Just Relax And Build Platform ★ A Minecraft Z-SMP Survival

Video Information

Foreign Thank you thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Hello everyone and welcome to the stream how are you all doing today welcome to the stream hey Tanner uh so you’re saying I wish you didn’t have school tomorrow so you could stay up all late and watch the whole stream ever since school started you watching stream schedule went all the wonky and

You can’t keep track I understand I understand school is also a very important part of our life you know it’s you want to go to school once whatever your school you go to so so yeah uh that that’s one experience Adventure that you will never probably

Get in again in your life so I in my opinion Tanner make the best of it make the best of it make the best of it make the best use of it you never get the chance again as you grow older you go to college you get a degree and you go into

The workforce start working and sometimes you will look back and think that of all the memories that you probably made at high school the better you had friends and no friends like I know I did not hang up with all the friends I had I I usually hung out with

The Nerds it’s a small group just the four of us just hanging there talking about random stuff or sometimes I’m just in the library alone or some people some other friends joined youngsters my juniors I would just hang and just see what the heck are they doing

They’re just there for the for the hell of it and you’re never going to college well your choice I’m not forcing you to I’m not telling you to go to college I mean it’s College where you get a degree like a bachelor’s degree is is that what you call a college

Because I’m getting confused because between the terms University and college so I have to like try to ask I ask people so you go to school 12 times because there’s 12 grades look oh I meant oh geez I meant school time not schools of course you go to 12 times because you

Go to 12th grades no that’s not what I’m talking about I’m talking about the experience of being in school you only have that experience once not forever after those 12 years you are 10 years because you’re here in Australia some people drop out of 10 and take the

Other route they go to his apprenticeship or trading that they call it they usually hit it off very early or they go straight out straight to some part-time job simple jobs I don’t really know what what they do by dropping off at 10 but most people try to stick to 12 but

They’re not a lot dropout 10. and so they’re the so those people who experienced the school life of 10 years some 12 years me I have experienced it for 12. so but then I have experience the different kinds of schools between each and the only year that I did not get to

Experience was six I don’t know why I don’t know I never experienced the six I just like somehow scared of skipped six seven to seven and that’s where everything started again But yeah I’ve been to University I got my degree not sure if it was useful or not but yeah also I’m eating by the way eating breakfast And you ever since school started because I had to go to bed early I understand Tanner I understand but but yeah you can always watch our previous streams you know you can just catch up on what we talked about in previous streams and all of that if you if you

Couldn’t like stay and watch that might be about productive you know and she couldn’t stay or watch her entire stream next day when you come home and if you got time uh go go back to the previous stream that you were on scroll down to wherever you stopped and

Watch the rest from there so you’re like up to speed with what happened the previous day and if there’s a stream tomorrow like today for you you cannot you can obviously just jump on and continue I guess you know thank you you much prefer to watch them live

I know I know I know it is much better to watch people when they’re live and everything but sometimes you can’t always stay forever to watch killer keep continuously watching you gotta go do some of some things or you’re gonna have to go out or do shopping or God hang out with friends

Or just go out and just just ride for the for the for the nature for the breeze the wind just for a long time to to I don’t know get better feel a little better on your own so yeah can you put on a song of my suggestion please

Tanner I don’t know if it’s copyrighted I can’t play it you know I can’t play copyrights copyrighted songs hi this this is one distraction on about YouTube where you mean twitch actually music is I have to be very very careful with what music I play really I’m almost done eating I’m almost done

Eating um finally there we go hey guys welcome to this stream how are you today yeah it’s been a while oh yeah it has been a while since you last came to the stream and oh damn it it’s called that drag me down by One Direction it’s on YouTube it has

The bad words it’s not about bad words it’s about copyright Tanner I’m just gonna look at it um Direction um it’s vague it is vague copyright is when the music is licensed and if I do not have the license to play it I will have a copy

That copyright takedown so I would have to take down the video or mute the mute the entire stream where our read the part where the music is played otherwise I will have a strike on my channel and and that’s actually a very bad thing for me which is why I’m very reluctant about

Using certain music and all that water what happened to your previous account guys what happened to your previous Minecraft icon what did you do with that did you forget your password or something because I definitely remember you having the having that account so what happened with that

So you’re gonna split yeah I can’t I can’t that’s the problem with the copyright music even royalty for your free music I don’t know I don’t I have to credit them in otherwise uh my channel will be hit they are very ruthless when it comes to tracking their music and safeguarding

Them as they have the right to I’m not faulting them they have the right to defend their music protect their content it is their creation so using it without license and all that it definitely is the wrong practice so the fact that I’m using this music is

Because it’s from it’s like stream Beats by Harry seller and it’s uh it’s a good it’s a good music and he’s a great man and he’s got a great Channel stream beats is something we use every day and hey Archie welcome to the stream and yes I’m not dead I’m

I’m here I will still be here uh not gonna lie the past few days have been very tiring very tired let me put on some energy not gonna lie the last few days have been very tiring ah because uh you know I I left you guys on Friday which was

Thursday for most of you Friday for me here and Hunters on for on Saturday because on Friday night I exercised and I did treadmilling for one hour which drained me completely I didn’t think much of it I never used to get there that that drained so the next day I woke up feeling

Extremely dizzy like unbelievably dizzy I did not even have the energy to get off the bed I just lay there helplessly and then a couple of minutes finally pushed myself to sit and then I was like shivering all over like what why am I feeling so cold

And everything it was like I was it was no joke I was like shivering it was ridiculously cold and Yeah from there it just started getting worse and worse and by Night end I was just shivering trying to keep myself warm my hands were cold my feet were cold heck anywhere I touched on my body I was just freeze and I ah I struggled hard to keep myself warm and

It just wasn’t I just learned wasn’t be able to keep myself warm at all unbelievably uh oh my God so I I so much I’ve spent much of my the weekend both Saturday and Sunday for me uh Friday and Saturday for you guys at the time you were I was probably just

Lying in bed just just desperately trying to keep myself warm and and and understandably I realized I probably am sick and and it was on Sunday night that I finally realized maybe I have a I have an infection a very serious one of that because this was the first time I felt

Like this this week this was not the worst I faced minded but this was this was this was one of the one of the weirdest attacks that I had on my body and my own health so yeah unbelievable and I gotta say s do you know about the hive work which hive

Uh which side do you mean Tanner and a nice your account got hacked oh no the hacker hacked your account and deleted deleted it are you kidding me how could they just delete that oh by the way my screen is gone black so I can’t I can only see the the stream laptop

Uh oh man I hate it come on come on gaming laptop yep I knew it thank you huh one moment this is what you’re saying it is completely gone dark can I get on with you I mean you can come on now and play I’m on the zsmp obviously

Huh it’s dark let’s go to sleep but yeah the weekend was just horrible for horrible for me I was resting much much a Time that’s what you’re trying to keep myself warm and I also also lost any desire to eat I don’t know why I the only I only ate

Like noodles two of them that was all that I felt like eating and I ate them very spicy and all that also yeah why did it be here like that anyway so that’s what that’s what happened there over the weekend and finally I got uh I got uh like went to the doctors

Yesterday um yesterday we Molly the day before and she told me and she told me that she it is probably a viral infection and I should be careful with whatever I should be careful on and tell me to get like blood tested and all that which I did

And yesterday I went in and I got her got my blood checked with the doctor and she said that everything was tough you mostly fine um it’s just my liver values but a little too high I should watch my health I should uh what’s the kind of food I eat and also

Like completely cut down on any or any any kind of fat food that I’m eating and all that she said that my iron levels are slightly low but it could be like that because I am having an infection viral infection same thing with the liver values if I was

Having a viral infection normally the values would fluctuate a little there and there so yeah all right Tanner and what have you missed ice well basically I’m just building this this massive platform from all the way over there all the way to here oh the tungsten load never mind then

Basically all of this for the top to for me to place a thousand beacons and oh my God I would be so happy if I’m done with it I didn’t realize what kind of a massive undertaking I I took up I have I am not joking

I am not joking I have not realized what kind of an undertaking I’ve taken this is too much this is too much in fact this is actually making me wish that I create this thing called um block collector so so what you so what this is is that once you craft a block

Alexa it’ll it’ll let you hold like like an absurd amount of that said block and you can you place it continuously until you run out of it it’s it’s like that and I have to figure out how to use it properly because converting that into the uh into like because what I thought

About is the reason for I want to use it is so that because I have to collect sand and turn sand into sandstone and when I use Sandstone to build this platform to place the platform yeah I thought I should do something else or the other or some kind of Auto crafting because

This is that’s what’s taking so long so so yeah normally today is Thursday for me uh so normally I would be actually playing Hypixel but I decided to forgo Hypixel this week I felt I had completely wasted the entire like my whole week has just been me spending time trying to recover from

This silly infection a serious one of that by the way but still silly and silly interactions nonetheless trying to improve my health and everything so yeah I’m hoping to see that I’m hoping to improve my health eventually I’m still on demand I’m still on the I’m still recovering about I’m about 90

Percent recovered right now that I’m still feeling tired I still get tired like really exhausted real quick so yeah the ice sadly you’re trying to get another account but you really you really can’t since you can’t use money online ah can’t you like tell your parents that someone hacked your account and they

Deleted it so you want to buy the account again it’s not your fault that your current Minecraft account was taken over and deleted I mean seriously what seriously what sort of namskull would do that I am so so sad to saddened to see that what kind of a numbskull does that also

You’re in it is not working it will be to till I can fix it join okay Tanner and you also should fix your grammar today is saying you realize that you’re more stressed out in school because you already have to wake up at six am for school

So far Monday to Friday you have to do Cat Force training okay I’m guessing it’s like compulsory in your country to to join like that military training thing is what I’m guessing I guess I guess it’s a similar feeling so I guess it’s similar to what what the

Koreans have at their theirs after certain certain age the boys will be conscripted uh and a sort of girls I don’t really know about the woman part in the South Korean uh military training like a compulsory military training that they have to go through but yeah

You hate grammar so you know I know I understand uh a six days a week of these things oh oh doesn’t mean that you do not have the time and space to relax and just chill oh God I cannot imagine what that must be like just continuous the the grind it feels

Like you know when you’re through when you’re like playing a game and you’re in Minecraft like take Minecraft for example obviously since I since I am playing Minecraft you’re sitting there for hours on end for days mining football diamonds trying to find diamonds uh I thought an entire week like now getting no cutting I know a lot of people won’t sit through hours online trying to find diamonds but like come on who here doesn’t like diamonds so the fact is you have to spend on like a huge amount of Untold amount of energy

And such to do that oh I can understand like when you’re when you’re being worked to that limit being pushed to the Limit like that you need some sort of a break like come on you need some kind of a relaxing time like how is a brain supposed to handle constant pressure

That’s what that’s what creates PS PTSD experience while water reference and everyone understands that that feeling but I guess Birds on like I guess when it comes to military discipline I suppose they feel that sort of thing is the right way to go but that doesn’t really help the moral of

The soldiers or the cadets or the students I don’t know what kind of uh work style or lifestyle you they’re trying to introduce to you by giving you that that sort of a feeling but yeah I’m sorry that you’re gonna have to live with that for a while nice

But stay strong stay strong stay Head Strong keep your head straight during that time Don’t give up because I don’t think they will appreciate you giving up and just like just humbling hunkering down I don’t think anyone in the military would appreciate that they will probably treat you like some sort of La like leg that needs to be carried around oh

That’s gonna end up cause starting your dad your dad on backlash all right Tanner I could do that once around I can restore your inventory like what did you even do that your your resources didn’t get spawned in well karafos doesn’t help since they train you in the sun until you pass out

And sometimes they scream on top of that and you have to almost get perfect movement so yeah I understand I understand that’s what I meant that’s what I meant I can imagine what sort of a hell is training that’s that’s awaiting you jeez the fact is the set the sad reality is

That we have to help people and students preparing for these kinds of drills and all that so that maybe one day all this all these teachings would help them save their life or help someone else and all that instead uh instead of people using the energies for the good

We have to use them to for self-defense which is a good thing but like this isn’t like karate and this is a fourth forced involvement I don’t see that as a win-win and another thing that the that military people should actually probably should realize by now forcefully conscript into

Like Cadets so I’m trying to make them learn won’t make them learn Anyone should be incentivized that’s literally in human nature like like our purpose we need to find our purpose for doing anything that’s the reason why even when you do like School maths at school they ask why do you do maths like what is so you useful about maths at school because they’re trying

To get a get out of maths class because they don’t they don’t know why the heck they’re studying maths and everything but you know top the games are made using maths maths the calculations and everything I know that some of them take basic calculations but Geniuses no it takes even more complications so

Well oh so you died and then left us over for two days no worries I actually couldn’t get on at all actually sit straight like this long until until now so LOL I can’t I I put the Huskers place foreign I must say that was like one of the funniest things I’ve done

I put the husk in its place oh bye what how did you how did that thing live it lived it somehow lived yeah I was on the server once I got sick okay okay yeah you said you got sick that one time um although you got better now so I’m

Glad to hit I’m glad that you gotten better no one likes being sick especially me especially me oh being sick is a nuisance not gonna lie also I am getting rid of a lot of dirt not dead sorry sand I’m getting rid of so much sand here but it’s for the platform also sometimes people have to do a plank or something in in like stones like sharp stones to make you do planks if you’re not listening or talking too loud or not in formation well like I said disciplinary actions I

Mean that’s what military is it’s a hard grind and yeah even my friend ended up having PTSD once the whole thing’s over although I think he’s not completely he’s not completely shy of fault so but but that’s the thing about military though nothing goes according to plan nothing goes according to plan

