EPIC Viking Nuclear Power Build in Minecraft!

Video Information

Quite sure why it sometimes happens sometimes you just go live on YouTube and YouTube just goes like nah I I see your streamers here but you cannot push that button man and you go like what why good good good good good good good all right welcome back everybody welcome

Back to our lovely little game of GRE Tech New Horizons over here I’ve been somewhat busy over the weekend I’ve also took some trips to the Moon back as you can see I just left the chest over here because I just couldn’t be asked to pick them up again

And I think I still got a rocket in my pocket yeah there’s a rocket in my pocket um we should probably also have a quick trip to the moon and pick up some stuff from over there because there is some stuff over there that we do need to

Pick up especially the drill if we maybe want to go to Mars as well nevertheless um a couple of things have happened and you might already Peak through the window over there you already see like that at least something is now occupying that new um shed build or whatever it is

Also there is a [ __ ] zombie around there somewhere that’s going to get shot one moment please where the [ __ ] are you there you are get the [ __ ] out of here good good good good good good good much better [ __ ] zombies man just sitting around here being annoying at

All here we go pick the thing up again here we go and then you over there and don’t forget about the catwalk over there good good good good good is thisa point about the rocket in bolts pocket k for bolt was just happen to see him now

It’s it’s just a ginormous rocket man it’s it’s like humongous like if Elon Musk would see that rocket in my pocket he would just be like good God that thing is huge I will mount it in my Elon Musk is fine you can middle click middle Mouse

Button click to select blocks in the world I’m trying that but that doesn’t seem to be working then again I don’t have these blocks in my pocket anymore oh yeah that works never knew that um good but uh as always we’re kind of starting over here on the Scaffolding in

The old base the old base got even more cleaned out uh if we go downstairs real quick you will notice that well it looks so empty in here now there’s still machines over here at some point in time I will probably pick up the machines but all the chests are

Gone there’s still a bit of the storage wall over here that will probably move over at some point in time it’s not really that important but it’s it it it feels like a ghost swn in here now it’s actually kind of scary being in here just looking around this whole place and

Going like yeah remember all the crafting we did in here yeah we’re no longer doing that it’s now all in the new build do the rocket c will stay over here and we will probably also add additional rocket SS over here once we get to the bigger Rockets I’m pretty sure that the

Tier 2 rocket can also fit in this place over here um if not well we’ll figure something out we’ll figure something out there’s still the occasional chest around here and there’s still the occasional machine and bench around here oh yeah I somehow managed to dup a rocket I’m not quite sure how that

Happened but I managed to d a tier one rocket like um um I had the rocket sitting uh at bottom of the well over there and I was in it and I think I either saved the game or I reloaded back up and I reloaded the backup while I was

Already sitting in the rocket and then it flew away with the rocket and when I came back the rocket was still there and I was a bit like what how did that happen uh but yes this whole place over here we will probably repopulated or something um if we find the need to

Repopulate or something maybe we just completely tear it down and build something new uh we will see we will see if no idea why but whenever you put your headset um but put down your headset you the volume scroll goes down to mute it’s probably a feature of your headset man

Maybe there is like um an optical sensor in your headset that just mutes everything Once you turn put your headset off good uh of course the clean room over here there’s still Parts in the clean room we never picked up uh we’ll probably pick them up at some point in

Time it didn’t do that when you bought it it huh maybe it’s a faulty connection or something like that who knows who knows who knows good nevertheless let’s let’s leave this place over here there’s nothing to be done over here anymore good good good good good uh we do got

Our new place over here and you might already notice that the new place over here uh is a bit more densely populated than before there’s a couple of new machines in here um so let’s get in here right away and also why do I always leave the [ __ ] door open there we go

Close down please upgrade gnomes in the night maybe so um yeah we got a couple extra ebfs uh I actually took some time and put down like a big quad ebf because I thought to myself like yeah let’s make a big quad ebf all with tpv alloy coils

And everything uh it’ll going to be amazing because if we run it at the quad EF uh we can run it like an HV it will be running um at the speed of HV but since we have four of them they will be running at four times the speed uh then

I hooked it all up started it and I kind of realized no it’s it’s not even remotely going any faster because it seems the rule of two which is used for every machine out here like if you use a recipe and you overclock it with power

You pay four times of power for two times of speed does not apply to ebfs for ebfs it’s linear so I basically just for drup my pollution and I was like H well that’s a thing all right also no logistical pipes we don’t [ __ ] need logistical pipes those

Things are out of the window we got the DME system which is by far way Superior good good good good good so uh I then kind of te tore down the the the quad EPF and then just made like two individual EFS out of that as well as

Upgraded the coils on a multi smel over here so yes and the busz pens turn Sil moves are something you en join german yes they are they are um they are a little bit split apart this thing over here is mostly for like um like the crafting ingots like um aluminum stainless steel

Steel um and titanium and stuff like that and this one over here is for like everything that takes long like electronic components like those those those um silicon bullets and stuff like that that’s all happening over here tungston is happening over there so that’s his job and then this guy over

Here that’s Platinum processing because at some point in time I was like hey you know what uh why not set up the whole Platinum process and it was actually pretty easy to set up uh so now we can get more stuff out of our Platinum if

Whenever we need platinum and we do need Platinum quite a bit because it kind of turns out that that um these power um the nuclear power over here has a lot of components in there that actually runs on Platinum good good good good good pretty easy just wait is there more to

This is there going to be more to this whole Platinum process I mean I have seen that we are now sitting at where is it even um that we are now backing up a little bit in terms of what is it even it was called padium yeah padium uh we

Got some ladium en riched ammonia which we then can do in a similar way with the um with the platinum and process it as well but I haven’t really done that yet Ivy tier all right Ivy tier we will see good we also got Mr big bend over here

We got the big bending machine over here the industrial material press to make all of our plates and it’s got like five input hatches because I’m pretty sure we need five input hatches to this one so I made like five input hatches over here good um I am still emptying our chests

Over here so let’s pick up you pick up you and rotate you I just got the generic input joint over here where we just this thing over here will just in will’ll pick up stuff from the chest and we’ll just drop it in there so we don’t care about

That all right over here um I can probably finally move this back by two because these two machines have been picked up um but there’s also probably still more machines over here there there’s a whole hacking load of machines like literally everywhere let’s let me go upstairs real

Quick because upstairs I finally also put in the whole system over here for the air filters all of the air filters are in uh as well as the flood lights if we would turn off our um where is it if our night vision we would be able to see perfectly fine

In this whole building upstairs um like top floor and bottom floor is still like a little bit dark but the main floor is really really nice and bright the only downside is we can run nine out of 10 lamps it’s we we don’t get enough power

In here to run the 10th lamp so it’s currently disconnected also I had some fun with these hatches and now we can exactly see when one of these over here is like uh having some issues there we go and off it goes perfect good good

Good good good but all of these are now air filters and they’re all running as intended so we are constantly filtering the air around us so nothing over here will be happening too bad good good good good good good anything more upstairs I did remodel the events over here a little

Bit it made a little bit more sense to to pull them down a bit more because now we can see the big vent over here covered by a transparent technical block and then a bit of a frame around it so now we have like lovely eight air vents

Over here there’s also going to be some air vents over there once we start working in that building but that building over there still needs some work and I couldn’t get that done yet good good good good good let me just check up on something do

Slime Islands move or is it just my imaginations because I swear that thing over there is moving I was pretty sure it was more over here the last time I looked at it they do not move are you sure about that well so be it we also need some

Food it seems there we go get the food man was if the poop the automation that is the Arcane egg that’s our Arcane lab laboratory I’m pretty sure you had never seen one move but maybe yours does I have no clue I I was pretty sure that this slime Island was more over

Here but I could I I was also pretty sure it was more closer to the boom witch over here than it is right now but well just put down a marker let’s see if it moves or not we will see we will see good um speaking of the boom witch um

Well how to put it she moved in there she is hello there boom witch how you doing uh we kept her bed of course she’s still sleeping on top of um the big implosion compressor um and she’s going to have a lot of fun over there she’s going to be perfectly fine

Um she’s going to be I’m not quite sure if she will be suffocating or not but uh on whenever we’re going to be using this machine over here at any important time then we will see if she is working fine or not but she’s fine she’s not complaining are you

Complaining ah she’s laughing see she’s fine she’s fine so nothing to worry about it over there good we also got a couple more of these large chemical reactors because it kind of turns out if you stuff everything into the one large chemical reactor basically you craft random [ __ ] and not the things you

Want to craft so I kind of made three of these um spread the recipes apart a bit more and now we do not have any more issues over here with the large chemical reactor so we can now um make things like like like plastic and stuff like

That way more easy good good good good we also got these things now oh these are amazing uh we got two ore running plants um because of course you should make an ore running plant because that will make mining so much easier um and should the

A system have a blocking mode it’s not really going to work for for these over here um I can show you once we underneath but if you use like an ingredient buffer the ingredient buffer doesn’t care the ingredient buffer goes like yep I’ve accepted your items I push them

Into the machine and then the ingredient buffers empty and the next batch of items comes in and then it goes like okay now you get the mix back and then you have a mix back which is kind of annoying but yeah we got two or drilling

Plants and I’ve placed one of them on the moon um that thing is basically um yeah it’s it’s it’s not full it’s empty I had to pick up all the chests because I did not have any replacement chest to to put in there so it’s currently sitting on the moon without any chests

We might just fly over to the moon and do something about that who knows and then and I have an or drilling plant on the over world let’s let me go over there real quick because it’s it’s nice to look at um there we go it’s over here

Somewhere D also I left the hatch open well so be it it’s not too far away because we do need some Overworld materials especially salt it kind of turns out we need like loads and loads of salt to make like all of the chlorine gas that we’re currently

Making because chlorine gas is basically a part of everything it seems so I put it somewhere near over here there it is uh somewhere near where salt is then don’t use a buffer I do need a buffer especially if you want to um combine recipes that require liquids as well as

Solids good good good good good good good ah this thing is annoyingly loud but yeah we got these new or drills over here this is basically a very big minor and it’s amazing I really do enjoy it you do have to feed it with um what’s it called again with drilling fluid and

Drilling fluid it does eat quite a bit of drilling Fleet so we’re making the drilling Fleet on site we just bring in like a barrel of lubricant and drilling fluid is made by um a th000 units of water five units of no one unit of of stone dust and

Five units of water and then it makes like something like 4,000 or 8,000 um dading fluid so no problems with there it’s also being fueled by drum of diesel so it can sit over there for quite a while they usually run through like one

Or two Dr Drums of diesel so we do have to come back over here for now and then but they mine quite fine and the best thing about it of is it’s not a minor Miner it’s a mayor minor it is a mayor Miner the best thing about it is

It’s it’s loud as [ __ ] I love [Laughter] that and it only makes it it only makes crushed ore like you don’t get any any actual or out of it it will immediately masate that ore and it works as an actual murator of the appropriate level

So if you run it on HV it will also give you like extra materials out of that and that’s really really nice like getting extra materials straight up from that minor um and then only getting things like already preas rated ORS which we can then throw into our processing

Center over here is just absolutely amazing good good good good good good but yeah that thing sits over there there’s like a ton of compressed chests around it and it will fill us up also this kind of happens um yeah chunk borders you know they don’t like these displays that

Much so every now and then we have a bit of an odd display over here good good good good good but that’ll be fine that’ll be fine and what’s the recipe for Ender Stuff um ender stuff is coming into Ivy if we want to do it and now you just need an

Ender chest and automatically put the ORS in the system yeah I mean if we have a look at um loot back loot back there you go just move the base one time no uh is it just loot here it is loot back to five IV um there we go

If we have look in these we can see that right over there ender chests so there’s a good chance we just get an ender chest once we get into IV it’s probably also possible to make ender chest once we get into the IV not quite sure what we need

To craft them actually because end the chest over here of course um they’re part of um of farmcraft and I have no clue what to do over here as always so we will see we will see you could just make him yeah we could probably just

Make him we will see about it soon uh maybe we can already make him in farmcraft I have no clue uh I’ve not really looked into it yet it’s not really that important yet but it will probably become more important especially the moment we go more into

Space and more to off um off planets and we get more Ores from like very far away places where we can’t go back that easily no more good but yeah you can see um night vision is off so it’s it’s like super duper dark outside and these flood

Lamps over here bloody amazing like the whole place over here nice and bright nothing nothing is going to be spawning in here at all you can see everything pretty pretty good even if I turn on my nit Vision it will only make the outside side riter arara hello there how you doing

You empty yes you’re empty good is there stuff in the air there is stuff in the a that’s probably also the last chest over here that is bringing stuff over also I somehow lost my other Dolly I’m not quite sure where it went is maybe in here now let’s have

A look okay it it it managed to get in here somehow that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine good then uh downstairs downstairs is more or less still the same um I did clean up most of the drums there’s still like one drum over here for water um I

Had to learn the hard way around that the priority of here has to be increased uh for it to be not picked up um in storage it was kind of kind of weird I didn’t notice no knew that you had to do that my assumption was if we set the

Priority super low it will be imported um less frequent but it seems that um a low priority will be more imported which kind of makes sense but well yeah you can see it from both ways but only one of them will work so now we’re trying to use this

Water over here only rarely and we’re trying to use the water that’s still in the system we do get water we do seem to be somewhat water positive and of course we did the same over here for the crude oil but for the crude oil doesn’t really

Matter no more because that other extra Barrel we had with crude oil that’s now being consumed so now this is our only oil drum and then of course we got this lubrication drum over there which we can pick up real quick because this is more

Or less where we order up Loop for the drills so let maybe order up another one there we go but yeah uh every other input over here is gone we do got a couple of extra drives I’ve been busy I’ve definitely been busy uh are the recipes still in here or did we

Already kicked them out we already kicked them out um but yeah most of them are this one’s a bad example this is 1K but most most of them are 64k storage cells for either physical inputs or for liquid inputs so we got a bit of liquid storage

Available um I think a red low to high yes but um what what does the low priority over here mean like does a low priority over here mean don’t read it or don’t don’t consume it well it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter good good good good good but yeah we got a whole bunch

Of 64k storage cells over here uh for most of these things um so we are good to go over and this over here now also looks bit cleaner it will probably be cleaned up even more and probably these wires of will also be cleaned up at some point in

Time but it’s not that important L was first for both input and output yes technically yes we still got this wall over here um that will probably be consumed into the system soonish I don’t really think that the amount of drives we have in here currently can handle it

There’s still okay there’s still a good amount of space over here but that’s a lot of items over there that is actually a lot of items over here especially things like the stone dust the Redstone the sulfur um and some of these well everything is basically has a red frame around it is

Going to be like a metric [ __ ] ton of items the Cobblestone uh actually Cobblestone we’ve been using up quite a bit actually um but yes at some point in time we’re going to be consuming all of this as well into the AE system and then

We can get rid of all the storage buses but we got two remaining that’s fine I mean two more then of course we have like yet another crafting grid over here because well I kind of run out of space so I just made another one uh mostly mixers chemical plants even more

Assembly machines because oh god there are so many assembly machine recipes uh even more assembly machine recipes um the forge also went down here yes yes yes well use the wall external storage if the a system is not chocked full because it will lag that’s why we already noticed the lag

So we don’t really want this no more if we have everything in the a system the LA will be fine and to be perfectly honest it’s not that hard to make more disc drives I mean we’ve been making disc drives all week over here by just putting in the level maintainer over

Here and just saying like I want have 10 disc drives at any point in time um and drives going to be cheap anyway yeah drives are dirt cheap drives are dirt cheap man they they’re so super cheap and we do have some space available over here um there’s also

Probably still a whole bunch of crap in the AE system that we can probably get rid of uh like Enchanted items that we probably don’t need and stuff like that and yeah blah blah blah blah blah blah we can get rid of stuff good good good I think that was the recap

Of everything we have in here uh of course I have been very much busy with putting down a hecking load of patterns we we got patterns for pretty much everything like 64k drives uh not L drives K drives if you want to make one of these we got already 10 liquid

Storage drives in here very nice very nice like if we just want to craft one one not like that if we just want to craft one here we go the only thing we’re missing is copper foil how the hell are we missing copper foil that’s actually kind of interesting

Did we not copy the recipe over um let’s have a look at that oh I think I kind of either dropped the recipe or I never moved it over that’s fine that’s fine we can just make some more over here boop boop boop boop boop maybe it’s in one of these chests

