I Found a Mobs ONLY Minecraft Server

Video Information

There are creeper servers in minecraft but that’s not all i found an enderman and a villager only server can i stink my way into each of these servers to find out what exactly is going on or will they catch me in the act and kick

Me out forever he is not a creeper get her no please i just complimented them and they immediately exploded me which sounds very strange but it’s true nice try but stay out did they ban me though i think i have an idea remember when i told you

That i had a plan i look like a creeper now spree for sush they’re gonna catch on what are they saying have you have you scared any miners yet you should go into the mines to start your training i wonder who the next super creeper will be this means they haven’t caught on

That i’m a person wearing a creeper skin like literally i have arms i mean it’s it’s kind of obvious but where’s the mine though blend and brie act like a creeper they kind of like wander real slow and oh they don’t do that they do

Not crouch hi hi jim bob i totally know you i’m a creeper where’s the mine oh oh i think i see it this way it’s gonna be a long run oh they can see i have legs hurry bree so apparently the whole entire reason why i am here is to

Explode miners which sounds very aggressive i am just gonna throw out there i don’t like violence but today i am becoming a mob so what else am i supposed to do and uh are you okay i feel like he shouldn’t have fallen asleep standing and he’s literally

Standing over a cave well you know what you kind of did this to yourself sir stand back oh well i didn’t take any damage and i think he’s gone i guess that was successful i’m not sure i i feel very uncomfortable about this why would you

Fall asleep next to a huge waterfall of lava no that’s not safe let’s go explosion number two oh oh just you know oh guys i like literally exploded him and pushed him into the lava at the same time i don’t know if that’s exactly what

I was supposed to go for but because i have had two successful explosion missions make sure turn your phone this way and if that subscription button is red make it grey right now because i am very good at being a creeper where else do i go where else do i go

Oh this is a big mine oh who who is this creeper maybe he’s mad at me i exploded miners i’m sorry i thought you wanted me to have you gotten your night vision yet ah of course i don’t see at night time but i would like to

You must go complete the night vision challenge i want to see in the dark like my cat i think cats see in the dark i could be totally wrong but i’m pretty sure that they do i don’t know how anyone proves that though let’s go to the challenge so we are at challenge

Number one and apparently to receive night vision i must enter a large building with a big eyeball on it i am a little concerned so i hope i don’t come out scathed i hope i come out unscathed i feel pretty good about this though i am becoming a natural at creeping

Never let me say that again wait they literally brought me here to a door that is not even a thing like this door literally is shut good thing i have my creeper explosion ability i wish i had this all the time that’s literally so helpful now what do we have

Here man this place is decorated to the nines first challenge you must carefully enter the left room and explode that player without being detected poor guy your only job is to get exploded like why did he get that job that just makes me so sad i’m sorry sir oh they all look

The same i don’t know i i’m not gonna close the door so he doesn’t hear me and we’re gonna be super sneaky super sneaky about it and explosion okay so i have now exploded what is that my fourth person so i hope that the next challenge is less violent i mean

Creepers do other things than explode i think they have to eat occasionally oh you guys i don’t think this door was open before i think this is how i get to my next challenge this wall is a little ugly i mean i wouldn’t have gone for

This decor and i thought they did better on the other part but what does this sign say explode the wall to reach the next challenge creepers are literally obsessed with explosions well i don’t think the obsidian is going to be the easiest to explode so let’s try

With some dirt and uh hope or ride on this one hey i feel like that could have oh it didn’t work hold on let me show this off for everyone i did it i can walk right through now where’s the next place i should explode i have

To make sure there’s no obsidian on the bottom feeling pretty good about right here let’s go fingers crossed it didn’t work how am i gonna get through this one oh guys it actually did work look i can jump right through here wow i am an amazing mob you’re welcome i

Will take donations after the video so i got a little excited when i was uh preparing to be the best creeper in the world and i clicked the explosion button without looking at where i was clicking so obviously that did not go great so let’s try for this one guys remember if

