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Traffic watch me crash my car and see your couch don’t wanna finish up this episode before you cut me out Beautiful Thinking that you always had a place If I would I feel peace Maybe I’m dying Yeah hello hello chat it’s happening again I’m addicted it’s great I can’t stop should have cut a temple of it’s awesome literally amazing I was listening to them in the car two days ago and I was like dude they’re actually so good like I don’t even it’s not

Because I’m I know them it’s not because it’s Broden and Julian it’s because they’re good I’m like dang they’re actually so good thanks so much it’s like a little dress over a little T-shirt oh I was wearing overalls yesterday and then I was like oh I could put my little dress over my

Over the shirt that’s what that’s what they do you know yeah broden’s cool I hate him you know when someone just can do everything you just hate them yeah I hate them I’ll say it it’s not fair Go Away Your Existence pisses me off

I tell him to his face I’ll say it okay there’s no 2v Tuesday tomorrow and I’m really sorry but I’ve made it up to you because I feel like yeah it’s because I’m addicted to Minecraft but but I feel like you know I did say so much that it

Was party animals right because we really want to play party animals so I decided instead we’ll make a party animals Lobby to play party animals okay because that’s the game I’m really itching to play now that I want to play the other ones but like I didn’t know

You know I still don’t know the other every time it’s like usually valo and then you know was Gang Beasts but now party animals will probably be like a staple um and then like Ludwig was the one who really wanted to play and then he

Couldn’t even make it so I was like well you know what if it so um what we’re gonna do is it’ll just be a party animals Lobby and it’ll be fun you know it’s um and I it’s not locked in or anything I’m asking some people uh don’t really know I’m just Ludwig

Ain’t No Way Ludwig says on the DL maybe I shouldn’t say this actually never mind because it’s on DL nevermind I can’t say it got myself there never mind okay he’s sorry got myself I shouldn’t do that he was oh my God okay um okay what are we doing today in

Minecraft that is a good question so well well there’s a dungeon apparently that that Rey found that they were there I can’t skip out because they want to oh my God this is why so Ludwig has this really bad opinion right now just exposing right now

Because it’s crazy okay he said the game party animals is mid he says on the DL and I’m like so we’re he’s like do you like it be honest and I’m like yes it’s so cute and then I said at least you have to admit the Gumdrop mode is good

And he goes wait what Gumdrop mode Psy deep sigh it’s the best game mode ever you are fighting over teams of four picture this two teams of four uh gumdrops fall from the sky from the sky down to the to to a middle section to a middle middle down to the middle

The map some all are small gumdrops but sometimes and occasionally large green Gumdrop Falls bear Gumdrop I have to really paint this for him falls down you have to drag the gum drops back to to your base and pull a lever to open it and and the first team

And each Gumdrop fills up a little bit a little bit of a circle but the big ones fill up a full circle you win your team went bro are you high you win what you feel yeah yeah the five was high don’t block me don’t block me don’t block me please

Oh when I got a 200 word essay due by midnight oh my God I’m just trying to explain the joy of the Gumdrop ah anyway tldr play Gumdrop mode it’s great it’s greatness goodness he’d be like I ain’t already I ain’t reading all that happy for you though

Oh my outfit okay so it’s just like a us they’re separate it’s like a white T-shirt like a white you know little T and then it’s like a dress it’s like and you wear them on top he says look oh maybe I’ll play it sounds like a mid Mario Party mini game

But with cute bears okay so you were lying relying when you said you couldn’t make it tomorrow 2PM you just you just didn’t want to play party animals he doesn’t get it yet he doesn’t get it I think the the other modes are great they’re good they’re all like Gang

Beasts oh well I had Arrangements but I’d move them for something important oh he did it it wasn’t to be Tuesday funerals weddings oh [Laughter] Oh I well the plans the cancellation has happened already this is bad bad bad um listen I’ll leave the choice up to you oh run it whoa okay now now I feel as though I may have hyped up the game uh the gumdrops the Gumdrop mode too much please uh manage your expectations

I hate doing this I hate when I manage I hate when I okay um I mean run 2B Tuesdays not the mid gummy bear okay okay how about this how about this you plan it all you host it I have no games we’ve run out the content’s dry it’s over um okay

Um oh God now lud’s saying to do it he just says wanna just do 2b Tuesday me and squeaks versus you and someone else Showdown Edition squeaks us out my house I I can’t I made a Lobby I can’t just kick everyone all of a sudden okay I can’t

I’m I’m live I’m live I’m live a hot Mike call Mike I never opened calls with flirts I don’t know why you everyone does this to me it’s like five minutes in that I dropped them anyway let’s focus ing up yeah you have a Lobby when’s your lobby 2PM

How many people you have oh six people how many people do you need eight usually eight so you’re setting up a 2v Tuesday but you’re not doing 2B Tuesday yeah correct why because too much planning of games and all I really want to play is party animals in Minecraft right now

Oh so you’re you don’t like the setup aspect of 2v2 days and the viewership payoff isn’t there to Warrant doing all the work and that never gets mad because the game’s too long and then you feel like it’s your responsibility so you just something easy up like party animals and there’s less pressure

Like 50 percent mostly that I don’t want it to like to do it every single week because like you know it’s kind of a novel thing it’s cute and then if I do it every Tuesday I start getting burdened by it I’m like I have to plan for 2B Tuesday on Sunday

These are asking people and then you know and then Rey was also like I don’t want to be in this one because I feel like you should switch up the people and then then party animals came out and then I always already just want to play party animals and then we’re playing so

Much Minecraft and then I was like well this way I can just play party animals and then I can go back into the Minecraft server when it done and it won’t be like this five hour commitment where we have to play hip-hop around blah blah blah and then I’m all stressed

I see yeah I could tell every time we play that you’re stressed on 2B Tuesdays I’m so stressed I can tell it sucks because then it’s like you feel someone in charge of everyone’s enjoyment and then like viewers get and knows you sometimes about certain games I would do not make it easy

Were you oh my God I I cursed the storm up I’m like Leslie and her ass run a show you know yeah it’s true so yeah you need to apologize um so I’d like to apologize to me young uh first off okay great no that’s awesome um perfect so what about this

You host it next week it’s perfect we have everything you know we can run everything you know you just you pick the game next week is what next week doesn’t work is that the third um next week is the third it’s perfect this is great this is fantastic okay but

You can’t make it too good because then people be like damn like Leslie’s kind of bad at it you know no no I couldn’t I shouldn’t take this from you it’s bad and wrong you should be the one to set up every 2B Tuesday I have a different

Idea this Thursday oh Thursday okay me and squeaks versus you and someone else Thursday yes in a in a 2v Thursday oh to be Thursday okay Thursday like a day for turds okay yeah that’s cute I like that sort of like in person you want to come over

Oh me and speaks to doing a 24 hour four hour stream together in the same room oh that’s perfect why don’t we just like come over to you and then like you know join for part of that and then you know that’s kind of fun and then loser gets a

Foos cut and I’ll give you a Foose cut wait no no no no that I’m the only one who does the cutting but that’s a good idea loser gets listen I’ve learned to not make bets on games anymore I lose every time you are good at Yu-Gi-Oh everyone says

That well I can play you know I have I have a couple decks of my sleeve so we could add that yeah okay uh so yeah I mean that what time on Thursday that sounds fun boom like afternoon 24 hours so what about like afternoon sure okay afternoon sounds

Good maybe okay we’ll we’ll tweet about it I mean uh Discord yeah and then for tomorrow you have a great time oh you’re not playing you haven’t played the Gumdrop mode it’s actually sad I will play can I flake after an hour wait so you’d like stay if it was fun

But if it’s bad you’ll leave after an hour but then we’ll know you think it’s bad and that you’re not having a good time I’m not even gonna go live okay I’m gonna play offline it’s not even worth getting some hours in yeah that’s fine okay you know you leave

You things are very differently this is fine it’s not even worth some hours it’s not even worthy it’s a mid game with cute animals and I it’s Mario Party’s Just better yeah there’s so much friction to Mario parties on Steam and I’m like and all this stuff yeah I’ll give you that

You’re right okay you just say I hurt your average it’s fine yeah oh bro I played it I had 7K viewers the other day Okay but if you had seven DK viewers you’d be like damn this is a great game you know I pretended to like it for years are you kidding me

Man that’s crazy I used to watch football on my other monitor while playing Among Us okay we get it all right so you don’t want to play party animals because it’s bad but if you need human I will be that human no it’s okay all right it’s okay

Don’t worry we’ll we’ll uh to be Thursday uh we’ll we’ll message okay and like can I give you like a 90 like a like a hard hard probably yeah you’re gonna flake I know I’m expecting that I’m not gonna flake well it’s more of just like I have to make

Sure I can do it because I have like this thing that’s like ten to three and then I have this thing at night that’s like you know so it’s like I might have to move some things around but I would say if you want you can also just do it

Online at your place and then that’s true we could do that but then how would you play a game that’s like in person against us in you know what I mean uh I’ll just set it up it’s easy yeah all right you know what I that sounds

Sounds good I will let you know tonight all right all right gum drop code yeah Minecraft Thursday ah that’s a secret you um wait what’s the secret that I’m joining them what because it says that you didn’t you know that also cutting out there’s a huge group okay I guess I mean

Go okay you have nothing damn it okay well Ludwig’s doing the server oh okay let me know okay never mind it’s totally fine you already knew okay never mind thank God thank God you already knew how’d you guys know okay well you know what you knew um right right

That’s so crazy okay all right so today we’re playing Minecraft um oh Abe said on the first day that’s true that’s true um all right so I wanted to obviously yesterday we did the storage mod which was awesome so today we get to finally enjoy it we’re gonna start it probably

Log in myeung is going to peer pressure us into doing a dungeon so uh we’re gonna do the dungeon and then we can come back and then figure out uh I think blouse hopping on he’s gonna show us the peel box that he finished he’s at the

Post office is awesome so I’m very excited and then we can work on a house and I wanted to pick a house design like that we thought was cool maybe and and there’s some really cute ones okay there’s like some some cute ones like this okay there’s some cool large underground ones right

But then okay Mountain Side house is cute like a house in a wall but then I have to have a wall which is kind of like you know but that’s cute that’s a cute idea and then when I say do these I’m not saying like what one

For one like I’m not gonna make this like I don’t think I can make a fantasy Mansion but like um like I mean that is sick but like I don’t know if I can make that something a little smaller and doable like a three four white container house like how are

We feeling about that that’s kind of sick like that’s kind of Awesome you know and then we can pivot it to do what might you know um we can pivot things yeah we’re getting inspired by we’re not doing a thing for thing but some are like pretty

Cool modern house with a pool I mean that’s just like thing that’s actually wow that’s like you know when you see in person people have like you’re like that’s a Minecraft house in person because there’s real houses like just like that you know like that that’s kind of beautiful

Like then they have these luxury modern it’s like a um I don’t know maybe not maybe I’m kind of over the Crystal Clear maybe I don’t seem too much of it there’s a hobbit hole like that’s kind of cute too guys like like dude look at that look at that

It’s in it it’s in a it’s like a that’s cute it’s a tree house it’s a tree house okay but what about this a pink modern house also so boom and boom are like those ones I like this one’s kind of cool it’s like you know do you guys like Hobbit hole

Where would you build it on the other side of town you know this is giving Barbie it’s kind of this is this these are totally different houses you know Barbie is this is this is kind of cute too a Frick that thought okay that’s too simple what the heck is that

Okay um large Farmhouse nah these are I mean these are amazing obviously amazing but like I’m trying to like oh a Red Roof caught Red Roof house is kind of cute um how about a pink Hobbit Hole folklore versus lover whoa too big too big too big too big I’m

Not into Pirates wizard house my oh my God oh God a witch’s house um fantasy house oh man hobbit hole is okay which is the easiest the reason I’m leaning towards um the reason I’m leaning towards a pig okay oh God that’s so stinking cute guys

Okay ease I think this seems really easy in terms of like um like I don’t know where to get that pink though is that just pink wool I don’t know where to get that but like I like this because they’re these are both kind of easy this

Is like very improbable this one is just squares and angles um maybe I’m saying easy and I’m actually gonna die trying to make this but like you know this one is pretty sick um concrete that’s pink concrete God that that would look so sick it’s like pink pink and white

Um and it yeah oh frick yeah those ones I’m like leaning the most towards um I do love a farmhouse I think those are nice I like this a lot this is too big let’s see what else which is house we said Japanese house I think pass on this this and now

Oh my God this is like this garage is exactly what my parents House’s garage used to look like and it’s throwing me off it’s like it’s literally Windows like down the middle bro it’s this is this is too it’s too it’s too much it’s too real okay um whoa

What about that a wooden modern house with like stripped wood all the way down that’s really pretty this is too much too big God that’s nice stylish wooden house amazing I feel like someone literally has a house like I’ve seen this maybe in a tutorial I was watching or something

This is an easy underground house modern tree house is cool wait did you guys like this one this one the wooden look over the Kong okay so between wooden modern house pink concrete and hobbit hole God this one is so cute I like the stripped wood this is beautiful okay okay oh God

Wooden modern oh God okay here okay let’s do a poll start it okay which house which house Okay pink okay before voting we’re gonna run into them again hobbit hole house pink concrete and let’s add one more option which is wooden modern house okay I’m gonna run the options again

This is wood in modern house okay beautiful look at that striped wood okay awesome beautiful Okay pink concrete okay look at it again it’s amazing okay this is sick front yard you know very fancy schmancy giving Barbie okay and then Hobbit Hole this one is like a tree

House on the ground and light lanterns you know okay now take it really think Hobbit Hole pink concrete and wooden modern again I also have to I don’t even know which one I like the most that’s right which one I drove for okay wooden modern

Wow okay and a one and a two and uh think about the Vibes you know of the town mayoral I don’t know okay paw strip you know we could even make more than this um okay vote away vote away wow what in moderns really well it’s not actually winning that hard

Oh wow pink concrete is not that popular okay that’s my bad for thinking that one was really good wooden matches the bakery uh modern okay okay we’ll how about this one then let’s make this house this is beautiful and honestly doable very doable like it’s beautiful and doable and that’s what matters

Okay love it okay we’re gonna make this house that is it the decision has been made I will put this on my other monitor and that is happening okay um all right Perfection done done dink dink dunk um that’s a good one it’s a good choice um all right open up the game

Um and open up okay um a pack and this is Midge love the hair thank you so much I appreciate it I went to the gym today I started I’m starting doing gym three times a week now instead of just two times so we are in our fit Arc it is happening

Where is Minecraft oh okay Okay I have abs Sam oh I found a dress too I found her I found a dress for the rainforest Gala today that’s what I was doing I was out at the gym came back showered and then I went to a place tint on a rented a dress

So if I had a dress it doesn’t quite fit right now but like we’re gonna work on it with some boob tape and like figure it out because and pin it because it’s a little big but actress so that stress is done Bliss well I still have to figure out like

Accessories but and hair maybe I won’t do anything the server has crashed okay that’s amazing it’s not giving Amazon boxes don’t say that because we’ve just picked the house and that is not giving Amazon box we’re gonna it’s not it’s giving wooden modern it’s not the gala is on the first it’ll

Be streamed yeah don’t worry now I’m overthinking it geese what’s wrong with you why would you say that damn it run the vote again no no it’s not giving Amazon box it’s cute it’s so cute uh that’s not even it okay uh whatever you guys remember it

Trust me when I make that house it’s gonna look amazing okay it’s time for adventure Minecraft Prime delivery no okay please perfect and we’ll add our own changes to it The Hobbit Hole was so cute though guys are you sure sure maybe I’ll make a hobbit hole separately side like

Somewhere else both of them what the instance has crashed why is it crashing so much there’s no 2v Tuesday tomorrow we’re running party animals um we’re having a party animals Lobby it was Cottage core dreams so true maybe we just do it I can do both that’s not that hard of a

House to build it’s got like Oak slabs and Spruce slabs and you shave them and then you make some gates you put some glass some flowers and some pressure plates a little Barrel mailbox image or like a little bear and then there’s more plants and some concrete and some lanterns some tables

I really think I’m I don’t know why I’m not being let into the server like I keep my computer just crash is crashing huh you can get in oh I clicked the wrong one oh am I it could be that I’m clicking the wrong one

Do you know which one the right one is I’ve seen the Hobbit I don’t remember much it’s one of those movies like sometimes I watch a movie and like I remember every detail of it and then like The Devil Wears Prada or something but then sometimes I watch a movie and like once

It’s done you couldn’t I couldn’t tell you anything about it like I was watching but I wasn’t really watching like I can tell you Frodo and Sam wise gamgee are like Hobbits but and but I can’t tell you much about it foreign why is my Discord not why can’t I see it hello Hi you need help um well I think I’m crashing but I think it’s because I was joining the wrong Minecraft server maybe is it eight pack Wii or ah okay well first of all I wouldn’t know that because that’s what you named it all right so I wouldn’t know

Are you are you alive I’m live I’m live I’m live oh okay um should I hide my screen yeah don’t leak anything okay okay and hold on okay you are not running the same version of the mod pack as a server and when I hover them that’s what it says

Okay did you update to 1.0.7 yeah I did oh wait it says the servers on 1.0.6 and I yeah yeah that’s why that’s why that’s why oh okay okay yeah yeah so just close out of Minecraft okay and then on the FTV app there should be a version button

Yeah you have to revert back yeah revert it back to 1.0.6 it’ll be 1.0.7 tomorrow oh I upgraded too soon yeah Oh okay okay yeah yeah but that’s not your fault that’s not your fault anyone could have done that yeah because it said there was an update available so I was like oh yeah yeah why would you not up there right that’s true that’s true okay okay starting FTB APAC income yeah yeah yeah

Uh also Ludwig leak that he’s joining so sorry he did yeah he said it but he didn’t know on my stream oh on your stream yeah maybe oh yeah but I think everyone here can keep a secret super chill yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think yeah yeah

Yeah I won’t say anything yeah let’s go that’s good okay um loading up did he say anything else no he said nothing that’s it that’s it oh that’s it okay okay yeah yeah okay I think I’m joining online okay see you bye thank you okay thanks babe okay don’t say anything anywhere else

I always see snitches I always see them I’ll be watching my friend streams like well Leslie said and I’m like wow and sometimes you’re making up just making things up I’m ready finally okay oh my God guys okay how do I make that a bigger like extend the uh

Extend extend the wireless transmitter oh my God guys we’ve forgotten life has changed now in Minecraft it’s different everything’s different now I’ll have to charge this oh wait oh no every time I want to charge it I have to go down here that’s not that bad but I

Feel like I could do better you know what if I just what if I made a uh what’s going on how come it’s not charging huh range upgrades make an infinity antenna that’s a thing guys did I mess up what’s going on my charger’s not working

Wait oh no okay this one works but why didn’t that one no Lava next to oh no okay well luckily I can just grab a lava thing here is that fine have I messed up I can put it on top don’t spell don’t spill don’t spill don’t spill don’t spill don’t spill

Don’t spill okay all right so oh my God look at all of our crystal growing guys oh everything decayed we need to recharge everything pretty much okay well might as well get it so um if I want to upgrade my um you know what my my thingo the range thing

What update what upgrades am I looking for the antenna the range of the everything give me silicon give me range upgrade okay so I’ll like look that up in the in the thing up grab all this stuff okay I need to figure out something better okay grab that oh okay

Um let me grab that let me grab that let me grab this okay grab this okay see if I can pull anything okay and now everything of this has decayed this is all bad it’s all gone bad bad so it’s not going to grow anything so we know what we need to do

Oh freaky dickety gotta go upstairs I should have a charger right by there that’s a terrible location actually you know what screw you I’m bringing you down here yep wait my Angelic feather hello hi Mish Angelic feather um and and wire wire uh basic cable where’s my cable

Oh my god do I not have any left oh do I need to make more this stuff it’s still Inga I don’t have Steel but I thought I had Steel oh and a chest oh yeah I haven’t upgraded everything yet or I haven’t moved everything okay

Okay let’s do this well for now let’s do well oh well for now oh frick Well for now let’s do this keep that there we could have just okay let’s just do this one two three we’ll do ranged upgrades when we get back from the dungeon for five charge it up

Is it a chance that it charges why does it sometimes go do it like right away you know and then sometimes it’s like that takes a couple charges there’s a cable right there oh true I could just break it okay Jess thanks for the year Jess appreciate it I’ll see you at twitchcon

Yeah maybe for the Julie I hope to see you there I feel like I always get to see it twitchcon hope to see you there okay just three more I will great I’ll be lurking around in the shadows you know me being a little YouTuber and all um

See like that one was instant you guys saw that right it was so weird Okay break this all right now we go down oh I’ll have Angelic feather okay now let’s do this um hmm like that and like this that’s kind of sick like a charger right there