And I just forgot to move it we still got like a whole bunch of random patterns over here which we do kind of need to put into the system at some point in time but these are not that important and whenever we need them I we can now

Also make pattern cards a little bit more consistently than before so yes what’s the new building ah yes yes yes the new building I almost forgot let me just put this pattern in real quick um the foil is a think over here yeah there some copper foil good it’s night time let’s sleep

Because that building is still a little bit dangerous because people can still creep in on the sides but like I already said the new building is going to be like the bio um the basically the Farm Processing and it’s more or less just one ginormous Refinery one very ginormous Refinery

Just for biological things things like wood tar things like um everything we get that’s a few tanks yeah I made a couple of them stainless steel tanks I mean once you set them up automated in an MA system and you basically ask the level emitter to make like a th000 for

You he’ll make a th000 for you overnight you don’t even need to look for it the next morning you come back and it’s all done titanium tanks now titanium is still a little bit expensive stainless Steels basically dirt sheep um Titanium tanks would make this even bigger but I

Think these tanks will be more than big enough I mean these can hold 22,400 buckets of stuff I think that’s going to be fine I think that’s going to be fine but we’ve also already started working on some the bottom output does not uh doesn’t have an auto transfer uh

Limit it’s a bit low H I don’t really think it needs to be that big um I think this will be fine I mean this is more or less just going to be like for crafting and purposes and stuff like that I think it will be fine but

Yeah we we already do have a couple of distillation Towers over here and there’s going to be a couple more distillation Towers over there some chemical plants over here then an an e system sitting over there in the corner somewhere uh we do need to connect them

All up with wires and stuff like that these will probably be connected up with fluid storage verses because then we can just access them over there via flute storage buses and then we don’t need to worry about them the only thing I kind of found a little bit annoying and I

Didn’t notice that until when he was mostly done with this the hexa duple pipe does not exist you can see the hexa dup pipe in here and was like oh hexa duper pipe that would be perfect for this whole thing even though flow speeds are kind of low I think the total amount

Of flow going through here will not be that high where Cas scenario we make him out of titanium or something like that and then I click on this and go like ah yeah it doesn’t [Laughter] exist good good good good good good what’s the Viking doing the magic box

For the a what magic box the flow is per viral pipe yeah yeah yep necronium hello there yeah have 5×5 by eight tanks I’m not quite sure how big these are these are uh 5×5 by one two three four seven 5 five for seven there we

Go those pipes sound good until you have to filter everything back out AE is just better yeah we could probably also do this entirely with the a system but then H I guess it is possible but we would have to put like a liquid Importer on

All of these and then a whole bunch of extra C and a whole bunch of extra channels we can probably do it with the AE system but then I don’t need the tanks no well so be it let me also turn this off real quick because then we can see

The map a little bit better pump it on uh on interfacer yeah maybe maybe when than G Storage we can still use the t storage very true very true they’re basically just ginormous drums also um after an update a PC software upgrad that this um this kind of happen where is it even

Um no not you and then Advance options is it in here no not you cash mode map Tower render wasen there no not mini pep Advanced options web map full screen map wasn’t there like an option to to change the mini map at the top right corner I think there was a

Button for that which one was that is there is there another button for cartography um settings joury full screen map R Point MIP map preset zoom in zoom out uh let’s on there uh whatever the case um the the mini map in the top right corner was

Somehow broken like it it it looked like just absolutely horrible and oh I think it is actually in here wait a minute um it should be preset one and Then yeah after preview there we go and then where is the shape there we go so these shapes are fine the rectangle this one look at this um I’m not quite sure how this got broken like this but it’s just Bleeding Through the compass and it definitely wasn’t like

That all the time and I’m not quite sure what cost it I just booted up the game again after like a system update and I looked at the mini map I was like what the [ __ ] is going on over there you have that one too well I just

Switched it over to square and then it’s fine because then we don’t see it like that no more but ah I didn’t have that before that I’m pretty sure I did not have it like that before because I I boot it up the game I looked at that

Thing was like what the [ __ ] is that good good good good good good good all right all right H we can’t leave through there but we can leave through here you’re wondering is it possible for a mod pack to create unlimited food sources by digging a 22x 22 X 22 Cube

And fill it with Source blocks well GRE Tech doesn’t really have Source water blocks so sadly that’s a possible uh but we do got another small thing over there it’s still more or less working production and it still kind of looks a little bit hideous but we do got a reinforced

Building over here oh wrong button and of course we’re going to have a little control room and we do of course need a bit of a blast Shield room so that we can go in here where we are going to be placing our nuclear reactors it’s all triple shielded the whole

Building except for the control room is triple shielded in reinforced Stone and we also got a little bit of water on the bottom to basically if if things do explode I do hope the water will at least compensate for that a bit but yeah this is where we’re going to be placing

Down the nuclear reactors or at least we’re going to be starting to place them down and it’s going to be like one on this corner one in that corner one on this corner one on that corner and then the same on the bottom over here um so that we basically have well everything

Covered over here paranid are we yes because keep in mind the game will be running 24/7 on the server and I might just like log out and then forget about it come back in and then kind of realize like hey what my base always this Smalling hole ah it seems like it was

Where’s the last backup save oh oops overridden so yes yes yes you just got yours out in the open no I I I want I want the perge core like I want at some point in time to maybe realize like wait where does all this pollution come from

And then you just go in here and the only thing you see is like the smoldering mass of like burned down everything you can still have to control to Redstone yeah we should have all the space in there that’s also why I have a little control room in the front which

We’re going to be using for whatever kind of control we need we can put in controls over here uh and we might need to dig through here we will not dig through this wall because this is more less a Bloss Shield because of course this is a weak point so we need

This wall over here to catch whatever blows through that one probably the door and then of course this is also triple wo so if things do explode I do hope that only like this whole thing just goes a little bit poof and then things are gone worst case scenario we

Basically have something like um a wake of Destruction going this way and I just hope it will not hit anything over there and the great thing about nuclear reactor explosion is that you usually get a good couple of seconds to realize it’s about to reduce you to Ash yep because everything will be

Lagging and if you at the C build a huge reactor in the middle of your base you either keep it contained or start over I mean it’s in the middle of our base it is contained it’ll be fine good good good good good good good all right all

Right but yeah um to do nuclear reactor stuff we still need to glor together so many parts and alteration for that is partially in I mean at least the the recipes are in so we can probably ask our system over here to to maybe glow up the parts together for us currently it’s

Making lubricant and only lubricant so that’ll be fine so we do have some space available over here to to move some stuff around so that’ll be fine but yes yes yes I do kind of want to make some some I do want to make some plates I

I’ve not even seen if that works up there or not so if we go to like compressed plates there we go and just give me like some some some some some can we make some compressed steel no we were missing stuff for that can we make some compressed

Aluminum no we’re missing the Triple okay okay okay okay one moment please um compressed Steel please for that we’re going to need the implosion generator for that we’re going to need Mr bendo over here for that we need compressor running on level tree there we go perfect Huggy hello there welcome

Welcome welcome how you doing that’s an output we can’t use that one but this inut will be fine yeah swi the tree here we go welcome welcome welcome hugy beats how you doing how is it up there is it still like snowing and everything um yeah

All right let’s see if we can blow this witch eating and vibing [Laughter] perfect yeah that seems to be fine make one of these please all right yeah she survives it’ll be fine good so we have now also these plates over here automated good good good

Perfect Hy have you even seen the base over here yet we’ve been working on this for so long is the Muff directly underne yes the muffler is directly on the defer I think the muffler only poisons you if I remember correctly maybe it actually kills you who knows good

Yeah we we got a bit of a thing going on over here we still got the main building over here the side building over there last time we saw it was a few weeks ago a few weeks ago what did we a few weeks ago I don’t

Know good good good good good but today we’re focusing is that a Zombie horse in my pen there you go you can stay the horse is all loud I mean the thing is getting bigger bigger byby every week and I do enjoy it quite a bit and who knows how much more

Buildings we’re going to be putting in here this thing over there still needs to be removed or at least repurpose or something like that it’s still like the original tier one power plant which we’re no longer using um and it’s probably needs to be torn down but it’s

Now off so it’s no longer causing any kind of weird lag so we’re at least good for that now you need to go capture the nuclear witch the alchemical Witch and the diesel witch H Maybe may all right uh Quest time so yeah I also went down the path

Over here for the Nan processors I mean once once you got the AE system up and running like automating every step over here all the way to to get into like the Nan processor main frame was really not that complicated just put the pattern in

Go for the machine put it in and off you go let may also check up on you real quick are you fine um you are fine we still got a whole wall over here in the clean room available for us uh also the best thing you can do in the clean room

Eight of course eight we got so many laser uh engravers um a couple of these machines over here are running on HV look got like really many what was that six laser engravers what the [ __ ] man good good good good good all right all right the only thing I was kind of

Disappointed about this those those maintenance hatch things we used upstairs you can only place them on the controller I was kind of hoping we could place them like over here on the corner or something like that because I kind of if you if you ever seen like an actual

Industrial floor in in real life you will usually see that that every big machine has like this this little little um this little pole sticking out of it with a lamp on top which will tell you the state of the machine and I kind of wanted to replicate the same over here

But it’s that that maintenance hatch or that that that that needs maintenance hatch that you can make you can only place it on the controller which is basically over here which is kind of useless there might be other ways to use it there is a wireless one at some point

Time yeah Wireless Redstone covers um I might get into that later but then it was like a little bit more like yeah may maybe another time maybe another time good quests so let’s hand in everything EPO seed we did that I’ll take the lootpack please we don’t need any of

That things then of course we made the epoxy Advanced boards thank you so much for poate uh we’ll take some more loot backs please thank you very much we also made the Nano CPU wafer and the chip uh it’s basically just get yourself some processors combine them with some raw

Carbon and some glowstone and you are done then uh the Nano process over here that is basically instant HV tier circuit which is really really good I’ve switched most of the recipes over to this one there might still be like a couple of recipes in there that still

Use like the previous way of making hvt circuits whenever I spot one uh I will adjust it but sometimes I just miss it so it’ll be fine good we can also of course now make uh better e tier circuits which is also very useful because these are now cheaper these are

Very much cheaper which also means we can make better IV tier circuits which is going to be great I’ll take more loot backs please there we go thank you very much and of course we can now finally also make the love tiers what is that is

That ludicrous wait wait and we got Ivy that should be ludicrous right let’s see what was this one this one was iy tier for insane and then V tier for ludicrous yeah that should be fine good good good good good good of course UT processing over here has also

Been um a little bit more advanced now we now take our crushed Elite and bathe it in suric acid if we need to um Elite and a couple of other ores not every ore over here is automatically going into the origin plant some of them have to be

Crafted and some of them are even managed by a level maintainer downstairs and we just got like a um dual interface into this thing over there where we sometimes craft them into their special varad uh for example let’s go down here real quick here we go yeah this this needs moving man it’s

All the way on the other side um there we go indium for example is a great example indium is thing is a thing we tried to make up to 100 off uh currently we can’t make any because we’re out of spheral light but that’s fine um and

There used to be a couple of others in here but we already reached them haum was the other one we got like 100 haum in storage or was no was not half eum eum eum was it because eum was something that we needed for something what was eum required

For we needed the atrium for the taloy dust there we go that’s where it went into and the taloy dust was required for the talor Ingot which went I think into Mr bendo over there good good good just read today’s fiday vioral facts yeah it’s great isn’t

It not only can crafting machines now be way faster um you also get like radar transmission of signals which is really really good the Final Fix You only one craft per tick yep so much looking forward to it all right all right um then yeah oh we get some UT or from that

Nice I’ll take that please then the Indian processor over there a quad Cell lithium battery I’ll take the loot back oh wait we get both of them regardless nice was not the choice then of course the whole Platinum process blah blah blah glor glor glorp we did this whole thing over

There glor glor glorp a platinum lighter there are some weird items in here we might need to take a look at because we get a platinum lighter we get also some scrap boxes which I don’t care about but we also get a platinum frying pan which I don’t really think does

Anything for us usefully it’s it’s just like yet another weapon or we don’t get the Platinum frying pan and that thing is just gone excuse me where’s my frying pan the Fring pan is just for the weapon um well I guess we don’t get it then good good good good good good good

Good um yeah you get this not quite sure what we do with the battery yet oh there it is lag just lag all right then the Do Run I did move the door it was a little bit too obnoxious if the door was like right in front of the

Whole thing but the door is still there the [ __ ] door there we go yeah a platinum frying pan I mean we could smel it down we also go to plaum LGH a known prank Master is engraved on it it’s probably a reference to somebody it’s empty so we can’t even

Use it well then yeah put them in our pocket might be useful and is this an EV tier battery like an actual EV tier battery quad Cell lithium battery really oh oh I see I thought that the only way to make batteries for Eevee was by doing the solarium

Batteries I guess I was wrong because well you can just take like four large leum batteries and strap them together to make like one quad cell leum battery though you do need to make large lithium batteries and large lithium batteries do require like 32 leum dust leum is still

Something that we don’t really have that often the lepon crystal works as well really I mean lithium um oh wait a minute um little craft storage there we go yeah we got like 132 leum but the lapat Dron Crystal works really let’s make one real quick Leon batteries are the way to go

From here on out oh I thought for sure that we had to go I mean I was looking to the batteries of here and of course of course like like you have like all the batteries over here stacked over here and you start off of course with small batteries which is

Like LV then the medium batteries which is MV the large batteries which just like HV and then the natural thing next to go would then be like the scenarium batteries because that’s obviously the EV tier but to make scenarium well how to put it for scenarium we more or less

Need to go through not the glowing Coro not the scaran pieces not the ingots uh hi dust was it not somehow related to nuclear processing scarium fuel rods no that that doesn’t seem correct well it’ll be fine scenarium is a molecular Transformer is it even in here packager fugge cuge unpacker aerator recycling

Bees ship crafting no autoc cloth no well maybe maybe we get it like in smaller variant who who the [ __ ] knows I don’t care but if lapor crystals work that would have been a good thing to know earlier because then I could have skipped on using like like the the high

Volage Transformers over here and just put a lap crystal in there it gives you the crystal okay I see I see I see um all right yeah this thing is still globing it together I do enjoy like seeing sometimes how things over here just get globed together because there’s

Just so much stuff that can happen in the background it’s it’s amazing it’s absolutely amazing nevertheless we should still go into the nuclear reactor because nuclear reactor over here does give us some byproducts which we probably going to need for the future so we’re going to at least make one reactor

And then we’re going to see where we can pick it off from over there good any other quests that are still around which we can do uh yes I did the mud Quest over here I’ll take this then thank you very much um oh it’s always fun to do like a

Steam tier tier Quest there’s an MV Quest over here for PvZ sheets I’ll guess I’ll did this one at some point in time I’ll take the loot back please there we go V remember it from the older versions read request for the mud out loud please is it going to be

Funny I think I already read it once um you may have found plenty of mud PS around the wetlands and thought of them as annoyance is when you jump into the water for that uh for that armor waste notot new extractor you can pull the clay hidden in the

Mud oh the quest name Uh yeah soul Adams you put so much effort in it now it’s it’s no longer funny it’s like explaining a joke like you go over there and go like here could you could you explain this for me and you go like nah nah nah nah

Nah all right there’s a quest for the a um shake that booty yes that is the big zifer oh oh we could get some Diamond of that actually ah I almost Val You No Loot back always loot back I’ll take the loot back please thank you for the loot back

Good good good good good good good MV tier then eone I guess we did that we can’t get the progam circuit nah loot back please and of course fir Stone oh God does the Firestone dust let’s stand over here actually no let’s let’s go somewhere far far far

Away you think the dust is okay I’m not going to trust us let’s stand now the nuclear reactors underne us let’s stand okay here’s fine if if this Burns so be it the dust is not fine oh it’s in there now FX hello there how you

Doing oh we do need to get those fire crystals out of a pocket as well oh that’s that’s that’s going to be such a liability especially with the door all right here we go okay nothing forus on fire nothing forus on fire good we were fast enough good good good good

Good uh yes here where’s the hand man we need them the maintenance hatch over there that is done as well thank you very much uh beep beep beep what’s on fire I heard that [Laughter] fire Firestone is such a hazard man I think it’s fine I don’t think anything

Burnt yeah I think everything is fine let’s hope not that the me drives are can burn can the me driv start to burn with this fire stone and if that’s the case and then fire stone is like the absolute worst do we see the boom on fire

