Hardcore Minecraft: CAPTIVE Survival Map

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Hello I’m ABIA X toy cat and today I’m going to be playing hardcore captive survival I have attempted the captive survival challenge I.E the world gets bigger only when you complete challenges before but it went a little poorly and so today we’re going to try it on

Hardcore which means we’re going to be going through the entire thing today from beginning till the end and hopefully it’s the end of the the big scary dragon and not my life but there’s only one way to be sure and that is to go the entire way through this this is a

Really fun challenge to my mind like yeah you are always given a challenge and to progress and get a bigger world you need to do it and even more interestingly is the fact that each Dimension seems to have its own but yeah for now let’s just show you the basics

Of this when I craft a wooden pickaxe the borders get bigger when I go find a a torch which I need to because it’s nighttime the world will get bigger and it will be all great so um yeah I think the most important thing to say with

Basically everything is uh that the uh you know every single one of these challenges will have different ways we can go across them and my goal is to try and achieve the challenges while also preparing for that eventual dragon fight we know that is where the game is going

To be taking us so I think for example uh crafting a torch could be best done with uh you know like you can just smelt up some charcoal but since we know eventually we’re gonna get our hands on some uh you know like some cool anyway

We might as well just go looking for that and indeed there is some is that color is that iron that’s iron that’s iron we will wine coal eventually okay and it’ll be great so uh yeah that’s our basic plan and is it a good plan who

Knows for sure but it’s my plan it’s very dark down here if only there was a torch that could help me but uh yeah this is uh my whole goal today and uh because I played the map before I have a few insights but as soon as we get to

The never it’s going to be entirely new and familiar territory for me so those are the Torches crafted and now we’ve even got some iron for the next challenge so looks like I was ahead of the times on this one but yeah let’s go Greg um so uh yeah the

The fun thing about this campus uh challenge is basically trying to stay up with every challenge because of course the goal is for them to get harder an iron sword isn’t too hard but maybe the next one is and uh yeah fortunately that’s where having a little bit of uh

Knowledge about how the map goes is going to be useful but I think even without that also I heard a witch even without that uh the only thing we really need to keep in mind is that okay so we need to throw something in there uh just

A few pieces of wood for now just keep things moving uh the biggest thing to keep in mind is that food is hard to come by so I will be getting all the seeds that I can right now and also making I guess a stump pickaxe right now or a stone hoe

Uh right now specifically also I guess we should make some more iron stuff I think we specifically really want to get our farm going nice and nice and early oh there is the witch if I make an iron sword the witch will be in my boundary that’s something I should keep in mind

Yeah let’s do it right now uh but specifically so we can kill the whip oh no oh so fast okay okay this is bad but it’s fine we gotta she was ready to throw that potion she was immediately on it you know like that was not there was

No hesitation in that I do have to say so um yeah now we can make ourselves a lovely Stone ax I imagine and chop down some of these trees and then also make I think it might be worth going for an iron hole we’re going to be making a lot

Of stuff uh and let’s let’s just have one of those right now also are we really going this low on the help already yes we are okay thank God we got some food actually you wanna wait on using food to heal by the way until after your Poison’s gone but for now we

Are fine we are technically alive and we’re gonna regenerate that one slowly and remember some valuable lesson from this for the future but for now uh seeds go in and maybe yeah we’ve got everything we need let’s go down and let’s most importantly Place some torches for light um

So uh yeah let’s let’s get some more torches even that seems like a good idea to me I think an iron pickaxe probably was a smarter idea than an iron hoe but you know I’m I’m a big Farmer Boy what can I say I I do know that at some point

Farming is going to be useful so let’s let’s invest in farming while it’s still cheap is my uh my logic here uh better or worse so um yeah let’s uh for better or worse also good to see you Dasha glad you’re back from your your break I uh

Speaking of being back from break I uh yeah like I said this is this to me was a challenge that just immediately compelled me and made me want to jump right back into it because I mean look at this just even the caves being like this makes you think like okay what are

We gonna do here I uh I’m gonna get some iron to make a pickaxe later obviously but then what am I gonna do I guess yeah we’ll get all the iron make it fall down even Some Coal to fill that furnace but now we need to work out like how do we

Get down there and the easy solution besides making a staircase is you get some water which thankfully this world has um so yeah I uh are you doing okay uh Mr toy cat says Polly I think I call covet again I I don’t know like uh it’s one of those things

Where like you know it’s it’s it’s very easy to forget it exists and then be like oh yeah that was a that was a wild time huh uh but I think it’s like very mild I think you know the the it’s it’s uh once you catch something enough times

Right you get the the more the more immunity your body has to something the better you deal with it I think is a is a fact like right I you better hope so at least anyway so um yeah we’re gonna dig down from about two seven two seven

Three three six two so we can use this coordinate dig down from that two seven three three is over here somewhere two seven three three six two is just over here so we dig down in this direction and then we just break all the blocks above us once we get there and

Then we have an easy source of water to get down is this gonna do it up there maybe oh no it’s it’s gonna be quite a few blocks up oh I didn’t make an ax yet so this is really silly of me this was a really really poor decision let’s use

Duh oh actually I did make an X I just didn’t put it anywhere okay perfect so it’s not a poor decision anymore it’s just a slightly poor decision but then when we break this block which might be Stone maybe I’m gonna have to be I’m gonna have to go

For a lot of blocks apparently um eventually the water comes tumbling down which means we just have to break this oh no we’re gonna get trapped in this water and die aren’t we yeah let’s swim out of this I I should have healed more three hearts is not a smart amount

I would say a smarter amount might be five Hearts there that’s that’s that’s my new plan five Hearts good um oh there’s a zombie from the desert biome right isn’t it a desert biome over there It’s gotta be if he’s like that huh but yeah my next uh challenge of attaining

Strings could be done in the Overworld but this is such a tiny uh place for that and so instead what we’re gonna do is uh eat another one of these I guess every apple is worth about one heart so if you get wrecked by a by a potion you

Know let’s just say hypothetically that happens maybe some bad things happen to you so um how are you gonna get obsidian says Think Tank MC so the way you do basically anything does involve like a few extra steps here has to be said um but fortunately let’s break that now

And then break actually now we can just place that block there once we destroy these the water will flow into one place and then we just have to remove the block below it and we’ve got ourselves a functional water like tunnel thing oh God thank God it’s more than one block

And now we just need to mine these blocks below it and it will fall into that without flowing everywhere else once we do this at least one two three four five and now we can take these so they take all of those take some potatoes take some

Saplings maybe and a bucket and now we can also fight some spiders okay so every spider we kill might give us some string the key word there is apparently might um we can also craft a second crafting table and we’ll go for a second furnace as well because while we’re down here we

Might as well smell up some of this iron because I’ve you know worked out I probably should use some of that and also we’ll smelt up some potatoes because eating eating apples all day just is not feeling very good to me whereas eating some of this would go

Much better on me so um yeah it’s important that we don’t uh use any torches around here because otherwise uh these spiders will choose not to spawn so we’re going to deliberately hide the spiders from the furnace make sure there’s as much Darkness here as possible and also remove these blocks

Because they get in the way of what might be potential spider spawning spots so with that said um how can you heal just with potion or Golden Apple it is not no natural regeneration it’s regular hardcore today which means you can heal normally which is always a relief to be

Able to say I do have to say um but yeah let’s uh throw this in the furnace just keep that coal going and then go over here also is this a retry of the map I see the settings are different but remember going to that chest before yeah

The map is apparently the same each time uh which is at least handy for reattempts it means we we are somewhat familiar with where we’re going for the first little bit here which is which is good news in my opinion so now we have enough iron to make not only a pickaxe

But also a sword we already have a sword I don’t know what else we’ll do with it but it’s a nice idea and then also enough coal to make more torches I do still need this to go somewhere so we’ll kind of just oh there we go yeah so it

Was the furnace which is keeping things from being good so uh the furnace does provide light and obviously spawners won’t produce anything if there’s any light so it’s useful to know also Bedrock regeneration is uh basically no natural regen already exactly Dash you know I’m glad someone is saying it because

It’s so true it’s so painfully painfully painfully true so um yeah I’m gonna scoop up some lava now just under the assumption I’m gonna need it later oh all right went went a little poorly but I’m also going to I’m going to cook up a potato just one potato and we’ll be

Good no more of this craziness just just one one little potato I’ll even use some some Oak saplings I shouldn’t be using them but I’m gonna use them anyway just just I think one of them yeah that’s that’s the right amount one cooked potato and we’ll finally be out of the

Woods on this apparently you get half a smelt per per tree you’re supposed to know so yeah the um the interesting thing about this map that we discovered last time we played it is that spiders are able to spawn from this spawner outside the Border I’m sure that’s a bug

They haven’t fixed it or they they can’t fix it for a while after seeing it I’m sure um unfortunately and so we uh kind of just have to hope that mob spawn on this side not the other side and treat it as a very slow manual Farm which is just

Great in my opinion so um yeah the um the answer to the question I’m doing is actually surprisingly well I feel like uh my my big goal in life is never to let being sick affect me I know some people are real big on the idea of like

Oh yeah I’m sick that means all my obligations are out the window but um because of the job I have my obligations are to myself right it’s like oh yeah I’m so excited to be able to not work and not get paid for the next few days

Oh that sounds great to me yeah I can’t right it’s like um and in a way if you think about it um indirectly any time that you yeah the whole exchange of goods and services which we all rely on to some extent does mean that any time that you’re not doing

Something for someone else it’s kind of not doing things for yourself but just in a much more indirect way um so uh which means you know and if you can’t do things for yourself you can’t do things for other people and so on and

So forth but yeah I uh also nice uh blue mug says Mr KB thank you I I really like this one I don’t like what my disappointment was I thought the lid was attached but the lid is kind of like it comes all the way off I would like it if

It was like this and it’s a shame it’s a it’s a big disappointment but it’ll keep me going alive uh strong for the stream hopefully so yeah right now I don’t know what to do the I guess we could make the lava um a little bit less Sprite by

Deliberately placing some blocks over here and kind of around it but even then I’m not sure we’re gonna do too much yeah that’s that’s making a little bit of Darkness we could try and get the spiders out of there um there’s a handy technique actually yeah actually we could probably if if

Any of their limbs poke through the barrier we can kill them and if they poke each other through here we’ll be able to do that but they’re not doing that and so there’s no more spiders let’s go to the surface and check up on our wheat farm and then see if they

Despawn in the meantime so um yeah let’s look at um is there a way to use controller for Java there are third-party programs but it’s a shame that there’s no uh official first party way it’s such a weird oversight in my opinion uh but I’m sure there aren’t

That many players demanding it so it’s a low priority but still it’s okay it’s kind of a disappointment to me um so speaking of disappointments Let’s uh grow up some wheat all the way nice and easy growth this one um and what we’re gonna do is we’re just

Gonna really get our farm going we do need this at some point so getting it going now just makes more sense than doing it later and having to wait that is fully grown just what I love to see and now we got that many wheat plus uh

Seven more ready to go and so we can also make a house right now I think um do you want to see a house internet okay what have we got block supplies we definitely can’t make a good house right now but we can make a house technically

No we’ll we’ll wait till we have more blocks I think uh when you don’t need a house you can you can wait at least a little bit uh we don’t need any safety until we come back and it’s almost night time and so we’ll wait until those conditions are

Met we’ll remove the trees which are maybe crowding out the farm here and then we’ll go right back down and hope the spiders have despawned or something like that it’ll be wonderful hey Toka is this the expanding world again yes it is and hopefully okay there we go the

Spiders have despawned which means this time we have better odds of being able to get our hands on them I hope or rather my my sword on them is what I really want here come on there we go that’s what I’m talking about um how many strings we got we’ll find

Out with the game’s in-game little uh heads up there we have eight strings right now how very wonderful so um make one of those over detailed fantasy starter houses okay that’s what we’ll do chat I’m gonna make a starter house but I’m a Minecraft Youtuber trying to

Convince people this is the first house you should build um it’s a really good idea it’s a really good idea I remember watching you in 2017 says Chris that was six years ago now and that breaks my brain I remember thinking like in the early days my YouTube like okay

There are real ogs that family in 2012 some people jumped in on 2013 or 2014 and then there’s like the new wave of people from 2015 or 16 and I’m like oh yeah these uh but like now it’s like yeah if you’re if you were from 2016 you

Might be modern day OG right the the definition of old is always changing because the number of years it’s been since a certain year is always going up or sometimes down I guess depending on which direction you travel through time um that spawner doesn’t exist the sum of

That spawner doesn’t exist you can see the barrier seems to go like part way through the block it’s very very very bizarre um well I am old says cat Beanie I bet at some point you were too young to do things but now I bet there are some

Things that you feel you’re too old to do um and I think that’s the one-way direction of travel through time is probably one of the worst things for our like situation our ways of developing empathy uh for people and things but also it’s a very interesting little

Tidbit so um yeah we’re very almost uh out on eight strings challenge this is definitely the most awkward one to do I think they built this challenge under the assumption you could farm this spawner correctly but since you can’t you kind of have to just like okay we’ll

Go all the way back up to the top here we’re checking our farm which would be fair probably does need to be checked up on and uh then we’ll see how it goes um I remember I enjoyed the last time you did it but yeah you had uh issues

Buying it says just tonight I it’s it’s very rare that you try to buy something in the marketplace and you don’t have issues to be fair um I don’t know who to be fair to like you know Mojang wants to sell you Maps but as soon as you buy the maps it

Doesn’t want to give them to you as the is my take away from that but um yeah more seriously I think uh having a weird I I think we’ll do a lot better this time if only because it’s only regular hardcore I think doing extreme UHC is a

Fun thing to do for a challenge but if you want to get something done just adding challenges before you’ve done it the first time doesn’t make sense like uh even in uh video games replaying a game on hard is fun playing a game on hard for the first time doesn’t make

Sense unless it’s easy on normal and this won’t be that easy right because there’s a lot of things a lot of sources of death we might run into so let’s emotionally plan for those I guess um so there we go there that’s two spiders which is what I want to see that

Is my challenge complete yeah I have access to this new chest not yet actually I’ve got to sleep in a bed first I have access to crafting wool that’s nice and uh oh there we go yeah we just need to get 12 string to actually make a bet so right now we have

Just uh one we need three more string and then we can sleep in a bed finally will we be able to do that find out also um Jake ow my first ever toy cat attacks hey thank you for paying the toy cat tax as you may know the toy car inrand

Revenue Service is actually very very very polite and also any of my string gotten out there no that was just an unfortunate sport huh um but uh yeah the the the the the toy care tax is entirely voluntary and so I thank you for doing it and only just

Doing it but being the first for the stream it’s uh it’s good to see you this Saturday afternoon and uh yeah it’s it’s always nice when people watch these live uh and decide to do that all right oh god oh dear God oh see I this would

Have just murdered me if this were Ultra Hardcore right this wouldn’t even oh okay we have to just get away from him that would just be straight mode oh it might still be straight murder it’s still straight murder oh my God that’s why you’ve got to eat fully oh it’s not hardcore

Wait is it not hardcore yeah hardcore hardcore but you don’t you don’t have permadeath yeah hardcore doesn’t mean permadef apparently what does that mean what is it okay so oh you die you lose you have to turn that on for hardcore wow that’s interesting huh I Chit Chat

How many of you assumed before just now that hardcore assumed you die you lose be honest with me did you I assume that the hardcore hearts they tell me that that’s what that means but I apparently assumed wrong when I guessed the hard difficult what what

Else does it mean what else is the functional difference between hard and hardcore what what was I meant to assume am I am I am I the silly one right now for do I look like an idiot for being you know for telling you that actually

That’s what happened is it like toy cat what a silly mistake how could you possibly think hardcore meant that when you died you got kicked out of the world isn’t that what hardcore means that’s literally the only thing that hardcore means oh we’re probably gonna die again if the the guy didn’t despawn

That was unlucky I do have to say or maybe it wasn’t unlucky it was poor planning stacked with bad luck but um yeah what we’re gonna do now is we’re gonna kill the spider get to our bed which we’re man we’re not that close to and uh then we’re gonna we’re gonna pray

That we don’t die again I’m I guess we’ll turn on you die you lose right I think that’s the only fair thing to do here uh yeah let’s do precisely that only only thing that makes sense uh we are also going to continue working towards oh hello over that

Still very much need you not getting any string right now but that’s fine um yeah I think it’s a little weird to not am I meant to do I follow the game rules here on my own rules like I I I feel that kind of a little bit but given

That we uh we we I’m gonna take advantage of the game’s poor planning for just a minute here but we will switch it to you die you lose I think that’s fair to do um we’re going to make it hardcore plus as far as the game is concerned Ultra

Hardcore where you know imagine this right chat hardcore but with this crazy modifier this crazy thing that you wouldn’t see in normal hardcore where when you die then you lose can you imagine that can you imagine also yo just got the diamond cat badge hey he says color picture good news to

Everyone uh watching this uh stream or rather all the members uh as a you know as a thank you for all the memberships I I really do appreciate uh each and every member I I want to say um it’s one of those uh you know things that’s really expanded over the time in

The channel and so we’ve worked on expanding the you know the perks for it and one of the fun ones is you get a little badge next to your name and that badge shows you how long you’ve been a member for or shows me how long you’ve

Been a member for as well as you two um but we’ve upgraded them all so now we have uh not only just uh it was gold and then diamond and then Emerald before now we have iron gold diamond Emerald never right and then you get a desert well at

36 and you get a big salmon at 48. uh obviously not many people make it to those but for those who do it’s a big reward I think so we’re gonna quickly make a bed and then we’re gonna go check the hardcore settings make sure they’re turned on correctly uh we’ll place the

Torch down first I guess um yeah this is such a weird thing right like um why would you die you lose not be turned on uh for hardcore it’s literally called hardcore but I can understand wanting letting people turn it off but by default that should be on right what

What else would hardcore mean I I really would like to know a big yellow salmon also going to sleep in a bed just increased the size of our world I love to see it so now we have access to look at look at the size of our world

Internet we’ve got all the way over here it’s all the way over there we could run across this world now and also most importantly we’ve got sugarcane to be able to farm which means we’re gonna go ahead and do exactly that so um we’re gonna make the sugarcane a nice long

Rose I just think this is the way you gotta go with things and uh those rows will go both ways here I hope and uh we’ll use the blocks we’ve just mined to make a little thing in the middle here we’ll use sand when we have it

So sand over here as well why can’t I place a sand block there and then sand over here sand over there and then I guess we can use dirt for the rest if we need to uh because we do happen to have some of that so and now we’ve got

Ourselves some miniature sugarcane farm right next to our miniature Wheat Farm which is Handy for our next challenge of making some loafs of bread so we now have more space behind the sugarcane farm which we can use to grow more crops one two three we’ll make sure this oh

Wait that was that was a poor way to grow a crop and now we sit here and we politely wait for crops to grow I didn’t get any s Bones from the skeleton I guess the skeleton probably got bones from me so I guess that’s fair and so

Instead we’ll chop down the trees we have a new one over here that’s lovely and we’ll make a house from what we’ve got so far so let’s look at our ingredients and let’s see what we can make chat we have um 14 15 oh wow we got we’re gonna have

Even more we have just under 20 uh oak wood blocks so that’s about 20 okay we’re gonna make a uh we’re gonna make a starter house chat this is uh only the finest of starter house for only the finest of chats um so here’s how you make a starter

House right first of all you go and you make a bunch of unnecessary and tricky to make blocks from a different type of woods well you make some Birch Birch fences here we’ll make some regular Oak planks into some some trap doors and a bunch of slabs and then we’re obviously

