Insane Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days in 1×1 Border

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This is a one by one box and believe it or not I’m about to spend the next 100 days in this border don’t worry though it will expand by five blocks each day however for now there’s very little for me to do you can’t see a village over

There in the distance not like I notice it at this moment and there is this tree super close but unfortunately there’s nothing to do on day one best wait until the next day once day two arrived I was finally happy to get access to this tree

But nope it turns out that the five blocks increase is by a radius which means you will only increase by 2.5 bucks in every direction the good news is that I will get access to some leaves and have to break in my first Leaf I actually got myself a sapling all I have

To do is wait for this bad boy to grow you are currently watching times for Speed just to give you the idea that this tree did not grow even during the night hey at least I noticed the village at this point three days in it was

Finally time to get to work firstly by cutting down my first three and then by cutting down some grass two weeks did you say nah don’t mind if I do and then it was time to begin my long Mining Adventure I know at this point that every single block is going to be

Incredible useful and so I decided to use up my entire wooden pickaxe I’m not a sadist though whenever I found coal I did mine it with a stone pickaxe one of my lunatic I even got myself a second tree I did make the decision at this point that he’d probably best not to

Make an ax because I don’t really want to waste the wood that I had I only had about two trees worth at this point anyway I headed back underground and started digging myself a staircase I found absolutely nothing NADA zip zilch and when I decided to take a break and

Head back up to the surface I got a new tree again at this point I felt like I had enough water so I changed my mind about the ax and made one and as the Sun is setting it is time for me to dig underground I didn’t have a bed yet and

Won’t have a bed for a while so I just had to spend the entire night digging I had this very simple idea of digging all the way to each border and then doing a staircase all the way down until bedrock and though it took me a whole pickaxe I

Finally got myself some iron once I reached the Deep slate layer I decided it was going to take me way too long to keep on digging with a stone pickaxe and so I decided to head up it was raining if only I had myself a cauldron to

Collection of this water also I didn’t know it’s my first mistake if there’s 100 days I never picked up the saplings I got from the tree so I probably lost a couple there as I was mining but at least I’m not completely out of wood

It’s now time to wait until the new day comes once day four arrived well I now had more grass which means I was able to get a couple more seeds it was only two more but at least I’ll be able to add that to the giant Harvest I one day how

I did collect 10 iron when I was last in the caves and so I turned six of that tent into a bucket and a pickaxe and then I went back down to mining I dug all the way through the Deep slate layer and actually found myself some Bedrock

You know what I found at Bedrock nothing but disappointment I legitimately had not found anything yet I even started digging around the Bedrock layer hoping to find maybe a couple of diamonds before some diamond tools though that would be really useful but nope I sadly found absolutely nothing and once I gave

Up mining I began to run back up I’d like to make a note that it takes absolutely forever to get all the way back up to the surface because this Bedrock cave is a why negative 60 and my service level is about 1 by 100 since

They spawned on a hill this is gonna take a minute every single time that I do it and once I got back up to the surface it was night again well the time to head back down I thought the best and most simple way for me to get some

Damage was to just dig out this entire area I know it was going to take a minute but again I had nothing to do during the night you’re on a found nothing it’s gonna be a trend isn’t it anyway after the great journey back up

To the surface I mean first of all look at this stunk River tray oh boy let’s take that bad boy down very quickly fix my supplement problem and I also got two apples which was a nice source of food I do occasionally stop during my 100 days

To take some notices you can see here and whilst I was doing that I literally tree grew on me which uh I thought was kind of funny it was good to know that most of my problems I was having early on would pretty much be fixing themselves except well food I’ve

Definitely defined a solution very quickly I did have one idea to try and fix my food problem and that was actually to make a composter by using certain crop materials I can actually make myself some bone meal to grow the wheat so I could make myself bread will

It be worth the two iron that I’m about to spend to get myself some shias she is I can get her leaves leaves me I can turn them into Power meal both means that I’ll be able to get myself some wheat it’s a spoiler alert no no it

Wasn’t I only got one wheat Lord have mercy on my soul good news on day six I finally had myself access to water the Border had expanded enough and I was able to get myself a water bucket I grabbed two water buckets and made myself an unlimited water supply this

Was definitely gonna speed things up and the animals and Village are getting so close to coming through I cannot wait to get access to them and look at this cow he was just outside the border which was really sad times but soon my baby soon

Well let’s try and get some mobs for the time being bone string and even zombie flesh would be a great addition and so I tried to dig out a bit of a dark room hoping some mobs would spawn and I’d be able to get myself some easy freebies

Sadly that wasn’t going to happen and so I went to plan B where I’m gonna make myself a traditional mob spawner at least I started to on day six the night was about to come and Phantoms were about to spawn so I made the decision to

