George’s Minecraft Championship 21 (MCC) POV

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Only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it’s free and you can always change your mind later enjoy somehow what’s up sapnab He wants to be with me so i’m not what’s that map church what do you mean you want to be with me i don’t want to have to fight you today george oh you want to be on my team yeah i’m not take a seat okay sat down

Today is going to be very hard for both of us why do we always have to fight i know i’m not pissed it’s not it’s not the way i wanted it it’s not the way i wanted it to be either but guess what samnap here follow me

Get out of get out of get out of the weather into the safety of the bus in the corner in the corner george i won’t shoot you i refuse and what if it’s just us and it’s 2v2 we will stand there forever we stand there forever and we look into

Each other’s eyes and we tell the game masters that we won’t stand for this we won’t get anywhere because friends the game masters the mcc game masters what is this hunger games it’s just like the hunger games summing up it’s going to be okay wipe that

I don’t want to hear any sniffles from you i don’t want to hear any more sniffles i’m going to tell you i haven’t told anyone what is it you hear you hear this yes what is that i’m sick i’ve been taking tylenol it’s the only thing that makes me feel

Better i’m gonna take another one right now i’m sickly i’m i have a sore throat and i feel weak what have you been what’s happened to you sam now what happened it makes me feel strong i don’t know i’m not crouched crouched i come i came back to town look out the window

I’m looking hold on i’m taking a tylenol look look more to the left a bit look it moves the left quick all right now look straight forward i’m looking okay cough again okay samnap it’s gonna be okay look at me you’re perfectly fine you’re in great condition

Trust me it’s going to be okay sam no matter what happens this event i’m going to take you somewhere somewhere that you should know well where are we going do you remember this spot i swear it all started church i remember do you i remember i remember it like it was yesterday

So long ago george you remember the first mcc i played them we were teammates the very first one all back in the back those many years ago it was me dreaming in saliva saliva saliva you’ve got much of a saliva in your mouth right now don’t you wipe it off wipe it off

Okay thank you yes i’m not any any more sad music hold on listen to me no matter what happens today just know next time is another chance for us to be team together and for us to take true victory together george there’s no one i’d rather win a victory royale with

You know yeah not what i’m saying i will not rest take off your take off your glasses just don’t eat them off i will i will not i will not rest until the day comes where we win a minecraft championship mcp together we haven’t won a championship together since 2020 of october

It’s been so long it’s been like that is that is far too long for anyone to go without victory stars but all stars doesn’t count it doesn’t we’re too crazy Damn it all george you can’t i’ve had enough i’m gonna go under this tree no i’ve had enough this is the tree of the tree it’s a tree of bugaboo the what the tree of oogabooga is that like the vice of 87 it’s just like that george i mean the

Actual server no i’m gonna i’m gonna go play ace race for like three minutes george w waiting for you wait this is an ace race oh this is the wrong thing oh i fell i’m on the server and i feel even though i have a team i’ve never felt more alone

I look on the tab i look in the tab downloading file it’s downloading the hacks onto my client george look i can’t look turn around i can’t see turn around you’re going the wrong way follow me cheers look george look at me mcc without you there’s no mcc at all

Wait you can fly you can find what i i have you can fly how are you doing that wait stand up come here quick come here transfer your powers into me quick transfer them into me transfer them into me i trust you oh my god i still have them i scammed

You i only gave you half back oh okay come with me we can both fly oh this is the best day ever wait i’m gonna get glitched underneath i’m gonna get glitched underneath look let me under that i want to get under that block if i can get under that block

Everything will change Wait what how can i all get glitched oh they probably have barrier blocks don’t they that’s what i was saying oh my god they have barrier blocks they try to prevent us from doing what we want to do why do they always do this george they don’t want us

They don’t want to see us win toppo topwood look it says whoa it says go gogi go wait come in here quickly no one will find this in here sneak this is jared if i sneeze yes it means you’re a [ __ ] how do you feel about that i trust him i trust him

Oh god hello fellow pink parrots yeah our lord has graced us i could never be late according to my watch i am just on time according to your watch you are you and to be honest according to my watch it is currently 20 minutes past 12 in tokyo

Your watch is incorrect for the current time zone that you are in unless you’re in tokyo wait no you know it’s not 20 minutes past 12 in tokyo right now what time it is somewhere he’s not and that makes him epic george george may i discuss what um

May i discuss the conversation we had in our in our group chat george in which you you your messages got deleted by the discord like moderation discord was trying to limit me and and they failed because i still i got i got around sense to him they tried they

Cannot sense a god they tried to they tried to censor him yeah you can even talk about i suppose we were um me and me and ron were role playing that i was gifting him a rat as you do and uh and i and and so george decided that um

You know he wanted he wanted to throw in his hat into the ring uh so it or throw his rat into the ring if you will and he sent a photo of a um of a man uh holding his penis but his penis was a rat listen yeah

I think you’ve misrepresented i think you’ve misrepresented the picture the discord me yeah it’s literally it’s literally like a porn image but george has never edited a rat on top no it’s definitely not pretty much a shaven rat no i didn’t even edit it i found it no he made it

He edited it i don’t think it i don’t think it’s even edited in any way it’s the default vanilla image george held out his hellacious camera my what yep what does that mean what does hilathus mean you know too many words i took a sip as you went my what

I i don’t know what [ __ ] your hellacious [ __ ] that is that is quite the adjective oh my god okay siri siri oh i came up with a little delicious activator hey siri hellacious define hellacious here’s the definition of hellacious informal very great bad speak of formal term it means

Very great bad or overwhelming wait how is it great or bad how does that work very great it could be like overwhelmingly great or overwhelmingly bad can negate themselves that’s like the word awesome and awful or can mean two good things or bathing did you did you never go to linguistics

I didn’t no i’ve i’ve missed out i’ve missed that bloodline is weak and you shall die it has been tampered with oh my god anyway do you guys want to go um like tell everyone about what okay no no george george carroll i was wondering if you guys wanted to tell

Everyone on stream about all the hard work we put into to preparing for this minecraft championship oh yeah yeah uh dude you want to go ahead and name all the times we practiced for the dates and the times but yeah basically what we did was yeah and then afterwards and then we

Oh and then on tuesday weekend yeah and then yeah and then and then afterwards to finish it off we so because of that we are going to win yeah true this is so true it was it was quite the the exercise i mean i’m i’m sweating bullets over here

It’s been a tough week two weeks are we doing skins and no one replied to me do you want my dress george as a as a as a person who frequently doesn’t wear skins don’t let people pressure you man i’m sure somebody could put your face on

A piece am i really gonna be skinless all right listen i’m i’m resorting to twitter let me see it’s okay you can be skinless if you want to let people pressure you into putting a skin on man it’s coming from someone who’s always being pressured no i’m not pressured i’m

Now i’m feeling wronged no you’re right you’re right george where are they you’re not wrong everybody will just judge you and that’s fine i don’t want to be judged where are the skills okay i have a controversial you guys are judging me in games you’re cornering me oh we get we get

Survival games out the way first very first thing we do survival games okay interesting i mean i’m gonna be very What kind of bunnies are they’re moving surprisingly less than that are they like slow bunnies do they have babies wait wait what are they doing it’s actually looking like sriracha you should also ramble that i think wait how often oh i didn’t even vote by the way um are these slow bunnies rambo

Yes but well they are yeah are you gonna write about it in your bag are you aware of slow bunnies you’ve done your research yes oh wait why is the bible game wait what that works look all i’m saying is all i’m saying is i’m i’m i’m the great i’m the great

Communicator all right this is insane what has this ever happened before i’m in shock i am the i’m the daddy of this mcc i’m the dog okay hold on um what’s the problem um stick together stay in tune you’re not not gonna call rambu has to say about survival games

Okay that’s fair actually all right we’re going for the chat you weren’t gonna call in the mcc does that mean you’re gonna call the other part no what why’d you cut yourself off then wait what no i said i wasn’t going to get daddy i said the whole world i said the full

World word i didn’t hear it again guys have you ever seen the red bull logo tilted 90 degrees what does it look like looks like he’s sneaking looks like he’s a little sneaky sneaky guy no good oh god why do we have to use ourselves so it’s out of the way this weekend Wait why are you a ghost you’re a ghost here as well okay let’s go this way let’s go this way yeah what’s the plan what’s the plan what’s the plan what’s the plan wait did we get chests or not so someone who knows that i was invisible because i was wait

You don’t want to get chests i feel like that’s not the middle chest okay guys even if there is a grace period i don’t think that we should go middle i’m going to be real i don’t have never seen let’s go this way let’s go this way

Wait which way are we going for the chests or not no we are going to go this way are you going to go that way i have never this has never happened i can’t sneak you’ve been in like three mccs calm down get ready get ready get ready it looks like

Look at the formation of these hay bales george pants thank you it looks like it looks like a hellacious car uh sneakers people see this place run the other way run this way this way this way oh my god we hit straight and we need to stick together i got a thing

I know but there’s an extra sword i won’t let the building sword i would love them okay i think we should go get some kills like you know there’s a lot of kills just on the table look around you want to win yeah you know i think we should just go

Get some helicious kills you’ve got some malaysia’s killers uh stone axe stone axe okay wait wait okay there’s people wait who is that who’s on the hill there are players over yonder on the hill yeah they’ve got they have a crossbow so watch out he is loading it so we just

Keep on moving yeah we should just keep keep looting i am a natural born leader yes i will leave the wait is this this what is this that one has four wait what hellacious leader a hellicious loot crate oh [ __ ] oh an iron chest plate don’t mind if i

Do oh okay okay okay oh who wants who wants uh okay the border is right there the borders wait where’s the oh god there’s an iron helmet wait i’m an idiot get the [ __ ] out get out get out of here get out of here who wants an iron helmet uh

I have an already helmet take that who wants leather hell say take this leather tuner no no one needs to let the hell no just throw away okay shooting me over from the building okay all right i’ve got to change the plan let’s we’re going to try

Over here there’s two teams here i think right i’m getting hit don’t go too far off okay keep moving keep moving keep moving that’s kind of funny i got hit by a hilarious trying to come for us keep moving keep moving keep moving just keep on running away they’re chasing

They’re chasing when they go find other teams that we can just keep hitting them keeping them don’t stop yeah yeah oh oh we’re getting pissed again i’ll go with this another team this is a joke oh my god why are there so many how does he have

Full iron armor this doesn’t make any sense they want us dead we’re like in a corner we’re stuck here we can’t get over here too um okay we’re gonna have to do something okay we’re in trouble uh go behind the car here maybe okay yeah oh god i’m being hit by the car

How am i missing am i that it’s okay it’s okay uh oh perhaps we just killed oh my god whoever these idiots are i think sapnap’s on his way a little bit as well just get just charged oh my god let’s go let’s go let’s change the tides

Of war let’s try it okay fine let’s kill them change the tides oh wait they’re running away was right behind us nice not me from behind oh oh wow oh i thought something good happened as well oh my god what just two shot with me yeah we literally we literally got me

We actually got juggled so hard wow yep and i got killed by puns as well wow this is not good that’s so annoying that’s so sad this is why we get out of the way man i told you like we suck we were i mean what are we what yeah

We got it out the way it’s fine it’s good that’s awesome yeah that’s so that’s so sad bro why are we constantly pinched i don’t know hey guys good teams we now have at least at least six minutes to go right i have a ouija board does anyone want to convene with some

Spirits and ask if we’re gonna win yeah let’s let’s do it let’s do it actually yeah hold on two seconds it seems like a safe thing for us to do i’m kind of down i’m upset actually even better no it’s okay no it is the first game let’s knock out some spirit box

