Insane! Surviving 100 Days in Fantasy Minecraft Hardcore

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I’m going to attempt to survive the next 100 days in fantasy Minecraft hardcore after playing Medieval Minecraft I thought we should probably play Fantasy Minecraft even if they’re probably the same the only difference is the version there is different versions we’ll go with this whatever oh right into it over

World Island wait what wait wait wait wait wait are those diamonds they might be diamonds I would not mind getting diamonds on day one I’m I spawned on a chair my goodness it’s the world’s biggest cherry biome well don’t mind if I do are the trees weird can you please

Tell me the trees are not weird oh they’re not weird the trees are perfectly normal unbelievable that’s a rare sight rare sight indeed right hopefully nothing uh kills me right off the bat that would be not good very not good have just a little bit extra there’s no vein mining I guess I’ll

Settle what I have bamboo why not and this island speaking of this island I probably I do want to go there if those are diamonds that is a massive find I don’t know how rare everything would be but I’m going to guess they’re pretty rare or maybe they’re not who knows who

Knows in fantasy Micra oh you scared me little guy freeze in the wind too B I’m no longer at night so I’m a scaredy cat I’m a coward I was about to poop my pants there all right now is this enough now that being said even if this is

Enough have to go all the way back down huh but I mean look at all this this is probably iron probably diamonds and probably gold now notice how notice how I say probably because it’s a new resource back I don’t really know if they are but they probably are that’s

Why I say probably we’ll grab everything um I guess I could use about to go down silly me silly silly me now that being said there is something over here that’s getting my attention because there’s a lot of mobs W skeleton what are you doing in the middle of the day you’re

Not burning up oh my gosh you dealt half of my health oh now you’re burning up really dude not cool as for you why do players ass on as to pick on mushrooms that’s attitude take a hike I don’t I didn’t mean anything by it you know speaking of meaning something is there

What I think is can I can I no there’s there no wood armor well well well what is this in wooden chest plate what but there there is wood armor how do I how do I make it oh the logs I it every single piece of armor I love getting

Armor um there seems to be a village that is that a village I’m going to guess that is I want to go here first that and over here and right now I’m on top of a house is it up there is that what that is I guess so I have no idea

Um I’m just going to go ahead and throw all the caution to the wind and dig up uh dig up where right where the diamonds are yeah the enemies seem to be over there unless they are on this uh floating island oh wa you guys are

Awesome look at you guys look at you guys I speaking of looking at you guys W book the beginning is that really it nothing else for free come on this looks aome obtain Moonstone I know that lord soul I don’t know that that’s okay I’m so close to Diamonds

It’s going to be okay now do not fret well that being said I don’t really have any I don’t have a single pickaxe epic pickaxe a let me just uhr all the way onto stone pickaxe another epic and now to find some some some uh some iron

Welcome to your Island welcome to your Island huh oh I just got that more Diamond inside the island too really hard to see because there’s no oh let me just get this done hopefully there actually isn’t anything here if there is then uh you can count me out I can’t

Guarantee my safety I’ll probably die but if I do that it wasn’t me it was a simple doubleganger hello Island above what a lovely oh my goodness gracious Eye of Ender carrots a rare gold GLA a name tag a Nether wart books I don’t read much but I’ll take it wow this is

Actually really good um furnaces the MiFi to and you had some stuff in you Heavenly tea I’ll take the bed too don’t mind what do you have a bed thank you common golden sword iron leggings pumpkin pie glowstone that’s the thing I don’t really know what’s important and

What’s not so I’m just taking taking everything what’s her name Bunch Heavenly pedals gives a slow falling effect oh so that’s how I’m supposed to get out of here well too bad I got my own ideas I’m going to use a boat and if

I die I die oh look at the Sun or not the Sun the moon where a moon it’s the Aurora boreales all right so um let’s first off drink this Derpy tea Heavenly cup and I got a status effect which is gone now okay I’m my friend in the boat

And I’m getting ahead of by here I’m I forgot about the iron sorry about that I was supposed to get the iron and diamonds I kind of just okay here we go I already have two pieces of iron just need one more since there seems to be

Nothing up here I might as well hold the torch see a little better now iron iron there we go we can have your lovely little head ion and I do have me some furnaces so here’s some goal I don’t know why I put so many furnaces there

Should be enough now ask for the diamonds they a little further down I’m kind of scared of a mining down here I just kind of need need to scout the area really carefully here really really carefully since if I Scout it out I should be able to see where the diamonds

Are oh there’s a lot I see so many iron are you cooked we’re going to get iron really fast here really really fast Oops I did not mean to cook that uh did I leave my okay whatever whatever yes I did I did leave my guy all right here we

Go and there we go and this where the the common leggings that I took that I didn’t take apparently think that didn’t take it cool cool cool cool I’m pretty high up look guys isn’t great down there now there should be one just like right there right on my uh crafting table most

Of the ones that I see already and I Dro most of my tools here getting a little too full yes yes you diamonds so soon I think I’ve ever gotten I early I don’t remember and now I have noal building blocks except what was that there should be one over here

So let me go ahead and go to it don’t mind if I do I just diamonds there you go now I can make a diamond pickaxe if I’ve ever want that probably not I prefer not to there might be some more at the bottom here that I can’t see it’s

Hard to see it’s hard to see anything that being said there there probably is more inside of the thing do I really feel like personally mining it out well I should I definitely should you know get uh diamonds handed out to you this easily so if I find enough of these

Floating if I find enough of these floating islands I might be able to make a diamond armor really really soon which would be terrific but so far actually so far yeah a lot get quite a lot and all the other knickknacks too here you go

There’s you oh and another one I guess I could also be using F3 why does it look so strange don’t mind me don’t mind me um yeah there’s one over there gold that’s of gold what the heck how do you know I’m here Mr Mutant Creer no matter

Where I go there’s always got to be mutants why is that is that a thing why is it no I’m here and why how did you spawn when it’s daytime did you spawn like the 1 millisecond or asley never mind you guys could just spawn there

Because this has a a shadow never mind don’t mind me don’t mind me I’m just being silly well now that I know you’re you’re there um I’m going to have to lie a little distance away I do have to go to the The Village over here so I don’t

Really have to go to you anyway and how many diamonds we walk away with eight diamonds it’s a lot all right let’s make sure we’re plenty far away plenty plenty plenty I just scared the living lights out of me I thought it was going to fall

Down it starts following me is it can’t see there’s a fog well fog I hope you’re not deceiving me boat we go we go here hello people what the heck why is there demons of the night here is this not supposed to be a village it looks like

One so what is that um another Diamond you’re friendly right oh you’re not woohoo guys you have an infestation here hello friendly people holy guacamole is tremendously laggy here why is it so laggy here guys you guys holding a uh a tournament or something leather horse armor Enchanted grass this as there are

Powerful Heroes who answer the calls of fight to our powerful Enchanted sheep who joined so you’re telling me I could get a pet sheep um okay we should probably sleep really really instantly want any mutants to spawn around here guys I got a sheep guys not my proudest

Moment but the Sheep now why is this house blocked off oh it’s a house on top of a house is that right yep that’s a crafting table a bed you have no chest there though hello Yale H apples are good potatoes okay I really have to hear your your buying forever now decreases

The trading prices of villagers equipped really just like that you can do that course is probably the most useless one here unless a wizard staff Frost spellblade nothing too crazy but I will now this how do you like it Mr shape well Mr shape let’s just pret and I

Didn’t ask for your opinion I have to loot every single one of these very carefully cuz they have lots of St cool stuff wind horn when it’s horn Echoes through the forest with the Overworld the creatures of the night trembl and fair I’m pretty sure I got this in uh

Medieval Minecraft I think this just it just pushes people away oh what is this iron hide Amulet the iron high imet is both ancient and Timeless sand mysteriously and endlessly sips through the cracks of the cracks in the iron wow so what does that mean resistance to ooh

Now about these uh things the thing about them is they’re kind of bloomsy so you can’t really use them a lot o this one fire resistance wearable diable shears too sheep plushy well I’d like the discounted trade so can we not wear this in uh anything here apparently this

Already has yeah Arrow blocking explosion resistance ni some magic resistance another villager hat okay so it’s not that rare there’s some hay bales here for the h hay bales for the pig is that right L pigs eat hay bals going back to your house this one okay

Yeah now you’re the weapon Smith and if you have no weapons to give me for free why is that you have to be at to ready here because the creepers here not the creep the uh Spider you have to be vigilant big man don’t want no spiders

Nibbling on your toes ooh a dark cave of the Abyss don’t mind if I do wait lapis all the way up here what are you doing up here buddy there’s no place for lapis well then again there was like diamond right on the surface like literally on

Dirt so I guess I shouldn’t really be too surprised W it is the pumpkin season W I don’t mean you any Al and why is my shield not working by the way why does my shield not work get the heck out out here you offend not while in off hand

Press keepy B attempt to Parry posture breaking opponent tries to damage you parry I mean the first time I blocked the arrow worked but now times it’s not working is it because I need a better Shield I could make a better Shield the big one the square Shield not really

Square rectangle rectangle is a better well I mean is the me creeper sler don’t mind me villagers if you mind uh making some Iron Golem so I could drag the Moon Creeper here okay nothing nothing out the ordinary this is where she was now she’s not here so that’s pretty good

Let’s look the map there seems to be something over this way something over this way too and another Village I feel like this Village was a little too big for me to able to explore it that fast let me go up this hill a bit because I definitely didn’t touch it’s really

Laggy here too I don’t know why if I look this way it’s super laggy if I look this way super duper fine look this way super duper laggy so there’s something here causing my frames to go hey wire I figure it out see I’m looking over here completely fine looking over here up

Here specifically I’m dying o this is what I’m talking about what are you cleric okay don’t care it could be because of the leaves I’m just kidding that doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t make any sense I’m sorry don’t mind me I’m just being a silly bti that’s why I

Got out there sheep you deserve to be free deserve to know what inside of this house don’t mind me looking for precious loot oh hello you scared me don’t mind me just saving you from your predicament book why not Rocky Mountains level three right okay more bread more apples that’s

Cool and all right up here there’s still a little bit more and I still haven’t seen the the thing oh hell where is it buddy there you are this is what I wanted to look at cool your place is definitely good I mean there’s a way

Point here so oh cookies oh round flesh where is Round flesh look at cookies gold ingots mething template applies to hiber shovel ingredients car block uh TDR I don’t really care oh it’s about to be night time see you guys later don’t really want anything to spawn I don’t

Want to go up the mountain since it looks like it’s supposed to be dangerous there is no temperature mod though so I don’t know what all the uh preferring stuff is all about so let’s go to this Village Cherry Grove levels three um okay so they’re both the same level so

The MS is not more dangerous looks kind of dangerous though I mean look at this look at the massive contrast of just Cherry leaves and then just boom massive icy slopes Highland Fields something definitely is I what is this I will cono that’s for you guys oh

Copper Golems what are you you guys doing here you guys lost some Mo boat you silly guys I know what you want though you want me to make a crafting table cuz I need to make an X anyway back to the topic what are you guys doing here right getting lost fair and

Square too to uh what do you guys lose to again I don’t even remember that’s how long it’s been here you guys go here you go click the buttons click the buttons what it do click it click the buttons oh there you go can I make this

One don’t mind me guys don’t me CER Golem it’s off you go feather light feather no one knows what mysterious creature this feather come came from but it is as beautiful and Powerful so it’s a strong feather yeah oh what was that just it just okay maybe it does something to

Other mobs oh look at you guys how about you buddy I’m not grumpy I’m a fun guy with grand Perpetual Fung yeah click those buttons guys click those buttons that’s for you oh you’re the wizard guy yeah sup wizard man you have anything cool for me wizard staff might if I do

Mind if I do now speaking of wizard staff even if it’s if it’s completely unrelated um backpacks leather really there was loads of leather on the other one the other Village I guess I should have grabbed it all oh all these books too don’t mind if I you you know me I’m

Out of knowledge it is better than a Lamborghini after all uh nothing else yeah just a spy glass I’m completely full string yeah whatever sorry for taking all your stuff by the way novice wand La of staff so don’t mind if I don’t can I use that on these no I need

To use the wand I don’t know what the staff is for I think I need a book for it you know me when it comes to books you know me I’m I of glaive I don’t really think the C is all that good it’s the same as my thing should have given

Me hurg all right here we go super duper extreme Fire magic I just use up all my things oh what is that about am I supposed to what okay I don’t understand it whatsoever oh those are babies can I car you guys I can pet you

Guys um Quest guys have Quest SP glass like die Casa fancy bed what do you guys stink me for huh how about pigs can I pet pigs I can I canet I could pet everything can I pet a full grown adult beekeeper I can bet you you’re doing

Good good job good job how are you buddy what are you doing oh you’re practicing the art of celibacy I commend you father I too am doing that what is this heal no healing to you can keep that then you’ll need it more than I do what is this what

Have you done to this innocent Anvil howon Palin leggings that’s a lot of armor compared to what I have which is not a lot that’s a lot of armor YN here you going to have my f too don’t worry about it to floating book are you an enchantment table bind spells books I

Hate books what are you want me to do yeah ooh let’s see what’s this still sword by name Arcane invocations fire invocations Frost invocations we’ll go with this one equable in spell book trinket slot o of spells use spell binding table to add spells uh okay you’re telling me you’re talking to me

Like I know what the hell that is this can I I use a one now or staff I can’t use a staff I can swing at things I take out CEST spells anything else oh there’s no way I know this guy this guy’s a good

Guy where is he I have to call with him I have to give him my greetings what is this runic tablet can be used to craft and roll runic weapons can also be used to repair tools that sounds important I’m going to take it there were those in

The uh the other one aight common Soul render unique effect Soul render chance to hit to inflict stacking weakening effects on right click consume all Stacks from surrounding poses damaging them and healing you relative to the stacks consumed and attack damage what 3.5 attack range that’s a little too

This one just summons dog so you can keep that one asone all little lame so little lame I got you again oh my goodness gracious look at me my gosh I got it again I got you before too hello everybody uh sakra and Nora at least

Guys have a lot simpler names see my old friends back in the medieval times they had strange names like John names are kid John all right here we go any more houses any more any cool stuff runic tablet flaming wer filled with the deadliest of arrows speak of the double

He can have mys and exchange it’s just a lot of looting a lot of house dring I’m doing not a lot of adventuring not a lot of anything else just in my blood this is just where I meant to do good night good night iron axe speak of a double

Don’t matter if I do give you the emerald that I took from you guys don’t matter if I do now speaking of emeralds can they do something cool can I make emerald armor please say yes now I can make another Emerald helmet Emerald gear pantaloonies yeah I mean the the emerald

Armor is kind of good but it’s a little worse than Diamond I think right let’s see 37 53 or I guess I should do it this way wa 37 53 3753 then compare them to Diamond which is 38 63 okay Emerald is better never mind I take everything back guys I take

Everything back all right what are you saying oh locking the door in my f you hold again oh what happened there oh what happened there there you go okay I’m sorry I’m sorry can I don’t I didn’t mean it what happened to me how do I

Doing it all by I didn’t mean anything I just wanted to search something up he I so wrong what the heck you probably sort yourself out later on let look the map anything cool we’re seeing here not really but that being said two of you

Guys I do kind of want to just stick here for a little while and then get suited up with at least emerald armor right Emerald GL scattle get one with the quest and I don’t know if the the thing is here what’s it called again let’s put my

T wrap what is it called un crafter a there’s no thing here why is it like this how do I turn it off I don’t know now well first off um make fleser okay get the armor um but before all of that I should probably get the backpack huh

Now for the backpack I need to kill some cows have I seen any cows not really that being said I am excluding your moms so well I guess we could go to the forest oh so yeah let’s go to Let’s explore a bit find a little bit that

Being said I do Wonder cuz I mean the first time I used this it didn’t really deal 10 damage it’s really really good in a e sh baby vage it’s you you cobal I know you’re from somewhere I can’t say where though what the heck I didn’t mean

To no oh thank you what do you want gold you don’t like gold keep your friends close but your enemies closer uh what do you like let’s see if I could guess it emeralds maybe no you don’t like it too well they went with a shot I for place

Around here really scary thing here H something coming up over here that may me just looking for cows let me know Orchid swamp Cherry Groth hello guys uh you know what to do on inventory you about fun guy who 40 it was a real s on

The right mushroom can i p you guys any SP lately no hello now about this guy massive mythical tree what do you have in store for me seems to be a whole lot of nothing from miles upon miles now this place would be very useful if I

Could cut trees down but I can’t so I’m kind of just oh hello friend are you sleeping are taking a nap taking a nap buddy let’s see discover the truth about the dread tree oh my gosh you like naps buddy I love naps too who was zom bro

Come on buddy you got to take care of your people here is this how I do it yeah definitely you don’t do the uh you definitely don’t do your hand damage when in main hand we need to not have anything in my right hand I know I know

This is probably really stupid of me to do oh look at this duck but I need to know are you okay hello you want to wake this guy up too yes let’s wake him up oh I can wake him up he’s a little sleep you want to talk to enjoy the Sun for

Once come back what do you say let me enjoy the Sun for once come back at night come back at night like that one song Don’t Mind at Night oh hello guys this is where you guys came from well let’s get you out of here that’s taking

Care of anything cool ooh Claymores I you know it’s my favorite let’s Spa the Sheep down um Iron mace I can’t see anything because of the the the dots oh my gosh inventory how do I turn it off what are you doing all the way over here

Dock coin pouch another coin pouch these sound important but I can’t see what they are UNC Diamond Rapier I can’t opaz ring music disc ooh uncommon pillar of The Monkey King one damage cast spells equi uh heading the clouds this sounds really cool this is really hard cuz I don’t

Know what to do about this inventory highlights on I I don’t want it on how do I turn you off right so apparently I just have to double click it wow Mr shape you didn’t help me with that problem spirit orb which is used for

Which is used for recipes use and can I do okay so it’s use for nothing I didn’t me to do it Mr shape anyway uh the Claymore is good about these coin patches I don’t really know what they do so let’s see what is that coer coin

Which is used for silver coin which is used to make gold coins I don’t know what they do so you can keep them about this iron mace i s is good um slime ball is also good and that’s about it this other one there was this this looks kind

Of good but what do I sacrifice for it this I guess this dark oak boat this topaz ring ring trinket slots might as well and uh grab this settle back and then go to sleep I don’t want to fight any mutants and I don’t particularly want to

Know what that uh Village rip is about just yet all right I’ll talk to you at night when um I have emerald armor the exact armor that you would want what is this wayo why did I make a way point probably from all my button mashing all

Right anyway more importantly Mr duck I need to find leather for a backpack right I still don’t have a lot of stuff that’s a cow right there right Mr Cow if you could just stand still I’m coming with my legendary Spin Attack now did you drop any leather you Dro beef not

Really that important to me right now there is this though which is pretty weird just in the middle of nowhere some Farmland would you like to tell me what that’s all about more cows amazing no need to be no need to fry no need to cry

And buy and Sh okay I need the leather please uh give you pumpkin pie anybody else thank you I believe I need eight pieces so I need a lot any more any more your skags nobody’s safe from the Whirl pole you have a new skill point press K

To open up your skill tree what the living mother of Lo h plus three melee damage plus three movement speed I’m a warrior give me a heart another heart resistance healing power stamina stamina melee damage movement speed movement speed well I’ll take the hearts what I

Have eight I just have enough is there anything else worth exploring here there is this uh thing here which is classified as planes I don’t really think this is planes what is this blue crying obsidian gold and uh o more coin pouches hopefully this isn’t actually important right see epic golden sword

Cool cool cool uh golden bow uh a pillar monkey ring what this one’s uncommon um gold gold gold shock I kind of want the thing though let’s see um probably the bamboo I want you or little apple let’s see anything else anything out the ordinary not really me there’s

This let’s go here then as for this what is is this okay Whirlwind oh my gosh um leap into the clouds becoming invulnerable while channeling castan spin up aggressive wind dealing heavy damage heavy knockback I mean and 6 to9 damage per second to the Target enemy

But how do I uh the black speak is really good but uh your attack your damage is not really that high so how do I use the other ones though oh it’s different two head to the clouds on cool down let’s try three on these guys then

I don’t know if just going to end well come on well it is what it is let’s get to that uh little thing over here I’ve arrived ooh sidies hello sidies now who are you Cole I like Co Stone are you insinuating something right very well

Well now go home if I do that and then switch to this then I’m trying to switch to my my sword here I can would you look at that I don’t really think I’m going much faster in particular though but I am getting thrusted forward so any

Amount of speed is good speed I am back my dear villagers and AI will stay here now so do not worry do not worry your pretty little heads let me just start uh make a backpack first and by backpack I mean make a little bit of this and put

Everything in here and then make a chest then grab some leather all right here we go backpack incoming now how much iron do I have four have four pieces wi Mr villager how dare you do this to me not too bad unlike the other complicated one in medial times this

Should be a lot more simpler we grab some stuff that I’ll probably need in the mines I don’t know why you would need this but uh yeah I don’t need it a shield is probably good food probably good a bed coal cook por chops um some iron and some building tools already

Have a little bit of wood with me so I should be all set but I’m probably not let’s go anyway well is there actually a hurg here there are harberg a lot of halberg well um okay well I mean is there a normal halberg diamond oh it is

Just iron ooh that’s good then I mean there’s this but it dealt a little bit more damage and I mean like more than one heart of damage it would be good but just doesn’t do that so I’d feel a lot safer if I could just get some get some

Damage in huh oh there’s a great hammer which has less range right and less range and more attack damage yeah whatever well stick at a halberg we go iron nugget and I believe sticks whoa there we go Diamond halberg uncommon good enough for me and then a diamond

Pickaxe probably should be best you so I don’t need to make any more and just dump all these up pure again and since it’s already night time go to sleep before going to the mines this is common – 2 reach – 30 ability minus 10 speed so

I literally can’t even mine one block underneath me are you serious and I don’t self prone my stuff salt ore whoa what is that that’s a lot of what the heck I was about to say are those are those actually mobs they’re not right that’s crazy if that’s

Actually mobs well I’m really high up 100 and if there there’s probably deep site level twoo and then let me check is there vein mining there probably isn’t oh there’s no vein mining right so there’s no vein mining there’s no Dimension that I forgot the name of see

I’m trying to remember it you you know it you know what I’m talking about the place the The Flower Place the uh yeah yeah whatever whatever it’s called that’s that’s why I call it that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m thinking right now o blue ore osmium ore or can I

Make a windmill when can I make a windmill I mean ra oh I saw the quest book with me I mean more coming soon this doesn’t really lead me anywhere too particular I mean there’s these which is I mean yeah but now I’ve learned Redstone cave so that’s what this is I

Thought it was just blood bloody caves blood and mirror right here we go we’re getting that there slowly but surely it’s really hard with the uh the range but it is what it is it is what it is I don’t know if I do want to build

Something um most of these mod pack kind of uh videos I don’t really build anything o pointed Redstone I don’t know what to tell you this doesn’t really look like Redstone it kind of looks like a mod of sign but I don’t want to ruin your hopes and dreams so below Ling

That’s what I’m talking about that’s what this is this is what they’re supposed to be right they’re not supposed to confuse you for oh diamonds that’s what they’re supposed to do black light Ting from the darkness above got I’m coming don’t worry all right Redstone are you useful ooh

Platinum watch interesting heart stealer gifted to one of the arch ERS most distinguished generals from their conquested is squid ghost this R blade is fused with dark witch craft it does deal 10 10 attack damage cast spells MC dungeons I don’t know about the whole

