Gawr Gura’s EPIC Minecraft HOLIDAY Adventure!

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Wow let’s test everyone’s volume everyone say things yeah how are you doing good everyone say something say something something next [Laughter] seems fine no one’s complaining on my side are you good i think everything’s good oh is is everyone already in the holiday mood jingle jangle bengal bangla In the middle at the port can we all meet up at the portal everyone at the portal The voice is definitely peeking okay that’s fine that’s funny okay maybe this is okay Someone going back and forth in the portal i keep hearing it now is that 200 volume hold up let me just I gotta go drop my cat off at the house so he stays safe oh yeah i’ve got like i have like 12 i think i have too many but then again there’s never such thing as too many cats okay your house is looking good now thank you

Amelia added a nice touch on top i don’t really know what it is it looks better wow yeah that looks better what do you say yeah i think i definitely made a big contribution like can you get rid of my chickens a long finger oh it’s a finger is it a middle finger

Yeah you could say middle you can say that i think the answer is clear if you have to uh ask Flying out of the wall i don’t really know how he did it don’t you think someone else’s cat maybe uh no they shouldn’t have a car yeah there’s water entrance to your house why is it that when gooda walks all this dirt comes up cause i’m dirty [Laughter] smells sad [Laughter]

I didn’t come here to be bullied man you didn’t come here too but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to be telling me the christmas tree is this your christmas tree oh yeah let’s go see the christmas tree over here Yeah i built this earlier it’s the dinner bell i’m hungry If you look inside this chest yeah if you look in the box there’s like a bunch of different decorations and shears so you guys can make your snowmen and they’ll be alive truly do you guys want to build a snowman oh my god you come on let’s go and play you see these

These pillars here that have snow and they have the pumpkin if you grab a sheer from the chest and you uh use the shear on the pumpkin then now you have a snowman you can take off the pumpkin wait what what how do i get in here And then you can take the pumpkin off if you want to or you can leave it oh my god they always try escaping i have to put a fence here that’s so cute is that a mod or is it actually in-game a feature that’s not in game chat And what else do i want they’re trying to I’ll trap them hold on i killed my snowman and only left me was these snowballs what do i do with them uh you can throw them at people can i build another snowman i messed up yes how do you build a snowman how do you do it again

Right click with the sheer on the on the pumpkin top oh yeah you you just need like a few snowballs and you can make a snow block you don’t need like a a crafting table to do it and then you can put two down and put a pumpkin on top I know you already prepared a lot of uh decorations on it but i also prepared about the pumpkin so that i can also contribute so i want to put some pumpkins on the tree yeah yes whatever you want i just picked some extra stuff that closed these snowmans and if i do

But it’s gonna be hard to decorate on the other side when there is literally a cliff there um that’s how we have a scaffolding look you see all the scaffolding i took half of it i never used that before yeah scaffolding scaffolding is nice because you can just click on the ground

And it just spills itself you can build really hot yay with like one one hit like like and then breaks all down it’s really good yeah oh they hit spacebar and it goes up look at that on top of it when i use the snowball it just uh it

Just makes me throw it yeah yeah you gotta make it in the in the blocks [Laughter] you have a shovel you can also uh you can dig these the snow on the ground what happens if i put a torch as a light on on the tree does the tree burn

Oh the point so oh we have like these glowy i can’t put it on there anyway but yeah we need to lighten the tree up as well no don’t set it on fire that’s not no don’t worry i’m not going to set it on fire

Scheme we’re going for or is it just red ah whatever you want whatever color i think it works yeah why are we putting some wool over the lights i’ll bring some color i’ve colored all over you put them wherever you want to climb up this elevator thingy daisy

Should we build a star on top yeah yeah yeah how do we build redstone lamps or i have these shroom shroom lights either work it’s growing so pretty damn can you not put the scaffolding on a bush oh Does anyone here already have a tree in their home i forgot you got to put it on sideways stuff like uh on the wall like this oh [Laughter] what are you guys doing crimson roots wait who are they throwing snowballs at what a shame oh they’re zombies oh can [Laughter]

Right at my arrow The words come in handy the ones i taught you oh yes delicious you go where’d you go oh boy where did you come from where’d you go where’d you come from cotton nigel huh thirsty i see i need to bring some stronger weapons tara hasn’t spotted her yet

She’s going she’s going to get more weapons this is what christmas is all about right fighting fighting we’re fighting around the christmas tree called christmas girl oh dead oh no i need to get something oh no oh no you need some steak did you make a mistake

