I Played Minecraft Hardcore for 24 Hours STRAIGHT! [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

We have 24 hours to get every single beacon in Minecraft which is basically impossible so to make it even harder we’re playing in Hardcore Minecraft for the entire duration without sleep or breaks so sit back relax and let the 24 hours begin All right let’s do this let’s go oh my God 24 hours to get every single beacon in the game wow this is gonna be hard we’ll stick together at the start so we can try and get loads of resources and pull them together and stuff and we’re

Also probably going to build our base in the spawn chunks aren’t we so we can make an iron farm yeah we’ve got because this challenge is going to be so hard we need to build loads of farms and the spawn chunks is definitely the best place for that and hopefully we don’t

Die because it is Hardcore we gotta remember that oh my God we’ve already got iron like within let’s go not even two minutes he’s gonna get the first piece me it’s my eye let’s go all right here we go two Shields that’s cool all right we need to get into the caves

And start getting geared up because our plan is going to be to kill the Ender Dragon isn’t it to get all the gear in the end so we have to get what are all the different beacons we have to get we have to get we have to get iron uh gold

Gold emerald diamond and netherite netherite that’s gonna be easy yeah all in 24 hours staying up straight as well like we don’t get a rest when we they’ve said we’re never gonna do this again and now we’re doing again yeah but you like kind of forget how bad

It was yeah okay we just want to gather as much food as we can because we need to go and get iron fast can’t feed game mining to get iron armor iron armor and then we will start the quest to like kill the ender dragon and stuff so we

Need to go to the Nether and get blaze rods and stuff yeah because we want to get elytra’s as fast as possible because I make everything a lot easier and also we don’t want to be wasting diamonds that we can use on the diamond Beacon uh

On like gear and stuff we can get that all from NCS oh this is scary now oh it’s a baby zombie I’m a skeleton oh the Cave’s here quick come down come down no baby zombie babies zombie I can’t see run I can’t see why can’t you see come down come down

Come down come down we can fight these away I can’t really see anything why can you not see you you’re playing uh let’s get some coal and get some torches again I’ve got like my brightness turned all the way up so it doesn’t even look like it’s dark in here

Uh have you got that thing where it looks like not a vision almost yeah pretty much we use this as like our safe area all right let’s head down here oh there’s days of iron down in the bottom of the Ravine okay grab all this coal

And let’s go get some iron and we can start getting it smelted should we make iron pickaxes make one each I really want us to get armor like fast before we go exploring the caves yeah oh it’s loads Vine okay I’m gonna set up a new

Furnace here oh my god oh oh my God yeah let’s uh wait for our armor come back how much iron do we need to pay for uh um I think it’s like 26 each something like that there we go enough for one set all right yeah just keep on getting as much iron

As we can I hear more spiders there’s poisonous spiders everywhere this is not good ah nice you got it you got it nice we’re gonna need so much iron for an iron but you can yeah and then we’re gonna Get Enough by just mining yeah we’re

Gonna have to do that for diamonds yeah we have to get 14. definitely that’s gonna help so much yeah I think we need about just under a single chest of diamonds for a diamond Beacon so we’re gonna be mining a lot all right let’s

Get out of here is it data oh no it’s not how much night very night is this oh it’s just a means again oh just started night yeah should we go swim in the water oh wait I’ll be staying around it yeah we are but shall we go swim in the

Water and see if we can find a nearby Village yeah okay let’s make ourselves some boots Little Boots where is the village we need like a planes by him yeah I was kind of hoping for like a plain spawn but I guess we’ll take ours yeah we’re just in like a

Little first event we should probably start collecting like sugarcane and stuff yeah for enchanting table yeah oh that’s a pretty good Island that looks amazing maybe we should build here actually instead oh well this giant Island yeah it’s huge the grass is already green as well isn’t it I reckon it’s about

Average for an island yeah I’d say it’s average we’re halfway through our first hour 148th of the way let’s go that’s so easy yeah we just gotta do 47 more of them easy yeah oh my God we’re not sleeping until 2PM tomorrow afternoon we’re just gonna be like so

We’re just gonna sleep and until the next day probably do you think we’re gonna turn really weird again when we get tired we get weird that’s like a rule oh my god oh Tails Turtles let’s kill him no yes all right I’m gonna kill this guy again let’s go

One end of pill all right we need to get uh stop maker to progress we need to get into The Nether 24 hours let’s go kill some sheep we need beds I’m gonna put a crafter table down oh my God there’s literally five wolves there one two

Three four five oh we can get like an army of dogs there where oh where would a why do we need a village uh we don’t really need a village we need a lava pool a lava pool yeah oh I found a lava pool need iron do you have iron I have Bucky

Give me Buckets okay let’s watch a master at work here we go oh wait did you almost yeah it’s a master at work all right there we go easy now we just uh do a simple bit of wood that somehow okay I forgot we have fun and steel maybe we

Revealed something last time that we’re brothers oh yeah we did it also be Revenge them in this time as well oh my God a mystery reveal make sure you stay tuned for that ready yeah oh please let this be a good spawn and not just be

Like hovering over the middle of a love I think right yeah here we go it’s pretty good that’s pretty good oh Red by him oh yeah red biome scale hugs oh I see a blaze I see two oh another Fortress right here let’s go diamonds let’s go got three diamonds

Where are the Spawners the fun spawners I found two oh nice I’m coming I don’t know where it is oh I think I know yeah all right let’s try and get all the blaze rods uh this is dangerous though so we need to be careful oh there’s like a crossfire of them do

You want to do this side and I’ll do the other one yeah yeah oh my God there’s like five and then what the hell are you good make sure you keep eating and region yeah I’ve got six how many have you got I’ve got seven oh come on one more one

More yes I got eight let’s go yeah I’ve already got eight before you oh yeah no what do we do oh we need to end the pills oh why do we sleep oh we got three diamonds uh what could we do with it diamond pick enchanting table

But we need diamond pick to get enchanted we need like one more Diamond so now we’re just trying to get to kill the Ender Dragon basically yeah so we need to get loads of gold trade with piglands and get ourselves some ender pearls come on get in the whole piggy yeah that’s good

I don’t have any gold yet but I’ve got Lego oh I left my gold in the bloody chest oh we made it past the one hour mark awesome 23 more of them to go it doesn’t feel like that long ago when we said 48 more

To go yeah I know it’s gone pretty fast we’re making good progress though oh wait how many ingots do you normally need do you think uh probably about a stack and a half maybe I’ve got 17. I’ve got eight so I just took down eight wait I’ll I’ll get a collection system

Like sword oh yeah oh oh what the hell is that is Miles Away it’s got sniped are you getting quite hungry in real life now yeah yeah what’s the point in crying obsidian I have no idea it’s like they made a cooler looking obsidian for it to be useless

Yeah yeah Legend has no use to it at all is that no oh wait it might be can you make like some kind of lodestone with it oh something like that I think man end up here I don’t want to get more gold but we’re gonna have to all right let’s

Leave that guy in the hole forever oh my God there’s so many Endermen this would have been so fast yeah yes how many of you got two three let’s go kill some more yeah I’m just gonna drop him into the boat no what the hell here’s that I mean none of that

He’s like no you’re not getting the boot yeah that looks so funny in a bit oh Andy men where are you oh farmer not worth to try and kill him without the boat is it uh definitely not wherever you go uh went like back to where we first came into

The bottom I think code mobile how many pills we got so far I’ve got three I’ve got four okay not too bad hmm we’re almost two hours in let’s go we gotta stop getting pretty more progress today I got them both in the same boat oh nice I’m killing them

Back at the same time but I’m just gonna wear the pool equipment oh I’ve got a pill from each of them oh nice let’s go six pills now oh no oh my God I just hit Pigman oh my God wait they’ll come after me as well I’m

Running I’m running yeah I need iron yeah maybe you look for iron and I look there okay food it’s probably a bad idea to go mining without feeding yeah probably not it’s pretty easy you said you’re more scared of the minds than the nether oh yeah we said instead of making

Like an actual base this time oh that scared me uh we’re just gonna like make like a compound area to be more efficient and like so we don’t have to spend like waste loads of time building a base we can just build around this area and make it

Safe and uh just have everything we need inside it so that we can just focus on building the beacons I guess I could start building the perimeter of our area uh I don’t really have many resources there I’ll probably start making fences actually let’s try and give us a big

Enough area to work with let’s go get some ender pearls and a pearls we need some ender pearls let’s go yeah and the pools and the pools all right be careful not to hit pigs this time because pigs are very very dangerous ah there’s a pig oh my God

Enderman hit me when he was in the booth just make sure to stand it like a like a what I just lost another pill well I lost my boat it went into lob oh my God the 70 Enderman here I’ve got six pills oh nice I got seven so we’ve got enough sugar

Just in case we’re literally over two and a half hours yeah oh my God we haven’t even started getting a beacon that’s my whole point of the thing I’ve set up a timer on my phone so we know how long we’ve got left now and it says we’ve got about

Uh 21 hours and 21 minutes left I’ll throw it it is that way let’s go in a bit oh my God cows oh let’s go we want to do the podcast there didn’t we yeah but we’re just still trying to think of a name for it uh

We were thinking block the block Brews podcast yeah that’s the best name we’ve came up with Ethan yeah we quite like it but let us know if you’ve got any suggestions so basically it’s going to be us two and we’re brothers so that’s why I block

Bros but um and we’re gonna be playing Minecraft and just talking about like anything we’re interested in really yeah basically like one of these 24-hour videos but in obviously like hour or two long episodes yeah I found an abandoned nether portal let’s see if it’s got anything good Zed uh minus 85.

