Insane Holiday Village Build – Minecraft Survival

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For well well well oh just got to wait a second for my OBS to catch up with me there we go good morning everybody how is it going today good morning it’s so nice to see you all and welcome to a redo oh my gosh I am jumping because

Ruth just jumped up on my keyboard it’s it’s one of these mornings Ruth is Ruth is active welcome on in everybody how are you doing here is our redo stream of our Holiday Village with froggy I hope you’re all doing well hope you’re all doing well we have tons of fun stuff

Planned Ruth is absolutely she’s going wild right now she is going wild oh she just she has knocked my water bottle it is she she is very very high energy this morning we we played a little bit before stream and she’s she’s still got the Zoomies still got the

Zoomies welcome on in everybody how are you all doing it’s so nice to see you all so for those of you uh who are just popping in today we had a couple of hiccups on Friday we were supposed to start this uh beautiful holiday stream that we’re doing today we were supposed

To start it on Friday however there was a really weird internet issue it was kind of like a global thing that we could not control so basically what happened was on Froggy’s end like she could not connect to the server um from her location it was really strange so

Everything seems to be working today uh we were on this server for quite a while throughout the rest of uh the last few days and today and it seems like it’s working well so we are ready to kick this off and start building together we are absolutely ready ow ow hello

Hi sorry hi Hi how are you good how are you are you excited I am excited how how are we sounding each other’s chats are we loud enough for each other yeah chat let me know do I have to turn up uh froggy at

All let me know also I hope I sound well on your end froggy could you talk a little bit hi hello my name’s frog and today infinite drift smells like butterscotch oh that’s really lovely actually oh my God I’m I need to eat a candy cane oh

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to it’s okay it’s okay you know what it was just an excuse to eat a candy cane so yeah know what that’s fair yeah are we all okay chat hit one if we’re all good froggy up a little bit okay perfect all right can you can you say

One more thing about how maybe I smell like butter butterscotch oh oh actually that was fart that was just pure fart I’m so sorry um um stop stop oh my God oh my God drift it wasn’t me okay you know what I’m I’m walking away from this I am walking away I am

Choosing to not participate in this look at this wow what’s this I I’ve never seen this before two d drifty from Santa huh Santa really for us what what is that Santa gave me a backpack what I’ve always wanted with a bunch of blocks in it too random Cobblestone who would have

Given me that cookies oh my gosh give you cookies Santa my backpack I feel like it’s a little bit large for my body but it also looks really good it looks really cool honestly it looks really good wait what about how do I look with this are those jammies

Yeah J jams yep jimm jams we’re GNA we’re getting cozy today okay what about mine you look good thank you wait how do I you look like if the Walmart section that has all the Christmas stuff was a person oh you know what that’s for me that’s a compliment because you they

Usually have pretty good like Christmas jammies so like yeah oh well you know like I feel like I look like the target Christmas section but you definitely look like the Walmart one you kind of look like the Old Navy one to be honest Old Navy is great and

It has great quality for great prices so I take that as a compliment it is a compliment you know what I actually have been buying a lot from their lately because their quality has increased yeah back like I don’t know a couple years ago it wasn’t the best but

It has gotten better they’ve yeah they’ve really turned a new Leaf for real anyway enough enough talking about random Brands this this is not why we’re here this is not why we’re here we are here to build a Holiday Village together and and we’re going to do that

In our Christmas Jammies duh of course what like if you are doing Christmas activities you always have to be in cozy jammies no matter what okay okay so and we’re going to we’re going to build our Christmas Village around here mhm and this pig is is he invited to the

Is this the mayor of Christmas Village absolutely the mayor we’re going to have to name tag him what’s his name though um I don’t have any good names it’s too early Ruth Dorito no Marcus those are Marcus Marcus mayor Marcus yeah we could have named him something

Like holiday themed oh yeah true what about no I mean he’s already named Marcus I’ve already Associated him okay it’s Marcus it’s Marcus my is saying to name him bacon um he doesn’t appreciate that that oink was of disapproval so this is meor Marcus bacon yeah Marcus Marcus P

Bacon Marcus ban Marcus B aen Marcus B bayonnaise he we love him we love him okay what’s what what is on the agenda here froggy actually should we show chat we were we were we were exploring a little bit and we figured out this isn’t just a

Tree this is actually Marcus P Bacon’s Workshop cuz Marcus P bacon might actually be Santa I think that Marcus P bacon is Santa because this does look like Santa’s Workshop yeah like there there are elves and a fireplace and stockings and also there’s all sorts of

Yep look at this like look at this oh my gosh I’m losing my voice I’m so excited look we can sit here we can cookies should we just hang out here today instead well I think that we should probably build some houses today I guess so you’re right you’re

Right when it gets cold and windy we can come in here and have a cup of hot chocolate like this is hot chocolate you’re so right you’re so right oh my gosh okay you’re so right so so this will be a reward for doing doing lots of

Hard work today yes and it looks like there’s a bunch of crafting stations down here crafting stations we’ve got lots of blocks to work with blocks that may be hard to attain we’ve got lots of decorations we’ve got we’ve got a lot of stuff to work with yeah there’s all

Sorts of flowers and and for some reason there’s like these giant candy canes like why are they so big I don’t know but I kind of like them well honestly I think they you’re right they are kind of cute they are very swag honestly I I say

That I say that we we build up this Village but just because there’s a whole drawer of stuff doesn’t mean there’s not other stuff to collect so I think we’re going to have to begin things by maybe doing a little bit of resource Gathering and I think we should maybe divide it

Up yeah so do you want to chop trees or do you want to go get like stones and clay or what do you want to do you know what I’m I’m down for an adventure I’ll go cave if you want me to okay all right that would probably be really really

Cool maybe get some deep sigh and look for like a l cave or something okay okay okay got itbe like over in this direction no reason that I would ever say over in this direction by the way like not that you know the terrain here

At all no this is my first time seeing it but like over there past the lake uhhuh where those trees are that has no snow on them see what I mean uh maybe under there okay got it if I get lost I will uh I’ll cry for help in

Discord yeah yeah that’s fine um I’ll be over here chopping some trees um from our our tree fairy and I’ll smell you later bye stinky all right chat we have a big adventure today oh my gosh I need a bed I need a bed first oh my God I do need a

Bed first I’m going to take some wool we do have some some resources from our last stream uh cuz I was collecting a little bit of stuff while we were figuring out some of the tech issues oh there’s a zombie here goodbye oh first Monster first Monster

Okay I’m going to I’m going to get a bed first cuz I think that’s a necessity for sure uh we probably have some wool we do we do how do I grab this oh perfect so I can grab three wool and I’m going to craft ourselves bed really quickly I

Need to go into my backpack though I don’t know how to open the backpack I’m going to ask froggy froggy quick question um how do you how do you like look at the contents of your backpack press B B thank you okay bye you’re so welcome Perfect all right chat we have

Lots of Adventures ahead of us today oh my God sorry we we have lots of Adventures ahead of us today um we are going to go start things off by cave exploring let’s make ourselves a bed so we’re all safe and good to go I think

Our backpack also has a um I think it also has a crafting table in it techman welcome on in how you doing so nice to see it also so nice to see everybody popping on in I really appreciate you all coming back for this stream I know

We had some tech issues uh on Friday but we’re all good to go today all good to go walk down homie I see you Mrs dark fairy Cassandra Jodie uh Marie welcome on in everybody so nice to see you all Halloween’s your favorite anyway Halloween is one of my favorite holidays

As well I feel like I feel like it’s almost underrated in some ways but you know what Christmas is a close second for me um I’ve been watching a bunch of uh Christmas movies and getting in the spirit uh we got our tree up a couple weeks ago it’s just been super cozy

So we got to go off this way according to froggy what is this seash shells oh my God that’s so cute o we could decorate with these I like that all right there is an aelia tree there which means we are close to the Lush cave is I

Of curiosity have you drank any of the hot cocoa yet from your backpack no why you do turn your volume all the way up okay is that just just let it happen let her rip it’s a oh God okay I’ll let you know when I

Do but yeah have any of you had any like have any of you had any like um Christmas plans going on what have you all been up to with the with the holiday season we’ve been mostly just watching um Christmas movies at home my parents are coming to the city this weekend so

We might I think we might get some shopping done I still have a couple of gifts to get uh specifically for my niece and I think I’m pretty sure uh we’re going to be going to see The Nutcracker but I think it’s a couple days after Christmas

I’ve actually never seen that um I’ve never seen it before my mom and my sister have so I’m very excited to see it I have no idea where this Lush cave is going to be there I just need a cave entrance oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh

No oh no I’m SC we ah it’s cold it’s cold D welcome on in from Australia hope you’re having a good one yeah as far as I know it’s pretty late over there I hope uh hope you get some good rest soon enough though but thank you so much for

Popping in I appreciate it okay I don’t know where this Lush cap will be we’re close because we have a bunch of aelia trees nearby we just need to find an entrance honestly you’ve been playing Minecraft nice honestly yeah I’ve been playing oh here’s an entrance I’ve been playing a

Ton of fortnite oh I see glowberries I see glowberries okay we’re good we’re good we’ve been um playing a bunch of fortnite I think we’re going to be waiting for the Christmas event uh we’ve been playing a bunch of while I play Minecraft every day getting into the

Spirit with that um and we have also yeah we’ve just been watching movies and stuff and drinking hot chocolate always got to have a cup of hot chocolate you’re uh flying out to Pittsburgh to see your grandparents today a little early Christmas celebration Abby that sounds wonderful I

Hope it all goes well that’s awesome I hope you all enjoy it Halloween never uh gets to hang around the way Christmas does Christmas rolls in 2 months early and takes over everything I wish Halloween hung around a bit longer too honestly we try our best to like make it

Hang around as long as possible because we really love Halloween movies but it I I agree like it’s it feels very short you know by the time before Halloween is even over people are putting up Christmas decorations or like selling them at stores and I’m always like what gives come

On all right we got lots of stuff so we’re going to need some clay to gather um we’re going to have to gather up some clay today because I want to use a lot of bricks for these builds basically what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Build a Holiday Village and when I think of like a little like Holiday Village I think of um cute and cozy houses kind of similar to uh the builds that we did in my stream world at that Waterfront so like cute little town homes uh so brick

Will be a good material maybe we could find some modded blocks as well we have tons of decoration blocks uh that are very like holiday themed so that’s going to be good uh let’s toss all of this in the backpack uh-oh what is that noise oh I

Think it’s an axel autle oh my God it is you gave me a fright oh my gosh oh my gosh all right clay can go in here we already got tons we just been decorating and are planning to go swimming since it’s summer for us nice that sounds very fun

Yeah I have a couple friends um from like Australia and New Zealand and they tell me that they’re kind of enjoying like the the summer months right now it always it always um it always trips me up because it’s so cold over here I’m like I can’t picture having summer

Weather right now it’s wild but I think I think that’s really cool I’m on a Minecraft server with friends and we just did a holiday event together that’s honestly honestly the big plan I’ve done so far nice what was uh the holiday event that you guys did sounds super [Applause]

Fun okay I’m going to grab a bunch of coal I think that’s always always worth grabbing going to grab a bunch of clay of course and I think glowberries and stuff like that would be uh very nice they’re always nice like lighting decorations some of this drip Leaf would

Be kind of cool too let me see if I have okay I do have shears so we’re going to Shear a bunch of these as well azy so nice to see you how you doing hope you’re having a great uh guess it would be afternoon now hope you you’ve been having a great

Day love a good uh dark hot chocolate oo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I can get behind that I can definitely get behind that absolutely all right let’s grab up a bunch of these aelas oh look at him he’s in a Christmas sweater no stop it’s so

Cute so cute cute oh my gosh I am living right now I am living all right we’re going to grab a bunch of moss as well okay should we eat this should we try the hot cocoa that froggy was talking about I think we should apparently the sound is like really bad

All right should we try it oh that’s awful that is so bad oh I was I was chugging I was chugging all right chat rate that sound on a scale of one one to one to Awful how how bad was that that was actually terrible actually terrible oh I

Fell I fell okay I’m going to grab a bunch of this drip Leaf we’re going to grab some of of these glowberries cuz these would be nice to have as well and I think as many glowberries as we can grab the better I feel like that’s an

Item that me and froggy are definitely going to use eight putrid sound yeah it was pretty bad right pretty bad 2: p.m. I’ve been okay sore back just woke up have a cup of though I couldn’t uh get to your message properly on Discord uh cuz it’s

Having issues again oh I was wondering about that cuz my messages were sending very delayed this morning I noticed that as well and I was like uh-oh is my internet on the fritz this is not good timing but I’m guessing it’s just Discord having a moment no worries

Though azy it wasn’t anything like super urgent I just got you uh linked up to the stream elements on YouTube also we have some modded blocks right here I’m going to grab these what are these aelia flowers oh that is so cool so cool all right we’re going to grab those as

Well you’re up so early uh my time are at 7:00 a.m. not complaining though cuz I get to work uh early as heck oh welcome on in stumble I hope uh hope you’re having a good one yeah we are we are starting early today cuz we are

Doing a collab stream with froggy so this is the perfect time for both of our time zones we’re building up a Holiday Village together and is going to be super super fun and super super cozy so I appreciate having you all here I know we’re starting a little bit earlier than

We normally do but but it is going to be super fun today we’re going to have a blast right now we’re just Gathering a bunch of random materials from the Lush cave uh just to give us some blocks to work with also Veronica oh my gosh sorry

A Skelly is attacking me Veronica thank you so much for the 199 chat you know what to do you know what to do can I get some big big big swags in chat I really appreciate it going back and um back and forth watching had to come show love oh

Veronica thank you so much much I really appreciate it thank you so much for supporting our streams very very much appreciate it and I hope you enjoy uh our Holiday Village streams today big big swags all the love all the hype chat all right

So I feel like we just need like a stack and a bit of moss we probably already have enough to be honest I feel like I’ve gathered quite a bit let’s see I’ve got 42 here and a bunch of glowberries whatever I see I’ll grab and then grab this oh look another

Entrance that’s handy so I don’t have to who creeper I don’t have to go through the other uh other way that I found interesting that looks like it’s pretty close to our base I forgot that I do have world map though so I don’t have to necessarily I won’t really get lost oh

Oh my God it’s wearing a Santa hat look at that that is so cute oh my God please I feel bad killing him oh my gosh oh you’re always waking up at 6:00 a.m. honestly I’m I’ve been trying my best to like consistently get up at 700 sometimes I sleep until 8: at

The latest um if I’m really tired but we’ve been we’ve been getting up pretty early before Big Tiny duck has to get to work and stuff and it just kind of kind of helps enjoy like being able to enjoy a coffee and like really just hang out in silence before work

Starts oh let some fresh new commands in here for the next stream heck yeah Azie I appreciate it I appreciate it so much thank you thank you yeah it should all be good now I just I had I just had to add you to this one and it seemed

Relatively easy but if there’s any issues just let me know of course just let me know all right let’s grab some of the these real quick there was a Skelly coming after me oh my gosh where is it where is it ow oh there you are get out

Of here you’re not even festive where’s your hat where is your hat sir oh my gosh Curtis what the heck Curtis thank you so so much for the 50 thank you so so much I really really appreciate it chat you know what to do you know what to do all the big swags

All the big love throw down all those swags thank you so much I really really appreciate it I finally caught a stream and while uh stream while it’s still live YouTube doesn’t usually notify me until the next day oh my gosh the next day that’s very strange yeah I think the

Live notifications are a little bit different sometimes so they’re not they don’t always uh always work but I appreciate you one coming on in and hanging out being able to hang out today and thank you so much again for the 50 very very kind I really really

Appreciate it chat you know what to do throw down all those big big swags all right I think we’re nearly done collecting stuff I don’t know I think I’ve got like a good mix of things we got some drip Leaf we got some glowberries maybe a little bit more Moss

Would probably probably do us good and I also feel like these flowers we’re both going to really probably use a lot of these and I last uh last but not least what I want to do afterwards is I want to go over to where we were kind of

Building the other day while we were waiting for oh my God he’s in a Christmas sweater it’s so funny it is infinitely funnier watching watching these guys walk around in caves try to be all threatening but they’re wearing like the goofiest sweaters like dude come at me

Bro oh my gosh it is so funny another thing we’re going to need actually though chat is some Granite probably Granite pairs very well with uh with stone or not stone with pretty much anything oh deep slate was also on the list I’m getting carried away cuz I’m just very

Excited but uh this is going to be a multi stream event uh we are going to be streaming from this world probably up until I think like the 22nd um both solo and together so we have we have a couple streams we could do in this world very

Very excited there’s quite a few mods uh we have to explore uh I got to get a list out for you all uh we a lot of them are similar to the charity one that we already did for Halloween and then we added some Christmas ones on top of that

I don’t know if I have the charity mods uh in stream elements anymore I got to check it out if you try exclamation point Char charity mods it might work might oh we got another Christmas sweater nice all right we got lots of moss so let’s grab some Granite for us this will

Be very useful you like hot chocolate better than coffee I like hot chocolate um I like I like both for different reasons I like coffee to wake up and then hot chocolate’s like the perfect like evening drink cuz I don’t I try my best not to consume too much caffeine late

Into the evening so hot chocolate’s like the perfect cozy drink for like a late afternoon ear early evening I would say what did you do last stream wasn’t here and I wanted to catch up Barry welcome on in I hope you’re having a great day it’s so nice to see you so

Last stream we had a couple of Internet issues um so we ended up working in our stream world and we built out a really cute cozy cabin area we continued that on stream on Twitch on Saturday we did like a cheeky little uh Saturday morning stream and I think we’ll go back into

The world uh hopefully soon I’ll I’ll show you all what we did uh another day for sure I would like to show you all cuz ended up looking really cute super super cute we will we be going into The Nether I really want to know if there’s

Christmas pigs oh my gosh you know what if we have time I will build out a portal to see if that’s like actually a thing cuz if it is that would be hilar hilarious I was going to say hilarity I’ll let that command later on

Uh when I can get to the back end like no worries azy appreciate it appreciate it I think if anything I may have actually turned it off I could I could probably uh I could probably activate it again in a in a hot second all right I think andesite is a

Good one to have I’m always building with that as well I think froggy does too so lots of granite lots of andesite and then I think the last thing we need on our list is a little bit of deep slate so I’ve got three stacks of granite I feel like

We might need a little bit more than that you know granite’s granite’s a pretty uh pretty big building building block for me I would say you love hot chocolate me too I love like a really like I we often make the packaged hot chocolate at home Big Tiny duck will

Make like homemade hot chocolate too with like um icing sugar and cocoa powder is fantastic but I also love like if you go to a Christmas Market the fancy hot chocolates have where it’s like I don’t know like white chocolate hot chocolate and like all of those

Options that they’ve got so good so good coffee and hot chocolate together is yummy that too that too like a a little like um coffee hot chocolate combo agreed yeah we need some deep slate for sure deep slate is just such a great building block I remember when deep slate like in

118 first came out I almost like didn’t know what to do with it in a way it took me a little little while to uh to find my footing with deep slate but I absolutely love it also I always just say I Channel I’m channeling my inner wax fraud if I use deep

Slate Channel your inner wax fraud and it will all get figured out okay I think this should be a good amount of granite let’s take a look oh yeah oh yeah okay if we go lower we’re bound to hit some deep slate there it is possibly no those are

Vines oh that’s a pretty steep drop isn’t it I don’t think I have a water bucket I did not come prepared it’s okay we can uh we can climb down oh we’ll be fine we’ll be fine as long as we leave like a trail a torch Trail we should be

Good I’m just going to message froggy just grabbing deep slate then I’ll be up ooh what’s this I think I’ve seen this block in better Minecraft before this is rly I don’t know if we can turn that into anything but that looks kind of cool we definitely have to keep our eyes

Out for some good modded blocks and that that could be a potential potential winner if you know what I mean we should probably grab some oops uh diorite as well just a little bit I don’t I don’t build with it too too much but if we could find even calite pair

Pair those two together that would be excellent hot chocolate with an espresso shot that would that just sounds Divine whoa what’s this I’ve never seen this block before well I’m grabbing it I am grabbing it it makes kind of a cool noise ooh that’s satisfying that is

Good have you seen uh wax Fraud’s Axel AAL disco yes I have it is such a good build dude is just he’s on fire honestly he has one of my favorite hardcore worlds it just has so much life to it it is like the most like organic like hardcore world I’ve ever

Seen it’s just like that thing just breathes life you know I love it so much espresso espresso really elevates the chocolate flavor exactly azy exactly it like they just they just pair together so nicely yum we were going to try to hit up the Christmas Market here in Toronto oh my

Gosh there’s a deep dark of course there is that is terrifying um I think we still might it just oh my gosh oh oh my God for I just had to like I knew that was a witch but I just had to clock why is she like Ela from when are you back

Up oh gosh sorry I was just fighting a witch I will be back up very very shortly you were fighting a why were you out of breath because she looked like Elsa from Frozen yeah it was terrifying yeah um I sorry is that like a modded thing yes