You have a creeper explosion in your hand to use it wisely as evidenced by this experience but i finally got through how many walls are there in here i’m gonna lose all my stamina apparently i’m not hungry yet but in real life this is making me work up a very large

Appetite i think this is the only place this is the only place to explode oh i caught on fire and i don’t even know why apparently i am failing slightly at being a mob it didn’t like me so we’re gonna try for this side i should have gone with the left the

Entire time i’m a lefty and i know we think with our right mind go on to three merch.com between october first and third to grab your fall box for these awesome items in this amazing shirt now where am i in order to gain the power of night

Vision reach the other side of the lava i’m assuming there must be a catch because it looks beautiful and they’re telling me i can jump over the lava oh gosh you guys literally arrows are shooting from all directions how am i going to make this work i have to be

Very good at timing good thing i am kind of so let’s see when that one goes we’re going to jump here oh no i already caught a fire i can’t see where i’m going this is going to be the one ladies and gentlemen i feel very confident i feel

Pretty confident oh oh we’re making progress and you have unlocked night vision um i would like to take a moment and say i’m proud of myself and i only got 21 arrows in the process how am i still alive i did have to respawn a couple times that’s besides the point though i’ve

Made it here and now i know not to get too excited while holding the flint and steel and rather i will just hold the arrows in my hand here we are um guys is it just me or does he kind of look like he threw up on himself i i

Hope he doesn’t need medical assistance because since i’m a nurse i would feel obligated to help him but also he could be contagious oh no it’s just a lightning bolt so you got your night vision hmm let’s see how well you do with this challenge a prize awaits at the end

Heck yes i’ve got this watch and learn i just parkoured over lava so this will be nothing guys i’m i’m a little worried this is actually looking a little complicated luckily we are not on top of lava this time how do i get over this block

There’s no way this parkour is messed up i mean literally i i can’t jump over that for the life of me but oh it’s a test i have my explosion and i’m gonna use it wisely yes it worked that’s amazing seriously this has come in handy way more than i

Thought it would continue jumping continue jumping oh that looks like it’s gonna be too high can i right click it from here i don’t know if that was the smartest thing i’ve ever done but it was a good try please don’t throw me back oh that one was dangerous you guys i almost

Lost it oh oh let’s explode this one while i’m far away oh i don’t really like to jump to fence posts so uh can i explode this again kind of in my way i feel like thank you that’s what i needed to then make it and

Then oh where from here let’s go for this touchdown i am so proud that i actually made that jump jump oh that is far too high so we are going to explode it like a good creeper does and oh hold on can i explode it again oh stairs

This is nice very nicely constructed what if i explode this wall yes oh that just made me so excited i did it creeper parkour completed i am an official creeper now you’ve received an explosion boost for completing the parkour challenge where am i teleporting to i know i got a super

Boost of explosions but literally where am i going oh guys what is this there are a lot of creepers staring at me am i in trouble is this good or bad surprised you made it welcome to the arena you will be facing off against our worst enemy the ocelots you are on your

Way to becoming a super creeper are you ready i don’t know i love ocelots so what am i having to do with these ocelots i i’m not really excited about this oh i’m blind what i can’t see anything at all ocelots are released wave one

Oh oh they damage you okay i guess i have to kill ocelots and i really don’t want to no i hate everything about this and uh we’re never gonna talk about this moment ever again because i’m about to cry wave one clear literally there’s more you guys maybe if the ocelots were wearing

Merch from royallyb.com they would blend in better and i wouldn’t have to explode i am done killing ocelots no please stop releasing them i want to love them and name them things you know what they are not dying they are going to my house right now because i’m going

To keep every single one of them i love cats and you can’t judge me for it how many ocelots are there please please i can’t take care of this many cats at home wave too clear i am done final wave how many do you have to get rid of i

Actually didn’t know that ocelots and creepers didn’t get along until this moment so that was a loud thunder guys and it thundered so loud outside that it just scared me and it’s because i feel guilty about what i’m doing i know i’m about to die but what really matters is the awesome

