ibxtoycat – Can I Beat Minecraft In A Mushroom Biome?

Video Information

Found one of your dream seeds which was for a seed with literally the biggest mushroom biome findable and as soon as I saw that there were thousands of blocks of this same biome I couldn’t resist loading up and trying it for myself and so today I’m going to be going to that

Mushroom biome the moment I spawn you can’t spawn on mushroom islands but you can spawn very close to them I’m gonna go straight to it as you can see this is a Jungle Band we’re gonna ignore off that we’re gonna stay on the Mushroom Island for as long and as much of the

Game as we can and see exactly what we can actually do with it I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and join me for the journey I guess um so yeah if you aren’t familiar with the basic idea it is that in Minecraft

Uh there is lots of biomes and you know they all have different Rarities but the rarest one has always been the mushroom biome and as a reward for being so rare it has an exclusive and very elusive powerful mob it has a very weird set of terrain generation rules that result in

It being purple and most importantly it tries to only spawn as Islands which means you have to swim to one because the game refuses is to spawn you on them at least post 1.18 and so let’s load up a seed let’s go over there and let’s see

How it works out also good luck at least food won’t be an issue says uh David Hambrick thank you I I really do think the biggest benefit of the place is gonna be that our basic needs are taken care of so there’s just gonna be things that are weirdly you know long or

Strange to do so we can just take advantage of the mushroom bomb as much as we can it might be a benefit right yeah blessing rather than a curse and so that is precisely what my plan is so um looks like a more of an all ocean

Challenge so far it is um also indeed I went a little bit too close to the OSHA Monument it seems um there’s a second one way back over there but there is a mushroom Island that you can just about see I was gonna get in a boat to

Go to it but again I want to be clean for this straight to the Mushroom Island and straight to surviving on it so in case you haven’t seen seed Sunday yet I can leave a link to it down below but in case you haven’t seen it

Um it is hard to comprehend how big we say it is when we say yeah there is a mushroom Island that’s not a mushroom Island it’s a mushroom consonant it is the size you know if if a normal island is the size of like a uh you know like a

Tiny little uh outerlying Island that you’re used to this is the size of Australia this is this is really pushing the boundaries between when a mushroom Island stops being a mushroom Island and starts being something else and uh believe me uh every time you think you’ve seen it all you just there’s more

To see also there’s apparently an ocean Monument just outside of it that I’m gonna be desperate to avoid her so yeah we’re gonna stay above the water and I’m gonna go swimming and we’re gonna see just how much of this Mushroom Island there really is by the way I’ve

Never been so lucky to find a mushroom hello fellow Welsh people let’s see these mushrooms I you know I agree eating mushrooms very good for you I you know underrated benefit it’s weird to me that like mushrooms aren’t like an easy to categorize anything they’re not easy

To categorize as life they’re not easy to categorize as uh you know like a even a type of food they feel like a vegetable but yet mushrooms aren’t you know I just I never can understand it so um is this huge mushroom bomb from the

Seed challenge yes it is it is from this weekend’s seat Sunday um so if you if you need the seed in particular it’s easy to find it so how are you gonna get wood this is a fun thing right like it used to be if you

Wanted wood in a mushroom bile you would either be out of luck find a mine shaft or a shipwreck or something along those lines however Minecraft 1.18 did something really interesting and so let’s let’s go see what that is so um will that be mushroom for all of us to

Be in the mushroom biome yeah that’s the funny thing I feel like you could settle down with 30 people hearing it all work anyway yeah so that’s my first mushroom coming in say hello so this is my food source sorted if I can get a bowl if I

Can’t get a bowl I just have to beat them to death also I gotta climb up and into this maybe I’ll break some so also by the way here’s another fun thing every block in the mushroom biome that is exclusive so the giant mushrooms and the these things are all when you break

Them you get a different block so when you break mycelium you get dirt how long do I have mining fatigue for two and a half minutes Jesus oh get Elder Guardians are brutal of the uh the timing apparently so um yeah we’re now going to uh go around the island and

We’re gonna try and piece together something for life because you know we can kill mushrooms all day long but they just give you cow drops which is acceptable I guess like it’s not terrible um but you know is is one raw beef gonna feed us especially without you know like

A a way to make a furnace no it’s not and also do you feel good about being mushrooms death I certainly don’t know I hope today we can get some real mushrooms would be fun by the way but um yeah the Also let’s just uh finish the

Murder I’m very sorry I I don’t need I don’t want to kill a lot of you I just want to kill enough of you to keep myself alive um but yeah the plan is post 1.18 you can find uh azalea trees above Lush caves which means we just have to

Explore the thing until we can find one of those also I am still very much wearing the the the the the rainbow Cape from uh yesterday’s uh let’s play you know I had to see if the the piglet was was gay or woke one of the two I guess

You can be you know it was maybe I equated the two which is very anti learned that to me anyway um I forgot about these earlier tree yeah the azalea trees are a ridiculous thing fun guy toy cat ah thank you very much it’s a silly joke but it’s one I like

Izzy de Bauer um you know is he the bear that’s a fun name too it’s also spelled different how I’d expect I would have guessed no W so maybe like gosh is what’s going on there thank you very much for saying I’m a fun

Guy I certainly aim to be one so um yeah we have to scroll around the biome for as long as we can just kind of hover around looking no no place to settle down until we find an azalea tree bear in mind it might be a thousand blocks or so

Um but yeah we’re looking just desperately for one of those if I’d have stored in my mind I’m sure we could have found one in advance but you can see just the scale of this thing as we do that it it feels like we’ve loaded up a

Single biome mind your mind uh mushroom world but yeah that’s not the case so um also at least they still sound like normal cows it’s the weirdest thing right like whoever added the mushroom had a lot of fun that day I imagine uh but yeah it’s technically it’s one of

Those weird mods I’m just sorry I don’t want to have to kill you I just do have to have to kill you um so yeah looking around we’re gonna see what we can find today the good news is Hostile Mobs don’t spawn here even at

Night time uh the band is is we could be going a long while if we’re looking for a treat over there does that look like one behind that or is that a mushroom it’s it’s hard to be sure without any blocks to even break up but we’ll um

Yeah I guess what we’ll do is for now just uh to keep alive we’ll look down and actually if we find a lush cave down below we’d also be pretty sorted as well so we look for one of those two things and it’ll be golden so what about

Everyone’s favorite mobs and Phantoms I actually don’t know if Phantom spawn here I bet that it makes sense that they would but I also I I haven’t heard of it they do so um yeah the mission biome is one of the most just ridiculously beautiful but also strange places you can be

Um it is a very samey biome or so um but also it’s same in to itself but so different to the rest of Minecraft right like this feels like an alien planet I think Minecraft could really lean into having more rare biomes like this because uh when when there’s just

The one of them it’s like okay you see it you’re done imagine if there were biomes that were this rare uh that you would just find occasionally that made you go yeah wanna want to go there um and as long as they make them just interesting visually and stuff I’m sure

It’d be interesting uh by the way we found our room portal before we found a tree also thank you Jay cleow um is that designed to rhyme with meow because if so it does also we got some red mushrooms um the time for me to get attacks let’s

Get the ball rolling you know let’s do it Jake Cleo thank you thank you very much I appreciate the uh the tip hope you’re doing wonderfully also vs says he really loves this biome you know I I’m glad you love the blind so much I I

Really do it’s a it’s a beautiful place right um but yeah no I um I I really appreciate when people like the idea of like yeah let’s let’s get the thing you know let’s get it going let’s get the train moving uh it’s it’s nice I I try

Not I try to never be the person who’s like okay every five seconds it’s been like 25 seconds since I last mentioned that you can tip so did you know you can go to streamlabs.com and it appears on screen but um yeah at the same time it’s

Also like well that is important to say isn’t it um I think finding a balance and lots of things can be hard especially things where you’re like oh yeah what do people think poorly on me but I I think of things that are like important to make something work almost everyone

Understands at some point they’re like well you know you can not do it and you know as long as you’re not doing it like obsessively or intrusively it’s like yeah it works out eventually also yeah we have now uh iron we have gold armor so we’re sorted on the armor front from

Those mobs that won’t come here but we don’t have any tree or sign of a tree yet uh they are they do exist I do know that but where they exist is gonna be fun so um yeah we could also go to a mine shaft I do agree also I got three

Months of uh YouTube premium free and it’s nice as a kmb 600 the best bit about uh YouTube premium is even while you’re on a trial um it still is better for you to watch uh YouTube videos than if you’re watching apps like YouTubers get paid more it’s um it’s an important thing

People who do think about little people also Logan I definitely saw this stream coming last Sunday I can’t I can tell this is going to be a silly one yeah I’m looking forward to it honestly also there’s some green over here I don’t know if that is going to mean anything

For me but it might might be a sign that there’s at least a cave down there maybe um that we could head into no it’s weird this is just also wait what is that down there I thought it was a mine sharp but I’m crazy

Um this is a very big place a very look like by the way we’ve been heading in the same direction for over a thousand blocks now and there’s still no sign of the end right like I see some sign of stone though okay that’s useful that means there’s probably lava down there

So if we can um okay if I could get some Flint I could light the cows on fire because I’ve already got the steel no even then okay we got lava and we’ve got a ruined portal we just don’t have a tree and with our tree we also can’t go to sleep

Sir one day Phantoms will murder us um it’d be great if there were mushroom Villages yeah I think I think that if Minecraft wants to have like a weird biometer Farm villages in it should be the mission buyer it should be done also those are some very tall mushrooms in the background

Yeah like look at some of these they’re so ridiculously tall I did not appreciate how far I might have to go in search of a tree by the way but I’m also entirely ready to kind of just tactically cross this place and then we’ll start turning left after that

Maybe uh but we still might just be good there so um the beef uh yeah I I you know there’s there’s no signal okay over there I think that’s the second Brewing portal it might be a tree but I think it’s a room portal right yeah we found two ruined portals

Now before we’ve found any sign of wood but that’s fine that’s what the biome entails we now have so much food and we have lever and we have a chest and obsidian before we have wood it is the place that gives and gives and gives but

Is a little bit cautious if you ask it for some wood you just gotta you gotta watch out if you want to ask for wood just ask really really politely um so trees do not spawn in this biome says build on okay well done hold that

Thought and uh bear in mind this is vanilla Minecraft no mods I just like uh my favorite thing in life in not you know in real life is like proving someone wrong when they make a comment like that but obviously I can’t I can’t really easily enforce that one here so

Instead you’re gonna have to enforce that owner I was wrong moment on yourself I hope that’s okay if we say that um also yeah I would like to get some sugarcane in sooner rather than later so as long as we find someone the shore of this will be golden also I

Think speaking of being golden let’s eat some of this um because this is good food it will last forever it’s great um but yeah we are going to find a tree it’s gonna happen um if you think I’m crazy I have some news for you that’s true but also I’m

Gonna find one still okay so yeah this this biome has one if I’m not mistaken just over here is a good spot too I I remember vaguely looking at this world and above from creative a long time ago it’s literally days ago Sunday can you remember Sunday internet you know times

Was simpler last Sunday um but yeah let’s see if we can uh uh see any sign of it I think third person’s scanning left right left right um but yeah I want to um the most important thing is that you you feel that uh and

Yeah and that you know I feel like the most important feeling in the world is when you had a really strong conviction about something and you were wrong because it’s a reminder that conviction is important but you can’t just be convinced that something is real until it exists like things either exist or

They don’t and you don’t have a perfect knowledge of what it is sometimes things that seem ridiculous can end up being true and it’s kind of beautiful also wait we have silk touch now we can chop down some mushroom blocks okay that’s fun also is this a cave it

Is not a lush cave which is the one we really kind of need um but we don’t need the Lush cave itself which sounds like it’s a cop-out but it would be a great way we can just find a single azalea tree from up above here so over there that’s gotta be a

Lush cave I don’t think you can even get cave farms in this world um we we can we can that’s that’s the benefit honestly of doing it this way also sugarcane yes okay that’s in the mushroom biome we’re all good it’s is that five high sugarcane too no it’s

Four High I mean still weird right objectively but yeah just four high what a what a normal height for sugar cane to be sorry I mean so four high is exactly how high isn’t it isn’t it weird that cactuses and sugar can grow taller in this way than normal

Um but yeah I think um can’t you get the uh bushes from the Lush caves more trees yeah the plan is we either find them in the Lush cave itself or we find the azalea tree which points to it that is uh it’s uh it’s one

Of those plans that puts us in a situation where we’re kind of endlessly gonna look for something that I think you know part of me is like oh is this the sort of thing you meant to know where it is ahead of time because I I’m genuinely just looking with no idea if

Where one is but just knowing that you will find one even here because although trees can’t spawn here every biome can have trees via the Lush cave um via the Azalea which spawns on top of it so as long as we find one soon we’ll

Be great in the meantime we can do the the fun thing you know a lot of people have a lot of feelings about this uh this Caper um we can we can get that as our engagement hat going on right now like wow anyone have any feelings about this

They’d like to share and chat uh you got strong feelings for or against uh rainbow caps please do let me know but yeah we could find uh so if we weren’t gonna if there were no Lush caves by the way um but if you want go if we didn’t find

Lush caves we’d still be able to find mine shafts underneath all this somewhere uh it would take a long time to get there um but if we couldn’t find that we could find a shipwreck that is our like hierarchy also I think I’m going to take some of the grass of me

Um it’s a bit of a weird one right but finding grass in a in a mushroom plant surprisingly hard so we just take some of this we’ll be in for something nice I think and then we’ll also um we’ll save the axes for the trees that was or save this ax through the

Trees are if mob’s tried to hit me but yeah notice I’m playing I’m not playing peaceful difficulty but doesn’t it look an awful lot like peaceful chat there are no mobs anywhere because that is how the mushroom Van Works um also um I find this to be colorful

That’s all I have to say oh the oh all the controversies faded out damn it so yeah it it really looks like peaceful right Hunter Robinson it’s crazy um we need a mushroom uh biome hostel mob it would be I think it would be fun I think a lot of people could appreciate

If there was a hostile mushroom style mob I mean isn’t that the uh in Minecraft dungeons they had an insane one that I thought was a cool little addition to that game maybe that’s what they should do here too so yeah this is uh this cave here looks kind of

Promising is it gonna give us direct access to a lush cave it’s not there’s uh it’s a big cave but there’s still nothing in it um I was assuming we’d find an azalea tree before we found the cave but every table we checked we come past we we’ve

Got a check anyway right like it’s just it’s just the important thing to do and this is you know like uh the the caves themselves will have more than one tree rather than just the single one anyway uh so this one is looking absolutely fascinating uh what is it what’s going

On down there by the way you said the device on Cape sort of which can be a good thing given how much stolen accounts for The Capes can sell for yeah this is a um it’s a really interesting point because uh RuneScape has the same problem they made

A bunch of limited time items that weren’t meant to be limited time items they just were only made for you know they’re meant to just be like here’s a fun show that you used to play off this time but then they became so valuable because people start selling them and it

Becomes a whole second economy um that they’re like oh we don’t like that now hacking someone’s account can be worth insane amounts because you can’t get these things otherwise um and yeah I think I do see that as an argument but I also think like the only

Way to not have that be an argument is to say every account is the same when you give us money you give us the an amount equal to the best and it kind of removes individuality imagine if you said like oh yeah well we’ve noticed that in the real world people who have

Slightly nicer people who buy the nice strawberries or nice phones maybe uh become more of a target for theft so we’re only going to sell bad phones now uh the I don’t know what’s the Apple equivalent the iPhone um SC or the the iPhone 10 is where

Anything past that point you have to you have to come trade them in and then from now onwards we’re only gonna be making iPhone 10s so everyone has equally terrible phones and then no one needs to steal each other’s phones and it’s like well that’s you’ve sold like one part of

The problem but also in a really bad way um in a really really bad way um but yeah I guess you and even then I guess not now there’s still the problem of people because you’re allowed to keep your old uh capes from pre-evaluation it still then means that people have these

Valuable accounts right um because still I you know I have a Minecon 2015 Cape as well as a 2016 one uh that I apparently am eligible to get if I can provide proof but um I got free codes for it that’s what really annoys me I

Had free Minecon 2016 cards and none of them worked I think so maybe one of the employees when it’s on iPhone is but like people helping out I’m not even sure by the way I’ve been I’ve been searching for so long here I did not appreciate how long we’d have to spend

Looking just for a tree sometimes those are the fun challenges there right the ones where even even Step One is a bit of a struggle but I’m sure we’ll find a tree from up here we’ve been going for so long um okay do you see one chat do you see one

