L C – Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.04.21 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft

Video Information

You what up am i coming in you picking me up am i coming in clear i am get a haircut uh yeah i would really [ __ ] i’d like to you know what i’d actually [ __ ] really love that but i’m not allowed to uh my my province is on lockdown

So it’s literally illegal for me to do that so but also don’t tell me what to do i dare you um oh i gotta plug my freaking crap in yo check out the wrinkles on this [ __ ] bro how did i oh i’m an idiot yo what’s up for two months thank you

Oh damn hold on i gotta [ __ ] okay whatever um the stash i know it’s coming back it’s coming back sorry i gotta tweet out the stream uh how’s how’s everyone’s day hmm yo gump gump chomp thanks don’t cut the hair okay well fine now that you put it that way

Oh there we go frick isn’t it working you know um fit check all right you guys y’all want to fit check all right you guys that you guys want the fit check then you guys will get the fit check all right all right um i’m wearing the same sweatpants i wear

Every day because i don’t [ __ ] do anything um but for the t-shirt girth bricks you got the shows in the back i got i got sweatpants on i will say i wasn’t really a sweatpants guy up until like a few a few weeks ago and now i just can’t get enough of it

Man um it’s pretty freaking epic um yo we got 3 000 viewers in here let’s freaking go hype train dude damn all right i’m gonna head over to the other wait actually actually i always forget to tweet out the streams or post on my instagram story so okay here we go i’m live

Yo what’s good thank you for the subscription oh man okay swipe up swipe up swipe up jeez my job is just so hard sometimes you know all right uh i gotta put up my oh my god all right gamer mode is getting activated all right let’s go to the stream all right

Um okay real quick can you guys hear hello hello hello okay you can hear that you guys hear music okay cool turn the mic up will do i can do that i also need to talk like close to it so that’s probably the issue and this has got to go over here

We’re going to freaking game right here dude all right cool i’m going to hop into the oh danny I don’t know if you can hear me curtis oh hello is that you no i don’t know me neither well it seems like we’re at the pickle how are you uh i’m okay you know can’t uh can’t complain are you did you guys get snow in chicago uh yesterday yeah yeah

We got snow like all last night and a little bit this morning and it’s it’s pretty awesome i think i i actually love it a lot well i think i saw in jenna’s story or something it looks like you guys got way more than us ours was just like barely snow it was

Like it was sleet honestly mostly like a wannabe ass [ __ ] snow um okay so i was telling i was telling you earlier today but i was i was playing a little minecraft earlier today guys and i was just mining in our mine and i actually found

Diamonds for real this time oh yeah hold on hold on let’s talk about that hold on i’m gonna get into the game real quick but i have a i have an absolute quarrel with you okay why but i gotta see you face to face in this game to bring it up

Okay all right where are you i’m in my room all right last stream you said that you had had diamond yeah and then and then you died and so you said you lost all the diamond yes and i went back twice to go try to find the diamond that you

Lost yeah and i got killed twice and i lost all my stuff meanwhile the entire chat was was commenting that you didn’t actually have diamond right and i didn’t believe them because i was like my friend curtis would not lie about this and then today i saw that you posted your curtis

Poggers video and i watched it and you didn’t have diamond no i was honestly so shocked you i i honestly didn’t think i’d bamboozle you so hard you did you hoodwinked me i think it’s safe to say you got the last lap i uh you gotta vote me out i’m i’m

I was being suss but yeah check it check it out diamond pickaxe and then i got a diamond okay so you actually you actually do have diamonds and i thought i could yeah and i found gold too i found gold and diamonds that were right by each other dang it felt pretty good

Yeah i got like a bunch of i got some diamond and i also got iron and gold so honestly we might be able to make another trip back to the nether today And uh maybe we could actually get a pop in today and actually get those blaze rods that we need yeah i but right now maybe we should go to sleep because that’s it’s night time and i another thing i want to do is oh [ __ ] it says there’s oh wait no okay

I can sleep i guess it said there were monsters nearby at first um wait someone is la someone in the chat just laughed at your uh diamond shovel is that weird to have a diamond shovel it’s only it’s the only other thing i could make with the amount of diamonds i had

Oh i see it is pretty swag i tried to but i’m not allowed to there are monsters nearby oh maybe we need to go teach him a lesson yeah like math or something yeah let’s go teach these [ __ ] biology dude curtis let me open the door i bet they’re on the roof

Also they’re not when i was when i was playing earlier today there was we didn’t have a front door anymore uh so it seemed like a creeper sort of exploded it i think or something oh yeah wait okay what oh so did you rebuild it yeah i did like a little makeshift

Door actually it’s kind of funny that you mention it i think i remember last like when i was on mining i remember like looking out the front door and there was a creeper walking around out there and i was like oh good thing i’m in here

And he’s out he and he’s out there he won’t be able to get me but he’s maybe like right after i logged off uh he did get me that’s probably what happened oh it’s a spider in the cow pit spider in the cockpit whoa oh he’s trying to eat our he’s

Trying to eat our beef not today oh no dude [ __ ] there’s a creeper in the sheep pit no way oh my god okay hold on hold on step back for a second all of our sheep are gonna die so i last stream that i did on

Monday um i learned how to kill creepers without them blowing up so what we have to what you do is you just like hit it oh there’s a creeper over here maybe i can demonstrate on this guy okay so stand back and you hit him and then you walk away

And see he just he doesn’t blow up you hit him and you walk away you just try to get far enough away that he doesn’t blow up and then you hit him and walk away again and eventually you hit him enough times and he just dies i guess my wooden sword

Is not very good yeah there you go so maybe we can just do that to the to the one in the sheet pit do you want to give it a go yeah i’ll try that well i guess okay i don’t know how i can get there now he’s in the corner

He’s just like he heard it he heard us see me i’m one of the sheep uh i can’t reach down there oh okay one little hit at a time oh also whoever just donated uh i did i did get the vod and uh it is i

I just posted it on my gaming channel so you can watch it i need my pickaxe dude our our cowhole is done what happened both holes are a disaster oh no did you do the did you do the hit and walk away method i tried but then i fell in the hole oh

Dude i’m so sorry oh people are saying we should have used a bow and arrow maybe that uh that definitely makes some sense another underwater skeleton So i think our first priority right now should be um if we can ever get to sleep we need to um put like way more torches around our face uh so that it’s nice and light and that way they can’t spawn around here that guy’s got an enchanted bow i’m

Going back inside our house dude that’s scary out there this is surprise craft a shield oh i think i just all right here try getting in bed real quick because it’s letting me go to sleep so i might let you oh yeah okay dude [ __ ] i can’t believe that creeper freaking

Killed all of our livestock yeah that was pretty annoying um sorry if i’m missing subscriptions guys but thank you oh sean white official oh whoa sean white sean holy [ __ ] dang guys don’t why why why don’t you just stop calling my house ugly damn shaun white huh i loved you in the

Uh olympics uh what’s up clay thanks for the ls curtis clay was here and he just commented a bunch of l’s oh nice and carly wants you to know that she loves you Take it back me no charlie yeah you take back that carly that all right no she didn’t i guess thank you damn this place is crawling with freaking baddies i’m not the good crawlies all right i got to admit though every time i see a creeper i am kind of like

Confused because i’m like i don’t know i don’t know if i should be finding you attractive or if i should be scared or what yeah i think do i ask for your number or do i straight up murder you you know or do you straight up murder me

This can go a number of ways okay i think these cows are going to like drown at us uh oh they might i might do your cows all drown to death hey thank you emma uh i’m not really okay i’m gonna i’m gonna try to finish this

I was making this platform all the way around our house i think that’ll help yeah i’m gonna try to finish this okay because you know what what’s what’s really what can we really do if we can’t protect our own base you know this is this is like rookie stuff that shouldn’t be happening

Yeah it’s sort of yeah that’s what i was going to say Sort of like probably spider-man what huh you said probably spider-man yeah didn’t you ask me who my favorite superhero was i did not that’s weird i heard someone definitely asked who my favorite superhero was well definitely wasn’t this guy i would never ask something so it’s offensive all right i’m turning off text-to-speech

Now guys i’m sorry i’ll turn it back on when i play by myself but it’s too confusing for curtis you get scared okay well you should have seen how scared he was guys yeah i screamed i or you didn’t hear it but i screamed no one heard it but i did

Or saw it michael someone said michael sarah is their favorite superhero whoa shawn white is my favorite superhero yeah sean white is mine too love you sean love you sean thanks for watching that’s uh i guess that i guess that means i’m in the olympics too now huh Because sean white is watching your stream yeah i mean you get to be in the olympics now hey i don’t make the rules sean does she makes them i forgot he was also like the ceo of the olympics that’s crazy someone just had sean white who is sean white

