EPIC Live-Stream Debut + Minecraft Madness!

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Testing Testing Testing Testing Welcome in to M Ketchum today we are going to be doing better Minecraft as you can see on the loading screen uh and some PVP Legacy if you’re watching throw some ideas in the chat as ideas to do for challenges and we’ll see where this takes Us all right so this looks pretty good we have one of those pumpkin things usually would be nice to get a bunch of buildings at the Beginning if we get a really bad spot if is that oh that’s cool yeah if we get a really bad spawn then I’ll just reset the seed cuz this seems to be not the greatest played a couple times and got gigantic building and that wasn’t very fun to deal

With uh All Right Punch down a tree and then there’s Stone right there yeah okay let’s see y th Sub make should the notifications are on okay what oh all right Pickaxe whatever that is we can check that out in a little okay get the regular tools and then we go somewhere uh we’ll hop in a boat actually and go okay well right I can’t do That okay there we go grab this and then we’ll chop one those big trees down and then we’ll be good okay well we might want to kill some sheep oh yeah that’s so much wood what is that that’s fur logs it’s actually a pretty nice color although I’m going to I want some

Saplings of that these BL probably uh yeah mainly the leaves though those should look pretty nice there we go sheep why isn’t it letting me crit okay where’s the are the sheeps sheep where are they oh there’s one What is that is that a slug that that was interesting now let’s get this final shape up here and so we can craft a bed once we need It okay and we have a little bit of food Okay well Mr get good already there’s a whale right here actually a raccoon and a wow are those do those get angry uh I’m not sure I’m going to go over there I’m just going to yeah no they’re killing whales I’m not sure they’re killing people but they’re certainly killing squid that’s an

Orca why is is the whale like a dolphin oh Village oh that’s a waist Stone I’m pretty sure these like act the same way as dolphins and like the oh hello hm doing a little better Minecraft in PvP Legacy over here is that witch hunter oh yes oh wait I can name This Village number one raccoon we’ll grab this oh hey okay oh could just make a stone ho who cares at least this isn’t like our rcraft when you have to crouch over literally everything to pick it up I was just playing that earlier no better Minecraft I was doing rlcraft

But I moved on because I got murdered when I had made a lot of progression and that was really irritating I had iron stuff and was a and like got level 15 stuff uh upgraded and then I got murdered by a bunch of piranhas and that that that was the end of

That oh I want that crossbow and armor I really hope there’s a blacksmith somewhere here or at least a chest the way Stone’s really nice but definitely not as good compared to the other stuff that could be here I mean there are like gigantic villages in in this mod but certainly is not

One okay we’ll make our way over this way just trying to find a better structure oh my gosh those are so cute do I food I do whoa okay I just got jumped on by a whale that was interesting all right this should be almost good okay we need a little more

Food but that should be fine as we bat off try and find that I don’t want to deal with actually I’ll go grab some of the stuff in here I think and I have plenty to just make some doors hopefully it works in this throw some ideas down in the

Chat oh let’s go an artifact thing I’ve been really wanting to get one of these oh yes armor trims I love armored Trims okay what is this gloves Unbreaking three causes the tool to lose durability at a slow lower rate that’s pretty good this should go is it where did it go um gloves there we go okay we have gloves Now my bit rate I’m not exactly sure what that is and I it it is in full screen the game is in full screen right now should be okay so now I have like full Unbreaking three items pretty much because of my my little leather gloves over here oh they also do

0.5% more attack damage is this ice I don’t like ice that just makes this more difficult and all the dead trees and stuff oh but we can that should make doing like full chop Downs on the trees a lot Easier dang it h I was going to make that okay it’s almost night time I’ll probably be able to do a little more on this place a whatever I just hit messed me up okay now it’s now it’s night we should my hope is to get

Another wayist St soon so we can travel all right okay now our goes to find something that we can use to wait is this the wrong way yeah okay we are going this way ooh those trees are cool I need to not hit shells while I’m ice buting oh come On okay yes oh Oh oh Oh I am a little glitched oh my wow I just went off of everything what am I stuck there we go um hopefully we can turn a little more cuz I do not like this biome no no no no okay let’s let everything load first okay Trees all right let’s actually make some food turn all that hay bales into good old food stack of bread oh that’s kind of perfect exactly a stack and four bread this should be plenty for a voyage now so long as we don’t run into anything that just like destroys me thr a sub

And give me some ideas to and challenges to do in the chat and let’s see where this takes us what is this oh it’s just weird gravel I don’t want to go into the pure white snow because it seems like something that’s going yep I was right I actually knew

It I knew that this snow was dangerous it’s like quicksand yeah just going away from the village I believe we stole all the hay from them I might have been able to reset it to them but really oh well the water kind of helps but like immediately

Okay hopefully this ocean brings us away from the cold ocean it’s probably still going to be cold but I don’t want to be in a frozen ocean it’s like the one place I don’t like going because it always brings you to like dead whatever and stuff like that that’s just a Sky Block

Island I just really hope I’m scared of those I feel like if at one like one at one time it’s just going to jump out and murder me okay okay let’s see what’s to the Southwest what was that oh is that a ship A little something what is that floating island again it has a chest that’s always nice oh on the mini map it is so tiny oh there’s another one um I’ll take the Nautilus shells and the crab wow nausea hunger poison poison 2 hunger three nausea for 50 15 seconds

Shrimp what does this do that’s just kind of cool but I’m I’m not bringing that with me because I don’t trust it and I feel like if it even is edible I’m going to die for it somehow what is huh that’s a squid no what does this do absolutely nothing

Okay let’s go find some land now what is he Doing is that’s an what that’s an under water Village well all the villagers are dead is there a blacksmith okay I might dive down for if there’s a blacksmith all right let’s see I’ll grab the way Stone I’ll mine that up go uh is this a drown Village oh never mind I’m not going for this I see trident That that’s just What that’s a village that’s Underwater that’s kind of Weird when I’m more geared I’ll probably teleport back to that and not realize that What is that and I am not going near That that looks amazing but absolutely Not absolutely not is that a mushroom Island that’s cool I able to upgrade with myself I’m not can I get rid of that I cannot cuz I’m I don’t think I’m going to go there it’s just going to be a bunch of oh Village no nope just a

Ship should be two of those yep two fisherman villagers and there is loot in this um don’t really want yep just a little bit of string wait what’s that I’ll fish for a little I guess what’s the point of this I just don’t know what that is and I’m scared of It yeah let’s go south seems like the way that we’ve been going I don’t need Twigs what hit Me it’s coming after Me oh my there’s another one and another one and another underwater Village I really need a different is that growing Coral that’s cool and there’s something that aggroed on me Red Dot means aggro learned that when I saw a stinking post sidon spawn hunt me hello Miss J M Ketchum oh my so far we found an underwater Village been hunted by posidon spawn uh is this a Waterway I think it is yes it is oh no never mind it’s not that this is I don’t want to go near that another underwater Village those shouldn’t be a thing I

Wonder if there’s anything that can spawn on those I do want to learn that but I’m bet you there’s nothing because it’s a musroom island oh come on we’ve been boating around for forever although ice buing can make everything faster if there’s ice it’s not going to

Be flat but deep cold ocean we need a warm ocean warm ocean uh I’ll sleep right oh shoot no what is that the the pyramid or something whatever I’ll sleep in check get out this where I just shot saw a mushroom pyramid I was confused all right yeah so far I’ve gotten gloves

That give me Unbreaking three on everything and plus 025 attack which is helpful I guess oh wait I’m kind of happy I went up here I’m not going down there because I I’m probably going to end up dying when I’m just trying to find a place to

Set set my spawn at this point but I will take this what why is that helpful although ooh that’s a piece of two pieces of iron put these away oh a flint and steel too I don’t really need the clock um yeah no this can’t do anything else for

Me and then I have plenty of bread okay throw a sub and put you some ideas in the chat for what does she do we’re doing What bun fungus that is cute and funny looking okay another one but he’s sitting that’s a rabbit I knew I saw one of these this looks really dumb just has mushrooms crawling around but it probably has Loot and loot means good things and probably shouldn’t do this but still Oh my gosh this Is holy Cow Pro three Swift sneak oh no that’s skull Smite what is this fire prop that’s not the best but I will take some of that and I’ll probably craft something up what that was holy [Applause] cow although I want the gunpowder I’ll get rid of the sticks gunpowder could be turned into something

Good and there’s another I’m not going to take the fire prod I don’t think hopefully that fire doesn’t spread all I know is that is insane that’s actually the best pyramid of Whatever wow wow 10 diamonds three gold ingots smoke Smite I don’t know lure three prop Three diamond chest plate at one point so we get a pickaxe uh helmet we even got some iron out of that that was an insane Temple wow okay uh let’s make a shield first of

