LIVESTREAM: Chat Teaches Me How to Minecraft

Video Information

Stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream what’s good welcome everybody to the stream

How we doing besties oh [ __ ] okay all right how’s it going welcome everybody to the stream happy monday i see we got a hype train going so let’s all hop on that um i noticed i had 3 000 subs before and i have 2 000 now is that because they only last

A month and that and uh and they didn’t and like 500 people didn’t resub or something i don’t know how that works but anyway everybody hop on the sub train or the hype train we can get a sub train going too if you want yes okay people are saying yes that is

How that works okay cool all right well uh i hope you guys had a good monday i did i got a lot done i edited something really cool oh dude there’s something really cool that you guys are gonna see at some point soon that i’ve been editing

Um i edited it like all weekend and today and uh it’s very fun and um i was also writing a different video so how is everybody everybody say how your monday was right now thank you thank you turkel was that your name for the bits thank you

People are saying good good good boring awful terrible good good okay i’m glad we’re getting mostly goods that’s nice sweet oh sheesh dude we already beat the hype train oh golly dude all right whoa thank you for the sub oh okay people are subscribing right now thank you mack for the sub

Thank you uh oh jen redd donated and said what’s your favorite harry style song bestie um i think uh adore you probably i think i don’t listen to that much harry styles so like i only know the popular ones but between the popular ones probably that

If i had to guess if i had to say well thank you everyone who’s subscribing right now thank you pink switch thank you punchy as heck thank you hannah thank you may steak cool um well i guess we beat the hype train i can go ahead and do a fit check

Real quick if people want that what do we think about a fit check today okay people are into it alright let’s do it okay welcome to the fit check this is a blue crew neck sweatshirt that i got from a thrift store uh it’s got kind of uh

[ __ ] up cuffs but i think that actually kind of makes it look cool i think it’s got character and i really like the design uh laura and i went on our honeymoon to maui i did not get this then uh because that was like four years ago i got this

A couple weeks ago so yeah then i got on the black jeans and uh some gray socks so there you go and i really like the little sailboats on this i think they’re very cute and uh yeah really enjoyed maui when we went um i did have some medical issues

When we were in maui that made it less enjoyable but sheesh thank you all for the subscriptions thank you brin sane thank you darren husted thank you jenna um yeah i i’ve talked about in videos before but on our honeymoon i had this like autoimmune disorder thing happening that was undiagnosed and i

Didn’t know what was going on yet and it made all of my joints swell up and also made it so i like couldn’t walk for most of our honeymoon so i was kind of in a wheelchair it was awesome actually let me see if i can find a

Picture and then you can see we’re learning so much today um but i might not have any on this phone oh no i probably do okay hold on let me see oh no i guess i i guess i don’t okay i don’t know i don’t have any pictures sorry

Uh it’s okay that was it was a long time ago and it’s it’s better now so i don’t even care it’s just kind of a fun story uh okay well how i was thinking today we could play some minecraft what do you guys think about that

I think that could be kind of fun Um yeah okay someone said play star wars no i don’t think i will i think i’m gonna play minecraft instead all right let me open up my minecraft but we have a sick picture from our honeymoon because we brought like a polaroid camera on our honeymoon so it’s like a polaroid picture of

Us on like the beach in hawaii and i’m in a wheelchair and laura has like her hands on my shoulder like that and it’s like if it looks like a family portrait but on a polaroid picture and i’m in a wheelchair it’s a it’s honestly kind of a sick picture okay uh

Okay i’m opening minecraft i am remembering to switch to my computer this time there we go oh okay guys i kind of have a lot of updates uh going on right now so you guys all remember if you were here last time i built this sweet ass i built this sweet ass uh

Xp farm and i couldn’t quite get it to work but it’s it’s working now it’s in the full swing of things i’m gonna set the difficulty to hard so that they all spawn like as much as i want them to oh look at this they’re already coming

Okay that one died but it was working really well it was working so much that uh wait is it lagging i saw one person say lag right well anyway i’m dropping things off my desk sorry um it was working so well that creepers were falling down here

But then they were blowing up and it would like blow up the whole thing so i ch i changed all this around here to be obsidian and now it’s working pretty well sometimes they still is it lagging some people are saying no lag no okay it’s good all right um sometimes they still

Destroy the um these slabs because i guess you can’t make obsidian slabs but yeah other than that it’s pretty good and look at i’m already level 18. i also built a bubble elevator up to 80 blocks above the xp form because i guess that’s

Uh where you want to be to get them to spawn and the view up here is insane look at this look at this beautiful view i can see my whole farm i can see my cow hole and i can see i can see that piss baby fort over there

It actually looks sick from up here especially with these shaders like dang that’s nice so you i we kind of just wait up here for a little bit until mob spawn and then since i’ve been getting a decent amount of xp from this mob farm i’ve been able to enchant some stuff so

I’ve been down i’ve been mining and stuff so i made myself uh some pickaxes with better efficiency so it goes faster and uh a sharper sword so i can kill bad guys more easily all right let’s go down and see if that if this has worked at all yet

Honestly it usually doesn’t take too long before things start spawning oh yeah so look there’s already a bunch of bad guys in there now the thing is i have to be very careful i have to make sure that i kill the creepers first because otherwise they will blow up

And destroy everything they’ll ruin everything there we go look at that that’s a pog and they keep coming too for a while yeah look at this i can just sit here and rake in the xp probably if i went up there for longer it’d be even better but look at this

Little baby dead and they’ve been dropping some good stuff too i think golden helmet bow unbreaking thank you for the pogs in the chat dude thank you so yeah that’s what i’ve been up to um i did let’s see did i do anything in the house

Oh i i did some stuff with the battle room also just because i i wanted to get the enchanting stuff set up so i set up all the enchanting stuff right here and i also have my anvil here did i name any of these diamond no okay i thought i named some

Of them i guess not and yeah so that’s pretty much what i got going on so i think so correct me if i’m wrong what i want to do now is go to the i need i need some way to get ender pearls because that’s the that’s the thing that

Is preventing me from getting to the end right now and i think i have like one ender pearl maybe yeah i do so the way that i’ve seen speedrunners do it which i think might be the way that i want to do it is uh actually i’m gonna while i talk

I’m gonna go up to the top of this that way i can just wait there for a second um i think that i want to go to the nether and try to trade with the piglens that seems like how all the speedrunners do it and i don’t want to just like wander around

Looking for enderman to try to kill because that sounds annoying i could trade with a cleric also okay yeah i don’t know how to find a cleric though i’m gonna i’m gonna trade i’m gonna try trading with the piglens so in order to do that i need a lot of gold ingots

Wait hold on let me see here uh what are i saw my mod say something do you have gold bestie yeah i think i do i think i have a lot actually i’ll go when i go down there i’ll check when i go down there again um try getting netherrite i actually

Watched a video about that because i didn’t know that that existed and then someone mentioned it in a youtube video i was watching and i thought it was just like armor that you make out of this stuff and then it’s netherright armor but you you have to like have

Diamond armor first right and then it and then you can make it into netherride armor by like equipping netherite on it or something but it seemed like my dog is barking uh but it seemed like it was like impossible to find the stuff that you need to get

You’re in hard mode bestie yeah i’m in hard mode dude i’m trying to get the well yeah i’ll switch out of hard mode once i um once i go into the nether but let me just go here real quick and see if this is full of mods mobs

Okay they’re all chilling there i’m gonna wait here for a second as well and wait for them to fall down yeah look at dude look at them all coming down this is awesome i don’t know why some of them died that’s kind of annoying but oh my god there’s a lot

Okay now i’m worried about how many creepers there are in there actually all right well let’s go give him a slice what do you say oh oh yeah dude look at that that is sick i love it oh [ __ ] oh no see it just i don’t know why that happens

