Expanding the Armory in Minecraft 1.20 HARDCORE Survival Let’s Play

Video Information

Foreign Foreign foreign foreign Happy Friday happy Friday how are we doing out here welcome welcome welcome welcome oh it’s wonderful to see you all welcome on in my friends welcome welcome it’s the Hardcore Minecraft Friday stream oh I’m so very excited I am so very excited to be playing Minecraft dude Minecraft

1.20 so fun so fun I can’t stop playing I can’t I just I just want to play 1.20 right now it’s just so cool uh first off Travis thank you so much for becoming a member we got SS love 99 with the four months thank you for being

Part of the wonderful community and Shadow Cat with five months love your videos you inspire Millions hey I appreciate you hanging out here and thank you so very much again for the five months see we got scribbly dibly in here we got Julie we got uh

Prophet saw Sarah what’s up miles how we doing Iron Knight what’s going on Yousef how we doing dark fire Beach mystica rain hello made it home to watch welcome welcome welcome oh my gosh oh my gosh hi everybody hi everybody Sarah how we doing yeah it’s very hot here today I

Was like I can’t I can’t wear an actual shirt I will be sweating like crazy I will be sweating like crazy Shanae hi welcome on in here we go I see we got Jay what’s up Malo how you doing good to see you Evan welcome welcome welcome bunny missed you

Hey we’re here we’re here we’re trying blocky what’s going on eggs left me how could they how could he Marcel what’s going on looks hot where you are yeah it’s it’s a toasty one today it’s really humid I was outside watering all the plants in the garden and I was like I’m I’m

Sweating I’m just already sweating oh my gosh oh my gosh Nat Renee how you doing hi hi hi swampy chicken what’s going on Taz thank you so much for the 16 months at tier two Friday stream hype indeed oh wow wow wow wow bird draws thanks so much for the four months yay

Hardcore stream yeah we got a lot of stuff we’re gonna be working on today one I promise we will be tackling the trucker monster but first we’ve got a few other things to do first and we run out of time on now it just isn’t gonna happen What do we do oh no

It’s fine we’ll figure it out we’ll do it TK Ander what’s going on what’s going on gonna see you good to see ya it’s hot in Seattle isn’t it yeah it’s it’s like it’s mid it’s gonna be like mid upper 70s today but it’s humid so it’s like sticking like we were in

Arizona last week and it was 105. which was really hot if you’re in the Sun but the second you’re out of the sun it was okay and now here I’m out of the Sun and I’m just like I’m dying bunny thank you so much for the donut

So sassy today I haven’t even gotten started Megan Bart said thank you so much for the three months great way to spend my birthday morning happy birthday can we get some happy birthdays in the chat please my friends happy birthdays in the chat Ryan thank you so much for becoming

A supporter Fufu thank you so much for the tier one membership I really do agree skate thank you so much for being here hello welcome on in welcome welcome welcome there we go there’s all the birthdays thank you thank you thank you thank you and my friends while you’re leaving a

Happy birthday leave a like on the stream to help me out I very much do appreciate it we’ve got 1500 people in here and we’re not even at 500 likes yet I believe I believe we can do it also now is the point where the stream usually crashed did anybody crash today

Or has the 30fps thing actually worked by the way can you tell that the stream quality is worse this week compared to previous weeks that I want to know it would be a little bit lower on the stream on the FPS but quality should be about the same we’ll download at 5 000

Days uh no World download will be when do we do the last one episode 30 and I’m on episode 38 now so we might do on an episode would you prefer episode 40 because it feels like not much has happened let me pull up this series we’re gonna look at this we’re gonna

We’re gonna we’re gonna do some investigation to the flip YouTube channel playlists where is it wow we’ve been going on for a long time beautiful place foreign yeah episode 30. oh I guess it’s a lot has happened that we did the village transformation wow that was three months

Ago okay yeah episode 40 we’re doing a world download it’s been three months since last ones yeah episode 40. are we in episode 39 yeah okay yeah we just put out episode 38 yesterday and since the last World download we’ve done the ocean Monument build which was really cool we’ve done

The industrial district we’ve done the copper Factory we’ve done the horse stable and Racetrack and I actually really want you all to go and do the race and let me know what time you get I think that’d be fun and then we did the auto Farm episode

Then we that did the mountain building and we did the updating to 1.20 episode and then the armor trim and armor episode okay yeah yeah now we’re World download coming forever for supporters at uh episode 40 when we get there that’s that’s gonna be the boy we’re going there you go

Raider thank you so much for the Dono uh one thing I would not recommend doing is asking that question on live streams uh it kind of comes off on live streams as hey people subscribe to me when I know I hope you’re just asking the question instead of doing that I

Appreciate the Dono um the biggest way you can generate Subs is learn how to stand out but still be in something that people are looking for the way I did it back in when I was starting building with whip and where I really first started growing was instead

Of putting tags on my channel that said Minecraft I put this was back in 1.12 so I’ve been around for a while I put Minecraft 1.12 Survival Let’s Play the big channels don’t put that in there and so you’re when people do search for that you have a higher chance of showing

Up if you put Minecraft as a tag and you have two subscribers on your channel and I put Minecraft as a tag on my video and I have one point almost 5 million subscribers You’re Gonna Lose there’s just no way you’re gonna win that battle

Uh so you need to learn how to play the tag game you need to go research about search engine optimization super fun right who wants to learn about SEO because that’s how you be a YouTuber you need to learn how to work with the search engine and also make good content that’s kind

Of priority in number one learn how to make good Content Party number two learn how to Market your content to be successful if you’re doing both those things right and you’re not gaining growth you’re actually doing one of them wrong if you’re doing both correctly and you’re you think you’re doing them correctly

And you’re like why don’t I get subs you’re actually not doing them you’re one of those you’re doing wrong and have good audio well that comes with making good content so you know there’s there you go there’s your tips for the day all right let’s get into Minecraft shall we where

I have been sitting here before stream started hanging with my sniff sniff I’m trying to get a bunch of sniffer eggs because I think in the next episode I really want to use torch flowers uh so I’m working on getting as many sniffer eggs as I can I’m kind of just

Storing them for now because these guys they poop out enough seeds for now uh Ryan thank you so much for the donut what do you think the next MC update will have dude if it is not something to do oh we got two more uh with the end and or an inventory

Update I think I will actually be sad no I won’t be sad I I whatever Mojang ads for updates I appreciate like they’re still updating this game I built I paid 18 for 10 years ago I’ve never had to pay anything else for it so that’s pretty cool

Um but yeah I think oh did we get the last tag yeah yeah we should have three okay perfect um I would love for an end update I think the end just needs more and it gives them the ability to fill in those missing wood colors that we don’t have

Like we don’t really have a good purple wood type there are no outside of purpur which is kind of a weird one there’s no good like purple slabs and stairs in the game like there’s just none uh so having something for that yeah we got five eggs now

Which I’m just not hatching now because I just want to be able to move I want to move these boys that are down there and that’ll be stressful uh to move them around and then I want to just hatch the new ones where we get them so redo the end yeah

The end outer end Islands they need an update and they just need something more fun I also wouldn’t be surprised if the next update has something player progression wise in it I think that is something Mojang needs to add because they’re starting to the Cosmetics like

Armor trims and things like don’t get me wrong this stuff is so cool inspiration to me but they don’t really have anything that’s like increasing player power right now and I think there’s a big community that likes that so I think they’re gonna add something along those

Lines I don’t know what but I hope it’s not anything too absurd where it just makes the game too easy um so I think it could also be fun if they just like a full decoration block update I think would be cool um even if like their power upgrade is

Actually giving the Fletching table a use I think that would be good my friends if you have not please be sure to leave a like on the stream we are at 800 likes I think we can get up to a thousand I think we can do it we

Almost got 1800 people in here that means a thousand of you vast majority if not like the Stream but anyways I don’t have my electron uh I think the sniffers I want to relocate them over here I think we’re gonna turn World spawn into sniffer habitat land I know it’s going

To add more entities here but I also want the farm to be running constantly I haven’t looked it up or tested it really if sniffers work if players aren’t nearby so like if you can spawn chunk them and they’ll I guess they wouldn’t move so

They won’t be able to find new seeds but we’re around this area enough and I want to build around here so I I think it could work because we got the iron farm that cactus farm needs to go or maybe that’ll be next episode I actually put a building around it

So that could be something uh we got Bella thank you so much for the Dono I really do appreciate that that’s very very kind of you Rumble Bumble with the tier two membership I really appreciate that make sure you join the Discord if you want to jump on the server you can

Do that at tier two my friend if you’re looking for a Java Minecraft server to hang out on and profit thank you so much for the 17 months cute sniffies you’re right they are cute sniffies uh kaija thanks so much for coming to supporter I really do appreciate that

And I missed another one in there Jax thank you so much for the two months I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you all right my friends I think so for now uh we need to find so there’s a reason why I need to organize this

Today is because it’s an absolute mess um actually it might still be in my under chest goodbye rocket you served us terribly yeah so we need this guy here we’re gonna need to go buy some more bricks because I’m actually out of them uh but

We can do that really easily and then I need my gyrite one we’re gonna need that too and then there should also be one in here that’s mostly mushroom blocks or maybe I put it down somewhere nice to meet you where’s my diorite box that’s my birch box

I usually have a diorite box oh oh there it is oh there’s both of them perfect okay let’s go buy some bricks and then we’ll get to work on the wall so what I’m thinking building wise today I just want to do a quick little run through and uh

Finish up this little section from here over to here just to kind of cap that off and then that’ll give me kind of a better idea of what building I can smash into here and then the goal for that Gatehouse those two little circle rounded off rectangles

Let’s go with the proper term for arm um my plan just to keep it on theme with the city and make sure everything’s standing in here you don’t always have to do something unique you can reuse assets especially if it’s not even close to it so I want to duplicate this this

Whole thing up here we’re gonna just flip it and put it over on that side with the flags and everything on it I think it’s going to look really cool um so we’re gonna do that that’ll be great uh thanks so much for the donut my dude

The only place you can find sniffer eggs is in suspicious sand so you gotta either be in a warm ocean a lukewarm Ocean or finding desert Wells those are the only place the sniffer Ed can spawn they do not spawn in cold ocean biomes I can confirm that the amount of people

That I’ve seen put out videos being like I swear they spawn here just not as much they actually they don’t spawn there they don’t go read the wiki um so your typical YouTuber click baiters um are lying to you I’m sorry but yeah if you want to get sniffer eggs

Go all the way out to a warm ocean you can know you’re in one by the watercolor it’s the lightest color of blue that you’re gonna find it’s almost like a turquoisey or if you’re in a coral reef there you then you just start looking for them nope we want brick blocks

Also a bunch of people commented on the video saying Hey flip you know these can stack right decorative pots what I meant by not being able to stack is here you can’t put stacking in there I know you can stack them like that that works great but you can’t

Stack them in your inventory which is the big bummer because they take up so much space sorry I had to rant about that I want to put big pots everywhere in my world and they’re just so look at that they take up two spots that’s 128 blocks worth of space