All I have just enough why can’t I make a shield didn’t I I’ve looked this up before right I need like zanite or something isn’t that like only in the ather or something oh this feels so laggy all right um how did I make that I need to

Make this with four iron the wood wood I think yeah and a stick in the middle okay okay we’re going to make some sticks out of this stick dang it hey that’s a really expensive Shield wow then I can just this will make up for a little I guess um we’ll make an

Axe and Boots yeah okay well that was an insane Temple holy cow I just got 10 diamonds off of like nothing and everything all my tools last have Unbreaking 3 on them permanently oh my gosh it’s a little mushroom house or whatever that is hey okay what the heck fire no that just

Gave me a heart attack it was a laggy fall and oh my gosh oh holy cow that was that is the largest building I’ve ever seen in like ever yeah no I’m not going in that probably because it’ll immediately murder me I’m also scared but this is cool

Oh um not helpful though if it had oh I’ll take this though oh wait no I’ll just cook something in it U let’s cook some C right oh why why can’t oh this is already cooked U Can I put turnips in here no I can’t all right we’ll just break

It all right cool we’ll get rid of those nuggets but holy cow that was a pretty insane little thing we just encountered but oh my gosh I wish I had a was Stone many needs to mark down these coordinates oh my well I have a bed but

I’m still not going to do it because I’m still probably going to die wait there’s a waist Stone down there I’m going to risk it oh no I am not I know how hard those things hit thing did like three hearts of damage the last time in one shot oh my and giant

Whale and whatever that is that’s Guardians kind of stuck if I’m being honest we can try though cuz I’m not going near that thing well holy cow that that was an that’s an amazing structure back behind me can’t see it anymore but oh he’s following me that blue thing

That you can kind of see he’s evil oh things are aggroed on me oh they hit Me yeah if you see red dots in the mini map that means they’re I go on me okay throw a sub and give me some ideas what I should do next I’m not going near those yeah those things hurt like crazy I need land that’s not a mushroom

Island please I’m also not messing with Trident Guys that fish just jump that’s Weird oh yes land and Orcas and whales that’s cool still not the biome I want but looks pruny cool is that a whale a whale not whale oh floating island in the sky Again uh oh seagull a lot of them I don’t like them try and steal your items they the Rats of the sky oh it’s an island no I wonder if I were to hit those if they would get mad I’m not testing it because it’ll probably get mad but

Still hey the whales following I’m pretty sure they have the same like AI as the Dolphins so they’ll follow you around I don’t really like this biome but it’ll probably it it’ll be fine to do that okay well so far we’re we’re pretty good we have iron boots a shield uh 10

Diamonds gold Dan that kills mobs I don’t really care I actually do kind of want to test that but I’m not going to cuz I don’t see anym why is there a singular I don’t know oh angry guys well let’s try this again why is there ice just spawning

Like that I don’t get it oh come on oh it’s a cold o sh okay this here here is M Ketchum on YouTube and throw a sub give me some ideas in the chat we’re playing rlcraft right now trying to not a ra craft better Minecraft trying to get a good a

Good uh base good place to set our base at I’ll take that what are these I don’t know I want to try can I eat them what is this do cool not necessarily that handy but cool oh what’s that that looks not angry I’m not sure probably oh I fought one of these

Before I know what they have I’m not sure I know what that guy what that Tower is that can get me a sharp five sword but I’m no cuz I’m going to end up dying and losing a lot of this this is something I’m also not sure about cuz I’ve not done this

Yet um I have cool right Yes can Just oh helpful Noe I give up I don’t even really care to try uh where’s my boat is it parked over here it is okay now I did see a planes it’s right over here this isn’t planes um H in the chat put some I where what

Biome I should probably build my house in I’m just looking for a plane so I don’t have to deal with the giant trees and not great looking stuff um red trees is better actually well also looking for loot oh yes this is looking better and better there’s also something brown right here

Probably structure why are there witches oh oh wait did I not collect it um I can get rid of my doors I was using that cuz I was traversing the ocean couple minutes ago I actually don’t really need to I knew there was something it’s a tiger pyramid that’s

Burning I’m I’m going to do this because it’s better than any other time is this mine right it is well the last one of these was incredibly good so I’m not saying no to another one how Well I don’t even know how that got tripped but at least I didn’t die to it right it if you know how that got tripped please put that in the chat cuz I have no idea cuz I wasn’t even stepping nearly on it oh yep it’s burning

Down it would have been nice to get that loot cuz I did a mushro in one of those and it gave me 10 diamonds which is actually really I I want to try this golden ax out on those pigs well I also have well ax is also my

Main PP so this should be pretty oh yes all right let’s see what this thing does well we just got I don’t know if this is helpful like whatsoever or how it is helpful whatever okay it’s a singular house not helpful still oh my gosh why is it doing

That why why is this is a wonky door can I just break all these I can books there was nothing in here but books looks but that’s helpful because now I can enchant well closer to enchants more because I am not anywhere I’m like 3,000 blocks away from where I spawned this is

Should be going south oh I know why my gold ax is holding up so well it’s cuz of my Bobble drop us sub this is mem Ketchum and if you’re enjoying the content you should probably sub and throw some ideas for what we should do we might take a break and do

Some our um some PVP Legacy Soon okay well whatever this is it looks interesting oh wait do I not have food I don’t what is this should be going south But I have three golden apples 10 diamonds hm what is this biome About m oh okay well we’re taking that On we are taking this on whatever it is we’re setting our spawn right here we are taking this out all right iron ax and hand we’re going in pillagers get you should get p that’s holy cows that that was interesting actually because what I swear I oh god let’s

Go how does he hit so fast you just need to get over Here all right one Down two Down okay well that was a kill I guess uh what’s in here nothing of help how do I I’m just going to okay well they’re all dead I think right now can take some of these and the gold and the I don’t have the space for the I’ll make an iron sword I

Think oh we can even grab some of that wool in here or not wool whatever it’s called wheat wheat let’s grab some of this wheat did you say Hi to Miss Jay yep not necessarily sure they’re watching currently but okay well okay well let’s make a sword I Guess okay should have my bed now and it should almost be sleeping time actually well we got a couple arrows in the absity of strength and we also have 10 diamonds which we got from that mushroom pyramid 13 emeralds more three fishing rod all right let’s s all right well hello Mr J

How are You okay let’s see now we really need to find something good cuz I am getting irritated by the same biomes over and over again I see something that looks like Stone but I need to that looks like a building feel like that’s a Building it’s not oh interesting should be going South we have gone a very long way way Already Okay okay what is that diamond Shield St SP okay why let me just how do I do that iron wood that’s a twilight forest I am nowhere near the Twilight Forest okay oh wait no I already have a all right let’s try and find some good biomes here in better Minecraft those are snapping Tables oh a sub this is M Ketchum and give me some ideas for challenges to do we’re going to switch over to PVP Legacy see soon if this doesn’t give us anything good in a little second this V Is it’s pretty hard to find something when you’re in the same stinking Loop of so this is definitely not like our own craft okay give me something good like a village a PLS Village would be the best to this move on to PVP let’s see gosh llama why is there a llama

Here why is there just a random Bridge how’s my Shield already that damaged why is there just this random Bridge here it’s very strange it’s like nothing even nothing on it why do those randomly spawn new what you’re mumbling okay let’s see wait why do these want to be oh that was gr Yes I do want that a lot might have iron in places or well it’s just one vein either way that’s a piece of iron and iron needs more diamonds you just need to find a better building it’s a good a good place to set up camp

Is that a waist stone or a Peng Penguins can I take you oh that’s kind of funny this is the vote mob oh it’s so cute what oh my gosh that’s so Cute oh they’re so cute what’s that watch your Chat whatever oh there’s a chest down there and I do want it but there’s so many what’s in this Barrel a lot ooh gun powder I don’t know what else this should do for me but all I know is there’s a wow I’m finally getting stream look want the second Barrel oh wait do they have the exact same oh wait there’s bread in it though let’s go 13 diamonds that’s pretty

Good oh is that that’s a flying Fish wow flying fish in dolphins that is pretty Cool oh my gosh why is it so hard to find a regular planes biome that’s pretty sure that’s a penguin thing that’s an orca this looks pretty modded but I really only want the iron fies not the massive amounts of coal that’s so cool worka penguins Moss right here that’s not very