He came down ready to blow up what could i i couldn’t have done anything right i’m just confused about why that happens sometimes sometimes they just come down and they’re already exploding so i don’t know if there’s anything i can do about that really dude this is so pog right now i’m

Gaining xp like crazy Stand further back wait i didn’t even know i could have hit them from this far away i thought you had to be like right next to someone to hit them with a sword this is this is kind of an interesting revelation i did not know this how far can i be

Is it as far as i can hit like with so i can hit this block from this far away can i hit bad guys from this far away six blocks i think let’s see one two three four five six maybe maybe okay i can still hit the slab from here and that

Oh okay i guess the uh i guess they’re not coming anymore um i wonder how long it would take for me to get to like level 30 or something right now because then i could then i could really enchant some armor and then go to the nether hmm

Why did someone say uggo mode jam said that they’re proud thank you i this is this feels like a pro player move right here i really do feel like i’m being an expert player right now actually i kind of want to go to bed though because it’s night time and i just

Not trying to take any chances you know whoa whoa whoa why is there a zombie on the premises how did he get over here why is there how did a zombie get here did he come up the stairs i forgot to tell you guys i made stairs oh maybe he

Came from that seems like a long way for him to travel though that i’ll close this gate i made these stairs can they spawn on the stairs because it is kind of dark on there what are you guys talking about people are saying something is ugly i like that a lot that’s nice

It’s really satisfying to just stand here and kill them uh bestie back up please i’m sorry yeah i just ran right up there and and hit them whoops you should do a hardcore world uh i feel like i have to beat this game first in order to

Justify doing a hardcore world because i don’t i’m not quite sure i’m experienced enough yet you know all right i’m gonna stand right i’m staying right here and try to hit him oh so once i turn around there’s a zombie i think it’s probably down here oh yeah look it there he is

Dude in hard mode are there more zombies wearing armor i feel like this zombie is like decked out with enchanted gold armor that’s got to be a hard mode thing all right i’m going to go up there one more time i don’t want to waste too much time

Doing this but it is kind of fun can you name your sword swingy mcswingin i don’t know dude do you have people i’m not gonna name it swingy mcswingin dude i’m sorry that’s what would be a good name for a sword uh kill you um the the baddinator the baddinator um the baddies

The i don’t know slashy greg dave epic uh what’s that what’s that like excalibur isn’t that the sword that uh what’s his face had to pull out of the rock excalibur someone said jason just name the sword a regular guy’s name yeah this is paul i’m gonna kill you

With paul here comes paul here comes stephen coming to get you whoa uh oh what the [ __ ] dude why is [ __ ] why is there a creeper outside how do i how do i kill a creeper i still don’t know how to kill them without them blowing up does anyone can

Anyone can instruct me on how to oh all right okay well i guess not like that how do i kill them without blowing without them blowing up that was so annoying use a bow hit fast oh i’m being attacked oh where is he oh there he is run run

Wow i cannot have that dude not when i’m not when i got level 23 on the line i love the collective oh when i walk by the mob farm yeah okay i’ll go to sleep that’s a good idea actually okay can’t sleep there obviously actually let me kill all these guys first

What do we what do we say i’m gonna i’m gonna kill all these guys and then go to sleep how’s that because this seems like it seems like a big heaping dose of xp i’ll stand like here oh okay okay standing far away actually worked i think that i think that helped

Oh my god dude what is he doing in here something i need to put more torches or something i don’t know how they’re getting in here this is kind of annoying i thought i was safe in here but i guess i was wrong nice epic

All right hold on do i have torches let me go let let me deal with my inventory real quick i’ve got so much stuff that i’m just walking around with uh okay so this is my battle stuff i’m gonna put everything that i’m not currently using all my tools in here

And anymore i guess i’m not using that right now either uh yeah look i’ve got a lot of gold this has got to be enough to get some ender pearls right oh yeah i guess i took down the painting i don’t remember doing that whoops i i don’t know why i did that

I did do that but i don’t know why or when okay okay i guess i’ll put my buckets in here i don’t really know where else they should go and then kelp can go in here And these blocks can go in here there we go look at guys now we got a nice organized inventory just full of meat potatoes just the basics let me see there’s okay there’s only one guy here right now kill him people want me to name my sword all right okay i’ll name him

Do i need a anything to i need to put iron in there or what to name him i’m not gonna change my game mode yet until i get a nice high xp level but actually let me let me make my torches and then i can uh prevent all these bad guys from spawning

Around me because that is annoying okay okay torches now we got lots now go name my sword and i’m gonna name him something cool i’m not gonna name him any any dumb [ __ ] uh i’ll name him he’s an iron sword attack sword okay that’s actually kind of tight attack sword

All right i’ll name it the tack sword i like that attack sword yes thank you sweet and now he’s all back to full health too i kind of feel like i should have been enchanting things a while ago because that would that actually like when i was using the um

My pickaxe that has efficiency that like made my life so much easier i just feel like i could have been doing that a long time ago and i didn’t do potatoes not keep you for keep you full for as long guys i already named it i see people still telling me

Names that i should do uh potatoes have lower something meat is best food okay all right well i’ve got i just had a lot of potatoes so i figured might as well eat them while i have them play bratz is there a bratz game i didn’t even know that was a thing

All right i guess i’m just going to stand up here for a while i feel like is this boring me just standing up here i can talk to chat while we wait uh what you building now i’m not building anything okay so my plan right now if you

This is just taking so long it’s kind of annoying uh my plan right now is to try to get to like level 30 or so and then uh enchant some armor to go to the nether because i will want enchanted armor i feel like but it is taking so long iron

It’s kind of nice wow actually the standing far away method is helping a lot i feel like the creepers are not blowing up anywhere near as much as they were before so this is perfect yes let’s see they gotta these zombies have a lot of leather armor what is this oh

Oh wait i already i already knew about that okay all right well i don’t know what should i do one second chad chad is kind of hard to read today i don’t know why i’m just having a hard time like keeping up with the comments oh i should yeah i

Should go place those torches you’re right i got sidetracked uh okay let’s just make sure that every single area in here is lit up and maybe i should light up the stairs too can i even can i put them like here will that help because i don’t want them to be able to

Spawn on here i don’t know if they can but if they can they will all right let’s go see if there’s any other dark areas use anvils instead of enchantment tables don’t i need do i need the like an enchantment book for that how do i how do i use an anvil to

Enchant things can someone teach me because i don’t think i have any enchanting books and that’s what i thought i needed to do that let’s see do i have any enchantment books and if i did where would they be oh channeling oh but people said i needed a trident

For that yeah i remember yeah that’s the only enchantment book i have can i make them you need a book yes bessie you need books you need enchantment books uh make books and enchant them oh wait i can make a i can enchant a book to make an enchantment book

To enchant other things is that true or am i getting hazed let’s go find out oh no dude what the [ __ ] how what why is he in my house is are they spawning in the battle room do you think oh my god that’s so annoying oh my god ah

Oh my god dude leave me alone why is he he must i bet he spawned in the battle room maybe it’s too dark in there i’m just gonna i’m just gonna hit him and run away i run the wrong way [ __ ] dude i thought i’d be able to run past

Him and i didn’t oh my god i thought i was gonna zoom past him no that’s so annoying he kind of juked me out i think where’s all my xp did i not drop any xp do i not get any xp for this i have one

Don’t i usually drop xp and i pick some of it back up can a boy get some of his xp back please where did it go okay there’s some of it is okay oh my god this that’s this is a nightmare come true on the reel this is just uh this is damn

Near the worst thing that’s ever happened to me okay well i guess i’m not enchanting any books right now unless i can do it with 6xp how do i how do i kill a creeper maybe okay you know what i’m gonna i gotta watch a youtube video about how to kill a creeper