Finally cleared i don’t have to ever kill an ocelot ever again she beat them maybe she is worthy your final challenge is through that portal how dare them say maybe i’m worthy of course i am every single one of us is worthy we are wonderful what could lie through this

Portal where am i whoa this room is really pretty and i have more preston creepers staring at me but this one looks like he is up to all of the business what is up so you’re the new creeper i keep hearing about well i got news pal i’m going to be the next

Super creeper not you i challenge you to a dance-off and winner gets to be the super creeper are you ready um get me on this platform i did dance and cheerleading all my life so i’ve got this dance off i was born ready i’ll go first of course you will oh yeah that’s

Some interesting moves you know i just you’re kind of doing the same thing over and over again you gave it your best shot let’s see you beat that it won’t be that hard oh yeah hit the hit the side in the front and the side in the front and then i’m gonna hop

Oh can’t beat me what do you think okay okay you win i guess creeper dance competition you won i thought he was definitely going to uh give me a little more pushback let’s get to the ceremony it’s through that portal they have a lot of portals in this server now this looks

Like some sort of strange creeper temple i don’t know it’s a little creepy to me i can’t wait for the super creepers to be announced oh me me me i’m being too obvious omg it’s her the new future super creeper i’m your biggest fan do your signature super explosion

I was born for this moment super explosion in a way i feel so fancy having that power awesome we’ll see you inside they’ve gone from hostile to loving who knew creepers could be so nice man they made a lot of steps to get up to this they

Must be hiding something good back here well they uh sealed off the front door which is exciting yet another sign there’s something important back here but uh we’ll just explode it my super explosion did not work on this door maybe there’s another way in there must be one final test to make me

Find a secret door that’s the only thing that i could think of right now i finally found this hallway and uh i hope it’s safe to enter so uh cross your fingers cause i don’t know what lurks beyond this hall thing i will say though

The only reason i was able to find this door is because i have night vision i wish i could have it all the time let’s go down the hall and try to find the ceremony there she is wait they were waiting for me yes the ceremony can

Begin i feel so important right now well i guess i will take the podium and maybe they will continue or not continue to stare i’m not sure but uh i have become the next super creeper whoa guys there’s a lot of explosions going on um is this good or bad i’m not

Really sure she is the queen super creeper oh guys no my skin where did my creeper skin go hey that’s brianna oh no they noticed they noticed please no don’t give me guys i had become a really good creeper they didn’t even notice you’ve been banned nice try but stay out and it’s

Permanent nope i’m definitely not looking like an enderman so we’re gonna see how this goes hi sir i feel like you need a name so you’re less intimidating where’d you go kermit your name is kermit and you disappeared so i really want to do more exploring of the server

So maybe i can persuade them by saying i want to become an enderman is it working that’s silly a human could never become an enderman why would you be any different because i am superhuman and i am going to be put to the test that’s silly a human could never become an

Enderman why would you be any different because i am brie in my royally be merch i am different than just a regular old silly human i promise to make you proud you will need to head to the main tower the one with the three enderman statues you can find more information there

Thank you also it’s really spooky that he was talking to me and i don’t see him anywhere these things can just hop skip it a jump away from you and i don’t like it but i see the three enderman statues they’re really impressive and spooky at

The same time i would just like to take a moment to uh admire that i just realized i’m having to confront my biggest fear in minecraft quite a lot today and in order to help support me through it how about you look under this video and if that subscription button’s

Red make it gray right now so i can proceed to victory i’m at the tower each of the stairways looks like an enderman head which is both cool and terrifying this is also a very strange set of stairs but i’ll let that pass okay time to proceed

I am going to become an ender woman not man and here we go sir i see you in there i see you and they’re not letting me in i’m very offended apparently the door is locked perfect it’s fine i’ve been locked out plenty of times from different establishments we’re not going to talk

