ibxtoycat – Walking 50,000 Blocks Of New Minecraft 1.18 Terrain

Video Information

Hello i’m ivy x toy cat and welcome back to another live stream on the internet today i am going to be doing a lot of walking because there is new terrain everything has changed all of this that you’re seeing in my let’s play world is old gone never gonna be seen again

Terrain which might be interesting in its own way in a few years but today it’s day two of 1.18 the thing we want to see more than any of that is some brand new terrain and so what i’m going to be doing is i’m going to be walking

This way i mean doing some amount of flying this way too of course but i’m gonna be going this way and seeing where my old terrain hits new terrain and then checking out thousand tens of thousands of blocks because i would walk 50 000 blocks and i probably would not walk 50

000 more uh honestly because you know 50 000 is a lot i uh at normal walking pace in minecraft actually at sprinting pace in minecraft you walk just under 20 000 blocks an hour if i did my maps correctly and i really would not trust

That i did and so i’m thinking like okay logically that means three hours if you wanna you wanna sprint it and so yeah that’s why we’re mixing in the fireworks here and there and uh yeah it’s gonna be a lot of fun i um hey you stud muffin

Happy holidays brother says the nasty you’re not happy holidays to all of you uh fellow stud muffins out there not a phrase i hear very often but i’m glad that i get to hear it today so yeah we’re gonna have to go for a lot of um

Other all terrain first so i’m gonna fly past it just so you can see because this this world is such an interesting one for uh the terrain but uh yeah oh i’m sorry you’re not embarrassing to cough so publicly um as we all know that is a sin now we do

Not do that what’s the lava thing oh that’s my uh that’s my that’s my never melton okay so yeah as you can see this is uh this is terrain post 1.7 like not beta terrain anymore we’re now into full release terrain from 2013 and onwards as you can see

So it’s it’s nice it’s got the small biomes from console it’s kind of fun at some way then what you’re going to notice is there’s another expansion where we move to about 2015 terrain there’s not many differences but like fossils generate in different uh villages and whatnot uh that happens

About here and then after that um lioness crossed you can see the magical line where the old world meets the new one i’m not sure if that’s right here because this is a new village actually you know doesn’t that okay i think i’m like 99 sure this is as far as

I ever explored on this angle because you can see the weird clash of the biomes here this swamp is just kind of turning into a uh a little forest right here actually let’s play detective before we do anything else let’s work out the exact point where this the switch happens you

Can tell this is new terrain and therefore that is the point right here because all of this right here is over 128 blocks which doesn’t naturally happen on bedrock however it did happen in the console edition in certain circumstances and so you can’t actually be hundred percent sure but yeah having a new

Village or a pillager outpost gives you the good clue that that’s a thing and so yeah i the fact that i’m seeing another line over here makes me think that this probably is actually old terrain because then look at this there’s a there’s an ice lake that goes straight into another mountain

So maybe i explored this terrain i explored the terrain on the other side but this is all new i don’t know what to take from any of this i’m going to be honest with you i’m lost so that’s why uh the 50 000 blocks we’re gonna walk we’re gonna start um

Maybe a little bit further forward where it’s very clear that it’s new to rain only and yeah we’re gonna go on a lovely walk i brought golden carrots on me so we can walk properly good and uh yeah okay this is this is new now

I’m like there we go yeah we got a big mountain in the distance let’s do this let’s go for a walk i um ibx toycat uh you’re a sexy lobster oh no you’re sorry sex lobster what kind of mad lack antics are you up to today

Going for a lovely long walk honestly i love in the real world i love walking and you know what else i love i love talking i uh it’s one of the embarrassing things to admit like i uh i find talking publicly to be like a terrible thing but one of the accidental

Benefits also do you have any plans for this update i almost switched at the last minute there’s two cool things i want to do in this update i want to extend my sugarcane farm obviously it goes without saying and i want to collect spore blossoms real bad um

Huh yeah we found ourselves a little village so yeah this is by the way i also mentioned this is a copy of the world the reason why i mean for now it’s a copy we could make it the major version should we want to but for file size

Reasons yeah there’s a reason we want to do it that way me too says kate i uh i i really enjoy a good walk and a good talk i feel like sometimes that’s what you need in life um another world corruption here we come yeah that’s the the biggest reason why i’m uh

Being cautious is something like that but yeah i want to look for as much new terrain as i can and rather than doing this whole loading up different worlds um you know it’s it’s way more fun to do a thing i love uh arguing talking is too boring says the nasty

I do think there is a truth to that too like normal talking is low stakes it’s fun to like get big and heavy and be like you know what so um so fellas what do we all think about um how are you all feeling about um i know like um aren’t aren’t men

Better than women there we go there’s a there’s a spicy one or are women better than men there’s no there’s no nuance in this topic you’re picking a gender or a sex or whatever you want um and you you’re stack ranking them you you we got

We’re gonna make a tier list of the genders i think that’s actually a very very spicy take on the internet to do that also thank you for the three months uh rocky and yippa i can’t imagine the sugarcane farm arc ending uh so thankfully the maxwell height has increased um

So yeah uh what are we how are we ranking the genders chat what uh what’s what’s the deal i um i you know how about how about better than that let’s let’s rank all of the various ethnicities i mean clearly there’s gotta be a best one right i mean

I’m hearing all this talk of uh okay is that enough spicy are we are we good yet chat are we um are we are we sufficiently dramaed out for the day okay we can go back to having fun sounds good anyway so uh yeah the we’re gonna be going for a big

Uh oh there we go look at that there’s our first like actually new biome as opposed to just new terrain and existing biome let’s get to the top of that so my goal here by the way is to get to negative fifty 000 on the x-axis it’s gonna be crazy

It’s gonna be crazy um but um yeah one man two women thanks for watching ooh would anyone like to debate his tier list um i uh i’m a trans person joining just as you said let’s rank the genders i almost yikes see drama like i i feel like there is

This like perfect balance in uh in in uh going for drama topics right it’s being just enraged enough that you need to say something but not being so enraged that you go oh well i’m done with it uh this all sucks right like uh that’s that’s that’s why my let’s rank the

The races or the genders gets people going maybe a little bit too crazy in a way that like so what does everyone reckon pineapple on pizza actually not pineapple and pizza way more offensive than the idea of a superior um race but um you know so cat 1.18 just came out we’ve

Got to talk about minecraft so um what what’s what’s the best new biome what’s the best new biome friends i hear they added several new ones i uh lover boots please says zotel acronym no honestly in when you’re actually going around one of these biomes it’s so easy to just

Ignore the powdered snow so i’m not gonna bother i i think never right boots are better i discussed this in my video which oh i think i can start uploading that now actually i i’ve had a mess of a day today i’m gonna level with you i am not proud of myself um

Okay uh oh it’s up but it’s up on a weird drive can you send a link can you send a link please sorry i don’t save it okay so good news is my i i i don’t know it’s like it’s like the day of an update and it’s like the most

Important day to like get a video out there and like just it’s the worst day to have like mistakes compound on uh feeling feeling bad about it feeling bad about it um so yeah as you can see oh no i need to get some leather boots

On otherwise how else will i deal with this miss powdered snow huh there’s just no way chat there’s i don’t see how i could possibly avoid this powdered snow that’s in front of me it’s impossible there’s just no way i’m gonna have to fall in aren’t i oh i did now i’m gonna

Die it’s over for me now so yeah um pirate craggy thank you so much for becoming a the 364th member and joining the cool cat club do you like i’ve dated the message by the way i hope you like that i update the i message drippy caves though

I find drip stone caves to be a little bit disappointing and by a little bit i guess it’s great for finding copper i might i might like i um a stream i’ve wanted to do for a while is mining copper so people stop telling me to make a copper farm

Like i want to get like an absurd amount of copper like you know uh an entire shocker box filled with it also non-pineapple pizza is where i draw the line uh by you know that is incorrect that is so incorrect why is that snowier snow grayish

I can’t tell you why it is but you can distinctly tell the difference when you look at them i again i i don’t know if it’s intentional or what the deal is if it wasn’t for frozen pizza i would have starved to death says uh jame weston

I i totally agree on like frozen pizza is the simplest frozen meal out there and it it it’s pretty good sometimes if you live in the uk try iceland they’ve got the best frozen pizzas in the game uh oh we can actually go to sleep because of this igloo right here

I don’t know igloos could generate on these these things i guess this isn’t even a new mountain biome it’s uh you know it’s it’s actually a plains snowy plains that just happens to be on a mountain i don’t understand how that works at all um but uh yeah no uh

One of the uh no no we’re talking about minecraft no frozen pizza talk today chat if you want frozen pizza talk go watch my frozen pizza pod i wish that was a real thing frozen pizza podcast everyone um i lay frozen battered cold powder also

By the way i love the fact that we can climb up a cliff and then just kind of fly off it isn’t this a beautiful way to explore isn’t this something just a heads up i drank fanta today carry on oh whoa you drank fanta today that is nuts that is a beverage

I actually i haven’t i haven’t drunken fanta in a very long time um anyway so um this is just a fallen tree i um today is the first day of streamers yesterday was arguably the first day of streamless but it causes confusion actually not that’s that’s my favorite

Thing causing confusion so welcome to the second day of streamers um as you might know in december i try to stream every day the logic used to be basically like nowadays i think i should do the opposite and like stream every day of january because the idea was like

Streams were one of the best ways to get like views and december is the time where you need to get as many views as possible so you can you know survive it’s like i have to be like a a squirrel like fending away the nuts in the good

Times so that in the bad times i can eat those nuts i mean saying i can eat those nuts later it’s probably not a good thing to say on the internet but um yeah no uh for real that’s uh so so one of the best things to do is to

Stream nowadays i think it’s the opposite like we should be focusing on videos rather than streaming but i like streaming uh so i’m gonna be i’m gonna be doing a fair few of these 1.18 just came out that makes sense um but i think we’ll end stream us like

Earlier this year than normal i know i’m like i’m very mentally exhausted this year in a way i i haven’t been in previous years um like again today like i spent all day and i’m not even the one editing the video and i still didn’t like i got one

Thing done and it took like my whole mind and it’s not like a great video i mean wait it’s the best video please watch it but it’s like man i this was this would be good i’d be impressed to myself if i did this in half an hour but it took several hours

And it’s like well what what am i doing with my my day i uh again it’s it’s easy to get dissolution sometimes um with yourself with the world i um and on all the background songs i need to turn up my music so i can hear the best thing about this walk

Oh i like this one there we go so cat will you be getting the new achievements says hazel grants yeah that’s one of the streams i wanna do i wanna i wanna grab all those achievements it shouldn’t be too hard right i’m not keen on the update too many hills lol

Says diamond diva oh yeah 100 within like in about six months maybe not even six months maybe six weeks people are gonna be like i i miss when minecraft was flat like right now this is pretty flat like it used to be right now look around me in every direction there’s a hill

There’s a forest there’s another hill um it’s very hard you know it’s very hard um by the way having steak and a golden carrot is a nice little complementary set of food when you get down to not sprinting hunger anymore oh yeah i’m loving this music thank you for pointing it out jeff

This is exactly where i feel people should stick with old worlds says luxanelle should we try loading up our old world see how that goes where you already walk 50k blocks says austin s and today we’re walking 50k in another direction because i would walk 50 000 blocks and i

Probably wouldn’t walk 50 000 more because 50 000 is kind of plenty many and maybe we shouldn’t set unrealistic expectations it’s december crack open the box fizz i i i don’t go like supermarket shopping anymore since living in london probably says something concerning about my my diet um

