Minecraft 1.17 Hardcore Let’s Play – Landscaping my Base! – Episode 22

Video Information

Hello everybody my name is marlo and welcome back to some more hardcore minecraft in the last episode we explored this haunted house that you can see behind me it was a very spooky video and a lot of you guys seem to really like it so thank you i’m glad you did it

Was a very fun one to record today we’re gonna be doing something not quite as frightening halloween is over after all it’s time for christmas just kidding let’s save that for december at the earliest shall we today what i would like to do is to landscape my area here

Now my base actually stretches quite far out into several other directions we got the foundry there the haunted house over that way my amethyst tower is that side we got the giant bee nest which has no bees living inside of it anymore over there and the deep slate castles all the

Way over there but we kind of have this central area where most of my stuff is and i don’t think i’m gonna be building anything here which means it’s ready for terraforming and landscaping which is always a bittersweet moment for me when it comes to this point in a project because

I don’t really like doing landscaping and terraforming at least not in large quantities a little bit here and there yeah it’s actually quite enjoyable somewhat peaceful you could say but doing a whole big area like this it just gets a little bit much for me however when it’s all done it’s really really

Worth it so i’m just running around here trying to figure out how much i would actually like to get landscape today and i think a good cutoff point would just be sort of everything i can kind of see from this vantage point so not really going anywhere further than around that

Corner there and i probably won’t go much beyond sort of this part i might do something on the way to the beehive but that’s like a whole another stretch of area i’m thinking if we can just do this in closed off section just to get an

Idea of the rest of the terraforming and landscaping we’re gonna do that should be a pretty good start and we can save the rest until later on when everything is built not that i know what everything actually is anyway i know i said we weren’t gonna be doing anything related

To halloween today but um i’m actually recording this on halloween i know it’s a little bit confusing it’s just how i make my videos it works for me so uh these guys are extra spooky we got a thunderstorm and this just isn’t the right vibe so uh oh no that’s not good

Hang on a second why why is that burning do i not understand how lightning rods work should i not be putting them on top of my houses i don’t think i should be putting them on top of my houses okay let’s get rid of these that was close that was very

Close indeed well i’ve removed the lightning rods as you can see but i still would like my houses not to be burnt down by fire and lightning so i think what i’m gonna do is maybe just dot these around on the mountain top so

If we just kind of stick one up here and hopefully that should suck any lightning away over to this spot and then if he gets a little bit close on this side it can go over here and that way if we do get a thunderstorm and i’m not around to sleep it away

Which is probably what i should just be doing now that would be the smartest hopefully the lightning rods will save the day anyway as i was trying to say this is not the right vibes for this video halloween is gone it’s time to go to bed

Get rid of the mobs and the thunderstorm ah there we go much more relaxing time to start something that isn’t so relaxing for me begrudgingly i am in fact going to be building some custom trees most of you probably know by now it’s not my favorite thing in the world

But i do want to do it because they just make everything look so much better before we start that however i need to get myself some scaffolding so you’ve probably seen this giant bamboo tower in the background of this video and i planted this a little while ago because

I only have like 24 scaffolding or something like that i need a lot more so let’s do a very satisfying breaking of the bamboo [Applause] yeah that was really really nice to listen to ah uh i thought it made more than that i’ll be honest so now in total i have 47 scaffolding

That should probably be enough although i may just hang around until night time and kill a few more spiders so as i said the first thing on today’s agenda is custom trees and in particularly large spruce custom trees my least favorite type of custom tree to build i

Have never ever been good at them thankfully today i’m doing something a little bit different which i think i’ll explain after i’ve got them all built so here are three of the eight custom trees that i’ve built on the left is the first one that i made and on the right is the

Last one that i made and in the middle is just somewhere about halfway through but it’s kind of interesting because you can see how i’ve actually changed when it comes to building them i’ve gotten better at doing it over time so the first one it took me quite a while i was

Still trying to figure out how to actually do it and then about halfway through i figured out a new technique that would be so much more efficient and just a whole lot faster and then by the end of it doing the last three i was

Just in full flow and i think i got that one done like twice as fast as the first one that i did kind of cool i would love to take credit for all of these beautiful trees because that’s what they are right they really are stunning i

Love them so much but they are not my design exactly so the thing i did different when it came to building these custom trees i haven’t ever really done in the past is i followed a building tutorial which is something i haven’t done for a very very long time despite making building

