INSANE HACKS: Nether & End Data Packs 🀯 | Minecraft SMP

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I’m I’m going to start I’m going to start so don’t say anything uh okay YouTube has this new rule where I mean not rule it has a new AI it’s just deleting channels at controvers with controversial subjects so I don’t know let just I skib SK ski okay stop okay stop okay we’re

Gonna be let’s get into the algorithm boys okay okay hold up hold up okay okay now now everything now we’re streaming okay I feel like this is a pretty important thing to stream so oh my god there come over here come over here don’t go in there what are you are you

Insane no what are you doing what the you got a little too high pitched all right two more times as are you going to get in uh oh D you’re going to need some go you need some gold I’m going to give you something because I I know you’re like I

Love I love the designs you did for the house but Jesus you just committed a terrorist attack on our own house hey hey hey D you remember what I said no I don’t cuz you scar I said no controversial topics because they have an AI going around deleting channels SP

A in our own house not a controversial topic uh but just Al that house is on fire no you’re you have weird shaders come on and craft the helmet I’m not I don’t even have shaders craft the helmet oh my God I can’t see anything yes cuz

You have shaders on turn the no I have the physics mod on oh yeah craft the craft the helmet I’m going to die of carbon craft a helmet what are you doing I craft oh okay I’ll go craft a helmet asra you’re still not on never

Mind speak of the devil okay okay oh don’t touch that no no no no no no no no why don’t I have a crafting table in my own room that makes no sense that’s right a did my horse ever come back I remember I had a horse did it ever come back uh

It’s it’s in the hole’ you put this oh wait wait as turn your uh voice mod off it’s working now so what turn your voice mod off yo hold on stop talking yo hold on um there’s guys what what do you want there’s a bunch of skeleton horses back

Here I have on a lead what the what happened while we were gone oh you haven’t been here for like a week or like a longer a month a month maybe but yeah something have happened nothing I need iron I need to make a pickaxe I can

Get you a pickaxe we’re going to the Fortress now like quickly I’ll just get a pickaxe at The Fortress then whatever okay sure whatever you can do that I was joking you why you in my house get out of my house getting you said you gave me

A pickaxe you’re going to get the Fortress I have five no no I stop look stop I’ll give it to you stop looking fine I’ll stop I’ll stop looking I’ll stop I’ll give you my God usually it’s Astro who just like goes through things without like I could introduce you to my base look I’m not like as I don’t steal your things while looking through them I just look through them I’m as turn off your freaking voice mod such a train wreck of a video The

Stream not even a video do you have one more iron actually oh yeah but get out of my house okay H death awaits me also make sure aser get D food yeah get D food D food’s pretty good Mr Beast Burger kind of like oh wow like I know right he’s

Really poor right now so you have to get him some stuff I’m extremely poor why do I only have 100 FPS what’s going on what oh thank you oh oh thank you I’m going to actually eat this hole right now hey how much food did you get

Sarcastic uh he gave me seven pieces of rotten flesh I real can’t eat the last piece what the hell okay is your fa I need to figure out why I only have like 100 FPS I mean that’s fine no it’s not fine with a freaking RTX 4060 that’s fine I mean it’s just

Actually fun oh it’s technically play oh no I know why because there’s like 50 bajillion houses around here I mean I I don’t know how much I’m getting we still haven’t finished the first one yet so I mean I finished my house oh my God how many chickens are in this hole Jesus

Christ that’s so we can get that’s how we can get uh arrows from the feathers what about the food I I no no no we Ed the cow Farm there’s a cow Farm we’ve had a cow Farm that’s been here since day one oh you replaced the wheat field

With beets we had enough wheat okay true but oh my God oh my God you made a tunnel as well oh that’s a that’s a really oh that’s a really deep tunnel never mind don’t go down there guys get prepared get some gold Astro I don’t know if you had gold

Okay have gold I I told you to make a helmet oh okay now now that I’m away from like the house I’ve gone up to like 250 FPS how much am I getting take a screen now I’m at like now I’m at like 300 yeah I’m only getting 100 let me turn on

Shaders then oh yeah that’ll fix it yeah so how do I kill one cow without killing the rest of getting like less than 60 you jump and get a crit on it oh I’m just one shotting them yeah and make sure we go to sleep we’re

About to go now by the way go to sleep right now no well I mean yeah go to sleep now cuz we’re after after we wake up we’re going to go to the nether okay oh my God this is this is so fun just hurting animals gold we know you

Need that out of which like what do you want like a helmet cuz I already have materi like okay I got I got you boots cows here I was able to jump over oh wait I can jump over the fence normally never mind uh Asha why’ you break the

Thing trash okay I’mma put something else in your room put a pipe bomb go to sleep exactly exactly do get it okay go to sleep I mean get ready to go to sleep like get like don’t go like 5,000 miles away oh dang that was that was that was

My to-do list I’m still wait you’re going to steal no all right let me see if I can cook an entire stack of um steak before we have to leave that’s what I’m doing I’m I have the campfires that’s true oh yeah campfires free fuel yeah that’s good good good for you

Asro what a freaking nerd I can’t I still can’t believe I can’t jump over two blocks like you think be able to by now yeah hey what are you doing I thought you do what are you doing what are you doing I told you to

Get ready to go to sleep why you taking my St I didn’t know to have my good stuff on I got my spare stuff on what the hell do I have oh I lost my spy glass too you got food uh I had you

Took it you didn’t take all of it go to sleep asro I’ll I’ll put this to cook while we go to sleep did you just ate my thing go to sleep I’ll cook the stuff what are you doing what’s down here what do you think is down here my God lava

Cobblestone go to sleep as show I’ll get you food in the morning I didn’t know you needed food I only thought he needed food where is go to I’m trying to cook food bro we dude we don’t need coal that’s a whole point of this place is that you don’t

Need coal yeah except I only get 50 FPS from Walking In Smoke you need you need lava I need lava sucks D you stole the good stuff guys go to sleep here I’ll put a torch in the corner I’m very hungry right now I’m going to eat dinner before I go to sleep

No go to sleep now I’ll get you food in the morning o enchantment table my god oh yeah we have an enchantment T all right I’m going to bed forgot that existed you have enchanted books in your chest yeah Astro get out of my bedroom Astro this is a crime this is

This is an actual crime hey don’t mention any crimes like Hello Larry we are going to The Fortress based on the title as you can see yep as you can see with your eyes if you open them exactly watch live Jacob Creations modded nether fortress Minecraft live

Not modded again not modded just oh hold I need to put no it shut up D it like it doesn’t roll off the tongue okay you don’t roll off the tongue your mom what your mom absolutely rolls off the tongue but that’s just me well I said your I didn’t say your mom

Didn’t but yeah whatever Bruh Bruh Bruh I was going to give you some anyway shut up shut up yeah shut up wasn’t talking I don’t want him to talk so I’m telling him beforehand okay we’re going to go now you guys ready I got food for you if

You need yeah uh how much food for the food or ready yeah for the food and ready okay uh shot I still need well I okay let me see what I need I have 32 I have 32 leather I’m to put that away it’s like 40 like fully well done

Like chewy steaks yeah chewy they’re a little crisp on the outside so you can bite into it easier what it’s just jerky at this point it’s just well done it’s just black it’s not even Brown anymore hey do you have food we’re going to go what I

Have two steak okay he hit me nobody hit obviously oh oh my God oh my God and he took every single piece a sure you’re going to all right somebody dies somebody dies today boys can you give me a can you give me a little

More yeah yeah yeah he let’s go now oh wait I need a shield wait wait do you need a shield as well I can’t pick it up there we go oh yeah we need Shields I’ll go make one I guess I’m going to go see

If I already have one I don’t want to make another do I bring my horse with me or no going to die oh okay did you get all these discs where are you oh from what do you think where are you don’t take them yet don’t take them yet we we’re not they’re

Not for sale yet it’s not ready you need we’re going we’re going you well first of all don’t pick them up when we’re going to the nether this is just where I’ll store some more I’ll get uh I can’t make the discs down here so but as we’re going

Now where did the shrier go see it’s I mean asro it’s it’s lit enough to where it’s supposed to be a vibe that it’s it’s what less lit yo it sucks guys okay yeah he broke it yeah I do I have shaders on oh my bad did you hit me cuz I didn’t

Take damage you just made a hit sound okay I may not have clicked you I guess I am all right uh I made a shield let me just put away like all the important things yeah there’s a chest when okay let’s just go let’s just go

Hurry hurry let’s just go all right why why do we got to hurry because I want it to be interesting I want us just to be standing around doing nothing talking about how we’re doing nothing yeah Larry needs I kind of stomped on your beat

Farm let’s just go let’s just go I mean it was Beats after all it’s not like important wait what the a dang it I should have placed a block I knew you would but if you had you thought of it in time I’m enjoying this High FPS now that I’m

Away from that factory dude that’s that’s like that’s not even that’s that’s the worst Factory I’ve ever seen okay talk what are you okay dude I lose half my frame rate just by walking near it that’s you if you need blocks take it from the I have a better computer than both

Of you no you don’t yeah I do RTX RTX what 30 80 whatever I have a 40 60 it’s newer so it’s better follow me guys not up there over here over here where the Pigman is is what if I punched him oh wait talk oh okay okay we’re going up

There it’s neutral D time I agree it’s time he’ll neutrally kill these blazes shut up Larry okay by the way don’t mention any of the specific words anymore we’ve moved on okay okay d h i curb stom your mom I think my mom just heard me say that oh we’re in a tunnel

Scary wow D just responds even though no one’s he okay just talks all in his own yeah yeah that’s kind of the whole point of like a YouTube it’s just like he didn’t acknowledge that we weren’t responding at all D why are you so behind what happened a stop play I’m trying I’m

Trying to do that we’re going to go back here I’m trying to do that spam jump thing that gets you faster Astro okay hold on ban okay all right okay all right I’ll ban him all right fine he’s a vital part of this s whatever very vital to what yeah you’ve

Done quite literally nothing I’ve done quite literally everything I’ve also you talking about everything you haven’t been here for a month I’ve done so much I’ve contributed so much to you’ve been playing a different server yeah maybe you literally made like uh like a introductory video to

Join another smpp when you’re already in an dude that was a year ago you little idiot you’re still in it right okay okay you winding up is I don’t know I don’t know what do you mean I’m still in it what are you talking about he’s talking

Playing like 5 days ago yeah 5 days that’s not that long ago how long is this bridge Jesus Christ I told you it’s far you have too much free time oh my God as wait wait till we get there it’s about to be here I can’t

Okay my God you you want to stop on this bridge no no no no you keep going you keep going okay okay cuz it we’ll be just ahead D I’ll get it prepared we haven’t got the the thing set up yet wait why did he leave though I don’t

Know we’ll see if he’ll be back in a bit okay feel free not to go through the portal there’s another portal oh my God we’re going to we’re set our spawn here oh co so that means you have beds yeah I have a bed okay I just realized

How low latency your stream is like that’s actually crazy how low it is yeah I know right it’s really cool also I’m not going through the portal what why not dude get I don’t know I’m I’m lit you could see I thought you were watching my stream what the fre I am I’m

Standing in the portal and nothing’s happening Oh I thought you saying like you’re refusing to okay set your spawn point I refuse to yeah uh I’mma put some stuff down just in case we die all right uh I’m back okay go to the portal once you get well you have to actually go

We’ve already beaten the dragon at this point hey go to the you kind of missed all the important stuff go to the portal okay oh I didn’t mean you but whatever uh SP in B okay yeah make sure asra’s going the right direction all right the port is

Taking forever right now oh I see go over here okay go through the portal set your spawn point and come back and don’t take the things from the chest only put these in the chest that’s for if you die you can get that stuff yeah so

Okay so how’s your day how’s my day are you just teleported oh I sorry my bad I just I just can’t stop doing it it’s like it’s it’s like an itch I got to scratch you know that’s you done setting your spawn point yeah I

To put I to put some stuff in there bit slow don’t worry about him there we go de why do you guys bring diamonds you guys are totally going to die okay a you here okay we’re going to go get your reaction get your reaction make sure the replay Mod’s

On why’ you place SP to move back oops I I meant to trap only asteroid trapped all three of us somehow oh oh my God whoa yeah it looks cool right this is where this is where I got the freaking this is where I tried to

Get a screenshot of it yo this is cool yeah this is yeah this is pretty cool Hello AR glad you’re I this is more of a hand oh my God guys oh my god dude okay let’s get in let’s get in a terrible Fortress a terrible Fortress

Let’s go let’s go terrible Fortress a terrible Fortress I got okay nothing there was nothing in there I got a temp absolutely nothing in there yo what’s what’s the big part is this building I think so let’s go here that’s probably the important part okay I think we’re going to have to

Build on top of it I don’t know where the entrance is and I’m so sorry oh okay we have to go around okay let’s go this way what can’t we just mine through oh shoot please oh we got it I meant to bring fire resistance oh we got you got

It you got it I got it I got ity I meant to make a fire okay I’m already I can’t see son give me the achievement I’m going to die guys guys guys get ready get ready you’re in a fight get ready for what I’m not I don’t know what I’m not ready

For oh God hey I’m up I’m up okay don’t go don’t go don’t go out of your way like try to kill it if it’s not letting you how are you hello we’re good I’m just fighting we’re in the nether right now hello hello it’s Scott manly what I

Don’t know okay it’s still watch out for the long shots oh my God I fell down you oh crap no I’m up I’m up oh there’s like stairs up I don’t feel safe anymore guys many blocks crap what I told you to bring blocks okay whatever I

You didn’t but all right no I told you to okay I just got in this there an inside there’s an inside okay okay okay hold on let me let me let me change some settings hold on stay right there bro remember yeah I remember you it’s been a

It’s been two days of course that’s a long time you know that’s a long time for your BR you can’t remember after a single day you can’t even remember what you did this morning you’re right I don’t remember if I had breakfast breakfast oh yeah I’m just adding NE I’m

Just adding nether fog cuz it whoa that’s cool what is that oh my God oh God Jacob whoa it’s like the king’s layer oh so we can stand behind here a don’t go rushing in no he’s absolutely he’s absolutely right we should just rush in unprepared oh this was a bad idea

Somehow how can I calul this was a bad idea let’s go let’s go let’s go in let’s go in guys I’m still out here guys look at dude look at this room look at this room look at this dude um do we go down where’ you guys go oh no you go

Up oh I got some Nether Warts there’s so many things I could have said so many things I could have done before my day had come okay I’m pretty sure there’ll be loot at the top so uh oh that’s that’s a withon there so many skeletons up there I’d be careful

If I were you I dude this is BU garbage oh oh shoot garbage my favorite in the chest of in the okay open the chest DG don’t bother with the barrels DG that’s me oh there’s flint and stuff all right oh my God D watch out watch out behind

You oh whoa who there uh Crimson War oh it’s chasing it’s chasing you so it’s fine dude there’s just a bunch of garbage in these chests gold found a CH yeah I already have one okay Enchanted you can play stuff you can place stuff what are you talking about I

Can oh there’s an item frame on here you talking about what he’s going crazy he doesn’t know what Minecraft is schizophrenia am I right what an l oh oh okay we have a saddle in here oh crap I got hit all right found oh more stuff

That’s it bro where’s all the okay well we’re not here for that but we’re not here for like the loot but it’s pretty annoying that there’s not that good loot shut shut up bro I’m here for the loot oh freck oh Frei nothing else oh D get out the freaking way I’m trying

To help you what do you think you weren’t doing that good of a job you’re right why you just skipping all the loot that’s not real loot that’s just a bunch of garbage yeah it’s just a bunch of trash it’s just a hallucination okay oh that’s a weather skeleton oh no

Yeah have you not seen one yet there’s like tons of them where are you don’t go too far from us our baby brother’s in trouble he’s he’s chasing after okay there’s tons of with scel in front of you that show did I drop my sword what happened to my sword use your

Eyes to see that there’s tons of with skeletons in front of you crap oh my God God good thing we have like twice as much health as a regular player yeah mine’s double I have two Health Point I have like one minus double should we take it all I’m I’m going to

Take all the coal actually I mean sure but we have lava powered I don’t want to go mining so yeah but what do you okay whatever we have wood and we have more stuff okay I’m sh middle right yeah yeah did you just jump down we have enough Health to spare yeah

You’re right I mean I’m eating so much food though I don’t want to just waste check this stuff oh there’s a Magma Cream I’ll put all this freaking garbage in this chest do Magma’s actually cream or is that just what the freak D Magma’s actually shut up we’re not monetized anym not anymore

But like you know we weren’t going is just oh warts Nether Warts guys guys guys guys yeah I’ve already found a Nether wart oh a Nether wart is there floor like below here is this just solid let’s let’s see oh my god well it’s pretty good for blocks if you

Want if that’s what we want I should probably should probably stack up I wish was does anyone have any sticks I have no Sticks no sticks hold me down Jesus Christ How deep did you go my God who’s that being shot at there’s nothing there’s nothing down there okay I got

Blocks How deep did he go like dang where did all those blazes go what we killed them all we didn’t there’s something left but I think we got no I killed only have one Blaze Rod I think hey we’re just are we just leaving as huge like is there stuff below where

Even are you we already left yeah we’re not even yeah I’m on oh there we go what oh you got it me and D already got that so D don’t be surprised no I’m just CU cuz he hasn’t left the castle yet where yeah he experienced a whole new biome in there