I haven’t seen bucks fizz yet i saw it in like november and i was excited to buy some you know i want some bugs fish should i get some bucks fizz i think i should get some bucks fizz what do we reckon chat how how do we feel about box fizz

I want some bucks fizz christmas drunk stream when maybe that’s what we’ll do for the last you know why don’t i have box fizz right now i i like sugar i need it in my body i’ve actually i actually you know yesterday by accident i had the worst sugar crash and i was

Trying to work out like why is this and i worked out that for every meal besides breakfast i just had like something that was basically sugar i had um i had these like fizzy um i think what they’re called they’re like warheads something for the like pre-lunch snack i had two

Two tubs of ice cream for lunch um and then i i had the lemonade during the stream and i had some full of cake for dinner and i was like oh yeah i know that’s that is in fact that there is a reason that my body doesn’t feel good after consuming all of

That like i didn’t put it together i was like oh i feel like i don’t have much energy for some reason two whole tubs kind of impressive says danielle i should i should say um like the miniature ones like that big i uh you know i i’m gonna leave i know

I’m actually i’m gonna prefer to leave it on record no two tubs of ice cream let’s not clarify um no idea never heard of bucks fizz no clue what it is it’s one of the delightful part by the way we’ve just seen an endless number of these uh snowy tiger snowy villages

In a way that is very interesting in my opinion like this is like our fifth one what about a social experiment ibx um i had one that i was going to do but the guy who was helping me on it i use he’s dealing with a lot right now so

I’m gonna gonna let him deal with that instead if not oh fun fact you can’t left trigger snow anymore you used to be able to now we can’t so sad okay so um maybe it’s we just have a silk touch pickaxe and that’s why we can’t i mean axe i mean shovel

I uh two bathtubs of ice cream see right two if you get one of those miniature bathtubs and eat that you know wait chat i think i’ve just worked out what my new my new signature uh because you know i miss having the fish bowl but like i tried buying other fish bowls

It’s just not the same there was something special about that fish bowl that we just can’t fill in otherwise i think i’m gonna buy myself you know what yeah let’s go for it i’m gonna buy myself a bathtub um okay i’m downloading the video now hope this doesn’t ruin the stream download

Okay bathtub amazon.com uk um bathtub but like drink okay bathtub drink oh they do sell miniature bathtubs i knew they would i you know you this this is the problem it used to be like whoa you can drink out of a bathtub now it’s like i know someone

Sells a bathtub i can drink out of uh how big is it and should i drink outfit this is this is what it looks like in case you cure oh i can’t our amazon pictures aren’t actually pictures today i learned okay wait okay this this is what it

Looks like in case you’re curious um as you can see it’s very nice and again little cocktail going on in there and then people will be confused as to why i’m drinking out of a bathtub how nice um how much it only only stores about 300

Milliliters so i need to get like a big bathtub big bathtub drink uh oh they don’t look like bathtubs once they get any bigger they start to look like like this can we all agree that if your bathtub looks like this something is wrong with you um

This is this is the second option for bathtubs uh again it’s i mean like it’s a tub but like it’s not really a bathtub is it no no if we’re gonna get if we’re gonna put drinks in something definitely should be uh bathtub looking

I i guess we don’t have a choice we we go of the tiny bathtub or we go over bucket those are my choices i get i have given up on life if anyone can find me a big bot like i want a bathtub like this big

That i can drink out of and then people go is that bathtub and i’ll say no it’s a drinking apparatus fish bowl of amazon we all know it won’t be the same we own a bucket that actually might be fun like an etch that actually does sound like a fun

Thing i i used to have a bucket when i was younger like i don’t know why my mother just gave me a bucket when i was 14 and like didn’t didn’t like say do this of it was just like here’s a bucket work out a use for it um

And like i always remember thinking like it’s kind of gross in there like probably because i used it for rubbish and then like stopped it you know long story short here is i don’t think i can drink have a bucket because i’m gonna think about that bucket you know i uh

Castle bucket in portugal that’s a tank i you know maybe i should drink from a a thing also just like a pale or like a full-on bucket what’s the difference between a pail and a bucket i’m i’m not i’m not experienced enough to tell you what we’re talking about have you been

Diamond mining in 1.18 yet says uh derek houston i uh i actually haven’t been i i want to like make sure that i know how to do all the types of mining uh for a video and so i think i want to stream before i do my

Let’s play episode and like how to mine every ore but yeah i’m not too sure i also by the way uh someone said just get a clean bucket see that’s the problem with association though is that like you know something is logically correct but you also can’t and i feel

Like my brain’s particularly bad again about getting sticky with that by the way isn’t this the cutest little island is this not the cutest island you’ve ever seen i like this island a lot it’s you know i like that i like what i’m seeing it’s adorable i don’t

I don’t like the thousands of blocks of ocean i mean two ocean moments is cool don’t get me wrong but i feel like flying for this long is not the ideal form of transport so yeah there is the there’s the island it’s gonna leave our render distance soon so sad

So cat has so many stream ideas he needs an assistant to remember them because he never will i uh yeah i’m doing a bad job on the whole having an assistant you know it’s uh i uh i i don’t worry i spoke my old assistant today so i’m allowed to trash

Talk her ability to do her job um i kind of hired an assistant that wasn’t like actually an assistant that was like yeah yeah this is just like what we’ll call it so people know to like you know uh like that they should you know it was like it was like a prestige

Thing if like you know it’s like being i want to speak to the manager of toy cat but it was assistant and uh yeah i don’t know i maybe i maybe as a result i i i don’t need an assistant i just need someone in my life who remembers things that i say

Or maybe that’s what an assistant is i’m not sure i’m not sure at all oh here we go we got a meadow biome which actually has different flowers in it nice love to see it love to see it you should build a dirt hut at the end says mock mock fish um

That is a bad idea that’s a calendar oh i’ve got the worst thing like i know that right like i know that when i write things down i remember them better but i despise writing things down so much i’m just like yeah i’ll remember this about i

Don’t need to write this down i’ll just like i’ll totally remember it and it’ll be literally 15 seconds later that i’m like what don’t i need to remember to write down ah probably nothing and that happens to me all the time literally all of the time it is

It is actually it is confusing it is concerning i don’t know how i don’t know what i don’t know why i mean the converse side we oh by the way i wish i had some leather boots right now huh i mean not really um so yeah this is okay here’s here’s some new

Terrain looking good in all the directions but also doing that same thing of like yeah it is very hilly blah who needs executive function anyway says cracked magnet um that is a term i’ve only learned because of the whole you know there’s that fat on the internet of like everyone has adhd you

Have have you ever felt bored symptom of adhd do you ever enjoy things sometimes and not other times also take my money thank you very much for the wait okay i’m on amazon i should be on the tip page thank you very much um right beanerbottle619 i love ravina

Whenever i’m sick again this is one of those like dumb things that’s grilled into me from childhood also um i i uh considering i uh are you considering doing the all-new achievement stream if not you should i totally am yeah so uh all new achievements and then whatever

Else i just suggested i do right now like five minutes ago i’m gonna do that as well it’s a good thing like have you guys do you guys have a loose focus on something adhd do you uh do you sometimes like fall asleep and then it’s hard because you’re thinking about things adhd

Do you ever look up symptoms of adhd you wouldn’t be looking them up if you didn’t have adhd also uh squashy hey tycat hell you doing i want to ask if you had a discard or a discard server because i have an idea i wanted to share with you um discord.gg

Toycat but if you want to share an idea with me you’re probably best doing it on twitter or reddit or something uh today i was playing and i accidentally fruit my never i add a zombie then he killed me with it then he despawned wow we had

A four in a row tip train right there by the way thank you to lizzy yes too many goats squashy and um wait no that was five tips already although that’s six with b b stims honey b stims i found the perfect bathtub for you okay

I didn’t know that you could send links via stream tips but today we learned it’s a white doll bathtub by sophia’s 18 inch doll tub what is 18 inches i should know this okay wait everyone knows six inches so you just that’s that’s the size of bathtub i’m looking for

Wait it’s for but it’s for dolls that’s that’s that’s okay um 1.5 u.s rulers do you know rulers in the uk have inches on one side and centimeters on the other so i can work out 12 pretty pretty pretty well from that okay i want this but i want a dull bathtub dull

Bathtub damn it they’re tiny in the uk why didn’t you find it on dot co dot uk i don’t live in them okay actually maybe i can okay wait wait wait so all i have to do okay if i order it now there’s and 43 cents in shipping and it won’t

Arrive until tuesday december the 14th but it would be nice does it come with the oh it comes of the doll chat okay wait i want to show you this chat i’m sorry i need to show you this um i’m worried it’s going to do that whole

Like ooh would you like to learn do you want to show off your address to the internet um okay so um let me just close this down oh wait i didn’t hit download on that file yet wait i must have i did okay now hit upload on that upload videos

Okay so now i hope the stream doesn’t break while i’m uploading i i you know uploading and making and okay i’m doing this correctly i’m sorry i know what i’m doing here chat okay so the person who just sent me a link sent me a link to this I know i have too many tabs don’t don’t don’t question me um they’ve sent me a link to this where as you can see you get a little bathtub which is 18 inches apparently as you can see it’s a delightful bathtub but you also get a doll

And so you know i’m just saying we get a little hair brush we get a little what is that like a little flower for the hair um and uh yeah it’s 18 it’s 18 no it’s 15 by 5 by 4 inches so 15 is like that by five is like that maybe

And then by four so like this big this is not useful for the internet always it um what do you reckon chat should i get it again it ignoring the sales taxes and ignoring the 16 and 43 cents it costs the ship to the uk um should we

Should we do it what do you reckon i reckon we should we’ll obviously chop off the shower that she’s holding and then but i think we’ll keep the rest right i think we should keep the rest so that’s 30 35 and and 73 cents is this actually a smart idea

I doubt it will come in time you know i want to drink box fizz out of a bathtub it literally says dill not included i i do you read the i’d say the small print but it’s quite big print do you read the big print on things you’re not doing u.s consumerism correctly

What you do is you take a clear floor on the product and you wait until after you’ve bought it and then you get mad that’s that’s that’s how that’s how america works and i love it facts tax for daddy toy cat thank you so much for that for daddy toy cat

You know what i’m concerned by your methods but i appreciate your love dean potts um you know what after dean potts i wouldn’t be surprised if we saw something pans is the joke but i can’t work it out but oh thank you so much sounds like you need some bribe money

For boots now for boots oh for the lover boots i feel like using lower boots is just objectively dumb like oh no there’s no way to avoid powdered snow i want i don’t want the doll two weeks later where is my doll that whenever i’m buying something i’m

Genuinely that way i’m like i really don’t need most of these features but then the thing arrives i’m like let me play around with these and then i’m sad that it doesn’t work like how i imagined it i wanted to excessively in my head um ah [Laughter]

So what do you reckon chat are we gonna are we gonna get ourselves a bathtub um i mean we now have what is what is 30 35 and 20 pounds i imagine we’re like halfway there right that’s that’s gotta be true and you know what i spoke too soon i

Guess we’re that’s time i guess we can buy a bathtub okay now we just need the money for the bucks fizz i mean i you know if you ask the internet politely i find they are very generous and there we go that’s that’s sorted too uh somewhere also enjoy why are we

Looking at adulthood anyway so funny logan’s the stream for this so um yeah i wanted a container to drink out of it’s kind of like drinking out of a water bottle is so basic like i hate myself thank you very much hccna this is to help the bathtub