You’ve been you’ve been making presents for your sister’s birthday in a couple of weeks okay she loves Xboxes Okay so so what do you like getting her oh So you like getting her an Xbox gift card or something Tanner judging by are you saying that she likes uh like Xboxes Although although I could miss Mr interpret that match that word as complete something else help skeleton why were you just standing there I don’t know why that skeleton was just standing there oh I see you have to do this for the next five years oh no it was definitely getting PTSD um

Try to manage with manage it without without getting PTSD mind you try to do the do it without getting ptsdp yes he is not not a good thing and I don’t think they do this to purposefully give you guys PTSD but uh that’s that’s a sad reality about life

Is that intentions are not based on Good Intentions sometimes the intentions like have to be done or else you cannot save your life Etc and so on so I can totally understand oh so you drew her a huge Xbox logo you’re working on Xbox controller and you can start

Working on headpoints you only have one dog you can’t afford anything I understand I understand oh you know what Tanner what you could do is maybe I don’t know build an Xbox logo on the server on Autumn maybe even in your Minecraft world like you know create your Minecraft

World and build a build one in creative maybe that maybe that will work out you know maybe that might be one of those great gifts that you can do the you know pixel drawing you call that yeah pixel drawing understandable not everyone is Rich enough to do do everything that they

Want to do so I totally understand that I totally understand what you mean um build a controller like a builder what what looks like a controller for Xbox and such for her okay getting sandstone like it’s called pixel drawing so foreign is it normal to start cadets at 12

Um difficult different countries have different rules guys different countries have different roles and some countries have exemptions like they usually have exemptions where if the person is either very ill and unable to go to military training then they are completely exempt although we’re talking about here as in really bad health condition so

So you’d have to do in a really bad health condition uh to do that to avoid going to the military but then again I mean get a training I mean a military my bag I mean it’s still the same though still the same

So in general no no no no I think uh I think you’re just uh your country is probably just one of the more extreme side to to be training you guys at such a young age but then again but then again if you like compare extra collector if

You if you trade credit training as extra curricular activity then there’s also this thing in Japan where they start Samurai training people at a very young age you know basically Swinging The Sword up and down and then go from there so so if you if it’s an extra collectoral kind

Of activity that you look at then yeah you’re not the only ones you’re not the only ones they’re also countries like China and Japan and South and South Korea and maybe Vietnam Vietnam and the other the others Yeah they probably they probably will be they probably are they probably take it get get youngsters in at the young young age at a young age all right Tanner helper you’re hopping in two minutes okay cool whereas I’m still going to collect sand to place the platform my God there is

Just so much to go so much to build I never imagined when I started the Thousand beacons thing it would be this difficult hey Bonnie welcome to this film how are you today you won’t be talking but you’ll be here all right Tony here thank you for

Dropping by how about you anyway you’re gonna go now have a nice dream all right guys thank you you have a great time as well see you later hopefully or maybe otherwise have a great life see you whenever next time well but yeah as ice had pointed out some

Countries do have these regulations that call this youngsters join and beat start training in these extra curricular activities and all that one of those countries that do not have this is is America same for me here in Australia it is optional for us to go on this these uh character trading thing actually

We have we have something similar to it but yeah something similar to it some are similar to it however it is it is like a program to for to help guys to engage and go go work in mountains and just work out and exercise and everything so that’s that’s the kind of thing

Um my friend had gone to it I never went to it because I was too busy focusing on later playing games at home or studying it’s it’s mostly like that to be honest well making that to five minutes because my tablet just shut down completely and it does have

Just it does do a lot like this so you’ll need a new one ah well recipes here tab a tablet I guess how many years has it been since you bought it a tenor for it to be shutting down like that all the time I mean did you charge it

Properly could it be that the battery is not lasting or you just you just forgot to keep the tab charged I’m guessing that I’m guessing the tab was not charged to the to the to the max it’s probably why hey Asher welcome to this stream how are you today

Hey so many so much stuff just lying around I’m only collecting sand though because that’s what I need sand that’s all sand just sand oh it was a birthday present it was like only two years old and so it’s been four years okay interesting so four years is it like um

Is it a Samsung Galaxy tab or is it like some some random like some random tab that uh did your parents bought first bought for it but at low price we because I mean that the problem with uh tabs and batteries the fact is that today there is a there is a problem

Within the Apple products as well to be honest because lithium does not last long unfortunately and since it does not last long it causes a bit of a pain it causes a bit of a pain oh God where’s sand not good not good ever It’s on it’s wires are just wires are disconnected in it I think that’s why it’s turning off oh in that case you should you should like short to to someone that we can repair tabs maybe then it might get better maybe maybe and I’m being joined by my son

He’s leaning his head on my shoulder again he’s doing this quite often actually He just Waddles all the way where I am here streaming and he just puts his head on my shoulder Say hi say hi come closer the mic can’t hear you say hi He’s waving he’s he’s just saying he’s saying hi but let’s not see he’s not saying it in a loud way I don’t know if you guys heard it or not but you should not normally a shirt You told your parents and they said it would be too expensive so they can’t get it fixed up bummer yeah that does that does suck I mean just imagine that hello Sarah blast welcome to the stream how are you today and thank you thank you that was

The kind of you to say that the video is awesome thank you I am right now collecting sand to make Sandstone to complete that bridge not Bridge sorry place the platform and it’s taking a lot of resources mind you because I wiped out pretty much a lot of

The sand here I just have to go even deeper but I haven’t gotten yet so I’m just going further and further away from the Inland so okay why don’t I just return and places and I mean breakfast and that’s on the lower level let’s do that ow oh got it

Okay start from here okay it’s an on tablet what what does that mean Tanner what what does it mean on tab on tablet I I actually don’t know what that means on tablet what does that mean Oh it’s okay your tablet Cuts isn’t turning on so you can’t play Ah that’s a bummer but oh well the brand is on I’ve never heard them before I think your parents probably bought a really cheap one really cheap tab oh that’s not exactly a good thing those don’t exactly have the greatest

Materials as our builds they’re just they’re just cheap knockoffs I don’t because because the ones that I know about are definitely made by Google or not Google sorry there is Google one there is also Microsoft as well as and such and oh they didn’t get it for you but

But they’re gifted here though no but but then again I guess they didn’t they no longer needed it so they gave it to you instead so it’s an on tablet let me just see on on tablet oh ha the best budget tablet from Walmart are you kidding

Okay apparently it looks I mean reviews seem okay but like but like others are they trustable oh your sister got it for you okay yeah your parents didn’t didn’t get it for you your sister did okay well good on her good on her you know that’s good on her that’s good on her

Getting you at least that much however ah but then though what what are you gonna do in this kind of day and age where you need smartphones and all such you need to keep up with everything and all that and everything and all things

I guess what you could do is I guess in in a way like everyone else go find a part-time job and make fun and make and if if you can find one that hires a child labor because seriously that’s what it is literally but we don’t talk about that um

So you use that money for whatever whatever you want because clearly your parents aren’t willing to get that get it repaired which is not a good thing I mean they should realize the longer they leave it like that without it getting it repaired the the item will just stay damaged and

Continue to go get damaged until it finally dies which is which is a which is a complete waste of product to be honest when you can try to get when you can get it repaired better get it repaired is my opinion you need Minecraft on your phone

The I get the feeling you need to buy that one buy the Minecraft one is it to use it on your phone you’re not 12 so you can get a job okay so are you planning on planning on doing that Although I won’t say if you go to part-time jobs and if you are and if you earn money from it to spend it on games because I believe you should also save it up for when you might use it like when you might need it later because again those those pocket savings

Are aren’t aren’t really aren’t really gonna cut you a lot of Slack you are 12 yes how can I oh okay okay you’re 12 how can I get a job oh oh sorry sorry I said I read the hours now sorry I don’t have it now I don’t know I

Haven’t fully recovered yet so so my eyesight’s a little wonky sorry about that Tanner I didn’t I didn’t really checked up for the wording properly yeah if you’re 12 you’re not gonna get like how are you gonna get a job true although here in Australia my friend started working like in a

Part-time place like when he was only 15 14 I guess maybe the maybe but but yeah um some started even like as early as 12 or or or what he did was if if you’re going to start uh like get a part-time job early he would ask his

Parents uh if they want him to do something and they will pay him for it so he would so he would just mow the lawn for them and get paid instead it’s like a incentralizing thing I guess you could say I don’t really know if that’s a good thing or not but

Just it’s just sharing what I know about what’s been happening with that one but can I live there now Unfortunately I don’t think your parents will let you and besides Australia is is it’s all right the people are great and everything but uh biggerness is part of like what we truly are I guess that’s very stubborn stubborn stubborn little people I mean the fact is recently I’ve been seeing the the

YouTube Partner program updates and all that and I don’t know why well I don’t know why that the YouTube Partner program has not extended the the recent updates to Australia yet like why not Australia is Australia like a minority when it comes to YouTube aren’t they like my huge Minecraft like

My Minecraft YouTube Creator from Australia why did it get left out in the recent 55 countries that were really released uh I’ll never know but either way well off you go oh by the way today is Lizzy’s birthday so okay this is sand there’s a sandstone oh I ran out of sand

Watch with the music actually I just realized the music is like very sci-fi okay so your parents used to pay you shorts like clean up okay clean up number two from dogs and horses for 25 cents and Four Cents for putting up this silverware okay silverware what I don’t oh what

What I’m surrounded by two uh two skeletons taking it shots at me from two sides oh what in the world Oh finally oh my leg hurts okay but to pay you in sense That must be expensive Civil War is like four spoons oh those okay okay I understand I understand I understand now I thought you were because the other said those civil plates and all that I thought wait don’t people usually eat eat in glass plates wise do you like eating silver plates is what

I what I got confused with okay I understand Like come on paying someone 25 cents just to put the silver plates I mean sure I guess that makes sense but feels like but feels like your parents but then again I really don’t know it really I mean you’re just putting the silverware away I mean it’s not exactly

Hard of hard effort so so you got paid 29 cents for doing four chores okay interesting and what would you usually do normally do when you when you save up the money do you like spend it on chocolates or anything to eat when your parents can buy them for you

Hello zombie bye zombie um Honestly though Honestly though you guys should if you ever get stop making money you should save up a lot of it having Savings in the future is a very wealthy thing to have because as inflation Rises and if jobs income do not rise it’ll end

Up creating a bit better like a whiplash in the in the society where people will be pressed hard to spend you can only inflation can only go down if you spend more but who’s gonna spend when inflation is so high and income is so low I’m not kidding who’s gonna who’s gonna

Spend uh spend like that oh not a chance not a chance skeleton oh so you’re only allowed to spend it on Christmas presents oh come on this they shouldn’t like tell you what you should spend it on but okay I mean you did you did earn it earnestly you

Know you did the earn it with honesty so what you can your parents should do or anyone should do really in their play in your in their places tell you advise you what you can buy with that it should not be like about permission you know it should be like giving advice

If you are at the age and you understand you understand you understand that you you have money you should use it for something else like that it would obviously end up using it for whatever means however it’s not like you would think of wasting your money on all that but then again

I’m the guy who donated all the earnings that he made um the first time around so so I don’t think it’s actually a good idea so perhaps maybe maybe being told what to do with the money is probably a good idea if you’re like very young and immature and not

Sure what to do with the money that was stuff that you’ve always wanted your parents to get the one that you always wanted to get stuff that your parents wouldn’t get for you okay oh you you said 85 dollars once but you can spend it on yourself what the heck

That that seems so unfair hey it speaks welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going and Tanner what the heck is what are your parents thinking that point of the point of the getting pocket money everything is so that that you know you can get something that they

They cannot buy you or they don’t want to buy you that plus the whole point and and yet why why would they I don’t get it I really don’t understand your parents at all like here I am contemplating how I can be a good parent for my son in the future and and

Hear your parents like come on you you earn 85 on your own I mean sure they did give it to you but you didn’t earn it by completing the tasks that they set up for you and and yet you’re not allowed to spend it on yourself that doesn’t make sense

That doesn’t make sense however they are your parents you cannot you can’t like just challenge them you can’t just all rule them they’ll just ground you for it that’s not exactly a good thing uh I mean I get the feeling that your parents are very strict and they’re very like controlling so huh

Yeah when you have those kind of patterns it’ll be very tough so what did you end up doing with that 85.85 Tanner and after Christmas shopping you had left with only one dollar and you couldn’t you could you Tanner your grammar is kind of mixed up

There what what you could get banned by anything you wanted with it um you couldn’t okay wait so like hold on let me get this straight so your parents made you spend all your eighty dollars on the family Christmas shopping is that what they did the day did they seriously

Make you spend all your eighty dollars on family pennings oh my God oh my God that is so wrong that is so wrong that is so wrong like come on that is just so wrong you like for a 12 year old who can’t get a job who cannot be who is not eligible

Age enough at least to go get a part-time job at the very least he did he did he did he did he did his best with house chores doing whatever you told him to do and you use his the money that he earned and all that and spend

That on whole like savings and what the hell did they do with theirs this isn’t even about their money or your money this is about morals this is about your ticks where the hell are the goddamn ethics let me let me ask you Tanner do you guys

Believe in Jesus do you guys believe in God I just wanted to make sure because sometimes I feel like I have to I’m dealing with certain kinds of people that needs some sort of I don’t know eye-opening or something like come on this isn’t the behavior that you should

Be showing to your kids like what kind of an example is this setting them out to be this isn’t like this isn’t giving a good example like come on all right FX all right FX good luck with your stream all right thank you for dropping by in my stream