I think I want to live like that no I will I will do it for the pot s Minecraft pots like decorated pots you should do a grand entrance to the Cave City what do you mean they need a grand entrance to the cave city is that

Not perfect enough for there I don’t know what you’re talking about hey we hit a thousand likes right show almost at 1100 likes thank you everybody how did it take to find the iron customization tablets um do you mean these the armor trims to do like this stuff that was um

We did a bunch of them on stream which was like a four hour stream and then the remaining ones took me about another three hours in total silence here was so easy I I was so happy when I found that if you go and watch the clip back I’m like I

Was just so overwhelmed with just being so happy about it that I found it because all I knew was I I follow silent whisper on uh Twitter we we haven’t done anything together in Minecraft for a very long time and he’s a Bedrock Minecraft Youtuber if any bedrock players rather cool guy

Um but he was talking about how he’d been searching forever and he could just never find one and he he did like four or five days of streaming multiple hours every single day to keep trying to find the silence one and just couldn’t get it and I was like this is gonna take

Forever I don’t have that much time to record this video like I am in big trouble if this takes a long time and then I get it in the Second City and the amount of joy the amount of emotions that I went through in like a 30 second period

Which is so much it was so funny I wish I got the tide armors trim but I’m still too weak uh if you take an invisibility potion and you don’t wear any armor I think you can kill them without them seeing you you just have to

Hit once run away hit once run away hit once run away um but if you’re playing in hardcore maybe don’t do that um if you take like a strength potion obviously don’t drink a bucket of milk because it’ll remove the potion effects but if you do that that can be a good

Way that you can you can get out there you can I believe in you you can do it you’re you’re a professional I believe okay uh step one here let’s take these guys and then I also need a good amount of those and we also gotta go put the pots down

Quickly before we forget I must put my pots on the ground hot oh oh oh oh I got bored this morning and so now we have a new person working the fishing stand he’s like hey do you want the fish do you want this fish do you want to eat

This fish hey you want the salmon so he he now works at the fish and chip stem um oh wow look at that guy how’d that get there uh and then we’re just gonna go through we can do that kind of the block is the Zone in so nobody can walk through there

You need to make a warden mob switch I don’t like mob switches I know they’re super helpful and they can help keep players alive for a lot longer if I just mob switches are not for me I I think it why I play Hardcore Minecraft if you’re going to get rid of every

Single mob in the world play how you want play how you want play WoW Diablo and have three Minecraft series walk the dog and have a social life and a wife love you Alice thank you so much for the dodo let’s see the secret is the secret lots

Of caffeine and not a lot of sleep no I’m kidding uh no I I I’ve been trying to be a lot more balanced with what I’m doing in life I I think it’s started to pay off but thank you so very much for the Dono I really

Appreciate that that’s very kind of you okay uh we’re gonna start this now if we just kind of Stack these guys up the reason I’m doing this is because I put the Deep slate going sideways against it and like this and then we’re just never

Gonna see those so I want to do that I actually I was gonna say I stopped playing wow but no I started playing wow classic I’m in trouble I started playing wow Wrath of the Lich King Classic and uh I don’t think I’m gonna be playing it for that long

I don’t think I’m gonna be playing it for that long because the community is rough man they are not nice people I’m just I got my character I’m like decently geared I know what I’m doing and people like no you suck you’re not coming to any groups I’m like okay

That’s fine I can still beat all of you but that’s okay I will say I know I was talking at the end of the video about uh jumping out and doing like a new side project I’m very much thinking about doing that I am thinking it’s time to take a break from

Current projects and just go experience something new in the Minecraft world for a little while uh I don’t think it’ll be a long one but I am actually we’re just yeah we’re gonna do that I don’t like it stepping up a single at a time uh then we’ll

Bring you down and do that perfect okay and then we’ll just make that wall section a little taller that’ll be okay but yeah so I think we’re gonna build the sniffer one next episode work on spawn and then after that I’m thinking because that would be you know what

Maybe we get through episode 40. we do episode 39 sniffer thing episode 40 maybe we work on covering this section here not with buildings just like terraforming and then some buildings around here I want this to be like a big cool Market Square I’ve got an idea in

My brain about what I want to look like so maybe we do that and then episode 41 we kind of take a break and move over to Desert and do some stuff with the uh do some stuff with camels and things such a shame we’re at the beginning was

Amazing the original multicore yeah I I the first time I really got into wow was actually rather Lynch King back in the day like that’s when I got really into raiding and like did like what I guess would be considered Cutting Edge at the time was like killing the Lich King and

All that stuff loved it I had so much fun um and that’s where I like really fell in love with the game and then uh I kind of just not falling off but I just like more casually played in the recent years I was really getting into it back in dragonflight but I

Realized that for me I don’t want to raid nice to meet you it’s just too much time and just too much of a headache to want to do so I just I’m not even bothering with it okay so we want to take this here and we’re just gonna kind of start

Working up what am I missing we’re missing terracotta yeah we’re missing terracotta and we’re gonna come back in at the end and add in that little extra texture stuff I was doing that should be enough do we want drip Stone no yeah I mean we can use the protection at the

End that could be fine build a mega build at 1.5 mil maybe who knows we just hit a crazy Milestone on the channel today by the way for the first time ever I hit a million views in 48 hours on the flip YouTube channel so

Uh I put a tweet out yesterday where I was just like yeah so not me laying on my floor right now being overwhelmed with all the support recently and I I very much I was lying on the floor right there just like I just need to take a

Minute and look at my phone um so yeah it’s been the recent months have been absurd actually the reason the last six weeks like the two cents like the week or two before new life started kind of at the end of Empires everything on my channel has just went

And I just I really appreciate it y’all I absolutely really I don’t even know what to say words are words are hard at this point but the the support from everybody recently has just on the videos and all that has just been mind-blowing I don’t even

I don’t even know so I just I I guess what I want to say is I’m just very grateful thank you everybody for all the support it’s been it’s been really cool it’s been a bit of a headache recently um of our we’ve had a we went from this year being

Like all right we’re gonna save money and just kind of start preparing to like do some bigger projects around the house and things in the next few years and then it turned into this summer our decks decided to rot out so we have to build a new deck and we’re pricing that

Out right now and talking with a few groups and then our if you saw the post from Monday our shower door decided to just shatter so we don’t have a bathroom in our bedroom now uh so we’re in the process of now going through and just the whole

Bathroom is pretty bad it was really rough when we moved in the house and so it’s always been like all right we’re gonna we need to remodel it but just doesn’t need to be remodeled now so now we’re like doing a bathroom remodel and we’re doing a new deck this summer after

We did like a huge thing at the house last year and so it’s just like oh expensive uh and that’s not me saying donate please uh that’s just me saying I really appreciate the support so far so thank you I really appreciate it it’s one of those things that has just made

The stress of that whole situation pretty much disappear so I just really appreciate it but anyways Julie thanks so much for the five months uh we got Nero with the 10 months thank you thank you thank you Alice again thank you so much for the Dono earlier

Uh admix I think so uh thank you so much for the donut I probably butchered that one chroma holster with the 10 months again I think no no I think you’re new Julie and Grandma sir thank you both I love catching live streams and I’m building a giant tree as a home any

Advice on the roots make them bigger than what I did the roots of a tree typically expand as far out as the entire canopy of the tree because it needs a strong base so you wanna probably don’t do that completely above ground because the most that’s underground but you want to give the

Illusion of that if you’re building a giant giant tree you’re going to want to make the roots bigger than what I did here I think I’m eventually going to have some like popping out down here like coming down the mountain uh Mac thank you so much for the 12 months I

Think that’s Mac thank you thank you thank you I really do appreciate that it’s very kind of you we forgot granite Didn’t realize this was Flip’s Channel it’s nice to use any terracotta is it nice to use any Terracon to build these walls uh I and here would maybe use Brown terracotta but I really like the base terracotta because we’re kind of going into that mud from to the brick

And then that kind of helps tie them back but still give that cool color highlight so they used to me I forgot to check out how tall we are up here Shan thank you so much for the 17 months at tier two loving all the content hey I really

Appreciate you hanging out for this long Miss May thank you so much for the five months at tier two going through a bit of a rough time still right now but still able to support you I hope your home projects get figured out hey I really appreciate that hope things turn

Around for you here too I feel like it’s not just that start of summer it’s just where like oh my God everything is happening okay what Block Level are we at down there that’s 85 and I’m standing at 92. so how tall are we seven and this is

Supposed to be so we’re gonna bring this oh no I can just follow this line because then we’ll drop it down one and then we’ll drop it down another okay yeah yeah sorry mental mental talking out loud without explaining the entire situation I think by now if you’ve hung around the channel

For a bit you should be used to that on this channel so yeah nope that’s that’s how we do here that’s how we do okay so this is going to be where we start dipping it back well right here will be where we bring it down a block so this needs to be

Leveled all the way up and that should do and then from here we’ll just break the rest maybe with a little granite and then we can brick perfect okay uh I wish you could make the branches of three bigger that’s the only thing I

Don’t love oh that yeah no I I I want to change the tree it’s one of those things that I see all the comments on it and I’m like yes I agree I agree a hundred percent that something needs to be changed on the tree but no we’re not doing that we’re bringing

Up another one at the same time the scale that that project is going to be that tree right there took me three weeks to build the entire thing from scratch and a week and a half was spent doing that just the top that that cloud is blocking

Right now thank you Cloud you’re doing great uh was just on the canopy that’s why I didn’t go any bigger is because I was at the point where I was like I need to get this video published I cannot spend any more time working on this I’ve spent a month and

Wasn’t that right before the wedding too if I’m remembering timelines right so I was like I need to I just need to publish the video I have to I had to call it I had to call it somewhere I want to fix it oh gosh do I wanna want that to be updated

Um and then I was like I I can’t I I can’t spend any more time on it I have to call it so I’m very aware that it’s bad and I’m very aware that it’s a project to fix later uh it’s just whenever that project comes

Around I don’t know I do want to do it though I really want to expand it the goal is to expand it basically probably from there coming out to about here like the canopy is gonna pretty much double in size which means that’s probably gonna be

Two weeks of building just for the tree and that’s like all day building like that’s like build for the entire day that doesn’t even count getting blocks and everything in here okay so that goes to here and then we’re gonna take to this one nope are they all flat from here

The tree is good but the branches need a little work yeah exactly oh yeah it is all flat from you oh no okay I did mess up this was supposed to come down and then that’s supposed to come down another one okay uh we need to take the tops of these off

Hold up thank you okay so that right here correct okay so you need to come down one you need to come down to and that’ll be okay if the mud’s coming all the way up and then you need to be one lower than that I was like this feels really tall I know

It’s a really tall wall to begin with but it was feeling really tall I caught him cheating with light Manuka mod and armor trim timestamp 3309 that is the comment I’ve ever read you’re calling light matica cheating just leave just go away oh my God a YouTuber decided to pre-plan their build