Um boxes 350 of that okay thank you so much i think we’re gonna get the bathtub then okay i guess we’re gonna order it all the way from america it’s going to take two weeks to get here but that’s going to be my christmas present to myself now i guess it’s yours [Laughter]

Okay you’re not first of all have to say thank you to rosie parra and jason confucian for getting it but a ward of the stream goes to jacqueline smith for that rub-a-dub-dub get the damn tub that is uh i guess i guess we’re you know right now

Right now i’m buying the tub i’m buying it okay so um okay again this costs 35 okay so i’m going to buy it right now you can’t see my screen because i don’t want to share my payment information i’m sorry um it’s also that i can’t okay keep me

Signed into amazon.com if you’re curious amazon.com and code uk are like very different like they save certain things but it’s a real pain to move things across okay so now i’m gonna pay using a american express card got to get those sweet points on the pa oh it’s only going to cost 33

I don’t understand how no it’s 33 pounds oh yeah they’re charging me 7.5 15 and that this is a 42 purchase chat i just like drunk cat fund okay i’m gonna i’m gonna put this in chat for you um what which which shipping option do you think we should use i uh

I wanna hear your thoughts those are the shipping options i have to choose between uh there’s there’s two week shipping which is sixteen dollars and there’s one week shipping which is twenty two dollars uh i don’t know if i’ve paid v80 on the shipping piece actually that’s a good question i might

Have to but it’s still it’s gonna be twenty percent um so we’ll make it increase from forty two dollars to forty seven should we do it still also hanging out with some oh wait um okay so i’m gonna i’m gonna do a poll in the chat by the way um sixteen dollar

One two week twenty two dollar two week well one week sorry which shipping also um thank you anthony got hang out from the okay so drunk cat fun from dean fox again which shipping thank you for the love and affection i am seeing today i am hugely appreciative of it um

So uh thank you squashy and thank you eli uh dude hell yeah buy it okay we’re doing a poll and you guys can work out which shipping method i could use bear in mind this is a 42 dollar bathtub i don’t i mean that’s including the shipping but like

This is 42 to 48 dollars um why not send it some in the state that you know haven’t posted to you would probably be cheaper it says ice maiden i do have a lot of um i know i try not to bug my american friends with like can you do this

Entirely unnecessary thing for me i uh you know you gotta you gotta be on a certain closeness level to you know and i i hate when people get to my closeness never where they can annoy me with small things you know it’s hard to let people in that club and so i

Try not to do other people um i’m probably not safe to drink out of you can bug me mr cat okay send me a bathtub i’ll just send you my address and then you can mail me the what’s the what’s the name of the anthrax is it that’s you know and then

We’ll be good rubber duck fun says cat beanie also i i’ve seen a couple of people are saying you shouldn’t drink outfit so cat contributing to tim seasons by drinking up a reusable bathtub instead of a disposable water bottle i know i’m kind of a hero okay so chat is agreeing

We should spend 22 dollars on the one week shipping bathtub fund okay we’re gonna drink out of a bathtub it’s been decided thank you for supporting me in my adventures i uh i’ve never felt like uh people get me as much as we do right now chad um you know okay

So just to confirm i’m gonna switch to one week shipping the total is now 49.68 or 38 pounds and oh yeah i’m gonna post that in chat just so you can you can know the the that it is insane how much it costs to get a white there’s gotta be an

Equivalent in the uk okay i’m gonna one last search on amazon white dolb wait dull bathtub i’ll just search dole bathtub there’s gonna be one that is no that we we have tiny bathtubs in the uk and i’m really disappointed in us there’s a 51 by 27.5 by 60. oh it’s more

Expensive to buy the okay so there’s this bathtub which doesn’t look enough like a bathtub to me but if you want to see it anyway um i can’t send pictures because amazon sucks um so this this is this is a 38 pound bathtub um but again it’s it’s kind of pink it

It looks like a random plastic tub i think i think the one that uh i got linked earlier might be the classiest one i’m gonna find you know what it’ll pay for itself if you i mean it has i mean no the idea of purchasing it has

Paid for itself so let let’s buy a chat let’s do it uh i’m gonna ask to place my order in us dollars because it saves me a tiny bit of money gonna make sure it ships to the uk it is place your order in usd i just spent 49.69 chat i okay

That’s uh that’s a normal date you’re welcome we did it we pulled the trigger i uh i’d show you the order confirmation but it says shipping to uh you know andrew your boy and then then it has my address which is probably not ideal to share the internet

So it’s estimated to arrive on december tax goes to weird stuff is my jam [Laughter] it’s okay anthrax fun slash ticket tax thank you cheese god danielle and indeed mischievous good to see you by the way welcome to straightness merry streamers uh on the second day of stream this your

Toy cat gave to me will you be doing the goal says cassie kaiser i’m really excited for the doll that definitely comes with the bathtub i um what should we do with the doll chat get some baby rubber ducks says kitkat that’s bit about rubber ducks i bet i

Could find them in the uk and i wouldn’t have to pay 22 dollars to have i can’t i don’t get how it takes a week to ship it if i give them 22 i have prime by the way but it’s worth obviously this isn’t a prime item but like anyway um

Drown it in the tub says cheese god you know we we could we could show what a bad parent i am by by drowning it in a tub of alcohol which is you know i’m just saying you everyone here keeping me in the streaming business rather than the

Parent business you guys are saving look at this cave right here i know i can’t i know i shouldn’t be doing this right now but i want to fly in oh isn’t this beautiful oh i knew this would happen look at that there’s a perfect way out right here

So i’m just in and out like that this is such a nice cave though i have to go back in i have to go back in oh look at this cave look at this cave isn’t this something this is this is too much drip stone even um

So yeah i i like this cave might come here for my mining copper at least for a start of it no we’re too far away from spawn we’d have to never portal over here you know i can never pull over here i um okay this was fun earth cache i like

Cookies drink the doll i mean you can drink anything right there’s no there’s uh the only thing stopping you is states of being which can be changed with enough heat today was returned to office day i am traumatized i don’t know what happened in my office over the last 600 plus days

The majority of my pc peripherals were broken here is your allowance thank you so much pookie helms uh for the 9.99 super chat i uh it’s wacky though i i didn’t like i assumed i think you said you lived in texas before and so like you would have guessed texas is one

Of those states where there was never a return to office day because there was never a leave the office day but again i guess it just means that instead of being government forced it’s probably even play force um and so uh yeah i uh i i can’t i i i’m curious

About what people were doing with those peripherals they’re just a ton of staff in there like covering them and uh what’s the alcoholic stuff that we clean things with hand sanitizer um are you planning on doubting your sky height farms in 1.18 yeah the uh the

Sugarcane farm i have a thumbnail for it do you want to see my thumbnail do you want to see my thumbnail internet i’ll show you my thumbnail um Downloaded already this is okay here we go what do you okay honestly can you critique this thumbnail i um i i kind of like it i uh you know it’s like i i like i like a lot about but i’ve got a new thumbnail guy his name is brandon

He’s done a pretty good job um but something about this is missing right something something about this this thumbnail is just not quite there i can’t work out what though again like it’s good i love the i love the text up here in the top left and loving the

Little zoom in on the cane um but something something is missing it’s a bit hard to understand yeah it’s not it’s not immediately showing that that is true uh more arrows sugarcane is too small add some clouds oh yeah some clouds maybe that’s a good idea

Um i had a shocked face in the corner that now oh whoa by the way look at this i this is my first this is my let’s play well bear mind um if you want to see the seed oh it doesn’t say everything but um this is my let’s play world

And we just found a woodland mansion while just walking around i mean walking around in big air quotes that’s pretty cool turn up the saturation for 200 to get those clicks i i missed the days when people did like that wasn’t a widespread known trick that just saturation meant more clicks

That was like my last secret like obviously i learned it and yeah like actually i had saturation up anyway just because like i i thought it looked better in my videos but i missed the good days as uh the zero percent that reads the description you haven’t changed it from

Last screen i’ll fix sand you are the first person to notice i am walking 50k blocks there we go that’s a nice that’s a nice description it’s the wrong font i hate change if you hate change then you should stop paying with larger amounts of currency than is necessary that’s my pro tip

Um so yeah we can break in here we can get a lovely thing try and find an efficiency hat i mean we’ve got lots of things here but no efficiency hats sadly i miss the good old days honestly i i feel like i don’t know why i’ve wanted to make

This video forever but like critiquing all of the woodland mansion rooms one by one i don’t know when that could ever come up but i want to do it i’ve been following a wooden explorer map for three hours and let me to an empty spot in the middle of the ocean

Says i’ll be fan that’s brutal also look how perfect the coordinates are on this thing by the way wait real quick okay i’m gonna fly to the top of this thing okay look at look how perfect the coordinates are oh isn’t that satisfying isn’t that satisfying oh yeah

That’s good if i dig one block down it’ll be more satisfying architectural review of a woodland mansion see now that is a good idea there’s a good idea judge it by the loris of feng shui i uh could play the fun game of how much would it cost to purchase a wooden mansion

I what i love is um i don’t know why i’ve been into this like loop of youtube videos but people watching fictional houses and tv shows are like our estate agents and then like working out how much it would cost to actually buy so like you know like the the apartment

And friends and how much that would have cost and how somehow they afforded on a waitress salary you know because it’s rent control anyway but like it’s fun to like learn about that stuff location location location man i wish i wish non-british people had location location location i um

Actually let me tell you so this is um i had a very long sad period this year um who knows why and um during that time i was in an airport in the north east of america and i didn’t have a phone my phone had broken and like honestly losing losing a

Loved one is it pales in comparison to losing your phone like your phone knows you better so much better than any loved one conceivably could by the way we found another meadow i like this meta this is like a solid one i hate the color of the grass but the

Everything else is solid so yeah let’s fly over to that village right there let’s check it out um so cat is currently breaking and entering a race of villagers that are unjustly being stereotyped as criminals um anyway so yeah losing a losing a loved one it pales in comparison to losing a phone

Because like ever there’s so many micro moments in a day that you don’t realize are hell without phone it’s like okay so i managed to check in for my flight by speaking to a human being oh oh pain uh what if i want to check the time i

Can’t check the time luckily it’s an airport right so you just have to you know look for a clock or a gate that will say it but then when you’re on the plane it’s like what time is it i don’t know i’ll look out the window if i don’t

See new jersey then i’m probably it’s probably not 2pm yet which is where my flight lands i i’m somewhere between 12pm and 2pm no way of ever working out anything more precise than that i um so cats burger grandmother looking down from heaven uh hearing him save first son

I’ve i you know i genuinely haven’t had a family member that i knew like on a i haven’t had a family member that i’ve known you know like that i have regular contact with as in more than once a year die yet i’m i’m wondering when it will happen like i

Haven’t been to a funeral like no one not even so on in my extended life that i pretend to care about but i don’t really know has died so soon someone’s gonna die and i’m gonna be like wow this is so much easier than losing a phone

Um normalized telling the time using the sun says michael d i mean that would work if it weren’t for goddamn daylight savings messing us all up okay sun’s in the middle of the sky it’s midday unless it’s daylight savings which is how we save daylight and so

It’s a winter thing if it’s the winter then ignore that because it’s 1 p.m when that’s in the sky roughly um i um my grandpa died when i was like 14 my cousin cried at the funeral and i was like what are you doing