No real for real they need some steak oh that might be nice actually maybe i can at least put some bones oh wait no oh no now all these weird rocks are in front of our tree because i tried to make a big tower so i

Could i could put the star on the top to just be able to like jump around like if you come this way kelly yeah follow me i think we can get to the top like this you just jump on the blocks yes oh okay maneuver around the tree

It should be like a little stairway okay did you call a uh taco dolly yeah yeah oh yeah how does it work where did you get what is what is she plotting now i was just setting something on fire but don’t worry it won’t be the christmas

I just want to tree this bone somewhere i can’t all the things that i want to put down i can’t put down when you press e and you you click on your inventory you can drag it out and then just oh drop it just drop it somewhere okay cool yep

To make the star with glowstone’s like glows oh yeah yeah well there’s also the there’s also redstone light but i don’t i’m not sure how to make it oh it’s still right that sounds pretty hmm i don’t realize how much torches are around our town until now

Some bones there they’re just kind of floating well they disappear i wonder [Applause] oh hi they look like them We’re safe okay scaffolding here’s zombie why are so many chickens i don’t know why you tell me why ma’am [Laughter] i mean they do eat a lot of kfc in uh japan for christmas yeah they do i don’t know what so why on christmas but i eat fried

Chicken nuggets every day hello girl is the star girl is the star on top of the tree oh [ __ ] star should we do like wait i have an idea i have an idea will you get close don’t hold on let me get it i have like

I have some glowstone i have 28. i took a bit of it if anybody has redstone dust i can try making a redstone lamp okay gonna think now i’m reading your house for redstone dust okay i forgot where i put it but it’s in there somewhere um Bringing out the battle accent if that’s how you want to play now ladies let’s not play fair thank you we’re gonna be nakaya takayoshi impromptu star ready oh another man is here i heard enderman no oh there you go with us is it the andaman from the uh the railway endermen okay

Okay uh miss calliope yeah could you take a backstab just knock towards the cliff oh towards the cliff i need a i need a little bit of room for the star thank you guys Have you ever thought of the theory that enderman might just be enma song our manager uh that would be quite a twist what’s your building i don’t know All the different types of lines yeah look this looks so nice a little more sense in my head but that’s breaking here it’s gonna be a scuffed scar i want to see how it looks from the fly we need a little bit more yellow here looks good looking good wait let me see

How that star is looking quite nice it might not be very storage but it’s good either yes i just can’t put them anywhere else i wonder if we could have like a few more color variations in the decoration although it looks kind of cluttered now so i mean

Should we add more hmm i think a few more colors would be nice though maybe like some wool yeah i think that’d be good i’ll put mushrooms on it pink and green let’s see what colors i have ah see how this looks i can’t tell i i’m gonna think it’s upside down i’m

Gonna put some of my fancy white glazed terracotta on it but can i have it back when the tree is gone maybe maybe not because i got them from far away lands okay i don’t want to lose them next week we could blow it up with tnt oh they’re really fancy

That’s a nice idea we can make lots of tnt we can make fireworks and we can send off the fireworks yeah i okay this is easy i can do blocks the roots i can’t understand i can’t make them work i tried very hard it’s not working

They don’t want to go anywhere the style looks good it’s a little skunk but we can improve it later it’s nice i can’t get up the scaffolding ow who pushed me it was a you you little wasn’t me what’s the chicken what does it say it’s a chicken no no no

No no i’ll eat you don’t blame me down my employees [Laughter] innocent nothing yes of course yes is the tree lopsided or is it just me i don’t remember being like that but it’s possible that i may have forgotten one side i can’t make progress how do you get up there

Oh god uh hold on oh man i can fix this what did you guys want for christmas oh what did you ask me well you have to ask but what about everyone else [Laughter] i want sleep look oh wait do you need leaves i have like like i wanted

Oh yeah leaves yeah you have leaves yeah i do hold on i need them we can’t make the tree even bigger you won’t believe how many leaves i have I have birch and uh oak and i have a lot of spruce are oh i’ll come to you my house we’re gonna have a very mixed treat yeah this is fine do you guys like when trees have like themed ornaments or do you like when it’s uh like a bunch of handmade different

Colors oh i like colors lots of colors colors and that’s like a more personal flair to the trees i think um are you are you guys even gonna get a tree this year i’m probably not getting one because uh i i don’t want to get rid of it it’s

Kind of annoying in here and in japan you have to vacuum after the trees a lot so it’s easier to get a fake one especially and where are you you know what fun when you have cats and a christmas tree that’s fun yeah i had some kittens that were hiding