Absolutely or she looked like Elsa SL maybe a nurse you know oh is that another one is that another zombie oh I’m scared I’m like heard the tals of the witch elura yes absolutely okay I’m like at half a heart right now I’m just I’m panicking do you need me to come

Help you where are you no I think I’m good I think I’m good I’m at the bottom of a cave I’m just grabbing some deep slate and then I’ll be back up if that’s cool do you find clay oh I’ve got I’ve got 2 4 6 8 10 11 stocks of

Clay clay blocks or clay bricks or clay balls clay balls oh nice clay balls I’ve got a ton of granite some andesite and then grabbing deep slate and then we’re we’re good okay cool um I just actually found Spruce for the first time and I collected quite a bit of um all the

Other modded wood that we had over there mhm um not a lot of dark oak and um Regular Oak though I we’ll definitely have to do more chopping it just doesn’t spawn it’s like four logs at a time you know what I mean oh yeah I see what you

Mean yeah I don’t think there’s any Dark Forest like nearby us either so we’ll just we’ll just have to be on it for that uh type of wood I guess yeah no the the elner switch uh biome is uh vast and infinite stop don’t make me laugh I’m

Weak okay I’m just going to grab this deep slate I’ll probably be like a couple minutes cuz how many stacks you do you think we’ll need of deep slate yeah at least 45 45 Stacks what else are we going to make these roofs out of oh you’re so right

Okay well I’ll I’m going to be here a while then I was joking we can always go down together yeah exactly I’ll grab a couple stacks and I’ll come back up okay okay okay all right see you soon do you prefer dogs or cats listen I

Love my cat more than anything you know what I’m more of a cat person but ALS hey drift I know that you just kind of almost perished because of that Elsa witch but my chat says you just got to let it go stop I’m weak I’m weak stop it you

Know what I really do have to let it go I’m trying to think of a another quote from that song but I’m not I’m not well versed in my frozen I’m sorry I’m not going to lie I’ve never seen Frozen really yeah to be fair I have a I have a

Niece who is frozen obsessed so I’ve I’ve had no choice in that match matter it is a great movie though the songs annoyed me too much you’re missing out no okay bye hi um what was I saying I don’t even remember I do not remember we need

Mossy I thought I was going to die in that moment we need Mossy deep slate so bad no agree that would look so cool so cool I want to know if the warden has a sweater oh my gosh okay you know what we should do when we’re ready to like

Whenever this world is done can we go down and look I need to I need to we need to know cuz if it has a sweater like my life is forever changed in this game you know I can I’ll never be able to unsee that and it will just

Be the greatest thing in the world I need some Christmas cookies I need some Christmas cookies I’m hungry there’s a Mexican food uh restaurant in town next to mine and they make uh some girelli chocolate shakes and sometimes I get them with espresso and they’re way chocolatier oh my gosh

That sounds delicious the the girelli H chocolate the there’s that peppermint crackle one the peppermint crackle square that is one of my favorite chocolates I I literally remember the day that I discovered that chocolate like my life changed Camila welcome on in how you doing how are you

Doing your streams are so cozy oh thank you I appreciate it well welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a fantastic day and we are doing some cozy holiday building today so I’m super excited for it this is going to be extra cozy Vibes are you getting sick honestly I am

Actually just getting over being sick I got sick when I came back from uh England over a month ago and I’m I’m still kind of like it’s um I just got hit with something really bad that was respiratory and it it just hung around for so long I think it turned into

Bronchitis or something to be honest um but it has been persistent it’s wild you were talking about whether you’re a dog or cat person so I’ve only ever really been around cats to be honest and I have a cat Ruth she is my the love of my life love her so much

She’s the sweetest little angel ever she is so cute um but we also do I I love dogs as well and we do want to get a dog one day when we have like a proper uh space cuz right now we’re in an apartment and it would just be a little

Bit difficult so I think one day whenever that is whenever we move um to a bigger space we do want a dog as well for sure Cole welcome on in so nice CIA how you doing I think the warden is a fuzzy socks and pointy hat kind of guy drift

Should definitely go find out that is hilarious yeah I I agree with the fuzzy like fuzzy reading socks you know likes to likes to you know get cozy by a fire uh and just read some books while wearing really cozy socks I should have marked our our

Home I really should have marked our home because I have no I I can’t read this I’m looking for the Christmas tree and I don’t see it wait let me look one more time it would be such a blip it could look like anything I need to get to like

A a mountain peak I could I could also just ask froggy her coordinates as well I think maybe I’ll do that hello froggy may I have your coordinates please um I’m currently at 1820 1112 117 18 okay let me just add that um do you want me to just like make a

Wayo and then share it yes please that would be awesome there you go oh perfect thank you I’ll see you soon M okay so we got to go this way awesome so we did some pretty big cave exploration I say I say we did a good

Job GS welcome on in how you doing good morning I hope you’re having a good one you know he got cute pajamas and and everything absolutely the warden the warden is like a he lives a cozy lifestyle let’s be real I feel like that’s why he’s always so angry whenever

Everyone goes to visit him because he’s like you just woke me up from a nap like I settled down with a good book I had like a nice tea and now you’re waking me up for what for what I’m crocheting a beanie for my boyfriend’s uh my boyfriend’s mom um so

Watching your streams is the perfect vibes oh that’s so nice I hope it’s going well that’s so cool so awesome I hope you’re enjoying the crocheting and they are definitely going to enjoy that type of gift I love receiving gifts like that like handmade gifts my sister used to be really into

Nitty not so much anymore I don’t think she has much time uh currently but she knitted me a scarf once and it was one of my favorite things my son and I uh both got sick two weeks ago still coughing and congested okay this sounds like a lot oh oh I’m

Here oh heck yeah that sounds like a lot like very similar to what I had it’s it’s hung around literally for a month it’s very bizarre very very bizarre I hope uh I hope you are on the menend soon though cuz I I definitely get it it’s super

Frustrating I think BTD would have something to say about Ruth being the love of your life okay yeah I took I took that a little far Ruth is Ruth is the best cat anyone could ask for but BTD is like what the heck what the heck all right I’m going to start putting

Down a couple Chests can I access I was like if I could access the backpack also that would be so good so I’m going to get like a junk chest going hello then we are going to have to have a chest with all of our stuff for here so I’m going to do like a couple

Rows of deep slate we’re going to do some moss and then probably diorite in here as well I didn’t grab that much though so I’ll put it down here with the rest iron we grabbed a lot of of iron actually I did not grab as much deep

Slate as I thought I’ve got to be honest that could go down here and then clay tons of clay that is hilarious uh Cobble can go around here got lots of granite which is nice you got to work on embroidering your jacket when the Kitty uh decides to

Leave your lab hey that could be 3 seconds from now suddenly or 5 years from now the cats leave when they want to leave that’s like Ruth it’s so funny okay I got to sleep quickly kind of want to see fan art of the warden shuffling around in his

Sweater and socks uh one sock hanging off a Sanda hat holding a hot chocolate looking a bit frazzled like he just woke up could you imagine I feel like somebody could do good fan art of like the warden like that or like sitting by like a cozy fire it would be super cute

The warden is me me too I I feel like I relate to the warden you know I relate to the warden a little bit and he’s like he’s been woken up he can’t see very well cuz it’s just so dark in the deep dark and he’s like why

Are people bothering me how come there’s and he’s like he’s not willing to admit that he actually needs the overhead lights on he’s not willing to admit that yet because his parents always like turn the lights on I can’t see but we all know overhead lights are ugly but now

He’s so upset that he actually needs them to see I’m not speaking from experience or anything okay I am whenever we cook now we always like Shifty eye at each other and turn the overhead light on cuz I can’t see anymore when I’m cooking and I’m so sad about it

BTD sa far end of the dining room giving run Ruth evil eye while hand feed Ruth and cuddle oh man honestly sometimes that’s what it feels like when Ruth picks a favorite though currently BTD is um is Ruth’s favorite and I just stare at them I’m

Like it’s not fair okay I’m just going to go collect actually some of the stuff that we left over at that side of the mountain the other day and then I’ll be good to go what kind of cat do you have I have a Calico but she I I think she’s

Also kind of like a tabby as well um she is honestly just the sweetest thing she’s very curious I think calicos are naturally like very mischievous in some ways but I would say like she is very like smart and just really funny like I love her Ruth has so much personality and I

Love it I love it yeah I get it and then we’re going around stealing from all his chest no exactly like come on we’re stealing like his Swift sneak we’re stealing his like templates I kind of I kind of get where the the warden’s coming from now he’s

Just trying to Vibe you know he’s just trying to Vibe and then we’re coming around just being like who oh oh gosh oh gosh are you playing peaceful or hardcore we are playing just normal survival mode today trying to make my way up this map Mountain to grab all of our uh former

Stuff that we grabbed the other day it should be very helpful for what we’re working on I think there’s like a bunch of gravel and like Cobble and stuff when we were going to maybe potentially build something up here Blossom welcome on in just wanted to quickly say hi hope you’re having a

Wonderful day hope you’re having a wonderful day so nice to see you all did you make it home did you find it I did I’m just Gra grabbing um I’m just grabbing all of the Cobble and stuff from that mountain quickly and then I’ll be down where is it what the heck uhoh

What mountain you know the mountain I was going to build that thing on the restroom yeah restroom Mountain yeah I don’t see it though I might be on the wrong side oh you you made other chests so funny story I was putting stuff in our in our original chest from

Santa oh were you well yeah yeah I made like a junk chest and then like a um I made a chest with all like the materials that we would need okay oh I found the spot okay I’ll be there in one second I’m just grabbing all these materials

And then I think I’m ready to build if you are yeah um I’ve I’ve got quite a bit of stuff over here and we can we can start building up our little houses I’m so excited me too okay perfect I will see you soon y perfect you’re going to make some hot

Chocolate no worries enjoy enjoy I still have my coffee I need to I need to finish drinking that I’m lucky my partner and I each have cats who prefer us um Mimi always wants to snuggle with me and mashed potatoes always wants to be with her that is so

Sweet Mimi and mashed potatoes as well those are great names so cute cats just have um so much personality honestly I I love them they’re so funny they’re so funny cuz like I find that like Ruth is very like affectionate she needs our love but I

Also love like how independent she is in some ways and how determined she is to like do things her own way it’s just it’s just so funny she has like her little routine where she like right now currently cuz we don’t really have space to store our box that our Christmas tree

Came in is just like kind of behind our couch she’s like really like settled into sleeping on that it’s her new favorite spot she has like really nice like window sill perches and like beds and stuff but no the cardboard box behind the couch is currently her

Favorite spot and she’s really like it’s like sunken in now it’s going to collapse on her one day it is but she loves it she absolutely loves it so glad for Smart LED lights when you AB absolutely have to see what you’re doing rather than just enjoy life you

Can turn it up to 100% brightness absolutely I agree we need to get a couple more of those honestly um we have them in a couple of our rooms and they have been like actually life saving so good all right I think we’re ready to begin building with froggy hello

Hello hi are you ready yeah can I ask you a question yeah yes I don’t think you’re asking me a question you’re just throwing stuff at me what are you throwing at me nothing um anyways are you sus am I sus I mean I guess that’s like in the

Eye of the beholder I don’t like to think I’m sus but why does somebody think I’m sus would you guys rate drift like on the sus scale a five being the most sus honestly drift to me is a six a six yeah what a six out of what a five

Six out of five bro if I’m a six you’re like a 28 like let’s be real here okay first of all don’t ever say the words 28 and me in the same sentence how dare you sorry sorry dude just being honest here okay can you Fortune this absolutely

I’ve also got a bunch of iron in my chest as well if we need it yeah I just I still touched it up cuz I wasn’t is n sure you go um thanks oh sorry I’m here I can make some more yeah that would be that would be nice actually if you did

That there we go I’ve got a bunch of coal in here too okay oh wow there’s a there’s even more furnaces in here you realize that right oh there is I didn’t even know oh wait yeah cuz I crafted like eight just now oh okay

Yeah okay well I guess um I have wood over here this is how much I have to start with so let me know what you think yo oh what is this Cherry log that’s so nice isn’t it pretty look at it look at it in the sunlight oh this is so pretty

That’s perfect for like oh my God just everything it’s like a really nice roof block right oh that’s perfect heck yeah okay I dig it um and then of course I also have this one I thought this one was also really pretty ooh Pine yes where where

Are those trees um it’s those yellow ones over like there directly kind of where I’m looking oh I see I see yeah yeah yeah okay that’s there’s a lot of trees and I also have planted two tall or 2 by two sprues but they haven’t

Grown yet okay um I think I might have some do we have bone meal down downstairs I don’t remember I think we might have bones but I don’t know if we have bone meal okay I have some I have some bones here too that we could always

Use aie you think I’m Su did you drink your cocoa yo I did and it was repulsive I never want to do that again but I probably will isn’t it the worst thing you’ve ever heard it’s actually awful it’s terrible chat do you all think I’m sus

Wait the mayor the mayor got an assistant what okay what’s the name what’s the name there’s Marcus and and Pringles Pringles love it perfect okay so should we like just begin I guess maybe kind of planning out the footprint yes hold on I’m just grabbing saplings and I’m bone mealing really

Quick sure these these spruce trees aren’t growing but is it like the biome or something that’s really weird wait where are you I think it’s the snow oh that’s really weird oh yeah it’s in such an open spot there’s no way it shouldn’t grow that’s not yeah I was

Feeling a little weird about that we all need humus in our lives so fair so fair we all do Bon we’re all a little sus let’s be real that’s so weird hold on let me oh oh oh sweet you know what you’re right it was oh my God hello help

There you go thank you I think the snow we’re going to have to remove some snow or we planted on the other side where there’s not as much snow okay cool all right so you were saying uh outlines yeah all right all right all right let’s

Go up here and did you amass like a amount of Cobble that is some would say is ridiculous yes I did I’ve got two stacks already go for it I think there also be some downstairs too that I stash away and then we’re all good actually

Here to plan let’s use Moss cuz we can like pick it up really fast you know what that’s so so good so good okay let me sleep quickly when did you where did you get that well we have wool downstairs and I made a bed out of it

Okay thanks for making me one there’s one on top of the mountain we were just talking about my CH and I we were like why would you build a bathroom like way over therez no Bridge we both stink so bad that the only way for a bathroom also there that’s the

Only source of Plumbing we have remember when we were looking at this area I do not stink I do not stink yeah but that’s the only place that we have proper Plumbing remember we were scoping out this area that’s why the the land value down here is so cheap that’s the only

Way we could afford to build here I don’t like that you’re telling everyone about our financial situation like well I’ll have you know that I did not rent these jammies from Santa they were a gift he gifted you I rented them okay well Santa jeez they were a gift for a short price

Of or a the small price of uh $10.99 per day and then then I I do have to gift them back so you you rented them he also roped you into the same situation cuz that’s what I have too you have to you admit it Santa is

Definitely he he ripped us off with this honestly Santa kind of reminds me of Tom Nook like he’s giving me Tom Nook energy me too me too not really a fan no me neither okay so let’s let’s talk about building Okay so I’m like we’re going to do like a little

Strip of houses right yeah all right so what if we go like we start with kind of mapping out how long this row will be so let’s go like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 it could go

Further 16 17 17 feel like that would give us space for like about three to four houses so this is like a seven wide and then we can have a one 2 3 4 five and then this would be a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I

Mean this one in the middle is kind of small yeah I think that I don’t mind having a small one like decorating it on the inside will be a bit goofy but we could make it work actually some of them can just be like storage we don’t have

To necessarily go all out on every single one yes I agree but also we have to consider that like actually you know what we could do like basic I was going to say if we’re going to do a house that’s three wide like this the walls are going to be

Mismatched but we on the inside we could just make it so the walls are just like plain planks or something do you know what I mean yes so maybe we just like obviously the facade will have like a a terracotta wall but on the inside it like all of it

Could just be like Spruce plank or cherry or something so it’s all just consistent so you don’t have like one wall that’s like completely different than the other I think you’re you’re making my brain explode a little bit uh oh I’m sorry uh I it’s me explaining it Marcus

Get how do that’s not Marcus this is another Pig oh uh sorry my bad okay so like you know how this build like let’s say we make it out of like deep slate and then like we make it have like terracotta walls uhhuh if we build the facade like

That and then like built it all the way around this would have like terracotta walls here but then this house that’s different would have like different walls you know what I mean oh yes I do see what you are saying mhm yeah I think that we just fixed that

On the inside it it’ll take a space away from the inside but it’ll probably be good by the time we get there because I find that if the space is too big it’s hard to decorate agreed yeah I say we run with this I think it’ll be

It’ll be good okay and then obviously we’ll do like varying depths yeah totally totally feel like the middle one should be like the one that like is the longest if that makes sense yeah and then this one maybe this one can come to here yeah what do you what do we think about

That so these two would be kind of the same right cuz these are both like seven by 1 2 3 well that one’s more of a almost a square but this one is not that one is definitely like a little bit more rectangular oh I see you’re so right

You’re so I thought they were the same length wait are they no that one’s two and that one’s one from okay cool the longest one yeah I feel like that works I mean as soon as we start decorate oh yeah I totally see now as soon as we start decorating them they’re

Going to look infinitely different too you know infinitely different infinitely drift us oh my God what what is going on here what is happening I can’t even get on this anymore wait wait wait hold on I want to see what his wool looks like if we share him good call also Mrs dark

Fairy I’m laughing at you saying walking 20 mil to pee it reminds you of going to like a friend’s Cottage way up North and you have to go to like an out house in the middle of the night white it’s just white wool oh well that’s boring you’re boring no useful oh yeah

So true you’re not boring you’re useful we love you don’t talk don’t talk to my my mans like that sorry wa cool do you want some cherries oh yeah what are these from these are from the trees what yep what is this Animal Crossing what’s that just kidding never heard of it

All right should we um I guess kind of start maybe with like foundations like yes do you want me to go grab Stone like regular Stone ooh yeah yeah yeah maybe I think so there’s um there’s like a little patch back here of like that same biome from over there on the

Mountain okay we can go over there and mine up a little bit if you want sure if you can bring torches yep let me just craft a couple more uh okay I’ll be in my mind Palace over there no I’m ready where are you I’m in the trees do we have like

Markers I so I can like see you on the map at all times I have separation anxiety I know that about you entity radar settings M cherries there L um if you oh gosh that’s awful um if you press y there’s like player display player player list display track players

You press why there’s like all these options but I don’t know yeah Waypoint settings no oh okay okay okay so if you if you type in player um display names you can put no names but then um display icons you could put player list and then when you hit

Tab it’ll show me on the mini map but only if I’m within your render distance I think oh I see it I see it yep okay cool hey that’s useful I like that separation anxiety or trust issues who’s to say this is a pretty tree we should we slurp some hot chalky let’s

Do it these would be pretty to use around the village ew sorry I just really needed a sip just really needed a sip o yeah these are pretty you really you needed that to do that right now yes I was desperately thirsty and hot cocoa fulfills you yep

It quenches The Thirst it’s like it’s like an electroly drink you know like Gatorade yeah exactly like that ooh I’m going to grab more of this Mossy Cobble be careful of the hole over here that someone made they were a little bit unhinged wonder who would have done that honestly probably

Santa honestly Santa came through here with a silk touch pickaxe and he said I’m taking all of this for myself and I said I actually fell in Santa why did you do that man did I just said not to do that I know but I I didn’t see

It there is how do you it’s huge I know I’m going to put some torches around it oh did you bring them back um negative I can go run home and sleep I’m going to go do that I’ll be back how much how much Stone do you want

Me to again um honestly just like a stack or something I also grabbed us a bunch of like andesite and stuff too okay oh I’m crying oh I almost fell again Froggy’s weakness is 3D spatial awareness honestly I feel that I have like no spatial awareness I’m that type

Of person who cannot figure out what type of Tupperware I need for leftovers and it is deeply infuriating I Absol I just cannot figure it out fell right in without hesitation absolutely I I knew if she mentioned it I’d be destined to fall in it I would be cuz that’s just that’s just

Me I want to keep an eye on you but also I’m lonely so me why are we all the same why are we all the same all right let’s lay some torches down here just to get some like lighting around you know just to get some

Lighting all right I’m on my way back I have almost three stacks awesome oh my God there’s a there’s a sky and he’s being very scary oh God bro have you seen the ones with like Christmas sweaters they have Christmas no I saw a creeper and a Skelly that’s all I’ve

Seen so far oh they’re great the the outfits that they wear sometimes are so funny the skeletons yeah they have like Christmas sweaters and creepers creepers have like Santa hats all right well we will have to not sleep so that I can also see that yeah it’s great you’re going to love

It there was a torch here on the floor for some reason that was me oh look at look at this little Spruce sapling you ready for this oh what I picked one of those up and I was like what is that that is actually adorable oh my gosh I hope it never grows