Helpful unless I’m trying to get a bunch of moss I’m trying to excavate more Penguins I’m actually going to check in here it might be IR or not I ve in here no skellies skellies I don’t actually want to engage in those fights yet oh my gosh how are there so oh that’s something and something means loot almost all ways and loot means more diamonds and that is what I want where’ my boat

Go my boat did I not I didn’t okay well time to craft a new boat fur a fur boat okay well it’s time to do a tower I guess that’s almost definitely going to have something violent in it or spawners I bet or it’s just something filled with

Loot I don’t know oh I think I know what this is possibly that is I’ll take that I guess yes right there’s a bunch of bookshelves then I get up here and then there’s wood and then I’ll take more of this I Guess oh well I can actually now just stick these together make a perfect Home that’s not helpful though let’s go more gapples oh now I can actually use the amount of arrows I have um what should I get rid of I have I have a treasure map I don’t need that Okay look pretty good that is is that just a waste Zone how do I zoom in with my that’s a good question hello spread the jello how are you time it’s m Ketchum this time it’s m Ketchum streaming so doing some better Minecraft and going to move on to PVP Legacy so a

Sub put some ideas for challenges in the chat oh it’s a pumpkin thing uh what what oh Orca this is better Minecraft only a block of dirt well there is actually mobs for that and that’s it’s just the one block challenge basically there we Go okay let’s go you have 13 Diamonds the little glove gloves that give everything Unbreaking three and actually and they also give me they I also have an enchanted axe that when killing mobs put skull on the floor oh wait I could just oh it’s free XP I should have been thinking about

That oh I’m taking this ah yes I can finally steal this I really appreciate that creeper whatever that is I don’t know what that is but I am not going near it because it seems like something that wouldn’t be kind what does the dude need to do to get a plan biome seal What killed H that thing thought the teal hit Me I killed it when I was falling over even more those should probably actually keep my bow somewhere near me I don’t need my friend Ste in my main hand I need some more buildings where is my Boat oh my gosh I don’t know why that cool down keep popping up okay we’re going to explore one more thing and then we’ll move on to some PVP Legacy oh it’s a zombie villager somewhere uh oh that thing I’ve already encountered encountered it and it didn’t do anything I couldn’t even figure out how to actually loot it Okay let’s Okay there we Go really oh thank you for the poison arrows I’m also now going to destroy you and take out the golden iron that appeared in here that’s just strange um bamboo spikes o even more armor trims I have a lot of those now I should actually put

Those on that would be fun get full iron armor and put them on B ofar power four that is good very very good I don’t know I can just lay down right actually really don’t want that right here oh my I’m taking a lot of damage why are there piston oh can’t see Anything what do I need to th what is that SPS what why did I th that that’s a lot of bread but now I have a bunch of iron why does it just ice spawn whatever okay so what do I need I need a chest plate and helmet

Do I have stone I don’t have stone just give me a Second yes I’ve Gotten Good how much do I need I need eight this is the slowest boating ever okay now let’s grab this turn this into a Furnace there we go Okay then we have a smithing table and I can pull this off and put these on I have armor trims all right hey we got a new look I’ve crafted a new Look okay please don’t this Out oh perfect timing all right look at me with my my snazzy armor as I Ru my boat I already got armor Trims and diamonds what is That all right okay let’s find one more building to Loot want to get some more Diamonds sand if it’s a lot of sand that’ll be good that’s a bear that’s a stinking bear Bad come on where’s the where’s some good loot the shell I don’t know what those do Down where are these buildings oo this is getting better is there’s a mimic I would take one of those all right we got that let’s see is there any buildings up here that we can loot there’s nothing so far oh yes yes the biome finally I can build my house I

Found the biome I found a big PLS biome where I can set my waist Stone up Yes all right where am I putting my house this is perfect giant cave where we can go Mining the only part that oh there’s cherry blossoms up here this just went from amazing to better than amazing I finally found where I needed to go I went South for like a thousands of blocks to do it and I did it Finally yes oh I found where I need to be it’s Perfect there’s Buffalo don’t taste Good yes Hills look down off Of oh I found where I wanted to be that’s a mosquito what did that drop I don’t even want to know laer come here what is that that’s a little house lapis and this is emeralds I should probably make an iron Pickaxe oh yes all right I found it where did I just get hit from I have no idea oh I’m taking fall damage there’s emeralds in the building can turn into my house so I don’t actually have to do the building of things H up yeah

Go oh yes there’s even a villager in here that’s actually kind of perfect so that I don’t have to deal with making things what is this black wolf I don’t need that but I will take this okay started with 44 H you been on for an hour I

Know okay looks like I found my Base and then I’ll put my waist down right up Here Yeah this is where my this will end but with a oh wait there’s one more building over here that I haven’t checked yet I’m pretty sure I’ll check that and then put all my food in there that’s not wonderful but we should have a villager over here somewhere I don’t know oh

Yes this is perfect oh what are you I don’t oh I have a book blue journal okay well I don’t know what that does I can actually check though I’m pretty sure h okay well just put all my loot away oh that’s my crafting table I don’t actually need oh that

Wow what a hul all of our riches 13 diamonds Golden Apple golden apples gold iron amethyst tipped arrows power four props skull Smite don’t know and some good looking armor now to PVP Okay moving on to PVP Legacy okay should be on the latest release now we might even do hoplight depending on if get fresh because I lose a bunch of games in a row okay let’s see this Multiplayer PVP Legacy this should be the right one yeah all right all right let’s start out on my actual PVP type that I actually like a lot start out with axe Ah Okay all Right Ha Okay let’s try this again okay and then throw a sub this is M catchup we’re doing some PVP on P PVP Legacy Oh my gosh holy Cow oh let’s go we hit Those ah all Right all Right dang it I missed That think I lose here Okay all Right all right Minutes you’re leaving all right let’s do that exactly Again dang first one was a really good I don’t know what [Applause] Happened I don’t know why it did that much damage that probably shouldn’t have happened you know if give me some challenges like do fishery Rod PVP or something I’ll do that and I’ll make a special kit but let’s start with which one let’s do this one right need to make sure

This um you could Doo wind because what will this be blocks probably not H what will that be will that be weapons and tools it will we get eight all right all right let’s see Oh holy Cow yeah you missed that do I win or did you make a shot wait oh Right I can’t hit [Applause] Holy cow I’ve been getting low because of These bye yes Yeah probably going to die to that Pearl damage yeah all wait how is that a draw I don’t know why let’s see what this is oh this should be interesting a lot actually um that oh this dude made this awful oh no oh my what was this dude thinking uh we get

No pearls and Notch apples what oh this is frost what is this new map I’ve been playing this oh it must be the new map for the update I do like this we have extra HP this is like something out of straight up like life steel only equip the

Elytra so I don’t get the boots with like with the feather falling where is he oh I should probably I’ll get rid of that where’s the there’s a rip TI okay good Well oh well I can’t really fly in this one cuz there’s a boundary and it’s like only in water I could use only a trident use the Trident and fly to Victory using the TR but this is going to last a really really long time because this dude has made this kit

With I can’t just use a block of dirt in this it doesn’t really work where is this guy where is this person oh there you [Applause] are [Applause] yeah no this is going to [Applause] last what is he doing why isn’t he Fighting what is that oh he has a filled inventory okay what happened he just straight up like disappeared oh he pearled of course he did okay prove I’m good by only equipping an elytra okay I’ll put the elytra on instead of my chest plate search for but I’m not getting rid of

The rest cuz I’ll just get actually destroyed what should I I’ll get rid of this totem and put the rockets in this isn’t going to be good I’m just saying all right where is he he he’s right there no come back where is he okay okay this is a uh like a whatever

It’s called it’s a a god kit where you get like massive the hard-hitting items like this is a maxed out sword I’m not I’m not not I’m not using no armor where has he gone what is that is this cool do I get oh it’s conduit power that’s actually pretty nice where is

He okay is he on deck of the boat oh my this just I can’t see shoot all right let’s Gap well oh let’s break his armor actually let’s see let’s try and break his helmet Where is he I keep losing where he is oh he’s running dang it all right let’s get Him cut him dang it ping him in the Sky no oh my gosh that was stressful is oh come on flying fly literally so irritating cuz I can’t find them there you are all Right I can’t hit you when you’re in the sky ah dang it yes he fell ping him ping him no I missed him and I am using I am using just my uh he’s firing from the sky he can’t miss he can’t shoot he doesn’t know how to hit his