Um I’m a minus 500 said that’s not the right way there is it’s not oh it’s not idiot wait no I went past it well at least we know you where it is sort of now yeah we’ve like triangulated it by accident so it must be like right under

It let’s say yeah we definitely still have enough eyes didn’t we how many do you have I got six I’m gonna throw one from here yeah it went up but oh oh it’s literally not here so we run like back to our base well and then go

The opposite way yeah no let’s just run in a random Direction this way because we’ll be going back to our beds anyway a lot of pink sheep is that pink wait what the hell yeah baby pink sheep that’s so rare [Laughter] Good Foundations doesn’t it what the hell pretty good Village

How’s the village you’re gonna get in there I want to see you wait can you oh yeah you can Parkour in there I said there’s a guy in it he’s stuck in there forever that’s so funny you’re going the wrong way I’m not I’m gonna be getting left and falling

Down yeah this is left and forwarded is it oh we need to throw another one yeah right yeah you throw it oh look he’s right there’s me is right oh that was your fault wait how many you got seven oh my God what we’ve still got Luke watch this watch this

Oh you idiot oh well I got the first Emerald there’s another Village there only like 1670 something more to go so you throw another one no uh yeah I’ll throw one away oh I broke uh-oh okay we can’t afford oh no that’s not good yeah no wait I

Think Gamers is going to ask me what food I want what’d you want oh that’s surprised ah oh my God I’m drowning don’t die oh my God get in the boat okay I’m in the boat what did you want um can I have a quarter pounder with cheese medium

Meal with diet cake please yeah it’s not every day you see Minecraft youtubers ordering McDonald’s uh in their video how long have we been going 300 oh wait no three hours three hours and 43 minutes oh almost four hour mark almost and zero progress on the beacons it’s

Like in between these two points so it’s like here ah why is it always a water cave this isn’t a struggled doesn’t look very stronghold dude is it mate find diamonds down there I’m just looking around the cave to see if there’s any signs of stronghold well

Maybe we should go like up to the surface and dig down another time okay well back up there we came down uh yeah if you can find it oh yes I found it yeah I found like yes I found it uh it’s like why level 20. come on we

Found the stronghold it actually exists oh we should take the bookcases uh yeah we’re idiots yeah we’ll take two books cases all right now let’s not waste any more time and let’s go yeah this way put the room but the question is how many eyes does it have yeah I dug this

Way I don’t know why what oh the end of this hallway oh that’s not cool it’s like a massive oh two eyes do we do we have enough oh okay I’ve got eight I’ve got two yes [Laughter] get ready all right we got this come on we need to kill this dragon

Are we far from the top of the thingy do you think how far into the surface don’t look at Enderman stop breaking the things oh yes got it got that one first try oh careful for his uh breath no I just looked at the Enderman where’s

The Enderman I need to kill all right here he is oh it just keeps running into the water and teleport wait we should create an Enderman uh Safe House die let’s go all right killed him come on I fired a shot yes we got it I think nice I think I did

Very nice nice oh good job you’ve done decent damage all right hit him with booze or butter in him die that’s good careful what’s it [Applause] yes now let’s get under oh my God Hallelujah uh unlike only like four Hearts down and City time let’s go oh my God there’s a ship already

Ah Enderman Enderman Enderman all ideas of experience in bed Wars has brought us to this moment I might just uh end a pearl up do you have one all right ender pearl up to one of the safer bits okay I’m gonna end the pill to that second bridge like up there

Okay watch out the show who’s gonna hit you oh there is a lot of shockers oh my God I’m getting battered oh it’s a diamond chest plate nice nice oh my shield break oh my God oh my God I’m really in trouble we need to kill these guys in

Here before they kill us I’m gonna put the dragon egg in the Ender Chest because just takes up space otherwise and if we need it well we don’t need it okay uh I’m gonna make us some Shields do you need a new shield on it uh uh can

You make me one because mine’s not broken yet but I’ll need one soon okay wait I might I might make Ashoka bot and put loads of stuff in it oh that’s smart yeah do it you have more than enough for one I’ve only got two oh I’ve got I’ve got

He uh one special oh never mind I don’t think I’ve ever like climbed up this part I’ve always just got hit by a shulker we’re going across yeah yeah got the Electra what the hell how did you do that come forward I’m gonna die I’m gonna die no don’t die

Why did you get hit I got here like four times actually really there get on it use your water use your water go on you got it yeah I appeared a bit now nice here’s this oh you can keep uh you can just put that on

Well you can have the chest plate but can I have the sword yeah you have that and I have and then you give me no I’m more worried about you dying there because I’ve got the uh no I’ve got the god Apple wow in the sword come on give me the sword yeah

Just give me the silence no it’s my sword yeah the Chesapeake but you’re worse at PVP no you’re about so I never saw it you need better armor but right now we’ve got a bit of diamonds but hopefully we can get full diamond and they’ll be easier to lose and I say we

Don’t even waste the netherite on getting another right armor this time yeah maybe not well depending on how lucky you are getting but we need all the another right we can get get an Ender pill well you’re waiting for me to bridge what is that oh no oh I did it

You didn’t do it did you yeah okay I think we’ve been doing it for just under five hours now yeah we’re about one-fifth of the way there oh my God there’s a boat I left my water over there oh uh well there’s a big but I should go

Get it it’s that boat the one we’ve already been to uh no it’s a new one I think if I can get you water what’d you think before we do this one yeah just in case I put a time stamp of this time in the video as well oh yeah

Hello people you have just been time stamped uh This Is Us at five hours in and we’re starting to be tired yes but we are about to attack this end City oh my God no oh my God no no no you’re gonna die that’s just four billion of them

Four billion yeah this might be time so you could go there for I think three but there’s so many I’m gonna do it I’m doing it you got feed yeah but there’s so many oh my God I don’t think it’s worth you coming up here because I can grab everything yeah

It’s only iron stuff oh my God it’s not worth it I just use the god apple pie and stuff I could probably Glide to the island wait I am glad into the island look at the island oh all the way over there okay well yeah another elytra we need to look up where

The next uh thing is going to be we’re gonna have to bridge all the way to there I guess could Bridge from there to there and then from there to there that might be better actually so for that we’re gonna need to eat a lot of blocks I would like

To be full diamond have some diamond tools and then we can go back and start on the iron farm then we’ll get training for emeralds and we should be able to get the iron and emerald Beacon ticked off at a similar time then we’ll go from there to Gold

Hopefully then we’ll go for diamonds have a nice little strip mining session have a race between me and Gamers to for a one hour strip mining session who can get the most diamonds and from there it’s all about near the right mining also I am really excited to do that

Podcast with Gamers I think it’ll be so cool just to have like our own podcast uh so like we said earlier make sure you comment suggestions for the podcast like names for the podcast down below because we don’t really know what to call it but I am really excited to do it

And let us know if it is something you’d be excited to see because I don’t really see many like Minecraft podcasts oh my God Abridged over here oh do you want your Elijah oh yeah probably a good idea okay are you ready for this mm-hmm I’m gonna end the pill up

Okay I’m gonna get him from the bottom oh protection two and breaking three helmet oh nice since seven diamonds nice oh what feather falling for and beats let’s go well there’s another loot room let me come up oh no please don’t if it goes in the void

Oh my God oh my God that’s the yearly done no we’ve made like decent progress now we’ve got like diamonds and stuff yeah I’m gonna put my actual chest plate back on though that I’m safe oh yeah got full diamond have you yeah so now I need Villages you’ve got further oh wait

They’re falling four boots oh yeah oh we’ve got the little cutscene I just skipped it straight away after all that hard anybody got time for that let’s do this stuff in stuff we should probably start at cow Farm or something yeah that’s uh get on that and a little Wheat Farm yeah definitely

A big Wheat Farm uh but we’ll need to start that in spawn so it always grows does that work crops as well pretty sure Google I’ll Google it plants including crops mushrooms do not grow oh well that’s good whoa Build It Build It by a base then

Yeah we can have this entire Island over here as crops it’s mainly Sunday and gravel okay we’ll have this bit over here I’m gonna trading hooks up yeah I’m gonna have to get a little trading Hut We’re not gonna build a horse let’s get a trading fence with villages

Beyond the fence yeah this challenge is not about building at all it’s about building beacons so it’s kind of about building but not really um just going on a little expedition to see where this Village is because I think it’s right close to us this Village looks kind of cool but I

Don’t think it’s the kind of village where you’d have we all got bread and potatoes so they need beds in the iron farm yeah okay I’m gonna grab three beds then I don’t need six beds all together I’ve got three I’ll see if I can grab the

Rest we could do so many variations of the 24 hour challenge couldn’t we yeah literally every challenge that there ever is in Minecraft you could just do it in the 24 hour format I’ve never seen someone spending a hundred days trying to get all beacons there I think it’s because it’s probably

Impossible but yeah we will try our best all right I’m bringing one back I’ve got about four beds I think okay smell the glass melt glass come on guys what’s our base quotes with uh minus five six three uh 112. okay where are we building it let’s go

In this world yeah right near where our chicken is but you can just swim around I think we need to work out where the closest bit of the spawn chunks is to us all right can you go to spawn and like see where the nearest like spawn trunk

To us is what is the exact spawn there oh my God creeper hey where is the exact spot oh the exact spawn is like where that down bit of uh Cobblestone uh Stoners wait I’ll take you to the Village so we can both get a villager 17 hours and 50 to go or

Whatever wait that means we’ve done six hours but like this quarter of an hour of the time has gone quicker than the first time we did the first quarter yeah definitely we’ve done more different things I think if you do something for too long it takes it drains you hello yeah let’s go

Are there anyways Villages yeah I can’t find any oh no what not that way you idiot the wrong way it’s the wrong way mate iron Farm building time let’s do this Mr villager every now and then I’m trying to say something energetic so it can go in the cut but the cut down

Oh yeah I thought about that okay so we’re like a quarter of the way in we haven’t got a single people uh but we are making more progress now yeah once we get this iron farm set up then we can start trading oh I’m gonna set up the

Farm our base and whilst I’m doing that you can start building the farm because you got the three villages all right these guys can make friends they probably already know each other they’re all from the same Village yeah they’re like what the hell’s happened to us why

Are we just left in boats in the middle of the ocean yeah have fun guys see ya we’re going to sleep we’re gonna go sleep wait I’ve got better sleep again we can just sleep here we can just leave the beds here because we need them we

Need to get sheep as well but that’s kind of late again but yeah get to build it up I feel like having this uh really bright setting on is so easy because I can see everything well it’s like you’re not even in a cave yeah especially like daylight

Did you bring a bed with you or not uh uh no Claudio but I do have Redstone what did you do while you were signing all of those postings uh watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine I haven’t sold all of them yet so guys if you want the limited edition lockdown

Live poster there is still some left and they’ve literally I should have probably said this earlier in the episode God damn it but basically use the link in the description uh to buy it and I might put a discount code on it if you guys really want it I’m trying to

Think of one oh my God I just saved my life what a creeper I heard a creeper like land behind me I did a 180 grabs my shield and it exploded me away oh my God I just clutched up but also nearly died like the Matrix wait we need name tags

How the hell do we do that oh we need to like get names can we drop them items uh yeah we can give them armor I need red stain I’ve got it I’m coming back uh should I transfer like transport more villagers uh yeah you heat in uh start bed

Okay we only need six tail and we got three I can only see one do they this is a green villager should I not bring him no he didn’t bring him we don’t have any more let me uh I don’t see any we might need to breed the villages okay I need more

Caffeine so are you ready guys drum roll please can you do a drum rolling on your desk can you hear that I can hear it through the wall but not in the Discord but let’s go did you hear the this another Diet Coke wait there’s a village right here what

Literally the other side of this mountain oh my God there’s so many villages and loads of wheat oh let’s go oh wait don’t get the crops if you haven’t if you have no yeah all right I got Fortune oh all this hey all these hay bales got

Another friend for you guys I’m gonna Exile this um green one because we don’t want to use it just leaving that green guy alone I have no friends yeah literally iron Farms coming together love to see it mm-hmm I am going to go and farm loads of stuff

Zombie where are you we need you to be a zombie in the iron form I got two zombies one of them’s good and one of them’s bad oh I see ya I am coming with the helmet Elder bad one let me clear them up do everyone people used to think well we

Used to think as well I took the helmet flowers made you uh made zombies game let’s go yeah yeah you remember that yeah I remember that yeah you get rid of that oh no look what oh zombies have turned a drone turned up one of our villagers into a oh next

At least I only got one wait I’m gonna peel her up next to him it’s not the right hole oh get in that hole which hole doesn’t need to be in oh it needs to be on the Piston the zombies respond to anything oh wait why don’t we put him in a boat

No because uh Neil just never ending it’ll work we’ll get him in a smaller enclosure and then he’ll fall in the hole he might suffocate the best we gotta take wait I’m stuck this is not hitting me but you’re a light trying to try and fly out