Up should should we see if it grows up yeah just so we know so I’m not like disappointed no stop it okay that’s just cute I don’t think it goes any further than that oh that is adorable I’m obsessed okay well that’s a great decorational you’re obsessed with that

Yes it’s so cute look at it how do we break it I look at look at the name with your your top thing it makes me mad block. maidens Mar making. christmaspine middle oh and bottom and top there’s like I hate that different sections it’s pretty terrible but it’s also pretty

Adorable it it doesn’t break an bre I don’t know Christmas tree now it’s just a Christmas tree huh all right all right here um here’s some Stone thank you okay uh do you want me to lay out the foundation should we do stone maybe for this

One yeah yeah yeah for sure okay uh do we want just like a little Stone trim or do you want us to kind of like build this up so the first floor is Stone I was thinking we could do first floor as Stone on on this one and we’ll see how we feel

About it sure so probably up by sure one two three four five six seven eight we’re I’m going to take this back one more absolutely actually a good amount of spaces and I would say we go up by four blocks yeah four is a really good number

Yeah I agree it’s one of my favorite numbers do you have favorite numbers seven Seven’s your favorite number mhm chat what’s your favorite number yeah it’s always been my favorite number I don’t even know why I always like deemed it my lucky number for some

Reason did you play like a lot of that like bingo game with like the the slot machines when you were a kid or something huh why is that like a generally a lucky number or something yeah like spinning the sevens you you like if you get the sevens then you win

The Jack you know I can’t say I did that as a kid I really can’t okay well I guess I was the only one I can’t say I did that you know what actually to be fair I did play a lot of bingo when I was a kid for some reason I

Think cuz for one year for Christmas I got a like a little Bingo machine you know the one where you can like roll the balls in like that netted circle thing and then what going be really upset cuz I always wanted one of those and no one

Would ever give me one and then I I found one and then no one would play with me okay I used to play it by myself cuz my sister wouldn’t play with me I would play it by myself my my aunt and uncle gifted it to me and I was like

What the heck is this and then I like I started playing it and rolling the balls and that thing was like super satisfying and also there was like you know like the Bingo like dots like instead of having the marker it was just like these clear plastic things and they were very

Satisfying I would just play alone I would just play with two cards did you so did you have like a favorite card that you wanted to win I mean like yeah I think like I had like one where I was like I hope this one wins I’m rooting for it but at the

End of the day that is loneliness I’m not going to lie is so lonely I’m that generally makes me want to cry dude as a as a younger sibling that’s just that was just like kind of my life for like my sister got a little bit too old and

She was like I’m not playing with you and I was like all right so I would just Vibe you know I would just Vibe come on it’s not that it’s it’s okay guys it’s not that lonely that is Peak loneliness drift you’re Jing really hard right now no

It’s it’s fine guys it’s fine it’s totally fine don’t even worry about it don’t even worry about me I’m fine right okay that’s so lonely here now so don’t worry about it oh God you’re scaring my chat they are very deeply worried for you I am so sorry I am so Sorry block down that’s the saddest thing you’ve ever heard why no that’s right we can’t really do that sides on these ones yeah you can do them only pretty much on the front well on this one I I guess we could do it on the side but it wouldn’t

Make sense to not do it all the way around yeah I I agree with that for INF copium what what what’ you say infinite copium okay well are you all just like laughing at my bingo my lonesome Bingo like yeah okay well shroud welcome on in you’re cry laughing at playing bingo on

Your own funny listen yeah it’s fine guys it’s fine I had fun I had fun I I remember that as like a good memory so I just don’t see how it’s it’s a Problem yeah somebody says not sad if you were having fun in my eyes exactly I was I was I was chilling okay um for this one are you down for some deep slate or for at least like the trim or do you want like a full stone or like a full stone block

Wall um I was thinking on that one we could do something a little bit different so maybe like just the trim we could we could try for that one yeah let’s try that out feel like some of these were going to just like kind of mess around with a mix and match

So are are you feeling Oak with like stripped oak on top for this one oh wait actually ooh maybe we do a little bit of strip Spruce on the corner bits yes absolutely oh yes that is perfect tragically tragically hilarious one sec I need to go to my mind Palace

No worries you all will never forget that story I just told you single player Bingo shouldn’t be a thing I’m sorry chat I’m sorry I had to share that story it’s so good so good I love how like I never thought anything of it until I said it into words and

Somebody else had to be like that’s actually super lonely you know right what you know what you’re all right chat you’re all right I can’t deny it oh jeez I just never thought anything of that when I was a kid cuz like I was so content with just like vibing and like

Just playing alone when I was little when my sister got a little bit older cuz that’s just what happens when you have like a we had a 4-year age Gap so by the time I was like I don’t know I was still pretty young my sister was

Getting into like her teen years so I was just like if I wasn’t hanging out with my friends I was just at home alone pretty much you know going to try the brick and granite combo here I don’t know um once Froggy’s back I’ll ask how she feels about it I was

Kind of thinking about going up all like uh are you okay with the brick and okay is is granite brick combo good for this one or are you talking right now I don’t know I I feel like she’s talking to her chat I’m just going to keep

Going I’ve been muted yeah I I also I was like are you talking right now I’m so confused okay why aren’t youing me yeah um are you good with brick and granite for this one or should we try something different yes I was saying that you should make this entire

Building out of brick and granite like an old brick like townhouse kind of vibe yes like all yeah all the way through totally totally okay I’ll do that for sure I was like you you were like moving around like this and I was like I feel

As though you’re talking to me but I’m very confused um how do we feel about this this combination of um wood right here and all that that is a classic staple so absolutely it looks great okay what about this for roof ooh the uh Cherry yes yeah yes

Definitely I’m wondering do we do spruce trim or should I try dark oak I would try dark oak with that one I think the Cherry because it’s so like saturated I think it needs dark oak okay okay okay let me let me get that in there cool

Did we uh give ourselves scaffolding I’m going to go take a look Bingo VC honestly don’t remember gave us scaffolding or not we would never give ourselves things oh yeah sorry Santa did Santa I feel like it’s really weird that Santa left this entire tree with his Workshop why did he

Just leave what happened you know I think that he was running late for a doctor appointment and left us to finish up his unfinished business you know what I mean classic Santa you know what I mean that’s so that is so Santa honestly like I just feel like he was

Really busy maybe we should you know cut him some slack okay fair enough techman please don’t uh share any of your age stuff in chat for uh for safety reasons all right we’re going to build this all the way up yeah Azie we should totally

Do like a game night in Discord we like we should organize that and Kickback that would be so funny it has to be Bingo though has to be Bingo oh gosh cannot believe that cannot believe that yeah Santa was really busy digging holes for me to just absolutely fall into it’s all Santa’s

Fault all right this is going to look fire chat this is going to look fire we are at 1 2 3 4 five yeah 1 2 3 4 five I would say we go up by like at least 6 78 nine maybe possibly there’s also

Um in the stone cutter I don’t know if you all noticed this look at all these we put maa’s uh fences and walls in look at all these like cute little variations that you can do with the stone cutter so awesome I’m going to have to eat my uh

My breakfast soon also chat we have been live for just over an hour so uh if you need to stretch your legs or anything don’t forget to do that I’ll probably be going for a break in a little bit we’re probably going to build up these structures and then uh figure that all

Out cuz I got I got to eat my Brey I need more bricks okay I think this is looking good oh yeah and don’t forget to like the stream if you’re enjoying it hit that like button hit that like button uh it really helps out the streams on

YouTube really helps him out and I appreciate you all for being here we are just yes what do you think of that color combination oh I need to look at it from the side oh yes that’s that’s just absolute yes yes that’s beautiful right it’s awesome I’m so happy you found that one

That’s so cool very nice me Santa what a guy what can’t he do what can’t Santa do besides like not like make us pay like $1,000 a week for these jammies I mean yeah I’m uh like I’m a little bit concerned I don’t think I can pay

Him like I feel like we should the The Village should be the payment you know what I mean that’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking about bargaining with Santa you know like I don’t know if begging will work but I would be down I don’t think

That he would be kind to that you know I just feel like he I don’t know I think Santa’s a little bit of like he’s he’s just like he doesn’t play into those games so I’m not even going to try but who’s like who what game is it if I’m if

I mean the begging you know what I mean so true also we’re building an entire Village for him so for free by the way for free yeah exactly so he needs to Santa needs to like calm down a bit you know in my eyes like why is he acting

Like that I don’t know but also we got to keep this conversation just between me and you cuz I think if Santa found out that we were talking this way about him he would be like really he would not be happy about that like I feel like he

Would burn down our village but that’s just me I feel like i’ like I I definitely think he has an anger inside of him oh me too I absolutely think that he’s just like yeah I I don’t I’m not messing with Santa you know and I saw

Him talking to Karen in accounting and she was crying afterwards so I’m just saying yeah no I’ve I’ve I’ve heard stories about Santa he he let’s just say you know his naughty and night nice list he gets put on that like on those lists too and he’s on the naughty list every

Single year yeah no that actually was surprising to me especially because he feels so judgmental about everyone else like yeah I mean that’s public information like you know 30 under3 lists and stuff like that the naughty and nice list gets posted every single year and he still doesn’t even care like

He he’s like he owns that attitude it’s a little bit terrifying yeah no he he simply has not a care to get no this one’s technically six blocks oh my gosh drift one 2 3 4 5 six okay I’m going to should I just make it

Go I I think one block longer rather than shorter right why not just roll with the sticks should we might as well I mean no well no no you better make it seven otherwise the windows will be uneven yeah okay let’s do that I’m going to fix it up

Honestly this is exactly why Santa’s elves need a union because if they would have had the proper time to plan I’m just saying maybe some of these mistakes could have been avoided I wait are we Santa’s elves is that what you’re insinuating I I mean I feel I feel like we

Are I mean I mean honestly in that backpack I was like looking earlier and there was also like a card that like basically like a terms in conditions about being an elf and I was like that’s weird like I feel like this is meant for somebody else but who is Santa like is

This like you know an Apple iPhone update like what terms and conditions excuse me it was so weird did you not you got the that sheet too right in your backpack I threw it out I’m not going to lie I just hit accept like I do every

Single time you know and that’s probably my bad but like who has time to read 57 pages of a contract where like every single word is more confusing than the last no literally like obviously one it’s so intentional that he did that and two like now that I think about it that

Like why did he give us these sweaters too like it’s all starting to kind of make sense like well a lot of pressure on myself because he gave me a Santa hat like I’m I’m actually wearing effectively you are Santa right now I’m a reindeer so this is

Embarrassing I’m Santa and you are the Rudolph guiding my sleigh literally and I I honestly don’t think I’m fit for the job I just like have a poor sense of direction uh I’m unorganized I just don’t know why I’ve been given this task he called it an

Oper opportunity first of all but this is more or so a task and I feel very overwhelmed right now you know when I was in therapy my therapist used to call things that I didn’t want to do opportunities for growth okay there’s a lot to unpack there there

Is there really is I mean either way we’re stuck doing this now and honestly I kind of like doing this it’s kind of fun actually wait drift so does that mean that that you’re infinite slay hey yeah yeah you know what like like is

It going to be a sled or is it going to be a Slay Slay okay can I just like draw attention to the fact that my little slippers are probably the cutest thing in the world right now mine are literally Santa’s Santa they’re literally they’re you’re literally walking on Santa right now

Like s wait what if Santa turned himself into these slippers so that he could hear what all like the junk we were talking about him oh he absolutely did I would not doubt that for a second Santa totally would do that when sleeping and he knows when you’re awake because he’s

The slippers yeah exactly exactly I don’t trust that guy for a second I’ve never trusted anyone in my life but especially not Santa no no oh Santa we’re kidding Santa we love You Ken from accounting doesn’t work for the company anymore Sev on Castaways we were like no you could come to movie night I I genuinely wanted SE at movie night I don’t know what you’re going on about Bo during movies I do too yeah but it’s different she’s like

You know we’re watching a movie for the first time she’s like who’s that oh yeah wait what’s happening what’s happening what’s going on just we’re all watching the same movie that’s I do that too I’m guilty no you don’t you’re not that bad I’m guilty true I’m very

Guilty that’s true I’m just used to it from you at this point honestly yeah exactly exactly all right um can I I got to take a quick little break so I’m just going to go AFK for for about a minute or so if that’s cool I’ll be back in a couple

Men oh that’s fine I’ll be in my mind Palace okay all right chat I think we’re going to go on a quick little break if that’s okay also Kip welcome on in and happy birthday happy happy birthday I hope you’re having a wonderful day RJ welcome on in as

Well we’re going to go on a quick little break if that’s okay I’m going to eat my breakfast very quickly I’ll leave this just on we should be okay in here I’ll just leave it I’ll do like little little mood lighting like that that looks

Really cute so I’m going to go for uh breakfast really quick just grab my uh breakfast and I will be back honestly in a couple minutes so uh everybody stretch your legs go get some water all of that stuff and we will be back very soon ch

All right I am back how you all doing chat are we doing good are we doing good sorry I just had to blow my nose I see what is going on I see what is happening doing good heck yeah welcome back thank you thank you uh let me just get this

Back all right we are getting there with our builds so what do you have for breakfast the one and only Uncrustables I can’t stop eating those things it is just oh it’s just too good it’s just too good for too good for me right now I just I just love them I have

Them like literally every morning for breakfast it is a problem but they’re like a quick and easy breakfast you just got to Thum out really quickly and then you’re good to go all right let’s replace these guys with some upside down stairs probably the doorway too I would say

Having that stone cutter there is so handy okay so something like that would work got cute little windows then we are going to have to H what are we going to do for the windows here imagine eating breakfast honestly breakfast is one of those things where

Like yeah I I get kind of like not nauseous in the mornings but like I I definitely don’t have much of an appetite in the mornings for breakfast so I find something simple like that really helps it makes it so that I eat kind of always been that way though okay let’s get

Some of these popped out there we go after all you talk about them I really want to get them but I can’t find them anywhere in Norway honestly they just came to Canada they were like I know that they’ve been in the states for so long they literally just got here too

And even still I had such trouble finding them until like recently hopefully they come uh they come to nor Norway one day though that would be very awesome for you they are a very nice uh nice treat let’s put back some of this Granite probably some of this brick in

Case froggy needs it just got to blow my nose again chat sorry lady thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you so much for watching my videos by the way really appreciate it can I turn deep slate bricks back into deep slate tile yes I

Can I was thinking maybe deep slate tile for the roof of this one I want to I want to try it out I don’t know if this is going to go well but we’ll see oh I should probably do some stairs too maybe stairs instead I think it

Might be too late yeah those ones are done I might have to go get some more deeps late in a bit gra or strawberry I actually haven’t tried the grape ones yet I don’t think we have them um where I am I have tried the the hazelnut ones too I would say

Strawberry because it’s like OG but the hazelnut ones are very good maybe something like this to go across this way I don’t know what kind though maybe just like a simple roof like this I’ll see what froggy thinks with uh this roof I was planning to go full deep

Slate tile all the way through though maybe maybe a little bit of Cobble in between for like some rough patches but I was going to keep it relatively simple see oh my gosh stop it’s not me it’s not me what happened oh my gosh what how happened oh my gosh why do

You have a fart soundboard I don’t you okay you know what it wasn’t me it was Santa it was Santa man I’m telling you he flew past really quickly he was testing out his sleigh and I don’t know man that guy remember we were talking about how he

Had to go to the doctor earlier I think it was for that to be honest you think Santa has IBS yes absolutely absolutely froggy I don’t know what you’re thinking about like a full deep slate I I feel like this roof is off I need I mean it could use

Dormers and stuff but I don’t know what what’s your suggestion for this one um what if we did something a little bit Christmasy okay now hear me out this might be a little bit weird um I’m going to go chop our big spruce tree give me one second okay froggy will fix

It that fart scared me me too I was like wait what what is happening favorite Minecraft mob honestly love the cows love the bees and love the cats love them yeah it was a Santa a Santa toot driveby yes he did slain absolutely just got to take a sip of water

Chat sip of water got to blow my nose quick Axel best mob in the game you know what Axel are great too they’re so cute who’s azy only only one of my greatest greatest mods well they’re all great so a great great mod and a friend one of my many great mods um

Should I let me sleep first let me sleep first I’m going to wait to see what froggy does with this build and then we’ll go from there for the Deep slate one I want to see also what she has planned for this one too and in the meantime oh where is she

Going where is she going munching and crunching I was thinking of doing like something like that and then we could get like do I have with the maa’s fences I’m wondering if we could do something deep slate as well let’s check or Cobble maybe oh my gosh pixie with the 10 thank

You so so much hecking yeah I caught another live watching while I work a pixie I hope work is going well for you thank you so much for catching this live and also thank you so much again for the 10 I really appreciate it very very kind

Chat you know what to do throw down all the big big big swags in chat thank you so much I really appreciate it oh my gosh oh my gosh yes wait do you like it well I need to see more does it have a stair

Version no but we can make it a stair version oh yeah I forgot about that we could if we could do like the trim as stairs and then the rest like full blocks I like doing full blocks for roofs I think it looks good like like this over here you mean yeah yeah

Exactly um I don’t know if I like those two colors together I have to look at it from further back oh you were talking about blood like blending the Deep slate and that together no no no no I I don’t know if I like the red with the green I

I feel like that looks like a Christmas tree threw up on it I see what you mean I see what you mean yeah maybe deep slate then and then we could decorate with like green decorations and like wreaths and stuff you know what I mean yeah I feel like that wood does look

Nice though maybe for a different roof agreed agreed okay here let me I do have the stairs I think I might have some extra ones hold on a second why aren’t you building in a efficient staircase manner I know here take this thanks also I noticed that you raised and lowered yourself

Onto the poultry that we had down there was there like were you getting wait what you went like this onto our dinner I mean I just want you to know I’m probably not going to eat that now I also weren’t wearing gloves gloves like mittens like sanitary gloves you you

Didn’t wash your hands there’s not even a sink down there um also I just got to be honest I did eat some of that chicken but I didn’t wash my hands and I didn’t use any utensils so you tea bagged it um I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m going

To finish building this roof okay but if Santa knows what you did Santa doesn’t know anything Santa knows nothing Santa knows Santa knows nothing um do you think like a classic just like a classic triangular roof shape is good for this one and then we could just add like leaves and maybe a

Dormer or something like that yeah I think that would be good okay cool also Santa did see s s was actually really concerned Santa’s a baby you know the song Santa Baby it’s actually like Santa you’re a baby I have to go to my mind Palace to think about this one

Bye watching while you work nice nice we appreciate it chat we’re we are having so much fun building this the stuff out today I actually do legit need to make a proper staircase now I actually need to pill her up properly cuz this we’re going to be moving up and

Down quite a bit so Santa’s in chat right now oh no oh no all right let’s get some more deep slate I think I’m going to have to convert some of this I am so close oh we have some in here perfect I think I’m going to need a

Little bit more though um I would like to make maybe like a dormer roof or something or maybe some chimneys would help for that one yeah I think that would be good all right let’s pillar back up but let’s make a staircase again probably around here there’s a zombie down there all

Right all righty now there we go just got to pillar up like this firey please don’t please don’t spam the chat oh oh there’s my deep slate there it is all right perfect so we’re going to build up this roof I need to finish uh

Some of the walls over there too and I need to decide what is going to go you know I should probably close this off too oops probably like this and we’re going to have to decide like uh what kind of Chimney what kind of decorations all that stuff

Meant to be working but I’m watching stream oh my gosh toot so nice to see you homie I hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well and I hope our work is going okay for you here we go okay there’s our staircase up and then we’re going to have to get some

Nice Windows as well nice Windows some like nice decorations underneath the windows and a chimney for sure all right let’s grab some glass do we have glass in here I’m not too sure see oh there’s some we have tons of glass so I’m going

To grab a stack and then we do have some dyes what kind of window would look nice I want to make some some pains first and I want to see if I can we have chipped we have chipped so we can make we can make some fancy tiled glass

Check this out it’s really nice Al uh the mods their mods are here to kind of like protect the stream as well as the streamer so if somebody is spamming and such got to got to listen to the mods okay you got to listen to the mods

The mods follow the rules of the stream all right I think what I want to do is I feel like large Diamond Leed would be nice we had these um during Castaways too and they were really nice the best thing is if you want to change them you

Can you don’t even have to commit to one that’s what I like about this mod is that you can continuously uh continuously change them appreciate you Azie appreciate you also um chat be be nice to the mods they’re here to keep the the chat nice and nice and uh safe they’re here to

Keep it nice and uh nice safe for everybody so the rules are there for a reason sorry froggy I was I was just talking to chat quickly it’s okay it’s okay that’s fine I I like being ignored it makes me so happy um I was thinking that mine probably needs a little

Chimney but yours probably doesn’t right yeah I was going to add a chimney but now that you mention it I don’t think we should I think yours would be better suited for a chimney should I put it on the other side than this side you know I mean yeah