It looks kind of cool okay okay now uh break that give me that give me that I’ll I’ll recharge these ones uh one one two three okay thank you so much throw the shortest quartz back in one two three and a one and a one two three charge it up easy clap okay

Now build it back um here we go have some of this stuff and I think it’s like one one one two okay put that one back there flawed budding right there one two and one two put those back and back and then we break so that while we’re on our dungeon we’re growing

Okay we are efficient over here we do not waste time as we’re out and about you bet your booty we’re getting service quartz dust You Bet Your Booty I need a couple more I think a five that means I need fifteen so I have nine I need six more that’s four ten

I will make it back no faith hello see look eleven it’s like random 12 bring the warp scroll through oh oh okay really quick uh planting a pudding my service fixing my service quartz okay oh Lord one two three charge them up charge them up go faster one two

Charge it up hurry up two service courts charge one two three come on nice four you guys hear no pixel 4.0 is coming out I’m debating what up one two three yeah it’s coming a whole new one one two 4.0 4.0 is coming one two yeah

Um if I played I’d probably do full reset like full blown memory wipe if I is my guess I haven’t thought too much about it to be honest that sounds kind of fun though no memories still April probably yeah I love her but she would be brand new no memories

Like an alternate timeline type of things but I don’t know how it works like if half the people remember and half the people don’t and then I’m like huh that confuses the heck out of me um yeah if people know her though like that’d be hella weird so

Maybe she maybe I would just have to do a full-on uh White like full new character I don’t know I have no idea how people role play out like stuff like this okay uh leave that I’m ready I’ll work on everything else because it’s like a

Whole new thing you know what I mean okay I’m gonna leave all this stuff behind oh okay bring with me a backpack wait I think I can go and do this stuff later coming um apples what else do I need a bed what else would I need

Um a backpack wait do I even have a diamond backpack oh it’s I’m wearing it okay what else do I need to bring a bed probably um some food like a kelp okay um and um torches oh my God I don’t even have torches that’s crazy coming

I came to your stream from Circa playing GTA whoa I’m here I’m here I’m ready for adventure okay nice everyone uh Ray what do we need to bring with us does anyone have torches Torches anyone any torches yeah can I have like a couple torches oh my God thank you so much oh thank you so much thank you so much wait am I getting them oh I think I am no no no no it’s snowing wait I don’t think I

Got any oh God yeah it’s snowy who picked my torches up Me Oh Me me I drop them all down oh do you have the magnet thing yeah I I it’s down I put it down am I crazy I don’t see him he torches I don’t know maybe it’s in

The Snowballs over there yeah maybe it is no those are snowballs so they come here come here okay oh perfect oh my God thank you so much okay I will go now kelp yes yes where did we go gray I’m going to empty my inventory that I’ll be ready but go

Without me okay I’ll come pick you up curse you oh wait wait you’re going without Ray wait wait uh weapons weapons sword sword uh Paxil I have doesn’t have a sword oh oh do I need to bring an extra backpack probably oh god um I don’t know I probably need an extra

Backpack yeah I’ll be right back backpack in the house backpack in the house okay how do I deal with this right now oh my God can I do this really fast got it bruh so good okay okay what’s the XP Crystal called where did they go oh God they’ve left

The warp scroll’s gone oh hello is anyone still here apples oh they left well listen it is what it is we’ve been left we cleaned now did Ray go already oh she’s still back well I’ll go with one right when they get ray okay day um let’s see

Okay let’s do this thing we have a little time I’m gonna burn everything all of this burnt it’s going into the inventory all of it I’m gonna keep these and that’s it everything else is going I need one Arrow maybe these and then one of these okay all of this um

I’m coming to okay foreign oh God where’s Rey she lives so flipping far bro apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples apples thank you so much mother okay that has a controller so I could access it anywhere wait this looks awesome well it’s not it’s not done yet but

I would use this as a decoration block hi poofy it’s okay so where you said it very differently I said you said what I started hearing an s in there it shouldn’t be in US all right every single time she says okay I’m at the top with the fire

At the top with the fire do I come down yeah yeah all right I’m down here wait did you change anything since the last time oh my gosh she’s crazed man there’s curses summoning witchcraft she must be burned at the stake what huh it’s golden for sacrificial ball oh my God

This is sick though wait where is um you know look at this eucalyptus tree or whatever his name is Holy bruh you sicko hello this guy you’re a sicko okay I’m ready you’re just oh yeah you deserve it yeah bro yeah you’re just mad that I did it before you

Oh what die okay everyone let’s go up okay let’s go okay wait okay weapons you know as a bow and a Paxil enough okay it’s time to go yep you’re you’re all set Leslie here we go here we go okay yeah time to test it out am I invisible can’t

See you can’t see you yeah that’s my armor wait where’s it I don’t need to sort out obsidian Paxil with efficiency mending oh wait that’s sick where are you guys over here what do you mean oh my God whoa you’re like invisible but like not yeah like yeah you’re yeah I can

Your name your name and like it says yeah I mean with seeds so like you’re invisible yeah your name tags but when you hold shift when you hold shift your name tag becomes kind of transparent what do you think about this Leslie yeah oh what just happened what just happened

Oh my god did he just kill him um did you just know that’s like Kuno owes you a lot Ray just know that what I don’t even know what I saw but something weird happened how do we heal them um I think wee-wee is dead bro all right you know yourself Uh bro you almost killed me ah now we’re completely that’s it now we’re here I killed nothing let it be known it was just like dead though he’s dead dead yeah baikuno killed him by himself wee wee and then look it’s just like whoa it’s time

Ryan I used your Crusher yesterday and I went through some of your stuff but and I took a little Redstone and I have to confess it’s really helpful though because of you oh I was able to make a wireless crafting grid because of you oh

But I do have to confess that I did go through your stuff and look for Redstone and I was tempted to take the fortune 4 book and I didn’t take it so at the backup I would have confessed though Yeah she just took Redstone yeah I’m just gonna look for your honesty I might give you a fortune for a book what happened I confessed to stealing from Ryan and he said he might reward me gotta reward honesty you know it’s true I really was gonna steal that book it was tempting

You know what you can have that book now oh my God this is the that’s what honesty is and let it be known we should all be honest with each other when we steal from each other I can’t preach about honesty and then not tell the full truth I did hit your

Crystals yesterday for some silicon but I only hit the ones that were not that were not that were damaged that they were still gonna grow stuff back I still I didn’t take that many it was like barely Eddie and I was tempted to take the silicone that was in the crusher

That you put in Ryan’s when you were using it but I didn’t I was really tempted to do I got that off my chest good job thank you good job I’m proud of you it’s okay to steal as long as you confess moral of the story so is there stuff in there or

Giant what’s happening my energy went down a little oh did I get attacked I yeah I think there’s a zombie it’s it’s a child yeah actually you actually see it go down oh yeah I have in the top left it tells me what percentage energy

You’re gone he’s a God right now are you just a God wait with somebody in the back you sickos that makes me Immortal until I run out of energy so you’re Immortal and invisible well I think the invisible is a texture bug that surely will be oh okay I see

Well I’m definitely why am I on fire Oh my God why am I why am I outlined wait you are too man why are you outlined what night vision is doing something I like it whatever oh it’s kind of cool girl I could just see everything Squid and I ran into it it’s like a church wow Oh my God what is giving me night vision it’s kind of right it’s crazy it’s supposed to be dark right now it’s so bright Those are kind of cool right there’s chess over here there’s chests you guys have to check out what’s in here mob spawners oh God mob spawners it’s oh it’s dark now yeah it is dark a lantern a lie to me And no Phantoms they shouldn’t exist has diamonds what else do you guys think less rain less rain I think we should have no Phantoms oh yeah I could go for a draconic pink wood okay yeah pink wood yeah you know like the light light pink with the Cherry

Ones I looked for them yesterday I couldn’t find it what else do we want guys since he’s answering osmium ingots by my house uh noted noted all right missing a stack of osmium I wouldn’t you wouldn’t be dishonest about that I didn’t take that I didn’t take that I think maybe one

It wasn’t me but I’ll say I’ve seen people in your house a lot of people sometimes people run into each other a lot of people like going into Rhymes oh you’re at Ryan’s yeah it’s the nicest I mean one of the nicest houses it is

I mean I would say the knife we do love it right it’s beautiful oh over here being humble everything’s mine everything’s fine everything’s fine you got it you guys yeah you got it Leslie yeah wait wait huh yeah that’s not how this works we’re pulling a Leslie wait no but but

What if wait but then no one’s not no one’s gonna fight I found a spawner guys I’m going okay Oh this one’s got diamonds hey guys good job thank you keep it up okay fine it’s so dark oh there’s a chest over there wait that’s nobody wait who are you oh it’s light I love this power two nah not worth right none of this I think I’ll take some leaves oh

I’m getting them I’m going whoa it’s so bright is there a chest anywhere hello John who’s she playing with jazz uh there’s a list hey me Ray me on Ryan Celine saikuno Janet I wish it lasted longer me too this is the Apex It’s a combination of a bunch of different

Yeah I really glaze powder I’ll take gold always leaves are good I don’t think I want that protection too on breaking one I’ll kill you especially now any chests up there did I dye my hair darker well I didn’t intentionally do it but I did but I

Meant to like just basically color my hair so that my roots were less obvious but it’ll wash out wow the zombies excellent yeah I don’t think I I don’t think I see anything yeah coming whoa Lava Baby slime balls fire protection nah slime balls okay no there’s stairs oh yeah oh thank you

So much I think it’s like there’s more Ryan that’s yeah that was everything there’s no basement everything wait there’s a test right here in the middle wait don’t we to go up there don’t we yeah oh leave the charge okay going in everybody we are going in this place is so nice

Let’s just move here I am going to disenchant it I get XP if I disenchant like on me the roof is cool whoa like the Sistine Chapel stuff wow beautiful whoa the second floor is a library have you guys been to the Sistine Chapel I went Montage that’s crazy

You really wonder how somebody spent so much time on their back painting there’s so many bullets no but you need XP to put on yes yes wow infinite books there are so many people just went this looks oh my a bottle of enchanting this is a good one yeah a good chest a

Good chest good chest yeah it’s got emeralds and it’s got a bottle of enchantings I love this XP up the booty up the what what I got the booty what I said it your booty It’s Just Books it’s just books on books on books what there’s so many it’s just a massive Library oh God there’s like frog people here they’re fast they’re bird people Oh Oh my God what is that Oh my God it’s literally snowing oh my God oh I dyed it I’m not the weakest okay I just didn’t eat my golden apples I didn’t think anything was actually a threat you know what I mean because I was so strong I where do I get into myan’s place oh God stuck is this even minable oh it is bless okay I’m at your place um I think I’m here somewhere is my Young’s place like here should be yeah we have found it hello hello people sit

And now we wait no we don’t go to Ray’s place because my young said can you go to my place I wish I could sit though you know well well well well well well well I’ve died it’s really impressive Leslie bro the skeletons were crazy strong I’ll

Tell you I’m surprised yet oh no we almost died honestly it was our nightmare oh my God also some spawned by my house earlier today what the frog people right okay because when I was doing a cultism I need a squid too yeah and I traveled so far

My stuff now uh This Way Leslie the chest here chest here do you see that the X close but this way that’s where I died all right we gotta go around the other way now I think where my young was looking oh my God there’s actually so many chests here

Leslie don’t die I won’t die oh actually you’re good well actually the the things might be here again right honors where’d you go I’m right here in the front oh I don’t see them yet I think we’re safe good I think so let me see

Oh wait this is far it is far aha um no that part I did not get let me run around and get them um yeah yeah just run around and just just there were so many I missed this way there were so many I think so

I’m getting them I’m getting I’m as fast as I can nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here oh my God actually good stuff player heads more stuff I ran past chests I ran past some chess I think yeah there were a lot back here uh

Just just just just just just just just I’m scanning oh oh I don’t want to go up yet oh some candles are pretty player heads this one’s kind of cute I don’t know what that is books are kind of pretty with decoration and stuff you know

The ones with the blue outline wait the blue outline means I already opened it though right like that the gold is what I’m looking for right what’s in this book sharpness two piercing three take some of this stuff skip the blue ones zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom loot

Grabbing all the loot loot loot Lulu dang lily pads ow let me be man lime terracotta okay those okay let’s keep going oh good stuff guys good stuff I got some stuff where are you guys now I was here hey Leslie hello yeah upstairs oh I see you Leslie did you guys see

That chest over there oh I found the spawner finally it went up oh good chest good chest up here the chest over here okay okay coming it’s like oh it’s up halfway up the stairs there’s a secret entrance right here a good chest over there before Jana is

Cool you guys are upstairs right mm-hmm oh my loot there’s so much of it wow whoa 19 diamonds I think I already went this way veg go Badge go Badge go Badge go Badge go bench go badge got big good loot we’re getting some good loot anything up here um what happened

Oh I have to leave the bed ah all right right right right right right right right right oh got it got it got it got it I was you know I didn’t want to leave it oh back up I go back up okay oh it’s B what’s that stuff it’s not osmium right

Wow chests chests chests we’re up up we’re back where the bridges were candles I found Leslie oh I’m here there’s like a birthday cake yeah it’s cute with lots of chests oh yeah there’s chess a whole table where’d you guys come from I thought you guys came from here you guys went up

Wait I guess so no no no we went down oh oh this is so cute it’s a whole banquet look at this little frog head wait that’s oh that’s kind of cool imagine if Jody’s Minecraft skin oh my God oh my God wait a minute I have

I have this thing now well yeah so I can just one thing so many chests is this a candle these aren’t really chairs though guys look at this what in the heck well you got that from a chest yes I forgot I got this today I was so distracted it’s Gamba

Where did he go this is a big chair who lives here wait there’s a dragon flying around wait really where right there it’s hard to miss oh yeah what the heck just just another birthday table guys on Me birthday is there any loot over there Ryan Tycoon

What were you guys doing over there just looking I don’t know oh just over there I don’t know oh my God so much bottles of enchanting and so many diamonds dude holy books guys more floors up there how are you guys getting up there just here yummy Captain every bridge now

Just another right helmet are you okay oh I got another ride home is that good Leslie yeah how’d you get up there Ryan ender pearl I think I came from this oh I’ve been here Ryan did you die what’s up Oh I thought you you okay

You think I would die in here I don’t know maybe nothing wrong with dying in here ain’t nothing wrong where are you I hear you but you’re not up these stairs I fell down we go down to go up or oh I see them it’s on the side this way it’s here

She’s gonna jump down like that oh I got a feather me too [Laughter] oh God this is a staircase for Giants oh oh yeah that’s true Keepers on top of slimes oh yeah yeah it’s fun times what the hell there’s got to be something in this thing it’s sick wait what does that what does it says blessing yeah the stained glass is beautiful on the outside oh that is pull out the bows and say less

Where is here yeah just here where are you Ryan chest here Footwear’s here I’m gonna die I’m gonna die be safe sweetheart we’ll protect you I’m gonna die up here are you yawning while we’re on again he’s up here chest coming why are you tired yeah we saw that earlier on long night

It’s pretty does it give good loot or something I like that I like that too okay just here Joe’s deer pretty oh what’s that smooth quartz oh to make benches good idea cute okay whoa wow Chest cute for the bakery Burgers cute for the bakery I don’t know what that is but cute for the bakery sandwich cute for the bakery Burger cute for the bakery Just here Go up another floor cute Bakery oh true uh it’s water or glass I’m collecting all this stuff what well no nothing what are you laughing at nothing look at the sandwich yeah I picked up all the other ones already I want to pick a ring that’s cool you

Should you should get one I don’t have a heart of diamond oh I have a heart of gold oh it’s only gold where’d everybody go upstairs you guys are upstairs yeah there’s a stairwell um northeast side of the building spider coming just just oh you can now you can have this

What are you hitting me with something say to you oh my god why did you automatically assume that it was me hitting you PTSD from me I’m sorry oh you are a dweebie looking thing aren’t you how are you writing it I want to ride it

You want to ride it yeah I can’t click it no I can’t right click it without uh anything in your hand oh oh that’s fine oh cool me and geckola will run this world together oh my God I’m going to tame this thing well not that one we’re far from home

Oh you don’t know about the thing what thing oh you can just bring it back you want to see wait is this your Pokeball no there’s a so for these Mount these kind of Mount specifically you can make this one and then you can bind it and then boom teleport it anywhere

Yep as long as it’s alive from like different dimensions too uh I don’t know maybe whoa I threw my XP bottle at him but it’s fine whoa looks like a wolf sleeping Las Vegas here we come I guess we’re on our way yeah I kind of want all this wood to be honest pretty dark oak wood smooth Sandstone it’s kind of nice too okay don’t forget to like the string you want to go buddy I have a diamond sword okay don’t mess with me

Leslie look at all the blocks oh my God oh my God which ones are cute uh I have these this is okay I have a lot of them wait some of these are cute though I want oh the tomato and I want the barrel that’s cute like cabbage

Um that’s that is my cabbage that’s a cabbage this I think so have you seen a cabbage before yeah I don’t think this is a is this a cabbage yeah for the bakery for the bakery oh pool that’s cute oh oh oh my God these are this is a this

Is a poker table that’s funny oh it’s poker chips yeah gasoline that’s cute wait how did they get this carpet to look like that oh is it like an image how did they do that no it’s a carpet on top of a sign I think oh no no there’s just no like wait

I’m so confused how they did this bro yeah it’s a carpet on top of a slime look oh you’re right you’re right idiot not you yeah I’m a skeleton blank I got the flank yeah yeah oh my God bring it down to you why would you do that I don’t know how to

Deal with creepers still hey kill it oh nice they did so far ahead of us yeah I know speed it up let’s go speeding it up oh my God waxed cut copper that’s kind of cool oh leaves oh I’m not sure if we lived here first you know we started building from here

He’s so cool well you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me none of you see me I’m focused I’m very focused I’m focused as a laser you see me

I’m not built for this stuff like everybody else’s I’ll say it I’m not built for it I still like to Loop I’m not as good the good stuff wow this is pretty it’s so pretty yeah I know right there’s chests everywhere looks like it’s a moss blocks guys huh

The building run is so freaking awesome it’s beautiful I’m stealing my spots because I feel like maybe they’ll be useful for my my house built you know it’s going to be kind of pretty and then Moss blocks would be nice I don’t know whoa probably one of the rarest discs in

The game right turn it on turn it on oh watch out Leslie behind you slam and Jammer kill it dead kill it dead tentacle attack go saikuno so many diamonds what to do with all of these diamonds we’re too rich now 41. Stacks and stacks don’t end free levels up the booty

That song sucks turn it off it’s bad this grappling hook is just so nice I’ll say it oh how you liking the AI music it sucks I turned it off I got boo that wait but hey dude rare I got boo that’s like good now I got an achievement they booed me

Who’s they Abe who’s that yeah don’t listen to the haters don’t let them tell you what to do oh it was Leslie no it wasn’t me I would never I would never don’t listen to the haters do what you want to do she said that song sucks turn it off babe I oh

I had to tell you you good Ray is up here I think I gotta to the stuff here we got it all it’s been looted look at how cool that roof I like this wait that’s just a grass block but I like this as like a stage you know what I mean I kind of want to steal this

Idea I put it like a mini stage I didn’t go up the other side what do you mean I’m about to leave all the dirt here okay I didn’t go up the stairs are you sure I think I just did that oh I didn’t I didn’t actually

Oh good cold good call wait what’s a curse of Vanishing does it make it vanish after you use it once or something lots of Emirates guys lots of emeralds to trade with you know who if you die at PP poofs that sucks it’s like you know I dare you to put

Cursive Vanishing on all of your weapons what I wish I could but my sword is actually only able for no reason for no reason also my new armor can’t even be enchanted well you’ll never die right so it won’t even matter City and set one what does that even mean Bitcoin head what a chest a chest more chests I’m not gonna pick it up why not why not I have my inventory is full oh no this is why you got to bring a backpack and a backpack in a backpack in a backpack

How do you get through to the middle part oh out here it’s like a hotel room wait this is a pumpkin it’s like oh my God it’s a pumpkin I want that Holiday Inn we at the hotel motel Holiday Inn look Leslie look what you need this do I oh what why that’s

Like a oh Bible yeah that’s a Bible you need that he gave me a Bible oh my God it’s a king bed guys uh it’s a king bed no it’s like this bro wait man you’re mining the bed they took it yeah I want it that’s a bed uh yeah I want it

Keep taking the big balance I got it I want it I got it you like it my hair do you think just bought it oh really there’s like a side room yeah there’s like wait this is amazing wait how can I make steaming water like that

How do you do that you put water in a cauldron I want to make a like a bath wait no that didn’t make any sense my receipts be looking like phone numbers oh no I’m gonna get dmca for this that song took me down years ago