Questions first okay okay what question do we have for the spirit box um why why did this happen okay okay uh to any spirits in the room we ask you ah that’s loud to any spirits in the room we ask you why did we lose this first round of mcc okay

I think it just [ __ ] said hellacious at me hold on we did that again spirits can you confirm why did we why did we lose the first round of mcc okay what god ran away where is it how’s it saying these things we’re gonna leave that we’re gonna leave

When it says in the summer god ran away that’s not what i wanted to hear so dude yeah we’re the we’re literally four of the five people that have died so far we just got unlucky we just got them sadly we got pinched dude because they

They knew how good we were you got to remember though the first place apparently has 250 coins right 250 coins is like one kill in like the last round of survival yeah yeah no it’s really good that we got it done first somehow but it’s slightly worrying that we’re so bad

Is it going to be storm happening right now what’s happening later in the event if i convene with the demons again and ask them if we if you know why inhabiting this room can you please ensure that we win this game of mcc in return i will give you a child’s brain

Should be bad that noise is horrible maybe you should clarify which child did just say skull skull how did the come on give it to us evil that sounded like just convening with demons while there’s just okay underneath us yeah no what are you saying oh [ __ ] run people run Oh no Okay we’ve got two years to win this thing okay hold on the tides are changing don’t worry guys second to last place is 161 coins last place has 18 coins 18. you love to see it i think the fact that survival games got picked first somehow is already a changing

I think the tides are going to change now that we have the spirits on our side no one was expecting the demons come on everyone this is an intense battle they’re dead they’re going to lose my man now he’s gone wow [Applause] okay guys i see this is a win 348

Okay we’ve gotta we’ve gotta keep it up yeah fourteen hundred coin difference but you’ve always gotta remember there’s a bit of a skill difference just wait until we get to hole in the wall then we’re gonna be first overview george how did you score exactly one coin more than i did it’s uh

It’s just it’s just like a skill thing you know it’s calculated it’s calculated based on hilarity i’m gonna need an apology video with tears wait i was supposed to team see i’m natural bone leader let’s see what place we’re in guys how do i see what place i’m in i think we

Might be first oh what he doesn’t say i am on the leaderboard everybody else that means i’m 39th and sneaks oh my god we also have the most viewership this is awesome should we just make it a really good pov and just somehow get the lowest losers

Let’s go possible in mcc this is going to be a great comeback story no we’re going to try oh if we actually come back from this dude i’m going to lose my mind it’s impossible though like if we do it we have i would love the idea of beating

Everybody’s ass in a princess peach costume so i’m that it’s true all i care about is beating my previous record for dog pets wait how do you pet the dog okay understandable with yourself oh george you’ve got a lot to learn where’s the dog george

If i if i leave you for the dog i i’m gonna lose precious petting time so i’m gonna have to decline where is my dog where are the dogs sort of like when from where you spawn it’s like looking away from the decision dome it’s like

Forward to the left forward to the left okay i’m going to find these dogs if i if i lead you to it it’s no that’s understandable maybe if you had a skin it would have only you were a liberal the cage sky battle next oh you shoot the cage nice now watch him

In the chat he’s gonna say weird dunk he’s gonna say weird dog here cubs yeah okay i can’t believe you predicted him that’s actually amazing puns would do the same we should try dunk puns and see what happens with puns the rabbit’s all just skirting the hedge

Of sky battle not hanging out everyone wants okay hole in the wall now okay okay there’s a hole in your wall hold on a minute i think they call that a window guys oh it could be a door as well oh a big ball yeah you got you thinking in 3d space now

[Laughter] do you know what we call outlets in england we call them plug socket why would you say more than one word when you just like shouldn’t why say more word when few word does good exactly i’m sure there’s some it’s going to be american no okay how about this how

About this ready trash can and bin explain that one yeah i know but i say i would say just put it in the can rubbish it’s the rubbish the trash to be fair rubbish bin okay throw it away so hold on it’s harder now we just got

The trash hey you know it’s funny what’s funny with this question please tell me what’s funny leave this for the americans right okay sneak and rambu what do you call that bit that goes around the bottom of a wall that connects it to the floor mm-hmm it’s like a little pattern

Yeah yeah but americans don’t they don’t have a word for it i’m looking at one right now wall wall brim the trim of the wall the wall it’s the skirting board it’s the tray it’s the board where you skirt on so there’s a rim okay so there’s blocks here which disappear i

Think i think they disappear oh this is so weird i like this i actually prefer this i feel like this is uh the first round is gonna be a massacre everyone is gonna do so badly yeah yeah except for me is how they change the jump okay i don’t think so

Okay it’s coming from yellow i’m just saying i don’t think they don’t think so i’m jewels with my hellacious cop oh hey guys hey guys we’re playing we’re playing hole in the wall right now all right silence this is a hard one guys watch out okay

I feel like everyone’s in my in my face i can’t see properly oh boy it’s blue slightly scary what does mcc stand for guys my cool my my cousins my cool let me tell you about my cool cousin that’s greg he’s pretty dope he gives me weed what’s up

Oh lots of players perishing george when will you smoke weed with me george i i don’t do drugs drugs are bad whoa we’re kind of we’re kind of boss moding we’re kind of going fella’s dying okay kind of uh we’re kind of beating right now wait you’re wrong you sneak under the

Edge now it’s through the edge yeah i did it we did it where’s the hole there it is purple please you can walk over wait what oh okay i shouldn’t have done that fine that’s good well what the hell no no no oh how did i die there i can’t believe i

Died i didn’t realize that it was slightly wrong i [ __ ] dominated that oh yes again again again Drugs i wouldn’t know what that’s like That was amazing followed by blue again blue guys you don’t need to do drugs just re-watch that moment over and over again oh this one’s hard guys watch out everyone duck okay we’re good just in case my crown like cat i don’t know oh he’s so happy

That was awesome let’s just win again i want to feel like that again i need i need that feeling i need the dopamine again or i don’t think i’m going to make it through the zoo i need it i need it all right well just to keep you alive we’ll we’ll we’ll

Do it again yay yes pisco work team dub it says dub it says well we’re about to farm we’re farming dubs uh smile again purple smiley crazy over here it’s purple again did any of you go on like the outside squares last round yeah you did oh not this round not

This round the last round that i won oh yeah one remember the one i won yeah i remember it was awesome it was awesome but noah’s awesome was bad boy hello dying first that was way more awesome not as awesome as a lion with your friend wilbur not right george

I mean i wouldn’t i wouldn’t know i wouldn’t know this is like sounding like weirdly like we’ve done drugs together or something it’s okay it’s okay it’s really good fire alarm went off oh i will lose okay this way you’re gonna pull it out please purple again okay you’re gonna feel like you’re

Almost using the outside oh Wait that was you smashed it wrong but you smashed it king that was amazing wait where did you finish four okay okay we’re cracked we’re first we’re still fine great work team all right fine let’s just do it again i’m not gonna lie that didn’t hit as

Hard as wilbur coming first but it was nobody was making it weird oh wait i can’t go behind me oh my god that was a scary one i kind of i kind of wish i got knocked off by that just for the fun that would have been very funny serious

You got to get that dopamine hit again you can’t you can’t throw for content i know i’m sorry it’s not just for you as well i need that doesn’t hurt nothing’s good content anymore everything’s for everything’s for primes amen it’s true speaking of primes someone just talking about crimes

Someone do it come on speaking of primes you know that if you hit the subscribe button on whoever’s money out of his pocket and giving it to us we’ll spend it much better yeah we’ll spend it on things we’ll make unions unlike him we’ll spend it on things to do with

George not found yeah who knows who knows what they’ll be oh i’m bi guys so bad suddenly okay the princesses are up okay i’ve heard am i so bad suddenly what happens when i’m bad you went from first to last happen it’s okay wait uh okay we’re good hey king

I think it’s green let’s punch yeah use my pov then switch to wilbur’s and switch back to mine put the flashing lights boom strobe lights do the heart thing with your hands do the hard thing with your hands looks like i’m running this way oh look we can make an

Oh my god okay we came third we came forth wait i came i was 38th yeah george you kind of you kind of ball wow dude get out right okay i mean we forgive you we just you know don’t want to happen again ever yeah i’m not mad i’m just disappointed

I’m disappointed you did good you did good i lied you and i said you didn’t do good that’s okay we came last yeah good job i really need you to wait a second this is round two out of eight oh let’s go two at a time then okay okay

That makes sense we gotta see where i am individually now though i’m curious why did they remove your individual from the leaderboard so then you have to go to the top you have to walk all the way over here [Applause] that means you’re eight you’re 80 coins

Ahead of me rambu yeah you are several places oh okay i mean that means it’s close and ready i’m gonna make it to the dogs this round i’m close what please don’t be aware you know i’m all right i found the dogs i am testing it right click

Green has no interest in petting i’m petting the dogs i’m here with you don’t worry is it because i’m on the dream smp korean is that why you don’t want to pet the dogs if i was on hermitcraft would you pet them yay their eyes move yeah it kind of throws

Me off but my petting game you know if i like that surely they’re gonna get one of these is just so good dogs at the bottom like in that ship oh you can pet both pet both it’s two for one oh no no no no no no no

No no don’t be stumpy don’t be stupid i’m getting both don’t be stupid i’m not being what do you mean you look like you’re shaking your head at the dogs no i’m petting both you looks like you’re shaking ahead of them yeah being efficient leave them alone yeah it’s pure good voice

There is a cooldown of how much how many pets per second you can do and i’m just it’s got a tick yeah and i’m i’m uh circumventing that by it’s like a cool down per dog so like i’m getting around it pet the dog pet the dog i’m passing the

Dogs bark oh we did it we petted them all righty everyone bark what if there was an amount of pets that needed to be done a sixth sense you know it’s all right do i have time to pee do you think if you go right now you do okay

There’s no time to be thinking about it you just gotta go [Laughter] oh i did miss something okay he didn’t deny it get him wait votes hide oh wait vote tied wait what does that mean grid runners guys we get to be team we get to work yes let’s work together

Let us work together yeah we need to be a team together finally a team together i’m so excited to finally work together i love it i’m so excited to work together with you guys and have wilbur speak he’s taking a piss i don’t know oh okay

We might have to we will be getting behind the wheel is this we’re gonna have to leave him behind in this team-based game i’ll grab the lead on this one okay grab the lead so you guys know how to get the speed boost right oh yeah you have to jump you

Jump you jump on the one i think it’s on the three two one you spam just hold down spamming i’m stunning i’m standing i’m spamming right now uh so do it in order from where we are now so george you’re one rambo you’re two sneaky or three on four so when you

Know when you know when you get four doors in a row [Laughter] just confessed to being a tory in the chat wait what tommy said solid tarry gaming are you conservative and he went off course okay the liberals will destroy you Amsterdam tommy kept asking like can i can i start making jokes about being a liberal will i get cancelled for that wilbur and i was like it’s just not very funny [Laughter] yeah that’s a good yeah i almost just accidentally joined the green geckos voice channel that would have that would have been

Stupid of you that would have been really dumb i would i would have left the internet out guys guys maybe maybe i won hole in the wall that one time because like because like with the puzzle again wait yeah wait no we’ve got we’ve got a

Little bit of time do some do do some spirit things you think so you want me to convene again or is that kind of noisy and annoying is it kind of noisy and annoying or do you want me to do it do it just a little bit literally the

