Minecraft BETRAYAL: I Quit?

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Hello hello everybody how’s it going how’s it going how was the day I got my tea Here my mouth is freshly burnt on soup again um that is simply the way of things of course hello how is it going heck yeah tea we love we love a good tea nice and cozy uh you shouldn’t need to Ping It okay it still works Minecraft didn’t uh mysteriously break in the time I wasn’t playing it it’s all good okay uh is just cooked fish this looks like uncooked fish man it’s uncooked fish um we got to manage some stuff before I can get going man it’s

Weird I’m not I’m not used anymore to playing games that don’t take up the whole monitor I I run Minecraft at 1080p um windowed and I’m not used to it but evening L want playing Ballers G 3 have fun playing uh I’m doing all right today I

Well I got up really really late today um so that was unfortunate um eat the raw fish I mean I can I was doing that last time when I was doing all that fishing I saw a iron let’s let’s do some organizing I think whoops

Um so that I can take a at least a Shuler with me forgot I had all this iron I forgot I made two iron Farms that one time okay man I missed the I missed the Minecraft bgm well it’s not the Minecraft bgm it’s my bgm but I missed my MC craft

Bgm okay that’s all good uh why do I have all these bows Minecraft stream I know right I know isn’t it shocking me playing Minecraft what that’s my real bow I don’t want to put that away where do I put extra fishing rods they used to go in this one but then I

Ran out of space they go in here oh they go in here where’s my real one where is my real fishing rod Oh doco fishing rod doco you in here ah okay we’re good hello Hello how’s it going okay uh I got to I got to do a little bit more organizing before we’re ready for the the Day’s real task but this is a good little you know warming up getting getting back into the swing of things time Hello I’m going to put those away for now hello I’m doing all right I’m doing all right um let’s cook some Fish let’s just cook a ton of fish and also put these salmon away um how much coal do I have that’s pretty good let’s we’ll see how far that Gets ah no keep those ones I already have a ton of cooked fish um but we’re still going to cook some more uh let’s Harvest these and plant some new ones they’ve had plenty of time there aren’t even any stragglers that’s how you know they’re all fully grown which means I’ve been

Neglecting them pretty severely but that’s okay seems I’ve made a fortress I mean not a real one yet I have uh been neglecting to continue building my my actual big fortress e whatever a Vampire cave I mean it I don’t know it’s a it’s just a regular underground establishment I

Don’t know what’s vampiric about It hello I’m glad you made it good afternoon to you come on my my dang scroll wheel is so touchy it’s not it’s not made for gaming it’s not it’s not a real gamer me meting was cut from 30 minutes to 5 minutes excellent just had to say that I was

Streaming wow that that’s a that’s a valid uh meeting excuse wow well you heard it here folks if you ever need to get out of a meeting just say hey there’s there’s this there’s a shark I need to go watch and then you’re free who would have thought it’s just that easy

Does gunpowder still go in here it does and soda string and then prismarine I think goes in here yeah it’s kind of a temporary spot because I don’t have a good place for prismarine things that’s my wool this is all still my uh Trail ruin excavation

That I didn’t man that’s a lot of dirt I didn’t uh deal with that good and important I don’t know about that in the what no no I have not seen That I don’t uh know anything about snps other than that a couple of them exist I don’t know anything about multiplayer Minecraft completely off my Radar no I thought oh it’s all there and then we got some Oak things Oak things away uh flowers man I really want that new storage room I got to get to work on that it’ll be so nice um okay so this is empty I can bring it with me for

Obsidian easy um and I’m thinking I don’t need to worry about the rest have my light dra on I do hello I like I have coal in my like regular food slot right now as if I’m going to eat it give me some of these how we doing how we doing looking good looking looking good I think I can turn this off yeah yeah how about you yeah okay so those those

Are those are still cooking I still got to they still got to cook but they’re fine U let me go get my Bo box for those it might be getting kind of Full fishy fish they are the fishy fish that that are fishy we have just a little bit of of cooked Cod there’s just a little bit and there’s still just a little bit more okay they’re almost done we’ll just wait for him then I can put this away

And be be done with him oh my God that’s so much fish going to drink more of my tea hello welcome in seems I’m running low yeah I mean it’s really shameful honestly to only have this much fish in my my Ender Chest at any

Time are we all done I think we’re all done I think that’s all the fish okay let’s put this back and then we can we can head out we’re ready to go um okay so I have I have this for storage um I won’t need this I have a spare Ender Chest That’s oh I have a lot of empty shers already oh um do I have blaze powder good morning SP look L might start I I I promise it does not take that much fish to sustain me I promise uh where have I been putting all of my obsidian

Actually where is it oh there it is get some sushi for the jail I I don’t know sushi Sushi’s a little luxurious isn’t it you guys really need Sushi I don’t know if I can afford That let’s just make a bunch of extra Ender Chest I’ve always need more I want to leave one in the end actually um okay so I don’t know if I have one where I left an Ender Chest I’ll keep one out this can go here and this can go

Here and then I’m out of room which is a problem why are these here for the for Nether Adventures I guess I won need a crafting Table you wait there uh I’ll keep a totem for no particular reason I did not forget my Ender Chest that’s right right rib cage just popped oh fun love when that happens shark fin no no shark fin get out of here Nashville hunting fish practically free Hello um I won’t need this but I also um okay we’ll just take a couple of these out cuz I apparently I’ve I’ve uh I’ve got too many the shark cave the bamboo well it’s not very bamboo cave so let’s go with shark cave um I won’t need this I shouldn’t

Need this but I’ll take it and I won’t need that it’s not perfect but it it’s fine it’s good enough okay we’re going to see where I need an ender chest once we get there yeah I hope everybody’s having a lovely day not the crisp sandwiches

Again Oh I thought that was a skeleton that keeps happening I put that there and then I come over here and I’m like oh there’s a skeleton just chilling but there’s not it’s fine don’t mind me obsidian sandwich that might be a little too much crunch

Perhaps just maybe a little bit too much crunch I understand the desire for the crunch of the the chip sandwich but the uh obsidian might be a little bit too crunchy oh no are we buffering is is YouTube having trouble or is that a is that a local issue how’s everybody doing

Everything’s good on my side am I still going the right way feel like I’m not this way more there it is’s okay working the night shift watching the shark excellent I hope that I hope that work is is pretty good for you hello welcome in why is that just random grass there

That’s kind of weird I don’t remember that being there okay oh that’s right I put I put I put a trap door here so I don’t have to struggle anymore oh man thanks me wow start to drizzle oh congrats on being free of the the Sun

For a bit okay so I have one here but I want one inside as well so I’ll put this one in there I don’t know if we’ll do this all stream actually um we’re going to we’re going to at least make a a dent in that one pillar I was working

On oh hi everybody oh was nice to have company short to get over the work days oh I meant to make I meant to bring glass I’ll have to do it next time maybe we can make a trip back and do it okay so that’s the one I was working on

I’m going to leave my Ender Chest right here uh and that’ll be that’ll be a nice little Landmark I’ll just have that on hand to throw obsidian into once we get a bunch all right sometimes I wonder with the shaders I feel like too many of the blocks

Are uh shiny I feel like some more of them should have like a nice matte sort of reflectivity feel like too many of them are too shiny like yes it looks very nice but I feel like sometimes it’s not it doesn’t feel like a good representation of the

Material oh I can’t see anything by the way we usually do this with the shaders off for a reason it’s so dark and stone is mirror I don’t think it’s supposed to be though it’s cheese isn’t it if it’s cheese cheese isn’t that shiny right I mean I guess it could be

Cat sleeping on the chair that sounds lovely all right and here we are we need the whole game to be a Shader it is already right more or less all right we’re I think we’ll at least try to take this one down to ground level today we’ll see how far we Get I’ve been uh doing my my uh shark research and preparation for uh Monday so we can make make a very very good and factual tier list and stone is harder than Stone how is it cheese I mean I don’t know I it’s just it just is

Right it’s a really it’s a really tough cheese don’t know not a scientist neither am I oh yeah you guys wanted me to get a beacon for this too late can I include the almighty megaladon there I I was limiting it mostly to sharks that are around

Now I hadn’t considered uh no longer extant sharks but Perhaps too late as if I would go to the nether to farm wither skeletons I mean I guess I’m I am officially out of blaze rods now so I’m I will have to go to the nether at some point anyway shark me nah that’s not true there are some man

Sharks are so cool it’s been fun doing this research and just learning uh more cool things about sharks I’m excited to share I’m taking extensive notes maybe not extensive but like I’m I’m I’m doing my research and making sure I know at least a little bit about everything why am I mining obsidian

Again because I have to What else am I supposed to do this is what we do here we got to we got to chip away at these pillars every so often at least they got to get done eventually man I wish this obsidian would quit falling off the edge I don’t appreciate it

Whale shark is neither a whale nor shark it’s actually a jellyfish what I better take them off my list then whale sharks are are a top tier shark but I guess I shouldn’t no no spoilers we shouldn’t we shouldn’t spoil the uh what what I’m what the rankings are going to

Be oo garlic bread that sounds that’s great the other day I almost made spaghetti but I didn’t have bread to make garlic toast so I didn’t want spaghetti I was like H just spaghetti without without a garlic toast M uh how long is the shark list so far um I made

A list of sharks and the first and now I’m like going through and uh researching each of them so I can count and tell you um it might change right um um I don’t know how long this this this uh shark stream is going to be it might

Take a bit um all right So almost 40 so it’s not every shark but I think I have a decent selection of of uh solid sharks and there’s like a there’s like a like moo shark right I have there’s like a short fin and a long fin one you know but I only have uh just general makeo

Shark in there you know so I I made I made some choices to kind of streamline it and only keep in uh sort of major groupings in in those kinds of cases yeah it’s a lot of sharks the research bit is taking a a little while um it wouldn’t if uh I

Actually got out of bed on time ever lately but you know n no you’re good you’re good you can’t I you can’t really spoil scientific facts I never to suggest anything ever again cooked once that’s enough for a lifetime this is what you have brought are you you should be proud of

Yourself but yeah I didn’t have I didn’t have bread to make garlic bread so I didn’t want to make spaghetti and that was the day I didn’t eat lunch cuz I didn’t I didn’t want to make my soup and I didn’t want spaghetti um I’m I’m I’m like that in

That like if I just if I if I’m not vibing with the food I have on hand I’ll just not eat cud in the black Dogfish one shark that doesn’t have shark in it name I do have a collection of sharks that uh don’t don’t have shark

In their name and I think that is uh one of one of the ones I got in there I can check is that one of those little guys PR My Stream no longer need recharge look like to sleep or something you didn’t think you’d hear I mean yeah

The problem is I keep going to bed late and then also getting up late but like later than the um like I go to bed a little bit and then I get up really late um so it doesn’t really make sense I don’t know if I have that on here I’ll write it

Down I might have it if it has like if it goes by a different name I might have it by that or I’m just not seeing it but I’ll write that down uh okay hope I’m not sleeping late because of the lurking n no no that’s not it you a concern chief that’s Okay there’s another shark for the list there’s another shark to learn about to objectively correctly rank you do be Ling yeah not this morning though I was uh in bed chat reflex a streamer and streamer reflects chat we did this yeah it’s you guys’s fault

No you guys are rubbing off on me your bad sleep habits are are infecting me how about that you should you should feel bad looking for someone lacking yep I’m going to I’m going to catch you guys you better not be lacking I’ll catch You I don’t know if it’s not down there or if I can’t see it from here it’s fine maybe I’m catching of them more than I think can I mean there’s not much to hear in the game but can you guys hear the game I need to turn it up for me at

Least so I can hear the the item plop I’ll turn up for you just to see obsidian is very quiet to mine like doesn’t make a noise started going to sleep normally oh wow no longer part of the Fall is that true though are you lying only hear the music but happy in

The way yeah there’s there’s not much to hear in the game at this point play pillar mining simulator that’s right yeah see I don’t play Minecraft I play pillar mining simulator that’s that’s what you guys really meant when you said I don’t play Minecraft anymore right it’s cuz I I only play

This not Ling yet forced to school ah I See yeah I need to I need to get my my sleep back in order I think it’s I think it’s partly like a winter thing like it’s very dark and cold and it kind of makes it harder but I got to I gotta be tougher than that I

Got to do better I got sharks to research and videos to edit and a million other things I got I got to get busy I got stuff to do cold good more blanket needed I mean it’s just it’s just a matter of you know you get out of bed and it’s like it’s

Cold I want to go back in bed sleep is also out of whack the curse of the night shift yeah that’ll do it who needs the base done anyway breaking obsidian pillars end game objective of Minecraft that’s right yeah exactly no alarm clock I have yeah I

Mean I have my phone alarm and I I had done a very good job um previously of um um cuz I I put my phone like on the other side of the room so that I have to actually get all the way up but now I just I I turn off

The alarm and I grab my phone and I get back in bed and I don’t know what the next step is to force myself to stop doing that need a snuggie you can have a blanket anywhere a that’d be nice I just have a like warm hoodie or whatever need obsidian for protection

Layers in the walls base yeah I’ll build I’ll build a a sequence of of walls around the base great idea that execution yeah for a while it worked really well I I just like I got up that was it I got up and I

Went I got moving but now like I just I go back to bed so I don’t I don’t know maybe I put my phone further away the trep oh yeah so next week we’re having um on on Monday is going to be the the first member stream right and then

Uh on Saturday is my birthday and that will be an SCP rating stream you see that it works until it doesn’t yeah and then it’s like I’ve tried so many other things and now this was the thing that worked and now what

Do I what do I try now how do I how do I fix it now I’ll figure something out I got to I got to be getting more uh working time in in the mornings how old will I be this year 25 again happy birthday thank you thank you

Thank you thank you I mean it’ll be it it’s still it’s still all way off yeah next next Saturday yeah unless I have that wrong I think it’s next Saturday alarm clock that makes tea when I wake up is that a thing what again yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m we’ve established

I’m I’m always 25 25 for the first time yeah yeah that too yeah Teac clock how does that Work yeah yeah yeah that’s exactly Chad life that’s okay that could that could very well be me my parents don’t have a basement but 13th yes yes which means I’m very lucky I get I get Friday the 13th birthday sometimes Isn’t that cool I love it I think this year was a Friday