No no I think it’s good I think it’s good maybe there was a fire further upstairs but since nothing over here can actually burn I guess it’s fine by the way uh hooking up these things with power was also kind of fun because guess what of course I made the wrong power

Cable over here this is red alloy wire uh Redstone allow wire and of course I made red wire and hooked this all up and then once I hooked it up to like the MV Transformer over there basically the whole wire deleted itself and I was just like where did my

Wire go oh no it’s [Laughter] gone ah red stone and red okay that’s a machine running why is there running good good good good good that’s a very interesting way to run that cable yep are multiple options we went with that one maybe spray paints the stuff if

You mean the cables downstairs yes I mean the cables down here need to be redone but for now it’s fine for now it’s fine good all right more random Quest H alarm may cause uncontrollable urine leage when activated don’t get clean room needs maintenance is pretty important instead

Of just turning on a light why not use a Hower alarm it will notify you up to 128 blocks away o you meant the power cables oh n I’m I’m fine with the power cables Al the last time we used spray paint like we painted Parts I could never

Unpaint no more I’m staying away from the paint man the paint the paint [ __ ] sucked man I hated that all right getting around um the jetpack Quest what do you mean we never got into the jet pack Quest na remover yeah but then again still we would have

To put effort in to remove something good building better bases um yeah architect oh that’s where we get the stuff from I’ll take that but that doesn’t matter multi block goals of course uh we got the time to drill The Ore this thing is bloody

Amazing and we are going for the loot BS as we are always always always going for the loot BS and of of course the metric transmitter cover which allows us to take a look at this thing from far far far far far away good ultimation tier two I for some

Reason had to make a redstone comparator we get a steam AG loot we not only we get even a redstone torch for that I’ll take it I’ll take it umom pom bom GRE Tech plus plus oh boy have we not even handled all of these in yet well then

The HX SMH thank you very much um the big centrifuge thank you very much Bender more bending yes when um washing rocks in the water I’ll take the loot back please thank you very much uh and then of course dancing in circles that’s the firal refinery uh

I’ll take oh we get some nickel or for that sure why not and then the fal boiler the fal boiler I think is also a very good thing to have at some point in time but uh yeah if you want energy from lava and the byproducts to F boiler is

Is the perfect solution it processes lava super fast for Steam Steam and with a lava filter it will provide some cuge lava byproduct as well a great source of copper silver gold tin tantalum and tongue State those two are probably the better ones um better outputs than regular lava processed in a centrifuge

It can get even better efficiency preparing it with a large heat exchanger the large heat exchanger will turn normal vanilla lava into um P hoo lava which will provide Steam and byproducts in the fal border win win win this multi is I which I’m not quite sure

If it actually is because it also said it’s ivy for I think this lad which we could just make one of those subjective machines yeah and f b is nice to use to farmcraft we will see industrial Coke often I think I’ve already made like the the

Coke oven part I don’t think I’ve already made the structural oven cases that’s the thing we’re going to be making later so but that will be coming as well all right then storage and transfer HP batteries really okay we’ve been missing out on quests over here man claim everything lepon Crystal with

Your new H mixer you can now make a lepon dust place it in aut CL will make you a raw leop Crystal with an EV assembler and advanced circus you can make a leop crystal which stores up to 10 million you loot back please all right all right what are those those

Are infinite energy storage oo and then the Eevee battery buffer and then EV gr Tech Plus bu batteries and then comes the scenarium all right if I just follow this Quest puff over here I would have known um good good good good good we might do want to put down some some EV

Battery buffers especially if we want to go into nuclear uh and then kill all the things of course I killed all the things oh good God stuff is flying around good good the lapo battery and don’t use to damn let’s say it’s from a buggy um all right buggy and very

Laggy I don’t really care about bugs but a lag I do care more about all right oh yeah at some point in time that the Slime Island all the way in the corner spawn the Slime King and I just murdered it at some time uh we

Can’t get a Cobalt Hammer hat yeah why not I’ll take the Cobble out here we go all right St in some cases you can do World corruption oh really that’s usually the one word you don’t really want to here all right let’s drop all of this in

Here that we don’t need this over there that over there this over there that over there this over there that over there uh this random stuff these chest this the platter and then all of these there you goom bomom the hammer hats H it mines minum we only mine up

To wait mining level art mining level manum it is an upgrade we could upgrade our Hammer with it but then again we don’t actually we do have Cobalt wait is Cobalt is better have I been missing out on Cobalt I put it in there it’ll be fine

We we don’t really Mine by hand no more so the hammer is not really that use anymore good all right you’re mining you’re doing nothing that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine good all right so nuclear power time uh we do got the lepon Crystal let me just pick up

One real quick and let’s maybe just put you just just to see uh we can probably put you over here that’s an Eevee machine yeah that works nice Cobalt’s level seven I see all right all right um nuclear there we go we can of course already click on

This and go like here can you take me one and it will almost almost all work because we’re only missing like some raw carbon mesh and I think the raw carbon mesh is still in here almost over there did we forget about the raw carbon mesh there it

Is and raw carbon mesh is let’s look at this real quick raw carbon mesh that goes into an assembler I think assembl on level two yeah that’s basically that assembl right over there and for that we need some capacity because I’m pretty sure that thing is has always been at

Capacity let’s makebe look for a pattern because it’s a little bit easier there we go a real man make the hammer out of Marc steel oh we’re probably going to be upgrading it to something at some point in time good you in there and then you in

There we actually have some space in there but I do know that i’ I’ve been switching out in this machine so many things over and over and over uh that’s probably a good idea to just that in over there all right and then nuclear there we

Go and there we go it only uses up 1,138 bites let’s have a look at this it’s not too bad it could be worse here we go start doing that place oh we do need some mixed metal ingots for that really where does that go we should be

Al maybe have checked if if if all these chips over here are correct but I think they are I don’t see anything weird in here so it’s all good it’s all good takes a few days to extrude what do you mean days all right um how I actually to be um

All right but that that is an mvy recipe uh still that’s like 163,000 seconds that’s seconds right yeah there a seconds um 163 840 seconds um we could divide that by two if we run it on HP and maybe we want to run it on eeve

That would still be 45 and if we then divide that by 60 that would still be 682 minutes and if we divide that by 60 again uh 11 hours running if you’re running this an Eevee uh running it an ivy would be 5 hours or 5.6 hours running it on

Ludicrous will be 2 and a half hours 86,400 is a day o but that if that is if you’re running it on on MV ah Spectre with chapat I see it’s me vacation can’t remember having him this lot for instance today yeah usually when we play Minecraft we

Really don’t use him that often I’ve also been slacking a bit on Megatron these last couple of Days there we go here we go good good good good good good because um especially in Minecraft in Factor we got a little bit more focus into the game instead of like [ __ ] around with Megatron good no input no output exactly exactly all right all right all right so

The nuclear part is going but we don’t only need nuclear parts we do need to put down some reactor Chambers around it as well uh of this we need at least six all right uh why are you making quartz glass but you’re about to be done there we go go in there

Good yeah currently i’ I’ve been kind of trying to optimize in here a little bit uh one of the big bottlenecks we have is actually chlorine because it seems that chlorine is in pretty much everything uh and as such the electrolyzer is doing a lot of work on chlorine but this thing

Of here seems to be straightforward this is just bend um PL plate bending there we go and for that we got Mr Bender over there doing all the plate bending for us and he’s doing that quite fast I do enjoy that quite a bit I was thinking

About upgrading him to Eevee as well but for now it’s fine speaking of power wait a minute while we make these parts over here let’s have a quick peek at there we go at how big our fuel reserves is because I’m pretty sure that our fuel reserves are kind of running

Low Salter rout is almost a necessarity anymore yeah uh I should probably take Che into that soon at the moment I’m just mining more salt um yeah remember that fuel we have this is more or less a reason why we kind of want to make um some nuclear fuel not to replace

This but to augment this to maybe move things away that not everything is running on biofuel or bio biodiesel over here because we do have the yeah what we’re missing over here is mostly nitric acid now I did prepare something for that I did prepare some extra extra

Nitric acid which we could try to put in there unless we unless we have already used it up then we can’t put it in there but but I did order up some extra nitric acid here we go so it she nose yeah nitro gas is kind of cheap but

The the way we do acid down there is that we get the nitric acid from um from the bio from from the bio process and I think I did set up some is that nitric acid over there nitration mixture but I think we got some in the storage because I think I

Ordered some up for it and was just like hey could you just make some so that we can get some nitric acid in there there we go just grab me that please we’s going to throw this in there and hopeful hopefully we’ll be fine looks like the old amonia shortage

It is it is it is I mean the whole I mean we are more or less like like distilling uh fermented biomass distilling fermented biomass does give us ammonia uh and that ammonia out there we then use to turn that into nitric acid and then we combine it up with

Everything else and it’ll be fine and most of the time the whole process of here is going to be good but since we’re using up so much so absolutely much of the whole um biodiesel over here we are more or less kind of how to put it yeah we’re using more than we

Have quite easy also we now probably have an issue over here because I just injected some new cells into the system and somebody’s probably going to complain about that somewhere can we can we eject some cells out here somewhere um not over there that’s all liquid amounts uh we

Already checked you is there like one over there well they’ll they’ll back up somewhere they will back up somewhere we can probably try to inject something out of here but I’m not quite sure how useful that will be maybe maybe something here that’s water these are all full these are all

Full hey I’ll take these that should be fine good but at least now if we’ like drop some nitric acid in here every now and then at least this thing over here can then make some more ketan boosted Diesel with the Tetra Nal meane over the there and thing

Should be fine when you ultimate ammonia and it become uh it becomes hydrogen sures yeah I mean making nitrogen is super duper easy and it’s also really really nice to do once you get to like the uh freezer because you can just get yourself like a whole bunch of of um of

Normal air you just make it like into liquid air and then you just refactor that a bit or cuge that a bit and then you get like nitrogen out of it oxygen and other stuff as well as radon we should probably have a whole bunch of radon in storage

Even not radon um what’s the other G argon argon yeah it’s only 22,000 it basically tells us we did about 22 crafts 23 because we need a little bit of Argan for the lamps one to be exact but yes yes yes right you’re still making stuff you’re probably blocking

Yourself maybe not wait a minute you’re all waiting on probably this that’s fine that’s fine it’s still sometimes a little bit hard to exactly see what’s blocking who over here it could also be you us should be fine yeah it’s sometimes not quite clear what we are waiting

On is maybe this thing over here the advanced casing machine no that that thing should be done over here that’s the advanced canning machine what’s it called again as machine casing um good no that that’s made in in in one of these so that’s not you so what are we waiting on

It’s the raw carbon mesh maybe it is the raw carbon mesh ah this was something I learned the hard way around um we got this thing over here it’s set up to blocking mode it will not push anything into the system if there if the inventory has

Items the lapon crystal counts as one of those items if you take it out there we go it took me quite a while to figure out that this was the isue I was scratching my hat all around going like why the [ __ ] does this machine not work because the battery seems to be

Part of the inventory and as such it will block a whole bunch of things here we go here we go but now it seems to be working fine the battery count item wair H don’t tell me don’t tell me you learned something from me because you usually tell we the

Stuff yeah a debugging me issues is always a bit I don’t know like last time I was like thinking about everything going through everything and was like I can’t find the issue and it turned out we were low on power uh and another time

It was yeah it’s it’s always a bit of a hassle like I I’m guess I’m pretty sure there’s even more cats which we have to be careful about but once you get to them I’ll guess it will be fine but yes yeah we’re waiting on the carbon plate the

Carbon plates should then be done soon there we go and then we need the reactor Chambers and after that we need the glor parts now I do got um a preconfigured nuclear reactor over here because we’re not going to be figuring that stuff on our own I I don’t really want to have

Fun and figure out the nuclear reactor that might just explode and it will explode even though explosions are fun uh we’re just going to trust on what the gr Tech Vick tells us and we’re just going to use one of those uh it’s still going to be like a metric ton of stuff

Actually because we do need let’s maybe start with the easy ones first uh overclocked heat vents there we go these things we’re going to need 26 of them now we have one uh 25 of these per nuclear reactor keep mind we’re going to make eight of these what do you

Mean we’re out of Flint what do you mean we’re out of roasted copper dust what the [ __ ] going yes might be also a good solution for that but but but I guess the solution is maybe to keep things more in stock and use the level emitter uh to to pre-craft things if you

Do a big job but all right here we go um gravel Flint there we go how does one craft a flint does it come from a zif can we just zift yeah we can sure here zift me some flint and those are single item Stacks too

Yep yes they are um Zer large Z controller here we go yeah you know know what to do over there then I guess the whole copper recipe comes from over here because we’ve got the advanced Arc furnace here that makes the ne copper and then we got a recipe over

Here that creates copper ingots out of roasted copper dust but that’s what we want to do we want to use this recipe here you go so if we go back in here and we go back to the advanced heat what’s it called advanc heat no overclocked heat overclocked there

Are give me 25 of these here we go that’s not too big we can do that it’s doable it’s going to eat a whole bunch of diamonds we are making industrial diamonds for this at least so that’s good we are kind of out of actual diamonds also I’m kind of the feeling

That the final craft Fe is not working because that should be done by now down there oh I think I know what’s the issue isn’t that made in like no that’s that’s not made in the old machine it’s all in here is this done the wrong thing ah there a problem

Of course it this of course it this it’s an Eevee recipe H then assembler do we still have an EV assembler in here now we got mv1 and LV an MV and another LV uh is that the that’s an natur assembler so don’t we have an assembler in here

Advanced circuit assem over here but I’m pretty sure that this one over here is using like the wrong yeah it’s using the wrong chips so we do want to make ourselves an EV based assemble over there here we go update the recipe we want to use these Lads over here because they’re

Cheaper to do update the recipe this thing over here goes into you uh we currently we don’t even have any more space for patterns over here but we can just kick out of this electroly over here I I don’t think we need that so make an Eevee assembler there we go and

Of course yeah I guess we can cancel these good good good good good good good we do have to check ah damn steel okay at at least Steel’s going fast there you go let’s double check that the items got pulled out of the machine I think they

Do get pulled out if he com to the recipe but let’s double check nah they don’t sometimes they do but I guess if they are actually stuck they don’t get pulled out which is fine I guess uh we do kind of want to what what will be made in here nothing too

Important yeah only reactor stuff and stainless steel tank um valves so we can pick up the machine in inity there we go you have the here get out uh I also kind of dropped my my clippers into the AE system because of course I did where are they where are they where are

They wasn’t there an empty space uh you took a pattern another 10 minutes ago yeah over here but this one is running on level two and we need to run it on level 21 or something like that and sadly you can’t set that while you craft so

Yes and are the assembl made to be surrounded by the pattern thingies wait aren the oh the machine above the terminal um oh there’s still space yeah you’re correct well it doesn’t matter doesn’t actually we can’t put it back I mean taking stuff out of here is fine because I

Mean we don’t need all of this in here we don’t always need to know how we alterate for example a wire Mill because we only got to make one of those and then once we don’t need to anymore it goes into the chest over here and if we

Do need to do it again we’ll just swap them out if you accidentally shift clicked something into the a system without seeing what it was yet yep multiple times uh also when I was like dropping stuff in here holding shift and just dragging the mouse over here yep

Stuff got in there stuff definitely got in there there’s my wire cutters go I put multiple interfaces on the assembler that’s not how that works like I said these assemblers these will have to be set to like a certain circuit you can put multiple multiple interfaces on them yes oh oh you mean

Instead of like extended the capacity yes yes yes yes you can do that you can do that um that’s maybe actually something we could do on the quantum assemble over here because I think we do got a Channel or two available over here especially if we turn this into a

White cable 38 man time flies when you automate Subs winking face yes the best thing ever just automate Subs Mar gon thank you 38 already Maron really good God it felt like [Laughter] yesterday Mar than you so much for the resub mate there we go we got some D cable over here oh nobody needs this right good good good good good good I do think we got some channels available let’s check real quick because that is which wire is that that’s this wire

Uhoh uhoh uhoh oh wait maybe maybe maybe we got three channels available perfect so we can definitely well we can add some more interfaces then uh one thing we do need to do over here then uh we’re going to need some cable clamps because for some reason I’m not really

Using the oh can we craft these I yes there they are where are these made these are made in an assembler good Soom I’ll just take this thing out real quick there we go I should be able to connect multiple interfaces on a molecular server in a

Tetris yeah and not sure if it takes a Channel or is consider the multi block the molecular assembl n it takes a channel it takes a channel but it’ll be fine it’ll be fine here we go yeah make me like 3 of these if we find a machine that’s ready