Oh they have it with me can you drop him yours they did zombie will pick up imagine if he did wait I can just break these Connor yeah then break the bait yes let’s go are these dirt things here I’m going to be here no he’s in that’s cool the farmer’s almost working

We just need to get the villagers in there let’s go will they be detected if it’s open like that yeah they must be green they must be they’ll still be detected if it’s closed okay all right I’m gonna do them all at the same time and hopefully they all just

Run it okay let me test it I’ll Village it up the staircase not to land yes I think he’s found a job go on you can do it you’re nearly there let’s go he’s in come on last villager you can do it good good job

You know where it is go on the Block get on the Block nice now go no why would you go this way yeah and a bit of struggle there it’s an idiot it should start do nine guns now come on please and go Loops in a minute

I’ll say because it’ll take a while to warm enough or something I think oh wait I never put lava in it oh yeah sick ah what I just fell over there all right I put the lava in no Iron Golems yeah wait let’s just stand there for a

Minute and let and see if it works but I want to give our Villages a chance to sleep I think that’s why it’s not working because they have to have slept at least once oh well they’re not going to sleep with a zombie in there are they

No they will they’ll go to sleep for a split a second that’s why the that’s why the Piston goes up and down it gives them a chance to sleep you sure the repeat is on the right certain yeah in a minute they’ll get to sleep come on villagers please oh yes they’re sleeping

Oh yes it’s working is it let’s go we did it yay now we get 300 an hour forever all right that’s the first step to our Beacon and we’re only like pretty much eight hours in nearly uh I’m gonna go get some more villagers you okay I’ll finish building this wait

To be honest even with one Farm we’d get it in five hours yeah but this really might as well let’s make it two and a half hours took a million skeletons everywhere Ironfall I’m going to go kill oh my God there’s four of them oh there’s five of them

Crook Bruce came to die wait I want to start a World War a skeleton World War yes here it is three three it’s a three-way fight yes push him we are like a bullying no you’re pushing him the wrong way yes he instant bed he hasn’t changed his job

Yet who’s this thing yeah hey now we have to wait for them to leave why is that one guy just not getting sleep bro doesn’t want to sleep they’re too much caffeine froze us it’s working we are now embarking on the retreat carrot Quest we need we must find the singular carrot

In all of the land oh I found another shipwreck a shrimp wreck I found a shrimp rack I have found a strip wreck let’s see what it entertains did you how many chests did you leave oh my god well not doing good they die where’s my oh my God it’s the surface

Oh there we go wait our render distance is still like really high and we’re still not lagging yeah it’s pretty cool pretty cool oh oh my God Trident guy we’re done with the iron Farms we can just leave them yeah all right nice okay basically secured the iron Beacon already yeah no

All we need is the actual beacony bit yeah now it’s on to Foxton on Emerald basically once we get the carrot Farm fully set up in the trading Hall setup then we can let the carrots grow and stuff I really think we don’t need to do

Like a trading haul like with like ankle bitter and stuff I think yeah we do we do because if we have enough carrots then it’s not the limited factor is how many trades we can do not the amount of carrots neighbor I’ve literally tried doing that before hmm and

It’s so easy because like think like how many carrots do you trade or one Emerald what 21. yeah so you need to put a farm that’s 21 times bigger than you would do it the other way yeah but you also need loads more time to like cure and

Do them yeah but it takes longer to make it 21 times bigger Farm but the thing is you can’t like you could use like five stacks of carrots on The Villages or you could use like two shulker boxes of carrots how many animals we need yeah we need a thousand six hundred

Which is not that many but it doesn’t take that much longer to cure the vehicle it does it’s gonna take us like two hours I think we should cure them uh how about no no we won’t have beat a big enough what do we need to kill them uh I have

The spider it’s not even that though it’s the Bloody Zombie it never works and then it’s always oh I really can’t I really don’t want to do it I like can’t do it I’m gonna focus on getting us billions of potatoes we won’t even need to like

Worry about ever running out of potatoes the thing how many emeralds do we need uh 1 600 so it’s not even that much 1600 okay 1 600 times 20. one thousand six hundred we need thirty two thousand characters we need 500 stacks of carrot of potatoes that’s not hard to get

Yeah I just found nine carrots with Fortune three and got 45 so 500. you get you get about five per one you farm so we need 500 stacks of carrots so we actually need 50 stacks of clicked uh tears well 50 stacks of collect potatoes 50 times 64. that’s still three thousand

Two hundred clicks where I think he’s gonna need yeah that’s all right it’s a gray do you focus on getting the villagers I’ll do the carrots I’m just trying to quickly do carrots great uh potatoes even 20 minutes 20 minutes yeah 200. they say we added 100 by 100 Farm

We need the night times for bones so we add that’s a 10 000. yeah yeah so we had a 10 by 10 Farm we’re gonna have one it’s 100. 00 that’s 32 for the Harvest so I think it’s a few times that by 20 minutes 640 minutes divide that by 60. that’s

Like that’s just over 20.5 hours that would be hard yeah but we’re not gonna have just a hundred well I’ve already got like 50 of them grown and I’d do it like in two minutes trust me it’ll be fine just worry about getting enough villagers because that’s going to

Be the bottleneck not the price we could literally cure to we need to breed the villagers that’s what we need we need more villages I’ll go get a few more Villages I’ll get us sorry I’ll make it so we have four Villages yeah we need a lot of villages

Because they don’t even trade that much I could probably get like 20 at best emeralds per trade so we need a lot of it bloody Villages wait let’s like guess random names of people watching this video Jeremy what are you doing Jeremiah what are you doing watching this video Donald

How dare you watch this video Jeremiah the Third please why are you watching this video Rupert what are you doing we need to get um as many of those guys with composter jobs like with potatoes should I start doing that uh yeah I can handle the potato farm business when we

Get bored of like doing uh potatoes and emeralds we should uh go get where the skulls okay yeah next night time can we just go out and kill loads of skeletons yeah I’ll use the Looting two sword as well oh my God baby zombies Gonna Knock You into them

I wasn’t that many killer watch out for creepers behind you you’re backing up to the boat okay Ah it’s a zombie babies that’s cool oh my God all right how’s the potatoes game very good have we locked any trades in yet uh no should we just fix on like getting the numbers up a bit they should be like exponentially growing oh there’s a cat

I’ll go kill some fish and try and tame it come on you stupid cat stupid cat yes let’s go you can be called kamantha our Farm’s like completely full of potatoes now I think we need a bigger Farm still there I think we’ve got uh I’d say we’ve got about a thousand yeah

We do and you get about 8 000 per Harvest that means no you don’t get eight per potato I was using your shovel and I was getting like four or five most of the time no I get eight sometimes sometimes even three no way you ever get three mm-hmm

Well I reckon it’s over a thousand what is 26 times 35 910 so you know I got a thousand yet we’ve worked out that we need that we have about 13 hours and 17 minutes left something along that lines oh I know where my cut is it’s in this boot what the hell

Oh my God I can’t Venus is too many I wonder if like how many views it’s going to get on my second Channel probably like one like one View nugget I thought about yo you have like I don’t know how many views my second Channel got today I don’t even I’m not

Even logged into it I’ve got 66 potatoes emeralds so we are making progress I’ve got two blocks and 11 emeralds real I say we um we make chest for each each uh Beacon wait I’m gonna get a texture pack that makes it so crops are grown when they look like they are green

Or something what I’m tired hopefully it doesn’t like make it really oh my God it’s really annoying yeah oh my God they’re like glowing Well they’re really badly yeah like it like flashes bright oh my God well in the same menu it’s really cool thing like it shows you exactly which ones okay I’ve got another one that might work another one oh my God there’s like little like exclamation marks everywhere that make it look like

So I can see when they’re all fully green oh my God I can’t speak I thought you can’t speak too tired and this kills brain cells doing this ah yeah it definitely does this texture packs so much better than the blinking one that Nelly gave me a stroke this is a

Bit of a grind to get all these blocks you know told you we should Feel The Villages no this will be 10 times easier it won’t show them you’re not running out of Trades you’ve run out of Tears aren’t you me I told you we should kill them

We should there’s literally every single one still got full trades how are we gonna cure them we’re dead I’m golden apples we don’t have weakness I’m too tired to think how to do it weakness patience all you need is tremendous and it’s spider eye that’s a normal wow just thought yeah say

We should do it no we’ve only got a good zombie in there I’ll start with and that you can keep dinner oh but then I gotta refund them as well we’re halfway through the challenge I’ve got no beacons and we’ve got no beacons and we’ve made it about

10 10 15 of the way his weakness potion the one you don’t need nether awards for it’s one of them you don’t need them for oh okay yeah get in bed and look out wait how many diamonds do you reckon you can get in an hour how many diamonds

Of diamonds two stacks of domino yeah okay and then you get like 14 which is two and a half so that means you can get like five in an hour so we need to do that for at least three hours oh my God I got Fortune three on a

On a hiccups yeah do we have enough golden apples to cure everything I’ve got 13. let’s see how many there are ah what how is our nine going over it well there’s another iron gun anyway yeah but if they do oh yeah okay um no no he’s doing it no no no

Oh he killed me is that great on me yellow you kill him Larry’s killed not Villages no yeah try and kill me no no no no villages oh my God he’s such a good protector isn’t it another one John’s in yeah I need to get out I’m gonna get killed this iron going

Before it starts doing something stupid like that can you hit him you can hit him because he’s after me look I think you can just hit him you won’t be able to get him from that high you have to get down what are you doing just hit him he’s

After me so he won’t attack you on it oh I almost died like instantly why have you got your Elijah on oh my God such an idiot walking around a hardcore I didn’t think he would but you got your lights on what you did oh my God there’s so many exclamation marks here

That’s good so we’ll loaded up we could basically harvest the entire thing I spam all these with golden apples Get more why they’re not they’re ready they might not be weaknessed so just try another one yeah whatever you do don’t call them Okay we’re gonna have to make sure we get them upgrade on us for when they change yeah we can just stand next to it I was standing over here just in case will this be down to about like eight potatoes per trade no I reckon like 16. oh no water water oh no

It is water quick four loads of wood no no we’re so stupid so they can’t hurt each other we need to get rid of that bullet I’m gonna get rid of it okay you see every now and then they want to go Villages I just keep smashing my head

Into the wool oh that’s stupid I was like 12 or something wait what what’d they go down to honey yeah I thought I told you it wouldn’t worth it that’s like all our gold oh we gotta do it again we don’t have enough gold yeah we’ll get more gold we need to stop

Making some burgers with the beacons though I mean we’ve probably got a decent amount of iron though yeah we probably more than halfway to the iron one yeah well we’ve done all the work for behind like it’s it’s done basically it’s apart from the actual Beacon it’s

Just a time that we need to wait but we can just do other stuff oh my God how long do you think we’ve been farming potatoes for just like years potatoes only like two avatars of fatigue you know it’s long when you measure how long you’ve been doing something

So this video is about what I don’t know seven avatars yeah well we need to get more gold now oh yeah so loads of potatoes we’ve got two stacks and eleven well but I think we should save them okay killed him again yeah okay it’s like half a double chest we need more

Weakness we’ve got one weakness potion all right that should do we can group them all together okay um let’s go get old oh my why is my screen gone all orange oh wait I’m in the nether it’s gonna be all worth it we’re gonna get all the beacons I just

