I Survived 100 Days as a FIRE SPIDER-MAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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Only about a few years from now Stark Industries is going to be the leading company in helping others in need wow this is a really nice office space I wonder how much money went into it are you paying attention to me of course I am what makes you think I’m not just

Then a huge Collision occurred shaking the entire tower part of the world began turning into a fiery landscape what’s going on Mr Stark seems like someone is merging our universe with another several others Jarvis confirm I’m correct you are correct sir I know I am little did I know while I was distracted

A radioactive fire spider landed on my shoulder and bit me ouch whoa I feel funny what’s happening to me the bite from the spider must have fused with my DNA to transform me into fire Spider-Man and I gained a fire ability I ran out of the building to

Meet back up with Iron Man I don’t know what’s wrong with you kid but I need your help with what that looks like multiple Bogies coming in out from a portal came the Green Goblin I can’t wait to destroy it Venom swung away before we had a chance

To stop him the last from the portal came out the head of operations Kingpin I’ll merge in multiple universes in hopes of fighting my beloved Son and wife and no one will stop me until I find him you’re mad you just released a bunch of super villains whatever it takes people Very good at it so I went up close and personal with hand-to-hand combat your punches feel like tickles little spider that hurt we’ll help others I’ll take him off on it Mr Stark you got this on day two I went back to my home in Queens

I needed to speak to my aunt and Uncle Ben may we need to talk love the new shoot bronzo it’s very hot that’s unimportant right now what is important is evacuating it’s not safe here anymore what do you mean we can’t leave all of our stuff is here this is our home where

Else would we go we will have to make a new home a better one somewhere we will be safe from all of the spider-verse villains spider-verse villains Aunt man Uncle Ben agreed to come with me so I let them out the city and we wandered

Until I found a safe place to build our new home luckily Tony gave me a bunch of spare building blocks in case of emergencies like this after flattening out the area we got to work building the foundation and we gave it the Spider-Man theme having the top have my Spider-Man

Logo on it then we started making the rooms for everyone I made a bedroom for Uncle Ben and Aunt May but I made a nice empty room for anyone to take over I built myself a control room where I could receive calls from other spider people or villains nice this place looks

Ready and operational and hey if you look from the top the place kind of looks like it’s the start of a spider web with a spider in the middle I then went to go speak to my family hey guys I need to go out and check on how things

Are going out there before you go thank you for the lovely living room and the bedroom is very nice I’m glad you like it it’s the least I could do since you lost your home hopefully once things are settled we will be able to get you both

A new even nicer house that would be lovely but for now just focus on what you need to sweetie will do well then I’m off see you both again soon okay stay safe we love you remember bronzo with great power comes great responsibility on day three I returned

To New York City and everything was in chaos the ground corruption was really starting to spread a fishbowl ha Catch Me If You Can wonder what that’s about what’s it to you Gwen is that you you look different how do you know me she quickly sprinted up to

Me and punched me leaving me poisoned ah that stings we’re friends don’t you remember I’m not here to make friends liar Gwen charged at me again this time to end me but I put up a decent fight I used my Firepower again trying to get a

Hold of it while I tried to get a hold of Gwen look I’m not the enemy I’m friends with Iron Man Iron Man you mean the Iron Man who took over my world and killed my father oh your Iron Man sounds nothing like mine enough your dead fire

Spider-Man heads up just then Thor knocked Gwen out with a surprise attack thanks a lot Thor no problem you know a safer place we can talk yeah follow me we got back to the base on day four can you keep an eye on her I need to do

Something real quick cool no problem I had Thor watch Gwen while I quickly made a cell room to keep paper in I made sure to use stronger materials like steel and obsidian so she couldn’t escape then I added lights and a bed finally I finished it off with iron bars and an

Iron door before heading back to Thor alright I’ve got a cell ready for her she’s still unconscious so I’ll help you get inside we left Gwen on her bed in her mini prison and left to discuss plans well first you should definitely learn to use your new power properly oh

Yeah good point you don’t happen to know anything about fire powers do you no but I know someone else who does Thor took out a phone and quickly called someone hello friend we could use some help with fire advice congratulate see you soon who was that

