Get Ready to Meet Your Internet Crush 😍✨

Video Information

Hello everyone welcome to the stream okay we should be live hello am I speaking into nothing there we go we are live hello welcome welcome I’m going to go go ahead and really quickly share the stream with the Discord as per usual uh but I hope

You all are doing well let me know in chat how you guys are doing ah sorry my phone just started playing noise without my consent how dare how dare we are building sets for internet Crush today I actually built some of a set yesterday and I shared it

On the mctv network Discord hello everyone’s rolling in hello hello black hole reacts hello zorella hello pink Thursday hello hedgehogs hello Liz welcome welcome hello everyone uh let me go ahead and really quickly share with the Discord that we are live we are live building sets do you guys like the new PNG

Tu I love her she’s so cute okay paste at everyone Boop lovely welcome welcome hello General hello Hello Clash crew hello everyone I’m doing good thank you for asking um so today we are going to be building as I said and I’m very excited we haven’t done like a like a good

Oldfashioned building sets stream in a hot second so I’m very excited oh happy sorry Raven is behind me on the bed being so cute I have to pet her go oh yeah good girl okay so let’s go ahead and get into this without further Ado hello Lumin

Welcome welcome um let me reset my POV my fov I mean um I’ve been building a Moo’s house Moo’s family’s house they live on a farm um so I’ve been making Matsumoto farms uh which is her surname Matsumoto Matsumoto there’s even a tractor I really like how it’s turning out it is

Probably one of my favorite builds I’ve done in a long time got a little horse horse barn her family’s rich but in like country Rich you know what I’m talking about Lenin’s family is like City Rich Moo’s family is country Rich hello JP welcome yeah they live not too far out

From the city like this is going to be City street but I want all this to be Forest leading up to this uh and it’s been surrounded by some pretty trees I’ve been doing kind of Aspen inspired trees which I think fit really well kind of Aspen Styles trees and then

These big Birches which I think also fit um and then just regular obviously normal Minecraft trees as well but yeah is the RV build uh is is there the RV build yet um when we a while since I watch internet yeah it’s been a while since yeah it’s been a while since I’ve

Streamed internet Crush building to be honest I wanted make it more of a habit again um I say this every time I go for a brief time period without building um that I miss it pretty quickly after I don’t do it for a little bit love the P

Oh thank you thank you it’s made by the amazing scharberry um highly recommend her art she’s very talented I love her um yeah we have a PNG tour her it can be it can be smug it can be neutral it can be angry and it can be sad and ignore the

Fact that it just like did weird [ __ ] to my screen uh here what’s my reset key cuz I share cuz I share uh keybinds cuz I have a 60% keyboard so I don’t have a lot keybinds I don’t have like keys to do keybinds help I’m in Ohio Cory what are

You doing are you traveling to visit family very nice um I’m not g in here stream spending some time with family oh have fun okay uh it should be under SCD cam apps reset apps apps oh no apps no apps did I reset it I don’t know here let’s

See yeah okay it does reset it cool I don’t know if it is everything straight now though or is it gay still everything’s gay who am I kidding I built it of course it’s gay okay yeah I’ve missed streaming uh good old uh internet crash builds episode 15

Comes out this weekend woo we’re we’re like we’re chugging along we only have five episodes after that left of season 1 don’t worry season 2 won’t take very long before it’s out because I love internet crush and I’m going to miss it very much so I love every series I do

But like internet Crush I don’t know man it just like has like such a special place in my heart it’s different it built different yeah happy holidays everyone uh how was your Christmas celebration it was good it was good we actually had an early Christmas celebration um for my family because my

Sister’s out of town um and So hold on yes okay they work now cool um yeah I had a slightly early Christmas celebration because my sister’s out of town visiting her husband’s family and so we celebrated Christmas a little early uh we celebrated it the weekend before Christmas uh which I don’t mind at all

Christmas and the holidays General with my family aren’t like that big of a deal cuz we see each other all the time regardless um and it’s always just immediate family we never do like big things with like the entire extended family um we used to when I was little

But we’re all kind of introverted so uh we’d much rather visit extended family when it’s not as hectic you know um but but yeah uh I celebrated Christmas a little early and then I had Christmas day here at my apartment just with Gabe and my cats uh rather than like with the

Family which honestly kind of was nice um my parents were like you want to still come over like just to like you know have dinner or whatever like not make it a Christmas thing just make it like a hanging out thing and I was like

Well you know I kind of I’m going to be working all day so cuz I didn’t take off Christmas because it was just Monday to me you know because I already had celebrated Christmas um and I had already plan on celebrating Christmas early and so I wasn’t thinking about

Taking the day off at all um so I just did like a lighter work day I streamed for a little bit and that was about it uh but yeah I I I ended up just staying home and it was really nice honestly I made cinnamon rolls at like 6:00 in the

Morning I made cinnamon rolls at like 6:00 in the morning like right when I woke up I made cinnamon rolls it was more like 7 6 is a bit of an exaggeration it was like 7 7:30 um and then I ate them on the couch with my my boyfriend Gabe and then

I gave my cats their toys cuz I got them Christmas presents obviously and yeah that’s that’s what I did it was like it was really chill and then I and then I streamed I made I made the Claus family in The Sims which was very fun thank you all that were

There uh kill the way we love it exactly hi do you think you’re still going to end up streaming building Charmed academic season 2 sets yes yes for sure um I’ll probably wait till after season uh one of Internet crush is done to do that more often because right now I’m

Having to you know uh I’m getting sets for season 2 prepped for internet Crush so that I can get right into internet crash um with maybe only a month between episodes you know um that’s the goal that’s the goal we’ll see what ends up happening but I would love to be able to

Only take like a month off between internet Crush season one and season two so you guys don’t have to wait very long that’s honestly short shorter of a break than you guys had to wait after episode one came out because episode one came out right before I got Co and so I

Couldn’t work on internet Crush oh God gosh I missed this I missed you guys hi I love you guys I really there’s something so therapeutic I love building I love building I love listening to my stream and play list it’s full of really nice Songs but yeah I missed you guys thank you guys for being here um what are we going to build on this stream okay so we’re going to be finishing off first we’re going to be finishing off this little place the Matsumoto uh Farms which is mako’s family’s house uh they

Own a farm uh and I want to kind of fill out the surrounding area with Aspen trees as well as add some finishing touches uh to her house and the farm and whatnot um and then we might get started on the Main Street uh which in that case

You guys can vote on what you guys want me to build on this kind of Main Street um I love how the city’s coming along um this is going to be like a farming District there’s going to be like another Farm a family farm next door to makos cuz makos is normally is

Mainly just produce um and then has horses for like enjoyment because they’re bougie or whatever which we honestly might want to add like an area behind the barn or behind the house and barn for the horses to be in like when they’re not in their uh Barn you

Know build a spa oh I actually have a bath house that I want to build I think it’s like supposed to be like here is we could totally build a bath house today ooh that would be fun we could do like a Spirited Away style Bath House

Ooh guys you getting me excited you’re getting me excited okay I want to add some Aspen trees around to this area I’m going to really quickly is there enough space for them to get out comfortably there is what if this is like an empty area like a

Field I’m just going to like outline it with even though that’s not what’s going to be on the outline of just like a nice little area for them to be able to ride horses and stuff how cool would it be to be a D and

