HOTTEST Minecraft Episode EVER: Chickens, Cows & Hellfire!

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to the minecraft let’s play so this is episode 5 if you’re around for last episode you know that we got the storage room completed to a point where we can begin thinking about putting light in and then submerging the place and you will soon

Know we went on a little mining trip got ourselves some more minerals some more building materials that sort of stuff you know the regular stuff you get when you’re mining aside from that nothing else got achieved in the last video but the progress that we made was good

Enough let me just remind you of what it looks like down here now we’ve got a nice wall design nice roof design and a great chess layout I think anyway so once we get this place submerged underwater it’s gonna look great ok so let’s discuss plans for this

Episode I think today we’ll start thinking about making a couple of animal farms so two things I definitely want to achieve in this episode are a a small chicken an automatic cooked chicken farm which I’m gonna put somewhere around here inside the base I’m gonna dig that

Section out in a second and be I want to get some cows over here fence them up and start breeding them because sooner or later we’re gonna have to get our enchanting salmon our enchanting set up going and for that you need a lot of

Leather so I’m gonna have to get a few of those guys over here breed them up and make sure that we’re gonna be able to generate ourselves enough leather to get that done okay so first things first let’s dig out an area for our chicken farm once I’ve done that I’ll come back

To you guys and we’ll go from there okay so catch you after the cut okay guys so as you can see in front of me I’ve dug out a space for our automatic chicken farm but I’ve ran into a bit of a problem along the way so we needed a

Three by six so one two three across six back that’s all ready to go once I was gathering all the pieces I needed to build this thing I had a realization that we’re gonna need something and that thing we need to go somewhere else for and you might be you might have noticed

The clue in my hand right now I’m holding a flint and steel you probably guessed by now that I’ve told you what we’re gonna be doing next so let’s just head down here and we will see in a second where we’re gonna be heading that’s right we’re about to go into

Another guy’s for the very first time in this let’s play so let’s light the portal draw our sword and in we go here we go hopefully I can get myself a good spawn over there because what I need is quartz because I need to build some I can’t think of the name

It’s a redstone piece that requires quartz I’m getting some lag right now okay sort itself out so here let’s grab some quartz quickly with the diamond pickax that we created for the obsidian mining so I’m what the word I was after is comparator that’s what I’m trying to

Build I’m trying to build a comparator so we’re gonna need quartz for that so right now I’m just gonna gather some not too much we don’t need tons and tons of the stuff but I will need something to build those comparators so let’s just quickly locate another vein can’t see

Any I probably grabbed this up here this is probably the closest I can see right now so let’s grab this and I just want to mention as well I really like the nether textures in this texture pack they look very clean compared to the standard textures it just makes a nether

Act look a lot more bearable because I don’t actually like the texture and the regular vanilla texture pack okay so we’ve got about 17 nether quartz I’m not sure how much you need to build these things because I haven’t actually ever build comparator I’ve played minecraft

In a long time so what I’ll do is I’ll head back with the 17 that we have right now and if that’s not enough off-camera I’ll grab some more and then we can get down to building so once I have all the components up together the comparators the dispensers the repeaters everything

I need for this build I’ll come back to you guys and we will get it done so I’ll catch you in a second after this cut alright guys so I’ve made quite a bit of progress since we last spoke I decided to go ahead and just finish off the

Chicken farm off-camera it’s not very interesting honestly it’s very small very compact not very the redstone inside of it is a very complex is it’s really easy to do if you want to build one for yourself just type in to youtube mumbo jumbo chicken farm or as the zoom

Avoid chicken farm you probably know both of those youtubers they’re the guys that have put out good tutorials for this farm so let’s quickly take a look at it it’s a three by five sorry three by six very compact design only extends up to five blocks high as well so

Essentially what happens is you place eggs in the back compartment up there where the chickens are sat they sit on top of these hoppers and lay eggs continuously once they lay an egg this dispenser right here will shoot it out into this zone and then the chicken will grow and

This dispenser is on a daylight sensor timer it will flick on and off in an instant burn the chicken the chicken dies the cooked chicken goes into the chest below along with any other drops so it’s a very very simple design as I said and it probably will work very well for us

So I do need to get a few more chickens inside of the thing because those two guys up there aren’t gonna be produced in very many eggs on their own but once we have a fair few chickens inside of there we’re gonna be producing a lot of

Cooked chicken and also annoyingly a lot of noise but we’re gonna have to ignore that for the time being anyway you can also see I’ve extended the bass out slightly I’ve I finished the design on this wall I’m gonna kick it I keep it quite crooked down here as I said I