Okay mods mods report them and block them uh someone said why is it so quiet i think just uh turn the volume up on your phone or your computer and uh and you should be good That was epic dude you totally own them yeah i think i just owned that live with facts and logic the rapper logic logic i’m going into the mine okay i’m getting shot up by skelly ah oh dude he’s just popping up whenever he wants to shoot me

Oh oh no hey do you need alex uh no i’m already dead so all right let me just get my stuff back all right this is bs there’s so many bad guys around our base i kind of feel like we might have picked the worst spot for a base

I feel like there’s they’re always going to be able to spawn under our base because it’ll always be dark under there but i’m not really sure uh true because it’s the ocean but it is under water so like can can mobs spawn underwater or do they just spawn

On the land and swim to us i really don’t know um i don’t know i’m hearing all uh i’m hearing some uh some scary stuff in the cave yeah there’s a monster right by me i don’t know what it is bestie eat please oh thank you guys

He’s going to get me again he’s going to kill me again dude he’s terrorizing the farm iron he’s hiding he’s hiding like in one of the water things of the farm and just popping out whenever he wants to shoot me and then i can’t find him when he when he goes back

He’s under genius okay yeah this ever this game is on normal mode but he’s on hard mode he’s rock hard he’s got a boner he’s bone hard yeah y’all should make armor oh my god yeah yeah that’s actually kind of a good point it’s kind of a good idea i think

Kind of a pog idea actually i kind of forgot that i didn’t have any on i just have a little boots on oh what kind of boots uh they’re gold very nice so when you were mining earlier do you feel like you kind of got

The hang of it and and you had a good time down there or what yeah i had a good time in the mine hi the diamonds was real it was really exciting for me to find them i wish it happened on stream i know yeah the first time i found

Diamonds i was like so stoked i actually think it was right over here i don’t or i don’t know um how does squad mode work is that a thing we got going on here yeah i’d say this is pretty squad mode i woke up in squad mode

Um they might be talking about a twitch feature that lets you like both stream on one thing somehow but i think we both have to be partners for that and i am not i don’t know if you are i’m i’m not no we’re just affiliates yeah we’re just silly affiliates they’re literally

Right here i hear them i really shouldn’t be mining towards them oh i can use my shovel for this see you guys and you guys made fun of the diamond shovel is it doing you good it’s it’s doing me more than good it’s doing me pretty good only slightly better than okay it’s

Doing me marginally better than good these Game subtitles bestie oh right sorry you don’t have game subtitles oh yeah i forgot you got a new thingy yeah where’s the where where is that should be in sound settings i think maybe or is there like accessibility settings subtitles on all right thanks thanks guys someone in my i just read one

Chat that said who the [ __ ] is rebecca we haven’t been talking about rebecca right did we say something about rebecca they’re just going into every which stream on twitch right now kind of thing my brother’s wife’s name is rebecca maybe that’s who they’re talking about yeah probably um someone’s saying there’s a witch

Oh do you did you hear a little cackle yeah and everyone and everyone’s commenting there’s a witch run away yeah honestly that’s that is a witch dude and you i would highly recommend not trying to fight the witch the witches are straight up evil they’re nasty little nasty little things

Okay they’re not like a hermione type thing far from it bro you need milk if you’re going to face a witch what what does that mean what did they say i said if i’m gonna face a witch i need milk oh i think that um milk uh like oh where’s the poison purses

Yeah you got it i thought it was like uh he needs some milk oh yeah you’re gonna need some milk dude maybe that’s what that the person in that vine was talking about oh yeah that actually makes a lot of sense someone falls and then he needs some milk and he does because

He’s cursed it all makes perfect sense okay so i’m we we’ve got sort of a new look to the cow hole now it is functional again but all the all the sheep are dead so i just turned the whole thing into a cow and she pulled okay

I can’t i can’t help but feel partial uh a little bit responsible for that well it it was entirely your fault so that makes sense it was really yeah you really did you really made that happen yeah yeah but i don’t think that’ll hold up in court

Okay i need to go put torches around our whole place now all right i’m kind of just uh hanging out if you want to try to um finish the like platform that i was making around our entire base you could do that if you don’t have anything to do

This cobblestone sort of yeah oh [ __ ] there’s a creeper down there oh no hey baby how is it is it hot please at least tell me she’s hot actually dude this one’s a smoke shell you’re gonna want to see this where are you don’t kill it

Well i’m not gonna leave it to you to you to kill oh i’m sorry hold on she’s down there dude turn around the creeper’s right here oh [ __ ] right there right in the torchlight dance with me dance with me creeper no dance with me okay my room oh [ __ ]

I’ll fix it up with some terracotta no no we’re like terrible kata whoa dude you take it easy well it looks easy on my fragile heart you said something you you said to something i didn’t lie Sorry i don’t yeah i don’t know i was talking like super mario right there okay sorry what were you doing before that you wanted me to finish doing um you see i made like an outline of a platform i just haven’t filled it in uh okay All right we’re getting nice and torchy over here damn this [ __ ] music is so loud why don’t you just turn the music off i’m yeah i’m gonna do that it’ll probably make it easier for your editor too because if they want to put music on top and there’s music playing

Yeah i’m not that’s not what i’m about i like making videos loki [ __ ] him anyway so i like making things as hard as possible for everyone involved i’m sort of a nightmare to deal with i sort of pride myself on being a [Laughter] nightmare all okay do right have any more cobblestone

Let me go see i swear to god dude if we finish this and there’s still things spawning by our base i’m gonna be livid yeah i i can’t see that happening but who knows i know nothing about this game so i mean theoretically they can’t spawn anywhere that it’s light so

If we have it all light and then i want to make a wall around the whole platform that way they if they spawn in the dark ocean they still can’t get over here okay it’s kind of like we kind of want this to be like an exclusive club that

Only we can get into and maybe a couple creepers of our choosing if we’re feeling kind of freaky one night but yeah if they’re extra you know hot spicy creepers i mean that’s pretty much every creeper so we won’t have a problem finding that but damn curtis is not picky

When it comes to creepers i will take any of them any and all of them um i’ll go chat take that back this is not an uggo chat i haven’t seen anything some people were saying uggo chat because other people in the chat were calling our house uggo so the people defending

Us were calling the chat uh okay never mind then i i agree yeah anyone who says i’ll go house maybe you should look inside yourself and to see who’s really ugo oh [ __ ] yeah i know that was awesome do you think i really i really showed them or what yeah i think

I think they’re all crying now yeah i can see it i can see it in the chat you can see the whole chat crying yeah oh yeah everyone in my chat is crying too they’re sobbing there’s just tears in the chat my screen is kind of that’s the best nicki minaj song

Tears cheers in the chat sherry b oh yeah dude use the use the crying emotes that’s perfect oh yeah whoa you guys are a bunch of crybabies these little babies you’re gonna change your dice Someone just sent an emo it’s a bottle of piss i even know that was a thing oh it’s from nick it’s from nick’s chat next to it he has an emote of piss i guess huh i thought that was like a twitch one yeah yeah twitch has one for when you

Want to comment that someone is a bottle of piss that’s that’s really twitch’s thing is making a environment like that where people are constantly calling people bottles of fish yeah that one clip of ninja and he’s like yo let’s get some bottles of piss in the chat

Yeah let me guzzle those piss bottles like a chug jug oh a chug chug a chug chug a piss someone said make a bubble elevator do you know what that is uh yeah i do but i i mean why don’t you just watch a youtube video about it honestly curtis

Oh okay that’s what that’s what chet did to me when i because i have a bubble elevator in my world and uh someone told me to make one and then i asked how like i do for everything in minecraft because i don’t know how to play right and all the comments just turned

Into just google it just look it up on youtube like nobody wanted to explain it to me anymore that’s very funny but it is kind of complicated um and also i don’t think we have any soul sand which is one thing that we need yeah because we all we both

Died in the nether and didn’t bring anything back that we did okay i got a iron chest plate i’m gonna steal some indians feel some well i’ve been from home i’m going to use some oh [ __ ] what did i just do um oh i mean i could have uprooted some of your cactis

Chat don’t make fun of me i know i’m dumb don’t ask me why i was smelting ingots i was testing you guys I don’t know what to do here curtis i might have ruined your cactus farm oh don’t say that i think i might have ruined your cactus farm well i guess like cactuses can’t grow next to a wall and i built this wall next to it and it just destroyed the

Cactuses that were next to the wall dude our base is gonna be so safe now the only monsters in here will be us how that was for me that was for my cactus hey you stole it all right i’ll do it again too if you swipe at me like that again

It’s over it’s over for your cactis my khakis are over party exactly Or whatever whoever smeltered out there That is true all right i gotta make a gate yo lesbo greg thanks for the [ __ ] i can’t oh i don’t have sticks well lesbo greg yeah that’s kind of a cool name mm-hmm that’s pretty pretty epic not really know why they’re in your chat if they’re greg but