In the dream christmas it was very nice cute okay nice i think something even where’s the door oh it was up thank you thank you If i make the star a little better it’s going to be like bigger than the tree has to be bigger from afar i can’t wait to see oh wait it’s glowstone that means it’s going to glow i’m so excited to see this glow how are you guys yeah good point

This could be so much fun I wish we could make like different colored lights can you use one glossy oh we can make a we can make stained glass stained glass nice idea go bring some Ah my trees i’m trying to make it uh a bit more spacier we can put even more in it looks so good from afar it’s so cute wow goddammit they’re not always perfect okay yes exactly that’s but them being individually beautiful that’s what makes them special oh

I literally have no idea what i was just saying but okay i’m glad that’s a lie well it sounded good um i mean i brought some stained glass i’ll put it in the chest thank you I only brought like two of each because that’s all i had left over but if you need more i have more how do we light up the stained glass still can you light it up i guess you can put it like in front of a glowstone the light so if you look

From the front it looks like different color maybe huh what if we put torches on the tree will it catch on fire [Laughter] they don’t even place on the on the leaves um oh i guess you’d have to have a block what does it have somehow um what if you

Put it on an ornament is it getting too much now how does it look still that could probably put torches on like the pumpkin or the terracotta oh yeah it’s missing a bit of clothes over there okay it doesn’t burn the tree it’ll be fine and the sun is setting almost time okay

Should we put something under the tree like a carpeting or something like a carpet sounds nice right maybe i can all right the tree looks so yummy forbidden snack trees what color should it go under the tree guys red oh red would be nice i’m sorry i’m trying to move

Are you okay are you okay are you okay it’s okay she’s she’s not that’s itself she can’t she can’t tell it right yeah tr true facts she looks so cute from over here it looks so good oh i want to see oh that is so cute oh my heart

There’s like a perfect spot for a photograph can i make the decoration for the tree as well i want to stay on here oh my god oh you want me to be there naked okay that’s what i like to see as well i see our tastes are very similar

That’s why we are both business owners taco bell and kfb hell yeah exactly oh i think we could use one more we can make a christmas card and then we can sign it and then we can post it yeah it looks really pretty it’s a great idea i like that

Let’s do it then happy holidays from halloween to you Are you looking at huh while i eat these potato chips i will provide a view of the christmas tree for everything you eat anything besides potato chips is there a reason to and bread that’s that’s your favorite food i’m gonna order some vegetables water for lunch i wonder what i should have wow

I mean potato is a vegetable right yes yes yeah yeah before potato chip is vegetable yes agree i also agree that this fried chicken is healthy and pizza is healthy oh oh we gotta sleep we gotta sleep oh god it’s like i’ll shoot him down guys don’t worry one day’s in there

Come back down fight me like a real fandom that’s what i thought yeah wait nice nice no i shot shot shots is there only one i think it’s only like only one the skies are safe another day yes i feel bad i wish i was there to help i

Tried to go to sleep you guys remember the first minecraft collab where we all just got at the start the perfect time how times have changed how they have there’s a party going on in my chat right now party did someone bring the police I’m ready for battle maybe we should sleep they what if they destroy our tree there’s three they just destroy our lives that’s okay that’s expendable we can take them thank you kfb thank you i love you guys oh sweet where is it i see it enemy spotted he’s going

To sleep he’s hissing oh he’s sitting at the cat i don’t think he likes the cat oh wow are you sleeping or not i’m gonna go to sleep i gotta sleep okay sometimes the best option in a battle is just to sleep i will also sleep i’m sleeping on your cat’s bed

Okay are you sure you can because the phantom’s around i think so i’m gonna sleep to the the calming sounds of their hissing let’s pretend they’re just pretend they’re um in front thank you everyone oh my god they’re still partying party party party oh they’re gonna burn to

They look like phoenixes except they’re dying instead of coming back alive oh my god those are so infertile they’re gone you’re cute necronomicon second edition yes what [Laughter] there was actually a cat that looked just like the first edition i think those girls girls can huh oh yeah

It’s like the uh the three different colored ones oh yeah yeah yeah i have a lot of cats now i can’t really remember what they all look like i think we’re gonna have more and more cats because of the iron i mean i’m fine with that they’re still killed

Right yeah more i only have one but i want i would millions of cats in my home soon yes wait what is this can i ask what this is is this like it’s the uh the photo zone for i don’t know the viewing platform yeah the photo zone