Gonna craft ourselves some shears and we’ll make a shield tube but we’ll make some shares um and so that way we can get some Leafs so we can make like a kind of fancy driveway okay I’ve got I’ve got a dream and I’ve got a vision chat make sure you

Don’t interfere with it because you’re gonna love this so get this we can uh We’re Not Gonna Change these settings anymore so just take that we’re going to build first things first a base structure right but because obviously it’s uh it’s a starter house uh the structure shouldn’t be easy or

Simple it’s got to be really weird and kind of deranged almost so it’s gonna look like this um and then on the side around here we’ll go around like this and there there we go it’s gonna it’s gonna look like a weird shape mixed with another weird shape

Um you got to make sure you go at an angle too you’re gonna have weird weird angles and everything that don’t make sense to anyone who doesn’t understand it just so you can say yeah there’s uh depth and detail there then we’re going to have a front door uh which is going

To go just over here but in front of that front door we have a lovely shrub bush right now the shrub bush is going to take up all the space here but eventually it’ll be nice right oh yeah look at my look at my Shrubbery I have

Outside my front door and then to add to that we put some random trap doors on there trap doors are called detailing and if you don’t have them you’re a scrub Builder so you got to put them all over it just to add to the detail then we’re going to take some slabs

And we’re going to place those slabs just kind of randomly around here to add to add depth to the build so people can look around and they can see oh yeah there certainly is some depth over here yes and so uh just a couple of slabs

Over here and then also a slab over here oh yeah look at look at that slab doing it’s doing its job so well then we’re going to place a slab over here and we’re gonna switch back to our plaques but oh we can’t just use one plank for

The whole thing that would be drab and bloring so now we’ll use I’m sticking by drab I’m blurring so now we’re going to use some polished Granite to add a kind of uh a medieval vibe to the front of the house as you can see this is looking

Absolutely wonderful to me and um yeah now we just have to finish the rest of this house making sure of course to add multi-levels to certain parts of it so it’s boring when you have a house that’s just one big uh same level for everything so what you want to do is you

Want to have a lovely little uh second floor uh this is I don’t know attic conversion thing over here so uh right at the back we’re gonna have a second floor which looks like so this is gonna be that and uh unfortunately we seem to have run out of wood before we could

Build a roof but that’s fine because uh it was gonna be wonderful if we did have a roof uh I mean just just look at all these fences that’ll go on our new balcony okay we’ll build the balcony of out the roof so the balcony will be like over here

Five five blocks out and uh then we’ll put these fences on the balcony because it’s like a it’s like a fake balcony and boom this is the house um this is a great starter house because you can build up the random resources you found in your mind and um it doesn’t

Matter that it doesn’t have a roof because it has all the beautiful artistic uh needs that you’d have anyway you can look at your crops through the window you can look at your uh shrubs and how they’re growing through the front door and most importantly it takes

Up so much space we have no room for anything else which is exactly what I wanted so um with that said I um I am going to uh take this 11 weeks and we’re gonna craft it into five bread to move on with the challenge because I think that’s uh I

Think that’s most of what we actually need here I think we should oh that trees grown over here I think we should Now work on having a little perimeter around the house just so we can prevent the leaks growing in here but in the meantime having this tree grow is great

Because I can finally finish out uh the inside furniture your starter house looks like a trail ruins or never been hurt so deep by a comment uh that’s that’s the worst thing you can say about a build is it looks like something something that was built by

The old Builders but you know the the wonderful thing about this is we can now uh kind of build it with uh we I guess we’ll go to the crafting table we’ll make a a lovely staircase actually the staircases should be made out of birch don’t you think

Just uh just to add some variety to the inside here so now we’ve got some staircases uh we’re gonna use them like so I guess at the back of the house here um we have one stair here and yeah I guess we’ll have our bed be underneath

The staircase and then on top of the staircase which just goes over here uh we need to have like a landing I guess okay so on top of the staircase um the top of the staircase is over here I guess this can’t be a landing anymore this has

To be more staircase uh at the top of the staircase you you arrive at the top of the house yep that’s this is this is how it’s going and uh the top of the house is wonderful because unlike the bottom it has uh much more going on so we’ll remove this one now

This is great chat this is exactly what everyone wants from a house if the layout makes sense and is intuitive for someone who’s just started playing Minecraft it’s not a good starter house if the layout looks like something that uh is actually a really logical uh

Forward base to do future things in no no no no no not a good way to start your Minecraft world you need to start your Minecraft world of a checklist from multiple different biomes and uh and you know you need to have like an engineering degree and you need to have

Studied several videos about the different color palettes in Minecraft otherwise what’s the point what is the point I tell you so um yeah getting out of this let’s go and let’s shop down this and this but just the most ridiculous amount of wood now um yeah I guess I guess this part of

The structure is going to stick out which is actually kind of a good thing because it means I finally have the opportunity okay so this is this is the second floor I guess yeah the second floor can be outside the building yeah that’s that’s my new plan

Um second floor there’s a little balcony over here uh from which I will Overlook all of the other things so um yeah this is going to involve using those free slaps from before just have them come out over the edge like so and then on top of those slabs we’ll place

The fences this is a beautiful beautiful balcony which we can buff out using some Leafs here and there and uh doesn’t this just look like a place that you want to hang out and have some fun on of course it does we’ll also uh extend it to go over here a little bit

Absolutely wonderful and now we gotta now we’ve got a balcony that covers most of the house absolutely great except over here which of course won’t be covered and instead will look like this this is what you call depth and a build it’s a beautiful starter house and there’s nothing quite

Like it so um yeah while we uh while we were doing that thankfully we had more wheat growth which means you don’t need to get any more building tips from toy cat because instead I can make five loaves of bread and give you baking advice um

Also you uh can make a little hedge to Mark the current borders of your world yeah I like the idea of um I I know I like the idea of having some Block in each corner right now just to be very clear about where it is so I’ll do that

Right now to place a torch there a torch there and a torch there and later we can come back and see like how much it’s grown or if it grows at all maybe maybe Minecraft’s lying when they say my world will increase in size I’m just meant to take them at their face

Value on it no that’s ridiculous so yeah five loaves of bread is possible which is great because I really need the food and now we need to go craft a diamond pickaxe which is a much harder challenge but unfortunately I’ve got sugar cane working for me

Um I don’t know if the sugar cane is gonna come in useful or anything I just like sugarcane a lot and more importantly every time we expand the world now I’m motivated because every time we expand the world we get sugarcane what more could you need to be motivated

In this world there is there is nothing more I tell you absolutely nothing oh I can’t I can’t make these crops go away I’ll break the block I guess and then uh replace them with some dirt and then we can play some The sugarcane there Lovely isn’t this going just great

So um yeah as you can see my house is wonderful in every single way oh actually sorry the back of this house it needs to be broken up more you can’t have big ugly straight flat walls what you have to do is you have to deliberately break up this ball so you

Place a slab there you place some blocks over here and over there and as you can see you just you immediately get more character in The build um and you immediately realize why you have to do this so with that said let’s jump down um ibx click out whether that be build

Reporting please don’t report my build I uh it’s very lovely I don’t want Mojang to take it away from me okay so now we go down underground uh excited to go modernist structure Minecraft um but yeah I um I think that uh to uh you can use fences for Windows yeah it’s

Funny how many blocks in Minecraft basically double the Spencers if you want them to it’s nice in my opinion it’s a it’s a fun little reminder don’t forget the random buttons for details you better believe I uh you better believe we’ll be maxing out that uh

House later once once we have all the additional details there’ll be no stopping us speaking of no stopping us there is a water lake down here which does want to stop us and maybe we should allow it although maybe we could also go to what was it 2733

362. if I recall cool correctly let’s stick down from that and let’s just see where that takes us actually and the water will keep us safe yeah this is my good idea that will have no flaws whatsoever it can only I mean it could end in my drowning sure but

What if it doesn’t end in my drowning that would be nice to her okay this this is a slow way to mine but then it will be so handy for future me to be able to just like move around the world freely so I kind of like it I kind of like it

Um I love the mockery of stylish builders I think anyone who tries to tell you that what you’re doing if you enjoy yourself uh it’s fine to mark I think um I know it’s the same as like if someone who’s really into fashion tries to tell you that you can’t wear certain colors

That you like together because oh no they have a clash you you look so silly you cannot do that to me brother if someone tries to tell you something like that you you don’t have to listen to them right like I think that’s the important thing

Um is a lot of people do feel pressured like oh no yeah this is the only way to build I watched you know there’s this person who’s telling me how terrible it is when I build the way I build um and so I think it’s important to have

Balance in the world of every every person who tries to tell you you’re wrong ever personally tries to tell you that actually can I yeah I can get rid of that hey that’s smart okay so I probably I probably placed that a bit too high but with good reason I think you can

Agree and I will just break these blocks down I probably should have broken more blocks down first and then uh whatever it’s fine uh so we’re gonna break just three blocks and then we’re gonna make a little hidey hole for ourselves oh no this is copper

This is copper not what I wanted to do and I will break this really quick pray the water doesn’t flow in okay it didn’t flow in as much as I was assuming and now we can place the torch in and we can see what we get down there

It just makes more sense to mine for diamonds in a straight line down and you know people say don’t dig down but if you’re surrounded by water oh and scary lightning it just makes sense to do so sometimes so we’ll place that up there and uh we’ll just mine down again I mean

Without the water it’s a little bit scary that’s for sure um yeah I think we’ll I think we’ll go back and we’ll get the water actually maybe we should just do that just just come all the way back here get the leaps uh what Leafs can be waterlogged by the

Way but they can’t be uh water resistant all the way and then we’ll start breaking the locks straight back down honestly we might need breathing holes for this like it’s so we’re going so deep down now that that’s a real concern but it’s fine that it’s a concern you’re

Allowed to be concerned about anything you want doesn’t mean that it’s a real concern and now we can uh we can actually probably crawl in here and mine while crawling right yeah look at this cruel mine coming to the rescue it means I’m not technically mining from inside the

Water so you mine faster from in here than you would down there um but yeah uh all right thanks for adding five seconds of cooled down doesn’t only have thousands of comments at once uh it says Logan Mullen yeah I think anyone who actually enjoys talking

In a live stream enjoys having a delay so there’s a chance people to talk I think people who just enjoy typing for the sake of yelling into the void in the same like you know I don’t know like um when I’m when I’m yelling at my TV

Screen I don’t expect the man on there to hear me and I don’t yell at the TV screen because I think that’s insane behavior um but you know if you’re if you are typing in chat because you want to scream into the void what I recommend

Doing is load up a notepad file scream into that all you like and I can pretend I’ll hear it and now people pretend they can hear it too maybe we can all agree to do that together but uh in the meantime what might be a

Better idea is if we don’t do that so um yeah just like that nice and simple we’ve got some I you know the the Leafs really add a lovely natural aesthetic to the cave and now from here we can keep mining down to where diamonds are found

Diamonds are not oh wow there’s diamonds right there heck yeah that’s what I’m talking about that is exactly oh yeah three of them this is everything I’ve ever wanted and more I am very easy to please and I think if we might make this time of pickaxe we’re

Gonna be able to get some zombies spawn it do I want those zombies no I don’t know yet let’s find out oh okay okay yep I guess I should know the answer is no and I’m gonna get trapped in a a water in the meantime yeah I’d you know I’m

I’m starting to think that maybe I don’t want zombies to spawn uh with diamond armor and wreck me because you don’t get the diamond armor so um yeah we can open their chest which oh wow that’s some good stuff we got in there uh some rotten flesh isn’t worth much but like

If it’s better than not having any uh and some uh bones very nice too pumpkin seeds and cocoa beans will take back with us because they might come in useful and the string will also take with us so golden apple is gonna be seen as more valuable than the Blue Orchid I think

And we are starting to slowly collect five so later if I need to find that we’ll start looking through chests but for now this is pretty nice huh this is really nice let’s go construct a never portal which I can do on the way back up because there’s some oh where is this

If I’m not mistaken on the way back up we will find some uh lava and we have water here you know what lava and water can combine to make cobblestone but you know if we felt like being a little bit less exciting also other things I imagine so we’ll eat the wrong flesh

Just because garbage food anyway right then end flour that’s a crazy talk I know how could I say how dare I say even that it’s more important but yet I am going to say it anyway okay so um yeah the uh the wrong flesh I just sweet we should put all of this

Back away up up at the spawn I think but then again we might want to make our never portal up there so if we’re going up anyway oh we need to make space then if we’re going up anyway uh for diorite low value item on the other hand lava and water high

Value items so we place our lava Bucket over there and then we get some water and just cover this whole thing uh or cover the upper bottle the upper half of it makes more sense oh look at this I never used to go here but I can now go

On the each side of the uh yeah I’ve got the whole spider spawn now that’s that’s game changing and a whole second pair of lava if I mess up this first one that’s always good to know as someone who definitely never makes mistakes when when messing with lava it’s good to know

About anyway okay so uh never going well uh we have to mind of a city now which is a slow activity but it’s a fine slow activity as long as we pick up the of sitting afterwards it’s a nice break sometime you know mining obsidian is a nice way to remind

Yourself how nice uh it is to do everything else but you could have had a blue need you know who knows for sure also I love how the demographics for toy cats videos range from uh nine to possibly Thirty oh no everyone who watches uh toy cat

Videos are nine uh I will say um like every single one of you like a lot of people have been like whoa I thought I was like 35 uh you know like been working this job for 10 years but I just realized they might they’ve been hiring an unemployed

Sorry they’ve been they’ve been hiring children at this job for a while I you know I I can’t believe that not only did that University give me a degree when I was negative 12. but also this company has been hiring you know five-year-olds to work you know that sure explains how

The economy is doing right now um it’s uh yeah no I uh I I think um the most interesting fan interactions in real life is that I once was at like some like you know Minecraft thing and a woman and her child approach and like the The Stereotype everyone assumes is

Like oh it’s cute the 60 year old woman is here to bring her like grandchild to an event and she’s like oh yeah no I’m a really big fan of these of the the toy cat things she mentioned a bunch of things she liked she’s like oh yeah the

My daughter’s just here to see like insert person here like uh I I had to drag her along to come see take out I thought that was the most like wholesome interaction I’ve ever had it was like the the biggest reminder that no matter how much you assume demographics are a

Certain way there’s always someone who’s the exact opposite all my demographics say 21 plus but I’m certain all my viewers are 12 and under so padawain I think um one big part of that is that you can YouTube the outward demographics it tells you as a YouTuber

Are ones that are very easy to fake it just tells you what the channel age is and obviously every under 18 year old is gonna lie about being 18. so it kind of gets messy that anyone who is over the age of 18 on your YouTube stats is

Either over the age of 18 or wants to watch 18 plus videos and let’s be honest which which children don’t I mean the answer should be all of them but you know the the whole like I think the dumbest thing is when we saved children yeah that’s only for adults and the only

Like uh you know making forbidden fruit is the is the it’s literally a thing they tell tell you about in the in I think it’s the first story in the Bible right um you know like uh it’s 2 000 years ago they worked out but if you tell people

Specifically oh yeah just don’t do that don’t worry about why you get kicked out of the gardener Thief although maybe the point of the story was like don’t question why it’s forbidden but you know the the idea that even you know even uh even a snake can work out a literal

Snake right I believe was in the in that Garden good work it out it must be a real snake too it’s got a a very I don’t know how intelligent that snake was but the point is to say is that he knows it and so so too should

YouTube and every other platform that makes adult gated content but for whatever I’ve been nine for 20 years now yeah it’s it’s crazy uh it’s crazy how long people stay uh age nine but as we know that is also why can’t I craft oh it’s in here

So we’re gonna throw something on the ground temporarily and then we’re gonna make a chest maybe a double chest honestly I I think sometimes it’s better just to commit to having a double chest of something and then we’ll place that below the stairs because we’ve got the space um

And then we’ll move our bed to be over on the second floor or over there yeah we have the bed to be there and they’ll make the entrance to the mine kind of like this I think so you can kind of walk around awkwardly in the house

Yep okay and then uh because yeah that’s that’s a house that’s a layout that you can live with now we can throw cocoa beans don’t need those yet pumpkin seeds I feel like I might need at some point but not right now uh we’re gonna we’re

Gonna use those things in the top left copper could be really valuable and then stuff where I’m just like uh we’ll put it in there for for later keeping anyway and uh yeah this is my house I hope you enjoy it it’s very beautiful I’m 18 with 15 years of experience

That’s uh that’s a fun way to word I haven’t heard that before I hope you’re doing well by the way man uh so um oh God I keep switching between controller and a keyboard mouse I gotta stop doing that on PC messes some things

Up let’s go to the Never by the way do we have to light the never portal or can we just construct it is it is a never portal a never portal until you light it that’s an interesting interesting thought I’ve just had but uh instead of answering it we’ll just build

It and work that out in the games format so we’ll build as far out as we can one two three flip this out we use a prettier block actually we’ll use uh well you we’ll use polish deep slate for the corners and then one two three

And then yeah this this is nice right and this is very nice so it’s not a never portal until you light it remember do not mine down on the never oh what’s that someone trying to tell me what I can and cannot do oh is this is this

Minecraft or is this communist Russia I forgot I forgot Dasher can you I’m just kidding uh yeah it’s a very smart idea to not dig down on the nether especially given that I will Perma die that first death apparently doesn’t count that’s a useful thing to know um

So string goes in here Birch stairs go in here the two week going here just you know just stop dumping some stuff in there I think we will place down some saplings now I don’t think we need that many of them but it’s nice to just have

A farm Source sorted and then the rest of our saplings will go straight in here and then we are just about ready to go right yeah the slumpic ax goes away too the ipicax that is me going to the never I think um actually wait no I need Flint or we

Could do the should we go get a flint for London steel I like doing the Bedrock way but it’s it’s rare to you know be able to do the other way so let’s let’s treat ourselves to that little opportunity after we put this in there actually you

Know let’s let’s just make another bread let’s just have a real full piece of food that I can eat and also let’s um use this furnace which is well hidden to make some potatoes maybe put some real fuel in there um yeah just make a few potatoes yeah it

Seems good to me okay so now oh the sugarcane is growing so fast by the way it’s wild now we can extend the farm just a little bit more it’s definitely we’re gonna have to gonna get more sugarcane than we have places to expand into but it’s a good

It’s a good place to start and um yeah Andrew and apple is not portable to you like it because otherwise it’s just a door threshold um you know I I see I see what you’re saying but I don’t know that I agree also I guess this is what we have to do

Another place like a block over there yeah that’s the best way to do it I think um for now we’re going to go down under not only pick up some coal for furnace reasons but also uh because we need to find gravel uh we could we’re gonna need

To make a shovel if we’re finding gravel though I think I’ve got just one piece and I’ve got pre-inds so we’ll make a iron shovel finish out our set actually that’ll be nice huh look at that full set of tools that’s that’s lovely and then let’s go mine some gravel there was

Definitely gravel by the spawn I think that’s the last place I remember seeing it but I might have seen it before and just begun uh can I can I make that full I will choose not to risk it yeah there’s gravel right over here very convenient place for it huh right

Next to the lava it’s like they knew speaking of knowing toy cat tags uh thank you very much Mr the resurrection that’s uh Jacob I appreciate you appreciate it a lot so um yeah I um I I love uh I appreciate all the people paying their toy cat taxes it’s very important obviously

Um you know like all the all the valuable things that are done by the toy cat government all achieved by the toy cat tax but um yeah uh the fact that Net portal can become an unlit nav portal means that it’s always an Ever portal see that’s an