He’s in a he’s a Narnia bro I don’t know where he went they get oh crap oh careful which which like which biome are you in the blue one the blue the blue one come back where’ you go yo I’m traveling the world where are you oh I

See him I see him look he’s over there yeah yeah who just shot at us okay there’s a blaze there’s a blaze spawner right here I’m telling you to be careful uh yeah yeah no that’s not me oh Diamond hor armor o wa for the all the horses you have oh we

Need that FL and steal just in case so don’t don’t die with that D but we’re going to kill these bles I’ll try not to die in general but you know I got it I’m glad I found this iron sword with sharpness three like that was just a

Lucky find there’s a disgusting amount of skeletons in here can you get to get to work what do you mean get to work we’re killing lot of arrows yeah I’m obsidian doing something uh we’ll do this thing instead why’ you guys leave me here D

Where’d you go push it oh I have no clue anymore I remember I expl ow I explored one of these just in my free time there were like so many rooms this place this is not all of it I know but we’re Focus we’re doing this right now do come back

We’re getting BLS okay so can you can you tell Astro not to shoot me uh there’s a weather skeleton coming up behind you uh yeah that’s fine oh frick did you fall off yeah oh crap shoot I I don’t have a bow and arrow I can’t hit him freak that’s oh my

God the skeleton’s shooting me diamonds on me I don’t want to die you can put it in a chest I don’t have a chest I have a chest and there’s plent everywhere God I’m almost up the okay you’re fine though that’s fine okay yeah that’s just

Here I can’t oh thank God oh the god the the rods are falling I already got it oh you did guys by the way if you touch the blaze if you touch the blazes you take damage this would this would be a disgusting amount of Blade I’m I’m

Actually going to die right now I need I I need to I need to take an exit bro okay uh how many do you have asro none oh yeah right you have none all right okay got four that I have eight yeah we’re I mean we still need

Some more for some potions but um well okay so we only need how many Blaze R for the portal uh we don’t know until we get there oh okay I think we’re done though how many do you have I I got four I have nine so

That’s 14 so we’re going to go let me just let me just empty my inventory hold on yeah prepare to take more loot yep oh spooky scary skeleton you got a head bro I mean what I mean my God D we told you I’m getting this is it this is it you’re

Done oh oh my God that’s scary oh yeah I need that okay is this the death chest that’s where I put all the garbage in oh the G okay the garbage so okay not me then okay well yeah you but let’s go there’s a giant mag want Crimson warts

Uh Crimson wart I mean is that the blockon warts oh crap I don’t know pick it up where’ you go oh he’s oh God there’s so many is there any good stuff here and now the end is near Bo what oh god I don’t know what lar

Spoy oh another NE okay another Blaze spawner I’m out of here crap we don’t need another one man let’s go let’s go let’s go this other direction what ow this is just regular Nether wart all right you can you can take mine too while you’re at it I thought you said it

Was Crimson Nether wart that’s what it what it says for me all uh you can’t it says Crimson nether War watch out making that jump does got to shot me while I making that jump I saw that okay there’s got to be something in this Tower or something something at

Least oh oh my God like this can’t be oh I am not taking that risk bro oh my God that’s another spawner oh my God we don’t need another one whoa my name’s Jacob what are you talking about you know my name it’s that’s just my name

Your name is Jacob thank thanks for telling us you know Jacob you mentioned last time that you don’t even know my real name but I just realized I don’t even know your real name Jacob it is like what you didn’t yeah I mean I mean I get that we have stage

Names and stuff but Jacob is about as generic as it comes so yeah no it’s not he spelled it weird so that’s that’s the cool part that’s the cool part dude it’s spelled like that no it’s not like that oh I should take care of

That yeah I got it oh no oh crap oh I got it I’m going to die of a heart attack like actually in real life let me push it off there we go oh do you got I didn’t even realize you didn’t get it I’ve never been to a a soul biome really

What that’s what okay it’s right next to us but I guess you never did well I guess it’s not that I just I guess I never did we’re not we’re not doing this we’re not doing this uh Blaze thing anymore I’m going go check the tower if there’s any

Loot um okay you do that I guess okay this is what I’m saying we’re already done with the Fortress we’re not done with the Fortress there’s so many other rooms to explore no I just we just went through all of them no he didn’t there’s

So no no I you got to believe me there are more rooms than just this yeah in a different Fortress maybe oh crap wait when did I get this thing the we SK you got another skull when did I get that did it say in the chat I wait wait wait

When did it bro wrong skeleton bro I see I got it right after Astro oh just shooting at me jeez I’ve never seen us a gas make that sound that’s crazy keep missing as stop missing okay you shoot him I’m I’m going to I’m going to see if I can get the

Tier oh no I I need more arrows I got an arrow Arrow I have one Arrow Y where you at it just landed got it I got it I got it I got the tier let’s go all right I have a tier too I have a tier three three

Three three Jacob where you at uh I’m up here the tower on your right I mean I guess on the near the okay I’m going to go this direction no I’m going to go this direction oh my God I’m on half a heart uh blocking Block in block him in

Block him in I I just I just he I don’t know where he I can’t get to him or else I’m dude I thought you found in lava for a second like that would have been so hilarious I just jumped down like six stories yeah that was on purpose too

Which was crazy that was not on purpose yeah it kind of felt like it but all right yeah yeah there’s too many things after me where are you guys over here come over here come D come over here there’s too many things after me guys come here

Please where’s Astra I no I’m just kidding I’m not dead he’s right oh he’s hiding under the bridge oh crap I I think I found out why as show uh once you get up come over here get over get over here so I can

Block it off oh my God oh my God it almost knocked me off hold up hold up no cuz we’re going this direction we’re not fighting those things we don’t need that trying not to I’m trying to escape him over over here we need to go get Astro

He’s stuck there he’s right there no I’m not you idiot oh there’s a there’s a staircase down here let’s go down here oh I didn’t I just no no wait where’ you fall where’ you fall where’ you fall uh in in the crevice in in the crevice is there lava

Under you is there lava under you yeah there’s lava yeah there is oh five blocks away from like dying oh wait you’re near the lava yeah I fell I fell in between the jump and the crevice I have no clue I mean if you place if you

Place blocks there then yeah I know oh my God I fell down as well wait wait wait wa wait did you no no no no wait wait oh shoot yeah there is just there is just lava you can see screen right uh oh crap let me let me go on

Your I need to I need you to tell me if this is okay uh you go a little lower yeah I’m going to go lower as well little lower all right I’m I’mma block the lava out okay oh I need to eat hold on let me take a lunch break real quick

Well I mean it’s not like imagine I imagine I join in and he’s like like 20 blocks to the West yeah you’re to the east wait wait can you look up do I just spat all over my screen okay uh yeah yeah yeah a saucy

Boy oh that’s uh wait who what are you what are you reading huh me oh I’m just cleaning my screen so I spat all over it just in case body parts go flying everywhere yeah dude why does Minecraft look so much better should I join in now

Uh hold up uh no no no you should not no cuz that D I’m down here no I’m just opening it up so he doesn’t like suffocate yeah I want to break some I want to make some layers so that I like you can follow saddest fall of my life I

Kind of just like I I just like kind of stumbled over the edge and started falling does this look good what we can do is we could also create multiple layers so that any layer he falls on he like anywhere he is he can fall on that platform and if it’s just

One block through he can fall through it and if he’s not then he okay whatever if you Lo if you log out and log back in your fall damage meter resets so like you could be falling from like a 100 blocks but if you like log out on the

Last five then you’re only going to take five blocks and fall damage as do you think this is good look good to me wait I want to I want to block I want to block some layers just in case you do die hey if he dies we have his stuff

Right here so it’s fine all right tell me when uh it should do now can’t wait to see this funny if it’s just somewhere else there oh he he did die he did die oh crap oh no okay so okay come here come here come here a very minor portion of

Your stuff fell into the lava I don’t know what the important stuff yeah is still there uh get the pantsy how is he going to wait how’s he going to get should I just teleport him here no no no he spawned right here oh does he oh okay I don’t know how

Much is yours put the no the diamonds was his oh wait I didn’t no I had four D well okay he had three I had four okay uh oh I’m like really close yeah we that’s what we did we made the you have a furn oh my God there’s a hogl uh I

Don’t have any no God damn it I took so okay what about black do we have black stone somewhere all right you’re already here okay over here cool uh dude I need to like cook food right now like I’m at I’m down to one steak oh as should wait did

You how many did you okay let me turn on shaders actually are you missing anything that’s important uh I’m I’m missing uh quite a bit but cuz I have I have the Wither SK Saddles I have yeah I have two Saddles yeah I was just carrying them now because dude this

Looks so nice with shaders uh okay we need Blackstone I need to cook well we have food I need to cook bro no we have food I have food I don’t yeah that’s what we’re saying we could just give you food okay give me food then dude dude you little idiot behind you

Oh shut up bro shut up how do I wait which one oh here’s here’s where I upgrade okay there we go oh crap the hog the giant hog the Pig p polin the pogl I’m more scared of that than the actual do you have like gold boots I oh oh

Yeah probably I’d assume so fre all these freaking weather we dudes are following me dudes I I can’t I can’t check because I’m being chased okay okay okay I’m here I’m here here this is fun we should do this more often yeah let’s go back

Up okay now from what I tell what I can tell did my shield also die oh I have your Shield I have your Shield I don’t have it yeah this can’t be all this can’t be the only part of Fortress why is there just here cuz there is definitely more of the

Fortress I just don’t know where it is we just got to keep looking not here it can it could just be a small Fortress oh crap no no no all fortresses are the same I checked what maybe okay maybe it was in that giant like Castle Part you

Know the main bit hey let’s we need we need to get back there I think we’re done but yeah whatever no no no no there’s definitely more rooms bro there was there’s like an endless like maze somewhere in this and I need to find it so how could you recognize if they’re

All the same if it’s a maze cuz it is a maze they all have mazes yeah but this could be a small maze there’s no reason for it to be a big maze we didn’t find the maze yet so your logic no I just think there’s no

Maze I don’t see any maze do you see how deep this Castle is there’s got to be something in there let’s see let’s see oh oh that’s one of the tunnels no no that’s not I I’m going go to the bottom you guys stay up there look for

Look for more I’m going go to the bottom I’m already going to this bottom of this I’m already going here I’m already going oh what the oh there there is a maze down here see guys go down go down go down where I went oh how far down you go I know right

Wait let’s wait for you as Astro what come back I don’t remember being this far down oh yeah okay no I definitely do remember this yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s go let’s go guys let’s go I’ll Direction Let’s Go different directions okay okay we’ll go through it faster Finding

Diamonds oh I found just a thing with a string here okay there’s a there’s just a bunch of nether crying obsidian oh okay that’s cuz we went went down the same okay I’ll go down a different one then no you’re not where I am so how

Could you go down the same place no we went down me and as went down the same oh we found each other oh we found each other all right okay what about this one gold oh freak a blaze I’d rather fre Blaze I just destroyed it oh it goes deeper oh my God

It does what is this place I don’t know I told you though I I’m right you got to listen to me forever now on forever no definitely not you got to listen to my every oh my God I found another staircase yeah that’s what I’m saying I found another staircase just this

Weird just one room okay never mind this room’s weird it doesn’t have anything in it but it looks oh my Astro what are you doing here oh my Astro I’m already searching this area it dug through I don’t even have any clue where you there’s nothing here

So I found I was going to block this place off so come over here is there anything over here okay no I is this way no this bar is dead this area is dead end we already it is there anything that’s like specifically supposed to be at the end not really

No not that I know of okay okay what this block off the areas that are dead ends okay well this one is a dead end mostly dead ends why are you guys down here if it’s a dead end oh hi uh okay I can see why it’s a dead end

Now does it go is there like another level down here I don’t know or crying obsidian crying obsidian actually you might want to take that actually no I already have crying obsidian there’s just like blaze powder on the ground here yes please oh yeah yeah that’s good that’s good that’s good and

Magma Cream yay that is a place there was an area that someone was in I mean I probably blocked it off but I didn’t check all of it into fire is AOW fire what is it Glow what relieve a blaze of its Rod did you craft it what’

You do no I I just grabed it oh and you got the achievement anyway even though you barely did anything yeah usually how why why you trying to discredit me cuz you are not worthy of credit that’s why you had the same thing you what oh you okay I

Thought you just grabbed yeah but you killed it no I yeah okay I thought you just picked it up like on a from a chest well I mean oh there’s like a weapons rack here oh is there only one area we that’s open right now dude whoever made this data

Pack so talented like for real for real talented Sigma uh skid RZ skibby illegal words I don’t know oh I’m back here you should be locked up for that I kind of am already what you see I got a license but I’m not allowed to use

The car cuz I’m not on the insurance yet so I technically am locked up in my own home please send the cops I I have a point I have a point I can use it um that one I now have two full sets of Hearts yay is that it I think we’re done

Actually well make sure you block off the areas I did all four are blocked off well I’m still in that fourth one oh okay U have fun with it then I’m still in it so I’m still searching I mean I think that’s I think that’s it we’ll be

Upstairs there’s a bunch of oh there’s a bunch of stuff here okay wait what if what if what if this is just one of the four like staircases and there’s just more staircases in each room okay then start digging down oh no that’s it here dude shut up

Bro you can’t even be talking right now what what I’m talking to the blaze only staircase just start digging down yeah oh dang I mean look at how much of an area this covers I mean there’s no way they could fit four of them right next to each other okay then

Oh I wait a minute I just realized the center statue is a Wither yeah is that like lore is that Minecraft lore yeah this is this since there’s no vanilla way to figure out how to make a Wither I don’t know this doesn’t really help actually

But I mean it it’ be it’ be it’d be actually kind of cool if have a Sandstone that makes lava oh my God these stairs are so you don’t you don’t want to do that yeah you don’t want to do that your helmet just broke did it was it gold crap

Bing oh wait is oh yeah I need to put something on I don’t have a gold helmet oh youy just have an open hole in the ground yeah does anyone have a I mean I have gold but I a crafting table you know what we’re we’re done anyways it’s

Fine yeah let’s go let’s go look at this dude don’t jump and then fall okay don’t why that’s the fun part well it just adds more damage for no reason I mean yeah maybe I did I don’t even know ran and jumped off oh crap oh I’m not making that no no no

No no do you guys just want to collect like materials what are you talking about you want you guys want to Deforest I mean don’t you want to sa make sure you save your stuff before you die uh no not really I don’t think I’m

Going to die I mean I need the blaze rods okay give me the stuff and you guys can go I don’t knowy I’m good I’m good okay I mean if you want to stay here D I mean you don’t have I’ll get I’ll give you my

Stuff but I do want to explore a bit more CU I really been to the nether not stuff just the blaze rods the only thing I need uh what about the nether I I’ll give you the Nether wart as well uh yeah I do have room for that yeah I can’t oh

This the gas what the oh yeah gas I can’t pick up a whole another stack yes you can okay I’ll get rid of this dude get rid of this stupid chain chain mail keep keep the chain mail oh wait Astro are you missing your bow yeah yeah I have it I’m sorry what

What even burned in the lava I don’t even something something did I I heard it burn I don’t know what I saw it probably the blocks I don’t even know well I mean we couldn’t give you the blocks back cuz we don’t know if that was yours or

Not was that um that sorry I just ate before this hey you guys sure you don’t want to go fight the Ender Dragon now yo yo let’s go fight it let’s go fight it CU we it’s only been 50 minutes okay rename the title I’ll record I’ll record yeah well I okay well

I mean you should also record I guess I’ll record as well and I’ll make it we’ll make it AEL make it a pixel video then we can have no then we can have no reason to come back to the server I love this idea you don’t even play you’re an

Idiot you already don’t have a reason to come back on you don’t should I should I play this all the time what did I just I think I just exploded hold on well it doesn’t matter if you record or not record your audio cuz if I don’t need it

I’ll just cut it out and if you include it I can use it if I need it okay I already got my audio set up so I’ll just record my audio then like a good boy okay let’s go coding overload already bro dude what your turn all your freaking lossless bit rate

I only have 20 megabytes a second that’s still a lot is it oh yeah you have an encoding overload on record like huh I don’t know I only get encoding overloads if I’m streaming I’m 1080 60p recording at 16k KBS oh I’m doing 1440 that’s why oh yeah

What yeah you’re insane why are you record God why are you recording in such like lossless like High baby yeah like why that’s that high definition means high definition is the pixel quality not the bit rate qual high definition maybe get home I told you I’m

Going home to put the stuff away and then I’ll go I don’t how do I get home how do I get home what are you talking about do you remember how you got here no through the tunnel what tunnel what the tunnel you remember where you left I

You gave me the blaze rods and stuff no it was right next to there it’s right be it’s in the wall I mean it’s kind of like in the floor kind of I don’t even if you guys can escape I’ll come back to get you oh wait a minute oh I see Astro

Okay I see Astro he can take where you going I’m I’m not bullying them Oh you mean the swasa okay what did I just it’s like it’s like half a swaso okay I’ll give you that d I’m going to kick you out it’s going to kick you out of the voice Channel look

This is going to get coopa off our butts all right what are you talking about it’s already off from what you said and I’m not monetized well not anymore no not you actually oh my God you’re kind of stupid actually for that did Asha die why would you do no he hit