Spell thing cuz I have no idea how to do that auto crossbow now you’re talking are you serious red snake Longbow seven protect out damage Redstone gem a netherite Ingot come on Tobe TV like good to Brewing smithing I mean what is this what is that supposed to do

Whatever I’ll grab a few my brain might not know what you fully do but once it does at least I have a lot of you all right 35 more than enough that’s more than lifetimes W all right let’s see uh this Redstone bulb what do you do do

Anything cool redstone dust so you’re just as useless as your predecessor amazing absolutely wonderful now what is this that’s copper what have they done to you my friend Pang Lum or at a boy legendary bang what you I supposed to say that fine bangum a highly volatile older with explosive properties

Interesting just just TNT just flat out just TNT okay well I I thought you were going to give me like cool armor that like explodes when you get hit um but no just just TNT just yeah okay um have any doors I don’t have any doors just do a

Quick swim silver useless I do feel like I probably should just uh kept exploring um but with the little explain that I did do it didn’t really feel like the um the sky I things were that common unless they’re specifically only for the biome

That I spawn in in which case my bad all right there you go oh hello morite I miss you you’re good cuz you drop more than one and you’re a fuel source so you’re better than coal at least I don’t know if you smell more than Co let’s see

Burns six items and coal Burns eight items okay I think I think you make up for with your uh with your properties huh Rocky Meadow Highland Fields okay how am I going through so many biomes Rocky Meadow Highland Fields let’s see if there’s anything cool here o what

You’re still here you Hans I don’t know if I should go there oh W rainbow cave there’s a lot of these by the way is it really that common is this just a cave ohoh there’s a dungeon here and more of these these seem really really common by

The way there’s there’s just four here 1 2 three four or no mind three which is still a lot there this thing too what is this thing he supposed to be connected I have no ideas oh scorching caves you should have said something before I drop

Down here ooh lava am I like am I going to die cuz it’s really hot or I’m going to expect not cuz I don’t really see a temperature a thing so hopefully I don’t you’re still hoping guys you’re still hoping is this iron oh I’m getting pushed pushed by the water well don’t

Mind if I do with some iron a little bit less pushing would be good but uh is this emeralds are you Emerald can’t see it says water probably not Emerald I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before uh what is this Al I can’t see it hold

Up I hear something lapis pile okay sound worth it iron is really important definitely need a lot of that cuz I do need it in the uh in the making of the emerald armor the iron stuff and then make it into thing let’s see this is

This is really good place uh to mine at are those mobs look too dangerous hopefully they’re not dangerous this is a good place to mine at because ores like water more than they do anything else so if there’s air here they wouldn’t really spawn that much but

Since there’s water they think it’s a full block so just make some doors and by some doors I mean like literally just three doors kind of getting a little close for comfort can I see what you are deep fish guys seem really ugly that and

The doors don’t give me any water or air that’s not very cool doors ooh already going to drown I don’t really see any diamonds here do I have any gold on hand whatever wow this is going to take a long time to mine well well well I to

Predic and I find myself in are these diamonds welcome home now you’re worth mining even if you take a million years to mine all right let’s see yeah my come on I can do this all day I’m freezing oh no oh that’s really bad oh that’s bad I

Picked it up right hopefully I did that sounds bad well here’s still hoping that I picked it up anything I don’t really need you I guess you lot of things I don’t need I hear a zombie somewhere but I don’t don’t really know where you are

So I’m just going to ignore you go back here see if I picked it up I probably be probably probably probably right let’s go oh whoops come on now I’m going to freeze again I might have icy in my name but I’m not really immune to freezing apparently that’s really something I can

Control in the realm of Minecraft here we go anything else here there more diamonds more more more more more good good good good good I can see right there even more over here I do think that I brought all my diamonds with me right so let me just get near this fire

So I get uh holded off a little quicker or over there it’s like diamond Heaven I do wish I could m a little quicker than this though I get that it’s a deep s variant but come on that being said I don’t even know I’m doing this I mean

Diamond is good right I get that the the emerald armor is kind of just it’s equal but uh he should still be good no matter what he should have a still especially for deep and expansive mod packs like this maybe can make some fantasy diamond

Armor uh some over here no that’s not it okay oh I’m freezing to death cool I see it the chills of Minecraft is upon me once more sitting next to Lava myself off a bit right now about going down here there are more over here but I do

Want to see creeper oh man oh there is one right there anybody here that’s going to impede my journey though not seeing anything there’s one right there another one right there so far it seems kind of worth it to go down I’ll going down what is the obsidian oh ow magma

Magma y bad bad boy all right cool I see some Cobblestone inside of the the wood is very valuable all right diamonds don’t mind if I do please please please see can in uh I can mine a lot quicker outside of water which makes sense mining in water is from be really really

Difficult and slow okay so why are we in the nether is in the bazal Delta supposed to be a nether thing what are you doing in the Overworld buddy what are you doing out here huh now should I mind a piece of I should I should I

Should I should my curiosity will be too great I need to know what you make make anything cool anything bad ice bucket challenge let’s see a feather light I wonder why you’re made out of a pickaxe can I use you to mine probably not right so a whole load of nothing again

Basically everything just the same from um the same from medieval times we’ll pick up a bit of uh I should pick up a bit of magma here though give some air down at the water maybe cool me down too I Stiller zombie too all right so over

This way is where the diamond is hello now let’s test it out okay magma in the thing here we go magma it definitely gives me air it also okay what is this what is this about gravel there gravel up there it gives me air and reduces my

Thing what is this lapis Rock back so I just put it down here oh whoops okay okay okay I just put it up here then right on here nice and oxygenated warm anything else gosh you picked these back up huh can’t really get magma anywhere else anything else this way good I wish

The the Gloom oh hello I wish these didn’t glow but what am I going to do already quite differentiated from the diamonds so I’m much complain about I guess all righty anything else oh Moonstone Moonstone Moonstone Moonstone I completely forgot about you all here we go being said I don’t have an

Inventory do I I know I know it’s okay okay BBE it’s not okay tin full moon in a bucket well said he there’s a current here fly out a bit or swim out I guess there’s a little bit more this way but see Hello deep fish there’s a few more

This way over here of um Moonstone but I’m looking for other stuff Al also uh vergas haven’t seen any of that around I kind of I just want to see Diamonds oh what is this deep say gem fan what this my first time seeing you you around here

So you might be important let’s see anything else I can drop dirt maybe all right let’s see so is it random what you give let’s see so this one’s red this one’s orange but is random drowning cool love that and more Moonstone go I really think there’s any more here maybe there

Is but I just don’t really know what are you actually Oram let’s go down anything here hopefully no oh there is zomb bro shoot shoot or zombies really oh wait no you just turn into a thing a uh whatever you’re called oh diamonds up in the roof

That I didn’t pick up what is that about I do want to see what all this is about and looking at the roof it looks like and there’s more over here one piece of diamond and another one up here I mean two pieces really I’m on 15 diamonds

Right now there’s probably something in the lava right that would be my guess is say something in the lava saw speaking of lava I going to sleep real quick I cannot sleep mantle caves what oh my this place is big looks like trouble let’s get a little little bit of High

Ground we swap this out too I mean it’s lit up because of all the fire so maybe it’s not that bad or should work there’s some diamonds over there I want to get you my kidding well my kidding I’m coming diamonds I’m coming I’m coming don’t want mind me it probably a bad

Idea to be putting out the lava since now my mob is going spawn on the obsidian what am I going to do about it what am I going to do you live your learn you live you love you lie anybody else oh there’s a creeper up there still

As green as ever going to drop Dro down on my little head is there anything here that looks like a structure or is it little it’s all so perfectly Square what is that about there’s nothing on the map we really really close to these um which

I think is the same as before it’s just human place I really know what to call it what is this about why is this like this what the heck is going on here oh wait no are you the runes I think you are aren’t you you’re the thing the

Pillager place or uh whatever you guys are infected villagers iron I think I got more iron than yeah I got more diamonds than I did Iron that’ be very alert though because you don’t know what muton can spawn very dangerous speak of dangerous I almost missed some diamonds

I would have I would have gone wild speaking of diamond I did go here for some some di right where is it where all day you picking them up I probably pick them up ooh it is a camp up there hello I’m coming up there you never know what

Treasures lie beneath there’s a birthday cake too how did you know it’s not my birthday o hello hello hello hello I don’t want any visitors well can you go to sleep let’s test it out I can’t go to sleep I need a cake I can’t e the cake a

Barrel full of nothing some iron leggings I should probably pick you up it’s good it’s good it’s good right now as for you there is a purpose of me going up here cuz there’s a lot of iron and as for you do I not have a range

Weapon I don’t you bu can re from down here a little more all right here we go right a little more there we go there’s definitely still something screeching but just don’t know what it is what are you why you trying to scare me so much

Yeah five pieces iron do I want that probably get a lot more iron if I just do this thing over here I mean these guys aren’t really that tough that being said I am in Wood gear so um is this a good idea it probably isn’t a good idea

Why am I here anyway whatever let’s just go up unless so we can uh take a pick in here hello can I pick up the caskets hello casket iron pickaxe efficiency 5 iron pickaxe I trying to bit me into knowing and going and becoming one of

You spell infinity let me take a p in here Into Darkness anybody in here hello buddy hello buddy you guys probably hit like trucks I did go here when I had uh what armor did I have when I went here I don’t remember yeah diamond diamond yes

I diamond armor when here so you guys are probably still very tough I don’t really want to open up the the gaskets the tombs without um H what to do about this what about you guys are just uh yeah uh you guys are definitely as tough as ever what about your friends they

Still they still really tough H what to do cuz this place definitely has some good stuff in it I mean it went directly into the the treasure room here just a lot of loot um okay Place some torches down I did take the spawner off right I did there’s some there’s some more

Outside I’ll take it guys later now as for this maybe carry my shield and uh that’s all I just to open it up and then immediately get out oh and that should be good all right let’s see mending legendary iron pickaxe can I take enchantments off hopefully I can this

Time I think I should have some iron too so let’s see anything up there need to be always Vigilant s touch is kind of good not really though W you took away have my health oh and I’m going to die wow well at least now we know not to

Mess with that well I’m still going to mess with it I’m just going to heal up I’m just going to heal up before messing with it so we can t him M again and not immediately die cuz that would be terrible gosh darn it man raw gold okay

Why is it so loud oh come on you don’t have to do this every single time you could just leave me alone enchanted golden apple b I’ll take it raw gold oh man I could make some diamond armor and just make it so that that it don’t

Really deal too much damage but I kind of want to try out the emerald armor you know oh you’re supposed to spawn in front of me not behind me not cool dude uh ender pearls raw iron very very good have mending too I’m not quite sure if I

Could take out enchantment s oxidize copper right about you guys mov speed mov speed melee damage stamina resistance to what it just give me a lot of resistance Carnage wall at above 75 stacks of Rage or exhaustion gain Health boost and immobilizing Aura immobilizing AA periodically infects nearby enemies

But immobilize immobilize it greatly slows and damages the victim when the attempt to move can they take it no trying really hard to listen out whether or not they spawn sometimes you got a feeling for it iron ingot yes please that’s what I need in my life that’s

What I need in my life please is that all oh no you guys didn’t give me a lot of treasure that’s for these guys hello everybody I probably should leave right well you should right I probably should now Buton mining upwards I don’t think that’s a good idea let’s see it’s a

Really bad idea hello ooh might be a good idea oh man I can’t resist it I have to resist it right let’s see I have 16 19 iron yeah I don’t have a lot oh man you guys I’m not giving me a lie here I don’t think I could resist them

By going up since they could fly is that right what happens if I do do this you guys expa so I can test it out oh my gosh yeah you guys just holy goodness gracious not cool dude right next to me huh forun three that’s a lot wa straight

For the jugula not very good my gosh I accidentally opened it I’m trying really hard to listen in they do make a the world’s smallest sound when they spawn I wish it was a lot more apparent than it is but what am I going to do about it

Pants or you doing that hey why is it not spawning just spawn already I open it so many times oh oh how you spawn when I finally thought you weren’t I’m getting a lot of skill points though iron please gold please all right skill point resistance and uh garnish I guess

Why not no as for you you’re actually probably better than uh the wood armor that I have huh you’re probably better let’s see some stuff away and uh take you okay so not that bad still pretty bad though but not that bad I don’t even protects me against those uh spooky

Booky goles but uh it is what it is see now I have 32 and nine pieces of iron um guys can see this if you to make the iron stuff you need iron ingots and the iron thing so you need a lot of iron that’s basically what I’m getting at so

I want like at least enough to make a full stack and then a full stack again so a full set and then a full set we’re a little close to doing that okay I think this room’s just uh Gone let’s just go to a different room need Secrets

Here though I don’t think so get over here another rock see that they’re not really doing anything so I have a chance to go over here and then cover this up there shouldn’t be any spawners here whoa hello there daring or of evil coruption too bad I can’t really do

Anything cool with you huh is there more I don’t think so iron gold oh man we have 58 iron is that enough I think that is right yeah whatever it’s enough it’s enough I’m out of here hopefully I’m not mining straight into another one I put

My boss away I don’t have a lot of blocks huh how is that even possible no more iron although I I do there’s a lot of iron here actually well I guess I’ll know that for when I come back but for now I think I have enough I should have

Enough I already have the leggings anyway is there’s one off the list already should be able to make the stuff what the heck is this I didn’t mean to intrude I didn’t mean to intrude I’m going to be on my way over here you guys

Are really big slime so you guys pack a punch I’m going to I know I know you going to stay over there stay back all the way back there what the heck there’s a boss Slim in there hello everybody it’s a pretty good Farm I’m getting a

Lot of skill points oh oh my can I get another skill point okay maybe I’ll just uh go and break it what is this I Dro that common diamond pickaxe you guys just had a diamond pickaxe okay what is this place about enchanted golden apple doll no complaints to me sir thanks for

A free diamond pickaxe too although it is pretty just normal actually speaking of normal oh never mind it also has a negative reach which Suns what do that emeralds hello well I just had a sneak peek at the Otherside looks like it’s night time so hello more emeralds not go

To sleep if you do not more oh my gosh you gosh Dam mother truckers oh creeper all right guys I’ve come back to make emerald armor with your help of course cuz I don’t think I have enough emeralds all right let’s see I believe it can make the the helmet for sure I

Can make did I get something good minus 30 durability well that sucks well what am I going to do about it ooh you could upgrade it Highland blaze powder okay there’s okay blazes um I believe the chest plate is going to be a good one so

We’ll do the chest plate and we already out of iron amazing let’s make a furnace while that’s smelting let’s make the okay we just don’t have any iron for anything as for you you’re the very very important guy because seagrass Emerald one seagrass one Emerald all because of

This hat all right really really good I just need to find an ocean oh the map’s all glitched down that’s amazing that’s what you L to see should fix your stuff eventually right there you go so around here I have no idea if this is a

Seagrass but if it is that’s awesome it probably is is I just uh I think for Street grous I need shears right okay I should probably make just two furnaces that’s going to take me too long I don’t have the patience I’m an adventurer not a pharmacist yes you are good all right

I don’t what this called aquarium aquarium whoa aquarium sword what why is there just aquarium stuff what the heck I I just want to make the thing just glass that’s it all right so you and all of your villager buddies are going to are going to be that all right that’s

What it’s going to be I’m telling you because you got to warn them that there’s no other jobs available all you guys are going to be acquiring people right anyway back to making the emerald stuff so the boutique the pentalon uh again the pants it’s rare please don’t

Make it like uh make the world’s most terrible pants here here you go come on common minus two armor minus 30 okay man here we go common minus 2 max SAU minus 30 durability all right now for the boots common Min – 2 Armor minus St well

What can you do you deal with the hand your dealt why that’s a lot of minus armor okay which ones do we not we do we have minus armor on the pants and the boots okay maybe we can just keep making new ones I don’t really want to have not

Full armor here I believe this should be full armor right yeah we’re missing two armor so we have three here come on come on I should math out right I did do the thing the uh the maths with the the diamond armor and um yeah it should be

Full it should be equal because the the boots the pants or something gives one more extra all right okay new pants and new boots let’s go new pants and new boots new pants new boots pants boots and then search it up do we already have

It okay there we go there you go okay good good good that’s a good start here you go there you go and good good good all right there we go we wear those and we have full armor and we don’t have full armor and we’re really slow look

How slow we are waddle waddle and then he waddled away so the more armor I have the slower I am noted that’s a that’s pretty cool well that being said give me some more of that and my backpack do I have to throw my stuff on the ground all right

Stuff on the ground backpack on my inventory and then upgrade then smell the gold that we have and uh I should probably put you guys somewhere else huh all right fine I’ll wear it I’ll wear it I’ll wear it oh knew having this would be this heavy definitely not me this is

Quite the downgrade of speed here we go hopefully you didn’t lose all your stuff we could go straight to Diamond should we go straight to Diamond I feel like we should cuz why not oh you need emeralds too give me a break right we put it in our inventory press B and ourselves

Still there and it’s not really that big as it oh well what we going to do nothing that’s I can’t do anything all right let’s just slowly waddle across here go to sleep go means it’s say thunderstorm that’s a lesson learn kids always go to sleep whenever it rains cuz

You never know it might be a thunderstorm all right here we go I want to be a little fast so can I just take off a little bit of armor here okay what if I just put everything on put everything on but then use my monkey staff and Claymore to be faster never

Mind it also doesn’t work make some shears okay fine fine fine we’ll just take both of it off let’s just go through the ocean this way I probably need um feather weight to make myself be able to walk normally yeah wait what uh light weight maybe light backstabbing

Okay so I just can’t walk normally then are you serious it’s just going to be my new normal and they should BC grass right here now the thing is do you still all go if I were to cut the bottom down okay I cut the bottom down do I get two

Oh I do let me just grab all of it guess should all just float to the top anyway I don’t know if I should replant you guys but I mean it’s grass oh I just see a stingray by the way Stingray what you doing here please don’t sting me

Stingray you and your Stingray baby I’m just harvesting some grass here for some emeralds because they are awesome that being said I should also grab some sand because why not I should probably grab should prob Gra a lot do I yeah why not a little bit of that this and diamond

Shovel why not at this point all right 16 pieces of sand maybe a little bit more we’ll make uh three aquariums we need to make it uh need to have a lot just so they don’t have to so they don’t um increase their prices cuz if there’s

Only like a few then they’ll get traded so much so often and they won’t be able to gossip with anybody but say anything good these guys are kind of scary I only have boots on guys try not to mess with me I don’t really know what to do about

The the whole armor situation this is modded right yeah make dungeons armors I was thinking about maybe I could just use their armors because the game might not know that’s um supposed to be heavy so I guess that’s not the case I mean who knows there there might be some

Armor out there you craft with like strange items that wouldn’t really be heavy this is kind of crazy look at look how slow I swim I definitely swim faster than it walks so probably safer to have it on than not so we’re on these guys I

Don’t really know what they do I don’t know what they could do they also buy kelp which is probably one of the best ones since there’s a lot of kelp it’s really really easy to get kelp in the meantime you know it’s taking me a while

To get seagrass but then again you know each stack seagrass here is a stack of emeralds if only there were a lot more uses for emeralds other than what I’m about to do which is make an armor and uh probably just make diamond guys tool Smith armor weapon Smith although the

Armor I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know there has to be an enchantment for it there has to be I refuse to believe there isn’t CU you’re telling me if I have like full netherite armor I’m just going to walk like a turtle there’s no way especially for bosses like the

Mosses the bosses in this mod pack are no joke so like way way way no joke so if you’re telling me that this is normal you better been lying any let’s get going I didn’t grab enough sand it’s amazing where is my aquarium buddy where

Are you aquarium buddy oh nice G me IR Golem there you are caring buddy hello I’m come to make a trade yes Le what that H what interesting oh yes Phoenix don’t I have just a thing for you buddy Phoenix where you going you got to check

This out phoenix look at this come right Phoenix sakro has it covered nice had a girl now for one more Guy come on in come on there you go Phoenix never mind you were meant for this job you guys ever have a little talk nice another SE

Grass cool very nice how about the AL the other trees they’re kind of a tube Coral tube Coral so two tube corals the same kind too kind of weird um so is this really all your thing I I guess I could level you up I’m kind of curious

To see who that’s really expensive what the heck yeah this one I guess I kind of want to level up to see what even happens if I do level you up um corals okay you barely level up at all uh ocean cartographer H I didn’t know where the

Other guy is though guys want to restock guys how about the other guy oh wait the other guy’s right here sorry about that all right amazing that’s what you call Easy economics so now what probably to smth first right H I know I know let me

Think let me think I kind of want to see enchants because there has to be a way to get this thing off of me right I need you have a piece of obsidian H you nothing The Beekeeper nothing is this another thunderstorm there’s no way right the monk nothing is it a

Thunderstorm I guess not well let me use my uh my points now let see I guess I just counteracted by getting mov me is that really what I have to do that’s kind of crazy plus one jump so you just have to counteract it with your

All I don’t know I don’t know what to do Mr B man and the inoc centi look at this little rain it’s raining upon me it’s raining upon me guys yes have any cool Quest not really oh you have a good name Buddy light thing well where’s the quest

Book about thing okay yeah H Ark and plate ooh interesting it all comes back into this decaying King on in the nether a ghost why is there a ghost in your village good sir let me take care of it let me take care of it show y you are

Not needed here you’re giving me slowness I’m already slowed man I’m already slowed look at how slow I am guys I wonder how many times I could trade you guys again you again too you again too but you’re done H yeah I mean the quest book is kind of helpful if you

Can even say that little ginus blade inu’s rage blade but I think this you get this from killing a boss so I I wonder which ones here is the most overpowered sight of the forl Dragon Slayer spear this all the league of legend stuff is kind of cool

Especially the darken blade these are all low accurate and these should be really strong heal for every mob hit with the weapon ability heal for every hit if the item is all cool down use to launch and smash the ground gain haste post hit while having a strength effect

That’s a lot lot of Words king mobs harvesting Souls blue and red Souls based on whether the mob is passive withing a range weapon or whe the mob’s hostile monster each number of souls increases the damage of the weapon when reach ma Stacks transforms based on so

This one is a cane this one is a cane how do you make it Crimson Ingot lost L Soul that’s it oh you need blood thirster for this one yeah we need a lot of crms and ingots which you get from Demonite Shunk which you get from Molen

Demon heart which you get from smelting actual demon Hearts which you get from demon Hearts I’m going to guess there’s demons in hell they have to fight kind of Bonkers BR kind of bunkers wait did I already go this way I guess it’s sleepy time huh right guys I shall sleep too

But um if most things here are the same as I’m M Minecraft I guess the first thing I should genuinely do is make a bow so actually and there’s also the mean creatures so I could kill I could kill a mun skeleton and get his armor

And that should make gate this whole um heaviness going on Medieval Minecraft also had it but it didn’t work I don’t really know what’s up with that because it definitely had um mods or enchantments that that makes it so armor ways less but it didn’t really ever do

Anything so oh what uh safe havens find a Tavern welcome to Dungeons and taverns okay a smoker don’t mind if I to I know I pocked up your stuff I’m sorry fancy house you have here dried kelp there actually a really good fuel source

So no matter if I do and she to become a passer no I’m going to guess you need a hole the butcher you have another smoker here we’re now a jobless man unemployed now you’ll do your own your your own just be your own man oh this looks

Important and over here looks important too over here looks important just kidding I think that’s the thec island right so let’s go this way if I want the mutant skeleton armor I’m going to have to stay awake which is a pretty bad thing to do cuz obviously all the other