The 13th one well there goes that one lots of January birthdays yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a popular one I guess I don’t know but happy birthday to you too whenever yours is awesome movie by the way oh yeah it is it is I should watch that again I

Haven’t I’ve only seen the first one but I liked it a lot not a vampire that’s Right it’s just a true fact I got to drink more of my tea before it starts getting cold Friday the 13th watch along uh is there going to be a good Friday the 13th this year we could do that peacock boils water and fills mug when the clock hits that time

Oh I see I see huh I just got my Kettle though let’s see I’m looking at Friday well well oh in September there is a Friday the 13th so oh there’s another one in December oh i’ I really like the idea of a December Friday the 13th watch

Along that’s like a year from now but that’s still a fun idea December Friday the 13th that’s that’s pretty good can we go to Chuck-E-Cheese for my birthday no I’ve I’ve definitely been to the the the Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party though what a time that was I don’t think my birthday was ever a

Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party but I’ve definitely been to at least one or I went to at least one as a kid we could have a pizza party though perhaps never been is it overrated yeah I mean I don’t know I had a lot of fun there as a kid right like it’s hard to

Make any claims about it now right I haven’t been to one since I was a kid but as a kid I like liked it oops I had fun I don’t know if I ever even like actually had their Pizza I don’t know if I can speak to that I don’t remember

It but it was fun playing games I have like weirdly distinct memory of of Chuck-E-Cheese it’s kind of strange even though I I swear I only went there like Twice and I couldn’t even tell you like where it was not that I would tell you where it was but like I can’t remember where it was last we went to Chuck-E-Cheese you six and they never found the bodies uh that sounds like a different Chuck-E-Cheese than I went to remember

Their Pizza being amazing really kids are dumb and like any pizza yeah yeah I yeah Pizza in this economy I don’t know pizza’s pretty cheap like homemade pizza is like super cheap at least for me I don’t put toppings on it so like a homemade cheese pizza is super

Cheap like the cheese is the most expensive thing on it for sure like by Far plus even like a takeout pizza is not bad considering how much food you get pizza is expensive Rel other ah here it’s pretty cheap well I mean it depends right if you’re just getting it from like a major chain pizza place and you get you get it take out it’s pretty

Cheap how to make pizza at home make the dough yeah yeah make the dough I buy a jar B jar sauce I don’t make my own sauce but I I make the dough yeah okay remember the pizza being me yeah I don’t I don’t remember the Chuck-E-Cheese

Pizza make pizza for a living not the good what not the good kind what’s the bad kind of pizza I really missed there’s a freezer Pizza I used to get that was like a little bit pricey Bas relative to other meals but it was like it was still reasonable I

Could still like justify buying it it was very convenient it was very very good but now they are they’re so expensive and they also like don’t have them anywhere around me and I’m sad kiwi Pizza is the bad time convenient store pizza oh okay I see the evil

Pizza yeah there I used to get a really good uh frozen pizza but those days are Gone Excuse Me man look at that one Enderman up there he’s just hanging out what a guy what a guy hungry now with all the food talk see this is this is why we got we got to talk about food early in the Stream if we’re going to talk about food we got to

Do it early in the Stream cuz I always eat lunch before stream if we talk about food later in the Stream then I’m going to be right in that boat of being really hungry from from talking about It Domino’s Pizza next Saturday then the first get a more then a second one to pay for the pizza uh I actually have I have pizza cheese in the fridge right now talk about food but not bread because I hate bread no I don’t hate bread I like bread this is I don’t

I will not accept this anti- breed propaganda I am a bread Lier I have a I have a book and I’ve never actually like used it but I have a book on bread baking and I would like to learn at some point how to like really make bread uh I don’t know what I would use it for cuz like fresh baked home home

Baked bread goes bad really really fast you think that your oi is a bread hater no I’m not they like bread but had n to make garlic bread I I I’m not going to just buy bread for no reason I only buy food I got plans for why would I just buy

Bread goof potato potatoes going to make them into bread oh grown potatoes seems fun I don’t think I have like the space for it but I I kind of thought about if I could get a setup for it but I don’t think that it would be like worthwhile

With the amount of space I would be able to like make for them CU be bad because it’s real bread yeah yeah I’ve heard that you can put honey in bread to make it last a bit longer um so I wanted to try that but see we’re playing true Minecraft that’s true

Yes as you can see this is this is the real deal this is what Minecraft is all about no because I lo five that depends on what kind of red you’re talking About little mayo no mayo and your no no what is that noise why is there a noise have to buy bread every 3 to four days if you don’t e that time Rob goes to control levels of moldy yeah that’s the thing is like it’s also if I if I

Buy bread in the winter it’s a little bit easier cuz it lasts a lot longer cuz it’s cold but if I buy if I buy bread in the summer it goes It goes was moldy so fast and then I I can’t eat all that bread in that

Time there’s not that much I need bread for so unless I’m planning for that then I’m not going to buy bread which is part of why I haven’t like bothered to learn more about baking bread is because like I don’t have a use for it like I

Just want to bake bread and have fresh baked bread but I don’t like actually have something to do with it you know and this I forgot how much bigger this pillar is than the other one I mined it’s huge it’s huge bread greed eh what does bread greed mean bread

Pudding what is bread pudding actually it doesn’t sound appealing may you suggest not breaking the pillar why why would why red pudding is really good no lie what is it though oh man I’m going to get some iron bars out of this too on uh that one and that one that’ll

Be pretty sweet eat nice red pudding is very nice that doesn’t that doesn’t help I believe you but what is it do that with your grandma you know what you know what my grandma used to used to make for me when I went to her house it was uh

It was a I’m going to use sandwich quite lightly here a sandwich composed of two graham crackers with grape jelly and sprinkles in the Middle man I loved it sweet bread puddings may use sugar syrup honey dried fruit nuts as well as spices such as cinnamon nutmeg ma or Vanilla point do bread become toast and toast become a crap I don’t know uh so I don’t I don’t follow on the bread pudding what is what what is it though where does the bread enter the Picture red putting a bread-based dessert popular in many country’s Cuisines made with stale bread and milk or cream oh did that minus the sprinkles flashback to your childhood like R yeah I don’t know where that kind of thing comes from but it was certainly a thing I had that I enjoyed a lot

Hard old bread is better for it gives more flavor how does that give how does it more flavor feels Midwest n it wasn’t it does feel Midwest though doesn’t it it see what are these sounds unless you mean the bread pudding feels Midwest in which case I don’t I don’t know if it Does isn’t it wild the way Midwest means like places around the Mississippi sort of I’m going to say um when like that’s maybe like a quarter of the way across the country instead of instead of places that are like actually Midwest but that’s just that’s just because of like the the the expansion

Over time kind of thing dryed bread soaks up the cream or custard and you bake it oh now bread pudding is martian oh right the same with banana bread the older the banana was the sweeter it is I have heard that before I’ve never had banana

Bread but I have heard that that’s how you’re supposed to make it but I didn’t think that that’s that’s a fruit though I didn’t think that that would apply to bread as well normally add dry fruit I see so you you take some old stale bread

And you soak it in something and bake it and add some some stuff for flavor right Midwest is in reference to the hemisphere like the opposite of the Middle East I don’t I don’t think that’s true but I could be Wrong I see yeah I’ve never had bread pudding I don’t know where I would even have encountered that ever what kind of bread do you use just like any bread Grand once gave you a sugar sandwich oh what good Roy yeah don’t the shaders look nice aren’t they pretty cool and all the

Stars yeah the shaders do a lot of work on the End a what what are we talking about a what what bread butter and a teaspoon of sugar huh as a kid I would just eat like a slice of buttered bread I thought that was top tier Food I thought that was just the sickest just a slice of bread with butter on it untoasted white bread it wasn’t even real butter something else I used to do as a kid is I would sugar pasta huh I don’t know about that something

Else I used to do as a kid is if we had like leftover icing from something like you know the like uh classic little like uh I don’t know jar it’s like plastic but it’s like a a little little thing of icing if those if there was any

Of that left over I would just get a spoon and I would take a spoonful of it and just like lick it and it was like it was but only if it was like refrigerated it had to be out it had to be cold like

Out of the fridge oh my God it was so good one thing I have to say about the shaders and it’s yeah they’re quite nice the great mining yes yes indeed indeed it your turns um but yeah just just like a spoon of cold vanilla icing oh my God I loved

That I was a simple child I mean I guess that’s kind of what being a child is right but just butter spaghetti and icing sugar what that’s yeah well I know you know I don’t like I’m not going to go try that but I can see it I can see

It see the mod that makes the sky in the overw world have a lot of fancy stuff nah I’m good with I’m good with what I got vanilla icing is that good I know right I have some in the fridge right now and I keep meaning to like eat it cuz I

Don’t have anything to do with it cuz the cookies I made uh to put it on were nasty uh now I just have this icing try it will change my life I mean I’m not going to I don’t think I’m going to go out of my way for that one but I I

Think I get it what if you also put like cinnamon on it I can see it I can see It should I go down and uh pick up some obsidian maybe maybe I should see what’s on the floor maybe put some of what I mined away already put what I mind already away there we go like to put some brown sugar and cinnamon in your tomato sauce for pasta okay see

Well there you go then it’s you get it but also I’ve never had that that sounds interesting I don’t I don’t make my own pasta sauce Excuse me garlic dip from a pizza place spread on toast with chili flakes oh that sounds fun garlic dip can use for almost anything I don’t know if I’ve ever like had much of like a real garlic Dip imagine if I fell into the void with all that obsidian I know it’d be so sad I mean the obsidian is maybe the less sad part of what I would lose if I fell into the void right now uh but whoops it’s this way it’s always the

Same direction and I keep expecting to turn and go the other direction I just can’t see this the step it just looks like a solid Wall all right you know we’re getting there we’re getting There I’m not lost I just can’t See oh food I got to figure out what I’m going to have once my uh potato soup Runs Out music oh okay there’s just a really long po blind Che that’s me potato soup is fun sugar pasta I’m not making sugar pasta cabbage soup is that good I’ve never had

It I haven’t eaten very much cabbage in my time is cabbage soup good is my mic too far away from me it seems like it might be Hello I’m closer now a little bit ever have sandwiches when you place pie of bread together and cry into them for flavoring no that is a sandwich I have not tried what am I planning to do with all the obsidian I’m not Asparagus cream with toast as asparagus cream what nice simple meal very comfy asparagus is expensive though isn’t It I don’t know about that do you mean asparagus cream soup creamy soup I do I I don’t mind asparagus i’ I’ve had some good asparagus but isn’t it Expensive oh a sad Wich oh a sad oh Feel like what what Now don’t no okay I don’t know I I asparagus doesn’t strike me as a soup thing also what does what does like a what does it mean when some when it’s like something cream soup like what does that really Mean just that it’s like A milky soup they added cream blender okay that’s what I was thinking is it is it a blend does that mean it’s a blended soup cuz I’m usually not a fan of Blended soups I have I’ve made a butternut squash soup that’s Blended that I like uh

But I had a blended potato soup once and the texture it was so bad I hated it kind of depends on how you may I see yeah I don’t know asparagus doesn’t strike me as a soup thing but I’ve only had it a couple times Blended cream added or some other ingredient

Added that changes texture I see onion soup top tier I mean it’s just onion though right onion is supposed to go with things I do look like that Lego piece what huh I don’t know onion soup doesn’t seem appealing to me like I like onions fine but they don’t seem very usually onions are just good with other things you know Gumball I never had a gumball usually those are meat-based right let dinner at home oh no uhoh well then I’m sorry we’re making

You hungry Lego piece is a head with a similar face to mine what it I look like a Lego what a recipe for chicken sausage gumb came M that’s nice that sounds fun Gumbo’s just kind of just a like a a kind of Stew sort of thing

Right french onion soup only good thing to come so so Savage to France some obsidian sandwich left in the jail oh no oh No it’s an obsidian sandwich but the the bread is also obsidian you you take two pieces of obsidian and you put a little obsidian in between Queen and then you have an obsidian sandwich made with the hopes and dream lost of the mine oh my God oh my God okay sneeze Lost o look I’m changing it up a little we’re going down we’re going down a down a row here ooh two slices of obsidian and bread in between only been allies for mortal enemies for the 900 before that wow wow I mean I I guess if

That’s how you want to feel about it that’s that’s up to you I I don’t know if I can make any uh strong claims about my own opinions on France as an entire country they got some good art I should really like prepare more things I could talk about during a stream like this but I don’t like have more things to talk about like I don’t know what I would what I would uh uh I don’t know what else I would have to talk about

Cheeto man I try I had Cheetos like regular regular Cheetos for the first time in a long time before uh uh it was I don’t know a couple months ago they were so nasty if down egg talk about Cheetos were my favorite type of chips uh yeah it’s definitely not

Cheetos R in on the P um I do like um the the puffy uh white cheddar Cheetos those are good I like those regular Cheetos nah they were so gross not the best can eat them but they’re like last pick yeah like I I I enjoy I enjoy those ones but like

Regular Cheetos I was I was surprised cuz like I used to like them I liked them a lot before um but I I had them for the first time in years and I went oh icky after not eating it for more than 10 years does it tastes bad now

Yeah I’ve never heard of those um but I I really like um Kettle cook chips with black pepper that is my go-to chip give me a topic thank you thank you yeah oh yeah speaking of snacks uh yesterday I ended the stream and I went out uh and upon the kitchen counter I

Witnessed a gigantic and I mean gigantic box of Goldfish crackers my roommate bought a 4B box of goldfish and I looked at that and I was like are are you making fun of me was this deliberate are you are you making fun of my goldfish Brain it’s just like I cannot I cannot emphasize you how strange it is this gigantic box of goldfish hello hello paprika flavor o paprika’s nice never had those are they good goldfish are pretty good they say yes no but I could feel it big shk small brain that’s that’s

Me that’s that’s me I guess don’t want to STP off all the Obsidian Tower do I what do you mean of course I do we already did that one we got to do all the others Now watch you mock me yeah en no it was I they were just buying a a snack but it was can you think my roomate that’s so mean yeah there’s there’s a there’s an ungodly amount of goldfish in this house now aside from my presence would like to aort the momental so