A piglin for no reason a pig I don’t like a a zombie one okay that one you could hit I don’t care about that one shut up Pigman out I need to eat owie okay maybe we actually maybe guys go get another Willis cuton and we

Can make the wither today oh good you know you know that was one of the things want to do hey uh I’m going to go trade with the uh piglins wait we already have two skulls yeah I got one as well that’s crazy I’ll go actually okay there’s a

Lot of things to do I don’t want to one of you needs to go when you get back feed the cows and get a bun raw beef so we can get more f i a of RA you guys hav left get the things for the nether portal oh the nether portal yeah that’s

Thing in the chest oh yeah yeah the the ender pearls all right we’re right here okay okay we can do that no uh no didn’t we just pass it Astro uh the nether portal go in the Nether Portal get the things from the chest and bring it back

Oh shoot we we’re way past another all right I’ll go do it yeah yeah you got it actually give me food first is he giving you the food he’s walking very he’s eating it in front of me actually I’m going to go trade with the

Um I’m going to go try to get some Works wait damn it why I give you my food there’s more food over there I already have some end pearls we don’t know how much we need I we can just get as many as we need and we’re going to

Use the ender pearls in the fight anyway so like yeah you know I’mma go begin trading okay so what y’all up to uh hi hi like in our real life or no in game in in a real life oh in game um just getting the thing you told me to

Get okay what about you Astro oh don’t go away don’t go all the way down the tunnel what cuz that goes to spawn oh okay I’m tell why is he not responding I don’t know I think he died I’m scared wait a minute Astro sucks why am I scared never

Mind also your stream just cut off uh it’s still on for me maybe I just have bad internet oh wait no I don’t your stream just cut off no never mind I do have bad internet never mind yeah I’m checking I have it open live by the

Store and launcher do not match yeah you just got okay no no it actually crashed never mind okay if a real real I don’t know what that was about what talking oh y it died it died I died what are you talking about you’re still alive

IRL oh oh okay okay that’s fine yeah I just need you here for the stream okay I’m heading back home oh you got what is I’m back I’m I’m Subspace bubble wait went back to spawn you went too far that’s actually crazy crap cramp crap know Batman you

Want to know how I got these scars Batman where did I go wait how far what what about 7 km as it told you right there if you open your eyes coordinate 83 84 85 86 4 85 I know I know where it’s at I let me

Okay I think I got this yeah I got the stuff I can come back now okay yo guys next stream oh my God next stream that I do I’ll be in VR I want to do a okay I want to do a Minecraft VR stream so bad

I just haven’t had the motivation so next next time I stream it’s going to be VR go put your stuff away in your chest oh thanks for the more go but you can go set up now we come back to me in a bit crap my desktop audio hasn’t been

Recording crap well you just we haven’t beat the Ender Dragon we haven’t gone to that yet yeah and then someone will need to go go pay your stuff away and then I think if we don’t get enough Ender Pearls by the time he comes back someone’s need to go to the warp

Forest and kill some Ender I’m literally on the way to the the warp Forest right now so I go ahead and do that you got to wait where where are you going I thought you going to come back spawn put your stuff away I I am coming back but the

Forest is on the way so I might as well so the Warped Forest oh yeah you can see it across no don’t go there yet I don’t want you to risk you losing your stuff to die from Enderman like what I do think you would how dumb do you think I

Am a l don’t don’t answer never mind a lot a lot a very much a lot and it’s not it’s it’s not about intelligence I mean you can use intelligence fight but you also need skill and I think you lack I don’t lack skill I have so much skill I have skill

On my sleeves bro S no me you have soot on your sleeves soot that’s that’s a that’s a that’s a skill right I I only a mad man would have soot on his on sleeves they’re cleaning chne there’s like 15 in a pile right here okay hold on that’s

What I mean that’s what I mean I don’t want you no no no no no this is this is good this is I accidentally stared at one already crap let me put a torch down man this dude refuses to give me ender pearls let’s make three of them mad at

Me at the same time that sounds smart yeah yeah like to see do swam in lava trying to escape a hord of Enderman shut up this work oh crap do we not have an Amo two we did I think it may have broken what oh no it’s still

Here there’s like seven of them mad at me at the same time this is crazy wow sure hope that goes well oh it won’t I severely misjudge the the severity of the situation just just m in a little bit you’ll be fine yeah okay man this dude is

Broke he’s not giving me any ender pearls I I mean I think he need a lot I think he need a lot of luck to get it but I’m there’s not that much luck he’s going to give me like two I already have some three so far okay good

Okay good we have at least we have one person okay a what are you doing one person being productive that’s cool I’m actually going to die yo Jacob you got lapis uh I do have lapis but I’ll give it to you what where’s it at that’s the tradeoff yeah it’s in a

Secret chest under D’s house I under D’s room yeah how do you under’s room how do you how do you know that what yes how do you know about the how do you know about secret chest how did you know did you get it did you find it

Already as yeah I found it did it have lapis wait hold on you didn’t I’m actually mad at you how did you know about the secret chest I look at it yeah what else would it be I don’t know maybe outside under the other chest outside oh wow he’s got yeah

He’s got a lot of stuff in here is that La hey hey don’t you dare touch that hey that’s a secret chest for a reason I’m touching the lapis and yeah you better only touch the lapis oh you get Smite fall that’s useless don’t don’t even don’t touch the

Smite gold template Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t You Dare don’t apply to your garbage armor look rose gold armor is actually pretty sick oh I have a bun of Rose templates but I didn’t have enough to make a set well I mean we could if ashro didn’t steal the last one

Astro honestly you’re pretty unlikable I’m very likable you you steal any chance you get no you don’t and you lie every chance you get too I don’t lie and I don’t steal yeah that n nose growing moment right there nah finger wag at that finger wag

Okay you need to be productive you need to get us some food what do you mean what I told you if someone needs to go kill some cows and make the food yeah that would probably be you also can you go to sleep no okay I think if you’re dead it also counts

So enchanter enchanter one of us is reading correctly one of us couldn’t be me lads knock back one sharpness five let’s go oh oh you want me to sleep okay let me just go ahead and do that I think I killed every single Enderman that ever ex

Existed okay let me check how many ender pearls I have I have eight I have seven okay come back we don’t need anymore I no I want more because we can kill the Ender we can kill the Enderman in the Ender in the end oh in the Ender yeah

No I like okay I found one more one more Enderman that’s about it I think I’ve made these guys go extinct that’s eight ender pearls boy and I have eight okay so that’s good shut up where did I leave the freaking blaze rods I misplaced them instantly no

I didn’t die with them what you talking about I just I have a lot of chests okay that’s worse than dying with them to be honest like you just you just left them you just lost them somewhere I misplaced them I already found them though that’s a nice way of saying it

Okay uh see if I can get home without dying horribly all right so uh need to put some cows down uh uh get some actually I’ll give you some wheat Eugenics goes hard app up creation thank you I haven’t been reading the chat hold

On let me let me do that are you it what me oh okay I’ll drop it from my roof I’ll drop it from the roof okay okay I’ll drop it like yo Jacob bro I was thinking about putting an ad for your channel local church paper so you can get more subs

And did you read this jacob no I didn’t read it I definitely don’t want that y Jacob I was thinking about putting an ad for your channel in my local church paper I already you already read it out loud why you reading it again I’m sorry

I just had to read it twice to understand it cuz what the hell can you do that for me though like that that’d be cool Jesus loves me so like that’s fine Jesus does not love you Jesus loves everybody equally except you you didn’t exist yeah you’re right he

Loves me more that’s why the exception he loves me more than everybody else everyone else is is equal yeah I’m making a ender I’ve never prayed I’ve never what are you asro uh they’re over here how do you lose so much B Vine huh please don’t crash please don’t

Crash please don’t crash please don’t crash that is a creeper in the goddamn chicken pen oh it crashed that’s fine that’s fine oh no over there down there at the farm you won’t miss itry sounds like a an award-winning children’s novel God it’s just staring at me yo exploded like I’m holding I’m

Holding your chicken’s hostage I would get a bow and arrow if I were you I already killed it okay what oh crap you wanted to explode all the chickens that’s how we get our arrows for the end I know why my my FPS keeps slowing down because every

Time time I look at the cows it goes they’re like 50 FPS what the hell D there’s a thing over here much do we want a lot oh my bad all right what else do we need uh arrows we need the arrows right now fall feather falling no

No no we’re not over preparing for this we’re not over prepar Dude I want to win this we will it’s not that hard no not if we don’t prepare no it doesn’t take let’s hope I don’t hit the babies well aim you’re actually an evil person if

You stole my stuff like that’s actually crazy you would do that why would you do that that that hurts that hurt oh wait what the oh my pickax is in here what the dude why my pickax has been in here you missed how would you miss it that I

Don’t on your months uh sharpness yeah you’re right oh not the chickens bro I don’t like chickens crap how do I get out of theob oh oh wait okay I’ll bring a wool I’ll bring a wool I’ll bring a carpet I’ll bring a carpet can’t you jump over

The fence though he doesn’t have the jump boost oh then get the jump boost then well I mean no I’m not there yet hold hold up I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming don’t don’t release them don’t release the cows there’s too many they will ruin everything the cows I don’t

Think I can’t get a jump boost yet my Bow’s not even in here though that’s oh you movement hold attack speed sure I’ll get some on this side as on this side got this stupid chicken there we go okay all right I got I got Sor I’m just

Hating on chickens so much now okay you’re going to cook them in the factory okay uh okay what can I make okay I’ll keep the the ender pearls a sure where are you you why you like throwing up everywhere sorry I L I just ate I told you I just

Ate before this and it was like a foot long so sandwich is like regurgitating it eating I E I eat like a bird I chew it up and then I drink it like a smoothie [Laughter] okay oh this rain is definitely lowering my FPS oh that’s just a mood Setter

Bro okay how many Stakes on the ground Jacob yeah I was cooking I was cooking do you guys have uh feathers yeah that’s what the chicken farm is for I’m killing them now oh okay I’ll get them I’ll get them no I need feathers I’ll get them

I’ll get them I need feathers you don’t need them you know cuz you’re going to kill them if you hit them you hit them all so you have to actually aim do I yeah get get in there you can get in the pen by the way cuz it’s only

Cuz it’s half one and a half blocks and jump get the crit and then hit them don’t hit them all I got another oh wait I have another point I can probably just uh uh 5% healing that sounds good to me okay you want a crossbow a regular bat

Astro I’ll say oh my oh my God my game crashed what did you say you want to know how you want to know how it crashed I can’t hear what you say crossbow okay I did it crash D I pressed F3 what does that do it just

Opens up turns off the yeah it turned it on and then that somehow crashed the game that’s too much for you 40 I have a 4060 TI this shouldn’t be going through this it’s just you’re really bad at computer I’m not bad I built the computer how am I bad at it

Bro that’s exactly because it’s crashing b r u h bruh I mean Jacob you’re the one that’s like you’re the only one that’s crashing here Hey cuz I don’t have 15 bajillion mods installed right now I have 15 bajillion mods it just crashed again what the [ __ ] no wor I’m sure you’ll

Find out I wait did you you still had F3 open no I I pressed it again to turn it on to see how much fps I lose yeah that’s too much that’s too much you can’t do that maybe cuz I’m like recording in 4k at like even have you’re

Right oh let me turn shaders off I’m too laggy oh wait I need to get streamed oh maybe that’s it maybe it’s my shaders or maybe it’s like the fact that you have like a bajillion campfires in one place and like a bajillion animals same place don’t criticize the world we’re

Fine it’s you that’s the problem dude the world is the problem I wasn’t crashing before you added these St these all these animals here well you barely play it so how would you know how would I know hm let’s see I’m in the server I’m crashing yeah that’s about all that’s

The same thing that’s going on with me I’m in the server but I’m not crashing that sounds like a you problem to me all right do you want a bow or crossbow do you I’ll take a bow okay where are you crossbows like kind of suck to be honest they’re okay

Where the the the the I gave you a bow oh thank you make sure bows you have okay U okay please don’t make fun of me I forgot that the BL BL blaze rods blaze rods where are the blaze rods I have them okay uh I have eight ender pearls

So just take them I guess hey we’re going to throw the first one together okay let have to go find the Fortress first do you guys have an oh right here yeah you have I’m going to add oh wait wait let me go make new boots actually I’m add feather falling

To my boots just in case Fallen I met your children hey I only have a stack and a half of arrows that’s crazy I only have I have half a stack but I’m trying to make more I’m getting better I have more okay I I need I just need

STI oh I’m just just going get that wait all you need is Sticks no actually I just realized I have tons of arrows I need put my stuff oh my God I would kill for some arrows right now like actually kill like I would legit murder somebody right now a stack

Of arrows also need arrows I never said I’d win I just said I would kill for a stack of arrows kill you for a stack of arrows I would kill myself for a stack of arrows yes no you wouldn’t you’re right I wouldn’t okay I’ll give you a stack of

Arrows if you jump off a cliff uh does it have to be our Cliff any Cliff okay and also I’m going to give it to show anyway oh okay I didn’t say you though okay but okay okay where are you we’re going to I’m going to throw the

First uh I vender so I’m just adding sharpness five to my diamond sword guys it is not that serious it’s just a dragon it’s just a giant dragon exactly it’s a dragon dra Jon gon why is my why is my door like what the I think my door’s

Broken you’re broken oh God oh God low FPS Town that’s what this is called now where you going all right what Cliff what Cliff do you want me to jump off no whatever we’re going to we’re we’re we’re losing too much time all right I should have all the steak we have

Nothing but time guys we still have to find it let’s get this done in 45 minutes or less if possible yeah uh yeah yeah my mom’s going to work in a couple minutes well you just have to go and say goodbye and that’s it yeah but then she talks about the stock market

And the president and then politics and then yeah that’s a good hour that I have to Wi listen through I mean that’s what I okay I start uh as do you have do you still have all that obsidian I gave you uh uh dude Jacob you’re an awesome Builder you should consider playing

Minecraft I have one you have one what happened to all the other obsidian I didn’t use it oh no I have I have some hold on okay oh yeah there’s 26 in here I’m right behind you cuz I’m going to make a okay I’m going make I’mma put an

Ender Chest I’m make end chest and I I got one more for you I got one more uh do we have wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I I got something else I got I something there you go yeah take that okay do you have any does anyone else have any

Flint I have like 16 Flint right now I’m going to go look through my chest just gather it cuz we’re making as much as we can look all I need is feathers to be perfectly honest I know I already have feathers I have 26 then give me the feathers what this is such

An easy problem just choosing not to fix well I asked you for the Flint you could just give me the FL I have a flint and steal then get over here let me give you the Flint why is there so many why why why is there so many what God bro I’m

Checking through these why are you going through my chest he I need a flint I need a flint there’s no Flint here that’s where I got I I need a flint and steel oh my why do you need flint and steel to light my candles up this unrelated Astro I’m putting down baby

Chicks chicks I have way too much stuff in my inventory we have way too many chick dead corpses like dead chickens on my crafting table it’s R what are you talking about what is going on okay okay d d here’s F yeah just give it to me well you moved

So I got to move okay my God right here in your room where your candle I already lit them up okay okay I’m going throw I’m going to go outside I’m going to throw the I vender should I just craft as many arrows as possible yeah okay we

Don’t need them for anything else uh let’s see how whoa calibrated skull sensor oh that’s in the game now yeah yeah where did you get that I don’t have it it’s just in my crafting Jacob you need okay anyone need food uh probably D

No I have like a stack I I have like a stack okay wait how much do you have a sure I have a stack and 20 oh then I have more than you okay then you just got rich boy Rich Boy uh we’re I’m a I mean as D come

Outside uh let me put away my arrows oh my God I have I have arrows I have arrows stop stop screaming I need I need arrows I gave you arrows entertainment okay let’s go as go outside are we all ready hold on hold on I need to get my pickaxe

California I don’t even have it made going to make it out there californ oh no no no no no no I trampled the crops I trampled the worst crops in the game oh no I’m such a sick and twisted individual no no you’re such a you’re such a

Sigma where these guys from can’t believe I got that wrong where did you guys go where are you going we didn’t go anywhere you went you’re the one that left okay okay I’m going throw I’m going throw it I’m going to throw it let’s throw it let’s throw it bro and didn’t

Bring blocks okay hold up oh my God wait wait there’s Netherrack over there there’s tons of Netherrack over there I’m going just take out the Netherrack cuz we got to make sure we loocks to the end guys feel free to chat by the way who guys we’re chatting when I said guys

I meant the guys watching boom boom the the the people watching right now I’m going to the um yeah us yeah you’re right do we do we follow I’m going no I’m just getting Netherrack oh oh y go down there no I’m coming back don’t go I wasn’t going to no get over

Here all right all right close your eyes close your eyes what are you guys doing I’ll give you something I’ll give you something whoa where’d you go what what who fell down I fell down that’s funny it really is H pain yeah he help me no mean help down you fell down there

Yourself what you wanted to go down there what he’s already up he went down he went back up this dude I swear D come down here no you’re just going to block off the water like he wouldn’t die from that distance as well I died so many times to you guys

Blocking off the wall when when I was building there I fell down so many times oh yeah you’re right I wouldn’t die from that okay close your eyes close your eyes let me give you something my God no don’t to close your eyes we’re going over here here you go two more

Yeah guys guys I’m throwing it that was entirely your fault watch throw it bro throw it I’m sorry I’m sorry wa wait get on like a pole and then do it like the moon behind you oh my god chill out chill out guys guys guys hey