Because this is just ridiculous i mean i’ve got the amount of times i’ve been killed by a creeper is unacceptable first i need to go put more torches in the place in the battle area all right is it dark in here it’s not even dark dude

No bad guys allowed in the battle room all right all right all right all right all right okay one second i’m gonna i’m gonna look up how to kill creepers how to kill a what how to kill a creeper in minecraft this has gone on long enough

Okay how to kill a creeper without making it explode kill a creeper without making it explode just hit it and fall back after each hit hit it run back hit it run back hit it run back this guy’s got the most peaceful voice ever keep doing this until he’s dead hit it

Run back wait okay thank you jam i figured it out he didn’t explode and i just hit him run back fall back run back hit him run back all right that was the most peaceful tutorial i’ve ever watched hit it run back dude he kind of had like a beat like a

Rhythm to it it’s kind of bars hit it run back hit it run back all right let me see let me see about enchanting this book real quick book piercing smite and efficiency 4 interesting but okay well i don’t want those things so how do i get other stuff

Like is it how do i get it to be other stuff that’s kind of uh what i’m wondering here is there a way to get to get it to be other stuff guys i’m not gonna do a minecraft song people want me to do a minecraft song

I mark my words i will never do a minecraft song ever i’m just worried it would be lame i feel like you know it’s just hard to make a minecraft song like bop unironically okay uh enchant something else it reese oh wait if i enchant something else it resets is that true

Or am i having a haze moment let’s see if i enchant these pants real quick what’s gonna happen unbreaking now we put the book in power efficiency and impaling interesting okay so it does work like that i should put my armor back on probably okay well that’s good to know i guess

All right well i guess it’s gonna take too long for me to get to level 30 because i keep uh dying and stuff let me i’m just gonna i’m just gonna see if i can go to the nether with and and do this piggy thing let me make some armor

Um i need a helmet and i will need a shield okay so what do i want to bring to the nether i want to bring blocks for sure would be helpful i guess just whatever blocks i don’t need right now and not all this iron but i do want to bring gold

I’ll just bring one stack oh i have to oh shoot that’s right i have to make gold boots do i have any i have the frost walk i don’t want to lose those those are kind of tight uh i’ll just i’ll just make some wait actually can i take these and these

And and use the anfield to put them together isn’t that what the anvil does i can take two boots and make them one and they’ll boot oh okay never mind how about i just do this how many is this gonna take one two three four how many just just making boots take

Four why wouldn’t i just do that and not waste the enchantment points okay do i have everything i need i’ve got this maybe i should bring a bow and arrow too i never i never really fought with a bow and arrow before but that could kind of be helpful i’m gonna bring also

I have many many potatoes so i might as well just bring those okay who’s ready to go to the nether oh turn it off hard mode good idea thank you besties all right uh i’m gonna sleep first put the boots on that’s a good idea you guys are smart

All right off we go i i promise when i play minecraft and i’m not on stream i don’t get sidetracked as easily it’s just because i’m trying to like juggle paying attention to the chat and also be like chatty myself that i like forget what i’m doing 50 of the time

Uh okay i’ll probably want to do that people are always saying organize your inventory i’m not really sure what that means i think that i think people mean like put things in the same spot every time that way you know where they are i only have 10 arrows i

Don’t know if that’s really gonna be enough but okay maybe this will be how i have things arranged okay so sword is two tack sword pickaxes one bow is three okay all right let’s bring more bows and milk oh yeah yeah milk let’s go get some milk dude

That’s a good idea i forgot about that nice cold glass of milk for papa milk and set spawn very good ideas everyone thank you and i will set respawn point as well okay so let’s get some buckets do you think four’s enough or should i bring seven

And uh did you say another pair of boots uh oh arrows let’s see 64. there we go okay hopefully that’s enough and now i’m ready to go i think i need to go get i need to go get milk i’ll dump my water out over here okay now we go

Get some milk from mommy mommy mommy mommy give me milky thank you ah okay there we go okey doke i think we’re ready to go i think this might be my best nether trip ever uh now people are saying stop and don’t get cocky guys when have i ever gotten cocky

About going into the nether before all right i set my respawn point i’m having a tato here we go all right don’t worry i did set my spawn and i am barricaded in here now we need to figure out where the piglens are even going to be i kind of feel like

I can take my underground little tunnel here uh and that might be easier than walking around on the surface i’ve always felt a lot safer in here because i feel like i remember seeing some like when it when i would when it would open up to the world like over here maybe

Oh what’s up here what is this oh that’s where lava was oh i’m gonna go back down be careful go to crimson forest make a cool fort all right all right all right you know what actually i’m gonna i’m gonna mine for a second and get um

And get some more of this stuff so i can make a four if need be okay i’ve got 64. that’s probably enough for a fort right i think so okay let’s take a look in here lexus said to press f3 to see what biome i’m in

Uh where do i see what oh biome i’m in a soul sand valley so i don’t really know what that means for me let’s see let’s go over here are there any pigs piggies no okay this is still like the fortress area because there’s a freaking blaze

Okay this is not looking like the right way really oh shoot this is gonna really stress me out i think having to walk around the nether and try to find out where i need to go i might have to go on top yeah i’m out of hard mode now i’m pretty

Sure yeah i’m on i’m back on normal okay okay let me just let me just take a peek out here real quick okay that does not look too inviting wait what’s that over oh guys is that crimson forest look at that look at there is that crimson forest that looks like crimson forest

I think it is i think i might make a run for it honestly okay we’re gonna we’re gonna make a quick run for oh god there’s that thing i hate that thing he’s gonna try to kill me he’s gonna try to oh [ __ ] ah milk does that help no oh wait it did

Okay ah dude those blazes have range i gotta ah okay i just need to hide for a second okay one second let me regain my composure uh let me take a peek out here and figure out how i’m gonna get over there can i just keep going this way

Maybe can i go no i can’t go that way all right i also kind of feel like my pickaxe is gonna break which would not be ideal i will try to not use that so much do you think can i kill that jellyfish is he still here

No maybe he’s gone okay well let’s just walk this way uh how do i get down over there i see a pig all right let’s go see let’s go let’s go this way and see if i can go around somehow and get over there i could make a bridge

I just want to see if there’s a way around uh no okay so maybe i’ll just make a little bridge and we’ll be gucci okay god there’s so many jellyfish guys and everything this is a lot okay if i if i make a bridge wait oh i like from where i was from

Where my portal is i can literally walk my portal’s in there i could walk up here and over there and then be there maybe that’s what i want to do because this seems like ah what the heck are those blazes seriously shooting at me from that far away

Look at how far they are oh my god those things have range that’s kind of ridiculous i mean really all right let me just see if i can what’s down here can i dig down like that huh no that’s gonna be straight down all right i’m gonna try

I think i have to go back over to the portal and over that way unless oh i could just make a bridge right there actually there’s skelly okay i probably have to kill him maybe he’ll die on his own actually i just wait for him to die

Please die please die oh [ __ ] he’s not dead ah okay there we go killed his ass i’m gonna take credit for that even though the fire did most of the work oh my camera died okay one second guys hold on i’m just uh okay i pressed escape so does that

That pauses it right no one’s gonna kill me all right one sec i gotta get new battery for the camera here it comes don’t worry don’t worry i got it i’m replacing it as we speak it’s kind of weird that it does that like it’s plugged into the computer

Which should be charging it but i guess sometimes when i’m popping off this hard it like just drains more of the camera’s battery thank you cronk for the 1000 bits all right are we back let’s see there we go okay sorry uh it didn’t it doesn’t pause

Seems like well that was fine i guess all right okay so this is the crimson forest now i need to find a nice friendly pig to trade with correct i feel like i should build a fort okay are those those piggies are not friendly right those bore things i

Feel like i should maybe build myself a little hut just that i can run into just in case that would actually be kind of smart and thinking ahead yeah i’ll just run in here and i’ll build up two blocks if i get into a pinch now let me get out my gold