Shots where is he oh there you are it should have hit Him I hit Him okay this is getting irritating the map is so big that you just can’t find people oh my my gosh there you are of course he just leaves yes whoa break his Armor why is he organizing his inventory when he’s getting Hit oh he’s lagging okay see Wait should I Just actually ax is better to break armor wait why don’t I have con do it power Ah wait did he just vanish no there you are I’ve got you now oh he’s drowning nerd That’ll Hurt this is them catch him sub He just went out of AFK this is this will be pretty irritating to deal with it’s literally a porcupine did he just dang It Not even using a chest plate he Is I’m not sure he realizes better oh my gosh how is he going no yeah he’s playing now he I was just trying to break his armor either way so if he so if he would ever if he had did come back his like everything would be Al’s armor would be destroyed which

It pretty much is cuz I was I had like 50 arrows hitting him it was just bow spamming in the water so everything just slowly dripped down until it killed him yeah this will last a long time how long do I have left with this I don’t

Okay let’s just put all of these back okay uh let’s grab that then what did we else um I can just put some exp down um ender pearls all right where is this dude this is the most irritating map ah I found him dang It oh this is actually a really good strategy if he’s using his train I’ll just use my rockets in the water and hunt him and it doesn’t have a really long cool down and I can just come out of the water when I please and then Glide so everything’s just now fully Mended dude is Actually stop being so bad why is he spamming oh I feel bad he’s Spamming oh his armor is gone Then we’ll get him and we can get him with the fire get his Vision what where is he gone gosh dang it keep losing oh No oh come on where did he go again Well if I block all of it off with ice since it’s now night he can’t do his Rockets anymore this is the worst map it’s great if it’s a waterbased map with Trident like this is but it’s really not when the other person is hiding and being scared even though not

The greatest decent but not amazing I can act PVP pretty well oh come on can’t find him I need to have a Compass okay this should give us a full Glide where is his Name it’s been like 10 minutes of B battling this guy and I can’t find him see over here okay well I’m hunting Underwater this is M catcher throw a sub and we’re doing some PVP Legacy from the chat and I’ll duel with you and currently hunting a guy down who can’t find is getting really Irritating okay you know what I’ve given up all right this decent this is not decent at All I don’t I don’t know Cookie oh I can shoot out of my Way okay this is Irritating I can’t Sword I did not like that this is I don’t like it no this looks interesting um so Rift T put that There drink the slow phone strength y yo what no why okay that that wasn’t fair H okay I need this to I need that to not happen like that nope not doing sword it’s like the one mode I don’t do oh This boost me thank you no that’s it ah this is irritating okay but some ideas I’ll make a kit I’ll do fishing PVP You popped strength I didn’t let me eat my strength please thank you nope not thank you God dang it can’t do anything cuz I didn’t realize to remember okay some ideas in the chat I’ll make some crazy kits like make a fishing rod PVP who knows I’ll make a boxing ring where all

You get is a knockback stick I’m going to join this all right why do we always get sword PVP I don’t like sword PVP this is why people like this who do this for all eternity it’s all they do all they do is learn how to combo people’s Swords I like roted Minecraft I don’t practice PVP anymore that often yeah Pap a gat pop a gat I need you to stop trying to kill me he’s going to get low and then you crit them like twice or three times what I’ve learned from my PVP more hits you get up the faster they’ll have to get and you want to be you want to hit him and then go in half the Gap this is M catch him we are doing some PVP Legacy trying to do something okay you know what I’m just going

To all right let’s do some the turtle shell PL and breaking THS aqua infinity and rest then we’re going to do neite drop Four do there should all right no mending all right prop four Unbreaking three thorns four Unbreaking three Thorns feather falling dep Strider Frost Walker so Spe we’ll actually make these unbreakable so we don’t have to deal with that so people don’t have to deal with that we’re going to do try and axe we get this uh wait no Clear Unbreaking I CH why doesn’t this get impaling that’s weird actually shouldn’t there as good impaling actually we just I’m actually going to get rid of this this netherite get rid of this oh shoot dang It Okay where Sharp okay and then we need a Riptide trident Un break it and then make un break we’ll give them um Turtle Masters and then them 16 one of these that seems pretty reasonable right and then we’ll give him a totem that being in this uh can I just give him a fishing round all right we’ll give him a player tracker then

Totem would that be in I don’t know what that’ll be in would that be in weapons it would oh and then fishing rod it’s in there too and then ender pearls Okay that looks pretty I don’t know [Applause] interesting so what’s up this is em Ketchum here today we’re doing some PVP Legacy having some fun throw some Ideas tur then we’re going to notch huh I’m on oh come on come hi all right there we go Okay oh I’m going to pop oh my gosh that was Insanity okay ironically okay let’s move over here put this in my offit oh come on now it’s in my vision oh I popped again how am I so bad at my own kit right kit Creator custom um not don’t I want um I wanted I potion effects I would like you

To have where’s Strength and then let’s give him speed too all right regen 23 9999 and then where’s swiftness 23 no now we need to go to custom map uh where is that Pina Outpost lava pit Sky Islands nether Sumo naal Force Tropical Islands yeah all right let’s go all right let’s try this again yep

This looks correct oh I forgot to give him blocks that’s fine though oh I’m going to drown him this is actually really funny ah he escaped probably using his train coming at you now we’re going to turtle golden apple you think I’m taking damage do you

I’m not taking a heart I hate the slowness but should just give it to him right I give one strength now we’re going to go go go I don’t even have to like pop that for Regen and we just get automatic regen then I’m going to do oh my gosh it

Worked then we Sprint Island hop another Island hop N I’ve only popped two gaps oh I’m running again then we’re going to take this regen for all its worth cuz I know how this works yeah I hop he left yeah I guess that kind of makes sense I’ll just play this guy’s game oh yeah okay prop three that’s quick charge three Okay get him what is this Shield doing man you should run hello this is a Ketchum we are doing some PVP Legacy give me some ideas in the chat give me a sub really appreciate it give me some ideas and I’ll duel you in PvP Legacy if you Play let’s go now fire shoot go huh you think I’m here right I’m not I can fish I know a fishing r work my Boy I might have lobed dang you thought I was over there didn’t you I’m not I’m over here I’m right in front of you and he just missed that all right I’m behind you you got shot and you took that fall damage sub we’ll do some more awesome content like this Oh my gosh this Dude oh okay this is this dude is irritating okay firef Fox this is rude okay cool I’m not going in here anymore that hurt my eyes oh he just came out the other side rude you thought You’ tank in there nah I can PVP pretty well all right let’s get that bonus He’s not using his shield right that was definitely mistake he just made he wasn’t using his shield if he used the shield correctly he would have blocked all their shots he was giving me an opening where I could hit him right in his sides and I’m not sure

If he knew that but it was very easy for me this is this is KB this is really dumb okay Mr your puffer that’s what this Is H I got him with it this is the most you feel threatened you should be this is puffer fish roulette basically this is stupid he just the worst PVP ah he left that was really good this is puffer fish nope all I’m going to do my kit that I just made now hello to my two viewers if you’re lurking say hello I am doing some PVP Legacy give me some ideas in the chat I

Will I will I’ll do duels with anybody if they’re playing PVP Legacy all right let’s take him wait where is he all right let’s get some natural regen get up here Island top over here Sprint yes holy Cow I’m about to pop dang dang that’s frustrating actually this was going well all right let’s Turtle all right I’ll tank yes I got it Off how dides he not take he’s not taking damage hello if you are working on the video say hello we’re doing some PVP like I see sub give me some challenges in the chat I will do them back up back up back up ah I don’t know he did more damage I

Don’t know why but he did okay B this is interesting I could do well on this I’m pretty sure nope Okay this I believe is Dam pot dim Pot this is not NE pot Nice I’m not good at this yeah no I’m not good at that okay so let’s do some hotl if it’s updated oh is it mightbe haven’t played in a little bit would be interesting want to get the lucky Rod if I can it’s a pretty good item fish up gold and stuff like

That leers ah man what is it part of now oh is it just might just be a little okay uh might is just be a little laggy or something glitchy all right let’s do this is more modded actually all right in the chat put if you want magic and dungeons all the mods

Are L crafter better Minecraft which is what we were playing thinking I’ll do all the mods Yeah or we could do Minecraft dungeons put what you think in the chat okay actually this in Minecraft dungeons or if you put in the chat we can do more fun mods Okay see what’s in the merchant right now I think it’s all the same right now okay all right let’s do a tower I think or you can do a daily trial if this is no could do this again but I’d rather do a tower and S if I could get a better

Loot drop all right we’re doing a solo Tower run all right let’s see if I can first try it let’s see 28 floors how’s this combat all right cuz all right let’s take this zombie spider charge take those out all right take that oh silver okay let’s take that that nice let’s get