Temporarily i’ll just think oh so cute tree’s looking good it actually looks really really really good i’m really happy with it oh terrible it’s really good it’s a little more red oh it’s just a little more red in my opinion more red or just a little more red like bright red

Like this kind of thing you know like red flame red red red red red red red We should make like a red carpet that goes to like the entrance oh good idea i have some red if you would like to do it do you want to do it yes please oopsie give me some red there you go wait hey go like

So our elevators are gone huh oh do you need some you can build oh it’s okay no worries oh good in the hood i think i’ll just climb it the old-fashioned way oh here there’s some skype in here who doesn’t have to shoot me while i’m partying with my employees You’re having an intimate moment do you really think i would do that i’ll watch the archive i’ll see what happened there okay guys this is unarchived suddenly it becomes unarchived quick get rid of the evidence like scrub it it’s okay it’s okay um it’s okay excuse me thank you it feels good yeah

She’s used to dying i like pain i’m a mess against I tried so hard because they’re vines didn’t work out yeah oh i kept destroying those my bed i thought they were like what i thought they could actually go get the uh you can find separately oh low power i don’t think you can what i have vines that i can bring i’ll

Bring him i’ll go get him you want wine the game has stuff like that what mm-hmm not it’s not a tinsel are you talking about like tinsel that you wrap around the tree you know something like yeah oh it just hangs down but we can yeah oh but that’s cool

Yeah i don’t hear a zombie um is there anything you don’t have i’m telling you guys there’s zombies everywhere i keep hearing them just like there’s no there’s no caves careful they got arrows too they’ll shoot you you sure don’t get you what’s for christmas dinner by the way oh

Yum chicken and christmas cake of course hey christmas cake i’m gonna steal your snowflake no you’re not oh my god the sound of the sound of snow when you walk on it isn’t it amazing crunch crunch crunch they have to tell you something from a distance oh no from uh you look beautiful

Thank you would do some damage so we can have like an actual snowball fight maybe we could throw we can throw some arrows at each other oh yeah almost until we die maybe we should build that we should build a coliseum yeah oh and we can fight to the dead

What are you gonna build a ring yes i did like a you bought like a fighting ring a boxing ring yeah yeah it’s over to my house do we want to have a battle christmas battle i’d like a christmas batter forget the christmas dinner it’s time for the christmas battle

Yes the christmas battle that’s what i’m concerned about if we need to tell you i’ll just bring us back kfc and yeah exactly i’ll just bring you well actually that’s not really my job it’s kind of my job to keep you from coming back but uh you can 12 deaths of christmas no i’m really lagging watson is suspiciously quiet has anybody seen watson ah i’m in the tunnel why are you in the tunnel now i’m going to get vines and i’ll be i’ll be back in like four minutes i thought vines only take six seconds okay oh my goodness

Okay that was good i’ll give that to you that was a good one that was really good oh my god i’m so proud of myself it took like a sec half a second and i was like that was really nice oh my god a comedian kiara you are on fire tonight

He’s always on fire yeah i like it uh i can’t do it did somebody say possible oh were you going to make an attempt on my life no no you were going to make an attempt on my life because you don’t have a life if you’re you’re deaf exactly that’s the point

Which is why it wouldn’t work i don’t know why i feel like battling good albums i mean oh so you’re attempting i’ll hurt both of you i’ll hurt both of you it doesn’t hurt though it doesn’t hurt at all though let me throw cannonballs i can pretend it is

This looks so good i really like it i’m adding a little snow to the top a frosted christmas tree frosted tips like guy theory i like yeah yeah that’s right like that guy tasting around the christmas tree all right coming back Snowman do your thing oh you gave him a life yes i saved him from i On the it’s like a what is it not a snowball right now you take the snowballs and you go in your inventory and you line them up in a straight line i think that’s how you make them meanwhile yeah you just fill your uh crafting slots with no balls

And then you get snowblocks or you can get you can get like the little little snow thingies like the flat one yeah snow thingies oh yes yeah there’s no thingies what would you call them they’re like platforms i don’t know there’s a snow sheet yeah yeah yeah like this

Wait wait wait some ornaments too the torches remove the snow oh no a snow carpet and an effort was made if we put lanterns i don’t think it will melt them uh i think all the snowman just fell down anyways oh can you put the snowman on a lead