Wanna go back to sleep and then never wake up again I’d like to wake up but I’d like to go to sleep I will walk 500 miles an hour Yeah yeah we’re definitely gonna make need to make some sort of gold Farm wait how much gold have you got 33 kind of faster than we get emeralds Pigman just came up to me and said hit me please what accent do you think a pigland would have uh like Russian or something How much gold do you have 10 and a half stacks of nuggets okay we should have enough oh find some diamonds and like horse armor and stuff in the chest um I’m gonna go check on the iron and then bring back whatever we got they should

Almost have enough for a beacon I really hope we’ve got enough for a beacon that’ll be cool because I feel like we need like something to lift our Spirits at the moment come on we need two stacks and 36. how many iron blocks do we have 11. iron blocks yeah what we’ve already

Got two stacks and eleven yeah in the chest at home of blocks yeah what the hell I went and collected it like 20 minutes or more again oh really a little bit a little bit bloody hell I thought I was gonna get all of it there’s uh just only two stacks and 47

Yeah the six iron at the other one come on you can do it video it’s half five now in the morning and we’re still playing we still got 11 hours to go oh my God oh my God I’m not even how are we gonna do this

This is the territory now where it gets really hard this is where it separates the men from the boys you learn it separates the mentally deranged from the scene um slightly less mentally doing I was walking really slow then I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and then I

Realized I haven’t eaten and they just yeah people didn’t realize they’re like why am I so slick oh I’m probably dying of hunger if you’ve been dying of hunger hit I’m not really uh yeah quite a lot probably not as bad as being like being a life thing I think it’s a different

Kind of pain all right are you ready to celebrate All right what in 30 seconds it says there will be uh 13 hours done 11 hours to go oh and we haven’t got a single Beacon yet we need to once we get the eye in and maybe once we get the

Emerald we should go into The Nether and kill Willa skeletons I think we should make the gold Farm first so it can be running while we’re doing that I think it’ll run well if we put a Chong next to it it will run worse rates but it’ll

Still be running oh 11 hours let’s go yes oh my god oh this guy looks nice this is nice to look at sit back and oh what the hell it just hurt my eyes to look outside in real life I just closed my ass for a minute no don’t do that I’m

Dead I’ve got like five eyelashes in my eye it’s weird how we’re like in a game right now there is someone controlling us and it’s just like a simulation like Minecraft yeah because we’re playing a game like these are probably real people like this is probably a real person I am a real

Person in that van life’s having a mental breakdown what are we doing now the zombie we need to find a zombie can be a drone sir I’ve left a cow in a boat for like this entire game I found a zombie here we’re getting the zombie in there there we go

All right now have fun this is so much easier than doing like the other way every time we do this challenge we learn like a new way of doing something that will help us even though we should have already known it because nothing ever makes us not tired

He’s doing it they’re doing it they’re killing the llamas yes infect them all we need cheaper emeralds oh what am I doing with my life hey Minecraft 11 hours straight so far oh wait no 13 hours straight oh my God that’s worse like dead on the bed or

Something I’m gonna do it okay yeah steal them all done let’s go what are their trades 13 14. yeah should we leave it at that yeah that’s right so we’ve got like 10 hours and 45 minutes left do you think by 10 hours we will be able to get all the emeralds uh

Yeah so we’ve got 45 minutes to go with the emeralds if we keep sleeping and stuff then definitely I’m so tired just block out the tiredness you’re actually having fun we’ve got a stuff and two animal blocks wow that’s crazy oh wait that’s pretty good so we’ve got

66.64. so like 40 I really need the toilets so I’m gonna light myself up with iron blocks wait I actually need like a considerable toilet so I’ll be back inside everything or every exaggerating I’ll tired this makes you try and pull Garland leap for 24 hours

Try and think of stuff to actually save 24 hours while playing Minecraft and thinking what to play on Minecraft staying away for 24 hours is a lot easier than recording a video for 24 hours it’s the amount of capacity that it takes to keep talking and thinking what to say and

Thinking of what to do in the game and trying not to die and everything hello Gamers hello I was thinking do you know what this is what it’s short-term pain for long-term gain also can you mind me out of this thing because I don’t pick up my mind

How many gold iron blocks you have uh nine more I’m in the chest oh we’ve gone now so oh that’s good uh his potatoes I don’t know if we have it if we need to cure them one more time because I’ve just traded them like two inventories

For the potatoes and I got 11 blocks all right should we just do it yeah and it’s about it’s going night so we can easily do it for me if if if if if a villager or we can get golden carrots off in there as well oh that’s it that’s cool

You know with the beacons we could get like every next Beacon to get to one layer short it could do that’s our secondary goal if we you can’t manage to the main goal yeah we need to get hurrying up we could make the the iron one bigger than a normal Beacon buy one

Layer then the emerald one’s a normal weekend gold ones one one smaller diamonds one small and another right it’s one smaller all right it’s just three by three that’s more realistic if we were doing just 24 hours and not 24 hours straight I reckon we could uh maybe get all the beacons full

Apart from nether right yeah so we’ll give out a best try the emerald is mainly the second easiest one I know I reckon it’s not that easy though no no they’re easy to be honest just having the iron even the iron was kind of hard to get like the villagers over well do

You reckon their trades will be there with 13 before this uh I reckon like seven more like seven seven that’s cool nine emeralds first that’s only one wheat as well one wheat for an emerald yeah that’s really good 10 hours and eight minutes come on we got this we need to get in

The house sheep no how much did it kill I killed later then what the hell I’ve got two stacks of mutton oh my God it’s going and actually murdered leads two and a half stacks online to be fair it is like walkable in right over here they’re escaping

No how uh I may have looked them up no they’re actually all Escape The Great Escape all right all these sheep are dead yeah if you tried it no don’t hit me up less than 10 hours left let’s go oh we’ve got two stacks let’s

Go wait how much do you need more than two stacks well I’ll trade whatever days you have now Technic blade would definitely be proud of the amount of potatoes we farmed in a period of time my face is like I’ve got like a double straight crave side of my face yeah oh

15 14 more blocks let’s go so we only need 22 more blocks of emeralds yeah we’re all we’ve easily done this then I was enjoying it up until about the eight hour mark yeah it’s good to have more potatoes more emeralds more potatoes more emeralds more potatoes more emeralds

Ah no sleep my eyes literally twitching right bro it’s bugging 9 50. oh my God it looks so good seeing one digit of hours we’ll have time there yeah oh I’ve got enough let’s go come on come on I want to see it I want to see it I want to see

It ready yep and let’s go put the redstone torch on let’s go second Beaker complete Well we’d have the beacons yet but we got all the blocks oh oh I broke the rest in the torch let’s go still yeah it’s the fashion I want to see

Another potato in my life I know I hate potatoes I’m never farming potatoes ever again literally rip the Isis carrots are the best there’s the worst I’m taking the stupid texture pack off now yes it’s gone no more exclamation marks but the next thing the gold one all we need to

Do to make a big farm and take tins just standing at it here For 20 minutes oh if we make a good Old Farm then we would only have to AFK at it for like an hour in total yeah but we can’t make we’re not making a really complicated good one Okay so we’ve got the plan we know what uh gold Farm we’re gonna build

Okay so they dropped down it’s just a turtle egg oh wait what and you don’t even have to kill him item required oh we need a lot of sand yeah you don’t even have to kill them we need a lot of sand and a lot of magma and some

Scaffolding which we don’t have we don’t need the scaffolding oh is that just for building that’s for just for going up to the top come on I can I think we can do it we got this ah I’m having a heart attack all right so we got a plan it’s

To go to the jungle and get some bamboo and also Vines so I’ve got the chords for what I think is the jungle because it says it’s jungle temple oh my computer All right let’s get going we haven’t left this zoning no we haven’t guess what level I am or 69. nice all right so we’ve got like nine hours 36 left something like that okay and we can make this Farm within an hour and then within two hours well done the

Gold one and then we’ll start diamond mining which will hopefully take three hours yeah and then we’ll have the rest to spend on nethera again as much as we can yeah and we can use the gold Farm to get gold also we do need to

Um oh we need to get the best yeah so I say we do the gold one fight a few Withers then start diamond mining oh yeah because we’re doing the gold farm and then one of us can AFK that well if one of us gets where this goes and then

We’ll see what yeah but I say we get three schools then Swap and three schools and Swap and then three schools and stuff all right I think we might have a chance of actually getting at least all the beacons in some way yeah we just gotta stay focused even though

We are massively sleep deprived that’s a hundred percent the biggest challenge in this challenge not getting the beacons literally that’ll be like a piece of cake if you won’t say tired yeah it might still be a challenge to do it in the time limit though but well

Obviously it would be for the not the right one but I’m not I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to do it for another hour yeah like if you’re spending 24 hours two of you know the right mining I’m pretty sure it’s still unlikely for you to be able to get that much yeah

Especially starting from scratch with nothing Definitely Maybe if you had a full working gunpowder farm and everything I can say did you angle he’s got four new games it’s going gear divides and then we go home again hopefully we can get bamboo as well miles jungle is probably a bamboo if

It’s even a jungle yeah it’s a big jungle it’s gonna have bamboo all inside then we have to kill this guy with a big big surprise we’re gonna get a bamboo we’re just kind of making our own design and hoping it works so I mean worst case

Scenario will just revert it back to his we just have to make the drop slightly less and we also have to make it so they all collect into one point did you get bam I mean uh thingies oh you’ve got 51 Vines today Okay we got all the resources that we need from there yes now we need to go craft them up Let it copyright let it copyright let it copyright Let It Be cleans buy a music company and they will take all the revenue I can’t think of any more words all right um what are we doing all right we need string to craft up the scaffolding let me look at the list of things that we need 16 seconds 18 stacks of glass where I’m gonna go purchase Turtles we need a

Turtle egg oh bloody hell we do should we do another one of those things right yeah we’re still watching now comment this down below oh yeah uh do you think comments yeah comment wet noodle um comment the wet noodle has landed and like let’s try and confuse as many

People as possible the wet noodle has landed with a winky face oh yeah oh my God that’s that sucks that’s too weird all right okay do it though and we’ll try our best to heart every every single comment that sets that why did we even tell him to say the first uh

Jiggly Panda I think yeah so if you say both of them try and do it in the same com as you know do them in separate comments but if we see both of them then you get like a double heart All right guys never attempt this challenge why did we do it again because we have mental disorders gets a billion views oh my God that’ll be crazy can we just started singing a billion different songs yeah thank you guys uh for watching if you’ve made it this far video is not over because

There’s no more hours but uh thanks for watching this would not be possible without you very true but there’ll be no point in it at all yes oh oh I found me some turtles I like turtles I like turtles too oh I got two um I also really need a toilet so I’ll

Be back in a sec sure you don’t want to put any more eggs down to do with a few more eggs you don’t want to put more eggs I don’t know where I should break it now or why I mean I need one extra time got it we have a

Favorite third of the challenge left and we’ve completed two-fifths of it and we killed the Ender Dragon and started from scratch so I feel like we can easily get the gold one done in time and we hope he will get the diamond one done now the right one I didn’t know what’s gonna