Yeah i uh if i was when i was younger that would be my reaction to like i uh maybe maybe bad at showing emotions maybe i’m just so good at showing emotions i’m really not sure become friends of toy cats become immortal we aren’t farmer anymore why do we even need daylight

That’s what makes me mad like oh yeah we need to make sure we change them clocks so we can save daylight so the crops don’t it’s like what what you know what daylight is for daylight is for plants are you a plant i don’t think so

I want to help people on time for zoom calls during the stone age exactly i i i’ve never been to a funeral oh it’s not just me i mean like statistically so many people die right like it’s every year it’s a you know that every time i talk about death someone who

Hasn’t confronted their own mortality is like pl please take care stop i i’m gonna live forever and that’s my current view on life and like obviously you can’t drag people into the world of accepting death but i think you should be dragged into it the infinite ravine is beyond broken got

Five diamonds from uh near the villageness spawn i mean that’s cool but is it an infinite ravine i heard someone found an infinite ravine seed for 1.18 i haven’t fact checked that one yet should ask mr crack magnet hey cat thanks this amazing stream makes me happy just watching you play minecraft

Because i cannot leave the house because i have covered thanks for um making me laugh and smile thank you you know what thank you for watching you’re not just because you have covered doesn’t mean you can’t leave the house the trick is you gotta continuously um i’m not gonna make my joke um

You know that there i can joke about death i joked about the genders earlier but i i daren’t i don’t know how you say the word dent you know like dare not darren derent derent it just sounds like i’m saying like a like a name like all right darren how’s it going

You doing good over there mr derrick um am i saying it correctly derent derant i daren’t i i dare and speak about the covid not here not on the internet not with all these strangers watching um but um yeah i um darren darren i was at a funeral yesterday my mom i

Never cried it was my great grandmother she was 92. see right like i i have a family member who is a hundred and or maybe she’s 98 or something but she’s she if she’s not 100 now she’s gonna be 100 soon i’m not gonna be sad or surprised when she dies like

I’m surprised every year i’m surprised every like couple years i hear about her and i’m like she’s alive huh odd you know i uh like i’m actually like honestly it that sounds mean but it’s the coolest thing knowing that like oh cause uh we so much of living long like

A lot of it is lifestyle based but some of it’s genes-based right if you come from a family of young dyers you might die too i meant my mum cried low not me and should i feel bad not in the slightest not in the slightest you went to the

Funeral you’ve got closure you can move on to your life and you can make jokes about covered um so cat you never talked about your dad yeah it’s my dad’s mom’s mum who is a hundred and or 90 something it’s it’s so old that like you know what

I it in my genes somewhere i have that i could live to 100 if i don’t get enough as long as i’m not getting in too many scooter accidents at 95 i’ll be fine my mom takes care of elderly purple and she wants to die by 85. oh yeah we need

We need life improvement technologies by then or failing that we need vr i don’t want to be using my physical body past like 60. even right now like uh see your twitter i sent you a pic of the infinite ravine from my base hey thank you mnce green adventures

Sounds cool sounds cool there’s no point counting once they’re over 90 i um something one of my favorite uh like quirks of humanity is that we kind of assume we picture like the way life expectancy works as being like yeah you have a very high chance of making it to 80 a

Lower chance of making it to 90 etc but what it is is in every year of life you have a set chance of making it through to the next year of life 99.9 percent of 14 year olds make it to be 15 but only 85 percent of 91 year olds make

It to be 92. um it’s possible to have good physical life into one’s 80s nowadays it’s unusual but possible yeah but like am i living that perfect life right now or maybe am i not like if you when i when i look at um the world’s

Richest men right like uh the jeff bezos of the world so much of their concerns must be something along the lines of like i have more money than i can spend and you know like obviously they’re focused on like all the weird tasks how

Do i make sure my body can keep up with my my money count like i wonder i wonder like the level of health and fitness and like like you know like diet management even like eating you know the micro management at that level genuinely makes sense in a way

Because otherwise you know can i talk about something i think is i don’t know if this is like okay i don’t know what i feel about this i’ll i’ll tell you about it then i’ll talk about later but um in the um ooh a ton of iron ore

In the oh christ oh no one something i’ve noticed is every doctor asks something like so what do you do for a job and then they tailor what like medication they kind of give you based on what you need to do because they know that you’re gonna and

So i have a friend who is uh long-term unemployed uh working like she uh uh she’s not good at working um maybe is the is the polite way to put it um and so um she uh like she has this like terrible thing where she can’t um she can’t walk

And uh like the doctors are just like it’ll be gone in about six to ten weeks just just try not to walk and um it’s fascinating to me because i feel like there’s no way that’s the response they give someone who’s like you know uh a builder or like a whatever executive

And in the same way like i i said to my when i was at the hospital like because i had a broken i i had some fractured bones i was like so i need to be able to play minecraft i didn’t say it that way i should have said it that way um

But um yeah then they were like okay yeah here’s what you can do to be able to do that same with like i’m gonna be able to ride my bike and they’re like yeah try not to use this any pressure on this right foot and try to use the electric

Uh you know systems as much as you can stuff like that and it was interesting because like yeah if you if you just accept like oh i won’t do this thing they’re like okay awesome great um but if you push past it they’re like okay here’s how you actually do that i

Hate daylight savings time if politicians knew what a young kid is to convert a time stamp saved in that format to a time zone in the us they would put in yeah the computer end of uh time zones is the worst bit like uh

It does it does have to be said like the you know it doesn’t like uh i one of my favorite things is the way like is it called linux time the the like the time format that all things are saved in and like try and convert that

Into a time like i just the amount of mess that it can create is always fascinating to me it’s been a while since i i unix time stamps oh it’s it’s not linux time stuff it’s unix time my bad i’m sorry see that’s how little i know about the world

It’s been too long it’s been too long i uh army time is what i use ooh you use the time they use in the army with all the extra digits that sounds fun um linux being budget windows linux is windows for people who like to uh

Linux is windows for people who like to talk about their operating system multiple times a day it’s like oh yes i was just doing this uh linux thing oh do you know linux it’s this great operating system i’ll send you six easy videos once you watch all

Of those you’ll be able to uh watch this other video on how to use uh linux um and then you know just as long as you don’t want to run any applications then it’s like so much better the workflows you know um time is a confusing topic so yeah have

You seen the book where all copper above y163 and below 172 generates this coal instead i haven’t seen that bug as a linux user i can’t deny says anonymous um anyway my girlfriend uses military time it makes me think mad every time i ask out uh because she makes me do mental

Math and i don’t like thinking you know what first of all i um i do agree that uh like not like having to think when you don’t want to think one of the worst things in the world can confirm apparently it’s good for you like for um like uh

I’ve been looking into like dementia because like you know it’s ideal not to have dementia right um that’s that’s my hot take of the day and uh yeah like there’s something about um like tasks like doing too many repetitive tasks versus doing like thinking-based tasks that there’s like a probable link in there

It’s very interesting so cat why specifically 50 000 blocks it’s just a nice little target right we’re going to see a healthy amount of 1.18 terrain and because it’s all the same world we’re like you know i think it’d be fun maybe i figured wrong can you bring back the crosshair mic oh

No don’t do this to me spider i don’t know how he didn’t do it to me but i’m glad that he did not anyway um perks of dementia my granddad forgot he smokes that actually is a perk right that’s that’s exciting you just gotta get dementia and then unget dementia

But without getting all those memories back honestly you’re not no dementia jokes um you know like i had a really good one but i kind of forgot it um but honestly um honestly um that’s that’s that’s one of those that’s one of those things that someone writes

A comment about three years from now saying how they’ve lost faith in my um lost faith in my ability to um you know like you know like something something something i’m sorry in advance person who’s offended by that it’s okay it’s okay um anyway um the uh

The the important thing that i’m trying to say here is that i’m definitely scared of dementia i’ve bad memory already oh yeah horrify like so i’m like uh i don’t like to admit that i’m a paranoid person i’d like to believe that i’m you know like paranoia is only

Paranoia when it’s incorrect like i’m not paranoid that my um you know uh i’m not paranoid that my insurance company is screwing me over they are screwing me over i’m not paranoid that we’re getting slightly less content in each major new minecraft update that is a thing that has happened right

Whereas i am paranoid that my uh my fire alarms are speaking to me i am paranoid that my bike is going to break the moment it goes past the year warranty or whatever um i guess i guess that i i guess it’s paranoid when it’s not sure anyway so um

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you see right like i bet you would describe people like the edward snowden’s of the world as being paranoid and then like again maybe maybe you’d find out that actually whatever interesting stuff we could talk

About all the time so i well i know that having like whenever i forget something and someone’s like oh yeah here’s this thing that you you said or like uh i said this and it’s fine i have this like deep fear of like what if they are lying to me

I you know like um and so i know if i was an old person adventurer i i you know if you if someone’s like look here’s pictures of us together dad uh i guess yeah it’s not gonna be a child it’s gonna be someone saying daddy um here’s some pictures of us together

Um here’s that time you uh did something inappropriate to explain on a minecraft stream and i’d be like no these adopt like if someone came up to me today and was like look trust me i am your child i’m your girlfriend i’m your dad i you just don’t know me look

His pictures of us together um i remember things that you know you’ve got a scar on your left nostril or like i have a skull i have a skull like here that you can’t i don’t know why you can’t swallow on camera so i have a pretty bad like it shows up sometimes

Because i fell over in the bath when i was like free i learned recently i didn’t fall over in the bath my memory is me falling over in the bath my brother told me like oh yeah when i was like two i pushed you over in the bath because i was mad and

Then you went to the hospital and i felt bad about it and i was like oh i that’s that’s good that i didn’t remember it that way um anyway um yeah i uh i if if someone says all that stuff i’m still gonna be like no you’re not really my dad’s lost girlfriend

Or brother um yeah i i don’t know i i feel like it’s uh why is everyone talking about different taxes what i miss on the internet they’re the two things you can’t avoid right um we should get a boat and check out these rivers i love the idea of navigating a ton of

Rivers it seems like fun so i can’t i’m your girlfriend’s that uncle’s nephew’s daughter’s boyfriend 1.18 caves are wonderful no more boring dead-end caves and now you’ll need big dungeons if the person you’re talking to is your sister your girlfriend your wife and your dad it’s time to leave the deep

South of the usa hey nice one jeff watkins i um so i can’t remember two cats left nostril in case we have a different ship from a clone in a gun showdown i i think i’ve said this before and maybe it’s the most damning statement about

Myself i don’t think i’d get along with a clone of me like i’d get along with him because we both know that like we are each other and we have to do well but if it’s like he knows he’s a clone and i don’t know he’s

A clone i would despise like a second version of me just be like oh god we get it you have a thing you want to tell us about and you’re excited stop stop doing that waggling of your hands or whatever like um okay yeah chat chat has agreed okay i’m

Gonna end the poll so i can see more chat right now by the way um oh god i would hate me says kitkat i wonder if maybe one of the the ways to be have an easier life is just to be the sort of person that you can get along with

I uh the level of self-loathing is uh concerning i think it’s um i’d like to believe it’s actually just that i hate everyone and everything so much so that i’m self-aware enough that i know that like oh we’re walking the wrong way i don’t know when i switched oopsie

When in doubt fly up hey long time no see good to see you jen emerson hutchings thank you so much for seven months it says has joined the cool cat club oops uh i guess i guess depending on the name it makes sense i’m very antagonistic and hate myself so much