Mean I’ll let them know but yeah goldfish are all Right I feel like I can’t eat any of them on principle like the offer is there I could eat them but I feel like on principal I can’t bully checked off the Liz is that what you guys have to you guys feel like you got to do that Daily Now bully Me we want another snack take I think Doritos are overrated for a really long time I had never had Doritos and then I tried them and I was like I don’t see what the big deal is these are kind of Gross random thoughts say you have to fill up your Savage quota that’s quite a quota to have that’s a fair one heresy I’m just saying I’m just saying they’re not that good they’re like okay but if I eat a Dorito I don’t feel compelled to keep eating more Doritos it’s a

Compulsion oh no buy Doritos every few years to try them again come away thinking that was okay yeah yeah they’re like okay did I dip them in salsa what you would dip a Dorito and salsa what that can’t be intended could I not like nacho cheese flavored Doritos TM you get them at

Stores everywhere for a great price I don’t know is it a great price I don’t know you subscribe to a monster what overrated good but not as good as everyone says yeah I don’t know why they have such a I mean okay okay now I will

Say they are like the classic like gamer snack right right maybe it makes sense in that context actually dip Doritos and guac no why would I that seems rude to gu fun fact fins lack strong muscles and most used to prop them up above the sand yeah sounds about

Right even Dorito brand salsa ew that’s so that’s just an inappropriate use of salsa ew some like walk to make it good it means they’re not that great I don’t know I can’t imagine dipping a Dorito in something it’s already coated in whatever is not the idea it’s just it’s

Coated in whatever and that’s that’s the flavor I don’t I don’t know they’re not even good corn chips you know like you can just get regular like tortilla chips and they’re way better than whatever the heck a Dorito is like even without dipping them in anything man I got some like nacho

Cheese a bit ago to have like with with chips and it was so disappointing it had this like weird buttery thing going on I didn’t like it I got to find a different brand you have plain Doritos you have plain Doritos oh never mind I take it

Back you can dip those in whatever you want I’ve never heard of those we don’t have those here cheese what about cheese cheese is good I like a cheese I did not like the cheese I bought to dip chips in but I think I used to get like Taco Bell

Brand cheese or chips I think have a cheese in the oven that melts and you dip fresh bread into it oh is that like is that like Brie I’ve always wanted to try it cuz I’ve heard it’s very very good uh but it’s expensive so I Hav’t I can get the Doritos bread nacho cheese instead ah I think I’ll pass beer cheese is great beer cheese is pretty good I’ve had that it’s like fine not going to like go out of my way for it or anything welcome back from balers Gate I can’t believe there are unflavored Doritos food TS made me wonder how high can my standards go what do you mean go to fight an Al bear ooh fun where’s the edge should be back here right where’s the edge oh oh I See just cuz I don’t like Doritos higher than watery nacho cheese at least yeah I mean is that is that a is that a Problem No I buy fancy bread right and and stuff that’s so specific I feel I’m so convinced um I mean I I don’t buy white bread yeah but I used to ch ch B you hungry during balers gate three Made cheese Sor I I know I’ve heard that term before that’s that’s incredibly

British whatever it is so that just mean sandwich now I’m hungry and I just had I just had food I just had lunch and you guys are making me hungry again SL for sandwich hey I was right got home with a CO whole Costco pizza nice I’ve never had a Costco pizza

Are they Good i’ never had their like U like take home to bake ones or they like food court ones are they good b game activities finish the sniffer enclosure oo mind half a mountain segment oo that sounds fun just had turkey oh turkey I need some snacks on hand I I I

Don’t know I like there’s not good like snack foods that I would want to like have and also I don’t like eating on stream very much except like when I have to just a property of the stream tried spot before really close to that in quality no like Mall Pizza okay

I’ve had some really good ma Pizza though I don’t know what general Mall pizzas like I haven’t had a lot of maul Pizza that sounds decent though that sounds like I would eat it hydration check okay let me gather this up and then I’ll take another woo hi there sip

What’s down here just one maybe I’m doing a better job catching them than I thought or maybe they’re just uh despawning before I get down where’s the steps where’s my stairs please I can’t see there not seeing this badge is simple okay okay I see that I’d try it depending on the

Price uh me thing or a you thing that I don’t want to eat on stream um I don’t I don’t know what you mean by that it is it is for your sake that I do not want to eat on stream it is not that I am uncomfortable eating on stream it

Is that I I don’t I don’t think that’s good stream content and also I don’t want to subject you guys to chewing sounds potentially and also it’s hard to like yeah I mean I guess if I had snacks it’d be different but like I don’t know I don’t

Know eating ASMR icky icky not not a fan probably despawn yeah yeah they probably dang it found a vending machine all I had was Bounty a coconut choc chocolate bar called Bounty here Bounty is paper towels so it’s very funny that you would have a chocolate bar named Bounty it’s good stream content

What doesn’t like eating in front of others just strange I mean yeah that that would Al that’s also a fair point some I know some folks are not into that could charge for it what I know some people like that kind of thing but I don’t know I it bothers me a

Lot like chewing sounds I I hate them B’s with a chocolate bar and a paper towel oh okay you have both there huh don’t want to eat on stream my food normally screams no a Mounds bar oh okay okay don’t those have another name too here cuz there’s

Like there’s like one with almonds and one without almonds is that right I don’t know eating ASMR nasty occasional slack munching is fine yeah I mean I just don’t know what I would have for for Snacks still this has come up before and I’ve never like landed on an

Answer alond joy and mouse there we go that’s it but they’re like almost the same thing there it is those are such different names I don’t get it get some peanuts yeah I could get some peanuts I got to find like good seasoned ones but then my fingers are icky have goldfish

Snack yeah but goldfish you don’t eat goldfish because you’re hungry you eat goldfish because you like need the action of like eating something does that make sense ice cubes I don’t think those will help dry roasted peanuts protein bar protein bars are expensive I would totally have protein bars for for stream

But they’re they’re pricey chips yeah I I’m bad with chips though if I’m eating chips I’m going to eat like the whole half a bag of chips at once chips are not much of a snack for me at that point it’s like a whole meal can’t think of petas without thinking

About Anya cereal bars yeah but that’s like just sugar isn’t it ice cubes were a bit softer you’d have munched on them all day I used to crunch ice cubes as a kid yeah I’d love to I’d love to keep protein bars on hand I used to eat

Protein bars like every day uh but they’re they’re pricey only have a whole pack I mean I’ve done that too too but it depends on the size of the bag of chips some some chip bags are a little heartier than others you know once protein bars which means need

More yeah I mean I mean I just generally have that but the boxes that have 24 small bags of chips yeah but that’s just wasteful that’s just a waste of packaging for me those are meant to be like given to children at soccer games or Something kind of snacks a whole packet of Something Like Biscuits or a share bag of Chris yeah yeah hook myself a whale uh I’ll get to work on that I’ll be sure to try small bags of chips in a box more expensive than buying the big bags yeah there’s probably that that too

Probably cuz like I already think a bag of L chips cost more than it should plus I just don’t want to be eaten chips like that all the time that’s the problem with snacks snacks are generally not very healthy and if they are more healthy they are expensive and or

Inconvenient which makes them no longer a snack so I going to go and high priest just to see my reaction no do not do that I did think think about adding a couple more um more reasonable teers if if anybody would be interested in that but no don’t do

That how many chips you eat by just pouring in a uh plate or paper towel not constantly snacking on a bag yeah I don’t have that kind of self-control cuz also I don’t know it’s chips they’re not very substantial so like if I don’t eat very many of them I

What’s the point of eating them it’s a fun idea that you should not do that no one should consider once that bag is open it will be finished yeah Bo pop should have called it that the boo pop I don’t I can probably update those I don’t know

Only do it for the one month though I and then I would die and you wouldn’t get any more streams it would be the only month available for you to to do it in hello hello how’s it going we have Bo that costs even more no

That’s the highest I that tear is the highest YouTube allow finally Minecraft that’s right that’s right we’re we’re uh Plumbing the depths of the inner mind here being a high priest for a month you don’t don’t do that I got to come up with if I’m going

To add more like funny in between ones I got to like come up with names for them Bet get out of Here just want to throw money at me we’ll stab it only appropriate amounts of money hello welc come in We’re almost done with another layer should I go get room I’ll wait to go store these we mind obsidian again that’s right we are we’re making some good progress today need to make an appeal to YouTube to allow higher cost memberships I don’t think we do let’s go ahead and check how we’re

Doing I feel like doing it Who probably be something for the high priest role would be reasonable what what are you saying it is entirely unreasonable in every way why uh cuz we already did that one and now we have to do all the Others But for the bit but for the bit I went all the way around it was right here man oh man could you move collecting obsidian for what uh for fun because it’s there is someone do it equip it for future generation uh I mean yeah you guys are nuts whoops but just

Know that’s a lot of it’s a lot of money to also throw at YouTube Not nuts enough for what that it would result in generations of we’re getting down there we’re getting down there look we’re getting real pretty close to the ground now finally I satisfied but it’s killing what what the mining what what’s what’s not what’s not satisfying about this hey everybody Welcome to My

Relaxing Minecraft Long play I spent uh 100 days in Minecraft survival mining obsidian understand grand plan becoming high priest and achieving get out of here have I reconsidered singing for you I’ve been practicing a little bit I got to I got to get my sleep fixed so that I have more time to

Practice but I have done a little practicing um the general the general vibe right now though is I there’s no way I could do a karaoke stream in the place I live right now can I show you my progress no um there’s no way I could do a karaoke

Stream until I’m able to move but I can try to like work on a cover or something mining Netherrack would be different I’ve done that too for for ancient debris that’s pretty fun no other dependence apart from overlords could afford High preest spot you didn’t spend money on dumb stuff

Well yeah but that dumb stuff is is is good and fun for you is it not you should you should do that you should you should spend your money in in a way that is it is good and beneficial to you but uh Netherrack is very satisfying to Mine it just melts it’s so fun Stellar Stellar what’s that debts aren’t fun though what do you mean I did I imply a debt obsidian fun too I think so yeah but the fun you guys I should I’m going to I’m going to I think I’ll

Make like a a a real and legitimate higher tier from what I have um that will that will be for um like uh names on like videos like I had for the patreon thing um like on the end card would would anybody be into that the swei song oh I don’t know that

Action the high priest get popped up would be God de your funsies don’t do it don’t do it but but funny yeah it’s just funny then it’s just there to sit there and be funny that’s it next one above like 25 lbs happily throw your wallet behind it okay I don’t

Know how much that translates to an USD but okay I keep names off the streams going do patreon and ask if don’t I see well then I’m sorry your name is uh on stream currently but also if I did if I did a higher tier I would have also the option

To not to to let me know well I can I do that can I have people cont I don’t know how people can contact me on YouTube I don’t know mining snow with shovel is more satisfying huh I never done that have a good one streamer that ban chat members for

Donating I can see that 3171 oh okay Okay yeah the thing about patreon is that like I felt like I wasn’t doing enough with it to make it like worth people’s money you know Miss spoke fine on stream but not on a Don oh okay okay okay I still got to get a Discord rolls set up as

Well I’m do some cleaning enjoy your cleaning um um what else was I I had something else I don’t know either way upgrade at the end of the month you want those polls all right all right yeah I gotta I got to figure out what I’m gonna make

For a poll because next week is pretty pretty uh set um but the week after that I’ll try to have something to pull for we got we got too much going on next week already anyway Discord roll set up on Monday after the teer list stream I mean maybe

I don’t know I’ll get I’ll get to it I don’t know how to do that I got to figure it out I think I think I saw where you do it on YouTube but I got to do it during the stream I I don’t know I feel like that does that’s not good

Member stream content I feel like that’s not what you guys have given me money for that’s backend things that I should I should just have already done by now but yeah I don’t know if I can have it set up so that people can

Like let me know if they want to be on stream or not in like that way I don’t know I don’t know going to still be mostly Zazu I mean it is kind of it’s a zatu of A Sort right but like we’re still doing something that whole

Stream easy to do rolls go to server settings and go to rolles in there I mean yeah I set up the rolles in there but like there’s so many check boxes I got to see if there’s like a quicker way to like make a roll with the same

Permissions as a different roll I don’t know how to I don’t know how it works I don’t know much about Discord other than just how to generally use it it was all it was all new to me getting the server up and running when I did reactions to rolls thing the what

Well that was not the one I wanted to break but I was drinking tea so it’s Fine done through Bots oh that’s a diff oh that’s a different thing okay more weirdo you give reactions a message and a bot gives you a roll oh but that wouldn’t that I don’t think that would work for uh having it tied to membership then

Right I don’t know how I I’ll figure it out there’s it’s like integrated with YouTube in some fashion I think Yeah I’ll figure it out I just got to do it you know you guys are over the hot bar there that doesn’t really I didn’t notice I put you in a bad spot didn’t I hold on can I move you over far enough kind of overlap weirdly with the hot

Bar where’s the end of the hot bar is that how about that how about right there how about that I got to Oh there okay there we go don’t e hot bar I mean not really but that’s Better you know the problem with soup is that like it’s it’s filling when you eat it but then because it’s just soup it doesn’t really it doesn’t really last you know oh we getting there oh we getting there fancy water with food pretty much yeah I

Need some chunks in I mean that’s I got it’s potato soup it’s got potatoes in it but it’s that doesn’t that doesn’t fix it add a ton of seaweed what I I don’t think I can add seaweed to my potato soup that doesn’t seem quite

Right I’ve grown so fast have I is that true was that relevant to Something I don’t think seaweed and cheese would go together I had CH yeah no chicken pasta in my in my potato soup I don’t know chili is just bean soup yeah I I guess it’s just it’s like thick bean soup looked at Subs didn’t realize ah I

See I see at tofu I I could it’d be a weird texture though and I don’t know it’s is potato soup just I feel like tofu doesn’t fit in potato Soup the answer is to not make potato Soup does it have to be potato soup can be miso soup I mean it can but what I have right now is potato soup welcome back our boiled egg in my potato soap I don’t that doesn’t sound right hello hello welcome in could add what what is that add what now Oh I angered somebody let’s hope he stays down there you know I such a potato soup beer toast cutting little squares fried with some butter I mean I guess technically that would bye did he die no Ah don’t know what it is what do you why did you say it if you don’t know what it is what is it be more creative what could go wrong it would taste icky that’s what could go wrong welcome back congrats on your hot pocket I hope it’s