Heyo get off of me get off of me okay okay I’m throwing I’m throwing it did you actually you didn’t lose Health from that I did oh really oh that way oh shoot all right you did it fall you got it yeah okay are you throwing another one let’s go to spawn

Spawn okay what you guys break my ankles oh crap this is a the worst place to be you jump from a long way what me yeah yeah wait if we’re going to spawn why are we going to the nether portal because the nether portal has spawn oh okay part of the

System we’re part of the system not I’m actually kind of stupid so ow that was real Sigma of you Jacob did you hit me again what yes he did no I didn’t what are you talking about I God did he not no I did stop stop all right all right guys guys let’s

Go we’re here we’re here this the special moment yeah let’s not break any armor the end of the pixel it’s not the end it’s not the end of the pixel it is not oh it’s well I mean you have it you’re not even streaming now like I don’t even know what you

Mean I think you your video your VI you aren’t even recording are you recording no he recording yeah I’m recording okay good good 4K 60fps HDR PlayStation 5 120 he doesn’t need that uh 28 in foot long uh 6 in sub that’s enough nonsense I wonder if the game would crash if we

Went all three of us in uh well I mean we just did head was like SN who has it throw it from here I don’t have it did you make just one well we can make more oh okay I just want to make sure directly okay that’s directly oh my God

Bro I hope that happens during the thing I I don’t really have enough space why can you make boats I have a can you wait for me well that’s not going to just the tree right there I’m going to make a new pickaxe wa actually I I don’t understand the

Computer I don’t understand the game I don’t it’s underwater it probably is to be honest we’re going to go across the lake just an ocean I think it is so why can’t I open F3 without crashing stop trying to open it I tried to see what direction that is

Maybe it’s East you don’t know well you already Zero’s mini map I don’t it’s West we’re going west we’re going okay directly opposite of East okay maybe it’s my shaders that are the game I don’t know two boats okay I’m glad I just have a button that crashes the game that’s really helpful

Stop pressing that button yeah but if push comes to shove yeah let’s go why did I get in this guy’s boat your sword is in my armpit yeah that’s it’s not going anywhere I missed your heart by accident then I hit your armpit you guys brought water buckets right no I’m just kidding

I brought multiple uh hey would you be mad if I said no he just said swimming we’re not swimming I already checked that place by the way don’t go check it you don’t have the time hey Jacob oh that thing oh yeah hey Jacob hey this is a question you may or

Might not want to like answer on stream but okay uh remember when you graduated high school they gave you like your ranking among like other seniors thousand I got a thousand you got a thousand there’s a thousand seniors in your school yeah dude mine only has like

200 it’s still all the way over there so let’s spend our whole entire lives going this direction okay you took the boat right I did yeah okay you’re not getting it back by the way well I mean you guys are sharing this oh yeah that’s right oh God sharing let me turn on

Shaders now that we’re doing nothing and there’s no rain dude I’ve had my sh oh maybe that was the issue you already trying to open three I mean no it it can’t be the issue cuz it’s just shaders yeah I think it’s just computer sucks so nothing to Advanced here going

On numbers are too much for you numbers are too much for me huh you’re right I’m not even arguing he how do we know we’re getting close we don’t until we throw it again we have no clue yeah so fre is this don’t you think we

Should throw it again what the freak is this the fre is this freak is this did I already come here the freak is this no oh we got we haven’t been here uh uh there’s more obsidian y it’s these things from tou touch we’re going to use

That eventually touch touch bro yeah oh and if you want the shovel if you can get it I don’t know I’ll take the shovel it’s mending I mean not much use on a shovel but you know hey we’re going to throw it yeah I’m going to get up on top of

The trees and I’m going to throw it here so guys keep a watch keep watch where it goes okay where’s D oh wait no that’s literally right here okay as show get on get over there look directly at me where is he where is he all right go ahead what as doesn’t

Have a view yet okay yo where’d he go oh still directly okay still West oh it broke too so okay let’s go let’s go what no he didn’t did it it did you see yeah I I saw it I saw a chatter no I saw it with my own eyes guys let’s

Stop and let’s check that replay mod I don’t even have it on yeah I need to stop real quick any okay all right let’s just never mind no I don’t we can make another one if we have to yeah we have plenty of material so once we get

To the end we’ll have like unlimited ender pearls anyway so like yeah that’s what I said point exactly so I said but better I said it better no he didn’t you said it delayed I did you couldn’t think that thought on your own no no no I had

Time I needed time to like make it better than yours so that’s why it was delayed you copied me and you tried your best to make it better yeah you tried I yeah yeah no I did nothing nothing nothing okay okay as you’re a little bit behind why

Is your cape on backwards bro I spr my ankle so what you guys doing I’m going to the end right now uh I’m playing Minecraft with like no like in real life I’m playing Minecraft that’s that’s in real life like what’s your play Minecraft and oh life goals say them boys okay

Um I don’t know how far we’re going to have to I don’t think that’s what you’re doing oh my God you guys are actually useless to society what I asked for your life goal and you just completely ignored the question like no I didn’t oh no you didn’t answer

It yeah I did no you didn’t he said he wants to get married yeah oh you did oh I I didn’t hear that whoa what’s that hey we found another dungeon take a look at this oh you’re right in front of me I’ll save the coordinates wait can we

Not like die on the way to the end fight yeah I saved the coordinates and that’s it let’s just let’s just let’s just can’t turn the F3 God dang it my God I already got the Cornet D I didn’t need you to do that no crap all right wait for me wait

For me guys I’m worth it trust me sure what guys if anybody’s watching who knows computers why is this happening why me dude you know computers how could this happened to me my God maybe maybe I could turn off the mod that like changed my F3 menu cuz I have

A mod that does that that changed the F3 menu just stop opening it and we’ll go I want to open it it is my right as an American citizen to press the F3 button Deport him Deport me to where I’m an American citizen I can’t get back by the way you probably

Can you just got to keep pressing it I’m just going to have my pickaxe ready in case you guys do that one thing you guys keep doing for no reason which you absolutely did cuz I could see the stream but also I can’t join oh yeah but I made

A hole in the middle so you could breathe you went through you f through the box what the somebody up there likes me ow what direction are we going this way okay we’re still the same direction okay oh I almost pressed F3 there for a second who what a crazy

Concept me almost pressing F3 me as an American citizen having the right to press F3 is crazy it’s not in the Constitution I it’s a common misconception it’s the 49th amendment I don’t know what you’re talking about whoa you you guys aren’t even here nope not even close hey let’s go let’s

Go this F3 thing’s actually going to get annoying it’s some point hey it’s already gotten annoying you want the put on some like epic fight music yeah sure uh copyright we’re going to have to take a break to check my settings just literally look up copyright free epic music and then you’ll find

Something okay I’m just testing to make sure the game volumes good Oh I thought you were just being weird yeah that too okay should we throw it again or should we wake another thousand blocks we we probably should th I I think no we’re pretty far from Spawn should probably

Throw it no cuz we threw one 500 blocks ago why are we in the trees like we’re some monkeys just say like that wrong with you I don’t know no that was funny Bravo D thank you okay you guys here we throw it again no what do you expect from

Us throw it get a CO just start moving move to a different direction from D or D move that direction as well because I want to make sure we all get it we all see it so it doesn’t go away back up a little okay I’m like I’m like hey turn off your

F3 as as well oh my God it’s still Jinx okay let’s travel another thousand blocks wait wait wait wait wait that should work yeah yeah wait wait wait wait why am I getting DMS I’m streaming I’m getting DMS too who’s the lucky gal what oh is it not okay so they just

Talking wait wait just mute and come with us wait your mom DMS you what no that was me oh okay did you not move cuz it’s kind of a it’s night time so I got to three two one oh okay I’m back and the Lucky Gal is none of your

Business yeah I knew it wait I was the okay what who is talking okay come over here let’s go let’s hurry let’s stop waiting’s talking let’s just keep running for a thousand blocks let’s go for that should work that should do it let’s stop at 3,000 negative

3,000 negative three oh oh don’t you please stop getting me to press F3 did you press it oh okay no I didn’t I almost did I don’t know why you keep pressing it when you know you can see this is what would actually happen if I pressed

F3 did you press it on accident or purpose as a demonstration bro we saw we did not need a demonstration I am not waiting for you you’re got to keep up that’s a dog crap wait fart fly MX five says is that okay on segments segments what is that’s nonsensical don’t literally not

English if you would type that in Russian that might make a little more sense what oh these dogs just kind of slaughtered all these shap oh no are you guys actually waiting for me or do I just have to walk a billion blocks oh okay cool I feel really appreciated right now the

Trees look behind you above I’m in the Tre not over there no behind you where did you guys go where’ you guys go I keep going forward where you guys forward okay you said to chat and so I thought it was a call on radio show I you know

What it technically is you’re right I was going to do the call-in segment of the show yeah go ahead I guess sort of the call-in segment of the show hey hey D you have a boat oh I do oh yeah yeah here you go oh wait here you

Go uh okay uh okay this is apparently a call-in show now so I guess ask your question is that how Callin shows were I don’t know what what they call in yeah but I don’t want to I don’t want them to actually call yeah but so why did you say that I

Know just ask a question I don’t know how this works all right now we just waiting for that whoa viewer engagement I have fallen of a i Fallen oh my God okay let’s go we’re going through a forest right now okay so chat member who’s calling me you

Do realize I’m already in a call and I cannot leave the call and if we added you you’d be is it true that you have big ears I have gigantic ears so like you know if you called in here they wouldn’t be able to hear

You yeah I mean I mean also we have no clue who you are so yeah that’s a pretty obvious failure of your plan to call this I’ll give you my number though if that helps yeah yeah do that yeah ex your home address by the way my

Home address they don’t need my home yeah they do they don’t need that yeah they do social security number is where it’s at though hey hey uh fly empix if your net worth was your social security number how much money would you have have just going wait for him to answer

Dud oh there’s a dark oh Dark Forest know you’re calling me a Discord you know I’m in the call with them and if I leave and join you then they can’t hear you calling you how the hell did you how the hell did he find your Discord what

The hell you know I cannot accept cuz then they cannot hear you and so then there’s basically and so if you’re just calling me it doesn’t work uh tell him to join okay can you join the pixel server or is it just us uh well it’s a post it is a private

Server full of private information oh okay all right never mind then we’re in a server so we have to they’re fighting each other okay I’m out of here yeah this is like a a gang war you can’t merge a call in a server that’d be kind of cool though if

You could oh I don’t have boat hold on you’re in mine I like how my game almost crashes when I open the inventory but just does crash when I open F3 that’s really cool feature thanks Mojang okay DM as DM Astro about this issue by the

Way he’ll fix he’ll get it he’ll set it up not trusting Astro to fix my computer problems no with the Colin you can barely fix his own oh no wait wait what yeah set up the Colin oh okay you see me put yeah we’ll do it at

The very end of the stream I guess just have this random person I I I get like death threats watch that’s probably going to happen now that I think about it okay we’ve gone 3,000 blocks okay watch it go behind us let’s do this do it bro it’s night time I

Can’t see so get another camera angle get your own camera angle what D shut up we going to this more open area okay how do I turn on the Cinematic camera let’s go 500 blocks backward that’s crazy all right they drop I got it okay you got it I got it whoa okay

Don’t go this way yeah I imagine it’s probably down here let’s be real actually you know what we could just go through the caves until we find it no no it goes down I mean we don’t know how far back over here all right okay call in the DN

Okay there’s no way this is going to work we can call so we don’t know this person yeah no no we have no clue this person is call in the pixel call him the pixel chat thingy he’s not in the server how’s he do that no the pixel chat the

Original the group chat did you invite him no not yet oh my God that’s a creeper merge CA I don’t know how mer oh wow there’s so many things that I’m going past we get the bows and the arrows fighting Yo gang wars we got the bows and the

Arrows crap oh crap there’s two of these yeah I could count with my eyes and stuff I open them can you shut up ready one more time what oh wait I have it whoops oh crap that’s your fault I Blame You Jacob Elations you want me to go up there and uh throw

It uh not yet not yet who are you hitting each other we’re not we’re that zombie that’s a zombie I thought it was you zom no no like we’re not far enough like socking him in the face we’re going to go 250 blocks this way oh wait we’re

Already here never mind okay get up on the tree get up on the tree uh let me try let me try that how do I do that oh no no no no no I can’t oh wait no here you go okay this freaking spider this stupid

Stupid okay it’s like I don’t think what you’re trying to do will work by the way uh you just say your question right now in the chat are you ready guys yeah ready throwing it three two one what so it’s somewhere behind us now okay yeah damn you caught that

Yeah I know I did I’m super cool I gave you speed Bo chill out chill out you didn’t move me I stopped moving oh my bad my bad let’s just go a little bit past the river sh that made no noise when I hit him give you a lot of XP all

Right okay we’re going to add collar oh god oh there’s five people watching by the way we added caller are we actually GNA like do a call-in show right now like like let’s not it’s a pretty important part of the episode guys get where you can’t

Die uh you know I’m trying I’ve been trying that and you know America just isn’t the place bro the call is on by the way oh wait oh we’re going okay let me let me get wait we going in this oh see don’t speak caller don’t

Speak don’t don’t shut up shut up so so okay you ask the question we answer well I thought this was a I thought this was a segment I thought you were doing a segment like a just ask just ask just ask the question a voice changer what so you should you should

Have added the distorted voice changer who you trying to impress bro okay ask the question I was just G I was just GNA I was just going to call him about because you know well well basically uh Jake do you mind if I call you Jake Sure okay thanks Jim um well basically

What’s going on basically what’s going on here is that we you know Valentine’s Day is coming up you know most most radio shows they have segments or they most of them have segments but I guess I’m going to be the one doing the segment okay uh this segment is just

About this it’s a bit of a combination of two segments I see on most radio show well I am okay well I am and so basically what’s going on here is that I I got I got this uh this habit right and just some people in my life they tend to

Be a little bit mean towards me and I and I just don’t like am I the the ones who’s who’s mean in this situation can you like clarify this for me m i VA why why why why are they mean to you well basically so yeah you you know like I

Work a 9 to5 like honestly I I every single day I wake up I I hit the grind I work a 9 to5 yeah and when I get home I when I get home I’m I’m just so like hungry right get home you just want to

Sit down on the couch just you know open a open a open a beer crack open a cold one and you know people like in my life have told me this is weird that what I’m doing okay like so when I get home you know I’m hungry I’m out of it and

Basically what I do is I I go to my fridge right are you are you following along and going into my fridge yeah yeah we we have fridges as well yeah so I go to my fridge and then basically I take all of the food out of it and I just put

It on the table right all of the food out and it’s so you see you see what I’m saying and then so I guess tell me if I’m the wrong one in this scenario but what I you’re not let it finish let him continue then

What I do then is that I I take the lower in my fridge actually I take a big Tupperware you know what a tupperware is like a glass thing uhuh and yeah yeah well I take that out and then I I peel open the top right and inside of those

Like this is like a thing that normal people do I I I take out I take the top off the Tupperware and then I just pour out all of my my about like two pounds worth of meal worms and I just let them I just watch them Devour the food you

Know just relax do this and so like people are saying to me like that’s not right that’s the that’s weird that’s gross this is a normal Google it on YouTube Google it on YouTube I just want to watch the mealworms eat the food what’s so wrong with that okay and then

You eat them and then they taste like the different flavors like you have a Big Mac out they taste like a Big Mac afterward they taste like the mac sauce am I the wrong one in this you tell me am I the wrong one is that is that wrong

Is that so wrong well you could just like remove the middleman and just eat the food yourself no cuz he doesn’t get the there’s more stuff involved cuz oh so it’s it’s weird it’s weird to eat meal worms that’s what you’re saying it’s a little a little bit yeah what about

Cockroach cockroaches are those fine no sure no those are not okay okay okay next time you’re at work you got to show them you got to teach them the way you have to go get your meal worms make them try it like convince them to try it you

Need to get them in on it and so they can understand you like a shot glass full of meal I found that you know what and and Barry I know you’re Barry I know you’re a little you’re a little bit of a C but this is true right here this is true

Aenda yeah Barry Mike and that was a great we’re just so that was a great Callin uh it was very informative I got we got yeah know it’s like that people are dealing with this throughout their life you know it’s simply unfair uh that’s about it so is anybody G to

Talk about how that was just wombat with a voice changer it was it was not even a voice changer that was just get him back in come on okay okay I i’ I thought you didn’t like Womack no CU he didn’t get to finish I I’m not a

Fan like I don’t hate him either he he can he can finish he can finish did he Dam me no he didn’t okay he damned me earlier oh hi I was just gonna say I’m sorry I didn’t get to finish there but you know when I’m at my work

Actually s right and so you know I I grab you know like they have like gummy worms right yeah you know gummy worms you ever heard of agenda agenda 21 the 2030 plan you know what that is I know for a fact Barry knows what that is don’t lie who’s

Barry who’s Barry I don’t I’m n was Barry basically right right basically what they want to do is they want to switch all of the normal proteins to bug proteins did you know that oh yeah yeah yeah I’ve heard of that yeah yeah I’ve heard of they want a

Cherry heard of it yes so the bag of sour gummy worms is just going to be a bag of Sour worms in the future so what’s the problem with me eating meal worms what’s wrong with that never said it was a problem I mean gross bring a weapon no just

