EPIC Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure!

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We’re playing Dungeons and Dragons what at the same time I know right we’re yeah basically one of those things would have been enough for me but two at the same time dude that’s it’s TP isn’t it yeah so look at yourself you’re a lovely Mage you got some great outfits going on

There lovely is not exactly how I would describe you know gundle of the gray okay listen your hat is lovely shut up my hat is amazing look I turn out of turn hot yeah amazing sure really great nonstop I love your sword though yeah it’s pretty decent is it I’m a paladin

Yeah I love how it’s a part of your outfit yeah I can’t I down my my stuff you can’t put down your sword which is really weird because you we’re used to sord in Minecraft not working like that yeah it’s just always out I’m not actually oh what look at

That oh you think you think that’s cool check this out wait that’s the wrong button oh that’s a button wow yeah I wonder how it looks like I this is cool anyway so now that we’ve wasted all of our action points on on anything hi everyone welcome to Dungeons and

Dragons we are apparently here getting out some groceries we skipped over the little intro thing so we picked our characters and it just kind of drops you into this lovely little town yeah being like hey fetch some groceries not like a list we don’t have any money is the best

Part yeah I did not come with money we have no money we do have a menu though what does the menu say I haven’t looked at that I don’t know I want to open it humble beginnings we got a quest one oh we got a quest oh we got weapons

And armor what okay this is really well made look at this Pi a weapon okay settings yo oh this is so intense this is pretty cool yeah that’s your little character on the side moves even nice there are separate settings there is a hard mode oh oh I like it yeah

Lovely um that’s pretty impressive there’s oh look and because they want like children to play this there’s like even no damage mode which like we should turn that on I I we are children that on yes we are probably not going to yeah anyway yeah uh so we got

To go to this little Quest Mar over here basically oh wow look at this dud yeah yeah he’s got ears you know no one in Minecraft has ears except this dude how do I oh yeah I just rotate out of the menu yeah yeah yeah awesome awesome

Awesome awesome yeah this man has is there’s like people around they also have ears they’re taller than me it feels weird their eyes are like way up this guy’s got a nose oh my God nobody in Minecraft has noses this is illegal I don’t like that his C is bigger than

Mine uh it’s not bad better it’s just larger you know I’ve decided that I’m chaotic evil okay apparently I’m lawful good yeah I’m lawful good too oh man you know maybe we need to turn on the uh the the PVP settings there are those I don’t know maybe child there’s a

Child okay this game is about to get R rated R for there’s multiple children this is actually a really big town this game is about to get rated R for real children yes right we had a quest marker somewhere over here oh we were supp yeah we got this fell

Standing one of farmers ons you have known him for most of your life though he is still young and smile lines have only just begun to crease the size of his eyes this guy severely overestimates like the the graphical Fidelity of of Minecraft mhm your father said you’d be

To pick up his purchase I don’t envy him his back problems as if he didn’t have enough to deal with already any like a man who’s a head appes he’s just all men have heads not that oh it actually uh voice lines for you interesting your father has a lot of

Responsibilities I would not say that a lot of responsibilities he can’t even get his own groceries exactly like just come on everyone Whispering about I only caught a bit everyone’s worried about the people who’ve gone missing oh gone missing already heard about helsa not coming home yesterday that makes the fourth

Person in two weeks the tracker is looking for her haven’t come back yet but if it’s anything like the other three disappearances they won’t find anything look at his arm movements that’s crazy yeah the the animation so like just General is really good might be a good idea to not wand around on

Your own just really makes you think about how like far Minecraft maps as a atart form have come yeah it it’s really really impressive even like the peppers on the thing back there de I’ll keep Ane out okay very nice see you yeah thanks oh he gave me groceries I have a groceries

Item yeah he gave me groceries well let me check uh they do not have weight no weight on them they’re just cardboard groceries I don’t know my my like stalker Shadow for Chernobyl days trade me for fetch quests that like everything has weight and stuff yeah oh look at

This so we can buy potions here for 15 gold really yeah look at that that’s oh yeah like have a overlay and everything this is so cool so is there anything else we can buy gar this guy is a ratman oh my God he’s not a rat he’s got

Horns he’s also got a tail we don’t know if those are separate conditions he’s a rat goat man yeah he’s a tlink I think is the world you’re looking for he’s got a really nice mustache though I mean look at that so again the graphical Fidelity so

It’s up there it’s really good I we’re getting distracted by every possible thing that we can well that’s how you know we’re playing Dungeons and Dragons I guess you’re right what’s in this house we I can’t go in there I’m sad yeah oh can’t those doors are not

Real yeah they’re painted mhm the entire Village is just a mud painting what are your legs you can you can probably steal this bow like me specifically or I mean probably you I mean you’re the boat guy Among Us how would you rate this boat on a

Scale of 1 to 10 look at the water under the boat I know that’s what I was looking at they bothered to animate it cuz like how else would they know they knew that you were going to play this this is a thing yeah oh amazing lovely okay we should probably go find

Our house or something oh you know how dude this game might not be rated R for you know dead children because those might just be gnomes I just realized oh they could just be Hobbits or something you’re right listen if we kill any children in this game those gnomes Yep they’re not real

Children yes it’s not ours at least yeah right it does it did say go home but it really doesn’t highlight like yeah it didn’t tell us where home was I we’ll just keep on wondering just whichever house we can bud in that will be home well I guess we can’t go that way

Yet yep no home that way all right should we just try and go into every house I mean it seems reasonable oh you know what we probably need to set the quest marker in our thing oh I think so maybe no it just says return home uh as

You make your way back along the main street through it’s hard enough to notice that you’re otherwise quiet home is riddle of strain Whispers oh okay I think we’re supposed to listen for Whispers I don’t think that that’s you know what I just had a brain fart uh a Brain

Blast I just had a thought yes home is probably where we came from oh you’re probably right yeah that makes sense where do we come from where are we going um yeah the up the road they really did expect us to oh my God this

Guy’s a dragon yo what no he’s he’s an Argonian from Sky yeah obviously wild they even gave people knees they got like knee animations like walking well everyone has elbows as well is the thing yeah it’s wild honestly looking now our animations are the most

Basic ones yeah we we we are the least jointed people around here yeah exactly we’re the ones with no elbows or knees yeah okay so we can’t go here anyway we can’t return home what is in this one the sleeping Dragon there’s the thing check this out oh my god there how did

You do that I don’t know I don’t know how you did it but I’m jealous you know this is Dungeons and Dragons and not scaring by how I’m like not killing everything that has a better outfit than me no I kicked the window in and jump in

Of he said he’ Che it out while Thea warm if one but I don’t know if use your magic to boost the volume assume that he did people are already starting to panic and it will make it worse I heard people at the market this morning talking unfamiliar monsters no one seen the

Things themselves but the rumors are enough should we just barge in goes you’ll have a at your this window surprised you haven’t seen one already we’ve got to get ahead of this so what are you going to do about give me a minute I’ve got an idea but I want to

Talk it over with Katra first you’re welcome to stay if you like they should be back soon how many of your children do you call Katra yeah put the on the table and come talk to me there’s something we need to discuss food oh there goes food look at that to do on

This what kind of food is this it’s like apples or something I guess yeah it’s Square apples yeah okay I guess that makes sense Minecraft Minecraft if only dude somebody had to like model This and like work on it and stuff if only Minecraft already had apples right I

Know wild there’s a whole dungeon we’ll be in The Wine Cellar yeah mother we know where we’re going this is this is like the the man cave down there why do you live on top of a dungeon I don’t know why can’t we go we are on a seashore that thing is going

To get flooded every 10 minutes my God yeah literally like the pump that you need for that who gave you the permit this is I me he’s the village Elder like who’s there to stop him this is literally the carpenter where we’re like in The Carpenter’s house so I guess

He can do whatever he wants he built this place over here heard people going missing I’m not going to sugarcoat this but the whole kelid family is gone now ner found their Farm empty this morning without even a sign all any of them I know right there’s like a whole family that’s wild

Yeah uh I don’t have a continue button I this is asking a lot and I’ve got a feeling your mother’s going to kill me after I say this yeah you’re the one on continue button Duty oh sorry say but I need you to go speak with Endra and ask for his

Help you’re right I think I will throttle you are you people are going missing and you think sending Katra out into the woods by themselves is somehow a good idea I have to agree with they’d make a tempting Target let’s do it I want to get kidnapped no besides after all the

Training I Putra through they should be fine on their own I literally have a giant sword just send one of The Trackers or someone else I’m 60 years old I know Magic I have big pointy metal know I have dementia probably won’t let him talk to just a random are you you

Already said that could go but she doesn’t know how to fight and I don’t want the community healer to be missing for a whole day if someone breaks their arm and you’re not worried what V might do to them unless Katra does something really stupid which I would trust them

Not to that’s a wrong choice oh my God we have three options dude oh what’s the options sarcasm happy to help and no way sarcasm okay I’m standing right here and can answer for myself right that’s hey watch sarcasm we talked about this yeah that’s not what sarcasm is just pointing

Out the obvious they can speak for themselves hopefully also point out how Reckless and stupid this is okay we have options I want to help not happen in still do doing it uh I don’t know whatever you feel like are we still doing it silent after all these

Years I guess we’re still doing it we are still doing it y even with your dementia probably I’m still going to do it hey that’s Canon now you can’t just drop that and walk away from it now is a proud creature he has the wisdom of the ages and probably knows

Something that we don’t but there’s a good chance he won’t help us for free just on principle if he doesn’t I want you to offer him money this patches 100 gold coins in it we should just go spend all that 100 where did you get that kind of

Money I took it from The Village’s emergency fund I’d say this counts rounded it out to 100 using money we were saving for a new roof start with a low offer like 30 and work your way up unless you think you’re going to insult him or lose his interest whatever help

Or advice he can give will be welcome if we’re lucky he might already know where our missing people are or where to look bir you could show them what we need I still think that this is a bad idea if I’m being honest it probably is a bad

Idea but it’s the only one we’ve got okay anything else or I’ll leave now H it doesn’t matter let’s let’s do anything else anything else I should know before going at this point you know everything that we do I wish we could be of more help but V’s home is not far hopefully

Nothing will bother you on the way something’s definitely going to bother us on on the way I guess I’ll head out now then it bothers me that I have 100 bucks on me and I’m not currently in the T in case uh do you want to do a quick sparring with the

Dad uh I don’t know honestly let’s try out the combat I want to see how how badly we can injure our relative let see what’s what your magic does oh wow this is the dungeon this is the dungeon there is a lack of oh no here it is here it is soy

I found I found what we need oh heck yeah it appears to be empty there’s so many cakes oh there it I took all the potions look how cool this chest is I got a speed potion and a strength potion I I literally do have 100 gold coin in

My inventory oh yes so do I wow we’re rich 200s we’re rich yeah like two YouTube thumbnails who could bu every time I drop something I attack oh wow I I do eight damage this is I don’t know time attack there’s a one in 20 chance of a critical hit I do

Nine damage yeah yeah oh I have sweeping Edge it seems like or like does cross damage or something mhm also diagonal thank you for giting a sub to Wiggly much appreci extra okay check this out check this out check out this magic Missile L on hands Divine Divine

Smite okay and I can do a magic barrier oh wow wait why did the magic Bearer go around uh lay on hands I don’t know what this is yeah it’s a healing spell okay Divine Smite wait how does magic Bearer work work I thought that it’s I don’t

Know it just shoots a projectile as well I I get uh but yeah by the way people this is just from the marketplace it’s like $9 uh but you can play it up to four people right click I didn’t realize okay okay okay okay magic Missile we we essentially have dual

Building what that was wild one more thing I know right I’m sure you can find your way and don’t want me fussing over you but in case something happens should take your father’s old wayfinder okay sarcasm gratitude to reassurance my man uh Deal’s Choice all right I’m going to go sarcasm