Yummy buttery taste goes well with any with any soup I I guess I mean it does have some some butter in it but I don’t know I don’t know make some YY to go with the soup how do you make that beia tacos what are

Those see you later have a good rest of your day see you later Hot Pocket a sandwich or a burrito neither the Hot Pocket the beef used tofu what uh what what else does that involve I once had the like tofu from uh Chipotle it’s very spicy I wasn’t I

Wasn’t impressed with my Chipotle Experience it was fine it’s overpriced but it was like Okay A very low bar I mean I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how people view Chipotle Mashed potato dumplings just needs flour mash and egg that’s too much work if I already got to make the whole potato soup I’m not doing all that as well compile a list of what I hate I didn’t say I hate Chipotle and I we know already that I don’t hate frad

Uh I just don’t think Chipotle is worth it now I’ll never get sponsored by Chipotle darn Oh it’s called Chipotle is a joke that’s good that is good never been to Chipotle don’t know how to describe it sending an image Okay no You okay only just recently got a Taco Bell near you really I didn’t know that that was that they didn’t have that over there I mean you’re not really missing out but year two period where you ate CH for five meals a week wow got pretty tired of it I can imagine

Yeah that sounds so expensive ah where did you where where did you come from why why why why stop it stop it cut it out oh I want that he spooked me used to work at Taco Bell I am so Sorry I’m the only places within walking distance of work routinely too lazy to make your own work meal it’s fair then but I can definitely see getting getting tired of it based on my experience with with it why why am I suddenly catching all the Enderman

Rage usually not a problem going to die from Enderman at some point I guess it’s possible yeah I guess the closer I get to the ground the more of a risk it is Ever been to the Taco Bell let’s dress to make your own burritos why not yeah and they’re definitely better than what you would get at Taco Bell you’re better Off not even going to read that I’m not going to acknowledge That or fact you don’t want to go busy City Center and have to deal with other people that’s that’s also quite Fair they serve alcohol at some Taco Bells now what huh how does that work I thought there were laws for that kind of Thing yeah you think I don’t know that I flat out refuse watch alongs or just reactions um watch alongs are fine we will we will do watch alongs at some point uh reactions not really into you just need a liquor license yeah but there’s there’s like laws about like

The situations in which you can give out alcohol like it’s a it’s a drivethru restaurant how does that you just like okay here’s your alcohol you can’t open it in your car though What genuinely thought I didn’t what I do know things about this game just got food delivered nice congrats may it be delicious ious don’t sue us right I don’t I don’t I don’t get how that works not our fault whatever you do with this here take

It Taco Bell running the the the uh horiculture life out here I’ll sell you whatever whatever happens after that not my fault will not starve nice Congrat restaurant sure be allowed to drink on premises right well no there’s also there’s also laws about that and like you can’t have like you have you’d have to have a designated area in which that that could you can only serve alcohol in a design ated area that miners are not allowed

In I’ve worked in a restaurant I’m I’m at least somewhat aware of this can’t stand booze but being drunk is a good feeling i’ I don’t I don’t get that but okay little boo on Motorway service station one even has a big lot of water to not have hunger

I my tea is not helping me with that at least as long as they have the license and don’t sell it through the drive-thru just inight there’s nothing huh but I I can’t I imagine like they they can’t like no you couldn’t drink it in the restaurant

Even right well you guess guess you could I guess I guess I don’t quite know but like you can’t have like a bar that miners are allowed in right the D restaurants yeah but I don’t know there’s laws about like the specifics of of who’s allowed around that and not I

Don’t know can drink anywhere at any time Street drinking is illegal there talk about has its own plant yeah apparently yeah but like I don’t know there’s laws about like who can be around a bar at least but I guess that doesn’t fully apply I don’t know I guess

I don’t know how that would work it seems weird but also like for someone to serve someone alcohol they have to have a special license like the individual not just the business and I feel like that’s that’s more than I would expect uh Taco Bell to like ask of

People allow children in the premises until 9:00 p.m. huh kids can be in a Tavern but not sit at the actual bar I guess that makes sense but I don’t know in my experience like in a in a like regular family restaurant there’s like a designated bar area that miners are not allowed

In and I don’t know what makes that like different from the rest of the restaurant and why like I don’t know I don’t know not allowed to drink on Election Day that’s odd Huh Ranking on the cricket pitch oh my God what a what a phrase what a Statement are these all the same height Underground do they all go down to the same level I don’t remember are they all like roughly the same height but just like staggered from each other or are they different heights actually like since this one was taller

Above the ground will it be not as far below the ground or will it go just as far I don’t remember what it looked like down there I’ll go down to I’m guessing that’s a zero but I can’t see it okay I see this one’s just bigger they’re the same Height Height above differs as well as diameter but all go down to Y level zero okay oh righty this one so this one will take longer than the other one right by a Lot Look at that Indy down there they look so funny when they’re in the corners and they’re like distorted by the fov look how long that one up there looks look how long he looks I like Him a long boy Indeed a we love the we love the long Indie he’s just built different depending on what angle you look at him At can we take him home I don’t think we can going to build an Indy out of all the obsidian that would be fun to build an indie a giant Endy short get a long a new Setcom imagine it being a block off that’d be that’d be fun though no we got to we got to make it a long Endy though right so then you can’t really compare it oh that one just disappeared where did he Go look they can all be longy if we angle the camera right oh look how look at him he’s all stretched make it Sol make it a th that doesn’t that seems that seems like a different kind of guy Toos long Andy with being short under r what a chunky long [Laughter] Indie that’s such an odd Image long Andy te- posing or holding Chi CH make the hair on a colossal statue of me I I don’t think I could make a statue of Myself What no what why would you think that’s Happening don’t think there enough blocks to make my [Laughter] leg why not am I it be what am I not understanding what that means explain yourself Fre labor that’s not true we went over this last time that’s not that’s not what that’s not it she be a character from the Christmas meme song I don’t know That hold on hold on Yeah I don’t Know oh okay get to work no no no no no no okay I see I understand now uh still No cuz that’s just more Work do yourself there you go yeah so many obsidian yeah many many we got lots of mining still to do even know how to draw what oh oh I see what you you’re saying the lack of a comma there got Me but yeah have fun have fun drawing that guys sometimes if you want something done right you got to do it yourself and if you want it done wrong then I guess you can ask me to do it am I taking down the pillars yeah yeah all the way Would help if it started with do as well huh ever do a drawing stream I at one point I talked about doing that but then I realized I don’t know that I could like I I don’t I don’t know that I could handle it unless it was like a deliberately

Goofy drawing stream I don’t think I could like legitimately do serious drawing on stream um um and also I don’t think it would be entertaining so it would have to be like something silly you want it done wrong go for it mean you want to scuff 5 minute speed draw you can ask

Me how much is obsidian am I getting need to know um well we have this much on hand right now and then there’s a bunch in the shulker down there as Well oh for the goofy serious this is this jail propos I know I know but I feel like when people ask ask for a drawing stream they mean like me actually doing drawing um which I don’t think I could do we could do something goofy

Though but the problem is I I don’t know I I generally take drawing too seriously to like get in that that head space I think it I think it would be tough for me to to do that kind of thing Drawing stream serious enough would be fun yeah yeah I don’t know drawing stream you think something good or something for fun and stuff yeah yeah I don’t know your drun can’t take it seriously if you wanted I mean that’s that’s also like good in its own way

Right I’ve just spent so long like trying to uh practice and be good at art that it’s it’s hard for me to detach from that I don’t know if you guys know this it’s it’s a it’s a closely guarded secret but I am terribly Insecure you a stickman’s pain to draw yeah that’s fair that’s fair drawing hurts part of why I’m not better at it no me I know I know I know this is like a shocking Revelation and and this is not something many of you probably would never have guessed but it is

True apathy overpowered it yeah I’m not like that would never known I know I know I keep it I keep it pretty well hidden I know you have each other that’s true that’s nice what there’s no evidence of this objection objection to what do you object my feelings about

Myself came for booa stayed for CH that helps that makes me feel so much better I know where to put it meme or general um I don’t know depends on the drawing I guess there’s not really a good channel for that is there not something I had considered in making the

Channels I can’t just hate on myself forever tone it [Laughter] down yeah let me just let me just dial that back a [Laughter] little let me just reach over oh here’s the dial turn it down okay there we go I’m all better Guys anyone at work tells you done while you freeze part needs to work out you’re serious or not I feel that I feel that download some self-confidence when I download my GPU yeah I’ll be sure to do that more more than self deprication in a skin

Suit well then then you you you get it then I don’t know I appreciate I appreciate your kind words regardless what is what is my life if I’m not being hard on myself what is what is any of this Then ah get out of here andp flop slip Slop can’t wait to get to that part of bloodborne can’t wait to get to research All I was thinking about uh the bloodborne Stream So I’m thinking that I’ll like try to get through the whole game with it uh staying on Fridays and Saturdays and then once I finish it I’ll move it to like one day a week and do Chales would it be better is nice just need to take it more chill Ah sure it’ll buff out eventually yeah maybe one day as long as I don’t download self- sabotage instead of self-confidence. exe oh dang I’m supposed I’m not supposed to to download that one I’m not supposed to download that one company and enjoyment more than what some people can offer I mean yeah but

I’m sure there’s also people who can offer that way better than I can can I repeat that a very loud something what can I repeat What yeah that’s my plan for Bloodborne man even the star look look it’s a long star that one up in the corner there it’s a long star amazing have to accept it one way or another I mean do I I have to nah no I will not that is merely your opinion loud sound muffled my self emotional

Thing uh I see I See I didn’t hear it I appreciate you guys being Here you’re all lovely shower me with praise until I accept it No don’t have to accept awesomeness will forever be echoing into what need’s a wacky adventure in a character Arc to overcome s i I mean this could be it but I feel like it the self-doubt has only increased across this this wacky Journey so far appreciate me being here I’m glad

I’m glad I’m glad you guys enjoy comfy times Here that is all I can hope for no any cringy Minecraft songs I do not I’ve heard there are quite a few but I don’t know Them Acting being the most dense person meme stereotype the What I’m not but okay b a quest save the universe with the inmates and gain a set of superpowers also self-confidence too well that sounds pretty fun when does that Happen diggy diggy ho except it’s amazing and not cringe yeah I don’t know that one typical dense person is in memes not getting any signals is that a specific meme or just a thing in in memes generally I don’t I assumed you I thought you were like referencing a specific meeme

Like those dense anime MC I don’t No this happens you see it once in a while oh yeah I don’t know Venture begins visited by The Cosmic beings Axel and Frank what what this is going places I didn’t expect I don’t know what what this the story Is play two valent matches and we are still mining obsidian yeah would you say that valerant is a better or worse use of time than mining obsidian what if you send me Good Vibes at the same Time have we reached that part of the stream what part what’s that part Val wor valer where obviously isn’t getting a beacon first better I mean not everything’s about efficiency overcome my inner demons by mining them the pillars are my demons oh it makes see that’s why I have to mine

Them there we go now we’re figuring it out I have to I have to mine the pillars because they they are my demons and I am I am defeating them little by little over over a long stretch of Time I don’t know song well enough I’m just kind of going enjoy walking a room full of Lego blindfolded then playing valerin again dang pillar mining floor on see obsidian have been mine I’ll be the most confident person in the universe well I don’t think that’s true but I guess we’ll find

Out it’s that part okay with no shoes yeah that’s the important part of the the Lego stepping on part uh is is if you got shoes on it’s not it’s not the same name that’s how I feel about OverWatch what vtuber would I want to collab with most um I don’t

Know I haven’t put much thought into it I don’t really I don’t watch a lot of like smaller vtubers so anybody I would like anybody I watch and like and go oh wow them is like super super super like not a thing to

Think in the Lego as a kid I had a like bucket of Legos I never had sets or anything I enjoyed my Legos I wasn’t like Legos were too expensive for me to ever have more of them so I don’t know I had fun with the Legos I had but that

Was that was I don’t know it was a regular Toy baller is worse than OverWatch ooh ouch yikes M pillars we need to reopen the holes and put beacons on the bottom of each pillow I do want to put glass over the the holes I just keep forgetting to bring Glass once there’s only one one hole so Far oh man that Indy looks so short look the one like in front of that pillar he looks like a a short Indie instead of a long Indie and those Indies are getting closer this the end world in Minecraft yeah we’re in a cheese land and cheese

And moon something space void land I don’t know spted it may when you’re Ching together I did see you guys in there I hope you had fun I never been watching a shark ladyes destroy their Goliath buildings that they worked on for Generations you think

So obsidian is is uh is I’m it’s it’s volcanic right it doesn’t really make sense that I mean I maybe they carved them maybe there was a lot more obsidian and these pillars were carved out laughing like mad dudes good I’m I’m glad you guys had

Fun the idea of folks hanging out in like the voice chat in the server makes me a little like nervous is like I know you guys you guys chat quite a bit but it’s also like I can’t really moderate that so I’m like I don’t know what to do

Do with it but I’m glad you guys had fun it’s not really I think it’s not really like an issue right now but it’s like something that could be an issue potentially in the future and if there’s like more people in the server I don’t know good laugh good

Good is volcanic glass that can be used to cut things yeah that’s what I was thinking like this doesn’t really make sense in terms of like what obsidian actually is I mean like neither does the texture right like obsidian is supposed to be smooth Oops I don’t know I feel like obsidian ended up here just because it’s black and not because it makes any Sense just cuz they wanted to have big black pillars and this was the block they had to do it with cuz like obsidian for like nether portals and stuff makes sense because the nether is all lava but this is nonsense it Conspiring you better not be yeah I don’t know who I’d want to collab with we kind of moved on from that but something about the impending doom wondering if I would join the call muted nah and he wanted the obsidian cuz it’s closest to their color so makes it easy to hide

Oh interesting it’s like a camouflage H or or you take that the other way and then then it’s like the Enderman the Enderman evolve to be this color to blend in with the obsidian which is already here the obsidian is more ancient than the Enderman these pillars