Enabled maybe the aluminum machine over here I’m pretty sure the aluminum machine over here is waiting on the machine over here to finish up we definitely do need more advanced power because some of these machines just take like forever to finish up there we go that’s another C done over

There alternatively we could of course just paint the cables I I don’t really want to [ __ ] around with paint I would rather just put down some some some some cable stops need some CPUs too no no this over here this is all blocked over here by

The uh Blosser the CBF because this is the process been done in the EF and it just takes a while we could put down more parallel processes they would all block themselves on the EF they would all block themselves on the place where we make chlorine gas everything else is going fast enough

But but there’s like a I do know about a certain amount of bottlenecks that are just like blocking all the time it’s kind of annoying but that’s fine yeah so make these yeah I mean this this is going fast enough what are you doing right now

And and this guy over here is making um the the Silicon Rubber and over here we’re waiting on the hydrochloric acid to be done and it looks like we’re refining hydrochloric acid out of the luted hydrochloric acid to turn it into chlorine gas to turn that into whatever

We need for the PO demat Zan which is probably also yeah things are things are working in the background things are definitely working in the background all right all right you here you here here here ah do we still got some interfaces good question that’s you

You oh we got three of them perfect and then we need some cable here we go all the cable put you back do the machines for the bck yes have we could do that but then we get more into the power issue we currently have because it’s not really visual or

Not really clearly visualized but but we are running we we are running into Power issues like like our power is basically not there here we go here we go which is why we’re running on nucleo we’re trying to get some nuclear to augment this there we go more molecular

Assembling yeah they all got channels perfect works like a charm I think we have even one more channel available which you can put on top yeah I think we have I think we have one more or the mega ebf like I said I did qu down my

Ebf but um unless you like also power it up with like um with with the the required amount of uh eveve Power you’re not going to be any faster I think we still got yeah we got exactly one more Channel left perfect good good good good good good good here we go

And you you there you over there excellent great now we can put all the patterns in you need the volcanos as soon as you can Master it the volcanos what’s the volcanos ooh a Bloss F this Factory grade Advanced Blast Furnace parallel and eight consumes 10 L of Blazing pyrum per second during

Operation constructed exactly the same as a normal ebf yep that’s an ebf good yeah we can also still put in upgrades over here so we should definitely have more than enough slots in here good uh what were we crafting originally before before we got distracted um an assembler yes

Assembler an EV assembler MV assembl LV assembl EV assembl there it is and interface will split the recipe between all assemblers connected to it yes if we use the assembl block that is but then we can well can we wall share then not really can we well uh we’re still missing the

Transformers as well uh let’s put you double check over here for a second and actually wait a minute let’s pick you up real quick because you are not going to get power from over there you can Tetris them yeah but then you don’t w share them and wall sharing is definitely

Something you want to do if you qu the machine then again it’s only more resources so then it doesn’t really matter too much here go go go all right then we need a Transformer one of these please yeah this slot once you’re done I was still late I got distracted

By chat God damn it all right maybe the loop project are will be done soon I mean we could of course put some more CPUs in here and just queue up some more jobs we might end up doing that because just just queuing up my jobs I’m waiting

Them for to be be done at some point in time will definitely help us out all right all right click click click click click click click yeah o you [ __ ] it that smart at me add more Crow for as well I don’t really think the crow forces matter too

Much you just dropped down several single block CPUs let’s maybe make some more CPUs actually for the CPUs perfect timing because they’re all in here this thing um that’s a crafting unit we got two of these let’s check out which one we need it’s the wireless controller we

Don’t need that one the cell workbench we do not need the [ __ ] [Laughter] door good they all do go in here so what is this one this is one is one engineering processor and four tianium plate in and two microprocessors and this one over there is two Electronics

Okay let’s have a look at them real quick over here yeah you look better and you over there you use are these oh yeah yeah this one is the better one this one is the [ __ ] one wait a minute is it maybe it this the crafting unit

Yeah so we can either make them in an assembler or we can make them in here it is it doesn’t really matter it’s four two and then three of these four two three of these it’s it’s four six nine items regardless this one is actually the better

Recipe as this one over here we can at least just stick in here and then be done with it I got too many of these okay they there this crafts one this creates one oh God which one is now this one yeah F going to be confusing y’all all

Right crafting units yeah can you maybe make me like four of these once one of these is done good good good good and corpos level more parallel ver we to run yeah but that’s only within the ver B isn’t it I mean this over here is already running fast enough in my

Opinion we could maybe add a couple more yes but I think just having some more jobs available over here will be way better and also I don’t really think I want everything over here to be running like 24/7 mostly because I don’t think we have the power for

It all right Transformers is also done excellent y’all you’re becoming Americanized then change that how about no how about we don’t work on nuclear power and we just go into i2c crops all day today all right all right all right and we just start gloring plans [Laughter]

Together good good good good good good all right and working on the bees all day okay you are now upscaling all right so now we can run this thing over here on Eevee power the recipe over here was a finger 21 for the nuclear reactor and I also count it’s 22

There we go so that’s in uh there’s going to be one issue over here let me guess this thing over here oh H never mind no issue at all I think we’re fine I think we’re flying make more CPUs your autocrafting can’t keep up no [ __ ]

Sherlock we already make the CPUs or did we just not put them in here we go um there we go four crafting CPUs and then let’s also give them some storage yeah let’s make three of these let’s make seven of these yeah they’re not that expensive we are

Kind of missing the coated circuit boards oh what the [ __ ] wait a minute coated circuit boards on here somewhere there they are that’s venic boards isn’t it that’s vanic boards I do kind of remember coated circuit boards why do we need Cod circuit boards for

This there we go these were made out of glue and stuff like that uh and there’s no good recipe for these all of these are just absolutely terrible I think we can do it by means of ball of glue I think that’s how we set this

Thing up so let’s put you in there let’s put you in there and then we go to crafting memory over there seven of them please yeah that looks fine that looks fine start Al made the bees in the me system sure all right we do need the

Space for this thing over here to be some where uh we got a whole bunch of extra space right over here like we’re going to place one over there I don’t really want to connect to these things over I do want to connect to this midle cable over

There can place one over there we could move this over by one uh we can definitely Place one over there we can also Place actually you know what even better we got to space here one over there one over there and then we make basically the similar pillow this over there and maybe

That’s that that will be fine for now do you expit those boards can just skip them in alternative way nope we need those boards man they quite sure what they were used for again uh but they were used for something stupid especially in the one in the 1K

Storage okay maybe if we would make some bigger storage containers it would be easier because of course I only made the 1K over here but we could probably just go for like the 64k over here and the 64k that that should actually be straightforward and then we can skip the boards

Entirely not you you but then again we don’t really need those big crafting stores yet yet because every process in here is still rather small so we can just go with like a th000 here and 1,000 there 2,000 here 2,000 there until we run into other issues of

Course all right what are we waiting on we’re waiting on gorbs over here here we go here we go just about to be done crafting over here crafting over there and I mean having more C resources yes it’s definitely useful absolutely but most of these processes over here

Are fast enough that we don’t really care about the scow processors here we go then one of these like for the circus you can either craft the board with the glue and you can craft a circuit you can either use M GL in assembl skip the

Board entirely yeah I mean we can skip the 1K crafting storage we just skip the one Cas crafting sech over here then we don’t need the weird board anymore are you stuck no you’re doing fine are you stuck should maybe also set you to blocking mode so that we don’t flut you

With random [ __ ] um but maybe we’re doing the recipe over here in a wrong machine because what are we trying to do over here we’re trying to make this 1K crafting storage over here and the 1K crafting storage is done in an assembler and not over here so pick you

Out uh in any assembler any assembler will do perfect so we can just go in here we just look for any assembler um this one’s fine make over here oh do you still have the job cute in there that’s going to be annoying also I’m not quite sure if that

The down there is doing as we wanted to is that one of the assembl oh no no it’s definitely working it just takes forever it takes like 20 seconds good good good good good well so be it so be it that’s one of them uh we want to at least have a

Couple of these so we at least have a more a little bit more space of here for some parallel processors so at least for with the co-processor we should put the co- processor in as well let me guess C process are still in here um um there they

Are okay where does the co- processor go co- Pro it’s easy like this that’s crafting storage that’s a Cod processor uh that goes in a random assembler as well perfect random assemblers are my most favorite assemblers yeah let’s play some well we could place some over here as well it

Doesn’t really matter too much and then we go over here apply energetics co-processing units make four and this should be done soon I’m oh this might just be done faster than this one we will see we will see now we have learned the hard way around that we

Can’t update this whole build once it’s uh once something is a crafting in it so we do want to make this thing in one false Loop or at least hook up the wire at the at the at the last possible part so oh it’s going to be close it’s

Going to be close it’s this one yeah in the meantime give you some more crafting stuff over here so what do we have we we got a couple of crafting units over there I think we only plac down a couple of them yeah we did adding two more will

Definitely be enough I would rather have two more with a co- processor and some extra memory than having four more but then again we can still Place more if we really really really do want to place more but those co- processors would be super duper nice maybe even make them with like two

C processors in mind just to make them a little bit faster because like I said these these crafts over here sizewise they’re kind of small so it doesn’t matter too much all right all right come on speed it up already ah making diamond plate over here is also going to take like forever

That takes like 96 seconds over here and there’s two of them in there what the [ __ ] so witch how you doing you doing fine yeah she’s doing fine all right all right how’s the mining doing mining is doing fine um this drill over here we’re probably going to pick

It up if we are going to pick it up we might just craft another one if we do need to though crafting another drill does require making tungsten I’m not quite sure how much tungsten we actually have in storage right now um we would have to check up on that

I mean once we go to Mars tungsten is no longer an issue then tungsten is basically going to be for free but before we go to Mars well it’s not yeah waiting on the diamond plates over here oh oh oh here we go good good good good good good

Good could you imagine if we had to do all of these steps over here by hand like we did in the past I mean in the past we did stuff like this we just crafted like a stack of whatever we needed and then usually we had enough of

Storage to to keep us going for a while it’s so amazing once you set up the AE system things just change up dramatically so utterly dramatically you can still do that yeah remember making your first L circuit yeah it took forever and I think we only

Made like one of those and was like here I’ve made [Laughter] one good good good good good hydrochloric acid Tian chloride titanium that’s fine yeah we do have to wait this proc over here now look at the fusion reactor soon soon made a stack and had enough unless

Two were missing and made another stack when L and now that’s two other things that are missing yeah making cables my hands and stuff like that or even stripping your own wires at the beginning that took like forever and then you get to like your first bending machine and your first

Wire Mill and you go like a it’s already so much better all right while we wait we can at least look out out side a bit I mean all this all this area over here will probably be industrialized at some point in time by not quite sure what but something oh oh oh

Oh I do remember something that we can’t do let’s wait at least for the process to be done that we can uh set up the or at least order up a couple more of those nuclear power plants but I did totally at random I was just prospecting out over here uh I

Found a dungeon not a dungeon but one of those game dungeons right over here I was just thinking over here small hole to make like a measurement over here to check fors and I just stumbled upon a game dungeon I was like oh cool I mean the rewards we get from that

It’s probably not going to be that good no more but at least it gives us something to do while we go over there and wait for the nuclear parts to be done all right well what’s what’s wrong over here now not titanium you you are waiting on Iron Tree choride because Iron Tree

Choride is being made nowhere might get some alvary parts that could be fine I mean whatever we get that we don’t have to Coss later on it’s it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine I’m not quite sure what this guy’s waiting on he’s waiting for plastic circuit boards that

I can tell oh is it maybe n you’re fun fine if we maybe run out of power no we’re F power something is blocking you and I think it’s it’s this process over here the hydrochloric acid process because that’s currently being done by you you’re blocking him

Ah likely waiting for the machine to be available yeah this this is the corporate wherever the [ __ ] that guy [Laughter] is good good good good good good good you feel like this bace is getting um um exceptionally bigger every time yes it is I mean the thing we’re

Currently working on is kind of small but very powerful wa here we go since we’re kind of trying to work on nuclear power so we prepared an area where we’re going to have our first little nuclear reactor and we do got some Access Control to get in here

Because the nuclear reactor will be sitting right in here in our little demon core and there’s going to be eight reactor units in here and that’s going to take a whole bunch of Goring to get to there and I do hope that this place over here is at least somewhat explosion proof I

Hope I mean worst Cas scenario we will only see if it works or not uh well once it blows here go all right hopefully we got distracted enough for this thing over here to be done yeah you’re working on chlorine gas yeah you’re now working on Hydrochloric acid and you’re working on the

Hydrochloric acid that we need to make the iron Tre chloride which we need to make the plastic Bo this is going to take quite some time actually it’s going to be super duper annoying wait no key card system now sadly no double Key System no key card

No nuclear rods we can’t lower down and forget about uh maybe at some point in time actually the door Factory does have a thing with a keybard option does it I mean I’m I’m still not really that happy about the garage door because it takes in so much space over here I

Actually find it a little bit annoying I would rather have maybe some kind of other door over here the only thing I did know is um I wanted some kind of big door and well this was one of the biggest doors I could get there are other door options available I

Mean different doors are a thing in this game it take some time to upgrade the recipes for batch crafting nah it’s fine it’s fine there we go it’s already going here they come there’s one let’s wait for two here go and then we can make

Him C the gar do um takes no space and is an instant Yeah but I like the animation of the other one over there I know I know I know all right you’ll be there you’ll be uh oh that’s not good we don’t want you to connect over

There good and then we’re going to put in the memory P pom pom pom and then one more member unit one more memory unit to connect them up fish B There we go done looks good here we go and now we got five CPUs over here uh we still have the space over

Here to make like a couple more we could also still go for some more um crafting storage if we make like two more of these actually it will be they got total of we need four more of these then maybe we can place some more of these around here somewhere I mean we

Could place one over here lufer simpai hello there how you doing could also give that you’re full you’re Full yeah if we move the lubrication Bell over here let’s move the luri ation Bell over here go and where’s my wrench I’ve got too much [ __ ] in here also there we go much better come on a take my way over there real quick never mind my inventory is just

Full okay let’s let’s just drop some stuff real quick it’s way too much [ __ ] okay 5 hours um of three programmers in a call with me doing design and the others doing API implementation and playing around with new tools tools always fun to have new ones all right drop this in there that

In there oh we got three reactor Chambers nice that can go in there random react actually reactor can go in there as well we keep those those can be dropped Platinum cable can be dropped this can be dropped now wait that’s a pattern and this can be dropped as well that

Crystal no it was not fun it was 5 hours of programming all right all right all right good Meanwhile we’re just adding more processes to our AE system over here in the hopes of making things go a little bit faster all right crafting unit over the

Here crafting unit over there then if we build over here we will connect over there so say no to that say no to that everything else should be fine uh let’s get those Co processors they should be done by now and let’s also hope that we have the memory

Done but then again on the plus side I mean maybe was 5 hours that kind of sucks I get that but you’re not that guy that just exploded over there excuse me who died out [Laughter] there ah all right we need one more crafting storage over there that’s still crafting one p CR

This one another thing you saw was interesting was a pattern autocrafting and putting it in the encoder yeah it’s probably something you can do as well and there’s probably a whole bunch of random fancy stuff you can do in here go put you over there put you over

There let’s see if we pull you down you connect over there it’ll be fine one more processor and then we wait over here for another uh memory bank and then we’re going to be good things might now be even more standing on each other’s feet it’ll be

Fine yeah soft the hell though I2 nuclear reactor yes and concrete is stuff it will s most of the blast what do you mean most of the blast I do hope that we have enough storage in here I actually think that this re over here got broken there’s

This one thing over here that is still a little bit annoying and I should probably do it a little bit better but the recipe over here to make a crystal out of out of a seed is not guaranteed to give us like a crystal it’s only like 80

Or 90% so what I usually do over here is I put like put in like two in the hopes that it will be fine and most of the time it’s fine I should probably double it up a couple more times and only um guarantee that we get one back and then

It should be even better it’s the same thing that we are doing over here for for some of the other recipes like there’s I think I think the Platinum process over here Al has a thing where we get like only a 95% chance on a certain craft and I just like sad we

Need like 10 for the for for the prerequisite and you get guaranteed one back and if you get more back well so be it then you get more back here we go but it can still happen that you’re just that RNG unlucky and the whole thing just goes like nah you’re getting