If it ain’t money then wrong number no bad song The Bad song to have stuck in my head right now oh Asana that campfire under a cauldron oh it’s like a maze oh my God this looks like the Ayala science library at UCI ain’t gonna lie I’m getting UC Irvine vibes whoa whoa

I don’t mean a brag but if I like put it in the bag yeah okay no no no no no no no no we gotta stop this is this is playing with fire raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper cattle then warm wool and mittens brown paper packages

Tied up the streets I like that it’s like a few of my friends that’s a frog have I gone up here I don’t know how do you know for frogs ever when you’ve gone anywhere in a map like this always it is a frog there are frog

People here I can confirm there’s a lot of frog things yeah there are frog things look at that window wait really yeah wait that is a frog no I am not you look like frogs I’m not seeing what you’re seeing they look like frogs the window it looks like a tulip

It’s a frog tulip oh my God we’ve been on all of these floors I know right there is one more chest on those leaves Leslie look down I don’t wanna but I can’t stop wow I don’t want to scan too hard because I might see a chest that I didn’t get and

I will not I don’t want to know that I missed it you know because I’ll have to go down for it what if it’s the best chest in the whole place I yeah yeah yeah I just want you to know that I had very I had a lot of intrusive those thoughts

But I chose not to act on it foreign s have basements oh you’re the one flying around I’m like a hacker did you get the ones in the leaves yet no I felt he was gonna do it he was looking at me what where wait above us wait really chest in the

Leaves aware of us like like up there up there you see the leaves on the second the first Leaf platform not the second one go in between the leaves how did you get up there ender pearls you used ender pearls to get up there you can just walk up too oh

Yeah you see how the look at the trunk yeah there’s like a pathway and there’s chess this one and the other one across up we go I guess yeah I don’t know where the chests are Ryan’s baiting us there’s nothing here right there he knows we can do anything for loot he

Knows Ryan I don’t see a single chest yeah there’s no chest here here He’s he’s lying it’s you’re not you Ryan I see a chest right here though lying lying I did that yeah um Janet is just destroying the trees look at what you’ve done he lies he lies oh saplings that was the loudest thing ever why was that so stinking loud

What are all these little glowy things did you lie Ryan up there I see well was it even worth it oh because it was easy but yeah like it you can see it look you can see it right there ping it ping it can’t hang there you see

Oh my God you can he’s not lying oh wait I do see it oh I feel kind of dumb now huh well now I gotta get it it’s like is it is it okay like is it good just like a lot of the other ones

Ah frick I don’t I don’t want it it’s not worth it I don’t want it she’s telling herself she doesn’t want I don’t know can you send down water Eve you’re such a baby walk up yourself [Laughter] send down the water yay thank you is it just one though send down water please

Water get us get us we want a piece there’s water right there Leslie puppies coming puppies oh my gosh what cold gold terracotta that’s the real treasure yeah we get along the way you’re looking for you’re looking for terracotta right yeah I got it already oh

Why yeah it’s on the other side though never ever I like it oh my baby this is not worth it I cannot land for the life Maybe sharpness four that’s pretty good I say worth tell me it’s worth tell me it’s worth maybe it’s worth it’s actually Worth right it’s actually pretty good

Okay what happened the four drops are worth the apples are worth yeah yeah that’s good that’s good there’s a chest here where are you guys up in the sky again oh man peppers you want a piece ah yeah I do oh I’m down I’m down below puppies he’s here upbeats please

I don’t see a piece let’s see whoa thank you for uppies I’m getting oh worth kind of work she’s Rich well that emeralds are worth to be honest true emeralds emeralds do be worth yeah we gotta fill the whole backpack where you can make underwater breathing oh my

God all right all right should we dip yeah here we go after you MLG water bucket where’d everybody go I don’t hello you know I haven’t seen that a long time oh no she gone all the way there do we jump all the way down great I found Celine

Where’s everybody I don’t know I see someone on the very first floor very very first I see saikuno grappling from floor to floor I see Janet flying around and it’s flying oh all right it’s time to go very first floor yeah I guess so let’s go I’m taking the water will ever

Always at home time Palm time home time come on everyone where’s Abe Abe I think he’s still there Abe really what the hell [Applause] wait that’s crazy oh my God right in my eyes howdy that’s gotta hurt straight to your face man yeah I guess I just

Oh my God don’t feel it ginormous I was hoping to be like a secret boss or something that’s what I’m saying I like looked underground but I couldn’t find anything no boss never anybody I guess we just gotta go to the end the end I guess we just gotta go to the end

Today or no no no no Thursday go to the end on Thursday what you can’t come don’t be able to make it on Thursday but hey you guys got it I mean you don’t need if we find the end but don’t finish the drink no way

I think you need to finish the dragon right yeah time to go home to the home everybody hey good dungeon run everybody Great job good job Squad back to it everyone back wait am I summoning you wait what the hell I don’t think so I think oh my gosh I’m actually summoning you what do you mean because you’re writing my my thing ow look I think no I think I’m summoning you

No I’m literally pulling you to me where are you how come you won’t stop following me I can get this lizard um this is Abe’s lizard I don’t know I just took it ready look ready look I can’t control please let me out okay I don’t please I’d like to leave okay

Back to it everyone oh God oh God bye thank you oh my God it’s like a Time Loop please okay I’m out of here thank you see ya it’s been a great I’m sick of this let me leave Leslie Lee I’m trying but every time I get to the

Water I get teleported back swim swim tell I’m getting killed he’s dying oh my God this is not safe this is not safe at all let’s go but Leslie Leslie you take you take my yakatoa yeah and if I if you ever want to come to my house you let me know if

You write it how do I keep it how do I keep him just take him just take him but like how do I like lead to a lead how do I mount I can’t like keep him how do I keep him like how do I make sure he doesn’t despawn and stuff

He wants his mom how do you know he can he can only die whoa he dies how can I revive him yes he has help you can’t if he dies he dies you know let’s let’s go to your house I can make him

Sit I can make him sit oh my God this is tragic okay because I’m getting attached you know it’s cute wait where’s our house I have no idea but we’re going the wrong way we’re literally going the opposite way okay you walk across and you teleport me okay

Yeah I’ll go home and then I’ll teleport you okay go to my house to the bakery and teleport me thank you oh my white this is Ray’s house but what happened I don’t know I’ve been teleported here did you teleport me here no I saw Abe fly over on the mini map

And then dropped you off and he dropped me off here oh God hello meet your friend it Leslie it’s pronounced puthi oh I’ve definitely been saying it wrong yeah I I don’t know where you got those extra s’s all right poofy all right well I’ll be back see you later

Okay bye what’s up why are you teleporting me around town I stuck in my Young’s house please oh wait this is bad Abe Abe gecolia is too big I cannot get out thank you good in town hall this is a good spot Let’s cross the bridge together okay make him sit here

Right here okay well maybe like a little further like maybe over on this grass area good gecko Leah good girl I don’t know let me check I can’t see okay so is it is it a boy or a girl I can tell oh but you know what would love you just the same

A little more if you’re a girl though yeah yeah well if you ever need to come over let me know and I can um you know I kind of like that thanks Abe bye see ya I can’t see the P.O box without Blau he

Wants to show it so we are going to work on the house today um the bakery a bit more the dining um okay and the first things first is the storage thing oh oh my God first things first are we ready guys wait where’s my backpack

Oh my God I put my backpack away oh no okay put all this stuff away in here first all of you go here okay and then we can do inventory you know what I mean okay I’m gonna keep this stuff uh let me put all this stuff away I wish like I

Could transfer this a little bit I mean it’s already pretty good wow am I gonna need more storage I’m worried because I’m such a hoarder but we’ll see like I might need the next level I’m a little worried for now I’m good right for now I should be good okay emptied the backpack

Okay pretty good 220 diamonds so far guys 220 diamonds okay we’ve emptied one backpack let’s empty the second backpack okay put that away put all this stuff away all right all this stuff put it away 232 diamonds had a bottle of enchanting wow look at all the stuff we have guys

Look at all this stuff okay I need to charge this yeah okay oh my God our quartz is growing uh oh no wait is this how I charge this no that is not how I charge this I think it’s in this thing what the heck okay it’s charged

Um I need to make an antenna upgrade yes that is that is very important that is happening right now that is of utmost importance in fact that is the biggest project we must do right this second antenna upgrade all right here we go now how hard could it be

How hard can an antenna upgrade be huh range upgrade is it this thing range upgrade refined storage it’s got to be a range upgrade there’s a range upgrade and range upgrade refined storage it’s got to be this thing okay so then this is all easy right up

Oh guys piece of cake okay piece of cake what are we stressing about piece of cake all right watch and learn everybody watch and learn all right so first we do this grab Mia grab me that amazing okay then uh great great great uh okay well let’s melt that

I don’t know if we have enough lava so let’s find me some lava great I have some lava put you in there fantastic I need to make four four of those okay that’s fine okay one that’s two two oh no silicon oh Lord 21 plus 11 basic processors okay here we go

All right when will I do an adventure I don’t know soon hopefully okay um okay put all this stuff away okay raw processor I just put away the thing that I needed that’s fine okay okay grab that wait oh we smelled it that good we need

To take two more I think right uh grab another one the way you make me feel the way you make me feel okay put that one in and put that one in great so once we build those and the next part is very easy it’s just uh

Quartz enriched iron which I know we have I know we got quartz enriched iron tons of it in fact quartz enriched three that’s it well luckily we have lots of iron and nether quartz bless okay um and I can just make a bunch of this

Stuff not a problem uh one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three I’ll make that pull that out grab some nether quartz pull you out boom boom okay I made 64. that should be enough bing bing bing bing bing okay put

All this stuff back okay now grab you Bing Bing Bop okay easy clap then I go like this no no then I go like I need to make this thing Bing Bing Bop we have to make four of these are you sure that’s it I made it range upgrade why

Did I need four we’re done do I just hit this oh I see can I not make more of those three thousand guys it’s over three thousand okay huge huge huge okay help so now guys this is some big decisions we’ve got to decide right now so now we have finished officially Wireless

Storage for three thousand blocks I can access my inventory anywhere I want anywhere I want all like this like so incredible okay so the first horrible task but I think we can do this kind of quick you’re passed out you know what good boy it’s kind of cute he’s sleeping good boy

Burn the barrels we burn them to the ground everything in those chests gone and then we’re gonna go and start yeah we’re gonna make the modern wood house today we’re gonna do our best to make something as close to it as possible on that side of town and then

When Blau gets on we can you know get see the PO Box get working on that too you know I have to work on like multiple things at the same time it’s just how it is all right so let’s start spring cleaning we start here I suppose and we go

Honestly I need to put the feather away I’m gonna put everything in my inventory away I’m just gonna do all this why are there three ender pearls in there okay move all of this gone this is okay wait what the f wait what is that my young is that you saikuno wait what

Psychuna oh my God why is this scary bro there’s an imposter who is this it’s today it’s a Tim poster who is that I don’t know I can’t tell who are you come back now come back you Menace me I’m wrong it’s coming it’s coming for you run foreign absolute Menace

Ikuno is it you wait wait wait Mia look it’s it’s a Madness sit there just running around with no arms is this like Kuno he must be burned huh it was running around us Straight Ahead he was running around with your face and it came into

My house and hit me so and I turned around and then it looked like you so I was like are you sure about that I’m not going crazy Celine saw him too he was lining me on fire I was trying to you’re going crazy oh it’s a lack of sleep

Isn’t it Leslie Leslie it’s a lack of sleep all right are you imagining things now are you okay no it was you I swear but maybe I just dreamed it surely I think it was fake it wasn’t fake me on it was real real mature no it was real asseline

Yeah yeah we know you you lost it no I swear it’s here it’s here I couldn’t see there was no no mini no they weren’t on the mini map that’s why it was confusing to me I know you could do that it’s someone I tell you it’s someone and

They’re a menace and they will be perfect Leslie you and your hallucinations oh God I’m elucidating well I’ll let you know if I see it again I guess are you guys good oh about your be voucher basically they was real yeah it was right there right there

I don’t see anything no no no straight facility Straight Ahead how do you know Museum yeah [Applause] but not here it’s like Uno guys it’s the real cycle we have to alert Abe Abe unless it what if we kill it oh what if we kill it wait that’s it let’s all kill

It kill it kill it kill it kill it let me get a weapon okay kill it where’d he go where’s the Imposter I’ve lost it guys it got away he’s gone seeing man oh it’s getting real spoopy in this town the citizens are expecting me to hold it together

Get it together no no no no no not me hoarding brown wooden pickaxes ain’t no way let me grab the stuff I actually want the rest of this can burn none of it oh rasmium what what the hollow sphere I’ll take this stuff always useful shivering mushrooms useful dirt always useful oh my

How do I get in all of this is useful grab it grab every last bit okay continuing spring cleaning we go it’s in my house I need to use the purifier but I can’t get in there it’s in your house it’s a snowman they’re in my house not welcome here

Oh man oh do you do you know how hard it is to get this stuff wait really it’s not hard right it’s literally right right across yeah but it runs you get hit by something I’m being hit still use a regular trap door all right back to spring cleaning empty empty empty wait

That’s something too an extra Diamond all of it yoink every last thing it’s time empty empty empty everything wait no wait wait no I just did what I think I did put it all away how do I see my memory like am I good I’m a little worried empty all of that

Empty all of that oh my God this feels so good get all of it out of my sight presented get out of my sight how do I say I did get back to my RF charging wireless network s wait really so we won’t lag anymore wait okay out of my sights

Out of my sights get out one two three four done for everybody dude this one get it all all of it out of my sight all of you get it oh no I’m running low on battery we’ll at least I’ll be able to do these and then after I’m back for charge

And then we’re not gonna get from there there’s emptied grab all you and grab this is the best day ever guys foreign oh it’s out of energy okay we’ve done all of these oh I can charge it Janet’s that’s so true bless oh that’s glass thank you what can I stick it in

My charger I don’t think I can Crusher what kind of oh a metallurgic which Cube this Cube any of these cubes energy block next to the PC um this thing oh my god it worked amazing okay okay here we go foreign these barrels gave me anxiety I hated them

Like they just had nothing no use ever ever ever ever ever ever clear all that clear all that clear all that oh my God the barrels are empty guys all the barrels are officially emptied it’s like I’m moving out oh no we know what that looks like

Did I do it too much did I crash the server I think I’ve done crash the server oh it feels good guy I’m so happy I missed a map I’ll go back and get him is it just me crashing only you and me on why I don’t know if there’s a battery update

You can rent out your old place oh my God we could we could fix it up just me is it a backpack that’s so weird okay well maybe we’ll be a little slower the game can’t keep up with me and move too quick you know oh another right scrap

Like you guys know like bro I needed this this was like you know when I saw this I that’s why I think like that’s that’s why I continued forward like normally I would never have the patience for something like this ever like ain’t no way I’d be able to hold it

To do this my brain my I can’t do it but this is this is how like now you know it’s just different okay one two three okay oh I’m lagging bad lagging bad bad okay grab the map a sakuna wants to play more again listen I actually would I would but I can’t

I’m moving my place okay man this is kind of sad all my stuff okay I’m done being sad this is awesome wither where wither what does that mean there’s a Wither in town or Wither in my house who’s bonded am I the one who sees that monkey

Should I go fighting the weather I don’t know I didn’t know I don’t know did we go fight it all right here we go be gone wither be gone don’t see it not my problem carry on I didn’t said spawn oh my God thank you wait my bed’s not there anymore

I don’t have any beds this is ridiculous if I die no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t know where the heck I’m going back I need to charge this again already foreign yeah the weather’s scared of me it is

What it is okay oh uh you’re charging my my wireless transmitter [Laughter] listen I would go back all the way I was just I just said your name because I was telling the story about uh what’s it called Kimmy’s party Timmy’s in my chat saying that bronzy like threw up and

Stuff anyways oh no I was saying how you were like statistically we will get the king’s card and then there were like left it was a 25 chance yeah that was that was my bad Hey listen none of us got the king’s cup right none of us had

To drink that he got it right Danny who got it it was Danny oh that was crazy it was Daddy classic well yes I was using your your little yeah whatever it’s fun take so much thanks so much you know listen it runs out of battery quick it does

So basically what happened is like if you guys have ever played Kings up you know you pour your dream okay so the you pull a card it’s like a big circle right and everyone has a drink there’s a cup in the middle okay and every you pull different cards

Around the cup everyone takes turns and everyone in the circle you pull a car and it’s like two you so you point at someone and you drink three me oh I take a drink you know like everyone there’s rules for every single card and so the

King if you pull a king you pour a drink right you pour you pick a whatever drink you want and you can pour some people are putting Soju in and then you fill it however much you want okay the next king does the same thing they pour like beer or something the next

Person pours vodka or whatever okay the last king pulled has to drink the entire cup and it ends the game all right so when Janet found that out it’s our first time playing king’s cup and I told her and she’s like wait wait like you have

To drink it and I was like yeah but but statistically speaking is not gonna be us I was like talking to Kimmy and Kimmy and again I was like statistically speaking there’s like 10 people or you know 12 people and there’s like a really little chance that it’s gonna be a

Statistically speaking and so the game goes and the whole time Jazz kind of like oh God and I’m like statistically you’re fine and it comes around and there are six cards left and and it’s Kimmy’s turn my turn Janet’s turn then bronzy’s turn and then Danny’s turn no

No and there’s one other person oh Chris there’s girl named Christina so it’s like Kimmy me Janet Christina uh bronzy Danny and the king is one of the six cards and it’s six of us and Janet’s like Leslie Leslie you said statistically speaking I was like statistically speaking you’re still fine

Like it’s me fine um oh God it’s gonna be one of us so every time so Kimmy pulls and it’s not her so then now it’s a higher chance it’s us and I was like so I pull it wasn’t me it’s Janet’s turn she’s like Leslie and I was like 25

Chance you got it it’s fine she pulls a car oh she does like this baccarat thing she’s like feeling the cards and it was like that one that one she pulls a card and it’s not her and she’s like oh God I was like see Janet you’ll be fine okay

So then there’s three people Christina pulls it it’s not her so there’s bronzy and Danny both who are like shit-faced drunk already okay and um I was like no way this is crazy like the king is like never the last card pulled this is so spicy there’s two people left

And it’s them two and bronzy pulls a card and it’s not him and so Danny flips the last card it’s the king and he drinks the whole thing it was great it was great I it never happens where like the king is the final card pulled

And it was awesome like the suspense was amazing everyone was like oh my God oh my God it’s one of you guys so that’s what that’s what Janet’s talking about it was great it was great it was a state like the vibe of the party well I thought we all thought it

Was like a kickback where the hell is my remote control oh my God okay um we thought it was all like a kickback Vibe we get there there’s enough party to like get an entire fraternity wasted I was like huh guys half of us showed up in pajamas we

Thought it was like a kick it on the couch type of thing um and there was enough alcohol there literally for a fraternity it was like it literally looked like I showed up at a frat party everyone was just like oh so what’s the vibe tonight good stuff good stuff

I mean I barely drank like I literally barely drank I was taking fake shots all night yeah cheers guys for sure nope nope listen I had gym I can’t be drinking too much these days it slows me down when I drink now it’s uh it’s it’s not just me taking off the

Night it’s the next day too okay my my 30 year old body is frail can’t be doing that anymore I’m old I’m old and crickety and I feel that in my bones I feel it and it slows me down I ain’t no youngin anymore guys while you’re young enjoy it enjoy it

I know you feel that guys okay empty empty guys we’re almost done like this is almost it’s almost a past thing okay it’s about to be seriously this is about to be a thing of the past where’s my remote how can my remote be missing oh I put it away

You’ve never drank alcohol well that’s fine it’s not that it’s not that um it ain’t what it all hyped up to be okay makes me feel awful um okay and and a blue and oh my God guys it’s happening it’s definitely overrated 100 percent it’s definitely like you know you have

Fun like it’s always fun nights definitely and like you know get a little silly with your friends then you know I love you so much no I love you oh my God love me you always I always thought that you hated me oh my God no I thought you

Hated me what you know it’s it you have great nights you patch things up with people um so you know like when I when I um when I was like so when I first went to college right I I went with my boyfriend from high school okay um Mikey and

Within the first week he was in a dorm right and he was like best friends with all these like really pretty girls and he like wouldn’t introduce them to me and he’s been really shady about them and then I read his phone one day like his text popped up and it was like

When is when are you gonna bring that over or whatever basically referring to me as like his one of his dorm mates like was like calling me a like you know like it was like really gross I was like what I haven’t even met her and he was like only talking about

How great she was like no she she just jokes like that that’s just how she is yada yada and I was like yeah but I don’t know her and like that’s weird like I don’t know like she you know like she can playfully call me what she wants when she’s like my friend

