but like it’s it’s that’s clearly a bunny okay just say

All right I just had to get that off my chest cuz it was bothering me so much that I was like no look at his doggy tail doggy tail oh that’s fair okay you know what fine that’s fine Luna fine okay I see it now wowe right that’s

Fair uh puppy it is a puppy that’s a rabbit right thank you Angley how many okay actually I’m actually curious okay let’s do a pull let’s do a pull cuz now I’m curious okay what is C by the way it’s spelled c Cinema roll so it’s actually spelled a

Little differently it’s not spelled cinnamon roll it’s like Cinema roll I think is the word it’s not showing up okay again the spelling is probably totally wrong I’m so sorry but I know it’s like Cinema roll it’s not cinnamon roll it’s Cinema roll Cinema roll maybe like this I

Think okay I’m going to put that’s a puppy nah it’s a bunny okay there you go you know they say um sad backwards is D and that’s no good so I hope you guys are doing better uh that’s a rabbit right a bun bun R oh bro

I got a crafting table let’s go wait are you going to bedrock at all I’m I’m going to think about it if we get to 20 likes I I’ll definitely do Bedrock is that fair maybe I don’t know that’s a puppy you think so uh C uh common roll’s

Face is just so cute oh cinnamon roll’s face yeah that’s a rabbit right puppy Tammy says puppy uh look at his tail you think it’s a doggy tail okay okay you know what that’s fair that’s fair if you look at it if you look at it long enough

Some cases it does look like a puppy but what puppy is it what puppy is cinnamon R supposed to be I don’t know if cinnamon R is a girl or boy or anything again I’m I’m new I’m a knob I’m a knob I’m a newbie when it comes to um the San

Rio like lore I’m still learning but when I saw that I’m like no my whole life is a lie friends my whole life is a lie now that’s a puppy apparently most of y’all think it’s a puppy [Laughter] fine the world’s a beautiful wonderful place and people are entitled to their

Opinions just some of them are wrong I’m just kidding I know canotic they’re a puppy but in my brain I feel like Cinema R is a bunny oh this music though so good I love it you could look it up I I could I could look it up but that requires effort

So okay should we do multiple rounds should we do multiple rounds or should we just do one what all think you can just vote in chat what do you think should we do multiple rounds of The Bachelorette or should we just or Bachelor I guess or should we

Just let him pick who he wants listen listen homie listen Frankie I know you can’t stand to look at me anymore but listen I want you to know I meant it I meant good I promise I promise it seems that he’s just a puppy no specific breed so I

Guess he’s whatever you want him to be oh that’s kind of fun that’s actually kind of fun okay looks like most of yall agree or that he is a puppy but [Laughter] still also welcome in that by the way happy year in the Stream happy everybody is here by the way whether you’re

Lurking while working or just you know vibing especially those who go out of their way to hang out in the streams um they make me very happy I like doing these okay friends so here’s the dealio I think Frankie is broken okay how do we want to have him

Pick who he chooses to Wed it there we go haven’t figured it out yet I didn’t think this through I’m sure um he just is a puppy H give me like 1 minute Friends all thees but Okay uh Tammy’s mailing it in oh you changed your picture to cinnamon roll that is so funny that is awesome I love it I like it a lot all right friends ready uh Minnie says only do one round so we’ll pick one puppy puppy cinnamon roll yes cinnamon roll okay all right

Ladies you’re about to get chosen y’all ready oh gosh ladies one at a time please one at a time please okay how we know which one will be his his his picked let’s see okay so hear me out Frankie listen you have all these lovely ladies that

Want to be chosen by you I I don’t I haven’t watched I haven’t watched The Bachelorette or bachelor in so long what would they normally say there’s all these lovely ladies and they all I don’t know how it works like they all have roses or something or want a rose and

Here they are and he’s standing here with the only Rose there we go that’s what we’ll do yeah uh who will he pick nobody knows okay sorry know you’re fine Tammy okay so who will they pick who will your true love be wait he’s looking to this one is it

Her Frankie is looking at this one all right he wants the one in the left okay I don’t know what she what should we name her what’s uh whoever picks the first name what should we name our chicken Clara maybe I like Clara she’s very caring Frankie and

Clara this cool cat oh he so cute all right so here comes the sad part um I’m going to have to get rid of the rest of the contestants sorry all right run away there you go I think this was Clara right on the left side yes you’re Clara yes you’re gone you’re

Gone that’s Clara okay come here Clara no back off oh gosh close your eyes kids I know right Ginger Clara Ginger I kind of like that it’s kind of that’s a good name it’s got some VI it’s got some Vibes to it I just can’t get her mistaken for any of the

Other chickens I just don’t want to get any other chickens mixed up cuz I don’t want to accidentally give him the wrong girlfriend that would be really awkward all right come here all right well they chose it they could have ran off they didn’t oh my goodness the Carnage the chicken Carnage

Feels so bad all right oh look at that he’s cool again oh he likes me do you think I can put them together or is it just one chicken per thing yes can they go together they can oh that’s so cute look at them name Sil

R get there crafty there you go all right there there we go oh look at them the two little love birds look at literally love birds look at them oh they’re so happy I wonder why their AI is so janky and [Laughter] broken okay we got to remember this one

On the left is Clara and this one on the right is Frankie or I think so is that how it worked I don’t know how it worked it doesn’t matter so we have Clara Clara Ginger and Frankie I don’t know what his last name is Francisco I guess no Francisco is his best

Friend there we go although I think we already have a Clara so I’m going to name her Ginger yeah we’ll name her Ginger Ginger and Frankie Ginger and Frankie there we go f that’s final final Final Answer looking so cute in the little boat praying for their lives for

Real all right there you go all right you love birds don’t be too crazy now don’t be too crazy yes yes I love how they’re looking at the sunset together that is so hecking romantic look at you crazy kids just living your best life

Look at them so happy hey we have a good app good ending Happy Endings all well that ends well I like to say yes may you have all the chickens and eat all the seeds your your heart to your content or something I don’t Know neighbor cinnamon r or cinnamon roll nah maybe this next maybe another chicken I’ll Nam cinnamon roll though thank you for the suggestion I do like it [Laughter] but that’d be a little funny though then all we get hungry then freaky what if Frey gets hungry and what if he tries to eat

Her good Heavens the doggy is going crazy all right well there we go again rest in peace rest in peace what was her name again francisa yeah francisa rest in peace francisa look at them that is actually so freaking wholesome a look at that that is now that’s love now that’s love

Right there ladies and gentlemen that’s love right here look at them you know love overcomes all or something I don’t know look at them just living their best life oh I’m getting all emotional over digital chickens I don’t know I what are these feelings

Bro OH Close Your I kiss for real I like ginger though Ginger is good all right Ginger and Frankie I’m going to make an I’m going to make a sign so I don’t forget cuz otherwise I I forget everything I really do okay um we have a

Crafting table right here and we can make a sign right over there bro name them fr chicken [Laughter] no listen I’m trying to change my ways nobody nobody post the clip of what happened okay I really feel bad I genuinely do okay I’d have a nugget for sure and them fried

Chicken okay hold on I didn’t sign message why won’t it let me edit the side message hold on oh do I just type it um Carlos Plus what’s her name again Ginger right Ginger can I do a heart I wish I could do an actual heart symbol there you go there you go Carlos and ginger a look at them uh please play jackpot Jackpot by fat rat tell you what Tammy if we hit 20

Likes today I will look it up just for you thanks for asking politely I don’t know how many likes we’re at right now chat my gracious I mean name one nug their Baby K be nugget oh my gosh yes you’re so smart I love you flutter that

Is a great idea for a barber I’m going to be lurking okay sounds good Angy I’ll be here doing the things I appreciate you being here I hope you’re having a good morning we’re at 17 all right let’s go we just need three more likes friends I got to check something real

Fast but yes make sure you like it tell your friends tell your families we’re trying to hit 20 likes this evening can we hit it maybe we’ll see You oh I got so scared I thought something was attacking me I’m like wait it’s paused oh my gosh hey I can spell that uh 17 oh dang did you do that by yourself that’s awesome thank you friends oh look at the cute emotes they’re so dorbs okay sorry like I said

Uh life schedules hecticness it’s just it’s nonstop it really is okay so we did that and I feel really ACH you know what like life you know when life gives you chickens you make chickena or something I don’t know I think that’s how the saying goes oh that they poop the little

Py ah look at them I wonder I wonder no come on I wonder I have two music videos of music concept art in Minecraft do you really that’s so fun oh they pooped out two chickens okay maybe this will be baby no baby it’s okay y’all keep vibing y’all keep doing

Your thing okay so we got this happening feels good feels gravy um I think the next thing we can do all right chat which one should we do next should we work on my base some more or should we get a I feel like we should

Get a sheep farm next is the next thing we should do but uh just thinking about it makes me so anxious I’m just like oh I don’t want to but it’s for the GG’s you know we really should we really should so should we work on my base some more or should

We get some sheep farms happening yep I do my house all right we have one vote for house anyone else what do you guys think should we get more sheeps like a sheep farm happening or should we work on my house somewhere by house I mean all this over

Here with all the sand and whatnots like the little sandstone I was working on last time I mean you did make a chicken sprinkler wait what do you mean hold on what do you mean chicken sprinkler is that a reference to something what do you mean I’m so lost

Like not in a bad way just more like what iron farm yeah eventually but I feel like that’s going to be very boring uh without me like uh at least researching first what I need to do to one of your videos one of my videos chicken sprinkler and a cat room to your

Home do we have the cat still I remember we had I remember we had a cat where did I put the cat oh no where did we put the cat friends I remember okay hold on we had mittens and then we had a different name for our

Second cat friend what was his name may have been a short I can’t remember chicken sprinkler chicken sprinkler chicken sprinkler chicken sprinkler now I’m like genuin wondering now oh my gracious toasty quiet please he freaks out now when we leave cuz he’s like don’t leave me puddles was it P puddles thank you

Thank you thank you puddles Puddles the cat yeah it’s all coming back um it was for the challenge oh my gosh yes yes yes yes the chicken challenge yeah I know what you’re talking about M the chicken challenge yeah I remember bro bro crafties right next to me let’s go is

This the big one maybe it’s this one no let’s not it okay I’m trying to figure out which one is the actual one is this it no no not this is the one okay I’m also should make a sign that says mine entrance mine entrance as opposed to your entrance mine

Entrance here we go all yeah I’m going to leave it mine you know I’ve got to at this point I’ve got to leave [Laughter] it no no Tammy no what don’t die don’t die in Minecraft okay if you die in Minecraft you die in real life not really but it’s a meme yeah

That’s right puddles yes we do have our cat we have our cat named puddles that’s right we named it puddles because it kept going to the puddles It’s All Coming Back to Me Yes um the iron farm is obviously something I do want to achieve um I just feel like I was going

To do that closer to like day 100 or something cuz I feel like you know that’s like a big thing you know and if my base sucks don’t forget to add the coffee with cats me for real everyone say had the puddles but yeah iron farm is definitely on the

List so that way we can have this going um Etc cuz I feel like I need to watch like some videos or something maybe research some stuff with Chico maybe add like an extra account um that I can play around with like make a backup to this um hardcore