Oh that’s a good question can we put a saddle on him can we can we make a snow horse hi he’s so cute though he’s so cute very merry well at least there’s still more and more snowman just jumping up and down I got an idea and we should get the those red bushes they’re like holly we can put a holly can we make a mistletoe yeah yeah yeah i want a mistletoe [Laughter] i’ll make it here to be fine Are you making an igloo yeah i’m making a cake oh my god i love it yes can i help you anything you’re not um Should we make landers for the well i thought the torches look like candles but like i was wondering if we could make like bigger candles with like uh oh yeah yeah yeah um this idea here and this glass Your sniping skills do your worst phantom oh my gosh all right you’re fighting them all right nice nice nice provoke them i’ve got five shots today today everybody uh drop something good it’d be nice i didn’t even drop anything cute box in here hello and the tree looks so good from the

Distance too doesn’t it it’s so colorful so pretty christmas cake that’s gonna be a cake Yes shouldn’t the ground layer be I mean okay it’s all going to be out of cream okay again why not but we could have it later a layer came good like a like yellow and white oh with cream on top with strawberry yeah yeah and then you can have the sides showing so you can see the strawberry

Peeking out that’s the plate the plan yes now it can build on top of it okay you have yellow for cake oh this is the i mean i have buckets while i’m sleeping does that look like from the side like it could be

What we want it to be but do you have a layer of yeah just a visual this is so not symmetrical you see this vine here yeah i guess it’ll blend in i don’t know it would hang you can hang it off of stuff let’s get on with it okay let’s see what

Happens go get him tiger cool it makes an interesting it looks interesting oh that’s i see they’re only in green uh yeah except for the ones from another but i guess you can’t put those on the tree for some reason or maybe i grab the wrong ones oh oh the save you tina

The mmc please um let’s see i’ll put some on the glowstone that’ll look neat no i forget how hot i heard this oh there’s it there come on oh Okay one stop [ __ ] doesn’t even care about us it’s just it’s just chewing all the more reason to have lots more cats this is it yeah that’s good okay uh hey buddy move dirt for the cake damn it i brought yellow does this look okay

Oh is that too yellow yeah i can do that you can do that okay yeah nice membrane what is that oh what does it make do you want it i mean you kind of killed it no it wasn’t really me you did it yeah i don’t know what that

Is i don’t want it sounds gross [Laughter] oh you can do that membrane oh it’s used to repair elytras oh that’s useful for later Does anyone have an uh elytra yet no that’s an electron we have to we have to beat the dragon and then we can fly with those That she got for free but then she wanted to swim in the lava oh hey i didn’t want to now listen oh god they’re here they’re trying to destroy our tree our tree oh no get away from the tree everyone we lead them away kill it let’s fight we will not do such

A thing go away i’ll try and drag them away oh can we can we kill them with snowballs or stuff it’s fine it’s almost morning we just need to keep them destroyed snowman’s fighting oh yeah i was like what’s the flying like right like round things yeah missing everything what’s this guy doing

He’s going the wrong way man the battle is this way what are you doing over here thanks guys for helping you nice snowy dudes big snowballs put down the base where we start how many blocks in the chef uh start like right right here here’s like where i’m standing one more

Yeah do it so that there’s like one one um yeah yeah i had one one white block on the very edge i think that i’ll do you got it no that doesn’t work do you wanna do you want to come up here for a second

For what just to see it look at the thingy anymore um I think we need one more here and then one more here yes Yes beautiful oh yeah i see okay beautiful i have i have these red these red things here that we can put we can use them as as uh as strawberries a really nice bright strawberry and it’s got dots on it too like a strawberry yeah

Yeah it sure does oh let’s use those the strawberries i’m healthy are we done with the tree itself it looks done christmas cake no i will not burn everything dude where’s the pizza sama [Laughter] dude no danny devito i will not burn our christmas tree excuse me that’s the phoenix right exactly

Oh i should put the scaffolding closer i have a little addiction when it comes to fire i enjoy a little bit too much techniques do another cake layer yes wait past the open in that glass two layers i’m curious you guys sure do a lot of things in this game huh

But they’re all blogging with you will you burn it for 10 no no amount of money you’re just going to be wasting your money deadbeats are you wasting your money any more cake look at me ow hey exactly i thought that was a chicken leg that i was hitting you with zach

Are you guys hurting each other no we’re playful we’re playful uh having fun it looks like yeah we’re high-fiving each other yeah yeah we’re being good buddies and good buddies like to touch each other every once in a while huh what what what what’s bad about touching what’s battle touching come on