Committed okay that should be something cool no all right pot up I’m stuck nice should be almost there oh there’s one last guy oh we got L rank 34 on the trials all right all right I think let’s go let’s yeah let’s go with healing definitely the best

Option get some oh H right let’s pop it Down okay yeah we need to take these big guys out first cuz those will hit really hard all right oh my healing is gone oh I’m getting overwhelmed okay okay okay that is deflect or looting yes all right let’s go second floor already done all right but it gets harder and

Harder o power Shaker yes this is one of the sets I like tanky things like that I’ll just power shrake on all right oh boy take this all right we got Apple we need the Looting to come out all right we got that take the oh wow oh let’s go another floor

Done we are breezing through this I think it’s actually do yeah let’s go fishing rod actually for the stuns cuz then we can take TNT just immediately blow through TNT yep like that keep him stunned anything that comes up here is just oh we need that

Gun stun kill easy fishing rod yeah this is a very handy dandy right that just stunned for a little I think it’s a little too good in my opinion it so long of a stun and it pulls for you it’s great for tanks in my opinion if you’re a tank build in

Minecraft engines in my opinion this is one of the best items that you could Use okay let’s take him out with the powers all probably up here oh I was right yeah all right hopefully this is the last one ah right there okay we need armor oh this is actually a really great armor piece to get I just really don’t like this oh that was almost horrific

All right let’s stay over here yes see can I fish something Up wow how did I get that low oh he fell and he’s dead oh that power Shaker just took them all out the is right over here he Is okay okay am I going to go guarding strike Dynamo or leaching guarding strike all right let go grab guarding strike leaching and put food reserves and dumble Bee all right this is should be this is a pretty good starting build we got the swing axe

Yeah I know what this one does all right yes keep that thing down with the fishing rod the fisser rod that all right there we go there’s the St yep in here everything’s in there pink pink pink bad pink very bad give me those all right we’re pushing in power

Shaker all right come on power Shaker push hey the power Shaker push oh that is an incredibly hard floor if you’re rushing without a power Shaker in my opinion cuz you just can’t take them out fast enough uh should we go ghost cloak no let’s just go freezing bow or

Snowbow uh bursting bow stream no let’s do growing an artifact charge actually if this is UN s Smith that won’t actually be good all right power all right let’s go axe um we don’t have enchant points we have tumblebee okay this is looking pretty good all right Okay this one is not a hard one to take I just don’t like the babies those babies are just not fun to deal with along with the potion throwing irritating guys because they heal themselves and that’s just never even fun all right power Shaker push that should be it this that’s one

Of the easiest fors okay what should I upgrade o updraft to yes if I can get an iron golem after this this will be insane I’m actually going to sacrifice the stun for this I’m actually and also going to enchant let’s see actually let’s get leeching upgraded okay can that do anything for

Me it can’t dang I have to get a pet soon actually okay let’s go let’s go let’s go I know this floor Oh we need oxygen okay okay that’s good got the guarding Strike okay yeah good push we got the power Shaker push what I like to call it wow that did un massive damage I don’t know why that did exploded like that I’m just glad I was able to tank that double Axe double ax or armor cuz the double ax is does that do less no I think that’s Worse um Champion that’s going to tank a lot mobs Target more uh this would be good but I think no let’s actually just go enchant point cuz actually pretty happy with this right now can I Max yes okay hopefully this isn’t a two onone cuz that that really would not be

Good for me right now I really need this to be a single boss Oh shoot where is it oh my God why do I only have one life left oh it’s cuz I lost this is an Old Tower by the way it’s actually kind of weird I’m running an Old Tower sit right here take the illusioner why is he what he’s crawling on his

Face this is an Old Tower so this should actually end up being better Yeah no I can’t run That and if you’re a DPS like me I recommend actually running something something with um with prop and artifact that something with area damage Dage and an incredibly hard-hitting bow in my opinion that’s the best okay now let’s go into the new tower these towers should be better and we should go

In cuz that one the reason we went straight in and it the reason I was confused at the beginning was because I actually started out with a tower an older Tower and this this one’s the new tower that one was the last one I

Ran I try and run towers as much as I can that’s also I was confused cuz this all right there we go this should be good okay oh tank tank tank I don’t like that two tanks can’t deal with that can’t deal with that holy cow oh I’m dead aren’t I it’s Over Okay took on all the tanks at once you can’t do that give up all right let’s try this again this is M Ketchum today we are right now we are doing some Minecraft engines Tower runs trying to get some good stuff for our main build throw a sub would’ be

Great okay let’s go po doesn’t Cloud this time and this time I’m not attracting all of those tank you guys yeah let’s do something like this take the tanks later there’s a tank right here we need the poison on them yes take take this one out yes that’s good it’s really good can’t

Hit throw hands right here yep that’s poison that’s massive and we can keep some of those down in there last time I rushed the pot so that I ended up using it when I was a little too high in HP so I ended up I could have probably survived that last

One this is a good run though good this time I did the good I got the right enchant too I got poison Cloud which helps me take out stuff like that oh yeah no this is an incredibly good armor set and I won’t Rush what does rush do again isn’t it

Potion oh it’s after taking damage I go massively fast okay now I can’t really get shot everything just bounces off of me oh see didn’t even take damage from that shot where’s a Skelly do oh right does do damage sometimes you hit me you pretty much just give me speed for a

Second no don’t shoot please there we go oh my what did I just do oh wait we can take these we should be able to right when surrounded by four more you take 50% less damage all right let’s take you take him all right we need HP super bad oh yes go Run okay okay got him he’s done with the poison got him Okay all right final skill down okay second floor down woo come on let’s get a unique Um all right I’m taking that actually okay enchant points let’s get fuse definitely I know this map this map is very easy to learn cuz you get it a lot then you’re just going to want to hide right here and then you’re going to want to spawn the endermites endermites then Enderling really not hard to deal with enderling you just have to get HP off of them all right see easy then you never want to go in that that was that easy okay that was that’s really good actually that’s very helpful rampaging an echo yes please we got the heart

Stealer no it’s the endermites I hate when the the right spawn cuz then especially with stuff like this cuz then okay oh right forgot a lot of these guys spawn okay we should have enough to go yeah I forget that that happens scared okay when am I going to be

Allowed in the shadow realm yep easy ah okay where is the all right we have Shadow realm ready cuz now if I need to run we’re about to die hope you get fused on that should be a kill and then I can just walk through

This I’m so used to not like wanting to hit anything when I’m walking in the end cuz I mean all the DLCs are pretty hard especially because in the end if you hit a certain plant it just one Taps you out of nowhere wow baby crossbows yes that’s Good ooh power and accelerate oh yes oh I hate these levels give me the golden key already I got Hit Yes all I’m about to die I know it oh my gosh Down down that’s frustrating lay down oh I need to be so careful Go can I hit through this that was so stressful yeah I need more artifacts pretty bad actually and I would actually like raging higher so I can hit faster okay I know this What all right being spawn right Here shoot no I’m about to Die no I’m not going quit yet that’s really Frustrating why do this hit so hard that shouldn’t hit that hard why do these hit so hard why do this hit so hard my armor is not that Underleveled okay well we’re going to have to reset I don’t have any hope at that why do those hit so stinky hard cuz no they literally not supposed to Just nope not enough Why this is making me so why am I taking so much damage this is getting on my nerves why am I taking so much damage oh lovely Okay time to go that shouldn’t deal that much damage all right I’m done okay well I’m quitting this I don’t have a shot Okay okay give me one Sec Minecraft dungeons press any button to start hello again today now we’re playing with my friend we’re going to do a tower run again even though I’ve already tried a couple times I definitely failed but they can’t hear you by the way Huh all right I sent you an invite you should watch the stream you’re the other viewer it’s not okay that’s what I thought all right all right tower we loing up Well I have two viewers so probably my dad you why didn’t you put anything in the chat no it’s I have viewers Well I wasn’t inviting you cuz I I thought you were at the mie movies and then I wasn’t checking my CH text messages because I was on a stream also when we go into this Tower you have to enchant your sword with poison otherwise you cannot beat this part of the level

Okay yeah get poison Cloud on your sword immediately there’s you literally can’t beat this level anywhere Else no it’s supposed to be a little behind all right all right um don’t go for the better actual go for the leeching echo great hammer so we have a little bit of area on it okay give me one second I went echo in um I went Echo and um give me a

