Insane ExoBeaver Vault Hunters Live Stream!

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All Right here we go boys man of day I was going to play some melden ring today I was like oh man I want to kill some things with my big sword but then I I decided not to I was like no no no no we need to get some work done around the

Base we need to fix the storage system in the storage system is a hot mess oh my goodness is it a mess in fact one of the things that we’re going to need today scy hey brother how you doing man I hope you’re doing well it’s good to see you my

Friend let me um let me run downstairs let me see if I can get one more research point to pick up what are colossal chesticles whoa I thought somebody pranked me again excuse me sorry about that we need to work on the storage system yeah that’s what we got to

Do that tell me that’s not enough right it’s got to be enough volume feels quiet what’s the deal hold on why is Minecraft all the way down all right oh that’s better I don’t know how that happens Windows has a habit of like adjusting my volume for me

Un like willingly I don’t know why it does it we can make three more let’s do that H sorry about the sniffles dang it dude it happens every time every single time I start I start sneezing I’m allergic to you guys so does my sneezing entertain you buddy pal does it playing Project

Overpowered what’s that is that a mod for Minecraft what’s that about uh diamantes diamantes uh uh uh okay it’s a little bit too loud now holy it it’s very grindy is it a Minecraft thing I’m assuming it’s a Minecraft thing all right that can go back into

That what we want to do today is we want to make the storage system nice nice we want to like I want more of these I want a bunch of comp acting drawers okay I want to be able to put like uh at least Benny and uh what is this laramar and

Pite and maybe even opal into compacting drawers and I’d love it if carbon was in a compacting drawer and I’d love it if this chromatic iron was in a compacting drawer they’re a little bit expensive but I think we could do it it’s a Sky Block mod pack okay dude that’s one of

The things that I’ve never dipped my my little tinkle twinkle toes into is a Sky Block um I’ve seen a lot about it I’ve seen other people play sky blocks it looks like it would be interesting um I do enjoy like the technical aspect of Minecraft but I don’t know if you guys

Have noticed but I I I tend to really fly like full speed when I’m like being creative when it comes to the building and stuff so like I don’t know not that I wouldn’t be interested in doing a Sky Block series I think it would be a lot of

Fun I do like flat ground chests colossal Chests seven more points for extra potions torch Master no no no junk management six points let’s start saving our points I think I’m going to try to work ourselves towards junk management I think that would be really beneficial all right how do I do this um first of

All let’s put all this away I don’t need any of that stuff right now or that what’s this look like g g it’s not good is not what I want oh I just need two more Pottery shards to finish this off I really don’t anticipate doing any vaults today o

That’s not bad complete a scavenger Vault dude that’s actually a really good Bounty look at that that’s chromatic steel and Vault ingots Vol ingots are actually kind of valuable we’re building today we’re building that’s the plan um that’s out of repairs that’s basically worthless it is worthless I should make

We could just use this I was going to say we should make a tool like this for the Overworld but I think we could just use that that’s not a problem what are you plotting sir you plotting against me you better not be plotting against

Me you know what we should do we should take this is this the big old Hammer is it wait wait where’s the big thick boy Hammer is it this that’s the big thick boy Hammer we’re going to make a basement um okay I’m just I I don’t even know how to

Put it in the words did I just break that oh I thought I busted that thing up I I do want the staircase to be like right here are we putting a staircase in is that how this is going to work I mean we could get elevators

That’s not a problem but I think it would be reasonable if the the staircase emanated this same shape right just followed that down so like in reality let’s just get a couple hold on hold on hold on cobblestone St let’s just get some of that yeah it’s going to be like literally

Like that right there I’m afraid to do this gosh it’s going to make such a mess dude this thing is such a mess all right let’s just bite the bullet let’s get it over with we’ll fix the the terrain later is this where we want this to be for

Sure cuz I think I want the controller let’s do something like this let’s dig this straight down just the way it is I’m trying to be real particular cuz I don’t want to make like too big of a mess cuz this thing is going to make a mess there’s no other

Way around it it’s going to be messy I should probably get some torches I got a plan nah absolutely not what do you think this is like some sort of like professional stream or something that’s ridiculous I need to fill this stupid hole in if you guys don’t know um Sharky

Tried to kill me twice he dug a hole below my door and then put like a charge creeper below it and I ended up killing the the creeper and uh then he turned around and put lava below it afterwards so to fix this little situation figures why am I supposed to

Have a plan should I come into this like with a big plan I feel like that’s how things go best though is without a plan Maybe sometimes holy crap hell it’s burning all the the lava or all the sand I was like why is it not filling this hole in hold

On let’s get some water I don’t know what’s going on down there but it’s not of this world let’s let that happen we’re just hanging out today man it’s gonna it’s going to be a chill day we’re going to relax we’re going to have a good

Time I would love to prank Sharky back if you guys have any ideas hit me let me know is that not working at all dude am I losing my mind does sand not stack when you drop it like that oh apparently it does man this is the most exciting thing you’ve ever

Seen it’s so dark we’re almost there how can we prank this man back like in a reasonable way wait wait Scythe are you trying to tell me that this is not the most exciting thing you’ve ever seen come on be real with me now why’ that do

That all right I I do have like I guess you could sort of call it a plan right sort of not not really I I have an idea of what I’d like this to to sort of end up being first of all what we’re digging out is the basement

Right let let’s dig out like this needs filled back in hold on a second this is going to be a two wide staircase so well this can move because we’re going to have to make like blocks we’re going to have to make it look nice right it can’t just be freaking ugly

Come on now a usual Minecrafter actions yeah exactly it’s like it we’re just living our best lives something like that yeah I think maybe what up Rec dude I I sir please pronounce your name for me that I I I want to address you by your name but

It it’s it’s one that my tongue can’t do and I I don’t want to mess it up because I know if I try to say how I think it sounds I’m going to make it real bad uh please please tell me how to pronounce

Your name sir dude I love you and I want to I want to call you by your name we’re making a basement what you doing dude H let’s throw a little bit of torch action down pain okay dude I thank you I I will call you pain I’ve always wanted to say

Like a completely different pronunciation that I I knew was not correct and I wasn’t positive I was like this isn’t going to work like I If I say this I’m going to look like such a fool I’m thank you very much pay we’re making a basement that’s what we’re doing today Uh it’s a mess right now hold on a second I might just block this whole right side off or am I no I don’t think I am Sandstone no I need sand okay the problem here you’re not alone you’re never alone scth I’m always watching you I’m always watching you I’m just

Kidding some sort Of holy block oh I busted up my own house I knew that was going to happen you need to find you a vol Hunter server it really is fun hey what’s up Sante Vault Hunters is a lot of fun I I I don’t know if I want space in here

Or not but I feel like it makes sense for some reason it’s awfully loud right now gosh dudee they’re so loud uh okay I get it it’s night time hold on a second hold on hold on hold on this isn’t going to work I got to mess I need shulker

Boxes I need stuff to work with here and it needs to like not be nighttime great let’s pick these back out let’s replace our staircase that got busted up yeah what the heck was that noise all right let’s sleep and take a little walk about let me let me kind of address

The situation that we’re working with here and what my thoughts are um not only are we working on a basement but I I do have some like physical extensions to the house on the surface that I I’d like to work on as well um all right ladies get out of here

What happened to my sand uh we’ll get there I was thinking this segment of the building I don’t know if you guys have seen the rlcraft series or if you know what it is um but rlcraft has what’s called mimics in it right and it’s basically a fake chest that turns into a

Monster with like a a chompy teethy tongue mouth right um and I thought to represent our storage system it would be really cool if we made like a a physical representation of one of those creatures and uh like made it like kind of coming

Out of the side of the wall right um and in that would be a colossal chest that would hold like a significant number of items right so I just got colossal chests so that’s good um I haven’t made them yet this is my life I do kind of want this like layer under

Here for some reason I don’t know why but it it feels like it’s kind of convenient to have a little bit of a crawl space Simon I thought you said you weren’t going to be here on today’s stream what are you doing here get away from

Me go go away I don’t want you to make fun of me okay right and then this would get chopped in to about there and this wall actually would be filled in I don’t know what the basement’s going to look like I’m thinking something industrial is I don’t know how to make it

Industrial there’s a lot of blocks we could work with I think I think iron would be a cool block to work with iron has a lot of uses in this for decorative blocks like look at all this this is cool stuff infused infused stone bricks would look very

Cool maybe not with this specific texture right but like there’s all this rusted plates and plate iron and pillars and there’s quartz enriched iron uh that’s for refined storage though oh that’s going to be expensive a little bit iron plates yeah there’s like a lot we

Could do to make this kind of industrial like uh let’s go upstairs again hold on let’s fill this bag in this mess that I made I have no idea where these blocks go something like that makes kind of sense I don’t know uh that was a staircase yeah that that’s perfect all right

So this is all filled in right I think there’s one or two holes over here uh-huh oh it’s probably going to need need torches right maybe a crawl space is a bad idea it just seemed like it would be fun and sand probably isn’t the best

Move either I don’t know what I’m doing this needs to be filled in gosh darn I made a mess of this place the Hammer’s a little bit too strong I thought it was the right move to bust that puppy out for this build but it might have been better to do

Something a little bit smaller with control you could slab the crawl space ooh I don’t really have a use for it though like it’s it’s not something we would ever actually go inside of I don’t know why I I thought it would be cool to

Have that there I I don’t know I don’t know what I was thinking I want this wall off uh oh no not that we could oh man Sandstone I bet has a lot of uses right Sandstone the guilded Sandstone is cool that’s reasonable too with the nuggies uh

H I’m thinking something like cold and dark and grayish and metall likee right with like we would need something bright to Accent right um and I’m thinking Redstone would be an interesting access maybe not like specifically Redstone but Redstone related things right something that provides like an industrial power like

Gear uh grindy type of look sort of thing yeah Hammer it’s too [Applause] powerful this thing is ridiculous dude architect blocks wait a second hold on let me look those puppies up cuz I’ve heard that term before but I have never used them architect architect architect wait are you talking about uh framed

Blocks whoa that’s cool are whoa slopes oh we’re going to get interesting here frame panel they’re found in P oh in the pois in vaults wait so you can’t make them it’s a mod AR Architects pallet uh it’s not that I think I know what you’re talking about

About but it I think what you’re talking about right is the an item that looks a certain way and and then gets turned into something else when you add a block to it you can like change the the image or the the look of a block H I’d like to work with some iron that’s reasonable that kind of stuff would look good plating blocks reasonable we have a bunch of ancient plating that’s reasonable we could do that onyx oh we could do all that o may end up going mining dripstone Twisted Sun metal would be really cool

But I think that that’s oh it’s not that expensive that’s frame blocks what then what’s an architect block am I just missing it we will need a pallet to work with here uh illuminated olive stone what’s that abalene yeah keep that to yourself um charcoal blocks Architects pallet has so many

Blocks so many metal blocks so does quork I do like architect’s pallet that looks good let’s check out quork because I I know Quark has a lot of capabilities I just haven’t really gotten too far into it I’ve messed with a couple of things that Quirk offers but

I’ve never really like looked at everything I thought quk did more than this dude I could if I had a heart of the diamond I could make this let’s get the shape down here let’s keep working on the shape uh all right let’s do something drastic

This is going to get weird and I think I’m probably going to like deeply regret doing this but I’m going to do it anyway we’re going to go outside where I anticipate putting this like interesting chest creature on the ground like and bumping it up against the house and just

Dig a hole straight down that connects right to the basement is that centered is there a [Applause] center one two one two and three okay there’s not a center [Applause] all right let’s slow down a little bit the hammer is outrageous I know I did just kind of

Fill some of this in but look it’s all part of the process [Applause] okay I don’t it’s definitely not going to come out that far so I didn’t want to rip up up the base too much so the idea here is that this chest creature that comes out of the wall um

The storage inventory that it holds is not only going to be inside the shape but also go straight down meet the basement and then there’s going to be connect connections from the storage itself to the base or to the uh from this storage to the next storage so

We’re going to use Simple sorry not simple we’re going to use refined storage all right it’s not that bad and the refined storage is going to link up to our colossal chests as well as our um what’s the other thing called the drawers all right let’s just get rid of

This I’m thinking about just letting stuff despawn goodness what other mods do we have unlocked uh as far as storage mods goes we have so we’ve got refined storage we have power yeah we have drawers simple storage which I think I’m going to try to shy away from CU I don’t

Believe simple storage actually connects to refined storage in any way I think it’s disabled in Vol Hunters um which is why we’re going with colossal chests so that it would act real rather similar to to it’s basically the same thing as simple storage it’s just one giant chest

Has a lot more storage in a smaller area and it actually links up to refined storage um which is another one I have and then I’ve got pipz too so that’ll let me move items around I know early on that’s quite slow but it’s not about the

Uh efficiency right now well it it it is but it isn’t let’s just bring more of these ah man these sniffles all right so this should be lined up evenly I need more sand I need to find a picture of um of the chest monster cuz I want to like I don’t

I don’t think I want it to look exactly like the chest monster but I do want to like kind of use it as inspiration the when I say chest monster I mean the mimic this could be a m shaft to be [Applause] honest we have all the stuff in the

House now we don’t need it I’m going to want to move that too I didn’t know bamboo went on Sand like [Applause] this yikes we’re going to clean up around here this is Harry’s chest that thing needs mve too I’m kind of taking over but I did

Tell everybody I was like I’m building my base here do with that information what you will and they were all like we’re going to build our bases on top of this I like all right I’m moving it no we’ll we’ll we can all live together I’m just joking oh that worked out

Well actually wait torches torches okay three of them okay how do we do this the idea behind this the Colossal chests is uh kind of to get away from using like storage discs for refined storage cuz they’re very very expensive You know what let’s put that down you’ve gotten all the discs through box mod you lucky dog mod boxes you’re lucky that’s so fortunate man don’t get me wrong I got really lucky through my my mods as well through my mod boxes um but I didn’t get a single disc unfortunately

But that’s okay I got like plenty of other things that are going to more than make up for all that all right so this would like this right here this line that I’m walking on would ideally be a wall right this segment here is going to be

Like a physical walking access to the gigantic chests the Giga chests and then okay up here I I think I still want my storage to be like on the same spot so I want like my refined storage interface to be like right there that’s dead center right it

Is so this is going to be like our input for all of our stuff so we need a way to get all the drawers set up so that they all connect to that so D draon cheesers since you’re unlucky this time oh not getting solar panels

Dude I don’t think solar panels are the move though you know what I think is the best at least the most reasonable especially for early game is this thing the the wait the Fator I think it’s no no no is it the thermo generator or is it the Fator

Fator one of these I think it’s the thermog generator um allows you to just like put a piece of lava near it and it’ll suck up all the Heat from the lava and generate power from that I got a freaking crafting grid from the the mod box that’s lucky foror

Panels are good too especially if you’re getting blazing or higher yeah if you’re getting the high tiers of course I feel like anything is good at the higher tiers um but like I’ve had some pretty darn good success with uh just the the thing that sucks up the heat from the

Lava too at least what I’m talking in regards to refined storage obviously once you start like working on some more stuff you got a lot more going on than just like you know just a little thing just a little storage system you got Nitro panel isn’t that is that Max tier

Is that what that is I think we’ll handle the rest of that later I just am not not too sure how I want to get all this laid out I I need to make like a million drawers right now now all these drawers that are here

I think uh I’m going to leave all these drawers here for now right um reason being is that I don’t want to move at all but also uh where’s it at these upgrade panel upgrade templates and upgrades all this stuff requires drawers to make it so I’m thinking I make like a bazillion

More drawers fill this whole place with them right and then uh what we can do is hopefully just use the drawers upstair we can transfer all the stuff into these drawers downstairs and then use those leftover drawers that we’re pulling stuff out of as like templates and things like that that’s the

Idea our drawer controller going to be this block right here so I need drawers hold on a second let me clear this out storage Network I don’t need that I don’t need that or that I want compacting drawer in my list I want what kind of wood are we working with here probably

Birch we can always change the way that look I think I like the idea of using the frames drawers okay oh shoot man I’ve been throwing all this drift wood away cuz I’ve had like so much of it that should make a whole stack of drawers though that right there I don’t