Hide in the cave the time being I even dug myself out alone room where I finally found myself some diamonds I actually got quite a few in total by the end of the night I had obtained 13 diamonds which I was more excited by actually getting this than iron but I’ve

Come to regret that decision very soon on day seven I was able to get my third piece of wheat I was really really tempted to make myself some bread but I know I’m gonna need this wheat in the future to love some animals for most the

Day I just worked on the mob grinder and merely was quite a slow day but the good news is by the night’s end I was able to complete the mob grinder now I just need to hide out in the cave the usual there’s a couple of extra touches that I

Need to finish the grinder on day eight so let’s just get some nice and simple work done I just need to put a platform underneath with me to stand and attack the feet when well you could see things were about to go really badly I dropped

To three hearts so to say I got away with it was a massive understatement I was able to sneak my way back up and cover it up but uh it clearly wasn’t going very well I will mention interesting fact number one for you it took me eight whole days where I had to

Eat my first piece of food I had not consumed anything beforehand look at me go well I guess it’s time for me to actually fix the mob grinder I didn’t fix it did that oh come on again well I guess I’m hiding out for the night I’ll

Pick it back up tomorrow you want to see my view for the night this was it it’s a very nice border after the Border expanded on day nine the mob spawner became incredibly painful to deal with I had to waste the diamonds that I had and make myself some armor and tools just

Because well I was gonna die if not so better be safe than sorry after carefully dealing with the mobs covering up the mob grinder and trying for a third time to make it work I finally got some grinding underway in the middle of the ground I decided to take the farm

That was directly underneath the Bob grinder and move it a little away as well as expand it it’s coming along quite nicely I would say anyway it didn’t take me long at all to get my 12th piece of string which means I was able to make three pieces of wool which

Means I was able to make a bed which means I was able to sleepings were coming together then it was on to the tree cutting the Earth flattening because it was now time for me to actually prepare building a home my base I would say I was just staying in a cave

The entire time I actually want to make myself a house I was able to at least start on the build but I wasn’t able to continue it until I got a little bit more space unfortunately the board cut off the end but at least I was able to

Complete the First wall and something I was using deep slate but I was running out of deep slate and so on day 11 I decided to head back underground the long long staircase all the way down I started mining myself some deep sleep even found myself a little bit of iron

And a couple of times though unfortunately some of them was cut off the border at least I can you know come back to them later and pick them up and no matter how long it is down the staircase it is even longer up the staircase man I really need to put

Some stairs in I was able to work a bit more on the house but unfortunately I still need more space from the world spoiler so I can only do so much on it by day 12 I actually have the walls in place and I even added some texture with

Some Polish steep slate just to make it look a bit fancier I also decided to add a bit of an outside area a patio of sauces so I could put some chests in there just so I could put some furnaces down and then I will work on the roof

Later I decided that the best thing for me to do now is to get some more mob grinder in because I still want to get as many builds as possible as I was leaving the mob grinder though I accidentally let my water run down the staircase which means every single torch

That I placed down there was probably not going to be there which means probably mobs are going to spoil down there so that was a that was a bit of an oopsie Daisy if I do see yourself before it became a long-term problem on day 13

I decided to head back down and light it all back up at least that was the plan until I actually heard some zombies be through a wall and decided to investigate what I found not one not two but three useless key apart from this creeper blowing me up and doing a little

Damage here nothing nothing really happened here once I got back up on day 14 it was time for me to work on the roof no matter how much is gonna suck I do need to get working on it also a sheep is now coming to the border which

Is quite nice day 15 and it is done God that looks awful boy you know what it’s it’s an improvement improvement to the other stuff a bill also what shot me again really I just fixed that all right that’s fixed for the third time here’s

Hoping not for the fall I did have to spend a little bit of time on this day again a couple of more trees cut down because I was yet again out of wood and I also wanted to get some more carrots and taters so I headed back to the Mob

Grinder to see if I can get some of those lucky drops where it blew up again why does this keep blowing up I did make some changes them upgraded to hopefully stop that from happening now it’s time to grind some mob see if we get some Carousel potatoes yep apparently not

Though because the mobs had just stopped spawning I don’t know why on day 16 I remember that I heard some lava whilst in the staircase down under and so I dug towards it I firstly found myself a fully golden skeleton who very generously donated me as golden boots

I’d like to thank it for his donation I’d like to take a side note just to point out what I have written the script the exact words are then it say the lava I had no idea though I have no idea what I am referring to in this sentence and

That is not even a grammatically correct sentence what in the world does it then it say the lava mean life Haven you’re a I did run back up to the surface now with a lava bucket I assume where I actually made myself a cauldron the very