Kidding just show them just teach them again you just got to teach them teach them your way ofms to work have you told them this about project 2030 meal it’s all real it’s all go go on YouTube right now I want you to go on

The go on the line go to the worldwide web and search up on the U of the tube I want you I want you to Google 20,000 20,000 bloodworms eat devour big burger I want you to watch that right now on camera okay I want to not I want to be able to

Eat my dinner tonight we’re we’re kind of done we’re getting to an important part so we’re going to have to end this do you have any other questions you know what did you just cough he’s dying yeah I have a question the question uh what all right so let’s

Let’s continue guys we need to split up to find the um the Fortress we it’s right I mean the Fortress the the thing it’s right here it’s is it oh wait hold on hold on hold hold on make a real make a long make a long tunnel I can sort of

Like use my F3 Powers not F3 Powers not use press but there’s definitely why is there oh shoot there’s an LA over there what where the freak are you what are you doing I’m I’m no there’s an LA over there in this direction this direction let’s go let’s

Go it sort of up who gave me this diamond pickax was that on purpose I don’t know okay he open to the right cuz my pickaxe did I don’t know where I’m going it’s just downwards it’s just where we are no but okay maybe it wasn’t the Fortress but I definitely saw something

Uh stronghold let me see if I could see it again I finally remember the name oh it’s gone crap despawned did did it actually no no I lost it crap I don’t know what that was what was that it was the a bunch of bunch of random blue

Particles uh where’ you guys go by the way what’s happen he doesn’t know who I mean lar Larry doesn’t know who wombat Is yet so he is a guy who was on the first hold up hold up okay guys guys before you say anything failed you I

Already I I already I already talked about W in the last stream so we’re off failed YouTubers Astro it’s not special fail we’re not trying you don’t you’re not even streaming even trying that hard speak for yourself I’m speaking for myself guys get those diamonds you

Should be I got it oh did you oh diamond oh shoot we’re underground I just realized oh my bad my bad I didn’t mean to I legit didn’t mean there a there was a glow squid here it’s dead now oh that’s what that particle was okay yeah that’s what I assume you

Saw why are the I’m so cool I are we sure the stronghold exists uh maybe not in this version of Minecraft maybe uh maybe I think we need to uh throw the ender pearl I mean what is it called I vender again iender yeah

I don’t have it do you have it I have it I got it from I it was underground okay I don’t know this cave is pretty big I feel like at least like a bit of it poking out by now yeah but we have it

So so we need to go throw it again but the thing is it’s going to disappear within the walls of the cave so we need to all stick together to see where it goes what if it’s just deeper underground we I already went out to bedrock Bedrock oh whoa hey guys where

Did you go I’m down here now I guess you yeah what is guys help me sounds like a you problem that’s all problem problem cuz I hold all the Torches not the Torches the arrows I hold all the arrows okay I’m going to throw the I of

Ender again get ready guys I’m going throw it destroy that wall that you want me toy wall okay happen oh you gave me yours okay yeah go make a new one yeah I don’t actually I have yeah uh yeah we’re going to throw it right

Now so get ready just move a little bit to the left so it doesn’t go in the wall you know what I’m going use the DI okay I’m going I’m going to thr right now guys Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready do it do it do it do

It I’m too scared did you do it you didn’t even throw it who whoa whoa okay it’s still over there it went up though okay yeah oh it went up okay so it’s well okay it’s going to drop somewhere up oh we have to make

Sure okay let me get rid of this garbage in my inventory cuz then I can’t pick it up if I do the walls God I hate garbage do you want to you want to add collar back into the this is a lower this is low lore

Lore okay we’re not doing any more joke segments because we’re yeah we’re getting we’re getting the daddy all segments right now I found dude I don’t see oh I found a diamond too let’s see where this leads Astro like what are you trying to okay he just went down like aund blocks

For no reason we’re going upward well I found diamonds uh yeah cool but we’re not here for diamonds okay we’re do okay since it’s a three of us going to the end I’m it’s only going to be three of us right now you can call

After and I know do one of your cool segment but like I’m only doing obviously only the people in in the world right now yeah we can like do a segment after we kill the dragon um well if we if we kill the dragon cuz I still don’t see the Fortress this

Not like you could just talk in chat W if you want to say anything but it’s only three people in the call because it’s only going to be the three of us fighting I was just doing in between because we weren’t doing anything dude Larry’s so hey hey yeah Larry is

Buddy Larry should be confused that I’m confused what the hell is going on okay let’s create an open space and let’s throw another one okay I never got the I never got it back oh okay oh create a space or I got to create a space at

Zero zero yeah coord I pressed F3 again my God zero zero all right this place just oh I I I should probably just uninstall that mod then love heart love heart everybody love heart whoa what are you saying H what was what did you say what I say

Yeah love heart love heart love heart love heart what is that supposed to mean cuz I kept spamming the love heart thing in the chat oh okay I don’t have it open the heart thing you don’t have your own chat open that’s no I don’t have the heart open me personally I wouldn’t

Disrespect my audience like that you never check your chat you’re I don’t I’ve never have I haven’t streamed in like a year it’s literally been a month oh a month a whole month I don’t know where you guys are by the way we up where are you oh yeah like above you

I’m still in the I’m still in the oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah I see I see it I see it I see it we have a place now take these blocks take these blocks son I don’t I don’t have enough space to make it so oh okay carry my [ __ ] for

Me okay hey you can’t curse oh sorry my bad fam my bad G GG Sig I’m just K [ __ ] D skib male Sigma bro hey okay get to the corner get to the corners of the room uh throw it where’ it go it’s still that way

Let’s go let’s go okay I kind of went like slanted a little upward a little bit okay yeah slightly slightly yeah we’re good right here Sigma Sig Sig blocks I was trying to take is anybody a Delta male what the no I’m a I’m a Bravo male apparently what

About a Charlie male I’m a Charmander I’m a uh D we’re never getting back that eye yeah we we already passed it if it was there although I think I no I think the oh it’s here it’s here it’s here wa we’re right by it we’re right by it what

Really take right take a right you see through the wall have a mini map oh how do wait you have a mini how you can’t see past the thing though no I have a mini map trust what what kind of a 3D mini map it’s it’s it’s either above or

Below us hold on it’s definitely below us probably no cuz the end went stop getting me to touch F3 for God’s sake we’re not it’s like right here I haven’t pressed it in a while I don’t know what’s wrong with it why you keep pressing it yeah I think I think it’s

See what level we’re at we’re it’s definitely below I’ll tell you we’re at 17 okay okay okay so it’s definitely below us then why are you foll me it’s it’s always going to be near that looks like you’re near it could spawn at any moment can it spawn at any where where

Where we’re where the bookshelves are no we’re not we’re in a bunch of we’re in a bunch of stowed wall so it’s either below us or above I have to guess it’s below us though yeah we’re okay yeah one of us what then why are we all going up with me okay all

Right all right all right on let me see all right I’ll dig down oh yeah it’s it’s below it’s is below I’m digg yeah that’s what I thought all right I’m making a hole I we’re digging a hole oh I found it oh my you dug down pretty quickly oh I’m in

I’m in oh wait no I’m not now I’m in let me get in first bro oh this place looks crazy yeah there’s a lot of how long is it going to take for my inventory is full I need guys set our spawn point guys what the hell this isn’t the stronghold what

The hell yeah it is it’s not this is a stronghold what are you talking about this is not the stronghold this doesn’t look anything like the stronghold guys your did you set your spawn point yeah yeah I did guys let’s just go to sleep it’ll be fun Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma no

One’s saying Sigma go to I I go to sleep Astro oh let me get some blocks what do you mean you don’t need blocks to sleep dude I want to sleep next to sleepy sleepy snoo AST sleep next to my chest your chest yeah we’re claim no yeah

Everybody claim chest Builders put these chests thank you very much then why did they they set this up for us H yeah let’s get to searching where is this portal I have no clue but this doesn’t look anything oh my God if only I had a

Pickaxe to help me yeah this place is pretty big yeah it’s going to take us out wait wait wait save qu is for the P oh shoot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I was I’m already here don’t come back D you can’t even save the cords so is it

Okay you’re right dude I want to live here this place is awesome yeah let’s just set L down we’re done we did actually this would actually be an awesome place to live oh I didn’t even realize shaders on if we homed it up a little bit we could probably what think

I’ve found where the bookshelves are well I’m already there oh you you are yeah a dude this looks like this looks like something from U Minecraft story mode this looks like something from Minecraft yeah yeah oh I found cookies great whoa I wouldn’t eat them if I were you they’re definitely spoiled

Okay yeah they have spawners here so be careful oh no I don’t think I don’t think I’ll be careful thank you very much I don’t think there stale oh a c no one said stale cookies are probably St they’ve been here for thousands of years bro they’re probably good you know

They’re made by the ancient Society I’m sure they’re good thousands of ancient emphasis on the word ancient yeah but they were super Advanced look at this they got some really good cookie technique dude if I remember my game theory lore correctly these people are like thousands years old no this is a

New this is completely new different Society stronghold yeah different they were better they a little better at building I am better uh they they yeah they whoa Diamond pants thank you curs of binding oh but those are okay you know what you just put them on and

Then these are glued to my legs now is there an upstairs like an actual upstairs I don’t know where the stairs are so I’m just swimming up oh wow I can’t remember I probably put a data pack or something to make this well it’s probably the same data

Pack that was with the um what the skeleton has a sword what oh oh wait wait like oh like the dungeons okay yeah I know but like the they usually spawn with I thought it was like a spawner that spawned them with swords but I don’t see a spawner

Here do they spawn natur I think they just spawn in this type of place maybe that’s what they did oh yeah there’s like plenty of stairs wait thank you oh yeah what’s more important than protection light okay oh shoot why do they still have arrows on their back

Then there’s is that just me it’s probably just me he there’s another bedroom ample where is this whoa oh it’s the same it’s the same thing I found piles of just ores in chain mail just like in the dungeon what singular diamond oh I’ll take it yeah you’re

Broke you need it probably going to die Brokey yeah we already hey you ever wonder why you need a diamond to make a jukebox expens always I’ve no no no it’s because in like record players the needle that like goes along the record is actually a

Diamond so that’s why you need a diamond I didn’t know that oh there’s a there’s a full like end portal where I’m at I mean not end portal uh nether portal go through it go through it wait what’s your CH your wait wait I I said I said

Nether I said nether portal and and it’s and it’s not lit it’s not lit oh okay okay it’s not lit guys does it not have style like what is it no it’s just it’s just full like it’s ready to be lit okay what are your cords

Tell me your cords I’ll light it up uh that wouldn’t help either way cuz like this is like a maze laby kind of thing actually I think it’s actually a bad idea to light that thing up because I could I I could make a weather portal

Right where the the stronghold is oh God I the portal is Jacob Jacob I’m coming what where you guys at this is really annoying right now I don’t know where I am exactly you’re like right through okay you’re like way into the wall I’m just going to dig to you oh

Frick uh oh freck what that creeper was right behind me and I didn’t I definitely was not ready to put up my shield oh I see name tags there we go yeah that’s me that’s me hi hi dig me out please Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma where oh

There’s spawners in this room I think I’m getting close wait where are you where you at I’m right here I have no idea can you say your records uh 2755 59 there’s Le down there and also the I’m 19 blocks high guys go go go go grab that lecturn a whole another room

Up here you you go grab that lecturn I don’t want to I don’t have blocks I’m I’m going upstairs you’re going upstairs there’s an oh yeah there is an upstairs all right I’ll go grab it then oh careful he actually I was thinking I was getting close because there’s like

Stuff near me but there’s actually nothing here oh okay where are you guys whoa there’s like so much chain mail armor where are you guys I have no CL I don’t know where your name tags are that is the a useless question to ask at this point oh there were stairs right here

What was I doing okay I know where I’m going uh okay you’re upstairs I’m just going to dig to you I’m just I’m digging I wouldn’t rely on chilling I’m digging back down oh okay I gave up yeah you should what I said you should give up back down back

What going crazy a cookie give up oh give me that cookie I want to eat that raw ancient thousand-year-old cookie yo it’s chill I love salmonella well I I don’t think it have salmonella he makes good videos so like why’ you call it raw the cookie what oh you guys are down

There okay I’m going down to you guys uh oh you missed a chest here oh it’s just bones oh wait that’s a grave that’s why where did you come from sir he just sort of what is there is it oh there’s a spawner right here okay okay all right Sigma Sigma

Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma see you guys see me look up here I see you I see you hello did you find the Portal no I found a whole another room like this but bigger but that’s it oh my god dude this is going to be like the

Whole okay should we just make a whole episode for actually fighting and this episode’s just going to be like exploring the actual Fortress we haven’t we’ve only been here for 2 hours we can go for one more we only been here for two hours guys if we could find it in 30

Minutes then this should be the same stream but if we can’t find it then that’s it we will not find it in 30 minutes my Lantern’s gone now there there’s no way why is it what where wait wait Esther you have a map what are you doing find the

Portal you just wanted to cheat I’m trying like I’ve been trying this whole time to cheat I don’t know see what else you on for me no not the action no your mini map dude here you go yeah that’s what thank you that was pretty obvious

Oh my God F3 did that actually I didn’t even press F3 what the I I gave him a map it K God take the map take the map take the map it didn’t crash my game though take the map take uh you got to throw away that map

You got to throw throw away that map I’m trying I can’t get in the game yeah cuz yeah you got why is this map being such a okay I’m back and I’m gone never mind you got to throw away the map why is the map caught cusing problems if okay he did re

He his spawn point is here so we may have to kill him uh yeah if I can actually get no you’re in the game when you’re here for a second and then we can kill you in that Split Second so where are you yeah could you uh as where’d you go why why’d

You leave he was right next to I don’t know where the pathway where you went why is the aole right now no as come back I almost I almost got it I almost got it got okay I found I found D I found D well you’re going to have to

Come back anyway okay okay I found you I found you I’m going to kill you now do it please put me out my I’m trying oh yeah my mom’s got to go I’ll be I’ll be right back I’m leaving you spawn protection all right

My bad I’ll be right back hey get rid of that mod you have and then come back these computer sucks can’t handle a map yeah I found cake hey where we need okay we three curs of binding dude that stuff doesn’t matter I can I already have tons of

Enchantments I can just give you guys but what we need is the portal sweeping Edge three fire protection three useless compared to the portal no it’s not useless compared to the portal no it’s not useless compared to the portal yeah please kill me no you have spawn protection you’re going have

To take you’re going to have to go through your M folder and take out whatever you think that is I found more what mod would be doing that though any all excess mods I’m breaking three literally every mod I have is an excess mod yeah only the mod take out all the

Mods that aren’t required for the server okay there’s no other way the physics mod is going to have to go no I don’t want it to go and then you can put it back once you get the map out of your inventory oh okay I think I might have

Found it potentially potentially how about you guys just chill out for a second while I fix this what do you time about no found I found another enchant or nether room I guess okay I’m getting rid of all of these cob time is destroyed I have like tons of obsidian

But I don’t want to build one unless it’s at the portal I don’t want them this is like almost a full set of iron armor oh there’s so much iron here I could use a helmet destroy this point what am I looking at oh these are banners uh another room this is another

Armory I I don’t even know if this part exist wow I found an Armory cool wait let me try joining without template eye armor trim you said what stop being better than me nothing’s happening I I don’t care I want to be there why are you why are

You whining cuz I that’s me I’m the whiner I’m the dude I’m the winery I make it on a daily basis oh this is more Armory stuff now there’s nothing here this this entire place is empty Enchanted wooden sword oh op op is very okay these ancient Builders are

Actually kind of stupid ancient Builders oh yeah who do you think built this place Dum Mom oh yeah you’re probably right she’s pretty old I did I made it all this is uh there’s no end portal here I’m just trolling you guys I mean it’s usually really hard to

Find in like the regular game what no it still didn’t work what’s going on with you why am I in the sky now what that’s normal that’s the most normal thing Steve skin what bro okay the shaders aren’t it take okay well first of all take off the

Shaders fudge I did take off the shaders and then and then send me a screenshot of your mods if you still can’t join and I’ll see what’s useless take off literally everything I can try no that’s what I mean send me a screenshot I’ll tell you what oh

Whatever oh whatever take a screenshot of mine but whatever sound physics sonance whatever that is sodium oh I probably need sodium uh I think I found I found it where are you cords yo hold on dude CS why would you why would you do that to me man well it

Sound like you were going to find it of course I was going to find it I’m better than you ORS please narcissist it only has three eyes of endo it only okay we have enough then I’m trying to find where D was so I can

Make the way for him to get there as well oh that that be great if you could what oh frick this this was so close by the silverfish that okay the the silverfish like instantly despawned server when I they were here better F3 I’m actually going to get

Rid of better F3 that might be what the problem is oh in the in the map with better F3 does it create coordinates on your map or like a Direction no no it just shows me it it’s just a condensed version of the F3 menu literally nothing else

Different in the maps does it change anything you sure no I I didn’t even get to open the map it’s just in my inventory isz obviously the map is the problem D Asha what you have to give him that map you know he wasn’t responsible enough to handle it bruh

Hey don’t break the spawner we need it’s very important that we keep the spawner so we can make a silverfish spawner a silverfish f i so far just just block your way I’m going to place water here okay whatever lithium D hey I didn’t even hit