World um and then like run some tests on it cuz I’m not too familiar with too many of that stuff usually Chico is the one that does the more complicated things oh thank you for the thank you for the cheers and chat you guys are so

Sweet thank you thank you kind of feels bad for ttles uh puddles that looks like a dark scary place to stay no no he wanted to he kept sitting there and I was like okay the last time I kept my cat with me uh it um Got Game ended so

You know it’s probably the safest place for the cat to be okay all righty which seems kind of counter intuitive come on K come on you got to get off the thing there we are uh Waddles iron farm on Java is super easy and uses a lot of this material

Really ooh do you have a do you have a link to that by the by by the way caddy maybe you can post it on the Minecraft section in Discord that would help me a bunches damy uh acting just like a kitty yeah for real he’s like no you can’t make me

All right puddles all right Mr temperamental calm down nope okay looks like it’s just filled with Cobblestone mostly all right come here kitty come here puddles we’ll do thank you caddy of course take your time no rush but I’m thinking I’m hoping within the next two

Streams I want to start working on that that’s why I’m like debating if I want to get a a farm like a like I feel like a farm might be good but I don’t know if it’s necessary cuz we have the village now you know what I

Mean like for the sheep farm that’s what you need them for right mostly it’s for for wool oh we should probably go to sleep love there is some random chicken just wandering oh my gracious just he made a break for it a you know what I will I’ll

Allow it I’ll allow it true love or something I don’t know I won’t get in the way of true love I post a PIX in your Discord and the iron farm I made it on my Java world is that the I think I saw that

Um yeah I think I saw that but I was kind of confused on the implementations of it if that makes sense like it in in functionality like I learned better from like someone holding my hand real tightly and being like all right listen you need to grab this thing and then you

Turn on this button and then you flip this switch or else otherwise I just I forget and I don’t understand it I don’t learn it’s weird it’s my crutch but the good news is once I learn it it’s like a still trap in there I never forget it I

Might like forget for two seconds and I’ll be like no I know how to do it but I my brain gets to theci side what I remember not me Dave oh who’s Dave what happened to Dave Tammy I have questions I have concerns okay um think about what we’re doing I

Guess genuinely asking is it better off for me not to bother the villagers right now like as in if I get closer to them will they die or do you think that they’re far away enough that I oh I should get my bed first hold on let me

Do that that’s why I was in there I was getting my bed um yeah hold on friends I’m trying to find B here we go okay I hate that it keeps making it go out that way I mean it’s cool that you can fast do it but sometimes I don’t

Mean to and it does it for me okay we got a we got a we got a chicken um delivery res service oh it’s a joke gotcha gotcha gotcha uh five villagers were gossip and summon a Golem instead of scaring three villagers with a zombie ooh I see I prefer that honestly

Um is that how you get iron do you have to kill the Iron Golems then to get the iron is that how it works I hope Emma’s doing okay I missed them she’s really sweet you know what I’m going to go ahead is there anything else we need Flint for oh there’s flint and steel which let’s be honest I don’t know if I I trust myself with that so I’m going to

Put this here um I think I put iron somewhere didn’t I put my iron somewhere oh gosh where did I put my iron I know I had extra iron somewhere please be here please be here nope well that’s great that’s fine okay so we got the sign right here for the mine

Entrance obviously this is going to be the chicken area which I don’t know if we necessarily need to label uh use water guide the Golem to some lava oh interesting is that is that um is that is that a different phrase to say something else more heinous more sess I guess so to

Speak uh I have a spider on mom don’t run out the world as you found a spider I’m just thinking about what I want to do here sorry friends I’m like thinking really hard Because last time this ended up in a weird situation where I don’t want to be so I can’t have it here or else the the the cows will try to run away so I’m going to do this and then we’re going to put it up here maybe ah this is so difficult

Okay okay I’m trying to get the thing here there we go and then we’ll put the sign yeah yeah okay and it’s going to be called cow Farm cow Farm or what’s another word for it what’s another word for it cow F if you guys think of something more

Puntier let me know cuz I like puns we’ve got our M entrance as opposed to other entrance leg legendary Farm yes give flutter a metal I love you thank you it’s legend wait for it [Laughter] dairy dairy farm beautiful oh that’s this yes 10 out of 10 are you asking if

Guiding to some lava is a euphemism from give them a spa day more like guiding them to some lava for um means you know you you send them to the other side of life does that make sense just give him the good Yeet delete you know what I’m saying that’s what I was

Saying although that also works too he I don’t know do do Iron Golems die in lava or do they just kind of chill in the lava okay so now we have that now we just need one more sign for the chicken farm and then we’re golden we’re golden what’s a good what’s

A good sign for the farm uh here we go here we go let’s go let’s go okay Um maybe clucky Farm people are overpowered help themselves uh a good ways of life Fox 71 is that like a phrase thank you for the Hearts by the way y’all are so nice I keep doing the heart hands well you can’t see it but I’m doing heart hands thank you friends

I run a tar and Druid healer for years and wow Nam that did you really legendary that is too funny I never got to play um wow or like DM D but I really wish I could have you know what I mean okay um I’m going to call it crazy chicken

Farm until I think of something better oh we got something who was it uh banana I think I don’t know uh thank you for the follow thank you for the sub to the stream uh you’re now the super awesome Miss banana if that was your uh username welcome welcome nice to have

You how you doing guys we’re at 20 likes are we at 20 likes I liked it too much sucked me in for a hot minute for yes oh my gosh flutter you have no idea you have no idea uh SM Su MF cat I don’t know if

That I don’t know if that stands for something good or bad so U but yes thank you guys so much for being here we’re at 20 likes 20 likes let’s go thank you what smap cat Show’s like hey thank you friends thank you all so

Much um how how many days are we at let’s see we’re at day 50 on day 50 let’s go 20 likes on day 50 thank you guys so much it really helps out the stream a lot it really really does it let YouTube know that you guys like me

And my awesome community and you want other people to watch My Stream so thank you I will sing for you and for you Tammy I haven’t forgotten the song you might have to uh repost the name of the song if you would be so kind um and

That’ll help a lot um Story Time come on grab your friends let’s go see what Blue Beard said there’s a picture of the kill chamber fence gates to allow entities Golems through while blocking liquid flow and signs to contain a block of lava use water steams streams to move

The Golems HPP underneath to collect the drops interesting H oh my gosh I love it whenever if anyone leaves or when Chico gets home it’s just like sorry Friends toy just goes crazy he’s so spicy so so so sassy so sassy so sassy uh Tammy do you remember the name

Of the song that you wanted by the way if not it’s okay I’ll worry about it next time I just want wanted to make sure cuzz I don’t remember things at all my brain the inner workism of my mind are an enigma that’s literally me and my

Brain okay looks like we have the stairs all the way up and down here so we’re good we’re Gucci s Puppy World yes okay here we go oops oh the song name is Jackpot by fat rat okay I don’t know if so I think fat R is one of those freaking annoying composers

That’s like yeah this is on the non-copyrighted playlist and then like later on YouTube’s like yeah actually it is copyright like I always hate that whenever I get the copyright like symbol of death it’s not that big of a deal but like cuz it’s not the same as a

Copyright infringement but it’s still annoying when it’s like then why is it all the copy non-copyright things yeah jackpot I okay got it all right friends if you guys can hear my voice can you guys do a one in chat real quick I’m just curious if we have enough

Friends to switch on over to bedrock at the moment Uno do we have any takers that would want to join me for the Bedrock world if I did that today all of that all of that effort wait did I bring my bed with me I did look at me look at me being

Smart least we got the achievement with taking aim right yep that’s it okay perfect thank you guys so much for the likes of the stream thank you guys so much for being just just your best selves it means a lot to me thank you thank you thank you

So much it’s my dream to be able to stream and create content for everybody so it it really means a lot thank you guys so much all right we’re doing good we’re doing great we found more rail too you got more rail uh powered rail is powered rail the thing that you

Can trigger or no I feel like it’s not right oh we do have Flint in steel here nice we also have a frost Walker which would be really good when weever we hit like different things interesting music is such a Bop although it’s not very family or friendly is that’s it okay

Beautiful is it four it is four beautiful beautiful thank you guys so much thank you for being here it means the world it really does okay but yeah one of our big plays eventually is going to be um getting an iron farm going for sheres

I’m hoping we can get it before uh day 100 but we’ll see that’s that’s why I kind of want to practice so when I do it officially on the real world I can be like okay I know how to do it I know how long it’s going to take and then I can

Kind of plan my my content strategy for streams cuz I want to do it before day 100 creating the farm I just have never done I have the many years I’ve played Minecraft I’ve never really done like fancy Farms or anything to do with bedrock like um not Bedrock

Sorry uh it’s not real life this product is brought to you by unknown brain thank you for listening love you all oh you’re welcome okay what was the name of your song again I think it was called uh powered rail makes the cart speed up oh it does okay powered rail accelerates

Mine cart you see Power hey my family and friendly for real I think that the the stream just had the glitch um Let Me Tell PES real quick oh gracious goodness Me tell people to refresh please if you haven’t already how fun how fun uh there we go all right what was it called again hold on I’m tring to things that once one uh let’s see beat the game Minecraft I’m working on a Dutch this is Hardcore

Though so I have beaten it on Bedrock um I haven’t beaten it on Java yet but I’ve beaten it multiple times on Bedrock so now I’m trying um I’m trying Java for the first time basically okay it was something is Jack Jackpot by fat rat okay this is for you Tammy and everybody

Else thank you so much for liking the stream um if you like my stream uh it does help a lot so I’d pre big pre oh this song though oh this song though oh this song though or unless you’re saying Dutch that you already beat the game Minecraft

And so GG’s well done I’m really impressed it’s a Bop It is a Bop there we go can we get some dancing in chat to celebrate hitting 20 likes thank you guys so much and I will sing for you if you want me to so thank you thank you

You guys are awesome you really really are thank you oh my gosh even the cat’s dancing look at that even puddles is dancing let’s go look at that oh that was amazing that was so fun I’ve never seen that before have you guys ever seen that before that was too funny that was

Too cute that was too cute it puddles that’s it I like it I see why you requested it it’s so good so Good I know it’s orange everyone’s least favorite terracotta but you know we’ve got to go with what we got you what What’s the phrase um you use what you got not what you what you want there you go you use what you got not what you want there you go them them’s the

Life’s oh stay here hello how’s it going how was Persona it was pretty okay um I like it a lot I’m hoping I can keep playing it although I heard that apparently it’s going to be I may have to I may have to play it off stream mostly and then pick

It up later because it is really long wow for real and I heard it’s going to be moved off of what is it called um Game Pass after some time gosh dang it cat stop it see I told you uh now I have music why I play Minecraft right for

Real I my favorite thing is just listening to some good music some good vibes some good company how have you been Iris can we get a shout out for AIS please that was a good song I like it that’s a good one I love that puddles puddle still agrees puddle thinks it’s a

Bop puddles agrees it’s an absolute Bop okay friends let’s do this again let us decide what is happening with all this here we go we got some sand right here I’m trying to get a bunch of sand is what I’m working on let’s see how