Nothing mate here we go all right that should be enough crafting power you need export to PL as well no the interface will do that for you the interface pulls everything out so you don’t need to worry about that all right all right so Nuclear So if I want to make like say

Eight of these okay we don’t have that much memory we also don’t have that much diluted hydrochloric acid nor that much lead wait a minute are we are I think we’re not really smelting Down lead inot see yet let ingots please do it over there

With let dust there we go and then Bish B Bish B Bish what’s stopping you from putting in 64 and telling the Sy you only get one out I mean when we put in 64 something it will be that prerequisite will be pushed into the recipe one up who’s ever

Requesting that if you make it too big you might um start crafting recipes that are just way too big for you you will still need to put in 64 in and if that 64 has like another dependency on something else you might just make up a

Recipe that’s just way too big for you to handle right now um but you should at least do it maybe 10 to one 10 to one should be fine good good good good um ingots there we go yeah we’re not making that ingots yet there we go all right nuclear also there’s

Nothing Shing us instead of like putting like one job in here of like six we could put in two jobs of two uh three jobs of two or four jobs of two so I’ll put in one okay this one is more expensive for reasons then we put in like one there we

Go off you go and then we put in another one there you go off you go and then we put in another one there we go off you go and can we put in another one no too expensive oh wait no we got one more there we go good make me some nuclear

Reactors while you make some nuclear reactors we’ll be right back we are just going to play a quick game but we do need to clear out the inventory go um put that in there put that in there put that in there put that in there put that in

There none of these things are required that should be enough good I wonder what we will get ah it’s raining why is it door raking mind sweeper or memory I hope it’s mind sweeper mind sweeper is fun Al like can I just dig in through

The roof is that the thing I can do you find these things so rarely it’s going to be Memory Ah that’s a thing fun just this absolute random f there’s also a couple of idiots around you stop flying around there we go all the zombies no

DED all right yeah it’s supp just right over here not quite sure how I missed it it’s like we’ve been over here we’ve definitely been over here but it’s just right over there it might also be night time here go here we go ah I think this is memory isn’t it this

One is rather small are they usually bigger if it’s mind sweeper i c you search for a specific Block in your vicinity maybe yeah oh no it’s it’s my sweeper uh how does this go again [ __ ] uh is it right click yes all right uh one there yeah that’s

How that works there we go oh yeah that doesn’t work like that Mye bad um there go yeah the controls are definitely something you need to worry about yeah it’s it’s so different when you’re playing this in first person here you go and you there you over

There you over there you over there you lose some reinforced concrete but the entire is going to be protected that’ll be fine I’ll be fine uh that’s number four that’s over there that’s be over there it’s going to be you it’s going to be you nothing over there nothing over there you nothing

Over there you perfect nothing in the corner the corners are the the worst you here uh start in this one there we go there we go there we go number three number one number one one one one two one there we go mine super Minecraft it’s one of the things this

Game puts in as a bonus this at least this mod pack here we go um oh that’s actually is fine over there and then you you you you let’s let’s go through the other corner it’s it’s also kind of terrible over here let’s go yeah perfect whoa

Um you there you there corner you there you there Corner good that makes it so much easier oh uhoh all this could be trouble there’s definitely one over there there’s definitely one over there there nothing over there something over here nothing over there definitely over there one over there

What oh yeah there’s nothing for to to reveal um there we go good good good good there’s an or finder W in re Tech maybe it works in Dungeon W as well oo I’m not quite sure if we’d find it or not I I do have an or finder but but it

It’s been a while though isn’t the or finder only for rains and not for for for actual blocks it does work really all right if we need to have some more downtime then we can use the war find I want go and that’s not going to work ah you [ __ ] hold on Um this one [Laughter] perfect um you over there you over there you over there you over there you over there you there H there’s more one two three nothing nothing nothing uh at least I’m somewhat decent speed Minecraft player Minecraft my super player there’s nothing much we can here

We can dig but that stops over there there’s like four levels [Laughter] H why can’t it be like this one A yeah I get the corners good good good good good good uh I get you over there you over there you over there you over there nothing over there nothing over here one for there over there three one for there two two nothing one three two yes two one

Nothing if you clear all four without losing you get four chests of great stuff H we already lost like two chests n well let’s let’s hope that we get at least something good out of this I mean mind s is also one of those games where if you’re really unlucky it

Will be turn into a game of chance and then it’s going to be like really [ __ ] uh over there number two number two over there nothing over there I’m one over there two over there nothing over there nothing over here one over there that makes four that makes

Two over there that makes one two three nothing still nothing uh just play the memory game with the phone keypad in put a long way and the memory game is not too bad either I do remember that one all right but now it becomes a little bit tricky I’m confident it’s over here

Yeah and then all of these are done these are done uh you’re done you’re over there you have only have this one you only have that one you’re done you’re done four for there four for there three over three over there four over here three over there two there we go there’s [Laughter]

More please just let me die in the corner oh then that doesn’t really help me a oh it’s going to take forever it’s like a huge mass of fields um that’s one over there nothing over there corn over there three over there two over there let

Means see over there two over there one over there there we go something died [Laughter] upstairs uh one over there two over there three over there nothing over there b bom bom corner piece two one two three nothing nothing two one for there mean zero for there nothing to do over

There nothing to over there can also dig past you that’s going to be two over there like this dig dig dig oh this going to be horrible anything we can do over here yeah we can dig over here bit yeah yeah oh that’s horrible let’s go through this corner please let

Me die good job oh we get a couple of chests anything good 10 plates iron plates some Oak drawers a trapo that was kind of horrible a diamond saw plates ice cream rubber sheets M Hive Pistons one of the trees oh was there really an option damn sodium battery heart wall tier 2 necrotic bones gold tanks fences Farm hatches my inventory is full we don’t need these things over there I’ll take the cables and the steel bars oh that was kind of

[ __ ] good stuff for you back in LV yes and I mean look where it is it’s it’s like just down here could have stumbled upon it okay wait where’s the exit over there well then quick Excursion let’s hope the crafting is done here we go here we

Go all right all right this is night time again or was it still night time how much time did we waste on that mind super game all right get this get that get this get that get this get that bomom I’ll take the ice cream I’ll eat

That remember take the roof p with me I we we got we got more than enough stuff on here uh what’s it called again game room no puzzle room we we got we we got some of them and if not I can go back and pick some up you know there’s also

Another one right over there which we also found by pure accident there’s also one uh this one’s a little bit further away right over here it’s it’s hard to see but this corner over there that’s also one that got hit by a m right I was just I was just like like

Walking around over here exploring the area was like what is this and like oh there’s a dungeon over there there’s also one over here in the river somewhere I’m not quite sure where it is anymore because of course did not set the wayo but I was also just like

Swimming down into the river to pick up my boat because I hit like something and then I just fell into a dungeon I was like what excuse me why is there one over here all right well it’s looking partially better what are you waiting on you’re waiting this guy but

Did we not fix you oh no no no of course you are done aren’t you yes you are the old classic of setting up a new machine and forgetting to set the output there we go good here we go all right um um how many nuclear reactors do we now have nuclear two

Let’s pick up two of them real quick and let’s put one down real quick here we go yeah if you don’t put anything around them like not any additional Chambers you’re only going to get like the first three rows and we can place up to six

Chambers um next to them to get access to all of these there we go did that also not do the quest we should maybe also make sure that we follow the quest line I mean we’re we’re wildly crafting over here we need to make some fuel rods all

Right yeah you make four of these please get going we’ve already have everything in place over here to make the quad stacked um aium fuel rods so that should be fine as well I’m not quite sure if those machines downstairs are also set up in a

Way that they will be ejecting the stuff let’s double check real quick while we wait for the craft to finish up and that’s I think it’s not you ah it’s it’s top row top row yeah it should be you and I don’t think they’re set up man uh no they’re not

North okay you’re you’re set up you’re set up perfect and then you and you and then item outo output item outo output there we go and then you can surround the whole thing with a containment vessel for flu nuke yeah I’ve looked a little bit into flu nukes

Um could be fun as well all right oh let me guess uh where are we crafting that over there I I can already tell it’s probably going to be an Eevee machine because that stuff is probably in here just sitting going like hey I want to extrude this and it’s probably

Going to be like nope for a Fu Rod you will actually need if you want to use an extruder an LV what uh oh cell shape wait a minute that is pipe shape wrong I’ve been using the wrong extruder over here uh we don’t even have a cell shaped

One I think oh God we need another extruder well then uh we do have an EV extrude over here an mv1 but let’s make an hv1 here we go make it so ah it’s going to take a bit there’s so many steps in here why are there so many steps in here

Oh we need to make cantal even oh what the hell other the plus side these are here are working fine so there is also so what’s with all the liquids oh we’re doing some Platinum in air that’s why that’s why and one thing stopping you from flu

Nukes right now is HP turbines you’ll have you’ll have to have to have a dungeon time again so what this called um [ __ ] dungeon dungeon dungeon yeah we got a couple of them dungeon ceiling and I think in here we also got the wishbone now what’s it called again it’s not

Called the wishbone it’s called the staff the BR uh the the Vining Rod now this Vision signal wait I think you or finder do you have one in my my special pocket over here no and the or finder there we go we got three of them

I guess I lost two of them over time um go yeah this might work but the thing is this thing has not really that much of a range so we have to be really really close close before it goes on but we can keep it on the hot bar over here and

Maybe we can see it work in the background and scheduled 54,000 crafting 10 m at the time y That’s The Distillery it doesn’t go any faster that switch process it’ll be fine give it some time give it some time as for the extruder over here you’re waiting on liquid air why

Are we making air over here because we need to make nitrogen so that we can make the Cal ingots yes oh well things are working epoxy circuit boards that’s also fine here we go there we go some Bol Poli vanill more air sulfur dioxide nitrogen gas

Ethylene yeah this this is just going to take some time until we get all the air in and they all pretty near the surface yeah I don’t think I’ve really seen anyone really really deep down we could go for look for real quick let’s let’s maybe have a gather

So for like a quick flyby of our area maybe maybe we find something let’s also say low to the ground good good good good good good good good good it might be an idea to have link with autocrafting into the storage area so Adams yes at some point

In time I mean you can give us all these tips over here that’s fine but we’re not doing that right now here we go here we go good good good good come on there must be one over there also I think over there where you see that big

Gash I’m pretty sure I mined out a whole bunch of bazal over there where it was like I need some bazal CR got [Laughter] it oh oh oh oh oh wait what’s that I think it’s straight underneath us wait a minute it’s usually like in all right down we go oh yep there it is why are you speaking what the [ __ ] all right all right all right I mean we have to wait for a process so a it’s more mind sweeper here we go wrong

Button uh here we go I don’t even think we get any good rewards out of this that’s not like that there we go um but we might as well just see what we can get uh three over there two over there nothing to work on over here you over

There you over there that’s definitely one over there poof poof poof that’s a nice one three in the corner done you’re done over there you’re done over there that means you’re over there you’re over there Bish B Bish B fish BH all right next one maybe there’s a trophy for a perfect

Game or something oh God reallywe I I mean I’m going to fail one of these because I’m just not paying attention because I’m just blitzing through these as fast as I can because I just go like here just just just click click click something will go boom at

Some point in time that’s a four that’s a three that’s a two that’s a one that’s a three one one this dot this dot that this dot dot dot this dot this dot this dot this dot dot uh definitely over there uh not enough information over there there is

Information over there there is information over there not information over there so n we can’t make any for there here we go uh you for there you for there I know there’s an achievement I could see a trophy too ah okay the only thing that’s kind

Of kind of annoying over here you don’t really get like the overview how many mins you have left because that sometimes can give you like a hint in where something could be and could not be oh now we have to take a risk that’s the worst risk ever that didn’t make it any

[Laughter] better you [ __ ] man being very lucky we’re being very very lucky um five miles left what does it say oh up there I see it’s hidden behind everything umom pom pom three two one there definitely one over there there definitely one over there can’t make any sub there’s nothing over here all

Right there’s definitely one over there um uh you over there there you go more more there we go there we go that’s three that’s one that’s not connected yet that’s one uh you over there that zombie is also not helping is that going to be

There that is going to be there here we go here we go and two two it’s very likely it’s over there could still be somewhere Else what did I say over here it’s very likely that this where could be somewhere else that’s easy three one 2 three five oh fives are fun uh we really see five here we go here we go you over there you over there we go is there is there a mind

Sweeper Speed Run category I’m kind of curious now are people speedr running Minecraft at Minecraft M Speed um they’re definitely speed running Minecraft uh two over there nothing we know over there enough information for there here we go I’m sure that probably is that’s a tree over there that’s a one

Over there that’s a two over there there is a connection right over there that’s a two over there and the four over there finishes that one up then there’s a gap that’s a two over there there’s one over there that’s still four that’s still three that’s still two it’s not

Guaranteed that’s over there but this one’s guaranteed so we can go into this corner and then we can go around here we go and then put you over there put you over there jump there that’s going to be a four a six months left okay we we’re going to

Have to make some some some juicy juicy assumptions again soon there that’s fine that’s fine and then one over there one over there that’s fine that’s fine two mines left all right there’s definitely one over here and there’s definitely one over here so this one is safe does this help

Us yes because then we can say this one does this help us the mind is guaranteed over there there go speed fromc has a 26 second run on Expert nice a 1-year-old uh znu from China recently verified the F minus three per player on earth uh he bested the best s

Time of 36. 68 seconds also broken 11 year old V record not exra difficulty nice nice nice nice nice all right and at one game in my super had an eight as the first click not helpful you can easily get that if you just set everything to all mins all right we

Didn’t die at the start but this also doesn’t help that’s also not good Corner mines are like the Worst oh we get a redo Uh that’s so young for my super expert I mean the game is pretty easy and if you get the control scheme down it it basically plays itself and then it’s just basically match numbers yeah if you know about shift right click you’re basically already going to win

It that’s help us you jinx it yeah I mean I would rather die in the corner mine because worst case scenario you’re going to go into that corner regardless and then you have to make a 50/50 choice so it’s it’s basically just earlier death there we go here we

Go there we go number three number two number one over there that’s a nice four dig dig dig two over there that was a misclick that was that was a proper misclick you have one attempt left okay so we do have lives yeah that’s what going to help

Me well guess we start over here then um please give me sweet death over Here all right did we get anything good uh iron tank vales uh reinforcements breast items winry Hive TNT flint and steel actually give me give me that mold casing I don’t think I have that one yet a bed some tin plates cake oh water jars actually pretty decent vro is also pretty

Nice a full apiary is also very nice to have uh I’ll take an apiary uh I’ll leave the rest where where’s my hole excuse me where did we come in from oh there yeah you almost don’t see that like if you’re at an angle and you

Don’t know where you need to look that that’s a nice roof man all right we wasted some time over here the bones yeah I got so many of those those necrotic bones I got I think at least a stack or two good good good good good I’m pretty

Sure I got a stack of two of necrotic bones because I’ve been Widow hunting so much and we definitely got a sizable amount of them all right let’s go back let’s go back there Mr skeleton there we go oh God what is what is that breathing comme oh close close

Close close close close close close close what the [ __ ] man I mean those are not High Explosive Creepers those are the the concussion creepers but still what the [ __ ] I can see both moveing to Flying Island over five blocks between [Laughter] streams uh neck okay I got two maybe we

Should have picked them up I’ll go back for them at some point yeah that’s put this back uh we’re not going for any more dungeons oh we got the nuclear reactor trophy when did we get this one ta I’m pretty sure they m m creeper M creeper M sweeper sweet runs yes most

Likely all right all right so we were waiting on the extruder wasn’t it and that extruder is still not done because we’re waiting on the C inot but Kanto ingots are not being made because Kanto is that’s St in there and you got some oxygen but you

Don’t have the correct circuit for that what do you need for Kant is that like an 11 that’s an 11 isn’t it yeah let’s just put it to 11 real quick yep all right but that does mean we need to put a circuit back uh to a number three

Because there’s other stuff in there that needs to tree but we got the circuit for that there go we we got a couple of these yeah this is number three that’s also a thing I kind of noticed like if you update these they don’t update in

Your hand they update the moment you put them in here there we go now it’s a tree I’m not sure but it looks like somebody got lazy making graphs at some point maybe I mean making acids is definitely a process which which which can bore you

Out quite a bit all right so we basically Wasted Time by wasting time perfect let’s see what else is done are the other reactors done at least okay some of the other reactors are done uh but we would still need some reactor Chambers there you go because if