Um Azalea Azalea Azalea Azalea every time about renderson’s all the way it might help actually okay yeah for things like this it’s important to max out that render distance um so we go to video we’ll go to chunks we’ll just put up to 45. just give it a

Little bit more so we can see what’s all the way over there uh I think that’s an important thing uh I’m pretty sure it is in fact also I saw so many on seat Sunday now there’s just none I think that’s the one of the things that I’m always trying to

Like make sure there’s a lot of biases that come out when things come up in YouTube videos one of them is like this bias towards everything in Creative for example makes things look easy so seek videos will be like yeah these things are next to each other but if there’s a

Huge chasm in between it’s like yeah that takes some effort to cross um but yeah I um I look at that one under there also uh silly stroma trees are not real we will find one and we will chop it down brutally is this nope okay that’s fine Isn’t it nice by

The way this biome is very safe there’s no chance me being uh murdered by you know the Rogue mop here or there but on the other hand oh so we’re gonna eat another golden carrot now let’s get up to full and this is it seems like it makes sense

Um but yeah I think we’re gonna find I think finding something the natural way at this point is going to feel extra satisfying it’s like the super flat challenge thing like sometimes knowing that something is super super rare um you know what knowing something is hard makes getting to that step and past

It really quite valuable we haven’t seen a single tree in our we’re approaching the end of the biome over here almost we haven’t seen a single tree just yet um we can see one all the way over there in a different biome but we’re staying in the mushroom biome for what we can

Today um yeah maybe over here is is where I thought was over there we’ll see so first of all as you can see this is another ruined portal I hope it’s not the same one I went to earlier and I’ve somehow uh backed around on myself but

As you can see oh flint and steel so we got some cooked beef now um that’s a good thing some fire charges seem good the Flint isn’t really needed if I have a second Flint still and a fire aspect sword as well and that’s very fun huh also um good to see you

It’s Dorian and uh Aubry how are you doing today um can you imagine if 1.21 was a mushroom bomb up there I mean Minecraft does need to update it too right gotta gotta consider all the biomes in your updates so yeah we um so we don’t have

To eat our golden carrots now we can now start cooking our food before we eat it which is a fun little fun little bit right I like that um the the murder of the cow is still going to be slow a little bit painful but we got something from that so we’re now

Gonna go this way I guess positive negative yeah we’ll set some count you know I really like you guys you guys you don’t deserve this I know I understand but someone has to enforce this on you and I need some cooked steak so now we can replace our previous so it

Says have looting on no just fire aspect so now we’ve got to cook beef as well which just you know sometimes it’s nice to have food diversity food insecurity is one of the scariest things right when you the the thing that can like bring down a group of people the fastest is

When the people don’t know like I you know there’s a famous phrase like yep revolutions like people people uh it’s like free every people are free missed meals away from a revolution like you all it takes is you telling people like oh I don’t know how you’re gonna eat

Today or tomorrow or the day after and people will be like oh dear God um which is why you’ll notice a lot of people um this is an interesting tactic right like um if you want people to be more in favor of Revolution convince them they already don’t have meals how well you

Know like people convince them other people don’t you know on their behest and if you want to convince people they’re fine then make sure you give the most uh Rowdy people make sure they have their stuff covered also I wouldn’t having more freaky biomes like make the mission by them lose its charm

Yeah there is a there is a really interesting argument that I’m sure Mojang must have gone back and forth on um when you add a new biome to the game you kind of devalue all the existing ones and their experience if Minecraft had 300 biomes that were all unique they

Would all feel less interesting in themselves so working out the balance of when to add new content versus when to just polish existing ones um is a really hard one it it’s hard for basically anything you ever do like when you’re writing a um I remember one of my

Uh I think it was my history teacher would always be like wow Andrew you write so concisely what it actually was was that I was writing just very little like I I made sure I got all the important points in and just said very little that I could but like being able

To say the same amount of stuff in less time is a good thing in general I mean it’s weird because I you know the the whole existence of YouTube to some extent proves the opposite but that’s how that’s like you know like more concisity is a good thing in people’s

Minds also don’t worry that’s no problem Mojang already adds mediocre biomes like the mangrove swamp so it actually makes all the other biomes even better you know it’s a good theory that that’s why they do it I uh you know the the more bad biomes they add to the game the

More we’ll appreciate the existing biomes that’s that’s a weird thing right that you sometimes you can do something bad to make someone appreciate what they have already uh maybe the whole premise behind the the uh the soul movies I guess basically but yeah also this is

Crazy how far we’ve come and I don’t I remember seeing them everywhere um when I did a flyover but I haven’t seen one just yet but I you know I’m sure we will find one uh we just gotta keep believing also um by the way you uh ever always have

The swamp update barely updated the swamps that’s the thing right they made a whole new sub biome rather than updating the main biome itself it’s a it’s a tricky problem Minecraft has of people will say Minecraft needs to change but then immediately after saying that be like Minecraft was way better back before

They changed and so uh it’s it’s hard to like find that balance how do you how do you change enough that people feel like something’s fresh while also staying true to the thing that people you know like care about something for like um and I think musical artists go through

This the first because people say like oh man I like your earlier stuff better but then if you make the same stuff that you used to make over and over again people like oh yeah they just they’re a one-hit wonder they made one thing and they never worked out how to make

Something else like you almost can’t win people people want to criticize um and you know like rightly so like if you if you spend money on something you should you should have the right to say it’s terrible which is why you know therefore all the people who haven’t

Tipped on the stream sorry it’s you’re not allowed to say it’s terrible that we haven’t found a tree yet do you see the size of this mushroom Burn by the way that we’ve spent 20 minutes looking around it and haven’t found one of the many trees that exist here I do

Promise you there are trees um I hope Mojang doesn’t uh change the Bedrock quiver to be more like the Java Weber due to parity I think it’s more likely they’ll change the Java River to be like the Bedrock one um because the Bedrock river is so in my

Mind the Bedrock quiver was made by people who saw the Java weather and for yeah how do we improve on this um become a member of the exclusive perk of roasting toy cat says big salmon it’s true it’s the it’s it’s the reason to be a member the biggest one also could you

Imagine trying the seed in the Xbox 360 edition there’d be a woodland mansion in one of the corners um a bunch of also come on I at this point it’s ridiculous now I I’ve been playing fairly coolly but where are the where is it there are definitely trees

Here chat I promise you we might have to start digging underground or searching out these caves that we go into I was just assuming like yeah well it’s gonna be faster not to but maybe that’s wrong maybe we just gotta follow our heart follow our soul follow wherever the game takes me um

Or make an observation tower yeah that was my first sport I I but when I stacked up I still didn’t see stuff okay here’s a cave is there gonna be the right type of cave no it’s a very Bland cave oh no no no no no

Oh and now I’m trapped in the Bland cave you know that’s why you don’t cool things Bland to their face always cool people Bland from a distance where you’re safe optimism will only take you so far you know optimism will get me there I promise you that I don’t know when I

Don’t know how but the optimism will be the solution so these caves aren’t very likely to lead to life caves we want to go into one of the big ones if that’s our plan um but we will find it I guess what it is is we need to know

Where the Lush caves are and we could like reverse backwards from there um but yeah I uh I I’m feeling I’m feeling like I’m gonna find something soon I am I’m fairly sure also I know this is terrible we’ve learned a lot from your videos including stuff we weren’t even curious about but

Tunnel uh turned out to be useful like deleting the end platform uh that ending was good I’m glad you liked it I um this is one of those crazy um yeah this is one of those crazy uh see like uh seeds that’s been found this

Week is uh one of the most broken ends I uh cracked magnets been sharing it already but it’s blowing my mind um just how just how broken the end can get I say I asked some crack magnet something like what’s the oh so I did

Not find it I I’ll crack magnet like so just get out of curiosity like can you find like weird ends and he’s like no I don’t because most people haven’t really focused on the end generation so he’s been working on it and some insane stuff

Is coming out of it is what I’ll say also there is definitely definitely a tree around her somewhere um 512 minus 1360 is what uh Natalie DeSaro says um yeah I I uh I I still have faith that we’re gonna find one we we are slowly scouring the entire continent and we

Will find again if not the azalea tree on the surface which they are they do exist they are around here then we’ll find the ones below the surface you know we don’t I don’t know where we have to go for it but we will go and we will

Sort it also we’re slowly getting more leather from this experience so it’s not terrible overall thing just would like would like that like the tree I think so um also we’ve got so much mushrooms to do just from the mushrooms that we found here we haven’t even had to chop down

One of these trees yet um yeah I um you missed some sugarcane yeah the uh Missing sugar cane sounds bad that’s uh that is a drastic mess up okay so just looking over here um yeah what what are we what are we seeing now

I see something no no tree I see no tree okay we’re gonna have to start just loading into caves um it’s weird because they are there’s a bunch of trees here but there’s also a bunch of non like it’s a big biome right finding finding any of those things

About coordinates very very very challenging so um instead what we do is we take advantage of anything that leads us down okay so that cave there we’re going in we’re seeing where it leads us and we’re assuming that it’s gonna be Lush at least somewhere in there right

Well maybe that’s uh okay so we’re going in chat oh no no no it’s fine you know I got plenty of food we we need to find our wood in here somewhere so um there are some mushrooms over there but I’m not I’m not convinced this cave

Has okay there we go it’s down here no yeah this cave doesn’t have the depth like uh if we need to be led into a giant cave that leads into more cave um yeah I uh manifesting a tree he uh there’s a bug report for Jarvis from the

World so you can calls the exit portal in the end to get destroyed by the void yeah the um the seed I’m talking about is um It’s the End Portal is it y zero and there’s no end Island so the dragon just like fights you over nothing it’s a very

It’s a very terrifying seed but also it can work out in your favor because in theory uh no Enderman so it’s one of those not sure about the good versus the bad effect also is this a lush cave no it might lead into something it’s gonna be

Worth a shot at this point uh so we find okay Lush Lush down here maybe no Lush through here maybe just maybe really wanna we just need one of these Cades to leave into a lead into a giant cave and that will be great also moo

Says Harrison gray Mo it is good to see moo how are moo doing moo day there we go that’s my mushroom my best cow based pun I can do today or best cow based introduction I can do today um so yeah getting up there a bit of a

Struggle uh I guess we’ll just follow the we’ll have to place a few blocks here and there but we will get out and we will find these the Z needs to be minus 1360 I’m cheating so what you’re saying is uh to be fair we were really close to 500 minus 1360.

That was magnificent yeah I think if we want to go to minus 1360 500 It’s Not a Bad Bet to just be like okay at some point we just go there um but yeah I think on the way we still might find something so I’m gonna I’m

Gonna just head this way straight across we’ll look right if we see any trees we’ll go for them but we’ll also accept that maybe just maybe okay eat the coffee It Feels So Rude by sampling yeah that’s also an option right we could um post the update where they’ll buy things

From you you can always use um wandering traders to get wood soon um or to sell things to him to get saplings I should say let’s go right across the biome this is this this this is a very big place to the point where genuinely keeping your bearings about coordinates would be

Impossible like oh yeah just go past the big mushroom and then you’ll be in the right place what does any of that mean you know you always build an observational Tower why not now I think I went really high up in the train I didn’t see something there

That’s why I’m like torn like I could build the giant Stack Up but then what if I still found nothing yeah I figured we’d get to about minus 1400 and like what we get to the top of this we’ll stack up onto the mushroom and then from there we’ll see what we find

Um it should be the right place I you know trusting random chat is not is not the best of ideas all the time um also I’m not getting any of this dirt apparently there we go so we’ll use this dirt to get on top of

The mushroom and then once we go on top of the mushroom we’ll see what we find okay so as you can see it is very tall up here um so I guess we Stack Up here and then a second time we jump on okay this is my observational power for the day chat

Five blocks up do you see a tree we’ve got to see a tree I see another room portal that’s interesting by the way thank you Aubry oh my toy cat tax dollars to go towards shroom pigs and when you kill them you get Haram mushrooms okay Oprah you know

I’m gonna work towards it shroom pigs um so yeah looking at it right now I don’t see him right maybe maybe because it’s dark um do you see any trees I see a ruined portal so that’s useful we can eventually go to the never and get wood from there I guess

Um but uh yeah you seen any other wood signs I’m not honestly yeah this is we might need to go even higher up if we want a good vibe um but yeah we’ll uh we’ll see what’s over here how rare are trees on a mushroom

Very rare um but you still like it’s not impossibly rare like there’s like a few there’s like a half dozen across this entire place and we’re just waiting till we find one of them there is a distinct lack of wood you know it’s a nice place though you know I’ve got golden carrots

Um sorted I’ve got you know I’m not I’m not living all the way terribly so um here’s a parasocial relationship with these Azalea Teresa’s Jake Cleo yeah if I just bought these anti trees wanted to see me too I’m realizing it’s like I’m in Stan and I’m just like oh no

I I’m just the Super Fan I’ve got I got their names carved in me and I didn’t realize that they didn’t even know who I was there’s like three on the specific continent oh there’s only three on the whole continent in my mind it was like

Yeah I saw two here one there there’s so many of them but it makes sense that there’s not that many Lush caves so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go to this um room portal the room portal is always going to be important if I’ve

Been there already it’s a bad sign for how much I’ve explored the place but probably have not been although actually oh no no it’s not sure yet till we’ve gone to this side what’s in the ruin portal I know we have been here so uh if we just go this way I believe

Um I believe someone in chat said it was 560 1360 something like that um we’ll see what’s over here I will find it it’ll be great so we do have a big cave on the way nope this is not a big cave it looks like a cave but it’s

Just a dip in the terrain um and um yeah we’ll see we’ll see what’s over here specifically do you see a treat it’s weird that I didn’t see it from a top hat perch it means they’re either way on the other side um or it could mean something else I guess

Okay so from uh 1360 1340 1360 we look left and we look right where about is it I see a big lava pit there oh no chat I think I was Bamboozled I think someone I think someone someone said something that was not correct and I trusted it there is no azalea tree

Here oh no okay that’s fine so um I love this idea for a challenge it is a really weird one huh like what do we where Okay so let’s let’s let’s let’s focus on fundamentals we can keep going along the axle is that yeah we’ll head along it a little bit further

And it’ll be great um what a nice way to enjoy Minecraft watching Minecraft while playing Minecraft my friends talking about Minecraft what a beautiful combination gummy hope I hope that you I I think uh one of the things I’m waiting for like people get into like big Cycles

About like oh we love Minecraft now now we hate Minecraft It’s so dead Fortnight like a I I can’t wait people get back into the cycle of like you know Minecraft is beautiful because uh as a community it feels like well as a collective it feels like the

Internet goes back and forth on hating it or not um go down oh no but there’s azalea trees on the surface uh ah why why did I trust someone on the internet this is why you do your own research what do they mean go down this is alien

Trees on the surface don’t lead me to a random spot on stage just go down it’ll be fine um man what Insanity so thank you very much by the way for five gifted memberships Tracy really appreciate it hope you’re doing wonderfully today So new members you can see a news video for an update that never came out we uh I did something new I figured like okay I’m gonna be ahead of the car for once um rather than having to like make people wait for an update to come out

And what’s been gonna be in it I was like okay we’ll prepare it ahead of time we made the whole news video got it ready to go out ready to make changes if there was anything new in the update and then they just announced it was the

First time in forever they just canceled an update and so no also you found a tree um yeah I cannot I cannot believe um what what is being said to me right now um also um Casey punk I spy my little eye the invisible tree hanging out with

The invisible polar bear indeed it is okay so let’s get the sugar cane for now at least this isn’t this isn’t a lot of sugarcane but it’s enough to make me feel uh a little bit validated right um also 1550 400 okay so we just got to go back um wait 1550

Then minus 400. oh God we’re gonna go back so far okay we can do it we can do it let’s go now um pick up the sugarcane it’s a nice amount of sugarcane and let’s go take it back so um yeah heading heading back to uh uh so

Some of the video is uh that point so we’re just gonna go this way we’re gonna go about a thousand blocks in both directions or about 400 blocks this way a thousand blocks this way so we want to go mostly this way and we’re going to

Need to kill at least one more mushroom to do that because obviously we can eat the golden carrots but I prefer reaching my food refresh and easy oh free free cooked beef from one murder just what I love to see also coordinate Queen strikes again our shipwrecks off limits