I mean i can’t focus somebody’s making the cake baking station hostile i can’t focus now we need we need more cream it looks really good from the dishwasher i got the i got the i got the whipped cream What’s going on There’s nothing wrong about that oh dude you burn it down for a scooby snack no would you do it for two scooby snacks she’s supposed to make it through yeah she’s concerning we’re good for this job right now oh you got to do it like a like yeah like a clock right like

Think i didn’t take screenshots again it’s tasty oh wait f2 f2 ah oh yeah gotta get some making off photos here what i’m leaving this area i even i don’t know if i hurt myself what the hell what no no photos like that what i’m just taking you know off the

Progress what the hell wait do we only have two strawberries later on don’t you do that to me cuz that’s already there’s more i’ll check the thing i should have more i think you said making out photos no mapping [Laughter] wait this isn’t gonna work uh

You gotta improvise yeah i got some more strawberries honey we’re still one right right here they really look like strawberries yummy like huge wait how do i like we got one for each member one should we i know this is not a birthday cake but should we put candles on top of the

Strawberries oh that’s gonna be a good thing the strawberry looks a little weird do you think [Laughter] hand holding with kiara what the [ __ ] is wrong what i’m going to cut down this tree any objections no put your mind sorry no christmas kisses no christmas kisses

I put those trees there because i was to hide anvils at the top so when you guys cut them down they would fall on you but it didn’t work out so yeah you can cut the trees that’s horrible that would have been funny though come on think of the content

For the content yes let got a very special block i can light on fire ooh uh i forgot where i put it though oh there you go second crib if i made a second christmas tree and burned that one down make for a cozy fire just make a bonfire Can i hide inside of the cake yes like a chicken dinner uh-huh Ah it’s a soul fire yeah yes soul fire that sounds interesting i want to see hold on it’s nice in here outside the cave it’s like the uh you know when you make like a marriage proposal and then you cut the kill with me it’s your it’s your it’s your Don’t ask me questions kiss my quote unquote fine i don’t answer wait why is there who ate the cake i didn’t cut it what are you talking about i fixed it i spit it back out and i put it back on the cake it’s fine a little bit that’s that’s gonna be your

Slice well you guys are scared of some shark cooties is that what it is huh that sounds so weird what else can we build as christmasy um what are you doing to my candle there in the tree yeah that could be fun if we put one of

These just to put some cats on the tree like as little decorations that want it yeah you know you have a ton of cats right can you go grab some put them on i know we can do it we can get both sides of the time we can go sledding he’s sliding

Yeah on the on the ice there’s an ice biome at the end of ppp or somewhere close let’s do bumper sliding on ice someone said we can build a giant candy cane we can make a skating rink i have a bunch of ice i can’t bring it

Hold on i’ll go get the ice skating green we can transform the fighting ring into a skating ring i gotta spend it a Oh no yeah kiara will you give me permission to build a giant chicken on top of your uh i mean we can build it together because that’s what i wanted to do anyway um it was a blueprint for it before oh yeah oh yeah please

Yes i got a lot of will uh wool as well so mm-hmm let’s do it again majestic yeah majestic chicken i’m gonna make the ice glue we gotta make it look like a little bit like a phoenix so that my my employees don’t misunderstand what it actually

And what we actually sell but it’s laser chicken i just realized the christmas tree is right above my head right on top of my cave eyes you’ll never lose your way this time do you still not have a proper home let me check it out

I mean i worked you can come see some of it i worked yeah want to see you next time you’re in your house yet you can come take a look i still don’t have a proper door but you know oh still here zombies yeah you don’t have to do you want a door

No i don’t know how to make one hold on oh my god i got super lucky i picked it up as a gotcha oh my goodness oh there’s a zombie and then there’s a [ __ ] in kitchen up here i’m still working on it but bitching is this your pet or chemical [Laughter]

Color and they all have colors hot color colors baby dolls yeah yeah when you tame them yeah it got so i have your shade thank you i have your salmon buddy hold on let me get it your cave has potential and cali you’re gonna have to light up

This place otherwise you’re gonna have a lot of friends give me one a name she was told that before but she didn’t believe it i didn’t one i listen i just didn’t want to do it because they told me to do it listen she doesn’t want to be told what

To do she’s a rebellious teenager um oh i’m getting ice but i already have a bunch of eyes so i’m just picking it up and then i’ll be back in like four minutes okay okay ice baby yes callie i got the perfect door for you punching bag really loved that salmon

Hot shut up punching bag listen i don’t know how buttons work in this game so on occasion when i try to feed my cat the sam and i end up hitting the cow with the salmon instead of getting no i just don’t play this planet often there’s only two bubbles to clean the