Am I gonna stream tomorrow hi Bill I will I’ll be streaming hardcore tomorrow and again I’ll be joined to talk talking with everyone so we’ll see how to how it goes tomorrow Yeah you do I don’t know how about your parents you never asked him okay okay well well Tanner continue your belief keep your beliefs he can keep it stronger and let’s release tomorrow yeah I love Max I know you are lucky I’ve got an I record my energy otherwise I would not be

Screaming you’re lucky I recovered from my like I’m not in the card completely but I’m so I’m still there but at the very least I have the energy in it now the stream otherwise I wouldn’t be streaming at all and Tanners keep your faith strong keep your faith strong my friend because

Like trials and trials and tribulations is part of what life is about and if we face him early on it just means that whatever we have in store for us in LA in life let her down the road tend to be a lot easier than we can ever expect them to be actually

I mean that’s what I that’s what I saw myself so all right it’s effects see you have a great stream of have a great stream so that’s what I that’s what I realized watching mine much in my life you know being bullied at a young age being a

Become a bully in turn and then being betrayed by by so the whom I thought were my best friends at the time who were using me as you know as Canon father who blamed all everything on me used me to escape consequences that should have rightfully been all of us facing

Together but nope I ended up taking the brunt of it and everyone believed because that was the kind of person that I ended up becoming for those those people and as such so it’s insane oh it’s raining too are you kidding me China it’s like this my money they can’t

Tell you what to do it’s lying you can spend it on what what you want so let’s play lost at all yes oh we I mean what did they even tell you like did they just take the I mean did they ask you for your money or did you just take it

I’m just curious if they ask you money and you had no choice but to give it I can understand because that’s Sometimes some parents end up being those kind of parents but if they asked and took it at least that’s that’s still not okay but it is

At least not stealing however if they like if they know where you usually save your money and they ended up taking that money and saying you should spend it for the family and you should be act responsible if you’re the man and all that garbage uh

Okay and okay in a scenario like that Tanner what would you think would have happened if you said no you you worked hard on it you did everything they asked and they gave you the money in it in return um and now you want to spend that money on

What you want what do you think they would have said to you would they have grounded you would they have taken the money from you or would they have I don’t know acted a very very unparently in unparent-like way thank you foreign thinking about the what if the water situation

It’s it’s a nasty situation to think about but you have to you have to as a young kid you have to like be prepared for the scenario or the worst case scenario of what parents would do to you if your behave or in a way that they do

They do not like they don’t know if they don’t like your behavior what would they do to you what would they do it’s better to be prepared then extract the worst I say yeah see I expected that I had that as much Center I expected that as much so hmm sleazy parents

I’m sorry that I’m calling your parents that but I’m I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry in this world we live by ethics and morals and just because people on social media don’t have those doesn’t mean I don’t seriously seriously even my parents parents may have behaved silly wise once in a while

But if I ever earn money from this during my hard work they would never make me spend it on them in fact my mother never even cared how much I saved yeah that’s that’s the best that I can say really I’m not really gonna say like really bad things about them

Sleazy is like parents the sleazy is like you don’t want to spend it and spend you just want to have someone else spend for you that is what sleazy is in my opinion let me just look it up actually because I often refer to sleaze as that Sneezy meaning yep

Dirty Cheap or not socially acceptable especially relating to moral or values so yep in my honest opinion that’s literally what they what they’re doing I cannot believe it that that parents have the girl to tell their kid that they have to spend it for them after he’s

Worked hard to earn it from them I mean sure they didn’t give it to him but they didn’t give it for free though if they gave it to you for free yes you should you should spend it for them but you earned it you rightfully earned it so

In this where in this part did I missed the part where they had any Say in any right to say that you have to spend your money however they want to spend it on uh mind-boggling yeah Tanner I believe you should make some backup plans in the future

The fact that they’re spending they like the I mean recently I’ve been seeing stories oh recently I’ve been saying stories of different kids going through different problematic parents who don’t understand what it means to be a parent and they just end up being like one of those really really bad parents so

They end up in a really bad relationship and a kid is focused on getting out of the house making a living and focusing on focusing himself and being a better person and one day eventually becoming a a better parent than his parents ever were to him hey silent duck

Welcome to the stream how are you today I know I know it’s been a while I’ve been sick during this uh since Saturday which is Friday for most of you I’ve been sick since Saturday and yeah I finally recovered although not fully 90 percent done

It’s just it’s just I now I can last however long that my energy lasts to be honest my your parents need to be tight enough on parenting I agree I agree I agree I hundred percent no 110 percent agree on that Tanner your parents definitely need to be learned

Like taught how to be a parent because like seriously even my grandparents are better than this and I’m and I’m shocked like no kidding they’re like if I if I earned anything because I grew up with my grandparents for half my childhood so until I was nine years old I believe and

Oh no I’m so sorry to read that I hope I hope it recovers soon silent duck out ouch can imagine what it’s like to break your thumb flip well at least you are having fun uh though it’s not fun when you when you break something

In your body so I hope you recover soon and yeah my grandparents while strict and overbearing and everything I don’t think even they would I don’t think even yeah I don’t think even they would make me give up give up on the money that I rightfully earned so so yeah

Oh yes Carl welcome to the stream it’s all right it’s okay you’re not late you’re not late I didn’t schedule the stream which is why and my son is crying because he’s probably he wants something laughs uh Tanner you want to tell Sally that what happened with your parents um

Well this is a basic example of a bad parent so so basically what happened with Tanner is he got paid for the for putting in the effort and by doing some stuff at home doing chores and everything he got paid rightfully which is fine and Andy I mean he worked hard

He got paid for it now he learned the Crux of the matter it comes with that when he wants when he went to spend it his parents made him spend the money on on them not on himself and by the time he was left with one dollar he he had

Nothing to like he did not have anything to spend for himself so like and if he had challenged them and if I challenge them then he did the he said that he would be grounded so so that’s not exactly a good thing either so yeah it’s a

It’s a sad part I know right salad that it’s sad and scar it didn’t you didn’t think there was going to be stream I know I know I should have scheduled but I was like tired and I went to bed early last night so I had no choice all right Thomas have

A great time sleep well sleep tight Dove ignore anything that um like forget about all the negativity focus on the positivity focus on on you know getting out of the clutches of your hair your clearly bad parents with under this silly and stupid sleazy bad parenting my God

At the very least you know your rights however with those kind of parents rights are are just are just for you are just for show uh what am I building I’m building a platform actually Sally duck I’m trying to like build a thousand beacons and to do

That and to do that I’m trying to build a lot of this however it is taking so long it is taking so long and I’m not even joking I’m actually I’ve stopped everything and just building this Non-Stop just non-stop we need to talk about this one tomorrow

Okay we’ll see Tanner we’ll see we’ll see maybe we’ll have we’ll hopefully Archie will be on too so we can hear his okay here’s a few cents apart from that we will be I don’t know if Lizzy will be on today’s her birthday apparently so happy birthday to

Her Julia she’ll obviously be spending time with her family and France and my boyfriend obviously so I don’t know if she’ll be joining to go tomorrow but we’ll see how it goes since you said this is the therapy for our stream understandable understandable like I don’t know but for some reason my

Streams have become therapy sessions for my viewers like normally I my streams I just went to like like chill relax hang out listen to music and and just talk about random stuff but I don’t know but with recent uh people with recent people coming in sharing their sad stories and me giving

Whatever helpful to have a helpful tip advices that I can I can it’s kind of become like a big thing like a chill stream on a relaxing stream where you just chill State your problem and I will give advice I won’t give you a solution I’m not a solution Giver I’m an advice

Giver one moment guys I’ll be right back I’ll be right I’ll be back in two minutes thank you foreign foreign Back everyone oh hey Sarah welcome to the Stream oh man I just went downstairs and got some like wife asked me to bring some stuff up so I did and I’m exhausted I’m exhausted hey scar I’m all right um just been you know building this I’m building platform and hey bunny welcome back

Then just like uh yeah you say that you’ll be back in a bit okay you just you’re back okay welcome back I guess to you as well oh I know Tanner I know you would I know you would uh like like come on like that is just so wrong like seriously that is

So wrong on so many levels where do you where do I even begin hello rabbit cool oh boy hmm so anyway I’m thinking of creating this item called the sax so it’s basically like similar to how it would work in the Sky Block where where it does is uh one moment’s car okay

Okay so so what do what we do is hello so what what it would do is basically uh collecting all the items of all the items of those specified in that sack to however however long we wanted to wanted to collect it yeah what is it oh thanks but thanks I guess

What the it’s a lot of diamonds still you should just keep those for yourself hey let’s say let’s join the game you know good idea what is it share sailed out Tanner if you’re still here and listening or if you’re some I don’t know watching from the future or like if

You’re watching it tomorrow I just want you to just remember stay focused on your goal just stay focused on your goal my man an OPI trident okay well I’ll be driving this one thing like what kind of Opie trident did you want it to be like what what does it do

Like whenever it hits Lightning’s lightning strikes or I don’t know causes lighting surges all around hey speaks height did I say not say hi sorry if I didn’t I thought I said hi sorry I thought I said hi hi it’s a chill chill sorry I thought I said hi

Man I got this try oh not gonna lie it’s very lightning but I mean when you said Opie Trident that’s the first thing I imagined it to be it’s like do causes uh like tando’s thunder strikes the Thunder waves or something like that hmm I could do that it’s like uh it that

Would require a lot of coding from me and I’ve got a lie hmm yeah I would have to in order to have Lightning’s strike happening yeah uh Ah that’s gonna be it yep it’s definitely gonna take me or take a lot of coding from me all right speaks take

Care now thank you for dropping by have a great night have a great day tomorrow too see you next time I’m sorry I didn’t say how I didn’t greet you I thought I did ah dang it I don’t like it but I’m so tired like my mind is slipping my mind is slipping

I okay let’s see but yeah but yeah Opie Trident is one of those things that I can I can definitely do however again I said it needs to be in like input directly into the code I need to add just add the code and after that I have to spend time implementing it

Into the server I have a couple of things actually I should be adding first the first one I thought of adding was was the op iron sword called the Star Saver and along with Star Saver I plan on creating like like a unique armor sets using a leather armor and change the

Colors and attributes and all the all those other things so oh or like a Riptide five trading where you don’t need rain or water okay wait Riptide five uh you know you can go to Riptide level 10. skyer what I don’t think speaks likes me at all she’s been avoiding me and has

Been ignoring me it’s okay it’s okay scar it’s okay it’s okay let her be let us respect their letters respect their choices and move on if she doesn’t want to want to talk to her if she doesn’t want to talk to you then I believe it is just right that we

Just leave her be like Bonnie here had asked me like she wanted to talk to FX for a while she won’t apologize to him but he’s been keeping his distance from her and he didn’t want to talk to her Etc and all that so I told her told her

It’s okay it’s okay if they don’t want to talk to us it’s okay if they want to talk to us at least at least you tried you tried that’s that’s what matters it’s not about if if they can talk if after all that yeah great that’s all great but if

They want to talk at least you tried at least you tried that’s that’s the one thing to live live by you tried it wasn’t just something empty and all that you tried they didn’t they don’t want to talk to you so be it we will respect their their wishes and we will stay

Clear of them we don’t want to end up like creating more problems for them by trying to engage with them when they don’t themselves don’t want to engage with us I found this the easy way easy way to do what what Sheriff ad can you add Poseidon’s Friedens Poseidon’s

I know I know who Poseidon is Greek god agree god of water ah what are even his powers I don’t even know what his fouls are I have to look them up and see what they are uh I mean I mean adding Rheumatology and all that into the game

We’ll see I’ll see what to do I’ll see what to do I answered nothing I also should be doing is adding like economy it’s gonna take a while skeleton I’m not even bothered about the skeleton really oh you got the you got you you got this nice oh whoa I’m called an apple

Okay how do I even pick that up yep I don’t have to pick it up hey you’re ready for PVP now this car hey Lizzy welcome to the stream and welcome to the server too how’s your day been I read that you you had you had a

Greatest birthday you had a like you had a wonderful birthday I I didn’t read anything else because I had to go afterwards oh you played on a server like s Mash oh you played on a several leg csmp okay okay so what were the perks like on there

You’re gonna fight the Wither all right scar good luck with that fighting a video is kind of like a little overkill for you and it is like at this stage but okay your choice it was like Hypixel Sky oh it was like Hypixel Skyblock themed oh okay okay

I’m I’m okay Lizzy I’m slowly recovering from my recent infection and due to that I’m not exactly well focused I somehow ended up missing re missing uh speak saying hi to me so I hope she’s not upset about it who am I kidding she probably is she

Always calls me grandpa so she probably is uh I will I will apologize to her properly tomorrow when I’m joined by everyone else but when I’m live streaming again for hardcore you have to go bunny I shouldn’t I’m sorry not for not being here that long then

Goodbye all right buddy no worries take care of yourself see you later have a great day or have a great rest of the day see you next time I’m doing I am doing the best that I can you know I’m doing the best that I can you’re on the platform right now okay

Where obviously I can’t say because I’m far away I am here just getting sand lots of it you know there’s also this other thing that I thought of doing you know uh what was it um in Hypixel Sky it shut down oh I’m sad to say that though sad to see that

But yeah speaking of steamed Hypixel kind of thing there’s this thing I called that I thought of creating it’s called um what is it it’s called uh um like personal crafter but but instead of personal crafter I’m gonna call it the auto compactor or RL Auto Auto

Compact that I guess you could call it but basically what it does is because if you have the required ingredients or recipe in your in your inventory and oh looks like scarred spawned over there well wish him luck and so what it will do is it will automatically like Whatever item you

Place in there and if you have the required items to craft it it’ll automatic craft into it you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to go into the crafting table open open up the recipe and do whatever do all that hard work the auto crafter the auto