First thing that it says to turn it off and go okay okay okay we’re done we’re done that’s that’s the answer we’ve always needed oh we okay oh can you give us can we win please can we win please please spirits I’ll take that as a yes that’s gonna be a yes right that was a triumphant horn yes sir he said yes sir thank you demons please possess george not found what here’s his address i don’t think you could say that one two three fake street hang out why would you leak my address

How do i press yes okay there we go i’m wearing a dress and you leaked it yeah imagine imagine doing that wait sneak isn’t here sneak peek we confirmed the team was ready before we actually confirmed it was ready we should have checked him confirmed never again

It takes a lot of work to sit down in this dress you know nothing of the plight oh literally oh we have seven seconds i think we jumped on the one i think you jump on the one fine i will jump on the one right go

I do i can light lamps in my sleep apparently i can’t do jumps in my sleep though yep no me neither this looks like the parkour warrior map it is a warrior map yeah oh my god he knows this is a little single lamp oh sorry i just unlit

Your lamp well okay you really don’t understand i thought we did good let’s go let’s go okay copy the painting right okay so i need uh i need lime green at my end i need aqua red magenta red wine aqua okay oh i haven’t eaten

I forgot i have to copy i need one more magenta one more magenta okay magenta pass this to george get this to george i need three orange wait i already have three orange one one more green and three orange i have orange i have three orange get

That to rocky uh i need i need blue i need do you have any orange and a green yeah i just threw you orange rock okay throw me blue throw me blue on this side this one blew up i need two blue and a magenta and a red get the two blue okay

Two blue magenta yeah there we go i think i did it right nice and quick everyone get ready to ride if i did it wrong it’s not my fault okay i got it right good good good good good good good good stuff nice work good job guys okay kill them

The beast oh we need to kill chickens wait shoot them a chicken’s beasts yes he’s pulling him yeah nice wait go we got it good good good good good good we’re doing good nice work guys okay easy why did that one not work why is this one not working

Why am i not getting the target shoot it i am an idiot and shoot going wait that one’s glitched we have a glitch yeah that one’s glitched no it’s because it’s because of the trap door we physically can’t get that one maybe it’s working no it’s because of the trap door we

Can’t get it oh what oh we got it what why did what the [ __ ] we should have done that like four times quicker what happened it was just glitches i’ll get up high i pushed the button okay i pushed it what does my button do i’m coming through gravel’s coming through

Start getting the gravel in am i doing it right you’re just gonna push as soon as you see my my piston move you push yours okay me yeah as soon as you see it as soon as you see it gets pushed up how’s it going guys oh when yeah there you go

Do it just before no we got it i don’t even know what i did that was really good running start running blue bend anvil dark oak sapling orange tulip and blue blue okay blue bed dark oak sapling orange tulip loom i’m looking okay okay i’ll go upstairs i’ll look for the loom

So oak sapling loom blue bed oak sapling loom i’ve got the loom acacia i don’t have dark oak dark sapling and also where’s the blue bed someone said the other blueberry is there an orange tulip was that one of them yeah i got it i got it all right uh

I got an awkwardness aqua okay put it in there i’m going i’m going down i’m going down dark oak sapling we’re just looking for a dog remember it’s probably going to be outside check it out just a dark one back door okay let’s go okay let’s go it

Was up above the checklist sorry let me just quickly sorry i need to i’m i was Okay wait who’s doing the job who’s doing the jump i’m here i think i can do george george what’s happened there have i done something yeah you’re like opening down the middle stand on the middle of them okay wait okay wait oh oh wait okay okay wait can i see it

Oh god you got okay so that guy opens things oh wait let’s get them wait okay i’m here you should you should go as well oh wait whoa but go to the left i mean yeah again okay okay wait who’s over there oh you go over here okay all right okay do the

Same just gonna come back keep are we both supposed to be here i’m just gonna go for george sorry sorry okay i have george keep sliding okay i’m slowly sliding over almost i almost ruined everything now unlock it did i do it yeah you have to

Grab that and you have to get the key i got a key you guys come and throw me the items do we need like cobblestone uh how do i get out no yes we know we do need cobblestone for the um for the building of the

Bridge oh yeah how the hell do i exit how do i get out of the hole i don’t know how you guys even got down there how do i get out the hole what where’s the exit am i being stupid i think you have to build you can build anywhere

Oh okay wait you can break the rails i’m getting the rails off the ground oh yeah do that do that do that do that okay i’m coming up i’ll i’ll manage i’ll i’ll manage this i have no idea how much i am getting i’m just getting out of furnaces

Where the where are the furnaces oh shoot hold on okay okay one two three does that mean that we need one for crafting table oh right now okay no six should i come to the top come up come on okay okay anyone have one cobble

I have one cobble throw me one car i’ve got it okay i have a bunch of stuff try to get some more so we can make multiple friends i just got another i got another one as well okay i’m here okay throw the iron in a furnace throw the iron in the furnace

Okay we need blocks to build the um to build more of the bridge okay i’ll i’ll get i’ll be in charge actually i won’t do furnaces anymore i’ll do building blocks for the bridge okay okay okay so then we have to just build a bridge from the start yep yeah yeah

Rails on it and we have to spawn a mine cart how does this work like that we only need like two more blocks that’s pretty much i have sticks i have sticks i threw them on the floor someone someone picked them up uh do we need more slabs what do we need

We need to go up we know wait no that’s not how you do it are you struggling wrong i forgot how you make rails for a second okay you got this king don’t worry okay i’m gonna start making the rest of the bridge too okay remember we need people okay oh we

Got a minecraft minecart wilbur just spawn it okay we got to fix it because it’s not oriented the right way hold on hold on hold on gotta move it over i’ll press the button i’ll be ready to press the button how do we move it

No it’s fine i’m making it here we go now it’s good okay press the button push push okay get out of the way wait where did we go now what it didn’t wait it didn’t finish it what did you get in the way george no we didn’t complete it wait what oh there’s

Something over here i think oh wait wait wait press the wait press the button press the button press the button again i think oh okay okay go go go oh we kind of messed that up no it’s okay it’s okay yeah we did it because they greatly re

They greatly greatly put down the amount of coins that you get so we got like scammed in that room with the bow and arrows on the target yeah i was like oh man i don’t know i think wait hold on let me check to see if it was just flipped for

Us because we can look at the other ones oh let me let me check to see if it was literally just flipped for us so okay the slip for us uh was not flipped for one team was not flipped for the other team was not flipped for this team

For this team are you not flipped for this team not for this team for this That’s so messed up it’s because we were on the last end yeah so like oh gallery what what in the world none of them are flipped this one’s a bunch of ass they’re put they’re trying to keep us down again for the target oh but then Strong with a nine this is this is where we start to do really well this is where we started i think this is our best part well guys don’t worry we just came along that’s okay oh no is everyone just really goated at mcc now have i missed something because

I feel like you’re not playing badly it just feels like we’re lost i feel like we’re not playing badly too look just wait until it’s a three times coin bonus and we just beat everyone so it’s fine exactly half of the first part of our completion times were ruined because of literally a

Trap door not being flipped right on them in its entirety it feels really when it’s based off of completion time like when when we don’t even get to complete half of them at the rate of everybody else because like one of the trap doors doesn’t let us finish that

One this is a weird one guys yeah i feel like i’m playing way better than i did last time i think we’re being sabotaged is it the demon no no no i don’t think it’s the demons i think it’s the event organizers oh it was the canal one what do they have

Against us i think they hate us what did we do to deserve this say it say i’m done that’s not what you said no come on just say it say what just say it Say it why say it somebody said the demons are doing their best leave them alone I just can’t believe that we’ve been doing so bad so far yet we’re still going to win i know it is only game it’s weird how that works exactly there’s exactly 2005 coins away what were you up to 2005 rambu i was being two years old so i

Probably was getting a lot of head injuries oh i hit my head on a lot of things when i was a kid i think in 2005 i was i don’t even know oh oh actually george you were right about the about the dogs what do you mean double passing about

Yeah yeah double packing i know it is i’m 37th by the way so i’m kind of carrying i’m like 23rd i think holy [ __ ] calm down yeah that’s right guys i’m i’m doing pretty good i’m i’m trying my best yeah yeah that’s not a big deal but it’s not a big deal

This time take your time we’re not gonna be dunked this time hold up let me let me oh Wait guys i have a fire bomb what don’t we want uh wait one of them places a flower because the flowers can burn oh yeah oh yeah there you go no battle box wait actually kind of Yeah i didn’t say do it immediately i just said the flowers burn and then you were like in my flowers how did it get up there my my slow bunny is stuck up i’ve never played this this one’s really fun i like the part did you know how it works did you watch

It i watched a little bit this you just got a lighter between stuff i’m just and you go up so good at lightra you boost yourself you have to boost and sometimes when you try to boost yourself it goes no you don’t sometimes it doesn’t work yeah sometimes

It just doesn’t work and then they hate you oh i’m gonna cry the same ten people somehow know how to not do that and then they just [ __ ] on everybody and then it’s a meat problem and then phil just kind of does that i’m just bad it’s good

Phil used to be good at rockets please don’t don’t give him any big credits now he’s [ __ ] now oh my god everyone should spam that in the chat i think i’m flying i’m flying i’m flying where are you going where are you coming i went to iowa with rambu

Yeah what a thrilling experience that must have been i know guys we are a team i don’t think he knows who’s team works he’s just talking to he’s talking to him he’s just whispering to his team be peaceful all right it’s time to win sapnap talks Do you guys go into f5 or not no no you’re gonna knock people off king knocking people off the way to go fine i’ll knock them oh my god i’m inside holy [ __ ] oh oh congrats you did it i came out guys i’m no longer inside oh okay wow good for you man

Lame wow are we gonna fly i’m doing the thing it’s the arrow oh it’s over there oh yeah we gotta fly i’m leading the way you really just got mad at him for doing the same thing how could he okay i’m scared [Applause] I was having so much fun flying around i forgot there was going to be a map change i forgot the map moved so i just kind of got left behind you get a one time boost yeah i used to fell oh my god i almost died i have to admit

The soundtrack for this is pretty good oh i have music turned off i don’t want to get dmcad by the mccree dude i don’t want to get i don’t want to get dmca man i’m sorry i’m not going to turn the music on that’s the long that’s the long con

Trick of mcc they’re just gonna strike every creator every single channel and all that’s gonna be left is the mcc ironman channel that would be crazy yeah sorry guys i don’t know what to do i need myself i’m sad i’m not in the business of being dmca no no no i died

It’s okay i forgive you i’m dying lol i died okay mr randy let’s see the moves hit him with him goodbye Oh my god Y’all dumb [ __ ] want a key change i’m glad they could put someone’s socks as part of the the map mario socks are an objective here apparently it’s all considering clearing oh oh oh oh five of with the bag oh it moved nevermind this is so stressful there’s like nowhere to stand okay okay Went too far it went too far yeah the captain good for him i eliminated zero opponents same i eliminated [Applause] guys we’re dropping in 10 seconds now is not the time for that no quarrels yes simply an idiot yeah i think i might be getting too old for mcc

Oh yeah no you might just be getting too old in general george you’re the same age you’re older than me what are you talking about you guys are just so old and it disgusts me hey guys we’re all 25 okay we’re good did it go well no it’s

Just [ __ ] ridiculous man i hate this game like this [Applause] wow i love minecraft [Applause] this son of a milk bag you’re being such a freak right now you’re bringing something in such a freaky milk bag right now you’re being a real jerk why do milk bags exist i like baggins i’m just in a bad place right now why is