Door now i do you know it’s a nice color too thank you nice nice a real door hooray thank you so much just say it’s uh adorable how’s everyone doing it’s raining sharks and squids oh cool can i fight can i go kill some more fish i need more food for my kitty

Need more employees here not enough people working at kfb why did everyone quit their jobs what the hell oh i think you need to look at yourself mad in that respect why did they live by watching are you looking good i don’t know i’ve heard some stories

And zombies love me and i have to drink your tortured every now and then they’ll love me they will never leave me was it me or did the zombie not have a face that would never leave i think that was just you because you had a face for me

It was through the back of their head i couldn’t tell it was looking at me maybe i think you’re going in from the side of it yeah yeah look how good this looks it’s so good i have some ink sets oh i have some anvils nice

Your house has a nice tattoo on this tree and maybe the cats will come to it do you like it i’ve been told it’s a finger apparently it’s a very interesting hat yeah maybe maybe that’s how they say hello to each other uh where am is from oh where are you from again

Uh the uk is that how they say I will not let them be hurt by a stupid zombie what’s that need this one it’s not hello hello hello okay anyone sing everyone’s hairy all night oh god hello hello kill me i hate it i gotta stop they’ll they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me people from the uk

I’m sorry i don’t mean any disrespect you don’t do that the aussie there you go you’ve got it i got the cowboy covered though oh with my silky wall british people be like subscribe to my youtube channel oh my god i love youtubers actually bye bye you guys sound legit

Amazing all right anyway how’s that ice coming along honey oh yeah i’m almost back i’m in the tunnel on the way back i have 52 ice wait maybe we can make a long slide or something instead a lot he’s got an egg yeah maybe he’s gonna

Make us breakfast oh wow i don’t want that that would probably taste really bad zombie breakfast just the side of brains mmm delicious zombie no i need i want to see if i can uh oh this shimmer house is so cool wait that’s good wow oh I like collecting that admiring your beauty when the sun is coming up you shine even more beautifully than ever oh my thank you cutie well we know nothing’s as beautiful as you right oh okay where the tree the cake is almost bigger than the tree though

I think it looks really nice wrong with thick cake yeah it’s enough for everybody exactly oh yeah let’s probably get rid of this uh cake he’s good i mean you knew people thank you new audience do you see our delicious cake and our beautiful treat

Mmm yummy and where do you guys think we should build i have all the ice but where should we put like an ice maybe an ice slide because if you go really fast on the boat 52 won’t make that big of a square but now wait who is building something on the mountain

From the mountain down down there yeah nice idea can you go down ice like that is it so slippery oh you’re right ina it’s a cutting board just oh thank you thank you All right i’ll i’ll put stairs let’s go up there okay heading on the spider what’s happening why are you coming after me Oh what is that there’s a pig what that’s way faster we’ll just use this okay spiders have eight legs right Okay why else has eight legs because i called him an eight-legged freak and i’d like to be correct when i insult him all right that’s good i wish i didn’t answer that question i like the view from here nice the tree looked also nice from here hi oh yeah

You know oh the tree on top of your house looks very weird something else looks weird what is it what looks weird huh [Laughter] i have the same thing we all have the same thing all right everybody man no i’m i’m getting one i’m getting one and i’m getting

The same mic as several of you Somebody do like this side with blocks like a dirt or concrete on the other side and then uh we won’t fall off when we when we go really fast oh you mean like um i feel like we’re gonna need a little uh fence to make sure we don’t

Oh god wait that might be the fun part who gets the furthest without dying yeah it’s like curling yeah but with bodies we’ll do it over this uh this ditch here you know so you guys it’s more fun that way they should probably put make a little pool of water at the bottom

So we can like wee into it ah yeah um or maybe it should maybe i should it’s a it’s an icy diving board of death walk the plank i’m gonna put a sharp turn here oh it’s like rainbow road i the leap of faith i’m dropping i’m

Dropping a bunch of boats if anybody wants to pick up a boat you don’t want to like you don’t want to like put us put a put some stuff on the side so we don’t fall off easily yeah i’m bringing some dirt now though but that’s the fun part [Laughter]

Wait i’m gonna put away my diamonds somewhere i brought off i’ll get some water yeah i’ll make some what i like blue yeah your color is better glue is very nice good choice we’re gonna make this longer or will it end there i don’t have any more ice cream