I think I would do it on the left side because I don’t think that this building will be quite as tall I don’t think so either do you have any suggestions for what I could do with like the Deep slate roof like I was going to add maybe a

Couple leaves and stuff to it but like I don’t know it is good plane but also I don’t want it to be like um I have wait a second I think I know what would fix this okay okay show us instead of like you know how I have

Like a roof overhang right now what if I did like sorry I don’t want to make you fall what if we did more of like a traditional house where it’s like I’ll break one down I don’t think I have any more granite and stuff uh-oh I think this will actually look

Better though where it’s like you have the Triangular roof Peak and then the roof ends at that hold on let me go get I’ll show you what I mean are are you talking about like a little like a little castle Church yeah would that look better we can we

Should try it I mean we it can’t look well it could it could look worse but I actually don’t think that this is that bad if it doesn’t look good I think what it needs is decorations you know what I mean I think that’s like in the end

That’s what it needs but at the same time I was like what if we did that instead I just want to see um now I was going to ask you what what flavor of stones should I do over here for my chimney ooh um flavor of stones for your

Chimney so you’ve got what do we have on the bottom I would either I would maybe do uh brick and granite actually no that you’ve got the Cherry there so maybe instead do that was my hesitation was the Cherry I would maybe that’s a tough choice just Stone and andesite

Maybe like Cobblestone do we have more andesite somewhere uh I should have some in the chest yes okay you’re dropping everything down here I know Jenny welcome on in how you doing what is this world drift is this a joint stream uh yes this is the joint stream

That me and froggy were going to do the other day we finally got the world working um so we were both able to connect properly and we are building out our Holiday Village so I’m going to um I’m going to show you all just in a quick

Second what we’ve got let me just uh finish out building this part and then we will go ahead and I’ll give you all a quick little tour so right now we’re working on a row of houses and we’re going to DEC decorate them we have like a bunch

Of really cool um really cool holiday stuff with the mod packs that we have and right now I’m just kind of working on one of the buildings fixing up the roof wasn’t too happy with it when I built it so this might be the better solution so let’s go like

This I think I like this better I think I like this better Tony the mods were just doing their job there’s some people come in and start spamming and stuff if that’s a a case we’ve got to we got to act on you’re not going to get banned for no

Reason I feel like that looks a lot better what do you think chat I feel like that just looks like a lot more clean if that makes sense yeah I think that looks a lot more clean I think doesn’t need a trim though I don’t think so let’s take a

Look I don’t think it needs a trim no no no no no yeah I think that looks a lot better all right froggy I made the adjustment I I think it looks a lot better now um let me look at it from the front just give me one moment I am yeah it

Looks a lot more like I don’t know like clean and Compact and I feel like it Vibes with like the shape of the build that you built a little bit more I’m going to have to fix up like add a lot of details to it but I think it looks a little bit

Better okay all right I’m coming sorry oh yeah honestly that does look a lot better I think seeing more of the brick actually helps right totally okay I’m going to keep decorating that out and see how it goes um are you going to do glass window yep already got the uh the

Chipped ones here I’ll show you going to do something like oops the best part is if you break them you can always oh those are very interesting you don’t like them no no no um they’re they’re fine I can change them no no I like them they’re just a little bit of

A little interesting you know okay I’ll change them I’ll change them I thought they were Cute what what did I do no they’re fine oh I mean there’s other designs they were fine you can put them back oh they were just interesting that’s all I don’t know what you mean by interesting I’m going to my mind Palace okay okay oh jeez what do you think about the

Windows chat I think I like I don’t know maybe those ones for downstairs and then we could get like keep them they’re adorable okay I think I might like keep them for up here I think they’re cute up here you know what I mean and then like different little

Things down there I think that’s cute I mean it looks very like very like I guess the texture is really popping right now but the problem like what we’re going to have to do is just honestly just decorate everything else so they don’t stand out as much I think

That’s pretty much just like the solution ow what the heck all right let’s get rid of this I need some leaves too I think we’re going to need leaves I think this looks so much better with the roof testing the the stream does have a little bit of a delay on on here

The stream definitely does have a bit of a a delay uh okay so we’re going to need like a little bit of an over hang I’m thinking like maybe Spruce let’s get some Spruce Wood oops the windows are adorable I wish I wasn’t afraid of modding honestly yeah

The the chip mod is very very nice I I love the chipped mod it I don’t know it just has such good variations you’ll see a lot of uh what we have have to work with today too which is the nice thing I do get like being kind of like hesitant

To mod honestly I I felt the same way too it reminds me of those sugar cookies that come in metal tins and I love those oh my gosh me too those like are such Christmas Vibes or like I remember my grandma would always like send us home with like Christmas cookies that she

Baked in the like in those like used tins yeah the delay depends on where you are in the world as well well who’s your favorite Minecraft Youtuber oh my gosh there’s just so many great ones deep slate stuff sorry you’re dropping in all over the floor it’s

Going into my inventory I threw it on the ground I hope it despawns okay sorry dud my inventory is already fulling off with 87,000 different blocks it’s cuz we’re playing modded I’m getting like angry I’m like ready to fight sorry to fight Santa sorry man also I’m just going to say these

Christmas tree cookies and stuff that we gave ourselves don’t really give a lot of saturation like oh not at all I’m like we would have been better off giving ourselves steak at this point honestly bread bread would have been good oh wow bread bread has horrible saturation what are you talking about

Bread has better saturation than these no way okay those those bottom ones are way better no oh yeah yeah I flipped them around and honestly they’re still like very textured looking but I think once we get like leaves and other stuff it’ll look cute yeah no no well no no I’m saying

The bottom these ones are different than the ones you you have those ones down there mhm they look a lot better yeah do you like these trap doors I can’t decide if I like them or not they feel a little bit too like saturated up next to the um next to the

Oak honestly I feel like it sucks cuz Mangrove would be really nice but catch me not wanting to chop down a mangrove tree do we have scaffolding or do we just have Moss um do we have scaffolding no I don’t think we do you went and

Looked yeah I looked I don’t think we I don’t think we have any how could you let this happen sorry I completely forgot about it oh my gosh how do I put this back there we go drift I’m I don’t say this often but I’m disappointed in you you’re the one who

Built this wall um wait do you have any Redstone no do you want me to go get some I need Redstone for the lights oh you do I honestly didn’t really see any in the caves I could go down though I don’t mind no I I will I will go I’m

Going to leave all this stuff here I I will go okay just another another day with infinite vles oh oh whoops I was um I was not muted for that sorry all right let’s make some torches some more cuz I need some iron I’m going to make a ton of lanterns now

I think we can also make like fancy lanterns Frog’s backpack is seriously adorable don’t you love whoa what’s that a safe well don’t mind if I do what that’s incredible that is actually incredible okay so these backpacks they’re with us at all times if you hit B it’s extra storage but also

Also what you can do is you can open up like oops backpack settings oh no so I have like a stone cutter attached I also have like I don’t know how to like shift between the two but basically a crafting upgrade there we go and we also have uhoh

Uh-oh oh my gosh we also have a stone cutter attached to it so you don’t even have to place one down at all times I keep kind of forgetting that I have it but it is super super handy I need to sleep I need to sleep

What mods are we using so we are using actually let me fix that for you uh really quickly chat we’ll go back down here anyway just so we’re safe cuz I need to mod some of the lanterns so I haven’t added the Christmas ones yet I

Think I think I have um the card for mine and Froggy’s uh Halloween stream that we did together the charity stream a lot of the mods um were based from that pack that we made and then we added some Christmas ones I’ll have to um edit the list but give me one second

Um okay perfect I enabled it so let’s try I think it should work I hope so yeah so there’s a list of the core mods that we have and then on top of that we have a couple of Christmas mods that we found I’ll have to update the

List but that should be uh that should be all good for you guys there we go so check out that card uh we will update it as well because we’re going to be streaming from here uh probably for another couple days I would say so definitely uh check that out and

Um we’ll get it updated for you all but also another good thing about this mod pack is if you see at the top the top bar where it says like hot chocolate underneath shows you what mods that we use as well so many ideas Christmas maiden’s merry making so when I do hover

Over some of these you will see which mod it belongs to which is very helpful so uh keep an eye out for that while we’re uh while we’re working on stuff today all right I’m going to get the wooden cage Lantern and probably keep you know what I’ll make a couple of checkered

Ones and I think maybe we might have other Lantern Styles I’m not sure oh here we go Maca lights and lamps I don’t know how to make look at these ones oh it’s just fencing it’s literally just fencing so we can make different styles of lanterns with different

Patterns oh that is so cool okay maybe we’ll use these guys instead I’m going to change these ones back actually I do like the wooden cage I’m going to change these ones back to Classic and then what I’m going to do is I am going to

Do maybe make a couple of cute little Lanterns and then we need some fencing I think I need to get some wood you see to the command now let’s go let’s go yeah there’s a zombie walking around somewhere I think he’s in the walls there must be a cave next to us so he’s just like spawning and like chilling in There all right let’s make some fences and then let’s okay perfect wall Lantern oh these are so cute this is where all the fun begins being able to decorate like all of the stuff around here so maybe what we could do is like one here one here

Possibly like should we just like send it with three I think three is a little bit much so we could do that maybe we could add couple more this one I think or no I’m pretty sure we had this one for the Halloween event as well I don’t think I ever got around

To using it but this is a good one oh no did I drop the lantern a man what happened to it uh-oh fell somewhere I think that’s too high anyway I’m going to have to remove that there we go I’m going to make two

More do I play C no I do not I do not oh it just dropped right there I do not whoops whoops I keep placing it the wrong way I don’t play COD I do the only type of like FPS game is it even considered FPS uh well game I play is

Fortnite sorry if I missed your aie saying earlier I’m looking on uh on and off since I’m at work but will the big charity day be on the last stream or is it all all streams so this stream isn’t going to be a charity stream this is

Just an unlock that we got from doing our charity stream so um in the fall we uh raised money for gamers Outreach for their um Halloween event and basically um basically what we got was because you all were super super generous we unlocked this as a stream um

Kind of like a goal that you all reached so this one’s just kind of like hanging out vibing and just as like a thank you for all of you who were there that day and supported and all that stuff okay I think that’s coming together I don’t know about the

Placement of the lanterns to be honest I feel like maybe it’s off but at the same time we could H maybe the solution’s like put this guy here and then put the other one there so they’re just kind of like in the corners perfect I think that’s a little

Bit better that makes more sense yeah this is yeah this was one of the stretch goals uh that we that we all achieved still before coffee no worries I feel that I feel that I am on my second cup of coffee this morning he perfect that’s looking good yeah I don’t

Think this thing needs a chimney at all honestly so the next thing that I’m going to add is probably some Granite walls going to put away some of this stuff I’m going to add them on the top of the build looi welcome on in how you doing

Stream time let’s go hope you’re doing well nice to see you let’s just get a bunch of walls here just to add a little bit more shape to the top of this build boom perfect I knew when I saw froggy and you live that you were playing together of

Course of course yeah we are doing oh we need some brick mixed in between that we are doing a sweet little Duo stream today and it has been super super fun so far we are just vibing building up a Christmas Village also thank you so much

For popping in by the way I appreciate it red so nice to see you how how you doing it’s so nice to see you how how goes your morning all right let’s replace some of these I wish I had free cam I don’t though I might have to add it for our

Future streams in this uh in this world cuz it really really helps out uh when building honestly okay I think that looks a little bit better yeah this is really coming together okay so over top of these I feel like maybe flower pots might be cute so

We got flower pots um we’ve got what else we could do leaves but leaves would be like just a lot I’m wondering if there’s like anything that we could do in one of the Christmas packs that we’ve got Mary I think it’s at Mary I’m really bad at

Um kind of going through these little mod sections so we got wreaths which we’ve already used we have H we do have string lights we could add we’ve got like garlands Spruce door with wreath oh my gosh oh look at all this dark oak door with wreath so we literally just attach

That to dark oak okay that’s easy we can grab another wreath for that drift I’ve been screaming for help this whole time I’m about to die wait what I didn’t hear you I’m just kidding oh where are you um I don’t know I’m just kind of of living on the edge okay fair

Enough oh I’m actually on the edge of the mountain okay did you go get some like cave stuff um I got some Redstone cuz that’s what I need if you can Fortune up the Redstone for me absolutely I’m just grabbing a little bit of dark oak cuz I need some and then

I’ll be able to do that for you oh I think that I have the dark oak logs on me still oh you’ve got some okay no I actually do not whatever we had was all we had that’s okay I’m I’m going to harvest some really quickly okay should I make like a flex

Pile here for you yeah just I’ll be back in a second to harvest all of that up yeah yeah yeah that’s sounds good um also I don’t know if your armor is getting low at all but I did find an extra Christmas sweater in your colors

Ooh so also I found part of a mermaid costume so I was thinking about wearing both and I just wanted to let to like see your opinion I need to see it I need to see I’ll be back in a second I need I need to I’m right here uh hello I’m right

Here that’s what I saw in the caves that looks not like you and I’m a little bit terrified I’ve got to be honest why does it change your head too it’s a it’s a mask here you can put it on if you want to try it I only got two pieces of

It I don’t like it I don’t like it at all doesn’t look like you like you having long hair is weird right I know it’s so funny when I made like my skins I tried doing one with long hair before and it just did not look right i’

I’ve always had the even though I have long hair IRL now it just like the short hair did not look right in game your hair is not long IRL no it’s not it’s like past my shoulders now still pretty short I can tie it up in a bun that’s that’s still pretty short

Nah yes nah you have really short hair you’re a short hair girly just n and let me toss you all of the stuff that I collected yeah I’m pretty sure that Joe and maybe even Roo has longer hair than you oh yeah Roo definitely Roo has extremely long and Lush

Hair um can you also I found something else could you also do this one um yep oh it’s Swag what’ you get three yeah oh nice how did you guess that that was a really good guess I just I don’t know I isn’t three the maximum that you get for

Fortune or is it more than that out of one block I think you can get four really oh you dropped one I gave it to you oh thank you I I didn’t drop I was dting it thank you but you wouldn’t know the difference would you Mom oh I

Meant God Don’t Make Me cough don’t make me cough all right I’m going to my mind Palace yeah bye so we need a different type of wreath for the door that we want morning’s good slightly chaotic had carbon monoxide filters in my house going off it was just a car from a car

Getting started in the garage 3 hours ago oh my gosh no that would be so terrifying um having that happened I’m glad it’s nothing serious though so glad it’s nothing serious wait what oh cuz this one’s snowy spirit I see I see so I have to make a different

Type of wreath basically I need to make one of these ones which is just Spruce leaves and a bow but how do we make oh carpet easy okay well we just need some Spruce leaves which the spruce leaves are all the way up there that is not very convenient but I

Mean is there like regular Spruce anywhere else this is all like the weird fur trees I think that’s Spruce over there pretty sure oh no chat oh no I almost I almost died there I almost died you love all the Christmas mods we have oh thank it’s red yeah it’s super

Cozy we kind of like half built this pack off of what we already had for the charity event and then added up like a bunch of uh Christmas stuff and it’s been super fun how has your uh Christmas Village been going okay some of these have to be Spruce right oh my God

They’re not oh wait that’s a spruce tree my mind has deceived me what is stream elements doing stream elements bot stop it what is going on oh oh my gosh so many potential areas for me to fall terrifying absolutely terrifying Sono welcome in how you doing how’s your cold feeling any better so

I’m feeling a lot better I just have a I just have a couple symptoms kind of like hanging around like if I laugh I kind of have like a Wheezy cough still but honestly like in terms of my energy and stuff just so much

Better it sounds like a lot of uh a lot of you have kind of gotten hit with the same thing which is so strange I hope uh anybody who’s not feeling well I hope you feel better soon cuz I know how brutal it is for sure okay I need carpet

Okay perfect come on come on oh there we go so let’s do that and then let’s do I think it’s something like this I did it wrong ah easy easy I need to make a bow first though I see so a bow we can make boom and then

This get rid of bow door Boom Baby Boom glad it wasn’t anything too crazy it’s almost um 25 or 29 F negative 1 outside uh so I’m not feeling I’m feeling not evacuating for hours no I totally get that that would have just been so brutal if you had to do that so

Happy it wasn’t anything serious red also for your safety too that’s why you give me anxiety when you only look up and not down no honestly I feel it I feel it I am notoriously so bad for that I’m sorry chat I don’t know what oh the bot’s doing the

Same thing in frogs chat okay so it’s it’s it’s a stream elements thing for a second I was like is did I do something did I activate something weird all right we’re Gucci then we’re good this is looking really cute think you’re were running a mild

Fever for half of November oh no I hope you’re feeling better now it’s it’s been brutal for sure hope we are all feeling better soon though okay we need some more like Christmas decorations so we have Mary’s decorations I believe it’s called we can do I feel like garland would look really

Cute okay that’s pretty easy to make so we can do that and then I’m going to have to grab some more some more wool yeah I hope you all feel better especially um especially in time for the holidays too cuz I always know that’s kind of a drag when you’re not

Feeling very well over the course of the holidays that’s always always a bummer okay we got to make some more bows and then we got to add those to these boom and then can I make a right one as well I don’t think so cuz I need Garland still so I’m going to

Have to make more Garland this is a huge step process honestly Garland and then we need more bows I find it strange that the Garland needs bows but then it doesn’t show it you know what I mean then you got to use even more that’s kind of expensive you

Know what I mean so we’ve got to do Bow it’s a very expensive crafting recipe for the bows doesn’t really matter if you have a sheep farm but see what that looks like here in Texas uh RSV is going around I think that’s what it is oh

That’s brutal I heard that can be like super super brutal especially for kids I hope uh everybody’s doing welder though ooh okay what if we did H oops what if we did like a little bit of Garland across here yes look look if we find out that Santa’s a

Vampire and he burns up into ashes we can put him in this ear why why is that a thing is that from the Halloween mod no it’s from supplementaries so Random so Random oh uhoh did you just break the N I did am I going to have bad luck now that was for

Santa’s ashes heire sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry oh no what are we do now as a vampire dude I don’t know um can just like I don’t know throw a mirror at him or something you know I don’t really think I think that’s just like a book

Thing I don’t really think that that works no it’s got to work it’s got to work it’s a thing right no well you know if that happens I mean I guess I guess I’m out of here then I am out of here you know yeah I have no

Choice um all I was saying I was going to have to bring us some more wires and stuff this stuff is expensive more wi wires I haven’t used wires yet but I’m making Garland right now and it is so expensive cuz you have to craft so many

Bows that okay that’s literally what I’m making is the the lighted Garland with the white lights and the lights have you just look at the the white mini white lights recipe just look at it oh my gosh what okay yeah that’s a lot yeah I find

That this one is like very tedious to make I keep having to go back and make more bows it’s it it’s wild 3:00 a.m. in Australia oh my gosh so so early there house is really really cute actually I really really like it really good job yeah thank you see oh

Your wreath is looking so cute too stop don’t be nice to me I can’t handle it when you’re nice sorry the Garland’s a little bit high but the lanterns are there I’ll work with this okay I’m going to my M Palace bye well wishes to everyone we got the

Yuck here too speedy recovery yeah speedy recovery for everybody who is feeling ill I hope uh hope it’s all settled before the holidays cuz like I said it would be real real poopy if uh if we all had it throughout but I’m definitely hoping for a speedy recovery for you all the

Holidays are always so quickly approaching it’s so wild to me I can’t believe like when we were planning this stream we were going to do a one-off and I was like I feel like we should just like keep going with this world until Christmas and I’m glad we did cuz really

That’s not that many streams pretty much by the end of next week we’re all going to be doing Christmas stuff which is wild to me it’s looking so good thank you Jody I appreciate it I appreciate it all right we should get some like glowberries uh probably not on the

Outside actually I don’t think so need some like types of flowers possibly for um for the pots how did you two get to planning to kill Santa listen I don’t know how Frog’s mind works but but apparently she just went there and I’m getting roped into all sorts of things beats me

Honestly beats me oh jeez what is happening chat what is happening what would look good in the pot what’s this ooh Easter Lily that’s pretty I feel like that could look good in one of the pots these are all really lovely okay I think that should be good

I don’t want to overdo it for like decorations on the outside don’t be nice drift immediately apologizes for being nice sorry it’s just the Canadian in me what can I say sorry is just like first word in my vocabulary is this weird uh which let’s see like the hanging

Garland on the side is that weird no I like that a lot I think that’s cute why are you lying it’s weird why if you don’t like it take it down I was hoping that you wouldn’t like it why I think I wouldn’t so you wouldn’t have to make more no so I

Wouldn’t feel bad about taking it down oh I I think that like be I think when what you don’t like is that it’s so far to the edge but you could also offset it by like adding in a trapo here and stuff to kind of make it look like the wall

Isn’t so like flat you know what I mean but you can just take it down too wait wait wait with the trap door what did you just make like a trap door like I think it just needs balance because this wall is so flat so what you