You know respect i guess follow your heart i didn’t mean to type i thought i was pressed i forgot i was in the crafting thing and i pressed e but i’m in the search bar so i just typed e a bunch of times in the uh yeah i just want to craft

There we go i’m pretty sure there’s no more dark spots at our base i think we’re gucci gucci okay yeah let’s get some ee in the chat guys yeah can we get a piss bottle and some [Laughter] ah all right i’m gonna put my shield in my other hand all right let

Me feed these cows i’m trying to get i’m trying to get some more cows dude everybody everybody has some wheat i honestly i think the cow the cow hole is a little more fun now like they’re kind of they kind of have little hills to play on and stuff it’s

Kind of like a little cow playground now let me let me check it out see they’ve got you know they’ve got they can go up and down there’s a little hole for them to be in and kind of gives them some some something to do yeah while we’re out

So they can uh exercise their muscles and that means their meat will be extra tender get the [ __ ] out of the way man move me another cow yeah i said i said i said move oh like ow yeah like a cow like a cow would say

Oh dude oh i should make a composter oh no why would you tell that to me that’s not true creepers aren’t i just had a bad donation it’s kind of it’s sort of a it says according to spawn rates most creepers are under a minute old but i don’t

I don’t agree with that i mean i mean if you think about it we just spawned into this world a couple weeks ago so it’s not like we’re like adults we’re true we’re a little baby so yeah yeah we’re little babies if you want to use that logic

Or do you want to use this logic come on out i work hard every [ __ ] day oh [ __ ] oh it’s logic in minecraft yeah yeah he’s he’s uh he’s actually been in the bad esmp this whole time i forgot to tell you yeah he’s been yeah just listening uh

If you’re a cactus you would be my wall just kidding you’re doing a gun thanks thanks for the 420 donation that’s pretty happy someone’s just said bestie get a cat they scare off creepers oh really i don’t know why i would want to do that then yeah that seems like a counter-intuitive thing

Yeah if i’m trying to get creepers to come to my house and get in my bed why would i why would i want a cat i want a dog at that point the opposite of a cat oh my god okay so this might be a way that they can

Enter the base i have to i have to fix this there we go oh look at this little game look at what you’ve been doing with the place Wow dude this is looking pretty exclusive yeah i know so we got i mean we got like an actual fort now now that we’ve got a wall and everything yeah is this freaking minecraft or fortnite whoa because we built a fort and it gets to be night time

In this game sometimes too yeah fortnight For tonight um please eat oh thanks guys thank you hey yo eat check eat all right thanks guys thanks for reminding me i’m making the farm bigger and better than ever oh actually wait if there’s water right under this will will it water the will it water these areas or does it

Have to be next to it this might be kind of a fun thing if if it waters like this but we’ll see the water will kind of like soak up through the soil oh it is soaking up this is kind of hard oh that’s dude that’s actually sick so i

Don’t even need to have those spaces with water that’s that’s actually really sick so i could theoretically cut like oh what how did i wait what how did i build one in midair did i build it off of you that was so weird it was in midair oh i

Built it off the torch like this i was like how did i build a block in midair without any blocks like surrounding it uh good luck macy you’re gonna do so good what is mesa doing uh they have their exams Oh hold up sorry i moved i took the boat on this on a spin earlier today i got to park it back in the front whoa where’d you take it um i was getting tagged that was the most confusing thing ever [Laughter] what it was like it was holy [ __ ] it was

Alrighty okay i think i’m back i think i’m back up i don’t know all right welcome back okay geez louise nice yeah you’re telling me my stream labs is kind of a [ __ ] you know for a lack of a better yeah take it easy on it but kind of a

Kind of a worthless piece yeah i mean cursive piece of crap if you will sort of a i mean obviously it seems a little bit harsh but yeah there’s villagers in here where where are you uh in the village i mean i don’t know why you’re so surprised they’re kind of blocking the

Door they won’t let me leave guys let me out of here for pete’s sake come on let me out all right there we go there’s villagers in the village how could this be yeah it was kind of random kind of goofy all right well there there’s no food over here i was hoping

That i might stumble upon a chest that was like full of pork or something like that all right a nice lukewarm pork what does a smoker do it cooks meat i don’t know what i don’t know how it’s better than a furnace really i’m i have no idea

Yeah i’m gonna take some of their hay did i even get anything from this llama can you get anything from llamas uh i think they might give you wool or something i’m not really sure oh guys i can’t get that cat right now because i don’t have any raw fish but i mean

We’ve seen we’ve seen cats around this village a lot so i think if i ever want a cat i can just come to this village and i think that’ll be fine ring the bell in the village what does that do what the hell oh there’s a bell up there

Yeah i actually don’t know what happens if you ring that i’m gonna ring the bell do it i hope we don’t die oh creepers yeah this is the booty call though we’re here there’s two two strapping young lads two uh okay guys the bell didn’t do anything what

What is supposed to happen here what does it do the village the villagers will congregate oh the bell makes villagers run away okay well that’s i got the opposite message in mind it says they will congregate and yours says they’ll run away someone said it makes a sound and that’s

What the belt does it’s kind of neat i uh i didn’t notice that i guess i never really thought of it like that oh hey what’d you find a creeper give it i am going to kill this one though actually give him my number oh it died

Do no fault of my own the creeper did die oh oh i thought oh oh geez that was some spider and zombie action that was not good i’m going back to our house what’s a brewing stand is that for potions oh yeah i don’t i i haven’t figured out

Like what that is or how to use it yet but might as well pick it up and bring it to our base i think it’s i think it’s for making potions but i can’t be too sure that’s awesome yeah i guess so you guess it’s awesome

Yeah i guess it is i heard it i don’t have any comments how do i make a composter hold on i’m going to google it real quick because a composter will help make our oh yeah a composter how do i make a poster uh that just has come on it

I guess i should google compost or minecraft instead of just composter that would probably help uh composter minecraft what do i need oh i need labs okay all right um did i not pick up the oh danny you are not gonna believe what i just did hey

Hold on what did you do you’re not gonna believe this okay well tell me and i’ll decide if i believe you won’t even trust me trust me when i say this you’re not gonna believe what i just did there’s a chance that i might i’m a

Pretty gullible guy i believe a lot of stuff that i shouldn’t so if this is true then there’s definitely a believe it oh sorry i didn’t know that um okay i will put it Oh wait no this is a bad idea i regret it i regret it i will put it Yo check it out oh wait hold on okay let me come take a look whoa We got a doorbell oh okay hold on i’ll go inside i’m gonna go to my room and then and then you ring the doorbell like you’re coming over we’ll see how it works okay i want to see if i can hear it from my room okay go ahead

I’m just pacing around my room oh someone’s here hello oh someone’s at the door get out that’s how you agreed all over you don’t come in until i invite you in it’s not proper hello can i come in who are you i’m i’m curtis i’m your friend

I’m sorry i don’t know why did you do that you back up like you opened the door showed me your ass and then ran back in the house i’m sorry i i yes can i come into my i live here i’m sorry i live here i you must be mistaken

You know what i’m going to call the police if you don’t leave me alone i live here stop backing it up on me you’re sending me very mixed signals right now you’re threatening to call the cops and then you throw it back yeah exactly open the door open the door i dare you

Oh [ __ ] no for real you got to get out of here i will be calling the cops and i will be calling uh my husband isn’t home you gotta get out of here Hello i’m coming i’m coming i’m coming hello hey it’s me do i know you no no the tables have turned uh i’ve yeah i have a delivery i need a drop off what is it i need to drop it off i’m the ups man i’m the ups man let me drop it off

It’s not you’re not dressed like a ups man oh sorry there you go is that all right thank you hey welcome all right i’ll just okay uh what are you hey curtis what’s your delivery what guess what i wasn’t a ups man that was a lie

But i don’t even have a package i just wanted to get into your house i don’t and i honestly i don’t know why you let me into the house with the excuse i have a package to drop off you don’t usually let the ups man into your

House to drop off a packet is he asleep i think oh my god he was he’s asleep i thought i was telling him a story i thought i was talking to him this whole time he’s been asleep how did he fall asleep so fast that’s weird guys i’m not going to kill danny

Are you having a dream that people are telling you to kill me Uh oh [ __ ] okay beautiful eat thank you for the ow [ __ ] thank you for the 21 dollars dude sunday is my 21st birthday it’d mean the world to me if you and danny wish me a happy birthday what’s their name i said their name is etirnity [Applause] I hope you have a good birthday um was that the donation that people that you guys were talking about okay it is no thank you bryn brinsen for the donation as well sorry i missed that all right should we go on an epic nether adventure yeah i think it might