You I was trying to mine oh there’s tons of the stuff in this room okay you critted me what are you talking about how did I crit you I didn’t even jump it was your freaking water did I did it oh we can’t why’ you don’t block this

Off because D’s going to come through here wait a minute I need I need a chest I have so much stuff uh yeah I don’t have any wood bring chest D bring chest I don’t have a chest I’m literally still I’m Not Dead I’m just not able to join okay I’m

Going bring a chest just make a chest you’re in chest littered world that’s yeah I’m getting a chest right now I can see that CU I’m on the stream yeah I got a chest support your fellow creators oh wait a potential wait some your mods are incompatible with the game well you

Took more off and now they’re more incompatible but I took mods off so why am I getting more I think I think that’s the same thing where if you don’t have the correct mods you can’t get it oh shoot I got rid of sodium by accident whoops he let me throw some stuff

Away where even is sodium what oh okay there we go God stop stop Mak some stop Silverfish copyrighted music I can’t light this up I joined let’s go please work oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I’m in I’m in chat okay get rid of this map go find flint we need Flint oh come over here and give me your

Flint okay get rid of stupid map there we go hey what above wait is I created a I created a tunnel for you D if you saw okay I got rid of the map let me go add my mods again I’ll be right back oh my

God get I’m fixing this issue I’m I’m going to fix it oh my God my God bro oh hell no man get your bro bro hey did you get any Flint oh what the hell but no hey can you find flint no going to blow you I’m going to

Actually do the guy that made that um that was a joke I’m not actually going to do that I’m going to literally dox the guy who made this that was that was a joke you do some in game I don’t I don’t remember where remember where I put the mod

I what shut up Joe Biden he told our president to shut up we’re going to need a bomb this well I mean we’re going to need to Minecraft explode this person first amendment bruh that you yeah that’s me I’m BR Astro Astro as uh ass I’m going to need you guys to find

Flint who’s Flint need you shut up see Astro you the only thing you found is the portal you’re useless to the surf I am I he only found the most important part it’s not the most important part it’s like the fourth most yo I should murder you Jacob

Try okay please let I’m headed down I need Flint why would the map cause me so much anguish oh can I just not join still because oh okay okay do do you have any FL give me Flint I have so yeah I have Flint here

You go ow can you hey now that you know my weakness can you like not go near me anymore I have a map for you don’t you dare nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh oh my God you actually did make a tunnel yeah hey bro hey bruh oh okay all right are we are we ready

Guys this is is the moment hurry okay let me wait don’t break the spawner or do break the spawner don’t break the spawner it’s not even spawning anything is it oh okay no whoa you guys found so much okay don’t take any of that it’s mine

I’m not taking I’m putting stuff down so I can like have room for stuff and stuff my we’re so far from Spawn so far where are you and I’m so sorry by the way since we set our spawn here I think we’re going to spawn at the stronghold when we beat the Ender

Dragon that’s true yeah and that that’s where all the X oh XP is going to spawn at World spawn isn’t it okay are you guys you guys ready where’d you get the cake from what the hell okay hold on I need free food hold

I need it don’t eat it all don’t eat it all we need all eat from it I didn’t eat it all don’t be so fat I’m a bit of a myself you almost knocked me excuse you you’re fat you’re fat dude just chilling okay I’m making the recording you didn’t you haven’t been

Recording no I have I just had to close it when my game kept crashing look at this dude just chilling out why you why you g to do that why you going to do that to my man bro oh a little [ __ ] stop okay I miss I need one more

Oh uh okay well I don’t have any oh wait I have I have pearls no I have tons I just needed to get for from the chest okay okay okay I’m I’m a okay time to eat the cake uh de where you going stop fighting a bunch of random very

Violent I’m G give you oh my God give me give me oh oh yeah yeah oh three okay it’s all all right oh for you oh my God did you actually just just jumped right in I’m glad I caught that on replay well I’m recording it so I me I’m streaming

Whatever whatever okay place your Pearl I mean your Ender things whatever play sacrifice here okay how many are left that’s all I had what no how many are left tell me three three perfectly three perfectly three that’s not perfect yeah it is there’s three of us okay yeah oh that’s

Right no what yeah stupid how did you instantly you weren’t even standing there on my screen I don’t even know here we are whoa what is going on dude there are so many mods in here I didn’t I don’t remember putting on what does it look like it looks like a little

Oh my God oh my that sounds insane okay God oh I need to put on shaders for this oh absolutely okay I’m going I’m going in there’s no like problems what did I just hear dude what I keep hearing Bells Bell Bell’s tll for you that’s a ACDC song dude what dude

Wait how we going to break this how is how did this not break oh my God how is it not breaking what the hell it’s spawning it’s spawning in now what is going on dude this is crazy there’s already freaking Enderman after me oh oh I hear the bells now oh it’s

Spawning oh crap W get that oh it’s gorgeous oh it’s actually gorgeous there it is going to be like a bigger boss all help I don’t know I actually wait do you have water hey F3 works now F3 works now guys that’s cool oh my God I’m being targeted I’m being

Targeted water bucket hold up hold up we need to make a s Source we’re gonna we’re going to have to climb up and grab those crystals oh my God who oh he shot he shot at us he spit oh he broke my helmet Dragon the dragon shot at you I don’t get it

Yeah that’s what happened you infinite yeah I’m cring it okay here’s a bucket hey let’s go let’s go get this freaking Dragon stuff let’s get it boys let’s go do the things oh God can I can I not go up please okay okay I’m going use an Ender gapple gapple gapple

Gapple you about freaking gapples you nerd wanted to win okay my bad I’m sorry okay how do I break this thing safely there’s there’s nothing in this okay you can’t really break it I need ender pearl give me your pearls bro give me your testicles oh my God D they told

You what do you thinking what you thinking the pearls were they’re not oh yeah cuz the women Dro pearls too yeah exactly oh please both oh dude I landed perfectly oh that’s cool hey I am not on this I am so low I’m still

Low where oh yeah there we go oh that oh that hurt oh God okay yeah I’m way too low did he oh no he’s targeting me oh no shut up bro can I hit it from here oh did he shoot me okay there we go not even like I’m not I’ll get that

One oh just almost almost almost died from T from teleporting I got it got it is that all of them I got it yeah that might be all of them we confirm hey I heard that Astro I didn’t did he try to shoot you

Oh I shot you uh yeah I think that’s all of them let’s get to do it oh wait no that’s that there’s one left which one I’ll go up and gra no I already got that one wait no I you I I got it I got it bro don’t worry

No you didn’t it’s still healing it I got that one is there stuff inside of here or yeah what is this place all right that’s it that’s it is there anything up there there’s a bell ring the bell oh there actually is a bell okay that’s what we were hearing

Yeah the Bell oh God the bell I got there somebody Ender in the pushing me off oh God all right where does the where does the Ender Dragon perch I’m assuming right there Then does he actually perch that’s my question no I he already perched right pissed off at

Him a fre he duked me this little church thing might be a good place to stay oh crap oh who’s mad is that end been mad at me do you guys hear that he’s mad at me yeah I hear him ah why is he if we shoot him fast

Enough he he just stays in one spot if we shoot him fast enough hey let’s time it oh he’s perching he’s perching get up to the top oh shoot he does perch how do we even get there then there’s a stairs below what the oh he deflects my arrows yeah cuz he

Keep hitting me off oh God no crap my helmet broke you have a water bucket right no I don’t not you Astro yeah I I didn’t I think I stared at a Enderman I what the oh yeah I did oh my God this dude’s spamming he’s spamming yeah he’s spam

Clicking and if his are hitting though so get get him this on the way back see a shadow is he is is he perching no he’s not oh he is oh I’m right under oh crap oh my God all I would have died it’s a little

Loud let me turn it a little down just a little bit oh crap oh oh ender pearl end Pearl I I can do this I can do this did you get launch uh a little bit okay okay this is fun yeah we’re fighting the end Dr oh watch out watch out watch out

What Okay he’s almost dead or she’s almost I don’t know whoa that like gra that gave me a haircut Astro get out of the way get out of the way remember when fell off oh that was like the first season oh don’t remind me they got a perch what’s going on what’s going on

Who’s going to get the L I don’t know we almost got him we almost got her her him it we almost got it it’s a it’s a girl I know but I know that but like them oh you got it these first Ender Dragon kill

X where’s the XP XP it doesn’t show up until the last second where is it dying I oh oh it’s up there oh what hurt me I have no clue it’s raining experience it’s Raining out of there get out of there get out of there 50 levels hey that’s all right that’s all right for one person I got 47 you got I got what’ you get as repeat again 37 wait how did we get out of here I didn’t see the portal uh

Uh oh oh it’s down here it’s down here oh wait don’t go in yet we’re going to explore the end hold hold up don’t break hold up out out whoa it looks weird for me oh frick where’s the egg though I already got it let me see it hold up oh you

Already got the egg okay let me see it let me me see it no oh crap oh let’s get out of here what are you doing I’m already out I’m already out okay okay I’m going no Minecraft I didn’t throw it away would you put oh I’m back in oh

Yeah we’re back here hi okay here’s a dragon egg wait where why do why you giving me the dragon egg no I’m just to look at it oh okay wait did you go in the portal yeah yeah I already went oh okay oh where did I oh where am I at yeah

Where are you at wait did you spawn somewhere other than here uh okay give it back I’m oh yeah let’s go Astro um oh I see him I see him I see his name tag oh he’s at the portal he’s over here oh he’s at the other bedroom I think oh yeah

Are you upstairs or no we’re right here guys we did it let’s go y let me let me get the let me get the yeah why does it look like that for me look we should definitely make a monument to it or something like Podium

A why you still I’ll I’ll hold on to it yeah we don’t trust you that holding on to it what no I’m I’m holding on to it I was holding on to it why are you suddenly holding on to it kill him kill him he’s running he’s

Running he’s making run for ah hey hey no I’m not running get him get him he’s resisting arrest give it back chill out drop it okay okay I’m going to die I’m going to die yeah that’s the point thank you my God all right okay you guys want to go

Back and explore the end uh Islands or what do we really want to do that now I want to do that now okay let’s go cuz I have an Ender Chest I can put the egg there just in case we die we have the we have the cords

278 2718 it’s this I can press F3 now guys I can press it now because I got rid of that stupid mod okay the the room with a tunnel is in is in a different place yeah count your days whoever made better fps or better better F3 oo

Pretty I’m that was that was really cool you know what we had a good fight 1 1.21 should definitely be anend an end update okay I need to make a new pickaxe the last bit of the cake Astro oh he let’s just go whatever let’s I’m going back in already all

Right is there anything here we could no okay all right well let me let me leave some of my well there’s the Ender Chest so if you have want to put there there’s an end chest in the end I’m putting everything there so yeah okay all right

Let’s go all right where is it I’m in the lava oh okay back it’s here somewhere oh frick I just looked directly at that Enderman oh he did he did spoon he did a little spin where’s the the as asro stop looking at them I’m

Not I’m not wait what the freak why am I getting bomed is that me oh okay yeah I’m going to need your help they’re kind of everywhere it’s kind of impossible to not look at them where’s the where’s the I did not

Look at all these I see I see I see it I see the endgate I ask you to help what are you going I see it too find the inate obviously duh stupid idiot loser your mom our mom theoretically theoretically theoretically Your Mother by my calculations

Where did this Ender go okay I think I took care of all of them my compass is going crazy right now did you already build up there uh’s already kind of two steps ahead he’s four parallel universes ahead of us is it a do you need a trap door or is it

Open I think we’re just going kind of ender pearl in there yeah don’t a way to do oh I have one well you’re huh oh wait it’s obsidian we could just break the obsidian yeah yeah all right uh go get a sandwich or something it oh no oh come on what a

Cheat what a cheat all right you have an end have two I have two ender pearls but how are we going to get back perfect give me one I have two okay perfect Don’t Mess wait what do you mean how are we going to get back there’s Enderman

Here yeah but like I kill them they’re they’re what nature preservation much yeah all right remember the coordinates insane remember the coordinates guys you can you can you can see them we cannot be back you check the recording oh my God stop freaking okay who looked at an end

Already I’m not too worried about like protecting nature right now why not dude it’s game oh why did I make two of them angry at the same time that was a bad idea all right I don’t know where went to like towards the left towards the left left of what yeah you

Know just the left I’m going turn my render distance oh wait it doesn’t even matter cuz wait I should probably oh yeah you’re right it doesn’t matter you just went through it right you got you you thought about it got a conclusion and it was right after me uh

By left do you mean just the only way you possibly could have gone it’s a couple ways okay I mean there’s like at least two or three ways he’s clearly of no help so all right okay okay well this looks like a whole bunch of nothing right

Now could you maybe not go ahead of us you selfish dude selfish what yeah dude little guy little I’m bigger both you are not how much you weigh yeah I’m fatter than both of you I weigh 180 I weigh more that sounds unhealthy to me but no one said

Fat oh yeah it’s all muscle and cartilage yeah exactly yeah yeah cartilage cartil I have extra cartilage I’m triple jointed yeah we’re not going to find anything here this is the worst Island we could have spawned on well they’re never they never connect to the place anytime I’ve gone there it’s always through

Another yeah but then sometimes you spawn directly in the nend city that is never even close to happen to me uh there’s nothing in that direction dude oh no um all right I’m going to have to sacrifice pretty Graphics so that I can get um like some actual render distance

Going on oh yeah but you have to be there it low the server lowers your thing yeah then I but I have Bobby D Bobby I have Bobby oh shoot I see dude I see the end the end all no it’s like a thousand blocks away well look around

Look around look in all directions dude uh please I’m gonna try to screenshot I don’t know if this is going to work look in all directions no no it didn’t work it UHS I think uh chords is uh- 648 uh 10,000 wait 1,430 Jacob Jacob what Jacob what I’m back at the spawn

My God bro why would you why would you disrespect me like that what are you talking about disrespect disrespected you yeah you disrespect first of all you’re one to talk and second of all he just left me here definitely want to talk okay all right well this is the

Worst the worst Island we could have spawned at well I didn’t bring any blocks H cool that’s fantastic actually I’m glad that you mentioned that cuz we’re never getting out of here what do you want dude is just angry at me for no reason oh is there an Ender following you is

Not you’re going crazy I might as well be well now what we got to go back home and bring this time this can’t be everything no what do you mean get blocks look around you uh do you looked at an Enderman no I didn’t I I’m looking at the ground these

This whole sir sir sir what is wrong with you what is wrong with you now there’s three of them mad at me oh my god oh I see y’all oh my God a whole posy a whole what there’s only one after you yeah all you guys are really making

Everyone mad as oh Astro hey hey Astro okay okay hold on let’s go this direction no no no no that’s a dead end no no no we just got to build we just got to build oh my God we just got to build that way guys uh

Astro I dare you to jump off while eating one of the chorus fruits oh no no there is another Island guys guys I triple doare I call triple dog dare you oh my god dude leave me alone stop staring at them how are you even doing that I’m not staring at them

They just kind of you know you know like you try to look away but you can’t it’s like a disabled person at Walmart you try to look away but you just can’t that we’ll make you to that person I’m a bad person no one said you was nice I I

Never said I was nice okay so there is okay so more Island okay okay they put me in the trees like I’m some monkey put me you put yourself they you know the gods put me what does this guy want with us he’s a big fan Big Ds and Astro things fan

That’s why he’s attacking us aggressively he’s chugging you huh there he goes dude this one has a bow tie what the why is this one wearing a bow tie what the what on Earth what you’re going crazy this’s wearing a bow tie what the or any none of the others this guy’s

Wearing a bow tie dude dressed up for the funeral am I where the end City okay what where’s the n city I didn’t see an who said anything we oh no we’re just going random directions I’m going straight left okay well that’s a bad idea cuz we’re both going another

Direction we have to be going away from the uh end Islands so oh wait even with your render distance you don’t don’t see an n city no I well I mean no cuz like mine’s not loaded in unless I actually visit that’s what I said and why you I also see I

Also see the start Island all the way in the distance over in that direction so we got to be going this direction okay I think I think we should come what another Island another he just found another Island Waits uh cords is uh 130 12:15 I think we

Should go back and come back with blocks you’re literally right look around you well I need a infinite pickaxe then this is going to break okay just have an infinite pickaxe then yeah I’ll go get it spawn one in cheated in I don’t care at this point

Already beat the game no my God stop cheating don’t cheat D kill Astro if he cheats kill him oh okay what do you mean cheat CU he he’s like we already beat it we you did not beat the game there’s no beating Minecraft oh that’s right it’s like the

Sims you just never stop all right you just go insane come here come here M oh I’m actually going to die oh crap Astro protect him he’s a little baby he doesn’t know what he’s doing yeah protect me Astro God why you such a little baby D I’m a little I’m I’m sorry

The fear of death is apparently gay now okay when is gay baby gay baby baby gay what is that what is this connection I don’t know I don’t know why did you make that connection I don’t I didn’t make that connection you made that connection called you a baby because

You’re dying um I need a I need a BRB okay please do try not to go in a very dangerous place just put yourself in a hole then oh he actually left okay he’s going to leave in the end he’s not coming back let me see if I can sort of bridge

Over to this other Island God this is unnerving oh my god dude I can’t even imagine this in VR that would be that’d be that’d be actually just put it on now uh actually I could cuz VR uh vivecraft has this feature you can just my headset’s not charged never mind