Happen but we’ll give it a go I just want to relax and never play Minecraft ever again how’s it going hey I’m just smiling the glass I got the egg oh nice let me see what other blocks we needed got the carpets got a tear there got

Scaffolding and we got one stack of bricks or building rocks yeah uh that’s everything now we just need the magma ready to go get it yeah remember to bring fire resistance where do you find the magma blocks it’s just all around like the lava they’re about bringing my electric dirty

Locked down there I’ve already got four Stacks oh my God this Van’s massive I’ve got like uh five Stacks it is like one of the easiest like blocks to get loads off one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven step yeah we got enough then first yeah

I thought it was gonna take ages it was like so long ago now that we were fading with that piglet oh my God yeah there we go loads of materials easy sleep okay eight hours and 27 minutes left okay uh let’s go build it it needs to be

Above a red biome I think oh another wasteland’s way are we gonna get on top of it we need uh obsidian let’s we make some how many dander pills we need to go get ender pearls in the nether so we need to find a love like basically

Oh there’s one over here isn’t it I think so but is it lava lake has to be the red violet yeah this looks uh lava leaky coming up words have to be lovely because stuff doesn’t spawn uh yeah I’d say we just go up a bit up here right it

Might really kill the rates so we want to just see if this what happened oh my God that was not good yeah I just landed on the ledge I didn’t like black clutch just lucky there was a ledge there I would have used it oh I

Think I found a place to give up yeah how’d you do just go into the thing and three aim it at the corner and then three okay everyone about it yeah should I build the portal that over here or something yeah what if we go through this portal

And it takes us back underneath will it yeah it took his serve around the place and then gave back for you they take you back up here I’m gonna take you below okay good yeah okay put your choker down everywhere all right now we just followed the tutorial what

Too hot oh my God how did you eat dinner I don’t know thinking that my lucozade bottle is like a middle-aged man looking at me you’re weird it didn’t work the gas breathing didn’t work does it blow up how fast yeah oh bloody oh Oh please tell me he’s not going to shoot the scaffolding oh my God I could like basically reach him oh that was actually my eye keeps twitching you know when you’re like your eyelid Twitches hmm it keeps that fluttering so it’s really annoying oh we can have enough glass how much do you

Have 46 is that it yeah I’ve only got like not even a stack left I got 16. this is nowhere near enough yeah what the hell oh that’s so annoying all right so we’re gonna have to go all the way back do we need it to be gasproofing yeah wait

Oh my God oh my God I think we’ve done it wrong how was the glass man to go over the chest oh I’m re-watching it oh no oh no yeah it was oh my God that’s why we didn’t have enough glass oh my god oh he reads in it or not we

Have to read it or did you just get more glass bro no it’s camera glass okay oh this is good oh that’s how I need wrong [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my God we’re Mars whips are we minus two thousand we can’t get miles oh this is gonna take ages oh the road again wait so every time we want to go to this Farm we’ve got to go all the way to here yeah oh sick ah what the

Hell oh just get an ender pearl and go for it that is definitely a better way to do it um otherwise it’s got break bedrock not too hard it’ll kill us wait let’s get some sun I’m gonna get some sand here cooking why don’t we just smell it here and then

Look at this tree it’s a completely engulfed by leaves it’s just like one pole this is a ball of leaves yeah wooden stick in the middle oh I can’t believe well that’s what happens when you’re tired why is this circle not lining up properly maybe because we

Built the entire thing wrong come on we want to get our gold Beacon only got seven hours 22 left oh we need to get getting this we could bring this stuff there and smell it if we need it the thumb would be spawning there’s a gas

And stuff how much glass have you got 11. oh great I gotta stop oh my God that’s a lot of mobs that’s a lot of mobs that’s a lot of tekkens look at all those mobs what what’s the thing do some impressions of things from Minecon how much

Dedicated Wham can have the silver we have to server how many of you have autism and how has it helped you in your modern career and then they’ll look at each other like um and then he’s like don’t all speak it once and then you’ll go well we’re gonna refuse that question

This is set up here we go you’ve been surrounded us and a witch a witch you’re right by a witch yeah all right come on we have to go quickly oh the fuels run out I’m taking the glass get on quick oh he puts Linus on me what’s she

Oh they go go go go go whoever they are I don’t like them well they are they’ve got fat nose try and do a drive by and get on your boots slow down a bit where oh that’s so cool I know so this is if you start your vote

Okay my bit oh my god oh our shocker things are just here because we built it wrong we’re just left in there do you have silk touch yeah go ahead break all the glass why because we need to meet the club oh wait yeah but no because it

Won’t work otherwise but the but there’s no let’s do it are we really building the entire thing oh that’s not gonna collect the chests oh yeah uh just move the glass forward and we’ll meet up we’re gonna have to do something we can’t very good oh you can’t just leave the club

They never come on the chest I love it if they do they could say well oh my God here we come Beacon we can’t right oh what are we done oh no oh no we didn’t even well if we’re breaking of the glass why did we just go and get more glasses

No let’s just go up to the top and see what’s going on and see how much lands on the chest why is everything we do like Scott it’s with a professional Minecraft the funny thing is we literally are meant to be professional Minecraft okay well we’re not like professionals

Say because that you’re like oh should we just follow the easy one it’ll be easier ain’t it they were like why is it sick I’m not weird oh stupid tutorial oh my God oh my God what is the tutorial so bad oh my God just make a tutorial properly idiot

I can’t believe we did that oh my God Oh wait no oh wait no oh yeah he did make it obvious oh I nearly crushed the turtle though he didn’t do that that fell on it oh look at them again let’s go let’s see oh wait why this is slay no this is not good they’re coming

From that side oh they fell on the chest wow it is fast let’s go we might actually yeah gold Beacon this isn’t a hell of a far yeah and it’s like the least like efficient Farm because it doesn’t get like one-fifth of the drops yeah news oh my god I’ve almost dying

How did you fall off scaffolding this whole Space yeah you pushed me I didn’t it feels like you did it’s kind of like an illusion going straight up okay now we’ve fully everything’s like spawn proof to lever yeah so this is the full rate to the farm all right surely if every single

One of them gives us a nugget we should be getting loads yeah we should be uh and only from One Direction do we like not get something like these ones some of them land on the chest but not all of them do this is what happens when you

Try and build a farm on like after being awake for how long how long we’ve been awake for oh 24 hours now yeah over 25 hours we could probably AFK this for a bit and see how it does the time update we are under seven hours to go yes oh yes that’s good

Lose your video looks really cool everyone should watch that yeah but it’s terrible should you check the farm oh my God Oh let’s just see how much this actually is is this enough to guess anywhere in there I think I don’t think it is because we could have done way more than that but just mine it yeah you might have messed up we needed one where we hit them with

Luton wait we can modify it people said you can modify this one okay well just make it slightly shorter yeah could you do that yeah and then we need loot well let’s just see how much we got from that let’s see I got four and six ingots left

Either I had about seven blocks and no ingots okay how long so that was 15 minutes we got 11 blocks so you’d have to AFK for likes girls and get everything we need yeah oh my God no way let’s just let’s just move this up a bit

And get a loon sword yeah if you did looting on all them surely that’s gonna be a lot should we go get our looting sword yeah let’s go get well it’s only leading two so let’s try and get Elite three we’ve got levels the only thing is we don’t have time oh

No we’re gonna have to end it no we need to try and get all the beacons Oh I thought the gold is gonna be easy yeah so the gold phone would work I thought we’d better right this uh the last like two hours it’s been a bit

Of a nightmare hasn’t it yeah nothing’s gone right so how is this portal so far when we didn’t even go that far to get to the I don’t know this thing times I know it’s eight times but I didn’t this feels like way more than eight times yeah this feels just

Like punishment for messing up the tutorial yeah and then why that fun didn’t even work very well even though he didn’t burn it right so he can’t tell if it was well within in 15 minutes we’ve got 11 blocks so in an hour it’ll be 44 blocks

One thing it said like 123 blocks an hour three times more I liked when we were making at least progress yeah with the emeralds wait do you want to stay here and start mining for diamonds and I’ll go try and do the gold do you think that’s good idea because it says there’s

Only one of us with a leading sword yeah sharpness Force you can age three knockback two looting three yeah that’s pretty good sword man I’m gonna go get us to good Every time I go down I probably get like three or four blocks away stop smoking this gold but 19 gold that’s two more blocks it’s actually not that much gold all right if you think about it well it’s quite a bit like you could probably get it mine

I’m going to go guess thousands of diamonds we’ve got 23 and a 22 blocks that was fast five hours fifty to get three more beacons I’m not sure if we’re even gonna go into the near the right one we need to but I don’t know the diamond seems like it’s gonna take ages

Especially without commanding yeah I need you to finish up on the gold bars and come help come on diamonds come on I need them first diamonds I need that Diamond Rush how long have we got five hours and 43 minutes well I think we can definitely get the gold Beacon yeah I

Still need to actually get the beacon bits there oh yeah oh my God yeah well if we get really oh we’ve got a lean three sword no actually so it doesn’t it won’t be too bad and I have a loon too as well so come on diamonds all right I reckon

There’s gonna be diamonds in three two one and diamonds you never know what’s behind the next block unless it’s diamonds is it diamonds beginning to believe that diamonds don’t exist if you still not find any the recommended money for diamonds at y level minus 53. well best level to find

Most diamonds is technically wire level -59 we recommend mining for diamonds at y level 53 53 is the best level to mine for damage due to lava level minus 54. how maybe I’ll try a different level I just know though I’m gonna swap leveling

Like if I dig if I dug like two more blocks it would have been done it’s like five four three two what like if I stopped here it would be there that storm is there um a diamond Beacon if we haven’t found any damage yet it’ll be

Dams there yeah I don’t know and if that one’s gonna happen we’re in trouble and we are equally equally in trouble with the netherrite because you actually need gold as well I say once we’ve once we’ve done the gold we start fighting with us or trying to get with the skeletons and

Stuff yeah for sure oh my God find diamonds yes how many is it like two it’s one it’s literally one you didn’t find diamond diamonds you found diamonds oh my God I fortuned it and got one as well oh my God what are the odds of that

That’s gonna be so bad how is that but how can you get that unlucky imagine you waited like for ages to like mine some ore with uh approaching three and you just got one but every single one ah Diamonds oh nice how many is this time

At least four oh no so I got ten oh nice it’s more like it come on we’ve got like five hours 15 minutes I think how many Gold Blocks oh yes more diamonds and gold oh nice oh loads of diamonds uh it’s at least four oh okay

Got 16 now until but I think we should do you agree that we should do the the weather schools first oh yeah because imagine we don’t end up getting any beacons yeah no we definitely gotta we want to secure I know so actually that’ll be cool we could challenge other people to

Try this Challenge and see if they can beat us progress yeah for sure you have to start with the iron Beacon and work your way up and if people beat beat us then uh we have to try again it would be as they can have the satisfactions I

Never want to make a beacon ever again in my entire life they’re really annoying I forget how hard they are to get like when you just like have loads of beacons and you would also you kind of forget how important sleep it is yeah I said the point I’m at now I’m like

Overtired yeah like I just feel weird but I don’t feel really tired or anything I know what you mean yeah it’s just like to the point where like what’s the point anymore I already got to this point can’t get my choice like at the moment I’m more focusing on trying to get the