What was the Human Torch he is on his way oh sweet well in the meantime I’ll go ahead and fix up a room for you while we wait it will look as fancy as Asgard thanks for the offer although I’m not going to lie to you I won’t actually be

Here much oh man well that’s okay thanks for the help anyways as we talked we noticed the Human Torch landing outside and we went to greet him thanks for coming unfortunately I do need to get going for now hey guys and no problem see you around Thor Thor flew off

Leaving me with the Human Torch so you got some new fire powers huh yep that’s why I need your help all right and I’ll train you and teach you to use your new abilities thank you oh hold on I want to do something real quick wanna help okay

Sure I was so grateful that I wanted to decorate the spare room for the Human Torch to stay in I added plenty of fire themed decor and even a small lava fixture the human torched helped out as well fixing up the floor and adding more decorations this looks awesome that was

Fun but I’m also probably not going to be staying here much oh well at least Gwen is still staying at the base speaking of which I went to check and see if Gwen was away only to find that she was missing oh man I guess I can’t

Keep anyone here that may and I are staying here oh I guess I can’t keep anyone cool here ow don’t talk to your elders like that sorry Uncle Ben during days five through six the Human Torch and I had some one-on-one training okay so what do you

Know so far watch this I showed the Human Torch my weak fire powers you called out a flame check this out flame on the torch released a huge stream of fire out into the air awesome but how do I do that well first let’s do some deep breathing meditation for me I think

About the people I’ve lost and why I’m fighting for them so take a deep breath and think about who you’re fighting for I thought about it and images of Uncle Ben and Aunt May and Mr Stark appeared I was so close to unleashing a huge fire blast but then I saw the Kingpin

Laughing you’ll never win Spider-Man never no no no no what’s wrong I saw him Kingpin that’s okay let’s try another approach the Human Torch had set up some targets for me to shoot at I missed it first but then I started to gain more accuracy with each fire blast

Looks like we got some Undead Coming put those powers to use feel the burn you mindless monsters torch and I set all the fiends of Blaze and just then I felt something within me I said stay back I Unleashed my biggest flame yet all the monsters burnt to a crisp nice job

Spidey I knew you could do it look thanks Human Torch on day seven and eight Iron Man came to visit nice job kid I saw you handle those monsters with ease thanks Mr Stark where have you been I’ve been looking around and it’s not looking good for you just then Iron Man

Turned into Mysterio and the two of us got into a brawl I knew it wasn’t you Mr Stark but which one is the real me well I hope your clones are fireproof one by one I took out the mysterios until I found the real one it’s over for you now

Where’s Kingpin where is he hiding he has no need to hide with all these villains out and about you’ll never get to him that’s enough talking I’m locking you up oh come on I don’t deserve to be in here I was pondering through my thoughts from Days nine and ten man I

Need to take advantage of all the universes and for my own spider team but who who could join me Gwen I returned back to New York City in hopes I would find Gwen where I first found her wait who is that swinging around that might

Be her I ran and caught up to the mysterious figure and when I did it was just a regular looking Spider-Man in sweatpants well this is disappointing hey nice suit my name is Peter B Parker what’s yours I’m fire Spider-Man but you can call me bronzo Parker anyways

No idea I was I was swinging through my and then I swung into a portal here but I want to help fix this can you teach me how to use those web shooters yeah but we need some materials spider webs and iron cool I’ll be back soon I explored a mine shot

Iron and coal to make iron bars The Mineshaft was also full of cobwebs and unbeknownst to me at the time spiders uh you would think I wouldn’t mind cobwebs but I’ll take it whoa hey nice spider oh there’s more than one of you luckily with the power of my fire I had an

Advantage over the spiders setting them Ablaze and wiping them down easily finally I had all the cobwebs and iron that I needed I returned to the other Peter with all the required materials to make the shooters okay this is how you make web shooters pay close attention

First you put the thingy with that and then add the iron bit right there and load it up with some spiderweb thanks a lot Peter hey feel free to stop by my spider base it’s not far from here see ya I started swinging away or tried to

At least whoa okay how do you use these things from Days 11 to 13 I was searching until I finally found spider-gwen but she was fighting Kingpin oh no I gotta help her I left into action but as I was running to help Kingpin saw me hydroman get that