But I haven’t met her so he was trying to defend her and I just I just felt super uncomfy with that and we got a big fight about it anyways so um like I remember it was so bad that like this girl um like we started to just hate each

Other like hate each other without ever meeting because like he was like one of his best friends and then like I never met her so I just really didn’t like her we would see each other in like the dining halls and like we’d look at each other and like like immediately like

Scurry away we were both like oh god um anyway so right away what happens is uh or within the first week we end up getting into a huge fight about it and we broke up we lit not this who are you come back never come back leave this town giving us

It’s giving us okay so bing bang Bop right back to the story wait it said Abe I couldn’t even see it was that able Menace I knew it was him classic oh my God that’s the sort of Revealing Light it came to me when I needed it most well so then right um

So then one week we’re broken up okay and um I don’t know what happened but pretty much like I was so sad because I lost my boyfriend he was like I lost him to these random girls that I didn’t like that was awful to me and um

I don’t know but we randomly like decided like a week or two maybe a month later to drink we all got drunk we’re like Gus wasted okay and I somehow ended up in the same room as her or like maybe it was all together but I don’t know why I

Would have agreed to like hang out with them but then we like basically talked it out and I was like girl I don’t know why but I hated your guts or like what the hello everybody it’s me your mayor shut the hell up I will kill you I will kill you

Protect the mirror mirror I do not sound like that I sound wig I sound way cooler I did not sound like that I will be treated with respect around these parts [Laughter] I will kill you I will end you were gonna I decide who goes to jail around these parts

I don’t sound like that my voice is much deeper kill him kill the Imposter oh this that now you’ve gone too far you’ve gone too far this is my bakery please step away from my bakery if it’s really your bakery you would know the name of it interesting

Well anyways so we got really drunk that one one night and then we we finally talked it out and I was like dude I just thought like you I mean you said this thing and and it made me think that you were just like you know a and then she’s like

No like it was all jokes yada yada and anyway she’s like I want to be friends and I was like me too and then we literally became best friends after that for three years we were best best friends right and then oh and also my boyfriend I got back together right

Because we’re like well now the problem doesn’t exist anymore I’m friends with your friends we can all be best friends I joined them we all became part of the same friend group and we got back together for three years until three years later Bing Bing Bop the whole incident

My boyfriend left me for that same girl it was crazy right insane insane how things work isn’t that crazy classic yeah she was my best friend it was so it was effed up it was actually effed up like it was it was nasty grimy so grimy

I’m like can you pick someone else like really like there’s so many people there’s so many guys out there the the one guy that I dated like and we were like mutually best friends like it was like go date someone else weirdo anyway it’s just funny

It was so long ago that like I have trouble remembering it but I I always remember how mad I was just because like you don’t really forget that that was awful that was a spicy story yeah imagine if you they’re already cheating we found out late I I don’t know

I don’t know but I did find out that when I broke up with well when he broke up with me when we broke up I found out that in the period that we were broken up in that week he had kissed like a bunch of girls

And never told me you know that one month like or that you know when we broke up initially because of all that and then they got back together like in that in that period when we were separated he like just made out a bunch of girls and and and when we got back

Together he never told me about that for three years I didn’t know until the second time we broke up one of the girls he made out with told me I was like did you ever know this by the way I was like what no and he’s I was like even if we’re broken

Up you you would you tell someone that you tell people you communicate psycho anyways it was in the past but he’s the same dude who was like oh I’m just so naturally flirtatious you can’t stop me like that’s just like who I am you know and I’m like okay I’m so sorry

You’re just a flirty dude I’m so sorry oh they’re they’re not together anymore they’re not together anymore I don’t know what happened they’re not together anymore part of me wanted them to be together so it was at least like for a reason like I

I was the in the way of true love or something like at least like they stayed together forever and got married and like you know at least that but it’s like that was for nothing they didn’t even stay together I I don’t know what that happened between them

So all I’m saying is oh God I was gonna the whole moral of the story was that like you know one then I drank that one time and then we patched everything up and it was great but actually see see bad all right storage is moved everything I own is in a computer

Like this everything we can see exactly we have 16 000 wait sorry 1 600 Cobblestone 333 diamonds 610 dirt jungle planks out the booty the barrels are all empty everything is moved now blow up everything I don’t know about that guys I don’t want to blow up everything but I am

Ready for my new house sneak 100 how much how do I know how much space is being used in my um surely I can go to my computer and find out well this stuff is so cool though you know I have to figure out what to do this looks awesome still

But all this is just emptiness now foreign how many image frames do I have a picture frames wait image 10 only okay take live laugh love so true we’re moving we’ll turn this into something maybe this can be like we can repurpose this whole thing because it’s got really good location you know

Excuse you what the was that oh I don’t know man I don’t know oh I think is that why is there a floating cyclun we should go tell Abe about this problem report it I agree uh it’s cursed it’s cursed it’s cursed get it out of here

No I’m the mayor I will kill you imposter I will come at you blazed hands swinging flame throwers spiders attacking you oh wait wait wait wait you’re the important where are your arms Mayors have arms it’s Menace just a menace here we go four footstopia Celine help me help me the man there’s an imposter Celine help me that’s Celine please there’s an imposter please please help I don’t sound like that I don’t sound anything like that I’m going to kill you Leslie what are you doing up there please help me please help me

That’s at least I could oh it’s an imposter please you know which one’s a real me obviously right wait but who is this what is this I don’t know specular please help me that’s an imposter please kill him what second or Leslie say the same thing

That that one said what did it say this is the real Leslie I can tell thank you so much see sakuno knows me sakuno knows me only Leslie would forget that quickly wait what that’s not why no my voice like you know not my memory yeah

That’s what I said your voice oh yeah see he knows my voice the real saikuna knows see that’s the real Leslie she forgot what I said see what are we talking about what what huh wait so what’s happening here what’s with you I don’t know he’s going around

Being just as me young than dressed as you running around being a menace hitting things in and imposing his presence into people’s houses imposing his presence what does that mean I don’t know okay I’m gonna go work on my 5G Network bye I’m gonna be marrying the town and

You know making stuff that’s what I do okay that’s what I do this is ridiculous it’s Abe you can tell by the his voice patterns where is Blau the Builder the townhouse needs to be finished citizens of foodtopia we have an imposter on the loose any uh information regarding him please

Come to the mayor’s uh Bakery thank you a reward per slaps a reward all right okay it’s time this house is disgusting okay it must be replaced should I just try to eyeball this house like I I genuinely think I can eyeball it like I’m not saying I’m like cracked

At Minecraft but I think I can eyeball a house like this am I crazy for saying that I probably shouldn’t I’m not like I’m I don’t have like a big ego about this but I actually like no no like let me show you guys hey ape there’s an imposter on the loose

What do you mean there’s someone who’s dressed like me looks like me doesn’t sound anything like me thinks they sound like me uh but yeah they dress like you look like you and sound like you they don’t sound like me but they do they are dressed like me and it’s weird

What have they been doing claiming to be mayor and saying I’m the Imposter like who’s like you’re the Imposter yeah which is ridiculous because they sound like a squeaky little chipmunk I have a nice deep voice yeah that’s so weird it’s ridiculous where were you doing all that

I was uh building my base interesting okay well this entire time you want to see what I made yeah sure here come let me give you a tour okay it took a lot it took a lot of time and effort because um it it’s I made it with blocks that

You normally can’t break oh how did you break them so you need to make like a special Hammer to break it and with silk touch silk touch do you have extra silk touch by the way I still raise I had to give it back to her but I want it

You need it you need us so quick wow whoa you have a legit aquarium you like you you I’ll be honest this is sick but this is giving evil lair what it’s so beautiful all evil villains and they have like whales and sharks in the in their layers they have really

Really expensive aquariums I have neither of those things but you have Turtles and that’s pretty damn close to a shark what I mean it’s getting there you’re giving villain no no I’m just I’m just a nice Builder I’m an old man you know this is this is where I retire

Okay well yeah okay so like yeah for the past like uh two hours or so like I’ve just been here kind of building um look this is what I built what the hell is this what is it what’s a forge hammer this is um this is a forge for Tetra you can

Make like cool like uh tools and weapons and stuff here but like why does it have to have all this extra stuff and so that looks cool why does this look like the like hieroglyphics bruh my God this is like this there’s an ancient weapon that or ancient like tool that

You can make called a stone cutter wait I have a stone cutter it’s not it’s not ancient yeah I I use those to to make yeah they’re everywhere what do you mean they’re everywhere how did you get a stone cutter I hate to break it to you bucko but it’s

Three stone and one iron you can get okay well first of all that’s not even that’s this is a tool that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s you didn’t need to make this you really didn’t you really didn’t need to make all of this is that stone cutter it’s not that stone cutter

Different oh yeah no this is definitely a difference no it’s a different stone cutter it’s a difference no I swear there’s a difference it is different and it’s definitely this is all necessary for it for sure look trip try breaking one of the pillars wait I can it just takes forever wait

You had to get all of this yeah this is like breaking Bedrock well so what do you use the stone cutter for well I don’t know yet I don’t know if it’s a sword I don’t know if it’s a like I don’t know if like if it’s a pickaxe

Oh you want I haven’t made it yet this artifact hums violently hmm oh my gosh are you a stonecutter oh my God stop her helping she’s talking too violently yeah it could be me do You Like My Horse cutter yeah huh boner I’m riding oh God I’m sorry you finish that sentence

It’s time to go it’s time to me you know I think I think it’s time for you to I think it’s nice time to leave this is interesting enough I think I’ve seen enough of your yes you good luck on that good luck on that look

At that stone cutter good luck on the stone cutter all right goodbye you don’t mind if I take some of your service courts yeah no don’t take my service chords good things that was decoration oh actually it is pretty I see yeah I see you know I’ll let you take those

Okay cool yeah yeah to even it out even now did you break more no no no yeah well just this top one okay you might have to replace this one what no it’s flawed you’re good it’s gonna grow back everything’s great you’re fine it’ll grow back it’ll grow back

Get out of here you go he’s crazy Okay so yeah all right it’s time oh hello you’re still sleeping wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up fine big feet very big feet okay um all right he’s really cute he’s really cute sleeping I agree

All right so this is what we’re working with guys um and let’s see is this an eyeball situation house okay um here we go and a one and a two and a one two three four do you think I can eyeball that like how hard could that be right

So beautiful though I should follow tutorial because I really want it like just like that you know well let’s see the lovely creation by sheep Gigi oh there’s a tutorial Am I getting dmca by this probably not right that sounds dmca I don’t know why okay it’s so cute though that house is so cute okay wait wait wait I gotta show you guys um I gotta show you oh monkey huge okay okay holy okay honestly I can do that easy clap

Okay let’s get this material okay this is so doable okay so uh and luckily look look what I have I’m in perfect shape for this you know like this is this is actually I I couldn’t this is a materials list okay what is that first item oh no what are

Those things guys what’s that log on the top left and what’s the log on the bottom underneath that like the dark one is that dark oak wood let’s get all the material yeah oh man should I go grab some of those Diamond chests while we yeah I should grab the diamond chest

Oh it might be in the description of the video you’re a genius no it’s not yeah hello there Brothers again oh I mean wow you’re British accent we’re together Leslie we’re together oh it’s actually cute What is that oh my God Dragon what dragon what oh no that’s not a dragon that’s our pet it looks like a dragon that’s a pet yeah yeah he’s great he’s great I can I can I can ride him whenever I want whoa It’s like a

Dinosaur this is this is great yeah he likes to sleep a lot he’s pretty useless in general but um where did you find them uh we found him on a dungeon and he’s ours now wait Ellen you’re here I am here I’m here oh my God you’re here here

We go I’m like fully here I’m here you sound different like in a in a in a in a bad way no like in America I think your voice you’re slowly losing your British accent oh I’m becoming American that’s what happens Leslie no it’s fading you’re becoming an American welcome

We the people in order to form a more perfect union establish justice ensure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and ah I forgot the rest of the Preamble you have to memorize it by the end of the day though you can’t say that to him it causes skin

To burn you know that yeah oh so sorry oh no it’s okay I can figure this so what’s the plan how are you guys gonna play two of you um well so mayor oh mayor fusley um yes I need to go and work on uh the post

Office and the town hall wait can I see the post office no oh oh I still can’t see it okay can you get on my face please thank you so much okay we’re having a conversation this is an A and B conversation so you can see your way out of it Leslie Leslie

It’s actually kind of crazy um hello wow I was actually just saying to me off stream how he wants to overthrow you as mayor and take over for himself stream that’s cringe that’s cringe first of all what does off stream mean yeah what does that even mean like five

Minutes ago what do you mean I’m living in this Village oh sorry I mean my immersion [Applause] I’m gonna lit oh my God name wait wait wait wait wait what who is that wait who wait who who is that wait wait it’s not you win oh I thought to be honest this whole time I thought it was you I had no idea what you were talking about that wait who the heck was that I don’t know is it said Kuno no couldn’t be so I couldn’t know he’s working on his

One of the devs wait is that why you were asking what I was doing yes because I thought it was you building that whole time you weren’t the thing that I showed you you weren’t imitating me and being all squeaky and stuff oh no it wasn’t a

Baby what do you mean what do you mean I tell you he’s innocent whose house is this uh it’s in progress so sorry ignore it it’s ugly right now it’s just no no no no no it’s it’s cool it’s just so I set up hey no don’t laugh at it it’s

Because I had to make my storage system that’s great no it looks great no look I have a streaming setup right here what are you done with the place it’s very grassy click on the middle computer well yeah that’s all my stuff wait oh my is this like a it’s a

Computer and it’s controlled by my 300 diamonds controlled by my wireless look at what look at what this is awesome merrifuzley love it what did you take you took my diamonds run you took you took it no you can wow Quick take him put him back now no all of them all every last one one at a time man one at a time shift Q shift Q shift Q I will kill you wait is shoot you how you throw them shift Q’s how you throw a stack of things

Like that oh or you can just drag him you took 60 wait you took more than 64. you took 128. this is trying to help you thank you so much but this is my problem please leave thank you can I see the post office now

We’ll work on the post office can I see it with our Collective can I see it it was like give us like this finishing touches yeah we’re gonna make 40 minutes fine but I want to see a report in 40 minutes and I want the town hall done soon aye aye mayor

Aye aye I think that’s well I think to the post office time yeah we’re going don’t wake them up on the way out please he likes to sleep wait excuse me um can you also give him a pedicure and a manicure Leslie what’s his name what’s his name um it’s gecko Leah

Sorry say that again kakolia yeah sometimes well we can call him uh sounds like a disease E coli E coli you call him E coli E coli it’s like E coli but gecoli but with but with a yeah it makes any better give him a pedicure now hey what’s going on Ryan

Was the damn imposter I tell you oh there’s two of them they’re inside wait where is Ellen wait can you not see me Ryan can you not see me no there dude I’m right behind you all right I’m right behind you now right I’m literally right behind steam body they’re sharing a body

I heard there was an imposter running around yes Ryan I think it was bad it was something foreign Yeah no it was here when Abe was here so it can’t be him I’ve eliminated him as a suspect and now you’re clear I suppose because I’ve seen you too who’s uh who’s our County Sheriff that’s a great question um you no I don’t know I don’t know who that is

It’s like who knows it is there’s two of you no I’m the real no I know you’re the real one wait can you not tell me I’m the real one I’m the real one one of them has diamond it’s me you think I would walk around like that and iron like that that’s

Embarrassing please I’m a classy lady wait how are they doing that though I don’t know are they being you hello everybody Welcome to fousey’s Farm to Table Bakery Bayshore bed and breakfast bar and grill excuse me Bakery Bistro you get bed and breakfast bar and grill Cafe Lounge

You said it with a stutter I say it with no stutter that’s not how I said it okay lounge and Winery on the water [Laughter] and kill me what if I technically if I cover your glass thing oh I’ll find out who you are I’ll find it out we’re taking you out

Here keep slicing like non-stop like actually just trying to kill me right I’m trying where are you keep going help your mayor’s being attacked by an imposter how how about being imposterized sorry no no my energy went down a little bit yeah that’s crazy charging system so not only

Does this energy armor completely I’m being chased how are you talking underwater my immersion Might overpower the charge rate and maybe who is that I don’t know yeah maybe anyway thanks for helping me later I don’t know I think it’s the Imposter chasing me I think his name but he was around when Abe was here and saw a clear Dave’s name and now I don’t know oh

Ryan is it one of the devs do you know do you swear wait oh that I don’t think they would do that they wouldn’t do that I don’t think they’re yeah I don’t think they’re allowed to wait you know what it has to be there’s only so many people on the

Server it’s either Mia it’s probably no it’s not man because yeah they were imposterizing me young and inside would do that it’s not Rey or Celine it’s got to be Janet no it’s not Janet because Janet was was here when I was being clear I’m I know okay

It’s not Tycoon it’s not Jana it’s not but but but Abe was with me when they came up to us this thing came up to me and then it and then it was standing around like on my house oh no it is it has it has to be who else would do that

It’s a maybe it is a Dev I don’t know wait no okay but then explain to me this how did how was I with Abe when the Imposter was around oh um oh maybe it’s like some like a mod thing a magic thing a magic thing because it’s like cloning you like how

Does it even look like you yeah that’s what I’m saying his Dev powers interesting all right where’s oh wait I see him okay hello Abe Abe where where it was here it was here right here it was here and able to imposter I’m starting to

Think it’s you well it was also um wait what yeah how was their Ellum and well that’s a different thing that’s different they’re in the same body I mean they’re in each other’s house Oh I thought they were doing something sneaky listening he’s also invisible you are not allowed

To leave my site for 30 minutes okay and then if the Menace doesn’t come back in 30 minutes then we know oh you guys ever watched animals and also do you think what Dev would do that no it can be yeah okay okay maybe it’s the

Book yes okay so so hear me out right do you remember when when um Jake got taken over by a year a year slid into his ear and then took over his brain and then his friend and then like took read his thoughts and then he pretended to be his

You know not a year and then all his friends are like Jake Jake’s taken over by a year but the year can read all of Jake’s thoughts right so knows how to act exactly like Jake pretending to not be taken over by a year right so then so

Then so they’re all like well how do we make sure that that Jake can’t be taken over by or can’t can’t be a year right well then let’s let’s make sure that he can’t feed because York’s have to feed every three days they have to go to a

Pool right so then they locked him up for three days so just in case there was a jerk in his head it would have to come out of his ear and go feed but he wouldn’t be able to and lo and behold three days later being the year climbs

Out of his ear and Jake is free so it’s sort of like this that’s what I’m saying that’s a whole metaphor is that you you’re Jake and we need to come Jake yeah I I didn’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I know there’s books though books

Oh okay well you better yeah I think it’s eight okay thank you Ryan see see have you thought but you saw like I saw it before too so how could it be me well that is a good point so what it is really it’s a it’s a Duo it’s you

Working with somebody that’s what it is I’ve gotten to the dive down I’m the sheriff I’m hunting I’m the county detective now and I’m solving the puzzle where is it now where is it now if you’re next to me oh yep it’s gone that’s a good point

Well I mean it seems like it just comes and goes I mean yeah like I could I could chill with you citizens of fustopia the mystery has been solved The Imposter is Abe me he is being sentenced to uh working a full day under mayor fousey doing anything she wants

And that is his punishment Abe check your Discord DMS for a YouTube tutorial of a house I’m trying to build thank you so much that is the ruling vinyl I feel like I feel like I didn’t have a fair uh trial the ruling is final the trial was fair what sorry

Where’s the jury of my peers anyone see a jury no jury Case Closed oh dude No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come back no I gotta put the fire I’ll put the fire out don’t worry this is good oh my gosh

This is very good there’s a team and we will get to the bottom of this mystery case is reopened Abe you’re clear for now oh thank you thank you but you still have to work for me for why as punishment for it potentially um okay tell me 15 bookshelves 51 glass actually

54 bushes what oh my God she’s back now here’s the real kicker how come she doesn’t say anything when you’re around she’s a lot more talkative when you’re not around wait what do you mean I’ve never heard a talk before so how do I know shut up trust me

Oh does she like what does she sound like does she sound like you nothing like me nothing I’ll get to the bottom of this oh yeah I’ll get to the bottom of it I’ll search high and low no I’ll help you solve this mystery thank you so much

Yeah no back to my house I go yeah okay have fun building your house the town mystery um wake up wake up wake up wake up we’ll figure it out okay the house all right let me just take stock of what I have guys all right

So I’m gonna need a hundred oh wait oh you know what I needed to do I needed to go back to grab chests like storage chests just to organize my stuff because this will the chests are still useful for organizing oh my God are you okay Ryan I’ll kill

Them huh oh you’re being chased by creepers okay okay let’s begin let’s begin only barrels for the build oh my God you’re right uh oh 24 barrels wow one time what are you up to four five six seven eight nine ten huh what do you mean what’s up 23 24.