About that right now i know how to find a key when i need to find a key Oh that just terrified me so i jumped in the portal i think it’s a fake portal because i’m literally like hovering over it i i’m not really sure all i’m sure about is that i clicked on the wall to try to assist me in getting out

And now i have a scary spooky key which i guess i’m excited to have right now but i have no idea why it growled at me i have absolutely no idea let’s see if this works this is a purple gate so i feel like the emerald key may not work cross my fingers

I seriously dude this dude could have let me in this whole time but he’s making everything difficult well even though kermit is here to terrorize me and make everything difficult guess it’s time to approach him and i’m nervous but but here we go here here we go please

Don’t bite me please don’t bite me it’s gonna be okay um uh okay hello there you are not an enderman what are you doing nobody alerted you i thought i talked to you earlier or it was somebody who looked like you i i don’t really know how to tell these

People apart things apart mobs apart i’m on a quest to become one of you that sounds creepy and exciting at the same time what was that what was that you wish to become an intermittent wonderful that in the name of the enderman i will now grant you the power of teleportation

Before he can fully become an enderman however you must complete a set of challenges in the neighboring towers to show that you are worthy of becoming an interment when you have completed all the challenges returned here then i will open this door for you which will lead to the enderman

Overlord ah i’m not ready i need a couple warm-up challenges uh and then he wishes me the best of luck that’s very kind you have also terrified me i’m just gonna go a little slow i’m not sprinting we’re just casually walking hi prove yourself as an enderman you must

Use my new teleport to get through the parkour we’re gonna just right click yes and it’s a pretty color i can’t reach it we’re just gonna creep a little further oh i got 10 million subs i am trying to focus on a parkour look at how good this plaque looks thank you

Yeah it’s my office that’s mine he brought it to my own maybe when you get 10 million subs you can have one almost there i guess we’ll just try it the regular old-fashioned way i want to keep one of these and not tell preston about it

Now there’s no way it reaches this far i am finally here we only have 2078 more to go hot dogs i actually made it oh that was almost too close for comfort oh i’m actually nervous but it’s fine okay these are by far my favorite blocks

Guys what is this ladder here for i’m not friends with letters that was so close you don’t even understand oh walk the balance beam and don’t look down i was about to step off the balance beam thing and was able to click in time to teleport if that’s not skills i don’t

Know what is anymore we are climbing a roof i don’t know it kind of looks like a roof to me but please tell me that’s the end old-fashioned jumperooski so the key is to jump in the air and click now i understand as i am done and get to the ladder i

Have absolutely no idea where i am i am trapped i’m literally trapped between a wall a wall a wall and a wall let me see if i click that window huh what huh wait did i start off here i literally have no idea what’s happening i literally just

Have ender pearls i also don’t know which way i came from it has to be the purple way let’s go over here i cannot believe this is actually happening this isn’t real there’s no way that this is real that looks good in there right right oh i’m back to where i started meh

I’m never getting out of here is that a second floor hold on i have to investigate this i’m on a different floor let’s go up higher guys how many floors is this i am now on the third floor really really high up wait no this is the fourth floor

So i have now successfully made it to level 12 559. does this lead to oh it’s a fancy staircase it’s made out of quartz and everything i am currently on top of the entire tower i don’t remember this ender vision i don’t know if i want to click on this

Or not here goes nothing what’s not pretty guys i really dislike this whole vision thing i think this is the second challenge tower that i am approaching what is in here i could make a really good lunch probably two what does any of this look like without this endervision on wait whoa

This looks crazy different and i can’t see most of the stuff i need to read unless i have this on i wonder if that means blue is sixth that i press what about five is yellow two green light green dark green light blue i think the next one is pink

I’m almost there i am almost there what what’s next i think next is jello i actually wrote this down dark blue and then am i done oh i haven’t clicked on the brown so i just put all the colors in and i don’t know exactly what’s supposed to wait wait

Wasn’t the staircase locked at first let me see is this what i did i am very proud of myself oh no i guess it is time to start our mission yellow gray oh i can’t reach it i have to jump a little farther what if i teleport oh