Fire bug out of here with pleasure wait doesn’t Hydro mean water he shot me with a blast of liquid and I knew I wasn’t going to have a good time fighting this guy since Fire’s natural enemy is water I gotta get out of here I started to

Swing away but hydroman was right on my tail I couldn’t catch a break what’s wrong Spider-Man not thirsty I kept running until I noticed Peter in the distance and he was working on some kind of device well this thing will either get me back home or take me

Somewhere awful only one way to find out a portal opened up in front him wait I have an idea hey water brain follow me water brain my idea was to trick hydroman into running into the portal but I guess Peter didn’t know what I was doing and

Got in front of the portal to protect it go the other way move Peter I ran up and right behind me Hydro man was smarter than he looked and ran right into the machine breaking it no my work I had to figure something out quickly to get

Hydroman through the portal so I ran up to the portal and started shouting hey bubbly buffoon come fight me don’t have to ask me twice he was rushing towards me when Peter intervened and hit hydroman ronzo get out of here I’ll take care of this they started pushing the

Other as well as hitting each other and somehow they both managed to tangle up and go through the portal together no the portal then broke before I could jump in as well it that did not go as planned during days 14 through 17 I returned to the base and informed Uncle

Ben and Aunt May of the situation Peter is gone and it’s all my fault mistakes happen bronzo you have to continue fighting whatever it takes why don’t you rest and I’ll cook you some food I followed Aunt May back to the living room and they’re waiting for me was

Venom what are you doing here I’m gonna take you out if you don’t leave be nice to your guest bronzo Eddie’s nice and he is a hero in his Universe he just needs a place to stay hmm I’m keeping an eye on you Eddie awesome brother I don’t understand I thought you were

Working for the kingpen request that King King That’s right only 15 of viewers are actually subscribed so subscribe if you haven’t already subscribe alright I’ll share our meal with you I prefer cooked I was swinging through New York City on days 18 through 21. I was interrupted when I noticed a of green I stopped and looked around in

Time to see Gwen rushing at me when there you are oh you’re gonna pay for trapping me Tabasco bug she sprinted forward with her poison attack and I barely dodged in time she obviously wasn’t ready to listen to me and kept fighting angrily she stabbed at me with

Her poison blades and I did my best to Fender off stop I don’t want to hurt you oh hold him back on me coward her attacks kept coming and I became frustrated with the whole situation so much so that I felt a new heat in my chest then suddenly I released a new

Attack it took when by surprise and she lost Focus momentarily leaving room for me to strike back with full force with my new ability and Gwen distracted I was able to do a lot more damage and she was wearing down much quicker eventually the heat got to be too much and she finally

Surrendered okay okay you win stop burning me Gwen please listen this universe is different from yours we’re both fighting the good fight here I’m not your enemy she stayed silent a moment as she thought about it before eventually giving up fine I believe you for now then are we cool

Yeah or cool she came back to the base with me and we ran into Aunt May as we entered oh it’s about time you brought a girl home on may not now um anyways let’s make you a proper place to stay this time Gwen and I got to work

Adding a new room to the base where she could stay we added plenty of nice green and black blocks to the floor Gwen also added some quartz and a few plans including Vines and some little cacti and pots this is actually really cozy thank you for letting me stay here no

Problem actually how’d you get here anyways well I was leaving school in my world when a portal opened up outside it my senses told me something was wrong so I walked through to investigate it I see so you’re a poison version of the ghost

Spider I know as a matter of fact no I gained these Powers shortly after entering the portal I stepped out of the other side and was bitten by an elemental spider just like yourself it was just a radioactive poison spider that bit me instead our most spiders poisonous venomous what venomous not

Poisonous uh never mind that so is Spider-Man in your Universe evil no he was my best friend unfortunately I lost him years ago and became the newsparter here to carry on his legacy oh I’m sorry for your loss but I’m glad you opened up to me about it I may not

Be him but I’d still like to be your friend thanks I’d like that awesome let’s get some rest for now good night Gwen good night I was abruptly awakened by someone yelling on days 22-25. Hey kid wake up what the heck happened here why are there so many

Enemies out and about ah oh hey Doc it was Kingpin he’s looking for his family or something and he opened up some universes into this one not even I can reverse this I’ve seen all the possibilities on How This Ends there’s only one good outcome tell me what I