Um well I just upgraded my Mage book and I want to add fortune on it so I was putting stuff away in here and then I’m gonna go to the desert to get a rabbit foot a rabbit foot okay you want to see my exp form I made one oh yeah okay

So okay so let’s grab some stuff I need lanterns okay let me let me do a little inventory check on everything [Laughter] what the heck is going on here and they’re all gonna sell me sticks it’s a good source of exp and emeralds oh yeah no for sure for sure oh my gosh

Bro what’s happened Carly Carmelo no no no no no no no no no Sabrina was busy how is this an XP fart oh oh my no they made babies this is this is her family ramonita I didn’t expect this combo oh that’s scandalous Hedwig got with romanita

Tracy and Silvana it’s a little bit uh inbred here kind of but Dorsey okay they’re happy they’re they’re range free range okay can I trade with them three yeah yeah yeah so I trade them sticks but they also sell books and and a lot of them are unemployed too so if there’s

Anything in particular you’d they’re unemployed well some of them are the bald ones are wait the Bold ones are yeah and one’s like actually so stupid this one Swann this one is like um like we’ll never have a job ever um it’s just like a lost cause but hey I

Take care of suan anyway wow that’s kind of why are you waking them up oh I’m sure how do I trade with them without waking them up oh uh who who do you want to do you want stick how do I yeah sticks okay so these these guys like

These guys with the brown hats will trade you uh if you give them sticks sticks for Emerald exp yeah it’s really op wait they give EXP yeah if you trade the stick uh wait where did he go oh no so Ann where are you wait was it suanne

Who was the op one yeah it’s jobless Frick which is the one that does a good stick train thank you wait it was a brown hat Brown at you get get up Luanne that’s why I thought it was Suzanne Luanne does EXP I don’t see it

Oh no I mean like you have to give the the sticks and they’ll give you exp which one do I give sticks anyone anyone with a brown hat if I give him sticks 31 Sticks no he gives me Emerald 32 sticks gives me an emerald with Luanne yeah yeah so the emerald and

Exp like it doesn’t say it but if you do it I promise you’ll get exp oh sticks do you need some sticks I got sticks let me try it here you go hey Luanne oh my God I see oh okay I’m glad I have a nice close

Entrance to this yeah and then you know your goblins like Stuart yeah uh if you take those emeralds and you trade Stewart yeah or battle oh bottle oh chant and that gives you oh yes dude it’s a good one for that yeah he’s a good egg oh I see so sticks basically

Equal EXP and emeralds oh yeah okay I’m gonna just get some sticks a couple more of those okay okay all right all right back to my house thank you so much good to know about this place I’ll be back soon oh Jesus I’m out of here laughs foreign

Myself around these parts anymore okay okay all right stay focused house will happen all right I need uh let’s see so uh I’m still confused what the heck is that top left wood the dark those are logs I believe 194 logs but is that stripped logs

Dark oak logs okay what do we got we have 27 dark oak logs that’s pretty good 27 dark oak logs but the best thing is that we have a sapling guys okay underneath that was uh let’s see okay so dark oak clogs and then underneath that is just is that spruce

Stripped dark oak strip oh yeah we could strip those stripped oak logs and then we just need oak logs right because we strip them ourselves okay okay I see I see I see him we strip them ourselves hmm we can do this this is just oak logs oak logs

Wow I don’t really have many stripped dark oaklet I’ve stripped and I have dark maybe I’ll just grab what I have so I can like keep an inventory um stripped and then oak logs let’s see Oak dark oak logs okay so we need to take all those

Dark oak planks that’s not the same thing dark oak slabs okay no no no no no no no oak logs we should take oak logs and uh Jed has wood hey Janet uh do you have extra Uh Wood like a dark wood dark and yes oh really yes may I hey

Not too much of course but like 194. actually less than 194. 24. uh yeah can I put it in oh yeah backpack yeah yeah put in my backpack okay unlock it it’s locked oh um how the heck do I unlock my backpack um backpack settings oh no okay there

Any dark oak and uh Oak and striped and Oak light dark and yeah any of that stuff that you know you got extra stuff Chevron on in there and if you got some saplings you know I’ll plant some more oh Paul ordering out there uh you can you can uh you can borrow

Stewart before I can give you some um silicone all right how’s that let me check oh my God that’s more than enough that’s the best ever thanks Shannon oh my God thank you yup you’re welcome okay let me know if you ever need anything I can search my wireless transmitter that was awesome

That was awesome that was awesome that was amazing okay she just gave us so much stuff it’s crazy let me just oh my God she’s gave us so much stuff that that saved us a like a year of work she gave us oh my God Oak saplings up

The booty Birch stop dark oak saplings okay let’s look at this so okay um I don’t even know if we needed oak logs we need uh we needed um let’s see I think we did need Birch Birch planks we need 159 Birch planks dark oak logs we need uh

That’s a dark oak plank okay dark oak logs oh actually oh no we still need dark oak oh thank God she gave us dark oak saplings oh this is it this is what we need oh my God we can make this happen bone lots of bone bone to bone meal it’s happening

Grow the trees everybody here we go saplings are the best it’s coming together the town hall looks great yeah I’m gonna make a ton of trees exactly far far away the house is Gonna Come Together does Jenna need a rabbit leg oh maybe I have one who knows rabbit rabbit foot rabbit foot

Did you need a rabbit foot I have a foot is that the same thing maybe she needs it maybe not we’ll see okay let me plant out some saplings now dark oak sapling let’s go a little bit further way out way way out like such okay here we go

This isn’t even that far but whatever here we go that is not that big of a tree more okay yeah this is good all right my guess on who the Imposter is oh let me bring that to her a rabbit foot is what she needs okay I’m gonna come back mother

This is I need to pick a ring so bad this stuff is so annoying oh great fantastic okay okay I’m delivering coming I’m gonna deliver to Janet yeah said um said rabbit foot and then we will take inventory again well I made a very powerful shovel why um double snowballs crazy um

Can you put a dirt block down that’s my door knock door will not work oh oh I have your rabbit’s butt yeah um yes uh let me let me check it God you’re the best neighbor ever I got it you gave me all that wood stuff the

Least I can do a rabbit’s foot here you go and this is what you needed right there you go oh let’s be killed a lot of rabbits a lot of speed I got all of it let me know if you need anything else watch this okay whoa that’s sick show Leslie show Leslie

Oh Leslie I made it a very powerful shovel let me see look what’s happening nothing’s happening watch this watch the dirt you spent a lot on this watch carefully okay okay whoa whoa whoa wait that’s actually flawless I know it’s so useless so useless guys it took me for another one

I’m telling you my mod is useless like I don’t know it’s pretty cool that’s what it does I think it’s pretty cool Oh I thought you were flaming your mind cool yeah oh my chat no no yeah screw her mind yeah yeah useless oh we’re kidding you guys we’re getting

Okay fantastic wait so what are you up to Leslie um what are you up to I’m building a new house giving Janet a foot yeah okay oh my God wait what what wait wait what who is wait what the fires this entire time we already we already wait no I thought

We already established that it wasn’t me but wait sounds like a baby no oh yeah I I don’t know what this is this a Dev is it one of the devs that’s crazy the devs aren’t supposed there’s no one on the server this is ridiculous hold tab

I’m going to the Discord I’m complaining imposter what if someone someone hacked into the server yeah maybe maybe they did well well they only started coming around this is interesting I’ve seen them be it’s like I thought it was Ava’s entire time yeah me too me too

I was building that’s the weird thing I too was it your building guys yeah what you guys building I didn’t get the purple um armor memo okay I was literally there wait whoa sure what no wait where did she come from actually wait do you have like a magic thing

Wait no no it’s not Janet she’s been working I I was I was in there the Imposter was running around I was there with Celine and Ray and yeah I was there no I didn’t see you or Ryan so it’s one of you two it could be well no wait I

Just got back we both saw the Imposter yeah even right now actually it was weird as both of them standing here and then when the Imposter disappeared you came no okay let’s not blame Jan that’s crazy yeah I’m just saying do you think the Imposter if she was the Imposter she

Would have done that you know you would have waited a little time like that’s too obvious unless we just saw me I did where’s Mian no it’s not me anymore where is me young she’s in her lair wait I don’t see her on the map

I see Ray on the map I don’t see him Young I think I saw Abe vent um what what no it’s literally not me you guys he’s chasing them no he was morphed as psychuno and he and he ran into the water and they disappeared and I think that was April vented hmm

Have extra terracotta oh I bet it’s like wow no it’s not blow it’s not blow it could be wow this is interesting we may have to have a time I mean what there’s an imposter running around if you see him let me know call my full phone number please 628-494-3893 thank you invisible In the skies The sound board why is it well it has to be psych right I mean no we saw it’s like well then it has to be a death he’s not here if you have not seen me young in like yeah because she’s working on stuff she’s always working on something

Yeah pranking no no no no no no no no it’s not man because the first time it showed up the very first time was right behind me in my house it hit me I turned around and it was an imposter Myung and then remember Celine you were there and

Then I ran up and screamed and then you saw so why would it be me what about Ray we haven’t seen Ray right it doesn’t sound anything like that right now didn’t sound anything like rain What if it was Leslie this entire time she’s using her mayor abilities to form a double and then troll us oh My god oh no oh my god oh that was so Toxicity everyone should have armor strong enough to withstand a hit from my Paxil that’s not his that’s not my iPhone why that is not my fault that is not my fault you guys all look the same when you wear armor I’m trying to be an individual look at

Me don’t I look different I’m the only one with blue cool sport that’s truth that’s true everyone else you look fancy kind of booze yeah actually oh thank you no it’s not it’s that is that it’s actually you know I think it’s a Dev this is interesting maybe it is a Dev

Would they do that that’s what I don’t I feel like without people they wouldn’t do that that’s what I’m saying it’s got to be wow it’s like among us but in Minecraft vote someone out kick them out of the server you know Maybe we’ll have I mean I’m sure we’ll figure it out eventually we’ll figure it out let me know anything you guys hear Celine just had some flint and steel guys you have to flip and steal it Celine guys wait you have Flaming Steel yeah I don’t have flint and steel in the hand

Guys I just saw it it’s Celine I tell you it’s Celine he saw it he saw it it’s Celine I swear my own eyes guys he’s sorry guys I play with Ellen every week though he’s always wrong he always gets it wrong it’s true it’s true okay he saw it keep your eyes

For any information keep your eyes and ears peeled tonight yeah that sounds amazing I’m freaking down wait it’s already seven it’s already dinner wait what wait a minute because when I was I was in a Chase with the Imposter right while sakuna was showing Ryan something and I couldn’t

See his name it was in taikuno when I was in the I was in a Chase I don’t know what you guys are talking about there’s an imposter really there’s multiple imposters and it’s it’s a team of what you keep doing holding against you doesn’t mean you can just attack me anytime

Guys just because I’m Immortal doesn’t mean you can just attack me no one can be a god officer he’s literally a Dev well guys I’ve got my wireless network to work on so I’ll be back you can’t just keep attacking me because I’m Immortal I’m a God I tell

You kill him kill him dead kill him dead man you’re actually gonna kill me help Jesus I used up most of my energy for this suit yeah bullying yay guys sorry section sorry about that yeah I I happen to have an oil but get on me what is oil used for

Making flint and steel it appears we found our impossible guys it’s not Alum you’re so bad at this game insulting elements insulting me today Janet and I don’t ow ow ow ow why am I on fire ow what did you Oh my gosh yeah I’m clean with it now Janet send him to the sky you can kill him with my permission do it man send him John it send him to the Moon she can’t hit me too crazy you can hit me wait you know you can

Make a gun you guys actually yeah uh you can is it really hard why has no one made it yeah yeah oh my god oh well wow well it is what it is it is what it is does anyone have magma cream oh it’s not that hard to get Magma

Cream actually sorry never mind I was accosted by a fellow citizen I’m still on fire does anyone have an empty oh that’s not that hard okay why am I on fire oh you’re you have a bug you have to re-log oh does anyone have molten core

I’m in the water oh it’s gone oh wait I can make a gun does anyone have a nebulous heart can I have an extra nebulous heart anyone that’s a lot of things okay if I had a prioritize a nebulous heart is the one I would want two of

Those possible what are you trying to make a handgun oh handgun what happened oh that’s cool yeah just yeah wow just bully elements anyone who has a nebulous heart I’m looking for one mayor out keep your eyes and ears peeled guys The Imposter is on the loose yeah yeah

Why are you why are you looking at me the Imposter is on the loose citizens of foodstopia The Imposter is still on the loose unfortunately uh but we will find them and catch them and bring Justice to our town in other news the mayor needs two nebulous Hearts

So if we could get on that stat thank you so much you’re a drama queen I’m pretty sure nobody can hear me I talk to myself okay back to the house back to the house guys okay so um oh my God what did I just do I that

Was not what I meant to do oh I know what I was supposed to do oh great okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay let’s let’s continue Gathering okay okay go back to it dark plank a dark oak log so I need a 194 dark oak logs that is the

Of utmost importance sleepers we’re building the house guys this is important sleepers please sleepers badge badge no I’m gonna do this okay also first I gotta go to the bathroom I’ll be right back I haven’t paid in years eons eons I tell you all right All right all right did anyone come to deliver me a nebulous heart while I was gone probably not huh okay that’s fine now we go is this going to be easy once we get started it will not stop especially with the help of our handy dandy wireless receiver you know

Is the camera good in this bottom right corner is that okay I realize I cover some of the items I’m holding which I don’t know if that even matters but we are looking at 194 of these we’ve got work to do yes I’m back on track don’t you worry this

Okay no here we go I’m just a Minecraft streamer now it is what it is party animals tomorrow okay here we go no we’re gonna make a handgun eventually that is you know another goal of mine nebulous heart No Berries okay so then that’s how many uh 64 dark

Logs total weight okay so now we have okay 104 we still need more okay and three three wait backpack feed me oh no oh I’m not eating kelp give me kelp did I go through all of the kelp in my backpack what the heck nice a big one a big tree okay

Let me get uh oh I could you know what I can do wait no I don’t know if that’s good but like I can like build up with dirt like you know like dirt blocks and then like okay dang it dang it I fell dang it I fell again

So these are pro shots if I just like you know strip them before I break them I guess that’s faster and I do need to strip strip them anyway right you’re kind of cooking with that get out of my hand this is pissing me off foreign

Either way I’ll have to strip them right so what a sound that’s nice okay all right so let’s see we got a dark wood we have dark logs where did they go where did all my stuff go that I just oh stripped Oak okay so

That okay 60 plus 60 is 124 plus 35 which is 159. am I right can someone check the math on that I think I have to do it one more time because I need 194. oh no I’ve crashed the server just me okay so we need like a little bit more

Oh sevens guys it’s over it’s been a good run Apes at kbbq and now that sounds so yummy oh no I’m banned full crash just me everybody no no okay well let me answer an email then hold on um foreign oh my God it’s back it’s back wait did

The time roll back what just happened what just happened wait what just what just happened oh my God time time rolled back try not to cry cry a lot I lost logs guys all right it’s fine what’s done is done and we can’t go back in the past so we do we it is what it is oh this means I also need kelp again hello oh it’s weird because like the dirt thing is here you know

Guys I haven’t given up on Minecraft aren’t you impressed frick I’m impressed we’re still here we’re kicking okay strip it all right there’s just so much to do you know there’s really just so much to do house build learn make a gun blow the town up according to saikuno monkey

Okay here we go all right gather all that stuff um how much more do we need oh Lord okay let me see so we have we have what strip dark oak log okay we need to do it again probably like two more times okay we made refined storage we can do this

Is it RNG how big the tree is well like fused with my dirt all right here we go strip strip cut strip cut cut cut strip cut cut cut cut cut strip it strip it down strip down strip down break break trip strip break it break it oh this one was very good

Um there’s a lot I’m gonna grab this this this this this this all of this this this this I can’t believe like we’re Advanced enough as like a species that like we have now created like a life like we are living a life and then we have created

Something where we can live another life within that life insane you know what I mean just insane okay how many do we have now okay this is pretty meta if you think about it okay stripped stripped okay so now we have 64 plus 64 is what

Oh God 64 plus 2 68 plus 64 is 132 plus 18 which is a hundred and fifty I need 197. 194. so how many more do I need please please please oh no why can’t it grow what’s how it’s happened is it is somebody in the way oh nice thank you all right

This is the thing we need the most of for our house oh I should have ah whatever collect it all collect it all stripe The Sounds in this game are so relaxing Valkyrie raise ending welcome everyone wait why we got off I well she has been streaming a while hi everybody thanks Wayne

Hello everyone we are building a house we are building a house today is a day she go badge oh she’s early meeting you know what Fair sometimes like I have early morning stuff started I woke up today at 8am uh gym I’ve gym three times a week I’m old

Oh gosh good morning everyone good evening welcome Raiders welcome hope everyone is having a lovely nice comfy day we’re making a pretty house here’s what we’re making um here well that’s not the house but here this is the house right here this is the goal this is beautiful is it not

Look at that this is what we’re making right now we’re babysit in the sun rays look at this that is happening it’s going to be beautiful I know stunning the mayor’s house yes kind of a little farm in the background cute ooh flammable why would you say that

Okay now we’re on this portion where we’re looking at materials so we’re we’re starting we’re getting everything um we have I think we actually have enough so the first one is 194 dark wood so 64 plus 4 68 plus 64. Lord have mercy 53 okay

50 plus 60 plus 60 is 6 plus 6 plus 5 which is 12 plus 7 11 12 plus 7 which is 17 170 now 178 180 we still need a little bit more one more tree and then we’re done one more tree okay here we go

One more tree and we we hack it down and that’s it 12 plus 7 is 17 eff it whatever or clubs four plus seven is I don’t know 19. oh no I wanted to strip it I eat whatever strip it all strip it all strip it all strip strip strip strip strip

Break it break it nice break break break break it’s house time that breaks that break that whoa okay we must have enough there is no way we don’t have Okay add all that together 64 plus 10 74. 74 Plus 64. 74 plus 64 is a 138 138 138 plus 64 is

138 plus 64 is it’s enough we’re done okay now the next one the second one down what is that um underneath it is that is that Birch that this the the one that’s 177. what the what the f is that that stripped something Birch it’s stripped Birch wait Oak that’s stripped Oak

Really let’s try it out this you guys are saying it’s oh wait is that Oak stripped Oak okay 177 of that luckily Janet gave us a ton so we have a hundred and um we have 168 of it we wait I have 168. I only need 177 which means bing bang Bop

We just planted oak sapling one at one and done what the heck it’s so I could just jump on it one tree wait this might not be enough wait that was the shortest tree I’ve ever seen oh no it’s because oh okay I think we’ve done it I don’t know about this guys

Come here we must this is gonna be enough okay that’s enough we have um we have let’s see stripped Oak log so that’s 167 plus done okay what is this next one going down one 159 of birch pla of of birch I think that’s Birch planks guys

That looks like Birch planks to me I’m gonna put that in the box so true okay let’s go put it in a box okay and once we have it all bing bang Bop oh I think we have enough already okay Birch planks we go okay so luckily I brought all my diamond

Chests with me from my other house that I broke down so we get we can put stuff in here so let’s start putting it away so 194 stripped dark oak log Bing okay that goes there then underneath that we’ll put the um then under that we’ll put the oak logs

Okay so we need uh we need 177 that’s 64 plus 64. 128 I don’t know man that’s too much math for me I think that’s right 177 64 plus 64 128 160 yeah this is fine this is good okay underneath that is birch planks

30 Birch planks let me see if I can turn these into more Birch planks 64 plus 42 is that almost 159 that’s a hundred and eight we need 51 more Birch planks D1 plant oh it doesn’t get Chunky oh no that’s unfortunate oh but but luckily it’s planks so it’s actually way easier

Each of these gets multiplied by four this is fantastic so I need 51 that’s 52. okay now I need uh-oh what’s the one one down from that the brown one of 145. is that white it’s like Spruce is that spruce the middle the Spruce logs it’s a strip Spruce log

It’s gonna be rough oh my God Janet gave us a spruce sapling oh my God okay no I’m not one off Mark’s playing so say that okay 145 I think right now I literally have like none so we’re gonna do this oh God okay wow this is adultery okay

Oh my God this is a very tall tree here we go all right thanks hilarious appreciate it all right oh no oh no this is gonna be a smidge tedious but the house will be perfect it’s gonna be beautiful come on oh no oh no I forgot to strip one of them

Tell me that oh I’m gonna break that on the way down are you lagging is my stream legging I didn’t drop any frames I don’t think please tell me if it’s just this part there’s no wood on the outside okay let’s see where I’m at so the wood is the most annoying part