Mut uh can spawn on which wouldn’t really be the greatest thing ever to happen is just another Village oh you guys are connected to that thing did I just see what I saw there are guard villagers hello guys guardy guardy man go and take your uh way point here or by

Take I mean yeah just use it a blast furnace I actually need one of those mind if I do another blast furnace the Mind If I Do can you pet the guards hello guards hello guards you guys are doing awesome no guard can you pet you I

Can’t pet you that sucks now which houses here have uh chest in them any chest anywhere this one no not that one Quest you guys have any cool quests not really I mean maybe if I have like if I’ve done more quests you guys give me

More better ones or I don’t really know how that questing system works CU I’ve never done a single Quest my whole life and to be honest I don’t feel like changing that oh and I completely dodged this one right we’ll head straight to it we’ll head straight to it it does look

Pretty important maybe taking off the armor is a good choice probably a really really bad choice but it gets tiring having to walk at a mile per hour and we’re getting pretty close close there this two o emeralds hey B don’t mind if I do I’m kind of running out of food

Here so so blessing the gods should I grab this sa well too I see nothing r on it is it just what is it just a house just a rundown house come on wait a minute there’s a guy here I mind nobody porn oh you have a have a lot of Health

Why’ you have so much health buddy you want to explain that a little bit we should dump a little bit stuff in here there’s this thing too it’s just another one of these right I think it is we see not really I kind of want to explore so

Might as well I’ll uh keep the armor fully worned just in case we’ll see we’ll check out nighttime try to get a mutant skeleton spawn any other mutants uh not really welcome there’s a lot of these chest around I wonder if they’re giving me emeralds because I have the

Armor on cuz it does say that pretty explicitly you see as you wear the emerald armor during your adventures it calls other emeralds to you by chance so does that mean all this is a because armor or just a few of it Shield grav Digger that be me rotten flesh and

Zombie head oh what is that that looks quite important okay this is going to be a little ooh right when I say that there’s going there’s a ghost that just spawns is really really dangerous probably shouldn’t be doing this oh it’s a graveyard oh my gosh I hear you guys

In Jing button well I’m just going to expect nothing’s going to happen so I’m just going to walk away very calmly oh is that a pH oh no no no oh no oh oh no I don’t want it I don’t want what you’re selling I want to go home it’s so Shing

Me all right this not something too crazy holy cow okay you’re going to come back up yep okay yes stay dead correct hello now for mutant creeper I will miss this thing I don’t know if I should sleep or not I do kind of want to see if

I can spot a mutant or maybe I could just uh stay around for what is what is that maybe just stay awake for just a little bit longer just a little little bit longer and then we’ll go to sleep uh just need time to pass for a thing to

Spawn not that anything but a baby zombie what the heck a castle this is where I was meant to be people let me just climb up here I should be safe now right yeah let’s go to sleep a massive duck I knew it what wait what witching skeleton gravity duplicator withering

Skeleton no I don’t think I will there’s a massive duck there massive duck there’s this thing another nether portal there’s this thing that I haven’t gone to obviously this thing over here or where is it where is it it was much bigger maybe it’s hidden because I’m underneath something but anyway you

Won’t take any burning damage cuz you have a pumpkin on well because it’s Halloween oh what is this this is a wrecked up Village hello people of this oh this is just a village never mind sorry guys sorry I didn’t mean to offend you people I know I know inflation hits

Some people worse than it does others I’m sorry about that now the thing is I doubt this place is going to be a a friendly place goddess statue what what are you all rone stay back hello danana the Pillager that’s a lot of chest can

Check it out hello guys that my me just checking out your stuff gunpowder might be useful I don’t really know the Vindicator uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh indicators are bad news man gunpowder more arrows some good stuff in here I mean nothing groundbreaking but still I

Should fill up my uh backpack here a bit so when things come to comes to shove I can just put everything in my inventory H do you have anybody else there hello there’s two of you you guys don’t really heard too much okay never mind what I

Said I don’t know if that’s because of the armor probably not but I do genuinely want to conquer this place so what the heck it shooting me through the wall on guys what library just trying to copy the uh stronghold is this the exact layout of the stronghold FYI can I see

This real quick sharpness two spell infinity multi-shot flame that was pretty good hello you scared the living crap out of me hey so you guys can shot me noted all right let’s uh resistance that’s not going to do anything yeah just keep up my thing here my movement

Speed make sure I’m fully fed mything table is actually what I need an anvil too exactly what I need more Blast Furnace you can never have enough okay now back at you come on buddy I don’t plan I’m giving you guys all the free hits oh my gosh apples really oh hello

Uhoh oh my gosh once I kill you guys you guys are gone forever this one is there any more there I’m hoping not but it probably is why just place like a maze in another room like this and they already it out oh oh runed tablet ooh rare

Thunderbrand 14 attack damage four range 1.3 attack speed chance on hit to refresh ability cool down hold right click momentarily slow yourself and charge your weapon dealing area damage to nearby foes once charged Dash forward ging haste and dealing enormous damage to enemies in your path looks like a

Hirg too that’s some serious business right there Diamond glaive H I mean it sounds like like just a massive upgrade compared to a halberg Let’s test it out I guess let’s keep our halberg a little closer to the thing just in case it isn’t an upgrade oh my gosh straight

From the heavens above you guys have no business scaring me like that anybody else book in there oh BR Sensa mind if I do some Nether wart I do think I already have Sansa but I don’t have any Soul Sand that’s very true cake here is it

Trapped it’s not trapped I just wasted a perfectly good cake anybody else W oh W and guy was just minding his business sorry friend but if you hit like a truck you got to die like one my gosh you you guys really have no business just going behind Corners like like that okay

That’s all I have to say I don’t have to explain why I got jump scared that’s all I have to say can you at least acknowledge how cool this thing looks gosh I’m still getting hit like a truck though ooh there a lot of obsidian what

Is this coal damn darn darn darn I’ll take the coal no if I do hello friend no need for anything crazy perfectly good cake again was that an Ender Chest oh what there’s no way that enchanting table yes yes yes I do want to see give you this renzy unbre yes it doesn’t

Sound like have everything that I used to have in medieval times there’s also an under chest here this is really good but I can’t use it unless I do make displace my uh oh hello is there somebody there I heard a I heard a ha I think there’s somebody there well if you

Want to fight for it I guess you can leave me no choice we get a golden apple let’s go you stand no chance against me where are you where’d you go fight me you coward hello you just go outside oh find me you coward hello uhoh

W that is really bad what the heck never mind I survived oh no no stay back stay back stay back I don’t I I don’t I don’t want what you’re selling you can keep it the end oh I’m going to go over here now and uh just take it in because

Now I’m the king oh yes I’m bad Omen 2 iing for an hour and a half live to of Illusion why not and this is just uh golden armor I’ll take the golden blocks St or the emerald blocks if you don’t mind oh good thing I see you get out of

Here buddy get out of here you too I saw you what the heck I got mining fatigue there’s still some Sorcerers here about what are you guys doing to me you Golden Apple steak cooked chicken finally some food that actually gives saturation just the library again there were a loot of

People here though I just don’t really know whether or not there’s any vindicators there because if there isn’t there I’m pretty lucky that there was only a crossbow people hello speak of the devil oh oh there’s a axe guy right there I’m just going to I’m just going

To blck it off all right I’m coming down you can be civil about this why can’t you move what are you doing oh this is the entrance another cake lot of P bills cool another treasury area oh my gosh another illusioner I wouldn’t mind getting another one of your totems I

Don’t really know if it’s a if it’s the same as a totem of UND dying ooh more Cal blocks I do want to see the top of the towers since there were Towers I do feel like have I really been just going down cuz I could have sworn I dug from

The side of the entrance or you know the side of the ground floor there’s no way I’ve only been back to the library yep here we are doors are open that means I’ve went to them but the guy’s here oh I just want uh just want to go up okay

Maybe P pling up with Emerald blocks is not the wisest decision yes I meant to use wheat still not very wise but uh I say it’s a step in the right direction hello I try have to tell your friends that I’m sneaking around by the way mother trucker no ax people no axe

People goodness gracious oh my here we go again I hear absolutely nothing all I’m asking for is a Bard what are you doing here Bard you have nobody to impress not even me o x person I keep just getting one heart away from Death although I still do have to Totem this

Is where the freaking B is supposed to be really no music this this was the opportune opportunity more cold don’t if I do oh hello we stuck as well oh hello I prefer you to be stuck goodness oh are we at the top floor hello po people all

Right fine fine fine here let’s test out the charge wow so it does do something like that but I didn’t even die did I there’s no way I did H I was well end well I guess oh am I kidding I want to get up there I

Want to get up to all the way up to the tower just have a little picky picky what the heck whoa whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo wo that was really close you give me a shovel huh oh never mind if 20 oh bosses give you diamond stuff that’s why

I got the diamond pickaxe well if I can finally have some peace and quiet I just need to get some dirt and uh pill her up the one of the towers if you don’t mind please maybe you can sleep no what toxic gravity berserk leth allergic cloak duplicator starving web slinging zombie

How many more words can you add on to that that’s the most weest zombie in the game any the mind me ladies I’ll fix this uh who is this going to kill me man you guys really have to hit me down though if really think about this guys

Oh there’s a nice guy oh well well well let’s see how do I do this properly maybe a little bit of a deception and trickery uh wellow I have no blocks to okay this one maybe okay here we go can you guys just drop down over here oh

Guys right here hello guys guys I’m I’m like literally right here I don’t know if I could replace this fast enough hello hello guys I know you guys saw I’m here I can’t really like go out and then Tower up two blocks because you guys are

Going to knit me off uh you guys can hit me off hello hello right here anybody hello can you can you tell those guys too come on right yeah yeah that still doesn’t want the other guys hey one you guys H okay okay okay there a lot of

People anybody else I I guys think about it I’m going to stamina I don’t I don’t understand uh anybody else hello okay you can still hit me what they do now if I jump up from here is there going to be any more people diving down all right

Let’s just quickly kill you or things get a little too over out of hand H all right let’s just sleep us off may not rest now monsters are nearby there we go and now cannot see whatsoever there anybody up there Tower up on the side a

Little bit not get the the boot from everybody hello hello just ask people huh that’s all that’s left now huh no no you can keep it to yourself I’m good actually now about this um probably not the safest thing to do not the safest in the world straight up to the last Tower

And there’s nothing up here and did Skip literally everything so um let’s see there’s a supposed to be a trading a Wandering villager ooh what oh that looks interesting those have been promising so I don’t know why that one wouldn’t be about this place um that one also doesn’t have anything this one

Didn’t have anything be that also nothing also nothing so you’re telling me the real treasure is the friends you found along the way no way do I have a diamond ax probably don’t right uh anybody here no nothing in the chest once again well nothing really too

Spectacular here so I’m just going to grab all the books and I did grab the enchantment table right yes I did I’ll grab all the books and then I’m going to get that off and get myself some protection for armor and then I’ll uh go it nether actually yeah I should

Probably get diamond armor and then go to the nether since there’s no temperature unless there is cuz I I do get cold so it would only makees sense that I could get hot but if that’s the case I don’t know what to do let’s uh search some ice maybe um and there’s a

Chance there’s a chance a small one that maybe I do get burned up in the nether it would only make sense it’s only logical I really do hope I didn’t miss anything here I mean they could have I could have but it’s getting a little tedious so I’m just going to leave and

The a is all the way down there now yes yes yes yes he must now get down by the usage of boat you choose it to me well castle and we’ll probably come back to take you over that’s a big snail and you Traer llama so there was a Traer here oh

There might be over here these villagers oh I’m just kidding he’s probably dead since you know you guys have a lead and everything there’s no lead he’s probably dead o over here what are you doing all the way here buddy wa that’s a big is that who I think it is hello thought

It was the mutant mutant man although I thought I could take him on a big hammer whoa team has a coin pouch goes in helit by charge he why is there blue obsidian by the way ooh this oh too bad I already have I didn’t know the way back is this

Really it this doesn’t make any sense about this this is important let’s go up here and do that here and do this this is also not important what is important nowadays there’s a thing over here okay just visit absolutely everything before we go all the way back home o snakes

Hello guys please un poison me what this supposed to be just a walkway I guess so you have a little T for you all right tent man big question increases the words flat FL flatulence I don’t know bread I could equip it in any trinket

Slot all right there you go o i where it’s at that looks important well I should probably stop ooh there’s a lot more stuff over here though no I should probably stop and get back up always really far away though I mean really really far away so I’m going to go and

That crash here for a bit hello creeper don’t find me I’m just walking back home this is not my home by the way although you guys should have a waypoint right the movement speed isn’t really helping me out so much oh never mind I could go

This way right yeah it even more speed I’m so really really really really really slow you know where is your Waypoint G thank you for the taxi well actually I think um my home is actually the other Village not this one since this one is really really laggy so I’m

Just going to take this I take this and I’m going to leave you guys at a rafting table what are you doing out here buddy you got to go home can they not pit you oh come on you got to click these buttons are they worn down no they’re

Not about this place is this place I I guess not well now it dies Budd um where is my I do say I put a chest here somewhere we just right next to you guys why not why not I did put my chest here somewhere I just don’t need remember

Where there guys now that I know that my stuff is here I guess the first thing you want to do is where’s my stuff again there they are weapon Smith and no so the first thing you want to do is probably set the enchantment table and then armor tool Smith and then

Immediately go for ancient debris um if ancient debris I mean if the Nether um is too hot and we can’t really go there to mind for ancient debris then we’ll just stick to focusing on enchanting the armor um and getting a really good bow and then we’ll start uh slaughtering

Some bosses here for now let’s put some of these stuff away by some of them and byy some of it I mean most of it go ahe and make a diamond axxe why not of course there a bad diamond axe it does suck that I got this skill by the way

This skill is really annoying okay oh range damage kind of wanted to just get the boots first but honestly range damage would be good too okay the r the range debuff is going to be a little a little a little bit of a lot I wish

There was some way to roll this there probably is I’ll uh look into that in a bit I don’t really want to get spoiled too much I’m kind of thinking you know most of my stuff to here but I don’t think that works does it does it put

Diamond here can’t even put diamonds here oh my gosh and there are just a lot of eyes too man that sucks leather worker whoa rare bone chest plate hello buddy you’re the person I about to ask from right yeah thank you very much please don’t uh put the the Min on it

Hey I mean three emeralds three emeralds I know buddy I’m doing all the street shopping but what for cuz I have no gravel all righty giant ice quids which one of this is gravel probably that one right now hold on a second why am I grabbing sticks when I have the aquarium

Guys I have not had it enough I’m so sorry I am so genuinely sorry I’m so sorry let’s see 17 sand hello sir you can’t po there let’s get a little bit more places have a lot of villagers so I that we’ll get any good librarian trades

So we’ll make most of them into aquarium people and if we ever need to we can just breed some more if we ever need to that being said I do I did just get reminded that I probably should get um hello Mythic Mobs Can i p you I can can

I ride you how do I tame you can I kill you I’m going to kill you okay I feels and that did absolutely nothing I’m sorry I to that be I’m sorry I to witness that be oh I think I was getting wood to make a bookshelves all right you

Guys help or notc seagrass I no no no no no no no no no no no no no no trying to use the halberg to oh no no no no no no no charging no no no doing at all that I just want to use the halberg so I can

Have a longer range it’s not really working out though there this thing too but I believe you’re not in ch you’re a binder spellbinder so what you’re going to have to do is you’re going to have to leave all right oh I got a Quest from

You cool so you’re going to have to get replaced with proper enchantment table into loads at bookshelves absolutely loads I mean loow spawn loads making a chest will delete your unique loot really it’s like Mega permissions whenever you have to B chest come on game come on Ro okay did I

Really put the Enchantment Table Away in the double chest on there that’s for you yes you can you can you be a better guy don’t try not to choose a different job yes just go back to this one yes uh bread mostly you do bread so I could buy

It take your time what okay well I don’t have much time for this I thought you were a farmer you’re bem man be man that buys flowers see you guys can even conceive come on okay um bread okay bread okay look okay tin is going to get

It there bread guys bread I cannot believe this is that difficult for you to do okay this guy’s going to take it now come on kante you got it no bread need bread come on guys we cannot keep shuffling around who gets a job here this bread bread no do

You not do the bread trade I’ll do it a couple more times to see you going to the the is going to have a meeting here you go there you go good since I don’t really plan on eating the bread myself you guys can have it to yourselves bread

Is not very good at uh giving saturation so I think bre’s better than this right yeah bre is a little better giving situation compared to that but what are is what are is what am I going to say man this hat is really broken by the way

One one of the best items ever ooh the suspicious stew gives a lot doesn’t it o actually about to we yeah here we go what effect do you have blindness okay I was kind of hoping that uh maybe with a rare rare rare chance I could get a

Saturation one yeah this one is poison even worse come on well well it was wor a shot golden carrots or one Emerald each don’t mind if I do trade my oan guys again come on come on be a bit of a waste to trade you guys still a little

Bit go enchanting table I’ll be the Anvil to lapis wait I only got 19 lapis d one few more books I do hope the mutants aren’t in the in the nether too they probably will be but a guy can pray here we go so there was this uh thing

Before efficien C4 okay that’s good off to a great start and look at these let me see the uh the armor ones magic protection three Thorns two and respiration three not the best efficiency 4 on the pickaxe though thing is I don’t really have the best pickaxe

So maybe I could just uh okay that was good I mean minus speed minus digging speed whatever right we’re going to get uh thing anyway Unbreaking three it’s good that’s good and I could rroll it too with uh oh I still need to use a little bit of thing though well armor

Where is G you and where the blast furnace how put it down gosh darn it done the double trust here all right buddy you’re not traded with that no you are where are the other people here there’s just uh B guy and the leather worker and the B guy does often talk to

An unemployed man so does Mr unemployed want to can you armor okay let me take care of this be for you oh did you get it yep good job buddy let me just slowly back away from these uh these guys come on why you so mad just get out of here

Where’s drop Beast Stinger oh Beast Stinger cool anyhoo iron helmet perfect perfect now please you’re going to have the other one which is going to be um Iron and something else please let it be something that I could buy boots um okay you’re not looking too good you don’t

Have the iron trade and uh most of the time when you don’t have that you don’t do very good you don’t usually sell the the proper stuff it going to be good so far so good so far so really really really really really good I mean you’re

Basically giving these out for free ooh holy holy boy I mean should I yeah whatever whatever it’s just Chum change we’re just dealing with chump change here I can get that replenished within a few trades so if I take these off and wear these they are not what you see

That’s what I was wondering I’m wearing the diamond stuff they’re not at all affecting my speed but I’m am definitely wearing them oh there’s the champion still stuff still really so I still need another guy well you’re in locker unemployed man about 54 although maybe you’re not a man Nora definitely a woman

There you go yes whatever just sell me okay you’re going to sell me three pieces three pieces of diamond armor it’s going to be really really tough for you to sell me to not sell me excuse me diamond helmet very simple request okay I’m just keep trading these guys you’re

All uh all traded out actually I do still need to gravel because I do need some uh arrows hello buddy right chain mail cool cool cool can you not walk away buddy okay yeah boots pants whatever whatever you need man whatever you need I got you I got you just just

Spit again no no whatever whatever right we we want to we want to Gat keep it fine fine don’t come cry to me when you want to sell armor that I’m not even going to wear I’m going to go ahead and uh make a helmet myself then can’t

Believe I’m doing this hopefully give me something good please L story durability minus 20 speed man that’s what you love this SE don’t you well anyway now we have a few grindstones on us that were way way way quicker than before here by the way a little uh slow down because of

The helmet but what are you going to do about it everybody’s here uh monk yes you definitely I can change your job but the monk might be able to do some cool stuff I don’t really know yet so we’ll have to wait on that any anything cool

We can give the armor here we can always just refresh it with the thing the top but I don’t really have a lot of um I don’t have a lot protection 3 as always is always just protection 3 it doesn’t really hurt to add more books here so

We’re just going to go and do that it’s might me kind of knowing full well that it’s not really going to do anything um how about enchant this rampaging three sharpness three how about is there anything else I can enchant not really right my axe Smite four hold guys okay

So there’s nothing really good so we roll the enchantments a breaking three I don’t really want to gamble that just give me protection four please I’m beging you there we go protection four okay really really great protection three pain cycle oh you’re giving me a pain cycle feather falling four that’s

Actually really really big um only feather falling four uh I guess ooh protection four nice protection four nice okay so we can just buy new boots and uh nighttime so we got to go to sleep unless I don’t think I’m getting a little frisky no I guess we should

Actually do we have minus one armor on the boots minus one armor on the chest plate too H I’m kind of thinking about yeah we’ll just we could just combine them except the helmet can’t combine them and get another pair of something and we can combine them I don’t know if

They get inherited along hopefully they don’t so we can have another chance of uh not having the debuffs but most importantly I kind of want to have a tool Smith so there was the I’m probably not going to use the most is the wizard guy or the month thing is they’re kind

Of interesting so I don’t really know if I should and I did give them a lot of food but I didn’t really I don’t really think they made any babies so oh unless hello you’re just stuck well you’re in luck buddy cuz now you’re going to be a

Tool Smith come on up you found iron too good guy you are actually hold up maybe I’ll go back here when I have Fortune huh let’s go up just my Stroke of Luck all right let’s uh go a little closer maybe even just right here there you go

Just throw my and stuff reminds me bad memories Stone axe sure buddy anything you want in the world I can give to you iron okay maybe we’re getting a little ambitious on our wishes now right now is that a little ambitious it’s a little ambitious all right here we go iron

Pickaxe efficiency 2 I doubt that this can one shot um yeah okay I’ll just wait for you to restock them I remember iron Tools St being able to oneshot that so one shot nether rock that is so I’m just going to go and not pick that up I could

Combine them together but that’s a lot of work you know what I mean as for these kind of really important really important so I I’ll go ahead and keep them go and keep them you going to restock some more yeah I can do whatever just uh go diamond pickaxe efficiency 2

You are a godsend remember that all right thank you so much all right buy from Yo remember to pick up the emeralds trade you guys always can’t stop uh and never forget about trading you guys a lot more Aquas um yeah I might have to

Tra change one of the other guys into a Shepherd so we can buy more beds maybe that’s what I’m kind of thinking here and I should probably move my other chest up here cuz I like this place more that being said I did finish a quest

Here oh my gosh what is all of this about craft all three spell blades craft all three wand types what craft Rune crafting table craft run blades armor I mean being a wizard arm is cool but I kind of want to just swing my sword around really hard plus the bosses give

A lot of cool stuff like look at all the stuff here let’s see oh yes I remember now I want to yeah basically brand new everything you give me a brand new everything not a very big discount on your Champion stuff huh think about that was AR even that good the craziest part

All right now it’s enchant all this and then enchant them back Unbreaking three section four oh my God you’re still bad I should have checked I should have probably checked that you were actually good just in case you guys do inherit your qualities that we’ll get a good one

In case we need new chest plate you know that’s bad that’s bad still bad all the things that you’re giving me is bad minus durability minus armor this one’s good finally it has to be epic just for you to actually be beneficial that’s actually quite crazy we get already

Stuck or don’t I can just buy it from the other guy right friend chest plates minus 5 speed legendary thank you very much for being alive now how about any better boots epic boots thank you so much for being a life friend you are way better than the other guy over there I

Would give you a raise but you don’t really expect more than one emerald and do all of that and now S four perfect so burning fire Focus yep whatever whatever whatever now about you I mean I guess it’s slow B it going with the the biggest one should always be the best

Fire protection okay well I hope you don’t take it I hope you don’t take the other one away from you okay about you I kind of need protection you don’t have to be the best since you guys already to go K it out now Anvil I guess right out