We want to make at least a single nuclear reactor full size we’re going to need six of these and you’re doing that to get to hydrochloric acid isn’t it yes we might have an issue titanium how much G TI how much [Laughter] titanium that might be the whole issue

Over here um that’s a lot 114 uh titanium ingots to craft we got like about a th000 we float storage and we’re actually trying to make them over here as well but is that process over here also kind of locked at the moment that process over there is also blocked

They all basically [ __ ] blocking each other lovely uh we could cancel this but let’s maybe keep it going over here we might just maybe want to figure out a better way to make some more hydrochloric acid or at least to make some better chlorine gas we might need to have a better

Solution for that because that is currently the biggest issue that we have chlorine gas so let’s may be refocus chlorine maybe we can put down some kind of system that will make us like 24/7 chlorine gas or at least up to a certain point or maybe just up to a certain tank

We just fill up like a certain tank of chlorine gas all the time and then we just like try to fetch it from over there and have it like a little bit buffer in the drum or something like that that usually works quite well for that we would need to get

Some salt in though because or some Brin salt water is there an easy way to make salt water without having to include things like salt waste liquid waste liquid there we go no salt Roots n I’ve never set up salt Roots that’s sadly nothing I’ve never set up wasn’t it like

On the moon like a whole bunch of salt water I remember something about that gas tis really and then the fluid caner all right um but then we would need an electrolyzer we can set up an electrolyzer which will electroly us something 24/7 what do we have downstairs we have downstairs an

Electrolyzer I’ve set up right over here that is electrolyzing 24/7 the link Zone that link zinc lead zinc solution um sadly we don’t have enough signal strength left over here to put in another one we do got one Electro over here and this Electro over here is doing probably something

Useful could do an extermination chamber with a gas in it uh could do that could do that how do you get salt water without adding salt from the ocean man from the ocean but I don’t think that that ocean salt water is a concept in in

Minecraft all right all right uh what do we have in terms of salt we do got like salt peter salt like tremendous amounts of it um we got some flaw and some fla rock salt and some of the other fla salts but this oh we still got some

Equisite and some Flawless ones over there as well we can use those we can use those so rock salt here we go and then rock salt coming from you in a for Hammer here we go turn that into Flawless Rock there we go and then Rock Sal Flawless a minute Rock Sal

Flawless we can also throw that into the for hammer and then we can get some rock salt out of that there we go where buy the bullet and get a bit of salt rout going probably yeah but not today not today I might do that over the weekend

But that’s not something I want to do today I definitely don’t want to to spend a stream on like I see two crops where you just go like GP GP gorp I’m a crop I get Wheats I suck there’s also some impure Rock sword over here still wait a minute where did

That come from that needs to go into there got some space for you here put that in there I’ll give us something then over here Forge oh wait that’s the wrong machine it’s over here not the gorge the forge um the forge Hammer has not enough space

Sadly I think we can get these out real quick because I don’t think that they are currently possible I’m pretty sure we have exhausted these this one’s already in Fallen Angel hello there crop robots you don’t mean those those BuildCraft robots do you if you mean the BuildCraft robot no that thing is

Horrible all right and then we can start crafting stuff chlorine gas we do need an electrolyzer for that any electroly will do the open computers version okay we got an mvy eler over here what does it take to make an hvv electrolyzer do we need chlorine for that as

Well maybe I don’t see any chlorine in here go for it seems to be mostly fine while we do that uh what do we need we need an export bus for fluids no no no we need export bus for sols and we’re going to need we’re going to import boss at least

For yeah we can we we need import BS there we go and of course every CPU is up good uh we can cancel this process over there this one over there can get can you we definitely want import boss there we go make it good good good good just

For search for open computers crop reading uh you mean in in in the quest book or in just Google I’ll take a look at it I’ll take a look at it I mean as always there’s so much to do in here there’s so many things we can do and should do and could

Do look at that uh that’s another lot of glor farts doesn’t seem to be do too bad actually I’ll take a look at it at some point in time all right all right sadly this thing over here does require chlorine gas but it seems you some got priority so I’m very happy about

That and the electrolyzer should be done there we go get the electro out we can also put you back in there then and we’re going to need the crafting card that’s definitely something we’re going to need and then we’re going to need a drum at least

One and then not only that we’re going to need a storage buffer for liquids we got loads of these all right uh let’s maybe already find a spot downstairs where we can do that um actually we can most likely do that right over here what is this 1 two three four 5 6

7even yeah we got one spot left over here and we actually got a Transformer over here that’s currently not doing anything so don’t we need um didn’t we need like an an an a high te machine for something no we need an extruder for something but we can place

Like an electroly over here but if we place an electroly over here then we don’t have any kind of data um wire or signal strength available or channels left over for us to put anything else down so not over there uh we need something where we have

A couple of channels available and some power nearby here we only are using 25 of the channels over here we got some power nearby over here as well we could technically glor put over here somewhere yeah they extruded for the reactor cells very true get mounted over there make this a fig boy

Cable input output n that’s that’s that’s it’s a little bit too close [Laughter] man arat hello there welcome welcome welcome how you doing I mean over here is definitely a spot where we want to place it somewhere place you over there but we can’t really connect to the F cable maybe over here

Somewhere if we place you over there then we only have two sides available that’s what good enough if we place you on top then we got two sides available that’s also going to be enough we we need a little bit more than two if we place you over

There over here might work yeah over here will work we do need to put in some some safeties and stuff like that but it will work so that electroly will be over there here we go this does need to be fi boy cable um because there’s going to be

A tank over here it’s going to be an input over there and it’s going to be an output over there or the other way around it doesn’t really matter good good good good good good good let’s make sure that we point you over there point you over

There all right we can already place the drum and we always have to place the drum at least spaghetti and Pie is only in two Dimensions yep well until we get to like the uh train Bridges and stuff like that of course then it will definitely become even [Laughter]

Worse and actually if you think about underground stuff like that n you do have three dimensional spaghet in in Factory definit definitely all right we need that import thing we got the export thing export bus import bus fluid storage and then the rest is just glor uh we do need some

Cable we need some of these we need some of those and bring me some of those as well just in case also I’ll eat the ice cream all right all right all right so easy solution we put you over there that will be exporting then pick up these two put down new fig

Boy wire one over there one over there yeah you’re not connected over there let’s just put this over there for completion is sake then we’re going to not have a wire connector over there well technically we could we it doesn’t really matter where it comes out of here we

Go uh we do want to have one over there as well and one over there and then we need some more Wire yeah this is fine this is fine and then of course we need one wre down here good then we need the input boss which will take out the cells that we’ll

Be getting in there and we need one of these and now I kind of realize that this over here is not going to work like that because if we’re going to be electrolyzing salt then we will need to put in a constant amount of wait wait wait we still got a phas

Available there we go it looks a bit like a creeper actually I think it looked like something else um let me have another look at them real quick um now we need an export one go we need to export some more random stuff remote a when

Never it looks like a bit like an old German politician like like the one everybody remembers but not for anything good let’s let’s put the mask on you there we go good good good good good good good the Austrian painter yeah that [Laughter] one uh okay we need cell we need rock

Salt here we go all right all right so you there you order in cells you have an ear you order in rock salt here we go that should work right or do I do I got my rock confused oh do we need to crush it first I think we need to crush it

First we need to crush it first and we also don’t even need cells good God we just get potum out of it never mind stupid idea this over here stop it almost got there correctly but but but but but but but that will make us go all the

Way where do rock salt go there it is no wait um where did that rock Sal go it’s over there why is it all the way over there all right um Recipe rock salt there we go put this in there we are going to be ordering up rock salt there you go put the crafting card in so that we can start crafting this for here um use stocked items or craft items when exporting yes perfect so we will always be ordering in rock

Over here and if we need to craft it we will craft it um here we go in they go and that should be that fluid output to the bottom there we go and now we’re perpetually making floring gas over there do we have sodalite I think we already through our backlog of sodalite

Maybe we still have some um I have to check actually maybe I’m also completely imagining [ __ ] and we still have like loads of sod light I think the reason why I didn’t use sod light over here was uh there was a stupid reason for that and maybe maybe it’s possible to

Fix it real quick yeah I wanted to set up this recipe over here like this guess what’s missing over here the most important part the chlorine gas over there um but we should maybe just import a sod light over here maybe sod light will be better then then we don’t need

To [ __ ] around with with rock salt because we can always always turn this stuff we do want the aluminum we do want the raw silicum we do want the sodium yeah vioria Minecraft fantastic this is pretty much uh factorial Minecraft all right yeah you expension card for the exporter

Nah we we’ll use the rock sword for something else this will be fine this will be fine and we just let this thing sit over here we’re just going to be non-stop electrolyzing The Sod light over here like literally Non-Stop and that’s actually going quite fast actually look at

That good good good good good good good perfect jumps [Laughter] done all right all right and put some stuff back and really the Factoria Got Started from the idea in some Minecraft mods and the circle is now complete pretty much pretty much I mean I do remember back in

The day te it and stuff like that which was Bloody fun it was absolutely lagging it was absolutely horrible but it was a start and then things just kind of went with that all right uh is the extruded them by now oh I think it is there we

Go and I think we got a spot right over there go uh but we do need an interface for that oh [ __ ] uh yeah out of interfaces make one please here we go yeah making interfaces at least is not too bad it does require titanium uh but then again the titanium process over

Here is always always always working and if you actually look at it we went through most of those nuclear reactors we got like five of them now and number six is on the way though setting them all up oh God setting them all up is going to be an absolute

Nightmare just play rimol at naum as well as h D to recently yeah why five reactors Bol you only need the chambers uh because we’re going to make an eight amp nuclear power plant we’re going to make eight of them not one what what do I want to do with

One amp of Eevee power where do we go with that we’re going to make [Laughter] eight good good good good good good good um okay uh Chambers maybe we can already make some Chambers now okay for the chambers we’re still missing diluted H okay maybe maybe make

Him make him in in lower intervals can we make one we can make one make one go nuclear Minecraft is that serious pretty sure will explode oh you haven’t seen it yet have you uh we’re prepared for that we’re prepared for that so eight reactors with 48 Chambers yep

Also yeah I mean it still looks very very boring it it looks like a very sad man like a very sad more man but it’s made out of reinforced Stone uh it’s going to be a little bit of a control room over here where you probably have some monitors and some

Other status reporting equipment yada yada yada uh for things that we need prepared or overprepared I mean if we’re going to make Power we’re going to make power and then of course we got the first airlock which goes into the blast Shield because the weak point in the

Demon core over here is of course going to be this door and if this door blows it’s going to get catched by that wall over there and then of course we go in here where the reactor will be inside our little demon core and there’s going to be one down

There there’s going to be one up there there’s going to be one in that corner one down there one over there one over there one over there one over there and we’re just going to make eight amps of EV Power because why the [ __ ] not it’s going to be eight full amps

And you know what’s going to be even worse than that uh we’re probably going to be scaling down that EV Power to hvv power because I will probably not be upgrading those hvv machines over there anytime soon we are going to be wiring in the the EV power directly into the um the

Bigger machines over here but yeah we’re probably going to be running on on a lot of HP power definitely also um HP superc conductors are easier to make make than um EV superc conductors but yes yes yes all right can we make another chamber no

That’s how we going to get the power out of the bunker cable will a cable be fine and does nuclear reactor produce radiation reting is it fatal it’s definitely annoying if you pick up like radioactive stuff without protective gear uh you’re going to have a bad time without the explosion going through

But that’s the blast Shield also u i mean the cable okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I I guess what you mean uh the cable is probably good going to go down um go go downwards and then underneath here there is a floor underneath here where the cable will go

But the cable will go down the middle shaft over here that’s also why we have this Gap over here so the cable will probably go through the water down through here whatever is underneath this thing if if this thing does blow whatever is underneath that thing gets completely [ __ ]

Annihilated uh we could also maybe go to the top so that we blow out to the top but I will it explode yeah it will most likely and did reinfor Zone get a lot weaker not really but it did kind of say like you should do at least three layers of reinforc

Zone uh which will probably mean that if things do explode well how to put it we’ll probably still have to replace a lot of the reinforced Stone um and maybe putting down eight reactors in one chamber and maybe it will protect against one popping but maybe not against all eight

Popping if nobody’s there to watch it will it really explode no also if I come back to a big void was the base really there or was it somewhere else I mean we can definitely start with one of these um but yeah the thing is these Chambers

Over here they eat so much titanium that’s the whole reason why this takes so long what are the ODS that all eight of them explode at once 100% because they’re going to be identical in their configuration regardless right all right all right good good good good good good good

Good well then uh we’re not really making any progress today it feels like one of those P streams we have but we just go like we’re going to do this and then we end up doing something completely different uh let’s a look at is anything being blocked over here no you’re

Definitely crafting you’re it’s it’s we’re being blocked by titanium we just don’t have enough titanium that’s the whole issue not enough titanium oh that’s that’s a very annoying issue to have so be it so be it well then if we are waiting on this whole process maybe we can work on the

Rocket in the meantime because I don’t really see this over here accelerating anytime soon uh we do have to top it up every now and then uh we do have is the interface for the EXT at least done maybe we can at least do with the quests uh not the interace the interface

There we go good is this Bedrock Edition no it’s the Java Edition it’s horrible is the BW Edition even modable yeah and wait it’s upstairs upstairs I’m also not that deep into Minecraft especially Minecraft on Linux I mean on I mean Minecraft on Linux horrible I mean if if you play the Java

Edition you have to somehow find yourself Ian I think the only reason reason why there is an Nvidia optimized package for open jdk8 I think it’s only because of Minecraft I’m always so surprised to see that there’s like some kind of of very special open jdk version version on on

On Linux package servers most of the time and it’s only for Minecraft of my opinion all right all right all right we need the cell shape here it is and hyen chloride is also a BPR of like 100 other processors yeah but we’re currently not doing those processes

Which is kind of annoying I mean wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute saltwater hydrogen Mercury helium oxygen helium oxygen again oh oh wait wait wait wait wait what’s that hydrochloric acid two of them thank you pass me a good thing we remembered okay the

Helium gas room over there oh wait there we go put you over there drilling fluid what the [ __ ] man and the inventory appearance seems like bat work for a second I forgot the batw is modable here we go good so if we now go in here again and go for like a

Chamber and we want to make like two of them then the only we miss did we did we forget about the raw carbon mesh again is it is it what happened to the raw covered mesh did we just wipe the recipe for this one I guess we did did we not I

Thought for sure oh That’s a classic um yeah pick you up not going to be enough for you yeah there we go good good good good good all right let’s make two of these yeah look at that we can make two of these now can we

Make another two we can make another two can we make another two full reactor coming in can we make another two okay now we have to find the cor gas again good at least it makes some progress over there uh nevertheless the extruder you’re sitting over there you

Get cell shape you also get the recipe for the rot there we go so we can at least finish up that Quest over there uh which is going to be the uh reactor Rod or whatever it was called there we go four of these what do you mean we’re out of processing

Speed okay this one will be done soon machine configured you’re correct you’re correct um we’ll do that right away but kind of few what are we doing the Forum ones I mean that’s the first ones we can do uh extruder up wait where’s where’s me screwdriver we go screwdriver up eject

Oh oh God you here get the muffler okay shut it also shap is the power slot yeah yeah yeah we got there in the end all right rot there we go four of these appropriate power oh they have no clue how much power we’re going to make let’s

Have some ice cream here we go good good good good good good good good good all right all right oh we got the fmal monitor whether you use magic steam oil or bio gas for power until now you will run into problems as you advance to higher tiers

So you need to upgrade your power grid at least for your EBS have so let’s start with something more powerful a nuclear reactor yeah yeah we’ve already read this once um nothing to choose over here I’m not quite sure what the fmal monitor is going to do but I’ll take it

All right and now we get into all of these basic fuel forum for fourum rods let’s go for them real quick um here we go four of these off we go then we can get that Quest done with they might be radioactive the weakest of all fuel rods but very easy to produce

Very easy to keep cool and runs twice as long as uranium it even returns a third of its Forum back later a perfect fishion and forget power source note after they are used up you can recycle them to get uh litium which is used for making americam in the fusion reactor americam

Is needed for top tier materials later so start stock ping now plus you get some power yeah this the whole reason why I actually want to do it and what this on uh I’m usually running an Arch Linux because I just enjoy Arch Linux but I do know that some people just go

Like the moment you mentioned Arch lenux people just go like kill him on the fire pit with him because they just really hate archu but I just really got used to it and it works for me pretty well our has great install now oh it does really has installed