D nerd and then have a horse that sounds like such a goated experience imagine going to Renaissance Fairs and just being able to ride a [ __ ] horse that sounds so cool that sounds so cool you get this car I need to practice more Japanese really badly I’m I’m not like out of practice

Necessarily but I definitely have not been practicing nearly as much as I want to uh and that’s been purely my own my own making I just have not I just haven’t been dedicating enough time oh today this has nothing to do with what I was just talking about but you guys are

Used to that with these streams um today uh at 3:30 p.m. um well actually we have two things doing today okay at noon on the audio Channel we have uh a live stream because I live stream the Wednesday the last Wednesday of every month over there um and then

You know you guys know I live stream pretty frequently over here so you know how it is um but yeah I I live stream at noon over there and then I also have a video coming out on this channel um at 3:30 p.m. EST I have a full

Playthrough of firewatch and I would love for you guys to check it out it is one of my favorite games of all time um and it’s my first ever time playing it myself I’ve only ever watched gameplay of it um but now that I’ve played it

Myself I can confidently say it is still one of my favorite games of all time um it’s a full playthrough uh the game is uh like 3 and 1/2 4 hours long um I got through it in about 3 and 1/2 hours uh and yeah that’s coming out at 3:30 um so

If you guys like um long form content and just want to put it on the background I’d really appreciate it uh listen to it you know um it has some heavier topics in it um like uh Alzheimer’s and uh death and stuff like that but it for the most part is pretty

Light-hearted um it just has the occasional dramatic backstory as well as uh you know just just in general Mysteries and stuff like that being solved cuz it it’s like a a mystery story driven game um based in the’80s in or the ’90s is it the ‘ 80s or ‘ 90s I

Think it’s the ‘ 80s um I think I’ve know this since it’s one of my favorite games um it’s based in I think the’80s I think it’s like 80 89 I think uh and we are a fire watch um we watch for fire in a national park um and we

Are kind of doing it to escape our life a little bit uh and we find out more about us as well as the person the only person we can talk to AKA Delila on the phone uh well on the phone on the on a walkie-talkie cuz it’s the80s

Uh phones don’t exist also there probably wouldn’t be [ __ ] service out there to be fair as it is so or there’ be really shitty service at least yeah it’s really good so if you guys like uh games that are kind of like that like mystery uh story based it’s very pretty

It’s it’s a very pretty game um I highly recommend checking out my playthrough of it um again it’ll be coming out uh today at 330 p.m. EST um which right now it is almost 9 PS uh not PST EST EST oh my God uh p.m.

EST uh 3:30 p.m. EST I don’t know if I said PST or EST now I’m confusing myself uh regardless um if you guys like that those types of games uh check it out check it out uh it’s currently 9:00 a.m. for me um so if you want to do the math

3:30 compared to 9 um but yeah my D and character has a I feel like that’s a that is a um a WR of passage in D and D isn’t it to have a very dramatic backstory it’s the best it really is I used to think I was really good at

Making uh trees in Minecraft I’m not bad but like I’m realizing I’m not that good again I’m not bad but like I think I’m out of practice you know I think I was good I think I was really good at one point but now I’m kind of lacking did

You guys see that new Netflix show that’s based off a wad fanfic called like uh life with the Walter boys or whatever it’s called I watched a reaction video to it earlier today I watched like Alex Meers reaction video I think I think that’s who I react

I watched um and wow it really is just like a straight up wad fanfic which I love it I love it I used I grew up on that like I I love those types of stories I I love corny corny’s corny [ __ ] okay uh it’s a nice break from reality sometimes

Uh do you have a twitch no um I only stream on uh YouTube I I tried Twitch in the past um but I just prefer YouTube um but yeah so if you want my streams and stuff uh it is all here oh who oh it’s raining that’s why I was

Like why is it glitching cuz it just started raining there we go uh is that good yeah that actually looks better I think having a little bit of the shorter side go down further kind of looks nice kind of looks Nice kind of makes it look more natural I think I’m going to add them to all the Trees I don’t want the branches to be too high up because they’re supposed to be like little branches you know H my gotcha Edition is pulling me and trying trying to buy more qu to P oh no oh no the gacha addictions they be intense sometimes I know some people with some real bad gotcha addictions I personally don’t get it but I think it’s just because I’m like not a spender really I

Don’t I don’t buy things very frequently for myself I buy things for others a lot but not for myself I’m trying to get better at it though I feel like like I should treat myself occasionally which I’ve been trying to do what episode of Internet Crush does do you start dating uh Kenji

Kenji uh Kenji you’ll have to watch and find out um you’ll have to watch all the episodes and stuff and see what’s going to happen I’m not going to spoil episodes and stuff like that uh yeah you’ll have to you have to watch and find out when it’ll happen

If it’ll happen wink wink I think we all know it’ll probably happened but you know got to keep them on their toes you [Laughter] know wait are you guys talking about gacha like the gacha videos or are you talking about like gacha games like where you where

You where you spend a lot of money on Them if you’re talking about gacha videos I was talking about an entirely different subject my bad I was talking about like gacha games where like is that what they’re called gacha games am I stupid am I am I dumb I was talking about like games where like they’re like uh by chance

Stuff gotcha games okay yeah you were talking about gacha games yeah yeah no we were talking about gacha games not uh not like gacha the game like uh not gacha like uh what is it called gacha gacha stories I guess like gotcha role plays we’re not talking

About that we were talking about like gacha games a genre of video game where you you buy things in the game like genjin impact I think is a gotcha game technically I wouldn’t know I don’t I don’t play genjin but I have friends that play genjin So I think it

Is I’ve tried playing genin I played genin on charity stream once um and it was fun but like as I said I’m not a big gotcha gotcha game Player yeah I don’t know much about the other gacha either to be fair gacha role plays and stuff um some of my friends used to do them and I have like friends who have voice acted in them but I never got into them personally I

Think I was a little older than like the Target demographic when they first started getting really popular and I think that was probably why damn I love these Aspen trees the aspen tree craze is 100% because I played firewatch gotcha life yeah that’s what that’s

That’s the other type of gacha I think I don’t know actually to be fair gacha life is like uh the the role plays and stuff the videos where like they tell stories and whatnot you make like the little 2D Sprite thing people sound like an old woman and

Trying to explain a game make those uh you know those little those little people in that video game of yours on your on your computer your electronics it’s like yeah [Laughter] grandma Yeah grandma please stop trying to be cool Grandma ADHD game for life uh there’s this app I mentioned before

Called reality where you can be a vtuber and there’s gotcha for rooms and clothes ah oh that’s a dangerous slippery slope there my friend that’s a slippery slope gotcha for vtuber clothes o now that okay the only I guess gotcha adjacent thing I do uh is I I get

Sims expansion packs I know I know I have like almost all the expansion packs and stuff packs um not not as many as I used to though like I I stopped getting every single pack I used to get like every single pack but I just get the

Packs that I actually like really really want now I used to get them I used to ask for them every single birthday and Christmas when I was younger when I was like a tween and teen every single birthday in Christmas that was my that was exact like my parents

Knew exactly what I wanted they just be like they would literally wrap like a piece of paper with a Sims logo on it and be like we’re going to get you whatever Sims pack you want and I was like best birthday [Laughter] ever I was addicted to The Sims I’m not

Addicted to The Sims anymore but I do still love The Sims you know o faster car here I’m going to turn up the music a little bit just a SME just a sming there we go I’m always scared to like sing with the music because I know that my