Sec Echo and oh come on I got Echo leeching it actually is like that’s that’s one of the reasons my DPS build my main actual build is so good is cuz I have the life suit with the massive amount of DPS I’m Dealing all right I’m but I’m I’m pure DPS you’re kind of tanky I’m I don’t tank that Well yeah you you just sit there and try and hit people with anchors you should probably get a you a better unique anchor if you want a tank I’m just Saying um well starless nights are also um Power bow sounds good oh it has poison too um why is there just a I’m going twist and V I know Yeah this is GX yeah this is a really easy by the way did you get Java Yet uh don’t go for that don’t go for that don’t go for that no don’t it gets incredibly nerfed no I know it gets incredibly nerfed Don’t Go With It Go daggers I’m telling you I’ve already ran this to to floor level six and it is incredibly Bad excuse me okay then I’ll run down Z1 uh Echo that’s fine this only has sharpness and weat and actually I’m going to go un I’m going to go food reserves okay I need better armor these are really easy by the way this run is

Incred all right I’ll stay up top you go you go bottom I’ll go top okay I’m I’m good with DPS so oh get out of there Yeah I went for it because of the poison in the area because I know at one point there’s one that could also there’s by the way there’s baby crossbows coming up that’s why I didn’t pick it so see No go for the baby crossbows go baby okay that works all right that works okay you’re getting key I’ll hold off middle okay yeah so there’s a key go go to get the key I’ll hold off this okay no go get the key no it’s down here it’s down Here I know but go down and get the key I’ll take out this Horde how do you know this oh is it just catching up Now yeah I was confused I’m like how did you just realize that all right I cleared out mid all right I can actually think that might be no all right take it In all right throw TNT get out all right let’s go all I need that you click it I need this all right you get the bread I just needed the arrows we need artifacts really bad okay this one is incredibly hard this one is really hard to deal With this is the this is the most irritating level so far this is where I got eliminated there a bunch of tanky mobs show Up all right I need some help up here really bad need help throw it in there please all right roll out roll out roll out got it I got unning all right get out how do I yes yes we need to take that enchant all right well a I got

Him I’m dead all right I’m running I’m going to wait Potion No get out get out get out roll no stay here stay here wait for your potion wait for your potion okay this is what I’m why did I roll that way no get back roll

Off the map please or just get over here I need you to wait for your potion cool down I got growing okay I’m going to roll in got him got him I got him got him I got one all right get your potion please I need you to get your potion

Back I need you to get your potion all right I’m I’m just going to rush through got him I got him right before I died you need to you can get the regen you can definitely get the this is easy yeah we got this this one I got eliminated last time it’s just

Cuz the sheer amount of guys who spawn right in here are Insanity go food go food go food cuz that that’s that that’s just regen which is incredibly good hello we are playing with a Ketchum or gyx um we Have okay we are doing some Minecraft dungeons Towers right now and after this we’ll probably move on to a couple daily quests or something like that or maybe we’ll run the depths of Minecraft Dungeons huh um I’m not exactly sure yeah no that that was my dad I’m not exactly sure you could ask him all right I’m throwing down my food oh I got bread yeah no food reserves was incredibly good I really want unique daggers right Now okay all right that’s fine Glade works okay let me in all I’m getting fren and okay right we got sharpness levels oh shoot I’m taking damage I actually just ran the actual map of this really recently oh seriously get in here oh all right I’ll take him you bow him oh wow

Hide if you die die I can get the res on you or you can do that all right I’m putting down my food instead of potting all right let’s bow them I got them with my my baby bows are putting in some work I got like 12 126

Arrows I need that uh get the food get the get the food get the food TP TP you can just TP oh you just got straight up ye needed uh I’m going to need you to hurry cuz I’m I’m about to die unless we can take him oh my Gosh all right wait where did I did I just fall Off all right come over here oh oh my gosh oh who just eated bread into the void that wasn’t Me all right I got you food oh Harvest go Harvester go Harvester we need DPS we need to have a burst no go burst go burst go burst burst is better yeah Harvester burst if we’re stuck in a hoorde we can just use the burst this should be if this is unique

I’m do chear oh Okay I got fangs of frost slows mobs go glaive go glaive we need the weapons for the Boss okay yeah you do power I got my weapons Higher yeah Yep okay let me upgrade my power oh it’s over here shoot it oh get in here I need your help oh get out now we know all right get some Souls grind out some Souls with The all right bang burst if we can yeah know this is seriously yeah let’s go dude it’s that is the easiest boss okay that’s the easiest decision spawn it in all right all right and he’s in got him all Right yeah know I we could definitely we should probably do Discord next Time I don’t know I’ll ask my parents about it all right Golem Golem’s in we need more souls for the Harvester all right got It I got I think I have a Char I don’t have a charge yet I have 157 oh I no the mace isn’t good compared to this I think let’s go armor let’s go armor so and when you’re potting go next to me you know that right right yes oh final shout it’s my favorite oh okay yeah no if I could I if

I could have gotten that on my uh my main what Golem Golem Golem two Golems Golems on I’m about to die okay let’s go yeah get that got him I I bursted you need to come in I Bursted I’m out I’m I’m I’m almost done all right I got the bread I need that Apple I need that Apple got him get that Apple all right cleared oh my gosh you know what I you know you know the the four weapons that I will use saw blades

Gauntlets daggers no um yeah it’s critical hit go crit by the way go crit and Fire saw blades gauntlets daggers And saw blad’s broken like I don’t even need to say it it’s just blatantly obvious like they can’t even hit you if you shred them so fast all right I got him all right got him I got one all right I’m in I don’t know why I bursted but I did

Didn’t even mean to all right I got him got him where did you die wait there’s another nameless One why did you sit in the middle of like 50 guys I got you rest though it’s an easy rest get the bread instead of potting that’s fine you healed but you know what you you know you always sit next to the people when you’re using a potion with uh root Rod armor

Dude that hurt me insanely what hits me what hits like that cuz I actually am getting Confused I’m going enchant actually no go enchant go enchant go enchant enchant is better cuz then we can get our um final shout up that would be better I think No don’t don’t don’t don’t the sub Blade’s better sub Blade’s a lot better go enchant okay um I’m going to upgrade cowardice we look like the exact Same by the way they were sickles not daggers also sickles are not included in the items I will use they don’t hit hard enough in my opinion they’re not fast Enough got him okay are you Good sure all right I’ll get it you see it door all right I got it you go door it’s up all right halfway halfway let’s go we’re doing really well we haven’t died yet this next one I’m pretty sure um actually you can go armor but you’re going to get uh

Targeted I’m actually going to go enchant again all right I got life boost Too I don’t get why recycle is good I’m I don’t understand what recycle does really can I all right oh I’m frozen I’m frozen I was testing If it freezes you you get Frozen I wasn’t exactly sure but now I am I need an apple okay let’s go don’t get hit by the skeletons if you can how did I get I got hit in the ice don’t oh my there’s a dude a ravager spawned and I’m actually mad Creepers on

Me you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I cleared oh my gosh that was Insanity a ravager after like two is olers killing me on oh melee damage go that go that go that oh final shout let’s go and holy cow but now I get 30% more damage Meely all right got him okay all right what I I feel like it’s kind of bad that okay there’s a blaze Oh I thought you were I thought you meant um the boss gas oh help that was almost insanely bad I fell in the lava I’m like okay where where are We I’m actually G to keep I’m going to go enchant again I’m pretty sure no I need better bow actually I’m going to go dual you can do that actually yeah go Shuler go Shuler that’s good I’m going to get yeah no you get uh you’re going to get Targeted whoa my multi- shot is broken no the weapon is good right now the weapon’s still good oh I’m getting hit my mult yeah yeah it’s pretty broken I seriously yeah oh my gosh I realized why we kept getting Harve you know why the Harvester randomly is used we have final Shout I’m like why do I keep losing all of my souls and I’m like oh I rap here no do rap here do rap here do rap here it has Exploding exploding Shockwave and unenchanting let’s um by the way don’t go through the door cuz I haven’t even gone yet what is it it’s Guild oo I’m going to actually go right here I got leeches I was thinking cuz there was leeching on as an option I’m like I’m

Not sure I got leeching two on as my guild let’s go that’s actually an insane no this is the worst boss you know where to hide go go down the stairs oh this isn’t all right I’m going to go over here all right hand down yeah watch the hand

Apple oh I’m getting go go go go go you’re not helping me with the Tempest Golem we did like no damage run get down get down the stairs no come here come here I got you food if you actually I’m going to take that because I’m going to die good

Harvester how did you die H I got you use the food don’t pot don’t pot use the food oh come on dude why is this rap here so bad compared to mine I’m just saying my rap here is way Better all right let’s go get him this is so stupid everything’s hitting him out get to the door run okay go if you have a harvester Now’s the Time to use it oh TNT let’s go that that’s stackable that’s very stackable this is this is the