Compactor I guess will do it for you so this is like like similar to what Hypixel did but I’m planning on doing something like that on here with the with the gsmp thing because I feel that it you should and there’s another thing I’ve actually

Been wanting to do I had to build a wand because Oh I cannot imagine like I can’t tell you how difficult it is to build so much of the platform but then again sometimes I feel Builder one isn’t a good thing to have because it kind of takes away the whole survival thing you know it kind of takes a whole

Survival thing away sometimes you need to have survival thing welcome back speaks and Cheryl you asked your friend and he shut down because no one was playing it ah I’m sorry to hear that world at it ah world edit I mean shut up I know I know but world did it I

Have welded installed on zsmp but the thing is world edit is like creative you had a world that I want you select one you select one here you select another here and set and you can just say I set all the items items you don’t even have to place place the platform

It’s kind of ridiculous and yeah and speaks it has a random question do you like mountain biking I do I do like mountain biking I do I do that’s the entire reason why I bought a I bought myself a mountain bike because because I liked going up mountains

And and such though I no longer have the time to do all that it’s time is a luxury to me actually time is a luxury and it’s a luxury that I just don’t have unfortunately mountain biking till the steaks great job that is great especially especially the winding the winding turns the forest

The just the environment it just it just is it just is amazing it’s just as amazing like I my friend went to this like oh went to this thing once high up yes car what is it oh you killed it nice job but wait did you get another star the

All right you don’t get a you don’t get a oh you don’t get an achievement for getting another another star ah that sucks it did they should make it achievement for getting another star or at least defeating your first video oh If you got Stacks uh like stacks of diamonds can I trade with you something with you I don’t have stacks of diamonds and I need and I actually do they need diamonds right now scars so I can’t trade you the whatever diamonds I have with me sorry uh the Thousand I need and

The Thousand beacons project requires so much items and relax If I had if I had diamonds so like what did you want to trade trade with uh make a KB stick what’s a cable stick oh I don’t know you don’t know what what I have I don’t really have much to offer actually in fact in fact I was actually

Guys I was thinking of you know getting like putting away my uh my neutered armor once I finish the beacons and starting from scratch on the gsmp like basically resetting my profile not my bases or anything but resetting my profile my achievements my everything that I’ve earned everything that I’ve

Achieved reset all and and such so can I buy the armor which armor do you mean scar you mean this armor the one I’m wearing right now you mean this now I was actually planning on just putting up for a display yes sorry sorry I wanted to put it up

For display because I worked really hard to get all this so and besides with all the entire enchantments and everything this is kind of like like very expensive to buy to be honest I was thinking of getting a getting an armored Trend but then I thought

Nah nah I can’t get it armor trimmed because I didn’t get because the armor trim got added in the 1.19 update and it’s not really it’s not really the right way to go about it so instead I will I will you know start from scratch I will start from scratch once once the

Once it’s over I know Shadow I know I know give me a give me a break guys my mind isn’t exactly completely recovered from the from the sickness so please do give me some leeway here do give me some leeway getting inflected with the with the serious case of

Like viral infection doesn’t help the brain doesn’t have the brain I’m actually kind of trying hard to trying hard to stay focused like remember what the hell I’m saying before I forget I’m like okay what did I say just now like become like a Mr by Mr Biden

I don’t want to become a meme oh hey Lizzy uh hi you’re here so what was the birthday that you said that like you had a great time with so what did you guys do what kind of presents did you get most of the time on my birthdays I would get presents like

That are like useful to me in an educational way uh sometimes chocolates and all that but mostly educational and I’m not literally kidding it’s not really like bad to get educational stuff because normally I would get whatever I just ask if I need it and if it’s like necessary

So oh you’re sick too oh I’m sorry to read that Cheryl I hope you will get better soon too you know I hope you will get better soon as well thank you and speaks if you’re still here did you ever do you have a bike bicycle like

Whatever I was gonna ask a bike but then a bike is like a motorbike thing now I meant like bicycle do you like have a bicycle is that why you asked me whether I’m like interested in doing mountain biking and all that because I I enjoy going mountain biking

Um when I have the chance however being that it’s winter right now it gets ridiculously cold so I I it’s been a while since I’ve been cycling anywhere actually I want to go cycling soon I want to go cycling soon oh you’re getting a new phone and it

Will come in two weeks okay and I’m guessing that they did not tell you what the phone will be about what the phone is about I mean it is called a surprise obviously so obviously they won’t tell you it’s summer it’s winter for me here Shadow it’s winter here in Australia

Summer for us will be starting at uh November foreign Starts in November and it’s kind of like crazy it’s yeah Australian did not have I been saving a saying I’ve been in a I’m us I’m in Australia for a while nope not sure well what can I say lazy like secret gifts these secret things I’m never going there spiders yeah

I mean if you’re not living in the outback that’s not the issue if you’re living in the outback that you’re not have to write really watch out for spiders and snakes but but yeah I can understand uh spiders you do have to watch out for spiders snakes are all right they don’t really

They don’t really in come into society they don’t they don’t bother if you don’t bother them they don’t bother us it’s let’s have their role spiders yeah as far as that annoying I can understand yeah let’s just experimental spiders no I don’t want to go genocide on spiders Hello skeleton skeleton didn’t didn’t even do much yeah whenever when I first came to Australia I was like when after when I first heard that there were snakes and all that I was like oh my God what are we gonna do a snake’s gonna come into my house it’s gonna

Crawl up the stairs it’s gonna get in my bed and I was just a kid I was just a kid with too much imagination on him [Laughter] I I was like thinking of stupid things that don’t even exist and all that Oh Lizzy you want us to you want to join we see Do you know the song cradles word uh not sure all right Cheryl see you later have a great day now thank you for dropping by you have a great day and you have a great time now um no scar I don’t know what that song is

And sure let’s say sure we can join I can join PC Are you the children join us you have hello Um I am here yeah I can’t hear you oh there we go I can hear you now hello Miss birthday girl yeah I’ll be laid back all right we and jump but funny thing is I’m getting so much quartz and zombies us I mean I have a heavy case of husks husks don’t

Like me they obviously they must think I’m some sort of I’m a villain they must really think I’m a villain of some kind okay I’m 18 now indeed also watch out watch out you have us you have a phantom on you oh boy oh oh

Thank God I thank God I thought I hit you for a moment there but it was just a baby but yeah but yeah once I completed the Thousand biggest challenge finally by the way I can uh I will I will reset my my profile putting up my armor for

Display and restarting everything I guess cool so so he said oh yeah I will be I will actually be less I’ll be at literally like at the beginning stage and unlike everyone I mean it’s just a feeling that I thought I I should do go go completely resetting

We got a brand new field for the server I love spider bye wait what he’s after me too bad I I got him so anyway so like did you get did you cut a cake did you did you did did you like I took my own cake nice

So what flavor was it was it banana vanilla nice I would pick vanilla too although my wife would pick chocolate as hers how many chocolates all right but like it’s not really great yes what is it what is this car oh you want to kill 100 videos at once

Uh I don’t think the server can handle I mean I mean it can handle a thousand videos at once we did do that um it’s just that I don’t know um if I can like spawn 100 videos right now and all that but but but you can try placing them in a

Like a like a one-row thing I guess yeah like a the video tunnel you could probably use that oh one moment bad boy the Thousand videos challenged on that day was insane oh oh that was the wrong soul that was the wrong sand but yeah I’m slowly slowly gonna add more custom items

Um the s p items but these are the only ones that have been added right now so with the father’s star and the Star Rod and there’s also another thing that I’m gonna add It’s Like a Stone um a different Stone I guess cool and if you combine all this you get the

The uh the NLP item called the star saber um Size like you could probably one shot using one shot of weather with it even maybe even the Ender Dragon I don’t think in one shot yeah but I don’t think you can one shot the warden I’ll have to create one for one that can one shot the warden some other time

I mean the main reason I’m doing this is without it I’m actually planning to add this a mod called level leveling mods so the mobs will have like levels and the higher the level is the more powerful the mob is so it’ll be like that

How do I make the star saber I haven’t made the recipe for it yet though car if if the item is in here it’ll show you how to craft it so it’ll show you how to craft it so So you just have to do Sites like that I didn’t hide it yet because like I said I haven’t completely figured out this recipe and because you know it’s an OPI it’s an Opie sword so it needs to be earned after some rigorous hard work and and I never I haven’t exactly enabled them

This one yeah I mean you have to stock up to Stardust and I haven’t exactly enabled the Stardust yet Stardust has a one person chance of dropping when you mine sand or gravel or in fact there’s a new remind me guys as of 1.20 don’t you have this thing called a brush

Yes you do and you can craft a brush using a feather or Ingot and stick okay hmm okay in that case here’s what I’m gonna do how are you gonna like listen this is how you’re going to get Stardust Stardust is where you need you need Stardust and first craft a brush and

Whatever brush you choose to get to like an excavation and from that you have a one person chance of getting Stardust although Stardust will look like a fire like like a like what is that a blaze powder it looks like a blaze powder but it it’ll Clearly say Stardust

So once you get Stardust and it it’s gonna be insane oh okay yeah this is a lot of this yep that’s what I’m gonna do all right that’s a good idea I actually got I actually got a sensible idea for once oh I like the far movement there this stream

What what Lizzy sorry I didn’t catch that on my side this oh it did yeah on on my side the screen supposed oh the stream is still going Lizzy I mean it’s going from oh okay okay why don’t you like refresh the stream maybe that’s probably what

Happened maybe the internet let me do that maybe it’s on your end because yeah streams the stream is still going all right it’s going now okay okay and Scar I think so I think so I think so I mean and there’s really nothing we can do about it really

What we can do is give them space if they don’t want to talk to us give them room and just move on unfortunately you might just go all right scar your choice your call oh dang I accidentally turns okay get get sand please I need sand okay there we go that’s much better

But yeah you look but yeah you need to escalate in order to get Stardust and once you get Stardust it’s oh yeah once you craft the Star Rod and from there it’s it’s a whole process to go share of Alia suggested I craft uh like I make a custom item related to

Poseidon’s trident so that’s one of the one things that I’m going to be thinking about adding to Lag Rose whoa scar your your thing is like almost oh 900. okay this is so much sand just carved out I got I got sand oh wow look at your pink it’s at 1400 scar yeah on top of custom items I’m also going to be like turning the middle area of

The the middle Arena into like a mob battle battle place for you guys to get XP and get and get XP to mend your armors and everything really that’s bad okay why would you be getting 900 ping that’s normally would normally you actually got less ping than me nod

I mean ping is based on so many factors okay almost done almost collected like almost collected full sand full Sandstone here but this oh something’s going on with your internet no worries no worries I mean I just I just said I was just a little surprised that U.S is like over

900 like oh there we go it’s finally at 487 so I think I think I think whoever’s hogging your internet is probably less than that download or something I mean that sounds silly though it’s so silly thank you oh God name tag is an annoyance

Scar what would I do if you if you told me your IP address nothing I would just tell you not to tell that to anyone else what would I do with your IP I have nothing to the game and actually fortune on shovel enchantment I do I do I have Fortune before

All right is this the first time that you’re seeing it I’m guessing it is also by the way actually we’re overrun by voice chat right now so you’re free to join it’s #something okay good to know a good not to know since it’s hashtagged while I’m here behind me my wife is

Busily being a great mother trying to teach my son how to sit on a table and eat like a proper human being So Lizzy when are you gonna go live again on your Twitch Channel okay all right I didn’t do it right now uh let me get on let me let me leave your your stream and on Twitch yeah another race nice sprinkles I’ll be doing my live streams okay

Tell me about the background my sister it’s like it’s her performance no worries no worries yeah hello wandering Trader wait what where are you stop he’s invisible dude wait okay so this is the total ripoff this guy who do my my license here all right yeah

But this is this is such a ripoff what the heck he’s asking he’s asking he’ll give me Emerald if I give him a bundle what he needs a bundle apparently but everything else isn’t worth anything goodbye I mean I don’t know why I get I

I mean why did I even give a fortune to my shovel probably because it because I could I didn’t even think about the like significance I don’t even know if if the drop rate like increases Allah skeleton bye Daddy spawned Okay I’ve collected a lot of them so let’s return and continue placing the blocks oh but first I should turn it today oh my boy I know hey Louie hello whip how are you today welcome to the stream how’s it going I’ve been same old building this platform Non-Stop non-stop just placing blocks building

This platform never ending how’s yours going how’s your life going I hope everything’s been working out for you everything is going all right that sounds good hey Auntie you broke your arm oh no how did you how did that happen are you all right I hope you’ll get well soon oh my God

Man what has people been what what have people been up to while I was down and under with myself in sickness really sick you got sick too are you kidding we’re all getting sick it’s a sickness season already oh wait what what Lance I wasn’t even flying I was trying to fly Okay that’s so weird but okay you’re on your bike and some dude came crashing came driving by with a four-wheeler right past you and you fell down the hill Oh no oh so like did he stop or did he just hit and run

I uh I mean if he was a good citizen he would have stopped and did his best to help you and all that if not he would have probably ran I essentially still though still dive I hope you will recover very soon Man imagine imagine getting hurt because of some some random nuts and nut cases who’s on a road on from four wheel that he clearly should not be inside and driving oh yep I knew it I I don’t know why I don’t know why I just got the feeling that

Yeah I don’t know why I just got this feeling that that driver did not stop did not stop I don’t know I got this feeling I don’t know why it is but I’m glad I guess it right but I’m so sorry that he that you were left like that uh

Like that on on your own all or all on your own there with that injury what song are you listening to so you just decided to sing because oh nice nice I wish I could go ahead I heard all alone and then I just um song it’s funny how the random word can