Don’t want to look natural I want to sort of make it look like it’s a cave entrance so that once the waters in there it’s nice and nice and scenic looks very good and isn’t Square and blocky and man-made also as you can see

I got the war design in in the back here and on this side as well I just I just decided to build the chicken farm itself out of the polished andesite because it looks quite clean and we don’t use too much of it in the war design itself so

Now that we have the chicken farm set up that’s part a of today’s episode we’re gonna head into Part B and get some cows collected so just bear with me one second I’m gonna sleep the night away and then we’ll go over there with some wheat and drill some of those guys back

To our base so let’s get this done okay guys so we’re back now we’ve got the cows right in front of us we’re gonna take a few of these guys or as many of these guys as we can back to our base which is just up there for reference

They’re not very far away we got a bit lucky here so let’s see how many of these guys we can get back I’ll probably speed this section up because getting cows and other animals back to your base is very very tedious so let me speed

This back let me speed this part up me getting the cows back to our base once they’re there we will return to the video okay guys so we managed to get these two dudes back to the base two is more than enough because obviously takes two cows

To breed so let me just quickly get these guys go in come on over here there you go so these two should create baby any second now all right there we go so there’s our third cow so obviously once this guy grows up and these these guys have had

Their breeding timer reset we’ll come back out here feed him again we should have more than enough food now I mean look we still have ten bread we’re not really eating that much so we’re producing it’s just a sustainable amount of food for myself and animals another

Thing I didn’t mention guys is that I killed a zombie the other day and actually managed to get potato so I’ve been planning that to get some more potatoes to replant because I actually feel that potatoes are one of the best food sources in the game they always

Produce a lot and you can just stick them straight in the furnace create the baked potatoes and for me they work really well as a food source so eventually I’m all set up I’ll get a farm set up that’s exclusively for potatoes so that we can start producing

Them for ourselves as a food source so let me just dump off a few things here and I want it to also create a fence gate just so that we can get in and out of that enclosure easily so let’s do that I believe that’s four sticks and two

Planks yep there we go so let’s just go and smack this onto the enclosure that the cows are staying in this spot will do hopefully none of them escape there we go so now we can get in and out easily we don’t have to break down any fence posts or jump over anything

Alright so now we can go back put that fence piece back and we have our chickens in here our cows outside so I’ve achieved both things I wanted to achieve in this episode guys but at the moment we haven’t actually got that much footage so I think we can do something

Else and one thing I had in mind was was I was thinking back to the shipwreck and I think it was two episodes ago now so this is episode six would have been in Episode four I believe or is this is episode five so it would’ve been in

Episode three right episode three I went and tried to loot that shipwreck and ended up dying at the hands of a of a drowned mob and you know it wasn’t it wasn’t very fun those Trident hit hard I’ve said that many times now I didn’t actually realize

How hard they hit until I uh attacked by one so off-camera a couple of days ago I actually did a bit of exploring I walked across the plains biome and around them I bent the bend of a river that was attached to the ocean over here and I actually found myself

Another sunken ship so what I’ll do is I’ll wait for this day to end I’ll go and sleep and then once a new day has arisen I will head over to that sunken ship that I found and rejoin you guys there we will grab the map and maybe

Even think about finding the buried treasure so let me do that just get a new day started so that we have some daylight to go and do it and I’ll be back with you guys after this Cup ok so here we are you can see this shipwreck

Is actually a lot closer to the shore so it’s gonna be a lot safer for us to head down into it and collect some stuff but I don’t know about you guys I know that these biomes this ice spikes biome which I believe this is it could be a new

Biome actually it doesn’t look very ice spiky but whatever biome this is I think I do believe they’re quite rare but this one just looks so here to me because you have like the nice sandy golden sunshiny Shore and then a few hundred a few hundred feet out into the ocean you just

Have these huge glaciers not glaciers I apologize umm icebergs and it just looks very strange to me but anyway there’s there’s actually a polar bear there as I which is quite cool anyway let’s not get distracted let’s get down into the ship and grab the loot so I think that there

Are two chests in every single one of these ships so let’s just find both of those chests and then we can hopefully look for the treasure so is it in here nope I believe maybe then they are down down in the bomb deck

So let me just grab a bit more air to go back down and down we can go now so I swim down to the bottom deck and see what’s down here oh here’s one so we get some I’ll just I’ll grab it all quickly guys now look at it back at the surface

Cuz you know I can’t breathe down here so let me just grab a few more bubbles in here oh and there’s the other chests so let’s just grab all of that and there you go there’s the buried treasure map so if we get out of here we can probably

