IGoByLotsOfNames – The Most Addicting Game You’ve Never Heard Of – Nomifactory Ep.1

Video Information

Nobody has existed since 1523 but what nobody knew in 1523 was that in the electronic game based on Canadian independent science fiction horror movies there is a top secret game modification that allows one player to simulate capitalism in Minecraft that aforementioned Modpack is known as Nomi Factory Community Edition unofficial AKA

G version but what exactly is that you may ask and why is it so addicting to the point that an Empire article was written about something similar the same question is being asked by 4.9 billion minus 26 000 people amounting to 4.9 billion but these questions will be

Answered in this new Greg Tech series because I shall attempt to make more than three videos on the same mod pack for the first time in human history and completes what is quite possibly the most addicting game that nobody knows but first a bit of lore it all began with the invention of

Europe five million years ago leading to the invention of Marcus person who invented Minecraft but not everyone was so happy with this leading to people inventing modifications to turn Minecraft into mine mine and craft the main idea behind industrial craft but what if the industrial modification had its own modification that question was

Answered by the Gregorius who invented Greg Tech which would have six official versions but then these assortments of people had an idea what if they recreated stuff from a bunch of different Greg techs and combined it into one giant Greg Tech Community Edition that worked for a later version

Of Minecraft wish they did of the one million people who consumed this product a bunch of other people decided to combine this Greg Tech with a bunch of other technological modifications and fidget Spinners to create an incredibly deep technology-based modification called Omni Factory but this is where

Things get weird the main developer AKA Damian abdicated the Omni Factory thrown to xXx exit 2 to the power of 12 leading to an epic tale of development that is summarized in this ancient text which included politics and due to drama caused by these certainly off-topic politics some developers staged an epic

Rebellion they switched around the letters and added some other letters to create their own quest-driven expert large-scale Factory automation skill test called Nomi Factory and in one final chain a team of people with words in their name receive their blessing from Gregorius T to create group Tech Community Edition unofficial Now

Featuring realistic black body radiation and troll face fictional character Tracer from OverWatch combined this with the automation skill test to create the topic of this series Nomi Factory Community Edition unofficial Edition 1.4.1 Alpha the product of several years of of progress a modification of a modification of a pack of modifications

Based on a modification of a modification of a game from a guy in a continent based on a modification of a modification of a planet modified in the universe so far it seems that Greg Tech has been around for so long and has seeped into nearly every corner of the modification

Addict community and this is not the first time I have contemplated playing it because this is only my fifth attempt in returning to gregtech to beat it once and for all and it all begins sometime in mid-2021 a partnership of Hypixel Skyblock players consisting of me Infamous the realm Infamous rice blades

11 and Infamous High auctions decided they would play omnifactory this ended in catastrophe after I accidentally broke an expensive machine in a fatal accident and everyone quit the second attempt came six months later when I decided to Brute Force beating on the factory by myself but the foolish past

Version of myself did not know it would take hundreds of hours to accomplish this Herculean task after days of grueling technological progress and building a giant troll face during a renovation I got distracted by washing filthy Frank while building my new base leading to me forgetting to actually play and eventually losing all

Motivation to continue gaming the third attempt is the incident that came to be known as the Greg Tech movie where I hosted a civilization event to see what would happen if 100 players were dropped into a manufactory the fourth attempt came during the third attempt when I

Decided to play Greg Tech on my own after seeing other people having jollification in my own Greg Tech event this ended in disaster after I was distracted by self-torture mode leading to the foolish decision to play it leading to being annoyed in two hours and quitting which brings us to today

Where I shall once again be plunged into Greg Tech after being reminded of its existence in the most recent Community post it seems that no matter how much time has passed the urge to return to Greg Tech returns in semi-annual lapses but so far I have not said anything

About what is actually inside of Greg Tech why is it so addicting and why has it become the top suggestion beating every other Modpack to answer this question I will begin to actually play it it all begins in the Lost Cities but since I had tens of hours of experience