Here take the bad bouns off so if I put two guys together it stays legendary but if I do it the other way around oh no no no why but why you get rid of your protection for fire protection but why there’s no need to do that yeah p is

Perfectly perfect the boots is also perfectly perfect no I can’t believe it minus one armor isn’t the end of the world but like look at that the fact that there’s just a small smidgen right there the fact that I’m carrying legendary Diamond chest plate with me I

Mean look how good the sets are on this thing by the way well you know what to do like your lemons you go to the another at obsidian I need 10 to go I believe work if I’m wrong iron ingot and here is my stuff is

My off hand no no no buddy I love your carrots but uh my bad I can’t help but feel like I’ve already made plint and steel this really all of my thing feel like I should have some more if I just go back up here let’s see if we have we

Don’t have let’s see if we can build it oh oops up all the trash Diamond gear trash Diamond gear actually I mean I don’t know cuz I could just cuz I mean the only important thing is it changing from this to something else the whole thing plus thing so if I

Could just get another piece of armor it’s still better than it okay just just go away yeah I need an extra piece there should be a world here somewhere though somewhere close by can you please not push me all right now for a portal why is there just hit of lava

There portal portal portal I’m going to guess this is for when I Min it it’s all just to drop the blocks there’s also lava over here oh well hey hey hey I’m actually out of sea grass here’s my last pair I apparently have more emeralds in

My inventory that’s awesome so uh do I have a water bucket already okay good as well save the one Emerald right let’s just go to this uh lava over here that is such a stark difference though like why is that armor so heavy is there like lore signific out or something I’m so

Confused hello just a fake you’re just a faker all right down we go I guess to these I don’t remember if these are real too but what you’re liking you mother truckers there should be one this way then well that I remember very clearly look how my uh materials glow in my

Offine byy it’s really cool hello buddy I’m going to kill you again is that okay I actually don’t mind if I if I hit you I don’t even know how to t you too oh no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you wait there’s two gold Bloss here what is

That is that normal let me just uh grab them byy them by mean of gold and then grab the PO wa blue obsidian will you work what the heck I just realized that too all the obsidian in the overal world is all blue I don’t know if I’ve noticed

Get a far sound effect I mean I guess just in case it doesn’t work I’ll go ahead and uh wait a minute what am I doing what what do I mean just in case I could just grab all this oh I’m sorry you should gra the normal one yoink key

There’s something good here right yeah that being said I still need a good bow that should be easy enough though I need to trade those guys a bit more speaking of trading I should probably get some more seagrass don’t have a lot of iron so I need to go back into the minines

What is this biome a lot of land not yet explored especially this another Village over here it looks a lot more sophisticated probably not even a village if it looks a little too sophisticated it’s not villagers anyway onto the Nether and uh we’ll see if I

Burn up if I do burn up then I’ll just just focus on enchanting and then I’ll immediately go where the bosses since once we get the power five bow we should be good and I might even use the the Quivers oh and I haven’t went through

The big chicken here the big duck I always did wonder what that uh hell quer was about I wonder if it’s arrows or maybe it’s explosive arrows or flame arrows without my bow having to have FL I trade with you just in case you give me something cool they don’t glow in

Their colors no o legendary boots might if I do trade with you too A nothing good from you Ben Smith is this everybody I have no idea what this love the workers that so I should probably follow him another leather worker over there yeah I guess just need more bread

More bread there you go more bread come on yeah follow the leather workers and you get their jobs out of here get any better jobs like uh you know better jobs enough said perly Shepherd look look at you guys able to do it wait you guys

Actually able to I heard it no you guys weren’t able to it is what it is guys just go back to your job so I could uh take it down you’re going back to your job little iron please don’t tell me you’re you’re just going straight to bed

Is this your oh right just going straight to bed all right I know I will get you to tell you where you your job is does sound like there’s a baby villager like right next to me now go ahead go ahead just a look around while

You I’ll found it never mind there you go now you’re just a normal person good let’s go back to the thing are you also normal person very good very good let’s go back to a little bit closer to Capital and I’ll point you into a Shepherd which I need a loom which I

Need string which I don’t remember having I have string from that uh Tower Place all right here we go now a loom oh my gosh and you guys are you guys are going to sell me shears oh my gosh this is absolutely perfect and then I use

Those shears to get some sea grass everything just comes together so nightly so ni that and then I should probably also make a fler be completely Frank that and a FL shell you guys can be right next to each other guys all right I’m going to guess it’s two wild

Their range guys is right here you guys just go back into your houses or something oh I guess are just standing there menacingly right guys here there you go guess are getting L over I’ll break it when you guys a little closer right come over here that’s right waddle

Over all right now you got to walk up here all right it’s a little hard but you can do it you’re forever jobs there you come out a boy perfect sticks and arrows let me just uh tra you just lock it in as for you perfect shears I canbe

This is a little ex a little a lot a little a lot weapon mea um this is a lot of shears maybe a little too much oh they’re they don’t have any equalities they’re just shears okay let’s rain okay maybe that’s a little too many green W

Carpet we’ll go with carpet I don’t really want to make my own beds not find running away there we go out a boy so clear up my inventory boots OB cityian just dropped the emeralds on the ground perfect now where do I plump all these beds a little a little away from the

Path right I dumped literally everything I have so let me just I feel like there a lot like there a little too much yeah there’s probably a little too much I’ll give you all the white beds still I’ll use the rest for Asian debris mining I don’t have too many villagers since it’s

Already very laggy so even more is going to be a little hectic I’m went ahead and cleared my backpack get my inventory just a little bit now let’s grab a little bit more beds I’m kind of overpreparing here maybe maybe just in case that uh the nether is quite nice so

We can spend a long long time there o got a zombie good job buddy now okay you’re not him toolsmith yeah you are important I do need a lot more pickaxes monk cartographer or shraer where the heck is a Shepherd you already die here Shepherd there’s no time for that

Shepherd very important business here go our backpack is full of it now Andre master all right let’s go to the nether check out what’s popping right here we go this might be a little okay block this entrance off right put this this and some that hopefully we don’t

Instantly die could be a little hard since I protection 4 I hear a mystical magical music and I’m falling down to the depths of hell and I’m still falling still falling let’s read this while we’re there on hold New World awaits below your depths oh another jungle we

Need to go deeper build light and enter nether portal discover the better another time for a sweat oh now the tried and true question are zombie pigman immediately AG me probably not right wa what was that oh it’s just a normal guy it’s just a normal pigments

Oh so far so good I do need to kill this m CU though I want you guys to be sneaking up on me Al I they do drop it all the bosses drop diamond stuff oh fire which for getting food it’s so far not burning which is a stupendous sign I

Didn’t bring my shovel though didn’t think I’d need it guess I was wrong let’s go get some ancient debris shall we what is this look at the map anything in particular what is this thing there’s something here something over here look like a basion over here okay okay okay

So far I’m trying to dig down the Soul Sand not really heading any Netherrack oh there we go there it is again oh my another jungle oh God we got an advantage point anything out of the ordinary no not really oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh let get out of here there we go more deps into it I mean why not I suppose lot more open little drippy driply eye looking things I guess your quartz think here not really don’t really see any me methods of uh getting the demon

Heart not yet at least here we go I don’t remember if I should be above it or below it but is that it should the be right there wow well I guess I’ll go above it that’s exactly where it is maybe it’s a little dark for the viewers

At home so what do you do about that I light myself on fire and then extinguish it really fast padium or what arst bake beans raw padium block and then padium ingots turns into Co weapons let’s see if it’s any better than what we already have natural fire protection Vision in

Lava so it’s just fire stuff huh can make it pum Anil what now you’re just trying to be Tera oh it farts other chance of farting whenever I shift’s Su it come on come on you know you want to come out there we go two whce in a row

It’s a a little dark in here you glow no you glow oh I’m really sorry about this dear viewer but you’re going to have to just hang on tight hold up never mind you don’t have to hang on tight anymore we just sculp this up here we go always

Get a lot of gold and probably mine the quartz for the levels L might not be the o hello might not be the best for levels actually that uh what is this red stone what the heck what are you doing your red stone who wait this just pure gold

Wait what R Midas Midas gold what plus one lock Plus what the heck my is gold okay everything has an Ava wonder if there’s goblins here too probably not right there were probably would have spawned by now or even in the Overworld it’s been a long long time the overw

World there’s been no Goblin so what deep slate flooded Deltas what the heck I don’t have time for that ooh speak of the devil hello ancient debris hello ancient debris one piece come on oh well more debris very very good of lava doesn’t seem escapable I gu and I

Believe I didn’t bring my shovel it’s going to take forever oh and it already broke well well I do wonder that if I go back up if I’ll be able to see everything above ground not just underground cuz that would be really great obsidian what are you doing here

What what is this about why is there just a ball of crying obsidian here what is this coal what there has to be some sort of significance to this right there has to be something there was a block of coal more blocks of coal I mean coal is

Cool and all but what what is this you do look kind of important though so let’s see uh-huh what is this another re oh I forgot about that I need the upgrade temp plates now H oh hello right I think this is honestly this is honestly far enough let’s grab

Some beds throw away some stuff that we don’t really need start blowing stuff up right a load of lava a load of redstone hopefully nothing spawns down there all right some more gold but no more Asian debris I kind kind of sucks if I remember correctly ancient debris should

Glow so it shouldn’t be this difficult a spot but it is very difficult to spot we’re not getting a lot here huh this is kind of crazy wo whoo whoo whoo whoo wo wo wow lava Mania it’s farting time so far still nothing I don’t really know

What to uh to think of this H there we go you sure to take your time popping out come on all right maybe I should skip this uh cian part here hello right amazing my mic just cut out so I do wish that um when we do go back into the

Surface that we see everything in the surface so we see bastions and stuff cuz I do need upgrade templates I keep forgetting about that for uh 1.20 and I did get three extra here how going we to eight we get two pieces of armor not too

Bad the fart sound effects are kind of under selling that and I do apologize if I sound um different I’m kind of still sick I don’t know why but uh sickness is kind of in its lowest point right now I don’t really feel too sick you know

Physically I feel you know ripe but it’s really inhibiting my uh my way of speaking so hopefully it’s not too bad it’s probably a little bad here we go there’s a lot of redstone here uh I don’t know why there’s coal and Redstone no iron no diamonds it’s kind of weird I

Don’t really see the point of having loads in those of redstone that being said t debris is looking really really really rare I mean I’m basically I’m out of beds now and I still only have eight pieces so the bed method is not doing too good I’m not really too sure if I’m

Missing some from the fire but probably not right oh I see one right there the corner me ey I don’t know how much audio cut out there but hopefully not party hopefully not too much I will go out of my way to get all this gold the more

Golden apples I have the less likely I am to die right I dying oh there we go another piece you my pickaxe you will be missed all right or our last patch of beds here nothing too crazy oh W lava that’s pretty cool well good thing I

Don’t take too much damage since I have a oh that looks important sorry guys I have full protection 4 it’s going to take a lot more than that to kill me I do have full protection four right I’m not going crazy yes I do I think my Boost have protection three hello now

Are you important let’s see oh magical medals okay okay you don’t seem too good oh Shield how about the armor magic protection okay you’re about um Diamond level hello lava you are extremely rare though it’s my first time looking at you then again I haven’t really seen you

Then again I have been using a lot of beds mining a lot that’s the first ever time I’ve encountered you so and all this minus Gold by the way why do you exist I don’t really know what luck does um is f for chest I don’t really see

What chess could give me maybe there is some chess that just changed the game for you but I don’t really see that happening oh I’m at the end of my tunnel this is my way up okay well I have one last bed so don’t you mind if I do

Nothing else only yeah just only 10 pieces of anent debris okay okie dokie oh eyeballs big jellyfish it blows up you guys eyeball block you look like a little more of a block than me a little more than a block so uh where’s my thing

What it is by the way I’m kind of curious should I go to you might as well I am supposed to be adventuring after all ow ow ow get it I get it ow I get it oh my gosh just right around this corner

Oh my gosh I got it I got it hello I think I know what this is hello are you Blaze sper Blaze yep well lucky you is there ow oh my gosh what is happening okay I didn’t want you to go to the lava but let me just block that off hold up

Hold up hold up want to search mutant uh-oh uhoh uhoh uh-oh this is going to be really bad um okay enchant golded apples and normal apples let me just block this off for you guys it sure do look creepy huh really really really creepy let me just uh I don’t even know

What to get now maybe these I don’t kind of want to get these though let’s see my way out please where’s my way out gosh where is my way out I think it’s called a blaze core or something I need to make sure that there’s no Blaze there’s no

Mutant blaze here let’s see um I don’t think so okay don’t I don’t see one so I’ll probably be fine oh and I haven’t Enchanted my halberg yet oh no is it be really good if I Enchanted it I do wonder if um ring works here probably

Not right cuz there’s the new thingies let’s see I’m going to guess not ow I have eight pieces I feel like Blaze powder’s really useful though oh look into R blade L bang okay got everything roomly here lava fishing pole okay a fire band Brewing stand that’s very

Useful Blaze throphy why nether brewing stand you seem just generally very useful so I’m willing to stay for a while well pieces actually I think that’s enough anything else here I mean there’s this thing there’s this which I think is something I don’t think that’s Sebastian this I think is a Boss Arena

I’m not quite sure maybe maybe that’s Sebastian I don’t let’s see mhm I can uh I can’t see it all right there’s this thing this thing the M shafts this is definitely another Bastion this is Def this looks like a Bastion so that’s another one now I do want to go home

Though so oh my gosh lava plus everything else come on guys I’m glad to see that I don’t really take too much damage then again where is my original hole I probably fell down from the ceiling right just went down there that’s what I’m going to guess right

Here we go here’s the soul Sands I do remember having to go through a lot of Soul Sand to get all the way down here so what the heck is this where I was from I should probably look at the footage oh never mind it’s right here

Hello let’s go home a peaceful night there’s a ghost there though really guys two babies come on you guys can do much better than just two babies all right right monk I kind of want to see what you do so why not no copper Golem oh

White wool gold ingot um I mean I do have a few gold ingots um why am I freezing what the heck right hello monk wait what a single gold inot for 14 emeralds have you gone insane what then you’re the guy I should be getting what

The heck wait we have a Shepherd here do you sell white wool no wonder if I can clean green wool can I clean you let’s see white wool you white dye wait con how do I get white Dy just white flowers what is that wait wait wait what is this

B meal oh no guys the monk is absolutely broken he doesn’t know what he’s doing in his life oh don’t mean to do that no you’re going to die no oh I didn’t mean to do that buddy I’m so sorry oh no now we have no no no Foods wait just help

Paladin stuff they’re not really that good but I’m just going to sell you more gold oh my gosh you are the most broken thing in the game what is this called monk workbench monk workbench you better not be hard a gas tier you’re pretty hard you’re hardcore buddy a priest

Vestment alen chest plate and you’re still not fully leveled up white wo hello buddy what do I need for the stuff again I don’t really remember I think I need good pants right it’s going me good everything to be honest okay we got another good chest plate good this is

Really bad is there another one I don’t think there’s another farmer though all right so you guys are now completely useless I will never have to trade with you guys ever again unless I do have some more seagrass here cuz I mean gold is not the hardest thing to come by all

I say about that see just another 38 right there another stack right there H actually you yeah you can I uh can I get some cool epic boots what do I have again oh I do already have legendary boots I just need good pants well other

Than pants I do need a good bow so Mr Fletcher come to buy a lot more arrows probably need a lot of that now I about a quer can I make a quber I can make a quer cool all right bows thank you actually just give me all your bows can

You give me a legendary bow let’s see I did get an epic CU it’s epic is all i’ll needless you want to restock for me buddy you don’t want to restock for me o legendary crossbow nine projectile damage compared to this is that low accurate though a legendary and an epic

Crossbow oh legendary crossbows what the heck Phantoms Mark gravity 1 that sounds what do Phantoms Mark do it doesn’t say anything that’s amazing I buy some can you make him legendary no I guess I did get two epics now oh I did get one that’s legendary amazing now I don’t

Know if that’s six projectile damage meaning that if I don’t draw it back if you got understand what I’m saying so if I just do this you know just like if that’s six cuz it does deal more damage the more you draw it back and this this

Is just flat out nine because well you can’t shoot it if it’s not fully drawn back so I think that’s how it works I don’t really think crossbows ever deal more damage than just normal bows so with that being said let’s see what the uh enchanting table has to say about

That enchanting table I’ve come to B would you like to give me something good growing three like have description of what these do no can I this normal things give descriptions no okay I don’t I don’t know what they do so I mean um I pr just power levitation yeah nothing good dipping

Poison power three I prefer to just already have power four though Tempo theft Unbreaking three Unbreaking three Infinity H I guess so Infinity flame power three okay not too shabby and now we’re out of of lapis which I could get by making a cleric all right Bru stand I

Don’t think we do already have a cleric here somewhere I just don’t really know where any more babies yeah one new baby one new baby any cool quests no any Banner for stuff okay hello monk would you like to give me more emeralds he the monk is the richest villager alive oh

You’re up you’re leveling up good oh my gosh Diamond great hammer Unbreaking two wow Diamond holy sta no I don’t have enough emeralds all right here we go I don’t want to see the staff though that was kind of cool diamond holy staff I

Can’t use it I can I can swing it though I mean the other Village probably has a a farmer I need to guys to make more villagers so I’ll have to buy some more bread you guys seriously not have any Farmers how is that even possible oh

Lapis come on now why why are you called Z the nitw as if you’re proud to be one H there’s nothing here you stupid b how can you guys have no Farmers maybe need to venture all the way over here to where this is let’s go

Do I have feather falling I do guess is why my boots are so worn out speaking of feather falling I should probably get mending very very soon cuz my my armor is about to break and I don’t really want to get it again it’ll take a long

Long time to get it again and I do wonder if I’ll have enough time to kill the Ender Dragon probably not I don’t know I mean just looking at these bosses alone I feel like there should be enough to do without even touching the End

Dragon I mean look at all this it’s the old Champion I will kill you this champion and you won’t even know what hit you cuz you’ll be dead hello everybody you have a waypoint here it’s loading oops I guess I’ll just I get out

There Mar out guys come on H is it worth it to have you as a waypoint kind of right let’s see how useful you guys are you guys have guards my Village doesn’t have any guards have guys have babies my Village has babies so um I need I need a

Farmer you guys have any Farmers you have a you guys have a dock that’s pretty good ducks are good farmers are a little bit of buob ducks just a little it’ll it’ll it’ll SM bit you guys have a a Farmland here a scarecrow and everything but I don’t really see a

Composter so may I guess I should make one myself I didn’t bring my axe though again didn’t bring anything except the essentials which is a a weapon and a pickaxe where will make you guys a composter able to this Village come on this is no time to Del how do I make a

Composer guys you can help me out here yeah it’s just all slabs right there should be a villager here somewhere right yep you H people comper come on there we go that’s H bread you guys sell me some bread just that simple there go bread when now restock and sell me some

More bread okay then what we’ll do then for now I will go ahead and I’ll pick up the the whp on here I feel like I should just move it somewhere else and the more I think about it I probably should talk to that um sleepy villager huh over here

This a tree a big tree with a sleeping villager that guy is probably a boss I don’t know why but I can just tell you can just tell after a while oh yes the big duck what do you have big duck what are those what the heck lhe heads why

Concrete what the heck is this oh W have diamonds inside you duck well thank you for the diamonds duck anything else here I don’t think so me there is this thing over here this just part of the village though I as well see everything here and

Then I’ll just go in the Waypoint back when it’s night time and then we’ll talk to that villager see what’s going on with him never mind you guys have a lot of things here iron is it just a a block of iron okay that’s one way to shove off

Oh diamonds or bread why can I pick up the bread come on Unbreaking two would have been better if that’s forun more gold gold is good cuz uh that one guy Mr priest loves gold W they have a lot of stuff huh epic iron shovel more diamonds

More iron and gold you guys are Ked out the wo still M shaft here you guys have you that good huh really is that good my eyes is pretty good really really good it is night time now though so it’s a lot more dangerous and that’s where the

Mine ends I love it is put the way point down and then go back to the Village then immediately hop over to the thing hello ghost wa baby villagers that set me on fire that’s not very fun now do you buddy have some gold I did see the

Picture so oh what come on L doesn’t go over my head do you have some gold buddy I guess I already looted you fair enough I am wondering what the uh the blue obsidian does if anything at all how close are we not very close oh what is

This biome it’s not a biome that’s just the ocean yeah range damage I can’t I don’t have any more SLE points never mind oh my gosh an owl an empty metal wooly cow oh my gosh as for you guys get the heck out of here come on get out of

Here what is this so far no mutants nothing much deals damage to me anymore but my armor is so getting worn down this is some sort of a church Place hello people oh a castle oh guys have a pretty bad infestation here though but and they have no frames all right here

We go ooh Andy so this is a village or is it not it looks like it is I would much rather love to live here though cuz it has a castle that’s basically it that’s the only thing you need do win me over just a castle guys are pretty

Infested though I don’t see any villagers I don’t see any iron golems okay I see them I see them they’re laying down sleeping without a care in the world hear another zombie though come on guys no more zombos I should probably just be with a way point just

Leave right now all right right I’ll leave right now onward to the tree got to get there really fast um I don’t know how tough the boss is going to be if even is it going to be a boss let’s get going ooh the levels here are getting

Higher so I’m going to guess the the more time I spend it will be harder which sucks you know it’s very very very bad when that happens I kind of like to progress and everything else just stays the same at least where I’m at you know

Like of course the levels can go up but not very fun if they just ordinarily go up alongside me it would make sense if I was like in a whole different place all right oh my sheep I killed my sheep I’m sorry guys didn’t mean to do it as for

You I mean how sure am I about this not very sure we just get a little bit of hunger so I I could be fly fed Mr duck is still here that’s a something all right here we go oh you trade me what yeah wiard I see ominous bone Staff

Black Candle tinted glass spectral arrows string bones ominous bone staff see bone staff there’s there’s different staffs I mean there’s just nothing for it there’s no use for it there’s nothing well hello I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed still a cool staff

And you didn’t even tell me what it does waa Mr creeper can a mutant man spawn then about you did you drop a ender pearl probably not right there’s another one up here oh there we go and the Pearl I know guys I know I have protection for

My boots I don’t it should be pretty good though another protection three that’s good two chillings what being chilling yeah that’s good I can put those two together I just need to wait for these guys to grow up too right monk you deserve a lot of bread here you go

Bread you know where everybody else is monk or should I just give you all the bread and everybody else should be over here hello yeah I guess you two just have all the bread and I still need good pants do you want to still me good pants

Oh there we go legendary pants you’re my hero buddy now about the helmet I could still I could just make some probably not have to make a legendary one but still now my real problem here is the levels I don’t really have enough levels

To go around but one thing I do know is I need to trade with this guy a lot I guess I could just level up by trading you guys stuff that don’t even need yeah that works up going give me four no what this one no protection

Two I mean I guess it doesn’t really matter does it not really although it is pretty good I just want to focus on this mostly but if I want to focus on you then you’re going to have to get protection you get protection four Protection One Thorns one what happened

You buddy stunning three Smite five another fire protection and now I’m out of thing now I need for you guys to grow up yes yes yes actually very good hello no no actually armor kind of need you I mean do you instantly have the bread yeah you

Instantly just have bet trade I guess so there you go just just get all the bread yourself and start intermingling with everybody hello Li deposit thank you very much well since you grew up I think the other villager was uh right next to you so they should also go here I just