Be about that time uh let me let me do one thing real quick i’m gonna get some of this wheat i’m gonna feed the cows that way there’s some baby cows that way we can kill some adult cows that way we can get some beef okay i smell like beef Remember that yeah that’s that’s that’s what you said in the vine no you remember like what vine was that that was the one with you were the that’s like that’s your vine right Yeah that was when i was a baby you when you were a little girl online yeah yeah sort of a viral little girl oh i’m a viral little girl When i grow up i want to be a viral little girl um what was i making oh i wanted another sword just in case i get too epic with it in the nether all right cows get ready to have a baby make another get ready maybe what else should i great have babies Ah yeah these cows are kind of all over me too i can see what you meant before oh okay i guess that Sorry yeah i didn’t i didn’t know that guys i guess the the great the the person that had the the greg username i guess that the l word is a slur i didn’t know that oh i didn’t know that either no i i wouldn’t say that if

If i knew that so i apologize yeah sorry my bad um but thank you for telling us because yeah yeah that i would have kept reading that and kept saying that not like i said on a regular basis but Thank you So i’m gonna i mean what should i bring to the nether here i’m definitely gonna wanna make shield sword I wonder if i bring a bow and arrow i bet i could kill that that jellyfish guy that we kept saying oh true hey looks like we only have seven arrows arrows arrow you need feathers do we have any feathers kind of feel like gnaw kind of feel like iron gnaw oop

No we don’t have any feathers do i need to bring my bed uh no because we can both just set our respawn point to the bed that is outside of the portal oh right right right because you definitely don’t want to bring one into the nether i’ll tell you that right now

Yeah it’ll get blown up i’ll get a little smithereens Yes No don’t listen to him that them don’t listen to them they’re going to try to make you do things that you shouldn’t do okay i think i’m all decked out ready to go yeah you got gold boots okay sweet i’m gonna kill some of these cows and i’m gonna turn them into

Uh whatchamacallits beef steak beefsteak tomatoes here little cows whoa one did one die in here somehow there was just beef laying on the ground i don’t did one did a cow kill another cow or something oh [ __ ] they’re countables whoa how nibbles that’s what we’re gonna be doing once we

Got all this beef yeah all right now don’t kill all of them uh just so that we still have cows but i’ve got i’ve got 16 beef that’s probably good for me i got 17 cooked button i got three rugs ah whoa pillager what okay hey dude now okay now is when

You’re gonna have to learn the harsh reality of minecraft there’s pillagers that just that just walk around and shoot people this is uh i like to call them piss piss piss villagers because they’re like they kind of look and sound like villagers but they’re mean so they’re pillagers stands for piss villagers [Applause]

You can just sort of kill them yeah i do usually there’s more around if you see one though so it’s going somewhere around it he’s riding south he’s running so loud Okay uh you probably want to cook your beef yeah just saying yeah i don’t want the chat automatically saving is now disabled what the heck did you see that it says automatic saving is now enabled no i didn’t see that oh that’s weird all right put away your stuff what stuff

I gotta bring some stuff to the nether or else i’m gonna die i’m gonna be a dead boy maybe i don’t need a ladder i guess i don’t need well we need gold ingots right um no not necessarily right now as long as you have gold boots they won’t attack us

But right now our our main mission is to get blaze rods uh which we will get from blazes at in the nether fortress so we just yeah there’s a later thing that we’ll need to do where we’ll have to bring uh gold ingots we’ll have to trade with the big people

Right i’ve seen that on speedruns yeah okay this guy’s a pro epic pro move okay kind of a pro ease up all right this is taking a long time to cook this stuff hey rome wasn’t built today yeah beef wasn’t cooked in a day hurt the diamond pick should i not bring

My diamond picky thanks guys i’ll make another uh guys what is what is the benefit of a smoker is it faster oh they cook faster okay so maybe we should make a smoker eventually but i can make it right now a golden shovel would you guys get

Would you guys like that they would roast you for making a golden shovel gold is loki kind of a bad material for making like tools out of oh really and then you go and use it to make a shovel i mean that i mean that is cause for ridicule yeah i have my

And my affiliate status absolutely revoked oh you know what i’ve got a bucket here i’m gonna get some of mommy’s milk real quick mommy give me the milky mommy give me the milk mommy give me that juicy that juicy juicy juice juice okay i’m ready to go that was awesome

All right shall we head out let’s go to the nether all right uh we’re not coming back until we’ve got eight blaze rods mark our words guys count them after we get have them you will count them yeah yeah don’t count them yet because you because because you can’t

You can count them in your head like you count sheep to fall asleep but don’t sleep on us baby we’re we’re getting okay so it’s going to be night time right when we get perfect i think we’ll be fine eventually i feel like i’m going to want

To have like a a cow hole and a sheephole and a chicken hole that’d be kind of sick that’s what she said uh someone asked if we have gold boots we both have gold boots on do not worry we’re kind of veterans of the nether at this point yeah uh

Yeah last time we went there kurt died and then i also died actually i died before curtis so yeah i guess you could say we’re kind of veterans i was surprised i survived as long as i did someone said make an automatic cow farm how do you do that automatic how’s that automatic

Supersonic naughty cow fun yeah we better get to this portal quick i also said someone built someone said build a railroad to the nether portal that would be epic oh that would be sick that’s something i’ve been wanting to do in my world but i haven’t done yet is make

Like a little railroad track that’d be awesome were these cactuses always here um i don’t know uh okay go ahead and set your spawn point at this bed also now you can just get up wakey wakey sorry i was trying to catch some shut-eye before the big uh for the big game

All right you remember for the password to get in uh heather oh heather bring me to the nether yep oh heather oh heather take me into the nether all right guys here we go oh no okay now no i’m trying to what i don’t are you here

Yeah sorry i at a pop of my computer at literally the worst time uh okay so last time we went negative negative or wait no which one we thought we went positive positive oh we’ve gone positive positive maybe this time we should go negative negative

Because i feel like we went quite a ways that way and we didn’t find one so maybe we should go positive positive this time okay i don’t know sure i don’t care oh thanks eternity by the way um there’s some gold over there but i’m scared tonight

Yeah i don’t think we want to be minding the gold although there’s nether quartz i think we can mine the nether quartz it’s not really good for much though okay okay so this yeah this way is negative negative uh my coordinates right now are negative 77 and negative 79

Just so everyone knows negative 77 negative 79. take a quick actually i’m hold on one second i’m gonna um turn off the shaders because i feel like they make it kind of hard to see in the nether okay i’m gonna see if that helps push danny into the lava guys i will not

Yo guys what the heck what the heck you have iron in inventory do i i don’t think i do oh i do oh no well we might need it okay i actually feel like i could see farther before i turned them off what’s up with that this isn’t really uh hello

Holy [ __ ] these pigs do not really care about personal space i’ll tell you that for free homeboy was right in my grill you’d really do that for me for free yeah all right let me i’m just gonna mine right here for a sec just to get some bunch of blocks

That way we have a bunch of blocks in case we need a bunch of blacks yeah i’ll grab some blocks just for traversing you know it could be helpful i don’t know man all right all right here we go let’s uh i guess we’ll want to go this way

I’m just gonna just gonna hop right over the lava like so ah so much gold but we can’t get it yeah it’s kind of a shame hey piggy yes is there is there any way i can turn the fog off from rendering because that’s really what’s like making it

So i can’t see very far i feel like it’d be helpful if i could see farther skelly there’s like fog in the distance uh oh all right we can take him there’s all new oh wait there’s two skellies all right we can take them let’s take him to court

Yeah and then to prom or actually from first and then court take him to prom tour nice all right now let’s go get this guy yes get absolutely cool yeah yeah dude he did get pawn [ __ ] you mean [ __ ] you mean yeah you mad or not those

Two talks to really freak me out they’re so funny oh there you are um i’m not really sure what the best way to go here is it looks like uh oh actually we might be able to go down there and go along the lava i got this inside my bars

I threw my titty up through my bum it goes electric baby guys no i’ll have i have none of that all right i’m starting to think okay this might not be the right way to go let me uh let me take a peek through this hole oh what’s going on did you

Hear did you hear that baby sound yeah that i think that’s the jellyfish guy i really don’t like how it sounds i know it’s a nasty kind of sound yeah and he makes himself sound like an innocent little guy and then and then he shoots fireballs at us like yeah and he’s

Just walking around being a sweet little guy really nice Baby are these the bone blocks that you were talking about before these things yeah those are the bone blocks ah okay we finally learned what the bone blocks are get some glowstone someone says what’s that oh actually dude that would be pretty tight if we’ve i don’t remember seeing any but yeah

It’s like it’s um a block that emits light so it’s kind of cooler than like putting up torches oh cool all right i’m up here oh you’re you’re solo on that one yeah sort of solo fighting a skelly oh there you are hello i’m up here I hear it it sounds so close dude i know he’s gonna pop out of nowhere and just wreck us absolutely wreck us soul sand what’s that uh soul sand is this i think it’s the stuff we’re walking on right now oh do we need that for anything um