Can do is like add some trap doors for windows you could like you know what I mean well I can’t I can’t now oh the Garland’s there oh true okay maybe you might have to take it down then oh it’s so cute though okay maybe we just leave it on this one

Yeah I wonder what it would look like if it went like all the way up too you know what I mean so it goes like up and then hold on wait wait wait wait wait hold on I have the stuff in my hands so you you want me to do like oh

Yes uh okay okay okay let me let me cook here yeah I’m letting you cook um just a disclaimer I don’t know how to cook I pretend but we’re try no one’s called no one’s called me out on it yet um but I I do not know how to cook actually I think

That looks a lot better it looks more like framed if that makesense and then you could stick like a wreath all the way at the top too or something well I would probably move this wreath all the way to the top yeah and do you have oh

My gosh I don’t know what happened to my windows is that better yeah that’s way better then I would like extend the window up by one block I think or something so it like hits that wreath okay I will do that yeah Raymond welcome on in how you

Doing yeah I think that looks really good okay um chat what do we need left for this one I don’t I don’t want to overdo it on the outside I think I think what I kind of want to focus on is maybe adding some things like uh really cute

Fencing around the bottom here I don’t think it needs much more decoration at the top if I’m honest I was going to say we could add some leaves but honestly if I don’t have I’m I’m going to have to put on better leaves the resource pack

On here because I think I’d prefer to maybe have some like bushy leaves at the top so I was kind of thinking about maybe trying the um Maca fencing cuz that way we could get cool like um kind of like Stone fencing around it let’s see what’s this column what the

Uhoh reloaded my shaders by accident okay at MAA fencing so let’s see what our options are we’ve got some Modern stone brick wall I want the ones that are kind of like this o andesite would be kind of cool do they have a deep slate version deep SL brick

Wall what’s this one made of iron bars and deep slate bricks we could do that that’s easy oh chat we could easily do that also chat if you are enjoying the stream right now don’t forget to hit that like button because it really helps out the reach of these streams would

Definitely definitely appreciate it um froggy yeah do you by chance have any extra deep slate I have 20 but you have to mine it oh that’s okay thank you you’re welcome also any specific wood type you want on the floor in this one or just kind of yoloing it just YOLO it all

Right these are looking really good together by the way we’re going to be decorating so much that I don’t know if we’re going to get an entire Village done by the way oh I am not sure we are either we’re we’re just going to okay I say like obviously

We focus on these houses and then we focus on like pathing stuff if we have a path everything will work itself out you know yeah but we also need like houses here like I know although it’s it is block if we put houses there it’s going to block that beautiful view of that

Mountain so true I mean we could do like we could do like smaller little things there like a little maybe some Christmas stalls or something I don’t know oh like make um so if we did another set of like little apartments over there and then on this side we kept

Like to like a market that way it doesn’t block The View that would be cute yeah exactly exactly something like that I think would be good and also don’t forget we have like some extra streams that we could do up until oh yeah I forget that we’re not going to be

Done today yeah exactly we have like four I have four more or something like that I think I yeah I have about four as well so we’re we’re good we’re good okay bye ooh chat look at this one what do you think that’s Moody but I like it I like

That oh my that is that is very nice I think um one thing I would have loved to add is um simple storage I think if we ever do this again I would I would love to add that mod because it is just so good I don’t know if you all

Have ever used it before I used it in better Minecraft but basically it’s just like a giant item sorder you toss your stuff into and then it has a search function it is incredible Garland along the roof line like up there oh that’s a good idea okay let’s give that a shot

I’m going to have to make some more garlands also what we could do is we have these little guys oops no okay I have one oh I still have two I have two I can do that so cute I love that um froggy what were what were we thinking for like uh like

Paing um well this is like very European inspired so in my opinion it has to be like stone or like stone brick you know yes yes definitely okay cool okay cool cool cool that’s kind of that’s kind of what I was thinking of as well so I think

That that’s going to look really good all right I think this is looking these are looking very cute together what do you think chat love it love it so I’m going to have to O you know what I’m going to do do I have another flower pot probably have some

Somewhere that looks so good heck yeah I’m glad you guys like it I am having such a fun time putting this together okay let’s do another wreath I think that would be a great idea to try to get one along there hopefully we can make it have that like um the side

Pieces with like the drooping but hopefully it’ll work let’s see oops just going to leave some of this stuff in here for now and then okay bows I’m going to use all of this all of this stuff for carpeting these bows are very expensive oh what’s maiden’s merry

Making problem is though we want it to look the same so I don’t think I should really mess around with doing something different so I’m going to make a bunch of bows drift um what are we thinking for this other house um that’s a good question I haven’t

Really thought of it yet uh yeah no thoughts head empty Vibes forever baby yeah I don’t I don’t know what are you thinking oh I was asking you so you could help me all right let’s see uh what do we got going on right now we have

Brick we have brick and then we also have a classic Oak one I feel like hm what looks good with we have like a deep slate base uhhuh um I don’t know if we’re going to have to raise this up uhhuh trying to think what looks what would be a good

Palette with deep slate dark oak is always great um Mangrove I feel like if we have a deep slate base doing something a little bit like lighter on top would be kind of cool terracotta I have no thoughts right now well we also have to figure out a

Way to make this two stories so yeah well it doesn’t necessarily need to be two stories but it’s definitely got to be like tall you know to like I think it should be I think it should be at least to like the height like a similar

Height of the middle one that you have you know what I mean having them all kind of like along the same plane but like different height varying by like a couple blocks is good ooh somebody in chat suggested green terra cotta I feel like that would look good too that would

Be a Vibe like green terra cotta and oak look really good together um Spruce and green terracotta in the middle ooh what about that Spruce and green can you show me where the Lush cave is so I can go get some clay did we use all the clay

Well we’re going to need a little bit more than I think have we’ve got a lot of um yeah I made only 32 okay yeah um here let me show you where the Lush cave is I just need food first hold on do not have any more food oh I got Christmas

Mitten cookies I ate all my candy canes I’m on to the Christmas mittens winter welcome on in how you doing I um I have this thing where I can’t eat the last one um of something so I have one of the Christmas tree cookies left and I started on eating my gingerbread cookies

Why why yeah it takes of your inventory it’s in my backpack so if it’s in my backpack it doesn’t really exist to me oh honestly the backpack is basically just like a garbage bag for me at this point it’s sort of like it’s sort of

Like you know if you have have like when you first get a debit card and it doesn’t really feel like you’re spending real money cuz it’s like all digital it kind of feels like thatan I can’t even I can’t even fathom the idea of first getting a debit card that was so long

Ago yeah I know it’s cuz you’re a thousand years old yeah of course oh gosh okay actually I thought I think you’re 1000002 now right yeah 1003 give or take who’s counting wow okay where oh look at the chicken so cute um entrance entrance honestly there’s like 5,000 entrances around here

I just know it’s underneath this oh here we go this is where you went down I mean not this entrance but it leads into Lush cave okay you can you can go back up oh I can go back up okay yeah I just wanted to know where you approximately went down

Yeah all of this should be Lush underneath it’s got like aelas all around it too all of it should be Lush underneath that the Lush uh remains to be seen it should be I came out this entrance I swear I swear I came out over there yeah never mind

Debit card yeah goodbye bye are you okay okay okay all right let’s uh let’s finish making up uh these garlands listen debit cards I don’t know I guess I’m one of those types of people that just like doesn’t like using my debit card or money in general I

Still see it as as money so to is late no worries Cherry no worries appreciate you popping on in I hope you’re having a good one we are building up some cute and cozy uh Christmas homes right now by the Christmas tree so this is what we have

So far I’ve been working on this uh brick one while Froggy’s been working on this one and I think it is coming coming together very well all right let’s make some garlands okay wait I still oh wait no those are Froggies here’s regular garlands these ones are

Mine yeah she got the ones with lights oh I still have a couple here and I have 45 oh my gosh okay well we’re good though we are good I’m going to need some moss real quick just to scaffold with discord’s been uh awful notifications were delayed okay so is it

A Discord thing I think we were talking about this this morning cuz you didn’t receive my message uh this morning right azy and I right before we went live I was like oh my gosh my messages are delayed I was like something’s wrong cuz I was messaging fr

Froggy before we went live to make sure everything was okay and they weren’t really working and I was like oh no is my internet acting up but I I think it must just be Discord or something I feel like that’s too much Garland I don’t know what do you all

Think Garland on top or no I’m kind of leaning towards no I think it’s just like a little bit too much green love your build is really cute oh thank you so much I appreciate it I’m chilling big time uh in Minecrafting I made my christmy world with your recommendations let’s go how

Have you been enjoying it how have you been enjoying it I am having so much fun with these mods honestly I think they’re super fun okay let’s go over this way I want to try to maybe put iron ooh never mind I was going to say iron bars

On every every other one maybe just at the top would be nice something like that I need to get free cam on this it’s really strange that both Discord and stream elements are kind of like acting up right now very very strange maybe your Visionary ideas are also before coffee hey that’s that’s

What the best part about this game is trying think out and seeing if they work or don’t work you know and you can always change it up I mean that was me with did something just happen sounded very loud that was me with this roof this morning too for some like something

Felt kind of off and I’m so happy we changed it to this instead this variation I think it looks really good I think now what we can kind of do is maybe work on the interior though I think I’m kind of ready to start um hashing out some ideas for

This so we’re we’re going to have to do flooring so you all see what I mean now with like the walls right so I’m kind of either thinking that what we do is we break these walls and make them one neutral wall all throughout so we don’t

Have to worry about um basically we don’t have to worry about having like different colored walls on either side or I could patch over it but I lose space so I’ll have to talk to froggy about that took me a while to get together and working uh now but you’ve been loving it

So glad to hear yeah sometimes there’s a little bit of uh little bit of troubleshooting you have to do with mods I find where like you got to test them out make sure you have all the dependencies and stuff it can it can take a little while but honestly it’s

Totally worth it in the end when you get it up and running it’s so satisfying all right what type of flooring should we have for this I’m thinking maybe just like dark oak or something keep it really simple simple and classic I think what I’m going to do though

Is grab some dark oak quickly I think do I have any saplings in my inventory I did I just want to make sure I replant a bunch so we’re not running out of dark oak cuz that stuff is very useful for us and it is hard to

Get I don’t think I have any right now that’s okay when I chop down the trees we’ll gather some do you play uh Minecraft MCE I’m not sure what that is okay let’s gather up some of this not going to grab that knotted tree it’s too early for that I’m too

Lazy yeah some of these trees aren’t very high though that’s the one problem we’re definitely going to have to make sure we collect all these saplings do I have any more dark oak trees around here is it just that knotted one a oh no we got some here there’s like zombies underneath me

Isn’t there yeah they’re oh there’s one he’s in a Christmas sweater hello oh and a pig hello oh my gosh there’s so many oh my oh my uh-oh there we go oh oh my that scared me oh pixie thank you so much for the five hi sorry big news um my chat has

Discovered that um creepers are actually grinches because they’re green and they’re trying to ruin Christmas oh my gosh you’re so right that is the smartest realization ever I know it’s it’s actually amazing froggy chat you are so smart Okay I’m going back now pixie

Thank you so much for the five uh for TI tissue Kleenex fun kiding you sound better though Good Vibes uh chat speedy recovery a pixie thank you so much I really appreciate it that’s super super kind of you chat you know what to do big big swags in chat for pixie I really

Really appreciate it yeah I I I think I am sounding a lot better this week than I was the past weeks a lot less more muting while I uh cough or uh cougher blow my nose so definitely feeling a lot better thank you so much pixie I appreciate

It I think we were talking about it before but then we got distracted but does anybody have any uh other good holiday plans that they’re up to this coming weeks I mentioned earlier that my parents are going to be coming to town so I think we’re going to be going

Christmas shopping we’re going to be taking them out to dinner my parents are also um newly retired so that’s very exciting for my family because they um they worked in a business where they had to spend uh Christmas Eve working all the time so and also like most holidays so

It’s very exciting that we get to like spend more of the holidays together this year that was never really a reality for my family so it’s very very special uh my parents have taken the time to come into the city so we can all hang out

Have some nice dinners and I’m so so happy this is like very very exciting for all of us and we’re all just like so happy about it cuz it’s it’s something we’ve wanted to do for so long and now that they have finally retired uh we get

To do that and it’s going to be super fun Froggy’s chat big brain no absolutely what a what a revelation what a revelation that one didn’t even have a jolly hat on I know it just it was just a classic classic old creeper what fun is that honestly chat what fun is

That that sounds so cute and special oh thank you I appreciate it yeah we are very much looking forward to it’s going to be super fun super super fun I also would love to like I don’t know we were talking about it earlier I would love to go to the Christmas Market

But one the one in the one in the city here isn’t as great as the ones that you get in Europe and also two is just like I they usually I think they charge admittance now because it’s so busy and I’m just like I have a feeling this year

It’s it’s going to be pricey they are definitely going to price it up so we might just we might just pass on it so sweet for uh Mom and Dad they’ve earned it so happy for them oh I appreciate it I will I will tell them

Tell them that I will relay that message cuz yeah they are they are very happy about it as well so so happy about it it’s been a really big change for them in some ways like I know my mom actually had a little bit of anxiety about it for

Some like um in some ways which I totally get like you go your whole entire life working like six or seven days brought a week sorry I brought you something to Fortune oh okay this is your present this year hey why what did I do was it the earn

Situation yes uh he texted me and he said can you um can you get that infinite drift to uh be knocked out a Peg and I said absolutely Santa I got you you have Santa’s number me and Santa have been texting for a while yeah I wouldn’t say that it’s a situation

Or anything but I’m just going to say he definitely he has sent me some very questionable text at very questionable hours oh I’m not even going to question that I I am not even I’m I’m going I’m going to go into my house now wait froggy I have a I have a

Question yes um so for these walls should we just like well the problem is if we cover them should I just like kind of cover this wall or should we make these all like one like color you know what I mean like let’s just do like a spruce wall in

Between cuz I don’t think you wouldn’t see that on the outside you know what I mean like replace this I think I would just cover it up okay I’ll do that cuz this wall here is you’re right like flat so this one should also be flat if that makes sense

No that makes sense yeah I get it I get it okay cool I’ll do that okay thank you yeah bye bye yeah they’re they’re plotting something chat thinks you’re plotting something with Santa my chat is saying that Santa doesn’t exist when clearly he does because obviously he

Does how else would this tree have this tree doesn’t spawn in Minecraft yeah and we so there’s end rods yeah honestly like obviously Santa has fought the dragon duh like he has he has Rudolph like Rudolph could do anything Rudolph is like stand up you know stand up okay I’m

Going you probably should honestly oh chat oh jeez oh what a day what a day all right the walls I was kind of thinking maybe I need to go into the Lush caves now I was considering what if we did like terracotta walls for that one or maybe I

Should just fill it in so it’s flush brick or something like that I don’t know maybe I should just make it so all the walls are the same I think I’ll do that I think I’ll do that then I could add like a really cool fireplace there’s also like cool fireplace mantel and

Stuff too that we can use so we will do that I need more brick don’t think I really have much more though that’s all we got to work with eight I mean really we’re just filling in the interior wall so I think we should be okay but yeah where’s the Christmas spirit

Come come on come on okay I’ll fill out this for now I have to get more lighting here just fill all this in okay I think we’re going to have to go back into the Lush cave chat just quickly cuz I would like to get some um some terra cotta and

Stuff let me drop some of this stuff off actually this is going to keep in the inventory in case we need it all of this the backpack is going to be a little little dumping Zone I guess just a little dumping Zone oh heck yeah awesome do you have

Any more Cobble deep slate Cobble deep slate um this this area was off as well I don’t know who like didn’t count correctly here it was probably you probably I do not know how to count no I was literally just about to go into the Lush cave though if you

Want what I was going to I was about to go into the caves if you want me to bring you back some deep Sate cuz I don’t have anymore what were you going to go get uh I need I too need a little bit more clay and stuff um I actually I

Brought back a ton oh okay how much do you need um oh do you have the clay balls or did you make them into like terracotta though amazing oh my gosh what I filled my backpack with it oh my gosh do you want me to go get some deep slate though

I can go do that um we just need a couple of little pieces I guess but it doesn’t have to be now it can be later okay I was going to go get some for like some other decorational stuff so that works is there anything oh bricks is there

Anything else you need from the caves or are you good is this a good color com what what about a roof on this I’m not not sure I see your chat’s vision ooh that’s nice that’s nice um with this I would go either like a Mossy like a cobblestone mossy cobblestone

Roof um you could do Granite with brick looks really nice with green you could just do oak if you’re not feeling it you could do something else but those are some options I think would look good with it so this is might be controversial but I’m actually going to put the door on

This side not controversial at all that would be sick well cuz I mean this SP won’t really be that usable either or like anyways and then that way we can have Windows on the front absolutely I think that would look really good plus it’d be nice to have it so like it’s not

Like three doors all the way across you know I think that’s perfect all right I’m going to go into the caves really quickly I think okay enjoy your time don’t die I’ll try not to let me know if you need anything from there oh my God yeah I need oh my gosh okay

So we’re going to go into the caves really quickly I do need some deep slate I want to build like a fireplace and stuff out of it uh Shahed welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you I hope you’re having a good day all right let’s go back over into

The caves and get us some deep slate ow yeah these cookies really the saturation on them is pretty terrible thanks for nothing Santa ow are you guys using any mods yes if you do exclamation point charity mods that’s the Bas list of um some of the mods we have the Christmas ones we’ve

Added a little bit later so they’re not on the list yet however I am whenever I like Zoom or like look at a modded block it will show you on the top part of the screen what mod it belongs to um but we will be adding those I think to the

List so I think the cave entrance is around this way o there’s an entrance here okay okay ah Well that kind of works honestly that was a little bit of a tight squeeze so I think I’m going to grab some of this coal too it seems like we’re burning a like burning through a lot of stuff might as well get a little bit of extra coal if we need

It thank you for linking that Azie I appreciate it all right let’s get some of this there we go oh is this water okay might not be so lucky after all why not use lava honestly I haven’t really come across lava and I I typically always kind of just forget to

I don’t know it’s one of those things where I just I always end up just using coal I don’t mind grabbing it especially if you have like a fortune pick but lava’s one one of those things I always kind of forget exists all right where is this entrance

We’ve got a couple around here I probably should mark it on the map when we find it there are quite a few oh there we go that will definitely lead lead down into the caves oh no oh no powdered snow not good not good not good oh this is not good

Sheesh how far do I have to go in this snow probably not too far there we go if I walk along these like little snowy patches with like the snow just above it should be good powdered snow is one of those things where I’m like this is one thing

I actually wish they didn’t add why did they add this I don’t like it I don’t like it one bit I really need the the boots the leather boots but I need to find some cows in this world first Jaden welcome on in and thank you so much I really appreciate that really

Appreciate the support and I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far all right this is the part of the cave we were in before perfect wait lava from the nether is different is it really I didn’t know that or you mean just like you just use lava

From the nether I I misread that yeah it’s one of those things I always kind of kind of forget about and I probably shouldn’t wee uhoh going to fall here we go here we go we are good okay we’re going to grab a little

Bit more deep slate oh my God go look at that creeper no stop is that a ghost no stop it it is so cute that is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen oh no I wish I could have kept it that was so cute oh chat rip creeper ghost will forever remain in

Our hearts how snow is a fun mechanic but so disorienting if you’re not used to it so true so true if you’re not like really like prepared for it it’s it’s very disorienting you’re just like why am I sinking what is going on powdered snow is taking me out more than once it’s

Taking me out too I am not careful around it the leather boots has have been incredible cuz we’ve been working in another world building out cabins and it’s been so useful but it’s one of those things it is a really fun mechanic in theory but it also is just like so

Painful annoying sometimes have I ever used a block of coal I have and I feel like I’m not sure if that’s like more efficient or if it’s like a waste of coal I don’t know what the consensus is on that that was a dorbs wasn’t it that was

The cutest thing I’ve ever seen it just looked like it was like hi it only smelts nine versus the coal so you’re using a lot okay that’s what I kind of thought I think that’s why I stopped using it was I heard somewhere that it’s like not as is efficient to

Use we’ve not been into The Nether I feel like if we have time we should go check it out why did I have to kill it it was coming for me I didn’t want to honestly it was it was coming for me and either way it was probably going to it was

Probably going to blow up I feel terrible but but we had to do it all right we have about four Stacks let’s grab a little bit more and then we should be good there was one world uh I was in I spawned directly into powder snow and

Died every time I spawned in it was not great eventually I found my way out but it took me 64 deaths oh my gosh that is brutal I feel like I I heard um oh my gosh there’s a lot of zombies around there um I heard something very similar the other day uh

On chat on Twitch somebody was talking about how they got stuck in like a death Loop almost in the same way as you did and it’s just like so frustrating so frustrating a block of coal is more efficient than nine coal by themselves maybe good for a super smelter yeah

Maybe good for a super smelter I would love to build one of those one day okay I think we probably should be good with deep slite now I had 40 Stone cooked with a half a block of coal oh just going to pillar my way out of