Uh headphones cuz they’re Wireless give a slight delay and I know how irritating that can be to listen to someone sing with a delay gross I didn’t know for an entire karaoke stream that that was the case over on my audio Channel and I was so embarrassed

After it finished I was like God damn it damn it okay but now I know only wired headphones for singing along it’s not that big of a delay just very slightly very slightly slight enough that it’s just irritating that it’s just infuriating very slightly good morning birdwoman it

Is 6:00 a.m. for you wow you’re in PST aren’t you aren’t you good morning rise and shine it is currently 9:00 a.m. for me that’s how I know you’re in P at least I think cuz it’d be 3 hours time difference it’s so hard not to sing

Along with the song it’s just so iconic dudes I’m so excited so okay you guys know that like uh this season has been uh this season of Internet Crush has been during the holidays right it originally wasn’t supposed to be during any time period it was just like a couple

Weeks uh but it ended up being posted over the holidays and so I was like yo you know what you know what we’ll make this holidays um the next season I’m thinking of making kind of summmer themed which is why why I thought of this is because I’m listening to love love paradise’s

Intro AKA faster cars if you don’t know that’s what this is from a lot of the time it’s not from that like they don’t own it but like they did use it for the intro and so a lot of people associate it with it uh but yeah I’m think doing like summer

Theme or at least a summer special I don’t know what U micr am on I’m on Java 1.2.2 and I have a lot of mods I have a lot of mods it’s 8: a.m. for you so you’re only in a an hour so you’re CST is that what

It is CST CST mountain time and then PST I think and obviously EST but I’m in EST so I wasn’t counting it what if I did like another little row that’s cute I like that it is a very large time region yeah I’m prob people know m too cuz of that

Like they don’t know where I am in that time region you know it’s fun knowing people’s time time zone because it helps plan stuff you know like now I know if I want you in a stream it needs to be later than it is currently so not be like I know in the

Philippines for a lot of the Philippines it’s like oh God it’s like 10: p.m. at night or some [ __ ] like that right now Japan it’s like 9:00 p.m. at night or something I don’t know I think they’re they’re further apart than that but you get what I’m saying I basically it’s

Like over 12 hours ahead of me I returned from the depths of my closet welcome back it’s the land of living someone’s place also uh PST is like a very very big like like uh time zones are very big so I’m not like outing where they

Live I’m an EST that’s not outing where I live you know it just tells you uh what part of the us if they’re in the US they’re in but even then they could be in Canada they could be in is South America the same is South America the same time zones I

Don’t know actually I’m a stupid American I’m sorry I think it is yeah it’s got to be right yeah I you know I’m just going to tell you BW woman’s exact address cuz I totally know it uh it’s 1 12 three Cherry Tree Lane PST that’s the state

Okay also Cherry Tree Lane if you don’t know what that’s a call out to uh in Mary Poppins uh that’s the street they live in on Cherry Tree Lane on Cherry Tree Lane I play Jane Banks and Mary Poppins at a local theater we’re near in the end

Boys we had the actor for farle from Girl Meets World is in the show I was mentioned earlier uh life with the Walter Boys he plays when the brothers yeah basically like the premise of the show is like she her whole family dies and then like she gets sent to live with her like Mom’s best friend who’s in like a different state and she has like 10 kids and they’re all most of them are

Boys and she ends up falling for them or whatever I don’t know man it’s a CRA it’s such a it’s such a wat pad pre like uh premise story and as I said that is fine with me I love a good wat pad story sometimes you need some corniness

In your life now I don’t know if I could watch the whole series but you know to each their own if you can good for you tell me what happens it’s the type that I want to watch people react to it you know kind of like uh the sumai turned pretty

I don’t think I could sit and watch that entire show but I love watching people watch it like I love watching reaction YouTubers talk about it that kind of show I will say though I watch I only watch reaction YouTubers watch uh kissing booth and then I ended

Up watching all of the kissing booth movies but that was different okay God the kissing booth is not great but it’s so good you know what I mean it’s so bad but it’s not bad it’s actually so good I hope you know what I’m saying I know it’s confusing I’m confusing myself

By the Minute it’s just like those corny shows and movies you know to be honest I don’t like Mar Poppins well good for you see okay I don’t like the movies I’m going to be honest they not that good um I liked Mary Poppins Returns the new one because I had just finished doing

The Mary Poppins uh I had just finished I had finished a couple years before that but you know relatively I had done uh the stage plade I like the Broadway show for Mary Poppins a lot now that that’s good that’s kind of how I feel Peter Pan I don’t dislike the Peter Pan

Movie movies uh but they’re not my favorite um I much prefer the Broadway like recording with Kathy riby oh with Kathy riby I wanted to be Peter Pan so bad oh that was my dream to be Peter Pan on Broadway Bor bone bone bone me got to Bone the ground Bones the ground How did I meet Kenji oh do you do you mean how did isumi meet Kenji or did how did I meet kenji’s voice actress cuz kenji’s not real sorry to break it to you kenji’s a character I made her voice actress the amazing s love her met her through my boyfriend

Actually met her online she’s one of my close online friends love Her my boyfriend introduced me to her because we were trying to get an Among Us group together like a group to play like Among Us and like other games in that realm like multiplayer games uh and they got out that I I knew them before that uh like I’d met them before that

Through uh through they did art for gab and I anniversary uh and I still have that piece of artwork that was my first time like having any sort of interaction with them and that was like non-direct cuz Gabe gave it to me as a like iers present it was when we were long

Distance and stuff and then I actually got to know them through playing video games with them and then they joined ha Stars SMP and that’s actually when we got close now she’s like one of my closest friends I love Her feel so empty let’s make it more full I want to use Oaks for this you met Canan by the monkey man I met C through suuk Kong ripoff [Laughter] yeah don’t tell him I called him that he’s not a some R he just loves he thinks he’s real Co

But yeah I met him through I met s him through him and I’m very grateful that I met Zan hello Roxy welcome okay the song reminds me of moo because there’s an opening in one of the episodes where it’s moo uh like the first I think it’s the first scene that mak’s introduced and it’s it’s to the song I’m pretty sure I love moo so much two favorite Disney movies are

Bambi and a lion king those are sad God you must like sad me movies my favorite movie my favorite Disney movie is Hercules it’ll forever have a special place in my heart because me and one of my childhood friends which I’m still friends with to this day uh we

Choreographed all of Hercules all the songs of Hercules um and we were bad [Laughter] [ __ ] we did that in my childhood basement uh and it was pretty rad not going to lie okay so this is starting to look how I want it to I do need to add some Aspen trees to

This back row like behind the house um but first I want to uh I want to figure out what we’re doing over here I am not dating Zion uh internet crush is completely fictional uh we play characters um I voice I I I am isumi isaka in that uh which is my character

And she is Kenji kinosita in that which is a character both fictional not real um and our characters are in a romantic relationship or rather they could be I guess cuz it’s you know we’re currently in the stage where it’s like will they won’t they kind of thing

Um and uh Us in real life we are just friends uh I am bisexual um and I currently am dating a guy uh which his name is Gabe and he is amazing and he’s actually the voice actor for resion uh which again a fictional character not at all like him

In real life uh just like I’m not a lot like uh well I’m I have similarities to Zumi isaka but I’m not like she’s not exactly like me uh same with Kenji is not exactly like C you know they they’re all fake characters and the voice actors miror Lally voice them they are