Need the brewing stand yeah I guess it’s just the best way to level up just constantly trade these guys things that don’t need throw them directly to the ground it’s a cycle of Life hello buddy yep I need more thank you very much yeah more bread you can just directly have

The bread again there you go make Lads of babies please speaking of babies where is the H guys got a grow up all right I’m almost done here with my preparations and I’m we going go crazy I’m sly crazy uh that Moonstone Compass what do we need to make it again we

Don’t need Burgas we need to load up Moonstone do I have that much Moonstone do I have eight weapon Smith actually yeah I should probably level you up too huh you want to sell anything cool um kind of expensive and I don’t really have iron well I do have iron I’ll check

Ooh thunderstorm I get to skip the night cool should I skip the night yeah I should yes I should what am I kiding oh I have five pieces so let them mine more that sucks I should probably get to working on better stuff the armor tools Smith yeah what happened to the old

Smith or a weapon Smith here’s some of that oh my gosh you also want Iron oh my gosh you guys still want more iron to smell the iron then there’s no way by the way that they all died every refuse to believe it or not they all died the

The guy my original toolsmith there’s no way he died did he die oh I killed the farmer not the toolsmith uh how about the the weapon guy where’d he go going down there it wait where does this weapon guy go weapon Smith where the heck do you live weapon Smith okay I

Give up you’re not going to get leveled up today hello buddy restocked amazing cool no three gold now have I been using you too much what do I have to do to make it up to you I just need more monks I don’t know what to get how to get gas

Steers obviously I have to kill gas but I mean I don’t really hear any spawn my buddy where’s toolsmith why do I keep picking up all the stuff no where’d he go there he is oh man is he really gone what’s that about silk touch not the

Worst but I mean if you could just give me a legendary one just give me a legendary tool please you don’t mind getting no legendaries oh well what am we going to do no buddy you have to keep clicking that button no I don’t have an

Axe here I’ll get one for you no buddy no you got to keep going here I’ll clean it up for you clean it all up for you all right cool did you restock no you did not get these diamond tools off of me found you found with your live I

Forgot you sing IR though I forgot you need to iron I’ll be right back buddy gosh darn it I probably should have taking your workstation all right come on level up Diamond ax sharpness 2 efficiency 2 you can have both why didn’t you ever tell me that and in Epic

One too thank you buddy I appreciate it can you level up though like level up a little more I want to Diamonds not really toolsmith did that toolsmith uh get anything good he say I do want to get legendary tools here nope nothing good you guys like uh talk to each other

Now come on it’s not that difficult guys yeah throw the bird around guys throw the bir around everybody gets a I need a cleric all right it’s been a while since I Enchanted and I’m getting itchy for it what is it what we had another farmer you’re the original farmer buddy this

Guy took your job no no never mind you’re not the original farmer I’m just crazy talking all the beds filled out now almost I know light thing I’ll just wait here until somebody becomes a cleric you know what yeah never mind that’s going to take too long I’ll get a

Few more moonstones and we’ll be on our way to waiting again uh which one of this is the one that I’m somewhere here is the one that I Enchanted personally unless already broke it okay whatever just take one that’s uh available so I bought my mining spot I don’t even know

Where it’s at so maybe we should just make a new one is this another under storm no all right let’s go let’s see if I can get fortun on this actually o ooh I don’t have any lapis cool we’ll light our way with this glow stick can you

Place it down no I can good very good it is a plunder store you sneaky sneaky guy trying to make it so that I don’t skip a day come on who do you think I am a guy that spends actual 100 million hours the survival days no I’m not if the game is

Giving me this opportunity of a lifetime I’ll take it what I’m going skito come on come on bring it like zero oh it’s a sign of breaking blocks in a cave I thought it was thundering come on although that would be really rare that being said it’s already like what

Thundered twice was it’s supposed to be a lot rare than that so maybe it’s a lot more common in this mod pack could be possible ooh we’re underwater I don’t have Aqua FY to why yeah I don’t well you know what they say don’t go underwater well just block it off I’ll

Just pretend you don’t even exist buddy there you go and go the other way sounds big what the heck is that what that looks fancy we know where we’re going to go now Adventure calls and it’s all going to wait coming buddy don’t worry about it oh there all this massive

Campire right here maybe it’s just like a just just campire just another one of those 10 things it’s right right there you can see it right right there the more that I look at it doesn’t really look like on fire now but still right how close are we we’re knocking on it

This looks like a very important room lost and forgotten o find a sacred stronghold of Trapped Souls the sank um well fellow lost people I will guide you your way back home don’t you worry about it o oh this is what it was Soul Sand and then it was campfires you mother

Truckers well don’t mind if I just go down here ooh so sparkly lever on lever oh oh you light it up okay lever on what was that W I blew it up anything cool here I don’t think so yeah yell little concrete this all just copper right I

Don’t really think copper is very useful for anything so those of blast furnaces I have plenty back come cool cool cool tortured Souls that’s awesome I too am quite tortured so I can relate to you guys what is this light stain glass and it’s sparkly give it a good kiss a chest

That isn’t booby trapped bottle oh enchanting I’ll take the iron though thing arrows only I for the arrow chanting who skeleton K skull that not very normal oh my you guys got taken over huh let’s look at the map okay there’s this thing again there’s this

Thing mhm m mhm okay oh hello sorry to tell you guys this but you guys are actually all dead I know I know it’s disheartening to hear but it happens to the best of us see what is this I thought it was just a massive loaf of

Bread but it’s a lot all right let’s see it can you not oh it’s a carpet sorry about that just I’m exploring a bit here I got a lot of sparkles what if I break it you guys are Souls released release a trap sold from its confines in a sanctum

Container I thought you guys were just glass bins here just be free be free you guys deserve to to go to the afterlife after being trapped here for so long I could only imagine staring at this massive loaf of bread skull sensors you’re trying to make me find a warden

Skull Catalyst I’m going to go ahead and break this if you don’t mind I did make it so that my movements will really affect you guys I chose that pck be free my buddy ooo hello your job is done here oh now I see the peoples oh my gosh

You’re a VX I don’t want to let you go you’re kind of bad um I think you guys are making something here yeah let me just blow you up no be free be free Vex ow can I kill the Vex I can’t kill the Vex come on well this place is cool and

All that stuff but uh is there anything else like can actually anything else here okay so soil okay staircase to nothing and ooh what are you telling me to make a guest here wait a minute is this what I think it is oh that’s a

Block of iron I know I know I know just be free Be Free Buddy be free well do I want to grab this why not why not after seeing that loaf of bread what can’t I do let’s see if I could just uh pick it

Out from one of these cuz I don’t really remember what you said to do was it a can no definitely not was it this thing no definitely not was a green sleeping bag no definitely not right so let’s see I think it was something like this and

These turn the corner like that and Redstone and blaze powder then Redstone something like this well I’m looking at the recipes right now I don’t think any of this is what you wanted me to do yep oh I guess I’ll was just take it thank you very much for your offerings new

Tablet very good slow falling kind of good especially for the boss fight in the end but I’m probably never going to get there so diamonds nether portal whoa oh my gosh don’t kill me don’t kill me I mean you no harm I’m a simple and friendly soul oh

Gosh I’m I’m oh no I’m freezing to death not the way I wanted to go out oh oh no no oh no oh no this is really bad oh I’m about to freeze so I might I might like to go up to this fire over

Here and uh get on fire real quick I know don’t mind me don’t mind me hey hey all of us have our own way of dealing with things okay and I don’t necessarily want to die by fire so okay if I could just if I could just see um anything at all

I like the music though I did turn the music off but I somehow can hear this which is kind of cool you have you on seen so oh no I’m I’m I’m I’m blaming up again I need I need some time I need some time alone guys oh

No all right fine fine fine you win here I need another enchanted golden Apple oh my gosh I know I know I just need some some time in the the fire here nice and toasty in there you know okay how are you healing I was wondering why second told so on to kill

You guys out get out the way please oh my gosh I cannot believe you’re going to you are genuinely going to break my armor before you even die we can’t have that now can we you already broke a piece of my armor you mother trucker now you die we just

Sanctum you broke my helmet almost my boots and you’re telling me I freed you you better give me the best Po in all of existence by the way my gosh sanctum keeper helmet let’s see a sacred bow that harnesses the energy of the souls in the air once charged will split your

Arrow into mirrors of the sanctum keeper to teleport sneak like Crouch while aiming would you look look at that did you really have to break my helmet for that though I don’t really think so you I’m just saying I’m just saying my gosh okay we got to go i’ even consider

Taking my thing off too my boots just in case let’s go home now do we find any Moonstone no did we fight a boss that uh regenerated a little too much yes maybe I was maybe I was a little too comfy right I was just chilling the fire but

Uh things definitely got serious when I realized that it just kept regening it health without consequence and the mayonnaise or taking an appearance again hello now the thing about enchanting this now though is it’s going to I can’t combine it with any other thing so it

Has to be just perfect right off the bat un of course they fight another one of these bosses but I mean really do I really want to go through all that uh torture again what are you there we go vergas perfect this what I was hoping

For hello buddy oh my gosh quartz too I didn’t get anything out of that or not quartz um thing lapis unless there’s somebody that already grew up which I doubt oh no copper Golem buddy got stay nice and sharp there we go finally here we go red stone and then lapis there we

Go perfect um sanctum keeper chest plate no I mean that armor is really bad for how tough that boss was I don’t really know if I was supposed to do something because I feel like the hardest spot about that was the part where you send just clones that just stack on me that

Uh still have health by the way I don’t know if they dealt damage or whatever but um to me that was definitely the hardest part right thanks the stuffings going check out the stuff here protection three does the boots already have stuff in it protection three okay

So it’s going to be protection four okay so you’re good um the pants here anything on the pants would be good fire protection Reckless Unbreaking Unbreaking should be fine yeah now for this though you need protection four perfect okay nothing else but protection four good enough whatever is what it is

Can’t can’t complain too expensive no you can’t be saying that to me what but the other way it’s too expensive it’s because it’s not mended why why would it be too expensive this is really really good oh no why too expensive let’s try I mean let’s try mending it with

Diamonds and then doing it it’s probably a really really stupid decision here uh let’s try the boots too please 25 holy mother of glob I wonder if I could be put mending on you uh yeah whatever whatever now for you two okay and then for you and diamonds and then now to do

This to expensive stale oh no dude so now we just need I guess we just have to continue with the this one then we’ll wear the Epic one for now and then we’ll just break it off eventually should break but yeah for now we need mending

So bookshelves H you guys max out the beds here yeah you guys did actually no it’s one there’s one missing so you have a moon speed lot of movement speed and I already have full armor without even needing to wear the helmet that’s pretty wild wait what another new armor how

What the heck happened to the old armor there’s already another thing here that’s good right here we go three electons yes in case there are other villagers out there have ster three backstabbing three oh power three you’re tempting me but uh maybe a little more than that OB web shot you’re going to

Sleep huh well I mean oh sharpness five I’ll take it looting three might as well buddy evil eye that’s it you just sell me one of the eyes right just like that that and the monk seems to be gone huh where did the monk go definely not in

Here somebody to take the Monk’s job like actually anybody all nobody want to take his job guess just all going to sleep already well well well huh okay I’m still trying to trade against all these guys wait what no m is gold that’s the wrong gold need to get fortune on a

Pickaxe well speaking of devil now all I have to do is to maybe just go ahead and uh well oh no oh now you’re oh no no you want Iron actually that’s better not don’t know I’m still working on The Mending and yeah that’s it just mending Sunfire 5

Right I’m going to go ahead and enchant one more you see three and you give me four another Fortune three bll what okay it can’t be that hard to give me efficiency right there we go and we just have Fortune to ear your own well I

Guess you don’t need this one then okay I’m starting to lose hope of you guys um having mending I trade some of you guys just so I can get some of more levels H about this hel situation I don’t really know what to do about it there is

Another armor here so maybe he’s the one that could sell me a helmet I doubt it though but even a Champions helmet would be good y there he is I don’t know what happened to the old one that was here but uh as long as he’s selling some good

Stuff I won’t complain ooh you guys killing a o what the heck that’s ominous corrupted Enderman what I didn’t do anything oh my I really have to use a bow buddy get out of there Sho you’re not welcome here you’re not welcome here Sho Sho guys can you guys take take care

Of this guy he’s he’s ruining the old by but it’s a wonderful Village here wait really have to go up there all right here we go yep I’ll come up there I’m coming up I’m using slabs I’m using slabs buddy I mean I have no food oh no

Well I mean you’re making this a lot harder than it has to be you know you see I can’t really get up there let’s see y right here okay to go up over here because you’re going to knock me over yep can I reach it now no I don’t have a

Lot of blocks so sell can my backpack nothing can I just uh that actually worked and it dropped an i okay let see it yoink ominous Pearl Unbreaking one boss expansion I was just trying to level this guy up here H why is your boots why your pantalon is expensive huh

Oh nice you actually do it had a boy had a boy all right o and immediately give me a legendary one thank you buddy you have no idea well I mean I Ming might be an option up there I don’t really know I kind of I guess I should keep trying I

Really should I haven’t really been doing it too much so that and I should enchant this too right good looting three I already have looting three so you getting it too would be a little much there we go power four perfect multi roll I don’t really roll fire

Aspect if you could just get some some good sharpness four and it doesn’t mean say which you have oh well aqua affinity no Unbreaking three come on protection three are you serious another protection three you got to just be the best you know what I mean I thank you for the love

I mean there’s there’s no way right I mean whatever whatever whatever we’ll just buy another pair of helmets and they just have another helmet you haven’t restocked yet why not right I’ll trade with a monk H or is a monk I wonder if you sell anything good

Probably not right I feel like I R traded you before four oh man I really need to get a way to get white wool ooh Diamond Claymore if I get white wool that be really good well waiting for him to calm down a bit I guess I could just

Do a bit of this level you up a bit and maybe be you still something good okay some wizard stuff some more wizard stuff now your final form is staffs come on is that your final form yep it is oh well and this guy still hasn’t metor you

Still have a metor thing I’ll just uh the items already going away oh wait never mind there’s still some here let’s see so if I put this and this it becomes a legendary one okay good just put um protection two and these twoo protection four the less okay Unbreaking two very

Very good all right here we go you and you legendary protection 4 one one food reserves now we are the perfect specimen ready for anything so last thing to do is to combine you and you 30 levels I have 10 right let’s go to sleep then

Let’s just trade some of you guys level me up just a little little bit wait can I infinitely trade this what the heck oh that’s way to get some levels feel like you don’t really give a lot of XP though for some odd reason just give you what

Three sacks of uh stuff right there anybody else you H yeah cuz I am running out of emeralds here although it wouldn’t really be too much of an issue since I do have Fortune now right come on give me all the levels oh now you run

Out huh you’re level 30 all right we’re ready we’re finally ready and if we’re not well it is what it is I did my best there we go blame power four it does suck that um can be power five that would have been way better but this

Should be more than good enough so we have everything we don’t have mending though I really want to stick around just for mending it is a really really big hassle to get all this again but I really doubt that I can even put anything else on these they’re probably

Just going to say like too expensive or something I can’t test it out because I have too much stuff on me H difficult difficult reforge gear what you could reforge the whole time you mother truckers what the heck is this then that looks like an amethyst Shard and I’m

Going to guess just I think give it type and then the the thing here you you you and Shard well well well you mother truckers some more golden apples from you or Arrow I guess and then I guess get some Moonstone and then we can go

Ahead and go all the way there the thing about the the old old champ is uh the bosses in this mud pack deal a lot of damage to your armor and I tested it I don’t know if it’s only from medieval times or if it’s also on this one but I

Did test it even if there’s no like debuffs of you know negative durability all that stuff they do just normally deal a hell of a lot of damage so after I fight the old Champion I I’m going to have to expect my armor to be half half

Broken or a little bit under half broken or over just because I have uh Unbreaking three on so completely forgot about the water part in this one this makes those a lot quicker ow going just keep going yeah that’s it that’s it right nearly there nearly there I need

To find a massive cave this one looks like a massive cave I don’t know what the rainbow caves are all about but H should I go this massive cave up up front let’s go oh hello ooh hello loot some iron here why not TNT is it sugar

Cane I haven’t really had to get any of that interesting even with fortune 3 the raw iron is still just one usually it should always at least be two when is kind of crazy um it already looks like we’re in quite a big cave but yeah I’m

Going to go to this one this one is unnecessarily big I should be relatively safe I don’t really think there’s any way I could die but I don’t die my ability to find a way and if I do you guys will never know about it never ever

Lo of gold now it’s a lot more worth it to even mine these cuz I have Fortune so most of everything I find on mine I do wonder if there’s a to mass ruce gas tiers cuz if there is call your boy Elon Musk I’m about to buy Twitter coer never

Really took any because I just know you’re not really that useful I mean you’re useful but you’re not too useful oh my what the heck there’s a dragon there o a dragon of the underworld are you a boss I mean what else would you be right there’s ghost here should I hit

You you don’t really seem to be attacking me are you friendly you’re looking at me with contempt you’re not fighting me I me if you were an enemy you would be attacking me like this guy ah this is such a bad idea such a bad

Idea um get out of here Z bro should I hello hello hello hello hello my lovely hello my de are you a good guy oh are you not a good guy are you serious you made me get out my hidey hole for nothing wait no you are a good guy all

Right all right all right all right we’ll take care of all of you guys I don’t want any of you guys to mess up my uh my dragon rizing oh my gosh wo whoo wao whoo wo a mutant C guys it’s this is a little much this is a little much even

For me guys all right mutant zombie here we go all right you should I’m unstoppable just go away all right you should just die because I you’re you’re on fire hello mister mister you’re on fire you died on fire you died on fire just just die you’re on

Fire all right fine fine flint and steel there there there Jesus uh coal yes what these all of you guys need to go all of you need to go I have any torches whatsoever I don’t so I mean is this Dragon like an enemy or not oh my gosh

Cuz I mean when I’m near you you kind of go after me you know and I’m I just took down that mutant zombie but I’m kind of intimidated by you and you’re way bigger you’re looking at me I’m looking at you can I write you ow all right yeah you

Definitely just attacked me right there I’m sorry about this what I you took three hits to kill dropped absolutely nothing you must have been a good guy then I I don’t I don’t know I even know all right this enough from you guys is there any Moon things here any Moon

Moonly mooners Moonstone that’s what that’s the word there I completely conquered this place spiders no spiders my Boost is taking a massive beating though gold or on if I do guys I think I more than proved myself here there’s nothing you can do to even lay a scratch

On me there’s a witch here now guys there’s nothing you can do just lay it off and well I don’t really see any Moonstone here so that’s uh that’s kind of the main thing I want to get so yeah more zombies oh um it’s been fun guys I

Got to go out to another cave let’s see do I want to check out the rainbow guys why not it’s already the end of July but uh I’m coming got a boost is taking a massive beating here oh it’s cuz it doesn’t have a Unbreaking okay hello

This is what I was going for no not really kind of going Beyond you on me guys unless there’s some Moonstone here uh yep there is speak of the devil I’m coming buddy I wonder if you drop more than one yes you do very good probably

Store some stuff any more just just that one piece all right all right all right I will judge this wasn’t my destination anyway what silver well sorry to say but I’m going to go to sleep there does seem to be just a massive entrance here so I

Don’t really have to go through this way ooh lapis very good buying it from that one villager it takes a long time so so I don’t want to get all the iron and gold I can get um the gold mostly for making golden apples but obviously

There’s also the monks I wish there was a way to make a lot of gas tiers just got a lot of monks I’ll note that monk down so whatever mod pack I do I’m just going to I’m just going to add them in I’m just going to add them in screw this

If if you’re sure going put them in you know if you’re you’re just going to do something like that and I might as well take a full advantage of it you don’t mind right and some lapis up here should probably use some skill points too yes more all right rainbow cave I have

Arrived Redstone caves and I want to see what the ooh assisting again Sapphire now do you happen to have Moonstone here too prism Chasm H very shiny very sparkly I’m going to guess every single one of these are oh or not they’re rainbow colored interesting okay they go

To your armor it’s a lot to ingest you just need some uh wound Stone you guys have any you guys do have this so answer is probably yes right there’s no mobs here too if you guys are imitating lights so it makes sense lots of iron on

The ceiling wish should on the ground so far no nothing no nothing about us level three mimic well you know being a mimic won’t really help you out I can see your name advertising into the world that you’re a mimic right what do you got Astic drinking hat decreases a time it

Takes to drink items increase the time it takes to eat items that’s kind of good that’s kind of kind of kind of good kind of kind of kind of good already already already oh whoops I guess I’ll I’ll wear it for now take this off I don’t not really training with a

Villagers so might as well cool now just more TNT and no more Moonstone infested caves that sounds intriguing is it infested is there anything else here there’s these things but I don’t I don’t really need them there’s ooh there’s this thing I don’t really know what that

Is awesome places to be don’t know where to go though there’s this thing this looks new I am really far away from that though right where am I I don’t know where I am like all the way up here right it’s that is crazy far that actually super duper far there is

Something over here I’m going to guess this a m shaft should I go to it might as well me be gives me the ability to keep mining around see what’s going on eventually maybe we can just stumble across some Moonstone oh my gosh you guys have no right to be that spooky are

Those just diamonds AR yeah so far not a lot of moon I’m getting most of the ores that I’m finding though we should go up with a lot ooh TNT mine cart you lethal get out of here witch hello it’s very commendable what you’re doing tunnel Treasures okay smithing template silver

Upgrade red ooh copper ring in rooming that I already have yeah you can have the 12 ring all right that’s it there’s this big cave over here I’m really tempted to go into these ones again but at Le that doesn’t this doesn’t look like the the thing ooh okay you picked

My interest I’m coming to you it doesn’t look like the the Tombstones so call me impr press hello buddy you’re not the corrupted one right I just have to keep it in back of my mind that’s all I’m doing is for void bossom yo you really think you really think you could get

Away from me you mother trigger oh I would love to kill you just you wait wherever you are I don’t really see you on the M can you spawn anywhere here I think you should be a little further down let’s see if we can discover where

This guy is oh this might be it y That’s it do I want to do this oh am I kidding oh am I kidding oh am I kidding I’m as prepared as I can ever be and if I die I die I can probably get revenge all right

After all these years of dment you’re dying I hope you can rest easy knowing that I’m the one that killed you go get up we want to do any preparations I don’t really know I guess you should be here golden apples my bow that should be

It I guess put the bow here will you there blocks hello are we having a nice and lovely day you remember me don’t you that’s right you remember me that’s right you remember me don’t you you’re getting healed by these things yeah here all the flowers the flowers of the night

Will not Prevail against me whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo Sho and shoe is that all of them NOP that was not all of them this one where do we go right flower of the night this is where your rain ends

I’m sorry oh no oh no poison oh no out the way of course of course of course um okay maybe you’d like to break I’m going to guess you want an axe for that ow but uh you wouldn’t mind would you ow an axe

I do have an ax would you look at that they don’t they don’t break any faster don’t mind me don’t mind me don’t mind me I’m just uh just just relaxing a bit you know just taking my time with my old friend here the old friend that took my

Life away took my life away you now just like this I’m going to take yours like a normal Tuesday afternoon I’m going to take your life away more of these cool cool cool wait can I just um uhoh oh gosh on it well I mean do I have any

Blocks I do probably won’t need to hold an Apple at this point yeah I’ll just s up breaking them takes a little a little a little bit of time okay don’t mind that ow all that don’t mind me don’t mind me he taking my time against my best friend my