Interesting point Thomas Poppy I agree with your point that this is a never portal and then if I remove this block is it a never portal what if it was still lit there’s a lot of hey okay so that counts when we jump into it so now the world just got larger

And then for the never to get larger we have to do separate challenges here remember we don’t dig down here we have to dig around in a square don’t ask how we know this it’s uh it’s a it’s a life lesson though we don’t dig down in fact

To help make it easier I’ll break the blocks around here and then I’ll specifically Place uh some blocks below that that I can kind of like sit on specifically so there’s not a big fool for me just feels like a good idea for me to do

That so once we obtain some nevrak we now have to craft mushroom stew or cook mushroom stew which is nice and easy in the never grab some red mushrooms and grab some brown mushrooms do we have any brown mushrooms we don’t are they down there maybe do you see any brown mushrooms internet

Oh there’s a whole cave here yeah okay so there are brown mushrooms down there but how do you get down in the never um we craft a hay bale that might be for the best actually um or we could find a brown Mushroom in the Overworld it’s a little bit harder I

Would say but yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna give that a shot I’m gonna take all the red mushrooms from here gonna just take them all anyway and then we’re gonna see if maybe just maybe we can find a brown Mushroom in the other world because I want to see what happens

If I do a challenge from the never in the urban world I don’t know that it would work uh what mean Meanwhile my Overworld challenge oh the dogs are coming to save me it seems very lucky for that so um yes given that mobs can spawn we’re going to place more torches

A torture over here we had a torch in every corner before let’s place a torch in every one of the new corners um I don’t know how well that will really do for us it just seems like a fun idea right like every time the world expands

No every time but every time we need to do torches we do them in the corners and then we can look back and be like wow look how much space we have around this house isn’t it so crazy uh one of the dogs die don’t worry they’re not my dogs

They’re just random stray dogs I found oh actually you’re not if we’ve gotten a live random stray dog why not make him my dog yeah that seems good to me so now we’re gonna Harvest all the wheat or not all the wheat at all some of the week

And we’re going to grow some more that is not very much wheat because we need to make a hay Bell I think uh and we also need to make a Target block a Target block but I’m not mistaken is redstone and hay but I could be getting

That mixed up so Target block is all the way down here somewhere so just type it in actually Target block Target it’s not called the target block is it called the target block oh it’s known craftable so it’s a hey Bale with four Redstone Dust so we’ll make a hay

Bale and then we’ll later get redstone dust uh 30 blocks distance is probably too high for the Overworld though right um so to confirm this is uh 375 and this torch over here is at 356. yeah that’ll be a challenge but it’s possible if it counts diagonal distances like

Taxicab so hopefully we’ll be fine if it doesn’t buy a Pythagorean’s Theorem we’ll be screwed so let’s hope that it does the right distance counting uh look at those chickens oh if we got chickens let’s make the uh let’s make the classic chicken farm right this is one of my

Favorite things to do um you just you just shove a bunch of chickens into a hole and then we get oh no come on guys I got I got seeds for you I got seeds you guys love seeds so we just use the seeds to push them in the hull

And now they’re all in the hall there are no more problems sorted okay so chickens lovely I’m gonna now take the uh I need to get more Wheats wheat is a big priority for me right now which means it’s probably worth me just growing my farm a little bit right

And the farm needs to grow I’ve got more space for it let’s go ahead and let’s plant this all there maybe even go another row back on the wheat farm or another road forwards or just you know for now let’s just plant there uh and take a piece of dirt

Place it there and that’s that that’ll be enough wheat for our future needs I think right now is a particularly exceptional wheat kneading time and so uh in the meantime while we wait for that to grow let’s go find some Redstone uh getting uh and also a bow and arrow I guess we

Got the arrows we just need both so string and sticks we got the sticks too yeah this is this is a surprisingly involved task car chat uh but I can do it so you um oh wonderful we’ll see if we can find a brown mushroom at the same time just

Because I want to know how how the game deals with it I doubt it will be too interesting but I want to try anyway so do you see a brown Mushroom around here I’d be surprised if the answer was yes but I don’t think I should stop looking because it might be no

Also wow this cave goes quite high up this way so we’ll pick up the coal like I mentioned it’s just nice to have alls and there’s no Redstone here but I bet they’ll be Redstone down a bit so I’m going to dig down diagonally over here

And then put water down this so I can just easily get from the top to the bottom of the world that’s my fun idea uh how is tow Maps working out are you going to take more members I think it’d be fun to build things for your maps are

You the next survival challenge um I’m currently looking for uh like uh coders basically like people who can do Minecraft mumbo jumbo stuff um I’m not that familiar with the marketplace apis and all this stuff I just can’t work within it and so trying to make stuff like oh yeah when you

Switch this button something crazy fun happens uh if you if you’ve got the skills to do that I would love to love to have a conversation about it um I like the stream thumb analysis Padawan thank you padawa ain’t I don’t know how I’d say your name but you know

Thank you very much glad you like it um it’s uh I uh I feel like the the the stream thumbnails have been on point recently uh it’s it’s a hard thing to always get right but it’s something I’m trying to do damn it so now we’re gonna go go down more

We’re gonna place a torch over there just in case but we’re gonna go down more and roughly this same area um it’s gonna be a little bit messy to do that yeah we shouldn’t have uh we’ll Place those blocks back and then a block over there and a block over there

Now we can dig down here and as long as we don’t dig into lava we’ll be fairly safe and even if we dig into lava I’ll be fine actually oh yeah not dig into lava digging into water oh and there’s Redstone Okay so we’ve got Redstone sorted so we just need string now

Uh we got too much Redstone we’ll also get iron just because there’s enough of it and then we’ll also deal with whatever this cave is so the fun way I’ve been dealing with all this water so far is of Leafs but I don’t have any of those so instead we’ll use

Polish steep slate it’s a lovely block underutilized and so we’ll just we’ll just cover up these blocks here then cover up these blocks here and then cover up oh God this is there Moss are these are these blocks or is it coming from down there I genuinely don’t know

Okay it’s all sealed off from back there but there is more coming from somewhere I don’t understand where the water’s coming from in here to be honest there we go okay so yeah there is just a lot more to this cave than I thought instead

Of doing all of that we could have just simply Place some never act here I thought you know no I couldn’t have done that let’s let’s place the gravel in such a way that we get rid of all the water sources C easy done doable so now we could dig

Down further which is what I’m gonna have to do at some point soon but in the meantime Let’s uh let’s just take advantage of the fact that we can do this next challenge I hope I really hope so um yeah uh heading out it was good to see uh lecture Harry I

Hope you’re doing wonderfully today I um I second call out Victor’s question I missed it but I hope it’s a good one I uh I also think that the the most important part about this is always to move forward I think it can be easy to get like lost

Sometimes when you’ve got like a lot of different tasks to do but by just being like there’s one task go get it done it’s kind of nice if you can stick to it just be like okay so it’s real easy just have to swim up here and then I’ll be good Okay so

Um yeah I uh okay in we go oh we are good nice nice nice do I have any decent food I have some rotten flesh yeah yeah we’ll go we’ll go over the wrong place it’s not decent dude it’ll keep me alive until I get some string so we need uh free

String to make a bow we could also kill skeletons honestly but we won’t instead we’ll just sit around here with the torch off until we get free strength should be an easy amount to ask for right is there string in here no there’s not string in here there’s bones oh yeah that’s really

Useful same with the iron but otherwise we sit and we wait while eating rotten flesh oh spider times two see this is this is what I needed earlier in the game guys this is exactly what I needed so still one string though but we sit and we politely stare um yeah I uh

I politely just stare then I say you know if it doesn’t happen now it’ll happen eventually this is the thing you know everyone gets their time with the the spider spawn also I love this Channel The Challenge there’s a squirrel trying a dragon it’s really cool to me any challenge

Where you can see progression from the start to the end is something that is just enjoyable right like being able to immediately tell like yes this was probably worth doing is much better than not being able to do precisely that but yeah let’s take this

Lava with us now all the way back to the surface we’ll torch this up and let’s uh throw it in the furnace um let’s throw the lava in the furnace with our iron and then the furnace will just run forever keeping my house lit up

On the inside this is the genius of lava not only does it smell 100 items but it also keeps uh lip for a very long time speaking of keeping lit look at my Farms looking pretty pretty nicely I would say and in we go that’s my cooked potato and

It’ll soon be oh I only got two iron from all of that uh but yeah and and all this stuff can go for now just keep my inventory a little bit more free and then we’ll craft a we’re two week away from crafting what we want

When did you gain five Hearts says X also you pissed you picked up some chestering earlier but then you inventory Managed IT someplace oh yeah there’s the string yeah I didn’t need to kill those guys entirely unnecessary so I’ve got an I’ve got a bow I’ve got two

Arrows I’ve got the Redstone and if I’m lucky I also have the wheat I certainly hope I have the wheat so that is one oh I have exactly the right amount of wheat thank god um and then I’ve got spare seeds that I’ll just feed to these chickens

Eventually I’ll feed it to them now actually you know you guys be nice you can have a baby so um oh yeah we need to this tree is certainly a pain sort of chop down the annoying part of it and uh now we can craft a hay bale which will

Be useful for the nether but unfortunately instead actually yeah let’s go to the never first let’s go to the never use the hay Bell then come back and use it for the Target block if you have never used a hay Barrel in the never life-changing it is it is

Seriously incredible one of those simple tips that makes your life so much more bearable um I wouldn’t recommend doing it a place where you die if you mess up a hay bale use because you know sometimes sometimes you click at just the wrong moment and who wants to do that so PayPal there

And then hay Barrel over here see that would have been bad without a thing and now we can very easily craft ourselves a mushrooms too I think I made a crafting table up there but it’s fine make some Bowls do you see any bowls I don’t see any bowls there’s so

Many so many items there in the bowls and then here’s the stew yeah find ancient debris okay I feel like these challenges went up in up in scope a lot right it went straight from oh yeah could you just uh real quick if you could could you find some mushroom stew

Won’t be too hard so yeah just find the the rarest or in Minecraft if you could if you don’t mind just just real quick don’t worry it won’t it won’t be too hard I’m sure I’m sure you’ll find it in no time um do you see any ancient debris I guess

We just go real low down for streaming love watching while I play Spud bryro thank you so much I appreciate appreciate you paying the toy cat tax I um I I I think that also wait there’s there’s never act down here oh that’s very odd oh

Um I I’m glad you love to watch while you play I think uh a lot of people I’m just gonna kill this guy I’m gonna look at him by accident otherwise and it’s gonna end my run let’s just kill him before we have to nice and simple

Um I guess they’re teleporting in here because the barriers can’t keep them out but now we have an ender pearl in case that comes up I think it actually is gonna have to because of the whole um you know there’s an end somewhere in this place

Um so let’s let’s do it fight me yeah second ender pearl can’t pick up either flows I can put on this gold chest plate though um so yeah ancient debris what’s the plan just dig wildly okay dig one block above Bedrock because then we’d find it where we are that is the plan

Um you missed the ancient debris underneath the lava uh oh that’s that’s that’s amazing if so that’s the ancient debris below the lava okay let’s let’s give it a peek it’s funny if there was and I was okay nope no ancient debris ancient debris on that side Maybe

Ancient debris on this side near the lava you sure this is a Let’s uh you know if it wasn’t from uh this is the sort of thing that like you could just believe someone would just say I don’t see any ancient debris is it it’s gonna be like visible

Somewhere that my brain just didn’t catch Maybe ancient debris near the lava yeah I am over there maybe is it just chilling over here somewhere not seeing any also I think the nether’s getting a lot wider a lot faster than the Overworld um the lava at fed rock that oh right right

Right right right okay okay so we’re gonna do we’re gonna eat baked potato you can use the hay bale no no no oh yeah that’s terrible okay so the game’s gonna give me funny noises for a bit which I’ll spend off using mushroom stew and then we’re gonna

Specifically oh yeah would you know that was ancient debris on one side very handy so we probably have to find more ancient debris uh unfortunately but once you find one I guess we’ll have more area to explore if nothing else I’m gonna eat more mushroom stew before I

Attempt that because with the Bedrock level of healing I just don’t want to mess this one up okay so it’s next to Lava easily solved and and it’s it’s so funny that I saw lava and I didn’t have even time to look and see like oh that’s a handy block I was

Just like I will die if I don’t deal with this so Inventory management problems is definitely a yeah relics of an ancient world Ryder Strider I have a saddle or I can get a saddle so this used to be the edge of the world look how much wider it’s gotten it went

Four blocks out which is nice um I’m gonna get myself enough ancient debris for never act though I think I’m gonna have to do it at some point let’s get it done now um even if I don’t have to do it having never it’s just nice right

Um but yeah I saw in one of the promo move just this map that you have to make a Dev right hoe one of the challenges um so uh warped fungus on a stick yeah making warp fungus on a stick and having a Strider is a real nice combo

Has to be said so um yeah we’ll just keep on mining till we’ve got this all won’t be too hard I do like the one thing I really like about mining in the nether is you don’t have to use okay it’s gonna be Lava above it I know I

Know there’s gonna be Lava above it shouldn’t be surprised when there is okay there’s not um mining in the nav is really great because you don’t have to torch it up that is one of my favorite things as Sonic really enjoys mining but just finds it tedious to continuously

Resupply can be real rough also I have to keep remembering like yes I will die and it will be over let’s get my health up it takes a takes a lot of food to do that but I really need to keep it in mind so um

So you die and that’s it says uh silver healer exactly apparently that’s not what hardcore means to the map makers but it’s what hardcore means to me after changing the settings uh which again I I kind of take advantage like I I don’t know like I’m taking advantage of it

Being that way rather than having to redo it so you know good job good job honestly map makers I’m I’m proud of them for allowing me to live again so yeah you can see like having lava in these caves versus not doesn’t make a huge difference which is

Nice I don’t know if I’ll need quartz but I like the idea that I would so we’ll get rid of sand and pick up some of this instead oh I didn’t pick up any um so uh throw it in there throw it in there perfect I just need one more ancient debris by

The way they seem to be spawning way more commonly on this map but it makes sense that there’s a tiny world if they didn’t didn’t give you ancient debris you just wouldn’t have any and then we’ll mine this way and then eventually we’ll hit something that’s something right eventually we’ll have to

That’s just how how the world Works uh what also be fun by the way is the fact that I think the cool thing about this world on the progression I was saying is if we do anything all the way up to a world border and that world water

Changes it’ll look like we just mined up to random points in the never rack and so it’ll look really like neatly done oh also ancient debris nice um yeah well so this map’s hardcore is equivalent to fake hardcore YouTubers game mode it’s the same thing right like ah I died

But I don’t feel like dying so I just have to change the setting real quick same idea you’re right um so now we’re gonna make a second mushroom stew but only after this first one has healed me a tiny bit uh make sure we get some of that

Saturation value outfit and then after this next one eat again and that’s gonna be full health for me which is nice I uh oh we got another ender pearl I didn’t do that oh actually should we watch out we should watch out I just want the end

Of our real bad I want the end of pearl but apparently I don’t get the end of pearl so I’m gonna make a big staircase up now so I don’t have to worry about Magna cubes I am gonna want that NFL I know I’m gonna want the NFL

Oh do you know what I need more though being alive apparently the lava’s still coming oh I’m just did a terrible job of that so let’s just go a few blocks to the left here let’s try that one again ooh Blackstone okay apparently the lava is is better than I

Assumed it would be so yeah there’s two magma cubes here and they should be easy enough to deal with but yet here they are being precisely not there um oh yeah this this world really expanded like three blocks in each Direction but that’s great it means I can just get

Out nice and easily pretend this isn’t my problem make another bowl of soup importantly and uh yeah again everything every time we get close to mobs I I do run in there with a contingency plan I think that’s what you’ve always got to do if you have if you have backup plans

You can turn to them if you panic for a few seconds in the wrong time you die that’s a life lesson for everyone watching um you can choose to take it or you cannot I’m going to build a big wall around here just because there’s lava I think future me will also enjoy

Looking at the current map boundaries right and being like that that’s that’s kind of silly huh so um yeah we could mine this we could just place the never rack on top of it yeah that’s what we’ll do we’ll just play some nice we’ll build a little border around the nether here

Uh where it used to be uh oh God they’ve got they’ve got demonic eyes here too don’t like it I’m getting away from that let’s go to the Overworld oh it doesn’t work that way let’s go to the other world if the nether portal doesn’t work like a

Normal never portal and it seems to spawn me in the middle of my world but yeah let’s take away these bowls which are cluttering up my inventory let’s take away this or let’s make quickly make ourselves a Target block what’s one of those look like one of those

Put away the Redstone put away the quartz the raw chicken the never act let’s be honest and uh then we can throw this in a furnace oh yeah that’s good I’m gonna I’m gonna have me some never right internet that Net portal acts like an End Portal

Yeah actually that’s that’s a funny way of putting it Ohio Master wait a second do something for the benefit Future toy cat somebody write that down this is a first in toy cat history I’ve done something that isn’t immediately to the detriment of future me I know how crazy

Um so yeah what I’m going to do is I’m going to have to make a really long diagonal line across this world right I think the easiest vision is from you actually uh it’s gonna be hard with all these floating trees so yeah we’ll have to

I think we could place one over here but then the other side of the world is hard to see yeah that’s that’s perfectly in the middle of the world it’s almost specifically to ruin my plans it looks like so instead what we’ll do is we’ll stack up we’ll share our way through it

Because we want to get through nice and quickly and then chop it down and then we’ll take advantage of it being here though to have a nice high up uh block on you know what we can just place it over here so we’ll place our Target Block in the absolute corner um

So this is the corner I believe um and now we just have to shoot that from the other side of the world that actually is a surprisingly hard task and to do it with only two arrows I guess if we can hit the edges of the target block we’ll be fine

What do you reckon chat do you think you could make this shot I’ll I’ll give you a look at it but it looks something a bit like like this can you make this shot to the Target block I think yeah actually you know I I it seemed far

Oh apparently I can’t shoot it um yeah I cannot hit the target block I have used both my arrows I don’t know where they went if not the target block but they definitely did not hit it or I would have the achievement um I wonder where they went the arrows

Bounce off the wall or do they go through it internet you’re aiming too high I don’t I don’t have any proof of where my Harris went sadly um that’s interesting huh uh so we need to kill skeletons oh we need to get flint and we need to get arrows oh which is

Handy that the game gave me some chickens very very handy they decided to do that so we’ll share some wheat one two three can get enough for some bread and then use the wheat to breed the chickens because we’re gonna murder them um and we’re going to murder them we

Need something to replace them nice and easy so now we kill the two adult chickens uh hopefully there’s some feathers in there really sure do hope me there’s some feathers in that uh there’s no feathers so how do you get feathers if you can’t kill chickens for

Them I guess we didn’t kill this guy yeah we can kill this guy too yeah there’s some feathers perfect so then we’ll just do the same that is for two feathers we need a little bit more Flint and then we just need iron right is it

Flints no it’s it’s sticks an iron no sticks and and Flint yeah so we don’t have any Flint yet surprisingly but we can get some with relative ease one two three I I feel like I got some flints somewhere else while I was doing something but it’s fine

Um why do you not announce your streams earlier why are you so mean so simply palette interestingly enough this was uh I I feel like I I I felt like the stream was announced like one of the furthest in advance it has been you know I the

Problem is is that YouTube doesn’t give me a system that’s like announced right you make the stream public and then YouTube decides like ah do you think people are gonna want to see this and it uses some algorithm to determine it that I’m sure works for most people that