And let me eat actually are you wearing gold yes i’ve got gold boots on just don’t hit them okay i’m gonna there i thought i think there’s one over here i’m gonna offer him gold hey bud have that take it he didn’t want it take it have some gold

Yeah what do you think is the little baby looking at it hey little guy what are you gonna give me something baby wait did baby not trade baby here how about you take it then sir i’d really like for you to have it and not the baby what will you give What did he give me nether bricks how about some how about some ender pearls how about that i saw people make holes under the pigs that way they can’t rock a whoa spectral era what is that that looks kind of tight what is that did he just give me gravel or something

Wow eleven gravel you generous man i give you an entire bar of gold and he gives me gravel you really are a little piggy okay still no ender pearls should i make a little hole under him do you think he’ll go in there take it take all of it Go to another pig why did he run away oh give me nether quartz okay all right i’ll go find another pig that guy was kind of stingy uh oh i don’t i don’t really want to go over by those guys let’s see piggies where are you

I know you live in this forest somewhere where’s my little piggy friends where’s my little piggy friends okay there we go oh here’s some piggies piggies come get y’all gold yes dude have at it oh what did they give me okay crying obsidian what was that fire charge

Oh wait no i don’t i don’t want to give him that sorry take take give me dig a hole more special arrows okay that’s kind of tight okay uh okay i’m gonna try to i’m gonna try to trap one of them in i guess um don’t really know how to do that

Or i guess maybe i should wait until he’s looking at the gold because maybe he’ll be distracted all right let’s see can i trap him in a hole ah ah whoa i started i guess i started doing this just in time oh [ __ ] dude ah can i kill him do you think i

Can kill him shoot oh yeah get him oh you [ __ ] with my friend dude yes thank you for defending me piggy boy want some gold there you go have some yes okay now i got him right where i want him now i can just leave him there i can

I can get him to give me all of his ender pearls give me everything you silly little pig yeah he was dancing why’d he do that what did he throw now i can’t get any of it maybe if i make a hole right here

Can i pick it up look at what he gave me ooh potion of fire resistance these piggies got these piggies do kind of have some good stuff i gotta admit can you pick that up i’m worried i’m like wasting all of my gold here if the is this pig not gonna give me

What i want wait what is that are those ender pearls three how many do i need he gave me three so i have a total of four now okay this guy is gonna give me ender pearls eventually dude i need 12. okay so that’s not i’m still nowhere near how many i need

He gave me oh i saw him drop something enchanted all right let me take a look here um i feel like i should get rid of ooh a book soul speed i don’t want the cobblestone i don’t want the leather okay that’s all he’s got let me drop

Some of this stuff over here uh this stuff i do not want definitely don’t want gravel or cobblestone or gravel don’t really want all that stuff and i can put this together you got more stuff for me oops i’ll just pick up the gold oh seven now he dropped four more guys

I can’t believe i’m in the nether and i’m doing it someone said right click on him i just did that did that give him one just right away oh so i don’t have to throw it at him so why do all the speedrunners throw it at them i feel like that’s what the

Speedrunners do so i was just kind of copying the pros you know this is kind of an epic gamer moment is it not it kind of looks like i know what i’m doing right now i’m up high enough that the stupid boar things can’t get me uh oh

I guess all right buddy i uh i guess you and me are just kind of trapped here together until you give me what i want because i’m not gonna i’m not gonna let you out unfortunately i feel kind of bad but could you just give me some more ender pearls

Well what did he give me blackstone what is that oh more gold give me more ender pearls dude potion of fire what does uh soul speed do does that well if i enchant something with that does it make me go faster put your ender pearls in your hot bar so

You can see that’s kind of a good idea actually that is kind of a pog idea oh soul speed makes you run what did you say makes you zoom on soul sand oh so it’s only while i’m on soul sand that’s not as cool i thought if it made

Me faster all the time that would be a sick upgrade this feels very intimate right now i kind of don’t want to be in here with him but i also want my ender pearls he’s given me a lot of spectral arrows dude they’re kind of cool i feel like i mean

I don’t really know what they are oh no i’m coming down to the end of my gold shoot oh soul speed 3 boots That’s kind of pog but now i’m kind of out of space in my inventory Come on come on i’ve only got three more can you please give me five more ender pearls how about five more ender pearls Hmm oh someone said drink the milk to make more space that’s not a bad idea there we go now we got more space all right last one you better give me five ender pearls for this this is the best one yet so please no what did he give me

All right dude honestly you’re free to go i’m pretty disappointed in this i thought we had something man well i guess i have to go back how did i shoot but this is pretty i mean i got seven so i have a total of eight now

So i guess i only need four more to have 12. mine gold but don’t i need ingots i don’t have a crafting table with me so i have i have lots more gold at home so i figure i should probably just go and get it and i can come right back

How did i get over here where did i come from uh there okay looks like i will have to battle a skeleton on my way back people are saying don’t mind in the nether oh yeah wait didn’t didn’t curtis try that and he got attacked by the pigs they don’t like that

Are you guys trying to get me killed seems like you might be trying to get me killed there we go pog poggy poggy doo it’s like scooby doo boogy poo all right oh dude second i stepped through this nether portal this is gonna be such a batty moment yo

Oh i forgot about the boots yeah it’s kind of a good idea yes dude i made it i made it out with seven ender pearls that’s actually pretty that’s pretty bad like bad in a good way that’s another fatty moment thank you all right i need to eat

All right i’ll just go and i’ll grab one more stack of uh gold and i’ll go right back who knows maybe i’ll even find the same piggy guy is is 64 ender pearl or 64 gold for seven ender pearls like good or is that unlucky or was that lucky

Let me know okay look at all the sweet stuff that i have now it’s like spectral air actually maybe i’ll keep this with me just in case i need to fight someone and i will put potion of fire resistance in there got all these blocks i don’t need iron nuggets

What can i do with that does that make ingot iron ingot no what can i do with these i don’t know what i can do with these i’m just gonna put them in here what are fire charges guys what are the what do fire charges do

Someone tell me real quick what does the fire charge do fill all squares they blow things up fireworks they start a fire fireworks blast blasty thing uh do it on the floor it’s cool all right all right hold on one second i gotta make some ingots

There we go okay so that makes two iron ingots i guess all right will go in here i will take 64 more gold actually what the heck i’ll take this two why not well i’ve got a bunch of nuggets too i didn’t even realize and some blocks of gold all right let me

Just let me take a look at this fire charge i’m gonna i gotta go in a safe place uh throw how do i do it i’m gonna i’m gonna go down here oh just it just says things on fire okay wait okay let me go put some of this stuff back

Those are things the jellyfish spits oh kidnap villagers someone said in all caps why would i do that that doesn’t seem like at all related to what i’m trying to do today all right so this is going to go in here i have one pork chop

Did he give me a pork chop that seems kind of cannibalistic i’m kind of worried about that guy now uh okay so this is probably enough milk honestly i don’t need to bring that much and i’ll i’ll bring some blocks too just to have all right should i actually i’m gonna repair my

Uh iron pickaxe that way it doesn’t break picky oh sh i should name this guy too i named this tack sword so i should name this pinky punky nice okay i’m ready to go back let’s go a 10 out of 10 perfect name thank you all right

I’m glad guys this stream i am reclaiming my status as another baddie i think we can all agree so far i mean i did just nick my ankle but just barely i think we’re having a great stream today pinky punky supremacy thank you all right so i can definitely hear bad guys right

Outside here let me eat real quick do i hear a pig though what if i had it what if i could just lure a pig in here pig is there a pig in here piggy no that’s not a pig all right i’m out of here i gotta go i’m going back this way

Uh-oh where’d he go wait what happened to him did he die did he fall where did that skeleton go wait did he fall and die do i still have the i i didn’t i didn’t bring the boots guys i’m sorry i got rid of them i put them in the chest