That draft being taken away in 10 seconds wait ten nine five eight three things to be more happy than somebody’s shooting underneath me as i shoot where’s the arrow is there an arrow yeah i’m going this way i’m going here yes thank you for going that way i killed him oh good job

You hellacious murderer i did it wait rambu stole the kill what my coins die idiots i don’t like the video game video game i’m just gonna pretend i’m playing i’m gonna pretend i’m playing right now i don’t have to pretend i can’t stay in front of you george

I don’t know i don’t know oh my god you’re a slave you’re a slippery boy i’m going feral george i want more of that from you i want to win i just want to win for once i want more of that from george not family it’s okay we’ll be able to win

Wait if you just stayed over here you would have been able to survive it didn’t disappear you ain’t alive george yeah i should have thought about that wait come on george oh my god who’s gonna win illumina or jojo solos who’s got it i care so hard one

It’s the battle of the century illumina omg streamer hi youtube any youtubers in the chat hi youtube anyone editing a youtube video right now me uh you know some fans i am george is that why we’re in eight i’ve been putting some hours i’ve been putting i’ve been putting yeah

Just this whole event oh my goodness oh yeah remember this one is like this one is just bad this one is just a bad time this one just sucks look at the way the arrows go wait you have to go already yeah really quick it’s big fast try and get high try

Oh my god oh wait scar let me punch you guys i hate this game this game is the worst this game is the worst this is they should remove it oh my god i’m gonna oh Oh my god what is he doing i will paint the lily i will pour perfume on the violet if it makes you happy please look at him holy [ __ ] i’m like a [ __ ] pebble right now oh great i love watching other people do well this is dumb this job pizza hut no

Let’s go your name’s a restaurant damn bro this is really making me crave the ace race all right guys let’s see what round are we gonna crave it’s making me crave just [ __ ] just just just cocaine yeah i want a okay immediately after this mcc we will meet up

And we will live streams towards not found meets wilbur irl featuring drugs narcotics we can do a cocaine stream george yeah we definitely can in brackets police all right audience [ __ ] oh dude damn well maybe somebody wait a second guys give me a second give me a second

Oh i’m gonna pee all right everyone you guys know what to do what game do we want next actually hey i don’t care it’s all pointless i’m 38 i’m 38. how do i wait um so i could say i’m gonna be real i just want parkour tag to be skipped so let’s

Just not do parkour audience vote more like audience goat it’s happening it’s time come on audience i’m trying to balance my i’m trying to balance my phone on my right check this out check this out this race isn’t even a thing check this out audience race audience vote

More like audience federal reserve note [Applause] alternatively audience rocky mountain goat guys i think i i think like i i love you george but i think simply if you continue i will have to just kill myself so wait actually wait yeah wait vote stands of time because we don’t want we

Want sansa time to be played last oh i don’t care about the dog i’m peeing audience vote more like audience septic sore throat have more root beer Audience votes more like audience straight waistcoat audience vote more like audience build the mode yeah oh you know what just made me really upset we’re probably gonna have to play build mod at some point no that’s okay we’ve got a good strategy for build mart oh we planned we planned

That that’s right it’s easy yeah it’s it’s oh yeah when we what was the plan i can’t i remember it but just for like for the audience it was during practice the plan is basically like what you do is wilbur’s gonna like like fly around and then we’re all going to fly around

Right and then we’re going to build and then you basically we focus on we focus on two builds what if we take a stand against mcc and we just don’t build anything we don’t we don’t build anything but if we just build what if we just build three penises pause

Pause what if we what if we just do that what are they going to do they can’t stop us we can also build swear words oh let’s [Laughter] wait can you put whatever you want on signs so i’m thinking wait so before we do get extra wood because when we’re

Doing the first two builds instead of the third build just write a bunch of swear words on one of the sides a good investment of our time i think we want to be a good restaurant and that’s a good monetary strategizing for build mart build mart you know how we don’t do

Like the third build right how we only focus on two yeah i’m thinking we just build a sign that just has a swear word on it yeah and then we just keep that there the whole time while we’re building and it will it will help us yeah well yeah good yeah what happened

Sounds like it sounds like a good p i just agree i’m just saying yeah i agree put [ __ ] on a [ __ ] on a second what do you agree with you put your [ __ ] on a sign doing the billboard am i the only one in this conversation

You want to put a swear word on a sign hello your mom hello hello um hello wait what was lagging i think what was that you’re throwing you’re really you’re really messing me up guys okay yeah oh please stop you’re gonna you’re gonna psyche me out

Is he muted rainbow’s i don’t know where the other two are you’ve ruined it you’ve killed the vibe vibes off now am i being am i being gaslit and girl boss right now or is this just this is mean i just wanted to keep the

Killer i know i know you can hear me because you wouldn’t just go sit in silence live on stream hey guys hi rambo how are you i’m good how are you i’m doing great you [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you thank you man wait what i did was still blogging

Ignore guys i think our team dynamic is getting a little uh the little rock i’m not i think our enjoying dynamic is getting a little rocky guys i think we gotta you know i think we gotta realign hey hey stop yelling at me okay yelling doesn’t do anything you know

Good okay my chakras are very misaligned right now and i’ve i fear them back into place if you do not realign my chakras sometime soon i i am just going to have to horoscope all over the place don’t don’t horoscope everywhere you made a mess it was awesome

Stop doing american references at me does anyone have tarot cards please kill me yeah he’s an american miss killer yeah yeah yeah yeah i like your use of the words ooh come back to missouri it’s gonna get ugly hey come back missouri is already ugly well the funny thing is that missouri

Actually looks a lot like the uk in some places get keeps things warm it’s a cold place uh yeah but what if it gets warm then huh then you’re just screwed you’re you’re off your rocker i am not i am fully inside the antonym i am so far

I am so far on my rocker that i am inside we’re in the second half now let’s chill let’s try and do a different angle for this let’s drop the chaos let it turn out let it wean down fine let’s start winning the second half is when we come alive there’s something called

Not found george down there not found particularly somewhere where i see i see do you guys see thick dream where’s the durian why is there no something soot where’s thick dream yeah hey guys we got to play sky battle okay oh my favorite i love it oh

Okay let’s pull it back a bit we let the chaos build too much let’s just chill out a bit so what’s the plan let’s just have a professional skype the strategy i said before mcc today i think if we play better than people will win okay

Pick our pick our fights and please just don’t don’t try to fight this following who’s the best at pvp with a bunch of arrows i’m going to show off my pvp skills and attack everyone i see well basically pvp we get a ton of arrows to start and

No boat so if we find a bow if we build quick okay we can get land and get a bow and then it gives us an advantage to knock you out early okay we need we need to get the iron blocks as well the iron blocks are imperative to our success we

Need them we require them wait we can make gold and armor wait we can we can just make full golden armor as well because there’s golden blocks because we can’t always get four irons what if the gold armor breaks did you think about that i don’t know how you’ll be able to get

Apples you just you just get hit like three or four times how many hits does like gold armor have on it fine i’ll google it gold armor oh sweet see we’re supposed to have greg can i have explosives please golden helmet only has 77 hits oh wait but

There’s no there’s no way for me to do my thing with you um let’s which way are we going to go oh okay get that um yeah that’s right back up [ __ ] back up i’m gonna get this bread dude nice i get it wait i died

How did you die i trolled you i didn’t oh let’s kill them okay we’re going to have to fight them oh go away nice keep keep shooting running and kill all of them should i just run out just have a bow wait okay yeah i have a bow kill kill good one kill

That was worth it that was worth it okay now purple’s it was it was kind of cool it was good oh yeah it was kind of cool we have to play this let’s play the smart uh yeah you we’re winning look at that it’s over there bridge over there we are winning

They have full gold okay sneak i’m gonna need you to just burrow burrow sneak burrow like the mole man that you were meant to be burroughsy oh my god place the block above it so you have places to hide don’t stand in the open place blocks it’s fortnite build build sorry

Why that’s the movement guys i just want to say that’s the movements of a first place team that’s the movements of the team in first we are first great work everyone you guys are saying three different [ __ ] things happening okay we’re getting angry at each other despite being in first place let’s

Congratulate let’s keep the vibes good right because i lose if we start hating on each other i’m going to take a moral of the story until next time i needed like a second of radio silence to figure out my life yeah real okay let’s do it

In world of warcraft days we used to shout clear comms and if you didn’t clear comms you were kicked so let’s do that i clear commas for 10 seconds until the timer is one minute clear comes until one minute on the timer yeah it’s like literally almost over

It’s a quick this is quick people die quicker too because of the gold armor and i don’t think people are you’re not getting luke priority anymore all right listen it’s out you’re out okay you’re out of my guild you’re out my guild there was one ruin you chose to ignore it

I hope puns dies in the next five years again it comes all right i’m back panzer’s gonna die well done that was good that was good that was good that was good you can cough coughing is fine you can’t thank you sneezing though is not allowed

If you want to sniff a bit of cocaine you can do that too george not found but the rest of us have got to be nice and quiet all right sniff cocaine because because the rest of you aren’t as hip and cool as hell exactly excuse me

Okay just run me and sneak what the frick give me the crossbow give me the crossbow george i dropped it take it right good work thank you i made myself leggings because i’m greedy [Applause] that was huge that’s wait dude that’s like what is this for uh fall damage oh

When you’re falling and you you then you and then you don’t okay you don’t okay i understand i understand then you’re like no watch on the right what’s on the right yellow is looking at us yellow’s looking at us on the right the tnt like instantly blows up when you

Place it right like it lights yeah yeah okay i made a bunch of pants nice pants i do not me throw them in my pants there are pants on the floor i threw pants i don’t know where they landed who’s gonna do who’s gonna do the

Bridging job you want me to do it we can follow yellow’s bridge if you want that might be safe yeah we should follow yellow go go go they’re not looking they’re not looking okay okay okay okay okay go go go go go go go go

Sneak here here here here no no no no no no no i’m up i’m up okay well there’s there’s there’s armor down there as well i need help guys over here please don’t leave me on my own i’m here okay i’ve made it any armor i’ll watch out for them

Yeah nobody got it air armor build okay i gotta go get it oh yeah it’s over there sorry you left it in such a precarious spot i know i know i’m sorry would you do this to me i’m scared okay all right we’re doing okay we’re doing good we’re doing good not

Through bruce knocks through is off nice okay oh wait that’s useful okay oh no one saw that we’re good okay coming up from our from behind all right let’s go kill them i don’t care let’s kill them okay go don’t go that way though okay

Wait how are you live i got korean oh wait okay how’s behind us okay we’re good we’re good we’re good wait sneak i’m throwing don’t throw don’t let them kill you Wow that was really close he literally almost knocked me off why are we up here this seems like a bad idea right there’s a guy here so we can so we can build so we can build them okay from here good plan is here guys the zone is here

We can break our fall well i’m gonna need wait i can’t even see the blocks placing what it’s all right you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re building in the sky watch out what’s happening i’m out of arrows anyone have arrows i have a couple i have a couple here the

Zone is here the zone is here we’ve got to go huh um well i need i need you guys to build this block yeah we’re moving we’re moving we’re moving keep going keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going okay look at this when we apply

Ourselves it’s like breaking bad oh okay oh okay okay it’s like breaking bad this is why it’s fine can you apply yourself as i jump somebody shot me so i got knocked out i was so like there’s so much going on at once it’s so hard to concentrate huge

Now that’s huge though that was pretty good that was really good i have five kills one second we need to we need to all bridge out it can’t be just one person bridgette that’s a big round i think we’ll create constantly moving forward is really smart we just got to