But I’m not in control if you get a stream notification or not only you are in control of that when you hit the Bell see a little sub uh promo but seriously it is if you want to be in control of what you see on YouTube you have to be

Proactive in saying yeah I’ll hit the bell for this or I won’t for this um okay so four arrows I feel like I’d want another one but I’ll be fine with this for now uh one of these errors will hit that seems like a likelihood to me

Um I guess I’ll confirm the target block what happens if I miss the target block okay so from here that counts as 18 blocks okay so I wonder if it goes down if I I should shoot it from like less far away oh yeah it tells you exactly how far you

Shot it from so it will at least say like yep you shot it from 29 blocks when you needed 30. you know at least it will be fair with me um so from here can we hit the target block no that was too high huh too high still

26 how can this be 26. Okay so 27 if I have to stand all the way in the corner then huh it literally has to be the furthest back I can be in this corner and even then I’m not 100 sure that would work but we’ll have to go give

That a test this is a weird challenge huh they didn’t use the Pythagorean theorem I’m not sure it’s weird because it doesn’t seem like they’re using taxicab distance either which is where you you work out the you know you imagine it’s like a grid system that’s

Why it’s you know like taxi cabs would use in like Manhattan um but it’s not using it’s using some weird algorithm that I can’t I can’t work out it’s it’s not based on blocks because this would be uh it might be including uh upwards height Maybe

If so we could shoot from down low and see if that works uh better that’s 28. no it must be therefore based on okay so we’ll shoot one more time from over here we have to shoot nice and low down so we can retrieve the error if we’re wrong

Okay I’m really nervous about this internet was that 28 again or did that Miss I have no way of knowing it’s a little silly honestly also the hunger I’m going for so much food right can we all agree on that like too much food I eat something and then immediately it’s like

You wanna you wanna heal again and the answer’s like well I don’t want to yeah 28 okay so we have to shoot from way down low or we have to move this further up I don’t know which one of those things makes more sense but I guess we’ll go uh further up is

There a bug in my neck um yeah we’ll play some gravel over here um there’s no way for me to safely get down from this so we’ll just have to I guess we could go all the way to the water but let’s just not let’s just um grab a dirt block

Halfway down the full place it halfway down the pool that’s good enough for me so um yeah break all of these dirt blocks and see if this works what do you reckon internet if you do this underground there’ll be walls to stop the arrows oh that’s a good point yeah

Yeah doing it underground is a clever away hey bigger World okay now I’m Gonna Bake a Cake uh this is my favorite type of cake it just needs a few herbs and spices and it’ll be the best type of cake you can imagine um yeah that’s oh

Not a fan why did that thing even spawn it doesn’t make any sense but whatever uh so we need a cow which we obviously have to milk I’m going to milk this cow like it’s uh like it’s uh it’s a good Minecraft update and um then I’m gonna grab some

Wheat from the farm and I think I need eggs as well which is fortunate because I’ve been collecting those boom see I didn’t know I’d need chickens but just assumed like ah it’s Minecraft at some point chickens come in useful right um so let’s uh let’s go for it I hate the

Drown looking creeper yeah it’s very creepy oh this is the chicken farm now uh one of them grew up so I only have one he’s not gonna I’ll feed him some seeds to age him or I’ll go looking for more yeah I messed this up okay I really

Messed this up also just paying much like CAT tax says pedal hyperspace uh thank you very kindly for paying the toy cat tax as you all know it is the most most friendly type of tax in the universe no no mean messages no no guilt for not paying it just an appreciation

When you do well if all governments were like me I bet they would have lower tax compliance rates but everyone would feel better about living in society I think that’s one of the weird things about like the way taxes are presented is like oh yeah there’s this like there’s this like

Set of things you just have to pay because you have to pay it and then later it’s like oh yeah and here are some benefits the government just randomly gives you who knows where it comes from it needs to be like yeah there are you are basically you here is

The the money that is being sent to these people so they can do these things for you of your money I think people would have like a better relationship with government if so because some people are like oh yeah well anything bad happens because the government doesn’t yes like the government’s like a

Rich older brother it’s like why wouldn’t you give me money to do stuff you got billions man well in the case of some governments trillions man um and uh so yeah in the toy cat tax system your money goes specifically to Lobster I don’t know why getting this cow in

This hole is a is a surprisingly large problem for me but yeah just in your girlfriend in you go I I don’t know like do it okay there we go perfect so um yeah we are going to have to get more chickens which is a surprisingly challenging task

I kind of you know I could throw my eggs on actually how many eggs do you need for a cake I think I need sugar cane as well right so I need eggs I need what is the cake recipe looking like um it is two sugar one egg two more Muk

Buckets okay we only need one egg perfect this is why you look up recipes before getting sad um so we’re gonna milk the cow twice we’re gonna get some sugar and then we’re gonna bake a cake I love it this is uh actually surprisingly efficient one two

Uh we’ll make as much sugar as we need and then a little more as well so one two oh uh throw this on the ground how do I get a pressure plate what what happened in my life that led to a pressure plate um and now we can make a cake yeah

Pastry chef that’s me you better believe I’m the best okay so now we have to drive 200 blocks of a minecart what sort of a ridiculous challenge is that I used up all my iron on the buckets because I wasn’t thinking very smart um okay so clearly we’re gonna need to

Go and get ourselves some clear clearly we have to go find some iron ore not too hard to do I won’t make cakes to stack Mojang please do cakes on Java really still not stack there’s no way that’s true oh wait no let’s not tell Mojang don’t tell Mojang

They’re just gonna remove it from Bedrock please I beg you they’re gonna be like oh yeah this parody problem sounds terrible also uh pedal hype spaces what’s the difference between you doing it on YouTube and streamlabs um so if you do a tip via YouTube entirely Fine By the way I know it’s

Very easy for a lot of people um YouTube takes a 30 cut in exchange for processing the payment whereas streamlabs just does the credit card piece it’s more like two to three percent um if a cut it’s effectively 100 the money goes uh to the streamer that you’re watching

Um which is what some people value right it’s like uh you know uh if when you pay your regular taxes which are definitely equivalent to toy cat taxes also look how big this area has gotten down here like there’s like a lot of oars on the

Surface all of a sudden but um yeah I think uh I think that’s what some people would really prefer uh it’s okay if you don’t though I’m never not gonna try and pin pressure on you oh I don’t want to throw this bucket into lava and I’m gonna try and pressure you about

It if not it’s uh I think it’s like a good like uh uh it’s an interesting it’s an interesting respection I’m like what do people want when they’re tipping in my mind like I I think a lot of people assume that every customer is like them

Like I know like if you’re a if you run a bakery you assume everyone who comes to the bakery is like me and looks at the croissant and then maybe gets something else to be adventurous um or something like that but maybe you know like I don’t like croissants I look

At the croissants because it’s a i indicator of price and then I get something else because I like it more maybe I go to the bakery not because I even like baked goods but because it’s a status symbol to me to say yes I go to someone and they’re making me the bread

I you know like I feel like um and so in the same way when I if I’m tipping people I want the money to go to them the goal is like yeah um yeah the goal to me um is like if I am going to part with bunny

The idea is the streamer should get it that is my my view on it but some people are like no I don’t it’s not I don’t mind spending money but I don’t care if the streamer receives something not like I care about you know like uh showing that I support this

Thing which isn’t entirely evaluated like show support for things like um you know it’s fine to uh that’s how a lot of real world tipping is right like you know you do a lot of people don’t check like uh you know when they have a service charge for something does this

Go to the waiter or is it just uh charged by the business because they employ the waiter and it’s I think it’s like okay but also weird to me like I think I think everyone finds people who aren’t like them a little bit weird sometimes and

That’s just one example of me also I was looking for a minecart this whole time but it was just some easy Iron right here would have been super easy so we’ll smelt this up make a minecart and then we’re gonna get a lot more iron to make

Minecart tracks also look how big the world is now it’s it’s huge right it’s ridiculously size it’s too big even I would go that far as to say it’s too big how can anyone navigate a world of of such scale it’s impossible um I think you could craft 16 brows and

Go back and forth yeah okay Chad how would you interpret these rules I’m interpreting them as I can go around in a circle round around around again but uh I would I would like to hear if anyone has a ever anyone else thinks they’re like no there’s no way they let

You do that um so I need to craft a food soon I am very short on food uh surprisingly Sean food honestly um I have two apples in the chest that’s not very many I have enough I have a cake I guess technically I guess we’ll

Eat uh rotten flesh that’s my plan just run flash my way to the top and then I’m also going to chop down some trees they’re just they’re just littering up the world right like I could see so much more if there weren’t trees uglying up the place and apparently

Growing where all the all they want to um we’re gonna make a lovely flat ground over here which we can build something else on later maybe maybe a lovely Minecart Track uh and that’ll be nice and then we’ll go look for some iron because we need not only enough iron for

A minecart but then enough iron oh wait another cow I need food anyway right so let’s get this cow in my little hidey hole so cow please go in hello cow would you like to come to a little pyramid scheme I’ve got invented if you just invite two

Of your friends into the scheme then I will let you out and then if they invite two of their friends each they can be let out and now my prison system has an infinite the upside to everyone besides you guys um so uh maybe they should update the

Cake recipe to make it include sweet berries that’s an interesting case right of like if they were adding the cake recipe today it would have the sweet berries in it but it would be insane to update Minecraft today to add that despite it making a lot of sense

This Farm is not Peter certified I think if you often if you opted animals like a like tell me if I’m wrong here if anyone here is from Peter or like uh you know like a big into animal advocacy like if you think about a normal dairy

Or meat farm you know the reason people think it’s cruel is because you don’t give the animals a choice they’re not consenting to the you know the the cruelty however if you give cows the opportunity and you say look Battle Royale your way out of here or you know

Recruit some new people into this now you’re making it a choice not only for the cows joining the scheme but also the ones coming out if you just want to leave the farm just gotta just gotta do your labor and your batter you know like just go be involved in the Hunger Game

Style situation it’s not it’s not impossible to do that and so uh yeah I’m pretty sure that’s how that works so um the there can be only one exactly well only one will survive um this is a golden idea no one steal this from me I’m gonna get the

Broadcasting rights for this and it’s gonna be great so let’s go to sleep I guess and then let’s go down get the saddle because we need that for the Nether and then let’s go get some more iron because we need a lot more of it than I was thinking about because it’s

Just just because of those rails man honestly so yeah this this world gets really really huge I wonder if there’s we’re gonna find like more caves in these new sections oh the spawner is probably um accessible now the zombie spawner do you think we should do stuff with that

I think it’d be weird not to right yeah I think we’re gonna have to I think that’s the plan we’re gonna go down to the spawner and we’re gonna see what it looks like and then we’re gonna keep on growing this out I guess also we should start

Placing our potatoes I they haven’t come up yet so maybe they just won’t come up but if they do come up I’ll feel so silly for being underprepared um they should make some kind of rare food that gives a brief haste effect oh yeah that’s that’s a really interesting idea like Builders Builders

Brew a specific food for haste I think you could make a mushroom stew effect for that and that would be compelling enough to people uh probably or maybe they specifically aren’t giving it because they know it would be compelling and you you’d want to make yourself hungry so you could eat

More of it it’d be like abused but in the not fun way or maybe maybe abusing the fun way depending on your definition of abuse I mean I guess some people like every type of abuse uh there is no water down there which makes it very dangerous so

I’ll just float down here instead so um why is there no potion effect for that I think the the beacon is designed to be the haste potion it takes more work and so it’s like a fairer oh way of doing it in my opinion or maybe in Mojang’s

Opinion uh that’s a lot of wheat that’s a second Golden Apple those are some nice round flashes we’ll eat those to get myself to full and then we’ll see what’s behind here it’s gonna be something right or is it nothing yet oh it’s a whole cave okay so later we’ll

Find lots of interesting things back there but for right now it all means nothing and then we’re gonna top down here where it’s gonna hurt for a second but eventually we’re gonna find out okay so just keep digging down this right eventually we’re gonna see what is down there for me

Um digging straight down not very smart but when you’ve got a water bucket it’s not that terrible of an idea especially on a limited sized world where you’re fairly certain there’s no Lava pets that is my hot take is it a good hot take I don’t know okay I’m gonna place my water

I’m just a little bit too scared now um gonna eat this and then we’re gonna go we’re just gonna power through it we’ll mine a few blocks at a time and when it’s clear enough nothing’s happening we’ll scoop up the water place a torch and then we’ll try again

We’ll break one block Place one of these and then break a few more there we go perfect so now we just need to have a water bottle a water hole be over here somewhere oh deep dark yeah right oh is this going to be big enough for me to

Actually summon the water now oh it’s so much bigger than it was last time I was here okay so gotta watch out when killing things gotta really really watch out but there aren’t any skulk detectors or sculk sensors skulk catalysts no skulk streakers yeah none of those yet uh hopefully there’s

Some iron somewhere on the way back up but there is some gold we can make a lovely uh rail with that imagine your pit cows heard you and they’re going to category out your butt oh cattle Royale now that there we go we’ve got that will help me get the

Movie rights right there okay we’ve got it all sorted in snap I’m gonna become a millionaire now for my my new hit movie cattle Royale came up with it by myself so um you missed some diamonds over there ah it’s okay I eat only diamonds in Minecraft famously there’s uh

Absolutely zero need for diamonds uh thank you for suggesting that I get them but uh you’re all good I just need iron um so I’m just doing that because I know it upsets some small percent of the internet you get that lovely lovely engagement um but yeah we’re gonna go back uh or

Maybe we’re not you know maybe I don’t maybe I don’t want to go back maybe maybe diamonds will be maybe diamonds will come up when diamonds come up maybe things happen for a reason it’s not no everything has to be forced so um yeah we’ll go right back down here

I think we’ll pick up the rest of the gold because we can smelt that when we get home make what whatever that we’re gonna need out of gold will be pre-ready to make it and then uh yeah what’s that over there doesn’t seem like much right like what

Are we even gonna do with free diamonds internet like you can’t do anything with free diamonds not in this economy uh you know with with the with the rampant inflation that’s been running recently uh you’re lucky if you get um you’re lucky if you get anything with eight diamonds now but three diamonds

Basically going nowhere so in the meantime we throw down this and not much else we really can get rid of even though I know we should like Birch saplings maybe they’d be useful yeah we need the gold for the never right scrap I guess we could technically use it to

Make a never right something or other well go for it okay internet is that fine marriage is dying is going to kill diamond prices also hey more cats uh one five four thank you so much for becoming a channel member I um I really like the

Membership as a way to like post certain videos that I know you can’t post publicly because of the algorithm and one of those was uh my first time playing Minecraft dungeons so the Minecraft dungeons arcade uh I knew they brought out a Dungeons arcade machine

And I assumed it was just the same game but it’s so different on an arcade it was really fun you get these cool collectible cards too my drink is delicious today by the way um but yeah uh I think um I I think uh it’s gonna be real great

Also there’s a woman walking up and down my street shouting help what should I do okay so here’s um here’s my take on the situation right the um the easiest thing to do the best thing to do in a situation where someone screams asking for help is to offer

Someone help but you’re not asking here because that’s the the first thing that comes to your brain and rightfully so what if they want to murder you and steal your socks it’s uh it’s a real possibility and so instead what I’d say is um I I think

The the type of like I think if you can look at someone and they are obviously distressed uh and you are not sure you can help them directly uh and it looks like no one else will help them you have to call someone who will help them or hear me

Out you recruit them into a scheme where they can get help but only if they’re willing to fight 500 other people who are also looking for help uh I’m gonna call her distressed woman Royale it’s not gonna be as catchy as cattle Royale it’s not gonna have as

Many merch cells or anything but uh I’m hoping I’m hoping it still gets picked up by the right networks at the right time so um she just looks and sound drunks be honest I do feel as though it’s such a human thing to be like drawn in by the sound

Of someone screaming for help right or even like someone screaming in general like um I woke up the other night one of the fun things about living in London it’s it’s it’s it’s weird that this is like I know it’s interesting this is the first

Time I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night it was very very briefly it was just someone screaming like very very uh like they’re like I’ve been mugged my life’s ruined and then a lot of racial provides that because he was mugged by someone up a of a certain

Color because that’s the uh it seems that that’s that’s what happened to him it seems and um I thought this was so interesting um because obviously you know like a lot of people are like who would be on his side I mean on a side but like who would

Feel really sympathetic like ah poor guy’s been mugged I could be like oh never mind he’s just like racist so like you know we don’t have to care about him as much uh despite the you know like um despite the fact that like to me that’s

Like almost more of a tragedy look like you know you have something you know you have some like predisposed belief and then like he is now proven right in his mind uh that like a certain group of people are going to going to do this

Thing to him and it kind of sucks like ah man there’s there’s no there’s nothing the world can do about that but also I I don’t know I feel like uh it’s like the wrong view to have to be like yeah that’s it does suck though right because you’re meant to be like

Well no you’re you’re wrong and you should feel bad for but it’s also like I think one of the weird things is um you know like when people are told by the world like yeah this is just how you’re meant to do a thing and then like

They’re trying to get along with it when you find like one really gaping hole in it people start to break I think also um she’s not screaming just shouting like a chant uh oh like uh yeah I think that’s uh I think that’s just drunkenness

That’s what I do every time I I drink too much uh I start but I I think um I know I had a uh I was I was I’ll try to make this about anything but rice I guess to keep things easy but that was a

Guy who uh robbed me who was a uh he was he was an Irish Irish migrant of some form who just picked up my bag ran for it and presumably sold the belongings um at some point later and it really frustrated me that like this guy was

Like uh went for all of this it’s wild that I I know like his details he’s like I I know like if it happens he left the country it’s a really interesting story but like this whole thing happens and like no one else is like looking out for

It no one else is like on board a bit and it’s like it’s a really isolating experience to be like oh yeah okay this is It’s All Me Against the World everyone else is all nice but when you really need it no one’s there for also

Yeah as you can oh no so it’s it is total blocks gone internet how am I gonna travel 200 blocks what a ridiculous challenge so it’s gonna be distance from start to finish right oh there’s no way anyone assumed it would be that right

Okay so we’ll see what we can do of like this but that’s good how are we gonna do that internet how are we even gonna do that also first time catching a stream first time paying a tax to a fellow cat take my money uh I will take your money

Marquette and you know what I’m gonna do with it I’m gonna I’m gonna spend it questionably but I I really do appreciate the tip it’s uh I I it’s I I think the greatest thing about money is you can use it’s a gift card but to everywhere the best the best gift you

Can give um and uh I really appreciate uh the tip man hope you’re doing wonderfully hope you’re enjoying the stream so how are we gonna do this there’s not 200 blocks in this world um my first thought was that you’d have to make a spiral yeah we’re gonna have to test the spiral

Because we have to use our vertical Dimensions somehow right so let’s see if that works if we go here and then we have like a flat SEC actually I wonder if that counts as more blocks oh that’d be interesting right so let’s see if this counts as lots of blocks

Or if because the minecart trail breaks the thing breaks too but then let’s importantly see if spiraling down and around counts um that’s that’s an important thing to check right so for now in go the Birch saplings and the Egg and this and just you know just filling it away that’s the

Flint I thought I had earlier by the way let’s grab the saddle that’s very important and let’s see if oh it doesn’t quite do what I’m expecting it to let’s see how this is measured because it’s 15 Minecart tracks but if it counts as more

Than 200 block or if it counts as more than 15 that’s good right oh it resets oh it has to be contigued what a dumb rule uh I was what a what a bad set oh just yeah so yeah if you uh if you want to help uh work for ibx2