No ladders are not my friends go let’s go go it’s gonna be a tricky one oh my goodness look how far i started it’s gonna be tricky another wish me luck ladies and gentlemen i’m gonna jump on this cheese block here Okay oh teleport this is like a golden stairwell speaking of steps here’s a ladder there thank goodness for these teleporters they are definitely coming in handy during this three two one teleport teleport guys we are almost at the top i am tired of this whole fancy vision

Thing it’s back to square one anyways what challenge is this a brewing stand solid nothing’s in it what about this other one nope nope nope nope all empty what are these for oh they’re just rugs i thought it was water and there is an extremely tall ladder up

There it doesn’t extend all the way down to the floor i know i’ll use my teleporter uh surely i probably just have to go yep i have to go closer hold on there is a hidden chest up here i knew i was on to something what is it what is it

Oh blaze powder i do need that and glowstone dust that’s the chest i was just at let’s keep going see if there’s any other little surprises wait there’s another ward over here i hate netherwort but i feel like it’s necessary for most potions do i break that

Guys i don’t know what to do is this the new chest or a different one i can’t i can’t tell i’m just getting excited about it i think it’s the same one isn’t it isn’t it isn’t it ah it was guys i know there are other

Chests up here i know for a fact if there was one there’s another maybe i just break that and take some nope that just gave me dirt come on come on where’d it go it was worth it i got another wart now what else do i need oh well i definitely

Need a bottle i hope there’s a bottle somewhere okay i haven’t been over to this purple thing there is a chest in there oh wait i just teleported through glass to a chest with a glass bottle a rabbit foot and redstone i am set now i

Need to brew it and i need some water oh there’s some water ah um how do i get down from here i’m always gonna be stuck up here forever head towards the green bloxbury this is where it is isn’t it isn’t it the water okay we’re gonna get some water

We filled up two now i think i can go down to the brewing stand i don’t want to fall and drop all my glass bottles is that low enough i think that’s as low as we’re gonna get obviously i need blaze powder and some water let’s start with

Nether wart we’re getting somewhere we have an awkward potion let’s also put the rabbit’s foot i do have dust if a dust is helpful potion of leaping for three minutes i think this is gonna work out if i can’t jump onto this ladder within three minutes we’re in a

Lot of trouble ladies and gentlemen let’s give this a drink we are going to head back towards the ladder Getting a little nervous i don’t know why just getting a little nervous Now what’s in this room no no not zombies not zombies okay i am up high i guess that an enderman wouldn’t probably be afraid of a zombie like i am but i don’t particularly enjoy their company oh where do i go from here you guys we are teleporting we are teleporting oh

No that was not a good decision bree get off get off the block fall fall off the platform please that that would be great you would just fall please sir i will go this way then oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i made it there was really not too many

Zombies to begin with so not bad i was a little rusty but uh am i officially an enderman now i definitely feel like i’ve worked hard enough what’s up here every time i get to the roof i i’ve completed the entire tower so i’m gonna flick with this whatever it does

You have come far young one return to me for your final challenge i’m almost there i’m finally back to where it all began what does this guy want to say to me now aw i see you’ve completed all of the challenges good job as promised i will now unlock the door

Oh is there a puppy behind the door i’m excited to see what’s behind the store there’s buttons i want to touch the buttons oh oh no more parkour and it’s over water this better lead to something good oh okay okay there are tons of teleport blocks now this is a good sign

That means i’m almost at the end right i i hope uh where am i where am i i can’t tell i can’t tell where i am oh i’m almost somewhere cool where am i oh this is a cute carpet does that mean i i made it i’m an enderman

Is it all over you can just tell me now give me a medal go down a hallway there’s still a hallway it is continuing to go where am i now i’m in the wilderness but inside and overlord brianna you have shown your worthiness through completing these several challenges i have to admit i’m