It every time I install an AR clinix I usually go to the Wiki page and go like oh yeah I remember this page oh boy okay what do we need to do well encryption boot loader that’s usually the parts that are always kind of tricky um then well actually bootloader and encryption

Are usually the parts where I usually trip up but once you’ve done it a couple of times it’s it’s actually pretty straightforward the the main problem is you don’t really do it that often and I have been running Debian in the past for a couple times usually because I just

Didn’t want to deal with any kind of of installing procedures it was just like yeah I need this system set it up please Dei and go done and manjaro’s Arch based yeah there are of course all the flavors out there as well uh and some of them are probably

Also pretty amazing but but I’m just very happy with my Arch Arch and X face and I’m just a happy man I don’t need no more I don’t need any fancy overlays I don’t need any fancy Graphics uh everything else is just as I wanted okay we need even more power why

Not combine the rods uh is this like for dual and triple quadruple so what does this Quest then do well then um they probably hate AR because most Ares have been toxic yeah but but that’s always something that’s always kind of weird I mean look at random communities

And you always find this one random Community that’s just full of toxic people ah people man what a bunch of bastards also everybody’s an ad break so we probably have to repeat it afterwards good good good good toxic more like gatekeeper yeah I mean sometimes sometimes how to how to put it

Actually I mean the dro is fine the dro is definitely fine and uh the um the arch user repository is also absolutely great but but sometimes people just feel very entitled about themselves because they do something and they they they feel like it’s the best ever and at the

End of the day it’s just another tool it’s just another tool that you need to use I mean yeah and you don’t really like out of the box dist so you’re doing your own AR just fine yeah absolutely and if put the Finish RS back

In the system it will be much easier nah just craft them just craft them a pom pom pom but like I said I mean um I’m also like an embedded Linux engineer and I need to work with lenux every day so everything I have runs on

MX haven’t used the Windows PC in I don’t know how long way too long and once you really get used to it and you really understand how operating systems work uh you usually can quite easily fix whatever problem you have here we go double the fun good so

What is this Quest then after your rods have finished oh this is the recycling oh okay after your rods have finished their cycle you turn DEET turn into depleted rots you can then fmal centrifuge them for some materials back depending on the rot you can get

Different stuff see anyi or the wiki for details all right so let’s have a look at these ones real quick that’s the radio hatch materialist what the [ __ ] is this all right we can turn centu into Lum there we go Forum dust and some iron dust there we go and you computer

Chocolite so this that s of work out of the box are good for you and beta and gamma radiation wait was the beta and gamma radiation I didn’t even look at that there we go oh it is beta and gamma radiation you are correct but is that then just the

Natural Decay over here that we see like if we just let it sit oh we can probably let it sit in the box or something like that and then it will probably Decay into something and n that’s a lot of seirs like isn’t how how did SE work

Again wasn’t like one SE enough to kill you the the Leal do I think is one um this is nine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine maybe it’s nine over the entire time Spectrum um but then again we are living in the Minecraft world and we got the boom witch over here so

Yes use theora xace on your school laptop and I know it’s um not out of the box but Linux Mint but it counts as out of the box for you especially on a laptop like if you run like like xace on a laptop you’re not going to have any

Performance issues it’s just going to be like yeah need this window open it’s open all right all right also what does this thing do yeah let’s put you over here for a second oo that’s actually is that the thermostat do I need to get my dad socks out to to basically set the

Thermostat is it going to be something like a nuclear thermostat and it’s going to all be operated by dance going like here we set it to 500 you’re not allowed to lower it or raise it if you’re cold put the sweater on if you’re hot well then the nuclear reactor probably

Exploded then you got other issues all right all right right increasing the capacity we need six Chambers how many chambers have you made there’s none because they’re still being craft oh God how many that’s going to take a while how much titanium is that oh that’s so much titanium

H it’s not that old I5 i550 generation yeah config solo for theace which you found the best drro uh for daily driving yeah it’ll get things done definitely all right so yeah that that that that process is probably going to take on to the rest of the stream um but like I

Said I mean if if we need to wait on stuff we can at least maybe look at these other quests venting heat and stuff like that we do need to make one of each of these I think we already have one of these um let’s make one of each

Heat went or at least see if we have one of each heat vent um we got most of each heat vent here we go um which one are we missing we’re missing the basic one there we go make one of these please done and we’re missing the reactor heat

Went gu there was another one in here yeah the reactor he went might as well ultimate use well it’s going to be done in a 22 that’s fine that’s done with a double copper plate we don’t have double copper plate yet well we do have that double cou PL

It’s not hard to do actually quite easy but I don’t have a recipe for that yet there we go and that’s going to be done in a number two in Mr bendo over there do we still play rimol yes I mean um we have been on

Break for rimol for quite some time I think more than a year we’ll definitely to be getting back to it once the DLC comes around I also got distracted there’s so many spiders over there what the [ __ ] uh we’re basically just waiting for the DLC to come around and then we’re

Probably going to be playing rimot for like a week or something like that um and then after that even more uh this was a 22 this was a 22 so we can just drop you in the air there we go and do you play the Hot Potato like a

Month ago uh it was not really a month ago I mean it was uh at Thanksgiving which is basically four months ago almost and the next one is going to be an eight months so yay [Laughter] soon okay that’s set on number three I think this one over there is set up we

Can just fly over here actually there we go oh that one set to number three this one is over here set to number 10 all right so you over there number two double cou plates and five is the ld50 within a month yeah most likely okay wait a minute here you Lads you

Lads how many [ __ ] spiders are there okay that that guy’s reflecting he closed the door on me there you go no mercy anybody else good o there we go all right spiders and nuclear stuff that’s nightmare F A come on there’s no such thing as nuclear spiders there has never ever

Been something like a nuclear shark NATO that never happened I think it never happened I was very drunk when I watch that one movie there we go make one of these please good good good good good good good M okay you’re just crafting that that’s all reactor Chambers tell that’s to

Spiderman is that all the things we need now we wait the react the normal heat vent did we not make a normal one heat vent I guess not make one of the how much what do you need okay not as much as I thought it was there we go and no way

Went good now we can get some more components out of that but I’ll just drop them back in here because we’re we’re going to be globing them together regardless so drop all of these put the reactor Chambers in there let’s just drop some more stuff in here which we

Currently do not need this that this the fer meter can go in there that can go in there good can you use the reactor chamber as a Kill Zone for a mob farm I’m not quite sure if I want any kind of of explosive mobs near my

Nuclear reactor you know speaking of how far are you 8 out 36 already nice going fine going fine all right that is heating them no boom tomorrow with a nuke you can cause some real catastrophic damage to your base you can either place it 20 chunks away how

Many we build it over there man or surrounded with blast prooof materials f forarts is no good now forget about it okay instead use gr dech New Horizon uh approved plated reinforced Stone series okay I didn’t know about that or one of the other options I guess like wed glass you may

Need multiple layers depending on your reactor try it out in Creative remember you must close the corners Bloss can slip through the cracks ah to get power out um do the right angle turns uh on the wires as Bloss goes in a straight line well how

To put it I I think we made the worst reactor chamber imaginable I was kind of hoping that if we make like um like an actual demon core over here it will be the best uh since basically a circle shape will be good for this but I don’t think

That this will actually be that good because it’s a circle it’s a pure Circle it’s three circled layers in total and if I mean if you’ve seen the circle shape sh this thing makes we do know that there are gaps around it oh yeah it will never explode it will never

Explode we will never die this place looks like an half life I was kind of thinking about that at least a bit there go I mean there’s also a mountain on top of it uh and our main base is right next to it that’ll be fine that’ll be

Fine I might need to set up the the the auto back up a little bit different maybe maybe maybe keep a safe per day or something like that all right make one bronze okay that’s a Bloss resistance of 200 that’s actually a good thing to know because

Wait a minute we can use do we still have it in my pocket or did I drop it already again I dropped it already again it’s in here somewhere uh we can’t check no what is it called again is it called the scanner there we go with the scanner with the

Scanner we can check um how much blast resistance has for example this floor over here has a blast resistance of five a six which is nothing what is 20 chunks of the reactor chamber let me just check this real quick this has a Bloss resistance of8 that reinforced plate thingy has

More Bloss resistance than the reinforced Stone over here also 20 chunks away um that’s basically over here oh we’re not going to move it man well Del moved to slime [Laughter] Island I think we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine so you fire up the reactor and

Start in the Stone Age again maybe I mean worst case scenario we have to start over all right venting heat yeah that’s done um move the heat oh that’s where the heat exchanges come in I think we already have some more a couple of those place the reactor on top of the Slime

Island it’s green due to the radiation um exchanger yeah we have a couple of these as well put them in your pocket and make one of these make one of these out of crafting spots H but we are missing one and the one we’re missing is this lad over there uh recipe number

21 that’s the same one downstairs isn’t it or was the 22 there have been chunks of things still around so not the Stone Age and radiation don’t forget about the radiation that’s 22 where do where do we have Mr 21 21 is upstairs on the right side Mr 21 is this lad yep

Um yeah we don’t need the stainless steel tanks in here for now we could of course put in a capacity card in there but but we really do not need stainless tanks right now eat no I eat this from okay I can’t eat this one I’m out of ice cream what

Shall I eat well let’s have a look what’s in here some bread go here we go all right make one of these start and then we also still need to make one of these I think mariio hitting the sack oh it’s already 10 p.m. over here time flies

When you’re having fun mate thank you so much for being there have a good night man all right it’s this one done are we making the other ones as well we’re making the yellow one and then the other one we’re missing is the gray one right what are these guys waiting on

You’re waiting on basically eight ingots that will hopefully be done soon you’re still waiting on also eight ingots that’s actually the oh God you’re waiting on everything you’re wait the thing that’s going on over here I think the background currently is is that they’re doing rout processing as out of elite

Dust yeah they are doing that and I think this process also does make hydrochloric acid good good good good good um we need one of these oh okay what are you waiting on you are crafting no waiting on nothing perfect you’re done pick up you and then

The only one we need is you and then at least we got that Quest completed as well that still requires a circuit so glor G GP it’ll be fine and at least then we got some of these nuclear quests done dealing with radiation yeah if you get radiation poisoning just drink

Milk your good old single block molecular Transformer is gone so how to obtain scenarium well there are a couple of ways but at Eevee you’ll need to radiate glowstone and convert it to scenarium the glowstone rod will slowly charge up if you put it next to any fuel

Rod in your ic2 reactor the exact charging speed is number of rods adjacent times floor Hill blah blah blah number number number I’ll look it up somewhere a dual Rod will count as two rods and a quad Rod uh will count as four U the glowstone Rod will either

Emit heat will neither emit heat nor cause any other component to emit more heat you can treat this Rod as a reactor plating in the ic2 reactor planner as you can see the speed is directionally proportional to the whole temperature and rots adjacent so basically we need to make a

Breather reactor to get to scenarium all right all right and scenarium is one that we need for hi carium is that really a thing what the hell um but that’s made out of silver and lumium dust lumium is made out of Lumia sense sterling silver and Tin

Alloy as well as M glowstone Lumia sense is coming from from something something something high energy mixture out of a flute solidifier which is coming out of aluminum red stone and glow stone as well as phosphoric acid okay that’s all not too bad it’s all a lot of glor but

That is fine that is fine and then we can get the scarium pieces over there all right all right you done yet there you go Quest complete Quest complete there we go here we go any reactive Parts done sadly no one two three four five there’s

Five wait no this is a fullblown we can actually cancel you let’s cancel you there we go because there are some reactor Chambers in there there’s three reactor Chambers now in storage and we are making another four so we can get we cannot set up one

Reactor let’s start off with one and see how bad it will be good oh then I guess we’re going to let that part rest over here real quick there is another process over here which I kind of skipped on a bit which is probably also going to take like forever to

Complete which is the hssg over here after you craft an IV assembler an ivy assembler wait what why why do I need to craft an ivy assembler now after you craft an ivy assembler upgrade your electronic blast furnace with new coils out of uh hssg ingots the Ingot becomes

Even more very important in the uh ludicrous voltage tier but right now both of these are still far away just make a bit so that you need for the next rocket okay um seriously I made what the [ __ ] but I don’t think we need an assembler for this I mean we need to

Make the hssg dust which is done in an Eevee mixer we have an Eevee mixer I think we have even the dust recipe in there that’s this one over there that’s not in there I’m also not quite sure how much tung we have left uh that could also be an

Issue we got seven bars perfect never mind good hssg dust yeah this one please that’s made of M denim Chrome tungsten steel dust and vadium dust all of those are available I don’t think we have automated the tungsten steel dust yet however so let’s altimate tungsten steel

Dust as well that’s also done in e one maybe we do have that let’s make the recipe or the pattern at least we can check in here if we are doing that that’s making tungsten dust tungsten Ingot more tungsten yell y I don’t think that’s in there yet let’s maybe

Check it’s of course preferable to use the the interface but sometimes you just want to check and actually I don’t see it in here because um tungsten steel I think is a one to one of tungsten and tungsten dust and steel dust it’s definitely not in here so put both of

These in there that’s that that’s that let’s make sure that recipe on level one recip on level one it all goes to there we’re good to go good so at least we can make some hssg dust um what’s what we need for the craft for the recipe we need to turn

That into 16 of the Dust so let’s maybe start off with the dust first here make 16 of these and we actually only cost us two venenum I think we already have some Tung and Ste and we already have all of this like the storage so we only use

Things from Storage that’ll be fine good that should also be a quick craft we can actually check up on it over here I can see it mixing over here how long does it take 30 seconds what the [ __ ] man oh it’s going to take forever

Man good good good good and then if we want to turn them into the ingots no no no we have to blast furnes don’t we yeah we have uh that has to be done in an Eevee power based blast R is either running some organes some cenon some

Nitrogen you need the tong to steal dust for the quest yeah but I think we well we can always make more actually do we do we do we do we do we optional this one’s optional and this one over here is technically also optional this one is

The one that that actually turns it in here we go here we go so that would finish up that Quest but nevertheless uh uh we do want to make the Ingot we need to freeze it so one of these and then not only do we need to

Freeze it we also need to make it and that will be this one there we go that should also be Quest complete no we still need to make the ingots yeah we still need to make the ingots so put you back then um ingot let’s see where they are uh the

Ingredient buffer it should go into this one that’s a good question that’s also where the de Chrome goes I think we can try it over here it’s definitely going to take like a while to say the least the vacuum freezer on the other hand does need a capacity card because the vacuum freezer

Is running out capacity it’s called a pattern something something something we don’t have anymore make one please go good anything in here that needs no you this this one gets globed together right away lovely good and you’re still working on that you’re getting to your final pieces of

Root oil over there you still have a lot of root oil in here you got loads of stuff in here metric tons of amounts of stuff over here but yeah one step at a time at least this part over here is just it’s not even making plastic boards

Okay it is oh wait it is making plastic boards it’s going to take a while plastic boards not too bad it’s just a bit slow the usual all right well we could already well maybe not I was kind of thinking about maybe already starting to to put down the reactor Cher in its

Entirety but we do want to hold six of these so that we can get a quest done but we can already pick up well we can already pick them up a bit and maybe already and Place one of these I can hear another spider out there okay at some point in time I’m

Just going to put down sentry guns everywhere just to shoot down these spiders and just keep did he spot me from all the way over there there go they will just keep shooting all these spiders and just keep appearing around our base that’s like the worst thing Ever how did you even spawn in here you did you teleported in here look up the monster repell I know it exists but I it’s like having biters around it’s just more fun that way in my opinion like not having to worry about monsters is kind of [Laughter]

Boring all right um yeah the reactor will be oh can we oh we can’t place this right away we have to put a some kind of intermittent block I don’t have even any blocks on me don’t think you want to have them a reactor well does the monster repellent also protect against teleporting

Creepers because if it doesn’t it will not help well then seems we can’t place the chamber on their own [ __ ] door so we’re just going to get ourselves any kind of block yeah me give me something at least from the place down the reactor at

Least it caus them to not spawn on the Range kind of I see I’m actually kind of fine with all the enemies around I mean of course you can take away all the enemies but where’s the fun in that I mean there always has like this this

This this constant risk going on of total catastrophic failure due to like missing a creeper or something like that that’s where the fun is all right you’re going to be over there yep and then six Chambers around 1 2 three four five six once they’re done

And then we have the full capacity over there nuclear reactor in EU mode thr output by 50% I guess it’s fine here we go here we go all right all right all right um something something is done um what were we crafting again I didn’t pay enough