Simple plan was to actually make a little bit of a Contraption to give myself an unlimited lava supply for those who don’t know you can solve this little Contraption where a drip Stone stalactite can drop into a cauldron to give you an unlimited supply of lava am

I gonna need an unlimited supply of lava I don’t know but just in case it’s nice to have with the Border expanding even further day 17 I was actually able to load in another cow into the Border I made a fenced off area and began to read

Them away while that I mean for the future of this world is that I should never ever struggle for food which is fantastic to think about and then it was that tab of the week to head back to the trees and cut every single one of them

Down boy that’s a lot of wood on day 18 it was now time for me to actually end to the nether unfortunately I had a little bit of an oversight as I didn’t realize that there’d be a border in the Never as well in retrospective of course

That was gonna happen but I just forgot about that happening now the real question is what are the chances of me actually finding a fortress in here basically slim to none but I’m still going to keep hope out and keep checking every 10 or 20 days at least there is

Some course for me to mine Never Gonna complain about getting some levels also I wanted to make myself a couple of observers as it’s time for me to set up some Automatic Farms let’s start with a sheep farm because you never know when you’re gonna need a lot of work I did

Have to run back on the ground to grab some Redstone and then use the last little bit of iron that I had to actually make a minecart of all things I really hope I’m not gonna need iron soon the big problem was however is that I do

Need rails for this system to work and unfortunately as I just say I have no iron left for the time being at least I can set up the basics the start of the contraption but I’ll need more iron to complete it I went back to the Mob

Grinder on day 19 hoping that there’d be some mobs for me to kill see about getting some carrots potato unfortunately for me I think this is one of the problems about doing an expanding world you see at the start of it it’s great mob Grinders will work perfectly

But as the Border expands then obviously there’s more places is a mobs spawn which means mob Grinders like this just won’t work anymore and since I realized that this was one of the last times I went to this Bob grinder let’s head on the ground see about getting ourselves

Some iron Google says that the best y level to mine some iron would actually be y15 it was 100 lion I don’t believe it and whoever read that is a dirty rotten liar took me pretty much the entire day to get six iron that was it

Six that’s all I got did also find myself a geode and I also heard a zombie and so headed towards him I found myself a water cave where there was a little bit more rain in I did nearly drown trying to get it but uh you know I am I

Was beginning to run out of food quite quickly on day 20 and so I need to keep the breeding on and then I made myself a rail now I don’t know how many of you guys have made an automatic wolf arm in the past but for those who don’t know to

Make this automatic wall fan work you actually need a iron Minecart with an iron Hopper and I had made myself an iron Minecart with a wooden chest why is that a problem simple you can’t separate a minecart from a chest once they are together you can’t undo them I do have

Enough iron to remake myself a new Minecart but now I don’t have enough iron to make myself a hopper which makes you want to give up online well let’s head back on the ground maybe if I start myself a new staircase I can find myself some iron quicker you never know what

You could find oh hey I am neat okay let’s actually make the correct thing this time and set it up properly I just need a little bit of sand to turn into glass and we are golden I got the sheep in there by day 21. let’s just make sure

It actually works as soon as this guy decides to eat take your time buddy no pressure five minutes later and he decides to eat unfortunately the contraption does not work until I realize you’re a fool Haven you’re a hit live Haven you’re a more I gotta hate you live Haven you forgot to

Put Redstone down anyway now that that was placed down it should work and I’ll you know come back and check you later on day 22 oh oh no a Pillager attack anyway there’s a lot of generic stuff that happened on this day you know what it’s like breeding some animals grinding

Some mobs I did check on the sheep where oh look at that it worked great and then I went to go check how close the village was I would say in about 10 or 20 days I would be there so that’s not too much time in all things considered and with

New access to a new Hill nearby I’d say that I wanted to set myself up a bit of a bridge to be able to access both sides whenever I want I will try and make myself a fancier Bridge later but just for the time being I just have this

Simple Cobblestone path you know I promise I’ll make a good Bridge later please please believe me on day 23 I thought about long-term goal and I realized I want to get myself a fully enchantable setup at level 13 enchanter but to do that I’m I’m gonna need sugar

Cane so I want to set up a sugarcane farm the problem I had no sugar cane in this world and when I was looking around I couldn’t see any sugarcane close by me there is some all the way in the distance over there but I’m not gonna

Get there anytime soon gonna shock you a little bit on day 24. did you know I was surprisingly low on iron but you never saw that one coming well I had this genius idea with a staircase going all the way down to bedrock what if I dug