Proud of you you wanted to become an enderman did you not i slaved away of course i did and i want that hat then stand still as i transform you into one oh my goodness now you guys i’m not gonna lie i have to stay on the server a little

Longer and become friends with the enderman overlord welcome my friend i believe the prince is requesting your presence prince of uh villagers in order to have this scary golem stop looking at me i’m just gonna go upstairs this must be the palace the gate is open oh this is so fancy

There’s the i think i see him he is being guarded by 20 000 villagers and gollums this is so pretty villager prince welcome to my palace in the grand village the citizens of the grand village are the best villagers from near and far in order to become a citizen of our

Glorious village you must prove yourself with service to our community good luck guys if he’s a prince where’s his crown apparently my goal is to find emeralds and trade them i’m really hoping i can keep some of these emeralds for myself are these the marketing villages hello

Sir what can i trade you today why why is he shaking his head at me oh no sir that is not a good sign marigold let’s see if you have anything for me no who’s got something for me oh i have to have fish in order to get a diamond where am

I gonna get fish from grandma bees gollum grandma b isn’t home right now but she said you can have some of her tools why did i say that real country i don’t know but grandma b sounds real country to me thank you so much grandma bees now i just have to

Figure out where to get each of these items run for your lives imposter traitor are they talking about me oh people are getting harmed what’s happening oh my gosh apparently there’s a pillager on the loose ring that bell in the watchtower to signal everyone to go home

Oh no where’s the watchtower where is the watchtower there it is i hope this may be a windmill or a watchtower i’m not quite sure but i’m running save everyone from the pillager uh i’m a little afraid of heights this is a little unnecessarily high oh we’re still

Going ring the bell it has rung ooh what’s up here a bow and arrow i definitely feel like i may need this oh oh there he is he’s like a zombie villager hey sir get out of here get out of here i haven’t seen you around here

Before you must not yet understand that we run this town no you don’t i’m gonna get you oh he’s fast this is very unfortunate for me hey get back here my aim is not that good i said it once and i will say it again be slower as you run

Ah i got him oh i got him perfect timing perfect timing perfect timing yes this won’t be the last you see of us get ready for something big pillager incoming get bows and arrows i am going to die i was not prepared quick enough i have a diamond sword take that

Take that oh there are 20 000 of these why are you all attacking me please die please die please die these are some violent plunderers or whatever they’re called and you huh wave one complete there’s another wave stop get back i don’t want to talk to you you’re a bad

Man get out get out of here get out of here i am going to hurt you with my diamond sword oh guys i am covered in arrows see if i can get the guy i did it now this guy with a very big head is scaring the living daylights out

Of me i got him now just you sir eugene get away from me eugene get away from me wave two complete how many waves are there oh no we’ll start real quick because this is gonna be a hard one i think it said like 20 bajillion villagers are coming

For me why do they all have such good aim i have terrible aim this is not my day this is not my day no siree oh i’m on the brink of death oh my gosh i have to refill my arrows in a second oh no i have to refill refill use the

Sword use the sword use the sword i don’t have time to refill the arrows yet thought a diamond sword was supposed to be able to kill people easily wave three complete village defended those raiders were no match for you help where is that coming from where are you who needs help please

Someone our house is still on fire from the pillager raid oh no oh no please hurry take this bucket and get some water oh there’s two buckets i’ve got this free hurry hurry hurry no no a well oh it’s gone i’m so sorry i went as fast

As i could could have been a little faster than that what are you gonna do our house is gone guys i tried the best that i could i can rebuild it for y’all really you would do that of course i got to give you some southern hospitality

That’s so kind of you i don’t know how to thank you well i haven’t done it yet we have to make sure it’s up to your standards before you get too happy now i don’t remember how big that house was so i’m not quite sure how much to get i

Guess it’s better to get more than too little oh guys do you think i have enough wait of course i do because all i have to do put all these here we’re going to get tons of planks i almost forgot the handy dandy trick there we go