Yes uh we will need that if we want to make a bubble elevator so we can grab a couple i’ve i’ve already got a few skelly oh wait sand is the other stuff oh what’d you do i just blocked an arrow oh cool i guess i haven’t done that yet in this game

All right uh so i guess let’s go this way this uh yeah negative negative is gonna be on this way okay um i’m gonna come i’m a common oh esme thanks for the fifty dollars i started fifty bones fifteen oh okay i mean that’s still nice yeah that’s that’s great

Uh play stardew valley that’s i’ve i’m not really quite sure what that game is i always i hear stuff about it but i’ve never i’ve never played it uh laura played it a bit i it’s kind of it kind of seems like animal crossing you like but more like farm oriented okay

So like you live in a village and you want to have like good relationships with your fellow villagers okay oh dude there he is the jellyfish where over there oh so that’s the [ __ ] making all the noise that’s that moany little [ __ ] oh my god almost fell off that was

[ __ ] scary we’re doing pretty good in the nether so far i’m not to jinx it but like should i try and mine this gold real quick i try to get freaky with it i don’t see any piggies around yeah seems like there’s no pigs around i got your back i’ll cover you

Look at all this yeah actually there’s uh we’re kind of kind of gucci would you say we’re uh gold i’d say we’re just about golden nice all right uh where’d you go oh there i’m right here what if we went i don’t know dude this is seems like there’s like nothing over here

Wait what is that over there guys what is that how come how come the fog it changes density depending on which direction i’m looking but also what what is that over there that looks like a building but that doesn’t look like a fortress a bastion

Wow i don’t know what that is i think i heard about that in this in a speed running video but i forget what it was a bastion what do they do i think that’s where like piggies are that’s where you like trade gold with them and stuff and there’s like a bunch

Of like chess and loot and stuff oh okay the people are saying don’t go in there so okay i guess they don’t have the blazes that we want come on we need it’s 420 let’s [ __ ] need these blazes yeah dude let’s blaze these rods all right well now i can when babe

Noises your rod whoa when you beyblade your rod spin a [ __ ] beyblade on it oh no he’s shooting at us now we gotta take a v oh whoa take it easy there guy all right there’s no need for that where is it even coming from

I don’t know he’s gone now i can’t even see him anymore huh i’m not really feeling the vibes on that guy yeah he’s got kind of a weird vibe about him we were just kind of chilling and he came out of nowhere and started shooting at us

Shooting fireballs at us all i’m saying is i’m not really sure i’d invite him to one of my parties no i was on the fence before but i’m off it now um i’m up here i’m sort of going vertical okay all right maybe something will be up here

I would say before fortress would probably not be up there if i had to guess it’s not up there i don’t think so i mean the fortresses are like pretty big like i feel like we would see it Oh there you look at there ah gonna hit the you can hit the fireballs back nice come on give me give me your worst he’s only shooting at you why won’t he give you his words he really does not like i don’t have good reflexes gang

Oh no oh oh i fell in lava [ __ ] go Barricade yourself in if you can reflexes were no good i gotta be honest i made it i made a big mistake why can’t i hit it back i hit it what is this all right i gotta go i’m not beating this guy yeah cut your losses i’m gonna try to

Find where we were what what are your coordinates right now can you tell me yeah hold up hold up um f3 right that’s not it what is it f3 um 289 is the first number and then 65 and then negative one four nine is it negative 289

Oh yes sorry negative 289 and then negative what uh negative 289 is the first one the middle one 65 and the third one is negative 149. okay which oh yeah true uh did we make your stuff disappear my stuff disappeared i just gotta check if it’s there oh it’s still there i’ll

Grab it for you okay thank you i’m running i don’t exactly remember oh [ __ ] no not the piggies oh i gotta drop something on my turn come on how do i drop stuff and not pick it up oh make a chest pog idea uh okay dude i’m not 100 sure where i

Oh my god dude i feel like we didn’t see any pigs and now all of a sudden when i don’t have gold boots on they’re all on my ass it’s like get off my ass oh oh my god i’m gonna die again i’m missing get out oh mom come on mom

Uh oh my god i have a half a heart left oh shoot i’m trying to figure out where am i safe right now no dude this pig is still following me i made a chest with all your stuff oh this pig won’t leave me alone he’s insane oh man

I got shot by a skeleton i saw you saw it happen no it popped up on my screen oh okay i was like why didn’t you help me yeah i’ve been watching this whole time yeah why didn’t you do anything about that um do you think that you could make your way back

To me then or is that not possible dude what are your thoughts on that i mean i can just keep trying to come back to the nether and find you oh i thought you said you’re oh you’re back at the house i’m back in the nether oh i’m in the

Nether i’m gonna come try to find you again it’s just like i don’t have any gold so it makes it really hard to get around because there’s just pigs chasing me the entire time oh [ __ ] okay uh well all your stuff is over here um

So i could try to make it back to you and then we can sort of go together did you pick you couldn’t pick up my stuff well i i just like can’t fit all my inventory uh because i had so much cool [ __ ] oh

Yeah you just had a lot of stuff oh okay what are the what are the essentials that you need oh and i think i might be able to make it there let me just try okay let me just give it my my best college try because i could deliver you some boots

Some golden boots but i don’t even remember like which way we went from where i am right now that’s the issue oh [ __ ] off man where am i uh what were the coordinates again negative two yeah i gotta go more more that way okay negative two nine two

Six fifty four and then negative one four eight okay am i just gonna burrow into the no that’s gonna take way too long this might be my only option is burrowing through the wall to get to you i think my stuff will probably disappear soon which is not good well it’s in it

Wait the stuff that you dropped yeah i put it in a chest so i think you’re fine oh that’s kind of smart it was not my idea ah well whoever came up with it is kind of a genius i think i might die again okay it was my idea

All right mr skeleton i will not be fighting you right now it’s like he was just waiting for me oh oh my god i’m stuck between a rock and a s kelly um i really a skelly in a skelly okay i’m trying to remember how i think we

Were getting down chad do you guys remember how the where’d we come from dude of course like right after i said we were kind of popping off in the nether this this whole situation happens isn’t that just the way it goes now there’s a jellyfish here oh my god okay i

Cuz oh no i got too sad i just jumped in i i couldn’t get back to where we were okay i’m gonna try to come back to where we were someone said teleport to him guys we’re doing the survival mode with no cheats okay i’m not gonna teleport to him

That would ruin the whole i mean when we when we beat the dragon do we want to say we did it with our own two hands without any help or do we want to say yeah all we had to do was teleport around the whole game and then it was pretty easy

I mean really what would you say guys exactly guys i’m not gonna betray my friend for a quick buck they’re offering to pay you to kill me or what it’s literally someone keeps donating bits and they’re saying more for it more more where this came from if you

Burn all of danny’s stuff wow which is that’s pretty messed up it’s pretty evil but i i honestly respect it respect the hustle yeah the hustle of them giving me money yeah hey you got to spend money to lose money you know yeah that’s what they always say

You gotta give money to kurt to give money to kurt you gotta give money to kurt you forgot to get money if kurt got money and you know it take it out your pocket and show it take it up kurt’s pocket and show him and give it back like he’s away

That away all right i’m scared if i like go towards you i’m gonna lose where all your [ __ ] is you know yeah i’m surprised it hasn’t despawned yet these nuts Dude you got me dude i got him oh it’s in a chest never mind i forgot yeah i literally just told you bro uh my chat is telling me to tell you to eat i thank you they i just saw that they were telling me yeah uh okay i’m

Sort of i’m already lost guys i’m not going to teleport we’re going to beat this game the way oh god yeah yeah the way god intended when he made minecraft all right are you getting shot at that gas jellyfish i think so okay well i hear that oh yeah

So that might mean that i’m getting close oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i’m gonna die i’m gonna die what’s happening oh my god oh no you burned to death [ __ ] oh no Through a mountain to try to get to where you were because i couldn’t figure out how we got there so i’m just like digging through the ground no this is tearing where are these [ __ ] blaze rods dude they’re in the fortress we’ll never find it we’ll never find it

God i hate this game oh my god am i just gonna be trapped in this in this mountain forever i kind of thought i would it would just be like a thin wall that i would go through now i’m not so sure uh i wish my only wish is that i had a

Pickaxe right now okay where’s negative where are we going this way is this the right way we were going negative negative i wish i could see your screen so i could answer your question so negative negative okay i kind of feel like it might be over yeah i feel like

I feel like it might be over there i think can i get there oh shoot not this guy again dude leave me alone was an enderman all right i’m just gonna go sick about i’m just gonna run like crazy okay the bridge i remember the bridge finally

I was waiting for when you were gonna go stick up mode the people were waiting okay i remember this way i remember the mushrooms uh oh no yeah i think it was up this way oh no not a skeleton no god damn it dude i’m gonna die he’s gonna kill me for sure