Oh I could have used the water to go into the port my is when you’re swimming that would have been a smart idea right all right so from your position from that I’m all the way to the left I don’t know if that helps are you

Telling me yeah CU I’m out who else am I telling you well I mean I’m not there so I’m not in your dimension wait are you not coming are you not coming back I’m going to get materials oh okay dude there’s like wind noises over the void oh my God that doesn’t

Help oh I don’t have any Sticks I’m gonna mute you D is that okay please please do I’m insane oh okay all right I made it over to the other Island and see if there’s a there’s an island or there’s a city somewhere we’ll wait till Ash gets back okay nah no not not you not you not you

Not you not you not you who are you talking to then caller literally just me wait oh wait is caller back we can we can get it back on actually okay yeah we can okay now that it’s now that we’ve done all the cool stuff special guest gaming

Wombat oh did he change his name already okay I don’t know man how he’s lower where is he monkey monkey what it it’s not even a wom in his picture that’s just a mouse yo is is asro back yet he’s back oh no he’s he’s

Not okay okay I’ll be Astro I know all of his lines his lines poke we kind of hoped he’d shut up so what we kind of hoped he’d shut up so wait wait hold up hold up hold up oh it’s me just as things that’s what he says yeah yeah

Have yall he says things just like that though he says LS he says and then he says yo shut up that’s what he says and then he says and I I know this okay cuz me and him i’ I’ve studied him for a long time right so that’s weird he’s a

Minor can’t say that online nope no sir then again I’ve said I’ve said a lot worse to him never mind he’s dying never mind let’s let’s just oh wait oh my bad D when you left I was I was going to do the same bit I was going to join I

Was going to be like wait I know all these lines hold up give me one second I watch I just watched the B Movie I know all of his lines you know me famous actor from the be movie that’s me the be hey by the way we

Don’t have a way back to home except three oh yeah we’re kind of Trapped In Another Dimension right now hey hey D did uh did Jacob tell you the uh the idea we had yet no I didn’t even know he spoke to you at

All no no no okay so hear me out right hear me out right okay so I know we all know we don’t have to bring up the incident as I like to call it the incident that happened can we can we bring it up though cuz I I I don’t know

What you’re talking about we all know about the incident listen okay listen Okay Jak Jacob knows exactly what I’m talking about listen Okay do do you the time he cried no no uh we were thinking right okay we I found another I found another little

Portal you you let me okay you let me audition on this new server right and here’s how how how it’s going to go right you give me just a whole script and I’ll only read from approved lines off the script that’s all we’re going to

Do one episode and then we can and then we can leave forever cuz after okay okay let me let me talk D I mean is this actually a thing you guys spoke about well not seriously but yeah mostly oh okay but okay so we already we already

Beat the end okay no that was the point is is that okay okay fine let me okay let’s talk about the incident uh let’s talk about the incident the first the first stream on the first on the buddyp 2 you kicked him out I did yeah I did

And he I don’t exactly remember why uh cuz it was super annoying you know honestly that’s not that’s not a reason to kick somebody yeah well you kicked him I didn’t kick him I don’t know why you did I no I was watching back that stream last night man

I can say yeah no I see why I don’t really know um you do CU I I don’t you don’t even remember dude you have no memory you can’t remember anything ever I legit don’t remember what I remember he just never showed up again that’s all

I remember you banned him that’s why he couldn’t show up that’s Jacob that’s a q Jacob he’s he’s giving you a queue dude what are you talking about that’s yeah see you talk in different languages wom you don’t even talk he he he doesn’t let that’s it that’s his that’s his uh

That’s you’re gonna get a DM from him soon he’s gonna say Jacob let’s not he’s he’s just gonna say let’s not that’s all he’s gonna hit let’s not let’s not what don’t this look this is exactly what happened it’s just confusing you don’t even talk at normal language you talk at some

Cryptic like references like behind the like you get it you don’t things I talk in tongues no lesser than that okay okay this is just this is just a plan D so since we’re already done with the Ender Dragon I was thinking eventually we’ll have cameos in and then

Larry’s going to be one maybe zero can join and then gaming W’s going to be one okay and he’s going they’re all going to join for one episode and then juat just wants to be a part of it without being kicked out this time okay yeah that that works I mean I

Don’t know why juat was like oh my God he hates me like bro no he does not care what oh my a city of the end shoot shoot oh yeah I did find one um yeah I’m not going I’m not going in it I’m just just going to kind of kill

Stream is why cuz I was watching like a city of the what are you talking about I just bought never mind oh I found it that’s what hey uh you were talking about earlier now this is what I was going to this is what I was going to say

To you so you were talking about earlier how uh we’re failed you you said we’re all failed YouTubers apparently yeah I I have a few okay you got to hear me out on this I have a few ways to switch that up okay okay okay be careful will you

Step because we’re not try Harding okay we’re not no no no no no just just hear me out okay hear me out right we’re just having fun so D are you are you on board with this to hear my tips and tricks to YouTube tips and tricks uh if it’s

Anything like I’ve heard in the past and no no no this is new and Innovative and it and it you know what I mean what they all say that is what they is inventing inventing inventing is czy I don’t know did you see my uh did you see my my chat

Earlier I had this idea right okay so this is just one of many okay this is just one of my PL have ideas that I constantly come up with cuz I’m a genius I’m literally I think I have an IQ at at least 2.5 no

Um um so right so there’s a I was thinking about listen okay what kind of audience do we want here I oh my God D what is crap we want okay okay listen okay listen to me D okay you got to stick with I mean we’ve already had this

Discussion about the audience we want no we we want the kind of audience that will click the stream notification and instantly just just lights out snap there you go okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I I know what you’re talking about wait what is he talking about lights out let

Me talk about how the algorithm used to work back in the day on YouTube it still does kind of but it’s definitely pushed less I’ve noticed they push it they’ve changed a bit but people used to get tons of watch time because people would fall asleep when they’re watching videos

And so people would just rack up hours and hours of Watch time for people who are asleep seems this used to happen this used to happen no no no it happens on accident usually what do you scum you’re making you’re making waves but sleep no no no but but listen to me okay

So so that means we want we we’re generally looking for a an older audience right so I thought a very very older audience one that’s let so why don’t we put our our our our YouTube channels all in the church paper I’m pretty sure like my local church yeah

Yeah okay I get it that would be a pretty good idea what which church though uh any we all go the Mormon church we all go to our our local not Mormons no not them we all go to the local Church of Scientology now yeah yeah we go to

Pychology they’ll be up for the L they’ll up they’ll be up want to me Tom Cruz they’ll be like Oh They’ll be like oh uh but they’ll be like oh my God there’s so much lore I love lore this is all I do every day in all my life and

They’ll be like oh I’ll have to go back and watch every single Jacob and D stream I’ve ever done no no no that that would be a nightmare so here’s how here’s my second idea right because the whole point of everything I don’t know

If you guys uh if you guys have read the 48 Laws of Power you know that book no I know asro has Reddit okay so I have to catch you up basically so basically what the 48 Laws of Power is is just you fake it till you make it right okay that’s

Okay so yeah you just lie about literally everything like any chance you get to even if it’s smallest thing just lie about it even if you don’t have to so that’s how I’ve been living my life and honestly I can feel my testosterone my Sigma M energy just boost uh we don’t

Have any of that here yeah we don’t do that here we don’t do testosterone here we don’t do what that’s Astro’s whole brand yeah he doesn’t seem to use it much it’s I’m saying but basically right what’s more Sigma okay than uh than saying you have fans when you don’t just acting like

You we we already yeah literally did that already in a stream no no no listen Okay so we create a channel you know like those fan channels where it’s like highlights from the Stream So we create we create a fan Channel but it’s just not a fan channel

It’s run by you and so in the description in the bio it’ll be like this is not the official Channel run by Jacob creations and it’ll be called like Jacob fan channel is the thing is that’s more that’s more work that’s that’s the big problem is that just makes it more

Work then you just hire a guy on Fiverr then we okay with what money with what money D you just said you bought two airpods didn’t you buy that for Christmas yeah CU I worked for it I went to a youth coition for two months to

Save up money for it bro dude come come on dude you got to be thinking on the grind the grind or who the grind I actually hate the grind right now you are on the grind really no D did you ever get your stuff have you seen my last

Upload D did you get your stuff back no I’m lost all your experience as well literally oh yeah oh yeah thanks you’re helping a lot Jacob with my self-esteem where’ you die okay guys so um this is somewhere near the city oh shoot you guys GNA get the uh the shulker boxes

We’re trying to get elytra well I don’t know I want to kill them with Fortune I want to kill them with Fortune dude um oh man did you see that there’s this one SMP where it’s like I have to stop all of my friends from getting to the end

Because the smps always end whenever we go to the end did you see that they always do yeah well D just never okay okay this is a he just completely wrong he always stops everyone else keeps on playing no they should really rename it to the beginning

If you ask me because it’s just like a psychological I’m really all about like the psychological sort sort of like cop part of everything right like again Juan bat’s really into manipulation and like psychology this is interest so what are your interests I go into a job interview manipulate manipulation

Psychology uh really just I’m actually interviewing you right now so get out of my office oh yeah and by the way you’re not making the cut buddy that’s what I say that’s the ultimate power move just fire the guy who isn’t even your boss yet yep yep yep who’s gonna be oh I’m

Gonna die again yeah you from the silverfish shut up I’m G make that the thumbnail it’s a phase a a a hyper realistic picture of d and a hyper realistic silverfish a hyper realistic that’s just a picture of me what are you talking about a hyper

Realistic AI generated a photo of you of you literally getting eaten alive by real silverfish AI doesn’t know trust me buddy I’ve tried AI doesn’t know I exist D did you I you know what I saw I said D you know what I see your future d i see a

Failure you’re right but a man a failure with potential and if we could just that’s the worst kind of failure oh come on Jacob I’m I I think you lit bridging out to Nowhere dude I don’t even think there’s a thing there there’s got to be something

Somewhere no no no um what was I saying oh yeah do you know how easy it is to D deep fake things oh no I know I think I know what you’re talking about I don’t yeah where you you only need like a few pictures of somebody’s face no because there’s this

Thing going around with Taylor Swift and it’s just kind of gross and wrong wait what happened with Taylor Swift oh you don’t know all right I’m not going to tell you then oh okay yeah I don’t think I I don’t think I really want to know honestly you’re right yep oh man where’s

Astro gonna be get back I don’t know he left and then he just never came back he’s doing that like you whoa whoa whoa dude I found a dining room oh yeah whoa also I found a dining room where are you in the Fortress still are you I thought

You going to go find your dead body I am I need to find the Portal first oh the cords are in the chat oh are they okay room they’re on the second door on the dining room on the right from where you enter in you turn to you take two

Lefts if that’s where you are hey D D I had a quick question for you about the server I I asked Jacob this last time I said what how how would you be upset if hypothetically Jacob were to build like a huge World eater underneath the spawn

You know what I mean like under a world you know what I mean as Astro hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello no no I think this guy’s wombat actually I think this guy might be wombat I’m Astro I should join the game that’s me dude gaming find thing no died

Died d how’d you die uh and what do what do you think I’m in the end well you could or you can fall from Fall you can like fall in the void you can get killed by an Enderman you can get killed by damage did you what’s with this incomplete Cobblestone

Bridge I end PE the rest of it as we got a code red dude we got a code red dud we got a we got a freaking code red what what I was talking to D earlier he said this SMP isn’t about testosterone is this

True I did say that yeah it’s really not it’s about Minecraft I think I think these just lying to you just so you know about yourself I didn’t see the I didn’t see you you guys actually installed the over your eyes huh huh dude where’d you go after

This me you guys want to hear um I went s ah just look around there’s a bunch of tiny Islands that’s about it yeah I’m not much help am I oh I found the portal okay okay I found the portal wa wa wait yo yo yo yo

Astro Astro okay hear me out this what I was talking about yo yo yo yo so I was talking about right like good ways we can uh become you know hit successful YouTubers because we’re all really just doing this money yeah no so I said first

Of all we can advertise in the church paper that a pretty good idea I said also we could yeah we could also say you didn’t get that by now no no no no no but but I also said said we could uh um we could uh you know like make a make a

Fan Channel but it’s just really run by us the entire time yeah like wbat with the collar no yeah I no idea no um I couldn’t connect the dots at all here’s the here’s the last part okay right so you know how uh you know how like big oil tycoons

Operate I run by myself as I I actually own big moisturizer bisten listen right so basically right if we all just like somehow get attached to really really big families then you can just be the head of the family Astro knows what I’m talking about yeah we live off the fat of the

Lamb no no because then you have like your your 18 Sons right and they back in the old day back in the old days when you yeah when you when you have your 30 Sons prot your castles I’m kids would die like regularly I don’t think

Do that anymore no no no but basically what I’m saying here now is like if you just like moved to a state right a state where you know you have uh you 40 Sons then all you need to do is just have all of your sons subscribed and they can all

Run the content farm for you that’s weird uh go to the portal I no you know talking about my God what am I looking at it nothing is this another one yeah did you go through it yeah there should be two of them right next to each other I’m died again

Go how do you keep dying cuz he sucks simply he I don’t think he has any armor start fake drama I think that’d be a good way he just teleported to me this little idiot I’m sick of this where’s my stuff we’re not at you we’re what are

You talking about my stuff where is it you know what you guys should do dude get this thing get this dude off me I think it’d be really funny if you guys script it out an entire just an entire short for content and then just

Said and then just made it like a huge storyline thing but made it look really real and I just told people all guys we had huge drama on the server do that already and it’s annoying we don’t have drama though we’re lying that’s right but yeah yeah but it’s dead serious like

Guys I can’t be friends with him anymore guys he said some things basically said every slur imaginable and killed 40 children I I have beef with him now I’m G make a Dis Track on this baby killer get this dude off me please I’m trying you’re moving too fast dude if I

Moved any slower I would be dead what oh man oh his stuff was right here Astro you’re not help I literally watched you Jacob I literally watch don’t go no don’t touch it don’t touch it don’t touch it I’m right here I cannot hear you you’re glitching out

Jacob I literally watched you enter the end without any any ender pearls dude that’s cuz I killed an Enderman I got one no dude you have you literally had like you literally had like six inside of your chest and you did not enter the end with them it’s right there I didn’t need

To did you get the elytra back when no I no I didn’t even go in oh like I knew they were there but I was already at the portal I walked too far cuz I did I wanted to go to it oh what oh my shers

Are here what the how they get all the way out here what the hell dropped them did you is there a ship blocks away from where I died no yeah there’s a ship there’s the ship where’s the ship wait what right there dude my render distance is further than yours believe me there’s

A there’s a tall man following me Jacob no Jacob is in college right now so he doesn’t have a job well I mean guess college would be his job technically no I make money so D do you do you have a job or was that like a temp temporary

Thing I used to jobs are always temporary what all jobs are temporary I’m stuck at a a minimum wage job I’m standing here for the rest of my life what are you talking about you stuck you’re going to move to a different minimum wage job I don’t see a [ __ ] no I

I think I’m going to move up the corporate ladder here I’m going to become a manager in my Walmart you know managers like you think I’m not capable of being a manager I don’t have the statist the the I just say you shouldn’t be a manager because managers

Suck what well I’d be a cool manager they don’t yes I would I would run the best Walmart ever Walmart you didn’t say you were working at Walmart oh never mind what are you talking about there’s a ship here live there is a ship I see it

He’s confused I’m also going to I’m also going to die so like oh crap get all this you know I actually have a I actually have a funny story if you guys want to hear it no okay okay so so is that a yes or a no I have no

Clue okay well I’ll tell it anyways right because nothing really is I’m watching The Stream Breer I what we’re doing stuff but okay well well well either way either way I want to tell this because I because I want to get a second opinion on it right so for some reason right and

I’m not going to name the exact location right but I I worked as a retail job yeah please don’t give your exact location no I I I won’t this freaking sh I think you’re a liar I saw it I swear oh my God anyways what I just want your opinion on

This uh whoever has that water placed down can you keep it down can you place the water down uh water keep it there right there right there I did I did okay there’s no freaking ship he’s a freaking liar no no I’m looking right at

It guys we don’t even know where you are okay I’m literally yeah there’s a ship right there dude literally turn to your right there’s literally a ship right there right in front of you there’s a ship right behind how does he know that oh he’s watching the stream that’s right

How does he know that how does he looks out your window I’m there okay I can press mic quality for like right outside my window yeah no I’m just yeah all right I want to okay okay don’t do that because okay by the way we’re

Not we’re going to put the elytra in the Ender Chest because last I want my God that was okay that was easy a crap no but but guys if you could just uh if you could just quickly give me your opinion on this uh so basically the no no no I’m

About to say Okay so basically the store I work at right is a chain store there’s multiple locations right and so all the other locations around me they’re great you know they’re like normal yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go how do we get that does

Any the one I work at for some reason and it has weird smells and it’s literally the worst one for no re I have water I have water dude we need three of those things so yeah but we need Rockets to fly them yeah so I don’t know what I just

Don’t know I just don’t understand why do you why why why get over why why I’m getting there I’m just saying I’m just saying for some reason I work at the uh the literal most um the whitest store in all America I work at the uh the most for so every

Single one of our have have a quirks right next you guys I’m working at the one with the most quirks I remember one time we had our manager catch a few rats in a box then and then he threw it in the compactor so he just