Already I remembered my training for my previous reincarnations as Greg Tech players rather than getting wood as the First Resource I went straight towards the abandoned buildings and started an FBI search of the entire perimeter to locate chests for useful resources since this game is beatable on peaceful mode

No food is needed so food was exiled for my inventory to make way for juicy metal bars once I had some beginning loot I looked around and went for the tallest skyscraper in the city since the base shall basically be a platform extending outwards from the highest roof encapsulating everything below from the

Sixth floor I looked at my new quadrillionaire view and discovered what appeared to be a massive black hole my game theory is that this disproportionately sized object led to the collapse of civilization and it is my duty to recreate technology by following the quest line of the mod pack

And all Society begins with resource obtaining But Not only was there iron and gold there were a multifariousness of new natural resources to accumulate a massive amount of which must be extracted from the underground to do this I collected some free beginner mining tools from the quest book since I

Was playing on easy mode and because of easy mode I also got an orange kid’s iPad that can differentiate all ores in a one-mile radius also because of easy mode or veins are now more like ore continents each with their own realistic cores based on realistic course with

These hammers I tried hogging as many oars as inhumanly possible but kept a broad being Naggy an amount of cobblestone for Phase 2 of gaming when I was done I created a staircase to the surface and proceeded to build a major highway leading from the mines to the

Roof base and the leftover Stone was reconstructed into combustors to reconstruct tours into ingot but here’s the thing all vanilla knowledge is abandoned when it comes to massive mod packs the first change is that colors have to be smelted before coal is obtained which will be done with

Cellulose fiber and all this wood will be homemade with this new miniature Amazon rainforest without the rain or Amazon for free infinite wood without having to leave the quadrillion Air Base anyways I continued following the quest book which starts off as a comprehensive tutorial until getting the first power

Source before dropping everyone into the rabbit hole of industrialization but for each task completed a reward of minecoin rip-offs would precipitate into my inventory which can be traded with the crafting table himself for free ores but I must resist temptation the first mining trip focused on getting iron when

I returned by the highway I decided to mine copper nickel and Tin which were all thrown into the nightmarish furnace row rights reserved iron could be smelted again for iron but pink or it can be reshaped into industrial tools in an iron hook for energy conservation defined Transportation with the first

Tool AKA The Hammer I could create plates for a file to make rods for a screwdriver for a wire cutter for blah blah blah with byproducts of sound effects every other part is not really necessary for now but in addition to new shapes for materials I needed even newer

Materials so by using the kids iPad I triangulated more elusive materials such as Redstone due to a better cave generation and a mysterious person known as kilobash Redstone was Now 50 times easier to find made obvious by the hypnotizing glowy red Shader I then made a detour to mine scrumptious lead in

Silver after doing some on-camera mining I had obtained two percent of the game’s periodic table which can be crushed and further combined to create whatever Alloys human conceivable before being processed further into even more material Parts but I now had to triangulate rubber a fee deemed Impossible by the orange kid I packed

But rather than searching nature for rubber I bought saplings from the imaginary voices in the crafting table almost immediately I performed the rookie mistake known as planting everything with no space according to Greg Tech Tree calculus this left no space for leaves to grow so every generation of rubber trees gave less and

Less saplings by creating a spacious growing area leaves were leaved everywhere leading to exponential sapling obtaination but why am I so obsessed with Greg Tech Leaf calculus because these leaves could be stolen from myself to be combined and cooked and cooked into rubber the only thing missing from the Trinity of

Industrialization was now Water by using my new tools and material Parts I created the infinite water Cube and now since I had basic resources and had basic parts made from basic resources it was time to finally create Factory equipment which included Twins and cables transfer electricity turning insiders and metal pipes to transfer

Fluids everywhere grinding more metal to make more Alloys making machine parts and speaker for instance grinding more Stone to gravel to send a customer That irons who create the first Steel in human history by using this brick conglomeration to transform iron and coal into steel I was ready to stop playing and start gaming because steel is only the beginning of the Greg Tech progression which is split into several different tiers of voltages

Each unlocked by creating a new type of material starting with steel higher tier materials are used to construct higher tiers of machines which are needed to create higher tiers of materials starting an infinite cycle of never-ending Greg Tech but it’s not as simple as simply getting materials more