Not they are not real people that is how uh TV shows and stuff work that is how role plays and stuff work a lot of the time it is just acting the difference between in character and out of character exactly just because characters are together does not mean the actors are

Together sometimes that’s the case like in Charmed academics one of my other series I play juny and my boyfriend plays Griffin and their love interests but yeah yes I love Hercules Hercules is a great great movie the soundtrack is so good oh so good anytime I can watch that movie and

Just jam out to that soundtrack amazing it’s a type of soundtrack I just cannot sit still to I have to dance to it I have to sing to it it’s so nostalgic to Me see I don’t I don’t really watch AE stuff anymore um I I I used to but I kind of stopped watching after Emerald secret I think it was I don’t even know if I made it fully through Emerald secret to be honest I think I did But cup Branches oh my God I love the Tangled soundtrack Tangled is one of my favorites as well I love Tangled gosh yeah Tangled is one that I can barely sit still to too I love Tangled gosh I wish I I guess I could copy and paste these but they would all look exactly the same you know what I’m going to do I’m going to copy a couple and then paste them in different spaces you know sprinkle different ones to see if we like doing that okay

So we’re going to face it on this side facing south and we’re going to go out to excuse Me and then bring it over here and then copy and then we can just paste it but we’ll just do that on occasional trees so that there’s still diversity you know Zen character sucks right now sorry I didn’t mean to be Smo accidentally hit the the uh hockey

And I can add a couple over here as well so I’m supposed to be facing south past and Then paste paste paste and now let’s grab another one so that we have a different style we can grab this oh wait which one is the one copied that one so we’ll grab this one go up build over and then copy oh there we go I would be straight for Flyn

Rider that is an amazing statement he is my type for men I am so picky with men with women my taste is more [Laughter] Broad but with men I have like two types and that’s it where like with women it’s like a million Life as a by

Woman okay slowly but surely filling it up yeah I think my favorite season of my stream oh whoa my favorite season on my street was level of paradise probably or season one so season one or season two I liked the more fun just like lighthearted stuff that’s just the kind

Of person I am though a lot of the time I lean towards that kind of media um but yeah I like darker stuff occasionally but I normally need a palette cleanser that is that light fluffy light-hearted stuff in between cuz that’s just the type of person I am

Ryan Reynolds see Ryan Reynolds I’d like to be friends with him and I find him like he is attractive like objectively attractive but I wouldn’t want to date him I don’t think his personality sexy as hell but like and I love that demeanor right I love that like sarcastic

But like can be serious if really need be and like that kind of presence maybe it’s the age graph I don’t know young Ryan Reynolds maybe there’s a limit to age for me how much older I’m attracted to to be fair though I’m attracted to some wild wild

Uh out of out of the norm for like conventionally Attractive people uh but I think they’re [ __ ] hot um like they’re they like people would say like oh yeah they’re you know they’re they’re good you know where I’m like they’re [ __ ] hot okay now we just need to add like more

Regular trees just kind of everywhere around here I just thought you’re going to play firew watch I love fire same oh my God firew watch is one of my favorite games of all time that’s why that’s why I’m doing a I’m doing a full playthrough uh video coming out later today um

Yeah I I’m I’m really excited for people to see it I had such a fun time playing it it was my first ever time playing it myself actually um I had only ever watched gameplay of it prior um and so I was really excited to play it myself

Understandably and I had a grand old time definitely check it out uh Birch Oak and Spruce let’s add a couple spruce trees over Here okay there’s a village over there get get out of here villagers lovely has a yeah I watched Markiplier play it yeah I’ve watched like so many people play it cuz I was obsessed with it at one point I watched Del’s play through Jack’s playthrough uh March’s play through and

Then I tried other people’s playthroughs but I I didn’t like them that much but I just it was probably because at the time I was very much into like Mark Jack and Deli you know but even dey’s playthrough uh she plays differently than I would and so it

Was hard for me to watch fully uh but I still love her playthrough uh yeah know it was really cool being able to finally be the one to make the decisions oh my God it was so fun and I’m curious if people are going to think

The way I think you know and people are going to make the choice I or agree with the choices I make in the game and stuff because there’s definitely certain dialogue interactions that like are very uh differing based on who’s playing and I’m really I really like how

My playthrough turned out I think that it turned out really good um I had a grand old time and I just literally sat and played the game all in one sitting it took me 3 and 1/2 hours which was way faster than I thought it was going to

Take me I thought it was going to take take me four or maybe even 5 hours cuz I know the typical playthrough is 4 hours um and the full like the full amount of content if you do everything possible is 5 hours and so I was like I

Might do everything but you know I I ended up only doing it for three and a half so it is what it is that was my that was my playthrough but I was very satisfied with how how it happened I love a lot of games uh haven’t played abzu subnotica

Firewatch uh frano oh my God I forgot about that game shelter one and two damn yeah no I love watching people play games and a lot of the time when I say like oh my favorite game is XYZ um and people that like know that I

Watch a lot of people they’re like well did you play it or did you watch it and then I’m like well I watched it but still counts and then they’re like what’s your favorite game that you’ve actually played I was like well that’s boring it’s like Minecraft or

Sims but now I can actually say I’ve played firewatch which I’m I’m I’m really happy to have done it it really does make a difference there’s certain games that I definitely don’t want to play and I just like watching like lethal company is one that I don’t think

I’d ever enjoy playing myself but I love watching people play it um I think I take things too seriously and get like uh too too anxious um but I like people I like watching people play it for sure um that’s kind of how it was with uh

Among Us with me I liked playing it occasionally but only with really select groups that really lightened the mood and made me feel like I didn’t have to take it seriously when I was cornered and Among Us I didn’t enjoy that that was like really exhausting for my brain

Um and made me not want to play it anymore uh but I I but I love people playing it and me watching it you know I want to play lethal company have fun have fun I I don’t know if I’d be good playing it I think I would stress out

Too much and take it too seriously cuz my favorite like gameplay to watch of lethal company is like Marx where it’s like very light-hearted and very like just goofing around you know having a having a fun little time uh with your friends and whatnot and like making little goofy jokes and

Stuff um and I don’t think I could do that very well um I don’t like watching the more serous Let’s Plays of uh lethal company and I also don’t like modded lethal company I think it it taints the purity of the game God that sounds so

Aggravating no but it is is uh I don’t know I just really like the I just really like Bas gam the company I think it’s I think it’s really fun um but you know some might find that boring some might find that statement boring there’s certain games that I like less mods and

Then there’s certain games that I like a lot of mods uh Minecraft I like like the perfect in between um Sims I like a lot of mods uh and then but I also like everything to be Max as much still so I like it to fit in the game and then uh

Luth company and like Among Us and stuff I never really liked mods on those personally grab a few select friends and go get scared see I’m also I don’t play horror games I get really jumpy really easily and so it’s really like I don’t really enjoy it that much I’m just

Panicking it’s fun it’s funny for my friends I will say I’m really fun to play with in the fact that you’re going to laugh at me but but I don’t know how well I’ll enjoy it like Hello Kitty yeah yeah I like Hello Kitty um I grew up with Hello Kitty

Um so yeah yeah I like it you know just like the next guy you know I think it’s cute I think uh some of the characters the newer characters that I don’t know if they’re Hello Kitty or not honestly cuz I didn’t grow up with them