Trigger you when someone just starts singing Imagine people having us like just repeat just listen imagine if people are having a like a serious discussion and one of them is a singer or at least interested in singing and they were just getting bored and suddenly someone said some catchy words that reminds them a song and they start singing and

Everything everyone just stops and looks at him like what is wrong with you what were you about to say that’s like every conversation I have with my friends oh wait so you just start singing you when you’re talking to them well I don’t I don’t start singing I

Just like if they say a single like word that just is attached to a memory um I literally just tell an entire story that’s an interesting ability to have and I’m glad to read that web and no no no no I don’t think just because

We are boys that we should be strong and we should live we are all human beings we should all be strong and as strong strength comes from our our desire for success to see the day today tomorrow today end with peace and happiness and you know

We have within our power to make that happen that is what makes us great boys great people not just big not just our gender but our own identity as human beings what is I was gonna say supremacious determination I mean determination what whichever you want to guard you want to say it foreign

Because I don’t know for some reason I’ve been getting so many I am Ken and we are Keen enough on my on my YouTube shorts with that scar yes PVP is allowed although I told you only five people if they want to fight you otherwise it’s called griefing

I mean not griefing sorry it’s called abusing PVP um yeah I don’t know why but recently I’ve been getting a lot of I am cancer like I am Ken and we are can enough from the from the recent uh Barbie movie which I must say I was not expecting at all

Anything at all like I didn’t watch the movie I didn’t watch Oppenheimer either because I didn’t have the time so when I went to look up what is I am can and what is kid enough I was like really really what is this so I I simply read the

Synopsis for the Barbie movie and I thought blade why does this look like this is like like an like a like a call to men why does this why does the movie look like it’s actually in like an under uh like a hidden message to men I’m very confused yeah like Bobby is

Being Barbie she’s being achiever he’s achiever she’s a success and if anything goes wrong he’s like all wondering what’s going on all that Ken is like trying his best and just doing everything he can and all that to impress her or just make her happy and all that but you know

I was like whoa whoa hold up hold up what is this movie about so I just I thought okay okay it looks like I definitely need to make time to watch the movie okay yeah well at least the actors are not plastic sure oh come on they wouldn’t like make

Plastic if they were making me I mean imagine Ryan Gosling and and other and then being all plastic members and there and there are actually no actors everyone were done by plastic men we were just made to imagine that they were all real people acting the roles of a Barbie doll but what

What how would that benefit them I don’t really know do you have to be honest what really benefits them and my son’s been doing great um I’ve been sending him to daycare recently to get him to interact a bit more of it outsiders with my with more children his age and he’s not

Getting there though it’s like he’s in okay with the instructors and the instructors care about him which I’m happy to see actually because he doesn’t talk yet he’s he’s not fully fluent in speaking and he’s got a slow communication delay and everything so I’m quite happy

So right now at home we’re like doing our best to also try and speed up him understanding that when kids are playing around and doing that he should join in and have fun along with them so scar it looks like he’s going on the same track as you did maybe so scar but

Well I’m not like your parents unlike unlike what happened to you I’m not gonna leave him be I know you’re what oh wait no I got another one all right it’s all good okay of course yeah you know you go ahead you’re good oh you’ve been foraging okay that’s what you meant and what else do I do I know you’ve been trying to get to level 50 but like still

Haven’t gone to 50 yet currently at 42 and 300K XP out of 2.5 million oh my God if you’re that from the ring if from the rate that I’m going I will reach it in nine more days nine one day oh my God that’s insane help me when you have the

Chance I do I will scar I’m not gonna leave the sunbee actually in fact the one advantage with my son is that he has a lot of people to depend on and with you are very shy so you it’s just it was hard on you I can understand I can understand but yeah

At least in in my science case I have I have less things to worry about I’m just worried about him trying to make the the initiation to want to interact with the kids because It’s not showing any interest in wanting to interact with them though he does stand around and apparently watch them watch what they’re doing and observes like like he’s got good observation skills my skill but looks like he’s also inherited my inability to act because that’s kind of my thing I I

Don’t know how to act I simply tend to focus on myself and just stand like like you know I’m one of those people who stands in the corner or sits in the back of the corner and just watches the class doesn’t it doesn’t want to get involved

With any of what they say and all that although for me it was due to um I mean at first at one time it was shyness but after what happened in 2003 it became like a trauma thing and I’ve been very like very less trusting

Of other people and so I decided to just stand back and watch and that became a habit that became a very bad habit and Creeper went flying So yeah it’ll be interesting to see how his goals but we’re doing our very best to make him understand that he is welcome there the kids are there to like they will play with him if he also plays along with them and and such I mean

I mean they will be good kids there will be bad kids it’s not like every place is great it’s not like bad experience does not exist that’s that’s why the word bad experience exists because something of this range does happen oh my defense level went up to level

Five cool I unlocked the immunity foreign very playful so you didn’t have my much friends I can understand I can understand scar help you kill 100 videos I will um although not right now Oscar sorry I’m actually very desperate to find finish the platform really I am very

Desperate to finish it it’s taking way too long at this it might take me two years to complete this that’s ridiculous Sorry scar sorry sorry I’m just like the the bridge is taking that bridge sorry the platform is taking way too long that’s why that’s why I’m now building building it Upstream as well whenever I got even like one hour I just did I just spent one hour at the Gathering sand or

Placing sand placing sandstone where when will you release your address so I can send you a package wait you you wait you got a package to send to me what what package is it and you know I was actually gonna do that when I reached 10 000 subscribers but

Uh you know my postal address wouldn’t you technically also have to make a video on that so then other people would oh calm down stop confusing yourselves Okay did you calm down All right well little friendly has a package for me so he’s like uh asking me have I have when will I release the address the post led us so that he could post it to me I mean anything posted and I will obviously see I mean I guess I can’t do that um

It’s only Apostle I just it shouldn’t be that problematic I think I’ll find this one if you know how to find someone using the post dude oh God is not gonna stalk me I’m more like finally got methods and how to stalk people if you’re not if it’s not me it’ll be

Someone else Talk to anyone it’s like a little figure yeah I can know uh no I don’t think you did I feel like I’ve done something similar wait what what do you mean similar oh wait no I snuck out I didn’t stalk anyone okay ah you snuck out okay how is that

Man you confused yourself there buddy I I had a really bad day at school I’m my brain is very messed up oh you had a bad day today what happened get your change emotional breakdown jealousy yeah let’s see oh you’re jealous of um like are you jealous of the to find that

You feel emotional like breakdown and all that well okay pretty much I’m just scared of losing someone a friend oh and one thing about them is that they’re like pretty shy okay they don’t they have many friends okay I think for some reason my brain takes it as

Okay one thing is that my brain and that my Consciousness Works separately to some extent that’s uh how can you separate your psyches like that pretty much I know it’s perfectly okay and it’s honestly really good that she’s making new friends but at the same time my feelings are

Just like jealousy against every person she meets because like like I feel like my emotions and my brain are thinking no we are special we are the only one that can be friends with her Hi that is obsessive buddy that that is very Obsession go on go on and then my Consciousness is I’m like no it’s okay it’s normal and then my brain’s like no we need to be special I’m like oh my God oh man I I mean I guess you could say like

Literally two people are fighting inside of you now pretty much pretty much I mean one is one is a friend one is an obsession one wants to keep to keep your key part to yourself or to yourselves the other is like okay she is also a

Human being she also wants to speak to others let her be so like you’re like finding a tug of war and in your opinion which I which side is winning you’re the one who in control of your brain you let me know uh apparently it’s the tug of war but I

Spoke to her and I pretty much told her what’s happening and well pretty much she gave me reassurance and now I think my my Consciousness is winning like I’m I play that’s good I played CS go with two of my other friends and I just got my mind I got my

Mind off things and now I think every everything should be pretty good now so yeah that’s understandable that’s understandable but because I yep uh whip yep we’ve also felt the same way it feels the same way apparently but one of their friends okay it does happen and Scar if I I know

I read your message I was just listening to Archie and if you if it I mean sincerely apologize to her scar and and I’ll also talk to her if I can I didn’t get the chance to talk to her at all about this but I’ll talk to her

One more time see if you’re interested interesting I don’t know giving you another chance anyway um speaking about this to you guys I actually do feel I understand how it feels after all you feel that she is very close to you she’s someone that you guys have taken very

Like like you guys have played her very well friends very close and like friends have a close and tight Bond however seeing that she’s also talking with others you tend to feel insecure that whether she will continue to talk to you hang out with you or all that in the future

But the fact that you went and asked her told her instead of acting on Instinct and just lashing out because that’s what some people will do yeah some people do that lash out hack like a flavor tell her that that she’s their friend she needs to be there there all the time oh

Boy yeah that happened when I was in high school it was a big drama in fact um let’s see the popular group in the school and the unpopular group of the school had to come together and sort out the issue it was it was insane why even

Happened I was in the library when it when it boiled down and when we when the build rang and we were going to and we were going to classes my friend who was who was outside you know another group friend so he told me what happened I’m like what

And I asked her why did it even begin and he said apparently they were they felt that she not she but uh that their their friend was hanging out with others a little too much and they became very obsessive and kept uh yelling at her telling her how she’s just their friend

And she should just be their friend she shouldn’t be someone else’s friend yada yada I’m like wow what happened to Common Sense exactly I was like wow of course next day onwards that person stopped coming the school so oh boy alert therapy alert so like I’m basically

Giving you guys Terror pieces like my streams are turning into therapy sessions where I give you guys the best advice that I can to deal with for you guys for whatever that you are dealing with right now currently so I understand but at least I’m glad that your Consciousness won over instead of

Your instincts or at least your obsession did not win win yes please sign me up but I am doing my best go ahead Archie I just realized something yes I have almost a brain of an adult yes but like the instincts and the body of a kid

Well well you know well you’re still young you’re still not mature yet it’ll still take time to for maturity to take place like even when I was your age I did act like I was mature most of the time but then end up doing silly things

Like like I’m gonna admit I did end up in a food fight even though I now I remember even I don’t even remember why I was there why I ended up in getting involved but I was there I was involved in the food fight I don’t like

I can’t even remember now why the hell I even ended up being there nothing that’s not even me so so when you’re young when you’re still you know like experienced in the world when you’re still growing up you will tend to do some Childish things it’s but

It’s part of life you know it’s part of growing up it’s okay it’s just it’s just when you look back it just feels so silly and all that last childish thing I’ve ever done for me my most childish thing is yeah getting in that food fight like

Like seriously how the heck did I even get into that and then of course I got sent to the room of a room of reflection so that was so so in a way I did spend a good time away from the classes so maybe it was worth it I don’t know

Go ahead Archie just trespassing into a uh uh what’s it called in in construction uh okay you know let me just tell the story go ahead it was a cousin’s birthday uh-huh and like a couple like blocks away there was like this sort of not Mansion but

Like it was an apartment building okay only one person but only one person lived there so sort of it was pretty much just a mansion but up instead of sideways and it was still under construction it was like two in the morning and so me and like 14 other people

And like the oldest one there was like maybe maybe 16. okay and the Ages were from like 12 which I’m pretty sure that’s how old I was at the time 316. so we had no adults and we all decided to go on over there and play hide and seek

Mind you the thing was almost six stories tall wow six or seven I can’t remember you had energy to climb all that nobody was it was like under construction so it’s like it’s it’s like pretty much the entire frame was built and all they had to do

Was just like put an insulation paint it furniture and they’re good so it was almost fully done okay and we all decided you know what this amount of people and this big place [Laughter] you illegally you illegally occupied an in-construction place okay yeah we all just decided to play hide

And seek well first of all I’m glad you didn’t get caught oh I haven’t even finished oh I got a bad feeling about this go ahead okay so we got through one game and then we chose a new Seeker which was me and then we played another game we

Literally stayed there for like almost two hours two hours went by we got some snacks okay like the house and we came back to keep playing yep I think we made a bit too much noise and someone called someone because by it was like almost four in the morning

And since it was like a celebration our parents didn’t care that we stayed over so we just stayed over and we just kept playing and I decided you know what I’m not getting caught this time around because every single time I got caught like first or second oh okay

And I went all the way up to the roof of the place and there was like this little area where there was like a window space so I literally just crawled out of it and there was like maybe like four feet like okay how do I explain this there

Was a wall and that’s where like the window was I climbed out and then it was like a little platform that was four feet uh wide so pretty much four feet and then I fall off and I went to the very top by the way yeah that’s so man that’s like walking

On a tread like thread of danger and I was hiding up there for like a solid 15 minutes and I was like huh this is a good spot I I heard I heard like a little scream like like the very bottom of the building I’m like all right I’m not the

First one cut and then another 10 minutes went by okay I I may actually win this and then 15 minutes went by I think I won and then another five minutes went by so it was like almost 40 minutes that went by and I was like did they forget about me Todd

So I started climbing down and as I was climbing down someone was climbing up so I’m like oh we’re still playing and I hid under the stairs okay it was like a circular stairway I don’t know how to describe it but I hid under the stairs hoping that they won’t

See me and they had a flashlight I’m like wait a minute none of us had a flashlight okay before we we heard the beeping of a car and then I saw a tall figure I’m like huh none of my none of my cousins are really that tall yeah

Until you finally flashed the light at me I looked them dead in the eyes and it was a full grown manadale I’m like okay so this is where I die oh God so pretty much he said like he looked at me and said what are you doing here I’m

Like we were just playing I didn’t see I I was so scared for my life I can understand because I’m pretty sure he was armed probably probably geez because he said he like after we got down he pretty much gave us a lecture that he got called and he actually had a firearm