Energy more planning more resources and more complex industrialization are required to create each new increasingly complexifying delectifying material each new challenge has 10 different challenges before it and 10 different solutions giving 10 different rewards the Factory’s demands are inescapable but solvable in one way or another and

Perhaps this is why Greg Tech is eternally addicting it’s a sandbox with an ever-receeding boundary and you cannot Escape anyways back to gaming I set up my first electric generator which consumed water and burned sugar cane to create power stored in this glowing red tetragon polyhedron and with steel I could create

Low voltage machine hulls to be transformed into whatever I needed to do if only it was that simple depending on what the machine does the machine needs a different combination of standardized machine parts and also circuits each needing their own complex materials but that was easy due to the massiveness of

Ore veins I now had a massive stockpile of ingots which were organized for the first time in this Channel’s history after a bit of cutting and bending I had obtained not only the aforementioned Parts but also some more materials to mass-produced circuits which were more complicated since these were needed

Everywhere it was better to make a lot of them at the same time rather than one at a time I was also processing Steel in the back Crown this entire time since making stuff before you knew you needed it would be a crucial factor in becoming an undecillionaire I also created more

Resource Farms which included an automatic sugarcane farm this ran on the biological and chemical anomaly known as that a must spell block created from nine squared times two sand this block increases the growth of anything above it whenever a redstone signal is applied to it when this is combined with an

Observer that breaks all sugar cane and an auto clicker to auto click I got practically some sugarcane anyways I could finally create my first machines which included the compressor metal bender wire Mill and lathe which made most of these tools useless and gave massive discounts on material part

Prices theoretically I could just place them down and connect them to the energy generator using cables but since this is Greg Tech this failed now introducing realistic and the energy from this glowing red area will have to be converted into EU electrical units AKA European Union which have voltage and amperages wires

Will not only have to be insulated with rubber but will have different voltage limits based on material used different amperage based on thickness of wire and sometimes electrical loss and explosions more electrical engineering info was dumped in this massive text wall but all of this can be summarized in one fact

All I needed were tin cables with a width of four which I made I also created the aforementioned energy converter to turn my energy into European Union units and finally I connected the converters to the machines and then nothing worked that was when I realized that besides realistic energy I

Also needed realistic energy storage and there were a wide variety of battery sizes and Battery materials and battery boxes to choose from but they all distractions what I really needed were just four lithium batteries and a quadruple battery box to go with it after using more mine coins to buy

Lithium and antimony for batteries I installed the energy storage in between the cables and energy converter and I thought I could finally return to using my machines or so I thought due to all the different possible things you can do with a machine the machine needs a program circuit to tell between these

Different but similar processes so out of pure frustration I used one of my precious circuits to put the number one into the metal bender to get it over with and for the first time in human history the Greg Tech Machine finally did something I had created my first

Object from a machine this was unbelievable after three hours which was less than one percent of the total playtime needed to reach the end but the factory had only just begun the Greg Tech addiction had already reached stage six there was no turning back now remember to acquiesce a subscription

Service enter to please if I add blocker for the next episode of Nomi Factory and shout out to the channel members of the past

This video, titled ‘The Most Addicting Game You’ve Never Heard Of – Nomifactory Ep.1’, was uploaded by IGoByLotsOfNames on 2022-11-11 20:46:08. It has garnered 429443 views and 21786 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or 992 seconds.

Minecraft usually takes a few hours to beat if you aren’t really trying. But in this case, Minecraft is not really what it seems.

Music List: https://pastebin.com/Xz4ZdSzW

Modded showcase similar to RL Craft but not Hypixel skyblock. Not Like TommyInnit or any other Dream SMP or LifeSteal SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Hardcore is harder than Survival Minecraft because PVP is deadlier.

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  • INSANE: My First Bounty Job in Minecraft!