Many days are we at again we’re day 51 okay uh yeah it’s pretty cool I like it a lot I’m hoping I can keep streaming it cuz I I don’t know like don’t get wrong I love Minecraft as much as the next person but I live for my variety Fridays they just

Make me super happy they really do oh no I meant to do the other way around ah gosh dang it okay hold on Friends hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s let’s think about this carefully shall we let’s think about this carefully um let’s go way over here

Let’s go way over here I think it’s like gray terra cotta is that what we want I think it no wait then what are you you’re just normal you’re just terracotta you’re a Teran you’re you’re a liar that’s what I think you’re excited for the holidays okay

Um oh gracious I don’t know I don’t know I hear this song so much Sandstone gosh dang it okay well it’s fine PVP mod uh mood you got to play bedwars I think I tried it once I wasn’t the best at it not bedw Wars but I did

Play some PVP I’ve never tried bedwars though it could be fun though to make mix it up I was thinking about doing a competition I think it’d be really fun like um we had like a build battle thing that we did Once Upon a Time yeah I was thinking about doing a

PVP competition next for yall to compete against cuz the last one was super fun like I had so much fun it was a lot of drama there was a lot of like Stakes at hand and it was just like a really fun uh thing to host you know what I mean

Cat yes Puddles the cat an absolute chaos of energy uh uh uh yeah energy of chaos that’s the word that’s the things I don’t know what Bed Wars is but I was watching food Wars I don’t know why hey look food Wars Food Network’s got the best stuff I’ll fight anyone who says

Anything differently it it really does like food network is literally a jam I you know anyone that doesn’t appreciate anything on Food Network is dead inside that’s my final final discussion to that I don’t know it’s just I Remember Loving that stuff uh growing up I I

Liked um what was it world uh Food Network and then is it the home network I don’t remember but it’s the one where they have like re uh where they remodel homes and stuff like that like what is it called the ultimate Home Makeover show where the guy takes

The home and he remodels it yeah oh my gosh toasty chill he’s got no chill toast has none of the chill none of the chill oh gosh that dog kills me um he’s like I know no [Laughter] chill I can’t tell if it’s my neor coming home or not but someone’s triggering

Him I love me some food network is my go-to when I can’t seem to find something I vied it right um I loved home whatever I don’t know if it’s called the home network but it’s wherever they play the home video stuff like where they have the home renovation

Stuff as well as the Food Network those were my two favorite This Old House yes oh my gosh flutter say less yes exactly Austin shares that I’m back chica I had to step away uh step away right quick no you’re fine Austin thanks for letting me know I appreciate it I’ve been meeting

To tell my mods SL it’s like just let me know if you have to step away um from now on if people can’t do that as a mod I may have to be like all right I got to find other people just cuz at least with

YouTube I have to be like really careful cuz I’ve had a couple times now and I worry about it like cuz technically speaking if you’re not watching your chat you can get reported at least on Twitch you can for not modding your chat so it’s like I always worry about that

More so than anything so I’m going to have to make it so people at least let let me know if they have to step away which wouldn’t be a big deal but then I’ve had it happen in the past where mods will all step away at once

And I’m just kind of left to fighting for myself on PC and it’s not a fun time gives me a lot of anxiety I’m not getting it I’m not getting after you I really am not I’m just being like I got to remind myself to make that as a rule

From now on with mods I’ve been kind of Lac aisy about it and as much as I don’t want to treat it like a thing cuz it’s a volunteer strictly eventually I do want to make it a part of my business you know what I mean if I do go for Content

I do want to treat it more serious um which I don’t want to do I don’t want to but I have to take it serious uh just cuz it’s gotten to the point where it’s like oh my gosh I can’t be mless anymore it’s gotten chaotic toasty stop

Right can you see my game in real life I can’t uh Tammy uh it must be true cuz I feel dead and never mind starts putting a B wait what for real oh goodness gracious just cuz right now I don’t know cuz I feel like we have a good Mod

Squad um but I don’t know where the gaps are cuz I don’t know when people are here when people leave so I think that’s the biggest reason why I want to have that as a thing going forward I just got to remind myself to do that add that to the list of

Bajillion things that I need to start doing okay for real to’s just acting crazy to’s going nuto Dogo is so crazy okay let me think totally understand yeah yeah yeah no you’re fine you just reminded me I need to do that going forward thank you thank you friend

You’re before I forget if you guys do not know Austin is a content creator as well as a mod friend um and they’re sincerely underrated in my opinion they deserve so many more subs they deserve so much more love so if you guys want to do me a big favor

And make sure to follow Austin I can’t pay my mods at least not yet but the very minimum I can give them the respect they absolutely deserve thank you so much for holding on the fort I never expect it I never do um but I always appreciate it thank you

Thank you so much for being here it means a lot to me all righty oh gracious think like I’m thinking I might make like command that’s just so that way people are like hey this person has to check out or this one has to check in or

Whatever I think I’ve seen Mo uh other streamers do that before and it’s like oh that’s so smart that way other mods can be like oh this person has to step away cool cool I’ll be sure to watch it link up to date I go nowhere from it yeah that’s because

Of YouTube being YouTube you have to like go to channel like this and do this thing oh you’re at 21 Subs let’s go I think last I saw you you were like 10ish or so always help it help out and thank you for the shout always uh that link is

The one you have to click on it doesn’t even work as a link anymore apparently so yeah you have to copy paste this bottom link uh AIS we we haven’t in order for links or shout outs to work with YouTube you have to make it a personal link and it

Doesn’t look like those shout outs work either so yeah there’s a lot of things like I said I need to do that’s one of them is I need to be like all right mods if you are going to help I need check-ins and checkouts uh so I know like

Okay because if I’m if I’m modist then I have to go about my content differently as much as I like the hardcore mode or PC games or whatever it’s a lot harder for me to like watch the chat and and that so I got to be prepared you know

What I mean cuz I’ve had a couple really just oh my gosh just cringy horrific scares of people just being very inappropriate especially here on YouTube unfortunately so I can’t I can’t I have to be very serious I got to take it very serious um but yeah you have to click on

On that link Aris if that helps at all all right let’s think let’s think let’s think all right you guys ready by the speaking of which are we ready to switch on over to bedrock friends I think we’re on day 52 just about and the tunnel’s coming around very nicely it’s looking very

Spiffy looking very amazing I’m ready Austin’s ready okay like in the game maybe I hope in the game if not I hope she feels okay CH did you want to join in you’re not feeling good w all right friends well this is a good opportunity for me to do some stretchies

Uh the be beefs um I will join all right Caddy’s in let’s go um but yeah I think we’re on day let’s see we are on day 52 oh spider hisses oh gosh that scared me that sounded just like a creeper didn’t it oh my gosh that scared the bbies out of me

All right if you guys thank you so much for 50 days that’s insane I’m surprised this world is turning out so great I’m really really happy um yeah that is so cool um I’ll be continuing this series of course um hopefully for the very long future at

Least to day 100 next goal day 60 and then maybe day a th000 who knows we’ll see the sky is the limit so we’re going to keep on going a spiders yes uh for now let me switch on over to bedrock um get some stretches it might be a long

Longer Break um cuz I have to take care of some things with the kiddos they need to eat toasty uhuh get out out no I don’t trust you you you you shed everywhere go go I literally have to clean up uh so much after this dog he’s

Shedding so much now go go go go go all right friends I’ll be right back uh give me 5 10 minutes tops um yeah got to do some stretches and things all right B BR and we will be right back with some Bedrock yes Very Yes we shall be returning with the Bedrock Additions I was up and I don’t know why I’m pretty sure I got enough sleep last night but my brain’s feeling fuzzy I’ve gotten off track I’m going to take a nap and be right that Are in the Are You SL And I wonder where you are You So For I wonder where you Are Listen N yes n come on Come my heart feel in dist I you Di okay I’m back oh my gosh toasty was just like Mom ball play [Laughter] yeah literally literally welcome back thank you Eris thank you everybody I hope you guys got some stretchies as well I hope you guys got some snacks all the good stuffs thank for those for

Hanging big PR okay I was supposed to switch the things and the stuffs and the things but yet here I am not to doing the things oh gracious he snacks are a good idea right you came back I did I did although feel like Mr Man is been way too

Quiet what’s your guys’s favorite snack to have for me like it always depends oh thanks for all the hearts friends it always depends of what I feel like to be honest um oh here we go we’re at 23 likes let’s go thank you y’all are so nice thank you

Thank you oh thanks reminding me okay while we’re waiting for Minecraft to load I was going to sing for y’all I remember now okay it’s all coming it’s all coming together it’s all coming together friends that’s all oh oh yeah it’s all all right uh for

Those who are new we really big on goals over here so we like celebrate All of You U welcome back J thank you Austin you’re an absolute Legend thank you friend thank you everybody as well I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding like I said it’s it’s so

Hectic with the dog kids and all the other nonsense of adulting so just I’m trying to get the hang of it so I appreciate everyone understanding what’s the name OG that one brand with the mini chocolate chips in the bag uh mini chocolate chips in a

Bag the only one I can think of is chips a Hoy all right so let me let me get that going for y’all yes very yes let me find the musics musics hold there it is oh I love this song The Desmond H Hellcat that’s a good song all

Right ready friends you all can do dancing emotes you can do all the things that you want to do um while I sing for this song Eventually I want to like uh either play a ukulele or have a piano or something I was thinking about getting

Like a what are they called like a keyboard is that the word yeah keyboard I was thinking about having it be like um and then have the keyboard be able to play different songs like you can do sounds like ukulele and whatnot yeah I was thinking about that I think it’d be

Cool oh gosh there’s toasty there’s toasty doing the [Laughter] things being super crazy hold on we’re going to do chica no talk bam there he is and then we’re going to do where’s my camera’s my camera although for those who get to see this is my fit for today

As you can see I’m I’m rocking the Cozy today my hair is getting so hecking long again it’s the um time to hibernate absolute mood like I literally slept like almost all day I think it was Tuesday on and off again it was it was great it was

Wonderful okay moving back um yeah and I also got some green I got some green uh leggings very very comfy really rocking the holiday spirit Christmas Vibes today so it’s got the red it’s got the yellow it’s got the Silvery uh Snowflake and it’s also got the green pants so we’re

Going very holiday today o look at that oh yeah I saw this so many of my friends were doing this the Universal Studios event to finish off the year we have partnered with Universal Studios to create a 4-day in-game event that you can be a part of it in it you’ll get to

Ride the world famous Studio Tour to see some iconic movie sets go behind the scenes to see how movies are made and takes on some quests oo it’s until the 22nd interesting uh from De 10: a.m. PST to December 400 P p.m. PST oo maybe we

Could do that if you guys want to okay in the meantime it’s going to foot into once dance gby dance exactly all right ready friends let’s do it hey it’s a beautiful day cuz you’re here and deide it is St oh started feeling low didn’t know where to go then you started to turn my day around so I wanted to say thank you don’t know what to do but thank you you’re awesome it’s true so thank you I appreciate you and I really do thank you guys so much for being here

Whether you’ve been here here for an hour or two or a year or two thank you so much to I am very very grateful to know every single one of you you guys are amazing thank you for supporting me unconditionally it means a lot I hope