Building is easy right yeah it’s just this part okay where are we at how much did I just get 64 Stripes first log Plus 10. 64 plus 10 is 74. 74 okay 74 75 76 we have 76. one more time okay one more time holy these trees go crazy

I’m a way faster here we go you know there’s like people you know you can hire or you can like do this they like you hire them and they they build Minecraft builds I I guess it makes sense but like you give them you add access to yours to

Your to your world and you tell them what to make and then you give them creative mode and they go crazy and they’re so good at it they work really fast and they have like tools that so like it’s kind of like um they can build things really fast too

Yeah you pay with real money it’s like a like like if you want like um I don’t know like um a certain like a castle or say you wanted to build like Hogwarts or something in your Minecraft world and like play in that you can have people

There’s people who can like do that and you like they can make it pretty fast they’re like super fast builders just never thought that people could actually do that that would be a fun job but you have to be really good too they work really fast like I could never do it

But it sounds fun just Minecraft build all day I’m pretty fast actually look at me look at me go okay how was that oh it’s hideous it’s so hideous oh not the dirt not the dirt stacking up okay we gotta fix this okay We Are Better Than This [Applause]

We Are Better Than This we set a good example as the mayor yes we did yes we do we’ve done good and we fill it in even okay all right so now inventory check 64 plus 64. so I need 145. so now I have

64 plus 64 which is 128 138 140. I need five more okay I’ll make a baby Spruce I’ll make a baby one and that’s it I can’t see anything it’s so dark okay we’re almost done I’ve managed to stay on task for a while though and I will say I’m proud two three

Four five six seven okay I think that’s it all right we have all the spruce the other challenge I’m thinking about right now it’s not making me very happy is um if a creeper what in the I left the dirt oh [Applause] there we go much better okay sleep sleep

One sleeper please one sleeper just one sleeper pause I’m building our home by um by um the other side of town it’s kind of where um where is it by the Town Hall in the bakery no one is sleeping that’s fine okay it’s fine Spruce logs done okay okay the

Next hand is 74 glass panes here we go let’s find out what do we got glass 81. hey oh yes yes okay okay um honestly I can do the exact amount it’s 10. so to make it like a little bit simpler for me okay then I need oh

What is that it’s a 54 of the okay is that Acacia bush okay is that okay that’s some kind of bush 54 of this bush okay let’s find out if we have it Bush no leaves oh I know azalea leaves we’re going with these we have it

Easy next up 52 uh oh what kind of what is that 52 of is that a spruce one or is that an oak it’s an oak stairs Oak steps Oak steps Oak stairs how the heck do you guys know when you’re looking at it oh dares 54 Oak stairs okay so I have

I have four so to make Oak stairs it’s Oak planks like that okay that’s easy enough because luckily luckily we have uh oh no how many do we have I need a calculator for this 64 plus 64 plus 41 64 plus 64 plus 41 plus 13 equals 182. we only have oh my

God we had to plant another one we don’t have enough to spare wait these ones suck it’s tragic it is only planks it’s very easy it’s it’s also not even just planks it’s like easier than planks because we actually know wait I don’t even have to oh I don’t even have to

I don’t have to strip them [Applause] okay Bing Bing Bop turn the planks into there we go 44 then we go like this then we go and that makes put up wait I don’t know the easy way to do this five six seven okay here we go 32 prick 32 I need 52.

And again we go easy enough try again 26 should be enough 48. I I am Minecrafting so hard right now I’m harder Minecrafting harder than I’ve ever Minecraft did before these past couple days I’ll tell you all I do is think about it and dream about it and talk about it

That’s all I do what I want to do all day okay 56 okay the next one is 51 pieces of glass do we have that pause champ two this is tragic luckily we have sand and lots of it stick it in oh no we need coal luckily

We have lots no we don’t we have lava 11 lavas 11 of them there we go all right sand is being melted uh oh what’s the thing underneath guys under the glass is uh is that is that a gate and then it’s a it’s a trap door

What is the thing on the very bottom wait 20 I have barrels already Oak fence and then what is the one underneath oh Oak fence and then Spruce trap door I believe Oak fence Spruce trapdoor Spruce planks and barrels okay I think that’s what it is okay this isn’t that bad um okay

Oak oak oak oak 45. 45. 45 okay that’s not that hard that’s not that hard I need three I need 45. what I just made oh I just need I think I can just borrow a couple more of these I think I can borrow five right I had a couple extras and then oak fence three three that’s it we’re done bam 45 then it was 32 Spruce trap doors trap doors oh that’s just planks okay 32 32 Spruce

Trap doors and and Spruce was the one that was in here Spruce oh man did I have enough Spruce 145 oh God math 64 plus 64 plus 17 is 145. so I have two extra logs that ain’t not enough ridiculous of two extras so I’m gonna need a more

Of this Bruce okay oh the spruce was the tall trees Foreign grow damn it grow oh my God okay here we go are we there yet oh my God we’re there oh my God whole town oh my God is that the post office it’s so pretty okay I shouldn’t look it’s supposed to be a surprise okay I just need this for uh

Trapdoor so I don’t need to do anything fancy yeah foreign take the dirt with you of course I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else the chickens are intent I mean I haven’t been feeding anything maybe that’s why well I have forgotten them a little bit I’ll say

Okay so once we’re done here I’m working on a house it’s gonna be amazing a nice big modern beautiful house amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing okay holy okay so that now we need to do 32 Spruce trap doors 32 Spruce trap doors okay so that is easy

We just do that and the trap doors are just like that wait no no no no no no no no no no wait no like that 32 of them I just made four okay how many did I make 12 16 how many far so it’s halfway done okay here we go almost done

I’m going to make 42. 42 okay 32 is all we need okay I need to put some of these back in there it’s freaking me out stressing me out I don’t like this okay okay put it away put it away well maybe bring those back okay well we can put it all away

Okay 36 glass we’re still cooking on that um okay so now we need 30 Spruce planks oh my God I just put those away it’s fine it’s Bruce planks we need uh 30 of them easy clap done all right now I need 24 barrels easy clap I got 34 of them

I need 24. oh my God we’re progressing like so fast okay I’ll put those back and then I need 22 lanterns oh oh um I don’t think I have any I have five lanterns I need 22 of them okay how hard could a lantern be to make I think that’s just

Torches and uh torches and iron so easy to make so easy oh my God so easy um Iron I’ll iron what would I do without this mod guys oh my God what would I do simply what would I do I don’t know wait I actually think I need

More of that stuff so let me bring some iron down get let’s get way more of that stuff and then let’s uh pull that out and let’s make lanterns okay I need um how many lanterns do I need though it’s got to be a faster way to do this

I have eight I need 22 so 22 minus 8 is 16. no that’s wrong 16 plus 8 nope that’s wrong 20. 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 I need 14 more you know what f it one two three four five five six seven eight nine ten 11. 12.

I’m almost done I’m almost I it’s 14. it’s 14 it’s manageable it’s manageable see done it was like 44 you know done you see you see we’re over it okay now I need 15 libraries or whatever bookshelves book shelves oh no these are kind of hard to make

Enchanting like bookcases what are those called um those the grid the the thing I need 15 of what is that called what is that it’s like um it’s it’s called like a a book a book brief a book A book A book don’t book bookshelf wait I don’t have a single bookshelf

That means oh so easy to make how many fifteen two what am I lacking Oak planks no I’m not no I’m not I have Oak planks wait do I not have Oak planks oh no let me do the math again I don’t have enough I don’t spare Oak though

64 plus 64 plus 36 plus 13 equals 177 that’s exactly how much I need oh any planks any planks work any place say less what would I do without you guys thank you so much genius is absolute geniuses thank you what can I mix and match I can’t mix and match can I

Oh guys but they’re going to be different colors and they have to look a certain way right I think so I guess I could just go back to my old place I have them all and break down my enchanting table but then I know I have to remake it I’m scared of that

I could pick a different color what if what if we make them like a different color you know what yeah eff it we don’t need to follow their standards we can do what we want we’re going Birch yeah that’s pretty four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

Seven eight nine ten 11. I have 12 now we don’t follow anyone else yeah easy keep going um we need three more and three and give me the book okay done there and a one two three yeah mayor fusley okay done done hey look at us go 15 bam oh

14 putts what is that is that a pot no a flower pot I believe I think that’s a flowerpot flower pot okay this thing so now how does one make a flower pot oh bricks so easy two three four five six seven what is that eight nine oh ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

You can drag 14. nice now we need an oak sign got it got it got it got it got it that yes that’s embarrassing guys we’re back to the same problem not enough oak trees it’s time to plant another tree and as much as we don’t like doing this

It’s got to be done okay see that wasn’t that hard maybe another one for safety ow easy okay so that’s a oak um that’s oak logs um bam so now we need to make a bunch of these which means we need which means we need my computer which means we need this

Three we need fourteen one uh oh two three oh four fourteen done signs done then we need 12 is that andesite underneath it and underneath that is definitely Birch Birch uh striped Birch I think it’s andesite as my guess looks like or stone it’s just Stone let’s check it out Stone

Oh I mean this one can’t matter that much let’s just grab like Stone okay 12. let’s just okay we need 12 of those and then Birch planks ah yeah they need to be stripped let’s do the thing oh no it’s annoying one two but I only need twelve three four five

Six seven eight nine nine nine nine nine six seven eight nine ten oh no Ten one more do I need 12. and uh one two three four and five okay and this will be it never will I grow another tree again Perfection thank you so much all the saplings we must gather 12 stripped Birch one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

All right then oh great what the heck is that thing is that a trap door it must be like a Kate is that Acacia the red one was that I need 11 of 11 of those things and then 11 of I think the thing under that that’s just an oak plank that’s easy

Oak plank Acacia I must have this already there’s no problem acacia guys I have a geisha saplings holy okay I need Acacia trap doors amazing amazing just like that we’re good to go we’re good to go okay Acacia bam I need trap doors to make a trap door I go

I’m moving at lightning speed you got to admit it you gotta admit it I need 11 of these 11 Acacia trap doors okay two that’s it oh no how do I make a trapdoor ah four six eight ten twelve fourteen I don’t know I just did that well I died 10

12 I need 11 that’s it okay okay 11 Bing Bing Bop okay then eleven Oak planks wait Burke planks Birch no ouch I mean Oak um Oak planks is is like this and then it’s like I yes Mia it’s uh like uh I like that six of them Oak eleven eleven

Twelve okay we’re almost done I swear okay now I need seven It looks like Spruce pressure plate oh my God I’m getting good at Minecraft Bruce pressure plate that’s it seven of them oh no do I have extra Spruce is the question oh I absolutely do I absolutely do one two three four five six seven we have 26 I only need seven

Okay I’ll do eight one two three no one’s bothering me I’d have the exact amount with three four five six seven okay I’m so organized now who am I again let me put all this stuff back in store all right um now I need oh let me get the glass

Because I needed 51 of uh 51 of the glass so now we have uh let me put in 64 somewhere you know um screw this just uh six chests six chess six normal chests um easy clap that’s just that’s just um well let me just get some planks

Let me get some Oak planks in fact one two three four five uh oh I’ve run out oh no how many can I make four I need two more now I’ve started to make them like with Oak I must continue them with Oak and now we must charge I don’t have my feather

Oh my God look at my crystals oh no not I charge wait I have my own what oh I see but those ones are aesthetic I think wait maybe you’re right should I use my diamonds once I’ll just use my diamond ones Frick well I do wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait one that means I only need one oh what if I have a couple extra Oak ones to spare do I how much Oak did I need 100 that’s exactly 177 this is sickening I just spelled bone like this b-o-a-n you saw nothing okay okay easy easy clap bing bang Bop

Okay make a chest real fast and six chests done deliver to the box of doneness okay now I have oh what are those called lecterns I have to make six leg turns left turn oh ew I don’t like that that means I have to have six more bookshelves six lecterns huh

Let’s do this and get it over with one more for safety so I don’t have to do this anymore should be enough right for the books it’s only 13 to make it um to make a book to make this thing right that’s oh Oak planks oh we’re so fine we’re so fine

Right so it’s like 64 of those and then I just make uh and then I have a bunch of books I go like this and let me deposit that in there and that in there too and then I just go like this Oak bookshelf one and I need

Six one two three four five six easy easy easy easy easy then then I make a lectern getting the hang of this I just need slabs slabs are so easy all right just a couple slabs here one two oh no three four five six done

Oh my God I’m so fast now six select turns now I need a five wool five beds five beds bed wool oh my goodness bed do I not have wool oh I’ll make white beds one one two two three four five done okay easy four and five

Then I need huh guys what are those uh four of of uh four of the uh they look like are those are those pressure are those buttons are those like um is that a spruce button Maybe could be a spruce button is my guess hmm okay that’s definitely a dark oak button oh

Dark oak huh well easy enough one two three four four dark oak buttons easy enough then I need four iron bars I mean easy four already have them one two three four and then four ladders it’s almost time to start oh my God it’s time to start okay

Four ladders then uh then four four signs oh that’s like a little bit of a darker sign that’s like um I’d say it’s like a spruce sign okay I can make a spruce sign um a spruce sign I’m getting excited like that I need uh four of those

Okay that’s a little bit more but whatever one two three four okay and then uh oh I think it’s a spruce trap door oh I’m also getting good at this part no that’s a dark oak trap door oh I was right and then we need three of those and then

I need three pieces of wool of the red wool of oh three carpet carpet like that oh I don’t have red wool well I will improvise I’ll do uh White wool like that how come that didn’t make anything go like that okay we’ll improvise a little bit 60 3 whatever okay

I meant to make three okay and now we clean up a little bit put that all in our inventory amazing okay then we’re almost done oh wait I also need three more carpet wait okay whatever let’s improvise let’s add pink you know because instead of red we’ll do

Pink okay and then it needs three image frames or picture frames image frames picture frames wait wait wait wait frame oh what the heck is that I think it’s this wait can you guys double check it looks different the one uh that’s on the second to left row a second down is that

An image is that a picture frame or an image frame oh a painting it’s a painting oh what the heck do I have those painting oh perfect oh I need three I have one I have two okay perfect we have three now okay three paintings um two and a site

And a site I’m gonna just guess that that’s in the site and I’m gonna get two of it So Random okay and a site and then two campfires okay two campfires uh easy enough make one and make two oh Liam moving the speed of light okay

Two campfires then two that looks like a dark oak Spruce door dark oak door two of them perfect done okay doors done then I need uh what the heck is that thing look at it it’s like a spotted uh what is that and then what what is the thing to the

Right of it on the that that thing with the legs and what’s under that and then that’s an anvil that’s easy enough and then was it is that berries coral dead coral okay tell me I don’t need a dead coral I’ve never seen that in my life

Dead coral okay ah screw that I’m not gonna do that um bamboo scaffold is that a scaffold the thing oh scaffolding okay I just need to make two scaffoldings okay I’ll make six that’s fine one two three okay scaffolding and then the thing underneath that well I know

There’s berries berries oh oh I don’t have those berries well I can I mean surely it’s not that important to get those specific berries right okay an anvil oh oh God I mean it’s so easy to make an anvil just make an anfill okay and then the thing next to that is like

An enchanting table oh my God I obsidian I don’t have enough obsidian that’s just Decor okay use a flower okay you know what we’re ready to wait the one last thing I don’t know what the heck that is underneath the scaffolding do you guys see what that is

Yeah I’ll use my old one okay so true a smoker whoa okay I made a smoker I’ll bring that back okay it’s build time it is build time yeah yay well it’s getting kind of dicey I should move whoa whoa whoa meow meow whoa whoa whoa it’s getting diceye

Oh man did I do that okay okay did you guys hear about her and Travis it’s spicy Kansas City Chiefs are suddenly my favorite team I’m invested in football honestly taste okay anyways uh what was I doing oh yeah should I just break this we’re invested okay oh okay um

Okay hey guys I know you’ve been neglected I don’t know why it’s so cute did you guys see her she was like cheering in the when he scored a touchdown oh it’s so cute she got so excited you went to the show oh my God I would

Have loved to see him score a touchdown that sounds sick okay okay um all right so sorry what am I doing uh Queen okay so sorry uh right right right oh I should have just taken these you know I’m taking these all what I’m not trying to do

It okay perfect grab that stuff honestly grab the grindstone this is all moving we’re moving everything removing it all so come with me come with me too it was good okay come with me no no what have I done I put in my backpack all that’ll be fine okay

Oh I’m trying to jump on the elevator over there wait elevator’s here okay it’s building time how do I get down there the right side of the Plus on the bus on the plus sign yeah do it let me turn it up all right it’s time to build

This amazing house it’s gonna come oh I wonder if I’ve mail dear mayor dear citizens of who’s Topia I’ve noticed that uh no one has delivered any mail to my mailbox um just a reminder it is open okay have a great day surely it’s a mistake

Oh hello wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up okay wake up wake up wake up okay and problem with this build guys one I have a question okay oh yeah they’re confused because the post office isn’t open so true so true

Um the one thing I’m confused about guys oh I need one I think I need one more thing before we actually is how I’m gonna do this computer so you know what I mean like I have to kind of build oh oh god without like you

Know what I mean like my goal is that I don’t well this started do you know what I mean like um like so you guys see the house right you know oh my God oh my God just like that okay strip the oak log and spacing

Oh man seven by nine oh my God I need a whole thing refer to the layout to build the foundation okay what the heck is that oh okay I guess it could be a shed like we could build to the side of it you know and then um

No this house is not small don’t worry if anything where is that donkey where did you get a donkey you know what I mean you can always move the computer a tiny shed you know what we deal with it later deal with it later right Let’s do let’s do the layout first more

Important we can move the computer and all that stuff this is fine makes it out okay you know what you’re right let’s make the outline all this gotta go but I kind of went around this area right like this area should be where all of it is

B where the seven is I see what you’re saying okay so we build around it because the seven is the front of the house okay okay so the seven will just go here so this will be where the house is just like that is that is that fine I think that’s fine

Yeah I think that’s good I think that’s good um let me put some stuff away I don’t I don’t deal jungle planks uh furnace jungle chest all this stuff oh bed yeah that looks great it’s gonna be fantastic okay so I guess we just we just go like that all right so

All right so the seven is gonna be in front of it right the one two three so really quick like you see where that seven is that first seven um it’s gonna be like right on it’s gonna be like right behind those seven because there’s like a yeah it’s like

Right behind the seven striped Oak log seven is the main door is it bad that I’ve forgotten what the house looks like already oh I see okay so the door it’s gonna you open the door and to the right is the computer system that’s how we’re doing it

So it’s like you go through that door oh yeah yeah go through that door and then and then bam okay okay here we go just like this okay so this is where the seven is gonna be I don’t know why I’m overthinking this so hard this is so easy you know

What I mean like just just just breathe this is easy this is so easy [Laughter] okay so okay so one two three four five six seven okay right one two okay let me get uh stripped Oak log okay let’s start it it’s beginning okay so like you know I don’t know why

Um okay so it’s like you know one maybe like here will be the two and then it’ll be like one two three four yeah outline first I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it come out wait is that fine that it’s gonna be like right by the bakery holy

Is it gonna be too close oh don’t worry I’ll strip it I’ll strip it guys no no this is fine I I am kind of close the house will be right there is that cramped but the computers guys the computers well that’s kind of cute it’s like my

Front yard the bakery is my front yard no you know what no it’s perfect it’s perfect and it’s beautiful like I I get to walk out and it’s like bam my house is there and I think that that’s cozy and cute and I think it’s perfect opium no it’s perfect okay we’re

Committed we’re committed and I’m done I’m we’re committed one two one two three and then it’s five in between one two three four five and then one more okay then oh hello I’m building a new house wait I feel like there was more there was more when I came here earlier no

Because I’m starting from scratch you made negative problems no I know I I made negative progress excuse me this is part of the process you’ll see you’ll see a it’s part of it I know it doesn’t look very good right now but that’s you can’t you’ve come at the very very start

Of the whole project just wait just you wait yeah yeah okay yeah for sure for sure um question can you check your uh Discord messages real quick yes let me check oh Okay okay thank you what day is it okay Monday Monday Monday Monday okay okay I’ll let you pick Abe well actually we can decide I mean I feel like we could just go you know what I mean yeah we could literally just go anywhere okay okay sounds good okay yes

Yes yes sounds good okay so um okay yes yes yes yes yes uh are we rallying the troops yeah okay we’ll rally the troops okay okay foreign okay all right no I have some I’m very excited okay okay okay okay so here one would work as

Fast as you can well I really want to do this one two three four okay one two three one two three four five six seven eight nine and then bam okay and then it’s one two and then bam can I can I finish this house

In an hour is the challenge I oh my that’s actually ridiculous I could do it one two one two um one two three four one let me cook I think I can okay and then this should be about uh seven one two three four five six seven

If I did that right oh my God I did it right okay okay here we go top speed top speed okay first step complete full body chills anyone else all right here we go next next thing okay I mean they did it in 17 minutes