Um I don’t think you can say they’re off limits but I’d like to do it without them I think the longer we can stay just on this main island the better off we’ll be right um the you know the further we go of just this to be the nicer uh there isn’t

A stronghold below it so at some point that stops working but it’s a nice idea for now um there are more auxili trees about 15 50 minus 500 okay we’re almost there chat we’re just 500 blocks away from salvation I tell you the Salvation is finally coming

Um oh so it’s like on that little corner over there okay we can get over there we can be there um save the carrots for the never that’s always a good idea there never is a scary place a much scarier place maybe maybe just just assume that stuff is gonna happen there okay

Um it’s because stuff will happen there that we do need to be prepared for so let’s just let’s just emotionally prepare for that um so yeah that’s that is exactly the plan also um there’s a cave on the shore sorry I can’t hear sure without thinking first see shanty it’s the RuneScape upbringing

You know some people were raised by by like you know some people get raised by them you know they’re like uh they’re both parents some people get raised by one parent some people get raised by their grandparents and I was raised by the uh by the RuneScape economy also um

Is this just the island from seed Sunday I believe the words you’re looking for there friend is continent and yes yes it is we’re so close now okay so this has been a track of a lifetime I have to say um but thankfully because it’s not a

Stranger in chat it’s uh it’s Dasher we can be fairly sure that it is in fact just around the corner here okay what are we seeing you seeing it yeah oh there we go okay so there’s there’s the proof because there are Lush caves below this uh mushroom biome to when a lush

Cave generates it has a azalea tree on top of it and so how do you find the azalea tree you look around for half an hour and then what do you do you shove it down look at this chat it’s mine now the tech tree is moving onwards okay so

Step one nice nice and done I don’t even know if I want to use the golden ax but we’ll do it for now right so this is my first tree and then over here right next to it is the second tree they are azaleas and so it’s a little bit weird

But it’s fine it’s uh we’ll just we’ll just take it and move on to that so now what we’re gonna do is we’ve got to work out a oh there’s a third is area right over there too there’s a fourth one wow yeah you you look all day for an azalea

Tree and then you find four at once okay so now we want to find some Stone we’ve got wood but what uses wood would about Stone um so if we want to find uh some Stone we’re gonna have to go into one of these big caves in fact these big caves might

Take me to the the Lush area where we can find some glowberries or something so oh yeah let’s let’s just scrap the stone for now let’s let’s think about everything else later because the stone and there’s coal and they’re both very valuable so easy stuff sticks in there wouldn’t pickaxe out

Those trees don’t give saplings what do they give you they give you something right it’s not a sapling you’re right but they give you something in exchange just sticks it can’t be just sticks so now um yeah we’re gonna take oh there’s more to this cave than it seemed

We’re going to take some coal and I think we’re also going to take some copper really really early on I um it’s a Minecraft Community joke that Mojang went for so much work to add copper and then gave it literally free recipes um but I think the uh one of those free

Recipes is essential for us right here because we’re not gonna be able to sleep for a while until we kill spiders how are we ever gonna be able to kill spiders we go on caves I guess um but yeah we can’t sleep for a while and so when lightning strikes I need to

Have some mushrooms pre-rounded up and ready to be struck so that’s the plan let’s make it work um working out where we’re gonna make a base is important so if this cave is Big we’ll start it up here I think this is an important piece of wreck honest yeah

Recon actually wait this mushroom is so huge that has to be the basis of where I live right and then later we can like sheer out the ground around it it’s just such a nice mushroom or maybe this one would be safer we’ll put some like

Ladders on it and we’ll we’ll live the fancy way yeah we could do that put some like red stained glass in there it’s not that big on the inside so we could do it probably expanding this mushroom I do have the silk touch so I can do that really early on

Um maybe we could take this red stuff put it around that and make like a hybrid mushroom because then if you look at the space we’d have on the inside yeah yeah I think we’re gonna do that I think this seems like a poor use of

Ingredients but you know we must do it and so I shall we’ll grab as much red as we think we need I don’t know how much that is but we’ll just kind of vibe it out um we’ll grab as much as this ax will let me get rather and I’m gonna have the

Best silk touch house in the land which just okay there we go that’s that’s all we’re getting out of it so we now have 22 red mushroom blocks 23. I’m gonna have to go for a 24. I can’t oh wait there we go 24. and so we’re gonna put

Six on each side of this um that’s doable right no that is not doable we could put 12 on two sides or we could go of like eight on three sides so given that this is about six long we’d have like six there one there six there one there six there

That’s rough but it’s what we’re gonna have to do I think okay so that’s what that’s what we’re gonna do right here right now we’ll get some grass up there I think so we can maybe have yeah let’s cover one of these mushrooms in Grass instead actually

Um yeah this this will be my this will be my farm um where I’m gonna hopefully grow some stuff and this is gonna be my oh no it won’t work it won’t work but we’ll do it anyway uh and then this can be my main base mushroom so the first thing we need

To do obviously we’ve got a lot of a lot of things we need otherwise but we’ll place a crafting table just in the area and then we’ll make some ladders actually the trees have probably left me a lot of sticks I might as well use those sticks

Uh before I use these ones although did I go this way yeah I think I did but I don’t see the I don’t see the Azalea anymore okay we grab our sticks as soon as we can uh yeah there they are okay so we chopped we grab those uh whatever

Remnants we can find and then after we’ve got our sticks we put together ladders and we make it we work on a base basically and given that the only mob I can imagine would be here is a phantom oh look there we go we got a flowering Azalea

See isn’t it so weird that someone says something and it just sounds so true but then just isn’t we’ve got all this rooted dirt as well which might be useful at some point but it’s not not my normal Duty yeah now I want to make a mushroom house and a Savannah Biome

Yeah the weirder the biome you make your Mushroom House in I think the better it’s gonna be that would be my that would be my take at least so there is a second treat that I chopped down over here and so there’ll just be a few sticks

Hanging around I think we went all this way and we’ve ended up with like three sticks by the way but sure we got a flowering Azalea we got some regular Azalea we can we can make more trees now just really unconventional trees although getting there’s no way to get

Skeletons without going underground so we’d have to make a composter or something also mushroom is my favorite biome says Danny bun thank you Danny bun first of all for the tip appreciate you paying the toy cat tax but second of all for um agreeing with me that this is great okay

So we’re gonna place this down on the ground here oh you can place it on mycelium I wouldn’t have guessed that you would be able to do that and I’ll play six around it just over here oh you can jump on them too that’s fun

Um we’ll play six around it just like so nice nice little pattern we’ve got going on there we’ll see if any of that ever comes to grow I don’t imagine it will and now we can uh just use the three sticks we found plus the others we didn’t have to find

Uh to make at least six letters I think we need nine though to be real with you so now one two three four five six oh we need more than this also how long have you been doing your YouTube career says uh UMC medic

Um so I used to do YouTube in the days before there was a monetization that makes me sound like an old man now um but my um I remember they added like it was before they had monetization for gaming channels and so uh I would only make money on non-gaming videos so it’d

Be like once every two years YouTube would pay me 60 pounds and I’d be like whoa money um it was incredible and So eventually they added uh they allowed like gaming channels to partner through weird ways also my client is watching with me hi John you know what Sasquatch 2300 your clients

Here sorry wait you sorry Sasquatch 2300’s client I just want you to know that your guy is a very smart man he knows what he’s doing and you should trust him with all your business decisions and all your other decisions too honestly you should there shouldn’t there should be no decision that you

Don’t trust this fellow with trust me when I say that okay so we’re gonna make some mushrooms over here I’m gonna just place them down from the side and um we need to have an open side of this so looking there is nice looking there is nice I think you want to look

Over probably over this actually I think seeing that in the distance is interesting um no we’ll have we’ll have this be the main View no have that be the main view see the azaleas behind me it’ll be nice so we’ll Now cover up everything else which involves placing a block

Here on the inside and then more around the outside you know this is all very confusing to me chat but it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a nice house um we’ll place the blocks down further down later too it’s a whole thing that we can choose to do but for now do you

Like the look of it chat do you like my house I’m putting together I think it’s going great so yeah we’ll make some slabs and we’ll place the slabs like a block lower down I think uh we didn’t use like no I think Wood’s the best that we’re gonna have

For this so we’ll make as many slabs as we can bear 36 seems there and then we’ll we’ll make a floor for our house with this being just an abnormally High whatever it is so down here maybe like a half block floor no I’m not a full block floor

And then we can start to place like uh everything else that we need to and then also from here we can go this is a bit of a weird one we can go around here we could probably just saw this block in half and then we can uh go through it also

Um yeah I uh UMC medic uh how long have you been doing your YouTube career um I um I’ve been doing it since uh like before then and then at some point while I was in college it was like what what I was doing I I went really

Hard on YouTube because it was way more fun than what I was like training to do and then in my last year of doing computer science I looked at like the the amount you could make as you know from that degree and the average earnings would very much it was like

About the same but slightly less than what you could make you know what I was making on YouTube and I was like this is me doing it with like just my spare time if I went full time on this and put everything into it I wonder how well it

Would go and the answer to how well it can go is what you’re looking at right now I guess For Better or Worse um yeah that’s the basic answer to your question uh so it was 2012 now I think was my last year of college so just under 10 years oh man

I’m an old man um oh back when I started me career it was so much simpler back then we didn’t have algorithms we see I don’t I don’t know why you have to be Irish to work a career for so many years uh but apparently it’s true only the

Irish are hard workers let me tell you um okay so we’re gonna put some windows in now um we probably should have planned windows before that but I think a window would go nicely over here and so this will be the main side we’ll put two there

Oh yeah this isn’t gonna work and then we’ll have to place a block here and then the five oh no this this does work we got plenty enough to do precisely that and then also place an extra one over here and over here and then we’ll get

Some red stained glass so that we have we can see out through the window right but the main view is going to be this way okay wonderful and now we just finished the rest of these blocks so there’s no empty spaces wonderful chat I

Have a house now are you do you like it it’s gonna have my chest in here uh my chest can go I guess if we’re going to have a window we should put our stuff below the window but no we’re gonna have a mega storage chest system logically right always goes that way

Um so the chest will go over here my furnace and my crafting table maybe my bed can go here yeah there we go we got a plan it is sorted why do you need a house why does anyone need a house Stan the answer is you don’t but when you

Play Minecraft sometimes it adds to the beauty to make one anyway so we do have some coal but I don’t have any sticks now so we’re gonna have to make um a ax real quick and then we’ll use the ax to chop down some trees and then we’ll make some torches just because

It’s dark there’s no other reason they’re not required or anything I guess we’ll also get a furnace running for the house because I want to get uh lightning rods as soon as I can getting brown mushrooms is going to be game changing very very much game changing

So um I don’t have a house in my Minecraft world says Clary Fray yeah I The Nomad challenge is something I really recommend for people who think that you need to have a house it’s a really nice you know like have it’s a nice thing you can choose to do but if

You ever find yourself being like gonna make a house just remember it’s an option almost anything that ever becomes a chore becomes an option at some point just gotta be great you’ve got to be brave enough to make it one so now we make a furnace and we also want to make

A ax right we don’t have the sticks to make an ax there right that’s a that’s a funny Dilemma to be in so instead we just use this ax and we’ll go chop down that tree there it’s the closest tree I’ve got I kind of don’t want to because it’s the

Closest tree actually we’ll go chop down this one and then that that will tide me over until I can find some bone meals to actually get more wood because this is all the wood in my in my existence I build houses that only become half

Finished while I make on my farm so sepi yeah and to use sepi I would say try making a house uh try making a world without farms for example see how that goes for you like I think every time every time you’ve got like a crutch version of something try living without

It you either learn why you appreciate it so much or you learn that you don’t need it you’re just doing it because it’s how you did things hey that’s fun my Minecraft house turned into a storage House of alleys in it so I sleep in a bed outside so they won’t Escape

Yeah having um having decent ways for you to get in but not things oh wondering Trader if we can just find some Emerald Door we’ll be in for a treat are we gonna find emeralds around here chat what do you reckon Slinky so I get tax can’t stay on so

We’ll catch the stream tomorrow night good luck thank you for the toy cat attacks um also um vsdr says uh the things you can do of two dollars it should be noted um it should be noted that technically speaking also going to put the fuel in

There now like half of these as well as that oh yeah it’s nice and then we can put on some torches we don’t need the Torches honestly so we could probably use weird quirky Soul torches everywhere yeah I like that idea of using Soul lanterns maybe

Um all the way up here because I’ve got I’ve got the iron nuggets for it anyway yeah I think maybe we could do that and that would be a fun idea uh we are going to probably want a crafting table at some point but now it’s not necessarily some point and uh

Yeah let’s chop down these blocks now it’s kind of getting in the way so there and these aren’t necessary anymore see the house is just coming together nicely now yeah we we’re missing a few blocks that could be good but we’ll just we’ll find the closest thing we can

Whatever that may be and we’ll fit in the blocks so now we’re going into the cave and we’re going to get some iron to sustain ourselves even further um but yeah I uh I really think that getting to the iron theory is going to be where things change also now that we

Know where the azaleas are we know get guaranteed where we can find a cave so if we don’t find iron here it’s not a big loss I would like to find iron here but if we don’t again erroring is okay everything is just fine and we are gonna be just fine

Oh should we go down yeah let’s go down let’s let’s see what oh there’s the Lush cave okay so that’s that’s one way in I guess um tasty red wine with toy cat and Xanax you know I do not endorse taking drugs that have an X at the start and the end

Of them it’s just asking for trouble it’s like you know when you put a bunch of Zeds in something it’s how you sound extra cool it’s uh it’s the same thing with drugs they’re like okay people are not gonna trust this when we describe the side effects they’re gonna need to

Think the name is so serious that they that they we don’t even have to regulate them and that’s how Xanax came to be trust me that’s a true story 100 factual zero exaggeration okay so Iron by the way we do not actually see any it’s very odd that we don’t you

Definitely would expect to see some by now I hope the checkout taxes cover a pension so old yeah right I mean 10 years into my 10 years into my career oh let me tell you when I was a young lad I used to I used to burn the midnight oil

At both ends but now now you see I’m a responsible adult I’ve got a family to come home to um also I hope to get um tax cover I pension is a funny funny point but if you’re curious it actually I do make pension contributions in part from my

YouTube income and so in a non-rediculous way it does but uh I don’t think anyone else cares I just I in the UK as if you work for a company you have to make I think it’s three percent minimum pendulum uh contribution um but I I I make actually I don’t know

If I make more or less than that but I make a certain amount every month um I think as a self-employed person pensions are a bit of a different game than when you work at a company but do you want to talk about pensions okay so what’s what’s what’s what’s even less

Lighting than pensions uh taxes gardening policy zoning um zoning laws what what what’s what’s more riveting that we can talk about do you guys want to talk about uh you know like uh it’s it’s a fun but yeah so I I think like the idea of a pension is a really

Good thing for the overwhelming majority of people and you probably should be in one but also there’s a lot of like you know like catches on that comment where it’s like well also oh so yeah we want to go through this cave by the way this

Is gonna be the way that we go to the surface and we’re going to start our cave entrance into this uh although we could just also just not if it’s if it’s too much effort to Cave around it yeah when a cave makes you go through

This much work you might as well just not and so we’ll just dig Straight From Here up to the surface um now please start composting mushrooms to grow more trees see here’s the thing what if I didn’t need to grow more trees using uh bone Mill because there was a

Whole biome full of them wait there there’s no there’s no azalea trees in here but what what if that was true it’d be cool if it was it clearly is not but I mean would be nice right would be nice so now we’re going to start heading

Upwards and we’re going to start these and ibuprofen for that first time old YouTuber toy cats factors out fund those heat wraps are expensive man old man old man I have one oh man you know call me an old man three times shame on you call

Me an old man three times via Emoji shame on me but um oh via you know buy a Super Chat shame on me because yeah I’ll buy it via the voice uh that she does at least if you don’t know ten dollars gives you text-to-speech which uh one of

Those dangerous rules that can get you banned from places but I’m sure it’ll be fine um but yeah the everyone I know every man goes through the space right it’s a very male problem of like oh yeah blew out me back and it’s like it’s so scary

Sounding to me that like oh yeah now it just hurts to sit it hurts to lay it hurts to stand it’s like that sounds bad I don’t want that I want a better back what do I have to do for that um one of the other things that sounds

Awful I’m really lucky I’ve only had it really mildly but RSI repettes a strained injury um a lot of YouTubers especially get it one of my like secret sources is using a controller is really good for preventing it like if you switch input methods regularly you don’t use the same muscles