So they could make better content uh how could they cheat they’ve lied to me no just go away you’re so dumb oh my God somebody’s been drinking the Kool-Aid of clickbait of clickbait channels that’s all I’m saying I can’t even I can’t even give a serious response to that

If you think light matica is cheating I’m just gonna tell you now I’m just gonna tell you right now you would be calling every single Minecraft Youtuber cheating you would be saying every single Minecraft Youtuber out there right now that does work anything building related is cheating

That is what you’re saying right now and if you’re saying we’re all cheating that’s just the rules of the game if everybody’s cheating then it’s not cheating that’s that’s really really big dumb take you’re right yeah I did use light madica and you want to know why I don’t

Show it in the videos is because the content looks better without it I won’t hide that I use it at all like sure yeah no I use it and it’s because it allows me to one design a better build so you have a better product in the end so there’s something more interesting

For you to enjoy two it helps me build quicker which means you get more videos that only is a benefit for you um and three it just helps with actually getting the things together if you ever watch anybody’s video whether like yeah so I need about three and a half stacks

Of blah blah blah blah they’re using light matica or you wanna know what else they’re using they’re the the other option for that is they have pictures on their side monitor we’re just gonna put this up here so I can jump up uh that have the entire

Build on it and then they probably have a picture of every single angle that they’re just copying over and you know what I’ve done that too that’s a waste of time that is a terrible waste of time that gets you no benefit so the way that I do it is when I’m

Building the thing and talking about it and making it I go through and write notes on what I’m thinking when I’m designing this thing when I’m designing it in a creative world and getting that thing ready to go I’m writing down what I’m thinking and then when I’m recording I’m just giving you

All my thought process of what I was going through like where where I was at what I was thinking what everything was going on in my brain so that you can still have the experience of me working through the thought process that’s I I have seen a few people being like

You have light Manuka you don’t think I’m like yeah but this is what I was thinking of when I was doing it you’d be sassy about it too I mean no I think SAS can be very warranted when somebody blatantly comes into your live stream and accuses you of cheating

When there is no nothing to be made out of it you wanna know who I also assume that they watch is those channels that just cheat everything in their hardcore series probably like big hundred day Minecraft Youtuber fan and then doesn’t realize that every single one that they’re watching the

Super clickbaity ones that publish videos all the time that every single one of them is actually cheating and just spawning in items and adding time to their game to make it past days hmm but no no it’s me it’s me who’s cheating and wrong because they actually caught this one

Where’s the other ones they I think it’s one of those things where if you have to hide things in your content that’s when it’s wrong like if you’re openly like trying to like think about things and hide it from your content so viewers won’t pick up on

It or whatever you want to say like that’s when you’re like in the gray area I don’t care to hide it I feel like I do is very legit I nothing I do is cheating I’ve even had the glitch in this world where I randomly fell through the world riding a skeleton horse

Told you all about that on a live stream there’s nothing hidden in this world pleased to meet you okay uh that should work we’ll do that the inside’s gonna be really hidden so it doesn’t have to be as perfect who’s your favorite 100 day YouTuber I don’t watch any of them

I find 100 day style content to be so generic I don’t watch any of it actually that’s the only one who I watched through the hundred days was Joel because Joel actually does in it in in an interesting way everybody else is going full Luke

The notable motive and so I spent a and then I spent this day Gathering logs and over here on this day I gathered more logs and now we’re on day three where I also gathered more logs like that’s not interesting if the comment if the commentary is

Generic I am not interested in it at all I can’t I can’t even get myself to sit there watching it okay let’s grab pause this and go get some logs what about Lizzy Lizzy only made 100 days video but she did a good job back that was back when they’re in

Anybody with light Monica questions join Discord there’s a lot of good videos on how to use it and what it can do can’t watch hundred days content yeah I I kind of the only inspiration I took for 100 days content is the level of effort that I put into a

Video most of my videos take about 120 in-game days to produce that’s just where it lands um sometimes more sometimes a little less like this last video was 97 in-game days to produce between finding the armor Trims and getting this built and everything like that or it might have

Been like 105 I don’t know so like technically 100 days of content but that’s just what I use as like a way to gauge the amount of I guess you could say effort to put into a video I don’t think effort’s the right word but it’s the only one coming into my brain

So that’s kind of where I land on it is I I use 100 days I the thing I got out of the hundred days being so popular was that like oh we need regular slabs um was you can use it to like it proved that spending more time on a Minecraft

Video and showing more gameplay and footage instead of just like the old school uh I’m gonna play for an hour and record and that’s what I’m posting or I’m gonna build one house and that’s my post for today which has its place there’s still a lot of people that do

That and they do it well um but for me that’s I I never enjoyed that like back in the day when I was doing building with whip and I was building one house and trying to get three videos out per week and really struggling to get those out I really did

Not enjoy it I was getting really burned out on that because I was just feeling like I was churning through to get video you broke off the lead ner he’s done that a few times and 1.20 leads are breaking like I’ve had a lot of oh you’re not you’re

Supposed to be up one other I’ve had a lot of leads break in 1.20 has anybody else noticed that okay uh also uh man coverage thank you so much for the 2-2 membership red fire Panda thank you so much for coming member we got frozen steel thanks so

Much for the donut I really appreciate that I’ve been watching you for years and it’s been great keep up the great work great inspiration hey I really appreciate it that’s very kind of you and Ali thanks so much for the 17 months new viewer I adore your content hey

Thanks Jillian I appreciate that well come on in all right we will have to do something with that la the reason why I moved him there is because I was flying around I went to repair all my stuff in the end popped out a spawn and he was broken off his

A little post lenero thank you so much for the three months I really appreciate that love your dedication good content everyone does what they can to make their job easier and outcome better yeah exactly it’s like ah curse you for being efficient how could you how could you be efficient

So that for the person who earlier who was like wow it’s really impressive that you can do all these things that’s how it’s figuring out how to be more efficient with your time one of those things pre-plan the build get in there and do it sure there’s I know some people are like

Well Looney does it legit sure that’s great Looney can do play how he wants to play this is how I want to play I have more fun designing and creative and then putting it in game because I think I can make a better product which for me makes the game more fun

No hate towards Looney building in all legit and survival like that’s totally fine I think it’s a different brain mentality and I think in that route it turns more into using what you have on hand instead of using all of the blocks available to your disposal like looking at a creative

Menu is going to give you more don’t get stuck in there uh options like purely just buy the fact that all of the blocks are in there you will have better builds if you utilize them all sure if you plan in creative and you stick with your Spruce

On Spruce on Spruce on Spruce that some people do you’re not gonna have a better build because your build is going to look the same on everything but if you take the time to actually like look through and research about like what you have available

You can get a lot of better builds like that made me start realizing that I can use glazed terracotta and builds and make it look really cool and like the roof gradient there I would never have tried honey blocks if I wasn’t just scrolling through looking

For like an orange thing and I I love how it turned out also putting the oak next to the bamboo I found that because I was randomly just going through I would have done a full bamboo roof and probably not tried texturing it okay uh let’s go like this

And this is where it’s going to get a little weird we’re just gonna do these and then along the front here we’ll throw in the trap doors that is visible okay that has to stay there that’s fine we’ll just do that it’s okay nobody’s really gonna notice Nobody’s Gonna Know not texturing

How could you not texture something no the texturing and everything I do in here the big the only reason I’m able to do what I’m doing now is because I’m pre-planing it and uh getting an idea of what I want things to look like if you see anybody who textures remotely

To this scale and they’re just like doing it on the first try guarantee oh actually I want to see if that lead’s still here I would love to not lose that it is still here okay all right you stupid a little away ready go ready there he is

I’m gonna deal with you later just sit here stay stay we’re gonna put them in a box you can’t keep following me like that he’s gonna have to go into a box and Cherry yeah that works pretty well and Cherrywood reminds me too much of ice cream

It just gives big ice cream Vibes every time I look at it I I don’t know how I’m gonna use Cherrywood yet Cherrywood is something that I need to just I need to get in creative and just start messing around with it we might have to do a

Stream soon and just look at the new blocks because I don’t really know at all how I want to use it yet okay we need that course start We need regular uh lenero thank you so much for the three months uh uh I already got you on that one Skye

Thank you so much for the five months just finished work and it’s 4 30 a.m ooh go get some rest or hang out if you want to I used to do the night shift and uh a big thing for me I was always like I’m

Not going to bed as soon as I get back from work I I would always stay awake for like an hour hour and a half I’m almost out of scaffolding uh let’s pause this again go get some bamboo and make some Works happening I think that’ll give us a full stack

It’s a weird Hue yeah cherry blossoms like even the leaves even the leaves are a little too bam you know there’s they’re just like really just in your face sure they look great oh that’s two steps okay one stack of scaffold one stack of bamboo give you a stack of scaffolding

Put you back in there but like coming around the corner here just look how vibrant that is do you just see how much those leaves stand out I wanted something more like a dollar pink like if we could get like the pink terracotta almost in place of this pink I know this is

Realistic like that’s the color of cherry Blossom’s IRL uh and I they’re just too little a little too much for me a little too much use them to make pathways what’s your favorite wood it’s Bruce Big Time Spruce Wood fan uh jungle recently though I’ve really enjoyed working my jungle that’s been a

Fun one all right so we’re gonna go with like a oh that’s the spot yes we can fix it you do that and then we can do a course dirt actually that is gonna be dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt we’re gonna have to go inside and get

Some more I think this can also be a dirt you transform an ancient city Maybe an ancient like I don’t know I feel like ancient cities are just kind of bleh they’re so big and I I like the design of them I think they’re cool but like I don’t know

Maybe one day we’ll jump down there I’m not gonna say no because who knows it could happen uh oh there starts right there perfect what we’re doing it here too I’m gonna do one right here just to keep it safe why is that a squad no I think

It is yeah no I definitely is this also six spine this is five no please tell me it’s a firefly otherwise we have to move everything over a block like to I would go to bed but it takes me over an hour to get home okay okay what are we at

It’s five okay and five okay so the other one we actually got an extra block of building space perfect City looks so good I’m really happy with it it’s been really fun to work with So the plan for this little bit here I want to connect

It into this Gatehouse but we need to finish the Gatehouse first uh that might be that episode 40. we’ll we’ll finish this on episode 40 and get the road down there get this and then I want to work on like the Market Square there because that would be a really cool view

To have that all done like if you look at this like that with the wall here is very just in your face right now but eventually there’s gonna be buildings down here that are going to kind of blur that bottom straight line like I want to have the road coming

Through here we’re gonna have that big gate house but then there’s probably gonna be one building in front of it on this side and then that side is going to be buildings all the way and then we’re gonna have a dock section that’s probably gonna be there if not another block

Above that’s like a big Stone bulwark kind of that Vibe but just lower to the water level and coming out and we’re gonna have like enough space for buildings here like skinnier buildings probably like long ones uh there’ll be another row for buildings there and then we’ll have some

Dockside so I think that land back there is probably going to be opened up I’m debating on honestly I really want to turn this into like a Vineyard originally but we already got a Vineyard so I’m thinking we could maybe just like cut the land here and turn it into a lake