Oh no no no no no no no thank you christina opening chess and the nether triggers pigmen bring barrels to store things when necessary oh does anyone know what coordinates curtis was at when he died or curtis do you know uh no i i forget anybody know

What way do i go from here down so negative 289 negative 148 look for the giant pole oh yeah Oh there’s the [ __ ] that killed me last time did you already get back to where you were no i feel like oh no dude i’m trapped in a hole and i’m scared there’s a skeleton waiting outside my hole to kill me and i low-key i wish you would

Oh my god oh my god oh my god how many of you are there my microphone fell down i was gonna say you sound a little different all of a sudden okay i’m gonna tunnel away from the skeleton and then i’ll pop up and i’ll be

50 feet away from him and he’ll be like oh and i’ll be like so long sucker and that’s when i make my escape oh i can’t wait to see the look on his face when i pop out of the ground uh i don’t have anything to eat

And i’m starving guys how does this how does this compare to the lore and the dream smp i’m just curious is this this lore really top-notch all right uh how far have i dug away from the skeleton let’s see let’s see if he’s still around okay i feel like

I’m on the oh [ __ ] look at your coordinates okay okay so i’m negative 32 and what was it it’s like negative 200 something oh so i gotta keep going this way and then negative er oh thanks for telling me to eat guys what should i eat let me just open up my

Inventory uh is there anything here that you would uh recommend i’m not really sure there’s so many options so i gotta go over there [ __ ] i went the wrong [ __ ] way dude 289 and then 148 okay so yeah i gotta keep going that way i think guys we’re gonna get there and it’s

Gonna be epic and also pog oh yeah and our stuff will still be there don’t worry i had like two of each too because i was like well maybe i can give some one of one thing to danny and that [ __ ] jellyfish absolutely [ __ ] me up huh i’m gonna die again all

Right i’m about to pop out of the ground and see if the skeleton is anywhere near me oh dude i think i hoodwinked him i think i escaped the skeletons clutches again i’m gonna this is gonna be a bit of an echo of what danny just said but what

Am i going to eat i have you want me this block of sand yum i i kind of like to see it actually i think i would like to see you eat the sand hold up guys can i turn off fog is there any way to do that

Let me take a look smooth lighting dynamic light shaders details details fog off let’s [ __ ] off whoa holy cow okay wow this is different i could see so much more i don’t mean any harm this is crazy i feel like i just put on glasses for the first time

Um don’t mind me fellas this little piggy’s going dude i found the chest no way i did i did find it oh my god [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there’s a skeleton right there dude i gotta be so careful right now this is a pog okay how did you get how

Do you get there how’d you get there i don’t know i dug underground away from the skeleton for a long time does that help keep the coordinates on the screen i can’t see [ __ ] balls when i do that dude okay i got some rotten flesh okay i was going the right way

This is kind of pug let me just eat some of this flesh okay playing with curtis or whoever just asked what are your coordinates right now uh negative 268 negative 124. negative 268 negative 124 okay but i i mean i can get everything out of the chest and just try to come back

Home did you die near the chest uh yeah i like around the corner kind of like on the hill uh okay there’s a hill here i see a hill oh [ __ ] hold on there’s a skeleton what way did it go after i always forget it’s like a [ __ ] maze in here dude

Check out i gotta hoodwink the skeleton now with my old trick wait hold on can i pull an epic gamer moment right now this could be kind of epic one second i’m thinking think think i don’t these coordinates make no [ __ ] sense man think okay keep going this way brain blood what happened

I made myself gold boots nice so now at least pigs won’t attack me okay i’m not seeing any of your stuff though although i’m not really sure where you were exactly but it’s not looking good all right i think maybe the best course of action from here is i should try to

Get back home if possible with our stuff we didn’t even find any blaze rods i know what was this all for i know so many so many innocent lives lost and what was it all for i’m gonna keep running see if i can find a [ __ ] fortress i’m going on recon mission

Yeah i mean i definitely support it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man what the hell we gonna do now or what i do for a picky oh what i do for a klondike bar okay i’m feeling kind of safe in this cave though now i think i just want to

Pretty much go straight this way now that i’ve got now that i’ve got a pickaxe this might be actually a lot easier oh yeah now i’m just now i’m just absolutely slicing through this stuff like butter oops where am i oh and my pickaxe broke that’s awesome so many piggies

So many piggies not enough picky i don’t even know what’s down here dude kurt it’s okay you’re doing great thanks guys that honestly that honestly means a lot more than you know i mean yeah i think we’re doing pretty good yeah i’ve only died like 10 times sir

Yes sir i think this is probably where i came from i think i’m going in a big [ __ ] circle i just need to find this fortress fortress yeah yeah that’s kind of savage dude to call it that yeah sort of you’re sort of like a irreverent comedian aren’t you you kind of like

I like pushing buttons this i’m gonna get home eventually guys just you wait and see and i’m and when i do i’m gonna have all this stuff with me red tree biome oh i did not mean to do that [ __ ] what the heck’s a red tree bile

I’ve got half a heart and i’ve never been so scared in all my life that was so dumb how do you turn off fog uh if you so press escape go to options and video settings and then it’s in uh and then click on details and it’s in there

You just gotta turn fog from like fancy or whatever it’s on to off and let me tell you it makes a world of difference buddy whoa okay i really hope these pigs don’t attack me because that would i mean that would it would really be over for me if they did

I do not want to fight one of those bore things i see a boar too do you are we near each other i’m in a red tree biome apparently dude i am too oh i found the portal i found the portal nice there’s a monster right next to it

It’s a monster by the portal time to pull out one of my famous tricks bestie make mushroom soup [Laughter] make mushroom soup bestie come on oh i’m gonna make mushroom soup i think i’m about to make cream of mushroom oh no shoot what do i do here now

Oh buddy i’m dead oh i see you did you see me nah okay i just saw you die that was sad ah well that was a load of horse [ __ ] all right i’m i’m not i’m i’m out of the nether oh use the sand that’s so smart that’s

That is a million iq strategy guys holy cow i can’t believe you’re so smart all right this is all this little pig’s gonna kill me and no ah ah back get back you little there’s a little pig yeah he’s i hit him i punched him now he’s chasing me with his sword

Why’d you hit him i don’t know coming right for me i don’t know why don’t sound like this oh cause there’s oh god where is he i have a half a heart you have to understand this is so precarious right now oh my god yeah the thing about me little pig i respawn

Oh my god dude holy [ __ ] i’m back baby what happened dude this i was so close to getting killed by that jellyfish thing oh my god i’ve never been so happy to be back in the overworld holy cow see this little guys yeah that little guy i’m gonna let you

Handle that honestly i don’t have any weapon uh me neither actually i only i mean the pickaxe that’s not really the [ __ ] oh my god that was so stressful were we what was happening um so i had like half a heart left i finally found the portal and right in front of it was one of those little like cube guys that splits into like a million different guys when you kill him

Yeah and so i was like trying to figure out a way if i could build build a bridge like over to right on top of the portal and then he wouldn’t get me but then like right as i was finishing that a jellyfish showed up out of nowhere

And then he started attacking me and i just had to make a run for it and i just barely made it into the portal jesus it was so scary i was so scared it sounds epic though all right i gotta turn off i gotta turn off i’ll go mode real quick

I oh to put my fog back on y’all rocking with fog let’s do fancy oh look how dude there’s oh after all that i step off oh my god i step off a small ledge and i nick my ankle to death i nicked it to death all right yeah

Let’s run back to the house we need to recoup after all that i got all your stuff thank you skeletons are you running i don’t know we’re running in the direction of our house no don’t know where are you um i’m going back to our house

Am i going the wrong way guys okay you you definitely i think you definitely went the wrong way because i could see you at first and now i can’t i see the portal okay do you see the big hill that the village is on um thanks whoa a thousand bits thanks

Uh i think i do do i is that it uh well okay so like if you’re looking at the bed from the foot of the bed i think you want to go i the the hill is to the right it’s like a sand hill no no no no

Okay okay let me okay you need to go in the positive positive direction okay so i got sniped yeah i guess so all right i gotta grab that stuff again actually [ __ ] it i’m just gonna run back home positive positive yeah there’s some creepers out tonight though this is kind of fog

We got some creepers a fine way to be welcomed home from another creeper oh whoa that was kind of cool this creeper exploded and propelled me forward to run away from them better like oh nice oh my god there’s so many oh my god i even if i wanted to burn danny’s stuff

I can’t it’s [ __ ] gone in the nether there’s so many mobs right now why is there so many mobs huh why there’s so many mobs there’s too many miles where’s my house where’s my house i’m in a desert now Okay a desert is is on the way back to the house i don’t know are you by the sand are you by the desert temple i don’t know man i don’t even know if i’m going in the positive all right or okay i see a pit of lava

So that’s fun okay guys tell me how do these [ __ ] coordinates work positive positive i gotta go or a negative negative so you wanna so with the you wanna be going in the direction of the two of the red and blue line like like you wanna be going