All the time um but a lot of people yeah really strain their it’s terrible how how awful that old man text-to-speech sound like a genuine bully right yeah it did it was uh um it was like a old man old man old man let the young people go in and do this

Because you are old man um it was very funny also um yeah back pain is one of the things Humanity has failed to fix I think that’s one of those useful reminders that like um you know some people I I remember I I heard the joke once but like oh yeah

Well if men had periods it’d be you know they’d be complaining all the time wouldn’t be expected to suffer in science it’d be national holiday but it’s also like there are all sorts of pain that you are expected to go for as a man entirely like you know you you

Mention it even it’s like oh what’s that you’re too weak to and you know in a good way like there’s a there’s a reason why at least that comes from that it doesn’t really work in a in Monday Society but I think it’s interesting that like how sometimes like sometimes

The genders have a poor understanding of each other there’s all sorts of things I don’t understand about women right and I would love to I would be lying if I pretended I did but I think uh when people pretend they know perfectly like something they don’t understand exists

This way and it’s because of insert Bland’s evil reasons it’s like ah probably not also I got RSI from knitting I can’t do it from Xavier see that’s actually that’s pretty fun to me actually like the it makes sense that knitting would give you those things but I didn’t even think about it

Also took out as an old in fact current toy cat is the newest version says bearded man that’s why I’m talking about version 1.28 Oh wait yeah 1.28 I guess I was in beta for a little bit but thankfully I made it out beta into the real world um

Yeah I was in beta for about nine months and uh unlike some people a lot of people don’t go through Alpha they go into beta Canada by accident uh I was an alpha you know I was like a prototype an earlier early concept art um for at least a little bit before I

Came out which uh same can’t be said about my brother so we’re gonna put the useless stuff in here now like I like the fire charges we don’t need them right now I like um the rooted do we need that ever do I like rooted dirt I don’t think I do I

Think I’m being I think I’m lying to when I say that I like it so we’ll put this in there just so we don’t waste another coal for one single iron and then we’ll make an iron pickaxe I think um and the ipicax will be the goal to

Allow us to go further further so um yeah I think um a bucket is going to be the second thing on the list once we get a bucket we can immediately go to the never which I think is a smart place to get I think I think we probably should be going there

Soon um I want to have a decent wood Source worked out here but we don’t even need a decent wood Source it’s just solely it would be nice thing and also I’d like to have a pen with my uh cows so or rather some mushrooms in it so yeah we can’t

Um it just hit me now that we can’t actually get the mushrooms in one place very easily so I’ll make some stone walls using Cobblestone or whatever the cheapest ingredient they have is granite walls and and a slight Wars is that the best we got can you make

Polished Granite walls is that a thing that exists um I think it does but just to confirm nope you can only get regular Granite walls okay so we’ll make 12 Granite walls and six endocyte walls that seems fair to me we use just and then we’ll use a fence

Gate to get in and out of it so a fence gate is made with oh God if I Know No One Ever Knows the recipe for a fence gate damn it um it’s not sticks it’s slabs maybe it’s uh uh oh it’s just more sticks I feel like I have enough sticks how

Many sticks do I have just two okay so we’ll make some sticks and then we’ll make a fence gate what else do we need for this there we go fence game so now we take two mushrooms that are close enough together so they’ve gone further apart since I mentioned that

Which is a problem not what I want ideally uh we just want to find two mushrooms really close together and is close together to my base as they can also be hey hmtc finger Channel member oh perfect perfect right there they’re already together

Um no no no no no no stay with him stay with him stay with him um okay so we just build a big wall around him uh we can work out the finer details later um okay so um we’re missing we’re missing a lot of important steps for this I feel like

Okay so there we go that is my very rough cut hey wait oh whoa Dutch MPC not just becoming a member gifting some memberships too not just gifting some memberships gifting 20 memberships at the same time absolutely crazy also how did the cow get out no all of

That work and they’re both just gonna climb out like that you can’t do this to me I don’t allow it we’ll make it easy for them to get in but then not to get out we just wait till we get weak to do this honestly but no just in case

Thank you so much Dutch MTC for the gifting 20 memberships okay so we’re gonna just shove him up he’s gonna go up there no he won’t they can only walk up we can make some slabs I guess I’ve got slabs right here we’re gonna get a lot of Pig stuff when

I’m in for it thank you I am this is my favorite thing oh he’s just gonna climb in naturally huh yeah you are and you go and you go and not how no damn I hate you so much um this is the ugliest cow pan I’ve ever seen

And it still didn’t work Jack you make one little mistake one mistake Okay so we’ll see if they come back in maybe uh we’ll make like a slap there and we’ll kind of punch him oh they’re not gonna survive the lightning strike by punch them okay that’s fine that’s that’s entirely okay that’s we we ignore we ignore that that

Was version one that was version 0.5 okay so we just pretend that didn’t happen sounds good and then we’re gonna go we’re gonna get that spotted up iron indeed and get some lava going and then we’re also gonna smelt out the wrong just having having a decent supply of that game picture

Um are you prefer picks up over upside my favorite is other side honestly other side is really good really really really good great song love it a lot um I wouldn’t say I prefer pick step over it but it just it just it has that special place in my heart no matter how

Hard I try to put something else in it it just won’t be the same okay so we need to get a bucket that is my I need to put a crafting table up here really let’s just do that let’s just save myself the pain of every time I need to think about this

Um the crafting table can go uh right over here I guess oh it’s raining please don’t fonder if it thunders it will break my soul right now it will actually break it off I’ll have no more Soul left and that would be bad because I need myself no of course it

Does I was so prepared for this chat I’m telling you I did everything that I could have done oh my God okay um this is ridiculous I um no you don’t no you don’t okay so um okay so we just we’re just gonna um

There we go we got a cow if it is the game new or the cows knew what I was gonna do to them and I am very upset by their attempts to avoid it also some perfect shot you know that’s the good news is we’ll get a great YouTube shot out of that

Chat um no that is that is painful but it is what happened we must now accept that and move on um also please don’t be the one lightning strike if lightning hates me this much I really can’t stress how awful that will be oh no please please tell me it’s not how

It is so I’m gonna guess this is where I came out my cave by the way because it’s three random blocks in a row am I right I am so we’re gonna make this nice and obvious Do do I got it gotta love the memberships on get a lead from the trader yeah honestly you’re right the lead I’m gonna feel bad about doing it but I think I should um we’re also gonna make a basic entrance to the mine uh we can make it nicer at later

But this is just a a nice simple one to be like this is how I go in um so I always recommend having something like this just some above ground structure so you don’t ever get too lost um so these go up that high and these will got one more and then see

It’s it’s fairly simple well it happened chat okay okay do I have a brown mushroom now why did it despawn the game is insisting on doing this to me it is it is malicious at this point there is no other explanation right what what I how why would you despawn I was

So close by okay so we just have to stand next to a mushroom and then hope for the best now this is this is Um so yeah we need we need the brown mushroom is gonna be ideal where do the mushrooms go chat but how did they all despawn you can’t you can’t tell me that’s okay well I I just come on how often do you get lightning in one of these worlds how often is that

Gonna happen ah the game hates me that’s fine I understand how it is Minecraft it’s it’s cool don’t like you either you smell bad you got bad teeth and you’re you’re you don’t you don’t have enough variety for me anyway you know I’ll I’ll go play

That other game with the with the with the blocks man I love that game so much it’s so never never screwed me out for brown mushroom oh yeah I’m gonna go play that one oh it sounds so much more fun to me oh there’s lava over there by the

Way so we really can go straight to the nether yeah this is my I I I I I don’t know why the Overworld decided to do this to me but it has really hurt my feelings um they despawn and now they can’t spawn again at night unless you light up the place

Okay the good news is I’m willing to light up the place bad news is I don’t think that’s enough but yeah what would have just why why did they despawn you know they’re not meant to despawn in a hot I’m sorry I’m going through the stages

Of grief now chat this is my denial phase mobs aren’t meant to despawn therefore there’s a brown mushroom there still he’s just invisible that’s gonna be the case right I don’t see any other explanation I see no way to explain it um so yeah we’re gonna light some torches I’m just gonna stare

We’re gonna see where it leads us um we’ll place this down here just in case I wanna at least have some funniness from this yeah just place a few torches around um so now can mushrooms spawn her the answer is probably not I mean it is the right light level right

Do they care about natural versus not natural light their feelings um mushrooms don’t spawn at night why don’t you take the Traders lead I don’t think I would um I don’t think the lead is gonna help me if I can’t buy mushrooms I mean I guess I can take the trade a llama

Time up to something I guess yeah let’s go do that you know let’s put the trade alarm up in a little hole somewhere um you know if I’ve made this place already let’s put the training llama in there and let’s see what happens when he gets struck by lightning

Um let’s just see what happens so in we go and place a lightning rod and then we’ll just leave him I guess we could tie him to the fence oh there’s no fences it’s all it’s all this uh that’s fine you know I’ll just untie it

And then we’ll leave him inside here and because he’s in a constrained area he will stay there forever and eventually we’ll get a a brown wandering trading bomber that’s definitely how it’s gonna work um I’ve had things die from lightning before yeah not not the only one sadly um

Man that really is rough though that really is rough I’m now going to place a lava bucket just like here somewhere we can later use this to make a source of it always a good thing and then we’re gonna go grab some water and go to the nether

Actually no we need we need some wood we’ll get our food we’ll get some wood and then we’ll go to the nether it’ll be nice and good okay so five pork chops or beef chops that’ll do me fine um I’m just I’m sober oh okay there we

Go okay chat let’s see what happened let’s see what he became okay do you want the good news or the bad news the good news is it works the bad news is it looks like our guy is he’s gonna die at some point is that how this goes or

It looks like how it looks like how this would go huh um yeah I think we probably need to place it more centered in this place um yeah we probably want it to be like one block to the right there but that’s fine we’ll just do that

Um we’ll move these walls inwards a bit because right now it’s a little bit messy if we’re being totally honest right um we’ll move the walls inwards to fill this Gap so we’ll move the walls in one at a time okay so Granite wool there

And then we’ll move a and a site wall oh no no you don’t no you don’t it’s so crazy how they can see the way out it’s like it’s like they actually want to be let go um and then we’re gonna put some block over here a couple grammar blocks or something I

Don’t know and then we’ll use the andesite wall over here oh no no you don’t no you don’t and now we have to make some more gravel blocks there we go not coming out anymore also uh nice to catch up on a stream might catch some more now the Australian

Beekeeping season has started Gonna Keep get up a few early anyway um anyway here’s some text from a penal colony I would love to know what oh you know what bees Madden there’s no way you’re actually a beekeeper right that’s a joke or is it you know people do

Weirder professions there are people who who do do you get this right there are people who just talk about and play Minecraft all day I found about it because my son’s kid does it so wild in it it’s oh no no no no no oh

There’s a way out I did not see coming um so now we just have to let them back in I guess we got a lead for this guy sir it’s actually no harm to just let him out and then bring him back in um so yeah oh and then we gotta fill in

That Gap from over there should be easy enough to do also so we’ll just go in here take this and move it over there and then we’ll probably need to move this bit over here and then we’ll move one of these corners and there we go chat isn’t it perfect if

You tell me this isn’t perfect I’ll be sad but yeah we we’re in he’s out that he’s mostly close to the thing and now we can eventually let some brown mushrooms in is this is does this make any sense as an idea no it does not does

That not mean does that mean it’s not great anyway you better believe it doesn’t not not mean that okay so in we go to the cave I actually want to go back to our main entrance over here we could probably make a path yeah let’s

Make a path from the this is not my mushroom like let’s make a path from my mushroom to it oh wow look at this okay so one at a time we’re gonna leave them in there and then they’re gonna stay maybe if we just ask nicely

Yeah that’s my plan I’ll ask real nicely for them to stay and we’ll see if it works um couldn’t the Llama get out of that corner you mean the same corner I got out of or a different one yeah we just we just want one guy in here that’s all it takes

I mean really two would be nice for a breeding pair but I’ll take one I’ll take just the one guy um and then what I’ll do is I’ll turn this into a fence gate which means now we can get in and out now we can remove some of these rough

Corners just make it look a little bit nicer right just a little bit a little bit tidier here and there and then we hope that they don’t walk out in any obvious way that shouldn’t be possible let’s find out if it isn’t break these fences or walls whatever bring them with me

Uh maybe place the gravel down under here speaking of down under Mr beekeeper what’s the deal with beekeeping is it is it does it is it a good profession do people want to be beekeepers or is that like is it like a sentence they put on

People like it’s like jury duty or like someone has to do it and today we’ve decided it’s you I just want to know that corner block should be a wolf um yeah this one here I agree let’s let’s make that into a wool and we’ll make

This into a wall there we go okay it’s finally coming together now now we can take an endocyte wall and put it over here um please move out of the way and then we can take the last Granite wall and move it over here it doesn’t make any sense but we’ll do

It anyway there we go oh that makes it way worse actually that gives like a way out so we move this block now and replace this with Scrabble you know just we just won’t replace it it’s perfect the way it is yep there is no issue of this

Um don’t worry it looks just like Tower Bridge exactly Dasher it looks exactly the same I see no issue with it um also thank you wait badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushrooms that man the the speed that you can get that back into my head

Um oh no it says You know the early internet used to be so simple I had an idea recently I uh I saw I saw one of like you know this there’s a lot there’s always these famous old clips that like go revile again but nowadays the easiest way to make something go

Viral is you like you know you zoomify it like uh you make it into a tick tock or a YouTube short or whatever else like you you gotta you know acknowledge that the audience today has less less attention span than the audience of before um but also like to watch things through

Video right there’s a there’s a there’s a certain few things that become true also yeah we need to kill enough of these guys to get um with this I guess oh yeah I’ll use the shovel but I don’t love it um but yeah basically um because of that you can just take

Like old famous things that people find funny put them in the new format and worst case people be like oh yeah this is the thing I used to love and best case you introduce a whole new audience to like the badger badger badger meme um I looked at a few Harlem Shake videos

Recently won a Nostalgia trip I don’t believe the Harlem Shake was a real thing it just it no when was it ever a real thing you know it was always a a thing of a thing of a thing of people being like oh it was funny when that one

Time but also it’s I I feel Nostalgia for it too so maybe it is maybe I’m just being a grumpy old man about it it’s so weird uh also this is just so scary um also there’s no trees I the whole promise of this biome to me was was

Finding a tree uh but it seems instead it will go the skeleton way um until he is dead um I guess we should also make ourselves say um we should make a sword like let’s just let’s stop using whatever tool we feel like on the moment

Let’s make an iron sword and also let’s put on this tunic nope you don’t need the tunic I guess we kind of want the tunic it’s very silly though Also let’s get some water going so we can finally um the sooner we have water oh gosh the

Sooner we have water the sooner we can uh put our sugar cane down and begin our Empire so now we just replace this with that um we also have a bow now which is exciting I almost I feel like you always get a bow when you don’t expect or want one

Um that is my observation we don’t really need gunpowder so I’m not gonna make that a focus I’m just going to try and find a tree somewhere in this bio I guess they don’t spawn I guess we only get the the sap I’ve been imagining as

Early as of wood this whole time and I think I’ve been wrong I think I just find the saplings which I then need bone Mill to grow anyway so I could get a bunch of moss and you put it in my composter I think that’s as good as we’re doing honestly

Um we could also try and find a mine shaft to find some melon seeds I quite like that as an idea huh um yeah I like that as an idea let’s see if we can make that work well we’ll get all the azalea trees we can because worst

Case they go in the grinder best case they become something special uh so we’ll make a second spot for the other type of these and then we’ll free up oh what are we getting rid of chat the bow no the andesite maybe the the regular Cobblestone I’ll get more regular

Cobblestone yeah let’s let’s do it get a cobblestone pick up azalea trees um we’re gonna have so many azalea trees on the surface we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna uh we’re gonna terraform the biome into one that has trees that solves my word problem or it would solve it

Okay yeah we’re fine a little bit scared but fine yeah this is a scary biome to go to go hunkering around it’s honkering around a valid way to describe what we’re doing here I just wish I had a bucket full of water with that one I guess we’ll use andesite

Should have used Cobblestone really um I wish I had some of that wish I could find some Cobblestone around here chat um but yeah instead we’ll just jump from uh place to place trying to take as little full damage as possible see what we got down here there’s some gold ore

Which is nice Definitely you could get my hands on some of that do some good things um there’s an Enderman over here and there’s some lily pads I don’t think we have much use for most of that is this still below the Mushroom Island