Think they’re that expensive right what else do we need we need chromatic iron and then birch logs they’re one by ones dude oh I hate the crafting dude I hate that I freaking hate that I hate it why dude I click the recipe for the one by two and that

Sucker makes one by ones every time you have to physically go in and readjust it again it drives me nuts I hate that oh I got to go and make another stack of drawers now I wish it like if the recipe that I click I wish it would just make that it

It’s so obnoxious look at this look look one by two one by one you have to go back in here and change it again that sucks oh well too late and then I think it’s just sticks holy sticks and then our frame drawers what are they going to look

Like how much smooth stone do I have freaking basically none all right let’s do like two stacks of smooth Stone DB Brock city man what’s going on dude how you doing all right so smooth Stone what else do we have to work with here I think calite would be a cheap and

Easy block to work with and it would look nice I’m I’m thinking in terms of like what are we going to turn might not have enough sticks we’ll make more sticks man it’s not like I have a 3177 stacks of sticks or anything um calite so we have smoothstone we have

Calite we need something dark to accent it so I’m thinking Blackstone or maybe not quite Blackstone maybe something like what’s the other one um crap B salt yeah I think that’ll look good chilling like a villain we’re chilling today too I Kadabra let’s see what this is going to look like in the

Table be like that and then smooth Stone on the other one or maybe the smooth Stone goes there I don’t know s dang these suers are slow nah it’s got to be like that I like that that looks good oh and then what else was the what

Was the other thing I think it’s literally called a frame where’s it at though this no no I think I have one hold on where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at it’s this thing no trim trim trim not a frame it’s called a trim

Huh so trim is actually like an it’s like a drawer connector in a way um it it’s not technically a drawer it doesn’t hold anything but what it does do is allows you to just like like the same manner that all these drawers are connected to one another if I click

This this right here it accesses every single drawer touching right trim is essentially the same thing if you want to like connect your drawers to one area to another you use trim and it’s cheap and it’s easy you just can’t put anything physically in the trim like you

Can of draw um so we need M sticks we’re out of sticks and then I think yeah Birch just cuz it’s the cheapest block right now I don’t think I need that many of these things what did I just uh threw everything away yay rain my favorite okay

So I think we can reach 12 apart right so if the drawer controller is going to literally go right there bam we have 12 blocks vertically to work with one two what 2 three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so we should be able to reach the floor with

This and then we can go 12 blocks the other way that looks nice I like that the look of that drawer one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 now you like to make a framed button to make your alra wait a framed button how do you do

That like the I didn’t wait can you frame anything is that a thing all right let’s do something like this what is this one two wait hold on 1 two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 let’s do 10 that way and then I think 10 the other way works [Applause] too

I keep poking holes in the wall dude building tools would have been cool I’m probably going to end up removing this floor again though to make it look nice later but for now let’s just work with the shape I don’t know what’s going on here with these blocks what that was

Weird you can frame almost everything that’s actually really cool I like the idea of framing things I should actually frame the trim too oh okay gosh the rain is so loud maybe I’ll just remove this this layer here [Applause] if I do this here I don’t want to make a mess of

Things I think I’m going I’m kind of already making a mess of things I don’t know maybe maybe I get rid of that too and then just then I have to bring the wall into to like right here I wanted it to be like clean and square and

Nice but the staircase is kind of messing up my vibe dude I could probably take the stair that’s going to look weird too I was going to say I could take the staircase and like bend it at a 90 to come out this way but that would be funny

Looking we need a lot of space in the basement which is why I’m trying to think big here um let’s worry about that segment later we’ll fix it eventually I know I’m overthinking it that’s okay so we can go like 10 blocks this way too right so 1 two three four

Five 6 7 8 nine 10 and then in theory I know that the drawer controller itself is like up a little bit higher but in theory we could access it all from here I I should probably test it right that would be smooth oops wait do I have any more

Sandstone all right so Sandstone is all the way in that far Corner if it should reach right and we have another drawer controller somewhere frame drawer controller got it it’s supposed to be right there uh all right we’ll put it back please don’t break is it going to be eight blocks instead

Of 12 did Sharky lie to me okay that was super fast hold on we have sandstone in our Inventory thank you does that not work does this need to be connected to a drawer not trim hold on we’ll figure it out okay what the heck oh does this have to be framed I wonder if this has to physically be framed like if it’s not working the way

It is because it’s not like actually framed hold on a second when you’re using drawers you only really need to make wait you need minimal trim as long as they’re touching they’re consider I know but I was hoping it would look nice too I was making excessive amounts of stuff just so I

Could like do decorative things with it where did I had more stuff somewhere get this crap out of here smooth Stone yep Uh what did I have for basal uh basal and then calite I think this is probably the ticket whoa imagine I broke that whole wall all right I have Sandstone it took it okay T back off I don’t trust you anymore you and Baldi are on in the dog house I don’t trust

You okay so it it is it’s working it’s let me click it but it’s not actually reaching so we can’t reach the whole way over there can we reach that yes we’ll get there I just got to find out what my my my length reaches there is no trap don’t lie to me

All right you lied to me T you told me the drawer controller could reach 12 blocks in a radius it doesn’t it’s not even close is it wait they’re not connected okay hold on hold on a second hang on hang on hang on that’s one block that’s one two three

4 five 6 7 8 9 10 let’s just try that for now I don’t think I need to go any more than that ouch all right all right it works that’s a lot of drawers I don’t think I want drawers here either I think I’d like this 2 by two segment

To be kind of like like aesthetically appealing somehow why how’ you say that dude you’re not forgotten I hear a creeper above my head why not put the controller in the center of the floor um cuz I this is not meant to be like accessed all the time it’s a lot of

Torers like the idea here is that I don’t have to come to the basement to access these things right like the everything from the storage ideally should be able to be accessed right here in these blocks um I shouldn’t ever really have to come down here unless I need to adjust things

Regarding the drawers and the the giganto chests um at least that’s the plan which is kind of why I’m trying to not do that these one by ones dang it I wish I didn’t do that What are we looking for we’re looking for Birch this actually needs switched out for now I’ll put that back later we’re not ready for it yet all right Birch I’m hoping one more stack will do it it’s going to get expensive and then we need oh Bal and

Calite Frames this you not you where did the basol go D that looks good I think that’s a clean looking design for the the trim that’s so many drawers dude if we can’t fit like nearly every single item in the whole game in this amount of drawers we’re doing something wrong I think

Oh my gosh uh okay it’s fine it’s all right what is that oh that’s um got it that’s load my soul diffuser on I need five more drawers did I see your latest post on Discord which one oops where at wait which Discord I must not see

It what do I need four five more drawers oh I was supposed to make compacting drawers too hang on I think a compacting drawer requires drawers it does that’s fine General baly I don’t even see you talking in there I don’t oh dude I freaking thought I was

Talking to Dad bod for a second I do see that well why are you making vanilla Farms huh what is this we’ve had this conversation I I got shredded in my chat for making a vanilla Farm in Vault hunters and this man’s making industrial vanilla Farms all of a sudden he’s the cool

Guy what the let’s make this whole segment right here let’s just do like this segment right here as uh compacting drawers I should get some scaffolding all right these can be turned into drawers but wait yeah those are one by ones that should actually be turned into drawers first compacting so I’m going

To what do I need 1 two 3 four five six seven of them if you don’t connect that back corner with the trim it’s not going to work I did I did connect it I figured that out already you can share it well but the problem is that Harry

And Simon aren’t here so like those are the guys that do the majority of the Flaming so uh don’t I wouldn’t worry about it man that is expensive isn’t it chromatic Steel VA diamonds ex ordinary Lamar that’s two drawers man it is the all diamonds and what else was there this

Stuff the chromatic steel God why though why why do you need so many melons like what’s even the point I mean it’s cool I’m not saying it’s like dumb but do you need thousands of melons per hour I’ve gotten by with like 11 pieces of melon since day one all

Right drawers are kind of set up so this is a 10x 10 no no sorry a 10 by S so 70 there’s 140 drawers here all with two slices except for the compacting drawers oh you’re running your base off melon power well that would make sense right that’s good all

Right let’s make these trims look cool drawers there are trims I just need to keep things straight and not make a mess on myself what wait can you not frame okay got it I want this to look different than the the top half I want it to be darker

But metallic as well so I’m thinking like black stone my mouse is dying man what else do we have to work with here how much iron do I have not enough calite and then I don’t know we can do smooth Stone as well let’s see what this looks like oops

What let’s turn turn you into something else polish Black Stone Factory blocks would look cool Factory what that’s cool looking I like that I can’t find them for some reason that in the architect blocks unless they’re called something different laboratory Laboratory that’s not labora laboratory this this concrete it’s basically

Concrete what wait does this do anything does it Chrome is this not concrete am I tripping that looks like concrete oh the ones that look like steel plating I think they’re literally called iron plating like this stuff that looks cool I think I could that’s eight blocks let’s do that

Like that that looks cool we can always change it I think my inventory dude you like the rivets oh you guys are killing me there’s so much stuff in this game man what what are the rivets look like I don’t know what a Riv it is all right that’s my

Trim that does look good I like that it’s kind of exactly what I was going for is the texture on the Block oh the ri okay sorry I thought rivets was like a block it does look good what about the hazard block black concrete yellow Concrete what than thank you DB crap right so that would connect there UNM tanium is really cool I don’t like the look of UNM tanium though like it’s all right but I almost think that does look good this needs to just come up the side like this whoa wonder why I did

That huh all right that looks nice that’s not bad at all what about like vents we’re getting into it today concrete stone cut into vents hold on hold on hold on phone it’s actually a visual glitch oh okay all right that’s fine no big deal I wish they would stack properly though

That’s a little bit annoying but it’s fine concrete concrete I wonder if I can use this where’s my stone cutter at or am I going to find out this is not the same type of concrete concrete powder oh wait no that’s something different concrete powder can be made

Into concrete by making a 2 by two let’s try this is this going to work wait wait oh it works all right little cheesy little cheesy and then we take this and put it in the stone cutter concrete plating nailed reinforced concrete reinforced concrete so I want the vents

You thought you had to place Concrete in water I think you do but this is something different this is like this is a a strange I don’t it doesn’t specify what mod this is but this is not regular concrete [Applause] this needs to get off my hot bar before I Break Stuff dang It all right we’ll get there I’m going to cover up the ceiling maybe with like slabs oops scaffolding might help I think you’re right it would it would absolutely be pretty useful is this the same length it it better be I’m going to be mad at myself if it’s not it’s freaking not

Dude how’ I do that that needs to be drawers got to I should I think I have Scaffolding in my storage I don’t like that one who dude what the heck that’s all right we’ll change the floor anyway that’s going to come together pretty well dude I like this block this caution

Block or Hazard block it looks good I do need to fix the roof somehow if you want to keep it you can make pavement blocks on the floor or even want to keep going pavement wait oh Asal I was going to say I don’t like that that doesn’t look good as asold

Interesting it’s like more subtle concrete powder and stone I’m going to have to make more concrete powder what about trap doors I need something flat something flatter than a half slab can I make a frames trapo no I like the the asphalt looks good framed glass trapdoor wait wait wait wait no

It’s it’s this Frame trapo you can make frame friends trap doors and make that yeah I know what you meant I know what you meant all right so I need these frames we are going to mess around with this this is actually going to be a really interesting block

10 I need like almost 20 of them dang it how do I make this again I think it’s scaffolding uh the trim can stay in my inventory whoa okay I think it goes like this yeah it does let’s maybe keep some of this let’s work with some of the scaffolding

Huh this is when a creeper just like falls through the holes in my ceiling bites me in my mouth oh I need a I need a place for power too let’s not forget about that probably like right over here I think that would be cool don’t do it don’t I was going to

Say all right um good enough let’s do something okay Sharky left the game what the heck dude let’s do something like this dang it dude oh did I not make I made one short and then I think what we can do is just take this Hazard block and click it click

This pretty sure if you hold jump you will Ascend it it does this like weird thing though it’s fine no where is Mr Sharky sir take it easy oh I love that it connects like that dude thank goodness I wasn’t sure if it would or not let’s do like let’s move this

This let’s see what else we can make out of these frames wait what I’m oh you meant if I’m on the floor oh if you’re on the edge of the scaffolding you what you guys confuse me sometimes button what is this a hammer right click on a frame or Illusion block

To remove its content without destroying the block okay frame fence gate pressure plates walls illusion Blocks place and right click with the block of your choice and the illusion block will take the whole model of the block if you for example take a furnace the illusion block will have the front

Sides top and bottom of the Furnace like a real furnace hence the name illusion block okay why not just use a furnace as the frame I don’t know understand the illusion block cycle through all possible textures I should make one of those I need a stick in a piece of gold a

Paintbrush change the color of add-ons okay so stairs oh that sounds cool framed bed stairs can be turned into something else yeah so we can make this like Edge slope out of stairs let’s try that hey he Oops there might be a bit much for my brain ain’t that cool right so then I can take this there and do something similar with the frame trim we’re sorry but this block can’t be displayed sad okay what if I just take the pl old plating

Block that block would be cool if you made a roof out of it it would be wouldn’t it cuz I think it goes like it’ll go here too we’re coming up with things here we’re breaking ground okay let’s make more trap doors and then let’s make a bunch of half

Slabs you can’t use frame blocks to make it look like you have the original H gotcha well the the thing is with the frame block or sorry not this Frame block the thing is with uh this framed trim oh I guess because it’s trim I didn’t try man I like the idea

Of taking like this block and putting three other blocks around it to kind of like manipulate the full color scheme right you can do the trim of it you can do the face of it and you can do the the background of it right cuz like this

Framed trim is is different than this plating block right it’s got the the face of the plating block but the trim of the the smooth Stone and I like the way that looks so like it’d be really cool if you could put that onto the illusion block

And make all sorts of shapes out of that all right hold on do I want yeah do hold on a second you couldn’t I wish I could do like a half one Uh all right so we take that put all all that there we take this and we add that the whole way around work with me here hold on and then we work ourselves into half slabs to kind of like gradually slope upward or maybe like no let’s rock it for now hold

On oops where am I going with this I don’t have uh let’s make some more slopes okay why don’t to just make a crafting table and bring it down here some of these some of these These you know what’s interesting about this is that uh like the the way I like to build man I like to uh try to find the shape first and then do the texturing and what this like allows me to do with these framed blocks is literally find the shape first and then

Add the texture after without having to remove anything it’s interesting and I like it it’s a little bit expensive though centered Centered it connects like staircases dude I wasn’t sure oh zombie you’re very loud he’s so Loud oh that turns back into blocks that’s fascinating like can I it turns these back into blocks D these things are awesome bro get out of my neck zombie you’re 100 miles away and I feel like you’re inside my pants Baby the trap doors are bit expensive but they’re nice cuz they’re flat not The what whoa it goes to a vertical slab dude what what is this game who made this and why are they not like absurdly freaking rich oops That’s crazy dude the vertical half slabs have like changed my life I should make that wrench that would be real convenient oh it destroys the block

Oh did I goof this up I did I did let’s make that wrench and fix this cuz this is a mess where’ the rest go all right good enough wrench so I need a piece of gold I need a stick and then one of these frame blocks which these frame blocks are ridiculously

Cheap oh it didn’t break the block wonder if I can recut this concrete right poo poo dude I can’t that would have been super nice all right wait piece of gold a Sak and one of these blocks or no I was supposed to make a hammer this changes the do how many

Textures it doesn’t look like it’s doing much something like that where do we go with that from there I could actually turn these slabs into the ramps I feel like that might look a little bit Better okay wait there’s two blocks on each side here which means there needs to be two on this side too I don’t want to get this too messed up I feel like I have extra reach in this game too and then I’m going to need more Ramps yeah just like that okay whatever dude scaping sucks Is this not no it’s going to end up uneven so I think that like this left side is going to have to be a different pallet something like that right so I need more of those plating blocks and then what else do I need more plating blocks don’t need those don’t need

Those and more of the concrete unless I want to get away from that how do you make concrete powder what’s that so you can do it with slag or’s just plain old concrete powder or does it it must have to be dyed okay so you can change the color of

It so we need sand we need does it have to be Slack no it’s gravel and then something for die sand gravel and die it doesn’t matter what color it is that makes eight cool oh it does but you don’t even have to freaking make it in a 2 by two you