Here Jade welcome on in how you doing nice to see you hope you’re having a great day all right I think that should be good let’s grab a little bit of coal if we have to and then let’s get out of here let’s get out of here how do you

Get the ores to Glow so that’s part of complimentary shaders if you have um if you have them enabled on their like vanilla base version that’s just how they look with a complimentary for this pack um this mod pack I’m using froggy shaders and she

Has them set on um she has them set to Glow ah ow oh oh God scary okay I got to eat a a cookie Mitten Melissa welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you hope you’re having a great day all righty also chat I was going to um so if

Any of you uh are familiar with like some of the videos that I do I was going to get a um a winter Long play out however I tried recording it this week I was I was struggling every once in a while I kind of struggle recording whether it’s like sometimes like words

Just are not flowing properly if that makes sense so I was um filming and I was like I can’t I just can’t like form proper sentences this week I was really struggling with it so I tried for like a couple days and I was like this is just

Not happening it was so disheveled so I decided to put it back on the back murder I um decided instead to work on another chill survival for you all so I have two episodes of that hopefully coming out soon and uh I still have a fall Long play to be released as well

That should be coming out this week uh it’s going to be the end of that series that we were working on so I do apologize I I was kind of like hoping that instead these these like streams that we’re doing could kind of make up for the lack of um winter content on

Like the main videos so just giving you all heads up cuz I know I said I was going to make one but it it ended up being just a huge struggle this week I don’t I don’t know what it was but it was it was not happening not happening happens Health goes before

Anything oh I appreciate it I appreciate it yeah it was like more like for for some reason I was like I just can’t form sentences right now oh no Phantoms do you use complimentary or complimentary reimagine these are uh just complimentary complimentary reimagined though are very Beautiful why don’t you do it in creative mode it wasn’t the fact that like I was like struggling to build it was more so the fact that I was just kind of struggling to like come up with sentences that week sometimes sometimes that happens though sometimes I uh

Sometimes there’s weeks where just like no thoughts head very empty and very very scrambled so I I was like you know what I won’t I won’t worry about it I just won’t worry about it I’ll work on another project instead so I’m starting on a I started on a chill survival and

It’s been it’s been going good I’m very excited for you all to see it got to do what’s best for you it wasn’t meant if if it wasn’t meant to be it wasn’t meant to be that’s that’s how I saw it too that’s exactly what I kind of thought I

Was like you know what it wasn’t meant to be then which is totally fine glad you all uh um understand that though love your stuff we love that you’re happy and healthy more oh I appreciate it guys I appreciate it yall are the best community we always and

Forever say that you guys are the best oh what are these roofed stairs huh I bet these tiles are okay I’m not making those that’s cool but that’s that’s a lot that’s really that’s really cool though um whatever was going to make was a fireplace mantle fireplace there’s two different kinds jungle

Fireplace so these ones are just fireplaces oh this one’s cute ooh that’s adorable we’ve got the mantle and then we’ve got regular fireplaces I don’t know what this looks like though I don’t think I used that one when we were building the workshop I might try this

One cuz it’s going to look more like but then then again we have a very small space that we’re working with that’s what this one looks like which is pretty cute you know maybe I’ll try the Cozy fireplace I need to make some Oak planks though so

That means I’m going to have to get the stone cutter out oh that’s just like a recipe thing I’m going to have to actually make a stone cutter I think I can stone cutter perfect perfect oh that’s froggy that’s looking amazing by the way sorry I hit the wrong thing what

That’s looking amazing it looks so good did you hear the beds no I didn’t oh never mind okay what’s looking amazing the build what are you talking about what build what what do you mean the one that you just we’ve been building no what where am I do you have

The Deep slate yeah I have lots of deep slate you have the stuff I texted you about my God I only needed I literally needed one piece I literally just needed one Sor true thanks all right um uh let’s try the Cozy fireplace I guess you should get

Your own TV show oh sorry sorry let’s try these planks so it’s cozy fireplace right let’s let’s try this one so it’s Oak plank iron bars and then bricks that should be easy enough I have iron bars still right I’m not sure I do uh-oh oh wait no no I do I

Do so to make these um I don’t know some of you may not have seen this mod before I forget which one this is which mod is this under Cozy home so I think that is the no it’s not the people who make chips but basically what you have to do

Is you have to toss these onto a stone cutter and it makes Oak planks and then from there you can build this recipe which is really cool so oh oh wait no sorry these are oak boards Cozy home I don’t know if we have this thing set up oh even easier look at

That I was wrong chat they’re very similar they’re very similar but with this bada bing bada boom I don’t know I feel like this one’s a Vibe let’s why is it so small that’s not what what why is it it’s so small what is this the building for ants

Froggy what I built a fireplace and I thought it was going to be the greatest thing ever cuz it’s super cute no no no here it’s in my hands here place that why is it so small okay um actually um there’s um there’s a fireplace in one of these mods that I tried

Earlier um it’s the from the many ideas one those ones are actually pretty good uh oh yeah the many ideas Birch fireplace I’m going to try those ones cuz that one that is just like what is that honestly though I’m not going to lie it’s kind of a little vibe

Yeah if it’s like for for ants no no but like imagine putting this in like your upstairs room you know that way it doesn’t take up too much oh you know what you’re so right you’re so right why when it breaks it has like a missing texture no it’s so

Funny yeah the scuffed breaking texture is even better you need to feed it yeah we need let’s bone meal it you can put a tealight in it that’s so true I think Froggy’s right where you could put it in the bedroom oh oh gosh yeah it’s a VI

It’s just not the one that we want exactly oh my gosh that is so funny okay if we want to do the many ideas I’m going to have to um get a lot of iron a lot of iron I think we have some extra iron here yes we do whoops

I’m really bad at working these storage units I know froggy told me like there’s I’m just really bad at it I’m not good with like the modded Parts where it’s like quality of life improvements like this I have no idea what I’m doing half the time okay so we need an iron

Plate a block of iron makes iron plates okay what how huh iron plate I don’t understand how that works froggy oh wait never mind hello I think I’ve got it I just don’t think we have the table saw down here do we what table saw um for many ideas it’s like a

Small I didn’t even know there was a table saw yeah that’s okay it was um I forgot to add it in that’s all right or Santa did it’s Santa’s fault what if we just what if we just added it right now and Santa would never even know Santa

Would never know if we addited him right now there’s a diamond one saw cuz there’s the the fireplace requires me to make an iron plate which requires the diamond table saw um honestly it’s not that bad of a craft it’s literally just like um making a saw and then upgrading yeah

It’s not that it’s not that bad to craft actually do we have enough diamonds for it though yeah we have um we have 130 over here I didn’t even know s gave us diamond on the wall Santa wow stop doubting him he sees what you have done

And he hears what you are saying Santa thank you you are so fake no I’m not no yes you are yeah Santa no yeah okay bye bye okay how do I how do I make this thing now so I need to make a table saw

First of all I need to make a saw out of stone this is a wild recipe Santa what the heck what the heck Samantha welcome on in how you doing nice to see you yeah or like a little shed or something that’s such a cute idea we got

The ideas flown we got the ideas okay we do need the stone um so I need to make a saw I first need to make okay a stone saw boom this is very complicated and then I think any type of wood I’m assuming oh I didn’t have to make this saw I

Thought I had to like make that and then upgrade it but apparently not okay that works that works all right Santa we’re getting you a new tool for Christmas Merry Christmas Santa just put this here instead all for this perfect all right so now we can make the

Fireplace so let’s go to I want to do I think dark oak so it’s got to be smooth stripped wood and Bricks easy enough easy enough the fireplace decoration to go on the mantle of another fireplace oh my gosh could you imagine it’s a fireplace on a fireplace let’s

Go all right let’s get some some of this Santa’s really bad at this Christmas thing now I understand why Froggy’s trying to murder him and take his shoes honestly Santa Santa acts like he has pulled everything together he he he has not clearly he relies on many

Other people and he’s not willing to admit to it and I just I just don’t like that about him just don’t like it all right oh come on what do I have dark oak smooth stripped wood huh oh no I I made I made big mistake okay so I need to do this

Again that I need to what was it again that’s the one thing I find with mods is sometimes if you have a lot all of them require very very um different recipes what I do what did I do here isn’t it this stripped what smooth stripped huh what’s

Smooth stripped wood dark oak smooth stripped log comes from what oh it’s the table saw oh my gosh chat I I figured it out it’s the table saw cor welcome on in how you doing welcome welcome I hope you’re having a great day okay here we go smooth

Stripped log got it got it okay fireplace mantle what do I need now what do I need to do with this now smooth strip log here we go okay now we’re we’re making a fireplace mantle I swear if I don’t like this thing I’m going to be so sad so sad

With all of the work we put into this Janine welcome on in uh if those aren’t some great Minecraft youtubers I appreciate it I hope you’re having a wonderful day how are you doing excited for Christmas very excited we are um we have quite a few Christmas plans for the

Family I was explaining this year um whoa okay that’s cool it’s going to take oh oh my gosh I thought it was gone for a second that’s huge though so this room is an entire fireplace basically is what we’re saying um but I was explaining to chat earlier that I my parents have

Retired this year so um we are going to be able to spend a lot more time together which I’m really excited about uh it’s going to be super super fun and yeah just like very very excited for the holiday season going to spend some time with uh with the family uh we’re going

Going out for like some dinners and stuff before Christmas and it’s just going to be a really fun time what about you what do you have any good plans or anything going to hop on MC see you later no worries Winter thank you so much for hanging out and I hope you

Enjoy some Minecraft in I wonder if I could just light this fire or if like I have to put a campfire behind it you know what I mean like right here I feel like I have to put it there which is actually pretty cool cool

I like that I can just like do a mini little chimney or something right here you know so we can get a little um campfire in there very nice yeah that’s what we were looking for eh there’s no middle of the road with that mod honestly yeah some of the mods

They’re like so far apart from one another that it’s just like there’s there’s just like too many recipes in some ways you know which is like a blessing and a curse I think with this game I’m going to chop down some trees just to get some

Like logs for our campfires I think I’ll just go like classic or do you think these will work maybe hello Spidey oh my gosh there’s so many uh-oh creeper I feel like there’s like a thunderstorm going on or something that’s why there’s all these mobs nice got

Him there’s a specific wood that you can craft okay let me take a look let me take a look that would be really cool so there are fireplace oh fire log can be placed works as a fuel item oh that’s for Meadow though that’s different so many ideas Christmas let’s

Look up that mod and see if if there’s anything that pairs with it uh not too sure actually maybe not but what we can also do um there are some like really cute decorational fire logs so like these ones fireplace logs that we can place next to it they look

Really cool same with these you can usually stack them so maybe we’ll do that instead so let’s get like a little campfire going everything’s so cute uh cool and cute a thank you I’m I’m so happy you guys like it we are we’re having so much fun yeah these are Christmas Mitten

Cookies we also have peppermint hot cocoa gingerbread cookies and I went through all my candy canes too and we got Christmas jamm on today so we are vibing could have been from another mod yeah probably no worries though no worries a lot of there’s so many

Different types of mods here like we are all learning you know we are all learning so we’ve got our little fireplace that actually looks adorable that actually looks amazing wait which R rainbow striped block I didn’t see it I missed it are you talking to me oh sorry I I pressed push

To talk I’m so sorry my bad I’m going assume that was a no I’m so sorry I keep pressing push to talk by accident no no no no no sorry e push to talk is like the bane of my existence I think cuz I don’t use it

That often so when I do I always mess it up it’s so funny I really want hot coco oh my gosh me too I might have to I might have to make a warm drink soon I’m done with my coffee um I need to go gather up some

Stuff for trees however chat it has been we are at 3 hours and 30 minutes maybe we should take a quick little break uh I need to stretch my legs really quickly get some more water and stuff so how about you all do the same I will AFK

Down here so we have a pretty little space to look at and then we we will be back in just a couple minutes how about that all right I’m going to go here froggy I’m just going to AFK uh really quickly no problem Reaper Kitty welcome on in I’m

Just taking a quick little break we will be back very very shortly all right I will leave you all here with the beautiful Christmas sits and I will be back in a couple minutes hello I’m back just stand here for a moment while I sip on my water how you all

Doing typed in Mar to find it let’s do that Mar oh no wait there’s only four pages no I don’t know I know what it was or maybe it was uh oh not sure oh look at this Santa Claus oh little Christmas tree I’m getting so distracted that’s so

Cute there’s so many cute little things we can add the colored ornaments are really cute too there’s a lot of stuff we can use all right uh what were we doing so I need those logs I think right so there’s a couple there’s a couple different logs

We can use the fireplace logs are pretty cute I’ve used these ones before you can stack them they look a little bit more outdoors I might try these ones it requires some iron but I feel like could be kind of cool you know so we need a little bit of iron and

Then some logs oh yeah logs is what I was going to grab finally found uh the background stream perfect for writing 20 Page schoolwork oh my gosh well thank you so much for popping into stream I really appreciate it I’m happy uh my stream’s here to keep you company I hope that uh

Schoolwork’s going well all right let’s go chop chop some trees real quick oh no auto correct auto correct is the worst listen chat I need I think I I don’t know what’s going on with my phone I can’t update my iOS to the newest one it keeps like if I don’t have enough

Space which has happened before it just tells you you don’t have enough space but basically what happens is I like like it downloads the entire update and then it like runs through the entire update and then when it resets uh nothing’s changed it is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen I

Don’t know what’s wrong with it I’m like is my phone too old I might need to do an upgrade soon it’s being very strange though oh my gosh that scared me I was like who is that oh my gosh I think cuz I’m like not used to like

Seeing froggy in that outfit I was like what oh my God that was actually terrifying I’m in the full Christmas spirit uh now I’m going to go listen to Christmas songs I’ll be back to watch a full stream once it’s uploaded no worries enjoy uh listening to some

Christmas music sounds very very fun and we’ll catch you later later wow how am I art oh my God that looks so good oh this is looking awesome I love it we’ve killed it so far I think we’ve really killed it okay let’s get some fireplace

Logs I don’t think your phone’s too old I think they’ve just decided you need to pay them again see that’s kind of like the feeling that I’m getting it’s just like I don’t know cuz it shouldn’t be too old it’s from like 2019 back for a minute how’s the

Progress it’s looking really good really good uh here’s the here’s the houses that we’ve got so far I think they look so cute I love them really happy with how they’ve turned out we got some good decorations going oh the candy canes there oh that’s adorable so many cute little designs and

Then on the inside so far I just have a fireplace but I mean hey that’s not a bad thing you know not a bad thing oops I don’t mean to open this crafting table there we go trying to move everything back up here I think I need to go to sleep

Quickly froggy jumps scare I know that really scared me that’s considered old nowadays that’s what I was thinking too yeah there’s a delay in chat uh but I do see your messages and I try to respond to as many as I can all right there we go

That’s looking pretty good I think now what we got to do is get a staircase and you know what I’m going to go with the classic spiral staircase chat I think it’s time to get a good old spiral staircase the froggy scare hit especially hard after the random creeper

That’s what I was thinking too I was like oh no I was like I’m in trouble I think I need to chop down the spruce tree I need some sprues can you believe it chat I barely used Spruce today what is going on something’s a miss here isn’t it

Oops can I get all of the logs from here no I can’t okay I’m going to have to pillar up I kind of messed up the staircase I was building so now I just got to there we go that should be good so we’re going to build a spiral

Staircase just to give ourselves a little bit more room and what else do we need woo honestly I wasn’t sure if it was really you uh usually you used at least 20 38 stacks of spruce by now no for real for real that’s it’s it’s me though it’s me I’m

I’m just as shocked as you are to be honest I’m very shocked usually I’m like okay so we’re building a project today it’s going to be a relatively small one but we’re going to need 54 stacks of spruce I just uh just haven’t needed it today I guess very strange indeed

No Spruce you’ve changed I know I know oops it’s got to be one more there we go oops keep breaking these there we go think I got to make a little little bit of space around them otherwise they don’t really grow fly wish I could say but I have a ton to

Do today a ton of work to do today hopefully I’ll be able to pop back in L’s no don’t worries shroud I hope uh work is going well for you and we’ll definitely catch you later I think that’s fine these mini Spruce saplings are the cutest thing in the world actually so

Cool are you here yeah where are you I was just chopping spruce trees oh did that one that I then I chopped gr oh you yeah I just yeah do you like the spruce trap doors here it looks so flat without them but I’m thinking it’s too many you the oak

Ones yeah um yeah okay so I like the ones on the top maybe for the bottom ones I would do like a campfire above and like Spruce Gates or something instead or also wait wait replaces the Garland oh true you know what you could do in oh yeah

Um what you could do instead is you can change the oak trap doors to have different designs cuz we have chipped you’re so right about that you are so you’re so smart no you you I don’t think you get enough credit for how smart you are I saw the way you

Placed that you leave me alone I was just trying to make it work in my no my last Christmas Mitten wait here I I’ll kill one of these pigs and then there you go oh thanks toasty toasty toasty start of each Stream drifty force space the uh entire size of whales no

For real though for real I don’t know what it is listen I just get lost in the sauce with Spruce it’s so good can’t deny it chat you can’t deny it do I even have space for a spiral staircase let’s be real I don’t think I

Do I think I’m going to have to just do a classic classic staircase that’s okay though what if we do okay so do here okay what I’m going to do is just like a a kind of like a curved staircase if that makes sense so we’ll get it going up like this

And then this floor should be should be good yeah sorry it took me a second to think about it hi um I left you some D pork chops oh I got one thank you oh I didn’t mean to close that door you’re really you’re you’re going to start build like start decorating already

Um I guess so is there something else I should be doing no no no no I was just I I was going to decorate uh maybe next time oh I see I see where you’re going with this I see where you’re going with this yeah we could I could wait I can wait

Okay let me just you should continue decorating but um I if I if um oh do you like these fences by the way these are Spruce fences they are so cute I love them um I was going to say if you’re not going to be uh well if you’re going to

Decorate I don’t want to decorate today no I get that my brain’s not working for decorating in the inside do you want me to start like some more houses we could do that I feel like we’re actually ahead of schedule to be honest yeah I was just saying that we

Really got a lot more done today than I thought we were going to I would be down for like another row of houses do you want to do you want to work on that together or do you would you prefer to just like go solo at that no I mean if

You’re if you’re going to um decorate I can I can definitely like just get your opinion as I build or like as I play stuff out okay let’s do that that’s perfect I’m taking some of your Moss that you didn’t need for this you made like a whole staircase like literally

All the way to the floor every single yeah I know why did you do that I don’t know it’s just how I build them why I don’t know you okay do you do you understand what’s Happening Here yeah I see what you’re doing it makes

More sense I get it I get it but I I don’t know my brain works in mysterious ways which means I do things very um not streamlined and it doesn’t make sense so you just got to bear with me sometimes I can see why Santa chose you

I have so much to learn from you stop don’t make me laugh don’t make me laugh also um how much longer were you planning on streaming for just general ballpark sorry my dog was barking what did you say oh my God I’m so sorry it’s

Okay uh I was just going to ask how long did you plan on going for today um maybe like another hour or so I think that would be perfect for me too um I am getting a little bit hungry normally I wouldn’t be eating dinner right now but obviously since you don’t

Get up until you know Midway through my afternoon cuz you’re sleeping or something I don’t know allegedly allegedly right like I’ve never seen you go to sleep before but yeah do I actually sleep sleep yeah apparently I do apparently I don’t know all right that

Sounds good to me I’m I’m down for that okay cool Sorry chat I just had to cough all right I think we’ve made some like pretty crazy progress I just need to close the curtains it’s getting very bright in my office um well something happened Beyond those

Walls and I don’t think I’ll ever know but some some form of light reached that zombie or maybe he fell in lava and we will never know a story to never be completely told wow Jaden welcome back how you doing drift is a five-dimensional hyper being you can’t you can’t hope to understand

The complexity of drift’s stairbuilding plans honestly yeah mine it’s just I just it’s my brain my brain is like how do I work in the least functional way possible that’s the answer you have another Zoom meeting no worries Reaper Kitty I hope it all goes

Well all right what were we going to do again I forget I was going to oh yeah I was going to get some trap doors and I was going to put them into the chipped bench so I could get like a banister type thing oh you know what instead of uh trap

Doors we could probably find a banister looking fence thing at like with MAA possibly maybe not they look kind of rugged dark oak horse fence uh no these look more outdoors I think I think froggy had the ones that were like outdoor fencing o these would look kind of cool picket

Fence I think the picket fence would look nice it doesn’t necessarily have to have decoration on it either like what if we did a dark oak picket fence oh that’s so easy to make we have the uh we have the tools for it or not the tools the resources okay

Oops I really like that I might also change the I made um I made it Spruce for the staircases I think I might change that over to dark oak I think it’ll look a little bit nicer and in theme with what we already have so let me just fix that up really quickly