Because i would want to hate me i mean sometimes you’re gonna get an argument with someone and sometimes that’s someone as yourself um damn you forgot the direction you know how it gets sometimes yeah i um if you want to know about my wasteful habits

Um now that i look now that my uh my studio’s on the third floor by the way i’ve got um oh whatever i’ll save it um but um i i have a ton of games up here i’ve gotta sort out gonna be a whole thing um but yeah i um Thank you so much joshua mckenna for the two month support cat welcome to the coolest catastrophist um you’re streaming distract me and i ate way too much soup now i’m suffering the consequences says soggy toast oh it’s funny your soggy toast are you soggy from the soup i bet you are

Um we’ve officially got uh one year of members i mean the uh again i think i want to turn it off um besides maybe for sun uh things but it’s kind of misleading because a lot of those are like people who have already become a remember but you get

Like every month you get a chat which i think is a good thing but i think it should like show in the chat maybe and then either show on screen or not show at all because right now it shows as if they’ve just become a member which isn’t true

Because they’re not adding one to the the counter right oh look at this cake by the way i like what i’m seeing here oh yeah that’s something huh i love this little ice spike that kind of forms right into it this is what i’m talking about when i say new mountain biomes

Oh look at that yeah that’s something but on the other hand more pig step yeah it’s a compelling argument thick sand it’s a compelling argument that’s a chad ravine cave it can be confusing yeah my my goal in life is for things to be less confusing would it be nice if we

All just understood things it would be um that’s the answer to the question it’s like a semi-rhetorical one but i’m answering it anyway um yeah i i really i i really think that um one of the things you kind of need if you’re gonna like walk a long

Distance on these new like an elytra is so much more valuable now because of how steep the terrain is and you know i i would say even though they didn’t buff the electro like they were intending to or like nerf our little snow foxes oh um they didn’t buff them

Like they were intending to the little firework change nerf them buff them kind of club i like to understand things unfortunately that’s not happening there’s a lot of things in life that kind of work best because people don’t understand them like i think laws are a great example like um

You know okay i here’s something i literally can’t get over like i’m i’m i’m beyond confused but it works out for the benefit of everyone that everyone is is doesn’t get it um in the uk um we uh we haven’t required uh face masks to go to a supermarket since july it was

Before i came back to the country um and so something like thirty percent of people would wear one anyway because they’re being safe they’re like uh they’re all the stops about signs saying hey we’d appreciate if you wore one but it’s your choice and um

Then uh in england oh yeah yeah i forget it’s it’s different in scotland isn’t it um you know that’s to me that’s one of the most interesting points of comparison we have the same country right but in two different parts of that country one part requires mastermind part doesn’t and so

You could theoretically use that to model how much more it’s spreading as a result or not spreading as a result of masks right um like i love i i wish we have like again in like five years we’ll have scientific studies that make us all look like

Idiots for the things we’re doing now anyway so um now if you go as if um they signed a law uh because of this whole variant thing and as of tuesday that so yesterday you legally have to wear a face mask in a store it’s a legal requirement however

It’s not being enforced by police and every every supermarket has said tax in forever so here current and back smile love watching our streams thank you so much jen emerson uh hutchins uh we’re buying a bathtub i should i i’m saying we’re buying a bathtub like it’s

A past tense thing it has already happened let me assure you um i love this music says lauren rose me too but so um even so it’s a law but it’s not being enforced by police the government or by supermarkets so it’s the same situation in terms of practicality of like they

Put up signs saying please wear a mask in the store it’s the law um but way more people do because they’re like oh i wasn’t gonna do it because it was safe for me i’m not doing it because it’s safe for everyone around me i’m doing it because the law says so

Even though there’s no backing to that law but you know now it’s a law gotta do it right and it’s like but you you break laws all the time and you know if you if shouldn’t you be doing safe things regardless of what the law says if you’re doing it for safety reasons

It’s like you i uh there’s a confusing i don’t understand the link but it’s like i guess it’s good that people are like that because then again if you’re regardless your opinion on what people should do it’s probably better that we don’t like heavily enforce it on people who disagree right

Maybe i’m wrong so i can’t you pay your tv license i don’t uh watch live tv like i i if i was gonna watch live tv of course i would just not pay my tv license anyway but i don’t actually need a tv license

Uh if you’re if you’re not in the uk by the way you have to pay attacks every year to be able to use your tv that’s one of those hilarious like sounds like it’s a joke things uh but it’s actually true and something like 60 60 plus some people do pay the tax

Again it’s called a license fee and you don’t actually pay it to the government you pay to the bbc so uh 60 something percent of households pay the bbc every year for the privilege of watching other tv channels that’s that’s a real thing if you want to watch

Tv even if it’s not the bbc you have to pay the bbc money um and uh it’s what like even though it sucks as an idea like you know it said again it’s a tax on owning a tv basically that you pay every it’s a subscription fee it’s 12 pounds a month

So it’s like it’s a youtube premium subscription to the government to be able to use your tv set but it does actually you know like a lot of things people love about the bbc and like you know it’s great news coverage etc does come from that and so even though it’s a terrible

System in theory because people don’t understand how it works and they pay it anyway then they use that money to make content those people like and that the world likes and it’s a game for everyone even though it’s a terrible terrible terrible system like the more systems like that there

Are i realized the more i realized that like ooh i’m glad i’m not in charge i’d make a utopia and my utopia would suck um but um where people tv second hand would they know you under tv but so you don’t um the only way they can enforce it

Is they can send very threatening letters and they just assume everyone has a tv and they threaten you with very heavy prosecution if you like you might get a thousand pound fine and two years in prison if you don’t pay your tv license um and so yeah they just send a letter

Through the door every like three months if you don’t pay being like we will find you and we will hunt you down they’ve made up like surveillance techniques to see if you’re watching live tv um that they never enforce yeah no i at least in london they’re

Like pretty pretty harsh about it like they’re like i’ve heard of people having tv inspectors like stick their foot in the door and like look around their house to see if they’ve got live tv in there it’s nuts um the old van thing now that sounds like a joke

Again it all sounds like a joke really it um it’s again it’s it’s a wacky system that works because it doesn’t i don’t know anyway so um yeah i don’t pay my i i don’t pay my tv license because i don’t need one uh if you don’t tell them that

You don’t need one okay so this is what annoys me it’s not enough to just say i don’t need it’s not enough to just not have one because you don’t need one you have to tell the bbc every two years that you don’t need a tv license

And if you don’t write to them and tell them and by the way when you write you have to like you know like be like i don’t need a tv license because i’m not watching live tv and they’re like are you sure if you’re you know like um

And they tried to trick you and be like maybe if you watch youtube live streams that counts as tv who knows um and so every two years they come in and they’re like hey you paid your tv license mate you sure you don’t need one now have you started watching live tv in

The last two years like no other service gets to do that to you imagine if netflix was like hey we noticed that you don’t have a netflix subscription and we’re gonna keep annoying you until you confirm you don’t need a netflix subscription because we don’t have any sign right now that

You don’t you’re gonna have to just clarify you know just like send us a message let us know that you do in fact not need a tv license uh i’ve got seven obsidian from one chest right there how embarrassing that job title is imagine to tell people that you’re the television police

Yeah it’s um it’s just one of those things right it’s one of those things what’s your stance on the new other side music desk says tmd i should try and get my hands on that huh i should try and get my hands on that um they should have a tax rather than a

Tv license now because then i’d have to pay the tax and i’m i’m currently not paying the tax where you know like i i think the way they should do it is with a subscription fee i don’t know why we’re obsessed with this in so many

Parts of life it’s like what if we could make everyone pay for things rather than just the people who use it it’s like that sounds great when you’re getting everyone else to pay for things that you’re using but then you’re paying for all these things that you’re not like

What if we had because you know if if people pay for things that they use then they’re the most interested in making sure it’s good you have that ultimate ability to pull out and say unless you unless you stop unless you start making good stuff bbc i’m not gonna

Pay the bbc subscription and sure that’ll suck for me because i won’t be able to watch your stuff but now like we have a relationship where like it’s not just well mate you paid your tv license if not you better believe we’re gonna be taking some things from your house um

Basically what tv packages are it’s so dumb you can’t have included in those um you’ve heard it he’s not paying taxes again i i don’t think i watch live tv the only time i watch live tv is um i watch you know like i’ve done it three

Times now i’m gonna do it like a fourth and a fifth for the last two races of the season i watch formula one live in a sports bar but that’s outside my house and so you don’t need a tv license which is weird now that i think about it

It’s not on the bbc anyway but like it’s with again this is like a sky sports thing so like it’s a separate company if i want to watch their live stream off an event happening on the other side of the world i’d have to pay the bbc money oh whatever um so uh

I uh render distance says darius i set it to 51 i think it’s funny uh the you’re not i’m not going to talk about it too much i uh wait they stalk you because you have a tv no they uh they assume everyone has a tv so they

They they they get mad with everyone until they fix that um have you thought about making more videos of green says uh dark mushroom i think gr green became like basically the second biggest modern minecrafter right am i missing someone uh i’m definitely missing someone oh yeah there’s only i always forget about

Like dream and the likes of that you know i like that there’s like rivaling gangs of minecraft streamers these days it’s probably good for someone are you sure you don’t need a tv license as person person you would make a good tv license enforcement agent with that sort of attitude

Um so cat what caribbean country do you want to go to so it’s an all system thing you have a tv it gets their content regardless technically you’re supposed to be paying it but if you actually look at it yeah i i believe um if they found out that you had

Yeah like basically it’s not a system thing i mean when you look at it most things are an honor system type deal like um you know um when you when you work for someone you’re meant to pay they’re meant to pay taxes on what they’re paying you and then you’re meant

To pay taxes and what they’re paying you after they’ve paid their taxes but like there’s so many jobs where you get paid under the table and it’s like so what’s the punishment and it’s like there isn’t a punishment like we just kind of trust that people are gonna pay their taxes um

Same with like um if you’ve ever been on the new york subway so new york is a city in america it’s got a population of about eight million have you guys heard of this place level of lightning wings and minecraft bedrock i uh i love them too i don’t know what

You mean by lightning wings but i’m gonna go along with you anyway um thank you very much for the tip by the way quite anderson i i appreciate it greatly um my girlfriend is a really cool tv but we only use xbox and youtube stuff no

License needed it’s all right i’m not a licensed inspector it’s all fine um anyway um i uh so new york is this uh is this very strange city you might not have heard about till just now and um yeah basically the way the subway works

There if you’ve ever been on it you have to pay 2.75 to go on the subway that takes you anywhere on the subway network it’s wacky there’s no like different prices for different areas if you’re going one station it’s 2.75 if you’re going to the end of the line 275 it’s

Only different if you go to the airport because they hate they hate people like me um because i don’t vote in their elections anyway so um if you’ve ever actually been though you know that you’re meant to pay 2.75 they have no enforcement and when they do enforce it people get

Mad at the idea of like hey what are you doing just because they’re not paying doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to use the subway like everyone else and so um what’s hilarious is like when like i don’t know just there’s so much rampant fear of asia the only reason

People pay their fare is because it’s like ah it’s easier than jumping it like you pay 275 you swipe it gets you through whereas jumping is like you have to use both your hands on like who wants to do that but like whenever someone opens this there’s a door that can just

Open to get past it and there’s just there’s just dozens of people going past there all the time and just long story short what i’m saying is i paid for the subway every time but it was an honor system like they don’t say it’s not a system because most honor systems work better