To keep them safe even though this is probably the the best time to use them for some reason i thought better keep them safe for when i really need them which which is right now that’s one thing i’ve noticed about myself playing this game is i’m like really hesitant to use anything that’s

Good i have the gold boots i have gold boots don’t worry uh i’m really hesitant to use anything that’s good because i’m like no i should save that for when i really need it but then like sometimes i do really need it that’s right [ __ ] what now i kill you that’s what now

Yes that’s what i thought that’s what i [ __ ] thought um how am i supposed to get back up there when it’s guarded by these piggy pigs these bores ah do you guys think i can kill this yo there we go oh you little babies want to scrap now

That i just killed your mother oh yo help me dude piglet help wow he’s not gonna help me this time what’s up with that you helped me last time oh [ __ ] yes yeah all right now just this little baby ass okay piglet get out of my way though so

I don’t hit you please thank you all right now you please take this gold and stand right there while i trap you take another sir And just wait there while i trap you yo take the gold go in there go in there take a few i don’t care i just want to trap your ass i just want to trap your ass ha ha ha ha ha ha i’ll just throw a bunch in there you

Just just let me know when you’re ready to give me ender pearls okay thank you time to get intimate someone said no i think i’ll be staying up here that was sort of a fluke before that was not intentional i did not want to get intimate with the piglen oh

Three so now i have 11 right so i just need one more this is pog thank you yo let’s go let’s go epic gamer moment baddie moment well i definitely got enough now right yo he’s still giving me stuff a water bottle some oh iron boots with soul speed i got

More iron boots okay that’s cool i kind of want to just see what he’ll keep trading me should i should i just stay here for a bit and see what he’ll give me because he gave me some pretty good stuff before i think i will i think i’ll give him some more stuff

And just see what he gives me i’m also going to take this and make a um crafting table crimson planks those are cool but it just makes a regular looking crafting table is that yo what’s going on here oh there’s a little baby there uh is that are those gold blocks what

Are those here all right um i’m gonna turn these into iron ingots give me give me give me more good stuff oh did i throw him potatoes oh okay that makes so much more sense oh it looks like the pig family’s back can i shoot them with arrows

Oh did i kill him in one hit yo get lost babies that is that’s a gamer moment oh is this the spectral arrow thing it’s highlighting him oh i need to go a little higher maybe yoink oh look at that marksmanship man oh there’s more ender pearls in there and spectral arrows

Thank you oh someone ah i’m going to try to kill this guy i think i can do it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no okay oh [ __ ] now i gotta kill you Why is this guy not dying now how come it only took one hit with the bow and arrow to kill him before i need to eat i need to eat do you think i can kill him ah oh no okay it’s getting too heated i gotta hide or something [ __ ]

Please go home yeah i should probably just go home now right but i do i really like these glowy things can i take those i noticed them they’re really cool looking and they’d i think they’d make i think they’d look really nice in my house

I kind of want to take some home they’d be nice lighting fixtures let me take a look ooh there’s one here all right take them later how about i take them right now how about i kill this guy right now right freaking now i wish he would show his face

I’m a nether baddie so anyway i can not shoot that arrow no okay i have to shoot the arrow alright let’s let me just take that oh i can’t pick it up and i’m going to get rid of some crimson whatever oh they’re on the floor but there’s pigs on the floor

All right all right all right all right i’m done pushing my luck let me just eat some potato oh oh oh did not mean to almost shoot that guy in the face hey do you want some gold what are you gonna give me give me something good

Okay well thank you all right let’s get let’s get on them let’s get rolling here let me make sure that this guy didn’t drop anything else here that’s good ooh what’s that oh is that just another water bottle yeah okay off i go it’s this way down like this

Okay that guy’s shooting at me now right in the face whoa i can see him behind walls too okay i did not realize that that was kind of cool dude this is some magical arrows boots holy [ __ ] oh my god that’s so that’s that’s almost too fast

I mean that is really like i really feel kind of out of control with the oh my god whoa oh holy ah okay there we go seal that back up and return home dude i was zooming all right all right gang we have returned home victorious i now have enough ender pearls

Dude we’re closer than ever to beating this game i’m gonna find that dragon and i’m gonna break his neck i really am i don’t even know if that’s the correct way to beat him but that’s how i’m gonna beat him oh did i get raided oh who who’s raid

Who did the raid thank you for joining everybody i can’t tell who raided me but thank you all right uh okay so i had my ender pearls in here i’ve got 18 now look at that okay so let me well let me put away all this stuff first

Um i probably don’t want to be wearing those anymore i will put away all my gold and iron gold nugget and all this stuff okay whoa i got a lot of pork chop i’m gonna oop i will put it in there and cook it okay i don’t know what the water bottle does

What does a water bottle do it says it has no effects now it’s just a glass bottle okay i don’t know what that’s supposed to be mads okay thank you mads mads oh is that who i rated the other day oh that’s funny thank you mads that’s awesome

I hope you enjoyed your raid i saw some of it it was very very sweet uh i’m glad you had fun okay so now uh what do oh wait i want to put some of these around where’s like a good spot for these in the wall or the ceiling ooh dude that’s vibey

I probably want more of them because it’ll look kind of weird if there’s just like one every once in a while but look at that that’s kind of vibey uh oh i think i done made a vibey situation yes dude that looks nice oh sheesh pretty mode

All right so okay so now i use these somehow to find the the portal to the end is that right i use these and this some for something do i throw these what do i do sheesh yeah it does look good thank you blaze okay wait hold on make blaze powder

To make ender pearls we go into the end we’re gonna try we’re gonna find it wait why is your bed in a random corner i don’t know where else would it be make ender eyes eyes of ender oh make eyes of n okay okay okay okay okay

I need to make eyes of ender i understand this eyes of that is a fermented spider eye that is not what you said to make you said make blaze powder something maybe i need to make that first okay so okay let me just take one actually at first and see what hap

Aha okay so that is probably an eye of ender there we go and how many of these do i need do i need do i just use all of it all of each one you need 12 eyes of ender don’t make them all eyes of ender

Or you won’t be able to find the portal okay i see i see i see okay so That so okay okay and then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that makes twelve eyes of ender and four under pearls and i also have two more blaze rods do i not need those then all right let me just get some wood and

Stuff to bring along because i know i have to go find it right and that’s going to be the tricky part and let’s bring some blocks that i might need okay all right make more wait okay hold on i’ll bring the i’ll bring the blaze rods with i have

I have a crafting table so i can make more if i have to okay now i know i throw one of these right what do i throw which one do i throw oh bring a bed that’s a good idea uh i will bring this bed i’m gonna go sleep in the one upstairs

Real quick okay all right now throw the eye of ender okay and it will show me where to go oh that way okay so i want to i want to be going negative negative all right i guess uh i might as well take my horse right

Might as well bring him let me go get a fence post to tie him up fence make a boat don’t bring drippy why bring a bed i have a bed i have a bed okay yeah i should go to sleep though you’re right okay i’ll go to sleep it’s getting to be nighttime

All right dude i’m excited drippy slow but he’ll he’ll be faster than just me walking right or maybe not all right i guess i won’t bring him jeez um okay so let’s just see here i need to make boots i mean i don’t know i i mean unless you

Guys think i can but i wasn’t really planning on fighting the dragon right now if i can find him i just want to go find where he is and then we’ll take it from there okay so that’s that’s my goal right now okay okay all right we’re down with that all

Right then off we go i’m going this way this is the way that it told me to go thank you julen stan for subscribing all right let’s see what we can do we’re going this way ow now i wonder how far away this is going to be because i’ve seen people have to

Travel like really far to get to them i think in speed runs and that’s kind of what can screw you we’re off to see the dragon the horrible dragon of the end you need a bow yeah i should probably build a boat okay when i get on land i will build a boat