That could be kind of cool giving yourself more space for the boats to move around be a big project to take out all of this uh but that could be kind of fun um but yeah so that’d be really cool once this is all done but anyways that

Open space right there we have the Armory here and then that’s gonna be like a Barracks so it’s gonna be like a military looking Barracks that’ll be connected into the wall and that’s why I kind of left this weird space in here so that whole section is gonna be for a Barracks which

I think would be cool I hope it works out for the leaves you could just re-texture them I don’t like retexturing too many things in the game because that’s kind of where things start looking weird to viewers I know I could retexture them and it’d be totally fine like there

Probably won’t be an issue but it’s one of those things where I try to not alienate any viewers and I know already just being on that on Java versus Bedrock that it does that for some people uh just because there’s the little nuances in that but I can’t help that

Like that’s that’s Minecraft that’s not me um so I try to keep it a little bit easier Lake would make the doc aesthetic much nicer yeah look nicer I I’m kind of leaning towards that if we were to retexture the entire bottom of it like that is disgusting that flat in there oh

But if we were to retexture the entire Lake oh that could actually be so fun one day one day we’ll get in there been recently playing around with new whitewash textures lately I’ve been liking the snow block a lot the snow Block’s really cool but it’s uh

It’s such a Bluey tone compared to all the other whites especially when you think about it in terms of quartz but the thing that I will give the snowy block is the ability to work with snow layers if you can is so cool oh my gosh snow

Layers are so fun to work nice to meet you you can get so many cool slopes and shapes just working with snow layers that’s one of my favorite things I wish that like I want more layer blocks to do stuff like that but I also don’t want more layer blocks because that’ll take

So long to do like I’m already kind of dreading working with the cherry blossom petals little flower petals just because there’s the amount of shapes you can create with them absurd I’ll show you it’s really cool Austin thank you so much for coming to supporter and uh Kai Opel thanks so much

For coming to tier two remember join the Discord if you’re looking for a Java Minecraft server to play on my phone available for the tier 2 members and up boop boop and then we’re just gonna do like a very harsh one here actually no we’re not

I just want to make sure I’m not cutting to the same line yeah we’re okay cool cool Cherry pedals right that’s that’s what I want to do umzala welcome on in hope everything’s going on with the I hope everything’s going well with the family stuff but no pressure at all

You have a good day thanks for stopping by now when’s the server updating as soon as all of our mods get updated we’re gonna update we’re also looking about uh moving it to a new host that’ll just the same person that we use to run we used to run the Empire server

Uh we’re looking about moving the supporter server over there it’ll just be a better quality server um so we’re looking into that we haven’t made any moves on it yet but I’m highly considering it uh Cherry Blast battles not here let’s go find some all right that’s gonna be

Actually I’m just gonna stop that I’m gonna start a new one cool oh I forgot uh sick okay uh night time that looks nice I like that that curve on the wall coming down feels good feels good oh we forgot to check on the sniffers

It’s been an hour oh we probably lost so many seeds think of all of the sniffers we could have bred you could add like six more eggs how long do you plan on streaming today like two and a half hours but now with the wall done we do need to focus

Music is cool yeah yeah we got Good Vibes here I’ve been curating a playlist of Good Vibes only for a very long time we have achieved Good Vibes only I think I know where it is we gotta sort those junk boxes ah I see I told you exactly knew exactly

Where it is but yeah if you didn’t know on Cherry Blossom leaves well petals pink pedals the thing will always start here so if you do that you can create a circle You can create circles you can also create like little uh let’s see what would that be no maybe not that maybe we don’t make that shape let’s make this shape we can make a little plush sign so you can make little plus signs uh the

Only one that is so you can also do like this you can create like an off-centered block which is really cool um no it’s a square it is a square but it’s a Minecraft circle so you can create like an off-centered Flower Patch right in there look at that isn’t that

So cool because like that’s the block and you can just create that or you can do like a bam bam and a bam bam so you can you can have so many different varieties of off-centered blocks if you really were to try messing around with them you can do a heart wait heart

Right kind of well if you want to have that be a little thicker on the corners Minecraft heart I’m gonna have so many of these on the server yeah they’re pretty cool you can also bone me all them to get more so for those who are worried about just destroying cherry blossom biomes um that same farm that I have for so the uh glow lichen you can just do a

Simpler version of that here so you can just put a meal and get more you get so many yeah so you can just do fun stuff like this with them it’s if they turned all Minecraft flowers to be like this that 1.21 win it wins okay it just wins pleased to meet you

You do go through them fast because each little block that you fill out is four so be aware of that you rotate these flowers yeah you can it’s based off where you where you’re looking forward it’ll always go to the bottom right trying to find an open spot that could

Work for him let’s land on the sausage balloon rip mythical sausages last hardcore series everybody can we get some F’s some F’s in the chat and some likes on the Stream I really want to redo that for us by the way like I want to do like a low custom

Oak Forest right in here like redo all of those like bring some of those birch trees in over here and then do some big like fluffy oak trees and maybe some more guys like that one just like a three or four different types of trees we got our

Little oak tree over there like some of those mixed in oh baltha thanks so much for the 17 months also uh Brandon thanks so much for the six months I hope you’re doing well thank you so much I am hope you’re doing well as well uh uh Belfast uh getting close to the

Next tree can’t stick around I’ll catch up with the VOD later well you know what when you get here in the VOD thank you okay uh let’s just go and do a little bit like right over here that should be fine pleased to meet you we can also do a

Field out of pink petals eventually not today maybe in the next video If I Can’t Get Enough torch flower seeds so yeah we can do this Boop I’ll do that instead you can make so many fun shapes can we make a creeper face foreign you can’t do a full Creeper face you could probably do a larger skate with a scale [Laughter] no no no there there buddy they’re there you could write subscribe you could write subscribe

We could also write a like this stream I love these These are so fun oh my God I’m gonna get so distracted by these soon ah we are supposed to be organizing the shulker boxes we’re supposed to be organizing the shulker boxes we’re supposed to be organized in the shulker

Boxes we’re supposed to organize the shulker boxes but flowers yay flowers like these feel like little mountain flowers like this is like a perfect like spring time in the mountains just like going on a hike you get above the tree line and you’re just like flowers are everywhere

Look at that it’s like a face wait we got an ear we got an ear we made a bunny you can make a bunny face wouldn’t mind an entire stream of just this what shapes can we make with flowers okay this is our no we have 10 left okay do a little Boop

Foreign that’s all the pink petals now we can go into the sky they’re kind of small but I think that honestly so we can see them really closely from up here but if we go back down this way you probably won’t see them at all on

The hill wait I love that you only see them really from above because they’re so short you can barely see them here but then you get closer or you go higher up and you get even more detail I love that that’s so fun I ravdish okay we can’t put it off any longer

Let’s start organizing shulker boxes also we should definitely get to 2 000 likes we’re so close I believe in 2000 likes two thousand like gang yeah we gotta we got a ring on and clean the fuckerberg no you don’t go in there cruise I get oh shelves go over here

Uh we need a uh I’m actually gonna put this up here to symbolize mango banger okay put a hanging sound on top I guess we need a bamboo section here I just don’t really have one yet maybe I’ll probably just keep all the bamboo over at the bamboo Farm let’s be honest

Ly it’s be honest here we go uh I also don’t have a mushroom stem location are you using level one I use level one Rockets yeah level three rockets I find are more dangerous especially in close quarters because the Boost lasts so long and it also doesn’t give you any more speed

The Boost just lasts longer so if you are good at timing your Rockets so that they keep going uh so as soon as it like the little particles disappear you click another one you’re just gonna you’re you’ll be spending the same number of rockets the same amount of gunpowder you’re

Spending more paper but you might go through your Rockets a little faster I always carry a shulker of rockets on me and I also do that a lot so it would be annoying to lose them all the time uh let’s go check the sniffers for a distraction any seeds

Oh we got a petrified any torch flower boyos oh my God the insides of a sniffer anything I’m missing you another pitcher pod honestly the first field might be a picture pod field it’s just the way it’s going we got eight and we have one torch flower They’re kind of scary they are a little spooky we love them okay let’s get everything Stone related out of here and if we find any ores we’ll just bring them in there manually for now well let’s just start picking up shulkers that have stone Goods in them um

Well at least majority Stone and we’ll just take it down to the Quarry actually that one can we’ll bring that with us you can go yeah most of that’ll go actually will it what was in that one yeah most of that’ll go down there we’ll take that that’s all that’s in there

So we’ll just put them all in here and bring this one with us or torch flowers more I have yet to see either of them grown up because I’m so concentrated on getting enough sniffers to get a decent amount of them so I don’t even know actually I’ve seen the petrapod grown up

We have like two grown up down there and they look cool they’re not my favorite I think the torch flower is going to be my favorite the pitcher pod is just a little in your face which is not my favorite but it’s not bad it’s just kind of really bright so I think

I’m assuming it’s going to be torch flower but I’m also willing to eat my words on that one if I really start enjoying the picture pod because we have the petrapod grown down here and I don’t think I planted a torch flower yet any more seeds bios

No that’s the wrong thing boys seed picture bud any other little seats live live seed digging yes we can breed another sorry they kind of sound like Wookies they sound like a mix between a wookie like a higher pitched Wookie so I really like the Petra POD at like that stage I

Think that stage is really cool this one here is just a little too big and also I don’t like it when it’s a crop that it has that I do enjoy that it differentiates between a crop and a flower that’s cool yeah Wookie and a goat that’s a that’s a

Good way to think about it a Wookie and a goat foreign that is awesome I’m glad you used him I I was talking to them a little while ago and they said like I think nine or ten people have ordered PCS through them now which is very cool but thanks so much

For the donut hope you enjoy the new pc my friend yeah Seattle built PCS they’re absolutely amazing they’re really really cool good people over there good vibes okay who wants to poop a little egg out thank you for the Seattle Seattle letting me know you used it that’s awesome

Again hope you enjoy the new pc that’s that’s so good I think I might be doing another upgrade to mine I since we’ve been playing modded Minecraft it was not an issue at all before and this really should not be an issue this is a me being me thing

But if I have to AFK on the server like on new life right now to um I was talking about it before stream on Monday where I I crashed my PC before stream started uh because I was playing World of Warcraft no I was playing I was

Trying to play Diablo 4 and then straight then stream started and then so I had streamlabs open I had Diablo open and then I also had a modded Minecraft instance open and I had and then I also had like 10 chrome tabs like too much way too much I overloaded the

Memory on my computer and just everything crashed because I had like 20 gigs of memory trying to be utilized and I have 16 gigs in my machine so I think I’m gonna give myself a little summer early birthday present and uh get a actually we’re gonna put these over here

Get some more RAM in my computer I gotta download more Wham I think it’s that’s where I’m getting at no that’s assault I really want a drip Stone Farm I’m just gonna throw that into out in the world surprised you haven’t made it auto I don’t really care enough to make an auto storage I like to put multiple things in into a ones I know there’s like ways you can do

It where it will have like full storage capabilities and like multiple blocks per thing but I just I’m lazy that’s really the big part of it I also don’t mind this do I do it all that often no do I want to do it all that option also now