You guys know I really do care about my community uh from the bottom of my nuggets and the top of my tree I think it means something but words are hard def ukulele Bop right it totally feels like it’ be a good ukulele Bop there’s a couple songs

Actually there’s a song I need to I need to get I think I just have the chorus for it there is one song that I have I was going to sing it either I might sing it tomorrow if I’m fing up to it I just

Wrote a i WR I wrote a song that I’m really happy with like truly am should we do the Universal Event or should we do just regular games time flies no matter what we do I wish I had orcarina of time for real no joke like I

I sometimes miss when my kiddos were younger like ironically I felt like they were so much easier like I felt like the problems were smaller but as they’ve gotten bigger it feels like their problems get bigger and it’s just like I was lied to people are like oh babies

Are the worst and they’re so hard it’s like I mean I guess but for me it was the opposite does that make sense like it’s the complete opposite back then it was just like I they were happy as a clam with whatever we had and now it’s like

Oh I don’t like this why not well the texture is bad and it’s not my favorite color and like I don’t know I just don’t feel like it anymore I’m like why are you guys acting like teenagers y’all are like six it just what is happening I don’t understand [Laughter]

It you know back in the day it was just like okay hey look oh look you can just like kind of shiny key them and be like look peanut butter and they’re like I’m happy I’m 169 heart for real oh goodness flutter knows flutter knows what I’m talking

About but I do love my kids they really are sweet kids they really really are um they just require a lot of time and attention um and I don’t know it’s just like ironically gotten harder to spend the time time um with them like I used to hey welcome back you all right

Friends do we want to I want to do the Sakura challenge you know why cuz I want to finish up that world again cuz we were really close the terrible 12 just right oh no at that point I’m just going to get them a giant bubble and be like all

Right you got your favorite foods you got your favorite snacks you got some water right here through like a little hamster thing and just be like all right I’ll see you when you’re an adult for legal purposes this is a joke I would never do that for anyone that

Doesn’t know I absolutely love and adore my children I really genuinely do um I’ve given up so much for them and I don’t regret it for even a minute but my gracious I just want one day of peace and quiet is that too much to ask is that too much I guess it

Is speaking of kids um I am planning I don’t know we’ll have to see this is why I’m just like I’m so scared of making goals and I think that’s why I’m feeling so like uh despondent with the end of the year is cuz like I normally am like

I want to get this goal I want to make this goal happen and even if I don’t make the goal like pursuing the goal is half my fun you know um one of the goals I wanted to do for next year is to be able to go to Disney World with my kidos

Um you know before they get any older and more jaded with the world I really want them to experience Disney World um like and I already know the hotel I want to go to I already have like I’ve already planned it out it’s all in my

Brain it’s all there I just don’t know how much it’s going to cost yet and it’s like I hope we can at this point like I may I don’t know I may have to move some things around to make it happen uh C of Aquarius I don’t know what that is um

Goals are fun but the goal in the end is fun true big big facts big fact flutter Nintendo what I want to go to Nintendo yes there’s the Nintendo World it’s real Nintendo World real it’s not only in Japan now they also have it in I think

It’s Universal Studios and Cali I think they do have Nintendo World now and now I’m like oh dang I want to do that so there’s just so many places I need to visit and and this is what I’m getting to is why I feel so frustrated because

Like I have so many goals and even some of the goals are just so silly um but for me they’re everything you know what I mean um I have not heard about this yes it’s real it’s real it’s real I need to I think it’s in California but I could be wrong Um why sword smash probably I know right but yeah last time we got we got our foxy friends right here hey foxy friends get it um and I think we were going to try to either build a house or a sanctuary for them or something I I

Don’t know yet but we have them here and more importantly check this out we have the goods we’ve got the goods we’ve got the tree The Mangrove tree we have suffered many have fallen many have sacrificed everything to get this tree here and now it’s here is here is

Here salute our fallen comrades thank you so much for helping us get this I think it was um I think it was sanity and caddy daddy there was so many others I can’t even mention I think there was Emma Emma was one of them we had some other friends as

Well um that went with me on the crazy Journey like thousands of blocks we probably traveled like all together we probably all traveled like 10,000 blocks back and forth uphill both ways pour one out for the homies exactly pour one out for the homies so to speak

Yeah I think it is if someone wants to Google that I would appreciate it because I’m curious about where Nintendo World is also caddy whenever you’re uh free my friend uh I am in this world if you wanted to join in I think Chik was loading up the Minecraft as well on her

End yes we got manro Vlogs although I don’t know what they turn into I’m just kind of playing around and see what happens with them ooh hold on hold on hold on oo okay it’s very spooky it’s got the spooky Vibes it’s got the spookies I’m liking it though it’s really really

Nice let’s go thank you guys so much for all the likes it means a lot thank you thank you yall are awesome oh my gracious oh Austin if you’re still around my friend um when’s your next stream I’m going to make it um a priority so I actually

We’ll be there honestly the best way to get a hold of me is on Discord like with a DM or something oh my gracious okay so here’s the question oh a Topic’s in Let’s Go sing Universal Studios it says Universal Studios Hollywood well there you go

There it is there it is okay so here’s what I’m thinking I don’t want it to be like super ugly looking so I think I’m going to do this I think we’re going to play around with it and we going to decide what we like cuz I want to okay

I’m just playing we’re just playing around with the concepts with the designs I was talking about this in in real life like I I I really like doing design stuff um including in real life I I I un ironically like to see houses I unironically like to see um Gardens and

Things like that which I feel like most uh most ladies would probably agree with me I don’t know necessarily but I feel like a lot of them do where I just like I live for it I I love I love seeing design works but I was thinking

Out loud I was like man I wish organizing and you know setting up things would be as easy as it is in Minecraft like can you imagine how nice that would be love Home Makeovers right like and this is what I’m getting at with one of my my my passions and stuff

Like that like I haven’t I haven’t shared like much about my home at all because I’ve been really nervous um first of all like even owning a home is like you know like oh you must be rich rich and it’s like no I just got extremely lucky and I worked my butt off

Like Chico and I literally worked um basically around the clock to be able to afford this um and we got in right before things explod inated to ridiculous proportions so to speak like I literally know life it if you think like oh you’re lucky it’s like no I genuinely honestly

Worked extremely hard and I sacrificed so many things like I didn’t really get to celebrate uh birthdays with my kiddos properly for like two years like I think we still did cake and ice cream but that was basically it the only time I had like a full-on birthday for my kiddos

Was cuz my my sister helped me host it my family helped me host it otherwise it was very basic stuff for like 2 years we went without like doing a lot to to get this place so but I just want to like I hope

I can show these things cuz I love it I really do and I really want to show like The Works that I did as well got to go have fun take care don’t let the craft Bo SP fight everybody and then arrows turned into a creeper and exploded no

Not the explosions I also Al really like tiny house shows too yes oh my gosh thank you um so I don’t want people to be like oh well you know this and that it’s like yes yes extreme circumstances hi gica hi Atomic have a good night Aris

Don’t be a stranger friend I’ll be streaming hopefully some more Persona 5 tomorrow or maybe some stard Valley I’ll let you guys pick I really I’m debating if I want to keep playing that on stream or if I want to keep that as an off stream thing although I don’t think it’s

Available I wish it was available on the switch because then I could just speedrun through Persona hi k a i love your reaction okay um so basically um one of one of the things I did when I first got into this house is that I immediately went to work

Like I wish I could show you guys the backyard and stuff like that um but it was a jungle it was absolutely absolutely crazy it’s on switch I think but it’s not free I’m assuming right I’m assuming it’s not free because um one of one of my things

I did was that I the backyard I didn’t realize how bad it was until like I showed my aunt um oh no I think P’s on switch now though oh yeah that’s what I heard so okay um I was thinking so I have my account but I

Think you need to be connected to the internet for it or something right or something you have to like make an account so what I might have to do is I might have to have Chico make an account for CH or let her use his account and

Then that way I can play with her I think is what I’m hoping to do with the switch cuz I was going to play with her but then we’re like wait but he like she can’t be logged into my account and his or something along those lines

Yeah this looks really cool though it’s already coming together really nicely I think I’m liking this okay but anyways long story short I I worked really hard for my house and I’m really really proud of how it’s turning out but I don’t know if anyone I guess like what Jason said

Right once you start doing your content you’re going to attract people who like that content right right so I feel like that’s how I should treat it cuz they’re all parts of me they genuinely are like I’m just as excited about like organizing and stuff like that as well as like creativeness and

Arts and crafts and things like that I guess that’s why I like Minecraft it lets me do both HH um I just don’t really show different sides of me on the internet cuz I always worry about it a lot I always worry what people are going to

Think like I don’t care like I genuinely don’t care I have I’m secure in my own feelings and how I how I think about stuff but like I worry about uh turning off the people I do care about if that makes sense does that make sense ah maybe just

Make CH an account on switch smart oh switch smart uh there’s an excellent parental controls on switch to ooh wait hold on uh make Che an account on the switch like she would have to have connection to the internet though like she has to make her own Nintendo account I think or something

Like that do you guys know what I’m talking about like there’s a fancier term for it and I can’t think of it right now but there’s like an official account that you have to have cuz she’s like oh Mom I can’t make an account I need to use yours in order to download

Pia but yeah when people are like what games do you play I’m like well if you want to talk about how many hours I spent I would probably say Minecraft is number one I think it was 166 days that I’m on right now

Um I don’t know I’ll have to look I no I was like at 197 days or something crazy like that yeah it was something insane cuz now I’m curious about that like her own monthly plan yeah is that what you mean hold on I’m going to look

At this cuz this is going to bother me dur were you saying it’s in my profile it might kick you out just so you guys know hold on no hold on is it my profile where you look at it 197 yeah I think I was like really close

To yeah my profile okay I’m curious on this cuz I’m genuinely curious now we have 118 friends and 1,800 followers that’s insane I wonder if one day I’ll have 2K followers over on Xbox who knows look at that oh my gosh five years dang Xbox Live

Gold that’s crazy look at that I’m so fancy okay I think it was activity Fe no gaming yeah achievements right and then you go to this go to gaming and you click on Minecraft I think it was I think it was 195 I could be wrong though

Hold on hold on friends no it was 97 days okay is that in total or is that for the year is that total I thought it was 100 so apparently I’ve played it for 97 days and four hours or maybe that was you durch maybe it was you that I’m thinking about the

Hundred maybe it was the hundred and you or the hund and something but yeah apparently we’re at 97 days that’s what it is yeah yeah that’s what it is 97 days so I was thinking of playing Minecraft until we get to to 100 days I think it’d be really

Fun just to show y’all it’s not about monies for me it’s just numbers I like numbers numbers are easy for me to keep track of and Achieve listen don’t ask my destiny stats what are your destiny stats you want to share with the rest of the class also check out this glazed terra

Cotta how cool is this look at this oh I love this so much it reminds me of like this would be if you had like a gaming setup like this like a gaming desk like that that would be so legit or even like a background that would be

Legit how many days durge I showed you my statue you have to show me yours now cuz I think Minecraft is the game I’ve played the most I think looks like mobile carpet you think so I think it’s cool I can kind of see it though I can kind of see it