That’s that’s a good idea i’m not i’m not gonna fight him right now i don’t think i mean i will if i have to but i’m it’s i’m not going in with the expectation of beating him right now i just want to find where it is

Because i i think i would like to get like decked out in all diamond enchanted armor to really fight him i’m not i’m not in any position to fight him that’s what i’m trying to say okay uh okay once i i’ll try to find a clear spot and throw this again

I also want to make a boat okay let me make the boat first okay we got a boat and i’m going to chop this up her i’m sorry i forgot the i forgot that another dragon is a girl or ender dragon maybe okay let’s throw actually i’m gonna maybe stand on

This tree and i’m gonna throw it that way i can see which whatever way it goes but i think it’s probably gonna go that way yes okay so that is still negative negative and away we go danny’s a girl boss thank you hey yo girl boss check

Dog i don’t have any bones shoot where am i right now i have to remember i’m in this forest that’s negative negative from my place and there’s a dog here which means there might be more in the future i can come back and maybe get him

But i don’t have one i don’t have any bones right now i wish i could have a dog all right away we go how long should i wait in between throws like how long do you think it’s safe to travel before throwing another one ah it’s fine a while 100 blocks

As long as possible all right well i’ll just travel for a bit let’s see i’m at negative 570 negative 950 we’ll just go this way and see what happens is he ready for this guys i’m i just want to go see her i’m not gonna try to fight her right now

Because i don’t even know how honestly maybe i’ll watch a tutorial before i go in i’m not expecting to beat her right now okay because i don’t have any good stuff and i think i need some really good stuff to beat her all right i’m gonna go

Let’s see i’ll travel a little bit more and then throw another one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you can’t leave the end until she’s no more conjugal visit someone said holy [ __ ] don’t go through the portal you can’t go back once you see her

Forever what happens if i die though oh don’t go in the portal you could just die okay well i mean like i’m only on level five right now it’s not like i have like that much to lose if like all right i’m throwing another one ooh this way it’s a little more this

Look at now it’s kind of just negative z-axis okay that must mean we’re getting kind of close right if it’s changing let’s see this is kind of exciting i should have brought iron i should have brought a shovel and also an axe that was my mistake

Yeah if i just go with nothing in my inventory i really have nothing to lose i can just scope it out i just want to see it with my own eyes i just want to lay my i just want to lay my eyes upon her

All right when i get to the end of this mountain i’m gonna throw it again see which way it goes now oh now this way oop did it break okay that one broke i think okay so now this way how will you find your way back without the eye

My way back home i’ll just write down i know the coordinates of my home or do you mean my way back to the portal i’ll also write those coordinates down so i’ll have them and by that i mean my chat will yo oh this is

Is this the swamp that i found before is this a swamp i found a swamp before and it might have been this one and i hated it here i was looking for a slime and there was none to be found uh let me just take a poke around i

Think slimes only come out at night or something right is that true it’s probably none in here right let’s just look at the coordinates for it real quick though negative 800 negative 1 fifteen hundred just for future reference negative 800 negative 1500 is where the jump where the

Yeah all right when i get across this pond i’m gonna throw it again and then we’ll see what’s what swamp all right let’s give it another toss whoa that means i passed it okay where’d that go oh there dude i passed it i wonder if it’s in the swamp i wonder i

Have to i wonder if i have to dig down through the swamp okay this is kind of exciting all right let me have some bread or potato i mean okay let’s see let me go right here and i’ll throw it again uh did it land on top of that tree

Let me go look is there an ender pearl up there it might have broken i just don’t want to be wasteful oh no it’s there heyo all right so oh [ __ ] i kind of forget which direction i was i think it was this way all right let’s

Go a little bit more this way oh you can climb the vines i forgot about that that’s smart these yeah there you go okay yeah i should have done that all right let me come back over here and see what’s what somewhere over here okay this is very interesting

I’ll go on top of this hill oh it’s night time this way oh got it all right we’re walking we are walking we are walking we are walking should i sleep right now i wish i had another i should have brought more than one bed because if i sleep right here

And then i still bring the bed with me then that’s going to put me in not a good situation i’ll just sleep i’ll try okay okay okay okay okay all right let me throw it again oh i walked past it dude it must be right around here all

Right let me go over here when will i know like to actually dig down oh kill sheep that’s a smart idea that’s a smart idea lexi thank you and uh dig now well i’m going to give it one more one more good toss because it wanted me to walk i mean it’s

Got to be like right here i feel like or right and what level will it be at do you think what level will it be at i’m gonna okay i’m just gonna start digging i should take stair style though shouldn’t i let’s not be hasty let’s be careful

I don’t have anything to make a sh i guess i technically do what level will it be at like how will i know when i’ve gone too far and it’s not if it’s not here 30ish okay right now i’m at 57 so i got a ways to go

All right okay this is kind of exciting i’m kind of stoked about the whole thing right now okay i’m on level 39 now will i find the oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh dude i think i found it let’s take a look oh yeah dude oh yeah yes

Okay it sounds like there’s skeletons in here pog city Okay i need to make this very clear that this is where i came from i’m gonna put like some white terracotta around it to let myself know this is the entrance this is where i came from okay let’s see now what do i so it’s just gonna be here somewhere

Okay i’m gonna explore because this seems like a big area set your bed okay good idea respawn point set let me make another oh shoot wait i don’t i don’t have enough wool i gotta go let me go kill one more sheep i can make another bed that would actually be

Kind of helpful it’ll only take a moment i just gotta kill one sheep oh yeah good idea i’ll i’ll tell you guys the coordinates in one moment uh thank you for reminding me okay the coordinates right now are negative 800 negative uh 1386 negative 800 negative 1386

For the whatever this place is called what is this place called where the where the portal is isn’t it like fortress or something okay now i can make another bed i should put some like uh torches around this too stronghold oh that sounds spooky oops all right

Here we go let me make another bed oops i like that i made the boat and i didn’t need it at all but i guess it’s better to have it bedtime all right so i’m going to explore here and i will set torches on the

Left side that way i know where i came from and let’s go this way first there’s already a torch there interesting careful oop oi let me in that’s just okay never mind let me out i should put things over i should put this over things that i’ve

Already checked that is a dead end okay that is also a dead end okay this is all a dead end this whole room is a dead end actually well i should probably wait until i get out to put that there that’s a dead end make chest by the bed make a chest

Why because i might die here okay okay okay okay all right here comes the chest we’re gonna put it right here i’m gonna put valuable things inside just in case i die um and i did reset that right yeah uh i’ll i mean if i’m just looking for it

Right now i don’t really need to bring much but i should bring my weapons i think oh bring these i was just thinking like i don’t if i if i die between now and when i find it i don’t want to lose those so that’s why i was doing that

Okay let’s look in here oh is that just okay um that’s a dead end oh wait i need to bring my dead end block i need to bring that for dead ends because that is a dead end all right that’s the same door oh my gosh this is a labyrinth

I’m gonna get lost for sure okay that’s where i okay uh that’s where i came from so i’ll put that there all right that looks spooky over there oh my gosh dude how many how many freaking doors are there gonna be in this place this is kind of this is really gonna

[ __ ] with my head i think okay that’s a dead end that’s a leaky dead end the arrows oh yeah i guess i should bring i should have brought arrows if i’m going to wait can i get okay all right which okay i went this way i went this way

I went that way that’s all fine but that is all a dead end and so is that in fact this whole ass door was a dead end let’s go okay zombie check creeper oh [ __ ] hit walk back hit walk back yo dude i did it

I think that might be i think that might be the first time i ever did that i killed him i am surprised that that worked that that nice calm man his advice really worked i can’t believe it i am really stunned ah another one oh okay didn’t work that time i didn’t