Make sure we’re like we’re doing fun we’re doing fun keep it up keep it going that’s good that’s good and then see us from behind so if we just keep moving it’s smart but we just got to make sure that nobody’s pinching us from behind us we’re fourth

That’s huge nice that’s all done okay okay kills get five more gaming let’s go we’re gaming it’s time to win okay let’s finish um gentlemen finally i would say i would say dreams team over there really yeah yeah i think i think tommy tommy overextends in sky battle okay all right

Are you ready yeah well the dream’s here crap it’s all right it’s all right all right please play it simple play it smooth i’m not gonna do you want me to jump down i’m coming i’m coming yes where are you george george no it’s all right george

It’s all right it’s all right there was there’s nothing we could have done you know what we got rid of half their team oh wait wait wait if we had gone right they didn’t go they didn’t go right at all yeah i know they yeah we could have gone right

I mean i got five kills how many how many kills a team did we get i got three i have three yeah we literally got like 12 kills as a team that’s nuts yeah that’s pretty [ __ ] crazy it’s just we don’t get the survival points but i don’t think

Somebody pointed out as much now because we all have to get them killed at the same time now we just need cyan and blue oh simon well blue’s kind of already dead so yeah just if cyan does poorly in this round then i think green is near us in

Placements and we just cut their team in half so they’re going to have trouble getting more coins in this part so it might be good it’s like every time i play skype just said every word spelt wrong talk to demons again talk to demons against spell tlk

I like this map i like this map v-a-m-o-n-s a-g-i-n okay took to damon again who’s damon damon alburn from the gorillas talk to him he’s asking to be shot off right now on the phone i get it [Applause] they’re building a house they’re building a house yeah they’re

Just building a house they’re building a house someone someone teach me how is that possible i like this map i really like it i like golden armor too i like you a lot thank you wow why didn’t you invite george to your wedding snake what’s up with that actually

I’ve been thinking about that ever since i heard about the weather no it’s not an excuse that was crazy i was excused i was really thinking like what did i do wrong oh there goes the house bridge well you didn’t get to know me earlier so that’s

What you did wrong this is messed up yeah i’m actually devastated it was funny in sneak when you had the chance sneak and rambu cried at the wedding lol drunk drunk bastard don’t even even you were like i haven’t gotten super drunk in a long time

I’m gonna do it tonight and i was like okay i was gonna die in the zone at a wedding weddings oh my god tell me what wedding how dare i who cries at weddings wait look we came seventh we were thrilled we came seventh guys exactly what we expected

This might put us into ninth guys look we came seventh i thought we were gonna do good and then it was like ooh third four six seven mommy first okay tom tommy extend over extends who are the best players on our team oh this wouldn’t be sneak snake by any chance

Wait no sneaks out you’re gonna sneak that’s gonna overtake my position wait for it wait for it oh still down still intense boys [Applause] this is gonna be my worst mcc ever i’ve never come below eight i’m coming for 38th place you’re [ __ ] oh my god where am i

Pissed whoever’s got the lowest coins wins like golf yes that’s what we’ll see i’m lost oh it’s this way we’re on par guys we’re on we’re on whole hole seven part twelve i’m somehow in the still in the top 30. i’m 29th i am 31st i’m 20. i am

24. okay we’re grinding individual placements i’m gonna grind all over um um um me when i’m sneaking um but we need about four thousand more me when i’m sneaking um i’m gonna get married um i’m getting married is that that’s like um i’m gonna fly 30 hours to go to it

It’s a big commitment isn’t it getting it being sneak snag i’d be like um i’m gonna have a nice little private wedding and uh on a billboard and then times square um proud of me did you negotiate good marriage terms yeah i she said that she would love me and then

I said the same and then yeah god that’s so lame with you like how am i gonna get paid you don’t sign contracts without money why don’t you make some lore will i i am all the time there was law yesterday i’m i’m a lawyer

It was it was a 30-minute loss i saw it george yeah it was the best law stream of 2022. you think that it’s almost over i’ve almost done all my law now Do you want to be in one of the last episodes george our character’s first time meeting no we we’ve met on on april 1st 2020 or maybe it’s 2021. for the last episode i’ll just be like a character at the post-credits scenes and i’ll just be an old man one thing

Yeah i’ve just witnessed all of it and be like that was weird no that was kind of weird or whatever guys the game’s arriving [Laughter] what’s it gonna be what’s it gonna be you know what i’m down for battle box how about battle box i got a mega egg guys let’s go

Let’s put all of our eggs into one basket battle box if they’re going to dunk us they’re going to dunk us be quick tommy why would you do that to me i got out of my bunnies i got on my bunnies what kind of bunnies were they

It was a big buddy it was a mega bunny was it a slow bunny perhaps it came from the mega egg it came from an egg what kind of bunnies are these Dimension and i was like i’m sorry it’s counting the slow bunnies i mean if you want to we’re not counting the slow bunnies in the coochie dimension come on battle box come on battle box [Applause] guys it’s the remix version of battlebox oh my god oh wait i forgot they should

Tell us who came up with the idea to remix it or like what they did what they did they did it what was the mojang developer oh i thought it was one of the contestants and i thought that was gonna be really funny yeah in the video this is on the camera

Oh farming some mores are we everyone that means everyone should go and look at sneak snag stream everyone hey everyone wait you can go into the map wait how oh there’s a hole in there there’s a hole everyone go in the hole enter the hole literally who’s going left and who’s going right

Like this which are you left or right wilbur uh a orb wait no no no well guys it’s minecraft a minecraft bird can’t fly with two left wings you need a diffuse kick guys it’s only four hundred dollars yeah make sure you get a decoy grenade

And throw it into out of bounds that way you will that’s how you know you’ll create the game yeah they’ll really get bamboozled by that i have a crazy prediction that we’re gonna become we’re gonna finish first i think we’re gonna find out that deep within us all we’re great with the tridents

What is that that was this is like our anime arc we’re going to usually become very one thing that’s what we wouldn’t be good at hello or do you think we should take one spot together because oh wait it doesn’t end unless both are captured okay yeah

Hello both go away it’s based off of a mount okay we have 60 seconds we could take one kill so we all go a right and then towards the end i’ll sneak to b and quickly like like this that’s a so kills are really really important oh

Okay let’s go let’s all go [ __ ] whatever right should we just explore them perhaps left we’re going left they’re going left as well they’re going right but it matches up let’s go [ __ ] them up how is that full damage anyone there’s ball damage on your balls

He’s back at the wall george i killed him george yeah okay wait yes wilbur yes wilbur do it quick yeah well we’re doing quick no okay broke it he broke it don’t kill him don’t kill him super low go kill him fast nine hearts we’re gonna

Tie we’re gonna tie if you don’t replace one of that wall Shut up all right let’s go oh my god we could have won that we could have won he wins in war it’s the same thing same thing again that’s all going to be yeah i definitely won all right we’re going left again yep all going left always go left that’s what i say

Let’s just get there really fast they’re going right yeah that’s fine okay so we placed how about this we placed the wall oh i made it did i say sprint run yeah you did you’re going to sprint run you know what [ __ ] does go on whack him george i

Don’t have my trainer you’re whacking arms yeah get their ass oh i hate this game i was having so much fun until just guys play for health you chip away chip away and we’ll be good yeah wait wait wait wait wait don’t go up there captain slow car is low

I hit captain can they although they’re all low they all have sub five hearts oh hell didn’t even no longer i just didn’t [Applause] quick they made a penis penis penis penis boss we could we could have fun we could have found so many killed points you know me

They’re going to write about this one that was a good one they’re going to say wilbur’s a great support player i think i’m going to clip that i’m going to click that and put it on my clip channel on youtube on your [ __ ] channel i’ll defend i’ll defend you guys push

Fine wait two people say and defend okay they’re coming through mid i think why would they do that uh i don’t know easiest because they’re mid over here oh i’m up against an old man i’m up against the oldest man in the biz come here come here die nice okay 10 seconds oh Oh i wish it was more like useful in actual minecraft okay let’s go let’s try all right left what if one of the times it rains and we get channeling oh that would be sick just like randomly they give it channeling that’s raining what the [ __ ] dude okay they’re going

That way okay trying to be interesting sneak don’t go off too far try on your own thing because yeah stick together stick together stay on defense for a little bit i baited the thing because they’re going to push die tubbo is dead okay he’s behind you where’s my [ __ ]

Trident gone wow one moment just get five up he’s dead lock him up i’m going for the wall driver quicker that’s all right good job good try play bad guys it’s all right you win some you lose some you know how it is we didn’t need both me and george going

From from here on should i be the one that does the sneaky ninja stuff afterwards yeah i’ll be the sneaky ninja runner everyone else stay and defend yeah be a little be a little so let’s just go take one point defend it and then and then talk about

That i’ll run and sneak it if we see them go all the way to our side we should have somebody immediately go to the other one no no no no no no no no no no yeah keep us together keep us together don’t screw up fruit’s here fruits behind us

Is anyone on our site uh no it’s just trying to rap i think i hit him i did get back here who’s dead okay nice that’s really good they’re coming for you george they’re collapsing on you okay someone should replace that one okay i’m gonna go in like a high end

There’s 30 seconds you can run in there and get the wall 10 seconds 10 seconds okay wait 10 seconds all over there just break one of their blocks okay never mind i got it they’re gonna try to break one of your blocks okay it’s gonna be a tie it’s gonna be

Tight we’re good behind me oh i was better you’re gonna lost we still got the points as i jumped flip hit me that’s so sad oh yeah they didn’t get they didn’t get the coins off on me so that’s that’s all right good job hey we’re tied for let’s

Go second third and fourth oh we all have the same how’s that okay what are the odds of that guys but yeah and we’re fighting one of the teams we’re tied with so let’s get this [ __ ] okay we need to kill this we should if if you see something up and

Then like there’s a choice of who you hit hit sam now we need to kill him understandable why is he strong they’re coming this way it’s like how the [ __ ] does this game work okay they’re they’re trying to oh why can’t i jump oh [ __ ] they’re coming bro

I don’t have a [ __ ] trident oh there we go mine took like five years to get back here and like oh my god no i actually take everything over there i hate everything i hate everything i thought i could be special No no ah we lost damn all right wait we just went from third joint third It’s not the right game it’s a wrong game we like fortnite we like fortnite uh get it together all right let’s crank some nineties and win this i don’t care yes everyone’s chat begin barking why guys it’s giving us power it is yes last time we did that we lost the

First game immediately are we going left shut up sneak no bad sorry okay they went right okay that’s good that’s good we can get off get off get the pink off get dude i get it kill bad boy halo i’m thinking kill bad boy halo muffin i killed him he sucks i’m thinking

Ten times ten times i’m so low she an angel got a halo and i’m looking like a double piggy are they all daddy i’m gonna be your [ __ ] you boy are they all dead they’re gonna take our wall because [Applause] oh yeah it’s all right don’t worry i made a mistake why where where are you getting in a job jelly beans take you to the moon pie up in tennessee baby i’ll find you there we were meant to be with the ring pop i’ll get on one knee marry me Don’t hit me how did i not hit tommy i hit someone i think got dream dream’s dead he sucks sorry about that i’m gonna go there i’m feeling it okay yeah wait i’ll get rid of i’ll get rid of mine or i’ll build all of those what are you doing just defend defend

Defend yeah okay i’m breaking their wall let’s go yeah wait if you place it fast then we’ll win go go go quickly quickly quickly oh we should have killed them good work good one no no it’s cool it’s good we just need the wins man i guess

We gotta take what we can win anything right now if we can win one more then we’re then we’re 50 50 win right sweet yep they’re going to write about this negatively on the reddit and i can’t have that no no guys they’re going to write negatively about our team dynamic and