Best friend flower the flower the flower the void Blossom all right here we go it was a fun time going against you but now that you’re not roided out the Wazoo and that I’m w at the wasu okay I I’ll ad I’m kind of overprepared for this fight

I will admit that you nearly broke my armor though as I said you still a little over 50% of my armor is what it is now my question is did you give me what I want which is a lost soul do you not drop a lost soul H give me this GRS

Brief regeneration and resistance is that it that is that all you give me there’s no way that’s all you give me you give you this void Thorn used for a uh Earth died spear grants short range teleport through solid blocks charge under Pearl reusable and gives brief

Resistance and T Port ancient ana um how do I get that a lot of um a lot of house not a lot of uh yeah well onwards and onwards and onwards and onwards again I guess I’m off to fight the thing now to find the either one Moonstone or we’re

Going to go and go to that other place we’re going to go to the other place that I saw if it is dangerous then I’m going to have to go home first and get mending because well Armor’s going to die he could have actually just broken

In that fight I would have never know even though I was kind of looking at my inventory a lot I wasn’t really paying attention my my armor all right now there we go now it reappeared right let’s go back up to it looks very serious very important let me requip my

Thing here just so we can see ooh spiders definely a cave I don’t really see anything too crazy over there so might be worth looking around I don’t know if I’m too far down from Moonstone I definitely think Moonstone should be just able to spawn everywhere although

I’m not really seeing a lot of it so may be supposed to be only above de plate level which would make sense is that diamonds I’m coming my precious diamonds there is a creeper here hello creeper don’t mind me just keep waddling right there what you didn’t die what right

Creeper if you don’t mind just go deep caves is quite deep not a lot of moonstone though that’s kind of what I went here for a lot of the other stuff getting a lot of cool other stuff here emeralds I only got W stone that one

Time guys that one time that being said oh I left my bed I left it and forgot it it’s too eager to fight yeah nothing I think I definitely think this is a sign that uh it’s probably a little bit above the site level since we’re not really

Getting a lot of it by not a lot of it I mean like literally zero I only need like a few more the smallest amount extra and I’m able to make the compass that being said even if I did make it like right now I wouldn’t be able to go

There because of the pure fact that my armor is going to just die be a waste uh it would be a waste to just waste legendary armor like this so I should probably keep it going or at least the ones that I can salvage since most of

The ones that I have right now that isn’t legendary like I don’t know I feel like most of my armor is on the too expensive now so I doubt I could keep them even if I really really wanted to is this skull this is really bad wait

This is this is an ancient city oh it all makes sense now I mean I’m real it would be safe unless or I do anything at all oh my gosh if I jump around it doesn’t make any sound it’s because of my the trait that I picked but I can’t

Do anything I think if I place blocks it’s going to know so I pick this because I could just like walk around and not really care and I just around these with wool but I don’t really have any wool that being said I do have a

Shepherd so if if I take fall damage do I cuz yeah I’m sprinting I’m doing everything I break this I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do it it’s all on me it’s all on me I didn’t mean to do it let’s make a waypoint here then how

Do I make a waypoint great Waypoint ancient city there’s also this this is a really yeah these are really beautiful and uh cool looking Lava Lakes not even a l that’s just a river woh so I have the blindness yeah I guess that’s just uh man I guess yeah I’ll I’ll go up

We’ll go up and then I’ll mine around above deep slate level if we can find some Moonstone then we’ll go back to the Village deep caves again there’s this thing massive Cube okay let’s go to this cave right here this is right above the ancient city we are a couple couple

Dozen box up so it shouldn’t affected too much right all right let’s see hello okay some mayonnaise some salt some copper and silver just a normal yep nothing here H there is the St Moonstone ore and why couldn’t I find you who knows I have four I probably should

Already have enough right it’s a big probably there though we talk about a cave would you have any Moonstone you seem like you would no you don’t I did not mean to go here uh-oh I’m getting kill that means I’m in the mountains so there is like a tingent of a temperature

Mod not for the nether not but only use for cold stuff I wonder what I can do to remove that at least I not have to bother with it all right likey Village do you mind giving me a bed or come on laggy Village just a bed there we go

Whoa you guys all doing in there let me pet you guys I have no idea what you guys are doing but oh buddy what are you doing all the way out here you’re supposed to be pressing buttons these buttons right here Clink right now for the Ming there

We go so now I can just do this until I find what I need to get which is mending all right I recycle the trades the whole day as you can see it’s already night time it did not pop up once so I think maybe you guys the ones I already have

Maybe you guys have it and you’ll just sell it to me when you’re ready I don’t I don’t really know I’m going to we just uh smell some more stuff here cuz I just I’ve just been cycling through those trades and I got I mean I got sharpness

5 like multiple times everything else multiple times not a single mending I don’t know what that’s about but obviously it’s about something oh my gosh the the hat back on thank you very much so I’ll buy um not sharpness 4 I’ll just buy the bookshelves off of the this

One guy where is he and see that maybe you guys sell mending and then I’ll level two people up huh why not magic prodction 4 that’s a really good book um but I don’t think I could have that in addition to what I already have what

Didn’t mean to do that where is the other guy and he was literally just here the next time I get a void shot I’m going to go ahead and that I get you’re not it are you it when level up come on this one is s footed okay and you sell a

Name tag that’s not very good man does mening really not exist there is no way there we go you do sell mending you God darn villager took you long enough to give it to me all right finally we could go over here and give everything mending

I do yeah I should yeah I should I should incept the pants I think the pants is going to say something bad so I don’t think it can do dep pants but we’ll see we’ll see which we could do and which we can’t the helmet we can do

Good the CH plate we can do good the pants we can still do interesting we can do everything would you look at that and I guess I should uh put it on everything else huh although the other stuff aren’t really breaking and I can’t put it on a

Bow unless I can I most likely cannot Hey where’s Mr Ming come on my gosh you took your time I was about to lose hope there I was about to go back to this uh drone board and draw myself a new life here we go all right whoops did I

Accidentally attack you buddy I’m sorry okay good good thing you’re not light thing okay light thing is very valuable oh gosh I don’t want you to break my armor bye-bye all right so first off do you get mending no you don’t should I put mending on my pickaxe I could still

Make it into efficiency five that even be worth it I mean I don’t really need have a need to have more than one so I guess I should should I yeah I should probably definitely should and put you and you and see that it costs a million

Billion levels so we do it the other way around and it still cost a million billion levels so from that we don’t do it you can say just the way you are actually the have fortune on it or efficiency I mean this one now we combine the two there we go now

You can do it okay we have one level can we do it with one level no we cannot typical hello can I buy some stuff from you anything for some experience it gave me a lot of experience but I don’t have any experience oh you’re leveling you’re

Mending my armor sorry about that hello friend how you yeah you probably give me the same amount of levels and am out of emeralds would you look at that I never thought it was possible Mr Monk I do have another gas here though so I probably should get to making another

One of your thingies I need polished andesite and gold I’ll get to it now about the andesite are I store any no polished andesite are you andesite you’re stone stone look andite looks really really really close to just normal Old Stone I really have to go

Mining for it might as well let’s see there’s some here that’s just around the walls I should probably buy en bottles of enchanting from the cleric a load of it so when you do fight the the old man old champ I can take it on without having to worry andesite andesite hello

I did go through a lot of andesite when I went up here there should be around gravel deep slate Hey where’s this tunnel at behind that lava there’s some slimes here this place wouldn’t happen to have any uh an aite with it I doubt it and again where would I get some

Anite Hello everybody I don’t really feel like fighting you guys let’s try to see any differences in the stones here can’t see anything I do have another tunnel going this way so if you guys don’t mind where’s my tunnel so C this way man right guess I’ll go caving again

Uh maybe I should go to this one no I already went there all we’ll go back to the tunnel here we should run to it eventually at least I hope so Sil fish what are you guys doing out here huh you guys wouldn’t happen to know where a

Thing is would you and aite the Slade sound gosh how do I find the andite if I don’t even know what it looks like tough it is really tough out here hold I’ll go to sleep get a bed I mean down here in deep it should be a lot more obvious to

Where thing is I love the lovely lovely lovely andesite look at that I’ve already been here more tough whoa doggo what are you doing here oh Moonstone what the heck just happened you on aide buddy you’re just more tough right yeah more tough and aide caves where I don’t

See any IDE it’s tell me to go up Redstone caves what we just said inside caves right here IDE caves oh my gosh I’m so confused deep caves can you make up your mind right Highland fields and then right over here this is where deep slate caves there or anide caves

Redstone caves where is it is it where is it anide caves where is it right here right Redstone caves where is anide caves oh my gosh you’re playing me for a fiddle here there we go anide caves all right we’ll dig down from here then it’s

The guard down boy Blossom it’s all deep slit is still more tough right smooth Bal calite deep slate out of all the problems to be faced with I cannot believe this is my problem let’s go to this massive Lava Lake over here H caves okay oh diamonds G Mind If I Do 23

Diamonds very very good Adam Mante you’re the latest or from ather is there wait is there is the ather here oh is it ather I prob it probably just isn’t find andaban in the deepest part of the deep SL caves runite are you important probably right mhm another achievement

Just born in time raw new Knight runite I mean find runite just below the surface hidden into the walls I don’t think we’re just below the surface I mean we’re like five blocks away from Bedrock so if that surface to you I don’t know what’s uh surface to me right

Some lava this isn’t the big daddy lav that I’m going to but still some lava nonetheless more tough any any sign of anite here though my guess is not Rebel more iron having a p attack here okay I don’t have time for iron this is it the

Massive and wonderful this this this is what I was expecting just a lot of thin ores everywhere now seeing a lot of diamonds down I wonder if I could fight a water probably can’t that is just me though deep dark whoops I didn’t mean to

Do it I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you well oh that is yeah oh right next to it on this one right right right I’ll be on my way I’ll be on my way if I wander around enough I should be able to find it oh there is some diamonds over

There there’s a loads of diamonds over there holy cow there’s one right there yeah one right there 2 3 4 5 six meanwhile I don’t really see any from this side so more Moonstone good you can never have enough of these very scary to M next to skull though I wonder if there

Like another skull Dimension there probably is I don’t know I don’t really like doing too much research into into these mod packs some people do a lot of research and just look like they just know what they’re doing off the bat and uh sometimes they just play so much mon

Packs that they just know and obviously that this mon pack does have a few things in common with the uh medieval times but not everything in common and for one the resource pack is different right yeah it’s definitely different so it feels like a whole new experience

Again what is this a zombie spawner no thank you see whereare fangs Frost these loaded twin daggers of the northern mountains are known to freeze or F the solid ice and then a strange disc a little too scary for me but it might be tempted to take it home berserk horses

Isn’t that copyrighted I’ll take down I’ll take this one hold on looks really cool might give me the most freakish nightmares alive imaginable just a short little gasm like this and we’re just back to to to massive massive caves of Epic Proportions this is such a wasted

Place though like imagine a mob here oh hello I was wondering where all that walking was coming from Imagine just a mob here that just swims in the lava that would be pretty cool loads of iron had a lot of Diamonds though I would PE my interest not because of anything in

Particular just for the simple fact that there are diamonds there some diamonds in the roof but I don’t really want to bother getting that um yeah there’s just nothing absolutely nothing that probably best for we to just go up go up on around there’s another cave right let’s

See nothing much nothing much there’s this thing which should I go there it’s kind of far away though there’s this amethyst geode too bad I don’t really need to do anything with amethyst it’s just all bosses now should I go there anyway might as well right there’s one

Like right here oh more moonst good interesting I’m freezing huh ouches all right think you are it right yoink okay none of you guys are harvestable well maybe this is useful I’ll gra a very soon small amount righty back on the prow I’m getting even more Frozen why is

That oh I got weakness I’m getting Perpetual weakness from who is it from somebody out here no h where it was from I wonder where it was from all right so I mean this cave looks pretty big but have a feeling that uh it won’t really lead anywhere there’s this thing M how

Difficult is it just to find some gosh darn andesite I was literally drowning an anite before and now I’m not drowning an anite which is making me sad I see the ice here so maybe that’s why it was freezing but apart from that I mean what

Is this bber blade wello my friend you mind showing me some andesite do you know what andesite looks like my friend please let’s just search it up andesite it looks like wait what diid and Cobblestone well I haven’t really seen any diid too so it looks it looks like

Tough play oh my goodness why is this happening to me okay so I can also look out for diyite which dite is very obvious it’s just White white as darn it how is this possible I’m not I’m not fighting any of them spiders somebody cares about you spider oh my gosh a

Glare why you jump scream you already lost a my boat you little pickly thing oh my gosh is that what you were warning me about lot of clay rvel or stone guys please I’m begging on my knees here you know what you know what there has to be

A structure there has to be a structure that has some it there has to be there just has to be hello wonderful world now let me know if there’s a structure that has something something they call Pol and the sight maybe maybe something here has it or this thing whatever this is or

Is this thing whatever that is or actually I haven’t got this thing yet hello creeper o a ritual I too love my rituals interesting that the fire isn’t going up and it’s uh raining but what are you going to do about it oh it’s in

The sky really come m is it worth it let me at least get some wood then I’ve been curious for a long time so might as well it you look like a house right yeah you do so hopefully your treasure is a lot better than just a diamonds all right

Guys hello knock knock ink sacks and B anything cool not I mean I mean if I spawn here on day one maybe oh yeah Diamond chest plate some Claymores a holy wand a music disc Shad of the Colossus okay there should be another here yeah mean that epic Diamond Twin

Blade Lo Saddles is that gers nice well well well this is a good place elytra what are you serious ious and blaze rods okay this place is busted at the Wazoo and elytra without even going to the end can I just wear it without okay wow I

Don’t need to make a boat then nice that’s very very very nice wait there’s some there’s a village over here let’s see him hold up oh this probably is an an sign right yeah probably not all right hello Queen Village I’ve come to take your always Stone I’m sorry that

Has to be this way that being said do you guys have a sentinel open 100 instance for player loot containers collect your rewards cool cool cool that being said do you know where some anide is kind of a I’m been trying to find some for past million billion days but

Uh I can’t find any so that being said I mean you guess I a monk guess I a monke here then I wouldn’t complain at all whoa monkey monk buddy buddy monk my man no mind if I do take that and take your Waypoint you guys should not have all

Right now this way we can take the elytra off now since well I don’t have any new anyway new flamingos hello what are you guys doing up and about here qu little villager hello Mr villager this this perhaps your hot balloon another whoopy cushion never mind us not a hot

Balloon that’s a silo my apologies have a lot of wheat I commend you as for this though knock knock knocky knocky oh my armor anything cool in your buddy no no no no I don’t I don’t want to kill anybody you’re a butcher you go let me

Help you out here stray Fortress map all for adventure acquire a Tavern Quest map the heck even is this hello my friends well you see I’m already on the quest it’s on the quest to find and aot and I have no idea where to find it so let’s

Discuss over here have some andde Hello ruin Castle perhaps have some andde for oh speak of the that devil speak of that devil bra you are really hard to you are the same color as Stone well that’s kind of normal I don’t think that install in

The main game is kind of the same color but still you are really hard to SP against I mean look at that look at this and this you if you were just running running by you know you w notice it well in the base game you could definitely

Notice a difference iess I should grab more than enough huh ooh so a lot of stuff here some golden carrots whole leather cap are these most of these chest empty is that what you’re trying to say well they definitely have some loot in them but not all of them to now

There’s still two more structures this which I think is a Pillager Outpost correct me if I’m wrong are you a Piller Outpost friend yes you are are these delays hello buddies your tyranny ends now you all here in the end now that and I want to look at your loot here so

Don’t mind if I Do Don’t Mind If I Do hello oh no that’s bad let’s see mystery surround this primordial special will it unleash fire ice or something a lot less nice yes I’ll take it now it’s night time too I do have a bed and well since

I already got bad Omen might as well uh try it out try out the The Village see if I can take it I my armor is fully mended right y i just feeling resisting too there’s too many things and I want to free those la la my friend don’t not

Frat or I am here oh hello Sho Sho now Sho Sho you guys take three three hits oh I am so sorry there you go be free all right here here wait wait wait wait wait no you guys get the heck out of here Sho do Sho I don’t have much time

For this where are you la la no where would they go are there more I me free my buddy you must know any moreo there we go sorry your friends and I got a bad start oh you have one eye that’s kind of creepy but I’ll uh I’ll s except you for

What you are which is buddies your buddies right go let’s go let’s go invest this one vill over here that did nothing in particular with the wrath of a raid hello guys whoa this one looks cool The Watcher chance to hit chance on hit to rip the life out of a Target 25%

HP and Grant some of it as absorption to the wielder wow unique effect Watcher chance on hit to siphon the health of nearby enemies healing the wielder this seems really broken really really broken and I think this should deal more damage than my hellberg if it didn’t have his f

So and it has an achievement too ominous all right one last structure over here and then we’ll go to our village and we’ll see if we could take it on which I mean we probably can probably maybe oh this a graveyard disturbing the Dead one there’s a sequel to this movie

Interesting graay rubbing rubbing the graves of the undead grave rubbing you have to be vigilant guys sometimes WS can spawn are these all anvils oh my gosh anvils damage damage chip I prefer kind of just okay I don’t know if is chipped better than damaged I don’t know

Okay do Anvil chipped okay so chipped is better than damaged you got a friend in me thank you guys very much trying not to go through the uh the things there very much the Wither roses epic iron helmet this guy seems very important he has a a whole grave to himself very

Important you are this guy in the middle seems to be very very important too guys guys away from the thing my gosh ooh this one seems pristine and nice nothing too pristin and nice in their coffin though about this main one going up some candles Soul candles lanterns I mean

Even more goodies the arrival by player 127 well get ready for the r guys let’s go I’m sorry about these villagers I did want this place to be my main home and they probably will make this place my main home but for now you must first

Stand trial don’t worry I will help you we will defeat this together you what that is okay they’re over here now let me just make some space in my inventory here you guys uh you I should probably start panicking um I don’t really know why you guys are just walking around

Like everything’s normal there you go start panicking go to your homes get all your babies cuz the end is near right they should be over here unless they’re not where are they what the heck is that a Gira you’re not very big though got to

Walk around a raid okay we got to follow the red dos on the map are you at I doubt it cuz you’re inside of the thing here you guys can also summon some uh some some men if you want to some nice and strong Iron Golems they’re under

They’re underground you guys spawned in the cave here in the dungeon what do you guys think you’re doing gosh darn it bro there’s spawners here I get it I get it I get it I get it wa that’s enough that’s enough oh my gosh there’s so many

Down here how do you guys even spawn down here a boss really my gosh guys I don’t know if this is worth it wait the r is just only witches is that even correct look it’s just witches only witches silverfish too all right out of the way guys you might as well hello

Hello hello hello hello oh my gosh there are so many of you guys there’s another boss too oh my gosh I okay okay yep I get it oh my goodness gracious ow probably not a good idea to get you guys just wreak havoc on my health bar here

Oh my goodness ow okay okay okay out the way oh my goodness gracious it’s so laggy amount of witches here are not helping too this is partially my fault I probably should not have brought the Las here and the reason I’m taking damage is cuz you guys witches AR noten really the best

Enemies against oh goodness right hold up hold up hold up okay I think there’s just a witch spawner here I I just got claim to be it because you’re already here anyway oh my gosh at least my armor doesn’t take any damage that’s pretty good yeah there is a witch sper here you

Mother truckers yeah spawner witch enough hiding now which is oh my goodness gracious there’s too much happening I me there oh my gosh and our boss skeleton want some okay fine fine fine okay we got it oh my gosh up there now hey calm down man your loot is not

Even that good too no no no I don’t I don’t really oh my gosh all right here we go good thing the villagers there are pressing that bell all the time you should be the last one there we go please please please please please please please please don’t make it these

Guys again I think they just made it these guys again if it is it’s just not worth it I’m sorry like this Village is cool and all but I mean if this is going to happen also Mr La if you don’t mind this isn’t anything important right oh

It’s a castle oh no make sure I’ll patch it up and let’s go to sleep let’s see what we have in the morning calm down calm down oh no who who whoa whoa whoa holy guaca moly a shield guy too huh okay so not just the normal menaces no

No no wizard man okay the axe guys weren’t able to get a hit on me so I don’t know how much they deal can you guys okay well yep I heard it loud and clear over here uh-oh evokers thether damage is not that bad where is evoker

Uh-oh where’s the evoker are you the evoker no you’re still a normal guy this guy just uses a shield so I can’t there go okay yeah they don’t really deal too much damage so I guess I could uh take it on my myself the villagers are kind of just doing villager things cackling

Broom sweep your enemies out feet with cackling broom what the heck is there still somebody else can you guys use the uh that Bell oh hello that should be it right there we go armor is still full durability very good she still probably remain very Vigilant here woh out there

Shoo shoo now Sho Sho everybody really that was barely half of your people what I don’t mean you even picking up you guys SP a we here so oh hello okay yes yes yes I get it I get it we’re there again uhoh my gosh these guys do heck of

Damage there we go that’s your big boss Down super laggy too oh my goodness gracious there’s so many particles all right we got to take care of them really fast here screw it screw it the swing for the wind Sho shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo wa you back out of here you

Guys out of here out of here out of here Witcher you there there’s a zombie in there oh there’s a Pillager how do you guys even get in there there’s a front door oh there’s another one hey why is there so many bell wielders not a lot of

Things though not a lot of vindicators it’s mostly what I’m after there are not vindicators evokers they sounded like they came from this way guess we have a what’s this thing called hey can we guys just stop killing the villagers going to be hard to put them all back here going

To have to repopulate oh Castle dos only I knew where your bells are oh there we go finally an evoker uh-oh you guys finally launching your big guns huh an illusioner and an evoker that and you guys are using firework Rockets now what is even happening okay I’ll just uh rip

This in my trinket saw somewhere or wherever my trinket saw even is did I not wear this Minecraft overy this one this one obviously my off hand right fine off hand off hand you go then I mean I think isn’t even changing anymore she’s still maxed out I mean would you

Guys mind uh pressing the the bell for me is the bell inside of the thing oh hello oh was just looking for you guys there’s a bell inside of the castle let me go ahead and check hello everybody oh there is a bell oh oh my goodness

Gracious there they are wow I think I need a good nice rest first it’ll be fine guys it’ll be fine I’m the one that put them here I them I’m done oh my gosh never mind guys I don’t think it’ll be fine I completely retract my statement

Oh my gosh they have purple magic guys I’m sorry to say this but I think we’re doomed what is that weakness come on guys can’t you think of something more original oh he’s going right at me too bad little guy there you go little guy oh my gosh loads of sorcerers man to

Many Sorcerers another isce oler come on oh you do drop something oh no I missed the other guy then totem of freezing and whatever that does I think one only one Boker spawned and if it didn’t in gu I’ll never know why are you running away

Ouch there go is it finally done anybody else only two totems though that’s kind of sad there’s a lot of wizards now though loads of wizards in the new thing me just go ring the bell again oh they’re inside the castle oh my goodness this is supposed to be the final boss B

Where are you hitting me from you were literally outside there you go did you also drop a totem unusual dust you can make hollow gem which could make Horn of sight there’s another horn just how many do I have to do no no no no no no no no

No just focus up on me before you guys even get that thing oh my no chos guys come on come on my gosh all those guys weren’t even worth anything on the points oh man oh my gosh now we’re doing some damage can I please have some space

Guys little a little bit of space here there we go and a vulker oh my goodness okay okay okay I get it Golden Apple Golden Apple oh my goodness this is to much man you’re telling me this is a level one raid how would a level two

Raid even be possible is that it oh my gosh let me at least get all the totems oh there you are dropped books another one dropped emeralds there we go total of dond nice okay so two totem them dying that is if this is the actual last