Yes it is uh we need to get out of here soon but we all gonna be going out oh uh we’re gonna be leaving with a lot of green material which is what I like to see uh we’ll take Moss blocks as well actually I don’t know where I’ll fit the Moss

Blocks but we’ll try and we’ll try and take as many Moss blocks as we can um my inventory is just a mess we’ll just make these into torches there we go do we pick up the Moss blocks yes we so also wait there’s seats here can we

Find regular if we find regular wheat we don’t we don’t probably don’t need it that badly but it’s nice to be able to start a farm yeah we can get regular seeds for regular wheat that’s an exciting idea see we’ll get a ton of moss which we can bone Mill later

Um yeah yeah that’s nice okay let’s get out of here and let’s get back to that surface there’s just so much Moss around huh we’d also grab glowberries um I think low berries are not a terrible idea and we could also go deeper in the cave to look for diamonds

Which given that we’re going to the Never seems like something we’d want to do right just give you know feeling it out feels like maybe we could do that Um but yeah we’ll see we’ll see are we gonna do a chat are we gonna make the make the lunge the plunge um you know I don’t think I guess we can look from up here in the same way we did earlier let’s just see let’s see what the game

Offers me before we offer ourselves to the game uh do you see any diamonds I see gold I see redstone Redstone is not gonna help me at all yeah I think we we don’t need this that’s good it’s good that we don’t need it but we don’t um

So yeah we’re gonna now oh I thought I saw diamonds there was no way there was gonna be diamonds down there but I thought I did anyway so we should be able to easily follow this to get back up thankfully because this looks like where I was before um and

Oh what is this oh the biome gets deeper it’s so huge there’s so much to it um yeah we’re gonna find a lot of whatever we want down here I can make some fun Lily Pad um game eventually but yeah whipping out you could make a portal down there

Yeah honestly right I have the the water exists and there’s a big pit of lava I think I I think your first portal if you want to stick with a world for any amount of time should be at the surface that’s my like uh it’s my casual Pro tip I would say is

Make the first portal higher up than you might assume okay so down we go and across to 390. what we got this is making me wish the caveman series was still going because it’s cranial I wouldn’t say the caveman series isn’t going I would just say I like taking a little break

I um I would like to do a grand return Maybe come come back with something big and fun um also mushroom how would you say Mushroom in a different way mushroom no I’m not even sure also yeah we’re gonna now just tear our way out there

Make a nice high set of staircase which is always good you’re playing on PC but using better consider Java why how can you tell I’m playing on PC I got my Xbox controller here which I am using because it was very much turned on there

Um it is weird at some point I switched over from a controller to keyboard mouse um patiently waiting on the flat world’s return I think I have some bad news about the flat world I will say um but um yeah I think I do meow shroom the important thing the most important

Thing is we’re gonna be okay also new yeah I um it’s not bad news I want I uh I’ll say that much but it might be bad news that I have anyway bro okay so in goes little tunic the bow for now it’s just like it’s pretty

Pretty weak it’d be good for the never though but we’re not gonna deal with that now the string uh the iron seems like a good thing to throw in oh we don’t have any uh any smelting stuff that’s fine we’ll we’ll just we’ll be just great without it and now they’re

Rooted dirt too just you know and the grass let’s set this up right here let’s um let’s place my one slab over now we can place cross one two three four five I think this is the best way to place grass to then be perfectly offset

By the dirt and then we’ll just we’ll grow grass on top of this mushroom I don’t know for sure if there’s any need to have grass on top of this mushroom but if we wanted more grass we now have access to plenty right we had a little a

Little grass Farm happening up here should probably spread out uh the Block’s a bit better so I have like this go between those for example and then a couple of these go over there also there we go perfect um and now let’s do the jump across out sheet that’s fine

Bring in my lead and try and get more mushrooms in that area it seems as though torches do allow mushrooms to spawn at night by the way very useful technique so um yeah my okay my my mushroom has stayed in there it was only the one time that they despawned anyway

And that’s very strange very very very strange um flat world was unwell with pure action and uh didn’t survive you know flat world I I would like to do more flat world but I realized recently there might be an issue is what I can maybe say right now

Um so now what we also have to do is we have to make a way so I think we’ll use Moss blocks to surround our farm and we’ll make the farm in here maybe too just like make it extra inaccessible um so we’ll place and a site or polish

Standard site around like so okay and then we’ll have like a door or something that really doesn’t allow entry um yeah we have to use a door I guess for now which will go right here okay and now we’re going to remove all of this and put dirt here instead with maybe

Like a water bucket going over under here okay so now dirt for all of this and now we can start growing some wheat or whatever else we need to weed Oscar on the other side but we don’t want mycelium to take it over and um I’m gonna have to make a hoe I’ll

Make a stone hoe I won’t make a stone hugs I don’t have any Stones we’ll make a an iron hoe yeah we’ll make an iron huh it’s expensive but sometimes you’ve got to invest in these things and then we’ll start planting some seeds so we have a

We have a way to make wheat to breed cows together always an important thing we can then use this for other stuff if we need to but for now does the job right does the job wonderfully and then we can go to never it’ll be great I forgot you can

Get Cherry saplings from a Wandering Trader on Bedrock now or can you uh our stasha uh no the it was in the update that they postponed again like of all the updates to delay they picked one which had a really cool feature um which is interesting I I would love to

Know the reason why um also a second lightning strike will turn brown mushrooms back to Red let’s make a bunch of brown mushrooms by bringing them together and then breed them back to Red because we get bored of it that sounds like an idea to me uh still no cherry

Yeah I I wish they didn’t I wish they didn’t delay it that’s my hot crazy take uh maybe they shouldn’t have even maybe even I’d go that far as to say that but yeah I um I’m very sick of the darkness in the old world you know how people

Like to go somewhere where the weather’s better like I’m moving to Mexico I’m going to Spain Alicante um I’m gonna do the same right here sugarcane first we got some more sugar cane right now let’s let’s get that sugarcane rolling just so it’s like there it exists

Um we don’t need to keep our sugar cane actually wait we’ll sugarcane grow on mycelium it does does right uh I think we just saw some growing there but just confirm sugarcane grows on mycelium it does with um that’s a fun way I should uh do us do a

Uh a sugar cane Farm but it’s on mycelium then try and convince people it grows faster though get sand um I think I think they can grow on dirt can grow mycelium you know um that I bet I can come up with some exceptions to that

Um but yeah I bet it’s a good rule of thumb the land of the Brave and Home of the Brave don’t pay damn let’s get that Sky height Farm started okay Sky height Farm part one let’s go so I kind of want to lean into the mushrooms to make these right so the

Best way to lean into a mushroom to make a sugarcane farm I guess we just do it underneath it honestly we’ll have the water come from here and then we’ll have it flow in each Direction and that can be the basic idea it’s gonna be a it can be radially covered

By the the mushroom on the top yeah it’s it’s kind of inefficient because you have like we oh look how green sugar cane is here chat oh dear God it’s so green maybe just because especially the contrast with the purple but this is like extra extra green right

This is someone someone ordered their their sugar cane all wrong apparently and now let’s take the two waters we have or let’s just yeah we gotta just go make an infinite source of water rather than like whatever we’re doing right now all vegetation is bright green like the grass blocks

Yeah the mission biome just has such a nice shade to it didn’t really appreciate I should have appreciated um so make a nice Bridge across here just just a simple one um we probably cover this whole thing of moss later but for now to the ocean get

Some water make it wonderful the green is why I love living in the mushroom biome yeah it’s funny because you’d expect it’s one of the dullest biomes that it wouldn’t have such a bright green but it’s it’s just as bright as the jungle maybe even brighter on

Bedrock I it used to be the same on Console as my like feeling but I bet it’s brighter because of Bedrock now also look how cool that house looks I really am liking my house idea here uh I think this is wonderful glow stick sugar cane says hello glow

Stick sugar cane indeed okay so water is going to go somewhere nice and basic um is over here fine which is you know we’ll make the Infinite Source right now before we even know it the this Farm my sugarcane farm will have its water back before it even knows where it’s gone

Okay back back quickly quickly see no issue of the farm the water’s been there the whole time now I also have water we can take with us to go to the nether excited so this is the one time in my life I’ve ever hoped for a Soul Sand

Valley because then I can make some uh Soul torches and in this biome we don’t care about actual light we can do really cool atmospheric lighting and so Soul torches and soul campfires and all the dumb Soul stuff uh it’s actually pretty cool here in my opinion so we’ll take full advantage

Um in goes the water bucket where are we putting it I don’t know over here and then we’ll do the whole snacky thing yeah I never never quite know what I’m really doing when I do this I just kind of place the block and see where it goes honestly

Yeah that works that works I don’t know how it works but it works um and so now where are we placing our portal down here I think yeah down here and here and then up from the side of that okay you sometimes in Minecraft you just go

Accept you don’t know oh no no I I have not I should have not have accepted I did not know that um so what I like to do in these cases is just like forcibly stop the thing from getting through and see what’s this is yep it’s more lava indeed if it wasn’t

More lava we’d just have to say oopsie and go find another one but we’re fine I even have two obsidians sitting around so this if this gets too inconvenient we have a backup plan um so now we place one there and now we’re still missing yeah I’m missing like a place I’ve got

To get another another Block in here somewhere so Place water up there and then we can place like a lava here and then we can place a moss up here so we can get a lava on top of that and then honestly we can keep the

Obsidian for later at this point but you know what I’m getting rid of the inventory clear out here we go is that a portal yes it is let’s go to the never chat what do you think we’ll find there and you think we’ll find good things bad things Terrible Things we’ll find out

Oh yeah this is uh we’ll make the portal look cooler actually we’ll make it like Oak uh successful we’ll remove the risk of lava death second of all removal of these blocks and then I think we just uh that’s as cool as we’re probably getting uh is there anything else we could do

That’s fun some flowering Azalea just to Mark the place yeah we’ll do that we’ll just have like a bunch of them in the area make it look a bit prettier right but yeah we could get bone Mill from a Soul Sand Valley too like it’s it’s everything we’ve ever

Wanted and a little bit more oh we don’t have we have Golden Bears that’s food technically speaking I guarantee you’ll find never access very much craft if I find a Soul Sand Valley you’re gonna seem so silly what are we gonna find do do um I think the mushrooms can communicate

Through my selling for hundreds of miles um oh I think we’ve uh also I think that’s uh that’s a lost of us fact not a real life fact um oh that was a very long delay but we’re in a never waste very in fact there’s mushrooms here

Wow it’s like they knew where I was coming from and that is scary so we’re just gonna hide behind the portal okay please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me so we’ll eat this now and then I’ll mine some never oh where did that come from okay that’s my portal

Gun good thing we got a spare Flint of Steel um and we’re just gonna run across this place pick up some of this because this just seems fun right I think I think honestly the warp blocks are gonna be a real nice addition to my other world why why did

It say that I looked at you I’m pretty sure I did that one on actual purpose usually it’s a dumb accident we’re fine though we’re doing great chat everything is wonderful there are no issues um so that’s that was great I’m now going to take as much stem as I can I think

This is just a cool block to add to our world like this is the most mushroomy feeling block I think and so we get a bunch of these stems we’ll have some cool things for the old world um we’ll see if we can place these never

Sprouts down like it wouldn’t be fun if we could place these down on our mycelium we can make a really nice like mushroom themed base right I’m just saying it’s a good idea um and then we’ll also such a calm never sponsors Justin DeLisle yeah that was

That was precisely no issues of that never spawn so calm and wonderful and lovely I sure hope I get more spawns like that in the future uh we can make a wood ax but not in love with that wait we’ll use the hose we just got

To get a bunch of these like a full stack I would say and then we can use them for something really weird like make some silly mushroom combinations um surprised the element isn’t still out there trying to get you yeah that was a very passive Enderman he was like I’m

Gonna come get you and then I was like it was a mistake and he’s like oh my bad happens all the time bro um very relaxed situation very relaxed um check out I wonder if you have any tips on making transition from keyboard and mouse from controller

Um honestly it’s one of those things where I think the best tip is to like try playing a few other games mix it in there um and uh it’s it’s it’s it’s just slowly like it’s one of those like exposure based therapy things it slowly builds

And then at some point before you know it you have it um also uh there goes my plans for sleep you know I hope they’re good plans couldn’t craft a odor but you know what’s better than them come into a toy cat stream um so yeah we are going to oh no not

Again not again not again no we okay okay we’re gonna get to our little tidy Heidi cave um we’re taking a lot of damage but that’s okay chill right over here and we need the ender pearls anyway right so you know let’s get them anyway let’s let’s go get all the ender pearls

Yeah this cave is cleverly doing something to make the Enderman go away I don’t know what it is but it works in my favor so I’m not gonna complain too much um otherwise if we want to get some food oh there’s a Crimson Forest over there

Oh that’s fun let’s get some oh we just make a bowl actually we’ve got all the all the food if we can make a bowl in the world and I can make a bow I’ll make a wooden ax to it from here just just to have one

Yeah let’s make some warp planks into a bowl and now we don’t we don’t have to waste our golden apples or golden carrots rather on something for a free of those on the bot on the ground and make a mushroom soup and immediately make another mushroom

Stew it is nice to have mushrooms too sometimes you’re very high above a lava lake be careful wait is that a lava lake down there let me look at it precariously over the edge now that is a useful thing to keep them keep in mind in mind thank you

Um I know you’re even commented yourself to cat but I appreciate you do these weird challenges as live streams so you know it’s real yeah it’s it’s a shame that it has to be that way but um yeah I I think uh like I I would prefer a world where you could trust

Almost anyone all the time to be honest but there is a profit incentive to life or quite a few things in life and one of those things is video games that give an easy to access creative mode to literally everyone who plays them um and I don’t think it’s like something

To be mad about I think it’s just like okay yeah keep in mind um but that is the thing that happens so I think we’ll make a nice little nether portal base area now I will make it out of brown mushrooms or something like have the two two biomes flip into each other

For now um let’s go to the Crimson Forest if we can at least I don’t know what the easiest way there is I guess we’ll mine through the ground um and then we’ll try and get some uh red red stuff and bring that back as well it’d be real nice Enderman have a

Great temperament yeah Enderman are just so friendly all the time so look at this tree after I’ve shared it oh it looks kind of funny um but yeah they’re just so nice so kind all the time no problems never never have uh issues of you rubido is such a cool soundtrack says MC

Joshua yeah the nether has some great music uh has some okay music too but mixed in there is the great stuff so we’ll just tunnel through this we know that there’s a Crimson Forest on the other side so we’ll just tunnel through to it that

Is not kind of not really what I was thinking but sure okay so same problem but at least here we can just make a twisting Vine and we’ll be good and then later we can work our way back through yeah we’ll be fine we’ll be 100 fine chat we were not 100 fine

Um there’s a better way to do that yeah from here you can see the clear better way to do it is up here so we’ll sign post this for ourselves using I think I’ll bring some Red Blocks with me from the why I’m about to go through never what blocks maybe and

We’ll do something fun with that I think um yeah nice and simple we come up over here it’s a little bit out of the way but if I place some obvious weird blocks um gravel pile Maybe yeah we’ll have a we’ll have a big gravel pile on top of this tree so one

Two um just just right here we make it very obvious of gravel for now later I go oh up here would have worked just fine too that’s that’s annoying to discover at this point but it’s fine uh let’s go into the biome let’s tear down some of these woods and

Let’s bring those back too so yeah the later goal is obviously to find a um I do still need to find myself a um a a fortress do all the important never stuff but I think for now just bringing back some fun blocks you know making the

Making the world a bit more fun that’s a perfectly admirable goal um so yeah we’ll find a fortress make a path to it and then come back with a bit more heat I think the right word a bit more a bit more gear feels wrong too yeah I’ll come back to

It with more stuff simple as that um I could come back with some hoglands too I bet also why do hoglands and piglets never actually fight does everyone else notice that like there’s two whole distinct separate mobs they supposedly hate each other but you never you never see them

Actually go go to you know fight over it um but yeah we’ll grab as much never bought as we can you know wait actually you can craft you can turn never what blocks into no you can’t what a weird thing you can’t do is that deliberately so you still have to

Go to the never Fortress if you want to make potions um I was so worried that I was like oh no did I missed something in my My ultimate guy today uh but we’re good we’re good yeah they do but barely ever uh they will work together to kill you though