Have been here that’s why they’re like tall and like these these have like the the the the the what are they called the like glowy things on top and like the Enderman have have the glowy eyes at the top and they’re very tall and slender like the the pillars makes you

Think no I don’t think I would join a voice call you guys are in unless someone like came and told me there was a problem I guess the pillars are the real long endies yeah anyy toes I don’t know about that don’t want to think oh come on why not

Think today I was thinking about Elden ring lore not any specifics but like Elden ring lore is a concept it’ll I’ll I’ll talk about that a lot more one day oh man look short Andy Shorty Short Andy look at him he’s right next to me oh no he moved dang it

He was so little they’re just Thrones for the Endy Council oo it’s like a Kingdom Hearts that’s the visual I I think of How much obsidian do we have I’ll finish this layer and then we’ll take it in might need a new uh Sher recommend a FNAF a that’d be fun one day I thought about it then I’d have to probably commit to playing all of them um but I don’t know the thing

That’s weird about that is that like i’ I’ve been familiar with those games since they since they were like coming out you know um so I feel like it’d be it’d be really strange to like actually finally play them still slots unoccupied in my inventory that’s

True oops did I look at that guy I couldn’t tell just there to stabilize the summoning of boo oh we’re sacrificing the dragon oh Steve came along the dang it dang it we a PNG bear hat why why a bear Hat whoops there went that one Steve is the real villain oh my God you telling me Jack Black is the villain oh for FNAF oh I guess especially if I was playing uh two is two the one where you put on the mask that’d be Funny but wow you know maybe maybe uh Steve has been Evil all along and and Herobrine is is the real real good guy Jason mimoa as a villager I I hadn’t seen that one huh sure like and the thing about the Minecraft movie is that like it’s sure it’s cool

That we got Jack Black in it to be Steve or whatever but I I still don’t understand I don’t think it should exist I still think it’s kind of stupid that they’re making that more so than other video game movie adaptations more fishing heads I did buy

Uh what’s it cat ghes fishing is that what is that what the full title is I did buy that in the seam sale so that could that that I will need a I will need a hat for that people say FNAF just makes you think someone is calling something

Oh Naf is uh sling for rubbish oh I see I see what you mean that would be funny that seem that does seem like a funny uh like coincidence don’t like it scrap the movie yeah just stop making it cuz I didn’t I don’t like it wishing I was fishing I

Can’t I can’t use That I would Holly would get their cut a gamer’s money without it I mean that is the point that is the idea we can fish in the end we could right well wait we will fish spawn can you fish does does water still if you make enough if you make a

Big enough body of water will it still can you still fish in it here in the end That’d be really funny yes okay okay I’m I’m I’m listening I’m into it we could do that fish I hook an enchanted book I mean I’ve I’ve caught a few what if obsidan pillars are food storage and the dragon is guard dog do the andies eat obsidian then is

It like a flamingo situation hearing Jack Black as Steve made you more intrigued yeah I guess Hades also has lot fishing in the vo that’s true yeah I forgot there’s fishing in Hades and fishing pond design stream that would be really fun actually he did great with Bowser he did he Did man I can’t wait to see the Minecraft isekai the Minecraft liveaction isekai oh boy just what the world wanted Just What We Needed all all problems in the world solved by Minecraft liveaction Isekai fishing and Hades is simple but fun nice change Pace yeah I feel like that’s the kind of thing is like it’s it’s it’s good for like giving you a nice little little rest a little something else to to do in a game like that it’s nice 8s is a good game

Minecraft isai curs but your interest is peaked oh no and see that’s they’ve already won Hollywood’s getting their money going to become another The Rock just starts appearing in any movie Project I don’t know I don’t Know mcraft live actually used to they all sound wrong together don’t they don’t they but you know that’s what it’s going to be I mean at least at least three of those well no at least two of those are right it is Minecraft live action But no desire to watch films yeah yeah who should play Steve detective Pikachu I actually like to detective Pikachu that movie was Fun the seven are better be happy mostly want them to make more monstrosities H there is something about a bad movie but I don’t Know there’s also something about a movie made with like I I don’t want to necessarily say bad intentions but just less than Stellar intentions you Know pe movie why did we bring up the movie Again Minecraft live action he a guy with Harley quid directed by kachima starring Jack Black as B isn’t uh isn’t kajima making a movie version of death stranding now I feel like I saw that the other day he’s making some like new cinematic

Thing that he uh introduced at the game awards and now he’s also making a death stranding movie right hello welcome in how’s it going I’m that’s huh now here’s my here’s what I would find really funny is uh if they if if Norman Reus isn’t in it

I think that’d be hilarious like all the real people who are industring aren’t in the Movie A Fred over every again I guess I guess Minecraft live action is going to release and there’s still only one dragon in the whole game cooking a feast I guess that depends on your opinion of coima already makes interactive movies and pass them office games he does he

Does and I mean hey if that’s what he wants to do you know I’ll I’ll go for it buddy man look at that tiny little at that Tiny Little Indie just it looks like a baby indie that angle makes the head look really big not a fan of coima I don’t I don’t

Know I was I was uh I was disappointed with death stranding I think is is my main issue I was really really really excited for death stranding from the trailers and then it kind of didn’t give me what I was looking for um so I’m just I don’t

Dislike coima but it’s uh I’m I’m more hesitant about his works now if that makes Sense MGS series is only good up until Snake Eater I don’t know I don’t know the details of that no I really like to this raining was unique so to say yeah I think there were aspects of death trining that were very interesting but I think that like what they did with the

Trailers relative to like the game that was presented was was not quite what I um was looking for Dark Souls is in a similar situation maybe theyd times the charm what do you mean by that You think the Elden ring DLC is real because I feel like if it’s coming out in February we would would have heard it by Now Dark Souls was the second game in the soul series well that’s true haven’t played through the original uh DS1 I’ve never I’ve never with my own hands played it but I have seen the whole thing I uh I’ve played up to uh orstein and SM myself but is real the bloodborne Sequel we just need we need Bandai to acquire their rights to seiro and bloodborne and then then all will be well with the World Demon Souls was first talking about the reception of the game got oh was was DS1 poorly received is that what is that what you mean

It’s so funny to me looking at like the things Bandai publishes and seeing like anime game anime game anime game anime game anime game Dark Souls anime game Kingfield I mean it depends on what we’re talking about if we’re talking about like the Miyazaki game specifically at fromsoft because there

Was there’s like plenty of other fromsoft games right there’s armored Core there’s kingsfield there’s like Kon I think there’s more I don’t know there’s uh metal wolf chaos wait but it’s a little clunky compared to the others but fun yeah yeah sure lik some Ania games they sure Do DS2 is for those who enjoy pain that’s a DS2 is a different kind of pain though isn’t it I’ve never played it but I have witnessed how painful it can be for Soul’s G request got the job congrats that’s great I hope that it is a wonderful job for

You got to pick a first and we consider Demon Souls that I I can I can agree with that B can glitch you into walls yeah that’s no good these has two lore hunting and everything oo I could get into that congrats on having a job as

Well I that’s more than I I can say controversial one of your face I I I think I I can see it I think enough people like DS2 a lot that I I can see why uh why that is the case um I’ve just never uh bothered to buy it and really

Get into it somehow think I would enjoy it you think I you what you think I like pain pursu was best boss yeah pursu is pretty cool ah I hate when I do that I let it go just a little bit too soon amazing boss concept for for sure

Cool I saw some destroy him with one of those uh ballistas in that like first encounter with him oh my God just melted gone poof goodbye pursuer his pursuing days would be over all right all right where’s the edge it’s on this side now right no the edge do Edge dot Edge dot

Edge ooh back in the day I didn’t know that existed I don’t I don’t think I watched that I’ve seen a little bit of people playing DS2 I don’t think I’ve ever seen the entirety of DS2 those are there for that reason yeah yeah but like he melted he was just poof gone

Don’t fall off and get caught lacking I will not it cannot occur see I’m crouching you know what we’re going to we’re going to shake it up we’re going to cut right down the middle ooh how about that oh we getting we we we shaking it up we getting we getting Fancy with

It new methods like it if not for lur alone okay Okay oh did I Agro somebody no okay watch little DS2 and then got the game after that nice getting spicy with the m he going crazy oh no have I raided an ancient city I I have yeah it was a bad time because uh the warden is bugged on spigot

Servers and he doesn’t despawn only one that can make mining obsidian for ours fun and enjoyable well I’m glad I’m glad you guys have fun with this play DS2 with friends and then got the game yourself ni yeah DS2 is the one I haven’t gotten it just keeps not going

On sale lately otherwise I’d pick it up but it’s probably still a ways out in terms of like streaming it because I got to finish bloodborne um and then probably play seiro before I start DS1 just cuz I want to play seiro again um and then DS1 and

Then I’ll do DS2 and three uh uh and Demon Souls at some point probably too but I don’t know that’d be Fun did I pick a good yeah okay I kind of I kind of want to do every other one and then do the remaining ones I think that’ll look funny so that one that one this one and that one and then the other ones that’ll be Fun All right we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re getting There Or there permanently with no name tag yeah so so there’s something wrong with it and I tested it because I I looked it up I was like I know the rules for Warden despawns and he doesn’t seem to be following them and I looked it up and apparently it’s bugged and he just

Doesn’t despawn properly and I tested it if I went into spectator mode despawned instantly when he was supposed to but if I don’t it just doesn’t despawn or it it only despawns if you’re like close enough to it they they do despawn they can despawn but they don’t

Follow the rules that they’re supposed to they don’t despawn when they’re meant to they can’t they did despawn some of the time but not when they were supposed to and it is a it is a known issue yeah and it’s just a spigot server Thing yeah he is Cursed curs to never return to his home Mor Whatever that is luckily I’m not you you saying you saying I’m not cursed you think I’m not Cursed I mean thank You Oh there’s that weird noise Again what is that you see that weird little something floating up there what is that why you’re not y nice people just lash out at you that’s not what I meant I’m meant I’m me it in a funny way at least I tried to mean it in a funny

Way almost reached ground level here com the Indies yeah we’re getting into slightly dangerous territory Always nice just comes out sounding sarcastic sometimes it is hard to tell if what what people are when they like mean what they say or not you know just boat endies for fun have boats with endies everywhere I guess we could do that yeah I do have a million extra boats

Now actually didn’t pick those up they’re still there yeah B with words trying to make someone feel better sounds wrong or bad I me it’s hard right I’m not I I’m not very good with with that kind of thing either I’m not very good with uh communicating anything Really ring goes faster than your mouse to tend to forget what you’re trying to say I feel that yeah try to be funny people just get upset and tell you to get away from the hatred super collider H I can’t I can’t say I relate to to that one as

Much but that does sound pretty Rough okay I got to stretch my arms a little hands off the controller hard trying trying to be nice nice than Lord yeah that’s true that’s true brain just exploded why make a mob farm with any damage system you can place 24 mine carts and reach the entity cramming

Limit I mean I guess you could does that it’s probably more processor intensive at that point though right I’m passing on the he I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry my my my uh uh blood doesn’t flow enough there’s not enough oxygen moving I got to yawn or Whatever okay I finished my tea I’m I’m caffeinated now that’s my my first caffeine of the day today which is very weird I got up so late I was like I’m not making tea which is very very strange for me you blame me you were yawned

Anyway it’s just a sleepy kind of day perhaps May be a problem for PC but it’s very efficient I guess I guess all the tea all the tea well less tea today technically but all of the all of the stream tea When I release my own brand of tea is that like is that the vtuber version of of like celebrity alcohols uh I don’t know I don’t know what I would do with the tea brand don’t have tea threw it into the harbor or teacup I slowly transform into

British no I don’t want to I don’t want to transform into a colonizer oh wait and murder players with Minecart if their brain lags what since players can enter Minecart Collision what you some booty wait a second wait a second It’s that or G has sponsor I I still don’t don’t use that

Accent again put you in fight mode crazy 60 FPS brain will realize and start breaking boats or place water to get out oh ah you didn’t even aggro nice I didn’t quite catch the right [Laughter] Spot got to go in half of mine an obsidian have a good rest of your day thanks for coming hanging out oh look at him looking at me oh you can’t see him he’s behind me oh he moved dang it there was one he was just like

Looking up at me in like little Corner Peak peaky little spot there that was fun there’s so many Indies there’s so many Indies and I’m destroying their natural habitat Los to the end Madness what no what No feel like I was talking about something and then I forgot it what was I talking about I feel like I I was talking talking about something and then I had more to say about it but then I I got sidetracked and now I don’t I don’t

Know breakfast for dinner ooh I haven’t had breakfast for dinner in a long time that sounds good well no no I haven’t had proper breakfast for dinner I have like egg and potato for lunch but and that’s like I kind of breakfast for dinner right but

Not really it’s not like the whole works you know man I Haven a pancake in Forever chocolate chip pancakes are so good it’s been so long cuz I’m not going to go out of my way to just have pancakes does egg count is meat no egg is not

Meat unless you have a different sort of egg than the ones I’m buying at the the store I guess egg could be meat if it’s a not not the usual egg there’s a name for those I’m sure I’m sure some people eat those it’s an animal product yeah yeah

So if I was vegan eggs would be off the table egg is not meat very insistent you heard it here first egg not Meat you take egg claims offensively oh okay I see man look at that one on the I turned around dang it I love the andies they’re Sicilian fun I love them they’re fun guys I Shi away from home only thing was the hotel restaurant Ry up every day for dinner two weeks straight

Couldn’t look at eggs bacon and sausas for months that that’s fair that I I can I can see getting getting that feeling egg is egg yeah egg is egg egg is love egg is life well I don’t know if I would go that far

But we can agree that egg is not meat at least eggs are all Right They’re Excellent they sure are they sure are I didn’t know there were there were folks out there who were so passionate about egg but here we Are what comes from egg after a lot of time and heating Etc doesn’t count towards egg huh Huh F old lady laugh Mak Your Good that’s why that’s why we can never be free of bad puns chicken oh I see well that’s just ducks and more well those the the the there’s a fundamental difference between the eggs you buy at the store and eggs that will turn into a