That’s what I usually doen monsters around here in a decade you never know I might have to run away from a thoroughly annoyed deer or you might have to find a new place to sleep at night if you keep up the attitude oh just be careful and come back these

Parents just go from zero to you’re not my son anymore bro one piece of sarcasm and you’re out yeah just okay don’t you bad mouth me what you’re you’re sleeping in the in the dungeon tonight it’s not even sassy that’s what they use the barrel for is

The punishment Barrel exactly me in it yeah it’s the old schol like drawing machine it just tumbles and tumbles okay wayfinder highlights the the so okay listen I’m not going to there I’m going to go buy potions with all this money all right I don’t know what

They’re fussing about 100 gold is like not that expensive potions are 16 I mean think about it this way that’s all that they got theti vill’s emergency fund is let me count uh 15 30 60 that’s four uh 75 that’s five five it’s like seven potions it’s seven potions barely like

You don’t even get full seven potions yeah also I found out that counting is hard yeah counting’s difficult I am so bad at math why am I so bad at maff I used to be able to like muff things okay wait wait just a double digit number

Multiplied by a single digit number what the so you have a bunch of gold as well right yes twice as much yeah so we have 200 gold okay hey give give me back my gold okay okay okay here we go thank you feel like this is less than I had before but

Okay uh healing potion yeah it is definitely less than you had before I uh yeah okay so there’s like a full interface for purchasing oh that’s pretty cool okay up the menu to explore new features and truck quests let’s see this pretty cool uh uh we do have oh crap we

Do have just a single Quest right now yeah it’s probably the one where we got to go get kidnapped cave yeah yeah yeah okay well let’s go get kidnapped yeah boys you does not very hyped about getting kidnapped I was hoping that’d be a better hatut it’s kind of the only

Thing a better hat okay so if you open the menu while you’re in second person view it like completely breaks third person as well you you got to be in first person that’s wild oh it’s no it’s just the don’t sh but that it works per yeah crazy anyway okay carp shop

Okay let’s go figure out I’m pretty sure that like this D here is got to be like a dragon dude like a friendly dragon dude with air superiority we don’t have weapons do we I am a wizard oh I guess I guess that makes sense semicolon you

Idiot um I can’t talk to anyone like on the way I can’t I can’t annoy people yeah I wanted to talk to in the is uh why is this sign is not saying anything check this out this nice terrain appreciate the mountain with the odd cave in it that

We’re definitely going to go explore all right so I’ve been promised an especially annoyed deer love those dudes wow okay I guess the diplomacy is not an option diplomacy was never an option hey they drop a gold oh there’s another dude you’re just murdering them okay wasn’t expecting that lovely okay wonder

If they got something to do with what’s going on on do you need to heal uh no I don’t I don’t actually know is that red bar my health bar or I I think so yeah cuz mine went down a little bit okay cool CU I didn’t get hit at all because

I just stood there and kind of destroyed everyone yeah if you’re literal missiles yeah oh look at I was in casting but when one of these boys exploded this is a you just have a like area of effect just kill Aura yeah lovely I’m I’m uh cheating hit framing oh there’s a chest

Up there dibs it’s fine okay good luck getting up to it I will go directly to it it’s like super easy I bet it’s going to spawn twice the loot for both of us no it’s just potions uh there’s a confidence potion and then a magic potion I guess guess you can

Have the magic potion okay uh conf keep keep up the confidence one because like we definitely are going to want what’s it called we’re going to want to Charisma the dragon and to just help him for free oh true and my and my Charisma is like

In negatives guess this is it yeah let’s see what is my Charisma I don’t think it’s very again I think it’s very good okay then it never is but violence can always be an option oh that’s true that’s true okay I have Charisma of is not not the

Answer not the question what I forgot it’s not the question but it’s the is not the answer violence is a question the answer is yes um which is like dead serious it sucks that like this is a this is a DN D Mob and I’m going to just straight up tell you it

Straight up sucks in a D and D Mob that there’s just free goblins out of the woods and you don’t have a diplomacy check like at all not a diplomacy check but like a diplomacy um diplomacy moment yeah because in a I I really do feel like in

A actual dndd campaign like they would jump out and they would actually scream something and you could reply and talk them out but here they’re like no you just kill them yep kill them spot okay those are sentient creatures counter point counter point look how cool this

Fog is yeah how did you do that I don’t know also there was totally a weird noise and we both just absolutely ignored it yeah we already figured out that the Andrew is probably like a dragon or someone yeah yeah whatever his name was also

There’s so much gold in here we could be rich if we just brought a pickaxe so the easier is going to be to Swindle the animal oh God look at this yo it was a dragon right yeah it’s literally smog why you do this relase wow he died wow uh he

Mutated what was that I don’t think that’s how coins roll look at that um as you reach for the coin that seemed to suck the life from endan D you note a crack running down its face whatever these people want with it you doubt they should have it the moment you

Touch the metallic surface though A jolt of energy Sears through your fingers and up your arm followed by a sense of pressure as if the ocean’s tide were rushing into your flesh recoiling coin is AAR to your fingertips bound there even as you feel that the force pouring

From it stretches your skin and crushes your B threatening to rupture and burst your entire body maybe we should just drop it other than your body it is the coin that bursts erupting into shards of metal as the same light that flowed into it earlier streams into you so it’s like a grenade

Pain continues to press on your mind fling its way into your thoughts he you just describe the I’m pretty sure we’re dead and then finally dog yeah I think we’re dead what what happened that’ll teach me to who are you what have you done to me I don’t know answer

Me please stop who are you what are you doing to me who who am I will ask again who are you what happened to those people in my cave oh dear God he’s a Pokemon we made them into a Pokemon yeah that’s literally yeah that’s exactly

What it is do not play games child I am I’m 8 years old you know what this means we don’t need to pay him anymore actually yeah that’s I mean he’s got the coin yeah he is literally a coin now so I think yeah

My name’s he’s on the penny I I live in the nearby Village you’re saying you’re the dragon do not play games with me child now answer my questions what happened in my cave and what have you done to me they have become skarin you know all that go respect

There in the cave we should totally go get it oh actually yeah we totally could just steal even more of his stuff yeah uh did you see anything I was I think I was unconscious for a while but but I must have walked to get back here

Right I only came back to Consciousness when you were calling for your parents awkward why can’t I hear you where are you we are obviously merged you fool now tell me how what happened uh it’s just kind of giving me the same options again interesting yeah I guess I’ll do

Keep guing yeah any memories do you remember they I I remember they they must have trapped my soul in that coin I I have heard of artifacts imagine do oh God and then they dropped it yeah right all that work to do that and then they just like throw the coin behind they

Dropped it and not only that but also I knocked out and they were like yeah let’s just leave yeah painful though it’s it felt like I was being torn and pulled apart then crushed until I could not even tell what part of my body I was

Feeling I suppose though that I was not feeling my body at all after that I saw the thing seeping out of my body but I could not see if it if I was breathing everything after is unclear it hurts to remember yeah he’s just describing what it feels like to be

Captured as a Pokemon every single time that’s why Pikachu never want wanted to go into a Pokeball he was like M actually I’m now realizing if they lost the coin and didn’t like try and pick it up after chances are they they like took out the the soul out of the

Dragon and they’re like putting some different soul into the dragon oh to like have a remote control like they wanted remote control trackon well yeah it’s an RC Dragon so they also have a Pokemon clearly the useful part of your face moment before I felt my felt that transfer again then we were

Here now we need to return me to my do you smell smoke no that’s a sign of heart attack what type is he and can we name Jacob listen now contrary to a popular belief he actually isn’t a dragon type he’s just a regular firefighting it seems a little confusing

Given how it looks but it’s like makes sense given that he basically evolves out of a salamander yeah I’m going home I need to see if anything has happened oh that whole town burned down this is a waste of time I’m calling it now you need to find the

People who took my body immediately only after I see if they went to my Village first they may have done something now we’re going I say that maybe they uh they went into the you know nearby Village I’m consider that’s where the people would be I’m considering that oh blocked up yeah oh

Wait hold on can we just jump off the side parkour parkour ah I think there’s barriers I wanted to steal all the dragon’s gold okay fine I guess we’ll go look at the burn down Village okay that did nothing all right I didn’t even need to use my confidence

Potion a I know so sad you’re you you’re so insecure now see bet you anything is just burned down and everybody’s dead what do you want to bet like like I mean freaking obviously yeah like the music Charizard yeah we got like the opposite of a shiny yeah h a it’s like a

Bronze oh maybe not maybe oh no yellow no that’s definitely burned out oh no nobody’s hurt yeah no it’s literally all on fire oh think of the children I told Dad that like waving the smoker detective detector regulation in the houses was a bad idea

Yeah kind of name is tanel I care for like only one person that Leist yeah the tavern keeper obviously dad help someone help someone tell me what so there is someone left oh I figured there would be a few of you bumpkins left scurrying about like rats well we can’t have you

Going and squealing to your neighbors about us no we want things to be quiet and peaceful so you should have turned off fire tick have you where is every take or kill them we’ll have no Witnesses today all right wow see you know it’s not actual D

Because no neither of us need to like roll for initiative yeah this was my home not anymore it would seem shut up one of the options is literally shut up yeah do that because that’s not how grammar works this was my home not anymore did you mean you changed my

Past foolish well looking at this place they did not respond the first time I doubt they ever will you may search but you seem to be alone here I want to loot their bodes obviously come on why would they do this it’s not a very rich of

Vill we’re not going to get that much but you know still do you actually expect an answer to that question or are you simply asking empty questions to hear yourself Speak oh definitely the sarcasm option no I was expecting you to actually be helpful and offer some insight but I

Guess that was too much to ask wasn’t it less of a sarcasm that’s just a statement yeah yeah the sarcasm options are they okay we did not put nearly enough points into like intelligence no we my own body but it seems saral yours seems like it’s still what he can

Harm us based on what yeah what what emotional damage a lot has happened all at once I cast vicious mockery I had a dragon into my head and start tearing it apart and then a few minutes later I found up my home and everyone I know are now

Gone overwhelming and I’d appreciate a bit of compassion you callous lizard that’s the best sarcasm we’ve got all day that is the best sarcasm actually your so fortunate that I am and willing to over this slate in light of your obvious distress and lack of self-control what are you doing in my cave

Anyhow some of the villagers had gone missing I was going to ask you for your help finding them hey pixel rofs yep well it seems that a few missings is the least of your I feel called out and yet it’s all true it’s very accurate oh it seems a few missing

Persons the least of your Village’s concerns now oh my God this dragon is Savage what village I’m pretty sure the instance has despawned um let’s see not helpful it’s not helpful but I suppose you’re a bit absorbed in your own little world anyhow aren’t you this dragon is the best

Character so far about us before there was not much to care about even less now yeah that’s cool and not appreciated right now I understand that you’re upset but I am too so can you please lay off fine so what are we supposed to dialog I don’t have a home and you don’t

Have a body I’m not letting that’s great yeah the Perils of Imagining Dragons jeez I do not think that I could even if I tried as much as it Galls me to admit it all I can do is hurt you I think that I could kill you if I truly

Wish based on what he hasn’t done anything to us is he going to bully us to death that’s again vicious mockery is an actual thing to can do we shall hunt the people no dragon mind you unless it’s a something find a way for you to put me

Back and I can force answers out of those treacherous okay you got to remember this dragon is just a coin like in in our back Buck like he’s he’s not even a Pokemon he’s a Pog it felt like something was being forced into me before I blacked out that

Must have been when you came just going to leave that alone without the coin I doubt that you would have been able to restore me anyhow much less after whatever that monster of theirs did to me in the time since it seemed to be fusing with my form it

Might have been feeding that was not the impression I felt so I’ve got the same question as before what now short of purging my soul from your body which I would not recommend lest you want me to destroy the both of us first you will need to put me into another vessel

Ideally though that vessel will be my own original body can we put him into a rabbit whatever has come to infest it did used to be a sh here that’s a vessel technically is there a vase nearby ansers seek sure but I don’t know anything about healing dragons or moving