Yeah way more often you’ll see a group of piglets a group of hoglands both actively being like screw this guy it’s like but you guys hate each other why are you working together on your anti-toycat project come on let me through it just doesn’t make any sense to me

So we can bring one of these to the other world with us but I don’t know how well that would go it could be to be perfectly honest of you yeah I think ouch I feel like it felt like he got hurt from that did he just emotionally feel my pain

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay oh I was just trying to climb the tree that’s all I was trying to do oh man all the way away from that’s fine frustrating that was such an unnecessary

Dare the moment it started happening I was like I’m fine I’m just gonna I’m just gonna do my thing it’s so ridiculously unnecessary ah so rough um yeah I I was just thinking like yeah I’ll just climb the tree and I’ll deal with them from the steps I’m not here

Not gonna worry about them hoglands are terrifying but not really and everything was fine but just you get you get knocked around a few more times than you want and it’s over for you um yeah I it was it’s such a simple such a simple death I oh that that death

Makes me mad at myself because of how ridiculously avoidable it was I was like I just I I wanted to believe like you know I wouldn’t be an issue it’s not gonna be an issue it’s gonna be fine and I believed incorrectly so um My overall coordinates are something like 1500 maybe right

Um I think that I think it’s to the right side of the island um see we gotta go this way a bunch like a real bunch um so yeah we’ll just we’ll see we’ll see where the never takes or where the plan takes us you can’t get to your

Stuff because you don’t have gold armor to spare you the piggies yeah the um also this is 100 Mushroom Island uh why they’re ocean biomes I think that was just a miscommunication with uh Harrison when I was telling him what I was doing today um it’s not actually 100 Mission Island but

It’s a catching apparently it’s a catching of title um after the stream is done it’ll be different it’ll be changed and fixed it’ll be great I owe it sounds for another 30 minutes to find the base again I think we’ll be fine this time uh Justin DeLisle thankfully

Um yeah what a what a rough rough death uh I have to say you should leave a chest with a boat uh sat at the world spawn says Ethan honestly not a bad idea or we should just make another portal that goes back there somewhere it’s

About zero zero right my spawn so we just make a portal Through The Never at those points then we’ll be able to just go back anytime we want to we didn’t place my slime around there and make it like honorarily part of the Machine by him

Okay so uh is it big biome it is a very big bio also I’ve been uh I’ve been needing to go stop streaming and go take a break for a little bit like uh what’s the polite word for this I’d be needing to

Go and go to the room in my house of the tiles for a little bit um but I have been politely not um one flipping tree wouldn’t hurt in these worlds so Zayn alley you know I I don’t have one flipping tree I have several flipping trees

Um no breaks Stop Being Human yeah exactly right gotta you gotta not do it also good to see shy guy it’s going pretty well man um I’ve had a uh today was like it’s weird there’s a video that was gonna take about two hours of raw

Recording time and I’m like so you can do it in two hours maybe like two and a half or three but like actually getting it done was like a six hour procedure or something so I had like a real big day every adulting today also do your mysterious thing we’ll wait yeah the

Good news is we know nothing will attack me while I’m gone um good thing this isn’t the hardcore Mushroom Island it’s a good thing indeed isn’t it um but yeah we’ll we’ll get ourselves out of this just gonna go for a long walk in the right direction

Yeah we’ll get we’ll get back to our base at the very least um take cheers to Azalea Leafs and compact past them to Bone Mill to grow more trees I’ve got the um Azalea Roots I’ve got some Neville blocks I’ve got a few things that can do a good job I think

Um also took out do you have any tips on building Banks the tip for building is always build more than you think you don’t not want to yeah that’s that’s the tip doesn’t make any sense but you can do it anyway oh yeah I think I should have probably

Landed on this on the shore fast moved on that way um but yeah I um do you know that piglens will dance after think of order for hoglands I do know that actually it’s one of the coolest Minecraft like Easter egg features it’s a shame because

That’s the sort of thing like if if Minecraft was slightly less popular there’d be things like that that weren’t found as quickly like it’s one of the blessings in the curse is that there’s such a huge community that nothing goes Unbound um it’s interesting also so yeah we’re

Going to about 700 blocks this way where we’ll find our portal and uh um we’ll find our portal we’ll find out everything else um also I miss lately new work schedule makes me miss toy cat says Chris Smith good to see you Chris Smith I um I think it’s interesting how like

Sometimes life goes through phases like that right where you’re like oh I just haven’t had as much time to catch up on you know like uh the Youtube stuff but whenever you get back into it I feel like it’s all it’s nice when it’s there

For you uh it’s it’s and and if in the case of a uh thing that’s going well it’ll be there for you right and that’s sometimes it’s scary because it’s like oh they stop they stop making things the moment after I Last Watched something but sometimes it’ll just be that like oh

Yeah I I’m not being there but it’s been there without me and it’s kind of there’s something kind of nice about that um probably probably harms the power of social ego to be like oh he didn’t just need my pair of social attention he needed other people’s as well

But um yeah we’re gonna I think the uh the truth is is that basically everything on the internet exists um when when you’re not looking as well because there’s no like time for the internet you know the real world has this like real strict nine to five schedule it’s kind of annoying honestly

Like the the the whole world is like yes these are work hours these are not work hours if you want to go into the bank you better go between those hours because we’re not going to hire people to work outside of the hours yeah but you know like uh the real the internet

Works in this like Timeless space where like just at random points during the day maybe uploads happen also can you see our house yet I think we’re almost there uh oh yeah there we go we can see it in the distance you get someone to look at

So here’s the fun thing chat do you think I will die while I if I just leave myself here I think that Phantoms won’t spawn in the mushroom biome but what do you reckon so I’m gonna hide under this mushroom just in case uh actually we’ll hide under a better mushroom

We’ll find one a little bit closer um and you can watch sugar cane grow like I’m giving you a treat chat while I’m gone you may watch sugar cane grow it is my there’s my gift to you um I know it’s a very big gift a little

Bit early in our relationship with such acts of uh exuberance but you may watch it while I quickly foreign Certified chair stream Here’s some money stay safe out there hello Kevin chair taxed the most popular moments of my stream when I when I leave is this is this the is this a learning point to me man I just I didn’t realize the secret till just now it’s the the trick of

YouTubers you gotta not show up also attacks again kind of small also shy girl says here’s some money stay safe out there and David solomona says share stream wow that is that is crazy that is very crazy there we have concluded sorry Chad we worked it out

Um the chair streams will be happening a lot more now I like it it’s a um I think uh just as a to be more serious here I think uh one of the things that is like a best it’s the it’s a really cool thing when it happens is when uh the parasocial

Relationship encourages both parties to act helpfully I like right like I I’m always saying like yeah it’s important to uh I do do your best at the very least to um I think it’s incredibly important to have realistic like understandings of how relationship works even though it’s

In my interest to say no just believe I’m your best friend and in the same way like you know like as a you can expect your content creator to be like yeah works hard as you can all the time every time um but instead just being like yeah

Actually take a break if you’ve got extreme gastric distress toy cat just just leave the stream for a bit I think um I think it’s like surprising but the relationships where you encourage each other to be healthy and like improve are usually the better ones I know crazy

Take right absolutely insane take but I think it’s true the only mops that’s on the surface of the Mushroom Island are Phantoms and skeleton horsepower we haven’t seen either flows yet though to be fair it’s only day no it would be day like six or something okay this is um I’ve got a

I’ve got a video I want to make of just answering some of the dumb questions that you would have about Minecraft that you know aren’t easy to answer um or that aren’t easily answered anywhere I think it’d be fun to just go through them also we have the balls from last

Time this is why you throw your balls on the ground chat this is the exact reason no other reason needed um so we’ll make this into planks just so I can get places uh place a block there break a block here the usual stuff uh Place one over

There then I make that last time without doing that and so now that we have three bowls we can easily I’ll leave the other two over here or something but with three balls now I can make as much stew as I like which is wonderful

So um yeah getting my stuff back is a little bit of a trickier question but it’s fine there’s uh so much mushroom for a fungi on this side seed yeah it’s funny that the the never is very uh mushroomy in my opinion it’s a very funny little a little detail for

This but now we’ve got all of our stuff while we’re relatively fine we put on the armor we’re gonna just clear up some space honestly so throw this on the ground pick it up later right uh we don’t want it right now we don’t need it right now

So now we organize our inventory so far left slot always a sword right or maybe yeah fall left slot sword next slot pickaxe next slot shovel next slot hoe actually we’ll do it that way round um then we want to replace this with some block we can use to build we’ll say

Never act for now and then this will go with the block we’re currently connecting Crimson stem and then that’s the ax because I forgot about Max for now so now we can pick up all of this stuff and that stuff and then we can go finally do what I was trying to

Do all that time ago and we’re wonderful um chair makes money money makes money money money exactly also thank you Hannah small by the way you’ve got to really say the the nice part of that yeah indeed it’s uh I I think encouraging a healthy relationship in people you care about

Encouraging things that you care about to be healthy is a good thing um and the most important reason into why is if nothing else right selfishly if the things you care about last longer then you’ll be able to enjoy them for longer if you if you destroy everything

You care about then you’ll have fewer nice things there’s a lesson in that somewhere I remember my um one of the like uh one of the moments that like really made me realize how like terrible of a child I was was like um I was playing around with some toy

Um that my uh I know some some toy that was for like young children that my aunt had and then she was like she can’t do this I was like but why not and she’s like because you destroy everything you touch and like it was that moment where I was like yeah

Destroy a lot of things a lot of things are broken because of me huh um it was like a a weird realization um so something from it you know where you’re like wow yeah it turns out actually there’s a there’s a pattern

Here oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not again not again there’s a pan here I haven’t been realizing um oh gosh this is going all wrong chat okay um and you know again if like destroying things that I wanted to play with meant

That I had fewer things to play with it was also rude on lots of other levels right like destroying things you don’t own not nice but um I think this is like a societal problem that happens all the time we’re like also here a lot of people assume

Like man why is there nothing fun to do here it’s like well then there are fun things people destroy them there was a park near me when I grew up that would always be lit on fire it was always having some arson incident and like as a child I found that so

Hilarious like who’s burning down a public park but at one point they just didn’t they just didn’t rebuild it they’re like okay if you keep burning it down like we don’t have an infinite amount of money we’re going to build the we’re going to build parks for people

Who don’t burn them down and you can you can enjoy the ashes and like obviously like it’s even harsher on a collective level because you know on like at some point that’s not like oh yeah it’s not they built a house for one family and that family burnt down the house it’s

Like yeah there was a house for a whole bunch of people and then one of the people kept Burning Down the House and so now no one gets a house there was also like a it’s an interesting uh it’s harsh even if it was true I think I think though like that’s the

Important thing is like sometimes one of the valuable things in life is you need both someone to you know this is this is the very like very natural dichotomy of basically every species but especially humans right is having like a counterbalance of two different parents it’s an important uh part of the process

Um Broken Window fairy says uh Cassie now yeah I think the broken window fairies are really controversial one and uh where is it from it’s it’s by the New York man the one who’s like a billionaire I think um but um it’s really interesting to me because it is a

Self-fulfilling prophecy after a certain point but also um like it is true that if I went to a park that was always burning I was like well I guess it’s fine to burn down the park I I can’t tell you enough stupid things that I wouldn’t have done if I wasn’t

Surrounded by other people doing the stupid things and so you know it’s it’s a it’s a silly idea but if you’re surrounded by things that are broken because someone’s messed them up wouldn’t you at least like to have the fun of messing them up that’s my crazy idea also blast protection or

Projectile protection I’m gonna go projectile because I think it works on Blazers and it seems like a good thing to me please don’t kill me gasp please don’t kill me I don’t deserve it so I’m gonna go this way because I want to make a

Oh wow that was such a delay on shooting that back um maybe we should grab the blast protection for now and then get the other ones later um Burning Man Park I wish two barrels on topic shovel would act as a double chest oh that’s a idea

I mean I could see the arguments both way for that but yeah I I think um I think Minecraft design now has so much higher standards than Minecraft design used to it used to be like how something worked is how it worked emergent behaviors can come for it or not

But maybe not once my mother became diameteria close to teenage pregnancy because her older sister had a baby at 17. oh Lord that was a very unfortunate placement we’re gonna be fine but like only barely but you can sit down a little bit I’m gonna make some mushroom stew and we’re

Just gonna cook it until we’re back to health it’s gonna be all okay gonna be fine um yeah I uh The Burning Man Park is a very very fun idea to me but um yeah the It’s the weird idea that I I think everyone has a moral system that

Excludes uh Collective punishment and even to uh only think about on a lower level of reflective punishment is like um what’s the word for this like stereotyping right if you say because like I don’t know I um I have an Arabic Builder right and he’s screwing me so hard he he he

Guilt-tripped me so hard to be like oh yeah the job’s like 95 done so you can send the money now and then I was like No And then he was like um and then like a bit later he does a bit more work he’s

Like man I got people I need to pay I desperately need the money and I was like you know he’s been trustworthy so far on that and then like since then he’s just ignored me it’s like I got the money I’m not coming back um so I had a situation with someone

Screaming right and you know I I I I think if you know it from that you know reception there it would be very offensive to say like oh yeah well they’re all real bad then people from you know um from Syria I think it is funnily enough like you know from from

Wherever it is like oh yeah don’t trust me that whole group of people and that would be ridiculous right but it could be that like next time I’m uh subconsciously next time wherever I know it or not when I go to like you know like get someone to do something basic

Around the house I’m gonna be like man this guy this guy who just like messed me around left me broke my broke my doorbell uh and then like you know started uh like uh you know like having complete started complaining to me about it um this this guy I’m gonna have another

One of those situations going on I think um I think whether you know it or not like there’s a weird thing where you like obviously like on a micro level this happens not for I think the race things are really powerful one but it’s true that a lot of people are making

These decisions that you can’t say but they bet some people are doing it subconsciously like oh God no not not this gotta watch out um like I think uh there’s a lot of um I have a lot of uh you know I used to that I’ve had several black friends mentioned

To me like oh yeah we when when you go to a white person’s party it’s kind of like this and so you just gotta know what you’re getting yourself into like it’s not a real party um and you know like uh is that a fine uh example being like yeah get invited

To a white person’s party it better be real good uh it is funny I saw a thing today apparently um apparently it’s a white person thing to have crisps at a party as opposed to like cooking food for people is that true also don’t be like that toy cat

It’s not like he’s French um if there’s uh there’s your calling you need to teach yourself handyman works and get ripped off by contractors also I was trying to go over here to make a uh never portal or at least find a uh never Fortress but I’m not getting

Lucky on that I don’t think so I think we’ll come back once we got a diamond pickaxe we’ll mine this portal or maybe make a portal here actually it’s a nice place um but yeah I’m not seeing any oh that was unfortunate okay we’re gonna Dodge real bad

We need to get out of here we’re gonna see if we can see any sign of a structure over here maybe uh it would be important to me um and black this is making me question my identity it could be it’s obviously like uh this is the thing this is the Nuance everyone

Misses from race to base some people like again I think it’s actually like popular to be like oh yeah well actually judge people by their skin tone like you just gotta try and do it in positive ways if they’re non-white it’s a really weird phenomenon to me like uh like 20

Years ago we tried through the whole like what if we treated people equally regardless of race now we’re trying what if we try to reverse treat people based on how we’ve historically treated them as races and then we balance out the total you know there’s like a weird difference there but

Um I think there’s a I think the real Nuance everyone misses when we talk about black white whatever is it matters way more where you’re from when you’re white or when you’re like French people count as white that’s the that’s the real truth of it right there are French

People out there right now who are like yes sir and you know at the same time like uh I know black British to Black American like at some point 250 years ago you would have come from the same continent the only reason black in America even works as a descriptor is

Because they went there without their culture there’s probably some reason why they didn’t bring their culture with them to the US and got mixed up I’m sure some would love to tell me that but the idea of being like this is one set of people with one set of rules are so

Funny to me um you know imagine it’s the equivalent of being like Oh yeah all villagers are the same um at least post the update all villagers are the same regardless of buying these guys just trade different stuff by pure coincidence unrelated it’s like well maybe maybe these guys you

Know if you ever look at a village a village in a plane slime has a bunch of Wheat and a village from a snow biome has not very much wheat and in fact their crops have frozen over because they’re in different climates they live quite differently

And uh you know I don’t know you take that back French people aren’t like us you know what French people you’re right but um politics a lot favorite color time yeah what’s your favorite color of person chat what’s uh give me a let’s go spicy on this uh on this cover-up today