Just see where that’s gonna lead us and if it’s close by we might go and explore it so let’s just quickly take a look at what we found there so we got 36 wheat not very great so we can made ourselves we got a blast protect

For another cat which it wouldn’t be bad if the armor was a bit better quality and also a fire protection three tunic again wouldn’t be bad if the armor was a bit better quality some paper some fed there is a book and the berry treasure maps let’s just take a look at this

Right so I assume that we are the white dot and the X is the treasure so right that’s nice interesting then so how do we know which way we’re facing here I don’t know maybe if I run this way we might be able to find ourselves on the

Map I’ve never actually done one of these maps before guys so I’m unsure of what you’re supposed to do to find your way okay so it looks like I’m moving down so we’re moving down then I want to go to the left maybe or the right hold

Up I’m moving down yeah I want to go to the left so if I’m moving down this way I want to go to the left I believe so maybe maybe if we hop in a boat and go out to sea a little bit we might be able

To see ourselves on the map here let’s take a look or we still we’re still going down so alright in that case we want to go this way then maybe see where are we now what’s going on on the map hang on don’t see any change from over

Let’s just let’s let’s go a bit of a distance and then we’ll see if we’ve got an update on the map here I’ll go to the I’ll go towards these icebergs ahead of us and see what changes okay so we’re starting to actually uncover an area on

The map which means that we must be in inside of its boundaries I believe so let’s keep heading in this direction this seems to be the way to go although there’s tons of tons of polar bears over there this is cool I haven’t seen one of these biomes before but it’s quite

Interesting right so on we go okay there you go there you go I think we need to come round this Bend here oh look there’s another sunken ship there I’m not gonna risk that one I know what happened last time I did so oh you’re a market for now alright so we are

Actually just need to dock over here and I believe as well the chests are always buried in the sand so if we’re not digging in the sand I’m not looking in the right space so let’s just get out the boat a second and we’ll just head

Down here oh well I guess right so we get our heart of the sea I believe you get a single one of these in every single chest you find we got 20 iron not bad a diamond also No but some cook salmon some TNT and a nice

Iron sword so I think what we’ll do is we’ll just grab the chest replace the sand and we’ll get out of here there’s the chest place the sand and then we’ll hop back in our boat and we will we will sail our way back towards our base so Oh

Guys you know what actually I don’t see any drown mobs I’m gonna take the risk a second let’s see what we can find down here all right I think we might have to get oh yeah okay I see it I see one of the chests right there let’s grab everything out there all

Right let’s go back to the surface for some air all right and then we’ll go down again might be out to find ourselves another map here I believe there is a map in every is in every ship if I’m not mistaken so there was one chest is there gonna be a chest down

Here maybe no doesn’t look like it okay I’m not seeing a second chest here guys hang on let me get some air I’m gonna die and get some air quickly and then we’ll go down for another dive see if we can find the final chest okay

Let’s go down again head in towards this area no it’s definitely not in here is it so let’s go up here again and it’s him back up I don’t really know where it could be a site from where I’ve looked maybe in this part of the ship if we try

And break some of it or is this a different entrance I’m not sure you guys like I’m struggling to find the other chests here if there is one there might not be one I might be mistaken about the two chests raw but at the moment it’s not looking like there is another chest

No I don’t think there is in this one so maybe maybe I was incorrect about the two chests spur sunken ship roll maybe there is sometimes only one okay anyway so I stopped back in the boat and sail on out of here if we can remember the

Way back I believe I came I don’t let’s look at the map get the map yeah we come from we came from this direction and so we’re heading the right way I think we came through these icebergs here we were on the left yeah there’s a sunken ship right there

That we just explored so yeah that was that was interesting that’s the first time I’ve ever found one of those one of those buried treasures on the shoreline is quite quite a good addition to the game actually it allows you to get a few of

The rarer items so the the heart of the sea I believe is what allows you to make the conduit but you still require I think twelve Nautilus shells if that’s what they’re called no Tula shells I believe it’s what they’re called and I think they can only

Be acquired from the drown mob so we’re gonna have to face our fear and kill a few of those guys if we want to get anywhere with underwater building because the conduit allows you to breathe on the water I think it also gives you underwater like a night-vision

Effects that you don’t it’s not so dark and that you can see clearly I’m not entirely sure again on that because all I’ve really read is the patch notes and watched a few videos about this update and as I told you earlier in the video