But you also can’t have this shape of a storage room with auto you’d have to have like a big wall and I just I like this I also like having multiple storage rooms and if they’re all individually automated I kind of picked up on it from BDubs a

Long time ago when he was I think it was like two hermitcraft seasons ago he was like yeah so every single building I make is going to be a different storage room for like that specific good or whatever like theme of goods like logs and everything like that and I kind of

Thought I heard that and thought about I was like that’s more or less what I end up doing like I build the buildings to show the things I don’t put the resources in them so then I don’t explore around my world because I just go into my one storage room and then I

Leave and so I was kind of like I’m gonna really start doing that like I I want it I’m gonna start building buildings that are going to have a purpose to go into right we’re running along Kabul I only have like 10 double chests so kudos to beat ups for that idea

It really I like it because I see my world instead of just seeing the project I’m working on I see I see so much more of the world it might take a little bit longer to go around and check all the storage rooms and the different things but

I I prefer it I I to me it makes me enjoy the world more and that’s that’s gonna make me want to play in the world longer and that’s that’s important part um uh Giuseppe I think thank you so much for the donut I really appreciate that

And Riles thanks so much for the Dono but Rouse isn’t here everybody are you a watch guy I want to be a smart watch person I really want to I love the idea of a smart watch and then I wear a watch and I’m like I am hitting everything

I feel like I’m just like one of those people that at the edge of a desk or something is Constitution like Bam Bam Bam just like it just rubbing and catching and I’m just like ah and also being a lefty I like to wear a watch on my right hand

Uh which then turns into that’s my mouse hand and so that I’m clipping the mouse all the time when I’m trying to um we’ve got a little bit of stone all of these are full that’s 16 17 double chests of stone almost 18. um

So I I would love to be a watch person but I just I don’t think I have it in me maybe one day when I retire from the computers me sorry I don’t think that they’ll come anytime soon trying to find all the different stones in here that’s there’s so much gravel

And everything oh that’s gonna be a good one I two on the Lefty being a lefty just means you’re more creative well not not necessarily true but lefties typically are a little bit more on the creative side because that side of your brain gets used more uh Foreign and then we’ll get all of that ooh Mossy Cobble look at that actually putting some Mossy couple back in the storage instead of having to make it in ticket somewhere I’m an ambidextrous nice I kinda I am when it comes to sports but when it comes to anything else I’m not

But I think that’s mostly just because I trained for that because I was a big water polo player and being a lefty gave a huge Advantage but then also being able to throw with both hands gave a really big Advantage so I kind of taught myself how to throw and

Pass and like shoot and everything left and right-handed and then that passed over into like a lot of other sports so or a lot of other aspects which was cool I’m definitely left-handed dominant though like 100 prefer to use that I think that’s all the stone yeah okay perfect nope an empty

We did it we emptied a box this is the wrong row my daughter’s right-handed and throws left yeah I’m left-handed but when I did anything like snowboarding or whatever I rode uh like whatever the right right way would go I always wrote I let Road left foot forward which is apparently what you’re

Supposed to do if you’re right-handed they get drilled with both feet for soccer now yeah I mean it’s good it’s if you can practice it earlier it’s and you can actually do it it’s going to give you a huge advantage in sports so in the Youth Sports era when everybody’s

Like if you’re just keep playing you’ll get a college scholarship it’ll be amazing and all the little uh 12 and 13 are like yeah I am going to be a professional sports player yeah and then you absolutely destroy your body in high school trying to play sports

To be able to get that college scholarship and then you don’t get it and then you’re just like oh no no I’m just gonna be in pain for the rest of my life yep cool like all those sports injuries that your coaches like just play through it you’ll

Be fine and you’re like yeah I will play through it you’re right coach to meet you uh glass goes here Mossy carpets actually you could go to here again Bella sniffer Farm in the future yeah that’s why I’m kind of saving up all the sniffer eggs USA moment

The amount that said I’m not talking about that is like way too high okay just I I was a huge swimmer and then I got into water polo so I was just like swimming for me for a good while like I was in the pool for more than 20

Hours a week for like a good while and that’s a very common thing with swimmers who are like swimming at that higher level is you’re just in the pool constantly I know talking to scar a few times about it he was doing the exact same thing when he

Was swimming back in the day um and then said she was a huge soccer player and so uh she was basically doing the equivalent on the soccer side and it’s so interesting did cheerleading six years and got three concussions in that time two in one year yeah

Uh I don’t have a dirt storage yet do I no what what of course I have a dirt storage ignore me uh let’s just take let’s do wood leaves we don’t have uh let’s do wood this wood that can stay here we’ll put that in the

Main building we don’t have a place for cherry or bamboo that’s a problem we’re gonna we might need we’re gonna need to figure out some way to expand the wood storage there’s a little bit in there it’s just that though so we’ll just take those you can definitely come back and those

Are both stalk there’s some wood in here we’ll take the box oh there’s also stones in there I missed pick that one take that hi from India hello how you doing welcome on in do you like volleyball I’ve never played volleyball uh but it seems like a cool sport

I don’t know why I put that on there I just wanted to edit the sign because I could work work oh there’s another Oak please be nice to the moderators by the way they help very much with creating the wonderful Community we have here so

Please be nice to them if you don’t want to be nice to them maybe you aren’t supposed to be in this community but that’s up to you we just are gonna say that and then we’re gonna ask people to be nice and if you don’t want to be nice

Well really you made that choice that’s not us so you’re the you’re the one who chose to leave just to throw that out there so please be nice to the moderators okay uh I think what we can do because I’m not utilizing these at all oh I am

Already would you look at that okay don’t look under my build not gonna be an auto sorted but it’ll be a something we’ll just smash all of them in here like a stripped bamboo yeah whatever that’s fine I like that color more anyways the other wood in there yep

Trappy doors how many days in this world we’re almost at four thousand two hundred we get in there we are getting up there it’s at this point where I’m just like not even paying attention to the day count I’m just letting it do its thing foreign say hi to me hi hello

Howdy Doody also the auto filter thing I put back here completely broken I we’re gonna have to come back on a stream one day and just take it out I want all those Hoppers back and also it’ll help get rid of a little leg if we do remove them so

We got to do it by the way one thing I want to start trying more is putting um more what’s the word glass in the builds I’ve been seeing people using glass panes as a way to like Smooth curves when using like a glass pane into like a fence than

A wall and like oh I love it and I really want to try messing around with it more oh Mangrove Doro Acacia doors and warped and then this goes here we love the mods SAS yeah I like to say they take after me okay we’re making progress

Feels really nice to have a case of logs in here instead of only acacia wood I feel so bad every time I’ve turned in acacia wood or just a wood Block in general if you turn that into planks I’m just like goodbye log do I have so many logs that doesn’t even

Matter yes but I still feel bad nice to meet you oh my gosh I missed so many actually I missed you uh Aries Centauri thanks so much for the eight months love the new armor trim so it almost feels like there’s too many options I can’t pick a favorite there’s a website called

Uh mind trim.com I will show behold mind trim.com it’s a little buggy so you sometimes got to go through and select the different ones for a while I had another right coloring but it was a the texture of the chainmail Helm um but you can go through here it’s

Amazing you can also show and hide different sections you can see what it looks like if you got your lytra on and then you can go through and just see what all of the different trims look like so you can be the Super generic silence boyo

And do full silence and then you can also be the Super generic silence boyo and do full diamond and then you can look like everybody else or you could do something unique and do something fun well here’s mine actually here’s tide tied and then I believe it’s shaper and shaper

Or razor isn’t it what is it host oh spire on the legs expire host that’s that’s mine and then I just did amethyst so you can go through here and you can mess around with them and this is the easiest way to see all of them like that’s my trim right there

That’s what I like I think it’s really cool um but what I was really close to doing player Oh many injuries but still play because I really enjoy it I really wanted copper but it was a little a little too much Malo thank you so much for the donut I really do appreciate

That yeah I get that I I would love to be in the pool still playing we I just I would love to get back into swimming and everything like that it’s just to find time where there’s actually like public swimming or like uh I guess I’m old

Enough now to qualify for the Masters teams which is the old um and uh yeah so I would absolutely love to get back into that’s great that you’re still doing it have you tried rock climbing I do not I my body is not built for that

I’m a water person I I do great in the water um yeah so this was one I was thinking I was really close with going with the blue but the blue is a little too dark I wanted the pop on the lapis but I also didn’t want to do the pop that everybody

Else is doing of like the super bright emerald like this was a really close one for me also gold was really close like that was that was definitely an option but I feel like most people are doing gold or Diamond so I wanted to purposely do something different I’m a

College swimmer Master starts at 18 years old yeah yeah I almost I almost did that I had a sports injury that made me that moved over to water polo because I couldn’t um water polo being more time is spent this way in the water then swimming is

All spent that way and so it really made I had a really bad back injury and being just vertical instead of horizontal the whole time actually helped get over the back injury so will not get over it but made it manageable one day I’ll get back into swimming just

To this year was probably not that day I think I’ll do rainbow start with a red up top yellow for chest green for pants blue or purple for shoes I love that do it do it do it do it do it do it do it all right we’re just gonna start combining boxes

And we’ll get all of those things sorted later I just want to eliminate empty boxes so I stopped opening them we might not be perfect today but if we can get most of the boxes gone I’m gonna call that a success I really need to get more storage rooms built out maybe

That’s a goal that I’ll have for the next city expansion is we actually add a new storage room I need one for like random things so maybe like a market because we need we need one for concrete powders I think and uh wool I need to take back to the

Sheep farm because that actually tells me how much I have uh but one day Otto thank you so much for the five months congrats on getting all the armor turns up and keep up the good work on all your MC content hey I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you

Hope you’re doing well today my friend we’ll leave how that can come out um Do I want to leave the chest here let me see how much space I’ve manager Jess I liked it I like to keep some chests on me do I have any in here oh we got 39 so we can put most in there uh we’ll put them

On well I’ll definitely use those to decorate soon that’s fine thank you that just needs to go back to the house we’ll take the wool down fly back up pick up everything and then go have you ever taught or played RL craft no I don’t really have interest in

Arrowcraft I watched a few people do it a long time ago and it just I just didn’t think it was interesting it I guess cool it’s one of those things that I think is cool to watch people play but it doesn’t seem like something I would really enjoy playing if yeah

Which I’m realizing more so recently in life is a lot of video games there’s a lot of games that I prefer to just watch people play instead of play myself like I love absolutely love watching people play strategy games I still blame myself I just don’t enjoy playing like

The player versus player side of it but if I can like watch a tournament like a Starcraft or an Age of Empires tournament I am so there for it oh love it every year I don’t know if it’s happening still but when BlizzCon used um would go on they’d have the big

Starcraft World Championships I was like in my seat popcorn like on the TV just watching and just like enjoying the I had so much fun watching those there it’s one of my favorite things but yeah I just I’m honestly it’s the fact that I’m not as good at it anymore