This is I have this hole done okay all of it done okay that’s done yeah yeah yeah easy clap extend four blocks to build the pillars do the same to all the pillars connect the okay that’s easy that’s easy okay they did it in 17 minutes so can I

One two three four did they say that four ow one two oh no oh no I should strip them one oh no okay two three four okay so that’s oh my God give me my feather right now Angelic feather am I doing it the right height they said

Four right I just want to make sure I’m going up the right amount so one one two three four added on top of leaves so it’s one two three four five total one two three four five total yeah five total okay hello mayor fusley hello did you check your Discord DMs oh um

No okay hello hello how may I be of assistance checked uh our Discord DMS um yes yes and the verdict we responded to you in your Discord DMS okay can I just get a yes or a no because yes a resounding yes fantastic this is great news this is fantastic news

All right what else you got for me what what do we have for her actually we need to finish the post office I feel like we’ve been playing for like two hours and we’ve done nothing which Leslie asked you’ve done nothing you’ve died in lava how many times we’ve just

Been trolling Janet for that hour what do you mean oh I’m sorry I didn’t know that getting mercilessly bullied and attacked by ex bully bars ex-bully bars yeah oh I see that’s because we’re both together now Leslie yeah she bullies us more uh honestly I can’t blame her oh we

Bro oh oh oh oh I’m sorry we broke two glass panes in her house and she you broke two glass pangs no we didn’t even do that no he didn’t even do it someone threw rocks on the Windows we’re part of the neighborhood watch Leslie part of the neighborhood watch and then she

Sentenced us to an eternity of dying in lava into this random World which you’ve now claimed as our own but don’t worry about that laughs well we’re the mayor and we make them no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where where I’m the mayor

No no yes you dare challenge my mayorship I think not a good idea you fools so what if a rival city was formed Leslie how would you rival City who would build anything for that rival City yeah exactly they need like a they need like a cracked building

They need a builder they don’t have one we have the building we need a team isn’t that right yeah 100 oh my God thank you Legend we’re doing this because we’re we’re on mayor fusley’s side and we always were absolute Legends wait what do you mean over here you’ll see it

I think it would work wait stop no strip it they won’t even know I don’t even know man strip it oh it would know what have you done it was you what did you do where where where where where where she’s making an underground Army no it’s

Not an army secret lab that’s not a lab you fool oh God that’s hideous all right we need to go and leave thank you so much you understand I’m in the zone I’ll see you tonight goodbye and good day finish the post office holy guys tell me it’s not I mean Leslie yeah

Oh okay I know I know you wanted one of these no way no way no way no way Daddy’s boardage no way no way for me yep just for you all right have fun with it buddy thank you what tomato no no oh okay is it a shovel no it’s a hole yeah

Never again never again back to it back to it no no guys have you no faith after I finished refined storage yesterday that I will finish her project this is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous oh everything’s fine everything’s fine okay okay here we go here we go watch and learn watch and learn uh okay

Oh no oh no not again not again not again not again here we go okay here we go okay oh my God oh my God okay yikes oh that’s what they were talking about Fair concern Fair concern oh my god there it is oh my God it looks really good okay

Next Step okay make Windows and a glass pane okay Leslie oh yeah yes what the heck can I buy a cow off of you yes you may 15 diamonds I mean for you a discount 10. okay they’re very rare you see they’re the specials they’re the special spot spec ones shut up

Oh but you can stop by the bakery for after the cow you can spot stop by the bakery and they’ll give you a free pie on the way out oh thank you yeah any desserts thank you so much take a cow enjoy oh what

How do I take a cow Beast for Bakery uh uh is there a gate somewhere oh hi welcome to oh oh oh oh oh I haven’t I know how I know how uh with the diamond payment comes uh Transportation pick a cow which one would you like that one’s Betsy and that

One’s Bob and that one’s Barbara that one’s Bertha hey I wanted the white and black ones perfect and yeah thank you there’s your cow thank you goodbye Barbara you were to be killed tomorrow but I suppose you’ve been spared she’ll be killed eventually You’re sick what goodbye Barbara you will be missed carry on okay so this part was easy I believe it was just like um oh my God go back go back go back go back go back um okay oak logs I believe okay okay so this part was a little weird it

Was like it was like this this this this this this this this right but then you go like this this this this this but then they made like a window that was like weird like what what is this you guys see this it’s like it’s like uh it’s like why are

They not why are they at different levels oh wait and then why is the one on the right not feel oh I see I see um intentional it’s intentional that’s cute you know what I like it let’s do that glass and glass pane beautiful Exquisite idea

Is that right why does mine have all these lines in theirs and they don’t have lines is that fine is that like a Shader thing that’s just that’s like the Shader thing because there’s no way it looks good I think that looks great okay that’s fine okay perfect different textures totally fine okay

All right then they said build a simple wall with stripped log and planks okay oh that’s kind of cute okay okay so then they do Birch and then like do like Birch flanks you can use any color of wood but I prefer so they do Birch on the outsides and

Then and they strip them and then on the middle they do Birch planks for this wall I’ll use upside down stairs okay all right calm down calm down let’s slow it down let’s slow that down okay I get it I got it zoom zoom zoom okay watch it’s gonna go so fast

To it so I need Birch planks why do I only have Birch planks okay that whole I follow the instructions so hopefully I mean I have everything they use they used uh they used they used uh they used oak logs right here foreign guys I can feel it in my jellies

Okay already pretty already pretty okay wait you think we messed up no we didn’t no we didn’t right this is perfect okay we’ve done that right that’s that’s Oak then then the Birch right then they striped then they strip the Birch and then bam bam bam and then it’s okay

Perfect now here for this wall use upside down stairs and Oak oh okay got it so we need to do um okay and then upside down stairs we have those stairs right they gave uh Oak stairs Oak stairs oh I’m so sorry that’s I’m so sorry

Okay okay okay check it out check it out no I knew that would happen I don’t know how to get that last one how am I supposed to do this is this for real I’m innovative Innovation right here revolutionary beautiful okay okay can you guys see the the video

How come you can’t see the video anymore where did it go oh but I swear okay I’ll add it again then um oh okay okay there you go all right continuing we’re there same thing on that side right fill it all in okay easy again Bam Bam Bam

Oh my God this house is kind of easy this is great I’m totally gonna finish it so it’s just like this this chest very annoying I’m gonna get rid of it go away okay um okay and then bang bang bang and then the oak stairs oh same issue well oh no oh God

Oh God it’s atrocious to be like this this is annoying we’ve done it one more okay a whole wall done a whole nother wall done okay back to the video easy now what fill it in fill it in and then oh just fill that in and then okay

Okay easy enough and we don’t we go wait oh wait this is just filled in uh with with with with stuff oh that’s ugly okay yay leave space for the door what door there was a gap the back door am I crazy Oh oh yeah there’s a door cool I like that okay and then I believe this was like uh Frick I already forgotten hold on oh that’s easy that’s easy okay so it’s like and then right and then uh and then I think down there I think it’s also oh God um

Like that and then you go and then you go and then you go oh no okay then you go no I mean no one would no one would even notice if I did if I did leave that right okay and then a little bit more okay close that in don’t do the same

Thing I think Windows Windows okay easy enough then on this whole side okay this is where it kind of changes a bit so let me do this again really fast you guys know I’m about to do this whole house I’m about to build the whole thing whatever okay so now we’re here okay

And this let’s look at it um now that is what what is that uh is that Birch that’s Birch that’s Birch Birch planks okay okay super easy give me some Birch planks Some more Birch planks okay oh God oh god I’ve already forgotten oh it’s ins it’s like a layer inside okay it’s a layer inside so it’s like this No no oh for now I cannot move it because if I move it wow it really looks like a garage I guess I could extend everything no no Frack no no this is this I’ll figure it out I’ll figure it out okay okay no this is easy this is an easy problem it’s

Totally fine I just fixed the wiring no worries okay done okay door okay let’s we’ll figure that out later okay done okay replace the floor with Birch planks the entire floor okay okay the entire floor with Birch planks now I’m crushing it you guys gotta admit

I would use a builder one guys but I think I’m gonna struggle more with it like I would use it but like dude I swear I’ll struggle more with it I’m gonna try it I’ve lost the wand I think I gave it away I can make one monkey I’m too scared

Yes okay all right all right all right monka okay yeah what’s up it’s it’s raining I know it’s real bad for my house okay but you know what’s really cool you know the thing I gave you that has Riptide on it yeah when it rains you can actually use it like on land

But only when it rains foreign foreign so I can fly I’m stuck in a minute oh I’m stuck in a tree she’s stuck in a tree just kidding oh attack attack it’s fine everything’s fine I’m flying everything’s fine everything’s fine I’m flying he’s flying I’m flying holy I’m high wow

Nobody has Wi-Fi except for you and meow Oh you have that too yeah oh okay but mine’s bigger Way to go that made me really hungry it went it just could kill babies back to our house I feel like Thanos like you know how he’s like Omega powerful like I am it’s like but then he just wants to chill in his nice little Garden at the end of the day

That’s me I’m Thanos took a little flying break you know okay done okay okay okay okay we’ve replaced everything continue with the video it’s Spruce log to build the second floor pillar this is far how many high is that eight okay where is that I missed the door wood in the doorways where

Oh what in the doorways and then I have to put a door in there too I forgot what doors I think dark oak doors right is it on the outside I think it’s like there no I think that’s ugly well the thing is the door is going to

Be there you know what I mean so we’ll do this door later right it’s the other way for more dimension really I suppose you’re right you know what that looks good you’re right okay fine that looks good we do that okay okay oh no oh is that why they told me to make

Scaffolding not for Aesthetics but to like use it okay other tables okay so this one is gonna be here I don’t really know how to use scaffolding I guess I could try it how does scaffolding even work just a table what oh so sorry why it’s really pretty those look like little tables

Ew what’s that you stack them oh like that okay perfect okay so then we go like this and we use stripped Spruce log stripped Spruce log right okay we’ve got a bunch of those here here okay is that right stripped Spruce log okay one two three

Four five six seven eight thank God we have Angelic feather holy okay next one next over okay okay oh my God he’s going way too fast relax relax relax relax okay okay okay okay I’m kind of getting it so it’s like that okay okay so I’ve done that oh

Okay oh dear Lord dear Lord okay rewind rewind okay so that part I’ve done okay extend 12 blocks okay that part is easy so then he wants to extend this part out ah yeah yeah this part needs to come out 12 blocks right here Jesus two three four is that right

One two three four I think I need more scaffolding guys this is not right or I can walk along it wait what is this right yeah I think it is one two three four five six seven eight eight eight nine ten eleven twelve I’m a legend double Legend I think that’s 12. please

Tell me that’s 12. okay I think it was 12. okay so you extended out 12 blocks and then and then you go and then you go okay that’s 12. one short no way one two three four five I can’t tell I cannot tell one two three four five six seven one two

One oh no one one two three four five I’m going to scream one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11. oh my God you guys were right you’re all right 12. what is that the wrong kind of wood 12th okay and then after the 12 then that’s 12 right then

I sort of follow so you go like this right and then oh God rewind a bit how the heck do I do this though my brain hurts that’s not that hard that’s all that hard that’s so easy I mean that’s just so easy I just go like that right

And then I just go like that like that and then we’re just like that okay okay and then I just build that all the way until it reaches the height of the other thing and then connects that together oh that’s easy okay finally I understand a part okay so

It’s one two three four I think that lines up is that four High Frick let’s just try it here one two three four five six seven eight eight nine ten eleven did I do that oh I’m building a new house this is getting really detailed thanks so much

I’m following a YouTube tutorial I’m losing me too I did the same thing yeah they’re so cool man I just want a cool nice house I’m gonna get it it’s so close you know can I’m not blinking man it’s bad it’s worse than played up I swear

Uh Leslie can I test something out oh yeah hold on well you have to be on the ground I think okay one second let me just put this last piece on the ground or on the thing and Bam why does that look so bad whatever strip it wait okay hold on okay and

And okay okay and right okay I just want to see what this does wait what is that a shark wait oh bro again oh my God foreign oh my god did you see her alligator come on alligator it’s an alligator bruh [Laughter] um yeah so what are we doing

Leslie doesn’t want to go because she’s addicted to Minecraft I mean I’m there too but I’m gonna I’m I’m gonna I’ve gotta sacrifice I’m just gonna I’m the same fine we’ll reschedule what no let’s go let’s go I’ll still go oh yeah but okay but what about me on my own

Will go too right oh yay um like leave uh not we huh like like we end we end at 10 kind of thing we can do that if you want to do that okay I’m down for that I’m done with that okay yeah okay okay

All right end at 10. so so 10 30 right yeah yeah 10 30 then can you tell I’m so sorry if you’re hungry because I’m hungry too okay okay um can you tell Blau and Ellen yeah I’ll let them know you’re the best okay okay we’re slowly leaving our mortal bodies it’s happening

It’s bad it’s so bad okay okay okay okay okay okay um okay yeah sorry Abes tell me okay okay let’s let’s look at this now okay so now four and then they go four four okay four and then well this tutorial Is Amazing by the way four and then five okay easy enough

Wait what was four oh no one two three four and then or one two three on the fourth one two three four I think it was like this I think that was it yeah okay perfect one two three four yeah okay four in between and then it’s five in between

Here I believe that the next thing is happening so it’s one two one two three four five and then it goes one two three one two one two three four five and then it’s up like this I don’t know how to plant this like this so it does this

What it’s like it’s like this and then it’s like that oh and then it’s like that and then it’s like oh dear Mercy Lord I’m gonna cry so sad new halves new house evolved house okay so then it’s like that okay we are caught up with the tutorial okay

So that it’s there right build all the way up I’m assuming you you go there and then you connect those yeah okay and then you do glass panes oh we do the same glass thing okay easy enough okay that’s easy that’s easy oh no I want to cry

Got to be the most annoying part when you’re building High you’re doing great losing it huh why it’s because I keep falling can I have creative mode oh oh just kidding I didn’t I didn’t want that but you’re already in creative mode huh what is aikuno talking about he’s asking about Wi-Fi

He wants Wi-Fi no what is Wi-Fi he’s talking crazy Wi-Fi is like when you can access the internet but like you know remotely yeah but why in Minecraft so that he can play Minecraft in Minecraft that’s ridiculous and then in there are you making Wi-Fi too

Yeah and then you make Wi-Fi in that so they can play Minecraft and Minecraft and Minecraft okay okay I’ll get you fuel a second you know you can teach me Wi-Fi my brain where I’m building after a couple of hours since the mush that’s me every day every

Single day I’ve been like doing a new movie oh my God really wait no Abe that didn’t help here come come here look stand right here at the edge of this block okay okay and look up does that help kind of kind of sort of look at my house welcome huh pretty right

Yeah it looks it looks great it’s gonna look even greater looks it’s a house fit for a mayor you know what I mean yeah this yeah you know what I agree with that statement thank you so much whoa It’s coming together dear Lord Next Step okay so then it’s

Windows right windows are done okay easy clap finish the windows then we go over to here do windows okay that’s easy enough so that one okay Windows same thing same thing and same thing okay and then here windows again okay this part’s all easy how am I only five minutes for the video

I feel like I should almost be done okay that part all easy it’s this window in that window right okay I can scaffold there this is ridiculous I should be done the the wait oh no it’s every other right so it’s like one one two three okay

I trade that building and gave up no don’t say that we must persevere you cannot give up ah just place the panes on the sides of the blocks what’s that mean do that it makes me sad because I don’t know if I have enough pains I thought I

Made like the perfect amount of things okay okay okay okay okay guys okay we’re caught up okay so then we go here right and then interesting what is he trying to do here what is that so you go to the front side of the house now

Right like over here and then he he takes uh the spruce log and does what with it okay interesting so he goes like he goes like this then this okay and then he deletes that one and does that okay so now I have this exactly and he puts that out how many

Ah yeah oh like a c that’s easy it’s just a c so it’s like just to see oh this song is pretty it reminds me of a nice Twilight Forest it’s pretty good night okay okay it’s a c so one two three I think

Is fine and then one two and then we go all the way up and then patience I can do this I’ve done the C I’ve done I’ve done the Z okay okay all right here we go and then we go like that and then we go

Like that another C another C and then you connect the C’s I can do it I can do it okay all right so then I go out here right and right in front of this one we do another C I think I’m running out of spruce logs actually

More Spruce logs more Spruce logs thank you where did you did you come up where did it come from okay all right so my confusion here is how the heck do I okay breathe Leslie breathe okay you can do this it’s light work okay this is just wood and think about the

Final result it’s gonna be so pretty and you’re gonna be so happy and you’re gonna love it so then I go like this I take it foreign why does that look so ugly whatever I think it has to be like that okay and then I think we’re done with that part

I’m a Believer too okay and then you connect out the front like that just like that super easy let me do that really fast um it’s just like this oh hell no I think it’s time to seal the P.O box guys maybe this is where we take a break

Oh so sorry guys I realize you can’t see anything sorry okay okay this got significantly harder once I had to like you know okay and then oh I think and then we do Windows window pillars again okay super easy boom boom boom okay easy enough Okay window pillars one more time easy clap

No stress no stress no stress here we go ignore the dirt ignore the dirt it’s gonna look sick hi yeah I’ve run out of glass panes oh wait oh my god when I um I’m so stupid I can just grab it from my inventory I have storage access wherever I am That right there okay okay and then we’re done with a lot of it I swear that that is a lot okay then we pull back and I think that that that’s easy that this is just lining that up that makes complete sense okay this part easy

So so so I can do it I can do I’m so sorry so sorry so sorry let me get that out of your way okay it is not three more hours no shot I’m almost done I can feel it it’s finished wait why does this look so wrong is that fine

Thanks chat I believe I believe I believe I believe I can do it okay looks good okay and then I need dark oak log and then I’m gonna take that okay dark oak log okay I can do this dark oak log dark oak log is easy to find stripped dark oak log

And then then they want me to get Spruce planks that’s all easy get out of my house I’m building first day you seem friendly enough okay so then they they go like this they take the dark the dark oak log like that and like this and it’s just like this ah

Okay so like that and then okay and then pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty okay and then what’s that oh more of the other one and then dark and then dark and then okay bing bang Bop super easy okay this is like this one and then this one is

This one is this one right stripped Oak dark oak log like this one this one like that okay and then Spruce planks I can’t wait I can’t wait okay okay this part’s all done this part’s all done okay and then what’s next tell me more what’s next

Oh on the other side of the house dot same thing okay easy and clap easy clap okay we just go Um mother wait why does this look so ugly was that fine dark I think it’s like this fill it in with and then Spruce planks and then this one like that

Okay now what one more one more which one is he talking about it’s got to be this one right this is the only one left okay all right this is the only one left so uh and then mother mother beautiful beautiful now I must find this blanks this uh what are they this

Planks Bruce planks okay okay and then okay and then that okay okay okay and then and then what the field fill the floor using the strip dark oak log okay like the entire thing or what I feel like oh God this is like a direction thing it’s a direction thing and my brain’s

Gonna explode but I think I got it okay so I just need a lot of um a lot of you know what how’s it looking does it look pretty at least ew the dirt looks terrible okay okay okay okay here’s it so far okay it’s looking pretty good it’s looking very good okay

It’s looking quite nice oh my God it’s looking really good all right all right all right so now I need to get into here because they said to fill the floors oh no no this is what I need to do I need to grab dark oak logs all the dark

Oak logs I think okay and fill the floors now oh not not with that stuff okay with uh with dirt okay all right here we go floor time oh God oh God the floor direction is gonna throw me off okay are we ready this is right this is all right I’m doing great What is that oh wow wow wow how do I get down we’re trapped ah all right well let’s see they filled in everything fill the ceiling with dark strip dark oak log as well fill the whole ceiling in oh okay like that Okay all like that fill the whole ceiling in with that like I think it’s like this okay oh dear God okay no this is light work so easy new dirt Tower about to drop chill okay yes I will get rid of them okay these are dark oak logs yes okay other way no

Been like an hour what Leslie he’s a builder hello dude Leslie this looks amazing you didn’t have a roof like half an hour ago yeah I’ve been going um thank you so much it’s gonna be fantastic it’s all I’ve been doing I’ve been in the zone yes mayor frusley yes

Can we borrow you for just two minutes it’s time to show you you know what yes okay um give me exactly enough time to finish this roof it’s almost done and then I’ll be right there meet you at the post office okay yeah it’s fine

Um as long as it’s all the same way right you know what I mean Oh God that’s horrendous whole upstairs it’s looking beautiful okay oh my God this is gonna be stairs where are these stairs in the house I’m trying to figure out like where are they oh I see they’re like um the stairs are like um wait oh God where am I