Part I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually back inside the Castle again so far so good oh there you are up there somewhere here somewhere are you in this house oh friend big house huh would you like to wait are they in the second floor really oh my gosh you are I don’t

Want to go up here because I was like there’s no way I actually went all the way up here right but yes there’s another round why there doesn’t have to be another round you know oh never mind there we go here are the village maximum

Health oh up to 20 times wow I can do that 20 times wait honestly if this Village was a little bit um more compact definitely would have been easier that’s crazy 23 Ys wow all right guys all right it’s okay hold the Applause hold the Applause I’d like to

Go back to my actual village now these places are I think I’ve had enough of this place for a little while huh I just need to find where my thing is cuz I kind of forgot oh hold up there we go anything else here I mean I don’t think

So unless yeah yeah two totems and Dy it’s not the worst but it’s not the best either I mean the totems some UND dying were like really really crazy good um then yeah because I say that because you know if I die obviously prevents me from

Dying but the thing about that is I’m only going to have like like two or three hearts or I think even one heart and I’ll just regenerate the rest so if I’m in a situation where I’m already dying like that I’ll probably just die again so the only thing it’s going to

Clutch me up on is whenever I fall from a great hide or something like that or yeah something that won’t continuously damage me after getting killed that’s why I don’t really like to of them dying especially for mod packs but you know Ven and stuff like that they’re they’re

Great because nothing can damage you host was Mortal guys enough yapping around right we got to go by go I mean go fight a boss so I’ll go ahead and buy a load of experience potions and I’ll just go I screw everything else screw all the other preparations I’ll just go

Where’s the monk monk I need more emeralds thank you very much now I need the cleric and the farmer too cuz I need more golden apples or carrots I mean on guys we don’t have much time another Monk maybe uh more arrows yes nobody else want to be a monk but other than

That there’s a cleric okay oh you sell an evil eye I don’t need an evil eye I need experience potions well if we’re going to be like this we going to have a bit of problems bra first of all I need my Moonstone do I have any moonstone in

Here I do thank you and then a single Compass do I have the compasses in here yes I do now Moonstone Compass yink now I haven’t really found person that uh sells anything cool I don’t necessarily know what I mean by cool but yeah and if

By the way if I sound any different it’s because I’m in the living room now what am I going to do about it you know it is what it is uh we’ll get a few more of you maybe an epic okay an epic is good I do any more preferably legendary no all

Right it is what it is my bow is about to break so if I can get another a flame this one has flame power four there we go perfect now if I just combine both of you will that work yes it well Perfecto all right let’s go that should be

Everything unless maybe I can make a few more apples golden apples here yeah we’ll make a few more why not I just need to buy some apples from you then continue onwards with golden apples golden apples exce golden apples nice it’s not a lot but it’s not a little

Could be a nice and satisfactory amount also feel like I should uh empty out my inventory a bit right enough stalling I don’t think there’s any other villagers out here that I could make into a cleric so that they sell me XP potions if my armor breaks or is close to Breaking do

I have a way point I do have a way point okay so I could just go back here and trade again commend it but otherwise I should be all right that being said I wasn’t able to make get a mount this time uh before I had the the flying

Mount uh birdie but uh this time I guess I’ll just go there on foot um it’s probably going to be really really far away but it is what it is as I get through it as fast cuz we’re running out of time here I was uh editing the video

And we’re already at 3 hours so I don’t know want to go to past or if possible when stay under it or maybe a little above it oh no we’re going to be going through this snowy mountain here I might freeze hopefully I don’t bu hello I did

Believe you guys trade stuff right you guys like gold gold no okay oh what is this what are you guys guarding over here nothing suit yourselves Rocky Mountains Yep this is place is a pretty low Rocky I do think that there’s probably an Asian City down here just

Because of how high it is uh-oh woh woh woh what are you doing here Mushroom Man what is this old Champions REM so he’s here it’s not that far hello guys oh you see apparently old Champion is here so I mean is this him no way right it is

Pretty weird though now to find oh there he is all right let’s see if I could uh if I could see him there you are buddy hello yeah I’m sorry you’re pretty powerless against me if I’m up here so you want me to go down there should I go

Down there with you let me just say hit you a bit more times all right there we go now it should be a fair fight right I’m going down all right here we go ooh that was a lot huh cool cool cool wa oh holy guaca moly I know I know don’t mind

Me don’t mind me and then you’re going to be frenzied come on any second now you could be your other your other your other version now your other barion hello can you be there we go where are you there you are woh woh woh I’m withed I don’t know what’s happening there’s

You are uhoh wo W wo oh W wo W oh you got me really low there got me really low I commend your strength there we go what what now what now there’s still a Clon alive hey can I have your stuff now all right I got it holy cow I cannot

Believe you actually managed to damage me there o gold don’t mind if I do and that whole fight was kind of uh easy until until I was going to die that being said I was kind of above ground but I did go down just to make it a

Little Fair test out his damage and uh see if he was able to kill me at all hello you’re the Clone yeah just just go just die already just die are you another one no you’re just a clone cool cool cool all right so that’s boss that

Boss is done all right we got five bubbles we got you which is o we got a cool ring we got this guy which is defeat frany Jade okay we dropped some what is that diamonds Yep this netherite ruby ring 8% attack damage and we got

Zero damage on our armor really I guess I just healed it all the way back up yeah this is definitely better than this bronze ring there you go now anything else I think now we have to do defeat the Fallen icon Co this one is craft p a

Lost soul smelting down Soul Sand old Moon alter now a about the returning Knight that guy is really tough that guy could definitely oneshot you I did test it out oh my gosh there’s still another frenzy shade here what the heck man all right where is he are we good all right

Let’s Che at the map we did pass upon a lot of structures that we just don’t have any time to look at um there’s this thing this thing nothing much to be honest we were pretty close by I thought we’d be a lot farther away is it even

Worth it to use a Wast one I guess oh oh hello look man you already lost Jesus I guess I should use a thing whatever we’ll use one it’s not that impossible to craft uh which one is my home is it this one hello guys you miss me probably

Not I wasn’t really gone for too long so what I do want to do is flint and steel all right flint and steel is the name of the game here flint and gravel and ender pearls and that should be it right Cobblestone if I just do a little bit of

That and Abyss Watcher yes we can make Ginsu rageblade it’s tempting but it doesn’t really look that good gain progressively more haste upon hit sweeping Edge increases haast cap and gains strength when on fire post hit it sounds good but um in reality it’s it’s not really that cool it’s not that

Goodbe you sell Flint oh yeah you do I you need more gravel okay can we can make that happen but I do believe I also need obsidian right so obsidian enchanting table no how do I make a normal Wast onone Stone and theide polish Andes side di right so it has to

Be Stone not Cobblestone tough Stone what what the heck Mossy Stone argide grass block chalk Stone okay so why why wait no not going it no I can’t gosh darn it wait a minute I do have Cobble deep slate is that is that allowed that’s why I need to make it smooth no

Matter what all right here go smooth this out and while that’s getting smooth out uh let’s go to go grab more gravel all right there we go oneway Stone I should uh split you guys up huh anyhoo give me your Flint please thank you very

Much and speak a flint I need to also buy some of your stuff wait you never you didn’t sell Ender pears what did we already use all of our villagers I think so right yeah there’s a another Monk here whatever this thing’s called but it’s not so you’re telling me we need

More villagers right four way stones that should be enough right yeah that should be see what I need for the returning Knight there’s this one the monarch of Chaos Black Stone pedestal all right let’s see it obsidian and Polished Blackstone that’s it all right

If you say so where’ I put my nether is Mr Ender Man actually the villagers could be going through here huh oh I’ll speak of hold up I hear a lot of them oh my gosh this is where you guys were going man there’s so many of you here

Goodness this is where my old armor was there’s three jobless villagers here just go back man how why don’t we all go back huh come on I can’t I can’t carry you I could pet you just go yep get in there that’s one that’s two I need I

Need some do I have wood see do I have wood I don’t I just need you guys to go to the portal all right well uh H yeah yeah I can I can help you guys out why not also I also need some Souls sign apparently they smelt into lost souls or

Something like that I am so sorry right if I go down here I should just have some is this it I have black stone there we go perfect I’m so sorry guys I didn’t mean to attack you I know guys I I didn’t I didn’t mean it right and no ill

Intentions it’s just my passive is that another corrupted Enderman uh-oh man why would you guys do this again I just leave gosh darn it I’m just going to leave well yeah it’s definitely what did I have to do with this all right why are you corrupted anyway why can’t you just

Be a normal Enderman oh you’re halfway dead already that’s what happened well I mean Arrow don’t really do anything to you right yeah what do you want me to do here I get it I get it I get it you’re big dumb Dum see how far up are you

You’re pretty darn far up out of all the things I could attack the village has to be one of you guys man is there a purpose oh my there’s there’s nothing I can’t I can’t shoot the balls back at you this is this is how I have to do it

Huh all right all right I’ll just let you let you have your dramatic Outburst for a little bit can I use this bow this might can teleport so if I just hit you with a bow a that was close that was close get you with the bow H the

Recharge is way too long on this is there anything else that has a little bit less uh recharge or at this one all right here we go nope yeah I I don’t know I mean yeah you’re not really doing anything to me you’re just mentally damaging me not really physically so

I’ll let you live for a little bit longer the main thing that I wanted to do was Black Stone pedestal and I use all my block on to build up to that all right uh we’ll just have to take care of you then the one thing I thought of was

Oh hello guys what you guys doing down there silly gooses there you go get out of there the one thing I thought of is just towering up them one block at a time in a little cubby hole so even if he does knock me about I’m just going to

Stay in the hole just going to keep towering up and stay in the hole and towering up and staying in the hole all right there should be more than enough sleep first all right let’s check up on the end are you still throwing a temperatum yep you are cool don’t worry

I’m com to knock you out I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh don’t die guys there there something like oops something like this y there we go okay well definitely the most mentally damaging boss here um here we go up up up up then up again up again again up

Again and then build up myself why are you here now oh my gosh guys please I’ll take care of them I’ll take care care of them myself I’m okay you’re not you weren’t even targeting too what oh my gosh I did it man I get it I’m close I’m

Close okay I’m close I’m right there I think you want to be put out your of your misery I think I mean look look look all right I’m right here I’m right here right here we go oh we’ll use the hellberg for you because you don’t deserve anything else get the heck out

Of here here we go cool ominous pear cool cool cool now I have to break down the whole thing here touche touche friend touche all right but now with that taken care of what is this anyway I got this before I mean have more than one use with it alone wait wait wait

What does it say alone merge it with gold powder or gold block then a smithing table gold powder smithing table all right wait what didn’t I free those two villagers why is there still no monk here huh all here we go smthing table boom so you said combine this with

A blaze rod blaze powder all right here we go hold up you you you huh wait let me just see what it says again powerless merge it with blazes product or gold Block in a smithing table I mean honestly gold block sounds a lot cooler

So we’ll try it with a gold block right here we go you and gold block turns into ominous Pearl mysterious power Forge a command block in smithing Pap with ominous Pearl and a gold block what and now what does it do okay just now it’s just useless well I mean I do have

Another one right yes I do so now we can know what both things do here you go ominous Pearl ominous Compass Forge an ominous Eye of Ender in a smithing table with an ominous Pearl and blaz powder okay so what does it do the eye doesn’t

Want to be used cool cool so two completely useless blocks from the world’s most mentally annoying boss okay I completely understand that being said what happened to my all my Blackstone did I throw it away I wouldn’t be surprised if I did to be honest um black stone Black Stone black star Cobble

Black star I have eight pieces where did I use the rest is it over here yes it is I should just be able to craft it I can’t craft it I need uh I need this no don’t you this one need what Cobble Blackstone can I make this into normal

Blackstone Blackstone okay good I was about to lose it there for a moment here we go lost soul which is used for L Soul items cool do I just make this I could just make nightball that’s pretty cool it would be pretty cool killing the uh o

A pistol a hunter Cannon what isn’t it’s not going too Gatling gun blunder base does this have a armor no it doesn’t I mean that gun gun I’m kind of broken isn’t that the quick silver bullets silver Ingot lost soul I mean Gatling gun though Gatling gun all I need is

Silver bullets too dling G here we go wait what did I just do black s cluster wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what I just don’t understand why I need polished why did it turn into that there we go what I’m

So confused all right so what else do we need ender pearls Moonstone obsidian I have the Moonstone I do have the moonstone right Moonstone Moonstone obsidian I don’t really have I don’t have anyal right um hope be a Fisher people I don’t I think there’s some of

You guys here that’s uh not like original Fisher people so let me just break some aquariums grab another oh nor I do have some well that’s just me my bad here we go here we go here we go what am I missing am missing polished Blackstone Blackstone bricks right now

We have everything now we make it let complete right Quest book I did this one I did this one and now we need to kill this guy summoned by right clicking With A Shard of uncertainty all right Shard of uncertainty but how do we get that now I

Want to what is this lwigs holy blade let’s see if I could uh find something here that’s really really overpowered I mean I do want to craft Nightfall that’s pretty cool so far the rest of them are kind of bad Scythe of forlorn I mean how

Much do the range on this thing four so this has super high range actually yeah most of them are bad most of them I mean all of them are worse than what I have right now they should at least have more damage I mean I know that this has

Sharpness five on it but still its base damage is basically more if not the same as them now do I need to use it again forgot I’m a kind of forgetful Guy Shard of uncertainty all right here we go let’s see Shard of uncertainty and it does it doesn’t have a recipe cool

That’s pretty cool what if I just place it down let’s place down a little farther away from here don’t want my Village to get ransacked don’t want it to be too far away either so I may be like right over here right clicking it it looks like it has some ender pearls

Around it yeah a whole L of nothing do you say anything I should do beforehand not really interesting interesting interesting interesting all right back to this guy then so old Moon alter all right let’s go old Moon alter this guy does have a thing I did find um his o

Iron skull okay nothing too crazy on this one nothing too crazy but he is in immune to arrows so I’m going to have to do something about that I do have this though so whenever he summons his supports I can just uh teleport around I wasn’t able to find an extra thing even

Forgot what it’s called the the cleric workstation I wasn’t able to find it so I already place it down here somewhere oh man I don’t have obsidian now where do I get obsidian again I think I should have like a cave here somewhere right all right here we go I did forget to

Bring water that’s okay cuz I think there’s water right here right now since so we have the extra way points let’s just put one here rename it onto lava wrect now let’s go back home all right so I found out how to get The Shard of uncertainty buddies um and it’s called

The weather for that all right and I don’t know about you but I don’t know where the nether fortress is so that’s something that and I do believe a Wandering Trader could sell it right and if he can oh then that would suck yeah there’s nothing nothing indicating that

It could be sold by wandering Trader then again a Wandering Trader hasn’t really spawned yet for some reason I don’t really know why so we’ll focus up on the returning Knight it’s going to be a really tough battle what I do need for him is a shield shield and that’s about

It that’s basically all I need I’ll um it’ll be a tough fight so I’ll use this to teleport into him right I’m going to oh teleport into him like that and then attack him and he’s going to charge up for his uh one hit attack right so he

Can kill you in one hit so when he does that I’m just going to teleport away probably actually it’s a tough idea because it looks like I can only teleport away if it’s fully charged and this thing takes a long time to charge so I don’t know if it’s going to work um

We’ll try we’ll try we’ll try I definely do want the totem on my thing though I don’t remember where else I could put this I should be able to put it somewhere else too maybe here I assum I should be able to put the totem somewhere else H all right becoming a

Wiz wizard sorry I don’t really have much time to make a to be a wizard sorry about that I’ll just kill the returning Knight we should need a old Moon alter ially already have everything for it right yeah Iron Bones yeah forgot about that part bones H bones all right I’ll

Uh go back to the caves here we’ll see if there’s any bones that in the ancient city too I could go visit there um just so you know we take things off the bucket list there isn’t really much bosses left I mean there is probably more bosses after this but I mean the

Fallen icon summon him by right clicking with just doesn’t say anything else yeah there’s only what one two three four four bosses left there’s another armor though so that might be pretty cool just going to teleport all the way down then you guys don’t mind there should be a

Big G here somewhere right this way right over here or here actually H is there any is there one that closer yeah this one I guess okay which one looks closer this one kind of looks closer it’s debatable though it’s definitely debatable a mimic what are you doing

There buddy really you deflect arrows there you go wait there’s actually a thing here no don’t burn hold on there’s actually a thing here where is it there it is why is there an actual cataly here oh my gosh that’s the second one uhoh I

Think I’m going to die I’m going to die right one last one and I’m going to okay we need to make a exit out of here wait what where the heck did I come from this way all right a barrel with nothing in it really this is creepy oh my gosh more

Why is there so many of it I just s it away is there any more than this hopefully not there we go nice we’re back to this thing I don’t remember how long the cool down is for it to go away I definitely don’t want to fight a

Warden I definitely lose that’s definely something I could just say if the warden is as strong as in vanilla Minecraft I’m definitely just going to die no ifer buts about it all right everybody oh my gosh I did not remember there being this many thingies oh my gosh why is there

Skull here guys I didn’t sign up for skull oh my gosh mining fatigue and stolen this huh won’t have much time for this guys most here for your bones nothing else all right we’ll be fine Sho Sho now Sho Sho oh you’re stuck huh cool enough for coffins here there we go bones

That’s what I need bones I don’t need a lot too so I’ll probably be out of here sooner than you expect and why is there why is this place infected with skull Sho shoot now Sho Sho so much skull care well hello it wouldn’t happen to be any

Spawners here too huh there are spawners here well this is quite the fancy room I didn’t see this the in my medieval playr oh what the heck is that what these are having cool rituals here without my consent I’ll be taking these uh whatever these are called rubing stands sounds

Mind me you guess wouldn’t happen to have some thing here would you wither skulls that’ be pretty cool I sure do have enough bones so that problem should be dealt with but everything else so interesting and I’ll give you guys that the the whole skull infestation is uh

It’s improving the Ambiance it really makes it a lot more Marky and dark here oh my gosh yeah I’m kind of just lucky you know that um there isn’t any sensors here all right I guess I’m out thank you for the bones it’s been really fun um

There are books here should I read it whatever here’s for the lore uhoh wait what there’s a there’s a thing here no no no there’s a sensor here somewhere where are you serious are these just an crystals by the way we just uh and you don’t anything yeah they’re just they’re

Just in crystals okay cool um yeah there’s a sensor here I think I’m already my third strike um so the next one should be the one that’s going to trigger it hello guys I’m just going to leave a little farther away from that room then I just don’t want to water to

Spawn that’s all I want what you have plenty of Bones we’re we’re going to be able to summon the returning Knight um will I be able to kill it though I don’t know about that part whether or not I do um all days is about to be over anyway I

Didn’t my bed so I wasn’t able to sleep while I was done down here but I have a good feeling guys now with all of my uh skulls here I will now buy more golden carrots thank you very much now with these golden carrots I will now make the

Old Moon ala beo and I don’t have the ingredients cool B bomb and this this this thank you very much can I throw away throw your way this this this there we go Tada that should be everything now will I be able to fight the boss this is

It the to the tough questions we all have to answer every now and again am I 100% sure how I could fight and win this against this boss I’m going to be honest I’m not the most confident but that’s okay hello there you really want that

Job huh well good on you split one Unbreaking one can I like reenchant this thing punch one what few shots limitation shots power three is power three all you’re going to get okay might as well I guess um do that and enchant this too what I can’t enchant would at

Least like Unbreak breaking come on well do I have an Unbreaking villager I don’t think so right oh you’re a brand new villager accelerate what the heck all of you guys are new what happened to all the old ones wait did the men guy di the

Meny guy died where’d he go are they all in the Nether um I guess I could just buy more than what from the armor do you f any Shields buddy no no you don’t H what to do about this I guess I could just make more it is what it is I’ll

Take a peasant and make my own Shields now the thing about par does that mean like it doesn’t work if I do it um permanently so if I just hold it down it just doesn’t work I have to time it if that’s the case and that’s

Kind of bad cuz I don’t really like timing things I like Minecraft being easy being a being a kids game right what’s your name cat hair they have a really good name I’ll give you that all right we’ll go back to believe this one should be the one from not it’s it’s not

It it’s not it this one all right this one should be if the old Champions remains I’ll fight them here don’t they have anything anything else here right so it should be fine I mean do I get freezing here I don’t think so right so I’ll fight him here let’s see is this

The best place I can fight them probably probably not um I prefer a little bit more flatter land this place is pretty flat but talking about a lot lot lot lot flatter maybe over here where’s my wone then I mean this place is great but I

Want a lot of space this is going to be a really tough fight I mean here’s full of trees over here maybe which one is closer kind of equally far away might as well go here since it’s yeah whatever we’ll go this way whatever stuck in bsh on Ice talking

About this way though can I can I just go up there ow severely severely ouches is there like a staircase here no I just want to see what’s up this Tower here you go we’re getting closer by getting closer I mean like we’re literally right there this is it sorry that your

Entrance is full of lava by the way that it looks like it went all the way up here too just clear out your spawners I don’t even know what those spawners were but a that important you’re blocking smooth Stone cool cool cool cool there’s just here a bed this guy not survived

100 days otion of turtle Master huh how did you know I was going to fight him can I have more swiftness too nice ooh oh my gosh that’s a wait is that a block of netherite what that is something else oh my gosh hold up a block of netherite

Hold up that might change my plans here I wasn’t thinking about doing the whole netherite upgrades because of the fact that well I need the the the things the upgrade templates but now I walk a netherite you’re just giving me all the netherite tools just like that I mean

Guys I’m not crazy right yeah I’m definitely going to do it now then hi you’re you’re talking at me here all right you’re you’re pulling my tail here you have an enchantment table here I don’t think I need more than one damaged Anvil I kind of want a normal I do have

Enough iron myself S I can’t even open this chest is this all a dream is this all a dream there we go Magma Cream um and uncraftable potions and poer fish uh I don’t really need that now the thing is I wonder if yeah this would have been

A hidden room if it didn’t burn down is there any other for him that is crazy to I’ll block a netherite I wonder what those spawners had now I mean I I’ll see when I look at the footage and edit this but for now I don’t really know what it

Is but all right I’ll go to sleep on your bed like I should probably just take your bed look outside in the morning Skies see that there’s nothing here still waiting for a mutant to spawn do want to test out my capabilities I almost just threw this out looks like a

Block poop um let’s see what do I not need this I guess sus like the shields have uh Val to them too all right we’ll use another Waypoint we’ll get out of here my stone want to go back home hello friend don’t mind me and we all have

Gold too I can make a lot more gold uh apples no more gold apples which you’ll probably need out in this too I should probably enchant that um anything else not really because this sword sounds really broken cuz chance on hit to rip the life from a Target below 25 HP and

Ground some of it as absorption so okay I think I would wrong I thought this would be insanely insanely broken chance on hit the safe and health of nearby enemies healing the wielder I mean you have life steal so this is what basically talking about I thought what

It implied was one shot it has a chance of one-shotting anything below 25% HP and I don’t know why I did it that way I guess that’s not how life works all right so now that we have the block netherite which I can just turn to back

Turn back into this thing right yep nine and I already have two myself I have to do it I have to go back to the nether I probably should grabb the fire resistance so well I guess I’ll grab it you I’m back for the fire resistance ises this one have fire resistance nope

And I’m out go home again and probably put some other stuff in here so it doesn’t feel too cluttered and then go back in into The Nether and go straight for those bastions H am I prepared for that whatever we’ll get that the right armor just cuz I can We’ll Kill The