Chicken it’s not as if you just T cook an egg from the store and kept it warm for a while it would turn into a Chicken it missed its chance Quail eggs that sounds Bougie like [Laughter] dream I hate to I hate to bring it to you but you’re not you’re not going to get chickens out of your grocery store eggs both called egg regular people don’t differentiate those well sure But but your statement implied that they are the Same maybe you w with that attitude right if you believe hard enough there will be a Chicken oh hi Can I help you how you doing Okay who whoop okay bye see You Oh yeah my live 2D free trial ran out uh so you know that thing I broke on the model the other day when I worked on it that’s going to stay broken now other things I was going to maybe work on more are going to stay as they

Are for now eventually I’ll toss them the like 15 bucks for a month of it and do some more work but for right now it’s it is what it Is broken indeed Grant broke egg one at a time in a small bowl to put in a big bowl in case there was a fertilized egg oh the worse than yeah that’s you don’t want that I I’ve done that before for when I’m baking um just to make sure I don’t

Get shells and anything or I’ll like I’ll crack the eggs first and then add other things um just so that it’s easier to make sure I don’t get shell in it wait for next summer outfit you think I’m going to do a summer Outfit what would that even be this is my summer outfit Swim suit I don’t think so just a summer hat what on top of on top of what I got on already just a hat be like others I will not you can’t make me beach stuff Straw Hat sunglasses and the like we could do some sunglasses that’d be cute

Big floppy hat to keep the sun off we could do that I don’t know if it would go with what I’m wearing but it’d be fun maybe high priest yeah you are you going to be the high priest and the save outfit all year round yeah oh hi okay see he was

Shy stop the sun getting on my vampire skin on my what I don’t have vampire skin I have shark skin it is uh unpleasant to touch to young to have a real paying job I uh and I’m too old to not have a real paying job but here we

Are see the high priest can Aid me in getting something no I did not someone suggested that and I merely read it you did not hear that I’ve never I would never suggest such a thing High priests don’t exist there like a bird outside that keeps catching my eye I in a few months though Ah says the tail shark what is that supposed to mean huh got to work hard for a promotion to get to become hre I I guess if if that’s a good motivator for you if that if that will be um how you can uh uh advance in life I I

Guess high priest doesn’t exist sure a pope exists then none no none of them none of them exist oh hi oh hi Fellas I am an idol your motivation in life is that what is that what an idol means is that what it means to be an idol true oi the one true oh lost my idol status after the last Short once your Debs are cleared get a temptation of high priest is strong let it remain a temptation Really want the fancy robes and hat though there there is no fancy robe and hat it’s not real it’s not realis how many words you use but don’t know their full meaning that’s fair I feel like that’s most people high priest for the month you take it in

Turns everybody takes turns being the high priest I it’s not real it’s not real I will remove it don’t tempt Me could make your own I I guess you could you’ll make it crushing dreams oh my get together a voice chat all right we’re almost to ground level that’s as far as I said I’ve really wanted to get today but we might we might start delving down we’ll

See you have 100 lb member ship tier then that sounds reasonable that is more reasonable I could at least attempt to come up with something that is worth that much money or at least worth more money than than what I already have setup I don’t know what another voice Channel sure for what

Do you want kind of wish J one I was want to be in a cult might as well go holl it is that common to to want to be in a cult is that a dream people have it does not it does not require

Money to go all in on your cult if if your cult requires a lot of money from you that’s you need a new cult just need two okay maybe more what I okay I don’t understand but okay only cult worth your time and money I you know some Cults are Scams they’re just in it for your money you don’t want to be in that kind of church channel so you can listen to the word of boot just the sound of like static like underwater static well you decided to serve abandon your other Colts oh really you were you were other Colts word is out for all your money anyway what does that what does that mean what does that phrase mean underwater is creepy that’s true isn’t it isn’t it world oh oh I understand the world is out your money anyway I see underwater is Fun the animals are creepy yeah yeah isn’t that Great I almost hit him he walked in front of my pickaxe it’s like he wanted me to hit him that’s not free you know Keep it way over there can you go through the underwater depths thing on the web the what on stream what the what do that make me a creepy underwater animal I hope so you guys think I’m Creepy look at him peing cute sea creature though on dang it adorable I’m not creepy even cool cool Cults like what turn out to just been wait for a strange to to score with all the women yeah that’s that’s what a lot of Cults are probably right that and like moneymaking Schemes send it to you just scroll down it shows you animals of different depths oh that’s cool that’s cool I’ve seen like a I think I had a poster that was kind of like that once can fix her what’s there to fix who needs to what’s what’s what who who who

Are we fixing and why what what needs fixed She’s creepy yeah you’re just saying that though you’re just saying that cuz I want and somebody just Say a what squid hold on hold on I got to see it I got a I got a witness I want to see a cool Squid he’s so cool I love it wow what a freak oh what a freak that’s so cool I feel like I’ve seen these before but I didn’t know what they were called oh wow wow I can’t believe that’s a squid ah Wow cool creepy that I thank you get out of here get out of here wow well thank you for for blessing me with that squid found underneath an oil R Ooh cuddlefish are my favorite are my favorite sea creatures so squids are squids are squids are up there too Love all stuff FAS aren’t they cool they’re so cool unsettling how amazing I am what scared of my eternal adorableness get out of Here night is R what do you actually have to do ah heck I’m so sorry no I’m a cuteable no come on I’m I could be just a little bit creepy right why do I what that’s a you can’t just ask somebody that There are there are too many reasons to list okay never mind it fixed itself nice congrats no more work you love when that Happens Wrinkle wrinkle Excuse me Mr Enderman excuse Me I’m cutely terrifying and Buu is terrifyingly cute I I’ll take that one how I’ll take that One why you just got to walk right where I’m trying to work work huh Mr Enderman huh huh Andy why I’m working here love and support me regardless of all the flaws I obviously don’t uh just I mean just cuz you don’t perceive them doesn’t mean they’re not There but thank you Yeah yeah we got like one more layer maybe two and then and then we we we taken this one down the ground level ah too soon I done with a long boy dungeon with a what congrats though hello hello welcome in how’s it going opinion on what going good nice I’m

Glad crazy long dungeon too many layers not well I’m glad you can you’re free and you can chill now Nope nope Nope well Anyway I’m still hungry I got to see if my water is drinkable might be too hot I got water everywhere why’ you got to do that thermos there we go there we go giving Chief more praise no we are not not too hot not too hot okay

Has no no can’t we just have a nice in between no can’t we just have a nice neutral in between where we don’t we don’t bully or praise is that is that an option we can do that right right bracing Chief is Bo it’s water that blue stuff stuck in the void yeah it’s it’s a it’s it’s pretty clear it can be can be a little more blue at times um it’s a uh uh how else do you describe a water it’s uh it’s Wet best nickname creator in Final Fantasy I don’t know if that’s true they they’re they’re they’re fun nicknames in between a cute that’s not quite what I meant but okay that’s that’s not in between that’s just doing both at the same time I’ll helped with the names yeah that’s

That’s the thing about the the the names in ff6 is there it’s mostly you guys I just kind of sit there and wait for you to come up with something fun which is which is good Chief’s okay yeah there you go Chief’s okay I can accept that a funny f

I I’ll take that I’ll take that too if I if I was like a movie or a game right and there was a commercial for me and you know how usually they on like commercials or posters or something they’ll have like quotes from reviewers I’ll put I’ll put Chiefs okay on

It I think that’s a good Chief okay FNAF Community what’s which I don’t remember what FNAF world is I think I vague I have some vague memory of it yeah add a cup of hot water to a cup of cold water you have a cup of warm

Water warm is in between hot and cold that’s true and you put for Gore she’s all right I guess yeah see there we go there we go I I don’t you know I don’t like um when advertisements are manipulative right uh it’s better it’s better to have an honest statement about about the

Whatever so we’ll just have uh Chief’s okay and she’s all right I guess to let people know what they’re in for actually got to be the last short no it’s got to be quotes from other people Minecraft story mode I never played it one honest statement you already gave

Me one I don’t I don’t need another one you already you already did it Chief is a valued streamer appreciated by some she’s okay was a lie no it wasn’t that was that was it that was just true you’re always on a strong asset I’m an asset to the

Company I know my obsidian we can put that on there I know every use of obsidian don’t do honest only jokes jokes are fun a machine when it comes to money there we go there we go think of a review and post it with a okay we’ll make we’ll make a we’ll make

An advertisement for me can I help you you laggy yeah I I’ve never I’ve never really delved into well I guess I did at some point delve into like texture packs I probably could I have a ton of ram but a unit of a short well I don’t know about that

One J is just looking in the mirror wow it’s too it’s too real stop stop it’s too Real now we getting up to change sh remote is out of battery who has a TV with channels not Me I have a PlayStation connected to a TV that plays YouTube chilly day it’s uh you know I I’ve mentioned before it’s been unseasonably warm here but it’s apparently going to get a little chillier coming up here so that’ll be interesting you get more obsidian sandwich I mean we got we got

An abundance of obsidian so you can have all the sandwiches you want Yeah we get some cold weather soon too looks like it’s finally time it’s all just going to hit everything’s going to be cold I’ve already been cold though so that’ll be interesting I might actually run the Heat watch TV in the white point of nothingness oh okay yeah I’m sure I’m sure it works totally Normally in summer at least that’s what they say oh summer I don’t look forward I don’t look forward to another summer at least there will be light though at least it won’t be so dark cold mortal enemies that’s fair that’s fair me and heat are mortal enemies more

Than cold like cold is a problem for me but I I hate the heat More want snow I don’t want snow I never want snow I like winter well enough but snow is just an inconvenience love the dark I I like the dark like when it’s rain I don’t like the dark when there’s just not enough sunshine in the day not enough

Suntime not a summer gal I like autumn autumn is pretty cool die a shark yes need a second more okay half the year you’re just dying yeah it’s it’s it’s rough temperature changes rainy time in a cabin chilling ah you got to stop making me think of of

Lovely lovely places to be and and live that won’t happen not vampire in denial just Shark a soup again it’s time for more soup talk we haven’t had enough soup talk manine in your your your cabin in the woods chilling with some Soup Dogg would be crazy to can’t handle heater the cold yeah that’s that’s got to be rough that’s I’m sure that’s that’s also like like something that folks with like arthritis would have right and look at that we still got to do the rest but that’s that’s pretty good

Progress and that one was way bigger than the other one all right I’ll go ahead and get started on the the rest let’s build like a border around it then it’ll be easier for for me to know where the glass needs to go later

In case I don’t mine it as straight as I should yes makes it a little harder to fall in potentially what’s in the soup what what about the soup suddenly I don’t think I do want to know what’s in the soup Arthritis is better in heat from what you know yeah that’s in my in my experience with my own pains heat is definitely better a oh man Finning is one of the saddest and coolest things like ever I’ve had to read about it like too much Recently okay I’m going to take a quick BB before we get started on the next chunk of the the uh pillar oh okay Yeah agreed and with that there a weird note to depart on but I’ll be right back talk about something nicer while I’m while I’m uh Gone please Right Hello oh I see we’re mining how what have I missed what are we what are we up to I’m back Angy idle oh I see digging ah digging your way out oh you want you want to leave is that is that so repair no for good stuff fortifies thems in the [Laughter]

Hole hello you chilling okay good good eating I’m not eating anything the review was posted okay I’ll have to check that after might make some cheese on toast oo too lazy to get up that’s fair though that’s fair cheese on toast is fun but like a little bucket t needed that extra obsidian

Sandwich I see I see okay I was I was go and then I come back and I feel like my mic is in the wrong place even though nothing moved hold on review the review on stream okay okay I’m back my Thro functions again I’m back um okay here let’s let’s see

This mediocre it’s stock streamer painfully normal bus you with nothing neither bad or good laur’s your generics story being a plain underwater creature with an eldrich pet literally nothing new to the table some may say that’s what makes her Bor but for subies she can’t stop watching five out of

10 it’s perfect it’s [Laughter] perfect I I want to like put that on my Twitter worst food ever British food oh dang I don’t I wouldn’t I don’t have any thoughts on that review past sneezes that’s a great review I love it you did a great job you’ve captured my Essence

Perfectly oh I could make like a I I keep I keep meaning to have like a new Banner cuz my ban Banner is still just um uh I need more endstone actually um my banner is still just that my like Mansion I made for Halloween um I keep

Meaned to have a new Banner maybe I could put I could put together some review course into a into a new Banner excuse me can I help You okay off we Go why would I want to post the joke of a review on Twitter what about your copyright claim oh are you going to is your review copyrighted can I can I have your permission to post [Laughter] it yes okay but why what what do you

Mean I got to it it it’s a fun way to to represent myself to have like reviews you know it’s how they it’s how they advertise like like games and stuff right need a writing credit I could I could leave your I could leave your uh your

Name on it or I could post it anonymously Whichever I’m going to I’m going to try remember to look and see how many blocks one layer of this pillar is since I just cleaned out my inventory it’ll be nice and it’ll be a nice clean uh number know I’ll get I’ll get to see it’s it’s a lot huh obsidian fan number

One why why are we why are we why what is happening why would you dig a hole under under under a deer under a deer cult member what do you mean sub slipper SL flipflop real should I attribute it to flipflop what is happening what even is that emote I like

Can’t what is That a wom bat what it’s a cricket bat Oh okay okay the like the like handle part because it’s so dark it like Blended in too much with the background of the chat so I couldn’t it looked like like separate pieces and I couldn’t understand okay I see it Now translates to slipper SL flipflop which is it more like slipper and flip-flop are kind of different is it slipper slipper like a like a house slipp I think flip-flop is funnier thought it was Dynamite yeah I was thinking it look kind of looked like dynamite but I was like that’s is that

What it is oh no I don’t think we need all that here more like flip-flop but can be used as both I see I see what would you call like slides then they call flip-flop something completely different yeah they do they do I know what you

Mean yeah I know that one’s Dynamite the heck is a slide uh those those shoes that are like flip-flops but it it’s uh it’s okay so so you have like the soul right and then it’s just like uh a no it has to go back um and then it’s it’s

Just like a part that goes over your foot something you find in a children’s play park no no no it’s a type of shoe it’s still okay I see uh but bye-bye bye-bye have a good One a slip on it yeah yeah kind of one is the slide to shoe since since I was in like high school they got they were really popular you wear like slides and socks and it’s the ugliest thing ever I’ve never owned a pair but it’s