Being part of hell kitty in my mind um like uh Cinema roll and uh like San Rio and stuff like that are those are those are those Hello Kitty I feel like an old woman are those hello Kitty is that that Hello Kitty thing hello Michaela welcome

Hello Nila hello good morning what are your goals for 2024 um be happy do things I love be around people I love and take good care of myself genuinely those are like my top goals um enjoying life man enjoying life um for uh goals oh hey Sleepless hello

Um for my goals that are more like uh I guess uh for my goals that are more like uh on the Creator side um I’m genuinely just trying to have more fun with my content uh I would love to hit 50k next year um cuz I want to dye my hair pink

Really bad uh but if that doesn’t happen it’s not a big deal um I’m just going to keep enjoy what I’m making uh and hoping people find it you know they’re part of Hello Kitty I believe okay cool cuz I like I had heard people

Refer to them as a part of Hello Kitty but I thought they were their own thing but apparently they are a part of it I think we both Think oh hello dog hello dog I love when your guys’ pets are with you when you’re watching stream or like they watch stream with you I think it’s so cute guys I think you’re going to freak out at the last episode of season one of Internet Crush just saying also hello Skelly welcome

Welcome welcome to stream how’s it going last episode of Internet Crush AKA episode 20 I think you guys are going to love you guys going eat that [ __ ] Up my three birds are here little morning scream hello Birds my dog is Max him up so early they’re like cuddles member for 4 months how are you you freaking Ry queen of the gods hi Sleepless good morning I’m good I’m good thank you for

Asking um and thank you for calling me a god queen of a god oh my god oh you flatter me you flatter me oh my God I’m doing good how are you doing how are you doing remember for four months damn damn thank you for the continued support I appreciate it a

Lot come for the next up he he yes we’re almost to episode 15 which is coming out this weekend episode 15 guys out of 20 we’re getting so far into the Season only have five episodes after this next episode that’s wild to me cuz like as much as it’s been like yeah you know season season one started a while ago I think the main thing that I like is really tripping me up about that is I still like It I still like it isn’t that wild guys I’m not bored of it yet if you guys know how flip-floppy in the past I was with shows actually making it to be a thing like I’m talking pre pre uh Minecraft High age oh my God I started so many shows

That did not continue oh my God I did to see me now I made a show that I want to keep going that I’m sad is almost over wild yeah there will be a season 2 um I definitely plan on there being season two I don’t know if it’s going to

Be like internet Crush season two or if it’s going to be like a different title and it’s going to be like a spin-off but it’s basically just a continuation right from where the last season ended um or maybe a very very very small time Jump like maybe like a couple weeks type thing

San hello I was talking about you earlier I was saying that I love you and that you’re one of my closest friends and that I appreciate you and I’m so glad I met you there was a reason why I was saying and I didn’t just randomly start talking

About you but thought you wanted to know you might want to know yeah there’s uh they were asking about like voice actors and stuff so and like how we met and whatnot I was talking about that so yeah scream to the void at [Laughter] night are there any discontinued shows you

Would be willing to dig through the recycling before Oh 100% um I so internet Crush was one of those fun fact it was going to be a Minecraft movie um the summer that I quit the summer that I quit doing YouTube that first time when I was uh 16

15 15 16 15 15 um that summer I quit when I was 15 um before I came back when I was uh 17 um that’s summer I qu when I was 15 that summer internet crush the movie was supposed to come out I like how bone me looks like sugar

It does or something else if you’re appear druggy yeah sugar sugar sugar totally not cocaine I would never think it looks like That’s a joke by the way it looks like sugar I’m a sugar addict more than a cocaine addict I’ve never had cocaine I promise SC some people say I sound like I’m on cocaine cuz I’m hyper I don’t know what that’s about I don’t know what that I don’t know what that’s about

Yeah I would definitely be down to continue some discontinued series later on for sure a series is never like completely gone I always keep every script that I wrote for a series just in Case There we go so now we have like a little space for when they want to ride the hores I should probably add like a little bit of a fence around it my little horsey my little horsey I love you too right back you a thank You I’m so glad that would be really awkward if that was one way you’re really awkward really awkward if Um I thought you were amazing and you thought I was [Laughter] stupid this is um this is Moo’s family’s Farm isn’t it so cute I feel like she lives in stardom my guy the Matsumoto Farms Matsumoto Miku Matsumoto she got horses do you have a Discord I do I have

A Discord server it’s on my link tree uh it’s it’s either a Linked In the description or it’s over on my about page uh one of the two um actually the about page doesn’t exist anymore so I guess it’s in my description or it’s uh in My Links that’s what it’s called now

It’s my links these young Snappers and then I have like my public Discord uh that is just for me and stuff and then I also have an mctv Network Discord now uh which I want to make like a trailer for so that I spread the word about it

More basically I’m just sharing advice on uh Minecraft roleplay stuff and there’s other people sharing advice and it’s for Content creators new and um established um and uh yeah it’s it’s yeah it’s it’s for uh Minecraft roleplay people or mctv people rather uh you can call it whatever you want honestly I

Don’t I don’t mind I called it the mctv network mainly as an excuse to make it a retro TV as the icon I thought that was really cute also it’s mainly for cinematic role plays and so that at least makes a differentiation but you can do either though I’m not a baby just

No I don’t like people n or Anisa Jamie o we can never be what’s your’s favorite lgbtq Plus shows I’m trying to find more because I’m extremely bored ooh internet crash no okay you probably already have heard of it um I want to make more LGBT role

Plays by the way uh that iumi is not the main character but it’s it’s it’s weird cuz I want iumi to be in it and I want to play characters and stuff but it’s like I want to Spotlight different types of people and like I can only voice act

Certain types of people comfortably you know uh there’s certain experiences that I just haven’t had that I wouldn’t be able to voice act very well you know um but I might do like series that focus on other characters who knows um like I thought about doing a series that Focus

Only on moo but like eom is in it but like moo is the main character you know cuz I just think moo is just a really fun character but who knows um we’ll see we’ll see uh but heyco Farm exactly a farm um I think um well obious okay ous is

Honestly one of my favorite LGBT shows I know you’ve probably watched Al house though uh so I’m trying to think of something that I don’t think you watched which is hard because I’m pretty sure you’ve watched more than I have cuz I don’t watch a lot of Shows there we go I never expect Meo to be a country girl she is she is but she lives right outside of the city to be fair she lives really close to the city but yeah no she grew up on a farm but like she has a it’s a rich people Farm

Like they have people to do things for them can you hear the disgust in my voice there’s nothing wrong with having to rich people for him okay it’s just Mo make’s backstory sorry about that make back story make’s Family Life you’ll find out about eventually that’s all I got to

Say that’s all I got to say Shira Shira I haven’t watched it yet I really need to I really need to um can you tell us a bit more of this discontinued story of the discontinued story it’s kind of interesting on what y isumi was cooking back in the day um

There was one called Fox Spirits uh where it was a school in which you got like katsune style like Fox Spirits hooked to you uh when you attended B got like one assigned to you uh and um they were like real foxes you know like they

Were like actual foxes um I came up with that when I was like uh 13 probably uh 12 13 um there was one that there was a series that only had one episode that actually that actually came out uh which was called uh oh God I actually don’t remember what

It was called but it was a medieval series and and I remember the only thing I remember about it was I worked on a farm I think at one point and the village guards were called custodians that’s all I remember about it um Shira is a very slow burn I loved