As I used to be that I just get frustrated and I’m just not interested in like seeing if I can train my brain to be that efficient in a strategy game anymore agent Empires 4 is so good yeah I had fun with that and then

I I just I kind of fell off after the second season I think I’m just gonna stop playing it was fun when I was doing it though empties we got one empty too empty oh this feels good that feels good to be getting those things out here okay let’s

See what dirts we have here all the nether stuff oh the carpet should I don’t know we’re gonna put the carpet um the Nether Bricks should go down into the Quarry maybe I moved that a whole section here dedicated weather roses nope but we’re about to this can be Where The Roses again

Because the problem right now that I have is this is all my Netherrack and that’s also my Netherrack I really should move it down to the Quarry so that’ll be a task after we get everything else sorted we’re gonna move that down to the Quarry to that back row

Just to have it there and then we can carry on yeah that’ll be that’ll be it that’d be a good way to do it because that’ll get it out of the house and into somewhere there where I will actually pay attention to it instead of it just being in a random Barrel

A barrel that I know it’s there I just want to point that out I knew exactly which Barrel that was in so you can’t come out of me for that one if you like strategy games you should watch League of Legends League of Legends there’s no strategy game

League of Legends is a MOBA very different strategy game as in like you have your base you have to build all your structures you gotta like mid Max and do all that stuff and blah blah blah blah blah like that that is the type of strategy

Game that I really enjoy is where you’re just like frantically managing armies across the entire map like Starcraft 2 back in the day like original like wings of Liberty and then also the first expansion I was all over that I was in like upper Master leagues just like

Playing like crazy it was get home get homework done finish whatever Sports practice was there and just run the 1v1 ladders for like two or three hours and then go to bed probably not great for like sleeping I didn’t sleep that much I was just

Playing Starcraft but I had a lot of fun League I’ve tried could not get into League of Legends never been a game for me I get it if you enjoy it that’s great for you I want to tear my eyeballs out when I’m playing League of Legends

That’s just a me thing you know if you enjoy it have fun okay where’s my leaf do I have a mangrove leaf box I don’t think I do I do but it’s full we will need another box this box goes in here look at me having organized Leaf boxes

I have a birch leaf box you have space so you can now have birch leaf do you like rats as it like the animal not so much it’s in Starcraft and RTS yeah it is all right strategy game RTS game I I kind of think of it the same

We need to take that over to dirt storage oh you can come out here and go another copper Barrel designated copper Barrel like you just want to clarify designated copper Barrel this is designated random junk Barrel dream would be great I know I owe y’all one I’ve been bad about that

Maybe this summer we’ll make it happen Liz don’t quit flip that I need a place for my skulk I’ve got a lot of skulk now there’s space in here I do not the skulk Farm is great and I have yet to figure out how to use any of it in a

Build I just know I want to but I have not you have 28 pet rats cool my uh cousin’s growing up had pet rats and those were chill if you’re talking about like a wild rat and like nah but pet rats I feel like are different everything foreign

Knew I had one out here for rails always got to have a good rail box I feel like I’m an end game Minecraft when I have a box of rails and I don’t need to worry about making more rails that’s when I know I’ve made it this is Peak Minecraft

I have more cats than your rats do you have more than 28 cats did you pick the crazy cat person lifestyle or did the crazy cat person lifestyle pick you sometimes I think it picks people but other times I think people pick that it’s fine either way like do what you

Want to do but like it’s a lot of animals Regardless having more than 20 of any animal is a lot of animals even Guppies even little guppy fish having more than 20 Guppies it’s a lot of fish to take care of a chance to go to Apples oh we have six now that’s kind of cool

There actually that’s a that’s one of my carry boxes my die box yes I have an amethyst so I’m up there perfect eggs and I will clap it I knew somebody would Am I saving flint and steel with 30 durability on it you bet four cool I have so many oars I love it it’s so good where did I put my froggy lights I think the froggy light’s going here are you going one of these oh they go down there wow

Where’s that shulker of mushrooms where’s my choker of shrooms I probably put it down somewhere where do I have it where did my shoulder shrooms go let’s put it in there did I put it back out here I did shrooms forget in there chat slowly but surely we are moving forwards

That can be bad out of context that’s fine we’re all mature adults here right now now I can’t even make that complain statement whatever you want to call it mature no never don’t be silly or be silly adult yes mature now yeah that’s a I think that’s the proper way to live life

If you can’t laugh at yourself or just that thing’s happening you God chill you gotta chill let’s check this Nevers I’ve been forgetting I see seeds you we got two it’s new for egg they’re so fun to hang out around we got another he got pushed you pushed him off the

Thing he was gonna sniff rude you already have that picture pod well buddy I’m sorry you didn’t get a sniff they sound like a strange donkey yeah Emperors are a good addition they’re like it’s it’s one of those things where I’m like never ever could have told you that I wanted one of

These in the game Never knew I wanted a semi truck in Minecraft but here we are that is also alive very very important part of the semi truck in Minecraft we now have seven semi-truck eggs yeah we need we’re gonna make a bigger sniffer field that’s also gonna be flat

So I can run a mine cart Hopper underneath it I think I have some furnaces in here I do use furnaces a lot instead of obsidian for uh red Stony Contraptions or like flying slime block thingies um just because they look a little cleaner okay we’re a little full in here

We are a wee bit full in this shulker in the double chest box oh there’s only coral Coral those people almost got a chest of shulkers we’re getting close oh there’s another look at that wow usually when this thing gets all the way empty I’m just like oh we’ve done some cleanup

Andrews can also go in there that’s fine look at this y’all were like tell me I’m never gonna clean up my base all it takes is an hour on a live stream thank you I’m glad at least a few people got that throat very very throwback reference super happy to catch you streaming

Welcome on in we chilling today the good old YouTube that and the how animals eat their food video so then I was and I were talking about that yesterday if you haven’t watched the classic how animals eat their food video you have homework from flip from yours Julie I’m assigning homework

If you have not seen that video so good a classic forgot about that video can we just random we were talking about it let’s get with a guy showing how they eat yeah the alligator one is definitely a favorite put the granite back as the crashing issue been fixed

Yes but at the expensive frames on the Stream I’m gonna see if I can work with YouTube and see if we have another option because their fix was for me to change my stream to 30 FPS where I had it at 50 FPS before unfortunately it did fix it which good

That it’s fixed but also annoying that we I need to test how well my PC can handle a 60 FPS stream because I would love to do that possible we’re gonna put the clay up there too I don’t think I have a space for it okay let’s do one last lookup for wood

Items more rails in here that can go into the other rail box I think on the leaf leaf box these are all wood we’ll come back for those after oh there’s my when did my bow end up in here how long have I been running around without my bow

Okay we’re gonna put empty yeah leaf leaf that’s all full of empties we are making so much progress I need to put this somewhere where I’m gonna use it I’m going to put I really should put it in my Ender Chest but for now it’s gonna go there

Your sword better be named Whiplash uh actually it’s named a very unique one of netherite’s sword we’ve done a great job naming my tools in this season I’ve just been trying to come up with something clever and I never have and now I feel like the anticipation of

Finding something clever to put as a name for the tools is so high that I just like can’t decide you doing anything for 1.5 mil Subs um nothing that I know of maybe something late in the summer I do at one point don’t hold me to this but I’m playing

With the idea of doing like a live stream week at some point just for something different where we basically just live stream the entire week I think it could be fun but I also think it’ll be very draining and I won’t be able to record any videos during that time frame

So in order to do that I kind of need to like mentally get ahead on videos to do it and then we do like live streams Monday through Friday I forgot the doors I need to come up with clever names for my tools that also symbolize being silk

Touch or Not Silk Touch is the thing English only in the chat please my friends English only in the chat help us keep it a wonderful safe space for everybody to experience the only way we can do that is if we can read your messages otherwise we have to

Assume you’re not saying kind things so we have to remove them yeah I thought a hardcore live stream week could be really fun and we’d just like basically get like 200 days worth of Minecraft in in the week all streamed and just do stuff but the thing that’s holding me back

From that honestly is if we have to stream on YouTube at 30 FPS I can’t record any of that because it looks really bad in comparison to actual recorded footage so all of it would be dead or I’d have to be like a time lapse and that does not sound great for content

Big time lapse bad content time lapse mixed in with other form of content good content we’re definitely gonna need a box to by then maybe yay if it fits it sits you can go in there last warning English only in the Trap moving forwards mods if you see it time them out instantly

No more playing games on that one also why would you send messages in a chat that has the rule of being English only for a streamer just a Creator in general who only ever records footage in English so like the Assumption probably is that I can only speak English I just I don’t

I don’t get it actually you can go and like there’s no way I’m gonna be able to read your message like I’m not I’m not smart I just I only only English uh we’re gonna just throw those in there that’s fine make an auto storage room

Why I could still live out of my starter house after 4 000 days people said this bass was a megabase from being a starter house so I’m still just living out of it four thousand days later to prove a point no I’m kidding I’m not that better

No this storage here plus shulker boxes to me more than I ever need foreign have so many items that I cannot physically fit them into this storage room or the other storage rooms that I’ve created I need to build something it’s basically a timer for me every

Single time this is like super filled up to the brim and like overflowing I’m like all right what materials do I have in there and how can I use them just throw that there make a giant aquarium I really do want to do that and get a blue axolotl

I know blue axolotls are old news like who axolotls but that’s like 17 000 years ago but I’m also like you’re kind of cool I like actuarados so I I’ve had a goal since it came out that I’m gonna get a blue Axolotl in this world I’ve just never really jumped

On it but I really want to I really want to it’s that okay we have so much light gray concrete powder because I use so much of it we’re gonna do this do this take all that bam bam Chamberlain the wall can also go in there the sand sure I’m lazy

I have an axle axolotls will never go out of style true Went to the San Diego Zoo recently they have one to see I’m assuming you meant Zoo just didn’t type it I kind of filled that in for you sorry if you didn’t mean Zoo but I just kind of assumed the event Zoo because we’ll get that one in a second that all

Needs to go somewhere I don’t really know where to put all the carpets realistically probably not going to use many of those carpets but I should still give them a home okay there’s some wax there’s some waxed and I think that’s all about there’s Green Box in here can I boom boom boom

And also as our terracotta box weirdly enough so those can go in there and then all of these go down into the Quarry I’m gonna put the buckets back rare Mob Zoo might be cool I really want to get brown mooshrooms I I like I I really think getting some

Brown mushrooms would be fun the only reason I haven’t done it is you have to bring mooshrooms back from what should we call it uh the Mushroom Island the closest Mushroom Island that actually we found one actually on stream last time but that was really far north

That was like 20 000 blocks so we’d have to dedicate an entire stream to Bringing Home mushrooms are we down is that a dumb idea or is that a let’s do it idea what do we think bring home mushrooms or don’t bring home mushrooms yes or no let me know in chat

Cause I think if we get mooshrooms and then we can lightning strike them turn them into Brown mooshrooms would be pretty cool do it do it do it do it do it bring them home foreign to transport him yeah we could do that Saving Private mushroom hopefully with a lot less war being