He thought that some people were like breaking in like doing something to his house yeah I can understand you guys got locked out that day because that that kind of situation is literally asking for a shooter waiting to happen I mean like shoot first ask questions later

Oh it’s a good thing that that guy had enough sense to like realize that something’s off because normal but normal burkeless wouldn’t be making sounds yeah so at least you guys got lucky you met a good person who knows what to do yeah and then like later on like maybe

The next year we actually got to meet him okay and what did you say at the end the next the next time that you met I think he forgot that like since I was so dark I think he forgot like my face it was like oh okay yeah sure you could

Come to my house like I I think you forgot it was me that was like broken pretty much oh well but did you remind him or did you just let it go oh I just bury it good idea I believe so first impressions are Lasting Impressions and if you remind them I

Don’t think he’ll he’ll have a good impression of you I mean know how Santa would feel happy knowing that their property was trespassed by kids playing a game that sounds a lot more innocent than how you put it I mean that is what is what happened you

Guys are playing a game you decided to use a spot that was still being on in construction you know that’s when you put it that way it makes it seem like we did nothing wrong you did you did do nothing wrong that’s what I meant you didn’t do nothing wrong that

But the thing is some owners can get very very overprotective of their property yeah so the so the old so that man had a lot of sense to ask questions and then fire later I just remind me of something that my band director said really yeah oh what’s it like

Is it related to something no it’s just like a random catchphrase that he said it was like um when we were in sixth grade I was in bed and pretty much one one thing that I would say in the morning is like Suns out guns out

And for some reason it always made me laugh sometimes that guns out hilarious yeah oh well at least at least that’s great A thousand cakes oh you read the Thousand cakes car okay and yeah so whip if you’re still here what kind of crazy stories do you have to share because this is a he has Yes actually I believe that my viewers have a lot of it you found a great job scar because

Because as we as we are kids we tend to do a lot of things that are either bad or naughty and everything because it’s because we’re still young but we’re still on in the stage of understanding what is right and wrong so I don’t believe that’s that’s anything

Bad it’s you know what is truly bad is trying rocks at moving vehicles that is bad that is downright bad whether you know what you’re doing or don’t know what you’re doing you will still end up hurting someone unintentionally and that’s not a good thing it’s bad but it’s not the worst

No it’s not the worst but still bad though still bad is an egg worse hmm no it’s it’s it’s not like terribly terrible like you know if someone’s like um going let’s see if someone’s like going to like someone suddenly got a heart attack and needs to be taken to the hospital

And or not heart attack sorry if any like someone fell and it’s bleeding and is he badly injured and they need to be taken to the hospital and you were tasked to get like call the ambulance but then you you forget that you’re supposed to call the ambulance

That is one of those like bad things let me recover from that amount of embarrassment yeah that is that is one time like it’s a heavy it’s a heavy dose and I don’t know scar why she hates you I really don’t know Prisma that is I guess that’s one part of it I

Guess maybe you you try to raise her a little too much scar I guess I guess it gave her a very bad impression of what you would like and I did I did get these shots a couple of days ago where they were showing um this man trying this this guy uh on

Social media trying to raise this girl into doing an oh into doing hand uh of with him but um it’s a it’s a tick tock guy he’s uh he’s masked a lot of people so he’s trying to raise her into doing oaf with him and and a couple of them

Um have like started posting their experiences with him of their smss with him messages and turns out he was a complete nut case he was never honest with them and he kept acting like a complete and everything so yeah actually this was even covered by Charlie uh

A couple of days ago I believe I got it by short and Charlie’s Charlie’s shots videos I guess and I also watched it on the video it was just just amazing that these kind of people even exist like come on I know right a rabbit she probably might think like that too

Scar I mean we don’t know what what she’s experienced in her life so I believe and as as as a woman that she is a woman she needs to like with that kind of resin that you did yes I I actually have no doubt that she probably thinks he would like one of

Those people I’m like oh like I I was just like taking it back when I watched this shot Charlie’s like seeing all the latest messages and like even some of them were like interested in doing it but he was like very very arrogant he kept dismissing them and everything never showing them respect

It’s like seriously just trade in like their meat douchebag douchebags yep So anyway he got humbled real quick so and mind you he does have a YouTube he’s apparently big on Tick Tock so The funny thing is when Tick Tock fails so will he went that’s a win that’s a win but it’s not a it’s not even a question of time Tick Tock will fail because America’s slowly getting cracking down on the whole Tick-Tock issue tiktok has amassed too much negativity right now in

The American court houses for to be left alone at this time at this time anymore I live under a rock yeah there have been several States and even government employees are forced to completely uninstall tick tock on their phones they’re no longer to have allowed to have Tick Tock in any capacity now Uh-huh well that’s what happens when you when a dragon bites that bites the Beast or the bites the Divine one that gave it its head it’s like you could have just said don’t bite the one that feeds you I could but I want to like attack that garment as

Well because they’re the ones that are causing all this where there’s so many data breaches and everything I mean yeah I don’t have anything against the China the government have made the people suffer I have nothing against the people that people have a rich history their

Culture is full of of a lot to learn to be honest but how can you learn when when a government is as ridiculous as this they defend their so-called app when it’s when it’s been having like reached a personal safety personal information um personal track record locations

Everything a lot of other things too and worst of all no safety protocols for children what are we talking about ah tick tock are we not talking about tick tock what sorry yeah okay I was like a little confused and me too anyway whatever the case though The Tick

Tock will crash and burn one day it’s just a question of when it’s not if it’s Len oh okay I’m almost collected in fact I got all the all the blocks I made sandstone all right let’s go to turn I’m running out of fire Rockets to craft more Gunpowder wait wait do you have any gateways yeah I do what am I even saying of course is end gateways how else are you guys supposed to get an Electro yeah all right well wait why don’t you just make a sand duper um the thing is I wanted to I I mean did

They say even no need to make a sand viewport we just have you know husk drop sand so oh Mecca husk Farm and AFK so I added and so the ability so that the house now drops sand which is something one thing is uh okay do you plan on

Adding more drops to like different mobs um not just exceptional one to make it like a little bit easier on you I high school is one of those except like still like special ones that I may give because I did not know how else to make sand uh renewable like farmable

Oh wait no no okay wait I don’t think you understand the question I’m asking do you plan on doing that for any other mob like giving like drops like uh oh no no no no it’s it’s mainly I’m focused on the items the items or there’s just the exception of a husk yes

Uh okay okay thank you it’s just that I’m not focused on the mob I know it’s okay it’s okay I’m just not focused on the mob it’s that um I’m looking at like how do you get the item can you get it is it renewable

Is it free is it cheap does it take a lot of effort Etc so one of the things I’m currently focused on or at least in in my to-do list is make diamonds Renewables somehow and I did like make it um I mean sure you get nine nine diamonds

Since the game you’re getting a diamond block from our ore mining but um what you can the other one is obviously doing parkour up in the spawn Lobby but I am used to see my high score I did isn’t it 144 something that scar is couldn’t beat and Scar what should I

Do with the scraps of my life that I have left ah your your scar you’re only 10 year old you have a long way to go like you’ve got literally 70 years 70 years yes this is where my expertise and I okay this is where my words actually

Come in useful all right go ahead say it then tell him okay he’s the only lived for 10 years a single year is the one tenth of his life oh no okay let’s take it into consider five years no that’s way too much what are the

Wait how many times can you divide 10 . um five times or two times you know what sure let’s just use let’s just use five as a number that’s pretty much half of his life think about half of his life is five years but for you five years would be how much 15. Um if I’m going half in mine for me half life is 15 so if I five that’s probably quarter one one four about 25 maybe five percent so it’d be a quarter of your life pretty much Baseline is that it’s less uh-huh so pretty much anything that would be like um

It’s pretty much the thing is that it scales up to us yeah it scales up to you so pretty much anything that would be like five years it would pretty much be 15 years for you yes so even though it may seem like a little thing to you

For us we’ve lived for well he’s 10 years old so he’s lived only 10 years which for you that isn’t as that’s only a third of your life 10 years so pretty much the equivalent is just it you’re looking at it okay let’s say you have two cakes one of

The cake is yours okay let me see if I can actually put into simpler terms because I don’t this is my first time trying to explain this okay go ahead imagine if imagine if you have two cakes one of them is yours the other one is scars okay

You take half of the cake of scars but you only take like a slice of your cake the scar that is pretty much half of his cake gone like he only has half of a cake but for you it would only be a little piece

So you pretty much take it as a lot less it the problem isn’t let’s take it as a problem the problem isn’t as the problem isn’t as big to you compared to him so depending on the age the severity of well the problem differs and that’s one

Thing that like I feel many people don’t don’t actually ever think of or understand bro I guess that that does make sense like but I mean sure I guess as you grow older some people tend to forget their shoes but they were also there at that age

Maybe they felt like that maybe they did not but they were still there we used to be there at that age but but the thing is laughs but the thing is is this a two-way but I just let’s just talk a server go away that’s like I just saying just saying

It’s just a two-way bot I just about to start the server too late oh God it started raining but anyway I believe that I mean as a 10 year old I suppose you would like like try to wonder what you what to do with your life what are you trying to achieve

What the purpose is for us for all of us to exist what tomorrow is one moment I think the build rang 111 I think I’m building I’m not sure address Foreign I don’t think speaks is here the way it speaks here it speaks oh all right I’m back yeah it was a parcel delivery oh man I’m exhausted from from just that oh well I’m still recovering so but yeah like we were saying earlier I believe it’s um I mean

You lived only 10 years and now you’re like trying to figure out why to exist for what reason to exist well bye spider so you’re trying to find a purpose for what this life is about like some people say you were born for a reason some people say

You shouldn’t have been born at all but in my eyes everyone has a purpose like imagine if if living is as simple then there won’t be those who pass on you a childbirth or the moment they were born prematurely so the fact that we were we exist now

We’ve lived 10 years now and we’re still going for forward for however long we have our life for I believe there’s a reason for us to exist something for us to achieve or something for us to do and in the process of finding that I’m surprised I’m sure we’ll we’ll be

Finding things like like up and down sideways life and everything is what speaks can see what I said earlier oh what did you say earlier what did you say earlier that’s bad did you say something bad scar because I was because I definitely don’t think you said anything bad after

You know before I went down hey oh oh I’m being ganged by zombies okay yeah did I miss anything in the chat oh how she hates you well I mean the fact that she’s ignoring your messages and not responding to it or not responding to you at all

I don’t think she will like you’re not you’re not really in trouble like how are you in trouble when you’re already how are you even more in more trouble when you’re already in trouble um what I think we should do is in this situation calm down and think think

Things through and stop doubting our own existence because we are born for a reason that’s what I I like come on that’s the literal excuse I gave myself on the day that I decided that that I did not well did not I even question my own worth my own existence back in 2003

When I questioned everything I got was this is not the way my life was meant to end I felt it I felt it in my heart this was not how it’s supposed to end this is not how I’m supposed to go out there was something there that I’m

Supposed to do something that I’m not that I don’t have I don’t know I don’t know anything about as of yet so uh what I did was spend time trying to find what this purpose is what I’m supposed to do and it does it might feel like you but still scars

I know it does feel like it’s complete it’s a complete give up game but come on I keep I kept telling you not the reason Scott like that and that’s caused that it speaks like that but you but I guess you couldn’t help it I guess you you probably got blinded by

A so-called desire uh like to try and devou her however you gave in the the sillin asset they’re all boys that all boys tend to go through at that age all right let’s see take care and sleep well so I believe that you you basically just

Um I’m giving in to the feelings in your in your heart which is not exactly your fault because that’s a biology you know women are made to be attracted to men and men are made to be to be the seeds so wait it creates that kind of a attraction you know dynamic chemistry

But the thing is though like when I whenever I saw at school a good person I know he’s a good person but like when he’s around the ladies he he like completely behaves like uh like a two-year-old it like starts doing stupid stuff looks God I couldn’t help but laugh

Every time I saw what he did and then get rejected by the girls and I’m like and he’s like well why why are they rejecting me I’m I’m honestly giving it my best and I told him if she doesn’t appreciate it then let it go dude if if she doesn’t if she doesn’t

Appreciate it just Let It Go just Let It Go just know that she’s not the right one for you she’s not the right one for you well probably someone out there in your life who you’ll find appreciate appreciate it although later on he stopped doing that he became more

Focused on becoming a teacher achieving what he wants to do in life and though I no longer talk to him um I lost contact with him a while ago like I’m realizing since we graduated high school he went his way and I’ve never been able to speak to him since

But seeing how he decided to get more focused on his education and wanted to achieve something in his own personal career personal life I feel that he’s left that thing behind however it is in the nature to want to impress someone that you that you feel that you’re infatuated with so uh

It’s only natural that happens however like I told him I’m telling you the same thing speaks so there’s a scar if speaks doesn’t want to talk to you’s car then let it go Let It Go wheel It does a harsh way to put it though Tachi that’s very harsh I mean come on how can you say that don’t be real like spinning in circle and a loop I think the better but the better way to face it phase it is stop going back and forth when there’s nothing that we could do ask him if he can repeat that oh

Arches fixes car is asking if you could repeat that repeat what don’t be a real uh is that what you meant what you said I’m sure that’s what you said I want to be a wheel oh you want to be a real yeah oh so you weren’t like commenting about

The scar scar situation car wheel uh okay so um oh my God why does it like there’s a recent anime that’s being aired that’s airing it’s a it’s a guy who dies and becomes this thing um a vending machine like part of the vending machine work

I feel like that is so weird oh you can’t hear him he said he wanted to become a wheel he didn’t mean anything about used car he wanted to become a Leo like the actual wheel of a of a car or I’m like I’m I was like confused