Myself a little poke hole system in the staircase because surely I’ll be able to find some iron at all layers on day 25 I learned that I was wrong so very wrong my my pickaxe broke and it’s it’s been half an hour that I’ve just I’ve just

Digging and I’m so defeated I just look at these holes I feel so much pain I was night two what a wasted day on Day 26 with the Villagers soon to be part of this world I decided to set up a little bit of a breeding area for them it was

Just Cobblestone they won’t look too nice but I don’t look the job I’m Gonna Be Honest by the time I finished it I actually didn’t hate it definitely does have a prisoner Vibe but uh we’ll move on my first villager actually snuck into the wall on day 27 I placed some birds

And realized that there was nowhere for me to actually put the Villager train block you know you’re Fletching tables your composters your lectins those kind of things there’s no other people to book them so we decided to go underneath the village trading Hall and dig out an

Underground area for me to really put them down there’s definitely had a prisoner vibe to it again we’re moving on after that I attempted to get the Villager actually in there attempted being the key word because you know mobs also I had no food which just sucked I

Was fed up with all these lame Foods on 28 and so I decided to murder some sheep I definitely should have bred them first but yeah and then I decided to turn my first Trader into a Fletcher easiest way I think to possibly get any kind of

Emeralds for a starting player is with sticks and Fletchers of course raid usually about 32 sticks for one Emerald does mean that I’m gonna need a lot of wood so you know what time it is let’s chop down every single tree that we got

I can happily say I’m 29 that at least I am learning I was replanting these saplings turning them into sticks and then I was maxing out the trash that I could and would you look at that 29 emeralds I got in one day of trading which uh you know it’s still good still

Very envious of the village over there I want to get there so badly well I guess I’ll just have to pass the time by working on the bridge a little bit the problem is I do need some more wood and I’m probably gonna need a little bit

More Cobble so I’m gonna have to get back to collecting some materials just want to show on day 30 that this really simple design that I set up for the bridge which was mainly just this Cobblestone rail we saw one of blocks on the side just to add some texture to it

Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing too special but I kind of like the design I’m not gonna lie admittedly it was a large as work on this day I’m just going to show you the end result where I had the base completed it did take a little

Bit extra to work on the staircase on one side compared to the other side because one side it drops massively compared to the other side it just goes straight to the top of the hill probably are gonna need to work a little bit on the bottom of the bridge but we’ll get

To that in the future day 34 and I can officially say we are at the Village sort of I mean we’re on the path block which is it’s worth noting that we’re there it’s also worth noting that closest Farm to us only has wheat so the idea of having carrots and potatoes from

The village unfortunately I’m not going to get them from there from what I can tell there is some all the way over there at least but again that’s gonna take forever also look at that we now have donkeys and pigs inside the border both are completely useless but it’s

Nice to know that they’re both there I had another quick look at the mob Grinders to see if I could get anything from there but unfortunately no most spawning this wasn’t working let’s just move on and then I headed back into the never where firstly a skeleton shot me

Which uh all right then and then I had another quick look around for a fortress and unfortunately there was no Fortress in sight well it’s time for me to leave oh hey there’s no skeleton again all right good talk been a while since I’ve served some sugarcane and so on day 35 I

Started looking again I did see some close ones through the Border but unfortunately there’s just it’s I’m not gonna get there anytime soon so I’m really hoping for some close ones and so I actually headed over the bridge to the other Island because I realized I haven’t searched outside of things and

Would you look at that just in the far corner behind the hill there is a couple of pieces of sugarcane for me to grab I was ecstatic when I saw this now I don’t want to just stand around and wait for the sugar cane to grow I actually wanted

To see about setting up an automatic sugarcane Farms something that I’ve actually never done before but to do that I am going to need myself some iron and so I spent the rest of the day digging around looking for some iron on Day 36 I actually found myself a cave it

Wasn’t merely a struggle you’d have to fire a couple of skeletons with some bows I was actually fighting myself some zombies where I got a potato let’s go also some more skeleton bow fight despite going through this entire cave and fighting all these mobs notice the

Amount of iron that I’m not finding it’s almost like this entire cave only had one vein of iron and that iron vein only had two iron in it lovely I found a new cave on day 37 which was a cut off deep sleep cave unfortunately the good news

Is it did have at least three extra iron for me to mine I know I’m pretty lucky and then after strip mining a little bit I actually did get lucky where I found a couple of veins of iron I now had 15 iron in total it’s not a lot in the

Grand scheme of things but for me in this world who boy is it a lot I went back to the surface on day 38 where oh my God the Villager house is now inside the border and look at that there is now a second villager inside the Border I

Can actually breed villagers just need to get him in there come on let’s let’s go come on let’s do this and then it was on to potato farming and with that done it was now time to actually work on the automatic sugarcane farm the design itself was actually really simple here’s