Um yeah yeah yeah hi there Cloud do we we don’t have the cam command but long story short I don’t want my brand to be attached to my face I want it to be based off of my content thanks for understanding welcome in I hope you’ve been

Well okay we got the mud bricks mud bricks more bread bricks we’ve got the brush got the dark bones okay I got uh only got one one 1K achievement filled this year oh dang nice salty that’s so cool that’s really really cool what are you doing for Christmas um very basic stuff I

Think um like I do every year try to take over the world um but in all reality I’ll be um celebrating Christmas with my family like my kiddos and and everything very very uh very close very chill Christmas and playing all the games hi there hi

Atomic hold on how do I say hi to you there you is hey what about you uh Cloud are you doing anything fun one of these years I really want to see uh Disney World during um uh oh Tomic just yeated oh no Tomic just poofed by by yourself are you doing anything

Fun for Christmas oops sorry no you’re good it’s just like where’d you go he just exploded um but yeah every Christmas I usually like just literally no life it I know it sounds like so lame but for me I love I love doing that on

Christmas like just to be able to um you know open presents with a family and then game like crazy like I think Christmas is the only day I can rest and game or just not really do much and feel sane like other any other day I get so

Restless I don’t know why I just can’t sorry my phone wasn’t wanting to cooperate so 189 198 days 18 hours in Destiny 2 holy Jesus how did you you get in here did someone let oh my gosh all right get out of here you get out of here get out no you get

Out uh same yeah like otherwise I just get so Restless for me relaxing is completely different than the average person I don’t know if it’s my DD or just how I was raised but just like I relax when I’m doing things is that weird like a lot of people are like oh

Yeah when you don’t do anything and you just sit there it’s like that’s not relaxing for me that’s like oh no I’m I am I am an amoeba in the universe and I become very [Laughter] self-aware but if I’m doing things that have a purpose like for example if I’m

Relaxing I would go to the park and go for a stroll you know that for me is relaxing even though I’m not resting I’m technically walking I’m technically you know running I’m technically watching the kids or something like that you know what I mean that to me is relaxing or

Sitting out in my back porch is the closest thing I do to doing nothing is just when I sit outside on my swing and just watch the grass grow essentially it’s like the most peaceful mind of set I can get but otherwise just sitting around doing nothing even watching a show I

Feel gross I feel groggy after like three hours I’m just like ew what did I do I did nothing same yeah same uh what about you Jason then in Destiny 1 I have 28 days 19 hours she so dur what you’re saying is you got a game until you get to 200

Days in Destiny just leave it leave Destiny running I might just do that I might just have Minecraft running in the background not even playing it just so I can get the 3 days in this thing cuz I think we still have time right I have 3,000 hours in OverWatch sheesh how many

Days is that hold on we’re going to maass real fast we’re going to maass how many hours is that 3,000 there’s 24 hours in a day yeah 24 hours 125 days sh how how many in how many for CS go hold on is that going to be 200 if not

More that’s f find out it’s going to be close to close 208 days all right d she’s got you beat just by a few days those them are rookie numbers you got to beef up those numbers I’m kidding I’m kidding you know what listen what is the word if you do what

You love or something like that then it’s never a waste of time that’s how I view it as silly as it sounds next year I’m going to like really come out life differently like I’m going to do things I’m going to say things that I normally wouldn’t like normally but I

Hope with doing that I can set proper healthy boundaries and expectations going forward so I can live my best life going forward so to speak both online and offline and I feel like going forward with doing that is spending my time wisely so yeah you know I feel like that’s what

I want to do I hope you guys will be along for the ride and if you’re not I appreciate the time you guys did spend with me it’s been a wild ride it’s been a wild ride um not me so the cat I love to chill out work sucks life is tough I’m

Have a home body and pretty introverted it’s fine I wanted to go pro and OverWatch but I’m too old for that now a a come on you can you might not be able to be like the ultimate Pro like you know do they have genuinely asking

Do they have like age limits on that I don’t know cuz I know for sports obviously it makes sense right like obviously there’s some players who play into their 40s or or older I don’t know what the oldest player is now I’m not too familiar with the sporting world all

Right I need get here you go oh is that oh it’s some red stuffs interesting what is this Oh and then the other question was these mud bricks what do you want to do with these what do we want to do with these mud bricks I was thinking Maybe oh why did it do that no but the younger the better Brady was a quarterback at 42 nice there we go I like it it actually looks really cool got it got it got it I can totally hit 200 hours before 2024 challenge accepted oh

No okay but that means next year dur you got to go outside more you me we’re going to touch grass that’s our goal for 2024 oh speaking of touching grass um I will be playing um speaking of long playthrough things and things I will be playing what’s it called um Elden ring

Yes it is going to happen I haven’t forgotten I just haven’t done it yet hi chica what’s up I have not forgotten my words I have not forgotten my words it just takes me a while sometimes if I ever do not fulfill my words it’s cuz I generally forget but I

Have have not forgotten about Elden ring it’s there in my Noggin what am I doing can I get a atomic can you make me an axe please I really appreciate it mhm [Laughter] nah no not even a little bit I guess we can just leave that there yeah we’ll leave that

There okay if you guys have ideas for what I can do for styling my kitchen let me know cuz this is supposed to be our little our little house here hey there drained I don’t really share too many private things with the internets but if you hang out around

You’ll probably get to know me better uh welcome in by the way probably don’t be sharing your personal infos either on the internets we’re all 80 here precisely I’m not a day younger oh back in my day you used to be able to play games [Laughter] age I we

Precisely oh my gosh y’all are too much yall are killing me I’m excited though I really really am like I am tenderly excited for the future I really am oh thanks for reminding me I got to change the title thanks than thanks hold on let me do

That real quick for y’all friends thank you guys so much for the 24 likes no way thank you guys are amazing um let me change this real quick I got to get rid of Hardcore and move things around it’s looking beautiful I can’t believe we’re on 40 days with hardcore that is insane

Play there we go All right there we go thanks for reminding me thank you thank you uh one directional pad 25 thank you dream thank you um but yeah if you want to join just make sure you like subscribe um and then just hang out do you have a twitch by

Chance I haven’t figured out what’s the proper balance with YouTube of getting to trust the status one directional pad and two buttons exactly all right uh you have an account yes okay you don’t have to but it would mean a lot if you are able to follow my uh twitch I

Don’t stream or post though no that’s fine um can you please follow me on Twitch um cuz I’m trying to make that a redeem now I do have a redeem on Twitch and we haven’t figured it out with YouTube yet so far it has not gone well but so far

When we have people redeem it on Twitch they’ve been respectful um yeah of course and then um the reason I have you follow is because then you get points free points towards it as well as if you can’t play one day you can always play tomorrow or another day you

Know I’ve had it happen before so that’s why cuz I want to have I want to play with community members not just randoms I do have follower days though where we do celebrate like for example I was thinking about celebrating whenever we get partnered on on YouTube I was

Thinking about doing like a longer YouTube stream just for funs and means you know I think it’d be really really awesome somebody took out that tree and it’s going to bother me so badly oh gosh is there no yep yep yeah we appreciate you do you like Minecraft too I’m assuming you do

Uh what do you play on Bedrock Java this tree is not complete chat this tree is not complete okay listen listen I know my ADHD Gremlin is winning but it’s got to I got to do it can you use like stream element points I think you can acrw those on YouTube also really

You play on both nice do you have a preference I’ve just started getting into Java I really want to get into modded like I want to do I want to do a a playthrough with like making Minecraft as pretty as I can and then doing like a series where I just play Minecraft

Um just by my lonesome I think it’d be really cool oh gracious uh drain you’re now the awesomest drain thank you for the sub by the way guys we are at 1,90 Subs last I check thank you thank you so freaking much that is amazing that is

Insane uh thank you thank you thank you it’s like crazy it’s crazy but it makes me super happy you’re saying stream element points okay let me make a note of this okay so so we need a command oh gracious okay uh Z drains hey you followed us

Well on the twitch I appreciate it hello there how you doing all right let’s do this let us craft oh no do I not have any wood no we have wood right here and then we’ll go from there yep oh my gosh Come on craft a table

Dang it I forgot I’m so used to Java I need to relearn I got to relearn again okay relearning relearning relearning the things with the chicken wings dreaming Of yeah feel like that’s a good good thing okay so what are we getting rid of I could get rid of why do I have this dark oak fence I know Chik just gave me that is oh I could put away that stuff too oh wait this thing I don’t need this

I don’t need you I don’t need you I don’t need you why don’t we have any stone though I really don’t like having to go all over the all over the place oh I see I see okay yeah good call yeah they both have their own special specialities yeah

True I like how easy it is to organize with uh Java like it’s just it’s ruined Bedrock for me it’s just so much more efficient I get it I get it now I understand my eyes have been opened now but I just like how I don’t know how to explain it just

Like how more alive I think is the word I feel like Bedrock seems like to me I don’t know how else to describe it it just feels like um I don’t know it feels more like inviting whereas on BET on Java it’s like it feels a lot more intimidating for sure feels super

Intimidating like oh man I don’t want to mess up you know like the L this is is very felt and granted like I don’t have a server so maybe my views would be different if I had a server but even then you know even then even

Then well I was going to do something but I guess we’re doing this was not my intention we’re doing this I know I know it’s like why are you doing this with ston listen listen listen n listen I have my reasons I have my opinions they’re just probably very

Misconstrued it’s fine H I guess we can get rid of the seeds we don’t really need the seeds I don’t need them never needed them all right Perfect all of this hard work just for a single Cherry log just to go all the way back why do you ever get anything done

In Minecraft also me literally gets distracted by a tree I don’t know who did that I don’t appre oh no Atomic where’d you die where’d you Die oh this song is so emotional I like this song though it’s very beautiful no in a cave no okay you’re grounded from caves from now on no going on adventures without me do you remember where you were at I can help you if you need let’s put this stuff away as well

Before I forget I don’t know if we’re ever going to have them I hope we have them join I know a lot of people are probably going on vacation but don’t let me forget we have this stuff right here that are for my friends cuz this was not

My things these were my friends things they also dropped I don’t remember what else they dropped I really don’t I think that was the biggest stuff that they got I know we had the rose bushes I grabbed for some reason I’m trying to get you oh

Hold on what I was trying to get you stoned uh get iron for you to make an axe a thank you okay here we can go together I don’t know if the chat’s being weird is the chat still working I’ve had it happen a couple times where it just randomly like lagged really

Badly I hope it’s still running I don’t have my phone so I can’t be watching my Stream oh there you go oh it did it did um it did glitch oh my gosh welcome back chat I don’t know why it went weird okay yeah I felt the same way yeah my arthritis doesn’t really let me game with controllers really so for you it’s

The other way around more user friendly yeah that’s the word Java is way more customizable and a lar Community true R Jason 80 80 and a half 80 and a half oh my gosh it’s the Phantom hold on let me sleep I’m going to sleep I’m sleeping this time my turn I

Just saw of you dying to that Phantom on your Twitch thank you Dre yeah it was that was my first like successful streamon I ever did I’ve never uncapped streamon I’ve done a couple stream aons but I’ve always capped them at like eight hours or 12 or something but that