Inside of him his response reminded me of the guy he wanted to become a vending machine in an anime show that’s currently being airing why he’s asking why not why not exactly why not for the hell of it just I don’t know one can like this there are

So many novels that you can stay inspiration from some are like green colored and become a fish the rain kind of become a slime it kind of become a goblin rain kind of become a like a tin can rain kind of become a rock

Yeah I I know about that story I I did not go into it I saw the title reincarnated as a rock and I’m like okay rocket is then why not I just go what do you mean what do you mean scar I didn’t get that one go where Everything I mean I’m sure that those stories were written out of just humor and then other things oh he meant he meant the pew pew to the Head oh come on here we go again here we go again that’s what I meant here we go again this is

This is it the do not this is this time I’m being very serious come on scar if if it was so so easy to take life there would be no medicine no doctor no pediatricians no uh no I don’t know no nurses no nuns no prayers no anything nothing

Would be there it’s okay keep life going come on oh wait wait is it because of the Heartbreak yes because you got rejected uh wait a minute okay I don’t do you need friends to fix a heartbreak oh no oh oh it’s not okay I think he’s just fed up with life in

General if that is not it then he’s just fed up with life in general okay uh okay that may not be the perfect solution I don’t know man for me when I was there go ahead yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead I will listen to you

So what was the solution you had actually wait you’re still thinking about it yeah I got the Feeling actually still thinking you’re thinking about it oh sorry I fell asleep he fell asleep I was just waiting here for like like waiting for you to say something like you were probably thinking and you

Just casually tell that you fell asleep wait weren’t you gonna say something uh I was about to but you said you you were you got an idea so I thought I should listen to you first see what what that’s about so you take the rain Flash my initial idea was

Just not go out with friends but just uh if you can’t go out with them or like see them at school uh just if you have any way to contact contact them uh contact them and literally just get in a call with multiple friends or one

One works too but pretty much just have fun and forget about what has pretty much been happening and then once you’ve like been in a happy mood you can go back to the problem with a better perspective and well since you’ve been been having fun and been happy and you

Can just like okay it’s good now let’s face this problem with a positive attitude yep and there it is no okay okay and then I finally figured out the flaws in my plan but yeah okay okay that’s an actually solid plan for me and my personality like I would it

Like I would just call my friends and hang out and be like that if we ever if I ever felt lonely like that at least there it’s worked for some but it’s not appliable for everyone so yeah and and another thing is that despite being like like like this is not

The first time that scar has gone like this like almost every single day I’ve been literally telling him to keep living you will find you will find your purpose and then yeah what is it okay keep talk keep talking okay so I’ve been literally been trying to keep him from doing whatever silliness

That he was gonna do to himself like every single day and I’m getting tired actually this is because because I no longer am at the stage where I had to think like this but I but for him sake I’m having to think like that and

Ah it’s actually causing a lot of my own stuff to come back and come back because I had to think like really hard back then in 2009 as I stood at the edge what the hell did was life what did what meeting did it have to me I had a stand

Here alone all alone with no one to talk to no one to converse with no one to understand me and I was left I was betrayed by the people I thought were my friends and what do I do next my grandparents didn’t understand how their grandson felt they

Would just brush it brush it off as nothing important it’s it’s okay to forget and let go it’s not exactly the kind of words I was hoping to listen to at the time so what I felt was came from my own desires my own I did not

I gave up on life but I didn’t give up on myself because this is because the one thing that I always kept telling me even now a part of me is telling me this is not how you end this is not how life ends you lived nine years I was nine scar is

Ten I was I was probably eight turning nine soon and I had to I had to literally answer this question for myself and this is not the end it is for you you just because you think it is for you doesn’t mean it becomes for you scar

It depends on how you think about it the way you constantly think that it’s over it’s the end it just shows that you’re unwilling to like unwilling even to accept that that perhaps there is something out there that something that you don’t know anything about that you

But you’re unwilling or just not willing to look at to look to not willing to try I chose if it’s the end for me you do you indeed have the two have the right to choose but uh you do indeed have the right to choose but

That’s what I mean you don’t have to you don’t necessarily need to if if the choice was that easy then there would be a lot more people who who are unaliving themselves even today then what it was like because when in 2007 um 2007 you’re not born yet so you well you

Wouldn’t know so you wouldn’t know the horror of 2007’s financial crisis what uh what I had to experience so basically um and I discussed for you to watch you probably wouldn’t know this but 2007 was by far the worst thing with the worst financial crisis that ever happened to a lot of people

Because back then Market was way too high and it was too much imploded on itself too many people with too many loans houses to sell off loans to pay off and suddenly Jobs go flying off the shelves no jobs no mortgages no house and with the with two families four

Families with too many kids to feed too many mouths to feed and and the only option left was to go out and there and so they did they edited themselves out I took everyone else out and it was complete chaos back then so which is why right now the the

Garments are trying really hard not to have let that kind of have a thing happen again and they’ll we’ll see how that goes but when politics takes fold but anyway regardless regardless at that time it like how people felt in code how the doctors how the nurses felt

Helpless and hopeless with the whole situation they felt that too at that time and it was not because of an infection it was because of a financial situation that no one could avoid no one could sing so scar you want to give up on life because

You had it had enough often Living 10 years but I tell you that I’ve seen all that and I’m gone past it and now I’m 30. like 30 man I can’t even believe I’m 30. and I’m out of carrots let me go to base and get carrots but yeah

I’ve lived through that cell and I found my happiness eventually so I also have fun believe that you will find your happiness too one day you just have to change a bit of how you talk toward this and everything otherwise otherwise people like speaks will always shun you to keep you away from

Themselves huh it just happens it just happens can I say so well I probably don’t have that again with the negativity God it’s so easy to look at the negatives that it is the positive but come on man come on man yes is there any way to like instantly like

Transfer your thoughts over onto like a piece of paper or like a writing system or just like somewhere where you can read your thoughts again like instantly as soon as you think something like that but we haven’t we haven’t Advanced to that stage yet with technology analyzing I’m analyzing the situation with scar

And I’m analyzing what you’re telling him and I’m like huh there’s a lot of different things that are happening here okay there indeed a lot of things happening here I’m explaining this car to continue living despite whatever struggles that he’s going through in life to not give

Up he may not be listening well he could be listening but he may not be paying attention right right now his brain is thinking is I hate it that my brain trips up on things okay pretty much right now what his brain is thinking or what I’m assuming

Because I have no clue I can’t read minds I wish I could um is that pretty much I don’t know if this is the case but um I don’t know how to explain it you just read my mind nope I’m not psychic psychology is not my specialty unfortunately

I can predict but I cannot read minds I’m not that skilled enough well I’m a flawed human being everyone is flawed in their own way the thing is that’s normal actually there’s nothing wrong about being a flawed human being like you see the you see your heroes in

Novels like thick Iron Man for example he’s a flawed hero he sold armored like armed uh things to the Americans the the US Army and then later the same weapons were used against him and so he learned his lesson and started changing his ways so use the weapons to kill the enemies

Exactly and same with Captain America despite being you know given that given the drugs and such to become the greatest captain or the greatest human being a human can be but with the right moral synthetics like him he’s still flawed because he couldn’t help save every everyone he couldn’t even

Help the other people hell or even help the person that became the captain after him so just as they’re like like Heroes with uh like with like they’re not perfect so how can this Hazard can we believe we can be perfect so I believe I said to just do my best

Give it my all and just let’s just let life lead lead me where it leads I didn’t indeed I I do indeed had the right to choose what to do with my life even take it if I must but I don’t think I’ll go to a good place if I do that

I mean if you’re if you’re a religious person as I am a little bit I believe they’re taking my own life is a wrong choice it’ll take me not not in a good way into a bad way no no no I don’t want that like come on

After living for so long experiencing a lot of pain I don’t want pain after going away okay so I will live till however long that I have and do my best and give a keeper keep giving advices to you guys how girls I’ll start giving it if you guys don’t want it oh

Oh hold on what the hell just happened a zombie just a husk become a zombie come on no scar don’t want you to don’t stay in pain try to live in happiness try to find happiness if any even the tiniest peck of happiness that you can

And take care of yourself now see you next time take care now oh man The only thing I can say from all this is I did my best okay once that’s it I want no oh I won’t get that sentence he wants uh he wants enough paint to go oh it basically meaning that he he wants more pain uh emotional physical emotional

Nicole are you I don’t think scar is a mask assist oh That is not a bad thing right creeper in a plane Tuesday nah I can’t believe we’re having to have to go do this yes physical pain uh you’re not gonna get anything from me scar other than um Yeah go ahead I’m confused okay enough pain to die it wouldn’t okay it’d be a it’d be a tiny little bit of pain no no no no no I’m not going down that road I just realized oh no your analysis skills is what’s causing me where to worry now

What like what do you do what kind of advice are you giving him I’m trying to keep him alive and what are you doing come on Archie here’s the problem I’m looking for a solution no matter what kind of problem it is yeah it’s I don’t know I’ve grown up to be

That way like if there’s a problem if it’s a good or bad one good is there such a thing as a good problem um ah wait but nauseous is there actually such a thing is a good problem depends on how the context of what the problem is like for example

Like for example let’s see what is a good problem because I’m sure I had to deal with a good problem once not that I was happy with the problem um what was a good problem you can’t remember what it was it’s been almost yeah go ahead

I I figured out how to describe how my brain works with problems okay pretty much Imagine This okay in no I don’t know the full I always speaks liked me okay there’s one thing that’s been on my mind are you do you want to like pretty much

I I don’t know what words to use like relationship speaks they’re just okay relationships can also be friendships right that also counts right yes which is the only people okay yeah so you pretty much want a relationship not maybe not romantic maybe just a friendship but also maybe romantic I I

Have no clue I don’t have full context but do you want a relationship with her to fill the void of the pain that you’re going through that’s one thing I was wondering I don’t think speaks is the kind of person that can fill in a hole when our hole is also

He’s also wide open and her heart is like same as scars it’s needs filling oh thank you for subscribing Philippines ball Oh yes they’re subscribed so I got a new subscriber and there’s one unique name indeed but like like I said how everyone has their own problems their own situations I believe Scott speaks as her own situation and she’s doesn’t feel like the one that can fill holes rather she’s the one that

Feels holes herself and gets out of those holes herself how do you know I don’t know I just got this feeling you know how strong woman a strong woman a strong mind a woman an individual operates she got me that feeling all right scar I guess we’re going based off feelings

Now okay okay okay I mean how can we have a better understanding of the person when you know psychological terms yes exactly it’s a gut feeling I guess you could say for me that’s that’s what I got from uh speaking to Bonnie a lot and I mean you

You develop these profiles about them in your mind as you talk to them more and more yeah and then and that’s the reason why I felt I I’ve always felt speaks had our own problems though she doesn’t want to share those problems with us she doesn’t sometimes

She does seeking advice and all that from me in which I do give advice to and Bonnie is similar in in that aspect so but they don’t ask anyone else of that otherwise they want to come to me some random dude on the internet I mean okay it’s too okay there’s two

Type of people that feel closer when talking to someone else the people that find closure in a random person and the people that find closure in a close person a close person pretty much being a family member anyone that they can fully trust a random stranger is because

I don’t know what the feeling that they get but I also get this feeling but it’s pretty much like you’ll never see them again like it almost feels that way it pretty much feels okay there was a thing in like back in the day like in medieval times in churches they had nuns

That were to sit there you wouldn’t see them it’s like you’re talking to a box yep and the box is listening to you and giving you answers it’s a human but it for you it’s literally just a box you’re talking to an anatomic object with zero feelings it

Makes it they make it feel like it has zero feel it’s just a box nothing it’s just but it’s giving you advice you can talk to it you can pretty much just like yeah the confession boxes yeah I know about that yeah I feel like people get that

Sort of experience when they’re talking to just a stranger I think you should scar I think you should oh Scott’s asked her should I ask peeks why she hates me I think you should get into root cause is important um speak I mean scar one thing that I do

Need to warn you is that she might be already hostile to begin with so be ready for her to be rude I I’m not I don’t want to believe that she’ll be rude like off Rip but please just be ready yes and like I said she’s

She’s not one of those women that needs help rather the one that gives help oh I mean that’s why I got it anyway a strong individual mind does not easily take help only unless she absolutely trusts someone she would take help my mom is like that

So my mom is like that my wife is like that so in a way she reminds me of both of them her for her the profile that I developed vote for Bonnie and speaks matches with what my wife and my mom are like so that’s why I say so with confidence yes I

I try to explain this but then we got caught up in like a different conversation but oh yeah I just want to finish explaining this yeah go ahead I want to finish explaining the way my brain sort of works with problems okay imagine this there is

Uh there is a rat living in your house that is the problem for you the rat has zero problems okay your problem is that the rat is living in your house I know okay let me just make this easier your bedroom there it’s in your bedroom your problem okay

So your solution is to get um you know like those little like the Venom that they use to like pretty much trick a rat into eating it and then it dies yes yeah okay you try that now the rat’s dead apparently we had a family now the family has a problem

The rats family has a problem so then the the uh the girl right yeah let’s just go with that the girl right has no one else so my brain was okay you fixed the human problem now the rat has a problem but as soon as the rat fixes its problem

The human will have a problem again my brain pretty much just works it doesn’t matter if the problem is screws someone else over like it does like my main focus is fixing their problem and completely ignoring not completely ignoring keeping the I do keep in mind the

Effects of the problem but pretty much it it just yeah it’s a neutral minded one okay yeah wait is that what it’s called it’s what I call it it’s what my dad is is he doesn’t take sides he doesn’t choose yeah that’s me I hate okay one thing