Community they’re gonna be they’re gonna be like wilbur and george have the biggest dip in times they were teamed together from first to tenth from first to last a story of true that’s a different word and i’m really glad that i figured out the context before i got confused hey are we fighting All right let’s go team with the largest member the team hellacious yo good or bad large to an undesirable degree they’re not they’re not on our side it’s all right yeah that’s good for us now i’ll defend i’ll stay on the old okay i’ll stay near the ball work mid work mid

I had pete by the way it’s way easier to defend b in the future just to remember ah green that’s how i feel whenever i open my sub box agreeing jump scare oh okay great work oh wait no they’re they’re placing it they’re placing it down stop them do something nice

Pizza wait george george oh wait oh i was gonna say go to theirs oh what but oh lingering got me wait wait okay now it’s you versus pete you versus pete die idiot come on get him yes wait what is okay all good a draw is a draw what can i say

Guys what can i say you’re welcome wait we came sick that’s not terrible wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if my wait guys we might not be last wait lime got so wait what how’d they do that did something happen i don’t know i think we were there only blue kind of

Did well i think oh i found coins i farmed coins get out of here you suck i hate you you suck why didn’t you invite me to your wedding why didn’t you invite me to a wedding mcc i love minecraft champions fortnite minecraft championships minecraft is so epic oh

I love minecraft hey sneak i don’t appreciate the sarcasm right now i’m being serious i love minecraft sneak sneak sneak i don’t appreciate that tone me me no no no i know what you’re doing sneak and i what’s gonna say that i don’t appreciate it okay okay how are you guys

George what place are you uh what was that upset that’s my dog he’s upset is someone dying he’s you know he’s part beagle okay uh i’m 26. you’re 26. yeah where are you let’s go where are you i’m 27 still you [ __ ] i already fell down in the places

You’re cool dude i thought you were cool everybody said you were cool you’re taking my on the leaderboard no you’ve you’ve only been ahead of me for like one game don’t get ahead wait it’s almost over there’s two games left wait yeah two more games to beat your [ __ ]

Okay this is this i don’t care about mcc anymore it’s just me against you 1v1 all right guys guys our team dynamic again guys we’re gonna wonder what dodge bot in the practice if you didn’t pick up the pace they’re gonna call you a support player i would

Never be a support player yeah they’re gonna say he was really good at calms i’m good at clearing the comments he’s got really good leadership potential wait there’s a chance we don’t play build mart let’s not play buildings they won’t dunk us this time and the

Time smile no not stands the time we want that to be last that it has the biggest that’s a good point i’m gonna go pee again as soon as i’ve thrown okay parkour tag it is i think it’s probably power card rambu you’re thick princess dress got in

The way of my egg so yeah be yeah oh my god yeah kill him is this gonna be like the first mcc without bulma i will be very happy kill [Applause] great work guys that’s hellacious dick energy whoever did that who just put the big bunny on stands of time why would

You put the big bunny on stanza time that’s so silly wait is that going to be wait is there anything no i think the flowers count as three it’s got to be poke okay i think it’s close wait what no it is santa time oh my god that is interesting

Okay wait how much does a mega bunny finale build mart finale no please please talk all the time please stand boy uh well where is the sandbox bad boy wilbur is the sand boy all right don’t like it up dude okay uh george don’t you have a strategy that

You usually follow i normally um get the red keys and then go down the road hey guys can i can i quickly drop some some sans daddy for a second cause i’m gonna be standing wait wait wait wait should i should i do this doing that should i do

The way i’ll do it is i’m going to stay really quiet and i’m only going to speak when like something really important is happening so okay at the risk of sounding like a prick when i speak listen because i’m not going to say anything unless it’s important you’re you’re correct you

Didn’t sound like the key right below me and i’m going to go to that locked door up above there so wait the blue key is like underneath right i’m going to get the blue key underneath and then you’re going to run the blue the blue tunnel

Yeah okay i’ll run the blue tunnel okay i’ll do the red tunnel let me know when you find the blue tunnel and i believe it’ll be in front and i just say there’s a strategy i heard where two people go one direction one person goes the other did you say one direction

Two people go down the tunnel on their own and then one person goes like on their own so whoever’s whoever’s the best should do you want to do that trust you’ll know um apparently they made it harder so it might be good to have two people yeah so

Then so who’s who’s the worst out of you three i you actually don’t know wait you go together down the same time what’s the point whoever’s the most comfortable on their own i’m confident going on my own even though i’ll probably die together you two follow okay speak we

Will we will do blue vault okay that’s fine follow me fellow white noise all right i’ll go i’ll go down and get the i’ll go down and get the key is this the red is this the red puzzle up here on the left this is the red puzzle

Right there ladies and gentlemen okay i’ll grab the key and then i’ll follow let me know all wait let’s try to see if we can see any effects you said you’d only talk if it was necessary that’s true no more talking until it’s now you should keep it that

Way wait wait actually wait um the blue one i found the blue vault wait where i found the blue already it’s it’s to the right corner it’s the back right corner i just zoomed in i’ll go there i’ll go there yeah let’s go is it up the stairs are not up

The stairs oh i’m not up the stairs i’m gonna go there immediately then yeah i’ll meet you there all right is this the red key okay it is oh yeah he right okay i’m with you across the floor across the floor uh nothing’s here but there was a sand

So it was worth it okay it was worth the time what are the words what was beginning with q and then an n queen queen queen quinn there’s no oh there is okay you got it i think it’s queen what words is this r space b space space t

There’s no words that go rb okay four letter words that begin and end with t okay you’re looking at your tests mate mate no no i don’t remember the t okay wait uh oh it’s rabbit go up here oh wait all right you keep going that way okay this

Is a definitely i’m just getting this nice job nice okay okay i’m going the red ball uh Okay no it’s okay there’s nothing up here why did i do that okay nope i’m good please okay is there anything over here has anyone found the red ball george throw me sound i have zero sound george here’s rusty keith i have zero sound i left it does anyone know where

The red ball is i thought you said you left the sun oh no i didn’t i didn’t take sand oh okay you guys sword with this axe okay this fish stop [ __ ] on me oh my god bro take my money jesus okay uh don’t go down in the pit that’s not worth it

It’s a lot of money but not not when i go this way there’s more to do so we might as well just not yeah it’s at that end is there anything that way uh yes the blue vault huge go for it i’m gonna go up from that pit and see if

There’s anything up here okay if i make it we’re the first to open the vault nice work guys huge work that’s you’re being massive right now you’re kind of being massive there’s nothing at the top is there anything else up here is it just the vault um it’s it’s down yeah it’s literally

Just the vault so i think we i think we cleared the soil everything yeah i did i think we could clear this whole area but we can okay we can ignore it because there’s not gonna be a vault down this way right so we might as well just try

To go down which way i found the red ball another pathway to the to the left here i think that we didn’t you guys are making really good times you guys are doing amazing time right now oh wait this is just useless okay but actually there might be something up here

Well done guys this is amazing time we have so much time get more okay i’m exploring this way okay i’ll explore okay i’ll uh is there anything over there oh i’ll help you out there’s something past that wall i’m checking over here around this corner yep i’ll come with you

A little parkour a quirky little parkour um okay there’s a you go that way it’s just a dead end just with one sand so we have six sand which yeah i think we cleared all of it yes we do we’re on our way back because we cleared this entire section through

The entire side uh this was the way this way okay this way yep i love sansa time dude it’s such a good game i will drop and stand by the step yep just just throw it and then go down the next thing i’ll find it okay let’s go

Let’s go this way this way what is this okay i’ll get the sand oh okay it is a big parkour what is at the end how many points do you have i have a little bit of coins okay it might be worth for you to try it

Only 190 seconds remaining i think it’s worth it yet we can try it maybe later oh actually no it’s not an easy parkour i don’t think it’s worth it i think we’re going for big money here so we should not you need sand that’s all okay no we’re good on 790 seconds

Roughly another key i’m gonna go left okay i’ll go right actually wait key usually means then vault actually potentially yeah yeah so i’ll go with you just in case because volts are hard to stand right here nice i’ll get it broke that just so we don’t deal with them later

Get rid of them now yeah you call there’s a target block up here yep oh what is this coins creeper oh wait this one’s a uh okay wait if you go down there flick all the levers wait actually wait i need you to go down and flick this lever just this lever

There we go oh god that’s another 100 coins right there good job easy right okay that’s double deuce right there okay this is the dead end [Laughter] i said what i said i know i know how much time we got well uh i haven’t collected there’s some sound

I’ve just thought let’s go this way what the hell right okay i’m good mind them huge there we go two lock doors nice okay i’m gonna go to the other side in the locked door oh 130 seconds sneak no what is this room oh there’s cages get in here get in here

Okay i’m on my way this is this is an interesting room there’s coins there’s there’s definitely coins that might have got five more sand just so you know where we’re going nice um anytime you can bring it back that’s good because i’m kind of out of sand so

Any time you can bring it back i open a rat the ravager cage we bail okay yeah yeah yeah all right just these guys uh i’m in trouble oh i got one more i got one more i got the right one i have no chance for you

Just keep on running just keep on running i’m on my i’m on my way to you i’m in trouble a lot of bl i’m not dead but like there’s a lot of blood on the green door if anyone’s looking for a green door you need help oh i’m also

Oh yeah okay guys can we come back soon please can we come back soon please yeah we’re coming okay i’ve got to get here 80 seconds and no time oh no time is in like i can’t add more 80 seconds oh god wait wait stick take my stand i’m going to continue exploring

Oh my god i got seven free speedy boys okay i have sand but it’s great in the machine and then leave the rest on the floor i’m filling the sand machine for you sand machine filled good good nice oh filling her up uh i don’t know no reason i don’t know

Where you guys have gone all right there’s three at the there’s three on the on the sand thing well all right nice work sneak any more rooms ramboo uh yes there’s a huge section all right on the way okay we’re eating bro uh we are pushed for time so try not to overextend

Okay well actually this this place doesn’t i lied this place doesn’t have much okay i see sand on this side though i found like the green section i think the greenville area spawners down here zombies anyone found the green key i found i know the green bolt i know

Where it is how do you know where it is the key that i found it i found the vault oh maybe it’s gold then okay it’s gold i found gold okay good did you find the golden key though no see i need your help over here okay

Guys we’re now 90 seconds remaining zero sand on that i’ve got to place so i’ve got i’ve got five more sand if you can start bringing it back that would be very appreciated go back take this and bring it back i’m gonna keep um we’re dipping into the orange in time

It’s okay i’ve got are we gonna make it back from seven i’ve got seven more okay should i sneak should i just go to find a new place that hasn’t been explored yeah when you get in i’ll go to a new place um leave the rest on the floor

Okay there is no there is none left okay okay this is like a scary jump i don’t want to go in there okay there’s that this is red okay let’s see who’s fighting zombies has anyone got any has anyone got any sound left this is an old puzzle anyone have any

Stand left uh no i got three i’m coming back now okay we’re on our last 150 seconds under 150 please be speedy um oh n then just h i need to read this okay okay and the dividers of the day hour guys we’re on we’re in the yellow now

And there’s no sand to top it up i’ve got three i’m right here i’m coming back with three that gives you that gives me enough time to do this puzzle for a lot of coins so that’s good yeah huge right straight in sneak and then that should be awesome spoken

Heading back now guys start wrapping up wrap up wrap up okay i just found a lot like quite a bit more sand okay i just grabbed it and then bring it back bring it back and find it don’t have to talk to me like that you talk to me like that first