Tutorials myself virtually every single week i don’t actually watch them that often but this time i thought i’d give it a go so i had a look around on youtube for some custom tree tutorials and eventually found one by somebody called king z and they have a really really good

Tutorial for this type of custom tree i’m gonna leave a link to it down in the description below i’d highly recommend checking out just the process he has for building these it’s kind of as though you build them in a pattern there’s actually some sort of symmetry to it but

You can’t really tell which is what makes it so great so building them is quite simple and straightforward but when they’re done they look very very natural so yeah go check out that tutorial if you want to know how to build these so to begin with on the

First try i made which was this one over here i followed the tutorial pretty much step by step doing exactly what he said and then after that i gave up on it not because of the tutorial sake it just was a bit quicker that way so

Yeah i might have kind of fallen out of the pattern you can see how this one is a little bit different to say the which was the last one i built this one right here yeah it changes a bit but i don’t honestly think that’s a bad thing all of

These they look super similar but they also vary quite a lot if you say look at them from a distance let’s have a fly away and do a gradual turnaround yeah looks really cool doesn’t it so i’m gonna be building some more custom trees smaller than these ones we’re not just

Gonna have these eight giant trees around there will be some others probably more that size i’m also gonna have to get rid of any in the near uh vicinity that look like this mine are gonna be slightly different but yeah about the same size however i’m not

Gonna do that just yet because the next step i would like to take is to do a couple of the more specific pieces of landscaping and by that i mean stuff like ponds waterfalls just little more detailed builds that we’re going to be doing like for over here as an example

I’m tempted to like make this into a little bit of a pond and build a bridge going over it and we also have this natural sort of tunnel going through the terrain here i would like to make this look a little bit better although i think that’s technically terraforming

But it’s the same sort of thing so i’m gonna go around sort of having a look at my area here trying to come up with some cool ideas like that and then afterwards we can build some more trees do some stuff with the terrain get some

Bone meal down all the usual sort of stuff some weird things have happened there whilst i’ve been building these trees to start with skye this llama right here has brought over some friends i believe they’ve actually formed a bit of a pack a line if you will i don’t

Know what the actual term for a group of llamas is um but i believe if we actually unleash skye here and then if we lead her back up again i think they’re gonna follow in tandem yep okay so that’s kind of cool skye has got some some company which is nice oh sorry

About that choked you a little bit um so they’re just gonna hang around so i guess that means they’re gonna need some names so we need two more laminates that can go alongside sky here and then we’ll give them a carpet and some chests and everything it should be kind of cool the

Other peculiar thing that took place is something i’ve actually just figured out as i’m currently speaking so it’s not actually that weird but i guess that is kind of cool so it must have been during the lightning storm at the start of the episode we must have uh hit these

Lightning rods and obviously they give out a redstone input so they flicked up the trap doors here so yeah that busts that theory of uh or that mystery of how the trap doors were opened up because i certainly didn’t do that um i guess i need to get rid of these

Because yeah i don’t really want that happening every single time we have a thunderstorm so if you guys have any other ideas of what we could use as some oars to go on the side of the boat please do let me know if not then i’m just gonna leave it

As it is i’ve been stood up here atop this tree for a little while now just kind of looking over my area here trying to think of some ideas and i’ve got a handful so allow me to go through them with you the first one i would like to

Do is over here just to the left of the stables on this mound i think i want to gradually bring some of the stone over and actually carve out a little bit around about this size the circle i’m making my cursor here just as a small

Cave and maybe we could put some water inside of it or something like that i think that could be a pretty cool detail the next one is to do with the cliff here just beside our cartographer’s house i think maybe if we could have some sort of waterfall coming out there

Could be pretty cool and then possibly some sort of pond or maybe just have it sort of go down into a river and end up possibly down here if i could maybe work out something like that i’m not sure but waterfall or just something to do with

The cliff i think should be cool the third idea is of course the one i’ve mentioned over here just the tunnel going through this spot and something in front of my doorway here which maybe i should make a look a little bit better too because yeah that is not really great is it

No it’s not i’m glad you agree and then lastly although i’m not specifically sure what it is but i’m gonna have to do something with the stone over here i could bring it over uh bring the dirt over and just kind of cover it all and

Do some trees and that sort of thing but i don’t really want to i kind of want to keep it as natural as possible terrain wise so yeah gonna have to have a think of what little details like that i can add to stone Remember at the start of the episode where i said i wasn’t looking forward to this and i don’t really like landscaping and terraforming well here i am eating my own words i’m having so much fun and i don’t know why to be quite honest with you as i said usually i don’t like