Just throw it in there oh oh my gosh wait it makes more un I’m drunk I don’t know oo a wealthy modifier just wealthy there’s no negative how many of these do I have oh not enough 1392 wait a second what a g dude side I’m glad you’re here buddy three chaotic

Focuses those are horrible I I don’t uhuh I don’t like the idea of a chaotic Focus that makes me uncomfortable makes me feel like I’m screwing myself over oh and I needed to make more of the plating which I think was iron and iron nuggies iron isn’t it iron pick Ha

Plating that that’s what I want that’s all my iron well it is what it is that can go up what else can go away I don’t think I need the water bucket on me and this wrench kind of sucks I didn’t realize that that sucked like that the Hammer’s dangerous let’s put

That up too what what am I doing I should just make more scaffolding that’s okay we’ll make it work oh my gosh dude I freaking hate scaffolding so much it’s so stupid whatever dude we need a way to light this up too and I’m wondering if like if I take like say

A Glow shom Block and I put it on top of one of those frame blocks is it going to like actually produce light H n of course not dang it that’s actually fine though cuz it doesn’t really need to be like if it’s going to look like the block I might as well just put the block down right or do I want lights hanging from the ceiling hey Zeus hey buddy what’s going on

Dude how you been man I hear a creeper just a creeping Uncle Monk to what’s up dude oh what the heck did I just do I think this needs to be one of these and I think I might mix it up actually you bought R six recently what’s R six

Lasagna that actually sounds delicious right now all right I’m just debating on what’s going to go here to kind of break this up actually you know what let’s do something like this let’s um I should make that hammer I think that would make things easier Tom Clan’s Rainbow Six oh nice man are

You enjoying it I’ve heard it’s a very very good game I think I missed him me it doesn’t need to be the frame blocks it can just be the blocks it’s good cool dude yeah I kind of always wanted to give it a try but I just never got there

To play that game I’m glad you like It excuse me I dud those kind of games do get serious they get competitive man archit and architect should try Super Meat Boy what is Super Meat Boy about I’ve never heard of that one what am I doing how do I what do I make this next these diagonals I think this looks

Nice but where do I take it from there I kind of want this to be a light that comes down can I climb please thank you whatever that game’s called wait what oh only up dude I’ve actually played only up um I’ve beaten it too and there’s like a whole playlist dedicated

To our only upst streams on the channel uh I actually I redownloaded it again recently um kind of sort of thinking that maybe we we’d play through it one more time I don’t know maybe it’s about that you’re in a cube but alive and you need to jump over saws

And traps to rescue your son interesting okay very interesting you’re going to watch the whole whole series it’s not very long um which is why I kind of thought about going through it again cuz it was a ton of fun it was frustrating there were uh

Some moments where I was like I hate this game I don’t want to play this game anymore and I definitely like I went through spurts where I was like all right if I fall I’m just going to play something else for the rest of the day you know I mean it just

Uh it it was good dude I had a really good time with it and I I think I might be interested in playing it once more once once again especially cuz like I know you guys enjoy that kind of stuff thoroughly right um and if you guys are enjoying it

Then I’m enjoying it right what’s that one G there’s so many games wait do I know any of the glitches no I did the whole thing legitly um I mean I used beds but I don’t think they’re considered glitches I think they’re intentionally put in the

Game this looks cool dude I like the way this is turning out I need more of those glow stones though I would definitely be interested in playing um what did you say that game was called again super me boy um I’m interested in all sorts of games like

That I I don’t know like something small simple and like just enjoyable all around and I I do like the difficult games that doesn’t mean I won’t rage uh glow stone uh I think this needs to be is it the bnst table no Scholars table that’s what it

Is I got to keep an eye on that table I’m going to recut this to make it look differently too what goes there oh it’s polished glowstone uh I don’t think that works the way I think it does I think polish is a different mod boom boom I do like that block

That’s a nice looking bit of Glowstone dude that looks cool I I don’t know about these like kind of like jittery textures that it’s got going on there um but when you’re directly underneath it that looks freaking nice all right now I think what I want to

Do is run this all the way up here on this side That’s going to get weird right there what whoa dude it’s going to get weird right there too I don’t I might be going a little bit over kill with this block here I’m actually going to back it off I think that’s too much it’s a cool looking block but I

Don’t want to like break the the game here I don’t want it to be too much so that’s going to be drawers right there and that’s going to make up this entire wall with drawers but this is going to B ug me that it’s not quite centered okay wait a

Second let me S res situate some things here I don’t like this um it needs to be moved a little bit where’s the center going to be if I break this back like one block oops that’s a furnace dang it dude I keep poking holes in the

Ceiling all right so something like this right nope other way I hate the scaffolding dude I should have just made the freaking ceiling shorter all right so that is going to change like the whole thing a little bit it’s a little bit laggy in here wonder if it’s these frame

Blocks cuz that’s kind of maybe going to be an issue s all right that’s going to still go on this corner here that corner there this corner here concrete blocks 1 2 3 and four it is laggy something goofy is going on I hope it’s not these frame blocks

Cuz I really like them and I want to use more okay uh uh uhhuh what’s going on game relax stop geeking all right that would be that right so that [Applause] oops is that not still centered no it would literally need to be moved over to the side but maybe that’s fine

There I don’t know I could rip out the staircase and just straight up go with an elevator I think that might be the move that way we don’t even have to think about a staircase and putting a big old fat wall in here dude I got to pee I got to pee really

Bad I’ll be right back time out sorry about that you know what I just realized you guys can’t hear the freaking music I’ve been playing all day it’s been two and a half hours you haven’t heard a single freaking song dude there’s something wrong with OBS and it is not not registering this

Freaking window for the music it’s going now sorry man that’s my bad I just need to make sure that I’m paying more attention to it it breaks uh for whatever reason this feature in OBS that allows me to split audio it like it needs to be completely reset

Every single time I I start streaming and I don’t really understand why cuz it’s working perfectly fine right now but like tomorrow when I go to start streaming again I’m going to have to bust it down and start over again with it whatever sorry guys it’s been awfully quiet in here right Or I could just expand the Drawers I could bump the drawers out one more right cuz well no I would need to go out two more yeah I would need two more sets of drawers on each of these sides which I think I can swing that I’m going to need more smooth

Stone I was going to need to make more drawers anyway Stupid scaffolding man it just doesn’t work right for some reason it’s not this what is it frames trim I’m probably going to need whoa that was really odd probably going to need more frames Trim no it needs to go out two More oh my goodness D I’m about to punch this Scaffolding in its mouth man I I can’t get it to work right for some reason and then I think this goes all the way up to the ceiling if I could crouch on top of the scaffolding that wouldn’t be an issue

But you can’t because you just fall right through it it doesn’t make any Sense actually that’s that’s fine I can stay that block I just want to stand on the scaffolding please uh one two and three of you fill that in we could do with some more vents now where’ these other blocks go I know I have more of them maybe I don’t plated concrete

I wonder why I’m dropping so many frames dude I can’t can’t imagine it’s these these frame blocks that’s pretty Fierce please I should have just made an angel block holy Crap I literally could make That it’s incredibly expensive and like so unnecessary but I could make It Right expand it up too I’m sure I’m going to run out of these right I might actually have like the exact amount wait birge trim okay wait I think I can tuck that in behind yeah yeah I think I can tuck that in behind and not have to worry about framing

It oh my goodness now why is that uneven how is that possible it should be exactly like this two and two and two and two oh duh cuz this goes up I know what I’m doing All right and then I can put another one of these bad boys in here and then frame that and make that caution and frame these two oh goe if I could like literally do a single block placement without just like flying off the the stupid scaffolding it would be a good

Day bam just like that now we’re going to need like a load more drawers this Birch trim can be hidden in the back here yeah and then that’s all going to be touch in the drawers so that’s fine I can just save some some bles all right now I think I want the

Compacting dra to be on the bottom just for the sake of like a looks just so they look a little bit cleaner yeah D I’m lagging so bad for some reason so all bad if I find out that these framed blocks are what’s causing the lag I’m going to be pretty

Disappointed but I I can’t imagine dude like there’s no freaking way I’m going to blame Sharky it’s his fault the lag game what thank you how’s that work okay wait a second cuz there’s supposed to be technically right here this would be caution tape bro if I had a freaking penny for every time I heard from hitting the freaking ground I’d be a rich

Man all right we do need a way to power things so I I think that these drawers may end up being just literally one block too far away maybe I’m not positive yet we’ll find out but uh all right so let’s just make this a part of the basement

Too I’m going to I’m want to ask Sharky if he’s lagging too what the heck all right so I’m thinking in terms of thinking in terms of without this staircase here all right let’s MO mimic this let’s do like the same kind of drop down sort

Of ser thing that we got going on on this side oh my gosh on this side as well and then in this segment is going to be like our power source now I know it’s not going to take up this much space uh but that gives us plenty of

Room to work with and make it look cool right that man’s got more melons than he knows what to do with plating block plating block I think I’m out of these trims I like the way that trim looks let’s do that nice Nice uh I have no idea how those other side’s going to end up turning out but I do know I want to bring this down so I think this will work out nicely the way it’s looking now plating plating plating all right we got plenty of plating for now I’m going

To probably run out though need to smell some iron or something can I please just stay on the stink and Scaffolding I’m going to start using dirt I don’t like scaffolding man I think it’s stupid it doesn’t work right it’s like maybe I’m dumb oh my

Lag holy crap um maybe I’m just dumb but like dude scaffolding broken it broke I’m still lagging I wonder what’s going on today usually it’s not like this I don’t really want to Loop this like this ventilation the whole way around I feel like that’s too much much yellow oh

Dude all right so now this needs to come down I need like some sort of foundation I think I just want it to be this trim cuz that just looks nice at least for like an outline oops that’s too that’s not right hold on something like that is this right I

Mean no dude what’s my brain’s like not counting right today hang on a second I’ll fix this now how’d that happen I’m Too Fast Too Furious okay so that corner is closed off by the drawers so like in theory this corner should be too but I think I

I want to not have that happen I want to like I want to round this corner in and I want to put this trim diagonally there and then likely do the same thing the other side but is that going to offset that funkily it might but I think it should be okay

Let’s make some more [Applause] B drawers oh drawers okay hold on a second I should turn these into frames drawers I don’t think I can turn these specifically into 2 by tws though or two 1 by tws unfortunately what the heck okay holy trim okay that might have been too much

I’m jumping in Discord quick it’s so much easier than typing back and forth all right Birch trim I need more sticks holy crap my inventory is a mess all right let’s put that away I don’t need those I don’t think I want the slabs the polished black stone can go

Away the concrete can go away yeah and then this can just stay just in case I want more of those bad boys but I can’t see myself using any more than that all right we got the trim I need sticks did I freaking screw this up

Again did I just make all that trim for no reason ah I made all that trim for no reason dang it dude we going to I need a whole drawer just for trim you got to like straight up just make frames trim all right that’s way more than I need oh my

Goodness what’s he saying I’m afraid that if we jump into Discord together I’ll be like you want to do a vault and I’ll be like all right so it’s like ditch in the building plating blocks plating blocks let’s get a little bit organized here get that out it was smooth

Stone what was the other one was it the plating block yes it was oops why did I come back up here I had plating blocks on me that looks so good dude I love that to be honest we could use trim for just about anything it’s a reasonably cheap something Okay what do I want to do here okay that was right am I doing this wrong what am I Doing this is the problem about like building an like freely and without planning anything you got to bust it down constantly all right I I see the issue I see the problemo here so like that would potentially be another um that’s going to look bad though no we’re going to have to do

Something like that one block two block uh this gets turned into this good job there we go now we’re cooking so then this gets changed I noticed the lag pick back up I think it’s the melons calling it I’m going to call him the freaking melon man what the

Heck all right how much are elevators I’m going to need them I have them what a g I’m going to have to reroute this power like all the way upstairs somehow that’s going to be an interesting thing to do I don’t think it’s going to be too

Tough to actually move the power but to make it look nice that’s going to be the challenge right um cuz we’re going to want it to come up through there but what if we what if we wanted it to show right what if we brought piping along

The ceiling or something or not even along the ceiling but like what if it like was lower than the ceiling like halfway down so like this wall here I’m thinking is some sort of display for representing like our power collection so gears and Bobs and dings and

Dongs and all sorts of things that just kind of look cool Right what do we have an hour on this I’m broke anyway I don’t have a single soul Shard okay uh I have a very specific item that I want to use here but I have no idea what it’s called that’s what it’s called so there’s all sorts of stuff

That create I think offers oh this is create and create just loads cool man that’s interesting All right so this can be caution table on the floor and then I think we’ll just take this theme like the whole way around I don’t know how we’re going to make this other thing work with the um the the mega chests but we’ll figure something out and that’s what I’m thinking is

Going to be like displayed on that segment of the wall so like it’s not going to directly line up with the upstairs section that is like attached to the house which is okay that’s not a problem but we do need something to back this wall up we need something like in behind

It to to work as like a bit of a platform for us and you know what I would like to do let’s make some Pistons I don’t think I have any no so I need a stack of that I need some kubal some red stone and I think oh no we need iron that’s plenty for now let’s smell that Though Whoa what’s that a mechanical piston andesite casing all right so create I think is a little bit unavailable to us at the moment these are just going to be like decorative Pistons right I saw this thing that I kind of wanted to try totally uh didn’t find this on

Another YouTube channel anywhere I swear actually I’m lying I I saw Tango Tech do this thing with pistons that is like decorative that I freaking loved man I was like that is amazing look at look at that how cool is that tell me that’s not like

Incredible like I like that a lot I think that’s a very interesting design um I don’t want it there though this needs to look a little bit more like a picture frame on almost cuz it it doesn’t really need to be three-dimensional it could be but I don’t think it needs to Be I don’t know we have so many blocks to work with do I need to use those Pistons I think this should be frame up here the heck no no it’s odd it gets like a different oh jeez it gets like a different npt tag whenever you pick it up like that it

Won’t stack again know man we have so many blocks to work with I feel like this is a little bit unnecessary it is very cool looking though I like that a lot I could do that and then Implement something different on the left and the right I wonder if I could make stuff

From create but without like actually buying it cuz like these cogs and stuff would look super cool wow what the heck why that’s shafting oh jeez an aite alloy it’s a little bit expensive the fluid pipes would be pretty cool sayon day what’s up dude how you doing copper plate copper

Sheet how’s the disc wait how’s the Discord message what what are you talking about hey wait you calling me a donut right now is that what you’re doing you calling me a donut I like this tank a lot that’s very cool looking there’s so much stuff in here that’s really cool

Whoa block of experience that’s sick looking those are sick looking too I like these Bloods a large water wheel is there a small water wheel wow it takes a freaking POG to make a water wheel andesite alloy is not too bad a potato or a donut call me a a ponut a

Do a Don I don’t know how about you just be nice to me okay how’s that is that too much to ask what uhuh all right let’s uh let’s goof around with some of that I don’t know what this thing’s for but I have a feeling it would

Actually turn if we did stuff with it and I’m also I have this feeling that I’m not going to be able to make these Blocks MH all right let’s start simple let’s try flid tank so we need copper sheeting just kidding we need copper plating so we need some copper four pieces of copper one chromatic and some laramar we’re going to start small uh you you you yeah I need thermal expansion that

Sucks all right let’s put all that away you go away that sucks cuz that’s some those are really cool looking blocks man like super cool looking and that’s the thing we have the flywheel all right let’s get out of here let’s not even look at it don’t worry about it

Let’s find some other cool Stuff I want like something like like I was hoping that this fluid tank was going to work um so that I could just like put fluid in it for funsies I don’t want it like I don’t need it to do anything right now I just want it to look

Cool plating block turns into pipes what’s this sun metal bars oh like oh no that’s not what I thought it was what the heck is that oh it’s the background all right uh uh-uh what’s that living Rock manag glass that’s another mod I think that’s botania can’t be doing that hovering

Hourglass that’s cool looking what the heck is that an Ender air Bottle uh most of the stuff we’re not going to be able to use unfortunately I guess I could just do straight up glass and then just put fluid behind it like some lava behind It All right hold on a second let’s make a campfire um I think a campfire needs some logs some let’s like make more than one campfire coal what’s he doing out there I can only make one what what I what am I missing logs that guy is so obnoxious dude I’m