Apparently there’s no fault in it oh so we can’t we can do it without the walnut whoever falls off first is a loser whoever falls off versus a stinky stinker stinkerton mm-hmm i don’t give a ride oh Oh really i just found out what i don’t like the curve here the curve kind of slows down anything i’m going to leave this boat i don’t want it anymore No more scaffolding all right wait more more more more it’s actually kind of fun unfortunately your boy actually has to dip out i thought it would only be an hour 30 minutes for this okay okay that’s fine like uh like straight so we can go zoom in and just fly oh

Awesome nevermind if it was here i was gonna accidentally break the ice block that she was standing on top don’t worry about it okay let’s go uh take a picture yeah screenshot screenshot time okay all of us are here we go down to the tree

Yes this is and we have the tree and the cake on the picture oh we can probably find an angle we can do that i’m coming i’ll go too hold on hi picture time picture time yay time to take chelsea oh it looks kind of prettier during the

Night should we wait until it’s night oh i think it’s on the setting right now isn’t it yeah he’s staying with me like a minute yeah let’s go on top of here it won’t get both on it but let’s at least cut the tree and we can get two yeah

F5 f5 there you go f5 is the change thing you can yeah yeah to get rid of the uh hud you want to take off your your uh uh that’s my equipment good idea ready oops i’m here i’m coming oh you dropped it should i what should i do go get it

No if you want just get it it’s fine no worries hello oh it’s all dead four oh how could i have forgotten maybe we can all uh crouch how do you crouch shift yes yes yeah cool crouching in front of the christmas tree it’s perfect and maybe one more should maybe one more

Person should be uh hold on let me go shorty’s in the front wait that’s so confusing all right down you go girl okay wait wait wait wait okay okay oh it’s perfect right now it’s like not too dark How can i get rid of the ui f1 oh you know do you want to crouch again what’s the screenshot again f3 up two enough room for both of you up here do we want to be on the cake oh it’s so easy let’s just sit here sounds good ready [Laughter] Yay [Applause] you guys have fun okay enjoy the rest of your time together I think we’re all on the end yeah i would suggest that we leave the christmas tree forever yeah i always keep it till next christmas Happy holidays Oh no they’re killing me they’re killing Them happy holidays goodbye you

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] HAPPY HOLODAYS!’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-12-19 05:49:59. It has garnered 571239 views and 34290 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:29 or 5309 seconds.

jingle bingle bangle those bells everybody!


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  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

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  • Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial

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  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

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  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

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  • “INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️” #shorts

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  • Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest Malaysia

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  • Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!

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  • Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!

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  • INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!

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    HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT LIKE A PRO vs NOOBVideo Information как Нуб играет в Minecraft так а вот тут алмазы подберу их стоп а как мне выбраться как про играет в Minecraft стой стой стой Если ты сейчас поставишь лайк и подпишешься на канал то завтра найдёшь iPhone под подушкой о тут алмазы ха-ха какая тупая Ловушка просто поставлю два блока под себя This video, titled ‘КАК НУБ И ПРО ИГРАЮТ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-09 15:12:36. It has garnered 10513 views and 1036 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft… Read More

  • MilkFactions

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  • The Grotto SMP – Java 1.20.4 – LeveledMobs – Dungeons – MapArt – Quests – Jobs – Community Events

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  • earth

    earthearth is and will be the longest running server of all time and will last for eternity.the purpose of earth is to keep the world running forever, any player can join and do whatever they want, call it anarchy if you will.with a powerful host, capable of maintaining everything, earth is essentially what we will have left once the universe decides to take us all away.server version will be updated always, the current being 1.20.6 Vanilla. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

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  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

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  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

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  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

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  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

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  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    UNLIMITED AIR & IRON - MANUCRAFT WORLD T3 #32Video Information Hey gente Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo video Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo episodio de la serie mundo manucraft temporada número 3 continuamos del episodio anterior episodio en el cual hicimos una escopeta láser del Industrial Craft e hicimos un montón de máquinas nuevas que de hecho hay muchas más como yo les había dicho en el anterior episodio que iba a ser de cada una de esas máquinas una igual para tener dos de cada una y así agilizar todos los procesos y terminar haciendo otra otras máquinas más y modificando un poco lo que… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)

    Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)Video Information hello why you live because I want to because I want to be live why is my Minecraft not loading up that’s the best question and my fan is dying that’s great that is great so it kind of took me like 2 hours to fix my laptop but it’s but it’s fixed can you hear the fan what is it like I’m back bruh sorry I left for 10 seconds what very slightly what what do you mean by that yeah my fans are like going oh I lost my login street because a computer break great… Read More

  • Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!

    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More