Like it’s like it’s like a flip-flop but there’s not a part that goes between your toes it just goes over the top of your foot there’s like a band that goes over over the top of your foot Crocs no not Crocs think closer to a flip-flop what is just velcro shoes

Become inappropriate I don’t Know think about it slipper is different how do you even say that what’s a c with an accent Ug boots no those are terrible but like from the same time sort of too confused sorry I don’t know how to describe it better but they’re slides oh wait wow it’s one layer is over a stat with did I do that right is one layer really that

Much no it can’t be did I is that right I guess it is wow Okay Oblivion Oblivion sure what I call a slide is just a flip-flop there Really I see but they’re like a they’re much more recent phenomenon right why are we digging what is happening I thought I was the one who digs here or to was a banded flip-flop flop oh you just saw Herobrine where wow that’s such a such a gift congrats why it’s just a

Chunka trying to escape you no I would Never flipflop sandals slippers slides were around when you were a kid but they were just called sandals really I remember they got all like they became like popular when I was like in school and it was it was like like a whole Trend something between C between C and CH soft CH oh it is hard to describe sounds like that I’ll I’ll just not try to to say It wheels and shoes oh man Hees I was wanted hey but my mom was like no those are dangerous I’m not buying you those remember they were like banned in school but then later they were like okay you can wear your helies as long as you take the wheel out while you’re

Here no about the trend just don’t think they’re new oh name was attributed to them and they got big oh okay okay I think I was too young to have that kind of like understanding of it at the Time lights and shoes oh those those ruled too we love we love some light up shoes I was at the store the other day and this this lady walks by with a little with a little kid and the kid has shoes that squeak like a dog toy every time time it took a

Step and I cannot fathom why anybody would want such a thing ah Enderman please just wear skate shoes for the ankle support what are what do you what are skate shoes Then annoying as heck right right how do you how would you live at least won’t lose the child I guess but like oh my God is having the child not a sanity drain Enough I see we’re having Ena troubles On it’s hard to describe sounds isn’t it it’s like when you when you when you learn it in Japanese there’s like the the like the sound that’s like in between an l and an R you go huh these shes are shoes like like what I don’t know what those

Are I’ve probably seen them I could prob I probably know what they are I just don’t know the brand names sy’s already gone by that point I guess that’s true yeah any progress on the chat mascot uh beyond the little sketches I posted in the server the other day

No I keep meaning to I got to I got to work on those a little bit more before they’re ready to share again and like make more official but little Spanish I do I I do yeah a little I took Spanish classes in school Google translate stream for sound

Check uh I don’t I don’t know you lazy that’s fair that’s fair I think I think I know the kind of shoe you’re talking about it’s saying Japanese for a couple years still terrible at pronouncing it correctly yeah I feel like pronunciation is something I’m like pretty decent at

Picking up it’s just like everything else that I can cuz like that that sound is actually like I think is I’ve seen it described as being kind of similar actually to Spanish um and it it makes sense wonder if I know what oh uhoh what

Is that can you even say what that is what is that what have you done I suplex the under Dragon what if I had to do all of this mining while the dragon was here here can’t tell me in English H A insane content idea ah you get back in there that’d be pretty wild wouldn’t it I think it would just go poorly I’m

Not I’m not a I’m not good enough at any of this to to do that I would just die and then come back and mine half a block and then die and then mine half a block Oh I was hoping there would be another one and then I could be like ha they’re all in their own little quadrant yeah that would I don’t think that would be fun it would maybe be fun to watch for a little bit but it would I don’t I think

In practicality it wouldn’t it wouldn’t get anywhere Maybe I should figure out snacks for the stream Maybe maybe I should how did I mess this part up what did I do here the what what about a what’s Happening Enderman please nothing and everything right yeah I yep mhm right of course O Can I help you could you cut that out a respawn anchor I do not I also forgot to click on the bed outside the portal before I started is this in your Minecraft world but only to the surface of the island pretty fun I did the other one all the way so

Now we got to do all of them all all the way need to ship Snacks just a little shy would I like to have a respawn anchor don’t they take like crying obsidian and you got to feed him glow stone or something I don’t know took eight hours total feel like this is like already taking me that long did you do it with a beacon

No this hasn’t been that long but we have been doing this for like 4 hours today and I’ve done this one not even all of it I had already started it another day with a beacon I see I see six crying obsidian three glowstone blocks and more glowstone for the fuel I

See I don’t think I have have any crying obsidian hi there always stop doing It Caven enjoy your your Che cheesy toast send pretzel pretzels are good you know pretzels would actually be a decent snack they’re like not super unhealthy right and they’re super cheap just make the obsidian cry easy yeah I mean I have so much obsidian I just have to upset It Pretzels are quite unhealthy oh so just load of sodium and bread well sure but it’s relative to like chips right that are fried pretzels are better than that right high in fiber really also high in salt yeah I mean I me relative to like other snacks it’s saltless pretzel that sounds so sad

Though baked and not fried so they have that going for them yeah see there’s that at least I could relive my college days when I would eat some pretzel sticks and that was my day they boiled yeah they’re boiled and then baked right like some food with yourself pretzel of salt Unthinkable unthinkable tried baked chips um I don’t think so those are probably pretty good

Though but I don’t know I try to avoid potato stuff sometimes because they they’re they they’re bad with my blood sugar sometimes if I have a meal that or something that’s like just potato my I’ll like I’ll crash really hard after I get my rebellious apple slices yeah but then I

I don’t know those aren’t like one I’d have to buy sliced apples which like sounds expensive two then like it it’s not like clean I don’t know Rebel Chief sounds so hard to believe yeah Rebel Chief doesn’t exist that’s why potato soup yeah but potato soup has so much more in it right

It’s it’s it’s potato bits in in a bunch of broth with with cheese and stuff you know it’s not just potato slice my own apples then that’s no that’s not convenient enough for a snack slice and bake what that’s not a snack that’s a meal if it takes that much work it’s not

A snack and then it’s just a not a good meal or I wasn’t an angene oh I was super an an te I just wasn’t rebellious I just bottled everything up or just eat an apple that’s so messy though that’s not good for streaming made a huge batch can be snacks throughout the

Week that’s no that’s still too much banana I don’t like bananas as why you’re wondering about my standards what how is this the standards thing messy but there’s juice the juice get on my Hand what juice what do you mean apples are juicy what just eat the apples it’s just they’re they’re juice what kind of apple I Granny Smith apples no it gets on my hands how do you guys eat apples well it gets on my hand I don’t eat an apple with both hands

But not conducive to streaming what just using might be orang what what is so strange about this they are god tier apples and they’re juicy what just EA an apple and there’s no juice well you’re eating a Bad Apple I don’t know what you guys are on

About what is happening those are baking apples no they’re great they’re great they’re delicious apples juices in the Apple there’s no leak what how don’t worry you’re with me thank you I was K be messy yeah cut them up first yeah see I I usually I cut them in half

Cuz I’m too lazy to cut it into slices but like it’s juicy whoat Granny Smith they’re delicious apples what do you Mean I eat them with peanut butter it’s really good you get just some organic peanut butter and you put it on a granny smith apple if I go to jail it’ll be because of violence towards an itate for their difference in food taste no no cooking apples AR as crab apples well

There there are certain apples that are like better suited to baking right but and I know Granny Smith apples can be good for baking but that doesn’t mean that they’re not good for eating get messy with an apple you’re doing something wrong no that’s just how eating an apple is

You have bad apples where you are then peanut butter on the Apple yeah yeah it’s very good don’t know what Granny Smith is just eat apples they’re green apples if you’ve had a green apple it’s probably a granny smith can I have a pink lady now I’ve

Never I don’t know if I’ve ever had one of those red delicious or honey crisp oh red delicious are disgusting but honey crisp is good we only have two apples red and green well red are nasty but green Green’s Green’s where it’s at I’m just saying you have bad green apples

Then green and tar yeah it’s good it’s Good they’re the same thing no no what no has delicious in its name yeah and it’s the nastiest Apple it was made like exclusively for commercial viability and not for Taste lesson learned I need a shower after I eat an apple no I just have to rinse my hand

Off they taste the same what okay I I no longer trust anything you have to say about apples biggest misnomer ever right was like Golden Delicious but haven’t had one in a long time Golden Delicious is probably much better just eat apples in the shower new title dude my testical shark

No red apples are gross yeah I do have some strong feelings about apples that’s why pink I’m sure I’m sure the pink apples are fine as long as it’s crunchy it’s probably decent apples are apples no apples are not just apples take that back you take that back apples are not

Just apples there are many different apples and they are they are incredibly different take that back they are all apples yeah but they’re all very different like sure some of them are similar but they are very very different apples you cannot you cannot say that a red and

A green apple are anything like each other crunch no juice well what’s I mean what what what good is it if it doesn’t have juice what’s what what’s appealing about this apple that doesn’t have juice like apples nice crisp Crunch and more sour the better yeah two ties both red and green they

Are the same no you’re wrong I don’t know what you’ve been eating Butt apple yeah Butt apple what you want sour apple it’s good it’s just no it’s not just Colors PR for a sweet over sour apple that’s fair you’re allowed to prefer that but they’re different I don’t need it just gets on my hand can make a red apple green no you can’t that’s not the D they’re different you guys are nuts guys are Crazy yeah it’s sanity Insanity treating acting like all apples are the same skill issue fine fine skill issue fine but we can’t we can’t say apples are all the same They have many different tastes and many different Textures there is immense Variety in apples they are not the same also think pears are the same I’m not a pear connoisseur they taste pretty similar no they don’t no what I I’m not a I’m not a pear fan but I haven’t tried different kinds of pears

I didn’t like the texture of the pear it felt like a subpar Apple that’s just me though fruit is fruit oh well now are we’re going to say all fruits are the same and a cut an apple take 30 seconds to snack food I mean streaming it’s only

A good stream streaming snack if I can have it like on my desk at at hand to eat in the middle of a stream tomato tomato is a fruit what is happening there’s a war happening now the Inquisition Asian PA top here haven’t had it yeah a tomato is a

Fruit apple slices with peanut butter or caramel peanut butter peanut butter tomato is a fruit cumber should be a fruit too I don’t know the details of that but tomatoes are a fruit I don’t know the exact like classification like what what counts as a fruit or not but I at least

Know the tomato is a fruit but everybody acts like it’s a vegetable cuzz it’s not super sweet like a fruit usually is only moly today I found out the inmates are absolutely Bonkers this is what I have wrought this is the the result of my actions here the

Inmates are absolutely out of their minds at least some of them they made it with ice cream I don’t know how what what fruit would you have with ice cream Tomato’s great yeah tomato good regardless cucumbers have seeds is there is there something else that makes is is

It just whether it has seeds or not is that the only thing cuz I I thought cucumbers would be considered something else as like a squash are squash considered fruit are cucumber is considered squash you’re in jail yeah for a reason apparently friends used to like the red delicious

Apple dang I’m glad they got over it created a toxic Community or something that apples are this same any fruit okay I guess no stop it stop it you’re you’re lying it’s not true you need some good apples in your life tomatoes are meh I tomatoes are

Good not like I don’t I’m not a I’m not like a raw tomato fan but like tomatoes used for things are great jail for heretical Apple Tes yeah can’t have a tomato pie isn’t that just a pizza here for proper cribes about to bust out an apple tiar list I haven’t had enough

Apples I could I we that would be fun Apple like taste test I could I could tell you the the distinct details of many many different apples fruit comes from the flowering part of the plant a veggies are the plant part that how that works I should know

This I should be better about that oh I thought there was a level I’d gone down wrong Tomatoes the stuff for Good by themselves or in a sandwich me I can I can I can get behind that carrot cake I never had a carrot cake not a big carrot

Fan man why are my streams all just about food now what is this toasted tomato sandwich as long as the Tomato’s cooked it’s it’s going to be pretty good though though like uh cherry tomatoes cherry tomatoes are good raw those are fine going outside for air you need it you need

It why would they not be about food I mean I I think most people’s streams are not about food uh cherry tomatoes are nice yeah me and this me and this Endy down here just chilling ah the sky grows further and further away with every block fruit and veggie tearless

Stream no cuz then the largest category would just be never had It most people’s streams are not about breaking obsidian pillars yeah but that’s that’s that’s that’s variable you know it’s it’s easy for people to I it would I don’t see why anybody else’s stream would be about this but the the topic of conversation is is more important right don’t like

Cherry tomatoes texture isn’t good that’s fair friend talks about food all the time common I guess Yeah for you to touch grass with the image no don’t say that it just gets on my hand okay still got to do the shark tier list well we’re doing that on Monday and then we can worry about other ones after should rate fruits and vegetables based on chat descriptions of

Them isn’t about the topic but the engagement of the people involved I I guess I guess that’s true I got I got great engagement out of you guys from this stream that’s terrible I hate saying that that’s I hate I hate look I hate thinking about it like

That the pizza roasted parsnip haven’t had a parsnip Lo it with the apples well I’m glad you’re having fun while you’re inflicting Pain definitely Engagement engaging in heresy caramel apple I don’t think I’ve ever had a caramel apple actually I’m not a big caramel person rage bait streaming I should just I should just put like food clickbait titles that’ll like get people to come in and be angry that’s going to be my new

Bit I wouldn’t do that I wouldn’t do That little overrated Oh toffee apples would be good if they didn’t use bad red apples that yeah that’s that’s got to be part of it right like it depends on the Apple my mom really likes to put to like dip apples in Caramel uh but I don’t I don’t

Know the thing the thing is it it’s already an apple why do I need more sugar on it why should I add more sugar it’s already an apple cycle through oh is a hot doggy sandwich sort of insanity oh no Options for chats tment constantly prays we talking about food and crying pretty tame compared to most can’t be that bad I guess I guess I don’t know I’ve seen some pretty some pretty lovely wholesome chat interactions maybe I just don’t watch streamers with like crazy chats or I don’t pay attention when