D why do I get hit so stinking hard it might be my armor but still I do more damage so I’m still happy okay I’m about to do go get out the TNT bow hit him get him run okay I’ll I’ll hit him yeah get poison go all right I got

Him I need food I’m a I’m All right let’s see the Raper is still broken I’m just saying not as good as my unique one the Beast Stinger is still incredibly good my Beast Stinger is actually insane Go and we don’t have to run this time by the way if we could kill it that would be great I hate how it always always ends like that it’s so frustrating I actually beat this boss the other day I actually dude I actually had the real

Boss I actually beat the real non- Tower boss the other Day I’m not sure I can get this oh my gosh oh my God I’m dead there’s actually oh my gosh get him oh my gosh that was the most insane boss battle you can go Claymore I’m cool with that the rap here is good okay give me a sec SK

Fuse I know but we might actually beat this cuz there’s no deaths right now you’re Good wait the wind blow you got it too the wind blow it is so good sometimes you just pick it cuz it’s like what else am I going to do cuz I still have a really good weapon and I’m just like hm I need to I need to level up my artifacts and

Then it’s like oh my gosh that’s actually insane yeah it was actually really helpful I didn’t even spawn my iron golem oh I’m going to go Harvester again next one I’m running armor yeah I just wanted the burst cuz if we’re final shouting and it’s it’s

Just better to have that that little bit of burst holy cow these stinking things shred like crazy these things hit harder than my actual Raper for some reason well that’s actually not true because this isn’t actually my accurate level so they’d probably destroy us if we were in our current gear I’m just

Saying insert nerde Emoji nerd Emoji Here what okay I’m going to run sh you go power okay you go armor actually go armor go armor if that’s an option okay then go enchant then go enchant then go enchant um what can I upgrade um I don’t know I’m just upgrading rapid fire now Speedy boy

Dude I’m using the speed boots and it’s actually good I forgot how good they are with these short this short cool down to just Sprint through I got killed by the mine Cart don’t die here please Please oh my gosh no Ah that’s frustrating we need to be careful of that mine cart cuz that thing actually hits incred really that’s really irritating stupid mine cart I’m actually going to be really angry next yeah no I didn’t no your Golem spawned it’s mine that’s not cuz

I I’m not running Golem anymore by the way I’m running speed I’m running for res right now I got killed by the freaking Minecart yeah no Golem is actually helping right now all right okay I need armor Then nobody will ever know I’m going Golem again cuz that thing I died multiple times because yeah okay then I’ll go armor and you do something else cuz I’m sure I need you up got speed we need to get in there dude the leeching be on these all

Right I need you to take those yeah that’s why that’s why it’s good for tanks cuz you’re going to be pulling that’s to of duplication I’m going armor I’m going to I’m pull I’m I’m being pull I’m going to pull yeah so if you need like a potion or [Applause] something okay [Applause] Frenzy What by the way I literally only Enchanted multi roll because I have electric Focus which literally doesn’t help me or or it’s friend or it’s going to be Reckless and I’m not running reckless in the Tower that’s exactly why I just decided against even enchanting two of them basically cuz I maxed out multi roll so cuz I have really wrong long roll cool down so the more rolls I can get it’s the more agile I am no I need you to kill that Iron Golem

Okay I need to get a better weapon right now mine’s pretty nerfed I know you got the Claymore which is helpful but I got the burst right now with the Harvester all right I got him I need you to kill it I’m at Door okay oh okay am I going double yeah oh this is actually really good it has Stunning yeah no this one has stunning though this has stunning so this has stunning and guarding strike so I’m I’m running that and then looting all right let’s all right I can I have a 15% chance to stun mobs oh that is broken I’m just saying it’s a pure spin

Move oh this is an insane Weapon It’s a spinning it’s a spinning battle axe with stunning for What oh my gosh I just got like five creepers spawned on me it’s just irritating it it’s just not great for tanking is my in my opinion you do Clear yeah all right boom Oh that’s the wrong door okay you go gong I’m going crossbow I’ve already accepted you need to go gong you have to go gong for the boss you have to go gong for the boss you have to like there’s um what do you [Applause] Have snap then then do uh Harvester cuz I already have I also have one I have a 103 this is going to be good this will be good all right I’ll go start It okay spin spin to win baby all right got it back up back up it just rolled down the stairs to hit me basically bruh all I got him all right TNT down oh did I overshoot no all right I’m going in got okay this one’s a lot oh my gosh I

Stunned the creeper that was next to me that was actually insanely lucky I just stunned the another creeper that was right on me yeah what does this bow Do yeah I was doing better Minecraft than PVP Legacy okay give me a second yeah let me check the soul crossbow really quick Soul critical boost that’s I didn’t enchant my bow yet there’s nothing here for me I’m just going enchant so I can enchant my bow

Cuz I literally didn’t enchant my bow that entire time I’m going Refresh okay I need better armor really bad actually since we’re so close I’m going to all right Iron Golem out I have 485 cuz mine isn’t burst like yours there is no Max I’m pretty sure yeah it would well that’s going to end and it’s

Also going to be laggy so I it would be better to do Discord but he doesn’t have it well if you can get it before the stream ends then we might be able to set it up and connect cuz that would be really good I have a lot of charges on my soul

Crossbow on on my Harvester by the way I am going to go armor if there I need a unique armor bat oh yeah no that’s a really good armor set it’s we’re both going to be pulling the same amount ooh it has speed Synergy Beast boss and should I go thumble bee Yeah all right let’s save four all right there we go I have everything I think at level two yeah I got everything at level two I got Beast boss with thumble bebee so now my Iron Golem’s insane along with I’m going to be spawning bees enchant eler down wow this crossbow is broken

Mhm got him with the charge straight On all right I’m fighting you’re Bo then you’re bowing hard I need to be in this just spawn it why are there so many stinking mobs I just completely exploded them all I need that Bread why did his shield just kill me don’t die don’t die don’t die why didn’t you Die that’s frustrating oh there were supplies in Here there’s a stinking timer guard whatever why are there so many isce olers in here all right you’re fine just keep in just stay in the oh wait did this just continue from what we had already done or do we still have to do that Arena Battle yeah that’s what I

Mean I hate spewers now I have an even higher hate for Speers after what just happened I already hated them Massively he Enchanted the Shuler okay I really hate Speers that should be it okay oh my gosh this is it are we Doing yeah know this isn’t oh let’s go we got the merchant too this should be power though oh let’s just overpower yeah no my hard Bre you’re um def um I think yeah no do your weapon do your main hand weapon cuz this is the final floor and we have two lives to do it what is this what is this weapon I’m not sure all right you know where to hide right you just run down Here why is it shoot him gong him gong him please I’m spamming my Harvester on him I do that’s why I need you to gong him just gong him for me cuz I I’m just doing massive amounts of damage with my by just spamming my attacks on him this is the easiest level

30 Battle how did you die I need you to hurry that’s really frustrating okay need you to hurry need you to hurry got iron need you to hurry let’s go that was the fastest level 30 yeah oh my gosh that was Insanity s f or that or

That yeah no I’m doing this this is no I’m going to go fist I did so fist cuz they they’re level 141 all right I I can play I’ll play with you no no please can I join but do you want to you know what these

Sists do you you kind of missed out on a level three Gilded okay these sofus are my new main I’m sorry but these are my new main I’m I’m going to get rid of a bunch of items I don’t care but I’m keeping these sist just give me a sec how much does it cost to put 700 that’s it this should be a

Lot easier um I can get rid of I just got the Resolute Tempest knife and I’m not getting rid of that we you’re the only person currently I only have one No I’m not giving you That no I’m not giving you that Though no this is my that’s my actual Phantom bow but dude look at this so we got exploding man ma critical hit Maxed how much does this cost to put in Here okay I don’t even have enough enchant points to max out this yeah okay you know what I’m frustrated now I have to do more runs to get more enchant points but look at this For well it’s a Spam it does like 4,000 each and it’s a Spam and it D look at this so these I couldn’t get my void strike unfortunately cuz it’s a such a it’s all powerful this one is all powerful but I put so many into it Huh yeah I told you you kind of missed out just now Now well yeah Power Three is pretty good all right you Ready are we cubing are we or we could do the hive since I have that rank you know do you want to do Cube and we can do he gets a random teammate or Something also you’re cre the party because I don’t know your brother’s uh name in Minecraft and I really don’t want to have to deal with that So that was oh my gosh that was Insanity that was actually awesome though he’s still on but we were like you know what I have all of my soul I was like hm I’ve saved up a full bar of souls so I’m just gonna start spamming my Harvester and we end