Too I need quite a bit of uh slabs the light it burns oh that’s me that’s me every morning when I wake up except not really right now cuz it’s still dark when I wake up dark when I wake up dark when I end work that’s that’s the winter for

You isn’t it honestly though the other day I was like finishing up work for the day though and I went to my room and it was like the light was so so bright because it was like shining off of other buildings and I was like ah I can’t see

It burds literally was having that moment yesterday drif toles yes that’s kind of like icicles but drift yes hi are you doing dark oak instead yeah I don’t know why like the the bottom was dark oak I know I I for I don’t know why I did that either I’m

Going to be real um can you can you look at this like potential layout and tell me if you hate it yep I don’t want to hear that you like it I just want to hear if you hate it uh let me pillar up quickly hold on um actually I don’t hate

That sorry I don’t what do you hate about it no no I don’t hate it I was just asking your opinion no I think it’s perfect I like how like they’re all kind of like different um like really positioned differently I like that a lot yeah I just thought it would be more

Interesting to walk around and then like there’s a that corner one close to the granite is going to be big and then the it goes like relatively smaller the closer you get to the other side the corner one next to the the granite you mean like this build yeah that one’s

Going to be big that’s that’s a 7 by9 oh cool yeah no this is going to look so good my one okay but my one reservation actually no there is no reservation because it would basically just be like a walkway to this no that’s awesome I

Love that yeah I well what I was thinking was that we could probably do some kind of like banners like connecting in between these two like a little maybe or like a little Archway oh that would be so cute kind of like a a little entrance into the The Village or

An exit I love that um yeah like a little alley kind of oh you put that um you you put that little tree on this oh wow I I love it are you being sarcastic I love them they’re so cute look at them what don’t you like about it it takes forever to

Mine no it doesn’t Yes mine it mine it right now with an axe mine it with an axe you mine that with an axe I told you I’m not mining it because I like it no no I just want you can put it right

Back down I just want to you to see how long it takes to break it just broke wow that was wild good thing I have a backup no good thing I have backups and I got a little bit of bone meal to make it grow

Taller there we go wait wait did you see did you see what I did over here look at that look at that I know it looks so good I love that that’s sick right you wouldn’t have thought of that oh my God ouch I legitimately would not have

Thought of that I’ve got to be real I wouldn’t have should I make them facing inwards um I kind of like that it faces outwards but now that I’m looking at it I wonder what it would look like look like if they face inwards oh my gosh how do you

Mine these things effect effectively it makes no sense what tool just your to with your hand let’s see inwards oops Yeah you have to no you have to do it from the other side oh uh no the other way the other way definitely this this looks like no no springle are you talking

About the other way around look better ah please I I can’t believe you’ve done this I’m going I’m going back to my house I’m so sorry you should be chat she’s so weird oh whoops what do I do I’m not weird okay I’m a little weird I’m a little

Weird all right I think that’s looking good cute cute Viper welcome on in how you doing all right for ceiling I think we’ll go Spruce though just to kind of like lighten it up a little bit oops so I suppose I can throw a torch in there just in

Case and I need some more slabs all right this is all coming together so I feel like upstairs H maybe we just do like a little bedroom up here down here where I’m obviously going to have to put some more stuff around like probably some furniture I

Wonder if we have like couches and stuff I think we do pretty sure with uh this mod we do have couches let’s see couch chair oh look at these oh they’re so cute look at the heart armchair how do you even make that not attainable oh what’s this no this is

Perfect quilted Southern flare chair oh we have to make these chat we have to make these let’s be real these are like perfect like cabin chairs look at the ghost one that’s so cute Honestly though this this brown chair would be sick too it requires gold oh I

Think cuz of the pillows or something these are very cute I’m very much into these I think um I think these ones might possibly fit the vibe a little bit more we’re going to have to find we do have green wool and red wool so that should be

Easy Raptor welcome on in rubal so nice to see you and Pluto welcome welcome I hope you’re all having a great day thank you so much for popping in yeah they probably match the the tiny fireplace for sure I bet you any money they do I feel like these are smaller than we

Realize exciting news after you recommended him I reached out to Thor on Discord and he’s making my Mo making uh me my own Minecraft skins no way no way oh my gosh that makes me so happy Thor is such a lovely human being honestly his Skins are incredible he has done

Pretty much all of my skins that I that I wear on the regular now just absolutely an incredible human such a sweet sweet kind person and you can’t go wrong he is so talented I’m so glad that uh that you reached out to him he’s such

A homie and I hope you enjoy uh what he makes you hey Queen I just wanted to let you know frog thinks you’re stinky okay chat hit one if you think I’m sticky sticky stinky stinky hit one if you think I’m stinky two if you think think I’m not

Stinky come on although I don’t think I have much ground to stand on right now considering I’m wearing this giant sweater which I’m probably sweating in oh jeez I can’t catch a break here can I can’t catch a break today all right we got we got twos we

Got ones we got a couple twos it seems pretty the consensus actually seems pretty split which I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing to be honest not sure undecided undecided real fans hit one the real ones hit The One You know what I can’t even argue I

Can’t even argue I think if I saw like even based off of my Minecraft skin I I think my Minecraft skin looks a little bit stinky you know there’s something a little bit stinky about my Minecraft skin I even I have to admit it so it’s okay chat you won’t you won’t offend

Me okay let’s make two of these you can stack them so that’s good news as long as you’re still washing your feet um it’s all good yeah exactly the foot smell was a little bit much but we’ve we’ve learned we’ve learned to wash our feet so I think we’re uh I

Think we’ve made progress bayonet yeah I definitely smell like bayonet absolutely I can’t deny it oh I was hoping that they would like kind of like join together as a couch they don’t a I think we are going to need a couch down here you know couch Vibes for sure

Upstairs we could have like chairs for a little study maybe I wonder if instead of like a railing I should just do a wall I don’t know well these break incredibly fast something like this we could get like a door too I’m going to have to change the

Texture of this like I’m not super into that but I think maybe I don’t know I I kind of like having the the railing honestly it just opens it up a little bit more we could do like a little I don’t know maybe save the chairs for a different build cuz I

Think I’m kind of set on having a couch down there couch down there bed up here you know what I mean I would like to also o I was going to say get bookshelves but I don’t think we have leather could also do like oh that doesn’t work uh-oh that doesn’t

Work we’re all stinkies yeah we all we all stink just a little bit you’re in Holiday mode so obviously uh you have a lovely Ule pop hry go Furniture really needs to be vanilla I know Furniture absolutely absolutely needs to be vanilla I agree I or at

Least I would compromise want you to know that I think that you’re really good at sleeping really yeah thank you I get very scared Honestly though you know who’s the best at sleeping Brooke she always has a bed like literally always I Al I also usually have a bed

But this is not my long-term worlds yeah I mean it’s different if you’re in like hardcore you know I’m usually kind of bad at sleeping to be honest I don’t know I’m just I’m just on it today but you know like there’s always that person on an S&P that’s like any sleepers but

Like never sleeps themselves oh yeah classic classic I know that I know that couldn’t be me though couldn’t be me I I I really thought you were one of those until just now no I at least try you know what I mean I try if I if somebody

Else isn’t sleeping I put the effort in oh my gosh also um did your chat say that you were stinky yes I did and I asked chat if they thought I was stinky and what and they said there’s definitely 1,000% okay why does the supplementaries bed the the bed the

Single bed requires soap to make it um it’s so it’s saying that you um can um you know what no no no drift no you can wash off the dye and rede it a different color oh how do you make that bed though I’m so confused it

Doesn’t show me where which one it’s the like the Nordic bed single fantasy’s Furniture you know um I’m I’m pretty sure you have to make like the fantasy Furniture table and then you can like make it in there but I don’t know how that works oh I see okay I will I will

Forget about it then thank you we can figure it out next time yeah we’ll figure that out next time okay okay we can make this um we can make the the bed version of the chair that I made though chat I feel like that would work I just need some more

Planks what did I need planks and then the wool I think I put the wool away let’s go find the wool again okay so I think I can make this bed which is kind of sweet I think I’ll I think I’ll do that instead it looks it’s a double though so

Hopefully it fits that room I just really wanted to work cuz it’s so cute sleeping in the bed automatically cleans you great it’s a shower and a bed oh gosh that didn’t work I want to put it right here I think that kind of works you know

And then just get like a little night side table little nights side table moment okay so we need a table as well ah didn’t mean to do that table so we can do a spruce table oak table what does this one look like oh that’s easy to craft we’re doing that we’re

Absolutely doing doing that I love the recipes that are just like very easy to craft I’m here for it you know we can do like a little lamp if we want oh oh I keep accidentally opening that up look at this one though oh it’s so

Cute so it’s slabs and then plank I think maybe I can make this one I can I can chat I think this is the one ah so cute the bed’s a water mattress oh my gosh remember when people used to have those that’s actually like wild to me

How are people like not afraid that it would like like what if that leaked in your bedroom you’d be done for quilted decorative shelves oh we need Books Okay we might need to actually do some of these another day we could do the small shelf right now now

But I don’t think we’re going to be able to get a lot of this stuff cuz I don’t think we have leather so that one is the regular small shelf do I need a table to craft that cuz it’s telling me I have I just need Oak planks

But if I just do that it’ll make me slabs you know what I mean unless there’s like a variant option I might have to ask for about that one some of these mods are like a little bit confusing in the sense that like that conflicts with another mod or

Not a mod that conflicts with like a vanilla type um recipe you know I don’t know if I need to make another uh I don’t know if I need to make like a certain bench for that one maybe that one’s for cluttered that’s weird this uh hanging

Pottery shelves are really cute too I could probably make those I think I have some string oh great the wandering Trader great my aunt has a water mattress to help her back oh my God you have to come out here right now you have to come out here right now right now oh

Look look at look at his name look at his name he’s a Wandering wine maker okay we’re keeping him we are keeping him there’s no way we’re not that is awesome yo he has like apple tree saplings red grapes can you get out of there so I can

Look he has cherry wine we need to buy wine we don’t have any wait we have emeralds we have emeralds oh my oh my god get go get him right now sir sir you can stay here forever wait but he’ll he’ll despawn how do we get him to not

Despawn one of us has to always be here oh man um no I think even if you no we have to tame the mule hold On oh my gosh here you go here you go there’s some some mold wine for you amazing thank you oh my gosh so cool oh oh oh it makes your oh regeneration nice give a wine bottle look at that that’s beautiful cute I wonder if I can display this can you

Display it no know you probably put it in um some of the like there’s like wine seller stuff in this mod I think yeah also froggy I have a question about one of the mods so if you look up small shelf for cluttered the recipe is literally Oak planks but obviously with

The way that they have it crafted it like that’s just the recipe for slabs so I don’t know how to make it do I need a table for it I don’t know let’s look at clutter I don’t believe you need some kind of specific table for cluttered um

But okay hold on so it’s just Oak planks M so you might have to go to a regular crafting table um because usually if there’s multiple recipes there’s like a like a um a a button oh there isn’t one we might have to get kind of like tweaks or something like crafting

Tweaks there should be a button that you can hit um honestly if you like pull it out of creative and you just throw away the planks I’m fine with that but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that I get it okay cool thanks okay so that one we could we can

We can pull into creative for that one if we want honestly there’s like a couple things I think we also need I might like restock some of this stuff for our next stream too polymorph mod okay polymorph mod I’m going to polymorph mod thank you uh it’s a mod

That solves recipe conflicts thank you so much I have that bookmarked I really appreciate it Cherry so I’m going to keep that bookmarked and after stream maybe we’ll have to add that one in oh yeah we could always boat the guy too cool thank you thank you I really appreciate that all right

Awesome oh there’s something going on here we need to get free cam we need to add free cam to this as well chat um there’s a couple mods I think maybe we could pop in for the next time we’ll we’ll see polymorph is one that would definitely help out cuz there’s some

That are a little bit conflicting that I’d like to have for sure um the hanging plant shelves I actually don’t think I have any string so we can’t do that we are going to have to get um leather and stuff I don’t think we have any in the drawers over here as

Far as I know doesn’t look like it honestly that one might have to wait as well oh best friends forever which mod is or which one is that tame an animal nice good one frog GG’s GG’s okay perfect so I need to like worry about books and stuff I did see

There was a murder drift I’m so sorry what happened did you did you get rid of them honestly we got the wine oh sorry I was muted did you uh get rid of them um well I had to because I don’t know how to craft a boat after playing Castaways it’s been so

Long do you seriously not know how I know how to craft a boat sure sounds like you don’t really cuz it really sounds like you don’t know how to craft one planks or wait is that how you craft a I don’t remember I’m going to bed yeah you

Probably should go to bed yeah I need I’m going to start breeding some cows cuz I need some leather ASAP um well one of these mules is going to be just walking around but I felt like they would be really good for the Christmas Market

Oo yes oh my gosh so true so true I actually am going to put him in a hole yeah keep get in there get in there I T both so they should not despawn but I love that they have those little you know the little saddle bags and stuff

They are actually so cute I love them come on oh wait this one has a lead I see what you’re doing yeah nice I I only had one lead cuz I think he spawned up on top are you kidding me right now I think he spawned up here but

I didn’t like one of the one of the mules was stuck up here oh yeah yeah yeah I see I don’t know where the the lead went at this point and at this point I’m too afraid to ask yeah nah I think I think put him him putting him in

That hole is like uh is good enough oh also um so I got a text from Santa um little update on this uh beautiful house over here you want to come take a look oh sure yeah yeah yeah let me take a look where are you I am just coming back up

What’s up okay so this is a recently renovated property um currently it has no roof and no door but um for the a small price um added to your rent each month you can definitely get a roof and a door um the the small price is

Probably about 20% of the full value of the property so you’re really getting a steal at only 1 of value um and if you come in here we have uh some you know of that recent renovated floor pattern here um this was on sale at Home Depot it’s

So apparently a bestseller so they were doing a sale on it um and the rent is only $7,999 per month so it’s really a steal it’s it’s got a beautiful view here you can see the whole valley does it come with laundry um yes there will be a washer

Dryer unit upstairs in the Attic um once there is a roof there once you pay the roof fee AC um there’s a window so you can see that you can open the door and create a wind suction tunnel thing yeah and that can really it’s cold up here you don’t

Really need AC in the mountains this High sometimes the neighbors randomly explode um well I okay so with the repairs that’s not going to affect anything right like any of like the rent and like also um you mean the repairs that I’m going to have to do right now yeah oh

Yeah yeah no this is um this is still the construction phase so this is on me but if anything does break in the unit while you are living in it you are fully responsible for the value of those things mhm um it’s almost like you own

The place but you’re renting it you know it’s like you know it’s like buying a home for beginners we would say in the industry is it rent controlled as well I’d like to know we don’t speak whatever language that is that you just mentioned here but

Um it is going to get substantially more expensive over time if that’s what you’re asking okay and um what else what else was I going to ask ask um is there like do you have a lock on the door is there like are you going to change the locks when I move in

As like a new tenant like um well there’s never been a door on this property ever before um recent Renovations the door is part of the upgrade roof and door package so there will be a brand new door put on there um it’s on you to put a lock on it if you

Really think your stuff wouldn’t be safe in this beautiful Christmas Village like that’s on you it’s kind of sad to see our community you know feel unsafe around each other but again that’s your personal preference so that would also be like you you would just have to go

Get one yourself um can I consult my um my advisers for a second and I’ll get back to you in just one second um well this I I just want you to know I did list this on Zill it is I’ve had a lot of inquiries about it oh you

Have okay wait have they already sent in rental applications oh I have an application too hold on a second yeah I’ve I’ve actually gotten references as well oh wow yeah so can I take it I’ll take it right now um so would you like

To upgrade CU it will be a you know that fee we talked about um yeah what’s the upgrade again um so you would get a roof and a door and it does cost 20% of the value so another you know I would like to upgrade please okay

Thank you yeah no it’ll be ready construction will be finished in probably about 30 to 60 minutes and then you’ll be able to move in amazing thank you I’m looking forward to it let me know what your advisers think once you’re able to you know consult with

Them yeah I’m going to go consult with them now and I’ll let you know yeah okay chat what do you think do you think I just got scammed do you think I I just got scammed I mean honestly I I’ve looked at other places in this area and most of

Them don’t have laundry most them don’t have AC or dishwashers so I mean I guess like I don’t really have another option I’ve just been sleeping in a bed outside so I guess maybe this that’s that’s all I’ve got Moon welcome on in so nice to see

You how you doing yeah that creeper that creeper came out of nowhere Matt what’s going on so nice to see you homie hope you’re doing well yeah I I definitely got scammed no worse than any apartment I’ve looked at in Boston to know for real okay the the thing that she just said

About the flooring actually hit so hard with the um everybody knows if you look for apartments you’re going to see that gray flooring that weird gray laminate flooring so strange so strange oh my gosh that one that would hit a little bit too close to home um so I consulted all of my

Advisers and they said I have indeed been scammed but at the same time I think I just signed a contract with you so it’s too late to back out now so it is what it is they they think that you got scammed in what way um I’d rather

Not talk about it I it’s fine I well I just I just was it my delivery like I mean you know what it’s I think it’s just us trying to talk about how I know it’s not like this is just you know it’s just not a good deal I’m going

To be honest with you it really isn’t but it’s not your delivery what about it was not a good deal like this is premium like Mountain View Property well I mean the fact that listen and honestly honestly if you look your head out the window it’s also lak

Front because there’s a lake down there and you could really if you leaned most of your body out the window you’d be able to see it mm you know what you’re making so many good points now you’re making so many good points I retract my statement I I have not been scammed I

Can’t believe your advisors would literally say that you’ve been scammed when I even showed you I told you where I got this new flooring from okay no one knew about that that was a hot ticket item I I gave you the scoop on that like I would never betray you pretty sure

I’ve seen that at Home Depot before pretty sure I’ve seen that I told you that it was at Home Depot so did you actually know but I know it’s the cheapest option it was not the cheapest option it was actually the one that was the most discounted so I don’t to

Insinuate hon I’m building a house right here why can’t I just live in the one that I’m building um because that is for Mrs Claus um oh this one’s from Mrs claw actually and so part of the contract that you signed because you didn’t read the terms

And conditions is that if you want to get out of this contract you have to pay 10 times the value of a year’s rent okay um honestly that’s kind of your bad like I don’t really know why you agreed to that when you didn’t read the contract

But um also yeah I’d like to clarify that this area isn’t subjected to Coastal erosion is there any chance of that like any risk um I mean if you if your renters insurance covers it but like that’s not your problem then I don’t really know what you want me to do about that

Okay fine I’ll I’ll just take it I’ll take it I’m I’m living in a bed outside right now so it’s fine and Santa’s Workshop honestly it’s very cramped and it kind of stinks I don’t really like it so my chat wanted me to let you know

That there’s no roaches in here oh oh okay there’s no roaches great great you know what I’m sold then I’m sold I’m I’m very much sold no roaches no mice I’m in yeah no roaches oh God now a toilet can be added uh to the property cuz currently the only

Bathroom in the the area is across that mountain and it’s really kind of just a hole in the ground so are we expanding Plumbing out here cuz that’s going to we’re going to have to call in like a contractor if we’re if we’re talking that you know um honestly I was just

Hoping that I would say it and it would magically appear oh I see okay you’re relying on Magic sometimes you know did you ever play mermaids as a kid in the pool with your friends yeah yeah so um also I’m going to give you a complimentary plastic wreath um that’s

Been sitting in my car for 6 months so you know it’s it’s a little moveing gift for me oh that’s lovely oh my gosh okay and um any other like complimentary bottle of wine or anything you know like as a little housewarming thank you I’m actually living paycheck to paycheck

Right now it’s kind of really frustrating that you would ask me for okay I honestly I understand it’s it’s this isn’t like on like it’s not you it’s the developers you’re just you’re just going with what the developers want to so I get it I get it yeah if I knew

What that meant I would probably agree to it yeah okay I got you I got you no worries um any any preference for color on the roof um what do we got going on here so ooh you know what I would really like do we have like red

Terracotta uh we do not oh um okay well what about I I would like maybe some dark oak would be nice dark dark oak is an option but there is an upcharge as I have to chop it sure why not you know what here take

That that that is not money that is just white W yeah thank you that’s that’s what we’re talking about yeah all right well I’ll let you know when it’s done oh I’m looking forward to it I’m going to I’m going to get all of my stuff ready to move

In chat I think I’ve been scammed I think I’ve been scammed oh jeez now okay I know that you’re kind of set on the dark oak um and I did just eat the fee that you gave me but what if I what if I do something a little bit different friend and then

If you don’t like it you can I’ll put the dark oak in you know what I’m going to put all of my trust in you on this one I don’t think you would ever do me dirty so I I say just just send it never have never will never have never will I

Totally trust you you know my style you know my style trying to back away slowly you know my style I actually think that this is going to exceed your expectations because it will be something that you’ve never seen before oh in that case I’m I’m looking forward