You’re going to have to go Son bro I don’t know what it is with the mobs in the game being like ridiculously annoying you you’re useless to me all right I think I want some like magma cubes or magma blocks whatever we can smell a little bit of

The billions of blocks of sand that we’ve got downstairs we’re good a aat you freaking donat this sounds like a something from like the 1700s like somebody’s name All right I am going to need some lava for this but the glass let’s maybe what can we do with glass can I go in here it can but it looks like who what can we do with glass right I’m thinking frameless Glass reactor glass nope stained glass stained glass structural glass actually steel oh mechanism gosh darn it I just want to build I want I want make cool looking stuff dude I just want it to look nice what about how do you make framess it’s got to be died who

Why hello what’s up hello what’s up dude oh not not much uh I apologize I am using my headset it’s all good I have sponges if you uh need to do some water clearing cool uh I think I’m all right for now but thank you uh bone

Meal well you know the you know the saying Thrive together yeah I know it frameless glass all right steel is there any other way to make steel I think you need that mod is it mechanism yes I don’t think there is another way no there is not I’ve been sitting here

Feeling all disappointed cuz I’m like I’m trying to build something that looks really cool and everything that looks cool in the game is like locked behind these mods yeah yep dude what is that Enderman doing in my house he just like walked in my front

Door or he jumped in the hole in the ground ran up my staircase and into my House just wanted to say hi I guess well he got dead dude naturally yeah Brak off freaking llama spitting at me I am cranking a bone meal for you now oh for real oh yeah cool dude thank you maybe not necessarily for you but uh you are more more than welcome to to

Take as much as you need I just I have to do something with uh my excess melon stuff at least for now all right like um humble brag I know but I am I am Suffering From Success you are the melon man I don’t even like watermelon the man of me what

Really no I’m just kidding I love it I was going to freaking lose my mind um yeah you’re you’re the man of many melons now that’s what you are known as true true that true that so that’s where the lava is going to go and that c is going to come all

The way down here that’ll look cool man I wish you could turn frameless glass into like trap doors kind of like a window pane but like flat up against a block you know what I mean yeah I think create sadly has something like that I think you can use a frames trapo and

Turn it into glass maybe does it not open yeah it does oh bro oh that looks so good I love these framed things dude just want to freaking yell at it it’s so cool might have to drop by and check out what’s going on oh dude you’re you would

Be kind of excited about this it looks so good I’m thrilled with the blocks in this game dude like it’s so exciting for me I’ve just like I’ve never had this opportunity to before and like I don’t know I I know it’s like locked all behind mods and stuff but I’m having fun

Yeah unfortunately there there does happen to be a few aesthetic blocks behind mods like I can’t I can’t see why I can’t you can’t make Like Flint blocks or something without without having a thermal series unlocked but you can make flame blocks you for sure can make flint blocks

Um well yeah Architects pilot blocks but not uh not the other one is it flipped it might not be no maybe it’s not Flint cuz the block of Flint’s kind of clean dude oh it’s slag slag block oh yeah that’s a really cool looking block dude you want some no no thank

You please no oh what do you have a lot uh no not I don’t no just please take something take anything from me what do you got that looks cool can do anything from thermal series now nah wait wait a second wait a second wait a second there was just something I

Was looking at that I was like oh man I wish I could build that but it was from thermal series oh wait I think it required steel what was it oh it was something from create say something about steel yeah it was something from create that needed steel and Steel’s unlocked through

Thermal Series so sorry not going to happen you just said three different mods and create you said mechanism the first time oh did I sorry it must have steel must be from mechanism I don’t know why I thought it was from thermal series it something

That I was looking at was has um uh brass crate does brass okay uh mechanism does steel and thermal Series has a has a couple has like constant Constantine bronze uh or no bronze oh invar signalum lubi you know what it was it was the copper plating is

Used to make the fluid pipes so like copper plating is used in create that’s what I was thinking of and I can’t make the copper plating because it takes thermal series but even if I wanted to make the piping and stuff like that I’d still need create true that yeah true

That yeah cuz I can I can definitely make I can definitely make all the copper plating you want I can’t do much with it unfortunately yeah yeah I mean you can’t even I can’t even make a fluid pipe I did want to put like a sorry I I

Wanted to get like a fluid container oh Bo I’m sorry man I interrupted you what did you say oh I was just saying that I can’t even I can’t even like trick it by using a like a some sort of like sequential fabricator or something because I I need to unlock every

Mod to get that to work because it requires automatic genius doesn’t automatic Genius Like require every other thing in the whole game yeah pretty much what’s the point have an automatic genius if you have everything else um so you can like do autocrafting got it all right there’s I

Mean like there’s just like a lot of there’s some stuff that maybe you want to automate yeah all right do you know like this is a silly question but the the carpet does does the smoke from a campfire go through a carpet I don’t think so all

Right there only one way to find out there are there are no silly questions there are no stupid questions unless someone just answered it ask it again you’re going to eat your words here in a second do you know what a dut is a donut I don’t know what’s the T with

You not even close uh it’s a that’s I guess that’s Simon’s new nickname for me it’s a mix between a potato and a a donut not that’s a stupid question how’s the the storage management it’s going wonderful how you doing we’re getting places I dude I’m trying to so I’ve got

This segment of the wall that I want to generate all the power with but I want it to look really cool I’m like trying to make it look like it’s generating a bunch of power but so many of the blocks are locked behind create that I was like

Dude those would be so cool can’t do it can you tell me what the Fator does the Fator the Fator invented by Dr Doof Doof Schurz I have no idea oh it doesn’t tell me oh it’s the like the power yeah yeah so I got a blazing one it burns it burns

Um like any anything that you can you can use to cook something in a like a furnace it burns that and creates power you have a what did you say a blazing for Naan Ator dang I got it out of a mod box but I also got a basic Thermo generator and a

Hardened Thermo generator which I think is what I’m going to be using to generate power that’s that’s crazy dude that is crazy it’s a good one huh uh well I mean like blazing blazing is like pretty decent it’s like what what making like 800 FP per tick the thermo generator hardened makes

800 per tick yeah the well the thermal generator is basically free so they it it produces a little bit less okay all right um I spent all day to be able to generate 240 hour or but I could probably sustain several uh SE several of the setup at this point

Okay do you have any like oh first of all forat I hardly know her um that’s a good one wait do you know pay do you know uh the last podcast on the left is that where you got that from um second question do you have any Cog wheel looking

Things um well you know what if you make you can make invisible frames like item frames and I can give you a bunch of like gears to put on it put in them wait what are the gears from the they’re from Thermo yeah I’ll bring gear over and you can uh

You can look at it like you have to use them in an item frame though you can’t just like put on places I gotcha oh nice love the fly wheels dude I got that from that freaking that room with the the gold in it the Pirate Cove

Room yeah they don’t do nothing but they they sure look cool when they start spinning yeah I can’t spin [Laughter] it oh it’s just like that I guess okay so uh since your magnet’s already on there’s that’s what the gear looks like okay I got you thank you

Sir are these things like expensive to make or wait can I like um it’s like four gold and one perfect layer Mar it doesn’t work on the trap doors yeah no you got to make uh you got to make an item frame I was hoping I could put it on the the framed

Block that would be weird wouldn’t it what else can you do with this thing oh I see you that’s it it’s it’s like part of a it’s part of a recipe all right I’m going to need an aquous accumulator for my decorative wall here of course just kidding I’m joking you just

Want me to give you one no I’m just joking with you is that is that what you asking just want me to give you one for free oh I stole one of your trap doors it’s okay can have it to prank me again later or something I don’t I don’t even know how

It ended up in my inventory I have my magnet turned off I think you just you got in front of me when I broke it it’s okay you can keep it yeah all right but are you sure they’re like really expensive positive dude so generous oh no is that going to

Be oh oh sweet oh do you think there’s a way to get lava and water to touch one another without like busting up and making blocks um certainly not but you could use uh glass panes in between so they’ll never they’ll never touch but it it’ll be almost

Invisible I think there is a way but I think they have to be vertical pillars let’s do something right here I need like a sticky piston that is going to get weird over here I’m I love it about it oh a water logged stair I think that still does it

Though maybe not maybe I don’t know it it does it does like oh dude if you could do like vertical half slabs and water log them that would actually be freaking sick wait a second now you might be on to something wow I’ve got one slam ball

That’s something we’re going to have to work on a way to get slime um do you have Magma Cream uh no I have 11 okay I can I can um um what’s it called centrifug it wait what what I can make slime I um I can make slime ball by U centrifuging mag

Cream okay I don’t know what centrifuging means but cool it’s um it’s well it’s an item or it’s a it’s a block that I could pick all right it just changes one thing into another uh like Center fuging like spins something around and separates like different different things from it okay you get

More than just slime like Blaze too uh yeah you get one slime ball one blaze powder cool all right or uh you could go underground and light up the rest of the underground areas we could do that why do we have slime chunks below yeah oh yeah we have so many all

Right how many slime balls do I have um CU I have I’ve been trying to collect them whenever possible Redstone quartz and Cobblestone I have 18 on me okay so just say the word no I’m good I I I’ve got what I need to make my stuff

But I just meant for future like recipes I’ve been fortunate I haven’t had a single recipe that needed slime yet I say that now yeah refined refine or yeah refined storage uses it yeah yeah it does oh shoot it does doesn’t it all right okay um cobblestone balls hunting

Time nah we’re not going to do that right now uh courtz and then what else I think that’s it and then a lever to cuz why not all right so I’m thinking like right about here right where like the lava and water would meet like a piston there yeah and

The Piston’s on a repeater that is going to be constantly like pushing it up and down and extending it and pulling it back so that the water doesn’t actually meet the lava but it looks like it it’s like making a gold block or something oops Mr muscles what’s up dude

I think that would work so like the lava’s going to oh no the water’s going to move faster than the lava oh boy I don’t know we have a bad history of jokes on this channel dude sure let’s hear a joke oops that’s not the right way I don’t think that powers

That Holy leg dude oh my gosh that’s horrible Mr muscles I don’t know if you want to continue this joke dude you probably should just like not and we don’t even have to think about it okay we can just forget that you even said anything dude are you lagging today

Laggy but uh I’m always lagging it’s like super laggy I don’t appreciate that kind of humor wait can I put glass there I think I can but if I do no what How did that happen that’s odd where the heck is that block at Simon don’t start with me today don’t do it glass that’s what I want and I have nothing wait you telling me that I’m not going to just like freaking ban your face right now cuz this is like

The second time you come in here telling racist jokes and like I don’t want to ban anybody I don’t feel like that’s fun I’m not well but let me say that I’m a very sensitive individual and I’m also a mod in his channel so if you offend me

I’m just going to ban you I don’t care be be Beaver could be nice and all all he wants I’m Canadian I’m already nice enough I’ll just ban you of R jeez well I am actually so what are you going to do about it let me just put them on time out

Wait did that not like oh that needs to be a glass block I’m learning redstone how’s that not like powering that it is powering it what the heck dude not I’m not watching your stream so I’m gonna have to see this for myself oh nice you fixed all

The the holes around your base nope never mind no no I did not we’ll get there I guess cuz the glass can’t be powered can it um yeah it can be it cannot okay so I need a melon here I think an insulator I think I need a

Melon uh do you want a wool block a white wool block it doesn’t like power this block for some reason that’s not that’s not how Redstone works are you sure yeah you need to go you need to go one more there you go I was trying to be cool about it I

Mean that that was perfect to be honest yeah moving Redstone down is tough oh how terrible is that that’s what are you doing it it’s just a repeater it’s just like a a loop that is that is causing me like the crazy lag it’s pretty bad isn’t it why why is it so Bad wait turn it on again cuz we’re at 15 ticks right now I don’t understand why the lag so bad yeah that’s eating okay well that’s like that’s kind of reducing the ticks a little bit but that’s yeah what the heck dude it’s like everything lags for

Some reason how are we supposed to run something like create I I don’t know that’s that’s that was wild dude I have never seen oh you know what what that’s supposed to be like that’s supposed to be like when you do that no I put tick on it oh

Oh okay well then I have no idea why that so bad and if I I guess if I no why is it not oh cuz I move that I wonder if I’m not in the area if I’m still going to like that hard it wasn’t a very good

Joke dude it’s horrible I can’t have anything moving around here I guess everything will be stationary I was hoping to have like a few moving things just for fies I don’t understand why it’s so laggy I feel like a piston shouldn’t cause any lag yeah I don’t I don’t understand

How how that ate like four ticks yeah and and ate half my friends that’s yeah so weird I mean it’s not like it was just bad for you it was like bad for me too I don’t know what the deal is yeah like maybe it has something to do

With with like those uh frame blocks in the glass like the moving against the blocks and that the Pistons above it as well I thought about that but like is it though is it I don’t know man oh we’re down to six text dude I’m not even using that thing I’m not doing

Anything oh okay that then that’s just the server at that point it’s got I mean I was going to say I’m not doing nothing dude yeah cuz like I I don’t know man most of my modular routers aren’t even like doing anything anymore like I’ve turned them Off uh the only like the only thing that might be kind of laggy in in my whole base is uh is that is that drawer that’s full of melons on top of a on top of a hopper I don’t know man it’s just a drawer though yeah yeah I Know I’m not too worried about it I’m not going to use of that we’ll just do something else what can I do with a gold block can we make it look cool freaking no create doesn’t lag I mean it it kind of it frames you out kind of eats it likes to eat

Frames uh agree to disagree all right let’s do a little bit of that now where the heck does that go just straight up like that I feel like you’re not very sensitive you me no I don’t I genuinely um I have a thick skin what are kind of block sorry

What I was just uh I was actually thinking about it I don’t have a thick skin I just don’t allow people that I don’t know to uh live inside my head as you shouldn’t I agree it’s harder than you think though oh yeah I’m just going to have to start

Like ignoring most people in the chat for some reason like it’s unfortunate cuz like I really want to communicate and like converse with everybody I want everyone to be welcome and have a good time but like yeah you know well I mean some people some people you know like

You gota you got to time them out yeah it’s true it just feels bad cuz like like I said I want everybody to be able to participate and and enjoy the fruits of the channel and just have a good time but like you know you can’t like say things

That are going to hurt people’s feelings shouldn’t say things that are going to hurt people’s ceing wait what what Falls but never needs a bandage 1860 that’s never what I thought I was typing into my calculator in the chat yeah okay it’s only it’s only a 30 minute timeout right yeah

Yeah no he’s a cool guy it’s just uh like some people I was going to do it I know like and it’s not even like the first time it’s happened which is like the funniest the part about it it’s like like cuz look man every now and

Then if it’s a Once An a blue moon if it’s like if it just happens one time you’re like oh my bad dude sorry I didn’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings like and then it doesn’t happen after that then freaking cool dude like it’s fine

But you come back the next day and you you do do it again it’s like well you’re just asking to get removed drew that the rain what what Falls but never needs a bandage the r see that’s a good joke it wasn’t funny but it was a good

That was an appropriate joke it’s called a brittle everything’s funny Bieber um you should uh maybe look at illuminate blocks they’re very Factory esque they kind of are aren’t they yeah and you can invert them too so they’re uh always on I enjoy this glowstone too there’s so

Many like cool looking stuff in the game dude oh yeah well I mean yeah I guess you’re like chipping you’re chipping glowstone yeah not all people are the same yeah well that’s the thing is like you never know like what somebody’s perspective is you don’t know what somebody’s been through

You don’t know like what their their feelings are right so like you don’t know what wait oh is well yeah that’s okay we love you anyway I know someone’s got to yeah could you you could make it a little easier though what fun would that be man come on Now is that going to go there of course not dang darn it dude tickity dang darn it I need more knowledge I need to be smarter I don’t know I guess if the channel is going to grow there’s going to be a point where I won’t be able to keep up

With chat anyway so like people like that will just be ignored it’s unfortunate but it is what it is I think you’ll I think you’ll like get better with with the with the chat as well though probably yeah I would hope so h I don’t know how I feel about this