Maps and you you know how to program stuff and you look at this and you go ah that could have been done better I would love to love to have you potentially working on the team uh because that’s dumb uh make a 3X3 search of them and then go around it

I think the the clever okay so I could just work on getting enough Minecart tracks to make this work but I would prefer to do this the high effort way so or rather the lower effort way so what we’re going to do is we’re going to make a big flat area

Um this should be a good sign of that um we will uh yeah that’s that should be good we remove a few blocks here Place some there so we’re gonna have a nice big ring like this and then a nice ring like this and so if

We just place the lever and change the direction of this track every time uh uh yeah okay so if we just every time we come through here we press a button that does not do what okay there we go so now the track is going to change every time we come through right

Oh but we can’t Okay so we need to make a track that doesn’t loop on itself it changes um so the way we do that is a bit more complicated I think we just gotta move this over to there yeah I think we just use this as a four-way Junction

But by changing it every time okay so actually I don’t know if we can do that as easily Um how do we change this Junction internet Okay so what can we actually do about that um so it can’t be a four-way cross it’s going to be a freeway cross uh for this to work like that right and then this now now the button changes it

From going one way to the other way and then that has to go around onto this no but it can’t go around onto it like this this is not making any sense to me okay internet I I don’t know enough Minecart mechanics um okay so now that connects there we can

Do that just great okay let’s see how this goes so I go round on me minecart I disconnect oh okay okay no damn it what is wrong with the how is how is it measuring this internet why is it going down what what is it how is it deciding that

What what is it deciding based on I I don’t I think it’s broken like why is it going up now and resetting well how is it choosing that um so uh yeah we’ll place that there and we’ll just see if we can go up to in

Theory we should be going all the way up to 16 now why is it see it’s resetting before we’ve actually reset now right one two three four five six seven eight what I don’t understand it’s bug rock it could be based on distance in one

We have to go in one straight line but then we can’t turn around that seems that seems ridiculous too right so we’ll just see if this does what we want it to but then if we can’t go back on ourselves how we have a okay so we’ll just we’ll just have to

Test the most basic version of this which is like um if we go this way can we go down and then round and down if we can’t do this I have genuinely there is I have no idea it doesn’t make sense to me um so that counted but then I don’t I don’t

Know okay make a circle from the furthest parts of the Border then wind inward yeah that that’s gonna have to be what we do it’s gonna be ridiculous uh can you snake it yeah that’s that’s a good one to test okay so is this snake valid um

So if that sneak is valid we’re good and we just have to get enough Minecart tracks to do it oh no why not what okay that there’s no way that shouldn’t count right chat can we all agree turned rails can’t also go diagonal I can’t make 200 blocks on a straight line

If it’s not counting um what try a powered rail yeah yeah the I if we my best bet is that maybe it’s a speed thing you have to travel it in a certain time so I’m going to test that right now if this doesn’t work either it’s broken or it’s a speed thing

So as soon as we leave the Minecart Track it uncounts um okay so that’s that’s something we can work with but I’m gonna need a lot of iron uh even for the most abusable versions of this so that means we’re going down and we’re finding some

I’m gonna have to find a lot clearly um so the right layers to find iron is about 32 I want to say um around about here so we’ll just kind of dig in this rough area it’s a shame because there’s a whole cave out here I’m sure we can find a lot

More later but for now we do what we have to do um do a 3X3 circle with power drails see it seemed like a good idea but the game is very strict on how it is measuring this distance I don’t understand it I um go around the border and slowly move it

Inwards with uh 200 rails yeah but it’s idea counting things very weirdly such that I don’t think that that would be okay which is odd um so yeah getting a lot of iron is my new priority it would come from border to border here it looks like a lot less

When I’m underground oddly enough I would have expected the opposite uh for now we can uh go away from here and we’ll go to the never and get that challenge done because it’s a nice easy actually doable one which is what I’m here for trust the process says Hunter Robinson

Yeah I um looks like it reset after four turns but four turns isn’t enough to do it so maybe it’s a certain number of turns and a certain number of blocks to make sure that you’re using as close to 200 rails as possible but that seems like unnecessarily

Restrictive but maybe that’s what they like so we’ll go to sleep uh my house is looking Wonderful by the way thank you for agreeing um and uh yeah we’re gonna make some powered rails I don’t know how I think it’s six gold for powered rails um and then this Redstone involved

There’s a lot of stuff involved we’re going to make our never right scrap into uh some stuff it’s gonna be it’s gonna be real nice to have um it’s gonna be real nice to have a proper neverit Ingot and also it will take up one less spot in my inventory

That’s that’s a big win be nice to have pure of these and just in general my inventory will be less cluttered soon that’s something to be excited for yay okay look at this my first never Inger that’s fun that’s real fun um so we are going to make soon

We’re gonna have the best food store oh no okay soon we’ll have the best food source available to man but in the meantime we are going to have to deal with this so cows would you like to meet wheat yes you would and uh yeah

This this is a challenge it’s a big one but we can put it off by going to the Nether and also we can put it off by cooking some pork chops the best way it is fun because the challenge oh God the game is clearly trying to make it more

Challenging by upping the saturate or up Downing the saturation but I think if we just get some good real food we should counterbalance that maybe it’s just a speed thing maybe you can loop around uh the turn slowed you down yeah I’m guessing that’s the uh I’m guessing there’s something in that that

We can hopefully resolve so where are we gonna ride a Strider I guess we find a big pit of lava uh there’s one just over here and once we go into the lava we’ll find oh okay I don’t like that but that is where they are we’ll make a lovely staircase this is

Very scary this whole this whole never and that’s my dog oh that’s cute I forgot I brought I didn’t know I brought him somewhere let alone left him there and so then I’ve got a staircase that tunneled up into this so we’ll make this more clear uh using uh polished deep slate

This is my mine or my staircase down it is very good and then to make sure we’re safe from mobs we just place blocks up there wonderful it’s good enough it does the job and so now we just need to find a Magma Cube love these guys love these guys so

Much oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay not dead basically dead though um so yeah that’s bad it goes without saying not my ideal situation uh and without food we make a crafting table and place it in here I guess and we’re just gonna make the two breads we can

It sucks but it’s fine yeah that was that was Insanity the the magma cubes are op they can hit you too many times per second have said this oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry they hit you too many times per second said it before it’s op almost got me killed this time

Um but yeah let’s go okay easy stuff easy oh okay yeah the hit was like so much more damaging too right I don’t even know what happened with it is it deliberate even can we punch these guys to death oh my dog’s on fire I’m sorry doggy I don’t

Want you to be on fire I really don’t it’s not the choice that I would make in this situation were I in charge of your well-being actually I might be in charge for his well-being so um yeah I think staying in the never while we’ve got two hearts since hardcore not a good

Decision maybe we should uh I think we should back out go back to the overwhelp and just uh see what’s happening over there maybe okay so uh in the Overworld things are going just great thank you for checking in uh we’re probably gonna have enough wheat

To make some serious bread and just kind of fix that hunger problem right in the bud uh and indeed fix it lots and lots of times and then we’ll also feed some chickens if we want to so no it’s always nice to have a bit of both

Just like that the wheat as well the the wheat is bread and uh yeah it seems as though you just need to go through a silly amount of food because it it takes up saturation it takes up a little part of your hunger every single time you

Heal so we just we sit here we do it really slowly while we look in the furnace so the furnace can be accessed from over here if I’m not mistaken okay so I just gonna there we go grab it out of there and then oops sorry about that uh and

Then we’re going to make powered rails so powered rails require a redstone torch always messes me up that it’s a redstone torch it doesn’t need a redstone torch it’s like a redstone torch always messes me up that it doesn’t require a redstone torch there’s some recipe in the game that does

Require a redstone torch and I get that one confused with that one apparently um the neverit Inga is not required now and honestly the bow isn’t required either is the neverak or the arrow just you put it away too much stuff it’s it’s cluttering me up

Make a whole stack of these so we can put this away uh put the Dirt away and the sticks away and now let’s make some powered rails okay so I’m hoping the powered rails solve my problems by making me go super fast there should be precisely no problem right

So three of these go up here three of these go down here and now we have a rail a rail a rail a rail so I’m hoping I I know I’m I’m really being optimistic here internet but I’m really hoping that the powered rails will make this work

Wee because it’s going to be a speed based turn thing right yes speed I don’t know what sense it makes why was there a minimum speed required but chat I’ve done it this is the secret I’m glad you’re as excited as I am extra fan ah yes I

I think this is uh I think this is great I beat the system and that’s what matters get free gold napples is the next challenge I just wasted all my gold on this you you forced me to game you can’t be mad okay it’s fine it’s fine I

I’m not mad you know I’m glad I didn’t have to eat a golden apple um so we eat another one of these another two of these we are clearly gonna have to get some more going but that’s that’s a okay and um we’re gonna go back to the never looking for a

Strider and also some gold at the same time seems like the clever way to do it to me we clearly need another bread right now because the just the healing isn’t working otherwise and we also clearly need to find some stuff oh uh maybe the mint speed is to ensure

You can’t just ride on the floor but it seems to stop the moment you yeah it could there could be some logic to the whole thing that I don’t see I would like to believe there is because the world is nicer when it’s not an illogical mess that’s why people invent conspiracy

Theories right just it’s it’s really nice to believe that someone knows what’s happening even if it’s someone who has evil you know intent to you know take away my take away things I love that’s it’s still like you know at least at least someone is in control

Imagine how scary it’d be if the world operated by a system of like distributed consent and like everyone everything’s happening all randomly would be wild so this is my next Golden Apple sorted right there um I’m gonna do it in the never just because I’m curious actually wait you

See a Strider anywhere chat that needs to be my priority stride stride stridy do you see any striders I haven’t seen any striders yeah this the straight is a bit of a weird one because you can’t like make them spawn or anything um but yeah looting two that’s nice

Saddle oh there’s one in here too also kind of nice melon seeds will take them and Mangrove proper gills it’s just nice to get that type of wood I guess so um looking around the Never I I guess we can just like mine some blocks over there maybe what what can we

Do if there’s no lava oh sorry there’s no Striders in the lava do we just keep coming back and hoping that eventually there will be I think that is about as good as we can do we can maybe see if over here things have changed we can walk back and forth and assume

That maybe one will eventually spawn you know it’s a bad system but it’s not the worst idea um well we just go back to your world of our crafted Golden Apple just enjoy life over there you know I think I will do that one yeah and at some point later we’ll ride

A Strider yeah the Never Never challenges you could Farm the zombified piglets for gold you know that’s that’s that’s true I’m glad we don’t need to but it is nice that we could if we wanted to feed the dog besides chat it’s your only friend you know that’s that’s a mean thing to

Say both on behalf of chat who is of course multiple entities and not one person but also on behalf of me but entirely true too so let’s make a third Golden Apple um I need the Apple that’s what I’m missing I I knew there’s something in there that’s that’s got to be gone

Um so an apple is over here glad I saved it I was thinking like but I do I need the golden apples the answer is yes and now we’re gonna breed baby animals but they have to all be at the same time because I’ve bred more than one it’s just

Counting how many baby animals I have at one point in time which is a ridiculous system but it’s the system they’re using so it’s fine it’s fine um so we’ll oh probably not do that ideally we’ll get a bunch of Wheat and a bunch of seeds at the same time

And then also we’re gonna we’re gonna grow some potatoes I think the time has come for potatoes chat in fact let’s grow a few things like I don’t know if melons will come up but I like the idea that they might um let’s wait where are the potatoes did

I cook all the potatoes did I get any carrots no I cooked the potatoes I’m sorry I shouldn’t have cooked the potatoes that was a mistake I would like to know I would like you all to know that I have made an honest uh and terrible error in judgment I am

Looking to overcome this era and uh you know what’s the standard apology for these things I just don’t oh wait serious and continuous laps in judgment there you go that’s what you gotta say when you’ve done something wrong and you’d like people to feel sorry for you you can’t

Say yeah that was my standard of behavior because we’re not perfect people don’t accept that you’ve got to say we are all Perfect all of the time except that one time I wasn’t perfect every other time I am perfect you’ve got to pretend and so that’s what I’m gonna do too

Um also where did my cow go here he is so I do have some wheat now I’m gonna just lure him into the pen up I guess if they’ve got a baby in there already that’s a good sign for something to happen at least and uh

Yeah should we breed a couple of them yeah I guess we might as well just just a couple right and then throw you in there okay two baby animals so seeds are much easier for me to obtain I have too many seeds lying around and so I’ll just breed the chickens over and

Over again and hope that that adds tomato so chicken chicken and then every minute we can add another chicken to the total and every few minutes we can add baby cows to the total I would ideally oh a skeleton I think I wanted arrows a minute ago so we’ll just kill him

Solely for those and maybe the bones would be good too and then we’ll go to sleep because dystopian nightmare with monsters that look like drowns not what I’m in for I’m positive the cow wanted to ride the roller coaster it looks a little uncomfortable in the whole says forbidden Yale 14. oh well

You see because no one’s taking me up on my Battle Royale uh sorry my uh my castle Royale offer uh pattern pending I just figured the only fair thing to do is to make it so cruel and unfair in there and unreasonably awful that they’ll have to join me uh that is the

Plan and we’ll see how that goes so yeah we’re gonna move the sugarcane farm kind of inside I guess because we’ve got a lot of sugarcane growing sugarcane farming one of the best parts of any Minecraft world I I can live happily if you just let me sit here and farm

Sugarcane all day every day I want to do 100 days of Minecraft but all I do is Farm sugarcane I’d have a positively good time I I’d have the best time honestly but um yeah and for now while we’re waiting let’s say it’s actually a good opportunity we’re actually achieving real girls

Um so again it says breed baby animals not adult animals you know I I would like to apologize for my non-serious and not continuous laps in any judgment I think you should do the exactly that um I put the Looting to an assault and kill zombies for carrots and potatoes not a

Bad idea honestly not not a terrible idea at all but yeah as you can see easily sorted it gets a little bit more challenging to make a sugarcane farm underground but yeah I guess I have to Pirate my own idea then so I can’t if you get a patent on a cattle Royale

It’s such a good idea make the cows fight to the death um category I don’t know I just it’s it’s too good I think you can make it like a video game you get a movie tie in you get a you know you can just you can do it endlessly

And it’s all gonna be just as good as the next thing so now we’re gonna make a crafting table way I guess under here somewhere we’ll turn this into a crafting table and then so for now put that there put the crafting table down and then we need to make a chest because

I’ve got too many farming just ingredients that are starting to show up that I think they need their own separate chest and that separate chest can go like kind of back here because obviously we need to have some space for it and for it to seem kind of reasonable to

Go there so now there’s a farming chest in which goes my sugar cane my mushrooms and just yes I don’t want to put this in there but like that sort of stuff right and then we can start to separate our stuff by where we get it from which is

An important step in what we’re trying to do here um but yeah I uh what do you reckon chat should I do 100 days but all I do is Farm sugarcane see how many sugar cane I can get by the end of the the challenge seems like a fun time to me

Seems like everything I’ve ever wanted honestly uh and yeah so now breed two cows and then two more cows see how well those baby animals count on our totals it seems as though chickens this is probably the reason why you do fenced chickens rather than whatever I’m doing um

Yeah I think they’ve already bred so we’re gonna now grow one of the babies up oh they don’t seem to want that so place a slab down there what’s the easiest slab block we have I guess we’ll use the crafting table to make a polished um polish deep slate slab and then we’ll

Place a couple of those over here oh that’s the wrong way to place that slab Place one over here and one over here now we can access the chickens easier so we can grow this one up that takes a lot a lot of seeds to grow

Them up and then we’ll grow on a u-up as well and this is taking all my seeds and then we can breed them together and perfect so now that it helps with the baby animal thing it is a little bit silly you might say but it’s fine

Um yes as long as you order a lobster up 100 days wasted each to 124 hour days would you do a hundred days chicken farm in your let’s play world or a brand new world beginning it with one sugar cane I think uh a brand new world where you

Don’t even know where the sugarcane is going to come from what if the challenges how many how many sugar canes can you farm in that time that sounds like a fun time right sounds like the most fun time um I feel like the streams are the best

Content you make says oh resire oh thank you unless that’s a backhandle compliment everything else but I’ll take that as a thank you I appreciate it a lot you know there’s there’s two ways to say something’s good you can say it’s good or you can say everything else is terrible

We’ve said everything else is terrible you might be actually saying well it’s not good it’s just it’s not everything else you know it could be could be way worse okay so then we’ll breathe some cows because it’s clearly been a minute and uh I guess we are honestly like at

This point we might as well just start doing bone mealing uh it’s it’s the best way to do stuff at this point and at any point so chop it all down plant it in chop some more um all the way maxed and in we go

And as you can see we’ve now got seven wheat we’ll go for one more actually wait the game has given me one more no bone meal required and so now we jump right back across throw some of our seeds into some of our chickens okay so they’re harvesting it we’ve got

Them kind of on an async thing going on here give you two guys a breed all of you maybe okay that’s fine and there we go 12 baby animals it’s very slow progress it’s not much but it’s honest work chat it’s honest work so that’s a donkey that is spawned here now okay

So there is a saddle in the nether so honestly oh no I’m not trying to kill you I’m I I want to die I’m not trying to I swear I’m gonna tame you I’m gonna You’re Gonna Be Mine I’m gonna have a donkey it’s gonna be wonderful oh he’s he’s Tamed

Okay get this right chat I have me a donkey I don’t think I’m ever going to need to ride an animal for this but I like the idea in fact I bet okay this is my low quality guess based on the fact that all of the challenges have been a bit Goofy and

There’s a is-mounted tag I think if I ride this donkey in the nether it will count as riding a Strider that is my hot take let’s see if I’m right oh no it knows they know done my my genius has been faltered so we’re just throwing back through the portal I guess

Um is that easy to do does he not want okay it sent me through the portal about my donkey maybe donkeys can’t go back maybe it’s like a one-way portal so um check out once you pan uploads in your ultimate guide video I’m excited to see

It I um I’m glad that you’re excited about it um I uh I I think of doing like a weekly thing of it like uh rather than doing like it as a mega post all in one time I was thinking of doing like okay this is

Uh one Ultimate Guide uh like I know like I I feel like I did the 1.20 ones all in one day right which was a fun way to do something but also a little bit wild so I think we’d step back from that and say like okay just once a week we’ll

Take a look at a Minecraft topic and we’ll do the ultimate thing for it that to me seems logical um there are no Striders here by the way what do we how do we how do we find striders what are the Strider rules internet do I

Have to do something special do I have to summon them um it seems to shoot mobs away from the portal and also with pink pipling and zombie piglens did the game just assume that I wouldn’t want to ride my donkey into the never and so now it’s dooming me to a

Donkeyless life because if so that’s that’s poor form have to say very poor form um but yeah I I can dig all the blocks I like around here but I’m not gonna find myself a Strider it seems kind of disappointing let’s try to spawn more commonly in certain biomes

Uh I have all the biomes I got Crimson for it I got like the tiniest bit of Crimson Forest I’ve got the tiniest bit of water Forest you get counts as having all the buyers I’ve got all the good ones okay have you got bought fungus on a stick uh

You don’t need it to ride the Strider right only to get the Strider closer oh you need it to make the Strider go in a certain direction I’m willing to just live life on the edge and jump right off him um I think it’s shoes uh the mobs away

From the portal because they’re never an Overworld coordinates don’t match yeah I I think the nether portal is clearly doing some weird Shenanigans and it’s covering up for those of whatever that is but it’s a shame because like how can I yeah it’s a shame because now my my