Me working on it on day 39. basically the idea was to set up some observers at the top that would trigger some Pistons at the bottom once the sugarcane grew to the max level the only issue is that I had no Redstone left and so I had to

Head back underground to see if I could get some I was so sure that there was some expose in the cave underneath and I was very wrong though there was those diamonds that I forgot about all those ways ago so take a couple extra of those

Reapers while it’s time to the long slog of digging out a new area and hoping to get some rest oh never mind cool by the time I got up it was already night so I was about to head to bed I couldn’t sleep because of this single nerd don’t

Worry though it was quickly dealt with A40 and here is the finished Contraption Emily is not the most effective thing but over time it should give me all the sugarcane I’ll ever need now to re-fix my food situation I did have a little bit of bone meal and after a little bit

Of cow breeding there was a lot of cow slaughter and there you go the food is cooking I’m gonna have me some steak I was trying to get some extra food for the villages on day 41 but unfortunately at this point I was actually out of

Bones and I was left with very little taters and very little bread to give them and so I needed to come up with a new idea to spend my time and then I came up with this stupidest idea possible on day 42 I’m gonna use these unenchanted tools to get me some never

Right alright maybe not the tools I was gonna use beds I had a lot of spare one this was my life for a while it wasn’t very entertaining but by day 44 when I ran out of beds I got myself 17 ancient debris just need myself a little bit of

Gold and we are good to go I got back by day 45 and look at that our first baby villager how cute I feel like such a proud dad well it was now time for me to get cooking I had actually obtained myself four pieces of never right though

I’m not gonna use them just yet there’s no point I mean why would I use them after that I decided to run around the Border again I was hoping to see if I could find myself some chickens then well I found every other animal you could possibly find except chickens

There’s no chicken so that’s unfortunate also a second baby villager got our own little families coming along so great day 46 I decided to add myself some packs I thought about making this place feel a little more nicer a little more homie you know how it is and then I

Checked out the sugarcane farm it was at this point that I realized that some of you probably already realized that uh the sugarcane observers they’re one block too high sugarcane only goes free high and I had a four high unfortunate for me luckily it was a very easy fix

For me and then at the end of the day by just well listening to the rain I know that sounds really dumb but I mean sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and relax especially with shaders yeah just just just listen thank you oh that was really nice really calm

Anyway let’s move on day 47 and I came to the serious realization of something completely new as I need more iron and so I head to undergrad to see if I could find some it wasn’t very successful I mean here’s me digging out to the side

Of a mountain which was always a good start but after finding myself a new water cave that leaves absolutely nowhere I thought I was about to give up on everything also the skeleton nearly killed me like it was a single skeleton I’m really struggling here okay I was

Actually able to sneak into a good cave on day 48 and I actually found plenty of good stuff look at this iron there was some mine shaft diamonds Don’t Mind If I Do there was a skeleton double killing each other which I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that and

The best thing of all that I was able to find well would you look at that a zombie spawner this could be very useful to turn into a grinder later and I even found myself a saddle witch hey I mean I’ll take it oh and of course I mean I

Mean what else am I gonna find in a mobs border except the sweet juicy say it with me All right that was too much I’m sorry well it’s now time to dig up to the service I was digging over day 49 I decided that the best way to go about it was to actually dig up straight to the surface from this location so I can

Always come down and actually make them up grinder I was about halfway up where I found a new cave that had even more iron in and also a lot of mobs like this is painful like guys please stop shoot please guys please I brew please once I

Dealt with that cave it was back to service digging all the way up the surface and by the time I was there I was home inbound let’s get back to cooking actually came up with kind of a cool idea on day 51 to actually make my sugarcane farm even more effective the

Idea was to set up a minecart system that goes underneath the main blocks pick up any sugarcane that wasn’t falling into this water source and put them into the chest where all the other suitcase going inside I could have easily gone on the internet and found

Myself a tutorial on how to do this but yeah I did a couple of quick tests it did actually work exactly I was hoping for whether the hopper was picking up the shirt came from underneath the block but I do need some power rails to get

This to work and I am unfortunately one gold shot that is why we have the nether just to pop in there and mine some gold day 51 it was time for us to put this into action and can I just say this works perfect don’t get me wrong it does

Only drop off one shoot cane at a time but I don’t really need anything else like I don’t need this to be super super quick I’m doing so much for a sugarcane fart that I’m only gonna use once like as soon as I’ve got the level 30 enchanter I’m never gonna need the

Sugarcane and then I headed back to the village where would you look at that hay bales that’s some free week which is some nice breeding for the animals some nice bread for the villagers this was going great and now on to the next plan