Souls from one body to another how are we supposed to do all of that find these people I think that the best course now would be to seek the advice of the scholars in kandle keep it is relatively close and hosts the greatest collection of knowledge in fyon so where we

Supposed I am aware of anyhow if anyone would know of a cure or be able to devise one and be able to tell us more about this group of people that attacked me you will almost certainly find them in kandle keep’s Great Library rather than walk the whole way see if that man

With the card is heading north preserve your strength while you can what man with what car actually the first oh this man with this car advice you’ve given me oh yeah so so he was just here the whole time and witnessed everything and did nothing find the US okay look at this

Horse model though this is this is really good oh hey that’s chapter one complete you want to uh reassign your stats and stuff I have a fireball yeah okay thank you I was in the menu you heard me right I have a fireball I also got a fireball oh I have

Two stats available uh I think I’ll probably put some into intelligence seeing as how I have two intelligence yep and chat says that uh the decorated part is perfect for this Dragon I have to agree right and uh see what are you putting your stats into I’m trying to

Figure this out because I it’s not clear entirely Charisma just helps you with your yeah you could probably try and Main well not you specifically but like someone could probably try and Main Charisma I’m going to like put in strength because uh I already have like pretty high in and that decreases the

Cool down for spells yeah which is not how I thought it would work but what whatever yeah I got five strength and three intelligence right now so less of a glass Cannon more of you know just just glass just po poorly Constitution person hly okay let’s see let’s see I got Fireball

Though oh you got Fireball too wow that’s not special at all anymore good thing that there’s a cool down on it yeah which there won’t be for long as soon as we keep leveling up put all of our points into the the in cool down yeah okay candle keep yes after nearly two

Weeks of walking leaving over a 100 miles of the coast we were on the cart not soaring spares are finally close enough to reveal their details set a top a craggy Peninsula Rising above the Sea of Swords The Fortress overlooks a surrounding Farmland while keeping a healthy distance from the wild and

Shadowy cloak wood at last I had forgotten how long it can take to travel when one do does not have wings with which to fly it certainly seems tedious especially if the narrator forgets to like is the home riding a horse Scholars on the continent be respectful follow

Their rules and try not to let anything too uncivilized come out of your mouth says like the most you know disrespectful dragon ever he is just awful like there’s no social skills and that just he has social skills he just uses them for only yeah I’m honestly kind of impressed

But he only uses them for evil oh your full entire Village died good yep guess this isn’t your house anymore you you also live here dude like yeah says the D that get trapped in a coin we go to therapy go directly to therapy do not pass go do not collect

200 bucks go directly to therapy yep anyway I forgot we have options actually we can sarcasm any tips stop being rude let’s get going and I’m excited let’s see if if it figured out at sarcasm yet all right I’ll try not to say anything too embarrassing oh great

And sensitive one you just but we need these people and some of them can be prickly even pompous when I just it’s funny what can happen when you are at the front of your field or the Pinnacle of your craft for too long are some of them Cactus people cuz they’re brick

This is just actually like a really good cell phone like people get rude and annoying you know when they’re you know at The Pinacle of their craft for too long oh man I just realized I about myself uh never mind anyway I do want to see like

If you can tell him to stop being rude you’ve been insulting me this entire trip it will be a lot easier for the both of us if you stop acting like such a creep I insulted you that first night for which I apologize however I have since only cited your shortcomings and your

Need to address them whether or not to take offense to facts is up to you oh okay we can do we can tell him to do do better and it’s great and it’s up to you to be nicer about it niceties are a waste of bre I

Suppose that metaphor no longer to me does it y any tips anything I should know about this place before we go any further last I was here they only allowed the local Scholars called the avow through the Emerald Door into the inner Ward where the libraries are they have since easy

Anything else I should know oh crap uh I clicked sorry while the Citadel itself is a safe and secure place be wary of the surrounding lands I have hunted here before and I have seen a number of f albeit fairly weak creatures here you’re weak for a dragon expect more than those

Few encounters we had on the road okay there’s a lot of dialogue in this isn’t there we pdon pay stop being rud let’s get going un excited uh I guess let’s just get going yeah okay let’s get going let’s get going and then we did incredible you

Know what there’s probably a chest back here hey front wheel or whatever your name is remember being able to do this yeah sucks to not have a body huh yeah remember the sunshine on your face and the wind in your hair my dragons don’t have hair you know what I could

Really go for eating a whole bushel of Apple let’s see seems pretty linear so far doesn’t it it really does yeah it’s pretty railro let’s of a m Dungeons and dragon in Minecraft and more of Dungeons and Dragons in Minecart if you mean yeah that’s pretty accur cand is that way

Um I mean not too bad builds they they even put some clouds up around the oh no the the production value just incredible like open World stuff is unended yeah it is I do not hear any Farm hands or livestock have these places been abandoned for some reason keep a keen

Eye out if these it’s just regular Minecraft they all like this yeah they all went to bed it’s like barely dark out yeah they they’ve not they don’t have like a oops turns out you can’t Fireball a door open I’ve been misled by the breeze oh here’s a

Dude oh I’ve got something to tell you about those guards sketchy halfling what gods why are you so so you wonder if youd actually sto to talk what do you need to warn us about oh you got the buttons well the god AR going to let you in I saw you

Coming up the road and it’s pretty clear you’re not from here so I was going to let you in even to the CT of air why aren’t they letting strangers in people have been going missing in the area Travelers and locals alike those Farms you pass by for example yeah the

Families that live there just up and vanished no sign of an attack or anything so people in charge are getting right paranoid and only allowing residents to enter the city okay Z so we got but we need in C Court of air who are you and how to get in uh I guess

Just how to get in yep so how do we get in if you going to enter candle keep you’re going to need a residence pass they handed them out to all the locals in their jurisdiction but was pretty rushed and with my special set of skills

I can make one full the Cards into letting you through the CATE what you say 25 gold and documents will be all yours hold up I can probably I can probably Swindle him with Insight okay it really sounds like working with him is only way into the

City and that he’s offering a fair price uh you know he might just be misleading us entirely 255 that’s insane I could live for a whole season on that maybe where you come from but things are a bit more expensive in the city besides this represents not only the value of my

Skills but also a substantial risk I’m taking in forging legal documents for you there’s serious consequences for this sort of thing you know I can roll inside it really sounds like work is the only way City and that is offering a fair price roll again hold hold up hold

Up hold up I can go 25 continue maybe where you come this represents the trishing and the guards being extra cautious but he is also scalloping you with that price yeah okay cool but like yeah we know I still can’t tell him to to give me

Le I mean we have so much gold just pay the man okay fine fine we have a de good now I can’t make this pass from nothing and I sold my last copy a week ago so you need to find one of your own better

I could modify that was not part of the deal look at those farm houses oh the family what are we paying you for hurry there might have one or two lying around bring back a copy plus payment and I’ll get to work yeah that was not part of

The deal be careful though the people are gone but I’ve heard some rustling around of strange sounds never seen anything but gives me creeps I think I saw someone go into one of those houses maybe have stayed at night but I never saw them come out probably just missed him now

Good luck of course we have to do the leg work he doesn’t even have legs I’m the one doing all the work you’re just along long for the ride I will contribute as best I can my advice by itself could prove invaluable yeah if you ever give

It okay is it me or am I slower at walking now all of sudden yeah I can’t run him as much oh there we go some sort of construct it would seem o dude this I’m loo things intentions oh the things that advice isn’t helping me to

Kill it just apart if it cannot hold itself together it is no threat to think you needed my help to figure even that out hey they dropped gold oh shoot okay I cast magic barrier Fireball there we go you know they’re they’re like made out of to deceive finally dedu what were

Those things doing on a farm I don’t think seagull justify that level of protection no perhaps they wandered here Rogue constructs are not unheard of still you might learn something if you look around then again what have scarecrows to do with our mission not much I guess Katra I’m going to try

Something do not be alarmed if things start to look different wait what thank you Optimus Prime okay what’s going on I said not to be alarmed I was uncertain if I could do this while in your body but my intimate connection to the material plane allows me certain privileges yeah can you

Please stop intimately connecting to the material plane Village kid remember of course in essence I can see some elements of magic how enchantments work their origin or nature what they draw power from it depends on the situation but you get the just B perhaps this will help on occasion

Though I must admit that it is somewhat taxing to use this ability with your body please be quick uh I can investigate the state that was holding the scale upright is uninteresting but the hole where it was seems to have been Disturbed relatively recently this was only put in a week ago if

That I can’t move yeah I still on the thing oh there we go all right this is spiffy though like I don’t know what the effect they’re using but yeah oh wow look at that it’s very purple yeah it’s pretty cool yeah anyway we did need a passport so yeah I looked

In the building I didn’t see a chest or anything actually here’s a chest up here okay were you up here I found several barrels oh yeah here’s a pro of residence and run on lovely I’m going to take all these rotten onions folded and then stuffed halfhazard among a pile of now rotting

Onions you find a piece of parchment marked with an official looking seal and titled evidence of residence in the candle keep territories a bit wordy and a bit more aromatic than you’d like but it should do the trick good now return to that individual scratch let us hope

That he is adequate to the task hope or not we don’t have many other options to resort to V why must you insist on calling me that it’s what everyone in the village called you it’s easier than saying your full name be glad that I am a magnanimous and forgiving Dragon else

I would be inclined to start tearing up your mind again don’t worry you’re already a big enough headache as it is okay see that one was funny why why can’t I get options like that yeah um okay is that a bit of legal documentation I see there and

Smell okay well you what you’ve got right give me a bit to scrape off and refinish the important parts then I’ll start with color match and then confirm and handwriting and your eyes are glazing over just just just give me the goods and wait a bit this man has the

Most exciting hobby yes I really don’t think he’s doing it for the money okay so you Certification that you absolutely belong to the area and can come and go as you like just don’t let any Wizards near it they get curious they’ve probably got spells or something that can sniff out of forgery otherwise no one will ever be the wiser it’s all the castle uh well he

Just really ran off like very wow he really booked it what yeah it’s like gone thanks for the money goodbye Rogue horse you can ride it does it not move I okay I have horse oh well there you go wow it’s not it has t controls for whatever

Reason oh there’s another horse right here yeah look at that what the guys you have horses all over the country oh there’s a guard being stolen by me yeah we’re horse thieves now we haven’t even gotten into the castle yet we’re already horse theves come on yep just imagine what kind of oh

God here’s my resident certificate the guard glances at the paper noting the seal and the signatures but does not peer too closely watching him scrunch up his nose the cursory inspection might have to do with not wanting to put his face too close to the smell of rancid onions you

Know that actually helps our case doesn’t it everything looks fine head on in just keep an eye out for any strange activity strange activ I’ll be seeing any strange activity very close by as I committed dumped into a large open Square that seems to double as a Marketplace it is not exactly brimming

With life but considering how you’ve lived nearly all of your life in a small village the number of people in one place is staggering and the activity threatens to be overwhelming good that was but we made it now the next part could be problematic only the avowed and certain

Others are allowed into the Ward through the emerald door on the far side of this Courtyard talk to the keeper there and determine what is required to get in and speak with one of the experts we can buy weapon upgrades we can yeah 35 gold decent blade ofc but not anything special oh

Plus one strength deity and wisdom yeah all right I’m buying it it’s mine okay yep let’s see uh I’m down to Gold I got Ace stuff oh look at that a broom it definitely is broom that is a Minecraft broom I’ve I’ve ever seen one yeah that’s a that’s a broom congrats I

Get up rent yep you’re a wit can I stuff wait can I go yeah I got level two sword now oh okay I already have it’s it’s it’s not an upgrade it’s just it’s just that I get like uh it’s this particular stuff it’s not

Uh I can’t keep upgrading but we can get get extra armor here as well a confidence potion is 50 gold oh can you sell them no oh you can upgrade your armor though 25 gold for that I only have 53 how much do you have