Donkey’s stuck what do I what do I do with it I always find them like diving into lava okay chat you heard the comment I have no independent for and so I have to go exactly of what this person says I’m gonna die am I dead am I dead

Um I’m gonna no I’m not surprised me really need to eat though just I I’m surprised how little food I’ve been sustaining myself with um so in the chess goes magma these these just yeah just little little random garbage that starting to be picked up here and there needs to all go

In the chest um I never get to watch Twitter actually live because uh because it works so cheating on my break is awesome hey good to see you valak hope you’re doing wonderfully today I’m glad I see you as much as I hope that you’re glad you see me

Um I mean I can’t see you I can imagine that you’re there and I can like I can ascribe that to sight even though it’s not eat the cake treat yourself you’re not chat okay we’re gonna do it let’s let’s go let’s go wild let’s take the cake now let’s do it

Oh yeah look look at this oh yeah whole cake all the way to the max look how much healing that Cake’s gonna give me too it’s gonna be incredible you’re gonna be mind blown at the amount of healing it does chat absolutely mind blown when you see you’re never gonna

Wanna go back also that’s my 15th baby animal let’s look at the wild borders expense oh we get a chest oh flowers yeah I’m exciting uh and sheep which I actually um I think I want the sheep for I guess not that badly uh that’s food at least you’re not I

Needed food thank you wolf glad to have a good friendly guy to help me out on things like this and then I guess I’ll cook up some never rack into never brick or something um yeah we’ll cook a whole stack of it actually let’s go crazy let’s get some

Food we’ll cook it we’ll eat it right now just to keep the the hunger cycle moving and um yeah let’s also finally get rid of this big tree mess thing it’s just ridiculous right I don’t have an ax I should have an X um so we’ll make a good ax I could go

Diamond but I I think I needed never write home for whatever reason later we’ll chop down this wood that’s just you know it’s it’s clearly in the wrong place get out of here not okay um will you bring back super flat on a new map says Harry peanut I was thinking

Of uh starting a new super flat world after 1.20 comes out um that is my current plan I’m excited for it uh we’ll see how it goes okay so speaking of seeing how things go this is a nice little world is that a new chest over there too did I get two

New chests for them I think I get a lot of new chess maybe nope just two it’s very very odd odd choicing but that works for me it’s a sleep ball go and in the morning we will enjoy a brand new uh chest oh collectible in every color

Is the challenge that’s why it’s giving me the I don’t know why I didn’t read that but I should have also say it get carrots sound is nice too I guess oh we can make a cactus farm I don’t think we need one but I’m worried the game will

Throw it on me later than we do and so it’s better to be safe than sorry on this sort of stuff I’m gonna have to make my own desert because there’s not one around here uh I can do that um yeah we’ll just make a little we’ll make a on top of the

This Farm will place our cactus because Cactus doesn’t need all that other stuff yeah that seems like it oh that was weird oh the map’s broken okay let’s not try and place our sand on top of the sugar cane and instead let’s go um over here

We’ll kind of like dig out a part of a hole in the mountain um and we’ll place it just a nice simple pattern nope nothing too crazy nothing too fancy um just just enough that the cactus will grow uh because they obviously have to be grown in this weird little pattern

Like this and we’ll grow as many Cactus as the game has given me because that seems like a reasonable number so three two two doesn’t work sp332 English looks something a bit like this and then remove the blocks around it okay let’s go go is this good looks good to me I’ll keep

The other sand around for something or other but that is a cacti uh I don’t think we’ll even need them but you can never take the risk on these things I I’ll wait for Green Day we do we need him for green dye obviously so that’s two of my dies covered right there

Um you don’t need carrots or potatoes for any diet but I will grow the carrots regardless just in case we need pigs later it’s kind of fun to like you know the challenges of being so wild card that genuinely we don’t know what we’re going

To need until it comes up which is kind of fun in a weird way by itself so um yeah I guess we’ll start carrot farm right over here on the other side of the uh you know we’ll just go I’m here just just free spaces for carrots we don’t

Need that many carrots right and um yeah we won’t need that many wheat seeds soon as well it’ll be all wonderful also the number of chickens we will have soon should render the entire point of all of this so um will is hard now thanks to the dog

Murdering the two sheep the game gave you oh the game gave me the Sheep specifically for oh God right yeah of course I need whoa in oh yeah yeah I see I see the challenge the game is man okay you messed up Minecraft okay so we we’ll group these into stacks

Um to make space on the chest um nice and easy and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to start doing dice so the only dies we don’t have here I guess we can like make one of each real easily um so we got brown and we got uh white

Colored are they Gunk yes they are so now we need to make this into white dye we actually don’t but it’s it’s going to be used with other things at some point then we’re going to have an orange die and a pink dye so that’s nice and easy to sort pink and orange

Uh just like that right and then um just imagine my inventory but not broken if you can do it I can I can believe in you okay so we’ll eat both of those now we can take a with a rose we’re going to want to have two red

Tulips for sure and then also we want to have an oxide Daisy because it’s gray maybe it can’t be white and pretty yeah it’s light gray black and two Reds because one of those Reds is going to go over white to make a pink unless we

Already have the pink we already do have the pink so as you can see we’ve got up to seven of the colors two of those are going to come from cactus green and green white one of those is black dye so that’s up to 10 now so getting the wool

Is actually going to be the harder part of this that is almost 100 gonna be true now so that is now the light blue dye sorted light blue dye sorted we have 11 of the die colors um if you count the cactus which we maybe we shouldn’t prematurely count the cactus

Um dark blue dye comes from a corn flat what is this what are we gonna get from it we get light gray dye again which I don’t really want or need um there is um time to farm the spider spawner again I refuse to go back to the spider spawner

You can’t send me back I won’t go um it doesn’t work correctly damn it um so instead what I’ll do to preserve my sanity um after a little bit of a farm run here like like in the world but they’re coming together nicely takes a little bit of uh

A little bit of adjustment but that’s fine um yellow flower says uh Dazed and Confused yeah there’s a yellow flower around here somewhere and there’s also that purpley looking one magenta Maybe so that’ll be real good um we’re gonna really like clean up the place just so we can have better sight

Lines and less likely to be ambushed by something in the night which will be important for not dying because we are deep in the challenges now for what it’s worth okay so these are definitely purple right magenta that counts and then uh they’re yellow flowers I did see them together there’s yellow

Flowers over here and those yellow flowers are something good too so yellow flower equals yellow dye and magenta is magenta die that brings us up nicely to uh 11 colors plus two for the greens so then we need to go get blue from lapis that’s 14 and then we’re

Just missing I don’t even know the colors there’s a I think you might have purple as well as magenta purple is blue and red but you can’t craft blue and red can you yeah you might be a plot craft blue and red so we just need

Uh and then the blue light blue we’ve already got light blue so we just need blue purple and cyan which is blue and green okay so once we get blue dye and our Cactus grows we’ll be good to go we don’t even need the cactus to grow we

Could chop it down prematurely obviously not the goal but we we could just do it so hot Harvest some cows we’ll make sure the chickens go big there’s gonna be a lot of chicken soon it’ll be a very big KFC batch um and uh harvest the sugar cane because

I think enchanting could be a real big deal unlikely but yeah it could be always always worth having sugarcane on the off chance it’s useful uh which is all the time because it’s such a great block of course so I’m glad we um I’m glad we left the a little bit of

Space for the uh the cactus because I didn’t realize till just now that we didn’t have enough space for the sugarcane farm and in it goes look at all of that that we have ridiculous and um yeah so we need two sheep and we need uh

All of this I’m not I’m not gonna make that much wool at a a farm and I’m also not gonna make that much wool if there’s dogs lying around so I just got I’ve got to kill dogs if they kill my sheep they’ve ruin my game that sucks but it is true

Also we need dark gray oh we’ve got we got light gray but not dark gray so we take one of these black with roses we combine it with a um a lily of the valley okay so white plus black equals great and so now we’ve got

Uh that yeah we’re just missing the two greens and cyan two greens in cyan and then that’s oh look because the white wall isn’t is counting for both so yeah and then purple purple so we need blue for every other color remaining and then we need two sheep

So there’s no way to make sheep spawn in Minecraft sadly you know as much as much as we might try so instead what we’re going to do is we’re gonna run around the world kind of doing some nice activities making the world a little bit nicer I think this is

What you’ve got to do when you’re hoping for random chance especially in a limited size world we can’t just run endlessly looking for sheep oh there we go perfectly okay so as you can see killing the sadly it seems as though killing the guy was necessary and while

We wait for his partner to spawn we’re gonna get this sheep into a safe place there’s only one place in this world I can say is definitely safe enough for a sheep chat and I think we all know what it is I think there’s there’s only one option that is going to

Guarantee that no matter what happens the Sheep will be 100 safe enough and obviously it’s right here actually we could use one sheep if we just share enough times so thankfully I kept the shares from earlier and we’ll just try to get them as he comes around

Get some will sort it all that so um yeah hopefully we find another ship and we can breed them if we don’t it’s not so bad I guess we have to let the Sheep out if you want if we want him to do you think a sheep can eat while

He’s in a minecart what do you reckon chat I mean he is surrounded by grass oh he can what the heck [Laughter] yes I love it I love it Minecraft is a perfect game and if anyone tells me otherwise I will strongly have to disagree with you that is not that is

Just not the way it works um it is the most it is the most beautifully crafted game we have ever seen and we just we we do not deserve Minecraft sometimes so um how does how it you know so oh wow he is eating fast too he’s not just I guess

Because he’s surrounded by grass all the time it’s working out in my favor quite nicely so um yeah while we wait for another sheep to spawn uh we we will actually shop down our Cactus now because we finally got a couple of them grown I’m Gonna Keep on

Uh I’m gonna keep doing the nice things around here just making the world a little bit nicer for future me I will appreciate this hopefully and uh sheep time relatively it’s like eating on a roller coaster imagine eating like gum off the ground while you’re on a roller

Coaster because you kind of come close to it I wouldn’t say it makes sense but I would say I’m glad that someone’s eating the gum off the ground honestly we should encourage people to eat gum from the ground right like you know how um you can like rent a goat or a sheep

To come on your land and like you know eat all the stuff that you don’t want to we should just find a bunch of like you know like I know we we we have problems with like malnourished children right we should just be like okay look here’s the

Deal we know that you’re gonna be eating weird things anyway just and it takes a lot of like time and effort to clean the gum here be like a sheep and clean it up you know why would we treat why do we think that you know it’s a nice treat

For baby goats but that’s a weird thing to do for human beings there’s no logic as to why it’s because we’re crazy that’s why um also uh yeah I I think the Sheep is acting like a lawnmower yeah I think we should allow uh humans

To act like lawn mowers but for gum a gum mower if you will um yeah I uh okay so we have fight we actually almost have enough wool already if we we smelt this green up nice and early we’ll be in that good so yeah this is

Still running by the way nice I I get a lot of XP from the never brick I don’t think I’ll need this but if I do I’m gonna seem so smart for free smelting that right and um yeah now we put we don’t want to put

The seats away we do want to put looting away because at some point we’ll need it probably not now same with the ender pearls like I bet this is all going to be useful but I’ve got to stop prioritizing my inventory and that is precisely what I’m

Doing uh just dye the Sheep each color and then we’ll share him yeah that is often the easier way of doing Sun dies um but I already have the dyes like lying around right so Diane Green this time and then share them oh I guess because the tick speed has

Increased maybe I think that’s the weird thing about this world it probably influences how fast he goes around so we’ll give him a little lime green now that we’ve dyed him can we do that you can’t dye them while they’re uh unshared maybe that seems possible it makes sense that

There’s nothing to die but it also feels a bit weird still so um just uh dye the sheep and clip it a few times in each color I think that definitely takes more time than just getting one die and doing it that way but I like the idea so I’m

Gonna I’m gonna do it anyway so um it’s my first streaming quite a while says kmb how’s it going kmb you having a good time I am having the best time of my life I’ve made a sheep roller coaster uh I’m getting all the dye colors in Minecraft life could not be better

Um I mean yeah no I’m standing by that life could not be better zero ways that my life can improve right now and that’s that’s a good place for me to be so now we’re gonna make every other die color um so we take oh God messy inventory

We take uh all the ones that we have and we’ll make those into Dot and two walls so we want a orange a yellow a light blue a magenta and a black and a light gray I’m pretty sure those are all brand new colors it’s a little bit confusing to follow

Where did all the walls go I crafted them but where are they chat oh I crafted the same wall each time and it counted that’s annoying yeah it works uh pink and red and a gray so we’ll make sure to put the white in there a gray

And a red and a pink I’m brewing pretty good getting back into the Minecraft swing of things I think it’s always good to take a break from something that you can get like really immersed in uh because then you understand like you know like am I just

In this because it’s habit or like it I think you appreciate things a lot more by doing them through active Choice sometimes than by feeling like you’re being forced into certain things that’s just my observation at least who knows uh if that matches what’s going on with

Uh your world I hope you’re doing great anyway so um it could even just be like I feel like that’s why the idea of a holiday right a lot of people are holidays this like form of excess like you do something crazy you just go somewhere and people

Look after you in it it’s it’s nuts um but I think the idea of like you don’t have to go somewhere for it but doing having time where it’s like yeah there is nothing to do besides um having time where you sp oh God that was worthless having time where there’s

Specifically nothing to do allows your brain to actually start thinking about the things that usually too busy to think about because being too busy to get thoughts done is like a handy coping mechanism for some people but also a terrible life strategy um so now we’re going to

Make some yeah I think we can finally finally say the last time I took a break was in 2016 off the combat update came out until update aquatic was revealed I think um the cool thing about Minecraft is like a lot of people do

Just go like yeah I can kind of take a I feel like it’s the the easiest game to get back into um there’s no like oh yeah well I missed out this huge meta key thing uh it’s like no no Minecraft’s the same game as when you left it just with some

Cool new features that you can Discover at your own pace um blue purple science so I need blue dye for all of those right that goes uh I think that is fair to say and so let’s make sure we get those we’ll put the seeds the sugarcane

And one wheat in there we’ll craft the rest of the wheat into nine bread this is the most food I’ve had in Forever we’ll make a hay bale actually most food I’ve had in forever I’m gonna quickly check the never I just I have to keep doing it right there might eventually be

Something good in there now let’s see so I can’t you can still improve your life you need to make a red bed you’re right this is an important this is a step I need to do before anything else okay that’s bad oh so all of my mobs that come into the

Net with me get trapped in here uh that’s oh where’s that Australia no no Strider how do we encourage a Strider to spawn unless they’re way down there somewhere which you could be jump down onto a hay Bell and let’s find out unless there’s one in a lava pit down

Here that we just don’t see uh I don’t think that’s likely make a never right mine the thing is what am I gonna really want to upgrade to never right oh also there’s no um I don’t have a template I can’t upgrade to never right yet

Um I hope I get a template soon is there a Bastion nearby I hope there’s a Bastion nearby um use the never to bypass the ball get can’t go that way so yeah there’s no Striders down here that goes that’s that’s sad but kind of makes

Sense we’ll get some XP actually for in case the installment needs to be done like I like quartz oh straight up okay so we’ve got a baby Strider do we just have to grow him up do we sit here and wait till he grows he likes warped um he likes warped fungus right

So oh is that a that’s an adult Strider I think do you know how it happened but I’ll take it oh okay I need to get over there I need to get over to the Strider he’s so cute he needs me he needs me real bad

Oh okay so yeah what fungus would go real good about now but we can’t get a what fungus Until We Ride The Strider that is the fun catch uh that we find ourselves embroading so what we’ll do is we’ll play things a bit risky I am going to deliberately

Have golden apples on me it won’t save my life but it gives me time and then we’re going to uh trap him in a little box so that he doesn’t murder me sometimes that’s what you’re gonna do in life you got to make sure your friends don’t murder you

You know is it really your friend if there’s not an attempted murder attempt every now and then Okay so yeah howdy cowboy Oh I got the next okay so I’m gonna get off right now I’m gonna trap you in here though buddy um I think you’re very cute oh no no

What are you doing okay I’m gonna make gonna make a little low maze there we go that’s fine okay so now he’s gonna stay right here and if I need him in the future he’s gonna stay there I just think that’s for the best so reaching experience level 30 is quite

Easily done in the never to be fair to it but I’m gonna come back here and do that because I’m gonna do some stuff in the Overworld where I’m getting experience so it makes sense to do it that way around um you should have the golden apple

Ready just in case yeah it’s uh it’s always a good backup plan right and um oh yeah look how tall my neighbor is there’s so much going on up there now that I didn’t even see before we should go up there soon obviously for now we’re going to uh chop

Down one of these I say obviously I just like the idea of having some funky blue build in my Overworld yeah we’ll use this and we’ll grow some Mangrove probably yours or something oh we’ll just use this in the Redwood make a nice little Shack um this map adds the world border to

Bedrock yeah they’ve got like a custom coated M1 um I do feel like there’s a lot of tools that Minecraft could make themselves that they kind of like Outsource some map makers and it’s kind of good in a way but also it’s like I don’t know it’s uh there’s

Something that’s missing when it’s done by a mod maker or map maker versus when Mojang does something like this right I can never describe what that is correctly but there’s a reason why I modded Minecraft is never quite as popular as the default I think there’s a surprising amount of

Power in the default like one of the most interesting examples of this like kind of philosophically is uh opt-in uh organ donation the uh the way most systems used to work oh please don’t kill me the way most systems used to work is when you die you could donate your

Organs to someone once you’re definitely dead right uh you can donate your organs to someone and then also I think Minecraft has crashed you can donate your organs to someone if they need them to survive and you are dead and so isn’t that beautiful however um but but by by default most systems

Started opt-in like yeah if you feel like doing it you can um and so there’s a really weird thing where by changing it to opt out in theory The Choice is still the same do you want to donate organs or not and they just ask do you not want to donate

Organs or yes and by just making it like uh yeah it’s assumed that you do want to unless you say otherwise the the amount of people who do obviously increases and it makes sense that people choose the path of least resistance but if you make the pass of path of least resistance the

One which is most beneficial to the largest number of people it changes things but also it changes people’s opinions on things like going back to Minecraft when something is seen like oh yeah just like everyone does it it’s like yeah yeah I’ll get on board of that that

Seems fun but if it’s like you’ll be the only one you’re worried like oh no if I do this then I’ll be that one weird guy where they’re like yes we should kill this man uh so we can take his organs uh and you know to be fair like I I want to

Say that’s a crazy thought but I I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t go through my head a tiny bit like we’ve got we’ve got a self-preservation Instinct that says even if there’s a small chance that someone will use this information to murder you maybe you shouldn’t do it you know

The pork chops now love a good bit of Porky um and uh then we’re gonna build something out of these two planks I think like just over here maybe just have a nice little shed I think I think it’s this that needs the shed around it honestly

Um so we’ll go the farm area yeah we’ll have like the farmer be kind of separated from the thing around it have a nice wool that keeps it feeling good so I don’t know if this wool will achieve any good but actually should we make these into

Fences yeah I’ll make them into fences that’s my that’s my fun idea uh so we’ll make some sticks out of uh Oak so just a lot of Oak to make a lot of sticks where the stick set there the stick set um then make a lot more sticks

Um a lot more planks so we can make a lot more sticks oh yeah and then now we can put some of the spare sticks some of the spare planks away and then we can make some warped fences and some Crimson fences and then we can now make a pen for these