It but it took a long time to get through okay noted noted they have slaves they do not have slaves they have like employees my God slaves are illegal my dude no they just they have employees and stuff uh they rich people Farm not this is modern day they do not have

Slaves uh we do not condone that no they just they’re rich people people Farm in the way that like um they have an attitude about it is mainly the reason I’m like they have a rich people Farm they have like an attitude about you know they live on a

Farm but they don’t do farmy things you know like the mom is like going to like a to like a banquet about agriculture or some [ __ ] to raise money for like for you know like for like uh world hunger or something but she’s only there for looks does that make

Sense does that make sense like like they’re very uh to- faced that’s a good way of putting it custodians as guard sounds very dystopian I know right you ever want to do something psychological you should use that name noted noted yeah no it was like it was some sort of like I don’t

Even remember the premise of the story dude um another another one that I had was oh god um AOH High only had like two episodes that came out but I have an entire season of scripts that are written um AOH High ended up getting merged with internet Crush uh the

Original internet crush and that became today’s internet Crush uh so funny how that evolved over time um I had never I don’t think before Charmed academics actually no no no Charmed academics isn’t even technically finished there’s like plots that are completely open um I have never finished

A complete storyline and given it a conclusion ever in a Minecraft roleplay and I’m so excited because season one of Internet Crush gives it a conclusion it gives it a good conclusion it wraps everything everything up it makes it for that if I can’t make a season 2 for some

Reason you guys I think will be very satisfied with the ending it’s very cute ending and it doesn’t leave much open um obviously there are things that are touched on in um internet Crush that would still be like undeveloped but that’s just because I hinted to stuff that I want to be in

Season 2 um throughout the seasons but without throughout the throughout the episodes uh in season one but yeah um I’m I’m excited I think that I think that I’m really proud of myself for being able to complete something like this you know enjoying icy so far looking forward

To seeing the rest of it as it comes out the streams are relaxing oh thank you thank you um have you watched Glenwood prep I have not um Med stories yum yeah I love going medieval story I haven’t done a medieval story in a while like a cinematic one I

Really want to I’ve been in a modern kick uh this is Mo’s room by the way um her laptop’s missing hold on CU I was recording the scene where I needed the perspective yeah this is Mo’s room she I got candles for when she does D and D

Because she likes to set the mood also for other things who knows make go be wild Sometimes so that’s Mo’s room and this is her brother’s room you guys will learn more about him in season 2 but for now that’s all you get you guys didn’t even know he existed well maybe she said that she had a brother I don’t think so so I’m exd to

Get back to writing same I’ve been enjoying writing with s so much s is uh one of my main writers uh I really really appreciate their help writing scripts and whatnot um oh damn it wait Did I add the credits properly to the last episode hold

On chilling confessions uh oh did I add properly oh my God I didn’t I’m so sorry hold on video I’m so sorry can I didn’t properly credit you in the last episode here written by iumi an Aisa and can or the Canan Opa wolf rather there we

Go yeah I I remember noting down to do that I just never [ __ ] did there we go cool nice because I know in the old episodes I remember to do it but I didn’t remember to do it last episode and then next episode is also co-written by Canan um

Do Minecraft roleplay um I’ve heard of it but I have not watched it myself um hello Cameron love the new Vibe of the uh our character oh thank you thank you yeah it’s a PG tuber like uh like SE Has oh Kate okay you want me to call you Kate I didn’t know if that was what you wanted to be called or if you wanted to be called Cameron okay I think I just need to add obviously I need to add more trees around so that you can’t see through them uh I didn’t notice I didn’t notice either uh you’re a p tuber now uh yeah I have a little PG guy um I don’t know if

I’m going to solely do PNG tubing now like I might occasionally do face cam stuff still um but yeah I have a PNG tuber now I think it’s cute I think it matches stuff also it’s my skin hold on it’s my skin it’s me it’s got the bow on the

Back got the little little cut in the front of the shirt and everything so cute also got my elf ears but you guys can’t see them cuz I can’t show you the side of my skin but actually I can’t even see cuz my hair’s so pale my hair almost matches my skin

I’m pink I’m sorry okay it’s confusing with my username uh but I don’t bother change it got it got it I will remember to call you uh Kate from here on okay so I want to add I want to add a middle thing here so I think it’ll make it feel more real

Cuz some of the streets don’t have middle middle lines on them because they’re very much inspired by like the the little alleys in Japan and stuff in uh specifically Tokyo by the time oh I need to hold on uh White concrete um and then gray

Concrete is it light gray or dark I I think it’s light Gray like That like that that doesn’t look good that looks better working with it a little bit you Know is that ibr isumi or another Au yeah it’s just my Persona yeah uh ibr isumi is very very similar to my Persona uh for skins uh but yeah it’s just my isumi persona it’s iumi an Lisa um aka me but with pink hair and elf ears basically the only difference

Between me highl and me my Persona uh speaking of p2v I need to show you my new mouse me there so many buttons wow that’s Nifty you’ll definitely need to show me that I’m so excited gosh I love how the city is coming together I’m so proud of this I

Also have never finished a city map I have so many maps that I’ve made throughout my life and I’ve never finished one and so the the fact that we’re so far along in this one city my frontal loes developing y’all I can feel it I’m becoming more decisive it’s

Lovely wow I always thought that the whole like was [ __ ] BS but I don’t know dude whether it’s my frontal LOE or just me just getting older in general and me maturing I don’t know man but I’m so much better at time management I’m happier I’m also off of mild birth

Control which was making my brain a little foggy I think so that also helps I think it wasn’t like really like bad bad it was just like oh no oh no guys it’s uneven oh no oh no okay we can fix this we can fix this we just got to move it

One uh copy paste there beautiful yeah it wasn’t like bad bad but like it definitely was making my uh me it was making my anxiety worse which was there therefore affecting all my other decisions in life so yeahum he’s going to press all the buttons exactly give me your mouse say I

Will press out the buttons I hate how picky am with medieval uh Minecraft stories I can’t really find good ones that I like I highly recommend cursed by mumuu um I don’t know if you’ve given it a try if you have and you don’t like it that’s

Totally totally fine to each their own um but I really like it it’s genuinely one of the first medieval role plays I’ve been able to fully watch um I’ve heard good things of U Mandy misss uh or Miss Mandy uh I forget the order honestly I I just called them Mandy um

Mandy’s uh Minecraft Legends uh or Minecraft Legend um I’ve heard good things of that as well um I haven’t given a try yet though I haven’t had a chance to uh but I do plan on doing that sometime soon I want to try it out yeah I want to make a Minecraft

Medieval role play one time eventually um again after so long because I started with medieval role plays fun fact U my first ever roleplay was called The Legend of Trinity uh Legend of Zelda rip off no no I literally literally I didn’t even know Legend of Zelda lore at that point so it

Wasn’t even like in my brain but with hindsight I’m like wow that was really that was really similar uh yeah it was about isumi um it was also very very much inspired by like uh Minecraft Diaries it was like very inspired I was 11 mind you um but it did

Really well it got like 40,000 views in the first couple months I was blown away um and it ended up being my second most popular video for a really long time it like capped around 90 um and then I did a couple other role plays and then I did

My next big role play which was um Minecraft uh high school and that one was Loosely very Loosely inspired by like my street mixed with uh cuz M Shar High wasn’t out at that time U like my street season 1 mixed with uh like Minecraft Minecraft di Side Stories