Have to do I can’t do that it runs the brisk of changing the outcome duh come with me I want to introduce you to my friend fine but who’s your friend strange ignored me while we traveled but I ching and asking him questions do you

Put gel in your hair no can I use your cape no are we there yet no just stop asking questions and be quiet okay um one more question what should we do about him Rhino I knock things down and I’ll knock you down trying to show me what you got

Spidey strange flew up and I released my fire abilities at Rhino but he had thick skin and a powerful punch Stand Down Rhino or we’ll make you we’re lucky to spider I got this strange charged up a big spell and subdued the Rhino keep going without me you’ll be welcomed with

Open arms I’m gonna lock this guy up okay see you later a nearby door opened and black panther walked out you must be Spider-Man I’ve heard some about shrew from Tony and Stefan well I’m actually fire Spider-Man now but yeah that’s me I see and why

Does strange send me such a weakling hey I’m strong I survived this long besides that’s what I’m here for anyways I need your help to get stronger in that case you must become more agile become unhittable and how will we do that come with me I followed the wakandan king and

He brought me to a park horse watch carefully he went through the course swiftly and with ease once he finished okay But I finally got the hang of it and made it through good now you must do one other thing what why I I don’t know stranger asked me to do it and I listened to my friend anyways you must learn to overcome your weakness against water ah sense how should I do that

To help me fight to an ocean where wakandans were battling atlanteans yeah take this Shield it will protect you from their water attacks I tested the shield out into no surprise it worked like a charm it would send of life making my enemies go far away my fighting through the

Atlanteans was a test of pure willpower since I was fire Spider-Man here he is no more help me take him down together the Black Panther and I charged to Neymar but he could fly so it became difficult to Target him flying won’t save you then try and get me I swung

Around some jungle trees trying to close the gap on him and finally I had the perfect moment I charged up a fire blast and got him good ah I am truly impressed with you fire Spider-Man pretty good I’m sending you back home you are now prepared to take on any

Water enemy that comes your way thanks for all the hell trailer I then left for New York and whenever I arrived there was even more chaos than how I remembered it no no what are all these portals doing here I ran around breaking as many as I could on days 34-37 I was

Minding my own business when a portal opened right in front of me and hydro man stepped out hello bronzo I hoped Peter would come out behind him but the portal just closed up alright let’s go I charged into battle with the big wet jerk and he was putting up a good fight

But I was Stronger than the last time we had met he shot his water powers at me with all his might but they just weren’t doing the same damage they did before slowly I gained the upper hand on him and eventually I was able to win after

My victory Dr Strange flew in next to me nice work kid I’ll take it from here strange took Hydro man and I started to walk away when suddenly the Green Goblin approached well well well I’m impressed green gut were you watching the whole thing don’t worry boy I’m good my universe oh

Okay but it’s being evil no he started tossing bombs at me that did a ton of damage I tried to fight him off with my fire powers but he was too fast I quickly realized that he was too strong for me just then Kingpin appeared Goblin stop wasting your time with that fire

Spider we need to find Iron Man yes wait Iron Man is missing on days 38 through 41 I needed to train but Tony Stark was missing I set out looking for someone else who could help me train as I was traveling I suddenly ran into an area of the world where everything had

Gone black and white what the one division just then I was attacked by a big group of black and white ghouls they were super tough and there were so many of them I started to get worried that I might not be able to beat them when suddenly a black and white figure came

Out of nowhere and helped me defeat them uh hello uh who are you I am Spider-Man of course another one follow me I followed him back to his base and there was another Spider-Man waiting for me he was wearing black and red who are you Khan Miles Morales who are you I’m

Fire Spider-Man I’m a Spider-Man with fire powers whoa now that we’ve got we’ve got our introduction colors colors I’ve never seen before well it seems like our universes are merging but this is good good how is this good well we’re gonna need all the help we can get to fix this I’ve already

Recruited another Spider-Man I mean Spider Girl spider girl I you they existed yeah I’ve got a whole spider base she’s hanging out back there sweet take us there during days 42 to 45 I arrived back at the base with Miles and Spider-Man Noir welcome guys feel free

To make yourselves at home miles got to building his room straight away he added some nice details making his room look like a cozy but laid-back type of place Noir decided he wanted to make his space black and white because it reminds him of Home wow look at all these Spider-Man