Away from the middle of the thing i want the numbers to be getting bigger on the screen as you walk i don’t want to be any bigger you want them to be getting less negative so towards zero i guess because since we’re negative okay i think i’m

I think i’m going the right way then where did i die there’s no down here all right guys stuff over here where’s my stuff honestly i don’t even want my stuff anymore i just want to go home i didn’t even have any good stuff i just want to go home so bad

Yeah i’m over this that was so stressful i just need a good night’s rest to be honest you know wait i didn’t even have any stuff i think oh my god safe and sound back home you’re home now okay are we ever gonna find a freaking fortress

I don’t know man this is really frustrating it’s all we want i know that’s all i want i feel like like there’s got to be an easier way than just walking around i mean i didn’t have to do this in my other world because i literally spawned like the portal was

Almost touching a wall of the fortress so it’s just like right there change brightness bestie how do i how do i do that oh someone said try building a portal closer to your house that’s actually not a bad idea oh would that change stuff well yes so the portal would spawn in a

Different area of the nether then it would take you it would just create a new portal in the nether too okay yeah that’s actually a good idea i’m actually kind of [ __ ] with that let’s see i’m gonna need a bucket because i’m gonna eat lava and i’m gonna need a diamond pickaxe

To break the obsidian does curtis have a down pickaxe all right i might just take his don’t tell him i’m taking it bro where the [ __ ] am i i don’t know i feel like it didn’t take this long to get to the floor what are your what are your coordinates right now

Negative 290 and then okay the other one is 56. okay so i’m at the house right now my coordinates are negative 130 and negative 212. all right well i’m probably gonna [ __ ] die i can’t sprint oh yeah yeah yeah i gotta reset my spawn you guys are so right

Dan you take your diamond pickaxe yeah i heard him um okay curtis i’ve got an idea you know what this is a good idea okay okay um you gotta log out of the server and when you log back in it will be daytime okay well i’m probably gonna die

Because i’m in a bed right now and if you log out i’ll let you go to sleep oh or you could just sleep in that bed yeah or maybe it’s daytime now oh it’s daytime anyway okay okay so from the portal how do how do i get help um positive positive

Kidney like closer closer to zero yes all right and i’ll just leave you to do that we’ll see how it goes for you yeah yeah i did give them the coordinates it’s so the coordinates that you’re looking for are negative 130 and negative 212. yeah it’s definitely not your fault

It is it is mine i can’t figure this [ __ ] out go right oh my god man where’s the lava gonna be we do need a railroad to the [ __ ] portal dude well i’m just gonna build a portal at our house and then we’ll be pretty much set for life

There’s a creeper in this cave hey baby all right she shows up right when you need her the most honestly that’s what i love most about her creeper yeah hey sexy creeper oh where the heck is the lava gonna be come on show me the lava

That’s all i want maybe it’ll be in here oh obsidian i can just take that where’s this water coming from there Curtis connis always finds a way someone said let nick oh okay i said never mind it said let nick join the the snp but i thought it said let nick jonas join him dude could you imagine if it was me you and nick jones dude we gotta hoodwink him into getting

Into our smp somehow i say hoodwink because that’s the only way he would possibly join is if we somehow hoodwinked him yeah thinking that this was a good that’d be a good business decision there’s no way he would agree on his own accord we’re i don’t know there’s just

All right i’m home now oh good took you long enough yeah it uh it really did didn’t it okay uh how many obsidian do i need did i even pick that oh my god uh how many obsidian do i need for this i need uh freaking two plus two

Plus three plus three four plus six is ten i need ten think you checked all right i’m gonna i’m gonna head into mine Set spawn i did i did don’t you guys don’t you guys worry about that don’t you worry about it thing all right i’ve got two obsidian now i’ve seen two people say to put a sunflower in the nether and it supposedly points towards a fortress does anybody

Know if that’s true or are we being hazed probably being hazed we are being hazed damn it hazed and confused i bet i bet if you put a sunflower in the nether it like blows up your whole base or something back in the over world that’s why they’re trying to get us to

Do it these freaks yeah it like blows up your house back in like the bless up your house in real life the see the cops show up at your door all right i’ve got seven obsidian this is almost enough um i’m not sure how to get these without dying

Gold check oh curtis got gold let’s get some pog that’s an e in the chat say smiling for a picture baby yeah when you go to the dentist and you gotta open your mouth for them see what’s everyone saying no i kinda i’m i’m killing it down here

All right dude i got enough obsidian i’m ready to make a portal right next to our base i’m mining like a freaking savage right now dude also you can never travel by getting coordinates of the place you want to go in the over world and divide the x and y coordinates by eight

Go to the solution in the nether build a portal and it should take you to the overworld chords you wanted to go since eight blocks in the nether equals one block in the overworld so it would take less time whoa that’s kind of an interesting thing

That’s kind of like a fun little factoid what so apparently like the blocks in the nether correspond to the blocks here but like eight blocks here is only one in the nether and so if you so you can travel faster and then if you go into the nether

Like narnia am i doing this right oh this one’s wrong i don’t need that one you can enchant a pickaxe so it’s unbreakable that sounds op this is the longest mine tunnel ever do you think i think so i might have to get guinness

I have to get it grab a nice call to guinness and then then i’ll tell you and then i’ll i don’t know well there’s more beef down here i think the cows are killing each other dude there’s just beef sitting down on here this is weird i never seen that in micah weird

We got some pretty violent violent cows all right now where’s my flint and steel do i have one anymore okay the verdict is i might not have one anymore ah lava The cows are beefing they smell like beef i beefed okay this tunnel’s long af dude why are you guys telling me to break the other portal what does that do somebody said someone said that in my chat too oh i’m uh looks like we’re a few yards away from the first portal

In the nether okay interesting oh that’s great news where’d you go what is it why why does it matter honestly i just wanted a portal near our base that way we could go i mean i can still i could break this one and go break that one if you guys

Really want me to okay i will i’ll do it you convinced me i’ll break this one and then i’ll go break that one the portals could link improperly is what someone said i don’t know what that means yo you trying to link and build improperly i mean no not usually it’s not usually

The goal yo i’m down to start a business the wrong way no matter what i do everyone just says no in all cabs should i solve world hunger real quick no no all right i’m just doing it because my mod is telling me to you guys i’m not listening to you guys anymore

You’re just hazing me your mom yeah my mom’s in the chat you’re doing it because your mom don’t you do yeah fortnite stream odd by bob why are you streaming for tonight why are you streaming for fortnite why are you streaming on twitch So are you just mining around down there um no i’m i’m in i’m i’m uh i’m up top i’m this i’m i put up in the fairness but where are you at okay uh i’m going to i’m going back to the first portal to break it real quick

Because everyone got a little um well i’m not and then i’m go there because i got lost yes okay uh oh there’s no that’s mine okay someone said curtis pissing in the furnace is that true yeah are you pissing in the furnace though i wanted to see what would happen

If i put my piss in the furnace oh actually uh do you want to go can you can you just go to sleep real quick i need to um i need to get back but it’s night time and i don’t want to get killed okay i go bad i’m in my bed

All right it’s daytime let’s go my stuff should be done by now what it was going all night yeah i don’t think like that sort of stuff goes faster at night like when you go to sleep for some reason i feel like it it would be really nice if it did yeah that’s

That’s stupid to me oh man enough with this [ __ ] mcafee mcafee two for your computer wants you to get mcathy yeah and and i’m allergic to mcafee yeah that’s what my doctor said skeleton in the village troll in the dungeon that’s from harry potter uh sorry i don’t know him

Oh is he a youtuber yeah nice he does like get ready with me go to school vlogs avenging my parents death vlogs uh the skeleton means business i’m gonna run away um yo do you think there’d be any are they allowed to watch youtube and make youtube videos if

At hogwarts you think huh i guess i never really heard them talking about youtube in the movies uh when was it setting but i don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to because like i don’t like they’re not a so they’re not allowed to use magic when they’re in the muggle world

But are they allowed to use muggle stuff when they’re in the magic world like youtube is the first thing you know yeah what if they’re like you’re not allowed to watch tv or play video games here because magic only baby you can’t brush your teeth here either not magic enough

You can’t use condoms or anything you can’t oh no you just have to use the spell of protection the condom spell penis penis penifics all right well guys that didn’t change anything the portal’s still there but where does that one lead now because i broke the portal

Hold on one sec i gotta go see this for myself is it just gonna take me back to the other portal what would happen if you broke oh never mind i guess you just die what the [ __ ] do you want yeah get in my business again you’re a dead pig

You’re a dead pig you’re a real dead pig got our own money whoa this now wait hold on this is a different place now what the heck where the [ __ ] am i huh now i’m in a different place all together wait no i’m in i’m just in a slightly different place actually