Up winning because I’m spamming my Harvester on this dude and we both end up dying because I don’t know those minds are Broken I’m just saying those mins are way too broken That the person who just said hello is Me the cycling Economist is the person who just said hello that’s Me I’m on Cubecraft just just keep load just go you know you got you got it but dude so what was your bow again what bow did you just Get what what did you just get what what item did you take Right don’t you like those a Lot yeah no you know what I Wi POG frog nor do I feel like I’m not that old but if I don’t understand that it appears I Am are we pvping or are we doing like SkyWars or do you want to do Lucky Blocks cuz that’s where I can train you Guys yeah know I I can help you on I can help you with lucky blocks I actually ended up playing that for a really long Time oh yeah okay that’s fine SP me back to the lobby all right I’m definitely well well let’s start with lucky blocks cuz that’s where I can help you guys if we’re doing teams of three I’m really good at it Um what’s his name POG Frog what is his actual Name it Is That doesn’t Matter I’m in lobby na7 are we in battle arena everybody just hit the lobby button hit games and go to Lobby no no stay on this the lobbies doesn’t matter stay on this stay on this no we need to do cubecraft this is where the PVP is actually Good yeah why did he you know what does does your brother does your brother like does your brother like frogs I’m although I’m happy I’m very happy to put my Beast stinger in the upgrade Smith cuz if I can get it to power 140 it will be broken don’t

Do do you want me to just tell me what um I’m going to friend add friend is it just PG f r o POG space frog space what is it POG space Frog so is it Yep so POG frog 20 I sent you an invite a friend request I need you to accept It it’s in your like it’s in your social menu it’s like the speech Bubble I can mess with f it’s Spa Yay wait let me on the train all right I’m on the train if you need me did you accept my friend Request okay tell me when you’re not loading cuz I’m in the Train okay okay oh Lord no the lobbies don’t matter is your brother logged in Yet yeah I’m in the train look everybody the light Fury POG sniffer I guess is on the train are you guys moving to the hi no keep on Cube Crafts do we still have to wait at all these stations this is Irritating Yes what I sent you a friend Request you should have a friend Request oh the Train’s moving again finally there we go the train is moving all right are you guys have you guys figured out the cubecraft Yet Are you guys moving to the hive or are you staying here huh what’s happening are you in the Hive are you in Live Apollo Aollo lay down There’s a dude running in front of the train trap are you in the cube or are you in the no invite wait are you in the Hive are you in the hive No Apollo are you in the hive okay okay then I’m getting on the hive also I need to be the person to invite let me invite oh wait no it’s fine um you what should we do um let’s see what’s content Worthy then what are we doing yep I’m in your party are we are we doing two 2 V2s and you know what I’m the person in the B suit with the dragon Head who’s on my team are you and Pog frog on a team wait are you and Pog frog on a Team you really you want a cross team cuz I’m down please don’t kill old old odd you I I need I need you I need you to not kill old U as in ye W because he’s my teammate and I really would like to have a Fighting

Chance in the final if I can get there okay can you not kill old you for me cash Cow oh I got a cash cow and now I’m running again because I’m scared why is it so scary don’t kill me you know that right we’ve agreed to cross team this is this is bannable I’m just Saying honestly I I’m a level seven so I would really appreciate not being banned but I don’t really care that Much I don’t if you guys get a you know whatever the boxes are okay I need a bow I already have a bow actually oh I got a campfire pole I’m not going there because I got there were like five other people camping there I’m just running outskirts okay there’s people coming near

Me I’m being hunted by like five people right now same here no that’s not good you should spectate me spectate me if you’re dead if you’re dead spectate please no hit spectate I’m still very much alive I’m hunting you just that’s fine you probably shouldn’t

Jump me by dude you don’t have items oh my gosh he just got destroyed that’s where the stinking supply Crate was I’m dueling for that you can’t hit I can’t PVP right now and I don’t know why why is District 4 destroying me okay well we’re actually going to go on to

Cubecraft and do some PVP PVP p Player versus player play versus player play versus play I’m actually going to play lucky blocks are we do let’s do solos so I can you know just y voting no I’m just map I should always have healing okay let’s go yes blessed thank you that was very nice of you Let that’s right do mob one that’s Chest hello Mama y Try to Yeah Infinity why did I just throw a donkey hey Mama J me I’m just going to TR I lied I now have um take That I have weapons now that counts Okay jump boost this is going to turn into hair PP Shield bond that helpful For What how did he kill [Applause] me oh he had the life steel sword I would have destroyed him that’s frustrating Actually turned into a very long long stream you all are enjoying it rude how did I die I just straight up BW I just went Kaboom that that wasn’t really fair in my opinion interesting please don’t explode me this Time are you just dropping things on me now that’s rude obsidian cool that’s quite far away still infin Infinity Gob Stoppers I will take this lava because now I can that’s two in a row Infin who kills a man who’s bridging with melons you know his life isn’t going well Rude why are there frogs all over okay that’s a diamond block and enchant table I would like to go there probably won’t be able to Though that is helpful actually in the course fruit let’s go I me D what the heck for leather pants I almost fell the that was kind of looking stupid my dude he I can’t even eat the stinking coarse fruit it’s like six free from the void

But no he hits me up with a wooden Sword I can make it crafting table is mine there’s even an iron block under there I like iron a lot what oh keep that what just keep an end man hope it gets goed that’s actually broken I don’t take knock back I if I’m getting hit off in

The void it doesn’t matter get straight up doesn’t I will keep this too Really that’s it actually worked out in my favor though cuz now I can just bing bing and then I get one extra iron after an iron chest plate that should be the strategy whenever using this actually in my opinion an iron sword not very Helpful what in the heavens shoot six arrows at once all right we need this last One keeping flying end yeah that’s what that thing is right there it’s kind of confusing in my opinion nope what is that oh Bob one yes please I appreciate that some that’s SW sword that’s very helpful that’s just a couple pork pork charts I will take

That I thought it said I don’t take knockback well it lied to me face how was that okay well that’s just name we’ll take that that’s a sharp three I that’s helpful I guess that’s also helpful if I can get an iron pickaxe which doesn’t seem to be going very well let Search diamond axe that’s actually Good it’s not amazing in my opinion because what is oh it’s infinite food that’s actually good yeah wow actually I you shot Frosty my boy stop shooting at me I didn’t do nothing why can’t I get a pickaxe oh I could get that get that you

Know well I these Harmon and let we this yes each and every one of those you don’t really want to take this F grab some Ross and I’ll kill you with my diamond axe you thought you could do it didn’t you love Bow I am Happy why is he here why is he here this is a very dumb game sometimes because you just get randomly spawn killed okay this time I’m going to go as fast as I can go go TNT that’s some if anybody gets a flame bow I am just dead Go elevator please potato yeah get destroyed That yep mhm of course that happens I killed the person with my fist she had a sword then I do a really stupid thing why am I so stupid sometimes this is really irritating yeah yeah yeah yeah I really hate this map if it’s new it’s dumb

Okay put a y a w in chat if you think I win this because I think I do that’s 16 glass I’ll grab some of these I’m just going to grab that o yep Mhm what is they doing I don’t know that doesn’t help me in any way so don’t really to eat that often that’s TNT get away booger booger boy and that’s why jump boost isn’t awesome always did he escape okay okay I’m like okay let’s actually break this Shovel You think I’m AFK do you oh he just elevated that’s a meteor B that was an insane battle I just killed him with my Frosty get a dragon breath what how damage does that do I don’t know come at me b G get destroyed hi what Oh get whacked did he just blow up that grave yeah no he could have just very easily killed me elevator I we’ll take that we have 39 arrows yeah okay that’s oh my gosh the elevator I can just oh right there you are little tury get Frozen he just got f elbows uh oh I could just drop this right on his face now I need heels really bad that really hurt oh shoot why did I do that that was really dumb I need to get back so I drop on his face we should also probably make some obsidian

Protection because that would be kind of helpful if this thing gets caught and I really actually mean that because it could potentially get would bead so Yeah he missed on I feel bad now cuz I can just get him done with his bow is it no he’s done you’re done can I finish battle You’ been on all day long you’ve been out multiple times to get Off Need some more buttons Well goodbye and I will see you later

This video, titled ‘My first Live-Stream! Better-Minecraft & PVP-Legacy’, was uploaded by Mketchum on 2024-01-15 01:25:02. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:46 or 14506 seconds.

Come hang out for my 2nd time on Youtube! First time live.

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  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: play.westville.life Discord: https://discord.gg/pCRXc4Cb2Y MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: thugcraftmc.com (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WH374V2n2F Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More