Oh why can’t i [ __ ] who is that 60 seconds we’re in the orange so nice and quick i just don’t know we’re in so we just got 10 more seconds from that okay like 60 seconds still all right well guys if you’re not heading back now you should be i have

Four sand do we want to use it together we’re not going to be enough so head back we’re on 40 seconds left do i want to should i use it to open up the coin thing no put it put it straight in and then leave wait if everyone’s back wait is everyone yeah

I’m looking for the get in the portal now i’m going to George where are you going there’s no way right it’s fine come on it’s not even ticking one come on all right now it’s ticking see it’s easy it’s too easy it’s easy my stream has goated with the scores okay look if that if this was man that was absolutely if that was like

Really good then we can be it can actually like bring us back a lot oh dude look at that oh my god my heart is like racist that was amazing you guys were freaking me out but i was like the time isn’t even ticking yet because i

Genuinely thought you just bottled it i thought they made it they made it a lot harder for a lot of people on three on two like two people on two teams that were uh behind didn’t make it end so yeah like i’m usually i’m usually the

Type of person to be like oh no you’re doing well don’t worry dude i genuinely was at the point where i was like nah man you [ __ ] it yeah you still punched it the fact that it like showed us his pov as well was terrifying Huge man look how far ahead we are from third we’re 300 coins come on come on come on come on let’s go that’s not bad are we gonna pull it back in parkour warrior two come on let’s [ __ ] let’s see if we can get the [ __ ] or tag let’s get a particle

In ninth reward that’s big that’s a big comeback that is huge wait hold on parkour warrior might actually be sick for us you guys yeah no parkour but it might be bone marrow it might be bone marrow bill mah bill mark might be sick for us dude

Your car will i think i think bill maher will be sick for us look at the teams ahead of us i think bill mart is would be sick i can’t remember but isn’t like way more off of parkour warrior uh i don’t know i think i don’t know how to tactically go for

Building i feel like we i feel like we can’t win anyway i’m just going to rip the band i george is just saying he doesn’t want to try because he wants to stay above me on the leaderboard i know it i know i i i

Want to try i just don’t want to play build mark that badly okay okay we’ll do parkour we’ll go parkour warrior i partially agree with george in here come in here and check it we’re going to fight we’re going to be like either way we can’t like either whatever the game

Is it’s not going to like change it but parkour warrior at least we can have fun i’m 26. yeah no i get i get you i get you where are you i agree i agree with george i want to go parker warrior 27 star 2 000 coins

Guys there is there is 2 000 coins between us and second place if we really if we pull up for this last game okay actually wait i’m looking at the scoring on the website and actually parkour tag is the only one in which out of the two

Out of out of build and parkour tag parkour tag have better and watch everyone else not yeah exactly all right fine let’s just go park walter i can win every single round if you want to i mean you know only if you want to though so

Wait it’s better for us to go parkour attack yes maybe maybe we just don’t vote maybe we let fake look the demons are on our side let’s just spawn i’m very i’m very down to have the first no build my mcc is this the first one no

Throw the rabbit in your booth please no please please no don’t do that please decide let’s just see what happens let’s see what they’re doing first let’s see what everyone else oh my god What are you doing firebomb that guy that rabbit’s alive oh my god please wait why is he punching the mouse don’t forget to leave please forget to leave please forget to leave wait he wants it to be parkour tag i’ll do him i’ll do him wait he can’t

Punch the flowers wait a second yeah punch those freak oh my god please please please yes [Applause] oh my god i oh my god leave no crumbs well Oh okay wait once that was my celebration don’t okay me i know it okay is good okay is good no wait no it was it was it was oh it was this it was it was uh hang on okay it was this period okay see you okay no it wasn’t that smile

I just can’t believe there’s no bone marrow i’m so happy who’s who wants to do the tagging a lot oh [ __ ] i mean yeah i’m a fan i don’t want to brag but i’m a fairly good one for youtube so i’ve been doing it for a

While you know i think i’m okay but it’s gonna upset me i’m happy to go and then we can adjust based on my performance how about if you’re that confident in it no i think we should i should go and then based on my performance we can evaluate

Okay how many times do you beat it when dream goes oh wait what’s the max amount you can do i don’t know okay it’s three should we what should we do who wants to go on this one wait who’s first purple uh i can go i can knock it out okay

See him i see him where is he ah chasing you yeah he’s chasing you yep just stay across from him he’s coming up the middle coming up directly he’s coming up right in the middle of you right now he’s going okay nice nice nice that was good oh that

Wasn’t good he’s tracing you he’s cutting away he’s gonna he’s gonna try to cut you off turn around nice nice okay he’s just right behind you just go oh what how did he catch me yeah he got up the quick go nice one more eyes one more time

You have to cut them off go left just go straight across oh it’s all good okay okay hmm we didn’t want that round we didn’t want that round that we’re right orange uh we should get like rumble Okay wait wait wait for them to choose first because i think they’re waiting for us to choose they’re waiting for us to choose enough parkour warrior for them to know how good sneakers wait i didn’t realize that we chose to see you pity me uh he’s going the other way to us

That’s fine nice oh they’re on the floor oh my god i’m so incredibly bad at parkour attacks don’t fall down don’t pull down i didn’t know you’re good you’re good just keep on running got him nice 20 seconds just keep running yep yep good good good good good good good

Got them on the ropes got them on the ropes got them on the ropes that’s peach power right there baby oh god yep don’t punch up good good good good good good just keep running go again i like this i like this it depends on the team all depends on

The team that we’re against yeah i say i say we wait a really long time so because because they always make them really really bad at parkour should i go sneak again i wouldn’t mind sneak again let’s do sneak again and then and then george goes for the next one oh yeah

George and i can rotate i don’t mind if this was fifa sneak would be in good form i’m the anchor inform 99 rated card okay he’s going for you two he’s going for you two oh god i’m dead that’s all right you got it you got it just move move flawlessly

That was really stupid i hit the corner i hate myself okay i’ll keep he’s off to wilbur run okay he’s up top above you he fell still chasing wilbur uh he fell a bit behind a bit you’ve got a better time still chasing over behind you

I don’t know where he is he’s behind he fell down step high step high step [Applause] out boy let’s go let’s go let’s go hey the children are targeting me they’re they’re focusing me man okay blue uh oh do you want to do something rumble or me or george george Where is he where is he okay he’s coming my way he’s coming my way okay oh what oh damn i didn’t even think yeah we need to stop we need oh man five up’s good got one you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good oh you can just get the other god

Sorry george if you can get all of them it becomes yeah just get off got this man you’re on jack manifold well-known speed runner easily nice there we go there we go we’re gonna win [Laughter] so we want because if because they’re going to do what with this okay

Ignore rambo he’s full of [ __ ] wait no it’s just mental strategy man he’s going my way i don’t know where he is he’s he’s coming back no clue no clue it’s fruit breeze no clue okay ah i used to be good Oh my god why the chains the chains don’t let you jump you’re in a really good spot man yeah okay i got them all oh nice guys sneaky you’ve got brad’s got free reign this is just the sorry it’s fine nice job george i am the hunter i am the hunter

I just went as a huge part where what’s this george you’re [ __ ] you’re on fire man smack beat him up i’m trying i’m trying from the runners on the left like there’s a roof on the left side that’s like really hard to get up to unless you

Go to a specific block that’s really smart who are we trying to be is it cyan and what uh uh so the top six people is who we’re trying to beat who are they Oh here’s cyan uh okay george again i think maybe this is your last this is george’s last one yeah okay i’m gonna go george i think oh yeah it’s zap now wait no he can help one more time oh yeah one more i think it’s four okay okay cool all right let’s go

Knapnap is hunting me is not a message i want to see in my in my chat oh we just fell immediately fell how what i was so high up this is unfirmer Oh my god oh oh i was doing so well as a runner until like he’s on the ground he’s on the ground okay he doesn’t go and he does feel like the worse you are the worst the worse you are at minecraft the worse you end up performing because

People target you because they want the points quickly mm-hmm yeah so if they go right wilbur’s the worst on this team let’s go wilbur first it ends up oh no actually worse because i can’t do it okay i got them all nice nice good there’s still good coins as well coinage

So i can do one more hunting i can do two you should you should do hunting on green uh george uh okay that should be your because we haven’t faced green yet and then yeah oh man we have a lot of rounds yeah three more yeah hmm that’s okay we’re doing we’re doing

Just yeah we’re doing good should i hunt the next one well let’s see who we’re up against first could be great okay okay i think George get out please Oh they fell i can’t oh you can’t make chain jumps oh no follow my lag on you george on you underneath you yeah yeah you’re good you’re good we’re good i didn’t think they could get me from that you have to get on that chimney

Who is it you’re off in the middle turn around turn around turn around do not go down on the ground don’t don’t go down on the ground are they coming out they’re gonna catch you up oh you didn’t say anything it was too late it was just so quick it happened so quick

How did i die like mid-air where did i die where was that uh yeah i don’t know yeah you’re on that roof yeah they can only get up there they can only tag you from under it or they can only get up there at like silver and cyan block

Right in front of it it’s a little dirty i don’t know how i could i ran in i ran into a glass panel thinking that it was not a glass tommy’s going i think go on george all right he’s going to the right oh frick

He’s on one of you i don’t know he’s on me yeah he’s after me now yep he’s after you he’s gonna try to cut you off nice that was good keep on doing it oh okay it’s not really a good move okay wilbur straight through the middle he went straight through the middle

Come head dream oh dream all right go dream i go dream he’s on youtube keep going yeah i know i know he’s under you he’s under you as long as you just don’t fall then you’re good keep going nice you’re cute you’re huge you’re huge dude huge guy keep staying huge

I want a spectator but i can’t nice good try yeah i took the whole time to get you he’s not even he’s not even getting the last point it was a true oh wait oh oh well i was the last point two years no all right guys next round who’s going

I’ll go right i’ll just stay in the middle until i see what happens how about that okay i’m going right pop off okay i’m slowly following up right oh it’s going for me it it’s going for me i don’t i don’t know who it is oh i didn’t see where he was

Got another ah just need one more oh nice that was good that was really good nice oh my god i’m dead i’m an idiot great working great work stay alive behind you will be cutting off oh stay up high step high uh it’s all right it’s all right it’s not all right

It’s not all right it’s not it’s not well though you’re an idiot wilbur you’re wrong it was not all right we still won jesus we still did pretty good we’re only 700 coins off first place’s [ __ ] score which actually which actually probably doesn’t bring us up much in the final lead ports but

I think all right let’s at least be safe please at least be sick so that way at least two teams above us i think but blue is first so we’re not overtaking them yeah you guys did amazingly well played well played fellas oh it’s me george screenshot screenshot screenshot

Nice dude nice wow there’s only i wonder who will have won between the means shut up shut up yes let’s all go george what do you think we got you think i’m ahead of you now no i mean it’s possible but i i feel like you know

Can somebody slide me a few coins wait a second is that coin sharing 29 of them i’m at 29 that’s an improvement from my last one working 20th i had a rocky start but i came back again 19th i swear definitely 19. did you really that is so impressive

27th for like literally the entire bust i’ve been sitting at 27th this whole time i think i’m glitched i’m i’ve got a team i want to win we got to be team blue here i can’t wait for reddit to call me okayish that’s gonna make my day didn’t we get projected seventh yeah

Yeah get [ __ ] on that’s so stupid why would they predict seven get absolutely destroyed yeah yeah what’s up now [ __ ] [Laughter] you guys thought you had a real real marked huh you didn’t expect the wrath of george not found rambo sneaks ner and wilbur so you fellas uh wanting blue to win are