Get far enough away um okay okay okay okay this is all a dead end uh how do speedrunners find the thing it’s so fast how could you ever be able to find it fast there’s like a million different ways to go here okay i’m hearing spooky things

You know i’m gonna actually i should probably take these torches since they’re not doing what i want them to be doing they’ve done it a ton of times i guess so it just seems like trial and error to me unless there’s like something i’m supposed to be

Looking for like some path to follow i really don’t know huh okay i think this whole area was a dead end yeah yeah yeah this is all a dead end don’t go that way oh oh oh oh oh do i have shield time come here [ __ ] yeah okay got him oh [ __ ]

Ah i need potatoes okay uh i need the torches again all right fountain oh my gosh dude how how many freaking ways are there gonna be to go holy mackerel what is this yo you are absolutely popping off thank you okay wait no i’m gonna oh a chest that’s a dead end

Oh thank you for the ingies i don’t really i mean i guess i’ll take the redstone i don’t really want it that’s on the wrong side that’s gonna confuse me throw an eye oh well throwing one in here work i thought that only worked outside oh oh that’s helpful what’s on there

Oh my gosh guys okay hold on i’m getting too turned around i need to i need to collect myself okay so that way is back okay we’re good just got a little confused for a second okay down there looks like scary town these are all jail cells

Okay i feel like that was the wrong way how about this way wait is this the way that i went i went in there already am i going in circles this is the wrong way this is not the right way don’t throw an eye oh you guys were hazing me

Okay okay there’s more ways to go here i can go this upstairs okay interesting oh what why am i hearing skeletons sit up okay well this is confusing i missed it okay can you please explain to me where i missed it where was it go back where

I’m l i’m asking you where it was where in that hole what hole oh the hole in the ground you think it’s down there in here the jail cell someone said where were those okay here you oh you think it’s in this hole i i swear you guys are hazing me right now

I don’t think i missed it oh my gosh you guys you guys need to learn to relax okay what is this area what was that sound silverfish okay don’t know what that is uh okay this just looks like a cave this isn’t i feel like this isn’t the

Stronghold anymore this is just a cave oh unless it’s down here oh there’s more have i been here i haven’t interesting okay wait but have i been here why are there torches it’s so hard to i don’t know if these are my torches or what ooh what’s this oh what the library

Go towards the silverfish noise hold on guy whoa yo dude look at this now sharpness protection and riptide holy mackerel dude yo that is pog right pog all right that’s pretty sweet dude this this place has some good stuff all right so you guys wanted me to go to the silverfish noises

Where were those i don’t remember where those were was it back this way well actually i want to keep exploring down here because i feel like i should just i should just see this area all the way through look at that okay uh but i don’t know where i’ve been

I feel like i did not place that torch that was already there okay oh bat spooky wait is this where i’ve been already no this is different oh my god dude there’s this is so expansive how okay was i here before is this part is this the part in the

Game that’s supposed to drive you insane are they like all right you want to win you think you’re close to victory how about we make you rethink everything how about we actually make you wander around a maze for two hours hmm okay that’s just kate

Okay i feel like that was not the right way go down ah okay didn’t die go down you say go down go down go down this is down but this is just a cave this is just a normalized cave go in the cave hold on all right i’m sick of being hazed

One second i’m gonna just look up how to find the uh how to find portal in stronghold i’m going to get advice from the pros since my chat just wants to haze me with liberty mutual all right i just said that uh okay liberty mutual What I thought this was the video for a second i was like is this some weird intro for this minecraft tutorial no i’ll never use this information ever so strong old doors so obviously you want to be at the entrance right everyone already knows oh this is playing copyrighted music why

Oh my god how to find the portal room fast minecraft speedrunning guide and in this video i’ll be giving you finding the stronghold this is 4-4 uh four four hidden rooms like you’re facing the door if you’re facing either south or east as long as you’re my f3

Okay um there is there’s no hidden room yeah it was a bad that was weird is that there will be a three by three indent in the adjacent uh area for example if there was okay i’ll show you real quickly okay is this actually going to be

Helpful or is this just going to be like really long and if this was like this vague uh and one by if a three by three indent uh block inwards uh this wouldn’t be a hidden pathway but this one would be if this was a flat wall we would know we would dig

Through here and would know that this is a hidden room i did pause the game the game is paused wait isn’t this part three by three indent just like that one uh this was a three by three indent we would know this one would be a hidden room the room at

The pathway here okay this is i i don’t think that’s gonna be helpful either all right where was it okay and i’ve kind of lost my place i have been here did i go down here this looks like an area i haven’t been yet why would they put torches up that makes

It so much harder for me to know if i’ve been somewhere or not okay there’s a enderman what’s this way no okay [Laughter] okay uh-oh what’s the prediction what what’s the prediction oh will danny find the portal in the next five minutes okay place your bets we’ll see oh

I think i got this guys i think i’m i think i’m zeroing in on the portal i’ve been down here already okay no i’ve been there already [ __ ] see now i’m losing track of where i’ve been oh no is there anything in the walls okay i’ve been here before

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hit and go back hit and go back hit hit oh okay i didn’t get a chance to hit him but he died all right okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] i don’t know why he didn’t blow up but that was i was so close to

Dying right there holy cow why didn’t he blow up dude i was next to him for so long wow that was kind of lucky not gonna lie okay let’s see if this is a hidden room maybe anything no am i gonna have to dig through walls to find this place

No that’s just the book thing that’s just the book room uh okay i feel like i sort of forgot to be placing torches which is definitely making it harder for myself let me try to go back to an area that i recognize [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh my gosh

Okay there are too many okay i saw people saying try to follow the silverfish noises i don’t know if that’s true or not or if that was an epic haze i don’t really even know how to get back to like where i was i thought it was this way

Can a boy go up oh this way maybe yeah okay this is back to where i was let’s see anything in here oh ow so is this a silverfish okay uh let me make no i can’t do that right now it’s near the library piercing three don’t i

Did i get that already no okay cool neato let me let me have this chest as well uh i just want the chest there we go eat yes thank you oh wrong thing all right let me just see if i like break through some of these walls if anything crazy happens

Someone said twerk to lure the dragon it’s not a bad idea actually if i uh well that’s weird well look at that that’s a weird glitch why is it doing that that’s kind of strange if i can’t if i can’t find the dragon i just gotta make the dragon come to me shoot

I don’t know where i came from i don’t know where i’m going oh have i been here yes okay that’s right here i’m getting anxiety yo hype train all right see details okay it’s uh seems like most people are saying they don’t think i’ll find it in the next

Five minutes which is pretty messed up can i tunnel through here no this is just straight up hard i don’t know what to do [ __ ] all right i know how to do this i’m just gonna kill him don’t get too scared danny okay or he’ll just blow up and i’ll get

Back into a corner okay hmm don’t forget to place torches yeah i have been forgetting to place torches that’s a good point anything in here coal i don’t want this stream to end without me finding it that would be so annoying i feel like i’ve explored every everywhere that i can though

Without digging into walls i really don’t know where i haven’t explored yet unless i have to walk around these caves maybe i do [ __ ] all right let me take it let me poke around here for a second get shot at that skeleton kill him eat some food run away from a creeper

Okay okay so here’s some stronghold looking walls which means there might be more stuff in here somewhere maybe oh my god creeper on my tail creeper on my tail let’s put this right here no probably down there aha have i been down there let’s go find out okay so there’s some

Creepers down there shoot i don’t want my pickaxe to break that would be annoying but it probably is about to okay this is a door that i haven’t been in yet i think yeah these all look like new areas oh my gosh dude this place is so expansive this is ridiculous

This is straight up redonkulous there’s too many areas in here okay this is just lava it’s gotta be around here somewhere i feel like i got so much lower that’s probably oh god oh golly golly oh no i did not like that room that room was just a straight up skeleton room