If you don’t say it’s an honor system wait this this live stream is an honor system you know i’m i’m needing your your 1.87 cents chat i’m relying on your honor to get there i’m staring at staring a mini bunt cake and i feel anger our ciao walked around

Our floor and handed these out as a welcome back gesture he just wanted to see who showed up oh yeah see i that’s um this this is a this is a fun topic right like if someone does something nice but they have ulterior motives when they do the nice thing

Is it still is nice um because i i think about this a lot like maybe i’m just not a nice person and that’s why i think about it but um you know like uh when you you do something where you got like like not ulterior motives but like you’re doing

Something that is objectively nice but you’re benefiting yourself by doing so right like does it have to be entirely altruistic to be fine because obviously we prefer and like i would like to believe that all the best sources of like and love in my life come from altruism um but uh

Hey misfix thank you so much for being the 365th channel member welcome to the club so cat what wish was in minecraft says tinashe greenage what wish was in minecraft uh also bob segala thank you so much for the 1.87 c you’re not bob is using the honor system correctly

What about everyone else huh that’s what psychologists have thought about for centuries um yeah i um i i think that there is a oh another cave oh quite a deep one i like finding these little entrances oh let’s not jump in is that a drip stone no it’s granite

One per day of the year um but uh yeah i feel like um what more stuff would you have added to the cave update it says cursive thai uh i would have added more biomes and i would add a caves to the never i would also go for the end but i you

Know that’s a that’s we can save that for an end update but there never needs better caves i don’t like that they didn’t even touch them they didn’t touch they never all this update they’re like it’s not our focus focus is the overworld that’s like but but the the caves anyway i um

I uh how was the 1.97 figure arrived there you know i if we were going to do the factual figure it’d have to be like that bathtub costs 49 there is um a thousand of you watching right now thank you by the way um and so logically each of you needs to

Pay me 4.9 cents or we can play ads 25 times that works love your videos says tyler strauss thank you so much for the tip mr tyler uh i do appreciate it i guess mr strauss is probably more accurate um definitely need a better never everything i’ve got to release my video

By the way it’s 10 45 jesus christ how long have i been streaming um i’m sorry uh secrets of the new minecraft biomes uh dude did you oh i don’t have a thumbnail oh god um okay no i do have a thumb now okay let’s let’s save that

Uh i think i already saved it actually go stop jpeg okay go to the video oh my god why am what what is wrong with me okay um i’m sorry i’m having a bad day i i am okay there are 14 new volumes in minecraft that’s a good enough description for me uh

Okay the link the secret changes video from yesterday um secret changes boom okay and then is that good that seems good to me okay you can watch the video since the stream’s over um thank you for choosing to do so if you choose to do so uh oh god just there we go

And nice do you know the 14 new biome names off the top of your head uh wind sweat savannah windswept hills um drip stone caves lush caves um jagged peaks stony peaks frozen peaks grove meadow snowy slopes uh old growth birch forest and you know biomes no one cares about um

Okay so public let’s go public until there okay there’s a new video i haven’t watched it at all we’ll find out if it’s any good huh uh keep up the good work says thank you very much um miss misfix i like your name misfix it’s a very fun

Name bro experiment all sort of low profile buyer mods you realize how much the caves and cliffs update could have been yeah i i get it that like you know it’s a bad it’s been a hard year for mojang the pandemic um honestly right like it makes you realize

That if mojang a company that is made up of people who probably you know are very you know like software development is this heavily impacted one and a half years into this it’s like uh yeah there’s there’s gonna be like a tail to this like even if we go entirely back

To normal now and there are there are many people who are desperately trying to not have a normal happen again like oh guys guys we we we gotta you know like we there are people whose job it is to make sure life is not going back to normal

Um and that’s that’s that’s the thing i find interesting um but even if we went back to normal right now the tail off this you know the the sweeping edge of like things we’re not dealing with because it’s still in progress because how do you deal with things while they’re happening

It’s gonna be so big it’s gonna be huge i don’t even know hannah’s gonna deal with it also chance disher uh tomorrow’s my birthday please say happy birthday happy birthday chance disher oh i feel like i’ve is your name really chance i don’t believe your name is charles chance is a nice name

Oh christ but it’s not your real name um troy by the way thank you for the 1.87 the idea if the office is dead says john parker see i’m not gonna go that far i i feel like you know it’s it’s uh i i mean like if it is there that’s cool

For me like i’d love to buy some office uh space i don’t even know what i do of it honestly i was thinking of buying like a um if you want to know my thought patterns i want to buy like a a studio apartment somewhere and do my youtube from that

And then like but then i realized how like terrible that is in practice of like i don’t want to hop on the tube just to go to another apartment what would be the chances hey yeah happy birthday chance um because like i feel like having a commute between where you live

And where you work like a really really short commute like two minutes is ideal but maybe then that just means like be in the shed in the garden or something uh do it the bow burning way you know um i’m not so sure why are you heading in the x direction

Says uh yosef it’s the direction we picked and it’s the direction we’re sticking with i could do some more music right about now have we run out uh i would despise working in office unless i own the company says dark dragon gaming see that’s the pro tip if you own the company

It’s non-office it’s just a place you happen to own filled with people who happen to work for you officers are dead as soon as all the boomer bosses die my boss is always bringing down my neck when i work from home despite not being in the office

Despite not being enough certain hubs at the time yeah i mean um a lot of uh like old management techniques is like be as present as you can to remind your employees they have to work whereas the more modern technique which you know it has different efficacy is like

Make people feel like it doesn’t matter how much they work as long as they get the work done um and it’s an interesting difference because you know in the in the 60s 70s or whenever these people were born um a lot like the world was this egalitarian mess that like a lot of

People seek today where like you know like the difference between a manager you know like a ceo a company and someone working the production line wouldn’t be that huge uh it it didn’t matter how smart you were it just mattered that you were willing to work hard like that’s that’s why so

Many you know like older people genuinely think that like yeah doesn’t matter just work hard and the rest will work itself out you know go into as many offices as you can so you get the job because like at one point that was like a logical way when manual labor was the norm

When uh you know like office work was in a pre-computer age awesome misfix thank you so much for 15 pounds and six pence i it’s a very random amount but i am incredibly grateful uh for it um but yeah no um now we live in a world where

By focusing on results instead of focusing on ether it’s really great for people who are uh i don’t know how to describe it correctly but like like uh like lazy smart smart lazy where you’re willing to put more for into something to save time uh i

I don’t i think it’d be like vain to describe myself that way but a lot of people feel this way right where it’s like also i’m just gonna fly a few thousand blocks because we’re like an hour and a half in and we’re a little bit below the track i’d like to be

Um and so uh yeah i i feel like the modern day equivalent is a problem because no matter how hard you work if you don’t have the brain power to work out how to work then it doesn’t matter and this is like actually like i’d love to be like yeah

And i’m totally doing the opposite no like when i work on employing people i i don’t care that it took you six hours to edit a video that someone edited in one hour i can’t pay you six times more right like um and so like you know like it makes sense

That we switch to that incentive system but it’s also it’s also like um you know i it’s it’s a new set of winners and losers i guess and whenever you create a shift like that you create a uh i don’t know like a a deep you know that’s that’s like the

Actual one of the oh god oh god oh god oh god i got it okay it’s fine um you know creating winners and losers is like a non-ideal system right no one wants to actually be having that happen but it happens imo automation should help make everyone’s job easier not take

Them away it says mark you uh automation okay so i’m not qualified to talk about this in the slightest but my my take on automation is like when automation takes your job away it makes everyone else’s life easier by making it cheaper like hypothetically if you automate 90 of jobs right now

Probably too many let’s say let’s say 10 of jobs like those 10 percent of people probably will find something else you know there’s someone’s gonna work out some use for them even if it’s you know and now everyone has access to the things those samsung people did for effectively free besides running costs

And capital payments um you know like do you ever you ever go to like um oh look at this it’s another meadow um but there’s so many tasks we used to do by hand where we’re now like oh god did did someone really used to get paid that sounds like usd without

Realizing it converts it oh it’s displays it’s uh it’s just so that was a 20 okay that was a five dollar tip a 20 tip and a 15 tip thank you so much being so generous mr misfix i mean mr or mrs misfix i guess you could guess from the first

Three letters being miss it’s slightly more likely to be missed than mr or we could assume from the more money that it’s a guy there we go see let get back to the gender wars should we make the tier list but do it by average earnings you know people say

That women earn 23 less than men and i say you know come on let’s come on boys if we all work a little bit harder today we can we can we can get that figure up to 24 by by the end of the week um but um yeah i uh

So can’t are you okay you look sad says marbette aren’t we all sad all of the time is that enough i uh remember only to this video yes that’s a good honestly i bet there’s some money to be made in like you know but we have a channel like mine that has

Tons of tens of thousands of people who watch videos but are like if i just upload a video called gender tealist people would be so mad at the idea and like when you’re mad you might be like well i need to see what he’s saying and then boom

I got my three dollars or whatever i don’t actually know how much i make from a member but i got my member money um this is a very good idea let’s make that gap bigger i am in fact i am in fact referencing that exactly i

Um is the lucha gonna break been flying for a while uh probably so yeah we need to get our flying and done like rapidly so let’s fly up fly up fly up let’s play with the new height limit shall we oh look at this this is glorious thank you a little timmy

This man will be great at making a podcast again i think we’ve said for january given there’s no ad revenue anyway let’s try a podcast let’s let’s do it i’ll do i’ll do one episode we’ll test the waters and we’ll see how things go i’ll i i think it’s a fun idea

Call it philosophy of toy cat oh there we go that’s actually a small idea right now it has to be like uh podcast names have to be really generic so that you can talk about them and people were like ooh no one wants to watch a thing called

That you want to hear you want it to be called like the enter the arena you want to be called like um green peas and toast you know it’s gonna it’s gotta be abstract and confusing or people won’t like it um so uh i uh by the way thank you misfix it’s

Mister i love you but see by the way chat nailed it with that prediction you know looked at the gender teal list i’m gonna offend people soon um so you can’t hot takes i love your videos i just want to be generous i’m usually unable to tune into your streams because

I’m at work i’m glad you’re making an exception for 1.18 oh new music oh hit in that spot just right um don’t dance and drink at the same time i don’t want one of my favorite youtubers to die says goran vickers now that is a good name for a podcast don’t dance and

Rick at the same time i don’t want my favorite youtubers to die by the way i love this like this right here add this music in now we’re vibin we are this is what i’m talking about um so um turn up the music please okay you know what you’ve convinced me

Up girls the music there you go just for you okay i’m sorry um so um make a podcast called occasionally broken silence i see and that’d be funny because i talk so much that it would be the opposite of correct dancing and drinking is so much fun though i think

I think most dancing happens after drinking and most drinking does lead to dancing by the way look how obvious the snowier snow is from here oh yeah this is good this is what i’m talking about i love this music play cat does a moderate amount of trolling

If you do too much trolling people expect you to troll if you do no trolling then you’re wasting your leash in life um gravel talk says chris buck that’s actually a good idea there we go gravel talk of toy cat um what’s your render distance 51 chunks i

Love that we can set it down to the the precise number now minecraft warns me this render distance is likely to cause crashes for what it’s worth i um but yeah no i i love i love talking too much it’s a problem you know sometimes you’re just like okay so

You know can can you have an altruistic act truly you know it i i genuinely think that you’re you’re like okay you’re not pookie i think your boss going around and giving out cake as a way to see who’s in the office i don’t think that’s mean i think that’s