Man I wanted it to look cooler than this always do a a slight rebuild later on yeah what do you call Fish Without Eyes I don’t know what do you call a fish without eyes oh is that what it is is it is a it’s yeah best riddle ever

Dude what do you call a dog with no legs a worm that was the answer sorry what what was a uh what do you call a dog with one leg I don’t know man it doesn’t matter it’s it can’t come anyway okay that’s why did Sally fall off the

Swing why cuz Sally didn’t have any arms that’s classic if you say so I need like a second generator here just for looks got through dude come on get with the program Jeez why did the Scarecrow win an award I don’t know why did the Scarecrow win an award I’m terrible at riddles man like my brain just doesn’t do riddles doesn’t work like that whoa dude what the heck if you oh I just found I don’t know

If this is a bug or not but I I made a a piece of compressed gold block so it’s got that black outline uh-huh and uh if you put it behind the frames trapo that is like covered in glass it just turns it back into a gold

Block cuz he was outstanding in his field yeah see that’s a good one too okay brazer it’s time to go you bit me for the last time I want this wheel in here man but I just don’t know how to make it work what yeah sure that works

Right sure I don’t have your stream open or anything but sure yeah Scythe did you not like that one I feel like that was actually a really good one but my brain can’t def look you said it already I know I’m stupid sorry sort of tempted to just do simple

Storage yeah dude I mean I’m getting ready to rip mine up uh uh which is kind of freaking silly almost kind of I’m five knowledge shards away from uh from refined and like a whole stack of slime balls but that’s that’s that’s a problem for another time you don’t have mod

Boxes cuz those puppies are good no I just used them all I used them all and got like two batch comp comp composters and uh yeah garbage sucks you know what else sucks you can’t freaking see water whoa dude relax steam sent me a bunch of updates you

Can’t see water Behind These stinking trap doors man why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil I don’t know why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil why I don’t see Scythe is offended by The Riddles it’s not the jokes dude I swear I just want like something to look

Nice but every time I’m like oh dude that’ll look really cool the game somehow someway tells me no it’s Point what are you want Dad what is this what what’s going on here somebody called dadbod he’s going to come put you in cuff be all over this uh he would

Be sorry I’m sorry thank thankfully for pay uh cringe cringe jokes aren’t uh or cringe riddles aren’t bannable I they might be he he keeps this up oh dude if you can’t see lava through this I’m going to lose my mind you can’t see lava through it dude

What’s the point in these trap doors having glass if you can’t see nothing through them cuz it’s uh not technically a glass trap door like are you are those a every compact glass trap door or they uh like a framed trap door it’s a framed door with like uh frameless glass put on

It uh yeah so it’s probably just like an illusion you might want to try like a like a metal glass trap door or something you can’t you have to power those don’t you to open them maybe uh well there’s also like bamboo and like there’s a bunch of different types of

Glass trapo those might work or you could just uh you know like do glass panes although I know that’ll that’ll shift forward like a quarter of a block well half a block I see why Hydro void’s annoying now I didn’t understand why at first but now I get it oh jeez

DB what do you call a well balanced horse a seesaw I don’t know what do you call a Fly With No Wings a walk that was a really bad one that’s banable dude I know so I’m being broken too dude about to lose my mind God dang it okay I’m figuring something out

Here it’s odd but it’s getting figured out answer is stable what do you what Simon that was not a riddle or a joke that was not it you see you thought I didn’t know the difference between a riddle or a joke you sir have been mistaken yeah I think this will

Work it’s not quite as clean as I thought it would end up being but it actually does look good all right I got a question for you oh boy no I don’t want it that’s definitely bandw worthy what’s the question dude do you want to take a break and run a couple

Vaults I freaking knew you were going to ask me this at some point today I knew it I like I was like if I get into Discord he’s going to ask me to do a vault at some point I mean I was going to ask you to do a vault even if I

Wasn’t in Discord I have to get this done I got to I got today’s a building day for me all right well I I need to run a couple of vaults to go dang it don’t do it finish building don’t do it Vault time you wish buddy what are you creeping outside my

House for it’s probably a creeper D it’s probably a creeper yeah probably a creeper wait men don’t seem to understand the struggles of a woman working in United States Postal Service it’s such a male-dominated industry that’s all wait that joke’s all about the delivery dead B that was bad definely better as a

Spoken joke that would be better not spoken is creeper 10 pe oh oh okay hey Pro tip what don’t break the vter after you’ve clicked the butt I’m assuming you just did that yep and it eats every everything that sucks what was it what did you just loose just a crystal

Oh it’s for oh never yeah it okay well it ate the Crystal but it’s fine it actually it actually kept it kept the data that I had completed a a crystal oh that’s good wait so did you just put another one in it and it like spit one out

Automatically well I mean it ate it ate the Vault Rock but it was still good turn your magnet off for a sec it’s off oh wow that’s cool how did that happen workk how about now what how about what are you more convinced now of is what for what what did you

Think I didn’t believe you it’s run of all oh no look look how close I am to being the all right dang it that does look pretty cool I think so too I like how you’re like using the Pistons that way I totally stole that I saw I was watching Tango’s video

And he did exactly that and I was like dude that’s awesome uh oh wait are you do you have observers pointing into each other and just powering these plating blocks no they’re not powering them they’re just a decoration no but they’re powering them no they’re like yeah they’re they’re totally looking at each

Other updating are they updating yeah yeah I mean they’re facing right so they are updating how do you stop that from happening they have to not be looking at each other you have to put like a block or something in between or happen facing the other

Way yeah like that all right I mean I don’t know if that would cause lag or not but it well yeah I mean everything everything causes lag you like it dude thank you pay I’m appreciate you dude oh thanks for the torch homie oh I’m going to need that back bud oh I

Bet I really would like to run a vault but I dude I’ve been putting this off and putting this off I was supposed to do it last time we played but then we all all we did was run vaults true true that that is it’s very true I was

There I don’t even want to run this Vault to be honest but I need the materials to finish what do you need I need knowledge oh I can’t help you in that department I’m actually completely out I wouldn’t accept I wouldn’t accepted either that one’s like that one’s tough I wouldn’t

Have given it to [Laughter] you found a server nice I feel like this needs caution around it or something like uh I have some trap doors some uh iron bars some iron bars I need some pipes or or something I need like more shapes and dimension to this but I can’t craft anything that I want to

Make oh well sounds like you uh you need to get some more of knowledge Essence bro do you have any idea how much that is like yeah nowhere in the near future well oh wait which which big which big mod did you unlock should be six oh no I haven’t unlocked any

Yeah also I I I don’t know if you I don’t know if you want to just unlock create not that it’s a bad mod it’s just it’s going to be super restrictive to try to learn it when uh when like one small water wheel is so expensive I don’t think the water wheels

That expensive is it oh it’s actually not it’s not big one yeah just the big one andesite casings are a whole chromatic iron block that sucks that’s like the main that’s like the main thing I think they’re probably towards duplicating them then right huh like youd look into duplicating them

Right no um you can’t you can’t uh duplicate andite casings no no uh the chromatic iron oh how are you going to duplicate chromatic iron then you said that create duplicate stuff no I thought I remember you saying that before um Bania duplicate stuff oh whatever the botney pots which is the

One that you have I don’t oh I do have botney pots okay going to say I don’t know ja squat dude um create create like automate a lot like a lot a lot of stuff that automates all your trees you can automate all all the your vanilla FS does does mechanism duplicate dead

Bod uh I don’t I don’t think it duplicates what the heck was that joke that’s you’re right you’re right mechanism Quint Tles course you’re right you’re right can you change the color of concrete yes you can Quint who’s Jack and why is he squatting sometimes it’s best not to ask questions I agree sometimes it’s just better better not to not know and sometimes you got to say hey Dad B finish that sentence

All right let’s get rid of this one in the corner I feel like that could use something in the corner but that might actually be a little bit too excessive I don’t know man I’m in building mode you should just run that Vault um I mean you’re my friend and

Everything but I’m not I’m not waiting for you it just Tak me that long to like get things set up all right that’s better it does need something on the sides though and I was really hoping to put pipes there is there something that looks like pipes in this game but that doesn’t

Require item pipes a d sorry what oh you uh you unlocked pipes I did okay cool I knew I was going to need it at some Point oh I forgot I have two I two pouches full of uh of Items dude dead bu stop dude why’ you you guys have to get them started you had to get that was a good one that was a good one I respect it yeah oh yeah oh that’s right it’s the steam engine that’s um uh obscenely expensive oh create dude what’s the difference between the

Different colossal chest walls um they just hold more anything other than wooden probably bigger cuz it goes all the way up to like obsidian diamond gold silver iron copper wood ah Simon you were participating yeah you’re as guilty if not more what are those things called that

You put on your building it looks like a wall but it’s not there’s objects that are on your palade palade thank you pal okay oh they’re easy to make too Yep can you do anything with these you can burn them Great that was what the problem you asked a question remember what I said sometimes it’s best not to ask questions what the heck you can put a redstone repeater on the the the frame objects and it just makes it look like Smooth Stone interesting if you’re going to bring your dog to the

Beach make sure and and bring a leash especially if you named him shark that’s a good one what can you do with plating blocks anything tread plating oh I should do that you can make pipes out of plating blocks you didn’t tell me I forgot to mention it does it put stuff in them do you can you put like lava in them uh I don’t think you can water log them can you Wrench It can you make it like see-through can you put like a you know what I

Mean I don’t think you can I don’t think you can can ah buns dude no you can’t well those are burning crap it’s okay fire spreads off I know I was just throwing stuff in lava don’t worry oh no I’m not promoting nothing I mean some of them are pretty funny

Though so I mean if your jokes were funny then I’d let you’d say them too somebody woke up as absolute Savage this morning look man Simon’s been asking for it lately true what the heck is signalum blend signalum blend it’s used for thermal it’s just uh just look up

The whatever whatever recipe it says I can make it without using the uh uh fire charge well it looks cool cuz it’s I I don’t know it’s just just like a just like a component of recipe I gotta it does look cool can you make a

Block out of it yep I bet that looks freaking sick it’s it looks exactly like signalum it’s just yep a block um if you if you click on on my induction smelter can you open it I really doubt it I bet you can I don’t do I need to well I mean you

Can make you can make signali a minute you just like throw the ingredients in whoa dude just copper and uh uh silver silver might be hard for you to work with yeah I’m not too bothered by it what is gilded Blackstone dude you can freaking um you can put gilded

Blackstone inside the chip table I bet that some of that looks sick it really does Simon I was going to play Odin ring today I was going to he swears he was going to no I was and then I was like I need to build this

House cuz it’s been forever I’m just not making any progress this stuff looks freaking sick dude oh dude that’s gorgeous I like that block I’ve been working on my thumbnails too my my freaking my thumbnails for uh Elden ring have just not been good please don’t burn this

Dude one of the the chipped gilded Blackstone blocks it looks kind of like a pig’s snout it’s like a black trim around the edges and then like a a golden pig snout in the middle yes it does it looks good there’s also the um uh the Gilded uh the Vault gilded stuff made

Out of the Gilded ingots what what you know like the um the decorative Vault oh oh oh oh junk junk yeah I gotcha junk I don’t like those very much uh I mean come on it’s got the bombo block I do like the bombo block um wait a second how do you get

The chests like if I want a gilded chest in my house just for decorative purposes how do I get that you get a you can get a guilded scroll from a guilded chest I got you and then you use Driftwood planks around it yep got it all right same with all

The other ones I’m guessing someone figured out how to use J AI I’ve been getting better what’s the fast bears what’s up dude wait was it Friday for you I I always forget that Simon’s like in the future mhm that’s right that’s right he is okay just get knowledge and get out get

Knowledge and get out well you know that’s not going to happen man I watch it be like a void Vault I mean if it is I’ll join you Soul surge very nice you’re not going to believe this is it a void Vault I haven’t loaded in yet

It’s taking so long to load in can you believe it oh yeah no it’s just a it’s just a lush cave Vault ah well that’s not as fun right dude the void Vault like specifically with the cakes is outrageous oh dude I don’t even want to

I don’t want to talk about it like not only is it outrageously difficult but it’s like freaking sick dude it’s it was great it honestly was really great I enjoyed running that Vault immensely I’m just I’m just a little salty that I died in it I know yeah I feel like now that

Like we’ve done it once we have a little bit better of an understanding about it it would be uh you know well I mean yeah now that you’re not like clicking on the crake after the second uh yeah yeah that well sorry it was the first it was the

First okay cuz the one Cake’s in the in the starting room and then you clicked on the creek yes yes I did do that what’s my opinion on Pocket Edition man oh man I don’t know I I’ve played it before it sure is a phone game that’s about all I have to say

About it if you’re itching for some Minecraft you don’t have a PC or can’t get to console yeah yeah it’s I mean it’s great for that but um I mean I don’t think it’ll compare to like I feel like they’re very different games like I mean they they might be

They look similar and like they’re both called Minecraft but I don’t know yeah well I mean that’s that’s also how console is yeah I agree barf dead but I thought you were going to say one more joke I’ve been waiting for it this whole time foror all right I’ll leave the wall the

Way it is if I have to do you need to have the lava source directly next to your generator your Fator not the Fator okay yeah it has to be on top of it the sure doesn’t have to be below it I’m pretty sure the uh the lavas source needs to to be

Underneath I got you oh I thought you meant the lava source on top that’s my bad yeah but what you should actually do is you should make a blazing Crystal block it doubles the output of the uh of the thing you probably won’t need to do it

Um for like just your your initial storage system and what whatever but it’ll it’ll help in the long run how wait what oh you need to use the energizing Rod okay yeah dude I imagine there’s some crazy stuff on Bedrock like you know Minecraft is still Minecraft you can

It’s kind of limited to your creativity right um but in terms of like raw mechanics and and just features and potential I think that uh Java Edition kind of takes the cake wouldn’t it just be like a an absolute tragedy if I uh I tried to break this like thermogenerator and accidentally

Threw it in lava that would be a tragedy yeah that’d be pretty bad right stop filling blocks would you don’t be good at this game I’m filling all the blocks unfortunately I’m filling it with like bad things don’t want to kill me get poisoned losers Blaze lanterns oh my

Gosh this stuff is expensive all right well I’m not going to use it as decoration whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that needs to not be up there that’s a little bit too expensive to be thrown on the wall like that you surprised the wait the Bedrock

Speedrun is faster than the one on Java is it really what do you know what the times are cuz that’s pretty impressive I bet it was small ant I bet that’s who did it what the heck’s that block called that I was using down there it’s not

Caution Hazard Hazard thank you oh I’m how the heck do you know that how about you slow down pal I like that block it’s very cool looking I I typically know everything I don’t I don’t know why he’s a smart guy that’s what he is I I don’t think I don’t think

Intelligence and just memorizing something or should be completed yeah I wouldn’t say that uh intelligence and and dad jokes are equivalent either oh but I got those in Spades I’m just joking all right I I have to pee again dude I’ll be right back all I’m going to

Hide in the corner though so the creepers don’t blow me up y oh how’s that Vault uh great I don’t feel like I do any damage anymore but cuz you don’t I definitely definitely don’t oh I’m getting bullied by just a tank we neither of us can kill the other

It’s very sad that is really sad are you like taking a lot of damage though are you tanky yeah I’m I’m tanky so like we just we’re just kind of like staring at each other slapping each other with wet noodles very nice Oh my leg holy crap that’s so odd I’m pretty sure bedrocks winning on selected speed but Java is the winner for random wait what for random for speeduns I assume yeah I don’t really know much about um wait you guys have an echo what is there an echo on my microphone

Um I don’t know anything about speedruns man if you can tell by the time the way I’ve taken like what is this 5 hours to do this I don’t hear any echo on your mic I didn’t think so maybe just my really really bad microphone no I don’t yours sounds fine

To me at least that’s okay M all right what was I going to oh elevators do you have elevators made yet uh no why um why do an elevator when you could just fly triple jump no just have a bubble elevator uh well you need to go down too fool yeah

Gravity yeah I don’t do that why you trying to reinvent the wheel man because create told me to fair enough bro is elevators really take chromatic steel why are they so expensive what the heck are they so expensive for oh I got the Diamond Room but I don’t even I don’t even want