Huh okay oh why did i [ __ ] do that i need that um four blocks in the overworld is one and then one more time someone says someone’s telling you to eat something all i have is raw beef that whoa i might think freeze oh there we go

Okay i’m really not sure what i’m doing by breaking this portal i’m just seeing what happens i’m gonna be done breaking the portals now we’re just gonna live with the portals we got that’s life you know you just gotta live with the portals you got ain’t that the truth oh amen well assistant

Stone cutter what does that do oh it cuts stone you can make like a stone stairs and stuff easier i think oh that’s absolutely lit ah well i gotta stop placing torches everywhere the [ __ ] am i doing guys i’m gonna go down the slide there’s a slide Wait where’s the slide that sounds fun Oh i wish i knew where the slide was it’s where the zombie was riding the pig that one time it’s like the water slide like waterfall oh that does sound fun it was a lot of fun too bad i’ll never be able to go um do you guys watch each other’s videos

No i actually don’t i don’t know i don’t even know what you do on your channel well kurt you don’t make videos anymore right no i you uh you haven’t made you don’t even make videos right no i no i make videos like oh really yeah and what do you make videos about

Really what everything everything from shoes to uh high heels boots okay it sounds like just footwear then you said everything and then the only thing you listed were like shoes and boots yeah and i mean i mean what else is there you know yeah there’s a lot

I mean just like in terms of like things in the world there’s like infinite infinite amounts of stuff oh yeah it sounds like you’re only concerned with like you’re telling me if i walk ship you’re telling me if i walk in if i walk into a foot locker they’re going to

Give me an infinite amount of stuff what chad what the [ __ ] well flip lockers do you think footlocker is the only place now absolutely yeah name one other okay um famous footwear oh [ __ ] yeah exactly i mean not so much i felt locker how about um

The oh i know the foot locker in glendale california or oh wait still a foot locker my friend [ __ ] well hold on i no i’ve been other places besides foot locker in my life have you i’m trying to think yeah there was the um the foot locker i was born in what was

That there’s like a foot locker type place the foot locker kids yeah oh wait it’s where kids are that’s also called a foot locker that’s for kids that’s where they lock the kid’s feet so they lock them up yeah that’s so pretty much everything on my channel is all

About everything everything on my channel is about everything every video you post is about everything geez yeah it’s pretty awesome uh where are you at now are you still at the portal uh i’m back at our village our at our base okay i’ll head over there too guys i

Can’t get a cat because i don’t have any cod yeah curtis is gonna need some cod i don’t have any call of duty cats love call of duty ah is that a portal on our freaking island dude yeah i made it just for you oh we got a hype train everybody hop on

The train It’s more like ding ding oh oh yeah there’s the train bell it goes all right now it goes That’s the sound the bell makes choo choo that’s the sound of the train dude you sound like the crazy frog right now What’s going on dude have you ever do you guys have touch tunes in uh canada the jukeboxes touch tunes all right there’s a type of like at bars and stuff there are like those jukeboxes and you can download an app so you can request music from your phone

Oh cool no i don’t think we have those well i also have more my friends used to do this thing where we would go somewhere that had one of those and then we would like we would request a few normal songs throughout the night and then just as we

Were getting ready to leave we would play crazy frog and then like get up and walk out while the whole bar was like getting becoming confused about crazy frog we would leave it’s a pretty epic song to walk out of the bar too yeah that’s badass all right well do you

Think you’re gonna be on much longer um probably probably not that much longer okay um i’m trying to think if there’s anything else we want to do during this stream i don’t know we already tried the [ __ ] nether didn’t didn’t work out yeah hopefully now that

Our portal is nice and close to our base we’ll be able to like get yeah uh i actually don’t really know exactly how that’s gonna help but it seems like it’ll help yeah i don’t know either because i feel like that we keep having the same problems every time but who knows

Yeah um all right well do you want to just uh we’ll probably want to go to sleep in a second and then we can probably log off yeah probably okay well let’s wait for it to be nighttime are those creepers over there are those cactus i think it’s a cactus i

Wish they were creepers dude i thought they were just they kind of do look like pretty far away there’s just like 40 of them looking at us over there ladies come on over here let me ring the creeper bell come on all right well i guess let’s go to sleep all right

You know what i’m going to drape up dream about creepers i think so yeah me too i think i’m also going to dream about because all right i’m getting in bed now and i’m ready to dream about creepers oh [ __ ] me too dude all right i’m good Creeper on the low i’m trying to [ __ ] bad as hell she’s a keeper i just hope i’m enough i got a diamond pickaxe i’m gonna kick ass she’s twerking in the cave to get cash she got a thick ass i’m in love with the creeper i’m in the heart of

Creeper i hardly know where you know i’m a grower and not a show how did you get so thick with no curves you a whole snack like an hors like a d’oeuvres i’m in her nether regions we’re sailing on a wave hey let me explode in your cave

Not trying to be too lewd but my sword’s got level three protection feed your I can’t get you off my mind so i gotta craft a way to make you mine planks and sticks baby give me a sign and break the bed cause we’re sleeping tonight i’m in love with the creeper on the low i’m trying to [ __ ] bad as hell she’s a keeper i just hope

I’m enough i got a diamond pickaxe i’m gonna kick ass she’s twerking in the cave to get cash she got a That’s what i was gonna say oh that’s tight dude you gotta meet her my girl too she’s a minecraft creeper white holy [ __ ] i think we fell for the same trick that’s impossible who’s she gonna pick should we battle like liam neeson not necessary if we have a threesome

Anchor we got a proposition we got one diamond hoe and a whole lot of seed yeah don’t wanna put you in a weird position he’s got raw pork and i got bone meal to feed ya no pressure we just thought that it could be fun hop on to the mine shaft do

It like a speed run we can keep it on the low baby what She’s a keeper i just hope we’re enough we got a diamond Hope that she doesn’t blow up that would really [ __ ] suck we got a diamond pickaxe we’re gonna kick ass she’s working in the cave to get cash she got a dick ass we’re in love with the creeper No she blew up i knew it i lost all my stuff i had so many ingots oh oh okay yeah i’m awake good morning man i had the craziest dream dude me too wow that was it was man i mean i kind of even don’t want to talk

About it it was really it was a crazy dream rest assured you wouldn’t even believe me if i told you what i would i dreamed about yeah you wouldn’t believe me either so i’m probably not gonna tell you yeah we’ll just leave it at that then

Yeah uh all right well i think uh i’m probably gonna log off then yeah me too uh well that was that was fun maybe we’ll maybe we’ll uh find blazer eyes next time yeah i guess so what if the rest of the the rest of this minecraft series is

Just us trying to get blaze rods and we never did we can never get them all right all right well i’m gonna log off all right man well i’ll talk to you later bye bye bye bye uh all right well thanks thanks for hanging out guys that was

That was uh that was fun i don’t know what you guys are talking about what song i don’t know um yo hype train when is it on spotify guys twitch streams don’t go on spotify i don’t know what you’re talking about um bessie that was incredible thanks for

The i know it was a pretty good stream thank you that was fun um well thanks for hanging out guys that was the stream you know nothing nothing too crazy gallagher thanks for the two months um okay i gotta find someone to to raid all right well thanks for hanging out

Everybody yo level 5 hype train that’s crazy um who can we raid i don’t know who he’s gaslighting us oh what’s that is that new zit coming in nice um who’s that oh they’re offline i don’t know who to raid I rated nick last time i don’t know i’ll probably just hop off i’m too tired too tired to find someone um but thanks thanks for hanging out guys that was a fun stream um yeah on sunday i’ll be streaming minecraft again but it’ll be so low it’ll be in the

It’ll be in the curtis town smp so the new the one that i’m making so it’ll be fun um yeah thanks for hanging out thanks for chilling that was a fun stream always a good time appreciate you and uh yeah see you around peace peace out bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.04.21 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-24 19:21:20. It has garnered 60064 views and 549 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:55 or 8455 seconds.

https://www.twitch.tv/kurtisconner (I’ll only upload Kurtis’s streams when he plays with Danny, sorry!)

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    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji's Creation #planktonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | plankton |#plankton #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-04 00:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. plankton #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to … Read More

  • Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!

    Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to farming Crossing 4 so I used to play farming Crossing 3 and I absolutely loved it and if you don’t know what farming Crossing is it’s a um it’s a mod pack for Minecraft that is heavily inspired by Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing is probably one of my most favorite games ever so I really was super excited to find out that this one came out and it was released not too terribly long ago and I’m really looking forward to hopping right in so let’s go ahead and do it uh… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: BUILDING EPIC MINECRAFT HOUSE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE IN MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share’, was uploaded by GHOST.GAMING on 2024-03-09 07:54:17. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share Read More


    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: play.westville.life Discord: https://discord.gg/pCRXc4Cb2Y MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: thugcraftmc.com (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WH374V2n2F Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More