Which was the iron farm as soon as I saw some food at least because my taste was really craving some money you know how it is it was on day 52 where I started the iron farm where I actually paused my recording to go and look at tutorial

Online to see you know the easiest way to do this unfortunately during this entire process I never pressed the record button again so uh I don’t have any footage of me actually creating the iron farm which feels really foolish I’m not gonna lie so I’m gonna have to skip

A couple of days here we are on day 59 where I started recording again I now have the mob grinder done let me just show you what I did after you know getting these potatoes and then the Wheats oh okay I guess I guess we’re now bring the animals don’t you don’t you

Worry Haven take your time the audience ain’t waiting and there it is there’s probably some people that are wondering why it’s so much lower than everything else well the tutorial that I watched today if you build it on top of a mountain it actually doesn’t work as

Effective so I decided to make it down here it does mean I am gonna have to make a staircase down there just for easy access which uh can I just point out how well the iron files work and it’s working pretty good once I added some stairs to make it even more easy

Access This is Gonna Come nicely I mean I did run out of time on day 59 but back on day 60 I had it finished you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna add a little entrance to it I know it’s basic but I just wanted to make it look quite nice

Then made a generous donation to the villagers with some classic bread their favorite and here is interesting fact for you number two with all this spare Ryan and 60 days in I only just got the advancement shooter I know there’s some of you thinking why didn’t I get that

With the diamond and lever armor I’ve been wearing well the advancement requires you to put on iron armor and since I’ve never made iron armor until this point that will go down as the longest it has ever taken me to put on iron armor anyway after clearing out one

More layer of the staircase up top let’s check the progress of actually making the bookshelves I was able to grab myself some wood grab myself and leather and I was checking it out sale about halfway done so we can work on that a little bit on day61 the one thing I

Realized I needed was I needed some paper and so I decided to actually look around to see if I can find any more sugarcane I actually saw a librarian at the very decided to check him out where it is sharpness five trade that’s really really good he also had some bookshelves

In his Library which I’m just gonna you know take as a it takes take as a donation bag I feel like I deserve it for surviving this long I did a couple of extra trades with my Fletcher boy and there you go I had got myself a

Sharpness five book to think by day 61 considering I started in a one by one I was able to make myself an amble well this is absolutely crazy sharma’s 5 diamond sword you know what I’m gonna make it never right let’s just make this as overpowered as possible do we need a

Test though let me test it on these cows I think you worked well I think it was was pretty good anyway back to the bookshelves and I am really paper short from completing this which is unfortunate remember that shooting that was so far away well now I actually have

Access to it but it’s all the way over there and I’m all the way over here huh fine I guess I’ll just go and get it now that I’ve got this showcase I just need what oh I have no wood that’s just one problem after another at this point yeah

The problem was the day 62 was that I had no trees oh I had no bone meal I forgot to collect supplies and I know I kept making that mistake earlier but it’s just a mistake that I never fixed and this single tree wasn’t doing much

For me at all this was unfortunate I was actually thinking of ways round it is there going to be any bone blocks in the nether no I mean there is actually a Bastion over there which I didn’t expect to see but uh yeah I can’t check that

Out right now when I need some wood interesting fact for you number three so I am only a couple of bookshelf sure from completing this well I finally made myself an enchant table which again goes as the record chord as the longest has taken me to make an engine table I was

Spending most of 60 free just trying to collect more Ward collect more saplings for the future where I finally found myself some chickens I was thinking about picking up some seeds and potentially taking them all the way back but I realized it’d be much quicker if I

Just used a boat and don’t get me started on how annoying it was to actually get them up this staircase my God was the slow you know the worst part I had to do it again go over I had to get the chicken in the boat I had to get

Him all the way back I had to take him up the staircase God that was not a fun day I officially completed the enchanted by day 64. the plan was always to do a level 13 chat on my pickaxe but unfortunately I only had two Diamond

Spare so I’m gonna have to use an iron pickaxe Fortune free efficiency 4 and Breaking Free you know what it’s a pretty good iron pickaxe I also got myself protection for my diamond chest plate oh sorry never ride chess play I mean you may as well upgrade it and now

I want to see about getting myself some more diamonds so let’s head underground I firstly headed to the Deep Sleep cave to see if I can get myself some coal I actually found myself some deep dark biome down here there wasn’t any Asian City or wooden spawners but you know

It’s maybe there’ll be one connected to it if it keeps expanding we shall see and then go into negative y57 which apparently is the best wire level for mining diamonds I actually quickly found myself two diamonds so back to the portion free that was now five I found