It’s been a while since I had a proper run-through of this game so now that the Sun is coming down guys what I’ll do is I’ll go off camera again and I’ll see you back at the base so now we’re back at the base I’m probably gonna wrap up

The video quite shortly but before I do that I just want to show you how I go about restocking the chicken farm here so let’s just quickly hop up to the top and break a few of these blocks so what I want to do is I want to jump onto the

Glass here break this one come to the back okay so this is the hatch where I place the eggs but it’s actually quite annoying because the chickens you know what they’re like they just they just want to jump out so what we’ll do is we’ll try and sort of I’ll try and block

Them off so if they do jump out they wouldn’t be going anywhere fast right so then you just whoops okay that guy must have been super weak I must’ve hit him before alright stop hitting these guys hey oh no oh no I didn’t block it off probably quick come back here come back

Here there you go there you go alright let’s block that off all right as for the rest of these these eggs in here that’s it stay over there no no no that’s it go through the last one there okay so we didn’t get any new chickens

This time but you get the idea just want to I just throw them in the top there and then they sit on top of the hoppers in there and this is another issue that keeps happening that I’m not too sure how to fix so another thing that keeps

Happening is the this daylight this daylight sensor here actually acts as a clock it should switch the lava on a switch off immediately but look sometimes sometimes it rotates too pulling the lava away and putting it back immediately which is not correct because if the lavas there for too long

When the chicken grows up it will just burn to death and also burn the chicken that it drops you don’t want it to burn the the loot because that’s that’s the whole point of this farm so I need to look into that and get that solved we’re down to one chicken unfortunately

Because any killed one by throwing an egg which is ridiculous anyway let’s let’s just patch this back up and get back down to the surface so I can sign this episode off okay one two and then place our I happen to like the other seed and block alright let me just grab

Some more stone brick so I can patch the ceiling up oh I have to now right I must have dropped it okay so I need to get this solved but we’ve made again some good progress in this episode we’ve extended the base a little bit made it

Look a bit prettier we’ve got our chicken farm here we’ve got our California and explored a sunken ship which is a new feature of this update I’m glad we got that done because I was actually excited to do that I knew about the buried treasure and I wanted to

Experience that so all in all this is a really good episode if you liked it guys please please please leave a like leave a comment with any any feedback I want to hear positive feedback negative feedback neutral feedback any feedback you want to give just put it down in the

Comments below so that I know what the viewers and you guys are feeling about these videos because I’m still new to this so I’m we’re on Episode five now I’m really enjoying it but I do I do just want to know what you guys think about it or if you’re enjoying it if

You’re not liking it some suggestions for what I should do some suggestions for what I shouldn’t do anything like that just just put it down in the comments below I’ll read it reply I just love to hear feedback and if you want to stay tuned to the next episode and all future

Episodes of this series make sure to subscribe hit the bow notification button to be notified of when these episodes go live and aside from that guys have a great day and I’ll catch you in the next episode bye bye

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft w/ Hocus Pocus – Episode 5: Chickens, Cows and Hellfire’, was uploaded by Hocus on 2018-10-17 23:00:00. It has garnered 111 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:32 or 1172 seconds.

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Minecraft let’s play. Today we get episode 5 underway and make some great progress in our world.

We had two goals in today’s videos: create a chicken farm and create a cow farm. Both objectives are now complete and we have an automatic cooked-chicken farm as well as a manual cow farm.

Aside from the chicken and cow farms, we tried our hand at exploring another shipwreck. This wreck was much closer to the surface and allowed us to negate the impact that drowned mobs would have on our adventure. We discovered a treasure map and managed to locate the chest very quickly, rounding off another successful episode.

Thank you very much for watching and if you enjoyed this episode of the Minecraft let’s play, be sure to like, comment and subscribe. Also, turn the bell notification button on to stay tuned to the series!

– Hocus Pocus

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  • earth

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!Well, with a score of 20, it must be more than just a coincidence that this meme is hilarious! Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

    Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥 Perché Minecraft? Because punching trees and building virtual houses is way more productive than my real life. #minecraftlogic #gamerlife #virtualreality #procrastination101 Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

    Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Redwood Forest as a hacker oh nice I wonder if there are any computers in this Forest that I can hack right away a redstone Golem appeared and he didn’t look happy to see me Red Alert there’s a hacker stop right there this is a no hacking Zone uh-oh I wish I could remember some sick hacker moves to get me out of this situation but I can’t remember anything guess I’d better just run instead I ran as fast as I could but that Redstone Golem was gaining on… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in MinecraftVideo Information where the [ __ ] are we what the is that the Ender [Music] Dragon and that’s the Enderman uh This video, titled ‘This game is wiild… #lethalcompany #scary #funny #minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZ_MJFINN on 2024-01-15 23:04:28. It has garnered 54 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    UNLIMITED AIR & IRON - MANUCRAFT WORLD T3 #32Video Information Hey gente Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo video Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo episodio de la serie mundo manucraft temporada número 3 continuamos del episodio anterior episodio en el cual hicimos una escopeta láser del Industrial Craft e hicimos un montón de máquinas nuevas que de hecho hay muchas más como yo les había dicho en el anterior episodio que iba a ser de cada una de esas máquinas una igual para tener dos de cada una y así agilizar todos los procesos y terminar haciendo otra otras máquinas más y modificando un poco lo que… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)

    Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)Video Information hello why you live because I want to because I want to be live why is my Minecraft not loading up that’s the best question and my fan is dying that’s great that is great so it kind of took me like 2 hours to fix my laptop but it’s but it’s fixed can you hear the fan what is it like I’m back bruh sorry I left for 10 seconds what very slightly what what do you mean by that yeah my fans are like going oh I lost my login street because a computer break great… Read More

  • Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!

    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – Watch NOW!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 3 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-24 11:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #Clickbait

    Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new coastal Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-21 01:23:12. It has garnered 3569 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft animation tiktok shorts minecraft alan becker dancing cow daisy dancing moo bloom moobloom minecraft polish cow minecraft ethobot moo bloom funny meme #shorts #minecraft minecraft memes minecraft challenge dream minecraft funny memes techno gamerz minecraft survival minecraft friend avm shorts animation vs minecraft minecraft but you are immortal minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Svegon vanilla server

    Svegon vanilla serverI run small servers from a group of friends and potentially a few outsiders. This server focuses of vanilla experience, so I only added a few plugins to make sure people don’t grief you or scam you. 😉 Read More

  • dotMINE SMP Server

    Server Information: The IP address is Features include history, /back, /home commands, land claim, kr€£ plugin, mcmmo, public farms, market for purchasing items. Players are friendly and the server supports both Swedish and English languages. Additional features include /ah, locked chests and doors via LWC. View the map hosted on Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑

    Minecraft Memes - Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑Why did the sheep bring a laptop to the Minecraft farm? To make sure they had PLENTY of RAM! 🐏💻 Read More

  • Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1

    Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, On a skyblock island, where survival is the win. Pollution and temperature, seasons to endure, Challenges aplenty, but victory is sure. I forgot to record the audio, a mistake to rue, But fear not, for now it’s here, for me and for you. Join me on this journey, through highs and through lows, As we conquer the skyblock, where the story unfolds. Minecraft hardcore mode, a test of skill and might, But with determination, we’ll conquer the night. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s dive… Read More

  • Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥

    Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥 When you finally find a rare block in Minecraft and it turns out to be a raccoon instead of a diamond block. Talk about a disappointment! #MinecraftProblems 😂🦝💎 Read More

  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS’s and More!

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS's and More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-05-26 03:03:10. It has garnered 101 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:52 or 4972 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us.We raid a streamer after EVERY stream! We love supporting small streamers in The HIVEMC Community! Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided]… Read More

  • FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6

    FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-01 00:41:08. It has garnered 1988 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:16 or 3976 seconds. Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6 In today’s episode, I terraform the fairy cave, make a skeleton farm, do lots of exploration and stumble upon the dragons of this fairycore world! 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ♡ Join me on this singleplayer adventure, where… Read More

  • GamingInn – EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraft

    GamingInn - EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘COOL DECORATION HACK in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by GamingInn on 2024-04-29 10:19:07. It has garnered 700 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to another exciting Minecraft shorts video! In this quick guide, we’ll explore some incredibly cool decoration hacks that will elevate your Minecraft world to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire your creativity and add flair to your builds. In this Minecraft shorts episode, we’ll cover a range of innovative… Read More

  • Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!

    Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Part 2: BUYING EVERY BEDROCK ADDONS!! AddaCraft planting and chilling!’, was uploaded by trollsiv3 on 2024-03-23 00:00:17. It has garnered 969 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:12 or 1692 seconds. Game: Minecraft Bedrock Welcome to my channel “trollsiv3”, where the popping excitement never stops! ♠ Connect with me : ► Instagram: ► TikTok: ► Facebook: ► Merch: ► Dubby:… ♠ Editor : ► Instagram: ► Facebook: Welcome to my Minecraft adventures! 🎮🌟 Hey there, fellow gamers and Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎉👋 Join me on… Read More