Diamonds then I need some wool too I don’t even know if I have any wool I have a little bit hey do you want to do you want to mine out a whole uh Diamond Room no you sure you got that like plus seven hammer or whatever

Ah how much how much times in the vault 13 minutes ah it’s only like four rooms in nah dude it’s all yours man it’s not knowledge assd so I don’t I’m not really really concerned about it yeah uh I dude diamonds are not a problem I don’t think that we really

Need to mine that whole room out uh don’t how much of the ink o exactly eight that’s going to make me broke no no no bad spider bad spider bad a spider bad Champion spider wait what oh the elevator is a full block got it you hear an

Echo that may be on your end or maybe try resetting YouTube um it seems okay on ours I don’t think there’s an issue on on like my streaming side of things Oh directional all right how the heck do I use a elevator a jump or Crouch I thought So what oh I was not at the right block that’s well that’ll do it helps I can’t hold your hand for everything I really wouldn’t want you to yeah you like it don’t lie the only hand the only hand I want to hear hold his dead bods no I can’t get up no

I mean that’s not on that’s not for me to say either either or I met almost 100% increased mob spawns why am I struggling here it’s it’s this block my goodness oh my gosh dude I don’t know why I was struggling so hard no my brain just couldn’t compute wouldn’t know anything about

That I am actually seriously lagging today for some reason it’s like bugging the crap out of me cuz it never is like this baldi’s playing games with this what’s the floor looking like in here man what the heck uh floor sorry yes the the floor is the thing that you stand on floor

Where in this basement in your basement I don’t I don’t know you best not be creeping around my basement no fool I don’t want to be anywhere near your basement your basement’s weird two Diamond rooms by the way the game’s trying to tell you something we have a diamond Beacon

Somewhere yes we do we need it no we don’t I ran through three x mark rooms yesterday I had to give up on the on the third one because I I just didn’t have time wait really yeah that’s kind of sad Actually yeah it kind of made made me a little depresso I love those rooms man they’re like my favorite thing to go into when I’m not in the vault with you I’ll do it again I mean know such a tragedy uhhuh where the heck are the living chests man oh second next Mark

Room of the of the Vault let’s go and that Tool’s dying if you still have jewels in your system or if they’re stored in the same chunk that might be the reason that you have been throwing all of the jewels in you would be correct about that

One whoa an alert plate dark utilities is this the my third Diamond room or did I just go backwards yeah dark utilities is fun what do you do with it was it any idea what it’s for it’s for like mob farming so you can like you can push things

Around with it like you can push mobs around uh you can uh deal player damage to mobs so you get like the extra loot table okay what’s up mafio how you doing me oh goodness all the ore rooms dude I’d be freaking forgetting about that uh knowledge Essence just so

You know third uh Third x mark room can I what are you doing go I win forget about the the invol essence dude dude I’m literally run I’m like crying them all both of them have been trapped so far oh all three all three have been big [Applause]

Trapped third Diamond Room like not even joking are those considered omegas yes they’re rare that’s really sad actually I’m yeah I’m very dejected right now as you should be it could have been like any Omega room well I don’t know if they’re in Omega but they’re definitely it’s just a

Mining room right I mean a mining room is an Omega room right and well um well I mean just any any sort of like or 5% strength the I like yeah the mining room specifically is like the yeah I guess it’s an Omega dude the rain is so stinking loud for some

Reason holy crap always loud it really is I’m going to need some coconut oh wait no want do Sandstone woo and that brings my total up to six total um whatam weall it I don’t know what you’re talking about x mark room oh no uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

Uh okay well what’s this frames trim that doesn’t need to be there what is that mob’s Critical Strike from now on yeah okay time to leave well I only have 30 seconds left it’s definitely time to leave oh dude you didn’t let me go mine that room real quick eat some

Kiwis I don’t even think I have any kiwis I’m just joking oh I have two I need I need to eat them you have no idea how like in trouble I am currently I mean I can jump in and eat some kiwi for you if you need me to if I die I

Die but I’m I’m also really fast so it’s like should be that big of a deal colossal chest that’s the next thing wow I’m actually just going to Time Out n yeah I got lost how lost that lost oh I wouldn’t have had time to get in there anyway shoot dude what

Happened you got lost I don’t know I I I don’t understand how I got lost what is that chiseled coal or bricks that’s cool looking I mean I’m I’m good as long as you don’t mind uh use your soul Forge thingy no I don’t care all right the perk of um of having

A bunch of really cheap uh cheap Vault gear okay so it’s one wall each each I’m going to need like like a stack of walls you’re what your body didn’t turn you were looking backwards at me weirdo I don’t know how that like I I saw your wings your wings were like

Facing me like I could also see your face was very funny where’s the obsidian obsidian colossal chest wall oh my gosh that gets expensive it be like two chromatic steel per diamond blocks I feel like I hear I hear you need some diamonds what are you doing I definitely

Don’t need any diamonds but thank you making it rain making a rain downt I’m walking fast do you have to do anything but like oh no you need like a a colossal chest core right what about the interface um yeah you need you need the core you’re trying to

Hook it up to your store system right yeah you need you need yeah the interface and you need to plug the interface into something so the core goes in the center the interface goes does it have to be connected I’m assuming what do you mean like if if I make this thing down

Here do the interface doesn’t what I’m just looking at your stream now oh uh well okay if I make the interface or sorry if I make the chest down here doesn’t to T the um the core like the core can be anywhere be on the top bottom sides

Edges you said the interface does need to touch the core it does not it just has to be in the same chest so does it have to be a part of the chest or can I do that thing that we do with like with the drawers in the

Trim no it has to be it has to be part of the chest okay all right now this interface I can just like hit like an external storage on that bad boy and then pipe it over to my RS right yeah exactly okay exactly you

Just make sure that um I think I think RS is a lower number means um it prioritizes so you got to make sure your drawers are like prioritized I gotcha thank you and yeah no yeah no problem that’s that’s it that’s all that’s all the advice I got for you uh oh no

Dude I hate to ask but do you have four pieces of Driftwood what do you mean do I have four pieces of Driftwood do you have four pieces of Driftwood I can take how do you not have four pieces of Driftwood well I filled up my yeah

But it’s going to cost you what does it cost it’s to cost me harassing you about not having Driftwood so I filled up my drawer with it and I was like dude what am I going to do with all this drift wood so I’ve just been smelting

It ah well no then I think I think you need to S the consequences of your actions just freaking there thank you four pieces of Driftwood I know h no thank you couldn’t be me man couldn’t be me no it wouldn’t be all right and then I need some polished Vault

Stone do I’m assuming bumboo polished Vault stone is not a freaking count dude probably Not can’t believe I died in that Vault it happens hum upset spaghetti ready now does the external storage need to plug directly into RS or can I just like slap the external storage downstairs and run a pipe from external storage to the RS should right it needs to be connected to

RS okay so then the pipe comes out of the bottom of external storage and into the interface of the chest nope that’s not how that works how does it work you need you need to run a cable from your RS brain to the or to down to the external

Storage which is directly touching the uh interface is that not what I said first you said pipe what’s the difference well pipes are like a mod cables are a part of RS just trying to be concise you’re drunk dude drunk what do you mean you’re freaking drunk

Dude and I can just make a big freaking Square Cube yes you’re drunk dude what it’s like the best part of my day is harassing you you know that I sure hope so and you you even said like a 3X3 is significant like that’s a lot a 3X3 is

Pretty big um and a 5x five is like incredible all right I’m doing a not maybe not doing a 5×5 it’s a lot of blocks yeah it’s more than I thought it was going to be but it’s Hollow in the center yeah so it’s just the you know it’s just the

Perimeter can a perimeter be cubed what can a perimeter be cubed like is there oh sorry yeah yeah yeah because the perimeter is like the outside area is that like I can’t remember the math like are you allowed to call that a cube or is Cube like the

Internal I might be a little drunk actually I had to make a 4×4 I’m a little broke yeah somebody doesn’t even have Driftwood sheesh you are correct whoa oh my gosh yeah right right right I kind of want to put it outside like I want to bump it up

Against the butt of my house why do you why do you hate it uh I want to the Majesty’s your stair to get down there’s an elevator now yeah uh I how do I change the direction of this thing um you got to put the core on the whatever

Side supposedly colossal chests aren’t laggy colossal chest core well yeah if you’re doing I do a bunch of crafting through it then yeah it’s going to be should be laggy there you go it’s just not what I expected so how much space does this have so much

Now does it need to have a like if I put blocks on the top of it does it prevent it from opening I don’t know all right I got another question not okay I was going to say in the future when I have more Driftwood and I would like to expand

This um can I straight up just like start adding more blocks around the edge and then bust out the center of it I don’t know oh apparently blocks on top don’t affect it cool I think there’s there’s some there’s some sort of thing where if you a chest upgrade tool is the only

Thing that you can you can probably do to a chest while it’s down without having to break it and if I break it is it going to spew items all over the oh yeah okay okay that is like crash server kind of stuff right there okay this is

Interesting it has to be a cube yes well your boy needs some drift wood or do I do you I don’t know not this is ridiculous but what if I put another 4×4 chest beside it like does it make another another 4×4 does it make a double probably

Not only one way to find out and there is a search system right like this interface will be searchable um I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be no what there might be a highlight but I don’t think there’s a I don’t think it’s searchable if I plug it into RS and I

Type in the item into RS oh yeah okay all right I was about to rage dude okay let’s uh dump all this stuff inside of here can’t believe I did all of that crap for 29 Ence and a stack of Diamonds this going to suck this is going to suck all right let me just be very particular with the items that I pull out of here anything that I’m like this is going in a drawer does not go inside of the chest yeah yeah yeah uh-huh like anything you’re going to

Have probably more more than a stack of you should probably just roar it like you have enough drawers yeah this is outrageous to be honest man I I didn’t expect it to actually be like I I you said colossal chest I was like I don’t know I I didn’t think I

Don’t know I just didn’t think it was going to make a of actual giant chest I I don’t I don’t know how you um how you could have assumed anything else I I mean it also has an UNC colossal chest I bet you can’t guess what that’s going

To be is it going to be a super tiny chest hole in one who would have thought oh almost didn’t figure that one out I had some doubts but I knew you could I knew you’d pull through yeah I almost feel like my decorative blocks should just like freaking back off

Shouldn’t even be in there what mod is the animal jars that’s a good question hold on the The Vault that is strictly The Vault yeah it is part of this this mod pack like it was hand hand designed to uh be part of Vault Hunters I don’t I don’t know who’s on iscal team but they’re Geniuses man yeah really they’re very very good can’t remember what the uh the one guy’s name is I think it’s probably Hellfire Mage um was like was be was bothered by like when you’d open a chest with a

Bunch of in it it would like you you drop to like 10 frames or something and he like rewrote how everything pertaining to Vol gear worked wow that’s impressive just to fix just to fix that problem I’m going to be in Focus mode for quite a bit oh all day baby all day

Yeah it’s decorative uh this is going to be so boring okay I’m not Saying stop what you’re doing I I know what you’re saying but I am saying it might be worth run break just a vault just a vault just a single Vault plating that can stay that can stay you know take a break stop I dude I need to get this done

I do I need to get it done fed focuses need to find separate area I’d really dude this has been like something I’ve just been putting off and putting off and putting off so like I’m doing it now oh oh this is horrible I just lost pie in my

Chest uh oh yeah that’s bad I don’t like that you lost pie yeah my pumpkin pie uh do link cables work with this Um I don’t know h that one might be worth yeah I mean if you can hook up like a simple storage thing to it and that way you have the interface for it you don’t even have to use RS but I think I’d rather use

RS yeah well I mean like the end goal is to be able to craft out out of it right yeah exactly I see you over there oh you don’t want to do this one it’s a scav dude I don’t know if I’m a fan of the scavs I can’t make up my mind like this one’s this is a crazy one they’re just very difficult that’s the problem what I like about

Them look I’m all about the challenge but I don’t want want them to be impossible to beat and like 89 152% of the freaking scavenger vaults I get are literally impossible to complete I dude I I I mean like they’re hard but I I highly doubt that they’re

Impossible like even this one I have like I have something from every from every chest and or typ and or M and I have skeleton Wishbone zombie arms and old books and I don’t see this as unwinable I just see this as difficult well you need some new

Glasses I don’t know man they are very very difficult like even the simple ones are almost ridiculous to complete well also also when you get more item Rarity and more uh item quantity like you get more of those types of items from it yeah like yeah they’re definitely hard but

Also the um The Loot Crate at the end of it like when you complete it’s better it’s the best it is yeah it’s just dude I’ve got I literally like my whole career of Vault Hunters I think I’ve completed two scavenger vaults they’re ridiculous what wait no you

Don’t you don’t what wait I I lost the the train of the the conversation what happened okay I might have completed like three four at the most scav items are not increased based of oh based on item quantity SL Rarity man I swear that’s interesting I swear but I I could be

Wrong I mean I wouldn’t have guessed that one I don’t know I mean he has Dev in his name so he would probably know yeah yeah oh it’s so laggy it’s a slideshow it’s not that he would probably know it’s that he 100% definitely knows I don’t know man I I’ve got what

Am I wearing no you I’ve got a little bit of item Rarity and quantity going on but not much I don’t know I’ve never noticed the difference I just know that I always get the items that that I don’t need every single time constantly that’s fair whoa holy crap too fast

Do you get to see that sleeping through the night um not while I’m not while I’m in a vault all right I was just curious that comes out terracotta terracotta terta terracotta Terra I hardly knew her bad joke you know I really should have seen that one [Laughter]

Coming should have seen that one coming oh finally chest oh you heard isll talking about it I gotta isal I know know he has no idea what he’s doing he’s clueless I bet iscal doesn’t even know how to code yeah some people might call him a uh a

PO a PO donut a PO what is it a Donato a do this is so boring hate organizing Man yeah I do too that’s why I’m running a vault but once it’s done that puppy’s done I mean one of the odds I need a drawer for trinket scrap slim huh yeah I’m trying I’m trying trying to trying to imagine um anyone getting any sort of trinket amount of

Trinkets trinket SC always room to improve later right Yeah I don’t know what about the faceted focuses um you can you could you definitely can put you know like one type of fastet and focus each in drawers yeah like I I don’t know how many are in there but like I would only put fastet and focuses

In a drawer if you’re uh if you have them like close to where you’re going to actually be doing drawer stuff okay or like uh gear crafting stuff sorry I might just like stick them in a a separate chest I might like like you said like create like a a whole separate

Area just for like like gear crafting and all that and uh put them in a chest cuz they’re not sorry sorry no you’re good I thought that’s what you’re were going to do with with your um with your um uh simple storage not simple storage what what was

It called uh the drawer controller sorry I’m like oh I me I could do that you got two right yeah I do Oh I know I know where the the scariness of the uh level 50 comes from what finally figured it out it’s like all of the mobs that just show up there’s thousands of them thousands well I mean there’s a lot but I don’t know if there’s thousands feels

Like thousands yeah when you’re made out of paper like Me I’m assuming you can put a lily pad in one of the um the thingies you can okay cute that or thingy you mean uh bne pot right correct you see you know what I’m talking about it was an uneducated guess I mean what else would I have said

Right yeah that’s kind of what I was C figure out you didn’t make it easy for me but I’m figured it out oh no no I don’t like to make it easy that wouldn’t be any fun like how I could probably just use shoulder boxes or like pouches to move

All these items but instead I’m doing it one inventory at a Time for some reason I can’t bust down these potato crates I don’t know what the deal is cuz you need thermal is that what it is yeah yeah totally no you’re messing with me no I mean that’s that’s how it is lies I don’t believe you okay don’t don’t believe Me but it’s I mean like you can make slag stuff out of um with just your smelting tool but you can’t like form to blocks even though slag blocks don’t do anything well they probably do something but they don’t really see see like they do Anything do you have any wait do you know what I’m talking about I feel like I don’t know I just had to go back over that in my brain key I feel like you don’t know what I’m talking about trying to break down uh like a crate of like carrots into its

Base form right yeah but I look I’ve collected those crates before and I’ve been able to break them down and for some reason I’ve collected a few of them that it will not let me break them down I don’t know why I don’t know either I that’s why I