One was uncapped and it went for a while it went it was like 4 days long and I made it really hard to get times yet my community was like you know what bet it was really fun I had a lot of fun doing it hi guys hi Tammy welcome back you

Were Miss friend dang right it was super fun thank you everybody who tuned in by the way um whether it’s on YouTube or on Twitch it means a lot four days exactly it was insane obviously I slept and everything like that but like yeah it was great oh why are you being weird

Manny it’s funny cuz like if no one knows your name they’re going to be like if any one sus it’s you how are you my dude but you’re actually the most wholesome person I know welcome in I freaking missed you welcome back Tanny and Manny yes we got all the

Friends um oh Manny before I forget cuz I know our schedules are so all over the place um I am so this next two weeks I’m going to stream I we’re going to see what happens but my plan my game plan is is to stream a

Lot um the next couple weeks and like with a big big Harrah is basically what I’m going for like one end the year with the bang so to speak cuz twitch is doing all the things um and then um come next year my my stream

Schedule is going to be a little bit all over I call it the seat of your pants stream schedule um I still might stream on the same days Thursdays Saturdays Fridays um but it might be a little more different like I might stream like on

Like at 10: a.m. it might be 10 p.m. who knows we’ll just see we’ll just kind of on the seat of our pants because I gotta I got to deal with stuff in real life and the kids require more attention than I expected so there

You go just as everyone knows I will be making an official announcement on Discord but I know some people don’t check discords for obvious reasons so I’m just maybe we should make a command for it uh Jason make a note of that I have a break from the school I’m so

Excited let’s go yes enjoy those breaks honestly they’re really nice cuz when you get into the real world it’s like you’ll only get like two [Laughter] days enjoy them breaks let’s go I will command for what um uh for exclamation mark schedule in the future or maybe new

Schedule I don’t know what what’s a quick shorthand for that I guess we can do exclamation mark new schedule or exclamation mark new yeah let’s do exclamation mark new new s new s yes as opposed to Old s oh my gosh there’s a creeper watch out

There’s a creeper he’s going to get you ah he’s being like a ninja yeah can I join Discord bro right bro yo bro let’s go uh yes for anyone that is new we have an awesome Discord too we would love to have you just make

Sure your name is similar or I have some or even give yourself a nickname if you can um yeah yeah uh basically we’re going to go for one more one more uh stream push to hit the goals if you guys don’t know um oh where is the goal oh

Here it is this one right chair so any donos any uh bitos any gifted Subs we get for the rest of the month will be going towards this the Xbox uh 1 s or 1 x no Xbox series X is what it’s called there we go words are

Hard things are things um I currently have an Xbox One S and I haven’t up upgraded for as long as I possibly could have but they basically are sunlighting the Xbox uh one uh so I have to upgrade and there you go so we we got upgrades people

Upgrades and right now it is on sale it says 500 but it’s actually more like 375 last I checked with tax uh for that’s the cheapest I can get it at um so again I’m not doing secondhand I’m not doing used so that’s what we’re going for

That’s where we’re going to try to hit uh Sunset exactly foro right series X exactly yeah welcome to Discord thank you Austin um one of these days one of these days I’m going to figure out how to thank the mods in the proper way I don’t

Know what we’re going to do yet but we’re going to do it one of these days oh hold on we were uh wait why I guess did you misclick dirch bro was a misinput probably oh Tammy speak to me are you alive blink twice wait what happened did you die

Again probably there you is okay Atomic no what happened I was distracted ah gosh dang it okay hold on where did you where did you die where didd you die oh I see her little XP stuff oh so sad can we get some Fs in chat for

Atomic S no you’re good you’re good gosh dang it D anyways did I mention my moderator applications are [Laughter] open right so can I join or not um not yet uh drained cow a player run player h can you get down here okay right now dur is being a filler

Moderator but I know he struggle buses at least on YouTube I think you’ve been pretty good with twitch I just I apologize he’s learning he’s learning he’s learning all right listen he’s new to this honestly honestly both you and Austin have been really awesome as new moderator team

Members but I just kind of laugh remember chat don’t mod and don’t don’t mod and drive don’t mod and oh gosh don’t drink in mod there you go don’t drink in [Laughter] mod oh gosh did you find your stuff did you get your things thank you caddy you’re such

A chatty thank you thank you what do you play on chica I play on the Xbox uh Xbox One S right now but I’m hoping to upgrade this year that’s the plan that’s the plans cuz right now I think this Xbox uh is on sale just cuz like I said it’s

Just easier that way for me um I know there’s a way to like attach like bedrock with the you know the controller and everything but you know it’s just more straightforward I can just be like hey there it is boot at my Xbox play it that way you know

How do you play Java then um I play on my PC okay OverWatch comp match over thank you Jason you got lag man is anyone else lagging I I don’t have lag on my end but I notice the lag has been hit or miss with it looks like it’s good for me anyone

Else having lag or is it just are we good I’m not seeing any lag on my end not seeing any lag I’m closing some tabs though and to see if it’ll help sorry just there we go thank you guys so much for the 25 likes ain’t no

Way thank you looks good to me okay it’s not on your end all right thank you durch thank you Jason thank your friends um yeah either Austin durge um any other lurking moderators if y’all think of something that we can do for you as a thank you for the end of

The year let me know otherwise I will do something I don’t know what yet but it’s going to be something something free foods I just send you all a gift card to like to like Cafe Rio $5 don’t break the bank with it but I I spent all the expense I could

Afford I don’t think that pays for a burrito does it what’s crazy I don’t even think $10 pays for a burrito or a salad now from Cafe Rio it’s disgusting it’s disgusting like what is this oh Tammy I love you I appreciate you darling but just make sure uh you’re

Adding to the conversation not just spamming Jason can you uh just bring them back from timeouts final warning I guess guess just make sure you’re adding to the conversation nope salty is like nope just let me know I’ll do something I know it’s not much but it’s just it’s

What I can afford right now as a kind gesture for for every for the brave volunteers who take on who who defend the fort as they as it were I’ll I’ll do my math and I’ll see what I can afford in the budgets but I do want to do something like that

I’ve had like I’ve tried to do that in the past before and then I’ve had like half of the mods be like no keep it for yourself uh I redeemed this $15 for like for you to give Chik a brand new Switch controller thing or something yeah so

You don’t have to accept it but I will I will offer it oh gosh I just died F in chat F in chat might be better food gift card hard wise but even then yeah chat o where did I die I didn’t see it did anyone else get the

Coordinates I know I know the thing’s in the way but you should be able to see it I think it’s like 0 126 -12 is where I was at I’m looking up your cords thank you thank you here where is Tammy there she is on uh here you go all right Tammy you

Should be able to talk now I think after like 10 seconds I think that should undo it records yes here I’m going to sleep real fast and then we’ll do that we’ll go we’ll do the things I don’t know if that affects the spawns though in uh

Caves or not but I like to think it does oh the music was perfect okay do I have any I know I have this but those with my friends I’m going to keep it they have until a week they wouldn’t stop saying bro oh yeah I’m assuming you ask them to stop

Okay oh we got a leather and a golden helmet oh my gosh I mean every third message is way too true you can out bro the bro you no don’t you can’t you have a finite amount of bros in this economy we have a bro [Laughter] flation BR flation is getting

AA BR flation is real CH it’s fine Jason I found a diamond thank you okay did anyone find my uh trying really hard not to there my you’re doing great salty we appreciate you okay where did you I need to find your house and then you went down from

Your house right is that your house I need food chica okay I’ll try to see if we have food if not well the cows are going to have to get it do you remember where your house is uh Jason or some what one of maybe durge

Durge are you able to I don’t know whoever’s on PC where it’s easier um Can someone look up like just scroll back in the Stream like 2 minutes and see what my coordinates were when I died like where it put me give or take cuz I think I’m going to

Lose my stuff because they’re all there I really don’t want to lose my things again I’ve already had to lose my stuff like four different times goodness gracious me snakes alive oh gosh 151 21 15 oh thank you wait is that really really okay food hold on just trying to find

Food here we go we don’t have a lot of Food bread we don’t have a lot uh 152 21 16 thank you the Y coordinates is different since you fell yeah okay got it got it got it all right oh you know would be good do we have iron cuz maybe I can make a bucket

Um then we can get water and then oh gosh I’m getting so stressed about this I’m stressing out of thing hey we got more IR all right perfect beautiful did you guys find my stuff yet uh there it is the caddy SL Atomic uh oh we should probably get some wood

Too so we Can put that away put that there I found it perfect put it in the chest if you can I hope you guys have enough for it hope you guys have enough for it LS bam baked potatoes okay wait it didn’t cook why didn’t you cook cook faster

Dang it the coordinates is different you yeah yeah yeah perfect all right cool cool cool all right cool again we are welcoming to everyone but just make sure you’re not like uh monopolizing the chat please and thank you like just make sure you’re flowing with the the conversations you

Know I’ve had people do that a couple times and it really distracts from the stream you know we all want to hang out we all want to chat we all want to do that okay uh caddy you were saying it’s down here where the where the thing was oh no I don’t

Remember uh where’s the entrance to the cave cuz this doesn’t look right unless maybe it is the right way is it down here cuz I remember that’s Midnight’s that’s Midnight’s girls uh thing I hope my chat isn’t being weird again oh my gosh okay I’m just testing here

But can you guys see me still I Hope I haven’t figured out why he’s been doing that today hey all beans do you have I don’t know where the entrance is though to the cave that y’all are in is this It is it the cave or was it a different Cave oh gosh now I’m really nervous I don’t know if the chat froze again oh my gosh why is it been doing that today test all right it looks like it’s working okay we’re good we’re good we’re good price is diverted oh gosh 152 oh gracious I don’t have I just realized I don’t have a pickaxe or anything like that cuz that would require hindsight and I just made a bajillion see case in point case in freaking point I pressed Y and it made me do all this oh my Gosh okay this looks familiar this looks very Familiar for the save SL Win For Real every time he does something amazing his beard grows ever longer ever stronger I was trying to thread the needle a little bit trying to thread the needle oh there we are hey yay we did it that’s one way to do it thank you y’all

Are amazing thank you thank You is that everything feel like I’m missing stuff is it maybe in here oh there it is that’s more like it I was like ain’t no way my inventory fit in that little thing Ain no how a no way this looks more like chica inventory I love was just absolute chaos

And like ah yes looks like home looks beautiful beautiful all right bam thank you friend thank you thank you perfect beautiful thank you so much okay we got a bed uh part for the course exactly how did you know it was yours I just knew I can just feel it okay here we

Go uh let me put this bad boy over here did I have any armor on I should have yeah I think I had some armor how do I do I need to sit maybe I have to sit okay did I have no armor on I didn’t die

And I didn’t have any armor for real for real that’s crazy it’s crazy friends it’s crazy well I have like a lifetime supply of crafting tables if anyone wants that let me know there you go I also have food not not a ton of food but we’ve got some food there you

Go thank you for the iron as well here you said you needed food no food yes there he’s like no here I guess I have some watermelon then too good for my melons eat the Watermelons who thanks oh goodness caddy all right so we got this happening everything is going smoothly life is