This type of thing but i think it’s all just going surprisingly well that i’m actually loving it so yeah i can’t wait to do some more but for right now let me just give you a closer look as to all of the little details we’ve added in starting off here

With this little pond i’ve made this is probably the simplest thing i’ve done of everything i’ve just realized i really want to go break that snow block because it’s making it look weird holy moly big lag spike whoa that was unusual i haven’t had a lag spike that

Bad since i had my old computer uh oh hopefully we’re fine and i still didn’t even break this hang on a second bear with me let me just change that back to normal and there we go okay cool so yeah this is as i said probably the simplest

Thing that i did i just basically made it a bit more tunnelly added in some lanterns and then we just made this small pond with the most simple bridge you could possibly think of added in uh obviously we didn’t have a lot of room here so i couldn’t really do anything

Super detailed so we’ve just gone for a trapdoor bridge which i think looks fine as well as making the entrance look a little bit nicer too next up we have this small camping cave and i love how this turned out it’s really small and simple but it just adds a whole lot of

Life to the world here and i love it i i’m i’m super happy with how this all turned out i think it looks great and now we have the double waterfalls which wasn’t really the original idea for what i was gonna add to this area my plan literally was to just do

Uh like a bit of terraforming on the cliff round here and just add in a waterfall and just make it go underground somewhere but i was looking at it a bit more in depth and i realized that we kind of had two perfect spots for a little waterfall i started

Imagining it in my head and from that point i i just couldn’t help myself so it’s a bit messy but i actually really kind of like it so yeah we have these two waterfalls but they’re each origin points and they end up meeting in the middle here going into this sort of

Very miniature ravine almost i’m not too sure what’s called as a fisher possibly i just realized need to water look at the stairs there we go um but it eventually goes through down into a one wide hole and then opens up into a cave down here which yeah it’s just a fun

Little detail i’ll probably never come back down here ever again unless i do like a little bit of a tour but yeah i just i love the idea of it going into this tiny little crevice crevice is probably the better word i’m thinking of um but yeah this is a nice

Waterfall it’s a fairly new one when it comes to the age of the waterfall and what do i mean by that what is the age of a waterfall how can you tell how old one is well it depends on the land around it take this one for example and

Actually it’s probably best if i can land on top of this tree here careful flying and nailed it so you can see we have the water here and it’s just completely eroded a lot of the rock here so it’s obviously been around for a little while in theory obviously it’s

Not it’s brand new in my world here um but you know geologically wise it’s been eroding the stone for so long which is why there’s a great big open uh sort of cascading uh hole in the middle of the mountain and yeah as opposed to our double waterfall over here which hasn’t

Really touched much of the land at all was that intentional no it’s just because i was a bit lazy over this sign but that’s what i’m uh telling myself anyway so yeah this is a pretty cool waterfall i’ve never really done one like this before but i’m really happy with how it

Turned out plus it makes this whole just large area of stone look a whole lot more interesting we are getting some frozen ice at the top here and i’ve tried to amend that by adding in some water log slabs and stairs so it’s not going to be able to like freeze these

Blocks so hopefully it should be fine and it’s not gonna cut off the source going all the way down uh this pool should be fine as well as this one down here and by the way just so it makes a bit of sense i’ve just dug a

Hole down there and i’m pretending the water goes back underground somehow for some reason i don’t know why my original plan was to make it go down the mountain here and have this waterfall go all the way down but i didn’t really have a good ending point plus the pathway is right

Here so yeah i’ve just chosen the slightly easier option of just digging a one by one hole and shoving it down there i’ve just realized the trees don’t look great from this point of view do they which is kind of important because you fly a lot in minecraft so i think i just

Need to add a few more leaves in the open spots there but that’s fine i’ll do that in a little bit so aside from that there’s only a few more things i need to do to complete this area one of them is to add in some smaller custom spruce

Trees which i’m actually surprisingly looking forward to i know who’d have thought this day would come where i’m looking forward to making custom trees but here we are so that’s one thing i’ve got to do and then the other thing is to bone mail the grass just so we can get

Some tall grass and i think i just want grass i don’t think i want any uh flowers around like this usually i wouldn’t mind flowers actually think they look quite nice because it adds in a lot of color but i think for the terrain working with

And the biome we’re in i think just grass is gonna look a little bit better maybe we could have a couple of patches of wildflower that could look pretty cool the only other thing i’m tempted to try out is some patches of coarse dirt a