Was saying it like do you should be able to but I wouldn’t be surprised but I’ve done it before is the thing which that’s why I don’t really understand it which is even weirder it’s odd right yeah I don’t know unless it was a fluke and you know like maybe it

Shouldn’t have happened but it did for some reason lag yeah or something I don’t know have you ever seen horse armor as a recipe probably uh no you can only you can only trade for it oh no no no am of recipe is in like for the

Crystals uh oh maybe I’ve never I’ve never seen it but I haven’t like I don’t know if there’s any way to farm horse armor like is there like a recipe somewhere I don’t believe so now hold on let me double check like a recipe or like a villager trade or or something dungeon

Chests n city dungeon Village weapon Smith nether fortress stronghold Corridor desert temple jungle temple and City so uh villager traes oh there is villager crate for it yeah it says the weapon Smith sells them there it might be then yeah I don’t know I’ve never seen it but I haven’t

Really paid any attention to it anyway yeah well I mean like it’ be it’d be one of the rare be one of the rare ones so you’re not going to be get getting it very often I did get six nether Stars huh not recently from what when you were doing

Your when you were doing your um fault when you’re doing your single player series I got it that’s impressive it’s kind of kind of sucked not gonna lie kind of sucked didn’t have you’re saying is a recipe for Crystal yeah how is that even possible what it’s a it’s a rare item

And you can Farm you can Farm it just sounds crazy to me just sucks yeah it does that does suck dude this dude this has a ton of inventory space I’m actually really impressed dude I I swear if you come into my house one day and just break a

Block on that thing I’m probably just not going to play this game ever again uh block on what sorry nothing don’t do it why like why is it Ved up simple storage dude it’s freaking Goofy Oh you good like a crit for all of my HP holy crap that was that was gnarly dude I wasn’t paying any attention I didn’t see your health I’m not even in your party I didn’t die so you wouldn’t when I’ve Got a notification it’s just

Well we’re not in a party so I can’t see your health anyway yeah them ranged them ranged skeletons man holy oh yeah dude don’t mess with those things I mean I feel like Thorns really helps with them but it still is not great not if you die to him the first yeah

Okay well I didn’t die on the first shot I would have died on the second though all right here we go now I got to fill these drawers up I’m just going to go to sleep dude this sucks And that’s why we have feather falling I need to wait no that’s not how that would work all right that’s fine all right so laramar is going in a compression thing yeah good good idea I don’t know what else is worth going in the compression black opal and Benny um Benny is

Good well I’m dead it’s nice knowing you why you dying today man oh the Stray holy crap Champion stray Champion stray my gosh dude they really aren’t cutting any slack huh that was crazy that was crazy dude holy that was it I was a full Full

Hearts he hit me once rck me down to one I healed and then he just shot me again that’s pretty wicked dude yeah dude I should probably make a soul soul extractor seem to be I seem to go to your house a lot I don’t understand why

You haven’t done the Quest for it yet cuz I just haven’t been doing quests yeah why dude I haven’t been doing anything I know I I what have you been doing just vaulting yeah just Vault with you guys it’s tough not to and then the one time I didn’t I’m not

Vaulting I’m uh playing around with with trying to build Power Generation Well thankfully I don’t need gold to uh um uh build an RS system holy crap how about you uh I never noticed your like your hand holds up your your dude when you’re carrying it around oh really yeah you’re off

Hand that’s that’s it’s kind of hilarious so glad they changed it so that it like Works more like keep in inventory because it used to just spit all your items out oh yeah that sucks I didn’t know that that was the thing yeah kind of kind of

Sucked here’s a here’s a gold for your trouble sir my magnet’s on LOL what a gold for your trouble sir I didn’t get any TR what for my trouble yeah I left a a gold coin with you oh sure I mean I not I’m not upset where’s it at that’s somewhere thanks dude

Apprciate mag picked it up yeah another tip don’t Mar marry the first girl that asks huh here’s here’s here’s a tip don’t don’t marry the first girl that that asks yeah I heard you I don’t I just don’t understand where that came from well because I left you a gold coin

Like a like a tip for the reason your extractor I don’t know you didn’t have to do that I’m like loopy I I kind of did it as a joke I mean defitely did it as a joke you know I know Tomatoes whoa you kiss your mother with that mouth

No I know I’m missing Burger stuff ideally I don’t ever have to even access this I’m trying to be sorry go if you like run out of power or something that’s not going to happen you need like a component that’s in your your drawer somewhere nope not going to happen nopee uh-uh uh-uh

New Way who’s a must be nice it was it is how much do these compacting drawers Hold a lot 128 Stacks now does that is that like configured from the smallest I think it’s 128 stacks of the the comp thing that’s crazy that’s Awesome although I do remember having a no yeah yeah it’s probably 128 Stacks yeah yeah something like that does refined carbon go any deeper no probably not no I don’t know what else do you compress man like um I mean you can coins you can check out what I compress I pretty much

Compress like everything that that compresses like as my you know what I work towards um knowledge I compress regret chunks or regret nuggets I guess uh Vault vault in gets or vault nuggets and then um you know chromatic chromatic iron chromatic steel um wait was knowledge in there yeah all

Right eventually I’m going to have black chromatic steel um comess W redone Redstone I I compress all right cuz a lot of recipes like require uh redstone blocks yeah Redstone would be a good one you said Iron too I think right yeah Gold’s gold too CU you end up

Getting a lot of like gold nuggets from from stuff very Convenient I thought about doing gold well I was going to do I guess there’s really no reason to compress gold farther than gold blocks probably not yeah I can imagine can’t imagine needing to this is going to be so organized and so neat clean and I’ll never look at

It it’s going to be the best decision you’ve ever made yeah yeah it really will be holy nuggets dude you said you do regret nuggets too yep for that reaction that reaction alone is is what motivates me to do that all I’m GNA have to make more compress or more

Junk aying tables or something wow dude all right yeah they just kind of like eat up all of your storage they really do I didn’t know I had that many that’s kind of crazy all right um okay compacting drawers yeah all right what am I going to do like one two

Three four five more at least oh feel so good to have find storage you haven’t even used it yet I haven’t even used it but I have the option now diamantes where are they at yeah that the that moment when you accidentally click on applied energistics instead dude that would be

Horrible I’d deal but it would suck that would be freaking terrible you put compacting drawers inside your compacting drawers well yeah of course I mean that was a rhetorical question right no I guess technically you could also probably compress Catalyst crafting a lot of catalysts I’ll worry about that another

Time I’m I’m just kind of like spitballing ideas actually you know what little nuggies yeah I actually can’t I can’t see myself compressing anything else really just regret the Vault stuff the Vault Metals Iron that’s what I’m looking for right there nice yeah cuz not even like black opal’s not even really worth it no I well I’d put it in there anyway I don’t know I don’t want to spend too much like money on that stuff right but I could at this point make a

Whole bunch more I’m trying to be as organized as I can but it gets difficult yeah true true that Holy Vault nuggets oh that’s chromatic iron nuggets what do you use the Vault nuggets for again oh making Vault ingots dude why have I been making them the other way around um

You mean vulture right yeah what what no no Vault ingots yeah Vault ingots are made from like uh Vault Vault out no what do you no they’re only made they’re only Vault nuggets you’re right they’re only what was I making oh I think I was making Vault alloy maybe yeah

Probably well there’s also there’s Vault alloy and there’s also Vault to right there’s too much I can’t keep it all straight dude mhm true that that’s what the ji is for whoa whoa it’s full what do you mean yeah that sucks some of these are going to need upgrades like pretty much

Immediately I was hoping that like splitting everything into into double drawers would do like a nice little trick for me but it’s not oh boy VA I’m getting there that’s full too dude get the heck out of here oh I found a desert I found a a red sand desert and a

Normal desert they’re both South in case you wondering cool thank you I don’t think I need a desert I don’t know is there anything oh uh rabbits maybe and yeah rabbits actually definitely rabbits we’re going to need those bad boys soon yeah you’re right you’re

Right we can’t we can’t rely on on baly lava to rescue us every time no all right which one is that that’s a two that’s a Three obviously I need to put a storage up upgrade on whatever I’m going to put like drift wood in I don’t even have a single piece of Driftwood to put in my stinking drawers oh oh man you uh you need to borrow another one n I’ll just I’ll make do without it don’t

Worry I wish there was a little bit of an easier way to pull all the the wood out of this chest there you go those items definitely don’t teleport with me oh my gosh that was loud dude what did you do I I pulled all of

My wooden chunks out of a chest and I couldn’t can’t hold them all so most of them were sitting on the floor and I went down the elevator put a full inventory away went back up the elevator and they all sucked back up into my inventory at once it was just like this

Big it was really loud are Vault Suites worth keeping like should I be recycling those uh um so they have a use other than just like eating every now and then or nutritional liquefier can turn it into energy you can turn it energy uh you can get Auto feeding unlocked for the

Backpack that’s expensive sort of a late game kind of a kind of an idea did you see how expensive the auto feeding upgrade is just the regular one yeah I’ve I’ve unlocked it and used it before and what about like the ad oh I guess it’s not that

Expensive what about I see that was huh I don’t know what I was thinking was super expensive it wasn’t that though I mean it’s not cheap no but it’s not as expensive as I I was thinking it was for some reason I mean by the time by the time you get Auto feeding

Unlocked uh like the only way you could really use it if is if you have like backpacks unlocked so it’s going to be like it’s a ton of research okay it’s like 10 like it’s going to be like 10 knowledge points man hello Matt what’s up Matt wasn’t the auto feeding like uh

Like an echo or something um I thought so but no it’s uh an upgrade base a golden carrot Golden Apple golden or glistering Melon four chromatic steel and a packed volt Meat Block I swear I thought Soo dud changed that I thought so too I don’t know what the heck I don’t know

Man I I thought so I was like dude I thought that thing was super expensive but I guess I’m wrong not that it should be expensive are you thinking maybe of the junk management stuff it might have been cuz that to quote you know to use your the language that you use was

Hateful is that what I said you you you refer to horrible things as hateful yeah which I kind of like I’m kind of picking it up it’s like tier three is redonkulous ra magnetite silver scrap magnetite is what I need to upgrade for okay wait what where did my upgrade go I

Could have sworn I had another one process finder I need this this and this and this and this and this Uh storage upgrade tier four storage upgrade do I need those I don’t know what would you put a tier four storage upgrade on I have two of them um well I put it on I put it on my 2 by two chest or two by two drawers yeah but like what items

Is the question right that is good question I mean you’re always going to you’re probably always going to like run to a point where you’re going to need to put upgrades on your drawers so just slap it in there for now yeah I mean well you can always take it

Out like if you’re if you’re like man I never go past like 256 Stacks or something I got you I don’t know I’ll just slab it in some things for now and then I can move them around later I don’t know with the exception of um how expensive the templates

Are like the storage upgrades themselves are like pretty cheap it’s kind of ironic because like Emerald is like the uh the max like in the in the base in the the like the base version of of storage drawers emeralds tier five and it’s like emeralds are like basically pre free right basically

Yeah but this one is like black chromatic steel which is so ironic it’s like the opposite cost that is a little ridiculously expensive I don’t I I think black chromatic steel is expensive s yeah I think in all part in all points in this game it’s expensive most things seem to be though

Like most things are expensive yeah I mean things are expensive enough that I I took a hi Hiatus from this game the first time and played all the mods eight instead that’s actually crazy I didn’t is it is it really really isn’t all mods 8 like super grindy

Yes but also it um it allowed me to like feel less bad about like experimenting with stuff all right fair point like I I I really like learned how RS worked I learned how autocrafting worked I learned how well no no no I I knew how create worked because I uh I

Played um what’s it create above and beyond no not above and beyond uh at asra which is like a create challenge pack not exactly the best thing to do when you’re like first learning a mod pack but you know yeah kiwi ke how about these augments is there

Like you said that you just sit on them forever but like certain themes would be easier than others so once you go into like creating or no you just put the augment on a crystal don’t You how’s that work yes yeah I think you do so it it if you put catalysts on a crystal you can still put a theme on it still as well I think so yeah I think so okay like the only the only augments I’m really would ever be concerned about is

Like the Nether and the the void yeah I mean some of them are just nice you know some of them are just like that’s true like less annoying to deal with you know I don’t know the poison Vault I like because the ads are super super easy

Um most of them yeah I mean like no range no ranged mobs would uh would be nice wait are there ranged mobs in that I don’t remember uh I don’t think I don’t think so Jo just those little dudes like those tanks that throw little dudes at you oh they’re annoying but I’d

Rather deal with them than like a bunch of archers true yeah yeah if um if I didn’t get archered that last fault I would have completed at least would have survived man that was toxic holy crap I’m still uh I’m still recovering from that you know mentally I’m still trying to recover

From that rip that Simon hit me with I’m almost done dude this is going to be so nice well almost done with the Vault stuff oops oh I guess I’m going down it’s a good feeling it is should be able to make an echo right what do you do with those orange

Crystals the topad shards you make blocks out of them yep does the does the block do anything nope it just smells faster yeah okay it’s like a yeah worth four dust instead of one yeah I got you I don’t even have I have 48 in a in my

Drawer because I’ve been um been just straight voiding those yeah I’m I don’t really plan on keeping like most of that kind of stuff like uh anything that’s decorative I’m just like well I’ll keep some in case I want to use it but most of it’s going to get smelted

Driftwood yeah probably keep a couple stacks of that you know well I had like a thousand of it and I just used it really quickly trust me I’m not going to be smelting in anymore I um I’ll get more yeah that’s um that is the funniest that is the funniest thing I

Would love to see that actually um where in the where in the v did you make that decision I would like to go back and just watch that oh I’ve just been consistently smelting it cuz my drawer has been full and I haven’t been using enough of it and then

All of a sudden I was like all right I’m making colossal chests I’m making drawers I’m making this I’m making that and all now I have no drift wood it’s fine I just want to I just want to I want to rip you about it a little bit that’s all G thank

You anytime brother anytime I need a thing I need a thingy that does the the thing I need my brainy to to do the brain thing at work dude what the heck are you talking about I don’t know I don’t know either I need my brain to work so I can

Remember the smelter or whatever that I need to make so I can start cooking up the stuff for r s got it ooh ice now can ice go inside of the compacting drawers I don’t think So I have some if you want to try but I kind of recall trying it I have some too um oh I can make ice wait with your mod thermal yeah I have um I have blast chiller that’s cool I can make snowballs and Ice heck yeah I should probably start doing that

Soon salt cide I don’t know do you think I’ll need more than a thousand tough man Lou hey yo daily dose of fun yeah you’re right about that man thanks for pointing it Out I mean maybe not now but later maybe in time yeah cuz I’m like you’re going to need you’re going to need tough for um Crystal all right and you’re probably going to run like 300 more vaults before the end of the series you I am very close to being done I’ve

Got like my I have like three or four drawers left on the bottom floor and the top ones are butter you don’t understand any of it I mean look there’s just an excessive what’s that said neither neither does Beaver he doesn’t understand well I was just about to explain it to

Him basically I have a lot of stuff and I need to put it somewhere and stuff goes in these things so I put it There holy crap I actually understood that too oh my gosh I’m out of Vault cobblestone travesty truly yeah no kitten it’s not very fun I’m putting sticks in a compressed or compression bin whatever you call it you monster you absolute monster I’m so close I get to finally take these

Drawers out of here and do something with the house too holy crap dude that is true that’s True all right now I’m going to swap this over for now holy crap okay we’re fine the drawer controller is going to go on the bottom at this moment and this is going to swap to the top temporarily so now that drawer controller should be the acting controller for every single thing

Downstairs if it’s hooked up right which it’s not it is wait just kidding it is that’s what they’d like want you to think mhm I’m going to swap it out going make this one look nice should I make a drawer for my drawers holy crap I’ve got so many

All right that can go in there we got gold got this this stuff’s all growing in drawers except for that and that I can’t wait to be done with this I’m sick and tired of it I could make one for each log too cuz why the heck wouldn’t I and gunpowder

And copper and all that stuff man this is so exciting isn’t it my goodness it’s got to be done because it’s way way way way less exciting to uh be sitting sitting around for hours just opening closing grind up chests over and over yeah that’s the thing is this is