Animals isn’t dug in I think it’ll look a bit better I don’t think we have to buy our organs in the UK also why in the world would you want to keep your organ when you’re dead I want my guns to run the down wrap ground with

Me thank you very much I think some people do have genuine religious objections like the most I think the most realistic cause is people saying something like what I said where it’s like uh you know I’d love to but I’m not sure if I trust uh the surgeons to make

The right cool at the right time it’s against their ethical code but people do unethical things all the time and I’d rather it not be my life that’s on the line uh when that happened you know like it’s a that’s a theory uh but I I think

Um I think that’s why you gotta make it kind of like defaulted in some way so now we can have warped fences connect both of these except group here of course where it will be changed um and then we can have uh some some Crimson fences here and here isn’t that

Nice I think it’s beautiful chat and then we’ll do the same but over here I’ve got some sugarcane there right now so this was a poor design actually you know yeah we’ll just move it place the block over here and over over here oh but then it looks

Like it’s not multi-color except from this side on this side you can see it perfectly on this side it looks like I’m just uh oops so now we let the cows out um and we’re gonna build them a fenced an area hopefully no no no no don’t go

This way we build them a nice fenced an area uh and then we deliberately make sure the walls on the other sides are too high to get through uh so you guys this is not what I meant I’m you this is not free roam okay you know they’ll fall back into the they’ll

Fall back in it’s fine um and then we’ll put some fences up on here maybe yep there we go okay so besides this little hole out okay that now we have solved the problem cows can can come in but they can’t leave which is exactly what we need and

Then we’ll dig you down okay so this is a very big cow farm and then we’ll have to separate it later into cow and chickens but we don’t need to deal with that right now in Scotland we have opt out system where everyone is a donor right it’s uh it’s such an interesting

Difference that it makes despite not changing anything and so when Minecraft says oh you can make that yourself it’s so different to um we will make it and then it’s the same for everyone because now instead like even I I think if hardcore was a thing invented by you know like players

Like hard difficulty but when you die it’s over no one would take it seriously it functions the same as if it is but because it’s a real game mode you can see and you can try out for yourself it changes the way that it affects you know

They changes the way the community deals but and in some ways that’s for the worse I mean like I’m not gonna lie and say it’s always perfect but it’s still so incredibly interesting to me so um yeah I need to make a hole down now I think um

I think over here I’ll do it so four blocks to the right or I can do it in my base actually we’ll see where the okay so over here four blocks to the right would be like here I think it’s a little bit of a dangerous game to

Just kind of hope that that’s right but we’ll check the coordinates two seven three six three six six I’ll make a hole down there just to make getting down easier for now we’re looking for lapis I did find lapis forever ago um not the long of the last time I

Played this challenge I know it is down there but it’s like diamond layers so we just dig and we hope that we find good things it’s a good system works out sometimes um shy guy says um what’s your next challenge gonna be either on Ultra flat

It depends on when the update comes out I wanna I I think playing Ultra plat would be fun a lot of people uh who enjoyed the map would love to see me uh do a full playthrough from scratch and it’s fun because it’s been enough time that I think I’ve forgotten enough

Things to actually make it uh you know not just like oh yeah here’s me doing the map I know all the stuff for uh and therefore hopefully make it more enjoyable entertaining uh unique in some ways so eat the pork chop and then get the

Bread out and I think we’re ready to go mining so or maybe instead of mining we can fall down that looks like water from here it’s a big risk to take but there we go okay so down here we found um the diamonds before right are we gonna find lapis or we’re

Gonna have to strip mine for them so it’s very dark has to be said not not in a good way um yeah around this corner we might find some lappers who knows I’d be very careful that I don’t find a skulky oh actually wait experience chat ah look at this XP sorted

Yeah I I am so glad I came here and also we’re gonna be looking for for uh things at the same time I love that you know like it used to be that the best way to get XP was you go to a uh go to the never if you have a

Deep dark and you have a decent hoe like this doesn’t have you know any decent enchantments on it but if you have efficiency on this uh the the speed you can get levels absolutely unrivaled and then also you make the place look nicer I really like

It you can grow corn flowers using bone milk those will give you blue dye too yeah that’s honestly um that’s on that’s that’s that’s probably the easier way to do it from right now I think you’re right I think I messed up by doing it this way also I

Could have gotten wool from down here I wasn’t thinking about the deep dark but uh it’s it’s fun that there are lots a good Minecraft challenge should give you different ways to do it because that’s what Minecraft itself is meant to be good for so um yeah we’ll dig this

Down a few blocks so that when we place more around it it will hopefully all go away okay here’s my idea chat to make sure the water stays or at least gets less messy it will hopefully flow into there uh we grab the most disposable block we have we can use

Gravel I think honestly okay so when we place the gravel no gravel won’t work it’s going to be more permanent so all of this comes from one block oh we can we can still play Scrabble so it all comes from up there and now all we do is we let it flow down

Wait for it to be like fairly gone and then we break the gravel and it does the exact same thing but with the lovely little change of not flowing all over the ancient city oh no I’m wrong oh it’s because it goes wait where does it go

Is it why why is it why is it going over here so weirdly um so we’ll Place some tough and then we’ll Place some blocks on this side Maybe um have uh you ever had uh fresh before we grew up for our grass so good oh I’ve had life-changingly terrible

Foie gras and life-changingly good work but it’s one of those things where it’s like you know I I don’t I will never seek it out it makes me feel bad it’s always going to be like well it’s here and if you you know it’s like I I feel like

I don’t know it’s uh I’m not one to like split hairs and ethicality but it’s like it’s a little bit a little bit weird feeling I feel like if it was like insanely good you could be like well I’ll ignore the ethics for this and the same way that everyone does for

Cheeseburgers right but it’s not that level of good to me we’re gonna make a diamond toe because we are going to upgrade it to never right and we do need to get this XP right um this seems ridiculous but the only reason I know you getting a never right

Hoe is because of the uh marketing images of this map it could be that they’re lying and they’re making a joke and I made a diamond hoe for no reason I will feel very silly if that is true and I really hope that it is not but yeah

The diamond hoe uh the premiere experience mining tool absolutely recommended so um yeah I guess we’re gonna go start a strip mine now uh that’s a creeper oh terrifying creeper very terrifying creeper oh there’s more there’s more skulk over here that leads me into a lava pit which is scary

But it’s fine yeah it’s fine so that’s level 20. the next 10 levels will be a little bit harder I think we might be best doing the the never method but um yeah if uh if tis gray doesn’t count then should be pink wait what am I reading

Um what dies do you have left uh toy cat says beppen Allen I am just looking for the blue base dice so I need to get corn flowers if my overall bomb is a planes uh can be against the smart idea that we can just grow a Cornflower there and so

We don’t get lapis soon that’s my plan um we’re looking for blue dye and I’m hoping we can get some and if we don’t it’s no problem and if we do it’s a good thing but if we don’t no problem absolutely no problem um pickaxe is about to bake you know

What it’s funny to me how like uh I think this is uh fear in a nutshell right some people have fear activate way too early like caution if if you’ve got 30 of the pickaxe to go it’s not almost broken it’s readily available to use the only time you

Should be concerned if you got 30 30 for pickaxe left to go is if you have no idea when it will be at 10 and you don’t want it to die you know like um it’s like um I don’t know imagine the check engine light right imagine if there was a check

The check engine light light you wouldn’t have to stop driving the car because the check check engine light light was brought on you’d have to be like well yeah at some point presumably that means that my check engine light would come on but I wouldn’t know about

It so I should be cautious about that but also it won’t end my life that’s where you got to assume right uh is that like yes at some point I won’t know when the check engine light comes on which means that I won’t know when there is an

Engine fault but for now we’re gonna be fine and probably for a while because how often does one of those come on like just statistically I’m gonna do just great also we’re gonna light these up I always think that’s a fun thing to do of these places just just bring a little

Bit of light into it so there’s no lappers that I can see anywhere around here surprisingly I remember there being lappers but I’m remembering it correctly clearly um so we’re gonna go up to the surface we’re going to try the other way and we’re gonna do it using the weird uh

Hardcore item it gives me because we can’t take get rid of it so we can use it for something um when you use this and then you go back to the Overworld it’s kind of broken and just spawns you right in your base which works out nicely for me

Um and then we’re going to put some bone meal down okay that’s not what I was hoping for corn flour wise okay there’s no cornflowers there Eve up there’s no corn flowers here either oh no well there goes my genius I did um but yeah um

I place a boat near the border sit in it and then get out you’ll be on the other side of the border so if it was the Java world order that would work but because it’s some random map makers there’s a chance it works and a chance it murders

Me but you know I’ll take those out I’ll take those odds um those sound like very fun odds to be fair I I feel like I’ll have a good time either way so in goes the apple and maybe the courts and maybe the seeds yeah no we’re good and girls the couple

Deep slate and now we need to hope for more bones like what do we what do we do I guess we just go back down we admit to ourselves we thought this would work sooner than it did and it did not also I’m gonna have to use this green

Lime green wool for something now I’ve clearly got too much of that so um yeah I uh so I see the pickaxes more triplets than I thought just looking up cute toy cat oh yeah I totally agree it’s like uh but it’s interesting how many people have like

The caution and like yeah I you know like um a pickaxe is fine until it’s right at the edge then it’s worth repairing if you’re gonna fully upgrade something the most value from a full upgrade or you know imagine if you go to the hospital and they they sold a

Healthcare at the hospital like they do in video games and it was a hundred dollars and it was a you will be back to full health it would be worth if when you have a cough it would be worth waiting until you got cancer to take that kick right

If you had one of those for your entire life especially okay I thought that was a skeleton but it’s a tree definitely not embarrassing but it would be worth um it’d be worth waiting right it’d be it’d be worth being like well you know it costs a hundred dollars to heal

Everything so let’s wait until it’s quite serious this is kind of the idea behind waiting times and uh like I know prescriptions free fees and various things like that um like charging people and then making them think okay if I’m gonna pay a charge wait till it’s serious and get my

Money’s worth uh because getting money’s worth for things that are expensive but not paid for by you is something that is very hard to do um so yeah getting this blue dye is a nightmare um where do you think okay so this isn’t

A so I’ve got to go to the planes by am I realizing but this isn’t a planes this might be a planes over here no it’s a forest oh there are cornflowers right there so that is a good sign if I can just get some more bone meal which I can

Do okay so if I want bone meal this is very rare this ever comes up in standard Minecraft chat but today is the day where it does let me show you something incredible we’re gonna make a composter how often do you see people making composters

The answer is never no one ever makes a composter but we’re going to use it for our sugar cane yeah and we’re gonna use the sugar cane to get more bone meal oh sorry crops oh that was carrots you deserve better carrots you deserve better so we will place these carrots

Down and then I’m guessing these are already carroted and then the other carrots will just like eat and then throw into the composter so the composter can go right next to this chest because obviously that’s the most logical thing for it and sugar this is one of the real places the sugarcane

Shines in my mind you can use sugar cane to make bone meal in my mind and boom every 13 sugar cane equals one bone meal and so yeah if you set up a automatic sugarcane farm you could technically turn it into an automatic bone Mill Farm I guess

Okay so there we go so now we’ve got four of these so yeah I think composters are actually useful in some weird situations I just find that 90 of the times you think they’re useful it’s never as useful as you think it’s gonna be so now we’re

Gonna remove all the grass here make sure the flour hazard’s good chance growing as possible and we’re gonna try and the fact that we’re getting yellow flowers is a good sign uh yellow and blue seems to be like a bounce coming as each other

I think I grew some on the other side of the border which is disappointing and we didn’t get any over here but that’s fine and lots and lots and lots of yellow flowers not what I’m going for though not what I am going for

I think this is a a fair shot to go for though fair chance it might work out and it might not yellow is way more common yeah I think I I think um the idea is really good because sometimes it works but this is why you might choose to prefer just go

Going down finding lappers I think I would have found somebody now from there um so um I think I missed it where’d you get cactus from it’s from one of the chests they uh they give you in the world expands it’s a it’s a fun little premise huh

So use light blue and black together light blue and black together that’s a fun idea I that should be how it works right can you hop into a composter and put it under one uh to collect the bone meal good idea for an auto Farm yeah you

Totally can I think I might have that in my super flapper just dealing with like various things I pick up I guess the six more bone meal if this doesn’t work then I can just assume it never will which is fine uh yeah let’s let’s get some let’s get some cow Shops going

Once we get a significant number of these guys I guess it also works out as a good source of experience something I love to be able to see and now we can fill in the hole in the ground I think uh oh no we don’t have to it’s fine we

Do need to work out a way for ourselves to get out there so we’ll place a slab like here maybe um no we could just slab up the hole Maybe yep just put the slap there put a slab on top of that slab and now I can jump over the edge

Now we eat some more wheat while making some more wheat because that’s very important what is a cow Shop toy cat our cow shop is um one of the most important uh nutritional uh foods that you can have in your diet you really need to make

Sure the uh the catch up isn’t put it in there so yeah with that said um six if I don’t get only six bone meal then life is a lie and I should just give up now however oh no oh yeah we’re not getting it there are corn flowers just over there

But despite this being a planes or a mountainous maybe maybe just down there would be slightly better oh no it didn’t wasn’t anything oh no that’s yellow oh thank God we got blue finally okay so here’s the fun thing about when you get one that took me forever but now we can

Use that with this place this down Place one of those and now we get way more blue dyes um which is exactly what we need so we’ll Place one of these in their Raw and then we’ll make oh hello spider how’s it going hope you’re doing wonderfully today

Um and now we just need to make a crafting table I’ve got too many crafting tables and that’s okay make this a double chest because it’s clearly that’s important and now boom let’s start making the magic work so one blue die great I also I’m just inventory spam it’s a whole problem

Um one blue dye wonderful now we combine that blue dye with a green dye to make a cyan dye then we combine these with two white walls and we get uh the the blue wool and we get the cyan wool that brings me up to

15 and you know how we get to the last step here we add a red to one of those blues that we have so you can’t just mix red and blue wool has to be red and blue dye so red and blue makes purple grab whatever color you know I’m not

Going to need cyan leather there we go 16th color of wool so now crafting a honey block is the challenge which is oh okay so the way you get honey is you put a you just have to milk a fill it finished uh beehive right are there any beehives okay that’s a

Beehive how do we how do we let it like germinate like there’s plenty of flowers around it and it hasn’t we just grow enough trees until one eventually does that how do we how do we milk the bees I don’t I don’t know um

But how do we make it grow I know how we can stop it from hurting us but does it just do it by itself oh we need we don’t just need to milk the bees once we need to do it multiple times oh okay so we’re gonna have to Bone Mill a

Lot of trees we’re gonna go absolutely Hog Wild here but it’s hopefully gonna be worth it also we’re going to take all of these bushes away hey you know we’ll just we’ll just grow them over here no why do I want sweet berries it’s one of those silly Farms

That you just make for the sake of making but it doesn’t work um okay so yeah we’ll put it out over here and I’ll put that over there and we go we got we got more than we ever want In Our Lifetime then we’ll throw in uh our

Brown our weird mushrooms just put it put it away hide it in the chest where it can’t hurt me anymore I don’t know how we got another red mushroom but put it in the chest where it can’t hurt me and so now we need to get a lot of these beehives and then

Also we need them to okay so that one’s gone full no it’s not gonna fall oh Christ so how do we make the bees happy um you can breed bees with flowers and once you get enough bees they just start doing things right Okay so um yeah we need glass bottles that goes

About saying we’ve got some Sands we’ll make those now and uh under the pit put a campfire but that’s not how you make them grow honey right like we’re gonna need a campfire to make them fine but are they just randomly do it by them so you know do

You know the question I’m asking you guys maybe I’m asking it wrong maybe I’m just maybe I am wrong with my question in the fact that it’s being asked um but yeah we can do this it’s a nice easy one so we need more than three bottles we’re gonna need at least

Another one too by the way and then also we’re gonna group the buckets together um and uh yeah we need to we need to grow a lot of trees so they should be oak trees near a flower and then there’s they’ve got like a small chance of going into

Something The Tick speed is crazy high and there’s a lot of flowers over here so we’ll just make this uh our dedicated section for doing that lots and lots and lots of trees um we’re gonna have so many so much wood after this we can build something

Absolutely wild in this area if we want to but yeah that’s that should be good for now I think just a a lot of trees for a lot of bees five percent means we need to do this what like 40 times on average but yeah that’s gonna make the campfire

It’s automatic use shears to harvest the honey shears would give you honeycomb a bottle gives you honey bottles um so now we need to get a better ax because we’re gonna be doing this a lot it seems um or we could Skip and go to the never and just pretend that our problems

Aren’t existing is the tick speed responsible for all the Thunderbolts oh yeah that explains I wonder why they decided to set the tick speed up it’s there’s a lot of things this map could have explained I it’s fine that they didn’t confusing that they didn’t uh but

There’s a lot of things they chose not to and it’s quite interesting one that they did so um yeah we are we are slowly we got sick we got some bone meals we could just grow stuff automatically I think this is a poorish use of bone meal though so not

In love with that um see says lightning cries and Ultra flat says Beth and Allen exactly you know it’s exactly how I feel I’m glad it’s not just me so if we want to make um okay so we’re gonna put this in ax away well actually we’ll chop down a few

Trees of the inax like make sure we get value from it and so we appreciate our Diamond ax one of the most important things about things the good in life is that you rarely appreciate them if you haven’t had things that are bad um like a lot of people are just like

Yeah money just buys it it’s really important like for a lot of things is like understanding like what a bad version is so you understand what a good version is um and it’s it’s weird to me because some people have kind of the opposite thing uh going on where they’re just

Like oh yeah I don’t even um what I think is bad is actually something really good because it’s all I’ve ever known or what I think is okay is something that’s incredible and so like you know like there’s a there’s a weird thing about raising your standards

Where raising your standards is fine if your life quality is improving but if you have crazy standards for something you know if I think this diamond Dax is what punching trees is meant to be or I’m like yeah an enchanted never I acts as the real idea

But I guess we can make do of this um and changes the perspective on things a lot okay I’m gonna feed these bees together I need to deliberately make as many bees as I can um I am gonna I’m gonna do this quite frequently with the goal being oh we could make

More beehives by the way to live like rather than just using these two yeah we’ll work it out so um let’s now make uh using some of these logs a campfire we’ll make two campfires um I think you should sleep because uh bees won’t go out during rain thunder

Yeah it seems to it seems to have done the job so now by putting a campfire under this we keep the bees sedated right they don’t get mad of us for whatever reason it doesn’t cook the honey as fun of an idea as that is to imagine

But uh hopefully it does the next best thing so we’re gonna make a oh hello spider I should get Banner bath pods for you and the bees so as you can see they’ve got the campfire under it it doesn’t do it we can smoke we can you know smoke all the

Bees we want but it doesn’t matter until they do the pollination they’re meant to so having plenty of flowers around is an important part of that what is the best part of that I I don’t even know so in the meantime we’re going to do a little bit of terrain flattening I think

I think this is fine to be on this layer but everything after this point we should just have to be flat like this uh we’ve got plenty of dirt and not plenty of reasons to use it necessarily so let’s make sure that we do let’s patch in the hole by way over patching

In the hull you know if you can’t patch in your creeper holes you shouldn’t play Minecraft but sometimes you can do an even better job than the game wants you to do and you can show that you’re a you’re an excellent example of a human being

Smoke bees every day I smoke bees all day every day let me tell you so there’s more sugarcane here which is unexpected not really much I can do of that but I like the I like the enthusiasm from the game and yeah just like as you can see making