Attention not a rocket part it was a circuit part it was not a circuit part where’s the book The H is G there we go and we were making a pattern extender there we go yeah capacity upgrad he you make him so nonchalantly all the time that you sometimes forget

What you what you were making them for here we go uh that’s the that’s the heat machine that’s a cool machine oh good God what the [ __ ] is going on over here uh I think it’s over there no yeah technically correct I don’t think I can reach it give me the block

Again over there there it [Laughter] is what the hell man there go Place back down again good good good good good all right and then I think we got everything HSS wait not not that one make 18 of these seems to be doable do it let’s see if it’s working over

There I think we might need to set a certain circuit over here oh oh oh no yeah that’s wait that’s not correct you’re making wait which recipe is this one that’s ilite into rout with that should be working oh you’re off why the [ __ ] are you off

I guess you fizzled out at some point time or maybe I never turned you on that could also be the case you run of power important time oh that’s also not very good yeah we definitely have a power isue okay maybe if we even make only one Eevee of

Um nuclear power it would maybe already be enough for us us to to contemplate our current situation over here with not this one um with us not making enough power we should definitely check up on power do we still got some what’s it called again uh nitric acid there’s only a

Little bit in there we do need to make some more nitric acid so can we make some nitric acid in here like nitric acid over the here oh wait no no no no no craft please not you you that seems doable do it can we do some

More not really let’s check up on the old Ketone diesel machine because yeah Power is definitely an issue and while we’ll fly over here real quick um yeah the fields are definitely being worked but the p P are slowly running dry and like dry pipes you never want to

Have a dry pipe it’s like the worst thing ever like itchy and stuff like that we can at least hear the machine working yeah maybe I mean the only thing we’re missing is ammonia maybe we have some ammonia in the other system but yeah we’re we’re mainly

Waiting on the nitric acid to come in we’re still good over there we’re still good over there let’s check over on you real quick yeah you’re fine and you’re working as fast as can we got the seed oil what Glasser do we have H glacer man glacer is more or less becoming our

Main source for carbon oxygen and hydrogen we’re just going to electroly it just turn it into other stuff all right but but let’s maybe see if we can find some extra ammonia from the from the home base not quite sure if we have some extra ammonia but but maybe

Just making like a big batch of ammonia will also help us out already uhoh uh so was power yep yeah they’re they’re they’re out man they’re out good news is the um Kon diesel machine at least is self- sustaining so that’s good do self generators no we

Don’t need to worry about that the the Kon diesel making machine is completely self- sustaining um it is not affected by the whole overall process but the buffer ran out and if everything is off and we keep everything off the buffer should recover but that’s going to take like a while

Because we’ve definitely been overextending ourselves on our fuel consumption well then this is not good um we could maybe if we still have it no we we could steal some fuel I know where there’s still some fuel around yeah you’re still missing power we should maybe also just terminate some of these processes

Over here there we go here we go yeah it’s just bone dry like everything is empty everything is empty man need more power yes but without power well we we we don’t have to worry about having power to make power we are brown out proof but we’re not black out

Proof let me have a look maybe we can throw something in the generator maybe maybe we have something trouble technically the glycerol is burnable burn the glycerol or something practically the problem will be solved by tomorrow because if we just let things sit over here and if we let

Just the whole process over here um remedy itself we’re going to be fine but we didn’t prioritize fast enough to get into our nuclear power which is kind of troublesome here we go here we go there might be an idea to invest in the tur to yes yes yes yes

Yes I mean that’s where this place is coming into but that’s not done yet good well then we need the plan B Because currently plan a says Bas is offline and with base offline we can’t do much here we go here we go let’s have a look in here well we

Don’t have any nitric acid ready to go the whole process maybe we can do some optimization on here good old Benzene turbines well the Benzene turbines would probably the same issue I mean the main issue that we are having is that we’re not making enough power that we’re overusing our

Power I mean this place over here is definitely making more we’ll probably see something go down over here any second now because I can see over here that we are making the uh the um what’s it called again this stuff over here so this process is definitely still going it’s just not fast

Enough and for that we need some more biological fields to make some more power that takes a little bit of time a little bit of effort which is not that much of a problem we do yeah we do have some diesel over here which we could

Steal but I don’t really want to go around stealing diesel that’s just going to make things worse the fun Seeker welcome welcome welcome ah ah ah love fun Seeker welcome how you doing F so much lovely r ah you know what’s even worse I’m actually getting kind of

Tired so I’m actually kind of thinking maybe maybe we just call it early for once because currently the base is in a state where we’re not operatable because lack of power and it will be fixed by tomorrow because this process will be done by tomorrow what we could do yeah

Let’s let’s Maybe put in some emergency measures where we can let this process over here good call it early so we continue for an hour now problem is our base is kind of kind of offline because we have been overextending on our power usage and if we can’t interact with the

Me system basically well not all our not all of our items are blocked but most of them are and we have not made it to the nuclear power plant yet so yeah there one thing we can do all of the fuel is coming in Via this pipeline over

There and just for now we’re going to cut it yeah so that things can start back up uh we’re going to let this whole thing over here drain itself and just be whatever it wants to be um good thing is the whole thing runs

On the server so if we just let it sit over here for a while uh it will fix itself but it will need time for that it’s not something we can accelerate it’s sadly not something like we can do in vioria where we can just grab some

Coal throw it in the boiler and we’re done and to ask your question quick here your throat is a little sore and uh stins on one point so we’ll be getting back with tea and so on I see I see I see what are the displays you mean these

Over here these are the displays that we are using to uh look over our mining drills our mining drills have like a remote interface which we which will tell us basically what what they telling us if we would look at the interface like basically this thing over here we

Could also put that same interface on on this machine over here and we would see the same information or whatever that is portraying right now um and you can do that with like a GRE Tech Advanced sensor card which will basically match it to like a specific machine that’s out

There and this is going to be very important especially for the or drilling plants especially for the one that’s sitting on the moon uh because if that thing over there is having any kind of issue we will probably want to solve it um that is is maybe a thing we could do

Not enough items in the output space we could at least go to the moon and at least fix that I can’t access my inventory ah but maybe maybe if we reconnect the pipe real quick maybe there will be a power search and we can access our inventory real quick because we

Basically need to get to the big chests here we go here we go and we should have enough resources to be at least be able to get to the moon all right um I I don’t think we got enough power to even make this thinger [Laughter] thing I thought you’ve quite sure where

All that power is going right now that’s why there s me batteries well yes but they will also run out at some point time yeah that is this like like the generators over here these are the generators that are firing up oh wait you got some if we can do something like

This bit of you put some in here put some in here it should give us at least a little bit of of zaft to make the a system running again here we go and then we can at least get a chest out there we go seven only seven where

Did the where the rest of these go well I guess seven will be fine good good good good good good good all right and then we disconnect you over there again very good that we have like a completely autonomous system that makes f for us it just not makes

Enough so that definitely needs to be upgraded I’m a little bit concerned about the crafts we were doing probably some of them have been lost that’s going to be a bit sucky um the items are not lost but everything that was in the machine over here that ran out of power

That’s definitely lost but so be it so be it h loot bags in the storage maybe we get Ender Chest the Ender Chest loot bags we get from The Ivy Sage so nah grab the steam to run real quick and add the Emer power to the tower no no no no

No no no that’s a waste of time good good good good good good there’s no need to do anything like that I mean that’s the all reason why we’re working on nuclear power so that we can make use less of our biodiesel power we’re already working on the plan

We don’t need the second plan to work on the plan all right um well we can go to the moon and at least have some fun over there good good good good good here we go hatches open hatch is open good uh rocket where’s my bench press rocket there

This it’s always so nice when you’re holding this thing just holding it above your head there we go and this thing should be oh it’s not running on the battery I enough power is there still a battery in here yeah there’s another rocket in there there might actually be a battery in

Here if we’re lucky yep there’s one I’ll thank you and my rocket pad is on the bottom on the world because why not have the rocket pad at the bottom of the world well almost at the bottom it’s it’s it’s a little bit off go let maybe also dump some in items

Somewhere because we will need to dump them yeah this will be a dump chest not you you what do we don’t need this pattern this that this that this that this that this that this or that we just need the chest at least we can say hello to the moon

Base there we go and spend some quality time on the moon are you done you’re done all right leave if you can’t do anything on Earth we’s going to leave oh God what’s happen to my inventory what’s happening to my [Laughter] backpack space is always on I’ll be

Back good good good good good good good ah all right all right I mean if we can’t work on this base we’ll just move to the other base easy peasy and we can even stay on the other base because it’s at least somewhat sustainable over there don’t do that man all right uh

Novice uh zoom and then Moon there go all right all right does gratic new vers of automated Rockets I there is a cargo rocket um I’m not quite sure if we can fully automize that automate that I would love to do that because I think it would be way

More fun than using ender chest and stuff like that but I’m not quite sure if we can actually do it like that all right home base here we go here we go there have been some some updates in the home base I don’t I still don’t have the solar

Panels but we do got an oxygen bubble in here now I mean we’re making so much oxygen in here now like 318 per second that we can easily run the oxygen distributor over here so in here it’s completely breathable air so yes yes yes the end the chests

Are cheaper that’s very true that they are cheaper but isn’t it more cool to just have Rockets flying around all the time that would just be way better in my opinion it’s also nighttime so yay I think our fingers over there oh we dinked again also because there’s no atmosphere

Audio is a bit muffled don’t don’t worry about that that that’s how things are over here all right all right little space mine over there here we go here we go and just add chest that thing over there should still have a decent amount of

Fuel we didn’t bring any fuel so if it’s low on fuel well [Laughter] oops that should still be more than enough fuel in in the fuel loader it’s a little bit low lubricant that could be an issue but that’s fine that’s fine all right um yeah let’s start putting you down fish

BOS Bish B Bish and then you over there and then one on top there we go good wait a minute this one does nothing all of these are kind of configurated um but that one is not can we maybe Place Another chest over here ah Le just do it like this there we

Go it’ll be fine good good good good yeah this one is also almost done it’s like only five more seven more chunks over here and then it’s done over here as well there was also the reason why I didn’t really said there a high priority

To come over here to fix this thing up but it would be nice to to have this thing be completed over here and then we can bring everything back home I mean this one over here is going to be mining out Galina copper uh balk seed and balk

Seed so double balk seed over here which is great there will be more than enough for us to get even more tanium in and the Galina is definitely going to be more important in the future um but at the moment we’re mining Elite and aluminum so yes good good good good good

All right all right perfect well then I’ll guess we go to the moon base and then we just G to call it over there because there isn’t much left for us to do over here because the whole Moon over here it’s it’s pretty Barren I mean the only

Thing we could do over here is is hunt monsters or maybe try something else over here but but there’s really nothing much to do even The Villages over here are kind of kind of [Laughter] boring good good good good good I mean most of the time we kind of over stream

Every now and then doing a little bit of an underst stream will also be fine dungeons yeah there’s Moon dungeons um and you do need to raate the Moon dungeons to get like the tier 2 rocket schematic as well as the uh moon buggy schematic but actual good resources in

The moon dungeon you will not find any you’ll still find like like like a bar of iron and stuff like that in the moon Dungeons and you just go like ah yeah those are things let’s have a quick look at you yeah there’s just more than enough

Fuel in here and hour nothing to worry about so we can get back all right well then inside we go living under a tree on the moon no worries to be had is there anything good in here uh some liquid oxygen a whole bunch of reinforced glass uh some oak leaves a

Door some monster Parts lovely more than enough of the wrong fuel no more than enough of the correct fuel good it’s also about to be daytime even even better good good good good good good good but yeah uh sadly we could not finish up the nuclear power plant part

I’ll be doing that over the weekend probably uh get that nuclear power Runing so that we can have a fullblown nuclear setup we just need to make a little bit more power and I actually think like one amp maybe two amp of eeve would be more than enough to keep the

Base running so maybe that ambitious plan of making putting down like eight reactors where we’re going to do that like one at the time and then with that we should have enough power to to at least make make it so that the biodiesel process can can

Recover a bit then not only that we also do want to improve our biodiesel usage there is a whole another tier of processing we can put also that um and that’s more or less the thing we’re preparing on in that second building we have in our home base where we’re going

To be making things like superg glue and fuel binder and stuff like that to make like the the high performance charcoal if you dude of the weekend keep OBS running in the background for quick explosion recording I mean the game will be running on the server regardless I mean [Laughter]

Um we might even miss the explosion if there will be an explosion uh I might even switch out all those blocks inside of the reactor from like um these blocks reinforced Throne to the even more pled blocks but we will see we will see good good good good good

But yeah nothing much to do so we just leave shorter stream today but that is fine that does mean that we might be able to raid somebody that we haven’t raided in ages Who’s online who can we get usually we go to Mike because usually Mike is

Our Target after this but maybe maybe there somebody else there’s nobody else there’s only Mike so we will just be raing micro quick good good good good good all right all right all right good so next week more factorial Monday Tuesday and Thursday more gratic New Horizon on Friday then also Le fun

Seeker thank you so much for the lovely rate guys if you don’t know who L fun is get over there leave him a follow he’s bloody amazing Maron thank you so much for the resub AR chronus thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs and then

There were a whole bunch of follows in there as well thank you all for those as well and and see you next time Aussie and JD are streaming right now I see but but let They al be on the Aussies what they’re probably doing what are they

Doing eus ah is that s the game that’s being played it was super hyped at some point in time and then it kind of stopped well I’ll check out aie afterwards nevertheless thanks so much for the day I’ll be back on Monday with factorio Tuesday um factorio Thurday

Vioro Friday GRE Tech and at some point in time we’re going to go back to rim world because the rim World DLC will be coming out soon and there will also be a star game coming up soon because as starc will be coming out as well so way

Too much stuff for us to do nevertheless have an amazing evening have an amazing weekend and until next time good Night

This video, titled ‘Minecraft GregTech New Horizons! We are running low on Power! Time for the first Nuclear Build!’, was uploaded by Bold Viking on 2024-03-15 22:11:23. It has garnered 123 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:34 or 13834 seconds.

Social links:

twitch – https://twitch.tv/boldviking twitter – https://twiter.com/boldviking2 youtube – https://youtube.com/boldviking discord – https://discord.boldviking.red-circuit.org

Intro and Outro music by @ScottBuckley Legionnaire (Original Version) by @ScottBuckley – Released under CC-BY 4.0 www.scottbuckley.com.au

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR

    Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With Trial Chambers to explore, have no fear. Crafting new challenges, with monsters to fight, In rooms of mystery, hidden from sight. The Trial Chambers, a place of intrigue, With spawners and puzzles, for players to besiege. Each room unique, with its own design, A blend of ancient civilizations, so fine. The sound of fire, the soul of Minecraft, A touch of magic, in every craft. With copper and grates, an industrial feel, A new dimension, for players to reveal. So dive into the update, with Trial Chambers in… Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet: MineCraft Rhyme Time

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  • 15 Years of Minecraft News

    15 Years of Minecraft News Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft: Latest News and Updates Minecraft Milestones Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game, celebrated its 15th anniversary on May 9, 2010. To mark this special occasion, Mojang offered a massive 50% discount on Minecraft – a treat for all the fans out there! Exciting Developments The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over several recent announcements: Minecraft in Browser Players can now enjoy Minecraft directly in their web browsers, making it more accessible than ever before. Dive into the blocky world without the need for downloads or installations. Minecraft on Steam Minecraft has made its… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

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  • Crafting a Minecraft Prison!

    Crafting a Minecraft Prison! Expanding the World of Minecraft: Building a Prison Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into creating intricate structures that showcase their creativity and imagination. In this Minecraft Build, the focus is on constructing and expanding a prison within the game. Creating a Secure Environment Building a prison in Minecraft involves designing a secure environment to confine virtual characters within the game. The player’s creativity comes into play as they construct walls, cells, and other necessary facilities to mimic a real-life prison setting. Attention to Detail Attention to detail is crucial when building a prison in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6 Understanding the Logical Server and Client in Minecraft Modding Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, offers players the opportunity to delve into the world of modding. In the latest version, Minecraft 1.20.6, Fabric MC introduces the concept of the logical server and client relationship. This programming concept plays a crucial role in modding Minecraft, guiding players to make decisions based on the logical side of the game. Deciphering Server Side and Client Side One of the key aspects of modding Minecraft is understanding the distinction between server side and client side. The server side refers to the backend operations that… Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

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  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

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  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

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  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More