Like you you do this to better everything in the future compacting drawers hey you should uh uh you should drop by you should drop by for a sec I want to show you something really cool I’m so close to being [Laughter] done and you said not to link two drawer

Controllers to the same system right yeah yeah you don’t really want them to interact why not what if I do what if I want them to interact well I thought it created a black hole but I I just watched someone do the same thing and he was he

Was just having stuff going into the wrong chests what so you’re telling me that if it’s just drawers hooked up to the system and there’s two separate drawer controllers one on the top floor one on the bottom that it’s going to like put stuff in different

Places No it should be it should be fine he was using it to like have like half of his Cobblestone and one machine and half in the other because he was like doing a bunch of automation oh so he’s a fool is what you’re saying yeah I’m just kidding basically

Basically cuz he he like had everywhere and he he was like oh I must have accidentally like put the wrong Trim in the wrong spot cuz now these are connected okay your time’s up what am I supposed to come over there you were you were supposed to see

The lasers oh actually this oh was it too late this is going to take forever no you got like you got like five minutes for this to do its thing lasers yeah there’s lasers I like lasers come come check them out it’s actually filling a little bit faster than I

Thought all right I’ll check it out why is there grass on your door I don’t know why is there grass on my door what are you doing oh were you automating trees are you getting fluid where where are you uh I’m yeah I’m getting tree fluid I’m underneath I’m in my

Basement look at look at the lasers I like this block that laboratory block what the heck is going on wireless power Baby I don’t want that what if I stand here not a dang thing all right dude I ended up getting through um like all nearly 12 hours of that footage in what was it yesterday morning right oh I was like so confused how what what you possibly could have picked up a

Brick that I had thrown out cuz I didn’t want uneven so what about this sorry I I interrupted you no you’re good I I just that footage man like the the freaking 12 hours that we played the game and did vaults um I got through freaking all of

It in like one sitting I just blew through it dude that’s that’s kind of impressive honestly I felt good about it yeah no doubt o just bought a 32 size M um mining Jewel it’s gone nowra um yeah yeah yeah mod modular routers it’s all like Wireless I was

Going to get that but I was like I need it right now I mean it’s a little finicky it’s a little finicky yeah like you can’t you can’t have like one modular router doing a bunch of different tasks you kind of have to have like one for a specific

Task but uh man it’s way way better than having like a bunch of pipes everywhere I kind of wanted to put pipes up just for decoration cuz I thought they might kind of look nice it depends on how you do it right I mean you’re doing a more

Industrial setup yeah and I’m more um I’m trying to go for um well I mean it doesn’t look like right now but I’m trying to go for more of like an organic sort of like magic viip no it’ll be cool I feel like you could well Wireless is kind of magical isn’t it

Yeah well having a bunch of uh RF powered furnaces are not as magical but kind of magical magical in its own way oh and for some reason if you don’t like the the the lasers coming out of the router uh you could turn it off I

Figured there would be a toggle for it I would have hoped so yeah the um the drawer that’s getting um wait what are you what are you doing um you’re receiving uh wait why are you receiving melons power huh oh oh oh oh yeah the one that’s the

Sorry the router that’s sending melons into my my Dynamo to like create power M um it’s like ey level across my base so or across the basement so I had to like muffle it cuz it’s super annoying um yeah I’m gonna I’m going to

Call it dude I gota I got to go probably eat food I think I’m probably just like super malnourished and my brain’s not working because of that it’s all good buddy I will be organizing yeah dude have fun buddy I’m doing my best man it’s not really doing much for me

Though once I’m done organizing I might have to go too dude I’ve spent literally almost seven hours freaking organizing that’s horrible I’m so sorry for this stream yeah it’s kind of funny like YouTubers routinely do the boring stuff on stream do they I mean I don’t

Know yeah I mean like how many how many times have you seen like um like mining out mining out a chunk stream I mean it’s something to fun to sit and chat with but nobody wants to talk to me that kind ofu I mean you’re you you invited your most

Chatty viewer onto the server and now I play with you yes and now you were leaving yeah I’m tapping out I’m tapping out I’ve had enough of you yeah I’ve had enough of me too dude I’m about ready to freaking lose it uh where is this going to go all right

Dude you have yourself a great rest of your stream man hopefully uh hopefully get some democracy going too or something ah not today we’ll do that later wow just the whole day for for building yeah yeah yes well I mean to be fair I spent the last two

Days just trying to figure out how to get power into my base so I mean you got it though you’re cooking now yeah it takes time just like this it’s going to take some time I guess like I wouldn’t have spent these seven hours I would have spent like more than

That doing other organizing stuff searching through chests maybe maybe maybe well like all yesterday all I tried to do was make the tree situation work cuz there’s like there’s a way that you can Turn tree sap into into like fuel basically and I couldn’t get it like reliably enough but I knew like I was because I I knew I could get enough power from like my melon situ my melon thing m oh um actually that that reminds me because I just log out and it’ll take

Like 20 minutes for me to start Vault Hunters if you um could figure out where the melon things are and you if you could just oh no never mind it’s it’s fine I’ll just going to say you’re losing me dude melons I don’t I don’t understand don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry

About it I I forgot I put a void I put a void upgrade on it so okay eventually when I run out of space it’s fine I’m not going to crash the server wait you ought to hook that bad boy up to a composting

Bin um I do I was going to get you to turn it on oh but it’s fine it’s fine is it set up the same way that the other one cuz I can just go flip a switch I mean yeah you just flip the all you have to do is figure out

Where where the it’s by the villagers if you just turn the turn the lever off it’ll just work all right if I remember I will do that all right brother I’ll talk to you later yeah dude take it easy bro those guys are so loud outside goodness this is

Not my idea of a Friday night I don’t know why I could have played anything here we are playing This uhoh hold on I need like a system for for reaching up here something that’s going to be a little bit easier easier than This there’s got to be more saplings surely there’s more saplings What the heck is that no nothing that needs to go in there we’re very close to being done I know this is like the most boring thing that we could have possibly chosen to do but it it had to be done and once it’s done it’s it’s done done and we’re going

To have plenty of space for all sorts of extra stuff too I don’t know about poisonous potatoes leans means beans catoes we could definitely put oh I wonder if like the botney pots give you like poisonous potatoes too I would think so I’d be a little disappointed if they didn’t buddy listen

Outside turn it off shut it down I can’t guarantee he’s going to live much longer holy crap this wall is actually almost full I mean we’re very close to being done we still have like this whole segment to fill in with drawers as well we’ve got plenty of space for now and storage

Upgrades look at that dude Diggity done dude and then oh jeez we’re getting there that’s all the drawers that’s every single drawer now the only thing we’re missing is this this mess and The Jewels really do need to be in a searchable system it’s just it it’s kind of only realistic that

Way those are all jewels the jewels can just stay for now that can come out the fastet focuses can stay the relics I guess can join us what else are you going to do with them Crimson nyum warped nyum the rotten meat blocks I don’t think are used for anything

All right so I should be able to hit this this right here why you no hit put that in there uhoh why did that not hit is it it’s got to be connected tell me it’s not connected just tell me it’s not connected properly it’s not connected properly woo goodness I I about

Cried I’m pretty sure I just threw some trim in there doesn’t matter what it looks like it’s going to be in behind that should connect all the drawers that’s a massive amount of drawers man and like that’s not even like kind of dipping your toe into what you can and can’t do yeah

Dude yeah dude that’s a lot of flower that guy’s out there chugging man I feel like all the meats could use a slot too coal could probably use a slot all right cage dust yeah the diorites all EG wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can that not

Reach no I can it’s just all so full I guess we’re all Cod too we’ll end up with like a load of that one day and salmon and feathers and spider eyes cuz why not and then the rest of that’s chasable this chest is actually

Fantastic it does excuse me it needs a a search function like this unacceptable it’s just not cool but the fact that it holds so many items and is hook up to any other type of storage that has a surge function it’s a bit of a game changer it’s pretty

Sick I’m going to go smack that guy in his freaking neck dude more rotten meat nice I think Moss can probably I don’t know if Moss can be stuck in the bins the body pots but it could probably use a spot Whoa chromatic iron it’s a stretch I don’t know I guess pogs could probably go in here for funsies oh SE pickles need a spot full stone the rest of that glow Li and maybe needs a spot sweet berries course fruit yeah oh we haven’t even really been to the end there

There’s a bunch of blocks from there too whoa we’re going to figure something else out for the jewels I don’t think I want them in that chest where is it all coming from Man oh jeez that could use a slot key pieces I guess can use a slot he did day looking nice is it though mhm is it Though what the heck thank you bro that guy needs to stop I’m going to start swinging on him oh Soul Sand come back here oh whoa whoa whoa whoa nether ax full killer Buffs I don’t like playing the killer man I don’t I’m not very good at it to begin with so

That’s probably part of the reason why I don’t like it but uh dude I so much prefer just like being a Survivor I’m a Sur I want you know what I mean why did the the Zeno build get buffed I thought you said it was already like totally busted completely entirely cracked me D bloody freaking cracked slime balls need a Spot I don’t think anything else really needs a slot in a drawer that doesn’t already have a slot that’s not bad all right War Roots I don’t know if the game turns around one day and it’s just like oh you need 14 stacks of warped Roots I’ll be going to the nether

Oh faceted Focus no thank you keep it so the faceted focuses and the jewels and the Vault armor are all staying separate the rest of this stick Stacks that needs a spot uh he says he do you ever like let one of the uh one of the guys Escape like you ever

Give them like a Pity hatch like do you ever feel bad for somebody cuz they’re such a noob at at dead by daylight that you’re just like oh man let me give this guy the hatch cuz he needs it you know this thing’s got to be close to

Full red not even been freaking close dude that’s awesome bro I put that key in here I definitely didn’t want to do that right there the organization in this thing is horrible it’s so bad there’s no way I’ll never find anything in there without a function I I’ll have no idea what I

Have drink it scrap let’s just put that in a drawer for fun oh we’re so close we’re so close guys we’re so so close and it’s not even like frame or laggy at all whereas simple storage is uh difficult it it really is difficult what is that an hour an hour and 11

Minutes I think that’s it I think that’s the last of it man that’s it that’s the whole thing dude that’s all of it we’re done oh sort of yeah the Redstone goes in oh dude that feels so nice that’s that’s good we’re done that the whole thing now drawers

We were supposed to get some building in today we did not we got absolutely no building in I mean well I mean you know if you can consider this room here building we did that um imagine modding dead by daylight Zeno into Scooby 2o I love Scooby-Doo man I don’t know I’m

Happy with how this room is turning out it’s obviously not done there’s a lot to do um we still need to slab up some more drawers which we’ll get there and Then dang it I wanted to hold on give it hold on ready I I need to get that trapo that’s going to bug me I can’t get that trapo you like the vents oh oh dang it xenomorph does go through vents right I swear I’ll get that vent if it’s

The last thing I do See the Trel can stay Out I guess I could put Scaffolding in a a drawer too cuz why not I feel like that doesn’t belong there like up there with mob drops there you go now I know that’s a lot of sandstone can you compact Sandstone probably not I didn’t think

So I don’t know we’ll just throw in here for now it’s not like there’s not enough Space cool all right that’s emptied mhm demorgan or or Zeno I mean feel like the demorgan’s a little bit overrated that’s just going to stay like that for now for future reference we’re going to expand that chest now the next part the next part of this whole

Thing uh is going to be to get rid of these we’re fine I’m what somehow I’m missing a block I’ll fix it later oh my gosh this is what I get for building with trap doors man I forgot about this chest too okay wait uh this is an easy One yeah that’s an easy one I will put that in the a drawer bam oh demogorgan can fly wait really I didn’t know that that’s actually kind of Awesome oh jeez there’s just going to have to be a hole in the ground for now we’ll fix

This another time it’s been a long day man I don’t know how much more of this I can withstand we’re going to have to like switch gears these need organized oh my Lord H not really this is all kind of like prioritized stuff that uh I’d like to

Have out except the crab cloth that’s freaking junk and the potion of swiftness is also junk all right now I am going to lock these drawers cuz it would just be tragic if I just started losing the position of everything they are locked right just to

Be sure yeah it does reach all that that’s freaking outrageous that it reaches that that I don’t know if it can reach these or not all the way over here cuz it’s one block back so this is one block 2 three four five 6 7

What 8 9 10 11 12 okay so maybe not going to reach that last block there um if it does that’ be really impressive but if it doesn’t not too hurt about it we could just leave some empty drawers or even just like some like manual placement stuff I don’t

Know either way I think we’re going to have plenty of drawers at least for quite a long time and we also have like another wall right oh if we wanted to we could make this whole wall more drawers right um and then just like cover up

This chest cuz it doesn’t really need to be seen it’s kind of ugly anyway if I’m being honest we’ll do some more building another day that’s what we’re going to do that’s going to go in there bucket’s going to go in There just going to eat another one of these cuz I’m trying to get rid of them all and then I I think I’m going to wrap this puppy up for now um I hate today was like just organization cuz that kind of sucks I know that’s like super boring

Um but I’m like wiped out after that it was so freaking dry and boring so next time next time this is going to be different we’re not going to do quite the same thing it’s going to be a lot more interesting and by that I mean we’re going to set up the refined

Storage so like we need the crafting grid set up I guess we don’t need simple storage up here anymore right we’re talking about putting the crafting grid like right there and then setting up power for it and all that which is not going to be very difficult okay wow that reaches really

Far that could just stay there for now look we’ll we’ll move stuff about later um we’ll make this look a lot nicer uh it’s not going to stay like this I know it’s like a freaking disaster right now and most of these chests if not all of

Them can go um this could be turned into like a little gambling crafting station or something like that for gear or something right and then all these chests can be like strictly for Vault gear and then uh I don’t know that would be a decent wall for that kind of thing

Um we’ll work on it we’ll think about it a little bit but um guys if you’ve uh you stuck around with me this whole time today like through this mess that is just full of holes and all that thank you so much like this was honestly like

One of the most boring like days on stream I think I’ve ever had in my entire life so uh much love to every single one of you and if you’re new here check out Discord links down below if you’re new here I’m sorry this should not have been your first stream this is

Bad this was not a good day tomorrow’s going to be a little bit different we’ll do something fun um but yeah we’ll do some vaults next time we’ll do a little bit more building too cuz I have to kill this guy outside right now dude oh my gosh uhhuh

H I had to I had to kill him get that out of here the simple storage will keep I we may end up working the simple storage into the build somehow um no I know this is like kind of dangerous and open right now but it’s fine it’ll be all

Right I might actually put a secondary drawer controller down here just because we can it wouldn’t hurt just for the sake of convenience like in case we’re ever down here doing anything I guess like if I we really wanted to we could set up like our actual

Storage in here instead of like having it upstairs but like this is where all our tables are going to be this is where everything’s going to be going down as far as like crafting crystals and all that so it’s probably best if it just stays there and this is like a secondary

Room that doesn’t need to be really accessed all the time and we can pump power up the wall right so I left this little crevice out that is going to reach the refined storage up there that we’re going to play some power up there and I was originally thinking about

Turning this wall here into like the you know quote unquote power wall um which would be a really cool idea like that but I I think that this is fine just the way it turned out um just decorative right it looks like power to me it looks

Like it’s doing stuff um when in reality if we want wanted to which I think I’m probably going to is to just back in this little corner here stuff a power generator with some lava and some water and then like you know stick the the

Power right up there um and we can even carve out like a little bitty room back here or something like that like a little bit of lag hope that’s not that colossal chest that would be real sad holy crap I’ve never picked up like regular blocks like that in a long time

Yeah we can just like cram a little bit of generator back here and pipe it right up the the wall to the refined storage and then uh be done with it right and this wall can be just cool looking it doesn’t have to be practical although it

Would be really neat if it was practical but either way guys I love you very much thank you all for for hanging out with me and uh hopefully I do get to catch you next time tomorrow we’ll be doing the uh not this I think we’ll probably play something other than Minecraft tomorrow

But um if you have any suggestions let me know discord’s a great place to do that I will catch you guys later good night guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Vault Hunters Ep. 8 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2024-03-02 01:37:40. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 07:05:14 or 25514 seconds.

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DadBod – Tey – Baldy –

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  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

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  • Westville

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  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

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  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

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  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

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  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

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  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

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  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More