And women it really feels like we’re part of a team so what now I don’t know maybe Mysterio knows a thing or two together Gwen and I interrogated Mysterio and asked him what his goals were I just wanted everyone well it’s not too late to redeem

Yourself tell me what Kingpin is up to man that big guy barely told me anything all the universe and only restoring one ‘s family he’s lying we can’t trust him no I’m not look I know a guy who can make you stronger his name is Ghost

Rider and where can I find this Ghost Rider just look for him in the burning Forest kid it’s not that hard okay but you’re still gonna stay in here for now I’ll watch him thanks Gwen I found the burning forest from Days 46 to 49. uh

It’s so hard to see with all this fire and smoke luckily I have firepowers or I’d be toast wait hold on the flamed skull attacked me with a wave of fire even as a fire Spider-Man it was hot I returned fire with more fire but it seemed like we were evenly matched

Neither of us willing to give in to the other that was until hey Hot Head Take This Gwen had dropped a bucket of water on the Ghost Rider the next thing I knew the Ghost Rider settled and calmed down so we could talk look there are many

Portals and dimensions merging and if we don’t fix things time will collapse and people will start disappearing help me fight the Goblin and train me in the way of Fire meat during days 50 through 53 Ghost Rider took me through a portal to a Crazy Fire Dimension this looks kind of

Familiar like two places I’ve been but mixed together University we traveled the fiery landscape until we came across an awesome stronghold we entered and were immediately met with a bunch of blazes we ran in guns ablazon and took them down one by one finally the last one left was a blue blaze

Guarding the center and Ghost Rider got the kill shot once the blazes were out of the way we started looting the place for anything that helped I walked into the very center where there was a single seemingly special chest and opened it I opened the chest to find strange orbs I

Took them and realized they were some kind of Firepower this might be super useful but how do I use it I took out a crafting table and mixed the orb with my original Power the fusion produced a scroll for me to use my new fire ability now I could shoot Fireballs that created

Small explosions just then a mutant blaze appeared from behind startling us both it was definitely not happy about us taking its treasure and started to attack it was stronger than the smaller blazes by far it shot tons of claims at us and bombed us with fire Ghost Rider

Did his best to shoot it down using his Hellfire gun but kept getting flung back meanwhile I switched to my new ability and hit the creature with my firebombs soon it started taking more and more damage with one last Mega explosion the monster was done for you

Yep this is perfect now I’m even stronger wait you said you helped me fight the Goblin um no no if Deadpool was here he’d be able to go into the script and show you exactly what you said you just don’t understand if you don’t help then we’ll

Ah never mind on days 54 through 57 I returned home and I was pacing around wondering where the Green Goblin could be I’ve gotta find him Mysterio have you checked his building in the city oh that’s a great idea thanks dude with that I headed out to find him does that

Mean you let me out now hello I arrived at Oscorp and when I got up to the top of the building the Green Goblin was there waiting for me where’s Iron Man I won’t say I charged in to attack him and he fought me off with his pumpkin bombs I fought

Back with my fire powers and I started to get the upper hand his bombs were strong but this time I was ready for them so I could avoid them pretty easily eventually I was able to knock him down to the ground and he was defeated I’m

Gonna say this one more time where Iron Man silly don’t know I swear the guy who went M.I.A not even Kingpin can find him speaking of Kingpin you should join me in my fight help me destroy him and fix this mess all right I could do that for an old

Frenemy of mine I built a room in my base for Green Goblin filled with lots of green and purple stuff and some tech stuff since he is something of a scientist thank you Parker this really makes me happy yeah the room looks great you know I’m something of an interior

Designer myself you don’t say after that I went up to Mysterio hey since you’ve been so helpful I think I’m Gonna Let You Go I released him with one more thing to tell him be good no promises Broski on days 58 through 61 I was traveling around searching for Iron Man when I

Came across a village where the villagers were all surrounding a cage I made my way through the crowd and saw that they were all crowded around some kind of spider pig egg I’m Not Here For Your Entertainment I’m a superhero like for us everybody stop or I’ll wrap you up in