Making your world a bit flatter always pays dividends in the long run I find um over here we’ll just do the same like carve things in make it more flat ground more easy space to to build on top of chop some of this down and then probably we have to work out a

Way to that second one like maybe make a ladder up yeah that’s a fun idea right we’ll make a ladder up to The Beehive so we’ll Place uh we’ll just you know maybe make trees go over to here make a crafting table at the bottom

And make a bunch of ladders for the left side of this oh that doesn’t work because of this um make a bunch of ladders including shopping down one of the Leafs but that has gone this side I guess one two three four five and then we just have to chop down this

One piece of log and then from here we can do what we want with the the bees so we’ll put this down one block does it have to be like that maybe and uh yeah nice easy stuff we sit here and we politely wait for bees we will of

Course place down some fun flowers here and there a allium and a lily of the valley and all the good stuff but everything else is all just about maximizing the bees we get there’s not much we can do otherwise also um howdy y’all says Caitlyn Smith

It’s good to see you Caitlin how are you doing today I’m doing wonderfully um oh well take damage since uh Catching Fire is no longer a thing yeah that is uh that is one of the understated benefits I guess I I really do burning to death because that that was a

Thing that definitely got me um also I want cherries in Minecraft because it would make the Cherry uh but I’m actually useful I’ve been thinking about this recently about how like the um you know the what are they called The Sweet berries don’t do anything in non-vines that exciting but sugarcane

Could have done absolutely nothing and people would still love it right um or like I know like beetroot is seen as way less useful than carrots and potatoes even though it sort of works in like a parallel way there are there’s all these interesting decisions happening so yeah this is my INX um

It’s going wonderfully as you can see but would it be nice if there was a way to just be a little bit faster a bit more efficient wow look how much more I appreciate the diamond ax now like I genuinely recommend like cutting back in some things in life every now and then

Just so you appreciate like what you have when it returns it’s so much better when you come back to something sometimes um as I was saying which can be when he uh came back from a little break uh there are some things that just get so much better after a little break away

From them uh because there are some things you don’t you know like the whole people telling you like you don’t appreciate what you have to you don’t have it like uh you know there’s so many things you take for granted you don’t even know what you’re taking for granted necessarily

And that’s that’s part of a reason why taking a break can be fun because you see some you know you there are things you take for granted that are so good that you don’t know but there are things you take for granted that are real bad

And you don’t even know how bad they are so you have a little break and you’re like oh God I was doing that every day I was stressed every day beyond belief I remember during the early pandemic when I uh like uh there was a you know like a phase of

Um I know there was some things where I was like let’s say very relaxed like not working as hard on YouTubers I’d been grinding for like several years in a row and I remember like um so many stomach problems I had like went away for a bit

And I was like it can’t be the American food that’s doing this because it was just as I moved to America for the first time um it can’t be American food that’s doing this so what is the what is actually causing oh no no no okay it’s

Like I’m not gonna chop down this tree by the way um is it fine that I you know it’s fine it’s totally fine um definitely gonna not mess up the bees though a honey block is such a weird requirement I think I might be better off like trying to

Okay there we go so these these guys will now give me uh some honey and that’s my first first one gonna be complete so as you can see six glass six bottles six honey soon or we could start eating it so one honey okay there we go are they mad at me no

They’re not as soon as they come out again I’m gonna make sure we get them it’s gonna be great so place this yellow flower down and we’re going to use Lily of the valleys to breed them as soon as we find bees we will breed them and we just need three more bottles

And we’ll be great it’s like when you oh you don’t realize how uh or you feel till you’re better um and shaders now better off Ash go on breaks more maybe yeah thank you for doing that with your break very appreciated um clearly that’s what what needs to happen also um

Just for the Curiosity of the person who said that uh you can get in a boat at the edge of the border that is how it works on Java it’s obviously not gonna work in Bedrock but just for curiosity I want to know if we make a boat which we

Can do in the easier way oh we can’t wait a minute I think I’ve spotted something interesting do you want to see something fun about this chat look at the boat recipe look at the boat recipe take a look at it stare at the recipe for the boat and tell me

Something about this ah uh what are you gonna do to me get why are you doing this to me we finally got over that so I can place the boat down actually wait is this gonna work so place the boat down and then I’ll get some water flow the

Water towards me yeah that’s my idea so while we wait for our our bees to make honey oh we got a second honey going we’re also going to uh keep breeding bees these are the more bees we have the better life is it’s a good rule in general

Um but yeah we got a second second honey bottle already okay are they mad at me they’re not mad at me they’re very calm that’s great okay that’s two honey bottles two down two to go the boat recipe makes sense though unlike Mojang chat let’s have a big debate right now

Which boat recipe is better um the one with the shovel or the one without the shovel do you want to have to use shovels or do you not want to have to use shovels let me know right now go it’s the Battle Royale um oh I did not want to do that why

Would you why would you assume I wanted that okay so I’m gonna grab some water and we’re gonna try and push the boat over the boundary I think we can do that um so the boat is currently over here and we’re going to surround on all sides by planks

Such that there is no way out right like it literally won’t be able to leave and so now when we put the boat down and the water down okay so we move the water over there the water is still flowing on the other side which means okay this this is something

I don’t know what the something is but it’s something okay and then we’re gonna get out of the boat and it’s gonna try I want to get it in such a situation where it can’t let me out on this side maybe like Pistons yeah

If we set up Pistons I bet we could push ourselves through it I’m gonna I’m gonna do some fun stuff with that I bet uh because the Border definitely is very permeable like things can move through it partially there’s just a wall that stops me from going much further

Okay so clearly about shoulders better however with shovel makes more sense I want to use expensive my boat to make a motorboat that’s a fun idea I like it so um yeah the second um we’ve got another uh beat honey I was worried this would take forever but thankfully it seems to be

Moving along nicely meaning just one more I guess because High Tech speed we don’t have to wait forever which is nice oh um because the boat has two waters which need two shovels in the crafting recipe the argument was the karate Chopper in half and or brother used the saw to cut

It in half which you could argue makes some sense also look the water’s coming round through the border and onto the other side so weird how Minecraft works right uh oh we got it we got it sideways that’s kind of what we want here um

I wanna okay so now it can’t summon me oh it knows when you get over the Border chat do you see that it noticed I was over the border and put me home that is sneaky look at that that is really sneaky or maybe I’m the sneaky maybe it’s just being quite

Reasonable given the circumstances um but yeah this means this map was developed in 1.19 and only released after 1.20 it’s a real shame the way the marketplace Maps do that um like it’s understandable but it also leads to like all sorts of weird edge cases it means you can play 1.18 again

If you want to only on Marketplace Maps though um or one point whatever you want to um so yeah we just sit here and we stare until the honey goes I guess we might as well go into The Nether oh there’s a Wandering Trader okay what’s he gonna trade is he can we

Can we trade with him from here come on come on I want to I really want to once he got to trade I bet it’s good um but yeah let’s go to the never and let’s just mine until we get what we need uh or at least that’s mine a bunch of

Nether ports um I don’t necessarily know about all of that but let’s let’s have like a ton how did a spider get her oh there goes my sword I would like to know how the spider got here but it’s okay that I don’t so any never courts piles we find we’re

Just gonna kind of go for um unless there’s a ghost in the way in which case I might not I might just kind of avoid that whole thing um nice and easy okay so no one can see me I’m 100 safe in this hole there’s a

Lot of lag happening right now are you okay internet can you see me is this a is this a map issue or a stream issue so um oh yeah that was very weird right very very weird but yeah you can see the XP gate rate is gate without the XP rate is great

But also the lag is working at my favor allowing me to do weird things like that now I’m gonna do the most recommended technique in the world so get this right the block I have the most of right now is oak logs is using Oak a smart idea

No it is not but I do happen to know that crafting tables can’t burn so we can do something really silly internet and we can make a little bit of a crafting table ladder to get up there or a staircase maybe I guess we might call

It it’s for use um oak logs for the oh not oaklogs but plaques for the bottom half and uh crafting tables from the main bit and if the planks burn away that’s the Planck’s problems it’s not my problem and we’re also going to eat um food because food is good oh my out

Of food again okay we’ll eat the three apples we got that’s fine so get taxed it’s annoying that bees take damage from berry bushes and bedrock I think the list of features that are annoying because they are different for no reason surprisingly large um yeah look at this see I am absolutely

Genius internet it’s a little bit I feel like this is a controller moment see this is one of those things that’s like just a bit easier to do with like bumpers and see just a little bit smoother than using a scroll wheel each time oh no that’s not right

Just a little a little bit smoother a little bit easier to line these movements up in my opinion oh no well I mean I lied I lied that it clearly cannot be true if that’s what happens next so yeah just bear in mind if I do that fall again it is Hardcore

And so that will be the end can you imagine such an undramatic uh ending to everything so I go a little bit slower this time they can’t burn which they can catch fire yeah that sounds about right um so we’ll just hope they don’t catch fire that’s that’s the plan that’s my

Genius idea if they don’t catch fire I don’t have a problem um so yeah I uh I’m now gonna get out of here your arm is about to break yeah having more gold armor feels like a good idea let’s go to one of my crafting

Tables you know I’m going to craft a new one let’s just let’s just do it let’s go to a crafting table let’s make some boots just so I don’t get swarmed by piglens when that happens and um I need some foods we’ll eat some honey bottles I don’t think I need those

For any reason right but let’s see what’s up here I bet there’s something fun I will make sure we crouch on the way up obviously just in case and we’ll also make sure we get any easy uh I I think finding all the oh scary finding all the never courts is just a

Good thing to do while we’re looking for experience on this sort of a level so do you see it oh look at that look at that pile over there this is perfect I knew coming up here would be a good idea I just knew it chat

It’s so tall this part of the never like it’s because it’s so I think it’s weird because in the Overworld even though you know the world is so tall it’s tall in the way that you can build there if you want to but the never is just all terrain it’s

Like absolutely crazy in that way what would you do if a box with a button arrived at your door and every time you push the button a piece of cheese appeared in the Box um what you do right is you immediately Outsource the pressing of that button

Um and you spam hit it as many times as you can to the point where your life is overflowing with cheese then you start selling that cheese and trying to get uh subsidies from the government for uh the dairy industry that you’re bringing to the country then you turn the cheat then

You turn the box into a a tourist attraction try and get as many people as possible from around the world to come specifically to see the cheese and then you set it like a premium option in the in the store where you’re like wow it

Was nice to see the button but you know if you were to pay a hundred hundred dollars right now you could press the magical button the closest thing science has found to Magic you can press for the low low price of just one hundred dollars and so you know enough people

Start doing that then what you start doing is you start you know testing the limits here will it turn other things into cheese I think I would have been dead uh was that if that ghast was uh just a bit more accurate I’d be dead if the gas was just a bit

More perseverant in deciding to attack me oh there it is never mind I guess he does care so I don’t know it’s scary it’s real scary it’s real scary real scary so we’ll just place a few crafting tables here to remind me of where I am crafting table over there and that as

Well as over here as well as over here maybe maybe a couple down from that just you know enough crafting tables that I see exactly where I’ve got to go and uh this is the perfect oh God there’s a hoglin oh dear God let’s go back to the old world where it’s safe

Huh I like it in the Overworld where it’s safe except when it’s oh perfect it’s nice over here so it’s weird that the nether portal spawns me up there but other things spawn me like in my bed but I’m not going to complain too much instead I’m gonna sit here and I’m going

To wait uh there’s not much I can do otherwise how good qualities of cheese though is it tasty parmesan or a plastic American cheese yeah you American cheese I go to a millika once and cheese not taste like cheese is tastes like cardboard they say

All about texture I say what do you mean food is both texture and flavor uh if you know this is not a Russian accent very mad um it’s Blended cheddar says to the cat try making a smithing table and see if you need a template oh yeah I won’t need

A template can be I won’t I was thinking this whole time like what am I gonna do of course I’m not gonna need a template because they haven’t updated to 1.20 heck yeah that is the that is my life sorted so um yeah this this chest is a mess I

Don’t know if there’s a way to deal with that to be totally honest uh but I would like to because it’s it’s causing me problems um I am gonna go Harvest uh my Farms partially because I need food most impact entirely because I need food and

Because of the fact that all foods are basically like no food gives you really decent saturation bonuses because they’re trying to make it harder core um we don’t even really need to worry about um because there’s no real saturation ones we can just eat some melons or carrots

And then make some bread later the the higher value of bread has no value to me as it so turns out um so yeah let’s uh oh that’s sweet too so carrots carrots carrots all the way across and um yeah now we’ve got some come on

Come on game come on you just let me let me play it in there so we got six carrots to eat there’s a little snack to start us off and then we’ll move on to wheat for the main course what a lovely blessed day this is I was

Hoping to eat some melons but it looks like they won’t be ready in time which is just fine oh no I don’t know why I said that so yeah melons I think are gonna be just fine food for this because we just need a large amount we don’t

Care what it is and also honey has come in okay it’s happening now chat honey block obtained yeah Liquid Gold survive one minute underwater so it’s politely telling me to make a okay so it is politely telling me to make a what’s it called a water Wing potion right which

Means I have to go fishing for a puffer fish I want to beat the game though so I I want to beat that system I’m gonna do something clever hopefully so first things first what are you selling nothing of value okay thank you for the thank you for the offer

Um I’m gonna test I I wanna I like to break the rules chat that is my thing that I like to do and so let’s see what we can do with that right here my thinking is that maybe we can take advantage of being like are we underwater right now yes we are

Okay chat I worked it out I gotta oh no no no no okay so I can’t eat while I’m here sadly I’d like to but I cannot um so clever I think right so uh how’s the weather going good hope it’s going good doing this challenge the toy cat way

Look I am underwater right now look how much of my body is underwater the majority of me is underwater right now and so I am surviving under water I mean it’s I they didn’t say it had to be hard they didn’t say I had to be I

Had to be choking to death that’d be rude that’d be real rude also in real life you can totally hold your breath for a minute it’s ridiculous in Minecraft you have 10 seconds then you’re like I’m just gonna start breathing in water like what what is that all about it’s

Ridiculous not okay don’t agree with it um so with that said we are now one minute survived underwater so we have to find a sponge now which I that’s only found in an ocean Monument right and I think actually yeah there was an ocean monument in the cave earlier do you

Think that’s what it wants me to do I mean I’m down I’m down if you’re down game so you’re gonna eat a lot of um we’re gonna be going through a lot of melons I imagine I think um these honeycomb blocks well these honey bottles are actually going to be worth

Getting even though we don’t need them because being able to heal poison and be a decent food it just seems like a good combination an ocean monument in the caves is that chicken oh it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that there’s an ocean in the cage I’m not saying like oh

Yeah there was this really obvious logical thing earlier oh okay but if I’m not mistaken I think I saw it am I mistaken yeah this is ocean down here um as you can see perfectly logical ocean nothing wrong with what we’re looking at so far and then if we go down even further

Uh oh no there’s no worship monument in this cave I imagined that detail it’s so dark in here but also yeah look how much the world has expanded so there is the ocean Monument how am I going to get a sponge chat what’s the plan how how do I go

Into the ocean Monument without going into the ocean Monument how do you find a sponge otherwise you can trade for it from a Wandering Trader but there’s no Village for me um also good night cat thank you for uh staying with me for so long I hope you’re doing wonderfully uh never quests

So can you find sponges in the nether um yeah I have no idea how am I gonna find a sponge un like where where would you expect to find one of these even so I’m gonna go down into even further into the cave I’m gonna keep looking on all the

Sides just in case maybe my maybe there’s multiple Ocean Monuments around here I don’t I don’t know what I’m meant to be expecting honestly uh this is the see you don’t realize how weird the cave is until the Border expands and it makes less and less and less and less and less

Sense but let’s just kill you no there’s a whole dark section over there uh we’ll get the crew to explode and just kill everyone as always one of the best ways to do basically anything oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh okay Um the good news is the the I forgot about how bad the mobs were and I forgot to make armor despite being four hours almost into a world I was going with just gold boots on hard difficulty with melon slices of food and I messed around and I found out why

That’s so bad idea I think ah so yeah as you can see it is game over now um it made the noise um and if I want to go look at the map I am not able to I gotta just go look at downloads apparently um so yeah that was a surprisingly fun

Time um I think I might be able to rejoin and look around the world or something like that in fact I’m curious yeah let’s let’s hop into creative right um creative creative oh you can’t the game has one of those like okay so we have to turn off commands I think is

What that is um command blocks enabled and if you turn off the command blocks now we can set it to creative nope it’s still set into Adventure the game is like no we don’t care what you think go go do it anyway so that was uh captive survival

It was a lot of fun I wish I’d had just been like okay this is the end logically rather than dying but uh never get emotionally attached to a toy camera That’s A Life Lesson uh right there for Carl Victor anyway I hope you all enjoyed today’s live stream

I uh had things I had to do a couple of hours ago I might have gone far too deep into this into it instead so if you enjoyed I’d appreciate a like or a subscribe to say that this wasn’t wasted time uh if you want to become a channel

Member or tip any of the other things I’d appreciate it and uh yeah I am looking forward to seeing your reaction uh to The Ultimate Guide which is coming out soon uh it will be uh we’re gonna be covering separate segments of Minecraft so will it be the never or Brewing first

Uh obviously we’ve already done uh Mining and shamans it’ll be a lot of fun so looking forward to seeing you soon goodbye Oh I thought I wasn’t recording but I was streaming I was so scared I was like did I just spend three hours talking to

Myself did I imagine the chat what if I did what if you imagine this how can you be sure that I’m real or that you’re really watching YouTube right now and not staring blankly at a a black screen consider that

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft: CAPTIVE Survival Map’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-08-26 22:55:40. It has garnered 14261 views and 676 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:45 or 12165 seconds.

Can I beat Minecraft in a world with borders that only expand if I complete achievements? Hardcore difficulty, with additional modifiers shown at the start of the stream!

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at: https://streamlabs.com/toycat

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  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Bertahan Hidup 9200 Hari di Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Imagine surviving 9200 days in the unforgiving world of Minecraft Hardcore 1.21. This incredible feat achieved by a dedicated player showcases the true essence of perseverance and skill in the game. The Ultimate Survival Challenge Surviving in Minecraft Hardcore mode is no easy task. With limited resources, heightened difficulty, and the risk of permanent death, every decision counts. The player’s ability to strategize, adapt, and overcome challenges is truly commendable. Exploring the Vast World Throughout the 9200 days, the player must have explored countless biomes, encountered various mobs, and discovered hidden… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Lost Its Roar: Skyrow’s the Cure

    Minecraft's Lost Its Roar: Skyrow's the Cure In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, From building to battling, the fun will last. But in Hardcore Survival, the stakes are high, One wrong move, and it’s time to say goodbye. Exploring villages, seeking out loot, But beware of new NPCs, they may give you the boot. A Gorgon lurking, ready to strike, Game over in an instant, what a hike! So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In Minecraft, there’s always something more in store-ing. And if you dare to take on Hardcore mode, Just remember, one mistake and you may implode. Read More

  • Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6 Understanding the Logical Server and Client in Minecraft Modding Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, offers players the opportunity to delve into the world of modding. In the latest version, Minecraft 1.20.6, Fabric MC introduces the concept of the logical server and client relationship. This programming concept plays a crucial role in modding Minecraft, guiding players to make decisions based on the logical side of the game. Deciphering Server Side and Client Side One of the key aspects of modding Minecraft is understanding the distinction between server side and client side. The server side refers to the backend operations that… Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

Hardcore Minecraft: CAPTIVE Survival Map