Um no I think uh I think there’s a really uh big mess of it all so we’re going to try and pick up as many twisting Vines as we can I don’t really need them but it’ll be a nice little addition I think um blue person oh I love blue people

Absolute top tier people I love the way they cook the food too um but yeah I saw I saw someone like uh I it’s one of those interesting things where we’re so desperate to have big terms that make it feel like everyone’s like us but even within I know like

Black people from Nigeria in particular who have moved to London in particular it’s like well this one’s into anime and this one likes to watch football and this one only watches cooking content on the internet like whatever the case may be right there’s always fractions fractures um

That’s that’s my take at least so I think we need to get some ender pearls right now I think this is like there’s not much I can do with the seed besides get all the ender pearls in the world to be fair to it uh oh there’s a nice bridge over there I

Could make yeah let’s do it let’s let’s Bridge across it’s gonna be scary but it’s gonna be fine and now we can get over here um I’m just trying to find a never Fortress by the way and then we can make a nice path to it it’ll be wonderful

But right now I see no sign of anything well I do see signs of lots of things that aren’t never focuses but no sign of anything useful if I die in the lava it’ll be rough but I’m not gonna die in the Lava Chat uh what do we see over here

Okay I like people with uh vitilica I was showing the streams on the most out of context conversation you’re welcome you’re welcome I do it specifically for you um okay so this this is gonna leave me somewhere don’t know where the Fortress will be but I know I’ll find it

Maybe stock up on mushrooms for stew I have 21 red and 42 Brown how many do you think I need italic Vasquez that’s my question I will grab a few more red clearly the balance is a bit off but uh we’ll be fine I do like I do love a good never

Exploration to be honest um I do love a good little visit through there we’ll make our path back through some of the blue balls dust Maybe might be a fun idea oh rough um but yeah I want to make a real nice tunnel over to my nether portrait usually I oh okay

Usually when we do this stuff we do it so so fast and zoomy this is gonna be a nice beat Minecraft nice and slow sort of thing um didn’t know you had that much yeah I uh I have a little bit more than most people probably expect

Okay so never Fortress this would be a good place to find one such a shame that the render distance in the never sucks I bet there could be one over there I would have no idea and without a real way to access it we’re gonna bounce out there

Uh chunk bases no fun says Mr ma yeah I think um so this is me telling a tale and a trail right but the the whole point oh um Minecraft to me is like finding your way somewhere and then later like covering up those tracks there are some

Things that are so rare that like I don’t feel bad if people like I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t feel any amount of like shame for using chunk bass or like it I wouldn’t use it myself but I wouldn’t like try to shame people for it but for something like this we’re like

You know you’ll find another Fortress eventually let’s find it organically and then it’ll be cool to like turn that path into something more serious um whereas we make the part before you’ve even done I know like this there’s a lot of tails come on my dude going down um

Yeah that’s that’s my hot take speaking of hot takes I think if we don’t find something soon we are gonna have to use the sign pickaxe to go mine some diamonds um yeah this I don’t think we’re finding a fortress too soon here it’s it’s such a

Good biome to explore like it’s nice and it’s nice and flat if it’s not leading me to a fortress then it doesn’t matter what else um also uh do you like any other games there’s fan your diamonds I uh I really like tears of the Kingdom

Early this year I think today I decided um I think we’re gonna play some Starfield chat I I really also wow we found a Bastion before we found a fortress so that’s bad news for trying to find a fortress nearby usually you don’t find the two of them in the same place

But not impossible not impossible so we’ll just look up very briefly is there anything over here no anything over there I’m gonna guess also no yeah let’s go back that way to see where it takes us right worst case we get a bunch of gold yeah this this Bastion is worthy of a

Portal on its own right what’s uh remember to get those updates done I’m confused by what you mean by updates like if the game isn’t out why do I need to get updates for it is it like uh you can pre-download it but they’re updating the pre-download all the time

If so it might make more sense not to download it until you’ve got the thing going um okay so what biome is The Fortress in we have no idea uh Natalie desazo hey you were one of the uh well actually you know what you’re you’re the person with

The wrong coordinates earlier but what we were asking for but you know I’ll forgive you and I’ll say um congrats on the membership I I didn’t know this was you were one of the ones that got gifted congratulations yeah this is a nightmare trying to try and imagine getting over

That I don’t think I’m gonna do it so uh yeah we found a Bastion already chat um at 600 275. that’s a nice nice place uh uh and now we’re gonna go home we’ll quickly peek over there just in case yeah there’s no Fortress there we’ll go home um

No I was right there they were free out just had no trees Sally what do you mean I’m so confused also prepares the stream time heck yeah yeah when Fallout 4 came out I remember my most viewed stream forever it took it took years for the record to be beaten

Was when Fallout 4 came out I started streaming at midnight and just played until like my eyes couldn’t stay awake any longer and a lot of people really liked that stream the worst bit is the stream was real popular and then the The Fallout music gets claimed by a bunch of

Like fake companies who just pretend they made it and so um yeah so that whole stream doesn’t exist anymore because they claimed it so hard I was like you clearly don’t own this I fought the I I just house fight like if they want to take 100 of the revenue in the

Video what if there’s no revenue on the video now sorry I’m too bitter that way that way um okay let’s dive to the left dive to the right okay I’m gonna just not get hit by fire that’s the only clear goal we have so um yeah I remember I remember my portal was

Somewhere around oh Dash has got it 210 20. wow so far away yeah I might get lucky and find some fortress on the way would be real nice if so but I’m not expecting it would just be nice it would just be nice this is a

This is a really nice never I I do have to say it’s a treat going into The Nether and it’s not feeling like a slog this one certainly doesn’t feel like it big big fan um so we’re gonna cut to the left and then we’re gonna oh we’ve gone past

It now so we have to cut back left around this or something we’ll see what we can do oh yeah I think I think I was meant to be down by now but we could go up and over yep we can oh it’s scary chat it’s real

Scary but we’re gonna have to do it anyway um we could look for another Fortress over here while we’re here anyway right we’re going home we are seeing what it is but just while we’re here we can give it a peek it might be something new and then we’ll head back towards 210.

Sneaky Minecraft full health full health means nothing in the nether has to be said right absolutely nothing you you get knocked by something once then the second thing likes you on fire then you’re dead anyway you you fall into a lava lake ER you’re dead and your stuff is gone

You get hit by the wrong batch of hoglands all together yeah yeah the one the one second delay is not good enough you’re over there’s a lot of ways we can die you should make a shield now you should make a shield yeah how about that yeah you

Didn’t didn’t consider that have you got a shield right now bet you don’t do you have a shield watching this live stream what if a hogland was to attack you or a piglet and Sean Arrow at you while you’re watching the stream you get impaled right through the heart you feel

So silly and you’ll be like ah maybe instead of telling toy cat to craft a shield I should have been crafting one myself this whole time it’s what you’ll say on your deathbed and so just avoid the embarrassment okay so we put that through there and now we can close off well we’ve

Already done it perfect so uh yeah never Fortress Is evasive but you know sometimes you explore for a bit you don’t find something amazing but right away you find it likes it right Shields are the one thing I refuse to ever make yeah I don’t I still don’t think Shields are

Like right 10 out of 10 would use all the time Shields are like a necessary evil for the never Fortress I think where you get like rammed in by three or four mobs uh it’s a good way to like keep them at Bay so uh sometimes fire resistance doesn’t

Save your items pulling 23 blocks onto a Shore in the nether I think fire resistance stops you taking full damage from from lava I could be wrong about that okay we can’t go this way any longer meaning we’re going back a little bit frustrating but there never is what there never is

Um oh spooky uh at least this offers a nice way down so from this way down we can follow it down to this way down which we can follow down a little bit more just mine into that and am I in a couple blocks here

Ouch and then we can go down around here ouch also Fusion Warrior New Idea new idea sorry Idea new piglet in Boston item locator map supporters and bastions low percent might mix up the random C glitchless I think the problem with randomly glitch list is it’s so Bartered to pop that so

Barter dependent already you’ll be making it more barter dependent I do like the idea of never Fortress Maps but right now they haven’t even worked out never Maps as a whole um it’s definitely one of the options they could do that would unlock the most from it like never maps and well even

Just even never locator maps are the only types in their Maps then you’d be like okay I can use this myself now maybe I’d be making it too powerful who knows not not the boss of how this one works but uh it’s an interesting idea right we’ll see we’re gonna start using

Crimson planks it’s fine they’ll get me around whenever um wait let’s take this game logic in real life if you want to dive old age die then respawn at the same age are you in an endless loop of dying a fate worse than death um I mean the catches you don’t die from

Old age right you die from something at old age but hypothetically if you were to if you if if you die and there’s something at your spawn that kills you dying and then re-dying over and over again is a fate worse than death yes in my opinion

Although I mean you know some would argue that like it’s worth any amount of suffering that means you get that um but yeah I uh so I can’t can you speed Bridge so speed bridging on Console or speed bridging on Bedrock rather is a very different game to speed bridging on Java

Um because you can uh what you can do here is you can like speed Bridge up and at the same time go forwards right you can do like like yeah there’s a very different technique to it which actually I think I need to do right now so

Do you want to go up there I don’t just go I mean the good thing is my never is going to be more explorable because of all these little little pieces of infrastructure I’m laying down to connect places that are tricky to connect otherwise um just don’t press the respawn button

To break the loop wouldn’t that be heartbreaking though you’re trapped in a loop and you’re like I’m just gonna die oh you know you want to have more options than die or don’t hit respawn but you just wouldn’t have them um the totem of dying idea for one of

The old bad Minecraft videos would be just as good the totem of dying is such a high quality idea Mojang you gotta get on it I know you I know you’re watching as a I know you’re you’re a legal entity and not a person Mojang but please please add the totem of dying

It’s just too funny not to um so yeah the portal is a z20 z20 um so it’s also way higher up by the way so we’re gonna try and kind of climb upwards into it or we could mine some Blackstone let’s remind some Blackstone it’s a bit annoying to have to go all

The way down there but if we mind some black stone we’d make a stone pickaxe and just kind of tunnel through this whole thing or we could wait till the last minute where we realized it’s already too late and then just start mining with our fist

For another 100 blocks or so you know that sounds like an idea to me okay we’re almost there we just gotta gotta get 100 blocks this way we’re at 86. we’re at 210 is this cave gonna do it for me not quite maybe up here yeah yeah this is this is gonna be

Perfect okay we run through this and then just to the left here 210 okay so now we’re just gonna mine forwards until the pickaxe breaks and then we just have to mine about 60 blocks of our best seems like a crazy idea but I think in the end oh do we have a

Pickaxe on us actually no I think in the long run this works out as sane and logical chat okay let’s go dude so I’ve had my own song stuck in my head all week I need to make another one the champ I um I wanna know what you think well we’re

All here together I uh do you think that um do you think the evidence we have right now for the the whole desert update is really enough for it to be like oh yeah it’s definitely they’re updating warm biomes because I’m like a skeptic by nature but everyone everyone who watched

The video is like oh wow these things definitely seem real it’s like but I I was saying like yeah it looks like this one’s like 80 this one’s like yeah 50 50 maybe the hot update man this update sure does sound pop um so yeah we’re just gonna break

Through no it definitely makes sense to go get some Blackstone it’s an insane idea not to no idea what I’m thinking genuinely no idea so um oh I could just make a wooden one right yeah we’ll make a wooden pickaxe for now so we can at least smelt that into something

We’ll see what’s over here actually wait maybe oh there’s more crimson and there’s more what this way I bet actually no we’re gonna we’re gonna mine for this we won the big tunnel big tunnel is a good tunnel um Cactus Boulders for 1.21 no because the desert update was spurred in line to

Get an update after tiger but it was after tiger and Savannah right so Savannah by the way you should vote for the Savannah as I uh um okay let’s make also so I can’t try to watch a live stream without video it’s fun without all the old art context moments

Yeah I think a surprising number of people do that but what it’s worth a surprising number of people watch the streams about the video um I I’m glad first of all but second of all I do think it’s a bit of a wild thing also Wild update part

Two I there’s no way it’s wild update I think no one it’d be like what an insane idea right like what if we took an update that it was one of the least well received and we took that as a part two like it is way more likely to see like end update

Part two yeah some other update which was popular upon its release and then has been maybe more popular since its release okay let’s go into the Overworld again where things are safe and let’s play some um warp locks around our house I would like to have a okay so we’ll place

I think we’re gonna make a lovely path between this and home um yeah so my house is over there almost exactly diagonal from here so we’ll make the path kind of curve naturally both ways um you see what I mean we’ll go kind of left and then we’ll go kind of right and

Then we’ll break our shovel and realize we should have used something else and then yep that’s good enough chat do you like it does it look good um I know let’s go back to our home what’s going on very nice home by the way and let’s uh let’s play some Neville

In there and I think we’ll yeah we use Neville blocks in place of mushroom blocks and just kind of see how it looks if it’s terrible we’ll wait till we get silk touch and we’ll use properly uh proper replacements for them but I think this might not be terrible

Chat I think if we just we take these blocks and we use we could even use the the Crimson planks right now the neverwork blocks are much better pick in my mind um we’ll just place a bunch of these around see what it does for us

If it does nothing for us that’s fine it’s okay didn’t need it to do everything but we’ll uh we’ll do it two layers deep on this side um you know we can we can see which slides better and like make the other one look like that

But just like this uh with maybe a window in the middle just some way through that and then we would do the same down here but we’ll see how it looks first okay chat is it ugly or is it beautiful you’re not allowed to say you’re not

Allowed to say the first one if that just if if you want to know my what’s the look we’ve got so much grass here yeah it’s um it’s um it’s beautiful it’s great it’s never stunning beautiful yeah this is what I love to hear all of these words are true

Oh yeah it just it just it just comes together so nicely it’s Unique and then I think we’ll do uh Crimson planks for this wall uh over here yeah we don’t even need a wall necessarily but we’ll do like a yeah we’ll do something I guess we could

Extend it a bit have like a second mushroom go next to it do something fun with that but for now yeah this looks looks just fine nothing like it it’s mighty so I need to get silk touch if I’m going to do a significant amount more than

This and obviously I can grow sugar cane which is wonderful so if I want silk touch I’ve got to enchant that means I need bookshelves that means I mean it means I need to go get myself some diamonds so I should have if I lost all my iron already

And I just need to smelt the iron sir good news I’ve got a way to do that we could smell my bowl don’t think that’s a good idea though um and then we’re gonna play some never Sprouts down uh just to make the area a little bit more

And a little bit more a little bit more lively right just just place a few never Sprouts here and there I like it um we play some around here too just yeah we’ll play some never never Sprouts leading this way or warp roots or whatever wait they’re never Sprouts as well as roots

Okay if there are I don’t have them a couple of warp fungus just you know nice little little touches here and there you still have the silk touch ax in the Box it has precisely one durability left if I’m not mistaken it just isn’t a very good number

So um yeah we’ll keep you making mushrooms too actually we don’t need to make mushroom stew here what a waste I’ve got the infinite mushroom machine over here let’s go so yeah if you don’t know about this already uh chat about mushrooms mushrooms they’re so handy they produce

Infinite Mushroom Stew one Mushroom in your world and now you never need to worry about eating again it’s it’s powerful if especially for building types who like don’t need to worry about like doing a huge amount of exploration crazy powerful in my opinion and um so

Yeah let’s get out of it we’ve got a nice collection of mobs now uh free mushrooms uh and uh yeah also did the stream crash okay it didn’t it’s interesting that it froze for so many people um yeah that’s uh that’s a weird one so I wonder it’s fun whenever it’s

YouTube’s issue and not my fault so it’s like yeah yeah usually me not this time also I can’t believe I went all that way I didn’t find a solstan valley or thing which means I don’t have any bones well that’s that’s fine too fine too so now we have to cook up some

Planks I guess uh uh yeah we use planks I mean the Warped planks should probably should have been the first bet but that’s fine um and yeah what we’re going to do is we’re going to place a second mushroom over here but this one will be a warped fungus so

We’ll make it the same like vibe but this one will be entirely warped and then maybe red red planks around it so yeah we could kind of connect them with a long bridge and a tunnel or something like that yeah I like that idea of this being in between

So we’ll line it up perfectly uh it would look more organic if we went diagonally this way actually yeah let’s do that instead we’ll just have another one over here um the long tunnel was a fun idea but a diagonal tunnel makes more sense too so it’s going to be basically perfectly