To I’m not I’m not even going to take a peek I’m not even going to take a peek yeah absolutely okay yeah we’ve been streaming for about 4 hours now now chat over four hours oh my gosh so if you want to take a break or anything um go stretch your legs I’m

Probably going to keep streaming I’m going to make sure I take a sip of water though yeah the outside just has walls though I’ve been I’ve been Mega scammed I have been Mega scammed and I think I’ve just got to I’ve got to live with

It for now I’ve got to live with it I wonder if they have dress oh my gosh they have dressers fantasy’s Furniture I think fantasy’s Furniture I don’t know how to craft this stuff I think it needs a table or something we’re going to have to add

Some stuff to um to the these packs because I can’t access some of it so I wanted a dresser but I don’t think we can attain that that um wardrobe maybe ooh this is also fantasy’s Furniture let’s see what fantasy Furniture requires cuz it has so much cool stuff I

Just can’t use it cuz I think it needs either like its own table which I don’t see station oh here it is it’s a crafting table and leather that is so easy okay we’re going to go find some leather really quickly chat cuz we are going to

We’re going to make that that is so cool okay let’s do that we need some leather ow I saw a cow over here somewhere Oh NOP that’s the pig there was one here earlier oh I think there’s one ow there we go there we go two leather so we just need to combine that with a crafting table and we can get the fantasy Furniture station I think we’ll be able to make all that cool

Stuff that’s what we were missing cool you know what that’s actually looking really cute okay I can’t peek I can’t peek no peeking I actually really like it though it looks cute oh this floorboard looks really cute I should have used that for the uh floorboard in the house dang

It you know what I’m going to put this uh table down in the workshop just so froggy can use it too and it’s easy to get to for all of these ones uh where should I stack this we are running out of space in here oh my gosh we have our bed

Let’s get rid of this table I’ll just stack things on top of another so okay how do we do this at search atod ID search hashtag okay there’s a grinch out here just be careful if you come out of the house okay is it wearing a hat no but

It’s right near the house like you should probably kill it actually okay I’ll I’ll come up in uh I’ll come up now oh I see him hey you get over here oh oh oh no okay we’re good must be uh the mayor killed no the mayor’s over here that’s

That’s just another another Pig some other Pig the mayor’s secretary and his wife yeah yeah you heard me you heard me what’s my fov side to I think I keep mine at 77 now I used to actually keep it at normal up until like literally like a month ago or

Something so I don’t really understand how to work this cuz the search function on the on the furniture station doesn’t work and then it tells me search by mod ID do I search it by this doesn’t really make sense I don’t quite understand how to

Work this like do I to put something in here in order for it to work so we got clay I don’t know what this does oh what that’s weird Okay so that seemed to work now can I just like make whatever I want out of this cuz that’s

Like a really easy recipe that’s literally nothing if that’s for real this this mod rocks are you’ve got to be kidding me no way that is so that’s such a cheap recipe chat chat this just opened up so many doors for us you have no idea you have no idea oh my

Gosh what do we got here bench sofas this is so cool the houses look adorable mam thank you I appreciate it yeah we I think we are on the right track with this uh Village Froggy’s killing it with the uh the exteriors I did the brick one and she’s done all the

Rest it’s looking so good yo this rocks what the look at all this stuff that’s wildly so that this that’s all it takes we got the Shelf here we got wall lights oh this is awesome okay what do we want what do we want wardrobe bottom drawers could use like another bookshelf

Type thing I want to see what this painting looks like dresser going to grab a dresser this is so cool what an easy recipe like GG’s honestly Royal food basket oh what’s that oh it’s a wardrobe top I thought it was like an old radio Miss drift

Uh-huh um if you’d like to come see the roof okay I’m going to come take a look now because um everyone has said from your advisement that I am a scam artist I just wanted you to know I put my whole heart and soul into this roof this is a

Custom roof never been seen before never will be seen again uh-huh um it is very special I am not upcharging you for this roof at all uh-huh and it is very festive so feel free to take a look if you’d like okay okay all right hold on a second I think um I

Think there might be a little bit of a delay moon it’s uh the fov is 70 77 77 I did have it at normal before though um but I recently changed it to 77 I might go a little bit wider eventually but uh I’ve I’ve always been used to

Using normal so I’ve slowly been increasing all right I’m ready to look I’m ready to look who are you talking to the creeper yeah I was talking I was just saying hey if this looks really bad is there a way I can get out of this and

He said I don’t know man you already paid that deposit so wait wait wait wait wait so you were asking him if the if if my art would look bad I get out of it yeah yeah honestly I should charge you for offending me no scammers would not put in this much

Work I’m just going to say that oh it’s a little hat it’s a little Christmas hat it’s so cute I love it why is the door like this though um the door the door is not actually in yet I just wanted to see how you felt about the

Roof before I decided on the door cuz the roof was kind of going to kind of decide the door color yeah no I’m you know I’m all for a festive I’m living in a Christmas Village after all so a festive Christmas hat of course now um there is a hidden fee um

If you want me to put Windows in because there currently is no window you could just fly out of here anytime that there’s like a high wind situation going on okay well honestly I have some like carpentry skills of my own I think is can I just renovate it myself no

Actually it’s in the contract you can’t change anything about it um no floors no no roofs no walls no paint okay just take just take the payment just take the payment no posters um no no Nails in the walls because the walls will crumble it’s do

You have any preference on color um can I do green please I I was going to put in actually uh fences I’m kind of broke right now you know what just listen I know I know the developers are really like they’ve the budget and stuff just just do what

You got to do just do what you got to do do you want do you want like you know what that’s actually kind of cute you can’t open it and you can’t see out of it it’s fine it’s fine it’s can probably just as long as it’s like on

One part it’s fine no it’s going to be on both oh no in that case I don’t want it that’s awful that is actually terrible but you know what you know what I’ve seen I’ve seen worse worse rentals on on Craigslist this actually isn’t the worst that I’ve seen oh God you know

Um there is going to be um just so you know there’s an HOA fee even though you don’t own the house but I am passing that fee on to you okay um because I don’t live in there so I shouldn’t have to pay it okay um

Now you can opt out of the swimming pool in the summer um it’s not included in the HOA you have to upgrade your HOA package it’s um and also it’ll make your insurance go up in case somebody drowns okay so just so you know that’s that’s something and there’s also no parking

Spaces so if you have a vehicle you will have to park in the shared parking and I can show you where that is really quick it’s actually just over there um you see that tree in the distance it’s kind of like on the side of the Hill uh yeah I do I

See that yeah yeah um so it’s actually underneath that there’s like a little doorway and it goes all the way underground okay um also is there like yard maintenance like what’s do they do we get like our yard maintained grass cut all that stuff or um well grass

Doesn’t really grow here that much so you won’t have to worry about that there’s a lot of snow okay um does that get like do we have a plow or anything like somebody come by and shovel there’s an 80-year-old man who lives next door to you sometimes he will scream at you

But he usually does the sidewalks okay that works okay cool well I mean this is going to be a great place to live I’m excited also we will be charging you a tourism fee in the months of November and December um because there will be a lot of

Maintenance that has to be done for the Pathways in those months um to accommodate all the local tourism that’s going to be like exploding during those times obviously like the Christmas Market is a huge hit with the you know people here and around they all come to visit understandable um another question

What about internet uh can I get all of that stuff linked up easily what’s the Internet situation like do we have fiber do we just run like there is no internet here you might be able to tweet at like um Elon Musk and see if he can get like starlink satellite here

I’ve asked um he he hasn’t replied to me I’m using roaming actually here because there’s no cell towers anywhere I mean maybe maybe you could we don’t even have Plumbing here so asking for internet’s kind of like this this place is you know lit by Magic like there’s no electricity

There’s no Plumbing it’s like magical and once the spirit of Christmas goes away then the magic dies you know what I mean well I’m hoping maybe in turn a lot of your questions are kind of questioning the spirit of Christmas and it’s getting a little like I can feel

The magic fading with every complaint that you’ve made well okay maybe to solve this I’ll just see if somebody wants to set up like an internet cafe or something that’d be nice it would help the economy here too so I’ll be here if you need anything sure oh my God oh my

God oh jeez anyway oh that does not look great that does not look great okay oh it really does feel like modern day that like literally I feel like that’s what it’s like reading half of the half of the post that are made online nowadays honestly I’m sure a lot

Of people can relate to that conversation jeez jeez let’s put like a little little foraging basket that got so awkward at the end the awkward silence we were both just staring at each other for so long oh my gosh chat I need a couch I need a couch next

Look at that that’s cute yo that fantasy furniture mod rocks I don’t have to I barely have to spend anything it’s just Airbnb simulator oh my gosh going to an Airbnb and they’re like the cleaning fee is actually like $500 but also um if you could clean the entire place including the floorboards

And actually organize uh my taxes for me that would be great but the cleaning fee is also 5 $100 it’s giving me uh giving me that Vibe all right I need a couch I need a couch oh what’s the mini map mod it’s called zeros world map and mini map they

Work together so the mini map’s on the side and if you hit M you get like a whole world map I’m in a cave right now well technically underground so that’s why a lot of it looks like cave systems but it’s very helpful you can set way points and stuff it rocks highly

Recommend all right I’m going to see if we have also a moment ago um Moon I don’t know if you’re still here but you brought up fov what does everybody Rock for fov cuz I know it’s different and very like very much preference-based I actually used to just use normal fov

Until I was kind of like this is like kind of too it’s too condensed so let me know what you guys uh use cuz I’m I’m very curious I might actually I’m pretty comfortable with how it is now but I think maybe I could push it a little bit

Wider like even to 80 or something but 77 is what I’m comfortable with right now uh what was I going to do oh yeah couch 90 90 you know what that actually gives like a really good amount of space I would have to get used to this but I actually I

Don’t mind that I think I would have to get used to placing cuz moving around like this it almost feels fishy to me cuz I’m not used to it but 92 not sure why there’s a two there that’s kind of like me why why did I choose why did I choose

77 I use default but I’ve never tried anything else that was like me I was I was the exact same way and then I gave it a shot a couple months back and I was like oh I kind of like this uh I need planks oh we need

Cushions cushions are kind of a pain to make do we have feathers not sure we do so I might not be able to make the couch just yet or like a proper one uh I wish these like sofa things maybe they do kind of like go together I don’t

Think they do but we can give it a shot can I have that sorry oh the Garland thing um this is actually not a Garland this is a clothes line that this going to no way wait let me see that is so funny oh oh my gosh this is a this is

Used to dry you can put your clothes on it but I would put okay okay one thing at a time probably okay okay I see oh my gosh the washer is going to be made out of pure iron so there will be an upch charge oh my gosh of course all right looking

Forward to it there was also um there was like a carpet here that I wanted to check out sorry I’m just like I am very like enamored by this mod I think it’s kind of cool that it just has like so much stuff basically for such a small

Fee let’s do a little bit of this I just found the perfect spot uh to build a cozy Christmas cabin it’s so cute in between two hills with loads of spruce trees oh that sounds so nice I love a good cozy Christmas cabin they’re so fun to build honestly I really like

Building in like snowy tigers and stuff I don’t know I’ve always thought it’s just like super calm and cute oh there we go okay chat we figured it out it looks a little bit I guess maybe cuz this thing’s three blocks oops I might have to make one more

But cute okay we could do that and then we could probably get one more in there and then we got ourselves a little couch area super cute all right let’s do that let’s make one more oh yeah we can make carpet too I forgot about that the carpet patterns

Also I I completely forgot about the Terra Cotta patterns too there’s so many things Chi is like literally endless it’s wild I think that’s one of my favorite mods to be honest okay I’m going to make one more of those chairs and then I want to see if there’s

Any cute lanterns we can do or lamp oh look at this bee lamp honeycomb and glowstone dust I don’t think we have glowstone dust ooh look at these wall lamps oh it requires a redstone lamp though plamp post cyan lamp white lamp that’s pretty easy to make oh that’s

Cute I wish there was like a tall lamp you can do that with these ones on MAA I’ll show you so oh wait where’d it go huh oh these ones so the street lamps these ones are dope I don’t know if you’ve all seen these before but

Basically let me just get some of this stuff oops out of my inventory if we do I need to I really need to clear my inventory I want the B lamp too IRL I have a torch light IRL and it’s really cute but a B1 would be absolutely

Adorable I love that stuff though it makes me so happy when I see like okay your laundry room is prepared um I do just want to show you one thing okay let’s see okay um so as you can see we have installed a safety step free of

Charge this was free from me to you uh um we have given you a overhang right here just because the sun does beam down on the front side of the property quite a bit so if you ever did want to sit on your porch you know it’s really good

That you have this protection like just like sit on this step oh we don’t even have do we have the sit mod I thought you could sit on steps we don’t we don’t have the sit mod what um we didn’t add it oh my gosh um wait wait

Wait wait please please come down before I tell you and you break your arm and then your rats go up um so you have to be very careful um this is a crawl space attic laundry area you have your washer here and you have your drying you know

Line here there are some plants I put on there for cuz it did smell kind of like farts in here um there’s smells wafting in from outside cuz you will notice I have installed a window it’s uh it matches it matches uh the floor it

Actually came as part of a a you know it was in the Box it was part of the box set M um so the water you will have to get from down in the lake um you’ll have to break through at least 6 in of ice to

Get to the water um and then you’ll have to bring it back up here I did did put water in there for you complimentary oh thank you um but just make sure you crouch and try there’s no ledge there’s no like railing so please be careful um

And I have given you this light also complimentary the the unit did not come with a light but I put this in here for you so that you wouldn’t be scared oh thank you that’s so nice oh my gosh well this is like more than I could have

Asked for honestly wow I got my very own washing machine yeah and I would only put maybe delicates on this line um I don’t know what you’ll do with the rest maybe you could hang it over like the campfire over in the center of the Town um honestly I could I can figure

That out I’m a pro when it comes to figuring out like where to dry clothes honestly I mean you you could probably put it on the light and let the heat of the light dry your clothes one at a time uh-huh uh-huh I see okay well this is

Yeah I would I would maybe put like your socks on the line I would not put anything heavier than that it will break okay well is this moveing ready um it is moveing ready but also I may still come by and do some adjustments to it okay um because we are

Going to be renovating the next door apartment and also your neighbor the 8e old man he will be in a hotel um but he may come by to your place and try to shack up okay I I gave him the a key to the door um because he does get confused and cold

Sometimes so if he couldn’t get into his own place maybe he can get into yours okay well I’ll I’ll um yep makes sense to me I guess well I mean thanks for for this for letting me rent this place out I have tons of space so I’m going to a

Little this is actually one of the biggest units with uh the you know Mountain View and also like I said you hang your head and half your body out this baby you got Lake View as well nice nice yeah no this is this is more than

Enough space for me I love oh my gosh how does this keep happening where do they come from that was that was your neighbor he’s 80 sometimes he doesn’t understand oh my gosh where do they keep coming from not going to lie I screamed so loud just now did you mute yourself that

Quickly how did you have time to react to that you know why there’s a giant cave entrance right here how have we not dealt with this listen but it’s not that is actually a perk of living in this apartment um and you have access to resources from the natural landscape

Like go oh my oh my gosh no wonder there’s like a thousand of them down here I think it was discord’s sounding oh my God what I think it was discord’s like noise filtering oh that’s why I SC top of my lungs I’m not going to lie

Okay well I’m I’m lighting some of this up holy um I wouldn’t put too many lights though because your neighbor gets scared of Lights I think that he might be inire okay all right good to know is my neighbor also per chance Santa um Santa is Ageless and I don’t

Like talking about him behind his back when he’s not here so okay got it got it he did ask me to renovate that apartment for you specifically so if you’re unhappy with it I can tell him but I just want you to know he will be no it’s

Okay it’s okay I’m good I I love it I think it looks fantastic I have no complaints okay do you actually like it because I feel like you’re lying I actually like it of course I do what what is there not to like about it it has tons of

Space it’s perfect oh yeah it’s one of the bigger unit it has an interesting roof Choice it has an interesting layout it’s great it’s F wait and you the way that you said interesting roof choice I I feel like you didn’t like the roof no it’s great you are lying right now what

Do you not like it actually like it stop I like it I’m just messing with you I’ve beening you this whole time I’m like wait but my yeah but my roof I you don’t like my roof ow oh my God this is really close okay you need to check out this mod

Literally all you have to do is put some clay and like some wood and bricks into the thing and you can craft whatever you want what are what are we oh my God this is gorgeous you’re not going to be able to fit this bed into wait you can’t sleep

In this bed oh you can’t oh my God you can’t you’re right or wait Crossing I think you can I’m oh wait it doesn’t say respawn Point set though so maybe you can wa wait I clicked your backpack and now I’m inside your backpack stuff oh cool I can do that to you

Too it’s mine is liter oh well hey are you planning on bringing that to the apartment yeah I really like books it’s all my it’s my whole Twilight collection so I don’t know if that’s going to fit I think it will see where are you going to sleep um I don’t

Know probably just like here like this you know this does give me Bender’s apartment from Futurama Vibes actually would you like a would you like a bedroom door there that way you can have a little bit of privacy oh thank you that’s perfect yeah this looks incredible this is more more than I

Could have asked for honestly now no longer a studio it’s a one-bedroom apartment honestly I would have counted this Den up here as a one-bedroom it’s a two bedroom honestly actually it’s actually not a den it is a attic craw space I have to say that for legal

Reasons okay so it’s it’s a OnePlus OnePlus attic crawl space yes okay gotcha gotcha are you going to build one of these houses for me and sell it to absolutely I am absolutely you have to leave me one of these uh spaces to build out um you can you can choose one of

Those or if you wanted to you could like also put another small one here just to you know what yeah I’ve got to go small I’ve got to go small for sure try to get it smaller than that one oh my gosh okay I’m going to try I I I’m going to do

That on a day where you’re not streaming though cuz I don’t oh really yeah okay okay all right all right I’m going back to my mom house okay I think I’m going to go for another like 10 15ish minutes and I’m probably going to log off if

That’s cool yeah no I’m um my partner is starting dinner right now so I’m going to probably like say bye to my chat and I’ll probably go as well me too GG’s this looks actually incredible we got so much done yeah we got so much done it

Actually looks so good I love it yeah I can’t wait to see it when it’s all filled and we have like the middle fi as well and we got we actually powered through this I’m so excited for Friday I I thought that we would get maybe just the structures done no decorating like

Not even the exterior decorated oh I I really think that we got quite a bit done today yeah I’m very very excited as well all right well you go say bye to your chat and all that stuff and I will I’ll talk to you later bye

Bye all right chat yeah I think we’re going to we’re going to wrap things up here we did we did a lot of work today though we did a lot of work and I think it all turned out super good you need a name for your uh cat in Minecraft um Ruth but

Bruth I don’t know I’m so bad at names I’m so bad at names oh I’m the worst I’m the worst all right I think this looks really good I hope you all enjoyed this stream uh I think yeah we’re going to wrap it up for for

Today um so I think the plan is to be back on Friday but on Twitch so do exclamation point twitch if you want to follow that’s where we’re going to be streaming on Friday so just in two short days we are going to be we are going to

Be streaming back in this Christmas world uh I don’t know exactly what time yet I have to figure it out because my parents are also going to be coming on Friday so it might be an earlier stream again that might uh be what works out

For all of us so so I’ll let you guys know in the Discord do exclamation point Discord if you want to join the kickback Club m in Block Down’s Discord um it looks really good that was a fun stream oh I’m so glad you guys liked it we had

So much fun today this has turned out so good also next stream I’m going to have to build froggy and even worse an even worse place to live honestly she did me pretty dirty with that apartment she did me pretty dirty so we’re going to have

To come up with ways to scheme to make this uh to make it even somehow worse than what she gave me so get your thinking caps on chat get your thinking caps on because we’re going to have to do that this has been a fantastic stream

I love uh you and froggy together it’s so much fun the build looks beautiful a Jody thank you so much I really appreciate it we had such a blast today and I’m so excited that we decided to continue this into multiple streams because I mean imagine if this was only

One stream this is all we would have done pretty much you know so now we have a couple days to like hang out together um do some fun building and it’s going to be a really good time it’s going to be such a good time so chat with that

I’m going to I’m going to catch you all on Friday I’ll let you all know uh in the Discord what time uh but before I go i’ just like to say a huge thank you to everybody for hanging out today it was so so fun I hope you really enjoyed this

Stream uh cuz I had so much fun doing it and I’m sure froggy did too we love doing stuff like this and also thank you so much for all of uh the very kind donations I really really appreciate it all of those uh super chats I really really appreciate that thank

You so much everybody and with that I will see you all on Friday goodbye bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Building a Holiday Village with @frogcrafting – Minecraft Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2023-12-13 19:05:08. It has garnered 3781 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:45 or 17745 seconds.

Today we’re celebrating the holidays by building a cozy village with @frogcrafting in a Minecraft modded survival world! This will be a series of streams where we spend time decorating a festive village. Thanks for watching!

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    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

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  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

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  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

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  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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