Involved axolotls are quite rare and critically endangered species so if you want a pet get a simple fishy oh IRL I was like in Minecraft what yeah but also a lot of fish that are in like fish tanks and like pet stores and whatnot they’re not treated that well either

Oh we’re trying to figure out a place for the carpet let’s go in here get all of our terracottas out it’s all of them yeah just throw them in the random terracotta box look how clean that is we’ll put the carpet in there you’re trying to get mob heads from

Charge creepers that is something that I just have never I think ever done maybe once maybe once back in the building with flip days but I could not tell you the last time I even attempted it could be kind of fun though it would be fun challenge all

Right we need to go make some more Rockets after this but we’re almost done we’re down to one box which is empty thank you for dealing with me cleaning all this stuff out because I would have never done it where do I not have I don’t commands

I’m Gonna Keep like a stack of those in here must be the other one no we’re all out okay let’s put some back oh beehives yeah I made a stack of them a while ago just because I have so much honeycomb I was like yes this this is a good idea what’s

In there all my quartz right ocean Monument oh that feels good wait there’s that one ah now it feels great kind of organized kind of deaf I need to do like a Ender Chest overhaul shulker monster is gone until next episode we did I just gotta check down here make sure I actually cleaned them all up before we celebrate too much you know also I found something I want to change this being a harsh line right here do not like much better if you give it a few days and it’ll be

Back oh yeah by the end of next episode for sure I really need to cover these oh my gosh I forgot sorry uh no need to panic uh there’s something that I’ve really meant to do on stream today that we have not done you know that Sweet Berry Farm that we made a few episodes back just to get

Like a few sweet berries to work with and decorate with more easily and everything like that we’re making a circle of sweet berries um and I need this whole sand I think it’s yellow glass sign I have a sign what a surprise it’s producing sweet berries too fast

And now that it’s filled up it’s like just infinitely causing more sweet berries to appear they’re just not despawning because they keep snacking it’s quite glass I can’t I can’t mix I can’t you can’t mix glass types if you if you decide to have one being a clean glass type you gotta go

And stick with that we have to go get white I also need a block of ice Foreign we’re not wasting a blue ice for this those are precious can’t wait for an angry field to use up those extra berries see you say use up those extra berries like we don’t already have eight barrels full of sweet berries I think we got enough berries to last me forever

I don’t know if I’m ever gonna be able to work through that many so this is gonna be our pack dice see they just keep coming we’re gonna I need flint and steel Much better okay I made that into a much bigger deal than it needed to be but I definitely like wrote a note on Mike this morning of like when streaming fix this and we’re two hours in and I completely forgot about it so yeah that’s got to be fixed I also

Added a the a lantern here in the middle because even the glow icon wasn’t enough so now we yeah like the whole thing is just like three foxes in there they can’t even Harvest it fast enough and even with the rate that they’re harvesting I can’t even store them fast enough

I did put a random pot here though and I kind of like it even though it kind of blocks the entrance but I do also kind of like it is pretty cool make a flying meteor about to destroy a building I don’t know if that’s really

The vibe that we go for in this world but you could do that that sounds pretty cool especially flip solution to a problem yeah fire ticks off in this world what else did I write down add item destroyed a Berry Farm done Spruce trap doors on top

We need to use Mars Bruce Wood specifically Spruce trap doors remember to make those Rockets yeah yeah we’ll get Rockets I also need to make a new bow soon but I think I’m gonna do that in the video this way I can Farm even more mending bow commenters

We love farming the comments with mending bow users they get so angry so easily oh it’s great they just love being wrong that they have to keep it up perfect actually I think we want some slabs too thank you do a sniffer house stable and a place for them to

Implant a torch field on site yeah we’re gonna do a big sniffer stable thing or sniffer pasture soon what was the secret plan from last stream I can’t remember yeah we needed to do that and I think I can walk around the back here I really do like this Gatehouse design I’m really

Happy with it sometimes I build things and I look back at them a month or two later and I’m like I built that but this one oh I was putting Stone pressure plates on the top we must do this quickly now did you know this jungle tree I’m sleeping on right now

Three thousand nine hundred days old this tree planted and grown before honestly even probably pretty older yeah look at him wait that Arrow went through you okay so the animation pack I use love it it’s so cool I think it just adds a lot more life to the world but also

Sometimes their hitboxes are not clear to where their animation is so it could be a little wonk uh We’re not gonna find Stone in here are we oh we are wow I think I already probably have a bunch of pressure plates which is fine I bet most people would think using pick

Block is also cheating Shan you have no idea there is a comment on my on the last live stream of somebody being like it’s pretty sus isn’t it how flip is looking and just suddenly another stack of dirt appears in His image in his hand when

He’s building he uses a full stack and suddenly there’s another stack there isn’t that a little bit sus I’m like I didn’t respond but I was thinking I was like buddy I’m alive you think I’m gonna cheat like that well live also you can see me if you watch the

Whole stream going around and picking up everything I was like you’re just fishing for something to be mad at now I was like this is just one of those people on the internet that is just mad somebody else is successful it’s like you probably are very happy person deep down

Any advice or terraforming or big projects um it you just really gotta tackle it one little stage at a time getting a rough idea in drawing it out on paper or just like on like if you have a tablet to draw on is huge that’s how I kind of do

It to get a rough idea and and then I kind of figure out at least like in the mountain over here I figured out how I wanted the curves to go and kind of everything before I even started building so I kind of planned it from this angle here

So I had figured out that I was like I want this to come down and then I wanted to like have a little like bump in there then I wanted to go back up really tall for the highest peak and then kind of come down and do another so we get like

The Three Peaks effect and then we kind of had that all those fun angles in there breaking it up along the way look into how to create like a composition if you’re trying to do like Mountain terraforming look at like 2D like paintings of like how to create a

Cool composition for like the rule of thirds um the golden ratio all that type of stuff if you could do that that’ll help you out a ton I like how I made two stacks of these and I didn’t even use half a stack I think I missed a section that we got

To go get a few more but first let’s go get our sugar cane you never you did not forget to put nope nerocular nope this is where those seeds are I see one nailed it no picture pod that was a big sniff somebody about to find a seed

These guys just they just live such happy little lives they just walk around sniffing they just go sniff sniff sniff honestly that the life my dogs would love to have sniff sniff sniff until you find something that smells good and dig and get it out of the ground Coda would love that life

You actually already pretty much lives it but you know and I don’t really want him to like ancient doggos they really do have dog characteristics to them like without their Flappy ears moving everything like that very much like the ears are giving like vishla vibes that sounds like a typical husky yep

Is pretty consistent on all that oh we do have two okay we can go get another one more sniff our egg but first I must fix this upper section as well oh I also forgot these would yell lucky here oh I never made an entrance to this ah we’re gonna ignore that

That kind of helps to mob proof this area too I know it’s not perfect it’s better now we get the sniff sniff we got the Netherrack in the Quarry oh yeah yeah okay yeah we’ll move that let’s go make Rockets first then we’ll move the Netherrack coming in torch flower seed delivery

Another one let me asking our torch there and I got it anybody want to give me a torch block no no okay just fine semi trucks are meeting we now have a new semi truck as the fish lay on the table in your house I have a data pack that allows me

To Shear item frames and it turns them invisible it’s pretty cool you think you’ll do a revisiting video where you do any unfinished terraforming projects and adding in more I really do want to like if we do that stream week that’s going to be kind of all like revisiting and updating old

Things like I would love to finish this this I will do this I promise this will not be one of those projects that’s just left undone um I just kind of wanted to move on to other things for a little while before I get back into a massive terraforming project

Because that that week was a lot of Minecrafting and it’s basically like 50 done I also need to AFK the gas Farm again soon that is the thing for I just I don’t like AFK in this world I know it’s dumb but I just I want my day count to be as

Low as possible so unless this thing is out or I need Mass amounts of TNT oh that actually that one stays here where I like I need to fill this with gunpowder I just I don’t like AFK I also know a creeper farm would be better maybe that’s what we’ll do soon

Because my plan was to keep it real have you finished the back of those mountains yet if I recall correct yeah definitely you did it in the episode you built them no I definitely they’re finished they’re very very infinite I don’t know what you’re talking about can you not see the

Beautiful mountain coming all the way down here rolling down like this isn’t it isn’t just fantastic I think it’s just the texturing I’m so happy with what I did on that one one day we’ll do that uh you could subtly AFK by sorting your interests while on the knife game

Platform there you go that’s true uh but I want to inside of this mountain like inside of there I want to build a creeper Farm that way and then we’ll move that creeper Farms drops into the farm uh output for the gas farm so that all of the gunpowder is ending in one

Location I think that would be really cool and then we can do like a whole bit about lighting up all the caves and everything um so when I eventually want to do a creeper Farm that’ll probably be when the back of the mountain gets fixed eight sniffer eggs pretty good I like that

Vibes okay uh let me go put the spruce stuff back and then we will move the Netherrack clean ever gonna do anything with mega tree yeah uh I want to expand the canopy on it a bunch it it needs love needs a lot of love that’s boob shulkers of Netherrack wait

That one actually it might need some Netherrack I can loan some I I’d be willing to sell shulkers of Netherrack for like a trade you Netherrack for dirt anybody I really want to turn it mostly all in another brick and then just like do something with it I feel like that’s a

I would love to use netherbrick more and I think with the addition of cherry like it’s going to be possible or like red nether brick ooh maybe I’ll figure out a way to incorporate that above their Mangrove Tree Farm I feel like read another brick for a roof combined with Mangrove could

Be kind of fun and maybe even another brick itself we done diddle we did it that’s a whole barrel and a chest out of the house do we move the obsidian down there too if I need a obsidian anybody I got some I can spare a little bit of

Obsidian if anybody needs them cover the bamboo Farmer for my sanity yeah it’ll happen the next episode is gonna be themed on sniffers that I can confirm and then after that we’ll we’ll work on that section I think we’ll do sniffers in the Gatehouse and get that built out and call it good

Foreign nope that one goes last actually I want this shulker back you let’s see what else is in that nether chest that I have we might be able to move some items out of here yeah look at all that Netherrack another brick Blackstone oh yeah we can move that down

We’ll leave all those in here that helps this a lot that’s a lot of another quartz or cool intense music yeah this is a boss fighting music something I’d change about the songs almost over the dumb idea I need to empty my inventory first foreign I think Blackstone

Is what I want Nether Bricks to be like that is so dark it’s so dark it’s really difficult to build with unless your entire theme is just darker or you really want that harsh contrast and I just don’t build with I like lighter colored builds

None of the stuff I really build is dark like the darkest materials I use is is dark oak that’s it everything else is like a much brighter happier just like not vibrant but just like you know saturated I guess now the rich just is just like bam and I don’t like it

You can change so funny I know we just it’s on a shuffle I think I’m gonna move that battle music one out of here but it has come up a few times that for funny moments where we’re actually fighting things but I also am fighting a shulker monster