Like yeah okay he would like to do a thing but if he does the thing it comes across as not nice so he does a very nice thing and it’s like it’s covering up for his thing that he would be doing anyway i guess you could argue that like ooh

If he thinks to himself i can’t be seen to be banned from my employees I shall cover it up i can see the difference there um calling it universal time coordinated to a u.s time zone is complicated especially when you’re dealing with data that spans multiple years i think the uh i’m gonna look under here oh so sad the music is hitting that happy nerve

Yes oh christ this is weird i would have even assumed that this was oh we are so deep in this um i’m new to your channel you inspire me so much and tell me around from bad to good keep up the work you know you were never bad before

It was the people around you who are bad after his mentioning debate i say there is no such thing i’m standing by my point that if i if i drop money on the ground without knowing about it and then someone gets benefit from it that is a truly altruistic act

I’m standing by that um if i if i sneeze and that disease gets into the face of someone who is gonna murder someone and then it like you know they die if the virus or whatever i give them that is an altruistic act final tip for today Thank you so much misfix for making my evening just a little bit brighter i guess more more money filled um no thank you so much me after picking up four dollars on walmart’s floor see whoever lost that four dollars genuinely altruistic act see miss misfix is 50 tip as nice as it

Was technically speaking they got a tiny thing out of it uh you know like they i i said their name and well they got sweet that had their message read out see but then you can argue like rather than trying to argue about altruism shouldn’t we just say sometimes you do nice things

Where you get a tiny benefit but the nice makes the big benefit worthwhile for instance if i do the nice thing if like i’m going to feed a starving child in africa but in exchange for that i kill 400 homeless people it’s like um that’s actually an evil act and i don’t

Know why you’d even say that i can’t right whereas if i if i feed an entire continent of people but i have to murder someone to do it you’d be like um that’s still a good deed i mean murder is bad but hey good luck on your challenge says rossi

Or maybe we could ultimately say isn’t because murder might not be justifiable um thank you very much by the way rosie can we at least just say to simplify it down um that like at the very least feeling good about what you’ve done is fine you can’t pretend that because you feel

Good enough people don’t feel good you’re a better person than them maybe although even then actually you’re not what does it matter if i’m uh if i’m in a soup kitchen i don’t really mind why you’re feeding me i just mind that i’m getting food and that i will not starve today

Just tuned in as took out defending murder again you know this is this is the world’s only pro pro murder youtube channel and it’s really disappointing are we feeding the homeless to the children africa um you know i guess that’s the only logical way i’m officially depressed a point

Where intellectual discussions no longer help me um lol says mark you yeah when you’re uh the uh the levels of down you can get to are pretty you know there’s this really bad feeling when you realize that nothing’s helping anymore and that’s one of the worst places to be

Because at least everywhere else you could be like oh yeah i know i just need this one thing you just need this one thing and everything’s gonna be okay and even though you know the one thing isn’t really achievable you know i i feel like i know people in the situation

You tell yourself the one thing it’s fine it’s gonna happen and you don’t think about overall time but at least you’ve got the one thing to focus on and you know but then once you lose that one thing it’s like hard and how do you go somewhere from there i really don’t know

I really don’t know a rising tide lifts all bugs said ned aaron yeah i like that as the explanation as to why like you know youtubers do well after a update or something like that um solving homelessness by feeding them to starving african children i intend to solve all harmlessness

But i i intend to cut homelessness in half every single one of them i’m gonna do it manually uh see i’m making oh joke well they look at this beach plan right here this is a wacky beach by him this is this is this is a nice beach i’m on right now huh

This is a very good beach i love it solve overpopulation and world challenge at the same time i i know i have to go on this like red pill subject every time is it blue pill no red pill but we don’t have an overpopulation problem we have a massive under

Population problem like in the developing world it’s the reverse for another 20 30 40 50 years i have to keep going oh sorry um thank you anthony my friends may not want to hang out me anymore but at least i one of my favorite youtubers here to keep me from boredom

Uh i’m sorry about your friends anthony they suck you’ll find new friends i mean like maybe you are soon so eventually it’s going to happen how much did you travel 37 000 blocks um if a homeless person lives in a car box and that humble box is their hub

Therefore they are no longer unless qed i have to whoa okay that that a 75.32 you know what we got two bathtubs now we got two bathtubs thank you so much misspex i uh i do appreciate it you know doesn’t matter that it’s not truly altruistic

What matters is that your boy has two bathtubs um yeah that’s the right number of bathtubs let me tell you um but yeah no i uh like i i think that feeling good about doing good things is fine if it leads you to doing good things right

Double box fizz i’m gonna buy so much bucks fizz so much of it um thanks toycat your motivation to make a long-term world um i um i’m glad that i could be your inspiration motivation generation um name the podcast cheap bathtubs cheap bathtubs sounds sounds like a store that you’d find

In a dodgy business park and no one would ever be going in or out but somehow on paper it would be making a lot of money cheap bathtubs that’s a good idea keegan gallop you know if if your podcast name isn’t the same as a as a questionable off-ramp

Style store i don’t know what it is sorry inexpensive bathtubs oh yeah inexpensive bathtubs there we go for us as a little second ago i was watching little changes that happened in 1.18 i should go i should see how my video is doing the one i published while i was

Streaming do you think it’s doing well chat or do you think we need to buy some life insurance you know did you know you can’t kill yourself but two years after um two years after getting life insurance i bet you didn’t i um okay let’s go to youtube

Let’s see how the video is doing like you can but you don’t get the life insurance money my point is i bet you didn’t know that uh it’s doing okay it’s not doing great i mean to be very launched with it at 10 45. um and it’s honestly like it seems like a

Mean policy but like if you think about it it’s um by the way we’ll uh misfix can you say happy birthday can’t hack at 421 stone in chat happy birthday cat hacker 4 21 for someone in chat buh buh buh Buh thank you so much for joining the cool cat club well who’s going to shop me the life insurance police yeah my point was that you don’t get it paid out and this is okay this is actually like a surprisingly controversial topic also look at this

There’s a little lush cave at the bottom of this biome that’s fun it’s like four there’s just four little lily pads whatever they’re called drip leafs um i like that that’s fun and ideas what you do for the newly created landscape says john parker i think again my

Depending on the world size this creates i might have to leave this as being just a copy forever i’m i’m hoping not but we’ll see my assumption so far is that we’re gonna have to oh look winter mode winter mode winter mode i love me some winter mode when all the trees

Thank you so much rosie for becoming the 369th channel member i uh you know i was i spent a bit bum but like you know we haven’t had many members um this december but you know we’re doing amazing thank you for the the christmas gifts the only gift i want for christmas this

Year is 400 members um that’s why we have member girls oh god oh god okay so don’t don’t try and walk through when it’s snowing it actually is hard to tell snowier snow apart actually even then not right actually is it no it’s not you just gotta actually look where you’re going

Isn’t this beautiful i love this um anyway um yeah no so life insurance won’t pay out if you uh if you buy life insurance then kill yourself in two years you the you know like you won’t get paid out on that and it’s interesting because um there’s two opinions you can have on

This one is like actually it’s pretty good that they’ll pay out for suicide at all like it’s life insurance it’s not you know like here is free money anytime you want to offer yourself because you know the way insurance works is if they you know if if insurance has to

Pay out they make everyone in the same like demographic paper more like again it’s insurance it’s not magic money tree it is we are all paying for the fact that this is going to happen to some of us and the opposite argument is like no suicide is a cause of death just like

Any other like no one is choosing to i mean no one is choosing to kill themselves for financial reasons if you are choosing to kill yourself it’s because you are very in a bad place even if you’re doing it for financial reasons that means that you’re oh man

Look at the size of this biome um and um oh my god um this is this is quite the biome to be walking through huh oh we hit some render distance flaws um and so uh yeah i um i think that there is uh interesting debate there about like

Is suicide ever voluntary you know are you ever choosing to or is it your last resort uh yeah that’s someone who’s been suicidal like it felt like it was a choice you don’t feel like but like you know as i i also have like a um i have a problem with my relationship

With food i’m not choosing to eat far too much food like i am but it’s not a fully voluntary decision right like we have this interesting question about human agency because we all like to believe we’re fully in control of our bodies when it suits us

But then when it suits us to say that like i have no control we say that like oh yeah next toy cat i’m the guy that twittered you about the mcbrender distance yesterday so i wanted to pay my toy cat thank you so much finn scribner i um

I appreciate you for not only twittering me but then also also by the way we can see the trees they’re all gonna magically stop being green look over there trees are white now but all of a sudden they’re gonna be green it’s gonna be based on the oh

That’s so weird to see look at that you see that happen right there oh that’s weird i didn’t know it was so slow oh yeah it like ticks almost anyway um i uh suicide’s never the right choice it’s very selfish i know see that’s that’s another fascinating argument for me like

It blew my mind learning that some people say that suicide is a selfish choice and it’s like nah man you’re giving up the most valuable thing you have imagine saying that like um when you when you uh give your money to charity that’s a very selfish choice because you

Don’t pay taxes on it and as you know taxes are the cornerstone of our society it’s like now you’re giving you’re giving your money up you can’t i mean i guess we as a society do it anyway but um yeah i uh it’s uh it’s a it’s a fascinating

Argument because like that’s that’s that’s from the perspective of the suicide right from the perspective of the everyone who is going to be alive because let’s be honest we don’t value the opinion of dead people very much so once they’re dead it’s over actually yeah that was really selfish wasn’t it

Now someone has to see that you know someone has to like look at even like if you live in if you live by yourself it’s gonna be days maybe weeks till someone like finds that it’s gonna be gross for them or if you do don’t live alone loved ones are gonna that’s

Like oh yeah that’s that’s not pleasant huh that’s that’s not gonna be fun they’re not gonna enjoy that probably i mean i don’t know what they’re into um and so uh yeah it’s like is it the ultimate um selfish i don’t know i what i think is

Insane is that some casinos are marked as non-profits i mean as long as you don’t make a profit right also yay to get time for work how are you says andrea flores i uh i’m doing pretty good today i mean i’m like again besides i just

Kind of did a bad job of my video stuff but otherwise also welcome to the ibx ticket channel pro murder uh pro suicide i mean suicide is just murdering the most important person in the world right i mean if you’re pro murder you kind of have to be pro suicide um

But yeah i um i think that uh sorry but i’m committing to get tax frauds as popular craft trm the beautiful thing about toycat tax is it works on an honor-based system where you can choose whether or not to pay obviously we’ll all judge you if you don’t

And i’m just kidding no see it’s the best type of system where like when you do it feels good for you and then also wow now we all know you’re a little bit better it’s a very it’s a very good set of logic um why was the render distance load on mcpe

Because there’s so much more terrain to render in now uh so much more terrain can my thai cat tax be zero dollars yeah it can be buddy we should i wonder what happened if we allowed zero dollar tips like i want to try that one day be like

The minimum tip amount is one sec i usually can’t do one cent because you like it would cost the credit card company money to process that but like okay you can pay to access the button or you can just add the message on screen yourself like i’d go terribly

But i wonder how terribly or maybe go up maybe people are nice people aren’t nice minus one dollar tip i wish that you could leave negative tips like if the whole argument is like yeah depending on the quality of service i get to decide whether someone gets to pay their bills or not

Then it’s like the minimum shouldn’t be zero the minimum should be like negative 15. it should be like you ruined my also i hate to get how you enjoying 1.18 so far it’s been good it’s been good it’s not tax fraud it’s tax evasion exactly no no fraud required what here whatsoever here