Uh I have uh yeah 64 and four so okay I guess I’ll do the armor upgrade yep I already did the armor oh wait oh they’re all separate okay I am buying a bigger hatut like are you kidding me oh is it all separate it’s all separate yeah Oh I thought it

Was a whole set that was pretty annoying oh I just bought the pants oh yeah I originally only bought the like the chest plate so oh okay uh no I’m still Gand of the gray but it’s fine but I do only have 18 coins left yeah I only got

Okay we should we should save our money which is weird because like it’s not like we skipped anything listen listen listen can we just spend the dragon the dragon is a coin it’s like one coin like it’s not much yeah I mean they don’t need to know that we can try

And pawn him like if we can you know people yeah guys this coin has a dragon in it yeah really annoying dragon soul yeah if anything that should lower the value uh yeah we won’t tell them about the annoying bit anyway what was the mission I forgot

Entirely let’s go to a t yeah that’s where oh chest that oh potions yeah regeneration potions here’s some magic potions for you any money though no I do have a bunch of rotten onion you don’t seem very impressed by that I’m I am actually okay you should

Be yeah I didn’t think that they would say just like oh there there’s a bunch of rotten onions in the chest and then like actually put rotten onions in it yeah they did I got over a stack what are you doing child we need to speak

With the Keeper at the Emerald Door not break into a sewage pipe while guards are watching get going I want to break into a switch pipe okay uh let’s see I guess we got to go to the Emerald Door you just know that the original DM of this campaign

Like in the beginning thought that this would be like a 15minute thing what business have you here child I need a scholar I wish to speak with one of the researchers you and everyone else do you have an appointment or letter of introduction I can

Lie should I lie yes please yes I got a one ten there is no ten on our list of AOW expecting appointments not today nor tomorrow nor any time this week it would seem if I were to Hazard a guess I would wager that we do not even have an avow

Name kenb or if we do that they have never heard of you keep this up and I will make sure that the guards remove you from the city so that none of the about ever hear from you except perhaps while doing a census on criminal activity o I got is criminal activity to

Like ask to be led into places come on dude I guess so so there’s three options what’s your job goodbye and you’re rude um let’s say goodbye like too many times before my pleasure okay now let me add it this is unacceptable we must find someone to

Assist us and soon I can only imagine doing my body and already I chafe at being confined to yours wow thanks well do you happen to know where we could find a rare or unique book no what distasteful as this may be we might have to find another dubiously

Legal way around this problem actually I remember passing a sewer grate earlier if there are sewers for this out then they surely have some for the in award you want me to break into a sewer sneak through agma knows what kind of Filth and then break into the inner Ward

To what kidnap or threaten a scholar into helping us that sounds like a great plan I’m down for that it’s called expan dep party yes presum called extor be able to find someone more reasonable or at least amenable to our request however we cannot do that from out here the

Sewers are our only option right now you only say this because you won’t have to smell what I do actually I will you think I only see through your eyes child I am bound to experience everything that you do believe me sharing in your bily F these past weeks has been far from

Enjoyable that’s great e okay point taken start faring on control yuck okay um hold on there was I want to try this again oh you can’t talk to her anymore okay well two the sewers we go yay there also this door over here I haven’t gone through this

Yet is this just the other way in or something oh this a dragon dude you know we probably got to El woman was once in prison here as punishment for trying to take over candle keep she was made to be the lighthouse Soul keeper and to live here

In isolation for the rest of her days she died from an accident only a few years later but locals swear that they can hear her sad Madden singing coming from the tower on dark Misty Nights that’s cool okay yeah do you want to go check out the lighthouse how yeah

How do I know that is my question this dude’s got a nice little boat fell right oh you’re gonna die apparently so yes can you get out nope can’t swim it’s not real water goodbye yet another Mage foiled by mere water yep so where where did you my broom can’t fly after

All your broom cannot be used as a flotation device I guess yeah jeez okay sewers over here okay let’s go into the seers I guess yep abush thank you for seven months of resubscribing uh yeah I did nothing clicked on it yep waste of my time and a

Good boat I know from a later part in the story or something like that yeah I’d imagine soil this is what living in a city means how can one place produce so much but KS look there’s good KS down here knew what you were getting into I thought I did didn’t think it’d

Be this plentiful the the byproduct of civilization people are messy it’s called a plague you two Mor call me that strange even without a body or the need to breathe I feel a tightness in my chest yeah that would be the tuberculosis I think that it would beend

As little time in here as possible then remove the barrier wall thank you hurry through this place okay I’m going to joke well I was actually just getting used to the smell thought maybe we could wander around a bit maybe find a spot for a picnic no we

Will move through here as quickly as possible do you understand it’s fine so bossy all right all right let’s make this quick that is the right direction and it seems to no longer be sewers Beyond this point these are probably the tunnels running beneath the inner Ward I have heard of catacombs chest

Gold y healing potions seems unfortunately there is a oh the potions stack dude you will need to find a key unless you wish to be fried uh that is so cool no I don’t okay I have uh five healing and five regen potions oh okay so m

Key um yeah why would they keep the key down here good question wa look at that on the ground there’s nothing on the ground precisely helpful the rest of this place is a riot of grime and muck child yet this path is almost spotless I would be

Willing to bet half of my entire horde that a gelatinous cube has come this way a what now an oozing monster that inhabits places like this some people and more intelligent creatures keep them as witless Guardians and genitors the things absorb and dissolve any animal or

Plant material they touch as a way of eating they cannot dissolve metals and other non-living things though so they can carry the equipment and goods of whomever they have eaten for some time oh good whomever as in people of course do not be dense child now follow this Trail you might find something

Interesting floating in the Cube’s body just be care careful though as they can be transparent and thus easy to overlook lovely all right cool I want to find a blob do you want to find a blob see I was really hoping that the when when he said like BL has a

Key inside of it it must have oh W so easy to over of the that might get us out of the sewers and into the cleaner part we saw earlier just don’t let the creature suck you up that was so easy please well I got a

Key yes it looks as if an enchantment quite similar to the one on the locked doors embedded in this key it should work to get us through lovely what if it sets off the Trap TR hope that the Mage who put it there set it more as a deterrent rather than a

Defense okay okay just going to open the door the magically trap door stuffed with potentially lethal lightning right okay that was easy there was not a lock on it yeah right well that’s uh that’s good yeah oh be not so dramatic you could find much worse before we are done here

I have heard tell that there are Guardians in occasional escaped experiments down here though that may just be rumor don’t spawn outside the water don’t worry about certainly sets my mind at ease thanks fire it’s pretty nice dungeon stop calling me that lot of boxes though oh there’s a skeleton in this box

N destructible what no yeah this box has got skeleton in it this is this is their one package skeleton yeah the rest of them still need to be packed up for delivery actual footage from an Amazon warehouse uh let’s see what do we got oh chest nice oh it’s a mimic bro

They added mimics that’s wild that’s fun good job the creature was known as a mimic yeah I’ve heard of those things didn’t expect it to be so slimy though why did it have a key inside of it though oh it dropped another key did it eat someone like the cube yeah

Probably not otherwise we would have seen some more gruesome evidence of the meal know some people feed mimics various items that they need to hide or protect if you know how to handle one of these things they can be rather convenient Guardians that’s pretty cool we killed somebody’s pet that

Is same we’ve killed somebody’s fat yeah there slimy little pet oh there a mole rat a so cute so dead skeletons I love it this is really fun yeah this is cool oh these are like dger oh yeah they even got the same nice design for them also yeah really well done the

Smite seems like that should really help us kill somebody I’m not going to lie I I feel like I barely feel like my spells AR doing anything so I’m just smacking him with sword yeah yeah you’re the tank unfortunately I’m not even the Healer so um I have one healing spell that’s about

All I got I don’t uh oh you know what here I got two extra region potions take those nice thank you it’s a blob yay blobs oh wow he got a key in it too since when does m like is magic Missile always supposed to go like in a in a bow

And not like fly directly uh I don’t know yeah we haven’t found any actual traps yeah besides these mimics have we I mean are they traps if they already like don’t try to deceive you right oh you can drink potions really quickly oh nice yeah it’s pretty helpful awesome let’s

See well that’s just a nice pile of money oh you find money no just druger like dropping it all over the place yeah true uh I got a stack in 11 now so I made like 40 gold or something oh my God it’s a little

Monster dude look how cute he is a let’s kill him oh he’s got a sword oh there’s a bunch of them bro that’s way more than I expected I little baby dragons Okay that’s pretty cool yeah this this is cool I like the music too it’s like

About done yeah it’s a it’s a nice little rpto area I’m into it let’s see I would like some more loot chest oh my there so many guys there so many where’s my Fireball Fireball Fireball Fireball jeez okay that’s lot Shadow wizard Money Gang there’s even more down here yeah

The Spells are great do they have a do they have a you know a spawner would would have made sense I guess they’ have spawned like a 100 dudes in oh man there’s even more over here I got to back up y they got little bow on

Them okay these guys are actually really cool are your friends now I guess so we should be able to take these books and stuff I I don’t think we’re going to be able to like sell anything but I thought that this was like what all of

This was building up to but I guess not yeah I think we just got to break out of here this is like a really big D get a key so there some there got to be a do something uh you got a key from it uh

You got a key from that mimic oh no I think we already used that one oh wait uh you know I didn’t get it actually uh there’s a dude over here oh yeah should probably there’s a bunch of dudes actually oh no what yeah what are you

Exactly I don’t know some sort of thing things that’s my best description of it I I think it’s a mon or something like that is that what the monor is uh I thought no no no no three-headed dog was it no that’s s oh I don’t know these

Things see I was about to say like oh no I’m embarrassing myself but then you like said that the that a a is a man and I was like n you know what no I’m not embarrassing myself relatively speaking no you’re not you’re F I swear I know

This uh I’ve I’ve seen one before but I don’t know the names of them yeah listen listen I’m not such a nerd that I remember all the names of like mythical creatures okay it’s like a St it has like kind of a sty shadowy name of some sort I could I could see

That there’s a hole there is and oh don’t go down the hole it’s a bad hole to go down you okay I’m a reverse NCR monster yes I wish cast like chest it’s a mimic of course it is you know if every chest is a mimic then like it doesn’t even trick you

Anymore the actual chest is going to be like a surprise like wait that one’s not a mimic I like the Magic parts of it yeah every single spelly thing is really good but otherwise combat feels very unintuitive but then again I’m a wizard so I would say that would I the chest is

A lie well unfortunately it seems that this enor armor is tied to the exit unless you have a powerful dispelling magic at your disposal that you have someone spend some really good time and effort setting all this up and we’re just like breaking all of it I have to

Fight a piece of armor with no obvious weaknesses or even a person inside to take out let me guess I have to just beat it into a useless hunk of metal kind of like I did the scarecrows precisely I’m really starting to hate constructs Fireball was ineffective oh oh man dude’s dude’s

Fast he he run I got a crit on it oh he’s not that strong actually oh also I think I can hit through yeah I can hit them through walls okay yeah finally hey that was easy worth all the trouble we’ve gone to V how are we going to get someone to help

Us though we breaking in let us consider that later first we need to get out of these tunnels someone might have heard the battle or noticed that the Enchantment of the door is broken we can deter let me in let me In oh yeah there we go oh there we Go this isn’t so bad nice place oh except the guards are already here unfortunately for you chances are that you will only see it as you are taken away to a prison cell you know I think we can take him we canot be imprisoned not in a Cell

Fight run do something are you joking there’s so many of them we’ll be torn to shreds if we resist while we would normally have prevented you from coming this far sage thari has taken an interest in you now you are to attend him personally oh that’s exactly what we

Wanted do do not allow them to incarcerate us do not give them okay I’ll go don’t worry there’s no cars yet yeah and cars straight wow thank you w so stupid consider this an honor as few of those outside of the are allowed entry to our