Which was the basically what my street originally was um who Mountain um but and then um uh gosh what what was I saying um and then it was also mixed a mixture of aviator gaming or games whatever was the Minecraft Channel cuz I watched both of his channels um for his uh Minecraft

Series where it was like the yandere and stuff it might have been just called yandere High I don’t I don’t remember um but I watched that as well when I was like 11 and so yeah those were those were the main inspos for that series um and now I don’t do major

Inspirations for my stories I come up with a lot of them completely like on my own I mean like this this internet crush is kind of loosely inspired by just like watad fanfiction right but like the idea was just something I thought was cool which I think is a better way to do

It than having like a super Stark uh inspiration but definitely depends on the story you’re doing cuz sometimes you need a good in uh uh inspiration stuff I’m starving for them I love medial micraft role plays yeah I would love to do one again eventually one day again

Um I don’t know I just don’t know what I would want to do um I feel like a lot of stories have already been done I’d want to do something probably that’s uh similar to some of the story lines I’ve come up with in my D&D campaigns I

Think that would be fun cuz I’m a DM and so that might be fun to do something like that kind of inspired by my D and D sessions oh that would be actually really Fun sit re chat for a second do you like yary high school um I don’t want uh um or uh nice looking um oh that was got someone else uh either DMS unite yes yes DMS unite I always have a SAU fantasy see that’s the thing I love fantasy like I

Watch more fantasy than I do modern day stuff um or at least I try to I really like fantasy um and so the fact that I don’t do a current fantasy role play is really wild to me I do only modern fantasies right now which again kind of wild to me

Um like internet crush is just modern day no fantasy uh um what’s it called uh charm academics is modern fantasy um here is there any other track over here not track but uh line I don’t think so I think this goes to the neighborhood which has no middle line yeah

Okay so we’ll stop it at the Str tracks and then darling dormatory is modern fantasy and then um what’s the other series I’m doing right now ibr is just fantasy which is fun but it’s also kind of modern because they have like TVs and [ __ ] so like I guess

It’s not it’s not medieval fantasy you know I kind of miss medieval fantasy um and then what’s the other one what’s my other show I’m having FY hold on uh fallen stars fallen stars is technically medieval fantasy but it’s also like I don’t know it’s like cuz it’s a

Group role playay you know it’s a little different it doesn’t really feel as uh as like cuz I I’m mainly thinking about like cinematic stuff you know ivr isn’t cinematic and so that doesn’t fully count in my head either um but I do love the occasional first person stuff

Excited to return to a certain fantasy isekai D andd yes I am excited as well I I do miss fallen stars a lot and I’m excited to do fallen stars um cuz it is that kind of it is that fulfillment of having a fantasy series for

Sure um but the I’m be honest my story line is a little messy and I need to clean it up a little bit cuz I realized that I didn’t show as much as I thought I did um and so there’s explaining that I need to do as a character you

Know hello Kim Welcome welcome you gu Minecraft Ro play I mean I already have that uh it’s uh B Star but it is it is it isn’t cinematic so depends on which type of role playay this song is so nice it reminds me of uh G more girls a little bit which I

Love Yeah my favorite kind of stuff is Slice of Life stuff to be honest um and so I I I like drama don’t get me wrong I like the occasional drama but Slice of Life especially in shows that are mainly dramatic when they have like a slice of

Life episode I eat that [ __ ] up I love it so much it makes me feel so happy I like when there’s drama but like it’s balanced by a little bit of Slice of Life you know a little bit of just like chill fluffy scenes I really enjoy Charmed Charmed

Academics 2 uh the algorithm showed me I see and I’ve been here ever since oh than thank you thank you for being here uh jacn or Jas jasn sorry uh that’s why I did Na’s Journal I kind of did that to make sure that I can

Settle on a story I like that didn’t feel too messy I’m happy with what I got for naom now yeah I think you did a really good job of like organizing naom story isum is messy I need to fix it that’s the hard part about doing multiplayer multiplayer for person role

Plays is I feel like um cuz you want certain story lines to work for other characters sometimes you tweak certain things about your character and like you want big events to make sense for the whole group and so like yeah sometimes it can get a little messy but

Hey it has that charm you know it’s Charming because of that Al also cuz it’s started as like a live stream which I don’t really I don’t know if I like doing live episodes or if I like doing planned episodes more I’ve tried both but I don’t know which one I

Actually like best for for me specifically for watching I like both and there’s definitely pros and cons to both so that’s why it’s a hard choice for me find a couple trees Here and then I want to go over to just call me f no worries no worries we’ll do we’ll do I’ve now hopped on the train to trying to recreate this world from scratch except I’m making it harder cuz I don’t have access to mod MC without my laptop L my oh my God good luck good luck send screenies Okay I want to go to The Bu Shop T is really nice hi besties hello thank you thank you I remember I built this boba shop and I did not have a plan for it I ended up adding in the whole Boba date thing cuz I didn’t have a plan for what the Boba shop was even four but I just

Loved it so much that I wanted to add it In and then this park I have lore that as well as it was like I I just wanted lore for it and so I added lore for it so I haven’t explained any of the lore yet so I’m excited to show it yeah my writing has gotten so much

Much better over the past like year and a half 2 years that it’s uh specifically the last like couple months honestly I’ve been really improving in writing and so to look back at my older stuff it’s not bad but I definitely can see my improvements and that’s why I’m like really excited

For charm academic season 2 and like internet Crush I think is really good and like the end the it’s it’s been it’s just God I just love it I just love it I just love it a lot hello magma wel welcome welcome okay what do we want to build

Now I actually want to give you guys a little tour of how this is looking from the top um just real quick um ignore ignore that uh that was just for I needed a double of a set um so we have the fairgrounds we have Farmland we

Have uh the suburbs we have um kind of like uptown I guess is the best way to put it and then we have what will be kind of downtown is all like this kind of area I need to fill it out this whole street will be city um and it will go

From like Uptown to downtown kind of Vibes um this is the richy rich part of town it’s like a rich rich neighborhood more houses um this leads to the highway which leads to Oshi city which is this so far we don’t really need all of Oshi City done but I

Do want to eventually get it at least further along make it feel a little bit more filled out that’s big yes we’ve been working on this bad boy for a while I I love it I love how it’s turning out um and it’s just me can you believe that

Part I am the only one that’s been building this uh I’ve had off I’ve had offers from friends to have helped building but I just I really like building so I choose the insan insanity route in which I build it all myself but I do have world edit but I don’t use

World edit too too heavily I just use it for like walls and stuff and then the occasional copy and paste that I need to do looks like a real City oh thank you thank you that is the goal Loosely inspired off of like Japan um specifically like saporo

Um and a little bit of Tokyo like a baby Tokyo like a baby version of Tokyo this all needs to be genuinely I might keep this pretty open cuz like there’s a lot of trees all over the city right now and I feel like there would be just like Fields

Occasionally so I’m going to add now that’s passion indeed I’m just going to add like a tree or two to this little area but I’m not going to add like a bunch of treat like I normally do cuz I was thinking about it and I was thinking how like there’s occasional

Just like Big Field unexplained Big Field randomly in places you know like I might want to add Hills to some of these big areas you know I love seeing people enjoying their passion a same same with a SM of ins indeed indeed uh this is my future house IRL house I’m moving

Into I like redid it inside to be all fancy because it’s a little bit of a fixer upper and so like I redid it if I could do all the renovations I wanted to do to it so I I hid this in the world as well