And let’s do the same thing with these oh i think this is where the house used to be they have some good materials left over though so let’s get started we’re just gonna do some cobblestone framing not used to having such a big head this is a little complicated i’m making it

Kinda small but i i have to use only the materials that i have so here we go here’s the foundation this is going to be great you guys i’m feeling it oh i’m definitely going to have to go into creative mode because we are making a house we’ve got to make it perfect

Roof complete we’ve got a door and some windows i don’t think that’s too bad for just taking a couple minutes it looks incredible thank you so much we can’t offer much because you know house burned down oh they don’t need to repay me here’s some material we salvaged from it

Wait i need a coal for emeralds that’s perfect so i found a very suspicious looking staircase so i’m apparently gonna walk down it and not be nervous ah who are you oh the new villager after the attack some of our people were injured could you help them you can get

What you need from the nearby buildings that we have plenty of weakness potions down here thanks in advance well apparently it’s time to heal some villagers he didn’t even give me an option so that is definitely what i’m gonna be doing he literally didn’t say

Can you he just assumed i would do it i found the apple store our cell phones gonna help heal the villagers oh there are so many apples how can i help you only the finest apples in the land can be found here can’t seem to get rid

Of this gold though so it’s not actually golden apples it’s not actually cell phones it’s actually apple apples oh gold i’ll take that where’s more gold i’m getting greedy now gold um gold well you said you can’t get rid of your gold so i just decided to take some

For myself don’t get mad at me it is now on to the forge i guess having it stolen is one way to get rid of it sure he figured that out we are in the forge now wait someone grew their tree in my floor whoever has the skills to remove it

Please feel free to keep its apples so let’s see if i can remove it where’s the tree oh right in front of me easy peasy oh lots of apples are falling out of the tree i feel like i may need these for a cure since he told me to come here why

Didn’t i just get apples from the apple store it’s almost done i have removed the tree i now have gold and apples you know what that means it’s time to make golden apples easy peasy apple squeezy we’re just gonna do a little bit of this

Now we have to go back to the sketchy stairway and heal the villagers pray for me because i don’t know what lurks beyond these walls what this is like a maze down here how am i gonna find anything what’s here splash potion of weakness i will take

Some of those how many do i need i’m honestly really not sure there’s more there’s more oh that makes me nervous as to how many people i am going to be saving today well that’s more than the amount of apples i have so let’s get started with this oh okay there yep he’s

Not feeling too good we’re gonna give you a potion a weakness and an apple how do i find the rest of them i think there must be eight here are the other villagers they’re sick and i’m trying to save them oh it’s a scary farmer zombie villager

Take that and that oh he looks a lot better where is the next one where is the next one ah wait is he a chef or a doctor definitely do not eat his food if he’s looking like that oh he is just looking like an actual zombie

Sir take that i don’t know if i oh no he’s a regular villager where’s the next one i feel like he’s lurking around the corner yep they’re all feeling a lot better i was not expecting that whatsoever there are so many of them please work please work

The path reveals itself to you oh there is a golden path and oh here what was that noise for i see all the villagers have been cured excellent work to show my gratitude here’s some slime balls i hope i can trade some slime balls for some emeralds cause otherwise

That’s real random where am i oh no what’s going on all these animals are loose sir sir hey excuse me yes you wouldn’t be too busy would you i’m sorry it’s just all my mooshrooms somehow escaped my pen oh those other animals are supposed to be out they’re really valuable you see do

You have anything you could bring them back with i’d be in your debt well now that i know all of these animals are supposed to be out i do need to help him find the other let’s see crafting bench i am going to use the slime balls and the string to create

Leads just like so did he say how many cows were lost i have the leads now wait i see one run bring run i have you mushroom cow you will come with me here we go mushroom cow thank you so much there should be four

More out there still i’ve got this i am on a mission good thing these things are easy to find i just closed the door on a pig’s face i hope he is okay where are you mushroom mushroom cow i have found you and you are mine let’s go bessie