Home you are to head directly to the Great Library do not attempt to deviate from the main path oh I’m going to deviate watching you like or what yeah what are you going to do I’m deviating you can’t move H there’s barriers you go that way

Yeah sad you think they were just like escort or something all right listen up prisoner walk free freely across the halls and our town yes but don’t you dare but walk freely yep not actually this guy’s got a cool hat are you jealous of this

Guy hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m pretty sure that my hat is better at this point like his one’s red but my one’s kind of like nicer looking in my opinion I but but his is more pointy I mean look at it it’s it’s got a

Lot of pointiness going on it’s pretty good hat I Prett sure that this is oh no he’s dude his one has like a swish I know my one’s like a straight up bow like like a parabolic shape yeah but he W has like a like a s switch to it yeah

Come on we need to get you that hat I need to that’s our that’s our number one priority I need to get that hat this just unfair otherwise yeah a lot of St prob are upgrades to our gear but you know you know they need to invent escalators they they’re Wizards like

They got to have better stuff yeah teleportation something this dude’s literally at the Devil uh okay hi let’s see should I joke with him what now what do you want or uh let’s let’s let’s joke around it’s fine yeah whatever oh look at the light in the background that’s pretty cool

Yeah po I am here what are your other two wishes wow wishes I don’t uh good one okay uh why am I here why am I here you caught my interest we have all sorts of detection spells in the sewers you thinked a half dozen of them when you

Sneaked in and a dozen more when you entered the catacombs hold up hold up hold up hold up I like the idea that they’re like we have a plenty of detection spells and when you tried to break in into the catacombs we for the life of us couldn’t understand why we

Were detecting that there was a dragon yeah you know that’s a fair point actually like there’s a dragon in the there’s a troll in the dungeons yeah yeah that’s a great also thank you for the Beast rubber duck oh yeah thank you rubber yes guys you are also here and

You are us in control of the narrative as we are yes which is kind of sad for like a Dungeons and Dragons inspired map uh I’m I’m a joke of him again I am here oh it’s the same joke wishes I don’t uh good luck okay so I guess what now what

Happens do not attempt to resist the spell if you resist then we will have to detain you and try again until you cooperate lots of extra bother okay as a spell activates you feel something press against your mind and on some level you know that it is trying to pry away your

Ability to lie the intrusion is sudden and sets your teeth on edge and your first reaction is to resist however considering where you are and the pro of a jail or worse if you yeah D just chilling Rel it’s definitely villager AI yep good now let’s get the boring stuff

Over with well he left I guess he was the spell yeah I guess he got terms of property or any other way that includes but is not limited to theft spying or harassment it’s an option honestly so we got no it’s an option maybe the keeper I guess I’ll just

Now I I would go it’s an option honestly good cuz we can’t lie remember sneak into the BL honestly we need help be too literal yeah be too literal creep at the Emerald Door wouldn’t let us through yes yes that much was implied what do you want in here the help of

Someone who knows a lot about magic yeah this would be the right place to look provided you hadn’t managed to get yourself arrested mhm okay now the interesting stuff why do some of our spells register you as a dragon and a called it my God and you aren’t a

Construct or rather made thing so what exactly are you careful human I think part Dragon cranky Dragon we got what yeah cranky dragon is an option oh well we got to go with cranky Dragon I think so yeah that’s the obvious I am sharing my body with the rather cranky dragon

And we both really like to fix that that actually confirms one of my hypotheses it also poses a lot of questions but that’s gratifying at least how about while we’ve got this handy zone of Truth working you just tell me everything you can about how this Dragon

Came to inhabit you and we work from there okay there is not an option to lie about everything told us to find out more about this group that you encountered and the Monsters accompanying them hey thank you for the raid in the meanwhile we need to discuss

Whether or not candle keep will assist you in your predicament you you mean they’re not interested in a dragon human how could they refuse us tell him that demands their aid it is only fitting that they should restore me to my rightful form uh he demands help says that he

Demands your help that it’s only right that you put him back in his body does he now I don’t see he is in any to be making demand exactly that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time telling him that Dragon my very nature to know right

From wrong well tell him not to question me he says that he knows right and wrong better than you do does he well I may not be an expert on Dragon but I am a fan of them and have heard his name before plot World competition build cranky the dragon that’s great

No oh jeez I cannot say that it has been treated with much reverence or gratitude as endand draer has a reputation for isolating himself and neglecting to help those in need even if they ask for his Aid getting a little bit of Justice seems to me that we neither owe him

Anything nor that we can trust his moral judgment his decis I like how the page on the end of dra year on their book just says like bit of a dick that’s that’s all for the gon him yep pretty much uh I got turning spend his time moderating uh um spend his time

Moderating subreddits basically uh I’m is there a way we can convince you to help well yes I happen to have something in mind of course a side quest you see there is a clock tower nearby where a colleague of mine named adro lives however no one has heard from him in

Some time he’s dead since there have been reports of monsters going in and out as they please it is probably safe to assume that ad de had a valuable book in his collection I want you to clear out the Vermin and if wizard adro is imprisoned or injured

Help him if he has Miss otherwi steal from him take the book you do this and we’ll call it even as far as your CR thanks crocodile man I really needed that hug there uh what this will clear the charges against us yes as these monsters could threaten

Travelers and any vow to venture beyond our walls if left alone is it a crime to go into the public sewers I don’t think so there was no lock on it I mean there was but there the key was right there in that Cas I am looking forward to hearing

From you once you have concluded your investigation until then try not to die ah look at I get repulsed out of here looking for chests chest chest chests oh there’s a chest right here you IM you immediately resort to pen yes invincibility potion I’ll take that

Thank you yeah I got like a stack of gold out of that one too mhm oh W look at this place it goes down really far oh I actually really like all these models like these chairs and the tables like all this no the environments are incredible yeah like

The bookshelves so good and like that’s the thing the story is Railroad and I wouldn’t even be complaining about the story being a ra Ro if it wasn’t also like um if it Al if wasn’t about D and D specifically yeah you know G Your Own Adventure like yeah notoriously Choose

Your Own Adventure game but at the same time like game development is had enough and developing a branch in game is just a nightmare for everybody involved so like I don’t blame them but I am going to complain yeah especially if like a $9 DLC like this is pretty

Good uh right then let’s go spend some money how much money you got I got 60 that’s it uh let’s see here’s 40 awesome why because I had three stacks oh okay would is there shops uh there’s got to be shops somewhere I guess so it seems like we’re

Free to explore now so chest I found a chest of course that will clear you off your crimes okay I’m going to commit even more crimes couple confidence potions another speed potion we’re going to lot of potions nice I don’t think they’re very I will forget to use all of them yeah

Exactly I just want gold the only challenge to the combat so far has been specifically uh waiting for it yeah like waiting for it to end more or less yeah I’ve spent more time waiting for the spells to recharge than doing anything else wait oh hold up this is a new Castle

Actually we have not been up here oh nice it’s like a yeah oh there’s another chest yes that’s what I’m talking about oh it’s just got five health potions in it uh take those three tell some somebody rheumatism uh medicine good job yep they were going

To go out to the Garden have a nice cup of tea and take their medicine murder H in it’s like severely I thought we were doing everything but what we should be doing that is the true D experience frankly yeah I mean I see no issue Love Is Love

Yeah they shouldn’t have given us a way to get on top of the buildings if they didn’t want us to get on top of the buildings yeah well they frequently block us off of invisible walls oh you are Assassin’s Creed okay yeah exactly okay um hey check this out these guys

Are still here oh yeah they are yeah what’s up did you know I’ve been cleared of all my crimes yeah take that yeah you know what I bet those are all the guys that took an arrow to the knee that’s why they’re so cranky well they they do walk pretty slowly so yeah

Wouldn’t be surprised oh okay so this just goes back to the beginning yeah so all the shops are over here yay there was like only one item that we haven’t bought yet uh all the armor I bought all the armor oh you bought all the armor I I don’t have

Boots but other than that I already have everything okay I chest helmet and Boots yeah I don’t think I’m going to buy any potions like ever okay I got all the same set right because they’re they’re kind of switching back and forth I have been instructed to allow you to and from the

Inner W as you please but if you step out of line again I will arrest you arrest you oh I will and you won’t Pleasant woman I don’t know I figure you two would get along handsomely oh look how how cool this dude’s hair is was

Supposed to be a joke but even so I failed to see the similarities yeah you would if I buy a weapon or armor again does it upgrade I have no idea no you you can’t upgrade it you just get like that particular armor yeah uh well this is tier two armor now yep

Yep yeah actually now I think about it we should probably like level up we might have completed a couple things uh yeah can we level up see stats one St Point available so I can I’m not sure okay oh I have seven strength now okay everything’s doing pretty

Good uh I don’t think I have any skill points where does it show you how many skill points you have uh when you scroll to stats in green it would say but if you don’t have any then don’t say so okay yeah looks like we’re good so Quest

Then yeah I guess just the one that we have okay yeah they don’t really give you any side ones no they don’t we got to Embark my man we got to Embark we could talk to this guy though yeah I guess he can okay we we can’t go anywhere right now

Sadness when then why was there an arrow above his head jeez uh cuz we could talk to him which is how they are I like this sign that’s just a an arrow with nothing written on it like just go there just this this way yeah trust me man trust me

Dude this promise you yeah it’s fine yo case thank you for subscribing if your Prime really appreciate it just go this way oh there’s a skeleton clock good boy yay you should be burning in the the daylight sir not even realistic should we go loot this house over

Here uh qu God says excited to start watching your streams big fan of your farms and have tons of them in my world nice yeah we stream this is the first time we’ve ever done this but there’s oh there’s a mimic in here uh we might

Might do some more of this I swear every chest is a m mcmah i be glad you enjoy the Farms though hope they br it out for you there’s got to be something in this house they’re not going to put anything in here besides a mimic yep wow congrats you won the mimic

You won the mimic yep that’s that’s the big price here yeah the heck was that oh there’s a like couple wolves over here and another chest I bet you it’s a mimic well you I did there was apparently it like falls down a little bit just like Arrow drop on your

Fireballs okay yay okay do you think it’s a mimic uh okay I think it’s a regular chest ah yeah it is and it’s a fair amount of gold too magic potions you actually tried to attack it that a CO yeah I’ll take those magic PS come on

Yay there’s three of them in there have you been using those at all no I don’t even know what they do uh it’s insight and intellect for 30 seconds okay well that’s helpful I guess in combat cast faster cast faster sure the skeleton respawned already I found an XP

F and if we could actually level without completing a quest yeah oh need some help here scarecrow are they all alive yes they are well yep that one is they’re both alive yep I really think if you catch them on fire they should just instantly die they’re literally made out of straw

Yep fighting literal and metaphorical strawman yes uh anyway I cast magic Missile that was a fireball it was made out of magic so and flight so it is technically I mean yeah that’s that’s fair don’t you have actual like a spell that like fires up in the air and I do

It recharges for forever oh jeez why were they here too if I would haard a guess they are guarding the path to the tower oh it’s a miniator think the person who puts them in the fields also left these ones here it is possible we will discover more at the tower I

Suspect kind of looks like a monkey yep oh he’s like really weak apparently there’s also just regular dudes oh no wait uh regular Goblin dudes I guess so they just give out Fireball spells to like everybody seems like it yeah apparently don’t take much to Bow a fire

Being a special connection with nature in this place Druid created this Shrine long ago the shrine is meant to heighten the magic of nature found here and allow visitors to commune with the Earth even now centuries later the sight is witness to all manner of events us killing those guys toar of nice

Chest chest chest is it a mimic not going lie this this the line swearing of offs immediately make made me want to like swear step into the circle and screams profanity you know SK as places anywhere will you marry mey this where we can swear uh will you

Lay you do have a spell that’s like lay hands yeah I do I have lay hands I’ve laid my hands on you awesome yes we cannot kiss the bride there is no bride yeah sometime a family is a Zombie Pigman a zombie zombie yeah zombie zombie your first