Changing for the better for me things are looking up quite literally cuz we have to go straight up to get out of here you know what this is a good allegory for life you know sometimes you might fall down and you might fall down bigly but you just got to bed you might

Not be able to see the Horizon quite yet you might not be able to see the sunrise for weeks on end but you got to believe that there is light out there it’s got to have the the um HPA to to last a little longer until the light gets a little bit Brighter so to speak yeah that’s how I like to look at it Foods yes yes all the foods okay let me see we got the golden carrot Shang Sham I have gunpowder Diamond W that’s so cool good think caddy was nearby for real is he still in the chat I just don’t know can’t tell if you can hear me or not he seem to be reacting so I assume he can hear me I know my daughter gave this to me

But I just I don’t know I don’t know I don’t like the Cherry planks I guess uh Atomic do you want me to keep that for you yes sorry it was in the tense there for a second no you’re fine I just wanted to make sure you can hear

Me you needed food right didn’t you need food are you still good I don’t have a lot but I can give you a little bit more if you need to get out of here I can give you like half here you are found the diamond oh I found the

Diamond and then C daddy mind the diamond oh okay well no dying Get It Caddy get it hey nice beautifully done I’m almost leveled up hey I’m level one I’m good you need armor I do I really do oh that’s why you gave me the armor I was like so

Confused do we have any stuff for Torches by chance if not oh boy this is going to be fun it’s going to be great hey let’s go let’s go indeed yeah you need some food you need food okay here I can give you all the Watermelons here and then you have to

Beef bam I think that’s about all I can get if I want to have a chance of living getting out of here at least okay all righty what am I doing we are organizing things and then I was going to make armor yes that’s right should we

Have a safety we do not have a safety helmet and you know here at chica Corp we take our safety very seriously and so we got to make sure we’re always wearing our helmets at all times at all times the most important thing other than maybe Fancy Pants is your safety helmet

Hey Jan welcome back unless you were just lurking vibing my gosh work for me well I used to have 64 torches but when I die my torches despawn no that’s the worst I’m sorry Atomic at least you got everything else right unless you lost everything yeah so that’s the plan dream

Um I’ll even do you I’ll even do you one better so to speak um if you hang out to the end of the stream which honestly it might not be for too much longer maybe half an hour to an hour tops um I’ll make it so

Tomorrow um you won’t have I will um add you to Friendly status sooner if that works for you I barely even got my items oh man that sucks okay radi Atomic there you go say thank you for being here and supporting me hey we made it okay is this the way home this way I do know we do need Diamonds though okay so some will come out to bot oh that way I thought it

Was I was like that looks familiar but I don’t want to Assume that way Ah Bam is this the right way this looks very familiar like yeah looks very very familiar why do I have random gravel oh thank you Al I have Point pointed dripstone now I didn’t realize by the way another reason why um Iron buckets are so op oh thank you oh hold on

Is that what I think it is yes I get excited whenever I see these I don’t know why these right here the coal yeah the coal I get so excited whenever I see Coal Gosh dang it no thank you thank you boy listen I can change okay look look listen I was framed or something I don’t know 23 times oh my gosh that’s almost one per stream or two times per stream oh my gracious I’m nervous cuz this is the death C it

It really is this is where everyone goes to like get yeated essentially the cave of death one of these days we’re going to find a Cave of Wonders one of these days I wonder does she have her bed still no oh she got rid of everything

That’s right she was like I’m going to take this out and this is going to be no longer my base or whatever oh she took it off all out I wonder where she went I hope Midnight’s doing good like sincerely I’ve been feeling so it’s not depressed that’s the word

Despondent with like the world and the Internet it’s like I wonder if anyone I don’t know like cares about me like in the grand scheme of things I know you guys care but you know what I mean like we’re like glorified internet strangers in the

Way so when I saw like that post today from midnight it’s just like a I’m not crying it’s just raining over here um not that I feel like you need to meet people in order to care I feel like it’s the biggest lie ever there’s people you can care about like things and

People and stuff um you’ve never met before and it’s real like it’s a real thing but I always worried cuz the internet is such a fleeting thing and it always moves so fast and like you know one day you’re hip and happen and the next day it’s like uh yesterday’s

News like whatever is cool and popular is tomorrow is trash a right it really wholesome it’s very very sweet and I’m not just saying that for like people persons I mean that more like um for like games like lethal company is now like the the the new game that’s super

Trendy and it’s basically like a a glorified Among Us type of thing oh my gosh Atomic no with like with other stuff chica plays Lu CL I haven’t is it free or is it I was thinking about playing it at some point hi chica hi Billy welcome to the Stream

You just missed the most epic epic things a this way I’ll buy it for you right now oh my gosh I don’t know yet I don’t know yet I don’t know yet hold on I need to commit we need to we need to commit to one or the other

Will you be free on Friday Jason I know you work I know you have your schedule so busy Stuff also I’ll make time okay okay um I’ll let you guys decide in what game you y’all would like to see me play more of cuz I like both I honestly would like I honestly would like both so to speak but I know something something budget whatever all my all my extra

Budget is going to go towards this Xbox um and then I I I want to so I got to pick I got to pick and choose which games I end up playing cuz I know I’ll probably play to be honest I’ll probably play um what is it called not home what

Is it called my gosh the home game I’ll probably play that one more I would say I could play that game more I could definitely see myself playing that more if it was available on Console fortnite I that is on the list it is on the list of games that you guys

Can unlock uh if we hit the goals and things um yeah Oh Gosh uh what is it called it’s um it’s the home game looks like home maker over two or something like that house slipper 2 there we go that’s the one um I could see myself Playing House slipper to a lot more honestly but I feel like lethal

Company is a lot more trendy and I think you can play it with multiple friends so it’s like it would be fun it would be fun and that’s the name of the game you know you got to you got to go with the you got to

Roll with the punches you got to run with the with the trends as the cool kids say there’s a mod that lets you play with 16 people is there really that’s insane how much can you normally have or by default for people oh does anyone else have lethal company if like

If I were to get that game would anyone else want to play cuz that’ll be a big indicator if if it’s worth oh I got to start killing the mangrove tree stuff why did I say killing the mangrove tree I’m not killing anything okay we’re just chopping down the tree all right listen Listen uh you have it I do remember remember I think we played phasmophobia together once upon a time that was honestly one of my favorite memories I saw that clip like a friend gave me a shout out and I saw that clip of you and me playing and I

Just basically melted into the ground I know people there’s like the flight or fight response but there’s also the third response which is freeze and I discover Ed um real quickly that that’s what um gets me is like that’s what gets me so to speak is the flight or fight

Response I just I freeze that’s my response my head my head Right not very pogers or champers exactly sounds like a skill issue I see how you commented on my dragon build yeah yeah I liked it it was really really cool my favorite thing was the was the fires the Flames were really awesome oh speaking of which Billy um I

Mentioned it earlier but long story short life is getting super crazy uh and and super super busy so to speak and so what I decided to do is I decided to um basically I’m gonna go for like a big Fiesta type of thing uh Hey

There is it Shaz can I call you Shaz or shazmin maybe welcome in welcome to the stream um so what I’m going to do is I’m going to stream like one big [Laughter] Harrah one big final Harrah with like um streaming maybe doing a mini subathon type of thing I say mini as in like I was thinking 8 to 12 hours we’ll see how it goes like I said it all depends on Chico’s schedules and things with the

Holidays um and the kiddos obviously um but if I can have that happen um I was thinking about doing that it’s fine I’m Muslim oh welcome um I just I’m terrible with names like I either like I’m able to rock the names or I’m terrible with them and I have no idea

Um how to pronounce it but anyways um there was a word I was going to say hold on so I was going to go for a big harah with streams and then come next year I might still stream on the same days or similar to days so to speak like 3 days

A week we’ll see it might be more like two days a week we’ll have to see how things go with everything with life and everything um but it might be more like sporadic like my schedule is going to be more like a as announced basis like a seat of

Our pants schedule so to speak so I it may be at 300 p.m. still it might be at 10:00 a.m. I or even like 10 p.m. I don’t know yet um I really really don’t know I love to play Minecraft next week Sunday is my birthday hey happy early

Birthday the the S pie schedule yes thep schedule exactly that se of our pants schedule um at least until things get a little more normal around here which as normal as my life can be like I never have a normal day like always something big happens or something breaks um like

It’s not even like a small thing before people think oh you’re so dramatic everyone has struggles not like me like not like me life decided to I live life in hardcore I don’t know why it’s just my my my my calling in life I guess or whatever the word is there’s a fancier

Word for it but I can’t think of the terminology um and so yeah it’s just and I feel like life has really been challenging me lately so um to do that um yeah it’s just going to kind of be all over the place so to speak and

Thanks for telling me yeah yeah just so you know technically we all have live life on Hardcore true we there’s only one the perade death system is [Laughter] unforgiving but I’m glad you’re like Minecraft sh uh she has that’s really cool we’re going to a resort on Friday I

Love your bids a thank you that’s really kind of me you I I appreciate it it means a lot it really really does um I do stream on YouTubes every Thursday or so although next Thursday I am taking off because of the holidays but I should be back um come next year

Whatever days you decide to stream I’ll be supporting you all the way a thank you Billy that means a lot I really wish I could pull up my calendar it’s driving me crazy I can’t pull up this calendar I remember with my old oh wait with my old

PC I could but I don’t know how to pull up a calendar so let’s see Thursday a week from now will be the 28th so yeah so my next stream will be in January I don’t know the date whatever a week from uh sometime in January you love my voice a thank you

I’m really self-conscious with my voice to be honest but I’ve noticed that when I don’t have my camera on I can I don’t know I don’t know how to explain it I can talk more like myself if that makes sense uh the fourth okay yeah so my next uh

YouTube stream will be on January 4th but if you do want to hang out in my streams I do stream over I will be streaming a lot uh it’s so cute thank you um it’ll be over on Twitch I’ll be streaming a lot more on Twitch the next

Couple weeks with a big glass Harrah so to speak before my schedule gets a little more hectic I’m going to try my best to try to keep it relatively consistent but there’s no guarantee te’s again it’s all on the seat of my pants kids permitting toasty permitting uh life

Permitting if it does um so yeah you might see some Wednesday streams you might see some bonus Sunday streams who knows um but in the meantime if you do want to support me to be able to keep streaming more um there is the link it does go towards the next Big Goal will

Be going towards strictly the the Xbox series X there we go that way I can post Realms again that way I can do other cool things so it’s a win-win win um yeah Xbox series X exactly we’re going we’re going to be funny we’re going to

Be fancy we’re going to be awesome it’s going to be amazing but y’all just being here following supporting liking the streams and just giving me that good energy is more than enough for me it really genuinely is and if you think I’m full of BS I literally didn’t make a penny from

Streaming for almost 6 months when I first started um and I kept streaming because I really loved it I really enjoyed it um and I just made so many cool connections and we buil such an amazing community so I would love to be able to do more of that that’s all

That’s that’s the Tweet that’s the message MH uh as a safeguard for when Minecraft an old gen sunsets in 2024 to 2025 you think so o and as a safe guard oh that’s true yeah I didn’t even think about that they might Sunset it for the old Generation