Betty betty the cow we are going to go this way three more left awesome now let’s close the gates and keep looking oh i thought one was on a mountain is that one in the distance over here it’s like trapped in a ditch lasso the cow the cow’s coming with me

What’s another good cow name guys i just am really concerned that the villager doesn’t seem to mind that all of these other animals are loose he only cares about these your brothers and sisters are almost home that is true i only have two more to go on my lookout that was

Pretty obvious he’s just in the hay go geraldine geraldine the cow is coming home let’s go honey bun one more to go and then i have solved this man’s sadness let’s see what happens when they’re all home safe and sound close the gate close the gate that’s all of them thank you so

Much if i had lost them i don’t know where i would have gotten soup soup no i’m stealing them i’m stealing them from you mr man here take this week’s harvest as a gift from me to you now i only need fish let’s head to this

Well here and grab my lucky fishing rod uh bloop your fishing rod snags on something and breaks oh no what does that mean what is oh there’s a ladder where am i going this is very mysterious i’m able to breathe for some reason oh okay

This is suspicious do i or do i not jump on these pressure plates let’s not and say we did oh oh i did in a lot of arrow shot out yep definitely don’t want to do that again especially now that i’m in front of them ah no bree what happened why is chuckles

Down here he’s a baby this is getting a little difficult oh oh there’s so many chickens i got them glad i i talked kind of glad i hopped on one of those wait you can’t probably avoid these right oh kitties oh oh no you found my secret base i can

Explain i couldn’t let all these village kitties go unloved all of them guys there are chickens and cats in the same room right now i’m dying take some fish and don’t tell anyone your fish and cats are safe with me what was that what was that noise uh oh

Oh i gotta get out of here there are too many cats what was oh no how did they get out how many cats does this person have oh hurry bree don’t die i’m panicking it is now time to get trading we have all the items necessary to receive my four emeralds let’s start

With some fish haha now some coal two more to go wheat oh he wanted a lot of wheat i’m glad i had all that one more emerald guys right here four emeralds i think i should present these two grandma bees gollum just gonna throw them this way and what a stone oh

Are you kidding me mr gollum i did all that work for a ho all of that work for this fine i guess i will go inside and see if grandma b is home is this the grandma it looks like a man hello dear i believe i have something for you

It looks tiny in her hand for me this will help my gardening so much all this to help her garden thank you so much my grandson will love to hear about this go see him in the palace wait is your grandson the prince of course darling

Who else would have an iron golem posted at their door oh i didn’t think about that i am now back at the palace and i am hoping to receive some sort of congratulations for completing the challenge hello villager prince there was some unforeseen challenges on your path for helping the villagers and i

Hear my grandmother is very pleased with her new gardening tool the courage you have displayed for our village is fit for a queen congratulations wait why am i on fire you just called me the queen oh my goodness lawrence get the water guys remember if you get to my videos

Within the first 60 minutes of them being posted i will read your comments and feature them down below in a and don’t forget to subscribe so i can be a successful villager queen

This video, titled ‘I Found a Mobs ONLY Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BriannaPlayz on 2021-10-02 14:00:21. It has garnered 3374458 views and 58300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:48 or 2748 seconds.

Fall Box Bundle! – 👑 Get Bri’s AWESOME fall box filled with merch goodies! – https://bit.ly/3uuI0BQ

I Found a Mobs ONLY Minecraft Server with BriannaPlayz 👊

👕 MERCH – http://www.brimerch.com

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Aphmau – The DEADLY Return of SIREN HEAD In Minecraft! https://youtu.be/x0QFLIB_MiM

InquisitorMaster – The Squad REACTS To YOUR Fan Art.. WITH A TWIST! https://youtu.be/hq2IziwS1Bc

Crainer – NOOB vs 1,000 Mines! (Ultimate Chicken Horse) https://youtu.be/mp4vAdPvyko


Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR


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  • AspectSMP

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  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

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  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

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  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

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  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

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  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

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  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

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  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

I Found a Mobs ONLY Minecraft Server