I don’t want to go into the skeleton room lava what okay why are people saying lava i don’t i keep seeing people say that but i don’t understand what that means you think it’s by the lava by this lava what do i do here what do you want me to do dig up

Shoot dude my pickaxe is almost done ah okay nothing there what about this live over here maybe it’s up there ooh diamond should i get the diamond right now or should i save my pickaxe i kind of feel like i should save it as much as i hate to say it all right

Is the is this a is this a haze moment it’s a lot of lava guys it seems like there’s a lot of lava i feel like that’s not an indication of anything there’s just lava sometimes right what the heck why is there a door to a wall [ __ ] oh no dude i can’t

I can’t get the diamonds oh no this is annoying where do i go am i trapped how did this happen i’ve got to go through here somehow rip pinky punk i don’t have a pickaxe no i don’t have any other pickaxe all right uh i don’t have an iron pickaxe

It broke just now and i don’t have a crafting table on me it’s back by where i left my bed but i feel like i’m so far away from there at this point i’m just gonna keep on exploring down here because i feel like i’m i’m really

Low right now which i feel like might be mean that i’m getting closer i don’t really know let me see what’s in here real quick i feel like i haven’t been here have i been here lava on top what does that mean lava in the ceiling interesting is that just from all this

Stuff here no that’s just from this lava hmm okay okay this is just a cave right what is this i’ve already been here okay this is where i’ve already been okay which way is which way did i go here i’ve been here oh hello it’s just an empty room

All right oh my gosh let me just let me just dig through here real quick see if i find anything silver fish i don’t really the silverfish actually mean i’m getting close or does that is that a haze that’s lava that’s a lot of lava where is all that lava coming from

Oh i do need to eat that’s a good point god i wish i could go back to where to where my stuff was but i feel like i’m going to lose where i am right now and i feel like i’m i feel like i feel like i’m narrowing it

All down let me let me look this way i guess i haven’t been this way yet oh this was the scary skeleton room wasn’t it oh it just went in a circle that’s lame wait let me read the chat real quick silverfish do not mean your clothes people just don’t know what they’re

Talking about make an iron pick you have iron i don’t have wood do i i don’t have any wood on me i would have to go all the way back to where i was i guess i should if i’m all out of options here i just feel like

Let me punch through here real quick oh that’s i’m so dumb that’s right here okay i just yeah i don’t even really know how to get back to where i was i guess this way this way and this way and this way oh wait what yo is that it dude

I thought i was going back to ah ah where are they coming from they come from there yo dude look at this is this a mob spawner should i get should i destroy this put a torch on it okay dude i found it okay hold on let me i gotta eat

This is dude i was gonna end the stream in three minutes and i just found it holy cow all right one second i’m gonna put all my let me put a bed here a batty bed and then do i put these in there like that yeah

Okay okay i’ve seen the speed runners do it do i have the exact right amount oh my god dude i did holy [ __ ] dude i’m so close to the end of the game right now okay my coordinates right now oh [ __ ] what’s hitting me [ __ ] okay where are those things coming from

Okay sorry uh my coordinates right now are negative eight thirty and uh negative thirteen fifty thirteen fifty five to be exact negative 830 and negative 13 55 and uh my and it’s at level 30. holy cow dude where are these things coming from i don’t understand that but

All right oh i don’t know what to do i i kind of just want to put everything that i have back into this chest and just go by myself real quick to see what it’s like it’ll be kind of a nice cliffhanger for next time oh my god dude these things are annoying

Can someone ah no no no no my bed now my oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i set my respawn point there already and i don’t have another head huh all right that is so annoying because if i die now it’s gonna it’s gonna put me back at the start of the game

Oh no i shouldn’t have i thought it was gonna set my bed on fire i was worried i was gonna set my bed on fire [ __ ] i don’t know what to do now uh okay i can go try to find my other bed wherever that was

Don’t know where my other bed was though do we did we get coordinates for where my other bed was the bed that i left right when i came in there are so many of these guys hold on hold on let me read these comments real quick

I i gave i gave coordinates when i yeah okay negative 800 negative 1386 um so that’s actually not that far negative 800 so it’s like 30 30 by 30 blocks away so i might be able to just get there negative 800 which is 30 blocks positive and 30 blocks negative

So i need to go positive negative which would be positive negative so this that way and that might lead me to back to my bed i destroy this [ __ ] please break please just break please just break please break please break please break please god just break

Okay there we go all right let me have some potatoes and let me go see if i can find where i came in in theory it should just be that uh just a little bit that way i think all right let’s see i might have to dig through the wall

Which would be a pain because i don’t have any tools for that this is i’ve been there before this is somewhere i’ve been before i know i’ve probably gotten that chest i think i haven’t gotten that chest before never mind what’s in here it would be you know it’d

Actually be really helpful if there was a bed in there all right so i kind of feel like if i just dig this way i might be able to find where i came from because it’s like just right over there maybe it’s too far to just dig with my bare hands though

Guys i don’t i don’t have any wood i know that you’re saying to go to the library but i don’t know how to get there and i don’t want to lose this spot one sec i just want to dig through this wall and see what happens

I’ve got a good feeling about this wall oh okay dude i think i’m so close to where i came in okay hold up oop there’s a guy okay wait what the heck where am i okay maybe not that way um dude i’ve been here this is okay okay okay okay okay okay

Negative 800. this is where i was blocking things off okay and this way yo okay here we go yes yes respawn point set and we’ll make a pickaxe right oops no sticks and picky okay and that’s on using your coordinate system okay is there any way i can get wool

Down here i guess i could just go up and kill sheep for another bed but i do think i should probably end the stream okay what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna um i’m gonna go see if i can actually it looks like it might be nighttime out

Oh no it’s daytime okay i’m gonna i’m gonna kill enough sheep to make another bed and then i’m gonna place the bed right next to the portal and then i’m gonna end the stream that’s gonna be my plan unless there’s no sheep around in which case i have no plan

Okay that was gray wool oh now it is getting nighttime shoot uh is there any sheep within eyesight okay they were all over here before and now there’s none string can make wool do i have string i don’t know if i have string let’s go check let’s go take a look

No string but i might have some on the other one right is that is that okay now which way did that which way was the portal this way and i came through a wall somewhere i don’t remember where what was that what were the coordinates there 18 30 and 13 fifty uh-oh

Whoa holy [ __ ] did you see how that guy went flying that was kind of crazy uh okay 18 negative 8 30. negative 13.55 okay so i need to go up on the z-axis so this way actually okay oh yeah yeah yeah okay and then uh was it this way yes all right

Okay let’s go see if i have string did i bring that okay i brought this with me i don’t have any string why don’t i have string all right whatever i’m just gonna pause the game here because i’m about done streaming this has really been a whirlwind but i’m

So glad that i found this dude this is pog i think we can all agree sheesh all right everything goes in the chest just to be safe okay well thank you guys for watching next time [ __ ] next time i just might be ready to beat this game i don’t know i’ll be uh

I know where the portal is all i have to do is get like decked out and i’ll be good to go this is awesome okay uh i’m gonna find someone to raid thank you guys for joining um i mean i feel like we met we made some good progress in that game

Dang all right i’m gonna do um let’s see let’s go to people who are playing minecraft right now and see what’s going on um okay we’ll rates we’ll rate a small streamer let’s do Um milk tea mia maybe let me take a look-see uh i’m watching an ad for their stream real quick okay i’m gonna read this person they’re playing minecraft their name is milk t mia um hopefully it’s fun oops i’m typing on the wrong keyboard uh everybody be nice and respectful i’ll

Send you guys over there in a moment as soon as it happens all right have fun and be nice and thank you for watching and i’ll see you guys on wednesday bye

This video, titled ‘Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.19 – chat teaches me how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-20 17:11:37. It has garnered 66242 views and 484 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:43 or 9643 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More