Three more diamonds on day 65 before she gave me some extra and barely 20 blocks later seriously look at how quickly it was well would you look at that a giant eight vein of diamonds I now had 29 diamonds overall which uh well that was more than enough that I needed just had

To head back to the surface I got back to the surface on day 66 where I made the rest of the diamond armor I’d feel bad about wasting the iron armor if I just wasn’t swimming in it in fact not I should head back to the iron grind to

See how much iron is there zero well maybe I’ll just out of race the entire time soon never mind all right let’s level 30 a diamond pickaxe hey you know what that’s pretty good and now I wanted to go back to the nether you see I want

To see about getting full memory armor the problem I still don’t have wood so I may have to wait a second here oh hey there was a I wonder Intruder over that by the way bye bye now without water mainly this just ruined a couple of

Plants so I decided to do something that I really didn’t want to do I let these saplings grow by just simply going AFK I hate it as much as you do it’s my own fault for being in this situation but until I have War there’s legitimately

Nothing else I want to be doing at this point and so we’ll play the waiting game I came back two days later on day 68 and would you look at all those trees amazing now I just gotta wait for the saplings to drop oh look at that another

Pillager attack boy that was threatening I’m sure that won’t be a long-term problem that a bad element effect and then it was on to making beds and after waiting for a couple of supplies I actually got 29 by the end of the day once these trees grow this is going to

Be an amazing Harvest day 69 came and I was about ready to go into The Nether when I did something that I genuinely didn’t think I was gonna do and triggered a raid cool boy was I underprepared for this admittedly the iron golems that were spawning at the

Village was gonna make things a lot easier I even got myself some totems which is really really nice it’s when the Iron Golems died and my totem started topping that honestly I thought this is gonna be a problem I ended up just running in a bunch of circles just

Trying to survive but though it took all day I somehow was able to pull off the entire fight I am not doing that again I refuse to do that again that is not happening again all right it only took a day delay Day 70 it is now time to enter

The never I’m gonna be 100 honest with you bed bombing this time was so incredibly unsuccessful in fact the only never I found during this entire time was when I was digging spot’s house to place the beds and uh yeah I didn’t really find anything in fact by the time

I completed my last bat ball my day 71 well first of all I popped my second totem which was no good but second of all I actually found a new piece of ancient debris which means I had six in total which was just awful well I guess

We’ll just mine out and use his pickaxes by the time I was done mining on Day 70 I only had 11 pieces of ancient debris which was just awful anyway on day 75 it’s time for us to head back home I was cooking up when I realized again I

Didn’t have any gold at least I can enchant a new diamond pickaxe oh God just a Breaking Free the one thing I will say is that it’s so quick to actually get gold than ever I don’t know why I’ve never done this in the past and

Listen if you were going to tell day one Haven stuck in that one by one box that he was gonna have full never right in this series as well a never right hope of all things you uh you would have I would have laughed at you I wouldn’t

Have believed you this is this is crazy how much I actually have here anyway after doing a new diamond pickaxe enchant I unfortunately got silk touch I’m not a big fan of that immediately I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this throughout the hundred days but on day

75 there was a broken nether portal quiet nearby that I headed over to didn’t have anything too worthwhile but I’ll definitely take the goal and then I run around the board to see if there’s anything else I could find you know what I did find pumpkins yep that was it

Let’s move on on day 73 would you look at that there was a grown true Google beehive on it that’s adorable oh I also finally remembered to actually separate the chicken so that that was about time that that happened speaking of let’s grow awesome melons well I mean that was

The plan at least I just deleted the melons So I placed them of melon seeds and then accidentally place the water down and he just deleted the melons I have never seen this happen before I am pretty sure it’s a glitch because it doesn’t work with potatoes he just did

It with the melons the seeds were just gone I looked everywhere for them the Seas were just gone didn’t affected us only the melons it was just God I don’t know what to say also I think I’ll go down as one of the worst 100 day organizers as in my organization in the

Chess is bad but this was next level but look how bad these chests are oh boy day 77 and I realized that you know what the the iron Farms just broke I have no idea why it is but I just wasn’t getting an iron anymore I mean I’m not too bad but

I had other things to do for example I wanted to head over to that Bastion I did assume that the Bastion would probably be cut off a little bit I won’t get full access to it where I was actually wrong and this Bastion was actually fantastic don’t believe me well

Look at this it gave me bone blocks it gave me gold it gave me Asian debris it gave me what it gave me pig step whoa it gave me an efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe this is probably the best Bastion I think I’ve ever found and once I

Finished it I decided to have one quick look around to see if there was any Fortress inside but sadly I don’t think there was I didn’t see anyone day 78 if you don’t know the first thing that I was about to do on day 78 then you must