Little bit like you can find in the mega tiger biomes where basically we just have like a carved out area of grass here maybe going a bit like this just to try and blend with the terrain uh and then we would add all of this in to be coarse dirt

And how does this look not too bad actually i kinda like that but i also kind of think i i don’t really know how much of a difference it’s gonna make as opposed to just having regular grass okay that’s something i think i’m gonna have to think on for a little while Oh buddy does this not look a million times better than it did at the start of the episode i told you guys landscaping and custom trees and all that sort of thing while it can be a pain sometimes it’s also worth in the end because this just

Looks so much better i love it so as you can see i didn’t end up adding in oh by the way skye has collected another friend so i’m gonna need three names for those llamas thank you not sure where he came from um but yeah

I ended up not adding in any of the course dirt piles i tried it and i wasn’t too keen on the idea plus i didn’t really think it was worth it because everything we’re doing here of course if it isn’t obvious is going to be done basically throughout my entire

Area here at some point or another not just yet it’s probably going to be a gradual process sort of a little bit each episode maybe or something like that um but yeah i didn’t add any of the corster in we’ve just got all of the grass and they do have i think four

Patches of wildflowers which i actually really quite like that idea i don’t know why i’ve never done that before because yeah just adding in like little pops of color every now and again looks really quite cool oh and of course yeah we do have uh quite a few of these small

Spruce trees these certainly take a lot less time to build than the large ones do unfortunately everyone this is where we’re gonna have to end off today’s episode i really hope you have enjoyed it i certainly have i’m actually really excited to do some more landscaping not

That it would be anytime soon i think i’m gonna wait until we got a few more buildings up but uh yeah i can’t wait to do some more so i really hope you liked all of what we’ve done in today’s episode of course if you have any suggestions or improvements i could make

Let me know down in the comments below that would be greatly appreciated and i will see you in the next episode bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.17 Hardcore Let’s Play – Landscaping my Base! – Episode 22’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2021-11-06 12:00:27. It has garnered 5123 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:37 or 1297 seconds.

Let’s Play Minecraft 1.17 Hardcore! In today’s episode we are taking on the task of adding in some custom landscaping to my rather regular looking base!

Custom Spruce Tree Tutorial – https://youtu.be/D9uL0eYi6Bc

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🟠Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/itsmarloe/

🎵Music – https://c418.bandcamp.com/

🌟Shaders – https://bitslablab.com/

The resource pack used in this video is my own custom one! It is only available for my YouTube members and Twitch subscribers. Click the join button to find out more! If the join button is not anywhere to be found click this link: http://www.youtube.com/c/ItsMarloe/membership

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    Survive with Friends: Immortal Op's Chill Minecraft StreamVideo Information गाली खाने ल क्यों करता है मो अगर तूने एक नहीं सुनूंगा अगर तूने एक और बार बोला तो तू किक खाएगा तो फिर मैं कैसे बताऊ जो मेरे को बोलना है अगर तूने एक और बार वो बात रिपीट करी तो समझ जा बेटा तू गाली खाएगा कुछ नहीं तू चूया आदमी है त गे है भाई तू लेसन है तू एलजीबीटी मेंबर त एलजीबीटी क सपोर्टर है तू ले है तू गे है तू रेनबो फ्लैग है तू एलजीबीटी क का फ्लैग है तू तू तू तू तू आथ है तू भाई आथ आथ आथ आथ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥Video Information basically looking for a maybe not a city I don’t know what to call it guys hold when are you going to make the hi Anarchy Peace restorers On Top e all right chat I’m basically looking for a civilization map it’s uh doesn’t seem to be working right now but we looking hopefully we do find one though hopefully we do find one hey why is it only for Java Edition Bru what is this can I join yeah anybody can join and R key peace restored on top hi Jam what’s up Mr crabes now course… Read More

  • Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft’s Kitatcho Labs!

    Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft's Kitatcho Labs!Video Information Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: BOULES JETABLES(TM)/-C’est la boule qui a le plus grand nombre d’applications!/-C’est le cousin éloigné de la "Boule de slime glacée."/-Les Boules jetables(TM) sont sensibles à 2.78%!/-Quatre fois gagnante du prix Kitatcho de la Boule de slime la plus vendue!/- Les Boules jetables(TM) ne collent pas aux surfaces et tombent. N’essayez pas de le faire./-En fait, le bleu est une couleur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

Minecraft 1.17 Hardcore Let’s Play – Landscaping my Base! – Episode 22