Beacon more worried about getting the beacons than about how long we have left yes I’m tired or something oh yes far more damage nice oh yeah someone just commented on the first 24-hour video no offense Gamers but who in their right mind would watch a Minecraft video for 24 hours what’s up

Well everyone is watching now I put here in the right mind would play Minecraft 24 hours I think you get 34 diamond blocks three four diamond blocks I have two and maybe not I’m gonna do it for about 20 minutes at least because that’s how much we would need to be able

To do that thing where each layer of each Beacon is one layer thinner ah possibly because we do have five hours in a bit still yeah hopefully doing the beat the actual Beacon me bits won’t take that long but I have before ages going on an SMP with leading three tried

To get with their heads and spent literally like 10 hours on Livestream doing it and not and they only got like two oh my God I think you should go try mine and another because I need your help with the harder ones because I’ve got I wasn’t even trying to get golden

I’ve got like 10 blocks oh let’s go more diamond whoa I’m gonna do this until I get a stack of blocks and then I’ll come I don’t know now I’m 36 Diamonds oh nice wait I went from 21 to 36 and 1B well that’s good when we did our last 24 hour

One we got diamonds got quick didn’t we yeah I’ve got uh now four blocks worth of diamonds yeah you should definitely be able to get at least nine blocks the smallest type of Beacon I want to at least get one of every Beacon but even if we only get the minimal

Amount another it’s going to be the hardest by a mile because the thing is you can’t even use fortune on the engine to be it’s a lot easier to find the Diamonds though because you can use beds hey play stuff up and we’ve got beds stored up for these oh yes fun diamonds

Oh nice I think this is the while I would to do it why level negative 54. seems to be the one I’m 44 diamonds I thought it was night time then for a second but in the game no in real life uh-huh considering we haven’t been to sleep yet

We’re meant to be finishing in like an hour or two but with so many server issues and stuff I’m just so tired Ness is starting to screaming back in again oh come on Diamonds oh that is some diamonds it’s a massive cave got some more gold for you how much gold you

Got now uh two stocks wait do you get a gold you know in your mind gold do you get it with Fortune as well uh yeah oh fun more diamonds got a bit of a like a a roll game on here needs to be more than one

Diamond yes it’s two around 52 diamonds now okay where am I gonna pick to mine through probably about here feels good let’s go diamonds 59 diamonds basically every time I find diamonds I change Direction That’s My Philosophy like um do you think you’d be more lucky I’m

Just getting lucky but it has made a difference it makes me feel like I can actually like control something and my technique is also like gives me more exposure to stuff rather than like me like going in a straight line and missing everything I could I like to prove my way into different

Lines oh yes yes oh my God I’m just gonna follow my gut everywhere bloody yeah why would you find more oh yeah I just thought oh wait this direction feels good nine vein of diamonds let’s go wait I’ve got stuck in 12 now I just I found more hell

I’m so lucky at the moment it’s got unlucky for ages now Allison really lucky I feel like if someone was watching me like in spectator or something they think I was like x-ray hacking or something like my directions are really weird like I just get an urge

To do something and I’ll do it I’ve got stuck in 21. well that’s good but so how many blocks worth of gold of Yuga I’ve got 128 so 14. well you’ve got 64 and I’ve got 14 so that’s 78. oh yes diamonds I’ve got like a two and a half

Stacks of gold I’m gonna come up to the surface I think and um repair the pickaxe because it’s going red so I got gold I stuck in 27 which is 91 diamonds just need like 154 more but 27 gold or now well that’s good we now don’t have

Lava at our base anymore well I guess I’m gonna go back down to the mine again onto the mind because we’re gonna do the heads finally in sword no I’m not going to that thing I think mine gold yeah see how it goes first but it’s gold I’ve

Been in the nether for two minutes I’ve got five stacks of nuggets how many blocks is that that’s four blocks in two minutes come on we got this oh this is such grind it’s like non-stop grind for 24 hours basically this is definitely one of the fastest ways to

Get it I entered another nine minutes ago and now I’ve got 17. 17 blocks yeah yeah so you’ve been doing that for longer and I’ve got more blocks from it oh yeah I told you this was the most division way but you didn’t want to listen yeah you did you said blah blah

Blah blah that way oh no using a looting three sword is amazing we get about one block per minute I can’t wait to have a shower I know are you ready to loosen it I already am do you think you feel worse this time or last time

This last time I think uh yeah same it just felt darker last time yeah it was funny because it was dark oh yeah how many stacks you got now almost three stacks I just got to 50 uh gold blocks oh nice oh bro Came Out Swinging I’d say we’ve got

Enough gold now we should both go back we got 65 blocks that makes us 115 then at base 129 then with your gold blocks that’ll take us up to 100 yeah that should work let’s see what my final goal taking pay is 56 blocks of gold in precisely 35 minutes that’s good

Oh my God why is there a ghost here you have to point blank it’s like right in front of my face and just tapped it into his head yeah it’s easy it was my fifth shot I would say kit will take it oh it’s not like we’ve been playing for like 20 hours

Have to do all of this again right now or the next three videos you post get under 600 000. Oh what now yeah I’ll probably die no you can’t sleep don’t die if it did again how many times do you reckon you’d have to do this in a row today three or four

That’s actually crazy isn’t it I think that’s true I reckon yeah you couldn’t do it you could definitely couldn’t do it five times the right diet I feel like that or at least haven’t seen the hospital or something yeah ah my arms hurt everything hurts my

Fingers here like I’m not even I don’t even exist anymore I’m just a shell I’m just in a shell I feel like a literal Couch Potato I’m just spectating what’s going on now I’m not even in control my body feels like a jelly bean um I think

I identify as my Minecraft character now I’ve been playing as if too long When you try to see hopefully that’s not the song we’re singing It’s like if the game crashed and all your foot is corrupted so yeah let’s go to sleep I thought the song was playing in my head at the end of the last one we

Did at the last like five hours of play just gone or something when did you come back I’m literally on my way now oh bloody oh now we gotta go kill loads of things ah what kind of just end it’s just not just like kill each other or something oh my

God where’s my cat it’s a creeper on the potato farm protect me cat yeah so we’re back in the mic God pickaxe drinking for himself oh it’s not he’s not scared of the car at all Nice all right let’s do the great gold count you play some Dynamite oh we’re getting lots of gold yeah I don’t think we’re gonna be sure on gold anytime soon wait what what’s the iron farm going to be like now oh yeah should we go check do you think the

Entire chest is gonna be full uh It’s gotta be oh it’s not full but geez should we take it back yeah all right let’s get geared up and go get some witherheads after that it’s operation diamonds and then after that it’s operation get as much never out as

You can first how many beacons worth of where the heads are we gonna get we want to try and get all five so we need 15 heads so we’re gonna be killing a lot with the heads we only got enough Gold Blocks now all right here’s 15 more

Which takes us to either the amount we need for a beacon our third Beacon complete well we don’t have the actual Beacon but we’ve got all the blocks yeah okay I think we got a decent gear now hey we both got looting sword don’t we yeah I’ve got loon too

You’ve got three let’s go kill all the withers we see try to be safe but also ratio to the first head I’m gonna get it we need 15 of them so pace yourself also I’m guaranteed the first head oh I got one already the first guy I killed that’s never happened before

Yeah that’s four dead already how many of you killed here now three and if three or four I think and why were the skeletons always so hard to get spawned I know the second you want them they disappear yeah when we’re here yeah maybe we need to come together to

One end like come all the way down this Corridor right to the end I’m gonna stay here for like a minute all right uh wait let me just put a timer on so we know exactly how long’s left I’m pretty sure it’s exactly three hours and five

Minutes left okay here we go let’s do it let’s go oh my God I literally don’t feel alive I feel weird I just looked in the mirror and I thought I was literally dead that half my face felt a bit numb it doesn’t sound very good does it we haven’t slept

Since 9am yesterday no we’ve been awake since 9am yesterday yeah it’s like almost 3 P.M the next day yeah find some oh nice nice spooky scary skeletons giving me your head that sounds a bit weird but then you should end up dead Abracadabra give me skeletons skeleton skulls wait what why are they

Not spawning how are we meant to get beacons if we can’t even get skeletons come on give me a head oh so it they can only spawn in low light levels so there’s fire or anything get rid of it it’s lava everywhere yeah get rid of lava

Okay have you seen an increase in the spawns and then I can’t really tell because the blades keep putting fire everywhere should we try leaving the photos and coming back I don’t allergies pretend we don’t care about anything spawning in the thing now quickly run back for it oh

My God oh my God oh we’re coming back we care about it actually we just need 14 more heads that’s not too much to us so this would be the easy bit it should be though really it’s not even that we we’re getting unlucky uh getting the heads it’s literally unlucky of finding

The blue skeletons the only time I’ve had success of finding a lot is when we logged out and in if we can’t find any phrases and then we did that login and art thing and then I found like five of them breaking the walls of another Fortress increases the amount of

Spawning space for wither skeletons also half slab any surrounding areas that could spawn other mobs half slab the entirely well it looks basically just break all these walls that would save you if you’re about to fall they can only spawn on Nether Bricks basically just make these they’re as big and open

Oh my God drop ahead please I’ve got looting too but it’s still good I’m making like a big Square uh open area where they can spawn yeah same with the best spawning place we just started building like little spawning areas for it all over the place

And then we can run from one to one yes I’ve got another head nice well done here we’re nearly at our first beacon almost done I forgot we’ve got to kill the weather as well oh yeah to be honest weather’s easy yeah weather will literally take like

A minute I could probably fight a few of them at the same time if we wanted um I’m Gonna Leave This area now I’m gonna come back there better be loads of weather skeletons down there but bro just knocked me straight into lava basically oh my God he did what I

Was gonna do to him he likes surprise attacks me he basically did like the bed was playing me where you like jump on their bridge and like knock them off oh yeah you’re so far we haven’t even got the iron Beacon secure oh my God oh my gosh

But we need time we need as much time as we can get our hands on I don’t want to have as much time as we can get hands on where we need it please just give us nine schools unless you’ve been looking for more than an hour and we’ve got two

Skills oh my God I feel like I’ve done everything I can to like help and support yeah none of this makes any sense oh my God this is ruining it’s gonna ruin the video yeah we literally oh that work how’s it taking so long we should Pro we should we need to try

Another one just to see one thing I’m glad about this is you don’t have face camp yeah good luck because I look like I’m dead soon wait I found the trunk loader portal okay I’m gonna go through it and like break it because we don’t need the iron anymore goodbye translator

Oh yeah all right I’m through it tell me if like you know it’s a difference from now I feel like I’m finding a lot more oh I’m so tired sheep please help me please let us find the beacon so I left or not uh I don’t know it’s like it has been like

A bit busier at times but then all of a sudden it just goes completely dead I’ve only got like an hour and a half left oh my God you were probably gonna be able to get ourselves like like at least the smallest now the right Beacon yeah and

Maybe the second smallest Diamond one yeah which is at least Ella Beacon this thing has ruined us yeah it’s not like we can do anything though like we literally have to do what exactly what we’re doing otherwise we won’t make any beacons it’s not that there’s some fancy method that we’re