Be new to this channel I hope you’ve enjoyed the video so far but on day 78 I got myself some big step and then I had an idea see now that I had some warts I possibly make myself some potions if only the village had a

Brewing stand so I just have to search the village and ah a brewing stand excellent also I got myself some carrots this is amazing oh yeah beaver tubing I felt so smug on day 79 I was in the process of making potions without a fortress and then I came to the

Realization that some of you have already probably figured out you know what lifehaven why don’t you go ahead and take this one away oh son of God oh forgot blaze powder God damn it oh oh no damn it oh oh my God I felt so smart there for a second Jesus Christ

I made up for the day by just depressingly grinding some crops it was it was not a good time to be me on day 80 I wanted to fully enchant my armor and I realized that I still have a mob grinder to create and so I headed back

To the grinder probably make it out now luckily I’ve done this a couple of times recently so I knew exactly what I needed to do did forget to bring a second water bucket there which was definitely a rookie mistake and here we go on day 81.

God this is slow I actually counted in the entire day the entire day for those who don’t know was 10 minutes eight zombies all I got for other day eight zombies that was awful new plan on day A2 I’m just gonna go with never on Grand

Some quartz I did have silk touch which was a bit of a mistake but at least I could still pick up the quartz and bring it back when I read it I’m gonna skip a couple of days here here we are on day 85 where I got seven stacks of quartz

And if you remember I had that officially five diamond pickaxe that was ready to mine it let’s lay out all the quartz and get ready to mine it I mean look at her magnificent isn’t she basically a full Beacon of quartz I just need to get ready to mine there this is

This is going to be really fun all right ladies and Gent gentlemen babes Bros and non-binary shows less times for some footage Foreign Ly sure of 40 levels but look for me look at this free XP right here perfect a little bit of work make it a perfect Enchanted oh protection oh protection oh blast protection oh also I still have enough of one more enchant my day 87 I was starting to think about

The iron farm again I don’t know why it wasn’t working but there was a lot more iron golem was actually spawning at the Villager area that ISL and so I came up with the idea that maybe if I killed all the Iron Golems there then maybe they

Would work at the actual iron farm I did stand around in the iron farm for an additional five minutes after that but sadly it just wasn’t working not sure why just just isn’t working anymore you know I have a couple of things I still

Want to do in this world by the time I’m done day 88 I think it’s now time to be to finally finish off this bridge I’m gonna be honest with you uh first thing I had to do was take down this mountain of a tree I even broken ax whilst doing

It and then on day 89 building this bridge the underside of this bridge it did take a minute and uh so I’m gonna skip a little time because I’m not about to show you me make an entire Bridge it was not good for footage here we are on

Day 95 doesn’t even look good it doesn’t even look like that took me six days he said took me over two hours why do I suck so much a building on day 96 I had one last look around the Border you never know what you could find and other

Than a different village that was super far in the distance I’m afraid there just was nothing here the one thing I will note was that it’s super nice just to be able to run around and just look at everything clearly but other than that I was honestly done I did

Everything that I wanted to do in this world and more so much more than I expected and so I just sort of waited around when I went to bed on day 99 I was pretty satisfied that I did this world Justice this is where I started on

Day one and this is where I stand on day 100. let’s have a look at all the stuff that I’ve done the mob grinder the bridge my home the Farms don’t forget the neverites honestly I did so much more than I ever expected to but that

Will be the video I survived 100 days in a one by one world and I really hope you enjoyed the video thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 Border in Hardcore Minecraft.’, was uploaded by Havenhand on 2022-10-08 19:00:16. It has garnered 134254 views and 3427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:01 or 2401 seconds.

I spent 100 Days in a expanding world in Hardcore Minecraft. Here’s what happened.

Day 1 and the world is a 1×1. Every day it expands by 5 blocks. By the end I’ll have full Netherrite. A automatic wool and iron farm. And may other things!

0:00 Intro 0:09 Day 1 6:52 Day 10 12:33 Day 20 16:54 Day 30 20:34 Day 40 24:11 Day 50 26:17 Day 60 31:50 Day 70 35:50 Day 80 38:29 Day 90 39:21 Day 100

My links – ‣ Discord: ‣ Twitter – ‣ Twitch –

Credit to Luke TheNotable for creating the concept of 100 days in Minecraft, you can find his channel here:…

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and here is what happened. Not Modded Minecraft. No Mods. Not Speedrunner Vs Hunter, More like Survivalist Vs Hunter but to the extreme. Skyblock, One Block, UHC/Ultrahardcore none of these. Just Hardcore Minecraft. Not 1.17 caves and cliffs update 1.16. Trios but duos.

#100Days #Hardcore #minecraft

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    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More