Name is zombie your last name is zombie what is this Al a skeleton it’s a dead skeleton yep I mean all of them are oh jeez hey thank you for the bities as well cour much appreciated okay hey I dare you to jump in this water

Right are you going to drown uh yeah I forgot I can’t swim godam it this is my second death in this campaign and it’s all due to water is to water the deadly STS of them all yeah hey well it’s a little known fact that people did not learn how to swim until

1903 yep yep yep before then like everybody just drowned just like ah guess I’ll die that’s why global warming is such a big deal yeah threatens to repeat the history to this day most people don’t know how to swim yeah did you respawn I did okay I’m I’m just over here like

Kill know it assumed that we never killed the oh CRA that we never killed the boys at The Shrine so it respond them oh like there’s no way they stupid enough to die to water I’m fighting like an ogre all right he he can’t turn around very fast

So I’m just like standing behind them where in the heck I am am I oh I’m I’m being harassed by in that’s where nice lovely this guy’s got a lot of health so I fire ballom to the Bas and if there was a a point to the to to you

Know any of this combat besides earning money yeah I just started kind of running past the dudes actually oh dude okay for one I think we about found each other I I went to the bridge and then went far left and I just ran past a bunch of dudes oh behind the

Uh the lighthouse now actually okay I see the bridge of Swords I hope that did you find the bridge where you died I found a pirate ship yo okay go go find the bridge where you died and then go like way left uh are like rope Bridges there uh

No it’s just like the little bridge that went over the water it’s like the little no I just passed it already I think okay God we got lost I got lost is this map worth your money it’s pretty fun is this map worth silence money yes is it worth your

Money uh watch the room and you’ll find out yeah watch oh hi I’m right in front of you yes I see you yeah I just started running past all the dudes yep don’t really drop that much money anyway take me to the pirate ship I’m taking you the pirate ship awesome oh oh

No okay there’s a giant hole right there uh until I got knocked into the giant hole okay run past the dude keep running Z keep running yep yep yep I am I am okay is it’s the they really nailed you know the part of Dungeons and Dragons that everybody likes you know

The combat where you stop role playing and having fun and like just chatting with your friends and start like rolling numbers for 15 minutes yep okay R not here’s a cave with a giant dude in it we’re not going to go in there yet cuz there’s a pirate

Ship those are Al I don’t know what that is oh that’s cool pirate ship it’s it it is kind of self-explanatory silent it’s bear it’s a it’s a yes A bear who double into years agoing no crew except for the swarm of rats that had infested The Vessel after crashing against a nearby

Home to Candle keep’s Lighthouse the ship Beed itself here local authorities and residents came to inspect but found not even the remains of the crew leading them to believe that the ship wased no one has had the guts to dismantle it since how would you dismantle it’s a

Shipwreck yeah so like uh why is it being protected by imps then or salamanders or whatever they yeah whatever they do rats are in D and Dragons you could have like put rats here yeah we had we had the giant mole guys already uh yeah definitely got knocked

In that guy with the giant like I don’t know mace like knocked in he totally wouldn’t F fumble you know his fingers and just yeah voluntar jump like six blocks to the side you know yeah he would not he would never he’s so good at parkour actually yeah so good at parkour

How do we get in here chest chest chest chest chest chest chest it’s not a mimic yay okay I got three stacks of gold again awesome there’s actually a fair amount of gold in that yeah okay yeah this is this is a nice little bit of uh not inspiration uh

Exploration yeah it’s just like an extra thing they didn’t have to add that yeah exactly it’s not there’s a quest here or anything should we go for that cave or we’re trying to find a clock tower right are we I I think that was the actual

Quest I mean we do have the wayfinder oh yeah we do have the wayfinder just tell us where to go but the same time it is kind of fun to just kind of run around and look for stuff like I do wonder what’s the AL bear deal yeah what’s up with the AL

Bears oh my God they’re Al Bears H Hood who how many we always ask who but never now okay give me a chest give me a chest need a chest oh yeah you just literally oh wow you cannot move at all once you die okay

Well I guess I’m just going to die then I mean you you cannot even move in the water yeah wow wow why would they make it that broken so yeah so where’s the I guess the Alber are just Alber yeah I guess they just exist there okay well I

Guess I’ll just run back to the bridge where you died and then incredible yep unless your dementia is making you you know forget what that I I’m a level with you I have no blood idea where I am okay uh which is hilariously accurate to my character when you get down to

It of all the things to successfully role play about my wizard dude is that I’m not quite sure where I am okay I’ll come to the make make light of a horrible condition that people suffer from oh dude there’s a whole like House Down in the Hole down there

Oh okay I’m coming to the cave I might be bringing like 30 mobs behind me but you know that’s for you to figure out no thanks it seems like mobs respawn really quickly oh is that what they did yeah or they’re just like always there okay I’m back at the

Cave oh I’m not okay cool where’d you go uh I tried to go back to the bridge and I didn’t okay there was like a pile of skeletons in a in a little okay did you pass the sunflower field I don’t know but I’m pretty sure I

Can find my way back to the did you pass like the oh there you are there you are uh yeah maybe uh run oh shoot yeah there’s a lot of dudes actually yeah it’s a lot of wolves die wolves exploding local Wildlife totally normal thing to do

Yeah they Dro gold which is questionable but I mean you know well they did really need to buy things and stuff money can be ex exchanged for goods and services oh yeah that makes sense that makes sense okay so I’m completely lost now I mean I know the

Bridge is like over here somewhere I don’t want to fight those trolls those guys are pretty strong whatever they are uh yeah I have no idea where the clock tower is I tried using the wayfinder oh okay there’s the little thing yeah uh I don’t think you take fall damage so

Ye oh yep no fall damage there’s a chest no fall damage but water kills you instantly yeah I can’t open the chest what yeah it’s impossible to open there’s a tent in the way oh that’s because it’s inside of a tent so it registers you right clicking as right

Clicking the tent yeah come on game designers do better you can’t nudge the chest no oh you still take damage on campfires though so you know plus one realistic uh oh oh oh oh okay I disgusting horribly ugly oh wow they are not weak to as weak

To fire as you’d expect them to be no see how they’re made out of like moss I wonder if we’re spawning more mobs because there’s two of us I sure hope not there is there is certainly a lot of mobs though they’re not really doing any damage to me oh hi

They dude just grabbed me wild oh man that’s kind of cool they can grab you that’s yeah the mimics have a grab attack nice yeah okay so I add like entirely like new features with that yep okay well there’s nothing down here I guess I that’s stupid that like the chest oh

What it opened nice what did you do uh I launched a fireball at it I didn’t like get an inventory oh all right yeah okay well moving on well pretty large bridge for just a tent I’m just waiting for all of these to like actually be quests that we need to

Complete later and we just we just like oh I already did that yeah yeah dud I don’t know what that was uh oh clock tower look at that Iron Mine Iron Throne mine even mine Thrones I don’t know okay I guess we’ll just go to the clock tower yep do you see a

Tower um not quite not really no I guess we’ll just keep going uh don’t hop in the water it literally makes you find a bridge a I landed oh okay no okay if you land in one layer of water and you’ll be fine I might have walked into like 20 guys over

Here imagine trying to play this on your phone oh man did you find a way forward cuz I went around the Little River yeah I I went to the right did you find a tower I’m not I’m not found anything yet uh I think I oh I think I found it yeah

I found it okay oh you’re right there perfect oh yeah I guess that’s the Clock Tower yeah it’s actually pretty decent Builders monsters are fighting each other did you hear I mean I know you I it’s those those things again from my oh yeah observe the goblins and red things

Are clearly set against the pale creatures from what little you saw it seems as if they were caught getting too close to the monsters waiting around the tower’s base one of the options is just charge uh no let’s negotiate like come on dude what now definely moners around the tower we do remain

Unresponsive the occas gut I guess we’ll just do charge think we waited long enough for most of them to kill each other yeah pretty much yeah could just let them do all the work which we pretty much did yeah it’s great you know they used to be

Fighting each other but now we’ve used United them against us remember the catacombs we must assume that this place is similarly trapped hello rockxy can you see anything with your magic site yes but I cannot make out the details from here nor am I terribly bur

In wizardly Magics the spell on the what do you do all day as a dragon some more subtle I can point out General paths and however it may take the two of us to puzzle them out completely okay we can investigate or we can just break in or

Open it yeah let’s let’s let’s investigate the Magics placed on this door turn out to be easier to understand than either you or Vier had anticipated and you disarm them either good thing I’m smart does not care enough to make better defenses or he did not put them

Here considering that the door seems fairly new the latter seems more likely perhaps something happened and these are temporary defenses I must say he was fixing the door defenses as far ases go I’m increasingly inclined to think that someone else has taken residence here we you uh we can do intimidate oh

Finally okay it’s a persuasion check okay we got attack Insight intimidate and persuade uh okay I guess maybe an inside first between the Goblin’s Twisted face and being distracted by the various sharp objects pointed at you it is a bit difficult for you to get a read on these

Creatures okay I have a 16 for intimidate all right let’s if you do not leave this Tower right away I will destroy each of you I will spare no one that’s true actually uh yeah yeah it’s pretty accurate not really like a good intimidate but think you see him

Shiver we leave I don’t even see the go you we leave now go the other goblins seem confused and several leave immediately however oh hi here they are oh congrats you you did the pacifist route anyway kill all these people anyway yep see oh no he’s the one that’s

Passive okay yeah they’re fine yeah where’s the gold at where’s the gold at I want my chest full of gold yeah it’s going to be real awkward when the guy is actually still alive and we already stolen all his stuff yeah well you know we’ll just play on the Goblins

Obviously oh hey look at that here’s a book oh this is actually pretty cool uh not to leader one it’s a book we’ve managed to rebuild some of the wards that Andro originally had in place but it was this disaster I wouldn’t be surprised if you heard

Zanglin screams all the way in Candle keep oh so they’re talking to someone in Candle keep then uh he burned to a crisp but it wasn’t exactly quick we were too eager to rebuild the boards exactly like Andro had them before apparently some of those fireballs and explosives were met with

When we first ared we’re part of the tower’s defenses wizard just laughed and laughed while we tried to put sand look out uh cool yeah so I guess they’re in cahoots with somebody so the wizard is a sadist that’s quality I guess that’s about right as a wizard you can probably

Confirm I cannot be aist with just two attack spells that don’t really do much this room is exactly like the other one oh wow see you later quirt have a good flight uh it just goes upstairs and upstairs and more upstairs and more upstairs would be the

Definition of a tower and more upstairs and then down some stairs I bet you didn’t see that one coming did you n this one is a EXC work brothers and lamb will be a worthy offering to our Lord and savior break us out of here C now oh no they’re

Christian they’re just hopeless Witnesses they’re here to preach nice try kid but this trap was designed to keep creatures far more dangerous than you contained what about a dragon yeah that’s how we escape it was designed to contain creatures that are way more dangerous not me yeah oh yeah

True uh investigate after a few moments of analyzing their clothing something these people have neither bound the imps you found in and around the tower nor are they simply borrowing power from creatures of the lower Plains they worship those creatures uh we got What Now where’s an adro and ver

Help yeah let’s ask where’s Z Andre what happened to the wizard who lived here why do the people we capture always think they’re going to get answers from us what’s the point of telling you anything you will die soon and it is more entertaining and safer to watch you

Squirm and ignorance you know that’s a great Point uh we can do another investigate I guess after a few moments of analyzing their clo yeah that’s investig need you to FOC yes I need you to help us get out Fireball do you think you could see or find anything useful in

This barrier Fireball did not help there may be a way to dispel it I I don’t I’ll try there are wow it’s pressure PL there are channels in this barrier that the magic has to flow through if you I think that if you touch that glowing point on the wall you