Those streamers have crazy chat I’ve not tried it if I like using both green and red apples on your pie have I ever even had a real apple pie I don’t know if I have how do I pronounce caramel caramel ohot do is a taco oh no oh [Laughter] No a taco is a sandwich oh no wait does that mean that a hot dog is a sandwich then why are we talking about this oh my God I’m still hungry from all of this by the way apple pie is mid rhubarb crumble I’ve never had rhubarb in any

Form I like a good cherry pie only had it a couple times cherry pie is pretty good in terms of like pies that are like a fruit inside you know controversy no why does that bother you you pronounce It caramel am I reading that right caramel I know yeah I know that’s that’s another way to pronounce it caramel car caramel caramel caramel I don’t know I feel like maybe sometimes I say it the other way I don’t know like slicing a hot dog into two loaves of

Bread man hot dogs are nasty really want to have a food sampling stream yeah that could be fun that’s like that’s a lot of stuff to buy and prepare need to be black cherries not red oh I don’t I don’t know if I know the the finer points of cherry

Pie hot dog is so good hot dog’s nasty I’m sorry whatever brw never had it that’s just a classy hot dog right that’s better can I help you Enderman and then he stops doing it trial tart what the heck is that used to back a lot when you were younger

Favorite was always banana and Cherry muffin oo that actually sounds pretty good I could see how enjoying something with banana in it just not I I just don’t like eating bananas just never had good hot dog says every hot dog lover I mean I did only ever have

Like the the standard cheap grocery store hot dog you know the the standard refrigerator aisle lunch meat hot dog whatever lemon pie still fade dessert blueberry muffins ooh blueberry muffins blueberries are great love a blueberry muffin well we’re getting there muffins are mid oo hot cake I like a good

Muffin I think they’re pretty Cool like food but have an aversion to land insects what have a popper cake a what never been a fan of hot dogs and sausages depends on the muffin blueberries are to die bought a bunch of muffins today nice what am I doing I’m mining the pillow proper oh proper oh

Nah nah proper cake it’s just too much a muffin is a good a good food cakes are Overrated purse your phone most cake is yucky well I don’t know about that but I will cakes are overrated another beat a nice lukuma cake well I’ve never I’ve never even seen one of those fruits in person carrot cake is amazing yeah but carrot cake is a bread right carrot cake

Isn’t much of a cake right low tier compared to other desserts yeah CH and spring cake what’s a spring cake well I guess I guess carrot cake is kind of like the banana bread is the one that’s like it’s it’s says it’s a bread but it’s really a cake

Right carrot cake I guess is kind of a cake right just a weird cake and a sugar and a carrot cake makes it not a bread right right right but it’s not a normal cake mid to low oh dang what is it what’s in it I’ve heard of it but I

Don’t know what’s in what it what it’s like maybe an American friend yeah that’s another reason why I don’t buy white bread it’s here it’s just sugar weird processed mushy nonsense sugary non I don’t know what heavy cake similar to a Christmas cake like a fruit cake you Mean I kind of like frogs love desserts some are not that great dang dang fruit cake okay never had a fruit cake I’ve heard they’re Gross selling you on the white breaths what set fire to Christmas pudding and be done with it dang welcome back we are still mining obsidian it’s true and fighting about food big sponge cake that sounds fany fig is like fig strikes me as like a fancy fruit for some reason I think

It’s because they like don’t sell figs at the grocery store you know it makes me think they’re they’re kind of fancier sa fire to Christmas plays to burn off the excess Brandy yeah but it doesn’t right when you put put when you put like alcohol in something it

Doesn’t the the majority of it really doesn’t bake out or burn off or any of that right Victoria sponge what is that big is a is a date isn’t that isn’t a date like a dried fig haven’t had it kind of normal there oh okay figs are sold at your Supermarket

Well not mine people just think it burns but some remains yeah I think isn’t it that the majority of it remains like the amount of time you would have to bake something to actually get all the alcohol out of it is like absolutely obscene and it you

Could never actually do it you wouldn’t have an edible food left pigs are also sold ears okay well I guess it’s just here then the reason to set fire is also to warm it up well that that’s true that works one says all alcohol Cooks off other

Says doesn’t I think it’s I think it really Doesn’t ultimately depends on a lot of factors yeah yeah it depends on like the temperature and the alcohol and the like overall like what you’re baking what what you’ve put it in um there’s there’s a lot of factors but I think generally you can’t assume that it all is gone

Feed the Brandy to the pudding after it’s been baked though oh well then it’s just in there then huh sounds gross avocados find them everywhere used to have an avocado tree yeah I mean they have avocados everywhere here we got long seems after 15 minutes 40% Still Remains after an hour 25%

Remains 2 and a half hours there’s 5% yeah and like what are you going to bake for for 2 and 1 half hours that’s just not a thing yeah that’s I think that’s that’s that’s in line with what I’ve seen before so like it’s it’s still in there

GA is great I’ve I’ve tried it before I didn’t see what the big deal was I feel like we’ve talked about this before avocados are gross oo freshly moan grass I don’t know they’re okay no Baker I’ve I like the idea of baking it’s just in practicality I never do

It I would like to bake but I it takes a lot of time and dishes and ingredients and nope you don’t eat avocados you can save for a house yeah no no avocado toast no Starbucks you got to you got to be able to afford that house avocado on toast is so good

Though you hot food takes yeah everybody’s got some takes here get back into baking hands can’t handle the kind of effort now yeah that that does make get tough is expensive yeah avocado is expensive here that’s part of why I’ve never like tried to eat them

More gumbo could have a lot to cook off you what do you mean like you put alcohol in gumbo What yeah avocados are pricier here Smash spring PE toast oh peas are all right I’ve never like eaten them by themselves ever but if they’re in something that’s all Right Not take gravy just ruins anything it’s touches I’ve never had gravy it never appealed to Me these are cool yeah I grew some peas once they were the tiniest tiniest tiniest little Peas I thought they would be a little bit bigger than they were I knew they were small plants but I thought the peas would be a little bit bigger the plants did really well but they did

Not produce enough peas to be really worth how much it took to grow them there’s more avocado in the center of the pit I don’t believe you gra is amazing put it on everything oh man oh man we got them gravy takes yeah I never had gravy it did seem what even is

It what is gravy made of it never seemed appealing to me I think we’ll head back once I finish this layer hummus have a have I had hummus humus is is humus the the Chickpeas am I thinking of the right thing I don’t know why I’m doubting This yeah I hated that I tried that once I hated It gravy takes all the flavor from the meat in its purest form prepared with shallots oh I see Overr it dang I mean humus would be good in terms of like something nice to have with with a snack that adds like health value um I wish I liked it but oh my god did I not like it Typical gravy is flour water meat stock butter and Seasonings that’s that’s more familiar to me I think that that sounds more like what I know gravy to be which does i i does doesn’t sound very appealing had a couple times didn’t Joy okay Bey flower goop yeah what what good is

That just use Gravy granules from the what gravy granules and the fat from cook what is gravy granules What good all the Good it’s giving medieval Peasant um just take it with me hey I’m even already home I didn’t even have to travel back gy grain nose is instant gravy mix where you add water and have Oh gross any new games I’m looking forward to is coming out uh what’s coming out I don’t know I don’t keep up with what games are coming out usually except like I mean I I guess I do in the sense that I watch like uh an E3 type stuff but I uh

Uh I don’t like legitimately keep up with what I would want to play I guess I should start doing that though Elden ring DLC well that’s true yeah we’re back to the basement but but I have a [Laughter] G I’m gonna need more space to store my obsidian soon dead space I that space is all right I don’t know if it’s quite my kind of thing but it’s all right uh tons of stuff coming out Yakuza yeah but I haven’t I not like I haven’t

Played most of the Yakuza games yet F7 rebirth okay yeah I’m looking forward to That need to lie down or what what is what has Happened I got to I got to have more of the base done in order to be able to uh make my my storage thing shulker unloader a what a what now only game you wait for a Space Marine too yeah F the new the new ff7 looking forward to new Shante oh that’s

Cool new GBA Game in 2024 yeah that’s kind of wild I didn’t know that was happening um um I don’t Know I don’t know what else um where can I put more that one perfect um what what other games are coming Out I’m I’m ready for Vincent time you know the thing is that comes out in February I got to like plan to play the first one and in in February before that comes Out automatically unload shulkers into the storage system how does that work Redstone huh I don’t how does that work got nothing to look forward to just fixes the game that are out yeah I don’t know Zelda CDI type game the what why would what why who why would someone make that uh

Whoops um yeah I don’t know I I I generally consider like games that are uh already out I don’t know Ace Attorney another Trilogy yeah the the the the the four through six are coming coming to New systems or the the the any any system other than the DS so

That’s cool I still haven’t played the original trilogy I’ve seen the first one mostly I think dispensers put down shulkers Hopper unloads them comparator checks if it’s empty and then it gets broken by a piston wow R blue fantasy Persona 3 reload yeah I’ve I I I don’t want to pay $70

For that but I do want to play more Persona looks fun okay brought back the original link is Zelda voice actors what that’s cool U yeah I want to play more Persona I’ve played five um but I don’t I don’t know if reload is worth $70 C was maybe better to wait yeah

Yeah might play Four though okay um take this back out let’s put this endstone away Sho Sucker For Love sequel I don’t know what that is never played Persona or smt Shinji though get getting the robot Shar loers are a bit more complicated than what you said but so is

Any other I see I get the idea I guess that’s fun I don’t feel compelled to build one love crafting inspired Dating Game oh oh that’s fun that sounds fun Vis novel where you make monsters fall in love like would you like C Oh okay that’s cool Shino from P3 Oh Okay why would I be compelled to build once since I don’t even have automatic storage Exactly that’s what I’m asking not wanting dating s yeah I mean I just I don’t know maybe it would be fun but eh like I think it’s a fun idea it’s just I probably wouldn’t want to play it just don’t want the K well that’s true attach the unloader to Auto sort it

Yeah I don’t I don’t got that I don’t got an auto sord I don’t want to understand the charm of KFC man that’s right I don’t Whoops what what’s tomorrow bloodborne tomorrow’s bloodborne and Saturday is bloodborn and then Sunday is s use one for your Auto sorder for your M storage room nice that sounds pretty cool there’s no charm he just sells okay chicken yeah exactly that’s what I think there’s more than looks you know

It’s not all about looks you got to have standards Dragon Quest 11 still mad they release a better version of year later at full price really wow not ROM again yeah we’re going to have to go fight ROM best girl ROM wait for me to play s how much do I

Know I have tried to play s like three times and didn’t get very far um so I’ve seen early parts of the game I don’t remember how far I’ve gotten I just know I’ve always uh stopped for whatever reason and not gotten further than that

And then I restart it a long time later and then I don’t get any further and then that’s it uh so you it was Thursday been Wednesday in your head all day well I welcome to the present that happens to me all the time my stream schedule kind of helps me do

Better with it but I I’ve definitely been there well well well hello like Mindless puppet I’m I’m puppet lady who’s mindless puppet lady you have standards just happen to be below gutter level that’s not what I mean when I say have standards masade Bloodlines that’s on my wish

List but yeah s s should be fun I know I know the early parts of the game I’ll say like up to halfway maybe I don’t know I don’t remember how much I how far I got random mindless puppet lady could from Panini or something I

Don’t I don’t know if I follow but okay Rah is great why am I doing this uh because I I’m I have nothing else to do right now cuz I’m I’m just I should be ending the stream and I’m not anyway with that with that I should go dig dirt no we’re

Done digging dirt for now um with that I should go and eat food hav’t G you good points on why she’s so great she’s adorable her whole time we can dig some more dirt another time for right now I have uh I have a lot of dirt

I have a lot of dirt I don’t think I need more dirt right Now um we laugh even if we better have the inv here excellent excellent oh yeah bloodborne again tomorrow we’re going to go fight Ram we’re going to see what happens after that I get to finally go to Upper Cathedral Ward which is very exciting um yeah um so yeah I hope uh hope

Everybody’s had a a good time here with whatever the heck happened today uh I hope to see you next time I hope you have a good rest of your day or your night or whatever it may be for you there where you are and I will see you next time byebye N

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Apparently I don’t play Minecraft anymore’, was uploaded by bambooSHARK on 2024-01-05 00:18:10. It has garnered 267 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:42 or 18282 seconds.

I mine. I craft. I obsidian.

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【 Links 】 [Discord server] https://discord.gg/UhJYTXcUyQ [Twitter] https://twitter.com/bambooSHARK181

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——————————————————————— [ Builds ] = Here is a playlist of all the build tutorials I have used https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdXK4yEVaGett1YBa6jnBSBHO_nXoxsg

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#minecraft #vtuber #notavampire

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    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: "emmmmm"Well, I guess we better watch out for this meme, it’s clearly a high scorer in the meme world! Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up

    From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up Noob’s shape changes at different ages in Minecraft…just like how my shape changes after eating too much cake in real life. #relatable #gamerproblems Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT 1K SUB CELEBRATION 🎉Video Information so something dude you’re accent hold on what do you say d e r r o wait what wait a okay yeah f i in one in one okay r m a okay craft got it c r a f t this this will get it trust okay no you have to do it in one word yeah yeah and then switch mod packs to mods and then first yeah yeah you just press install and then create a new profile file and just name it anything um anything you want bro okay and then go to Advanced… Read More

  • Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘kite🪁🪁in Minecraft pocket edition #minecraft #like #gaming #trend #viral #minecraftshorts #comment’, was uploaded by Horror gamer on 2024-02-15 04:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. kite in Minecraft horror gamer command /effect @e levitation 99991 #minecraft #like #gaming #subscribe #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shorts

    Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shortsVideo Information यहां पर है 100 से भी ज्यादा हॉग ंग्स और हॉगिंग जिसको कहा जाता है जिनके हाथ में एक्स होती है और यह मेन वर्ल्ड में होने की वजह से ऐसे हो चुके हैं वरना जो वो मोटे से कपड़े पहने रहते हैं वही होते हैं और चलते हैं फटाफट से वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं यहां पर देख सकते हो 100 से भी जाता है जो काफी ज्यादा तेजी से यहां पर घूम रहे हैं और यहां पर देख सकते हो हमने इनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया है और ये देख सकते हो काफी ज्यादा गंदा डैमेज… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. https://www.rabisu.com/en/ Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: https://discord.gg/8NXMEZbFFc Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More