Oh the front of the house is here right so so okay so this is the front of the house right here here how the heck my brain right like what the heck my brain the one facing the wall facing the water okay so here right okay oh okay

So I just need to get stairs okay and and then I’ll go get them please does it go all the way to the window I think it goes all the way to the window actual last thing what’s happening are those Spruce stairs Bruce stairs Birch Birch stairs okay the tutorial use slabs

But that’s fine wait the stairs turn in the house let me just see really quick what do they do no this is fine this is fine oh oh that goes hard that’s actually sick okay for now we leave it out there and then I go that looks sick okay well okay I’m done

For now looks pretty good so far looks pretty good okay I’m ready it’s getting there so cute okay it’s gonna be so pretty okay oh hello oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Okay okay mayor fousey step back over here step back yes introducing oh my God your new post office and also the uh if you approve of it we’re gonna take some of our building styles and tools and apply it to the town halls we have the scaffolding of the town hall

And we’d replace it sort of with the new brick and wood look that we have so that we kind of have like a similar aesthetic for all public buildings I love it let’s go inside instructions we left the scaffolding to specifically show the worst no yes let us give you a

Tour of your new post office uh okay right here we have temporary signs at the top there we want to put a big thing that says post office there yes big bang Bob um I’m up the scaffolding please watch your set make sure you’re wearing your safety helmet I’m not ink it up

But you just I’m up um you can see a very nicely detailed roof all the way at the top two section roof since this part is slightly higher it comes over here uh notice the attention to detail the multi different types of white terracotta that we use uh

Four different uh types of stone uh notice the beautiful Spruce buttons adding detailing The Acacia logs the earthy feel fantastic and copious uses of uh lanterns oh uh and also asymmetry we were very proud of the asymmetry in this build we went for Alaska you know different things in

Different spots I love the lantern the hanging lanterns it’s beautiful I like asymmetry that looks nice dropping down yeah uh you’ll notice that we have planters out here um which will be filled with are currently filled with that which of course if you wanted a change the color of those you know

Retrieve the color of those plants to the Hobby if you need it absolutely this entrance as well which is actually slightly elevated now coming inside obviously we haven’t done any of the Interior but all of the um beautiful boxes are gonna be right here nice they’re all going to be wow okay yes

This is where they’ll check their mail what about the bulletin board where will that go uh bulletin board we want to put over here near the tower which I’ll show you in a second so we have a big spot for the tower and then the bulletin board

Will also be on the outside of the tower fantastic um oh check out the windows there yes oh my God beautiful wow um and then possibly one of the best uh features for extra extra new residents we’re gonna have some more mailboxes because this will be a three-story tall

Tower yes you will be able to climb all the way to the tip top if you haven’t added in the ladder yet or the floor but if you come and look at the flat uh the tower on the outside here oh I’m sorry for something you are you are embarrassing me you are

Embarrassing hey hey get it together get it together I’m sorry you put it put it together pull it together if you come over here you will notice your gorgeous uh Tower which yes it will be able to go to the very top um and it’s gonna have a bell at the very top

And then on this side we were like well there’s not an entrance on this side so you want to add an additional uh fruit trapdoor uh arted Planters two levels theories of Planters I would like the town hall and the P.O box to connect wait actually that’s not a

Wait that’s not a bad idea at all yeah that would walk that’s an easy fix yeah I mean not today but like you know there will be a nice that’s actually really yeah especially when it’s in the same style no that’s actually perfect yes oh my God wait this I’m cooking no wonder

She’s the mayor no wonder she’s the mayor yes okay really in mayor fousey anyways we’re on to the town hall next uh you can start doing interior decorating and setting up the uh I hope you like the exterior wise I think it’s incredible yeah it’s incredible I will start adding things

And and doing all the interior lots of little details lots of you know it’s going to be so cute when those connected Town Hall’s done there’s Roads connecting all of these together we can go from you know the PO Box check your mail to the town meeting you know where

It’ll be like hello attention everybody hello everybody well it’s not on you need to tap it oh is that on oh perfect Thank you so much Thank you so much we’ll have karaoke nights here but only I can participate oh yes that totally makes sense okay mayor fousey we’re actually so um we love your work so much that we oh one second one what do you think oh my God was it you lost what today

No no no no you’re the Imposter no no no Leslie Leslie where’d you get my face everyone got one in your head no these are like everyone’s handing them out they’re like let me see it let me see it drop it on the ground oh my God you’re holding ahead run man

Why are people holding my head like that you’re the mayor I mean you’re the Imposter no that’s not us it’s not us who passed you those heads that’s disgusting that’s despicable Behavior despicable listen we’ll deal with the consequences oh we need a prison um no God

Get the heads up get the damn it you got it back please back please oh we’re stuck in a hole how’d you get out this is weird this is so weird um you actually need that head first can you tell if I’m wearing it yeah your head actually just got bigger

Yeah really it just got bigger wait really yeah you became a bubble head oh my God it actually grows why is it pulsing oh God that’s that’s uh that’s okay that’s kind of that’s disturbing yeah like moves it’s like why is it pulsing that oh God you’re crazy I

Like it thank you so much for days when I’m really trying to make a statement why I want it okay you can have it uh anyways um interior is yours to work on we’re working on Town Hall tomorrow amazing incredible great work um it’s time to go for all of us

Yeah okay you want the head back oh we really left wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up okay that’s it for tonight we made a lot of progress again we are put all coming together new house storage is fixed tomorrow the PO box and

The town hall and the roads and the whole city is here today I love it okay um Frick I feel like I have something oh tomorrow we’re playing party animals and then Minecraft is most likely um okay Wordle real quick time for kbbq I have therapy in the morning

I have therapy what do I have tomorrow um hold on um um let’s see okay I will not forget it I will not forget it um go into it all let’s do it all okay dough is Wordle and then that is this and we go like that okay

Why is it so bright dear Lanta geez nothing has to be oh then has to be oh wait okay hmm hmm hmm Okay core core core core core core core cool cool calm calm whack them that’s a tablet whoa Whack waku Kaku cook cook poke poke poke poke booked poker interesting oh C Rock S Rocky thank God almost lost right there bad Rocky what an interesting one that one almost got me oh hello sorry I’ve disappeared okay I gotta go right now guys thank you guys so much for hanging out I’ll be back tomorrow for some party animals and probably Minecraft maybe

Some valorant and we are gonna be hanging out thank you so much you have to get dinner and I’m gonna go meet Ella I’m excited I never met Ellen before in person it’s time to meet alum and eat Korean barbecue and talk about Minecraft no that’s lame when you talk about Minecraft

Hey super shot oh my God you know what song is such a banger oh oh by the way I have been listening to the playlist that we made together groovy bouncy Friday afternoon non-stop okay and I’m obsessed with um Left Right XG you guys recommended it

And oh my God and new dance is so cute too new dance and left right are so catchy um I highly recommend left right like it’s so good I Can’t Stop Dancing to it yeah xg’s so catchy uh yeah anyways yeah like I’ve never I never really heard of

Them before you guys and then I’ve been like it came and I was like what the heck is this so catchy left right left right left right I played it like 15 times on repeat today anyways I get get on that song If you haven’t I mean I’m late to the party

Because I only and then feather and vicious Sabrina Carpenter sleigh yes um I really like those um yeah you guys are oh my yeah it’s great um it’s it’s a great playlist I’ve been I’ve been feeling it okay anyways time to go goodbye thank you so much everybody

Um that is it for today and a capiche and a capuch and uh see you guys later thanks for hanging out very much I appreciate it so so so much see you tomorrow don’t forget to like the stream if you haven’t uh follow me on my socials foosli on absolutely everything

Um but obviously I’m most active here right here on YouTube one thing you notice about me I when I schedule my streams I’m always on time is it true is it true down to the minute I’m always on time All right one thing I take that very seriously I panic I’m like sitting in front of my computer I’m like timing that I’m there to the minute I’m good about that I’ll boast about it yeah that’s right I’m timely okay goodbye everybody I’m getting sidetracked thanks so much see

You tomorrow have a great sleep brush your teeth dental floss and stuff listen to a nice book take a bath goodbye sold out bye see you later

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT! MUST! DO! EVERYTHING! BAKERY! POST OFFICE! TOWN HALL! NEW HOUSE!’, was uploaded by fuslie on 2023-09-26 05:38:31. It has garnered 87430 views and 2893 likes. The duration of the video is 06:26:47 or 23207 seconds.


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Stream Intro by RowdyRoran Thumbnail art by rebchan


Timeline 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:43 Just Chatting 00:33:36 Minecraft 06:21:28 Wordle 06:25:05 Outro

Tags #fuslie #100T #100thieves

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    Crafty Coffee Shop Build in Minecraft Building a Cute Cafe in Minecraft Minecraft Versions Cheezzy’s tutorial on building a cute cafe in Minecraft is based on the Java Edition (PC) 1.19.4. This version offers a wide range of features and updates for players to explore and enjoy. Shaderpacks The tutorial utilizes the BSL Shader pack, enhancing the visual experience of the cafe build. Shader packs are popular among Minecraft players for adding realistic lighting and shadows to the game. Resource Pack For this cafe build, Cheezzy uses the Faithful resource pack. Resource packs allow players to customize the textures and visuals in Minecraft, creating a… Read More

  • Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled

    Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled In Minecraft’s world, the updates are grand, With new features added, like the Deception Trial’s stand. The new mobs and items, all so unique, Crafting stories and adventures, for players to seek. The Trial of Deception, a challenge to face, With monsters to fight, in a limited space. The Windward, the first mob, armored and strong, With benefits aplenty, it won’t be long. The Breezer, a mob with flying skill, But weak in damage, its rod a thrill. The Marshwalker, with poison arrows in tow, And a Brazilian green look, a unique show. The Windward’s upgrades, special and bold,… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With memes and animations, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From the classroom series to songs adapted with glee, Cube Xuan’s channel is where you want to be. So follow along, subscribe without delay, For Minecraft news in rhymes, each and every day. With humor and fun, Cube Xuan’s style is unique, Crafting content that’s sure to pique. So leap into the verse, let the story take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft servers! Today, we want to introduce you to a server that is taking the Minecraft community by storm – Minewind. While watching a video about the best PvP server for Minecraft, you may have come across some exciting gameplay and intense battles. If you’re looking to experience that level of excitement and challenge for yourself, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on PvP gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Minecraft Community Server Adventure Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players from all over come together to explore, build, and survive. Join Boubou on his community server, where Java and Bedrock players unite to embark on thrilling adventures in version 1.20.4 and 1.20.71, respectively. To join the fun, become a Level 2 channel member on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and hop into Discord to accept the rules, provide your in-game name, and get whitelisted. It’s a token of appreciation for the amazing support from the community. Exclusive Benefits and Support For those looking to take their involvement to the… Read More

  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

    Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!Video Information this is Sky Revolutions a fairly new 1.19 questing mod pack from the creator of project sacrifice however unlike project sacrifice which was a previous Sky Block that we played best around blood magic this one here is much more techb as you can see on the left hand side here in the quest book we do have mechanism we do have thermal expansion we do have I believe a little bit of pneumatic craft and of course we have some create as well and as you might guess this Quest book here starts up at the top… Read More

  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

    INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by HapLegit on 2024-03-27 06:30:03. It has garnered 389 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore This is a trailer for my new minecraft smp video. It has to be planned to be uploaded in April. Make sure to subscribe to channel to get the notification.. The video took me a month to make. I hope you will like it. I will try to take you guys after we will have good… Read More

  • Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Types of MLG | LEVEL 1 TO 6 | #minecraft #pocketedition’, was uploaded by ANAV 1124 on 2024-01-10 15:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Raid on Psd1’s Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!

    Insane Raid on Psd1's Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I Raided Biggest Suger Cane Farm In @Psd1 servers | Fire mc’, was uploaded by Steve_gaming on 2024-01-04 09:47:49. It has garnered 676 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. minecraft i raided biggest suger cane farm in fire mc https://discord.gg/fgn2P4HM lifesteal server ip: play.firemc.fun you can join from every platform from this ip and also join my discord server for empire smp application subscribe and like kardo #firemc #psd1 #lifesteal #public #minecraft #java #youtube Read More

  • Enter Cartoon World – Find Secret Minecraft Pit

    Enter Cartoon World - Find Secret Minecraft PitVideo Information an infinite number of round eyes in Minecraft we’ll have it in this clip today hey guys I’m with you zomok at the beginning I’m going to ask everyone to like subscribe we get everything thank you so much I appreciate it very much and we’re starting we’ve got round pits today these are the kind of interesting cool lots of cool characters let me show you a dream catcher here rainbow friends remember from the digital circus this is Khloe bourjois ladybug’s friend well as a friend she’s a little Moon SpongeBob and the scariest and most… Read More

  • Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!

    Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!Video Information Halo teman-teman kembali lagi dengan aku putakun jadi di video kali ini kita akan BL ya teman-teman dan gue udah cari nethernya dulu di kamera jadi kita tinggal bunuhi blnya saja let’s go Oke teman-teman kita atur dulu modenya jadi mode normal Oke dan Kita serang langsung Astagfirullah e pedang pedang pedang Oke teman-teman ini gua akan cepatin aja ya Di menit ke eh di mana gue dapat sekitar 7 R ya teman-teman supaya tidak lama let’s go Oke teman-teman kita masih masih ngebunuh ya satu lagi ya teman-teman kita akan dapat tujuh Oke Belum masih belum ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

    Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!Video Information [Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral’, was uploaded by SK NAYAN GAMER on 2024-03-06 12:30:11. It has garnered 3679 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral Sure, here’s a new description for Minecraft: “Immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of Minecraft, a sandbox adventure where your imagination is the only limit. Explore vast landscapes, mine for resources, build towering structures, and craft intricate tools. Whether you’re a lone survivor or collaborating with friends, every block you place shapes… Read More

  • Lonely Lobby

    Lonely LobbyCome on, and join us to our server, and be a part of the community! In this server, you can talk, chat and also communicate with each other! Life is good! Life is Fun! We should have to stay alive! lonelylobby.tk Read More

  • NTCSMP – SMP Semi-vanilla, Java 1.20.1, Survival, Fabric, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Adults Only, Whitelist

    Welcome to NTCSMP: A Unique Minecraft Experience! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in the vast and blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further! NTCSMP is the place where adventure, community, and creativity collide. Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 Game Mode: Survival Play Style: SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Flavor: Vanilla-Like Modding: Fabric and datapacks Inclusivity: LGBTQ+ Friendly Age Group: Adults Only Access: Whitelist (because quality matters) What Makes NTCSMP Special? Community-Driven: Our server thrives on collaboration and camaraderie. Join a tight-knit community of passionate players who share your love for Minecraft. Vanilla-Like Vibes: While we embrace mods, we… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨

    Minecraft Memes - I'm a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨Looks like this meme just crafted itself a high score! Read More

  • Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme “When you’re trying to blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft but your Wi-Fi is so slow that the TNT takes forever to detonate. Talk about a real blast from the past!” Read More

  • Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9

    Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9 Exploring the World of Minecraft: All the Mods 9 – ATM 9 Minecraft 1.20.1 Minecraft’s All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a vast world with over 400 mods, countless quests, and an integrated endgame. Players are challenged to create the ATM Star and face off against the formidable Gregstar. Dive into this immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to conquer the challenges! Unleashing the Power of Bees One of the fascinating elements in ATM9 is the intricate world of bees. Players can engage with beekeeping, creating hives, and producing honey. By attracting bees with honeyed… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Let’s Play series? If so, we have some exciting news for you! After watching the latest video from a popular YouTuber announcing their new 3D Minecraft series, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to experience epic adventures, thrilling gameplay, funny moments, and unforgettable memories – Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine exploring vast landscapes, embarking on exciting quests, and building your own unique creations in a community of like-minded players. With Minewind, you can dive into the wonderful world of Minecraft and create your own unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE

    Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE Exploring the Top 3 Java Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience with some exciting Java mods? Look no further! Here are the top 3 Java mods that will take your gameplay to the next level. Java UI Mod The Java UI mod brings a fresh interface to your Minecraft Pocket Edition, reminiscent of the Java Edition. With this mod activated, your game will feel like a whole new experience. Explore the various options available in the global resources pack and witness the Java-style interface in action. Create new worlds and… Read More

  • Dronio’s CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio's CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнится рандомная структура Итак я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста Поставьте лайк и что вы ставите гораздо больше лайков чем я думал Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз о и вы заспавнил пустынный храм Надеюсь там будет хотя бы один Алмаз Эх К сожалению в сундуках Одна фигня и вы просто посмотрите сколько структур уже заспавнился А это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки и вы заспавнил город края там то точно должен быть Алмаз Нет не трогайте меня так открываем сундук и да Алмаз This… Read More

  • Creating Kitchen in Minecraft – Building Tutorial

    Creating Kitchen in Minecraft - Building TutorialVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pakistani Gamer on 2024-02-09 11:04:41. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft My Instagram account:- https://www.instagram.com/pkgamer_288?igsh=bzVqZnRpaWx3c3do Video related keywords:- minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building ideas,how to build in minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft shorts build hacks,cool minecraft builds shorts,minecraft build shorts,minecraft tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft shorts building,minecraft kitchen tutorial,minecraft build ideas,let me fix that minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpace

    Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpaceVideo Information trucos de Minecraft que probablemente no sabías si necesitas ir de una isla a otra con Ender pe y no sabes cómo medirla puedes tirar una bola de nieve ya que esta tiene el mismo recorrido que la Ender peel Así que podrás calcular la distancia a la que debes tirar tu Ender peel This video, titled ‘EL TRUCO PARA NO FALLAR ENDER PEARLS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🎮| TRUCOS DE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MapleSpace on 2024-03-29 02:00:13. It has garnered 11685 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Maple Spaciest Minecraft 🎮🎮 THE… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #ShortsVideo Information मेरा दिल था केना तूने खेल ऐसा खेला तेरी यार में जाग रात भर बाजी कर चिंगारी सर में बदन में कपड़े ंद This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raj Rai Gaming on 2023-12-05 13:30:50. It has garnered 2533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraft#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts#minecraft#ytshort #firstshortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft#ytshort… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫

    INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫Video Information Minecraft habe ich darf nicht die Farben von der Flagge von Wales berühen Multiplayer ausstellen [Musik] welerstellen This video, titled ‘Minecraft ABER ich darf NICHT die Farben WEIß GRÜN und ROT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Berühren! ❌️’, was uploaded by MCTiger on 2024-02-22 17:00:43. It has garnered 9356 views and 381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀

    LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀Video Information he H H ra br actually wait I literally have the sound effect like on me at all times what am I I could just play it I could just play the let me see how well I can do it hold on [Music] oh oh oh no that’s not you’re not making it through the stream dude I’ll I’ll be fine I’ll be fine right I took I took my meds that should pick me up also had a glass of tea that should wake me up also had a little bit of coke cero that should… Read More

  • Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio Family

    Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio FamilyVideo Information yo Welcome back to my channel b sama gu Kal ini Waduh 996 nih subscriber kurang terus nih tapi ngapa guys Sorry banget ini lagi agak sibuk banget dan kita tadi masih ada bug di server jadi kita istirahat dulu guys karena capek banget ngurus server kita main pubg dulu nih sama para Admin let’s [Musik] go [Musik] Aduh live chatnya belum ku ini cuy guys stream sampai subuh kayak [Musik] Git stream sampai [Musik] subuh [Musik] t [Musik] gampang [Musik] ya Buset anjing gede banget eh maksudnya tekatnya guys Apanya gede tuh di anu ya di di… Read More

  • Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft’s Progression Failures!

    Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft's Progression Failures!Video Information if you’ve played Minecraft for at least 5 minutes you probably know just how terrible the progression is you get some wood some stone tools get some iron do all that basic stuff make a house get some food find some diamonds go to the nether then after really just a couple hours of game play get to the end and kill the Ender Dragon then what for a lot of players it feels like after you beat the Ender Dragon the game just kind of ends it’s not really over really nothing has changed except you beat… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

    Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!Video Information oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong… Read More

  • SmGCraft

    SmGCraftWe are not just a Minecraft server. SmG stands for So many Guns and originally started in March 2010. Games include Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Halo, CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG, LoL, Roblox, and CoD. Despite your favorite game not being mentioned, it will still be played! A community with over 40k members! Version: 1.15.2 mc.smgclan.net Read More

  • Not So Hardcore – Hardcore Whitelist 23w13a

    Welcome to Not So Hardcore! This is a server for people passionate about building, Redstone, and creating large projects together as a community. Not So Hardcore? When you die, there is a waiting period until the next day to respawn, adding a challenge to the gameplay. Interested? If you’re interested, please message me. There will be a short application reviewing past projects, maturity, and long-term commitment. Welcome to Not So Hardcore! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft Memes; Stolen on Twitter!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than my own original tweets! Read More