Canect the magical current to wherever you step you pull the to every part of the barrier I think I think it will disrupt the entire working and cause it to collapse silent I’m sorry it’s quite difficult to to think I mean how is that not what I was supposed to do moment at

A time oh do I need to activate all of these okay yes oh my God oh my God that’s how these puzzles work I didn’t know how though you just have to walk to it um you might want to go into an F5 no it’s fine

Okay I’m big brain look at this look at that big brain smarty pants right here Fireball erate theum destroy them oh wow I’m taking a lot of damage hold the drons we got the one with close toia you he literally lives in a cave yeah worked up when we were trapped I’ve

Been pretty quiet ever since I am fine uh you’re sulking it sounds to me like you’re sulking about something how dare you oh good we insulted him finally with your inan dribble you complete this task that was set for you so that the two of us might

Soon apart ways and never suffer the other’s company again be silent and do your job oh wow what did you just say to me you freak I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my never mind you know what I’m half inclined to put this man

Into a slot machine and just see what we can get back out amazing Dragon Plinko I bet I’ll get at least 350 from this guy at the pwn shop Like throw in the wh get a wish sound to some crypto Bros is an AI like no they really want to reuse this room a lot I don’t think jez yeah it’s a good room I mean it was an all right this room you find the door across from you

The only way forward shrouded in a magical barrier doesn’t look very magical in the center of the room sits a fill p high above the door shines a crystal that is jamed into a CRA between the stones with V’s help you can see that the crystal goblet and barrier are

Linked wow even from where you stand you can see that the crystal has a series of wards around it not to mention that even reaching the thing would prove a challenge I think we can get a a chair written before the Goblet on the pedestal is a note that says an Act of

Faith and proof of falty to our Lord drink and embrace the shadow of death to demonstrate your devotion it wouldst the barrier the goet cont either allow you to pass through it or temporarily lower the defense judging by that note however I would guess that whatever is in that drink would not be

Good for your health uh let’s see we got investigate check Crystal and drink it we got to investigate come on whatever is in this liquid will certainly hurt you if you ingest it will not kill you but depending on your tolerance for nausea You may wish it had you can also

Tell that the Goblet refills as soon as it is emptied uh I’m going to check the crystal the walls are fairly sheer but if you get up there you might be able to disarm the crystal embedded in the here bro there’s literally a climb wall option awesome let’s climb wall the Tor

Sces anding yourself up reach for a crack in the wall for a handhold only to feel the scon crack and jerk as it starts to fall from from the wall surprised and thrown off balance you tumble from the wall and land heavily on your side feeling something in your shoulder

Crack I’m I’m going try again D on to the torch surprised and thrown off balance you theall well I guess I’m just going to drink it whatever letting the drinks lie down your it tingles and chills like iced water it only takes a few moments after it settles in your

Stomach for nausea and light headedness to set in as you are you sure sure you’re ready to face whoever is behind that door this is the last room in the tower and considering that we have not encountered them yet it is probably where this Lord we have heard so much

About is waiting oh Lord oh okay oh nice dude’s got oh crap it’s the marauder from Doom not have come here it’s a plague doctor now our Lord is upet oh I upset their lord and Claw your way here you have am that’s a Battle Cry Oh it’s a actual Boss Bar interesting

Yeah F him guess I’ll take the invincibility potion oh my God yes you’re right not too bad well I missed pretty easy missile Yay as not that up says you with your constitution of way higher than me o you die okay he dead or she dead there walk guide Sage s us to retri yeah are we’re not going to mention this giant portal right here that goes to literally the nether that’s the vanilla nether too

That they add new textures to it oh my God yes that literally is the nether yeah the logic is that like the D this D and D campaign they opening they’re opening portal but not to hell but to Minecraft and the other sages would prefer to keep them for questioning what

What have you done you doomed us all do you even know what is coming you’ve destroyed our only hope at a safe haven against against what Enlightenment believe me novice there is nothing that can protect you from the forces of the universe Fireball they will learn give her some time to see the

Erors of her ways then she can dream that this never happened and apologizes before waking up useful primitive and temporary but even these ments of our imaginations that you call people cre the occasion or useful to have you the eyes for such a thing e sight to recognize what lies in the

Blackest of this it seems to me that you might but no never mind there was something familiar about you perhaps something that I met in you some months down the line your role in this world is done enjoy the coming sleep and in your Slumber be ready for

The Awakening once the true Gods come to core he’s going to throw us out of window and directly into the water done it dude oh now we can I can’t swim move get us out of the water ah the dragon doesn’t like water so that dude

Was nasty I did not think to see that thing here that was more than we bargained for when we took this job uh let’s see what did it say true Gods you okay ver salvation and hate this place uh I guess what did it say what was it saying I couldn’t understand half

Of that nor could I it did not seem like a language barrier their accent and pronunciation was clear however whatever that Abomination was spouting sounded like nonsense it was pretty yeah should we chase him no chance we can go after that Nast man can we you

Would even want to are you mad they toyed with you like a cat with an injured bird you should feel fortunate that they went through a portal and that you are unable to pursue them hopefully they are gone far far away okay and then I guess we’re leaving I

Think I’ve had enough of this Tower and everything in it you yes I think returning to Kendall keep walls okay I got SP book right here admit but I want to know what they have done with my body we were in no shape to contend with that Man or Monster or

Whatever manner of creatures behind that mask even if we should find a way to track them though perhaps there is to be for my body any could purs fig both deaths for now toar they will want to know what we have found I feel like the chest to mimic ratio is

Really high or really low there we go y okay I do want to check if that earn us any um extra start Point yeah we should have got some skill points I apparently do have one oh yeah I got I got one okay let’s see I think I’m just going to go for

Intelligence honestly really why how so because I’m dumb okay H but it just like decreases spell cool down becomes smart yeah doesn’t thing your attack feels like it actually does something in melee yeah is like an actual regular melee attack yeah yeah we got a we got a ladder that

We can go down here yeah I didn’t take a ladder oh wait is there dudes y very dead dudes oh look at that just dropped us off at like where we started okay exactly yeah that’s convenient let’s go check it out well I got like four stacks of gold

Now uh okay I hope they have like restocked and gotten better upgrades for us cuz uh yeah hopefully yeah oh there so many hores oh is that like a zombie horse or something you know you’ve been rather quiet since we left the tower something I should

Know talk through it I might much to offer I might not be very experienced but maybe we can talk through whatever is on your mind for you want to of course I I let my emotions get the better of me when we were trapped in that barrier there was nothing clearly

And even if I had been clear-headed there was so little that I could do it just it’s ging it really does have claustrophobia doesn’t he yep absolutely I feel as though I am not much of a dragon anymore I cannot say is I even feel particularly useful you are

Glorified personal assistant since I lost my body I have had little or no he not even as good as like Jiminy Cricket you’re a hotline at most I hate it uh let’s see oh there’s a Better Together option A we’ll get through this the both

Of us weird as our world has become and corny as this sounds we’ve got each other at least maybe you all right hello faf FNAF I said that weird didn’t okay can we buy anything in here uh I think it’s just all stuff that we’ve already bought before wizard

Hat you you can’t buy the wizard hat I want the wizard hat you you can’t it just upgrades whatever equipment you do have for your class sword yeah it lets you purchase the same thing over and over again so kind of waste okay it’s frustration so I guess

We got to go back to the tower this guy’s book and then move on from there something like that oh man we got to walk up these 30 flights of stairs again oh man my CS are killing me after the Clock Tower yeah we should have look for travel somehow

Yeah I I I don’t want to lie I don’t want to misquoted but ever Bloom where the people behind like a World of Magic Maps I’m pretty sure so this like the perfect thing for them it’s such a good utilization of their skills yeah for sure I was wondering if at all I

Considered scrying to see if you decided to just make a run for it glad to see you didn’t yeah yeah here’s the book you wanted EXC oh oh doeses that mean that uh uh weaklings gone or we were too late um I don’t know there’s not an

Option that we don’t actually know what happened to him yeah I guess because we do not yeah I’m sorry for your loss yes so am I though I will admit that I had assumed the worst already hearing it confirmed is still something of a shock by the way do you know what was

Being done in the tower a cult of devil worshippers had taken over his Tower and removed him devil worshippers that’s a bit uh extreme I certainly hope that ad had nothing to do with them I think he did or no he didn’t actually get the Goins

Seem to forget howting your soul to a devil is usually a rather permanent Affair I would not want that for him he could be unpleasant yes but he was a good man all things considered do you know what they wanted from his Tower or why they were there uh portal they had

Some sort of portal I think they were using it to summon more devils and stay in contact with the devil in charge that cannot have been their only reason for being there though they could have taken residence and hoop into Portal anywhere well they did say something about

Needing a safe place they thought there was some sort of impending Calamity and we using the tower as a fortress really did they say what This calamity would enta we didn’t really get that far in conversation between them trying to sacrifice me and that all right that is

Fair I suppose I had hoped for too much we did however run into that masked man we told you about though the one that was in the cave when V was taken out of his body really what happened he sounded like he was spouting nonsense neither

Vier nor I could figure it out but he then killed one of the cultists in a leader before taking whatever they were using to open the portal a couple of its minions were also killed outside Tower while fighting against the things living there pretty fair indication that they’re not exactly friendly

Acquaintances then so now what you intend to uphold your end to the bargain yes the charges against you have been wiped clean that was that wasn’t the whole deal got to get this dragon out of her head come on now okay yeah so what are you going to do now Evacuate the

Lizard damn it said that I would help you you did yeah you literally did though you said that you would help us we cleared out the tower and got your book for you I said that I would wipe the slates clean regarding your criminal activities and

Wave your fee for entrance to the Great Library the matter of helping you with your little identity crisis is something else entirely mhm okay uh we got you use dust how dare you and your demands yeah what what’s his demands so what more could you want from us you

Don’t have enough money to pay whatever ridiculous fees you expect we might we might yeah might who might what more indeed I’m kidding I’m kidding just toying with you a bit I was planning on helping you from the start as the problem peaked by curiosity mhm though

This ought to remind you that you should be careful about what someone says and what you agree to there are plenty of devious people and creatures out there either way I had actually already begun investigating some leads this may not exactly align with my specialty but we have hundreds of researchers in my

Department so I’ve enlisted there help you can just do that get them to drop their own projects of course what good is being a hit bureaucrat if you cannot throw around your weight a little every now and then oh and speaking of assistance I should also note that no

One has been able to identify the creatures that you described to me earlier that in itself is rather peculiar considering how many people in this city are fascinated with magical creatures none of our expert have any answers though fortunately the abow are a curious lot and are working all the

Harder to determine who or what you encountered since you ran into one of their kind again if their bodies are still where you slew them in the woods finding and examining their Anatomy would go a long way towards solving the riddle I will send someone out to find

And retrieve them okay what should V and I do in the meanwhile well you’re always welcome to find other work in the area otherwise you have been through quite a lot in the past few weeks go to the in get some rest come see me again once

You’ve had a solid night’s sleep I may have some more information for you by then oh heck yeah the the power fantasy that we deserve long Rest Long Rest Long rest where the ale give me all the ale drink this town Drive living vicariously for my Dungeons and Dragons

Character by uh getting a fin a normal amount of sleep yes a proper sleep schedule oh my God why didn’t you say so before Soul T says J I just realized this stream pass two hours a little while ago yes the hcraft recap is going

To be late as heck oh oh you still need to work on that um it’s Friday not Saturday well it’s is Saturday my time but still it’s fine I’m on schedule don’t worry about it are you yeah I am on schedule I don’t know if that’s true or

Not if only I had a video explaining exactly how rap is made if only I watched that in the last 3 years it’s been out for those three years yes yeah hold up I’m going to open the B check out what’s up with there um yeah we don’t have any extra stats to

Spare for some reason I got a glass and our current Quest is Some Enchanted get a r all right wow making a spin money against our will can I do for you do you have an open room for the night yeah hav’t had a lot of customers lately since most