Just not doing our goals of this are ambitious but definitely reachable yeah come on please give me a skull I’ve got looting two come on what’s wrong with you why why no drops and why no spawns as well if there was loads of them and the drops were bad

Like fair enough but there’s like none of them yeah it’s just depressing after all of this yeah I hope everyone watching like kind of understands where we’re coming from because yeah we put so much work into this we’re like literally like dying or tiredness just because of RNG we’re not going to

Be able to do our goals like we could go and get all the like go and try and get all the materials for the beacon but we don’t have the beacon itself so it kind of ruins it yeah there’s no point and everything was going so well as well I

Know there were a lot of times where it was like hard and stuff but then we got gold we got we got all the emerald we had the iron and then we are straight into here and it’s just takes us so long we’ve literally only got like an hour

And 20 left we’ve been doing this for an hour and 40 minutes or more and we’ve got two schools yeah two hours two schools with two of us two like what a lead in three yeah it doesn’t matter about deleting there because like they just don’t spawn so we can’t yeah

Probably most people get more than us if we get one head then we could just put it on each Beacon and say we’ve done it yeah but like we would rather do it like one each but we’ve just been screwed come on we use these give me you gave me

Anything it’s just like kicking the teeth for being up for like 20 like 30 hours nearly you’ve only got like an hour and 10 minutes left oh my God I want it it’s my time this is my head give it to me yes oh my God come on let’s go

All right um come back we can do it we can make one Beacon uh and then we can just use it for all the beacons yeah yeah still can’t still come all right still counts um but we need to get mining fast we need to kill the weather

First all right once we kill this guy we need to get straight on diamond it’s gonna be tight we’ve got an hour yeah hour and five minutes uh as soon as you come back let’s just go straight down to mine and kill this guy he’s really easy

Come on oh I’m so tired but also like so excited I need this one Beacon yeah and then we need to go ham on mine are you coming yeah what are you doing we don’t have time we actually down time your cat might die by the way meowthma won’t die

And if they do you’ll be remembered as a legendary cat yeah all right you can stay here all right uh put your two heads ready yup three two one go go all right all right be careful stay back yeah okay we need to hit we need to create it foreign Yes we did it are you okay you get the star yes let’s go look all right let’s go make a beacon we have obsidian uh uh yeah we can get it easy oh my God I’m good this hurts do you have a spare one no I’m about to die

That’s not good I’m on two and our parts and I don’t have any food oh my God it’s it’s run out oh there’s gonna be mobs yeah there’s loads ah this is my own person the weather fight oh my God no get back oh my God he’s just launched a creeper ass

Nice that’s pretty cool okay all right let’s go back up come on we need to be fast uh beacon beacon beacon obsidian I can get from here we might have some in the chest come on oh my God this might be like the biggest clutch of all time

Okay I’ve got obsidian yeah some of the stuff wait I just put coal at the bottom that’s not how you make a beacon all right here we go we have a beacon yes yay challenge done something’s done yeah let’s go all right um should we just go and get diamonds

We’re aiming for 36 blocks and right now we’ve got nine okay we’ve got like 58 minutes come on I’m just gonna dig down like from the Wither hole to uh y equals minus 54 and then I’m gonna strip mine and do my thing from there you’re gonna

Have to mind mine because remember I have built touch yeah that’s fine we need time to assemble all our beacons on the surface as well yeah for sure we need 27 blocks of diamonds in about 50 minutes are you feeling like tiredness wise quite tired still but

I need to push through do I need to push through yeah the end is in sight can’t believe it took so long to get that head but we got it and we killed the weather like so fast you’re just like so easy compared to everything else you don’t know I’m

Actually using the bucket of Vlogs light sauce got diamonds I mean how many did you get I got nine where are we actually gonna build all the beacons uh narrow base I guess so we need a ba from flat area what the ice yeah down there how long do you think it

Would take us to build all of the beacons five minutes max yes more diamonds I haven’t found any yet so how many diamonds is 27 blocks so 243 and zero sticker so that’s like two stacks each we need basically oh Phantom nice good job yes I got some

Nice I got 25 now I’m trying like the little method where you poke holes to the side yeah that’s what I do but yeah we’re not really speak in like a few minutes oh yeah I don’t know why I’m just really tired enough yeah oh I’m just thinking about how long it feels

Like we’ve been on this oh you have one oh diamonds nice oh yes diamonds nice well this is right next to Redstone oh and diamonds underneath it as well there’s always like a special feeling of getting diamonds so better feeling than getting 18 degrees yeah definitely because it looks disgusting as well

Or something I don’t know if we’re gonna make it yeah we are the stuff mindset Imagine Learning strike now pay for PC’s fried all the footages last uh that would not be epic I pray to the diamond Gods give us a diamond give me a done oh yes thank you Diamond

Gods appreciate it oh did you get something one block further than I said right here and it’s done that’s cool diamond oh my God more yeah we’re allowed to see how it goes oh yes diamonds even if we don’t get all those diamonds it might still look like

A two-layer Beacon from one handle so we’ve been doing it for about I don’t know it’s about 20 minutes oh yes diamonds for how much oh at least four two three four oh four I’m on 54 now are you feeling like my hands turning upside down are they let’s explain it there’s

Like I’m playing with the tops of my hands oh just think in about like an hour’s time we’ll be faster sleep in bed or whatever I advise anyone watching at home to never try this challenge we literally swore we’d never do it again and then we did it

Again for some weird easy reasons uncompared to other videos the actual amount of days spent doing it yes a lot a lot less I’ve got stack of diamonds four three two one diamonds not then not now but no yeah diamonds did you actually get down I’m on 25 now

Let’s go we definitely didn’t pray hard enough to the where the skulls Gods yeah I know oh oh wave of massive tiredness just hit me ah no no no I’m at Beacon please come on we need it yes Diamonds oh my God thank God yes Diamond diamonds come on diamonds please unless

We got I don’t believe that every Diamond let’s go we literally got two minutes yeah about Diamonds oh yeah I got perfect I got 80 diamonds dude hey it’s gonna be the day where we play Minecraft today it wasn’t fun why did we do it but now if I’m in pain I just

Wanna lie in bed and go to sleep right now but I can’t believe Minecraft Gotta play more Minecraft little fingers please and I haven’t found any more diamonds and we’ve gotta go back in 20 seconds ready dude countdown 10 seconds turn ten nine nine eight eight seven seven six six five five four four three two one uh come on

Oh we’ve got to go back right no no okay let’s go all right there’s some back wins hello to them oh my God this might save us oh my God this is quick we need to get up and build beacons first go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right it’s time to build some beacons heading back to the surface now I have no idea where I am neither do I but I’m just gonna go to the surface

And hope for the best we need to get up there fasting I reckon we’ve got enough time to build the beacons what do you think I’m gonna turn my diamonds into blocks I’ve got 10 more blocks of diamonds for us wait mind my diamonds let’s go diamonds yay seven blocks there’s a lot

Ancient another right oh wait oh I found it yeah we worked really hard to get that I don’t even know that right hello yeah we did get some though right oh nice it was really hard to get to be fair okay let’s go let’s go build a beacons

Quick all right yeah you take the diamonds and they go and the gold and take the netherite as well and the beacon good for the snow into the ice construct our beacons oh nice leaking quick speedrun pass me the emerald uh you take the gold so I can do the next

One let’s go oh my God I can’t believe we did all this in 24 hours straight yeah oh my God this is crazy and she’s starting from nothing the hardest part is definitely the fact that we tend to sleep literally and you think oh that sounds like a Minecraft challenge where you

Don’t sleep in Minecraft no we literally did not sleep all right it’s the uh it’s the irons turn to get the beacon first yay I’ll be good let’s go you can enter advancement and I put on the Emerald Point yeah uh uh to the right a sec Um I’m tired Let’s go Emerald Beacon and Hardcore Minecraft in 24 hours straight let’s go yes okay now I gotta rebuild this gold one because somebody messed up the emerald one oh my God our Diamond Beacon is going up as well it’s completely finished it’s crazy oh my God how did they do it oh wait That’s how it looks and now it’s Diamond’s turn oh wait no it’s cold stone oh yeah gold golden with the amazingly successful gold Farm we built oh my God I can’t talk let’s go yay yes oh my God after all that we got the gold ask me the nether eye oh quick

Another right Beacon time okay you put it on the diamond while I make on that beat okay quick let’s go another right Beacon oh wait no don’t be good look it says Netherlands it’s definitely not right uh That’s crazy Oh look The Beam is coming out of it oh my god oh the beam is going straight up the sky whoa that is crazy the theme oh oh you’re going up on the bee what the hell why is so powerful oh

My God oh my God to get down no no oh My God the beep is so high it’s crazy why is the beam so thick this time I don’t know this must be because it’s not the right the beams tired now it doesn’t want to go in the eye the beam’s tight no oh oh what is what was that on the beep

Um yeah another right yay definitely another right uh yeah hey we did hold the beacons this is actually really fun but also really tiring and if if it wasn’t for those meddling wither skulls we might have actually got some more progress with these two but yeah

Yeah but we still must get all three of these which I think I’m still really proud of yeah I’m pretty happy with that especially for 24 hours straight where your brain goes to Mush after like eight hours so yeah you could tell we were brain dead by what we always stuff we

Were saying but yeah thank you guys for watching and uh we’ll see you next time goodbye goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Hardcore for 24 Hours STRAIGHT! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2023-06-10 12:00:00. It has garnered 568890 views and 12486 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:00 or 7140 seconds.

We have 24 Hours to get every beacon in Minecraft Hardcore! 24 Hours FULL MOVIE Hardcore Minecraft! To make it even harder we are playing these 24 hours straight in a row so we won’t be able to sleep IRL or take any breaks

Watch the FULL 24 HOURS GamerZ perspective here: @GamerZyt

Watch from the start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV FOLLOW ME: https://solo.to/lockdownlife Get gamersupps here with code “LOCKDOWN” for 10% off!!! https://gamersupps.gg/LOCKDOWN

This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod. Instead of being Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod, this series is similar to a Minecraft challenge video but it is Minecraft Hardcore! This is just like my 100 days videos but better!

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling trailer and felt inspired to create your own epic adventures? That’s exactly the kind of motivation you’ll find on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about art, music, and all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no… Read More

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    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1

    Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, On a skyblock island, where survival is the win. Pollution and temperature, seasons to endure, Challenges aplenty, but victory is sure. I forgot to record the audio, a mistake to rue, But fear not, for now it’s here, for me and for you. Join me on this journey, through highs and through lows, As we conquer the skyblock, where the story unfolds. Minecraft hardcore mode, a test of skill and might, But with determination, we’ll conquer the night. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s dive… Read More


    SURVIVE ONE BLOCK IN MCPE WITH JUNIOR T.G.! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MCPE ONE BLOCK SURVIVAL JOURNEY || DAY 1 || @TechnoGamerzOfficial @TotalGaming093’, was uploaded by JUNIOR T. G. on 2024-05-31 00:50:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. technogamerz #totalgaming #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #trendingvideo #minecraft,ezy minecraft,minecraft end … Read More

  • Sly 3D Pixel Art – Son Goku Anime Edit

    Sly 3D Pixel Art - Son Goku Anime EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixal art 3D😈 son goku #anime #animeedit’, was uploaded by the ghost on 2024-06-02 01:08:47. It has garnered 5473 views and 320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.

    DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t even have the uh the thing up okay cool anyways hi guys so uh today we’re going to be playing some good old Minecraft yeah yeah so we’re going to be playing some good old uh we’re going to get some Minecraft going it’s going to be fun um dawncraft is the mod pack that we’ll be doing today hold on let me just go turn on uh Dynamic lights okay perfect let me just uh get everything… Read More

  • Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17

    Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17Video Information hi everyone today I want to build a cathedral after completing my last project here which is this London Bridge inspired build which spans across my River I’ve decided I want to turn my attentions Inland to this section on the left of my city and I thought what better way than by placing in a massive Monument such as a cathedral so that we can start building things around it whil I’m flying up here you can also see that I’ve begun planning out a couple of the major foundations for things like City walls and Towers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!

    UNBELIEVABLE: PayMeInPancakes dominates RL Craft on Day 1!Video Information hello I should be live if I set everything up correct how is everyone doing this fine morning I think fire gamer is here but I am unsure who else is here we got two people hello everyone hope you’re having a fine wonderful morning at least I know I am so we are playing uh rlcraft so basically hey kiwi oh oh oh no no already so basically we’re playing um the super tough rlcraft um mod pack where basically um 30 minutes later I decided to start a bit early cuz I actually woke up on… Read More

  • 127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOL

    127 Insane Minecraft Pranks to Make Friends LOLVideo Information this is every way to make your friends laugh in Minecraft and hey YouTube bet me that you can’t subscribe to the channel before I empty my inventory into this chest so to prove them wrong dump your finger in that white subscribe button down below it’s free and it helps out of time if your friends always wanted to live at Sea then here’s a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it since folks boats are entities which means that if we want to we could place down a whole bunch… Read More

  • Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shorts

    Fradinus: Insane Close Call with Magic Pickaxe! 🔥🔮 (Smallest Violin) #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft That Was Close… 😎 (There is a super magic pickaxe ✨) (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-02-25 00:33:05. It has garnered 25541 views and 714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform… Read More

  • Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!

    Secrets to Winning SkyWars in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s This video, titled ‘Тихо проигрываем в SkyWars #minecraft #майнкрафт #SkyWars #скайварс’, was uploaded by Player81 on 2024-01-08 05:47:56. It has garnered 636 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!

    Insane Minecraft Runway Music Trending!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer’, was uploaded by Dream _X_ YT on 2024-04-08 02:11:16. It has garnered 6093 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #minecraft #relaxing #runway #music #shorts #viral #trending #tiktok #yoytubeshorts #cover #singer minecraft relaxing music, minecraft relaxing, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing gameplay, minecraft relaxing video, minecraft relaxing longplay, minecraft relaxing song, minecraft relaxing music with soft rain, minecraft relaxing pixel art, minecraft relaxing build, minecraft relaxing parkour, minecraft relaxing parkour map download, minecraft relaxing parkour map download… Read More

  • Minecraft Civilization

    Minecraft CivilizationThis is a Minecraft Civilization Server with: Factions, Unlimited Players, Economy System and much more! vicenity.net Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon Join our vibrant community and set sail on your survival journey today. Stormy Lagoon offers a refreshing twist on survival gameplay, running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Established over four years ago, our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022. Immerse yourself in our welcoming environment and enjoy an array of unique features, including custom items inspired by our players. Delve into our player-driven economy, explore bustling marketplaces, and unearth hidden treasures scattered across the map. Gain an edge with our incorporation of mcMMO, offering a captivating long-term gameplay experience, complemented by our… Read More

  • HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protection

    HappyEarth | Deathchest | Custom terrain | Buyable protectionWelcome to RedotMC a brand new server with custom terrain.Hosted on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430L and 94 gig ram.So what are you waiting for? Are you up to the survival challange in a custom generated world? Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Won’t Have C418 Soundtrack

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Won't Have C418 SoundtrackWell, I guess his tunes didn’t quite hit the right note for the movie soundtrack! Read More

  • Crafty Jenny’s Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox

    Crafty Jenny's Minecraft Boat Quest in Roblox In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build and explore, with blocks in our veins. Jenny, the mod, crafted with care, In Build a Boat, a treasure to share. Join the empire, full of fun and delight, With Discord and Roblox, our community takes flight. Instagram and Twitter, where we connect, In the realm of gaming, we show our respect. The video unfolds, with humor and charm, As we build Jenny, with curves and with charm. The narrator speaks, with a playful tone, Describing the process, in a style all their own. From the head to the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol

    Minecraft: Nether portals through puberty #lol “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, Nether portals are like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, they just become a convenient way to avoid walking long distances. Ah, the joys of aging in Minecraft.” Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: What’s New? Wind Burst Enchantment Changes The Wind Burst enchantment in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 now provides a significant upward push, propelling players up to 21 blocks at level 3. However, be cautious as it does not prevent fall damage, potentially causing lethal damage without proper precautions. Gameplay Fixes Entities now load into the world with the correct rotation, and boats once again align in the direction the player is facing. Additionally, entering the end now consistently faces players towards the center of the island, ensuring a smoother transition. Visual Enhancements Mip-mapping now functions correctly… Read More


    BECOME an ELEMENTAL SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft!Video Information ah another beautiful day as an earth Elemental shape shifter and look at this guys I just shape shifted into a little tiny creeper aren’t I so cute tax come on we have to go wake up noox and Trixie oh yeah Zoe we do have to wake up noox and Trixie I’m really hungry I want some breakfast wao your creeper legs move really weird oh yeah it’s because I’m not like a full Shape Shifter yet I’m just a little tiny Shape Shifter that’s all yeah me too hey uh no it’s breakfast time dude come… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft Shorts

    Insane TNT Run Ending 98% | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% 😍 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-18 06:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT RUN (OP ENDING) 98% | Wait For End #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and … Read More

  • Exposed: PrestonPlayz’s SHOCKING Minecraft Betrayal

    Exposed: PrestonPlayz's SHOCKING Minecraft BetrayalVideo Information today we are busting 100 Minecraft Miss starting with armadillos are afraid of spiders in daytime come on dude these guys are straight out of Texas no way they’re afraid of a spider although if I saw a spider as big as the ones in Minecraft I might be a little scared so he should go inside of his shell come here buddy dude I don’t think this guy’s afraid this is a true Texan right here dog it looks like to me the spiders are afraid of the armadillo but I just want to let me let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mining for diamonds in Minecraft BE 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining lagi mencari diamond😁 | Minecraft BE survival duo | Part 11’, was uploaded by OnlyDess on 2024-03-22 02:48:34. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. ⚠️Mcpe Patched⚠️ follow me on instagram Me : @its_dess16 My friend : @m_dky4 Shader : Newb x Legacy More Improvement Addon : – NekoUI – Graves – Ptiger’s Armor Rarity – Visualize Enchanted Book – Parallax Sounds v2 – All Trades Visible – Weapon Combiner + DLC – More Structure – Disenchanter – Raiyon More Vanilla Enchanment -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!

    Insane Minecraft Survival TIPS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft gameplay part 4’, was uploaded by Minecraft Survival on 2024-01-14 02:25:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can … Read More

  • 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀’ 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 – 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1

    𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀' 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂𝘁 - 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 1Video Information ladies and gentlemen welcome back to something brand new I’ve never streamed on this account before but this is the account where most of the streams are going to be happening now today we are starting a brand new Minecraft adventure the OG game one of the greatest games of all time Bar None it’s too easy it’s kind of like that but yes we are going to be creating a whole Minecraft city it is going to be on Creative but I want to have a Minecraft city to rival the gods this is what our city… Read More

  • EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞

    EPIC Sand Art Boat on Sun in Minecraft!! 😱🌞Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Sand Art Minecraft N4{Boat on Sun}#minecraft #shorts #satisfyingvideo #sandart’, was uploaded by MummyBear on 2024-01-05 11:34:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for see my videos and I glad you back ,and I very grateful for my new subscribers ,welcome to my Chanel. Please … Read More

  • "Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!! #shorts #viral"

    <p>"<strong>Unbelievable!! I LOST IT ALL in XTREME Gaming part 1!!</strong> #shorts #viral"</p>Video Information there’s a way for me now this one sits here Whispers things to me now I got the devil inside this one made a think of me this wall is dry wall my grinding Joy The Heading F the Neti on my bedroom Thor my burning my eyes are too cuddled up with a heart condemn I should love you and I swear I do This video, titled ‘LOST EVERYTHING PART – 1 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe | Techno gamerfleet|gta 5 |’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-19 02:30:31. It has garnered 43 views and… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLACK GOKU PIXEL ART IN MINECRAFT#shorts’, was uploaded by Aerglo Gaming on 2024-04-22 16:37:05. It has garnered 5769 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Side: Xxxtentacion, Empire, Rap, Bad Vibes Forever / Empire, Hip Hop & Rap, Xxx, Look At Me, Lil Pump, Music, Bad Vibes Forever, Sad, Sad!, Juice Wrld, Members Only, Hope, Music Video , 2017, hip-hop, the, ski mask the slump god, revenge, ?, llj, jmp, hip hop, jocelyn flores, wishing well, ик pages, xxxtentacion tribute, pop, Lil Wayne, Live, Wifisfuneral, Official, Rip, Jahseh… Read More

  • ImperialCraft Kingdoms

    ImperialCraft KingdomsWelcome to ImperialCraft Kingdoms, a non-stop, action-packed Minecraft server fueled by the powerful KingdomsX plugin. Whether you’re a conqueror seeking intense battles or a peaceful builder longing to create magnificent structures, our server caters to all play styles. Engage in raids, conflicts, and strategic battles to assert dominance or focus on building, socializing, and fostering a vibrant community. With McMMO, you can level up various skills and gain special abilities. Explore our virtual marketplace, open custom crates for exciting rewards, and personalize your in-game name with custom prefixes. Our dedicated staff ensures a welcoming atmosphere, and thrilling duels allow you… Read More

  • War Of Black Powder💂‍♀️ – PVP – Java 1.20.2

    Server Information: Server IP: warofblackpowder.com No mods, optifine required only need to accept the resourcepack. Simple Information: Main gameplay: Team-PVP (20v20/faction vs faction) 5 Factions from Asia, Europe, Africa, America 9 Maps, 13 Game Modes Each faction has 14-15 classes Shop system available Information when playing: Change username if “Invalid Session” Play PVE if no players Run “/playerstartmatch” if multiple players Game Modes: King Of The Hill Battle Domination Siege Control Points Payload Capture The Flag Classes: Musketeer Officer Color Bearer Sapper Medic Hussar Cataphract Dragoon Cannoneer Rocketeer Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jPC55Kq5HJ Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSatXJGcog&t=94s https://youtu.be/QemkDkboYNA More Information: This Minecraft server is… Read More

  • RemtownMC

    RemtownMCWelcome to RemtownMC its a nice cracked server for peopel who cant afford Minecraft we got Minigames,SMP and a loving comunity.We also got good moderation and a caring owner so if you looking for a nice small comunity join Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jack Black can’t save Minecraft realism fail!

    Jack Black is a talented actor, but even he can’t mine diamonds with just his rock n’ roll skills. Read More

I Played Minecraft Hardcore for 24 Hours STRAIGHT! [FULL MOVIE]