Returning Knight and we’ll feel happy you my friend do you sell Shields no you have no job that’s just a big man I’m kind of surprised that you’re not going through the portal oh is there somebody there are you guys both right going in

Okay you went in um I don’t do I have I don’t can you guys like go through the portal though whatever whatever it’s okay now I can’t see any anything because of the fact that uh it’s treating me as if I’m in a cave here but these places I think that’s the thing

About exploring the nether is I don’t know what’s important and what’s not cuz obviously it’s a nether you know you want to treat everything as if it’s very very deeply important cuz this is one of the harder biomes yeah this should be it this should be one there’s this one this

One I don’t know if this one should be one but it probably is right this is the uh I think this is the magma the magma room here in the middle so there’s this one this one that being said I don’t really need to go through like all of

Them um because I could just duplicate it if I remember correctly wait is it out of sight it is out of sight I don’t want to be out of sight out of mind I want to know where it is so I can just dig up to it all right there we go so

Right here oh my gosh that’s a lot of lava oh hello there not going to pass you up even if I already have enough just because why not I don’t see it again gosh darn it got to go up a little bit I’m pretty close to it right there I

Probably should be wearing my thing here but it’s just way too dark I need to place rods be right this way now do I think that I’d get a massive power up um just from getting netherite I don’t I honestly don’t really think so I don’t

Really think so but I think it would be a nice power up nonetheless so is see Sebastian I’m not getting the uh those are the days achievements can I please get the those are the days achievement this is a boss room come on guys it’s definitely a boss room right I’ve

Definitely seen it somewhere before um can I fight a boss do I want to risk it for a biscuit I mean if you’re tempting me this hard it’s hard to say no I probably should patch this hole up huh the hole up that I came from well

There’s a lot of holes here I can’t really find anymore uh yeah yeah it’s looking looking really card yeah bosses of mass destruction oh Lord do I want to do this and I’ll preat a golden apple I’ll preat a Golden Apple hello I can’t even eat golden apples anymore there we

Go just so I can get the absorption and I what can I do with you how do I how do I activate you can I just m this out uhoh uhoh who who who who oh you’re the hand Mr handy man I didn’t mean to do it I didn’t mean to do it

Ow I didn’t I didn’t mean to do it my friend I didn’t mean to do it my friend I didn’t mean to do it okay I mean we get it we can use your your you could you have range attacks okay cool cool cool cool can I like

Shoot myself get some okay you you’re part of the Illuminati cool cool cool I have I’m blind and you should be dead right thank you very much w o ancient debris you shouldn’t have anything else I mean surely you didn’t just okay more ancient debris you silly

Silly good is there more over here oh there is three pieces of ancient debris cool cool cool all right and you also dropped a oh more pieces of ancient blazing eye crafting material which is used for I hear somebody here but goblins do exist you Goblin Goblin man

Um don’t about dying protection pie um you don’t really sell anything good uh sorry to say that I me I guess this give me one free extra netherite why not okay so what do you what do you do table of elevation one place grants creative flight in a 7×7 column oh this again

Ancient anima blast amplifier one place increases explosion Power by 30% in any 64 block the ruction just if I cannot stack cool well did I over prepare for that fight I kind of did I kind of did to be honest but if this was medal times

I probably would have been watch shot by that thing just saying there’s this again need to need to look at that and look at where I’m at doesn’t look the same there’s this big purple thing on it but it kind of looks the same and I

Don’t really want to just go to another one of these hoping there is a why is this game so hard Mr Goblin then again I am fighting more bosses so that’s pretty good I wanted to fight a little bit more bosses before I uh end the 100 days here

So hole ore okay where’s my hole hello Mr Goblin you wouldn’t have don’t know where my hole is would you right over here all right now where to there’s that’s the thing it it kind of looks like it because uh the middle thing here don’t really want to have to fight that

Thing again I already did it so there’s anything else I can render in okay I need to go a little bit further up so other things has a chance to render and what is this bro there has to be so bastions right there’s no way that I didn’t come across any bastions

Whatsoever I do remember seeing a lot of Bastion like structure oh my gosh is there more of you guys probably right no actually hello oh wao go away go away actually now that I’m fighting you guys I just I feel like I haven’t uh leveled

Up at all for a long time all my uh skill point stuff were you guys useful yeah kind of you guys would be kind of useful too bad I don’t really care about you guys so this is something yeah yeah we can go to this we’ll just go to

Everything here why not screw it and when they feel bored I’ll just go back to the thing Overworld and just fight the boss even if I don’t have it oh what this I’ll Fight The Returning night even if I don’t have anything the video is already pretty long um when I was

Editing it was already 3 hours and 19 minutes I don’t really wanted to go beyond four so oh just another Blaze uh spawner okay keep those blaze rods toasty for me would you I don’t want the video to go over 4 hours that’s kind of

My rule here um but if it is if I cut some things out and it’s over 4 hours and what are you going to do why is this just this massive pillar here there also these jellyfish people jellyfish people you wouldn’t happen to know where a

Bastion is would you even if I just want you just want Bastion um if this is a Bastion then I’ll just go home quickly um or probably if it is I’ll check out the other structure too this structure right to over here this one looks pretty cool this one probably another Bastion

Cuz it doesn’t have that uh circular not circular Square kind of thing to it shape to it like that other boss what is it a a skull what are you what BL Deltas cool there is that enchant called hellrider which says I can swim through

Lava um one day I’ll get my hands on that thing want to test it out one of the few things in Minecraft that everybody wants to feel is just swimming through all this is this is the most annoying part of the nether oh hello she pass it already right over this way this

Way right so right inside there oh hello hello it definitely looks different from a Bastian but I’m still hold that hope I guess test at least have a smithing template then I’ll be happy yeah this thing really smooth like that come on come on come on I’ll go straight to the

Top and go downwards CU usually with structures like these the good stuff is at the top you have kind of a staircase here doesn’t really work very well but I’ll take it okay why is it GL purple guys I don’t know what to tell you but

You can’t use beds in the nether right I think that’s that’s how the owner of this place died I don’t really know how it’s not blown up yet but uh he just is this F just a house G tell me it ain’t so oh my gosh what the heck is

This okay it’s just a booby trapped room so you’re something me if I go anywhere here oh there’s a path okay and I’m just in the other side now um what the what would I don’t okay another boy trap cool I don’t even know what to say I’m just I

Mean these are supposed to be like little statues here nether jungle now magma which I’ll just I’ll just hand on mind me I mean I’m doing this the complete opposite way going downwards another room with a bed well you know how this guy died what the flip some

Sort of Parkour I’m guessing um there doesn’t really seem to be anything there though so I’m guessing not question mark just over here another quartz fire staff and yeah I don’t I don’t know what to tell you oh secret passageway oh Fortress groper are you a bad guy I’m

Just going to kill you anyway because you look kind of ugly emeralds and gold wow you really should not have um I’ve been to this one before right you just the the thingy only two more places to look at let’s go that thing looks kind of important um hello important looking

Thing you wouldn’t mind me just uh I’m kind of part of merging around can I just do this up to Daisy I guess I can’t there we go oh hello resp spawner statue going to respawn in hardcore I’m going to burning you know burning is kind of

Uh kind of extreme you must hold four glow stone in your inventory uh can I just take your with me probably not right I mean it says I can I can I just took you pe spawner statue so you’re kind of like a uh the the thing the

Whatever the thing’s called well now that I know I can teleport what the heck are you ugly creature of the D oh there’s a massive fish thing again we just uh probably best to wear this huh I’m coming over what the the and King he’s here he just he just spawns here oh

That’s him no way brother oh my um isn’t that like the final boss let me see the K King and then after that just again yep that’s the final boss he’s just right there chilling he’s just chillaxing well I mean if you’re just chilling like that let’s see yeah you

Definitely don’t scream like uh person that has a million smithing templates what’s even called it’s like a template something right yeah this yeah it is called smithing template I just need a one piece of smithing temp some I need it all right now that I know that you’re

There by the way you don’t have to follow what the book says which it says to use the Moonstone Compass to find every oh never mind I just I just I just didn’t even use it I just I just found you coincidentally that’s just how I

Roll I guess pick up a little more blocks here don’t have a lot we need allot to start briging I wonder how tough he is me the other bosses aren’t really too tough especially that hand thing I definitely think there are still bosses out there that’s tough especially

If they are sorted by the strongest if he’s stronger than the returning Knight then he’s going to be really bad especially cuz you’re in the nether it’s going of just implied you know all right there’s also this thing which is a lot closer than this thing and this has a

Chance to be just something this that hand thing again if it is that hand thing I might as well fight it I mean it’s not really that hard to kill it so we’ll kill it and then grab it stuff and we’ll go to the other uh structure I

Really just want to get some just a single s like you’re set a lot to ask for one Bastion should be should have one guaranteed so if I just get one just go home immediately make it go back to kill the returning Knight kill this thing right we have two bosses on our

Checklist now right that thing and the returning Knight decaying King and returning Knight now I did read up on the wiki on it apparently it can turn blocks into decaying blocks and people play just have the decaying effect on them which oh hello there you’re kind of

Close so if you have that deing effect on you your armor dies way quicker than normal hello you know you don’t really have to fight me but oh well here you go Sho Sho all right it’s just this way this way okay do I want to blow you up

Because you’re kind of whatever you’re peaceful in anyway you just blow up if somebody attacks you all right here we go finally hold up let’s see it it is I hear Pigman but yeah it’s just another it’s just another hand man come on Mr handy we’ve been through this before um

I should probably not take you too un seriously all right here we go oh whoo wo wo wo only need to get serious now it’s not really that that serious okay another on why not and um yeah I’ll grab all the ancient debris because it might be useful I mean it’s ancient debris

After all thank you very much and now to go to the other place should around the corner here anyway what is that thing why are you not on the map waa hoglands huh I don’t need hoglands in my life life I don’t really want to fight any

Enderman here just in case you guys are the corrupted version so there are some structures here that I can’t see cuz I definitely didn’t see you oh there’s this thing I no I definitely went there already oh this thing this is a definite um Bastion I know that layout I mean

There’s this thing question mark I really do wish life was a little bit easier on me I can’t even see the thing anymore there is pretty far away from it do think our portal should be somewhere spawn like somewhere right here right so it should be easier to go here whatever

Whatever a fortress no it’s a citadel enter another another Citadel oh my God why am I on fire oh what I’m just I just suddenly oh my gosh you lost a mob boat buddy get the heck out of here Sho shoo shoo 120 HP sorry to say these guys but

You lost the M Bo fair and square and see if your Bridge here didn’t have any holes in it life would be dream hello now there isn’t any spawners here right oh well I don’t see any spawners I guess you guys should spawn here natur naturally you guys at least have a

Smithing template what did the guy drive I’m just going to guess nothing let’s see anything else so I think this place is just yeah it’s just Nether Portals all right cool um next up anything else like literally anything else I don’t see anything else um I do want to kind of go

There there’s just this feeling inside of me that just says go there right now but I’d rather just go home go home go straight into the portal here I will never ever be able to get that uh way point again but that’s all right just go

Straight up here wherever it was now I don’t see it but yeah there it is I see you you’re way way way closer than I ever wanted to be I do hope the upgrade is substantial enough to warn all this heavy dying hello please don’t shoot me

Off okay never mind I was about to say don’t want to take the chance but you low your guard it’s all right all right yep it’s right there UPS it easy ouch that hurt and there’s that thing again o oh yeah you’re definitely attacking me

Oh you just got watch shot he got beamed oh hello you again Sho right I think we need to go this way please don’t uh as I was expecting that is exactly what I was exp oh come on all right all right all right I don’t really feel like really up

Come on it is pretty funny how when I’m this strong I just see everything as a chore it’s underneath all of this right here come on underneath all this lava here come on let’s get going oh I lost it again for the 50th time gosh what

Level do I have to be just just to see you am I on you now there you are right over this way hey what the king’s residence those were the days here we go enter the blaze King’s Tower inside another Fortress enter a Bastion Remnant

Okay now I have to fight a Blaze King you’re telling me wait don’t tell me you guys are just submerging to each other I don’t know I don’t know and cently I don’t really care um I’m here for one purpose and that’s to get some looting

Here CLE my inventory just a little bit mind me guys don’t mind me I know I know oh that guy looks roed out the gazu you guys are roed out the w suit hello everybody hello hello I know I know oh ho ho ho Gob the Colossal here think

You’re all fancy with a a thing on you ow ow ow whoa hold up it gub the Colossal die Rog slave dector no no no no no no no no no slime no slime no slime no slime no slime where is the spawner oh no no no I

Had an incident with you guys before on days S&P right I don’t want it to happen again what is happening what the heck I know guys I know I know I know now please take thank you so much I upgrad H Allelujah ancient debris netherite Ingot ooh fire gauntlets magma cubes block of

Iron pretty good huh guys zie that mad right I’ll pick it up I’ll pick it up there are you are you was that the the gub guy the gubby gubby globby I wouldn’t mind finishing him off you drop anything cool he dropped a coin pouch

Well should I just yeah I’ll make king I will I will who makeing back on my go right I just updated it apparently there was an update and it looks like this is one of the updates why is this a thing strange world but oh well let’s see if

There’s any new Quest oh you look very new what is this what I got a free skill point this Quest needs other quests completed for it to be completed you want me to complete this whole thing I’m not going to be doing that oh there’s chapters now conserve AAR park that’s

What that birdie is angry locals that’s a lot of this is a warden heart and this is chapter reward interesting wait so the never mind they’re still here good I was about to say okay they they released a lot of new quests um this would have been way

Better if I had it a little bit earlier since I mean I’m kind of reaching the end of my ropes here anyway now that we’re back where is me at the right um turn this into in gos we should have a smithing table here somewhere right I

Just realized my shers are off that’s why I feel so much uh faster to play we can’t be having that we need to be playing like turtles so we go now smithing smithing smithing man I have a smithing table I guess I have one in here I only have one way Stone left

That’s pretty bad I probably make more though whoops I almost used up my fre template here how do I make more of you sir need loads of diamonds and that’s it okay here we go I have a stack and two that should be more than enough right

Only go come that is expensive use 20 diamonds just to get three extra um I okay okay maybe I should make one last one so I have one extra that I don’t use pry armor here we go look get this too go is the worst melee attacks I deal

Fire damage I should be able to wear this some right no what there we go I’m sorry whoopy cushion waa Quest complete oky doie here we go legendary netherite helmet netherite everything there we go cool I don’t know why netherite looks so weird in the thing netherite looks

Super okay I’m going to be quite Frank netherite looks really really ugly I’m going to be really really Frank with you here well I guess that’s all my preparations that I wanted to do only one thing left and that’s to make more way points here wish one can I make okay

We just uh what are they different and there we go we got five extra that’s wonderful and now we do have Turtle Master right yeah lingering Turtle Master oh my gosh it’s only 5 seconds I wonder it to be a little bit more and I do think I should just fight like right

Over here this space over here is a lot it’s a lot more open um right I think let’s see we have to extra make sure about this cuz this could be the end of humanity as we know it and I do wonder what happens I mean if I throw

Everything on the ground and pick it up back up make it right back up I got all my quest back nope only need the diamond armor this a respaw statue I thought this was thought were something else buddy all right let me just s my inventory golden apples golden carrots

Of course the bow this bow and the shields always have to be a little closer that should be everything I could make more golden apples but I think I’m good it’s so right over here it should be a nice open area and he still one shot me yes I do

Have four totems but I don’t know if all of them work the same so if this pops obviously I’ll come back to life but I don’t know about these ones totem of Illusion and totem of freezing I don’t really know what they do so have to open

PR here let’s see should I do it up here or down here down here looks still pretty nice and flat I did kind of want to get um more ender pearls just so I don’t have to rely on this boat because it takes a long long time to wa to

Charge all the way looks like it’s going to be night time huh it’s about to be night time guess I might as well sleep as well put a way point here so we can go back a lot quicker and go to bed look at that I have the The Gauntlet on my

Hand right here we go old Monon alter this is a great place it’s all right not the the best place to do this but I well do it now than never this right I get I’m ready am I ready though smash himself with a swiftness wi and

Here we go oh can I already damage you while you’re just still going up oh goodness oh goodness hold up uh-oh you have a Healer you’re going to spawn more healers I’m going to die there he goes Dodge that uh-oh he did a lot of damage for a big

Guy okay dodging your one shot attack is kind of easy okay okay come on you’re almost dead buddy just accept your F come on di here we go that was um a lot easier than I thought it would be guys drop a lot of stuff too so Soul ingots cool I do want

Nightfall though Nightfall is really cool wo Soul inot chest plate you have a lot more armor wow this is really good armor um mean mine is better you know kind of kind of you can say it’s better let’s see Arin Stone it’s so bright get

You feel the Dark Void as much as as you touch it like something is held captive it calls your name try not to start too much into the glaming B unless you want the same Faith as its predecessor go what can I use it for a ring a lunar

Ring used to gain a lunar Herald effect hold attack to shoot Moonlight beams with the effect what interesting there’s a chaos orb the chaos orb looks kind of cool what does it do what do you do what do you do all right that’s finished now

I should be at the part where I craft some stuff oh oh hello inventory is all glitched up now coming soon what no over here some nethero some obsidian thank you very much now this stuff what is it called Aran plate is it better than

Netherite I I mean if it is even if it is I prob whoa there’s only one I’m trying to look the recipe here um netherite chest plate oh really when the user is under 50% Health gain permanent resistance too that’s kind of good so that’s what I could use you for this is

It this all you can do I mean might well right I mean if it’s part of it I’m probably going to need it for the next boss fight anyway okay so that wasn’t too tough definitely I mean it was like what a 2minute boss fight at most so I

Wonder how much tougher the decaying boss is and whether or not I could use a bow if I could use a bow then it’s not going to be too tougher it’s not going to be too much tougher because of the pure fact that I could just I could just

Walk away I do have Nightfall now though I do want to upgrade that up it’s very good but first things first I need to make more of these it has to be a better way to get some diamonds tonight hello piggy all right here we go

You and you and you I do feel like I have another one of these right although I probably don’t here we go craft the Aran Planet I thought it was a whole set I’m going to be honest I thought it was going to be after that boss fight we got

A whole new set we’re going to be that that much more powerful to fight the next boss but and get streams really get shattered really quickly there we are and we get the stuff more netherite more levels this guy we need to kill the wether for this guy if I already said

That before um oh my wait what there’s somebody else Fallen icon right clicking okay you guys updated the data pack but you can’t even update your your status here okay I’ll might as well do it in order let me just check if I can do anything cool with you Looting three

Come on now don’t going to me wrong looting three is pretty good but actually I should just stop looting three never mind Smite five really come on dude Smite five that’s for Undead people right this is really good for it status effects let’s see a raise Remnant Champion when killed Undead press

Ability key bind to gain resistance and absorption is charged to shatter mobs ahead gain haste post hit effect while having strength effect it’s pretty good that I got Smite I guess cuz I can make the undead people but if I remember correctly I do this I my smashed this

Mizer’s Q oh look at this thing right one quick Google search later okay not very quick it’s already night time but uh apparently I just need to use the alter again with the essence that I got from fighting him that correct should be here yes this essence of even tide wait

I do have that yeah right there nice all right so from I read it looks like blah blah blah super duper tough boss so he’s probably super duper tough um that and don’t really have speed anymore so it won’t be it’ll be a lot a lot a lot

Harder to dodge his stuff and it also says that he doesn’t have the dark Powers anymore so he can’t deflect projectiles but he still can he still immun to them which is kind of redundant why would you make him immune if you know why would you make him not

Deflected if he’s still immune anyway let’s go back to the the moon alar here summon this guy it’s going to be the same guy but without Nightfall cuzz I have Nightfall um it sounds like he’s going to be a lot tougher cuz he could give us weakness um nausea uh slowness

Um in other disabilities going to be a after just fine that’s going to be okay let’s see where’s he where’s Al be right here right you pick it up I I have to make another alar are you serious right now come on how big this

Thing is though B so cool oh my gosh wait what’s the resistance resistance ooh abortion 32 that’s pretty good although the cool down really really long I think did I use only black rock or not Black Rock black stone hopefully not yeah I still have some I need the uh

Moonstone okay alter what’s it called my gosh again old Moon alter old Moon alter obsidian oh oopsie don’t even need it you iron I’d have some extra bones right bones and some Moonstone that should be it iron skull and old Moonstone alter it’s going to be okay Mr villager I

Killed this guy once so I should be able to kill out again if I don’t then happy Christmas Eve I just have to walk over here again now I get resistance from my Nightfall L the resistance I get from the golden apples I should be fine right

I should be I’m worried here we go you oh somebody here another you mother trucker why do you have to be a thing that exists in this world um I’m so he’s so mean to it so whatever right Su up th up whoa let’s try

Out yep you can you’re still me to that you’re still me to this oh your soldiers are way tougher than before huh I just uh get resistance here wait why are you you still look the exact same you are way tougher though I give you That woh woh at least you’re not summoning your healing buddies anymore so that’s pretty good ow that’s not very good you always want to eat these off cool down off the rip use the Ability here whoa good thing I use the Ability whoa I’m paralyzed from the neck

Down don’t don’t get any funny business here okay just you and me ow use Nightfall I’m blind ow you killed your own guys that’s pretty cool of you ow ow on you’re almost dead buddy not much left in you come on yay I killed Mor kazer again what no our bringer of

Moonlight that’s not very good all right whoa I’m blind uh-oh you have a really big sword can I have that whoa cool thing there was water here blessed from the gods can I shoot you with B yet nope whoa you have cool range projectiles now huh

Whoa okay I get it I get it I use Nightfall whoa you get you got rid of my all my absortion archers like that huh whoa hey you don’t like me you want your own personal space I get that wow oh my gosh that thing deals a

Lot of damage sorry for doubting you for a second there ow ow ow I get it I I get it I get it you don’t like me very much I should have made more apples whoa all right I’ll use my resistances is everything against you I’m going to die I’m going to I’m

I’m not going to die I’m I’m going to live a nice and happy life here here we go again par I’m to neck down whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoa whoo whoo whoo whoo wo whoo wo I should probably be saving these huh but your sword slash things are dealing a lot of

Damage so oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa use the thing use a ability here it’s about to be night time let Just A Sign how long this fight is taking I only deal three damage to you Okay I on best than this now I probably should have made some strength potions I’m suck in a little bit of yours hopefully not break anything by the way well Thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by IcyHarry on 2023-11-05 14:00:42. It has garnered 8755 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:48 or 14388 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft Hardcore! #minecraft #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #oneblock #minecraftasmr

In this video I survived 100 days in fantasy minecraft hardcore, I fought bosses like Old Champions Remains, Fallen Icon, Returning Knight, and so much more! I was sicked/moved about so my voice might change over the course of the video…

Inspired by @Lindough @Legion_Vee @Skyes


100 days fantasy minecraft surviving 100 days in fantasy minecraft 100 days of fantasy minecraft 100 days in fantasy minecraft

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:05 Day 1 22:47 Day 11 46:32 Day 21 1:07:22 Day 31 1:33:34 Day 41 1:57:30 Day 51 2:18:32 Day 61 2:38:40 Day 71 3:00:21 Day 81 3:28:33 Day 91 3:58:06 Day 100

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  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat: … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: Website: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • “Remember Son… Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape” #minecraft #meme

    "Remember Son... Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape" #minecraft #meme Remember Son… in Minecraft, always make sure to dig straight down for the best loot! Just kidding, please don’t do that unless you want to fall into a pit of lava and lose all your diamonds. #minecraftprobs #lessonlearned Read More