Travers AR being into the city so you got your Pi of the place just be one gold piece that’s pricey you tell kind of pricey it’s the lowest rate I can offer take it or leave it you go thank you now let me just show you to your room one gold piece so

Expensive hey stone for mons gold pieces are enough to L for a month oh yeah true true they did say that away That’s they they back to sleep you down we’re going back to sleep right good emotional support silent [Laughter] yeah yeah and you know after all he’s done to us you know whatever oh no Trum watch from my past yeah just shut up yeah shut up we’re going back to

Bed I I was there I I know how it goes shut up and go to bed yeah my entire town burned down shut up you’re being mean to our naet silent what the experience it is our neopat isn’t it I was trying to think of the name for

That yeah and the way act when the cultists caught us join me I said not to speak of it I want no reminder of that but if you really insist on satisfying your childish idiotic curiosity then just know this ni scand my soul ripped from my body was the most painful thing

That I have ever experienced I did not know that pain could be so complete or overwhelm what do you want n get out of here being able to do anything about it was even worse now be silent and go speak with the sage those are contradictory yeah requests yeah you

Know make up your mind dragon come on what do you want you get ripped you get your soul ripped out of your body like later in the game it’s like oh wow that doesn’t actually hurt that much you’re just like a you’re just a giant baby aren’t you just really

Planing over nothing it’s like you know I feel better now you’re saying it’s the most painful thing that you ever experienced like it’s just it’s relative though like like how much pain have you actually experienced in your life I me come on you’re you’re like a dragon

Nothing really penetrates you so I me have you ever stepped on a Lego before come on he slips on gold like no don’t think that would Cur to me either gold is the softest metal shut up dude I had a root canal with without

Anesthesia I I I was fine I was not that to is gone I’m so sorry for bringing it up it’s it’s disgusted and I realize where’s this dude at I just kind of okay I’m sorry somebody said proper sleep schedule question mark and our casual of death request replied it is a fantasy

Game I have some bad news yes let’s hear the good news Well to begin with we found found a way to safely separate V’s soul from your body and put it back into his own while expelling the Parasite by killing you yeah by killing killing you the bad news I’m

Afraid is that the artifact you need to put V back into his own body is rather far away and may not actually be where we think it is you see while investigating we encountered two principal problems removing and transporting another creatures soul is actually rather simple if you have the

Appropriate knowledge or equipment I’ve done it myself the problem is neither of us have knowledge nor is already inhabited by living creature that may have some control over it and furthermore we do not know how much damage this creature is inflicted on VI’s body nor whether removing the

Parasite forcibly would do even more Pro we know removing the creature would kill VI’s body and trying to put his soul back into it would be well pointless he would simply die as any other creature does when their body expires to address this we track down an artifact known as

The rod of align It’s relatively simple if exceptionally powerful function is to set things back into their natural intended State wow it can only do so on a limited scale and needs time to recharge but it should do the trick what’s the catch the catch is that like

I said we are not absolutely sure about where it is we just have a very good guess that will at least put you on the artifacts Trail will that be enough on its own yes though depending on how powerful a parasite is you will likely need to weaken the creature before the

Artifact can extract it living things can resist magical effects but weakening the target will reduce its ability to do so so we’re got to go find a dragon that’s what I’m hearing y r we take out whatever stick it already has up its butt because that makes him

Such a grouchy fre thing and show a completely different up speak to a storm giant friend of his who lives in the area there have not been any reports of the artifact since that visit though kiman has certainly left their mark on various places without it in the

Intervening time so we think it may have been left in the storm Giants keeping if not then they may have an idea of where to find it oh and uh one last thing one of our occultists was able to identify those grinning creatures that you have encountered they are called Gro and are

Part of a large mysterious category of creatures commonly called star Spa isn’t that like the minions guy is here of course know that the few times star spawn gr mentioned in our books usually labels them as minions shock troopers and harbingers for even greater Eagles and

Agents of ancient mad Gods how they came here is unknown but their very presence is troubling the people working with them probably worship whatever elder god the gru serve I suspect that you have found a cult of the old ones which may explain why the man in the mask was

Interested in the devil cultists you found in ad’s Tower they would likely have similar goals and could be using similar resources this information has left Desai shaken he does not seem worried so much about the gro themselves as to what their appearance in our world might mean thank you for the information

Limited as it was keep M with you as you travel you can use this to contact me from anywhere in veyon at any time if you’re in dire trouble or if you encounter something that might be very interesting to me use that otherwise abuse this privilege and I will sever

The connection permanently now go down to the docks and you will find on shiping so we are going to annoy him until he gives up right yeah like for sure oh we got fire Shield wow all right fascinating cool interesting even cool well I think that might be a good place

To leave it then I think we’ve done quite a bit yeah imagine for a moment though that like on our way to the tavern cuz he mention that this might be work done to around the town there was like a bunch of side quests and we missed it

Completely you know we might have although I didn’t see anyone with like a little explanation point on their heads so me either but like also at this point the game has successfully conditioned us to just do whatever told not question it not try to explore just don’t do

Anything yeah and we kind of already you fall into the water and die immediately yeah this is an amazing adventure map but like it kind of has no business being a dungeon and dragon thing because it Lees very little for actual role play you know you kind of would want because the

People who would be playing this probably would be like tiny children who need a lot of handh holding for anything that they do that being all said it’s pretty good I think yeah and and also I figured out what the paner is called it’s called displacer

Beast oh okay nice I’m glad you asked yeah thank you it was not a montior a manticor is a a lion with goat legs and Scorpion tail oh yeah yeah yeah I knew that one yep got that you called it a serverus I’m going to anyway yeah so thank you for having

Me this quite a bit of fun yeah good it’s a well made map it’s it’s good when there’s a well made yeah it’s got nice spells the models are good there’s a lot of dialogue lot a lot of dialogue the sarcasm could use some more sarcasm in it but overall pretty solid AB

Absolutely obviously but we wouldn’t want to oh crap that’s not how you ah hold up I’m leveling my strength oh it’s about time oh I I have two skill points actually yeah you get two skill points for talking to the guy in the morning apparently oh we should go talk to him every

Morning yep oh crap silence you’ll never you’ll never guess what I forgot yeah that you can’t be in the fountain yeah this big dumm why are you stop no I want you to suffer more just let me die oh seriously the thing though like you can’t go in the

Water yeah I think I’m actually stuck in the fountain now too oh no I can get out yeah if you have water at your head ler you just like die instantly that’s great I wonder on the upside this map has an amazing hat for the wizard

Character 10 out of 10 no notes yes absolutely perfect the the hat design like they put a lot of effort into that and it really shows yes and that right there makes this whole thing worth it I have no idea where you respond I me either it’s your stream

Okay well I guess I’ll catch you later sometime we might do this again or maybe not and we’ll see yep let us know somewhere like wherever you can catch silent just tell them things yeah let us know what you think it’s kind of a you

Know slower Pac thing but but it was it was fun it was a surprisingly slow SP SPAC thing again lots to say lots to lots to talk about but uh no the point right okay well I’ll catch you later zo say bye to the chat bye thanks

For playing no problem thank you for having me of course okay well that was pretty fun hopefully you guys liked it let us know what you think in the Discord and everything and we might do some more streams on this but otherwise wise uh yeah that’s about going to do it for

Tonight’s live stream I might be live again tomorrow uh I’m not sure we don’t really have much else to stream right now if I do it’ll probably be a technical to Saturday or something uh but also repen thank you for the bits Merry Christmas to you as well it’s it’s

December 1st though we got to not bust out the Christmas too early jeez uh but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the stream this will be up on silent 2 in the next couple of days or so and I’ll catch you guys later bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons! 12/1/23 Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2023-12-10 17:00:18. It has garnered 159 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:19 or 9079 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer’, was uploaded by Dream _X_ YT on 2024-04-08 02:11:16. It has garnered 6093 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer minecraft relaxing music, minecraft relaxing, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft relaxing video, minecraft relaxing longplay, minecraft relaxing song, minecraft relaxing music with soft rain, minecraft relaxing pixel art, minecraft relaxing build, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing parkour map download, minecraft relaxing parkour map download… Read More

  • Minecraft Civilization

    Minecraft CivilizationThis is a Minecraft Civilization Server with: Factions, Unlimited Players, Economy System and much more! vicenity.net Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon Join our vibrant community and set sail on your survival journey today. Stormy Lagoon offers a refreshing twist on survival gameplay, running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Established over four years ago, our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022. Immerse yourself in our welcoming environment and enjoy an array of unique features, including custom items inspired by our players. Delve into our player-driven economy, explore bustling marketplaces, and unearth hidden treasures scattered across the map. Gain an edge with our incorporation of mcMMO, offering a captivating long-term gameplay experience, complemented by our… Read More

  • HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protection

    HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protectionWelcome to RedotMC a brand new server with custom terrain.Hosted on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L and 94 gig ram.So what are you waiting for? Are you up to the survival challange in a custom generated world? Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Won’t Have C418 Soundtrack

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Won't Have C418 SoundtrackWell, I guess his tunes didn’t quite hit the right note for the movie soundtrack! Read More

  • Crafty Jenny’s Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox

    Crafty Jenny's Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build and explore, with blocks in our veins. Jenny, the mod, crafted with care, In Build a Boat, a treasure to share. Join the empire, full of fun and delight, With Discord and Roblox, our community takes flight. Instagram and Twitter, where we connect, In the realm of gaming, we show our respect. The video unfolds, with humor and charm, As we build Jenny, with curves and with charm. The narrator speaks, with a playful tone, Describing the process, in a style all their own. From the head to the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol

    Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, Nether portals are like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, they just become a convenient way to avoid walking long distances. Ah, the joys of aging in Minecraft.” Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: What’s New? Wind Burst Enchantment Changes The Wind Burst enchantment in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 now provides a significant upward push, propelling players up to 21 blocks at level 3. However, be cautious as it does not prevent fall damage, potentially causing lethal damage without proper precautions. Gameplay Fixes Entities now load into the world with the correct rotation, and boats once again align in the direction the player is facing. Additionally, entering the end now consistently faces players towards the center of the island, ensuring a smoother transition. Visual Enhancements Mip-mapping now functions correctly… Read More


    BECOME an ELEMENTAL SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft!Video Information ah another beautiful day as an earth Elemental shape shifter and look at this guys I just shape shifted into a little tiny creeper aren’t I so cute tax come on we have to go wake up noox and Trixie oh yeah Zoe we do have to wake up noox and Trixie I’m really hungry I want some breakfast wao your creeper legs move really weird oh yeah it’s because I’m not like a full Shape Shifter yet I’m just a little tiny Shape Shifter that’s all yeah me too hey uh no it’s breakfast time dude come… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft Shorts

    Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% 😍 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-18 06:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% | Wait For End #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and … Read More

  • Exposed: PrestonPlayz’s SHOCKING Minecraft Betrayal

    Exposed: PrestonPlayz's SHOCKING Minecraft BetrayalVideo Information today we are busting 100 Minecraft Miss starting with armadillos are afraid of spiders in daytime come on dude these guys are straight out of Texas no way they’re afraid of a spider although if I saw a spider as big as the ones in Minecraft I might be a little scared so he should go inside of his shell come here buddy dude I don’t think this guy’s afraid this is a true Texan right here dog it looks like to me the spiders are afraid of the armadillo but I just want to let me let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining lagi mencari diamond😁 | Minecraft BE survival duo | Part 11’, was uploaded by OnlyDess on 2024-03-22 02:48:34. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. ⚠️Mcpe Patched⚠️ follow me on instagram Me : @its_dess16 My friend : @m_dky4 Shader : Newb x Legacy More Improvement Addon : – NekoUI – Graves – Ptiger’s Armor Rarity – Visualize Enchanted Book – Parallax Sounds v2 – All Trades Visible – Weapon Combiner + DLC – More Structure – Disenchanter – Raiyon More Vanilla Enchanment -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!

    Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 4’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-14 02:25:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More