    INSANE: My First Bounty Job in Minecraft!Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to Minecraft From Shadows it’s been a while since I’ve last filmed an episode it’s been like almost an entire month since I filmed the last episode and you might be thinking what’s happened where am I why have I got nothing the realm has been reset spot reset the realm because he said uh there were loads of new members joining and everybody already had like maxed down netherite gear so he reset the realm and he’s completely built a new spawn and everything so that’s what’s happened to the realm um… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Sleepwalker found in Minecraft!! #minecraft

    SHOCKING! Sleepwalker found in Minecraft!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ay DIOS MÍO UN SONÁMBULO EN MINE CRAFT #minecraft’, was uploaded by FOGATA TV on 2024-01-10 12:14:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #game #fyp. Read More

  • Insane Bullet Train Build Battle: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft

    Insane Bullet Train Build Battle: Noob vs Pro in MinecraftVideo Information today I’m building the fastest bullet train no I am woodo let’s battle be careful guys because at Sunset Mutant Creepers are coming to kill us we better start building our bullet train so that we can escape then axie let’s work on this big track over here and find some blocks for the base of our train what block are we building our train with wood it has to be fancier than mongos I’m building mine with dirt so my bullet train can go way faster than yours wudo dirt that means your train will crumble to… Read More

  • “Epic Gamer Thrills in Minecraft Anime” #minecraft

    "Epic Gamer Thrills in Minecraft Anime" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #anime #minecraftmemes #minecractfacts #edit #minecraftanimation #mincraftfacts #memes’, was uploaded by Game on DudeCheap Thrills Gamer on 2024-01-27 18:12:30. It has garnered 2432 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Egirls Nation

    Egirls NationEgirls Nation is a cracked semi-vanilla minecraft anarchy server. We took the concept of classic anarchy like you see on 2B2T and other 2B clones and said “Why keep it boring?”. So we slapped shit ton of plugins on top of it and it works like a charm! Come check out the unique experience we created! About the server: – No resets – No rules – Running since 29th of May 2020 – Map size over 1500 GB – Over 10 000 registered players play.egirlsnation.com Read More

  • PangaeaEarth Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map The map will be approximately 4.5k by 5k, running on the towny claiming system. Although targeted more towards the casual, building type of player, the server will have systems set up in place for those more wanting of pvp. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/G2qezQpRZg Read More

  • SpellCraft SMP

    Prepare to embark on a spellbinding journey into the enchanting world of SpellCraftSMP, where magic weaves its tapestry across the horizon. In this captivating realm, the arcane arts beckon, offering a vast array of custom magics to master, ranging from the soothing embrace of Water, the fierce flames of Fire, the crackling power of Storm, to the divine radiance of the celestial, and the enigmatic allure of the Arcane.But that’s just the beginning of the wonder that awaits you. As you step into Elodore, you’ll encounter a captivating assortment of custom races, each with its own unique charm. You might… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – BeEDroCk iS BaeSEd

    Minecraft Memes - BeEDroCk iS BaeSEdWell, I guess this meme really scored a critical hit with a solid zero! Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Minecraft Hardcore Madness

    Survived 100 Days: Minecraft Hardcore Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the norm, I built a mob farm to gather experience and reform. Villagers trading for mending books, a crucial task, To keep my armor strong, a daunting but necessary ask. Flying high in the sky, I soared with glee, Forgetting I could fly, what a sight to see. Villagers in their homes, waiting for a job, Offering incentives, a fun task to rob. But the journey continues, with challenges to face, In the world of Minecraft, a never-ending race. Surviving in Hardcore mode, a true test of skill, Crafting, building, exploring,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny Read More

  • Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution

    Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution After watching the insightful discussion on the changing work mindset of Gen Z employees, it becomes clear that the world of work is evolving rapidly. With the rise of hybrid work environments and the increasing demand for flexibility, it is essential for companies to adapt to the preferences of the new generation of workers. One way to embrace this change and create an engaging work environment is by exploring new avenues for personal connection and engagement. And what better way to experience this than by joining a vibrant community like Minewind Minecraft Server? Minewind offers a unique sandbox experience… Read More

IGoByLotsOfNames – The Most Addicting Game You’ve Never Heard Of – Nomifactory Ep.1