Webs I freed the pig from his cage and took him to the other part of the village thanks for the help Flame the names spider ham spider ham what are you doing here I was in the middle of fighting the King Pig and we both got transported to another Universe King Pig

Huh that sounds familiar I’m trying to fight the Kingpin do you think you could help me out Jing pin that sounds dumb I don’t have time to play your silly games come on I just let you out of a cage you owe me well I suppose you’re right fine

I brought the pig back to my base and went over to Aunt May’s room to check on her but she was nowhere to be found huh where could she be just then I spotted a note on the floor in the living room head to Stark Tower if you ever want to

See her again oh no I arrived at Stark Tower and swung my way up to the top there on the edge of the helicopter pad stood Kingpin and Aunt May I see you found my note by a Spider-Man Let Her Go Kingpin she has nothing to do with this

Don’t worry about me bronze just make sure you save the world if I can have my family back then I’ll take yours away too with that Kingpin shoved Aunt May off the edge of the tower no I rushed at him in anger and he knocked me back but I was determined and kept

Pushing through he hit me hard with his brass knuckles and I fought back with my explosive Fireballs the fire was getting to be too much for him and he started having to dodge instead of taking the hits I was starting to overpower him just as I was about to win the battle

Mysterio flew in and interrupted the fight this is for locking me up he then punched me off the building luckily I managed to save myself with my web shooters and started swinging away as I did I couldn’t stop thinking about my poor Aunt May I can’t believe you’re

Gone I made it back to the base and told Uncle Ben the bad news he then helped me build a nice grave for her ronzo I can’t be here anymore I’m gonna go up to the snowy Hills until things settle that’s a great idea that would be best for your

Safety well then goodbye for now nephew Excelsior he walked away as I waved him goodbye on days 66 through 70 I called a huge meeting with all of my spider buddies plus Black Panther Doctor Strange Green Goblin and Ghost Rider listen up everyone first off thanks for

Coming second we must stop Kingpin his portals are causing immense stress on the universe’s timeline so what should we do about it well first we need to band together oh we need to uh split up yes we need to split up and look for Kingpin and shut down his portals yes shut down

His portals sounds like a plan any questions what about that Iron Man guy we need him I’m not sure don’t look at me oh ink it’s fine I’m sure Tony is okay and you know what while we’re here I just want to tell everyone to like the

Video if you’ve been enjoying it comment down below who your favorite Spider-Man is and finally subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already what is he on about I’m not sure this Spider-Man is odd okay team let’s go on day 71-74 I was getting to work when suddenly there was a huge

Flash and Iron Man appeared right in front of me whoa Mr Stark you’re back where have you been I’ve been out traveling to other universes to see if anything’s changed all the ones I’ve been to are more or less the same and I haven’t found one where kingpin’s family

Is alive I guess we’re gonna have to handle him the old-fashioned way yep beating the heck out of him I gotta get stronger first if I’m gonna do that Mr Stark don’t worry I’m gonna make a cool new suit I’ll be back soon wait I’ve got so many questions before I could stop

Him he had already disappeared well there he goes again on day 75-78 I set out looking for portals to other universes I came across the Village from earlier but it looked very different there were a ton of portals in it and the villagers were all running around in

A panic I was able to close a few of the portals but then I noticed some villagers started disappearing they were getting glitched away to other universes who knows where they could end up I tried my best to help the villagers but there was nothing I could do one by one they were

All glitching away into other universes just when all hope was lost Iron Man came out of one of the portals Mr Stark there’s no time date this he handed me some awesome new fire spider armor and I immediately felt way more powerful thanks Mr Stark but what do you mean

There’s no time I’m about to get glitched away it’s taken me to find Kingpin and stop it make sure you before he could finish he was gone shoot on day 79 through 82 I headed to New York City and I spotted Mysterio causing havoc and destroying the city that’s it I’ve had

Enough of this guy I ran in to confront him ah we started fighting and I immediately realized that with my new armor I was taking much less damage I quickly overpowered Mysterio and I had him in my clutches not this time punk I was about

To finish him off when the ghost of Aunt May appeared behind me you know I wouldn’t like that ah I know oh I’ll let you go again and I mean uh yes I’ll let you go again as long as you promise to leave this city okay man jeez I went up