Yeah he literally threw a what in the compactor no no so he he C he caught a rat right in a box he caught a little mouse in a box and then he threw it inside of the the Box compressor like the trash compactor I’m still at the

Ship I’m still at the ship yeah get down what are you doing oh shoot I see you guys get down uh is the water down there jump yeah jump where he drop Oh Hey where’s the where’s the thing wait we got to find more be another one yeah I know but we

Need more to no there should be another n city like right next here so are you going for all elytra for all of you guys well yeah want I mean yeah we all want but I want to go back and get Rockets so one of us can fly and get the others

Yeah so one of us can do go back right now honestly just go back right now get Unbreaking get mending just get like all of the Rockets and then just go dude we don’t have enough gunpowder for that get them and get out but I was just say we should do

This now but why you going back up wait going back I’m looking for an Ender Chest oh yeah I did I did see one yeah yeah no I was just saying that uh I don’t know have you guys ever been to like for some reason have you ever

Noticed that just for all of the places I go to are hideously disgustingly dirty is that just me do you think that just you’re like that character from Charlie Brown SS I’m literally from I I I think you would I think you would enjoy watching y Spade what’s that se search his channel

Up wise Spade yeah what does he do just just give me a thing because I don’t have a way to search it up right now uh what do you mean just give me a summary just give me a summary of what he does shorts what does he

Dos he does have to find up for yourself I can’t say anything very descriptive every other channel okay okay give me wise Spade I’ll be right back this better not wait give me one second are you not at a computer right now no he’s on his phone yeah you a phone with

Internet what the I’m don’t mock me don’t mock me I’m not mocking you the that can open up two things at once he’s on a pager with disc watching we’re going on wise dude this guy has 10 subscribers no he doesn’t wait wait wait what’s his name

Why found his fan account yeah he’s like of Spades the Ace of spad I could send you a link I think that’s yeah is that the yeah yeah guys can we go if we’re not more let’s go let’s go oh wait search up y Spade seven he’s letting he’s gonna press a

Link somewhere he’s gonna get his phone stolen okay wait I’m looking at that now guys let’s not get killed by an Enderman this time that wasn’t fun last time that was just you yeah let’s not do it again so where’s the portal dud yeah that’s a tough oh it’s up

Head you still recording cuz I am well I’m streaming well yeah I know but like yeah I’m streaming there’s another Island another Island I know I was watching this guy literally so so I got like one video from him and it was a cigarette video and I’m like oh this makes sense

But no it’s just a bunch of random videos what are you talking about what what why mean random yeah they just look like random guys another Island here watch him yeah he’s your type of humor trust trust oh it’s this the guy where where it’s like he uh he says things and

And it’s not according to what the thing actually is no oh wait guys you’re missing the island it’s right here what do you mean there’s another Island over here is there a city there no but there probably is oh my god look look we’re not just going to stumble upon it we

Have to like stumble upon it ow I’ll be right back okay guys don’t fight at the edge he fight at the edge hey you know I kept talking about ancient Builders aren’t the Enderman like literally the ancient Builders no no I thought that was the lore no no you

Know the official game theory lore man you crazy all right let’s see uh D there’s nothing over here I hate you I yeah you know what yeah you’re feel free to hate me but there I mean there’s more Islands we can Che constantly Hating wait did did w leave who looked at every single one of them L just said that he’s leaving I thought he was coming back do you think he was just supposed to instantly leave and come back yeah what H would you leave your brain could have sworn there was another is

Nowhere to be found cut yeah there’s one there’s one over here there’s one over here no don’t that’s very risky I can’t see it I know but I know that guy was swearing what guy why Spade seven he was swearing oh yeah he does that a lot I’m

Gonna I’m you don’t know who that is D oh we do it a lot I mean I don’t see why he couldn’t wait you guys you guys oh I swear oh I swear a lot I freaking swear all the time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa can we get can we get the editor to beat ble we’re actually an atheist Minecraft server so it’s okay no no no I know it’s my worst nightmare too you’re killing wom he’s like you know I’m good at it like his skin is peeling

Off he’s turning red all my bones all my bones I think they I think look disgusting what guys head back just for a second do you guys not have blocks you just said I’m disgusting wait what my thumbnail pictur yeah he really did just say picture dude that’s a

Picture of a womad yeah Oh I thought it was a I thought it was a mouse so why would it be a mouse I don’t know I thought it’d be funny Nam wombat and it was just a mouse that would be funny no that would be funny you should do that right now

Give me give me approximately 0 five funny seconds okay five funny seconds granted just died I think I I think I switched it no wait what J Jacob just collapsed and like start to go I’m not sure what but guys I I I know all J

Wrong way wrong way Astro that’s to so I can see the end Island from all the way over here so we’re supp you have Bobby like huh no it’s not Bobby it’s not Bobby have like distant Horizons or something what how do you have that okay it like let

You see like forever be honestly can you like give me like a thing like Jacob’s screen is just just it’s just a pause can you give me like a play byplay on what’s going on with you oh yeah so we’re like wandering around doing literally nothing oh wait hold on he’s

Back hold on he’s back no keep going he hasn’t talked yet keep going I I still don’t see that dude oh he’s coming run run run run run he’s got an ax he’s got an axe didn’t know he was a threat I mean we all have axes I mean

I don’t but you know no no no no no no no he’s serious he’s serious my God why are so many of them what what is happening do you have his stream pulled up he’s like texting something on the screen right now oh is he yeah he he’s

No he’s texting something on the screen right now do you see that no we’re not what does it say it says what does it say see it said I’m not no I’ll tell you say it I’ll tell you after wombat’s gone was not good Astro and it was about you he knows oh

No no it was it was he said some not nice things about you Astro I honestly don’t I I didn’t think they accepted that on YouTube honestly am test I am testifying against this man um I’m right behind you yeah I have no where you guys we just kind of wandering around

Like we were doing that for the last 20 minutes oh uh texting things in chat yeah yeah yeah did you guys catch like do you have his stream like his audio on CU he’s like been pausing I I thought he was like I don’t have his audio on I’m

Just watching it just yeah no he’s been muting his mic he’s been saying things about you that’s I mean this is not new information I know they talk behind my back I talk about me behind my back if I were you yeah like who what’s your Source Astro awesome that’s

The redneck Republican alternative sources XYZ ba based based I might actually throw up oh imagine you go to a debate and you sort you site a republican sources that’s a good way to lose know that conservative you got to do Democratic facts that’s that’s the

That’s the real that’s the real Source I don’t know anything about politics we should all know he is I was thinking about this right okay none of you are none of you have a jobs right we should all pull our funds we should all make a website and we should make videos we

Should make our own version we should go we should make our own version of kick where we did you not hear yourself when you said we don’t have jobs I was going to say no no not you not you cam cam guys is a website C uh cam girl

Guys move off the topic cam girls cam girls cam okay we’re SK RZ uh Sigma skibby RZ oh I’m actually going to die again we should quote that we should put that on the website no no was that show near you NOP uh yeah yeah he was what that’s his name

Again Astro I think you know I had this funny idea I had this funny idea so basically hello uh I had this funny what hello yeah yeah go ahead oh yeah yeah yeah I just had this funny idea right so hypothetically right if you were to be a big a big Minecraft

YouTuber right and you had a you had a merch store I just thought it would be funny if your your merch store had an unhinged name like guys TP to me TP to me oh yeah guys please go and buy my die I was at like five Hearts you guys suck at

This game by the way I don’t know for the sake of entertainment we’re just going to use TP but be a lot moreor dude for the s for the I will spawn in 500 diamonds guys I will spawn in we got we got one elra just spawn in three more give them four

Chance no we’re just gonna do TP just because nobody wants to watch me walking back for 15 minutes no one’s watching you at all D you’re not streaming D don’t do it don’t do it yeah but I don’t want to do that so I’m just gonna my God

D literally literally here’s what you do right literally literally install barom just have the bot go and find Jacob honestly you should already have been doing this the entirety of your YouTube career bot what is he talk about Bots bar it’s the AI neural network that

Plays Minecraft for you there’s a oh my God there’s a bot that plays Minecraft oh no way they’re taking the going coming for our job asro hey can you blindly Prett soon you’re going to see the M Crafters out in the streets like the writers up poor D and poor D and Jacob

They’re gonna be out there on the streets guys that’s why you gota that’s why you gotta subscribe that’s why you gotta fund Jacob yeah subscribe to all my people that are watching right now which is how many oh yeah three you’re not streaming yeah you are though you know

What we should really do we should all sign a pact right so what we should do a pact is like not like a we we all sign into something and we all agree to help each other oh like the Warsaw pack yeah totally end the war yeah okay okay so

Anyways right what we do is that I heard this I heard this statistic right that putting a counter I heard a word no putting it gives you more uh subscribers because they because they get to see the number go up yeah they also we really do

Is that we should we should all create one channel and one we live stream well we could it could be like a Content Farm channel right we all create garbage we all yeah yeah and we just all have our live streams linking to the sub count of that

Channel uh I think we already do that actually what no no no but it wouldn’t be about Minecraft yeah NE neither is ours yeah no we would we would like repost stuff like uh content dude we dude the pixel channel is literally just a hug to find

Our videos like it’s not like anything else besides that we should be like the sidan we should just react to stuff and nobody would care oh I no I like that goes against my morals of like just reacting content I have a lot of funny

Things to react to I have I don’t want to be the next Sniper Wolf no no no no listen okay right I will dox you I will come to your house all listen listen to me real quick okay right there’s a lot of things you can react to

Right we can literally go on we can literally find frea um we can literally find like uh old news there’s a certain a few a certain few things I cannot say that we can react to though uh I think I have to if we can’t say it we probably

Can’t watch it either so no we we it’s not a watch it’s a read what I I’ll I’ll tell you later right I’ll tell you later watch us react to this book a certain book by a certain uh a certain man I I found the end City or

Whatever I love Car Mar does it have a does it have a boat I don’t I don’t I don’t think so guys today we’re gonna be reacting to all of the dictators top we’re gonna be ranking on list this is a tiny one oh yeah oh yeah can you guys

Give me your cords oh yeah yeah yeah one second uh you guys aren’t even streaming 636 62 26 that’s too far I’m not going there lot of twos a lot of twos oh yeah we we I can still see the end Island from all the way over here this mod is

Awesome where am my infinite don’t what the I don’t understand your guys’s choice of mods why did you add like yeah why do you add like a like an MMO level up mod and like a structure mod and nothing else uh cuz we just we kind of

Wanted to add some vanilla like mods but we also wanted to add gamify it a bit so we should add the last time we played the end fight was extremely boring yeah so we decided to like make it a bit more we have guns Not Buddy SMP anymore I

Have a I have a really good I have next buddy SMP we have guns next buddyp is we just add guns to this one no we shouldn’t do that we should actually we can we just do episodes where we just add a mod D does your does

A place you’re at have a ship Noe I think we’re about the right mods know why cuz what we’re doing is completely useless that’s kind of shallow I’m going to die wait what okay I mean do you even have your experience anymore uh okay never mind I got water

Bucket clutch now no I was just saying I was just trying to say because I’m I’m watching Jacob right now as you know I’m watching Jacob and I’m just you’re you’re uh I was from and he’s just wandering around this Barren and Wast like you could add added like one end

Mod right to make the we did have an end mod but apparently didn’t apply here faster than you out the game like so much so we just kept the original they should have added like tons ofes in this area so we just constantly scroll back to the scroll

Back to the dragon fight that’s where the fun stuff was the fun stuff was over the stream’s over did you end it no no you’re still playing no I mean like it’s like there’s nothing going on oh my God quick Jacob games quickly Jacob switch games no I

Gotta go eat no we got to keep it it’s the subathon we got to keep the stream going we got Zero Subs so far let’s keep it going guys we should really just one stream do anything to get donations literally anything I can’t receive donations did

You take my helmet my boots did I listen I know a guy I didn’t I didn’t I know a guy who can we just get a stream key and we make him split the money what huh we just steal a guy’s stream no he gives it

To us I think we make it sound like it was all his idea that’s what we do we say you’re the one who wanted to give me your stream key that’s what we say this this reminds me what happened he gave someone they justed something that got

His channel banned for a they didn’t let him stream for like a month or two oh my God no no watch that that works watch this that that works remember hey Astro you remember how you said you were going to give me uh 20 bucks yeah yeah just it

Just sounds like you normally I don’t know what you’re talking about you guys cannot even communicate together you guys can’t have a conversation you’re on different levels no we’re in different dimensions no no that is actually no no yeah if we were all if we were all

Characters we would like if we were all characters from a sitcom we would all be from different sitcoms what I’m sure gu your friend group is from Seinfeld confus oh I’m like Jerry no I I’d be like Jerry want to be Jerry you do not want to be Jerry why would I do

Why don’t I want to be Jerry his name I don’t like Jerry well I’ll say I’ll say um my I don’t know many many sitcoms I’ll say your mom whoa that could mean two things Epic burn uh I think we’re done here yeah that’s what I said I think

We’re done here all right let’s go home D die jump off you have nothing worth it uh yeah actually I I I had 50 levels I lost 48 of them yo just just keep uh put keeper inventory on really quick okay that’s actually cheating I don’t want to do that

Dud too far yeah for the sake of the stream I want everybody give them all slash op like add a few mods in real quick that changes the uh the drop warid on uh elris I’m going to add a nuke mod I know that’s a threat that’s a threat we’ve already

Done you wake up in the middle of the night you wake up in the middle of the night yeah you get a message from D I’m adding a nuke mod I am do you remember our plan do you remember our little plan at the beginning of the other SMP that we

The other SMP the one that happened 3 years ago no I don’t remember no no two years ago yeah D I was there all right uh this is like a blank spot in his memory okay hold on hold on no there’s a his entire memory is just

Blank you’re right it just doesn’t write anything down oh please work I’m like I’m running off a ram stick right now he has no ink in his brain he can’t write anything down okay Astro I wouldn’t I wouldn’t recommend doing that that’s a bad idea don’t I almost didn’t make

It you know I’m actually thinking about what Jacob said like everybody has a different personality no that’s actually right like well that’s not what I said cuz that’s pretty obvious people have human traits is crazy no no I’m saying like I’m saying like most people like

They all all the people in like a normal group chat has usually have like all the same sense of humor and they’re all making the sort of the same jokes everybody in this it’s been all over the place and that’s how it’s always been every single one of your streams I’ve

Watched that’s why we work well together because we’re different we’re not the same person we’re not Clon how many end pearls even there’s three uh uh there’s like three streams going on on three completely dis different SM like smps or three different single player servers that’s

How it is when I isn’t that fun isn’t that exciting you get to choose which one you want to watch I’m going to die Oh no oh God I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead to live for can you at Le like stream your screen cuz I’m not there um I don’t know that you don’t know how to use technology you’re right Frick look I look okay look we’re coming

Home anyway so it doesn’t matter already home we’re coming we’re coming home you brought his corpse song you wrote D I wrote a song yeah like home again or something like that didn’t you write that on your album Remember D is a little I mean he the

D oh yeah the D track I you wrote that it was like two words is a little bit Yeah four we should all go into music right now and just skip the steps of becoming popular in Minecraft yeah I don’t have anymore who’s trying to get popular at

Minecraft I don’t know no no no no listen hear me out right I’ll start a rap group I rap names for us Tom immediately bad I’ll I’ll be I’ll be little I’ll be little you know how they do little can we call them can we call the group topless gun please please

Please okay there we go yeah sure that sounds like an okay that sounds like an okay name it’s you have a shield get us e pearls we’ll be like we’ll be like wuang gang in what way I don’t know they’re a rap group D protect me D protect me d

Dude where your where your uh chest plate I want do someone do an it is okay all right let’s go thanks for watching guys subscribe to just ask guys thanks for watching subscribe to Kevin music attend supp wait wait I need need Pearl you don’t have a pearl all

Right little baby wait wait Jacob Jacob wait you’re not going to see your your famous line before ending the stream ah what line yo keep on creating jacober keep on creating is actually crazy keep on creating Jacob keep on keep on production guys how’s it your first wait he died

Every single other time that’s right yeah the only successful Jacob fan is me no what that would be me well I okay I heard that all Jacob fans actually have to like do a fistic cuffs is that true we have to D to death what Jacob fans

Huh me well you’re not a Jacob fand D so you wouldn’t get it but me and that’s that’s actually really are we fans of each other like how does that even work I mean I’m a fan of me I’d assume asro like after originally I was Jacob’s biggest fan I’m

Gonna Jacob in single singular combat to see who’s a bigger fan of him you got to go home you’re just going to spawn in the middle of nowhere no I didn’t spawn in the middle of nowhere who whoa whoa whoa Jacob Jacob go back to your go back

Back home I’m going to destroy the bed and then I can spawn at World spawn Jacob why don’t you make a big gold uh with copper though all right here

This video, titled ‘Nether and End data packs | Minecraft SMP Live’, was uploaded by Jacup Creations on 2024-02-11 01:54:28. It has garnered 737 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds.

YO Watup I’m streaming on a Minecraft SMP again called the Pixeled SMP. Today we raid the insanely Modded nether fortress. Along with @JustAstroThings and @DeeSolomonStarkey. But DONT SUB TO THEM!

SUB to the community channel @The_Pixeled_Official

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    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More