Diagonal from this point though so diagonal perfectly and then one block to the right well look more organic I think so that’s diagonal that’s one block to the right so thank God I brought enough of this to do what I’m aiming to do here is that high enough no that’s high

Enough and then um is this the right layer actually no I think we want to be one Higher damn okay so good news is I can solve this we just gotta yeah Place more blocks higher up and then hope no one notices so um the way this works is it’s five

Long at different intervals so like that we just make a five by five square basically is this the middle still I don’t even know at this point this this is the middle right yeah that’s the middle so this is the five by five square um yeah nice and then we just Place uh

Little things coming out of that no this doesn’t work how I was expecting uh but it’s close enough right it’s close enough that’s basically the same thing um shouldn’t be using snaps to smell when you things when should you be using slaps to smell things that you get more

Than planks so I can’t you know yeah that that is the least sense I’ve ever made in the comment Jordan Noble I’ve I’ve never understood a comment less than that one I I’d really I was I tried my best but I just didn’t succeed I didn’t need that oopsie

So getting in the house on the top is actually a bit of a struggle huh there’s no easy way in um at some point we’ll connect these with a lovely Bridge made out of warped planks uh which we do have five offs we can make like six slabs and uh generally

Head over there it looks looks nice right chat it looks great looks like kiwi lip balm I don’t know what that is but I agree looks so much like kiwi lip balm um and now we’ve got enough to make a second uh pickaxe and this time we’re

Gonna get diamonds with it we we need diamonds now so we can make a an enchantment table and so we can get some obsidian so we can make a new portal also yeah it’s just so handy having an infinite source of mushrooms too follow us around really is Handy your house is

Outstanding it’s beautiful I know it’s the best no one’s ever made a house as good as I make houses uh let me tell you people often say that I make the best Minecraft houses and let me tell you how right they are so I think I have a crafting table down

Here I could do have a shovel too to be honest um probably should have done some inventory sourcing levels up there but I didn’t and that’s okay not everything needs to be perfect um what does need to be perfect is my finding of diamonds so yeah just hopping into the cave honestly you’ll

Probably leave me where I want to go dude Okay so yeah nice and easy to get down oh yeah okay so I think this oh yes so large okay I think somewhere in this cave there will be diamonds um I it’s more efficient to strip mine

I think we’ve done the maths or like we’ve done the real practical sites if you have a decent pickaxe when you have a low tier pickaxe and it takes you a long time to get iron I think it’s worth just exploring big caves that are low down

And so that’s precisely what we’ll be doing let’s get our hands on these lovely lovely Ravens um which is of course a valid acceptable pronunciation for diamonds as Dazed and Confused agrees um you should make uh room for mushing things yeah you know if you went in a

Mushroom house you’ve got to Mush some things I mean well have some mushroom in there right uh of course I’ll be able to hey Damon see there we go flaws imagine if I went strip mining how much longer it would have taken me also ouch

So I’ll eat this and then I hope it’s more than one diamond chat guess how many diamonds it is right now before we get there how many diamonds am I gonna find I know we’re all gonna be depressed but let’s be depressed together when it’s one it’s gonna be one right

Is it one oh it’s one I mean maybe no it’s one one diamond what do you do of one Diamond chat what do you do I make I can make a nice shovel that’s nice I guess uh is that another Diamond over there it might be we’ll go looking for it

So yeah the uh a big cave like this is usually good for finding a few little Diamond veins but I guess by making the diamond veins smaller it’s like counterbalance to all of this other stuff um it’s always a bit of a shame to to go for one Diamond frame it

You know my first diamond does have to be framed at some point we’ll also mine some gold while we’re here because this I’m gonna be trading with piglens just all sorts of things makes sense to go do this make a jukebox and smelt it now that is an idea code blank make a

Jukebox so we can smell I’m glad someone is speaking sense today someone is doing it I’m glad I’m glad it is you um but yeah as far as actual what we do here oh is that a second diamond yeah it is okay chat guess how many diamonds it’s gonna be

Make the guess in your head and then conclude that you were right because it’s one more Diamond that is now an installment table if we can get the obsidian oh I shouldn’t have used all the obsidian because I could have used it for this oh yeah there was two in the ruined

Portal chest too right there was there was obsidian there as well I would have had enough oh okay valuable lesson valuable less more learning today chat I’m I’m glad we’re learning it together um yeah I would have been able to make an enchant table first which would be would you know would be

Good getting obsidian is nice but I think an enchantment table has a little bit more value especially if we’re about to go take on a fortress or indeed a Bastion whichever one we go for first um okay so we’ll go down oh another Diamond okay that’s Diamond number three chat

And also that’s a geode so we’ll take a nice path down for this Geo oh it’s two geodes ah nice big fan of that so yeah we’ll go for the diamond get the geodes sorted oh it’s more than one okay so we just we need five total

Is it always one diamond or something is that like is that a rule Minecraft has like one one Diamond only sort of rule oh five perfect okay we can now make a pickaxe whilst still also I don’t use this though I’ll use this I’ll make myself a pickaxe while also making later a

A enchantment table so I have a very rough inventory problem right now but it’s fine totally fine um and now we can go into this thing so I’m gonna get some obsidian while I’m down here maybe no do I need it yeah I need it to live for the enchantment table so

Um this is very very cool what a lovely find this is uh I’ll break through it on this side I won’t pick up the blocks though but the the idea is really solid we’ll use the iron pickaxe because it seems to make almost no difference and um yeah we’ll just mine through this

Make it clear we can go do it this this right here 1580 370. 1580 370. tweak out with slime I didn’t oh I I didn’t want to type slash uh type it in the chat and that way you know where you want to be digging and as

Long as there’s a straight line up from there to hip we can now easily fall down into our water bucket um which we’ll do after we’ve made some obsidian oh look at the the water is uh mushroom buying water huh interesting stuff um yeah I um

Come on make jukeboxes okay you know I’m sorry five jukeboxes of this chat connect them both with an amethyst away yeah it’s a nice idea huh that’s a nice idea so we only need four obsidian but we could go for enough to make a portal while we’re here right but

We’ll be able to get more to make a portal if we like we’ll be able to enchant our pickaxe to make it easier to get more obsidian so I’ll do that we also need to get some lappers before we go back up which is easy so we’ll remove the arrow

Because it’s one Arrow right um pick up four obsidian and then go get some lappers where do we find the lappers I don’t know I’m sure we will though negative 370. oh yeah I know it’s negative 370 like I think um to be clear here I think you it’s it’s

Smart to get it correct but I think I’m not going to look at it and go whoa have I got hundreds of blocks to go I hope I won’t look at it and say that at least well so I think we’ll go get the extra diamond and then we’ll craft a diamond

Shovel at the same time that’d be nice be great to have a diamond shovel so now we need lapis usually you find lappers before you find diamond it used to be like 1.1 times as common obviously not anymore um but yeah we’ve got a bit of a problem getting out of here

So we’ll scoop the water where is the water actually I had the water somewhere is it in the ground yeah it’s in the ground I guess do I need the water to get out it’ll help but leaving it there will help future me so I’ll help I’ll choose to help future

Me at the expense of currently um so yeah lap is nice and easy get some get out call it a day by the way do you want to know something fun chat tomorrow is the um I think it’s the six year anniversary of tumble releasing um

Might be seven years I think it no it’s gonna be seven years um I’m gonna do a fun special stream for it there’s so many anniversaries that happen where like if you miss one you’re like oh I know but I think uh the normal thing to do

With this like do you ever have this in real life where you’re like oh I forgot like a friend’s birthday and you feel like bad about yourself rather than feeling bad about yourself or having the police come around you like beat you in the head as I’ve suggested uh previously

Um real good idea by the way also do you see any lappers why is there no lapis um what’s tumble you know what see that’s that’s how you know it’s seven years old but uh it’s the second Minecraft console mini game uh so I just wanted to let you

Know that we’ll be streaming it tomorrow it’s gonna be a lot of fun um I I wonder how many people will be naturally playing the game I guess I’m gonna like log in earlier in the day just to see uh cause I’m sure there’s so there’s a weird thing that like

You know anniversaries of events only mean as much as the people who care about them want them to mean um I think that’s a valuable thing to learn about your birthday like it almost feels sometimes like your birthday is being forced on you at least to me

That’s how it felt when I was younger like Aaron’s like oh look it’s your birthday what are you gonna do and it’s like oh no man I wanna doesn’t feel like a very fun time if you don’t get to decide um but like at some point it you come to

The conclusion that like if you wanted to have your birthday not mean anything don’t ever tell anyone and now your birthday means nothing like it’s uh and the same thing is true for uh every anniversary um you get to the side where that anniversary means in a relationship

Right you can have it be a rule like yeah we we believe that it matters more every day or even like instead of setting a day that’s like arbitrarily just three years since you started dating be like yeah July 1st every year I would you know that is fun okay

So we can get some without having to find oh also there’s lapis so I’ll chop down uh what should I do here no there’s not much I can do I’ve gotta I’ve gotta know I can come back here but yeah nice big find very good find

Um we will be back we will be back um later though because right now I’ve got a date with Destiny um I do need to make up an inventory slot so let’s use a weird block to get over here for tough sure and let’s just mine all of the lap as we can

It doesn’t matter I I feel like one lap is all and you have enough lapis for like a lifetime like that one vein oh there’s a second vein over here one vein and now we’re we’re all good so cat what is your fave cave biome I don’t think the cave biomes are

Distinct enough for me to have a favor I’m so bitter about that and I really shouldn’t be it’s like a bad thing for me I thought that’s okay my girlfriend really enjoys celebrating it though says just say Bashe detour and then he does a winking face ah well you see

You get to decide together if you decide that it means enjoy celebrating the day of course you should do it but some people like get stuck into things that neither of them want to do out of obligation and it’s like well that doesn’t seem smart or fun doesn’t seem like anyone benefits from

That one um but yeah uh I think that uh I I think that I found out my partner doesn’t see the point celebrating anniversaries unless you’re married LOL I mean I can see that’s the thing right is you get you they get they don’t get to the side on your behalf that it’s

Dumb that’s where it’s a bad thing like if they don’t like that you get to be like but I like it if that’s okay Um otherwise that’s just someone saying yeah I don’t think we should celebrate us maybe maybe that’s a bad thing um but yeah I know like uh it’s a reminder that basically everything gets to be an anniversary if you feel like it or not you you’re you’re it’s a life it’s it’s

A control your life is a Choose Your Own Adventure right um a lot of people forget about that because of how many things aren’t Choose Your Own Adventure like I I really do feel like the reason the school system exists is to remind is like to is to make people in the mindset

Where it’s like yeah the way you succeed in life is you do exactly what you need to do uh when other people tell you to and there are a lot of things that people are really bad at doing even when other people tell them to I’ve been watching a bailiff shows

Recently where like people come round your house and take your stuff um but um yeah I uh I don’t even know why I’ve just been a little thing and so um yeah I I I I think it’s so interesting how many of those people are like yeah we sent a

Letter on this state and they’re like I just hoped if I ignored that letter it would go away like then we said we’d do this and they’re like oh yeah I just kind of uh I I felt like there was a real chance if I did nothing that would also go away

And it’s funny because some problems in life will just go away when you ignore them so many problems I’ve told the story before about how I worked out my school’s detention system um it would always escalate the tensions like double the length if you missed your detention but after it got to two

Hours it just fell out of the system and I was like yeah I just never went to detentions for at least several years until they worked out the bug um and uh you know just a reminder they’re like yeah you have to one time they worked out like Okay

Um I think it was when I was at the very my very last school year they’re like Andrew we’ve just noticed you have like 17 of these uh it was good like a C6 or something like that you have you have so many of these that you missed you know

The punishment is meant to be like a full day detention but we can’t give you 17 days detention like we can’t we can’t that doesn’t make any sense and I was like ah sucks how they’re like could you do like one half day please and so I

Went into the I went into the uh basically not Solitaire like basically like a prison for half the day missing a bunch of lessons which is the dumbest thing they’re like yeah so at this point it makes the most sense for you to just yeah and it’s funny like uh it’s a bad

Reminder that basically every form of consequence requires someone to care about something if you live in a place where people don’t care you’re in a very lucky lucky spot so um now I’m gonna make a okay I’ve got enough wait how is this sugar cane not grown At All by the way

Chat have you have you noticed that I I’ve got a lot of sugarcane okay I’ll just make one book for the sugarcane and then we’ll go um Miss half day of class is pogus for detention says Miss Singleton yeah yeah it was um I remember missing like a

Lesson I hated to and thinking you know this is pretty good life’s life’s not that bad um you know there are some teachers or lessons that would make you think like I will do anything in my life besides go there right now um so it’s always a treat when you don’t

Have to go to one of those so um the twisting Vines are gonna go everywhere but not right now a couple deep slay and these just don’t seem like valuable things the stream lights I think we should start putting around the place so here seems logical and then also maybe like one there

That seems good enough for now um we are going to craft the sugarcane into paper and now a book hey look at that chat enchantment table I’m excited we’re gonna make one it’s gonna be wonderful and I’ve still got spare diamonds I’ll get this right I’ve still got enough

Spare diamonds to make a diamond sword so that’s going to be exciting um I do need to desperately you know I’m gonna go right now uh I I’ve got a lot of things I need to do but this is uh we’ve been streaming for just under three hours now

Um so what we’re going to do is this is a two-part maybe multi-part series I’m I’m having a lot of fun just like goofing off in survival rather than being like we gotta get there right now so far zoom zoom taking things a bit slower I’m having a much more fun time

And I’m gonna have brown mushrooms and that’s the important thing uh by the way before we go though 1580 370. we’re gonna dig that hole is it over here somewhere it’s way over here so we’ll make like a would just place like a walk block on

Top of it maybe yeah that makes sense to me so 370 is over here and 1580 is just over here so yeah at some point tomorrow we’ll dig down from this see how well that goes for ourselves brown mushrooms and one very Zapped llama yeah I’m surprised that I’m

Surprised the Llama is not dead it does seem very unintuitive to me but um yeah we’re gonna go in the cave and just quickly pick up a little bit more coal just like sort my life out cold wise um so yeah I really hope you’ve enjoyed today’s stream this this kind of

Different format for the challenge um I think it’s a lot more fun some kind of persevering in different ways if you’ve enjoyed it please do consider liking it or don’t it’s up to you you I’m not the boss of you you’re the boss of you but

Uh if you did like the stream it’d be something I would enjoy and um no this cave there’s nothing inside of it huh I also put all my valuables away so what you have to use some dirt and go up here is there anything up up there for me

There’s gonna be there’s gonna be some some coal in this cave somewhere right it’s a big cave it’s gonna lead me to some coal um I’m glad I’m getting this sorted out right now apparently that’s that’s an important thing so as you can see that was cold no

It’s not this is cold no that’s iron there’s lots of iron here which is nice uh but I’m looking for coal I just got here and you’re leaving says digging troops okay you know what digging troops just got here everyone Hey Ron let’s let’s go back a second so

Um I’ve got five more minutes so we’re gonna talk about one philosophical disaster before we go uh one philosophical quandary so have you ever considered the um if you you you don’t know if you’re real or if you’re capable of thinking that you’re real while not being real

Because we don’t know for sure uh if thinking you’re real actually makes you true I think therefore I am as a valuable thing in a world where we assume thinking is a human only thing but we understand that lots of animals and plant lives do a type of thinking

And so are you really real there we go that’s that’s a toy cat stream then we’ll make some offensive offhand remark about like oh have you ever considered that actually some people don’t think there’s like a decent proportion of the population that genuinely have never done a fort in their life

Um and then we’ll make another comment about how uh the weather’s really good and my favorite color is is blue anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you all enjoyed this live stream if you did don’t forget to like it favorite it subscribe it and I’ll see

You tomorrow for another live stream it’s gonna be fun I’m looking forward to it and uh yeah and then on Thursday I’ll be back to this we’ll be making an enchantment table I hope goodbye

This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft In A Mushroom Biome?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-08-29 22:36:44. It has garnered 22154 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:40 or 10900 seconds.

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at: https://streamlabs.com/toycat

this is from the dream seeds found video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8ai0oeT5pc

Live stream descriptions are usually too long so now I just remind you that subscribing and following on twitter @IBXToycat is how you can see more if you liked this. Or you can check out the unlisted streams playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpy-oDL1K5KTkOOnS1xkO-Mz

if you really like it you can become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/c/toycat/join

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

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  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

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  • Play.creste.ro

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  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

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  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

ibxtoycat – Can I Beat Minecraft In A Mushroom Biome?