To the top of a building and looked out at all of the chaos that was happening around the city and the world now the sky had turned red from all of this oh boy this is not good during days 83 to 86 Gwen found me she was panicking what

Are you doing here the base is being consumed by the Glitch together we rushed back to the base as fast as we could no no no come on this can’t be happening I ran inside and a bunch of husks had been glitched into this universe spider ham and Noir were taking

Them on you guys need to leave before the glitch takes you we’ll never leave a fellow Spiderman behind yeah what he said suddenly as both of them were in the midst of battle both Spider-Mans got glitched no I finished off the husks and started to clean up the aftermath

Knowing there was nothing I could do to get them back I decided to also build the final part of the base to make it a fully complete spider web base this is a symbol to Kingpin that I would not back down I also added two signs memorials

For both Noir and spider ham this was super sad for me but they deserved a resting ground I will miss you both lastly I decorated the area to cover up the glitch on days 87 through 90 I was still in the base trying to figure out

What to do next just then I heard somebody struggling from another part of the base what the I went into Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s old room and I discovered Peter B Parker standing there with the portal behind him Peter B what are you doing here oh boy am I glad to

See you I was trapped inside that weird hot dog dimension for what felt like years hot dog Dimension yep everyone was a hot dog there was even a spider dog fascinating well here things have gotten much worse the poor just a few friends to the glitch that’s

Not good we’re strange we need to find him on days 91 through 93 I was traveling around with Peter searching for Doctor Strange eventually we spotted a big light coming out of the sky that must be him we followed the light and discovered strange who was trying to

Close a huge portal with a giant monster coming through it miles was there fighting off the Beast and Peter and I jumped in to help him I used my firepowers to knock the Beast back as hard as I could it started advancing but with all of our powers combined we were

Able to keep it at Bay eventually strange was able to close the portal and we were safe for now the four of us gathered together to talk we don’t have much time bronzo take this he shot me with a magic beam giving me a new power and before I could thank

Him glitched away wait no well I’d love to stay and help but I’m not the hero of this story kid good luck well ah this stick on days 94th 46. I was searching around for anyone who was left in the universe who could help me I spotted

Green Goblin in his room and ran up to him Norman I need your help nah nah I think I’m going back to evil again what why at this point it’s too late might as well be on The Winning Side he left at me and it’s hot but

After a few moments he too was glitched away oh all right uh let’s find someone else with that situation handled I went looking for Ghost Rider hey Johnny let’s ride before he could respond he was glitched away too ah I kept searching around for help and found Venom again Venom I think

You’re one of the only ones left who can help me I need you on days 97 and 98 I was working with Venom to hone in my fighting abilities Okay I did some more training with that in mind and I gained awesome new powers I started testing it out until Gwen came up to me bronzo there’s not much time left we need a new plan fast we all went into the base to form a better plan

Together on day 99 we were working on a plan there’s got to be a way to get Kingpin to stop this you know Brute Force isn’t working we need something clever McDonald’s to snap him no way that’s crazy way too dangerous he mentioned losing his family but aside

From that we know almost nothing wait that’s it wait uh okay then wait that could work come on let’s go we started to leave but then Venom stopped Venom what’s wrong oh no I think I might before he could finish he was glitched away no not you too I guess I’m

On my own again there’s no turning back now let’s ride it was finally day 100 I reached the top of Stark Tower to confront Kingpin it was renamed to Kingpin Tower it’s over Fisk why yes it is over for everyone I charged into battle and unloaded every

Power I had ever gained onto Kingpin but it still wasn’t enough he was still overpowering me and it seemed like this might be the end for me and the whole universe I was starting to think that there was no hope when suddenly a portal opened up and Gwen came out of it with

Kingpin’s family Gwen you found them Vanessa Richard what are you doing here Wilson what the heck are you doing I’m ashamed of you I only did it because I missed you so much please forgive me just send us back to our universe please I will but I want to come with you okay

I’ll give you another chance everyone started going back to their own Universe I said goodbye to Gwen well this was fun I’ll always remember you bronzo with that she was teleported back to her own Universe I watched proudly as everything around me started going back to normal we had done it Oh

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a FIRE SPIDER-MAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-04-15 12:00:33. It has garnered 1712725 views and 32062 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:03 or 2403 seconds.

► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnEifYQ_sawt9_U668KUatg?sub_confirmation=1

I Survived 100 DAYS as FIRE SPIDER-MAN in HARDCORE MINECRAFT! As FIRE SPIDER-MAN, I have to build a FIRE SPIDER BASE, as well as stop the KINGPIN from merging all universes into one! Can I recruit other ELEMENTAIL SPIDER-PEOPLE like POISON SPIDER-GWEN to help me defeat the evil KINGPIN?

MODS USED: Additional Lights – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-lights Astemir’s Forestcraft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/astemirs-forest-craft Artifacts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Citadel – https://github.com/AlexModGuy/Citadel Collective – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/collective Configure – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured CreativeCore – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Custom NPCs – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/customnpcs Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic DataPack Anvil – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/datapack-anvil Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Elemental Craft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/elemental-craft Epic Fight Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-mod Geckolib – https://geckolib.com/ Grappling Hook Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/grappling-hook-mod Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei Lucky TNT – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/luckytnt L Ender’s Cataclysm – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/l_ender-s-cataclysm Mahou Tsukai- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mahou-tsukai mo guns https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moguns More Player Models – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/ Mr Crayfish’s Gun Mod – https://mrcrayfish.com/ Mr Crayfish’s Vehicle Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfishs-vehicle-mod Mowzie’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mowzies-mobs Mutant Beasts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-beasts Mutant More – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-more Obfuscate – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=obfuscate Olympic God’s Attributes – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/olympic-gods-attribues Parcool – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/parcool Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Puzzlelib – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/puzzles-lib Sorcerium – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sorcerium Structure Gel API – https://moddinglegacy.com/ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries Spider Man Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-spiderman-mod Super Suit Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/super-suit-mod Tensura Mod – That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tensura-mod-that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect The Warp Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod Villagers and Monsters – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villagers-and-monsters-mod-legency Visual Workbench – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visual-workbench XK’s Decorations – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xks-decoration

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

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  • EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #Shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVE

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  • XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizo

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  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥

    INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-15 22:38:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in… Read More

  • OasisSMP

    OasisSMPLifesteal/Survival Active staff, Events, Giveaways and more! Unleash your inner warrior and conquer the wildest survival challenges on our high-stakes server. Raid, pillage, and unleash chaos upon your foes as you battle for supremacy in a cutthroat world. Embrace the rush of adrenaline as you thrive in an environment where raiding and griefing are part of the game. Show off your cunning strategies and formidable skills, and let your legend be written in blood on OasisSMP. We’re always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed,… Read More

  • MeinKraft Nostalgic: Anarchy

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  • ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills

    ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills Read More

  • Pocket Realm

    Pocket RealmWe’re a new pixelmon server thats looking for members, and we’re slowly adding things and working on other stuff to try make this a nice little community to get away from all the tryhards (this is a non-p2w server)discord.gg/hK8eUHN8R9 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Hard Mode Upgrade

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Hard Mode UpgradeLooks like we have a crit-ically acclaimed meme on our hands! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

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  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let’s Play

    Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let's Play Vanderzone MC Lets Play Episode 9: Trades, Melons & Treasure Expanding the Villager Trading Hall In this episode, Vanderzone embarks on expanding the villager trading hall to accommodate more villagers and trades. The addition of new villagers brings a variety of trade options, from armor to tools, enriching the gameplay experience. Vanderzone’s meticulous approach to design is evident as they incorporate different materials like andersite and wood to create a visually appealing trading area. Automating Composting with Style One of the highlights of this episode is Vanderzone’s creation of an automatic composter for excess seeds. The attention to detail… Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯

    EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯Video Information [Musik] ja halli hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zur finalen Folge hier dieser Staffel bei Minecraft in genau gesagt in der 205 mittlerweile aber ohne experimentelle Futures ne für die die jetzt er eingeschalten haben genau wir wollen in dieser Folge gegen den Witter kämpfen und darauf haben wir uns auf jeden Fall vorbereitet ne ich habe mir ja noch mal eine neue Rüstung gemacht nachdem ich meinen guten stuff wo ich lang dafür gegrindet hab verloren hab habe ich mir noch meine neue Rüstung gemacht und in der letzten Folge haben wir uns den Helm hier noch… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a FIRE SPIDER-MAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!