You yeah you are oh i’m team sapnap how about that team cyan that’s all right i also like chat now you’re off the table i also like cyan i wouldn’t care i i would like sniff this is sniff’s first mcc ever so it’d be cool to see them win um

Their first coin like yeah i know that’d be great Maybe you should have played better i don’t know dang dude i can’t hear you dude that bear on the left is so cute i love that man spinning my mcc season two coin right now dude i love the barrel why why see that’s that’s a thing you guys have

All you guys have all won you don’t you don’t winning is just too easy i’ve won twice yeah george george was one of my winners with george with none of you okay all right guys just trying to devil’s advocate i don’t know [ __ ] tough crowd yeah

Very fine i’ll go pick up a cyan merch tough as balls i’m in cyan are you guys voting for blue or other shade of blue sappidy nappity win this very cool all right let’s see what happens Oh they felt already oh wow something up with the arrows okay do you think he’s gonna give him a little spin oh there goes one oh [ __ ] there goes purple oh there goes two stand-up’s only gone done it holy oh yeah i forgot that sapnip’s like really good at dodgeball i

Forgot about that part he’s an absolute menace that drawing jack’s trying to take him down look at him he’s doing little pirouettes look at him he’s doing his dancy dance oh they were really they looked really similar for a second there oh let’s go let’s go oh my god

Man they’re really just sweet maps really just like given give it to me tub wood with the bow and arrow can chop wood clutch chabot okay i want top of the clutch or reverse sweepers wait no it’s just wait would be if they were on two points and

Then they made it to three points well no no no but like this is like this just for this round 1v3 it’s a one-round reverse but then it would be a reverse sweep because you think that they’re gonna win because they have that but then they don’t okay all right

I want to win i want to win i think he can do it okay so the thing i think was going wrong is he’s missing his shots yeah underdogs who would have thought having a job staring at screens would be so tiring playing minecraft is the tiring part if

You ask me every time there’s any kids that want to be doctors who are thinking about becoming streamers become a streamer no we need doctors we need streamers how are they gonna no we don’t need more how else will we sit at home and watch the screen i don’t know dude i i

I need another guy with like brown hair no no more no more let’s go dead oh oh oh um oh oh skilled paranoid styles and bowsey as well thank you it’s that classic yet again is am i using it right now now it can be a reverse sweep yeah okay

Okay are you ready come on what if tubbo hits a reverse sweep reverse sweep holy [ __ ] oh my god nothing happening is there a bomb yeah i think there might be a bomb you could definitely ambient then you’re over did you just did you just arm a bomb

All of new york is going down oh wow wow with the reverse sweep reverse sweep incoming come on wait is that arrow glitch in the wall am i crazy it’s just you that arrow split it is glitched i think it’s making its way down oh wow they they actually just don’t get

An arrow oh george even though we lost are you going to go and do drugs with me oh my god i don’t know i think i said i wouldn’t do that that arrow’s glitched i don’t blame you for doing that by the way i think that’s on tubbo for just standing there like

I’m not going to take that but there’s an arrow thank you thank you it’s like in the wall come on nah bro sapnap’s a beast for doing that i don’t blame him oh nice oh they did it that sniff the winning shot that’s so cool dang

At the end of the day i’m the real winner here let’s take it let’s say like that that is true because you do get the pleasure of being george not found exactly you know what nobody can do invited wow he fell off quick plus ratio

I think sniff this is like i have no idea when i that’s awesome that’s huge where did i even place oh oh it’s spill oh my god it’s sound wrapping dream and george and they’re all punching each other oh my god oh my god it’s just like that youtube video oh my god

This is so cool this is so epic cpk jumped down just as they want to take the screenshot i like to play a game called who’s the first one to quit the server wilbur you guys with the thousand two hundred and fourteen pets thank you so much for the

Giveaway i’m not done how do you even tell there’s a lot no there’s a leader thank you the goodest of boys wait what look at this [ __ ] man the pet master you’re just really good oh pink i did it wait how was i not third i feel like i was

Spamming that dog oh you you don’t know how much i was having to spam it you this is the one that matters i i feel like i would have been close to 345. someone needs to go back in the vault and add mine up no i definitely i definitely won here

I think i i have fun i mean i think that’s how it is i think winning is cool but i enjoyed the team regardless yeah it’s the friends we made along the way to the end and that’s what that’s what’s fun the team diamond dynamic as the reddit would not say was just

Perfect yeah well you know what well i might i’m not going to say it i don’t want to upset them no no go ahead say it what am i doing write the post i’ve done mcc in a row where i’ve come first in pets oh this was a thing last time

No it wasn’t added i came first i was gonna say if i knew there was a leaderboard i would have been going for it yeah you’re gonna have to get you’re gonna have to get in first place i can’t wait for somebody to take my comment seriously let me be like um they

Only got six i don’t know why snake is being so big about it i can’t believe we won though that’s crazy yeah i mean we did win look wilbur has got a number one above him that’s yeah exactly we won true team he made two of them that’s pretty cool i think

I hope pretty cool a little might be a little worrying but 2.2k dog pets who knows and i got the dress it’s just a skill diff it’s just skill def it’s good if not everybody can pet as consistently as you dude yeah i know oh whip and cranials were the first to leave

Why would i do that someone had no idea just like judging the first people to leave oh wait that should be another dream as well i believe i think you have a dream left dream life cream always leaves like pretty early on i’ve noticed we should they should do a tear list of

Us are you leaving george oh yeah let’s get a screenshot actually i’ll be let’s get a screenshot as a team hold up wait that’s a good idea wait does that know what you said no i’m really good at it okay wait where do we want to where do

We want to meet for the team screen to the parrot oh no we’re all going down here okay wait where are we going at the middle walkway the middle where we go i feel like they actually make it daytime like it’d be it would look cooler in day right

All right there we go i’m not in the right skin you could change quickly george don’t there’s no option just for the picture okay it’s okay just for the picture change it’s too late now it is a faulty light if you just like everybody in the thinking how to skin it

Would be great tell you what someone people in chat keep saying do more spirit box 100 gifted subs and i’ll do a spirit box find 500 gifted subs and i will um drink from this water bottle to me and i will watch wilbur do a spirit

Fine a thousand gifted subs i want subs a thousand gifted subs and guess what guys i will end the stream for 1 000 gifted subs yeah somebody could always edit a skin onto george’s like do people want that from you george generally yes if you hate me stop paying

Me and i you can get rid of me oh that’s that’s such a good strat yes well it’s the friends we made along the way isn’t it it really was it really was all right i’m gonna see you guys wait you’ll leave it was yeah yeah i mean i gotta i gotta go

Like hi i gotta go do stuff like once oh cocaine i don’t know i mean are you gonna say the thing am i gonna say the thing fine i’ll say it i’ll say it all right what would you what did you think we’re going george you were all gonna say um

Subscribe to george not found no no no no no no no if that’s not it what was it then okay wait so it’s three quarters of the way there okay 25. we need one more batch of 25 and i’ll i’ll talk to spirits wait i want to know what that

Thing was what are you going to say it’s already they’re just detention seeking just another day of the attention seeking just another just another day yet you’re just mad because you don’t have a princess peach outfit and you’re just mad because your princess is in another castle i’ve played mario

She’s on the second floor i get that reference yeah i played mario yeah i actually only know that reference from twitch okay i have to do spirit box now it’s mario no you’ve been paid i’ve been paid to press the button on my machine here we go

You know what thanks for hey demons hey demons [ __ ] you for putting us in [ __ ] sixth mate yeah where’s your power come in oh steven has nothing to say well guys if you want an actual real message from the demon another hundred percent i hope that was worth the money

Oh hi that was hey everyone james wants to say hi to you hi [ __ ] you james he’s walking away snake he’s walking away now all right and on that no it’s fine i’m leaving now guys it was great all right we’ll miss you bye i’ll see you next time For your next wedding i better be invited george you want to be in another music video sure cool okay let’s do it tomorrow all right see you then okay goodbye i will i genuinely will do it tomorrow okay not tomorrow because i’m feeling lazy and i don’t want to unless you do

It then i will go tomorrow i’m not going to london man okay well i i don’t want to go tomorrow so well okay just do it that’d be cool look it’ll be a switch location do a london music video what in in your flat well no not in my flat

Well where i don’t have any location i know it’s the street the street i don’t know look we can rent lamborghinis and make like a rap style music video yeah i’ll tell you what you rent the lamborghini i’ll pay you back and then okay now we can we can pay for it with

Exposure we can tell the car company that we’ll pay them in exposure and then they’ll get very lackluster interactions the artists dude yeah exactly we’ll get their instagram follow this up yeah exactly let’s um okay you you work on the game the lamborghinis and oh man and then look we

Can we can drive it really slowly down the street block them it’s the perfect move yeah you just drive the lamborghini can you drive no but we just get someone to do it oh what if we just find a random person a driver too we get a driver and they they dress up

Like a butler and then um they drive us down the street really slowly the doors are open and we’re like kind of getting in and out and like singing the words does he get paid in the exposure as well he does that’s pretty humble i think he’s gonna like that all right

You work that out and then okay let me know when it comes to what i actually did and then i called you and was like yo you ready would you if it was yeah yeah in london as well that’s parker okay okay goodbye okay bye george work that out

New music video featuring lamborghini’s coming soon okay wow all right george i’ve left all right uh because i now know how to play copyrighted music let’s just do this i guess all right guys it has been epic it’s been an epic mcc some map won so you know kind of good and um

This is so cool playing copyright music okay well guys i hope you enjoyed the stream i did acceptable you know very mid literally mid 20 out of 40th average if you will could have been better could have been worse very bad at the beginning but i came

Back brought it back and we nearly you know did acceptable um let’s see let’s see who’s live is sound up still live sam’s still live i’ll pop sam up there you know i just type slash sat nap um go go spam sound map and tell him um spam him with um egg

And just see what happens i don’t know um yeah i’ll just test test okay cool um yeah guys thanks for coming thanks for subbing follow the stream if you’re not followed because you should just follow it and um yeah goodbye everyone goodbye um i was looking for something to show i’ve

Got nothing of interest i have nothing of interest all right goodbye everyone goodbye bye bye all right goodbye

This video, titled ‘George’s Minecraft Championship 21 (MCC) POV’, was uploaded by GeorgeNotFound Streams on 2022-05-01 16:52:48. It has garnered 171180 views and 7602 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:27 or 10527 seconds.

George’s Minecraft Championship 21 (MCC) POV George plays in Minecraft Championship 18 with Wilbur Soot, Ranboo and Sneegsnag! Watch GeorgeNotFound live at:

Follow my socials ↓↓↓ Twitch/Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound


GeorgeNotFound: @GeorgeNotFound Wilbur Soot: @WilburPlays Ranboo: @Ranboo Sneegsnag: @sneegsnag

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:07 Pre-MCC memes 17:01 Survival Games 32:15 Hole In The Wall 48:14 Grid Runners 1:04:42 Rocket Spleef Rush 1:24:31 Sky Battle 1:42:37 Battle Box 2:02:49 Sands Of Time 2:21:07 Parkour Tag 2:38:02 Dodgebolt

Minecraft Championship is a monthly tournament with streamers and youtubers. There are 10 teams of 4 players and they must battle it out across 8 unique games. The 2 teams with the most points have a final battle to decide the winner!

This was a lot of fun 🙂

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    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: Discord: MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

George’s Minecraft Championship 21 (MCC) POV