Stuff huh oh gosh that made me so sad I wonder what do you guys think the next Nintendo system is going to be I wonder what’s your hobby mine is Art uh netball and swimming what’s netball is it like tennis um I I like AR as

Well uh Shaz I used to draw quite a bit I still do draw occasionally for my community members I have these little tacos I’ve been meaning to how Chico put them behind me um I just life has been so crazy like literally he’s only had time to like

Handle the kiddos help with the homework things help put him to sleep and like the basic stuff for stream is what he’s been able to set up lately and I guess he has has been helping me with the the shorts we’ve been able to at

Least do one short per week but we need to switch it around we need to start posting like one video per week and then maybe but shorts are just I don’t know like my brain as well as Chico we work so much better with shorts than we

Do with videos um I feel like but I know the meta is long form I know the long-term meta is long form so and I have ideas I really do I have ideas that I guess are kind of like the Mr Beast method where yes his videos I

Would say are long form but they’re like in sporadic little sprits of like excitement and it changes and it’s like engaging the whole way through that’s kind of the content I want to make going forward for myself um it’s like content that’s like at least for no one else for Eng for

Myself um but it takes a lot more time and effort to do so to speak and it’s got I got to figure out like what I can do to make it a little easier like maybe have the first few minutes super snazzy and fancy and then like not worry as

Much like for halfway through or something um yeah you know like I said this is one of the big goals I’m planning for next year is really give this uh content creation thing a a good a good try and then go from there uh it’s kind of like like volleyball oh is

It really interesting okay huh that sounds fun but yeah I would say my hobbies are um I like art I really like drawing a lot I really really like a lot I like anything creative so I like it sounds weird but I like fixing things I like making things I like taking things

From ordinary and making it extraordinary that’s what I would say is like my favorite hobby it doesn’t matter if it’s me doing artwork it doesn’t matter if it’s me singing or uh dancing or whatever it is like um or doing like Hobbies around the house like that’s to me is like really

Fun like I I live for that I know it sounds it may not be everybody’s cup of tea but it’s my cup of tea and I live for it like I really do um yeah in fact I miss being able to do more of

It um y knowing it’s going to be hard to update a bunch of consoles yes exactly you’re right I’m still waiting on for Sega to release the Dreamcast too for real oh thank you for all the likes and thank you for the hearts and stuff y’all

Are so sweet uh back when I did long form stuff I spent like 60 hours a week on a video she yeah it’s it’s a full-time gig it really is and again um we did manage to do that one month um I I hardly did any

Uh freelance stuff for that week or no for I think a couple weeks three weeks I think I I was strictly just making content and I was able make uh a couple videos that I’m really really proud of and the thumbnails turned out fantastic but you know we’d have to we’d

Have to be able to achieve that every month to make it long term which is why um one of the goals I do want to add is officially starting up a patreon just to give people as many options as possible to support and that way more of it will go towards Chico uh

Myself as the Creator uh to be able to relax or whatever um instead of having to like work a bajillion hours and on top of like the kiddos and everything like that and on top of paying the bills and extra stuff that might happen you know um so we’ll see

Like I said we’ll see what happens uh look in your bunny Cas chica please oh yeah uh salty helan if Sega do another Dreamcast I’ll be getting it for real uh because PlayStation 5 Pro and switch are rumored for 2024 you think so what do

You think is going to be new Switch what do you think they’re going to call it uh sh says I spend all my money on Art so um yeah that’s like my favorite thing uh I don’t know why I was born on December 31st really you’re like a you’re like a

New Year’s baby oh my gosh Atomic your skin is so cute but why are you in the chicken pen why are you in the pet pen how did you get in the pet pen I have so many questions uh do we have wool to get you

Out of here do we have sheep oh no do we have sheep oh gracious yeah that’s so fun uh yeah like I said before I have a good feeling I have a I have a really good feeling about this next year and there’s three chickens now

There’s three chickens oh gosh I know we had the one we have this one oh you you created those two chickens I see the baby ones oh yeah uh oh we have one sheep what happened to the rest of the sheep the people kill the sheeps again no

Caddy we might need you to find a sheep if you would be so kind sir do we have time for you to run and get a sheep oh gosh oh no I think somebody killed our sheep gosh dang it why is it always the Sheep it’s always the

Sheep I love how everything is pink yeah for real so the reason it’s pink is because of uh can I ban them for real I don’t even know who it was mayor Oinky it was mayor Oinky he did it you how could you at Le I think we had two sheep at

Least right we had to have more sheep cuz look you can see right there was all the Sheep yeah chica tomorrow night I’ll be building a be be Bond’s Carriage I don’t know what that is but it sounds fancy yeah it’s cuz we’re in the Cherry

Blossom biome so a lot of things are pink here it’s just the easiest wood to get to but I am going to change this into like a fullon um what is it called not Nutella uh isn’t it it’s the one where it’s like three colors Neapolitan Neapolitan there you

Go Neapolitan um the Neapolitan ice cream look I’m going to make it into an ice cream house is what I’m kind of going for that’s the aesthetic I’m going for with this place do we seriously not have any wool can you get out of there Atomic if

Not you might be stuck there for real Seas until either myself or caddy are able to get you something um is there can I make it with like a trapo maybe would a trapo work you think like a pressure plate let’s find out fingers cross otherwise you’re going to be stuck there try

That nope doesn’t look like it works oh man I didn’t mean for you to literally be grounded Atomic I did ground them I did ground them from going off without them without me and I they I didn’t mean to take it literally because if you break it you’re

GNA let the the the the bunny you might kill the bunny or the or the or this thing he carpet we’re working on it hey caty being a chatty thank you C let you do that all right Try I love how the chicken was just shaking its head at you all right try now Atomic try to get out hop on Let’s go thank you we don’t have any the carpet inflation is real Chad the carpet inflation listen inflation is taking everything from [Laughter] me welcome back D you were missed um we had a moment of absolute Panic uh Story Time come on grab your friends

Let’s go see what sh in um I mean when the Cherrywood came out mine was like this too uh cousins always ask me why is everything pink right oh Christ is averted oh goodness that was so scary all right Atomic no going into the pen

All your stuff is in the chest um Bo where you died oh hey there you go beautiful y are killing Me all righty friends um on that note hold on caddy I think this will have to call it here I did stream longer than I expected honestly it was I was going to only stream for two or so hours but I’m glad I was able to things were less hectic for me

Um but sincerely from the bottom of my heart um my username is my mom’s me isma uh yeah I can Absolutely I’ll call you I like IU that’s a cute name uh U if you want to U make sure you sub I think you should see a subscribe button

Somewhere on the screen I don’t know where it is um but it was since such a good stream um thank you for everybody for all the love and support honestly I am trying my best I’m trying to find a way to uh make both my online life and

My offline life the happiest that they could both be and healthiest that they both can be can’t he’s judging me he’s like seriously I’ll make it up to you okay we will play even longer next Saturday does that work this coming Saturday I’ll play purely multiplayer Bedrock I just did

Thank you uh U you’re now the awesomest IU unfortunately um I will not be streaming on YouTube for the next uh week or so so I will be back on January 4th however um you are guys you guys are more than welcome to watch um me over on

Twitch I like I said they’re doing a big um promotion thing so I just kind of want to come out with a bang and see what goals we can hit before the end of the year turn on the bell too thank you so much I appreciate that so much I

Really will try my best to see um I might do like quick video to be like hey I can prioritize what content I can do this one this one that one and then have you guys as my audience decide what content you want to see in the future uh

At least going forward cuz I need to prioritize my time and everything you’re the best chica sorry you’re going through it right now I wish you and the family best thank you caddy and thank you everybody and sorry for everyone um big hearts big hugs if you want them

Always for anyone who’s also going through it I know things are not always okay but I know it’ll be worth it someday I I can I can guarantee that much I promise it’s going to get better um yeah I’m I’m looking forward to the future I really am um thanks for

Streaming you’re the best sorry going through oh that’s right you’re going to the resort that’s right oh yes and happy birthday IU uh I also do Post uh I do Post uh weekly YouTube shorts so you’re welcome to look at any of my videos on my channel until I return uh back oh

Gosh we’re being attacked all gracious hold on we’re going out with the bang apparently they’re like a it’s too wholesome in here get got chica you and your family have a lovely Christmas of course yes you too Billy if I don’t see you tomorrow or Saturday um I will be streaming like I

Said a lot on Twitch so I don’t have a twitch but it’s fine otherwise I’ll be back on the YouTube things come next year have a Merry Christmas everyone that celebrates and Happy Holidays happy new years’s if I don’t see you between now and then um like I said be streaming

A lot uh this week and next weekend um mostly on Twitch so remember to always be awesome and I’ll see all you taters lers you guys are amazing stay safe out there you guys are awesome I really do care about you guys I want you guys to

Be happy and I want you guys to have an awesome life whatever it is um make sure to be here for those who can tomorrow on Twitch cuz my generous and amazing friend and moderator Jason has uh offered to give me a game I guess a

Early Christmas game so you guys get to pick which game it is it’ll either be uh some Le is it lethal company lethal company if you guys want to watch me play that or it will be um house flipper too so yeah you guys can help me choose

Cuz I don’t know I don’t make decisions by myself I’m just a potato I love you all you guys are awesome remember to always be awesome and I’ll see all you ters laters take care stay safe out there and again I I hope this will always be a welcoming

Place for everyone I want this place to be a positive positive spot for everyone uh I’m sorry if this whole stream is about no it was never about you it’s always about the awesome team you’re part of the awesome team now uh ISU so never apologize and

Happiest of birthdays to you I hope it’s great tell me all about it when we meet again yeah uh they don’t like happy endings they really don’t all right guys love you all so much enjoyed this gorgeous end screen that we were super super hard on um

Shout outs to the artist I need to I need to find her Twitter information so I can give her proper shies in the future uh you like horror games yes the horror games all right but yes tomorrow I’ll be doing variety Fridays and then Saturdays we’ll be doing a lot more

Multiplayer Minecraft love your faces stay safe out there again happiest of holidays friends have a wonderful night bye guys good night friends bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye

This video, titled ‘When the Going Gets TOUGH, the Tough Play Hardcorel! | Minecraft Hardcore +40’, was uploaded by ChicaDeAwesome on 2023-12-22 03:56:39. It has garnered 260 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:36:27 or 16587 seconds.

Let’s make the most of this long weekend! All the fun times and good vibes galore 🙂

It’s Day 40, the new hardcore world can’t touch us! Hardcore will never take us down again, though. The hardcore challenges get harder, but we get better! Will you be able to handle the hardcore? It won’t be easy, but we’re SO AWESOME! Together we’ll overcome Hardcore Java Minecraft. When the going gets tough, we get going! Let’s play a live playthrough. Who knows what secrets and tricks we’ll discover? We’ll learn how to build the best builds together! Afterwards we’ll chill with some cool friends and play with some other viewers! Let’s see what happens next! 🙂

It’s not Bedrock Minecraft, it’s hardcore Java Minecraft. The challenges will be intense as I experience hardcore mode for the second playthrough as a noob. Woo!

#minecraft #minecraftstream #minecraftsurvival #multiplayer #multiplayer #playswithviewers #playswithfollowers #minecrafthardmode

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More