A negative tip your bank account goes womp like i should be able to be like actually bring bring e-mugging back that’s that’s an old reference denial it does check out though okay everyone this is an e-mugging put your hands up put your hands above your head put your 16 credit card

Numbers in the in the field and the and the and and make make sure you do that everyone will job players get a 50 negative 50 dollar tip for nagged with salmon old reference even i get it man i maybe i’ve like because i’ve only been streaming

Regularly for the last like three four years it feels like so long it feels like how has anyone been here since the beginning of the regular streams i just don’t even know i don’t know how that’s possible it doesn’t seem like it should be possible

Um but to a cat i don’t have a mug i have i use regular cups um 45 i uh it’s only one year old if that i think that you’re a one-year-old um mr orange brian smith i uh by the way hexatara and i missed your tip it’s terrible you gave the

First tip in forever and then or like first tip ever not infrared you see the first tip in forever is functionally the same thing as the first tip ever but colloquially it means something very different and that just goes to show how fascinating people are so we’re going to fly up nursing hype

This last bit we’re gonna get ourselves something like 2 000 blocks and walk the rest because we’re going to go over an ocean and oceans suck wow two mushroom islands quite far apart that’s still next to each other thoughts in australia’s vaccine mandate says cash rash

I think okay honestly if you live in a country where they um if you live in a country that has um universal health care paid for by the taxpayers i i can see the logic that like yeah we get to decide what you do health-wise for yourself

Because it costs like in a in a country in a in a country where health care is for the individual still with if you smoke or drink or eat poorly not my problem dude um you know if you’re taking recreational drugs i don’t mind in a country where you know the like

Your cup my my health care costs are paid by you and your healthcare foster paid by me you know actually i would like it if you stop drinking please um like if like the logic they’re using to impose a mandatory because like a few countries are trying something like this like

Fining you if you don’t get a code vaccination it’s like yeah because you’re costing the country money when you give someone covered or when you get covered and then you’re taking up a hospital bed that someone else desperately needs like i get i get it on some level right

But then the argument should be like actually maybe maybe instead of just ending it at vaccines why why stop there why not say actually i see you ate a sub-optimal diet today uh friend you had 28 grams of fiber when really you need about 35 grams of fiber

To have a healthy stool movement and so i’m gonna be finding you five dollars until you can correct this i um i uh you know you have till the end of the day otherwise uh no like oh you don’t like that okay you can opt out for healthcare that i’m paying

For you know that’d be the ideal system oh yeah this is dangerous chat what do you reckon should we stop flying soon it’ll be fine it’s not gonna break it’s not gonna break on me it’s not going to break see it’s fine no breaking yeah we’re great we’re perfect yeah

Socialism is evil says cancer i see what you’re doing there um ooh the nhs sucks races the distortion yeah so let’s just kick a ton of people off it easy problem easy solution i should say so yeah i’m gonna fly real close to the ground until my electro breaks now

And i’m gonna okay i’m gonna finish by getting up nice and high which i guess nice and high doesn’t matter after um after a certain point right it is going to break i don’t know everyone i don’t know it doesn’t look like it’s gonna break to me okay let’s let’s walk

The rest now um do you like warhammer toy cat oh yeah i was really into 40k and i loved dawn of war on the uh i love dawn of war it’s a good game i wish i had a let’s play channel like i have a third channel but now i upload real videos

There i i want to just play weird games from my childhood is that is that too much to ask you change slide jokes are traveling three thousand blocks instead of walking whoa whoa whoa are you calling me a liopen well i’m gonna call you a liar um you know you say european

But you don’t even live in you know that joke work better if you aren’t european you say you’re not you you know i can’t [ __ ] it out took out six channel for let’s plays but like the problem is the third channel has the perfect url for let’s plays

It’s a whole problem i i still want to make finance videos there i just keep putting it off and forgetting it’s terrible turquoise gonna have as many channels as fingers even the shorts channel i’m like do we make a mistake doing this i uh i’m a big freaking person but what

You put in your body is your business because with universal healthcare you’re still paying for it but universal healthcare everyone’s paying like you get what i’m saying it’s like the whole um if everyone pays for themselves at dinner then everyone has to make sure that they get

The amount of food they want if everyone’s paying for everyone at dinner and someone gets steak you’re now paying for their steak and so you should get a steak because otherwise you’re you’re losing out on free steak uh and then if everyone thinks that now everyone has to get a steak

When really everyone was perfectly happy getting there what’s what’s a restaurant like the pasta um like that’s that’s the problem with pooled spending is like it makes sense but like for things like cancer no one’s choosing to get cancer because it’s free to do so no one’s

Choosing to get hit by a car because it’s free to do so but the cost of smoking should be passed on to smoke is the positive you know right like if these things cost everyone money then rather than costing everyone money it costs you money it’s my take right um

Like uh in the same way that like uh what’s what’s a dumb example well what’s something i actively do pay for um well you know i know i like the example of the new york subway it costs 275 regardless where you ride when i ride a really long way on the

Underground it costs me more money um than if i if i don’t i i am using more of this total and so i am i will pay for more of this total um lobster you know i i’ve got an idea everyone what if everyone paid for everyone

Else’s lobster rolls anytime you want to lobster roll it’ll come out for our collective taxes obviously i consume a lot more lobster rolls than on average but like i i like lobster rolls anyway so we have to have vaccine pastors and candidates get in places but we don’t

Need vaccines getting the grocery stores but many other places you need to pass so basically there oh they should not be doing this with this level for lytra huh living life on the edge um yeah no a lot of countries have gone the uh the uh the vaccination proof route

I’m like proud of the uk not because mostly because i you know like i can’t prove i’m vaccinated um because the That’s a rent for another day um despite i i put it in my arm i just want i just want the social benefits and the ability to leave the countries that’s so much to ask um none is crashing scooters but it is free to do so says uh I would argue that like yeah you know if you if e-scooters are so dangerous and they’re causing kind of crashes then maybe i should be paying my e-scooter injury right i uh also why’d you say pasta instead of pasta um pasta is yes i think it’s americans who say pasta and

I say pasta right unless you’re saying like i like pasta uh would vegetarians also have to pay the lobster roll tax yeah vegetarians would have to pay the lobster oil tax because you know what lobster is a vegetable get over it you know vegetarians

Like i get that cow cows are cute i saw a video where cows were cows were taught to play fetch adorable okay don’t eat cows i haven’t done so since i haven’t even count in a while huh it’s been like four days um don’t you dare eat cows no cows for you friends

Everyone who disagrees my political views should pay a tax to me says hexataron there we go problem solved i’m a vegetarian i eat lobster because lobster doesn’t know there we go cheese god my man that’s what i’m talking about okay i’m gonna i’m just gonna swim to these mangoes mentally they’re vegetables

See if you’re if you’d call yourself a vegetarian but you wouldn’t eat your brain-dead granddad then i don’t think you’re really that into eating vegetables you know um i um i think that uh there is a by the way pastor is delicious i want to just mention

Like i i went for a i went for like a multi-year spree of never getting pastor a restaurant because um bergeron loves the [ __ ] sponsor uses the distortion burger and lobster fries are so good like the lobster rolls are great the lobster burger is something i don’t

Think it’s the best thing in the world it’s like good but the lobster roll burger and lobster um he’s really trying to get canceled hilla mouth i believe all you have to do to not get cancelled is say i agree with the prevailing beliefs and i think polarization is so strong

And we need to find a way that voices like mine can be can be de-amplified so that we can actively serve the communities who are offended by the things that i have said boom that covers every single apology i’m gonna have to make except when it comes

Out when i murdered a guy in 1997. that’s that apology’s gonna have to change a few words i guess the marginalized group there would be the murdered people right like the mo the most marginalized you can be is if you you lose your life um in my opinion anyway um

What’s your name fish and chips play cat and pro fish and chips i i like fish and chips a lot i since moving to london i haven’t found my local fish and chip shop like there’s a there is a fish and chip shop which is

Local to me but i don’t know if it’s good and then there’s a not local one that i can order from but it was crazy expensive i paid like i paid nine pounds for a saveloy and then a fish cake and chips or something it was horrific i was mugged

Let me tell you um yeah i don’t know when you were a child weren’t you like one in 1997 yeah it’s the perfect alibi that’s the perfect alibi no no one suspects one-year-olds okay look at this chat look at this 49 999 blocks and now we’re never going to finish the live stream

It’s not over until we hit 50 000 blocks nice sunny day in london oh boy do i love the sun Magic trick i got digimon the movie here i found it i’ve been swinging out all my games and i found uh i found this which side note i love digimon get out of here if you don’t like digimon i uh and uh yeah i love the gym on the movie

Oh you can’t see the movie bit because of the green screen um if you read the back of this oh you can’t read the back because of the green anyway it says uh digimon is better than pokemon hands down by them pokemon something like that it’s very funny and i’m going to watch

This tonight did you want to mean budget pokemon uh someone banned brian smith wait away i’ll ban brian smith uh user in timeout uh no more talking for you brian smith bad opinion wait let’s let’s find any more negative digital opinions to ban say something bad about digimon chat say it say it

I i challenge you um did you almost it’s bad says cancer’s attitude oh get get timed out yeah gone over what is digimon oh god there’s so many digimon’s just okay i’m okay this is this is a this this is a this is a timeout as far as

I’m concerned digimon bad that’s a timeout um yeah this is this has become a brutal dictatorship as as all toy cat properties do anyway i hope you enjoyed the live stream as you can see we’ve hopped over the line fifty thousand and one blocks traveled i uh i’m sorry people who can’t comment

Because they got timed out for their bad did you want opinions but um you need to take down like three blocks love your streams yeah we’re in a really nice set of coordinates if we just you know let’s do it oh yeah look at that oh that’s nice isn’t that that’s really nice

Anyway thank you for watching the video hope you enjoyed uh digimon what is your comment jeff watkins what if i didn’t enjoy it what are you gonna do then um if you didn’t enjoy the live stream make sure not to like it because you’ll send the algorithm the wrong message

About it uh and i’ll see you tomorrow where i’ll be probably making the um let’s be honest tomorrow what i’m gonna be doing is i’m gonna take a plastic straw and i’m gonna light it on fire to show how much i care about the environment

Oh god it actually burned i mean i like it i don’t know i was expecting pro tip don’t inhale plastic fumes anyway thank you very much watching hope you all enjoyed see you all oh yeah my bathtub comes in seven days now are we excited for the bathtub

Hope you’re excited for the bathtub you should be excited for the bathtub um okay wait is this the bathtub i’m gonna share with you the bathtub again uh just a reminder the bathtub is coming in this six bathtub stream oh that’s what i have to call it mallow it’s like

Cats toycats bathtub stream anyway thank you for watching see you next time goodbye do you want to see around my i’m gonna i’m buying some new stuff for the office soon by the way i uh it feels just a bit i know like that corner isn’t great either

It’s a sub optimal work environment this is a huge room this this room is like the size of some some some studio apartments but it’s like also terribly usable oh god

This video, titled ‘Walking 50,000 Blocks Of New Minecraft 1.18 Terrain’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2021-12-01 23:43:10. It has garnered 63614 views and 2139 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:31 or 8011 seconds.

Walking 50k blocks

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and You can tip me here if you want: https://streamlabs.com/toycat

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    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: play.westville.life Discord: https://discord.gg/pCRXc4Cb2Y MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: thugcraftmc.com (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WH374V2n2F Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

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  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More