About me is that I hate being attached to any group of people okay how come it’s not a good thing though to be to be to have friends to attack to stay attached to it um I mean it’s a good thing for some but at

The same time it makes me feel like a parasite needing others to be great or using others to have strength in your own I mean it’s fighting the fundamental law for Human Nature but are you likely you’re literally fighting the very nature of humankind none of us came here on our own buddy

There is nothing wrong you know that you know you’re probably like you’re a Christian yourself are way too much you’re criticizing yourself you probably putting yourself down way too much than you should be uh one moment though hey bong welcome to the stream how are you

Today it’s 16 for you and you found your channel what am I doing LOL actually what are you doing in the morning so what so what do you do in the morning uh also good morning to you Bank we’ve got a very good morning how are you I believe you’re putting yourself down

Very much on this one I think I I this one because you critically analyzed and everything and anything I believe you analyzing yourself like this is also in a way a detriment to yourself because in a way friends help each other in in times of need you never know when

Someone will come in handy and when they might need your help and that’s just the thing you never know exactly and that’s why human nature works by having us work together that’s how that’s how it’s been all this time I know you are just saying that you act

Like a person and all that it’s not parasite that’s what if the parasite is someone who takes and has not return the favor that is Parasite and it’s personally parasitic Behavior yes yes and I don’t believe you are one of those people so uh you’re most likely just being very

Judgmental with your behavior with your yourself and your friends and everyone sometimes that’s not a good thing actually or organizing oneself is also a bad thing because we can come to wrong conclusions we can end up losing friends who are actually meant to be our our good friends

They don’t really fully agree with that I know you might not lovely therapists can I hey can I explain why go ahead go ahead yes my mentality okay in do you remember when I asked um do you think you could tell the difference between a disciplined person and a gold

Do you remember that question where I asked you the difference uh yes that person who’s disciplined and someone who is obsessive right obsessive it’s not the word you I mean that’s not the word you used but that’s the meaning I got uh positive minded it’s something along those lines positive attitude

Oh yeah yeah someone who is uh okay yeah item of that question go ahead so what was it about oh we pretty much had a question in our English class and it said do you do you think you need a positive attitude to survive a crisis I’m like no but as per

Usual every single other student in my class and for that my grade answered yes you do need one and my immediate thought okay if you need one it’s necessary that means you will die without it so if you’re not positive minded which again that’s just

In your mind a bunch of them came up with solutions that a bunch of them came up with reasonings it was reasonings the um if you don’t have a positive mindset then you won’t be motivated to do anything I’m like okay what about a disciplined person

I am almost never positive mind I never look on the bright side I always look on the negative side but I do look at the necessary things like um working out sometimes I want to do it some days I feel too lazy to do it but like I need to do it

To stay in shape like it’s not it’s not dependent on whether I feel like it or not it’s dependent on if I need to or not that’s the way I sort of work you’re not wrong I explained um with me I always look on the negative

Side so I’m like okay you know what might as well just use that but I feel like everyone focused on the negative side of my explanation rather than the part where I said as long as you are disciplined enough to not care about how you’re feeling and

Just do what needs to be done you don’t really need a positive mindset for anything as long as you get what you want yep exactly and I agree with you on that you don’t need to help us in mind in order to do positive things it is something in it’s rather rather

Than it’s the attitude it’s nature that dictates one’s actions if you felt like doing something positive you will do positive if she felt like doing something they could do you will do negative and you know that’s why they call people crazy Maniacs with their smile and look at

Joker he’s always got that positivity in him and yet what the hell does he do cause people Miss Misery so positivity is just a nature it is something that you can either do or you don’t do ouch and why would I feel if you really did do that went through with its car

I guess I would feel sad and a little disappointed in myself that I cannot I could not help you to convince you that and just yeah Jeff I failed I failed in changing your mind and maybe wonder what kind of Life Would you had if you had continued you ended yours at 10.

Some consumers started one so so I would always think because for me I never think that my problems others are the only problems there is someone out there who would always have worse problems than me and so I would just feel happy and thankful for the less problems that I have compared

To that other person that I do not know and I will probably never know about and I just keep living my life doing the best that I can for helping others and so on because there’s this other shot that I got from a very good doctor

That’s on YouTube he told he in that shot he told you he told me one thing if you cannot help someone else don’t go chasing them down that hole because more more chances are they will drag you into that hole and and then you would not be helping yourself or anyone else so

I felt the same with FX I did my best and he and he decided to take what he can and go scar is it feels like Scott is in the same boat as FX so all I can do is give my best effort to these guys

Make them feel that they have their life has value because because it really does have value and they’re just ending it before they have the chance to see through to it oh that’s that’s how I don’t feel really that’s how I would feel might be a little bit cold-hearted but like

If I feel any more than that I don’t think I can be a great person I’ll probably be living in misery rather live the moment enjoy the life that you’ve been given and and if you can spread that joy and happiness to others that’s what my current girl current girl

In life has been while building this platform forever because this is a misery for me I wish I can just go into world edit and just do all this it’ll be finished by then but but my stupid ethics are like are you happy doing it that way the easy way

The the shortest way huh do you feel that you achieved your earnings and I thought oh okay fine I will grind there is an easier way without using cheats but okay I mean there is a builder wand but we don’t have it though I’ve been trying to find one but they’re

All old plugins no not plugins just normal Minecraft I mean but I wait are you saying redstone machines yes oh I know but like I don’t know how to build a redstone machine and I have to follow the complicated in like complicated setup hey YouTube how build [Laughter] a machine

Build um I mean it’s easy to build that ice like uh ice Bridge machine then uh than anything else he’ll help a scar it’s okay scar no worries one might think that I’m stupid for rejecting help but the thing is like I want I’m going to like I want

This thing this whole thousand project to be mine alone it’s been more than one year and it’s a satisfaction that I’ve been doing my utmost what happened what’s with that reaction a a year yeah it’s been more than one year since I’ve started trying to complete the Thousand project

Okay as soon as I hit foraging 50 I’m helping you okay like all I need is just complete the sand I have all the resources I need to place everything I just need to finish this platform yeah getting the resources for for everything else it was just plain easy

It’s just I’ve been struggling to get this platform done and to be perfectly honest with you I don’t think this platform is even enough why do you that why do you want that platform to place a thousand beacons about the world because you see down there I felt that

There would be way too much work so I decided to build it this way like this oh build a platform hire Bell and then decorate it in a in a Majestic Way so that’s the reason why I’m doing this however it is taking way too long

I mean I can’t even imagine like because I’m doing this on my own so that’s probably why it’s taking so long oh well oh well anyway anyway bunker thank you for joining I hope you have a great day bye take care because you said you can’t talk real talk more right now uh

But there’s one thing I just I think I get the feeling that Bonk was like a little scared where when his car gets saying he wanted to go go go I don’t think anyone comes to the stream expecting people to try to do that are attempting to do that and I’m definitely not

Even trying any of that huh like there was this one time I got so sick that I got probably 102 or 103 degrees Celsius of the heat temperature from my forehead scan and I was coughing so heavily that I felt like my heart was lurching

It just hurts so much to cough and I just thought at that moment I just wish that I could just end it that pain was just too much like no amount of tablets or anything I took just fix the pain now in that in that moment I felt like just helpless completely helpless

Though my wife didn’t give up on on any of that she forcefully took me out to see a doctor and she finally prescribed some really strong medicine which Full only finally works and I also slept with peace like I like the moment I took the tablets I was like extremely hit the

Drowsiness and slept and the next thing and when I woke up I was I was almost fine I was tired from the sickness but I was no longer having extreme coughs anymore so so but for me um if I was alone I probably would have let that happen continued its course and

Probably let it let it do what it would have ended but for me right now I’m not alone anymore I have a I have a family I have a crazy kid and a crazy personality wife so there’s really no reason for me to give up now

And so I wish to do the same for others pass on the wisdom to hope that it that they can feel that they were understood that they were welcomed and they mean something in this world in this chaotic world where people have no time for each other and

Make them under like give them the advice that I hope that I that I would receive when I was in their shoes so yeah anyway so with this the stream has come to an end everyone the stream has come to an end so thank you for watching today thank you for

Tuning in I hope I hope you all had a wonderful day what listening to my stream and I hope to see you all returned tomorrow during my hardcore series really it’s not even hardcore anymore it’s just passing hardcore so so anyway thank you for dropping in

Thanks for dropping by his car and bonk and Archie too along with Lizzy and speaks and whip Bonnie thank you for dropping by shut up as well so I help us I hope to see you all tomorrow when I return to live streaming again hardcore this time

So take care of yourselves now I hope to see you all the time tomorrow take care of yourselves take care of yourselves I hope to see you all tomorrow and in return tomorrow and I want to see everyone in good spirits so but this will be it for today I’ll see

You all tomorrow so take care of yourselves be safe out there and wait do we know if speaks ever left yeah she said she got She’s Gotta Go yeah space she had to go a while ago anyway take care of yourself be safe out there everyone have a great life and bye play Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Foreign Thank you

This video, titled ‘Just Relax And Build Platform ★ A Minecraft Z-SMP Survival’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2023-08-31 04:45:46. It has garnered 103 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:04 or 14344 seconds.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my let’s play minecraft smp gaming livestream. I’m currently gaming on my Minecraft Survival World/Server called the Z-SMP. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay~! =D

Welcome to my Minecraft 1.20.1 Survival Livestream! Today I’ll be playing on my Minecraft SMP server and bringing you along for the ride. Join me as I tackle challenging Minecraft Survival Series and take on some Minecraft challenges.

In this episode, I’ll be setting up a new Minecraft Dropper and Dispenser system in my base. I’ve been looking forward to this project for a while now and can’t wait to show you how it all works.

But first, I’ll be starting off the livestream with some Minecraft Survival gameplay. I’ll be exploring new areas, gathering resources, and getting ready to take on any challenges that come my way.

Throughout the livestream, I’ll be interacting with viewers and answering any questions you may have about Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, and more. It’s always fun to play Minecraft multiplayer and I’m excited to have you all join me.

So grab some snacks, sit back, and enjoy the livestream. Don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button, and turn on notifications so you never miss a Minecraft Livestream. Let’s go!

👇 I’m usually joined and moderated by: 💠 @floody6492 💠 @Fxber0Vx 💠 @solarvoid7749 💠 @bonnie0000 💠 @lizzythegamer7498

⏰ Livestreams From Monday To Friday at 10:30 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Timezone

📲 Social Media Links 🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/xVertrexDx 🔗 Discord: https://discord.gg/mFcFFbvPuu

🎧 Music 💠🍓 Starting Stream: Feels Like Winning by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Be Right Back: Bedrock by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Ending Stream: Riverside Cottage by StreamBeats 💠❤️ StreamBeats by Harris Heller (and his team) 💠🎵 Gameplay: { Ambient, Low-key } by StreamBeats 💠🔗 https://www.senpai.tv/streambeats/

🌟 Server Details 💠 Platform: Minecraft Java Edition 💠 Version: 1.19.3 Paper MC 💠 Older clients supported? ✅ 1.8+ ✅ 💠 Mode: Minecraft SMP / SMP / Survival Multiplayer / Solo Multiplayer (usually)

✨ Minecraft Survival Series Playlist: Z-SMP 🔗 Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2cy6j4EZRhyUPyL7fOVWtJJ3uQl9o7rx 🔗 Live streams: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2cy6j4EZRhw1iO0lz9p4FJyvQIp1U4kM

💖 Special thanks to these resource pack and their creators 💖 🔗 https://pastebin.com/AbVGrs0U

💖 Supreme thanks to the many of these java client mods and their amazing creators 💖 🔗 https://pastebin.com/sGLLFBa9

#minecraft #gamer #gaming #live #livestream #stream #xvertrexdx #streaming #minecraftsurvival #minecraftjava

🧑 About Me

Hi. I am Vertrex and welcome to my Minecraft YouTube Gaming Channel! 😊

The goal is share my minecraft survival / minecraft builds / minecraft gameplay / minecraft fun with everyone. My play style is casual / family friendly / funny by entertaining everyone and making you laugh when you watch my videos / shorts / streams / livestreams since some of them are hilarious! 😂

I currently am playing on a minecraft survival series called the Z-SMP. The series is also captioned by “Never Ending Survival” since I want to keep it going as long as possible! 😊

I also upload YouTube Shorts with snippets / clips / skits from my minecraft livestreams / vods / stream / challenges that I do. Some of the challenges include Subs Specials which I do whenever I reach 100 or 1000 subscribers range. Their difficult usually range from Very Easy to Insanely Hard depending on my imagination! 😆

Join me for an epic Minecraft livestream as I dive into a brand new survival world on Minecraft Java 1.19! In this thrilling Minecraft survival series, we’ll be facing new challenges and pushing our skills to the limit. With exciting new features such as the dropper and dispenser, we’ll need to stay on our toes and think fast in order to survive. This is a Minecraft survival let’s play like you’ve never seen before, as we explore the depths of the world and uncover new resources while building up our base. We’ll be live streaming on the Minecraft SMP, so don’t miss out on the chance to join in on the multiplayer fun! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or a newbie looking for tips and tricks, there’s something for everyone in this Minecraft 1.19 survival livestream. So grab your pickaxe and get ready to play – it’s time to take on the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge!

Anyway, if you like my content, subscribe and hit that 🔔 icon to stay tuned for more! 😇

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

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  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

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  • Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

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    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

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  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

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  • Lycana Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

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  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

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  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

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  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

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  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

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  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

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  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

Just Relax And Build Platform ★ A Minecraft Z-SMP Survival