So valid don’t you like my random potatoes and a bell in here I think I have bells over here foreign yeah I have 15 Bells right there we got seeds and seeds you can actually fit more seeds in this seed one I think the chorus fruit can go in here with the actual you know coarse plants uh let’s start organizing this a touch bushes um poppies can go up here good I’m just like do I just take everything out full reset uh no it’ll be fine this is okay we’ll

Just leave it like that that’s a little bit better a little bit more calm before the storm don’t even want to think about that and yeah perfect look at all those empty shulkers look at all those empty shulkers these are all my end Stone which we could move the End

Stone down that’s seems like a valid thing to be in the the Quarry I won’t move the Sandstone down quite yet I don’t know where I want to go with that Cody’s here what’s up Cody oh come on in I think I can get these back that’s all of there

This is all the End Stone from the the entry uh that I I was like I’m gonna get a bunch of shulkers of End Stone just so I can have it and well I got a bunch of shulkers of ends down so I can have it

Have I used any of it nerp not at all foreign but that’s what these double chests were for and I just never really used them so it does feel kind of nice just to move things in here let’s go up to a fourth no I blocked it there these oh there’s oh geez

We might need another row we definitely need another row okay uh this can be and stone bricks oh we’re gonna need a whole nother thing for uh nope this is where our shulker comes in this is where a shulker comes in this is the point of shulker boxes to make Storage Solutions smaller

Sorry I have to do it huh ah paper real cyberpunk City in the end on island be cool build I have thought about doing cyberpunk city thank you for the donut one uh I’ve thought about it but I feel like it’ll take away from the tree so maybe that’ll be something like off

In the distance but I do think a cyberpunk city would be really fun to build I’ve always wanted to do one the last time I attempted it was in Legacy SMP if anybody remembers that and that was a fun project to work on and I think with the Frog lights and everything we

Have now could be even cooler to do so maybe one day who knows build it underground yeah I like keeping this Overworld into full fantasy like I don’t I don’t like the idea of just like flying somewhere and then being like a different era I want everything I make to be blending in

Uh so I because I like to use the world to tell a story and the second I get into like where you have to go to different regions and you’re in different like complete Styles and blah blah blah even if you’re like 20 000 blocks of the nether to me I’m just like

Uh that’s not really the vibe I want to go for we need to repair this lighter in a second but before you repair the elytra I want a trip to show y’all this is our base we base and I want to show you how close to the nearest Desert is

Because we’re gonna have to build a road which would be fun cool stream project um we have a road coming all the way through here currently the road goes like this and either ends there we could Branch off of or it ends here either way we can kind of carry on we’d

Have a few Bridges to build but we’d have a distance of travel I think that one results in less Bridges but this one is smoother terrains maybe go that route a bridge would be a fun project thought about a piglet Village in the nether ah it could be fun I just don’t bother

Wearing gold so they’d they’d attack me constantly yeah so we’d bring the road through here that kind of stretch right along that way we could kind of loop around and go through the jungle here like the edge of the Jungle because that would just be kind of fun to have a jungle um

Coming this way and then we would need to go along the edge of this we hit the second jungle over there and we have our cool Village along the side of the Hill here and then this is the desert that I want to build in we got this cool

Little bamboo section we got the jungle Edge which is so vibrant and Lush and everything and then that’s new oh so these these chunks got cleared this Village was not here before oh The Village map got updated oh poor sheepy it’s still alive that okay so we have this and there

Should be a camel here somewhere where’d the camel go I thought I saw one yeah we’ll go Campbell oh camel a good loot Emerald yeah so this is the project location I’m thinking of we’ll go episode 41. we’ll jump out here so we got two more episodes working on our current stuff

And then we will uh jump out here and start doing this and one of the things that I really want to do another big stream project that we can tackle pretty quickly is I want to tear out all of the Red Sand Shear all of the Dead bushes to begin

With and replace all of the Red Sand along here probably expand the river out so it looks a little cleaner including all the Red Sand back here basically the whole Mesa biome tear the Red Sand out and add in regular Sam because I think that contrast from that

Against the Terracotta looks so much better we’re not we’re probably gonna like cut it off like right here put everything in there because this would be the build Zone eventually maybe we’ll come out and do this whole section too but the place that I want to actually build in for this

I’ve talked about it forever I think I found this in like Day 400 and I’ve been talking about it since that I want to build here but this little stretch through here this that Valley have a river running through the middle and have like a cool little like desert build kind of going

Up the sides and around here and like turning this all into civilization and then really do a really cool um like terraforming project turning this into like a mouth of a main river leading out into the ocean I think it’d be so fun so that’s that’s that’s where

I’m thinking that project’s gonna go probably be like a four or five episode one we’ll see which is the gold armor counted as gold nah I’m glad it doesn’t I see why that would be cool because you’re like I’m wearing gold but I also that would force players if you think

About it everybody would have one piece of gold armor trim everybody would have one armor trim that has gold on it it would become a necessity compared to anything else which means that no matter what you’re doing because that would that would change armor terms from

Being cosmetic to being a a way to get more player power and I don’t like that I like them being purely cosmetic you can wear what you want you can do what you want I mean you’re gonna get the best armor out of having netherride on

There but if you want to wear like diamond armor and put a cool trim on it like you’re you’re gonna be totally fine still too so Davis Field planting we didn’t plan one on stream today no uh Maximus thank you so much for the three months my dude pleasant surprise

To finally catch you alive normally I’m only able to watch the stream replays greetings from Germany hey how’s it going isn’t it like almost midnight over in Germany right now pleased to meet you thank you very much again my dude I really appreciate that um but yeah the flight isn’t too long

Like getting over there and getting back like that was 60 durability on the elytra it’s not great but it’s not terrible also I do love this Castle I really want to add some like small little village houses right out here I planted this field and I haven’t even

Spent enough time here for it to grow so oopsies this was me being like I need a new place to plant a field I don’t know where to put one and I did this and then it just never grew but maybe when I’m working here next episode because we can finally do a

Little bit of building up spawn that’ll be close enough for that to grow 10 15 p.m in Germany okay I thought Germany was so you guys are and you all are an hour beyond the UK then okay messenger posts along the road yeah I’m thinking like along the road I want to

Add a bunch of little stuff like farming hamlets and things that’s one of my favorite things I don’t want just a road that’s just dirt going forever where this from here is just like dirt along then you still like you hit that but then there’s nothing like I don’t

Want it to be overflowing like I don’t want you to see structure be in that structure and then see neck structure and be in next structure then see another one like I want there to be some dead space that gives it more charm but I still want it to be like something

Cool along the way maybe some custom trees then like Little Farms here and there because that gives us reason to build along the entire distance too because like somebody will stop halfway and be like you know what this is fine I went far enough I don’t need to make it to

The city and so maybe I’ll set up a little in here and travelers along the way who also don’t want to go all there at once they can stop and spend some money and I can earn an income and you’re like we and that is how Las Vegas came into existence

Okay let’s go repair this when’s the next episode releasing I haven’t even started recording it new life will be next week and then I’m I’m I’m like halfway done recording the next new life um I’ve been working on it a ton and then after that I gotta get the then

I’ll start on Hardcore again go see the star Trader I know I really want to give him like a little airship yeah I want to give him a little Airship so he can have some some fun vibes we’ll do this so that I’m not breaking all your eardrums yeah new life will be

Next week and then 4 000 days they’ll be releasing next weekend and then it’ll probably be hardcore the week after uh video and then we’ll probably then I’m gonna don’t break there please I want to get back to like one and a half videos a week after the movie series is done

And now that I’m back in town so I’m really trying to get back to that I think it’ll be good to have what happened to Skyblock I it’s back burner I don’t know when it’s gonna come back I I was like starting to feel the burn on Skyblock of just like and just not really excited about recording it and then New Life came out and I was like I would rather record this so I just kind of stopped with Skyblock I feel bad

About not having a conclusion on it but fine for now for me there’s a skull in there okay cool that’s that’s repaired more Rockets foreign clear it before I send the little guys back up the Wolves because uh oh there’s a stack of skulls in there it’s been a while since I’ve cleared

This out that’s a lot of coal too I love this Farm was this worth the 200 hours I spent on it I don’t know it depends how long I live in the series but right now I’m glad I did it I’m glad I did it could be a little bit of Stockholm

Syndrome of yeah I did I better be happy I did it but you know look at all that not even looting the bones anymore skulls more cold though can I get be able to no nothing in there okay what are you releasing the empires has

To be a world map uh Josh was sending me the download hopefully today then I’ll get a video recorded for it and hopefully out next week okay we’ll just let them do their thing goodbye bones we actually fixed it and got the sphere finished out it’s this is actually

Working so much faster it’s amazing what’s your favorite color personally favorite color I really like purple branding colors wise I always do like orange and Light blues just some tall grass and some trees along your dirt pass yeah I kind of do little patches of flowers

And grass and whatnot as we go please chop the jungle trees near the starter house I could never don’t you ask me to do the unthinkable that tree has been there for the entire series now I really need to do something with it I don’t know what I want to do

Up here yet I feel like more buildings is the vibe but I also don’t know if I really need more buildings up there you know okay we’re gonna take all of the coal and just put it in here that is eight stacks of blocks of coal that’s four stacks of weather skulls

Oh there’s another half star cool you can come in here with the weather roses and then these skulk blocks can go there too let’s try and take this flowers let me put them in here yeah they can perfect beetroot seeds can go with other beetroot seeds

You can go with the rest of your dead bushes the beetroot can go up there oh no there’s a lot of beetroot why do I have someone beetroot I don’t need red dye for anything orange tulips no no all right my friends I think that’s where we’re calling it for today’s

Stream we have cleared out so much storage or that ignore that definitely clean these are my micro blocks that I get from the wandering Traders I still haven’t cleaned them but we got storage cleared we got wall built we got tops of walls fixed up and

Finished which is so good and we got the Sweet Berry Farm fixed up today which I am very happy about uh I’m so excited to be playing in this world again I not that I wasn’t excited like I’ve always had like a steady hype but now 1.20 is here and I’m

Just like go play a game I want to play Minecraft and I’m just like like get new life done so I can come back to hardcore but my friends thank you all so much for hanging out today I really do appreciate it I hope you all have a very lovely

Weekend and all that good stuff again thank you all so much for all of the support and everything y’all are so very kind to me I really really do appreciate it uh thank you thank you thank everybody who’s been sticking around for a long time or just jumping in here

Brand new I saw another person uh who responded to the last video I know I was talking about one of uh somebody who became a member last stream who was like the original 20 and I saw somebody commented on the last episode that was also somebody in there so

Seeing some of those like OG names on the channel so very cool so thank you everybody so much for however long you’ve been hanging out I really do appreciate it y’all are absolutely amazing uh thank you thank you thank you but with that my friends I’m out of here

So I’ll catch you on the flip side bye thanks

This video, titled ‘Expanding the Armory in Minecraft 1.20 HARDCORE Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-06-23 22:24:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

fWhip is Building his Armory in Minecraft 1.20 HARDCORE Minecraft Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out …

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    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

Expanding the Armory in Minecraft 1.20 HARDCORE Survival Let’s Play