It’s a whole video of me doing this by the way so if you want to see that you can check that out but okay yeah we have the train station this isn’t actually near my house but only this is accurate and then it’s just hidden away because I

Didn’t know where else to put it so we just pretend it’s not there uh and then we have the train station we have the this is the South South train station I believe Mami Aqua station which I think is South EO station which EOS the city which this is an entirely fictional city

Yeah this is the South EO station and then there’s the uh West EO station right here and then there’s North EO station he p in the icy World yep yep I don’t know why I don’t know why I decid decited to do that but hey we did

It maybe I add like a little actually I’ll add a little path to it so it fits when will there be episode 15 internet crush this Saturday actually I can’t believe it because I saw the replay of your stream where you made the playground I mean in

Hindsight it isn’t that insane but you do uh one two builds per stream yeah yeah I get You yeah oh yeah I I do uh quite a few quite a few Builds um let’s cut through the Clover Garden it’s just like take a little pass you guys can probably hear my Furious clicking of my mouse got get rid of this tree sorry tree restant uh did you the hopper redesign I have not yet I’ll definitely check it out I’m Excited there we go now let’s add this in that way it looks like someone just lives back here and it’s not just like a random house with no road to it has a new P stuff it is so nice oh my God I freaking love it I am in love I’ve

Never been so happy with an electronic I have gotten it is so nice not having to worry about my computer dying my computer was so old but she did her best she really did I still haven’t throwing her away she’s in my closet cuz I feel like sentimental a

Little bit about it I’m not like a super sentimental person but like I can’t just throw her away I have to like be ready you know she got me through so much you know yeah I love my I love my PC I haven’t showed it off yet uh cuz I kind

Of just want to enjoy it you know before showing it to the public I’m not sure if I’m going to do the actually you roasting my you guys roasting my old setups video that I was going to do because to be honest I don’t really want to do that video just to be

Completely Frank thought I I thought I’d like it but I I ended up just like not it wasn’t the vibe I wanted right and so I’d rather just show off the new pc rather than roasting my old PC cuz my old PC got me through so much you know she she

Doesn’t deserve to be roasted hello je welcome welcome little path there very nice okay so now that we actually have a path there I might spruce up the entry entry to it just with a little bit of bone meal and this is going to be train tracks so actually we’ll

Hopefully go ahead and just do this real quick so that we remember that the train tracks going this way there we go I’m waiting there’s probably someone that’s already done it uh but I know for fact someone’s going to make a lethal company Minecraft roleplay it’s not going to be me but

I have a feeling someone’s going to make it a thing cuz every time there’s a successful game there has to be a Minecraft roleplay version of that game I do think it would be a cool Minecraft roleplay though but I just I don’t really do role plays inspired by other things really

But I could I could maybe maybe if I come up with a good enough idea for a role playay themed around it maybe who knows but I have a lot of I have a lot of products already guys as you guys know I get boxes of old gifts I’ve

Gotten so I get it see I don’t do that that’s why I don’t get it I don’t get my own reasoning for keeping it you know I like I understand why someone would want to but like I’ve never been a Sentimental person with okay that’s actually a lie

The only thing I’m ever sentimental with is computers that I did YouTube on cuz I actually have my laptop for start toomi it doesn’t turn on anymore it doesn’t work it’s a piece of trash but like I still have it it’s the only thing I’m sentimental about I don’t know [Laughter] Why last year I got a new PC to it did cost over 00 but it is so good I don’t know what that is in USD but I’m sure it is a lot yeah my PC was expensive but thankfully I had it was it was a combined birthday and Christmas gift

From my entire family so Gabe pitched in some some of it uh he actually bought me my monitors and my keyboard and mouse completely just on his own cuz he really wanted me to have new stuff but uh cuz my old stuff was holding on to De life but um my whole

Immediate family like my parents and my sister and my brother-in-law and stuff they all pitched in to help me get the PC so yeah they paid for some gab paid for some it’s really sweet it’s really sweet and me Gabe built it for me um I

Built it a little bit I I kind of know more than I did before but I definitely could not build a PC on my own still but we watched a YouTube video kind of like keeping the first dollar you made at your job that’s fair I didn’t thought of it that way that’s

Actually a really good way of thinking of it whoa that’s a cool ass view whoa whoa that was a really cool view hold on I kind of want to take a screenshot of that I know it’s not finished like the mountain isn’t finished but like Like that’s really pretty wow wow wow beautiful beautiful okay we’re going to go ahead and end stream here I am streaming at noon over on the ASMR Channel he me audio so if you guys want to continue chatting over there you can um or you guys can uh go Ahad and

Skattle and do whatever you need to do with your day uh thank you so much for joining um and I had a great time I am very excited to anytime I get to stream uh internet crash behind the scenes or any sort of Minecraft roleplay behind the scenes cuz I love

Building but yeah uh today at 3:30 p.m. EST go check out um the uh firewatch let’s play that’ll be coming out so yeah uh 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. EST uh firewatch let’s play comes out it’s a full game through game play play through that’s the word play through it’s a full

Playthrough uh so yeah it’s it’s the whole game uh start to finish so if you want to know what firewatch is about or you like fire watch and want to see me play it go check that out and I’ll see you guys in the next video or stream Bye happy for you Happ

This video, titled ‘Building Sets For Internet Crush 🌸✨’, was uploaded by Izumi Annalisa 。・:*˚☆ on 2023-12-28 07:55:39. It has garnered 590 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:15 or 6435 seconds.

WHAT UP! ITS YA GIRL IZZIE! AKA IZUMI ANNALISA! I make Sims 4 Videos, Minecraft Roleplays, Indie Game Let’s Plays, Game Development Progress, and MANY OTHER types of content here!! Hope you find something you enjoy and stick around for a while!! … or else… A lot of my Minecraft Roleplays show my character – typically izumi – in different worlds, settings, etc. All surrounded by some fun characters played by amazing voice actors!! Izumi Studios FOR THE WIN BAYYBEEEE!

☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼ ✨abracadabra✨ ☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼




❗RULES in MY SWAMP❗ 🌺 Be nice! 🌺 Don’t be creepy in chat! 🌺 Don’t get mad at me, my friends, or mods for enforcing rules! 🌺 No politics! 🌺 No fighting in chat, be kind to others! 🌺 NO BEING RUDE TO LGBTQIA+ MEMBERS! *respect human beings*

—————————— ┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧ ┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° ┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   ° ┊┊. ┊ ➶ 。˚   ° *. * ·


30,000 – celebratory stream! ✅ 50,000 – dying my hair pink ♡ 100,000 – ???

Thanks for watching!! xoxo

#minecraft #minecraftroleplay #minecraftcinematic #mctv

  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

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  • Ultimate Guide: Split-Screen Minecraft Gameplay

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Survival EP 01

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  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

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  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

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  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

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  • Turning City into Waterpark for Vacation! 😱

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  • Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft’s Fastest Flow – Tutorial!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 39 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Virgins vs Minecraft Chads”

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  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

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  • Armorception: When all armors unite! πŸ”₯

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  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

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  • EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod – Episode 6

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  • Creating Liminal Spaces in Minecraft

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  • Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03

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  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji’s Creation #plankton

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  • Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!

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    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🀯 #shorts #mcpe

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  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

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  • Westville

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  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

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  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

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  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

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  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

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  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More